HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/09/1984 t AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 9, 1984 7:30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment City Council Comments A. CONSENT CALENDAR __` NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If. dis- cussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calen- dar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 26, 1984 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer ' s Report - 3/1/84 to 3/31/84 3. Finance Director ' s Report - 3/1/84 to 3/31/84 4. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA830615:1, 2900 and 3000 San Fernando Road (Lots 11 and 12 , Block 26) , Greg Filip poni/Jerry Frederick (Bethell and Associates) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5. Lot Line Adjustment 4-84, 5100 Alamo and 5015 Rosario (Lots 13 and 58, Block Q) , Frank Garza for adjustment of property lines to remedy the encroachment of an existing residence onto an adjacent lot. (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMIS- SION RECOMMENDATION) 6. Tentative Tract Map 3-84, 9740 Las Lomas Avenue (Ptn. Lot _.37 A.D.S. Addition #1) , Bob Benson (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow creation of seven residential condominium units for a multiple family project under construction (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7. Tentative Parcel Map 2-84, 11745 Halton Road (Lot 19, Block 68) Bella Vista Investment Company (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow division of 10 . 39 acres into two parcels of 4.87 and 5. 52 acres each (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 8. Tentative Parcel Map 1-84 , 9333 Musselman Road (Ptn. Lot 4 Block 7, Eaglet #2) Rex Hendrix (Orton) to allow division of 2. 66 acres into two parcels of 2.00 and 0.66 acres each (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 9. Exception 1-84, 3650 Traffic Way (Ptn. Lot 2, Estrada Tract) Kenneth Gross (Lilley) to allow the granting of an exception to Condition 1 (c) of Parcel Map CO 78-18 requiring that par- Iles connect to the community water system. , (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1. Public hearing to consider an application for grant funding under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Non entitlement Program in the amount of $600,000 for a_ con- gregate senior citizens housing development 2. Public Works Department- Quarterly Report C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No 77 - Amending the Text of Title 9 `(Zoning' Reg- ulations) Concerning "Indoor Recreation" Uses - second read- ing 2. Ordinance No. 79 Amending Map No. 11 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero by Changing Certain Properties on San Palo Road from RSF-Z (Residential Single Family) to CT (Commercial Tourist) - first reading D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation of the annual Franchise fee payment to the City ,, by Falcon Cable TV 2. Treasurer Replacement Procedure 3. Proposal from Caldwell-Banker regarding use of the 'old Ice House' on Traffic Way for an interium recreation center 4. Resolution calling for support of an initiative ordinance for the Port of San Luis Harbor District requiring electorate approval of offshore oil support activities in the Harbor 5. Request of Transfer of Funds from Contingency Fund to Finance Department in the amount of $360 to hire an Account Clerk one week in advance of current Account Clerk' s termination date E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT 1. Ordinance No. 78 - Amending and Repealing Certain Sections of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code second reading F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager NOTE; There will be a closed session to consider personnel matters; no announcement will be made after the closed session is anticipated_ `` . :-cTLI AGENDAS_ ITEM MINUTES MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting ` March 26, 1984 Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Rollin Dexter of the Methodist- Church gave the invo- cation. ROLL CALL Present: Councilman Molina, Nelson, Stover, Wilkins and Mayor Mackey. Absent: None STAFF: -- Present: TAFF: -Present: Murray, Warden, City Manager Ralph Dowell, Finance Director; Allen Grimes, City Attorney Georgia Ramirez, Deputy City Clerk; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Skip Joannes, Recreation Director; ,Bud McHale, Police Chief; Barbara Norris, City Clerk; Joel Moses, Planning Depart- ment;- Larry McPherson, Public Works Director; and Steve Rizzuto, City Treasurer. PUBLIC COMMENT Brad Humphrey spoke regarding the restrictions of parking on El Camino Real, noting that it was unfair and impractical for the employees of the Atascadero News Mayor Mackey asked why it should be any different • there, when theme is a 2- hour parking limit on the rest of that street. After some discussion Council decided to leave it ;as they had approved at the meeting of March 12, 1984. COUNCIL COMMENT Mayor Mackey reminded Council about the Central Coast LOCC' Meeting in Montecito on April 22. The cost ;is $18 per person for the bus trip shared with other members who may be attending. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 12,' 1984 . (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Acceptance of Tract Map at 820715:1 and Road Name Request 9990 El Camino Real (Lot 6 Block 34) , David and Gerald Marazzo (Heim) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 3. Lot Line Adjustment 2-84, 7545 Tecorida and 7600 Cristobal (Lots- 6 and 32 Block -OB,) , ,Wally La Freniere (Stewart) to ajdust property lines to increase the size of two parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 4. Tentative Parcel ,Map 18-83, 11845 Halcon Road (Lot 18, Block 68) , Jack and Patrick Rodda (Hilliard Surveys) to allow div- ision of 9.2 acres of land into two parcels of 4.6 acres each (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved to approve items A 1-4 of the Conse it Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and was unanimously approved by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1. Public Hearing on Zone Change 1-83, 6000 San Palo Road (Ptns. Lot l and 2, Block 2) Sandra Summers (Hohenstein) to allow rezoning of property from RSF-Z (Residential Single Family) :to CT .(Commercial Tourist) Joel Moses from the Planning_ Department made the staff report. Hank Hohenstein, representing Sandra Summers,.: askgd, the City Council to support the findings of the Planning Commission for a-change of zoning from a RA to CT. Mr. Jones, representing Mr. & Mrs Rentschler, spoke regard- ing the need for a buffer between the commerical and resi- dential zones. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to concur with the Planning Commis- sion recommendation.; Seconded by Councilman Molina. Motion was carried by 4:1, with Mayor Mackey voting no. 2. Sphere of Influence to consider the recommendation to thle San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for- a sphere of influence for the City of Atascadero. Joel Moses of the Planning Department gave the staff report. Rex Hendrix said he is opposed to any extension of city in- fluence or nfluence"or control east of the Salinas River'. Chris Jesperson said that they have kept this area clean themselves, that they are opposed to the proposed Sphere of Influence, and that the river has been a clean cut dividing line and should remain so. Councilman Wilkins said he believed the cut `off line should be at the river. Councilman Nelson said that the sphere of influence is not a negative thing, it can pro- duce positive results in keeping over building from occuring and that the city has 'to look to the future. Councilman Stover said he thinks the river is a good place to stop. Mike Cox said he didn't think that everyone really understood whatthesphere of influence really meant and asked staff to explain it again. MOTION: Councilman Molina moved, seconded by Councilman Nelson to adopt the planning commission's recommendation attachment B. Motion was carried 4:1, with Mayor Mackey voting no. -2 3. Road Maintenance Districts, - Progress Report by Public Works Director. Larry McPherson, Public Works Director, reported that in the past 32 months substantially no progress has been made due to the complexity of the problem and because of staff vacancies. He was hopeful that he would be able to move quicker and noted that presently he is developing a computer program that could assist greatly in this type of problem. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Amendment to the South Atascadero Park Plan to include Little League ball diamond MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved, seconded by Councilman Nelson to approve the amendment to the South Atascadero Park to include a Little League ball diamond. Passed unanimously 5 : 0. 2. Transfer of funds from contingency reserve for contract services (Plan checking) & overtime in the amount of $5, 000 MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved, seconded by Councilman Stover to transfer $5, 000 from contingency reserve. Passed 5 : 0 by roll call vote. 3 . Ordinance No. 77 - Amending the Text of Title 9 (Zoning regulations) Concerning "Indoor Recreation" Uses - first reading. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved, seconded by Councilman Nelson to read Ordinance No. 77 by title only. Passed unanimously. MOTION: By Councilman Wilkins, seconded by Councilman Nelson that this constitutued first reading. Passed 4:1, by roll call vote with Councilman Molina voting no. E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (Council recessed and convened as the Atascadero County Sanita- tion District Board of Directors) MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved, seconded by Councilman Molina to recess as Council and convene as the Atascadero Sanitation District Board of Directors. Passed unanimously. -3- 0 • 1. Ordinance No. 78 - Amending and repealing Certain Sections of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code. MOTION: Director Wilkins moved, seconded by Director Molina that 0 Ordinance No. 78 be read by title only. Passed unanimously. MOTION: Director Nelson moved, seconded by Director Wilkins that this constitutes first reading. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. MOTION: Director Wilkins moved, seconded by Director Nelson to re- cess of the Atascadero County Sanitation District and recon- vene as the City Council. Passed unanimously. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council Mayor Mackey reminded Council of the LOCC meeting in Montecito. 2. City Attorney None 3. City Clerk None 4. City Treasurer None 5. City Manager None The meeting was adjourned to a closed session at 9 :00, reconvened at 9: 30 and the meeting was adjourned at 9: 31. Recorded by: GEORGIA RAMIREZ, Deputy City Clerk MEETING- At,�avvF+ ITEM • CITY OF ATASCACERO TREASURER'S REPORT MARCH 1, 1984 TO MARCH 31, 1984 RECEIPTS TAXES Property Tax 14,377.83 Cigarette Tax 3,735.31 Motor Vehicle "In Lieu" 27,201.72 Sales & Use 156,990.34 LICENSES/PERMITS/FEES 20,143. 25 GAS TAX 21,925 80 TRAFFIC SAFETY 6,380.55 RECREATION FEES 20,174.67_ RETURNED FROM LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND AND MATURED TIME DEPOSITS 175,000`.00 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 2,821.56 TRANSPORTATION SB-325 -0- • REVENUE SHARING -0- MISCELLANEOUS Rents/Concessions 493.60 Sale Maps/Publications/Reports 351.76 Special Police Services 27.00 Fines & Penalties936.30 Dial-A-Ride Farebox 2,103.00 Bails/Bonds 605.50 Reimbursement to Expense 370.53 Wil-Mar Disposal Contract 3,954.46 Rebates 1,474.33 Refunds 1,131. 50 Sanitation District Check Exchange 32,273.00 Weed Abatement 250.41 P.O.S.T. _'Reimbursement 1,110.12 Miscellaneous 6,735.10 TOTAL $ 500,567. 64 1 • CITY OF ATASCADERO • TREASURER'S REPORT MARCH 1, 1984 TO MARCH 31, 1984 INVESTMENTS LOCAL AGENCYINVESTMENT FUND .885,000.00 TIME DEPOSIT, SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS 11.00% INTEREST, MATURES 06/15/83 100,000.00 TIME DEPOSIT, CITICORP SAVINGS 10.125% INTEREST,` MATURES 01/22/85 100 ,000.00 TIME DEPOSIT, CENTURY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN 10.25% INTEREST, MATURES 01/24/85 100,000.00 TOTAL INVESTMENT DEPOSITS 11185,000.00 12 Steven M. Rizzut LTTreasurer 2: II 4w i ! >< XXxxXx ,txxxxxxXx ,� xXxXXxxxxXxX X x x a a a a a G p c C a a a a t 2. f acoo ac co.oa ao #:7oacCD o oa ....^`a 4T -a ate=us o..'`�f1 p ! 0 ! yes a +4 o D a a a v o o u.)L C' p_r7 o c p st s' €'^.a i\a C a p a"?O'v .�'u•' r`s L^, `J* i�u7 M;Q h PJ N C'J:£ti..Cw .0 T h. C,... o h a C+{ev a 1.o N c-. v C•J ,,., C+J e+.r.� �•. *•. M i 1 CJ t `) V I{:)(IJ CD I i III aG-aaap a CDa0aa.aaa apCaC.-.O O:C`a'a•^..,GC C' as C a.CCC aC C.Caa -: � '.•� Ct! i c a o O O Q B G O o o.Cl.o 0 o c p c a c a a G a o.o a c a c oc a p p.p a o 0 o a c p o i I o G C C' o Q o C.C a a C'O o a CZ C:,a C CCD CZ O C`G o C c CD •..+- „1J�{X XXXX}<.!1-#_t-•!3! '�'a. XX>_f>_! f XXXxX .XXX XxXX XX XXXX tt.{ C9.Ca t^Lt€fil .ts:ts€{,;;:` C:s v C.+..$ •.u,{.U rst` ^a O C3€u.].:..€t.#u€J G W Ls. L. #+'W L•! i;.i°;•# t:i€fd W-L;J. { CD a o "• M .0. { a C p a p a-a.C3 a'a p C aaa p.a C.pc pp'a O p O a a p a.C a a a i a a C a C a ^. 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Cl 1 t{ � C�� ! oaaccwap aoa op �Q,^a^,c i a mac:aaaa-. r. •,€, -is i i MEETING AGENDA DATE..�'•.` = ' ITEM � •3, CITY OF ATASCADERO FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT MARCH 1, 1984 TO MARCH 31, 1984 BALANCE AS OF FEBRUARY 29, 1984 6,855.61 DEPOSITED BY TREASURER, SEE RECEIPTS, TREASURER'S REPORT, PAGE 1 500,567.64 TOTAL 507,423.25 HAND CHECK REGISTER DATED 03/31/84 224,046. 69 CHECK REGISTER DATED 03/08/84 58,559.34 CHECK REGISTER DATED 03/21/84 61,143.18 CHECK REGISTER DATED 03/29/84 50,'608.51 EXPENSE LISTING 98 ,976.59 TOTAL 493,334.71 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 1984 14,088. 54 PETTY CASH 200.00 TREASURY INVESTMENTS SEE TREASURER REPORT, PAGE 2 1,185,000.00 TOTAL $1,199,288. 54 I,RALPH` H. DOWELL JR. , do hereby certify and declare that demandsenumerated and referred to in the foregoing; register are accurate and just claims against the City and that there are funds available for payment thereof in the City;Treasury. Dated: April 4, 1984 14LI) Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. Finance Director Mu ayWarden C ' ty Ma-ger 3 U-) do C' n o oc T ` o C a Jc c p: n>* L7 L' - ''.." - C h7 w O "C' L. !'� t'7^ �.. •r-\ \ e+ _ - (�i...'It • L t -3 0 Q< :+i� w C C ,Cf,-,N:�c -.c .^� a•i r.t y y. _ , { { I IN 1 1 1 1 1 I I i I Z/ rr I m { Li. F, _ \ \ LU -Ji--"c C tt_i _ u R C LJ CO 3` fj C er•O- N 3 3.Z i.4 L^n G C^ \.co ie?in M 0.- T or, Cu cnC v `. f' XXXXXXXX:XXX X':XXxXX J XXX i.s E.y. {.`3 sv J ' k_'. y:L k•i L � t.. FLw L L"-'L w L i_7 L.-� Q _ ! � !p; 3: : is i• i I ! ! i ! i }, y,_•.'_. 4. C iJ D' C .J d O _ O C O _ a c c c LO <i :.3 i •"? 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L..;u Q U C- j _L a U —U 3 11 � � it 4111 CL En- { r C:z !._i r� I LD i 7 G7 f� Z Imo_ '.p 4 , zi n I L11 _, v v YKF os 011.1 ol 0 CITY OF ATASCADERO FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT MARCH 1, 1984 TO MARCH 31, 1984 EXPENSE LISTING PAYROLL DATED 03/07/84 CHECKS #30704-30786 48 ,917.48 PAYROLL DATED 03/21/84 CHECKS #30787-30872 50,068.33 VOID CK#30708 CK. REG. DATED 03/07/84 ( 4. 61) VOID CK#30791 CK. REG. DATED 03/21/84 ( 4.61) TOTAL $ 98 ,976. 59 35 MEETING AGENDA fi s ITEM# .