Adjourned Regular Meeting
September 26, 1979 7: 30 p.m.
Atascadero Administration Building
The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins
with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Wilkins also gave the invoca-
PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover, and Mayor
1. Marilyn Brown discussed Diablo Nuclear Power Plant and
the effect a melt-down would have on the Atascadero area.
She requested that Council form a committee to develop an evacuation
plan for the City of Atascadero. Mayor Wilkins noted that the City
was still relying on the County for services and an evacuation plan
could not be developed until the City had its own fire and police
departments to assist' n the preparation of such a plan.
Councilman Mackey felt that a committee should be established
to study an evacuation plan for Atascadero, but not just because of
Diablo; there were many other disasters that should be planned for.
2. Harris Hesketh discussed the issue of County services to
the City. Mayor Wilkins assured him that the City was
pursuing discussions with the County on this matter and hoped to have
it resolved soon.
3. Three "ladies" who stated that they were the 1979 Contes-
tants for the Mudhole Queen, requested Council endorse-
ment of the contest. They explained that the contest is a part of
Atascadero' s Colony Days celebration which is to take place in October.
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the Council endorse the
Mudhole Queen contest. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried.
4. Mike Lane informed the Council that he would like to volun-
teer to be on a solar energy committee.
1. Minutes of the regular meeting of September 11, 1979
Adjourned Regular Meeting September 26, 1979
Page Two
2. Treasurer' s Report, 8-21-79 through 9-19--79
' MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of the Consent
Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey
and unanimously carried.
Mayor Wilkins stated that Council would consider Unfinished
Business next so that Mr. Rogoway could give his presentation and
then leave if he wished.
' 1. Consideration of Planning Commission recommendations on
lot line adjustment of portions of Lot 13 & 13A, Block
7, Atascadero Colony -- Ramey/Frantz/Gaynos
Mr. Rogoway reviewed this lot line adjustment and stated that
the Planning Commission had approved it with the conditions recommended
by g
the Planning Staff.
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve the lot
g PP
' line adjustment as recommended by the Planning Commission.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover.
Councilman Mackey suggested that the approval also be condi-
tioned on the applicant leaving at least four of the seven oak trees
on the property standing.
The motion was unanimously carried by roll call vote.
MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that the permit include a re-
quirement that the applicant leave at least four of the
oak trees.
The motion died for lack of" a second.
There was discussion regarding this matter with Councilman
Highland stating that since the property includes two lots, it would
be premature to set a condition before knowing what is to be con-
structed on the property. Mr. Rogoway stated that when a permit is
applied for, the building inspector looks at the property and makes
recommendations regarding trees, etc. , before the permit is issued.
Adjourned Regular Meeting September 26, 1979
Page Three
1. Appearance of John Wilson, President, Local Library Users
United, urging support of the library tax issue on November
Mr. Wilson discussed the value of libraries and the need to keep
the materials in them current and the valuable role libraries play in
people's lives. He asked Council to endorse the $5. 00 per household
tax which will appear on the November ballot.
Some Council members were concerned theperhaps $5. 00 would be
too much for some low income families. Councilman Mackey stated that
' she was in favor of supporting the issue, however, since the majority
of the Council did not seem to favor it, a motion would not pass.
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council move on to B-2.
The motion was seconded by Mayor Wilkins and carried
with Councilman Mackey voting no.
2. Report from City Manager on Public Safety Departments
Mr. Warden reviewed his memo to the Council. He emphasized
' that what has been proposed is a concept only. This is the time to
consider alternatives to traditional forms of providing services;
while the City is new and the departments are yet to be formed. It
1 is also important to consider these alternatives in light of saving
the most money possible while providing the highest level of service
for the money spent.
Mr. Warden discussed the departments he had visited where the
police and fire functions were combined. He has also talked to some
cities where the public safety concept has failed; the most pre
' vailing reason for failure being that of the negative attitudes of
employees. He stated that if the participants wanted it to work, it
would. He noted that in the cities currently operating a combined
' department, no impairment of either the fire or police functions
had occurred. He also noted that some form of integration would
enhance fire activities by doubling the number of fully trained fire
fighters for use when needed without adding to the overall strength
of the fire service.
There are several alternatives the Council could consider in
providing public safety services from contracting with the Sheriff's
department, to a partially integrated department, to a fully combined
department. The concept is more likely to be successful in its imple-
mentation 'in a newly incorporated city, Because of the rapidly rising
Adjourned Regular Meeting September 26, 1979
Page Four
costs in fire and police services some alternatives to traditional
approaches, without the traditional availability of funds, must be
found if the City is to provide the breadth and quality of services
There were many comments from the audience, mostly from members
of the Atascadero Fire Department, in opposition to the proposal.
They did not feel that a fireman or a police officer could be effec-
tive in both positions. They emphasized the training and education
required for each field and the diverse duties of each position,
They also felt that the citizens would be. short-changed with this
type of department.
