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Regular Meeting
June 23 , 1980 7 : 30 p.m.
Atascadero Administration Building
The meeting was called to order at 7 : 35 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins
with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor_ Wilkins also gave the invo-
PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor
1. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 9 , 1980 (RECOMMEND
2 . Treasurer' s Report, 5-21-80 to 6-13-80 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL)
4. Parcel Map AT 79-116 - Gosselin (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND
5. Amicus participation with City of Chino vs. State Compen-
sation Insurance Fund re: Labor Code Section 4850
6 . Amicus participation with Taxpayers ' Assn. vs . San Joaquin
Local Health District re: fees (RECOMMEND APPROVAL)
7. City Attorney Report No. 5 (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE AND FILE)
MOTION: Councilman Stover moved for the approval of the
Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll
call vote.
1. Report regarding Administration Building renovation;
Children' s Library relocation
Charlotte Byrne reviewed the alternatives as proposed by
Staff for the location of City offices and the Children ' s Library.
She stated that her group favored Alternative #4 as presented in
the Staff memorandum to Council. Larry McPherson, Public Works
Director, reviewed his alternatives which included (1) using the
present Children' s Library space for City offices , (2) the alter-
native presented by the citizens group for locating City offices
at the Palma Avenue entrance, (3) a modification by Mr. McPherson
of the citizens group' s proposal, (4) an alternative using the
Regular Meeting June 23, 1980
' Page Two
Palma Avenue frontage on both the first and second floors for the
1 public counter, and (5) an alternative placing the one-stop counter
on the West Mall side of the second floor which would eliminate
the proposed Council chambers on that side of the building.
' Mr. McPherson reviewed the various advantages and disadvantages
to the alternatives and stated that Staff still preferred Alterna-
tive #1 which is the location of City Offices in the area where the
Children's Library is now located. Failing approval of that, Staff
recommended Alternative #4.
Comments in support of retaining the Children' s Library in its
present location were heard from Leslie Cannon, Skip Carr, Dave
Cannon, Libbey Kessler, Joe Kann, Donna Porter, and Mike Cox.
' Mayor Wilkins stated that there was a misconception regarding the
library that had been perpetuated throughout this issue and was
evidenced in the letters received from the citizens group; that is
that the Children' s Library would be done away with. He stated that
there has been and is' no consideration to eliminate the library;
the consideration is only its location.
' MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Council approve Alernative
#4 of Mr. McPherson's memo. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call
' vote.
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Staff be authorized to
' proceed with the bid documents and that when the bids
are received, that they come back to the Council for
approval. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover
and unanimously carried.
' 2. Public hearing and adoption of 1980/81 Final Budget
including Revenue Sharing allocations
Mr. Warden reviewed the proposed allocations for -use of
Revenue Sharing monies and explained the guidelines for use of
these funds,
Comments were heard from Doug Lewis suggesting building a
public sanitary facility on the City acquired parking lot property;
Ken Metram representing the Explorers Scouts requesting funding
to help attendance at the 1980 National Explorer Olympics held
in Colorado; Betty Hill, Executive Director of Hotline, requesting
' funding for Hotline; Priscilla White representing Family Services
Center' s request for $150; Anthony Avina representing the San Luis
Obispo County Symphony Association's requested $500 ; and Etha1
Hagan representing the Senior Citizen' s requested funding of a
' full-gime employee to run their office. May Simonlau suggested
Regular Meeting June 23 , 1980
Page Three
allocating money for ping-pong tables, badminton equipment, etc. ,
for activities for the youth.
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt the proposed
revenue sharing expenditures as presented. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried
by roll call vote.
Mr. Warden reviewed all revisions to the preliminary budget
contained in Mr. Dowell' s memo. There is an additional request for
$1,600 to pay the Senior Citizens ' vehicle insurance and $1,200 for
vehicle operating expenses during 1980/81. Mr. Warden felt that
these two expenditures should be approved in order to keep the
Seniors operating until the Dial-A-Ride situation is relieved. As
concerns funding various organizations, Council would have to make
a policy determination if they wished to fund these types of pro-
grams . He reminded Council that they had received a memo from the
City Attorney regarding the legality of expending public funds. A
' total of an additional $102,000 is involved in funding these various
' MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt the
insurance and operating expenses for the Senior
Citizens ' vehicles. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried.
