HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 01/10/1989 GEORGIA RAMIREZ DEPUTY CITY CLERK A G E N D A ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA FOURTH FLOOR, ROTUNDA ROOM JANUARY 10, 1989 7.00 P.M. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. * A person may speak for five (5) minutes. * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so. * No one may speak more than twice on any item. Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond, but, after the allotted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call City Council Comment ** PROCLAMATION: "NATIONAL VOLUNTEER BLOOD DONOR MONTH" ,- January 1989 COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represents Ad Hoc or Standing Committees . Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary. ) 1 . City/School Committee 7 . Police Facility 2 . North Coastal Transit Committee 3 . S .L.O. Area Coordinating 8 . Atas . Lake Acquisition Council Committee 4 . Traffic Committee 9 Business Improvement 5 . Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgmt. Assoc . Committee 10. Pavilion Committee 6 . Economic Opportunity Commission 11 . Tree, Committee COMMUNITY FORUM: The City Council values and encourages exchange of ideas and comments from you, the citizen. The Public Comment Period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items. To increase the effectiveness of Community Forum, the following rules will be enforced: * A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. * All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as a whole, and not to any individual member thereof. * No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or staff. Any person desiring to submit written statements to the Council may do so by forwarding nine (9) copies to the City Clerk by 5 : 00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the Council Meeting. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion on these items . A member of the Council or public may, by request, have any item removed from the Consent Calendar, which shall then be reviewed and acted upon separately after the adoption of the Consent Calendar. 1 . DECEMBER 13, 1988 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. DECEMBER 14, 1988 JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3. DECEMBER 21, 1988 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4 . FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT - NOVEMBER 1988 5 . CITY TREASURER' S REPORT - NOVEMBER 1988 6. CLAIM OF MARIE S. BROWN ($75,000) - RECOMMEND DENIAL 7 . CLAIM OF REBECCA WILLIAMS ($250,000) - RECOMMEND DENIAL S. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL TRACT MAP 1-88, 9780 AND 9790 LAS LOMAS ROAD (RICHARD MONTANARO) 9. APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 19-88, 5900 BAJADA AVENUE (DAVID & VALERIE LOW) 10. RENEWAL OF BLUE SHIELD VISION CARE 2 • 11. LETTER CONFIRMING COUNCILMEMBER MACKEY'S CONTINUING TO SERVE ON COUNTY SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE & APPOINTMENT TO COUNTY HAZARDOUS WASTE COMMITTEE 12. ABSENCE OF COUNCILMEMBER DEXTER ON MAY 23, 1989 B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1. ORDINANCE NO. 184 - ZONE CHANGE 14-88, CLARIFYING THE 1/2 ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE STANDARD FOR LSF-X AND RSF-X SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ( Second & final reading, by title only) (Cont' d from 12/13/88) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 183 - AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 119 RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES (Second & final reading, by title only) (Cont' d from 12/13/88) 3 . RESOLUTION NO. 1-89 - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 1A-89, 10785 & 10857 EL CAMINO REAL - REQUEST AMENDMENT OF THE LAND USE MAP OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO EXPAND THE URBAN SERVICES LINE (Estate of Maria Colombo/Glen Lewis) • 4. TREE REMOVAL REQUEST: 9582 LAUREL ROAD (Precise Plan 40-88) ** BREAK C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. DOWNTOWN MASTER PLAN AND TASK FORCE (see Item D-jr) D. NEW BUSINESS: 1 . ABANDON EASEMENT - CENTURY PLAZA 2. REQUEST FOR INITIATION OF ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT- DANISH CARE CENTER 3. APPROVAL OF PROPOSED CRITERIUM BICYCLE RACE - MAY 7, 1989 4 . SEPTIC FAILURE, 5201 JUAREZ - REQUEST FOR RELIEF (Carrick) 5. STATUS REPORT OF VARIOUS PROJECTS AND REQUEST FOR STUDY SESSIONS 3 • B. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION/AND OR ACTION: 1 . City Council 2 City Attorney 3 . City Clerk 4 . City Treasurer 5. City Manager: a. Request for study session re: project prioriti- zation and financing COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN TO A CLOSED SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE ACQUISITION OF DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT. 4 • P R O C L A M A T I O N NATIONAL VOLUNTEER BLOOD DONOR MONTH January, 1989 WHEREAS, Blood is needed every day to help people survive accidents and surgery, and to help people fight cancer, leukemia, hemophilia and other diseases; and WHEREAS, only 5 percent of the eligible donor population actually donates blood; and WHEREAS, the need for blood increases each year to meet the health care needs of our community; and WHEREAS, there is a great need for more voluntary blood donors to provide a safe, adequate and local supply of blood for our community; and • WHEREAS, the President of the United States has declared January to be National Volunteer Blood Donor Month. THEREFORE, I, Bonita Borgeson, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, do hereby proclaim the month of January as National Volunteer Blood Donor Month for our City and urge all citizens to pay tribute to those among us who donate blood for others in need. I urge citizens of all ages in good health to donate during January as we pay tribute to blood donors . I urge all civic and service organizations, if they have not already done so, to form blood donor groups to provide blood for others . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Atascadero to be affixed this 10th day of January, 1989 . CITY OF ATASCADERO is BONITA BORGESON, Mayor ETI AGENDA ME SII JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, December 14, 1999 The special meeting of the Atascadero City Council and Planning Commission was called to order at 7 p .m. at the Prather Building by Mayor Borgeson. It was immediately adjourned to the National Guard Armory where the meeting reconvened at 7: 15 p .m. followed by the Fledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present : Council members Dexter , Shiers, Lilley, Mackey and Mayor Bergeson Commissioners Luna , Highland , Lopez Balbontin,, L-Jaage, Brasher , Tobe,• and Chairperson Lochridge Staff Present : Henry Engen, Community Development Director ; Paul Sensibaugh , Public Works Director ; Mike Hicks, • Fire Chief; Ray Windsor , City Manager ; Mark Joseph , Administrative Services Director and Boyd Sharitz , City Clerk . 1 . PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF HIGHWAY 41 Council and Commissioners introduced themselves. Ray Windsor , City Manager , introduced staff and the Cal Trans Representative, Jerry Hanto , Deputy District Director , Project Development and Construction. Haver Bergeson discussed the rules of participation for the evening ' s discussion. Speakers will be limited to three minutes unless= they are spokesperson for a group in which case it will be 5 minutes . Henry Engen, Community Development Director , gave the staff report . M - . Hanto , Cal T+ ans Rep, esentativ=, reviewed Cal Trans ' written response to a letter- from the City Manager , Ray Windsor , to Cal T,-ar:s. Council and commission comments fc- ?. lowed . Commissioner Brasher stated th�it clarification wa=_ needed, • y om Mr- . Hanto regarding input from the public . At the !,Joember 29th meer, i nt Aust i rr _:ar 1 tan 17rom Cal Trane spoke 1^ the 3slue, he that any input that t. -+e pub' 1c" - i - 0 0 • developed up to and including this public hearing tonight would be a part of the documentation. Yet evidently such is not the case. She wanted to know exactly what is meant when he speaks of consideration.. Mr . Hanto responded that he was not present at that hearing so he could not say precisely what was said. It is his understanding that it was understood by at least some members of the audience that Cal Trans would keep the record open until some future date that was unspecified . If the record was kept open it would be included in the document as part of the document itself. Mayor Borgeson read a transcript of the hearing of November 29th and Mr . Austin Carlton he did not say he supposed that the public comment would be kept open. He definitely stated that we can take written documents beyond that date to be included in the final document . He stated that it seemed to him that Cal Trans can extend the time limit on this environmental document . Another Public Hearing was needed and saw no reason why Cal Trans can ' t accommodate that . He further stated "we can extend the time of the document" . Mayor Borgeson asked if Cal Trans position had • chanced on this . Mr . Harto stated that Cal Trans will consider all of the documentation but only include in their report that received by December 1st . Further discussion by Commission and Council members followed . At this time Mayor Borgeson opened the meeting for public comment . Terry Graham, 6205 Conejo Road , commented that a special