HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/08/1985 i AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 8, 1985 ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar , are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 24, 1985 RECOMMEND APPROVAL • 2. Resolution 56-86 - Authorizing Mayor to Enter into Agreement with Robert M. Jones for Interim City Attorney Services (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Proposed Resolution 54-85 - Supporting Assembly Bill 1717, Outlawing the use of Video Lottery Machines in California (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 4. Claim by Carol Tice, 4912, Separado, Atascadero, Ca. for dam- ages in the amount of $425.00 (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 5. Claim by Donn Ragle, 1511 Olive Street, Paso Robles, Ca. for Damages in the Amount of $6,000.00 (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 6 . Resolution 55-85 - Authorizing Filing of Claim for Local Trans- -- Portation Funds in Compliance with the Transportation Develop- ment Act (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 7. Resolution 57-85 - Establishing a Fee for Processing Requests for Permits to Carry Concealed Firearms B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS • 1. Ordinance Number 105 Amendment - Parks and Recreation Rules and Regulations - Usage of Atascadero Lake - Public Hearing 1 C. NEW BUSINESS • 1. Authorization for Mayor to Enter into Maintenance and Liability Agreement - Litton/Molina Detension Basin Project - Front Road D. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (Council will recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors) 1. Request for Proposal for Sanitary Sewer and Wastewater Plant Study for the Atascadero County Sanitation District (The Board of Directors will adjourn and reconvene as the City Council) E. COMMUNITY FORUM F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk • 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager a 9 f • 2 7/8/85 A = Z MINUTES - ATASCADERO CI"1'Y COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 24 , 1985 , 7 : 30 p.m. 'Atascadero Administration Building The Regular Meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Nelson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The in- vocation was given by Rev. Matthew Conrad, St. Lukes Episcopal Church. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Molina and Handshy, Councilwomen Mackey and Norris and Mayor Nelson. STAFF Mike Shelton, City Manager; Henry Engen, Plann=ing Director, Paul 'Sensibaugh, Public Works Director; John Wallace, Interim Public Works Director; Bud McHale Police Chief and Cindy Wilkins, Deputy City Clerk. COUNCIL COMMENT Councilwoman Mackey related that a number of people had told her they would like to see a stronger tree ordinance, and Planning Director Engen has re- quested sample tree ordinances from other cities. She hopes we are receptive to some of those samples in the near future. She also stated that she had re- ceived an inquiry from an individual who would like to have a concert in Pine Mountain Stadium Park and will refer the individual to Henry Engen to find out City requirements. ecity Manager, Mike Shelton, introduced new employees Debbie Terra, PBX Operato_ who is also a return employee , and Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director/City Engineer, who comes to Atascadero from Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 . Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 10 , 1985 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2 . Treasurer ' s Report May 1-31: 1985 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Finance Director 's Report - May 1-31 , 1985 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 4. Renewal of Interim Finance Director Contract of Employment (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 5. Motion Establishing a new Assistant Finance Director classification and authorizing recruitment of same (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 6. Proposed Resolution 52-85 - Authorizing Mayor to enter into agreement with New England Life Insurance Comoany for purposes of providing group health and life insurance to City employees. 7. Authorization for Mayor to enter into agreement with H-A Specialtie • to update City mapping program 1 COUNCIL MINUTES - , 6/2405 S PAGE 3 is an employee of the District, he would do well for the citizens of the .10 community if he would refrain from any involvement in this . Ellen Baer, School Board Chairman, conveyed the Board' s appreciation for the time that Mr. Shelton, and, in the past, Mike Hicks and Murray Warden , have spent with the School Board and Administration working on this pro- gram. She also thanked Councilmen Molina and Handshy for their time. She stressed that, as included in the proposed Ordinance, there will be constant reporting on a regular basis to the City , and as soon as the District can operate without 201 fees , the City will be notified and will cease levying them. Mayor Nelson commented on the question of a conflict of interests on his behalf; he has received legal advice that there is no conflict as far as his participation in the final vote on these impact fees for the District. He invited anyone who may know the conflict of interests laws to state otherwise to please so state their case. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to adopt Ord. 201 as an urgency measure , second- ed by Councilwoman -Mackey. Additional public comment came from Emil LaSalle, who inquired whether or not the members of the Council have read the newly-issued proposed School District Budget, studied and analyzed it; if they have not , Mr. LaSalle does not see how they can vote on the proposed ordinance .'-- at the same time wishing to assure the Council that he does not speak as a dissenter , but as a member of the public , citing the low number of voters who show up at hearings on issues as broad and far-reaching as this one. Dr. Avina feels Mr. LaSalle 's comments reflect a lack of understanding of school finance and the needs of the District, expressing that the general fund was not designed to cope with the impact on the School District, this has been made clear to the Board and he, again, urges Council to grant ap- proval of this ordinance. Shirley Moore desired clarification that Council was voting tonight to ap- prove fees -- not a fee structure. Mayor Nelson responded that there is a recommended fee structure that was passed by the County, but that it won't be voted upon until July. MOTION CONTINUANCE: Passed 4: 1 , with Councilwoman Norris voting NO. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 . Proposed Resolution 49-85 - Dial-A-Ride Fare Increase (Cont 'd from 6/10/85' (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) Paul Sensibaugh, new Public Works Director , gave Staff Report. No public comment. *MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve Res. No. 49-85 , seconded by Council- man ouncilman Handshy. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. COUNCIL MINUTES 6/235 PAGE 4 D. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Discussion Regarding Implementation of City Development Impact Ordinance and Proposed Fee Schedule. Mr. Shelton requested Council to put this item off until Wednesday of this week at 7 : 30 p.m. in the Rotunda Rm. ; Staff concurs with, as has been expressed by, several members of the audience that the item deserves considerable discussion, analysis and review by both the City Council and general public. In addition, the City' s legal council is not here tonight and there are aspects of the implementation of a development mitigation fe or tax which he may advise the Council on. The City Attorney has indicate that, for the meeting, the Staff hopes to provide Council with a draft or- dinance for consideration and review. Mayor Nelson added that Staff has prepared an analyses sheet on the costs cer various square footages , along with their recommendations, and this sheet is available to the public in the City Manager ' s office. John Cole (8710 Sierra Vista) feels the public is being notified on very short notice of the special study session Wed. night. , and the Council and Staff should make sure they make a very pointed effort to notify the public so they have an opportunity to speak on the issue. COUNCIL CONSENSUS agrees with Staff recommendation; item to be discussed Special Study Session on Wednesday, June 26 , 1985 , 7 :30 p.m. , Rotunda Roos 2. Traffic Safety Committee Reorganization Mr. Shelton stated Staff would be willingto discuss this item referencia , the materials provided to Councilmembers by Staff with regard to the cur- rent functioning of the Traffic Safety Committee. Councilwoman Norris gave background information on what inspired her to have citizen-involvement on said Committee. After much Council discussion on the subject, Councilwoman Mackey stated she would favor the establishment an ad hoc committee , which would make recommendations to the Staff Traffic Safety Committee, which would make recommendations to Council. Mr. Sensibaugh responded that input from the public (that we might not see) would be positive, and he was requested by Mayor Nelson to work with Councilwoman Norris on how to involve the public on an ad hoc com- mittee .:and bring back recommendations to Council at the next meeting. Mr. Wallace, Interim Public Works Director, added that the last several stop signs put in around the City were the direct result of citizens ' advisina the Public Works Dept. and, subsequently, the Traffic Safety Committee of the need for signs at certain intersections; it would see that, informally, the public is involved and formalizing the process would be an appropriate way to go . COUNCIL MINUTES - 6/24 PAGE 5 Mr. Sensibaugh will get together with Councilwoman Norris and bring a report to the next Council Meeting. (No public comment on this item. ) 3. Budget and Personnel Requests - Planning Department A. Proposed Resolution 50-85 - Personnel Recruitment/Salary Plan Amendments B. Proposed Resolution 51-85 - FY84-85 Budget Request to Relocate Planning Department Mr. Engen gave a combined Staff Report on items 3-A & B., At the Mayor ' s request, he emphasized what the public can expect from the proposed .changes. No public comment. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve Res. No. 50-85 , seconded by Councilman Molina. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to approve Res. No. 51-85 , seconded by Coun- cilwoman Mackey. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. E. COMMUNITY FORUM Bob Clark referred back to Item #D-1 ; he requested the development tax mitigation meeting be postponed one week (instead of two days) in order to give proper notice to the public. He was advised by the Deputy Clerk that notices had gone out to all local media on Friday, as well as posted appropriately at the Administration Building entrances and bulletin board. Mayor Nelson explained that Council would like, in having the special study session, to discuss the item in detail before it is presented be- - fore them in the form of an ordinance, so there is plenty of time for public hearings. Bill Silver said he ' s been ,yelling for years for people to come to these meetings and be interested, and they don't; he suggested tha-t' Council do whatever they can without the help. Jerry Larrison inquired, on behalf of several friends not present tonight , if there is some reason why Council hasn't set the fees for special weapon permits; he cited one gentleman who has had ongoing correspondence on the matter for over two years. Mayor Nelson responded that it has only recently (about a month ago) been brought to the Council' s attention, and they are waiting for a Staff Re- port. Mr. Shelton stated Staff will try to have the subject on the next Council Meeting agenda. A gentleman from the audience expressed a general public concern about Atascadero ' s rapid growth, and wonders where we 're going, as our sewer system is almost maxed out , schools are maxed out, fire department is i,: COUNCIL MINUTES - 6/255 PAGE 6 maxed out , and he understands there could be a water- problem. He doe know how we can get more people out (to express their concerns about t growth) , but he ' s sure there are many people concerned about what ' s hap- pening in Atascadero. Jerry Bond stated he doesn't believe the people, as a whole, understand what a "study session" is and that it is not a public hearing; he asked Council to please explain what it is , to which Mayor Nelson responded. Deborah Kankowitz , a Viejo Camino resident, asked it it were true that there are only 1 ,400 sewer hookups presently available vs . 1 ,600 request- ed? Mr. Wallace offered approximate figures/calculations regarding the present sewer capacity. Mr. Engen responded, referencing some figures included in a memorandum prepared around the end of December from which Ms. Kankowitz ' s figures may be derived. He also referred to several large proposed projects which are being monitered for their environmental impact , with the sewer aspect being a major issue of concern. Mrs. Kan- kowitz expressed concern about the rapid growth and hopes the Council is , too. Mayor Nelson responded that there are many studies being conducted which will all have an impact on growth. Councilmembers Handshy, Molina and Mackey also had comments in response to some of Ms. Kankowitz 's. Bob Clark feels the Council has a responsibility to enforce what the vot- ers wanted at election time, many of whom voted for low-density. Mayor Nelson responded that Council has and continues to follow the General Plan; he said there seems to be a misconception that the Council is ch g ing the community, and it 's not true. The Mayor also urged Mr. Clark stay involved at the Council meetings , as there are some big items co g up which propose substantial changes. Terry Hood, a Cascabel resident , stated she has become aware that the General Plan is not something that stays as originally designed, but does change. She is concerned with some of the changes in the Housing Element, specifically the new lot sizes and how the formula for providing low-cost housing was arrived at (appears to be based on income level rather than cost of housing) . She ' s also concerned with the rapid rate of growth that has taken place in the past year, and referred to the Housing Element in- dicating a growth-rate of 210 units per year, citing the large amount of building permits being issued and that their number represents more than 210 units. She feels the Council can control the rate of growth in a reasonable and orderly fashion, perhaps by the adoption of a controlled growth ordinance as some other cities have. She feels any architectural review should not, as she understands it , serve only as an advisory com- mittee but should develop standards based on Atascadero 's needs . She feel Council has encouraged growth by going to a smaller lot size, by allowing apartments to go through and by allowing permits to be processed at this time without the fee question having been resolved. Joe N yal, a resident, is upset with the approval of the many requests for zoning changes. He accused the Council of "shoving these General Plan changes right through, one right after the-other. When are you- gonna stop it.," COUNCIL MINUTES - 6/2485 PAGE 7 F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1 . City Council - None 2 . City Attorney - Absent 3. City Clerk - Absent 4. City Treasurer - Absent 5. City Manager Mr. Shelton made two commendations: 1 . To Gil Dovalina of the Recreation Dept. ;- He became aware of, applied for and received approval for the City to receive San Luis Obispo County Arts Council grant funds to pay, for the summer concerts in the park, which are normally funded through the City ' s budget. 