�_ • • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER April 3, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA 830615:1 LOCATION: -'-2900 and 3000 San Fernando Road (Lots -11=-:and 12, Block 26) APPLICANT: Greg Filipponi/Jerry Frederick (Bethel and Associates) On July 25, 1983, the City Council approved Lot Line Adjustment LA 830615:1, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. This approval expires on July 25 , 1985. ' The zoning is RS and the General Plan designation is Suburban Single Family Residential. Staff review has determined that all conditions of :approval have been met. On April 2, 1984 , the Planning Commission reviewed the matter on its Consent Calendar and recommends acceptance of the Final Map. I RED/BUSS RORAYARDEN Ass crate Planner C' ty Mrer ps i - rfa«.r: 1fT.k [t T :71 i+ 1, ' 31 rC �Tt Fff r1 .t.. ,�:.. , �t• ,±• Y . F7 7.,•(f'P ! .i r '1,'i� k' f. , i 71 !j: ( f; i, Y. ll .�� •Yip g..+ -1 , Yr - - —� 1. �.... ;{ ._ " :� :� t_�� t'jh`-1�_h-t.$ii h�,r� (3�F�7r;l-i_I� �i+ �35��47.•. g• �';' 1 �-+'.�'w:�.W v,W q f` ( it . f f y.. ..I �r r {.f: r I:. .�. +Tif tt ,� L:- rTF I��_ h Yr _��rT , a.__A A � +'•`__ 1 - -• •i;Z -`i L r-i 1 1 1 h }} 1 !- , 1 = *0 N N O�.'� tl TT «, Tri ii r Q.N >�- w :. ° � -. i,q - r -•-r f t4 .t-r Fk � �r [: Itl{'+ � �� �y ;t f t�+�t S r j` f i 777 Tf \ �* I i{-- ,, T : We ave ���;✓ t, 1 {1 17 i 14+. * 1 1 14, tl -} i ., M ,� T j '.`. 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Ilt L� � - -- •� - i-..-- r; h�ch ae' r `"`?a� � o'L�a��yi� � :.000vozao � •�'•j ,l If_t I , r� C � i 7�� V+ m� � ....w 0 ti Y� 'W�._i a't m t�R b � 4 �4 t `♦ j.. �:, �.� btu nopi :r r,w ac. ptz � ® ' i .. AO t +� N $erNKa sv•(rte 1 i a I. I MEETING AGENDA DATE -Phi ITEM ��r i • ME M0R` ANDUM TO: CITY MANAGER April 3, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 4-84 LOCATION: 5-100 Alamo and 5015 Rosario (Lots 13 -and 58 ,-; Block Q) APPLICANT: Frank Garza REQUEST: Adjustment of property lines to remedy the encroachment of an existing residence onto an adjacent 'lot. On April 2, 1984, the Planning Commission considered the above- referenced subject unanimously approving the Lot Line Adjustment re- quest subject to the Findings and Conditions contained in the attached Staff Report. There was no discussion as the matter was considered as part of the Consent Calendar. No one appeared on the matter. ell �tFRED/BUSS MUR Y . WA DEN -s ciate Planner City i4anagey ps • afa a to e CITY OF ATASCADERO legis 1 M79 Planning Department April 2, 1984 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 4-84 LOCATION: 5.100 Alamo and 5015 Rosario (Lots 13 and 58, Block Q) APPLICANT: 'Frank Garza - REQUEST: Adjustment of property lines to remedy the encroachment of an existing residence onto an adjacent lot. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning; RSF-Y 2. General Plan: Moderate Density Single Family Residential 3. _ Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has determined the application to be a Class 5 (a) Categorical Exemption according to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4. Site Conditions: The two lots contain approximately .97 acres. Lot 58 (Parcel B) has an existing house which crosses the property Line onto Lot 13 "(Parcel A) The existing house rests upon a lev- el area atop of a hillside, which abuts both lots. Both lots slope downward from the hilltop and level out approximately 30 feet from both roadsides. Lot 58 is currently landscaped and maintained by the occupant. Lot 13 is a heavily vegetated area which exists in a natural unmaintained state. 5. Project Description: The applicant proposes an adjustment of the property line between Lots 13 -and-58 of Block Q. The property line would be adjusted ' away from the existing house towards Rosario� Drive Thus, the new net area for Lot 13, .46 acres, will be smaller than exists now, .58 'acres. This shifts approximately 5,049 square feet of property on Lot 13 to Lot 58. SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD On February 16, 1984, the Subdivision Review Board met to discuss this matter with the applicant, Frank Garza. Members of the Board in at- • tendance were: Fred Buss, Associate Planner; Patsy West, Senior Engin- eering Technician; and Vern Elliott, Fire Captain. Thecommentscen- tered around the topography of Lot 13 and the portions of the site i Lot Line Adjustment 084 � t (Garza) which are "usable" for building. The Board requested that the appli- cant provide a site map to show possible building and leach field sites. This information has since been submitted by the applicant with a percolation test report. FINDINGS 1. The application as submitted has been determined to be Categori- cally Exempt from the requirements of C.E.Q.A. 2. The .application as -submitted conforms with applicable subdivision regulations. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends ap- proval of Lot Line Adjustment 4-84 subject to the following conditions 1. The lot line adjustment as generally shown on the map attachment provided herein shall be submitted in Final Map format to be ap- proved by the Planning Department prior to recordation by the County Recorder ' s Office. 2. The proposed adjusted lot lines shall be surveyed and monuments set at the new property corners prior to recordation of the Final Map. 3. The location of all improvements and easements shall be delineated on the Final Map. 4. Approval of this Lot Line Adjustment shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless a time extension has been granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY MI'eHAEL WIXON Planning Intern REPORT APPROVED BY: GENE PEARCE Planning Director Ps 2 >JO O] �...'• P` =vs�, Ft7y.,. ;•?rtl .ter r• '�.f) �Jfr°'t ' '1 g �' � •S,.s_'1 sf � � v 97p ' •w . �, k5 ``� �� ��5b t r�45 X'`'9`"49 • /9S8> t. i.. YS>y—, '�� 9_Yi=� '-�. i��!f� it ;_{-.f a.1�. ig ��. �' ��6 r,1, r3�: zo , "ee 'rY3 Ms 11,pif '_VI ♦ _X� - .`�U` 4S�:7 +9 'ti.��. � r- N G _ 9�S ;�S� i c 1i iJ�j 41' 1�Y i2 Al a7u N v � S. - �. ��rr.o� y �� s i s 9 � os y`' r' •/S � �' s � ;4 N '�' 1�"'. _.t'.... -„fir• F s 7�6 7 d' - �. _ ` � fY1x 3 '- � _ -' n '... - .� �9���-��Y�!�*,-,35� �rs'-�"- Y-a ' y° •rF1� '.�3i 'F1 �^'t. l� �._ 2Y6to �y9�syy'v rs�s 90 ia} to $t e R � Aml t' >fi(tZN �513 ' � �`� �rS e- _ 1 a� ;- 7i o - \\ � y',Na.� �'�`.. . f� v+- .r:i.��''"+( i'. a�$�' t;. ''•l�>> S ul '$20 .- F' �.' '1 ygCy� l/� �LJ.Lrar�F ,q, 'v:.7sCo sAj: a t ,•i, ,Lrr., t �':� �.. �j'in �ps �rS' ., �G• � �t2� _ .ti�i2 `*y,,��y, .�'A ,t9� sa•f •$rl1 --�P 205po A��:. ..,�$so'►�''0 9 9'S,r��- �pP+bo. �,�5, ..19po f� rae `"'`�L`"`� 'C ` s�S� "C�r6 �' � /' 1.Vsr �°l SoS�.`> FT� 202 a , xx ee ,. faVS. 're SS/-,.: f2' r f? �� '�.�ZL��„� -P9 T, '. \'i�j2 o j�'•.7,��'•r. w:4��es ,��-.�sQ �R'-�./� •,� � �s,s`�-c�'•}b �q �"'i2�"\'I`�,� T t dei --ft. J: SAO r.�..::/-"��4/ r_�r6S ..lr�..- _�=.�w..�N 14- ��3.�:• Vis' 1" j�'�• 1S,ri 5 rK Sj t Jo 'SQr� , . re els M sz 2o�fr 'mob s. N e c. 1 s O �'�220 , 7c� c. t r se ° i 9- �� 1. 4<rK� -•5,+.6 O/ p-� 70 0� ,,7q .;qo rg,, _ y ° +f'L•�J,aY 2p\ \r t fi�s5 SZ�ig Ift,o _ •5=i' � IfiS 21\ j7 4, Hti a "�^•��•® ����� }Af .T,�JY; �bt c + •�sLs� St 7�r, Sa..o_y S27 tYk~a'` •.��sns...'`• -- P, 9T '.X99 b y 1 C--•--'� ,�g-+gyp ft 1 Sib s� r• r _ . S.. Q'rk' ��r fav �+i J ••`y�'(�r`',r t•�""'�E�ir .•o� JT zo ir a Sj95 fs s t r, e.a firr: S �,1, y`« - h �(,_Y g ,� �yn�� �;�r5rrwi f�so IT4 1s 1 q �gq"�� °►.2..� !6 tR� i.., i^"�,yr�zsztJbT/o Szz_s(}T�1B O A ,, •Ate. 9���} ,.iff 3Q20LA ft A, 37 l f l 1h 6 i7- h j r��(•Yro`r •�,`:�_:�"�'� °j .r~r 17E 1 -t0.* T V to, J d >f ; "r°' '+,, : � s..�"•'r` c9r.:r�-i1365 -I-�'•-,S' 41. s .119 40 XN •J.J�r'. � 1 .�' wA 'K7�; \�tv"r'i .' p''`'1,jj�+a.-- !O• 4 S''�,r yip °,�.V a,p f +�90 V _ :�� a.4" 91 �ls-rir'a'a r �y N' 11�Fi;'��_••—j �yg �a,�'...ro� y� 4 .. ��,y��y •��. � AA g "Y++�� s� i'� ,f_ Jam j �_`�, �_ � _ - RMF/16 �� �.�•�`•�• � o o � r�. ���ssi,� i°i >' 'lsszz � _ '-nn',„�' 1q f -'j` GQ,}',�/ '///G' poi G,`, Y I s j �?8 - u !•►sr".'••�,''7 .� 1 � 'lr�L�. 6 -! y �ti S- 55'1•a .7G ` a��='Z*9Ss39 zsz94i,�`=���` j�{=4' - +'-�?._,.{ �f-��r._._._.. '_ .1,.r.�-�--L-1�JjJ V - --�E;,tj-• --- '�' _ qT 91 261 r1 g4;)�_ A,240// Ar"�_4 'zL�fszv�n A•ir+.ncf:» :,.•alt a?ti 1 i V iV M; ftvsas M �t�' arr ' S'l�4i. ►M v 7 lif , i=a"re0ll a4 'C,.-r0i _` jai'L:."w �rrq"�"t•_v.;'a O C�•- c. J"r^"n�-4� .iYtk�3 �`$.c"Y.. � —furs'ye`rl'%� •Z U' ..r.=,� a"et*5'x �+ "aF�,y„sr•�rs�� � � � Z � � N zz 5,1 fX to .74Cq 'lis g � T AS , ,.. , >• '�r— u-• E wa.w C s ""'� y MEETiN AGENDA ATEd'�ITEM#�''' . M E M O R A N U M TO: CITY MANAGER April 3, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 3-84 LOCATION: .'9740 LAs 'Lomas Avenue (Ptn. Lot 37,--A.:D.S. Addition #1) APPLICANT: Bob Benson (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow creation of seven residential condominium units for a multiple family project under construction. On April 2, 1984, the Planning Commission conducted' a public hearing on the above-referenced subject unanimously approving the application subject to Conditions 1-4 as set forth in the attached Staff Report.- There was only brief discussion by the Commission on the matter. Bob Benson, applicant, appeared and indicated his concurrence with the recommendation. No one else appeared on the matter. "',IFRFD BUSS M RAY Ly-'_WARDEN s1sociate Planner C ty Maer Ps P 5-R a Ur � CITY OF ATASCADERO is s q . p isle Planning Department April 2, 1984 • STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 3-84 LOCATION: 9740 Las Lomas Avenue (Ptn. Lot 37, A.D.S. Addition #1) APPLICANT: ,Bob Benson,--(Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow creation of seven residential condominium units for a multiple family project under construction. : , BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: RMF/16 2. General Plan: High Density Multiple Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination The Planning Director has determined that this application is Categorically Exempt from the provisions . of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Class 1 (k) ) . 4. Site Conditions: The applicant is currently constructing one two- story triplex and two two-story duplexes. Each of the seven units contains 1,260 square feet of diving space, including a full kit- chen and living area, an attached single car garage, and a land- scaped front and rear patio. Also, landscaping is indicated along most front, side, and rear setbacks and includes approximately 1,200 square feet of landscaping along the Las Lomas Road front- age. The exterior design of the units are a combination of tongue and groove wood siding, stucco, and composition shingles. STAFF COMMENTS On February 16, 1984, the Subdivision Review Board met with the appli- cant, Bob Benson, to discuss his proposed conversion of apartments to air-space condominiums. Members of the Board in attendance were: Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Fred Buss and Joel Moses, Associate Planners; Vern Elliott, Fire Captain; and Larry McPherson, Public Works Director. Staff had no comments or concerns with the project. Tentative Tract Map C (Benson) • FINDINGS 1. The application as submitted conforms to applicable zoning and PP g subdivision regulations and is consistent-. with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. 2. The application as submitted is exempt from provisions of the Cal- ifornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) , RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends ap- proval of Tentative Tract Map 3-84 subject to the following conditions 1. The applicant shall establish Covenants, Conditions, and Restric- tions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use, control of nuisances and architectural control of all buildings. a. These CC&Rs shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney and Planning Department prior to approval of the Final Map. b. These CC&Rs shall be administered by a Condominium Homeowners Association. f2. That all conditions of approval herein specified are to be com- plied with prior to the filing of the Final Map. 3. A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate by certificate on the Final Map that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submit- ted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Map. 4. Approval of this Tentative Tract Map shall expire two years from the date of this approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. i 2 Tentative Tract Map*84 (Benson) • ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: 1�Y L! rs MIKE WIXON Planning Intern REPORT APPROVED B FRED BUSS A °sociate Planner P s i f 3 / 0'1^r21*l°•\ ei�«� �l L `l� 1q`j la ?�y� ro6�go.a r Boo V 9770 f ee°o r����/ ��6¢I ae`5 _�s sr1Q1\to�'gy _-.-rrt 88so �Q¢^5y��jf��755 •1�� ���;a+r��i IL®� -.��+/s/��:S! `.� �y -5 G ! $p°f Wks �° 1S11rcoif✓_i{ - /- S tr SF-s � _^80,y' .6:� 1--. �°c�-�`7�i4.,lG.�•��`D�,GI.,,NC�, `; 34 16�cp 4 900o wts ? 2 3j 9N0 tiro t• if+ •q�7 34 C 9160 _1i20 ce 71-Js i- "I `�•' $ 4'1'.1 t >r CO 3B7s£as 9255 �� \ 9100 18r \IOA p 12jl to 9276 ?'� 'w 2T; n•`\ oIJ a \ ,- >�> A 9 AY' V f psi r\ E N N ..s .x2.818yISs r'{� a:.'�•b rp� ti 95 922 b° o\\ ,• Po' ell ,5,p y 9 C+»o• T O 9 - -wll�-223 55 a .9 Jo tr� .d i 9555 30 •,\� i. 1s' Ip to ,,(�C 7- S RSF 10 CT13 _YIp OJ 0( 1 FW,3•` r y,9 v 34 ,05 - l Sot16 �OP Sr�Bs ``ela'}� .. 9 05 3 its° •��1� 1 �000 S _ - /Op - •� aaos - 1 ♦f aOyp c .-. J� 'A g10d _ 9•CO y � (V .,Z, .e - C o 5 RMF \ , 75S .. rim m $-.- doh u.r �_ \"t*4•tg !. _-- - •'8- — -- J ro o o J3. 'b ;oa .3 �•. A-'px + - _�ts\t\, gam\ Z�\ .rtek IOA �° T Pafi, 3 co_L,srt \ 49� �`r� of o \c\ M r\ o °J 1` o o to ; r 9'➢� \b\f> -,ry-,'4 sJj� .�.t*`\ °•\� \°-\ �'�.. � r 4°_ ¢�o Ki�,,. F/y a� o<'+� fits?',. ti- 5 %,.\ \` Ar tC QV C • S J,0 . IDA g Ib v o 1° 1 0 e �r r••aa ob° RM/ Y 15, o 11� no- cp tai 6_._I 7-.C - \ \ /ti �0y~ •ia D'.' 1 - �8o95 v p7�. • qa° 'S vot do � s 12 v a' �o� ` _. -c7-z- •03!k , Q „� A{k,,o 23\ o.�1-u •S r , 1• r!tita'3a tt�•T. 20 a 'qY�t Crrs Ot lo*7LWL2'l IV .02H9 14 - 5 x: yle, 23 & o K c � A J \ ,y AN ate 0 r 2 \ a CPCIT \ �zaw>sA 16 18 Planning 17 _ o ! 1' ° - r i' • � \ `�\� � ^'w'�"sem..\- / F \ - J QQ i - zi VAN Z 1% E 4 z i orDrt i O'ce.Cc N .1 V O O O 8 © q .. ti ----- Of Sri Sar. d -- MLtI l AG�:NDA DAT `�' '. 'ITEM#,g- • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER April 3, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT" SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 2-84 LOCATION: .-13745 Halton Road .(Lot 19, Block 68) APPLICANT: Bella Vista Investment Company (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow division of 10.39 acres into two parcels of 4.87 and 5.52 acres each. On April 2, 1984, thePlanningCommission conducted` a public hearing on the above-referenced subject unanimously authorizing issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration and approval of the land division re- • quest subject to the 'Findings and Conditions container) in the attached Staff Report There was only brief discussion by the Commission on the matter. Allen Campbell, representing the applicant, appeared and indicated his agreement with the recommended conditions. No one else appeared on the matter. FRE BUSS MU)MAY L/- -WARDEN Associate Planner City Ma ager ps CITY OF ATASCADERO lBYs q i�7a } Planning Department April ,2, 1984 \ d/ STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 2-84 LOCATION: 11745 Halcon Road (Lot 19, Block 6,8) APPLICANT: .Bella Vista, Investment Co. (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow division of 10.39 acres into two parcels of 4.87 and 5. 52 acres each. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: RS 2. General Plans Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: The applicant has completed an Ini- tial Study Environmental Description form. The Planning Director has prepared a draft Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the project will not have-a significant adverse effect upon the environment if certain mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. 