HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 09/20/1993 C j AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA AVENUE, 4TH _FLOOR CLUB ROOM SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 5:00 P.M. Call to Order Roll Call A. SPECIAL MEETING: 1. CITY COUNCIL INTERVIEWS AND APPOINTMENTS: A. Interviews B. Selection C. Resolution No. 117-93 - Appointing one member of the public to the City Council B. CLOSED SESSION: City Council will adjourn to a Closed Session for purposes of discussion regarding labor negotiations. Said Closed Session is held pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6. Adjourn REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: 09/20/93 CITY OF ATASCADERO Through: Andy Takata, City Manager From: Lee Raboin, City Clerk SUBJECT: City Council Interviews. RECOMMENDATION: 1 . Interview and consider fifteen applicants. 2. Select, by ballot, one citizen to serve the unexpired term of two years and ten months. 3. Adopt Resolution No. 117-93 appointing one citizen to serve the balance of Mr. Kudlac's term. BACKGROUND: Due to the resignation of Councilmember Marty Kudlac, the City Council has one vacancy. The City Clerk has advertised and recruited for interested members of the public to apply. A total of fifteen applications were received. The City Council will interview fourteen applicants. One applicant, George Highland, is out of state and not available to be interviewed. The City Council has indicated that it desires to follow the selection procedure set forth in Resolution No. 35-81 (attached). Attachments: Interview Schedule Fifteen Applications Resolution No. 117-93 Resolution No. 35-81 CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES INTERVIEW SCHEDULE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 5:00 p.m. Tim O'Keefe 5:15 p.m. Jim Edwards 5:30 p.m. Alden Shiers 5:45 p.m. Marj Mackey 6:00 p.m. Gilbert Russell 6:15 p.m. James Macy 6:30 p.m. BREAK 6:45 p.m. Gary Kirkland 7:00 p.m. Frank Schicchitano 7:15 p.m. Dennis Bryant 7:30 p.m. August Salemi 7:45 p.m. Blair Sims 8:00 p.m. George Schroff 8:15 p.m. Hal Carden 8:30 p.m. Robert Johnson j Please return to: 0 CITY CLERK 19T8 6500 Palma Avenue Room 208 \ � U:' rSFP Atascadero, CA 93422 CR CR 99!OFFICE A P P L I C A T I O N CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Name: George P. Highland Address- 9725 San Marcos Road Telephone: 466-4393 Occupation: Retired Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council. Feel free to attach additional data or resume. Age - 64; Married. BS, Univ. of Calif at Berkeley, Public Health. Resident of No. County since 1960. Resident of Atascadero since 1965. Public ervice: Sewer Bond Comm, _19_68; c ool Advisory Comm, curriculum, early 701s; Atascadero Advisory Comm, 1968-79, • airman; General Plan 5ubcomm, airman, 1972-70; City Council, 1979-82; Planning Commission, 1988-92; Chamber of Commerce, 1962 to president, Hresident twice ; L of r Citizen of the Year, 1989. Owner/operator of medical laboratory in Atascadero/Templeton, 1 - 1989 ; Manager of medical laboratory 1989-1993. Retired 07/01/93. 1. Being retired I have the time and the interest. 2. My philosophy an views are well-known within the community. They closely parallel those of Marty Wudlac. have demonstrated the ability an willingness to worW_­with others, without indulging in persoaal animosities, whose philosophy i ers trom mine. In summary, I feel my appointment to replace Marty Kudlac would best serve the community, particularly those who voted for Mr. Kudlac in June of 1992. They deserve a replacement whose philo- sopy is similar to that for which they voted. I would accept the position with an open mind and no commitments to anyone other than the citizens of Atascadero. I have absolutely no political aspirations beyond 1996. I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the City of Atascadero. Signature: - Date: 1 September 93 Une problem does exist. I will be out of state beginning September 16 returning September 26 . Please return to: • CITY CLERK ) '19is a p _. �I is srT 15 03 6500 Palma Avenue I Room 208 Atascadero, CA 93422 A P P L I C A T I O N CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL 0l Name : �• 'rno� `� Address: (�CU�^> cwt /�{� s c� CA - Telephone: A -Telephone: Occupation: Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council.' Feel free to attach additional data or resume. � �.S t u, �/v 7 C�J,,,/ v 7- �tJ �cl�• ..-a �K.,/ve-i.fi .) �/"� �"tel Q-S,'^ "Jr_ J u f. A CEJ e 4 e� �� fl �1 c� Cs I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the City of Atascadero. Date: Signature . �- j 1/ 1 NAME: O'KEEFE,TIMOTHY G. October, 1992 I . BACKGROUND A. EDUCATION: B.S. New York State College of Forestry 1955 M.F. New York State College of Forestry 1957 M.A. Northern Arizona University 1973 Ph.D. Northern Arizona University 1977 CERTIFICATION/LICENSING: Licensed Forester, Maine, 1980 Private Pilot, 1982 ISA Certified Arborist, 1990 B. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1955-1957 Graduate Teaching Assistant, N.Y. State College of Forestry 1957-1958 Extension Assistant, N.Y. State College of Forestry 1958-1960 Assistant Conservator of Forests Ghana Forestry Department 1960-1961 Assistant Professor of Forestry University of Liberia 1961-1963 Forestry Instructor University of California 1963-1965 Assistant Area Development Officer U.S. State Department 1965-1967 Assistant Professor of Forestry Nichols College 1967-1974 Assistant Professor of Forestry Northern Arizona University 1974-1979 Extension Forester University of Maine 1979-1980 Technology Transfer Specialist U.S. Forest Service WO 1980-1983 Associate Professor of Wood Science University of Maine 1983-Date Professor of Forestry California Polytechnic State University II. TEACHING RELATED ACTIVITIES A. COURSES TAUGHT: NRM 101 Natural Resources Management and Society FOR 201 Forest Resources FOR 290 Intercollegiate Forestry Activities FOR 325 Woodlot and Christmas Tree Management FOR 332 Forest Products FOR 350 Urban Forestry FOR 434 Tree Growth and Wood Properties FOR 438 Wood Energy and Residue Utilization FOR 450 Community Forestry NRM 502 Resource Conservation FOR 503 Tropical Forest Ecosystem Management FOR 504 Agroforestry Systems FOR 506 World Forestry in Social Context B. PREVIOUSLY TAUGHT COURSES: NRM 311 Environment Interpretation FOR 303 Forest Protection FOR 407 Silviculture and Vegetation Management FOR 417 Forest Management and Multiple-Use Planning FOR 440 Watershed Management AE/FOR 454 Remote Sensing III. PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES A. PROFESSIONAL PAPERS: 1980 Forest Service Technology Transfer; International Forest Recreation Who's Doing Technology Transfer; Canadian American Extension Forestry 1981 Evaluating Technology Transfer; Forest Products Research Society 1983 Use of Landsat for Mangrove Management; Remote Sensing Application Symposium 1984 Use of Landsat/IDIMS System to Enhance Scanning Electron Micrographs of Wood; Forest Products Research Society Education For Urban Forestry; CUFC Meeting, Santa Maria, CA Hardwood Utilization; State SAF Meeting, Cal Poly 1985 Training For Applied Technology Transfer; Annual Meeting, Technology Transfer Society, San Francisco Forestry In West Africa; Los Padres Chapter, SAF Technical Education and Technology Transfer; Annual Meeting, Technology Transfer Society 1986 Practical Training for Urban Forestry; State Meeting CUFC Wood Residue Use for Energy In Central California; Reno Wood Energy Conference Mangrove Utilization and Remote Sensing; Annual Meeting, FPRS Woodlot Owners Hardwood Management Information; California Hardwood Symposium, Cal Poly Applied Training For Urban Forestry; CUFC, Los Angeles, CA Application of Remote Sensing to Management and Utilization of Mangrove, FPRS, Spokane, WA Hardwood Residue Use and Marketing; California Hardwood Symposium, Cal Poly . 