HomeMy WebLinkAboutApr-87 - Paloma Creek Park - D-0052 FX MCI 15 r-Y I I f I- W el I f-ILA L I- -F1-I Li 01 4*', a*V,, PIAVi T--U)1.1 Od �,7 x VI W/J.4 N, LA 'k, 4� 7,77AI �74' C1/LA A AIL., )2/ LA A, 44i It I.A 111),4 ' A en LA 14- to h4OW Oed (9 V-P I I AlOU S 9/1.15r VLf N IN, Pt -91 zz N =4=4 =4 rV Ht Tt �,o k 01 V ly 114. I Reo I -k-ft ko-S 00 4 A-raw - � i�,, luWWA, sic 46, W)a4k- OtrX vu LxAq Aq C72- fl2e) tew, N \VIA A_ W. Ilk 104 1014 NZ -INS 7 -ME V/ mW _IV 1P eLZ S144, I WsiX ki4 X 7 r�o lt� -"Y Al a F4-— k -rit L Al A- lo, �gi I A$ m AS A\141LA-6LE Tsj,; g Af� t CL SO N-L VA 0210 jg Mello Ne <NALL VWW-'�TL �, -Tg* ,T�L Lyj� v VA- 1 1 U1, AeZ NI it 2 \Y/, CIJ 00, 0 --------- *'Wr LX Nei 7N JISTIw" nF eew44 vt4r -,�F �4, 'I ;> mmv/ -s+ -A i P nl *n 2 C: h ISOM Ali In If L �w4XE' A1.4 S�A7, eexwj�%(, gej-rf�- ca -I ley, *Ep 11" --7 N A 1. L LW 4-rA-k-rA., -54Tr-�'Y' C 'Fey— E ' Now 4 V -h *Now' coo L + NW, - Vk m 41VA lliT >4 Ix, T Alt A J .0' it el t + t All designs have been reviewed and-appr vedi , i for - conformance ' with original requ4rements, by the Director,, of Park$ and Recreation of the City of aac4#ei�p N ILI 17,�2 e 203tv., 14� f 11 41 PIP-1 r-�� "'tor ot-,,� PimirA;x 4 ,it ion wii,-,- JOB NAME: La Paloma Creek Park, Atascaderot Ca. Phase 11 (South Atascadom Park). I R R I G A T 1 0 N L E G E N D "Ji, IF Symbol Catalog Manufacturer Radius p.s.i. g.p.m. Item Remarks- E SHRUBS 44- 570HP-12-090 Toro 12 25 0.7 Hi-pop shrub spray 570HP-12-18O Toro 12 25 1.0 Hi-oop shrub spray '15 1 570HP-ADJ Toro 30 varies Hi-p" op shrub spray 11 IN 1404 Rainbird 0 40 1.25 Bubbler LAWNS Ex Krv, NWLAIS 3r 1 640-02-43-127 Toro 59 60 17.5 Gear Driven Sprinkler + b59 644-02-43 Toro 59 60 17.5 Gear Driven Sprinkler Gear Driven Sprinkler 75 642-02-41 Toro 55 60 12.5 Gear Driven Sprinkler 71 641-02-41 Toro 55 60 12.5 -02-41-192 Toro 55 60 12.5 76 640 Gear Driven Sprinkler 78 643-02-41 Toro 55 60 12.5 Gear Driven Sprinkler 79 644-02-41 Toro 55 60 12.5 Gear Driven Sprinkler _T Agnew amommm 0 commmon 0 ummm 0 commonome Poonnow;0-A--#ammommoon 0 A I W4, WW14 1.)4F. 1 VA' 81 570P-12-090 Toro 12 25 0.7 Pop-up Spray 83 570P-12-180 Toro 12 25 1.0 POP-UP spray GENE=, 85 570P-12-270 Toro 12 25 1.5 Pop�up Spray 570P-12-360 Toro 12 25 2.0 Pop-up Spray 87 57OP-ADJ Toro 12 25 Varies Pop-up Spray )WTO 91 570P-15-090 Toro 15 30 1.0 Pop-up Spray 46 - �g44 570P-15-180 Toro 15 30 2.0 -up SL pop aray CIA, 95 57OP-15-270 Toro 15 30 3.0 Pop­up Spray 570P-15-360 Toro 15 30 4.0 Pop-up Spray 00%-41 VAIA"t IrT eW-1V1f,;ft % -97 57OP-ADJ Toro 15 30 Varies Pop-up Spray d*Awa - L q TO, IN, Al A14%6U411 JAIL 4, Controller ISC-24 Rainbird Existing (move to new location in restroom building). 