4. Site Conditions: The topography is varied with small hills at the front and rear of the site. The vegetation is mainly wild grasses with scattered oak trees throughout the site. There are no dis- tinct drainage swales on the site. Halcon Road is all-weather surfaced only. Halcon Road contains no fire hydrants.' S. Project Description: The applicant requests permission to divide his 10.39 acre parcel into two lots of 4.87 and .5.52 acres each. The shape of the lots are rectangular with the proposed division line creating side by side lots each with frontage on Halcon Road. Additionally, the applicant-, has appealed the requirement for road improvements along the frontage of the lot. As in the previous two adjacent applications, the applicant feels that the road will be destroyed by the truck traffic. 6. Determination of Minimum Lot Size: The review of the five gener- alized performance criteria (Section 9-3.144)' for this specific parcel establishes a minimum lot size as follows; Tentative Parcel Map*84 (Bella Vista Investmen0Co. ) Lot Size Factor Average slope (24%) ) 1.00 Distance from center (14-16,000) .50 Access (all-weather, 15% slope) . 75 Septic (severe) 1. 50 General neighborhood character (5.34 acres) 1.07 Required minimum lot size: 4. 82 acres 7. Subdivision Review Boards On March 1, 1984 , the Subdivision Re- view Board met with the applicant' s engineer, Steve Youngken, to discuss -the project. Members of the Board in _ attendance were: Vern Elliott, Fire Captain; Patsy West, Senior-Engineering Tech- nician; and Fred Buss, Associate Planner. Discussion included road improvement requirements and possible fire hydrantupgrade. ANALYSIS This lot is similar to the two previous lots (17 and 18) that have i been approved for division along Halcon Road. The applicant is con- cerned about the truck traffic and its effect on any required road improvements. At the time this application went before the Subdivision Review Board, industrial collector road status for Halcon Road had not been dis- cussed. It is only since the two previous applications went before the Commission that the possibility existed. The upgraded condition requires the applicant to enter into a road improvement agreement with the City to pay his portion of a residential road which would be en- cumbered through a certificate of deposit or cash deposit. This money would be added to by the City to construct an industrial collector road within five years. Staff feels that road improvements are necessary along Halcon Road and that this is an equitable way to provide them. A fire hydrant will also be required since there are none beyond the intersection of Hal- con Road and Viejo Camino. Staff has no other concerns regarding this site. FINDINGS 1. The creation of two lots with a minimum lot size of 4.82 acres on this parcel conforms to all applicable zoning and subdivision reg- ulations and is conistent with the General Plan. 2. The creation of two lots in conformance with the recommended con- ditions of approval will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. 2 Tentative Parcel Mal-84 (Bella Vista InvestmeQ Co. ) RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Grading and tree removal shall be minimized during all phases of site development. 2. Adequate provision shall be made for drainage and erosion control in conjunction with site development; and, B) Approval. of Tentative ,Parcel Map 2-84 subject: to __.the following conditions: 1. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal if reports and designs are acceptable. All tests, reports and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following Note shall appear on the Final Map: "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water , and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Where soils reports indicate that conven- tional soil absorption systems are not acceptable, City ap- proval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be re- quired. Depending upon the system, more restrictive require- ments may be imposed. " 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Com- pany and water lines shall exist at the frontage of each par- cel or its public utility easement prior to recordation of the Final Map. 3. All existing and proposed utility easements, pipelines and othre easements are to be shown on the Final Map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the Final Map. 4. Grading that would be disruptive to the natural topography shall be minimized. Removal of existing, mature trees shall also be minimized. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appro- priate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. 5. Drainage and erosion control plans, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits 3 Tentative Parcel MapQ 84 (Bella Vista Investmen0Co. ) in conjunction with installation of driveways, access ease- ments or structures. This shall appear as a Note on the Final Map. 6. Plan and profile drawings of proposed individual driveways and driveway easements shall be submitted for approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments in order to determine average grade and appropriate improvement requirements. This shall appear as a Note on the Final Map. 7. The applicant shall install one fire hydrant of a type and size, specified by the Fire Department along the frontage of Halcon Road.- _ :Exact location and manner of placement shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Department. A letter from the Fire Department certifying the installation of the hydrant shall be received by the Planning Department ,.-prior to recordation of the Final Map. 8. The applicant shall enter into a road improvement participa- tion agreement with the City of Atascadero whereby the- appli- cant agrees to pay his portion of a residential road. The applicant' s share shall be determined from a construction cost estimate submitted to the City by the applicant' s engin- eer . A certificate of deposit or cash deposit for the speci- fied amount shall be furnished to the City of Atascadero with the stipulation that the money be used to construct an indus- trial collector road section within five years. 9. All conditions herein specified shall be complied with prior to filing of the Final Map. 10 . A final Map drawn in substantial conformance with the ap- proved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners cre- ated and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate by Certificate on the Final Map that corners have been set or will be set by a date spe- cific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Map. 11. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request pior to the expira- tion date. 4 Tentative Parcel Mj%-84 (Bella Vista Investme Co. ) ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: .� :;7FRED BUSS Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: - LAWRENCE STEVENS_ Planning Director Ps 5 PC 2.. t142� 9 20 8 ft 6 3 11925 �\ 5� ` 10 67 ttiyo / 9'Q12b70 \ 5 IO (f0T5 ' \ ��� tI�NS c,pp \ �5e R 556 6 �1y p ,�a55 1t8�16 t1. -,5 4 S �` t era / If 9L0 1 rzois a 12 t 16 zzzs 14 tzz,o P P D� m 12 C N 132 S 1 T (� 74(SffD • C�J. Y off' .�T �.�3�E ® s -.gym Planning Dei nt ,! L,/ - 1+eMrY r•tt tied t;mV�� -,l,i �,;•soleasiflesxloty-i;yup Nae d;e 7er!!t'a -.,a. - E s.rhfcft to+ii+atrt entlrrcR CaPvi3Ratt+ify�'..51�7 � ktwtolpyrcoae Yipcia�4".I314Sij: g` 'w' a tiler r.7t t 200 4.,0 �~ sxiP b �4' g tit s' ,r- p ----- f' o m Lo i S I � 0 ''D -r-_- -- - - . i b 7 it til "Lit LD+ 10 `* KO 013 n3 — a �' — ,16 a n a a o n p' n M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER April 3, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: -;'TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 1-84 LOCATION: 9333 Musselman Road (Ptn. .Lot 4 , Block 7, Eaglet #2) ` APPLICANT: Rex Hendrix (Orton) REQUEST: To allow division of 2. 66 acres into two parcels of 2.00 and 0.66 acres each. On April 2, 1984, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing • on the above-referenced subject unanimously authorizing issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration and approval of the land division re- quest subject to the Findings and Conditions contained in the attached Staff Report. There was only brief discussion by the Commission on the matter. Terry Orton, representing the applicant, appeared and indicated his agreement with the recommended conditions. Joe Polich, Musselman resident, inquired as to the intent of the lot split. Merle Wahlenmaier, Musselman resident, asked for clarification on the dedication of the road and what requirements are involved. No one else appeared on the matter. RED BUSSWWI 09 Ptyv WARDEN A ciate Planner Canager • PS CITY OF ATASCADERO iris iP • 197a Planning Department April 2, 1984 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 1-84 LOCATION: 9333 Musselman Road (Ptn. Lot 4, Block 7, Eaglet #2) APPLICANT: _Rex Hendrix _(Orton)- REQUEST: To allow division of 2.66 acres .into two parcels of 2.00 and 0.66 acres each. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: RMF/16 2. General Plan: High Density Multiple Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: The applicant has completed an Ini- tial Study Environmental Description form. The Planning Director has prepared a draft Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment if certain mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. 4. Site Conditions: The site fronts on Musselman Road, a private street with a 30 foot right-of-way width. The site is generally level except that it drains to the middle of the southeast proper- ty line _(road frontage) . A drainage culvert drains the lot across the road to the;State Hospital property. Site vegetation is nat- ural grasses and a few trees. The residential structures (occu- pied) exist along the southwest property line. . 5. Project Description: The applicant desires to divide his 2.66 acre parcel into two lots of 2.00 and 0.66 acres ,.each. The lot .design will create two rectangular parcels with frontage on Mus selman Road. Parcel A will have approximately 306 'feet of front- age and Parcel B will have approximately 101 feet of frontage. The applicant proposes- five feet of dedication along the road frontage., 6. Determination of Minimum Lot Size: This lot is in the RMF/16 Zone which permits a one-half acre minimum lot size. The lots proposed exceed the minimum lot size requirement. 7. Subdivision Review Board: On March 1, 1984 , the Subdivison Review Board met with the applicant' s engineer, Terry Orton. Members of the Board in attendance were: Vern Elliott, Fire Captain; Patsy Tentative Parcel Map*84 (Hendrix) West, Senior Engineering Technician; and Fred Buss, Associate . Planner. Discussion included: a. Comments about a discrepancy in the survey records. b. The need for road improvements and dedication (possibly ten feet) along Musselman Road. C. The need for fire hydrant improvements. ANALYSIS Staff reviewindicates.-'the.need for road improvements along the front- age of Musselman Road. This will entail ten feet of dedication to widen the right-of-way. Fire hydrant improvements will also be re- quired. This parcel is not currently in the Sewer Improvement Dis- trict. However, Staff has indicated that an examination of the exten- sion policies will be before the Sanitation Board in a matter of weeks. These changes will probably allow this lot and others to even- tually have City sewer. In any event, extension of lines will not have any bearing on the ability to create lots, only to develop them. The only environmental concerns related to this lot division is with site drainage. Required street improvements will have to deal with drainage from the site to the State Hospital property. FINDINGS 1. The creation of two lots with an area of 2.00 acres and 0.66 acres conforms to all applicable zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The creation of two lots will not have a significant adverse ef- fect upon the environment, and preparation of an Environmental Im- pact Report is not necessary. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recomm(�nds: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Adequate provision shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development; and, B) Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 1-84 subject to the following conditions: 1. Provision shall be made for connection of all parcels to the community sewer system at time of development. Any necessary 2 Tentative Parcel Mal.-84 (Hendrix) annexations or line extension approvals shall be accomplished prior to issuance of building permits. 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Com- pany and water lines shall exist at the frontage of each par- cel or its public utility easement prior to recordation of the Final Map. 3. All existing and proposed utility easements, pipelines and other easements are to be shown on the Final Map. If there are building or other` restrictions related to the easements, theyshall be noted on the Final Map. 4. Grading that would be disruptive to the - natural topography shall be minimized. Removal of existing, mature trees shall also be minimized. i , 5. Drainage and erosion control plans, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits in conjunction with installation of driveways, access ease- ments or structures. - This shall appear as a Note on the Final Map. 6. One standard full-size fire hydrant shall be installed by the applicant along the frontage of the parcels. Exact location and manner of placement shall be subject to approval by the Fire Department. A letter from the Fire Department certify- ing the installation of the hydrant shall be received by the Planning Department prior to recordation of the Final Map. 7. Musselman Road shall be improved to City standards along the frontage of the parcels. a. The applicant shall dedicate ten (10) feet of property along the entire property frontage to the City for road purposes. b. Street improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk and street paveout shall conform to Section 9-4.158 et seq. of the Zoning Regulations. C. Improvement drawings, including improvements to control grading and erosion within the road right-of-way, shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. d. Improvements are to be constructed under an inspection agreement and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 8. No trees shall be removed without compliance with Section 9-4.155 et seq. of the Zoning Regulations. 3 Tentative Parcel Map 84 (Hendrix) 9. All conditions herein specified shall be complied with prior 0 to filing of the Final Map. 10. A Final Map drawn in substantial conformance with the ap- proved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners cre- ated and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land . surveyor shall indicate by Certificate on the Final Map that corners have'-been set or will be set- by a date spe- cific -and pe-cific and that they will be sufficient. to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Map. 11. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expira- tion date. ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: ED BUSS Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: GENE PEARCE Planning Director Ps 4 32 � • a, �� + S ?. 39 ✓ g106 x 00 fZ w •' bSS ql / Gs• � �� � 5 01I / �` R/at. PAR. i (rl t sq� 934 J 9 05 36vr ee o ��v�.-91 Sf" P4 N 'mss Vol o � • (D �, C - °�iS:;;�'� � : . -RMF/ -'�`''� / 70N,-ZOr � Ke-7 p,t3ua• ,� � `Ao-� 9 .PAK� .��` ro -_,�y ':- .93� �s � `b 'Doti N� 6 PA It . 3 717 RM b o , S t'�tt 9 _y s �m� 40 G r0, to ' y - T �o gyp° to l�' v l \o^r �o - 0`J,' a a�`"wsbs rry�Pr >ys x K y�s � p S ;a� ..., "'44�'r. yr f rR !'�°y} ;�lr. a3.