HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 - Garcia Road w 9 ' •7 9 GENERAL NO PW at MWA PA%W INDEX OF SHEETS OF A TA "t"y A DER 0" CI Ty' �5 U 1. ilio acons&wctlon shall be etar'od wkhout #ar* approved the city Engineer. ft City f ngikww shall be noftd at Wet twenty-four hours prior to erWing of constr tW. Any NO. I - RW SHEEr awft Oft Oft maw ' ` ,c�'r t1m done without a*mveed plans or prior notif%a6w to SilHPLANS ,. 2 - TCS ,' PH S 1 l S 1 the pity 't r r r wr 1 bar ,leci� and w#1 be at the ant r t r rfsk. . "" l T 2. All wetmcfion Work anO i»stallatkrn shall C*nf m to the SH ° POA City of�Ay to yea r* ttandCRY wgrd Pknss�ya�not at/ Wof* shall subject A CIA BRIDL"TiDw to the Rr royal Of i1 fV CR En�I�Tse + SHEET NO. S bE SHEET 1 Con&oct�+r ag sc that he arisen ass�urrre so/* and complete CREEK OVER A TRIBUTARY GRAVES rosponsW#ty for dfis ;Jeal ate dui ► the courm of the pmAW SHaT . 6 - SLOPE PR>DTECI"I PLAN Including sofiety of all ponwis and property, t#at this reguirer nt "I appy ntr'rwu* and not he ftiterdd to mmat NO. 7 - DETAIL SHEET 5*--*SLO-0-m*ATASworOng hmm and that the Contivator shall #tfend, lnd *o and h+r>'ld the EnOw W Oww hat rmAoss bin any and all SHEET . - ' L SHEET FEDERALPROJECT ROS' •� r��+ rwi or alleged; In c necttn- w h they performance of W01* on this SH SH O. 49C-383 e� ng ,� th,. of the taw or in tnpass• The Contactor 00prtrecee safety at all tiaras and shall fuer, erect and rrsoWdin, 'sau6h fenc". TO BE SUPPLEMENTED 'Y STATE TE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT Off"' TRANSPORTATION �ar�►d��, ��me public signsfr1 any �a ade�u�t� t+�atiun to the publiec �t �! lrrreo{ ' A R DATED JUL.Y 2002 t fnwtion pettothingr to existing a and WNW os shown trw*n ;s f Information purposes only. It shall.be the 01 AA10 of the Contractor to confmf U4rgmund SwWoe WPM C FT,Y OF ATASCADERO ' BIDAlvrf�' U at t - - +14 , 1 to ltd *y ' ,fir to LAW SHEET NO. 1 ,p GRADING NOTES . ac+arae=tronM This notification 1s for 10cation pf power, tote phone, oil, ruttuml gore underground, water and sewer SHEET NO. 2 - FOUNDAWN P . �,�r ,,,,,,} /� fadl�'tI and s " glso �Vntwf the 1 All rnxdrng and elle w shall be don* !/"� 7+ry►e�o+firtanVe with aet+� a for g the location of Cable T X drain ,ago, or ofher �r�c and ' UBC Cla ~ 33, the �►r�adrrrg ordinance ,crrd apoclficativns of the . SHEET NO. 3 - ABUTMENT DETAIL CIV of by tadera# and the Soft FUntw*9 rtr �� ORA Earth EnWrannentalfit *RsW �rda Foundation f Il ios• SHEET NO. 4 — WING WALL DETAILS '+ for Carte Road at Graffi at"creek, Job No. 8-212-1076Wo a All o ilr'ty r.ampanr'es must be nofffled by the contractor prior to �� aatet a 'cy , 1 d '"e teChn al lnvestigat n; Job ft. W7-120, the start of construe r+ Ch' SEC S C DEWS ., ad oven her , tSM. !rt titof confit botwoen the peecoding requirements and them plants, the corer sbVent' ,scroll gowm— . + 6, CornpaoWn tests shaft be made on sur material andn�tatenepl 2. All cut or fill slopes shall be no steeper thon 2 hadkontal to placid as speer`fled by then City CoginawM S ' testse smell be mark I Mt al. I dor to the., ing of t out matter*ala ' A Nil�Ml�l�ft/) 1 be benched Into com to t motejrwr+yr�al)u_annd� fel a��/�} !»t 7. 7 he Contractor shall have cq*s of the ,plans crud #cathpne a •shall p►�par'ed as quherd b �OfM .MS�g(i.MM+• .MSM► 0 M H •�. shall be P until prepwa icon of L alto hgs heart appy wd for this project on the arta elft a#1 trrr � and d ,lhe sticrlt be .• - .. .. {, ld. . .r + "' by the . rtglr7eer» farrrllrar waft all aapplrcab/p standards and 0006onsM '°" .. . • Po Res`ldent E • 4. Sociis leafs shall be dear' 1rt aG"GY�rd+CinaG'�$ I�fh t �i`l�,,r �• ,�''1" r"* aa�"ttnq t�l't b�!'�� of t �+'�y �>�+I��rr', 't" LANDSCAPING + Star*r ds. All t°es+ts most be made within fifty! du" ,p for° tv sn�7y rregsrrre revisions in the ;its to eve �rr�f ac;ng mat M 1. The test resin shall cleady lndleato the Wa►t b i problems that ratty Wbe in the risco. Al ro ' sP SHEET No. 1 -- TREE PROTECTION MIDIGATION P and source of the materrkl. shall be subject to thea of the Ci �rteer. LAN � i �!�'� SHEET No, PLANTING & IRRIGATION PLAN & 5. CAw AN matedal shop be pktced in krWa not to orad fit. The Contractor shall maWaln, of Me ,jai"te qnd in coorWhatkn DETAILS � 204mm in compacted tiriokness anted compacted at cp#r"mum wilh the R"Wnt E"nginw, a► eut"nt compkto and occcrrate mord s molOure content by an approved method. Dintens ons of barckfdx of cttl choges which date ftm the ccw*&wtkn as pr sed in +r matorkI shalt be opprov@4 by the $°h& &ngln"n t#r w ,plans and specr'fkeations for the p`urpa" of providing the Ofty kFEEND ,,, "'' . S'ubg material shall be c acted to a r�ela�athre Enrgihaer w4h the basis fpr r +ard drawings, chc�r+u from tho .°R -r• `,,,,{ a'pRrovod plans shall be ma* wWxwt prkr approval by the C1ty G`or'npa�""trapn of ' in tier i�crn�e eery frnlslted subgr� eAmation and foot baeeow. All material in fill sectir below Enter. The bin shall prep" t record a�awings the zones mentioned abovo shall be compacted to n0ativo aper}► Cornpletr'Etrr of # ' and pr ►r to than C ty`s f1nal 1r7epwtlo ttM' compacubm Relative compacdon le to bo ,dotomghed by ASTM A-8, AOGRM7r 'M P. T� C 1.157- ,and so aceertfflsd by test rosaft ands from the is Lngi r. Said test shall be made prior to t e pk kg► of 4.aC`PLT` R a WAY' '� tho next erial. °8 N CU M. XN' Z afdese uniYorm grade* bett+r n control elu tions wr'fith :..,.,.. ° smoqth veert al curvos at grade breaks. S.¢Y. . VER ' , tgs�1'12.50 +° 0 EROSION CO)UROLNOITS Y. S + bo prepoW S. disturbed t'!'ta `neadd�ocon �g his�at:or"lshall ioris shall CENTRLM .+.+►gg.. MR A conoW of effeacffm planting r b ora 1'. Contmctor shall ar �rtslble for thea pr"otim of wind approved al#ertarprte rrretlrvd. ., Protecftn shall bo c,om igled immediaat ly oftr finish Piant er bn and dust within the area of operartion. Contr�tl sl'to'!1 be in G. +p• E t P.C.C. S'1 1t' `° 9 ,, ,4 maWal gall be esta�b shed and growing t0� Rnat g=6 rs occordance with than regukerr tints of tho City of-Atosc,ad / M # '*%,`� gr�ren+ A6ffipd of contrail shall bar :meted by the Canftctit, but sehrall a� E .»+ sanely all r�eodn"O°Its. la�.e T+ LH� r® g. N1 qmOd surfaces, all disturbed arom and. +alt loo:*nod tn7naported or sloO piW maa rlal shall be, wetted, pro teed, or 2. Cpntractor shall avcW backs mud or deMr onto City streots C. '� E contgi rn such a manner as to prevent duet or shill upon any or c�t,,�crinr'ng pdWte d6ma In me event that swh 'k should 'adjoining or stroot. Contractor shall Pe responsible for owiqw as port of the conftnxtlon or Incidental to such ` ftwEEt.t�wUl�'E' Olson up. cansfrwifon a.o. arrrpAo) leaving the ,ante,1n pdmts Mehkft Q At I+�+ Contractor shall inv+uate the site during rfettrr`ng turd et+c.,�# ,the cantrcrc#or shall be r�cp►onsible for o0e�arr up, and rr�tr +rtiun CIO . RAM SURFAOr hwork ffon for any oxis `ng hazard to constroot not of sO d stmets. t 1 WA TER R Mown on the plants �cee cm/s, oistomes foundd6om or large 5, T�rtrtp Mry &"ion Control ,artI elconsi�i't Of �r#ilr'ztng ih6 17* to de •is of anlc materrarl, etc)M if any such hazards aro facrnd, fe���►,"ng. 2;1 SLOPE the Owner ! be Ito fiea+. All ti A�x surface structur e, fen s, a. Hay bak erosfn barriers in unpavi�d areas instdled as 414P.414P. -e • CCI R ESA r JW. p0a tanks , +$ta., and arty brined material s� rfr'ed ontheplans approved by the ftlneer♦ for 19nmvol from the site shall be the of then OW ATAL MQ OW W -_ft ' conte otvr and disposed of at a licenced di 41 f04:11l . » . .C.R+ S N 1A R p' ' b. t a ns &)d deetarls for ervsoon conbtol de ns ars DIRECTOR OF PURIC WORKS exp 0'T-J1-04 I I® stirnat .So# QuantWes. These twonbties + imartes + s�f�d or approved by the Engin"r prior to irrsto!l ion. PROPOSED a t. a only prod not adjusted for romoval crud reoornpacbon of drat for cover-roxcrvation u o , for shrink or swell • c. Noti`ve to sWfl, inn sand crud >oOor eemban backfill htC t»111E EyISTI FENCE TG R In fill or rock Incurred in exca vot . regal a// be on err tc ions ac �ble to stc� y ' • �, a EVVING WATR LINE EyISWTREE . C» Cut approx. �� CUBIC METERS e Enginset. Thesmatedalsmay raqu4re erasion brrr es H b. FZ11 approx• W CUBIC I�"�°IM dM rhe Contmotor is to at�'sign at I t one worlw to be,,,,, .. r EXIS77NO MAT TC W RWOWD in ,charge of ee oryday cheokh7q of ert�i Foran control devtoes T E a Quarn esbm aces shown on this plan are to be us� d crud mcalhtena nee of spume. PAXWO for bonding and permit purposes only.- It is the responsibllR,y of ft Contrarctor to t+en'fy actual quantiti 1 IN v x 10 is 25 - 250 0. 00 1 k00 PARCLL J .. , OAKS MOW 88 I 014D M4 off" GAS _wAfIJOX low .4?* WATCHN SIM E3711.OWI hk 14 ! . "\ # b ♦ ! MAIL ,,,. �w 0 7ro h w %TT sox " °t a� fir ' M»«�,�r w ^ VVI . ♦may /► ♦ ` rrw+ 1110 ♦"."r s "" •� 4AW _,,...w"n"" — ��Mrrw\wr'a"•" � ....+N'��WOOD �+r� .•""per ""M"e , «r a+w� ♦ra Mr ♦► 11��{R'{• M♦�r,,._ pM w �^"' a a MMM ♦ r 1 �� + ,..wra A.°^'" ® a ��/�► p,�g 'o1i"°r'"r+ y` � .,� �r . � ,aw°"".° �� ��r+ 'i w'a� � !~r� �'.w"'� „+.""•".✓'l ` + � w+'u"'" pry p �'mss V �. .. yF .r$y►'.Iw/1W �Sj� � 'M u♦�M 'r• 'i�Y� '"'•www pM�y, � pg �a �, wMr�' r M�"��ar�wMM�t^'C M, wr.. Orr... �h, � !'^... J���PIf{I!'� ��,+w•«" Jy�q � Ni r wpm Ay° � d�f� °'r,y �, w� 're.w W �� 4af�f®a'i � i«+wwN►a a♦.+M 'r~� x..�'+"°"•r* � •{ ♦ ,J+ _,/�'�0A gy r+*a ago w w�� Y �� s4 r q�M�'M� «���� ~ W"�iilMlrs� ew✓.rK"'. OAK '�► + S « .'."""""'"� � i�' yrs .. � `"° t� � ...«"°"� ••!! . ��"'°"�"" � PP a &as is1M►7� �T8M /� 6J p f i F.i�ItfJ"�K p{fi a Py M I'" \yr•°'"M"MMS J ,,,MyY 1MC �M 3, m CkAK w { M"_ N (2) 254. .P-» '""' 20$.2mm OAK LONA $NEA ., 0 x -� " m OAK NE wv km AK .� W' OAK 0 7. m OAK K A 2000 OAK 5 . m OAK 1 2#p OAK 000 (2) 356-SMF"F" C KS LOT 2 . K 51 °+m OAK Liv C. 0 609.err°m OAK (^� nos "fts" OAK ~ CMTMCUM T LOT 2 BLOCK 51 RECORD DRAWING WHERE NOTED, THIS DRAWING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE ORIGINAI,DESIGN INCLUDING APPROVED REVISIONS, THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE 0 PPt IED BY TH C CTOR. rte♦ ROBERTO SA JR., RCE 55158 LICENSE EXPIRES 05-30-07 Director of Construction REASlON N0. 111 -1-BY DATE DESCi1{P 1 i1.IlY ASCADERO 1*1�J T T W0040""m UnN L WALLALCT" & 'A' 06-4 SS 0 UAN AA 'ml%'*a Eft Zo!