'M� -4" Febco R.P. - Existing Backflow preventer 825 I Water Meter - 4" diameter - Existing 1'14 a Station Number G.P.M. Valve Size A Automatic Valve - Hydrorain - 700 Series for 3/4" diameter A - Hydrorain - 100 Series for 1"+ diameter 1 01 Pressure Reducing Valve - Hydrorain Series 103 - size as noted Manual Valve - Richdel - R737PR-1 1/2" placed in grade box. too Inverted Garden Valve - Champion - 1-401 - locate in box with r either remote control valve or by itself. A Existing Main Class 1120-315 psi pvc w/sch. 40 deep socket, ne sting fittings or Class 200 pvc Ring-Tite pipe with Ring-Tite J fittings. Z1 All —------- Main Line Class 1120-315 psi pvc w/sich. 4-0 deep socket, nesting ==mom aftommom amnown"at ammm =mmmm nowmagn ,.J, fittings or Class 200 pvc Ring-Tite pipe with Ring-Tite fittings. Lateral Line Class 1120-200 psi pvc w/sch. 40 deep socket, nesting fittings. CM NOTES 1. All water input lines shall be the responsibility of others up to the P.O.C. 2. All Irrigation Installations after the P.O.C. shall be the responsibility of the MV Landscape Contractor unless otherwise notified in writing. 3. If a fixture is smaller than the line size the line shall be bushed up or down 1 0 right at the f ixture using bell bushings. 4. All wires under paving shall be in class 315 psi pvc conduit. SYSTEM DESIGN ui� KIM 40 USA# 1. 8" diameter transite main line in Viejo Camino Atascadero Water District. Lom uj'�* 2. 105 p.s.i. static pressure in Viejo Camino - Atascadero Water District. CO cc Z I VA 3. Phase I completed and operating. Now 4. Quality coverage quaranteed for less than 4 m.p.h. 1105 Y bo 2' IN= t AN 0 Yi cc tu C - C, 14 Ilk &mg mom U'R. V, 0 v N4 A CU AD' wa rsqg 0 E"' co &An X4;,4::LeM Tl� 4A Monsoon nowsommo www"ninow,"woommoo"Womoft ftm=m ammmoo ammame ampows manna mmi L Jt* *41, t 4 Z Am lo� A" jgl�pX eV*,%1A;ta uq io&xT oTn t t + + + 4- All designs have been reviewed and approved, for conformance with original requirtment,31 by the Director of Parks and Recr,eation of the of Atascadero. 078 jt4 1/_I� b4roctor of 'Park$ a"p-creat tan �,&t X QD JOB NAME La Paloma Creek Park, Atascadero, California. (South Atascadero'Park). Phase 11 P L A N T M A T E R I A L S L I S T Ll Symbol Quan. Size Botanical Name Common Name Spacing TREES 1 0 5 Catalpa speciosa Western Catalpa 2 0 15 Crataegus phaenopyrum Washington Thorn 3 0 15 Koelreuteria paniculata Goldenrain Tree X //,,> 4 7 15 Lagerstroemia indica 'Shell Pink' Crape Myrtle /o 5 36 15 Platanus acerifolia London Plane Tree t 6 3 15 Quercus agrifolia California Live Oak 7 5 15 Quercus lobata Valley Oak JAESHRUBS 8 0 1 Arbutus unedo 'Compacta' Strawberry Tree 41-0"o.c. 9 0 1 Ceanothus 'Julia Phelps' Ceanothus 51-0"oc. 14 10 0 1 Chaenomeles 'Red Ruffles' Flowering Quince -0"o.c. 61 -0"o.c. 11 0 1 Cytisus racemosus Broom 41 IN04 12 0 1 Heteromeles, arbutifolia Toyon 61-0"o.c. N, 13 0 1 Romneya coulteri Matilija Poppy 61-0"o.c. jew GROUND COVERS 14 0 Flats Baccharis, p. 