HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 - El Camino Real (2) 11 I ,;,rd I a YtLVD t.d4i1i S# II . S aP>osCIC. I` 1 Lam, v X �,;0 ��? IHE €0C..H -.. 1111-- -_.. ._ -1.111 -.._ ,_...__....,.,,,__ -1.1___„_11.,-,111.1..__. ,......,_,_,._____.,..._.., .. 1111,._., 1111.. - .. .._ , .._ --- ---,__.,_:.,-'- ___. ,_111_1. ..._- .._� _ 11_11 _... 1111 _. 1111- .._. ­­1.111. _. _ .. ... - .. __............. 1111,... ,._...._... 111.1.1,.1..11. ,.......- , . _. _ fi , -1111 ,. 1111_... 1111 .._..... -_.,.,..._.._.. 1111.. .._....._...___.__:._._..., 1111.., a, 1111,. ,..,..,:.._.._.,,. ..,...,:....-_­­­­­­�­1_11 ,.._....._„ .,...,... ..,..., ._y.. 11 +; T . , . SSE SHEET 2 FOR TYPCA . 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DATE wl-I5-93 ,j 11 11, "l-l-;'.l.. ,' I . - AMERICAN WEST TIRE AIN' D 'A' UTO u" El'N' TERS I '. I SHEET / OF 2 4 . CONSTRUCTION NOTES continuously and not be limited to normal working hours. The contractor 1 . No construction shall be started without plans and/or permits approved further agrees to defend , indemnify and hold harmless the City of by the City of Atascadero. The City Engineering Department and/or Atascadero and the design professional from any and all liability, real_ REVISIONS APPP.0V-A LS Planning Departments shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to or alleged in connection with the performance of work on the project,excepti n liability abi 1 i t arising n form negligence DESCRIPTIONS BY DATE APPROVED COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 26--92 3 10/92, starting construction. Any construction done without approved plans or 9 Y g g igence of the design professional . prior notification to the City' s Engineering and/or Planning Departments 23 . The contractor shall maintain two-way traffic at all times. Traffic will be rejected and will be at the contractor ' s and/or owner' s risk and control shall be in accordance with the current CALTRANS Manual for 24,, expense. Traffic Control and Work Area Traffic Control Handbook. No street *141AMIJ14 19-FM " STORM DRAIN PIPE closure shall be permitted unless 2 . All construction work shall conform to the City of Atascadero and County previously arranged for and granted of San Luis Obispo standards and specifications and all work shall be by the City Engineering Department. s" �"I subject to the approval of the Cit Engineering and/or Planning , J pp y / 24, Construction grade stakes shall be set by a registered civil engineer " STEEL PLATE Department. or a licensed land surveyor registered in the State of California. _ PI/4 COVER V x 1�--6" 3 . Soils tests shall be done in accordance with the City Standards and 25 . Any disturbed mail boxes shall be replaced in a manner approved by the M Specifications Section 4. 3 . All tests must be done within 15 days prior to placing material . Testing results shall clearly indicate the location Postmaster and the City Community Development Department, and source of material . 26 . All utility relocation work shall be done at the owner' s expense. 4. Compaction tests shall be done on subgrade material and material placed ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS as specified by the City Engineering Department. Said tests shall be SIDEWALK completed by a certified soils engineer and approved by the City 1 . Clearing and grubbing shall be performed for all project-related work Engineering Department prior to the placing of the next material . and shall consist of removing and disposing of a 1 1 grass, trees, shrubs, bushes, stumps, fences, asphalt and concrete within the limits as 5 . Subgrade material shall be compacted to a relative compaction of 95% in so° MAX the roadway and parking prism between finished subgrade elevation and indicated on the plans for removal . It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to remove all stumps, roots, subsurface structures, 45" MIN one foot below. All material in fill sections below the zone mentioned headwalls and any other objectionable material to a depth necessary for above and in the sidewalk sections shall be compacted to 90% relative complete removal . All objectionable material designated to be cleared PLAN DIRE-n compaction. shall be removed and disposed of off the project site. CURB FACE 6 . A registered civil engineer must certify that the improvements , when GUTTER completed , are in conformance with the approved plans prior to the The Contractor' s attention is directed to Section 7-1 . i1 , "Preservation ' request for final inspection . "As-built" plans are to be prepared after Property" and Section 7 1 . 12 , "Responsibility far Damage of the 6 TRANSITION VARIES 6 TRANSITION State Specifications. Existing street improvements and facilities, DEPENDING ON ANGLE construction is completed. The civil engineer certifying the adjacent property, utility and roadway facilities and trees and plants RAISE SIDEWALK E•J• improvements and preparing the as-built plans shall be present when „ 1o" OVER BOX the final inspection is made„ that are not to be removed shall be protected from injury or damage s resulting from the Contractor's operation. 7 . A base prime coat and/or fog seal will be applied if directed by the GUTTER `" City Engineering Department. 2 . All roadway improvements shall be constructed as shown on these plans ELEVAWN NORMAL 6" CURB FACE and in accordance with the City of Atascadero Standard Specifications 8. An inspection a�,reement is required prior to the issuance of an and Drawings approved March 10, 1992 , which include by reference the encroachment permit and start of construction. "Standard Specifications" and "Standard Plans" of the California 3' MIN, vARiAeLE Department of Transportation of current date and the City of Atascadero 9 . An effort has been made to define the location of underground facilities Grading requirements. 8„ SIDEWALK WIDTH No. BAR within the job site . However, all existing utility and other underground DRILL AND TAP FOR A Q.C. 4 BOLTS IN COVER 9" structures may not be shown on this plan and their location where shown 4" MIN, SEE COVER DETAIL No. 4 BAR _ „ AT9" O.C. is approximate. The construction contractor agrees that he shall assume 3. Existing land subdivision monuments and stakes shall be fully protected 4 sole and complete responsibility for locating or having located all from damage or displacement and they shall not be disturbed unless 2" underground utilities and other facilities and for protecting them directed by the City. 2" x 2" x 318"Z- 6 .> ALL SIDES _ � --:-�- during construction. t 4. Watering for all construction work shall conform to the provisions of 10 . All utility companies must be notified prier to the start of Section 17 ofuthe State Specifications and these specifications. The No. i3 BAR, 8" -` No. 4 BARS AT 18" O.C. construction. The construction contractor shall contact Underground Contractor shall furnish all equipment necessary to apply water required 5" WELD ANCHOR TO L., SECTION Service Alert (U . S.A ) at 1-800-642-2444 2 to 10 days prior to the ONE EACH SIDE ,3-1 2" x 3-1/2" x � 9 on the various items of work Water shall be applied at the locations 3/8 AA161-e »olV start of excavation and shall verify the location of any known utilities in the amount, and during the hours as directed as directed by the COVER DETAIL (c�CURB VA��--46-6r, ��>• County ' s authorized representative. �RAWN B7: - ___ � CITY OF AT/ASCADERO and shall also determine whether or not a representative of each company 'A'L' DESIGNED BY: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DRAWING NO, be present during excavation. � 5 . Excavation for roadway construction shall consist of all S.J•S• involved i n grading n excavation OT 11 . A City encroachment permit is required fear any work within the public 9 g and constructing the raadwayin the manner shown on 2 92 SIDEWALK U N'DERD R AI N 509 right-of-way, for both utility and road construction and the inspection the plans and shall include the excavation and embankment necessary to �T509 W �/�/ ,D FCR �S'7"Qr�i'IVI 1�i4'•9//�! card shall be posted on the job site prior to the start of construction, bring the basement material to the grade as shown on the plans. 12 . The City inspector, acting on behalf of the City Engineering Department, may request revisions in the plans to solve unforseen problems that may 6 • Compaction of subgrade shall conform to Section 19-5 of the State arise in the field . All revisions are subject to the approval of the Specifications. design engineer. 7 . Aggregate ,base shall conform to the requirements as set forth in Section . <:s 13 . The construction contractor shall maintain a current, complete, and P Aggregate base shall be Class 2 , accurate record of all changes which deviate from the construction as 3/4-inch 'maximum. proposed in these plans and specifications for the purpose of providing g• Asphalt concrete far roadway paving the engineer with a basis for record drawings. No changes shall be made g shall be Type B, 1 /2" maximum, without prior approval of the City Engineering Department and the design medium and shall conform to the provisions of Section 39 of the CALTRANS engineer. Standard Specifications with Special Provisions as required by the City of Atascadero. The Contractor shall obtain a copy of these Special NOTE: THICKNESSES AS SHOWN ARE A MINIMUM. FINAL STRUCTURAL 14. The structural section shall be based upon R-value soils tests to Provisions for review prior to construction. SECTION SHALL DE BASED ON R-VALUE TESTS OF SOILS determine the R-value of the existing soil and a traffic index 9 , Compaction testing during g canstructian will be required on all TAKEN DURING CONSTRUCTION AND A T.I. OF 7,0. designated by the City Engineering Department of T . I . 7 .0 construction and at locations designated by the City. Any additional 15 . Al 1 f resp cut and f i 11 slopes shal 1 be provided with a method of erosion testing which the City determines is required for the successful j' control approved by the City Community Development and Engineering Completion of the project shall be performed under the direction of the Departments. tY s Inspector or authorized representative. _50 - 16 . All utility relocations and/or alterations shall be the sole 10. Concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with City Standard Drawings 418 and 419. Concrete driveways shall be responsibility of the developer at his expense. constructed in accordance with City Standard Drawing 423. In addition, 17 . In the event that the contractor notices irregularities in the line or all concrete improvements shall meet the requirements as set forth in grade he shall 'bring it to the immediate attention . of the design Sections 51 , 73 , and 90 of the State Specifications. engineer and the City Engineering Department. If he fails to do so, the At those locations where saw cuttingu is re contractor shall be responsible for any error in the grade and necess1 1ary to be removed shall be saw cut to a required, the existing pavement minimum depth of 3-1 /2 inches with reconstruction to correct such error. -an abrasive-type saw at or outside the planned lines and removed without 28lC ) damage to any portion that is to remain. Should the Contractor damage ���� ��-� -�--_._.___� 18. Existing pavement shall be sawcut i n accordance with the Ci tyJCounty g the saw cut edges during construction, he shall then recut the damaged standards and specifications to reveal a competent structural section g a� and new paving shall be joined at this point. The structural section edges at his own cost. shall be inspected by the City Engineering Department prior to the �`'�" _� - ------- -____-- -�----- ----- ------I ---- ----__ ____ placement of base. o. - A , `, - • , e 19 . Any survey monuments within the area of construction shall be preserved ' ' • o - •o or reset by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor in Oaccordance with City Standard Drawing 426 and as required by state law, Land Surveyors Act and Subdivision Map Act. a o a o 0 20. All grading or other construction work outside of the right of way shall v - not be permitted without written permission from the off-site property w . '4 owner. �0��.5� ,.S y( O, 33 T YP6 "B A l-�h�i9G 7• C'UNG' T� ��, ----_-_-� / ASE 21 . No trees shall be, removed without permission from the City Community 29743. 2U C44 5S .E3 Development Department. ,► Exp.3'•3t`% � 22 . The contractor agrees that in accordance with generally accepted sr C►v�� �`* construction practices the contractor shall be required to assume sole �T£OFCM.- and complete responsibility for the condition of the job site during the course of construction for this project, including the safety of all EL CL Ty' "F"'I'l CAL SECTI persons and property , and that this requirement shall be made to apply CITY OF ATASCADERO N.T.S. APPROV BYU CITY ENG! E DATE .. . a DESIGN 7-- REV. DESCRIPTION DATE APP. �,C. T TARTAGLIA -� HUGHES DRAWN RCT AS-OU/L T /0/6194 I-FCT H CONSULTING ENGINEERS OTES 8 DETAILS CHECKED p.1�f f SCALE S � AP 5 - 51- I GREG "`G "' DWG.NO.93-11 V I BEV L 1S1V1I_.I ER DATE ,. ` T E R s ,.w..;... SHEET AMERICAN WEST TIRE Alft ' D AUT "