�q•�'y,.s� ^'"�,�' sgj 4e„,,,,}'a �� �''� •- x 23 3.22 L`••� O-7 } 3a�f3 � ry c' r ,rr• � y s� x#t . 1 � p .�. '74- 9 f 'r,!• - i?'•_t -'S' ;.�� ,n�,.•4� '� t "g .� a- 22 112"X, •�. c xi$ ac<,y} .+a a /iY `'" - S- \ �t`;.�rF.�.�-2s�rtlrsy�4''b'�C�ry*y',:•'J+C+"'�;�"'��iiQ '�.Q+c� �:� �t.,.�1'• s,:�. a' � 1aaiiitnti# s� 9� ,S , �•'y3r,, a .�Q ,��R_I`S,ytl':1' `' 4�LS�.iDS,IIht,C�l'2"y'�1`.f.E''.�Si ' a � ,, *R .•rfslt•Cb lrk-the3,ir antix�tX ."'•^ Yr '-+ #��j?b23 '4S;�f'`Si$CI.fOtY 5++,,,, #33 ,�. KYs4 �N rpt ea,� r „•,ip-.;, J _ .. - t � Y.'JJc• , i�.��+ n�.��' � ,:;55` ,e+,+rs44..? -r=F'y-a. 7s"`' 13tit;fa, Ctt Attar�taY L f ie,€t+xt3, 'ty tsan�ger F TASCADE" CITY:'O 04-z - t y�,.��. �w��M",�.ikr •'�ac�e s'a sd���� yrp - r �'# ;� r. �• n.: }z. i. epaurt 4 r + 1 ; °p; -•.•cam--`+-�w�.w4 4t.B��' ��� i.� -. - - x" y INcaxooearcn �- a1979 F7 I - e G i � 11•L 02 vss•rm'na-� Yzvo - -34 zi YZSao' x � �� w. i 1j•l: i o a p - ': i 'a p o o e 0D n D Y r o i;o w rrn v n o t C nt - N T _ _ ITEM M E M O R A N D U M TO CITY MANAGER April 3, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: EXCEPTION 1-84 LOCATION: :-3650 Traffic Way (Ptn. Lot2, Estrada Tract) APPLICANT: Kenneth Gross (Lilley) REQUEST`: To allow the 'granting- of an exception to Condition 1(c) of Parcel Map CO 78-18 requiring that parcels connect to the community water system. On April 2, '1984, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced subject unanimously (with Commissioner Lilley abstaining) approving the exception request as outlined in the at- tached Staff Report, with modification to Finding #2 to delete "that was not required of the adjacent. . . . . .applicant. There was bried discussion by the Commission concerning the following matters: - setting a precedent for future similar types of situations with parcel maps. - reimbursement costs for putting in the water lines ` procedures established in the Subdivision Ordinance Robert Lilley, representing the applicant, spoke in support of approv- ing the exception request. No one else appeared on the matter . F BUSS *tyMai/ag'er WARDEN Associate Planner • Ps CITY OF ATASCADERO 1918 19 Planning Department April 2, 1984 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: EXCEPTION 1-84 LOCATION: 3650 Traffic Way (Ptn. Lot 2, Estrada Tract) APPLICANT: .Kenneth Gross :(Lill6y) REQUEST: To 'allow the granting of an exception to Condition 1 (c) of Parcel Map CO 78-18 requiring that parcels connect to the community water system. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: RS 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review. 4. Site Conditions: Two of the four parcels (Parcels 1 and 4) are developed with single family residences. The residence on Parcel l existed prior to approval of Parcel Map CO 78-18. The second residence (Miles Wemp) was granted a permit by the City of Atasca- dero. A -camping trailer and a metal storage shed are located on Parcel 2. Some grading has also been done on Parcel 2. The re- mainder of the site is vegetated with natural grasses and trees and slopes down from Del Rio Road to Traffic Way. The applicant has Parcel 3 which also contains a well. 5. Project Description: The "applicant desires an exception to Condi- tion l (c) of Parcel Map CO 78-18 which requires that each of the parcels created by the map connect to the community water system. The applicant' s parcel currently contains a well which- he would rather use. The map was processed entirely by the County prior to incorporation. The conditions of the map approval required that the following "Note" be placed on the Final Map: "C.- Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. " • Exception 1-84 (Gros'Lilley) • ANALYSIS Review of the various files applicable to the waterline extension re- quirement for the Gross permit reveal the following facts (as outlined in a letter to Mr. Bob Lilley) : - In July, 1978 , the County approved Tentative Parcel Map CO 78-18 which was subsequently recorded, with a condition that a Note be placed on the Final Map that water beobtainedfrom the Atasca- dero Mutual Water Company. - On March 11, 1982, the City Planning Department approved Permit No. 97.7 allowing -Miles Wemp to construct a residence on Parcel 4 of Parcel Map CO '78-18 using an existing private well. - In September, 1983 , the City Planning Department, -as pant of a plan check for a residence on Parcel 3 o Parcel Map CO 78-18, advised Kenneth Gross that domestic water must be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company (as a result of the parcel map condition) . Mr. Gross subsequently withdrew his permit and received a partial refund on fees paid. It seems that the parcel map condition is clear about obtaining water from the Mutual Water Company although the use of Notes on parcel maps to convey such requirements is less than ideal; especially since con- siderable unexpected costs can arise when the water line is some dis- tance from the affected property. The City of Atascadero has attemp- ted to avoid such problems by requiring the subdivider to extend water lines and install fire hydrants as a precondition to recording parcel maps. Furthermore, it is clear that the City Planning Department mistakenly failed to require Mr. Wemp to comply with the requirement to obtain water from the Mutual Water Company in conjunction with his building permit. This omission was entirely unintentional since a routine check of parcel map conditions was overlooked. It is possible that Mr. Wemp' s project would have been adversely affected had Staff been aware of the parcel map condition at the time his project was approved (Mr. Wemp would have had to extend the line) . The previous mistake by the Planning Department does not invalidate the parcel map condi- tion, it just makes equitable justification of the condition more dif- ficult. The question that arises is: Is it reasonable to require connection to community water for a building permit? Not in Staff' s opinion. Additionally, the parcel map condition did not say when water connec- tion would be required, only that it would be required. There is already a fire hydrant at the nearest intersection (Chico and Traffic Way) , no other property (besides Gross and Wemp) would be ad- versely affected by not requiring the water lines and hydrant and property beyond these lots (east) will probably be divided eventually and thus provide the water lines and hydrants. Therefore, Staff is inclined to recommend granting of the exception. 2 Exception 1-84 (Groo/Lilley) • However, it would not be equitable to allow the applicant to complete- ly forego all expenses for future water line installation. Therefore, Staff would recommend that some commitment to participate in the fu- ture extension of the line be a condition to granting the exception. FINDINGS 1. There are special circumstances and conditions affecting the prop- erty including the presence of a producing water well and the al- lowance of a previous building permit without water line extension 2. The condition places an extraordinary burden on­ applicant that was not required of the adjacent property owner thereby making the exception necessary for the enjoyment of a substantial iproperty right (construction of a residence) of the applicant. 3. The granting of the exception will not be detrimental to the pub- lic welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity, and it will not: a. Be detrimental to the traffic circulation system, the public utility and storm drainage system; b. Result in any increase in the City' s maintenance costs; C. Be detrimental to, nor degrade, any portion or part of the improvement work involved in the project. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends ap- proval on Exception 1-84. ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY- -- F D BUSS ssociate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: GENE PEARCE Planning Director 3 REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING JULY S, 1978 RE: CO 78-18, Proposed lot division of Lot 2 of Estrada Subdivision, portion of Rancho La Asuncion, Del Rio Road, Atascadero (A-1) (Riley - Bray) Supervisorial District #1 Recommendation For Consistency SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman Colonel Sorenson, John Hofschroer, Stan Saude, Mike Doherty Planning Commissioner in Attendance: George Rathmell Legal Counsel Present:, _ Roger Lyon PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes the subdivision of an 8.8 acre site into four parcels at approximately 2 acres each. The site is located along Del Rio Road, Atascadero. Zoning: A-1: "Light Agriculture" (1 acre minimum lot size) . General Plan: 1968 Atascadero General Plan: "Suburban (1-5)". COMMENTS A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Board of Supervisors on May 8, 1978 stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. Those conditions are as follows: 1. That a site drainage plan, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer be submitted to the County Engineering Department for approval prior to final map approval. 2. That plans for on-site sewage disposal be subject to approval by the County Health Department prior to the approval of the final map. 3. That evidence be obtained from the Atascadero Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments indicating the Community Water System is willing and able to serve additional connections. Site and Area Characteristics: The site is gently sloping and is vegetated with grass. A residence is located on proposed parcel 1 and all parcels have access on either Traffic Way or Del Rio Road. } CO 78-18 The character or the surrounding area is residential and agricultural. Both scattered residences and grazing uses occur in the vincini'ty. A chicken farm is located adjacent to the site to the north and staff is concerned with the future of the use as the further breakdown of surrounding parcels encourage the building of new homes that will not be compatible with the chicken farm. The General Plan calls for Suburban uses in the area however and does not appear to make provisions for agriculturally- I intensive uses in this area. This application is a further division of CO 71-230 that created two parcels, one at 8.08 acres and one at appvoximately 39 acres each. RECOMMENDATION After revs 'ew of applicable General Plans and other available`-information, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the Board of- Supervisors that the proposed subdivision be found consistent with the General Plan. Provided that a finding of consistency is made, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision: 1. That the following "NOTES" will be placed on the Final Map: A. No sewage disposal system installations are to be placed closer than fifty feet (501 ) from the top of the existing creek bank or drainage swales. B. Septic tanks will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, if percolation tests and borings are acceptable. C. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 2. Prior to the filing of the parcel map, the applicant shall submit, for approval by the Health Department, results of percolation tests and the log or logs of soil borings, performed by a Registered Civil Engineer. For this purpose, the applicant shall perform one or more soil borings to be a minimum depth of ten (10) feet, in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system, to determine the (a) subsurface soil conditions, example: impermeable stratas which act as barriers to the effective percolation of sewage; (b) presence of groundwater, and a minimum of three (3) percolation test holes per lot, to be spaced uniformly in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system. It is suggested that the Engineer who will conduct the tests, discuss the procedure with the Health Department prior to conduction of the tests. CO 78-18 �� • 3. That a letter be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments stating they are willing and able to supply water to the parcel(s) being created by Parcel Map No. CO 78-18. 4. That the drainage swale on the property be delineated on the Parcel Map. 5. That a drainage plan, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, be submitted to the County Engineer for approval, prior to final map approval. 6. All conditionsof approval herein specified are to be complied with :.prior to the submittal.-of the Parcel Map Original- to the County Engineer for approval. 7. FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS (not a Condition of Final Map)- g The applicant must comply with State and County laws/ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the land proposed. ' The applicant, where water supply is provided by electric pump, should install electrical service drop from service pole, to pump, to structures in order to prevent a possible structure fire from disrupting access to water. 8. Compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. The application will be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for their consideration regarding consistency with the General Plan. 9. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subject property within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative Map. Upon application, an extension of the approval of the Tentative Map (not to exceed one additional year) may be granted by the governing body or advisory agency. DISCUSSION The engineer attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. ROBERT B. LILLEY TELEPHONE(805)466-3545 J TERRENCE O'FARRELL LILLEY AND O' FARRELL A PROFE55IONAL LAW CORPORATION SUITE B 8740 PUEBLO AVENUE ATASCADERO,CA 93422 December 12, 1983 Larry Stevens Planning Director City of Atascadero PO Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Re: Building Permit Application of Kenneth Gross Dear Mr. Stevens: Pursuant to a couple of conversations we have had about this matter, I thought it proper, to summarize the problem and request whatever information you have to aid me in advising my client at this point. Mr. Gross acquired a two-acre parcel bordering on north Traffic Way in an area that was recently subdivided in the vicinity of the old chicken ranch. His property adjoins that owned by Miles Wemp, who has recently completed construction of a residence and improvements. Assessor's parcel number for my client's property is APN#49-031-06. In the course of applying for a permit for construction, my client was advised for the first time that it would be required of him to extend the water line past a portion of the chicken ranch frontage, Mr. Wemp's frontage, to my client's property. In addition, he would be required to obtain a new fire hydrant. In checking with the Atascadero Mutual Water Company, the cost exclusive of the standard meter installation charge for the fire hydrant would be $1,500, and the sum of $4,880 would be required for the extension of the water line. Apparently, Mr. Wemp was allowed to improve his property without the necessity of extending the water line from the corner of the street to his property, and it would seem somewhat unfair at this point to impose a requirement on Mr. Gross not uniformly imposed on adjacent property owners, especially in light of the cost involved. I believe the subdivision in this area is one which was tentatively approved by the county. Therefore, I foresee that there may well have been a lack of any kind of notice to prospective buyers of the parcels as to the imposition of this requirement. In light of the fact that my client has an existant producing well that is more than adequate for his needs, it is my hope that you could enforce some other alternative to allow him to complete his construction without the necessity of putting in a water line. We could agree to some kind of guarantee or commitment to participate in the future extension of that line once