'Twin Peaks #2" Dwarf Coyote Brush 11-0"oc. 15 48 1 Kniphofia uvaria Red Hot Poker (RED) 21-0"o.c. Cq 16 4.6 Flats Santolina virens -0"o.c. IN, N, VINES 17 12 5 Wisteria sinensis Chinese Wistera "%E Ar.)� CZ Ac ff,2— A - NOTES 1. 15 gallon cans may be substituted for bare root (B.R. ) trees depending upon season of planting. 2. Flat material is to be 100 count if different thecontractor isto make all necessary adjustments in the total flat quantity. J 3. All shrub and ground cover areas with plant material planted at over 11-0"o.c. shall have 3" of mulch (red bark 1"+ or dia. or chipped trees of same size) applied to the ground surface. N% )2 LEGEND Plant Symbol 4 Plant Quantity A IN , A cm AIX mom 0 , CL GEM TRIM ---------------- t N lk r Now N14 N, N c 409M 14 al N i � 41k t4 CL lap, I t Z It I T 7- _T + + It All designs havo Oeen revieved, and mproved,* N P manect 41i,th original requ i rowelits for c-onf or b", tho Dirwator of Parks and Rocroation of C i t,Y f A�,t asoadvro Symbol __�R:EES T J "R, 5- A-1 00 WIN, 100ft- At 40. ACY Wei 115015VAT770S 1705479541jr, ALL �W ek,. '9UL- Age 05K A WP4 W4" i* 89 1W4 WWII IT "004 "I== bit) V ANIT ALL UPAMA W%Lr-Aia ef :f-AW4 t sY WAS A M* 41 Kill gin 4-- 4 A UZ4 wims ---------- ---- a XIN F44 I IVA) 12V id�d ALL UAVA*A��". OW Rff INS vn"l JAM mix C W2 cc VA f3 UP -------- ILL— lop cc S! RAW TXTJ trZ oil ji - I - Q opt 10/EAD jolk wnum Nil u 0 Wneynu) WAT f IVA XT L WIN. Jul ifKARAU 1DrAQ, Pay W-FOU Towl \Vwj$wwr 1t4qa4x.S WON Ar-04-y'r- rot CT lZr H to VS-7 16 vba ir-z 3 et% TIZ AppF A 4--J 1MVP `rr— AT; on m9am"SM U tat of Seq opt- A 71 11T71 F: 121d .44�& let" x irvpb Flu" .04W do"him "Ism % SRI. tdtCh 11�ANQ U&N "V V um limp Ac, Igo TV Mil 'IT 1� _r,4T.0 ) �N­­� 0 1 TAT to* N f 4 It tp?q 10 "CII-V *0 rTV #4L TO T AS 14011f IM-4 I Au Vtcvu 4 tr, me e It TO"14411P .4 . r Mf 'nyl �7 LAN 'Pon _jjM=XAMjX;__ *r WASWU qM1 1tA &JL 7- Wt 114 012act INT ml 10q,iWAI 24 W&D 'Ve.01k%T 15 �4 )Cf P-r-, �V_m r 1 4 lax T_ 40"T 41r*m Ir-4 qfF IL T \�` PS . aw f1*47 Ali A CIO; it ALI., M1 e. Ch Wyk MAT 04 10 P w low WCOTA Q el WWI- 0 '. 4 ILI E\1 low I.H MA MONO LOIS 16 1.0KVIC, r-A C'� TIT LAW— A ta, lip MI VIA W Al too AwOnn 14W 711 TIT jr3r4sly; yrry AT I'. 