HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_2018_06_26_AgendaPacket CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, June 26, 2018 City Hall Council Chambers, 4th floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California (Entrance on Lewis Ave.) CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: 1. CLOSED SESSION -- PUBLIC COMMENT 2. COUNCIL LEAVES CHAMBERS TO BEGIN CLOSED SESSION 3. CLOSED SESSION -- CALL TO ORDER a. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency designated representatives: Rachelle Rickard, City Manager Employee Organizations: Atascadero Professional Firefighters, Local 3600; Atascadero Police Association; Service Employees International Union, Local 620; Mid-Management/Professional Employees; Non- Represented Professional and Management Workers and Confidential Employees 4. CLOSED SESSION -- ADJOURNMENT 5. COUNCIL RETURNS TO CHAMBERS 6. CLOSED SESSION -- REPORT ADJOURNMENT REGULAR SESSION – CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor O’Malley City Council Closed Session: 5:00 P.M. City Council Regular Session: 6:00 P.M. Page 1 of 210 ROLL CALL: Mayor O’Malley Mayor Pro Tem Fonzi Council Member Bourbeau Council Member Moreno Council Member Sturtevant APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call Recommendation: Council: 1. Approve this agenda; and 2. Waive the reading in full of all ordinances appearing on this agenda, and the titles of the ordinances will be read aloud by the City Clerk at the first reading, after the motion and before the City Council votes. PRESENTATIONS: None. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken.) 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes – June 12, 2018  Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Draft Action Minutes of the June 12, 2018, City Council meeting. [City Clerk] 2. May 2018 Accounts Payable and Payroll  Fiscal Impact: $4,443,408.17  Recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for May 2018. [Administrative Services] 3. Appointment of Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) Board Members  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendation: Council appoint Deana Alexander, Daniel Brewer and Amar Sohi to the ATBID Advisory Board, for a term expiring June 30, 2020. [City Manager] UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: (The City Manager will give an oral report on any current issues of concern to the City Council.) COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. Comments made during Community Forum will not be a subject of discussion. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council. Any members of the public who have questions or need information may contact the City Clerk’s Office, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at 470-3400, or cityclerk@atascadero.org.) Page 2 of 210 B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Placement of Sewer Service Charges on the 2018-2019 Property Tax Rolls  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: The City will bill $1,939,105.15 in sewer service charges for Fiscal Year 2018-2019.  Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution placing sewer service charges on the 2018-2019 property tax rolls. [Public Works] 2. Summary Vacation for Portions of Mercedes Avenue & Del Rio Avenue Right-of-Way  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution finding and determining that portions of Mercedes Avenue and Del Rio Avenue rights -of-way, adjacent to 5147 Traffic Way, 5205 Traffic Way, and 6155 Via Avenue, are unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes and ordering their summary vacation. [Public Works] C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Elected Mayor Term Ballot Measure  Fiscal Impact: The City Clerk’s estimate for the addition of this ballot measure is approximately $2,500.  Recommendations: Council adopt the following Resolutions to submit to the voters a question relating to the term of the elected mayor: 1. Draft Resolution A, approving ballot measure text relating to the term of office for Mayor to be submitted to the qualified electors of the City at the General Municipal Election to be held on November 6, 2018, as called by Resolution No. 2018-051. 2. Draft Resolution B, setting priorities for filing written arguments regarding the City measure and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis. 3. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $2,500 of General Fund Reserve monies to the City Clerk budget. [City Clerk] 2. Marketing Update Year End 2017-2018 & New Marketing Plan 2018-2019  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendation: Council receive and file Marketing Update for Fiscal Year End 2017-2018 and new Marketing Plan for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. [City Manager] 3. El Camino Real (North) and San Anselmo Road (East) Pavement Rehabilitation Construction Award  Fiscal Impact: $2,122,300 from various road funding sources.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Award a construction contract for $1,591,431 to Ferravanti Grading and Paving for the El Camino Real (North) and San Anselmo Road (East) Pavement Rehabilitation Project (Project No. C2016R01). Page 3 of 210 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Ferravanti Grading and Paving in the amount of $1,591,431 for the construction of the El Camino Real (North) and San Anselmo Road (East) Pavement Rehabilitation Project. 3. Authorize the Administrative Services Director to appropriate an additional $338,600 in Local Transportation Fund balance toward the El Camino Real (North) and San Anselmo Road (East) Pavement Rehabilitation Project. 4. Authorize the Director of Public Works to file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder upon satisfactory completion of the project. [Public Works] COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): Mayor O’Malley 1. City / Schools Committee 2. County Mayors Round Table 3. SLO Council of Governments (SLOCOG) 4. SLO Regional Transit Authority (RTA) 5. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) 6. Ad Hoc Animal Shelter Committee Mayor Pro Tem Fonzi 1. Air Pollution Control District 2. Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero 3. SLO Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) 4. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee 5. Atascadero Basin Ground Water Sustainability Agency (GSA ) 6. Ad Hoc Animal Shelter Committee Council Member Bourbeau 1. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee 2. Homeless Services Oversight Council 3. City of Atascadero Finance Committee 4. SLO County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) Council Member Moreno 1. California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) Board 2. City of Atascadero Finance Committee (Chair) 3. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) Page 4 of 210 Council Member Sturtevant 1. City / Schools Committee 2. League of California Cities – Council Liaison E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer 4. City Attorney 5. City Manager F. ADJOURN Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. I, Amanda Muther, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the June 26, 2018 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on June 19, 2018, at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review at that location. Signed this 19th day of June 2018, at Atascadero, California. Amanda Muther, Deputy City Clerk City of Atascadero Page 5 of 210 Page 6 of 210 are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Regular Council meetings are televised live, audio recorded and videotaped for future playback. Charter Communication customers may view the meetings on Charter Cable Channel 20 or via the City’s website at www.atascadero.org. Meetings are also broadcast on radio station KPRL AM 1230. Contact the City Clerk for more information (470-3400). Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Front Counter of City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or refer red to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office . In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager’s Office or the City Clerk’s Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, “COMMUNITY FORUM”, the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1. Give your name for the record (not required) 2. State the nature of your business. 3. All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council’s attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed b y the Council). If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations must be brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Mayor 2. Give your name (not required) 3. Make your statement 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present 6. All comments limited to 3 minutes The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Council. City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Council meetings will be held at the City Hall Council Chambers, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero. Matters ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 1 of 14 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL DRAFT MINUTES Tuesday, June 12, 2018 City Hall Council Chambers, 4th floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California (Entrance on Lewis Ave.) CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: Mayor O’Malley called Closed Session to order at 5:01 p.m. 1. CLOSED SESSION -- PUBLIC COMMENT 2. COUNCIL LEAVES CHAMBERS TO BEGIN CLOSED SESSION 3. CLOSED SESSION -- CALL TO ORDER a. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency designated representatives: Rachelle Rickard, City Manager Employee Organizations: Atascadero Professional Firefighters, Local 3600; Atascadero Police Association; Service Employees International Union, Local 620; Mid-Management/Professional Employees; Non- Represented Professional and Management Workers and Confidential Employees 4. CLOSED SESSION -- ADJOURNMENT 5. COUNCIL RETURNS TO CHAMBERS 6. CLOSED SESSION -- REPORT The City Attorney reported that there was no reportable action. City Council Closed Session: 5:00 P.M. City Council Regular Session: 6:00 P.M. Page 7 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 2 of 14 REGULAR SESSION – CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. Mayor O’Malley called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. and Council Member Sturtevant led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Bourbeau, Moreno, Sturtevant, and Mayor O’Malley Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Fonzi Staff Present: City Manager Rachelle Rickard, Public Works Director Nick DeBar, Police Chief Jerel Haley, Administrative Services Director Jeri Rangel, Community Development Director Phil Dunsmore, Fire Chief Casey Bryson, City Attorney Brian Pierik, Deputy City Manager/City Clerk Lara Christensen, Deputy City Clerk Amanda Muther APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Sturtevant and seconded by Council Member Moreno to: 1. Approve this agenda; and 2. Waive the reading in full of all ordinances appearing on this agenda, and the titles of the ordinances will be read aloud by the City Clerk at the first reading, after the motion and before the City Council votes. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. Fonzi absent. PRESENTATION: 1. Commendation to Glenn’s Repair & Rental - In Business for 50 years The City Council presented a Commendation to Geoff Auslen, owner of Glenn’s Repair & Rental. Mr. Auslen thanked the Council for the commendation. At the request of Mayor O’Malley, Chief Bryson spoke briefly on the history of the Bertha Shultz Trust Fund and the generosity of Mrs. Shultz. Page 8 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 3 of 14 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes – May 22, 2018  Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Draft Action Minutes of the May 22, 2018, City Council meeting. [City Clerk] 2. 2018-2019 Annual Spending Limit  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution establishing the annual spending limit for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. [Administrative Services] 3. Approval of Minor Staffing Changes at the Charles Paddock Zoo  Fiscal Impact: The re-organization is expected to have negligible fiscal impact.  Recommendation: Council concur with minor staffing changes in the Zoo Division, as recommended by the City Manager. [City Manager] 4. Bertha Shultz Trust Fund Infrastructure & Vehicle Improvement Plan Update  Fiscal Impact: Support of the staff proposed budget for remaining items will result in the expenditure of $109,120 in donated funds.  Recommendation: Council receive an update on the Bertha Shultz Trust Fund Infrastructure and Vehicle Improvement Plan that was approved by Council in 2014 and support staff proposed plan for remaining fund balance. [Fire Development] 5. Adopting a List of Projects for Fiscal Year 2018 -2019 Funded by SB1 - The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017  Fiscal Impact: No fiscal impact is anticipated from approving the recommendations in the staff report and the Draft Resolution.  Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution adopting a list of projects to be funded with Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account revenues from SB 1 (The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017) for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. [Public Works] MOTION: By Council Member Moreno and seconded by Council Member Sturtevant to approve the Consent Calendar. (#A-2: Resolution No. 2018-035) (#A-5: Resolution No. 2018-036) Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. Fonzi Absent. UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: City Manager Rachelle Rickard gave an update on projects and issues within the City. COMMUNITY FORUM: The following citizens spoke during Community Forum: Livea Coleman, Derek Kirk and Geoff Auslen Page 9 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 4 of 14 B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Apple Valley Assessment Districts  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: Annual assessments for 2018/2019 will total $28,000 for road/drainage system maintenance and $73,500 for landscape and lighting maintenance. These amounts will be assessed to the owners of parcels in Apple Valley.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 01 (Apple Valley), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for Fiscal Year 2018/2019. 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 01 (Apple Valley). 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 01 (Apple Valley), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in Fiscal Year 2018/2019. 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 01 (Apple Valley). [Administrative Services] Ex Parte Communications None were disclosed. Administrative Services Director Rangel gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. Mayor O’Malley opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone would like to address the City Council on this matter. Hearing none, Mayor O’Malley closed the Public Hearing. MOTION: By Council Member Moreno and seconded by Council Member Sturtevant to: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 01 (Apple Valley), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for Fiscal Year 2018/2019. 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 01 (Apple Valley). 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 01 (Apple Valley), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in Fiscal Year 2018/2019. Page 10 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 5 of 14 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 01 (Apple Valley). (#1: Resolution No. 2018-037, #2: Resolution No. 2018-038, #3: Resolution No. 2018-039, #4: Resolution No. 2018-040) Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. Fonzi Absent. Administrative Director Rangel presented Item B3 before Item B2. 2. Woodridge (Las Lomas) Assessment Districts  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: Annual assessments for 2018/2019 will total $88,528 for road/drainage system maintenance and $63,731 for landscape and lighting maintenance. These amounts will be assessed to the owners of parcels in Woodridge (Las Lomas). The City General Fund will contribute $1,250 for the fiscal year 2018/2019 for 25% of the maintenance costs of the trails and open space.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for Fiscal Year 2018/2019. 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas). 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in Fiscal Year 2018/2019. 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas).[Administrative Services] Ex Parte Communications None were disclosed. Administrative Services Director Rangel gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. Mayor O’Malley opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone would like to address the City Council on this matter. Hearing none, Mayor O’Malley closed the Public Hearing. MOTION: By Council Member Moreno and seconded by Council Member Sturtevant to: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for Fiscal Year 2018/2019. Page 11 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 6 of 14 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas). 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in Fiscal Year 2018/2019. 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 02 – Woodridge (Las Lomas). (#1: Resolution No. 2018-041, #2: Resolution No. 2018-042, #3: Resolution No. 2018-043, #4: Resolution No. 2018-044) Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. Fonzi Absent. 