HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2001-011 RESOLUTION NO 2001-011 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2000-0004 THEREBY ALLOWING A 4-LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF APN 045391-015 AND 016 CONSISTENT WITH THE PD-8 MASTER PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT (CUP 2000-0025). (13000 Atascadero Road / Gearhart) WHEREAS, an application has been received from Kelly Gearhart (6205 Alcantara Lane, Atascadero, CA 93423)Applicant and Property Owner to consider a project consisting of a Zone Change (ZCH 2000-0009) of 6.1 acres from L (Recreation) to LS (Special Recreation), amendment of the Master Plan of Development for Planned Development 8 to replace a golf course driving range with four single-family residences (CUP 2000-0025), and tract map to subdivide 6.1 acres into four lots ranging in area from 1.5 to 1.6 acres (TTM 2000-0004). The project is located at 13000 Atascadero Road (APN 045-391-015, 016) and is located within the 100-year flood plain; and, WHEREAS,the site's General Plan Designation is REC (Recreation); and, WHEREAS, the site's current zoning district is "L/PD-8 (FH)"; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended that a site be rezoned to "L / PD-8 (FH)" which allows single family residential uses in conjunction with a Master Plan of Development; and, WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) have been adhered to; and, WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject Tentative Parcel Map application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said application; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on February 20, 2001, studied and considered Tentative Tract Map 2000- 0004, after first studying and considering the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project and recommended approval to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on April 10, studied and considered Tentative Tract Map 2000-0004, after first studying and considering the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project; and, City of Atascadero Resolution No.2001-011 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE,the City Council takes the following actions: Section One. Findings of Approval for Tentative Parcel Map, the Atascadero City Council finds as follows: 1. The proposed subdivision, as conditioned, is consistent with the General Plan and applicable zoning requirements. 2. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan and applicable zoning requirements. 3. The proposed subdivision, as conditioned, is consistent with the Planned Development Overlay District#8 Master Plan of Development (CUP 2000-0025). 4. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 5. The site is physically suitable for the density of development proposed. 6. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. 7. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through, or the use of property within, the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternative easements are provided. 8. The proposed subdivision design and type of improvements proposed will not be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the general public. SECTION 2. Approval. The Atascadero City Council, in a regular session assembled on April 10, 2001 resolved approve Tentative Tract Map (TTM 2000-0004) subject to the following: 1. Exhibit A: Tentative Tract Map 2000-0004 Boundary Map 2. Exhibit A-1: Tentative Tract Map 2000-0004 3. Exhibit B: Conditions of Approval 4. Exhibit C: Flood Plain Analysis 5. Exhibit D: Septic System Design City of Atascadero Resolution No.2001-011 Page 3 On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Johnson, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Clay, Johnson, Scalise and Mayor Arrambide NOES: Council Member Luna ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: April 10, 2001 �y: _ - �'e Michael Arrambide, Mayor Attest: /y?g4- Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Cletk� Approved as to form: f � j Ro . Hanley, City ttorney City of Ataseadero Resolution No.2001-011 Page 4 Exhibit A:Tentative Tract Map Boundary Map TTM 2000-0004 ~ N W D i m F k a 1<a gel 4 O s!/ a us KOAWAY 101 p q� n r 1 . 9 \ � fit 9 > a q , �t City of Ataseadero Resolution No.2001-011 Page 5 Exhibit A-1:Tentative Tract Map TTM 2000-0004 iffi HN 11 .1 91 fil VVVV 113! �..■.. I B klBG YYYYYYI � 1 6 Ess Of I / a•�.i 1 14 01^ !,L��j \\\)1�.i^ •' >>1/l � � `/ � Ill�� \��iE J,=" y �d{ I / v!',�\ \/ (•' �Cii//y!.•::•.