HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/22/1985 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 22, 1985, at 7:30 P.M. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call City Council Comments A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent • Calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of April 8, 1985 j (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer' s Report - March 1 - 31, 1985 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Finance Director ' s Report - March l - 31, 1985 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 4. City Attorney Contract Amendment (Compensation Increase of 5%, effective March 30, 1985) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 5. Notice of Completion - Madonna Construction Company, Bid Number 84-19 (1984 Overlay Project) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS -,/ l. County Library Status Report Falcon Cable 1984 Franchise Payment 3.... Improvement of Noticing Procedures - Verbal - Engen C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS • 1. Proposed Resolution 30-85 Approving Acquisition and Atascadero Senior Citizens Congregate Rental Units Project (Young/Community Development Block Grant) 2. Planning Commission Appointments D. NEW BUSINESS 11. Proposed Resolution Number 18-85 - Declaring Weeds a Public Nuisance and Commencing Proceedings for the Abatement of Said Nuisances 2. City/School Committee Status Report 3. Proposed Urgency Ordinance 106 Exempting Tree Removal from Permit Requirements When Removed for Agricultural Purposes 4 Graves Creek Bridge Priority Confirmation to Caltrans Proposed Sidewalk Around City Administration Building Igublic Commerpt • F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager Note: Council adjourns to a Special Closed Meeting on May 8 (Public Works Director Interviews) and to May 9 for a Special Open Meeting (1985-86 Budget Study) Z �NCIL MEETING : 4/22/85. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CICOUNCIL HhC,��DA ITEM NO'.) - Regular Meeting —�-- - April 8, 1985, 7 :30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building • The Regular Meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. by Mayor Nelson. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL Present: Councilman Handshy, Molina; Councilwoman Norris and Mackey and Mayor Nelson. Absent: None STAFF Michael Shelton, City Manager; Allen Grimes, City Attorney; Grigger Jones, City Clerk; Georgia Ramirez, Deputy City Clerk; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Mike Hicks, Acting City Manager and Fire Chief; Henry Engen, Planning Director; John Wallace, Contract Engineer; Bob Best, Recreation Director and Doug Davidson, Associate Planner. COUNCIL COMMENTS Mayor Nelson proclaimed the week of April 15 - 20, as Earthquake Prepared- ness Week and the month of April as California Child Abuse Prevention Month. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 25, 1985. 2. 1985-86 Proposed Budget Calendar. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Molina to approve Items A 1-2 of the Consent Calendar. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS ,4 1. Proposed Resolution 25-85 - Public Hearing Considering the Adoption of the Housing Element to the Atascadero General Plan. Henry Engen, Planning Director, gave the staff report. Terry Hood and Terry Graham from the audience spoke regarding this item. Mr. Engen advised that the designation of 10, 000 sq. ft. lot areas would require a public hearing process of; first, General Plan Amendment, and secondly, a zoning amendment. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilwoman Norris to adopt Resolution No. 25-85 with staff to bring back response and • recommendations re: state housing and community development department comments in the future. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. o April 8 , 1985 Page 2 2. Appeal of Planning Commission approval of Conditional Use Permit 29-84 (Christian Home) Resolution No. 27-85. Henry Engen, Planning Director, reported that staff had just been advised by Dr. Charles Dills of the Archaeological Society that the site is indicated on their records as being an archaeological site. Under the California Environmental Quality Act, we would be required to have a site investigation by a qualified archae- logist and a representative of the local Indian community to determine the significance of it and the specifics of where there might be remains and whether adjustments of the' site plan should be incorporated and introduced into the project that has been approved by the commission. In view of the this information, Mr. Engen recommended the matter be continued pending receipt of this information from the applicant. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded .by Councilman Molina to continue the matter for 30 days. Passed unanimously. 3 . Friends of the Library Presentation Results of Application for Federal Funding Sarah Gronstrand representing the Friends of the Library asked the City Council for a pledge of $50, 000 towards the building of the new library. Mayor Nelson said that this will be considered during the budget hearings. Mike Hicks, Acting City Manager, stated that no site determination has been made yet. Mavor Nelson asked that the staff meet with the County to deter- mine the site for the new library. 4. Proposed Resolution 23-85 - Approving Annexation of Territory (Annexation Number 3) to the City of Atascadero ( "Holiday Inn") Staff report was given by Henry Engen, Planning Director. MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Norris to approve Resolution No. 23-85. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. City Attorney, Allen Grimes, indicated that Holiday Inn's attorney had protested the use of their name in conjunction with the project. MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to remove "Holiday Inn" from Resolution No. 23-85. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. -2- _ .r April 8 , 1985 Page 3 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Proposed Resolution 22-85 - Adoption of Salary/Classification Schedule for Fiscal Year 1984-85 (Cont'd from 3/25/85) Mike Hicks, Acting City Manager, gave staff report. MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey for approval of Resolution 22-85. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2. Proposed Resolution 24-85 - Revocating Revised Resolution 11-85 which .Approves General Plan Amendment Changing. the Land Use Designa- tion at 8800 El Centro (Lot 24/Block 4) , from Moderate Density Single Family Residential to Low Density Multiple Family Residential (GP 1C-85 : Yeomans) Staff report was given by Henry Engen, Planning Director. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilwoman Norris to approve Resolution 24-85 . Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 3 . Cost Estimate to Validate Signatures and Hold a Special Election (In response to referendum to Proposed Ordinance No. 100, Yeomans) City Clerk Verbal Grigger Jones, City Clerk, reported that the cost would have been between $7, 000 and $10,000 for a special election, but since the Council took the action that they did on Resolution 24-84, it is not necessary to hold this election. 4 . Proposed Revised Urgency Ordinance No. 101 - Municipal Code Amend- ment Regarding Reorganization of the Planning Commission and Recrea- tion Commission (Only one Reading Required) (Cont'd from 3/25/85) Allen Grimes, City Attorney, gave staff report. MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to read by title only. Passed unanimously. Mayor Nelson read Ordinance No. 101 by title only. MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Norris to adopt Ordinance No. 101. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 5. Police Facility Acquisition - Listing of Alternatives Staff report was given by Bud McHale, Police Chief. The Council concurred to eliminate alternatives No. 5, 6 and 9 from this list. -3- a April 8, 1985 Page 4 MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Molina to approve $1, 000 to $1, 200 for the cost of appraising the Hendrix Building. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. The Council concurred to have staff review the alternatives and make recommendations and bring this item back at the first meeting of the Council in May. Mayor Nelson at this point introduced the new City Manager, Michael Shelton. J.P. Smith, Performance Design of Paso Robles, said he is getting his proposal together by the end of the week and would like this to be included in the staff_ report. Councilwoman Norris asked that once some decision has been made on the police facility, she feels that it would be important that this be a public hearing so that the public would have input on this subject. Robert Gummer, Terry Graham, Russell Goodrich and Maggie Rice spoke from the audience regarding this subject. 6 . Mid-Year Budget Adjustments - Confirmation (Cont'd. from 3/25/85) Mike Hicks, Acting City Manager, gave staff report. OTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Molina to approve amendments to the 1984-85 budget. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. City Employee Picnic Staff report was made by Mike Hicks, Acting City Manager. Questions from the Council were answered by David Crouch from the audience. Staff will bring back to the Council with recommendations and a date for this to be held. MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey- to approve $600 for the City Employee Picnic. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Molina to recess as Atascadero City Council and convene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District. Passed unanimously. E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT 1. Proposed Resolution 26-85 - Authorizing the City Manager as Representative Regarding the Environmental Protection Agency Staff report was given by John Wallace, Contract Engineer. April 8, 1985 Page 5 MOTION: By Director Molina, seconded by Director Norris to adopt Resolutio- 26-85. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2. Proposed Resolution 28-85 - Public Sewer Service Extension to Lot 44C, Block NC 5660 San Jacinto Staff report was given by John Wallace, Contract Engineer who references additional supportive findings relative to General Plan Conformity and CEQA. MOTION: By Director Norris, seconded by Director Mackey to approve revised Resolution 28-85. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. MOTION: By Director Mackey, seconded by Director Norris, to reconvene as the Atascadero City Council. Passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT Those speaking from the audience were: Joe Nile, Maggie Rice, Joe Avery, Roy Koffman and Terry Graham. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council Councilman Handshy reported. that he had attended the California Legislature Committee on local government regarding formulating plans for property tax transfer for city incorporations and spec* district formations. Also to renegotiate such property tax transfers if .such transfers might have been inadequate. Councilwoman Mackey welcomed Mike Shelton the new City Manager and thanked Mike Hicks for the fine job he has done the past few weeks, Councilwoman Norris ; read a statement regarding her high regard for her fellow councilmen. Mayor Nelson stated that he felt that the Planning Commission interviews should remain as public interviews. The deadline for Planning Commission applications has been extended to April 22 . Interviews will be conducted at 7:00 p.m. at the May 13th meeting. City Attorney None City Clerk None City Treasurer . None -5- April 8, 1985 Page 6 City Manager None MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9: 32 P.M. TO A CLOSED SESSION. CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNED AT 10: 20 P.M. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10: 21 P.M. RECORDED BY: ��, ,CA cl-0, G71GGER J ES `ity Clerk COUNCIL MEFTI NG_ 4/22/85 NDA ITEM NO, ; A - 2 CITY OF ATASCACERO • TREASURER'S REPORT MARCH 1, 1985 TO MARCH 31, 1985 RECEIPTS TAXES Property Tax 12,778.86 Cigarette Tax 3,137.16 Motor Vehicle "In Lieu" 38 ,797 29 Sales & Use 103,090.48 Livestock-Head Day Tax 55. 44 LICENSES/PERMITS/FEES 40,834.88 GAS TAX 21, 970.96 TRAFFIC SAFETY 5,519.52 REVENUE SHARING -0- RECREATION FEES 13,312.50 RETURNED FROM LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND AND MATURED TIME DEPOSITS 130,000.00 • INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 904.17 TRANSPORTATION SB-325 91,123.78 MISCELLANEOUS Rents/Concessions 557 .63 Sale Maps/Publications/Reports 372. 60 Special Police Services 69.00 Fines & Penalties 788.58 Dial-A-Ride Farebox 2,241.55 Planning Permit Deposits 6,123.23 Bails/Bonds 1,382.00 Rebates 7.65 P.O.S.T. 206.85 Wil-Mar Disposal 3,046.33 Weed Abatement 630.56 Reimbursement from Sanitation District 26,903.14 Narcotic ' s Officer 11,771.01 Appeals 100.00 Reimbursement to Expense 2,422.92 Performance Bond 400.00 Miscellaneous Funds 8,821. 94 TOTAL $ 527 ,370.03 1 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT MARCH 1, 1985 TO MARCH 31, 1985 INVESTMENTS LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 1,190 ,000.00 TIME DEPOSIT, SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS 10. 50% INTEREST, MATURES 06/10/85 100 ,000.00 TOTAL INVESTMENT DEPOSITS $1,290 ,000 .00 Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. City Treasurer 2 lv • " NCIL MEETING : 4/22/R5 FTENPA ITEM NO, A - • CITY OF ATASCADERO FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT MARCH 1, 1985 TO MARCH 31, 1985 BALANCE AS OF FEBRUARY 28, 1985 70 ,809 .03 DEPOSITED BY TREASURER, SEE RECEIPTS, TREASURER'S REPORT, PAGE 1 527,370 .03 TOTAL 598,179. 06 HAND CHECK REGISTER DATED 03/31/85 162,992.04 CHECK REGISTER DATED 03/07/85 1,558.25 CHECK REGISTER DATED 03/11/85 69,566.17 ' CHECK REGISTER DATED 03/20/85 34,870.64 CHECK REGISTER DATED 03/21/85 1, 559 .75 CHECK REGISTER DATED 03/29/85 106,190. 79 EXPENSE LISTING 112,121.74 TOTAL 488,859.38 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 1985 109, 319.68 • PETTY CASH 200.00 TREASURY INVESTMENTS SEE TREASURER' S REPORT, PAGE 2 1, 290,000. 00 TOTAL 1,399,519.68 I, MIKE HICKS, do hereby certify and declare that demands enumerated and referred to in the foregoing register are accurate and just claims against the City and that there are funds available for payment thereof in the City Treasury. Dated: April 12, 1985 c Mike Hic s Acting Finance Director 3 • ,. ti c i V V v v l<tr, toc•Jt M ..,'T.: r? a - ;"� t. ,-1 u .^:s` i,-L•: q ! f + �� 1 ao�o oa o. c 000 a"' c �oa as ooDo�o c... c�.o acoc� o •, I i .J t_t _}i #, _s vJ X,—tXXxx !XXX s_X XX: J—�— X ' - ;<X X. # •,0 0t7`D C7 L �} �0 w — ; Lu L.tL a ;ws_: ; LjUuL uL.,t j I ?'� >_. # co coca o a oa o ^.� o i o oo•-^ o ..�� � "' o I o t o ^a c c ! 1 # # ! 3 ! # 1 # VJ Li? U Z4 I n i o^J r ('J;J a^#JCj ri 1 oj o"VsJ #" oJ n J , a r? U II Q # o o o Li i-- v7 ! o a0 _.. p. aCDCO C OC Oa a 1 C V C _= ' }- 0 0 O a" G C O O 0 0 O O O O O`• :^.O O ' G C O O H O I Q Q ! 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(j U L j L:S H- C. C. { z , J I 4 -j { H c : C CC I o P.i L•.I ] I f a C b?rt L 3 QF C F L Z L a c o L.1 L a c ' c f a o a � o J � •( i -i �'. U U L" F C F F I�I--t t- r F F.-: ( I f I U. F-i rd F. C-11 F- :JF; O F c o o- I 4 L O •. C, N Cr U'• r-. I [` ..1 L:1 t I :I jr u It => J =1 = -I > > -.J C C- u LL" LUi :-LI ^-U C-U LL I 3. a �+ { I i I 3{t z z , z 1 tF-+ 0 L?. k: I z t III I E L? I. Lk i Q l + L C_ I ¢ F C C • L L.1 z W D h R u j U U L Z I tz F. F U( A i ' f L.€ { H f O. i. L { ,..- 3 L1 G M I { 3 f t L C { L? I ? L f V O f O Cl- j Z { L A ¢ < i ¢ Q QC..-L.1 > s c Q I Q l U L L c Li o u7 L1 => z i C C, c t c. c G. x i i l { L a >-.. C-1 - } Lj _ C M ? Q f: C3 C7 ( C.i L : f CITY OF ATASCADERO FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT MARCH 1, 1985 TO MARCH 31, 1985 EXPENSE LISTING PAYROLL DATED 03/06/85 CHECKS #33154-33244 55,878.15 PAYROLL DATED 03/20/85 CHECKS #33245-33335 56,816 .48 VOID CK#33242 CK. REG. DATED 03/06/85 (569.77) VOID CK#23974 CK. REG. DATED 03/20/85 (3.12) TOTAL 112,121.74 -42- a 5, WTY COUNCIL MEETING : 4/22/8` NDA ITEM NO A 4 • MOTIO I MOVE; That the City Attorney' s compensation be increased by five percent (5%) , from $2,364.70 to $2,482.94, effective March 30, 1985 . INTRODUCED BY: SECONDED BY: AND ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: on April 22, 1985. • - AG:f x/4/10/85 �1 COUNCIL MEETING : 4/22/85 i *PADA ITEM NO, : A-- 5 NOTICE OF CONTRACT • MMWitXMdali/Completion Date Anril 16, 1985 TO: City Manager FROM: Public Works Department 1. Contract No. 84-19 dated November 9, 1984 for 1984 Overlay Project (2" asphaltic concrete overlay on various City streets and Road Maintenance Districts) 2. Contractor Madonna Construction P.O. Box 3910 San Luis Obispo, CA 3. Work to commence by Commenced work on December 22,. 1984 Contract completed on February 1, 1985 Total days Contract days allowed extensions Total 4. Remarks 0 Signed cc: Contractor Finance • NCIL MEETING: 4/22/85 AGENDA ITEM NO, B - 1 TO: Honorable City Council April 22, 1985 FROM: Mike Shelton SUBJECT: LIBRARY STATUS REPORT RECOMMENDATION: 1. City Council consent to the County engaging architectural services to provide a site analysis and schematic design for a new library to be located at the Polin site on Morro Road. Approximate study cost of $17, 000 to be shared equally by the Friends of the Library and the County. No City funds are required. 