HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/23/1984 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL- Regular Meeting WApril 23 1984 7:30 p.m. tascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll 'Call Public Comment City Council Comments A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine and will be enacted by 'one -motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If dis- cussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calen- dar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 9, 1984 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2 Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment 3-83, 4960 Alamo (Lots' 12 and 13, Block T) , Donna Williams (Hilliard) 3. Acceptance tanc - e of Final P P a Parcel Map. 19 83, .8.600 San. . Marcos Road (Ptn. Lot 1, Block 15) , Alice I. Jones (Hilliard) 4. Award of Bid for Contract Spraying, Bid No. 84-4 (RECOMMEND BID BE AWARDED TO ARBOR TREE SURGERY IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,365) 5. Claim of Thomas R. Vestal for personal property in the amount of $50 (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 6. Claim of Kathryn Lynn Burleigh for alledged false detention, arrest, and imprisonment in the amount of $75,000 (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 7. Application for leave to present late claim, Lew and Jo Anne Pritten (RECOMMEND DENIAL OF APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO PRESENT LATE CLAIM) B HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1. Presentation of the annual Franchise Fee Payment to the City from Falcon Cable TV 2. Gri.santi Request for discussion of downtown parking problems 0 0 3. Public hearing on Zone Change 4-84 to prezone approximately ` 80 acres containing the wastewater treatment plant site to the P (Public) Zone at 8005 Gabarda Initiated by Planning Commission 4. Consideration of Staff Report on General Plan Amendment applications for Cycle 2 of 1984 5. Public hearing on General Pian Amendment 1B-84 to amend the General Plan Land Use Element 'text to encourage the estab- lishment of additional commercial and light, ' clean industrial uses on suitable sites, 6. Public hearing '- appeal of parking requirements on Condi- tional Use Permit 3-84 for a 95 unit congregate senior citi- zens housing project on a portion of Lot 3 of Block 7 o Eag- let No. 2 at 10165 El Camino Real California Lenders ` (Young) C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 79 AmendingMa No. 11 of the Official Zoning P g Maps of the City of Ataseadero by changing certain properties on San Palo Road from RSF-Z (Residential Single Family) to CT (Commercial Tourist) - second reading 2. Appointment of two members to the Board of Appeals D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 19-84 declaring weeds` a public nuisance and commencing proceedings for the abatement of said nuisances 2. Ordinance No. 80 amending Ordinance No. 67 to read Chapter 16 to Title 2 o the Atascad+ero Municipal Code relating to _ claims against the City . 3. Ballfield -lighting recommended hours of use for night lighting of ballfields 4. Approval of negotiations team for property tax exchange E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (Council will recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanita- tion District Board of Directors) 1. Resolution No. 20-84 approving extension of sewer service outside the boundaries of Improvement District No. l and establishing conditions for approval of said extensions 2. Resolution No. 21-84 approving extension of sewer service outside the boundaries of Improvement District No. 1 and establishing conditions for approval of said extensions 2 i • 3. Resolution No. 22-84 approving extension of sewer service outside the boundaries of Improvement District No. l and establishing conditions for approval of said extensions 4. Resolution No. 23-84 a roving extension of sewer service outside the boundaries g of Improvement District No. l and establishing conditions for approval of said extensions (The Board of Directors will adjourn and reconvene as City Council) F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager NOTE: There will be a closed session to consider personnel matters; no announcement after the closed session is anticipated 3 MEET(R� AGENDA • DATEd&Af REM# MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting April 9, 1984 Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present Councilman Molina, Stover, Wilkins and Mayor Mackey. Absent: Councilman. Nelson STAFF Present: Murray Warden, City Manager; Ralph Dowell, Finance Director; Allen Grimes, City Attorney; Georgia Ramirez, Deputy City Clerk; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Skip Joannes, Recreation Director; Jerry Linenkugel, Acting Police Chief; Barbara Norris, 'City, Clerk; Fred Buss, Planning Department; Wayne ;Loftus, Interim Planning Director; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director; and Steve Rizzuto, City Treasurer. PUBLIC COMMENT Joe Grisanti spoke regarding the need of parking in order to survive . in Atascadero. He would like this put on next meeting's agenda. Joseph PeBenito also spoke regarding the problem with parking in the business area. City 'Manager, Murray Warden, introduced Interim Planning Director, Wayne Loftus. COUNCIL COMMENTS None A. CONSENT CALENDAR -1. Minutes of the, regular meeting of March 26, 1984 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer' s Report - 3/1/84 to 3/31/84 3. Finance Director' s Report - 3/1/84 to 3/31/84 4 . Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA830615:1 2900 and 3000 San Fernando Road (Lots 11 and 12, Block 26) , Greg Filip poni/Jerry Frederick (Bethell and Associates) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) • April 9, 1984 • 5. Lot Line Adjustment 4-84, 5100 Alamo and 5015 Rosario (Lots 13 and 58, Block Q) , Frank Garza for adjustment of property lines to remedy the ;encroachment of an existingresidence onto an adjacent lot. (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMI, SION RECOMMENDATION) 6. Tentative Tract Map 3-84 , 9740 Las Lomas Avenue (Ptn. Lot 37 A.D.S. Addition #1) , Bob Benson (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow creation' of' :seven residential condominium units for a Y project multiple famil roject under construction (RECOMMEND APPROVAL P OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) ; 7. Tentative Parcel Map 2-84 , 11745 Halcon Road (Lot 19, Block 68) Bella Vista Investment Company (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow division of 10. 39 acres into two parcels of .4 . 87 and 5.52 acres each (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 8 Tentative Parcel Map 1-84, 9333 Musselman Road (Ptn. Lot 4 Block 7 , Eaglet #2) Rex Hendrix (Orton) to allow division of 2.66 acres into two parcels of 2. 00 and . 066 acres each (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 9. Exception 1-84 , 3650 Traffic Way (Ptn. Lot 2, Estrada Tract) Kenneth Gross (Lilley) to allow the granting of an exception to Condition l(c) of Parcel Map CO 78-18 requiring that par- cles connect to the community water system. (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION' RECOMMENDATION) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS • 1• Public hearing to consider anima plication for grant funding under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Non- entitlement Program in the amount of $600,000 for a con- gregate senior' MizeniT housing development. City Manager, Murray Warden, reminded Council that the City is not putting money into the project, only acting as execu- tive agent for administering the funds. Edward Young said that the storm drain that will be put into this project will also benefitthe_City. , MOTION. Co,,tn.cilman Molina moved, seconded by Councilman Wilkins to adopt :Resolution No. 18-84 . Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2`. Public Works Department Quarterly Report Larry'McPherson, Public Works Director, gave report that the Public Works Department since this fall has paved 6.76 miles of streets with an asphalt overlay, paved some previously unpaved streets, formed two maintenance assessment districts, installed drainage improvements, striped traffic markers, cleaned drainage ditches and accomplished numerous repairs as improvements at the parks and zoo utilizing volunteers as well as city employees. I� -2- April 9, 1984 . • C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 77 - Amending the Text of Title 9 (Zoning-Reg- ulations) Concerning "Indoor Recreation" Uses - second reading MOTION: Moved by Councilman Wilkins, seconded by Councilman Stover to read Ordinance No. 77 by Title only. Mayor Mackey read Ordinance No. 77 . MOTION: Moved by Councilman Wilkins, seconded by Councilman Stover to adopt Ordinance No. 77 . Passed 3 :1 by roll call vote, with Councilman Molina voting no. 2. Ordinance No. 79 Amending Map No. 11 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero by Changing Certain Properties on San Palo Road from RSF-Z (Residential Single Family) to CT (Commercial Tourist) - first reading MOTION: By Councilman Wilkins, seconded by Councilman Stover to read Ordinance No. 79 by title only. Passed unanimously. Ordinance No. 79 was read by Mayor Mackey. MOTION: By Councilman Wilkins, seconded by Councilman Stover that this constitutes the first reading of Ordinance No. 79 . Passed by -roll call vote 3 :1, with Mayor Mackey voting no. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation of the annual Franchise fee payment to the City by Falcon Cable TV. Representative from Falcon Cable TV was not present, so this item will be put on next council agenda. 2. Treasurer Replacement Procedure MOTION: By Councilman Molina that no action be taken until there is actually a vacancy. Seconded by Councilman Wilkins and passed unanimously. 3. Proposal from Caldwell-Banker regarding use of the 'old Ice House' on Traffic Way for an ir-"erim recreation center. Murray Warden, City Manager, said that staff finds it hard to justify the expenditure of that kind of money on an annual basis. MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilman Wilkins to table this indefinitely. Passed unanimously. -3- I April 9, 1984 • • 4 . Resolution calling for support of an initiative ordinance for the Port of San Luis Harbor District requiring electorate approval of offshore oil support activities in the Harbor. MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilman Wilkins to ignore this item. Passed unanimously. 5. Request of Transfer of Funds from Contingency Fund to Finance Department in the amount of $360 to hire an Account Clerk one week in advance of current Account Clerk' s termination date MOTION: By Councilman Stover, seconded by Councilman Wilkins to trans- fer $360 to Finance Department. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT MOTION: By Councilman Wilkins, seconded by Councilman Stover to recess as Council and convene as the Atascadero Sanitation District Board of Directors . Passed unanimously. 1. Ordinance No. 78 - Amending and Repealing Certain Sections of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code second reading. MOTION: By Director Wilkins, seconded by Director Stover to read by title only. MOTION: By Director Wilkins, seconded by Director Stover to adopt Ordinance No. 78 . Passed unanimously by roll call vote. MOTION: By Director Wilkins, seconded by Director Stover to adjourn as Board of Directors and reconvene as the City Council. Passed unanimously. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council Councilman Molina .commended Officer Howard and the paramedic staff for saving a life this week. Mayor Mackey raised the question of opposing burning of toxic wastes about 200 miles out in the ocean. 2. City Attorney None 3. City Clerk None -4- April 9, 1984 0 0 4. City Treasurer None 5. City Manager City has only received one application for the Board of Appeals for the architect/engineer position. Still need one for the general contractor position. Reminded Council if they know of anyone who might be interested, they should be contacted as soon as possible. Meeting adjourned at 8 : 17 to closed session. Closed session adjourned at 9 p.m. , meeting adjourned 9 : 01 p.m. Recorded by: Barbara Norris GEORGIA RAMIREZ, Deputy City Clerk i MEETING AG--NDA pA ITEM# M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER April 17, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR - SUBJECT: Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment 3-83 LOCATION: 4960 Alamo (Lots 12 and 13, Block T) APPLICANT: Donna Williams (Hilliard) On February 27, 1984 , the ,City Council approved Lot Line Adjustment 3-83, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission. The tentative approval expires February 27, 1986. The zoning is RSF-Y and the General Plan designation is Moderate Den- sity Single Family Residential. Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been met. On April 16, 1984, the Planning Commission reviewed the matter on its Consent Calendar and recommends acceptance of the Final Map. WA LOFT-US,/,-- ACity L. WARDEN Planning Director anager Ps • .-7. - - � � K �i'"' t�m'�*a ,� 71•ay�pA°�7a-.r-f.^+rte*-��-..w. q „ "''� n 1 " 1.: >yr� Y-� 7 -..a$_� 1 ; id•2����'sa x � l� Cc , 41 6 41 < ' '�-• A. ? �0 z - i rat ;t ' t Y/�� ttf z t a rY 's N28-ro00'wR ` Q 4 44 a SS - • �� +.. lOO.00�R 99 9$'M. f ,a«` 9¢ -^„ \ t 0\ �• f`, i S a '1. ON y at ml T �� Yl !- 9� .:V i�'.'''.. 4.0 i^•.Tw'V G Obi O f, H t t _ ePt I. El.t tt d3.92'M ^� #Y05,�� N 249 e3 R ' 21963 a `.ZJJ 2tO.BT`R 2/0.d1m. ,. #26-201W W M 480.60'R 60/eM y * r lZ' � _ ; r ! R �� #t �t -.t• i 6 *s � i l^3oi. t t �� K� a F � �,,,yr'�`r. •µ ; c,} ��:�° �!^� sit}' !9 �S i.:u 'i ii "*i:51�#} +,>f t.•.`pl 6 }'(,:" t :•`e ��•u• a'b rR Ma C• {`� � s �S ! ! � �t� =l � �,6E .'h r� v R ..- + M at Amo W O ci A�`n�o.� o� m. r }r"` #i r�`$r n y t _`"•� 1�i �S?kry4i �^ ,,•t; m� s t � rr ys#�}yl✓ , .{(yam• �. n .`� sAS "QJ • \i q azo,Ns bra .._ • h �3 ,t�bgib' �4A^� - �t y vU tit .. �C 3 k AEETiP� AGENaA MATE' ITEM M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER April 17, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 19-83 LOCATION: 8600 San Marcos Road (Ptn. Lot 1, Block 15) APPLICANT: Alice I. Jones (Hilliard) On February 14, 1984 , the City Council approved Parcel Map 19-83, sub- ject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The tentative approval for the map ex- pires on February 14, 1986. The zoning is RSF-Z and the General Plan designation is Low Density Single Family Residential. - Staff review has determined that all con- ditions of approval have been met. On April 16, 1984, the Planning Commission reviewed the matter on its Consent Calendar and recommends acceptance of the Final Map. WA)WE LO rity;�,anager L. WARDEN Planning Director PS • t Y t. 03 a a w � �. '• N .; aro a' J' 2 C, ,; a lll��y • Y" � ` N : y. o >e- Z .�1•' �M•g0 tee. j � mmto rY bg O�1 8gCb ;; ro y i; M wz•.�'"w+ a m.Pa b - �t�. OL 4L '..•0y }- = m2 pity BYtgG A ia x � m r. y03000 .y b� a N at Et +nicer > a�a iS:.212 � •�.e ,. a x mob D 4 J a x c � qan eon p� N r m,ym r^yam.nl m.�'] N rri -nzlID Eb W 7a G .. Nb. a 4"t AGENDA DAML ITEM# RECEIVED APR 111%4 • MEMO RAND UM CITY MGR. TO: Murray FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Contract Spraying - Bid No. 84-4 DATE: April 9, 1984 Recommendation It is recommended that City Council accept the low bid for the subject project submitted by Arbor Tree Surgery, Atascadero, in the amount of $2,365.00. Bids received are as follows: Arbor Tree Surgery $2,365.00 California Spray Service 3,820.00 • Eco-Tech 7,000.00 Background Funds for this project are in account #01-41-3198 in the 1983-84 Budget. LAWRENCE McPherson LM:vh • MEETING. AGENDA DAM� ITEM • TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: VESTAL CLAIM DATE: APRIL 19, 1984 M E M O R A N D U M Alledgedly, Mr. Vestal suffered damages to his automobilewhile in the City Parking Lot. The officer was on duty, and he left his car in our unattended parking lot. Upon return to his vehicle he discovered slashes in his tire causing the damage for which he is submitting the claim. Recommendation is for denial since it was not an incident occuring during, the course • of official business. M Y WARDEN ty M nager • I VERIFIED CLAIM Claim against the City of escadero, California, pursuant the Government 1%0kfythe State of California. A 1? 5 p T0: City City ofeAtascadero rk pE�'Sp X84 1 Name of Claimant Address/City/State/Zip :Telephone No. 2. I desire notices to be sent to the following address: <AMAS � 3. The date, place and other circumstances of the occurrence or transaction that give rise to this claim are as follows Date Time Location Describe circumstances: 4. Generally describe the injury, damage or loss incurred so far as it is known at this time• �- — Atil— ;� 5. The name(s) of the public employee(s) causing the injury, damage or loss as now knoo is/are: C C -- <_ • tY' Ot 6. . The amount claimed as of the date of presentation of this claimis $ which includes $ 0 as the estimated amount of any prospective injury, damage or loss. 7. The basis of computation of the claim is as follows: . INS�fitar+c 1ti�y-►� -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERIFICATION State of California County of San Luis Obispo) ss I, the undersigned, say. I am the claimant (or the persdn presenting this claim on behalf of theaclamant)" in the above entitled action; I have read the foregoing claim and now the con- tents thereof; and that the same is true of my own knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated upon my information"or belief, and as to those natters that I believe to be true. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on 4— 6— U4 at JkT(kSC'.M� :Zv CA�L 6'-. Date City and State ►,�.` � - Signature of Claimant or his authorized representative MUNNG AGENDA . iNCOR PORATED JUlY Z.397+1 �.. �tM' 'E)AT­ C TEAA VERIFIED CLAIM ' - Claim against the City of Atascadero, California, pursuant to the Governme;�nt-,Code bfI.the State of California. 00: City Clerk JAN 3 U 1984 City of Atascadero 461--0-37-5 1- KA'i'HRYtJ LYNN $URLEICH 10205-E1 Camino Real Rd, Atascadero,. CA 93422 - Name of Claimant Address/City/State/Zip Telephone No. 2. I des i re noti ces to be sent to the fol l owi ng address: KATHRYN LYNN BURLEICH, 8925 Pino Solo Ave. ,' Atascadero, CA 93422 3. the date, place and other circumstances of the occurrence or transaction that give rise to this claim are as follows: 12/15-16/83, approx. 11:15 PM - `1 :30 AM, El Camino Ileal & Santa Rosa, Date Time Location Atascadero; SLO County Jail Describe circumstances: Harassment, false detention, arrest, and imprisonment. TFC, QFA'IGFRS FATTEEI TO MORM AS OF MY CI1tIL RIGHT, P•IMATORY PROCEDURE VC 40304.5. I t•mr, RAMPMr., Mc�s AND BULLYED. I MS C3'1'ED FOR THE WRONG CITATION. I CAS TAKEN TO A I-I T.STRAT AEMR UCS gC-,_4RY MAY. 4. Generally describe the injury, damage or loss incurred so far as it is known at this time: Humiliation, infliction of physical pain (too tight manacles) , anxiety, fear, embarrassment, intentional infliction of emotional distress • resulting in physical nausea, dizziness, and faintness. 5. The name(s) of thepublic employee(s) causing the injury, damage or loss as now known is/are:Atascadero P.D. Officers Jerry Larrison, Rogers, Lori11 Phillips a 6. The amount claimed as of the date of 'presentation of this claim is $75-,0oo. 00 which includes $ as the estimated amount of any prospective injury, damage >` or loss. $53. 00-towing; $12,000 per annum job salary; $200-gasoline/mile. J Y% �- (approx. ) ; 7. Toe, basis of computation of the claim i s as fol 1 ows: See above at no 6 . After subtracting the ' itemized amounts from $75`,000, the balance is for `pain, ' suffering,_etc and _2unit ve damages---------------- ---- ------___--- VERIFICATION State of California County of San Luis Obispo) ss I, the undersigned, say I am the claimant (or the person presenting this claim on behalf of the claimant) in the above entitled action; I have read _the foregoing claim and now the con- tents thereof; and that the same is true of my own knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated upon my information or belief, and as to those matters that I believe to be true. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. ,Executed on Jan. 23, 1984 at Atascadero, CA i Date _City and State Signatur of Claim nt or hls author i06 representative t .Z/r�� 'ROURKE, STAFFORD & ALLAV 1 ITEM DENIS M.O'ROURKEATTORNEYS AT LAW- MAILING AD ESS: MICHAEL N.STAFFORD _ P.O.BOX 10220 .JOAN H.ALLAN 620 N.BRAND BOULEVARD GLENDALE,CA 91209-3220 JIM HASENFUS SUITE 300-301 GLENDALE,CALIFORNIA 91203E E rte. • (818)247-4303 AC CITY MGR. April 3, 1984 City of Atascadero Administrative Offices Post Office Box 747 Atascadero, California 93423 Dear Sir or Madam: Please findenclosedour Application to File Late Claim Against Governmental Entity along with our Claim. Very y trulY ours O'ROURKE, STAFFORD & ALLAN BY: f _ • OAN H. ALLAN JHA/cd Enclosures t 1 O' ROURKE, S FORD & ALLAN - Attorneys at Law 2 620 North Brand Boulevard, Suite 300 Post Office Box 10220RMCEIVED 3 Glendale, California 91209-3220 • (318) 247-4303 IAPB 5 195 Crj'Y MGR. 5 Attorneys s' for Claimants 7 10 11 In the latter of the Application'-'- for pplication for Permission to File Late Claim 12 of ) APPLICATION TO FILE LATE.. CLAIM AGAINST GOVERNMENTAL 13 LEW PRITTEN and JO ANNE PRITTEN, } ENTITY 14 Claimants, ) 15 vs ) Y. 16 THE CITY OF P_TASCADERO, a ) Municipal corporation, ) 17 ) Governmental Entity. 18 ) ) 19 1. Claimants LEW PRITTEN and JO ANNE PRITTEN hereby apply 20 to THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, a Municipal corporation (herainafter 21 referred to as ` CITY"). for leave to present a claim against said 22 governmental agency, pursuant to Section 911.4 of the California . _ 23 Government Code. 24 2. The cause of action of LEW PRITTEN and JO ANNE PRITTEN 25 as set forth in their proposed claim attached hereto, occurred on 26 August 23 , ',1983 a period within on6 year from the filing of this 27 Application. 28 3. LEW PRITTEN and JO ANNE PRITTEN' S reason for the 1 delay in presenting their claim against CITY is as follows : 2 Claimants have become aware that ' a recent fatality and several 3 other serious automobile accidents have occurred at or near the 4 vicinity of the Claimants ' accident on State Route 41 between 5 Morro Bay and Atascadero. 