•:11 •••• �\"�Y�Y. '�r•�- i I Yip i/� 00t 1 ,Y City of Atascadero Resolution No.2001-011 Page 6 Exhibit B: Conditions of Approval Tentative Tract Map 2000-0004 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation /Monitoring Measure Eagle Creek Golf Course/PD-8 FM:FinalMap GP:Grading Permit PS:Planning Services Tentative Tract Map 2000-0004 BP:Building Permit BS:Building Services TO:Temporary Occupancy FD:Fire Department Fl:Final Inspection PD:Police Department PI:Public Improvements CE:City Engineer WW:Wastewater CA City Attorney AMWC:Atascadero Mutual Water Company Planning Services 1. The approval of this Tentative Tract Map shall become final On going PS and effective only following the end of the referendum period for zone change 2000-0009(Rezone to LS/PD-8(FH)). 2. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall be valid for On going PS twenty-four(24)months after its effective date. At the end of the period,the approval shall expire and become null and void unless a final map has been filed or a time extension granted. 3. The form of the Final Tract Map shall substantially conform On going PS with the approved Tentative Parcel Map shown in Exhibit A. 4. All subsequent Tentative Maps and construction permits On going PS shall be consistent with the Master Plan of Development contained herein. 5. Concurrently with recordation of the final map,the applicant FM PS shall an open space and public use easement deed across CE the golf course portion of each lot. The easement deed shall CA identify access rights,maintenance and liability responsibilities. The form of the easement shall be approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney prior to recordation. 6. Prior to recordation of the Final Map or the issuance of FM PS building permits for single family dwellings. The existing driving range,lights,fencing and associated improvements located on parcel 1,2,3 and 4 shall be removed. Mitigation Measures 7. A streambed alteration permit shall be obtained for all site PI PS grading and the bridge crossing proposed for Atascadero Road. 8. Protective fencing shall be installed along the creek banks PI PS during construction phases. 9. The project shall comply with all applicable District GP PS 3.b.1 regulations pertaining to the control of fugitive dust(PM- 10)as contained in section 6.4 of Air Quality Handbook. All site grading and demolition plans notes shall list the following regulations: a) All material excavated or graded shall be sufficiently City of Atascadero Resolution No.2001-011 Page 7 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation /Monitoring Measure Eagle Creek Golf Course/PD-8 FM:FinalMap � GP:Grading Permft PS:Planning Services Tentative Tract Ma 2000-0004 BP:Building Permit Building g Services P T0:Tem FD:Fire Department Foran Occupancy PD:Police De FI:Final Inspection PD: p PI:Public Improvements CE:City Engineer WW:Wastewater CA:City Attorney AMWC:Atascadero Mutual Water Company watered to prevent excessive amounts of dust. Watering shall occur at least twice daily with complete coverage, preferably in the late morning and after work is finished for the day. b) All clearing,grading,earth moving,or excavation activities shall cease during periods of high winds(i.e. greater than 20 mph averaged over one hour)so as to prevent excessive amounts of dust. c) All material transported off-site shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent excessive amounts of dust. d) The area disturbed by clearing, grading,earth moving,or excavation operations shall be minimized so as to prevent excessive amounts of dust. e) Permanent dust control measured identified in the approved project revegetation and landscape plans shall be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities. f) Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading shall be sown with fast-germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation becomes established. g) All disturbed areas not subject to revegetation shall be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting,or other methods in advance by the APCD. h) All roadways, driveways, sidewalks,etc.to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible. In addition, structural foundations shall be completed as soon as possible following building pad construction. i) On-site vehicle speed shall be limited to 15 mph for any unpaved surface. j) All unpaved areas with vehicle traffic shall be watered at least twice per day, using non-potable water. k) Streets adjacent to the project site shall be swept daily to remove silt which may have accumulated from construction activities so as to prevent excessive amounts of dust from leaving the site. 1) Wheel washers may be required when significant offsite import or export of fill is involved. 