development along that portion of Traffic Way is sufficiently complete to require the running of the water line down a substantial portion of that road frontage, which could be done in such a manner that there could be a pro rata and equitable recovery by the individuals served by that line. As it stands now, it appears that the city is requesting my client to assume a substantial financial cost that confers a major benefit without reimbursement upon the chicken ranch property as well as Mr. Wemp's property and that this situation has developed at least in part due to the city's failure to impose similar requirements upon Mr. Wemp as a part of his completed improvements. The frontage we are talking about is rather substantial in that it approximates 298 _feet. Please advise. ... Very truly yours, ROBERT B. LILLEY RBL:cz it I g.DMINISTRATION BUILDING CITY ATTORNEY POST OFFICE BOX 747 POST OFFICE BOX 749 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 ATASCADERO. CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: X805) 466-8000 • - PHONE: (805) 466-5678 A Ilj CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK adele POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY TREASURER QPW .. POST OFFICE BOX 747 FINACITY MANAGER NCE DEPARTMENT INCORPORATED JULY 2, 1979 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA o14?9 PHONE: (805) 466-860' PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - FIRE DEPARTMENT RECREATION DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE _ ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93422 PHONE: (805) 466-2141 January 25, 1984 Mr. Robert B. Lilley` Lilley and O'Farrell 8740 Pueblo Avenue, Suite B g Atascadero, CA 93422 SUBJECT: Gross Permit 3650 Traffic Way Dear Bob: I have reviewed the various files applicable to the water-line extension requirement for the Gross permit and the following facts are evident:` - In July, 1978, the County approved Tentative Parcel Map CO 78-18, which was subsequently recorded, with a condition that a Note be placed on the Final Map that water be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. On March 11, 1982, the City Planning Department approved Per- mit No. 977 allowing Piles Wemp to construct a residence on Parcel 4 of Parcel Map CO 78-18 using an existing private well. -- In September, 1983, the City Planning Department, as part of a plan check for a residence on Parcel 3 of Parcel Map CO 78-18, advised Kenneth Gross that domestic water must be ob- tained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company (as a result of the parcel map condition) . Mr. Gross subsequently withdrew his permit and received a partial refund on fees paid. It seems that the parcel map condition is clear about obtaining water from the Mutual Water Company although the use of Notes on parcel maps to convey such requirements is less than ideal, es- pecially since considerable unexpected costs can arise when the water line is some distance from the affected property. As you are aware, the City of Atascadero has attempted to avoid such problems by requiring the subdivider to extend water lines and install fire hydrants as a precondition to recording parcel maps. January 25, 1984 Mr. Robert B. Lilley Page Two Furthermore, it is clear that the City Planning Department mis- takenly failed to require Mr. Wemp to comply with the requirement to obtain water from the Mutual Water Company in conjunction with his building permit. You should understand this omission was entirely unintentional since a routine check of parcel map condi- tions was overlooked. It is possible that Mr. Wemp' s project would have been adversely affected (as your client is now) had the Department been -aware of the parcel map_ pondition at the time his project was approved. However, it is important to understand that the previous mistake by the Department on the Wemp permit does not by itself invalidate the parcel map condition although it becomes more difficult to equitably justify applying it to Mr. Gross' project alone. You should be aware that the cost of extending the water line is- the same to Mr. Gross now as it would have been if he chose to build prior to Mr. Wemp. In essence, the old saw "tido wrongs don't make a right" covers the situation. In an effort to resolve this dilemma, the following alternatives f x., can be considered: 1) Install the water line extension and enter into a recovery agreement for reimbursement as new users connect to the extension. 2) Seek voluntary cooperation from the intervening property owners (Mr. Wemp, Mr. Ferrell) to share the cost of the water line extension. 3) Rely upon the City to correct its prior mistake and compel Mr. Wemp to comply with the .parcel map condition. 4) Request the Planning Commission to grant an exception to the parcel map condition. 5) Provide a bond or similar performance guarantee to assure future compliance with the parcel map condition. Certainly, each of these alternatives has advantages and disad- vantages and none can be considered a panacea. At this time, I think that it would be best to meet with you and your client to discuss each of the above alternatives,- as well as any others that you might be aware of. F January 25, 1984 Mr. Robert B. Lilley Page Three I would appreciate it if you could contact me to arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss this matter. Si erely, LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director LS:ps i • i % ROBERT B. LILLEY TELEPHONE{ 005)466-3545 J.TERRENCE O'FARRELL LILLEY AND O' FARRELL A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION SUITE B 8740 PUEBLO AVENUE ATASCADE RO,CA 93422 February 27, 1984 Larry Stevens Planning Director City of Atascadero PO Box 749 - Atascadero, CA 93423 Re: Building Permit Application of Kenneth Gross for 3650 Traffic -Way Dear Mr. Stevens: As a result of our conversation at your office last week and our continuing efforts to resolve the problems posed by the water line extension notation on the original parcel map involving this property, I advise you on behalf of my client, Ken Gross, that we would request that this matter be staffed and set for hearing before the planning commission with a request to grant an exception to that parcel map condition. In light of the circumstances surrounding this matter, I further request consideration of proceeding with it without the need of payment of a permit fee at this point. My client and I understand that this matter may well take six or seven weeks to process through staffing to commission hearing in light of the present workload facing the planning staff. That is going to create some inconvenience, but it is certainly acceptable. Thank you again for your continuing courtesy and cooperation in working with myself and my client in an effort to resolve this matter fairly. Very truly yours, ROBERT B. LILLEY RBL:cz cc: Kenneth Gross 14 (Ril'Q4 /34 //` :, lb J 1 � 1 41 4.2 *1114 700- A Sia �.• 9i1(.*�� ���t ,. ���FFF � � "-. -�•:� vas e ''. AJ . 3 ! M" i �, t� z ,r / J � • 41 13 lo • � - .. wl a��l O cEEI / .Det/ 3(os0 T FFic.- y rn! Lor1, ESWAq T` e _ /Z ILW rt-me ' .u. � dk?' r'ip"st•'�'�>z �'�?'.-'",''$r {K�� r,�rr2s�+�c�, �y� t r3isdr 6rsA±y`,erxi Uad.ft+at thi}aaR: ++4.;vuious'�oAIE �x - blataificrtlopr'1�_Nap Rau �`ile a sixirx st;t+3enLy-ttiw�erps" - _ _ ?irAteR-tn Ow At,vftti"tY'vl t tutr tb40Plf2CS1X.£�tTsiG WAP y - �, -.+a tar C*V or atxscAnt�O a, asopiv3 D7r osa�st,.ncr mr sCopur � . or,TvtsC27 f9�. fn81u4iny+►x,r+nenen�tnutMiyu�,pyrswnt per ftuaiaipaicsydlr - -� t ,,,£• _ __ �� SMPa4P+� ISS CSt.Y Clr:k c' arm "��t� � r t-• :1 's(l[) -1i3O• ..: _ ct. : s.a.. z �'p3'v. .`_ a-C 'i't, l` Qo { 4 y `\ (. It [• ° C ki 7S' - - : � _ Q .•COY ... ��+�. ij f o Q Y OWIDfnA'WS�..r o W #'r M€EI NG AGENDA ©AT - ITEM# :1 . RESOLUTION NO. 18-84 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZINGTHE SUBMITTAL OF A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT `(CDBG) APPLICATION FOR 1984 WHEREAS, A public meeting was held on January -,31, 1984 to accept public comments far -Any-proposed projects covered -by .the CDBG program; and, WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council conducted public hearings on the subject matter on March 12, 1984 and April 9, 1984; and, WHEREAS, no written public comments have been received; and,, WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council sees a need to preserve and expand the existing affordable housing stock within the City and pro- vide safe and adequate housing for the residents of Atascadero and senior citizens in particular and, WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has funds available through its Community Block Grant Program for such needs; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Atascadero City Council does hereby authorize Murray L Warden, City Manager , to submit to the Department of Housing and Community Development an application for Community Development Block Grunt funding in the amount of $600,000 for a grant to assist in the funding a senior citizens congregate housing project. On motion; by and seconded by Council- man , the foregoing resolution is adopted in its en- tirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES ABSENT: ADOPTED. MARJORIE MACKEY, Mayor • Resolution No. 18-84 ATTEST: • BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk APPROVED AS FO s ALLEN GRIMES; City Attorney A VED AS T ONTENT: 7 Y RDEN, City Mans 7 • • 2 Page t) of _ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM STATEMENT OF ASSURANCES The City/County of ATASCADERO hereby assures and certifies that: (a) It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant , and to execute the proposed program. (b) Its governing body has duly adopted or passed -as an official act or resolution, motion, or similar action authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the applicant' s chief executive officer or other designee to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. (c) It has or will comply with all citizen participation requirements , including : i 1. one public meeting each during program design, performance report preparation and any amendments; 2. one public hearing prior to application submittal ; and 3. the availability of program information during normal working hours and solicitation of written comments. 4. the estimated amount of funds proposed to be used for activities benefiting low- and moderate-income persons and plans to minimize displacement as a result of activities and plans to assist displaced persons. (d) Its CDBG program has been developed sous to primarily benefit targeted income persons and households , and each activity in that program meets one of the three national objectives: benefit to low and moderate income persons, elimination of slums and blight , or meets an urgent community need certified by the grantee as such. (e) It consents to assume the responsibilities for environmental review and decision-making , in order to ensure compliance with NEPA by following the procedures for "recipients" of Block Grant funds as set forth in 24CFR, Part 58, entitled "Environmental Review Procedures for Title I Community Development Block Grant Programs . " Also included in this requirement is compliance with Executive Order 11988 relating to the evaluation of flood hazards, and Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (Pub. Law 93- 234) regarding purchase of flood insurance, and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 USC 470) and implementing regulations (36 CFR 800.8) . (f) It consents to assume the role of either "Lead Agency" as defined Section 21067 of the California Public Resources Code, or if another agency is or will be designated "Lead Agency, " it consents to assume the role of "Responsible Agency" as defined by Section 21069 of the California Public Resources Code, in order to ensure compliance with CEQA. (g) It has resolved any audit findings or performance problems for prior CDBG grants awarded by an urban county, by HUD under the Small Cities Program, or by the State. (h) It certifies that _there is no plan, 'ordinance; or other measure in effect -which directly limits, by number, the building permits that may be issued for residential construction or the buildable lots which may be developed for residential purposes; or- if such a plan, ordinance, or measure is in effect, it will either be rescinded before receiving funds, or it need not be rescinded because: 1. It imposes a moratorium on residential construction, to protect the health and safety, for a specified period of time which will end when the public health and safety is no longer jeopardized; or 2. It creates agricultural preserves under Chapter 7 . (commencing with Section 51200) of Part 2 of Division l of Title 5 of the Government Code; or 3 . It was adopted pursuant to a specific requirement of a state or multi-state board, agency, department, or commission; or 4. The applicant has a housing element which the Department of Housing and Community Development has found to be adequate, unless a final order has been issued by a court in which the court determined that it is not in compliance with Article 10.6 of Chapter 3 of Division 1 of Title 7, of the Government Code; or 5. The use of the funds applied for in this application is restricted for housing for the targeted income group. (i) It will comply with the regulations, policies, guidelines, and - requirements of OMB Circular Number A-87 and the State CDBG Regulations. (j) It shall comply with the following regarding nondiscrimination: 1. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub. Law 88-352) . 2. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Pub. Law 90-254) as amended; and will administer all programs and activities related to housing and community development in a manner affirmatively furthering fair housing. t 3. Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. 4. Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 , as amended. 5. Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive Orders 11375 and 12086. 6. Executive Order 11063 as amended by Executive Order 12259. 7 Section- 504.-of -the .Rehabilitation Act o.f 1973 (Pub. , Law 93-112) as amended, and implementing regulations. `- 8. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (Pub. Law -94-135) . 9. The prospective contractor' s signature affixed hereon and dated shall constitute a certification under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the bidder has, unless- exempted, complied with the nondiscrimination program requirIements of Government Code Section 12990 and Title 2, California Administrative Code, Section 8103 . (k) It will comply with the State Relocation Law (Section 6260 of the Government Code) and the Relocation Guidelines (25 Cal. Admin. Code , Chapter 6, Sec 6000 et seq) . (1) It will comply with the following regarding labor standards: 1 . Section 110 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. 2. Section 1720 et seq. of the California Labor Code regarding public works labor standards. 3. Davis - Bacon Act as amended (46 U.S.C. 276a) regarding prevailing wage rates. 4. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 USC 327-333) regarding overtime compensation. 