6 4 Claimants contend that failure to present this claim 7 within the 100 day statutory period for governmental claims was '. 18 throughmistakel, inadvertence,. surprise, excusable neglect:,. and_ • 9 the inability to' obtain the necessar information` to complete Y p L 10 their investigation as to whether�•or not Highway 41' between --.'_ __ 11 M orro Bay and ^Atascadero is a dangerous and ha,z'ardouVs r oadwa 12 5. The hazardous and dangerous condition-.of this Highway 13 isnot readily ascertainable by visual inspection. Based on 14 heresay and information that recent accidents have occurred, 15 Claimants have attempted an investigation which has led them to 16 believe that numerous other accidents have occurred at that . . 17 location. However, the California Hig,-iway Patrol, C1ILTRANS, and CIiY 18 have been -very uncooperative and have refused or been unwilling 19 to provide Claimants with the Switers Reports listing all acct 20 dents which have occurred on the stretch of highway between .. 21Morro Bay and Atascadero 22 i 6, Claimants _request. that they, be' permitted .to : file.,aA 23 late claim .so that they may obtain this report and coni-inue their 24 investigation as to whether or not Highway 41 between Morro Bay 25 and Atascadero i's a dangerous and hazardous roadway and, if so, 26 whether or not ,CITY and its officers;,] officials ,' oremployees had ": 27 notice of this hazardous condition and, further,' if the officers ,+' 28 officials, and employees of CITY have taken precautionary measures -2- , ` 1 to m ake thislighway safe for vehicles. 2 7. Claimants contend that this permission to file a late 3 claim is being filed within a reasonable time since 180 days hav� 4 passed since the date of the accident. There is no way CITY 5 would be prejudiced by the failure to present the claim within 6 the time specified in Section 911. 2. 7 W ROURKE, STAFFORD & ALLAN Attorneys at Law 8 9 BY 10 _ JO, H ALLAN, Attorneys for C1a�i.mants - 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .� 27 28 I INSTRUCTIONS A ' s a. Claims relating to causes of action for death or for injury to person or to Reserve for Filing Stamp Claim _ PC rsonal property or growing crops must be presented not later than the of action.Claims relating to any 100th day after the accrual of the cause other cause of action must be presented not later than one year after the accrual of thew-le-f action.(Sec.911.2,Gov.Code) b. Claims must be filed with the In the Matter of the Claim of LE1Q PRITTEN and ;4 JO ANNE PRITTEN S against the City of r g Atascadero in the sum of z 3 The undersigned claimant hereby makes claim against the �.�,;;yzY "� ,,,, r ,�, „• �r�,., S 500,000-00 and in support of said claim represents as follows: 1. When did the damage or injury occur? (Give exact date and hour) 10:47 a.m. on August 18, 1983. 2. Where did the damage or injury occur?(Include City and/or County) Morro Road, State Route 41 at approximately .6 miles west of Old Morro Road East near z Atascadero Creek Bridge .49-50; San Luis Obispo County at or near the City of Atascadero. 3: How did the damage or injury occur? (Give full details) Claimants were eastbound on f Morro Road when a westbound car driven by George Greever struck the northeast guardrail of Atascadero Creek Bridger49-50, and swerved ~ into the eastbound lane, thereby hitting the claimants' vehicle head- on. &- r c - 4. What particular act or omission on the part of its officers, servants or employees caused the injury or damage? The officers, servants, or employees of THE CITY OF ATASCADERO are maintaining a dangerous and hazardous roadway condition and not p posting a legal speed limit appropriate to the nature of the roadway. G ti t t +.5• What are the names of the. -• officers,servants or employees causing the damage or injury? v } Unknown at this time; investigation is continuing. -- - - `` (CLAIM TO BE FILED IN TRIPLICATE) (Over) B/C FORM t-A _ - 6. What damage of injuries do you claim resulted? (Give full extent of injuries or damages claimed) Claimant LEW PRITTEN suffered a fracture of the right ankle which - required open reduction internal fixation and a fractured tibia and fibula of the right leg. Claimant J0 ANNE PRITTEN' suffered a fracture of the clavicle, a cereb`!! concussion, fracture of the right foot, lacerations of the hand, face, - and elbow. 7. How was the amount claimed above computed? (Include the estimated amount of any prospective injury : ordamage) Claimants have incurred medical bills in excess of $20,000.00 and general damages in the amount of $480,000.00. Names and addresses of witnesses,doctors and hospitals: Atascadero Emergency Medical Service; 8145 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA. Twin Cities Community Hospital; 1500 Las Tablas Rd., Templeton, CA 83465. Nathan Barrett, M.D. ; 1400 Las Tablas Road, Templeton, CA. Jerry Perisho, M.D. ,; P.O. Box 1947 Atascadero, CA. Ot, Tri-City Orthopedics Surgery; 3927-A Waring Road, Oceanside, CA 92056. OTHERS TO BE NAMED Expenditures made on account of accident or injury: DATE ITEM AMOUNT ":,'i s'^-, '> •ur ? SEE_ATTACHMENT $ news i,- "''Ta+: r. --------- —.^ '^--- ------------•- -- .__...__.� .—.—_—__.._._.._ _....__ ZZ `'�"t't�Mavrht�rTG�rs--'-ac_-c�,amcanS-�i^c�C•'s j q Govt.Code Sec.910.2 provides: 'The claim t _ v'• ..ti �•`'� �r, a z w � � shall be signed by the claimant or by some SEND NOTICES TO: (Attorney) person on his behalf _Q'_F3i?URKFi.:_S` AFFORD.-& ALLAN !i 17 ?- �._: t, .,�,� -•`--`-`»'• CLAIMANT'S$IG4NATVRE _._-_... JOAN H. ALLAN _ a�... = � �cz z,.C �uG✓ ...._...---•------ ---- _•' Post Office Box 10220 _ C %rrCt ' - - ......................................................... .-.---- ADDRESS Glendale, CA 91209-3220 ....000 ---- !/3�3 --_ --_. - - __..—_.. ...„. .-.._______» -__J.T------------------ TELEPHONE N.............................. ....... �,.:-.,� +.,^v.,- }n t i r„„r• i.a TELEPHONE NO. (818)247-4303 NOTICE -��' ••`•- ^-.r r _;� Section 72 of the Penal Codeprovides•. n "Every person who,with intent to defraud,presents for allowance or for payment to any state board or officer,or to any county,town, city,district,ward or village board or officer,authorized to allow or pay the same if genuine,any false or ;7 fraudulent claim,bill,account,voucher,or writing,is guilty of a felony. . . p DATE ITEM AMOUNT Atascadero Emergency Medical $ 486 . 00 Service (Medical Service) Twin Cities Hospial 12,715 . 72 (Medical Service) Tri-City Orthopedics 1, 064 . 00 (Medical Service) Nathan Barrett, M.D. 2 ,900 . 00 (Medical Service) Jerry Perisho, M.D. 540 . 00 (Medical Service) August 18 , 1983 , to November 17 , M.H. Herman, M.D. 530 .00 1983 (Medical Service) Templeton Radiological 260-.50 Medical Group (Medical Service) Harold Jensen, D.C. 405 . 00 (Medical Service) Darius Soleimony, M.D. 180 .00 (Medical Service) Central Coast Emergency 277 . 50 (Medical Services) (Medical expenses still continuing) MEETING AGENDA • p - ITEM e • MAN 2 6 1,084 FTAXAQERo 'r4Tv moi.€Rx Barbara Norris March 20, '1984 Atascadero City Clerk P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, Ca. 93423 Dear Mrs. Norris: In order for Falcon Cable T.V. to present the annual Franchise fee payment to the .City of Atascadero we re- quest time on the next available agenda. The time required ;would only be approximately 5 minutes if there are no questions from the Council or staff. Thank you for your attention to this request and please • advise as to which meeting is convenient. Sincerely, _.._ fihomas J. atchell Vice President General Manager Falcon Cable T.V. of Northern California • FALCON CABLE CORPORATION 8710-A EI Camino Real < Atascadero,California 93422 < Phone (805) 466-3040 AG`NDA DATE -.�73- ITEM M E M O R A N D U M • TO City Manager April 9, 1984 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: ZONE CHA14GE 4-84 LOCATION: 8005 Gabarda APPLICANT: Initiated by Planning Commission REQUEST: To Prezone approximately 80 acres of land containing the wastewater treatment plant to P--(Public)-. On March 19, 1984, the Planning Commission conducted -a public hearing on the above matter adopting a Negative Declaration and approving the Zone Change as set forth in the attached Staff Report dated March 19, 1984. There was only brief discussion among the Commission concerning this item. Ken Marks, South River Road resident, appeared and indicated his concerns over what recreational uses would be allowed in the P Zone. No one else appeared on the matter. WAYN` LOFTU .' MU AY . WARDEN Planning Di ector City Mayfiager PS • Ona. :r i CITY OF ATASCADERO roo.oc. w. 1979 1918 Planning Department March 19, 1984 STAFF REPORT SUBJECTS ZONE CHANGE 4-84 LOCATION: 8005 Gabarda APPLICANT: Initiated by Atascadero Planning Commission REQUEST: To prezone approximately 80 acres of land containing the wastewater treatment plant site to P (Public) . BACKGROUND 1. Prior Action: At its regular meeting of February 6, 1984, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended the annexation of the Atascadero Sanitation District Waste Water Treatment Plant. As a part of that recommendation, the Planning Commission initiated prezoning for the site. 2. General Plan considerations: The area is presently designated as Public can the General Plan Land Use Designation Map. The text of the Land Use Element makes no specificstatement as to the --Public designation. 3. Existing County Zoning: Public Facilities' 4. Environmental Determination: An Initial Study Environmental De- scription form has been completed for the project. The Planning Director has prepared a Draft Negative Declaration indicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. 5. Site Conditions: The site contains approximately 80 acres of flat land located on the southeastern edge of the City of Atascadero. The site also contains portions of the; Salinas River Bank and river' bottom. The site is presently developed with a wastewater treatment' plant including control buildings, sedimendation basins, and aeration ponds. The river: bank on the east side of the site is vegetated with native trees and; grasses. All access to the site is through the City along Gabarda Road`. 6. Project Description: The City has initiated the prezoning of the wastewater treatment plant to P (Public) . All of the affected property is in public' ownership. • Zone Change 4-84 ANALYSIS One problem should be noted with regard to the proposed zoning and the existing land use. The site as previously noted is developed with a wastewater treatment plant, but the present Zoning Ordinance makes no provision within thin its land use descriptionsfor wastewater treatment plants. The problem has now been noted by the Staff and a text amend- ment to correct the situation will be brought back to the Commission at a future date. The amendment will cover both a definition of Pub- lic Facilities and the addition to the individual zones. FINDINGS 1. The proposed Zone Change will amend the Zoning Map to be consis- tent with the Land Use Map of the General Plan as required by Sec- tion 65860 of the California Government Code. 2. The proposed Zone Change is in conformance with Sections 65800- 65863.8 of the California Government Code covering modification of zoning and particularly Section 65859 covering prezoning. 3. The proposed zone change will not have a significant adverse ef- fect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends A) Issuance of a Negative Declaration; and, B) Approval of Zone Change 4-84 to prezone the Waste Water Treatment Plant to P (Public) . ACTION Thi Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff to prepare an ordinance to approve or deny this request. REPORT PREPARED BY: ��P� O MO Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director 2 r �• � I , + + � ,`i,+ }11-11 J '• / ice' rr.. t/ ��- 1• t ,• ' ��',-/fes � ! I:' :f / ' `,�• •� ti r ::. pr, G4Q4044 4 Q. 4 04 4 4 4 ��4 4 - 4 4 4 4�� 4 4 4 404444 * - . 4 Q 4 4 0 44r 04 J ` crJQQ4Q4 4 4 ? : G 4 4 4 4 4 4 , Q Q4 4 Q4444 0 4 4 4 4 �` �� 0 4 0 4 0 4 4 4 ° .� -• ---;� 0 4 4 0 4 4 4 4 Q 444 ��.-0 4 � n �� 0 4 4 �,`•' C � 4�0 4 Q 4 •' o p 4 p 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - � � 4 ;� 4 , ,, :., 4444 c, r•• ;� 04 + 4444 �� 4nnQ0 - � ► y ;� 4,�,`,, ; ��� ,?��� � n ,� ,�`�^fir • n � � 4 0�4 � 4�?��2 4 �? C�4 r •• �''• c� 4:4n�44�',-� J �� /� ,� +��/ nr4"'�,Vn.1�44`:•�,-. �..'•;^ � !1 �"4 O 4 � �, '�. f J '*- -, 44404 � 4 • , - ' - � g 4 4 0 � n 4 4 .��' v� �, �; 40 ? 2Gr,,. E� O��,, �• ,, <� 4p � �,' ,� 444 �r �, �• < 4 SAW son / r G� �i� -`I�--, rr� "L._.�1 �� /•i� ��g� j+�F�t ;r jSoo 13 �a 5 T `a ' � \ \/ 1��31-�: ��- \L _ � ���,�L ���✓' .� � tin 1 �-��I�a6 R".� g�, T `k #� ORE AV I IV SM^ e X-�TUQ Ono xI VA r titsv\ m I �' ����� ��� (a -� Y-� 1'� d�3 ' eJ;� er r •f .} � � ,ar ��cI 4 MY i -1 —DE w yy_ A t 1 ry Nu MEET, v- AGENDA IDA, hA M E M O R A N D U M : • TO: CITY MANAGER April 18, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR - SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS - CYCLE 2 (1984) On April 16, 1984 the Planning Commission reviewed the attached Staff Report and determined as follows; 1) The Commission initiated amendment of the text of the Land Use Element concerning the potential density of mobile home parks. 2) The Wilson application to change designation from High Density Multiple Family Residential to Retail Commercial should be processed as recommended by Staff, which would include the southeast corner of El Camino Real and El Bordo (19th Hole Motel) 3) Conditionally approved the Atascadero Unified School District application to change the designation from Suburban Single Family Residential to Public. - Although this request was conditionally approved, the School District has submitted a • letter received by the Planning Department on April 18, 1984 requesting withdrawal of the application. There was only brief discussion on the first two items listed with a somewhat lengthier discussion on the item submitted by the School District. It should be noted that the City Council may, at their discretion, include any additional general planamendments for consideration during this cycle. FRL. WAYNARDEN Planning Director r _jTSr9 '�� �tSo✓� LGNtfars eoutiCtt c,L514fr-s lb Purwus 76*0 Attachments: r" fTMn VON 5 Nu ULL 0 714K' /* Staff Report /ttTldry ju /t PM1v1� / Letter dated April 18, 1984 from the Atascadero- School District • r Atascadero Unified School District Where students and n their education are paramount" 6800 LEWIS AVENUE ANTHONY AVINA, Ed.D. ATASCADERO, CA 93422 . District Superintendent PHONE: (805) 466-0393 RLEr EEV D APR 11 3 1084 April 17, 1984 Planning Department City of Atascadero RE'® Oak Hills Continuation P. 0. Box 747 High School Atascadero , CA 93422 Dear Sirs: After due consideration, the Atascadero Unified` School District has decided to withdraw its request for a change in the General Plan Land Use Map designation from suburban single family residential to public. Please withdraw this item from your City Council agenda. "Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, • 'Ernest W. Taylor Business Manager EWT:ejs cc: Dr. Anthony Avina • Carrisa Plains Elementary • Creston Elementary • Lewis Avenue Elementary • Monterey Road Elementary Santa Margarita Elementary • Santa Rosa Road Elementary • Atascadero Junior High School Atascadero Senior High School • Atascadero Adult School • Oak Hills Continuation High School' ".f \ CITY OF ATASCADERO 1818 i 6 1979 \ CAD j/ / Planning Department April 16 , 1984 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS/CYCLE 2 (1984) BACKGROUND The City is considering the next round of General Plan Amendments. The deadline for submittal of applications was April 2, 1984 at 5: 00 p.m. To date, two requests have been receive. One is from Goldie Wilson and another is from the Atascadero Unified School District. General Plan amendments should be considered in the same manner as a zone change with amendments being initiated by the City Council, the Planning Commission, or a property owner. This report will allow the Commission the opportunity to initiate any amendments or to consider expansion of any property owner- initiated amendments, or any Staff proposed revisions. 1. APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED BY PROPERTY OWNERS: A. GP 2A-84 - 9955 El Camino Real: Application submitted by Goldie Wilson to change the General Plan Land Use map designation from High Density Multifamily Residential to Retail Commercial on the southeast corner of El Camino Real and E1 Bordo. The site is presently developed with a motel (19th Hole Motel) . The applicant has also sub- mitted a request for rezoning to Commercial Retail from RMF/16. 2. REQUEST TO REVISE: A. 4507 Del Rio Road The Atascadero Unified School District has submitted a ' (:ter requesting a change in the General Plan Land Use map designation from Suburban Single Family Residential to Public on the Oak Hills High School and Continuation School. 3. STAFF PROPOSED REVISIONS: A. Land Use Element Text Revision: The Staff, in reviewing the Land Use Element, has noted a problem in the wording of the Section concerning Mobile Home Parks. The text Page Two Re: General Plan Amendments/Cycle 2 (1984) April 16, 1984 allows a maximum density of 11 units per acre. A re- vision is suggested to allow the General Plan designation to set maximum density standards. ANALYSIS The Staff, in reviewing GP 2A-84 (9955 El Camino Real) , notes the major basis for the revision is the existing development. Adja- cent to the proposed is another commercially developed lot (Hoover's Hacienda - 9975 E1 Camino Real) that is also designated High Density Multiple Family Residential. It would seem logical to include this area, too, in any General Plan revision study. The Staff sees no problem with the initiation of a General Plan Amendment for the School District to redesignate the Oaks Hills High School from Suburban Single Family to Public. RECOM14ENDATION The Planning Department recommends that public hearings be con- ducted to consider General Plan Amendments as follows: 1. GP 2A-84 - 9955 and 9975 El Camino Real - to change the- Gen- eral Plan Land Use Designation from High Density Multiple Family Residential to Retail Commercial, expanding the application to cover the adjoining site. 2. GP 2B-84 - 4507 Dei Rio Road - to chancre the General Plan Land Use Designation from Suburban Single Family Residential to Public. 3. GP 2C-84 Land Use Element Text Amendment - to revise the Land Use Element section Mobile Home Parks (page 61) to al- low the General Plan Land Use designations to set the maximum allowed density. ACTION Direct Staff as deeme p,Vliate. REPORT PREPARED BY: JO ,L jMOS S! - As o6iate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: --l,t.2� G WAYNE LO TUS Planning Director Ps . �- t ,����Jr Com` •'`: "^' :�:•v''• t\ - i .. 17 .. / 3 {� i / .. / ... .�. ' ... .......: ::3• :. ... .: . :: :_....- \� GP-2A-84, 9955 El Camino High Density Multifamily' // to Retail Commercial -� . :- .. X ..... / ....... . .. / \\ li • • Atascadero Unified School District M "Where students and their education are paramount" 6800 LEWIS AVENUE ANTHONY AVINA, Ed.D. ATASCADERO, CA 93422 District Superintendent PHONE: (805) 466-0393 March 29 , 1984 Planning Director ` City of Atascadero Atascadero CA 93422 Dear Sirs We understand that the City will be conducting its semi- annual review of the General Plan for Atascadero in the near future In reviewing the General Plan map we have noted that the Atascadero Unified School District ' s Oak Hills School isnot designated for public use . The site consists of 12 . 17 acres on the northwest corner of San Benito Road and Del Rio Road. The School District would appreciate it if the City would initiate the necessary General Plan revision procedures necessary to correct the designation on this parcel of land. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, S rely` Ernest W. Taylor EWT :rr Carrisa Plains Elementary • Creston Elementary • Lewis Avenue Elementary • Monterey Road Elementary Santa Margarita Elementary • Santa Rosa Road Elementary • Atascadero Junior High School Atascadero Senior High School • Atascadero Adult School • Oak Hills Continuation High School 1 s ■ff :i: 11111 : o Y:n■ 11 � town eau � Ynu 4. ) � `. YNI■■ d au■■ � 9��f� t ��l `'w I iniii `�■u � .—... a Ito■■u■, ♦ u willY ■.�•irf tems MY■■■.�■■.► �■r• f ,+,� �� � �6 ■iT2+LM■■YNI■ d �� 10 i ■yy. •Y\■ilYl � E ■uu■ \ � r•i o•u 1 High Density Shall be permitted along arterials and may be permitted along collectors and local streets and may include apart- ments of five or more dwelling units. The maximum allow- able density shall not exceed 16 dwelling units per acre although lesser densities maybe specified by zoning based on site characteristics; except, a density bonus may be allowed under certain circumstances ,--where adequate provisions are made to provide housing units affordable to low and moderate income persons . Low Density Shall be permitted in areas not adjacent to arterials and may be permitted adjacent to Single-Family Residential. May include duplexes , triplexes and fourplexes , but generally no more than five dwelling units per building. New projects with more than four units per structure shall require specific design approval . The maximum allowable density shall not exceed ten units per acre although lesser densities may be specified by zoning based on characteristics; except, a density bonus may be allowed, under certain circumstances, where ade- quate provisions are made to provide housing units af- fordable to low and moderate income persons . Mobile Home Parks Atascadero, with its rural setting, is ideally suited to the mobile home park. There are currently 10 mobile home parks in the Colony providing 448 spaces. Mobile home parks take up 71. 8 acres or 0. 