3. De Anza Estates Assessment Districts  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: Annual assessments for 2018/2019 will total $30,562 for road/drainage system maintenance and $15,875 for landscape and lighting maintenance. These amounts will be assessed to the owners of parcels in De Anza Estates. The City General Fund will contribu te $1,400 for the fiscal year 2018/2019 for half of the maintenance costs of the trails and open space.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 03 (De Anza Estates), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for Fiscal Year 2018/2019. 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 03 (De Anza Estates). 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 03 (De Anza Estates), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in Fiscal Year 2018/2019. 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 03 (De Anza Estates). [Administrative Services] Ex Parte Communications None were disclosed. Administrative Services Director Rangel gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. Mayor O’Malley opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone would like to address the City Council on this matter. Hearing none, Mayor O’Malley closed the Public Hearing. Page 12 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 7 of 14 MOTION: By Council Member Sturtevant and seconded by Council Member Bourbeau to: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 03 (De Anza Estates), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for Fiscal Year 2018/2019. 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 03 (De Anza Estates). 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer’s Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 03 (De Anza Estates), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in Fiscal Year 2018/2019. 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 03 (De Anza Estates). (#1: Resolution No. 2018-045, #2: Resolution No. 2018-046, #3: Resolution No. 2018-047, #4: Resolution No. 2018-048) Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. Fonzi Absent. 4. Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District Confirmation of Annual Assessment (Fiscal Year 2018-2019)  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: Annual assessments for 2018/2019 are expected to be approximately $266,480 and will be assessed as 2% of the rent charged on the occupied rooms and spaces for transient occupancies.  Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution confirming the annual assessment for the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvemen t District (Fiscal Year 2018-2019). [City Manager] Mayor O’Malley recused himself and stepped down from the dais noting that he is the owner of the Portola Inn, which creates a potential conflict of interest for him. Ex Parte Communications None were disclosed. Deputy City Manager Christensen gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: Tom O’Malley and Deana Alexander Council Member Moreno closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Bourbeau and seconded by Council Member Sturtevant to adopt Draft Resolution confirming the annual Page 13 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 8 of 14 assessment for the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (Fiscal Year 2018-2019). (Resolution No. 2018-049) Motion passed 3:0 by a roll-call vote. Fonzi Absent, O’Malley abstained. 5. Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area Confirmation of Annual Assessment (FY 2018-2019)  Ex-Parte Communications:  Fiscal Impact: Adopting the staff recommendation will result in the collection and expenditure of approximately $8,000 in BIA funds. The actions will also result in the expenditure of $8,000 in one -time General Fund Reserves for Fiscal Year 2018-2019.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution confirming the annual assessment for the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area (Fiscal Year 2018-2019). 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $8,000 of General Fund Reserves monies to the Marketing, Outreach, and Promotions budget. 3. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to budget $8,000 in Business Improvement Area revenues and expenses for Fiscal Year 2018-2019.[City Manager] Ex Parte Communications None were disclosed. Deputy City Manager Christensen gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: Deana Alexander, Marie Ramie, Derek Kirk, Deborah Kyle Hintergardt, and Susan Funk Mayor O’Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Moreno and seconded by Council Member Sturtevant to: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution confirming the annual assessment for the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area (Fiscal Year 2018-2019). 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $8,000 of General Fund Reserves monies to the Marketing, Outreach, and Promotions budget. 3. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to budget $8,000 in Business Improvement Area revenues and expenses for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. (#1: Resolution No. 2018-050) Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. Fonzi Absent. Page 14 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 9 of 14 C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. General Municipal Election - November 6, 2018  Fiscal Impact: The City Clerk’s estimate for the 2018 election of officials in Atascadero is $22,000 in budgeted General Funds.  Recommendations: Council adopt the following Resolutions for the purpose of electing a Mayor, two members to the City Council and a City Treasurer: 1. Draft Resolution A, calling and giving notice of the holding of a General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 for the election of a Mayor, two Council Members and a City Treasurer. 2. Draft Resolution B, requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo to consolidate a General Municipal Election to be held on November 6, 2018. [City Clerk] Deputy City Manager/City Clerk Christensen gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: None. Mayor O’Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Sturtevant and seconded by Council Member Bourbeau to adopt the following Resolutions for the purpose of electing a Mayor, two members to the City Council and a City Treasurer: 1. Draft Resolution A, calling and giving notice of the holding of a General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 for the election of a Mayor, two Council Members and a City Treasurer. 2. Draft Resolution B, requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo to consolidate a General Municipal Election to be held on November 6, 2018. (#1: Resolution No. 2018-051, #2: Resolution No. 2018-052) Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. Fonzi Absent. 2. Cannabis Tax Ballot Measure  Fiscal Impact: The City Clerk’s estimate for the 2018 election of officials in Atascadero is $22,000. The City Clerk’s estimate for the addition of the ballot measure is approximately $16,000. Therefore, the total estimate for the 2018 election including ballot measures is $38,000 in budgeted General Funds.  Recommendations: Council adopt the following Resolutions to submit to the voters a cannabis business tax ballot measure: 1. Draft Resolution A, calling and giving notice of the holding of a General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, for the submission to the voters of a question relating to a cannabis business tax measure. Page 15 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 10 of 14 2. Draft Resolution B, requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo to consolidate a General Municipal Election to be held on November 6, 2018. 3. Draft Resolution C, setting priorities for filing written arguments regarding the City measure and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis. 4. Draft Resolution D, providing for the filing of rebuttal arguments for City measures submitted at Municipal Elections. 5. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $8,000 of General Fund Reserves monies to the City Clerk budget. [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Rangel gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. During her report, Director Rangel provided Council with a handout on proposed tax rates (Exhibit A). Deputy City Manager/City Clerk Christensen also answered questions from the Council. Council Member Moreno expressed concern that the proposed maximum tax rates for Atascadero were lower than rates listed by other local cities, as detailed in Exhibit A. Director Rangel clarified how the proposed rates had been reached and t he Council further discussed the topic of maximum tax rates. By consensus, the City Council authorized Mayor O’Malley and Council Member Moreno to write a rebuttal argument with regards to the Cannabis Tax Measure. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: Susan Funk Mayor O’Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Mayor O’Malley and seconded by Council Member Bourbeau to adopt the following Resolutions to submit to the voters a cannabis business tax ballot measure: 1. Draft Resolution A, calling and giving notice of the holding of a General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, for the submission to the voters of a question relating to a cannabis business tax measure with the following amendments to the Ballot Measure and Exhibit A: BALLOT MEASURE #____ Shall the measure be adopted to tax cannabis businesses operating illegally or allowed in the future by the voters, State or City, at annual rates not to exceed $10.00 per canopy square foot for cultivation (adjustable for inflation), 6% 10% of gross receipts for retail cannabis businesses, and 4% 6% of gross receipts for all other cannabis businesses, generating $0- $500,000 annually for unrestricted general revenue purposes, such as police, fire and parks, until ended by the voters? Yes No Page 16 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 11 of 14 Exhibit A (Ordinance): Section 3-17.050(d)(1)(a)(ii): Seven Ten dollars ($710.00) annually per square foot of canopy space for indoor cultivation within a permanent structure that uses a combination of natural and supplemental artificial lighting. Section 3-17.050(d)(1)(a)(iii): Four Ten dollars ($410.00) annually per square foot of canopy space for outdoor cultivation that uses no artificial lighting. Section 3-17.050(d)(1)(a)(iv): Two Ten dollars ($210.00) annually per square foot of canopy space for any nursery. Section 3-17.050(d)(3): For every person who engages in the retail sales of cannabis as a retailer (dispensary) or non-store front retailer (delivery business), or microbusiness (retail sales activity) the maximum tax rate shall not exceed six ten percent (610%) of gross receipts. Section 3-17.050(d)(5): For every person who engages in a cannabis manufacturing, processing, or microbusiness (non-retail activity) or any other type of cannabis business not described in Section (D) (1), (2), (3) or (4), the maximum tax rate shall not exceed four six percent (46%) of gross receipts. 2. Draft Resolution B, requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo to consolidate a General Municipal Election to be held on November 6, 2018 with the following amendment to the Ballot Measure: BALLOT MEASURE #____ Shall the measure be adopted to tax cannabis businesses operating illegally or allowed in the future by the voters, State or City, at annual rates not to exceed $10.00 per canopy square foot for cultivation (adjustable for inflation), 6% 10% of gross receipts for retail cannabis businesses, and 4% 6% of gross receipts for all other cannabis businesses, generating $0- $500,000 annually for unrestricted general revenue purposes, such as police, fire and parks, until ended by the voters? Yes No 3. Draft Resolution C, setting priorities for filing written arguments regarding the City measure and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis with the following amendment to the Ballot Measure, the inclusion of all City Council Members names listed under authorization and adding a sentence at the end of Section 1 stating “Council Members Bourbeau and Sturtevant, with Mayor O’Malley as an alternate, will be responsible to write an argument in favor of the Ballot Measure”: BALLOT MEASURE #____ Shall the measure be adopted to tax cannabis businesses operating illegally or allowed in the future by the voters, State or City, at annual rates not to exceed $10.00 per canopy square foot for cultivation (adjustable for inflation), 6% 10% of gross receipts for retail cannabis businesses, and 4% 6% of gross receipts for all other cannabis businesses, generating $0- $500,000 annually for unrestricted general revenue purposes, such as police, fire and parks, until ended by the voters? Yes No Page 17 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 12 of 14 4. Draft Resolution D, providing for the filing of rebuttal arguments for City measures submitted at Municipal Elections. 5. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $8,000 of General Fund Reserves monies to the City Clerk budget. (#1: Resolution No. 2018-053, #2: Resolution No. 2018-054, #3: Resolution No. 2018-055, #4: Resolution No. 2018-056) Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. Fonzi Absent. Mayor O’Malley recessed the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Mayor O’Malley reconvened the meeting at 8:21 p.m. 3. Santa Lucia Road and Via Avenue Bridge Replacement Project Updates  Fiscal Impact: No fiscal impact is related to staff recommendations.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Review preliminary design plans for the Santa Lucia Road Bridge over Graves Creek (Project No. C2015B03) and the Via Avenue Bridge over Atascadero Creek (Project No. C2015B02). 2. Approve bridge railing design options for Santa Lucia Road and Via Avenue Bridge projects. [Public Works] Public Works Director DeBar gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: Susan Funk Mayor O’Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Sturtevant and seconded by Council Member Bourbeau to: 1. Review preliminary design plans for the Santa Lucia Road Bridge over Graves Creek (Project No. C2015B03) and the Via Avenue Bridge over Atascadero Creek (Project No. C2015B02). 2. Approve bridge railing design options for Santa Lucia Road and Via Avenue Bridge projects with the following direction: 1. Santa Lucia Road Bridge - Type 80 design with the addition of railing. 2. Via Avenue Bridge - Type 80 design with the same railing treatment on both sides of the bridge. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. Fonzi Absent. Page 18 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 13 of 14 4. Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant - El Camino Corridor Study - Professional Services Award  Fiscal Impact: PlaceWorks’s negotiated fee is time and material basis for a contract amount of $174,905, which is fully covered by the Caltrans planning grant. Staff recommends that Council appropriate up to $25,000 in General Fund Reserves to fund a Market Assessment which will act as an economic basis for developing the land use and transportation corridor plan.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with PlaceWorks, in the amount of $174,905, to provide professional services for the El Camino Real Corridor Study, funded by the Caltrans planning grant. 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate up to $25,000 from the City’s General Fund Reserves to complete a Market Assessment which will identify economic opportunities and quantify market potential within the City’s commercial sector. [Community Development] Community Development Director Dunsmore gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. City Manager Rickard also answered questions from the Council. Tammi Seale, Associate Principal for Placeworks spoke briefly on the proposed Market Assessment Study and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: Susan Funk Mayor O’Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Mayor O’Malley and seconded by Council Member Moreno to: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with PlaceWorks, in the amount of $174,905, to provide professional services for the El Camino Real Corridor Study, funded by the Caltrans planning grant. 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate up to $25,000 from the City’s General Fund Reserves to complete a Market Assessment, which will identify economic opportunities and quantify market potential within the City’s commercial sector. (#1: Contract No. 2018-003) Motion passed 3:0 by a roll-call vote. Bourbeau NO. Fonzi Absent. Page 19 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council June 12, 2018 Page 14 of 14 COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: On the suggestion of Mayor O’Malley, there was Council consensus to have staff prepare and present a report regarding the possibility of a ballot measure for discussion at the June 26, 2018 meeting to extend the term of the Mayor from two-years to four-years. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: The following Council Members gave brief update reports on their committees since their last Council meeting: Council Member Bourbeau 1. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee 2. Homeless Services Oversight Council E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: None F. ADJOURN Mayor O’Malley adjourned the meeting at 9:42 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Amanda Muther Deputy City Clerk The following exhibits are available for review in the City Clerk’s office:  Exhibit A – Cannabis Tax maximum rate comparison provided by Director Rangel APPROVED: Page 20 of 210 jl^^™BSIoAtascadero City CouncilStaff Report - Administrative Services DepartmentMay 2018 Accounts Payable and PayrollRECOMMENDATION:Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks forMay 2018.DISCUSSION:Attached for City Council review and approval are the following:PayrollChecks # 33844 - 33859 $ 14,239.06Direct Deposits 274,557.49Checks # 33860 - 33875 10,706.97Direct Deposits 279,813.13Checks # 33876-33892 11,271.80Direct Deposits 278,377.58Dated 5/3/18Dated 5/17/18Dated 5/31/18Accounts PayableDated 5/1/18-5/31/18Checks #156537-156833& EFTs 2926 - 2953TOTAL AMOUNT3,574,442.14$ 4,443,408.17FISCAL IMPACT:Total expenditures for all funds is$ 4,443,408.17CERTIFICATION:The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released forpayment and that funds are available for these demands.