1987 Remote Sensing for Fuelwood Management; Chetumal, Mexico Tree Growth/Stem Development, ISA Training Conference, San Luis Obispo 2 i 1988 Thinning Young Growth Ponderosa Pine; Lakeport, CA., for CDF/CES Application of Specimen Tree Concept to Oaks; Atascadero Tree Committee Agroforestry Education in Central California, Calif. Agroforestry Center, Davis, CA 1989 Urban Forestry Education; CUFC, Santa Maria Fuelwood From Urban Forestry; FPRS, Reno, NV 1990 "Trees and People", Arbor Day, San Luis Obispo, CA Creekway Management In Urban Forestry, Atascadero, CA 1991 Biodiversity and New Perspectives, USFS Biodiversity Symposium, Santa Rosa 1992 La Grande Forestry: New Perspectives, USFS Social Forestry Symposium, Ontario, CA "Trees and People", ECOSLO Seminar, San Luis Obispo, CA B. CONSULTATIONS: 1980 USFS/TT representative to NE, SE and National Extension/NIPF Conference . 1983 Developed and presented 2 TT workshops for NE, U.S. Forest Service, St. Paul and Philadelphia .Prepared and printed a TT training manual (based on workshops) for NE, U.S. Forest Service. Prepared a TT training package for supervisors, for SO Region, U.S. Forest Service 1984 Developed a series of forestry notes for Phase II, Maine Spruce Budworm TT Project for NE, U.S. Forest Service 1985 Prepared and delivered a woodlot harvesting seminar for Santa Cruz Cooperative Extension Service 1984/ Prepared and delivered woodlot owner workshops 85/86 on management, wood energy and Christmas trees with CES and CDF 1987/ Team-taught Forest Management for Special Forest Service 88/89 Employee Training Program 1987 Developed and presented Xmas tree workshop for Vo Ag Teachers Cal Poly 1988 Prepared Fire-Safe Homeowner Workshop, CDF/Atascadero Fire Dept./CES, Atascadero, CA 1988 Project Learning Tree, Sequoia National Park and Morro Bay 1988/89 Technical Advisor, Atascadero Tree Committee 1988 Evaluation of homesite for Xmas tree production, Arroyo Grande, CA 1991 Technology Transfer, USFS New Perspectives, La Grande, OR 1992 Tropical Wood Identification, Port San Luis Technology Transfer, USFS New Perspectives, La Grande, OR • 1992/93 Learning Center, BMNRI, USFS, liaison with NRM/Cal Poly 3 G SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS: 1981 University Representative for TT review 1981-82 UMO representative to State Remote Sensing Study Group 1982 NE/NA, U.S. Forest Service; applications review, CANUSA 1984 Coordinator, SAF state meeting, Cal Poly Special study project to evaluate tree conditions in Waller Park University Coordinator for special U.S. Forest Service Symposium on Managing Innovation (TT) 1985 Special study project to identify best quality trees in Waller Park (STC) Member, NASA Tropical Forest Remote Sensing Planning Group 1987 Preliminary analysis, urban forestry planning in Lompoc 1988 Minority Recruitment 2+2+job, USFS, Compton Junior College 1989 Coordinator Remote Sensing: Swanton Pacific Ranch Forestland 1989-90 Chairman, Cal Trans Urban Forestry Review Committee, Atascadero 1990/92 Technical Advisor, Forestry Committee, Central Coast RC&D, SCS 1992 Coordinator, RC&D Central Coast Hardwood Utilization Workshop D. INTERNATIONAL ASSIGNMENTS: 1981 Title XII Technology Transfer in Tropical Forestry, San Jose, Costa Rica, Guatemala 1982 Title XII Haiti Forestry Review, Port-au-Prince, Haiti . 1983 AID, Honduras Forest Education Project AID, Sawmill evaluation study, Costa Rica 1984 DOE, evaluation of biomass/wood energy potential in Puerto Rico 1985-87 NASA, remote sensing for tropical fuelwood management 1986 Cal Poly/AID, study for wet tropical agriculture school site, Costa Rica 1989/92 Review, Aerial Tree Seeding In Haiti 1991 Forestry Education Project, Ethiopia E. RESEARCH ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1982-83 NE Forest Experiment Station; grant to develop TT plan under CANUSA for transfer of lab information to field about utilization of budworm killed timber; Phase I 1983-84 Phase II, above project funded at higher level to continue project 1984-86 Santa Barbara County grants (2) to study Monterey pine in Waller Park, Santa Maria 1985-88 CDF, Boggs Mountain ponderosa pine thinning demonstration grant 1986 CDF/CUFC grant for administrator/Coop. Ed. work at Cal Poly 1987-88 McIntire-Stennis Grant: Application of Specimen Tree Concept to Urban Oaks 1990 McIntire-Stennis Grant: Management Potential for Urban Riparian Habitat • 4 F. AWARDS: 1981-82 Fellowship, NASA faculty summer fellow program, Goddard Space Flight Center 1982 ASTM, participant, national faculty fellowship 1983 UMO, Special summer faculty grant; study sawmill efficiency in Costa Rica 1984 DOE, special faculty grant to evaluate wood energy in Puerto Rico 1985-88 Fellowship, NASA faculty summer fellow program, Ames Research Center 1987 SAGR, MPPP Award 1988-89 CSU Faculty GIS Fellowship, Cal State, Northridge/CSU, San Francisco 1989 SAF Fellow, elected by So. Calif. SAF 1990 ISA, Certified Arborist by examination G. PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: 1979-80 Chairman, Northeast Section, Forest Products Research Society (FPRS) 1981 Chairman of Communications Committee; New England Section, Society of American Foresters (SAF) 1982 Member NEKDA Board 1982-83 Secretary, (national) NIPF Working Group (SAF) 1985/86 Chairman, Los Padres Chapter, Southern California Society of American Foresters 1985-92 Member, CUFC State Board 1986/89 Co-Chair, Urban Forestry Education, .AFA 1987/88 Chairman, Southern California Section, SAF 1989-92 Membership Committee, National SAF 1990/91 Member, Local arrangements 1991 National Meetings, SAF, and urban forestry I V. IN-SERVICE A. UNIVERSITY/SCHOOL: 1984-87 Cooperative Education Coordinator, School of Agriculture, Cal Poly 1985-92 Faculty Advisor, NRM Logging Team 1985-87 Coordinator, International Agriculture Program 1985-90 International Agriculture Committee 1985/92 Coordinator Forestry FFA campus competitions 1987-88 Curriculum Committee, SAGR Personnel Committee, SAGR Senate Research Committee 1988-90 Faculty Co-Advisor, Xi Sigma Pi Senate Long-Range Planning Committee 1988-89 Recruitment Committee, SAGR 1989-90 SAGR Graduate Committee 1991-92 SAGR Safety Committee • 1992-93 University Senate, Fairness Committee 5 . B. COMMUNITY 1985 Woodlot Management--Public Information Workshop--joint CES/CDF/NRM. 1986 Christmas Tree Management--Public Information Workshop-- joint CES/CDF/NRM 1987 Fuelwood Management--Public Information Workshop--joint CES/CDF/NRM 1988 Interface Fire Management--Public Information Workshop-- joint CES/CDF/NRM 1989 Arbor Day invited speaker, San Luis Obispo 1989-90 Chairman, Cal Trans Natural Resource Committee, Atascadero 1988-92 President, Atascadero Homeowners Association 1983-92 Answered an average of 20 public information requests per year V. PUBLICATIONS: A. Urban Forestry Information Notes (1987-88): Urban Forest Management I&E For Urban Forestry Pruning Urban Trees Intangible Urban Forest Values Urban Forest Watershed and Wildlife Management Urban Creekway Protection • B. Published Abstracts: 1980 . Successful Technology Transfer, Proceedings. Annual Southern Forest Insect and Disease Conference, Louisville, KY 1982 Hardwood Utilization: A Downeast View, Proceedings of Symposium on Use of Hardwoods, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB 1983 A Transfer System To Reach A Selected Audience: Woodlot Owners and Mill Managers; Proceedings, TT Society, Annual International Meeting, Chicago, IL 1983 Application of Landsat to Mangrove Vegetation Monitoring; Proceedings, International Conference On Resource Inventories, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 1986 Wood Energy Development in Central California, Cal Poly, Hardwood Symposium Proceedings Information System for Woodlot Owners, Cal Poly, Hardwood Symposium Proceedings 1987 Remote Sensing for Fuelwood Management, Tropical Forest Inventory Symposium Proceedings 1991 Biodiversity and New Perspectives; Proceedings Symposium, Northwest Forest Biodiversity 1992 LaGrande Forestry: New Perspectives; Proceedings Social Forestry Symposium C Special Publications: . 