HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 - Hermosilla Avenue 1;i sp 1 1:1 ii NOTES 1 The, D tain an encroachment permit from the 0 per oboll Sca tor, C1 ty 6,f:�,`Ata,� dil�_ i t construction. All work shall be done in "w1th th*"": ,I San Luis Obispo County "Standard 65E i n, �'L_and N X*provemOnt, Specifi, 4 ki Drawings."' The City Inspector, C! jm. t� 0 acting 0.0 ��6;f thia,��,Cl­ty of Atescodero and/or the Atascadero 101 (;5 County itoti)��, 0istric,ti� may require revisions in the plans to K S 4 may arise in the field. All *4 _ that I, of rev i si'On4, �4,ubj�b V., the approv* the developer's VeM5A VV14 4"-p 01 A. A e OF C 9 riva of or the the Contractor shall 141 20 When exo V4t_in'g isting cleanout, AIOJ?r Z�Vlovovv S4 c0ut�ldn, I. *taei",`;',to6 avoid breaking -the existing lateral p rH n op exten to, X ot locatio of this lateral is unknown. A 7 54�'A DERO coo !0! mop- ments ore -supposed t p,l a have been set at Pqiezits *n Hermosillo., —*t the curve in the �'PrO"n yob, -road ne_*,�r­ t, N't, 4ite .these 'monuments are not visible. The, Cohtzactorl _,_attes,t locate, the monument in the way of ne, lotltoa and shall make arrangements to if found. The referencing and ILL 0, 4n, ''A b_­,coa,ploted under the direction of a surveyor rep!a4#4* A 1, ' 4 , 41 California. reql t: MO/V ........................................ o)o e ae Ve 4. Telophone,V041orlor'lolund ��S*rvice, Alert (USA) toll free at 1-800 R 95 430 )0000' A4 A F> siLh-t bo4rs­ .,pr 642,-' 2444'_,:to' Y, *,]i, ior to, the start of construction. :�l 4 70 ati n orf un ergrAt:�,un­_ ,te are uncertain 79,55 The � loc, d rvices in the street IV,7 'Cont-r 40t-:0,r", A , �ill; h hat ax and - t 0 etoi4e caution during excavation and IV07e: CILEAlv-ayr To Be ReAwoveo t a' ntr*40tor agrees t at in h accordance with 5* na't� ruc, i-oh, 01 N., -HEAST OF "OA/ 45 300' A10R7 PAO tructioh practicesp construction generol"1y, :t re 't contt it"e'd to &assume sole and complete q 4�'te conditions during the cou rosponxiLbi tit'' li rae of p qj e constructi r _,";:1�- -'�includinq safety of all persons and AU hat� uiroment s.hall be made to apply proper Y, �***d n0t,. be 014 _ ited to normal working hours,. and continu ��V to defendr indemnify and 4C:'_#onstr,uct ion C0ntkft0tor f urther agrees hold desi, 0,4.1-pn,al hav*less :from any and all liability,. A Pr, '41 14dg in c*no,,4ction with the performance of work on real J DA Tam arising from the sole this pr*3,ect,�, iabi I ity TOP OF 00 Ar EYI,571AIG EAID OFSCWE_R negligonclb "Of dooli p, ofiotsional. /0 4,-00 51j",CZ) &Ell 9, 'pr f /00,00 r* Q` vi eer, mu,st;�cervxjy that the A cordance with tho "Opproved comp e are in ac i S ec 10 "As-built" P14na are plans �o, r0questIng ', il" n p t n. _S CA L C 1 .440 to. be -a 4d ,af'to' construction is complete and shall be prep suk�mitted, to ��e ,Cit,5�,,'F.,'n' g*heer prior to final acceptance by the city. A, r Construction con:f-erence with ----------- ----------------- ---------- --------------- ---- ------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- + ------------------------ -7 ---------- ------- ------------- - ---------- fir ---------------- --- ---------- ---------- Own: -------t rl=::a ---------- -------- 4 ------------- ----------- ......... _­­---------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ------_- ---------- ------- ----------- --------------- ----------------- .......... ------ --------- ---------- ---------- 4P------------ ------ _T 4 --- ------- ---------- ------------ ------- ----------- -::-4----------------------- ------------- .......... ------- ------ --------- ------ JOHN L, WALLACE & ASSOCIATES ............. --------- ------ CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS -- ------ -- ------------- ------- --------- 1329 CHORRO STREET-SAN LUIS OBISPO,CA 93401 ------------- --------- —----------------- ------- (805)544 ----------------- ------ ------------ ....... ----------- ----------- A NDER ------------- - -------------------------------------- -------f,'- LINE Ek"FE A16 01V NO. DESCRIPTION DATE A PPR. - ---------------- I............ ------ DESIGNER OVED: APPR .... . ...... --------------- ------I -------- BY: RECOMMEN6 0 F R A —-------------- - ------------ ------------ 41 17 DATE DATE ------------ ----------- ....... ------- -_------------ JOB NO., —7- ---—------ LU E WALLACE R.C.E. 33M DATE S CALIF COORDINATES' E___ -g gm! New"= D4v0344 9 0Pw1&1 L .... ........