10. All septic system leach fields and 100%replacement areas 9P PS 8.a.1. shall be located a minimum of 100-feet from blue line creeks. 11. All septic system leach fields and 100%replacement areas BID PS 8.a.2. will be located on area outside the 100-year flood plain and 5-feet above the winter ground water level as determined March 2001. 12. All site construction shall occur consistent with the findings BP PS 8.d.1. of the 11/27/00 Tract 2415 Flood Hazard Analysis prepared CE City of Atascadero Resolution No.2001-011 Page 8 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation /Monitoring Measure Eagle Creek Golf Course/PD-8 FM:FinalMap GP:Grading Permit PS:Planning Services Tentative Tract Map 2000-0004 BP:Building Permit BS:Building Ser m TO:Temporary Occupancy FD:Fire Deparbnent FI:Final Inspection PD:Police Deparbnent PI:Public Improvements CE:City Engineer W.Wastewater CA:City Attorney AMWC:Atascadero Mutual Watar Company by R Thompson Consulting. 13. All residential dwellings shall be constructed a minimum of BP PS 8.d.2. 1-foot above the 100-year flood plain. Certified pad BS elevations shall be submitted to the Building Department for CE approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 14. The construction of the Atascadero Road bridge shall PI PS 8.d.3. incorporate a clear span structure with flared head walls that CE can accommodate the 100-year floodway. The bottom cord of the bridge shall be constructed at or above the 100-year water surface. 15. The tentative map and master plan of development approval On going PS 9.b.1. shall not become effective until the final approval date of the ordinance that enacts the required Zoning Map amendment. City Engineer Drainage 16. All provisions of Chapter 7-14.001 of Atascadero City FM CE Municipal Code"Flood Damage Prevention"shall be followed in the design and construction of this subdivision.A note to this affect shall be added to the"additional sheet"of the Final Map. 17. Prior to recordation of the final map,the applicant shall FM CE submit percolation tests for all four lot's septic leach fields. The percolation tests shall be accompanied by necessary design calculations to demonstrate that each lot can support a septic system. The City Engineer shall approve the tests and calculations prior to approving the final map. 18. Add an additional sheet to the Final Map, upon which is FM CE delineated the extent and elevations of the 100-year flood plain and floodway per FEMA information and maps.Add notes to the following effect: A.That the future building finish floor elevations will be 1 foot or greater above the 100-year flood elevation. B.That prior to issuance of any building permits,a drainage study,outlining the impacts of said construction on neighboring properties,be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval by the City Engineer. C.That any additional structures,including fencing,shall not block floodwaters. D.That any driveways or roads will not block or raise the historical 100-year flood elevations upstream of the City of Atascadero Resolution No.2001-011 Page 9 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation /Monitoring Measure Eagle Creek Golf Course/PD-8 FM:Gall Map Grading PS:Planni g GP:Gading Permit ng Services Tentative Tract Map 2000-0004 BP:Building Permit BS:Building Services TO:Temporary Occupancy FD:Fire Department FI:Final Inspection PD:Police Department PI:Public Improvements CE:City Engineer WW:Wastewater CA City Adomey AMWC:Atascadero Mutual Water Company subdivision. E.That no septic systems will be allowed to be constructed within the 10-year flood plain. Frontage Improvements 19. Either one or the other of the following conditions shall apply PI CE to Atascadero Road frontage. A.Atascadero Road,along property frontage,shall be designed and constructed to meet City Standards. Plans for the improvements shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. Plans shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and shall be prepared in conformance with City Standards. R-value testing shall be done,and the pavement section designed by a registered civil engineer to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Plans shall included a turnaround built per Fire Department Standards. B.Abandon Atascadero Road right-of-way while providing private driveway easements for all affected property owners. Submit to the City Engineer for review,approval,and recordation,a road maintenance agreement between all affected property owners.Construct a turnaround built per Fire Department Standards. Standard Conditions: 20. All public improvements shall be constructed in conformance PI CE with the City of Atascadero Engineering Department Standard Specifications and Drawings or as directed by the City Engineer. 