HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/08/1993 RRIC RDIEW C(lPY P EASL DO NQUOME F8�1.S�INTER AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED MEETING CITY ADMINISTRATION 'BUILDING 6500 PALMA AVENUE, 4TH FLOOR ROTUNDA RC OM .JULY-8, "1993 7:00 P.M. This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the requirements of Go "ernment Code Section 54954.2. By listing a topic on this agenda, the City Council ha4 expressed its intent to discuss and act on each item. In addition to any action identified in the brief general description of each item, the action that may be taken shall includo A referral to staff with specific requests for information, continuance; specific direction to staff concerning the policy or mission of the item;discontinuance of consideratioauthorization to enter into negotiations and execute agreements pertaining to the ite adoption or approval; and, disapproval. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each iter of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk (Room 08) and in the Information Office (Room 103), available for public inspection during City Nall business hours. The City Clerk will answer any questions regarding the agenda. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act if you need speciq assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office ((805) 461-5010) or the City Clerk's Office ((805) 461- 0741. Notifica- tion at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are neede will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the a ends. * A person may speak for five (5) minutes. * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so. * No one may speak more than twice on any item. * Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker!,may respond but, after the allotted time has expired, may not initiate furtheriscussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation andlopen for Council discussion. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call I' 1 s A. BUSINESS: 1. RECEIVE'FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 FINANCIAL AUDIT 2. ADOPT FINAL BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR 'FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 3. REVIEW AND ADOPT CITY'BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 * NOTICE: THE COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN TO A CLOSED SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSION REGARDING PERSONNEL MATTERS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6, AND DISCUSSION REGARDING LITIGATION, ENTITLED CITY v. FLUITT, et al, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9. 2 i P REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Agenda Stem: 1 CITY OF ATASCADERO Through: Andy Takata, Assistant City Mgr. Meeting Date: 7/8/93 From: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Direptor :SUBJECT: Accepting FY 91-92 Financial Audit Results. RECOIMNDATION: By motion, receive and file the Audited FY 91-92 Financial Statements for the City of Atascadero. BACKGROUND: Each year the City's financial statements are audited by outside auditors. The results for the fiscal year ',Onding June 30, 1992 have already been sent to Council under separate cover (due to the length of the document) . Additional copies for public review are at the Information Office at City Hall. Representatives from the audit firm of Glenn, Burdette, Phillips and Bryson will be present to give an oral'! presentation and answer questions. ANALYSIS: General Fund - Exhibit A presents the Income Statement for the General Fund only, comparing Budget-to-Actual. As can be seen, the Fund Changes in Fund Balance, General Fund Balance dropped FY'1989- 93 dramatically, resulting in a negative balance of $45,518. Current ^- projections indicate that the balance will remain unchanged at the end of p» this fiscal year. Looked at historically, as - Figure One shows, the fund balance climbed to approximately $2.5 f1�1',Y� million in FY 89-90, then dropped in the last two Figure One years and now has leveled off. There are three primary reasons for the drop. ' First, the State' s budget problems have impacted the City,','s financial condition. During the last three years (ending June 30, 1992) , the State has taken over $550, 000 in either direct • revenues or in the form of "fees" that the County can charge the City. Figure Two graphically portrays this trend. Second, one-time Capital state Budget "Hits" on Atascadero projects, particularly the Pavilion, were financed using the General Fund's reserves. Over $l million was transferred out during g � the last two years (FY `° �a 90-91 and FY 91-92) . Finally, the statewide recession has hurt - Atascadero just as bad as -every other City, which WWo t, r.. ZMCth-ate«, '� . ❑co.a..