HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Resolution 2019-0011 Exhibit A: Zoning Map Amendment Principal Mixed-Use Planned Development Amendment PLN 2014-1519 Portion of APN 030-491-013 Lot 62 of Tract 3070 Approx. 8,111 sq. ft. along El Camino Real frontage Current zoning: Residential Multi- Family (RMF-10) with a Planned Development #24 (PD24) Overlay Proposed zoning: Commercial Retail (CR) with a Planned Development #24 (PD24) Overlay Exhibit B: Amendment to section 9-3.669 Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 24 (PD24) 9-3.669 Establishment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 24 (PD-24) Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 24 is established as shown on the official zoning maps (Section 9-1.102 of this title). A Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 24 is established on parcels APN 030-491-013, 001, 020, 019 with a combined gross acreage of 5.32 acres. The maximum residential density within the planned development shall not exceed a maximum of thirty-seven (37) fifty-two (52) residential units as identified in the Master Plan of Development (PLN 2014-1529/CUP 2003-0117 as amended), subject to the densities allowed by the underlying zoning districts and any approved density bonuses. The development standards contained within the Master Plan of Development document (CUP 2003-0117 as amended), as conditioned, shall be applied to all future development within the project area, and as follows: (a) All site development shall require the approval of a Master Plan of Development. All construction and development shall conform to the approved Master Plan of Development, as conditioned. (b) The vesting tentative subdivision map (TTM 2014-0107Tract 3070, as amended) and any subsequent amendments for the site shall be consistent with CUP 2003-0117 PLN 2014-1529 as amended. All construction and development shall conform to the approved Master Plan of Development, as conditioned. (c) No subsequent tentative parcel or tract map shall be approved unless found to be consistent with the approved Master Plan of Development. (d) The commercial area, residential dwelling units, landscaping, walls and fencing shall be consistent with the approved Master Plan of Development. Building setbacks, lot sizes, landscape area, and lot coverage shall be as identified within the approved Master Plan of Development. (e) All landscaping shown on the approved landscape plan will be installed by the developer and shall be maintained as approved. (f) All utilities, including electric, telephone and cable, along the frontage of, and within the PD and along the project frontages shall be installed and/or relocated underground, except as noted in the in the Master Plan of Development and the Conditions of Approval. (g) The nonresidential uses shall retain the commercial retail zoning district designation, including proposed office spaces in the mixed-used area identified in the Master Plan of Development. The following allowable uses are proposed for this district within the PD-24 overlay zone: (1) Residential multifamily (second and third floors only); (2) Broadcast studios; (3) Building materials and hardware (indoor only); (4) Food and beverage retail sales; (5) Furniture, home furnishings and equipment (indoor only); (6) General merchandise stores; (7) Mail order and vending; (8) Car-wash; (9) Financial services; (10) Health care services; (11) Offices; (12) Personal services; (13) Eating and drinking places; (14) Business support services, where all areas of use are located within a building; (15) Utility service center; (16) Temporary events; (17) Day care. (h) The conditional uses will be consistent with those listed for the underlying commercial retail zone and will require an amendment to the Master Plan of Development. (i) All residential and commercial uses shall be consistent with the requirements of the underlying zoning district except as allowed by the Master Plan of Development. (j) All trees shown to be protected on the approved Master Plan of Development shall be maintained. Any future tree removal shall require approval per the requirements set forth in the Atascadero Native Tree Ordinance. (k) All public improvements shall be consistent with proposed improvements that are identified in vesting tentative map 2014-0107Tract 3070, as amended. Frontage improvements for Gusta Road will not be required. (Ord. 589 § 4, 2015; Ord. 465 § 2, 2004)