1980 How to Develop a State Technology Transfer Plan, FS-USDA, Washington, DC 1982 Evaluating Technology Transfer, Journal of Technology Transfer 6 1 � 7 . 1982 Forestry in West Africa, Forest Products Journal 1983 An Elective Woodlot Owner Education System, Journal of Forestry (SAF) 1984 O'Keefe, T.G. and Shaw, D. A Preliminary Training Aid for Applied Technology Transfer, U.S. Forest Service Spruce Budworm TT Notes, UMO Mini Journal 1985 Supervisor's Training System In Technology Transfer, SO, U.S. Forest Service. 1986 An Applied Technology Transfer Process, Journal of Technology Transfer 1987 Specimen Tree Concept In Waller Park - slide-tape program 1988 Thinning Young Growth Ponderosa Pine at Bogg's Mountain - slide-tape program 1989 Thinning Young Growth Ponderosa Pine at Bogg's Mountain - video program 1990 "Holistic (New) Forestry: Significant Difference of Just Another Gimmick?", Journal of Forestry (SAF) D. REPORTS: 1980 Application of Management Technology to Tropical Forest Ecosystems Evaluating Technology Transfer - Some Problems and Solutions 1981 Utilization of Mangrove Wood. AID, Washington, DC Costa Rica Forestry. International Agriculture, Title XII • O'Keefe, T.G. and M. Thompson, Maine Wood Industry Continuing Education Survey 1983 Forestry Education Needs In Honduras, AID Improving Sawmill Efficiency In Costa Rica, UMO/AID Accomplishments Maine TT Spruce Budworm Project, Phase I 1984 Preliminary Report First Puerto Rico Field Visit, Proposed Wood Energy Project Final Report: Waller Park Tree Risk Project 1985 Forestry and Natural Resources Site Considerations EARTH, Costa Rica 1986 Final Report: Waller Park Specimen Tree Project 1988 Final Report: CUFC Administration Project Final Report: Thinning Young Growth Ponderosa Pine at Boggs Mountain State Forest 1990 Final Report: Application of Specimen Tree Concept to Oaks 1991 Final Report: Forestry At Alemaya University, Ethiopia, for World Bank. 1991 Final Report: Sabbatical Leave: Ethiopia Forestry; and New Perspectives, BMNRI, for SAGR/Cal Poly 1991 Demonstration Area for New Perspectives in Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon, USFS/PNW 1992 Final Report: Riparian Hardwood Management Project • 1992 Further Development: Demonstration Areas for New Perspectives in Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon, USFS/PNW. 7 Please return to: CITY CLERK S--a iais p -- 21 1979 S 2 08 6500 Palma Avenue ' Room 208 Atascadero, CA 93422 A P P L I C A T I O N CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Name: ((�-iAddress : Z cE�,v CL CdG-. , Telephone: 5/66, - -Z-c;1 '7(5;1 Occupation: Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council . Feel free to attach additional data or resume. n • I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the City of Atascadero. Signatur �7„ �� Date: 1 9/1/93 Hon. Robt. Nimmo, Mayor Atascadero City Council Members City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero, CA 93422 Jim Edwards 2800 El Camino RI. Atascadero, CA 93422 Mr. Mayor and Council Members, One year ago I sat before you as a candidate for a Planning Commission Post. Careful and logical consideration of all project proposals based upon the guidelines of the General Plan was my offer to you. As you will recall, a first round 4-1 vote assured my seat on the Planning Commission. Your vote of overwhelming confidence also charged me with the responsibility of performing my duties beyond your expectations. I can only be subjective in determining if I have, indeed, fulfilled my obligations to you and our city. Within this past year, I have strived to make sensible decisions based upon exploring the strengths of each project rather than attacking weaknesses to bolster my own opinions. As a result, I have come to conclusions with confidence. I can only hope that I have brought to the Planning Commission a sensible and well rounded approach to decision making with the entire community in mind. I come before you, once again, with the same objectives and purpose. However, as an appointed Council Member, I realize that the scope and purpose of the position carries with it a great deal more responsibility and consideration. Beyond that, though,I believe that this particular appointment should carry with it a position of solidarity. As I see it, this Council is not necessarily split, but rather diversified in theory. I have seen strength in each argument, and I believe I can help accentuate these strengths that can lead to logical conclusions. The greatest strength I can bring to the Council, by far, is the ability to listen without prejudice. Thank you for your consideration, Jim wards • PROFESSIONAL RESUME JIM EDWARDS 2800 EI Camino RL Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 466-2070 Position Qualifications: a. Personnel Director b. Training Coordinator c. Youth/Adult Development d. Public Relations e. Vocational Counseling/Tutoring Professional Experience: a. Federal Parole Board Member, Great Lakes, III. b. Director, Nuestra Casa, Women's Residential Cntr., San Diego, CA. c. Residential Coordinator, Whiteman House Drug Treatment Cntr., San Diego, CA d. Curator, Dublin Historical Society Museum, Dublin,CA e. Youth Development Counselor, Boys & Girls Aid, San Diego, CA f. Psychiatric Technician, Atascadero State Hospital, Atascadero, CA g. Owner/Instructor, USComsery Vocational Computer Drafting/Training,Atascadero, CA. h. Independent Manufactures Representative, Atascadero, CA. • Academic Studies: a. Palomar Community College, San Marcos, CA. b. San Diego City College, San Diego, CA. c. San Diego State College, San Diego, CA. d. Cuesta Community College, San Luis Obispo, CA. e. California Poly Technical University, San Luis Obispo, CA. f. Westech Technical College, Pomona, CA. Community Involvement: Atascadero City Planning Commissioner, 4 year term. Atascadero Economic Round Table Panelist. Dove Creek Project Sub-committee (E.R.T.). Youth Soccer Team Sponsor, 6 yrs./Under. Member San Benito Elementary School PTA. D.A.R.E. Car Project. SLO County Sherrif's Dept. Aero Squadron. Professional and.Character References: R. Michael Teubner, MSW, LCSW, Atasc. St. Hosp., 461-2100 Martin "Marty" Kudlac, 461-0610 • naap: 4 .' i FW Please return to:CITY CLERK 1st8q p ; "" v� 1978 6500 Palma Avenue ,�Room 208 t� 'r' Atascadero, CA 93422 A P P L I C A T I O N CITY OF ATASCJAMERO CITY COUNCIL Name : AU_b.E4z Address : 7L-5I' t 512 mB R r_ Ay� Telephone: "T,"[ 0713 Occupation: &!2P6SS6R- of L-c-oNosV«-- Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council. '' Feel free to attach additional data or resume. ,SEE A?"TAc146n ST—LEMEAJ--7-- I I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the City of Atascadero. p o - - q-3Signature : �► �.11�0 n� Date . APPLICATION for CITY COUNCIL Alden F. Shiers 7515 