Mayor Wilkins stated that the Council realizes Atascadero has
an oustanding fire department and they are not attempting to water
down services to the people. He did feel, however, that the Council
has an obligation to look into various ways of saving money as long
as the level of services is maintained. He said that the Council
will study the issue very carefully before making a decision and wel-
comes the comments of the Fire Department and citizens of Atascadero.
Don Sylvia, Fixe 'Chief, stated that the proposal lacked the
input of the current Fire Department. He, along with several others,
suggested that the Council form a committee to study this issue and
make recommendations to the Council; this committee should receive
input from the Atascadero Fire Department,
Councilman Mackey favored consideration of items 5 and 6 of the
memo which had to do with separate departments with some functions
integrated; she was also in favor of a committee.
Mayor Wilkins stated that he would establish a committee and
let the Council know who would be on it.
1. Request of Access California for designation of October
as Employ the Handicapped Month
Mayor Wilkins stated that if there were no objections, he would
take the perogative of declaring the month of October, "Employ the
Handicapped Month. " Council had no objections and Mr. Warden stated
that he would have a proclamation prepared for Mayor Wilkins' signature.
Adjourned Regular Meeting September 26, 1979
1 Page Five
2. Consideration of advertising for Building Inspector and
1 Planning and Building Department Secretary
Mr. Warden stated that the salaries suggested in the ads were
arrived at as a result of a salary survey among the cities in the
County. The proposed salary for the Building Inspector is _$1458 and
for the Secretary, $890. Mr. Warden stated that the cut-off date
for accepting applications would be arrived at later when an antici-
pated date for the hiring of a Planning Director can be determined;
this will enable the Planning Director to take part in the hiring
process for his staff.
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve the pro-
posed advertisements for a Building Inspector at a
monthly salary of $1458, and a Planning and Building
Department Secretary at $890 monthly. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Stover and carried on the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Stover and Mayor Wilkins
NOES: None
ABSTAIN: Councilman Nelson
3 Employment Agreement with Murray L. Warden
Councilman Mackey stated that she had some misgivings about the
agreement; she want to change Section 6 of the Agreement to read
"San Luis Obispo County" as opposed to "the local area" for the use
of Mr. Warden' s automobile. Mr. Warden stated that he wanted to dis-
cuss the matter in executive session. Councilman Highland suggested
that Council adjourn'to executive session to discuss the matter so
that it can be resolved without further delay.
Mayor Wilkins adjourned the meeting to executive session ,at
10: 02 p.m. and Council returned to regular session at 10:09 p.m.
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the Agreement with
Mr. Warden be approved as presented. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried
by roll call vote.
4. Consideration of entering into an agreement with Coopera-
tive Personnel Services for employee examining services
MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that . Warden , City
�' Murrayy r
Manager, be authorized to enter into and sign an agree-
ment with the California State Personnel Board, Cooperg--
Adjourned Regular Meeting September 26, 1979
Page Six
tive Personnel Services Division, for the purpose of
performing examining services for the City of Atascadero.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unani-
mously carried by roll call vote.
1. City Council
(a) Councilman Highland reported on a meeting he and
Councilman Stover had attended with the Atascadero
Fire Department where discussion had centered around acquiring a
substation. It was decided that renovation of the present fire station
could be accomplished which would give the department considerably
more room. The Department would like the Council to appoint two of
its members to meet with the District Board to go over the plans for
the renovation since the building will ultimately belong to the City.
Councilman Mackey asked if she could be a member of that Board;
Mayor Wilkins appointed Councilmen Mackey and Highland to the
(b) Councilman Nelson reported on what had been accomplished
with regard to helping Mr. Gayle with the security
at the Zoo and with some of the other things that needed to be done
around the Zoo; he stated that several things were being considered
for making the Zoo more secure including lights, an electronic system,
higher fence, etc. He said that there would be a-work day at the Zoo
to include tree trimming on this Saturday, September 29th from 8 : 00 a.m.
to noon. The Jay Cees will be working and anyone else interested in
helping is invited. (.corrected 10-8-79)
policing discharge of firearms
(c) Mayor Wilkins asked the(City Attorney if the. City
will be responsible for�r - e- 3r ] within
the City limits or in the fire district boundaries as well. Mr. Grimes
stated that since the City had adopted the County' s ordinances, the
limits of the District would be set forth in the ordinance and the
City would have to comply; however, he will look into the matter and
report back to Council.
(d) Councilman Nelson reminded the Council that a card
system had been suggested at an earlier meeting to
allow organization of public participation in the meetings Council
discussed this matter and decidedthatthe informal way in which the
Council is presently operating is sufficient for now.
Adjourned Regular Meeting September 26 , 1979
Page Seven
2. City Attorney
Mr. Grimes had nothing to report
3. City Manager
(a) Mr. Warden read an article cut out of a San Francisco
Chronicle by Herb Caan regarding Ataseadero's adver-
tisement for a Police Chief.
Mayor Wilkins adjourned the meeting at 10;27 p.m.
Recorded by:
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By: Ardith Davis
Deputy City Clerk