election should be held to decide this matter. Bob Ellison. attorney from Fresno , representing Ed Allred , spore against Alternate A and in favor of Alternate B. He asked Council to request that Cul Trans prepare an EIR and that council defer anv decision until the entire environmental process has been completed . Eric Micheilssen, 5500 Aguila , spoke in favor of Alternate A. Barbara Schoeneke, `7505 Marchant , stated that there is not enough information for the City Council and the residents of Atascadero to make a proper choice. An EIR should be completed before a decision 1 made by tt�e counc i 1 . Bill Gam a , 10755 Atascadero ()Ve. , spoke in favor c;f Alternate • r. -2- Dr . Anthony Avina presented to Council a copy of a resolution passed by the Atascadero Unified School District Board of Education in favor of Alternate A. Mildred Copelan, 961.0 Portola, stated she strongly supported Alternate A. Doug Sheffer , 8085 Curbaril , spoke in favor of Alternate A. Jim Comes said he felt Alternate A is the only way to go . Norm Canfield , 10690 San Marcos, President of the Atascadero Board of Realtors, representing 170 members of the Board of Realtors, spoke in favor of Alternate A. David Baker , Director of the North County Contractor ' s Assoc . spoke representing 500 members of the Assoc . and stated that they were in support of Alternate A. Glen Lewis encourage the Council to act now -- don ' t wait any longer . John Cotscnmeyer , 8705 Casanova Rd . , President of the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, and `Dice President/Manager of Bank of America in Atascadero . He stated that Highway 41 Alternate A makes good business and economic sense and he strongly supports Alternate A. Al Gustafson, 9305 Curbaril , spoke regarding the truck: traffic on Curbaril Ave. and the growing dangers to school children on their way to school . Give the trucks a safe and proper way to take and make their livelihood . Gary Hoskins, 5140 Mercedes , asked Council to get more facts before making a decision and wait for a full E1R. Stephen LaSalle, 7505 Marchant , said that intelligent decisions can not be made without adequate information. The people of Atascadero deserve an E1R to that an intelligent , informed decision may be made. Ernie Porter , 9420 Marchant Way , spoke in favor- of Alternate A but not without question. He questioned the destruction of the Heilmann Bridge and asked that it not be destroyed . Alyce Porter , 9420 Marchant Way , said she was in support of Alternate A with the reservation that there should be a cloverleaf on the other side of the railroad near the county facility on Sycamore. Daniel Hei } mann, 3005 River Rd . , spoke in favor of alternate A. -3- Mr . Kellerman read a letter on behalf of Joan O ' Keefe, 9905 Old Morro Rd . East . requesting the City Council members to be futuristic and to have the moral integrity to make independent decisions that will benefit the greatest number of residents. Craig Monn said he felt that the Council did not have the information available to them. He supported Alternate B and asked that a special election be held to solve this issue. Mrs . Paul McGill , 5100 Mercedes Ave. , expressed her concerns regarding the traffic and pollution. Peter Boonisar , 5212 Magdalena Ave. , spoke in opposition to Alternate A and asked Council to get a complete EIR. Tom Hatchell , 5285 Barrenda , expressed support of Alternate A as the most direct and feasible alternative to the present conditions . Fill Blankenship , 6905 Country= Club Dr . , stated that he has had his house up for sale for two years. He was in support for Alternate A if for no other reason so that something can be done so that he can possibly sell his house. Dorothy McNeil , 8765 Sierra Vista Rd . , stated that Cal Trans motives must be called into question. Their refusal to back; their own representative ' s assurance that letters and petitions would be included in the document makes their motives seem clear . Cal Trans knows that the guidelines requires an EIR if there is an out pouring of public concern. Cal Trans does not want letters and petitions of over 1 ,000 people to reach Sacramento as part of the document . Neither A nor B really appeals to her . She strongly urged the Council to call for an EIR so that they can consider this matter with adequate information. Jerry Bond , 4840 E1 'Merano , said this is in the General Plan-- let ' s follow it . He is in support of Alternate A. John McHeil , 8765 Sierra Vista , stated that no decision should be made by this Council on this project until they have a competent , thorough traffic analysis. Traffic is THE problem of Atascadero and has been for years . Sa: y Larson, 49 Quail Ridge, stated that he strongly supports Alternate A as a major funded circulation improvement of great benefit to the community . Celia Mcssi 8040 Coromar Rd , asked Ccuncii to pay attention to the wishes of the citizens of Atascadero and said that she opposes Alternative A unless an EIR which can justify to the citizens of Atascadero why this project is warranted . -4- Jay DeCou, 9200 Pino Solo , spoke in favor of Alternate A. John Nimes, 8210 Carmelita, asked the Council to do what is good for the majority of this City. He stated that he is in support of Alternate A. Dennis Garret , 4300 Corrizo , expressed his concerns of safety of school children and said that Alternate A has been a part of the General Plan for years and believes it is time to get on with it . Ned Thompson, 5960 River Rd . , said he was in favor of Alternate A. Mayor Borgesen asked for a brief recess at 9:50. Meeting reconverted at 10 p .m. Brad [avis , 549'' Fresno , r--presenting the Chamber of Commerce and 460 local businesses said they are fully in support of Alternate A and did riot believe an EIR was necessary. Jerry Clay, 7285 Sycamore Rd . , said he encouraged the Council to take action now and get on with Alternate A. He believes an EIR. is a stall . Robert Nimmo , 7375 Bella Vista Rd . , said that the Highway 41 issue is an issue of public safety and responsible and timely planning for proper traffic control . He supports Alternate A. Barbara Reiter , 10150 San Marcos Rd . , stated that she is not in favor of either Alternate A or B, but Alternate C as proposed by Uouo Lewi=_ . David Duran 8825 Marchant , said Alternate A is not acceptable. An alternative that was omitted is to turn the present Highway 41 from Atascadero into Shandon over the Count"' . Highway 41 can be routed up 101 to Pasta Robles and Highway 46 . He asked the City Co;jncil to reject Alternate A and require an =1R. Chris Jes[persen, 6890 Rocky Canyon Rd . , stated that he endorses Alternate A and believe=_ Cos-ricil should live with the decision that they made two years ago . Mike Ar-rambide, 7243 vel Rio , President of Atascadero 2000 spoke for members in support of Alternate A. Mar t i III onn, 5385 Mercedes, stated she was i r-r opposi tion to Alternate A and viould support Alternate B. L--,I enol-,;✓ Manr�, 7925 Santa Rosa Rd . 7925 Santa Rosa Rd . , President of Santa Rosa PTA, stated that he believed that the EIR spoken about to r,ict;t ? s imoor-tant and Alternate A r-tresents the best safety measure for our chi ld -en and the community . Harry Ovitt , of San Miguel asked the Council to use caution to protect all funding available to the City and to implement the General Plan. Carol Hall , 7070 Marchant , spoke supporting Alternate A. Eric Hagen, representative of the Downtown Business Improvement Assoc . stated that the BIA is in support of Alterate A. Jim Ha.rer , 4400 Templeton Rd . , spoke in support of Alternate A. Anne Marie Kirkpatrick , 6291 Monterey Court , spoke representing an Ad Hoc Committee which was formed in order to oppose Alternate A. She presented the City Council with petitions signed opposing Alternate A. She asked Council to withhold making a decision pending an EIR. Tom Collins , 8780 Casanova , asked Council to put on hold until an EIR is completed . Fred Frank , 7755 Graves Creek: Rd . , asked Council to re-evaluate the Alternate A plan and press for an EIR before making a . decision. Frank Bush , 4685 Viscano Ave. , Vice-Chairperson of the Sierra Club , spoke in support of Alternate B and asked that the Negative Declaration be appealed because the initial study is inadequate. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to extend the meeting past 11 p .m. Passed unanimously. John Bunyea, 4B58 Templeton Rd . , spoke in opposition of Alternate B mainly because of safety. Doug Marter , 1ob90 Santa Lucia, stated the old bridge is falling dot-in, and the money is available for a new bridge, the -oute from the new bridge to the other traffic is the cleanest there is. Let ' s get it over with and get it over with . lia) McCutcheon, stated we reed this project now. He asked the Council to look ahead and get the project started now. Wayne Laprade, 6505 San Gabriel Rd . , stated that he was in favor of Aiter-riate A and EIR ' s can be a worthwhile tool , but also they can be a problem. William Collins , 4205 River Road , (Carousel Ranch ) said that when you weight the loss of a child ' s life, the inconvenience to the gene:-al public of the present traffic routes against his personal loss of a few acres and privacy on his ranch , he s=aid that he was in favcr ruf Alternate A. -6- Randi LaFollette, 5385 Magnolia, spoke in opposition of Alternate A and would like to see a full EIR done before a decision is made. Doug Lewis_ , said he warted to address three issues: 1 ) serenity ( Atascadero Cemetary) 2) public safety 3) foresightedness . Lorrenso Pace, 5190 Mercedes, spoke in opposition of Alternate A and feels that an EIR is essential before a decision can be made on the issue. Carla Cole who lives on Mercedes Ave. , stated she was in opposition of Alternate A and requested that an EIR, be done before a decision is made. Alan Volbrecht , who lives on Highway 41 , approximately I !2 mile east of the end of Alternate A said he hoped the City Council in their consideration of this particular 'stem will chow their support for Alternate A and show the same consistency with interpretation of the General Plan that they have asked development projects to bring in. Bill Carroll , 5360 Ensenada Ave. , stated he supported Alternate A. Ursula Lunt read a prepared statement for Dr . Timothy O ' Keefe stating he was concerned that Cal Trans has failed to complete an adequate EIR analysis for the proposed realignment of Hwy. 41 . Linda Stewart , 5225 Magdalena Ave. , stated she was in favor of Alternate 8 because of the traffic that would be caused by Alternate A. Jay Harris, 5365 Magnolia, said he was in opposition of Alternate A. Mark Goforlh , lives on Templeton Rd . , spoke in favor- of Alternate B and an EIR study needs to be done before a decision can be made on this project . Doug Filipponi , 5995 River Road , asked council to look at the staff recommendations and accept Alternate A. Don Messer , 7555 Cristabo.l , spoke in favor of Alternate A and felt that an EIR was not necessary. Sarah Gronst and , 7620 Del Rio Rd . , stated she was in opposition to Alternate A. -7- Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda said she was against Alternate A. She then read a prepared statement for Gidi Pullen, stating that an EIR be prepared for this project before a decision can be made. Don Allaire spoke in favor of Alternate A. Richard Kirk'Datrick , 6291 Monterey Court , spoke in favor of an EIR being done. Diana Boswell , 5505 Bajada, stated she was strongly against Cal Trans proposed plan Alternate A. Ron DeCarli , Program Manager for the SLO Area Coordinating Council , =stated he wants Cal Trans to reopen comments for the document . He said that a full EIR could be conducted , but it would cause a 1 year delay that could jeopardize funding . Lack of City support could eliminate the project given the 53.5 billion billion Cal Trans funding shortfall . Donna Harris, 5365 Magnolia Ave. , said she preferred Alternate B. r Melanieanieie Billig , read a prepared statement opposing Alternate A e a and asked that an EIR be completed before a decision is made. Robert McNew, 4630 E1 Verano , spoke in support of Alternate A. Mayor Borgeson read a statement from Herman Plew, 5395 Capistrano Ave. , in support of Alternate A but does not want Magnolia and Magdalena Streets to be connected to the new route because Magnolia is just behind his house and the increased noise from route traffic coming onto Magnolia would be very undesirable. Ursula Luna, 10600 :pan Marcos Rd . , asked that an EIR be prepared to assure the greatest sensitivity towards the residents, the environment and the character- of the City. Raymond Jensen, --655 Country Club Dr . , spoke in favor of AlternG.te B. Mayor Borgeson read a prepared statement of {line Kohle which stated a complete EIR is needed before any decision can be made. At this time Mayor Borgeson closed the meeting for public �omrr+ent and asked if there were any written statements of Petitions they should be given to the City Clerk: at this time. i L!!-!Cil and Commission comments followed . Motion: Councilman Shiers to suppoit a Full EIR. The motion . died fcr lack: of a. second . -8- Motion: By Councilman Dexter , seconded by Mayor Borgeson to reaffirm the City ' s position in respect to Alternate A subject to an EIR. Motion passed unanimously by roil call vote. Meeting adjourned at 12:5r> a.m. MINUTES RECORDED BY: BOYD C. SHARITZ, CITY CLERK: PREPARED BY: GEORGIA RAMIRE?, DEPUTY C11-Y CLERK ETAQENDA 4�. - DATE�(L2 ITEM i _--....- • ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 21 , 1988 A Special Meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order in the City Manager ' s Office by Mayor Borgeson on Wednesday, December 21 , 19BS at 11 :40 a.m. The purpose of this meeting was to adopt a resolution proclaiming a State of local Emergency and a resolution ratifying the Proclamation of a State of Local Emergency . Roil Call : Present : Councilmembers Dexter , Shiers , Mackey and Mayor Borgeson Absent : Councilman Lilley (Excused ) Staff Present : Ray 'Windsor , City Manager ; Mark Joseph , Administrative Services Director and Mike Hick=_ , • Fire Chief City Manager , Ray Windsor- and Mike Hicks, Fire Chief gave a staff report on the two resolutions . MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, =seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve Resolution No . 116-88. Passed unanimously. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve Resolution No . 1171-98. Passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 11 :46 a .m. • MEET 1D�� ENDA _ i DA���ITEM� .��--1-- • CITY OF ATASCADERO SCHEDULE OF DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1988 DISBURSEMENTS Hand Warrant Register for November, 1988 25 , 850. 75 11/04/88 Accounts Payable Warrants 66 ,339. 39 11/10/88 Accounts Payable Warrants 362 ,648. 77 11/18/88 Accounts Payable Warrants 44,226.55 Service Charge-Mastercard/Visa 2.50 11/09/88 Payroll Checks #44277-44410 98,610.57 11/23/88 Payroll Checks #44411-44540 98,303.28 Total 695 ,981. 81 LESS: Voided Check #43235 ( 26.51) Total Disbursements 695 ,955. 30 I, MARK JOSEPH, do hereby certify and declare that demands • enumerated and referred to in the foregoing register are accurate and just claims against the City and that there are funds avail- able for payment thereof in the City Treasury. The breakdown detail on all accounts is available for your viewing in the Finance office. MARK JOSE P Admin. Ser Uces Director • MEETt !E ',- _AGENDA VMATE,.: .,:..�' ' ITEM ......._.�. • CITY OF ATASCADERO SCHEDULE OF CASH RECEIPTS AND TRANSFERS IN FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1988 CASH RECEIPTS: Taxes : Property Tax 51,028. 01 Sales Tax 131,600. 00 Motor Vehicle In-Lieu 59 ,830.08 Cigarette Tax 4 ,220. 39 Development Impact Tax 20 ,036.00 Miscellaneous Taxes 1,819.40 Occupancy Tax 22 ,009.24 Other Receipts : Assess. District #5-Chandler Ranch 43,335.00 Narcotics Officer 17,134. 34 Licenses/Permits/Fees 35 , 833.12 Franchise Fee 4 ,228.58 P.O.S.T. Reimbursement 1,126. 80 Fines/Penalties/Overages 525.41 Amapoa-Tecorida 2 ,336.16 Traffic Safety 4 ,304. 74 • Zoo Reserve Fund 14.00 Parks and Recreation Fees 11,949. 66 Investment Earnings 309. 93 Weed Abatement 332.50 Street Assessments 248.46 Local Transportation 20 ,723.40 Development Fees 50 ,701.00 Zoo Receipts 3,554. 46 Rents/Concessions 415.00 Sales-Maps/Publications/Reports 506. 70 Special Police Services 114. 00 Sales of Property 22 ,122.20 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS 510 ,358. 58 OTHER CASH RECEIPTS: Bail 376. 00 Reimbursement to Expense 3 ,260.00 Refundable Bonds 200.00 Refunds 403. 00 TOTAL OTHER CASH RECEIPTS 4 ,239. 00 • 0 0 CITY OF ATASCADERO • CASH ACTIVITY SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1988 BEGINNING CASH RESOURCES 2 ,919 ,120. 85 ADD: RECEIPTS 514 ,597.58 INVESTMENTS REDEEMED 300 ,000.00 LESS: DISBURSEMENTS 695 ,955. 30 FUND TRANSFERS 300 ,000. 00 ENDING CASH RESOURCES 2,737 ,763.13 SCHEDULE OF CASH RESOURCES Int. Due AS OF NOVEMBER 30 , 1988 Rate Date Checking Account: Mid-State Bank 189,223.13 Certificates of Deposit: Butterfield Savings 99 ,000.00 8. 00 12/06/88 First Cal Savings 99 ,000.00 8. 90 05/16/89 Other Investments : • Local Agency Inv. Fund 2 ,350 ,000.00 8.47 N/A Other Cash Resources : Petty Cash 540.00 TOTAL CASH RESOURCES 2 ,737 ,763.13 n v GERE SIBBACH City Treasurer QE ETI AGENDA DA REM# • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: Ray Winds City Manager SUBJECT: Claim of Marie Susan Brown DATE: January 10, 1988 BACKGROUND An oak tree fell on a Dial-a-Ride bus driven by claimant. • RECOMMENDATION The City' s insurance adjustor has reviewed this claim and recommends denial at this time. :cw • MEETt � � WD! DAT �D 7 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: Ray Windsur, City Manager SUBJECT: Claim of Rebecca Williams DATE : January 10, 1988 BACKGROUND Claim alleges City of Atascadero Police officers negligently and with malice arrested Claimant at the request of Animal Control • Regulation officers . RECOMMENDATION The City' s insurance adjustor has reviewed this claim and recom- mends denial at this time. :cw • ET! << • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council January 10, 1989 VIA: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director . SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Tract Map 1-88 LOCATION: 9780 and 9790 Las Lomas Road APPLICANT: Richard Montanaro BACKGROUND/RECOMMENDATION: On April 12, 1988 the City Council approved Tentative Tract Map 1-88 subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The required condi- tions have been complied with and the final map is recommended for approval . HE:ps cc: Richard Montanaro • EXHIBIT A - LOCATION MAP Tent. Tract Map 1-88 CITY OF ATASCADERO 9780 & 9790 Las Lomas r'less, .