31% of the Colony' s total area. Mobile home parks should expand in the future as they continue to provide an alternative form of low cost residence. The designations of single-family and multiple-family resi- dential will allow mobile home .parks as a secondary use per- mitted by approval of a development plan based on the loca- tion, character and magnitude of each proposed project. Mobile home parks may be permitted in _single ffamilyresiden- Mobile areas at the same densities as if�they were_stick-built_ structures and may be permitted in multiple-f_amilX residential areas as a maximum of ll dwellings mer acre;_ Residential Policy Proposals' 1. It is not in accordance with Atascade.ro's development policy to fill up the core before the lands to the west and south are built upon. 61. iVAL L 1 314 Ak.i_NOA C3A s ; • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER April 17, 1984 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP 1B-84 APPLICANT: Initiated by City Council REQUEST: To amend the General Plan Land Use Element text to en- courage the establishment of additional commercial and light, clean industrial uses on suitable sites. On March 5, 1984, the;Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the subject matter unanimously (with Commissioner Sherer absent) authorizing issuance of a Negative Declaration and approval of the General Plan Amendment as set forth in the attached March 5, 1984 Staff Report. • Gary Larsen, representing the Chamber of Commerce appeared and spoke on the background efforts involved in order to get this request ini- tiated and read a prepared statement in support of the Amendment. There was only brief discussion among the Commission concerning the matter. No one else appeared on the matter. WA LOFTU Y . WARDEN Planning Director C ty M nager Ps • �a(Aaf' r= 1 CITY OF ATASCADERO 198 p � �' ' X91g Planning Department March 5, , 1984 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP `tB-84 APPLICANT: Initiated by City Council REQUEST: To amend the General Plan Land Use Element text to encour- age the establishment of additional commercial and dight, clean industrial uses on suitable ,sites. BACKGROUND 1. General Plan: The General Plan Land Use element is made up of several sections setting forth,;general policy proposals and speci- fic policy proposals for certain types' of land use categories. The nine land use policyproposals (on pages 57 and 58) contain a wide range of general policies including: 1) a discussion of the urban; reserve area 2) urban services 3) general lot sizes` 4) need for "elbow room 5) the keeping of animals 6) the protection of open space and rural nature of the community 7) preservation of agricultural land 8) lot size calculations for density purposes 9) use of the General Plan land use map as a general plan for land use designation not" as a specific hard line plan Specific land use categories such as residential, retail, commer- cial,' central business district, neighborhood commercial, commer- cial park, light industrial all have policies specific to the spe- cific land use categories and designations`. 2. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription form has been completed.,' The Planning Director has pre- pared a draft negative declaration indicating the proposed text amendment will not have a significant effect upon the environment. 3. Prior Action: On September 12, 1983, the City Council received a request from the ''Chamber -of Commerce requesting a revision in the General Pian text setting a policy concerning industrial/commer- cial development. A motion was adopted adding this General Plan revision to the first general plan revision cycle in 1984. On November 7, 1983, the Planning Commission was informed of the two General Plan amendments and accepted the following wording pro- 0 General Plan Amendment GP 2B-84 posed for the text amendment as worked out by a committee appoin- ted by the City Council: "The General Plan proposes a community of unique character with an atmosphere for rural living but also recognizes that economic development of the community is both necessary and appropriate to further established goals of the General Plan for a balanced economy and for additional jobs creation. Opportunities for such development should be encouraged. The establishment of additional retail and tourist-oriented com- mercial activity shall be encouraged on suitable sites. New light and clean industrial uses shall also be encouraged on sites which are determined to be appropriate for such activi- ty. It is desirable that all uses be blended into the com- munity in a manner which will not detract from our unique character . " STAFF ANALYSIS The text amendment proposes an overall statement of community develop- ment for the City of Atascadero. Giving the view that the City is concerned with balanced development while maintaining its unique rural character . This encourages new development within the guidelines of the specific sections of the individual land use designations. The addition of the proposed text as Land Use Policy No. 10 will not cause any forseeable conflict with existing policies within the General Plan land use element or other elements. Additional clarification of the policy as previously mentioned is carried out in the specific land use designation policies. FINDINGS 1. The proposed General Plan Text amendment is consistent with the existing General Plan Land Use Text and the whole of the General Plan as per Section 65300.5 of the State of California Government Code. 2. The General Plan Text Amendment has been processed in accordance to Section 65350-65361 of the State of California Government Code regulating the amending of the General Plan. 3. The proposed text amendment has been determined to have no adverse environmental impact. 2 General Plan Amendme'fit GP 2B-84 RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends approval of General Plan Amendment 2B-84 with the following text to be inserted as Policy Proposal No. 10 on Page 58 in the Land Use Element: "10. The General Plan proposes a community of unique character with an atmosphere for rural living but also recognizes that economic development of the community is both necessary and appropriate to further established goals of the General Plan for a balanced economy and for additional jobs creation. Opportunities for such development should be encouraged. The establishment of additional retail and tourist-oriented commercial activity shall be encouraged on suitable sites. New light and clean industrial uses shall also be encouraged on sites which are determined to be appropriate for such activity. It is desirable that all uses be blended into the community in a manner which will not detract from our unique character. " ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff to prepare a Resolution to approve or deny the General Plan Amendment. I REPORT PREPARED BY: JOEL MOSES Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director Ps 3 C. The Suburban Services Area The Suburban Services Area consists of the remainder of the City and the portion of the Eaglet Tract within the City boundaries. There are 16 ,539 acres of subdivided land in this category, excluding the three peripheral Agriculture Preserves. Services to be provided are similar to the Urban Services Area, except for the exclusion of sewers and drainage. The major water distribution system proposed in the 1968 General Plan is adequate to serve the proposed Suburban Services Area. The optimum population of 33, 388 people was established by the Atascadero Advisory Committee for the Urban Reserve Area. It was developed by using the following procedure: Members of the Atascadero Advisory Committee inventoried the Urban Reserve Area and determined that there are 6 ,424 lots zoned for some sort of residential occupancy. Of these 3,692 were vacant on October 1, 1975, at the time of the Special Census by the Advisory Committee. The lots vary in size from one-fourth acre or less to 300 acres. The distri- bution .by lot size in each zoning category--R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-A, A and T--was determined from the Zoning Map. This General Plan stipulates that in the Urban Services Area no land division creating parcels of less than one-half acre should be allowed except for unusual and compelling reasons. This one-half acre minimum lot size will be permitted in High Density Single Family Residential Areas only. In the Suburban Services Area lot sizes should be 21, acres or greater, generally graded toward larger lots further from the Central Business District. The negative correction allows for the fact that much of the acreage to the west lies in a region of slope greater than 30 per cent, shown in Map II-1, and in a region of landslides, shown in Map II-2. LAND USE POLICY PROPOSALS 1. The entire Atascadero Colony and the Eaglet Tract, less three peripheral agriculture preserves shall constitute the Urban Reserve Area of 20 , 253 acres. Urban and sub- urban development shall be recognized within this area according to appropriate use and density standards. 2. The type and extent of services provided within the Urban Reserve Area shall depend on whether land is in the Urban or the Suburban Services Area. 3. Properties outside the Urban Services Line shall be evalu- ated for lot sizes based on the Suburban Residential range (22 to 10 acres) until sewers are available. 57 . • 0 4. Large lots are a distinguishing characteristic of Atas- cadero. Proposed density standards shall preserve this feature and. thus ensure "elbow room" for oresent and future inhabitants. 5. The keeping of domestic animals for pleasure and hobby is common in the community and shall be allowed in sub- urban and urban areas with adequate protection of public health and welfare. 6. High priority is placed upon public and private open space as a land use element. This includes the protec- tion and preservation of scenic areas , watercourses, hazard lands, hilltops, etc. that add much to the quality of the rural atmosphere in Atascadero. 7. It is an objective of this Plan to strongly support and encourage continuation of the County Agriculture Preserve program. 8. In the calculation of lot area for the purposes of con- sidering land divisions and in determining permitted numbers and types of animals allowed, gross acreage shall be used. However, in determining permitted densities for multiple family residential developments, net acreage (excluding land area needed for streets rights-of-way) shall be used. 9 . The Land Use Map of the General Plan is not a specific diagram, especially in areas where there is a transition between different types of land uses, such as residential adjacent to commercial. Since the transition will occur over a period of time and since it is desirable to pro- tect existing, generally less intensive uses while en- couraging newer, generally more intensive uses , the use of a concept known as the "wavy line" concept may be ap- propriate. This concept will encourage retention of the zoning for the less intensive use until demand dictates a change of zoning for the more intensive use while clearly supporting that future change when the time is appropriate. Factors to consider in the timing of these changes will include existing development, property ownership, devel- opment potential, access and related physical features, and compliance with zoning and General Plan standards and policies. (As an example, an area designated by the Gen- eral Plan for commercial use should be granted consistent zoning when contiguous property in the transition area is under the same ownership and can be developed in a compat- ible manner; but, when such property, although contiguous , is in another ownership and is developed with a less in- tensive use, such as a -residence, or is vacant, zoning may be withheld until the time is right for the more intensive commercial use. ) 58. AG_f j M E M O R A N D U M • TO: CITY COUNCIL April 17, 1984 FROM; PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Appeal of Condition established for Conditional' Use Permit 3-84 LOCATION: 10165 El Camino Real APPLICANT: Edward and Judy Young REQUEST: Appeal decision of the Planning Commission to require 168 parking spaces for a 95 unit Senior Citizens rental hous- ing project. On April 2, 1984, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider a Conditional Use Permit and Negative Declaration for the above noted project. Subsequently, by a unanimousvote, both the pro- • ject and Negative Declaration were approved including a condition for 168 parking spaces; authorized a 25% density bonus from '76 units to 95 for low/moderate income housing, and reserved the entire project for low/moderate income senior citizen tenants for 15 years. The applicant has submitted an appeal to the decision by the Commis- sion asking that the number of spaces be reduced to 82 which is the same as the request included in the original application. As noted by the attached Staff Report dated April 9, 1983 (page three) , an anal- ysis was provided as to the minimum number of parking spaces that would be appropriate based upon a comparable use and parking ratio listed in the Code. Either ,the comparable use method or a "modifica- tion" of standards based upon certain findings ' may be used by the Commission. The analysis provided by Staff indicated that 104 parking spaces should be provided as compared to 168 under code provisions, or 82 as requested by the applicant. The Conditional Use Permit procedure is required for either 'method of parking determination and is a valid and enforceable document to es- tablish conditions of project development, to insure proper function- ing of the proposed use, and minimizing `impacts to the surrounding property and uses. Discussion by the Commission primarily dealt with parking concerns, methods of assuring that the project would serve only seniors, and brief questions concerning CDBG procedures and details of conditions. • Bob Benson, resident in the area, appeared and inquired as to the method of determining low/moderate income. . 0 Re: Conditional Use Permit 3-84 (Young) Mrs. Wahlenmaier, adjacent property owner, expressed concern with having another multiple project in the area and already present on- • street parking problems. Dale Gustin, Paso Robles resident, gave testimony in support of senior housing. No one else appeared on this matter except the applicant or his representative. -WAVE LOFTUS " YL WARDEN Planning DirectorCiy Ma ager A is #Lr4ulR,ty OIL nrrfroGD $y A. /f 5 o r- 7`ffr S w a t 7-," tA/it Attachments: t j- t44 T gxer4vrp Minutes sf Staff Report Appeal information ADDENDUM On April 18, 1984, a letter and petition signed by 24 senior citizens supporting a reduction in the required number of parking spaces for this project was received by the Planning Department. The basic thrust of the petition relates to the ownership of automobiles by Seniors as the basis for a reduction in the parking requirement (copy of letter and petition is attached) 2 Minutes - Planning C&ission - April 2, 1984 presently required in the ordinance be retained but left at the discretion of the property owner and not be man- dated to be in a form of a. particular setback on the property and would allow parking to the property line with appropriate fencing. Commissioner Moore seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. MOTION: Commissioner Wentzel moved to continue the hearing on Zone Change 3-84 to the meeting of April 16, 1984. ' The motion was seconded by Commissioner LaPrade and was car- ried unanimously. 3. Public hearing on Conditional Use Permit 3-84 to allow a residential density bonus for a 95 unit congregate senior citizen housing and to modify the parking requirements on a portion of Lot 3 of Block 7 of Eaglet No. 2 at 10165 El Cam- ino Real - California Lenders (Young) Mr. Moses presented the Staff Report on the Use Permit noting that the applicant has applied for a Farmers Home Administration loan in conjunction with the proposed project and commented on the re- quest for a reduction in parking for the project. -Mr. -Moses also noted that there should be modification to Condition #10 as the units would be rentals only and not purchased condominiums Chairman Summers inquired as to what the City' s role is with re- gard to the Community Development Block Grant application. Mr. Moses proceeded to explain the process for this type of application. There was discussion among the Commission concerning what role, if any, the Housing Authority would have in administering qualifying certificates for the low and moderate income people. Bruce Frazier, representing the applicant, asked for clarification on Condition #5 pertaining to the location of the trash enclosures in that this could present a design problem and asked for flexi- bility by interpretation by the Planning Department. Mr . Frazier also asked that the parking requirements be lowered as requested. He also noted that Condition #11 should be modified as the units would be rented and not purchased and asked for clarification for the offsite improvements in Condition #16. Mr. Moses noted that in conjunction with the C.D.B.G. program, the offsite improvements would be required and specified that these would be worked out with the Public Works Department. Mr . Frazier further requested that 1000 feet of street frontage be allowed for purposes of the FmHA loan and elaborated on the need for the reduced parking. 3 Minutes - Planning ommission -- April 2, 1984 There was considerable discussion among the Commission concerning the need for the appropriate number of parking spaces. Discus- sion also centered around the need for strict requirements to as- sure that the units would be rented to senior citizens and not families. Dale Gustin, Paso Robles resident, noted he represents various senior citizens and property owners and stated he was in favor of senior housing. He felt that one bedroom units would be a better assurance that the units would be for seniors and felt that an overall look needs to be taken to make sure that these types of projects are designed solely for seniors. There was further discussion concerning density bonus provisions with regard to the bonus units. Mr. Frazier talked about a study that had been conducted in con- junction with the FmHA loan that would justify the lesser number of parking spaces. Bob Benson, area resident, noted that there is a HUD project ad- jacent to property he owns on Las Lomas which is developed with several units and asked how incomes are determined to make it low or moderate income. Mrs. Wahlenmaier , adjacent property owner , expressed concern with regard to another multi-family project in the general area and the problem with parking on the street that has been created. 0 MOTION: Commissioner Sherer moved to approve Conditional Use Permit 3-84 subject to the Findings and Conditions as listed in the Staff Report, with modification to the following conditions: - #9 to read: Parking shall be provided as set forth in Sections 9-4.114 through 9-4.119. - #10 to read: If the project is not funded with Farmers Home Administration Section 515 Loan, the application shall establish Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use, control of nui- sances and occupancy of density bonus units. a. These CC&Rs shallbesubmitted to and approved by the City Attorney and Planning Department prior to approval of building permits. b. The City of Atascadero shall be a party to these CC&Rs for the duration of the density bonus provi- sions and shall hold final approval for prospective tenants meeting the income requirement for the 19 bonus units. 4 Minutes Planning Aission - April 2, 1984 - #11 - Change "Bonus units" to read "All units" and change "purchaser" to "tenant" . Commissioner Wentzel seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Chairman Summers called a recess from 9:00 to 9:15 p.m. 4. Public hearing on Tentative Parcel Map 1-84 to allow creation of two parcels from 2. 66 acres from a portion of Lot 4 of Block 7 of Eaglet No. 2 at 9333 Musselman Road- Hendrix (Orton) Mr. Buss presented the Staff Report and noted the property is not yet in the Sewer improvement District but will soon be. Terry Orton, representing the applicant, spoke in support of the project and indicated his concurrence with the recommendation. Joe Polich, Musselman resident, asked why the lot is being split and if there are any future intentions to put in multiple family housing. Merle Wahlenmaier , Musselman resident, inquired about the dedi- cation of the road and what requirements would-be imposed. MOTION: Commissioner Moore moved to approve Tentative Parcel Map 1-84 subject to the Findings and Conditions as set forth in the Staff Report. Commissioner LaPrade seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 5. Public hearing for Tentative Parcel Map 2-84 to allow divi- sion of 10. 39 acres into two parcels on Lot 19 of Block 68 at 11745 Halcon Road Bella Vista Investment Company (Twin Cities Engineering) Mr. Buss, in presenting the Staff Report, pointed out similarities with two previous applications recently approved for division on Halcon Road. Chairman Summers askec5 if the two other applications were required to have a hydrant installed. Mr . Buss stated that they were re- quired only to upgrade the existing hydrant, and with this appli- cation, there are no hydrants in that area. Allen Campbell, representing the applicant, indicated his agree- ment with the recommended conditions. MOTION: Commissioner LaPrade moved to approve Tentative Parcel Map 2-84 subject to the Findings and Conditions as listed in the Staff Report. Commissioner Wentzel seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 5 �aiQ pro R ins P_,�' i1 CITY OF ATASCADERO JJ Planning Department April 9 , 1984 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 3-84 LOCATION: 10165 E1 Camino Real APPLICANT: California Lenders (Young) REQUEST: To allow a residential density bonus for a 95 unit con- gregate senior citizen housing where normal density would allow 76 units and to modify the required parking requirements. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: RMF/16 (Residential Multifamily, 16 units/acre) 2. General Plan: High Density Multiple Family 3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription form has been completed by the applicant. The Planning Director has prepared a draft Conditional Negative Declaration in- dicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment if certain mitigation measures are incorpora- ted into the project. 4. Site Conditions: The site is located on the east side of E1 Cam- ino Real between El Bordo and Musselman. The parcel contains 4.74 acres of gently rolling land with the rear of the site containing a topographical depression. The site contains several large oak trees and several smaller trees along with normal wild flowers and native grasses. The rear half of the site contains a single fam- ily residence and several out storage buildings. The El Bordo Mobile Home Park adjoins the site to the north and east to the south. Properties to tF.,_-south are presently partially undevel- oped. The property to the south along El Camino Real is presently developed with a multiple family project. 