2. To the Atascadero Police Dept. - Dr. Avina sent a memo thanking the P.D. for their cooperation and support throughout the school year , especially the last week of school. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. to a Special Study Session on Wed. , June 26th at 7: 30 p.m. in the Rotunda Room of the Administration Building. RECORDED BY: ROS R . JONES, City Clerk PREPARED BY: CINDY WILKINS, Deputy City Clerk 85 ! A - 2 RESOLUTION NUMBER 56-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER AGREEMENT WITH ROBERT M. JONES TO PROVIDE INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY SERVICES WHEREAS, with the passing of City Attorney Allen Grimes, the City desires to engage, on an interim basis, a qualified legal counsel; and WHEREAS, Robert M. Jones has extensive experience as a local government attorney and is desirous to provide interim legal counsel; and NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Atascadero City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Robert M. Jones to provide interim legal counsel to the City in accordance with terms provided in the attachment designated as "Exhibit A" . On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: BY: ROLFE NELSON, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: ROBERT M. JONES, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager CITY OF ATASCADERO By: ROLFE NELSON, Mayor ROBERT M. JONES, Attorney i a a 2 7/8/85 ` ' A - 3 • RESOLUTION NUMBER 54-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPORTING ASSEMBLY BILL 1717 WHICH OUTLAWS THE USE OF VIDEO LOTTERY MACHINES IN CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 1717 has been introduced by Assemblyman Gary Condit, which would outlaw the use of video lottery machines in California; and WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 1717 has been endorsed by the State Department of Education, Attorney General Van de Kamp, and other educational, law enforcement and religious groups; and WHEREAS, of 19 states operating lotteries, only 1, Nebraska, currently permits the use of video lottery machines; and WHEREAS, advertisements promoting video lottery machines point out that this electronic "game" will appeal to the younger generation, enticing them to wager their funds; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Atascadero City Council • supports the passage of AB-1717, which will outlaw the use of video lottery machines in California. On motion by and seconded by the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted this day of , 1985. AYES: a NOES: j ABSENT ATTEST: ROBERT M. JONES, City Clerk ROLFE NELSON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: • MICR EL SHELTON, ity Manager Interim Attorney n 4 .r i�1d iu'��ci�� � .W , �� ; r � � 3 .� T ,moi >A 1 Z 3 2} �� (- . � .1 1 ti,� F.�C�lr�G + �� j 4'(1 ��� w"y mss• .�''�# .. . }w r A. d 4 i, pp ^��_-LCA r• s' 1: .,� /INCOKPOWATED JULY;2.1979 _ •` i P[ •. ♦ ��, ') F •t `,1'yxJ ` VERIFIED CLAIMr7". 495 ?; . „ A _ 4 . • �n N� 'D'' ' ' '� . � •.�. t� M•�'n��! .�. rk�•s Eye�y /.� � J�+�e l '�c'•.. i. L.•Cl-aim agains, t the City of. Atascadero, :Califorma;• :pursuant.:to�tAe GovernAv 7 oqo the; '';State;bf�California: ;. 3= r' `.� f '. 5 ,• S '11`iwCnDERO , City Clerk ' Fqi( City of Atascadero Name of Claimant Address/City/State/Zip Telephone No. 2. I desire notices to be sent to the �following /1 address: cQ✓jcc�--�l' 3. The date, place and other circumstances of the occurrence or transaction that give rise to this claim are as follows: Date Time Location Describe circumstances: - v 4. Generally describe the,4i damage or loss incurred so far as-it is known at this _ z time: �- 5. The name(s) of the DUblic employe (s) causing the injury, damage or loss as now known is/are: 6. The amount claimed as of the date of presentation of this claim is $ which includes $ as the estimated amount of any prospective injury, damage or loss. 7. The basis of computation of the cl aim is as follows: ,0s-ZZ;1-71 c � --------------------------------_------------------------------------------------------------ s:� VERIFICATION' State of California County of San Luis Obispo) ss I, the undersigned, say: I am the claimant (or the person presenting this claim on behalf of the claimant) in the above entitled action; I have read the foregoing claim and now the con- tents thereof; and that the same is true of my own knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated upon my information or belief, and as to those matters that I believe to be true. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. xecuted on �-- /�/- ��+ at Date Y City ante Signature of Claimant or his authorized representative _ tL} s INCORPORATED JULY.2.19'79 4y trA,.''r ` .