5. Anti-Kickback Act of 1934 (18 USC 874) prohibiting "kickbacks" of wages in federally assisted construction activities. (m) It will comply with the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (42 USC 4151) and implementing regulations (24 CFR Part 40-41) . (n) It will enforce standards of conduct which govern the performance of its officers, employees, and agents engaged in the administration of contracts funded in whole or in part by the CDBG program. (Section 7120(d) of the State CDBG regulations. ) (o) It will comply with the Hatch Act (5 USC 1501 et seq. ) regarding political activity of employees. '} (p) It will comply with the Lead-Based Paint Regulations (24 .CFR Part 35) which prohibits the use of lead-based paint on projects funded by the program. (q) It will not employ, award contracts to, or otherwise engage the services of any contractor while that contractor is in a period of debarment, suspension, or placement in ineligibility status under the provision of 24 CFR Part 24. (r) It will give HU1), the Comptroller General, the State Department of Housing and Community Development, or any of their authorized representatives access to and the right to examine -all records, books, papers, or documents related to the grant. (s) If receiving funds pursuant to Public Law 98-8 (Jobs Bill) -under the provisions of Section 7062.2 of the State CDBG regulations-, it will comply with any special reporting and/or accounting procedures as may be required by either HUD or the State. (t) It will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted in whole or in part with CDBG funds by assessing properties owned and occupied by targeted income persons unless: (A) CDBG funds are used to pay the proportion of such assessment that relates to non-CDBG funding or; (B) for the purpos of assessing properties owned and occupied by targeted income persons who are not of the lowest targeted income group it does not have sufficient CDBG funds to comply with the provisions of (A) above. The certification is made under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California. CERTIFYING OFFICIAL: MURRAY L. WARDEN Printed Name _D April 1984 ate Signature EL CAMINO REAL_ l a _ ¢ m r G z up x o m v ° a 4 r e y m 0 O m Z m 0 Z 3► o > —i Z K < K D f• � � r rr e. i - Trn 1 f i •T r I.1f i K w •1 .4� � o p o y = O y Z (i' m V`j O m C O •. m t 1 m •+ m m y K y r -- -_ s 1 Vf � �• � _ Z I� r ss:c 3 Z �i 4 L �1r •- .,re' p. as z F z Vow S/TL —F>( 4 M cup Ila!G EL c M 1►vo Iz _ jj �Y 7 t i • I}jj"'7.cr,a�! .. .OWNER: fuav a TED rouma +.-!2 J�:I''• [100 El CAu1M0 , [EAL TITLE/SITE PLAN "co o � ATASCADAoCONGREGATE ��•�����. SENIOR HOUSING U.1 D.T..611[E4111 N:•w t...w�s._v•fO ZN+ O I, Iiiili' \3 _ m m w f m �: D D m Mv n' �� I. IIiIII II ' m i a r � [FB7M, ; ul lii I �I " vi � I•jil II'tll , I I I t Iii , I ,.I P �lV1 11�i O _ II I I Id�i ) C A 2 � C VIII VIII III; � IL6. it Iv.i l�,l > El � hI, 4 ® N < h in fill n LE i' II•I' 'III illl lill II I! c ❑ �w I�� I V' L . �►II I .i � it� 11 � � o a la',� � i I t i II'I il'I, I I I Iml, � L � a [a F01 oI i► � L; 10 ij I � ' u i is j 'll) I I t _j it I I I;11 ISI o !l_L■ LJ— 1111 l illy III , I ILII �I(I III { 11 ,li;� -----J r i 1 i+:19i �i;si ELEVATIONS E7.6—VA [0E4 5 - A,ASCaC;EAO CONGREGATE /0 f(.s -Z.CAmi NCS M( SENIOR HOUSING ":�a. •.d.1" �V...O.�.E�7 PEMLI ...P,V�.. o.�t,�.,,E.. (�4uF. l.t'1�►�`QS V uG� fY v PRE NARY COST IMATE (Prca lice )n) RI1-100(RRH) PROJECT: SENIOR CONGREGATE RENTAL UNITS - ATASCADERO DATE: January 4 1984 $ 463,500 LAND: CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT COSTS: SITE DEVELOPMENT; _ Clearing, Demolition = $ 18,000$ 00 Earthwork, Grading = Trenching (incl. util.) _ $ 17,640 Sidewalks $ 51,618 Black Top, Streets, Parking Area = $ 61,942 Landscaping = $ 69,145 ---`Sewer $ T3,425 Nater 10,000 Storm Sewers Underground Power $ 500 Phone, T.V. _ $ 9, = $7 30{,638 Gas SITE DEVELOPMENT SUBTOTAL: _ $ 438,408 BUILDINGS Lobby, Storage,.-Maint. Halls Etc. Approx. 5800 sq. ft. X $24. 139,200 .pprox. 600S.F. 83-1 bed Bedrooms @$28.00 S.F. (49,800 sq. ft.) _ $ 1,394,400 700S.F. 12-2 bed Bedrooms @$28.00 S.F. ( 7,200 sq. ft.) _ $ 201,600 S.F. Bedrooms @ S.F. $ 35,600 KITCHEN 400 sq. ft. $89:00 Other Buildings Community, Office, Laundry Approx. 3700 s.f.$37.Ofl $ 136,900 miscellaneous: Appliances, Fees, 1500. X 95 units = $ 142,500 BUILDING SUBTOTAL: $ 2,050,200 Builders Profit, Overhead and General Requirements 8% + 4% _ $ 298,633 CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT TOTAL: $ 3,250,741 3. INTERIM (Construction) INTEREST: Loan Fee 1.5 % _ $ 52,479 Interest @12.75 Months 12 % x .S _ $ 223,038 INTERIM INTEREST TOTAL: $ 275,517 4. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: Closing Costs and Legal = $ 13,373 Architectural = $ 76,00 0 Land Survey and Engineering = $ 4,100 Soils Test and Report = $ 15,532 --Other Professional Services = $ 47,500 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL: $ 156 360 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST: $ 3,682,768 S $ 3 95% OF TOTAL COST: 498630 (7-21-82) µ.t • United States Farmers , 459 Cleveland Street Department of Home Woodland, California 95695 fi Agriculture Administration March 30, 1984 Mr. Joel Moses Associate Planner 2 D 2 • City of Atascadero Planning Department Post Office Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 __ Dear Mr. -Moses: Subject: EDWARD H. AND JUDY J. YOUNG — FmHA Rural Rental Housing Applicant Application for Community Development Block Grant Funds This letter is to provide you with a status report of an application that Edward H. and Judy J. Young have made to the Farmers Home Administration in the mount of $3,498,630 for the purpose of financing a 95 unit senior congregate rental housing project to be located in Atascadero. This letter is also for the purpose of indicating our strong support for this proposal. Since the loan request exceeds our loan approval authority of $1.5 million, the preapplication must be submitted to our National Office for their concurrence before authorization can be issued to the Youngs to develop a complete application. We are in the process of assembling the needed information so that this preapplication can be promptly submitted to our Washington Office. We will be favorably recormnding this project to our National Office. A professional market study has been completed, indicating strong support and need for this project. Since this project will be serving the elderly, wz are very conscious of their limited incomes and ability to pay the required rents. Since this proposal has the distinct possibility of receiving a community block grant in the approximate amount of $600,000, this will permit a sizable reduction of the rental rates, therefore, making the housing more affordable for the elderly with limited incomes. The possibility of the grant will be a strong favorable factor in the review by both ourselves and our National Office. In fact, the National Office may only authorize this project contingent upon the receipt of the grant. The amount of loan funds provided by FIu3A would be reduced by the amount of the grant. Since the project must be self-sustaining and meet all expenses including debt service from the rents generated, the grant would of course reduce the total rents needed. This savings would be passed through to the tenants in the form The Rm9A funding will be provided under Section 515 of the Housing Act of 1949. The loan would be amortized over a 50 year period. The project owners will be restricted to a limited profit (no more than 8 percent on their inti investment) and in return. will receive interest credit. The interest initial i v } U ��u8, Farmers Home Administration is an Equal Opportunity Lender. SHO n n Complaints of discrimination should be sent to: nn Secretary of Agriculture.Washington.D.C.20250 y 2 t P Page 2 credit provision subsidizes the loan payment so that the effective interest rate is reduced to 1 percent. This reduced interest rate is then used as a pass through to the tenants so that the basic rent schedule is established considering a debt service at the 1 percent interest rate. The tenants then must pay a minimum of 30 percent of their adjusted income for rent and utilities. If the 30 percent is more than the basic rent, then they would be paying a higher rent. The rent over and above the basic rental rate is submitted by the owner to the Government as an additional interest payment. Tenants are required to pay the basic rental rate even if that takes more than 30 percent of ,their income. Since this loan program is heavily subsidized, it is restricted to housing households of low and moderate incomes. In order to assure that this housing will be available for low and moderate income households on a long term basis, the FmHA borrower agrees not to prepay the loan for at least 20 years and further agrees to the use the housing for the purpose of housing people eligible for occupancy as provided in Section 515 of Title 5 of the Housing Act 1949 for at least 20 years. FmHA is looking forward to the development of this project and with the support of the local community including the infusion of the block grant funds, we firmly believe that this will be a successful congregate housing facility. Hopefully, the grant will be awarded to this proposal so that we can promptly proceed with the approval process. Should you have any questions or need further information, please contact Robert Longman or Janes C. Rathbone who are on my staff. The telephone number is (916) 666-3332. Si rely, ��/�/ /,� / , rr L,/State Director State of CalIia City of Atascadero CDBG 11Wi-xn (Applicant) APPLICATION SUMMARY FORM Page 1 of la. APPLICANT: [x] City [ ] County of City of Atascadero b. Department Planning Department d. Contact Person joel Moses c. Street/P.O. Box P O Box 747 e. Title Associatet'Planner City Atascadero Zip 93423 f. Phone (805) 466-8000 I 2. TYPE OF APPLICATIO14: a. ] On Applicant's Own Behlaf f. [] For Two Funding Cycles b. [] Joint Application: g. [ For funding through the General ' and CDBG Allocation c. [ ] On Applicant's Own Behalf and on Behalf h. [ ] For funding through the Native of American Allocation in the following jurisdiction: d. [ ] On Behalf of only i. [] For funding through the Jobs Bill e. [x] For One Funding Cycle Allocation 3. LDGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVES: Member of the Assembly State Senator U.S. Representative a. District Number 29 District Number 14 District Number 20 b. Name Eric Seastrand Name Ken Maddy Name William Thomas 4. PRO Mif SUItRMY:Y 95 units senior congregate low-moderate income rental unit project - $600, 000 grant to pay for land acquisition along with on and off site improvements, in conjunction with a $2 , 905, 630 Farmers Home Administration low interest loan 5a. APPLICATION CHECKLIST: ] Application Sumna.ry Form ] Activity Descriptions [C} Local Data Form ] Activity Budget and Schedule �] Needs Statement Activity Budget Sun m;ry [C) Program Narrative Assurances [ ] Jobs Bill Supplement (if applicable) b. ATTACIRYIEITS ] Map of Jurisdiction Showing [ ) Letter Received and Responses All Required Information (if applicable) �] Resolution by Governing Body Approving Application [) Joint Powers Agreement (if applicable) Additional Data (if applicable) [x] Letters of Intent Congregate housing needs ana osis (if applicable) (Kenneth Panter) Market suitability analysis (MDW) 6a. Has applicant enacted limitations on residential construction [�] no [] yes which are not establishing agricultural preserves, not imposed Py another agency, or not based on a health and safety threat? b. If the answer to 6a is yes, is the Housing Element approved by [ ) no [] yes the Department? C. If the answer to 6b is no, is the application for low income [ ] no [) yes housing? 7. OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT APPLICATION: Nate_ Murray L. Warden Title City Manager (Printed) � Signature Date State of Californi t' I City of Atascadero CDBG�,ra (Applicant) LOCAL DATA FORM Page 2 of L�t.. A B C Check here { if using data If not using data supplied by the supplied Department, enter the source used by the to obtain data item and the date of Data Item Department the original data. 1. Housing Units a. Total housing units 6714 b. of total housing units vacant 5.78% c. of housing units delap- idated and not suitable for rehabilitation >< d. of housing units suit- able for rehabilitation C 2. All Households a. Total households �1 17,384 b. of owner households 64.5% , c. of total households { overcrowded % 3.24% i d. 'k of total households with household head 65 or older 19.7% 3. Targeted Income Group Households a. # of renter households in targeted income group 885 b. of targeted income group renter households paying more than 257D of income for rent % 78.0% c. # of owner households in targeted income group 823 d. % of targeted income group owner households paying more than 25% of income for housing % 45.20 State of California CITY OF ATASCADFRO CDBG Program (Applicant) NEEDS STATEMENT FORM Page 3 of 1. Briefly describe and document the serious and basic housing needs: - 19.7% of the City of Atascadero's household heads are 65 -years =or -older and like national averages, it is expected to increase and increase demand-`for specialized housing. - San Luis Obispo County has approximately 723 housing units that can -be made available to senior citizens meeting the low to moderate income levels. Of these units, the City of Atascadero has approximately 24 units available. (See Supplemental Needs Statement) ' 2. Briefly describe and document the serious and basic economic development needs. The Land Use Element of the General Plan states: "Atascadero needs clean, light industry in order to provide employment opportunities and , reduce the migration of young people out of the Colony and to broaden the tax base", and, "Further review and analysis, including economic studies, should be made concerning in- dustrial needs in order to enhance employment opportunities and to encourage a broad and diversified economy within the City." 3. Briefly describe and document the serious and basic public facilities needs: The Draft Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (1983-88) identifies numerous public fac- ilities needs, including: - .land acquisition and expansion of the zoo -• improvement and expansion of various recreation facilities, such as Atascadero Lake, additional phases for South Atascadero Park, development of creeks, and other similar projects - expansion of sewer collection system, including service to areas with (see addl . sheet). .. . 4. Briefly describe and document the other serious and basic needs: - NONE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA 0 Page �— of t City of Atascadero CDBG Program Supplement to Needs Statement #1. HOUSING NEEDS: - P.ents for a one bedroom unit within the area were surveyed in March of this year by the San Luis Obispo Housing Authority and notes that the average rent for a one bedroom apartment in Atascadero was $315.00/month excluding utilities. The City's median income of $16,600 and average cost of housing combined shows that approximately 2.3% of a median income would go for housing typically. The City does show housing needed for 885 in the targeted income group. - A private consultant's analysis is attached showing a need or support level in the City for at least 116 market rate congregate care units. This does not indicate the need .for additional low moderate income units. - The City of Atascadero's General Plan Housing Element contains the following policy: "It is desirable to encourage residential projects to provide housing units afford- able to persons with low and moderate incomes by offering developers either a density bonus or other bonus incentives. The type of "bonus shall depend upon the individual project, its location, and site characteristics A bonus shall .only be offered where adequate guarantees are made to assure the desired results." - A considerable number of renters and owners are overpaying for housing. This will contribute to more rapid deterioration of the condition of those units since it reduces the amount of income available to make ongoing routine maintenance and related repairs. - There are 1744 persons in occupied housing units with 1.01 or more persons per room, according to the 1980 Census of Housing published by the San Luis Obispo County and Cities Area Planning and Coordinating Council . This overcrowding affects between 500 and 600 units - slightly less than 10% of the total number of units in the City. - Approximately 16% of the residents of the City are 60 years of age or older and the median age is a relatively high 30.7 (according to the 1980 census). Since most of these are on fixed incomes, the effects of increases in housing costs, especially utility costs, can be particularly devastating. In addition, the ability to provide for ongoing routine maintenance is weakened. #3. PUBLIC FACILITIY NEEDS: Continued failing septic systems (as identified by the Regional .Water Quality Control Board) facility to house Police Department State of California CITY OF ATASCADERO CDBG B Program g am (Applicant) PROGRAM NARRATIVE FORM Page r" of 1(. 