2. The City Council include on the May 13th Council agenda (after May 9 Budget Review Meeting) an agenda consideration to pledge another $50,000 towards construction of the library to enhance grant chances. BACKGROUND: After the last Council Meeting of April 4, I met with County Admin-' istrative Officer Bill Briam and Supervisor Jerry Diefenderfer regarding the proposed new library. I have also received an historical summary by Sarah Gronstrand as to the efforts of the Friends of the Library to obtain a new city library. The State will award $2,114,000 of Title II Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) Grant Funds during the 1984-85 fiscal year. Currently, 37 agencies have submitted Notices of Intent (NOI) to apply, requesting an aggregate of $43,215,058. The City of Atascadero Grant NOI has been pre-rated in the second rating meaning that 15 agencies requesting $27,369,794- have a better chance of competing for the $2 million in grant funds. The City' s Library Application would probably be reprioritized to a first rating if the local match exceeds the request for grant funds. County staff feels that many agencies submitting a NOI will not meet application requirements, thus reducing the current application competition picture. County staff also feels the City' s library_ is in a competitive 1 i position, (assuming greater than 50% local match) because of the small amount of funds being requested. Grant funds in the amount of $440,000 are being requested. Local match pledged is as follows: $200,000 Budgeted County funds set aside in Trust $200, 000 County Pledged funds against 1985-86 Library Budget $ 15,000 City of Atascadero $ 25, 000 Friends of the Library (approximate) Land value will not count as local matching funds for grant purposes. County funds pledged in the amount of $200,000 may be retracted if the grant application is unsuccessful. The County "requires" a 50% local agency match in building libraries in cities. Recent examples include the Cities of San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay; both cities produced 50% construction funds. The County is accepting as the City 50% match any funds raised by the Friends of the Library, site land value, City contribution, and all grant proceeds. Upon consideration of a new library, the County will ' take full responsibility foc future maintenance and operation of the library. Library SChematies require the City to be site specific. Based on grant submission deadlines and lead time required by the architect to prepare schematics, the City must designate a site now, with a fall back latest date by mid-May. The County will solicit an architectural study upon City approval only. The County is not pushing the library issue; nor are they interested in locating a library on a site the City does not want. The architectural study serves to. prepare a basic schematic and to prepare/submit the- grant application. As a part of the schematic, the artitect will conduct a site analysis to develop and evaluate public circulation, security and safety considerations, and orientation of the structure on the site. To qualify for grant funds, a new library must be built, eliminating the Masonic Lodge and the Administrative Building as potential sites. To enhance the local match, the Friends of the Library are requesting an additional pledge from the City' s 1985-86 funds. At Council direction, additional pledged funds could automatically be retracted if grant funds are not obtained. There is a high possibility that no or little Federal Library Grant Funds will be available next year or in the immediate future. There is a possibility the State will put on the 1986 ballot a State-wide library bond providing State Library Grant Funds. Availability of these funds will depend on the legislature putting the bond on the ballot and voter approval. 2 `J ALTERNATIVES: 1. Express no interest in a new library and the County will dis-0 continue efforts to persue grant funds. 2. Request the County to engage architectural services, but specify an alternative site (site must be designated within two (2) weeks time frame) . FISCAL IMPACT: The City has already pledged $15,000. Grant competativeness will re- quire additional local matching funds. The Friends of the Library are requesting an additional City pledge of $50,000. Council should con- sider availability of funds after May 9, 1985 Budget Meeting. Attachments: Analysis of Notices of Intent - California State Library , Professional Architectural- Services, Atascadero Library - County of San Luis Obispo. 3 COUNCIL MEETING 4/22/85 . WNDA ITEM NO, C 1 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council April 22,1985 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Planning Director . SUBJECT: Proposed Acquisition and Disposition of Site for 95 Unit Senior Citizens Congregate Housing Project BACKGROUND: Last year the City was awarded a $600,000 Community Development Block Grant to provide a funding contribution towards a 95 unit senior citi- zens housing project site at 10165 E1 Camino Real owned by Ed and Judy Young. The City' s agreement with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) provides that up to $577,500 can go towards acquisition of the property with the construction funded through a Farmers Home Administration loan. Land acquisition will be matched on a dollar-for-dollar basis to reduce the monthly rental which shall be guaranteed over a thirty year period. Conditional Use Permit 3-84 (amended December 3, 1984) has been approved for develop- ment of the 4.74 acre site. Staff has obtained an `appraisalpursuant to our administrative agreement with HCD which establishes a fair mar- ket value of $532,000 for the site. The terms of the regulatory and development agreements between the City and the Youngs (California Manor) provide that fair market value shall be paid (up to a maximum sum of $577,500) to acquire the prop- erty from the Youngs upon receipt of funds from the State, with the City to thereafter transfer ownership back to California Manor for $1.00 plus escrow costs. ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the enclosed Resolution No. 30-85 authorizing the City Manager to acquire and dispose of the project property utilizing com- munity development block grant funds. HE:ps Enclosure: Resolution No. 30-85 cc: Judy Young } .y, .L��`',..�.�..wT�ni� 'ir,�r-'s' et. .y,x ,.x.,: � ^{+�+4i �<�',5;��b#+ ,",_ '•`"'st`?'.r'#,+. ..�*�r;'�aa"wr.✓' ;.tik» ,>.. 'xa� ,.�. , k 's �. ''9k "w-jt: F ,ma} i ,.,> u u.-u ;` c• ,«b '� Parcel A of Parcel Map AT 81-183, from the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, filed for record November 25, 1981 in the Office of the County Recorder of said County in Book 31 at Page 26 of Parcel Maps (APN: 30-461-13) Funds are to be transferred to the seller of the site upon close * } of escrow. California Manor shall bear the fees of transfer of 'R title to the City. . Y$kar Section 2. The Council further authorizes the City Manager to convey the pro- ject site for the amount of one dollar with any and all escrow expen- ses incurred to be paid by California Manor. The City is authorized to execute and record all documents of title transfer for sai property. On motion by and seconded by , 5 , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following vote: c F r; AYES: Y, � 1 NOES 'ate M'4ll �'y„qf. "✓✓!�S'�sl��"�+S"�e;i x r3xti w 4 r ABSENT: i .DATE ADOPTED: ' x CITY OF ATASCADERO CALIFORNIA By ROLFE D. NELSON, Mayor s .; ATTEST: P ROBERT M. JONES, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: � Cit�x ALLEN GRIMES, Y Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager i k V % 4 A 74 7 a 77-71 RESOLUTION NO. 30-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO 4 ,Ys. APPROVING ACQUISITION AND CONVEYANCE OF LAND AT 10165 EL CAMINO REAL FOR THE ATASCADERO SENIOR CITIZENS CONGREGATE RENTAL UNITS PROJECT (YOUNG/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT) r � WHEREAS, the State of California's Department of Housing and Com- munity Development has approved funds in the amount of $600,000 to '7.lf'.^i'"a.# „ � accomplish senior citizens housing project activity under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 as amended; and ROVUX WHEREAS, California Manor has received approval of Conditional Use Permit 3-84 (as amended December 3, 1984) for a 95 unit senior Citi- '�" zens congregate housing project utilizing a Farmers Home Administra- Community tion loan for construction and a Development Block Grant to Y provide for site acquisition; and WHEREAS, Community Development Block Grant funds are to be used to ',�.? Purchase thesite and shall be applied on-a dollar-for-dollar basis to 4x � reduce the Farmers Home Administration mortgage; and WHEREAS, the City has entered into a development agreement and a regulatory agreement to implement said project; and WHEREAS, the grant agreement with the Department of Housing and Community Development provides for up to $577,500 towards purchase of said site; provided that, in no event, would more than fair market value be paid; and WHEREAS, an appraisal has been prepared by Dennis E. Greene and Company establishing a fair market value for the site of $532,000; and WHEREAS, acquisition of this property for the provision of low cost senior citizen housing is in conformity with the City's adopted General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero resolves as follows: Section 1. The Council authorizes the City Manager-as soon as programatically feasible after receipt of California Manor's fee simple title to the project site-reimburse California Manor, utilizing $532,000 of the y x { � �• awarded Community Development Block Grant funds for said fee simple title for the site at 10165 E1 Camino Real more particularly described �. •, # as follows: COUNCIL MEETING : 4/22/85 RESOLUTION NO. 18-85 &NDA ITEM NO, D - 1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DECLARING WEEDS A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND COMMENCING • PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES The City Council of the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, DO HEREBY RESOLVE as follows: SECTION 1 . That weeds growing or potentially could grow, and rubbish, refuse and dirt upon public and private property hereinafter described, constitute or could constitute a public nuisance and are hereby de- clared to be such, for the reason that such weeds upon maturity will bear wingy or downy seeds, will attain such a large growth as to become a fire menace when dry, will be otherwise noxious or dangerous, or will constitute or potentially could constitute dry grass , stubble, brush, litter or other flammable material thereby creating a hazard to public health. SECTION 2 . The description of the parcels of lots of private property upon which, or in front of which, said nuisances exist, according to the official Assessment Map of said City of Atascadero, are set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and hereby incorporated herein by reference as though here fully set forth. SECTION 3 . The Fire Chief is hereby ordered and directed to post notices for the required removal of said noxious or dangerous weeds , or other flammable material found upon or in front of the property in the City of Atascadero in accordance with Section 6-13.04 of City Ordinance No. 61 . SECTION 4 . The time at which the City Council shall hear and consider all objections or protests to the required removal of said noxious or dangerous weeds, or other flammable material will be at 7 :30 p.m. on May 13 , 1985 . On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote : AYES: NOES: ADOPTED: ATTEST: ROLFE NELSON, Mayor ROBERT M. JON S, City Clerk APPROVED AS T FORM: ALLEN GRIMES , City Attorney • APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: c ICHAEL HICK , Acting City Manager 59 WEED ABATEMENT SCHEDULE 1985 April 8 - 19 Identification of abatement parcels April 10 , 12 , 17 Three consecutive newspaper notices requesting contractor' s bids April 22 Resolution declaring that all noxious or dangerous weeds or other flammable material that create a fire hazard shall constitute a public nuisance. April 24 Post lots April 24 Notice in newspaper regarding starting weed abatement process May Open contractor 's bids May 13 Public hearing regarding posting appeals and awarding of contractor ' s bids May 14 Reinspect lots for compliance June 3 Start abatement process July 16 End abatement July 17 Post parcel numbers and charges July 22 Public hearing regarding appeals on abatement and City Council approval of list of parcel numbers and charges for abatement. August 10 SUBMIT PARCEL NUMBERS AND CHARGES TO COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR EXHIBIT A STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL Sycamore 28-092-09 Valentina Ave. 28-172-15 Sycamore 28-092-04 Valentina Ave. 24-172-13 Sycamore 28-021-26 Valentina Ave. 24-172-29 Sycamore 28-021-02 Valentina Ave. 24-172-01 Sycamore 28-031-07 Valentina 24-181-30 Hidalgo 28-032-18 Dolores 24-172-31 Hidalgo 28-093-26 Magdalena Ave. 28-353-10 Hidalgo 28-091-05 Magdalena Ave 28-354-06 Miramon 28-101-03 Magdalena Ave. 28-354-03 Sycamore 28-093-35" Magdalena Ave. 28-353-09 Miramon 28-093-16 Magdalena Ave. 28-214-13 Miramon 28-093-12 Magdalena Ave. 28-213-03 Miramon 28-093-38 Cabrillo Ave. 28-353-06 Miramon 28-081-05 Magnolia Ave . 28-381-25 Miramon 28-042-34 Magnolia Ave . 28-372-10 Miramon 28-042-14 Magnolia Ave. 28-372-11 Sycamore 28-131-30 Magnolia Ave . 28-381-23 Curbaril 28-242-08 Magnolia Ave. 28-372-14 Garbada Rd. 28-X413-01 Magnolia Ave. 28-381-15 Dolores 28-171-07 Magnolia Ave. 28-381-17 Dolores 28-171-02 Magnolia Ave. 28-372-15 Dolores 28-171-08 Ensenada Ave. 28-371-25 Dolores 28-181-02 Ensenada Ave. 28-361-23 Dolores 28-181-01 Ensenada Ave. 28-361-18 Gancho Ave. 28-301-32 Ensenada Ave. 28-361-10 Dulzura 28-301-31 Garbada Rd. 28-411-03 Dulzura 28-301-33 Garbada Rd. 28-411-07 Dulzura 28-311-26 Garbada Rd. 28-412-07 Dulzura 28-311-15 Aurora Rd. 28-401-21 Dulzura 28-311-18 Aurora Rd. 28-412-08 San Jacinto 28-301-13 Aurora Rd. 28-401-19 San Jacinto 28-301-12 Aragon Rd. 28-401-11 San Jacinto 28-301-22 Tampico Rd. 28-401-10 4Navidad 28-292-10 Tampico Rd. 28-401-02 'Navidad 28-292-13 Vernalis Rd. 28-401-09 Navidad 28-292-09 Vernalis Rd. 28-411-04 Navidad 28-292-17 Vernalis Rd. 28-411-02 Navidad 28-292-06 Sycamore 28-041-04 Gancho 28-311-27 Sycamore 28-041-01 Gancho 28-311-04 Mercedes Ave. 28-215-11 San Pedro 28-182-05 Mercedes Ave. 28-215-07 San Pedro 28-181-17 Mercedes Ave. 28-215-14 San Pedro 28-181-18 Magdalena Ave. 28-353-11 San Pedro 28-182-09 Ensenada Ave. 28-361-09 Alamo 28-181-21 Ensenada Ave. 28-361-08 Alamo 28-103-09 Ensenada Ave. 28-361-27 Alamo 28-182-24 Capistrano Ave. 28-372-02 Rosario 28-192-01 Capistrano Ave. 28-211-01 Alamo 28-103-11 Cabrillo Ave. 28-212-03 Alamo 28-103-14 Traffic Way 28-201-01 Alamo 28-084-02 Traffic Way 28-191-08 EXHIBIT A • Page Two O STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Traffic Way 28-192-15 E1 Verano 28-282-21 Traffic Way 28-192-51 El Verano 28-282-13 Traffic Way 28-192-42 El Verano 28-281-15 Traffic Way 28-361-02 El Verano 28-281-14 Bajada Ave. 28-331-10 Nogales Ave. 28-282-04 Rosario Ave. 28-311-37 Dolores Ave. 28-271-13 Rosario Ave. 28-311-08 Dolores Ave. 28-271-20 Rosario Ave. 28-322-01 to 28-291-01 Rosario Ave. 28-321-25 19 28-290-04 Rosario Ave. 28-322-22 if 28-261-31 Rosario Ave. 28-321-21 if 28-292-41 Rosario Ave. 28-321-32 to 28-292-14 Rosario Ave. 28-321-09 28-292-04 Rosario Ave. 28-321-10 28-292-05 Rosario Ave. 28-321-33 28-151-27 Rosario Ave. 28-321-11 28-152-40 Rosario Ave. 28-321-15 Viscano Ave. 28-162-13 Rosario Ave. 28-321-28 Viscano Ave. 28-162-14 Rosario Ave. 28`322-08 Viscano 28-162-15 Rosario Ave, 28-322-29 San Rafael Rd. 45-361-26 Alamo 28-192-32 San Rafael Rd. 45-361-27 Alamo 28-192-49 San Rafael Rd. 45-361-28 Alamo 28-192-05 Cuesta Ct. 45-351-01 lamo 28-192-06 Cuesta Ct. 45-361-02 Alamo 28-322-21 Cuesta Ct. 45-361-04 Alamo 28-322-36 Cuesta Ct. 45-361-06 Alamo 28-322-37 El Camino Real 45-351-01 Alamo 28-192-07 E1 Camino Real 45-351-03 Alamo 28-192-44 is 45-351-04 Alamo 28-192-35 It 45-351-06 Alamo 28-192-46 if 45-351-07 Alamo 28-322-34 45-351-08 Alamo 28-322-30 - 45-351-09 Alamo 28-332-10 San Diego Way 45-351-10 �*Alamo 28-332-20 San Diego Way 45-351-11 Honda Ave. 28-332-19 San Diego Rd. 45-352-01 Tunitas Ave. 28-331-12 San Diego Rd. 45-352-02 Barrenda 28-332-33 San Diego Rd. 45-352-03 Barrenda 28-332-01 San Diego Rd. 45-352-05 Barrenda 28-332-31 El Camino Real 45-352-06 Rosario Ave. 28-192-20 E1 Camino Real 45-352-07 Arroyo Ave. 28-182-19 San Diego Rd. 45-353-05 Arroyo Ave. 28-182-18 El Camino Real 45-354-01 Arroyo Ave. 28-182-10 E1 Camino Real 45-342-12 Arroyo Ave. 28-321-22 Viejo Camino 45-332-01 Arroyo. Ave. 28-182-22 Viejo Camino 45-332-02 Arroyo Ave. 28-182-02 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-332-05 OArroyo Ave. 28-182-01 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-331-01 Gancho Ave. 28-311-03 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-331-02 EXHIBIT A • Page Three STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL, El Camino Real 45-331-04 Arizona Ave. 28-062-30 El Camino Real 45-321-01 Arizona Ave. 28-051-31 It 45-321-02 if 28-051-30 it 45-321-03 it28-051-52 45--321-06 If28-051-51 45-321-07 28-052-06 45-321-08 28-051-42 Viejo Camino 45-321-09 28-052-31 Viejo Camino 45-321-10 Seperado 28-051-36 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-371-01 Seperado 28-051-38 Atascadero 45-371-02 if28-051-45 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-371-09 21 28-051-44 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-371-10 Estrada 28-141-01 of 45-371-11 Estrada 28-141-02 to 45-371-12 It28-141-32 It 45-371-13 of28-052-17 LaPaz Lane 45-381-02 If 28-141-33 LaPaz Lane 45-381-03 If28-062-12 it 45,Z381-04 it28-141-11 it 45-381-05 28-152-13 457381-06 28-152-51 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-381-07 Mananita 28-152-12 45-381-08 Mananita 28-152-11 " - 45-381-09 Is28-152-05 If 45-381-10 of28-152-04 San Diego Rd. . 