��ti7\�..�� '� " •�� � �` 'VERIFIED CLAIM44 _ 7 ; 7 .8/85 . '_ J � � '.'.• •, •',. ,. �.� a• �� r rte:. t ,,( ., �� �r��iA+.)., l.t. ;.��p3i"` "r '�'*f-•,.��, F...a'� j. • Cl aim against the City of Atascadero, Cal forma; ;pursuant to the. v 0dhta Ndam P-_the 7State;'of. California'.-" �' ;� '.' . '�'' ',.* ' t, iY•: t r.' .+ : >:� i, �} �'s ,i s t.:r►�' .. ? .b r •.r , <I ��a , •�. .,j, 2 a+ i� }'' ' c I y,� U � •n 1��� +3�2 .* �r' City Clerk .t X43 City of Atascadero - rToaru _ r.a.c _. .,ITV rI.ERK l. r\ cmc �� ISI! ive 1 u c+ 1"�c► � ES �OS,��23�`�3 Fame of Claimant Address/City/State/Zip Telephone No. 2. I desire notices to be sent to the following address: eve 3. The date, place and other circumstances of the occurrence or transaction that give rise to this `/claim are as follows: Cfly Date Time Location t .L /vz-- , Describe circumstances: Ey,J ,`�� i �' sT J ." C - c� 1� 'a 'eL+_ f` c V2,S2r 1oy Ttn;_ S12%Qe ria rror f.. �l�t., Ty c , 4. Generally describe the injury,, dama a or loss incurred so far as it is known at this time: ��,. 6 c k- ,c,.�c�cL ' W 4he., QA !� • Pe V'5 C, A i Vy a 5. The name(sl of the public empl'oyee(s) causing the injury, damage or loss as now known iS/are: CrT �1��+••r'�t �a,.,r. ' rr o n.—' A loc-;;•t k�� ilf d° 4, C�r�c� /b'c� r'CviC'rY� tri'C � '�"✓« 7C:•. ""' Ci� 3.�.c�veS l• bl►IY "' 6. The amount claimed a�of the date of presentation of this claim is $ '° which includes $ /2 cc as the estimated amount of any prospective injury, damage or loss. 7. The basis of computation of the claim is as follows: AaEcl, A. 'y , VERIFICATION State of California ) ss County of San Luis Obispo) I, the undersigned, say: I am the claimant (or the person presenting this claim on behalf of the claimant) in the above entitled action; I have read the foregoing claim and now the con- tents thereof; and that the same is true of my own knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated upon my information or belief, and as to those matters that I believe to be true. ' I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. ecuted on A11A fc/ (,?S— at " `e v , -- cc' P Date City anPate State Signature of Claimant or his authorized representative rl d ------ M E M 0 R A N D U M • TO: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: F.Y. 1985-86 Local Transportation Fund Claim F.Y. 1985-86 State Transit Assistance Fund Claim DATE: July 3, 1985 It is recommended Council approve Resolution No. 55-85, approving the following transit claim requests: A. 1985-86 Local Transportation Fund Claim 1 - Regional Handicapped Transportation System $ 15,031 2 - Atascadero Dial-A-Ride Transportation System 182,851 3 - Atascadero to San Luis Obispo } Transit System 5,870 • 4 - Street Maintenance 134,408 TOTAL CLAIM $339,160 B. 1985-86 State Transit Assistance Claim 1 - Street Maintenance $ 32,690 a 2 - Atascadero Dial-A-Ride Transportation System 528 TOTAL CLAIM $ 33,218 Council action on these claims and various certifications i are required in order to receive the above transportation funds. PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH PMS/vjh cc:City Attorney • • RESOLUTION NO. 55-85 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A CLAIM FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUNDS • AND STATE TRANSIT ASSISTANCE FUNDS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE, TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT Whereas, Articles 4 and 8 of Chapter 4 of the Public Utilities Code requires claims for operating funds to be filed with the transportation planning agency by local trans- portation operators; and Whereas, the City of Atascadero is eligible for transpor- tation funds as provided in Chapter 4 of the Public Utilities i Code; and Whereas, the San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council is designated .transportation planning agency for San Luis Obispo County. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby authorize the filing of a claim for State Transit Assistance Funds in the amount of $33,218.00 and a claim for Local Transportation Funds in the amount of $339,160 for Fiscal Year 1985-86. The claim form is attached hereto marked Exhibit A and by reference thereof made a part hereof. On motion of Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: + • AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: ROBERT M. JONES ROLFE NELSON City Clerk Mayor 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ' • PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH, Director of Public Works/City Engineer ANNUAL CLAIM FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUNDS AND STATE TRANSIT ASSISTANCE FUNDS CLAIM NO.: TDA-AT-85/86 FISCAL YEAR: 1985/86 TO: San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council County Government Center San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93408 FROM: CLAIMANT: CITY OF ATASCADERO ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 747 CITY: Atascadero, CA ZIP CODE:93422 CONTACT PERSON: Mike Shelton PHONE NO. :466-8000 This claimant, qualified pursuant to