HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1999-042 RESOLUTION NO. 1999-042 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ATASCADERO REDEVELOPMENT PLAN WHEREAS the Planning Commission and the Atascadero Redevelopment Agency adopted a Preliminary Plan for the redevelopment of the Atascadero Redevelopment Project which includes the following goals and objectives: (1) Expansion and diversification of the community's economic and employment base, through the facilitation of more year-round employment opportunities, including industrial development and expansion. (2) Improvement and revitalization of the community's service commercial and industrial areas. (3) Recapture of general retail sales leakage from the City of Atascadero to other trade centers. (4) Improvement of traffic circulation throughout the Project Area, including better access to developable properties. (5) Improvement in the quality of the community's existing housing stock, through rehabilitation and replacement programs. (6) Improvement of infrastructure supporting the Project Area, including the improvement of deficient infrastructure that creates an adverse environmental impact, that limits full economic utilization of properties, and that is necessary for the maintenance of healthy commercial, residential and industrial areas. (7) Creation/enhancement of recreational and cultural opportunities available to the residents of the Project Area and of the community at-large. (8) Enhancement of community facilities available to residents of the Project Area and supportive of the local population at-large. (9) Elimination or mitigation of other existing blighting conditions and influences, including incompatible land uses, obsolete or substandard structures,inadequate public facilities, and/or small, irregular and landlocked parcels. WHEREAS,the Agency has prepared a Preliminary Report and Report to Council in order to address the following factual blighting conditions: (1) Unsafe or unhealthy buildings as evidenced by abandoned structures constituting attractive nuisances and fire hazards. According to the building conditions survey, forty percent(40%) of the single-family residential structures are in need of some form of repair or rehabilitation. Approximately nine percent(9%) are considered to require major City of Atascadero Resolution No. 1999-042 Page 2 of 4 rehabilitation or demolition. (2) Parcels along El Camino Real suffer from inadequate access and a lack of infrastructure that have prevented their successful development in the past. Parcels in north El Camino Drive area are also undersized and not appropriate for their intended commercial land uses. Many are developed with depreciated single family dwellings on smaller parcels. Consequently, it is necessary to acquire multiple parcels, dislocate tenants, and to incur higher-than-market land acquisition costs to assemble parcels adequate for modern commercial use. Many of these parcels also have excessive depth to width ratios, exceeding 5:1 in many cases, which further hinder their effective use. (3) Parcels along the west side of north El Camino Real are served by parking facilities which are not fully developed. On-site parking is, in some cases not-existent or undeveloped. The size and configuration of lots further hinder effective use of commercial building sites because of lack of adequate on-site circulation, excessive number of drive approaches, and topographic site conditions which require greater setbacks and longer drive approaches than now permitted. Other physical factors which hinder the effective use of parcels are inconsistent or irregular parcel size, adjacent incompatible land uses and poor housing conditions on adjacent properties. (4) The Area includes uses which are incompatible with each other due to use characteristics, or due to the lack of onsite parking, storage areas, or type of operations. Single family uses are generally intermixed with larger commercial uses along El Camino Real. Industrial uses contribute significant traffic volumes to City roadways and create traffic impacts at key connection points to the City's main traffic arteries. The wrecking yard property on Traffic Way is also considered to be an incompatible land use. (5) Irregular parcelization as demonstrated in the Report to Council. (6) Depreciated or stagnant property values are evidenced by the lack of development and the presence of underdeveloped properties in the Project Area. The stagnant property values are indicated by the vacant shop properties along El Camino Real, by the underdeveloped or undeveloped properties on north El Camino Real, and the underdeveloped properties along Traffic Way. All of these properties are designated for urban uses by the City's General Plan. (7) The area has historically suffered from depressed property values for comparable dwelling units and properties elsewhere in the community. According to the County Auditor Controller growth in assessed valuation has averaged 2.2 per year over the last five years despite some City of Atascadero Resolution No. 1999-042 Page 3 of 4 development. Single family residential properties have market values ranging from seventy-one percent to ninety-two percent of the City average. Rents in the area are also below the City norm with rents averaging eighty to ninety-five percent of City medians. These depressed property values have a significant, adverse affect on City operations since typical single family residential uses in the area generate a need for approximately $470 per year in City services while generating only $199 per year in property tax and state per capita subventions according to the Long Range Fiscal Analysis. Similarly, industrial properties in the area negatively impact general fund revenue, generating $1,100 in property tax revenues per acre while having allocated costs of$5,500 per acre for general fund services. (8) Overcrowding exists in residential areas of the Project Area and multi- family units on south El Camino Real. Smaller lots in these areas provide less than adequate open space. Overcrowding in residential units also exists according to the 1990 Census. Overcrowding is defined as 1.01 person per habitable room and Substantial Overcrowding is defined as more the 1.5 persons per habitable room. Overcrowding is considered to be an indicator of inadequate residential design and development in units or areas impacted by overcrowding. Over twenty-four percent of the residential units are overcrowded with substantial overcrowding existing in fourteen percent of the dwelling units in the Project Area, according to the 1990 Census. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the project area is predominantly urbanized as evidenced by the Report to Council. WHEREAS the City Council finds that there are no parcels that are enforceably restricted for agricultural use. WHEREAS, the Amendment has been prepared in conformance with the California Community Redevelopment Law, California Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et. seq. (hereinafter all statutory references will be in the California Health and Safety Code, unless otherwise indicated); and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission reviewed the proposed redevelopment plan and associated boundaries and recommended approval of the plan, and found the plan to be in conformance with the Atascadero General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Agency has prepared a Report to Council and an Implementation Plan which describe the relationship of the proposed added capital projects to the Redevelopment Plan's goals and objectives; and, WHEREAS, a public hearing was conducted on June 29, 1999 on the plan, notice for which was made for four successive weeks prior to such hearing in the Atascadero News, a local newspaper of general circulation, and thirty days mailed notice to all property owners, affected City of Ataseadero Resolution No. 1999-042 Page 4 of 4 taxing entities, businesses and residents as prescribed by Law; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the factual evidence presented in the EIR, the Report to Council, written objections to the Plan, if any, and public testimony. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The above recitals are true and correct. 2. The Atascadero City Council hereby approves and adopts the Plan on file in the office of the City Clerk. 3. The Implementation Plan for the Atascadero Redevelopment Plan is hereby adopted and the Implementation Plan contained in the Redevelopment Plan shall become the official Implementation Plan for the Redevelopment Plan pursuant to Section 33490 of the California Health and Safety Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Atascadero City Council this sixth day of July, 1999 by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Arrambide, Luna and Mayor Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Lerno ABSTAIN: Council Member Clay CITY A ERO Ra Jo on ayor ATTEST: kk&&Z qLL7_0 Marcia McClure Torgerson, CityL Approved as to form: -'q �" Roy Al. Hanley, City At rney