�.. has forced us to revise I — '""" revenue estimates Figure Two downward. Other Funds - The table below presents changes in fund balance for all funds, including the General Fund. Beginning Ending Balance Balance Dollar Fund Name 7/1/91 6/30/92 Change General Fund 1,604,473 (45,518) (1,649,991) Gas Tax 437,925 347,977 (89,948) Traffic Safety-1 42,281 0 (42,281) Zoo Operating (14,871) (11,355) 3,516 Lake Pavilion 0 ( 19,568) (19,568) Dial-A-Ride-2 130,411 (32,515) (162,926 ) WasteWater-2 8,949,618 8,895,844 (53,774 ) Park Concessions-2 18,030 16,171 (1, 859) Developer Fees 948,083 679,104 (268,979) St. Maint. Districts 12,684 36,456 23,772 TDA/Nan-Transit 524, 064 828,311 304,247 Capital Projects 178,827 591,715 (119, 112) Other Capital Funds 235,652 174,429 (61,223) Trust Funds 57,819 64,159 6,340 Debt Service Funds 199,751 205,217 5,466 TOTALS 13,324,747 11,198,427 (2, 126,320) 1. The Traffic Safety Fund was closed out to the General Fund. 2. Totals for Enterprise Funds are Retained Earnings, which includes Investment in Fixed Assets, in order to tie into the Auditor's figures. Auditor's Recommendations - Exhibit B is the listing of findings and recommendations from the Auditors, including the City' s responses. These issues can be discussed in more detail at the meeting. A:92AUDITRESULTS #36 EXHIBIT A CITY OF ATASCADERO CALIFORNIA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES BUDGET AND ACTUAL ALL BUDGETED GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1992 General Fund Variance Favorable Budget Ac al (Unfavorable) Revenues Taxes and special assessments $ 4,490,300 $ 41473,687 $ (16,613) Licenses and permits 335,000 329,,435 (5,565) Fines and forfeits 32,050 22,403 (9,647) Intergovernmental revenues 875,700 879,526 3,826 Charges for services 755,000 665,136 (89,864) Use of money and property 54,000 59',083 5,083 Other revenue 473.000 452,842 (20,158) Total revenues 7.015.050 6.882,112 1,'132,938) Expenditures Administration 363,085 342;,538 20,547 Administrative services 668,635 635',,853 32,782 Community services 1,532,525 1,560,313 (27,788) Community development 809,917 803,837 6,080 Police 2,169,300 2,182,295 (12,995) Fire 1,202,500 1,15',770 47,730 Public works 348,205 36 ,379 (17,174) Nondepartmental 554,820 537,400 17,420 Capital outlay 170,200 154,464 15,736 Debt service: Principal 38,300 23,674 14,626 Interest and fiscal charges 12.500_ 1§.048 (3,548) Total expenditures 7.869,987 7,77§.571 93,416 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (854,937) (89 .459) (39.522) Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers from other funds - Note 5 234,800 240,641 5,841 Transfers to other funds - Note 5 (1,373,500) (1,091,890) 281,610 Proceeds from capital lease - Note 7 90,000 95,717 5,717 Proceeds from asset disposition Total other financing sources (uses) (1.048,700) (75$.532) 293,168 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses (1,903,637) (1,649,991) 253,646 Fund Balances - July 1 - Note 13 1.604.473_ 1,60.4,473 Fund Balances - June 30 - Note 12 $ (299,164) $ (42® y25�_ The accompanying notes are an integral part of this financial statement. -11- EXHIBIT B CITY OF ATASCADERO. CALIFORNIA SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS JUNE 30, 1992 I. Cash Disbursement Procedures Finding During our review of the cash disbursement system, we obtained an understanding of the system and detected several weaknesses. It -appears that purchase orders are not always prepared in -a timely manner (i.e. , before placing an order for goods or services) . This may result in unauthorized requisitions, budgeting errors and problems detecting possible invoice errors. We also noted that none of the departments use receiving reports to document actual goods received, and the date received is not always indicated on the invoice. Such a report should be used to verify that all goods ordered are received and that invoices reflect the proper quantities. We also noted that invoices are not always cancelled adequately once paid, to avoid duplicate payments. We noted instances where the statement or purchase order was stamped but not the original invoice. Recommendation In order to strengthen the system of cash disbursements, we recommend that the City implement the proper use of purchase orders and receiving reports and that it begin cancelling all invoices with a "Paid" stamp or punch. City's Response The City has implemented procedures requiring personnel to prepare purchase orders timely and to stamp all invoices and purchase orders "paid." The City will continue to strive for full compliance with the established procedures. Additional training may be provided, and departments that consistently fail to comply will be referred to the City Manager's Office. Finding During our testwork on the cash disbursement system, we noted that an open purchase order was written for a specific dollar limit, but invoices against that purchase order exceeded the purchase order dollar limit. Recommendation We recommend that open purchase orders with specific dollar limits be reviewed by the accounts payable department and, if dollar limits have been exceeded on invoices, the appropriate department heads be notified and consideration be given to change approved purchasers. -92- CITY OF ATASCADERO_s_CALI_F_ORNIA SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECO(�ENDATIONS JUNE 30, 1992 PAGE 2 Citv's Response The City already has an informal, but documented, system of adjusting open purchase order amounts, but will implement a formal written '"purchase order -adjustment" form. Finding During our