Sombrilla Avenue 461-0713 Education: I received a B.S. in Economics from the University of Maine, Orono, and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California Santa Barbara. Occupation: I have been a professor in the Economics Department at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo since 1975. I served on the city council for the years 1988-1992, and as the mayor during my last year as a councilmember. I am well acquainted with city procedures, Atascadero's governing documents, and the relationships between the council, city - - committees and staff. Because of my recent tenure on the council, it will take little time for me to "get up to speed" and be able to make informed, knowledgeable decisions. This will enable the city to continue to conduct its business with minimum disruption caused by the resignation of Mayor Kudlac. I enjoyed my previous term on the council, and with the change in leadership at the School of Business, I am able to serve again as a councilmember. I can provide leadership to maintain the quality of life described in the general plan, and I can bring my knowledge and experience to contribute to the development of a city that is financially secure, as well as a place in which people will want to live. M A R,B. .R,'a 9; ` . Please return to: R - CITY CLERK {1918,4 p r. 21 19791"T 6500 Palma Avenue 1 g Room 208 Atascadero, CA 93422 Ewp 4 qA(3 A P P L I C A T I O N OTS(OF ATAMERO CITY CLERK'S OMCE CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Name : AR 1OBTF RAC.VRv Address : 5504-A 113.3nitas- AU Telephone: 1811 Occupation: Retired Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council . Feel free to attach additional data or resume. I am applying to fill the vacancy caused by Martie Kudlac's m&ny people have iir;giad me- +0 do SO bQ021agg the- - • say they agree with bon's editorial. I did get the most. votes in the last two elections of anyone who was not elected or is riot serving on the Council now. As far as experience, I have had eleven years on the job: from July 1979 until June 1990. As you know, I have continued my interest in the City since leaving public office. I am one of the Citizen Reps. on the Traffic Committee, a member of the Re- cycling ecycling Committee and a member of ANTA (Atascadero Native Tree Resociation). Thank you for your consideration. I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the City of Atascadero. • � Signature: lllhc-e4 4- Date: / 7 l I - n a A A. .�•o ■� Please return to: CITY CLERK Isis p 4i 1978n SEP 14 1993 E 6500 Palma Avenue ��,,rr•.���� Room 208 `•9'"�D �% CITY OF ATASCADERO Atascadero, CA 93422 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE A P P L I C A T I O N CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Name: l� e C'r Pya'a' 67 1 1 Address : 74 5� Sa aZa Telephone: IF65- q( / I '-e© I Occupation: Frb'C6zssICON-VI Ach?yk Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council. Feel free to attach additional data or resume. I have finished Grade 13 , with the math, reading, comprehetion Spelling of 14th grade or better. I have served in the California Nation: Guade, and attended the Aberdeen Provina Grounds gehoal for the Non Commission Officers, Advance Course and graduated, for two months . I have as of yet No city administrative experience, but I learn well and listen I will make my research and studips and then decide. The reason I believe I would make a good City Councilman is because many of my friends believe that I can -handle the problems , t at might arrise before the board. I believe that the board needs someone on it that will not have special- interest in mind T have seen rots of problems since the City became a Corporation, as I have lived here for approx. 20 years I can devote more time to this joh then most, I think that this city needs someone that will listen to the people more I also will be flexible and work with other members of the City council, for a good cause. I am 59 years old and have seen numerious City Council meeting and meetings of different types_ I have had to hold meetings and administer rules of such meeting/ classes I believe that we all have to help each other to makP- Atascadero a better place to live, and raise our Children and Grand- Children I believe that with my help this c-an he ar-romnl i Phpd . I Gilbert Russell WILL do my job for the best of the City, with all the resources put before me T will work for a hetter gnvPrnmant of the people and for the people. I believe that if this council Wants a better Atascadero for the ppople they will splen me rilhere Russell . I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the Ci y of Atascadero. Signature: Date: September 14 , 1993 Please return to: n 10 W R CITY CLERK 1918 6500 Palma Avenue Room 208 SRI5 O Atascadero, CA 93422 AW A P P L I C A T I O N CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL 1 Name: `/ t Address • `� �✓ a �� y L Telephone: /S 6` y Z qe' Occupation: �z�o Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council . Feel free to attach additional data or resume. / I hereby certify that e foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the Cit Atascadero. • Date: Signature. � � • JIM MACY 5715 Santa Cruz, 149, Atascadero, CA PERSONAL: Born December 23, 1940 in New Jersey. Moved to Fresno, California in 1957 and to Pismo Beach in 1990. My wife, Loni, and I purchased a mobile home in Atascadero and have been residents of this city since December 1, 1992. EDUCATION: Attended Verde Valley High Boarding School in Sedona, Arizona until my senior year when I transferred to and received my high school diploma from Bullard High School in Fresno. My application to Fresno State College was accepted. There I held two majors: Philosophy with a minor in Mathematics and English with a minor in Psychology. EMPLOYMENT: Currently, I am self-employed as an insurance agent and a massage therapist, with clients in the Atascadero and San Luis Obispo areas. Prior to this, I was employed briefly by E.G. & G. Power Systems in San Luis Obispo. In Pismo Beach, I was the owner of a small retail business, however the economy dictated its early • closing. In Fresno, I was employed by the Fresno County Probation Department for 16 years as a Probation Officer. My last seven years in the Department were in administration. After leaving the Probation Department, I owned and operated a lock and security business for 10 years, selling it to move to Pismo Beach. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: After leaving the Probation Department, I was appointed to the City of Fresno's Drug Task Force and served on that committee for about two years until it had fulfilled its mission; and was decommissioned. As a Fresno business owner, I served as a member and on the Board of Directors for the Executive Association of Fresno, an organization dedicated to generate business for the community. As a resident of Pismo Beach, I was appointed to that City's Drug Task Force and served until that committee was disbanded. I was also appointed to the Blue Ribbon Committee to review and propose a Specific Plan for the Downtown Area of Pismo Beach. I served on that committee until the recommendations to the City Council were finalized and presented. While a business owner in Pismo, I was a member of the Formation Committee of the Business Improvement District and, subsequently, a member of the Original Board of Directions for the newly formed District until our store closed several months later. 