45-421-01 it28-151-34 San Diego Rd. 45-421-02 it 28-151-28 Atascadero 45-421-07 Yerba 28-261-30 Atascadero 45-421-08 Yerba 28-261-34 of 45-421-09 it28-141-20 it 45-421-10 If28-141-21 LaPaz Lane 45-421-12 Estrada 28-151-26 San Diego Rd. 45-431-01 Arena Rd. 28-151-01 ,, San Diego Rd. 45-431-02 Viscano Ave. 28-171-05 " 45-431--03 San Jacinto 28-152-15 If 45-431-04 San Jacinto 28-161-22 San Rafael Rd. 45-441-02 28-152-35 San Diego Rd. 45-441-03 28-161-06 San Diego Rd. 45-441-05 28-161-07 " 45-441-06 28-161-14 " 45-441-30 28-152-53 " 45-441-32 If 28-161-15 45-451-30 it28-152-52 45-451-32 to28-071-29 Atascadero 45-451-40 IV28-061-13 Seperado 28-061-42 to28-071-01 Seperado 28-061-41 Traffic Way 28-071-02 Arizona Ave. 28-062-21 Traffic Way 28-07133 Arizona Ave . 28-0-61-19 - Traffic Way 28-071-27 EXHIBIT A Page Four STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # Seperado 28-061-02 Castano Ave. 29-201-25 Seperado 28-061-45 Castano Ave. 29-201-18 Seperado 28-061-05 29-201-20 Arena Rd. 28-251-33 29-201-08 Arena Rd. 28-141-14 Palomar Ave. 29-201-02 to 28-141-15 Palomar Ave. 29-201-03 of 28-261-19 it 29-201-04 " 28-261-20 Castano Ave. 29-201-32 of 28-141-31 Castano Ave. 29-202-16 San Ardo Rd. 28-251-27 Cortez 29-202-04 San Ardo Rd. 28-261-09 Castano Ave. 29-152-24 " 28-251-07 Curbaril Ave. 29-152-04 28-261-11 Yesal 29-152-21 " 28-251-09 Yesal 29-152-19 San Anselmo Rd. 28-271-18 Yesal 29-152-18 San Anselmo Rd. 28-271-06 Castano Ave. 29-152-22 " 28-251-19 Castano Ave. 29-153-01 " 28-251-21 it - 29-153-17 " 2a-2651-20 Cortez 29-153-19 " 28-251-14 Valle Ave. 29-151-06 Santa Barbafa Rd. 45=391-01 Valle Ave. 29-151-12 . Santa Barbara Rd. 45-391-02 Yesal 29-151-18 Viejo Camino 45-401-03 Yesal 29-151-20 Viejo Camino 45-401-04 29-151-22 Colorado Rd. 45-441-17 29-151-23 Colorado Rd. 45-441=18 Valle Ave. 29-151-21 if 45-441-23 Valle Ave. 29-151-04 it 45-441-26 Cortez 29-142-21 " 45-441-27 Pinal Ave. 29-141-03 " 45-441-28 Castano Ave. 29-141-04 45-441-29 Curbaril Ave. 29-141-10 " 45-441-31 Pinal Ave. 29-141-01 " 45-451-09 Curbaril Ave. 29-141-13 45-451-10 It 29-141-14 45-451-11 It29-141-17 45-451-15 Pinal Ave. 29-141-20 It 45-451-16 it 29-141-21 " 45-451-17 Curbaril Ave. 29-141-22 " 45-451-23 Cortez 29-132-10 45-451-24 Castano Ave. 29-132-14 " 45-451-25 it 29-132-17 45-451-26 Maleza Rd. 29-131-15 45-451-29 Pinal Ave. 29-131-19 Atascadero 45-451-34 Castano Ave. 29-131-28 Atascadero 45-451-35 Pinal Ave. 29-121-02 " 45-451-36 Pinal Ave. 29-121-03 " 45-451-40 Maleza Rd. 29-121-07 45-451-42 - - " 29-121-08 0- " 45-451-43 29-121-09 EXHIBIT A Page Five STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Maleza Rd. 29-121-10 Sonora 29-171-21 it 29-121-15 to 29-171-22 29-121-17 It 29-171-01 " 29-121-21 29-171-02 Pinal Ave. 29-141-23 29-111-03 Cortina 29-191-32 29-171-06 Curbaril Ave. 29-191-08 .29-171-17 Pinal Ave. 29-191-41 29-171-20 Cortina 29-191-42 29-161-04 Pinal Ave. 29-191-47 Pinal Ave. 29-161-08 29-181-05 Sonora 29-161-09 29-181-07 Pinal Ave. 29-111-01 Cortina 29-181-08 If29-111-02 It 29-181-09 if 29-111-03 Sonora 29-181-20 " 29-111-04 _ Sonora 29-181-21 29-121-01 Cortina 29-181-29 Valle Ave. 29-105-27 Sonora 29-181-47 it . 29-105-28 11 29. 181-49 Capistrano Ave. 29-361-14 Pinal Ave. 29-181-41 29-106-03 29-191-07 Pinal Ave. 29-102-02 " 29-191-09 Pinal Ave. 29-102-03 Curbaril Ave. 29-191-19 Capistrano Ave. 29-105-13 it 29--191-48 It 1 29-105-14 Valle Ave. 29-382-11 It29-1O5-25 11 29-382-17 Country Club Dr. 29-101-15 It 29-382-04 Mercedes Ave. 29-101-19 if 29-382-18 Country Club Dr. 29-101-20 " 29-382-19 West Mall 29-091-10 " 29-382-20 11 29-091-11 29-382-21 29-091-12 29-382-22 29-091-13 " 29-381-01 Olmeda Ave. 29-091-01 Sombrilla 29-371-07 Lewis Ave. 29-341-01 't 29-371-10 Traffic Way 29-341-20 " 29-371-13 Entrada 29-343-09 Valle Ave. 29-371-14 East Mall 29-347-20 _ 29-371-18 29-347-21 So. Mall 29-361-15 29-347-23 Extension Traffic Way 29-322-12 It 29-361-17 if29-322-19 Valle Ave. 29-351-01 Palma Ave. 29-322-01 It 29-352-01-_ Rosario Ave. 29-252-01 of 29-353-01 Traffic Way 29-252-07 So. Mall 29-361-14 if29-253-08 Extension to29-091-07 Valle Ave. 29-171-07 It29-082-10 91 29-171-08 it29-254-08 It 29-171-09 of 29-062-22 " 29-171-10 - 29-062-11 29-171-11 of29-061-35 29-171-15 Honda Ave. 29-061-36 29-171-18 " 29-061-39 i AMVL. EXHIBIT A Page Six STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S SSESSOR S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # Honda Ave. 29-061-32 Tranquilla 29-023-11 Barrenda 29-062-01 It29-024-17 " 29-061-40 Rosita Ave. 29-022-26 29-061-41 it29-024-19 Tunital Ave. 29-062-02 it29-024-18 Barrenda 29-061-33 29-022-21 Cayucos Ave . 29-262-04 29-022-11 if 29-262-03 29-022-10 to 29-261-09 If 29-022-19 to 29-261-01 " 29-023-10 if 29-261-19 29-023-09 is 29-261-17 If 29-012-13 to 29-222-•13 of 29-012-12 it 29-222-34 of 29-012-15 It 29-221-02 Nogales Ave. 29-231-14 Hermosilla Ave . 29-021-05 of29-231-02 if 29-021-15 it29-231-12 of 29-021-16 it - 29-231-07 29-221-05 29-216-21 29-222-36 Lobos 29-231-16 29-262-34 29-212-21 29-262-42 29-212-20 " 29-262-14 29-212-19 29-272-21 If29-212-06 " 29-271-16 it29-212-14 San Anselmo Rd. 29-012-03 Cayucos Ave . 29-212-11 it 29-012-02 San Anselmo Rd. 29-212-08 Lobos 29-222-27 if29-212-24It - 29-222-26 Lobos 29-211-09 It - 29-223-05 to 29-211--25 29-222-25 29-211-33 Cayucos Ave. 29-221-13 29-211-18 it 29-221-12 29-211-20 Lobos 29-022-24 Rosita Ave. 29-211-01 29-021-14 If29-211-02 " 29-022-05 of29-211-27 29-021-12 Encima 29-222-19 29-022-03- Lobos 29-231-15 29-212-06' Encima 29-222-35 29-212-14 It 29-222-18 San Anselmo Rd. 29-261-14 Nogales Ave. 29-223-12 of 29-261-19 to 29-223-04 Cayucos Ave. 29-261-18 If 29-031-02 to 29-262-24 " 29-031-06 Tranquilla 29-112-25 29-031-10 to 29-110-12 29-110-21 it 29-112-26 If29-110-11 29-112-07 Delores Ave:- 29-110-45 . 29-023-12 29-110-15 EXHIBIT A •.... " Page Seven STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARC#' San Anselmo Rd. 29-110-16 Fresno Ave. 29-281-05 San Anselmo Rd. 29-110-25 1129-281-36 Tranquilla 29-110-18 it 29-281-40 Vida Ave. 29-232-01 29-281-31 , 29-233-20 29-281-30 29-042-05 29-241-27 El Verano 29-042-04 San Jacinto 29-241-37 If 29-032-01 Nogales Ave. 29-241-25 to 29-032-11 Nogales Ave. 29-051-22 If 29-031-08 Tunital Ave. 29-253-30 It 29-031-07 It29-253-15 29-031-02 it29-253-07 29-031-10 Olmeda Ave . 29-152-22 29-031-06 Rosario Ave. 29-253-26 " 29-031-05 Rosario Ave. 29-292-29 " 29-032-09 Tunitas Ave . 29-253-31 " 29-032-14 Rosario Ave. 29-071-22 29-032-13 Rosario Ave. 29-071-16 Navidad Ave . 29Z 032-06 Tunitas Ave. 29-081-11 of 29-032-07 Rosario Ave . 29-071-35 " 29-032-10 Tunitas Ave. 29-081-02 Nogales Ave. 29-231-13 Tunitas Ave. 29-081-13 it 29-241-02 Rosario Ave. 29-071-34 if 29-233-25 Bajada Ave. 29-071-27 San Jacinto 29-233-07 Dulzura 29-051-08 of 29-233-04 It29-051-06 Vida Ave. 29-233-24 If29-051-03 11 29-233-23 it29-051-26 San Jacinto 29-051-17 Barrenda 29-062-31 San Jacinto 29-051-29 29-062-25 .11 29-041-12 29-062-06 if 29-041-23 29-062-05 it 29-041-24 29-062-28 so 29-041-24 "' 29-061-23 � Vida Ave. 29-032-06 29-061-13 Vida Ave. 29-032-10 " 29-061-29 of 29-032-14 Traffic Way 29-062-14 to 29-032-13 Bajada Ave. 29-062-17 to 29-042-02 " 29-082-16 1f 29-041-08 " 2.9-081-12 to 29-042-03 29-081-13 Dulzura 29-051-24 Rosario Ave. 29-071-39 Dulzura 29-071-11 Tunitas Ave. 29-082-37 " 29-071-10 " 29-081-05 Nogales Ave. 29-071-30 29-082-13 if 29-071-23 29-08o-16- " 29-241-11 " 29-254-03 Fresno Ave. 29-291-16 Hermosilla A've. 29-272-22 29-291-26 29-272-03 29-241-36 " - 29-272-04 29-281-23 29-272-05 e c�1 EXHIBIT A Page Eight IOSTREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Hermosilla Ave. 29-272-06 Palma Ave. 29-312-25 it 29-271-20 it29-311-22 is 29-281-13 it . 29-311-25 Olmeda Ave . 29-301-40 is29-312-32 If 29-301-06 if 29-312-31 If 29-281-20 - " 29-302-40 of 29-281-19 " 29-302-14 29-281-33 29-302-39 29-281-32 29-302-38 " 29-281-41 If 29-301-17 " 29-281-06 IT 29-301-13 29-301-31 go 29-301-35 " 29-301-09 " 29-301-36 " 29-301-10 it 29-302-37 29-301-11 If 29-302-45 E1 Camino Real 29-312-14 San Jacinto- 29-302-46 if 29-312-15 Coromar Ave. 56-031-29 it 29-312-23 go 56-031-30 it 29-312-11 to56-031-31 to 2T-302-49 Curbaril Ave. 56-031-33 If 29-302-20 If 56-031-35 " 29-302-19 Coromar Ave. 56-031-36 " 29-302-18 Curbaril Ave. 56-031-37 29-302-17 Coromar Ave. 56-031-40 29-302-16 56-031-41 29-302-27 Curbaril Ave. 56-031-42 29-271-01 56-041-03 29-262-29 Coromar Ave. 56-041-06 29-262-45 Curbaril Ave. 56-041-07 29-262-44 Coromar Ave. 56-041-14 29-262-43 56-041-17 29-262-36 it 56-041-20 29-262-07 to 56-041-25 Cayucos Ave. 29-262-40 to 56-041-26 . 01meda Ave. 29-311-36 Is 56-041-28 of 29-311-27 Curbaril Ave. 56-041-31 of 29-311-37 El Camino Real 56-051-14 If 29-311-23 - - - it 56-051-21 to 29-311-06 if 56-051-29 it 29-311-33 If 56-051-23 of 29-292-12 " 56-051-30 if 29-292-13 56-051-33 to 29-321-02 " 56-051-42 Palma Ave. 29-322-15 56-051-43 El Camino Real 29-323-16 56-051-44 If 29-323-17 56-051-45 Palma Ave. 29-322-06 56-051-46 ,El Camino Real 29-323-21 If - 56-051-47 E1 Camino Real 29-323-19 56-051-48 Palma Ave. 29-322-09 _ 56-051-49 " 29-311-19 " - 56-051-50 29-312-33 56-051-51 EXHIBIT A • • Page Nine STREET NAME ASSESSOR' s PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCr , # El Camino Real 56-061-18 Coromar Ave. 56-110-28 of 56-061-22 if 56-110-13 of 56-061-24 ,,. 56-110-15 it 56-061-25 it56-110-24 it 56-061-26 Is56-110-25 56-061-27 to56-110-27 56-061-28 56-101-34 56-07-06 Portola Rd. 56-121-17 Montecito Ave. 56-07-10 Coromar Ave. 56-121-31 if 56-07-11 of56-121-30 San Gabriel 56-081-07 56-121-28 it 56-081-08 56-121-29 Montecito Ave. 56-081-13 56-121-07 El Camino Real 56-081-15 56-121-23 San Gabriel 56-081-19 56-121-14 E1 Camino Real 56-081-20 56-121-05 if 56-081-24 56-121-27 San Gabriel 56-081-25 " 56-121-26 El Camino Real 5F,-081-26 56-121-02 E1 Camino Real 56-081-27 56-121-22 Curbaril Ave. 567091-09 56-121-21 If 56-091-39 Portola Rd. 56-131-14 if 56-091-40 it56-131-12 to 56-091-17 is56-131-13 It 56-091-22 it 56-131-15 Coromar Ave. 56-091-31 of56-131-16 if 56-091-30 to56-131-09 „ 56-091-26 it 56-131-10 if 56-091-36 Santa Rosa Rd. 56-141-09 56-091-37 It56-141-06 - 56-091-38 of56-141-11 " 56-091-41 56-141-08 56-091-29 56-141-17 56-091-28 If56-141-16 56-091-42 56-141-12 „ 56-091-35 56-141-14 " 56-091-15B 56-141-15 " 56-091-15C San Gabriel 56-151-37 Atascadero Ave. 56-101-05 56-151-38 to 56-101-11 56-151-40 56-101.-10 56-151-39 56-101-13 „ 56-151-07 56-101-12 „ 56-151-09 Montura Lane 56-101-19 56-151-35 Montura Lane 56-101-07 56-151-20 Coromar Ave. 56-101-27 Santa Rosa Rd. 56-151-20 56-110-30 56-151-21 56-110-31 56-151-31 „ 56-110-19 " 56-151-29 " 56-110-20 56-151-32 56-110-29 56-151-30 EXHIBIT A Page Ten STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Santa Rosa Rd. 56-151-27 Santa Rosa Rd. 56-201-03 it 56-151-25 it56-201-02 to 56-151-26 Atascadero Ave. 56-211-45 It 56-151-28 to 56-211-44 to 56-151-33 if 56-211-46 San Rafael 56-162-29 it56-211-15 56-162-30 If56-211-03 " 56-162-31 56-211-38 " 56-162-28 56-211-41 If 56-162-26 - " 56-211-40 If 56-162-25 " 56-211-39 of 56-162-24 San Gabriel 56-211-32 is 56--162-23 Marchant 56-221-15 " 56-162-20 56-221-14 " 56-162-18 56-221-20 56-162-17 56-221-23 San Gabriel 56-162-03 " 56-221-22 If 56-162-07 " 56-221-21 56-162-06 Atascadero Ave. 56-221-23 56=162-05 If56-221-26 " 56-162-04 56-221-25 56-162-08 if56-231-18 " 56-162-09 it56-231-16 " 56-162-11 of56-231-21 56-162-12 it56-231-20 56-162-16 If 56-231-19 Marchant 56-171-09 Portola Road 56-241-09 If 56-171-29 " 56-241-07 " 56-171-27 " 56-241-10 " 56-171-37 56-241-11 56-171-40 56-241-03 " 56-171-41 56-241-13 Atascadero Ave. 56-181-13 56-241-16 56-181-15 56-241-18 56-181-03 56-242-02 Portola Rd. 56-181-21 56-242-03 of 56-181-22 Atascadero Ave. 56-251-14 56-181-10 56-251-15 56-181-06 56-251-16 Atascadero Ave . 56-191-31 56-251-08 Portola Rd. 56-191-23 56-251-09 it 56-191-20 56-251-03 to 56-191-28 " 56-251-17 of 56-191-29 " 56-251-18 San Gabriel 56-201-16 Santa Rosa Rod. 56-251-11 it 56-201-12 of56-251-12 56-201-29 to 56-251-13 56-201-28 of56-251-10 Atascadero Ave. 56-201-21 San Gabriel 56-261-61 If 56-201-22 " 56-261-18 a EXHIBIT A Page Eleven ' A ASSESSOR' S O STREET NAME ASSESSOR S PARCEL # STREET ME PA CNR # San Gabriel 56-261-67 San Gabriel Rd. 56-351-09 11 56-261-11 Santa Rosa Rd. 56-351-18 ,f 56-261-25 " 56-351-14 Atascadero Ave. 56-261-19 " 56-351-26 Santa Rosa Rd. 56-261-63 56-351-27 it 56-261-64 56-351-41 to 56-261-66 " 56-351-42 It 56-261-65 San Gabriel Rd. 56-371-39 if 56-262-16 It 56-371-28 it 56-262-03 it 56-371-35 " 56-262-12 56-371-36 " 56-262-10 56-371-30 " 56-262-13 56-371-31 Atascadero Ave. 56-271-26 56-371-32 If 56-271-25 56-371-33 56-271-04 56-371-34 „ 56-271-23 „ 56-371-24 If 56-271-31 56-371-26 of 56, 271-32 56-371-25 56-271-11 56-371-23 56-271-21 „ 56-381-09 San Gabriel 56-271-10 El Camino Real 56-382-08 11 -56-271-02 56-382-07 Marchant 56-281-09 56-383-18 Marchant 56-281-10 56-383-21 " 56-281-06 - " 56-383-23 Portola Rd. 56-281-12 San Andres Ave. 31-032-01 it 56-281-13 if 31-043-29 is 56-281-14 Santa Ynez Ave. 31-043-06 It 56-291-03 Navajoa Ave. 31-051-01 Santa Rosa Rd. 56-301-18 31-051-56 56-301-30 „ 31-051-51 " 56-301-10 Morro Rd. 31-051-49 " 56-301-32 ° 31-051-44 *Mountain View Dr. 56-311-02 31-051-43 it 56-311-11 31-051-47 56-311-15 „ 31-051-39 56-312-04 31-051-55 56-322-01 31-052-23 56-322-28 Atascadero Ave. 31-052-07 56-322-29 Cristobal 31-061-01 " 56-322-24 31-061-38 " 56-322-32 Curbaril Ave . 31-062-16 " 56-322-07 Cristobal 31-071-23 Santa Rosa Rd. 56-322-10 of 31-071-17 11 56-322-11 Marchant 31-071-30 San Gabriel Rd. 56-351-19 " 31-081-19 if 56-351-33 31-081-16 56-351.-35 Curbaril Ave. 31-081-20 EXHIBIT A Page Twelve STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Curbaril Ave . 31-081-17 Amapoa Ave. 31-242-14 Coramar Ave. 31-082-32 If31-242-11 Coramar Ave. 31-082-30 31-242-14 Curbaril Ave. 31-082-35 " 31-241-11 Curbaril Ave . 31-082-34 31-241-12 Constancia 31-082-33 31-241-25 to 31-082-13 If31-241-13 It 31-082-24 " 31-241-23 if 31-082-25 if31-241-21 Navarette Ave. 31-122-12 If 31-241-18 it 31-123-08 Is 31-241-19 Larga 31-124-1: Atascadero Ave. 31-251-55 Descanso 31-125-04 31-251-05 Clemente 31-134-18 San Francisco Ave. 31-251-16 of 31-134-07 " 31-251-26 San Marcos 31-134-11 31-251-27 Descanso 31-134-19 31-251-28 it 31-133-05 31-251-29 IF 31.;133-06 31-261-05 Larga 31-132-07 31-261-04 Pequenia 31-.132-43 31-261-03 31-132-11 31-261-02 Descanso 31-134-10 Morro Road 31-291-23 Curbaril Ave. 31-142-01 Azucena 31-301-29 Carmelita Ave. _ 31-141-19 Amapoa Ave. 31-302-13 Santa Ynez Ave. 31-151-13 31-302-15 " 31-151-34 " 31-302-11 _ to 31-152-03 " 31-302-17 Curbaril Ave. 31-051-24 31-302-16 if 31-051-07 31-302-05 Atascadero Ave. 31-051-08 31-302-12 It 31-051-38 If 31-302-19 to 31-051-36 - 11 31-302-18 ,,Santa Ynez Ave. 31-181-01 of 31-302-14 11 31-182-21 It 31-301-10 Navajoa Ave. 31-183-05 is 31-301-30 It 31-183-04 of - 31.-301-11 to 31-183-29 If 31-301-12 to 31-183-02 31-301-13 of 31-183-06 31-301-27 Curbaril Ave. 31-211-04 31-301-31 It 31-222-02 " 31-301-32 Is 31-222-03 31-301-24 Santa Ynez Ave. 31-222-19 31-301-23 Curbaril Ave . 31-231-02 Azucena 31-311-21 Morro Road 31-231-28 If31-311-07 Amapoa Ave . 31-242-16 31-311-06 31-242-13 31-311-03 31-242-10 31-311-02 31-242-16 31-311-01 EXHIBIT A Page Thirteen STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCrr _ Carmelita 31-341-07 Santa Ysabel Ave. 30-121-04 31-341-25 It 30-121-31 31-341-24 it 30-121-12 31-341-23 El Camino Real 30-121-37 Morro Road 31-034-08 it30-121-42 31-023-09 if 30-121-20 31-371-11 Santa Ysabel Ave. 30-131-01 " 31-371-12 1130-131-35 31=371-14 is 30-131-10 Avenal 31-373-07 El Camino Real 30-132-33 it 31-373-06 30-132-37 Marchant Ave. 31-381-47 30-132-08 11 31-381-53 " 30-132-24 of 31-381-59 Curbaril Ave. 30-132-39 It 31-381-60 San Palo Rd. 30-161-01 Sombrilla 30-011-06 Ardilla 30-182-01 Santa YsabelAve. 30-011-16 11 30-182-03 30-011-30 30-181-61 30-011-17 Santa Lucia Rd. 30-191-40 30-011-13 of 30-191-08 Sombrilla 30-021-07 Morro Rd. 30-212-17 of 30-021-02 Alcantara 30-221-19 Valle Ave. 30-031-13 Marchant Ave. 30-222-32 if 30-031-11 It 30-222-25 Sombrilla 30-041-11 Morro Road 30-222-16 of 30-041-10 San Andres Ave. 30-232-26 If 30-041-02 Esperanza 30-232-24 of 30-041-03 30-232-15 of 30-041-04 " 30-232-16 Curbaril Ave. 30-041-06 30-231-24 Valle Ave. 30-051-03 30-231-25 it 30-051-27 If30-231-26 " 30-051-35 E1 Camino Real 30-231-20 30-051-36 1130-231-19 Junipero Ave. 30-061-19 is30-231-01 Curbaril Ave. 30-061-49 of30-241-49 it 30-061-11 if30-241-48 Palomar Ave. 30-071-22 It30-241-13 Junipero Ave. 30-071-32 San Luis Ave. 30-241-36 11 30-071-12 if 30-241-47 of 30-071-29 it30-241-45 of 30-071-33 it30-241-59 Santa Ysabel Ave. 30-081-16 of30-241-58 Sombrilla 30-091-25 30-241-57 it 30-101-05 30-241-60 Santa Ysabel Ave. 30-101-42 30-241-61 of 30-101-25Venado Ave. 30-251-31 30-101-22 Navajoa Ave: 30-282-38 -30-101-27 30-282-15 30-121-02 30-283-05 " 30-121-03 Morro Road 30-282-36 a �i EXHIBIT A Page Fourteen STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Morro Road 30-282-28 Del Rio Rd. 49-073-59 of 30-282-29 of49-073-22 30-282-03 to49-073-37 " 30-282-24 Arena 49-073-19 30-282-27 if49-073-65 Atascadero Ave . 