HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2000-001 RESOLUTION No: 2000-001 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING THE CITY LEGISLATIVE ACTION PROGRAM AND PRIORITIES FOR 2000 WHEREAS, major objective of the City Council is to adopt an aggressive legislative program which strengthens local government, promotes City goals and defends the City against legislative actions by State and Federal governments that would weaken local government and/or take away traditional revenue sources; and WHEREAS, it is vital to the fiscal health and the self determination of the City to effectively communicate with State Legislators and Federal representatives in order to favorably influence State and Federal legislation, regulations and grant requests; and WHEREAS, the League of California Cities conducts a legislative analysis and advocacy program on behalf of cities for State issues and major Federal issues; and WHEREAS, the County has a direct impact upon the quality of life in Atascadero, it is imperative that the City maintain quality communications and WHEREAS, the City desires to be proactive and involved in the governmental decision making processes directly affecting the City legislative priorities identified in Exhibit "A", the League of California Cities legislative priorities identified in Exhibit `B", and other selected issues as may from time to time be recommended by the League of California Cities; and WHEREAS, a key component of the City's Legislative Action Program is face to face meetings between City representatives and elected officials at the Federal, State, and County levels, and coordination with similar efforts made by other local government entities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby establish the Legislative Action Priorities for 2000, as set forth in the City of Atascadero Exhibit A Resolution No.:2000-001 Page 2 attached Exhibits "A" and `B", and authorizes staff to take positions on legislation generally consistent with the Legislation Action Priorities and such other resolutions and recommendations of the League of California Cities as may be from time to time presented to the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City staff is directed to schedule meetings, as appropriate and convenient, with our Congressional, State Senate and State Assembly representatives to discuss and promote the City's legislative program, and to continue efforts to improve communications and relationships with the County Board of Supervisors and north county cities to further our interests in land use and water issues. Upon motion of Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Arrambide, Clay, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: None The foregoing Resolution was adopted this 25`" day of January, 2000. Ray Jo sorb., Mayor ATTEST: / L—Avj��, Marcia McClure Torgerson, City rk APPROVED AS TO FORM: -) �- �"I Roy . anley, City Attorn y City of Atascadero Exhibit A Resolution No.:2000-001 Page 3 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY LEGISLATIVE ACTION PRIORITIES FOR 2000 FEDERAL PRIORITIES • Requiring funding of federally mandated programs or eliminating such mandates • Promoting continued and increased funding sources for transportation • Obtaining new funding sources to expand low and moderate income housing • Supporting legislation that provides regulatory relief to local government in complying with the Fair Labor Standards Act and overtime provisions for exempt employees • Supporting continued funding for the Land and Water Conservation Grant Program • Supporting legislation which strengthens the ability of cities to control their public rights-of— way and apply zoning regulations relative to the telecommunications industry • Supporting legislation to increase the availability of grant funding to replace aging infrastructure of all types; e.g.: streets, bridges,water and sewer systems, etc. • Supporting legislation which assists welfare reform to work in a positive way and provides funding for the social service programs of local non-profit organizations • Obtaining cooperation and prompt approval from the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers for necessary flood control projects • Supporting legislative action to retain the existing process of local judicial review of land use decisions, thus avoiding preemptory, premature intrusion of federal courts into matters best known to local authorities at the local level • Opposing mandatory social security for newly hired local governmental employees • Supporting legislation to promote the responsible and cost effective reuse of biosolids • Promoting Federal efforts toward preservation of open space, coastal resources, signature land forms, wetlands, and other natural resources or areas threatened by development City of Atascadero Resolution No.: 2000-001 Page 4 STATE PRIORITIES FINANCE • Supporting efforts to protect the City from loss of revenues due to State mandates • Supporting legislation that strengthens opportunities for local fiscal independence • Returning ERAF • Supporting efforts to "protect, preserve and reform" local government revenue sources" • Supporting legislation which better assures any reductions in Vehicle License Fees by the State will be back-filled to local government in a permanent way COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • Opposing mandated State approval of local General Plan Elements, such as implementing and compliance with State General Plan Housing element law • Promoting funding sources to encourage the retrofitting of unreinforced masonry buildings • Promoting state efforts toward preservation of open space, coastal resources, signature land forums, wetlands, and other natural resources or areas threatened by development • Promoting realistic housing requirements in the Housing Element • Promoting the concept of Urban Growth Boundaries PUBLIC SAFETY • Preserving city's authority to investigate police misconduct • Preserving city's authority to establish emergency medical service levels • Increasing City authority to regulate group homes for juvenile offenders • Continuing support for disaster preparedness/earthquake preparedness • Supporting efforts to secure higher levels of cost recovery for DUI's • Supporting efforts to expand the scope of parental responsibility for crimes committed by minors City of Atascadero Resolution No.: 2000-001 Page 5 • Supporting efforts to provide the Governor with authority to override the parole board when anyone convicted of a violent offense is proposed to be released on parole • Preserving the authority of local control on issuance of concealed weapons permits • Retaining budget commitments for Public Safety supplemental funding — State COPS program • Supporting legislation to help curb underage drinking • Supporting another ABC inspector to work on minor/alcohol issues • Opposing new or increased state fees for state provided law enforcement service TRANSPORTATION • Changing Gas tax laws to allow local tax for transportation purposes