5. Project Description: The applicant proposes to construct a 95 unit congregate senior citizens project. The project will contain 80 one bedroom units, 11 two bedroom units and four one bedroom handicapped accessible units. A total of five buildings are pro- posed; one two-story structure containing a common facility and residential units. The remaining four buildings will be one story residential structures. The applicant has also retained several of the large oak trees. H Conditional Use Perm 3-84 (Youn • 9) Funding for the project is proposed to come from the Farmers Home Administration. The project has also been tentatively designated as the City's Community Development Block Grant to assist with the improvement. Both grants are geared to providing low cost, af- fordable housing and assurances are required. ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to cover two items. The first is a 25% density bonus for providing low income units. The second is to provide a modification in the required park- ing. Both items are separately addressed in the Zoning Ordinance. Both sections of the Ordinance note a need for special conditions to exist to allow for a modification to the requirements. The Planning Commission has previously reviewed requests for density bonuses. _ As noted at those times, the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan allow for and encourages the use of density bonuses to provide low income housing. The subject site, under normal provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, would allow 76 residential units, a 25% density bo- nus would alow for 95 units. This application goes a little further than previous requests in that the entire project is proposed to provide housing for low and moderate income senior citizens. The applicant has provided a report by an outside consultant confirming a need for senior housing. The City, in the past, has been approached concerning the development of these type of units. This application, though, is the first to put together an entire project along with potential funding. The City has also previously reviewed a potential for granny flat units. The applicant is the first to take advantage of the Zoning Ordinance provision to allow a modification of parking standards by Conditional Use Permit. Section 9-4.116 allows approval of a modification if specific findings of fact that the characteristics of the use or its immediate vicinity do not necessitate the number of parking spaces required by the Zoning Ordinance. Under the present Zoning Ordinance, 168 parking stalls would be re- quired. The applicant has proposed 82 stalls and has submitted sup- plemental information covering the pairing requirements used by other communities in the area. These ordinances do take into account a dif- ference in parking requirements for senior citizen projects. While it is assumed that seniors do not drive or that they ride Dial-A Ride, it cannot be concluded that each unit will not have an occupant who drives. The applicant also notes a desire to use the common fac- ilities for community wide senior activities. The overall concept of the project is one to provide an entire project for seniors noting no need for vehicles and as noted, Dial-A-Ride will provide service. It would seem appropriate to reduce the amount of parking required, but 2 r Conditional Use Pern* 3-84 (Young) not as low as requested. A provision of one stall per unit and pro- vision for employee parking would be sufficient to meet potential needs. The applicant' s plan does provide for four handicapped units, but shows no handicapped stalls. Under normal provisions, four handi- capped stalls would be required for 168 stalls (1/40) . If only four stalls are required, only the handicapped units will be provided for. It would seem appropriate that the four stalls required for the han- dicapped units be provided for out of the per unit required stalls and the standard required stalls be added to the total number of stalls required. This would bring the total number of stalls to be eight handicapped stalls, 91 stalls for individual standard units, and five for employees for a total of 104 stalls, 64 less than would be required for a standard multi-family development and 22 more than requested. FINDINGS 1. The applicant has applied for a Farmer' s Home Administration re- duced loan to build the congregate senior citizens housing and the City is preparing a Community Development Block Grant appli- cation to assist in the potential development of the project. 2. The application together with the recommended conditions conforms to the policies of the General Plan. 3. The application as presented will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmen- tal Impact Report is not necessary. 4. The project consists of the minimum number of units for a density bonus and performance and management guarantees have been pro- vided to demonstrate that the bonus dwelling units will be avail- able to the targeted income group for a minimum of 15 years. 5. The granting of this density bonus serves to support goals and ob- jectives set forth in the Housing Element of the General Plan. 6. The establishment and conduct of a multiple family residential use which includes a density bonus will not be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the general public or persons resid- ing in the neighborhood, nor will it be detrimental to property or improvements in the vicinity. 7. The proposed multiple family project will not generate traffic beyond the safe capacity of roads in the vicinity or beyond the full development capacity of the area. 8. The proposed use will not be inconsistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood nor be contrary to its orderly development. 3 Conditional Use Perm 3-84 (Young) • 9. The reduced parking at a rate of one per unit plus handicapped stalls and employees will be able to accommodate the needs of the congregate senior housing. 10. The proposed use of senior housing has characteristics that are different than those of a standard multi-family project. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration and approval of Conditional Use Permit 3-84 subject to the following conditions: 1. Site developmentincluding buildings, driveways, parking, land- scaping and other features shall be consistent with plans submit- ted including modifications required herein and all provisions of Title 9. 2. Submit four (4) copies of landscape .plans in conformance with Sec- tion 9-4.124 et seq. of Title 9 prior to issuance of building permits. 3. In the event that archeological resources are discovered on the subject site, Section 9-4.162 of Title 9 shall be complied with. 4. Building architecture shall be consistent with the elevations sub- mitted. Any mechanical equipment used shall be screened in ac- cordance with Section 9-4.128 of Title 9 5. Provision shall be made for additional enclosed trash storage areas conforming to Section 9-4.129 of Title 9 requiring that trash enclosures be within 100 feet of a unit. 6. Roof materials for all structures shall be Class C rating or better. 7. Fencing and screening shall comply with Section 9-4.128 of Title 9. 8. Onsite signing shall comply with Sections 9-4.130 through 9-4.136 of Title 9. 9. Parking shall be provided as set forth in Sections 9-4.114 through 9-4.119 with the number of required parking stalls to be reduced to 104 stalls with eight (8) to be handicapped stalls. 10. The applicant shall establish Covenants, Conditions and Restric- tions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use,- control of nuisances and occupancy of density bonus units. a. These CC&Rs shall be submitted to and approved by the City Attorney and Planning Department prior to approval of build- ing permits. 4 Conditional Use Pern* 3-84 (Young) • ( 9) b. These CC&Rs shall be administered by a Condominium Homeowners Association, C. The City of Atascadero shall be a party to these CC&Rs for the duration of the density bonus provisions and shall hold final approval for prospective buyers meeting the income re- quirements for the two bonus units. 11. Bonus units shall be conveyed only to persons who have been certi- fied as having household incomes which are 120% or less of the median income of San Luis Obispo County, as such income is deter- mined from time to time by the Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo County. - The Planning Director shall certify eligibility with this criteria upon application by a prospective purchaser . The CC&Rs shall specify the application procedure and all eligi- bility requirements which shall not be modified or revised with- out approval by the City of Atascadero. 12. Provision shall be made for this project to connect to community water and sewer facilities. A letter shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company stating that they are willing and able to serve this project and submit the same to the Planning Department. 13. All other utilities not already in place shall be extended under- ground at the time of building permit. 14.. Efforts shall be made to minimize grading that would be disrup- tive to the natural topography. All grading and drainage shall conform with Sections 9-4.138 through 9-4.154 of Title 9 . 15. Tree removal shall comply with Section 9-4.155 et seq. of Title 9. 16. Curbs, gutter , sidewalk and paveout shall be installed along the El Camino Real frontage. Drainage and street improvements shall also be installed along El Camino Real to protect existing public improvements. These may include, but not be limited to, asphalt curbing and culvert improvements. All improvements are to be approved by the City Engineer. 17. Fire suppression facilities shall be provided as required by the Fire Department and shall include, but not-be limited to, up- grading of the existing fire hydrant and the 'nstallation of ad- ditional hydrants. 18. All conditions of approval herein shall be complied with prior to occupancy of any structure. 19. This Conditional Use Permit approval is granted for a maximum period of one year from the date of final approval unless an ex- tension is granted pursuant to Section 9-2.118 of Title 9. 5 Conditional Use Permit 3-84 (Young) • ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: JOEL MOSES Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director Ps 6 - �' ,1 s •�-�' o � � t Al 81- ��� .�;• °` y 7 °2 <i F ° r, - A Ar- AT-78-135 l-AT-78.135 _seA .¢p`� " , v • t,. s rl. AT-78^I93 1 ::3K 1. + �. .. !.• � • �.. ,�� ti� 6`'f5 AT-79'23 12-8f JbK r }f,0. f re ••" '• :(�, 5-05 AT-81-183 12-91 .left s S re\,p a° • iJ " .hf� : - a 4. ' r:,-' '.�1% \ AT 81 L56 f": a\ spa N .. s„ % e1 s• t` :i t a ✓ - 13i ti+�1� -ndG i�,J:+ ;°'�'S\� • %;° `5ss R 'o /(/4 4o`dl 6 0°� 4 \, �,.2 �`.' as•'� 5µ° REVISION DAT£ b! f• 8•# ny 1. 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Ltl-tlD�l yvv�C� D 4�0Z m m < IF m m m Z co 7J N o. [ m ,II • m LM N 1 ; o _ y !Il C �' 'll'� Ij 4 < IITi I < I < jl ii1l! i�I 1 m --- f4 I' ■ [FullEl 1111U1, ff Q [ O I' 'I 1 101 1 11 uS" 11,"1]1 T, 1' �Iul , l I ELEVATIONS ELEVA toto5 A SENIOR O CONGREGATE / 1G.0 �Z rHi�V 9ENIORHO HOUSINO D 7 C�4 ;Gd. 'd..{; 'Y.•.C.A.8T0 RENTAL •A CARTYENi pl vCIOCYFNi (CAL �� C &^����/A� "t�� _._ .._ EL CAMINO REAL. s _ - c r e $ ° m .,.. .. C c/� _ i v V�/ v m 0 it p m ~ > < � a D Z ` r b m II r ° j= m Z o z rr, 1 m m m — / 1 o V = a I M ... c >o b e 3 0 •r.`z.-� =!o m= CDJ < p z x zit a e e fl as m0 1e O _ z f e n•s a m 4 o = aeo i p1 s a S f7-0 _PLA .4 CvF 3- J-y 10165- EL CA ml ruo V6,*L OWNER: JUDY A TED VDUNo P a n ji lia t`Yyyy� TITLE/SITE PLAN 4100 EL CA-1.0 2AL . I1TASCADEPO.CA. a • �' P:� y �";�a ^^ ATASCADER3 CONGREGATE grr,a....,... tq`y q SENIOR HOUSING D :. L 2.1;; O:I D.A.6t!PENTAL ���, APAPTNENT OEVELO.YENT . ._�-'-4=1 . -arm a-, --. ./�• z Q 14 -i \ 1 a SYG t sb6 1 D - 666 I F �I yl G4G 1 1 . I � 1 l � 1 1 II � I t"X(S?7A1Gr F-i�YFlNC C v 10165- tZ C A Mr u v U-yt-(. \ -- .,0'006 3N I ld 0 d.d_ r I � I z 1 \ SII 1 1 �bse a I G7 LL I I 0.fe j Z a � --� I ' z w eye O F / y o � oma= ULL be ' W �� izII Ij u o, SII- . Y .0OOf " 3N.il dOi!-<— / Ar FA neo tri-(_ e 3 a o N i w d:D -1 �c�w LEN DE1Q5 Yl3vN G i � v 10 i p / o m c e Z . OZ F� o N O c n N CO.tf O I�NEN N1-71 1111 IT n f!M•t•tON. � v _ - Ol0•[1 .moi i ! v a I Y 0 m m O P o a p s O O ly y ! _ 9 m I- + R'. 'J- -- • rs•-•• tr•.p T-,-H 2� Z r .. - m ;o ;g •• z z e m o Or--- � z b p p O o' 1 ; oo••• i - •� ` .c= 'vim • m r v o W Z O o fA & Z Q C -- ` L r l' , m z i. . m -- O i \ 70L1 z DoeN�ieron J p � - a D O m O w o - P P �C�O'e+y-•a '°its r-•vY r-a v!• T VT *- C u X:> —a— 1&1 I i �� x Y" x; J ,gi,�, v�agt .... c 1 O/G S GZ CH•M.t FLOOR PLANS/SECTION AD ONGFiECiATE a ter. J MDW Associates Architecture/Planning/Engineering 5 March 1984 Andrew G. Merriam AIA, AICP Principal Jay R. Whisenant AIA, Principal Bruce D. Fraser,Jr.AIA, Principal Sherri C. Stoat, Principal Mr. Fred Buss, Planner City of Atascadero P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Dear Fred: Pursuant to your letter of February 24, we've done some research in order to address the two application deficiencies you identified in connection with Conditional Use Permit application 3--84. .Our response is as follows: PARKING REQUIREMENT REDUCTION While every city in the county has discussed the issue of reduced parking requirements in seniors--only projects, so few of these projects have actually been constructed that policy has not always been formalized. Our funding agency, Farmers Home Administration, will defer to local ordinance requirements on this issue. Following are the instances of applicable, local provisions for parking reductions: •- Arroyo Grande Ordinance requires one parking space per each 4 elderly residential units plus one space per each administrative person on site. This standard was applied to the South Elm Apartments and is successful in the eyes of the Planning Department. Pismo Beach Ordinance requires one parking space per elderly unit. This can be modified downward where the developer provides some guarantee of the availability of transportation for residents. Actual parking provided at "The Landmark," on Price Street, was below one space per unit and a_bus was provided for resident transportation. -- Paso Robles There is no parking reduction language in the Paso Robles Zoning Ordinance. Each request has been reviewed on its own merits and they have typically approved reductions of between 20% and 30% of the base zone requirements. The Hacienda del Norte senior housing project has a reduction of over 25% and its lot has never been filled. 979 Osos Street, Suite C San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 - 3296 (805) 543-7057 5 March 1984 ' Fred Buss Page 2 �r ` San Luis Obispo Ordinance reads "housing occupied exclusively by persons aged 62 of older may provide 1/2 space per unit or one space per four occupants of a group quarters. This standard, modified for the mixed--use nature of the project, was applied to the proposed Osos Street Senior Housing project. Our request that Atascadero's ordinance requirements be reduced to 1/2 space per one--bedroom unit, l space per two--bedroom unit, l guest space per 4 units and 1 space per administrative staff/employee (5 total ) , falls within the range established by these other local cities. We feel that the availability of Dial--a--Ride service provides further justification for our requested reduction. We are seeking the City's support for the replacement of unecessary parking spaces within our proposed project with landscaping and beneficial open space for the residents' use. DENSITY BONUS GUARANTEE In order for the City of Atascadero to grant the density bonus we are requesting for this project a guarantee needs to be made that the residential units will remain available to lower to moderate income tenants, maintaining the project's status as "affordable." This guarantee is easily made in this case, as funding is being provided through the Farmers Home Administration' s USDA 515 Rural Rental program. This program provides 50 year, 1% financing to a project meeting FmHA's requirements for construction standards and income qualification of residents. A provision of the financing agreement is that the project cannot be bought out or otherwise removed from the program during the first 20 years of the mortgage. For further explanation of the mechanics of this guarantee, the City may contact the FmHA representative, Mr. Charles Ciendenin, Assistant District Director, at (707) 525--4263 in Santa Rosa. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information in regard to these issues so that processing may continue: as rapidly as possible. Sincerely, DW ASSOCIATES Bruce D. Fraser, AIA Principal xc: Judy Young, California Lenders k April 10. 1984 City of Atascadero Planning Dept. P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, Calif. 93423 Dear Associate Planner, We wish to appeal the Planning Commission decision of Monday April 5th, regarding parking requirments of 168 spaces for the proposed Senior Congregate Rental Housing Project. We are being required by FmHA agency to provide additional outdoor space for the Seniors. The Planning Commission re- commendation for 168 parking spaces would in fact eliminate almost all outdoor areas. We believe if the Commission's decision stands our project will no longer be feasible accord- ing to Federal FmHA. guidelines. Sincerely, Edward & Judy Youngs/ �LL i 5 , (For use on Multiple Hous nxg Reviews) RH-26-:1 F- To: District Office NT _ A ROS -H; County Off}ce RRth'Ca C-QAIJ('�r File # Y-2 Date 3 27 4- Applicant's Name ,�V"Q�1/ YoyNa;, Phonc?05)54 •50x750 Applicant's Address $1G'O �. �.r'�Mlt•lt� x?�.G1! ATS=,r�t-� G� c'".�, x .422 Name of ProjectTA,.sGI[iF720 (.C`' 9 Project Type , GIT No. of Units N70.Conference Submittal No. C Architect's Name ger Phonef Architect's Address '7q ,��' �U t'C'� G. . ,fit.! G t 1� C't�f•�t��.r1 �(��� OApplicant to prepare and send submittal No. directly to the State Office . Pro- vide a ropy of the transmittal to the FmHA District Office at The State Office mailing address is: 459 Cleveland Street, Woodland, California 95695. OSince this is a preapplication review, it must be discussed in detail at the preapplication conference between the Project Architect and the FmFi- Architect. Submittal(s) (is/are) approved Subject to the review conditions. i R EUE',tsF' �•:a� are the Architectural Review Conditions for this project. The applicant may proceed with the next submittal at his. own risk, however all the conditions of this review must be complied with prior to the next submittal. Q/ The applicant shall resubmit all the documents to the State Office. OOriginal transparencies were accepted and returned to the applicant. The applicant must provide prints of accepted originals as follows: set(s) District Office set(s) State Off`ce Date PJ R,#,(H P•F, l5 JAMES C. RATHBO`'E, Chief, Rural Housing o U U 04J O U 41 4J 4J 4J a1 u . W r •,q 0! G •rf U U rl 4-4 0 }- H U ,q T U b WW LW r4 P J J Gz. U1 O• 4-4 4J 6 W C W O4J 4J O .G 1J L Q Symboly U ^ U Q M 41 0 ° o c°J ro c° u u L Indicates a copy P co $4 r o o ¢ v ;, � QJ was sent to: o � o a c M 4 u v o o tP o •�+ 0 E cJ t4 E, n ca w v z c:. a < a Attachments) Drawincs - Set(s) I Specs - Set(s) ( I Sub. Doc.- Set(s) I Arch. Rev.- Coov(s)) v ✓ V-- t/ 1 ✓ �r� I I I t Conf�-rence .Reoort r• _ goa�.Lyoay a�egS � ., SViONVWd l ONI13Ad ;' �A t•t 4P pag.p Lno Lpo SL aagwnu 41 L suagul asp a as S sLs�C pue 3aCoad 4 LWe -L nw a oe p e no up �� � � l_3 . 'OL P l ' I'p'� yl � y l � 1. � .�l P y y L Spappue4S UO LgonalsuoO a3uewaoJaad Lewaayl !0 I O NX3 `d-bZ6 L uo L4ona4suI dHW3 UL pa.A Lnbaa se s6U2yaano as Lnba.A sMopu LM 6u LOPJ. glnos aL].L •s6ueyAano 114LM s L LeM glnos a4POLpuL suoL4pnaLa ay1 •S6upyaano ou SO4PDLPUL uoL43aS 6uLPLInq ayl '6 'a lgeg.daoop aq p LnoM 4L ` SUO L4p3 LJ LpOW awos yq LM an L43a1Ja 4so3 aq o4 punoj SL s Ly4 JI 'SaopLaaoo u LPW aq4 UL 446LL Lpan4pu apLno.Ad pLnoM ;nq anLSSa3xa paaapLsuoo SL 446LLeis ay1 •g •paaLnba.A SL OL s;. un 56 aoj fi4LLLgLSsa33p ALe43Laaghl aoJ SLuo swooay;pq Aoj SL %S pup suayogLj pup swooaq;pq ao_4 SL %5 y3LyM JO sg.Lun paddpaLpupy SOL as Lnbaa s4oaCoad uazL;L3 aOLU@S L ;aays W payop;4p aaS " •uayogL� aol a6pao4s ka4upd apLnoad • •6uLnLL/6uLULp 04 uado apLs aa4unoo auo g4LM LLey woaJ ua434L1 04 Ra4ua puaww03a� •sauo padpys-n jo ppa�.suL saa�unoo y6Lpa�s appy pLnoys uayo4L) wooapaq oMq ay1 •g *4j •bs pgt aq p LnoM S4UaWaa Lnbaa eaap Xapune L pue paa Lnbaa aap saa4ap 4y6 La PUP saayspM 4y6 L3 'sg Lun 6u Ln L L Z L aad L : sg.uawaa Lnbaa A@�,Ap pup Aagspm ay1 •5 ;o ,L •uayo4 Lj a6ap L p Ao_ Raessaoau aq g.,up LnoM '41 uayg. 