30-282-33 is49-074-01 San Andres Ave. 30-291-19 of _ 49-074-02 If 30-292-27 49-075-01 Morro Road 30-291-13. 1949-075-03 " 30-291-20 - if 49-075-04 Tecorida Ave. 30-292-18 San Ramon Rd. 49-093-07 .30-292-19 To49-073-36 30-292-20 El Camino Real 49-101-09 Marchant Ave. 30-301-09 49-101-10 Santa Lucia Rd. 30-332-15 49-101-15 it 30-332-14 Carrizo Rd. 49-101-23 of 30-332-18 " 49-102-31 If 30-341-03 El Camino Real - .49-102-09 it 30,-341-08 If49-102-12 Cristobal 30-351-19 Del Rio Rd. 49-102-45 " 30-351-11 " 49-112-06 Santa Ynez Ave. 30-371-15 of49-112-25 " 30-372-02 San Benito Rd. 49-112-21 Serra Ave. 30-372-24 LaLuz Rd. 49-121-31 " 30-372-19 it - 49-121-17 Navajoa Ave. 30-373-20 if 49-121-13 Ferro-Carril Rd. 49-023-02 (lot 44) San Benito Rd. 49-122-14 Santa Cruz Rd. 49-041-09 Falda Rd. 49-122-22 " 49-041-18 Arena 49-123-22 " 49-041-05 49-123-23 49-041-12 49-123-27 " 49-041-13 49-123-31 " 49-041-15 Amargon Rd. 49-123-07 " 49-041-16 San Anselmo Rd. 49-123-09 : E1 Camino Real 49-042-15 El Camino Real 49-131-32 " 49-042-25 It 49-131-53 " 49-042-26 of 49-131-48 Santa Cruz Rd. 49-051-24 San Ramon Rd. 49-131-43 49-051-25 1149-131-44 Carrizo Rd. 49-052-05 Del Rio Rd. 49-131-59 of 49-052-29 San Ramon Rd. 49-132-14 Traffic Way 49-052-21 El Camino Real 49-141-36 49-052-28 1149-141-40 49-061-10 of49-141-30 49-061-26 it49-141-26 49-061-15 49-141-22 49-061-28 49-141-29 _ Potrero Rd. 49-062-05 Ramona Rd. 49-141-10 Chico Rd. 49-071-06 1149-141-35 49-071-08 - 49-141-43 EXHIBIT A y - Page Fifteen STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCO # Ramona Rd. 49-141-42 E1 Camino Real 49-201-14 " 49-141-38 to49-201-24 El Camino Real 49-151-36 Is49-201-25 if 49-151-06 Is 49-201-21 31 49-151-20 If 49-201-30 to 49-151-24 Monterey Rd. 49-202-15 to 49-151-08 it .49-202-19 of 49-151-09 to 49-202-10 it 49-151-11 to49-202-11 it 49-151-16 E1 Camino Real 49-211-20 It 49-151-17 " 49-211-40 Is 49-151-43 of49-211-43 49-152-29 If 49-211-44 49-152-39 49-211-45 " 49-152-31 " 49-211-46 " 49-152-34 49-211-47 San Benito Rd. 49-152-02 Ramona Rd. 49-211-11 11 49-152-14 49-211-33 Colima 49„161-02 49-211-32 to 49-161-09 49-211-27 It 49-163-59 " 49-212-18 Silla Rd. 49-163-61 49-212-17 Colima 49-163-56 El Camino Real 49-221-27 If 49-163-09 ° 49-221-45 of 49-163 -05 49-221-67 San Anselmo Rd. 49-163-14 Monterey Rd. 49-221-49 to 49-163-52 of 49-221-57 of 49-163-51 49-221-58 If 49-163-50 49-221-46 - " 49-163-49 „ 49-221-59 E1 Camino Real 49-163-48 49-223-07 of 49-163-44 " 49-223-03 to 49-163-43 49-223-30 to 49-163-34 49-262-03 to 49-163-35 49-262-07 of 49-163-36 Amargon Rd. 49-301-01 If 49-16' -•38 Falda Rd. 49-301-17 49-1(63-40 49-301-08 ►' 49-163-33 49-301-21 48-163-32 49-302-06 " 49-163-31 49-302-34 49-163-25 49-302-28 " 49-163-26 Colima Rd. 49-302-32 If 49-163-22 it 49-302-33 " 49-163-17 San Anselmo Rd. 49-302-02 Silla Rd. 49-163-64 San Paulo Rd. 54-011-17 Conejo Rd, 49-191-02 San Anselmo Rd. 54-011-21 Del Rio Rd. 49-191-15 54-011-19 If 49-191-16 --" 54-011-24 EXHIBIT A Page Sixteen STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # San Anselmo Rd. 54-011-23 Santa Lucia Rd. 54-072-71 11 54-011-14 Portola 54-071-03 Maricopa Rd. 54-014-04 54-071-02 If 54-014-05 " 54-072-36 it 54-013-02 54-072-60 54-013-20 54-072-61 54-013-22 54-072-47 54-013-04 54-072-48 San Anselmo Rd. 54-013-18 54-072-02 to 54-013-19 54-072-23 Ardilla Rd. 54-013-23 If54-073-18 of 54-013-24 of54-081-14 to 54-013-11 54-081-40 if 54-013-16 54-085-48 It 54-013-17 54-073-40 Ardilla Rd. 54-012-39 San Marcos 54-084-01 If 54-012-02 to54-084-03 it 54-012-23 54-084-04 Portola 54,:012-11 if54-086-07 54-022-08 to54-086-08 " 54-.022-09 Bella Vista 54-085-02 54-022-17 it54-085-38 54-022-18 54-085-39 54-022-27 54-086-06 " 54-022-21 54-086-05 Monterey Rd. 54-031-09 54-086-03 of 54-032-54 54-086-10 it 54-032-51 Cascabel Rd. 54-092-14 of 54-032-45 54-092-20 Maricopa Rd. 54-032-15 54-092-02 If 54-032-17 " _ 54-092-01 " 54-032-21 " 54-102-11 54-032-38 54-102-16 Graves Creek Rd. 54-032-40 54-102-13 • Ardilla Rd. 54-042-44 Santa Lucia - 54-101-05 of 54-042-20 to54-101-10 Maricopa Rd. 54-042-19 if54-111-34 It 54-042-21 It 54-111-37it _ 54-041-05 54-111-39 Ardilla Rd. 54-051-46 Los Gatos Rd. 54-121-12 it 54-051-47 1154-121-35 Portola Rd. 54-051-63 0154-122-13 54-051-22 of54-122-26 54-051-54 to54-122-28 -54-051-65 Flores Rd. 54-122-22 54-061-56 San Marcos 54-131-01 54-061-26 54-131-10 Santa Lucia Rd. 54-061-07 to54-131-15 54-061-12 if54-131-06 54-061-28 if - 54-132-43 ' 54-072-16 54-132-44 EXHIBIT A Page Seventeen STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # San Marcos 54-132-60 San Gabriel Rd. 54-211-08 it 54-132-51 it54-211-05 of 54-132-54 it54-212-23 San Gabriel 54-132-11 to54-212-29 it 54-132-65 Carmelita Ave. 54-212-19 if 54-132-25 54-212-25 if 54-142-04 54-212-33 If 54-142-13 54-221-03 It 54-142-27 54-221-04 of 54-142-06 54-221-05 to 54-142-21 it54-221-11 54-142-26 Los Osos 54-231-42 " 54-142-32 if54-231-28 " 54-142-08 Old Morro Rd. 54-231-14 Carmelita Ave. 54-142-16 It 54-231-44 54-142--34 " 54-231-40 54-142-12 54-231-25 San Gabriel 54-151-39 54-231-24 54--151-13 If 54-231-09 " 54-151-23 11 1 54-231-07 54-151-36 Morro Rd. 54-231-18 54-151-46 San Rafael Rd. 54-231-22 54-151-45 1154-231-19 Morro Rd. 54-151-21 of54-231-39 of 54-151-25 if54-231-35 it 54-151-26 0 54-241-25 Santa Rosa Rd. 54-151-30 if54-241-31 54-151-42 to54-241-34 54-151-43 54-241-36 54-151-41 54-241-10 54-151-19 Portal Rd. 54-291-20 54-151-18 54-291-21 Santa Lucia Rd. 54-171-19 54-291-19 54-171-18 Escondido Rd. 54-291-18 54-181-06 Portal Rd. 54-291-17 Portal Rd. 54-191-15 it54-291-16 San Marcos 54-201-24 54-291-14 of 54-201-46 54-291-12 if 54-201-44 Escondido Rd. 54-301-21 It 54-201-36 to54-301-22 It 54-201-35 of54-301-20 " 54-201-32 if54-301-19 " 54-201-33 of 54-301-10 of 54-201-34 B 54-301-18 to 54-201-12 San Marcos 54-301-23 of 54-201-48 It 54-301-15 of 54-201-08 to _ 54-301-13 if 54-201-41 54-301-16 54-201-51 ►' 54-301-17 T1 EXHIBIT A Page Eighteen STREET NA14E ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME 'ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # San Marcos 54-311-48 Garcia Rd. 49-091-04 " 54-311-05 San Gregorio Rd. 49-183-09 to 54-311-43 " 49-183-10 If 54-311-42 " 49-183-15 of 54-311-41 " 49-183-16 . 54-311-35 49-232-28 " 54-311-33 .49-232-33 if 54-311-03 San Fernando Rd. 49-251-36 if 54-311-37 Balboa Rd. 49-331-08 " 54-311-29 Santa Lucia Rd. 30-332-14 " 54-311-50 If30-332-15 54-311-49 It 30-332-18 54-311-53 to 30-341-03 " 54-311-31 of 30-341-08 If 54-311.-51 Cristobal 30-351-11 Reaslito Ave. 54-311-47 30-351-19 to 54-311-08 Santa Ynez Ave. 30-371-15 If 54-311-44 Serra Ave. - 30-372-24 " 54.c311-45 It 30-373-19 of 54-311-46 Navajoa Ave. 30-373-20 Barranco Rd. 54-311-40 San Andres Ave. 30-373-25 54-311-38 El Corte Rd. 30-401-01 " 54-311-20 Santa Fe Rd. 30-412-03 54-311-21 If30-412-04 If 54-311-22 El Dorado Rd. - 30-412-05 Andrita Rd. 54-321-11 Pino Solo Ave. 30-422-03 Sierra Vista Rd. 54-321-10 La' Linia 30-422-01 " 54-321-09 - Pino Solo Ave. 30-431-04 of 54-322-03 It 30-431-04 If 54-322-11 Las Lomas Ave. 30-431-06 .11 54-322-13 30-431-17 54-322-12 E1 Camino Real 30-461-13 Monita 54-322-09 30-461-15 Sierra Vista Rd. 54-334-01 30-461-16 of 54-333-08 El Bordo 30-461-21 to 54-333-07 if 30-461-22 if 54-333-03 Musselman Dr. 30-451-09 it 54-333-05 30- 1,161-06 it 54-331-10 Is30-461-03 It 54-331-06 El Bordo 30-471-01 is 54-331-05 to 30-471-02 to 54-331-04 it 30-471-03 Casitas Rd. 54-331-03 E1 Camino Real 30-472-08 54-331-02 30-472-09 54-331-01 30-472-10 54-332-04 Las Lomas Ave. 30-471-07 54-332-09 E1 Camino Real 30-481-01 O- go 54-332- 10 E1Corte Rd.- 30-482-03Rama54-342-01 30-482-05 Garcia Rd. 49-082-01 Los Lomas Ave. 30-483-03 • EXHIBIT A Page Nineteen STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PAR= # Las Lomas Ave. 30-483-04 Tunitas 29-082-13 11 30-483-05 E1 Verano 29-031-07 El Camino Real 30-491-02 San Jacinto 29-031-13 Pino Solo Ave. 30-491-01 1129-031-14 Principal Ave. 30-492-01 Bajada 29-082-02 if 30-492-03 Palomar 29-20o-07 E1 Camino Real 30-511-02 Castano 29-201-29 Arcade Rd. 30-511-01 Mariquita Ave. 29-291-32 Cascada Rd. 30-512-02 29-291-33 E1 Centro 30-512-01 " 29-292-45 " 30-513-04 Olmeda 29-292-03 30-522-03 Lobos 29-222-21 30-522-19 Miramon 28-042-32 La Linia 30-523-03 28-042-46 Santa Ynez 30-201-05 28-042-09 Santa Rosa 56-351-40 Dolores 28-151-47 of 56-351-42 Dulzura 28-313-<34 Bella Vista 31-321-17 Bajada ,f 31-321-16 X28 311-38 Bella Vista/ Barrenda 28-192-24 Carmelita 31-331-09 Traffic Way 28-191-01 of 54-141=05 If 28-102-01 If 54-142-20 Curbaril 28-411-34 �. of 54-142-29 Dolores 28-271-09 Alcantara 30-292-11 Alamo 28-332-35 San Anselmo 54-013-18 Barrenda 28-322-31 San Francisco 31-261-03 El Verano 28-282-12 is 31-261-05 11 28-281-13 Sonora 29-181-47 Dolores 28-151-47 Portola 54-061-54 Arroyo 28-321-22 Atascadero 45-371-05 El Camino 45-351-05 Colorado 45-451-14 Viejo Camino 45-342-09 Atascadero 45-451-39 45-342-08 San Diego 45-353-05 45-342-07 ,tof45-341-01 45-342-06 of 45-341-04 El Camino Real 45-351-05 Viejo Camino 45-342-06 45-341-01 it 45-342-07 45-341-04 it 45-342-08 45-353-05 Castano 29-201-29 45-371-05 Pinal 29-012-01 45-441-31 Tranquilla 29-012-25 If 45-451-14 of 29-012-26 of 45-451-42 " ` 29-012-07 Morro Road 31-05.2-17 It 29-010-12 San Marcos 31-141-06 It 29-011-16 Carmelita Ave. 31-142-04 Olmeda 29-253-22 Morro Road 31-153-05 EXHIBIT A Page Twenty STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # Morro Road 31-153-08 San Dimas 56-471-08 " 31-161-33 to 56-471-07 of 31-161-21 56-471-06 Atascadero 56-231-15 " 56-481-03 Portola 56-281-15 Los Osos Road 56-491-18 Santa Rosa 56-322-06 1156-491-01 Valle Ave. 30-031-07 Balboa 50-041-11 Curbaril 30-061-27 1150-043-05 " 30-061-28 of50-051-05 " 30-101-26 If50-051-20 Junipero Ave. 30-141-16 of50-051-11 Venado 30-271-25 It50-063-01 Morro Road 30-282-34 Graves Creek 50-071-29 " 30-291-22 " 50-071-12 to 30-291-25 Ardilla 50-071-09 Alcantara 30-292-09 Balboa 50-111-08 Nacimiento Ave. 30-341-20 of50-111-14 " 30-341-23 It 50-121-10 Santa Ynez 30^371-09 to50-121-06 E1 Centro 30-522-08 50-131-05 San Gabriel 56-161-94 San Fernando 50-131-20 " 56-161-03 Llano 50-242-03 i56-161-38 50-242-04 56-161-54 '! 50-242-05 " 56-161-97 Balboa 50-242-06 56-161-87 Llano 50-351-06 56-161-79 San Gregorio 50-012-22 56-161-48 Is 50-012-23 56-161-95 of 50-012-20 " 56-161-39 It 50-012-18 San Rafael 56-161-90 of 50-021-25 56-161-53 if 50-021-27 " 56-161-89 50-021-02 56-161-14 50-021-14 56-161-20 Del Rio 50-021-31 56-161-30 11 50-021-04 56-161-85 If 50-021-28 56-161-86 11 50-021-29 Toloso 56-401-05 if 50-021-26 Casteneda 56-411-05 '! 50-031-20 56-411-08 Alturas 50-031-08 56-411-11 50-031-41 Los Osos 56-411-14 50-031-40 to 56-411-15 50-031-39 Carmelita 56-431-01 Linda Vista 31-115-06 Old Morro Rd. East 56-451-01 of 31-115-07 56-451-02 31-115-08 EXHIBIT A Page Twenty-one STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Navarette 31-191-02 Alta Vista 31-112-01 ,f 31-191-03 31-112-02 if 31-191-04 31-112-04 is 31-191-05 31-112-05 It 31-191-06 31-112-06 Alturas 50-031-38 31-112-07 it 50-042-03 31-112-09 to 50-042-13 31-112-11 Balboa 50-043-05 31-112-12 it 50-041-11 Encino 31-092-05 Del Rio 50-092-07 31-092-17 11 50-111-12 31-092-18 San Gregorio 50-091-07 31-092-12 Alturas 50-111-04 31-092-11 Alta Vista 31-112-13 31-092-14 ,r 31-112-14 31-092-16 it 31-113-01 Chauplin 31-101-01 it 31-113-02 , 31-101-11 It 31-113-03 31-101-13 it 31-113-06 " 31-101-12 31-113-07 31-101-08 " 31-113-08 Encino 31-101-06 " 31-113-10 of 31-101-04 31-113-11 it 31-101-02 31-113-12 it 31-102-01 Navarette 31-114-01 31-102-13 is 31-114-02 " 31-102-14 of 31-114-04 Corta 31-012-11 it 31-114-05 if 31-012-10 Linda. Vista 31-115-01 It 31-012-09 if 31-115-02 to 31-012-19 It 31-115-03 Chauplin 31-012-23 it 31-115-0531-012-22 Encino 31-102-15 31-012-24 of 31-102-16 31-012-25 El Retiro 31-111-01 Encino 31-091-01 Mira Flores 31-111-02 31-091-09 1 31-111-03 " 31-091-07 31-111-04 31-091-16 31-111-05 " 31-091-10 " 31-111-09 31-091-11 31-111-10 31-091-15 31-111-11 " 31-091-13 EXHIBIT A age Twenty-two STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Encino 31-091-08 Graves Creek 54-161-08 " 31-091-06 Santa Lucia 54-262-05 31-091-05 " 54-272-15 Vega 30-171-15 54-272-16 if 30-171-16 54-272-19 It 30-171-17 .Encino 31-102.-02 Ardilla 30-172-16 Cenegal 55-031-25 30-172-13 " 55-031-28 " 30-172-06 to55-031-26 30-251-25 Realito 55-052-02 30-251-08 Vista 55-051-12 30-251-33 San Marcos 55-053-01 Venado 30-251-31 Barranco 55-061-02 to 30-251-32 of55-061-03 If 30-251-05 Casanova 55-081-11 Ardilla 30-261-13 of55-083-04 310-261-11 " 55-082-01 Venado 30-261-04 Carmelita 55-101-14 Ardilla 30'-271-21 55-101-16 " 30-271-26 Laurel 55-041-08 30-271-03 of55-041-10 30-271-19 Sierra Vista 55-092-01 Chauplin 30-311-01 1155-091-03 if 30-311-02 Puente 55-121-15 it 30-311-05 Santa Lucia 55-431-02 30-311-11 Palo Verde 55-311-12 " 30-311-12 it55-311-11 Bella Vista 54-132-55 of 55-311-17 54-133-62 Old Morro Road 55-311-18 54-133-63 If55-331-01 54-133-64 of55-331-03 54-133-67 it55-331-07 " 54-133-66 it 55-331-11 54-142-20 9155-341-01 ' " 54-142-29 of55-341-03 54-141-03 Palo Verde 55-361-13 54-141-06 Santa Lucia 55-431-03 54-141-05 if55-442-07 54-086-17 it55-442-06 54-086-04 Barranco Ht. 55-062-20 54-085-29 Lucinda 55-062-35 54-085-28 9155-062-19 54-085-35 " 55-062-28 54-085-34 55-062-29 54-085-07 - 55-062-23 S EXHIBIT A Page Twenty-three STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL � Lucinda 55-062-24 Santa Ysabel 30-121-02 1! 55-062-32 to , 30-121-03 it 55-062-39 30-121-04 it 55-062-30 30-121-31 El Camino Real 49-141-42 30-121-12 San Gregorio 49-183-18 30-131-10 of 49-183-17 Sinaloa 30-131-30 Magdalena 28-356-01 El Camino Real 30-132-33 of 28-356-02 it30-132-37 Sombrillo 30-011-20 Curbaril 30-132-39 To 30-011-15 E1 Camino Real 30-141-64 if 30-041-11 Palomar 30-151-33 It 30-041-10 30-152-27 to 30-041-14 " 30-152-06 30-041-03 30-152-07 10-041-06 San Palo 30-161-05 Valle 30-051-30 Ardilla 30-172-16 go 30-051-35 ►' 30-172-13 of 30-051-36 30-172-06 Palomar 30-051-37 30-172-10 if 30-051-09 Vega 30-171-16 of 30-051-19 It30-171-17 of 1 30-051-20 Ardilla 30-182-01 Curbaril 30-061-11 if 30-182-03 it 30-061-49 it30-151-61 it 30-061-28 Santa Lucia 30-191-08 30-061-27 Morro Road 30-212-17 Valle 30-061-50 El Camino Real 30-223-09 Junipero 30-061-23 Alcantara 30-221-19 of 30-071-06 Marchant 30-222-32 30-071-12 to 30-222-25 30-071-29 El Camino Real 30-231-21 ►' 30-071-33 1. 1 30-231-20 ►' 30-071-16 If30-231-19 Palomar 30-071-17 Esperanza 30-231-24 Sombrillo 30-091-09 If 30-231-23 It 30-091-11. it 30-232-24. Santa Ysabel 30-091-14 30-232-15 Sombrillo 30-101-05 30-232-16 Curbaril 30-101-40 Marchant 30-232-18 Palomar 30-111-39 El Camino Real 30-241-49 Is 30-111-16 " 30-241-48 " 30-111-17 San Luis Avenue 30-241-36 30-111-15 It30-241-62 30-111-13 ,t 30-241-45 " -30-111-37 it 30-241-59 30-111-36 '► 30-241-58 EXHIBIT A Page Twenty-four 0STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL San Luis Avenue 30-241-57 El Camino Real 30-461-13 It 30-241-60 " 30-461-16 to 30-241-61 if 30-472-08 Marchant 30-242-31 Las Lomas 30-471-09 Venado 30-251-31 of 30-483-08 it 30-251-32 30-483-04 yit 30-251-05 30-483-03 Ardilla 30-261-13 El Camino Real 30-481-01 " 30-261-11 " - 30-491-02 Morro Road 30-282-03 Principal 30-491-01 if 30-282-34 1130-492-01 Atascadero Avenue 30-282-30 it30-492-03 if 30-283-05 E1 Camino Real 30-502-06 San Andres 30-291-19- If30-511-02 Morro Road 30-291-20 30-511-03 it 30-291-21 Arcade 30-511-01 it 30-291-22 E1 Centro 30-512-08 it 30-291-25 Cascada 30-512-02 . Alcantara 30-292-45 El Centro 30-513-04 " 30-292-41 Vista 55-051-09 " 30-292-09 Andrita 55-073-02 30-292-10 Casanova 55-071-01 Marchant 30-292-38 1155-082-08 " 30-292-39 Sycamore 28-032-03 San Andres 30-292-27 Hidalgo 28-042-03 " 30-291-19- " 28-042-06 Morro Road 30-291-20-- 28-042-08 to 30-291-21 " 28-042-49 it 30-291-22 Aurora 28-401-16 It 30-291-25- Aragon 28-401-23 San Andres 30-301-44 San Gregorio 49-182-14 Venado 30-311-01 of 49-183-11 Santa Lucia 30-332-18 it49-183-09 30-332-14 Chico Road 49-022-09 " 30-332-15 Carrizo Road 49-052-01 Atascadero Mall 30-343-04 Traffic Way 49-061-27 4" Nacimiento 30-341-10 of 49-061-10 Santa Lucia 30-341-06 of49-071-19 It 30-341-03 to 49-071-17 Cristobal 30-351-19 if 49-072-05 Santa Ynez 30-371-09 Del Rio Road 49-102-49 Serra 30-372-24 of49-111-08 El Corta 30-401-01 San Benito 49-112-20 it 30-401-05 Viscano 28-071-34 Pino Solo 30-431-03 Cabrillo 28-213-03 if 30-431-04 Garcia 49-092-39 Musselman 30-461-25 San Ramon 49-093-36 if 30-461-07 it 49-093-42 of 30-461-06 it _ 49-093-06 -30-461-03 if 49-093-07 " 30-461-01 of 49-093-35 La Luz Road 49-121-14 1 EXHIBIT A l." Page Twenty.