HomeMy WebLinkAbout010719 - CSTOC MinutesSPECIAL MEETING CITY OF ATASCADERO CITIZENS' SALES TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MINUTES Monday, January 7, 2019 4:00 P.M. City Hall, Room 202 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California (Enter on Palma Avenue) CALL TO ORDER: .... Vice Chairperson Jones called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Committee Members Anderson, Aragon, Argano, Burgess, Giessinger, Shaw, Simonin, and Vice Chairperson Jones Absent: None Staff Present: Public Works Director Nick DeBar, Administrative Services Director Jeri Rangel, Deputy Administrative Services Director Cindy Chaves and Deputy City Clerk Amanda Muther APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Committee Member Burgess and seconded by Committee Member Shaw to approve the agenda. Motion passed 8:0 by a voice vote. PRESENTATIONS: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. Citizens' Sales Tax Oversight Board Minutes of January 7, 2419 Page 1 of 3 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Citizens' Sales Tax Oversight Committee CSTOC Draft Action Minutes - August 9, 2018 It Recommendation: Committee approve the CSTOC Draft Action Minutes of the August 9, 2018 CSTOC meeting. [City Clerk] MOTION: By Committee Member Burgess and seconded by Committee Member Shaw to approve the CSTOC Draft Action Minutes of the August 9, 2018 CSTOC meeting, with a correction to Committee Member Argano's Community Group name from Friends of the Library to Escuela Del Rio. Motion passed: 7:0 by a voice vote. (Anderson abstained) Committee Member Argano requested a correction to the August 9, 2018 Draft Action Minutes, as included in the motion, to correct an error in the way her Community Group was listed. It was later determined that the error was on page 1 of the Annual Road Report, (Item C-1, Attachment 1, page 10 of 30, of the January 7, 2019 Agenda Packet), 2. Citizens' Sales Tax Oversight Committee 2019-2020 Meeting Schedule 1. Fiscal Impact: None, 2. Recommendation: Committee approve the 2019-2020 Citizens' Sales Tax Oversight Committee Meeting Schedule. [City Clerk] MOTION: By Committee Member Burgess and seconded by Committee Member Simonin to approve the 2019-2020 Citizens' Sales Tax Oversight Committee Meeting Schedule. Motion passed: 8:0 by a voice vote. B. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: None. C. BUSINESS ITEMS: 1. Approval of Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Road Repo ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Committee approve the Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Road Report. [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Rangel distributed a handout (Exhibit A), gave the presentation and answered questions from the Committee. MOTION: By Committee Member Argano and seconded by Committee Member Giessinger to approve the Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Road Report. Motion passed: 8:0 by a voice vote. 2. Fiscal Year 2018 Community Road Report Citizens' Sales Tax Oversight Board Minutes of January 7, 2049 Page 2 of 3 ■ Fiscal Impact: Distribution of the 2017 Community Road Report is estimated to cost approximately $3,800 in budgeted General Funds. ■ Recommendation: Committee review and endorse the Fiscal Year 2018 Community Road Report. [Public Works] Public Works Director DeBar distributed a handout (Exhibit B), gave the presentation and answered questions from the Committee. MOTION: By Committee Member Burgess and seconded by Committee Member Simonin to endorse the Fiscal Year 2018 Community Road Report. Motion passed: 8:0 by a voice vote. D. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS: None. E. ADJOURNMENT Vice Chairperson Jones adjourned the meeting at 5:01 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: rida bV,�/A&-7A Amanda Muther Deputy City Clerk/Administrative Assistant The following exhibit is available for review in the City Clerk's office: • Exhibit A — Revised Measure F-14 Safes Tax Projects Fund spreadsheet • Exhibit B — Measure F-14 2018 Community Road Report APPROVED: July 18, 2019 Citizens' Sales Tax Oversight Board Minutes of January 7, 2019 Page 3 of 3 CSTOC Minutes Exhibit A City of Atascadero Date: Measure F-14 Sales Tax Projects Fund* Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015 through June 30, 2018 REVISED 0110712019 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Revenues: Sales tax Use of money and property Total revenues Expenditures: Alamo Avenue (Rosario Ave to Barrenda Ave) Honda Avenue (Traffic Way to Barrenda Ave) 2016 Pavement Resurfacing Arena Road (San Benito Rd to San Anselmo Rd) Arena Road (San Anselmo Rd to Yerba Ave) Castano Avenue (Curbaril Ave to Palomar Ave) San Vicente Avenue (San Jacinto Ave to North end) Yerba Avenue (Estrada Ave to Dolores Ave) 2016 Pavement Rehabilitation Cascabel Rd (North end to Santa Lucia Rd) Los Gatos Rd (Santa Lucia Rd to San Marcos Rd) San Andres Ave (Santa Lucia Rd to San Marcos Rd) San Clemente Ave (Portola Rd to San Marcos East) Valle Ave (Curbaril Ave to Palomar Ave) 2017 Pavement Resurfacing Colorado Ave (San Rafael Rd to San Diego Wy) Estrada Ave (San Anselmo Rd to San Jacinto Ave) La Linia Ave (West end to EI Dorado Rd) Navajoa Ave (Santa Ynez Ave to Curbaril Ave) Serra Ave (Atascadero Ave to San Andres Ave) Sycamore Rd (Hidalgo Ave to Miramon Ave) $ 472,278 $ 2,095.116 $ 2,119,420 $ 2,307,369 $ 6,994,183 257 30.786 6,570 554 38,167 472,535 2,125,902 2,125,990 2,307,923 7,032,350 3,288 36,893 - - 40,181 3,287 37,809 - - 41,096 - 1,488 30,115 - 31,603 - 2,102 42,548 - 44,650 - 1,303 26,380 - 27,683 - 1,657 33,534 - 35,191 - 38,504 455,955 10,850 505,309 - 33,444 396,042 9,425 438,911 - 21,541 255,087 6,072 282,700 - 21,938 259,784 6,183 287,905 - 17,120 202,731 4,826 224,677 - - 41,643 2,364 44,007 - - 29,361 1,667 31,028 - - 39,430 2,239 41,669 - - 95,736 5,438 101,174 - - 13,100 743 13,843 - - 11,067 628 11,695 City of Atascadero Measure F-14 Sales Tax Projects Fund* Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015 through June 30, 2018 REVISED 01/07/2019 2017 Pavement Rehabilitation Alcantara Ave (Marchant Ave N to Marchant Ave S) Carmelita Road (Curbaril Ave to Portola Rd) Carmelita Road (Portola Road to San Gabriel Rd) Cortez Ave (Maleza Ave to Curbaril Ave) Monterey Road (Campo Rd to San Anselmo Rd) 2018 Pavement Rehabilitation Capistrano (Sycamore to West Mall) Resurface Nogales Ave (Dolores Ave to San Jacinto Ave) Nogales Ave (San Jacinto Ave to Dulzura Ave) Rosario Ave (Traffic Way to Alamo) Rosario Ave (Alamo Ave to Gancho Ave) Rosario Ave (Gancho Ave to Bajada Ave) Rosario Ave (Bajada Ave to Fresno Ave) Rosario Ave (Fresno Ave to Olmeda Ave) Rosario Ave (Olmeda Ave to EI Camino Real) San Benito Road (Colima Road to Traffic Way) Tunitas Ave (Bajada Ave to Traffic Way) 2019 Pavement Rehabilitation Balboa Road (San Fernando Rd to Graves Creek Rd) Garcia Road (Santa Cruz Rd to San Gregorio Rd) San Gregorio Road (Del Rio Rd to Garcia Rd) Del Rio Road (Monterey Rd to San Gregorio Rd) Monterey Road (Del Rio Rd to Campo Rd) Navarette Ave (Santa Lucia Rd to San Marcos Rd) Total expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total - - 11,061 128,405 139,466 - - 17,967 208,576 226,543 - - 31,087 360,884 391,971 - - 7,777 90,281 98,058 - - 53,445 620,430 673,875 - - - 43,946 43,946 - - - 34,972 34,972 - - - 5,760 5,760 - - - 3,446 3,446 - - - 15,107 15,107 - - - 7,995 7,995 - - - 13,179 13,179 - - - 8,713 8,713 - - - 11,837 11,837 - - - 36,686 36,686 - - - 18,391 18,391 - - 9,723 9,723 - - 4,143 4,143 - - - 893 893 - - - 1,099 1,099 - - - 5,018 5,018 - - - 4,425 4,425 6,575 217,962 2,138,147 1,684,344 4,047,028 Net change in fund balance Fund Balance- beginning of year Fund Balance- end of year City of Atascadero Measure F-14 Sales Tax Projects Fund* Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015 through June 30, 2018 REVISED 01/07/2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 465,960 1,907,940 (12,157) 623,579 2,985,322 - 465,960 2,373,900 2,361,743 - $ 465,960 $ 2,373,900 $ 2,361,743 $ 2,985,322 $ 2,985,322 Atascadero Roads The City of Atascadero owns and maintains approximately 1 -,Io centerline miles of public roadways. This extensive system is the backbone of housing, commerce and recreation within the community and its repair and maintenance is a top priority. In order to compare all roads within a system, each roadway is inspected and a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) number is as5ignc d. Atascadero's Road Conditions (12014) Condition ACI Range °i Of City Roads m Excellent 90-100 8% Good 70-89 9% Fair 50-69 28% Poor 25-49 39% Failed 0-25 16% W The overall PC[ rating of Atascadero's roadway system is poor; only 47 on a 100 point scale- With a current asset value. of 5263 million, developing a pavement management strategy to provide the lowest life cycle cost over time and save the City funds in the long run was vital. In order to accomplish this, the City has implemented a "Critical Point Management" methodology. This methodology selects roadways which can have their useful life extended the longest with cost effective maintenance and less expensive repairs. The longer a read can be kept in good condition, the lower the overall cost of its treatments. In many ways the Critical Point '.Management method i5 similar to how you would maintain your car_ By focusing on relatively inexpensive routine maintenance and repairs at key times, yott can avoid expensive repair bills and breakdowns in the future. When pavement conditions deteriorate, the cost to fix roadways increases substantially. Replacement of a failed street can cost 30-M.) tunes the amount required to maintain a road in good condition! m w O W I- v sn 0 o � h o u v p a rq rq v Q ru V E o o la - a� O u Ln V L +M Q - What To Expect µ. In 2019 ^4 a r In addition to completing construction for the 2018 Pavement Resurfacing and Rehabilitation Projects (See Financial Statement), L)o19 will predominately involve rehabilitation vvork on road segments located in the west area of clic City. The following road segments +ill be constructed as a single project and totals 3.28 miles. 2019 Rehabilitation Project $2,202,000 Balboa Rd. Between San Fernando lits. asci Grates Creek Rd. Del Rio Rd. Bvtwecn Monterey Rd. and San Gregorio Rd. Garcia lid. B(-t%%Lq!n tial[ Gregurio Rd.and Santa Cruz Rd. Monterey Rd. Between Del Hio Rd. and Camp() Rd. Navarette Ave. Bet"t-cii Santa Luria Rd. and Sall Marcos Rd. San Gregorio Rd. Between Del Itio Rd. and Garcia Rd IEAsuR.E F-14 BACKGROUND In 201-1•, Atau-adero voters approve( a ballot nleastlre (F-14) authorized the City to increase its sales tax rate by a i percent for a terns of 12 years, together with a measure (F-11•) advising