HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 04-97 RESOLUTION NO. 04-97 A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY THE CITY OF ATASCADERO REQUESTING THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TO TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATED AS THE "SOUTHEAST ATASCADERO PUBLIC LANDS ANNEXATION" WHEREAS,the City of Atascadero desires to initiate proceedings pursuant to the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985, commencing with Section 56000 of the California Government Code, for the annexation of the Atascadero State Hospital, Paloma Creek Park, Chalk Mountain Golf Course, and Heilmann Park to the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS,notice of intent to adopt this resolution of application has been given to each interested and each subject agency; and WHEREAS,the territory proposed to be annexed is inhabited, and a description of the boundaries of the territory is set forth in Exhibit"A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS,this proposal is consistent with the Sphere of Service and Sphere of Influence adopted by the Local Agency Formation Commission in their August 1984 Sphere of Influence Study; and WHEREAS,this site is adjacent to the City of Atascadero and extension of the City boundaries to include these public uses is consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Organization Act(MORGA) and is recommended in the Atascadero General Plan Land Use Element; and the City, County and the State would all benefit from said annexation; NOW THEREFORE,be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Atascadero that this Resolution of Application is hereby adopted by the City Council, and the Local Agency Formation Commission of San Luis Obispo County is hereby requested to take proceedings for the annexation of territory as described in Exhibit"A"and according to the terms and conditions stated above and in the manner provided by the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985. On motion by Councilman Luna, and seconded by Councilman Carden, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: Resolution No. 04-97 Page 2 AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS CARDEN, CLAY, LERNO, LUNA AND MAYOR JOHNSON NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ADOPTED: 1/14/97 s ADERO By: JO SON, ayor ATTEST: MARCIA M. TORGERSON, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ANDREW J. T TA, City Manager APPROVED AS TO F RM: rw 0 RONLEY, City Atto ey PREP D BY: STEVEN L. DECAMP,Acting Community Development Director (RESOLUTION NO. 04-97 Page 1 of 7) EXHIBIT A Being a portion of Lots 3 and 4 of George Story's subdivision in Block 7 of Rancho Atascadero along with Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Eaglet No. 2 as shown on map -recorded in Map Book 2 at Page 38, along with Lots 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 of A.D.S. Addition No. l as shown on map recorded in Map Book 5 at Page 24, along with Lots 2, 3, 4, 51 8, 9, and a portion of Lots 6 and 7 of Tract No. 5 as shown on map recorded in Map Book 5 at Page 1, along with Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 in Block 67 of Atascadero Colony as shown on Map recorded in Map Book 3AC at Page 99A, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot l in Block l of Eaglet No. 2 as shown on said map; thence along the Northeastlineof said Block 1 South 36°10100" East 337.50 feet to that parcel of land described in deed recorded October 26, 1946 in Book 424, Page 315 of Official Records of said County being also the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along the northeast line of said Block 1 South 36910100" East 1867 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 10 of said block; thence along the south line of said Block the following courses: North 87°50100" West 100.00 feet, South 69023100" West 320.80 feet, South 79000100" West 200.00 feet, South 66015100" West 274.90 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 6 of said Block at the centerline of E1 Corte Road; thence along said centerline South 2100010011 East 81.60 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 4B of Block 5 of said Eaglet No.2 at the centerline of La Linia Avenue per said map; thence along said centerline South 88040100" East 150.60 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the southeast and having a radius of 150.00 feet; thence along said centerline and curve, being also the northwest line of lot 11 of said A.D.S. Addition No. 1 westerly and i southwesterly 134.82 feet through a central angle of 51030100"; i thence South 39050100" West 20.50 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the northwest and having a radius of 160.00 feet; 000085 i thence along said curve southwesterly 42.32 feet through a central angle of 15°09130" to the northwest corner of said Lot it at the centerline Pino Solo Avenue; thence along said centerline SOUTH 687.48 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 13 per said map; thence along the south line of said lot EAST 468.66 feet to the southeast corner of said lot at the centerline of a 16 foot wide Alley; I thence along the centerline of said Alley SOUTH 883.38 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 19 at the centerline of Las Lomas Avenue per said map; thence along said