-bi* ---------- rm oftTING " POGRAPHICAL MAP CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS IARCIA RO D & B 4115 So. Broad Street, Suite Obispo,San Luis California 04 . am 544-4294 �I�Ea BY. DRAWN BY; CHECKED BY: JW NUMBER SCALE: N� • .,� �o� I MOM BL. BL 023-13 1:250 2 oF 9 WI pA`I AP 4C 71 e-.....• .. . • ,'J• . . • • • ...n. . ... .• J' .... •. I • •\. • , .e. • • • • . , . • • .I • n. f . .f • . . . .• . . • ' .. ..\.^ . n.� J.. •f .•l•.J . .. . , . e . .i.♦ . .. r J••r. .. <...„a. . , n4..mn �I CSV f. IN . our L ( ) � PHI SCALE 2805 ' D�'E` TAN SS3'T 6',33`x` 24'44'58'` 4.7 PAXWaA IN METERS � 1076.J2m TAN S 3'16"33' 0005510T 2*45*3 * 51-86m Loom Sri � a 2.5 3 to is 24 �. 11 r M 7.M 1+067.M &701L 1.2m 11.4m 07-'• 1 r S.70OR 1+061.M 4.r7rR 1.2ra 11.4m 1 A"-E r 1+47A x.71 f+O&OW UM 9.2m ly.ft 1 200 91 AIM $ Ink ^,l En La-I t% �5 1 cam. � .. "� c,s � , ('i�';�� «.°�g ''�'► U1 , lilt les cc '" Cm,m � 7jF/ ter. g ,,erg ,rw'yti' ",*w„ /fjy' ' " I + .w"s•". p . `O . L ..• a .d +••r' v,_ .r•'"r+""". ..+• r vw1w 0 .14% a gt 0_1 9E 41 cA ro- , ,.-. MIS . ,' .r,� ~W.. •l".+nyy ✓ fie, '\�M!! � � 8m � E � �P�..(Vf tiQ1 ' ,�r.4• }(A�LP�;�w�( shOw .t P *� 0 �"w..I � yy11t ` Jlff"'* .r "•moi' i 1. :"'yy `MVI, $',ry..tl fC'ta N r•.'S'^Mr r,,, ` "uM p A 9 y \ wM"°. y^'^. �,f I .,• 1J . .'Fj �SNY, '\ "MAN WWI a ` ��� j�� .,+yw.,.,",w ,J�• 'Y t p ' +•� ,. ` °' "'i � ..r•^""'"..w .re^""'e '"r ."N , ��$,�`'f, "iitf'�4 N.r•;w: �.f�,�,. � i+n+��„ . ww,pme� 1 ww 1A •I' .j « .g v.`eW'""'• e.+ '• '.n . P 1 r: + ,'1•' ..I.yS,laA• t tv `+!f• \(f•r i •it, 4 4S wy+� t #„'- ♦♦ �r. *ewr.n' •y 1 ^5 ''SSP.•1iq•\,�»y^„P. °Tft. t `+mss ,,,,,,...++.' w '•ind+. a `.. �.w�c 'nii ' A `°` •°` 0 " Ad- At i t4 � d ' ! ."'" ...+ '" , `Jai , ,,y+.Y4},yr t'V "�l��i i•e4. 5 + •'q ''d' `t 1, ,;d'p bk c„ ,p,, f „+.,°.,,,, ..Sf[""`..,.r.��"�"'d rn "" .Gr�J6; tf' r, f`M .S ,'•i'+ '�.. '� ` �t y. �• � ,. {' ar.•" � ,r ..,..r+.w'+'"•.W ,,,,. ."'"' '" •� 5,iK b 4. .'r '• 3 • :l•'Ht �°ri. j }• ,er.++"•'•� ,W,.+e^ � •,,,,r. ..r+" wl'./►,u„ .'"• ,.-° +i° .i ii. , .t��.' .o j ;Ke"it •;r'MJ�2 4 r?�h'•N.' Yk��iY �'M ^^"" .r .'' w ' .. � , � qp ,,y! IMM.+°„ r """ -�: i , +f '+J t ,. •.rd' �.".';P•' . ,•At%a�'tiy S' ,,,...w*"""wR. '""r• M„rr"....«.,.w•" ,,,,,,,...rn ..«ww^'*""' ' N'"• '" ... , I '°" a...,.n. w.. '^'0• ,,..www.rrrw - ,..wN•`..w ,�► ' • t,• %;�P�•f;} +i, r"fr r,,.m.+^""" 0 yr, ..., r`. a., a.w r . ... •+ wt A+ ",w � ""MrJ.„� . •'+tF•t{1,+• y �~��rv�l.� i i' ,.w...^".'"'" ' ""W1 • /N • .•"'n' M . A. M M .M ,rM .. ..,• Rlw �• •• •' i M •w „y w ' y✓ r ii��Tllll••.11"�"tli��� • rM^_ +1^✓J./yM"' M 1 N /Y ,�,' y �V �' M'^. nr•• '� 6 q+y `per, � .M '{�f e¢y ,,yl� `i `"•n,oe°•' 'M. 1'Y� ✓ ..,. .Mr r+e. .w. kA AT A 4�(t� j�, /r""" ✓y , }y ~•"0"+w�"'i•„ '�* . ""''^W. � `". � dr k.,w""'rw•+"' . � ..w " 1 eAf O!-,f4 " {'� OA'"ifti w .,, '"' � gpl� ,,,""".,-'"' i� . ..e.,*""",..r � i /' (j/'•4f . a'? r� ., "` »" �" " . , ' .I TAM GIAK . y+ ga {,/� i 9 y 2.5 'GOR DFA WING . 76 U .�- x �``` ., '`� WHERE NOTED, THIS DRAWING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE STA, 1+007. STA.' 1+08L ORIGINAL DESIGN I GLUDING APPROVED REV SIGNS. THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE T r ,�n .. srACC DS SUPPLIED B CONTRACTOR. VY 7 l"� ,a••"'°r.,w" � "rqi /y(lNw,✓,l."M fj :'�5`' r I to 1 O t 7: rr� OAK �yyy- RORER R., RCE 5 LICENSE EXPIRES 46.30-07 s � ' ' O?.rim + �3 , ., . .� �,� � �� � . , im OA Director of Construction Managemen . 0 r 0 KEY N0 S (,�;� .�.��.�wr�r°ri O S � ppp��� /�h1lj����j/��y���j� ��1jyj M(yw(gj @! �./� �j�1MM O" 1. AMT POST "ARA TAW LMT�1/i.. 7W.N� •V AC=W 1W 90 3. R srr i�'Y T To BADE m mA ' Evsw PSI' aTY "A T STANDARD OR'A IG 426. OAK 'J YE ONE LAS SAW. M •• .� S.,INS�,�[tR I.8 Lt/�'$ ASG RAS''AT A GRADE A C '7RUC7` r ON SD. PLAN DRA A88A CAS C FY FOR A CTI . .'� r" CTT A 1.5 PCC I�D�AL ALK PER . C117Y OF ATASC STANDARD G 9 .5. GEWRAL .C.E*Q.A, DUST CON.MOL h017GA DON A -' ,MRPER SAN LiNS C"TY STANDARD 8�-2. 1• •t • e • W. � � 0 . n . ��•� IRUcT A �,� /. "AY ACEI • ,r� �s PER SAN L€#S CC TY STANDARD 8-2. . 6. S! t; ,�' f s / .t to t "haml 2. ,b, or atmwongR ' . STALL TY 7."'t aCTAf ' PER STANDARD '. --A/ 14. W7ALL +CSW 1 POST 7 PER' STANDARD P�!.AIVIS A?,�-C� ?" ' �' C�" 7�#�' l�i�WA7�a' �1�.L ` aSrn ,�'"'" ' �' POST, ATTAR � MAC 'S . t Ism' so pow* 61:*10 mwtw awco bowo of mojw 1+04�134*. 940* to SMI. 1+067""14410 11. HMOSO FILL �RMS t1� �'�PR�E?TECIDN O CIV # � � and " I. #^ 0 18 o ;� 18. .77re r' O#' s QTA STA100- 137A23* t� to STA. ""' T'l �► r+ A W00 SrACK)M4 AAO be 5 of � , to oe to i t t o ,, - 11 C WT A 4.6,E RE IIAL Y APPROACH. RFQ 0100 T Jn �" T ASY ' i :+157 PER LtAS ST' t 'A 8-2. r e # ' of to R P VALLEY CUM ' > P i to of r . r � - Y 147ft NOT*-T-WAY 14. �` WAY 16. COWCT TO EWTN0 FM +UUJI. b U j!"TTAo­ 1+04'-'3.`&4 17. AfW Ma LWW T%44 and sTA­' ­1' ­ (W&ACE t t Aoki A an S*4TA® 1'+U'ft75* 48UVv 5TAO T 4.2 . 1+0 A 407 I ! �NRA �5 NQS r, I A. 1+1041.V TA/ 1410a137 r f} R� ISnWT W IW t S*►-- C7 t A NO. ,-' FROW STA. 1+0URD TO 1+1213 t t qp� {q, dA# 2) �TAVCT A.C, DIKE T'Y A PEW CAL T 1fS STO. ► A88A " Y ~-...r _4 �,?, a��fj �i111��� RT A. j�j�!jj���►►S�jTA. 1+tit'7.54 TSI 1+061.91 STA, t+ .'8 Mari t/5 42?flet f. - °' " .. jwj3� CSA S"MDT*. RU SAWS = 1.22m ,�� �!�1�t �itAt�/ � # 1'TER LI!' 'S G C loomm A S IMWE PER CALTR'AW SD. PLANS A2'0-A ,f AN. 22 10 1-00 T _A A/ # E� 1AY R)OW Iftf �A AWC41E SANAWWWX A. a "'r' �'�fI lOIC MCNIF 'fixJOHN L. WALLACE ASSOCIATES NO. BY WE DESCRIPTION CITY (D` F ATASCADERO ' Ac ENGINEERSCONSULnNG CIVIL PARCIA ROAD CROSS-SECTIONS I. � , . (SOLS ENGIN S 'I `' VALUETEST T DETERMINE A AL SECTION) h des' 11 treed GARCIARo T A A NO SCALE San Luis Obispo, California a - • AW DESIGNEE} ICY. A BY: CHECKED BY:. NUM SCALE: HEFT: BL. BL 023-1 A 1:20 3 OF 9 248 MOM IN METERS } 00016,401 24 247 0 Z5 5 9th 15 ZA 25OWTM AT&T AL 246 +w w -0200 245 244 2 r T V 242 242 241 241 240 240 29 259 ! 1 20 25 45 50 5 60 AT&T FIBER OP flu LINE PROFILE S H 1. � T. 0 -TIN ° x r G i . MAIL- All j1p Noel 404"0' 246 'plEIGHBOR111100 W H SIGN a # Pr w. AIL .W" .v « ° „ '• 140 ! C AB 1 15 A '!a l'�A • Er'+� jt ��Ilr'""! .�y�i� ' ..+^ 69 y..w*.. .:« C. Oar] w � o }�1r1Arm ...+" M We+.y�' kEb d "...9,y ��vy+ T�+ww +www ^..�y.IPu {L b...VI'�'_ ' X '%, w. ` 1Np M AI r M� .w.+'Lrv." W,,,N+""'.'.'. ' ^...r.� �r dM, i ■ r y,w 4040 loop CON 00 . ON CEN y "ft /mow,,..,.. .w"""`• W. / j{ w q�+Wj w '"'w.'°..' .IW.v.r. !' f ,.d"'' � �'wr^ ^ d i�nnt If♦Y IAT [ — .< e r ; 8 . E'!.'/V-A TOR EXI T, ,naM bJ �� t {� ., SIGN' � ^� RECORD'DNWING a 9 WHERE NOTED, . M �NC� �-�� �-��-. � THIS DRAWING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE f ORIGINAGI ING APPROVED REVI IONS. THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE ACCORDING TO DS SUPPLIED CONTRACTOR. ,. ROBERTO SA LICENSE EXPIRES 06-30-07 Director of Construction Management ROTA TE" 45' SDS SUCH THA T ` - THE WCL W.L CONNECT TO THE PLAN W� . + , „ CRDC `. � DRlDtr PLASS FOR ZY All ,1. BRIDGE C iNE'C77 ) F F.F, - FABRICA IED FLANGE DRIf s J, - E'CHANICAL N T 0. KE Yp NUAft TS F.F.x M.J. DUC:R WNCWALL REMOVE EXIS17NO 20, rn C.V ' `.71r i NWr " 3. RAI A T `R VALVE , AND INSTALL I 11, TRACT SHALL COORDINATEAT&T TO VARFY REPLACE NIH' 254th C.V. VALVEA TA BOX PER LUIS SPO N . . - 2 TIC LINE' L ATI , CONTRACTOR LL POT—HOLE BEFORE "NN -"ANNNN _ 4. RAI A R TO ADE ' " A TSCA' RO R CO. C SE° NS TO 1 LOCA THE LINE. THE -«..., CUR . IN . 4 L A R SID. SERV1 C NEC . ACT ALL CONTACT F N RECORD 45' ,BUD F,F.x F.F. 1513. S28*5 '401E T SSX 16°5310 24"44#59'0 64.79m , RAtS ME"� TO PER ER CAL#F ACAS I IA LY F IFR POT—HOLE 1 ST7CAT10N TO INC R A'�E" EXISTING r ANY DE'S CHANGES T Y E REQUIRED. FL FF.x F.F. 254mm D.L CLASS 350 W ♦ E STING 20 t MELDS STEEL W L 1076,32m T X 16' t' 10E � T 1. 6 C PANY` REQUIREMENTS XI N 20 mm C.V 45# ,SEND F.F.x F.F. F, REMOVE �. .xM.J. REDtTCER 6. FXS N NT P P RELOCATED Y PAC LL. REPLACE' 25 t C.V DROP NL C D1 A 71 PAC LL RESPONSIBILITY DELAIL, 45 BEND FF:x F.F,� WAO, Lff_.3WGE _C DROPf� TOP GRATE {N T 504.8mm I RT 4. mrn CONTRACTOR. UND D LINE'S ARE PREFERED. ° BEND U.x F.F. om S TA TION . .P.E. H He D. wMs INLET . EL . w LENGTH E . OUT SLOPE7, C C T ALL DINA C IF' NIA CAS COMPANY TO INSTALL N 5 t P.E. GAS LINE' INSIDE REVISIONSOF 6. NO. BY DATE CITE A","ASCADERO . r.24 . �, 24r.24 �,�4 152 1T R , r���c���tar� 6, 247,24 246.22 1,4m 247.24 1. 14rn 25 . INSTALL 304. H. .P, . ST AIN PIPE PEER CITY °' L UTILITY PLAN 6­1ATA 'DRO 702, 1 CONSULnNG CML ENGINEERS 1+112.00 245.73 .91 6.6m .244.r2' 0.82m 0.5 9. INSTALL 2 4tt DUC77 A LINE" PER A TASC E MUTUAL WATR C ST LAN 1 r 14 4 6244, 4 �3.59r» O.5 . E DETAIL) U' ARCIA AD BRIDGE OL T . 1 . RAI ATT ANH S TO ADE'. C !NA TH AT&T. aBroad. t, Suite San Luis Obispo, Calf i (805) - $a (805) 544-4294 35M =Rfi Nl will248 - 10 H. "+ ` �""` DEINGI ED BY: DRA1+l�I BY: CHECKED BY: �B NUMB �� SH E'�; C04 ,y' ISL 8L 023--1 1:200 4 DF B 111-01 w ^M h Y 11 IN Wool #FrW Ma+.MM•wwwyrwMMwtib,awo.W Ja.ww ..wM•e++,+,wNV+Fww.w+w..wiMw�.+.✓+tn.�NnWa.Mx+.•,aN•w.wkMR4w9•+•.Yw.r•. wwafucwweavwwYa'wnrsw . ..YA..n.u..ae.P«e.WrY�}.rMa.,•a1,0•,.•Wwx•hMn•I.nM•«•".,m...✓w,Ydr,vw.JvaAM�IM4.P•,wYK.YwMwMMfaa.wai.W..••«MwM.+N.wanJFMnMY.M�4.�Y�w,r.vw••.µ+,+wnW.vwf,•I+MMM".•n�JNMwMWwOMW"F.pfwy.4rMwww.rwA.W JM.µIM•Mwv.Y..'!..,MYO••M..WNi•r•.+4^Yf+•.IPOr,•.MMrN.♦MU W.r..M/w....wr..+.wr rww"W/IVwY/af.1,wMMwwIr,VNJ.FYM..M•aN..,wM.M.M. ^'.+w,rryw�..Awa.nM,+ir+.r.w..4.w.w.....••••..+•.....•+++^^'••.•+"YNJ,n.IR'•M•,w.MAM'IMMMwN 256 .N�tM�l••vYM+4�W.MwWiw•ww••w•wrwwww•L.�4.MM\MN.,wMMw4wtlwn«Wna..rrawww+rlWIA.A.�w•wlwr.^..w..W..wrM•MwNw•w,YL.nM wMVMMM4NMM\M4.W w + + •+,M.,�''.Min..M.•uwr.+.Yw.YYrYNaaliww,•w1.wh.YrwM.r+W.0+Ww.wMYwaw.www.M.MM,FMi+wN .WY•Mn,Yw•w.x.ww+,Y,N•wMv.wwwYerrrw+�'.•aw,NMv.w..Yr.w•rYpvw.. +w+r^•^wwrY•wwn.w•.wwrtr+eaV wNbr-wr+wrv^t••^+,n•wWw^'w♦NM+M•aVMwN+F,WrVM.+rMwr.♦w»+w.,Jr,+r,wwMM+ ,Nw.Mw1•w Y41.W'w•wJ+w�+Jn•TwWN'w••Wr^w,+Wrw.wMwV,NMWY•r+1Nianw.,wwwnw«larv.wJw wW«.n..Nw,wlJ,w••Vw.Mww,M•M.•Ye Wwr.vnrn,•wnww..Vw.wAYVJYwwwwuNwY,..,.w.«wnwrwrrwiwr..+✓ r,.wrwav�w.lw ,+. ••.nww.NMNwWYYw.w,r.+Mrwrnwr..�rw!"""- .. 2�4w ••tNMJaw •.,.rr..•._-. -.«.aNVeM.w.wlr.+••wJ•MwW,.»MMYYeNiMMMMw..www....w.•..r'�w••N..w.Wntarw•NMn.Mn w..wlwr.M,vw.w,wNrr.WJMM.wWM.rl+.