21. The applicant shall enter into an Plan Check/Inspection PI CE agreement with the City. 22. A six(6)foot Public Utility Easement(PUE)shall be FM CE provided contiguous to the Atascadero Road property frontage. 23. The applicant shall be responsible for the relocation and/or PI CE alteration of existing utilities. 24. The applicant shall install all new utilities(water,gas, PI CE electric,cable TV and telephone)underground. Utilities shall be extended to the property line frontage of each lot or its public utility easement. 25. The applicant shall monument all property corners for FM CE construction control and shall promptly replace them if City of Ataseadero Resolution No.2001-011 Page 10 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation /Monitoring Measure Eagle Creek Golf Course/PD-8 FM:FinalMap g GP:Grading Pemit PS:Planning Services Tentative Tract Map 2000-0004 BP:Building Permit BS:Building FD:Fire DepServices Service TO:Temporary Occ�ancy PD:Police De met FI:Final Inspection p n PI:Public Improvements CE:City Engineer WW:Wastewater CA:City Attorney AMWC:Atascadero Mutual Water Company disturbed. 26. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for FM CE review in conjunction with the processing of the parcel map. 27. All existing and proposed utility,pipeline,open space,or PI CE other easements are to be shown on the parcel map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the parcel map. The applicant shall show all access restrictions on the parcel map. 28. Prior to recording the parcel map,the applicant shall acquire FM CE title or interest in any off-site land that may be required to allow for the construction of the improvements required by these conditions of approval. The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the necessary acquisitions. The applicant shall also gain concurrence from all adjacent property owners whose ingress or egress is affected by these improvements. 29. Prior to recording the parcel map,the applicant shall submit FM CE a map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval by the City in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. 30. Prior to recording the parcel map,the applicant shall set FM CE monuments at all new property corners and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate,by certificate on the parcel map,that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. 31. Prior to recording the parcel map,the applicant shall pay all PFM CE outstanding plan check/inspection fees. 32. Prior to recording the parcel map,the applicant shall have PI CE the map reviewed by all applicable public and private utility companies(cable,telephone,gas,electric,Atascadero Mutual Water Company). The applicant shall obtain a letter from each utility company which indicates their review of the map. The letter shall identify any new easements which may be required by the utility company. A copy of the letter shall be submitted to the City. New easements shall be shown on the parcel map. 33. Upon recording the final map,the applicant shall provide the FM CE City with a black line clear Mylar(0.4 mil)copy and a blue line print of the recorded map. 34. Prior to issuance of building permits,the applicant shall PI CE submit a grading and drainage plan prepared by a registered City of Atascadero Resolution No.2001-011 Page 11 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation /Monitoring Measure Eagle Creek Golf Course/PD-8 FM:FinalMap :Planning g GP:Grading PePermitPSPlig Services Tentative Tract Map 2000-0004 BP:Building Permit BS:Building Services TO:Temporary Occupancy FD:FireDeparbtrent FI:Final Inspection PD:Police Department PI:Public Improvements CE:City Engineer WW:Wastewater CA:City Altomey AMWC:Atascadero Mutual Water Company civil engineer for review and approval by the City Engineer. 35. Prior to the final inspection,the applicant shall submit a FM CE written statement from a registered civil engineer that all work has been completed and is in full compliance with the approved plans. 36. Prior to the final inspection,the applicant shall submit a FM CE written certification from a registered civil engineer or land surveyor that all survey monuments have been set as shown on the final map. Wastewater Department 37. The proposed septic systems are located within the 100- FM CE year flood plain. The State of California prohibits discharge from new soil absorbing systems in areas subject to inundation from a ten-year flood. The project shall be designed with septic systems located outside of the ten-year flood per the requirements of the RWQCB's Basin Plan.. Fire Department 38. The bridge crossing shall be of a design capacity and width PI FM to accommodate fire department vehicles. 