centerline North 44038100" East 140.51 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the southeast and south and having a radius of 277.90 feet; thence along said curve northeasterly and easterly 194.01 feet through a central angle of 40°00100"; thence North 84038100" East 300.00 feet to thesoutheast corner of said lot at the centerline of E1 Bordo; thence continuing along the centerline of Las Lomas Avenue North 86009100" East 180.06 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 2 of said Tract No. 5; thence along the west line of said lot South 5°22100" East 244.79 feet to the southwest corner of said lot; thence along the south line of said lot North 84038100" East 181.00 feet to the southeast corner of said lot; thence along the east line of said lot North 5022100" West 13 .92 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 12 per said map; thence along the north line of said lot North 84°38 '00" East 195.15 feet to the northeast corner of said lot; thence along the east line of said lot South 5022100" East 1.37 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 4 per said map; thence along the south line of said lot North 84038100" East 215.17 feet to the southeast corner of said lot; thence along the east line of said lot North 5°22100" West 6.46 feet to the southwest corner of lot 5 per said map; thence along the south line of said lot South 80°07100" East 246.63 feet to the southeast corner of said lot; thence South 8000710011 East 153.11 feet to a point 136.90 feet from . i E 000086 I the centerline of Las Lomas Avenue along the line separating Lots 5 and 6 per Grant Deed as recorded in book 1992, page 934 of Official Records of said county; thence South 64059138" East 179.01 feet to the northerly corner common to Lots 8 and 9 per said deed; thence along the northwest line of lot 9 of said Tract No. 5 South 50°34100" West 158.02 feet to the west corner of said lot at the i centerline of E1 Dorado Avenue; thence along said centerline South 29028100" East 269.50 feet to the south corner of said lot at the centerline of El Bordo Avenue; i I thence along said centerline South 5502313911 West '746.72 feet per book 34, page 14 of Record of Surveys of said county, to the north corner Lot 1, Block 7 at the centerline of a 40 foot wide un-named Road per Map of said Eaglet No.2; thence along said centerline South 3403410011 East 1200.00 feet to the north corner of Lot 5 of said Block 7 at thecenterlineof a 30 foot wide un-named Road; thence along said centerline South 55026100" West 1437.00 feet to the west corner of said lot at the northeast right of way of E1 Camino Real as shown on the V-S.L.O.-2-C State Highway Right of Way Map dated November, 1930; thence along said northeast right of way South 34°34100" East 1200.00 feet to the west corner of Lot 9 of said Block 7; thence along the northwest line of said lot North 55026100" East 1437.00 feet to the north corner of said lot at the centerline of said un-named 40 foot wide road; thence along said centerline South 34034100" East 600.00 feet to the east corner of Lot 10 of said block; thence continuing along said centerline South 34034100" East 600.00 feet to an iron pipe, being the point of beginning for the parcel described as SECOND per Deed recorded in book 11, page 132 of Official Records of said county; thence along the boundary of said parcel South 34°24100" East 1010.00 feet to a fenceline; thence continuing along the boundary of said parcel the following courses: South 6954100" East 241.60 feet; North 89046100" West 224.20 feet; South 49029100" West 46.30 feet to the north line of the Atascadero Colony as shown on Map Book 3AC at Page 99A; i thence along said north line of the Atascadero Colony i i 00008'7 i o South 8904310011 East 231.00 feet to the north corner of Lot 11, Block 67 of said map; thence along the northwest line of said lot South 51°11'00" West 780.86 feet to the west corner of said lot at the centerline of Viejo Camino at the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 1000.00 feet; A radial bearing to said point bears North 56014100" East; thence along said centerline and curve southeasterly 422.07 feet through a central angle of 24010158"; thence continuing along said centerline South 32°03100" East 1019.85 feet to the south corner of Lot 7 of said Block 67 at the centerline of Halcon Road; thence along said centerline North 57057100" East 34.61 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the northwest and west and having a radius of 179.20 feet; thence along said centerline and curve northeasterly and easterly 174.94 feet through a central angle of 55056100"; thence along said centerline North 2001100" East 124.42 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the east and having a radius of 1432.50 feet; thence along said centerline and curve northerly 205.85 feet through a central angle of 8°14100"; thence along said centerline the following courses: North 10°15100" East 374.89 feet; North 28°15100" East 309.15 feet; North 14°41100" East 144.00 feet; North 04°41'00" East 379.31 feet to a point on said north line of the Atascadero Colony; thence continuing along said centerline the following courses per Grant Deed recorded in book 1816, page 929 of Official Records of said county: North 0058100" East 415.99 feet; North 38°06100" East 83.59 feet; North 67049100" East 217.43 feet; North 54°59100" East 303.51 feet; North 44034100" East 183.95 feet; i North 26033100" East 461.81 feet; North 47°21100" East 234.87 feet; North 3804010011 East 324.04 feet more or less to the southwest right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company as delineated in the description of Parcel 1 per Deed recorded in book 510, page 352 of Official Records of said county; thence following said railroad right of way southeasterly along a compound curve concave to the northeast (the tangent of said curve . 