HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1998-038 RESOLUTION NO. 1998-038 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO RATIFYING THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments was created by a Joint Powers agreement between the Cities and County of San Luis Obispo; and WHEREAS, any amendments require ratification by member agencies; and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments Board on August 5th approved minor clean-up and clarifying amendments for ratification by member agencies; NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby ratify the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments Joint Powers Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement, and forward it to the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments. On motion of Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay, and on the following roll call vote,to wit: AYES: Council Members Clay, Johnson, Lemo, Luna and Mayor Carden NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The foregoing resolution is hereby adopted on this 13th day of October, 1998. ATTEST: CITY OF ATASC D O r C 4� MARCIA M. TORGERSON HAROLD L. ARDEN, III City Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: R A. HANL Y, Ci Attorney :.S=an L u: s Obis. o Counc.ii --,.-.G yerr mems ' Arroyo Grande , ... -Regional Transporiation`llanning Agency ,: Atascaderp Grover Beach Metropolitan Planning Organization Morro Bay . •' Paso Robles, Census Data Affiliate - Pismo Beach • San Luis Obispo ' Ronald L.`ocr,rl;._Execuribe Director Service Authority for.Freeways and Expressways Snn Luls Obispo county JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT .: OF THE SAN LUIS•OBISPO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS WITNESSETH... THIS JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 17th-day of.January, 1976,'and amended on November 4, 1982, September.19- .1984i:July 19, 1.990,-June.. 0, 1992, June 2, 1993, Jun e::8; 1994; acid August 5,'1998 by,and among such of the incorporated cities of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, EI Paso•de' Robles,'Grover..Beach, Morro Bay, Pism6 Beach;.and San Luis Obispo, all being municipal corporations of the State of.Califomia'a'nd located within the boundariesof the County of San.Wis,•Obispo, California, as 'may-'execute this:Agreement, hereinafter called "CITIES," and the' County of San Luis Obispo, a body politicand corporate and ' a subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter called "COUNTY,"as*follows:. .WHEREAS, Section•6500; et.seq., of the California Government Code (Title 1; Division 7, Chapter 5,'Article. 1) provides -for agreements• between two. or more public..agencies to,,jointly exercise any power common to the contracting parties; subject to certain.mandatory:provisions contained therein; and WHEREAS;the City of San Luis Obispo by virtue of its charter; and the other.incorporated cities in the County, parties hereto, by virtue of Sections 65600-through-'65604 inclusive; of the. Califomia'Govemment Code have the joint and mutual power to create•an area,planning council; and WHEREAS, COUNTY . AND CITIES did., in .1968;. jointly execute 6n, 'agreement establishing such a planning:council and now-wish to amend.and supersede-the same; and WHEREAS;.Section 29532,..Califomia*Govemment.C6de; proyides.that'such a.Planning and.Coordinating_ Council shall'be designated the Reg'ional.:'Transportation Planning:.Agency •(RTPA)to art in matters of transit and transportation planning; and WHEREAS,;•it is'desirable that a single agency be created by and with the consent of (CITIES and'.COUNTY to 661'se,-pian:for, and'suggesfaolittions to common problems, assist in : .the.preparatio. n o(:plans and.programs by.:utilizing planning .talents..and-genera :-.pa s.-of the various governmental jurisdictions in...the County;and of�experts in various other: ,fields':and to coordinate their efforts,'and WHEREAS, creation of such an agency and action.by it'.upon certain:plans and programs is necessaryao cctMplywi. requirements of.federal and stater legislation in or..der to.:participate in the ahocafion and'disbursement of state and federal funds °which may•be:desiredby COUNTY and:CITIES in the implementation of'plans and programs.which have been approved,by,.the, respective go'veming tiodies. 4•.' i NOW,.THEREFORE,-it rs agreed:asffollows I I Cn.n:__ c._ 0— -)A' 0 r nhs�.,,; ('A O 2dM TPl lRr1G\'7R 1_d710�i4,i 1 _ SLOCOG JOINT PONVERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.2 I. PURPOSE The member cities and county have joined together to establish the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments for the following purposes:. 1. As a Regional Agency,address issues of mutual concern to the county and the cities in the San Luis Obispo region, and satisfy federal and state planning and programming mandates. 2. Provide a f&um for planning, discussion, and study of areawide issues; prepare and adopt regional plans and programs; serve as the regional agency for federal and state programs and funding opportunities; and address other areawide issues based on the desires of the member jurisdictions. 