1. Describe the proposed program, including which identified need(s) are addressed and why`the- program -was selected The City proposed to use the grant to reduce the development costs of a 95� unit senior citizens congregate housing project in connection with a $3.5 million-. 515 F.mHA loan for the project. The grant will apply $463,500.00 towards the acquisition of the site; $6,000.00 will be used towards a closeout audit; the remaining $130,500.00 will be used to help reduce the cost of offsite public improvements and site. development. The off- site and on-site improvements will include drainage improvements off-site to-protect existing public facilities, installation of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; on-site work will include: grading, clearing of the site, sewer and water work, and undergrounding of utilities. L 2. Briefly describe how all other identified needs will be addressed. A professional market study has been completed, indicating strong support and need for this project. Since this project will be serving the elderly, the City is conscious of their limited incomes and ability to pay the required rents. Since this proposal has the distinct possibility of receiving a FmHA reduced interest loan in the approximate amount of $3.5 millions, this will permit a sizable reduction of the rental rates, therefore, making the housing more affordable for the elderly with limited incomes. The possibility of the grant will be a strong. favorable factor in the review by FmHA. , Ln fact, the FmHA may only authorize this project contingent upon the receipt of the grant. The amount of loan funds provided by CDBG would be reduced by the amount of the loan required for development. Since the project must be self-sustaining and meet all ex- penses including debt service from the rents generated, the grant would, of course, reduce the total rents needed T is savin s wouly be pa sed through to the tenants in the form of lower rent Co_sLs_ See Supp ementa sheet - - -- 3. Describe local land use policies and other local activities that could nositively or adversely affect the program. A Conditional Use Permit has been approved by the City of Atascadero's Planning Commis- , sion to allow a 25% density bonus for the project. No further zoning approval is required. Building permits for the projects can be applied for on April 16, 1984. ail STATE OF CALIFORNIA • • Page of 11(o City of Atascadero CDBG Program Supplement to Program Narrative Since this loan program is heavily subsidized, it is restricted to households of low and moderate incomes. In order to assure that this housing will be available for low and moderate income households on a long term basis, the FmHA loan borrower agrees not to repay the loan for at least 20 years and -further agrees to use the housing for the purpose of housing people eligible for occupancy as provided in Section 515 of Title 5 of the Housing Act of 1949 for at least 20 years. SII State of Californi City of Atascadero CDBG Progra (Applicant) ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION FORM Attach one form for each activity. Page 7 of at., 1 . Activity Title: _ Senior Congeaate rental units Activity Number: One 2. CDBG funds requested for this activity: $_600 ,000.00 3. Which National Objective does this activity further? Slum/blight removal X low income benefit urgent need 4. Total number of households to benefit: 95 f 5. Total number of households in targeted income group to benefit: 95 6. Total number of households in lowest tar eted income nknown g group to benef i� 7. Detailed activity description. A grant in the amount of $600,000.00 will be provided to lower the cost of « development of a 95 unit senior citizens congregate housing project. The grant will cover the purchase of the property, cost of off-site public im- provements, and extensive on-site prepatory work. The grant will be pro- vide a reduction in cost to the developer so that the cost of units can be reduced to seniors meeting the low-moderate income levels set for this area. $463, 500. 00 will be provided for land acquisition, $130,500. 00 will be pro- vided for on-site and off-site development costs, and $6 , 000.00 for a close- out audit. 8. Potential environmental problems. Mitigative negative environmental determination is being prepared as part of the project approval and density bonus - noted as potential problems are run-off and potential impacts on drainage facilities. 9. Identify other funds will be committed to this activity during the grant period. Amount Source A. Federal $ 2,905, 630.00 USDA Farmers Home B. State $ None Administration C. Local $ None Section 515 Loan D. Program Income this CDBG Grant $ 600,000.00 E. Program Income from Closed CDBG Grant $ None F. Private $ None w •v w ::Il ua r h (0 " Q a" P �`l F- z aZ fi � � ro b `tb �r o co ro yy promo-Gq �y a O O rt'¢ UU) c+ L.J. C" to U1 r � pO (D CC tH� P) o c�+ ((DD rt ((D aR w rn I." 4�' O I-io H, p n Om Fl Z 0 - 0 (DP. a� � O CD O +� O W N CaH � Ln 000 Ln w p O ct c.+O0 O \ o o O .. (cps O W M O O C+ C N W n pp cC Ln C+ (O!1 ((D 4� O ry f+ O !ern AD W, N r j cC+ Izzi F, (D 'C$ a a w H• � C+ o 'CL � c c Ln • 'P 0 C) r C x O C O C+ ( Ip (~D W Q cif ` (D + � O ::5 O 0) W K D (D clt o n p o Cl)C rt - H C+ (D e+ c+ r d Q `" O kD C+ b r� .O w °c p ' 6 c+ o o r p (D Fi c+ H 9 G1 Fl- C+ • U) + (D r ) c+ CD r Q �J (D c+ Fi y C+�. 0. C�7 .+,O O ,.-° 0 -5 (D N (D D ►-h H � D-� O yciy � n �7 D {� o O d H 470 _ O CD c+ •rte 0 � . wo Ul C) O (D n¢� C3')ED i a m o C + C+ C+ 8 oCD F w e ro o ¢ Ln fV O C+ CTCNS -nC= cr u O I-- NO 0) N ' � Ul j (DD B n Ul O C+ 00 D 'S Ol (D O O ~ O n O C1 CD O � ct f'S Uj t+ chi- c-F CD + C+ �+ �l f� (D H ~ (p b .. I W UU 'p H t-h 3 AD00 c+ i ►t, F-h Cfl ry C-+ W C+ N dq UU o C+ N• r+ c+ �i (D p . 1 AdwL 0 1 rn cn w m FL w w C+ b b� lid -N o C+ GO c~+ (rt (Old rF t ((DD C w p11 (~!� "-UQ �+ ti iOi ((D (D 0 N� N (D R. HO�Q n (D � sz fi (t O � CJ r (� , n (D (CD U0) O CD 0 Ffi 0 c+ t l< 3 CD •O F, N H* p Oil (D v Cil = (D C+ ~• O (D ."3 � H t M (D F� � N CLAD y 7 ca C+ (Dz� CL P FJ- o IC) c+ (D •© C �! C+ (� FJ- CD N U) c+ • C+ N G7 � n � m CD C c-FCD CD 00 C+ c 00 . Cfl H 1-1 C+ y K Fl O 0 Z 40 CDCD N ' m 1 `` CD CD �2J r ti j r # . r. I w a o d � i � o [-I N O L O n c� CL U N •r r r6 •r- O ` I to r6 C 0 r U N S.. cu r" a c0 ro p O N CL- 3 p .N j - R1 � U •r U r ro U O •r rp (31. - Q m O > w E p N L d N r6 CO Co O +-) S rah i O I U 1 1 /v _ - ✓�yL�� se^1 iC NT �•3 E� 'fir K f+Y �T�,oTisQ1 J s � f• i'y. t ^"� e� a f l t / L -'_` .:'s, fir`• c .fir � r �� ••- � 'ri�/j�Q.���' .ry ,n �4. 44�. - r 1•�• .moi � t"IF� \ � :F S,r•� I r1 a 9� GU E� /'� /' .�,. i�.r� � k ,•T : " c- a°.<.`� .°,s `•� E . iy� l Z- « Sal i, � ��ti l •�,/jn �� • s:x '�� .. �J�`.*'" +i �.r u o,o mao�+ ~�,b ,9di r xiL - I -- �t i.,.i ti /7..✓ �' Wit, of ° �-�t,F--T��-? �� � l Y. a E t..;r/ o y r F ; p.r'"1 a •� 't w n IL PT "� �'/ �--.-`. 4�if vi\� -�:� � �� ,+ �w-_•���+ t ,J«V� d/ISI{ � .w. - ::� ir �''� ' t 4 4 t y. �— A f��•� LLLa�' --t � J� i 47.'. •� f 7�•1 � �'• _. I • ° ���' a .ice )t�. � �;� ,. W i./ Cz0.080% NlkEE N.- AGENDA DATE 9 - (TEM#2 �....+ • ORDINANCE NO."-77 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING THE TEXT OF TITLE 9 (ZONING REGULATIONS) CONCERNING "INDOOR RECREATION" USES WHEREAS, discussion with representatives of other cities indicates that many allow indoor recreation uses such as gyms, racquetball facilities, etc,. .within their industrialzones, and WHEREAS, many of the uses that fall within the definition of "indoor recreation" can be small in scale with only minimum improvements. As a result, they can be an interim use which would ' not preclude a more appropriate industrial use from eventually occurring. The discretion available through the con- ditional use permit would allow each application to be evaluated for compatibility; and WHEREAS, many larger industrial users ,provide indoor rec- reation facilities accessory to their principal use as, part' of employee fitness programs. This indicates that such uses are not dissimilar; and • WHEREAS, "Indoor Recreation" type uses are compatible with the allowable uses now permitted in the CPK (Commercial Park) Zoning district in 'terms of intensity of uses, needs, - and other requirements; and WHEREAS, "Indoor Recreation" type uses may be compatible with the allowable uses now permitted in the IP ;(Industrial Park) Zone if conditions are applied to the size, location, and func- tioning of the uses. - NOW, THEREFORE, ses.NOW, _THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Zoning Ordinance Amendment. The text of Title -9 (Zoning• Regulations) is hereby amended to modify ; regulations governing "Indoor Recreation" uses as follows l) Section 9-3.252 (allowable uses) of the CPK (Commercial Park) Zoning District is modified to add Subsection (dd) entitled "Indoor Rec- reation". • Ordinance No. 77 2) _. Section ,9-3.303 (conditional uses) of the IP • (Industrial .Park) Zoning District is modified to add Subsection (r) entitled "Indoor Recrea- tion". Section 2. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero 'News, a 'newspaper of general circulation, printed and published and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; -shall certify the adopting and posting of :thi's 'ordinance_ and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinance of this City. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introducedonMarch 26, 1984 and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on AYES: NOES: ABSENT: MARJORIE R. MA KEY, MAYOR APPROVED AS T FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ALLEN GRIMES, CITY ATTORNEY MURRAY E. WARDEN, CITY MANAGER ATTEST: BARBARA NORRIS, CITY CLERK 2 • MEETING AUk:NVA DATW - ITEM# • ORDINANCE NO. 79 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING MAP NO. 11 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY CHANGING CERTAIN PROPERTIES ON SAN PALO ROAD FROM RSF-Z (RESIDENTIAL. SINGLE FAMILY) ; TO CT (COMMERCIAL TOURIST) Sect-ion -l. Council Findings. After conducting a public hearing, the City Council finds and determines that: 1. The proposed Zone Change will amend the zoning map to be con- sistent with the Land Use Map of the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code. 2. The proposed zone change.. is alogical extension of the exist- ing <zoning that al for limited commercial uses on prop- erty that is approximately located to serve the traveling public on Highway 101`. • 3. The proposed Zone Change would encourage development which is consistent with policies set forth in the Atascadero -General Plan. 4. The proposed zone change will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Envir- onmental- Impact Report is not necessary. Section 2. Zoning Change. Map No. 11 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the Planning Department is hereby amended to reclassify the following described property from RSF-Z (Residential Single Family) to CT (CommercialTourist) : Portions of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 2 of the Atascadero Colony' (6000 San Palo Road) . Section 3. Zoning Map. Map No. 11 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file inthePlanning Department is hereby amended as shown on Ex- hibit "A which is hereby made a part of this Ordinance by reference. reference. Ordinance No. 79 Section 5. Publication. • The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published -once within fifteen (15) days after its passage -in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of -the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together- with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 6. Effective Date. Thin'ord'inance7 shall go: into effect and be- in-full -force and ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day after -its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on AYES NOES: ABSENT MARJORIE R. MACKEY, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA NORRIS, ity Clerk APPROVED AS TO A ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney AP D AS Tq jCONTENT: MU Y WARDEN, City Mans • 2 Iii f, = ��i�Ylannlnb liepartme%� �� \i'°'� _ 5 tJj� �" Z ! z.4 11 \\ >;1j.1)�' i91a•� Y2t >. f + 1O� 94 In .\\���... r L (-I� Irl r • '' /7 .yt 111...... l.� vn•� ^ nx ::. :n. � 6'0szu�r � �� Map No. 11 � • �\\"D � - H a°C�•a0/ ; ^ z20.I1 �. 1" '� � Yo �, ! �.-Hsa� 1{i N� _ ''µ2 4, eYi IO) iJ^° � � � xv) 2n�x•T�•x•. �f- 8^��i'- ' mo �lae ^ � izoi a � e I x•x� ar S Ne xsL:nn YJrz �. 2xoa° tm. '.p a• r x.z se �2 z aam � 7 � � :: $ •I r Y NO 2 s66 Sox49 ISf �.J 3{Y ' - o�.., frr IaI ^,pf�ina ^ x Iif 6np N i. 4 rH .IhO 144 -xan ^ Nf if m: 33 i as . ° , \^ x,Se •.' P ra 4�9 Sv,) ' ' 3259 lii 3 YOU 4U0 P 4 ++0 136 )z le 143 P w•cs 1 y5e � n of Ne YJi> \ i°r •° ,p 1sT_ 134 - \�_\ a ` r>r's .• 9°i Fxs» ySb \\ C s x lao ^.✓' I Isis Isw _i a ,p iSr I+•�o Is� q m 'K nx of lid` it �\ 3 B 9�" r� ��T° .z. +• i� -1M 'Im I:f ,ry .. '� � m o y s LYS` .ice Yc ti5 ' e°f fft Wz L39 a►S �sa � Ify Ki? Ilr o n° � D° ��t ♦ 9i� °s 210 � laa ��: ItTn^• `\ SI n`P J't' I3 -�. 3 sr $0 !z e5141 tat YYD�' xr° ua 5 aa.. \ B ♦s..`5 ♦4 ftl � �0 3350 it9ft SO Cv,� .. 96 c n 5 TT X10 az 5.1f sr .100 it Y �! 14. t✓! ,nib ?9( r , �,, 102 , c It-A o . L(FH 1 a °a t MN 104 ti �.. .lois ". �A IT-A ^ / '•G��" los arf £ 10 // ijPl/Y ` � 106 �)� � lu,,- ^� �w•L .fir �aFvl..➢v '� .`°°° -- . rr .•'�`� A wy 3a•T•�f''z'�Nlyvu^\o r'nG� y IT. h y �'n( 20 to/ 4 a /''N 20-A 90 SSS ,` / CP'1�_a •. �yy 21 �teei 1 13. 's ro5 22 10 g lf T �• • �\ 9 ` +'9'P/ T,�/t' ft��/Iy ;ice.• 'ice �TryN L6z RT ° REVI;i:a Dr.. " Iz13 f cv7pS ayT G° by S L(FH) 4�f✓ ,� 1; , ; 1 �J a s �zzl..��..SX16 14 . A / ^ 1♦ 2o r 6.1 azy G 3 ll �29 zr� Is1 �yy�exa . >4e • ��• zT ,° � �, zo f16 °P ♦ 40 D` 26 q .wA 17 gP �� `♦ 2s �T' '� '� � rr IA• �r21 I t6� .a• 42 RJ EXHIBIT "All f V A LA 1' ZONE CHANGE 1-83 ' 6000 San Palo Road c - (Ptns. Lots 1 and 2 of Block 2) 5- "''I RSF-Z (Residential Single Family) -- ------_------------_._--- to CT (Commercial Tourist) ?d1cET;N AGENDA • Df. 2-ZhG ITE, #_Z;) / O MAIN 2 6 1084 ATAXADERO �-ry of tRK Barbara NorrisMarch 20, 1984 Atascadero City Clerk P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, • Ca:. . :93423 Dear Mrs. Norris : In order for Falcon Cable T.V. to present the annual Franchise fee payment to the City of Atascadero we re- quest time.