'paaag.eo SL pooh. aq4 JI •saL4LLL3eJ ayj JO uoLgpaado ay4 uo puadap pLnoM seaae 6uLuLP pup uayo;LSI ay1 *dot's S4npaq pu 4jeao °Sggoy `swooa asn-Lg Lnw 'UOLg.eaaoaa °a6uno L napagLL `f'ggOL sap�3 ;l •bs 005 Rla4Pwlxoaddp saatnbaa aoLI10 s,aa6eueW uLsLnaa paau sa•4LL OPJ uounuoa sp uMoys Spaap aaLnaaS pup 4uaWDSPUPW •t •saaeds AOL.Aa4UL 41? uoLgeLnoaLo apinoad o; aapao UL s6u LM 6u LP L Lnq uaatA4aq papuawwooaa SL SkeML Ley 6u L40DUUOO paso Lou3 -C Spaap panpd pup 6uLlaed aq4 uaaaos o; pasn pup padp3spup L an LsuayaadLuoo aaow aoI Molle p lnoMS. i •S6u LM Sao4s aaa44 ao OM4 04 6u LM �Caog.S-auo 6uL6uey3 upaw pLnoM SLyl •aoeds toop4no WOW apMoad -Z 'goagLgoap 4oaCoad aq4 y4LM UOLssnOSLp ayq WOAj panLaap aaaM Sag.ou Ma Lnaa a3Uaaa}uo3 UOL4e3LLdde-aad ay1 - L •SUO L4 LPPP ao suo Ls Lnaa °sa6upy3 6u LmO L Lo-4 a44 alpw LLpys 4UPO LLdde aq4 ° sLp44Lwgns LeuoL4tppe yg.LM 6uLpaaooad aaolaq :310N SNOIlION00 Z abed r � United States Farmers 459 Cleveland Street Department of Home Woodland CA 95695 �w.0Agriculture Administration April 6, 1984 Mrs. Judy Young California Lenders 8100 E1 Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mrs. Young: Subject: Rural Rental Housing Preapplication for 95-unit Congregate Project —Atascadero, CA Per your recent telephone conversaton with Mr. Longman of this office, please find attached excerpts from FmHA regulations which deal with the ability to designate projects for specific occupants, i.e. , senior citizen and handicapped, in the case of the planned congregate project. We are also attaching a copy of the Loan Agreement which is referenced in the procedural excerpts and which would have to be executed in connection with the requested loan assistance. You will note that the Loan Agreement specifically sets forth the type of complex to be constructed and therefore its limitations for occupancy. We trust that the information provided herewith is sufficient for your use in assuring the city that the planned congregate project will serve senior citizen and handicapped tenants. The action by the Planning Commission which you mentioned to require or recommend doubling of the required parking spaces could well have a serious impact on the feasibility of the project. Our experience with elderly projects, and particularly with congregate projects, indicates that very limited parking is needed. The ratio of .75 to 1 (parking spaces to units) should be adequate for a congregate project. Please contact myself or Mr. Longman of this ,:r"fice at (916) 666-3382 should you have any questions or need additioa:al information. Sincerely, JAMES C. RATHBONE - �� Chief, Rural Housing cc: District Director, FmHA, Santa Rosa, CA r nn ��U Farmers Home Administration is an Equal Opportunity Lender. Complaints of discrimination should be sent to: '.' n Secretary of Agriculture.Washington.D.C.20250 FmHA Instruction 1944-E PART 1944 - HOUSING SUBPART E - RURAL RENTAL HOUSING LOAN POLICIES, PROCEDURES, AND AUTHORIZATIONS §1944.201 General. This Subpart sets forth the policies and procedures and delegates authority for making Rural Rental Housing (RRH) loans under Sections 515 and 521 of the Housing Act of 1949. §1944.202 Objective. The basic objective of RRH loans is to provide eligible occupants economically designed and constructed rental housing and related facilities suited to their living requirements. §§1944.203 1944.204 ' [Reserved] . §1944.205 Definitions. (a) Household. (1) One or more- persons who maintain or will maintain residency in one rental unit. Eligibility for occupancy is outlined in 41944.215 (i) of this Subpart. �(b) Senior citizens or handicapped persons. Any senior citizen provision in this Subpart will also apply to handicapped persons. Senior citizens or handicapped persons will be considered eligible occupants without regard to income for projects operated on a for profit basis only. The two terms are defined as follows: (1) Senior citizen. A person 62 years of age or over and may be either the tenant or co-tenant. A person(s) younger than 62 years of age may reside with a senior citizen provided the person is considered a member of the household of the senior \ citizen. The term "senior citizen" also includes the elderly as �. ` used in this Subpart. (2) Handicapped person. A person, or in the case of a household /. either the tenant or co-tenant,; who does not need constant supervision or constant medical or nursing care, but meets , either of tze, following qualifications: (i) A person who has an impairment which (A) is expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration, (B) sub- stantially impedes the ability to live independently, and DISTRIBUTION: W. S, D, C Loan and Grant Making Housing 1 (10-27-80) SPECIAL PN (Revision 1) FmHA Instruction 1944-E 31944.205 (b) (2) (i) (Con.) (C) is of such a nature that such ability could be improved by more suitable housing conditions. (ii) A person who is developmentally disabled. A develop- mentally disabled individual is a handicapped person with a severe, chronic disability which: (A) is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments; (B) is manifested before the person attains age twenty-two; (C) is likely to continue indefinitely; (D) results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity; (1) self-care, (2) receptive and expressive language, (3) learning, (4) mobility, (5) self-direction, (6) capacity for independent living, and (7) economic sufficiency; and (E) reflects the person's need for a combination and sequence of special , interdisciplinary, or generic care, treatment, or other services which are of lifelong or extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated . (c) Resident assistant. A .person(s) residing in the living unit who is essential to the well being and care of the senior citizen or handicapped person(s) and who is not related by blood, marriage, or operation of law to the senior citizen or handicapped person(s) residing in the unit and receiving supportive service(s) . (d) Low or moderate income household. Households having incomes within the limits of the maximum adjusted income as outlined in Exhibit C of Subpart A of Part 1944. (Revised 12-21-81 , SPECIAL PN.) (e) Plan I and Plan II. The two interest credit plans outlined in Exhibit B of this Subpart. (f) Eligible occupants. Eligible occupants in a project may be either the elderly, handicapped, or low- and moderate-income households, or any combination thereof as planned for the project and shown on the applicant's loan resolution or loan agreement and who comply with i e ollowing number of authorized persons in the units and in accordance with paragraph V1B 2 of Exhibit B to Subpart C of Part 1930: (Revised 12-19-83, SPECIAL PN.) Occupants Min. Max. 0'- Bedroom 1 2 1 - Bedroom 1 2 2 - Bedroom 2 4 .3 Bedroom 4 6 4 - Bedroom 6 8 5 - Bedroom 8 - 10 2 (Revision 1) 41944.205 (f) (Con.) ; FmHA :ruction 1944-E The term "occupant" also includes the term "tenant" as used in this Subpart . The occupants must: (1) Be eligible households usually living in the local community and the surrounding area capable of caring for themselves. However, in the case of congregate housing with supportive services, this may include elderly or handicapped persons who require some supervision and central services, but are otherwise able to care for themselves. All occupants, however, must meet the following criteria: ( i) Not be totally dependent on others to be able to vacate the unit for their own safety in emergency situations. (ii) Be able to provide for their own sustenance in projects that provide less than full food service. (iii) The occupant or legal guardian must possess the legal capacity to enter into a lease agreement. (iv) The tenant or co-tenant must be of legal age. (2) For a direct loan or a loan developed under Plan I, be: (i) A senior citizen or handicapped person with. a low or moderate income, or (ii) Any household with a low-income. (3) For loans developed under Plan II, be persons with a low or moderate-income. (4) For all other loans be persons with a low or moderate income` or senior citizens 'or handicapped without regard to income. j (5) In the case of cooperative housing projects all members / (tenants) must be of low- or moderate-income except that, any tenant who is admitted as an eligible tenant of the cooperative may not subsequently be deprived or her/his membership or, tenancy by reason of no longer meeting the income eligibility requirements as outlined in Exhibit C of Subpart A of Part 1944 of this chapter. (Added 1.2-9-82, SPECIAL PN. ) (�3) Housing. Structures in a rural area which are or will be suitable for, and available to, eligible occupants for dwelling use to provide congregate or completely independent living on a rental basis. The structures may include related facilities where appropriate. For the purpose of a loan developed under this Subpart , generally be to provide housing for eligible households usually living in the local community and the surrounding area capable of caring for themselves . 3 (Revision l) ' (10-27-80) SPECIAL PN r FmHA Instruction 1944-E 41944.205 (Con.) (h) Congregate housing. Housing that affords an assisted independent living environment that offers the senior citizen or handicapped person who may be functionally impaired or socially deprived, but in good health (not acutely physically ill) , the residential accommodations, central dining facilities, related facilities , and supporting service(s) required to achieve, maintain or return I a semi-independent life style and prevent premature or unnecessary to as they grow older. Congregate housing is also:- (1) lso:(1) Housing which has complete kitchen facilities in each unit . However, some or all of the units may have limited kitchen facilities , such as a cooktop with a small oven and a refrigerator. In the case of group living arrangements, each single person dwelling is considered a unit. (2) A group living arrangement where one or more senior citizens or handicapped persons may share living space within a rental unit and in which a resident assistant is required. Such housing may be one or more single person dwellings or a multi-unit structure. ( i) Related facilities. Related facilities may consist of community rooms or buildings, cafeterias, dining halls, appropriate recreation facilities , and other essential service facilities such as central heat and cooling, sewerage, light systems, ranges and refrigerators, clothes washing machines and clothes dryers, and a safe domestic water supply. Under special conditions, such as a congregate housing project or a project housing handicapped tenants, space may be provided for cafeterias, dining areas, an infirmary, therapy room, special bathing room, and other special areas needed by the elderly and handicapped tenants when determined to be economically feasible. The cost of kitchen equipment such as stoves, ovens , steam tables and other such items may be included in the loan. However, the cost of specialized equipment such as that used for training and therapy will not be included in the RRH loan to equip these facilities. When ranges, refrigerators, dish washing machines, dish dryers and other kitchen equipment are included, they will be attached to the real estate in a manner to prevent easy removal. (j) Project. A project is the total number of rental housing units located on the same or contiguous site(s) and operated under the same management plan with one loan agreement/resolution.. (Revised 12-9-82, SPECIAL PN. ) 4 (Revision 1) FmHA Instruction 1930-C Exhibit B Page 18 VI B 1 (Con. ) b In RRH projects operating on a non-profit or limited profit Plan II basis, tenants- will be a very law-, low-, or moderate-income person regardless of age or handicappedcondition. will.c In RRH proJects operating on a full-profit basis, tenants (1) Be a senior citizen or handicapped person of any income. (2) Be a very low-, low-, or moderate-income non-senior ' citizen or non-handicapped persona d In labor housing (LH) projects designed and operated either for year-round or seasonal occupancy, tenants will be domestic farm laborers. e Occupancy in, RRH projects or those portions of RRH rojects designated by FmHA as: u" --- (1) Family housing may be by any combination of handicapped, senior citizen, and/or non-senior citizen tenants. (2) Senior citizen housing must be by senior citizen and/or handicapped tenants but not restricted exclusively for 3 use by handicapped tenants. f All tenants must generally be capable of caring for themselves and must meet the following criteria: (1) Not be totally dependent on others to be able to vacate the unit for their own safety in emergency situations. (2) Possess the legal capacity to enter into a lease agreement, except in the case of. tenants residing in a congregate housing project who have a legal guardian. g In congregate housing projects, eligible. tenants will include senior citizen or handicapped persons who require some supervision and central services, but are otherwise able to care for themselves. They must be able to provide for their own sus tenance in projects that provide less than a full meal programa The borrower will regularly assess the level of function and degree of competence of the tenant and/or co-tenart 's ability in performing daily living activities. This assessment should enable the borrower to determine whether or not the tenant can maintain relatively FmHA Instruction 1930-C Exhibit B Page 19 VI B 1 g (Con.) independent occupancy given the supportive services in the project (See Exhibit B-10 to this Subpart) . The tenants must also meet the criceria found in paragraph VI B 1 e above. h For LH projects, and units in RRH projects specifically designed and designated. for the elderly and/or handicapped as defined by FmHA, occupancy is limited solely- to�those meeting the eligibility requirements for the specific type of project (i.e. ,_domestic -farm a orers, senior citizens, andjor.-handicapped) . Eligible occupants in Fees p jects may also include other persons who are usually household members of the domestic farm laborer, senior citizen or handicapped person. Resident assistants or chore workers will not be considered to be members of the tenant household. i In a group home situation, a Resident Assistant may occupy separate living space of appropriate size without regard to income. j A student or other seemingly temporary resident of the community who is otherwise eligible and seeks occupancy in a RRH project may be considered an eligible tenant when all of the following conditions are met: (1) Is either of legal age in accordance with applicable State law or is otherwise legally able to enter into a binding contract under State law. (2) The person seeking occupancy has established- a house- hold separate and distinct from the person's parents or legal guardians. (3) The person seeking occupancy is no longer claimed as a dependent. by the person's parents or legal guardians pursuant to Internal Revenue Service regulations, and evidence is provided to this effect. (4)• The person seeking •occupancy signs a written statement indicating whether or not the person's parents, legal guardians, or others provide any financial assistance and such financial assistance is considered as part of current annual income and is verified in writing by the borrower. k A former domestic farm laborer may continue occupancy of a LH project after retirement or after becoming disabled if the farm laborer was an eligible tenant living in the project prior to the event. (12-13-83) SPECIAL PN i FmHA Instruction 1930-C Exhibit B Page 25 VI C 1 (Con.) pancy, the borrower or rental agent will place the prospect 's name chron- ologically on a written waiting list. The waiting list should indicate the prospective tenant's name, address, phone number, household size and estimatedincome The actual determination of eligibility will be "' conducted accord g to the application process described in paragraph VI D. 2 A separate waiting list or a master waiting list with separate categories or priorities indicated on it will be maintained for rural rental and year-round occupancy farm labor housing. Each list must be maintained in chronological order. When there are separate lists, they must be cross-referenced for prospective tenants who fits more than one category or priority. a Separate lists may be maintained for: (1) Various size units; (2) Units for senior citizens, families or any other combination as planned for the project according to the borrower's loan agreement or resolution. (3) Persons who require the special design features of the handicapped units in the project such as persons confined to a wheelchair. Persons on this Fist have priority for these units (4) Displacees,, such as victims of natural disasters and eminent domain, to whom priority consideration may be given. (5)� In congregate housing projects, priority will be given to �he ;f"rail or impaired to sustain an occupancy level of 25% to 33% of the project units. After this occupancy level is attaineipriority will be given to non-frail or non-impaired appl icards. b Separate waiting lists may not be maintained for persons qualified for rental assistance. 3 For seasonal farm labor housing, a waiting list should be 1hronologically compiled as in paragraphs C l and 2 above. This list(s) should be maintained for the season in. which the project will be operating. Prospective tenants should be advised that the waiting list will terminate on the closing date of the project in any given season. a Seasonal LH management plans should identify a date when applications will be accepted for a new operating season and a waiting list compiled. (12=19-83) SPECIAL PN J • FORMS MANUAL INSERT FORM FmHA 1944-34 USDA-Fm IIA FORM APPROVED Form FmHA 1944.34 LOAN AGREEMENT FOR AN OMB No, o575.0047 (Rev.11.1483) Approval Expires 12195 ❑ RRH Loan to a Partnership Operating on a Profit Basis ❑ RRII Loan to a Limited Partnership Operating on a Profit Basis ❑ RRH Loan to a Partnership Operating on a Limited Profit Basis ❑ RRH Loan to a Limited Partnership Operating on aLimited Pr9fit Basis 1, Parties and Terms Defined. This agreement dated. (`-2)----- ------------OI the (3) Partnership,duly organized and operating under (4) --_—•. —_,herein called••Partnership",whose post office address is (5) with the United States of.America acting through the Farmers Home Administration,United States Department of Agriculture,herein called"the Government",is made a fa in IAWMf,1^.'.-Iwsai4-calla •• - -----_ __ made or insured,or to be made or.insured,by the Government pursuant to sections 515(b)of the Housing Act of 1949 to build sold and insured It•bevsed-svlelrfor-theapccific eligible-purposes for.wbsch n re- approved by the Government in order to provide rental msg and related facilities for eligible a ble occupants. dc Ian d b the f Government in rural areas.Such housing and facil hmitics and the land constituting the site as herein called"the housing .The indebted- r ness and other obligations of the Partnership under the note evidencing the loan.the related security instrument and related agreement h :rc herein called the"loan obligations'. ` i-• 2. Exccutinn of loan jostruments. To evidence the loan the Partnership shall issue a promissory note(herein referred to as \ ••d�ry "the note"),signed by _(8) -- --for the amount of the loan. �J. payable in installments over a period of (9)-- _— ----}'ears,bearing interest at a rate. `a 1 and containing other terms and conditions,prescribed by the Government.To secure the note act any indemnity or other sere—M required by the Government.__ (8)-- — —are to execute a real estate securit mstrunient dein. ,r alien upon the housing and upon such.other real.property of the Partnership as the(;overmocnt shall require.including an assignment (,� 4 of the rents and profits as collateral security to be enforced in the event of any default by the Partnership.and containing other terms v and conditions prescribed by the Government.— — —_—__— _--____are to execute any other security instruments and other instruments and documents requiredLbs the Government in conne<tion with the making or insuring of the loan ". The indebtedness and other obligations of the Partnership under the note,the rclatcd security instrument.,and any related agreenscnt are herein called the"loan obligation". 3. Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Provisions. The Partnership will execute(a)any undertakings and c'e.mcots required by the Government pursuant to Title Vlll of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 r lated to Fair Housing regarding nonducr mmatiun in the use and occupancy of housing.-(b)Farmers Home Administration Form FmHA 4001 entitled"Equal Opportumt Ager—n"'. including an"Equal Opportunity Clause"to be incorporated in or attached as a fidcr to each construction contract the amount of which exceeds 530.000 and any part of which is paid for with funds from the loan,and(c)Farmers Home Administration Form FmHA 400A.entitled"Assurance Agreement(Under Title VL Civil flights Act of 19(41,',a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part thereof and any other undertakings and agreements required by the Government pursuant to lawful authority. 4, Borrower Contribution. The amount of f____S'0)-----------to be contributed by the Partnerships from it's own tuns for the land purchase or development will be placed or deposited with the lender and dispersed prior 'a..v disbursement of interim loan funds or any FmHA loan funds. S. Accounts for Housing Operations and Loan Servicing. The Partnership shall establish on its books the followittc-counts. which shill be maintained in accordance wnh FmHA Regulation 7 CFR Part 1930-C sac lone as the Ivan obligations remain unsatistled' (8ee reverse) A General Fund Account.a Tax and Insurance Escrow Account,a Security Deposit Account and a Reserve Account. a. General Ornaiing Account. By the time the Farmers Home Administration loan is closed or interim funds are obtained to preclude the necessity for multiple advances of Farmers Home Administration loan funds,which ever occurs first,dsc Partner- . ship shall from its own funds deposit in the General Operating Account the amount of 5__—_ -----• This form contains the terms and conditions of the FmHA loan.It is a requirement for obtaining financial assistance- Position 2 PROCEDURE FOR PREPARATION Fml-IA Instruction 1944=E. PREPARED BY District Director. NUMBER OF COPIES Original and one copy. SIGNATURES REQUIRED Original signed by the borrower. DISTRIBUTION OF COPIES Original retained in the file, copy to the borrower. i INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION (1) Check the proper type loan: (2) Insert the date the agreement is signed which must be prior to the loan approval.date,.. (3) Type the name of'the Partnership as it will appear on the promissory note. (4) Insert the authorizing State statute under which the partnership is duly organized. (5) Insert the address of the applicant partnership. (6) Insert the loan amount in figures as will be shown in the promissory note. CSIn ert if the loan is to service senior citizens, congregate housing,or households of low f 7 and moderate incomeg.as appropriate. = (8) For loans to a Partnership and a Partnership operating on a limited profit basis, insert "all partner(s)". For loans to a Limited Partnership and a Limited Partnership operating on a limited profit basis, insert"the general partners)". (9) Insert the number of years of the loan (usually 50 years). (10) Insert the amount of the borrower's coritribution which should be no less than the five Percent of the development cost or five percent of the security value whichever is less. (11) Insert an amount equal to no less than two percent of the total development cost of the project. R �' �, i J CCs ' ----------- Payor 6 City Council rove Congratualations and sincere thanks to our Atascadero City Council fora pp $600,000.00 "Block Grant" for the proposed low income Senior Housing Project. Representing only a very small, minute percentage of the Seniors in our community, we are grateful that our city leaders have the foresight to realize the great need of this Senior Project and tha you have taken the initiative to show your approval s m + " 'We, as individuals, are keeping ourselves informed of the progress being made and the possible "hurdles" yet to be achieved. Regarding the controversy relative to the number of parking spaces required, we wonder rxf s sr if the planning department actually realizes how many seniors do not own cars, do not drive but depend solely on relatives, friends and public transportation. The percentage of seniors without cars is a great deal higher than you would anticipate -- we know -- we are seniors. xxx 4 Therefore only a minimum parking area would be sufficient. a We have faith that our city leaders will not let us down and that a compromise will be achieved on the parking space issue. L We seniors can live without a car but we cannot live without a home. Many of us call l Atascadero "God's Country", and we are looking forward to just a little spot to call our owr Sincerely, � '� „ >{, N fi w Concerned Seniors t-4 ( .. tesi az'{r,�' .3s d x- ;'v§,.