[^^Qfri pangel, Dlrect^r^if Administrative ServicesATTACHMENT:May 2018 Eden Warrant Register in the amount of $ 3,574,442.14ITEM NUMBER: A-2DATE: 06/26/18Page 21 of 210 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2018 156537 05/01/2018 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS HEALTH 168,054.48Payroll Vendor Payment 156538 05/01/2018 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS CO 1,525.19Payroll Vendor Payment 156539 05/01/2018 MEDICAL EYE SERVICES 1,769.13Payroll Vendor Payment 156540 05/01/2018 PREFERRED BENEFITS INSURANCE 9,147.90Payroll Vendor Payment 2926 05/02/2018 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT 37.45Accounts Payable Check 156541 05/02/2018 MYRA L. GLEASON 150.00Accounts Payable Check 156542 05/02/2018 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING INC.11,423.00Accounts Payable Check 156543 05/03/2018 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION 80.00Payroll Vendor Payment 156544 05/03/2018 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS 1,387.50Payroll Vendor Payment 156545 05/03/2018 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 1,050.85Payroll Vendor Payment 156546 05/03/2018 MASS MUTUAL WORKPLACE SOLUTION 7,075.50Payroll Vendor Payment 156547 05/03/2018 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 542.51Payroll Vendor Payment 156548 05/03/2018 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS 1,142.11Payroll Vendor Payment 156549 05/03/2018 SEIU LOCAL 620 927.13Payroll Vendor Payment 156550 05/03/2018 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 337.31Payroll Vendor Payment 156551 05/03/2018 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 4,645.81Payroll Vendor Payment 2927 05/04/2018 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 335.08Payroll Vendor Payment 2928 05/04/2018 HEALTHEQUITY, INC.7,796.70Payroll Vendor Payment 2929 05/04/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 21,656.53Payroll Vendor Payment 2930 05/04/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 35,824.84Payroll Vendor Payment 2931 05/04/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 676.41Payroll Vendor Payment 2932 05/04/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,070.94Payroll Vendor Payment 2933 05/04/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,460.41Payroll Vendor Payment 2934 05/04/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,025.67Payroll Vendor Payment 2935 05/04/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 4,483.44Payroll Vendor Payment 2936 05/04/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 8,679.96Payroll Vendor Payment 2937 05/08/2018 RABOBANK, N.A.44,371.00Payroll Vendor Payment 2938 05/08/2018 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT 12,847.02Payroll Vendor Payment 2939 05/08/2018 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT 2,130.99Payroll Vendor Payment 156552 05/08/2018 CHEVRON & TEXACO BUS. CARD 237.47Accounts Payable Check 156553 05/08/2018 WEX BANK - 76 UNIVERSL 10,925.47Accounts Payable Check 156554 05/08/2018 WEX BANK - WEX FLEET UNIVERSAL 7,486.78Accounts Payable Check 156555 05/09/2018 U.S. POSTMASTER 2,500.00Accounts Payable Check 156556 05/11/2018 7SISTERS BREWING COMPANY, LLC 258.60Accounts Payable Check 156557 05/11/2018 A.D. STARR 372.70Accounts Payable Check 156558 05/11/2018 ADAMSON POLICE PRODUCTS 1,016.54Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 22 of 210 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2018 156559 05/11/2018 AIR-RITE REFRIGERATION 458.17Accounts Payable Check 156560 05/11/2018 ALL SIGNS AND GRAPHICS, LLC 885.17Accounts Payable Check 156561 05/11/2018 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC 455.00Accounts Payable Check 156562 05/11/2018 AMERICAN WEST TIRE & AUTO INC 257.13Accounts Payable Check 156563 05/11/2018 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS 790.49Accounts Payable Check 156564 05/11/2018 ASSOCIATED TRAFFIC SAFETY 1,400.00Accounts Payable Check 156566 05/11/2018 AT&T 846.75Accounts Payable Check 156567 05/11/2018 AT&T 2,520.00Accounts Payable Check 156568 05/11/2018 ATASCADERO HAY & FEED 1,266.13Accounts Payable Check 156569 05/11/2018 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO.11.85Accounts Payable Check 156570 05/11/2018 ATASCADERO PICKLEBALL CLUB 145.80Accounts Payable Check 156571 05/11/2018 ATM ADVANTAGE PLUS 125.00Accounts Payable Check 156572 05/11/2018 BASSETT'S CRICKET RANCH,INC.719.36Accounts Payable Check 156573 05/11/2018 BAUER COMPRESSORS 282.07Accounts Payable Check 156574 05/11/2018 KEITH R. BERGHER 240.00Accounts Payable Check 156575 05/11/2018 BERRY MAN, INC.617.60Accounts Payable Check 156576 05/11/2018 BIG RED MARKETING, INC.3,000.00Accounts Payable Check 156577 05/11/2018 SHIRLEY R. BRUTON 426.00Accounts Payable Check 156578 05/11/2018 BURKE,WILLIAMS, & SORENSON LLP 25,139.91Accounts Payable Check 156579 05/11/2018 BURT INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 440.05Accounts Payable Check 156580 05/11/2018 C3 CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT 1,559.60Accounts Payable Check 156581 05/11/2018 CA CODE CHECK, INC.43,067.90Accounts Payable Check 156582 05/11/2018 CAL-COAST REFRIGERATION, INC 301.30Accounts Payable Check 156583 05/11/2018 CALLBACK STAFFING SOLUTION,LLC 89.47Accounts Payable Check 156584 05/11/2018 CALPORTLAND COMPANY 3,155.94Accounts Payable Check 156585 05/11/2018 CDCE, INC.1,133.28Accounts Payable Check 156586 05/11/2018 CENTRAL NEBRASKA PACKING, INC.8,630.14Accounts Payable Check 156587 05/11/2018 CERTIF-A-GIFT COMPANY 1,623.92Accounts Payable Check 156588 05/11/2018 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 1,886.13Accounts Payable Check 156589 05/11/2018 CINDY CHAVEZ 238.64Accounts Payable Check 156590 05/11/2018 MIGUEL A. CORDERO 161.00Accounts Payable Check 156591 05/11/2018 CORPORATION FOR BETTER HOUSING 200,000.00Accounts Payable Check 156592 05/11/2018 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO 441.00Accounts Payable Check 156593 05/11/2018 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 161.05Accounts Payable Check 156594 05/11/2018 CULLIGAN/CENTRAL COAST WTR TRT 70.00Accounts Payable Check 156595 05/11/2018 DAN BIDDLE PEST CONTROL SERVIC 135.00Accounts Payable Check 156596 05/11/2018 SHARON J. DAVIS 273.00Accounts Payable Check 156597 05/11/2018 NICHOLAS DEBAR 300.00Accounts Payable Check 156598 05/11/2018 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 469.00Accounts Payable Check 156599 05/11/2018 DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 3,896.00Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 23 of 210 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2018 156600 05/11/2018 DEPT. OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 225.00Accounts Payable Check 156601 05/11/2018 DOOLEY ENTERPRISES INC 2,102.23Accounts Payable Check 156602 05/11/2018 DRIVE CUSTOMS 1,364.42Accounts Payable Check 156603 05/11/2018 PHILIP DUNSMORE 300.00Accounts Payable Check 156604 05/11/2018 ED'S FLYMEAT LLC 44.95Accounts Payable Check 156605 05/11/2018 JENNIFER S. EICKEMEYER 54.00Accounts Payable Check 156606 05/11/2018 EL CAMINO VETERINARY HOSP 926.15Accounts Payable Check 156607 05/11/2018 FAILSAFE TESTING 1,496.45Accounts Payable Check 156608 05/11/2018 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC.215.50Accounts Payable Check 156609 05/11/2018 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR 29.70Accounts Payable Check 156610 05/11/2018 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL 516.00Accounts Payable Check 156611 05/11/2018 FOOD FOR LESS 240.22Accounts Payable Check 156612 05/11/2018 G BROTHERS SMOKEHOUSE 192.00Accounts Payable Check 156613 05/11/2018 GAS COMPANY 778.49Accounts Payable Check 156614 05/11/2018 GEM AUTO PARTS 35.32Accounts Payable Check 156615 05/11/2018 GILBERT'S LANDSCAPES 407.91Accounts Payable Check 156616 05/11/2018 BRADLEY A. HACKLEMAN 570.00Accounts Payable Check 156617 05/11/2018 SCOTT HALLETT 345.00Accounts Payable Check 156618 05/11/2018 HANLEY AND FLEISHMAN, LLP 4,125.50Accounts Payable Check 156619 05/11/2018 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINTING 129.31Accounts Payable Check 156620 05/11/2018 HEALTHY FIREFIGHTERS USA, INC.4,175.00Accounts Payable Check 156621 05/11/2018 HOP'S PARTY RENTALS 100.00Accounts Payable Check 156622 05/11/2018 LYNDA HOREJSI 21.28Accounts Payable Check 156623 05/11/2018 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,202.80Accounts Payable Check 156624 05/11/2018 EVELYN R. INGRAM 359.34Accounts Payable Check 156625 05/11/2018 INHOUSE SECURITY SERVICE, LLC 528.00Accounts Payable Check 156626 05/11/2018 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS MGMNT 88.27Accounts Payable Check 156627 05/11/2018 JIFFY LUBE 116.70Accounts Payable Check 156628 05/11/2018 JK2 APPAREL 308.87Accounts Payable Check 156629 05/11/2018 JOE A. GONSALVES & SON 3,000.00Accounts Payable Check 156630 05/11/2018 JON JONES 281.00Accounts Payable Check 156631 05/11/2018 JUICE MEDIA PRODUCTIONS, LLC 1,600.00Accounts Payable Check 156632 05/11/2018 NORMAN M. KATZ, PSY.D.450.00Accounts Payable Check 156633 05/11/2018 KMIT SOLUTIONS 3,315.00Accounts Payable Check 156634 05/11/2018 KTU+A 1,848.17Accounts Payable Check 156635 05/11/2018 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO. INC 3,083.38Accounts Payable Check 156636 05/11/2018 LEHIGH HANSON 598.25Accounts Payable Check 156637 05/11/2018 CRAIG C. LOWRIE 138.00Accounts Payable Check 156638 05/11/2018 BECKY MAXWELL 48.83Accounts Payable Check 156639 05/11/2018 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO.55.71Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 24 of 210 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2018 156640 05/11/2018 SAMUEL HENRY MCMILLAN, JR.46.00Accounts Payable Check 156641 05/11/2018 SAMUEL H. MCMILLAN, SR.69.00Accounts Payable Check 156642 05/11/2018 MEDINA LIGHT SHOW DESIGNS 300.00Accounts Payable Check 156643 05/11/2018 MEDPOST URGENT CARE-PASO ROBLE 1,800.00Accounts Payable Check 156644 05/11/2018 MICHAEL K. NUNLEY & ASSC, INC.1,930.00Accounts Payable Check 156645 05/11/2018 MID-COAST MOWER & SAW, INC.373.14Accounts Payable Check 156646 05/11/2018 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 288.15Accounts Payable Check 156647 05/11/2018 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 483.49Accounts Payable Check 156648 05/11/2018 REON C MONSON 168.00Accounts Payable Check 156649 05/11/2018 MUNICIPAL MAINT EQUIPMENT, INC 1,586.93Accounts Payable Check 156650 05/11/2018 NCI AFFILIATES, INC 240.00Accounts Payable Check 156651 05/11/2018 KELLYE R. NETZ 128.00Accounts Payable Check 156652 05/11/2018 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING INC.245.00Accounts Payable Check 156653 05/11/2018 OFFICE DEPOT INC.190.08Accounts Payable Check 156654 05/11/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC.83.74Accounts Payable Check 156655 05/11/2018 TARA ORLICK 47.96Accounts Payable Check 156658 05/11/2018 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC 45,377.79Accounts Payable Check 156659 05/11/2018 ROBIN K. PENDLEY 92.00Accounts Payable Check 156660 05/11/2018 PERRY'S PARCEL & GIFT 83.82Accounts Payable Check 156661 05/11/2018 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION, INC.49.60Accounts Payable Check 156662 05/11/2018 PRINTPAL PROMOTIONS & PRINTING 665.68Accounts Payable Check 156663 05/11/2018 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC.754.06Accounts Payable Check 156664 05/11/2018 QUINCY ENGINEERING, INC.11,911.73Accounts Payable Check 156665 05/11/2018 QUINN RENTAL SERVICES 752.20Accounts Payable Check 156666 05/11/2018 JERI RANGEL 320.19Accounts Payable Check 156667 05/11/2018 RACHELLE RICKARD 500.00Accounts Payable Check 156668 05/11/2018 MICHELLE R. ROGERS 112.00Accounts Payable Check 156669 05/11/2018 RUBY CELLARS, LLC 210.00Accounts Payable Check 156670 05/11/2018 SAFETY DRIVERS ED., LLC.27.30Accounts Payable Check 156671 05/11/2018 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE, INC.841.88Accounts Payable Check 156672 05/11/2018 SANTA MARIA ELECTRIC, INC.7,008.00Accounts Payable Check 156673 05/11/2018 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE & SAFETY CO 362.48Accounts Payable Check 156674 05/11/2018 JOHN C. SIEMENS 544.60Accounts Payable Check 156675 05/11/2018 SLO BREWING CO.175.00Accounts Payable Check 156676 05/11/2018 SLO CO AUDITOR CONTROLLER 2,192,530.00Accounts Payable Check 156677 05/11/2018 DAVID L. SMAW 115.00Accounts Payable Check 156678 05/11/2018 SOUTH COAST EMERGENCY VEH SVC 2,895.67Accounts Payable Check 156679 05/11/2018 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY 730.25Accounts Payable Check 156680 05/11/2018 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 86.15Accounts Payable Check 156681 05/11/2018 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL, INC.1,700.00Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 25 of 210 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2018 156682 05/11/2018 TENT CITY BEER COMPANY 300.00Accounts Payable Check 156683 05/11/2018 ULTREX BUSINESS PRODUCTS 79.05Accounts Payable Check 156684 05/11/2018 ULTREX LEASING 260.76Accounts Payable Check 156685 05/11/2018 UNITED STAFFING ASSC., INC.1,750.32Accounts Payable Check 156686 05/11/2018 USA BLUE BOOK 65.18Accounts Payable Check 156687 05/11/2018 IWINA M. VAN BEEK 276.00Accounts Payable Check 156688 05/11/2018 VERIZON WIRELESS 1,026.48Accounts Payable Check 156689 05/11/2018 VINO VICE, INC.390.00Accounts Payable Check 156690 05/11/2018 WALLACE GROUP 3,495.48Accounts Payable Check 156691 05/11/2018 WCJ PROPERTY SERVICES 900.00Accounts Payable Check 156692 05/11/2018 MICHAEL T. WEAKS 69.00Accounts Payable Check 156693 05/11/2018 BRANDON J. WELLS 46.00Accounts Payable Check 156694 05/11/2018 WEST COAST AUTO & TOWING, INC.3,911.81Accounts Payable Check 156695 05/11/2018 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY 345.27Accounts Payable Check 156696 05/11/2018 WHIT'S TURN TREE CARE 200.00Accounts Payable Check 156697 05/11/2018 JEFF WILSHUSEN 128.00Accounts Payable Check 156698 05/11/2018 KAREN B. WYKE 779.40Accounts Payable Check 2940 05/16/2018 SLO CO AUDITOR CONTROLLER 116,000.00Accounts Payable Check 156699 05/17/2018 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION 80.00Payroll Vendor Payment 156700 05/17/2018 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS 1,391.50Payroll Vendor Payment 156701 05/17/2018 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 1,050.85Payroll Vendor Payment 156702 05/17/2018 MASS MUTUAL WORKPLACE SOLUTION 7,075.50Payroll Vendor Payment 156703 05/17/2018 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 528.69Payroll Vendor Payment 156704 05/17/2018 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS 1,142.11Payroll Vendor Payment 156705 05/17/2018 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS 70.00Payroll Vendor Payment 156706 05/17/2018 SEIU LOCAL 620 931.34Payroll Vendor Payment 156707 05/17/2018 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 337.31Payroll Vendor Payment 156708 05/17/2018 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 4,645.81Payroll Vendor Payment 2941 05/18/2018 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 335.08Payroll Vendor Payment 2942 05/18/2018 HEALTHEQUITY, INC.15,196.70Payroll Vendor Payment 2943 05/18/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 22,060.93Payroll Vendor Payment 2944 05/18/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 36,779.40Payroll Vendor Payment 2945 05/18/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 760.85Payroll Vendor Payment 2946 05/18/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 1,986.18Payroll Vendor Payment 2947 05/18/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,460.41Payroll Vendor Payment 2948 05/18/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,155.42Payroll Vendor Payment 2949 05/18/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 4,883.72Payroll Vendor Payment 2950 05/18/2018 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 8,810.97Payroll Vendor Payment ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 26 of 210 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2018 2951 05/22/2018 RABOBANK, N.A.46,279.21Payroll Vendor Payment 2952 05/22/2018 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT 14,200.36Payroll Vendor Payment 2953 05/22/2018 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT 2,163.81Payroll Vendor Payment 156709 05/25/2018 ADAMSON POLICE PRODUCTS 4,741.68Accounts Payable Check 156710 05/25/2018 AGM CALIFORNIA, INC.765.00Accounts Payable Check 156711 05/25/2018 AGP VIDEO, INC.2,837.50Accounts Payable Check 156712 05/25/2018 ALAMEDA ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTOR 437.02Accounts Payable Check 156713 05/25/2018 AMERICAN MARBORG 107.20Accounts Payable Check 156714 05/25/2018 AMERICAN WEST TIRE & AUTO INC 2,446.97Accounts Payable Check 156715 05/25/2018 AT&T 563.99Accounts Payable Check 156716 05/25/2018 AT&T 1,055.85Accounts Payable Check 156717 05/25/2018 ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 389.93Accounts Payable Check 156718 05/25/2018 ATASCADERO GIRLS SOFTBALL 315.00Accounts Payable Check 156719 05/25/2018 ATASCADERO LITTLE LEAGUE 262.50Accounts Payable Check 156720 05/25/2018 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO.4.20Accounts Payable Check 156721 05/25/2018 ATASCADERO NEWS 835.40Accounts Payable Check 156722 05/25/2018 ATASCADERO YOUTH FOOTBALL 412.50Accounts Payable Check 156723 05/25/2018 AURORA WORLD, INC.666.73Accounts Payable Check 156724 05/25/2018 TERRIE BANISH 