+"..r..•+Hw....V+wYMrMMMWr.'YM•MWNMMMM.JH.nrwww,.A.M.Uu.Y..1WliMMJUW,YMHPMMHMWMwIwNwVrtaowww.xs,Wrnwswe„ Wn+rY«-•w•.,aw+v.wwMw,whw�rw+JVwwM.wM..+wJ...,.w•.n.•••rwe.J*+.rn,wnw•aJn•.s,�nuwwJw.aww_.••. •r...rNr..a'w+rn w�.w•.w.•w•w.0•+.••.•e+..+•'•.•+.+•.....w,•...+-+v+.•*,Y*Y.••r�r....•.,•,NPT•+wrwrdnvlwnwY.'�Mrn.rn.JMrM•.nM.M.wYMVr„w,w•r,Aw.www••wF".tlw•.,M,.^,FT.MYJwYrM• .an.•1i�a«,+..M.�-.tlM,Ww�.s,e.wro,•Y•+•M-+.�+•r•.W Jrwmw..w...",V.wnww..an••ww«w.wV,Y J•.....M.M.... - •w.•.rn.•w•.n,..Y+rwwWfiY..JMvwW.M wM..wwwlYMw+MJ,w,U.sew+n.r•"•...w+w ..M•.wr+•..vr...,y..w wrnrw�wM•JYww•YwiM„YwAM.•.wr•.w,M♦M4M+war•.NI.vMPa•.'✓Iwo••M.•...yr.wrn.nw+.•..w..+•..wq.ww••M•Jww•.w.w...+,Y•.rwNw.w'Ww.Mww..,..•.J�+.+WMw /55 .w,.+oeb.�nYw.wvP•Oww.MwYMn,'.NwNN w..hw.wMr.wrV .,V MwM.wMwWrM.«M,wM _ -_ sN.w.4rM.-..w+..w•�+n�^••p+•w••Wwn MYMawrwri•M4wr,lMM+olw•JwVInMwM,wYY wr•. nMww,tMMYNw....P.wlr„M++w.••+wwMww+'+.XMM•MwMrWYw.+wM..YJNYMwrYY.».,,•+YW.urw..Y.M.V«.•,M•Ywwrw»r/N»wPYWw.. 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DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CiHft-"KCD Joe NUMBER SCALE: I SH BL BL 023-13 1 a 200 5 oF 9 1�1�11 IN 111,11111 , 3 N 244M 0 match Y v. k t 246,50; 243.50 9 match ax. toy r 7. ,. , .. ` GRAPHIC ,SLE 41 v , a 4 e to 245° `�,, ...M.. r -. .. REEK SLOPE PROTECTION NOTES . -� .. ,44 X SLOPE LOWER FG ZONE PROTECTION SLOPE ELEVATION UPPER 170 TYPE Hef-V (CHNL ELI ELEVATION _7 227kq (1/4TON) RSP 1 1/2*1 243.5 246,0 2 227k 4TON RSP 1 1/2416 1 243.5 246.0 ,.. . �• . _.. .+,... .�,N .�. . 3 227kq (1/4TON) RSP 11,/2:1 23.5 VARIES 227kg 1 + TCN RSP t 2:1 4; .5 2".0 .. '^'^M.,`j" IM..y.'NA.M' �O / . i .NT.w.^.'_ .•e ^r.•M'°"'.+".vM"r i1!M �i°I.M..'1•IwJn.n✓W... .a.4 ' fir • t 1 ,°� '� .r,�,-�•..�-E3 M A. Install rook sIam Protection (RSP) according to CALR'Ah S • ' . . ., ,.. Method B placement. Place Rip—Rap on AMOCO d5-155 u. M� eroa�ion control blanket dor approved equal) + 60 ote 1 7 top�f Q nVww. . .. ..�„ ,,, ~�, i+ext. r • _.�.. «� - ..'""'r"'."r" ,,, ,,, Water . Ism t Surface LoCatiot (r �r 00 Event Plow Elevation on Bridge 0 oil .,is��i D 50)AAArt.A°..AAO 701 oft 2dv.54rn Through Bridge 'Section N � LlIj D 100)....AA..A.A. B17 of$ 245°78m Through Bridge Section RECORD .� 19 B A«rtR.ArMPo.• 400-700 ofs Unrecorded Exiefinq Channel and Bridge Hydraulic Section 5,00 04" 0. 01 ray` .50 t mat 29 b9- ex. bank t �{ 2 1.) 2 Ib f as California Poppy. 35 pure. 75 germ. i52mrn CLASS I! AX BASE lb/ac Luptn Suoulentusl 999 pure. 759 germ. + 3. lb/aa Atriplex Sernibaccota. 95X pure, 75X► germ. ,,. . 12 Ib ac Fostuca Mlegalurl 5 pure. SOX Berm. q lb/ac o hila enziesil, 95 pure. 751 Berm. N Ile, , .�'' i o w fibre nDSIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYCROSS—SECTION ',, 10. 7° 1 I /ac cology aonfrol –91nder NOT TO SCALE �•� r 011 r RECORD DRAWING REVISIONS ON ASCADERO NO. Y DA11: DESCRIFn CITY OF Al" WHERE NOTED, THIS DRAWING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE J O'Hm"'*N L W A L L ACT ASSO"IAO"ES ORIGINAL DESIGN INCLUDING APPROVED REVISIONS. THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE SLOPE PROTECTION PLAN ACCORDING TO RDS SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 1 Sot road, Street, it GARCIA BRIDGE ROBER NCHEZ JR., RCE'55 LICENSE EXPIRES 06-30-07 1 � California 1 Director of Cons r 11 x: (805) 544-4294 I E ICti rS BY: DRAWN BY: CHE JOB NUI SCS: SHE T; 001 8L SL 023--13 1:100 6 or 9 IF ' i. .. �,' ier!i� ^' r.r'R't'' ♦ ♦,r • , , a , •I, r , ,., • i .i „ + • • ' •• ..... • • , .• / + ' ' ' r r IAL ow v M y a ,«.a, ; '' . • :� •,pal► ES IN 10 11 TAIL11 1►$ trY4�D�dE 'llttlf,( �'�` 1�eM1d►, d$w �►� A' " a,'Y �, P' , fi• � 5: rr r DETAIL ;� IL 26 P ,' r B •�',r+. * *r t• /° t r " OWN mwII► 1 I DE{Add. 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Director of Co Management 5 .1 Fax: (805) 544-4294 04 X ; trr��tE ? Y: t lAAWR•�(Na��BY: C t C4C 81+� `A�y/yNU�M +y�R N.T.S. `�SCALE: # '/ry:� �Y•i gl«PiJn AMI'aw• 8/frrwF 1 u/ {9 b TA S1 8 'A�fF A7r+ W M p�awr•••w R.w•4 ' 111m JIM fit IR jet"4 Pt w4wa* Mm LETIM WOW gliaoigilmoli OR ll%i Tm rma � k}k s � 4 •r o•¢ d M t'AA•1� 11M i+s• f"a I a\ f , �/ .r'• 1 � 06 NMI 4 1144 # m A AL RM IN SAft. 2 /40 g4; K ti°p�'. •jy�\iZw°°m r , . �f p ; i ► • oro 's• Iy M ♦ r P• • ♦ j np� PIP, 4wmwwvwwwo n rpow "CET1 s N $ IL s #mMMMM�V Y �. � •�� ,� All a °Q yy q9k�y +••r ® r a s at M < ®t 0�p U , d� tA $�ov if SHALL Emomm ~s 1011 , SURVEM sanwo 4 E # " .. 100AIE EXACT PMT BY MARIVING A CRO 7- • t�. SHAU ALSO S 1 HIS saN TA s M.i woMl rP1�P, +® J 1� M a .0° .®g' +q.►. r ' 2. 13ROOn PRM lk� $ WLL ®� f�41► '$i 1 0 • A, + v. yi r p 9$ y" e®\ v �r gs Q a• • " s " •P..g '� #W . • i° a r NPt1 i ► ' • °,s • Y LIN —Af Nor& A*OWW WMIN • 4049.%w. saw + #0AW """" so SO" DEEP CUTNO SCALC � a� �wr '�rNw�aC ars� r •«�, Ill 4P $s qy� gyp •` A '• e PAVEMENT P♦♦♦wt..r,rPmr.,W1r.P+ ' ` j• , dTO A MOW" Of 90 MAXkVM .' U! y VAUK 4V U%$ IHM "y R�'pF♦!�4'wr Bp L J""°oar° •s y�,.•.S•,�}-`'`+i,C"4y+�.."l+a+• "f- . Nor AFftl6a IV WP a �p Y•ty,♦dC�� ►�J°i\• ♦ 9+' .�'+. t.^s�+tl�•e�'Ai7�•PpW#R s + , � ,a.'!�``.,t♦"7.dao:*+',h""�`°+„q�►•, �*s i''LL'L►jj°wM,.`;°"i+':0'e°Nr�4t° i� r� ��` IR6 + ►••"` �• 4Ti ey `e�'r��..»qi�F a d L,M ..+u+.,,w.P."p..„„"w ice• ,®q's�+.:►�°+°���,�Zn°�',«,►qs"�. �*mr. � SAX&M, WAS �i .Q°o•i "#. 4*♦Y\•p` �•• P•rarP•s d y,w♦"�j1 r_1�g'�a •Y�\o AM.AT �L ACMALS .9 r 4 , k U& M"r Q71 ON O 2" MVAN20, ft OVM*610 VY *W I E �M� Mm AE T_ sow SEQMN A Jm mazm -.Zd&,. NO SCALE DEROYa1,¢/�rk! �'iir_T' g�wr��Pp,p����p�� t � �gpg, ;gyp p� ,pmt :. ,. y�,� ° : rP.,«"w♦m.wP. i�"i"�9I►N 4 V Diil�"AR i�diEi` r iP�if'R�WNO O, ' * �, Z " i 1�i � `V Ve ��1�►+"�M �• T T Y T ' AY APFR04W Aft • .�.�► . VALVE `#CN(Iff lik"M 1.00 - . I ,* ' 'A t tl 5,t:..r.' i..R'k.,!•&.. ►. '',..." +yv+r,4P iP,"ypy V<,ri,♦i,:1?•.;:i• 7 HAIN IS * ♦ 0►P� • ° •° ii,d ' . t'�►et •i "°�j"••••"� '.., •.a\e.�•4••►�a�r:r•s�.i�\1$s soa''�aM�aAAIf Av b!er \'• }.•iq,°y►r A\ V �R•° USE ICE SADDLE r••P • ' / . • v R "a• o�. ►,. ♦ r 8 7 Y a e '41 if l0 ♦ J h Y P 1 ,P P ► • ♦ 1° p� "°,st , . � iP n• Y a,,e, ` w\tw •, , WITH ��++►� M90 AM IPS 3•. a ♦♦♦ w1 A.+ JF'� Y • N Y.� '!J4f' i w ,e • PL C w w r A• Rl 7/rr' y/a " der • 70 COW. STOP JWS 943 .r z._Pr sm. soyvo l PIPE HIP x 1P 1-mr S01. 80 VALVE40ER SIZE 3OKS 31913 TER m4 'SER IH q t pe�$rR'•• MO WTER yg���fqy. TO �pt�@�� � ir•A I S BE ^o r� • �P y$q +Rr•s .A ♦ at, LOCATED IN DRIVMV* A TRAFFICCMR SULL SE :fP». "• t P rt. «r•. SEM 0 � .y e ..4r • w • . "i W*# SERVICE IS ANGLED p ►P. ♦• j RECORD DRAT/ I .1." ' k° : "a ¢ .: WHERE NOTED THIS DRAWING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE INSTALLED "' ORIGINAL DESIGN INCLUDING APPROVED REVISIONS. THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE ACCORD IN DS SUPPLIED THE CONTRACTOR. JIM ROBERTO SA RCE 55 LICENSE EXPIRES 66-30-07 Director of Construction Management AWTU - .r.r \tN • R It-Ism M.I►CWMM.m4•n++! 1"-CM ffOP: 5/811-3/411-MMLIER N-tQ0 40JOWA "T Ir NO. By DATE DESOMP110N Cl"'A" OF Ap"w"ASCADERO IN-OKUIER *4&%$ 11v JvnN rY.�. WALLA' C 4]E A S Sv'r%(i A T E Oz"3' L. 4^0 Care" VALVE-ms mm I 1 L CIVIL E14GINEERS DETAIL SHEET H�1 Y t 4115 So. Broad Street, Suite B5 Gi-iR C IA R ]-%RIDGE 0 D & vi San Lixis Obispo, California 93401 QATX "* — » (805) 5 DRAWN BY: CHECKJXP. 3131A4 DAM �1t�+t�El� SCALL. '� Rid C�lt�►NE�► 6Y� • 8L ASD 023-13 N.T.S. 9 OF J makq')� •PIMP' 0011.371 I H I L C H Eo*U**'b,U L E LU F t zo 120.0 VC 0.0 DESIGN SPECIFIED LOCATION PILE IP ELEVATIO IP ELEVATION PVC 1+003.60 TYPE g g PVC ELEV 252,57 _tS,,U_.E1-LF.,..Q PVT 1+123.60 ABT 1 600-mm 236.0 236.0 N SCALE � BALLS c I ail . EB PVT ELEV 24s z ABUT I 600-mm 236.0 236`0 6.10 M 7.608 M 6.1 M CIDH ABUT 2 6Q�0--i3lt8 236.0 1.80 M 1 6,0 M 301 1.80 M (19H 236.0 231 231 AUT 2 600-mm236.0 236 0 f WING WALLS C 10 H BUT PILE TI ELEVATION SHALL NOT BE REVISE ABUT 2 OW& Fm -KENCE RQ,Tg,�� 10.08 M It � . EXISTING BRIDGE TO BE REMOVED F STAGE CONSTRUCTION PROPOSED CARC IAROAD- NOTE 4 ORIGINAL . METAL, BEAM GUARDRAIL -SEE CIVIL ENGINEERING GS 6.t1?S M 4.805 M GRADE i TY �a 3. AC DIKE -SEE CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS 1.005 M 0.54 M S35 ' TOP OF PILE ELEV aw#243.3 M 4. SLOPE PROTECTION --SEE CIVIL. ENGINEERING AW1 S T PILE ELEV +244.0 ! AT BUT INGWLL "� AT ABUT WIIIGWALL .. S. ExISTI G 203.20 $8" ) WATE LI E TO E Al -SEE CIVIL 305 1.5 M 4.2 ' M 4a2/ M 535 IRI ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FINISH�$ OTT OF T 5.42 !t STAGE 1 5..405 M STAGE 2 GRADE ELEV 241. . EXISTING 203.29 (8" ) WATERLINE TO REMOVED -SEE CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS 915 3.66 M 610 5.16 M 535 TUBULAR NEW 4 0" AT LINE -SEE CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS TACE STAGE 3 TRAFFIC HAND 0 CIal� PILE RAFFIC RAILING BRIDGE oil TE LINE SUPPORT BRACKET T EACH ABUTMENT A WITHIN 6 �9 60t1 CLOSURE CONCRETE TUBULAR FANO SCAT : 1 100 EEC PIPE NT -SEE POUR BARRIER .. � RAILING TYPE ER mx et s' "' PROFILE T!PG �� . PAINT "GRAVES CREEK BRIDGE R. O. C-3 GRADE NOTE 7 FOR GENERAL NOTES SEE FOUNDATION PL 2 -21 � - NOTE. 4 � � + °� - "" 1. 50 2`° GAS LINE -SEE CIVIL. ENGINEERING TYPE 26 CONCRETE 1.5 it ti AXCARR I ER STAGE . , NOTE f r A 3 CONSTRUCTION _FLna K-RAIL FOR Zi o .... . . . . .�a .. . NOTE 11 STAGE 2 NOTE 8 I i 1 CONSTRUCTION 1 1 1 I NOTE I NOTE TO LACI STAGE I TRAFFI C 10-32-2 j .� I OTE 9 1 1 1*-32'-29" NOTE II NOTE. 3 SKEW I SHEET NO. TITLE TYPICALSECTION 1 1 1 1 SKEW ER O ,; I 1 r 1 TO T SC O GENERAL PLAN, SCALE, In 100 BB 1+067.41 i I 1 OSE Q. FOUNDATION PLA 03 , 0� ELEV +24 .25 1 � I � �� �R O AD w°- . I*060 ABUTMENT DETAILS STANDARD DATED 1995 1+080 .�� ,,.. 4 WING ALL DETAILS S DECK SECTION AND DETAILS # I I L OF TEST BORINGS STANDARD PLAN DESCRIPTION ! I 1 E + 75.4 GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES LE X246.8 B GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES A62�-C Excavatlon and backfill brill e DOTE 9 11 � 1 t 1 ; 80-1 Bridge detalts NOTE 2 I I NOTE 1 I 1 NOTE 2 803 Bridge details 1 I I 811-51 Tubular band railing 1 t # 811-53 Eoncrete barrier type 25 RECORD DRA WING 811y54 Concrete barrier type 26 ,�.. an um NOTE WHERE NOTED, THIS DRAWING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE Lm m °w""°° 1 1 MAX ORIGINAL DESIGN INCLUDING APPROVED REVISIONS. THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE �� ����"•�'"" `� � I R SUPPLIED BY T TRACTOR. � . . ` .. ,--- -.