based on a majority vote of the public • Increasing transportation funding (including transit, bicycles, others) PERSONNEL/EMPLOYEE RELATIONS • Further reforming Worker's compensation • Preserving the fiscal integrity of PERS • Opposing binding arbitration and expansion of the "Peace Officers' Bill of Rights" • Monitoring employee healthcare/benefit changes • Opposing the establishment of the Public Employees Relations Board (PERB) as an authority over local government employee relations disputes PUBLIC WORKS • Better defining "qualified"bidders in public contracts bidding • Redefining Prevailing wages as "average" local wages • Streamlining Federal and State process for funding street projects • Increase to $20,000 limits of work (from $5,000) for public projects not requiring competitive bidding • Obtaining grant funding for seismic retrofit projects (buildings, bridges, etc.) City of Atascadero Resolution No.: 2000-001 Page 6 PARKS AND RECREATION • Supporting recreational programming ,particularly for youth within the City • Supporting funding for: protection of natural resources (e.g., the Lake), open space, and parks development • Supporting funding for rehabilitation of existing parks • Supporting efforts at the State level for a park and open space bond measure • Obtaining grant funding for a Community Center • Improving the timeliness and accuracy of fingerprinting for volunteers • Obtaining grant funding for the preservation of historic buildings UTILITIES • Providing funding for reclaimed water programs • Supporting legislation to enhance local government's ability to comply with solid waste requirements • Supporting legislation to increase availability of grant funding for replacement of aging infrastructure • Supporting legislation promoting the responsible and cost-effective reuse of biosolids • Supporting legislation to streamline the state regulatory permit process through the use of general permits COUNTY PRIORITIES • Reaching agreement with the City of San Luis Obispo on solutions for Salinas Reservoir expansion and Nacimiento pipeline projects • Developing consistency between the City and County General Plans, particularly to emphasize the concepts that (1) urban development should be municipal, and (2) unincorporated areas shall remain rural, agricultural, or open space in character • Creating a North County Government Center in Atascadero • Improving regional solid waste management City of Ataseadero Resolution No.: 2000-001 Page 7 • Developing cooperative approaches for providing services on a regional basis • Discussing and resolving issues on the City periphery, such as conversion of agricultural zoning to residential subdivision and industrial use, allowing increases in density in residential and industrial areas, allowing substantial development beyond the City's urban reserve line and giving greater credence to and respecting the integrity of the City's planning process • Continuing to work with other cities to convince the County that urban-like development should take place within the boundaries of cities, and not in the unincorporated areas — and especially not within the urban growth boundaries of cities City of Atascadero Exhibit B Resolution No.: 2000-001 Page 8 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES FOR 1999 The League Board of Directors has adopted the following legislative priorities for the 1999 legislative session: 1. Revenue Base Protection. This recommended priority will start with a premise similar to that of ACA 42 from last session. This was the measure sponsored by the League that established a constitutional protection of local taxes, the Bradley-Burns sales tax, existing property taxes and the vehicle license fee revenues. While the premise is similar, it is necessary to go back and build the coalition needed to support a revenue protection measure. This issue will have a legislative component as well as the exploration of a statewide ballot initiative. 2. Revenue Return. This priority has two elements. One is based on the dialogue that came out of the recent gubernatorial election. The other element is based on a reasonable expectation of another attempt to secure a local government revenue source in the upcoming legislative session. The elements are: a. ERAF. The newly elected governor promised the return of local government property taxes taken in the early 1990's. He promised this at the concluding general session of the League's recent Annual Conference in Long Beach; and, he promised it again to the League Executive Committee after the Long Beach speech. It is incumbent upon the League to pursue this public commitment and determine its validity. b. Bank-in-Lieu. Last session, legislation was carried to return the bank-in-lieu tax to local governments. It could mean as much as $160 million annually upon full implementation. The issue was a priority of the League last year and should again be a priority for the League in 1999. 3. Infrastructure Funding. Last session, the Legislature finally began to focus on the public infrastructure issue. This comes after years of neglect and recession when fiscal survival pushed long-term investment issues off all the priority lists. Last session, the debate focused on a measure to send a small portion of the state's unexpected transportation surplus to local governments for street and road repair — SB 1477. The debate is expected to return to a proposal(s) to better "equalize" transportation funding between the state and local governments. 4. 2000 Census Process. The results of the 2000 census will have a tremendous effect on the distribution of federal resources to the state and local governments of California. There are several issues that the Board of Directors asked the League to focus on in the upcoming census count: a. After-the-Count Review. Local governments should reserve the authority to review the census count for the jurisdiction for errors and then forward recommendations to the Bureau of the Census before the counts become final. City of Atascadero Exhibit B Resolution No.: 2000-001 Page 9 This has been the practice in past counts and should remain as a practice in the 2000 count. b. Provide Information to Citv Officials. The League should continue to serve as a clearinghouse for information on the census count to ensure that local agencies are active in Census Bureau activity in their community. 5. Social Security Mandate. The league should oppose any attempt of the Congress and President to mandate new employees into the social security system. This will have a tremendous, detrimental impact on state and local government finance in California and will likely necessitate a reduction in the benefit structure of public sector retirement systems in California. 6. Other Issues. Other issues that should remain in the focus of the League include city, county school collaboration on public facilities, school safety/security, after school programs, technology development/deployment for our public schools and programs for senior pairing with at-risk youth.