Mr. Warden advised that he still did not have a definitive
figure on the Health Department services, however, he requested
that Council approve a $1,200 amount for this so that it can be
included in the Final Budget. Council agreed.
' With regard to funding of the various individual organizations,
Mayor Wilkins felt that in view of Proposition 13, the City should
deny these type of requests. The people had voiced their opinion
that taxes be cut and he felt that the people who use the services
should be the ones to pay for them. There was considerable discussion
on this matter with Councilmen Mackey and Nelson disagreeing with
Mayor Wilkins; they felt that the City should help support these
organizations, but not necessarily to the degree requested.
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council deny these
requests. The motion was seconded by Mayor Wilkins
and failed with Councilman Mackey, Nelson and Stover
voting no.
' MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Council fund the San Luis
Obispo County Symphony in the amount of $250. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried
' with Councilmen Highland and Mayor Wilkins voting no.
Regular Meeting June 23, 1980
Page Four
MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council fund the Family
' Services Center in the amount of $100, Hotline in
the amount of $250 and the Boy Scouts in the amount
of $100. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Stover and carried with Councilman Highland and
Mayor Wilkins voting no.
With regard to funding a position for the Senior Citizens,
Allen Grimes advised that it was not legal for the City to fund a
full-time position; however, they could legally give the Seniors
$10,000 to do with as they wish. He emphasized that in making
these determinations, Council should decide if granting the funds
is in the interest of the citizens of Atascadero.
1 MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Council approve allocating
$10,248 to the Senior Citizens.
Councilman Stover advised that he would abstain from voting
' on this matter since he is a member of the Senior Citizens' Board
of Directors. There was further discussion regarding this matter.
Councilman Mackey withdrew her motion.
MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that this matter be tabled.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and
unanimously carried.
The use of a recreation clerical person to help the Seniors was
discussed. It was decided, however, that a commitment to this pro-
gram should be held off until a recreation department is established.
' RECESS 9: 32 p.m. RECONVENED: 9: 43 p.m.
Mr. Warden stated that Council should correct their budgets on
page 6,changing the $3,378,805 figure for the proposed budget to
read $3,410,740 with the estimated balance to read $454 ,221 and the
appropriation to reserves to read $390,754. On page 61, the Communi-
cations Lease Purchase Reserve should be reduced to show $48,281.
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve the
1980/81 preliminary budget as reviewed. The motion
' was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously
carried by roll call vote.
3. Report by City Manager on County/City property transfer
Mr. Warden reviewed discussions he has had with Kent Taylor of
the County Administrative Office. A proposed agreement transferring
County property to the City will be before the Council in the near
Regular Meeting June 23, 1980
Page Five
' future. It will include matters such as transferring the total
property tax revenue base for the Atascadero Fire District effective
July 1, 1980 ; all properties listed in the incorporation resolution
except the Sanitary District; all equipment and furniture currently
used by County departments will be returned to them; there will
probably be a provision for rent for the County' s use of building
facilities; Social Services will occupy the building up to December
of this year, but in a different location; acceptance by the City
of those roads currently accepted into the County road system by
Resolution or Ordinance. There ,appears to be no major objections
to the proposed agreement at this point.
4. Report by City Manager on Paso Robles/Atascadero point
recreation programs
Mr. Warden advised that he had met with the Paso Robles Recreation
Director for further discussion regarding joint recreation programs.
It was noted that recreation programs could be broken into three
groups; athletics, special events and classes. Both cities may
realize savings in purchasing supplies and by using the same contract
people for classes. Atascadero would have the expense of sharing a
' portion of the administration costs for Atascadero' s share of the
program and all of the costs for hiring one full-time recreation
supervisor and one full time clerical assistant. The cities could
' have a joint program brochure.
