HomeMy WebLinkAboutFC_2016-08-19_MinutesFinance Committee Meeting Notes August 19, 2016 Page 1 of 3 City of Atascadero FINANCE COMMITTEE NOTES Friday, August 19, 2016 11:00 a.m. Atascadero City Hall – Conference Room 106 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Moreno called the meeting to order at 11:00 am. Members Present: Council Member Kelley, Mayor Pro Tem Moreno, City Treasurer Gere Sibbach, Administrative Services Director Jeri Rangel, City Manager Rachelle Rickard Absent: None Staff Present: Deputy City Clerk Lori Kudzma PUBLIC COMMENT: None City Treasurer Sibbach spoke regarding the weed abatement fee discussion that took place during the City Council meeting. City Treasurer Sibbach suggested it might be appropriate to have the Finance Committee review how the fee is calculated. City Manager Rickard stated that City Council asked for the fee review to be brought back to Council at a future meeting. Council Member Kelley suggested he and City Treasurer Sibbach meet and discuss and bring back to the Finance Committee for review and then take forward to the City Council with a recommendation. BUSINESS: 1. Review Community Facility District Fees Director Rangel gave the presentation (Exhibit A) and answered questions from the Committee. Director Rangel referred members to page 6 which is the summary from the aud ited financial statements. Council Member Kelley asked that it be noted that he did not receive the packet until today. Chairperson Moreno stated she had received the electronic packet on Tuesday. Finance Committee Meeting Notes August 19, 2016 Page 2 of 3 City Manager Rickard confirmed that because of the size i t took some time to assemble the paper packets but they were available for pickup Wednesday morning. There was discussion about how much to transfer from the CFD to the general fund is determined. Director Rangel and City Manager Rickard explained that 10 0% of the staffing costs is not covered. An amount is budgeted from the CFD each year. The amount to cover staffing is over $800,000 per year and the most recent amount transferred was approximately $372,000. Development did not grow as quickly as expected when the CFD was initially formed, however City Council chose to pre -fill the additional positions using reserve funds. Chairperson Moreno opened public comment: Sheila Henley made comments, handed out documents (Exhibits B & C) and asked questions of the committee. Ms. Henley would like to see the CFD fees reduced and a sunset clause added. Vicki Fogelman made comments and asked questions of the committee. Ms. Fogelman asked that the committee not receive and file the report, but rather that the matter be set for public hearing to lower the fee and include a sunset clause. Kurt Stone made comments that if we don’t do something with new development coming in, it lowers property values by diluting existing services to residents. Roberta Fonzi stated as a realtor it makes it hard for people to qualify to buy homes. Properties are getting harder to sell. Ms. Fonzi would like to see a sunset clause. Charles Bourbeau stated this underscores why we need commercial development to generate more sales tax. Mr. Bourbeau also stated there should be some limit of increase each year. Chairperson Moreno closed public comment. City Manager Rickard and Director Rangel addressed the questions and comments presented by the public. Chairperson Moreno reminded all that the CFD is triggered when a request is made by a developer for increased density above current zoning. There was a discussion regarding fiscal neutrality. City Manager Rickard and Director Rangel continued addressing the comments from the public. City Treasurer Sibbach stated Prop 13 has huge inequities and has forced City’s into doing things like CFDs. Mr. Sibbach stated he does not see any way the City could afford to do away with CFDs. Finance Committee Meeting Notes August 19, 2016 Page 3 of 3 Council Member Kelley stated he would like to see some controls s et on the CFD and suggested a workshop for discussion. Chairperson Moreno suggested there is no perfect solution. The idea of a sunset would erode services at some point. City Treasurer Sibbach suggested there’s a possibility that an argument could be m ade for the cost assessed to undeveloped property. City Manager Rickard will speak with consultant about possible options. Director Rangel reminded the committee that this would be additional scope that what the consultant currently provides. City Treasurer Sibbach stated since the committee is not able to agree on a concrete recommendation for City Council he moves to receive and file this report and thank staff for their time on this. There was discussion between Council Member Kelley and Chairperson Moreno. Chairperson Moreno seconded the motion to receive and file the report. Motion passed 4:1 (Kelley opposed) At 12:46 p.m. Council Member Kelley stated he has a meeting and needs to leave. Chairperson Moreno asked Council Member Kelley if he had his questions regarding fire answered when he spoke with the auditors. Council Member Kelley stated he spoke with the auditors regarding another item and did not have his concerns addressed. 2. Review Aerial Ladder Truck Development Impact Fees It was agreed that item 2 will need to be discussed when Council Member Kelley is available to participate. Chairperson Moreno adjourned the meeting at 12:50 p.m. NOTES PREPARED BY: _________________________________ Lori M. Kudzma, Deputy City Clerk