� �'GQy,G� ✓��Ld i. {mss S 1''� ,sem-.. ,,,,,'P"�` yfrn4.c,a zt 111 C GG ;z y�•��}.s.v a h �' ' � ' MEETING AGENDA DATA ITEM ORDINANCE NO. 79 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING MAP NO. '11 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF-ATASCADERO BY CHANGING CERTAIN PROPERTIES ON SAN PALO ROAD FROM RSF-Z (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) TO CT (COMMERCIAL TOURIST) Section 1. Council Findings. After conducting a public hearing, the City Council finds and determines that: 1. The proposed Zone Change will amend the zoning map to be con- sistent with the Land Use Map of the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code. 2. The proposed zone change.. is ,a logical extension of the exist- ing zoning that al-Lows for limited commercial uses on prop- erty that is approximately located to serve the traveling public on Highway 101. 3. The proposed Zone Change would encourage development which is consistent with policies ,set forth, in the Atascadero General Plan, ' 4. The proposed zone change will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Envir- onmental Impact Report is not necessary. Section 2. Zoning Change. Map No. 11 of theOfficialZoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the Planning Department is hereby amended to reclassify the following described property from RSF-Z (Residential Single Family) to CT (Commercial Tourist) : Portions of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 2 of the Atascadero Colony (6000 San Palo 'Road) Section 3. Zoning Map. Map No. 11 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the Planning Department is hereby amended as shown on Ex- hibit "A" which is hereby made` a part of this Ordinance by ' reference. reference. • • Ordinance No. 79 Section 5. Publication. . The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of 'general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in fu11 force and ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. on: the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at _a regular meeting of the City Council held on AYES,: NOES: ABSENT MARJORIE R. MACKEY, Mayor • ATTEST: I _ ` BARBARA NORRIS, ity Clerk APPROVED AS TO A ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney AP D AST ONTENT: MU Yr WARDEN, City ManaFtj 2 -"�"q,-YlammnUepartnient —_ ` SII` Ir��'T•�1�17�Y(� •.. I� °t 421 z f/ IOva 9G h 1 • I { I r'�I -i rl a .v _ 6r'�. 4•a °,• �a� „gI xr+ �� - 9 h 7,4; G �.,.� 'O<,- b I'^ �9 g I . ztr ==I • ?i . 3a �« ,w te° ec ^ 1 :. tto.j2 '' ..! > ,•+yr � '- lar" w _ '�+•z. roa iD+. � ^ ^i r r a .. _ Map No. 11 a I== t.•.xlrl, <L '_ K �S :Z / ' DDS° 4 M �' �'' '� .9,. �• Y� � NO - 1 � A n a �.f zN.b R te • � xp ° I o I fag 13t •�! D.5 u.,. liT INi w° e 8 w.� g IT•C ,q. irp �, •• sea •13310 iv• �- .r1n >:r .'uf ! mrt 5 33 • • a \V�e �- q.z�}4'f>•° )Iss ' �+ 3zSv n IIi �'--•1lr3°. Iso 1»N 3 100 a00 P q °i c 1S1 silo N! ^ ,.wa f rlso � � na w6 N•b .\ , C ilu Iso ^ ^.✓ � :. ilT^ 1�°�. K ■o J •` t's'1.=10 Ita late � S \ \ ti�° � )• s �°s btD rn. ° 2'��:'_�•.•, ros ° � Q ' � 9 m}`'6. \ i� � � (Itr tt• al '� _:),� 5:_ n,^ 'K wi ^ no 4z \ ~ >i i �p •N,S�=. .,� Las. a,•�. -^tom �4ti .? II.° e _ � I7 E �',ss 'l0 '� SLu na° iYo•i' o �! u! �.. N M 244 \9 I•'• 3243 t 3N � qia Jag 9N � G N 1 77 ��1' u�11 4J ?J, ��° i')• • 102 �N 0 14 L(FH) / 14•A a� A� w q 103 iu p � 'P y 7 "" 4 p is y v "Or �A 17-A / A a" 03 ~ ` 1is F J I`A 'a 17 O /S` -d-// .106 20 0 4 CN i e 7 \-S 4°`tiY• 1 e•\, Phe CP II'ms•�-= 3S,o 3a,9' SP's s`OO sf 1 O°�`+`f•3 18 l ("<s-s J1. /00 99 Saye 19 21 ,rnq 22 llllll` 10/� 44-A , �`. \ � r 3 ' 'a;z °• � ✓'//Di ^ay \�a9' xevis[cre O.. Goo A c ,� 12 fp��' �F 'tz?9i Dao '\ by 2aUFH) 13 14/ 47� 3 , •/ SPI Oiz,\V ''3 2.� (t,.z-�y{-/�'� 4/ I6 281 A' ,,0°. 19 A 27 16 40 a26' 17 - P 61w21 / le 43 RS 23-A EXHIBIT "A" •jA LAZONE CHANGE 1-83 ° • ': 6000 San Palo Road (Ptns. Lots 1 and 2 of -Block 2) 5 RSF-Z (Residential Single Family) __ _� -- _�------------------- to CT (Commercial Tourist) A,.Li,N.Y AGENDA • DATO'-- ; _ APPLICATION FOR MEMBER OF ANk 1984 CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMISSION OR BOARD CITY MGR. Name: TERRY HARGRAVE Address: 8330 San Clemente Atascadero CA 93422 same Residence Mailing 466-5110 (home) Telephone No. : 546-2075 (office) Occupation: Architect and Educator Position applying for: Board of Appeals If Board of Appeals, category: Q General Contractor d Architect or Structural Engineer /7 Specialty Contractor /_7 General Public (none of foregoing) Give a summary of your education, experience, and/or reasons for wishing to serve on the commission or board: Experience: Licensed Architectural Practioner for over 10 years, including the Proprietorship of my own business as well as associatship with several others Have taught architecture at California Polytechnic State University since 1978. i Currently teach the graduate design studio, having attained the rank of Associate Professor of Architecture, 1 maintain a part-time practice. Reason .for this application: The public must be involved in the regulatory process in order to assure that the intent of adopted regulations are properly interpreted for the local community. As a member of that public, I feel that my expertise in designing within a regulated context, especially with the I .C.B.O. regulations, makes me qualified to serve ontheBoard of Appeals. Education: Master of Architecture, Massachusetts institute of Technology, Cambridge Massachusetts (1978) . Bachelor of ArchitecturalEngineering, Washington State University (1965) . I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct and that I am a registered voter in the City of Atascadero. 1 1 9tl Signature Date II i I APPLICATION FOR MEMBER OF CITY OF' ATASCADERO COMMISSION OR BOARD Name Mt�t�AL. 17. Fl�?SF'�' Address: r7C C`> ��c�c�c� �2_ -t q S c A 1 7�� �14 Residence Mailing Telephone No. : 4(:��(�.- Co Occupation: Position applying for If Board of Appeals, category: General Contractor d Architect or Structural Engineer /f7 Specialty Contractor General Public (none of foregoing) Give a summary of your education, experience, and/or reasons for wishing to serve on the commission or board: t I hereby` certify that the foregoing is correct' and that I am a registered voter in the City of Atascadero. • Signatures Date APPLICATION FOR MEMBER OF CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMISSION OR BOARD Name: Michael D. Bewsey Address: 5700 Dolores St. , Atascadero, Ca. 93422 Residence �� _ Mailing Telephone No. : 466-4649 Occupation: General Contractor Position applying for : General Contractor Appeals Board If Board of Appears, category: General Contractor Architect or Structural Engineer Q Specialty Contractor General Public (none of foregoing) Give a summary of your education, experience, and/or reasons for wishing to serve on the commission or board: B. S. in Crop Science from Cal Poly. 10 years experience as General Contractor in Atascadero with experience in custom homes, apart- ments, and commercial construction. I feel the Board can be a viable and useful tool benefitting, both contractors and the Building department. I consider myself fair, contentious, and one with experience in those areas in which decisions will have to be made. Based on'. the above information, I would like to .be a member of the Appeals Board. I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct and that I am a registered voter in the City of Atascadero. December 31, 1981 Signature = Date MEETING /AGENDA ITEM RESOLUTION NO. 19-84 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO • DECLARING WEEDS A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND COMMENCING PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES The City Council of the City of Atascadero, County of San ; Luis Obispo, State of California, DO HEREBY RESOLVE as follows: SECTION 1. That weeds growing or potentially could grow, and rubbish, refuse and dirt upon public and private property hereinafter described, constitute or could constitute a `public nuisance and are hereby ;de- clared to be such, for the reason that such weeds upon maturity will bear wingy or downy seeds, will attain such a large growth as to become a fire menace when dry, will be otherwise noxious or dangerous, or will constitute or potentially could constitute dry grass, stubble, brush , litter or ,other flammable material thereby creating a hazard to public health. SECTION 2 . The description of the parcels of lots of private property upon which, or in ,front of which, said nuisances exist, according to the official Assessment Map of said City of Atascadero,_ are set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and hereby incorporated herein by reference as though here fully set forth. SECTION 3 . The Fire Chief is hereby ordered and directed to post notices for the required removal of said noxious or dangerous weeds, or • other flammable material found upon or in front of the property in the City of Atascadero in accordance with Section 6-13.04 of City Ordinance No. 61 . SECTION 4 . The time at which the City Council :shall hear and consider all objections or protests to the required removal of said noxious or dangerousweeds, or other flammable material will be at 7 :30 p.m.` May 14, 1984 . On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the `following' vote: AYES NOES: ADOPTED: ATTEST : MARJORIE MACKEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO } - • ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney ZYOVED AWARDEN, City Manager EXHIBIT A i STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # STREET NAME 'ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # Sycamore 28-092-09 Valentina Ave. 28-172-15' Sycamore 28-092-04 Valentina Ave. 24-172-13 Sycamore 28-021-26 Valentina Ave. 24-172-29 Sycamore 28-021-02 Valentina Ave. 24-372-01` Sycamore 28-031-07 Valentina 24-181-30 Hidalgo 28-032-18 Dolores 24-172-31 Hidalgo 28-093-26 Magdalena Ave. 28-353-10 Hidalgo 28-091-05 Magdalena Ave. 28-.354-06 Miramon 28-101-03 Magdalena Ave. 28-354-03_ Sycamore 28-093-35 Magdalena Ave. 28-353-09 Miramon 28-093-16 Magdalena Ave. 28-214-13 Miramon 28-093-12 Magdalena Ave. 28-213-03 Miramon 28-093-38 Cabrillo Ave. 28-353-06 ` Miramon 28-081-05 _ Magnolia Ave. 28-381-25 Miramon 28-042-34 Magnolia Ave. 28-372-10 Miramon 28-042-14 Magnolia Ave. 28-372-11 Sycamore 28-131-3.0 Magnolia Ave. 28-381-23 Curbaril 28-242-08 Magnolia Ave. 28-372-14 Garbada Rd: 28-413-01 Magnolia Ave. 28-381-15 Dolores 28-171-07 Magnolia Ave. 28-381-17 Dolores 28-171-02 Magnolia Ave. 28-372--15 Dolores 28-171-08 Ensenada Ave. 28-371-25 Dolores 28-181-02 Ensenada Ave. 28-361-23 Dolores 28-181-01 Ensenada Ave. 28-361-18 Gancho'Ave. 28-301-32 Ensenada Ave. 28-361-10 Dulzura 28-301-31 Garbada Rd. 28-411-03 Dulzura 28-301-33 Garbada Rd. 28-411-07 Dulzura 28-311-26` Garbada Rd. 28-412-07 Dulzura 28-311-15 Aurora Rd. 28-401-21 Dulzura 28-311-18 Aurora Rd. 28-412-08 San Z'acinto 28-30-1-13 Aurora Rd. 28-401-19 San Jacinto 28-301-12 Aragon Rd. 28-401-11 San Jacinto 28-301-22 Tampico Rd. 28=401-10 Navidad 28-292-10 Tampico Rd. 28-401-02 Navidad 28-292-13 Vernalis Rd. 25-401-09 Navidad 28-292-09 Vernalis Rd. 28-411-04 Navidad 28-292-17 Vernalis Rd. 28-411-02 Navidad 28-292-06 Sycamore 28-041-04 Gaucho 28-31.1-27 Sycamore 28-041-01 Gancho 28-311-04 Mercedes Ave. 28-215-11 San Pedro 28-182-05 Mercedes Ave. 28-215-07 San Pedro 28-181-17 Mercedes Ave. 28-215-14 San Pedro 28-181-18 Magdalena Ave. 28-353-11 San Pedro 28-182-09 Ensenada Ave.- 28-361-09 Alamo 28-181-21 Ensenada Ave. 28-361-08 Alamo 28-103-09 Ensenada Ave. 28-361-27 Alamo 28-182-24 Capistrano Ave., 28-372-02 Rosario 28-192-01 Capistrano` Ave. 28-211-01 • Alamo 28-103-11 Cabrillo Ave. 28-212-03 Alamo 28-103-14 Traffic Way 28-201-01 Alamo 28-084-02 Traffic Way 28-191-08 _ r � EXHIBIT A Page Two STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Traffic Way 28-192-15 El Verano 28-282-21 Traffic Way 28-192-51 E1 Verano 28-282-13 Traffic Way 28-192-42 E1 Verano 28-281-15 Traffic Way 28-361-02 E1 Verano 28-281-14 Bajada Ave. 28-331-10 Nogales Ave. 28-282-04 Rosario Ave. 28-311-37 Dolores Ave. 28-271-13 Rosario Ave . 28-311-08 Dolores Ave. 28-271-20 Rosario Ave. 28-322-01 28-291-01 Rosario Ave. 28-321-25 28-290-04 Rosario Ave. 28-322-22 28-261-31 Rosario Ave. 28-321-21 " 28-292-01 Rosario Ave. 28-321-32 28-292-14 Rosario Ave. 28-321-09 " 28-292-04 Rosario Ave . 28-321-10 ". 28-292-05 Rosario Ave. 28-321-33 28-151-27 Rosario Ave. 28-321-11 28-152-40 Rosario Ave. 28-321-15 Viscano Ave. 28-162-13 Rosario Ave. 28-321-28 Viscano Ave. 28-162-14 Rosario Ave. 28-322-08 Viscano 28-162-15 Rosario Ave. 28-322-29 San Rafael Rd. 45-361-26 Alamo 28-192-32 San Rafael Rd. 45-361-27 Alamo 28-192-49 San Rafael Rd. 45-361-28 lamo 28-192-05 Cuesta Ct. 45-351-01 lamo 28-192-06 Cuesta Ct. 45-361-02 Alamo 28-322-21 Cuesta Ct. 45-361-04 Alamo 28-322-36 Cuesta Ct. 45-361-06 Alamo 28-322-37 El Camino Real 45-351-01 Alamo 28-192-07 El Camino Real 45-351-03 Alamo 28-192-44 45-351-04 Alamo 28-192-35 45-351-06 Alamo 28-192-46 45-351-07 Alamo 28-322-34 45-351-08 Alamo 28-322-30 45-351-09 Alamo 28-332-10 San Diego Way 45-351-10 Alamo 28-332-20 San Diego Way 45-351-11 Honda Ave. 28-332-19 San Diego Rd. 45-352-01 Tunitas Ave. 28-331-12 San Diego Rd. 45-352-02 Barrenda 28--332-33 San Diego Rd. 45-352-03 Barrenda 28-332--01 San Diego Rd. 45-352-05 Barrenda 28-332-31 E1 Camino Real 45-352-06 Rosario Ave. 28-192-20 El Camino Real 45-352-07 Arroyo Ave. 28-182-19 San -Diego Rd. 45-353-05 Arroyo Ave. 28-182-18 El Camino Real 45-354-01 Arroyo Ave. 28-182-10 El Camino Real 45-342-12 Arroyo Ave . 28-321-22 Viejo Camino 45-332-01 Arroyo Ave. 28-182-22 Viejo Camino 45-332-02 Arroyo Ave. 28-182-02 Santa Barbara Rd.- 45-332-05 rroyo Ave. 28-182-01 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-331-01 ancho Ave. 28-311-03 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-331-02 i EXHIBIT A Page Three STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # El Camino Real 45-331-04 Arizona Ave. 28-062-30 E1 Camino Real 45-321-01 Arizona Ave. 28-051-31 to 45-321-02 " 28-051-30 ti 45-321-03 28-051-52 45-321-06 28-051-51 45-321-07 28-052-06 45-321-08 .28-051-42 Viejo Camino 45-321-09 28-052-31 Viejo Camino 45-321-10 Seperado 28-051-36 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-371-01 Seperado 28-051-38 Atascadero 45-371-02 28-051-45 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-371-09 28-051-44 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-371-10 Estrada 28-141-01 45-371-11 Estrada 28-141-02 " 45-371-12 28-141-32 45-371-13 28-052-17 LaPaz Lane 45-381-02 28-141-33 LaPaz Lane 45-381-03 28-062-12 11 45-381-04 28-141-11 45-381-05 28-152-13 45-381-06 28-152-51 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-381-07 Mananita 28-152-12 it 45-381-08 Mananita 28-152-11 " 45-381-09 if28-152-05 " 45-381-10 28-152-04 San Diego Rd. 45-421-01 28-151-34 San Diego Rd. 45-421-02 It28-151-28 Atascadero 45-421-07 Yerba 28-261-30 Atascadero 45-421-08 Yerba 28-261-34 11 45-421-09 28-141-20 " 45-421-10 28-141-21 LaPaz Lane 45-421-12 Estrada 28-151-26' San Diego Rd. 45-431-01 Arena Rd. 28-151-01 San Diego Rd. 45-431-02 Viscano Ave. 28-171-05 It 45-431-03 San Jacinto 28-152-15 to 45-431-04 San Jacinto 28-161-22 San Rafael Rd. 45-441-02 28-152-35 San Diego Rd. 45-441-03 28-161-06 San Diego Rd. 45-441-05 28-161-07 45-441-06 28-161-14 " 45-441-30 28-152-53 " 45-441-32 28-161-15 " 45-451-30 28-152-52 45-451-32 28-071-29 Atascadero 45-451-40 " - 28-061-13 Seperado 28-061-42 28-071-01 Seperado 28-061-41 Traffic Way 28-071-02 Arizona Ave. 28-062-21 Traffic Way 28-071-33 Arizona Ave. 28-061-19 Traffic Way 28-071-27 r r EXHIBIT A Page Four STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # Seperado 28-061-02 Castano Ave. 29-201-25 Seperado 28-061-45 Castano Ave. 29-201-18 Seperado 28-061-05 29-201.-20 Arena Rd. 28-251-33 29-201-08 Arena Rd. 28-141-14 Palomar Ave. 29-201-02 28-141-15 Palomar Ave. 29-201-03 28-261-19 It '29-201-04 28-261-20 Castano Ave. 29-201-32 28-141-31 Castano Ave. 29-202-16 San Ardo Rd. 28-251-27 Cortez 29-202-04 San Ardo Rd. 28-261-09 Castano Ave. 29-152-24 of 28-251-07 Curbaril Ave. 29-152-04 It 28-261-11 - Yesal 29-152-21 is 28-251-09 Yesal 29-152-19 San Anselmo Rd. 28-271-18 Yesal 29-152-18 San Anselmo Rd. 28-271-06 Castano Ave. 29-152-22 if 28-251-19 Castano Ave. 29-153-01 it 28-251-21 if29-153-17 " 28-2651-20 Cortez 29-153-19 28-251-14 Valle Ave. 29-151-06 Santa Barbara Rd. 45-391-01 Valle Ave. 29-151-12 anta Barbara Rd. 45-391-02 Yesal 29-151-18. iejo Camino 45-401-03 Yesal 29-151-20 Viejo Camino 45-401-04 29-151-22 Colorado Rd. 45-441-17 29-151-23 Colorado Rd. 45-441-18'_ Valle Ave. 29-151-21 45-441-23 Valle Ave. 29-151-04 45-441-26 Cortez 29-142-21 45-441-27 Pinal Ave. 29-141-03 " 45-441-28 Castano Ave. 29-141-04 45-441-29 Curbaril Ave. 29-141-10 45-441-31 Pinal Ave. 29-141-01 45-451-09 Curbaril Ave. 29-141-13 45-451-10 it29-141-14 45-451-11 if29-141-17 45-451-15 Pinal Ave. 29-141-20 45-451-16 If29-141-21 " 45-451-17 Curbaril Ave. 29-141-22 45-451-23 Cortez 29-132-10 " 45-451-24 Castano Ave. 29-132-14 45-451-25 it29-132-17 45-451-26 Maleza Rd. 29-131-15 45-451-29 Pinal Ave. 29-131-19 Atascadero 45-451-34 Castano Ave. 29-131-28 Atascadero 45-451-35 Pinal Ave. 29-121-02 45-451-36 Pinal Ave. 29-121-03 45-451-40 Maleza Rd. 29-121-07 " 45-451-42 if 29-121-08 " 45-451-43 it 29-121-09 EXHIBIT A Page Five STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Maleza Rd. 29-121-10 Sonora 29-171-21 29-121-15 29-171-22 29-121-17 29-171-01 29-121-21 29-171-02 Pinal Ave. 29-141-23 29-171-03 Cortina 29-191-32 29-171-06 Curbaril Ave. 29-191-08 29-171-17 Pinal Ave. 29-191-41 29-171-20 Cortina 29-191-42 29-161-04 Pinal Ave. 29-191-47 Pinal Ave. 29-161-08 11 29-181-05 Sonora 29-161-09 of 29-181-07 Pinal Ave. 29-111-01 Cortina 29-181-08 29-111-02 if 29-181-09 29-111-03 Sonora 29-181-20 29-111-04 Sonora 29-181-21 " 29-121-01 Cortina 29-181-29 Valle Ave. 29-105-27 Sonora 29-181-47 it29-105-28 if 29-181-49 Capistrano Ave. 29-361-14 Pinal Ave. 29-181-41 it29-106-03 it 29-191-07 Pinal Ave. 29-102-02 It 29-191-09 Pinal Ave. 29-102-03 Curbaril Ave. 29-191-19 Capistrano Ave. 29-105-13 11 29-191-48 of 29-105-14 Valle Ave. 29-382-11 If 29-105-25 " 29-382-17 Country Club Dr. 29-101-15 29-382-04 Mercedes Ave. 29-101-19 29-382-18 Country Club Dr. 29-101-20 " 29-382-19 West Mall 29-091-10 29-382-20 to29-091-11 29-382-21 29-091-12 " 29-382-22 29-091-13 29-381-01 Olmeda Ave. 29-091-01 Sombrilla 29-371-07 Lewis Ave. 29-341-01 it 29-371-10 Traffic Way 29-341-20 of 29-371-13 Entrada 29-343-09 Valle Ave. 29-371-14 East Mall 29-347-20 " 29-371-18 - to 29-347-21 So . Mall 29-361-15 of29-347-23 Extension Traffic Way 29-322-12 if 29-361-17 " 29-322-19 Valle Ave. 29-351-01 Palma Ave . 29-322-01 It 29-352-01- - Rosario Ave. 29-252-01 _ It 29-353-01.. Traffic Way 29-252-07 So. Mall 29-361-14 29-253-08 Extension " 29-091-07 Valle Ave. 29-171-07 29-082-10 of 29-171-08 " 29-254-08 it 29-171-09 29-062-22 if 29-171-10 29-062-11 " 29-171-11 29-061-35 " 29-171-15 Honda Ave. 29-061-36 29-171-18 It29-061-39 EXHIBIT A Page Six STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL Honda Ave. 29-061-32 Tranquilla 29-023-11 Barrenda 29-062-01 if29-024-17 of 29-061-40 Rosita Ave. 29-022-26 if 29-061-41 If29-024-19 Tunital Ave. 29-062-02 if29-024-18 Barrenda 29-061-33 if29-022-21 Cayucos Ave . 