Section 99203 of the Public Utilities Code, hereby requests-, in accordance with Chapter 1400, Statutes of 1971, as amended and applicable rules and regulations, that an allocation be made for the purposes and in the respective amounts as described in the attached claim form. Total LTF/STA funds being claimed are: $372,378 a) Annual Local Transportation Fund (LTF) apportionment $339,160 b) Annual State Transit Assistance (STA) Funds Operator Revenues $ 528 Apportionment $32,690 CITY OF ATASCADERO (Claimant) By: ` T Mike+ Shelton Title: City Manager Date: June 25, 1985 This claim was approved by San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council at their meeting by Resolution No. 85- Title: Date: 39241/(27171) FY 85/86 CITY OF ATASCADERO STATE TRANSIT ASSISTANCE FUND ANNUAL PROJECT AND FINANCIAL CLAIM Briefly describe all proposed projects and indicate proposed expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year. Project Title and Brief Description Purpose (see item 2 below) Amount # 1 Street Maintenance Asphalt overlays for roads and $ 32,690 streets within the City select system (PUC, Section 99313.3) CAC Section 6731(d) �6 2 Atascadero Dial-A-Ride Operational costs obtained as $ 528 transportation system a direct state apportionment (estimate: will likely change) 46 $ 1) Total claim for STA Funds $ 33,21 2) Identify purpose for claim (circle where applicable): a. Operator Revenues (PUC Section 99314) $ 528 b. STA Apportionment The operating cost of the operator's public transportation system (CAC, Section 6730x). $ 528 The capital requirements of the operator's public transportation system (CAC, Section 6730b). $ -0- Payment to an entity under contract with the city or county (CAC, Section 6731b). $ -0- Streets and Roads purposes (CAC, Section 6731(d)). $ 32,690 CERTIFIED BY: 4,d) 1 -- Mike Shelton TITLE: City Man;ger DATE: TnnP 29, 1 98 5 =' 39271 (27211) Page 1 of 2 FY 85/86 . CITY OF ATASCADERO LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUND ANNUAL PROJECT AND FINANCIAL PLAN Briefly describe all proposed projects (title and descriptions) the proposed use of these funds (by Article and Section of the Transportation Development Act) and the proposed expenditures for the ensuing year. Project Title and Brief Description Purpose: PUC Article/Section Amount Regional Handicapped_ PaymentofCity share of regional $ 15,031 Transportation System handicap transportation system (Article 4, Section 99260) # 2 Atascadero Dial A-Ride Includes all direct costs related $182,851 Transportation System to operation of the City's Dial-A- Ride transit system (Article 4, Section 99260 3 San Luis Obispo to Payment of City share of the SLO $ 5 , 870 Atascadero transit to Atascadero commute run (Article run 4, Section 99260 4 Street maintenance Asphalt overlays for roads and $134,408 streets within the City select system (Article 8, Section 99400a) NOTE: Any additional LTF apportionment which may be available during the fiscal year is proposed to be applied to street work (Article 8, Section 99400a) CITY OF ATASCADERO Page 2 of 2 Project Title and Brief Description Purpose: PUC Article/Section Amount* TOTAL CLAIM: 339,160 a. Total claim for Article -4.5 Funds (Section 99275). -0- b. Total claim for Article 4 Funds (Section 99260). $ 203,752 c. Total claim for Article 8(c) Funds (Section 99400c). $ -0- d. Total claim for Article 8(a) Funds (Section 99400a). $ 134,408 (1) Total agency budgeted expenditures for streets and roads (copy must be attached to claim). $ 1,166,600 (2) Percentage of claim (d) of total (d-1) 11.5 e. Total claim designated for $ -0- (other) * Note: Per conversation with Ron DeCarli 6/25/85, CERTIFIED: Revenue Sharing figures are based on FY 84/85, copy of final budget to be forwarded when adopted. BY: 1�=LiL �� Mike Shelton Title: City Manager Date: June 25, 1985 39281 (27201) r aFry iG 7/8/85 p pC AG i` Di� ~T3 S V 7�8�85 A 7 M E M O R A N D U M • TO: CIT MANAGER MICHAEL SHELTON AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: ESTABLISHMENT OF FEE FOR PERMIT TO CARRY CONCEALED WEAPON DATE: JULY 2, 1985 RECOP'IMENDATION: Establish a city fee for the processing of requests for permits to carry concealed firearms. (New service, not previously offered by Atascadero Police Department) . COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED: 1 . ) Authorize by the attached resolution, the imposition of a fee of $94 .00 (plus California Department of Justice processing fees) for all new concealed weapons permits granted by the Chief of Police. 2. ) Impose an annual renewal fee of $30 . 