70 . INTEREST IN THIS COMMUNITY: I have a long history of involvement in the community in which I live--in Fresno, as a function of the Probation Department,--in Pismo Beach, as a business owner and citizen. I believe that my background and experience can be of service to this City. I am eager to share my time and energy to keep Atascadero on a winning course. My educational background in Philosophy and Logic is very useful in cutting through the superficial. I would bring to the Council an even disposition and an ability to seek compromise when necessary. I have the ability to persevere when the road is difficult and ability to communicate clearly. I am eager to work towards goals which will benefit Atascadero-- OUR community. resume � 1 Please return to: n - . � D CITY CLERK 6500 Palma Avenue C11D Room 208 (1./ 3 Atascadero, CA 93422Cay OFqT CiTy CLERICS OFFICE A P P L I C A T I O N CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Name: Y Z� L k 14, Address Telephone: Occupation: L��� O/�i�i Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council . Feel free to attach additional data or resume. I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the City of Atascadero. Signature: Date : � Thank you for considering me to fill the vacant position on the city council. In the Summer of 1976 we (my wife, Marilyn, and my son, Tom) moved to this lovely city from San Luis Obispo. I graduated from Califorinia Polytechnic Institute with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology, a minor in chemistry, and a teaching credential. Shortly before buying a home in this small slice of Heaven I started teaching high school classes at Templeton High School, where I continue to do so today. In the years that have passed we have added three more children (Brian, Michael, and Sarah) to our nuclear family. Some of my activities that, I feel, qualify me to serve on the city council include: serving on the board of directors of the local swim club while my children were members; coaching soccer for 6 years on local soccer clubs while my children played soccer; holding office on • the San Luis Obispo County Chapter of the Libertarian Party; and vying for election on the Atascadero City Council in 1992. These last seventeen years in our beautiful community have given me wide and varied contacts with the fine citizens and I have learned that these wonderful people are more than capable of governing themselves without the oppressive hand of city government. One of the great founding fathers of our country said about rulers: "That government that governs least governs best." I want Atascadero to have the best government possible by having the smallest, least restrictive government possible here in our wonderful city. Thank you. 2�i • Please return to: CITY CLERK 19 s R p -• vl 19 6500 Palma Avenue Room 208 w`. C`� -' 16 Atascadero, CA 93422 A P P L I C A T I O N CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Name:_ Frank Scicchitano Jr. Address : 8705 Sierra Vista, Atascadero, CA 93422 Telephone: (805) 466-7447 Occupation: Self Employed Contractor Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council . Feel free to attach additional data or resume. For the past 13 years I have been in business in Atascadero. I have lived here as a businessman, parent and property owner. • After all these years of participating in it's activities, I cannot help but feel the responsibilities of citizenship. Service to this community is a debt that I would like to repay for all of its contributions to my life and the lives of those in my family. Now at a time when people are depressed about the economy and cynical about Qovern- ments responsiveness to their needs, is a time for those who can to serve. With the experience and knowledge I have acquired through my active involvement in Atascadero, I feel very qualified to go to work on problems that affect our cpm- unity; to be a part of the solution, not standing by letting others do the work. I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the City of ascadero. • L Signature: Date : Septemr 16, _ FRANK J. SCICCIEMANO JR. EDUCATION: 1966 High School Graduate Notre Dame, Sherman Oaks, California 1966- 1967 Attended Valley Jr. College 1968 Grad. Computer Prog. School 1976 Grad. U.C.L.A. Extension and Degree Purchasing Management and Negotiation MILITARY: 6 years active reserve California Army National Guard 1968- 1974 Rank Attained Specialist E-5 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 1969- 1974 Computax Corp. (Los Angeles) Computer operator IBM360/40 1974- 1978 Comm. Technology Corp. L.A. Buyer/Purchasing Agent 1978- Present Owner: Awnings Etc., Specialty Contracor Self Employed. Business started in Paso Robles and moved to Arascadero in 1980. Located in same location on Traffic Way today. LICENSE OBTAINED: Contractors License#375379 Rec. 1978 Active B General Contractor C61 Specialty California State Department of Real Estate #01156644 3/24/93 (salesperson) Location Academe Better Homes and Gardens (active) PERSONAL: Born 9/22/48 in Chicago, Illinois Two children: Daughter Gina M. 20 yrs. Son Frank N. 16 yrs. Both children educated by Atascadero School System. Gina is presently a Junior at Cal Poly and working here in Atascadero. Frank is a sophomore at Atascadero High School. .j MEMBERSHIP AFFILIATION 1980- 1990 Atascadero Lions Club (Functions and Fundraisers) 78' -79' B.B.Q., 4th of July at Atascadero Lake Park 83' - 87' Chairperson-Advertising - SLO VS Santa Cruz High School Allstar Football Game 80' -Present Colony Day Parade Worked Various Functions 1978- 1980 Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce 1980- 1993 Atascadero Chamber of Commerce U.S. Chamber of Commerce Atascadero and Paso Robles Board of Realtors Atascadero High School Athletic Boosters - Aa: Please return to: CITY CLERK 1913q p ; ._'. o� 1979r-� 6 6500 Palma Avenue Room 208 «`. � � cm nF ERO Atascadero, CA 93422 CITY CIERK'SOFFICE A P P L I C A T I O N CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Name:— 'Den n l s 1. Lya o f Address: 7410 SOmbrt I(a Telephone: 11w 1 -7-71 Occupation: fFppLl2ee yPch Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council . Feel free to attach additional data or resume. � Dnre- 14e(-4U(-t QX-ec�� r � r +v re • c rTTG145caAe ra :1= uVA /-,()Lop nn c o n&c ") ' �- Rawr An cA --fie _A-)Zen5 o n - a; r`e y)(A ii L� ),P IncaA Ca in oar r (-e l� re o I hereby �rtify tJhat the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the City of Atascadero. Signature: Date: 9 y F1 an; • Please return to: CITY CLERK . 