HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2000-003 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO TO REAFFIRM THE GOALS OF THE CURRENT GENERAL PLAN AS A FOUNDATION TO THE YEAR 2000 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE PROCESS WHEREAS,the City of Atascadero has initiated an update of all elements of the General Plan; and, WHEREAS, the current General Plan is comprised of seven mandatory elements and four optional elements; and, WHEREAS, the General Plan update process will be based on the current General Plan goals; and, WHEREAS, no amendments to the existing General Plan or its goals are proposed at this time and therefore no project exists that would be subject to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA); and, WHEREAS,the City Council held a Public Hearing, noticed for February 22, 2000, to allow public testimony concerning the reaffirmation of the General Plan's goals; and, NOW, THEREFORE,the City Council hereby reaffirms that the goals contained on Exhibit A, are the current goals of the General Plan of Atascadero and that they will serve as the foundation for the General Plan update process. On motion by Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted on February 22, 2000. AYES: Council Members Arrambide, Clay, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Johnson NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None B Ray Johnso May Attest: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Cl k Approved as to fo . Roy . Hanley, City Att •ney Exhibit A: Reaffirmed Goals of the Atascadero General Plan flag L+a �� � �/i/ice 1. Protect and preserve the rural atmosphere of the community by assuring "elbow room"for residents by means of maintenance of large lots sizes which increase in proportion to distance beyond the urban core. 2. Provide for a sound economic base to sustain the city's unique character. 3. Preserve residential neighborhoods and respect the winding tree-lined nature of the street and road system. 4. Preserve the contours of the hills. Buildings built on hillsides shall conform to the topography using the slope of the land as the basis for the design of the structure. 5. Preserve natural flora and fauna. 6. Designate areas where livestock can be owned and maintained. 7. Provide for a comprehensive system of routes-to schools and parks which may include creekside trails. 8. Provide for walkways, horse trails, and bikeways without curbs and sidewalks in some rural areas. 9. Provide for a strong and distinctive downtown area. 10. Transform the existing EI Camino Real "strip" into distinctive, attractive and efficient commercial, office and industrial park areas which can provide for the long-term economic viability of the community. 11. Provide for adequate public services. E, isting Circ lr�� ent 1s .: 1. Provide for a balanced, safe, and efficient circulation system to serve all segments of the community, while continuing to preserve the rural character. 2. Provide and promote alternative modes of travel, particularly for commute trips. 3. Provide adequate regional facilities to minimize thru-traffic intrusion on local streets and to avoid barriers to local traffic. 4. Enhance access to and travel within the downtown area of Atascadero. yISt�Ct� H t@ GC1aIS 010 None, only policies and programs. xistiw Mmil 1. Plan and manage to prevent or correct degradation of the environment. .Existing Open'-pace Element Goals 1. Scenic and sensitive land including creeks, riparian corridors, wetlands and other areas of significant habitat value shall be protected from destruction, overuse, and misuse by the use of zoning, tax incentives, easements, or fee acquisition. 2. Tree-covered hills shall be preserved to retain the distinctive scenic quality of the community. 3. Watershed areas of Atascadero shall be protected. ExWing":Noise Element Goals 1. Protect the citizens of Atascadero from the harmful and annoying effects of exposure to excessive noise. 2. Protect the economic base of Atascadero by preventing incompatible land uses from encroaching upon existing or planned noise-producing uses. 3. Preserve the tranquility of residential areas by preventing the encroachment of noise-producing uses. 4. Educate residents concerning the effects of exposure to excessive noise and the methods available for minimizing such exposure. 5. Avoid or reduce noise impacts through site planning and project design, giving second preference to the use of noise barriers and/or structural modifications to buildings containing noise-sensitive land uses. Draft Safety Element Goals 1. Attain a high level of emergency preparedness. 2. Reduce the threat to life, structures and the environment caused by fire. 3. Reduce damage to structures and the danger to life caused by flooding, dam inundation, and other water hazards. 4. Minimize the potential for loss of life and property resulting from geologic and seismic hazards. 5. Reduce the potential for harm to individuals and damage to the environment from radiation hazards, hazardous materials, electromagnetic fields, radon, and hazardous trees. Existing Downtown Element Goals 1. To enhance downtown's role as a retail and business center for the city. 2. To reinforce downtown's role as a community focal point. 3. To enhance the image of downtown Atascadero as a source of community pride. Existin"'Parks and Recreation Element Gals 1. Purchase needed parklands for future development of park and recreation facilities. 2. Provide an adequate supply of City park facilities to all Atascadero residents. 3. Provide some specialized recreation opportunities in each quadrant of the City, including, but not limited to, swimming pools, multi-purpose sports complex, tennis courts, recreation center, play areas for children, equestrian trails, bike and jogging paths, and community center. 4. Provide a wide range of recreational activities and creative experiences for all age groups, designed to encourage and educate participants in today's leisure society while still striving to achieve their desired degree of self-fulfillment. 5. Develop a method of financing park and recreation facilities and services throughout the City using a variety of revenue sources. Existing"Econom Ent"""Goals 1. Protection and promotion of the overall commercial service and retail business sectors of the local economy to promote local patronage, strong performance in satisfying local demand for goods and services, and the creation of entry level jobs. 2. Promotion of the downtown core area to preserve its historic function as the City's commercial center, to improve the community's entertainment and recreation attractions, and to promote tourism and the traveler industry as a growth industry in the community. 3. Recruitment of new commercial services and business enterprises which will broaden the City's economic base, improve the local availability of goods and services, and improve and promote the economic viability of existing businesses. 4. Support for the development of industrial areas that lead to the recruitment or development of high technology, emerging technology, and professional service businesses that will provide the community with a base of moderate and high salary career-oriented jobs. 5. To provide the resources from business activity and increasing tax revenues to support the community's high level of environmental, social, and educational quality, and to maintain and improve the City's infrastructure. Existing�Fis��1�Eiemsrit Goals, , None, only policies and programs.