00 (plus California Department of Justice processing fees) for all permit holders who are granted an extension by the Chief Of Police. PROBLEM: As this service is not now provided, no fee schedule exists for this activity. BACKGROUND: Until approximately one year ago the County Sheriff, in cooperation with local Police Chiefs, accepted responsibility for the issuance and renewals of all permits for the authorized carrying of concealed weapons in San Luis Obispo County. As indicated previously, California Penal Code Section 12050 states the sheriff of a county or the chief of a municipal police department of any city or city and county, upon proof that the person applying is of good moral character, that good cause exists for the issuance, may issue a license. " Inasmuch as the Sheriff will no longer issue concealed weapon permits to citizens residing within incorporated city limits, the responsibility now falls upon the city police chiefs to consider such requests. Once it is determined that cause exists for the issuance of a permit, an appropriate investigation must be conducted into the background of the applicant by an assigned police officer. Additionally, I must interview each applicant, local records checks must be made, clerical support is furnished and finger- prints must be taken and submitted to the Department of Justice. These procedures take a significant amount of staff time to accomplish and the proposed fees are suggested so as to cover actual costs. AIR • ALTERNATIVES: A. Impose no fee - do not offer service. B. Offer service - impose no fee. C. Impose fee proposed - offer service. RESOLUTION NO. 57-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING A FEE FOR THE PROCESSING OF REQUESTS FOR PERMITS TO CARRY CONCEALED FIREARMS WHEREAS, a fee structure does not exist for the processing of requests for permits to carry conealed firearms; and, WHEARAS, the processing of requests for permits to carry concealed firearms is a new service not previously offered; and, WHEREAS, Government Code Section 6257 authorizes the setting of fees for such special, new services, and California Penal Code Section 12050 prescribes the conditions under which concealed firearms permits may be issued; and,. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Atascadero that fees for requests and applications for permits to carry concealed firearms shall be as follows: $94 . 00 Initial application fee plus required amount to California Department of Justice. $30. 00 Annual renewal plus required amount to California Department of Justice. On motion by and seconded by the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted this day of 1985 . DATE: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: ROBERT M JONES, City Clerk ROLFE NELSON, Mayor APPROVES AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: RICHARD H. McHALE 10 Chief of Police Interim City Attorney M E M O R A N D U M • To: City Council June 28 , 1985 Via : Mike Shelton, City Manager From: Bob Best, Recreation Director 1"6 Subject: Amendment to Ordinance No. 105 INTRODUCTION At the June 10th Council Meeting, Ordinance No. 105 relating to Parks and Recreation was adopted by Council . At that time I was instructed to bring back an amendment to Section 10-1. 06 Wind- surfers. RECOMMENDATION Amend Ordinance No. 105, Section 10-1. 06 Windsurfers, to read as follows: 10-1. 06 Windsurfers • It is unlawful for any person to operate a surfboard-like vessel on any area of Atascadero Lake. BACKGROUND With the adoption of a no swimming policy in Atascadero Lake, it is necessary to maintain consistency in all areas of the ordinance. The no windsurfing amendment would provide this consistency in policy. FISCAL IMPACT No fiscal impact. • IR � CEIV ;: ?. MEMORANDUM ,. 28ias - - - - - - - - - - CITY TO: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Detention Basin in Street Right-of-Way DATE: June 26, 1985 Detention basins have been required by the City to control on site drainage on developments that will increase the storm runoff rate. These ponds are workable for the design storm for which they are calculated, if they are properly maintained. Seldom, however, are these basins cleared of weeds or silt which alter the flow capacity. Apparently verbal approval was given to John Kennaly to design the Litten project on West Front Street to allow use of the public right-of- way for a detention pond for the combined Litten-Molina drainage require- ment. The Molina basin was not constructed and it would require the tearing up of their parking lot to place it in the original location. The combined detention pond was designed to allow approximately 7 feet depth of water. This-would be a potential drowning site for children whether on public or private property. • The permit has been held up on this awaiting my arrival. I met with John Kennaly, Mr. Litten and his contractor, and George Wol€rank on Monday to discuss the problem. Ordinarily I would not approve a private venture in the right-of-way, but due to the implied consent here, I am willing to approach this matter and similar matters on a case-by-case basis. I suggested that an agreement be drawn up that (1) holds the City harm- less for any liability over and above any already assumed, and (2) makes the developer responsible for any maintenance required to assure required capacity and esthetics. This agreement, since it is for use of the public right-of-way and is not covered in the regular planning process, should be approved by Council. I further suggested that if the depth of water to be collected by the design storm was decreased to a safe level, the normally required safety fence could be waived. Additionally, the existing