HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 070979' 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL July 9 1979 The City Council of the City of Atascadero, meeting in regular session on the above date, was called to order by Mayor Wilkins at '7 ; 30 p,m, in the Rotunda Room of the Administration Building with the following Councilmen answering roll: Nelson, Mackey, Wilkins, Highlan and Stover, 1. The Mayor called for the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation and requested public comments. 2 . The Council considered Resolution Number 1-79 a resolution appointing the City Attorney, Mr. Allen Grimes, which was read and introduced. Motion by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Stover, for adoption. Motion passed by the following vote: iAyes: Nelson, Mackey, Wilkins,, Highland and Stover Noes: None 3. The Council was advised that the Central Coast Cities Joint Powers Authority for s.eflt-insurance had approved admitting Atascadero into the seven cities self-insurance fund. The Council was advised that the cost of the initial coverage would be approximately $10, 500 with an additional $6, 000 due to the Joint Powers Authority in two equal installments, one due December 30, 1979 and the final one June 31, -1980. Motion by Councilman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Stover, for adoption passed by the following roll cal-1 vote: Ayes: Stover, Highland, Wilkins, Mackey, and Nelson Noes: None 4.The City Council considered Ordinance Number 3, an ordinance imposing a sales and use tax to be administered by the State Board of Equalization. Motion by _Councilman Stover, seconded by Councilman Highland, to adopt as an urgency measure passed by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Nelson, Mackey, Wilkins, Highland and Stover Noes: None 5. The City. Council considered an agreement with the State Board of Equalization for administering the sales and use tax: Motion by Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Nelson, _ approving the agreement and directing the Mayor and Acting City Clerk to execute same passed by the following ' vote: Ayes: Stover, Highland, Wilkins, Mackey, Nelson ' Noes: None Minutes 7/9/79 Page Two 6. There was considerable discussion concerning the adoption of Ordinance Number 4, an ordinance establishing the office of City Manager, with comments from the audience concerning the duties and responsibilities of this position. After considerable discussion Councilman Mackey moved, seconded by Councilman` Stover, that this matter be tabled until the July 16th meeting so that the City Attorney would have an opportunity to review its contents. Council desired to have the matter again considered at the next meeting. Motion unanimously carried by voice vote_ I7. The Council considered Ordinance Number 5, an ordinance establishing the office of City Clerk, with a motion by Councilman Mackey that this item be tabled until the July 16th " meeting. Motion died for lack of a second. Ordinance Number 5 was read by title only. Motion by Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Nelson, to adopt Ordinance Number 5 as an urgency measure, passed by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Nelson, Wilkins, Highland, Stover Noes: Mackey 8. Consideration was given to and discussion concerning adoption of Ordinance Number 6 ensued with Ordinance Number 6 being read by title only. Ordinance Number 6 concerned the creation of the office of City Treasurer. Motion by Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Stover for adoption. Councilman Mackey expressed a desire to have this item tabled until the July 16th meeting. Motion was passed as an urgency measure by the following roll call vote Ayes: Stover, Highland, Wilkins, Nelson Noes: Mackey 9. Council considered and discussed adoption of Ordinance Number 7, an ordinance establishingthe office of Finance Director. Motion by Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Nelson, to table this item until after review by the City Attorney to be returned at the July 16. 1979 meeting. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 10. Council discussed the composition and term of the Planning Commissioners and sought comment from the audience. After discussion the Council directed that an ordinance be drafted creating the Planning Commission. Considered seven members initially with 'a eventual five member composition but the number of seats shou ld be left open for further discussion. The Council felt that Commissioners should be selected from the community at large and every effort should be made to provide a cross section of com munity interests. This ordinance was to be considered at the next regular meeting. Minutes 7/9/79 Page Three 11. The Council discussed the possible meeting dates for interview of Planning Commission applicants. It was decided that interviews would take place on July 17,1979 at 7 ; 00 p.m. in the Rotunda Room and the first reading of the ordinance creating the Planning Commission would be on July 23, 1979. 12. Under individual Coty Council determinations, Councilman _ Highland remarked that a letter should be sent as soon as possible to the California Highway Patrol asking for continued patrol coverage until the city police department is operational . Mayor Wilkins read a letter from Mike Lucas concerning the contest to create a city emblem for a city seal . Council unanimously concurred that Mr. Lucas continue his efforts to create a seal and emblem. Mayor Wilkins reported on the Mayor' s and Manager' s meeting held in Grover City. This a a bi-monthly meeting of the Mayors and Managers of the cities in San Luis Obispo County during which matters of mutual concern are discussed. The major_ topic of this meeting was the approval of allowing Atascader to join with the other cities in the self-insurance pool. Mayor Wilkins emphasised the cooperative attitude of the other cities and of the savings to be realized through this joint effort . Mr. Warden requested that the Council authorize him to start acquiring office supplies and the minimum necessary equipment to get the administrative functions operational. He requested and initial approval of $600. 00 for this purpose. Councilman Highland moved and Councilman Stover seconded that Mr. Warden be authorized to expend no more than $600. 00 for the initial equipping of the administrative office. The motion was passed on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Stover, Highland, Wilkins, Mackey, Nelson Noes : None Mr. Warden requested adjourment to executive session to consider a personnel matter. Following the executive session at which there was no official action taken it was moved by Councilman Highland ' seconded by Councilman Stover and passed unanimously that the meeting be adjourn ed to regular session. Motion by Councilman Stover, seconded by Councilman Highland and passed unanimously that the meeting be adjourned to 7: 30 p.m. on the 16th day of July, 1979. rra :e Warden cti g City Clerk