3. Represent member jurisdictions as planner, programmer, and broker in developing an efficient and effective multi-modal transportation system that provides for the mobility needs of people, goods, and services while protecting the environment. 4. Maximize state and federal funding and facilitate the development, coordination, and implementation of local, and regional transportation programs to improve mobility and air quality. 5. Establish and operate a call box program in the County. These purposes are to be achieved through the following methods: 1. Administer the Joint Powers Agency (JPA) as the Council of Governments (COG), the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO),the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA), and the Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (SAFE)for San Luis Obispo County. 2. Allocate applicable federal, state, and local transportation funds to member jurisdictions consistent with appropriate federal and state statutes, policies, and regulations, and adopted board policies and criteria. 3. Conduct a continuous, cooperative, and comprehensive inter-modal transportation planning and project programming process that satisfies federal and state requirements. 4. Facilitate and monitor the assessment, coordination, funding, utilization, and improvement of an .effective and efficient inter-modal transportation system that satisfies the 'existing and projected mobility needs of the region. 5. Develop and operate a Countywide call box system in coordination and cooperation with the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS). 6. Serve as the Regional Census Data affiliate to analyze and disseminate socio-economic . and demographic data for integration into local and regional studies and plans. 7. Discuss and study area-wide problems of mutual interest and concern to the cities and county and facilitate the development of.policies and action recommendations for the solution of such problems. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.3 Il. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (SLOCOG) Upon the effective date of this agreement the parties hereto reaffirm the establishment.of the San Luis Obispo.Council of Governments hereinafter, SLOCOG, a separate and distinct public entity, as the agent to exercise the common powers provided for in this Agreement, and to administer or otherwise execute this Agreement. When originally established, SLOCOG was known as the San Luis Obispo County and Cities Area Planning and Coordinating Council, subsequently renamed respectively: the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG), the San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council (SLOACC), and back to SLOCOG. SLOCOG, as successor entity to the original COG established in 1968, insofar as its predecessor entity has been designated, and insofar as legally authorized shall function as: ' 1. An Area Wide Planning Organization (APO), as designated by the U. S. Department of Housing and County Development (HUD); 2. A Council of Governments (COG), as designated by the Governor of the State of California; 3. A Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) as designated by the Secretary of Business and Transportation Agency of the State of California; 4. A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) as designated by the U. S. Department of Transportation; and 5. A Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (SAFE) as designated by the County of San Luis Obispo and a majority of cities with a majority of population. 6. A Census Data Affiliate as designated by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. III. POWERS The San Luis Obispo Council of Governments hereinafter called "SLOCOG," is hereby created as a voluntary agency pursuant to applicable provisions of the California Government Code with the power to carry out the purposes hereinabove stated and to implement the approved annual work program, including the power to: contract for goods and services; provide for employment of necessary personnel, experts and consultants; accept gifts, loans, and grants; acquire, hold and convey real and personal property; incur debts, obligations and liabilities; sue and be sued; and administer the affairs of SLOCOG hereby created in accordance with this Agreement. Pursuant to Section .6508.1, California Government Code, it is hereby declared by COUNTY and CITIES that the debts, liabilities and obligations of the SLOCOG shall not be the debts, liabilities and obligations of any of the parties to this Agreement, except as otherwise provided herein. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.4 IV. MEMBERSHIP 1. Membership in SLOCOG shall be voluntary, but only the County of San Luis Obispo and all cities incorporated in the, County of San Luis Obispo presently or in the future, are declared eligible for membership in SLOCOG. 