HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/22/1984 i AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 22, 1984 7:30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment City Council Comments A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If dis- cussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calen- dar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 8, 1984 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer ' s Report 9/1/84 to 9/30/84 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Finance Director ' s Report 9/1/84 to 9/30/84 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 4. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment at 13820 and 13840 Morro Road - Davis/Twin Cities Engineering (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE) 5. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment at 4235/4255 Dolores Wise/Russell (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 6. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment at 6055 Flores/9185 Santa Lucia - Foss/McNamara/Jeffres/Viera (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 7. Acceptance of Final Map 5-84 at 2575 San Fernando Road Mallory/Twin Cities Engineering (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 8. Acceptance of Bid No. 84-13 Irrigation Supplies, South P 9 PP Atascadero Park (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 9. Acceptance of Bid No. 84-19, 1984 Street Overlay Project (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 10. Resolution No. 54-84 approving application of Grant Funds for South Atascadero Park (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) • AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - October 22, 1984 ' E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT None F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager • 3 7TES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCILAa '+?"_ 9ular Meeting October 8 , 1984 Atascadero Administration Building Page 1 The regular meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. by Mayor Nelson. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Invocation was given by Councilwoman Norris. ROLL CALL Present: Councilman Molina, Handshy, Councilwoman Norris and Mackey and Mayor Nelson. Absent: None �� STAFF Ralph Dowell, Acting City Manager; Allen Grimes, City Attorney; MiR-e Er _ Fire Chief; David CatKierina, Recreation Coordinator��/, Bud McH�e, Police Chief; Henry Enge?(, Planning Director; Georgia Ramirez, Acting City Clerk and L , Public Works Director. LIC COMM-ENT None COUNCIL COMMENT Councilwoman Norris introduced Carlos, the foreign exchange student from the Basque Country who is staying with her family. Councilman Molina said he regrets that Larry McPherson is _leaving. Mayor Nelson, Councilwoman Mackey and Councilman Handshy all agreed that Larry will be missed and thanked him for all his help during the past 4k years in Atascadero. Mayor Nelson extended an invitation from the Self Help Housing Group for a dedication ceremony on October 19th at 4 p.m. at Cayucos Avenue in Templeton. He also read a letter from the Friends of the Library of Atascadero asking for the support of the City Council in applying for a grant for the new library. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of September 10, 1984 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Minutes of the Special Adjourned meeting of September 29, 1984 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 03 . Treasurer' s Report - Finance Director ' s Report (8/1/84 to 8/31/84) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) -1- • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Wteober 8, 1984 3 Acting City Manager, Ralph Dowell, asked that item 18 be withdrawn and put on the agenda as item C-3. MOTION: By Councilwoman Norris, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve Consent Items A 1-17 . Passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Continued appeal of Planning Commission' s Conditions of approval on Tentative Parcel Map 6-84 , 8870 San Gabriel Road, (Ptn. 1 Lot ll, Block 33) Davis (Kennaly Engineering) Henry Engen, Planning Director gave staff report. John Kennaly gave his presentation. Pat Silviera, Ken Muckers, Pam Ramirez and Robert Brown all spoke against the appeal. Allen Grimes, City Attorney, advised that the October 4th submission of additional information by the applicant' s engineer was too late to be timely under the municipal code. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilwoman Norris to deny the appeal and approve the map subject to the findings. and conditions of the Planning Commission. Passed by 3 : 2 vote with Councilman Handshy and Molina voting no. Councilman Molina felt the 20% reduction criteria was too vague and could lead to arbitrary decisions . Mayor Nelson suggested that staff review for improved specifics. 2. Report of the City Attorney - No. 30 City Attorney, Allen Grimes, reviewed cases of Larrision v. City of Atascadero, Gearhart v. City of Atascadero, Daniel/Kelly v. City of Atascadero and People v. Latham. 3. Report of the Recreation Advisory Board concerning proposed agree- ment for performance of Equestrian Area Staff report was given by Ralph Dowell, Acting City Manager. He asked that this item be put on agenda for meeting in November. Buzz Jamrog spoke for the Atascadero Horse Advisory Committee. Allen Grimes, City Attorney, expressed his concerns about the length of the contract and the matter of insurance. Ms. Jamrog is to call the City Manager' s office regarding a meeting to discuss a revised draft of the agreement with Ralph Dowell, Acting City Manager and Allen Grimes , City Attorney. The revised agreement will be brought back to the Council in November. -3- MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 Page 4 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Resolution No. 7-84 concerning onsite drainage problems (Scott and Susan Vasgird) Henry Engen, Planning Director, gave staff report. John Kennaly gave his presentation. He said that he has completed a detailed analysis of the regional drainage problem and before he can continue with the design project for his site and something that the neighbors can agree on, he will have to get some information on what the city' s intentions in the area are. Mayor Nelson asked John Kennaly to come to meet with Ralph Dowell and Larry McPherson in an attempt to work this situation out. With respect to the Planning Commission.' s resolution_ on..the _issue, Allen Grimes, City Attorney, stated that the subject was a matter of City Council jurisdiction. Councilman Molina said he didn' t appre- ciate the interference of the commission in a policy matter. No action was taken on the resolution. Scott Vasgird said he wanted g to make sure that this is going to b resolved and not put off again. Mayor Nelson reassured him that City is working on it. Mr. Vasgird asked what kind of assurance OR he have from the City that this problem is going to be taken care of. Mayor Nelson told Mr. Vasgird that the City will work with him and make sure it gets resolved. 2. Discussion of appointments of City Treasurer/City Clerk Mayor Nelson asked that this item be brought back at the next Council Meeting for discussion. 3. Tentative Parcel Map 23-84, 9700 E1 Camino Real (Lot 3, Block 11) , Rex Hendrix (Westland Engineering) to allow the division of a 2 . 5 acre parcel into four lots of . 62 acres each. Staff report was given by Henry Engen, Planning Director. When going over the matter this morning in staff review, they felt that it should be pulled to strengthen the language on Item 4 . The public improvements required by conditions one and two may be deferred for a period not to exceed one year beyond the date of recordation of final map. The following language is proposed to be added: "subject to the posting of a performance guarantee to the satisfaction of the City Attorney -4- 0 • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL gular Meeting ober 8, 1984 ge 5 �✓ /y(/" Terry �ork of Westland Engineering, said he didn't have any problems with that but would like the Council to consider on item No. 2 after the first sentence to add "or as deemed necessary by the City Engineer" . Larry McPherson said that was the intent of the existing language. MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Norris to approve with the change in Item 3 . Passed unanimously. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Supplementary Budget Request: Building Inspector _Radio System MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilman Handshy to transfer $1, 600 from contingency Reserve to Account 01-20-3416 . Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2. Request for funds for Plan Checks/Part-Time Inspector MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve transfer of $39, 700 from Contingency Reserve to account 01-20-2240- 0014 . Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 3. Disposition of Surplus Property - Ordinance No. 85 . MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Molina to read by title only. Ordinance No. 85 was read by Mayor Nelson by title only. MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Norris that this constitutes first reading. Passed unanimously. t 4 . Revision of Municipal Code Provision relating to Office of City Manager - Ordinance No. 86 After much discussion, Mayor Nelson appointed a committee of Councilman Handshy, Mayor Nelson, Ralph Dowell and Allen Grimes } to discuss changes in this ordinance and bring back at next council meeting. 5. Proposed Ordinance No. 87 providing that no mandatory duty is im- posed by the Municipal Code for the acts of the City, Council, Boards, Commissions, Officers, Agents, or Employees iMOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to read by � title only. Mayor Nelson read Ordiance No. 87 by title only. MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey that this constitutes first reading. Passed unanimously. -5- • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 Page 6 6 . Bid No. 84-16 - Fire Station Addition Acting City Manager, Ralph Dowell, recommended to council that they reject bids and re-evaluate again during mid-year budget study or delay until next year. MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilman Handshy to reject the bids. Passed unanimously. 7 . Proposed Resolution No. 53-84 relating to charges for the sale and maintenance of the Atascadero Municipal Code MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Norris to adopt Resolution No. 53-84 . Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 8 . Processincr of Proposed Resolutions/Propositions received from other agencies MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilwoman Norris to support Proposition 30. Passed 3 : 2 by roll call vote with Councilman Molina and Handshy voting no. MOTION: By Councilwoman Norris, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to suppor Proposition No. 39. Failed by vote of 2 : 3 with Councilman Handsl and Molina and Mayor Nelson voting no. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION CITY COUNCIL Councilman Handshy said he attended the October 4th meeting of LAFCO re- garding the Sphere of Influence. He said he was still disturbed over this meeting. Said it did not appear to be a Sphere of Influence Meeting but an Annexation Hearing. Councilwoman Mackey said she thought if someone wanted to apply for the City Clerk position they should come forward to apply for the position. Councilwoman Norris asked the City Attorney about a conflict of interest if she is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and sitting on the City Council. She was advised by Allen Grimes, City Attorney, that she could SII not v ote in connection w. ith contracts with the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Nelson asked Larry McPherson, Public Works Director, about the sound system for the rotunda. He responded that speakers have been built, just need to be installed. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Session October 8, 1984 ge 7 Councilwoman Norris said she brought tapes from the League of California Cities and they are available in the City Clerk ' s office. Mayor Nelson said that he has been receiving positive responses from citizens of Atascadero about the change of attitudes at City Hall. CITY ATTORNEY None CITY CLERK None CITY TREASURER None CITY MANAGER For a period of three months, the Planning and Building personnel will not be available to the public at the counter from 4-5 p.m. each day. 0 A meeting on Annexation #4 by LAFCO will be held on October 17 , 1984 . Meeting adjourned at 10 :16 P.M. to closed session. Reconvened from closed session at 11: 45 p.m. BANK OF AMERICA MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Norris, that the city, after review of the Bank of America' s final offer of $275, 000. 00 for the local Bank of America Building, directs the Acting City Manager to advise the Bank of America real estate negotiator by letter that the City has no further interest in purchase of this property. Passed unanimously. RECREATION DIRECTOR MOTION: By Councilman Handshy, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to authorize the Acting City Manager to contact Bob Best in order to make an offer of employment for the position of Recreation Director. Passed unanimously. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11: 50 P .M. SPECIAL NOTE: Taping was not started until 8 : 45 p.m. , therefore the minutes were recorded on tape starting with item C-1. qcor d b : Y U AC4NG7TC� ERK CITY OF ATASCAOERO- • TREASURER' S REPORT SEPTEMBER 1, 1984 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1984 RECEIPTS TAXES Property Tax 6,938.84 Cigarette Tax 6 ,769. 20 Motor Vehicle "In Lieu" 30,988. 50 Sales & Use 157 ,101.79 LICENSES/PERMITS/FEES 27,750.40 GAS TAX 20,719 .59 TRAFFIC SAFETY 2,647. 19 REVENUE SHARING -0- RECREATION FEES 16 ,728. 20 RETURNED FROM LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND AND MATURED TIME DEPOSITS 145,000.00 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS -0- TRANSPORTATION SB-325 -0- MISCELLANEOUS Rents Concessions 651. 24 Sale Maps/Publications/Reports 224. 85 Special Police Services 114.00 Fines & Penalties 752.68 Dial-A-Ride Farebox 1,948 .30 Reimbursement to Expense 442. 61 Refunds 1,906.93 Planning Permit Deposits 8,051.14 Bails/Bonds 729 .00 Wil-Mar Disposal 1,274.01 Rebates 522.00 Weed Abatement 398 .16 Investments 10,056.95 Reimbursement from Sanitation District 8, 602. 48 Miscellaneous 394.44 TOTAL $ 450,712. 50 1 • i • CITY OF ATASCADERO FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT SEPTEMBER 1, 1984 TO SEPTEMBER 30 , 1984 BALANCE AS OF AUGUST 31, 1984 17,691.71 DEPOSITED BY TREASURER, SEE RECEIPTS, TREASURER'S REPORT, PAGE 1 450 ,712. 50 TOTAL 468,404.21 HAND CHECK REGISTER DATED 09/30/84 232, 070 .05 CHECK REGISTER DATED 09/05/84 1,863. 25 CHECK REGISTER DATED 09/11/84 54,682. 73 CHECK REGISTER DATED 09/21/84 40 ,972. 43 CHECK REGISTER DATED 09/21/84 1,873.25 CHECK REGISTER DATED 09/21/84 1,071.88 CHECK REGISTER DATED 09/28/84 26 , 259. 74 EXPENSE LISTING 104,686 .42 TOTAL 463, 479.75 • BALANCE AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1984 4,924.46 PETTY CASH 200.00 TREASURY INVESTMENTS SEE TREASURER' S REPORT, PAGE 2 1, 590 ,000.00 TOTAL 1, 595,124.46 I, RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. , do hereby certify and declare that demands enumerated and referred to in the foregoing register are accurate and just claims against the City and that there are funds available for payment thereof in the City Treasury. Dated: October 16 , 1984 -Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. Finance Director • 3 ® ® __®- ®- 0 ® ®- ® ® Q A --0 0 o, _ g- i 4 i \ i t•,CJ ,-� st i•a r r" I t cLI 7 %y X Y. X X?<X =1 L tt! _y \ — J � LD J - J — — —� —� 7` c a me c c a ..] ... .,.7 C c; J L ^•' "I.� � c O ,i to a V J O J Ul t t _ « 7 C:fj G ca .j O .^. ..J Q :: _ v G-J .:J O Q O C a . -^O Cz .0 7"'1 a C 'J G ^� J G_G O fs � ii 1, I li �I � 1 -"V .' � --` � # t �i 7 s•1 i TT. 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Zl 77 7-� ai :> I Z D Ute' j z z 70 xien, Z -ro in cootF, ro to S CO !LJ -Z 0 a iA A ;z m N 2 L4 C.4(A 'r-;C,� 1= C, -- N�—o I� ��,;_ �i� �i� Flo _ � —�i- — - ��•' - - k i r, T _ j D m =i z z o u 73 i D M � a i i i D ; 1 z = r 3 =.0 3 m (ry z m i IM F y 1 •7. II { r 4p �W � E � - o Y tv f i� E pi i If i y f a E iso fJ { D 7 , �c cl i i 31 ( 7 > D fJ € V •� 1 € i3 € _G w � 3 ::: o i € D ' i j n n r i r _ z .71 P_ M C) c a J< - Y.0 -- i--F i G i—{ "S z € i m n c I� i f^' �I � mz f �I r z to r. F P Cl) �' =y , i \ o o v t ii y IA m77 I y v 7 t -M L 4- 'D i Lam. — I E >3 — I � - -oi � I> N € f! I I I � F '•i I. I I z k i i I j � I I I I i i Iw s i £ - Y Y Y - w CJ rs - s 71 t ro a r t C1 c C. a £ m q D c o tv n �y z tTi z £ u --i Q J V Q ' i, �€ L7 �€ N C.._, 0 tit £ z F MF .a C 0 z r � € -{ 7 m r Z t3 M z z Q - v £ 3 z Z Z £ Y z .may G C c G G G � i i L7 r!3 G7 .r,.3' 0 F 3 _. r� ti1- _ �-I .