review of the cash disbursement system, we noted an equipment purchase with an attached purchase order for less than the total purchase from:the equipment vendor. Additional accessories had been purchased without a purchase order. Recommendation We recommend that add-on items on a purchase order require an additional purchase order before the additional items are ordered. City's Response The City will utilize a "Purchase Order Adjustment" form to document the add-on purchases and allow for prior approval and encumbering of funds. , II. Cash Receipts and Deposit Procedures Finding During our review of the cash receipts system, we observed that sequentially numbered receipts are issued to payors and that duplicates are retained by the City but there is no accounting of the numerical sequence of such receipts. Recommendation In order to ensure that all monies collected are remitted to the: central cashier and deposited, we recommend that the City account for the numerical sequence of receipts by entering the receipt numbers into the computer system and reviewing this periodically. City's Response The City's computer system assigns a "receipt number" to the batches entered daily; therefore, it is not possible to enter the actual receipt number'' in the system. In lieu of this, the City will review the daily cash deposit and reconciliation sheet to assure all manual receipts are accounted for on the form, and a new form will be created to document lost or voided receipts. Additionally, the City hopes to centralize the cash receipting functions at City Hall. -93- CITY OF ATASCADERO.' CALIFORNIA SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS JUNE 30. 1992 PAGE 3 Finding During our review of the cash receipts system, we also noted that no record is maintained for the ,amount of currency received from each department and reconciled to total cash deposited. Recommendation A summary worksheet should be prepared listing each department and amount of currency from each department. The total on the worksheet should equal total cash entered on the deposit slip. As the cash is counted, a portion of this worksheet should be completed showing the breakdown of cash counted. City's Response The City has procedures in place to double check the accuracy of the total cash received, deposited and posted to the general ledger, and will begin documenting the source of cash receipts at the time cash is received. III. Urban Mass Transportation Act (UMTA) Grants Finding During our testwork of Urban Mass Transportation Act (UMTA) grants received by the City, we noted that the City is required to comply with the UMTA grant requirements. One of these requirements is that the City have a system in place to "take all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure that disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) have maximum opportunity to compete for and perform contracts for UMTA grants." We noted that the City does not currently utilize a system to meet the UMTA requirement above. Furthermore, there is not a person or department that is currently responsible for reviewing grant documents for compliance requirements to ensure that the City is satisfactorily complying with those requirements. Recommendation We recommend that the City implement a system to satisfy the UMTA grant requirement above. We also recommend that the City assign responsibility of reviewing and documenting compliance with grant requirements for all grants that the City has or will receive in the future. City's Response The City has strengthened its procurement procedures to include Disadvantaged Business Enterprises reporting requirements. Grant compliance will be assigned to someone in the. Community Development/Public Works Department, with accounting support provided by the Finance Department. • -94- CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS JUNE 30, 1992 PAGE 4 IV. Effluent Water Service Charge Billings and Cash Receipts Findine During our testwork of accounts receivable, we noted that accounting procedures could be improved for the effluent water service charge billings and subsequent cash receipts associated with the golf course. The City is a party to a contract whereby the City is to be reimbursed for all costs associated with the delivery of effluent water to the golf course facility. The agreement is silent as to the terms of the billing period and the repayment requirements. During our testwork we noted that the City did not request reimbursement for approximately $13,500 in costs incurred for the period of July 1'', 1991 through December 31, 1991, until May 7, 1992. Additionally, approximately $16,600 of costs incurred between January 1, 1992 and June 30, 1992, were not requested from the contractor for reimbursement until September 30, 1992. We also noted that as of February 11, 1993, no request for reimbursement for costs incurrd by the City since June 30, 1992, had been prepared. We noted that the City has received reimbursements from the contractor for the amounts billed, but that the contractor paid the amounts back to the City in four equal installments rather than as lump sums. The delay in preparing what have been essentially