1, :k- '�Wwl JL At IV"I, -1 431 40� % \141 COS TFA �04 4"vWx 16"i3OtWfASTrR4_r *W,16y­� 7027;7� -9 tyeitl-q. . Stsmi "n.r WN \*Sr JOY AWN& It if \jef er,iwn^�4F 2, 0.4. Y, SAW, Yx-7! --f- a*en)44� efL AfS I OP 4- FM-AW- CC 0, VIAnNan SOFFAC "T.121MAq— - 90 41JAWIVR5 vie) W- 11 W- 1 M. AAW) S&A V_ ST 0415014 %4 lit tF 24*,d*rxC. 4 SAM IML W4 it: rlz LOW MA A#71-0, z e%�C# IL Vft- J=111 _tT IWO"; A^- 'I 7W, 4w, t ------- 141L 1"LL Va Ttkm�V. A JVw CT 16 70 WIN J41 A IS puy M0490 SA01r; +ALL kin W11*1 WJAZU. vi-L - WK. WIA it, 6404C ASO 44&�- 4 44 ski b, A.LL A AM Atl - :0 WON "A" :14 Z. 17' C _X 14 1,4 ----------- A 63 oil, WIN 8 i Not cif vm CIALY R f i r • 4 f g =if S� { 3 tX fa., i �` kms'! wu awa adwm rrx+m�+'w. rva..ww gym,« mow.'»wn rmm room. ,� ammaw's,n ♦ R g j r.. _ tl oll g W f jj Y ?�_ e gg • S. ..... wma wwrm wmms7s rream�e.::oemr.w,ms mom®+oa w,�. { - w. 4: t gg : 6 F } : 9 R X ¢g Y g : 1 gg 4 i 4 > . e.. y . AfO14 go j¢ a c 6 e b y� as b z �+sn �ro mw.ro g : y 3 i m 0 ICL ::4 : : w i i Irld IAL %49%4L PMASa cc I 4LQ,Z76 slwt MWT 8 p �9 :: t 5 r p . , 1 114;w { }} } k i ..:a -..a VA fl A # t , y P IL= t PrF y , A 2�4�'n.C. �t S44Y A e'jAL\fANl :a t 4 1Wig- 'p-0=1 x 2 jnw— u y , AT fV4t i tea. p g � sem. m A B IR R i gg VA Y il[40" s i. F : gg r 9 B a Q .. a : g g ="MA6 Clq& c. m... s qq t a VVWO�> 07 F-t' AL I- I 41L ,.$ i4 �ZZ�* A wL, r s rt sa s RNY el Z� q; 4 RAM 4*, 4 s ; y *N�rxslr i ras WST qT r s_t i sa 6 r , ,;' pp So orpmzrT LIAW.-fEl4eM MOW 4f?tf5 WMMWMWAMNM y p : B 8 t R B 1 1 �a R s �+ gg i tI 6 4 .a z a a 9 k f a y_ R a • � �A WV 9 a av 'w x ,...... 6 tk R :z« ir pr JESAF <i 4 .E021 ..,..gym: ih ` 6 Z rt 4 a - . WX rmv A a a as s m a_ s s c, R a _ s a } a } k Q g : b S 4 , x# y a qFbcF- 0 yy t 4: & XP 4 .:..... a 4...... U. R• r g n w ..... ..9 g R g 6 j a• I r!a m a A ax a+ - a -41 9 _ } � r r: 4> s is k f # , t t, ie t , � B r __aa,. -ttT�, er*4C, SLA^ SgA.' L WANT a A?—IA— w/. ` wcm, a All A pp # 9 9®® 4 ®p I. ALL S7A *gvX\pwj, q f @q f led ha Ommmmx*mo vow a. o 6 fillto ;7-7A\lV,4q tr>CIL.ItPXAM b:. UJI cc UJ own mom IL LM a ou Co Z Ex wi. Cmom 49 Cts CL moo ol Alm 40 file ca 21 k � _. Ai 4 e n a+Y 3 a yy a. t , , xa" b J11- coca XIM A 1hi-T �H 91 SIMS 1rx1s ttzo 7- -4--A 0 va 03H X=st Ir *4 ITS N VA A Mie*64 -ft doom mmum sky" lor"W 0 ,20 I'MAM s6mjj� so M 4 Z ir 0 4"s -4 -42016. + noo go a m rM. 1" Cal 31 X ca lop ONO 0 m I iiiiiiiiiii�i�ilil i!IN gii wwwwwwo"wmwmmwm IsH IAW W4;k X%. \ewr*ttj tw 1 713 0 IN 'Ala ION :x + 92 49 " I a - VIA VS. 141 mum 4anvy1j. IRS AM =/.Calll ww� IVS IN) 40 Ll tLu In *fs -oil tltvw *Sid,ov iL* �2 xws Mow 311MA 1310111 lvzuvi wc**� *91 viw %"xTtfff -1(A Y!qAC 7y, A AA1\ 1**� e C17 It MIYOM:�' fir/Iit, K R&W � i I'mill M I j : VON IN NONUNION=moom rw"'W' tjaLv-ac4m st"A -v 'A "Mill 1,Tv It Cal vemw A A A C6 it Mom "Ne t 14L tvz�j m sy I vf,, X -91b ; t" vita -!AW11v A A1vAAt;;i PA jt 0 VOW "XIT 41; A AA 10 vu ,AA _0 A W-*�ikiA p 4, -4: MW CL CAM VVIPWO VMS 4- .......... IMAKIN"Ammt WWII`