+ ^ I. 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F ri. isl T7, M. 2> cl C.3 E.P M ca ri z 75 U Pj 4 1 ;a t-, CO :E- W (A �A Cl r.71 r r r z C3 J." rj ra Ll f i 1 L-, rJ— Eli 0 r_q C7, P,3 = ca L�j— C4 -:)'I.3 c-3 c3 64 ri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD C ca 4..7' C.1 N CD c o C4 "3 C-N f`0-1- ro LA C, L. —3 9 0 -0 ,Ttn ..I n yT— .•I�, I'O 0 _ O� 'G O V QN A U ry —� 44 Allow i i rJ fil aril fJ N N N l N N rJ N s ,� v ; vlzl lz — ril L. G \ n - A L-4 7 a JC Y ►� Y Y Y �- i-5 N c +- J Z _ N N c a n a Ct ca 1 — n r 3 c _i -+ n ca L; zc { l � C z f D G D n s^ r- _ I { z i z y - -3 ^uf : r ` ri D a rls n r. z 0 a --i �[ � r cD r 4 - t z t - 1 �? z = 0 z F 7 x 1 D rjr 7> Dr Z C'3 i r C G C E _ M z 0 z :1 C7 z C3 z -; C-1 Cs r0 J Z i �m £_3 J I U -: V J -i ,.i til I -i N _.e r, _? i iJ .-3 N -i -{ I-3..+.. M .e. - { OSL � I -s D � D r' r EI i7 •k r - i _ ^� :> 7 D I o A C•! U' cff a C ,.J c Li Z IM -3-11 Z D+ Ic c of ( cCZ CA N rJ r r• ri,l -tJ r ril f•=1 �f t,, I r 3: I(ff fi' D �\ Jj (A ... a o o 71 l� L'S I a c Ue t n-. IA 1-!' ., - ..-: G. -i M. i"'i -± i"i n i f't t 1 t, r.�. r. `'3 !:'t I tom, n n . z i X - X X X. XlX!.. �.; X .f:.. N•'.:< X r X i X X X CD � - z C-1 LSI 4.^� .. .. -I ( f^ fM13 r a i `•f -• - =t - v W,, •1 zD 4^ AZ.- DiC, i ,� z �� v c� C,, if w rl II c a s ' C Mi 1� ^!.. .9`moi L7 D, C) 0 0 r s 4i C D C'✓ C G7 C r+. q ; J ! I I N i 1 V• C, r to d• 7 I „� n A :w I a D- >.�+� L G W ;.:.c+ .-d CO�- `C` +. W ,� _ W -," '�\ .',- '`^••.' -y ^�-a.+ W ACJ l `O._ W rJ C•leLJ !L cl LT Ln c C�G a 1-1 Li c�.... 0 p; .. L'I ..' .� b •.7 o =o o Ll '•7 3: C.i o - .p L3 O o V c-. I -40 I l i +fir - • a -0 W _ -- - _ c.IC I _F Z ; Di � a i z c X z E n a = z ti - - DEz 3 X z z v � r , V D z Y = m —4 Y. `+ L Pj f Lz (� tv�l l 4 C7 i ( II .•. .- is L. I�+,t DI ( sa ca p - D p tEt i i n r Z ( � I I � ti n i Z � z tv t i i I CITY OF ATASCADERO FINANCE DIRECTOR' S REPORT SEPTEMBER 1, 1984 TO SEPTEMBER 30 , 1984 EXPENSE LISTING PAYROLL DATED 09/05/84 CHECKS #31887-31979 55,779. 56 PAYROLL DATED 09/19/84 CHECKS #31980-32071 55,906 .86 VOID CK#21581 CK. REG. DATED 09/11/84 (7, 000 .00) TOTAL 104 ,686.42 42 M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY COUNCIL October 22, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA 830325 : 1 LOCATION: 13820 and 13840 Morro Road (Lots 26A & 27A, Block 60) APPLICANT: Dick Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) On June 13, 1984 the City Council approved tentative Lot Line Adjustment 830325: 1 subject to certain conditions and in concur- rence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The zoning is RS (Residential Suburban) and the General Plan des- ignation is Suburban Single Family Residential. Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been met. On October 15 , 1984 , the Planning Commission reviewed the matter on its Consent Calendar and recommends acceptance of the final map. • HENRY ENGIAN I RALPH H. DOWELL JR. Planning D` rector Acting City Manager Ps t. � c zt v - _ .. �s 1460 rOP `d_J `��:_��,Y _��, —_�• .QP¢��,°`' / '� ego _ t 1vv 29 7 ` 35 - 10 i/ 4 18 •j13 28 27 h /20 16 36 i1 22 /19 14 0 48 49, 1 15 PP O 14b 15 16 21 37 13 ,i 14a ' 50 � R 14 �. 17 18' 20 7 380 39 144 40 19 13 i 12 I I 5 4 �O 6 43 s� 10 9 8 7 6 3' �U,c}D 420 ,41 45 2 5 42 18 45a - 46 1 4 G p,.ftr 7A 19 s c 6 \ - 520 20 8 7 / 3 47 21 37 41 2 4 3 2 22 1 2 36\ 40 1 �d \ 38 \39\ 23 24 5 2 25 6 \ 8 7 1 26 � - 3 1I 10 9 \ 12 11 \ 1 10 4 12 y 3u 14 34 i 8 7 6 5 60 U 33 280 290 18 19 20 2J � 27 32 2 � 2 1 _ r7��0 �b 1 V 3 32 b .a , 1 5 4 1 3 0 2 4 23 22 6 5 4 3 2 1 5 23 3'L � 7 ` 1{ 6 ,0 8 12 t3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 21 � \ g 1 1131 0 23 24 U 25 t= 26 1 27 i 2 g 29 � 30 3 � 4 3 L 95 7 Lo&977 0AJ LR�3c32S�l ', C7-1 CS /3�'zc i3��Go /rl°'ui �Ap L cTs�2(vv A d 2 7,4 15,Liz.��4 • "1 M E M O R A N D U M : TO: CITY COUNCIL October 22, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment 820602 :1 LOCATION: 4235/4255 Dolores Avenue APPLICANT: Wise/Russell On August 23, 1982, the City Council approved Lot Line Adjustment 820602 :1, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. On September 10, 1984 , the City Council approved a time extension on the map to September 3, 1985. • The zoning is RSF-Y and the General Plan designation is Single Family Residential. Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been met. On October 15, 1984, the Planning Commission reviewed the matter on its Consent Calendar and recommends approval of the final map. HENRY ENGEN RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. Planning Director Acting City Manager Ps Q g ,yJZ 09lY /8709' � 7? ti D b _ G __ .Ss�i'. i�tC R. f�� 4s 4.... .....3 9.r(G �:.•s�-r.a..� �' .- ''Yf^.'�. .n�::rv�r'�Ve�rw.w•..e•,.�.+.,.J1F'.c< """�'.' 47 t"^'4 O ^ :.LM_—��°� . �1 W N o0 osl LA CP \ � '' tea• ; la �h Z IDjr + .;. � {• v� h RIS• 4! .M �' ! to r P2o ` � .. • drr. 94 -7tt ,,*V IN D ♦ y5`e` •�aI"•S7 _ .I{� d "- �.�` ,e'�i � • �, �1 8 I-x�1er Y0 `� x�,t•Ir r . sa< v r -.Gb Y. Yi� .£° tt l if'i �S. � ! �i r. •t r '' .9° P �• y * ����00 �"*�`� '-�`'!� S!g ` �.. 3� is -;, •. a's �� �� �p23N ��.. � � y�C��� q 9$�� e �JQ 4: f k--; J• + .,- qe e O t; .9� F� I�� �" `s� +et8 .tom.... Q. -� r7 �a �. - ,- ��YY 2 .:'t�'r -.J• _ 5 >:. � = a y`v '9`IJ - !°�o x ti',i yob A a� 1,+. 1 .r '1f' �•:.., '..,� 7a,4��+j'"�0� YAf : a�2g ',.�"f,,�+n.. 4 7 _ � ��f tri .� F t � _ tt• 'P R ♦� .r�O '; ars. -':At� �' f�+,3�•r.; �tN..-� N3!b �t t S -f h; St. t ,� \�� O<o ✓y 1n� � .•. � �tQ fI a?t p I.. 4Os � �� -. +t ,'�1 a ' } 'k `` _ A A,W� �q♦ ? 52�6�A p Lf%` i.. 5 1 5 Afi�� T. pq .irld`agy. 'aSA; .� •A♦♦ -.''D .'t�'10 ! P �, Ntofi-. - ..;..ks,�� ._ +s ? `sf,• `+N• � � �n. ti�tbg b4A1r' � �±246904 ; , q� �3- . fes° As�v !a *e f=1 �. � r .� �-• A a< h,. � ♦ '0 q4T� ,. /� 74>.°� yr 'A�•. _ :Is-'#.R �'v?��f. ,. t a. ' �?/i ���Y(`�„+, 0`�u`1-x +�i �� �0� ti •�,r .,y'YO'l y'b�4e► y '/4 1\'f/P. !- ggq�j -•, -RJ po qp�I� �s io" SQDSr.. . 9t •.II•``�:`j. 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Ih timet" �~�' l��i%\ � �h '► j {'y 6tn 40t suers 11, a3.l<< ._� �, � e '�i{��.Jl+• ��1�;G�1 (��k+rS(��''�,' �� ` t A�•�, � - I39NJ�l Y .�Jo� •' 7,,,(vy . -ia..ti"�. _ '° :� 1 6+[/ O ��'��V_ /„(eci °� T riati-' �!% � �f'a t�1. `�- .-r�•`_ s ir.a °- �:.• _ %�•lrl+S� rtK'\r�/!'t�, •r V t0'I..y. \ \ T N ♦ul •N - - 1 55 srp=-JI ti N4 S t e .`a o 6♦.P .�:•4.�`T•' 55oSn SSS r 55� • s, . ..a M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY COUNCIL October 22 , 1984 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment 2-83 LOCATION: 6055 Flores/9185 Santa Lucia APPLICANT: Viera/McNamara/Jeffres/Foss On February 14, 1984 , the City Council approved tentative Lot Line Adjustment 2-83, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Plan- ning Commission. The zoning is RS (Residential Suburban) and the General • Plan designation is Suburban Single Family. Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been met. On October 15 , 1984 , the Planning Commission re- viewed the matter on its Consent Calendar and recommends acceptance of the final map. HENRY EN EN RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. Planning Direc or Acting City Manager Ps • V .44 -�, — - { 1. 4 :o, s», ' _nn s. 1 41 ',=`�T,; mss,-: K 0a7 •. =ar-r�' '°R 4,*�I� rr-�' uk M -`• .,' .� a;"# � �.+ L17" 11 . O -RO W �.�.K 5 :.. ..'t nil l l _ rI '1 SP < . > � 0 0. '� z �. 1 - i a �1 ♦ rl.i a -ma c °� .�.-L;t O Y < !•. N ap aH: �'<14 K y r 1 ` `fl. �v CO r .. i W a c W 0 ..:�.. ..0 < n �'1.. >_ U O W F b V T I F O Z + C O O F < c C 1 L-^ 6 w W W Z O..W U J I" 0 0 : -, �::, A � .a ^ o ._"i.. x .:�a ' z U �" �k` irC 3'� R � �V 4 � - � > } f o = s h � , oma w = u w■ ° �.. M S G / -6 8 ;:..tr F'N w o V . , , - N'.o O O O'V� /� (� W < Z .i C F U C O V },j � V'..N. ZO'C :C W \ 'e L } Fp a .c 9 o .y U O 1 a f Y L L S i•! < < < < '� `� Sfl L'. 6 ts.'. w iq (�_ ' .� _ s1 Y L b , W O K r J � L c 1 3� C V .Y L 11 < S 6 W DO Tif�'_ = Y. W F . J < _ V <.L O L f 1 a = r fi a kr y Yf r � tc s ✓ _ ti t t, --- t. c a -..1• y1� a-. ,o COMMON&&% i y4 t�-;,w y V r p F N 4' 'S si 5 e +r t a ',y>s„ r y _ �.a,.:' > Q ,.. s" 11» v.x��, J -�'"r'M' r _ y t -:;��- "z a$�„ *" S- .3'a� }w' s�- e°,.,' +k.�a Vis?�c ,.,as h{.:�-�vWx«., *# 'hl'•3t��V 'itic`+f',"F',�t -"x��p?" ' ,,. tsµtt,. so- «^r ' - x �.a,A .{..t. �.-.�. 'a a y.3e' ? ,. 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Y _ ter" r.. ti� 1tr_'�'}-��' ;t',- ,:,,• �( �i :w `£ Y .�: ' tt $S f A'`� -f't °�'" +�:7a+�-c'E"t -c a...n •c 'L. F- i �f^K ; +F z 'a^✓'zf �d y M ..:• i'^ > t.= v,,.,r ,r .+�^z. ''laaF{k,F'^.;.,I` ,, a`E,Y.;iF�I •:. -..0 J 15 'F i- � Y�, _j '1,,;: l tr, l£+ ,� y .cv F _Q��f" �"..,- r+` } } 1 ... ! 3. - } t _� t i 'ick .t. 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K1 cv A DL a?\ -z no + F0 6,/_geATNC�Z s � 6a ��ti bio 0 5 5 D 1 `D a Is`10 � % l' ARC 0 S 605 S FGC�iE~S /Zca90 �9 65 } Pigs ZOTs j q*-6 3 , 6-7* 2 CITY OF ATASCAADERO 0 Planning Department IV - � �;�-- tj r: � i�-tel-i «� . • - - _ _ 1979 M E M O R A N D U M ^� TO: CITY COUNCIL October 22, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 5-84 LOCATION: 2675 San Fernando Road APPLICANT: Steven Mallory (Twin Cities Engineering) On May 14 , 1984, the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 5-84 , subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The zoning is RS and the General Plan designation is • Suburban Single Family Residential. Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been met. On October 15, 1984 , the Planning Commission reviewed the matter on its Consent Calendar and rec- ommends acceptance of the final map. HENRY ENFEN RALPH H. DOWELL JR. Planning Direc r Acting City Manager Ps • n rQ � _ •i 44 atz UA 3 t au,r r °JL'9/L 3.00.00."-N ool 77 IV _ r r J-' ,6['566 , t . C l tTr+P Lp0 - ✓� i 18 / ^e+�► 1 7 f'A 1Z r ` h � � PAfe rs 1 1 G.COQ 't(n�D 1 L 19 �� co28 - 27 26 14 30 e � COO o i f ��r f , w �/2 „' 0 S ti 27A A% sl- 130_ 12-81 IJEK 20 A? o !09 IZ -8I IVJK ? �� I \' A;- g0-t6� 30 .jr -_..-_._-_-.___---- __-_T----_-_ fly-- •�� �. M E M O R A N D U M TO: Acting City Manager e' C FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Bid No. 84-13 - Irrigation Supplies, South Atascadero Park DATE: September 20, 1984 The following bids were received for irrigation supplies to be used in the construction of South Atascadero Park: 1. Smith Pipe & Supply, Inc. $16,870.94 2. SLO County Farm Supply $17,816.58 It is therefore recommended that Council award the • purchase contract for the subject bid to Smith Pipe and Supply, Inc. , 708C West Betteravia Road, Santa Maria, CA 93454 Funds for this purchase are available from State and Federal park development grants. LAWRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh • • , ,- , y t M E M O R A N D U M TO: Acting City Manager t d FROM: Contract City Engineer SUBJECT: Bid No. 84-19 - 1984 Overlay Project DATE: October 17, 1984 It is recommended that Council accept the bid submitted from Madonna Construction Co. , San Luis Obispo, CA in the amount of $310,495.00 for the subject bid. This bid is for an asphalt overlay of various City streets within the City of Atascadero, including newly formed • Maintenance Districts. Funds for this project are available in 02-41-3183 (Gas Tax) , 05-41-3183 (Local Transportation) and through the Maintenance District Assessments. The attached bid spread sheet shows the bids received. - JOHN WALLACE Contract City Engineer JW:vh att. • M_E M_O_R A N_D U M_ DATE: October 16 1984 a C. C . TO: Ralph Dowell, Acting City Manager FROM: David Catherina, Recreation Coordinator SUBJECT: Resolution to Apply for Funds Ralph, As you know, with the passage of Proposition 18 , Parkland funds are available for the South Atascadero Park Project. This resolution will approve the application for these funds which are available until the deadline of November 5. David Catherina Recreation Coordinator gh • RESOLUTION NO. 54-84 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE REGIONAL COMPETITIVE PROGRAM OF THE CALIFORNIA PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES ACT OF 1984 FOR SOUTH ATASCADERO PARK PROJECT WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted the California Park and Recreational Facilities Act of 1984 , which provides funds to the State of California and its political subdivisions for developing facilities for public recreational purposes; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Parks and Recreation has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the program within the state, setting up necessary procedures governing application by local agencies under the program; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the State Department of Parks and Recreation require the applicant to certify by resolution the approval of applications before submission of said applications to the state; and WHEREAS, said applications contain assurances that the applicant must comply with; and WHEREAS, the applicant agency will enter into an agreement with the State of California for development rehabilitation or restoration of the project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of City of Atascadero hereby: 1. Approves the filing of an application for 1984 state grant assistance for the above project; and 2. Certifies that said agency understands the assurances and certification in the application; and 3 . Certifies that said agency has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project, and if the project is selected for state grant funding; 4 . Certifies that said organization will provide construction plans and specifications to the state within one year of the appropriation of funds under this program and will commence work immediately after state approval; and 5. Appoints the City Manager as agent of the City of Atascadero to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit Resolution No. 54-84 all documents including but not limited to applications, agreements, amendments, payment requests, and so on, which may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned project. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: ADOPTED:- ROLFE NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: GEORGIA RAMIREZ , Acting City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ('—J27-A RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. , Acting City Manager APPROVED AS TO F RM: ALLEN GRIMES , City Attorney • M E M O RAN D U M Date: October 22 , 1984 To: City Council From: Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. , Acting City Manager Subject: Resolution Supporting Measure A Attached you will find a resolution which supports Measure A. This resolution has been included as a possible action on the part of the Council , once the briefing conducted by the Citizens Committee for Measure A has been completed. T�_t do • RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. Acting City Manager • r RESOLUTION NO. 57-84 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ENCOURAGING THE SUPPORT OF MEASURE A ON THE NOVEMBER 6, 1984 BALLOT WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero is attracting new residents to its community as a result of its beautiful climate and quality living, and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero recognizes the importance of providing facilities and services for its residents commensurate with their lifestyles, and WHEREAS, the construction of new school facilities is necessary to accommodate the continued increased enrollment of this community' s children, and WHEREAS, the public school system contributes to the quality of life in the community by educating our young people and thus con- tributing to a stronger community, and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Unified School District has grown to almost 4,500 students and will continue to grow at a rate reflective of the growth of the City of Atascadero, and WHEREAS, the Citizens Committee for Measure A has undertaken to inform the community and secure its approval of a $35 parcel tax to be used for the construction of facilities in this community and the surrounding areas; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Atascadero supports the efforts of the Atascadero Unified School District and the Citizens Committee for Measure A in seeking the support of its citizens in providing facilities to maintain a quality program for students in the community. 'Resolution No. 57-819 On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ROLFE NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: GEORGIA RAMIREZ, Acting City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. , Acting City Manager APPROVED AS FORM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney • M E M 0 R A N D U M TO: CITY COUNCIL October 22, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ZONE CHANGE 6-84 : Proposed Zoning Text Amendment Relative to Individual Tenancy Signing within Shopping, Office or Industrial Complexes APPLICANT: City of Atascadero BACKGROUND On July 23 , 1984 , City Council directed staff to initiate a Zoning Ordinance amendment in response to considering an appeal on a Condi- tional Use Permit to allow additional signage on a multiple tenant building. This matter was considered by the Planning Commission on September 4th, September 17th, 1984 and recommended for approval on October lst. There was no testimony against the proposed revision • The matter was carried over to have staff research whether the amend ment should apply to multi-tenant projects of less than five units. It was the conclusion of the Commission at their October lst meeting that there was no bias against two-tenant through four-tenant com- plexes under present provisions and they are recommending approval of the attached Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the attached ordinance. HENRY EN EN RALPH H. DOWELL JR. Planning DirectQ Acting City Manager HE:ps ATTACHMENTS: Draft Zoning Text Amendment Ordinance October 1, 1984 Staff Report Planning Commission Minute Excerpts - - September 4 , 1984 - September 17, 1984 October 1, 1984 • ORDINANCE NO. 88 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT RELATIVE TO INDIVIDUAL TENANCY SIGNING WITHIN SHOPPING, OFFICE OR INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES. WHEREAS, the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment proposes stand- ards consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and, WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800, et seq. , of the California Government Code concerning Zoning Regulations; and, WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant ad- verse effect upon the environment and preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary; and, WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission has held several pub- lic hearings and has recommended approval of Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 6-84. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atacadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings: After conducting a public hearing, the City Council finds and determines that: 1. Specific signage standards for multiple tenant buildings would not be a visual detriment to the community. 2. Some additional signage would not be a visual detriment to the community. 3. Additional signage would be in compliance with the City of Atascadero's General Plan Community Appearance Standards. 4. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the negative declaration granted the project by the Planning Director is appropriate. Section 2. Zoning Text Change: Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 6-84 is approved to change the text of Section 9-4 .134 (d) of the Zoning Ordinance to read as follows: Ordinance No. 88 d S ( ) hopping, Office, or Industrial Complex Identification Signing: Such complexes with five or more separate uses or tenancies on a single site sharing common driveways and park- ing areas are allowed one common identification sign, with a maximum sign area of 60 square feet and with a maximum height of 10 feet. Where visible from a public street, signing on shopping center sites shall be of a uniform design, through- out the center as to the size, finished framing materials and location on buildings on such signs. IN ADDITION, EACH TEN- ANCY MAY HAVE ONE WALL-MOUNTED SIGN TOTALING 10 SQUARE FEET LOCATED ON A BUILDING FACE WITH A PUBLIC ENTRANCE. Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12: 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on October 22, 1984 and 9 9 adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: ROLFE NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: GEORGIA RAMIRE , Acting City Clerk APPROVED AS T FORM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney PP T TOTENT.: RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. Acting City Manager 2 a M E M O R A N D U M TO: PLANNING COMMISSION October 1, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT 6-84 - Changing the Zoning Ordinance Text of Section 9-4.134 (d) dealing with shopping, office and industrial complex identification signing. Situation and Facts: On .September 4, 1984, the Planning Commission continued the public hearing on the above-referenced subject to allow staff to prepare the revision in the Zoning Ordinance. As stated in the attached Staff Report, this revision to a specific sign size per tenant could elim- inate the need for Conditional Use Permits for larger projects. Staff is also responding to a inquiry from the Planning Commission concerning the definition of a multi-tenant commercial complex. A review has found that shopping centers with two or more units may have a maximum signage of 100 square feet. Thus, a two-tenant commercial building may have a free-standing or monument sign of 40 square feet which would allow the two units 60 square feet of additional signage. This appears more than sufficient for individual identification. Recommendation: Staff recommends that Zoning Ordinance Text 'Amendment 6-84 be ap- proved to change the text of Section 9-4.134 (d) of the Zoning Ordi- nance to read as follows: (d) Shopping, Office, or Industrial Complex Identification Signing: Such complexes with five or more separate uses or tenancies on a- single site sharing common driveways and park- ing areas are allowed one common identification sign, with a maximum sign area of 60 square feet and with a maximum height of 10 feet. Where visible from a public street, signing on shopping center sites shall be of a uniform design, through- out the center as to the size, finished framing materials and location on buildings on such signs. IN ADDITION, EACH TEN- ANCY MAY HAVE ONE WALL-MOUNTED SIGN TOTALING 10 SQUARE FEET LOCATED ON A BUILDING FACE WITH A PUBLIC ENTRANCE. DD:ps Attachments: Staff Report - Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 6-84 September 4, 1984 Zoning Ordinance Text (Signing) i • z� x STAFF REPORT Planning Commission - City of Atascadero Date: September 4, 1984 Item: B-3 (ZC:6. 84) Notice of Public Hearing was pub- f Public Hearing Case: ZC:6.84 lisped in the Atascadero News on Public Hearing to review a" pro- August 24 , 1984. posal to increase the amount of sign area and number of signs allowed for multiple tenant Negative Declaration to be certi- buildings in commercial and fied by Planning Commission ', industrial zones. Situation and Facts: On July 23, 1984 , in reviewing an appeal of a Conditional Use Permit to allow additional signage on a multiple tenant building, the City Council directed staff to initiate a Zoning Ordinance Amendment for additional signage. The Planning Director noted, at that time, that the Amendment would not bel,,,the comprehensive review that staff is still working on. The present Zoning Ordinance allows for a -total of 100 square feet of signage for any one site Additional signage may be allowed for mul- tiple tenant buildings meeting certain criteria. This additional signage is not counted into the 100 square foot total. (Ordinance attached) 'i Additional signage, being contemplated, would be the addition of mor ia g P total sign area for individual tenants. Analysis: As noted, every commercial and industrial site is allowed 10'0 square footage of signage. Additional signage may be requested for shopping, office or industrial complexes having five or more uses or tenancies or single site sharing a common driveway and parking area. In such cases, an additional 60 square footage of signage is allowed for a common identification sign. In such situations, the 100 square feet allowed would be divided between the tenants of the complex or building as long as signage does not exceed 80 square feet or 15% of the build- ing face. a The ordinance would provide for, in the case of a five tenant building, a 20 square foot sign for each tenant. The square footage would be reduced as the number of tenants increases. In the case of the Conditional Use Permit reviewed, signage for 18 tenants would be a ' max imum of 5.5 square feet per tenant. The applicant was requesting a pe- destrian oriented 12 square foot sign for each tenant. A definite bias is built into the Ordinance favoring complexes having only five or six tenants over those having ten tenants. This bias would be based on a concept of complex identification over that of individual tenant identification. Signage within a complex would be essentially for identification within the complex and not from adjoining sites of ro ways. Individual signs would be viewed from a distance of 30 to 40 `. STAFF REPORT - ZC:084 from a car traveling a maximum of 15 M.P.H.' Based on a study done in Baltimore County, a sign of 8 square feet and letter height of 4 inches, would be adequate signage for such distances. Considering that sites will vary, and typical situations will occur that could require additional square footage (i.e. logos, numbers) additional square footage could be needed. The present ordinance does provide for the Conditional Use Permit Pro- cess to allow additional signage beyond the 100 square foot limit. A revision to a specific sign size per tenant could eliminate the need for Conditional Use Permits for larger projects. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 6-84 , amending Section 9-4.134 by setting a specific wall sign size allowed for a tenant of a multiple tenant complex at 10 square feet as shown on Exhibit "A" . Findings: 1. Specific signage standards for multiple tenant buildings would eliminate the need for some Conditional Use Permits. 2. Some additional signage would not be a visual detriment to the community. 3. Additional signage would be in compliance with the City of Atasca- dero General Plan' s Community Appearance Standards. -2- EXHIBIT "A" Z.C. 6. 84 September 4, 1984 Section 9-4.134 (d) Sign Design Standards - Add the following: "Each tenancy may have one wall mounted sign totaling 10 square feet located on a building face with a public entrance. " ' ' ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1� . ZONING ORDINANCE Setbacks) , V (2) Enclosure Rectuired: Solid waste collectio - areas that use dumpsters or other containers with total capacit reater than two 33 gallon contain r shall be screene fr "he view of public streets nd adjoining properti s by a sbl_d fence or wall as gh as the collection con- t iner, ontainer, bu , of less th hree feet nor more than six feet in heigh ` (3) Enclosure Cons uctio. landards: (i) T floor or bottom surfa of a solid waste col- lection area shall be of co�, to or other imper- vious materials. (ii) The collection area shall have unobstruc verti cal clearance for a minimum height of 25 fee . 9-4 . 130. Signs: The standards of Sections 9-4 .130 through 9-4.136 shall be known and cited as the "Sign Ordinance of the City of Atascadero. " These sign regulations are organized into the follow- ing sections: 9-4.131 Purpose 9-4. 132 Applicability of Sign Regulations 9-4.133 Measurement of Sign Area - 9-4.134 Sign Design Standards 9-4.135 Sign Construction Standards 9-4.136 Sign Maintenance Required , 9-4 . 131. Purpose: The purpose of these Sections is to establish sign regulations that are intended to: (a) Support the use of signs to aid orientation, identify busi- nesses and activities, express local history and character, or serve other information purposes; and (b) Protect the ability of the public to identify uses and prem- ises without confusion by encouraging signs to be designed with a scale, graphic character and type of lighting compat- ible with the appearance of the buildings or uses identified by signs, as well as other buildings and uses in the vici- nity; and (c) Support the use of signs that are maintained in a safe and attractive condition that do not: (1) Create distractions that may jeopardize pedestrian. or vehicular traffic safety; or -~ 4-36 - ADOPTED JUNE 27 , 1983 r (2) Produce glare that adversely affects residential uses. 9-4 . 132. Applicability of Siqn Regulations: The provisions of Sections 9-4 .130 through 9-4. 136 are applicable to all signs con structed or altered after the effective date of this Title, except as otherwise provided by this Section. Nonconforming signs shall be re- vised to conform to the provisions of these Sections in conjunction with an entitlement where construction other than minor additions or interior alterations is occurring. (a) Permit Required: (1) No sign shall be constructed, displayed or altered with- out first obtaining a sign permit pursuant to Subsection a(2) of this Section, except where a sign is exempted from permit requirements by Subsection b. . (2) The application, processing, review and approval for a sign permit is to be as set forth in Section 9-2.107 (Plot Plan) except where otherwise provided by Section 9-4.134 (Sign Design Standards) , for signs of specific size or height, or where signs are approved as part of an overall development project. r.,. (3) Where signs are proposed for a project subject to en- titlement approval, a separate sign permit is not re- quired. The application for entitlement shall include complete information about the type, area, location and number of signs proposed, or such information necessary for Planning Department review. (b) Exempt Signs: The following signs are allowed without a sign permit and 'shall not be included in determinations on the allowable number, type or area of signs pursuant to Sec- E tion 9-4. 134 (Sign Design Standards) . Nothing in this Section • shall exempt a sign from the necessity of construction permit approval if an electrical or building permit is required by the Building and Construction Ordinance or Uniform Sign Code. (1) Agricultural Signs: Two unlighted signs with a total aggregate area not exceeding 32 square feet for each lot or parcel, identifying and advertising agricultural , products produced on the premises. (2) Construction Signs: Two unlighted signs with a total aggregate area of 32 square Feet not exceeding a height of eight feet, identifying parties involved in construc- tion on the premises and future activity for which the construction is intended. Removal is required within 14 days following completion of construction. 4-37 _ ADOPTED JUNE 27, 19 (3) Directory Signs: Wall-mounted building directory - signs for pedestrian use within a project, listing the tenants or occupants of a building, provided that such directories do not exceed 20 square feet on any single building wall, nor a height of eight feet. (4) Hazard Signs: Signs warning of construction, excava- tion, or similar hazards so long as the hazard exists. (5) Holidav Decorations: Temporary holiday decorations, provided that decorations for a single holiday or season are not in place for a period exceeding 60 days. (6) Information Kiosks: Free-standing structures provid- ing information for pedestrians, including permanent copy and temporary information such as handbills, post- ers and flyers affixed to a bulletin-board type surface. The total area of kiosk display surfaces is not to ex- ceed 40 square feet or a height of eight feet. Kiosks are to be separated from adjacent structures by a minimum of six feet. (7) Internal Signs: Signs' not intended to be viewed from public streets and located so not visible from public streets or adjacent properties; such as signs in interior areas of shopping centers, commercial build- ings and structures, ball parks, stadiums and similar uses of a recreational or entertainment nature. (8) M-iscellaneous Information Signs: Miscellaneous perma- nent ' information signs in nonresidential categories, with an aggregate area not to exceed foul square feet at each public entrance indicating address, hours and days of operation, whether a business is open or closed, credit card information and emergency address 'and tele- phone numbers. .` (9) Official Flags: Official federal, state or local government flags, emblems and historical markers. (10) Official Signs:Official federal, state or local gov- ernment traffic, directional and informational signs and notices issued -by any court, person or officer in performance of a public duty. (11) Political Signs: Campaign signs shall not be posted more than 60 days preceeding the election and shall be removed within 14 days following the election. (12) Prohibition Signs: "No Trespassing, " "No Parking" and similar warning signs less than two square feet each. 4-38 _ ADOPTED JUNE 27,83 - (13) Reader Board: Reader boards for community, charitable or religious organizations, provided such signs do not ` exceed an area of 20 square feet per face and are not illuminated. (14) Real Estate Signs: (i) For Sale Signs: Temporary signs indicating the property on which the sign is located is for sale, rent or lease. Such signs may be a maximum of four square feet or less on property in residential zones and 32 square feet or less in nonresidential zones, provided such signs are removed within 14 days of close of escrow or the property is no longer offered for sale. (15) Residential Identification Signs: The following resi -dential identification signs are allowed without permit approval: (i) Individual residence identification signs, includ- ing but .not limited to names of occupants and home occupations, limited to a total aggregate area of four square feet. (ii) One permanent identification sign with a maximum area of 20 square feet for each lot or parcel, F identifying the apartment projects, subdivision (` names, etc. , provided such signing is approved as part of a . subdivision map or entitlement for the project. (16) Safetv and Directional Signing: Parking lot and other private traffic directional signs, each. not exceeding .. five square feet in area. Such signs shall be limited to guidance of .pedestrian or vehicular traffic within the premises on which they are located, and are not to display any logo or name of a product, establishment, service, or any other advertising. (17) Sign Copy: Changing the sign copy of an approved sign provided that where the signing is not in conformity with the provisions of this Title, any change is to be j in accordance with Sections 9-7 . 109 (b) (Nonconforming Signs - Sign Copy) . (18) Sign Maintenance : Any maintenance which does not involve structural changes (see also Section 9-4 . 135) . (19) Temporary Sales and Events: Banners, signs or deco- rative materials in conjunction with an event conducted / pursuant to Sections 9-6. 174 (Seasonal or Temporary l� Sales) , 9-6 . 177 (Temporary Events) , or grand openings. ( Such signs and decorative materials shall not be posted `._ more than 30 days preceeding the event and shall be 4-39 _ -ADOPTED JUNE 27, 19 - removed within seven days following the event. (20) Vehicle Signs: Signs on public transportation vehicles regulated by a political subdivision, including( but not limited to buses and taxicabs, and signs on li- censed commercial vehicles, provided such vehicles are not used or intended for use as portable signs. (21) Window Signs: Window signs constructed of paper, • cloth or similar expendable material, provided the total area of such signs is not to exceed 50% of the window area. (c) Prohibited Signs and Sign Materials: In addition to any sign or sign materials not specifically in accordance with the provisions of this Title, the following are prohibited: - Al) Any sign which simulates or imitates in size, color, lettering or design any traffic sign or signal, or which makes use of words, symbols or characters in such a man- ner to interfere with, mislead or confuse pedestrian or vehicular traffic. (2) Signs attached or placed adjacent to any utility pole, parking meter , traffic sign post, traffic signal or, any other official traffic control device. (3) Any off-premise sign that directs attention to a busi- ness, service, product or entertainment not sold or offered on the P remises on which the sign is located including but not limited. to billboards and other off- - premise outdoor advertising signs. (4) Signs consisting of any moving, rotating, flashing, or otherwise animated light or component, visible from a public street or adjacent properties, except for time and temperature displays and barber poles. (5) Any sign or sign structure identifying a use or activi- ty that has not occupied the site for a period greater than six months. (6) Any portable sign that is not permanently affixed to the ground or building and that is not otherwise allowed by this Section. (7) Any sign mounted on a vehicle parked in a public right- of-way near a business for the sole purpose of adver- tising the business. 9-4 . 133. Measurement of Sign Area: For the purpose of evalua- ting whether a sign is in conformity with the provisions of this Title, the area of a sign shall be measured as the number of square feet of the smallest rectangle within which a single sign face can be 4-40 - ADOPTED JUNE 27 , 1983 . =� enclosed, as follows: (a) Sign Faces Counted: Where a sign has two faces containing sign copy, which are oriented back to back and separated by not more than 36 inches at any point, the area of the sign shall be measured using one sign face only. (b) Wall Mounted Letters: Where a sign is composed of letters individually mounted or painted on a building wall, without a border or decorative enclosure, the sign area is that of the smallest single rectangle within which all letters and words can be enclosed. (c) Three-Dimensional Signs: Where a sign consists of one or more three-dimensional objects such as balls, cubes, clusters of objects, or sculptural or statue-type trademarks, the sign area shall be measured as the area of the smallest rectangle .within which the object(s) can be enclosed, when viewed from a point where the largest area of the object(s) can be seen. 9-4 . 134 . Sign Design Standards: The following signs are allowed subject to approval of a sign permit (Section 9-4.132a) in addition to any exempt signs specified in Section 9-4.132b. (a) Commercial and industrial zones: The following signs are r, allowed in the CR, CP, CN, CT, CS, CPK, IP, and I Zones, pro- vided that the aggregate area of signs per site is not to exceed 100 square feet, unless authorized under Subsections d, f, or g of this Section. . I 4P (1) One wall sign for each business or tenant, with an area equivalent .tQ 15% of the building face, for each build- ing face having a public entrance, up to a maximum of .. 80 square feet. t (2) One suspended sign with a maximum area of 10 square feet for each business or tenant. - (3) One free-standing or monument sign for each 300 lineal feet of site frontage or portion thereof, with a maxi- mum area of 40 square feet and a maximum height not to exceed 10 feet, except for shopping, office and indus- trial complexes which are subject to Subsection d of this Section. (4) Shopping, office or industrial complex identification signing, where allowed by Subsection d of this Section. (5) Highway identification signing , where allowed by Sub- section e of this Section. 4-41 Minutes - Planning Commission - September 4 , 1984 Condition #2 - Change "shall be" to "may be" Condition #6 - Delete "Revocable The motion was seconded by Commissioner L rade and wa carried unanimously. 2. Conditional Use Permit 12-84 : Request submitted by American Restaura s Corporation to per- mit a 35 foot high freeway identifica on sign, signage on building elevation without a pub is entrace, and driveway access which exceeds the standards or a number of driveways as part of the construction of Wendy' s Restaurant on the west side of El Camino Real just south of Highway 41/Morro Road at 7320 El Camino Real in the CR (Commercial Retail)I Zone. Negative Declaration t the provisions of CEQA is to be certified. Mr. Engen, in presenting the S ff Report, addressed the issues of the various requests and note that Staff had reviewed the Staff Report with the applicant d both parties would support the fol- lowing refinements to the oposed conditions Condition #1. Change "b ilding permits" to "certificate of occu- pancy" and change "100 quare feet" to "101 square feet" . ra ondition #3. Chan to read: "A third driveway approach is only lnable if provi d as a shared access curb cut with the adja- ent car-._wash nd subject to the approval of the Planning and Public Works ep rtments. " Steve Perlman with ican Restaurants, spoke in support of the project and further ad sed issues involved with the signing requests a noted that the ex square footage of signage is 100.75 sq ft. MOTION: Commissioner LaPrade moved to certi Negative Dec- laration as complete and consistent wi he provisions of CEQA and to approve Conditional Use Permit -84 sub- ject to the findings and conditions as revise i the Staff Report. Commissioner Carroll seconded the mote and carrie usl..y 3. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment ZC 6-84 : A proposal to amend Section 9-4.130 et seq. of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the amount of sign area and number of signs allowed for multiple tenant buildings in commercial and industrial zones. Negative Declaration to the provisions of CEQA to be certified by City Council. (Initiated by City Council) 3 Minutes - Planning Commission - September 4, 1984 The Planning Director noted the background involved with the ini- tiation of this request. There was some discussion among the Commission concerning this matter with regard to what number other than five for a multiple tenant building that would be more appropriate. MOTION: Commissioner Lilley moved to continue the hearing on Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 6-84 to September 17, 1984 and to direct Staff to prepare an ordinance for re- view that would change the Ordinance to reflect a number of two instead of five. Commissioner Moore seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 4. Tentative Tract Map - request submitted by Daryl Nelson (Rex Hendrix - Owner) to cre 18 residential condominium ownerships on a 1.1 acre site in RMF-16 (Residential Multiple Family - 16 units per acre m mum) Zone. Subject property is located on the east side of E1 no Real between Principal and E1 Bordo at 9805 El Camino R Negative Declaration to the provi- sions of CEQA to be certi ' by Planning Commission. Daryl Nelson, applicant, appeared and in ated his agreement with the recommendation. Don Eddy, adjacent property - owner , expressed conce with the traffic problem in the southern part of Atascadero and fe th should be some type of action to create a program in an effo control the traffic in that area. Mr. Nelson addressed Mr. Eddy' s concerns and noted t t in speak- ing with Mr . Eddy initially, it appeared tha r . Eddy' s mai concern was the heavy amount of truck traffic south E1 Camino Real. There was some discussion among the Co ission concerning some of he building differences between co ominium and apartment con- structions and Staff was re sted to advise if there were an additional requirements for c dominium construction. OTION: Commissioner L rade moved to approve Tentative Parcel Map 14-84 bject to the findings and conditions as se forth in e Staff Report. Commissioner Moore seconded the mo on and it carried unanimously. D. T tative Parcel Map 15-84: request submitted by HLS Properties Ltd. (Associated Pro fessions Inc. - owner) to create two parcels in the RS (Res- 0 idential Suburban - minimum lot size 2 1/2 acres) Zone. Property located with frontage on Obispo Road and E1 Camin 4 )e kP 7- — Minutes - Planning Commission - September 17, 1984 �hairman Summers asked Mr. Engen if it would be appropriaW at this imeo request a change in the grading ordinance to revent future uch si uations and he responded that that could be t recommendation hat coul result from the type of re-analysis bei requested by the ommission. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of regular m t ' g of June 18, 1984 2. Minutes of regular eetin of August 6, 1984 3. Minutes of re ar meeting of tember 4, 1984 4. Consider ion of Staff Report for Lo ine Adjustment 8-84 ori Lots 1 and 20 at 5290 Barrenda - Brown ennaly 5. C sideration of Staff Report for Lot Line A justment 11-84 on Lots 42 and 43 at 4522/4526 San Jacinto - Jon angford OTION: Commissioner Wentzel moved to accept the Consent alen- dar as presented. Commissioner Carroll seconde the motion and it carried unanimously. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - ZC 6-84 : A proposal to amend Section 9-4. 130 et seq. of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the amount of sign area and number of signs allowed for multiple tenant buildings in commercial and industrial zones. Negative Declaration to the provisions of CEQA to be certified by City Council. Initiated by City Council - Continued from meeting of September 4, 1984. (Staff Request: Continue to October 1, 1984 meeting) Planning Director, Henry Engen, stated that due to time con- straints, the necessary research for the report had not yet been been completed and requested a continuance to the October 1, 1984 meeting. MOTION: Commissioner Wentzel moved to continue the hearing on Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 6-84 to the meeting of October 1, 1984. The motion was seconded by Commissioner LaPrade and carried unanimously. 2. Te e Parcel Ma 16-84 : A request s ed by G.L. Folbre_.Da tewart) to creat four parcels in the es di ential Single Family, minimu lot siz .n-ercreY Zone. Prope ocated at the south end o istobal Avenue and the north side o scadero Road a 3 Minutes - Planning Rommission - October 1. 1984 -improvements, with the consensus being that Condition , _ allowing defer_ of improvements to one year after th Ing of the final -_ map, was a r �ablecompromise. MOTION: Commived to certify a Negative Decla- ration and rove Tentat '�the 23-84 subject t the f' ngs and conditionse staff report i.ssioner LaPrade second it carrie unanimously. 6. Zone Change Text Amendment 6-84 : Continued hearing on a proposal to amend Section 9-4. 130 et seq. of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the amount of sign area and number of signs allowed for multiple tenant build- ings in commercial and industrial zones. Negative Declara- tion to the provisions of CEQA to be certified by City Coun- cil. Initiated by City Council — continued from meeting of September 4, 1984 and September 17, 1984 . Mr . Engen presented the background information . associated with this amendment and referenced the staff report relative to the adequacy of signage opportunity for complexes with from two to four tenants. Ted Monmonier , area resident, asked for clarification on the square footage for monument signs. MOTION: Commissioner Moore moved to change the text of Section 9-4.134 (d) of the Zoning Ordinance to read as follows (Capitalization indicates new language) : (d) Shopping, Office, or Industrial Complex Identifi- cation Signing: Such complex with five or more separate uses or tenancies on a single site sharing common driveways and parking areas are allowed one common identification sign, with a maximum sign area of 60 square feet and with a maximum height of 10 feet. Where visible from a public street, signing on shopping center sites shall be of a uniform de- sign, throughout the center as to the size, finished framing materials and location on buildings on such signs. IN ADDITION, EACH TENANCY MAY HAVE ONE WALL MOUNTED SIGN TOTALING 10 SQUARE FEET LOCATED ON A BUILDING FACE WITH A PUBLIC ENTRANCE. The motion was seconded by Commissioner LaPrade and car- ried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINES 1. Draft—P-lan ' ommiss ' n Resolution: Concern over 4511-19 �rI-rrg� Mananita grading permit. 5 7`�� M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY COUNCIL October 22, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Appeal of Planning Commission' s Denial of a Time Extension on Parcel Map AT 820318:1 APPLICANT: Elwood Garlick (Dan Stewart, Engineer) LOCATION: 6625 Santa Cruz Road (Lot 19 , Block 48) BACKGROUND On September 4, 1984 the Planning Commission denied a one year time extension requested for the filing of the final map. The reason for the denial was that the lot division does not meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance adopted July, 1983. On September 10, 1984, the City Council accepted, as part of the Consent Calendar action, the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Subsequently, Mr . Garlick has appealed the denial (see attached letter). In consultation with the City Attorney, it has been determined that the appeal was timely. ANALYSIS As noted in the staff report to the Planning Commission dated August 6th, 1984, Mr. Garlick has a five acre site on Santa Cruz Road that is zoned Residential Suburban. The tentative parcel map done under the City' s old zoning ordinance authorized two lots of 2. 53 and 2. 50 acres. Minimum lot size required under the City' s current zoning or- dinance is 4. 54 acres. Hence, the effect of granting a continuance on this project would be to approve a minimum lot size that is in con- flict with the City' s zoning ordinance and General Plan. These have routinely been denied. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the time extension based on the Planning Commission' s findings. AA�0� HENRY ENGE RALPH DWELL J Planning Director Acting City Manager ATTACHMENTS: October 1, 1984 letter - Daniel J. Stewart • September 18 , 1984 letter of appeal September 10, 1984 memorandum to City Manager August 6 , 1984 Planning Commission staff report D IEL J. STEWART 6 ASSIC. T. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS "L.��.._. L) 4. i POST OFFICE BOX 2038 597 Twelfth Street PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 (805) 238-0700 October 1, 1984 City of Atascadero P O Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Attn: Henry Engen Planning Director Re: Parcel Map AT82-013/Our #82025-Garlick Extension of Time Request-Appeal Dear Mr. Engen, Enclosed please find a check for $100 . 00 from Mr. Elwood Garlick for the subject map. He wants to pursue the appeal and the check will cover the fee required. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much. Very truly yours, 9. Daniel .Daniel J. Stewart DJS/lg enclosure September 18, 1984 Atascadero Planning Cept. P. O. Box 747 Atascadero, Calif. 93423 Attention: Henry Engen D ear Mr. Engen In reply to your letter dated 9-6-84. Tentative Parcel Map at 820318 .1 6625 Santa Cruz . This is to advise that I do want to appeal your 9-4-84 decision. If you will review the last two years history you will find that the extension was granted as per Article 18 of Staff Report dated 6-7-82 signed by Joel Moses and Lawrence Stevens . Article 18 as follows : Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire two Years from date of final approval unless an extension time is granted pursuant to a written.—request prior to- the expiration date . This we did. We feel we have a definite vested interest in this project in the $4, 000. 00 we have spent on survey fees, City costs, read plans and prints made and submitted for approval . Sincerely, EG :i Elw od Garli k R44 Cameron Ct. l rroyo rande, Ca. 93420 t�F?IN AG NDA �,3E IT�N1 �Q_,.�. ,N1 E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager September 10, 1984 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 820318 :1 LOCATION: 6625 Santa Cruz APPLICANT: Elwood Garlick (Daniel Stewart) REQUEST: To extend the time allowed to complete conditions of Tentative Parcel Map AT 820318 :1 On September 4 , 1984, the Planning Commission considered the above-referenced subject, unanimously denying the Tentative Parcel Map extension because the proposed time extension does not meet the minimum lot size criteria under the current Zoning Ordinance. There was no discussion, as the matter was considered as part of the Consent Calendar. The applicant' s engineer indicated that there would be noP rotest. /Ph 2.� HENRY ENGE RALPH DOWELL, JR. Planning Dfr-ecto2oActing City Manager STAFF REPORT Planning Commission - City of Atascadero Date: August 6 , 1984 Item: A-5 (Tentative Parcel Map AT 820318 :1) A. Location: 6625 Santa Cruz Road (Lot 19, Block 48) B. Situation and Facts: 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To extend the time allowed to complete conditions of Tentative Parcel Map AT 820318:1. 2. Applicant.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Elwood Garlick 3. Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dan Stewart 4. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 00 acres 5. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Santa Cruz road 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RS (Residential Suburban) 7. Existing Use. . . . . . . . .Vacant 8. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . . .North: RS South: RS (FH) , S.F.R. s East: RS, S.F.R. s West: RS, S.F.R. s 9. General Plan Designation. . . . .Suburban Single Family Residential 10 . Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hilly with two drainage swales running from the south to northerly direction 11. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration to be cer- tified by Planning Commission C. Site and Development Data: 1. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 03 acres 0 0 Tentative Parcel Map AT 820318 :1 (Garlick/Stewart) 2. Required Minimum Lot Size. . . . Lot Size Factor Average Slope (19.27%) .75 Distance from Center (14-16 ,000) . 50 Septic Suitability (severe) 1. 50 Road (unimproved, 15% slope) 1. 25 General Neighborhood Character (2. 72 ac) . 54 Minimum Lot Size Required: 4. 54 acres 3. Reduction by 20% results in a minimum lot size of 3.63 acres. 4. Previously Approved Lot. . . . . .Parcel 1: 2. 53 acres Sizes Parcel 2: 2.50 acres 5. Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Private road easement across Parcel 1 from Santa Cruz Road. 6. Shape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rectangular contiguous lots from Santa Cruz Road. D. Subdivision Review Board: On July 6 , 1984, the Subdivision Review Board met with the appli- cant to discuss the lot split. Member of the Board in attendance was Fred Buss, Associate Planner . Discussion focused upon the fact that under the new Zoning Ordinance the proposed lot sizes are too small. The Board then informed the applicant that it would recommend denial of the time extension for this proposal. E. Analysis: The original approval of this Tentative Parcel Map was granted under the old Zoning Ordinance in 1982. Therefore, any new time extensions for proposed lot divisions must be reviewed for com- pliance with the newly established Zoning Ordinance. Hence, the proposed time extension for this Parcel Map must meet the minimum lot size criteria before the Planning Commission may approve any request. In this case, the minimum lot size, as determined by Staff, is 3. 83 acres using the 20% adjustment. The proposed lot sizes, 2. 53 and 2. 50 acres, are less than the minimum lot size requirements of the new Zoning Ordinance and must, therefore, be denied. 2 Tentative Parcel Map AT 820318:1 (Garlick/Stewart) F. Recommendation: Staff recommends denial of a time extension for Tentative Parcel Map AT 810930 :1 based upon the Findings that follow. G. Findings: 1. The proposed lots clearly do not meet the Zoning Ordinance standards for minimum lot size criteria. 2. The applicant does not have a vested right in this project. Therefore, the new Zoning Ordinance and minimum lot size criteria are valid. 3. Granting a time extension for this Tentative Parcel Map would be inconsistent with the current Zoning Ordinance and could be construed as discriminatory. 4. This proposal is generally inconsistent with the adopted General Plan since it proposes lot sizes inconsistent with the Zoning Ordinance and its provisions for modification, all of which are intended to implement the General Plan. MW:ps 3 MEETIN f AGENDA DATE ( ITEM DAT • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY COUNCIL October 22, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Appeal of Planning Commission' s Conditions of Approval on Tentative Parcel Map 16-84 APPLICANT: G.L. Folbre (Dan Stewart, Engineer) LOCATION: 8405 Atascadero Road REQUEST: Duane A. Froning, spokesman for South Cristobal Property Owners is appealing the Planning Commission' s approval of a four-way lot split which gives access on to Cristobal to two parcels. BACKGROUND This matter was heard by the Planning Commission on September 4th and September 17th, 1984. The primary concern expressed during the first hearing by neighboring residents was the proposal to have three new lots have access via Cristobal. The hearing was continued to Septem- ber 17th to permit staff to investigate the status of acceptance of rights-of-way on Cristobal and also to review when sewer connection fees would be required. At the September 17th meeting, the applicant, through his engineer , agreed to access two lots off Cristobal and two lots off Atascadero Road. The Commission accepted this compromise conditioned on its acceptability to Mr . Folbre, who was not at the meeting. Subsequently, an appeal was filed (see attached communica- tion) by the residents on Cristobal and the applicant' s engineer and the applicant have indicated that they will agree to the request of the neighbors and access all four parcels off of Atascadero Road (see attached communications) . ANALYSIS The accompanying materials provide detailed background on this pro- posed lot division, but it would appear that with the applicants ag- reeing with the neighbors on Cristobal to a revised map; City Council has the choice of choosing either (1) the lot configuration approved by the Planning Commission or , (2) that agreed to by Mr . Folbre in his letter of October 10th. Staff would concur that the intersection of Cristobal and Curbaril is undesirable and the routing of traffic to • Atascadero would be preferable. It was alleged in the course of the Commission hearings that there had been promises made that it would be impossible to access Cristobal for any more parcels. Research by the Department of Public Works concluded that the parcel map recommended 2 P.O. Box 31 Atascadero , Ca. 93423 October 11, 1984 Mr. Henry Engen, Director Atascadero Planning Department P.O. Box 747 z' Atascadero, Ca. 93423 Dear Mr. Engen: I am writing to inform you that I have reconsidered as to the access to parcels being created by the division of my property known as Tentative Parcel Map 16-84 and have instructed my engineer Daniel J . Stewart to prepare a re- vised map showing access by way of Atascadero Avenue . I understand the the revised map proposed by your department would allow two parcels to use the Cristobal extension for access but since my neighbors objected to using that street I will abide by their wishes and will use the' alternate of Atascadero Avenue . Yours very truly `"G.T . Folbre G' • D KIEL J. STEWART 6 ASSOC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 2038 597 Twelfth Street PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 (805) 238-0700 October 10 , 1984 City of Atascadero Planning Department City Hall Atascadero, CA 93422 Attn: Joel Moses Re: Parcel Map AT84-189 Our #84125/Folbre Dear Joel, Under separate cover I have forwarded 5 prints of the revised tentative map. I have discussed this revision with Mr. Folbre. Due to the existing situation that has evolved with the neighbors and in the interest of his project, we both felt that all parcels should be served from Atascadero Road. My revised map in- dicates this. Very truly yours, Daniel J. Stewart DJS/lg _ n.♦ .Y' ; ra Ct 1.a� ., t b 5 t ' a �•� ` .' a < ..}.. :' ` / �..<.. t--5: R � ,•� amrs.>t�oetaW, I __ `,t k.' 3 ,, is ` �" v� 1 r rr �j,�..r""'�C� .--`C•�s ��!s�'��!`�,. f ,. V•r v r 'j. •..Q •F s �•f J } r 1v '� .. :.•zY f •r ~ [ -rte LLo:d-�.00 W �- } t G - 1.1 z r r i it r O z £ z w ;t p u. Iy: V 1/1 , m W o 0 o r'. W Y Q (Yl O < zno�z a r 4LL I tn O _� ti) ta.zo�?Y . ; N:. k -Q Noo� T (. Y•. Lf tr _.VC.II ti ..n c �:t/1 d C�.s11 a Q F:W iL 3 r. . a, r V 3 W 4.4 c_ W .:X Cn ♦� i ' �'.: tJ 4 a m o o ly.,. -'• `tp V -o}• O a- Z = O LL 1.K, Z O i4t4�� `J to � �e l7� < owF� U .�i3e 3 °W p.::' r+ tL 'a LL 4 \. U u a H t> O°. 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[ P := r, _� 1 � -.♦ Y� t� ` �� l y a a,. �:- e (( w14 �Yra �f I}a •1 _n ?< ��.#7!' �F i_ A--OLt�,s r�.,�y 7 ^ •k A�_ "n a t,r '1lt r� f a rl`.':.�`1 t •. ll .-..{dt .!µsr _ � � YK t` 1 °/T/AI _ 2 7 A- _ :ft J•, IAr Ie LtJ '60'Y67 1 i Yr.;�r1 y:. Y= ,, �� 'f C 1 tt; r •: � '�� 1 M'U ` J }' "' 'i/ C.• �:• €', a Y rl.r\A ♦•I S� y C � a` [.6_1 •O'` �kJ _if �kd a 'f`r1 ..:\.,i =,'i \ oeli � + >< 1 ,>o'lFz / ' � .21(2F •1 wl♦[' t tr a.-S 1 p Z, I L6 LB6 z LSA' t; IZ- ¢' � at ria/ ,LG � ari ki,...j�/-< � 1 1 ,'. � ^ •.,r 5, s� �. i+7i r�.��...r�.:.`..c,Mr..i'�91C.1{:1rtirriLYri.., •�'t M �•a .-f:� t-.� '7. \ 1i •1 a 7 -,J .ti�� t. I September 28, 1984 Mr. Henry Engen Planning Director City of Atascadero Subject: Tentative Parcel Map 16-84 Dear Sir: Please accept this letter as a formal protest to Parcel Map 16-84, in accordance to the appeal proceedure explained by your office. Enclosed as directed is $100. We are appeal- ing Parcel Map 16-84 as presented to the Planning Commission on September 17, 1984 and as conditionally approved at that meeting by them. We object to the fact that although a unanimous representation of property owners on Cristobal (south of Curbaril) were present at the Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday September 4, 1984 to object to the first presentation of Parcel Map 16-84 (letter of protest enclosed), and the second meeting again on September 17, 1984 (only verbal protests), we feel that our reasons for objecting were either misunderstood or ignored and that all facts available to the planning staff and /or planning commission were not presented or were erroneous or were glossed over without diligent investigation. We are not blaming anyone but are exercising our right to have our fears and anxieties and the facts investigated and heard. Therefore we are prsenting the problems that must be investigated and eliminated. We are sure that this is the desire of everyone involved. 1. Although the Staff reported on September 17 (being directed by the planning commi- ssion at the previous meeting to specifically check on this fact) that all of Cris had been accepted by the City, our further investigation,with the Dept. of Public works and First American Title and Trust Co., indicates that this is not true. 2. Although it was testified at both meetings (Sept. 4 and 17) that the entrance to Cristobal from Curbaril encroaches several feet upon the Hambly property, no_one heard or took the time to investigate the facts. A saftey factor is involved because of this fact. 3. Cristobal has not been improved to City standards even though it was improved only 3 years ago as directed by Mr. Stevens, then Planning Director. It was not meant for expanded traffic of another large division of property. Easements on lots 16 and 17 were created only for developement of those lots. Increase of traffic would create another safety hazard. 4. It was suggested by the County (before incorporation) and by the City later that the steep hill leading up from Curbaril be lowered (including the sewer line). Increased traffic would create another serious traffic problem. 5. Cristobal turns off Curbaril up hill and at this point is a narrow entrance leading up this hill. This is at an intersection (see map) where six streets plus 3 drive- ways intersect. Within a short distance from this intersection there are at least 4 more driveways. Our section of Cristobal doesn't even have a stop sign. There is another serious safety problem at this intersection. IfY ou are in doubt station yourself at this ihtersection between 5 P.M. and 5:30 P.M. any evening during the week. Anyone traveling west on Curbaril has very poor visibility because of the sun. One long block west of the above mentioned intersection, at the corner of Atascadero Ave., two people were killed before much needed four-way stop signs were installed. We Feel that our intersection qualifies as a dangerous trafficand should be treated as such in order to keep the possibility of accidents to a minimum. Enclosed is a copy of a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Folbre. Copies of this letter were handed personally to Engineer Daniel J. Stewart and Edith Hessick, both listed on the application for Parcel Map 16-84. Si ely{ outh Cristobal Property Owner Duane A. Froning , Spokesman ADMINISTRATION BUILDING CITY ATTORNEY POST OFFICE BOX 747 - ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93423POST OFFICE BOX 749. ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: (805) 466-8000 PHONE: (805) 466-5678 .CITY COUNCIL re NDEPARTMENT CITY CLERK CITY TREASURER POLICE DEPARTMENT - POST OFFICE BOX 74 CITY MANAGER INCORPORATED JULY 2. 1979 ATASCADERO,CALIFORNI FINANCE DEPARTMENT - PHONE: (805) 466-$6 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT "PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT RECREATION DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE ATASCAOERO,CALIFORNIA 93422 PHONE: (805) 466-2141 September 18, 1984 - Mr. G.L. Folbre P.O. Box 31 Atascadero, CA 93423 SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 16-84 8405 Atascadero Road Dear Mr. Folbre: At their regular meeting held September 17, 1984, the Atascadero " Planning Commission continued their public .hearing concerning your request to divide ;4.77 acres into four parcels at the above- referenced location. Upon review, the Commission moved to, approve the request subject to the Findings and Conditions contained in the Staff Report, except that the Parcel Map shall be redesigned . ;per the accompanying Exhibit "A" to provide access from Cristobal Avenue to parcels 1 and 2, with access to parcel 3 being via an easement across the south side of parcel 4 to Atascadero Road. Action of the Commission was contingent on your having agreed with this revision. Please advise if you do not want this revised map : forwarded, to the City Council as a Consent Calendar item for their meeting of October 8th. Please feel 'free to contact the Planning Department if you should have any questions with regard to this matter. Sincerely, HENRY ENGt N Planning Director HE:ph cc: Daniel Stewart Edith Hessick Encl: Exhibit "A" "»� '' c Thi. `"'se�.�^D�. - {.'•. :\Y •.•. %� V "- )� ). c. ; n .-�,. a - r� = �'.+c3 •.ti.'4 •Y .a 7, +r. ..t "• 7 - ---�a s ,f alb .. 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R•r r �' -� r + r{ j� -s4 ...vl f, 1 ( t 7,.a . .�. ? - . t _ II �� ! of / f � _ -. }", ; STAFF REPORT Planning Commission - City of Atascadero Date: September 17, 1984 Item: B.2 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: September 17, 1984 TO: Planning Commission VIA: ; Henry Engen, Planning Director FROM: Joel Moses, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map 16-84 (8405 Atascadero Rd. , Lot 25, Block 7, Atascadero Colony) - Folbre/Stewart At the September 4 , 1984 , meeting, the Planning Commission re- viewed the proposed Tentative Map in a public hearing. Two concerns arose during the public hearing. The first, expressed by neighboring residences over access to Cristobal Avenue. The second, concerning payment of sewer connection fee at the time of recording of the Final Map. Attached is a map of Cristobal Avenue, leading to the site, pre- pared by the Public Works Department. The map shows that the lots on the east side of Cristobal leading to the subject property have dedicated 25 ' -0" for street purposes. The street is developed and is now being maintained by the City. Also attached, is a copy of Section 4.12 of the Sewer District Ordinance. The Ordinance notes that the fees are to be paid, how- ever, only reference that they be for new lots created by lot-split. The Staff feels that fees should be collected at the time of filing the Final Map. This is based on a desire to avoid placing notes on a Final Map and avoiding surprises for property owners at the time of requesting building permits. It is also simpler to administer (e.g. , a three lot split of a vacant parcel owes two new connection charges. Which lots pay the fee?) Attachments: (1) Map (Cristobal Avenue) (2) Section 4.12 (Sewer District Ord. ) (3) Sept. 4, 1984 , Neighborhood Petition (4) Sept. 4 , 1984 , Staff Report ✓ ® I � Q N Z O ( J a N LLJ w S9 SE2/t4Ol LSS r 00 O/2M,O'oLSS (9 J h Zm F --- " W0 W W � . � a wi ILLL=I oorl •� � a a `Mv 4 I `SCJ o a o W ��F-a o n U oda , Q` �.`'a W 0�1 o0 U.f cr .v,OZ,ts S I Sz l I LL C\}l+! Q wo w m 4I p p �+- yl 'n In N_ a •O ala ar n o w z O 0. W, C1 h v o ^ WI - CEw- • K R Io LL, o - >D�a =w a C Ly" V� •� V o `` w< 3 a� w, a3c>Zujo yO_ z_OZI a a� av_». J_ cr Cr OO a Om w t > 1.WONSt 7) 2 U 2 crl l Q �I rt ,v\\ O of �I Q f- l,, hl N' 01 wi�Uc G o I u o b a ~2 � �I I r ✓E t- ?z O p I' w cr ` 606 N w U < I I. , SNA 35 o w� � �PR� w ujm a N a L• oi � c V ` U. t- o c r n .1 and 4.11 of the Atascadero Count SECTION 4. That Sections 4.5, 4 9, 4 0 a y Sanitation District Ordinance Code are repealed. SECTION 5. That Section 4.6 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "4.6 Permit fees shall be credited to the District's general operating account." SECTION 6. That Section 4.8 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "4.8 A connection fee in the amount of Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars shall be charged for each connection to the public sewer except that: (1) No charge shall be made when the owner of the lot has already paid for lateral sewer installation by assessment or otherwise: (2) No charge will be made when a "T" fitting has already been installed in the public sewer at the property owner's expense, and the lateral sewer is to be installed from said fitting. (3) Each parcel which was assessed during an improvement district assessment proceedings for a collection system, but on which the assessment was not paid because the parcel was deeded to the State for non-payment of taxes, shall incur an additional connection fee equal to the particular assessment involved for that parcel. SECTION 7. Section 4.12 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "4.12 For sewer service to any lot within Assessment District No. 1 created by a lot split or subdivision of a parcel previously assesss(l the connection charge for the added lots shall be Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars for each lateral connection plus one of the followins;: a. Eight Hundred and Fifty ($850.00) Dollars for a single family lot; or b. Seven Hundred and Twenty Five ($725.00) Dollars per living unit for a multi-family lot; or c. Six Hundred and Sixty ($660.00) Dollars per mobile home unit for mobile home parks; or d. Twenty-Six Dollars and Thirty-Five Cents ($26.35) per plumbing fixture unit, as defined in the 1982 edition of the Uniform plumbing Code, for commercial and industrial uses. SECTION S. Section 5.2 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "5.2 The District may approve a refund agreement with persons who have paid for public sewer extensions. Said agreements shall provide for reimbursement of the excess cost borne by said persons, at such time within fifteen (15) aid to the District for service ( ) Y ears as money is P from said sewer extension. The District shall require the applicant to file and have approved by the City Engineer a reimbursement map showing the method and amount of cost spread to each future connection to the sewer extension. SECTION 9. Section 5.3 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "5.3 No sewer service shall be provided to any lot by lateral sewer connection to a sewer extension until the owner of said lot has paid a proportional share of the cost of said sewer extension, orhas entered into an agreement with the District to pay said share of the costs. SECTION 10. Section 7.1 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: September 4, 1984 Atascadero Planning Commission Atascadero, Calif. We the undersigned are homeowners of properties located on the Cul de Sac portion of Cristobal just off Curbaril to the south. We are unanimous in our objection to this let split as it is presently written. We would have no objection to the lot split if the ingress and egress was from Atascadero Ave.,on the south side of lot 25. This property is owned by the applicant. Most of us bought or built on this portion of Cristobal because of the seclusion and lack of traffic. Many of us have spent thousands of dollars just to improve the street for our own use. When we improved the street a short time ago we were told by the city that traffic would not be extended beyond the Cul de Sac, because of the narrow entrance off Curbaril. If this lot split were to be approved there would be at least a 37 % increase of traffic on an already narrow street. Increased traffic would also be especially hazardous because of the steep hill leading off Curbaril. If Cristobal were to be widened, to accom- odate this lot split, there would have to be ten to fifteen large oak trees re- moved in order to widen the street. It is doubtful if all the newly created lots could be served by the sewer line existing on Cristobal without a lift station, but gravity would carry the sewage to Atascadero Ave. Power extended from an Atascadero Ave. ingress and egress would probably be the more feasable service. Phone and cable T.V. are also items which have become a problem for the latest builders on Cristobal. After taking all of these things into consideration we again respectfully request that this lot split as it is presently written be denied. Sincerely .Cristobal property owners. U Chris fo-opY er Smith Dr. Warren n Dr. B c Linscott Do lV7e//// y ,!f Tu A. Fro ng ,c.4chard Cowles F`�d�r Michael Sherer STAFF REPORT Planning Commission - City of Atascadero Date: September 4 , 1984 Item: B-6 (Tentative Parcel Map 16-84) Notice of Public Hearing was pub- Public Hearing Case: TPM 16-84 lisped in the Atascadero News on Public Hearing to permit di August 24 , 1984 , and all owners vision of 4. 77 acres into four of record property located within lots of 1. 00, 1. 00, 1. 20, and 300 feet were notified by United 1.57 acres each. States mail on the same date. A. Location: 8405 Atascadero Avenue (Lot 25, Block 7) B. Situation and Facts: 1. Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To divide 4.77 acres into four lots of 1. 00, 1. 00, 1. 20, and 1.57 acres each. 2. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G. L. Folbre 3. Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Daniel J. Stewart 4. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.77 acres 5. Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Atascadero Avenue is an undi- vided arterial with a 50 foot wide right-of-way. 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RSF-Y (Residential Single Family Moderate Density) 7. Existing Use. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Residential 8. Adjacent Zoning and Use. . . . . . . . . .North: RSF-Y, S.F.R. ' s East: RSF-Y, S.F.R. ' s South: RSF-Y, S.F.R. ' s West: RSF-Y, S.F.R. ' s 9. General Plan Designation. . . . . . . . .Single Family Residential Moderate Density 10. Terrain. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gently sloping 11. Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Atascadero Avenue and an ex- isting 50 foot easement at the end of Cristobal Avenue. 12. Shape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •Relatively square lots arranged in tandem from Atascadero eve. 40 db STAFF REPORT - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 16-84 - (Folbre/Stewart) 13. Average slope of Building Sites and Leachfields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Parcel l: 6% Parcel 2 : 5% 6% Parcel 3: 12% Parcel 4 : 10% 14. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . . . .Categorically Exempt C. Analysis: When the sewer system is available in the RSF-Y zone, the minimum lot size shall be one acre. The proposed 'lots all meet these minimum standards. Public Works notes that the access from Cris- tobal to the parcels is adequate and the gentle slope poses no problems for building or sewage disposal. D. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Tentative Parcel Map 16-84 based upon the following findings and conditions of attached Exhibit "A" . E. Findings: 1. The creation of four lots on this parcel conforms to all appli- cable zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The creation of two lots in conformance with the recommended Conditions of Approval will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment, and preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. -2 EXHIBIT "A" - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 16-84 Conditions of Approval September 4, 1984 1. Sewer connection fee of $2,550. 00 ($850.00 x 3) is required prior to recordation of Final Map. 2. An additional City standard fire hydrant shall be required on Atas- cadero Avenue for the parcels that have access from Atascadero Ave. 3. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water lines shall exist at the. frontage of each parcel or its public utility easement prior to recordation of the Final Map. 4. All existing and proposed utility easements, pipelines, and other easements are to be shown on the Final Map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the Final Map. 5. Grading that would be disruptive to the 'natural topography shall be minimized. Removal of existing, mature trees shall also be minimized. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appropriate per- mit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. " 6. Drainage and erosion control plans, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Plan- ning Department prior to issuance of building permits in conjunc- tion with installation of driveways, access easements or structures. This shall appear as a Note on the Final Map. 7. Plan and profile drawings of proposed individual driveways and driveway easements shall be submitted for approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments in order to determine average grade and appropriate improvement requirements. This shall appear as a Note on the Final Map. 8. All conditions herein specified shall be complied with prior to filing of the Final Map. 9. A Final Map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved Tentative Map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate by Certificate on the Final Map that corners have been set or will be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. db EXHIBIT "A" - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 16-84 Conditions of Approval September 4 , 1984 b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be sub- mitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Map. 10. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. -2- } 1 �� � u;d}I� s:eY d .awlar/r fig: {,.7+1._ j {ti ,r + tt, ,£ •,�r.� � c r s =.� �,. µ5 .n,v� ..s �t L ft sxrl 7 -•c>r t� t c)�V -,:r 3J 3•,.. ttT s c � ;L j t £.'�, � .,1„r S &; w'2 a, 3•!e r r, r . Ti y>X > �'> 4{ �! r-•£ir<- t}X h�'{ ^Y ,r "ern � ` 'P�':�r ,u �.j .� i.-.4Y y9'Oh \'< > < � > �.x1 N. Y�aaJ,.- . +h '•t':. yL --1 til sr i - +<r r.r,r .Z Z !' !i :'+f. �^ 7 ...• { ?n R *` i. 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N/ �3nfii4^� I 31 ��� - Minutes - Planning Commission - September 17 , 1984 ' an Summers asked Mr. Engen if it would be appropriate at this ime to est a change in the grading ordinance to prevent future uch situations an responded that that could be the recommendation hat could result from the of re-analysis being requested by the ommission. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of regular meeting of June 18, 1984 2. Minutes of regular meeting of August 6, 1984 3. Minutes of regular meeting of September 4 984 4. Consideration of Staff Report for Line Adjustment 8-84 0 Lots 19 and 20 at 5290 Barrend - Brown/Kennaly 5. Consideration of Staff port for Lot Line Adjustment 11-8 on Lots 42 and 43 a 522/4526 San Jacinto - Jon Langford MOTION: Commiss' er Wentzel moved to accept the Consent Calen- dar presented. Commissioner Carroll seconded the ion and it carried unanimously. B. UBLIC HEARINGS 1. 'n Ordinance Text Amendment - ZC 6-84 : A pro al to amend Section 9-4.130 et seq. of the Zonin Ordinance to increase the amount of sign area and number o signs allowe or multiple tenant buildings in commercial and industrial zo Negative Declaration to the provision of CEQA to be certifi. by City Council. Initiated by Cit Council - Continued fr meeting of September 4, 1984. (Staff Request: Continue to tober 1, 1984 meeting) Planning Director, Henry Engen, stated t due to time con straints, the necessary research for the re t had not yet been been completed and requested a continuance to the tober 1, 198 meeting. MOTION: Commissioner Wentzel moved to continue the hearing Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 6-84 to the meeting o October 1, 1984 . The motion was seconded by Commissione LaPrade and carried unanimously. 2. Tentative Parcel Map 16-84 : A request submitted by G.L. Folbre (Daniel Stewart) to create four parcels in the RSF-Y (Residential Single Family, minimum lot size on acre) Zone. Property located at the south end of Cristobal Avenue and the north side of Atascadero Road at 3 Minutes - Planning Commission - September 17, 1984 8405 Atascadero Road, and more particulary described as Lot 25, Block 7 , Atascadero Colony. Categorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA - Continued from the meeting of Sep- tember 4, 1984. Mr. Engen noted, in presenting the staff report, two issues which had been raised at the September 4th public hearing on this parcel map. He stated that the status of Cristobal Road had been re- viewed by the Public Works Department and it had been determined that Cristobal can provide adequate access for the proposed three lots. The second issue involved whether the sewer fees should be paid at time of filing of the final map or at the time of building permit. Duane Froning felt the items address in the previous meeting have not been addressed by the staff and noted the 30 foot road (Cristobal) and stated the maps do not show an additional 20 foot easement. Mr. Froning further noted that Cristobal is very steep and dangerous and increased traffic would be detrimental to the street. Brac Linscott, Cristobal resident, talked about the dedication of Cristobal and asked for clarification on the road dedication and inquired about how the access to the lots would be determined (as opposed from one street or another) . Catherine Cowels, Cristobal resident, expressed concern over the steepness of Cristobal and stated that the sight distance is ex- tremely limited. Christopher Smith, also a Cristobal resident, asked what the lot design will be if the applicant is allowed to access of Cristobal. Engen reported that Mr. Stewart had advised that Mr . Folbre had agreed to a compromise suggested by staff wherein Parcels 1 and 2 would gain access off of Cristobal and Parcel 3 would have access to Atascadero by easement along the south side of Parcel 4. There was some discussion among the Commission on the matter . MOTION: Commissioner Wentzel moved to approve Tentative Parcel Map 16-84 subject to the findings and conditions as set forth in the staff report with the addition of Exhibit A which reflects the redesign for the map subsequent to Mr . Folbre' s agreement. The motion was seconded by Commis- sioner Carroll and carried with Commissioners Moore and LaPrade dissenting. 3 tative Tract Ma P 21-84 : A reque mitted by Chester Simon (Associated Professions Engineer} to cre ur airspace condominium lots and on common lot in the RMF Subject property is locate at 5030 Olmeda, also known as lot lock QA, Atascader Colony. Four apartment units exist on the si he projec P T Minutes - Planning Commission - September 4 , 1984 Re orth of Del Rio Road, addressed as 1875 E1 Camino Rea and descri Lot 31, Block 49, Atascadero Colony. Cate gorically Exempt a provisions of CEQA. Mr. Engen presented the Staff Report on nd division reques recommending approval of the project. Mr. Moses noted that the applicant' s representative had co the Planning Department to state that there were ections t the recommendation. MOTION: Commissioner e moved to approve Tentative Parcel Ma - subject to the Findings and Conditions listed in the Staff Report. The motion was seconded by Commis- sioner Sherer and unanimously carried. 6. Tentative Parcel Map 16-84 : A request submitted by G.L. Folbre (Daniel Stewart, represen- tative) to create four parcels in the RSF-Y (Residential Sin- gle Family, minimum lot size, one acre) Zone. Property loca- ted at the south end of Cristobal Avenue and the north side of Atascadero Road at 8405 Atascadero Road and more particu- larly described at Lot 25, Block 7, Atascadero Colony. Cate- gorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA. Commissioner Sherer stepped down from the Commission due to a possible conflict of interest. Mr. Engen presented the Staff Report on the matter with a recom- mendation of the project subject to certain conditions. Mike Lucas, adjacent property owner , spoke about the sewer system in the area and addressed various concerns related to the project. Dan Stewart replied that Lots 1, 2, and 3 are proposed to access off Cristobal. Sewer service could be provided from either Atas- cadero Avenue or Cristobal. He requested that the sewer connec- tion fee be collected at time of building permit. Duane Froning, Cristobal resident, noted he had been designated as spokesman for the Cristobal neighborhood and read a prepared joint statement in opposition to the lot division. Some of the reasons stated included an increase in traffic along Cristobal, the dif- ficulty in obtaining certain utilities. They felt that access should be off of Atascadero Avenue instead from Cristobal. Chris Smith, Cristobal resident, re-emphasized the narrowness of Cristobal and felt the potential danger would be decreased by the parcels access from Atascadero Avenue. Nancy Sherer , Cristobal resident, also stated that due to the steepness of Cristobal, it would represent a danger to school age children. 5 Minutes - Planning Commission - September 4 , 1984 Brad Linscott, Cristobal resident, concurred with the previous testimony given in objection to the lot division. There was considerable discussion among the Commission concerning whether Cristobal is a city-maintained or private street, as well addressing the issues raised by the public in the previous testimony. Mr. Lucas further stated that it may be that Mr. Folbre is not aware of the extreme opposition to the lots accessing from Cristo- bal and that he should be given a chance to speak on the matter. MOTION: Commissioner Moore moved to continue the public hearing on Tentative Parcel Map 16-84 to the meeting of September 17th, 1984 in order for Staff to determine the clarifica- tion of the legality of Cristobal Road. Commissioner LaPrade seconded the motion and it unanimously carried. Commissioner Sherer took his place back on the Commission. Chairman Summers called a ten minute recess at 9 :10 p.m. 7. Ten a eve ar - - equest submitted by Jim Shores (owner) to create two par cels the . RSF-X (Residential Single Family, minimum lo� size 1/2 ac Zone. Property located with frontage on th� 0 south side of le Avenue and the north side of Somb,rilla Avenue at 7165 Sombre venue, more particularly described as Lot 14 , Block E, Atasca Colony. Categorically Exemp from the provisions of CEQA. Commissioner LaPrade stepped down due to a posse D conflict o interest. Mr. Engen presented the Staff Report on the matter recomm in approval of the request. Daniel Stewart, representing the applicant, spo in support o the project and raised the question of wh sewer fees should b � paid. Phil Lopes, a neighbor, appear and voiced concern over possibl dust problems. There was brief d ' ussion among the Commission on this item. OTION: mmissioner Lilley moved to approve Tentative Parcel Map 17-84 subject to the findings and conditions listed in the Staff Report with modification to Condition #1 to, read: 6 M*i Nv / AGENDA DATE —ITEM #aLz • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY COUNCIL October 22, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: Consideration of Staff Report on General Plan Amendment Appli- cations for Cycle 1 — 1985 BACKGROUND The City has established two periods a year to review the General Plan and the accompanying staff report was reviewed and accepted at the Planning Commission meeting of October 15, 1984. The purpose of this transmittal to the City Council is to invite any additional applica- tions for General Plan revision that the Council may wish to direct. ACTION REQUESTED Direct staff to proceed with the three amendments together with any other General Plan amendments the Council may wish to add. • 4 HENRY ENGEN RALPH H. DOWELL JR. Planning Di ector Acting City Manager ATTACHMENTS: October 15, 1984 staff report to Planning Commission • • General Plan Amendment/Cycle 1 (1985) ATTACHMENTS: Location Map (City-wide) GP 1A-85 - Location Map GP 1B-85 - Location Map GP 1C-85 - Location Map JM:ps 2 I 1 wY V l\' Lt •M-J _b �%___,1m IL � 1•� - \C '��'� L �� /1• �l(�,i \ ���. a �jM �t� {�E t�ay e a y?�� �� / � ✓ �� � 1 \ � i ��A. • l� � .`fir,,. r � �c_yx� �­v ''fit�tA�OyJgi � � �rI ?���—•_ /- �3 —, a �! >�'�5. if�;�• s-�t. -j a1 J �'� �. Cry ' / rf. - / `�.•' � Ate. c-rir+. r` ..%.��`� { �- _,a.�:`.� C'�� s, - • 4, F Til L U vv �:• 'l / < � fry' r� � �>Fry�@,�,L MNvN 31 E�'`tl i g i`li y, f ,� k > s � � �-'_� _ ■i'r`k ! 1s � 3 IIN■■I■■ VI�./ .r £' u■uanl ■uoi� r M_ lun■.»u uuo■ � IIA■■■\■■■ r.■44■■.■y 1 +�.: ' +suu■av■suua �' •i2 ■■ H■■■to, d■ — ` i■■ c'" ..ii■� i: ::insr+�� oo0000 No, i� r � 6F j v 1` 4A. v + 1 y 1 I `s 1 an WIN 241 '0 ✓. till.. �: Y'/ a Milano R / 2:1111 u. �! ntons 011111 swig nu i..► mn.iu. .` -�wu...vv .4.ruv d /..►1_�(�ji� // ..0Fit .�Si.f/4�.ii.. MM z� • M EE �G AGE . DATi ��c7)-.�--- tTEM • M E M O R A N D U M Date October 22 , 1984 To: City Council From: Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. , Acting City Manager Subject: Results of Meeting addressing Equestrian Arena On October 15 , 1984 , I met with Mrs. Buzz Jamrog concerning the proposed Agreement of Performance for the Equestrian Arena, which addressed both the City and the Atascadero Horse Advisory Committee responsibilities. This meeting was also attended by Mr. Dave Catherina, Acting Recreation Director plus Mr. Allan Grimes , City Attorney had been consulted prior to the meeting by telephone. It was determined by all concerned that this problem could be resolved by the • Atascadero Horse Advisory Committee working directly with the Committee for the South Atascadero Park. This arrange- ment would be no different than any other volunteer group or individual assuming defined responsibilities for construc- tion and/or materials toward accomplishing a specific project within the South Atascadero Park Development. It was also determined that any agreement found necessary would exist between both parties , i.e. the Committee for the South Atas- cadero Park and the Atascadero Horse Advisory Committee. Usage of the park, once completed, would be accomplished using a standard rental agreement for groups. Usage by individuals would be similar as now exists for other recrea- tion facilities. All parties concerned see no difficulty with this arrangement, however, it was agreed that the principles would immediately contact each other in the event any major problems arise. RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. Acting City Manager • -- MEETING / AGENDA//A � DATE 10 -- ITEM#_� • M E M O R A N D U M Date : October 22 , 1984 To: City Council From: R. H. Dowell, Jr. , Acting City Manager Subject: Proposed Resolution for Supporting Proposition 30 Attached per your instructions of the October 8 , 1984 meeting is a proposed Resolution for supporting Proposition 30 as per request of the Area Agency on Aging. RALPH H. DOWELL, Jr. • Acting City Manager • Resolution No. 56-84 • On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ROLFE NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: GEORGIA RAMIREZ, Acting City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RALPH H. DOWELL,JR. ,Acting City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney jREA A(ENC CENTRAL COAST COMMISSION ONAGI Gs FOR SENIOR CITIZENS September 5, 1984 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Richard E. Harris, Santa Barbara Mayor Rolfe Nelson Vice-President City of At as ca de ro Paul Feldtmose, Cayucos P• 0• Box 747 Secretary ATASCADERO, CA 93433 Humphrey Nixon, Santa Barbara Treasurer Dear Mayor Nelson, George Brudney,San Luis Obispo Members The Advisory Council of the Central Coast Commission for Mary-Gail Black,Sun Luis Obispo Senior Citizens , Area Agency on Aging, urges your support of Ernest Boucher, Cayucos Proposition 30 -- Senior Center Bond Act on the November Ron Dunin, San Luis Obispo general election ballot. A draft resolution is attached for Mabel Gunderson,Santa Barbara your guidance. Julian Hunter, Santa.11aria Ray Kennedy, Lompoc Walter Moeller, Santa Barbara An initial planning meeting of senior citizen organizations Dolores Sitton, Grover Cit.,, to develop a plan to support Proposition 30 was recently LOU Skicra, Santa Barbara ADVISORY COUNCIL held. It was the unanimous opinion of the rep rentati ves in Chairperson attendance that support for Proposition 30: Senior Center Maxeen Roecker, Paso Robtes Bond Act was needed from the City Council of Atascadero. Members SANTA BARBARA COUNTY Your adoption of a resolution to support Proposition 30: Mary Ann Bart` Senior Center Bond Act is an important component of the Thelma Beirne LarraineBergendorf Plan. Endorsements are also being solicited from other Jesse V. Bernal organizations concerned about the welfare of our citizesn. Rosemarie Brooks The listing of the supporting organizations will be included Lola B. Wager Brown Alice Carmona in our publicity. Beatrice Chenoweth EarrCumpiano Join us in working with the many senior citizen organiza- Earl Cumpiano RoyHackbert tions to support Proposition 30. A copy of the Legislative Florence Holley Analyst report, SB 1359, and other material regarding Propo- chnes McGregor Lee John Msition 30 is provided for your review. John H. Perkins Raymond J. Williams Sincerely, W. Howard Wortman Supervisor Toru Miyoshi SAN OBlSPO COUNTY — Ruthth Al Allen Aue Robert Andrews Evelyn Beanie Maxeen Roecker, Chairperson Howard Wore AAA Ethel Davis P y Louis Finkel Advisory Council Legislative Task Force Bill Heitkam Faun Katson MR:HW's cm Norbert J, Murray Maxeen Roecker Russell Smith Howard A. Worley Supervisor Kurt Kupper MAILING ADDRESS: 122-C West EI Camino, Santa Maria, CA 93454-3610 • (805) 925-9554 District Offices in the Cities of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara MEET'NG , AGENDA DATE_ � _ --I-,EM r# � • M E M O R AN D U M Date: October 22 , 1984 To: City Council From: Ralph H. Dowell , Jr. , Acting City Manager Subject: Disposition of Surplus Property - Ordinance No. 85 Attached is Ordinance No. 85 for the scheduled second reading 11Z WL) Ralph H. Dowell , Jr. Acting City Manager • RHD:al • ORDINANCE NO. 85 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCA- DERO ADDING CHAPTER 6 TO TITLE 3 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY. The Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Chapter 6 is added to Title 3 of the Atascadero Municipal Code to read as follows: Chapter 6 Disposition of Unclaimed Property. _Sec. 3-6.01. Adoption of Regulations. The City elects to be governed by the provisions of sec- tions 2080 through 2080.9 of the Civil Code with respect to the disposition of personal property found or saved on prop- erty subject to its jurisdiction. The City or its agency in- volved shall hold such unclaimed property for a period of at least three (3) months, and thereafter such property will be sold at public sale to the highest bidder. Notice of such sale shall be given by the concerned department of the City at least five (5) days before the time fixed for the sale by pub- lication once in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county in which such property was found. Section 3. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be pub- lished once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atasca- dero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance with Government Code section 36933; shall certify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 4 . This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12:01 A.M. on the thirty-first (31st) day after its passage, but shall apply retroactively to include the service of any Council member commencing with the commencement of the fiscal year on July 1, 1984. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on AYES: NOES: ABSENT: r i ORDINANCE NO. 85 Page 2 ROLFE D. NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: GEORGIA RAMIREZ, Acting City Clerk APPROVED AS TO RM: 10 ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. , Acting City Manager . MEEAGENDA DATE ''ITE M# • M E M O RAN D U M Date: October 22 , 1984 To: City Council From: Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. , Acting City Manager Subject: Proposed Ordinance providing that no mandatory duty is imposed by the Municipal Code for the acts of the City, Council, Boards , Commissions, Officers , Agents , or Employees Ordinance No. 87 Attached is Ordinance No. 87 for the scheduled second reading. Ralph Dowell, Jr. • Acting City Manager RHD:al • ORDINANCE NO. 87 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCA DERO AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF TITLE 1 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SUBSECTION (z) OF SECTION 1-2.12 AND ADDING SECTION- 1-2.12.1 TO PROVIDE THAT NO MANDATORY DUTY IS IMPOSED UPON THE CITY, COUNCIL, OR ANY BOARD, COMMISSION, OFFICER, AGENT, OR EMPLOYEE OF THE CITY. The Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Subsection (z) of section 1-2.12 of the Atascadero Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: (z) "Must" and "shall" are each mandatory except in reference to acts or omissions of the City, Council, or any board, commission, officer, agent, or employee of the City while acting in the course and scope of their duties or employment. Within this exception "must" and "shall" are directory only. Section 2. Section 1-2.12.1 is added the Atascadero Municipal Code to read as follows: Sec 1-2,12.1. Ng.-MAndatory Duty. Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no City ordinance, resolution, policy, rule, or regulation with the force of law presently in effect, or hereafter adopted or enacted, will impose a mandatory duty upon the City, Council, or any board, commission, officer, agent, or employee of the City while acting in the course and scope of their duties or employment. Section 3. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be pub- lished once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atasca- dero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance with Government Code section 36933; shall certify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 4. . This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12:01 A.M. on the thirty-first (31st) day after its passage, but shall apply retroactively to include the service of any Council member commencing with the commencement of the fiscal year on July 1, 1984. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on AG:fr/9/7/84 -1- ORDINANCE NO. 87 Page 2 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROLFE D. NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: GEORGIA RAMIREZ, cting City Clerk APPROVED AS TO F ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. , Acting City Manager MEETING AGENDA j DATE �(j' ITEM • M E M O R A N D U M DATE: October 16, 1984 TO: Ralph Dowell, Acting City Manager C�`'j FROM: David Catherina, Recreation Coordinator SUBJECT: Ballfield Lights and Closing Hours Ralph, With the overhead lighting, fence and backstop installed, it is now appropriate to establish a fee schedule for hourly use ($7 . 00) and to have closing hours (10 : 30 p.m. ) for Alvord Field. These established fees and closing hours are a compromise of all the groups and individuals who use and are affected by the City ballfield. We now send it to the City Council for their approval. • r � David Catherina Recreation Coordinator gh • RESOLUTION NO. 55-84 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING BALLFIELD LIGHTING FEES AND CLOSING HOURS FOR ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL SOFTBALL AND BASEBALL FIELDS. WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero manages Alvord Baseball Field located on the corner of Portola Road and Highway 41 and two softball fields located on Viejo Camino and Halcon Road; and, WHEREAS, the use of ballfield lighting incurs an hourly fee payable to P.G. &E. ; and, WHEREAS, the use of ballfield lighting incurs depreciation and maintenance costs; and, WHEREAS, the late hours of participating in ballgames can inconvenience the surrounding residents, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: 1. the fee for all organizations and/or individuals using the ballfield lights shall be $7 . 00 per hour, payable to the City of Atascadero; and, 2. the ballfields, previously stated, shall be closed to the players and the public at 10:30 p.m. each night of the week. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Resolution No. 55-84 DATE ADOPTED: ROLFE NELSON , Mayor ATTEST: GEORGIA RA4IREZ, City Clerk (Acting) APPROVED AS TO FORM: A ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RALPH H. DOWELL,JR,City Manager (Acting) 2 M E E qiG AGENDA DATE 1 % - -' ITEM# • M`E M_O_R A N_D_U M_ Date : October 22 , 1984 To: City Council From: R. H. Dowell, Jr. , Acting City Manager Subject: Parking Restrictions - Ordinance No. 89 Attached, per the coordinated request of the Chief of Police and the City Attorney, is an ordinance that further defines parking. The purpose of this ordinance is to establish within the Municipal Code a section which defines that no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle upon the roadway in such a manner that the normal flow of traffic in either direction is affected. • RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. Acting City Manager ORDINANCE NO. 89 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATAS- CADERO ADDING SECTION 4-2.1305 TO ARTICLE 13 OF CHAPTER 2 OF TITLE 4 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO STOPPING, STANDING OR PARKING RESTRICTIONS. The Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 4-2.1305 is added to Article 13 of Chapter 2 of Title 4 of the Atascadero Municipal Code to read as follows: Sec. 4-2.1305 . Parking: General prohibited practices. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle upon the roadway in such a manner that the normal flow of traffic in either direction is affected. Per California Vehicle Code, "roadway" is that portion of a highway improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel. Section 2. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be pub- lished once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atasca- dero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance with Government Code section 36933; shall certify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 3 . This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12:01 A.M. on the thirty-first (31st) day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at_ a_ regular meeting of the City Council held on AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROLFE D. NELSON, Mayor AG:fr/10/8/84 ORDINANCE NO. 89 Page 2 ATTEST: _GEORGIA RAMIREZ, Acting City Clerk APPROVED AS TO RM: . _ ALLEN GRIMES, City .Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. , Acting City Manager MAS } AGENDA DATE /L�� _ ITEM • M E M O R A N D M U Date: October 22 , 1984 To: City Council From: Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. , Acting City Manager Subject: Charges for Municipal Code Codification During the Fiscal Year 84-85 Budget Planning Cycle we originally proposed $9 ,600 for codification charges due this fiscal year. During this budget review process this amount was reduced to $4 , 800 based upon an estimate of the zoning code updates. This estimate has proven incorrect primarily due to the amount of pages necessary to include the zoning ordinances. In addition, we will require more binders as the municipal code has far exceeded the capability of one binder. The amount necessary to satisfy the billing and obtain additional binders is . • $5 ,475. Request Council authorize a transfer of $5,475 from the Contingency Reserve to account 01-02-2240-0011 Codification. RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. Acting City Manager • �iNG AGENDA ITEM • M E M O R A N D U M Date: October 22 , 1984 To: City Council From: Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. , Acting City Manager Subject: Agreement with Becker and Bell (Bill Avery) to Conduct Job Classification and Salary Study Attached is a proposal from Mr. Bill Avery to accomplish the personnel classification study approved by Council as part of the Fiscal Year 1984-85 budget. His proposal will carry out Council' s desire for a total classification study of all positions within the existing salary plan. We have inserted certain mile- stones so that progress of this study can be monitored during the study period. . You will note that the estimated completion date is February 1, 1985 , which is in line with Council ' s ex- pressed desire to complete the mid-year budget review prior to examining the results of the classification study. I feel that Mr. Avery' s experience over the past three years as our chief labor negotiator has made him very familiar with our organizational structure and classification plan, and therefore he is partic- ularly well qualified to perform the study. I recommend Council approval of the agreement (the City Attorney has reviewed and approved it for format) and request a transfer of $1, 000. 00 from the contingency reserve to Non-Departmental , line item 0108, Class Study, to cover the cost of expenses noted in Item 9 of the agreement. RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. Acting City Manager • AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES This Agreement, made and entered into this day of , between the City of Atascadero, hereinafter called "City" whose mailing address is P.O. Box 747, Atascadero, CA 93423, and Becker & Bell, Inc. , hereinafter called "Consultant" and whose mailing address is P.O. Box 2160 , Placerville, CA 95667 . WHEREAS, City desires to secure consulting services to compile, analyze and evaluate job classification and compensation data relative to the approximately eighty (80) positions within the City work force who are presently assigned 42 separate classifications, including man- agement, and; • WHEREAS, Consultant has completed numerous job classification and compensation studies and possesses the necessary working knowledge and familiarity to complete the study; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AGREED as follows: 1. The Consultant agrees to perform in a workmanlike manner, the duties and functions set forth in "Exhibit A" attached to and made part of this agreement. Consultant agrees to maintain communications with and make proper recommendations to City management to accomplish the objectives of this study. • 2. Consultant agrees to collect, analyze, evaluate and compile per- tinent job classification and compensation data. Agreement for ConsulOng Services 3. Consultant agrees to prepare and present to the City a draft job • classification and compensation report on or before January 15, 1985. Consultant further agrees to prepare and present to the City one cam- era ready copy of the final report. The final report shall incorpo- rate all comments, changes, modifications and recommendations made by the City after review of the draft report. The final report shall be submitted within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the City' s comments. 4. Consultant agrees to solicit pertinent job classification and com- pensation data from no less than six (6) and no more than eight (8) comparison agencies to be chosen in consultation with City. 5. Consultant is retained by City only for the purpose and to the ex- tent set forth in this agreement, and the relationship with City shall be that of an independent contractor . • 6. This agreement shall not be assigned nor subcontracted nor shall any duties described herein be delegated by the consultant without the prior written consent of the City. 7. Consultant agrees to adhere to the survey methodology outlined in "Exhibit B" attached to and made part of this agreement. 8. Consultant agrees to schedule appropriate meetings with management and employees in order to communicate information and collect data, and to provide professional services according to the format and schedule set forth in the detailed work plan provided as "Exhibit C" attached to and made part of this agreement. 9. In consideration of the professional services described above, the City agrees to pay the consultant the sum of six thousand dollars • ($6, 000 .00) . It is agreed that the above sum shall cover the cost of all professional services. The professional fee shall be paid upon 2 Agreement for Consulfh Services 0 g receipt of invoices in accordance with the following schedule: . a. One third (1/3) shall be paid on November 15, 1984. b. One third (1/3) shall be paid upon receipt by the City of the draft report. C. One third (1/3) shall be paid upon receipt by the City of the final report. The City further agrees to reimburse Consultant for direct non-salary expenses for travel related to the performance of services under this agreement. All such claims for expenses shall be paid in accordance with established City procedures and on a monthly basis. It is fur- ther agreed that payment for such expenses will not exceed one thou- sand dollars ($1,000 .00) without written authorization from the City. 10. This agreement can be terminated by either party upon fourteen • (14) calendar days' written notice. Payment shall be made for that portion of the work which has been completed as determined b the P Y City. 11. The City shall be responsible for : the reproduction, distribution, and collection of employee questionnaires; the reproduction and dis- tribution of the draft report, and the reproduction and distribution of the final report. 12. The City agrees to make its employees and management available to the Consultant for consultation and to otherwise facilitate the col- lection and analysis of data. 13. This agreement is binding on both parties effective the date ac- cepted by the City Council of the City of Atascadero. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agree- • ment the day and year first above written. 3 Agreement for Consul• • g Services CITY OF ATASCADERO DATED: By ROLFE D. NELSON, Mayor CONSUL ANT DATED: w� � -- 0 By ---- <� Nape-- and Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. , Acting City Manager • 4 Agreement for Consul•g Services EXHIBIT "A" The Consultant shall be required to provide the following products/ services: Establish a conceptual framework for classification titling; Conduct group meetings to brief employees on the scope of the study and to distribute questionnaires for completion by employees; Conduct analysis of completed questionnaire; Conduct job analysis interviews with approximately sixty percent to seventy percent (60% to 70%) of City employees; Prepare accurate, detailed, and up-to-date class specifications for each class of work; Identify appropriate journey level benchmark classifications; Allocate all City positions to appropriate classes; Develop appropriate career ladders within each occupational group; • Conduct a compensation survey using the selected comparison agen- cies described in the Agreement, and methodology outlined in "Ex- hibit B" ; Develop internal salary relationships within occupational groups including appropriate salary relationships between supervisors and subordinates; Develop salary comparison data; Provide a draft classification plan for review by key City staff; Provide a review process whereby City employees can contribute additional information to the consultant to change their prelimi- nary determinations; and Prepare and review final recommendations with City management. • 5 Agreement for Consulting Services EXHIBIT "B" Survey Methodology Items to be used in comparing compensation: 1. Wages and Salary; 2. City contribution to employees' share of PERS and Social Security; 3. Additional City contribution to deferred compensation; 4. Compensation shall be based on a 40-hour work week. Items to be excluded in comparison compensation: 1. Expense allowances including automobile, reimbursed expenses, etc. 2. Training and/or tuition reimbursements. . Items of general data which must be collected: 1. Dollar value to City and employee by category for Health and Den- tal coverage, including flat sums paid as part of a cafeteria plan; 2. Cost to City and employee for additional retirement benefits, in- cluding safety retirement and specific PERS options; 3. Methods of compensating overtime; 4. Maximum number of vacation days which can be earned; 5. Number of Administrative Leave Days; 6. Compensation in the form of flat sums to be paid as an in-City vehicle allowance and/or use of City vehicle to drive to and from work; 7. Longevity pay or longevity steps; 8. Life and/or disability insurance, including supplemental policies; 9. Incentive pay including additional compensation for educational levels attained or certificates received, etc. i 6 a � Agreement for ConsulAng Services EXHIBIT "C" • Detailed Work Plan and Schedule Phase I - Administrative 1. Review and finalize work program with City, no later than October 19, 1984.* 2. Meet with City employees to outline job project activities, answer questions, and distribute the position description questionnaires, no later than November 2, 1984.* Phase II - Classification 1. Employees complete position description questionnaires. 2. Review and analyze position description questionnaires. 3. Select employees to be interviewed. 4. Conduct employee interviews with approximately sixty to seventy • percent (60% to 70%) of available employees, no later than Nov- ember 16, 1984* 5. Revise the City' s current classification plan. 6. Review the draft classification plan with City management Staff as appropriate, no later than November 30, 1984* 7. Modify the draft classification plan. 8. Undertake the employee review process: a. Distribute class specifications to employees; b. Review written comments received from employees; C. Conduct follow-up interviews as appropriate, no later than December 14 , 1984* 9. Review the finalized classification plan with City management staff no later than December 28, 1984.* Continued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * The actual dates shall be determined after Council approval • between staff and consultant. 7 f/ Agreement for Consulting Services Exhibit "C" (continued) Phase III -- Com ensation 1. Identify benchmark classifications. 2. Review benchmark classifications with key City staff, no later than November 30, 1984.* 3. Collect labor market compensation data. 4. Prepare a revised salary plan. 5. Review the revised salary plan with key City staff, no later than December 28, 1984. * Phase IV - Final Re orts 1. Prepare and present draft final report to City Manager no later than January 15, 1985* • 2. Prepare n P and present final report to City Manager no later than February 1, 1985* * The actual dates shall be determined after Council approval • between staff and consultant. 8 19 /o i All