-five STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PA # San Benito 49-122-13 San Gabriel 56-351-23 San Ramon 49-132-01 Santa Rosa 56-351-37 49-132-25 56-351-43 49-131-42 56-261-04 El Camino Real 49-131-50 56-261-75 to 49-131-45 Lake View 56-312-07 Alamo 28-322-14 If 56-312-08 Gancho 28-311-27 56-312-21 El Camino Real 49-141-44 56-312-14 San Benito 49-151-31 56-312-15 San Gregorio 49-182-15 56-312-16 Garcia 49-182-03 56-312-23 Del Rio 49-191-30 56-322-16 E1 Camino Real 49-221-34 56-322-17 San Gregorio 49-232-34 56-322-18 It 49-232-35 " 56-322-19 Del Rio 49-241-25 Mountain View 56-312-28 of 49-241-20 Marchant 56-221-20 If 49-241-22 San Rafael 56-491-11 San Gregorio 50-021-24 of 56-491-13 If 50-021-21 Los Osos 56-491-16 it 50-021-22 Castaneda 56-411-21 it 50-021-20 Corta 31-021-06 it 50-021-23 if31-023-06 it 50-021-03 of 31-021-05 Del Rio 50-021-32 is 31-023-05 Alturas 50-031-27 Cristobal 31-061-32 Del Rio 50-031-28 1131-061-34 " 50-031-16 of31-061-33 50-031-20 San Clemente 31-134-20 " 50-031-34 if 31-134-03 " 50-031-33 If31-134-04 Alturas 50-042-01 Curbaril 31-141-03 Balboa 50-062-01 Carmelita 31-151-23 San Gregorio 50-092-03 to31-142-16 =. Del Rio 50-092-10 Atascadero AVenue 31-160-16 • is 50-101-01 Carmelita 31-331-09 Balboa 50-131-16 It31-331-11 Santa Lucia 50-323-06 It31-331-12 11 50-324-13 Rosita 29-012-20 of 50-324-07 29-022-18 Coromar 56-031-29 29-022-25 it 56-121-24 Cayucos 29-021-01 Atascadero Avenue 56-171-08 Rosita 29-023-07 to 56-171-16 Nogales 29-024-20 Santa Rosa 56-201-27 it29-024-07 It 56-201-33 San Jacinto 29-051-29 San Rafael 56-211-43 It29-051-30 Atascadero Avenue 56-271-28 Traffic Way- 29-061-42 San Gabriel 56-261-78 Honda 29-061-44 56-261-79 Traffic Way 29-082-29 f EXHIBIT A Page Twenty-six STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL Mercedes 29-105-23 Casanova 55-081-06 " 55-081-10 29-105-24 Cortez 29-142-10 55-102-04 of 29-142-11 Cenegal 55-131-10 Castano 29-142-04 Casanova 55-081-04 29-142-05 " 29-141-08 Pinal 29-141-12 Castano 29-152-10 Pinal 29-181-06 Cortina 29-191-38 Castano 29-202-05 Lobos Lane 29-211-18 If 29-222-26 - - Cayucos 29-222-34 Hermosilla 29-222-31 Nogales 29-232-21 Palma 29-311-16 Santa Ynez 31-151-14 San Anselmo 49-301-04 Balboa 49-331-09 Sombrilla 30-091-40 Cristobal 30-301-22 Bella Vista 31-331-05 Halcon 45-401-02 Atascadero Rd. 45-451-43 Cuesta 45-361-14 Cuesta 45-361-15 Viejo Camino 45-354-01 Castenada 56-411-22 Castenada 56-411-10 Sierra Vista 54-322-04 Morro Road 30-291-23 Pino Solo 30-431-16 Pino Solo 30-431-14 Pino Solo 30-431-12 San Marcos 31-134-09 San Andres 31-123-02 Navarette 31-131-07 San Francisco 31-251-15 Portola 31-311-19 Aurora 28-401-18 Santa Rosa 54-151-27 Lucinda Lane 55-062-34 San Marcos 54-311-52 Portola 54-071-11 Casanova 55-081-12 COUNCIL MEETING : 4/22/85 &NDA ITEM NO, n - 2 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council April 22, 1985 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Planning Director VV RE: City/School District Committee Report BACKGROUND: Upon receipt of the accompanying December 18, 1984 communication from the Atascadero Unified School District, the City Council appointed representatives from the City Council and staff to meet with represen- tatives of the School District and their staff to review the Dis- trict' s request to levy residential development fees .for interim school facilities. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a status report on the committee's deliberations and its conclusions. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: • City of Atascadero: Councilman George Molina, Councilman Wayne "Bear" Handshy, City Manager, and Planning Director Atascadero Unified School District: Board Member Ellen Baer, Board Member Carl Brown, District Superintendent Anthony Avina and Business Manager, Ernest Taylor MEETING HISTORY: The Committee met a total of six times beginning on January 21st with the last meeting held on April 12th. The discussion process involved examining the data contained in the School District' s transmittal of December 18th, reviewing alternatives to development fees that the District had pursued, considering the City' s needs with respect to raising revenues for other public facility needs, studying past and current growth trends in the City and School District at large, re- viewing legal pre-requisites before the City could consider adopting a specific ordinance for raising fees pursuant to Government Code sec- tion 65970, and obtaining legal advice from Steve Hartsell, represent- ing Schools Legal Services and Allen Grimes, City Attorney. STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Government Code section 65970 enables school districts, upon a finding of overcrowding, to pass a resolution stating that they are impacted • and thereafter requesting affected local municipalities and counties to make the same findings and enact an ordinance requiring payment of fees to mitigate the overcrowding. The findings that are required include a conclusion that the school district "has considered and City/School District&mmittee Report • evaluated all reasonable methods of mitigating conditions of over- crowding" and find them not feasible. The enabling statute also re- quires that there be a general plan that provides for the location of public schools. The City' s existing General Plan simply identifies the existing school sites but does not designate future sites; hence, a plan amendment would be required prior to considerationofan ordi- nance (see attached memorandum dated February 4, 1985 from City Attor- ney, Allen Grimes). To date, 32 of the state' s 58 counties have school development fee requirements. EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES: With respect to alternatives for mitigating the conditions of over- crowding in district schools, the following were among those reported on to the committee: 1) Year-round schools - In order to implement year-round schools, the district would need to air condition classrooms due to the high summer temperatures. Preliminary estimates indicate that this could cost $3,000,000 together with an increase in utility costs of approximately $30 ,000 per month. State law also requires that year-round schools be approved by a majority of the elector- ate of the district before being implemented on a mandatory basis. Some districts have implemented year-round schools on a voluntary basis with mixed results. 2) Special Assessments —Measure A, the $35 "parcel tax" , was sub- mitted to the electorate in November , 1984 and received a 53. 7% yes vote, but failed since it required 2/3rds approval for passage. 3) State Lottery - The language on the ballot for the lottery ini- tiative specifically precludes lottery funds from being used for capital outlay and construction. 4) State Revenues - The district has applied for funding for school facilities with this process normally taking 42 months. It has been estimated that there is a state-wide need for five billion dollars for school facilities over the next five years, and only $225 million dollars is available for allocation in the next year. 5) Double Sessions - This alternative is not feasible following passage of SB 813 in 1983-84. This law requires the school dis- trict to provide additional minutes of education in each school day and to provide five additional school days of education in the school year. 6) Bussing to maximize use of space - The entire district is im- pacted with the district presently bussing students from Atasca- dero to available space in Santa Margarita. The distance to ad- joining school districts makes , it impractical to utilize any neighboring surplus classroom space and the San Luis Coastal Uni- fied District is finding that it is now having to use space that was formerly surplus. 2 City/School Districtemmittee Report . • 7) Temporary Classrooms - This is the avenue being pursued to alle- viate present overcrowding and the reason the district is request- ing enactment of an interim facilities fee ordinance. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT: The School District has prepared a proposed general plan amendment for the City' s consideration to enable future consideration of an ordi- nance relative to interim development fees. CITY NEEDS School District representatives were advised that the City is develop- ing a fee package to provide a pay-as-you go means of mitigating the impacts of growth including fees to provide for traffic lights, bridges, police facilities, fire facilities, park sites, roads, sewer system, etc. The City representatives on the committee stressed that there was a need to provide a comprehensive solution to all of the community' s public facility needs, including schools. COMMITTEE CONSENSUS: It was the consensus of the committee to support adoption of a resolu- tion by the City Council concurring in the findings of overcrowding made by the Board of Trustees. As a prerequisite to issuance of a building permit for residential development, applicants would be re- quired to enter into voluntary agreements with the Atascadero Unified School District to provide payments of fees to be used to alleviate overcrowding in the district. Such fees would be no higher than the fee schedule contained in the December 18, 1984 transmittal from the district. Building permit applicants would be required to deal with the School District first and submit, as part of their application to the City, a statement from the district indicating that school impacts had been alleviated by payment of a fee. WHAT'S NEXT?: The following is the schedule adopted by the committee at their meet- ing of April 12th: April 22, 1985 - City Council meeting - discussion of committee_ report May 6, 1985 - School Board meeting - considerations of revised resolu- tion on overcrowding for submission to the City Council May 13, 1985 - City Council meeting - presentation by School District personnel of proposed resolution. May 28, 1985 - City Council public hearing considering proposed resolution on overcrowding (could be held at the Prath- er Building at the Junior High School) . The possibil- ity exists for a continuance of the hearing to June 8, 1985, if necessary, prior to acting .- on the proposed resolution. . 3 City/School District Committee Report Additional actions to be undertaken include formal submission by the School District of a regueat for a general plan amendment (this could be included with the first cycle of 1985 plan amendments) . Work would continue by City staff on a draft comprehensive package to cover City public facility needs in addition to a draft ordinance addressing school overcrowding. HE:ps Enclosures: February 4, 1985 memorandum, Allen Grimes, City Attorney December 18, 1984 Communication, Atascadero Unified School District 4 �b ADMINISTRATION BUILDING s . CITY ATTORNEY POST OFFICE BOX 747 • •. POST OFFICE BOX 749 ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93423 ATASCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: (805) 466-8000 PHONE: (805) 466.5678 CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK :. e'-4 _. CITY TREASURER { / POLICE DEPARTMENT mL 47 CITY MANAGER lk�L JULY 2, 1979 POST OFFICE CALIFORNIA BOX ATASCADERO,CIA 93423 FINANCE DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805) 466.8600 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT - - - - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT . . FIRE DEPARTMENT RECREATION DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93422 PHONE: (805) 466-2141 MEMORANDUM February 4, 1985 To: Ralph Dowell, Acting City Mana er From: Allen Grimes Cit Attorne City Y Subject: Development Fees; School Facilities You have asked me to give you the requirements which are legal conditions to the collection of development fees. I see these as follows: 1) The governing body of the school district must make a finding supported by clear and convincing evidence that: a) Conditions of overcrowding exist in one or more attendance areas within the district which will impair the normal functioning of educational programs, including the reason for such conditions existing; and b) All reasonable methods of mitigating conditions of overcrowding have been evaluated and no feasible method for reducing such conditions exists. (Govt Code 65971) 2) Each of the following must occur. a) The General Plan provides for the location of public schools; - b) The ordinance has been in effect for period of 30 days prior to the implementation of the dedication or fee requirement; c) The land or fees, or both, transferred to a school district shall be used only for the purpose of providing interim elementary or high school classroom and related facilities where overcrowded conditions exist; d) The location and amount of the land to be dedicated or the amount of fees to be paid, or both, shall bear a reasonable relationship and will be limited to the needs of the community for interim ele- mentary or high school facilities and shall be reasonably related and limited to the need for schoolscausedby the development; r M MEMORANDUM: Ralph Dowell, Acting City Manager February 4, 1985 Page 2 e) The fees shall not exceed the amount necessary to pay five (5) annual lease payments for the interim facilities; f) A finding is made by the City Council that the facilities to be constructed from the fees or the land to be dedicated, or both, are consistent with the General Plan; g) If the payment of fees of required, the payment shall be made at the time the building permit is issued, or at a later time as may be specified in the ordinance; and h) Only the payment of fees may be required in subdivisions containing 50 parcels or less. (Govt Code 65974) 3) It is noted that interim facilities as mentioned above shall be limited to the following: a) Temporary classrooms not constructed with permanent foundations and defined as structures containing one or more rooms, each of which is designed, intended, and equipped for use as a place for formal instruction of pupils by a teacher in a school; b) Temporary classroom toilet facilities not constructed with perma- nent foundations; and c) Reasonable site preparation and installation of temporary class- rooms. (Govt Code 65980) 4) The ordinance may specify the methods for mitigating the conditions of overcrowding. (Govt Code 65974) AG:fr cc: Rolfe Nelson, Mayor n Atascadero Unified School District # "Where students and their education are paramount" 6800 LEWIS AVENUE ANTHONY AVINA, Ed.D. ATASCADERO, CA 93422 District Superintendent PHONE:. (805) 466-0393 December 18 , 1984 Ralph Dowell City Manager City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mr. Dowell: At a special board meeting of the Atascadero Unified School' District Board of Trustees held on Monday, December 17, 1984, the Board tools action to adopt Resolution No. 8, "Resolution Regarding Conditions of Overcrowding in School Attendance Areas" . The Resolution cites Government Section 65970 and subsequent sections regarding the overcrowding of school facilities and calling for a schedule of developers` fees to be enacted and levied against future building permits. We would like to request that an ordinance be developed and be presented to the City Council for consideration at your earliest convenience. I believe that you already have a copy of the San Luis Obispo County ordinance and I am enclosing a copy of the City of Bakersfield ordinance for your consideration. Our legal representative, Steve Hartsell, of. Schools Legal Services, Inc. , (805) 398-3830, would be happy to work with your staff anal/or legal counsel in drafting an ordinance. Mr. Hartsell , and his ' firm were instrumental in drafting the ordinance as adopted by the County and therefore is familiar with the process. Should you need further information, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Ernest W. Taylor, Business Manager EWT:rr cc: Henry Engen, Planning Director Steve Hartsell , Schools Legal Services encl: Resolution #8 and related materials Carrisa Plains Elementary • Creston Elementary • Lewis Avenue Elementary • Monterey Road Elementary Santa Margarita Elementary • Santa Rosa Road Elementary • Atascadero Junior High School Atascadero Senior High School • Atascadero Adult School • Oak Hills Continuation High School io y ATASCADERO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION December 17, 1984 RESOLUTION REGARDING CONDITIONS OF OVERCROWDING IN SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AREAS RESOLUTION NO. 8 A. The Legislature has enacted Government Code Sections 65970 and following in order to provide a means to alleviate over- crowding in public schools caused by new residential development . B. The statute provides that whenever a school district finds schools will be overcrowded as the result of proposed resi- dential development , and the city or county concurs, no further resi- dential development may be approved until an ordinance is adopted and implemented, providing for the payment of fees or dedication of land by residential developers to the school district. C. The District Superintendent has reported to this Governing Board on the enrollment capacities of the various schools of the district , the current and projected enrollments in the Dis- trict , and the cost of obtaining relocatable classroom facilities sufficient to meet enrollment needs caused by current and future de- velopment . The Superintendent ' s report is attached and incorporated . into this Resolution as Exhibit "A". RESOLVED 1. The above recitals are true. 2. This Board finds the Superintendent' s report to be correct , and specifically adopts the report as its own findings. 