181.49Accounts Payable Check 156725 05/25/2018 BARRY-OWEN CO., INC.253.40Accounts Payable Check 156726 05/25/2018 BURKE,WILLIAMS, & SORENSON LLP 42,866.84Accounts Payable Check 156727 05/25/2018 CA CODE CHECK, INC.17,359.94Accounts Payable Check 156728 05/25/2018 CA PEACE OFFICERS ASSC 750.00Accounts Payable Check 156729 05/25/2018 CALPORTLAND COMPANY 495.80Accounts Payable Check 156730 05/25/2018 CARGORAXX 673.75Accounts Payable Check 156731 05/25/2018 CDCE, INC.3,398.55Accounts Payable Check 156732 05/25/2018 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 1,717.46Accounts Payable Check 156733 05/25/2018 CITY OF ATASCADERO 300.50Accounts Payable Check 156734 05/25/2018 KAREN A. CLANIN 329.00Accounts Payable Check 156735 05/25/2018 CO OF SAN LUIS OBISPO SART PRG 520.00Accounts Payable Check 156736 05/25/2018 COAST LINE DISTRIBUTING 711.00Accounts Payable Check 156737 05/25/2018 COASTAL REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES 655.26Accounts Payable Check 156738 05/25/2018 CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS, LLC.125.00Accounts Payable Check 156739 05/25/2018 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 184.85Accounts Payable Check 156740 05/25/2018 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 849.00Accounts Payable Check 156741 05/25/2018 DOCUTEAM 128.25Accounts Payable Check 156742 05/25/2018 ELECTRICRAFT, INC.283.26Accounts Payable Check 156743 05/25/2018 ESCUELA DEL RIO 68.00Accounts Payable Check 156744 05/25/2018 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY 363.76Accounts Payable Check 156745 05/25/2018 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR 149.36Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 27 of 210 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2018 156746 05/25/2018 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL 328.00Accounts Payable Check 156747 05/25/2018 FIESTA MAHAR MANUFACTURNG CORP 232.58Accounts Payable Check 156748 05/25/2018 GAS COMPANY 17.09Accounts Payable Check 156749 05/25/2018 GEM AUTO PARTS 104.07Accounts Payable Check 156750 05/25/2018 GLENN'S REPAIR & RENTAL, INC.65.00Accounts Payable Check 156751 05/25/2018 MARK D. GREENAWAY 60.00Accounts Payable Check 156752 05/25/2018 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINTING 382.73Accounts Payable Check 156753 05/25/2018 HELIXSTORM, INC.3,288.00Accounts Payable Check 156754 05/25/2018 RYAN HOFSTETTER 36.72Accounts Payable Check 156756 05/25/2018 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 5,986.70Accounts Payable Check 156757 05/25/2018 CHRIS HOREJSI 50.00Accounts Payable Check 156758 05/25/2018 INHOUSE SECURITY SERVICE, LLC 396.00Accounts Payable Check 156759 05/25/2018 JIFFY LUBE 51.39Accounts Payable Check 156760 05/25/2018 JK'S UNLIMITED 8,520.73Accounts Payable Check 156761 05/25/2018 JOANN HEAD LAND SURVEYING 9,732.50Accounts Payable Check 156762 05/25/2018 K & M INTERNATIONAL 160.70Accounts Payable Check 156763 05/25/2018 K PENCE CONSULTING 984.00Accounts Payable Check 156764 05/25/2018 KID TEES 875.41Accounts Payable Check 156765 05/25/2018 KPRL 1230 AM 500.00Accounts Payable Check 156766 05/25/2018 KRITZ EXCAVATING & TRUCKNG INC 554.38Accounts Payable Check 156767 05/25/2018 KSBY COMMUNICATIONS, LLC 1,830.00Accounts Payable Check 156768 05/25/2018 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC.646.07Accounts Payable Check 156769 05/25/2018 LEHIGH HANSON 3,516.73Accounts Payable Check 156770 05/25/2018 LIFE ASSIST, INC.606.14Accounts Payable Check 156771 05/25/2018 LIFESTYLE FIBERGLASS POOLS 1,546.75Accounts Payable Check 156772 05/25/2018 LONE MADRONE 200.00Accounts Payable Check 156773 05/25/2018 CRAIG C. LOWRIE 92.00Accounts Payable Check 156774 05/25/2018 MADRONE LANDSCAPES, INC.6,468.00Accounts Payable Check 156775 05/25/2018 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO.608.84Accounts Payable Check 156776 05/25/2018 SAMUEL HENRY MCMILLAN, JR.69.00Accounts Payable Check 156777 05/25/2018 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 373.70Accounts Payable Check 156778 05/25/2018 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 284.46Accounts Payable Check 156779 05/25/2018 RICKY D. MONTIJO 150.00Accounts Payable Check 156780 05/25/2018 MR. ELLIE POOH, LLC 223.11Accounts Payable Check 156781 05/25/2018 MV TRANSPORTATION, INC.12,345.99Accounts Payable Check 156782 05/25/2018 OFFICE DEPOT INC.314.81Accounts Payable Check 156783 05/25/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC.59.38Accounts Payable Check 156784 05/25/2018 PASO ROBLES SAFE & LOCK, INC.277.50Accounts Payable Check 156785 05/25/2018 ROBIN K. PENDLEY 138.00Accounts Payable Check 156786 05/25/2018 PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE, LLC 22.50Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 28 of 210 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2018 156787 05/25/2018 PFLUMS ATASCADERO MUFFLER 40.00Accounts Payable Check 156788 05/25/2018 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC.1,135.55Accounts Payable Check 156789 05/25/2018 QUINN RENTAL SERVICES 209.72Accounts Payable Check 156790 05/25/2018 REPUBLIC ELEVATOR COMPANY 443.89Accounts Payable Check 156791 05/25/2018 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 17,352.38Accounts Payable Check 156792 05/25/2018 RACHELLE RICKARD 36.00Accounts Payable Check 156793 05/25/2018 CHARLOTTE SANCHEZ 35.00Accounts Payable Check 156794 05/25/2018 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC USA, INC 2,244.00Accounts Payable Check 156795 05/25/2018 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP.5,097.46Accounts Payable Check 156796 05/25/2018 SHORE-TEK, INC.872.06Accounts Payable Check 156797 05/25/2018 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 265.00Accounts Payable Check 156798 05/25/2018 SMART AND FINAL 131.53Accounts Payable Check 156799 05/25/2018 DAVID L. SMAW 92.00Accounts Payable Check 156800 05/25/2018 MARY P. SMITH 487.39Accounts Payable Check 156801 05/25/2018 SOUTH COAST EMERGENCY VEH SVC 2,713.22Accounts Payable Check 156802 05/25/2018 SPEAKWRITE, LLC.525.68Accounts Payable Check 156803 05/25/2018 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY 255.90Accounts Payable Check 156804 05/25/2018 THOMA ELECTRIC, INC.500.00Accounts Payable Check 156805 05/25/2018 TOYSMITH 356.40Accounts Payable Check 156806 05/25/2018 THE TRIBUNE 24.95Accounts Payable Check 156812 05/25/2018 U.S. BANK 27,887.98Accounts Payable Check 156813 05/25/2018 ULTREX BUSINESS PRODUCTS 7.00Accounts Payable Check 156814 05/25/2018 UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AM), INC 2,509.56Accounts Payable Check 156815 05/25/2018 UNITED STAFFING ASSC., INC.875.16Accounts Payable Check 156816 05/25/2018 IWINA M. VAN BEEK 230.00Accounts Payable Check 156817 05/25/2018 THOMAS F. VELASQUEZ 92.00Accounts Payable Check 156818 05/25/2018 VERDIN 15,465.58Accounts Payable Check 156819 05/25/2018 VERIZON WIRELESS 423.49Accounts Payable Check 156820 05/25/2018 VISIT SLO CAL 23,263.16Accounts Payable Check 156821 05/25/2018 WELL SEEN SIGN CO., LLC 698.22Accounts Payable Check 156822 05/25/2018 BRANDON J. WELLS 69.00Accounts Payable Check 156823 05/25/2018 WILLIAMS FLOORING AMERICA, INC 821.00Accounts Payable Check 156824 05/25/2018 JEFF WILSHUSEN 218.00Accounts Payable Check 156825 05/25/2018 WISHPETS CO.160.00Accounts Payable Check 156826 05/25/2018 ZOO MED LABORATORIES, INC.1,213.03Accounts Payable Check 156827 05/25/2018 ZOOM IMAGING SOLUTIONS, INC.2,254.63Accounts Payable Check 156828 05/31/2018 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 993.60Payroll Vendor Payment 156829 05/31/2018 MASS MUTUAL WORKPLACE SOLUTION 7,075.50Payroll Vendor Payment 156830 05/31/2018 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 495.76Payroll Vendor Payment 156831 05/31/2018 SEIU LOCAL 620 921.49Payroll Vendor Payment ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 29 of 210 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2018 156832 05/31/2018 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 337.31Payroll Vendor Payment 156833 05/31/2018 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 3,645.81Payroll Vendor Payment $3,574,442.14 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 30 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – City Manager’s Office Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) Board Appointment of Three Board Members to Fill Vacancies RECOMMENDATION: Council appoint Deana Alexander, Daniel Brewer and Amar Sohi to the ATBID Advisory Board, for a term expiring June 30, 2020. DISCUSSION: In 2013, the lodging businesses in Atascadero requested the Council establish a Tourism Business Improvement District in order to levy annual assessments that would fund tourism promotions and marketing programs to promote the City as a tourism destination. The City Council established the ATBID, appointed Board Members, and levied assessments beginning June 1, 2013. When the initial Advisory Board was appointed, it was comprised of three members serving three-year terms, and two members serving two -year terms. In 2015, the Municipal Code was changed to clarify that after the initial forma tion, all subsequent Board Members will serve two year staggered terms. The terms of the Board Member positions currently held by Deana Alexander, Daniel Brewer and Amar Sohi, are set to expire on June 30, 2018. Once Board Member terms are close to expiring, the ATBID’s Rules and Procedures lay out the nomination process that must be followed. Before the expiration of terms, a letter is mailed out to each Lodging Business notifying them of a meeting for the purpose of making nominations for the Board seats that are scheduled to be vacant in July. At this meeting, lodging business owners are nominated and a written ballot election determines the nominees to be recommended to the City Council. The results of the nomination meeting are then forwarded to the City Clerk to be placed on the Council’s agenda as a recommendation for filling the Board vacancies. The Atascadero Municipal Code § 3-16.07 (b) states that membership on the ATBID Board is limited to Lodging Business owners or employees or other representatives holding the written consent of a Lodging Business owner within the ATBID area who Page 31 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 06/26/18 has fully paid its assessment at the time of the appointment, and remain fully paid during the term of the membership on the Board. This year, letters were mailed out to each of the Lodging Businesses on May 4 , 2018, and the Lodging Business nomination meeting was held June 4, 2018. Deana Alexander, Daniel Brewer and Amar Sohi were selected by the lodging owners present at the nomination meeting to be recommended to the City Council for appointment to the ATBID Board. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVE: Council may reject the recommendation of the lodging business owners and request a new recommendation from the lodging business owners. ATTACHMENTS: None. Page 32 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – Public Works Department Placement of Sewer Service Charges on the 2018-2019 Property Tax Rolls RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt Draft Resolution placing sewer service charges on the 2018-2019 property tax rolls. DISCUSSION: The Atascadero Municipal Code provides for the collection of sewer service charges on the general County tax bills. Charges have been collected in this manner since the County Sanitation District was dissolved in 1984. The attached Resolution has been prepared to accomplish the necessary collection through the 2018-2019 property tax bills. There has been no increase in the sewer service rates. A Notice of Public Hearing, noticing this action, was published on June 15 and June 22, 2018. The relevant area of discussion during the public hearing is whether or not the property owner is responsible for all or any portion of the sewer service charge that is listed on Exhibit A of the Draft Resolution, which is on file in the City Clerk’s Office. Any questions or concerns received during the public hearing should be referred to staff for resolution prior to submitting the charges to the County Auditor by the July 21, 2018 deadline. FISCAL IMPACT: The City will bill $1,939,105.15 in sewer service charges for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Resolution 2. Annual Sanitary Sewer Charges 2018/2019 (available as part of online agenda packet) Page 33 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING SERVICE CHARGES TO BE ADDED TO THE 2018-2019 PROPERTY TAX ROLLS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero (hereafter referred to as City Council) has duly held a public hearing on June 26, 2018, concerning the addition of the 2018-2019 service charges to the 2018-2019 property tax bills; and WHEREAS, due notice was given to the public in accordance with Section 5470 et seq of the Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, at said hearing the report marked “Exhibit A”, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, containing such charges was duly received by said Council; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing opportunity was given for filing objections and protests and for presentation of testimony of other evidence concerning same; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that this body adopt the charges and determine and confirm the report presented at the hearing. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: SECTION 1. That the recitals set forth hereinabove are true, correct and valid. SECTION 2. That the City Council hereby adopts the service charges set forth on the report marked “Exhibit A” which is on file in the City Clerk’s Office and hereby expressly incorporated herein by reference as though here fully set forth; and the City Council hereby determines and confirms the report containing such charges as set forth in said “Exhibit A” and hereby further determines and confirms that each and every service charge set forth in said report is true and accurate and is in fact owed. SECTION 3. That the charges as so confirmed and determined and adopted shall appear as separate items on the tax bill of each parcel listed in said report, and such charges shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary County ad valorem taxes are collected, and are subject to the same penalties in the same procedure and sale in case the delinquency is provided for such taxes. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this Resolution and said Exhibit A with the County Auditor upon its adoption. SECTION 5. This resolution is approved by at least a two-thirds vote of said Council. Page 34 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ___ day of ____, 2018. On motion by Council Member ______ and seconded by Council Member _______, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CITY OF ATASCADERO ________________________________ Tom O’Malley, Mayor ATTEST: Lara K. Christensen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian Pierik, City Attorney Page 35 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 1 EXHIBIT A Due to the length of this document, it has not been reproduced as an attachment, however, it is on file in the office of the City Clerk. Page 36 of 210 City of Atascadero Annual Sanitary Sewer Charges 2018/2019 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 2 Page 37 of 210 6/18/2018Export Query Page 1 FundNumber AssessmentNumberTaxAmount 1793 028051013 242.16 1793 028051030 242.16 1793 028051031 242.16 1793 028051042 242.16 1793 028051043 242.16 1793 028051045 242.16 1793 028051049 242.16 1793 028051050 242.16 1793 028051051 242.16 1793 028051052 242.16 1793 028051057 242.16 1793 028051058 242.16 1793 028051059 242.16 1793 028052001 242.16 1793 028052006 242.16 1793 028052009 242.16 1793 028052011 242.16 1793 028052012 242.16 1793 028052013 242.16 1793 028052014 242.16 1793 028052017 242.16 1793 028052018 242.16 1793 028052019 242.16 1793 028052020 242.16 1793 028052021 242.16 1793 028052031 242.16 1793 028052032 242.16 1793 028052033 242.16 1793 028052034 242.16 1793 028052035 242.16 1793 028052036 242.16 1793 028052037 242.16 1793 028052038 242.16 1793 028061007 242.16 1793 028061009 242.16 1793 028061012 242.16 1793 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Portions of Mercedes Avenue & Del Rio Avenue Right-of-Way RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt Draft Resolution finding and determining that portions of Mercedes Avenue and Del Rio Avenue rights-of-way, adjacent to 5147 Traffic Way, 5205 Traffic Way, and 6155 Via Avenue, are unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes and ordering their summary vacation. DISCUSSION: Background: The City has received a request to vacate undeveloped rights-of-way from the following adjacent properties and owners:  5147 Traffic Way, APN 028-191-015, Barre  5205 Traffic Way, APN 028-191-008, Cherry  6155 Via Avenue, APN 028-201-001, Cherry The requested abandonment is indicated by hatched lines on Figure 1 on the following page. The above properties and undeveloped rights-of-way being considered are located between Traffic Way and the Railroad, adjacent to the former milling facility that lies behind Atascadero Hay and Feed. Both rights-of-way were originally created on the Map of Atascadero Colony and have never been constructed or used as roadways. Portions of Mercedes Ave northwesterly and southeasterly, of the subject right-of-way, were abandoned in years past (Figure 1, green shading). Mercedes Avenue: -A commercial building was permitted and constructed over a portion of the right-of-way in the 1990’s and is currently occupied by a business. Del Rio Avenue: The right-of-way extends from Traffic Way and dead-ends into the Union Pacific Railroad. The property at 5147 Traffic Way is accessed via a 20 -feet wide private access easement and does not require any portion of said rights-of-way to maintain access to the subject property. All other properties adjacent