A member of the audience spoke in favor of Atascadero having
its own separate department. David Cannon spoke on this matter.
It is hoped that programs can be offered in Atascadero beginning
September, 1980. Council advised Mr. Warden to keep working on the
' program.
5. Report by City Manager regarding Fire District Memoranda
' of Understanding
Mr. Warden reviewed his memo which basically compared the Fire
District employees' salaries and benefits with those offered by the
City to the current City employees. He also outlined several options
for Council to consider including adopting the Firefighters ' Asso-
ciation Memoranda of Understanding; adopting the Firefighters'
' current salaries but freezing them until the City's salary classi-
fication plan catches up with their salaries; as well as other alter-
Councilman Mackey was in favor of agreeing to the Firefighters '
MOU for the first year, 1980/81; but, after that, the fire employees
would be under the same rules as other City employees.
Regular Meeting June 23, 1980
Page Six
MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Council acknowledge the
Firefighters ' MOU for the first year, 1980/81; after
that, fire employees to have the same coverage as other
City employees. The motion was seconded by Councilman
There was considerable discussion regarding this matter.
Mr. Grimes stated that it was his opinion that the incorporation
resolution did not mean that the City was bound to the three-year
MOU adopted by the Fire District Board. He also stated that fairness
and equity should be a consideration for all current employees as
well as the firefighters.
Councilman Highland stated that the District Board had adopted
the MOU after the incorporation election knowing that the Fire
Board could not fund these and that it would be up to the City to
pay for them; he also felt that there were no benefits that had
not been included in the MOU.
Roland Snow, representing the Firefighters Association, stated
that he had objected to the City' s classification plan when it was
' adopted by the Council; after July 1st when other cities adopt their
annual increase, Atascadero will have the third highest paid employees
of the cities in the County, instead of between the first and third.
Councilman Stover asked what it would cost the City if the Council
brought all City employees up to the provisions of the Firefighters'
MOU. An estimate of $200,000 was given.
Councilman Mackey amended her motion to include that
PERS benefits would be the same for Firefighters as
' for other City employees. The amendment was accepted
by Councilman Nelson.
Councilman Mackey noted that it was her intent that Firefighters
receive the benefits in their MOU for fiscal year 1980/81; but after
that their salaries would freeze until the City's classification
plan caught up with it; also no salaries would drop at the end of
the year and all fire employees would begin receiving the same benefits
as other City employees.
The motion failed on the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen Mackey and Nelson
NOES: Councilmen Highland, Stover and Mayor Wilkins
MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that Council adopt alternatives
2 , 3, and 4 outlined in the City Manager' s memo dated
June 19 , 1980. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Highland and carried on the following roll call vote:
Regular Meeting June 23, 1980
Page Seven
AYES: Councilmen Highland, Stover and Mayor Wilkins
NOES Councilmen Mackey and Nelson
Roland Snow advised the Council that the firefighters had
received legal advice that the MOU's were binding contracts upon
the City and that the City would face litigation for breach of
contract by not adopting them.
1. Consideration of establishing a Recreation Committee -
Councilman Nelson
Councilman Nelson reviewed the names submitted by various citi-
zens in the City who wished to be included on the Recreation Committee.
He would also like to have some people from AYA and the School Dis-
trict. Dave Cannon said he had been instructed at the last meeting
to get other names, which he had, and he requested that they be
considered for the committee also. Council members felt that the
committee should be of a manageable number. Councilman Nelson
1 stated that he wanted the committee to meet before the next Council
meeting and so they could become involved in the Paso Robles/
Atascadero joint program planning. Tuesday, July 1st at 7:00 p.m.
was set for a meeting. The meeting would be held in the Administra-
tion Building and participants would be notified of the room at a
later date.
2. Consideration of Police Communications Lease Agreement
Mr. Warden reviewed the provisions of the Agreement.
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for approval of the Lease
Agreement and that the Mayor and City Clerk be
authorized to sign the necessary documents. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously
carried by roll call vote.