0 _ . - 01 1979r-7 6500 Palma Avenue CAD { 5 M3 Room 208 ` Atascadero, CA 93422 A?ASCAMWS�� A P P L I C A T I O N CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Name: AUGUST SALEMI Address: 8370 DEL RIO ROAD Telephone: 466-7211 Occupation: RETIRED Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council. Feel free to attach additional data or resume. (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the City of At kero. Signature: Date: 9/13/93 August Salami } Education: B.S . from Northwestern University in education. Mathematics. M.S. from Northern Illinois University in school administration. Three years post-graduate work at Northern Illinois University in school administration. Experience: Jr . High School Mathematics Teacher . K-8 Principal and Acting Superintendent. Other Experience: Owner-operator of a one person home repair business . Freelance writer . Reasons for seeking City Council appointment: I believe I can bring a neutral , and unbiased judgement to the issues facing the Council . I haven't been on the Planning Commission. I haven't served on the City Council . I am not beholden to any developers or anti-developers , in fact , I don't even know any. I am not aware of the machinations and pressures of any special interest groups . Anything that came before me, should I become a Council member , would be judged solely on its merit and how it would affect the community as a whole, as well as how it would affect the individual homeowner , businessman, etc:. My "lack of experience" in our local city government is a very positive plus. No preconceived prejudices will cloud my judgement or my vote . I have no axes to grind, nor do I owe any favors to the moneyed or the influential . I do have two strong feelings about government which will affect my judgement and vote on issues . I am opposed to government interference in the personal lives of the citizenry . And, having been a lifelong tightwad , any expenditures which even hint at being inappropriate or excessive will be subject to my severest scrutiny. Thank you. I look forward to the possibility of working with you for the betterment of our comm nity . i . r7V Please return to: . CITY CLERK 6500 Palma Avenue Room 208 Atascadero, CA 93422 A P P L I CAT I 0 N SEP ►y IM CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL CITY Of ATASCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Name :- BLAIR A. SIMS Address : Telephone : Occupation: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council . Feel free to attach additional data or resume. In 1987 1 completed studies and was awarded an Associates Arts degree in Criminal Justice. On May 30th, 1992,1 completed my first year of Law School. I have been • involved in the Business community since 1985 as a business owner in Atascadero. I was employed by the City of Atascadero as a Police Officer in 1983 and recently left that employment to take a position with the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs. I have been active in the community as a volunteer,parent,lousiness owner and law enforcement officer. I have always had a desire to"give back'to my community and as a Police Officer I was able to do so. Now that I no longer work for the City of Atascadero as a paid employee,I feel that by being a council member I will be able to continue to give to the community in which I live. I have always been concerned with the future of Atascadero and if appointed,I will work diligently to represent the community and strive to ensure the very best for the citizens,future citizens and visitors of our Atascadero. I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the City of Atascadero. Signature : Date : � l BLAIR ALAN SIMS • Ata=ero - 22 WORK ADDRESS 3220 South Higuera St., Suite 300 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 549-3021 OBJECTIVE To be appointed to the vacant City Council seat resulting from Marty Kudlac's resignation. EDUCATION PALOMAR COLLEGE, San Marcos,Ca. Associate in Arts Degree,June, 1987 Criminal Justice WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT UNIVERSITY, Fountain Valley,Ca. Course of Study- Law-J.D. Completed First Year May,30, 1992 EXPERIENCE Current Employer- State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, • Division of Investigation, Metro Los Angeles Field Office,Alhambra CA.- 12J92 to Present Currently assigned as a Senior Investigator,conducting detailed investigations into allegations of criminal,procedural and administrative violations of persons licensed with or required to be licensed with the Department of Consumer Affairs. Prepare and execute search warrants and subpoenas. Prepare and seek prosecutions for criminal misdemeanor and felony violations. Testify at administrative hearings and criminal proceedings. Work closely with allied Law Enforcement Agencies, State of California Deputy Attorney General, City and District Attorneys, and State of California Boards and Bureaus. Previous Employers- ATASCADERO POLICE DEPARTMENT-7/83 to 12192 July 1983 to March 1990-Police Officer March 1990 to December 1992-Police Agent From to July 1983 to July 1985, 1 was assigned to the Patrol Division responsible for enforcement of local, State and Federal laws,crimeprevention and detection,the apprehension of suspected violators,traffic accident investigationtenforcement, and basic criminal investigation. The patrol assignment with Atascadero Police Department entails a large amount of complete case investigation as the department is fairy small. During this • assignment l conducted complete detailed investigations of criminal activity, REV.09/16/93 rl prepared cases for court, and requested criminal filings from the District • Attorney's Office. During this assignment I was one of the investigative Officers involved in a homicide which ultimately resulted in a conviction of the perpetrator. From July 1985 to July 1987, 1 was assigned to the newly formed Traffic Unit. This assignment was a special assignment with an emphasis of traffic enforcement and traffic accident investigation of major Collisions. During this assignment I was responsible for the investigation of all serious injury and fatal traffic collisions. While in this assignment, I was responsible for the investigation,arrest, and conviction of a subject charged with manslaughter. From July 1987 to July 1990, 1 was assigned as the Crime Against Persons Investigator, responsible for the detailed investigation of all crimes against persons and Domestic Violence. I was responsible for advanced interviewing of victims,suspects,detailed search warrants,the serving of these search warrants. I worked jointly with agencies such as Child Protective Services, Alcohol Beverage Control,Welfare Fraud Investigators,other local law enforcement agencies,the FBI, and law enforcement agencies form approximately five other states. I was responsible for follow up investigations requested by the District Attorney's Office in conjunction with criminal trials. From July 1990 to December 1992, 1 was assigned to the Patrol Division as an Agent, responsible for general law enforcement duties as well as the supervision of Police Officers when assigned as Watch Commander. Other duties included special projects, staff reports,training presentations,community relations, detailed criminal investigations, personnel complaint investigations,traffic enforcement. During this assignment I attended the P.O.S.T. Supervisors course in San Diego Ca. CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTMENT-9/80 to 7/83 Assigned to the Patrol Division as a Patrol Officer. Duties included General Patrol, Traffic Accident Investigation, and Criminal Investigations. Enforcement of City and State laws and codes. UNITED STATES MILITARY POLICE-12/72 to 11/77° During the four years of service with the United States Army, I was assigned to patrol initially. This assignment entailed regular patrol techniques, code enforcement, and investigations of violation of military Law. In many cases, as a Patrol MP, I was responsible for the investigation of crimes from start to finish, completing the investigation and submitting it for prosecution. I was also assigned to a Military Police Investigations Unit for approximately 12 months. This assignment consisted of follow up,detailed investigations of violations of Military as well as Local (German) Laws. Advanced interviewing and investigative techniques were learned and used. This assignment also required special surveillance activities, narcotics enforcement, embezzlement investigations, and investigations into Black Market activity. While assigned to this unit, I had the opportunity to work closely with the local law enforcement agencies. REV.09/16/93 . BUSINESS November 1985 to August 1986-Owner- Blair Sims Video Productions- Atascadero, CA. Commercial Video Productions for promotional work,weddings, instructional, etc. April 1986 to October 1990-Owner/Partner-Small Town Records and Tapes- Atascadero, CA. Retail Sales of records,tapes, and compact discs and related items. June 1988 to Present-Owner- Sims, Mason and Associates-Atascadero,CA. Computer, Electronic and Communications Consultants. PERSONAL INFORMATION I am 38 years old, married for 13 years, and have three children. My oldest started his first year of college at St. Mary's College in Moraga, CA. in 1993. 