that the funds be primarily utilized file maintaining and repairing neigblx)rh(xA roads. While the City will continue to maintain and improve arterial roadways, finds approved under Measure F -If are specifically earmarked for the improvements of neighborhood roads. The measures beca111e effective jlprif 1, 2015, and includes a nine member Citizen Oversight Conunittee tasked with reviewing revenues, expenditures, and the amoral road relx)rt. Optimizing the use of the firtl(is is a priority of the city. REVENUES Prior Years 2017 2018 Totals as of Length PCI PCI 2015-2016 dune 30, 2018 (miles) Before After Sales tax $ 2,567,394 $ 2,119,420 $ 2,307,369 $ 6,994,183 Use of money and property 31,043 6,570 554 38,167 "rota) revenues 2,598,437 2,125,990 2,307,923 7,032,350 EXPENDITURES Prior Years Completed Projects - 2. 10 miles 91,990 216,874 - 308,864 2.10 varies varies 2016 Pavement Resurfacing - 2.43 miles Cascabel Rd (North end to Santa Lucia Rd) 38,504 455,955 10,850 505,309 0.68 28 I00 Los Gatos Rd (Santa Lucia Rd to San Marcos Rd) 332444 396,042 9,425 438,911 0.48 24 100 San Andres Ave (Santa Lucia Rd to San Marcos Rd) 21,541 255,087 6,072 282,700 0.63 51 100 San Clemente Ave (Portola Rd to San Marcos East) 21,938 259,784 6,183 287,905 0.41 32 100 Valle Ave (Curbaril Ave to Palomar Ave) 17,120 202,731 4,826 224,677 0.23 41 100 2017 Pavement Resurfacing - 2.35 miles Colorado Ave (San Rafael Rd to San Diego Wy) - 41,643 2,364 44,007 0.50 89 99 Rstrada Ave (San Anseimo Rd to San Jacinto Ave) 29,361 1,667 31,028 0.37 76 91 La Linin Ave (West end to EI Dorado Rd) 39,430 2,239 41,669 0.40 69-81 89-96 Navajo& Ave (Santa Ynez Ave to Curbaril Ave) 95,736 5,438 101,174 0.78 55-67 75-87 Serra Ave (Atascadero Ave to San Andres Ave) - 13,100 743 13,843 0.16 71 91 2017 Pavement Rehabilitation - 2.31 miles Alcantara Ave (Marchant Ave N to Marchant Ave S) - 11,061 128,405 139,466 0.21 31 100 Carmellto Road (Curbaril Ave to Purtola Rd) - 17,%7 208,576 226,543 0.31 29 100 Carmelite Road (Portola Road to San Gabriel Rd) - 31,087 360,884 391,971 0.50 26 100 Cortez Ave (Maleza Ave to Curbaril Ave) - 7,777 90,281 98,058 0.14 31 100 Monterey Road (Campo Rd to San Ansehno Rd) - 53,445 620,430 673,875 1.14 42 100 2018 Pavement Rehabilitation* - 3.40 miles Capistrano (Sycamore to West Malt) Resurface - 43,946 43,946 0.58 65 100 Nogales Ave (Dolores Ave to Dulzura Ave) 40,732 40,732 0.78 29 100 Rosario Ave (Traffic Way to El Camino Real) - 60,277 60,277 1.09 32-43 too San Benito Road (Colima Road to Traffic Way) - 36,686 36,686 0.60 50 100 Tunitas Ave (Bajada Ave to Traffic Way) - - 18,391 18,391 0.36 41 100 2019 Pavement Rehabilitation** - 3.28 miles Balboa Road (San Femando Rd to Graves Creek Rd) - - 9,723 9,723 1.31 31 TBD Garcia Road (Santa Cruz Rd to San Gregorio Rd) - - 4,143 4,143 0.51 56 TBA San Gregorio Road (Del Rio Rd to Garcia Rd) - - 893 893 0.11 54 TBD Del Rio Road (Monterey Rd to San Gregorio Rd) - - 1,099 1,099 0.14 55 TBA Monterey Road (Del Rio ltd to Campo Rd) - - 51018 51018 0.59 53 TSD Navarette Ave (Santa Lucia Rd to San Marcos Rd) - - 4,425 4,425 0.62 TBD Total expenditures 224,537 2,138,147 1,684,344 4,047,028 15.87 total miles Net change in fund balance 2,373,900 (12,157) 623,579 2,985,322 Fund Balance- beginning of year - 2,373,900 2,361,743 - Fund Balance- end of year S 2,373,900 $ 2,36I,743 5 21985,322 $2,995,322 * Construction not complete prior to end of fiscal year - remaining estimated expenditures: .......... S 1,675,968 **Construction not complete prior to end of fiscal year - remaining estimated expenditures; .......... S 2,176,699