3. CO 79-91, proposed lot division of Lot 27, Block 47,
Atascadero Colony, San Fernando Road - Aggson/Vreeken
Mr. Warden stated that this matter had been withdrawn from the
Consent Calendar at the last meeting so that Staff could clarify
some of the provisions of the approval. He reviewed the matter for
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for approval of the Planning
Commission' s recommendation. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried.
Regular Meeting June 23, 1980
Page Eight
1. Council election of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Bob Wilkins be selected
as Mayor and Bill Stover as Mayor Pro Tem for a term
to continue until after the results of the 1982 muni-
cipal election. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Nelson and" carried with Councilman Mackey voting no.
Councilman Mackey stated that she was voting no because she
felt the term should be for another year rather than until the 1982
elections; she was not voting against the selections.
2. Ordinance No. 24, Personnel Ordinance — first reading
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 24be
read by title only. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Stover and unanimously carried.
Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 24 by title only.
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this constitute the first
reading of Ordinance No. 24. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll
call vote.
3. Health Officer Services Contract with County Health Department
It was decided to hold off approval of the agreement until a
dollar amount is known.
' 4. Continuing P g Fire Department Mutual Aid Agreements
Mr. Warden reviewed the agreements recommending that Council
approve continuing them until the City has completed a review of all
rMOTION: Councilman Highland moved for approval to continue the
mutual aid agreements. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call
5. Resolution No, 10-80 adopting a Conflict of Interest Code
for Designated Employees
Mr. Warden reviewed the proposed code which was required for
certain designated employees under the Fair Political Practices Act.
Allen Grimes objected to the City Attorney being included in Category
Regular Meeting June 23, 1980
Page Nine
3 which meant he would have to disclose the source of income other
' than investments and would have to disclose the names of his clients
and the amount they paid him for services. He felt he was a contract
employee and should have to report under contract employee require-
ments. Council discussed this matter and decided to eliminate
Category 3 from all designated employees ' requirements. Mr. Warden
noted that the State law may not clearly make the distinction being
I raised, but that the Council could, by its code, designate those
employees it considers subject to disclosure requirements.
MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for adoption of Resolution No.
10-80 and that Category 3 be eliminated from the desig-
nated employees' list of reportable categories. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously
carried by roll call vote.
6. Consideration of Dial-A-Ride Service Contract
Mr. Warden reviewed the contract provisions.
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve the
contract and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute it. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote.
1. City Council
(a) Councilman Mackey stated that she was in favor of
funding the school crossing guards.
(b) Councilman Mackey felt that a letter should be written
to the people who worked on the handicapped ramp
thanking them for that work,
(c) Councilman Mackey felt that it was time to start a
street committee; she had received several requests
from people who had needs in this area.
(d) Councilman Mackey stated she had had a complaint
about motorcycles disturbing some residents in a
resthome. It was noted that the City Police Department would not
be in operation until July 1st,
' (e) Councilman Stover suggested that the Planning Depart-
ment, Planning Commission, City Attorney and City
Manager have a joint meeting to work out some problems; he felt that
some Planning Commissioners were expressing concerns about issues that
had no place in their deliberations.
Regular Meeting 23 , 1980
Page Ten 74ple.
(f) Mayor Wilkins requested a status report on police
vehicles. Chief McHale stated that the City had
car and ho
received one unmarkeded to receive two or three more p
before the first of July.
2 . City Attorney
Mr. Grimes had nothing to report.
3. City Manager
(a) Mr. Warden advised that the bill the City had helped
develop regarding Proposition 4 and newly incorpor-
ated cities was scheduled for the Governor' s signature. He would
advise the Council as to the date and place if they wished to attend
the bill signing ceremony.
(b) Mr. Warden advised that the claim of Dorothy Robinson,
the lady allegedly injured on a Dial-A-Ride vehicle ,
had been settled.
(c) Mr. Warden stated that there would be an Ugly Dog
Show in the Sunken Gardens on July 18th.
adjourned at 11: 50 .m.
The meeting � p
Recorded by:
By: Ardith Davis
Deputy City Clerk