to the rights-of-way abandonments have frontage and access from existing City streets. Page 169 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 06/26/18 FIGURE 1 Previously Abandoned Previously Abandoned Current request Page 170 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 06/26/18 Analysis: State Requirements - Requirements for summarily vacating a road are found in the Streets and Highways Code, Section 8331, which provides: 8331. The legislative body of a local agency may summarily vacate a street or highway if both of the following conditions exist: (a) For a period of five consecutive years, the street or highway has been impassable for vehicular travel. (b) No public money was expended for maintenance on the street or highway during such period. City Requirements - California Government Code Section 65402 requires that all abandonments be consistent with the legislative bodies General Plan, as follows: “If a general plan or part thereof has been adopted…no real property shall be…vacated or abandoned…until the location, purpose and extent of such…street vacation or abandonment…has been submitted to and reported upon by the planning agency as to the conformity with said gener al plan or part thereof.” The rights-of-way under consideration were created by the Map of Atascadero Colony (circa 1915). The subject portion of rights-of-way have never been constructed or used as roads. In addition, structures have been built in the rights-of-way and the open area has been impassable for five or more years. Mercedes Avenue is shown on the City’s General Plan Map as a remnant right -of-way, not connected to any other rights-of-ways. The portion of Del Rio Avenue proposed for abandonment is not shown on the General Plan Map. The proposed rights-of-way to be abandoned do not appe ar in the Circulation Element, Figure III-2: General Plan Circulation Diagram. Conclusion: The proposed abandonment meets the following criteria ne cessary for a Summary Vacation as follows:  Right-of-way has never been used as a road and has been impassable for more than five (5) years  Public funds have never been expended for maintenance on the subject rights -of- way during the stated time period  The abandonment is consistent with the circulation element of the City’s General Plan Page 171 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 06/26/18 Planning Commission Recommendation: The Planning Commission reviewed the road abandonment application at their June 5, 2018 meeting. The Planning Commission adopted PC Resolution 2018-A recommending that the City Council summarily vacate an unconstructed portion of rights-of-way based on findings consistent with the State of California Streets and Highways Code and Atascadero’s General Plan. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: The City Council may deny the request to vacate the rights-of-way or refer the item back to staff for additional information or analysis. ATTACHMENT: Draft Resolution Page 172 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 06/26/18 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PORTIONS OF MERCEDES AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY AND DEL RIO AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY ARE UNNECESSARY FOR PRESENT OR PROSPECTIVE PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES AND ORDERING THEIR SUMMARY VACATION WHEREAS, Property owners of 5147 Traffic Way, 5205 Traffic Way, and 6155 Via Avenue have made a request to the City to consider vacating adjacent undeveloped rights-of-way of Mecedes Avenue and Del Rio Avenue; and WHEREAS, Other undeveloped portions of Mercedes Avenue and Del Rio Avenue were previously vacated, whereby leaving the rights-of-way under consideration for summary vacation as non-contiguous remnants or unnecessary undeveloped rights-of-way; and WHEREAS, Mercedes Avenue and Del Rio Avenue rights-of-way are undeveloped and are unnecessary for present or prospective public streets purposes; and WHEREAS, A determination has been made that the proposed right-of-way vacation is exempt from environmental review in accordance with Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) and Section 15304 (Minor Alterations to Land) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City of Atascadero’s Local Procedures for implementing CEQA; and WHEREAS, On June 5, 2018, the Planning Commission duly held a public hearing to consider the abandonment of a portion Mercedes Avenue and Del Rio Avenue, described in Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, On June 5, 2018, the Planning Commission passed PC Resolution 2018-A, finding that said abandonment is consistent with the City’s General Plan and recommends the City Council summarily vacate portions of Mercedes Avenue and Del Rio Avenue; and WHEREAS, On June 28, 2018, the City Council conducted a public hearing where they considered testimony prior to considering summarily vacating portions of Mercedes Avenue and Del Rio Avenue. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: SECTION 1. The City Council hereby finds determines the above recitals to be true and correct. SECTION 2. The Council finds that said rights-of-way have never been improved and have been impassable for vehicular travel for a period of five consecutive years and no public funds have been expended for maintenance on the subject rights-of-way during such period. Page 173 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 06/26/18 1 SECTION 3. Pursuant to Section 8300 et seq. of the California Streets and Highways Code and a finding of General Plan consistency, this Council finds and determines that a portion of Mercedes Avenue and Del Rio Avenue, as shown the Map of Atascadero Colon y, in the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California as recorded in Book 4 of Maps at Page 9, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, and containing approximately 13,920 square feet and 23,000 respectively, more particularly described in Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, is not necessary for present or future public street purposes. SECTION 4. The City Council herby orders said portions of Mercedes Avenue & Del Rio Avenue to be summarily vacated. SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this Resolution of Summary Vacation, duly attested under the seal of the City, to be recorded in the Office of the San Luis Obispo County Recorder. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ___ day of ____, 2018. On motion by Council Member ______ and seconded by Council Member _______, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CITY OF ATASCADERO ________________________________ Tom O’Malley, Mayor ATTEST: Lara K. Christensen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian Pierik, City Attorney Page 174 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 06/26/18 1 Page 175 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 06/26/18 1 Page 176 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council City Clerk’s Office Elected Mayor Term Ballot Measure (The City Council must adopt resolutions to submit a ballot measure to the voters.) RECOMMENDATIONS: Council adopt the following Resolutions to submit to the voters a question relating to the term of the elected mayor: 1. Draft Resolution A, approving ballot measure text relating to the term of office for Mayor to be submitted to the qualified electors of the City at the General Municipal Election to be held on November 6, 2018, as called by Resolution No. 2018-051. 2. Draft Resolution B, setting priorities for filing written arguments regarding the City measure and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis. 3. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $2,500 of General Fund Reserve monies to the City Clerk budget. DISCUSSION: At the June 12, 2018 City Council Meeting, there was City Council consensus to bring forward for discussion a proposed ballot measure extending the length of the Mayor’s term of office from a two-year to a four-year term. Attached are the resolutions that would begin the process to place such a measure on the City’s November 2018 ballot. History of the Selection of Mayor in Atascadero The California Government Code provides that the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem of a General Law City are selected by a majority vote of the City Council. Atascadero followed this direction from incorporation in 1979 until 2003.  In 2003, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2003 -055 to provide a rotation method for the selection of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem.  In 2006, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2006-084 to amend the previous Resolution to provide that no first year Council Member may serve as Mayor. Page 177 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 06/26/18  In March 2009, the City Council repealed the Mayor Rotation Resolution, and the City was once again governed by the California Government Code concerning the selection of a Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem. When a City Council wants to consider having an elected Mayor, the city must ask the voters to make that decision, according to the California Government Code. This is accomplished by the placement of a ballot measure on the ballot asking the voters if they desire to elect a Mayor, and if so, do they want the Mayor to serve a two -year or four-year term.  In April 2009, the City Council, on a 3:2 vote, directed the City Clerk to include in the resolutions for the General Municipal Election of November 2, 2010, the placement of a ballot measure asking the voters if they desire d to elect a Mayor, and if so, did they want the Mayor to serve a two-year or four-year term.  In November 2010, the majority of voters were in favor of an elected Mayor for a two-year term to begin with the November 2012 General Municipal Election. Since the November 2012 election, the office of Mayor has been an elected, two -year term, while other members of the City Council serve four-year terms. As with all members of the City Council, the position of Mayor is directly elected and makes up 20 percent (20%) of the governing decision-making body. As all decisions made by the City Council require a majority vote, the position of Mayor holds the same voting powers as the other members of the City Council. The current term structure creates an electoral imbalance by requiring one member of the governing body to run for a seat twice during the same fou r-year period, while the other members of the City Council are required to run only once. Additionally, the Mayor serves on a number of countywide commissions and committees where longevity in service on these boards, as well as stability in representation by the same individual, ensures that the needs and expectations of the City of Atascadero are consistently voiced. In the interest of providing a fair and equitable election process, and to ensure continuity of representation for the City on countywide boards, it is proposed that the City’s Municipal Code be amended in order to address this inequality and change the term of the Mayor to a four-year term. If the City Council approves the recommended action, the question will appear on the ballot for the voters to decide at the November 6, 2018 election. If approved by the voters, the term change would go into effect with the November 2020 General Municipal Election. Ballot Measure Requirements The General Municipal Election will be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. The City Council adopted Resolution Nos. 2018-051 and 2018-052 to initiate the election process and combine the City’s election with the County. If the Council decides to proceed with this ballot measure, specific language needs to be included in the Election Resolutions to clarify for the San Luis Obispo County Clerk-Recorder the requested wording for the November 6, 2018 ballots (Draft Resolution A). Page 178 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 06/26/18 A resolution setting the priorities for the filing of written arguments and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis will need to be adopted (Draft Resolution B). The impartial analysis shall not exceed 500 words. In Resolution B, the City Council also authorizes Council Members to write arguments in favor of the measure . Council Members are not required to write an argument in favor of the Measure , however Draft Resolution B gives them the option. Registered voters may also file written arguments in favor or opposition of the ballot measure with the City Clerk. Arguments shall not exceed 300 words and must be signed by the author(s). The City Clerk has fixed July 10, 2018 as the last day for submitting arguments for and against the ballot measure, and the impartial analysis by the City Attorney. This will allow ample time for the 10-calendar-day public examination period, translation, typesetting, printing and submission to the County. A notice of this deadline will be posted in the kiosk in front of City Hall. If two or more arguments are submitted in favor of or against the measure, the California Elections Code sets up priorities the City Clerk must follow to choose one of each for printing and distribution to the voters. Also, the previous adoption of Resolution No. 2018-056 provides for the filing of rebuttal arguments for ballot measures. The rebuttal arguments shall not exceed 250 words. The deadline for the filing of rebuttal arguments is July 20, 2018, 10 days after the deadline for the filing of the arguments in favor or opposed. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost to the City is determined by the number of registered voters on Election Day, and the number of Candidate Statements included in the Voter Pamphlet. Also, due to the State reduction in funding to the Counties for election costs, the County will be passing those costs along to the cities. The City Clerk’s estimate for the 201 8 election of officials in Atascadero is $22,000 and $16,000 for the Cannabis Business Tax ballot measure previously approved by the Council. The City Clerk’s estimate for the addition of this ballot measure is approximately $2,500. Therefore, the total estimate for the 2018 election including both ballot measures is $40,500 in General Funds. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Resolution A 2. Draft Resolution B Page 179 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 06/26/18 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING BALLOT MEASURE TEXT RELATING TO THE TERM OF OFFICE FOR MAYOR TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY AT THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 6, 2018, AS CALLED BY RESOLUTION NO. 2018-051 WHEREAS, the City Council desires to submit a question relating to the term of office for the elected mayor to the voters of the City at the General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, to be consolidated with any other election to be held on that date. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: SECTION 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the foregoing recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2. As set forth in Resolution Nos. 2018-051 and 2018-052, adopted on June 12, 2018, the City Council of the City of Atascadero has ordered an election to be called and consolidated with any and all elections also called to be held on November 6, 2018, insofar as said elections are to be held in the same territory or in territory that is in part the same as the territory of the City of Atascadero, and has requested that the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo order such consolidation under Elections Code Sections 10401 and 10403. SECTION 3. That the City Council, pursuant to its right and authority, does order submitted to the voters at the General Municipal Election the following question: BALLOT MEASURE #____ Shall an ordinance be adopted that changes the term of office for the mayor from a two-year term to a four-year term? Yes No SECTION 4. That the proposed complete text of the measure (ordinance) submitted to the voters is attached as Exhibit A SECTION 5. That the vote requirement for the measure to pass is a majority (50% + 1) of the votes cast. SECTION 6. That in all particulars not recited in this Resolution, the election shall be held and conducted as provided by law for holding municipal elections. Page 180 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 06/26/18 1 SECTION 7. That notice of the time and place of holding the election is given and the City Clerk is authorized, instructed and directed to give further or additional notice of the election, in time, form and manner as required by law. SECTION 8. The City Council authorizes the City Clerk to administer said election and all reasonable and actual election expenses shall be paid by the City upon presentation of a properly submitted bill. SECTION 9. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original Resolutions. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ___ day of ____, 2018. On motion by Council Member ______ and seconded by Council Member _______, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CITY OF ATASCADERO ________________________________ Tom O’Malley, Mayor ATTEST: Lara K. Christensen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian Pierik, City Attorney Page 181 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 06/26/18 1A EXHIBIT A ORDINANCE NO. _____ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 2-14.02(b) “ELECTED POSITIONS” OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE, CHANGING THE LENGTH OF THE MAYOR’S TERM OF OFFICE FROM A TWO-YEAR TO A FOUR-YEAR TERM. The City Council hereby finds and declares as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero consists of four council members and a separately elected mayor; and WHEREAS, Atascadero City Council Members are elected to a four-year term, while the Mayor is elected to a two-year term; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 34900 authorizes the City Council to submit to the voters the question of whether an elected mayor should serve a two-year or four-year term; and WHEREAS, the Mayor serves on a number of countywide commissions and committees where longevity in service on these boards, as well as stability in representation by the same individual, ensures that the needs and expectations of the City of Atascadero are consistently voiced; and WHEREAS, to promote stability and equality among all voting members of the City Council, and to ensure continuity of representation on countywide boards, the elected term of the Mayor should be increased from a two-year term to a four-year term, as of the November 2020 General Municipal Election. THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Code Amendment. Section 2-14.02(b) of the Atascadero Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: 2-14.02 Elected Positions (b) The term of office of the Mayor, shall be two (2) years. The term of the office of the Councilmembers and the Treasurer shall be four (4) years. SECTION 2. Approval by the Voters. Pursuant to California Elections Code §9217, this Ordinance shall take effect only if approved by a majority of the eligible voters of the City of Atascadero voting at the General Municipal Election of November 6, 2018, and shall take effect Page 182 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 06/26/18 1A ten (10) days after certification, by resolution of the City Council, of the results of that election. The new four-year term for Mayor begins with the 2020 General Municipal Election. SECTION 3. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid. SECTION 4. CEQA. This Ordinance is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq., because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the enactment of this Ordinance would have a significant effect on the environment (Pub. Resources Code § 21065; CEQA Guidelines §§ 15378(b)(4), 15061(b)(3)). This Ordinance was PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED by the People of the City of Atascadero at the City’s November 6, 2018 statewide election. ____________________________________ XXX, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________________ City Attorney Page 183 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 06/26/18 2 DRAFT RESOLUTION B RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, SETTING PRIORITIES FOR FILING WRITTEN ARGUMENTS REGARDING CITY MEASURES AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS WHEREAS, a General Municipal Election is to be held in the City of Atascadero, California, on November 6, 2018, at which there will be submitted to the voters the following measure: BALLOT MEASURE #____ Shall an ordinance be adopted that changes the term of office for the mayor from a two-year term to a four-year term? Yes No NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: SECTION 1. That the City Council authorizes the following member(s) of the City Council: _________________________, Council Member In Favor _________________________, Council Member In Favor _________________________, Council Member In Favor _________________________, Council Member In Favor _________________________, Council Member In Favor to file (a) written argument(s), not exceeding 300 words regarding the City measure as specified above accompanied by the printed name(s) and signature(s) of the author(s) submitting it, in accordance with Article 4, Chapter 3, Division 9 of the Elections Code of the State of California. The arguments may be changed or withdrawn until and including the date fixed by the City Clerk after which no arguments for or against the City measure may be submitted to the City Clerk. SECTION 2. That the City Council directs the City Clerk to transmit a copy of the measure to the City Attorney, unless the organization or salaries of the Office of the City Attorney are affected. a. The City Attorney shall prepare an impartial analysis of the measure not exceeding 500 words showing the effect of the measure on the existing law and the operation of the measure. If the measure affects the organization or salaries of the Office of the City Attorney, the City Clerk shall prepare the impartial analysis. b. The analysis shall include a statement indicating whether the measure was placed on the ballot by a petition signed by the requisite number of voters o r by the governing body of the City. Page 184 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 06/26/18 2 c. In the event the entire text of the measure is not printed on the ballot, nor in the voter information portion of the sample ballot, there shall be printed immediately below the impartial analysis, in no less than 10-point type, the following: “The above statement is an impartial analysis of Ordinance or Measure _____. If you desire a copy of the ordinance or measure, please call the Election Official’s office at (805) 470-3400 and a copy will be provided at no cost to you.” d. The impartial analysis shall be filed by the date set by the City Clerk for the filing of primary arguments. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ___ day of ____, 2018. On motion by Council Member ______ and seconded by Council Member _______, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CITY OF ATASCADERO ________________________________ Tom O’Malley, Mayor ATTEST: Lara K. Christensen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian Pierik, City Attorney Page 185 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – City Manager’s Office Marketing Update Year End 2017-2018 & New Marketing Plan 2018-2019 RECOMMENDATION: Council receive and file Marketing Update for Fiscal Year End 2017-2018 and new Marketing Plan for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. DISCUSSION: The City of Atascadero’s Marketing plan is designed to support a vision and brand that has been defined as Classic Americana, simply genuine, h ometown feel and a “California as it used to be” experience. The goal of the City’s Marketing plan is to promote both private and public assets, and events that appeal to local and county residents as well as encourage visitors who are already here , to “stay, spend and enjoy” our City. The plan is designed to implement these goals by keeping the City’s businesses and assets top-of-mind through an ongoing advertising campaign, growing existing events, and establishing new events that appeal to our target audience. This marketing update will capture what has been accomplished over the last six months as well as provide a year-end review for the 2017/18 timeframe for both the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) and the City. There will be an oral review of ATBID’s marketing efforts showcasing results over the past six months plus annual year-end results. The City’s marketing update reviews the promotions area and event portfolio. The promotions area reviews the overall advertising campaign, highlighting what was accomplished January through June 2018, and an end of year recap. The events portion will feature events that transpired over the past six months along with the results of these events and what lies ahead for 2018-2019. The last marketing update presentation was given to Council on January 23, 2018 recapping events from June through December 2017, and a review of the year for 2017 vs. 2016. The current update reviews Fiscal Year End 2017-2018 and the new Marketing Plan for 2018-2019. Page 186 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 06/26/18 Promotions Recap (January – June 2018) Traditional Media:  Broadcast Commercials o Television & Galaxy Theater: Targeted commercials through KSBY with focus on our major events, Tamale Festival and Spring Zoo events (i.e., Spring Festival, Earth Day & Brew at the Zoo). o Visitor TV: Promoting Atascadero as a destination at the airport and via local SLO County hotels  Billboards & Bus Signs o City billboard panels located off Hwy 101 in place. o Interior bus signs inside the Hearst Castle buses are in place and promote the Zoo, Historic City Hall and the Faces of Freedom Veterans Memorial.  Newspaper Advertising o Tribune newspaper ads are being utilized to promote events through event sponsorship including Tamale Festival & Brew at the Zoo. o New Times newspaper advertising published to promote Tamale Festival. o Ad placements in the Atascadero News have been event specific including Tamale Festival and Brew at the Zoo front-page strip ads. o Ongoing is our distribution of the Charles Paddock Zoo brochure in the Certified Rack Displays located in visitor racks throughout SLO hotels and the Welcome Center in Pismo Beach. Visit Atascadero brochures are ongoing and are a part of the ATBID budget.  Radio Advertising o American General Media radio station ads have primarily been used to highlight event sponsorship. Tamale Festival and Brew at the Zoo. Stations include KJUG, KZOZ & COAST104.5. o Grape Encounters Quickbites program ended in December 2017. The Uncorked program still airs across 70+ markets across the country where Atascadero is mentioned. The closest stations are in Fresno. Digital banner ads run on the website through 6.30.18. Social Media/ Websites: o Posts made 2-3 times per week across the Visit Atascadero Facebook & Instagram pages, City of Atascadero Facebook pages, Instagram, Twitter, and the Charles Paddock Zoo Facebook page. Events are kept current on all social media platforms. Most recently, Atascadero Recreation Center has been posting weekly. o Websites are kept current with events and latest news information on VisitAtascadero.com and Atascadero.org. Other major websites are kept current including Visit SLOCAL, KSBY, Tribune, and New Times. o Press releases were distributed for City and Zoo events and newsworthy happenings, and were are also posted on the City’s website and social media pages. Page 187 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 06/26/18 Digital Media – Paid:  Digital Advertising Tactics o Search Engine Marketing (SEM) has been an annual commitment to keep our City populating in the top listings when folks are googling different key words. The geographic area includes SLO County and Northern Santa Barbara County. o Local digital Run of Site (ROS) ads published for Tamale Festival and Brew at the Zoo across sanluisobispo.com and the local ad networks that include our local websites like ksby.com plus in market across Food Network, CNN, major newspaper sites, etc.  Digital Advertising Results Overall Digital Performance (July 1, 2017- June 13, 2018) Digital tactics changed from Retargeting (Search + Keyword; Site Retargeting) to re-focus digital tactics to include Geo-fencing, ROS across SanLuisObispo.com and SEM (Paid Search). Strong engagement across all digital platforms: .20% Click Thru Rate (CTR) on the City’s ads to VisitAtasccadero.com and 4.81% CTR for Paid Search. (Industry average: Display ads .05% CTR; SEM above 4% is healthy) Retargeting Performance (July 2017): Total impressions in July were 44,676 with 78 clicks to the VisitAtascadero.com website with a CTR of .17%. Digital tactic moved from retargeting display ads to more Geo-fence, Run of Site and SEM tactics. Geo-fence Performance (July 1- Dec 31, 2017) Geographically targeting ads by fencing an area around a particular location like the Tesla Charging Station or a hotel where ads are served to you on your mobile device based on where you are located. Overall Geo-fence performance (July – December 2017): 492,165 Impressions, 1,025 people clicked onto the ad representing a CTR of .21% (.05% is an average CTR rate) Page 188 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 06/26/18 Geo-fence by Fence Location: Geofence Impressions Clicks CTR The Carlton Hotel 310,771 673 0.22% Cuesta Billboard 42,523 107 0.25% Vino Inn & Suites 25,742 47 0.18% Motel 6 24,935 43 0.17% SpringHill Suites by Marriott 20,740 38 0.18% Americas Best Value Inn 15,617 29 0.19% Atascadero Mission Cottages 14,037 25 0.18% Tesla Supercharger 8,926 22 0.25% Best Western Plus Colony Inn 12,720 20 0.16% Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites 15,378 18 0.12% Portola Inn 556 3 0.54% Run-of-Site Display Ads running on SanLuisObispo.com (Event Specific): Total event impressions were 1,057,956 with 3,218 clicks and a .30% CTR (.05% is average) Page 189 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 06/26/18 Search Engine Marketing/ SEM Performance (July 1- June 13, 2018) Search for VisitAtascadero.com by keywords – investment $300 per month, and strong results with a healthy CTR of 4.81% (Anything above a 4% CTR is healthy for SEM). Events January through June Event Recap: o Tamale Festival: The 3rd annual event had over 45 vendors, 27 of which were tamale vendors. The amount of tamales available for purchase was close to 22,000 and the vendors sold out by 2:30 pm with upwards of 15,000 people in attendance. In 2017, approximately 15,000 tamales were sold. This year we added the Los Gatos Locos band and will continue to feature the Mexican Dancing Horses, Soloist Manuel Enrique, Mariachi Mexicanisimo band, the Folklorico Dancers, and Tamale Eating contest in addition to the regular “Best Tamale” contest! o Sweetheart Stroll – The City teamed up with the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce to promote the Downtown with this popular, annual event on Feb 10th 1-4 pm. The event included tours of City Hall, Ricky Montijo serenading folks at Grape Encounters Empourium, roses for couples purchasing the Wine Stroll ticket and over 15 merchants participating in the wine pouring and providing special Valentine’s items for the patrons that visited their stores as part of this event. Approximately 144 tickets sold compared to 108 in 2017. o Party for the Planet: Over 700 in attendance. The largest attendance yet for this event (formerly Conservation Celebration). The event was done in conjunction with Children’s Day in the Park. 76 tickets sold with the Carnival wristband. o Brew at the Zoo: Paid attendance was up 2.8% year over year with 472 paid attendance and 570 total attendees (grand total is similar to last year). Positive feedback from vendors, breweries, wineries and attendees. It was Page 190 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 06/26/18 the best Brew at the Zoo yet! 38 % from out of the area (13% Northern Cal, 25% So Cal/ Central Valley). o City & ATBID Sponsored Events:  Wine Speak Paso – Educational symposium for the Tourism Industry (1/8-1/11 – 605 trade & media attendees plus 134 public attendees);  Z-Day California Car Show (March 10th – 500 people);  Central Coast Craft Beer Festival (March 24th – 1200 people & SOLD OUT two days prior);  Tent City Marathon (March 25th – 943 registrants, 600 spectators & 100 volunteers – 41% out of the county);  Cider Festival (May 12th – approx. 300 people). o City Sponsored Events: Children’s Day in the Park (April 21st); Lake Fest (May 21st); Chamber Art & Wine Tours (March 23rd; August 24th; Nov 30th), and Atascadero Lakeside Wine Festival (June 2 3rd). Upcoming Events (June-September): o Summer Concert Series: June 16th – August 11th o Chef Summer Sizzle @ Farmers Market: June 20 – August 8th o Cruisin’ Weekend: August 17th & 18th o Movies in the Gardens: August 4th – September 8th o Cornhole Showdown Tournament: Sept 22 & 23rd o Other Event Ideas for 2018: Continue to expand lights for the “Light up the Downtown” Holiday Celebration. There will be an oral presentation to review the above information and a market performance summary on marketing results. There will also be an oral presentation from Verdin Marketing providing an update on the ATBID Tourism Marketing efforts. A budget recap is provided for the final 2016-2017 fiscal year and a YTD 2017-2018 marketing plan is included, providing actual numbers (not final) on where the plan is performing to budget. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVE: The City Council may provide staff direction on feedback on the 2018-2019 Marketing Plan along with any desired adjustments to the advertising or the event schedule. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2018-2019 Marketing Plan 2. Marketing Budget Actuals Fiscal Year 2016-2017 (Final) and YTD 2017-2018 3. ATBID Verdin Marketing Services Contract 2018-2019 Scope of Work Page 191 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT 06/26/18 1 City of Atascadero 2018-19 Marketing Plan Executive Summary The City of Atascadero Marketing Plan is designed to promote the City’s assets and events that appeal to local and County residents as well as encourage visitors who are already here to stay, spend and enjoy. The Plan is designed with a focus on local businesses to attract and promote shopping local. Growth in retail and restaurant sales will help attract more business to the area, which would then foster economic growth. This Marketing Plan integrates and complements the information from the Atascadero Tourism & Promotion Game Plan by the Coraggio Group and the Atascadero Tourism (ATBID) Marketing Plan by Verdin Marketing. The City’s assets, both private and public, are defined as the Downtown core with Historic City Hall, Galaxy Theater, Charles Paddock Zoo, Faces of Freedom Veterans Memorial, Atascadero Lake Park, Pavilion on the Lake, A-Town Park and Chalk Mountain Golf Course. These assets complement our key selling points being a value destination, easy access to beaches, zip lining and near the Paso Robles Wine Country as well as having the only Zoo on the Central Coast. Target Audience Visitors, Local residents, SLO County residents Geographic Market specific to City’s Marketing Plan  Local & County Residents  Tourists visiting our area  Outer Market defined in the ATBID Marketing Plan, which focuses on “Come, Sleep, Spend,” and allows the City to focus on its goal, “Stay, Spend, Enjoy.” Behavioral Target  Market to Local and County residents across all ages, families, active retirees, children.  