29-262-04 if29-022-11 " 29-262-03 it " 29-022-10 of 29-261-09 of29-022-19 29-261-01 it29-023-10 29-261-19 if29-023-09 29-261-17 29-012-13 29-222-13 29-012-12 " 29-222-34 29-012-15 29-221-02 Nogales Ave. 29-231-14 Hermosilla Ave. 29-021-05 It29-231-02 it 29-021-15 29-231-12 of 29-021-16 " 29-231-07 to 29-221-05 29-216-21 of 29-222-36 Lobos 29-231-16 29-262-34 it 29-212-21 " 29-262-42 to 29-212-20 " 29-262-14 29-212-19 29-272-21 29-212-06 " 29-271-16 29-212-14 San Anselmo Rd. 29-012-03 Cayucos Ave. 29-212-11 it 29-012-02 San Anselmo Rd. 29-212-08 Lobos 29-222-27 of29-212-24 it 29-222-26 Lobos 29-211-09 It - 29-223-05. " 29-211-25 29-222-25 29-211-33 Cayucos Ave. 29-221-13 29-211-18 " 29-221-12 " 29-211-20 Lobos 29-022-24 Rosita Ave. 29-211-01 29-021-14 29-211-02 29-022-05 29-211-27 29---021-12 Encima 29-222-19 21 -022-03 Lobos 29-231-15 29-212-06' Encima 29-222-35 " 29-212-14 of29-222-18 San Anselmo Rd. 29-261-14 Nogales Ave. 29-223-12 if 29-261-19 " 29-223-04 Cayucos Ave. 29-261-18 If29-031-02 If 29-262-24 " - 29-031-06 Tranquilla 29-112-25 29-031-10 " 29-110-12 it 29-110-21 If 29-112-26 of - 29-110-11 " 29-112-07 Delores Ave. 29-110-45 29-023-12 29-110-15 EXHIBIT A Page Seven STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # San Anselmo Rd. 29-110-16 Fresno Ave. 29-281-05 San Anselmo Rd. 29-110-25 1129-281-36 Tranquilla 29-110-18 It29-281-40 Vida Ave. 29-232-01 29-281-31 11 29-233-20 29-281-30 91 29-042-05 29`-241-27 El Verano 29-042-04 San Jacinto 29-241-37 " 29-032-01 - Nogales Ave. . - 29-241-25 of 29-032-11 Nogales Ave. , 29-051-22 to 29-031-08 Tunital Ave. 29-253-30 of 29-031-07 " 29-253-15 " 29-031-02 29-253-07 " 29-031-10 Olmeda Ave. 29-152-22 29-031-06 Rosario Ave. 29-253-26 29-031-05 Rosario Ave. 29-292-29 " 29-032-09 Tunitas Ave. 29-253-31 29-032-14 Rosario Ave. 29-071-22 " 29-032-13 Rosario Ave. 29-071-16 Navidad Ave. 29-032-06 Tunitas Ave. 29-081-11 if 29-032-07 Rosario Ave. 29-071-35 It 29-032-10 Tunitas Ave. 29-081-02 Nogales Ave. 29-231-13 Tunitas Ave. 29-081-13 of 29-241-02 Rosario Ave. 29-071-34 of 29-233-25 Bajada Ave. 29-071-27 San Jacinto 29-233-07 Dulzura 29-051-08 if 29-233-04 to29-051-06 Vida Ave. 29-233-24 it 29-051-03 " 29-233-23 if 29-051-26 San Jacinto 29-051-17 Barrenda 29-062-31 San Jacinto 29-051-29 29-062-25 a' 29-041-12 29-062-06 29-041-23 29-062-05 29-041-24 29-062-28 29-041-24 29-061-23 Vida Ave. 29-032-06 29-061-13 Vida Ave. 29-032-10 29-061-29 " 29-032-14 Traffic Way 29-062-14 29-032-13 Bajada Ave. 29--062-17 " 29-042-02 29-082-16 29-041-08 " 29-081-12 29-042-03 29-081-13 Dulzura 29-051-24 Rosario Ave. 29-071-39 Dulzura 29-071-11 Tunitas Ave. 29-082-37 If of 29-071-10 29-081-05 Nogales Ave. 29-071-30 29-082-13 It 29-071-23 29-08o-16 if 29-241-11 29-254-03 Fresno Ave. 29-291-16 Hermosilla Ave. 29-272-22 to 29-291-26 29-272-03 It 29-241-3.6 " 29-272-04 29-281-23 If 29-272-05 EXHIBIT A Page Eight STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Hermosilla Ave. 29-272-06 Palma Ave. 29-312-25 of 29-271-20 it 29-311-22 it 29-281-13 if29-311-25 Olmeda Ave. 29-301-40 29-312-32 it 29-301-06 29-312-31 if 29-281-20 " 29-302-40 it 29-281-19 29-302-14 it 29-281-33 _ 29-302-39 - if 29-281-32 29-302-38 " 29-281-41 29-301-17 29-281-06 29-301-13 29-301-31 29-301-35 " 29-301-09 29-301-36 If 29-301-10 " - 29-302-37 of 29-301-11 " 29-302-45 El Camino Real 29-312-14 San Jacinto 29-302-46 it 29-312-15 Coromar Ave. 56-031-29 it 29-312-23 it56-031-30 of 29-312-11 to 56-031-31 it 29-302-49 Curbaril Ave. 56-031-33 " 29-302-20 it56-031-35 " 29-302-19 Coromar Ave. 56-031-36 " 29-302-18 Curbaril Ave. 56-031-37 29-302-17 Coromar Ave. 56-031-40 29-302-16 It56-031-41 29-302-27 Curbaril Ave. 56-031-42 " 29-271-01 of56-041-03 " 29-262-29 Coromar Ave. 56-041-06 29-262-45 Curbaril Ave. 56-041-07 29-262-44 Coromar Ave. 56-041-14 29-262-43 it56-041-17 " 29-262-36 it56-041-20 29-262-07 If56-041-25 Cayucos Ave. 29-262-40 it56-041-26 Olmeda Ave. 29-311-36 If56-041-28 It 29-311-27 Curbaril Ave. 56-041-31 29-311-37 El Camino Real 56-051-14 29-311-23 if 56-051-21 " 29-311-06 of 56-051-29 29-311-33 If56-051-23 " 29-292-12 56-051-30 " 29-292-13 " 56-051-33 29-321-02 56-051-42 Palma Ave. 29-322-15 56-051-43 El Camino Real 29-323-16 56-051-44 29-323-17 56-051-45 Palma Ave. 29-322-06 56-051-46 1 Camino Real 29-323-21 56-051-47 1 Camino Real 29-323-19 56-051-48 alma Ave. 29-322-09 If56-051-49 It 29-311-19 it 56-051-50 It 29-312-33 56-051-51 EXHIBIT A Page Nine STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCE- # El Camino Real 56-061-18 Coromar Ave. 56-110-28 11 56-061-22 of56-110-13 " 56-061-24 56-110-15 " 56-061-25 " 56-110-24 56-061-26 " 56-110-25 56-061-27 56-110-27 " 56-061-28 56-101-34 " 56-07-06 - Portola Rd. 56-121-17 Montecito Ave. 56-07-10 Coromar Ave. 56-121-31 if 56-07-11 of56-121-30 San Gabriel 56-081-07 If56-121-28 it 56-081-08 It 56-121-29 Montecito Ave. 56-081-13 it56-121-07 El Camino Real 56-081-15 of56-121-23 San Gabriel 56-081-19 It 56-121-14 E1 Camino Real 56-081-20 56-121-05 " 56-081-24 " 56-121-27 San Gabriel 56-081-25 56-121-26 El Camino Real 56-081-26 56-121-02 El Camino Real 56-081-27 56-121-22 Curbaril Ave. 56-091-09 56-121-21 56-091-39 Portola Rd. 56-131-14 " 56-091-40 56-131-12 56-091-17 56-131-13 56-091-22 56-131-15 Coromar Ave. 56-091-31 " 56-131-16 it 56-091-30 56-131-09 to 56-091-26 it56-131-10 if 56-091-36 Santa Rosa Rd. 56-141-09 56-091-37 56-141-06 56-091-38 56-141-11 56-091-41 56-141-08 If 56-091-29 If 56-141-17 of 56-091-28 56-141-16 " 56-091-42 56-141-12 56-091-35 56-141-14 56-091-15B 56-141-1.5 " 56-091-15C San Gabriel 56-151 .37 Atascadero Ave. 56-101-05 It56-151-38 of 56-101-11 If56-151-40 56-101-10 56-151-39 56-101-13 56-151-07 56-101-12 56-151-09 Montura Lane 56-101-19 56-151-35 Montura Lane 56-101-07 56-151-20 Coromar Ave. 56-101-27 Banta Rosa Rd. 56-151-20 is 56-110-30 of 56-151-21 if 56-110-31 to56-151-31 of 56-110-19 56-151-29 If 56-110-20 56-151-32 56-110-29 56-151-30 • EXHIBIT A Page Ten STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Santa Rosa Rd. 56-151-27 Santa Rosa Rd. 56-201-03 to 56-151-25 " 56-201-02 it 56-151-26 Atascadero Ave. 56-211-45 56-151-28 It56-211-44 - 56-151-33 It56-211-46 San Rafael 56-162-29 it 56-211-15 it 56-162-30 56-211-03 If 56-162-31 - " 56-211-38 if 56-162-28 56-211-41 to 56-162-26 " 56-211-40 of 56-162-25 " 56-211-39 it 56-162-24 San Gabriel 56-211-32 of 56-162-23 Marchant 56-221-15 56-162-20 1156-221-14 " 56-162-18 56-221-20 56-162-17 56-221-23 San Gabriel 56-162-03 56-221-22 of 56-162-07 56-221-21 to 56-162-06 Atascadero Ave. 56-221-23 it 56-162-05 it56-221-26 56-162-04 56-221-25 56-162-08 56-231-18 " 56-162-09 56-231-16 56-162-11 56-231-21 56-162-12 56-231-20 " 56-162-16 56-231-19 Marchant 56-171-09 Portola Road 56-241-09 It 56-171-29 " - 56-241-07. of 56-171-27 " 56-241-10 56-171-37 56-241-11 56-171-40 56-241-03 " 56-171-41 56-241-13 Atascadero Ave. 56-181-13 56-241-16 56-181-15 56-241-18 56-181-03 56-242-02 Portola Rd. 56-181-21 56-242-03 to 56-181-22 Atascadero Ave. 56-251-14 56-181-10 " 56-251-15 56-181-06 56-251-16 Atascadero Ave . 56-191-31 56-251-08 Portola Rd. 56-191-23 56-251-09 " 56-191-20 " 56-2.51-03 if 56-191-28 56-251-17 " 56-191-29 " 56-.251-18. San Gabriel 56-201-16 Santa Rosa Rod. 56-251-11 if 56-201-12 11 56-251-12 of 56-201-29 it 56-251-13 56-201-28 is 56-251-10 Atascadero Ave. 56-201-21 San Gabriel 56-261-61 " 56-201-22 if56-261-18 d i • EXHIBIT A - Page Eleven STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # San Gabriel 56-261-67 San Gabriel Rd. 56-351-09 to 56-261-11 Santa Rosa Rd. 56-351-18 if 56-261-25 56-351-14 Atascadero Ave. 56-261-19 56-351-26 Santa Rosa Rd. 56-261-63 " 56-351-27 If 56-261-64 56-351-41 11 56-261-66 " 5.6-351-42 It 56-261-65 San Gabriel Rd. 56-371-39 If 56-262-16 If56-371-28 " 56-262-03 IT 56-371-35 " 56-262-12 56-371-36 " 56-262-10 56-371-30 " 56-262-13 " 56-371-31 Atascadero Ave. 56-271-26 If 56-371-32 56-271-25 56-371-33 IT 56-271-04 " - 56-371-34 " 56-271-23 IT 56-371-24 56-271-31 56-371-26 " 56-271-32 56-371-25 " 56-271-11 56-371-23 " 56-271-21 56-381-09 San Gabriel 56-271-10 El Camino Real 56-382-08 to 56-271-02 56-382-07 Marchant 56-281-09 " 56-383-18 Marchant 56-281-10 If 56-383-21 If 56-281-06 of 56-383-23 Portola Rd. 56-281-12 San Andres Ave. 31-032-01 of 56-281-13 it 31-043-29 of 56-281-14 Santa Ynez Ave. 31-043-06 of 56-291-03 Navajoa Ave. 31-051-01 Santa Rosa Rd. 56-301-18 31-051-56 " 56-.301-30 31-051-51 " 56-301-10 Morro Rd. 31-051-49 56-301-32 31-051-44 Mountain View Dr. 56-311-02 31-051-43 of 56-311-11 31-051-47 of 56-311-15 31-051-39 " 56-312-04 31-051-55 56-322-01 31-052-23 56-322-28 Atascadero Ave. 31-052-07 56-322-29 Cristobal 31-061-01 " 56-322-24 .11 31-061-38 56-322-32 Curbaril Ave . 31-062-16 56-322-07 Cristobal 31-071-23 Santa Rosa Rd. 56-322-10 It - 31-071-17 it 56-322-11 Marchant 31-071-30 San Gabriel Rd. 56-351-19 31-081-19 If 56-351-33 " 31-081-16 56-351-35 Curbaril Ave. 31-081-20 EXHIBIT A Page Twelve 0 STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # Curbaril Ave. 31-081-17 Amapoa Ave. 31-242-14 Coramar Ave . 31-082-32 11 31-242-11 Coramar Ave . 31-082-30 31-242-14 Curbaril Ave . 31-082-35 31-241-11 Curbaril Ave . 31-082-34 31-241-12 Constancia 31-082-33 " 31-241-25 31-082-13 31-241-13 31-082-24 - 31-241-23 " 31-082-25 31-241-21 Navarette Ave. 31-122-12 31-241-18 if 31-123-08 31-241-19 Larga 31-124-13 Atascadero Ave. 31-251-55 Descanso 31-125-04 If 31-251-05 Clemente 31-134-18 San Francisco Ave. 31-251-16 it 31-134-07 31-251-26 San Marcos 31-134-11 31-251-27 Descanso 31-134-19 31-251-28 of 31-133-05 " 31-251-29 if 31-133-06 if31-261-05 Larga 31-132-07 It 31-261-04 Pequenia 31-132-43 it31-261-03 31-132-11 of31-261-02 ODescanso 31-134-10 Morro Road 31-291-23 Curbaril Ave. 31-142-01 Azucena 31-301-29 Carmelita Ave. 31-141-19 Amapoa Ave. 31-302-13 Santa Ynez Ave. 31-151-13 31-302-15 31-151-34 31-302-11 31-152-03 31-302-17 Curbaril Ave. 31-051-24 31-302-16 if 31-051-07 " 31-302-05 - Atascadero Ave. 31-051-08 31-302-12 31-051-38 If 31-302-19 31-051-36 it 31-302-18 Santa Ynez Ave. 31-181-01 we 31-302-14 11 31-182-21 31-301-10 Navajoa Ave. 31-183-05 31-301-30 11 31-183-04 31-301-11 31-183-29 31-301-12 31-183-02 If 31-301-13 ` 31-183-06 if 31-301-27 Curbaril Ave. 31-211-04 31-301-31 of 31-222-02 31-301-32 If 31-222-03 31-301-24 Santa Ynez Ave. 31-222-19 31-301-23 Curbaril Ave . 31-231-02 Azucena - 31-311-21 Morro Road 31-231-28 31-311-07 Amapoa Ave. 31-242-16 31-311-06 31-242-13 31-311-03 0 31-242-10 " 31-311-02 31-242-16 31-311-01 EXHIBIT A Page Thirteen STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET 'NAME ASSESSOR'S PARC Carmelita 31-341-07 Santa Ysabel Ave. 30-121-04 if 31-341-25 " 30-121-31 of 31-341-24 it30-121-12 to 31-341-23 El Camino Real 30-121-37 Morro Road 31-034-08 to30-121-42 31-023-09 1930-121-20 " 31-371-11 Santa Ysabel Ave. 30-131-01 " 31-371-12 11 -30-131-35 " 31-371-14 if 30-131-10 Avenal 31-373-07 El Camino Real 30-132-33 11 31-373-06 It30-132-37 Marchant Ave. 31-381-47 30-132-08 If 31-381-53 30-132-24 11 31-381-59 Curbaril Ave. 30-132-39 It 31-381-60 San Palo Rd. 30-161-01 Sombrilla 30-011-06 Ardilla 30-182-01 Santa YsabelAve. 30-011-16 30-182-03 30-011-30 30-181-61 30-011-17 Santa Lucia Rd. 30-191-40 " 30-011-13 it30-191-08 Sombrilla 30-021-07 Morro Rd. 30-212-17 30-021-02 Alcantara 30-221-19 Valle Ave. 30-031-13 Marchant Ave. 30-222-32 11 30-031-11 if 30-222-25 Sombrilla 30-041-11 Morro Road 30-222-16 " 30-041-10 San Andres Ave. 30-232-26 " 30-041-02 Esperanza 30-232-24 30-041-03 30-232-15 30-041-04 30-232-16 Curbaril Ave. 30-041-06 30-231-24 Valle Ave. 30-051-03 30-231-25 30-051-27 30-231-26 30-051-35 El Camino Real 30-231-20 30-051-36 30-231-19 Junipero Ave. 30-061-19 30-231-01 Curbaril Ave. 30-061-49 30-241-49 11 30-061-11 30-241-48 Palomar Ave. 30-071-22 30-241-13 Junipero Ave. 30-071-32 San Luis Ave. 30-241-36 30-071-12 of 30-241-47 30-071-29 If30-241-45 30-071-33 30-241-59 Santa Ysabel Ave. 30-081-16 if30-241-58 Sombrilla 30-091-25 if30-241-57 of 30-101-05- to 30-241-60 Santa Ysabel Ave . 30-101-42 to - 30-241-61 " 30-101-25 Venado Ave. 30-251-31 30-101-22 Navajoa Ave . 30-282-38 " 30-101-27 If30-282-15 30-121-02 it 30-283-05 " 30-121-03 Morro Road 30-282-36 EXHIBIT A Page Fourteen STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Morro Road 30-282-28 Del Rio Rd. 49-073-59 If 30-282-29 If49-073-22 " 30-282-03 - if 49-07.3-37 It 30-282-24 Arena 49-073-19 to 30-282-27 " 49-073-65 Atascadero Ave. 30-282-33 49-074-01 San Andres Ave . 30-291-19 49-074-02 " 30-292-27 - - " 49-075-01 - Morro Road 30-291-13 49-075-03 If 30-291-20 - " 49-075-04 Tecorida Ave. 30-292-18 San Ramon Rd. 49-093-07 " 30-292-19 " 49-073-36 of 30-292-20 El Camino Real 49-101-09 Marchant Ave. 30-301-09 It49-101-10 Santa Lucia Rd. 30-332-15 of49-101-15 " 30-332-14 Carrizo Rd. 49-101-23 30-332-18 49-102-31 " 30-341-03 El Camino Real 49-102-09 30-341-08 to49-102-12 Cristobal 30-351-19 Del Rio Rd. 49-102-45 to 30-351-11 if 49-112-06 Santa Ynez Ave. 30-371-15 If49-112-25 " 30-372-02 San Benito Rd. 49-112-21 Serra Ave. 30-372-24 LaLuz Rd. 49-121-31 if 30-372-1.9 to49-121-17 Navajoa Ave. 30-373-20 it49-121-13 Ferro-Carril Rd. 49-023-02 (lot 44) San Benito Rd. 49-122-14 Santa Cruz Rd. 49-041-09 Falda Rd. 49-122-22 It 49-041-18 Arena 49-123-22 49-041-05 to49-123-23 49-041-12 it49-123-27 49-041-13 it49-123-31 49-041-15 Amargon Rd. 49-123-07 49-041-16 San Anselmo Rd. 49-123-09 E1 Camino Real 49-042-15 E1 Camino Real 49-131-32 11 49-042-25 " 49-131-53 it 49-042-26 49-131-48 Santa Cruz Rd. 49-051 San Ramon Rd. 49-131-43 " 49-051-', 5 " 49-131-44 Carrizo Rd. 49-052-05 Del Rio Rd. 49-131-59 " 49-052-29 San Ramon Rd. 49-132-14 Traffic Way 49-052-21 El Camino Real 49-141-36 it 49-052-28 49-141-40 49-061-10 49-141-30 49-061-26 - 49-141-26 49-061-15 49-141-22 " 49-061-28 of 49-141-29 Potrero Rd. 49-062-05 Ramona Rd. 49-141-10 Chico Rd. 49-071-06 It49-141-35 49-071-08 49-141-43 w . • EXHIBIT A Page Fifteen STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL 1 STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Ramona Rd. 49-141-42 El Camino Real 49-201-14 49-141-38 49-201-24 El Camino Real 49-151-36 49-201-25 11 49-151-06 49-201-21 49-151-20 49-201-30 49-151-24 Monterey Rd. 49-202-15 49-151-08 11 .49-202-19 of 49-151-09 to ' 49-202-10 it 49-151-11 it49-202-11 it 49-151-16 E1 Camino Real 49-211-20 of 49-151-17 It49-211--40 of 49-151-43 " 49-211-43 of 49-152-29 49-211-44 It 49-152-39 _ " 49-211-45 it 49-152-31 " 49-211-46 to 49-152-34 49-211-47 San Benito Rd. 49-152-02 Ramona Rd. 49-211-11 If 49-152-14 if49-211-33 Colima 49-161-02 if49-211-32 of 49-161-09 of49-211-27 of 49-163-59 to49-212-18 Silla Rd. 49-163-61 of49-212-17 Colima 49-163-56 El Camino Real 49-221-27 11 49-163-09 49-221-45 if 49-163-05 49-221-67 San Anselmo Rd. 49-163-14 Monterey Rd. 49-221-49 49-163-52 1149-221-57 " 49-163-51 1149-221-58 49-163-50 49-221-46 49-163-49 1149-221-59 El Camino Real 49-163-48 it49-223-07 " 49-1.63-44 " 49-223-03 of 49=163-43 49-223-30 " 49-163-34 49-262-03 49-163-35 49-262-07 " 49-163-36 Amargon Rd. 49-301-01 49-163-38 Falda Rd. 49-301-17 49-163-40 49-301-08 " 49-163-33 49-301-21 48-163-32 49-302-06 49-163-31 49-302-34 49-163-25 49-302-28 " 49-163-26 Colima Rd. 49-302-32 49-163-22 of 49-302-33 49-163-17 San Anselmo Rd. 49-302-02 Silla Rd. 49-163-64 San Paulo Rd. 54-011-17 Conejo Rd. 49-191-02 San Anselmo Rd. 54-011-21 Del Rio Rd. 49-191-15 54-011-19 49-191-16 54-011-24 EXHIBIT A Page Sixteen STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # San Anselmo Rd. 54-011-23 Santa Lucia Rd. 54-072-71 " 54-011-14 Portola 54-071-03 Maricopa Rd. 54-014-04 it54-071-02 of 54-014-05 If54-072-36 54-013-02 54-072-60 54-013-20 54-072-61 54-013-22 54-072-47 54-013-04 - 54-072-48 San Anselmo Rd. 54-013-18 54-072-02 it 54-013-19 54-072-23 Ardilla Rd. 54-013-23 54-073-18 If 54-013-24 - 54-081-14 it 54-013-11 If54-081-40 if 54-013-16 54-085-48 of 54-013-17 54-073-40 Ardilla Rd. 54-012-39 San Marcos 54-084-01 it 54-012-02 54-084-03 it 54-012-23 54-084-04 Portola 54-012-11 54-086-07 is 54-022-08 54-086-08 54-022-09 Bella Vista 54-085-02 54-022-17 If54-085-38 54-022-18 1154-085-39 54-022-27 if54-086-06 " 54-022-21 It54-086-05 Monterey Rd. 54-031-09 if54-086-03 54-032-54 to54-086-10 54-032-51 Cascabel Rd. 54-092-14 " 54-032-45 it54-092-20 Maricopa Rd. 54-032-15 of54-092-02 54-032-17 of 54-092-01 54-032-21 If54-102-11 54-032-38 1154-102-16 Graves Creek Rd. 54-032-40 if54-102-13 Ardilla Rd. 54-042-44 Santa Lucia 54-101-05 " 54-042-20 of54-101-10 Maricopa Rd. 54-042-19 if54-111-34 if 54-042-21 54-111-37 it 54-041-05 54-111-39 Ardilla Rd. 54-051-46 Los Gatos Rd. 54-121-12 " 54-051-47 54-121-35 Portola Rd. 54-051-63 54-122-13 If 54-051-22 54-122-26 " 54-051-54 54-122-28 54-051-65 Flores Rd- 54-122-22 54-061-56 San Marcos 54-131-01 54-061-26 54-131-10 anta Lucia Rd. 54-061-07 54-131-15 if 54-061-12 54-131-06 54-061-28 54-132-43 54-072-16 54-132-44 EXHIBIT A Page Seventeen STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME 'ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # San Marcos 54-132-60 San Gabriel Rd. 54-211-08 is 54-132-51 54-211-05 of 54-132-54 54-212-23 San Gabriel 54-132-11 54-212-29 It 54-132-65 Carmelita Ave. 54-212-19 it 54-132-25 54-212-25 to 54-142-04 54-212-33 It 54-142-13 " 54-221-03 ts 54-142-27 54-221-04 54-142-06 54-221-05 54-142-21 54-221-11 54-142-26 Los Osos 54-231-42 54-142-32 It54-231-28 " 54-142-08 _ Old Morro Rd. 54-231-14 Carmelita Ave. 54-142-16 54-231-44 11 54-142-34 54-231-40 VI 54-142-12 54-231-25 San Gabriel 54-151-39 " 54-231-24 if 54-151-13 54-231-09 it 54-151-23 54-231-07 If 54-151-36 Morro Rd. 54-231-18 54-151-46 San Rafael Rd. 54-231-22 " 54-151-45 it54-231-19 Morro Rd. 54-151-21 54-231-39 it 54-151-25 54-231-35 It 54-151-26 " 54-241-25 Santa Rosa Rd. 54-151-30 54-241-31 to 54-151-42 54-241-34 if 54-151-43 54-241-36 54-151-41 54-241-10 54-151-19 Portal Rd. 54-291-20 " 54-151-18 54-291-21 Santa Lucia Rd. 54-171-19 54-291-19 54-171-18 Escondido Rd. 54-291-18 If 54-181-06 . Portal Rd. 54-291-17 Portal Rd. 54-191-15 54-291-16 San Marcos 54-201-24 54-291-14 " 54-201-46 54-291-12 " 54-201-44 Escondido Rd. 54-301-21 54-201-36 54-301-22 " 54-201-35 54-301-20 54-201-32 54-301-19 54-201-33 54-301-10 " 54-201-34 54-301-18 54-201-12 San Marcos 54-301-23 54-201-48 If 54-301-15 54-201-08 It 54-301-13 54-201-41 it54-301-16 " 54-201-51 54-301-17 EXHIBIT A Page Eighteen STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # San Marcos 54-311-48 Garcia Rd. 49-091-04 it 54-311-05 San Gregorio Rd. 49-183-09 54-311-43 it 49-183-10 54-311-42 49-183-15 " 54-311-41 49-183-16 54-311-35 49-232-28 " 54-311-33 49-232-33 " 54-311-03 San Fernando Rd. 49-251-36 54-311-37 Balboa Rd. 49-331-08 54-311-29 Santa Lucia Rd. 30-332-14 54-311-50 if30-332-15 " 54-311-49 30-332-18 54-311-53 30-341-03 " 54-311-31 30-341-08 " 54-311-51 Cristobal 30-351-11 Reaslito Ave. 54-311-47 if30-351-19 54-311-08 Santa Ynez Ave. 30-371-15 " 54-311-44 Serra Ave. 30-372-24 54-311-45 if30-373-19 54-311-46 Navajoa Ave. 30-373-20 Barranco Rd. 54-311-40 San Andres Ave. 30-373-25 54-311-38 El Corte Rd. 30-401-01 54-311-20 Santa Fe Rd. 30-412-03 54-311-21 of30-412-04 54-311-22 El Dorado Rd. 30-412-05 Andrita Rd. 54-321-11 Pino Solo Ave. 30-422-03 Sierra Vista Rd. 54-321-10 La Linia 30-422-01 is 54-321-09 Pino Solo Ave. 30-431-04 " 54-322-03 30-431-04 " 54-322-11 Las Lomas Ave. 30-431-06 54-322-13 " 30-431-17 54-322-12 El Camino Real 30-461-13 Monita 54-322-09 " . 30-461-15 Sierra Vista Rd. 54-334-01 30-461-16 " 54-333-08 E1 Bordo 30-461-21 " 54-333-07 to30-461-22 " 54-333-03 Musselman Dr. 30--461-09 " 54-333-05 if30-461 76 " 54-331-10 it30-461 °3 " 54-331-06 El Bordo 30-471-01 54-331-05 1130-471-02 54-331-04 30-471-03 Caritas Rd. 54-331-03 E1 Camino Real 30-472-08 54-331-02 of 30-472-09 54-331-01 30-472-10 54-332-04 Las Lomas Ave. 30-471-07 54-332-09 El Camino Real 30-481-01 54-332-10 E1 Corte Rd. 30-482-03 ORama"ge Dr . 54-342-01 of30-482-05 Garcia Rd. 49-082-01 Los Lomas Ave. 30-483-03 EXHIBIT A Page Nineteen STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # Las Lomas Ave. 30-483-04 Tunitas 29-082-13 if 30-483-05 El Verano 29-031-07 E1 Camino Real 30-491-02 San Jacinto 29-031-13 Pino Solo Ave. 30-491-01 to29-031-14 Principal Ave. 30-492-01 Bajada 2,9-082-02 it 30-492-03 Palomar 29-20o-07 El Camino Real 30-511-02 Castano 29-201-29 Arcade Rd. 30-511-01 Mariquita Ave. 29-291-32 Cascada Rd. 30-512-02 if29-291-33 El Centro 30-512-01 to 29-292-45 if 30-513-04 Olmeda 29-292-03 to 30-522-03 Lobos 29-222-21 if 30-522-19 Miramon 28-042-32 La Linia 30-523-03 _ If28-042-46 Santa' Ynez 30-201-05 If28-042-09 Santa Rosa 56-351-40 Dolores 28-151-47 it 56-351-42 bulzura 28-311-34 Bella Vista 31-321-17 Bajada 28-311-40 to 31-321-16 if 28-311-38 Bella Vista/ Barrenda 28-192-24 Carmelita 31-331-09 Traffic Way 28-191-01 to 54-141-05 If 28-102-01 is 54-142-20 Curbaril 28-411-34 it 54-142-29 Dolores 28-271-09 Alcantara 30-292-11 Alamo 28-332-35 San Anselmo 54-013-18 Barrenda 28-322-31 San Francisco 31-261-03 E1 Verano 28-282-12 11 31-261-05 it 28-281-13 Sonora 29-181-47 Dolores 28-151-47 Portola 54-061-54 Arroyo 28-321-22 Atascadero 45-371-05 El Camino 45-351-05 Colorado 45-451-14 Viejo Camino 45-342-09 Atascadero 45-451-39 if 45-342-08 San Diego 45-353-05 it 45-342-07 " 45-341-01 of 45-342-06 " 45-341-04 El Camino Real 45-351-05 Viejo Camino 45-342-06 45-341-01 45-342-07 45-341-04 of 45-342-08 ►' 45-353-05 Castano 29-201-29 45-371-05 Pinal 29-012-01 45-441-31 Tranquilla 29-012-25 45-451-14 it 29-012-26 45-451-42 to 29-012-07 Morro Road 31-052-17 It 29-010-12 San Marcos 31-141-06 of 29-011-16 Carmelita Ave. 31-142-04 Olmeda 29-253-22 Morro Road 31-153-05 EXHIBIT A Page Twenty STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # Morro Road 31-153-08 San Dimas 56-471-08 " 31-161-33 It56-471-07 31-161-21 56-471-06 Atascadero 56-231-15 56-481-03 .Portola 56-281-15 Los Osos Road 56-491-18 Santa Rosa 56-322-06 If56-491-01 Valle Ave. 30-031-07 Balboa 50-041-11 Curbaril 30-061-27 50-043-05 It 30-061-28 _ " 50-051-05 it 30-101-26 50-051-20 Junipero Ave. 30-141-16 50-051-11 Venado 30-271-25 50-063-01 Morro Road 30-282-34 Graves Creek 50-071-29 30-291-22 1150-071-12 30-291-25 Ardilla 50-071-09 Alcantara 30-292-09 Balboa 50-111-08 Nacimiento Ave. 30-341-20 if50-111-14 if 30-341-23 it50-121-10 Santa Ynez 30-371-09 50-121-06 El Centro 30-522-08 50-131-05 San Gabriel 56-161-94 San Fernando 50-131-20 " 56-161-03 Llano 50-242-03 " 56-161-38 50-242-04 56-161-54 '! 50-242-05 56-161-97 Balboa 50-242-06 " 56-161-87 Llano 50-351-06 56-161-79 San Gregorio 50-012-22 " 56-161-48 It50-012-23 56-161-95 50-012-20 56-161-39 50-012-18 San. Rafael 56-161-90 50-021-25 " 56-161-53 50-021-27 " 56-161-89 50-021-02 56-161-14 50-021-14 " 56-161-20 Del Rio 50-021-31 56-161-30 if 50-021-04 " 56-161-85 it 50-021-28 56-161-86 " 50-021-29 Toloso 56-401-05 50-021-26 Casteneda 56-411-05 50-031-20 56-411-08 Alturas 50-031-08 56-411-11 50-031-41 Los Osos 56-411-14 " 50-031-40 of 56-411-15 " 50-031-39 Carmelita 56-431-01 Linda Vista 31-115-06 Old Morro Rd. East 56-451-01 of 31-115-07 56-451-02 31-115-08 i EXHIBIT A Page Twenty-one STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL # Navarette 31-191-02 Alta Vista 31-112-01 if 31-191-03 1131-112-02 31-191-04 31-112-04 31-191-05 31-112-05 31-191-06 31-112-06 Alturas 50-031-38 31-112-07 if 50-042-03 31-112-09 to 50-042-13 " 31-112-11 Balboa 50-043-05 31-112-12 " 50-041-11 Encina 31-092-05 Del Rio 50-092-07 31-092-17 " 50-111-12 " 31-092-18. San Gregorio 50-091-07 31-092-12 Alturas 50-111-04 31-092-11 Alta Vista 31-112-13 31-092-14 31-112-14 31-092-16 31-113-01 Chauplin 31-101-01 31-113-02 11 31-101-11 31-113-03 if 31-101-13 31-113-06 it 31-101-12 31-113-07 It 31-101-08 31-113-08 Encino 31-101-06 31-113-10of 31-101-04 31-113-11 31-101-02 " 31-113-12 31-102-01 Navarette31-114-01 " 31-102-13 if31-114-02 31-102-14 31-114-04 Corta 31-012-11 31-114-05 " 31-012-10 Linda Vista 31-115-01 91 31-012-09 if 31-115-02 it 31-012=19 It 31-115-03 Chauplin 31-012-23 if 31-115-05 it 31-012-22 Encino 31-102-15 It 31-012-24 11 31-102-16 31-012-25 El Retiro 31--111-01 Encino 31-091-01 Mira Flores 31-111-02 " 31-091-09 It 31-111-03 31-091-07 It 31-111-04 " 31-091-16 of 31-111-05 " 31-091-10 " 31-111-09 " 31-091-11 31-111-10 " 31-091-15 31-111-11 31-091-13 EXHIBIT A age Twenty-two STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL Encino 31-091-08 Graves Creek 54-161-08 it 31-091-06 Santa Lucia 54-262-05 it 31-091-05 11 54-272-15 Vega 30-171-15 to 54-272-16 to 30-171-16 It 54-272-19 " 30-171-.17 Encino - 31-102-02. Ardilla 30-172-16 Cenegal 55-031-25 it 30-172-13 It 55-031-28 to 30-172-06 It55-031-26 " 30-251-25 Realito 55-052-02 30-251-08 Vista 55-051-12 30-251-33 San :Marcos 55-053-01 Venado 30-251-31 Barranco 55-061-02 " 30-251-32 " 55-061-03 of 30-251-05 Casanova 55-081-11 Ardilla 30-261-13 55-083-04 " 30-261-11 " 55-082-01 Venado 30-261-04 Carmelita 55-101-14 Ardilla 30-271-21 55-101-16 30-271-26 Laurel 55-041-08 " 30-271-03 it55-041-10 30-271-19 Sierra Vista 55-092-01 Chauplin 30-311-01 if55-091-03 " 30-311-02 Puente 55-121-15 30-311-05 Santa Lucia 55-431-02 30-311-11 Palo Verde 55-311 .