2. Representatives of the COUNTY and CITIES shall be appointed to serve on SLOCOG in accordance with procedures established by each of the governing bodies of the member agencies. Delegates to SLOCOG, referred to as "Board Members", shall consist of the five members of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo from time to time in office and of one member from the governing body of each incorporated city within the boundaries of the County of San Luis Obispo which is a party to this Agreement, with each incorporated area being limited to one representative. Representatives shall serve so long as they hold office with their member agency or until they shall resign or be removed by a majority vote of their respective governing bodies. Vacancies '• among representatives shall be filled in the same manner as the first appointment. The Director of the California Department of Transportation, District 5, or his/her appointee, may sit as an ex officio member of the Board. He or she shall receive all meeting notices and agendas, have the right to participate in Board discussions, and have the right to request matters on the agenda, but shall not be counted towards a quorum of the Board and shall have no vote. 3. Member city agencies may elect to have an alternate member(s) from their city council in addition to any official member, but said 'alternate(s) shall be able to vote only in the absence of the official representative. 4. Designation of the official representative or alternate(s), or changes thereto, shall be transmitted in writing to the Executive Director of SLOCOG by the appointing city. 5. In addition to the incorporated cities presently a party to this Agreement, any other city which may hereafter be incorporated within the boundaries of the County of San Luis Obispo and which may desire to participate in the activities of the SLOCOG may do so by executing this .Agreement without prior approval or ratification of the named parties to this Agreement and shall thereafter be governed by all the terms and provisions .of this Agreement as of the date of execution. 6. Membership shall be contingent upon the execution of this.Joint Powers Agreement. V. OPERATION 1. The powers of SLOCOG are advisory to the member agencies which execute this Agreement except for those actions mandated by state or federal law for the processing of applications submitted'by any of the member agencies for federal and state grants or funds which require action by SLOCOG. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit in any manner the power of any of the parties to initiate and complete a local project within their respective jurisdictions with their own funds. It is understood, however, that the recommendations of SLOCOG may have the effect of precluding any favorable action by an agency of the state or federal government in support of such a project if other than local financing is sought, as determined by the respective state or federal agency under law, regulations and policies applicable to them. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.5 2. Except as otherwise provided herein, there shall be no costs incurred by SLOCOG pursuant hereto, other than expenses of its members, which are to be borne by their respective entities, and the cost of services by the officers and personnel of the respective entities to said SLOCOG, upon.approval of such services by the governing bodies hereof, shall likewise be borne by the.respective entities. All costs incurred by SLOCOG performing functions as the MPO and RTPA for San Luis Obispo County as designated by the State shall be paid out of the transportation fund established pursuant to Section 29530, et seq., Government Code as provided for therein, and State and Federal planning funds. All costs incurred by SLOCOG performing functions as the SAFE. for San Luis Obispo County, as designated by adopted local resolutions, shall be paid out of the SAFE fund established pursuant to Section 2550, of the Streets and Highway Code as provided for therein. 3. Costs of SLOCOG for each fiscal year which are necessary for the ordinary operation of SLOCOG, including but not limited to salaries, office space, furniture, and services and supplies shall be set forth in the budget as part of the annual work program of SLOCOG and shall be funded from designated funds as approved by SLOCOG and applicable state and federal agencies. Extraordinary costs as recommended by SLOCOG shall be borne by contributions from the member entities as approved by their governing bodies. Costs of all other extraordinary activities undertaken by SLOCOG as the. Areawide Planning Organization shall be set forth in the budget as part of the annual work program and shall be funded from contributions from member entities as approved by their governing boards or from designated funds as approved by SLOCOG and/or applicable state and federal agencies. 4. The annual work program and budget, when adopted, shall be the basis for operation of SLOCOG for the fiscal year. Any deviation from the work program affecting the budget shall be approved by SLOCOG. Any extraordinary costs which have not been funded as part of the COG, MPO, RTPA and SAFE budget requiring local contributions, shall be returned to the member agencies for approval. 5. For purposes of conducting business, there shall be present a quorum consisting of a majority of representatives, including one (1) COUNTY representative. No action shall be effective without the affirmative votes of a majority of those present. However, eight (8) affirmative votes shall be required for taking any action in the event any agency demands such a: vote. The representatives to SLOCOG shall adopt such procedures as are consistent with this Agreement and necessary to conduct the business of SLOCOG in an orderly manner. VI. OFFICERS 1. Officers. The officers of SLOCOG shall consist of a President and Vice President elected for a term of one year by a majority vote of member agency representatives to SLOCOG. 2. Both the President and Vice-President of SLOCOG shall be elected at the January meeting. 3. The officers shall serve until their successors are elected. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.6 4. The duties of the officers shall be as follows: a. President: 1) Shall:preside over all meetings of. SLOCOG .and the Executive Committee as Chairperson. 2) Shall appoint all standing committees. 3) Shall exercise general supervision over all activities of said SLOCOG. 4) Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. 5) Shall execute all contracts and legal documents on behalf of SLOCOG.. b. Vice-President: 1) Shall serve as President Pro-tem (delegated to temporarily serve as chair) in the absence of the President. 2) Shall give whatever aid is necessary to the President-in administering SLOCOG. 3) Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. 5. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of either the President or Vice-President upon said officer's death, resignation, removal or his/her ceasing to be an official representative of / a member city of the County of San Luis Obispo, such vacancy will be filled by majority vote of the ; SLOCOG with the officer elected to serve for the balance of the unexpired term. VII. PERSONNEL AND SERVICES 1. Executive Director. The Executive Director shall be selected by, and shall serve at the pleasure of and upon the terms prescribed by the SLOCOG Board. The powers and the duties of the Executive Director are to: a. Serve as the chief administrative officer for SLOCOG and to be responsible to SLOCOG for the administration of all SLOCOG affairs. b. Supervise and direct the preparation of the annual work program and budget to SLOCOG and be responsible for its implementation after adoption by SLOCOG. . c. Attend meetings of SLOCOG Board and act as Secretary to.the SLOCOG Board. d. Disburse all funds in accordance with the policies of the County-Treasurer and the County Auditor/Controller and the budget and work program adopted by SLOCOG. e. Prepare and submit to SLOCOG periodic financial reports and prepare a written year end report reflecting activities of the preceding fiscal year, said year end report to be distributed to each of the participating member bodies. f. Appoint, supervise, suspend, discipline, or remove SLOCOG employees subject to policies and procedures adopted by SLOCOG. g. Maintain' a record of all financial transactions, correspondence and reports of SLOCOG. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.7 h. Contract and assure completion of an annual fiscal audit of SLOCOG and a triennial performance audit of SLOCOG. I. Perform such other duties as SLOCOG may require in carrying out the policies and direction of SLOCOG Board. j. Maintain custody and control of' all property' of SLOCOG, other than monies and securities. 2. Legal Counsel. The San Luis Obispo County Counsel's Office shall serve as legal counsel at the pleasure of SLOCOG Board and shall be reimbursed for services rendered. 3. Treasurer. The Treasurer of the County of San Luis Obispo shall be the Treasurer of the SLOCOG ; Treasurer shall: a. Receive and receipt all money of SLOCOG and place it in the treasury of San Luis Obispo County to the credit of SLOCOG. b. Be responsible for the safekeeping and disbursement of all SLOCOG money held by him/her. c. Pay any sums due from SLOCOG, from SLOCOG'S funds held by him/her or any portion thereof, upon warrants of the SLOCOG controller designated herein. d. Verify and report in writing as soon as possible after the first day of July, October, January, and April of each year to SLOCOG the amounts of monies he/she holds for SLOCOG, the amount of receipts since his/her last report, and any interest accrued to those funds. e. Invest funds. SLOCOG shall reimburse the Treasurer for the actual cost of services rendered. 4.. Controller. The Auditor-Controller of the County of San Luis Obispo shall serve as the Controller at the pleasure of the SLOCOG.Board and shall be reimbursed for services rendered. The Controller shall: a. Draw warrants to pay demands against SLOCOG when the demands have been. approved by the COG Board and/or the COG Executive Director. He/She shall be responsible on his/her official bond for his/her approval of disbursement of SLOCOG money. b. Keep and maintain records and books of account under the custody of the Controller on the basis of generally accepted accounting practices. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.8 C. Make available all such financial records of SLOCOG to a certified public accountant or public accountant contracted by SLOCOG to make an annual audit of the accounts and records of SLOCOG. The minimum requirements of the audit shall be those prescribed by the State Controller for special districts under Section 26909 of the Government Code and shall conform to generally accepted auditing`standards. SLOCOG shall reimburse the Auditor/Controller for the cost of services rendered. 5. Bond Requirements a. The Executive Director and such other employees of SLOCOG as may be designated by the COG Board, shall file with SLOCOG an official fidelity bond' in a sum determined by the Council .as security for the safekeeping of SLOCOG property entrusted to such employees. Premiums for such bonds shall be paid by SLOCOG. b. The County Treasurer, and Auditor-Controller.shall be bonded or self-insured through the county in-lieu of bonds (in accordance with Government Code Section 24156) in the sum of$1000. VIII. MEETINGS t 1. Regular meetings of SLOCOG shall be held at least six (6) times a year or at more frequent intervals as approved by SLOCOG. 2. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon written request of at least three (3) representatives of SLOCOG. Actual notice of special meetings must be given at least three (3) business days in advance. 3. Meetings shall be open to the public as required by state law. 4. Regular meetings shall be generally held in the first week of August, October, December, February, April and June, as specified in the calendar adopted at the June and January meetings. 5. The Executive Director of SLOCOG will direct the publication of notices of all meetings pursuant to state law. 6. Only official representatives_oralternates shall represent a member of SLOCOG or vote on any motion before SLOCOG. 7. The meeting agenda shall be prepared by the Executive Director to SLOCOG. Agenda material shall be submitted to the Executive Director at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the next regular meeting and distributed to members at least twelve (12)calendar,days prior to the next regular meeting to allow member agencies to advise their representatives on tentative vote subject to independent judgment of delegate based on public testimony. Unless authorized by four-fifths vote of the representatives at a regular meeting, only agenda items shall be considered by SLOCOG pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act. 8. SLOCOG, at the discretion of the President may memorialize any of its actions by resolution. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.9 9. Robert's Rules of Order, or such other rules as SLOCOG may adopt, will govern all proceedings not specifically provided for herein. .10. Executive sessions shall be held in accordance with applicable law. 11. SLOCOG shall hold public hearings for the adoption of Regional Plans. 12. Minutes of all SLOCOG meetings shall be kept by the Executive Director to SLOCOG and shall be submitted to member agencies. IX. COMMITTEES 1. Committees and subcommittees may be established as SLOCOG may deem appropriate. 2. Membership on "ad-Hoc" policy committees shall be at the discretion of the President. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit membership on these aforesaid committees to officials of the member agencies. The President may appoint any individual deemed qualified to serve on a committee. 3. Standing committees shall include the: a. Administration Committee, all managers and administrators of b.x Technical Transportation Advisory Committee (TTAC) and the Citizen's member Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC)to advise the board on transportation issues j ur i s- per adopted Committee bylaws. dictioi c•U Regional Transit Advisory Committee serving as the Regional Transit Productivity Committee to advise the board on the efficiency and effectiveness of transit systems and fulfill all responsibilities as required by Sections 99238 and 99244 of the Public Utilities Code; and d.= An Executive Committee comprised of the President, Vice President and the past President and at least one representative from the county of San Luis Obispo (if none of the above). Said committee is to advise the Executive Director and SLOCOG on: draft agendas, personnel issues, budget and Overall Work Program; controversial, sensitive and major policy issues; and shall facilitate the annual performance evaluation of the Executive Director. Items for review shall be selected by the Executive Director with consultation by the President. All Committee members may include agenda items as they desire. For purposes of conducting business, a quorum shall constitute two members. 4. No committee shall commit SLOCOG on any matter or questions of policy. Such matters or questions can only be decided by SLOCOG. 5. All committees shall receive clerical assistance from SLOCOG staff for the purpose of maintaining minutes of meetings and other such duties as the Executive Director may direct. The chair of each committee shall sign the original copy of the minutes indicating verification of contents upon committee adoption. Copies of minutes of all meetings shall be sent to members of SLOCOG and the Executive Director. l' SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.10 II X. FINANCE ` 1. SLOCOG shall have no power to expend funds on any project for which funds have not been k :budgeted,.nor on any item in excess of the budgeted amount. 2. The Treasurer of the County of San.Luis Obispo is designated the depository,and,shall have custody of all money of SLOCOG from whatever source received. SLOCOG shall contract with an independent certified professional accountant to conduct annual fiscal audits as required by the California Public Utilities Code Section 99245 and the Federal Single Audit Act of 1984. XI. CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT SLOCOG shall carry out a process for citizen involvement in major decisions in accordance with an adopted Public Involvement Plan for Transportation Planning. Such process shall include: Transportation Advisory Committee(s) for advising SLOCOG on transportation issues; legal notices, and or press releases for adoption of all plans and for the allocation of and prioritization of funding; and widespread distribution of an agency newsletter. XII. WITHDRAWAL AND DISSOLUTION 1. The parties to this Agreement pledge full cooperation and agree to assign representatives to serve as official members of SLOCOG or any committee or subcommittee thereof who shall act for and on behalf of their city or county in any or all matters which shall come before SLOCOG, subject to any necessary approval of their acts by the governing bodies of CITIES and COUNTY. 2. Any party to this Agreement may withdraw from SLOCOG and terminate its participation in this agreement by resolution of its governing body. The withdrawal of the member shall have no effect on the continuance of this Agreement among the remaining members and the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as respects the remaining members. 3. A member withdrawing shall not be liable for the payment of further contributions falling due beyond the date of withdrawal and shall have no right to reimbursement of any monies previously paid to SLOCOG, provided, however, that SLOCOG may authorize a reimbursement if in its judgment such reimbursement is fair and equitable and can be done without jeopardy to the operation of SLOCOG. If any party hereto fails .to pay its contribution, as determined.by SLOCOG, said entity shall be deemed to have voluntarily withdrawn from SLOCOG. 4. SLOCOG may be dissolved at any time and this Agreement rescinded by a joint agreement executed by. COUNTY and CITIES which are parties hereto. Said rescission Agreement shall provide for the orderly;payment of all outstanding debts and obligations and for the return of any surplus funds of SLOCOG in proportion to the contributions made. XIII. EFFECTIVITY This Agreement shall take effect upon its execution by the chairman or mayor and clerks of the governing bodies of the County of San Luis Obispo and at least four (4) cities, pursuant to resolutions of such governing bodies authorizing such execution and shall remain in full force and effect until dissolved pursuant to the provisions herein. This Agreement may be executed in eight (8)counterparts which together shall constitute a single agreement. SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: Date.. Mayor -- Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF A -ASC DE By: f L Date: yo, J Resolution No. I°1 -03g Clerk CITY OF GROVER BEACH By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF MORRO BAY By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF PASO ROBLES By: Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk SLOCOG JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PAGE NO.12 . CITY OF PISMO BEACH By: Date Mayor . :. .Resolution No. Clerk CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By; Date: Mayor Resolution No. Clerk COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By; Date: i Chair Resolution No. Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: JAC CRAWFORD SLOCOG Legal Counsel By: Legal Counsel Dated: Adopted by SLOCOG August 5, 1998 %%oc09_$wver %voiflOVEML WORK PROGRAM 199mmlo0•A wv_y Adr ia*awnwm-Board.Committee Support COG BoardUPAs\SIOCOG JPAdoc RESOLUTION NO. 1998-039 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A NO PARKING ZONE ON NAVARETTE AVENUE WHEREAS, Section 4-2.1101, et. seq., of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to designate "No Parking" areas, and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Committee has studied the traffic problems at this location and has determined that establishing a "No Parking 6AM to 6PM Monday through Friday" zone as shown on the attached Exhibit A will improve the situation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings as indicated on attached"Exhibit A". On motion by Council Member Clay, and seconded by Council Member Luna, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: Council Members Clay, Johnson, Lerno, Luna and Mayor Carden NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: October 13, 1998 ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO olut-eil'), YP I j n lvlp- MARCIA M. TORGERS HAROLD L. CARDEN, III City Clerk I Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: RO A. HANL Y TV Ci Attorney EXHIBIT A Resolution No. 1998-039 v°S C� 74 NO PARKING 6:00 AM.TO 6:00 P.M. C� MONDAY-FRIDAY SM A4,ARCQS A.H.S. 000032