1 have two daughters, 15 years old and 11 years old. All children have attended school in the Atascadero Unified School District. I moved my family to Atascadero in 1983, from Carlsbad, Ca. My wife and I felt that Atascadero was the type of environment in which we wanted to raise our children. I have been involved in the community since moving to the area. HONORS Recognition for outstanding Law Enforcement contributions in the field of Child Abuse Prevention awarded by the San Luis Obispo County Child Abuse Prevention Council. -April 1990- Recognition for outstanding Law Enforcement contributions in the area of "Support Of Victims Rights", awarded by the San Luis Obispo County Victims Service Agencies.-April 1990 Recognition for"Volunteer of the Year",Atascadero Junior High School, 1990- 1991 Recognition for"Outstanding Contribution to Students"Atascadero Unified School District, 1991-1992 ACTIVITIES Volunteer Photography Instructor,Atascadero Junior High School Leadership Class. 1991 and 1992. Video Productions for Atascadero Unified School District 1990, 1991 and 1992. Member-California Sexual Assault Investigators Association. Member- San Luis Obispo Child Abuse Prevention Council. Member- Holy Angels Catholic Church, Santa Margarita. • REV. 09/16/93 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES P.O.S.T Advanced Certificate-8/25/86 P.O.S.T Intermediate Certificate-2/7/85 P.O.S.T. Basic Certificate-9/16/81 REFERENCES Judge Michael Duffy Mert Powell SLO County Superior Court Western Office products County Government Center 8384 EI Camino Real Superior Court Offices Atascadero, Ca. 93422 San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401 (805)466-5432 Judge Teresa Estrada-Mulaney Inv. Larry Hobson County Government Center County Gov. Center Municipal Court Offices Room 408 San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401 San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401 (805)549-5800 (805)549-5800 Marilyn Tonneson Chief Jon Lovgren 4555 EI Camino Real#G State Hospital Police Atascadero, Ca. 93422 Atascadero State Hospital 93422 (805) 461-1711 (805)461-2000 • REV.09/16/93 paRll, Please return to: - CITY CLERK 1979r7 6500 Palma AvenueRoom 208 ) (1 M Atascadero, CA 93422 no [M SEP 1 7 M A P P L I C A T I O N CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY OF ATASCADERO CRYCIER -WHIMS CITY COUNCIL Name:— Address: ame:Address: 23 140 CL �Af1i1N� }'���L- ��T ED Telephone: L l6t- 5232 Occupation: LAPau2e-P, cotgK Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council . Feel free to attach additional data or resume. eel wCRJe11% 1.J 7 rAmm-e1- s cA vy rls � �0 l/ Pa✓p,S . AZ' S?19T�' /7�,-.ecrYfi✓��' %S fIi! /�s1 � ,�e r�u, � IWAIS / �a of o Q✓� / S�'o� �,DI'7Nls ZZ& ,✓ /�7Y1 /7����tis �-ilr�/C��✓i✓E�c� /�f,��U f ��e rl�"�-//,5 ca // OCC 4 551 ') Q% PhI . -eA) 101 Z re c ,e 1AJ I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the City of Atascadero. Signature: C�A/674, /J)'M. Date: �� 17 -q5 Please return to: Q D W I CITY CLERK �!leis p - al ig 9 D 6500 Palma Avenue I Room 208 , amu.; SEP 1703 Atascadero, CA 93422 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE A P P L I C A T I O N CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Name: !�i����D ������ J- Addres s: \5M6' N J cwzn 45. Ar4sn4y&-Rcj, A93 2 Telephone: 466 -Zlz/ Occupation: lJtgI c Lg Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council . Feel free to attach additional data or resume. S�c� Lh:- c • I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the City of Ata cad ro. • Signature: Date: /n HAROLD L. CARDEN, III 5355 SAN JACINTO AVENUE - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 Mayor and City Council Members 6500 Palma AvenueSeptember 17, 1993 Atascadero, Ca 93422 The Honorable Robert Nimmo: Attached is a copy of my resume for consideration to serve as a member of the Atascadero City Council. The resume provides a summary of my education and experience which, I believe the Council will find meets many of their needs, as well as those of our community. I have lived in Atascadero for five years now, and as the members of the Council know, have become increasingly involved in the organizations I believe will most impact the quality of life in our community. The issues which the Council is to act upon over the next few years will greatly impact the social, economic and environmental quality of life in this area. The actions of this council are especially important in light of the current general economic conditions and specifically the reduced revenues to the city treasury. Restrained budgets will be a fact of life for the foreseeable future and an issue I am specifically well trained, through extensive business • experience, to assist in addressing. It is important to deal with the inevitable growth which will impact this community, as the economy turns around. The City of Atascadero and the members of it's council must be willing and able to deal with the infrastructure planning which will be required to support future growth; and current as well as future demands upon the services provided by the city. Issues of land use, population growth, circulation and the increases in the financial base required to meet these demands must be dealt with by a team with our communities current and future best interest in mind. I desire to be a contributing member of that team. I do not take the responsibility of civic duty lightly and feel deeply the social obligation to contribute to the community. I spend considerable time in detail review of all materials to come before the Planning Commission as well as a physical review of all sites and would put the same level of effort into all activities of the council of the city of Atascadero. I also believe my strong background in budget analysis and cost control would be a timelyand useful addition to the current skill set of our council. It is with a strong dedication to the obligation of civic duty and responsibility; the desire to maintain the quality of life my family and I have come to enjoy in Atascadero; and an open mind to deal with the future realities of our community, that I respectfully submit my name for consideration as a member of the Atascadero City Council. Hal Carden, III HAROLD L. CARDEN, III 5355 SAN JACINTO AVENUE ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 (805) 466-2111 (HOME) (805) 545-6624 (WORK) SUMMARY Over 20 years of increasing responsibility and experience in the areas of planning, budget management, cost control and project management, in the pulp and paper, petrol chemical and utility industries. Proven ability to reduce costs, motivate employees and increase department operating efficiency. Experience in use of latest management tools. BUSINESS EXPERIENCE Pacific Gas &Electric Co. Nov. 1986 to Present Director, Cost & Scheduling/Nuclear Construction Services. Present position includes the administrative, technical and career development responsibility for a