-12 30-311-12 55-311-11 Bella Vista 54-132-55 55-311-17 " 54-133-62 Old Morro Road 55-311-18 " 54-133-63 1155-331-01 54-133-64 it55-331-03 54-133-67 if1 55-331-07 54-133-66 55-331-11 " 54-142-20 55-341-01 54-142-29 55-341-03 54-141-03 Palo Ve-de 55-361-13 54-141-06 Santa Lucia 55-431-03 54-141-05 if55-442-07 If 54-086-17 It55-442-06 of 54-086-04 Barranco Ht. 55-062-20 54-085-29 Lucinda 55-062-35 54-085-28 of55-062-19 54-085-35 of55-062-28 54-085-34 to -55-062-29 54-085-07 55-062-23. EXHIBIT A Page Twenty-three STREET NAME ASSESSOR' S PARCEL STREET NAME ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # Lucinda 55-062-24 '! 55-062-32 " 55-062-39 55-062-30 El Camino Real 49-141-42 San Gregorio 49-183-18 " 49-183-17 Magdalena 28-356-01 " 28-356-02 'N AUNUA LDa - ITEM� • ORDINANCE NO. 80 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 67 TO READ CHAPTER 16 TO TITLE 2 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL' CODE RELATING TO CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY The Council of the City of Atascadero ordains as follows: Section 1. Ordinance No, 67. entitled Chapter i 6 of Title 2is hereby changed to read Chapter16of Title 2. Section 2. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days' after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance ;with 'Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification to be entered in the Book 'of Ordinances of this City. Section 3. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12:01 on the thirty-first (31st) day, after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on AYES: NOES ABSENT MARJORIE R. MACKEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO ORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ALLEN GRIMES, CITY ATTORNEYUR Y L. EN, CITY MA GER ATTEST: BARBARA NORRIS, CITY CLERK • AG ADA M E M 0 R A N D U M DA -- 'TEM E C Z I V E D April 16, 1984 APR '16 N4 CITY TY MGR TO: CITY MANAGER/CITY COUNCIL FROM: RECREATION ' DIRECTOR SUBJECT: BALLFIELD 'LIGHTS/HOURS OF USE Murray, Council Members, Currently, the' ballfield lights at Alvord are used approximately three times per week. The deadline for turning the lights off has not been decided. The Recreation Department has established an un- official policy that regulates the use of the lights until 10 :00 p.m. Beginning in late April, the Babe Ruth program will commence. They are planning to use the lights at a' minimum of 5` days per week. Immediately following in late June the Adult `Softball' players will be beginning their program. They are planning on playing night ball every day of the week. In other cities the use of ballfiel.d lighting is designated as follows • Lights off San Luis Obispo 11:15 P.M. Paso Robles 11:00 P.M. Morro Bay 1: 00 a.m. On February 9, 1984, the Atascadero Parks and Recreation Advisory' Board recommended that the lights be allowed on until 10:30 p.m. for night use. I concur with this ,recommendation. Both the Babe Ruth baseball and Adult Softball programs will be supervised thus assuring us that the time limit will be adhered to. In order to assist the Babe Ruth and Adult Softball programs and allow them to properly schedule their games and accommodate as many teams as possible, I recommend that the `ballfield lights at Alvord Field and the future South Atascadero Park be allowed night- time use not to exceed 10:30 p.m. I feel this will adequately serve the needs of both the youth and adults, and will �,..gsure the residents who live by the ballfield a reasonable end to the ball playing. festivities. Skip Joannes Recreation Director gh • AG`NDA .�.¢ - '� ITEM f--7>-4-- TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY- MANAGER • SUBJECT: NEGOTIATION TEAM FOR PROPERTY TAX EXCHANGE DATE APRIL 19, 1984 i M E M 0 RA N D U M In anticipation of processing the requested annexation involving the potential Holiday Inn site near Santa Cruz Road, we `will' have to undertake negotiations with the County for transfer of property taxes and tax increment to be shared by the City: As you know, the whole issue of transfer of taxes has some; degree of contention to it and we are not entirely satisfied that the procedures being suggested by the County are appropriate or indeed to the benefit of the City. As you are also aware, we are attempting to definitively determine what our statutory rights are and what the County's obligations are with regard to apportionment and transfer of taxes and taxing share upon incorporation and/or annexations. Because of confusion existing in presentStatelaws, we are uncertain " as to what exactly is negotiable. We are, however, attempting to define that issue. Regardless of the foregoing, we still must initiate the process and a part of that is to designate a Negotiating • Agent to work with the County. I request you appoint me, assisted by the City Attorney, to undertake , this process. If you approve, your motion should be to appoint the City Manager to the Negotiating Property Tax Exchange with the County, to be assisted by the City Attorney, and any other persons whom the City Manager may designate. I would further recommend to you that any costs involved be paid for by the person or persons requesting the annexation as a condition of the prezoning process. If you approve, I shall contact the applicant and secure their approval. AaURRAY WARDEN nager • AEE r;VG7 AGENDA • MEMORANDUM r t T0• Murray �K_ FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Resolutions for Approval of Sewer Extension Requests DATE: April 17, 1984 Attached; are Resolutions of .Approval for Sewer Service. Extensions for various parcels on El Camino Real south of the State Hospital. It is rec- ommended that these requests be approved subject to the conditions listed in. the Resolutions: As background, a study of the sewer basin affected by these requests was completed by Westland Engineering. The 'study' considered the total of all vacant property within the basin developed to maximum densities in order to assess the possible future impacts on the existing sewer lift station and downstream mains. The study did indicate, that on ultimate buildout of the sewer basin in this request, deficiencies in the system capacity wouldbe evident. Those deficiencies were limitedto storage .and pumping capacity of the lift station located adjacent to :the State Hospital entrance and to approximately 1500 feet of 8" gravity sewer line downstream of the lift station. The report by Westland Engineering considered the future corrective work of the system, should such work be necessary in the future, and assigned a dollar value to that 'work. I have reviewed the information submitted by Westland and, with modification, agree with their report. Specific recommendations to mitigate the effect of future development are as follows: 1) Replace 1467' of 8" V.C.P. with 10" V.C.P. 2) Modify Lift Station (Impellers & Pumps) 3) Add Lift Station influent storage The total cost of these future projects is $92,446. The first project that would be necessary at some point in the future would be to >increase the storage capacity of the present lift station. When necessary, the lift station pumps and impellors would be upgraded to increase pumping capacity, necessitating increasing the existing 8" gravity line downstream with a 10" line. • Sewer Extensions page two • Assumptions made in the study were that ulitmate development of the sewer basin would be at 16 units per acre. The area considered in the request totals 82.6 acres. To arrive at the $70 per unit surcharge for sewer extension,,' the total cost of these projects would be divided by the maximum units possible with full buildout (1,325 units) . As each project comes on line, a payment in relationship to the number of residential units would provide revenue to accomplish the system upgrading. 4-AWRE14CE 71cPHERSON LY,:vh att. • • MEETiN- AG:NDA DAT _ lTEM RESOLUTION N0. 20-84 • A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT APPROVING EXTENSION OF SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1` AND ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS FOP.-APPROVAL OF 'SAID EXTENSION FOR AFN #45-320-01 WHEREAS, Allen Grimes, Tom McNamara, Bill McNamara, Stan Cherry, Gayle Sharp and Dennis Bethel own the property described in Exhibits A and B, as attached to this Resolution, and; WHEREAS, the property owner wishes to connect to an existing sewer main in El Camino 'Real, fronting, said property, and; WHEREAS, the property described in Exhibits A and B is not within the limits of Improvement District No. 1, and; WHEREAS, an engineered study of the effect of adding this property to the sewer system has been submitted, reviewed and approved by the Public Works Director, and; WHEREAS, said study indicates the future necessity of improvements to the local sewer collection system, with the cost of these improvements pro- rated equally to new connections outside Improvement District No. 1, and; WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the Sanitation District to provide • sewer service to residential development in this area of the City. Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved by the Board of Directors of the Atascadero County Sanitation District, as follows: 1 - That the property owned by Allen Grimes, Tom McNamara, Bill McNamara, Stan Cherry, Gayle Sharp and Dennis Bethel, as described in Exhibits A and B is approved for extension of sewer service subject to the following conditions: a - Payment of all connection and extension fees as provided in the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code. b - Payment of an additional $70.00 per residential unit, such payment to be in consideration of the future cost of upgrading the local sewer collection system. c - Any on-site sewer lift ,or pump station must be designed and constructed to eliminatepumping into the collection system during periods of peak sewer flows. The system must be designed by a Civil Engineer. registered in the StateofCalifornia, and approved by the City Engineer. Said-on-site pump station shall have pro- visions for monitoring, by District employees to determine pumping time utilized: • d - Obtaining all necessary plumbing and street encroachment permits. . On notion by Director and seconded by Director the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ADOPTED• ATTEST': BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk MARJORIE R. MA.CKEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FOR? MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Manager ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney �I i r AG!NDA RESOLUTION NO. 21-84 • A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT APPROVING EXTENSION OF SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 AND ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF SAID EXTENSION. APN #45-321:-A7, 45-321-08, and 45-321--06 WHEREAS, Ray B. Bunnell, Rex Hendrix and Betty L. Hendrix own the property described in Exhibit A 'and B, attached to this Resolution, and; WHEREAS, the property owners wish to connectto an existing sewer main in El Camino Real, .fronting said property, and: WHEREAS, the property described in Exhibits A and B is not within the limits of Improvement District No. 1, and; WHEREAS, an engineered study of the effect of adding this property to the sewer system has been submitted, reviewed and approved by the Public Works Director, and; WHEREAS, said study indicates the future necessity of improvements to the local sewer collection system, with the cost* of these improvements pro- rated equally to new connections outside Improvement District No. 1, and; WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the Sanitation District to provide sewer service to residential development in this area of the City. • Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved by the Board of Directors of the Atascadero County Sanitation District, as follows: 1 - That the property owned by Ray B. Bunnell, Rex Hendrix and Betty L. Hendrix, as described in Exhibits A and B is;approved for extension of sewer service subject to the following conditions: a - Payment of all connection and extension fees as provided in the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code. b - Payment of an additional $70.00 per residential unit, such payment to be in consideration of the future cost of upgrading the local sewer collection system. c - Any on-site sewer lift or pump station must be designed and constructed' to eliminate pumping into the collection system during periods of peak sewer flows. The system must be designed by a Civil Engineer registered in the State of California, and approved by the City Engineer. Said on- site pump station shall have provisions for monitoring, by District employees, to determine pumping time utilized. d Obtaining all necessary plumbing and street encroachment permits. • Resolution No. 21-84 page two On motion by Director and seconded by Director the • foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ADOPTED: ATTEST: BARBARA NORRIS, ity Clerk MARJORIE R. 'MACKEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO F RM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: • MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Manager i Yt RESOLUTION NO. 22-84 • A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT APPROVING EXTENSION OF SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES- OF IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 AND ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF SAID EXTENSION FOR APN .1130-461=06, 30-461-07 and 30-461-09 WHEREAS, Carl C. Stewart and Mary M. Stewart (Parcel 1) , John F. Fitzgerald (Parcel 2), and Rex Hendrix and Betty Hendrix and Ray Bunnell (Parcel 3) own the property described in Exhibits A and B, attached to this Resolution, and; WHEREAS, the property owners wish to connect to an existing sewer main in El Camino Real," :fronting said property; and, WHEREAS, the property described in Exhibits A and B is not within the, limits of Improvement District No. 1 and; WHEREAS, an engineered study of the effect of adding this property to the sewer system has been submitted, reviewed and approved by the Public Works Director, and; WHEREAS, said, study indicates the future necessity of improvements to the local sewer collection system, with the cost of these improvements prorated equally to new connections outside Improvement District No. 1, and; WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the Sanitation District to provide sewer • service to residential development in this area of the City. Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved by the Board of Directors of the Atascadero County Sanitation District, as follows: 1 - That the property owned by Carl C. Stewart, Mary M. Stewart, John F. Fitzgerald, Rex Hendrix and Betty Hendrix, as described in Exhibits A and B' _- is approved for extension of sewer service subject to the following conditions: a - Payment of all; connection and extension fees as provided in the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code. b - Payment of an additional $70.00 per residential unit, such payment to be in consideration of the future cost of upgrading the local sewer collection system. c - Any on-site sewer lift or pump station must be designed and constructed to eliminate pumping into the collection system during periods of peak sewer flows. The system must be designed by a Civil Engineer registered in the State of California, and approved by the City Engineer. Said on- site pump station shall have provisions for monitoring, ,by District employees, to determine pumping time utilized. d Obtaining all necessary plumbing and street encroachment permits. • Resolution No. 22-84 page two On motion b Director and seconded Y seco ed by Director the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ADOPTED: ATTEST: BARBARA NORRIS, 'ty Clerk MARJORIE R. MACKEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: • MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Manager Ownerships Parcel 1 Carl C. & Mary M. Stewart Parcel 2 John F. Fitzgerald, etal Parcel 3 Rex and Betty Hendrix, Ray B. Bunnell s Parcel 1 Being Parcel C of Book 33 of Parcel Maps at Page 55 .on file in the County Recorder' s Office in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. Parcel 3 All that portion of Lot 4 in Block 7 of Eaglet No. 2, in the County . of San Luis Obispo, State of California, .according to map recorded January 14, 1920, in Book 2 of Maps, at Page 39, records of said County, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northwesterly line of said Lot North 55" 26' East 425 feet from the most Westerly corner thereof, said point being the most Northerly corner of the property conveyed to' Alvin Vance I Jr. et ux by deed dated August 17, 1950 and recorded in Book 575, Page 530 of Official Records; thence continuing North 550 26' 00" East along the said Northwesterly line of Lot 4 a distance of 449.0 feet to the _ most Westerly corner of the property conveyed to Bethel F. Garland et UX. , by deed dated January 9, 1961 and recorded in Book 1107, Page 196 of Official Records, thence South 340 34' 00" East along the Southwesterly line of the said Garland land and the Southeasterly extension thereof a distance of 285.0 feet to the intersection with the Northwesterly line of a 30 foot road adjoining said Lot 4 as shown on the said Map; thence South 55 26' 00 West along the Northwesterly line of said 30 feet road and being parallel with the Northwesterly line of said Lot 4 a distance of 449.0 feet to the intersection. of the Northeasterly line, and its Southeasterly extension if any of the Alvin Vance, Jr. land described above; thence North 34° 34' 00" West along the said Northeasterly i line and said extension 285.0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said property is also shown in Book 9 of Licensed Surveys, Page 59 recorde in the office of the County Recorder of.San Luis Obispo County. I i j I i I • Parcel 2 All that portion of Lot 4 in Block 7 of Eaglet No. 2 in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to •map recorded January 14, x.920 in Book 2 of Maps at Page 39 , records of said County described as follows : Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot, North 55° 26 ' East, 350 feet from the most westerly corner thereof, said point being the most northerly corner of the property conveyed to P.A. Davis, et us . , by deed dated August 3, 1949 and recorded August 22, 1949 , in Book 531 of Official Records at Page 141,records of said County; thence South 34° 34' East .along the northeasterly line of the property so conveyed, . 285 .feet to the most easterly corner of the property conveyed to P.A. Davis, et us . ,. by deed aforesaid; thence North 55° 26 ' East and parallel with the southeasterly line bf said Lot, 75 feet; thence North 340, 341 West and parallel with the southwesterly line of said Lot, 285 feet to the northwesterly line of said Lot; thence South 551 26 ' West along said north- westerly line; 75 feet to the point of beginning. RESOLUTION NO. 23-84 • A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT APPROVING EXTENSION OF SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 AND ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF SAID EXTENSION WHEREAS, Barry L. Williams (APN 45-351-10) and C.J. and H.M. Filipponi (APN 45-351-11) own the property described in Exhibits A and B, attached to this Resolution, and: WHEREAS, the property owners wish to connect. to an existing sewer main in E1 Camino Real, fronting said property; and, WHEREAS, the property described in Exhibits A and B is not within the limits of Improvement District No. 1 and; WHEREAS, an engineered study of the effect of adding this property to the sewer system has been submitted, reviewed and approved by the Public Works Director, and; WHEREAS, said study indicates the future necessity of improvements to the local sewer collection system, with the"cost of these improvements prorated equally to new connections outside Improvement District No. 1, and; WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the Sanitation District to provide sewer service to residential development in this area of the City. Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved by the Board of Directors of the Atascadero County Sanitation. District, as follows: 1 - That the property owned by Barry L. Williams, C.J. and H.M. Filipponi, as described in Exhibits A and B is approved for extension of sewer service subject to the following conditions: a - Payment of all connection and extension fees as provided in the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code. b - Payment of an additional $70.00 per residential unit, such payment to be in consideration of the future ;- �t of upgrading the local sewer collection system. c - Any on-site sewer lift or pump station must be designed and constructed to eliminate pumping into the collection• system during periods of peak sewer flows. The system must be designed by a Civil Engineer registered in the State of California, and approved by the City Engineer. Said on- site pump station shall have provisions for monitoring, by District employees, to determine pumping time utilized. d - Obtaining all necessary plumbing and street encroachment permits. Resolution No. 23-84 page two • On motion by Director and seconded by Director the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ADOPTED: ATTEST: BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk MARJORIE R. MACKEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: S MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Manager • • R- 3� PM � R-1 �5''15 OR �3rJ R-Z 31 PM ZCo 11 \r J 3 1134 � W 285 R—Z 7 � tcr->.2r1 w PARG -6Ln "l� 33 PM 55 CO �N J Z- t1 35 lS 4�W PAP-x=�L. PS �O' BC1t�Ca PoRT1pK dF- L C�'i' '^C' OF r" r1 OF S=AXZ%L-Err tom• 2 It�1 PR�P.6-1z2=1� aY: PM 5� -r{E�caT`C oF- aecs�. tz� W�Tt P.t�ID �141ht 1hlG COMPANY CLDLAt-A-rY ct=-Cl-� Ls-1ts Oat s 105ri t-^%- . S"TTt�1="( JTA-T� C>F C/�IFORt�IIA. �1 Lu l� C019P0� C..P�1•-t t=. 9-�O1 P-t-�.vt=�cF� 0�C: 'FAX HE1�11�R17� Ownership 45-351-10 Barry L. Williams, etal 45-351-11 C .J. & H.M. Filipponi 0 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION J All that portion of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 35 of Atascadero Colony as shown on Book 3 of Maps of Atascadero Colony at Page 46 lying northerly of the right-of=way of U.S . Highway 101. �R l3 o � c _ �Cppo� 10 11.5. HtCaHWAY lot sl..a lot R-1 � A Co1.�tVY 4!0 oF- P.'Tt�`3c�Kzo aA c n (=I-TY CF=- ATA�� _ =1 CDl 1htT Y V�1E-�TLAl�ID �tJr3lhlE�FZ1NG t�t�LPAtVY OF C`Ur� 1,A,. D'f: S�.i�i l...uls o�lSPo� CAI.-t F. X3401