-on the next available, agenda. The time required would only be approximately 5 minutes if there are no questions from the Council or staff. Thank you for your attention to this request and please • advise as to which meeting is convenient. Sincerely, ' homas J. atchell Vice President — General Manager Falcon Cable T.V. of Northern California • FALCON CABLE CORPORATION 8710-A EI Camino Real Atascadero, California 93422 < Phone (805) 466-3040 ME T6N'v AG=NDA • TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: TREASURER REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE DATE APRIL 5, 1984 MEMORANDUM With=reference' -to the process for to replacing the Treasurer as a consequence of Mr. Rizzuto' s resignation, the State statutes are quite clear as follows: The Council must, within 30 days from commencement of the vacancy, either fill the vacancy by appointment or call a special election. The election must be held at the next, regularly scheduled election, which in this case would be result in November 1984. In either event, if the vacancy is filled by appointment of special election, the, person filling it will hold office for the unexpired term of the former incumbent. In this case • until June 1986. It is the Council' s responsibility to make these decisions. The City Treasurer cannot appoint his own successor. IiRRAY L. WARDEN ty anager DATIS A MEMBER OF THE SEARS FINANCIAL NETWORK ALLIANCE SQUARE SUITE I2 935 RIVERSIDE AVE. �I • t PASO ROBLES,CA 93446 BUS.(805)239-1400 WESTERN PROPERTIES R E C E 1 v o 20 March 84 MAR 2 3 1984 CITY MGR. Mr. Murray Warden CITY MANAGER City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, Ca 93422 Dear Murray: Just a brief comment on our telephone conversation of this afternoon. I feel that the 17,000 square foot section of the 'old ice house' on Traffic Way would make a super interium recreation center. The building owner would make the building oresentable including putting in a new floor. But as ,you know tbis is an industrial building and the owner will only taut into this type of condition. Other work could be done I feel with community efforts without substantial cost to the Cityof Atascadero. The leasing terms are tentativly set and will need confirmation of the owner. The.,lease terms are NNN which add about $.025 per square per month to the; lease. The following is ai table for the ` first five years of the lease. 1st Year $. 15 a Sq Ft $2,550 $30.600 2nd Year .175 2,975 _35,700 3rd Year .20 3,400 40 800 4th Year .225 3,825 45,900 5th Year .25' 4,250 51 .000 After year five the lease would carry a CPI increase. Sincerely yours. COLDWELL BANKER WESTERN PROPERTIES F. Ray Bryant. A sociate Broker • An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affiliates, Inc. RESOLUTION N0. 1753 DATE � tlFA i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFAPR 2 ' 4 ARROYO GRANDE IN SUPPORT OF AN INITIATIVE j ORDINANCE FOR THE PORT OF SAN LUIS HARBOR D I STR9Ty MGR. • REQUIRING ELECTORATE APPROVAL OF OFFSHORE OIL SUPPORT ACTIVITIES IN THE HARBOR. WHEREAS,- proposed offshore oil support activities at the Port of San Luis Harbor.District' threaten the balance between commercial_ fishing, recreation, and industrial uses at the Port; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo .Grande is concerned about the consequences ofent' o p t ral offshore .oil support activities at the Port; and .WHEREAS, an -ini,ti.ative -petition is being circulated among District voters to place -anOrdinance an the ballot to requi-re :voter approval,'of any offshore oil activities. at the Port;. ti NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: # ' SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande supports the proposed initiative Ordinance requiring voter approval for offshore oil ` support activities at the Port; SECTION 2. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to forward- a copy of this Resolution to the elected officials of the County of San Luis Obispo, each City within .the County, and the San Luis Harbor District. • On motion by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Millis, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen 'Gallagher, Millis and Mayor Smith NOES: Councilman Vandeveer ABSENT Counci=lman Hogan` the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of March 1984. MAYOR - ATTEST: /tom DEP 'C I' CLERK 1 , Virginia L. Culp, Deputy City Clerk oftheCity of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1753 is a true, full and correct copy 'of said Resolution ' passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 27th day of March 1984. • WITNESS my hand and the Seal of ,the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 29th day of March 1984. . CC -� c1-. A,ALETI\0At_,�-a'8L.;.% DATE 4 ITEM� ^� RECE1V `EI'3 APR 2 - 1984 � �' � ��� • CITY'MGR. M' E M 0 R A N D U M To: ,.City.Manager From: Finance Director /% ✓ Subject: Transfer of Funds from Contingency Reserve Finance is experiencing the loss of :two (2) Account Clerks with Mrs. Lowe departing on April 6 for the private sector and Mrs. Bennett retiring from the work force on April 27, 1984. We have the opportun- ity to schedule Mrs. Bennett's replacement one week early, April 23, which would provide an invaluable overlap during a most critical period. ' It is requested that Council consider the transfer of $360.00 from contingency reserve to Finance, 01-15-1010 to effect this recommendation. Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. Finance Director RHD:gl • tViCLlilviti1e7_ T,E �"•�_`� #TEM ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO STATE OF CALIFORNIA ORDINANCE NO. 78 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REPEALING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT ORDINANCE CODE The Board of Directors of the Atascadero County Sanitation District ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 3.3 of the Atascadero -County Sanitation District Ord- i inance Code is amended to read as follows: - "3.3 When a:public sewer becomes available to a building served by a private sewage disposal system, said building shall be connected to the public sewer within twenty-four (24) months after said public sewer is 1 available and said private disposal system shall be abandoned in • accordance with the 1982 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, unless a variance is granted by the Board ,of Directors." SECTION 2. That Section 3.6 .of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is repealed. SECTION 3. That Section 4.4 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "4.4 The following fees shall be charged for sewer permits: (1) When the work to be performed involves the connection of a building sewer to the public sewer, the fee shall be five (5) dollars, (2) When any portion of the work to be performed is within the limits of a publicright-of-way or public sewer easement, an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department of the City of tAtascadero. SECTION 4. That Sections 4.5, 4.9, 4.10 and 4.11 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code are repealed. SECTION 5. That Section 4.6 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "4.6 Permit -fees shall be credited to the District's general operating account." SECTION 6. That Section 4.8 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "4.8 A connection fee in the amount of Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars shall be charged for each connection to the public sewer except that: (1) No charge shall be made when the owner of the lot has already paid for lateral sewer installation by assessment or otherwise: (2) No charge will be made when a "T" fitting has already been installed • in the public sewer at the property owner's expense, and the lateral sewer is to be installed from said fitting. (3) Each parcel which was ;assessed,during an .improvement district assessment proceedings for a collection system, but on which the assessment was not paid because<the parcel was deeded to the State for non-payment of taxes, shall incur an additional connection fee equal to the particular assessment involved for that parcel. SECTION 7. Section 4.12 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "4.12 For sewer service to any lot within Assessment District No. l ' created by a lot split or subdivision of a parcel previously assessed, the connection charge for the added lots shall be Two Hundred Fifty . ($254.00) Dollars for each lateral connection plus one of the following: a. Eight Hundred and Fifty ($850.00) Dollars for a single family lot; or b. Seven Hundred and Twenty Five ($725.00) Dollars per living unit for a multi-family lot; or c. Six Hundred and Sixty ($660,00) Dollars per mobile home unit for mobile home parks; or d. Twenty-Six Dollars and Thirty-Five Cents ($26.35) per plumbing fixture unit, as defined in the 1982 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, for commercial and industrial uses. SECTION 8. Section 5.2 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "5.2 The District may approve a refund agreement with persons who have paid for public sewer extensions. Said agreements shall provide for reimbursement of the excess cost borne by said persons, at such time within fifteen (15) years as money is paid to the District for service from said sewer extension. The District shall require the applicant to file and have approved by the City Engineer a reimbursement map showing II the method and amount of cost spread to each future connection to the sewer extension. SECTION 9. Section 5.3 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "5.3 No sewer service shall be provided to any lot by lateral sewer connection to a sewer extension until the owner of said lot has paid a proportional share of the cost of said sewer extension, or has entered into an agreement with the District to pay said share of the costs. SECTION 10. Section 7.1 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "7.1 Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed or located shall be separately and independently connected with public sewer or septic tank, except that the City Engineer may approve the connection of more than one building to a public sewer by a common building sewer. SECTION 11. Section 7.3 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 12. Section 7.10.of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Orriinance ';ode is added as follows: "7.10 Installation, maintenance, and replacement of the building 'sewer shall be the responsibility of the connecting property owner. SECTION 13. Article 8: Annexations, of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "Article 8. Service Extensions: Outside of Improvement District No. 1 Section 8.1 Service to areas outside Improvement District No. 1 (1) When a service extension outside of Improvement District No. 1 is requested, the applicant shall have an estimate of the cost of extending sewer lines and otherwise providing sewer services to the lots included in the request prepared by a Civil Engineer registered in the State of California. These estimates shall not include the cost of building sewers. This estimate and the pro- portional share to be borne by each lot shall be furnished to the owners of the property effected by this request. (2) Applicant shall submit improvement plans of the proposed extension, prepared by a Civil Engineer registered in the State of California, for approval by the City Engineer. (3) The applicants of the sewer extension shall execute and file an agreement with the District as provided in Section 5.1 (3) of this Ordinance Code. (4) No hookup to the public sewer shall be permitted until all improvement work has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and all charges have been paid by the applicant in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance Code. Inspection costs shall be paid by applicant as set forth in Section 5.1 (3) of this Ordinance Code. (5) The District may approve a refund agreement with .persons who have paid more than their porportional cost of the sewer service extension. The agreement shall provide for reimbursement of the excess cost borne by said persons at such time within fifteen- (15) years 'as money is paid to the District for service from said sewer extension. The District shall require the applicant to file and have approved by the City Engineer a reimbursement map showing the Smethod and amount of cost spread to each future connector to the sewer extension. (6) No sewer service shall be provided to any lot by lateral sewer connection to said sewer service extension until the owner of said lot has paid a porportional share of the cost of said service extension as well as the appropriate sewer connection fees as outlined in Section 8.2 of this Ordinance Code. Section 8.2 Sewer Extension Fees For sewer service to any lot where sewer service has been extended beyond the boundaries of Improvement District No. 1, a connection charge of Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars shall be charged for each lateral connection to the public sewer, plus one of the following: a. Eight Hundred and Fifty ($850.00) Dollars for a single family lot; or i b. Seven Hundred and Twenty-Five ($725.00) Dollars per living unit for multi family lot; or c. Six Hundred and Sixty ($660.00) Dollars per mobile home unit for mobile home parks; or d. Twenty-Six Dollars and Thirty-Five-Cents ($26.35) per plumbing fixture unit as defined in the 1982 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, for commercial and industrial uses. Where a "T" fitting has already been installed in the sewer main, at the connector's expense, then the connection fee of Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars shall be waived. It is the intent of this Article that fees shown in Subsections a, b, c, and d approximate the cost of expanding the present sewer treatment plant to accommodate those additional connections brought into the sewer system by the extension of the service area. Section 8.3 Disposition of Collected Funds. All fees collected under this Section for the construction of sewer service extensions shall be credited to the Sewer Facilities Account (Article 10) . SECTION 14. Article 10: Sewer Facilities Fund, of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "Article 10: Sewer Facilities Account" "10.1 A Sewer Facilities Account is hereby established, to consist of revenue obtained from connection fees, sewer extension fees, and designated revenues from the monthly sewer charges." "10.2 The Sewer Facilities Account shall be Drimarily to finance expansion and replacement of the waste water treatment facilities, and the replacement or enlargement of trunk sewer lines or other sewer lines. "10.3 When monies are available from the Account, the Board of Directors may utilize these monies to construct public sewers in streets or easements to extend service to previously unsewered areas when the costs of such sewer construction are to be reimbursed by the owners of the properties requesting such sewer extensions. Before monies from said account are so used, the Board of Directors shall enter into an agreement with the owner or owners of the properties to be served. SECTION 15. Section 11.7 of the Atascadero County Sanitation ?district Ordinance Code is amended to read as follows: "11.7 The District hereby elects to have current and delinquent sewer service charges collected on the County tax roll in the same manner as its general i i taxes, as an alternative to other methods of collection prescribed herein, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 5473 through 5473a. 1 SECTION 16. The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be published once Swithin fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in this District; shall certify to the adoption and publication of this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of publication to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this District. The foregoing Ordinance was introduced, adopted and ordered published at a meeting of the District Board of Directors held on by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: it i i BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk MARJORIE R. MACK Y, Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO F . MU R Y L. ARDEN, City Manager ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney