HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2018-11-28_AgendaPacket http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA Committee Meeting Wednesday, November 28, 2018 2:00 P.M. City Hall 6500 Palma Avenue, Room 306 Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Chairperson Roberta Fonzi Committee Member Charles Bourbeau Committee Member Duane Anderson Committee Member Mark Dariz Committee Member Jamie Jones APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR None City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda Regular Meeting, November 28, 2018 Page 2 of 3 http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 1. DESIGN REVIEW OF 9105, 9107, 9109 PRINCIPAL AND 9300 PINO SOLO COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR’S REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next DRC meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, December 12, 2018, at 2:00 p.m. Agendas, Minutes and Staff Reports are available online at www.atascadero.org under City Officials & Commissions, Design Review Committee. Property Owner/Applicant: ECR Principal, LLC Project Title: PLN 2014-1519 / AMND18-0053 Project Location: 9105, 9107, 9109 Principal and 9300 Pino Solo, Atascadero, CA 93422 (San Luis Obispo County) APN 030-491-001, 013, 019, 020 Project Description: An Amendment is proposed to a previously approved housing and commercial Planned Development at the corner of El Camino Real and Principal Ave. A new subdivision (Tentative Tract) Map is proposed to allow a total of 55 dwelling units within the project area, in addition to the previously approved car wash which is currently under construction. Modifications to the site design and building designs of the residential units are proposed. Proposed Environmental Determination: To be determined. City Staff: Callie Taylor, Senior Planner, Phone: (805) 470-3448, Email: ctaylor@atascadero.org Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the Design Review Committee 1) Review the proposed site plan and elevations, including the proposed affordable housing design, and provide comments for any recommended modifications; and, 2) Make a recommendation to Planning Commission. The project will also be reviewed by the City Council. ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE ATASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT http://www.atascadero.org 6500 PALMA AVENUE | ATASCADERO, CA 93422 | (805) 461-5000 Atascadero Design Review Committee Staff Report – Community Development Department Principal Mixed-use Planned Development MEETING DATE PROJECT PLANNER APPLICANT CONTACT PLN NO. 11/28/18 Callie Taylor, Senior Planner ctaylor@atascadero.org Barry Ephraim, ECR Principal, LLC, Principal Partners, and Royce Eddings PLN 2014-1519 ZCH 2017-0187 Tract Map 3070 CUP 2002-0071 Amendment RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Design Review Committee: 1. Review the proposed site plan and elevations, including the proposed affordable housing, and provide comments for any recommended modifications; and, 2. Make a recommendation to Planning Commission. The project will also be reviewed by the City Council. PROJECT ADDRESS GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION ZONING DISTRICT ASSESOR PARCEL NUMBER(S) SITE AREA 9105, 9107, 9109 Principal Ave, 9300 Pino Solo Medium Density Residential (MDR), General Commercial (GC) Residential Multi- Family (RMF-10), Commercial Retail (CR), PD-24 (Planned Development #24) 030-491-001; 013; 019; 020 5.25 acres PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of an amendment to a previously approved Planned Development #24 at the corner of El Camino Real and Principal Ave. The applicant is proposing a new Tentative Tract Map to increase the number of residential units to 55 units, which includes a 10% density bonus for providing affordable housing. Modifications to the site design and building designs are proposed. Eight (8) deed restricted affordable units are proposed to meet the City’s inclusionary housing requirements. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION To be determined 1 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero PROJECT INFORMATION SNAPSHOT USE CLASSIFICATION ALLOWED OR CONDITIONALLY ALLOWED USE STRUCTURE 50-YEARS OLD OR GREATER JURISDICTIONAL CREEK Single-family dwellings, multifamily dwellings, commercial / mixed-use units ☐ Allowed ☒ Conditional ☒ No ☐ Atascadero ☐ Graves ☐ Paloma ☐ Boulder ☒ Other ☐ N/A ☐ Colony Home / Commercial ☐ Registered Building ☐Yes, but deemed not historical significance SURROUNDING ZONING DISTRICTS AND USES North: Residential Single-Family (RSF-Y) / Commercial Retail (CR) / Gusta Rd East: Residential Single-Family (RSF-Y) South: Residential Multi-Family (RMF-20) / Commercial Retail / Principal Avenue West: Commercial Retail (CR) / El Camino Real DENSITY / FLOOR AREA RATIO ☐ RSF-X / LSF-X: 4 units per acre ☒ RMF-10: 2-10 units per acre ☐ RMF-20: 20-24 units per acre ☒ CP/CR/CS/CN/DO/DC: Max 20 units per acre ☒ Other: __PD24______________ ☒ State Density Bonus Requested ☐ Density Bonus for High Quality Architecture ☐ City Inclusionary Housing Density Bonus ☒ Inclusionary Housing Required ☐ Floor Area Ratio (FAR) ______________________ (Total square foot of building compared to the size of the property) ZONING ORDINANCE / MUNICIPAL CODE STANDARDS / CITY POLICIES City Standards Meets Requirements Exception Requested Setback standards (AMC 9-4.103-.110) ☐Yes ☐No To be considered as part of PD 24 standards Height Standards (AMC 9-4.112-113) ☐Yes ☒No Height limitation exception requested Parking Standards (AMC 9-4.114-121) ☐Yes ☐No Parking for affordable units to be discussed Landscaping (AMC 9-4.124-127) ☒Yes ☐No Fencing Standards (AMC 9-4.128) ☒Yes ☐No Will be conditioned to meet fencing setbacks Grading Standards (AMC 9-4.138-145) ☒Yes ☐No Lighting Standards (AMC 9-4.137) ☒Yes ☐No Water Efficient Landscaping(AMC Title 8, Chapter 10 ) ☒Yes ☐No Use Classification Standards: PD Overlay Zone No. 24 (AMC 9-3.669) ☐Yes ☐No PD24 is a custom PD, can be modified by the City Council 2 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero DISCUSSION: Project History The “Principal Mixed-use” project was originally approved by the City Council in October 2004. A Planned Development Overlay zone #24 was approved that allowed for ground floor residential uses and some commercial at the corner of the 5 acre site. That approval resulted in amending the General Plan for a large portion of the site from Commercial Retail to Medium Density Residential. When the site at the corner of Pino Solo was added to the master plan in 2005, the project entitlement totaled 45 residential units, live work space, and 16,550 sq. ft. of commercial space. The project was not constructed, and in 2015 a second project amendment was approved by the City Council to modify the site plan, unit count and type, and the commercial portion of the project. The project approval currently includes the following components: Current approved project (Adopted 2015:)  20 single-family residences  12 duplex units  5 residential mixed use units (live work units) 37 Residential Units total  3,215 sf first floor commercial (within live work units)  Carwash (1,945 sf) on a 12,495 sf lot In 2017 an amendment was submitted by the applicant to increase the unit count to 42 residential units and provide a higher percentage of detached units. The DRC reviewed and commented on the proposal, and the Planning Commission took action to recommend the City Council approve the proposed amendment. However, the applicant had some concerns regarding the cost of providing the affordable housing that is required for compliance with the City’s Inclusionary Housing policy. The applicant has since made updates to the proposed plans, including an increased unit count and a revised affordable housing proposal. The amendment application is now being taken back to DRC for consideration of the latest changes. Project Description / Summary The applicant is proposing to amend a previously approved site specifi c Planned Development (PD-24.) The Planned Development Overlay allows for deviation in the City’s standards for setbacks, heights, parking, etc. in exchange for project benefits that have been established by the City Council. A zoning amendment to alter the PD, a new tentative subdivision map, , and amended environmental analysis are required to increase the unit count within the project from the approved 37 units to 55 units. The applicant is proposing a total of 55 residential units, which is consistent with the RMF-10 and CR zoning density allowances with a 10% density bonus for providing affordable housing. Staff had suggested the increase in density to the ap plicant to provide a project that met the multi- family zoning objectives for the City, and to be able 3 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero to provide the appropriate amount of affordable housing. The currently proposed site plan includes mostly attached units on the interior streets, and three (3) detached traditional neighborhood facing homes on the corner of Principal and Pino Solo. Eight affordable units are proposed as stacked flats (split /upper lower floor units) in four (4) of the attached buildings. The 6 live work units and car wash are proposed consistent with the previously reviewed version of the plan. Summary of current 2018 amendment proposal:  3 detached residential units (2053 sq. ft. each, 4 bedrooms)  38 attached units (1419-1644 sq. ft. each, 3 bedrooms)  8 stacked flat deed restricted affordable units (1000 sq. ft. each.)  6 live work units (735-1633 sq. ft. residential, 300 sq. ft. commercial each) Total: 55 Residential Units  Carwash (1,945 sf) on a 16,646 sq. ft. commercial lot (under construction) Principal Mixed-Use 2018 Amendment Site Plan Proposal Primary Access on Principal 6 Live- Work units Car Wash under construction 3 detached units with porches facing Pino Solo and Principal 4 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Lot 65 on El Camino Real The project boundaries include an unimproved area approximately 6,500 sq. ft. in size along the El Camino Real frontage. The lot is separated from the residential project area by a vegetated drainage swale. In previous versions of the site plan, this area was proposed to be used as a drainage basin for the residential project. Upon redesign, this area is no longer needed for water storage. There is an existing driveway and easement for the carpet store next door, as well as the drainage swale and vegetation, which heavily constrain the parcel for future development. City staff has asked the applicant to provide a proposal for development and/or improvement of the site. Staff has concerns that without a designated use or development plan for the site, it will remain vacant and unimproved, and long term maintenance could be an issue. Staff recommends that improvements to the site, such as fencing, landscape, or other features to improve the frontage, be installed with the residential development in order to avoid an unfinished look along the project’s most visible public frontage. A logical use of this lot would be either as an expansion of the existing carpet store site, or as an amenity for the residential project. Long term maintenance of the site should be included with the CC&R’s. Site Plan & Parking The site layout and internal street design are consistent with the previous 2017 project proposal. Common open space areas and drainage basins are provided at several locations within the project site. Parking is provided at turnouts and pull in spaces along the internal street frontages. All of the market rate units, including the live work units, are designed with one or two car garages. Most units have parking available in the driveway. Based on the unit count and number of bedrooms in the project, a total of 153 parking spaces are required to meet multifamily parking standards. 67 spaces are provided within private garages, 66 in driveways, 10 for private use by the affordable stacked flats, 25 on the internal streets with parking rows, and 14 shared with the commercial and live work space. The proposed residential parking meets Municipal Code parking requirements for multi- family developments with a total of 182 spaces provided. The Zoning Ordinance allows up to 40% building coverage in RMF-10 zones, and requires a minimum of 25% landscape area. The proposed project provides an overall building coverage of 23% and an overall landscape coverage of 32% of the 5.25 acres. However, due to the increased density, many lots have very small front and rear yards, and therefore do not meet the landscape and building coverage standards on a lot by lot basis. 43 of the 55 proposed lots do not provide a minimum 25% landscape coverage on the individual lot. 47 of the proposed lots exceed the maximum 40% lot coverage by Lot 65 on El Camino Real - needs designated use and site improvements 5 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero buildings. Given that there are several common open space areas throughout the development, and that the drainage swale will be left undeveloped, there will be open space provided overall throughout the development for shared use. However, if there are particular lots that appear overly developed, or a minimum per lot coverage that should be met, this could be discussed by DRC for potential modifications. Buildings Setbacks The Atascadero Municipal code requires minimum setbacks to be met based on zoning. Multifamily standard setbacks can be modified through a Planned Development overlay, provided that the City finds the setbacks adequate and high-quality landscape and site design is provided. The table below compares setbacks of the PD 7 and PD 25, as well as standard multifamily zoning standards, with those proposed by the current project. RMF zone standard PD 7 PD 25 Proposed for Principal (PD24) Front yard at residence 15 15 10 7 To porch 15 15 8 4 To garage 20 20 10 8 Side yards 5 5 5 5 Side yard (corner lot) 10 12 5 5 Rear yard (single-story) 10 10 12 8 Rear yard (two-story) 10 15 12 5 As identified in the chart above, the residential units at Principal are proposed closer to the property lines than the City would allow for a standard multifamily project, or for many of the other adopted Planned Developments. Lots of particular concern include:  Lot 17/18: 5’ setback between sidewalk and front of unit  Rear setback on many lots is 8’, with 5’ rear setback provided for the pop out s and balconies on the second floor  Building on lots 46-49 is very tight. Staff has concerns with the short driveways and potential conflicts with parking in those driveways. Setbacks are minimal, with porches very close to the paved street, and minimal yard spaces  Porch on Lot 48: 5’ from parking lot The previously adopted code text for the Principal Planned Development #24 refers only to the Master Plan of Development to establish setbacks, and does not call out specific numerical minimum setbacks that must be met for each lot. Staff recommends that minimum setbacks be included in the code text in order to establish standards for future additions, accessory structures, fencing, and other modifications that inevitably occur over time. The DRC may recommend project approval as proposed, and the proposed setbacks can be incorporated into the PD 24 standards. Or the C ommittee may recommend increased setbacks for modifications to specific sites or throughout the development. 6 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero 7 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Architectural Design The applicant has made significant improvements to the design of the buildings since the project was last reviewed by DRC. The three (3) detached units facing the public street on Principal and Pino Solo are proposed to include wrap around porches facing the public streets, thereby creating a visual connection to the neighborhood with street facing front and side yards. 3 Detached Units Facing Principal and Pino Solo The attached units have been improved with varied setbacks on the front and back. Pop outs and architectural depth, materials and detail have been added to the elevations. Balconies have been added to the back of several units. Attached Units 8 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero 9 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Live Work Building Facing Principal City Staff recommends the following modifications be considered to enhance the architectural design of the project. These recommendations are provided for review and comment by the DRC:  Add architectural variety. A variety of styles, architectural form or detailing on some of the buildings would help to break up the facades and create residences with their own unique identify.  Add color variety. The residential buildings are proposed to utilize the same color scheme with a painted white base, brick, and blue and green accent colors on upper floors. City staff recommends varying the color schemes of some buildings to avoid looking homogenous.  Add emphasis to porches and entry ways. The front entries on the end units appear to be hidden further back behind the garage. Adding features such as trellises, courtyards, and deeper overhangs can help to call attention to the entrances.  Incorporate traditional storefronts on the live work units facing Principal. Add full length windows, transom windows, or other facade details to make the elevation read as a traditional commercial storefront. Provide an area for signage for each live work space. Undergrounding of Utilities When the previous project amendment went before DRC and Planning Commission last year, the applicant was requesting relief from the requirement to underground utilities along the El Camino Real frontage due to the cost of undergrounding the AT&T fiber optic line. It was originally thought that the fiber optic line could not be spliced and would have to be undergrounded over 1000 feet, which would add undue cost of over $300,000 to the subdivision improvements for the Principal project. The Planning Commission reviewed and approved a separate minor project amendment in June 2018 to allow conduit to be installed in lieu of undergrounding at this location. The conduit is currently being installed by the contractor building the carwash on Principal. 10 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero A recent preliminary utility plan from AT&T now identifies that undergrounding would be possible along this frontage by splicing the fiber optic line at the corner of Principal Avenue. A new engineer has since been brought in by the communication utility, who has determined that splicing the line at this location is the preferred option. With this new information available, Public Works recommends that the utilities on E l Camino Real, including the AT&T line, be installed underground with the subdivision improvements of the map. Now that AT&T has given the City direction that the line can be spliced, and installed underground only along the project frontage, there is no compelling reason to waive the standard undergrounding requirement. As identified in the City’s General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, undergrounding of utilities is required for all tract map subdivision improvements, new development, Planned Developments, and should be included as a Condition of Approval for the proposed Amendment. Affordable Housing The City Council’s adopted interim Inclusionary Housing Policy requires a percentage of units to be reserved as deed restricted affordable units in residential developments that require a legislative approval, such as a Planned Development. Providing affordable housing is also one of the mandatory Tier 1 benefits of the City Council’s Planned Development Policy. The Inclusionary policy requires that Planned Development projects of 10 units or more provide 20% of the units as deed restricted affordable housing. Units must be mixed throughout the development, and a phasing plan must be approved to show that the affordable units will be constructed at the same time as the market rate units. Projects of 11 or more units must build affordable units on site or receive Council approval to pay in-lieu fees. The previous 2015 Principal mixed-use project was approved for 37 residential units; therefore, Conditions of Approval required construction of 7 affordable units within the project development, and payment for the remaining 0.40 fraction of a unit with in -lieu fees. Based on the 20% affordable City Council policy requirement, the current project proposal for 55 units would be required to provided 11 affordable units on site, including 2 very low units, 4 low income units, and 5 moderate units. The Council Inclusionary Policy includes a provision that if a project provides affordable housing consistent with the State Density Bonus, then the project is exempt from additional inclusionary housing requirements. The State Density Bonus was updated a few years ago and now requires a lower percentage of affordable units than the City’s Inclusionary policy. According the State Density Bonus law, the proposed project can qualify for the 10% density bonus if it provides either:  6 Moderate units (10% of 55 units); or,  6 Low units (10% of 55 units); or,  3 Very low units (5% of 55 units) 11 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero The project applicant is currently proposing to construct eight (8) affordable units on site, including 4 moderate income units, and 4 low income units. This number of units will qualify the project for a 10% density bonus per State law, and therefore, the City’s Inclusionary policy would not be applied. Typically, the DRC does not advise on affordable housing policy; however, in this project, the design of the affordable units is a key project component, and needs to be evaluated in the early stages to get feedback on potential site and architecture modifications. The proposed project identifies 8 affordable units as “stacked flat” units, split between the upper and lower floors on the end of 4 separate buildings. Rather than providing a garage on the ground floor, the stacked flats would provide approximately 1000 sq. ft. of living space on each floor. Separate entrances would be provided to each unit. Parking is proposed adjacent to each unit. With development of affordable housing, the City Council has emphasized the desire to have deed restricted units blend with the surrounding neighborhood. Per the Inclusionary policy, the exterior design and quality standards for affordable units shall be comparable to those of market rate units. Affordable units may be of a smaller size and utilize less expensive interior finishes. Affordable units shall be distributed throughout a project site and not concentrated in one location. These standards are intended to remove any stigma around affordable housing, and to make the units blend seamlessly with the rest of the development, creating a unified neighborhood. Proposed affordable unit location, 8 units in 4 buildings as “stacked flats” 12 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero With the current proposal for Principal, the affordable units are scattered throughout the development, and are not concentrated in one particular area. However, the units do not have garages like the market rate units, and the side entry will be unique to the affordable units. In addition, the affordable units do not provide any private open space due to the stacked flat design. Common open space is provided at several locations throughout the development; however, the market rate units also have fenced yards for private open space. The number and location of parking spaces for the affordable units and location of spaces is also a concern. Carports could be provided to meet the multifamily covered parking requirement, or the DRC could recommend waiving the covered parking requirement. City staff had identified the following design discussion items related to the affordable housing units. These items should be discussed by DRC and direction provided for any potential project changes: o Stacked flat design: split unit / condo unit o Entry / porch design for affordable units o Designated parking for each unit – 2.5 spaces required per unit. Should connect to each unit and be clearly identifiable as designated unit parking. o Carport designs and locations. Consideration of waiving covered parking requirement o Lot 17 / 18 – parking & entry options need redesign o Private open space not provided for affordable units Staff is recommending modification to the parking design and front entry connection on the stacked flat affordable units. The private use areas for parking could be integrated with the units more, making these feel like front yards or courtyards with private parking areas. In addition, staff recommends the porches be enhanced, and adequate setbacks be provided between the front entry and adjacent common parking lots and drainage improvements. Affordable unit parking should be integrated into the lot, to visually appear as private parking areas, rather than common area 13 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Proposed Affordable Units; Floor Plans and Elevations Side entry access to lower floor unit Front entry access to interior staircase to upper unit 14 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Planned Development Benefit Policy The applicant is proposing to amend a previously approved Planned Development No. 24. A density bonus is being proposed consistent with State law and would include a total of 55 units. The Planned Development Benefit Policy was established by the City Council in 2004. It allows for deviation in the City’s standards for setbacks, heights, parking, minimum lot size, etc. in exchange for community benefits that have been established by the City Council. The Planned Development Policy requires certain benefits be provided in order to warrant the granting of special or modified development standards. The benefit chart is shown below. PD Location Tier 1 Benefits Tier 2 Benefits Inside of Urban Core PD-7 PD-17 Custom PD’s a) Affordable / Workforce Housing b) High Quality Architectural Design c) High Quality Landscape Design d) Buffering between Urban and Suburban zones (large lot sizes, increased setbacks, landscape buffers, etc.) e) Higher density to meet Housing Element goals a) Pocket Parks in larger projects b) Trails / Walkways for Pedestrian Connectivity c) Historic Preservation Outside of Urban Core Rural / Suburban Areas PD-16 Custom PD’s a) Natural Open Space Preservation a) Multi-Purpose Trails – Equestrian / Bicycle / Pedestrian b) Recreational Areas / Facilities c) Historic Preservation Findings related to the required project benefits must be made for approval of a Planned Development. The Planning Commission and the City Council must find that the amended project provides all Tier 1 benefits, including high quality landscape and architecture, and affordable housing, in order to approve the Planned Development amendment. When reviewing the proposed project, the DRC should m ake a recommendation to the Planning Commission regarding the proposed project’s ability to provide the Tier 1 benefits required for approval of a Planned Development. 15 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero DRC DISCUSSION ITEMS: DRC Items for Discussion  Commercial Lot 65 – Proposed use and site improvements needed  Site plan o Residential building setbacks  Architecture o Architectural variety o Color variety o Add emphasis to porches, front entryways o Add traditional storefront design to live work units facing Principal  Undergrounding of utilities – AT&T on El Camino Real  Affordable housing o Proposed 4 moderate, 4 low income units o Design: stacked flat (split upper/ lower condo units) o Entry / front porch designs o Designated parking for affordable units o Carport options or request for exception to covered parking o Lot 17 / 18 – parking & entry options o Private open space  Consistency with Planned Development Benefits Policy ATTACHMENTS: 1. Zoning Map 2. Aerial Map 3. Previously approved site plan (2015) 4. Previously approved elevations (2015) 5. Applicant’s Proposed Design Package (October 22, 2018 submittal) 16 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Attachment 1: Zoning Map General Plan Designation: General Commerical (GC) / Medium Density Residential (MDR) Zoning District: Commerical Retail (CR) / Residential Multi-Family (RMF-10) / Planned Development (PD-24) Area 1 Project Area 17 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Attachment 2: Aerial Map RMF-10 CR Project Area 18 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Attachment 3: Previously approved site plan (2015) 19 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Attachment 4: Previously approved elevations (2015) Approved 2015 - Single-family dwellings 20 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Attachment 4: Previously approved elevations (2015) Approved 2015 – Live / Work Units Approved 2015 – Duplex units 21 ITEM 1 Principal Mixed Use Amendment PLN 2014-1519 / ECR Principal, LLC Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Attachment 5: Applicant Design Package: October 22, 2018 Submittal See Attached 22 To: Callie Taylor, Senior Planner, City of Atascadero 805-470-3448 ctaylor@atascadero.org Phil Dunsmore, Director, City of Atascadero (805) 461-5035 pdunsmore@atascadero.org From: Barry Ephraim, Manager, ECR Principal, LLC 310-927-3675 barry.ephraim@sbcglobal.net Royce Eddings, Agent, ECR Principal, LLC 805-423-5850 royce.eddings@gmail.com John Young, Agent, ECR Principal, LLC 909-297-6439 young4sd@gmail.com Date: October 18, 2018 Re: Description of Principal Mixed Use Project Tract 3070 at 9105, 9107, and 9109 Principal and 9300 Pino Solo We are pleased to provide this description for the updated Principal Mixed Use project. 1. Discussion of Project The project has 55 houses consisting of 3 detached houses, 44 townhouses, and 8 stacked flat units. The 6 townhouses along Principal Avenue will each be a live work unit with a ground floor office of approximately 305 square feet. Exhibits 1 and 2 summarize the house product. The site plan remains basically the same as the site plan originally approved by the City Council in 2005 and used in all successive versions of the project, including the projects approved By City Council in 2015 and Planning Commission in 2017. Exhibits 8-11 show the site plan. The density is permitted by the site’s R-10 and CR zoning and is consistent with the 49 units approved in 2005, 37 units approved in 2015, and 42 units approved in 2017. Exhibit 5 and Exhibit 6 are City staff comments and detailed responses respectively. 2. Discussion of Site Plan Changes • All of the houses in the interior of the development are now attached. This is a change from the project approved in 2017 which had mostly detached houses. However, prior versions of the project approved in 2005 and 2015 primarily consisted of attached houses. Attaching the houses enables us to achieve the density necessary to pay for the affordable housing required by the City. • We have increased the public open space by adding small open space areas between Lots 18 and 19 and Lots 30 and 31. • We have changed the house driveways from solid concrete to pervious pavers. This improves the appearance and feel of the development and assists us to meet RWQCB storm water retention and treatment requirements. As we did in the 2017 version of the project, we have removed the fencing around the storm basins and eliminated the storm basin on El Camino Real. These changes improve the development’s appearance and feel. • We have lengthened driveways. All driveways will be 20 feet long but for the driveways for Lots 28 and 32 which will be 18 feet long. We have reduced the number of houses which do not have a driveway from 5 to 2. 23 3. Discussion of Architecture Changes We have improved the house architecture by: • Enhancing the elevations of the houses on Lots 1-3. These houses, which are by far the most prominent houses in the community, now have deep wrap around porches and entries which face Principal and Pino Solo. These prominent porch and entry features visually connect the houses and the development to the adjoining neighborhood. • Improving the elevation of the Live Work building by reducing the number of front doors, coloring select window frames, adding stone veneer, adding accent colors in multiple locations, adding awnings in front of the offices to enhance the commercial feel, and using an autumn red color for the western end of the building to blend with the colors being used for the adjacent car wash. • Creating a unique appearance for each house in the development by using five building types, three accent colors, three stone veneer products, three siding styles, and two roof colors. • Using different front setbacks for adjacent houses. As a result, adjacent houses will be offset. This will improve the front elevations and the street scene. • Adding siding and using multiple siding styles including horizontal siding, vertical board and batten, and faux shingle. • Using contemporary colors such as Gallery White, Summer Green, and Tin Foil Grey. The emphasis will be on the Gallery White which for 5+ years has been the most common color in high end house construction throughout coastal California. • Adding stone veneer for wainscoting which in some locations extends up to cover the house’s entire 1st level or across the length of the entire side elevation. The stone veneer styles will consist of Old San Luis Brick, Grey Ledgestone, and Chicago Used Brick. • Adding a balcony at the rear of the larger townhouse unit’s 2nd story master bedroom. • Adding front entry doors with dynamic colors such as Carbon, Fire Cracker, Crown Jewel, Juniper Berries, Stained Wood, and Thai Teal. • Adding outrigger beams and increasing the number of window shutters. • Adding a trellis, arbor, or arch feature in front of the entry to end units. This will add visual appeal and increase the prominence of the entry location. • Adding Summer Green and Tin Foil Grey accents in rear elevation pop out elements. • Using two colors - pewter and charcoal – for roof shingles. • Exhibit 7 provides elevations and floor plans for the house product. 24 4. Discussion of Live Work Units We have eliminated the six airspace office condominium units which were not viable, because: • The residential units above the offices were too small to be eligible for FHA financing; • The 350+/- square foot office units were too small to be marketable on their own; and, • The BRE processing and operating burdens for an airspace mixed use condominium were too onerous for this small a project. Each of the live work units will include a ground floor office and will: • Be eligible for FHA financing; • Be desirable to self-employed small business people; and, • Not trigger costly and cumbersome BRE requirements. We have improved the office spaces by adding dedicated parking space(s) for each unit, relocating the front sidewalk so that it is adjacent to the offices, and committing to record covenants which will prohibit residential use in the office area. 5. Affordable Housing Discussion We would prefer to buy out of the project’s affordable housing obligation. However, staff has advised us that the City Council wants us to include affordable housing units in the development. As such we request that the DRC, PC, and CC provide direction regarding the desired number and affordability of the affordable housing units. The City’s Interim Inclusionary Housing Policy (“Interim Policy”) and Density Bonus Ordinance (“Bonus Ordinance”) set forth alternative affordable housing requirements. The Inclusionary Ordinance does not apply to projects that qualify for the Bonus Ordinance. Because Principal is a for sale detached condominium project, it qualifies for the Bonus Ordinance which requires that Principal include EITHER: • 6 Moderate units (10% of 55 units); OR, • 6 Low units (10% of 55 units); OR, • 3 Very Low units (5% of 55 units). We have designed the development to accommodate up to 8 affordable housing units. We would prefer to provide these units at the Moderate income level but we are willing to provide at least half of these units as Low income units. We would prefer not to provide Very Low income units because of the extremely high direct and indirect costs associated with these units. The proposed 4 Moderate units and 4 Low income units will far exceed the obligation set forth in the Bonus Ordinance. Indeed, the proposed 8 affordable housing units will approximate the obligation set forth in the Inclusionary Ordinance which requires: • 2 Very Low units (4% of 55 units); AND, • 4 Low units (7.4% of 55 units); AND, • 5 Moderate units (8.6% of 55 units). 25 We believe that the following information will help the City to determine the appropriate affordable housing obligation for the Principal development: • First, $131,000 is the maximum price for a Very Low (50% of AMI) income unit. This is at least $199,000 below the market price for the proposed unit; • Second, $192,000 is the maximum price for a Low income (80% of AMI) unit. This is at least $138,000 below the market price for the proposed unit; • Third, it will cost us approximately $552,000 to provide the proposed 8 affordable housing units consisting of 4 Low income units and 4 Moderate income units. This $552,000 cost will total more than $10,000 per unit and will exceed the buyout cost set in the Inclusionary Ordinance; • Fourth, we expect to sell the project’s 47 market rate units at an average price of approximately $410,000 which is only $40,000 more than the Moderate income sales price limit of $370,000 and is approximately $100,000 below the Workforce sales price limit of $513,000. As such, without the 8 City required affordable housing units, this project already will make a significant affordable housing contribution. • Fifth, Exhibit 3 shows the costs associated with meeting the affordable housing obligation in various alternative arrangements and Exhibit 4 shows the location of the affordable units. 6. Conclusion Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding Principal. We are happy to tour staff, Councilmembers, or the public through our current developments for which information is easily available at the following websites: https://www.oaktrail805.com/ https://www.bellacasa805.com/ https://www.cuveecourt.com/ Recently, we completed sales at Oak Trail and Bella Casa, our two development in Atascadero. Of the nineteen buyers, only one was younger than 55 years old. And, only one lived outside of San Luis Obispo County. Most buyers already lived in Atascadero or Paso Robles. More than one third of the buyers were public employees including two school teachers, one police officer, one firefighter, one City of Atascadero employee, and one public water district employee. The majority of the buyers were retired. The houses sold for between $500,000 and $650,000. We are excited to continue to build and sell houses to residents of Atascadero and San Luis Obispo County. It is our expectation that most of the buyers at Principal already will reside in Atascadero and will be sons and daughters of long-time residents. Many of these younger buyers wanted to buy houses at Oak Trail and Bella Casa but were unable to afford the higher price point. We appreciate the opportunity to continue developing in Atascadero. Thank you for your support. 26 Exhibits 1. House Product Summary 2. House and Lot Summary Detail 3. Affordable Housing Data 4. Affordable Housing Locations 5. City Staff Comments 6. Developer Response to City Staff Comments 7. House Product 8. Site Plan 9. Site Plan with House and Lot Detail 10. Landscape Plans 11. Landscape Plans Cut Sections 27 AtascaderoPrincipal Mixed UseProposed ProductProductUnitsLevelsBRsBAGarage1st2nd3rdHouseOfficeTotalGaragePorchDetached SFR 3 2 4 2.5 2 853 1,200 2,053 0 2,053 421 216Attached TH 23 2 3 2.5 1 579 840 1,419 0 1,419 262 63Attached TH 15 2 3 2.5 2 643 1,001 1,644 0 1,644 443 45Attached Flat Lower 4 1 3 2.0 0 1,056 1,056 0 1,056 0 39Attached Flat Upper 4 1 3 2.0 0 983 983 0 983 0 108Attached Live‐Work 2 2 1 1.5 1 61 674 735 305 1,040 369 53Attached Live‐Work 2 3 2 3.0 1 63 592 632 1,287 250 1,537 336 80Attached Live ‐Work 2 3 3 3.0 2 64 767 802 1,633 360 1,993 435 115Total 55 162 134 67 30,121 45,933 2,868 78,922 1,830 80,752 16,214 3,856Average 2.9 2.4 1,435 1,468 70All of the units will be subject to a City Services CFD which will be $650 per year and will grow at a rate of approximately 2.0% per year.All of the 6 units in the 6‐plex building along Principal will be Live Work units. The attached units will have a 3+ " separation necessary to qualify as PUD unitsThe affordable housing units will be located in the attached flats.Sq Ft10/17/2018 21:3028 Principal Mixed Use Residential Product Summary Lot Product Levels BR BA Garage First Second Third Total Office Total Garage Porch/Bal Lot 1 Detach 2.0 4.0 2.5 2.0 853 1,200 0 2,053 0 2,053 421 216 4,006 2 Detach 2.0 4.0 2.5 2.0 853 1,200 0 2,053 0 2,053 421 216 3,896 3 Detach 2.0 4.0 2.5 2.0 853 1,200 0 2,053 0 2,053 421 216 3,828 4 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 2,650 5 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,707 6 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 2,866 7 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 2,198 8 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 2,522 9 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 2,486 10 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,676 11 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,691 12 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 2,648 13 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 2,160 14 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,720 15 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,727 16 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,733 17 Attach 1.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 1,056 0 0 1,056 0 1,056 0 39 2,220 18 Attach 1.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 0 983 0 983 0 983 0 108 0 19 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 4,645 20 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 2,059 21 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 2,007 22 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 3,308 23 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 3,628 24 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 4,282 25 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 2,460 26 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,858 27 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 2,634 28 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,536 29 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,536 30 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 2,195 31 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 2,331 32 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,535 33 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,535 34 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 2,509 35 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,853 36 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,581 37 Attach 1.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 1,056 0 0 1,056 0 1,056 0 39 2,068 38 Attach 1.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 0 983 0 983 0 983 0 108 0 39 Attach 1.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 1,056 0 0 1,056 0 1,056 0 39 2,473 40 Attach 1.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 0 983 0 983 0 983 0 108 0 41 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,579 42 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,941 43 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 2,458 44 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,580 45 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 643 1,001 0 1,644 0 1,644 443 45 2,476 46 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,927 47 Attach 2.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 579 840 0 1,419 0 1,419 262 63 1,289 48 Attach 1.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 1,056 0 0 1,056 0 1,056 0 39 2,060 49 Attach 1.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 0 983 0 983 0 983 0 108 0 50 Attach 2.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 61 674 0 735 305 1,040 369 53 1,556 51 Attach 3.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 63 592 632 1,287 250 1,537 336 80 1,065 52 Attach 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 64 767 802 1,633 360 1,993 435 115 1,391 53 Attach 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 64 767 802 1,633 360 1,993 435 115 1,392 54 Attach 3.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 63 592 632 1,287 250 1,537 336 80 1,065 55 Attach 2.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 61 674 0 735 305 1,040 369 53 1,678 Total 106 162 134 67 30,121 45,933 78,922 1,830 80,752 16,214 3,856 113,224 Average 1.9 2.9 2.4 1.2 548 835 1,435 33.3 1,468 295 70 2,059 As Proposed in 2018 Area 29 Principal Affordable Housing Summary 10/18/2018 10:49 Total Units 55 Number of Units Affordability AMI Developer Inclusionary Level %age Proposed Opt 1 Opt 2 Opt 3 Ordinance Very Low 50%0.0 2.8 0.0 0.0 2.2 Low 80%4.0 0.0 5.5 0.0 4.1 Moderate 120%4.0 0.0 0.0 5.5 4.7 Workforce (1)160%47.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 55.0 2.8 5.5 5.5 11.0 Percentage of Units Affordability AMI Developer Inclusionary Level %age Proposed Opt 1 Opt 2 Opt 3 Ordinance Very Low 50%0.0%5.0%0.0%0.0%4.0% Low 80%7.3%0.0%10.0%0.0%7.4% Moderate 120%7.3%0.0%0.0%10.0%8.6% Workforce (1)160%85.5%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total 100.0%5.0%10.0%10.0%20.00% Cost of Units (2)(3) Affordability AMI Developer Inclusionary Level %age Proposed Opt 1 Opt 2 Opt 3 Ordinance Very Low 50%$0 $547,250 $0 $0 $437,800 Low 80%$552,000 $0 $759,000 $0 $561,660 Moderate 120%$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Workforce (1)160%$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $552,000 $547,250 $759,000 $0 $999,460 Notes (1)The workforce units are neither income nor deed restricted. (2)Cost assumes that the stacked flat units are used for the affordable housing: AMI Affordable Max Price Cost N/A Market $330,000 N/A 50%Very Low $131,000 $199,000 80%Low $192,000 $138,000 120%Moderate $370,000 N/A 160%Workforce $513,000 N/A (3) The buyout fee set forth in the Includionary Ordinance is approximately $10,000 per unit. As such, the cost to buyout of the affordable obligation would be approximately $550,000. Density Bonus Ordinance Density Bonus Ordinance Density Bonus Ordinance 30 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W W W W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W WWWWGGGGGGG G G G G G G G G G G G G G GGGGGG G G GGGGG GGGGGSSSS S E P U P P U P JP U P U P U P JP JP JP JP U P JP E P OH OH OH OH OHNOPARKING 1917/181615141312111098252423262728307654321563233585821222031616357E L C A M I N O R E A LP R I N C I P A L A V E S T R E E T ' A 'S T R E E T ' B ' C O U R T ' 2 ' C O U R T ' 1 'P I N O S O L O A V E62G U S T A R D60646534353637/3839/40414229434445464748/4950515253545559646435366 Exp. 9/30/19IMOTHYP.ROBER TSCIV I LREGISTEREDPROFESSIONALE N GINEERSTATEOF CA L IF O RNIAT10/16/2018 8:24 AM Record Drawings Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/19 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 Revisions This Sheet: Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/19 Public Works Director Approved for City Requirements Date Date Design/Drawn Job # City Plan Checker City W.O. No. California Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5) Roberts Engineering, Inc. Email tim@robertsenginc.com Civil Engineer - RCE 35366 Timothy P. Roberts Fax (805) 238-6148 Phone (805) 239-0664 Templeton, CA 93465 2015 Vista de la Vina Roberts Engineering Website robertsenginc.comSHEETPRE LI MI N A R Y N 2367200 E 5772640 1651 Tract 3070 - Principal - Improvement Plans Affordable Housing Exhibit 7TR/JM 301503060SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHAFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITSLEGEND31 DN 16 RW.D.MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH WARD. 8' CLG BED #2 BED #3 BATH #2 LOFT BED #4 / UPPER FLOOR PLAN LAUNDRY UP 16 RKING QUEEN QUEEN GREY SHADING SHOWS EXTENT OF "WRAPAROUND" PORCH ON LOT 3 HATCHED AREA SHOWS EXTENT OF ADDITIONAL "PRINCIPAL AVE" PORCH ELEMENT ON LOTS 1 & 2 GARAGE ENTRY PWDR FAMILY DINING KITCHEN STUDY LOWER FLOOR PLAN DOOR AT LOTS 1 & 2 ONLY AREA UPPER LEVEL LIVING SPACE LOWER LEVEL LIVING SPACE COVERED PORCHES LOT 1 & 2 COVERED PORCHES LOT 3 GARAGE TOTAL STRUCTURE LOTS 1 & 2 TOTAL STRUCTURE LOT 3 1200 SQ. FT. 853 SQ. FT. 220 SQ. FT. 209 SQ. FT. 421 SQ. FT. 2694 SQ. FT. 2683 SQ. FT. Principal Ave Project Single Family Home (Plan 13) FOR: PROJECT: THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF JOE DUHON. ALL DESIGNS AND OTHER INFORMATION ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT AND SHALL NOT BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED, WRITTEN CONSENT OF JOE DUHON. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CHANGES TO JOE DUHON PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF AFFECTED ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT PROJECT INFO: SITE AREA: Single Family Residence PROPOSED USE: LIVING BUILDING AREA: -- Sq. Ft. 0" BUILDING HEIGHT: DATE: REVISION: 07/26/2018 Atascadero, CA ecr pRINCIPAL, llc 125 S. Bowling Green Way Los Angeles, CA 90049 GARAGE PORCHES TOTAL -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft.Principal Ave ProjectSingle Family Home (Plan 13)13.1 SHEET 1/4"=1'-0"SCALE: UUPER AND LOWER FLOOR PLANS Joe Duhon 459-6713 - phone 461-6713 - fax joe@duhon.com ShadeTreeHomeDesign& Drafting 10/16/2018 32 33 34 KEY COUNTER PANTRYPANTRY KEY COUNTER PANTRY W.D. LINEN LINEN DESK D. DESK W.D. LINEN LINEN DESK KINGFULL FULLKINGFULLFULLKINGFULL FULLGARAGE LIVING DINING KITCHEN ENTRY KITCHEN LIVING GARAGE GARAGE LIVING DINING KITCHEN STORAGE 64 CU. FT. STORAGE SHELF 46 CU. FT. LOWER FLOOR PLANS UPPER FLOOR PLANS 9'-8"6'-6"9'-0"5'-0"9'-0"5'-0" MASTER BEDROOM 17'2" x 13'8" M. BATH WARD. BED #2 9'11" x 10'1" BATH #2 LAUNDRY BED #3 10'6" x 10'5" LANDING BED #2 10'3" x 11'5"BED #3 10'6" x 11'2" WARD. MASTER BEDROOM 12'0" x 13'0"M. BATH BATH #2 MASTER BEDROOM 17'2" x 13'8" M. BATH WARD. BED #2 9'11" x 10'1" BATH #2 LAUNDRY BED #3 10'6" x 10'5" LANDING 1-CAR UNIT AREAS UPPER LEVEL LIVING SPACE LOWER LEVEL LIVING SPACE COVERED PORCH GARAGE TOTAL UNIT 840 SQ. FT. 579 SQ. FT. 63 SQ. FT. 262 SQ. FT. 1744 SQ. FT. 2-CAR UNIT AREAS UPPER LEVEL LIVING SPACE LOWER LEVEL LIVING SPACE COVERED PORCH GARAGE TOTAL UNIT UPPER LEVEL BALCONY 1001 SQ. FT. 643 SQ. FT. 45 SQ. FT. 443 SQ. FT. 2133 SQ. FT. 83 SQ. FT. Principal Ave Project Triplex Townhouses (Plan 14) FOR: PROJECT: THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF JOE DUHON. ALL DESIGNS AND OTHER INFORMATION ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT AND SHALL NOT BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED, WRITTEN CONSENT OF JOE DUHON. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CHANGES TO JOE DUHON PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF AFFECTED ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT PROJECT INFO: SITE AREA: Single Family Residence PROPOSED USE: LIVING BUILDING AREA: -- Sq. Ft. 0" BUILDING HEIGHT: DATE: REVISION: 07/126/2018 Atascadero, CA ECR Principal, LLC 125 S. Bowling Green Way Los Angeles, CA 90049 GARAGE PORCHES TOTAL -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft.Principal Ave ProjectTriplex Townhouses (Plan 14)Joe Duhon 459-6713 - phone 461-6713 - fax joe@duhon.com ShadeTreeHomeDesign& Drafting 14.1 SHEET 3/16"=1'-0"SCALE: FLOOR PLANS 10/16/2018 35 36 37 1+00UP 17 RUP 17 R UP 17 R UP 17 R UP 17 R UP 17 RW/D5'-0"CLR5'-0"CLR5'-0"CLR5'-0"CLRW/D5'-0"CLR5'-0"CLR18'-6"3"16'-0"3"21'-0"3"21'-0"3"16'-0"3"16'-0"2'-6"42'-0"112'-3"21'-0"21'-0"21'-0"GARAGE 9' CLG OFFICE 9' CLG GARAGE 9' CLG OFFICE 9' CLG GARAGE 9' CLG OFFICE 9' CLG GARAGE 9' CLG UNIT #1 1074 SQ. FT. UNIT #2 1560 SQ. FT. UNIT #3 2037 SQ. FT. UNIT #6 1074 SQ. FT. UNIT #5 1560 SQ. FT. UNIT #4 2037 SQ. FT. TOILET 9' CLG TOILET 9' CLG TOILET 9' CLG OFFICE 9' CLG TOILET 9' CLG GARAGE 9' CLG OFFICE 9' CLG GARAGE 9' CLG OFFICE 9' CLG TOILET 9' CLG TOILET 9' CLG 18'-6"40' ROAD WIDTH(25' EXISTING + 15' NEW)20' LONG DRIVEWAY TYPICALUNIT #1 & 6 AREAS 2nd LEVEL LIVING SPACE 1st LEVEL LIVING SPACE TOTAL LIVING SPACE OFFICE GARAGE TOTAL UNIT UNCOVERED BALCONY 674 SQ. FT. 61 SQ. FT. 735 SQ. FT. 305 SQ. FT. 369 SQ. FT. 1409 SQ. FT. 53 SQ. F.T UNIT #2 & 5 AREAS 3rd LEVEL LIVING SPACE 2nd LEVEL LIVING SPACE 1st LEVEL LIVING SPACE TOTAL LIVING SPACE OFFICE GARAGE COVERED BALCONY TOTAL UNIT 632 SQ. FT. 592 SQ. FT. 63 SQ. FT. 1287 SQ. F.T 250 SQ. FT. 336 SQ. FT. 80 SQ. FT. 1873 SQ. FT. UNIT #3 & 4 AREAS 3rd LEVEL LIVING SPACE 2nd LEVEL LIVING SPACE 1st LEVEL LIVING SPACE TOTAL LIVING SPACE OFFICE GARAGE COVERED BALCONY TOTAL UNIT 802 SQ. F.T 767 SQ. FT. 64 SQ. FT. 1633 SQ. F.T 360 SQ. FT. 435 SQ. FT. 115 SQ. FT. 2428 SQ. FT. Principal Ave Project Live - Work Units (Plan 15) FOR: PROJECT: THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF JOE DUHON. ALL DESIGNS AND OTHER INFORMATION ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT AND SHALL NOT BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED, WRITTEN CONSENT OF JOE DUHON. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CHANGES TO JOE DUHON PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF AFFECTED ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT PROJECT INFO: SITE AREA: Single Family Residence PROPOSED USE: LIVING BUILDING AREA: -- Sq. Ft. 0" BUILDING HEIGHT: DATE: REVISION: 07/26/2018 Atascadero, CA ECR Principal, LLC 125 S. Bowling Green Way Los Angeles, CA 90049 GARAGE PORCHES TOTAL -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft.Principal Ave ProjectLive - Work Units (Plan 15)15.1 SHEET 1/4"=1'SCALE: GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLANS Joe Duhon 459-6713 - phone 461-6713 - fax joe@duhon.com ShadeTreeHomeDesign& Drafting 10/16/2018 38 UP 17 R UP 17 R UP 17 R UP 17 R PANTRY FAU DN DN DN PANTRY FAU DN DN DN KINGKING18'-6"3"16'-0"3"21'-0"3"21'-0"3"16'-0"3"16'-0"2'-6"42'-0"MASTER BED 9' CLG BATH 9' CLG KITCHEN 9' CLG LIVING 9' CLG LIVING 9' CLG DINING 9' CLG KITCHEN 9' CLG BALCONY BALCONY 9' CLG BALCONY 9' CLG LIVING 9' CLG DINING 9' CLG KITCHEN 9' CLG LIVING 9' CLG DINING 9' CLG KITCHEN 9' CLG BALCONY 9' CLGPOWDER 9' CLG BALCONY 9' CLG LIVING 9' CLG DINING 9' CLG KITCHEN 9' CLG POWDER 9' CLG MASTER BED 9' CLG BATH 9' CLG KITCHEN 9' CLG LIVING 9' CLG BALCONY UNIT #1 1074 SQ. FT. UNIT #2 1560 SQ. FT. UNIT #3 2037 SQ. FT. UNIT #6 1074 SQ. FT. UNIT #5 1560 SQ. FT. UNIT #4 2037 SQ. FT. POWDER 9' CLG Principal Ave Project Live - Work Units (Plan 15) FOR: PROJECT: THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF JOE DUHON. ALL DESIGNS AND OTHER INFORMATION ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT AND SHALL NOT BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED, WRITTEN CONSENT OF JOE DUHON. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CHANGES TO JOE DUHON PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF AFFECTED ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT PROJECT INFO: SITE AREA: Single Family Residence PROPOSED USE: LIVING BUILDING AREA: -- Sq. Ft. 0" BUILDING HEIGHT: DATE: REVISION: 07/26/2018 Atascadero, CA ECR Principal, LLC 125 S. Bowling Green Way Los Angeles, CA 90049 GARAGE PORCHES TOTAL -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft.Principal Ave ProjectLive - Work Units (Plan 15)15.2 SHEET 1/4"=1'-0"SCALE: MIDDLE LEVEL FLOOR PLANS Joe Duhon 459-6713 - phone 461-6713 - fax joe@duhon.com ShadeTreeHomeDesign& Drafting 10/16/2018 39 FAU L. W/D L. W/D W/D QUEENQUEENQUEENQUEENQUEENQUEENQUEENQUEENQUEENQUEEN18'-6"3"16'-0"3"21'-0"3"21'-0"3"16'-0"3"16'-0"2'-6"42'-0"MASTER BED 9' CLG MASTER BED 9' CLG M. BATH 9' CLG M. BATH 9' CLG BED #2 9' CLG BED #2 9' CLG BED #2 9' CLG BATH #2 9' CLG BATH #2 9' CLG MASTER BED 9' CLG M. BATH 9' CLG BED #2 9' CLG BED #2 9' CLG BATH #2 9' CLG MASTER BED 9' CLG M. BATH 9' CLG BED #2 9' CLG BATH #2 9' CLG UNIT #2 1560 SQ. FT. UNIT #3 2037 SQ. FT. UNIT #5 1560 SQ. FT. UNIT #4 2037 SQ. FT. Principal Ave Project Live - Work Units (Plan 15) FOR: PROJECT: THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF JOE DUHON. ALL DESIGNS AND OTHER INFORMATION ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT AND SHALL NOT BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED, WRITTEN CONSENT OF JOE DUHON. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CHANGES TO JOE DUHON PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF AFFECTED ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT PROJECT INFO: SITE AREA: Single Family Residence PROPOSED USE: LIVING BUILDING AREA: -- Sq. Ft. 0" BUILDING HEIGHT: DATE: REVISION: 07/26/2018 Atascadero, CA ECR Principal, LLC 125 S. Bowling Green Way Los Angeles, CA 90049 GARAGE PORCHES TOTAL -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft.Principal Ave ProjectLive - Work Units (Plan 15)Joe Duhon 459-6713 - phone 461-6713 - fax joe@duhon.com ShadeTreeHomeDesign& Drafting 15.3 SHEET 1/4"=1'-0"SCALE: UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLANS 10/16/2018 40 41 STACKEDW/DMASTER BEDROOM 12'2" x 10'10" BED #2 9'8" x 9'6" BATH #2 M. BATH BED #3 9'8" x 9'6" KITCHEN LIVING PANTRY PANTRY PANTRY PANTRYW.D.MASTER BEDROOM BED #2 BATH #2 BALCONY M. BATH BED #3 KITCHEN LIVING STORAGE D. DESK D. DESK D. DESK D. DESK KINGFULLFULLKINGFULLFULLKINGFULLFULLKINGFULLFULL5'-0"21'-6"6'-0"6'-0"9'-8"6'-6"6'-6"10'-0"9'-9" ENTRY KITCHEN LIVING GARAGE STORAGE 64 CU. FT. STORAGE SHELF 46 CU. FT. ENTRY KITCHEN LIVING GARAGE STORAGE 64 CU. FT. STORAGE SHELF 46 CU. FT. ENTRY KITCHEN LIVING GARAGE STORAGE 64 CU. FT. STORAGE SHELF 46 CU. FT. ENTRY KITCHEN LIVING GARAGE STORAGE 64 CU. FT. STORAGE SHELF 46 CU. FT. LOWER FLOOR PLANS UPPER FLOOR PLANS BED #2 10'3" x 11'5"BED #3 10'6" x 11'2" WARD. MASTER BEDROOM 12'0" x 13'0"M. BATH BATH #2 BED #2 10'3" x 11'5"BED #3 10'6" x 11'2" WARD. MASTER BEDROOM 12'0" x 13'0"M. BATH BATH #2 BED #2 10'3" x 11'5"BED #3 10'6" x 11'2" WARD. MASTER BEDROOM 12'0" x 13'0"M. BATH BATH #2 BED #2 10'3" x 11'5"BED #3 10'6" x 11'2" WARD. MASTER BEDROOM 12'0" x 13'0"M. BATH BATH #2 1-CAR UNIT AREAS UPPER LEVEL LIVING SPACE LOWER LEVEL LIVING SPACE COVERED PORCH GARAGE TOTAL UNIT 840 SQ. FT. 579 SQ. FT. 63 SQ. FT. 262 SQ. FT. 1744 SQ. FT. "STACKED FLAT" UPPER UNIT AREAS LIVING SPACE COVERED PORCH TOTAL UNIT UPPER LEVEL BALCONY 1056 SQ. FT. 39 SQ. FT. 1095 SQ. FT. 113 SQ. FT. "STACKED FLAT" LOWER UNIT AREAS LIVING SPACE COVERED PORCH TOTAL UNIT 983 SQ. FT. 108 SQ. FT. 1091 SQ. FT. Principal Ave Project 6-plex with Stacked Flats (Plan 16) FOR: PROJECT: THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF JOE DUHON. ALL DESIGNS AND OTHER INFORMATION ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT AND SHALL NOT BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED, WRITTEN CONSENT OF JOE DUHON. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CHANGES TO JOE DUHON PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF AFFECTED ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT PROJECT INFO: SITE AREA: Single Family Residence PROPOSED USE: LIVING BUILDING AREA: -- Sq. Ft. 0" BUILDING HEIGHT: DATE: REVISION: 07/26/2018 Atascadero, CA ECR Principal, LLC 125 S. Bowling Green Way Los Angeles, CA 90049 GARAGE PORCHES TOTAL -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft.Principal Ave Project6-plex with Stacked Flats (Plan 16)Joe Duhon 459-6713 - phone 461-6713 - fax joe@duhon.com ShadeTreeHomeDesign& Drafting 16.1 SHEET 3/16"=1'-0"SCALE: FLOOR PLANS 10/16/2018 42 43 PANTRY KEY COUNTER PANTRY PANTRY KEY COUNTER PANTRY D. DESK W.D. LINEN LINEN DESK D. DESK W.D. LINEN LINEN DESK KINGFULLFULLKINGFULL FULLKINGFULLFULLKINGFULL FULLLOWER FLOOR PLANS UPPER FLOOR PLANS 8'-0"5'-0"6'-6"10'-0" 5'-0"8'-0"1-CAR UNIT AREAS UPPER LEVEL LIVING SPACE LOWER LEVEL LIVING SPACE COVERED PORCH GARAGE TOTAL UNIT 840 SQ. FT. 579 SQ. FT. 63 SQ. FT. 262 SQ. FT. 1744 SQ. FT. 2-CAR UNIT AREAS UPPER LEVEL LIVING SPACE LOWER LEVEL LIVING SPACE COVERED PORCH GARAGE TOTAL UNIT UPPER LEVEL BALCONY 1001 SQ. FT. 643 SQ. FT. 45 SQ. FT. 443 SQ. FT. 2133 SQ. FT. 83 SQ. FT. Principal Ave Project 4-plex Townhouses (Plan 17) FOR: PROJECT: THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF JOE DUHON. ALL DESIGNS AND OTHER INFORMATION ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT AND SHALL NOT BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED, WRITTEN CONSENT OF JOE DUHON. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CHANGES TO JOE DUHON PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF AFFECTED ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT PROJECT INFO: SITE AREA: Single Family Residence PROPOSED USE: LIVING BUILDING AREA: -- Sq. Ft. 0" BUILDING HEIGHT: DATE: REVISION: 07/26/2018 Atascadero, CA ECR Principal, LLC 125 S. Bowling Green Way Los Angeles, CA 90049 GARAGE PORCHES TOTAL -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft.Principal Ave Project4-plex Townhouses (Plan 17)Joe Duhon 459-6713 - phone 461-6713 - fax joe@duhon.com ShadeTreeHomeDesign& Drafting 17.1 SHEET 3/16"=1'-0"SCALE: FLOOR PLANS 10/16/2018 44 45 46 D. DESK W.D. LINEN LINEN DESK KINGFULLFULLKINGFULL FULLUPPER FLOOR PLAN BED #2 10'3" x 11'5"BED #3 10'6" x 11'2" WARD. MASTER BEDROOM 12'0" x 13'0"M. BATH BATH #2 MASTER BEDROOM 17'2" x 13'8" M. BATH WARD. BED #2 9'11" x 10'1" BATH #2 LAUNDRY BED #3 10'6" x 10'5" LANDING PANTRY KEY COUNTER PANTRY 51'-3"6'-6"22'-0"3"29'-0"41'-0"9'-8"8'-0"5'-0" LOWER FLOOR PLAN ENTRY KITCHEN LIVING GARAGE GARAGE LIVING DINING KITCHEN STORAGE 64 CU. FT. STORAGE SHELF 46 CU. FT. 1-CAR UNIT AREAS UPPER LEVEL LIVING SPACE LOWER LEVEL LIVING SPACE COVERED PORCH GARAGE TOTAL UNIT 840 SQ. FT. 579 SQ. FT. 63 SQ. FT. 262 SQ. FT. 1744 SQ. FT. 2-CAR UNIT AREAS UPPER LEVEL LIVING SPACE LOWER LEVEL LIVING SPACE COVERED PORCH GARAGE TOTAL UNIT UPPER LEVEL BALCONY 1001 SQ. FT. 643 SQ. FT. 45 SQ. FT. 443 SQ. FT. 2133 SQ. FT. 83 SQ. FT. Principal Ave Project 2-plex Townhouses (Plan 18) FOR: PROJECT: THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF JOE DUHON. ALL DESIGNS AND OTHER INFORMATION ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT AND SHALL NOT BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED, WRITTEN CONSENT OF JOE DUHON. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CHANGES TO JOE DUHON PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF AFFECTED ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT PROJECT INFO: SITE AREA: Single Family Residence PROPOSED USE: LIVING BUILDING AREA: -- Sq. Ft. 0" BUILDING HEIGHT: DATE: REVISION: 07/26/2018 Atascadero, CA ECR Principal, LLC 125 S. Bowling Green Way Los Angeles, CA 90049 GARAGE PORCHES TOTAL -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft.Principal Ave Project2-plex Townhouses (Plan 18)18.1 SHEET 1/4"=1'-0"SCALE: FLOOR PLANS Joe Duhon 459-6713 - phone 461-6713 - fax joe@duhon.com ShadeTreeHomeDesign& Drafting 10/16/2018 47 48 49 20'-0 1/2"20'-0 1/2"20'-0 1/2"STACKEDW/DPANTRY PANTRYPANTRY KINGFULLFULLW.D.D. DESK D. DESK LOT 46 OPTION LOWER FLOOR PLANS UPPER FLOOR PLANS UNIT #1 UNIT #2 UNIT #4 - UPPER MASTER BEDROOM 12'2" x 10'10" BED #2 9'8" x 9'6" BATH #2 M. BATH BED #3 9'8" x 9'6" KITCHEN LIVING UNIT #3 - LOWER ENTRY KITCHEN LIVING GARAGE GARAGE LIVING DINING KITCHEN STORAGE 64 CU. FT. STORAGE SHELF 46 CU. FT. MASTER BEDROOM BED #2 BATH #2 BALCONY BED #2 BED #3 WARD. MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH BATH #2 M. BATH BED #3 KITCHEN LIVING STORAGE BED #2 BED #3 WARD. MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH BATH #2 6'-6"9'-8"4'-0"6'-6"21'-6"5'-0" 8'-0"22'-0"1-CAR UNIT AREAS UPPER LEVEL LIVING SPACE LOWER LEVEL LIVING SPACE COVERED PORCH GARAGE TOTAL UNIT LOT 46 ALT. PORCH 840 SQ. FT. 579 SQ. FT. 63 SQ. FT. 262 SQ. FT. 1744 SQ. FT. 156 SQ. FT. "STACKED FLAT" UPPER UNIT AREAS LIVING SPACE COVERED PORCH TOTAL UNIT UPPER LEVEL BALCONY 1056 SQ. FT. 39 SQ. FT. 1095 SQ. FT. 113 SQ. FT. "STACKED FLAT" LOWER UNIT AREAS LIVING SPACE COVERED PORCH TOTAL UNIT 983 SQ. FT. 108 SQ. FT. 1091 SQ. FT. Principal Ave Project 4-plex w/ Stacked Flats (Plan 19) FOR: PROJECT: THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF JOE DUHON. ALL DESIGNS AND OTHER INFORMATION ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT AND SHALL NOT BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED, WRITTEN CONSENT OF JOE DUHON. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CHANGES TO JOE DUHON PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF AFFECTED ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT PROJECT INFO: SITE AREA: Single Family Residence PROPOSED USE: LIVING BUILDING AREA: -- Sq. Ft. 0" BUILDING HEIGHT: DATE: REVISION: 09/09/2018 Atascadero, CA ECR Principal, LLC 125 S. Bowling Green Way Los Angeles, CA 90049 GARAGE PORCHES TOTAL -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft.Principal Ave Project4-plex w/ Stacked Flats(Plan 19)Joe Duhon 459-6713 - phone 461-6713 - fax joe@duhon.com ShadeTreeHomeDesign& Drafting 10/16/2018 19.1 SHEET 3/16"=1'-0"SCALE: FLOOR PLANS 50 51 52 930930930 93 5 940945 945945 93193293393 4 93 6 93 7 93 8 93 9 941 942 943 944 9 4 6 9 4 7 9 4 8 9499359 4 0 9369 3 7 9 3 8 9 3 9 945 9 4 3 944947947946 9359409369379389399419429359409329339349369 3 7 9 3 8 9 3 9 935940936937938939 945943944946940945 943944940938939941945949WWWWWW G G SSSSSSSS JPJPEP2+25948.562+50 947.712+75946.933+00946.193+25945.523+50945.143+75944.844+00944.534+25944.224+50943.924+75943.615 + 0 0 94 3 . 3 0 5+ 2 5 94 2 . 8 2 5+50941.675+75940.016+00938.536 + 2 5 9 3 8 . 0 26+50937.946+75939.777+00942.231+83.201+00946.541+25 946.681+50946.811+750+00942.000+25942.630+50943.260+75943.891+00944.5226.3'20.8'20.0'20.2'24.3'20.0'25.5'20.5'20.2'18.0'22.5'20.0'20.0'20.0'18.0'22.5'20.4'22.5'20.0'27.1'22.1'C O U R T ' 2 'C O U R T ' 1 'S T R E E T ' A 'R=34'R=30'R=30'PROJECTBOUNDARY TYP7.10.11PLAN 17-B12.13.14.15PLAN 1616.17LOWER19.20PLAN 17-A22.24PLAN 18-A25.26PLAN 18-B27.29PLAN 17-B28.30.33PLAN 17-A34.32.36PLAN 19-A35.37LOWER57COMMON59OPEN SPACE61OPEN SPACE38UPPER31.RETAININGWALL TYPRETAININGWALL TYPRETAININGWALL TYP9.21.R= 2 0'R=20'R=30'R=30'R=140'20'16'5'5'11'1 8 '5'10'18'18'18'8'5'5'5'5'13'5'5'5'5'8'5'8'5'20'R= 2 0'R= 2 0'R= 2 0'R=20'5'8'10'15'18UPPER9.8'23.6'5'5'TANDEM PARKINGFOR UNITS 17 & 1816.2'12.8'13.9'17.8'12.9'16.9'12.5'18'58ROADS59OPEN SPACE64OPEN SPACE22.6' 27.3'32.9'12.5'8'8'12.5'35366 Exp. 9/30/19IMOTHYP.ROBER TSCIV I LREGISTEREDPROFESSIONALE N GINEERSTATEOF CA L IF O RNIAT9/26/2018 8:40 AM Record Drawings Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/19 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 Revisions This Sheet: Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/19 Public Works Director Approved for City Requirements Date Date Design/Drawn Job # City Plan Checker City W.O. No. California Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5) Roberts Engineering, Inc. Email tim@robertsenginc.com Civil Engineer - RCE 35366 Timothy P. Roberts Fax (805) 238-6148 Phone (805) 239-0664 Templeton, CA 93465 2015 Vista de la Vina Roberts Engineering Website robertsenginc.comSHEETPRE LI MI N A R Y NORTH 201002040SCALE: 1" = 20'N 2367200 E 5772640 1651 Tract 3070 - Principal - Improvement Plans Site Plan C-2.1TR/JM53 950951955960965951 952953954956957958959961962963964966967968955960965954956957958959961962963964955956957 958 9509 4 8 9499559609 6 0 955950 947947948 949950946947948949945950946947948949950946947948949951950951952 95395 4 950945940945 943944946947948949949951952953954W WWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W WWWWWWWGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEPUPPJP UPJPJPJPJPUPOHOHOHOHOHOHOHNOPARKING19+00 19+5020+0020+500+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 0+00 0+501+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+505+0020.0'20.0'22.0' 20.0'20.0'20.0'20.0'20.0'20.0'20.0'0+00956.520+25956.150+50955.500+75954.561+00953.541+25952.511+50951.491+75950.462+00949.472+25948.562+50947.712+75946.933+00946.191+25951.791+50951.961+75952.142+00952.312+25952.492+50952.662+75952.923+00953.193+25952.763+50953.013+75953.524+00954.034+25955.044+50957.044+75959.541+83.200+00946.000+25946.140+50946.270+75946.411+00946.541+25946.681+50946.811+7520.0' 22.5' 22.2'20.0'20.4'22.5'20.0'20.0'22.3'22.5'22.2'20.5'0+00 0+501+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+505+0019+00 19+5020+0020+500+250+500+751+001+251+501+752+002+252+50 2+753+003+25 3+50R=20'E L C A M I N O R E A LP R I N C I P A L A V ES T R E E T ' A 'S T R E E T ' B 'C O U R T ' 2 ' P I N O S O L O A V E R =20'R=20'R=20'9'R=140'R=450'1PLAN 13-A2PLAN 13-B3PLAN 13-C5PLAN 14-A4.6.8PLAN 18-A7.36PLAN 19-A35.37LOWER41PLAN 19-B42.43.44PLAN 14-A45.47PLAN 19-A46.48LOWER49UPPER51PLAN 1554. SPACE57COMMON59OPEN SPACE60OPEN SPACE61OPEN SPACE62OPEN SPACE63CAR WASH64OPEN SPACE6538UPPER39LOWER40LOWERRETAININGWALL TYPRETAININGWALL TYPRETAININGWALL TYP9.55.R=140'R=20'R=20'20'24'20'2 0 '5' 4 ' 5'10'10'5'5'5'5'5'11'15.6' 1 8 '5'10'4 '8.8 '8.7 '4.8'7.6'15'15'5'5.5 '8'10'15'20'15'R=20'R=20'5'10'5'5'10'5'8'6 . 6 '18'24'18'6'5'5'5'5'18.6'12.5'12'10'5'3.5'3.5'5'7.4'10.8'7.7'35366 Exp. 9/30/19IMOTHYP.ROBER TSCIV I LREGISTEREDPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALIFORNIAT9/26/2018 8:40 AM Record Drawings Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/19 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 Revisions This Sheet: Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/19 Public Works Director Approved for City Requirements Date Date Design/Drawn Job # City Plan Checker City W.O. No. California Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5) Roberts Engineering, Inc. Email tim@robertsenginc.com Civil Engineer - RCE 35366 Timothy P. Roberts Fax (805) 238-6148 Phone (805) 239-0664 Templeton, CA 93465 2015 Vista de la Vina Roberts Engineering Website robertsenginc.comSHEETPRE LI MI N A R Y NORTH2010020 40SCALE: 1" = 20'N 2367200 E 5772640 1651 Tract 3070 - Principal - Improvement Plans Site Plan C-2.2TR/JM54 930930930 93 5 940945 945945 93193293393 4 93 6 93 7 93 8 93 9 941 942 943 944 9 4 6 9 4 7 9 4 8 9499359 4 0 9369 3 7 9 3 8 9 3 9 945 9 4 3 944947947946 9359409369379389399419429359409329339349369 3 7 9 3 8 9 3 9 935940936937938939 945943944946940945 943944940938939941945949WWWWWW G G SSSSSSSS JPJPEP2+25948.562+50 947.712+75946.933+00946.193+25945.523+50945.143+75944.844+00944.534+25944.224+50943.924+75943.615 + 0 0 94 3 . 3 0 5+ 2 5 94 2 . 8 2 5+50941.675+75940.016+00938.536 + 2 5 9 3 8 . 0 26+50937.946+75939.777+00942.231+83.201+00946.541+25 946.681+50946.811+750+00942.000+25942.630+50943.260+75943.891+00944.5226.3'20.8'20.0'20.2'24.3'20.0'25.5'20.5'20.2'18.0'22.5'20.0'20.0'20.0'18.0'22.5'20.4'22.5'20.0'27.1'22.1'C O U R T ' 2 'C O U R T ' 1 'S T R E E T ' A 'R=34'R=30'R=30'PROJECTBOUNDARY TYP7.10.11PLAN 17-B12.13.14.15PLAN 1616.17LOWER19.20PLAN 17-A22.24PLAN 18-A25.26PLAN 18-B27.29PLAN 17-B28.30.33PLAN 17-A34.32.36PLAN 19-A35.37LOWER57COMMON59OPEN SPACE61OPEN SPACE38UPPER31.RETAININGWALL TYPRETAININGWALL TYPRETAININGWALL TYP9.21.R= 2 0'R=20'R=30'R=30'R=140'20'16'5'5'11'1 8 '5'10'18'18'18'8'5'5'5'5'13'5'5'5'5'8'5'8'5'20'R= 2 0'R= 2 0'R= 2 0'R=20'5'8'10'15'18UPPER9.8'23.6'5'5'TANDEM PARKINGFOR UNITS 17 & 18930930930 93 5 940945 945945 93193293393 4 93 6 93 7 93 8 93 9 941 942 943 944 9 4 6 9 4 7 9 4 8 9499359 4 0 9369 3 7 9 3 8 9 3 9 945 9 4 3 944947947946 9359409369379389399419429359409329339349369 3 7 9 3 8 9 3 9 935940936937938939 945943944946940945 943944940938939941945949WWWWWW G G SSSSSSSS JPJPEP2+25948.562+50 947.712+75946.933+00946.193+25945.523+50945.143+75944.844+00944.534+25944.224+50943.924+75943.615 + 0 0 94 3 . 3 0 5+ 2 5 94 2 . 8 2 5+50941.675+75940.016+00938.536 + 2 5 9 3 8 . 0 26+50937.946+75939.777+00942.231+83.201+00946.541+25 946.681+50946.811+750+00942.000+25942.630+50943.260+75943.891+00944.5226.3'20.8'20.0'20.2'24.3'20.0'25.5'20.5'20.2'18.0'22.5'20.0'20.0'20.0'18.0'22.5'20.4'22.5'20.0'27.1'22.1'35366 Exp. 9/30/19IMOTHYP.ROBER TSCIV I LREGISTEREDPROFESSIONALE N GINEERSTATEOF CA L IF O RNIAT9/25/2018 12:27 PM Record Drawings Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/19 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 Revisions This Sheet: Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/19 Public Works Director Approved for City Requirements Date Date Design/Drawn Job # City Plan Checker City W.O. No. California Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5) Roberts Engineering, Inc. Email tim@robertsenginc.com Civil Engineer - RCE 35366 Timothy P. Roberts Fax (805) 238-6148 Phone (805) 239-0664 Templeton, CA 93465 2015 Vista de la Vina Roberts Engineering Website robertsenginc.comSHEETPRE LI MI N A R Y NORTH 201002040SCALE: 1" = 20'N 2367200 E 5772640 1651 Tract 3070 - Principal - Improvement Plans Site Plan C-2.1TR/JM55 950951955960965951 952953954956957958959961962963964966967968955960965954956957958959961962963964955956957 958 9509 4 8 9499559609 6 0 955950 947947948 949950946947948949945950946947948949950946947948949951950951952 95395 4 950945940945 943944946947948949949951952953954W WWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W WWWWWWWGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEPUPPJP UPJPJPJPJPUPOHOHOHOHOHOHOHNOPARKING19+00 19+5020+0020+500+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 0+00 0+501+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+505+0020.0'20.0'22.0' 20.0'20.0'20.0'20.0'20.0'20.0'20.0'0+00956.520+25956.150+50955.500+75954.561+00953.541+25952.511+50951.491+75950.462+00949.472+25948.562+50947.712+75946.933+00946.191+25951.791+50951.961+75952.142+00952.312+25952.492+50952.662+75952.923+00953.193+25952.763+50953.013+75953.524+00954.034+25955.044+50957.044+75959.541+83.200+00946.000+25946.140+50946.270+75946.411+00946.541+25946.681+50946.811+7520.0' 22.5' 22.2'20.0'20.4'22.5'20.0'20.0'22.3'22.5'22.2'20.5'0+00 0+501+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+505+0019+00 19+5020+0020+500+250+500+751+001+251+501+752+002+252+50 2+753+003+25 3+50R=20'E L C A M I N O R E A LP R I N C I P A L A V ES T R E E T ' A 'S T R E E T ' B 'C O U R T ' 2 ' P I N O S O L O A V E R =20'R=20'R=20'9'R=140'R=450'1PLAN 13-A2PLAN 13-B3PLAN 13-C5PLAN 14-A4.6.8PLAN 18-A7.36PLAN 19-A35.37LOWER41PLAN 19-B42.43.44PLAN 14-A45.47PLAN 19-A46.48LOWER49UPPER51PLAN 1554. SPACE57COMMON59OPEN SPACE60OPEN SPACE61OPEN SPACE62OPEN SPACE63CAR WASH64OPEN SPACE6538UPPER39LOWER40LOWERRETAININGWALL TYPRETAININGWALL TYPRETAININGWALL TYP9.55.R=140'R=20'R=20'20'24'20'2 0 '5' 4 ' 5'10'10'5'5'5'5'5'11'15.6' 1 8 '5'10'4 '8.8 '8.7 '4.8'7.6'15'15'5'5.5 '8'10'15'20'15'R=20'R=20'5'10'5'5'10'5'8'6 . 6 '18'24'18'6'5'5'950951955960965951 952953954956957958959961962963964966967968955960965954956957958959961962963964955956957 958 9509 4 8 9499559609 6 0 955950 947947948 949950946947948949945950946947948949950946947948949951950951952 95395 4 950945940945 943944946947948949949951952953954W WWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W WWWWWWWGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEPUPPJP UPJPJPJPJPUPOHOHOHOHOHOHOHNOPARKING19+00 19+5020+0020+500+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 0+00 0+501+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+505+0020.0'20.0'22.0' 20.0'20.0'20.0'20.0'20.0'20.0'20.0'0+00956.520+25956.150+50955.500+75954.561+00953.541+25952.511+50951.491+75950.462+00949.472+25948.562+50947.712+75946.933+00946.191+25951.791+50951.961+75952.142+00952.312+25952.492+50952.662+75952.923+00953.193+25952.763+50953.013+75953.524+00954.034+25955.044+50957.044+75959.541+83.200+00946.000+25946.140+50946.270+75946.411+00946.541+25946.681+50946.811+7520.0' 22.5' 22.2'20.0'20.4'22.5'20.0'20.0'22.3'22.5'22.2'20.5'35366 Exp. 9/30/19IMOTHYP.ROBER TSCIVI LREGISTEREDPROFESSIONALE N GINEERSTATEOF CAL IF O RNIAT9/25/2018 12:28 PM Record Drawings Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/19 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 Revisions This Sheet: Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/19 Public Works Director Approved for City Requirements Date Date Design/Drawn Job # City Plan Checker City W.O. No. California Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5) Roberts Engineering, Inc. Email tim@robertsenginc.com Civil Engineer - RCE 35366 Timothy P. Roberts Fax (805) 238-6148 Phone (805) 239-0664 Templeton, CA 93465 2015 Vista de la Vina Roberts Engineering Website robertsenginc.comSHEETPRE LI MI N A R Y NORTH2010020 40SCALE: 1" = 20'N 2367200 E 5772640 1651 Tract 3070 - Principal - Improvement Plans Site Plan C-2.2TR/JM56 PRINCIPAL MIXED USE VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 3070, PRINCIPAL AVE., ATASCADERO, CA CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN 10/4/18 L-1 PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL EL CAMIN O REALPRINC IPAL AVE .STREET ‘B’STREET ‘A’COURT ‘1 ’COURT ‘2’PINO SOLO AVE 1 7 7 7 3 14 5 15 15 15 15 4 4 4 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 13 4 4 4 4 13 13 13 13 11 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 15 7 7 14 14 14 14 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 18 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 9 99 9 9 9 9 9 9 SCALE: 1”= 30’ 12 10 12 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 WATER USE CALCULATIONS (MAWA/ETWU) CHILD’S PLAY STRUCTURE 53 2 4 LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS KEYNOTE LEGEND 1 EVERGREEN SCREENING TREES 2 DECOMPOSED GRANITE / GRAVEL PATH 3 TOT LOT WITH SAFETY SURFACING 4 DECORATIVE PERMEABLE CONCRETE PAVERS 5 NATURAL PLAY AREA WITH CLIMBING BOULDERS 6 PRIVATE FRONT YARD LANDSCAPING, TYP. 7 BACKYARD LANDSCAPING BY HOMEOWNER, TYP. 8 COMMON AREA LANDSCAPING 9 SOLID WOOD FENCE (6’ HEIGHT, REAR AND SIDE YARDS) 10 PROJECT MONUMENT SIGN 11 BIKE RACK 12 PEDESTRIAN BENCH 13 PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK 14 CONCRETE OR DECOMPOSED GRANITE PATIO WITH PICNIC TABLE(S) 15 COMMON OPEN NATURAL PARK SPACE 16 BASIN PER CIVIL PLANS (NATIVE GRASS & WILDFLOWER HYDROSEED MIX) 17 VEGETATED BIOSWALE 18 SCREEN/SOUND WALL # P14 P2 P11 P8 P6 P10 P13 P3 P1 P4 P5 P12 P9 P9 P7 Calculate Max Annual Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) and Estimated Total Water Use (ETWU): City State Zip To determine if plantings are Low, Moderate or High water requirement plants, see CA Dept of Water Resources Species Evaluation List: http://www.slocity.org/utilities/download/outdoorconserv.pdf Enter values for your project in square feet:MAWA Gallons 1,102,871.92 Total Landscape Area 51493 MAWA Units 1,474.43 Turf 1030 Low (Drought Tolerant) 40679 ETWU Gallons 537,658.13 Moderate 9784 ETWU Units 718.79 High (Thirsty)0 Sports Field 0 Vegetables 0 [check total] 51493 Average Eto for San Luis Obispo City (2000-2009) = 49.35 inches /year Mandated ET adjustment factor = 0.70 Conversion factor (gallons to square feet) = 0.62 LA = Landscape Area SLA = Special Landscape Area (sports field, vegetable garden) SLA adjustment factor = 0.30 PF = Plant Factor from WUCOLS III HA = Hydrozone Area square feet IE = Irrigation Efficiency (80%) Units = Billing Units or 748 gallons MAWA = (Eto)(0.62)[0.7 * LA + 0.3 * SLA] ETWU = (Eto)(.062)((PF*HA)/IE+SLA) Fax No. Email Address Company Street Address Project Name Name of Project Applicant Title Telephone No. O:\Principal Mixed Use H.Marshall- Planning_13-0069\Correspondence\PMU mawa-etwu calc 6/19/2018 Calculate Max Annual Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) and Estimated Total Water Use (ETWU): City State Zip To determine if plantings are Low, Moderate or High water requirement plants, see CA Dept of Water Resources Species Evaluation List: http://www.slocity.org/utilities/download/outdoorconserv.pdf Enter values for your project in square feet:MAWA Gallons 1,102,871.92 Total Landscape Area 51493 MAWA Units 1,474.43 Turf 1030 Low (Drought Tolerant) 40679 ETWU Gallons 537,658.13 Moderate 9784 ETWU Units 718.79 High (Thirsty)0 Sports Field 0 Vegetables 0 [check total] 51493 Average Eto for San Luis Obispo City (2000-2009) = 49.35 inches /year Mandated ET adjustment factor = 0.70 Conversion factor (gallons to square feet) = 0.62 LA = Landscape Area SLA = Special Landscape Area (sports field, vegetable garden) SLA adjustment factor = 0.30 PF = Plant Factor from WUCOLS III HA = Hydrozone Area square feet IE = Irrigation Efficiency (80%) Units = Billing Units or 748 gallons MAWA = (Eto)(0.62)[0.7 * LA + 0.3 * SLA] ETWU = (Eto)(.062)((PF*HA)/IE+SLA) Fax No. Email Address Company Street Address Project Name Name of Project Applicant Title Telephone No. O:\Principal Mixed Use H.Marshall- Planning_13-0069\Correspondence\PMU mawa-etwu calc 6/19/2018 57 PRINCIPAL MIXED USE VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 3070, PRINCIPAL AVE., ATASCADERO, CA PROPOSED FENCING PLAN 10/4/18 L-2 SCALE: 1”=60’ 6’ SOLID WOOD (SEE DETAIL BELOW) SCALE 1/4” = 1’-0” FENCE LEGEND SOLID WOOD FENCE PINO SOLO AVE.PRINC IPAL AVE . STREET ‘A’COURT ‘2’COURT ‘1 ’STREET ‘B’EL CAMINO REAL58 PRINCIPAL MIXED USE VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 3070, PRINCIPAL AVE., ATASCADERO, CA SITE SECTIONS- 10/4/18 L-3 SCALE: 1”=10’ 9100 PINO SOLO AVE CONTEXTUAL SITE PLAN VIEW EAST FROM LOT 17 TOWARD EXISTING RESIDENCE 9100 PINO SOLO PINO SOLO AVE. 9100 PINO SOLO AVE.PRINC IPAL AVE . LOT 17 59 PRINCIPAL MIXED USE VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 3070, PRINCIPAL AVE., ATASCADERO, CA SITE SECTIONS- 10/4/18 L-49120 PINO SOLO AVE SCALE: 1”=10’ VIEW EAST FROM LOT 15 TOWARD EXISTING RESIDENCECONTEXTUAL SITE PLAN PINO SOLO AVE. 9120 PINO SOLO AVE.PRINC IPAL AVE . LOT 15 LOT 15 60 PRINCIPAL MIXED USE VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 3070, PRINCIPAL AVE., ATASCADERO, CA SITE SECTIONS- 10/4/18 L-59200 PINO SOLO AVE SCALE: 1”=10’ VIEW EAST FROM LOT 9 TOWARD EXISTING RESIDENCE VIEW NORTH FROM LOT 6 TOWARD EXISTING RESIDENCE SECTION ‘A’ SECTION ‘B’CONTEXTUAL SITE PLAN PINO SOLO AVE. 9200 PINO SOLO AVE.PRINC IPAL AVE . LOT 6 LOT 9 A B LOT 9 LOT 6 61 PLAN TYPE AND COLOR SCHEDULE PLAN TYPE PLAN 13 PLAN 14 PLAN 15 PLAN 16 PLAN 17 PLAN 18 PLAN 19 COLOR SCHEME A B C A B A B A B A B LOT NUMBERS 1 2 3 4,5,6 & 43,44,45 7,8,9 50,51,52,53,54,55 14,15,16,17,18 19,20,21,22 & 31,32,33,34 10,11,12,13 & 27,28,29,30 23,24 25,26 35,36,37,38 & 46,47,48,49 39,40,41,42 PLAN 17-B PLAN 15 PLAN 19 -APLAN 14 -BPLAN 19 -BPLAN 17-APLAN 17-BPLAN 16 PLAN 17-AP L A N 1 8 - A PLAN 18-B PLAN 13-BPLAN 18-APLAN 13 -APLAN 14-APLAN 13-CLOT 1 LOT 2LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 10LOT 11LOT 12LOT 13LOT 14LOT 15LOT 16LOT 17LOT 18 LOT 19 LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 LOT 24 LOT 25 LOT 26 LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 LOT 31 LOT 32 LOT 33 LOT 34 LOT 35 LOT 36 LOT 37 LOT 38 LOT 39 LOT 40 LOT 41 LOT 42 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 45 LOT 48 LOT 49 LOT 47 LOT 46 LOT 50 LOT 51 LOT 52 LOT 53 LOT 54 LOT 55 SIDE ELEV. TYPE 2 SIDE ELEV. TYPE 1SIDE ELEV. TYPE 1SIDE ELEV. TYPE 2 SIDE ELEV. TYPE 2 SIDE ELEV. TYPE 2 SIDE ELEV. TYPE 1SIDE ELEV. TYPE 1 SIDE ELEV. TYPE 2 SIDE ELEV. TYPE 1 SIDE ELEV. TYPE 2 SIDE ELEV. TYPE 2 PLAN 19 -AB O O K K E E P I N GB R O K E RA R C H I T E C TE N G I N E E R1 2341 2361 238 1 2401 242 1 244 SIDE ELEV. TYPE 2Principal Ave Project Elevation Site Key FOR: PROJECT: THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF JOE DUHON. ALL DESIGNS AND OTHER INFORMATION ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT AND SHALL NOT BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED, WRITTEN CONSENT OF JOE DUHON. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CHANGES TO JOE DUHON PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF AFFECTED ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT PROJECT INFO: SITE AREA: Single Family Residence PROPOSED USE: LIVING BUILDING AREA: -- Sq. Ft. 0" BUILDING HEIGHT: DATE: REVISION: 07/26/2018 Atascadero, CA ECR Principal, llc 125 S. Bowling Green Way Los Angeles, CA 90049 GARAGE PORCHES TOTAL -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft. -- Sq. Ft.Principal Ave ProjectElevation Site KeyA0 SHEET SCALE: ELEVATION SITE KEY Joe Duhon 459-6713 - phone 461-6713 - fax joe@duhon.com ShadeTreeHomeDesign& Drafting 10/18/2018 62