3. Based upon the facts contained in the Superin- tendent ' s report, this Board finds; (1) h a. Conditions of overcrowding (including condi- tions caused by proposed development) exist in every attendance area within the district at all grade levels which will impair the normal functioning of educational programs. b. Overcrowding exists at all grade levels be- cause the current enrollment exceeds the capacity of existing facil- ities and cannot be accommodated in a manner that is consistent with the District ' s educational goals and programs. The District needs to acquire one new elementary school within five years and to acquire additional classrooms at numerous existing sites as early as next year, all of which is beyond the fiscal capability of the District. Further development will produce even greater strains upon the capacities of all schools and school sites. Development proposals totaling approxi- mately 700 living units within the boundaries of the Atascadero Unified School District are already at various stages of the approval process in the City of Atascadero and the County of San Luis Obispo. C. The District has considered and evaluated all reasonable methods of mitigating conditions of overcrowding and this Board finds that none of them is. feasible. There are no avail- able sources for funding the acquisition of new facilities on a per- manent or temporary basis. There are no general or special reserve funds of the District , bond funds or State funds that can be made avail- able for classrooms without jeopardizing the District 's ability to provide educational opportunities for its students comparable to those offered to students throughout the State of California. Classrooms are currently overcrowded andthiscondition is having an adverse impact on the educational program of the District . This Board finds that (2) • • double sessions are not an acceptable educational alternative. The District is currently using eleven (11) temporary classrooms to house students in excess of permanent class capacity. The District has no surplus real property to. sell. There are no . existing agreements between a developer and the School District whereby temporary-use buildings or relocatables will be purchased and/or leased by the developers for the benefit of the School District or whereby temporary- use buildings or relocatables will be leased by the School Dis- trict at developer expense. The District has no low priority schools or facilities to eliminate. 4. Currently, there is no ordinance in effect in the City which provides for the uniform payment of fees by residential developers to school districts whose schools are overcrowded or will become overcrowded as a result of proposed development . 5. Discussion with an architectural firm recently in- volved in the bidding for relocatable buildings revealed the basic cost per classroom to range between $39,000 and $52,000. An addi- tional $11,000 would be necessary to install and equip the classrooms. Based upon the above information, and using the lower bid figure of $39,000, it would cost $1,752 per student to pro- vide relocatable classrooms at an average 28.5 students per classroom. This amounts to an average $701.05 per dwelling unit based on an average .4 students per household. Accordingly, the Board recommends that fees be imposed on residential development within the District according the the following schedule: (3) 0-1 Bedroom dwelling unit , 849 sq. ft . or less $300 0-1 Bedroom dwelling unit , 850 sq. ft. or more $500 2 Bedroom dwelling unit , 1349 sq. ft . or less $500 2 Bedroom dwelling unit ,' 1350 sq. ft. or more $700 3 Bedroom dwelling unit , 1949 sq. ft. or less $700 3 Bedroom dwelling unit , 1950 sq. ft. or more $900 4 or more Bedroom dwelling unit , regardless of sq. ft . $900 6. The fees collected pursuant to Government Code Section 65970 and following will be used by the District to acquire and install relocatable classrooms on an interim basis on existing school sites which are alread: in conformity with applicable general plans, unless alternative agreements have been made with individual developers for mitigation of overcrowding in lieu of fees for interim facility use. 7. The amount of fees requested to be imposed, and which would be required to be paid, under the standards recommended in this Resolution bear a reasonable relationship, and will be limited to the needs of the community for interim elementary, intermediate and high school facilities, and are reasonably related and limited to the need for schools caused by the development upon which the . fees would be imposed. 8. The Superintendent is directed to provide copies of this Resolution and Exhibit "A" to the Atascadero City Councils and the County Board of Supervisors. (4) On motion of Board Member Carol Boche , seconded by Board Member Roy King , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Baer,Boche,Brown,King Merrick. NOES: Beck & Thiebaud. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted. Clerk of the Board December 173, 1984 Date adopted (5) Atascadero Unified School District "Where students and their education are paramount" 6800 LEWIS AVENUE ANTHONY AVINA, Ed.D. ATASCADERO, CA 93422 District Superintendent PHONE: (805) 466-0393 December 6, 1984 TO: Anthony Avina, Ed.D. , Superintendent Members of the Board of Trustees FROM: Ernest W. Taylor, Business Manager C+ SUBJECT: Update/School Capacity At the March 19, 1984, board meeting, the Administration reported to the Board on the ever-increasing student population and the subsequent over-crowding of school facilities. That meeting was followed by a report on "Methods of Financing School Facilities" dated 'March 23, 1984. A copy is attached for your information. At that time the Administration outlined the five current sources of funding schools within the State of California. It was pointed out that the only two viable methods for consideration were: 1. Builders fees for interim facilities 2. A parcel tax election which would raise funds based upon a specified amount for a specified number of years for the purpose of building and furnishing school facilities. After due consideration and deliberations at subsequent board meetings, the Board of Trustees took action at their June 4, .. 1984, meeting to authorize a parcel tax election. On November 6, 1984, the electorate of the District rejected this ballot measure. In view of the results of the election, the Administration must now explore other methods of temporarily providing facilities to house students of the District until a permanent solution can be developed to provide permanent facilities. The Administration has been working with the State Departments' Office of Local Assistance on its application which was filed several years ago. In addition, the Administration has been working with Ed Group International on an advisory basis to deter- mine any possible method whereby the District might qualify for State funding. Carrisa Plains Elementary • Creston Elementary • Lewis Avenue Elementary • Monterey Road Elementary Santa Margarita Elementary • Santa Rosa Road Elementary • Atascadero Junior High School Atascadero Senior High School Atascadero Adult School Oak Hills Continuation High School (Anthony Avina, Ed.D. , Superintendent ) Page 2 0 At this point it would appear that the Districts chances of qualifying are "slim to none". The District is fast . approaching the point where it will have unhoused children; however still will not qualify since it has more square footage in school facilities - than theStateformula allows. The District will continue to actively pursue any possible loopholes or hardship waivers which might apply in order that we might qualify. The Senate Committee on Housing and Urban Affairs, which is chaired by Senator Leroy Greene, will be conducting a hearing on school construction financing on Friday, December 7, 1984. . 1 will attend this meeting and report to the Board on Monday, December 10, 1984. Condominiums, apartments and new housing starts within the City of Atascadero continue at an unprecedented rate. Whenever the Dis- tric't is advised of proposed subdivisions they respond to the Planning Department advising them of our overcrowded conditions and suggesting that the developers contact the District to help mitigate the impact of their proposed project . Unfortunately, neither the District nor the City has the ability to require miti- gation at this time. The Administration is recommending that the Board consider the adoption of a "Resolution regarding conditions of overcrowding in school attendance areas" . A copy of the proposed draft is attached for your reference. Adoption of this resolution would be the first step towards noti- fying the City of Atascadero, and the County of San Luis Obispo, officially of our severeimpaction. The next logical step would be to request that both agencies adopt temporary measures which would impose developer's fees on all new housing starts within the District based upon a schedule of bedroom dwelling units/ square footage. Similar schedules- have already been adopted by the County Board of Supervisors for the Lucia Mar School District. In addition, the Cities of Pismo- Beach, Grover City and Arroyo Grande have adopted similar measures. Fees collected from a developer' s fee would be used for interim facilities to provide for the immediate needs of our student pop- ulation. Should an alternative solution be forthcoming in order to provide permanent facilities, the Board could rescind the developer' s fee at its discretion. Attached is a copy of the State Cohort Survival method of pro- jecting enrollments for the next three years (Form SAB411) which is based on the enrollment as of October 1st of each year. This report is completed at the end of the first school month and the sixth school month. It is anticipated that our enrollment will continue to increase and that the projections at the end of the sixth school month (February 22, 1985) will exceed those presented at this time. 0 Further information regarding this matter will be presented at the board meeting. , STATE. OF CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF LOCAL ASSISTANCE ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE sAa-4n (REV. 1/77) PREPARED BY: JOHN McMANUS - ED GROUP INTERNATIONAL r _ SCNOOL DISTRICT COUNTY APPLICATION NO. . ATASCADERO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SAN LUIS OBISPO tg ENROLLMENT 1 r „ t ^` "=' 'PROJECTED ENROLLMENT 1ST MONTH 6TH MONTH AVERAGE tin s 5 a•tS#a9zsCHANGE YEAR 1/82'82/8383/8 84/8 5/86 86/87 87/88 xr�x . 38 6 Tc� ?at� j K ` 352 1306 37 35 +8 367 375 383 27 '2.30 33 37 -6 353 361 369 z 24` '>i.27 30 32 -3 367 350 358 + + x 3 27 "-':.25 28 30 +3 330 370 353 4 X29 . -:27 I27 29 +13 321 343 383 K a 6 + 356 � 33�•`��>j29 28 29 +13 312 334 bxc Y 6 33 `'<>35 28 29 +10 309 322 343 7 + 344 34'•�-::35 35 32 +22 319 331 =:1 6 33 '`2"J 37 35 36 +10 333 329 . 341 33 133 39 38 +25 393 358 354 ` a _ 10 28••• x.33 34 40 +6 395 399 364 A �. -2 98 48 �27 28 28 33 -25 380 370 374 s ti r A�� trA 26 86 96 z t2 25 251 24 24 -35 295 345 335 TOTAL ELE+• 2744 2826 2850 2950 3011 3115 3230 TOTAL HIGH 1151 1226 1270 1373 1463 1472 1427 TOTAL 3895 4052 4.120 4323 i': 4474 4587 4657 'it� y } ANNUAL CHA,GE 157 68 203 151 113 70 SPECIAL ED. PUPILS PUPIL UNITS — CONTINUATION H. S. LATEST ENROLLMENT) . }rq`s.•n r'*<s-3a .�' �;"�. 3 HIGH. MOS. PUPIL HRS. SCH. DAYS PUP. HRS— DAYS ELEM. SEC. Mar 84 4698 18 261 1 — r v �{yLCH 15 ,,, �aL, ••..�Y `:y; Yt,µ �� Sept 84 5100 20 255 a-xLH 33 14 Oct 84 5040 20 252 7pXSED,AUT 10 2 TOTAL 768 EH AVERAGE ATTENDANCE TOTAL 16) 43 LA p TOTAL 58 16 AVERAGE AT T DANCE k LATEST ENROLLMENT 45 ;+ ,2 GRADE ENROLL. X EST. AGA GRADE ENROLL. X EST. AOA K 375 364 K t-3 1081 1049 1_3 - 4-6 999 968 4-6 Pz � � f y 4 :yam < T-e 660 .97 640 7-e .97 9_12 142? 1384 s_tz h SPEC. EO.. 68 SPEC. E0. "”" `"�"''V'e""Ri4^^^^^ •ti �'� roa,.� CONT HIGH T 45 CONT. HIGH ,'" -r � :�' TOTAL , 4517_ TOTAL r,R' `� i.�r'S, .%, t, b . asp* „•+ CE itFIE CORR T� AUTH. A ENT) DATE APPROVED, EXECUTIVE OFFICER SAB GATE >,. y� .\ " 12/4/84 (Analysis of Ffilities page 3) The following report will review the capacities of our school plants and our present enrollment . In addition , it will examine our growth patterns and projections for continued growth. ENROLLMENT 10/1/84 DISTRICT SCHOOLS CAPACITY REGULAR SPEC ED. Carrisa Plains Elem. 40 26 Creston Elem. 100 106 Lewis Avenue Elem. * 424 503 20 Monterey Road Elem. 608 615 15 Santa Margarita Elem. * 355 357 9 Santa Rosa Road Elem. * 633 652 Atascadero Junior High 714 683 13 Atascadero High 1396 1373 16 Oak Hills Continuation 75 80 Total 4345 4395 73 * Kindergarten facilities on double session EWT:cip 12/6/84 'olb (Analysis of Facilities page 4) ATASCADERO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CBEDS Enrollment October 1984 Grades Creston Carrisa Lewis Monterey Santa Santa Total Plains Avenue Road Margarita Rosa K 17 4 175 -0- 55 108 359 1 19 6 73 107 71 94 370 2 12 2 46 102 64 101 327 3 11 3 54 101 43 96 308 4 21 4 42 98 48 $6 299 5 11 4 67 98 35 84 299 6 15 3 46 109 41 83 . 297 K - 6 Total 106 26 503 615 357 652 2259 Jr. High Carrisa School Plains 7 319 -4 323 8 364 4 368 7 - 8 Total 683 8 691 0 High Oak Hills School 9 389 1 390 10 405 6 411 11 330 17 347 12 249 56 305 9 - 12 Total 1373 80 1453 Special Education Classes Enrollment Special Day Classes Lewis Avenue 1 10 Monterey Road 1 15 Santa Margarita 1 9 Jr. High School 1 14 High School 2 16 SED - LAE 2 10 - 0TAL 74- 11/7/84 4-11/7/84 E.W.T. 12/6/84 E.W.T. ATASCADERO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Analysis of School Facilities and Capacities Elementary Schools CARRISA PLAINS EIMMARY Permanent Facilites 0 Kindergarten classroom 2 - Regular classrooms 0 - Music room (housed in Multi-Use room) 0 Library (Yioused in Multi-Use room) 0 - Special Education Capacity 2 Multi-Grade classrooms 2 @ 20 = 40 students CRESTON ELII4=ARY Permanent Facilities Temporary Facilities 1 - Kindergart classroom 2 Regular classrooms 1 - Regular classroom 0 - *Music room 0 - Library 0 - Special Education Capacity 1 ndergarten/First classroom @ 25 = 25 3 - Multi-Grade classrooms @ 25 = 75 100 LOWIS AVENUE ET NTARY Permanent Facilities Temporary Facilities 1 - Kindergarten classroom -2 Regular classrooms 11 - Regular classrooms 1 - Special Ed classroom (SED) 0 - Music roams 0, Library 1 - Special Ed classroom 0 - Speech/Special Ed Resource Capacity 1 Kindergarten @ 30 30 to 60 (double session) 12 - Regular classroom @ 28.5 342 3 - Special Ed (1 @ 10 and 2 @ 6) 22 394 to 424 . (Analysis of Facilities cont'd) MONTEREY ROAD ELEMENTARY Permanent Facilities Temporary Facilities 0 - Kindergarten classrooms 1 - Special Ed classroom 21 - Regular classrooms 1 - Speech/Psychological testing 0 - Music classrooms (housed in Multi-Use room) 1 - Library (inadequate size) 1 - Resource/Specialist classroom Capacity 21 - Regular classrooms @ 28.5 = 598 1 - Special Ed classroom @ 10 10 608 SANTA MARGARITA FJEV=ARY Permanent Facilities Temporary Facilities 1 - Kindergarten classroom 2 - Regular classrooms 10 - Regular classrooms 1 - Music classroom 1 - Library 1 - Special Ed Classroom 0 - Resource Teacher classroom Capacity 1 —Kindergarten @ 30 = 30 to 60 (double session) 10 - Regular classrooms @ 28.5 = 285 1 - Special Ed classroom 10 325 to 355 SANTA ROSA ELEMENTARY Permanent Facilities 2 - Kindergarten classrooms 18 - Regular classrooms 0 - Music classroom 1 - Library 1 - Resource Specialist classroom 0 - Special Ed classroom Capacity 2 - Kindergartens @ 30 = 60 to 120 (double session) 18 - Regular classrooms @ 28.5 = 513 573 to 633 (0' (Analysis of Fac 6ties cont`'d) • ATASCADERO JUNIOR HIGH SC H9')'- Permanent Facilities ~ Temporary Facilities 18 - Regular classrooms 1 Special Ed classroom 1 - Music Room 1 - Resource Specialist classroom 1 Library 2 - Shops 1 - Art classroom 2 - Home Economics classrocz -, 2 - Science classrooms Capacity 18 - Regular classrooms @ 27 486 1 - Music room @ 33 = 33 2 - Shops @ 25 = 50 1 - Art classroom @ 25 = 25 2 - Home Economics classroom, @ 25 50 2 - Science classrooms @ 25 - 50 2 - Special Ed classrooms @ ik 20 28 714 ATASCADERO HIGH SCHOOL Permanent Facilities 39 - Regular classrooms 1 - Music room + 3 practice i °mss 1 - Library/Media center 1 - Fine Arts classroom 2 - Homemaking classrooms 3 - Shops 4 - Science classrooms 4 - Agriculture classrooms 2 - Special Ed/Resource Spec:l. '"_ist classrooms Capacity 39 Regular Classrooms @ 25 975 1 - Music room @ 33 = 33 1 - Fine Arts classroom @ 33 33 2 - Homemaking classrooms @ 50 3 - Shops @ 25 = 75 4 - Science classrooms @ 25 100 4 - Agriculture classrocn @ ';j = 100 2 - Special Ed/Resource spec, classrooms @ 15 30 58 1396 OAK HILLS CON'T'INUATION Permanent Facilities 3 - Regular classrooms Capacity 3 - Regular classrooms @ 25 - 75 • CITY OF ATASCADEROw Building Permits (December 7, 1984) RESIDENTIAL UNITS IN PROGRESS PEP14ITS FINALED (Since January 1984) NUMBER OF UNITS Single Family Residences 25 Multiple Family Residences 82 Total: 107 PERMITS BEING CONSTRUCTED Single Family Residences 154 Multiple Family Residences . . . .153 Total: 307 PERMITS BEING PROCESSED Single Family Residences 54 Multiple Family Residences 237* Total: 291 ZONING APPROVALS Single Family Residences 60** Multiple Family Residences 268 Total: BEING DISCUSSED Single Family Residences Unknown Multiple Family Residences 549 Total: 549 -*This does not include 98 unit motel. complexes. **This notes only a new mobile home park. Revised 12/14184 Per Joel Moses 4J r-i , �'` \ ..ter/!✓y � ' r. �.. �. ` W. �++ co U) 9 O O P 4J ` r % 00 U) r14 U) O >4 H •ri RS44 r-1 iR'7 t � r`' +c"r"�`•rr* 3yi���.�J�''�1� rk l��*\i \l }-"' � QCs \ l ii"�}\ 0 i�`'� '( `IE �• tiAa `"� I100,' 110, 10, /' 15.68.120-15.68.150 . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 115.68.120 Fire protection, agencies or findings of t e city council with A. The provisions of this section shall apply respect to the mobile home park or contributing to all new and existing; mobile home parks. in any way to the violation of this chapter shall, B. There shall be in each mobile home park a be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon water system with fire hydrants of sufficient size conviction thereof may be punished by a fine and delivering sufficient pressure and located not exceeding five hundred dollars or by impris within a sufficient distance of one another to onment in the county jail for a term not ex- provide adequate fire protection for each mobile ceeding six months, -or by both such fine and home lot of the mobile home park. The place imprisonment. ment and installation of the fire hydrants must B. Every person, firm or corporation violat- be approved by the chief of the fire department ing or contributing in any way to the violation (Prior code § 15.04.100). of any provision of this chapter,shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each day during. 15.68.130 Responsibilities of owners, which the violation continues, and may be operators and tenants. punishable therefor as set forth in this section A. It is unlawful for any person, firm or cor- where provision is not otherwise made by state poratian owning or operating a mobile home law. (Prior code § 15.04.120). park in the city, to violate any of the provisions of this chapter. B. It is unlawful for any person, firm or cor- Chapter 15.70 poration owning, maintaining or in control of any mobile home, or the occupant or tenant of SCHOOL FACILITIES any mobile home in whatever capacity, to violate any of the provisions of this chapter. Sections: (Prior code § 15.04.1 10.) 15.70.010 Purpose. _ 15.70.020 Definitions. 15.68.140 Ordering correction of violation 15.70.030 Adoption of findings of —Notice to owner. overcrowding by governing A. Whenever an enforcement agency deter- board. mines by inspection that' a violation of this 15.70.040 Hearings, notice, findings and chapter exists, the enforcement agencv shall fee seating. order the violation corrected and shall institute 15.70.050 Conditions for approval of proceedings to effect the repair, rehabilitation oT residential development in vacation of the violation. 1 - overcrowded attendance areas. B. The enforcement agency shall give a -15.70.060 Dedication of land in lieu of thirty-day written notice to the owner or other payment of fees procedure. responsible person, to make the correction or 15.70.070 Use of fees or land for interim effect the vacation. facilities. C. The notice shall set forth the violations 15.70.080 Provision of interim facilities in determined by the inspection. (Prior code § lieu of fees. 15.04.1 15). 15.70.090 Report by school district. 15.70.100 Amendments to fee schedules. 15.68.150 Violation—Penalty. 15.70.110 Agreement between overlapping A. Any person, firm or corporation violating school districts. any of the provisions of this chapter, or disre- 15.70.120 Termination of dedication or fee garding any lawful order of the enforcement requirements, 517 &kersncrd 9-83j_ 15.70.010-15.70.030 L 0 15.70.010 Purpose. owned by the school district will be used. The purpose of this chapter is to implement G. "Residential development means a the provisions of Government Code Section project containing residential dwellings, includ - 65970 and following, as they exist at the time of ing mobile homes, of one or more units or a the adoption of this chapter and as they may be subdivision of land for the purpose of construct amended or-added to in the future, and to pro ing one or more residential dwelling waits. vide a method for financing interim school "Residential development" does not include facilities necessitated by new residential develop the following: ment causing overcrowding of existing school 1. Any modification or remodel of an exist- facilities. (Ord. 2780 § I (part), 1982). ing dwelling unit where no additional dwelling unit is created. 15.70.020 Definitions, 2. The conversion of an existing apartment As used in this chapter: building into a condominium or stock coopera- A. "Approval of a residential development tive where no new dwelling unit is created. means any or all of the following: ' 3. Rebuilding of a dwelling unit destroyed or 1. Adoption of an ordinance rezoning prop- damaged by fire, flood, explosion, act of God or erty to residential use, other accident or catastrophe. 2. Granting a building permit or any discre- 4. Any residential complex which is main- tionary permit for residential use. twined as exclusively senior citizens housing. 3. Approval of a tentative subdivision map (Ord. =780 § I (part), 1982). for residential purposes. B. "Attendance area" megns the area estab- 15.70.030 Adoption of findings of lished by a governing board within which pupils overcrowding by governing board. must reside to attend a particular school. If a governing board makes findings supported C. "Conditions of overcrowding" means that by clear and convincing evidence that: (a) con the total enrollment of a school or schools serv- ditions of overcrowding exist in one or more ing a particular attendance area, including enroll- - attendance areas within the district which will ment from proposed development, exceeds the impair the normal functioning of education pro- capacity of such school or schools as determined grams including the reason for such conditions by the governing board, existing; and (b) that all reasonable methods D. "Dwelling unit" means a building, or por of mitigating conditions of overcrowding have tion thereof, or a mobile home, designed for been evaluated and no feasible method for re- residential occupancy by one person or a group ducing such conditions exist, the governing of two or more persons living together as a board shall notify the city council. The notice domestic unit. of findings shall specify the mitigation measures E. `.`Governing board" means the governing considered by the governing board. The notice board of any school district which operates a sha1l include a map showing the overcrowded high school or elementary school and whose attendance area or areas and shall specify the territory lies in whole or in part within the city fees which the governing board requests be im- limits. posed upon applicants for approval of residen- F. "Reasonable methods for mitigating tial developments within the overcrowded at- conditions of overcrowding" shall include, but tendance area or areas and the method(s) used are not limited to, agreements between a sub- to calculate the amounts thereof. (Ord. 2780 divider and the governing board whereby 1 (part), 1982). temporary-use buildings will be leased to .the school district or temporary-use buildings (Haketsfield 9-83) 518 . lid 15.70.040-15.70.050 15.70.040 Hearing, notice, findings and fee facilities caused by the residential develop- setting. ments on which they will be imposed, then the Within sixty days of receipt of notice of the remaining provisions of this chapter shall apply findings of the governing board, complete with to the approval of residential development with- supporting documentation, the city council in the attendance areas in which there are con- shall hold a public hearing on the findings and ditions of overcrowding. The city council shall, the requested fees and land dedications. by resolution, establish the fees and land dedica- A. Notice of the time and place of the public tion requirements which shall thereafter be im- hearing referred to in subsection B of this sec- posed as a condition of approval of residential tion shall be given at least ten days before the development. hearing in the manner following: D. If the city council does not concur with 1. Such notice shall be given by publication the amount of fees to be paid br land to be once in a newspaper of general circulation, pub- dedicated requested by the governing board, lished in the city and circulated in the school it shall, by resolution, adopt such amount of district, or if there is none, then in a newspaper fees or amount (or location) of land as it may of general circulation published and circulated deem proper in lieu of that requested. in the city; E. Within ten days after conclusion of the 2. By mailing a copy of such notice to the hearing, the city council shall declare its deci- governing board of the school district; sion and any findings in such matter. The city 3. By mailing a copy of the notice to the clerk shall mail a copy of the resolution or planning director; order of the city council and findings to each 4. By mailing a copy of such notice to any person to whom notice of the hearing was re- person who may file a request in writing there- quired to be mailed under this section. (Ord. for with the planning director or the city clerk 2780 § I (part), 1982). and who shall furnish therewith an envelope ad- dressed for such purpose with postage prepaid; _ 15.70.050 Conditions for approval of 5. Any notice required to be mailed may be residential=development in given by personal- delivery, in lieu of mailing. overcrowded attendance areas. B. Such notice shall also identify the school The city council shall not approve any resi- district, and generally describe the boundaries dential development to which its above findings of the attendance area or areas in question, apply,unless either: and shall refer to the. notice of findings of the A. The city council, upon application by a governing board of the school, district and state developer of residential property and after when and where the same may be examined notice and public hearing, has determined that by any interested person. there are specific overriding fiscal, economic, C. If, at the conclusion of the. public hearing social or environmental factors which, in its the city council determines that: judgment, would benefit the city and justify the 1. It concurs in the governing board's approval of a particular residential development findings of overcrowding;and without the mitigation of the impact of that 2. The general plan provides for the location development upon overcrowded schools; or of public schools;and B. The applicant for rezoning or subdivision 3. The proposed fees and land dedication re- approval has furnished a signed written agree quirements bear a reasonable relationship to and ment with the governing board promising to will be limited to the needs of the community pay the required fees prior to issuance of a for interim school facilities and are reasonably building permit (which fees shall be those 'in related and limited to the need for school effect, if any, as of the date of issuance of the 518-1, (Bakersfield 9.33) I i 15.70.06E building permit), and an applicant for a build- market value after a. public hearing, noticed as ing permit has furnished evidence of payment of provided in Section 15.70.040. ` the required fees to the governing board; or C. The planning director shall ascertain the - C. An applicant for approval of a residential amount of fees which are, or would be, payable development has fumished evidence, in the form as a condition to approval of the subdivision of a signed written agreement .with the govern under the standards adopted by the city coun ing board, that the applicant has paid or cil. promised to pay, and the governing board has D. Except as may otherwise be agreed be- accepted or promised to accept, fees, to be used tween the school district and the subdivider, exclusively for capital expenditures, in mitiga- if the fair market value of the land, as deter- tion of the impact of proposed residential mined under subsection B of this section, ex development on the school district in lieu of fees eeeds the amount of fees ascertained under sub otherwise required under this chapter or Sec- section C, at such time as approval of the tenta- tion 65970 et seq. of the California Govern- tive map and the acceptance of the dedication ment Code. Fees paid or promised under the have both been completed, the school district alternate provisions of this subsection shall shall pay the subdivider the amount by which not exceed the fees which would otherwise be such fair market value -exceeds the amount of required pursuant to the resolution of the city such fees so ascertained. council. (Ord. 2780 § 1 (part), 1982). E. If the school district pays the subdivider the amount of the excess mentioned in sub- 15.70.060Dedication of land in lieu of section D of this section, the amount to be payment of fees procedure, credited to each lot in the subdivision shall be A. Upon request of the governing board, the based on the amount ascertained under subsec- city council shall-impose as a condition of ap- tion C of this section, instead of the fair market - proval of a residential development containing value of the land. more than fifty parcels that the applicant F. If the fair P aimarket value of the Land, as dedicate to the governing board a parcel of land -determined under this section, is equal to or less to be used as a site for classroom facilities, than the amount ascertained under subsection C whose location is consistent with the city of this section, the amount of such value shalt be t general plan. Except as may otherwise be agreed credited to the respective lots in the subdivision. between the school district and the subdivider, G. The provisions of this section shall also the fair market value of land so dedicated shall apply in case land is dedicated in connection not exceed the amount of fees which would with approval of a mobile home park, in which otherwise be paid for approval of residential case references to "subdivision" shall mean development of the dedicated parcel to the high "mobile home park and references to "lots" density of'any other portion of the applicant's shall mean "mobile home sites. residential development. H. If land is dedicated to a school district B. In case land is dedicated in connection for a fixed or ascertainable term, there shall be with approval of a subdivision, the fair market established under This section the fair rental value of the land at the time of such approval value of a lease of such land for such term. and t shall be established by agreement between the the amount so established shall be applied in governing board of the school district and the lieu of "fair market value" wherever mentioned subdivider, and the amount thereof shall be re- in this section. ported to the planning director; and if they I. At any city council hearing for the purpose cannot agree, they shall report that fact to the of establishing fair market value of land, as men- city council, which shall establish such. fair tioned in subsection C, the city council shall (Bakersfield 8-83) 518-2 \. i • 15.70.070-15.70.120 consider the reports of three appraisers, one governing board in the preceding fiscal year to be selected by the school district, one to be (July lst through June 30th). selected by the subdivider, and one to be B. The facilities leased, purchased or con- selected by the two selected by the district structed during the previous fiscal year and the and the subdivider. The fees and expenses of amount expended for the facilities. such appraisers shall be divided equally between C. The attendance areas which will continue and paid by the school district and the to be overcrowded in the current school year, subdivider, and in any case the city shall not be and those which are no longer overcrowded.' liable therefor. (Ord. 2780 § 1 (part), 1982). D. A schedule specifying how the governing board will use fees or land acquired pursuant 15.70.070 Use of fees or land for interim to this chapter to relieve overcrowding, the sites facilities. to be used, the facilities to be acquired and the Fees or land provided pursuant to Section times when the facilities will be available. (Ord. 15.70.040 of this chapter shall be used only for 2780 § 1 (part), 1982). the purpose of providing interim classroom facilities. The fees established by resolution of r 15.70.100 Amendments to fee schedules. the city council shall not exceed the amount On request of a governing board, and follow- necessary to enable the district to make five ing a public hearing held within sixty days of annual lease payments for temporary classroom the receipt of that request, the city council shall and toilet facilities, including related expenses to consider adjusting the fee schedule applicable make them ready for the instwction of children. in any attendance area to reflect new informa- (Ord. 2780 § 1 (part), 1982). tion provided by,the governing board on the fees necessary to alleviate overcrowding caused by 15.70.0 80 Provision of interim facilities new residential development in that attendance in lieu of fees, area. (Ord. 2780§ 1 (part), 1982). A builder of a residential development who - would otherwise be required to pay fees to a 15.70.110 Agreement between overlapping school district pursuant to Section 15.70.040 of school districts. this chapter may, at his or her option and sole Where two separate school districts operate expense, provide interim facilities owned or con- schools in an attendance area where overcrowd- trolled by the builder at a place designated by ing conditions exist for both school districts, the governing board. These facilities shall be the ciiycouncil shall enter into an agreement installed prior to or, at the governing board's with the governing board of each school district option, within ninety days of the issuance of for the purpose of determining the distribution 4e� building permits to the developer and shall of revenues from the fees. (Ord. 2780 § 1 (part), remain in place for five complete school years. '1982). After the fifth year, the facilities shall be removed, and the school district's property 15.70.120 Termination of dedication or fee restored, at the builder's sole expense. (Ord, requirements. 2780 § I (part), 1982). A. If overcrowding conditions cease to exist in any attendance area of a school district as 15.70.090 Report by school district. to which fee or land dedication requirements The governing board shall file with the city have been imposed pursuant to this chapter, council not later than October 15th of 'each the governing board of the district shall year an account of the following: promptly adopt a resolution so finding and send A. The amount of fees received by the a certified copy of it to the city council. 518-3 (Bakersfield 9-83) � 15.72.010-15.72.020 • • B. When it is determined by the city council 15.72.020 Purpose. that conditions of overcrowding no longer exist The purpose of this chapter is to promote the in an attendance area, whether or not such public health, safety, and general welfare by determination follows a resolution by the providing for the identification, protection, governing board as provided in subsection A of enhancement, perpetuation, and use of improve this section, the requirements of this chapter ments, buildings, structures, signs, objects, fea shall cease to apply therein. (Ord. 2780 § 1 tures, sites, places, and areas within Bakers- (part), 1982). field that reflect special elements of the city's architectural, artistic, cultural, engineering, aesthetic, historical, political, social and other Chapter 15.72 heritage for the following reasons: A. To safeguard the ` city's heritage as HISTORICAL PRESERVATION embodied and reflected ' in such resources; B. To encourage public knowledge, under- Sections: standing, and appreciation of the 'city's past; 15.72.010 Title. i C. To foster civic and` neighborhood pride 15.72.020 Purpose. and a sense of identity based on the recognition 15:72.030 Definitions. and use of cultural resources; 15.72.040 Applicability. D. To promote the enjoyment and use of 15.72.050 Historic preservation cultural resources appropriate for the education commission—Established- and recreation of the people of the city; Membership. E. To preserve diverse and harmonious 15.72.060 Historic preservation commission architectural styles and design preferences of -Powers and duties. reflecting. phases of the city's history and to 15.72.070 Cultural resource designation encourage complementary contemporary design Criteria, and construction.; 15.72.080 Cultural resource designation F. To enhance property values and to Procedures. increase economic and financial benefits to the 15.72.090 Permit—Required when. city and its inhabitants; l 15.72.100 Permit-Application processing G. To protect and enhance the city's attrac- and requirements. tion to tourists and visitors (thereby stimulat- 15.72.110 Permit—Criteria for issuance. ing business and industry); 15.72.120 Permit—Issuance upon showing H. To identify as early as possible-and resolve of hardship. conflicts between the preservation of cultural 15.72.130 Appeal procedure. resources and alternative land uses; 15.72.140 Ordinary Emaintenance and repair I. To integrate the preservation of cultural permitted. resources and the extraction of relevant data 15.72.150 Building or structure to be kept from such resources into public and private land in good repair. management and development processes; 15.72.160 Enforcement. J. To conserve valuable material and energy 15.72.170 Penalty for violation. resources by ongoing use and maintenance of the existing_ built environment. (Ord. 2781 15.72.010 Title. § 2, 1932). This chapter shall be known as the historical € preservation ordinance of the city. (Ord. 2.781 § 1, 1982). i (Bakersfield 9-93) 518-4 ` � r i l`� COUNCIL MEETING : LV22/85 • QFNDA ITEM NO, : D 3 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council April 22, 1985 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Planning Director RE: Proposed Urgency Ordinance: Deleting Agricultural Tree ` Removal Exemption from the Zoning Ordinance BACKGROUND: At the Planning Agency' s meeting of April 15, 1985, there was testi- mony relative to City authorization of a project to remove native oaks on a 2. 9 acre site to be replaced by almond trees. Cascabel area res- idents stated that the steep property was being clear cut, some 17 out of 50 trees having been removed under an exemption in the City' s Zon- ing Ordinance relative to tree removal permits (see attached) . On April 16 , 1985, staff advised residents of the subject site that they were not exempt in that "crop production" in a residential suburban district requires a conditional use permit. • ANALYSIS: Attached is a copy of that section of the zoning ordinance relative to tree removal. The draft urgency ordinance that has been attached hereto would amend the existing language under Section 9-4.156 (a) (4) and (5) by deleting the agricultural exemptions. Should any applica- tion come in seeking tree clearance for agricultural purposes, staff would process it as a conditional use permit under the provisions of those zoning districts wherein crop production is allowed, i.e.; agri- cultural, . suburban residential and special recreation zones. This would have the effect of subjecting all land use activities in the City to the same standards with respect to tree removal. REQUESTED ACTION: Adoption of attached urgency ordinance. HE:ps ENCLOSURES: Zoning Ordinance Excerpt Draft Ordinance No. 106 f ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1a 9-4. 152: Drainage Plan Review and Approvals All drainage plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and are subject } td,, the approval of the City Engineer. 9-4. 153`:, Plan Check, Inspection and Completion: Where requ ' ed by the City Engineer, a plan check and inspection agreemen shall be entered into and the. drainage facilities inspected and ap roved before a Certificate,of Occupancy is issued. 9-4 . 154. Draine. Standards: (a) Design and Construction: Drainage sys ems and facilities subject to drainage plan review and proval that shall be located in exitting or future publi right-of-way shall be designed and constructed as set f, th in the City Engineer- ing Department Standard Improve ent Specifications and Draw- ings. Other systems\,and facil ' ties subject to drainage plan review and approval shill be esigned in accordance with good engineering practi s. (b) Natural Channels and Ru f Proposed projects may include design provisions to tain f-site natural drainage pat- terns and limit peak runoff to redevelopment levels when required by the Ci Engineer. (c) Flood Hazard Ar as: Buildings are t permitted in an area determined by he City Engineer to be object to flood hazard by reason o inundation, overflow or er sion, except where provisions are made to eliminate such ha rds to the satis- faction the City Engineer. Such provis ns may include . provid ' g adequate drainage facilities, prot dive walls, suita ile fill, raising the floor level of the building or b oth means. The placement of the building and ther struc- t es (including walls and fences) on the buildin site shall e such that water or mudflow will not be a hazard the building or adjacent property. The City Engineer in he ap- plication of this standard shall enforce as a minimum e current federal flood plain management, regulations as defined in Title 24, Chapter X, Subchapter B, National Flo Insurance Program, Part 1910. 9-4. 155. Tree Removal: The purpose of these standards is to pro- tect existing trees from indiscriminate or unnecessary removal. Tree removal means the destruction or displacement of a tree by cutting, bulldozing, or other mechanical or chemical methods, which results in physical transportation of the tree from its site and/or death of the tree. :.� 9-4. 156 Tree Removal Permit Required 9-4. 157 Tree Removal Standards 4-53 ADOPTED JUNE 27, 146 9-4. 156. Tree Removal Permit Required: No person shall allow or cause the removal of any tree located within the City limits subject to these standards, without first obtaining a. tree removal permit, asYy follows: (a) When Required: Plot Plan approval (Section 9-2.107) is required before the removal or replacement of any existing trees except trees that are: (1) Identified and approved for removal in an approved Plot Plan, Precise Plan and Conditional Use Permit, provided that such removal is subject to the standards of Section 9-4.157 (Tree Removal Standards) ; or (2) In a hazardous condition which presents an immediate danger to health or property; or (3) With trunks measuring less than eight inches in diameter at four feet above grade; or (4) To be removed in preparation for agricultural cultiva- tion and crop production_; or 5) To be removed as ( part of management practice in orchards Of commercial agricultural production. _ (b) Application Content: Applications that propose tree remov- al shall include all information specified by Section 9-2.107b (Plot Plan Content) , and the following: (1) The size, species and condition (e.g. diseased, healthy, etc.) ofeachtree proposed for removal. (2) The purpose of removal. (3) The size and species of any trees proposed to replace those intended for removal. 9-4.157. Tree Removal Standards: Applications for tree removal in accordance with Section 9-4. 156 shall be approved only when the following conditions are satisfied. (a) Tagging Required: Trees proposed for removal shall be identified for field inspection by means of flagging, staking, or other means readily visible but not detrimental to a healthy tree. (b) Removal Criteria: A tree may be removed only when the tree is any of the following: (1) Dead, diseased beyond reclamation, or--hazardous; 4-54 ADOPTED JUNE 27 , 19 (2) Crowded, with good horticultural practices dictating thinning; (3) Interfering with existing utilities, structures or, right-of way improvements. (4) Obstructing existing or proposed improvements that cannot be reasonably designed to avoid the need for tree removal; (5) Inhibiting sunlight needed for either active or passive solar heating or cooling, and the building or solar col- lectors cannot be oriented to collect sufficient sun- light without total removal of the tree. (c) Trees removed shall be replaced by a tree that will provide equal or better shade, screening, solar efficiency or visual amenity within a 10-year period, as verified in writing by a registered landscape architect, licensed landscaping con- tractor, or certified nurseryman, unless the removal- is with- in an area where there still exists sufficient tree cover to accommodate site needs. 91,4. 158. - Street and Frontage Improvements: Section 9-4.159 and 9-4-1.60 establishes standards for street frontage improvements r . 5 quire with development projects authorized by an entitlement. 9-4. 159 . Cu bs, Gutters and Sidewalks: The installati of curb, gutter and side alk s shall be as set forth in this Sem ion. a . When Re uiY� d d ( ) q e Curb.,.. gutter an sideway, is required to be installed s set forth in this Sec on when: (1) The value o any structures •roposed during a period o 12 months (as ' dicated "b all building permits issued for the site dur ' g the 2-month period) exceed 25% of the total value of l improvements existing on the site as determined by t ssessment roll at the time the first of the bui ung p mits is applied . for. (2) A new struct e is moved on a site (rather than con- structed i place) where stree frontage improvements would b required by Subsection of this Section. (b) Where Re iced: Within the Urban Service Line, concrete curb, tter , and sidewalk is required with y project in the ollowing areas: 1) In all commercial zones, except in commercial reas oriented to highway travel unless pedestrian, v icula and use characteristics of the project and surroun ing V area indicate a need for the improvements. 4-55 - ORDINANCE NO. 106 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING TITLE 9, ZONING REGULATIONS, BY DELETING SUBSECTION 9-4.156 (a) (4) AND (5) OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO EXEMPTING TREE REMOVAL FROM PERMIT REQUIREMENTS WHEN REMOVED FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City' s adopted General Plan has as a stated purpose "the preservation of natural flora and fauna" ; and WHEREAS, the City' s Zoning Ordinance, under Section 9-4.155, 9-4. 156, and 9-4.157 does provide stringent standards for treeremovalto implement community goals; and WHEREAS, there is evidence of abuse of the provisions of the Zoning Regulations with respect to tree removal for agricultural pur- poses as evidenced ly testimony at the Planning Agency public meeting of April 15, 1985. NOW, THEREFORE, the Councilofthe City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment proposes stand- ards consistent with the General Plan as required by Section - 65860 of the California Government Code. 2. The proposed code amendment is :in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations. 3. The proposed amendment will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment, and the preparation of an Envir- onmental Impact Report is not necessary. Section 2. Zoning Text Change Zoning Ordinance text amendment is approved to change the text as follows: 1. Delete the following Subsections 9-4.156 (a) (4) and (5) : " (4) To be removed in preparation for agricultural cultiva- tion and crop production;" or " (5) To be removed as part of management practice in orchards of commercial agricultural production. " • ! Section 3. Urgency Declaration. This ordinance is hereby declared to be urgently required for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Its adoption is necessary to protect the trees growing within the City. It shall take effect immediately upon adoption. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROLFE NELSON, Mayor ATTEST ROBERT M. JONES, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager' APPROVED AS TO FO 't ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney i UNCIL MEETING 4/22/85 VNDA ITEM NO, : n - 4 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mike Shelton FROM: Don Leib SUBJECT: Monterey Road Bridge at Graves Creek Replacement DATE: April 16, 1985 The California Department of Transportation has currently placed the Graves Creek Bridge at Monterey Road on its priority list for replacement in the 1985-86 Budget year. The estimated cost of replacing the bridge is $325,000 of which 80% ($260,000) would be covered by Federal participation with City matching these funds with the remaining 20% ($65,000). We are being asked at this time to confirm in writing that we wish to comply with the requirements for qualification. The City matching funds would need to be made available just prior to the contract being awarded for replacement of the bridge. Approval of this project would enable the Public Works Department to request these funds in the 1985-86 department budget. DON LEIB STATE Of CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS AND TR&RTATION AGENCY GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . P.O. BOX 8114, SAN UIS OBLSPO, CA 93403-8114 s • TELEPHONE: (805) 549-3111 April. 8, 1985 5-SLO-0-Atas BRM-Y0 5 4(OOD) Monterey Road Bridge No. 49C-277 Graves Creek Don Leib Acting Director of Public Works City of Atascadero- Atascadero, CA 93422 - Dear 3422-Dear Mr. Leib A candidate to have a portion of California' s HBRR allocation reserved for it in this fiscal year is listed below. The maximum amount of federal participation on eligible items of work for the project is shown for your information. Bridge Name Bridge No. Maximum Federal Participation Graves Creek. Br. 49C-277 $260 ,000 The maximum federal participation is based on 80% of the value of the following listed items of work for which the Local Agency has requested participation. R/W Acquisition $ 0 Utility Relocation 10,000 Approach Roadway Touchdown 32 ,000 ( 60 ' @ South & 100 '. @ North) Limits Remove Bridge 10 ,000 Construct New Bridge 192 ,000 Detour or Stage Construction V Mobilization 23 ,000 Preliminary Engineering 23 ,000 • Construction Engineering 35 ,000 Total Estimated Cost: $325 ,000 n, Don Leib r P age 2 April 8, 1985 To qualify for these funds you must complete the following within one year from the date of this notification letter when design is done in-house ; or, for those projects requir- ing Federal TIP or TIP amendment approval , one year from the date of such approval. (.Up to four additional months will be allowed when a consultant agreement is involved._) 1. PS&E of the bridge portion approved for advertising by Office of Structures. 2. Right-of-way approval through Certification 2. Please confirm in writing -whether you will comply with the requirements for qualification, and whether a consultant agreement is involved, by April 30 , 1985. Sincerely, W. W. Evans Asst. Dist. Local Assistance Engr. • COUNCIL MEETING; 4/22/85 *NDA ITEM NO. , D - 5 • M E M 0' R A N D U M TO: Mike Shelton FROM: Don Leib SUBJECT: Concept for Cement Work at Administration Building DATE: April 16, 1985 I am submitting a conceptual drawing for new sidewalk, sidewalk repair, curb and gutter replacement as needed, and wheelchair ramps at the corner radius of the Administration Building grounds for your review and approval. Funds are allocated in the 1984-85 budget in the amount of $25,000 for this project. isWith concept approval we will put this project out for bid. V DON LEIB s • `,VA i_ W�,cel ��.ts�oh� 9G GJ��e �'cd6 Lc��t � . �'�at•r �¢�� ePPa"Yb- at >a,S Xtclid. 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