(! =,� ' 2.7•-, (Montanaro/North Coast En) — ' sc,,,D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • SITE 9780 & 9790 g Las Lomas TTM 1-88 -- R F•Z i Elm MF-4 46, o a yya� e , �� ♦'\ o -,O a - a= p CR CT —a C T T 7 N• ,r4 04 r ADED ♦vE� VT � R S ME,eT AGE DATIEI,�� t�ti�M�A • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council January 10, 1989 VIA: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director A4;�) SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 19-88 LOCATION: 5900 Bajada Avenue APPLICANT: David and Valerie Low REQUEST: To convert a four unit apartment complex into four airspace condominiums and a common lot. BACKGROUND: On December 6, 1988 the Planning Commission conducted a public • hearing on the above-referenced subject and, on a 7 : 0 vote, approved the tract map request subject to the findings and revised conditions of approval (addition of condition #9) . There was discussion on this matter as reflected in the attached minutes excerpt. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Tentative Tract Map 19-88 per the Planning Commis- sion' s recommendation. HE:ps Attachments: Staff Report dated December 6, 1988 Minutes Excerpt - December 6, 1988 Revised Conditions of Approval - December 6, 1988 cc: David and Valerie Low Cuesta Engineering • City of Atascadero Item B-2 • STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: December 6, 1988 BY: Joel Moses, Associate Planner File No: TTM 19-88 SUBJECT: To convert a four (4) unit apartment complex into four (4) airspace condominiums and a. common lot. Three of the units are under construction, the fourth is existing. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .David & Valerie Low 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . .Cuesta Engineering 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . .5900 Bajada Ave. 4. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 47 acres 5. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RMF-10 (Residential • Multifamily) 6. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single Family Residence 7. General Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . .Low Density Multiple Family 8. Environmental Status. . . . . .Categorically Exempt (Class 1) B. ANALYSIS: The applicant is proposing to convert a four (4) unit apartment complex into a four (4) unit air space condominium. The site has one existing residence on the site. Three additional residential units were approved as a part of Precise Plan 25-88. The Precise Plan was approved on July 21, 1988 with thirteen conditions. The conditions required the completion of street improvements, grading and drainage plans, and some minor design modifications. Building permits were applied for August 8, 1988 and were issued on September 20, 1988. State law requires the notification of the tenants of the site prior to the submittal of a condo conversion application. The applicant has submitted a letter informing the City that the existing unit is occupied by the applicant. In such cases, the notification procedure is not necessary. • The site is within the Amapoa/Tecorida flood area. The prior approved Precise Plan and building permits have taken into consideration the need for improvements and fees have been paid. The proposed map, as presented, complies with City's General Plan as to land use density and policies contained within the Land Use Element. The issuance of building permits and encroachment permits for public improvements have been in conformance with City codes and development standards. Comments were received from several outside agencies. Our Fire Department and Building Division noted no problem with the proposal as long as the existing codes and standards are followed in the development of the parcels. The Atascadero Mutual Water Company has responded requesting that individual unit water meters be provided. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Tentative Tract Map 19-88 based on the Findings in Exhibit D and the Conditions of Approval in Exhibit E. JM/gym ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Tentative Lot Line Adjustment Map Exhibit C - Map Detail Exhibit D - Findings for Approval Exhibit E - Conditions of Approval �m INS � P-1 �� .n ���� �,, -•�--. • rte` ♦ �� �I��� � raj! �,, ,-• � � son RIF 11 , �► IL � 'Nmuff- _ �/�� numu ►mmg . A 1 Ills NEI 1 0 • XHIBIT B - TENTATIVE MAP CITY OF ATASCADERO 5900 Bajada Ave. j- tog 1 -7 Tentative Tract Map 19-88 -- `D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Low/Cuesta Engineering DEPARTMENT ' LEGEND Y-/ xw^•s rerw ror:rr//rrry Y-L 6•L / "wr..L /KCL/v wMt r rMf.?e wr-.mr.v d Pnywyvr CGl T.KIfY A.tYty.yY:IM . 4 T. f /f CCMIIiK ww/W L!l1:M 1W//w/r A� KJ \ •.+ �! Puvt...Pr re.w�.arz�r.-rrywnn- t Awe f dJaN beKR, MO nWt Ire a� G•1 \} C Me av KRCpv s f'L[wwm toRecr n- IM /C3T d wr w.a.[gC OW 5 • - . I � ..Mt6Xy�KM,V[sr..C.rµy,.Pwo • may. _ K1 `y Y /, ✓ ry} - , %f 1 1p T TENTAT/Yf PI PEEL"%(P,4T ff.n2 A• � �T nw r:wr..vrvrtnt:/IA[wb .rtwrvr twM sw rsr..trig P GI(/yept Y/L,N,TY y� RECEIVED LUESTA ENG/NLER/NG OCT 14 1988 K ti.••:xf COMMUNITY DEVELOrM_INT • CIT i �F EXHIBIT C - MAP DETAIL . . V ATASCADERO 5900 Bajada Ave. scwn COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tentative Tract Map 19-88 DEPARTMENT Low/Cuesta Engineering hti C y+� StORA - TATA %% /j% EXHIBIT D - Findings for Approval Tentative Parcel Map 19-88 (88-252) 5900 Bajada Ave. Low/Cuesta Engineering December 6, 1988 FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL 1. Creation of the proposed parcels conform to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan land use designation, densities and other policies. 2. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 3. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed. 4. The design of the subdivision, and the proposed improvements, will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat 5. The design of the subdivision, and the type of the improvements, will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or the use of property within the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 6. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474. 6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to the methods of handling and discharge of waste. JM/jm • • EXHIBIT E - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Tentative Parcel Map 19-88 (88-252) 5900 Bajada Ave. Low/Cuesta Engineering December 6, 1988 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant shall establish Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use, control of nuisances and architectural control of the site and the buildings. a. These CC&Rs shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney and the Community Development Director prior to the approval of the final map. b. These CC&Rs shall be administered by a Condominium Owners Association. 2. The open space/common lot shall be designated as a Public Utilities Easement. 3. A soils report or an Engineer' s certification stating that the existing soils on the site are adequate to support the proposed structure as per Chapter 70, subsection (e) of the Uniform Building Code shall be provided prior to the recording of the final map. 4. All conditions imposed on the project by Precise Plan 25-88 and approved building permits shall be satisfied prior to the recording of the final map. 5. The applicant shall pay all sewer fees in effect prior to the recording of the final map. 6. Road improvement plans prepared by a Registered Engineer shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments, prior to the construction of the improvements, prior to the recording of the final map. Plans shall include, but not limited to : Bajada: Design shall include City standard curb, gutter, 510" sidewalk and additional paveout, not to exceed 1510" from the center line. Design shall include measures to protect and preserve trees within the right- of-way, as approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. 1 • . 7. Individual water meters shall be installed for all residential units, prior to the recording of the final map. 8. A final map, in compliance with all conditions set forth herein, shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. c. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. JM/jm 2 MINUTES EXCERPT - PLANNING COMMISSION - DECEMBER 6, 1988 No public testimony was given. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Tobey, seconded by Commis- sioner Highland and carried 7 :0 to continue the hearing on Conditional Use Permit 12-88 to the January 3, 1989 meeting. 2. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 19-88 : Request initiated by David and Valerie Low (Cuesta Engineering) to convert a four unit apartment complex into four airspace condominiums with a common lot (cur- rently under construction) . Subject site is located at 5900 Bajada Avenue. Joel Moses presented the staff report on this condominium conversion request noting an additional condition to be added pertaining to the two year approval period for the tract map. staff' s recommendation is for approval subject to conditions. In referencing the Housing Element, Commissioner Luna inquired as to the City' s monitoring of condominium conver- sions in relation to assuring an adequate balance of rental housing. Discussion followed relative to rental costs, vac- ancy percentages of rentals. It was noted that Atascadero has an abundance of rentals at this time. In response to question from Commissioner Luna, Mr. Engen explained the procedure which has been routinely utilized in obtaining precise plan approval for apartments and then filing for a tract map for the condominium conversion. David Low, applicant, spoke in support of the request and noted his concurrence with the recommended conditions. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Highland, seconded by Commis- sioner Tobey and carried 7 :0 to approve Tentative Tract Map 19-88 subject to the findings and condi- tions contained in the staff report with the addi- tion of condition #9 : 119 . Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursu- ant to a written request prior to the expira- tion date. " -2- 0 EXHIBIT E - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Tentative Tract Map 19-88 (88-252) 5900 Bajada Ave. Low/Cuesta Engineering December 6, 1988 (Planning Commission Revised) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant shall establish Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use, control of nuisances and architectural control of the site and the buildings. a. These CC&Rs shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney and the Community Development Director prior to the approval of the final map. b. These CC&Rs shall be administered by a Condominium Owners Association. 2. The open space/common lot shall be designated as a Public Utilities Easement. 3. A soils report or an Engineer's certification stating that the existing soils on the site are adequate to support the proposed structure as per Chapter 70, subsection (e) of the Uniform Building Code shall be provided prior to the recording of the final map. 4. All conditions imposed on the project by Precise Plan 25-88 and approved building permits shall be satisfied prior to the recording of the final map. 5. The applicant shall pay all sewer fees in effect prior to the recording of the final map. 6. Road improvement plans prepared by a Registered Engineer shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments, prior to the construction of the improvements, prior to the recording of the final map. Plans shall include, but not limited to : Bajada: Design shall include City standard curb, gutter, 510" sidewalk and additional paveout, not to exceed 1510" from the center line. Design shall include measures to protect and preserve trees within the right- of-way, as approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. 1 7. Individual water meters shall be installed for all residential units, prior to the recording of the final map. 8. A final map, in compliance with all conditions set forth herein, shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. c. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 9. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. JM/jm 2 DAT�J I� �' M� 4, • M E M O R A N D U M To : City Council Through: Ray Windsor , City Manager L From: Mark Joseph , Admin. Services Director Date: January 4, 1989 Subject : Renewal of Blue Shield Vision Care BACKGROUND The City ' s Health Care program includes vision care, provided through Blue Shield . The contract is for one year , subject to annual renewals. The effective date of this contract is November 1 , 1988; late receipt of the contract explains the delay in presenting this item to Council . For Council ' s information, other policies will need to be renewed . Staff will present them to Council as they are received . • There are no significant changes in this contract . RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends renewing the contract . \h\contract • APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO BLUE SHIELD of California (California Physicians' Service) FOR A GROUP HEALTH SERVICE CONTRACT CITY OF ATASCADERO whose main post office address is: P.O. BOX 747 (93423) 6500 PALMA ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 This contract, number F20355 VISION, shall be effective November 1, 1988. It has been read and approved and the terms and conditions thereof are hereby accepted. This application is executed in duplicate. The original returned to Blue Shield of California, Two Northpoint, San Francisco, California 94133. It is agreed that this application supersedes any previous application for said Contract. Dated at this day of 19 (Legal Name of Applicant By Title As Contractholder, you are responsible for communicating to Subscribers as soon as possible (and in any case, no later than thirty (30) days after receipt) all changes in benefits and in any provisions affecting benefits. PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ORIGINAL OF THIS PAGE TO BLUE SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. Inquiries concerning any problems that may develop in the administration of this Contract should be directed to Blue Shield of California at the above address. BLUE SHIELD of California GC-AP MEETiry GENpA OAT /G ITEM r M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: Ray Windsor, City Manager SUBJECT: Confirming committee appointment DATE : January 10, 1989 The County has requested that we formally affirm Councilmember Mackey' s appointment to the County Hazardous Waste Committee, along with her continuing to serve as our representative on the Solid Waste Committee. Please reference the attached letter in this regard. • Attachment RW: cw • ADMINISTRATION BUILDING tascade�® 8PALMA AVENUE • ATASCADEDERO,CALIFORNIA 93422 POLICE DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805) 466.6000 INCORPORATED JULY 2. 1979 6500 PALMA AVENUE ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93422 CITY COUNCIL PHONE: (805)466-8600 CITY CLERK CITY TREASURER CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93422 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805) 466-2141 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT January 5, 1989 S.L.O. County Administrative Offices County Government Center San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 Attn: Debbie Hossli This letter is intended to formally notify you and to confirm Councilmember Marjorie Mackey's continuing appointment to the County solid waste Committee and new appointment to the County Hazardous Waste Committee. We believe that it is in the City' s best interest to have one member of the City Council serve on • both committees, since they are closely related. Sincerely, BONITA BORGESON Mayor RW:cw • MEE1'IN AGENDA DAT //rE_ TEM, • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: Ray Windsor SUBJECT: Councilmember absence DATE : January 10, 1989 Councilman Dexter has notified us that he will be out of the State beginning May 10, 1989 through June 10, 1989 in order to visit relatives and to participate in a wedding. This absence will necessitate his missing a regular City Council meeting on • May 23, 1989 . RW: cw ET! E NOL % ft 1 M# I M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council January 10, 1989 VIA: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director / SUBJECT: ZONE CHANGE 14-88 clarifying the 1/2 acre minimum lot size standard for LSF-X and RSF-X single family resi- dential districts (SECOND READING) BACKGROUND: On December 13, 1988 the Atascadero City Council conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced matter. Upon review Ordinance No. 184 was approved on first reading. • RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Ordinance No. 184 by: 1) Reading by title only 2) Adoption of Ordinance No. 184 on second reading HE :ps Attachment: Ordinance No. 184 • REVISED AGENDA ITEM B-3 CITY COUNCIL 12/13/88 ORDINANCE NO. 184 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT RELATIVE TO MINIMUM LOT SIZES IN THE RSF-X AND LSF-X SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONES BY REQUIRING A NET MINIMUM LOT SIZE OF 0.5 ACRES EXCLUSIVE OF ROADS (CITY OF ATASCADERO: ZC 14-88) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning text amendment proposes standards that are consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 15, 1988, and has recommended approval of the Zoning Ordinance text amendment; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate; and NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does • ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan land use element and other elements contained in the General Plan. 2. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. Section 2. Zoning Text Change. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 14-88 is approved to change the text of the Zoning Ordinance as shown in the attached Exhibit A, which is made a part of this Ordinance by reference. Section 3. Applicability. All applications for subdivisions of land within the City accepted as complete for processing prior to December 13, 1988 shall not be affected by or subject to the restraints herein enacted. Section 4. Publication. • i • • Ordinance No. 184 The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News,, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing Ordinance is approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: BONITA BORGESON, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RAY WINDSOR, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: FREY J EMAEN, City Attorney PREPARE Y: HENRY ENGEN Communi Development Director • i EXHIBIT A The charts contained in Zoning Ordinance Section 9-3. 154 and Section 9-3. 164 are amended to read as follows: SYMBOL MINIMUM LOT SIZE X One-half ( 1/2) acre net area (excluding land needed for street rights-of-way whether publicly of privately owned ) Y One ( 1 ) acre, when sewers are available One and one-half ( 1 1/2) acres, when sewers are not available. Z One and one-half ( 1 1/2) to two and one-half (2 1/2) acres based on performance standards set forth in this Section. CORRECTED COPY OF ORD. 183 - PLEASE REPLACE COPY IN AGENDA PACKET. v� ORDINANCE NO. 183 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 . ARTICLE 3 OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CODE RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES . The Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain that Article 3 of Chapter 12 of the Atascadero Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows : SECTION 1 . Section 3-12 . 