Follows Atascadero ATBID Marketing Plan defined as the 3 personas Visit SLOCAL County TMD has identified as Mom to the Max, Cultured Class & Active Adventurer. Unique Selling Proposition Atascadero is a beautiful and authentic city of outdoor recreation, culinary adventures, and welcoming hospitality. It’s a safe place where the arts and history thrive, and the diversity of experience, generosity of spirit, and small-town ambiance are here to be enjoyed by visitors and residents alike. – by City Council at 8/31/14 Strategic Planning Session with Coraggio Group Page 192 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT 06/26/18 1 Atascadero is California as it used to be. With classic roots, Atascadero is a traditional American town that offers authentic experiences with a blend of affordability and access to family friendly activities. – by Verdin Marketing In Summary, Atascadero’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Atascadero is a classic American, family friendly town offering something for the whole family to enjoy from community events to historic attractions, a Veteran’s memorial, A-Town Skate Park and the Charles Paddock Zoo. Atascadero is known for warm summer evenings where locals can enjoy coming together for picnicking, playing horseshoes or a game of cornhole, putong, bocce ball, walking around the Lake, hiking, golfing, biking and horseback riding. Downtown Atascadero offers a growing craft brewery, cider, wine and specialty spirits scene, along with fabulous food from surrounding restaurants. Take a stroll through the beautiful Sunken Gardens, home to Historic City Hall surrounded by angel fountains that complement the architectural era of the structure. Enjoy a walk around our Downtown with a unique collection of boutique shops from Traffic Way across the Centennial pedestrian bridge that takes you to Colony Square for an experience at the newest movie theater in the county, Galaxy Theater. Marketing Strategy Goals 1. Keep the City’s businesses and assets top-of-mind through an ongoing advertising plan that spans the year to local and County residents and visitors to our area. 2. Establish new events and grow existing events that appeal to local and County residents as well as attract visitors. 3. Measure the success of advertising efforts through website growth, Sales Tax, TOT revenues and increase of social media followers Objectives Objective #1: Develop two main advertising campaigns for the 2018-19 fiscal year focused around the Downtown core and the Charles Paddock Zoo. Campaigns are designed to promote the downtown, our local businesses, assets and events. Promotion Tactics  Broadcast Opportunities ~ tailored messaging of commercials highlighting our City and tagging key events o TV Commercials; Visitor TV; Galaxy Theater On-screen promotion  Outdoor Advertising ~ Exposure as people are traveling through our county. o Continue to seek out prime Billboard opportunities in key locations. o In-market City Panels – Implement new creative for directional signage to visit our town and as a reminder of things to do. o Transit billboards  Update and introduce new graphics on the back of the City’s Dial-a-Ride buses.  Hearst Castle Buses – Continue Interior Signage especially with Hwy 1 opening. Page 193 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT 06/26/18 1  Digital Media Focus on growing website traffic across VisitAtascadero.com and Atascadero.org reaching consumers living in San Luis Obispo (SLO) County as well as things to do if visiting our area. Integrates with the Atascadero ATBID Marketing Plan that includes digital and social media. o Display Ads  Geographic targeting around local hotels and Tesla station.  Promote across large local sites like ksby.com, sanluisobispo.com and VisitSLOCAL.com o SEM (paid Search) & RETARGETING (Monthly) ~  Zip Code Targeted: Change zip codes to SLO County to Northern Santa Barbara County for the City and allow ATBID to focus on areas outside the county. SEM to follow same geographic focus.  Keywords include City businesses and assets including cider, craft breweries, wine, culinary, historical, entertainment, Tesla, etc. to encourage visits to Atascadero. o E-Marketing (event specific) -  Targeting local residents through email blasts for major events, like Brew at the Zoo, Dancing in the Streets, Winter Wonderland, Tamale Festival.  Social Media o Continue to grow Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Implement Instagram for the Charles Paddock Zoo. o Event information to continue to be listed on our Facebook pages for City & Visit Atascadero, Charles Paddock Zoo. Boost posts where appropriate for events.  Print o Magazines – Brand advertising with in-market focus to the City’s assets and events in magazines with solid distribution like San Luis Obispo Visitors Magazine, Chambers Destination Guide, Vintages Magazine, Official Mid State Fair Guide. o Local Newspapers – Premium ad positions that provide reach and frequency of advertising message.  Giveaways – Media sponsorship specific promotions designed to assist with increased advertising exposure (i.e., Radio giveaway for “Brew at the Zoo” tickets for listeners who call in, media tickets to help with gaining more advertising)  Certified Brochure Distribution o Continued distribution of Charles Paddock Zoo brochure to be placed in local SLO County hotels with a coupon offer that is trackable. Visit Atascadero brochure distributed in the ATBID Marketing Plan. Page 194 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT 06/26/18 1 Objective #2: Special Event Sponsorship to attract events to Atascadero. o Continue to seek out event opportunities to attract shows to our market and expand our event portfolio. Recent Special Event examples:  Attract from other areas: Z California Car Show (March 2017 & 2018)  Continue to expand events held across the County to add our City when appropriate: SLO Jazz Festival (11.11.17), Festival Mosaic (2016 & 2018)  Focus on sustainability of our newer events: The Showdown Cornhole Tournament (Oct 22, 2016; Sept 30, 2017; Sept 23, 2018); Tent City Marathon (March 25, 2018, April 7, 2019); Central Coast Craft Beer Festival (March 24, 2018, March 30, 2019); Cider Festival (Saturday before Mother’s Day – 2016, 2017, 2018)  Continue to research and add new & unique events. o Continue to refine Special Event Sponsorship Program and implement special event criteria. Objective #3: Continue to grow and expand Event portfolio and establish new events based on market trends and interest. Follow Event Tier Classification Guide – most emphasis on Tier 1:  Tier1: Large Signature Events (encourages overnight stay)  Tier 2: Signature Event (minimal overnight stay)  Tier 3: Single Day Event Event Plan Tier 1 Events: Large Signature Events (1-2 Night Hotel Stay) – Refine and continue to grow existing trademark events that encourage a longer weekend stay for visitors and that encourage local and County residents to participate. Continue to work with ATBID on Event ideas. o Atascadero Lakeside Wine Festival – Refine and grow the Zoo’s participation in the event and work with the Wine Festival Committee on ideas to continue to expand the weekend for extended stay. o Cruisin’ Weekend – Continue to Grow & refine “3nd Annual Dancing in the Streets” along with Friday evenings Hot El Camino Cruise Nite and the Mid State Cruizers Car Show. Tier 2 Events: Signature Events -Expand existing events and introduce new events to offer more activities that increase interest and participation both locally and across the County. o Tamale Festival – Expand 4th Annual festival growth into the Downtown area. Add more musical entertainment. o Colony Days – continue to work with the Colony Days Committee on refining and growing this event and its success with adding events within the celebration to expand over 2-3 days. o Light Up the Downtown Holiday Celebration – Continue to build on this event with holiday lights and Downtown merchant engagement with holiday décor. On the evening of the lighting, continue to leverage the Art & Wine Tour the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce hosts in our marketing efforts. Continue to expand community activities in this holiday celebration from horse-drawn hay rides, hot cider, hot chocolate, a visit with Santa & Mrs. Claus, and rides on the Model-A Firetruck. A hospitality night with downtown merchants participating and attracting early holiday shopping in a fun and enjoyable setting. o Winter Wonderland – Continue to refine the event enjoyed by families both locally and across the County with over 10,000 in attendance. Page 195 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT 06/26/18 1 o New Events: Cider Festival, Z Day California Car Show, Tent City Marathon, Central Coast Craft Beer Festival. Tier 3 Events: Single Day Events - consider events that have an established trend in other markets and make sense to introduce to our market. Idea is to encourage growth to an overnight stay. o The Showdown Cornhole Tournament – Goal is to work with Knights of Columbus to pull this into a two-day event in 2018. This year, the California Cornhole Association is joining the tournament that will assist in that effort. o Brew at the Zoo Event – 5th Annual, 2019 – work to implement new things for the event grower to enjoy and maintain the number of breweries, food and entertainment event is known for. Community “Locals Favorite” Events – Typically promoted through PR Tactics with press releases, mailings, flyer distribution and targeted print, radio and online advertising. Defined as follows: o Seasonal Events  Farmer’s Market Promotions: Community Day – 1st Wed of Each Month (April – October) & Chef’s Summer Sizzle (2nd Annual); Movies in the Gardens; Saturday in the Park Summer Concert series. o One-time Events:  2018: Grand Opening of Red Panda Exhibit & VIP Media Event  2016/17: SLO Cow Parade, Grand Opening of Farmer’s Market  2015: 60th Anniversary of the Zoo; Lighting of City Hall Event Tactics  Ongoing Public Relations and social media posts per event.  Secure sponsorship revenue with support from local businesses and with the media on sponsored matching programs.  Traditional media mix (print, radio & TV) and digital campaigns to promote each event. Objective #4: Outreach to merchants, Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, ATBID, Atascadero Colony District Committee to work together on promotions that focus on shopping local.  Restaurant Promotions o Themed promotions - Restaurant Month, Farmer’s Market, etc.  Local Retail ~ Shop Local Focus o Buy Local Promotions: Combination ads with discounts to drive traffic.  Downtown Focused Events – Designed to drive traffic to Atascadero o Examples include Farmers Market, Slider Day/ Taco Day/ Paint Your Way, etc. Future ideas: Farm to Table Culinary Event – Taste of Atascadero; Food Truck Event and adding to expand existing events that include downtown restaurants and tasting rooms.  Promoting Outside the City – Events that keep Atascadero on the map o Mac & Cheese Festival – a booth at the event with Sylvesters & Streetside Ale House o Destination Wedding events – promoting our City’s Destination. Page 196 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT 06/26/18 1 Objective #5: Measurement of promotions, events and a combination of the two that gauge the success of our promotions.  Websites - Utilize information from our current website traffic on www.visitatascadero.com, www.atascadero.org and www.charlespaddockzoo.org as a benchmark to gauge success with our Marketing Plans (City & ATBID) to see growth patterns in page views, unique visitors and geography.  Zoo - Utilize the Zoo’s zip code information and attendance figures to gauge success with consistent marketing efforts to grow Zoo attendance and traffic into our City.  Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) to gauge increase in hotel stays year over year.  Sales Tax to gauge increase across different business categories. Specific categories to watch: Restaurants & Retail.  Colony Park Community Center - Increase in participation of sign ups to the variety of activities  Pavilion on the Lake – growth in weddings and events and website traffic.  Community feedback through partnering with the Chamber of Commerce as well as the various business meetings like breakfast@TheCarlton, Atascadero Colony District Committee and downtown business organizations.  Chamber of Commerce through increase in visitor walk-ins and website traffic. 2017-18 Fiscal Year Measurement Results Page 197 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT 06/26/18 1 City of Atascadero Marketing Plan 2018-19 Event Budget Details Includes advertising based on the scope of the event. Budget does not include sponsors that offset expenses.* Farmers Market – Event Promotions/ Summer Sizzle & Community Days $ 5,000 Dancing in the Streets – Cruisin’ Weekend – August 18, 2018 $20,000 The Showdown Cornhole Tournament – September 22-23, 2018 $ 1,500 Light up the Downtown (Adding Lights) $15,000 Winter Wonderland Event - December 7th, 2018 $25,000 Tamale Festival – January 20, 2018 $21,000 Charles Paddock Zoo: Brew at the Zoo – April 28, 2018 $10,000 Miscellaneous Events $ 6,525 (Art & Wine Tour, Walk Around the Lake, Sweetheart Stroll, Lake Fest, CDIP/ Earth Day, MSF Showcase of Cities, etc.) Event Staff & Misc. Equipment Costs (i.e., Equipment, décor, etc.) $ 4,000 Total Event Costs $108,025 Promotion Budget Details  Broadcast TV (KSBY/ Charter/ Visitor TV/ Galaxy Theater) $21,000 (Promotes Shop Local/ City assets/ events/ seasonal - 6 months)  Digital Media - Retargeting, Geo-fencing, Display, SEM $20,000  Outdoor Advertising (Includes misc. signage, Hearst & Ride Share Buses) $14,000  Print/ Newspapers & Magazines (Vintages, Visitor Guides, brochures) $15,000  Graphic Design $10,000 Total Promotions Costs $80,000 Reactive Opportunities $11,975 Atascadero Colony District Committee $8,000 TOTAL Event & Promotions Estimate: $208,000* Page 198 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT 06/26/18 2 City of Atascadero Marketing Budget YTD 2017-18 & 2016-17 Final Budget Details City Marketing Plan (July 1-June 30, 2018) Event Budget Details - Includes advertising based on the scope of the event. Budget does not include sponsors that offset expenses.* Farmers Market – Event Promotions/ Summer Sizzle & Community Days $ 5,000 Dancing in the Streets – Cruisin’ Weekend – August 19, 2017 $13,000 The Showdown Cornhole Tournament – September 30, 2017 $ 3,500 SLO Jazz Festival – Fall Fest (Split with ATBID – Nov 11, 2017) $ 6,075 Holiday Lighting (NEW!) $15,400 Winter Wonderland Event - December 8th, 2017 $23,000 Tamale Festival – January 20, 2018 $12,000 Charles Paddock Zoo: Brew at the Zoo – April 28, 2018 $ 8,000 Miscellaneous Events $ 3,525 (Art & Wine Tour, Walk Around the Lake, Sweetheart Stroll, Lake Fest, CDIP/ Earth Day, etc.) Event Staff Summer Intern & Reactive Event Costs (i.e., Equipment, décor, etc.) $ 4,000 Total Event Costs $93,500 Promotion Budget Details Broadcast TV (KSBY/ Charter) $14,000 (Promotes Shop Local/ City assets/ events/ seasonal - 6 months) Digital Media $16,000 (Promotes over locally targeted ad networks, retargeting, local websites) Outdoor Advertising (Includes misc. signage, Hearst & Ride Share Buses) $37,500 Print/ Newspapers & Magazines (Vintages, Visitors Guide) $10,000 Brochures Distribution & Printing (Roads, Zoo, Business brochure) $ 4,000 Right Angle Inc.: Uncorked and Quick Bites Grape Encounters Radio Show $16,000 Graphics $ 4,000 Website Development (Zoo – NEW!) $ 5,000 Total Promotions Costs $106,500 TOTAL Event & Promotions Estimate: $200,000* Page 199 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT 06/26/18 2 Net Budget Year-to-Date Actual Expenditures Year-to-Date Estimated Revenue Net Actual Event Budget Details Charles Paddock Zoo: Brew at the Zoo – Spring 2018 $ 8,000 $ (9,840)*14,470$ $ 4,630 Miscellaneous Zoo Events (603)2,000 1,397 Fall Fest 6,075 (6,075)- (6,075) Farmer's Market - (4,888)* (4,888) Winter Wonderland 23,000 (32,913)17,235 (15,678) Light up the Downtown - Holiday Celebration 15,400 (24,881) (24,881) Tamale Fest (Food Event/Annual) 12,000 (19,318)3,485 (15,833) Cruise Nite - Dancing in the Streets 13,000 (25,912)*908 (25,004) Corn Toss Showdown at Sunken Gardens 3,500 (907)- (907) Miscellaneous Existing Event/Event Ideas (Walk Around Lake, Art & Wine/ Ideas) 8,525 (15,294)*- (15,294) Reactive Event Costs (equipment needs, unplanned costs, decor)4,000 (1,111) - (1,111) Total Event Costs 93,500 (141,740) 38,098 (103,642) Promotion Budget Details Broadcast TV (KSBY/ KCOY) 14,000 (6,810)- (6,810) Digital Media 16,000 (7,180)- (7,180) Outdoor Advertising 37,500 (30,632)- (30,632) Print/ Newspapers & Magazines 10,000 (10,746)- (10,746) Brochure Distribution/Printing 4,000 (5,209)- (5,209) Professional Fees/ Contract Services: Right Angle Inc.16,000 (16,500)- (16,500) Agency Costs (branding /graphics)4,000 (4,533)- (4,533) Miscellaneous (local chapter dues, website development, etc.)5,000 (2,876)- (2,876) Total Promotions Costs 106,500 (84,485)- (84,485) Total Events & Promotions Costs $ 200,000 $ (226,225) $ 38,098 $ (188,127) * Events & Sponsors have not been closed out City of Atascadero Marketing Plan 2017-18 Budget Details – Update Budget vs. Actual (as of 05/31/18) Page 200 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT 06/26/18 2 Net Budget Actual Expenditures Actual Revenue Net Actual Event Budget Details Charles Paddock Zoo: One time: 60th Anniversary $ 1,500 $ - $ - $ - Brew at the Zoo – Spring 2017 10,000 (9,171)16,470 7,299 SAVOR 10,000 - - - Winter Wonderland 20,000 (25,903)15,545 (10,358) Tamale Fest (Food Event/Annual) 10,000 (20,665)2,275 (18,390) Cruise Nite - Dancing in the Streets 10,000 (22,448)3,060 (19,388) Corn Toss Showdown at Sunken Gardens 10,000 (7,662)260 (7,402) Miscellaneous Existing Event/Event Ideas (Walk Around Lake, Art & Wine/ Ideas, Cow Parade, Food Trucks) 10,000 (15,073)1,000 (14,073) Reactive Event Costs (equipment needs, unplanned costs, decor)10,000 (1,162) - (1,162) Total Event Costs 91,500 (102,083) 38,610 (63,473) Promotion Budget Details Broadcast TV (KSBY/ KCOY) 15,000 (21,925)- (21,925) Digital Media 10,500 (18,328)- (18,328) Outdoor Advertising 26,000 (32,013)- (32,013) Print/ Newspapers & Magazines 6,000 (18,013)- (18,013) Brochure Distribution/Printing 12,000 (9,746)- (9,746) Professional Fees/ Contract Services: Right Angle Inc.16,500 (20,000)- (20,000) Agency Costs (branding /graphics)17,500 (2,313)- (2,313) City Hall Tours – Staff Saturday 5,000 (1,130)- (1,130) Miscellaneous (local chapter dues, etc.)