000088 f at it's point of beginning bears North 40037143" West) having the following radii, central angles and arc lengths: Radius Central Angle Arc Length 2939.83 feet 0021118" 18.21 feet 3379.08 feet 0031130" 30.69 feet 3894.75 feet 0°27100" 30.59 feet 4658.68 feet 002213011 30.49 feet 5804.60 feet 0018100" 30.39 feet 7714.45 feet 0013130" 30.29 feet 11534.17 feet 0009100" 30.20 feet 22993.33 feet 0004130" 30.10 feet i to the EC at Engineer Station 7780+30; thence continuing along said railroad right of way the following courses: South 43005115" East 840.00 feet, North 46054145" East 50.00 feet to that portion of the railroad right of way as described FIRSTLY and THIRDLY per Deed as ! recorded in book 35, page 578 of Deeds of said county; thence along said railroad right of way South 43°05115" East 149.70 feet to the beginning of a tangent compound curve concave to the southwest at Engineer Station 7790+19.7; thence southeasterly and southerly along said right of way and curve having the following radii, central angles and arc lengths: Radius Central Angle Arc Length 11434.19 feet 0009 '00" 29.93 feet 5704.60 feet 0°18100" 29.87 feet 3794 .75 feet 0°27100" 29.80 feet 2839.83 feet 0036100" 29.74 feet 2266.88 feet 0045100" 29.67 feet 1884.92 feet 0054100" 29.61 feet 1612 .09 feet 1°03100" 29.54 feet 1407.47 feet 1°12100" 29.47 feet 1248.32 feet 1°211001t 29.41 feet 1121.01 feet 10301001t 29.34 feet 1016.84 feet 1°39100" 29.28 feet 930.04 feet 6°36100" 107.13 feet 1016.84 feet 1039100" 29.28 feet 1121.01 feet 1030100" 29.35 feet 1248.32 feet 1°21100" 29.41 feet 1407.47 feet 1412100" 29.48 feet ! 1612.09 feet 1"03100" 29.54 feet 1884.91 feet 0054100" 29.61 feet 2266.88 feet 0°45100" 29.67 feet 2839.82 feet 0°36100" 29.74 feet 3794.75 feet 0°27100" 29.80 feet 5704.60 feet 0°18100" 29.87 feet 11434. 19 feet 0004110" 13.88 feet 000089 i l to the east line of the Rancho Atascadero as surveyed and platted by G.L.O. Deputy Surveyor Brice M. Henry in June, 1858; thence along said rancho line North 0011100" East 2104.49 feet to "E.I.100" per map recorded in book A, page 1 of Maps of said county; thence along the west boundary of said map the following courses: North 31°19100" West 2112.00 feet to "E.I.125" ; North 09004100" West 2980.56 feet to "E.I.11511; North 57°19100" West 2774.09 feet to an intersection with the northeast extension of the southeast boundary of the Atascadero County Sanitation District disposal facilities as described in Exhibit "A" as recorded in book 2416, page 598 of Official Records of said county; . thence along said southeast boundary and extension thereof South 27°21100" West 1389.17 feet to the east line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company right of way as delineated in the description of Parcel 3 per Deed recorded in.book 510, page 360 of Official Records of said county; thence along said railroad right of way North 62°21100" West 229. 30 feet to the beginning of a tangent compound curve concave to the northeast and east, at engineer station 7708+09.2; j thence northwesterly and westerly along said railroad right of way and curve having the following radii, central angles and arc lengths as delineated in the description of Parcels 2 and 3 per said deed and the parcel described THIRD per deed recorded in book 40, page 409 of Deeds of said county: Radius Central Angle Arc Length 22893 .45 feet 0°04130" 29.97 feet 11434. 17 feet 0009 ,00" 29.94 feet 7614.45 feet 0013130" 29.90 feet 5704.60 feet 0918100" 29.87 feet 4558. 69 feet 0'22130" 29.84 feet 3794.75 feet 0027100" 29.80 feet 3249.08 feet 0°31130" 29.77 feet 2839.83 feet 0°36100" 29.74 feet 2521.52 feet 0°40130" 29.71 feet 2266.88 feet 0'45100" 29.67 feet 2058.53 feet 0'49130" 29.64 feet 1884.91 feet 32°58100" 1084.54 feet 2058.53 feet 0°49130" 29.64 feet 2266.88 feet 0°45100" 29.67 feet 2521.52 feet 0°40130" 29.71. feet r 2839.83 feet 0'36100" 29.74 feet 3249.08 feet 0031130" 29.77 feet 3794.75 feet 0027100" 29.80 feet 4558.69 feet 0022130" 29.84 feet 5704: 60 feet 0018100" 29.87 feet 7614.45 feet 0°13130" 29.90 feet . 000090 i 11434.17 feet 0009,00" 29.94 feet i 22893.45 feet 0°04130" 29.97 feet j to the end of said curve at engineer station 7687+16.6; i thence continuing along said railroad right of way as delineated in the description of Parcel 2 per said deed recorded in book 510, page 360 of Official Records and as described SECOND in said deed recorded in book 40, page 409 of Deeds, North 19°29100" West 1262.53 feet to its intersection with an extension of the line described in deed recorded in Book 424, Page 315 of Official Records; thence South 39°22 '00" West 1899.92 feet, more or less, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 888 Acres. I Alan L. Volbrecht L.S. 5201 _(exp. 6-30-95) I LANDS i ALAN 110LORECHT +, L.S 5201 >� r9lFOF CAO���` j i F i i 4 i i i 000091