03 DEFINITIONS_ The following terms shall have the following meanings when used in this Chapter . The following definitions to be added to Section 3-12 . 03 (h) "Building" : means anv structure having a roof supported by columns and/or walls and intended for shalter , housing, and/or enclosure of any person , animal or chattel , but not including tents or mobile homes . (i) "Building Permit" : means a buiilding permit for residential , non-residential , or mobile home site development applied for to the Communitv Development Department of Atascadero on or after the effective date of this Ordinance . (j) "Construct" "Construction" as used in this Chanter means the putting together , assembling, erection or altering of construction materials components , or modules into a structure, or portion of a structure , and includes restructuring, enlarging or altering anv structure. "Construct" also includes the moving from outside the City and locating of a building, or portion thereof, onto a lot or parcel of land. and also includes the imn_ rovement of land as a mobile home lot . (k) "Dwelling Unit" means an independent , attached or detached residential building designed to house and provide living space including kitchen and bathroom facilities , for an individual family. (1) "Gross Building Area" means the total floor area of each floor of all buildings subject to this ordinance, including internal circulation , storage and equipment space, as measured from the outside faces of the exterior walls , including halls , lobbies , stairways , elevator shafts , enclosed porches and balconies . t � • (m) "Mobile Home" means a vehicle without self-propulsion designed and equipped as a dwelling unit to be used with a foundation . (n) "Mobile Home Lot" , as used in this Chapter , means any area or portion of a lot designated, designed, or used for the occupancy of one(1) mobile home on a permanent basis . (o) "Non-Residential" includes all uses of land other than residential including agricultural , communication , cultural , educational , recreation , manufacturing, processing, resource extraction , retail trade, services , transient lodging, transportation and wholesale trade uses . (p) "Person" includes anv individual , firm, co-partnership , corporation , company , association, joint stock association, city , county, state or district ; and includes any trustee, receiver , assignee, or other similar representatives thereof . (q) "Structure" as used in this Chapter means any artifact constructed or erected, the use of which requires attachment to the ground, including any building, but not including fences or walls six feet or less in height . (r) As used in this Chapter , the terms "residential ," "commercial , " "office," "industrial , " "hotel ," "motel ," and "quasi- public" have the same meanings as are defined in the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance of this City, as well as administrative interpretations thereof . Section 3-12 . 07 (c) LIMITATIONS ON USE The words "except parks and recreations facilities" shall be deleted and a new section 12 .07(c) shall read as follows : (c) Fees from residential and nonresidential development may be used for all types of capital improvements . Z.—ection-2-12 . 10a EXCEPTIONSe Section 3-12 . 10 is deleted in its entirety and a new section 3- 12 . 10 shall be added to read as follows : There is excepted from the fee imposed by this Chapter the following: (a) The construction of a building or structure or mobile home which is a replacement for a building or mobile home being demolished or moved to outside the City from the same lot or parcel of land. The exception shall equal but not exceed the fee which would be payable hereunder if the building or mobile home being replaced were being newly constructed. If the fee imposed on the new building exceeds the amount of this exception, such excess shall be paid; (b) Accessory buildings or structures in planned developments , multi-family or mobile home parks , such as a clubhouse, swimming pool , or laundry facility; (c) Buildings or structures which are "clearly accessory to a principal use" such as fences , pools , patios , parking spaces garages , residential accessory buildingsl (except guest houses) and agricultural accessory buildings as outlined in Title 9: (d) Any person when imposition of such tax upon that person would be in violation of the Constitution and the laws of the State of California , County of San Luis Obispo , or City of Atascadero; (e) A condominium project converting an existing multi- family building into condominiums where no new dwellings are added or created; (f) Any rebuilding of a structure destroyed or damaged by fire ; explosion, act of God or other accident or catastrophe, which rebuilding does not increase the original gross building area . If such increase does occur , the increase shall be subject to the fee as imposed by this chapter . (g) Any restoration/reconstruction of a historical building recognized, acknowledged. and designated as such by the City Planning Commission or City Council ; (h) The construction of any building by the City of Atascadero , or the United States or any Department or Agency thereof , or by the State of California or any Department , Agency or Political Subdivision thereof, or any residential development where the City Council finds there are specific over-riding fiscal , economic , social or environmental factors benefitting the City which, in the sole judgement of the City Council , would justify the approval of such development without the payment of said tax. SECTION 2 . PUBLICATION The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be published in the Atascadero News , a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this Citv. once within fifteen (15) days after its passage, in accordance with government code Section 36933; and shall certify the adoption of this Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance and certification to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this Citv . SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 .01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. • i • • On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember the foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted in its entiretv by the following roll call vote : AYES : NOES : ABSENT : ATTEST : BOYD C . SHARITZ BONITA BORGESON City Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : APPROVED AS TO FORM: PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN Director of Public Works City Attorney City Engineer . DMAEETiN R M DAA ZZ M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council December 13, 1988 VIA: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director Awl SUBJECT: ZONE CHANGE 14-88 clarifying the 1/2 acre minimum lot size standard for LSF-X and RSF-X single family residential districts. BACKGROUND: On November 15, 1988, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing concerning a City-initiated request to amend the Zoning Ordinance text relative to minimum lot sizes allowed in the RSF-X (Residential Single Family) and LSF-X (Limited Single Family) residential zones . On a 7 : 0 vote, the Commission recommended approval of attached Ordinance No. 184 which would make permanent the minimum net lot size of 0. 5 acre with sewer and 0 . 5 acre without sewer in these districts . No public testimony was given on the matter. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Ordinance No. 184 by: 1 ) Reading by title only. 2 ) Adoption of Ordinance No. 184 on first reading. HE :ps Attachments : Staff Report dated November 15, 1988 Minutes Excerpt dated November 15, 1988 Ordinance No. 184 i • • CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: B-3 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: November 15, 1988 BY, l (/ Steven L. DeCamp, Senior Planner File No: ZC 14-88 SUBJECT: Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance text relative to the minimum lot sizes allowed in the RSF-X (Residential Single Family) and LSF-X (Limited Single Family) residential zones. BACKGROUND: On May 26, 1987, the City Council adopted an "urgency ordinance" (Ordinance #152) establishing minimum net lot sizes in the RSF-X and LSF-X zones. Additional urgency ordinances (#' s 154 and 175) on this topic have been subsequently adopted to extend the life of the lot size provisions. It now appears appropriate to adopt a permanent Ordinance relative to the establishment of minimum lot sizes in the RSF-X and LSF-X zones. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City of Atascadero 2. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Citywide 3. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RSF-X and LSF-X 4. General Plan Designation. . . . .High Density Single Family 5. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration previously certified B. ANALYSIS: On February 23, 1987, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 145 which established revised minimum lot sizes in the RSF-X and LSF- X single family residential zones. The Ordinance amended Zoning Ordinance Sections 9-3. 154 and 9-3. 