39. A fire hydrant shall be installed at the end of Atascadero PI FM Road in conjunction with subdivision improvements. AMWC 40. All street improvements, bridges and turn arounds shall PI FM comply with Fire Department Standards. Atascadero Mutual Water Company 41. Prior to the recordation of the parcel map,the applicant shall PI AMWC submit plans for extending the 8-inch water main in Atascadero Road. The existing main shall be extended from its easterly terminus to the easterly boundary of Parcel 4 or as directed by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. A fire hydrant assembly shall be installed at the easterly terminus of the water main extension at a location to be approved by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and the Fire Department. Plans for the water main extension shall be submitted to the Atascadero Mutual Water Company for review and approval. Prior to approval of the water main extension plans by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company,the applicant shall pay all installation and connection fees required by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company or enter into a Deferred Connection Fee Agreement. 42. Prior to the recordation of the parcel map,the applicant shall PI AMWC obtain a"Will Serve"letter from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 43. All water distribution facilities shall be constructed in conformance PI AMWC with Atascadero Mutual Water Company standards,policies and approved procedures. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2001-011 Page 12 Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Timing Responsibility Mitigation /Monitoring Measure Eagle Creek Golf Course/PD-8 FM:Gr PS:Planning Services all M g GP:Grading Permit Tentative Tract Map 2000-0004 BP:Building Permit Building Services t FD:Fire Depservice TO:Temporary Occupancy FI:Final Inspection PD:Police Department PI:Public Improvements CE:City Engineer WW:Wastewater CA:City Mornay AMWC:Atescadem Mutual Water Company Region Water Quality Control Board 44. Each disposal system shall be designed by a registered civil PI CE 8.a.3 engineer. The design engineer shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that each system will function properly and will protect the public health and environment 45. The engineered disposal system,including the fill,shall be PI CE 8.a.4 constructed under the supervision of the design engineer or their agent. The designer shall certify the engineered disposal system was constructed as designed. 46. Percolation testing must be performed in each disposal area to PI CE 8.a.5 confirm design adequacy. 47. The wastewater must travel through the thickness of the soil and PI CE 8.a.6 engineered fill equal to the required ground water separation. Required separation shall be determined by the City Engineered consistent with the Basin Plan requirements. 48. The disposal system shall be constructed to prevent surfacing PI CE 8.a.7 and channeling of effluent. 49. Distance between leech field trenches shall be at least two times PI CE 8.a,8 the effective trench depth. 50. The disposal system shall be design with consideration to season PI CE 8.a.9 groundwater variations to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 51. Septic tanks and leachfeilds must not be located in areas subject PI CE 8.x.10 to inundation from a ten-year flood. 52. Sufficient suitable area must be available and dedicated for each PI CE 8.a.11 lot to construct the initial septic system, including area for 100% expansion. The entire designated area shall conform to all Basin Plan design requirements. 53. Septic systems must be designed and approved in accordance PI CE 8.a.12 with criteria contained in the Guidelines for Mound Systems by the State Water Resources Control Board and Section VIII.D.3.d. of the"Construction"section of the Basin Plan. City ofAmmdm Resolution ao 2001-011 Page 1 Exhibit C: Flood Plain Analysis Tentative Tract Map 2o-o4 � W,14 :- )} . . . . k ■ 9 �� k■ �/ < AA® § � � • 2; _/ � � ! fes ) \ \ . . . * � e Q ,, . 2 : 3 . I12 /§ . { City of Ataseadero Resolution No.2001-011 Page 14 Exhibit D:Septic System Design Tentative Tract Map 2000-0004 v'� a'r'ia 7m erw�urw u1ews aer�urw rw Ma� wnman srnai w.er a oarMo�e w► __Or owwr ware r� u r rrr�111E�n10ri * cce�n e�re+ru