semi-annual bills and then receiving the reimbursements on an installment basis places the City in the position of incurring costs that arie not properly reimbursed for a minimum of six months. Recommendation We recommend that the City implement procedures to timely prepare billing statements for periods in which the City incurs costs associated with the effluent water services. Requesting reimbursement from the contractor on a timely basis should reduce the need for the payments to be made on an installment basis since the amounts would be less. The billing procedures should benefit the City by improving cash flaw related to this contract. City's Response The City's Finance Department will work with the Public Works Department to explore ways to facilitate collecting the data needed to invoice the golf course and implement a quarterly or monthly billing arrangement. Once implemented, payment in full will be required. S -95 CITY OF ATASCADERO. _CALIFORNIA SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS JUNE 30. 1992 is PAGE 5 V. Peggy Cash and Cash Box Reconciliations Findine During our testwork of petty cash .and cash box reconciliations, we noted that the balances of these accounts in the general ledger was a combined $300 more than what the actual cash on hand amounts were. Recommendation We recommend that the petty cash and cash box amounts be reconciled to the general ledger balance amounts and that any differences be investigated and adjusted. City's Response The City now reconciles the petty cash weekly, pursuant to new procurement procedures. VI. Payroll Finding During our review of salary expense, we were unable to reconcile the payroll returns t the general ledger. Recommendation In order to determine that salary expense or payroll taxes are being properly recorded in the general ledger and properly reported to federal and state agencies, the payroll returns should be reconciled to the general ledger on a quarterly basis. City's Response The City implemented procedures needed to facilitate the reconciliation process in May, 1993. VII. Budgetary Controls Over Expenditures Finding During our testwork of expenditures in excess of appropriations, we noted that several departments had an excess of expenditures over appropriations for the year ended June 30, 1992. -96- CITY OF ATASCADERO. CALIFORNIA SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS JUNE 30, 1992 PAGE 6 Recommendation We recommend that budgetary controls be utilized to monitor departmental budget limits for expenditures. These controls could provide timely information to management in order to evaluate the year to date expenditure amounts and the remaining budget amounts available for additional expenditures. In addition, we recommend that the use of cost accounting controls be utilized in order to more closely monitor ',budget versus actual expenditures on a timely basis. City's Response The City intends to revise budget control procedures to require council approval when- ever total departmental appropriations are revised. The City also plans to develop an "accrual policy" to clarify which revenues and expenditures will',be accrued on a monthly or quarterly basis. Departments will be encouraged to monitor their open purchase order balances, and departments that continually exceed their budget will be referred to the City Manager. VIII. General Ledler/Revenue Finding During our review of revenue, we noted that the City's general ledger balances did not agree with the general ledger received from the County. Although the differences were minor, we were unable to reconcile the county general ledger to the City's general ledger. Recommendations In order to ascertain that all activity is properly posted to the general ledger, the books and records should be reviewed and adjusted as necessary on a monthly or quarterly basis. City's Response The City has developed a spreadsheet to facilitate the reconciliation process on a monthly basis. -97- CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR FINDINGS AND RECOKKENDATIONS JUNE 30, 1992 Status If Not Fully Findine Recommendation Status Implemented 1. Internal con- Reconcile cash Partially See current year findings trols could be received to cash implemented and recommendations improved for register or regarding continued need cash receipts receipt totals; for improvements over and deposit record and monitor cash receipts and procedures. the preprinted deposits. numbers on cash receipts; forward all cash receipt items to cashier timely. 2. Internal Complete and Partially See current year findings controls approve purchase implemented and recommendations could be orders prior to regarding continued need improved ordering goods or for improvements over for services; monitor purchase orders and cash purchase open purchase disbursements. orders and orders for dollar cash dis- limits; require bursements proper purchase orders prior to payment of in- voices; cancel original invoices and purchase order/receiving reports upon payment; charge invoices against proper purchase order upon payment. Utilize budgetary Partially The City has implemented controls to moni- implemented new procedures to ensure for department greater control over 3. Noted limits. appropriations. expendi- tures in excess of appro- priations. -98- Status If Not Fully Finding Recommendation Status Imvlemented 4. Public works Develop cost Partially The City is continuing projects were accounting implemented its efforts to develop not supported procedures for cost accounting proce- by competitive projects subject dures and to seek com- bids in accor- to competitive petitive bids on dance with the bidding procedures projects. City's Munici- to comply with the pal Code, and City's Municipal the City had Code. allowed its uniform public construction cost account- ing procedures to lapse. 5. No written Develop a written Partially The City is currently accounting procedures manual. implemented developing a manual, procedures manual for City. 6. Outstanding Review outstanding Implemented balances due interfund receiv- to/from other able/payable funds remained balances and on balance consider trans- sheet at year ferring cash end. amounts to eli- minate these amounts at year end. i -99- d REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item: 2 CIXY OF ATASCADERO Through: Andy Takata, Ass't City Mgr. Meeting Datil: 6/29/93 From: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Direotor14/_/) SUBJECT: Adopting Final Budget Adjustments for Fiscal Year 1992-93 AECONXENDATION: Council -approve Resolution No. 74-93, adopting year end budget figures. BACKGROUND: Since the budget adjustments in May, staff has ',',been able to monitor both revenues and expenditures, particularly for the General Fund. With the advantage of the fiscal year virtually complete, several accounts need to be adjusted. In !,addition, staff is proposing a means whereby the General Fund' s ending balance for FY 92-93 should be in the black. ANALYSIS• Staff noted in May that property tax revenues were lagging behind estimates. This is caused by delays in prop*rty owners paying current year taxes. As a result, we expect property taxes to fall below estimate by $65,000. In addition, Staff ' s estimate for construction permits in May assumed the Carlton' Project would be in before June 30. Permits will actually be pulled after this date. Thus, the estimated revenue needs to be redueed. Offsetting these declines is sales tax, up $20x500, and Motor Vehicle In-Lieu, up by $10,000. The net effect, then, is a $50, 000 drop in revenue. On the appropriation side, some departments will go over budget and some should have ample reserves. As a result, adjustments between departments will be sufficient to assure "bottom line" expenditures are within budget. However, even though no net additional appropriations are required, the General Fund's fund balance would go into the hole $50, 000, resulting in a deficit of approximately $1p0, 000 (which includes the FY 91-92 deficit) . Therefore, staff is recommending the General Fund reduce its support for street maintenance by $100, 000 and transfer that cost to the Gas Tax fund'. By doing this, it is anticipated that the FY 92-93 fund balance will show a modest surplus. Exhibit A of Resolution No. 74-93 shows the specific adjustments, including amendments for Dial-A-Ride and the Tree Planting Fund. a RESOLUTION NO. 74-93 A ::RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADJUSTING APPROPRIATIONS FOR :SELECTED FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 Section 1. Appropriations are adjusted by the amounts shown in Exhibit A, made a part of this resolution. Section 2. These changes are effective upon adoption of this resolution. On motion by Councilperson seconded by Councilperson , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: MARTY KUDLAC, Mayor ATTEST: LEE PRICE, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MARK JOSEPH Administrative Services Director a:final-adjust #36 a FINAL BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS, FY 1992-93 EXHIBIT A CURRENT REVISED REVENUES/APPROPRIATIONS 'BUDGET ADJUSTMENT BUDGET GENERAL FUND Revenues Property Taxes 2,200,000 (65,000) 2,135,000 Sales Tax 1,825,000 20,00!0 1,845, 000 Construction Permits 231,400 (15,00,0) 216,400 Motor Veh. In-Lieu 812,300 10,000 822,300 All Other Revenues/Transfers 1,407,485 0 1,407,485 TOTALS 6,476, 185 (50,060) 6,426, 185 Appropriations City Clerk 44,650 1,500 46, 150 Treasurer 3,516 600 4, 116 City Attorney 75,000 3, 000 78, 000 City Manager 134,450 1,000 135,450 Police 2,141, 100 ( 15,600) 2, 125,500 Engineering 202,600 12, 000 214,600 Community Development 566,385 1,000 567,385 Comm'y Sery/Admin 31,505 (2, 000) 29,505 Parks 323,700 (10, 00N',0) 313,700 Streets 371,225 ( 100,060) 271,225 Personnel 60,305 50.0 60,805 Non-Department 513,525 8, 000 521,525 All Other Appropriations 2, 006,266 0 2, 006,266 ----------------------Y-------------- TOTAL ADJUSTMENT 6,474,227 ( 100,0010) 6,374,227 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 1,958 50, 000 51,958 BEGINNING BALANCE, 7/1/92 (45,518) (45,518) ENDING BALANCE, 6/30/93 (43,560) 6,440 GAS TAX FUND Appropriations Street Maint./Gas Tax 238,000 100,000 338,000 DIAL-A-RIDE Appropriations Dial-A-Ride Operations 325,950 13,000 338,950 TREE TRUST FUND Appropriations Tree Planting 4,000 1, 000 5, 000