department sixty-five management and six non-exempt employees. Directly responsible for the development and maintenance of a $6,000,000 department budget. Department is responsible for the development, tracking and analysis of a $100,000,000 capital budget and a $60,000,000 Operations and Maintenance budget. Major Accomplishments: o Developed and implemented a staffing concept which improved project coordination and reduced head count by 15 consultants, resulting in an annual savings of$800,000 per year to PG&E. o Developed "benchmark" activity through analysis of eight other utilities throughout the United States. This activity is the baseline for the NPG Business Unit of PG&E reorganization. Flour Constructors 1981 to 1986 Administrator of Project Controls Administration/Manager of Projects. This position included the administrative, technical and development responsibilities for a group of eight cost/controls supervisors. Directly supervised all planning, estimating and cost functions. Resume for Harold L. Carden, III BUSINESS EXPERIENCE continued Major Accomplishments: o Developed and implemented a complete project management control system for the fledgling maintenance division of Fluor Corporation. o Responsible for staffing this new division. o Responsible for client and corporate cash flow, budget prep and analysis. Scott Paper Co. 1974 to 1981 Chairman of Engineering Standards Committee and Planning Administrator: The position included the administrative and technical responsibility for the development and • implementation of engineering and construction standards and procedures, planning and scheduling of all major capital projects as well as long range corporate strategic planning. EDUCATION Graduate Studies -Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA Finance(Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting) Undergraduate - Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA - B.S. Management Science OTHER ACTIVITIES Member of the Board of Directors of the Atascadero Community Services Foundation, Inc. Member- Atascadero Planning Commission REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST i Please return to• n'°F1 CITY CLERK �-! 19�s a 1979SEP 7 A - 0t r7 6500 Palma Avenue Room 208 .', % AT1451a� Atascadero, CA 93422 A P P L I C A T I O N CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Name: Robert E. Johnson Address: 8181 San Dimas Lane Atascadero CA 93422 Telephone: __(805) 461-1823 Occupation: Civil Engineer Please give a summary of your education, experience and reasons for wishing to serve on the Atascadero City Council. Feel free to attach additional data or resume. I am a graduate of San Bernardino Valley College in Civil Engineering and a Registered Professional Civil Engineer. I have worked for the State of California for the past 32 years and Presently work for Caltrans in San Luis Obispo as a Prol ect Engineer Supervisor. For the past 3 years I have served on the City' s Planning Commission and I am beginning my second year as Chairperson. Growth within our community is essential to maintain a vital economy in Atascadero. But this growth must be carefully controlled to protect the beautiful rural character we now enjoy. As a City Councilperson I would diligently work to maintain our rural character, improve the Downtown area as put forth in the Downtown Master Plan, encourage businesses that would enhance Atascadero to locate in the City, and improve the safety of our children going to and from school. I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct, and that I am a resident of the City of Atascadero. Signature: �� Date: 9�/����3 4a RESOLUTION NO. 117-93 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC TO THE CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, due to the resignation of City Councilman Marty Kudlac, there exists one vacancy on the Atascadero City Council; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 36512, the City Council may appoint a resident of Atascadero, over the age of 18, to serve the unexpired term; WHEREAS, public advertisements soliciting interest in appointment to the City Council have been posted; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk did receive fifteen (15) applications for consideration; and • WHEREAS, the City Council did, on September 20, 1993, interview and consider the candidates for appointment to the City Council and did then vote for specific nominations. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby appoint the following citizen to serve the remaining two years, ten months of the unexpired term: Said term to expire June 4, 1996. On motion by Councilperson and seconded by Councilperson _ , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: . Resolution No. 117-93 Page 2 ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: LEE RABOIN, City Clerk ROBERT P. NIMMO, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER R. MONTANDON, City Attorney i i 1 1_ RESOLUTION NO. 35-81 RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR THE SELECTION OF COMMITTEE,. COMMISSION AND BOARD MEMBERS The Council of the City of Atascadero hereby resolves as follows : Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this resolution is to establish procedures for the City Council to follow in recruiting , selecting and appointing members to the standing committees, commissions or boards created pursuant to statute or by action of the City Council. Section 2. Recruitment and Eligibility. Announcements of openings for any committees, commissions or boards to which members are appointed by the City Council will be through the local news media. All electors of the City of Atascadero, over the age of 18 , and meeting any announced additional criteria as established by the City Council shall be eligible to apply. Section 3 . Interviews . All candidates meeting the criteria established in Section 2 will be interviewed by the City Council during a properly noticed meeting . Section 4. Selection. a. Council members will vote for the candidate (s) of their choice by placing their name and circling the name of their selection (s) .on a ballot form provided by the City Clerk. Candidates ' names will be placed in alphabetical order on the ballot form. b. After the City Council has had an opportunity to make its individual determination, the City Clerk will col- lect the ballots and will announce first the Council member ' s name and second the name (s) of the candidate (s) of that Council member ' s choice (s) . C. The candidate or candidates receiving a majority of the votes of the Council members present shall be appointed. In the event that no candidate or candidates receive a majority vote or in the event of a tie vote, then a run- off ballot or ballots will be cast, following the proce- dure of sub-paragraph a. above., until a majority is reached. The run-off candidates will consist of all candidates receiving at least two (2) votes and if no l candidates have received at least two (2) votes, then / those receiving at least one (1) vote will participate in the run-off balloting. This procedure shall be con- -tinued until a majority vote is cast. A�1) Resolution No. , Cc fission Selection Procedure On motion by Councilman Mackey ,, and seconded by Councilman • Nelson , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES : Councilman Highland, Makey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: November 9 , 1981 G ROBERT J. WIL�KINS, JR. , Mayor _ ATTEST. FIt- RAY JL. WARDEN, City Clerk AP/PROVED AS TO FORM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney 2