�. .. .�... . .. . . �. .. .. . - ACCORD NG T® ECO SU N OTE= TE 5 � I. CONTRACTOR SHALL. VERIFY ALL CONTROLLING ' ` FIELD DIMENSIONS BEFORE ORDERING OR ROSERTO SA ` JR., RCE,55158 LICENSE EXPIRES 08-30-07 FA B R I E AT I N G ANY MATERIAL. NTE 4 OTE 5 Director of Construction an° 1.S$1 ALL DIMENSIONS .ARE IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN NOTE ROTE R OTE IEVIINS --------------- JOHN L WALLACT ASSOCIATES 1 �f It�iPIl,��r► NO. �Y SATE DESWTI U TA OFATA ' � �0 SCAE� 1100 $ GENERAL PLAN 4115 So. Broad Street, Suite B5a 00-0 plift- ­­­ San Luis Obispo � R C I A ROAD & BRIDGE CaliforniaSep.30, • P.O. x 4445 708 Fera L 2 San L -�° A 544 � ��,� /544-5684 `'�, OF CAOoft .-� Copyright@2003 iced . All rights reserved. C s Qf this drawing shalt have tiff s notice. 6ESI� FJY,. Al f BY. �� i�Y. Nl3i�� DAN. T. ►.; ODIC OMC !CB 298061 130-JUN-03 1 L. NOTES - LOAD FACTOR DESIGN DESIGN: 2000 CALTRANS BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS LOADS: LOAD FACTOR DESIGN DEAD LOAD: INCLUDES 1.675 KPa FOR FUTURE WEARING SURFACE LIVE LOAD: HS20 AND ALTERNATIVE AND PERMIT LOAD SEISMIC LOADING.- DEPTH OF ALLUVIUM. : Q - 3.0 M 7.608 CALF ANS 2001 SEISMIC DESIGN CRITEIA MATERIALS- REINFORCING STEEL: ASTM A706 ABUT I UT 4 f REINFORCED CONCRETE: 30 30 f 420 MPa ` f'c - 27 MPa AT 28 DAYS { �ktn9 ..�.^... ...,,� t . C>Q11* FOOTING Ln SES .. E PRESSURE: N/A TYPICAL 6 21 241.Q OROP INLET AND 3050 H* .P.E. _4 STORM BRAIN -SEE CI It CL E EINEERINC DRAWINGS t '' 1+075.25 TO ATA►SEAOER4 1+067,64 in PROPOSE .� Uj 1+ 6 O �� A IA ROS► PLAN E1 ETA I L. CNw� 1+08 0 _ r- I . t30SO H.D.P.E. STORM DRAIN -SEE Sheet No. ....,...�.. .. ..�... _.. ... _. _. ... t 241»0 M lump" t t EMIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS t '' Ln STANDARD PLAN DETAILS ." � -- t �.. w.. �- Standard p to n . . .�_ �_. WLOL sheet No. ON Ln t 4. 0 M Detail No.::e Uj 4.30 M LU , i r....a w w a � m w mLo � p t BRIOGE SCALE, 1 1 O BENCH MARK DATA Structural concrete, bridge FOR ENCH MARK DATA SEE Cast-In-OrI Iled-�I�Io le Concrete Pile �- CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINES* NOTES CONCRETE STRENGTH ANCA TYPE UNITS h INDICATES BOTTOM OF FOOTING ELEVATION NO SCALE RECORD DRA WING 11Mf� " WHERE NOTED, THIS DRAWING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE ALL SUPPORTS ARE PARALLEL ITN A EAR i N 4 � E ORIGINAL DESIGN INCLUDING APPROVED REVISIONS, THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE t DS SUPPLIEC? OWONTR4CTOR. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN REVISIONS ROBERTO S RCE 55158 LICENSE EXPIRES 66-34-07 Clw* Y OF ATASCADE"RO Director ofConstruction Ma men � i����� y FOUNDATION PLAN 411. 5 So. Br oad Str eet, Suite B5APPLI K ' w r GARCIA ROAD & BRIDGE' 4-J San Lul' s Obspo Californa 93401 KNG Stipp.3 ,2005 I MUNER I NG PA Box 4445 7 Metra L #12 (805) ,�, � 541-4294 �� Son L s ,California 93403 w 005/544-5684 ���,� F C�koil$r� ®a��w ©EMW BY: DRAWN BY; CHECKED BY; J013 iUMOM DAM. Sim': CORN*(D 2003 Applied End * . All riots reserved. Capies of this drawkkq sholl have i s notice. DMC DMC .SEB 298061 30-JUN-0 2 PILE AND WING WALL RECORD DRAWING. WHERE NOTED, THIS DRAWING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE 50 50 PILE ORIGINAL DESIGN INCLUDING APPROVED REVISIONS. THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE ACCO SUPPLIED BY THE RACTOR. u, uj VERTICAL » ' ROBERTO SA R., RCE 551 LICENSE EXPIRES 06.30-07 Director of Construction Mann, 1 SPIRAL FULL 762 LENGTH OF P ILE 8-425 DOWELS WITH DOUBLE HOOP 381 301 75 MAXIMUM AT TDP (PITCH 120) - 2t1 � a v ABUT FOR CONSTRUCTION 2,x5 M ALL ITNOT SHO WOR TE CADH PILE SECTION BB & EB 23' JOINT SCALE, 1 404 ICH PILE SECTION 30150 50 #20 AT 152 1 RADIUS CALEB 11 COVER -_-A •. 1 AT 305 420 CONTINUOUS � X15 AT 457 15 AT 280 ROADWAY SEC ION -SEE CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS 25 AT 152 1N 15 AT 305 BOTTOM OF SLAB Ln � t I ALTERNATE HOOKS VOW- STRUCTURE BACKFILL IMPORT # I �� 41� TSP E SECTIO �-3.06 ,� � #30 AT 150 BETWEEN T FILTER FABRIC �. MESE LINES � { .� PERME LE � A PILL MATERIAL � �".f�� M • 2�O Ln MIRA�-D!� N FIL IER FABRIC WAS PLACED ONLY ALONG .. � 2.6 0 7.66 M °�--- 7HE A U7MENT S SHOW DURING CONSTRUCTION I./ 4ANAA.. AaYNYYAMMWFWlMM4leoeM.1 ■y.�,�. WIIM M111Pw..MWY MIM.MM.pyMM M ,�,. O+'+A^ "'°"""" ► wr• - . 9 2 Il -� D NOT BACKFILL ABOVE BOTTOM OF BOTTOM OF , 'WING FALL THIS LINE UNTIL DECK .--- I ,� • .. ABUTMENT « °. IS CURED - ' SLOPE 2Z :'. A... �. . jDow � 10 TIES At 05 L AT TDP O F PILE ® 155 SQUARE HARDWARE CLOTH ANCHORED TO BACK �. PACE OF 'WALL AND ADDITIONAL 305 SQUARE FILTERFABRIC Li BEHIND WEEP HOLEScz i 1000 PVC DEEP ROLES APPROXIMATE FINISH GRADE uu WW MAO ..j T .D MAXIMUM TO MATCH EXISTING -SEE CIVIL `�` - 1 ENGINERING DRAWINGS FOR SLOPE PROTECTION � i�r- #30AT150 Li *aloft.0%ftkV& PILE REINFORCEMENT INSIDE IP � ABUTMENT REINFORCEMENT AS SHOWN LO "� BOTTOM OF ABUT di *lcr A """"Now" ELEV* +241.0 M �- 50 50 CIDH PILE AT 5 '' 5. COVER COVER ABUTMENT -SEE . - , - M.. MJ 1.0 M 762 600.0 604,0 TYPICAL ABUTMENT SECTION I I 1 I Lw :L. °T 1 CI T I IV C I L.L. t J CIDH PILE ATABUTMENT SCALE 1=16 SCALEe 1=1 SCALE, 1*1 ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN Cm JOHN NO. P DATE far P CITY OF ATASCADEJ Le �! R0 TwN ' At ABUTMENT DETAILS 4115 So. Br oad Str eek., California . � 2g45 , j­­­­ - ----------- San Luis Obispo GAR - E .`' P.O.Box 4445 700 Her*Lane 1 CX San Ws Obispo,Calf (805) 544-4294 OF CA0 8055444684 Off +-` DESIGNED @Y: DRAM BY: CHECKED BY: DATE•. �T: opy,4g�t 3 lod tog. All Plots reserved. s of this drawing mall have t1 notice. C�1�1C ,1+C8 298061 30—JUN-03 a TUBULAR NAND RAILING VAP IES 1. M TUBULAR HAND RAILING - 200 CONCRETE BARRIER TYPE � � SIDEWALK FROM #15 AT 455 -HOOK MODIFIED AS SHOWN CONCRETE BARRIER PE ZEA � 610 INTO ABUTMENT 75MODIFIED A SHOWN � COVER CONCRETE BARRIER TYPE 25 #15 AT 450 MODIFIED AS SHOWN ABUTMENT � _. 130 SLEEVE � � X15 VERTICAL -�..,..,.. #20 1.D M T 3 DOWEL FOR GAS LINE 1 HAMFER OMIT #15 VER I ALNO C AT 230 SHOW N to- AD SECTIO LINE OF EDGE iso 2-130 ��SL EVES ROADWAY III SECTION SE CIVIL ENGINEERING OF DECK ABOVE 1 RADIUS U S SEE CIVIL �. � #15 AT 450 ENGR DGS DRAWINGS ..0 AT 225 HOOK ,~....,...... ........r._ ..w . r 355 AT ABUTMENT ...... ...r.. .. . 12 RADIUS -„ ExTEN D - AT TO P HOOK TYPICAL ABUTMENT - ... . .M..........�. . .,. ....... -.. . OF WING WALL INTO GEEK REINFORCEMENT 305 2430 CONT bio IN MNG WALL AT TDP OF - „ WING WALL #15 AT 460 2435 TOP AND #15 CONTINUOU #20 IN HOOK BOTTOM OF DECK ABOVE STRUCTURE BACKFILL IMPORT O � � � PER SECTION ,� # 0 T 22 5 E 3.0BETWEEN LINE OF #20 AT OWL THESE CINES TDP OF ABUTMENT SLOPE PROTECTION #15 AT 45O STRUCTURE BACKFILL IMPORT ,� SES CIVIL. PER SECTION 19-3.06 BETWEEN °°� � ENGINEERING OWGS #30 AT 150 THESE CINES PERMEABLE ------ #15 AT 305 t' BACKFILL MATERIAL . TYPICAL ABUTMENT/WING WALL FILTER FAB IC 4 CORNER PLAN SECTION SCALE 1w16 L 2415 CONTINUOUS . �t IN BOTTOM OF W IA1.1, �- 6.10 M 4.30 M 1.00 M 51 CD COVER FOR ALL ITEMS NOT SHOWN OR NOTED SEE REAPING AND PILE PILE X15 Lj 15 AT 450 4 MIN 305 305 WING WALL SECTION 1.0 M 152 4 1$1 . , B .. .. �. WING WALL AND PILE 2430 t FOR ALL ITEMS NOT SHOW OR NOTED SEE � � AND I 51 53 A --TYPICAL WIN ! AL,C. SECTIONI � � I , SCALES 1w1 #1 I 5 x 1.5 M HORIZONTAL ABOVE AND BELOW SLEEVE E I ° EACH FACE OF A UTMENT fxv v--­-----L\\-..-- __ AT 200 HORI � E CUT TSP AT INSIDE FACE I Vii; ABUTMENT OF WING WALL i L I REIF 38 , „ I CLEAR OF >< SLEEVE ` " INSTALL DOWELS FROM I I PILE INSIDE WING WALL WNW REINFORCING AS SHOWN 1 Zw#15 CIDH PILE AT R I W I N�G WALL SEEIM P IPE SEE ADD ITI ONAL� CAST 1N DRILLED HOLE PILE I CIVIL. E GR VERTICAL BAR AT WING MALL SEE 801 DRAWINGS EACH SIDE OF 4 WOW Uy � SLEEVE AND C I D H PILE AT SHT TL ' EACH FAEE OF ABUTMENT SEE OR PVE ABUTMENT 10 SLEEVE ._Y— TOPROVIDE #15 x 1»5 M DIAGONAL EACH SIDE OF M NOT 19- 12 CLEAR SLEEVE EACH FACE OF ABUTMENT FOR ALL ITEMS D SHOWN OR NOTED SEE 4 AND K TYPICAL I CAL_ W I N GWAL. . ELEVATION Cr) OF PIPEme, EC�TIONL EVATION �. SCALE= 1 40 I I N G WALL SECTION AT PILE CD FOR ALL ITEMS NOT SHOWN R NOTED SEE ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN A UT NT ; TION T UTILITY OPENING REMSION No. Are CITY F ATASCADERO 4 RECORD DR4 WING SCALE: I WHERE NOTED, THIS DRAWING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE Al WING ALL DETAILS ORIGINAL DESIGN INCLUDING APPROVED REVISIONS. THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE4115 , SeitaAccO � RDs suPPLIED e�T ONTRACTOR. �.� � � -1 N ca I N N fit, Luis , California �, P.30, GARCIA ROAD & BRIDG"I 805) 544-4011 Fax: (805) 544-4294 San Leis Obispo,California 93403 'lPA Box 4445 708 FWo Lane#12 ROBERTO SA LICENSE EXPIRES 06-30-07 +,�ri�►rrdfff tt1wiw Director of Construction Management Copy t @ 3 d Enowerh4 All rights c erved. Coots of tws drawino shat1 have tws,notice. DMQWD BY: DRAWN OV. ONES BY: JOB I+Ui+lBE1R DATE: SHEET: LNC DISC JCB 298061 30-JUN-03 4 10.88 M 305 1®S M 4.27 Il 535 TUBULAR HAND 00 RAILING TUBULAR HANG , CLOSURE POUR RAILING 1 S AT 23 SO COVER -�i a.. ,. .. CONCRETE BARRIER DOWELS �" 25 25th TYPICAL i TYPE 2 �-s 15 AT 460 DOWELS PROPOSED CARC IA ROAD MODIFIEDAS 130 ► SLEEVE SET IN O ILLEB HALES SIS AT 30S I CONCRETE BARRIER SHOWN FOR GAS L# TOP OF SLA SOO LAP � TYPE 2S M OIFIED AS �� - Z ,� SIS AT 4S? w PRgFILE GRAOES�#t�1�tN 2 130 . � . 2M35 TOP 2 35 TOP 2 Co 2 AND BOTTOM N BOTTOM L, ..�.- r PIPE A 1 111-10011 T Cr. 19 CHAMFERUj TOP AND BOTTOMS' AT 280 CONTINUOUS KEY FROM 2x4 EDGES OF GEEK ,� X15 AT 38th 19 CHAMFER � BOTH SIDES OF CLOSURE POUR �- TOP AND BOTTOM 11 DOWELS EDGES OF DECK 2S AT IS2 IN BOTTOM OF S'LAO - 12 19 DEEP " " GROOVE ALTERNATE ROOKS 12 305 TYP EACH EDGE OF DECK 1S AT 760 . 410 TYP `� DOWELS RECORD DRAWING ...... TIP I EC_Tj .QA_. . � WHERE NOTED, THIS DRAWING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE 1 e 2 ORIGINAL DESIGN INCLUDING APPROVED REVISIONS. THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE 7, M 260 ACCORDING TO DS SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 260 7.66 M . ROBERTO SANCH 8 LICENSE EXPIRES 06-30. 7.92 M Director of Construction Management INSTALL BRACKET 405 305 200 AT EACH ABUTMENT 61REE R,,EbjQ", _0T opow.0--m-0 MAXIMUM r. AND NEAR EACH JOINT #. STEEL FRAMING SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION 75-1.02 3d�S PIPE, 2 0 TYP AT EA PLATE MISCELLANEOUS IRON AND STEEL. TS ELEMENTS SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM ASOO GRAD B. GALVANIZE STEEL FRAMING AFTER 38 1 4 38 . PLATE Tf� X 12 �c 230 FABRICATION PER SECTION 7S� .DS 7 T CK END P ATE WITH 2'-19 41 (1"40 A.D. TO EDGE OF BECK FRAME FROM TS 76� x ?b x 7 � ITS 3" x "1 190 U—BOLT (280 I.O.) Ln THREADED RDD SHALL NOT EXTEND LACE F WITH DOUBLE LOCK NUTS >= BEYOND PACE O1 BARRIER BARRIER , , M qW '�' } 254+ (10'*0) LD, PIPE 'CATER EINE PLATE WASHER 3f x 2-1/2 `' ... -SEE CIVIL. ENGINEERING DRAWING$ NOTE 1 ► LESS THAN 2 ".00 rn .. .., � ! 7 THICK END PLATE TYP AT TYP AT TS TO .�.��...� � PLATE END PLATE 2 TO TS DRILL. AND BOND I" DIA. ROD THREADED FULL 13 THICK STIFFENER PLATE NOTE I LENGTH WITH NUT, INTO HOLE *" MIN. EP. EACH TS TO DRILL AND BOND DETAIL REQUIRE ONLY ON STRUCTURE. 7 STIFF PLATE T 10 ELEVATION I CI R L ANCHORAGE DETAIL T' WATERLINE SUPPORT BRACKET T TAI L � S SCALE= � S SCALE= 1=10 ALL. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN REVISIONS NO. By DAIE Discipvw ITSOFATASU"ADER0---- ------- JOHN L* WALLACE & ASSOCIATES 1111 oaf�ssj Kok ��• DECK SECTION ANDDETAILS cc 4115 So . BroadStreet, Suite '� �. fENG I San LullObispo, GA' ARCIA ROAD & BRIDUE APPLI KO California . ,205 PA 80K 4445 70 Fiera L� � Seri L"cepa,caifarnfe 93403 (805) (805) 544-4294' -� 2 �- 0.� Ap OF r-AL fit �t ED+ BY: DRAWN BY: C KMO BY: .K "MR IlA�: SHM: aM 4*#irr;j7t+�+� c t 2403 i r AH rests reserved. s of this drawing that(have tt�s native. DMC DMC JC8 2980b�1 30' JUN-03 3 S r F wawwr+m.aa ..n♦.�w.r..e .••.•..r.l.... +-n•..+••••r.• yen.tiwv.w• wwowrar�p. Mw.r..,.w.. w.www«... wwr..♦« rwewwww +.+...•rte••+ .�.+....�. ww+--*.. - wawww +...w.+..,. 4r-•+.•.•�• nn+.m.+.w. .m...wa°w sweMVaww w..��.ww». --.�,�,..,�•` ••... w+-•�••• +y..nw�w.o �- +.+r•�r.a.w+. er+awiwn.♦. wKxrrw+.•+. ..+...i+*e nww�v�w. r+nv+....... wry+•-�.•-v+ *-.W-�T-r M-�wq•..+a .hmmyvwnn w..w ranniw�r+.�. .rwNnm.N« n.c,..,w.w ....v...,..,,, •Mv..wn..vw w.«.wrw.r .rww..�.� w...,�.... ..n..w..♦,.w ..wwnw - ...,+.4+.... '^^'^••"""' ••.ww.+..,.• 4.+.a.ww> wwwwxw rwrw...r craw.....» wwiww ...+.......• ws•wrww. .Me+•w.rnwa _____... .M.r..e♦..r r.w.,..w www�..r •.+..+..••.�„•• +-.-+r—... «w�snw..wn +nw••w..,�w a•••sww.w+m +.+r.ru.r m+wwrw. -_..._-... ewna�M.w.ur .w�w.+�•..w w.+w.�• a...e.u.n.. ... wnw. -. --t--.- w.+u.irw .u.+..•«-r-� �.+-.wwrn. wwww+ w«++.•.w.• wr.wn.r•• KILOMETER POST SHEET TOTAL MIST COUNTY ROUTE TE TOTAL PROJECT NO. SHEETS E 05. 1 LO 0 Ck REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 4 z LU C 047187 PLANS APPROVAL DATE *, 12-31-99 � etfic AGRA A.5 Earth & Environmental, Inc. I 1290 NO h'Hancock Street Anaheim, Ca 92807 I 1 I THS:•STATE OF CAL11�ORNIA OR ITS OFFICERS OR AGENTS SHALL B-1f I I -2" NOT R RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACY` R COMPLETENESS w I I (,(3ARCIA ROAD I I OF ELECTRONIC COPIES OF THIS PLAIN SHEET. 1 1 1074� 11 NOTES: TES• I ♦ . L I I i 1 1.) SAMPLER SIZES ANIS HAMMER WEIGHTS 18Z 1 I I 1 I I4 mm I.�►, ?D mm O.D. �r5 k 6 mm 1.D.152 mm O.D. _W,5 kg As I N 100 ca 0000 U_ 0 V- M Uj ELEVATION �- E t ELEVATION W 250 N Ci E �-- < C-50 cc . ' ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE w b-1 tL ALONG C, ARCIA ROAD ELEV. ' B-2 45,5 t'trI U. �� mr►Y Dark brown SANDY SILT vnth GRAVEL, � ELEV. 246.0 m compact, large and Minute voids ;; 4#104#� >r� dark irtwr't SANDY SILT, loose toiightly 245 .,r:.. compact, large and minute voids -245 . .. 14542, RIO ii 1 X64 . 1295 _1341 Tari, fine SILTY SAID,compact IVA fA ,'� e L ;; 10 1-0771 ,vt ��9� �ci+! d►t Reddish tan, fire SANDSTONE with �0 "` 1q♦7 SILT verydense lop op 9 �a 10 M111ME1<*>MA .r♦........ ' .24 � � Light gray brown wattled SANDY CLAY, sad �4�3 • � 0• NO GROUNDWATER �. V:�Tan,'� � fir SILTY S AI�ILSTiIE Verdeme � PRACTICAL REFUSAL AT ELEV.239,6 iTtw9�37 PRACTICAL REFUSAL tit AT ELEV,238.1 �'1"a -� . . 235 � RECORD DFM WIN ,ti•° o: `: r HORIZONTAL C3C WHERE NOTED, THIS DRAWING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE VERTICAL ORIGINAL DESIGN INCLUDING APPROVED REVISIONS. THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE ACCORDING TO RE RDS SUPPLIED B giWNTRACTOR. � 2 n - ROBERTO RCE 55!56 LICENSE EXPIRES 06-30-07 � Director of Construction Management a � { 0 , , STAT-- II ' 0� . ._ GARCIA P A ) wpm 10+ 10+7th 1Q+8th JCB o. S-�" 12-1076 PLATE I Ln 000 (`.*i6RAVES C` REEK` BR1U0"" U 01 DFIAWN BY Jr . PPREPAREDFOR THE ...�... � ---- ------------- �. COREY M. �r��.SI-� 4 �� 8 - APPIVAlk ` ES C��iERSKFT ....--- R I I «. I W— h FIELD IP A TAT E 0 F CA L I F 0" rHo%0' 1 1 APROJECT ENGINEER POSIT MILE �-- � CHECK BY DAG D4l�NCKE SEPTEMBER 1 MFF UAlt-, SATEDEPARTMENT TRANSPORTATIO �. REVISION DATES (R�IEIwIMINARY STAGE L SHEET OF �. ORIGINAL �:+CAl.,E Iltl M�L,Iw.tIWIETERS DISREGARD PRINTS BEARING FOR REDLtC 0 PLANS 0 20 �40 30 100 EARLIER REVISION DATES 7-�99 w.w.,..♦.. ., ,.,.w.._.� ♦...wwry.a �..�.,. w....w....• ..,•„..r..♦ ww..w..... .�...,�.. .,..4r,♦..�. ...•....^... ..�,.._.,. .....�.... .�....�... �..,...�•, .�..�.... ..,..w..� 111 11 M 11 1 1 ----------------- --- ----------------- GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES I--MMUM MURMNTS tO6 Loafts 1.10 Definitionst T1*following words used an the drawings and/or M the 2--EARTHWORK 2.06 Fill and Backfill: 1.01 General:Details shown on structural drawings are typicat.Similar details A.Dead Load Design dead load Includes an aKowances of 35 psf for future Specifications are defined as follows. 2.01 Foundation Design; A.Materiatm awly to similar conditions. 81miunions,take precedence over state, wearing surface. A.Engineer.-References to the Engineer%hall,mean the f1m Applied Dimensions on Civil Engineering drawings shalt take pwedence over Engineering,the Civil Engineer,or any emplayea or consuttartt A.Reporb Copies of the following reports are available tor inspection at the, 1.6enerals All fill and backfill materWs are subject to acceptanm by dimAnsions on Structural drawinM and shalt govern where no S.Live Load:Design live load Includes the fdlowing 411awances. designated to act on behalf of th*Engineer,All written or telophotilc offk*of the Civil Engineer. the Ciectechnicat Engineer.Abutments shatl not be backfilled until dimensions we shown on the Structural drawings. Noteson the communication with ft Engineer shalt occur through Civil concrete has reached design strength,or at least 7 days after concrete drawfop take precedence ever Genera(Notes.Conditions requiring 1.MS20. E '*or/Owner,or directly with Applied Engineering only when so I Gootechnicat Investigatlonfiarcia Road Bridge at Graves Creek, has bw placed,whichever is later, construction different from that shown shatt be reported to the Engineer. directed by the Civil Engineer subject to acceptance by Applied State Bridge No.49C-383,Atascadoro California dated November Whenever there Is a conflict between requirements shown on ft 2.P toad at factored load tevot only�- Engineering, 20 1907 prepared by AGRA Earth and Environmental. 2.Site Material&Existing site materMs except those removed during drawings,the more stringent requirement shalt govem clearing and stripping operation are acceptable for filling and 1.02 Brack*-These Structural drawings represent t1he finished structure,and C.Lateral Load., B.Civil Eng*er.The firm of John L.Wallace and Associates. 2.Revised foundation Report,6arda Road Bridge at Graves Creek, backfilling except where import material is specificatty designated, State Bridge ft 49C-M,Atascadero,California. Site material shall be cleaned of all organic matter and irroduccible unless otherwise indicated,they do not show the method of construction, I.Seismic:Zone 4.Importance factor U. C.Gootechnicat Engineer:The firm of AGRA Earth and EnviromentaL material over 50 mm In dlamter. Provide all measures necessary to protect the structure,workmen,and S.Review of Drawings:Foundation plan,details and specifications have other persons during construction.Provide temporary bracing and 2.Wind:70 aph basic wind Mwed,Exposure 8,ktportance factor 1.0. 0.Owneri The Owner will appoint an Individual to act as the Owner's shoring for structural elements of sufficient strength and stiffness to resist been submitted to the Geotechnicat Engineer.6eatichnical Engineer shalt 3.Import materiab Grano(ar,non-expansive,free of organic matter, all Imposed toads,Including wind and solsok loads.Provide temporary 07 Substitutions: Representative. submit to the Engineer a letter confirming that these documents have been deleterWs substances and Irreducible material over 50 mm In reviewed and found acceptable as required In the report, Do not diameter,and having an expansion Index less than 20,a mh0mum barriers and lighting when necessary.Contractor Is sotely respohsibito for E.Contractort References to tto Contractor shalt mean the General Commence foundation construction until this letter has bw submitted and resistivity greater than 1000 ohm-cmo a maximum chtwWo Me above measures,and shalt engage property qualified persons to A.Whenever any structural product Is specified by proprietary name,that Contractor, accepted by the Er*eer. concentration of less than SOO ppm and a maximum sulfate content of determine where and how temporary precautionary measures shalt be specification shall be assumed to be foll6wed by the words"or less than 2000 ppm, used,and Inspect some In the fW4.Observation visits to the site by the equivalenr.TMa shall mean equivalent In every way In the opinion of the F.Drawings-References to the drawings shall mean the structoral drawings C.Observation.,The Owner shalt Patain and pay for the 6motechalcal Engineer shalt not Include observation of these measures, Engineer. prepared by Applied EngkoWng.The drawings we not for construction' Engineer,or another qualified Geolochnical Engineer acceptable to the 4.Permeable Backfill:Class 1.Type A or 8,or class 2 permeable unless signed by the Engineer what*seal appears on the drawings and Engineer,to take all field samples and do att laboratory testing necessary material complying with rmpirements of section 68-1.,02S of the 1.03 Building Codess Construction shaK conform to the applicable sections of B,Submittalst The Contractor shall submit to the Owner all documentation stamped aproved by ft building enforcement agency.The drawings am to ensure compliance of the work to those structural notes.The Cattrans Standard Specifications. the tatest edition of the following bu#dng codes,these Stfucturat Notes,, and/or samples required by the bVineer to deteirmine equivalence.Alt not for construction after the expiration date on the Engineer's seat. GwtechWcal Engineer shad submit results of att testing do"during the and to local ordinances.Whenever there Is a conflict between codes,the sud submltt*shalt be made at least 2 Weeks prior to the Incorporation Structural drawings shov only structural elements,Non-structurat come of the work to the Owner and Engineer,and shalt at the 5.Filter fabric.,Permeable,non-wove%polyester,nylon,or more stringent requiramts shall govern. All references herein to UBC of any such substitution Into the project.In no case shall any substitution elements way be shown schematically to Indicate their ralaMmho to the completion of the work certify In writing that the work performed by the polypropylene gootextite wooing a minimum of 4 oz.per square also&Wy to CBC. be made without the wTitten authorization of the Engineer.Alt submittals structure,and are des"by others. Contractor under this section complies with the requirements herein. yard. shall Include all attver substitutions or changes required In adjacent A.State of California,Department of Transportation,Standard construction and/or by other trades to ikiomplM the substitution. 6.Spocifications:References to the specifications shalt mean these Gonerat 2.02 Unexpected Site Conditionst 6.PVC Pipet Schedule 40 PVC pipe In accordance with ASTM 02729 Specifications,2002 Edition, Structural Notes and the Special Provision,The specifications apply to Instafted In accordance with applicable sections of ASTM F481, C.Payment:Any acceptance of a substitution by the Engineer sJWl not construction shown on the drawings. A.Utilitiest Some but not necessarily all utilities may be shown on the Slope 0.25X to drain to daylight. B.American Coftrate Witute,84ding Code Reqolremonts for Reinforced authorize any extension of time or additional expense to the Owner. drawings.Contractor shall locate and protect or remove ail existing Concrete(ACI 3181 Contractor shal(pay thivough the Owner for any additional testing or H.Shop Drawingm.Where Indicated,shop drawings shalt be submitted to utilitiii,both untlerground and overhead.Notify Underground Service 7.Hardware Clotht 6atyaNzed steel with 6 mm mesh and 0.63 mm Inspection of any substitution as may be r*qulreil by the Engineer. the Engineer.Prior to submittal,shop drawings shall be reviewed and Atert at least 2 days prior to excavation or pile drating operatkm. dia"tor wire, C,Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute(CRSI)Manual of Standard Practice, approved by the Contractor.Contractor's review shalt verify dimensions - 9 1.08 Revisionst Revisions shidl be made only upon direction of the Engineer. and quantities,approve means,methods and procedures of construction Sailst Allowable values;and foundation design are based upon assumed B.Preparation.-Scarify areas to be filled to a depth of 305 mm. Adjust D.American Wotd4 Society,$tructurat Wolding Cods--RoInforcing Steelt The bddhg official,bullft Inspector.and spechA Inspector%are not and Installation,and guarantee job site safety.Shop drawings may be urdform,competent,and globally stable soil conditions shown by test moisture content of scartfied surface to within 3X above optimum AWS 0% empowered to make any revisions to tM drawings or specifications.Any reviewed by the Engineer,Such review by the Engineer,If any*will only boring togs.Actual soft conditions which deviate approciably from that "store cootent and compact. revision made by the Contractor at the direction of anyone other than the be for general conformance with the design,and will not be to determine shown In the test boring togs,or w1(t require construction aWecmty E.American Institute of Steel Construction(AISC)Manual of Steet Engineer Is undertaken completely at the Contractoes risk. accuracy or completeness of ot1w details such as dimensions and different from that shown an the drawings shall be reported to the C.Fill:Fill to depth and extent shown on drawings and as specified barein. Construction. quantities,will not be to approve mean,m*thods and procedures of Engineer, 1.09 Existing Conditions: construction and Installation,nor to review job site safety,and does not 0.Placement:Place antl compact fill material In lifts not exceeding 200 mm. F.American Welding Society�Structural Welding Code-Steel,AWS D1.1. relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to comply with all C.BuriodStructures.-Contractor shalt Investigate sit#during clearing and Fitt maWat shall be within 3X above optimum moisture.M slopes shalt A.The Contractor Is presumed to have visited the site and familiarized requirements In the drawings and specifications. earthworic operations for buried structures.Any such structures not exceed 2st t94 Observation, himself with existing conditions prior to submitting a bid, emountemd shall be reported to the Engineer. L StnKtural Observationt Structural observation Is the v1sual observation of 2.07 Pile Foundationst A.The Owner WWI retain and pay the Engineer for Structural observation B.Existing grades Indicated on the drawings are approximate only. the structural system,for general conformance to the drawings at 2.03 Compaction Requirements.- as defined herein.The building official shag verify that the spedfied significant construction stages as defined herein and at completion of A.Generab Cow0y with the requir~ts of section 49 of the Caltrans structural observation Is cowoeted.Shwturat observation Is waived for E.Existing Constructiont E)dstkq construction ihown on the diswings is work on the structuralsystem.Structural observation also lrketudes review A.Reference tesh Field tests performed In accordance with ASTM 01556 Standard Specifications except that the p4*tip elevation shall not be any elements which roceivospocial inspection.The Structural observattm shown sthmatically and may not exist exactly as shown.Any existing of test and Inspection reports submitted as specified elsewhere herein. or ASTM 02922 and 034V with rtfereoce to the maximum dry density revised due to a change In diameter of the ple.Excavations for drilled program Is defined as follows,and the Contractor shall Inform,the construction or conditions encountered which require construction Structural observation does not tonstitute,detailed Inspection%.Structural determined by ASTM 0,1557. piles shall be approved by"to Gootuchnital Engkuw prior to placing Engineer 24 Mursin advance of reaching the following coastruction different from that shown shalt be reported to the Engineer.Take all observation witt be Intermittent and episodic,and will not Include concrete.Piles spaced at less than 4 pHs dameters shalt be dritted in an milestones. measures necessary to protect any existing construction to remain from continuous Inspection of every element and feature of the structural 8.Compaction raorements:Ali fill and backtitt materials sWi be alternating pattern,Concrete In each such pis shall cure at least e hours damage during construction.If such damage does occur,restore existing system.It will be limited to elements and features accessible and visible at compacted to 95X relative Compaction.Jetting of solts to obtain prior to drilling the adjacent pites. 1.Reinforcing steel in place. construction to essentially original condition as directed by the Engineer, the time of the obwvation,Structural observation does not supplant any compaction Is prohibited.AlI pwoN solls shall be removed and aspect of the testing and Inspection required herein or by the Standard replaced as directed by the Engineer,regardless of compaction test 9.Piles excavatlons%Difficult pit*Installation Is antkipated due to the 2.Concrete placing operations, 0.All struttural elements noted are new and shall be provided unless Specifications and Special Provisions.Structural observation does not f*Wt-L presence of groundwater and shallow bedrock.Side walls of friction plies spacifically noted to be oxisting, Include Inspection specified to be performed by spetM Inspectors,not shall be rough,and shall not be coated with mod.Loose material In Ow 3.Alt Structural,work completed. does It Include observation of non-strmctural elements designed by others. 2.04 Clearing and strippbV All trees,shrubs,stumps,rubbish,woods.grasso bottom of pile oxcavations shalt be cleaned using the drilling equipment. E.Mmensionst.Verify all dimensions in the field.It Is the Intent of these and all sail containing organic or other deleterious matter,shall be Further cleaning of pile excavations Is not necessary provided any S.Speclat Ingwction;The Owner shatt retain and pay for the services of a drawkqs that the new construction be installed In alignment with existing J.inspection;Inspection or Inspect shall mean observation of the work to stripped and removed from the structure site. remainling toose material does not exceed 150 mm thick,the depth of the Special Inspector,as.defined herein and acceptable to the Engineer,for construction,as Indicated.Dimensions shown are approximate only and verify substantial comptilance with the drawings and specifications ta the excavation we measured to the top at any such toast material,and the the foltowing Inspection of the following construction,Inspectors shalt shall be adjusted In the field as required to KcoA*ish this Intent. best knowledge of the inspector.Inspection does not mean absolute 2,OS 6rading: excavations we acceptable to the 6eatechnical Engineer. submit signed reports to the Structural Engineer within 2 weeks after compliance with the drawings,specifications or any code. each kapectfoh. Names of Mispettors sWt be submitted to the Engineer. F.Demolition:Comply with Section 15-1 of the StarWard Specifications and A.Cut.,Excavate to depth and extent shown on-drawings and iss sipeciffed C.Talerame;Pile excavation shall not deviate from vertical by awe than Reports shall Include notatim of dowts Inspected and deviations from the special provisions. K Special inspector:An Inspector or Inspectors retained and paid by the hopeln.Cut slopes shall nof exceed 2:1. - USX of the pit*length.Piles shall be within 75 mm of their specified the drawings.Contractor shalt advise-the Owner at least two weeks prior Owner.Special Mpector shall be acceptable to the Engineer.Special location.Piles shall be at least the specified diamoterat all sections. to the need for a Special kw#octor. 0.Adjacent structures: Inspector shot(be qualified to Inspect the particular type of construction B.Structure Excavation;Excavate for'foundations at locations,mW to tints or operation requiring special Inspection and shall be supervised by a mW dimensions shown on the drawings. Make allowances for footing V.Subsurface water and caving:$ubsurface water and/or caving may be 1.Periodic Inspection of concrete reinforcing placement and continuous 1.Protection:Contractor shall take all measures necessary to protect California Registered Civil Engineer,or shalt be a California Registered forms(if any).Drain all surface and ground water from excavatkas. encountered in any pile excavation,In such cue,the procedures Inspection of concrete placiement for all concrete elexamts design4ted existing structures from damage during construction.If such damage Civil Engineer with an area of expertise In the partkular type of Remove debris and loose material from all excavations.All too"and described ml the Special Provisions and Standard Specifications shall be on the drawNs to receive speciat Inspection.Prior to plachV does.occur,restore existing structures to essentl4tty original condition construction or operation requiring special Inspection,or otherwise pit*excavations shall be accepted by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to Implemented, concrete,inspector shalt observe size,grade,location and siming of as directed by the Engineer. qualified On the opinion of the Engineer)to Inspect the parMcutw type of placing concrete. rain-forcing steel.Alt deviations from ft drawkVs sWl b* resolved construction or operation requiring inspection. 3--COWRETE prior to p*4 concrete.Inspector shallcontinuousty observe 2.Etearancez Do not place any structure shown on these drawings concrete placement by verifying proper mix desIM placing directly against any other existing or proposed structure unless L.Testing Laboratorys A Testing Labor"i retained and paid by the 3.01 Generah All concrete wor1%shalt be done In accordance with the latest equipment,,and placing procedure including vibration.Inspector shatt specifically shown otWwise on these drawings,Provide minimum Owner.Testing Laboratory shall be acceptable to the Englow. Testing editions at the ACI Suild'ing Code(ACI 318)wW the ACI Manual of either observe or perform propawation of concrete test samples. 12 mm cia4rance between the structure shown on these drawings and Laboratory personnel shall be supervised by a California Registered Civil Concrete Practice. any such existing or proposed structuret.For example,site retaining Engineer with an area of expertise In the particular type of construction 1 2.Continuous Inspection of all field welding and shop wettling. watts and fences shall be hold a minimum of 12 mm clear of requiring testing, 3.02 Reinforcing Materiatst ASTM A706. Inspector shalt verify proper size,grade,fabrication and fit of steet structure and the space shall be filled with expansion joint filter. elements,proper weldees qualifications,and proper welding 1.11 Maintenancet The structure shown will require per�dk maintenance.The material*and procedures.Single.pass fillet welds done Ina shop Owner will w1odically Inspect,or cause to be inspecteds the structure may be periodically Inspected as follows.At the beginning of shop shown hereon,and will maintain and/or repair any decay or other fabrication,Inspector shall continuously inspect welding until satisfied damage rioted by such linspettion.Any question regarding extent of that work Is being performed In accordance with the drawings and damage or need for maintenance or repair shalt be referred to a specifications,Welding Inspector may then suspend continuous Registered Engineer.Maintenance shalt Inctudej but nof be limited to the Inspection,Welding Inspector shall also visu#Aty Inspect completed following. welds for which porlodit Inspection Is performed. A.Repair of erosion and/or scour.finish grades shown an the drawings RECORD DI;M WING CV 3.Continuous inspection of Ott dritting operations.Prior to drilling shalt be malptained. PU oporatform,Inspector shatl observe drillkig equipment for WHERE NOTED, THIS DR4 WING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE 9 conformance with thesespecifications.Inspector shall continuously S.Painting of steel structural elements aW members. ORIGINAL DESIGN UDING APPROVED REVISIONS. THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE observe pile drilling operations.Log soil profte and establish depth ACCORDING BY THE MUM of bearing layer s1hown on the drawings.Confirm plac~t C,Repair of expansion Joint filter and other joint seats. tolerance tWts and specified tip elevation or minimum depth requirement(Wuding allowance for toose material in bottom of D,Maintenance and cleaning of subsurface drain system such that It Ls excavation)ore,met. continuously functlonl% ROBERTORA LICENSE EXPIRES 06-30-07 US Coordination:Contractor shalt property supervise and coordinate all E.Replacement of decoyed,corroded,or otherwise damaged elements and work to produce a workmanlike Installation satisfactory to the Engineer. members. Director of Constniction Management In addition.the strurcturat steel subcontractor shall verify and accept location,size,and projection of all anchor bolts and other embedded elements prior to placing comrete, .......... ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN REMSIONS NO. By DAIE DESOM71ON CITY OF AASCADER0 JoHr"M L WALLACE & ASSOCIAr"ES 000- 6 A A 4 4115 So. Broad Str eet, Suite JB5 J. IN GARCIA ROAD & BRIDGE an 0'%b p.30,2005 S I NKKFR 1 Nra S Luis ispo, California 934U 1 *%N1 P.O.Box 4445 M Rero Lane#12 .119 4M I# __------- I �� 41 4F (805) 544-4011 Fax: (805) 544-4294 spi-001% N*t Son Luis Obispo,California 41403 1_7 005/544-5684 OF ChO $110 ------ DIMIGNED 8r, DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JOB NUMBER DAM. SHEET: Copyright 2003 Applied Enonwing. Ail riots reserved._Copies of this drawing shall have fMs notice. k J1. LU DMC DMC JCB 298061 30-JUN-03 7 ---------- ------ ------- 3.03 Concrete Materials: 3.13 Cast-in-place piles: A.C t:Portland,type ll.ASTM C150. A,ftwrab Comply with the requirements of section 49 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications except that the pile tip elevation shall not be 6,Aggregate-.All aggregate shard be eocuaus in accordame with ASTM revised due to a change in diaawter of the pKe.Piles are to be paurred an C209. the same day they are ftl+ed. 1.Fine aggreptes ASTM C33, B.Reinforcing Placement:Vertical pile reinfor9 dowels extending into Coarseaggra anti�tSTiM 033.20 mm cry 'i heavy mediaa pile cap shah:be completely e�t+ased by the reinforcing�►the ire cap.2. • M processed or crushed grWte aggregate. C,Concrete Placements Concrete In plea shall be placed at ae slamp of between 100 mm and' ens in dry excavations,and between 175 mm C.Water: Potable,clean,and pure.This re4uiremont applies to water used and 225 too►when concrete is placed oder water. In mix as welt as to water for aggregate waishing and for.cures. 0.Casing:Should groundwater and/err caving of pile excavation;be 0.Ready-mixed concrete.- ASTM C94, enmount+ered and should casing of the excavations will be necessary vibration of concrete shatt accur after cam is removed. F.Water reducingadmixture:Use acid-range water reducing xture of the following mmfacturer used at the maximum dosage recommended 3,14 Shap drawing*:Submit shop drawings showing mAd steel reinforcing° by the manufacturer.Adimkhn shad refte water by not less than 51d. 3,15 Testing.- 1. +estirg:1.Polyheed"7 or Polyheed R at the rate of 396 milliliters per 100 kilograms-force of Cement. A.Laboratory:The Owner shall rets a W pay for the services of a Testing Laboratory acceptable to the Engineer,why samples will be,testecd in 2.Poxxolith 300R,300N,or 322M at the rate of 330 milliliters per tag accordance with these structural note*and applicable stain dords of ASTM. kilograms-force of cement. Wart under this section to be performed by the Contractor includes the f+�ltawirvgx 3.Daracam-55 at the rate of 595 mittilit4m per 100 Mlogra -force of cement. 1.Provide a minimum of 24 how*notice to the Engineer and Testing Laboratory prior to concrete planing operations, 4.Grace WROA-64 at the rate of 390 milliliters per 100 kit -force of cement. 2.Provide access for Testing Laboratory personnel and mplpment,and coordinate and schedule concrete pours to allow for testing. F.Fly Ash:Fly ash complying with ASTM C615,clods F shalt be used to replace cement between SX and 15X by weight. 3.Provide field storage facilities as directed for c ressI ►n Cylinders. 3.04 Concrete Strength:27 Mpa at 20 clays. &Sample*For each day's pour,or each 150 yards of,concrete,or more 3.05 Concrete Consistency: Maximum 4ump "S mm per ASTIR!C143. often as directed,make gree test cytindom 3.06 Concrete Proportioning; C.Westing of samples: Test ons cylinder at 7 days and two at 20 days, A.Mix Designs 5 t for review by the En neer.Hx design shall be D.Test reports: A copy of all text reports aha€t be sated to the specific to this project. Structural Engineer. !3.Maxim water-cement ratio:+x.53 by w ° t. C."Inimum Cement Content:350 klogrm-weight per cubic rotor except concrete kr deck stab shalt have minimum 400 kilograms-weight per cubic ° tech, .r,r 3.07 4scellaneous materials.- A.Expansion joint filler:12 me thick unlass otherwise shown.Ct arty with Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint filer for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction 01onextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types),ASTM M. 0.Curing compounth Clear liquid membrane all resin,water based curing compound conforming to ASTM 0309,Type 1,Class 8.W.R. Meadows Seattight 1106 or acceptable novatent. C.Waterstapt Burke PVC Waterstop,type A8316-4 or equivalent. 3.05 Welding of reinforcing steel: Relnforcsteel shall not be heated or wetdod unless s ificcatty detailed ore the drawings or directed by the Engineer. 3.09 Lap splices:Unless otherwise shown or noted an the drawings,minimum tap soke,shalt be 50 bar diameters for#20 bars and smatter,or 90 bar dameters for#2S bars and larger,or 610 mm whichever is greater. Reinforcing bars shall not be offset at splices unless explicitly shown an 3,10 Concrete cures At exposed unformed concrete surfaces.,including formed surfaces where fomes we removed less than 7 day%anter placing cwKrete,kceop continuously wet for 7 days,or apply curing compount Apply cursing mopound immediately after finishing concrete in two coats applied perpendicular to each other at the crate of one titer per 6 square meterson each coat.Do not apply curing compound to consttructhm Joints. 3.11 Former removal= Remove forms in accordance with the following schedule: A,Walls: Mkftn T days.Wait Farms may be removed after 4 days 0 curkV is performed as spetified for unformed surfaces. SO Deck ab: Minlam 10 days provided specified strength is reached. 3x12 Vibrationt Vibrote all concrete, including concrete in the utterer 5 meters of piles,in place with as internal moc ad vibrator used by co experienced personnel. RECORD DRAWING bi WHERE NOTED, THIS DRAWING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE ORIGINAL DESIGN INCLUDING APPROVED REVISIONS. THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE ACC C SUPPLIED BY THE QDNTRACTOR, ROBERTO S ...._..RCE3At2woA LICENSE EXPIRES 06-30-07 Director of Construction Management CM �a ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN REVISIONS CITY OF AJASU­�ADERO JOHN L. WALLACE & A� Sul"' CIAT-r's N. 07 "'BY WE DESCMPTM Lo 4115 So . Broad Street, Suits B5 40 APR P &W I rz P - GARU"JA ROAD & BRIDG ENOS INKER I NO S • is Obispo, California 93401 Sp.30, 00 a P.O.Sono 4445 708 Floro Laos#12 (805) 544-401 1 Fax: (805) 544-4294 San Luis Obispo,California M/544� 0k *� �� CA0t�,� .. Copyright @2003 Applied Enotering. All rias reserved. Copes of this drawing shalt have this notice. DMC DMC JCB 298061 30—JUN-03 S I I f . I . Qf{i f f . F I ! I 3! f f . 1 j f € i - I _I r 1 { 2 e r' ( ; { . I : . I I I ; i r ' t . a t J# 1 ; t " t f i t i1 (t I f.. f a I i TOE GRADWO AND FENCE LOCA TION 1 ' I r •! " I ' , t: : I 1.`. WT "1 THE SHAD. AREA S€PER'I�' DES i ' ,',fI,; i t : ! . �:.t r. ,►•.t i"" � USS��Jl/f{{jj}}t5jjj` \w)�j/J�(�µq(� {�Jrt(` ,,. yyG��+ w�p tlprr��jjj/�/�1y(���pj��,�++ i I "t 4 ..r t f ' I.''l,r'' •1 iI t ' .^ ADING Ms rM rtlP O .✓rJt•+•M'/!V'�tY F I t„♦ ,t S• "'• 1 ! ., i� ' 1 I :.... , : : ' , • ': PLAN SHEET 3, AT 7 IS LOCATION , ' ` •; 11 1. I ` t' „ I ^,v...Na,,..,•.w,..,. ",N ,,,.N,..a.«...,..„.•.., I r•,"r �t ` •i,1't .'l' t ! �• "' r i ,• r , t r tr; 11 ORWAMMOM .-0 I .1 I i � I ml*anwwa�l --�----------- i 111ME - � M -.- I ---_- . klwpftmauulft�­______ ­________ norAmwomm,------..-,----------.--� . , I • •}. .,I', a `f." r 1 '' , !♦ «\y�',�y ,• I, I . , , f i I•,.r ,.+, Y, I ( 2 5+ > I it r" .'i4� ,', L� ! ' 1 1 I 1 I i.rr j t�1J f , } n •'F` i/ t I // " • f j . i i ' '1. 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GROUP TREES.• t' ! :y, , , w„.,wa•aa.•, / ,x' r• ' ;11•"r +" :t,:". r •i 71 7.+/ i i'l\r"4'Vr s' ! f ,` f i f` r, j r.17 1 r r r' � a„,........ .,.. ,,. , ,,.. r + r r r f i. ';`•' ' REQUIRED EC3 T�3 REMOVED C 'VED�aHALL DIJT STACKED Eb { r11 . J " ,. } 5 P J it i ' Jr f ..,.. ! J. r ,• ,� I 1. t I ^ ...._ J)' ,•J'.'/r' r, ` . '' ..I ,.JI.. i � J AT A LOCATION CONVENIENT"TCS THE OWNERS AS DETERMINED r; 11 '�I, s f �� r t 1, , r ,' rt• I .,, ,r "... ,..�,,...,rt,. ...j, i,•IL,i,,0r.' .,.+%„:.1'+x._:..5 S•t•i•,w••.o.1 .,,.,w, v....,.,. f,, y."; n+......-.«- ....,., ,.sl+..•N. r p (fir I 11 F. �' l T" K • ` t• t ;'r• w ."j sr ,1�1T TI'"I �`J "" I }�FF1tY1i . �. . 1. t I ,+r r, ,(s Pt• /•'! 'o!l.J N" .1 } 11 � ,•,J;rJ• -, �;.•r` e MAINTAIN DRAINAGE AWAY FROM TREEw r r , , , ` -.; ;,. I r'1,\.•J j „ 4 TREE S-26 IS DESIGNATED TO BE SAVED. "THS.CONTRACTOR WILL I t' r "' f 'I. i• f' ; I ! ,r. %'','.�•yr•r ,, .'.'�.r, rr ;1t�'r J 1 i r �f/ J J ^ : t' I :'rty':-:r..•.•,.:' .r r,J. / i - t RECEIVED �/ty BONUS w.}.�,yt� FOR +�1,1��t 1/y■Oy�y��,.�1 THIS �+.a r! t r ,.�. .y • Yr' 'r \ !' Il% r .tMw�ItIJ�aY►•!'"� V"f� ! 'vr�O 1 Y Y it V M R �'N✓� r t r r' ,f,.r ,t,"' , "r;•'r,7,'`'''•r. ''r,h r + ! ,S i J r !11 !i t J. r f1 r' r {ry '•` , ," ��r`w(,:J vr'�1 tt t d .Y•. 1, i• tf'+•• t,S,..,: .,J• 'G �r 1, ti.,v+r,." t I J. :, .' ,.11 t I ,i• r 11 ".r;»�. ♦,;,tJ""•'.•kY r'•rt'r. f ••r° i . t'" i' .`:i r J' rr' •. r .:•• ¢J,%:,..'I. -,,e,4,, ,�,>� ;.,,',; ,•'•• 1 %r % ! r•t" 1 r f ( fir„ .1.,'. .+er •r `. 'r t r i ! •'`' rr '!•7 I J '' t .' /I+« .w,,r•r'• a •��y r',; •� r` JJ (rt r• J' .�,, . rr i +, r .rwr' , T ,tiR" r 'a.-,• r _11 ...� 'tv 1'"' [iff i i,., • , I J.,$.: It"•r aw,;.,..nn•.I.",.,..0 ..,"l."....'-.... v , ., --_.."...",....11.. , r ,., ,` ?' 'r' r+ , /./,/' ',r"/I ' !' �. ,.�. . . ., LEGEND 'I, I �0#fflm%kl. . I , .1 . . . I E CONDITIONS " , ",.IV REMOVED TREES Eli ARWItI T NUMBER GRAPHIC SCALE � , . I . ...01-4%. .� I - - ­ - ­_ - ­ ,-"-.,-,, - 1011111 -­___ -41M-- TRUW , _ -_-_ --- --W I . --" 1111111 " '8 'N SAVED'TREES BY GRIST NUMBER � METERS ) 9a,,,., """"" # ill A it.. 1111,11 ­N�� a 2qw SLG 'QC*% 100" 21 4� �' 4 # "15% G I�$n � N� ovori .. ti>I Imo. � � ►.... PROTECTION FENCE # l- �.__= - I 01 - M 1. . � N� Lod C 2 V "00-00- ` + rn0. No �. 3 t + VC's I '�6% G I�+� No ����. I a ` "Mw tfy+tP�'% ■ [ R R 1-11 1- �✓71. 26 �f*M' so 3 ! '40r w,r,.2060" I 14 4 R 100' " 2 ' �.oS 3 R 1 "WOOM - 13 R 100nomT1. 29 . LO 1 3 1 16 GOtt F. Y RECORD DRA WING 10 vo # vtvpqlo� f , i , � o pre r ► + 0. S01". 0 irE c »� + d WHERE NOTED, THIS DRAWING INDICATES SOME CONSTRUCTION WHICH DIFFERED FROM THE t 3.. 4 R " '� ' � ORIGINAL DESIGN INCLUDING APPROVED REVISIONS. THE MODIFICATIONS SHOWN ARE 7' I 1 OO N L 5 4 1 16% Iw N� " *f ywy0,0� " I%�� �;a� " Att ACCORDING , , �D BY THE C�TOR. '�' 1 No A*Tyr+rv,��<�a JILA44 OW .OAK 4»� w,a�:PO�r�wa�ne�a,�� oJ st« 1M�Ac 1A1�i�l '' la a!AfDN�dY�i6�k'~I �?kOW M�1bYt V040 '. 's•,?mecw+a:rMIt, s 10*4x+c40w Row ►"ft"ar 9"014 ROSERTO SANCHEZ JR., LICENSE E'XPIRE'S 06-30.07 ? VCS 30 4 C i6 F Director of Construction Management - VG i 2 1 1 G Emb d B Ire FAM^0`00-44" -I q�- 142emm REVISIONS Wo I I _-_L0._____ --------- t In NO B A -AAM l I U 7_1 0 .__ + . f is 0V�t xx"^+*`+ A7:1?@ "..; 0440WOMR.� ^►f.,1'.r 4rw+"N,.¢ .1 I «w/"" l • CITY- �� � ATASCAD.....n " ­ � : . aa, ; � �s� a �. ,,,r....fj�:s /6NUJ. Yi" {7 ..>,J1R fJC�J g�UCTiON 20rW � .t , TREE �'R�►TE Tl O AND MITIGATION P1 AN 5^o Ii IMN�tX�'dW 9VA#:1�ist�.lik41lfCitit4 II OMaf.�m MEGHR FIIE�111MR �4� +� * . $«$ 1 W tw t�Y1Nt+� TO f)w4;illi PLAWNS MURi,IC Y�C7Alt1�AGFiIk!$t10At1gN +w.,,,,. ... sUk'.'�5({td�ttii!Owf la?" o. 9 i� � � I . G"' Al`�.C I A vR 0 A D & "D` R I DN G E , alas 8f*A0 0TMv SUM TJ-5 Exp.$?9." *� SAN LUIS C OW0.CA 03401 ,,, DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY- CHECKED BY: JOB NUMBED SCALE- SHEET; . 'fes E3 J8 0t23--1 1.- 200 1 OF 2 . 0,. i JI( tir=f+ :,:`,4.. .\,i ., tl II " ! i ! I t } = 1 ' vw. .'t,:J, i 1 , '�F:,ate d 1 ; • _ .. ° j 1 J "t f 1 I 1 1 _ r f :iE1, . +t `.. , 1 , ,. t,• • : ! I rot : r' Jtl,+} ,r I I 1 t .1 5 , , / J 3 tt f 'i i r 't'y , ! 1 ''t t , , 5 st 1' i - .r....... " 1111...,,.... ,.w r1..r....... +, .„ .... v.. ,...r...-r.r.,..".,.,.,Y . .„„ , r ! I tr+ . It '~ ✓ a. ; i 1 E r t '' \�> ti t ', t i ,r r ,,,,,""'^"' # t r '' 4 y L / i d :.. 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AMP :I �1111.. ` i 1�� I��' I rr•" "A, i Y""^Z-�'i":. �j"+'+„r~.f: < r"w L✓I Imo(. .,....... .A N WI/"'Ar' P'1.J'^`C,Z-r0'1'5..I3F ~ I E I .,rn"+•+""r'"'•r'"• r..,, {iI:,t. b t.n .rr Z:,.w.___,l`•�,.,'-,•"'-0..• -. r 1111, f I . 5 E� �, ri I f a L. 1✓ !4^" l'i1_L f I NST/'�L.L. �-IlGr1 Mi Irl. 3C�V�. I . I A„�•r" PI r- r 1 1 I d1- ;s" I '� '"�{ t 1:1�t :1 fµ'r' I C T T fi"'I t" r' J - 1�'f r fi� I l�ll�kl�ti l_I._ L_C P ""Y ', �'1 1�T i t Tf Epi ' 1=�1 'I .. ... �tl t 1-i w rT c 1 N'�' ;:�1= t i l;a 1�}r l I✓ r �'�• ,+ ,,w+-' �11. � ,. ' PLANT1 NS Pi`I" ' .. � Ut� L111i� C .A ANt� I�.�� fitA'F f I ({ MJF 2, � � ,�, �''�.�~" �=: =-n;.;� C.)R.INA(3f� `�4 i�+�,C.�KFI1.._�.. MIX PER, SPF ,IF16r�twl 1GN t �i f'` �"� JA», , , I ( r I , I , -5 FINISH '..+3RAPEr' t0,P OF Ml.1i._OH ., r � i � i ,, �) 1 I �� 1t� U�IJ�'ki�If�hDED NA?•IVE' 5011 5C.,A A I�.,.I� � T'f��'� I:I �•lJT �L•.C��`f� 1��'I-Ill."L..., ��l�f� �1'"I'f� 4 1 r �„ /-_.,N -` ``'�'��'°r��``•`'.''�t\�� � "�, `�''`" ''��`,, I ro 'r. 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Ar w+wT w,� �F ,gin..« J ,,'...",,, ..r LL .. X..iwl•.. �-p: ) .,� 1N ► 1 I •• -I I �..". f .. .,.., . I!-�-.-I ! - -i ; I I i � 1 I f �.� '�'` i �.���R, T'�' � �Nl��;�1� T�.�� f'��.i� 51� 1J �'�J�"�T'i N� 4 j TOP OF t�'l!b-1'>1 � -_- I f 1.ETAI L_5 FOO, t` PI"_�1 T1�1�<1J�,i__ f='l.1���1 T f�lc� I N�t}I�.1�IA f ISN . t !� T fiLJP�t 'i`fr; I= IG7 iUl. lL.. F' 1' f=,l:'Tf-fI N, ,M� PLANTIN UNLE55 AU�TI•��'RIZE-0 ti f' l ' f� �F _r "„� t „1111._,. �, °..� �. �: 1 - �.�� IT-i-; ' 'AL - ' `� � Lt '" "` rT',�IL --- I�t 'L ►l'�' ` ?et '�`�"` ,`�''; _, i I�1 I�/I f . � f,., ,• '1 IN; �i�J it .r.--.� :�_ '�,..,1' 1 :r Tr - i fl T'. ( W'V1"I O N S - T Y � .�) I N5'I"ALIw. ONE REQ 'I E �+ IL .� ,�'�,q��8�'/� r��. �� a�lTe a1-�c�I�TI�r� , ^., ._.v.__ \". 00F�� �T TREE PLANTING & IRRIGAiTION PLtAtN & DETAIL. PLANNNO P�USIX 4i6O"AD7 IMITMAliAP 'SAIL - REMOTE NT L VALVE � L I-BUBBLER -ST 11$11AtilA08M�IM SUIT96.6 Exp.09- '06 ,� �D � Q� �► s. -a . KNE X > a sa x ° a� 4 ``�""`•`'� I�ESIGNIFi) Y. 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