culvert inlet design , capacity cannot be allowed to be altered from that approved by Caltrans. Everyone in attendance was agreeable. Permission was given to begin grading, but a building permit should not be issued until Council acts on the request. It was additionally understood that if Council denied the request that Kennaly prepare an alternate on-site detention basin design • for staff's approval. M E M O R A N D U M TO: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer FROM: John Wallace, Consulting City Engineer SUBJECT: Atascadero Sanitation District DATE: July 3, 1985 In 1976 a study for an expansion of the Atascadero County Sanitation District was performed in order to determine the most feasible way to accom- modate future growth within the District. At that time the existing treatment plant was nearing capacity. Besides the need to provide more capacity for future growth as well as for infilling in the developed areas of the community, there were several septic tank problem areas noted by the RWQCB that would need sewer service. In 1976 there were 1735 connections and the average daily flow was 0.6 MGD. In 1984 average daily flows were 0.85 MGD and a new plant rated at 1.4 MGD was completed with provisions for expansion to 1.8 MGD. The 1976 study projected future flow using the land use plan in effect at that time and projected the ultimate population within the urban reserve line to be 27,168 with a sewered population of 22,500. At the present time there is approximately 0.4 MGD of capacity left with the City's population at 18,800. If the same ratio of flow per unit was used as projected in the original study, there would be approximately 1333 additional hookups left. The exact number of hookups remaining can only be determined after an analysis of flow for the current household size and resulting flow is determined. Also, any projections must take into account the current general plan designations and anticipated amendments. JOHN WALLACE JW/vjh rC' p x,MA M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mike Shelton, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Request for Proposals for Sanitary Sewer and Wastewater Plant Study for the Atascadero Sanitation District. DATE: June 28, 1985 Recommendations: Staff recommends that a request for proposals be sent to three qualifiedengineering consulting firms and that a sewer study be started as soon as possible and that the monies for such study be provided in the 1985-86 Capital Improvement Budget. Background: Currently the City is faced with decisions regarding the sewer system brought on by proposed amendments to the General Plan, additional projects proposed for development, and unsevered problem areas of the City that the Regional Water Quality Control Board has asked to be sewered. There is uncertainty with respect to the ability of the City's sewer- age system to handle these needs and still provide service to its present users. Until March of 1984, Doug Davidson, a City staff member, was working on a sewer connection study investigating the land uses and billing aspects of the Atascadero Sanitation District. This type of information is very valuable and it should be updated. It provides not only a basis for billing customers but a tool for planning and engineering investigations as well. Proposal: With a good data base of actual land uses and sewer connections the City can begin to investigate the present capacity of facilities and contemplate future needs. This updated data base of information would of course be used with other engineering criteria to investigate and evaluate the City sewer system. A desired feature of this type of sewer system would be the ability to simulate land use information and determine the resulting sewage flows expected due to that simulation. This type of procedure is best done on a computer. The study would give the results of several simulations and would be provided to the City for its use. • RFP - ACSD page two • If it is found during the study that sewer facilities such as more treatment plant capacity, more pump station capacity, and new interceptor/collector sewers are needed then the City can begin to plan for them. If it is determined that adequate capacity exists for all or portions of the system then only areas of need can be focused on. The study would include a report of the findings, including recommendations for improving any areas found inadequate in the collection system and pump stations. In addition, it will give con- clusions as to the effects of: the proposed General Plan Amendments; proposed developments the City is presently committed to; and the sewering of the trouble areas of the ASD as desired by the RWQCB. Additional features of the study will include looking at the present design flow criteria of the system and determining if those design flow criteria are still a.nplicable or should be adjusted for today's smaller family size and water usage trends. Also, the report would look at the total flows going to the treatment plant and make suggestions for treatment plant expansion if needed. Materials: R.F.P. including Scope of Services • f: