HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 - Ardilla Road - 89-266 . - :..,;� ��. . . , 'k, . , - . ur : . , , . ti � T TICS " + T E . } 1 . �. ".. Y v , YrI 1. No construt:tion shall be starteaed , without plans and/.car c' /p p �4 f permiks apprpvard bg thea Citg fnginearirtg Lapartmant. The Citg , Cq fA IMA ,.. i i "� "t �+ - . Engineering Deeparkment' shall tas notified at lesast 2'i heaure prior . /�y0 ` ° N4t -C �� to starting constructiean. Any ceanstructitan done without approved �. 0 " a , . plana or prior nota�ication to the Cit�'a >rnin�ering dapai-km®nk ',�1 t o RgS1 �� „� will be re 1est:ted and will be at the coratt�actcrr sand/car owrtesr es . © - ' .. �zr r,ik and expense A �� 2. All construction work shall e:,onf ocm to thew f:itg of QE 4� �,� "� `�. p r 4. - Atascadarca and Cpuntg of San Luis G"Spo standards and GRgy S pq_Rb.. ,�'q E arpecificeartions and all work shall baa sublrct tta the approval cafe R© thea t~at fwnginerering Department. , Rey -»- ��; �ti .1 h n n r� ith the G unt •.""""^' ... - ,- �` ,� Soils tasks s all tea do , i accCarda ce w A i fi; e, ' standards atnd speoiicatans sstrticns 11.351 r 1'3Q and .., ` .� , 11-351.I401i. All tests must be ' dons wi '.hin 1S dais prior to �' " p'lae;in matesrial. Teakzng rsrulks shall cla:erlg ind,icake •� ��� the ltacation arnd sea�?re;.e of: mateerial, MAR+,. ' r 4. Compaction tests shall be doneW on s -�bg.rado material and q,Q `�„ '� '' makesrial placesd as spacif:ied b� khe: Citg f�nc�ineae�ring Deep�rtrntent. dp' �` 'i Said fasts shall faa compl+ated b� a cartif ied soils engineer and i approved by the Cityf >rngine�ering De�partrritant priop to the placing 0Q` 9'' �, P�� eat the. next material. ' . -.- � Q �� I . � . S. aubgrade nrattrial shall bew cornpactd to a relative 4'q t;ompt3ction of= 55'� in the roadwag prism bestwt�®n Finished subgrads elevation and ane trot below. All rnatex'ial in frill sections SpN � R ' below theot�e msnticanad ahtaver and in the sidewalk sections erha►11 Rp• Rp . be compacted tri 90% relative compaction, 41�q . Ra. 5. p. rtegistered civil engineer must CertiFg khat the . r U .��, Cfwf ;� Q' improments, whe3n compleated, are in cGnf^carmtnce with the q 4 ,;. '' a roved lana r`ior .to they re oast f°or fsins� inspection. t. ,.� laF? A„ fa q ` _ w , As--built " plans are to ?ae prepared a►f:�ter constrructign' i s . l °` .. : .. Completred.. fihe� e:,ivil enginre�r eaterkif'ging the improvesments and y preeparing 'the ...as_built" plana shall beat pre�seant whe,an the final ' ir►spectaan is made. 3 7. _A. bas+a prime Gnat seal or fog seal will. tweet arpplied if "�` �` �` t gyp► � darercl»e b the City Enpxrtesrxnp Departmesnt. E i E I \J 4�. 1 . : 8. An ir►s tieart agrearaeenG ie required pragr kp the issuance /� . 1, ofd an eancroahrnent permit and stark of canatruction• � A IV.T.5. . g. An effort has been madea to defined the 1 acation of . 4 rindeargraund facilities a wi thin thea fob ra.to, ttvweuer, all �_ . eac'ist;ing utilztg and trther undesrgrou s�ructures mag not bas . i shown on this plan and their ],ovation where `shown is approximates. , I, Th�3 constr�ckiran c©rikractear agresews that he sn all ers�umes sole and i �,...,.. compleete e•prarasibilitg for locating cr . hawing ltacated call , underground utilities anal rathear Facilities and Fear protet:ting them slur i ng t:tanstruct i on. 1Q. All utility crampanies must beat notif`arad ;arior ko the start of » , .. � . c�tnstruction. Thea t:onskrutrti�on contractor shall contact flnderround Service Alert tU.S.A.) at 1-8t)C- ; -c`#`t'# 2 to 10 digs ` Y p>~itae� tta the start of ext~aveetian and shall trifr�f the locatir�n of L' Ang �kntaWp utilities a,nd whethear or not a r ta;prese�ntakiver cif erach . P :` :, cpmPan� will tae pr®sankturin� eiascavatiran. . -. 11. + Cik� rerrncrracleeat perNait is re�quie-sed >+tar ani work within thea publie� righk-ofway�, trot both sewer anal road ctanstrueation and the inspeotion pard shall be posted can the �cb aike pritar to the . start cat' ccnstructlon. 1 The.Citg anspere.:tor, acting on beshalf cad the Citg . ° Engineering, Department, mag re�queest rev: a>eans in thea plana to t .- - T R salve; unf orseean problems that mays arisee ;n the field, All 11 r+evi ipns� a,>"ea sub jest to khe approved of khe design ranginea:er. �' " 13. the Cc�nstructign contractor shall maint.,ar.n a current, complate, and +sccurates record of all chmn � s which deviates fw rtxm the cDnstruckion Qe �aceposed in thew plans end specif�icakipne frr thre ur caee� Af roviding the ®ngin+eeer wa' h aaasis f�rar reacocd , . p P P ' drawings. ,No changes shatll bar made without prior apprta .a of:� the . C�4fld .Enginraering Deapartmenk and the dewsign e�,gineer. � . F p tta 4 lit. The skructural e+eckicn shall be base:ci u can soils feasts t d+starmineae khe R-�valwe3 of exa sting soil a'�d a treafr f xc irldea<x " 'deasi n fes f2 thea twit En instating pespartme�nt; of T I .*� x SJ a d f� g ` fi} _ V ;. .. 1 . All Fresi, cut mend [ ill slopaas shall tae ;a-ovided with is a• '' ., .. ,... S1 E E T R ma3thr.d cif raroeion ceantrol approved bg tf,e f;itg Commtanif:,g psutelaprnenk and f�nginarring f7etpartmewnts . DESC 1 PT`ION ,, 1 .. , _ .. 16., All utilit�I relocations and/or alterat:cns shall bs that sole ,. . #,` raasponsiblitg pf the developer at his expense. �+ �IE �1'�r�1TY � A > t r , . it 1,7.. In ktle event tYrat tkae ce�nkractar neat�kas irre�ularikies �n the line of grade he shal'1 bring it to thea immediate aktention of I 2 PLAN P,R.OFILE A ? .LSA �,R ,D g A n n neer. a d the Cit En xneeri�� fJ>~patrtmgnt. If he v r .'�� ,� the desig a ga n g C Fails to dra sca, thew contractor shall be responsiblee nng attar to �e et ee er " fc r d and n�scess r reconstru aAn ko trorrct such error. f •v r, he a o f �� w,r ., 1f3. Existing pavement shall �be saw cut in -.ordance with the rt a ra ee �' � y 1 Citg/Countg standardes and spe+cificatine�5 to 7veal, a eYcampsstent . _ , ` akrtrctura►1 section. and nes paving shall be ie Head at this paint. ;S The structural section shall baa inspected btu ria t�ikg Engineering r e u #1 at nt ea b ee r ent riot tea f,:he laceme f' a$ » . _ . Mai � tk � - tepes tm A p . I4. ; ," 1 , Arag surae mcanwenents within the area cr constructican shall Y bas prasesrvtd or reset bg a retgistesred civil engineer pr liceneead ]and s ,rveagar in acccardeance with City stands! .i Qrexwang Mwx and as , requited keg state lesW, Laind 5urve�fcrs Apt lnd Subda ui.sa pn f'!ap i Act ' r ,- tm ..,....... .? , ARBORIST SIGNATURE � � � � �r th r cpnstruct.�.Ln work shall not bas 21. mrd qff"-sit!$ grading taro e . parrmitt�rd without written permissio From tl�e of$f-sik® propesrtg T t wuF .r y .' a 5 ownerr '.t . .. yr rr_ssa on frost the Git m v d wa tho t ear :., _ , ,:., �".: f V j c 22, Ufa trees �hal1 bar re o e 4 P !� 1 �� f;cammulty Developnttsnt Department. frt Rr w, w . Tt7FOGRAPHC INFORMATIt�N 'FRC3VIDED ' VALXGJEA ' : x g :, r { The contrackor argrtaats that in accordance with generallg f es the c r�tracktar Than bee ' 7 w accspte+d construction practic .,. ^r }wry �y ' t #r t{tt' " ' "✓ 1. . it d to as umes sole sand complet® cesaonsibi li g r w ... f C 1 'c" ~ { —//� IT OF ATAS CAC7ERQ. �� -, �. y. ndi ion Qf khe fob site during the course of constructir�n for , / G/ t APPR(��/ED BY T�"�E Y r� n n ro ark t includin the $stet of all p.tato s a d p p s�, this �+ •o ec . g 4f i �-- ,,, � P . Mt Tom' J F�... /'�' 1 E ,.1 f'_,• F .,=r,- a ' 1 1 , r' , n n n usl a d a a l co ki act ad t t this requirement shall be made fd n cr ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CQ. DATE r - - r�. nrat be limited to normal working hours. 7'r ca contractear .further k't »to ' 117--- CHARD T, VAUGHAN L►.S,, 5'7 S I ]EXF L2/3, j��, � I agrees to desfatnd, inde►mnifg and h©ld harmle:as the f�itg of* . w. >= and all , <i .,, Ate sca ro and the detsign prof axsipnal rom anW REGOR LUKE RCE 24573 EX. 12/31/93 liabi3�ikg, real pr all�xgrd in connection auith khe part:ormance of / 'L ' t arisin from ne li ernce QCi � .. , work t the project,. atxcerpti+�® lieabila Q q r DIRECTOR of PUBLIC WORKS 4�'` �I ` tat the deaaign professerionral. . PA FIC GAS a ELECTRIC CO. TE 2#. Tfe contrarytear shall maintain two-wdg ,trf°ie: at all times. TrafFi control shall be in Qe~cardant:e wikh kr+e t;urreernt Calkrans _ �" rutanual" fear trarffi.c " control atnd work ,*r a traffic ccantrol � , t `� r , N handbepk. No street closures shall be permitted unless preeuapuslg arran �i fqr and granked b� the Cik 1�:ngxneer� ,g Departmenk. S HER A Li R NIA GAS G 4. DAT E , -_ . ,,, ,r � � - ,�, �" e � . L 1 �. ,_,, APPROVED BY • n t UCtion yard staf�e. shall be set b a raegisterted cava 1 �""" v ' r ti . 5 C a r g e s g ., '. d land carve or r itdred in khQ sk8te of , �' /Ej�, �; ` �tnglnte�r or a ..lcesnwt+ s !s0 ` ,-- /r \ F , CeIIfo nia .. ( :, �j 1 ... .. y,.w .. Y++uM�M+UPu,4Y G _ .,.� ". f...i= r r f An disturbed meal boxes, shall be ce;Qaacd in a manner ►CIFIC BELL TELEPHONE C is U DATE t ltta ,�,`rf;�; -, pip ���/y)6d�/�_"�p ((,�/ylj� pP„� �. _ , w M'It FOAL, '�IIIR Com"' S� n h Git C cmmunit 1�eavelo mgrit e " a rov e1 b the ostmaaster a d t e g 4� p ! .. 1 l pp ,. >, , D a +ant. . .. ,. .. �' `` of j''��' t . �� T}14tQTHY qIE .G.E. 35 fa EX, P R RTS R 3� �, .. _ R, ' -:", { �' - — i ,r,�r.�ks �� 4 SIERRA PACLFiC ERGINES RING r :, . ... . ''X , FaLcoN cagLE TESEv s aN co. DATE �e �� Q i� ,v , . '. r � a "d>, r fi IN . cc .����' �?. ° ri ,�t-�,� ,a. l�iv, . " 4 f "` J °' . . . . . .. . z' .. , ., ,. . 1 . 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