HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 - Santa Lucia and Venado IC2nstruction Notes 1. No construction shall be staited without plans and/or permits approved by the City of Atascadero, COMICU Engineerinp/Buildigg Dpartment.(Cit y), The City shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to starting construction. Any constructi6n. done without approved plans or prior notification to the County,will be rejected and will be at the Construct Typ;.�B asphalt concrete pavement per City Standard Spec. 4.03.contractor's and/or owners risk and expense. ils engineer based upon R-value Structural section shall be determined by so nent soil.2. All construction work shall conform to the City standards and specifications and all work shall be subject to the testing of base,approval of the City Builditig Department. 02. Saw-cut line,, plin I foot inside existing AC 3. Grading shall comply with the rec6mmendations of the preliminary soils report b A y gutter per City Std.418 Face of curh to be 20 feet to CL Construct 6' w/1 8 soils engineer shall su rt y that all grading has been completed in conformance with these pervise the construction and ce if and the recommendations of the preliminary soils report. Contractor plans and specifications, Chapter 33 of the U.B.0 AIN 04. Construct .5 foot sidewalk per City Std. 419 shallmaintain dust control at all times, All exposed slopes shall be hydroseeded with Cit y approved seed mix or equal. 4 Construct 16 foot residential driveway approach per City Std. 423 4. Earthwork Estimate: Cut:4,�;O C.Y. Fill: C.Y.Note: Exact shrinkage, consolidation, and subsidence factors and losses due to clearing operations are not included. 1704/"tv, i!P 4 ace and proposed finish ds Estimated earthwork quantities are based upon the difference between existing ground surf grades, or subgrades as shown on the plan and should vary accorditig to these factors. The contractor shall be responsible for site inspection and quantity take off, and shall bid accordingly.5, Soils tests shall be done in accordance with City.standards and specifications. All tests must be done within 50 rA 4 4 A 14 0 W (�Irl '5rV (007 days prior to placing of material. Test results shall clearly indicate the location and source of all material. Merve, MO Arnl� OWTUA L, W4 6. Compaction tests shall be done on subgrade material and material placed as specified by the County Said tests I7-T i��shall be completed by a certified soils engineer and approved by the City prior to the placing of the next material. 4971&4 1 �k �AVJCf 1" ,UOPVt tXW46 PA(AWtAff /A�JWA)CY IV e00t40e 000 4. 4 if 00 W 4*Aoletva o�r- a; I Amie 077 bot below. 4f4l 7. Subgrade material shall be compacted to a relative compaction of 95% in the roadway prism and one f It , I �3�WT,POO" &Ive ry 421 Aw.4# All material in fill sections below the zone mentioned above and in the sidewalk sections shall be compacted to 90% 4 i r sw/n relative compaction. A.8. A registered civil engineer must certify that the improvements, when completed, are in conformance with the approved plans prior to the request for final inspection. "'As-built or"record"plans are to be prepared after construction tis complete. The civil engineer certifying the improvements and preparing the as-built plans shall be present when the A4.-0"4 LU rw Gr-,& 70 final inspection is made. > 41 3 T per shall be responsible for scheduling a pre-construction meeting with the County and other affected M L Z M.> 0 t. 9. he develo Ac cies. The contractor shall notif _g rf rm art agen y the City at least 24 hours prior to any work bein pe o ed, and st of 0 06 Pes construction.0 Z 0 WX cc 5,-r miret lu 10. An inspection agreement is required prior to the issuance of an encroachment permit'and start of construction. �R, � I 11 , "- -1 'A . J 0 Z An effort has been made to define the location of underground facilities within the job site. However, all existin nd their location where shown is approximate. .......------utility and other underground structures may not be shown on this plan a fA3W&J1_The construction contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and complete responsibility for locating or having located --------------- an all underground utilities and other facilities and for protecting them during construction. -.T% S cl,.` 41'CUR Aftl 70 12. Alfiitilitv companies must be notified prior to the start of construction. The construction contractor shall contact Underground Service Alert (USA) at 1-800-642-2444, 2 to 10 days prior to the start of excavation, and shall verify will be present during excavation.the location of any.known utilities whether or not a representative of each company ................... .....................---------13. A City encroa.chment.permit is required for any work in the_public riht-of-way., VICIARrY 04P IVE,4:7R&rA lcm '114, my ,W/C 7 P0 14. The City Mispect.or, a I cting on behalf of the Engineering/Building Department, may request revision in plans to ta�_ Alf///..o,- 1 Z a woe 10 ject to the a imo solve unforeseen problems which my arise in the field. All revisions are su� pproval of the des�jgn engineer. A,-IF d--*it-- ------- -------an es-,Wji& evi e nt or -mai ain a-(urrent-,comp, e,I iiid i6Cuiat ii 1"of-0,�,h 15. itrucilk n.co r- "irose _eW .......... ...........................rii e engineei ......n th I Vr6 Fal_oT iF-_CFt_y�1n_d.­th__,_J6-sigiii -------for re i��S,s --.be-- e--,,Tbased'.1 ipon MU-1 ReW cturat-- I --d Vexi Mnd-n.. fie:RN RMe-of'the tig-sc -1 7-MMU ...........y_-t index de -ddd t -W-*-e-e-r hgDiip- �&O__17 M-AP I .............- ------n -------17. VU-M ymlimi alons,-a id/oural teratio 9 spj 5rigibilit,�.,-_-ofAhdde q jerath s-exper A4 m WO VJ 4 4 ent I ntme 771VM"PV or 11 M thel ate --- -------- U7 the or Ad ojp� inec r and,tl ie-'ity. 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