HomeMy WebLinkAboutFacility Emergency Response PlanBUILDING EMERGENCY PLANS BUILDING EVACUATION – City Hall 1. Each employee should be aware of all marked exits from work area and building. 2. When evacuating the building, leave by walking quickly to the nearest marked exit and ask others to do the same. DO NOT RUN 3. Assist the public in exiting the building. 4. Once outside of City Hall, proceed to the Sunken Gardens Fountain. Keep clear of emergency vehicles. 5. If you are at another city operated location, proceed to the pre-approved meeting area. 6. The most senior person present will, to the best of his/her ability and without reentering the building, determine that everyone has evacuated safely. 7. Do not return to the building until told to do so by police and fire personnel. Do not use elevator. FIRE A. If a fire or other emergency is identified within your office and to large to contain: 1. Pull the nearest fire alarm immediately. 2. Move to a phone away from any fire or smoke danger. 3. Call 911 - advise the operator that there is a fire of (approximate) size, give your building/office location as well as the location of the fire. 4. Evacuate the building. 5. If smoke is present in the building, be sure to stay low below the smoke. 6. Close all windows and doors, but do not lock, as you leave. B. If the fire is trash can size or smaller and contained (not spreading): 1. Call and ask the closest office neighbor to retrieve the nearest charged fire extinguisher. Call the Fire Department. DO NOT LEAVE THE FIRE UNATTENDED. If you have been properly trained in extinguisher use, attempt to extinguish the fire. If you have not been properly trained, have a trained individual attempt extinguishment. If its size grows beyond containment, follow procedure A3 above to call the Fire Department after evacuating. 2. PULL pin from the extinguisher and hold the extinguisher 4 to 6 feet from fire. AIM, SQUEEZE, and SWEEP (PASS) the extinguisher hose back and forth until spray puts fire completely out, with no smoke left, or until the extinguisher is emptied. 3. If the fire is not out after full use of the extinguisher, follow A3 and evacuate. 4. If a hazardous material emergency arises instead of or in addition to a fire: a. Call the Fire Department as in A3 above. Also request additional support personnel and hazardous waste service from the Office of Environmental Health and Safety by calling 911. C. For fire outside your office: 1. Notify the Fire Department as in A3 above. 2. If a door stands between you and the fire, feel the door – IF IT IS HOT, DO NOT OPEN IT! a. Call the Fire Department again, and tell them your situation. b. Place material along the bottom of your door to keep out the smoke. c. RETREAT – Close as many doors between you and the fire as possible. d. If outside window is available, open it or break it and hang a light colored material out to attract attention. 3. If the door is not hot, open it cautiously, stand behind the door and prepare to close it fast. a. Walk to the closest safe stairway or exit b. DO NOT use elevators! c. Activate the fire alarm. d. Follow evacuation procedures. EXPLOSIONS OR OTHER VIOLENT ACCIDENTS 1. Immediately take cover under tables, desks and other objects, which will give protection against glass or debris. 2. After effects of explosion have subsided, call 911. Give your name; describe the nature and location of the emergency. 3. Follow Building Evacuation Procedures above. Be aware of structural damage. Stay away from glass doors and windows. Do not touch or move any suspicious objects. EARTHQUAKES 1. Seek refuge in a doorway or under a desk or table. Stay away from glass windows, shelves and anything else that might fall. 2. Avoid leaving the building during the actual earthquake. 3. After initial shock, evaluate the situation and if emergency help is necessary, call 911. Protect yourself at all times and be prepared for aftershocks. 4. Coordinate with emergency personnel and follow directions. 5. Evacuate following Building Evacuation Procedures above. BOMB THREAT OR SERIOUS UTILITY FAILURE 1. If you receive a bomb threat, notify your supervisor and call 911 immediately. Do not touch any foreign objects. Advise police of any suspicious circumstances. 2. In case of serious malfunction or any bomb threat, evacuate the building quickly following Building Evacuation Procedure above. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1. Be Cautious! Treat materials as hazardous until identified as not. 2. Evacuate building following Building Evacuation Procedures above. 3. When outside, isolate and deny entry to building except for emergency personnel. 4. Call 911. 5. Do not touch, ingest or inhale unknown released material. Notify emergency personnel 6. Eliminate all ignition sources near incident. EXTINGUISHER GUIDELINES 1. A fire extinguisher shall be provided for each 3,000 sq. feet of floor area, or fraction thereof. Travel distance from any point of the protected area to the nearest fire extinguisher shall not exceed 75 feet. 2. Never re-hang an extinguisher once it has been discharged (even if it is only used for a few seconds). Have it recharged. 3. Always maintain an area of three (3) feet clearance around all fire protection equipment.