- (100)- (100) Total Promotions Costs 108,500 (123,568)- (123,568) Total Events & Promotions Costs $ 200,000 $ (225,652) $ 38,610 $ (187,042) City of Atascadero Marketing Plan 2016-17 Budget Details – Final Page 201 of 210 t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM RECOMMENDED SCOPE OF WORK Atascadero TBID (ATBID) BUDGET ALLOCATION: JULY 2018 THROUGH JUNE 2019 - $206,000 Below is a general breakdown of budget and marketing services for a yearlong ATBID partnership. Categories are based on the past contract, and discussions with the tourism manager and full ATBID board. CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT: $32,600 Verdin will develop digital campaigns targeting behavioral demographics to showcase Atascadero’s key assets. Estimate includes: • Concept creation and copywriting • Design of all advertising based on approved media plan (TBD) • Asset coordination and management • Update Visit Atascadero brochure • $2,600 for additional photo or video assets as needed MEDIA HARD COSTS, PLANNING & PLACEMENT: $106,000 Verdin will handle all media coordination under the direction and approval of ATBID. Estimate includes: • Media planning and negotiation through June 2019 • Media monitoring and recommendations based on performance • Invoice reconciliation and coordination on any make-goods or billing adjustments needed • Media hard costs • Certified Folder contract for brochure distribution and printing (up to 50,000) • $25,000 will be allocated to co-op programs that will require approval by Big Red and/or ATBID SOCIAL MEDIA/E-NEWSLETTER/CONTEST MANAGEMENT: $29,400 Verdin will manage ATBID’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, monthly e-newsletter and contests. Estimate includes: • Creation of monthly calendars and custom images for all appropriate channels • Creation of monthly e-newsletter content and images • $1,000 in contest prizes ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 3 Page 202 of 210 t (805) 541-9005 f (805) 541-9007 3580 Sacramento Drive #110, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 VERDINMARKETING.COM 2 • Scheduling, monitoring and responding • Monthly subscription cost for Mail Chimp • Limited coordination with event partners (i.e. Cider Fest and Wine Speak, etc.) • Annual e-newsletter list cleanup PUBLIC RELATIONS: $16,000 Verdin recommends a multi-layer approach for future public relations. This will consist of possible event attendance, pitching and all PR/FAM coordination with Visit SLO CAL. Estimate includes: • Proactive pitching when appropriate • Responding to all Visit SLO CAL PR opportunities that align with ATBID’s goals and offerings • FAM tour coordination with Visit SLO CAL • Possible attendance at one Visit CA Media Receptions (Los Angeles of San Francisco) • Event attendance at one tradeshow (i.e. Savor on the Road) WEBSITE UPDATES: $3,500 Verdin will updated the website’s content pages as needed for promotions, advertising and contests. Estimate includes: • Copywriting, and visual execution (hero images, contest graphics, etc.) • Page layout and implementation • Copy updates to landing page on Visit SLO Cal STRATEGY & PROJECT MANAGEMENT: $18,500 Verdin will direct all implementation and monitoring of ATBID projects based on set goals. Estimate includes: • Research, strategy, consulting and project management • Monthly meetings and reporting • Monthly Visit SLO CAL Marketing Committee report presented to ATBID. Atascadero representative will capture notes at SLO CAL meeting and provide to Verdin • Staff report for Visit SLO CAL opportunities that require board approval TOTAL: $206,000 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 3 Page 203 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: 06/26/18 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – Public Works Department El Camino Real (North) and San Anselmo Road (East) Pavement Rehabilitation Construction Award RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Award a construction contract for $1,591,431 to Ferravanti Grading and Paving for the El Camino Real (North) and San Anselmo Road (East) Pavement Rehabilitation Project (Project No. C2016R01). 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Ferravanti Grading and Paving in the amount of $1,591,431 for the construction of the El Camino Real (North) and San Anselmo Road (East) Pavement Rehabilitation Project. 3. Authorize the Administrative Services Director to appropriate an additional $338,600 in Local Transportation Fund balance toward the El Camino Real (North) and San Anselmo Road (East) Pavement Rehabilitation Project. 4. Authorize the Director of Public Works to file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder upon satisfactory completion of the project. DISCUSSION: Background This project includes two adjacent roadway segments involving El Camino Real from San Anselmo Road (East) to San Benito Road, and San Anselmo Road (East) from El Camino Real to Del Rio Road. Both of t hese roadway segments have been listed on the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for several years and are in need of repair. El Camino Real is a major arterial and is in generally poor condition with variable shoulder widths, inconsistent lane striping and a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 34 out of 100. Staff receives the highest number of public complaints for this section of El Camino Real. San Anselmo Road is a collector with a more recently paved section from El Camino Real to Dolores Avenue (PCI 71) and an older deteriorated section from Dolores Avenue to Del Rio Road (PCI 22). Page 204 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: 06/26/18 In 2015, City staff contracted with Pavement Engineering Inc. (PEI) to provide deflection analysis, pavement coring and rehabilitation recommendations for both El Camino Real and San Anselmo Road. It was anticipated that both roadways would be good candidates for Cold-In-Place Recycling (CIPR) pavement rehabilitation, and that the significant pavement area would make this rehabilitation method economically feasible. After the PEI report was completed in February 2016, the pavement thickness was determined to be highly variable and the ability to utilize CIPR was questioned. Following some preliminary design and layout by City staff, an RFP for design services and further roadway thickness testing was advertised in mid-2017. In August 2017, the Council approved North Coast Engineering to provide professional engineering design services. Earth Systems Pacific provided additional pavement testing information , which determined that the mainline portion of El Camino Real and San Anselmo Road East had sufficient existing pavement thickness to support CIPR, and construction bidding documents were completed in March 2018. Project Summary: CIPR is a pavement rehabilitation method, which revitalizes existing asphalt pavement by using the recycled material as a new base pavement course. There are two different construction methods for repurposing existing asphalt, but the more common construction method is the CIPR “train”. The “train” consists of a tanker truck, milling machine, crushing and screening unit, mixer and paver. The existing pavement is milled to a pre-determined depth, crushed, mixed with asphaltic emulsion, and placed back as a recycled pavement mat. Since this method results in an asphalt finished surface which is very rough, an asphalt overlay is required over the CIPR. There are multiple advantages to a CIPR process, including a stronger final pavement section, less waste, and fast construction timeline. Given these positives, coupled with the history of successful CIPR implementation on Atascadero Avenue, use of this method on El Camino Real and San Anselmo Road was determined to be the best available option. This project also includes the following additional improvements: 1. El Camino Real restriping – Given increasing traffic volumes on El Camino Real, and available existing roadway width, the new road will include the addition of a center two-way-left-turn-lane (TWLTL). Throughout this length of ECR, the roadway width can accommodate two travel lanes, the TWLTL, and bike lanes in both directions. In general, on-street parking will remain, with the exception of a small portion south of San Benito Road. New striping will be aligned, without the confusing variance in lane dimensions that currently exist. 2. Pedestrian Improvements – a. Eight ADA ramps on El Camino Real, which are currently non-compliant, will be upgraded to meet current standards. Additionally, a new ADA ramp will be added at the northwest corner of the intersection with San Benito Road. Page 205 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: 06/26/18 b. There currently exists a “missing link” of approximately 250 feet of sidewalk on the west side of El Camino Real in the 3400 block that will be constructed as part of this project. Constructing this “missing link” will provide continuous sidewalk between San Anselmo Road and San Benito Road. This project will also include the addition of sidewalk at the northwest corner of the San Benito Road intersection. 3. Drainage Improvements – Current drainage issues exist at the intersections of San Anselmo Road with Amargon Road and Arena Road. At both lo cations, significant ponding occurs which leads to pavement degradation. This project includes improvements at both intersections to allow better drainage and remove standing water during storm events. Analysis: The project was publicly bid with bid prop osals due on May 10, 2018. A total of four bid proposals were received that ranged from $1,591,431 to $1,916,508 with the low bid submitted by Ferravanti Grading and Paving of Paso Robles. The bids were reviewed for accuracy and compliance with the City of Atascadero’s bidding requirements, and it was determined that Ferravanti Grading and Paving submitted the lowest responsive bid proposal for $1,591,431. City staff considers Ferravanti’s bid to be very competitive given the second lowest bid was only $13,619 more (0.9% higher). The following tables summarize the anticipated project expenditures and funding sources: El Camino Real San Anselmo Total Projects Design Engineering 142,560$ 68,800$ 211,360$ Construction Contract 1,190,040 401,400 1,591,440 Construction Inspect/Tedst/Mgmt (5%)60,000 20,100 80,100 Construction Contingency (15%)178,900 60,500 239,400 Total Estimated Costs 1,571,500$ 550,800$ 2,122,300$ El Camino Real San Anselmo Total Projects Local Transportation Funds (LTF)42,050$ 467,140$ 509,190$ USHA Grants 566,000 - 566,000 RMRA Funds (SB 1)708,510 - 708,510 Total Funding Sources 1,316,560$ 467,140$ 1,783,700$ PROJECT FUNDING SURPLUS/(SHORTFALL)(254,940)$ (83,660)$ (338,600)$ ESTIMATED FUNDING SOURCES PROPOSED FUNDING USES The above tables indicate that $338,600 in additional funds is needed to be allocated to the project to cover the estimated expenditures. This shortfall drops to $99,200 if construction contingencies are not incurred during construction. There currently exists reserve fund balance in the LTF Fund that could be used in the interim to fill the gap for this project. These funds are intended for projects in the future, but can be shifted to allow funding for this high priority project. Staff is recommending Page 206 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: 06/26/18 allocating $338,600 in LTF reserves toward the project budget shortfall. Additionally, the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) notified staff that the City may be receiving more than expected LTF revenue for Fiscal Year 2018/19. If and when those additional funds are received, they will help to replenish the use of additional LTF funds for these two projects. Another factor that needs to be considered is the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) funds budgeted for the El Camino Real section. These funds are generated by The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB 1). There is a n active campaign to repeal SB 1 by voters in November 2018, which creates the need to have a contingency plan in the event that SB 1 is repealed. It is unknown at this time when the SB 1 related taxes would stop being collected if a repeal measure is successful. The City would continue to receive its allocation of the SB 1 revenues collected until the tax is repealed. Staff expects to have the first partial year for FY17/18 available ($180,431) plus at least four months of the FY18/19 estimated allocation amount of $517,019, or about $172,340. Therefore, it would be prudent to expect having only $352,771 in total RMRA funding available for the project, leaving an additional shortfall of $355,739 if the SB 1 repeal is successful. As a contingency plan for the potential of SB 1 being repealed, staff is recommending delaying a future project funded with LTF monies. Staff is recommending delaying the 2019 Pavement Resurfacing Project scheduled for FY18/19. The adopted budget allocates $592,000 in LTF monies toward this project, which involves pavement maintenance, surface treatments, pavement markings, and minor repairs for 4.35 centerline miles of road segments comprised of the following:  El Camino Real (Highway 41 to San Anselmo Road - West)  Curbaril Avenue (Highway 41 to US 101)  Santa Rosa Road (Highway 41 to El Camino Real)  Santa Barbara Road (San Antonio Road to Viejo Camino Road)  Viejo Camino Road (Santa Barbara Road to Halcon Road)  San Jacinto Avenue (El Camino Real to Nogales Avenue) Staff would reassess the above roadway segments and/or modify the planned work scope after the November 2018 election and in conjunction with the FY19/20 and FY20/21 budget preparation. El Camino Real (North) and San Anselmo Road (East) Pavement Rehabilitation Project will be complete and final project costs and shortfalls will be known at that time. Conclusion: Staff recommends that the City Council award the construction contract for the El Camino Real (North) and San Anselmo Road (East) Pavement Rehabilitation Project to Ferravanti Grading and Paving for $1,591,431. Given the heavy volume of traffic on both of these roadways, coupled with the significant maintenance efforts needed to upkeep the road at a safe and passable condition, completion of this project should be considered a high priority. These improvements provide a long-term solution for an important commercial and residential corridor. Page 207 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: 06/26/18 If awarded, construction is anticipated to begin during the first half of July 2018. The Contractor will be responsible for preparing and providing traffic control, and some inconvenience is expected to vehicular traffic along both El Camino Real and San Anselmo Road. City staff will work with the Contractor to minimize travel delays. Property and business owners in the project vicinity will be notified of the construction schedule prior to work beginning and be provided with notifications of any significant delays or impacts to their properties. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff is recommending using LTF revenue balance to c over the estimated $338,600 project shortfall from estimated expenditures. SLOCOG is projecting there may be increased LTF revenues for FY18/19, which may assist in closing this funding gap. As a contingency plan for the potential repeal of SB 1 that creates an additional estimated project shortfall of $355,739, staff recommends delaying the 2019 Pavement Resurfacing Project budgeted for FY18/19 with $592,000 in LTF revenue. Staff will re-evaluate this project’s scope as part of the next CIP update in early 2019, which is done as part of the bi-annual budget process. The CIP will update other future project costs and determine priorities given available funding. The post-election result of the SB 1 repeal ballot will also be known at that time, as we ll as LTF fund balance and projected revenues available for project expenditures. The following tables summarizes the project costs and funding sources: El Camino Real San Anselmo Total Projects Design Engineering 142,560$ 68,800$ 211,360$ Construction Contract 1,190,040 401,400 1,591,440 Construction Inspect/Tedst/Mgmt (5%)60,000 20,100 80,100 Construction Contingency (15%)178,900 60,500 239,400 Total Estimated Costs 1,571,500$ 550,800$ 2,122,300$ El Camino Real San Anselmo Total Projects Local Transportation Funds (LTF)42,050$ 467,140$ 509,190$ USHA Grants 566,000 - 566,000 RMRA Funds (SB 1)708,510 - 708,510 Proposed LTF Reserves 254,940 83,660 338,600 Total Funding Sources 1,571,500$ 550,800$ 2,122,300$ PROJECT FUNDING SURPLUS/(SHORTFALL)-$ -$ -$ PROPOSED FUNDING USES ESTIMATED FUNDING SOURCES Page 208 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: 06/26/18 ALTERNATIVES: There exists a number of other alternatives that the C ity Council may wish to consider, including the following:  Consider another source of funding for project funding shortfall;  Consider another project to delay, downsize, or cancel as a contingency plan to fund shortfall if SB 1 is repealed; and/or  Do not award El Camino Real (North) and San Anselmo Road (East) Pavement Rehabilitation Project. Staff does not recommend any of the above alternatives. ATTACHMENT: Bid Summary Page 209 of 210 ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: 06/26/18 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 210 of 210