164 to allow for minimum lot sizes of 20,000 square feet where sewers are available and 0. 5 acres where sewers are not yet available. The prior minimum lot size in the affected zones had been 0.5 acres regardless of the availability of sewer service. This change in the Zoning Ordinance was implemented to allow for the subdivision of certain lots in the affected zones that could not be subdivided under a • 0.5 acre minimum lot size. On May 26 1987 the Council adopted Ordinance No. 152 (an Y . � P "urgency ordinance") which clarified the Council's intent to require that lots in the RSF-X and LSF-X zones meet a net minimum lot size of 20, 000 sq. ft. or 0. 5 acres depending upon the availability of sewer service. This was done because a number of parcel map applications were submitted that would have resulted in parcels of less than 20,000 sq. ft. after areas required for roads were deducted. An urgency ordinance was adopted because of the immediacy of the problem and to allow staff time to analyze a General Plan amendment that would have required that all minimum lot sizes be based on net (exclusive of roads) rather than .gross (including road right-of-way) parcel sizes. The Council has twice extended the life of the urgency ordinance (Ordinance Nos. 154 and 175) . In the interim, the Planning Commission and Council determined that the question of net versus gross lot sizes Citywide should be considered as part of the General Plan Revision Program, and not as a separate General Plan amendment. Because of this delay, and the desirability of maintaining the minimum lot size requirements established by the Council, adoption of a permanent Zoning Ordinance amendment appears to be appropriate at this time. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Zone Change 14-88 making permanent the minimum net lot sizes of 20, 000 square feet (with sewers) and 0. 5 acres (without sewers) in the RSF-X and LSF-X zones. The Commission should recommend that the City Council adopt the attached draft Ordinance. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location Maps Exhibit B - May 12, 1987 Staff Report Exhibit C - Ordinance 175 Exhibit D - Draft Ordinance ,�,� ``,►"' - �' . ' � v�`.'moi% �� WIMMIM,gaff no Inn t NINO •.�n �;,F .;,►u1r;, �Y 1 NNM Ni. ..na. `` ar��`�\\1411_' SUMMY ■ r � u ! � NNN gN PAP INAIM ��o NO Oil— 1 ' 1 EXHIBIT B May 12, 1987 Staff Report ZC 14-88 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council May 12, 1987 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director KE SUBJECT: A Report to City Council Relative to Clarifying 20,000 Square Foot Minimum Lot Size Requirement BACKGROUND: At the City Council' s meeting of April 26, 1987, Council requested that staff report back on the matter of minimum lot sizes required in the LSF-X and RSF-X Single Family Residential Districts. In amending the minimum lot size in such zones from one-half acre with sewer to 20,000 square feet, the Council had intended to establish a net ac- reage standard, i.e. , 20 ,000 square feet minimum exclud g street rights-of-way whether owned or not owned by the abutting owner. Sub- sequently, lot splits have been received which "net" to less than 20,000 square feet when roads are excluded. The Planning Commission is recommending to the Council that the General Plan and related zon- ing language be amended to establish a net density standard as part of the next cycle of amendments. ANALYSIS: The General Plan of the City currently states as follows with respect to minimum lot area (page 58) : "8. In the calculation of lot area for the purposes of con- sidering land divisions and in determining permitted numbers and types of animals allowed, gross acreage shall be used. However in determining permitted densities for multiple fam- ily residential developments, net acreage (excluding land area needed for streets rights-of-way) shall be used. " In reviewing this language with the City Attorney, the opinion was given that the Council could consider a zoning text amendment to tighten up the language with respect to minimum lot size on 20 ,000 square foot lots. The normal process for a zoning text amendment would be to refer the matter to the Planning Commission for study and public hearing and then forward a recommendation to the City Council for first and second reading with an effective date thirty-one days thereafter. 0 • The Council also has the option of adopting clarifying language as an urgency ordinance which is permitted pursuant to Section 65858 of the Government Code (see attached) . This language allows for adopting on a four-fifth vote an urgency ordinance which is effective for forty- five (45) days, and which permits subsequent extension for ten months and fifteen days pending conclusions of ongoing studies pertinent to the issue at hand. As noted, the Planning Commission will be recom- mending to the City Council on the matter of establishing a tighter definition of net minimum lot size in residential districts. A draft urgency ordinance reciting requisite findings changing the zoning text is enclosed for Council' s consideration. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are available to implement a net acreage lot size standard: 1. No action - in anticipation of receipt of a recommendation from the Planning Commission to initiate this change in both the gen- eral plan and zoning as part of the current General Plan cycle. 2. Initiate a conventional zoning text amendment to be referred to the Planning Commission, or 3. Adopt the attached ordinance No. 152 , which would go into immed- iate effect and preclude approving any future parcel maps or tract maps in LSF-X or RSF-X zones which contain lots proposed to be less than 20,000 square feet after streets have been deducted from the acreage. HE:ph - Enclosures: Draft Ordinance No. 152 Government Code Excerpt Section 65858 EXHIBIT C Urgency Ordinance Ordinance # 175 ZC 14-88 ORDINANCE NO. 175 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING TITLE 9 ZONING REGULATIONS BY CLARIFYING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED LOT SIZE IN THE LSF-X AND RSF-X DISTRICT AS REQUIRING A NET MINIMUM LAND AREA OF 20,000 SQUARE FEET WITH SEWER (EXCLUDING LAND AREA NEEDED FOR STREET RIGHTS-OF-WAY WHETHER PUBLICLY OR PRIVATELY OWNED) AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 154 WHEREAS, Section 65858 of the Government Code authorizes the adoption by local legislative bodies of interim ordinances as urgency measures to protect the public safety, health and welfare; and WHEREAS, said ordinances may be adopted as urgency measures prohibiting actions which may be in conflict with a contemplated zoning proposal which the legislative body, Planning Commission or Community Develoment Department is considering, or studying, or intends to study within a reasonable time; and WHEREAS, the City is presently studying amendments to the City' s General Plan and zoning regulations to clarify definitions of minimum lot areas required; and WHEREAS, the City Zoning Ordinance Sections 9-3 . 154 and 9- 3 . 164 were amended (Ordinance 145) to reduce minimum lot size in the RSF-X and LSF-X 'districts to 20, 000 square feet with sewers; and WHEREAS, said revision was a. reduction from one-half acre minimum lot size to eliminate disputes as to credit for fee ownership of roads with the objective of setting a minimum net lot area of 20, 000 square feet in these districts where sewer is available regardless of ownership of said fee title to the roads; and WHEREAS, applications for the subdivisions of land with lot sizes of less than 20, 000 square feet net have been submitted contrary to the City Council ' s intent; and WHEREAS, the proposed extension of interim Ordinance No. 154 has been noticed for public hearing held on June 14 , 1988 pursuant to Section 65090 of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, such urgency measures shall require a four-fifths vote of the legislative body for- adoption. • NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows : r �+ Section 1 . Council Findings . 1 . The proposed code amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations. 2 . The proposed zoning text amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment. Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. 3 . That further study is necessary to determine what legislation, if any, is proper for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. 4 . That there is a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, or welfare, and that the approval of additional subdivisions inconsistent with the zoning text changes provided for herein, would result in a threat to public health, safety, or welfare. Section 2 . Zoning Text Change. That the chart in Section 9-3 . 154 Minimum Lot Size in the Residential Single Family zone and 9-3 . 164 Minimum Lot Size in the Limited Residential Single Family zone shall be changed to read as follows in relation to the Symbol X: SYMBOL MINIMUM LOT SIZE X 20, 000 square foot net area (excluding land area needed for street rights-of-way whether publicly or privately owned) with sewer; half acre net area (excluding land area needed for street rights-of-way whether publicly or privately owned) where sewer is not available. Section 3 . All applications for a permit for a subdivision of land which had been pending before the City of May 12 , 1987 , shall not be affected by or subject to the restraints herein enacted. Section 4 . This ordinance is adopted under Government Code Section 65858 and is in full force and effect for one ( 1 ) year. 0 Section 5 . The City Council hereby declares that this is an urgency ordinance necessary to preserve the public peace, health and safety due to the facts set forth above. Section 6 . This ordinance being an urgency ordinance for the immediate protection of the public safety, health and general welfare, containing a declaration of the facts constituting the urgency and passed by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the Council shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Section 7 . Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero news, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance, and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. On motion by COUNCILWOMAN MACKEY and seconded by COUNCILWOMAN BORGESO'yV the foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES : COUNCILMEMBERS BORGESON, BOURBEAU, HANDSITY, MACKEY AND MAYOR NORRIS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE DATE ADOPTED: 6/14/88 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA )!51f_11/1r'L11_ A�� lz� BARBARA NORRIS, MAYOR ATTEST: . BOYD S�RITZ, City Cler APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: BILL- HANLEY Interim City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Lf44.#�-- YR NSEN, City Attorney REPARED Y• 0� HENRY ENGEN Community De elopment Director • 1 EXHIBIT D Draft Ordinance ORDINANCE N0. ZC 14-88 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT RELATIVE TO MINIMUM LOT SIZES IN THE RSF-X AND LSF-X SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONES BY REQUIRING A NET MINIMUM LOT SIZE OF 20,000 SQUARE FEET (WITH SEWERS) AND 0. 5 ACRES (WITHOUT SEWERS) EXCLUSIVE OF ROADS (CITY OF ATASCADERO: ZC 14-88) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning text amendment proposes standards that are consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 15, 1988, and has recommended approval of the Zoning Ordinance text amendment; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate; and NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan land use element and other elements contained in the General Plan. 2. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. Section 2. Zoning Text Change. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 14-88 is approved to change the text of the Zoning Ordinance as shown in the attached Exhibit A, which is made a part of this Ordinance by reference. Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and Ordinance No. circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by the motion as approved by the following role call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: BONITA BORGESON, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RAY WINDSOR, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Communi ` Development Director EXHIBIT A The charts contained in Zoning Ordinance Section 9-3. 154 and Section 9-3. 164 are amended to read as follows: SYMBOL MINIMUM LOT SIZE X 20,000 square foot net area (excluding land area needed for street rights-of-way whether publicly or privately owned ) with sewer ; half acre net area (excluding land area needed for street rights-of-way whether publicly or privately owned ) where sewer is not available. aY One ( 1 ) acre, when sewers are available One and one-half ( 1 1/2) acres, when sewers are not available. Z One and one-half ( 1 1/2) to two and one-half (2 1/2) acres based on performance standards set forth in this Section. �I MINUTES EXCERPT -0-ANNING COMMISSION - 11/1*8 -8- In resp o se to comment by the Commission, Ms . ollowell clarified heir desire to have this hearing ntinued in order to ork out the design problems earli addressed. She emphasiz that the primary issue is w ther the use (drive-thru) i compatible with the site. Chairperson Loch idge explained that he ould like to see the areas that re addressed throu the staff report worked on by the a licant. Ms . Hollowell asked for the Com ssion' s consensus as to whether this site is c patible fo a drive-thru restaurant. Commissioners in favor: High and, Lopez-Balbontin, Waage, an Tobey Commissioners against: L idge, Brasher, and Luna At this point; Commissio er Tob y restated his motion. MOTION: Made by Co missioner T ey to approve Conditional Use Permi 12-88 with a signage modifications (to rem ve logo from t e entrance sign) . The motion ied for lack of a s cond. MOTION: Mad by Commissioner Tobey, econded by Commis- si er Highland and carried :0 to continue the aring on Conditional Use ermit 12-88 to ecember 6, 1988. Chairp son Lochridge requested that a repre entative from Publ ' Works be in attendance at the December 6 meeting. Ch irperson Lochridge called a recess at 10: 23 p. meeting convened at 10:30 p.m. 3. ZONE CHANGE 14-88 : Request initiated by City of Atascadero to amend the Zoning Ordinance text relative to the minimum lot sizes allowed in the RSF-X (Residential Single Family) and LSF-X (Limited Single Family) residential zones . Subject zone change is City-wide. Mr. Engen presented the staff report summarizing the background involved with this matter. There was discussion relative to gross vs . net density which has been referred to the Commission to be addressed as part of the General Plan update. • There was no public comment. MINUTES EXCERPT - &NNING COMMISSION - 11/15 -9- NOTION: Made by Commissioner Highland, seconded by Commis- sioner Tobey and carried 7 :0 to recommend approval of Zone Change 14-88 and recommend that the City Council adopt the draft ordinance with the following modification: To make permanent the minimum net lot size of 0. 5 acre with sewer and 0.5 acre without sewer in the RSF-X and LSF-X zones. A. Proposed Resolution No. 3-88 adopting "Dista a Factor" Map for determining minimum lot size. Mr. gen explained the background concerni this resolu- tion n ting that all affected persons ( rchitects, land surveyo engineers) will receive a py of the larger distance actor map for determining minim lot sizes. Commissione Brasher noted she liked t new map and found it much easie to work with than the der one. There was disc ssion concerning a more definitive way of determining minim lot size when particular parcel lands between two distanc ratings for a lot size factor. MOTION: Made by Co missio r Waage, seconded by Commis- sioner Highl d and carried 7 :0 to adopt Resolution No. - 8. MOTION: Made by Comm'ssi ner Highland and seconded by Chairperson chrid a to continue the meeting past 11 : 00 M. There was further d' scussion cont ning initiation change in the Zoning Ordin ce pertaining t modification concerning lot size fact s (where the 1 s restrictive factor prevails when a parcel falls between t o distance ratings) . There was also discussion concerning th theory behind the 2 1/2 to 10 ac lot size ranges . Commis sl n consensus was to initiate a ange to Section 9 .3144 (b) ( of the Zoning Ordinance o require the more restrictive f tors . C. INDIV UAL COMMENT 1. Planning Commission mmissioner Brasher asked for an update concerning de elop- ent of a downtown plan by Cal Poly students. In response to question from Commissioner Luna, Mr. Eng reported that proposed tree ordinance revisions will be heard by the Commission on December 20th. It was noted that i tEET7,, AGENDA _d=._. ITEM - MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager From: Paul,M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : Ordinance 183 Ammending Sections of Chapter 12 (Ordinance 119, Development Fees) Date : December 12, 1988 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council adopt Ordinance 183 . Background: Resolution 100-88 recently established new development fees on the basis of Ordinance 119 . Ordinance 119 refers to sections of the • 50c Tax ordinance that must be added to Ordinance 119 prior to the repeal of the 50c Tax ordinance . Discussion: Ordinance 183 adds the definitions and exemptions contained in Ordinance 111 , the 50c Tax ordinance, to the Development Fee Ordinance 119 (Chapter 12, Article 3 of the City Code) . Additionally, the new ordinance allows the use of non—residential fees, as well as residential fees , for parks and recreation facilities . The only other change is the deletion of the reference to the school development fee . After the second reading, staff will be submitting the repeal for several ordinances and resolutions associated with the old development fees . Fiscal lmpact : This is a procedural step that must be taked to maintain the development fee revenue collections . • • ORDINANCE NO. 183 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 , ARTICLE 3 OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CODE RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES. The Council of the Citv of Atascadero does ordain that Article 3 of Chapter 12 of the Atascadero Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows : SECTION 1_ Section 3-12 . 03 DEFINITIONS : The following terms shall have the following meanings when used in this Chapter. The following definitions to be added to Section 3-12 . 03 (h) "Building" : means any structure having a roof supported by columns and/or walls and intended for shalter , housing, and/or enclosure of any person , animal or chattel , but not including ten or mobile homes . (i) "Building Permit" : means a buiildincr permit for residential , non-residential , or mobile home site development applied for to the Community Development Department of Atascadero on or after the effective date of this Ordinance. (j) "Construct" "Construction" as used in this Chapter means the putting together, assembling, erection or altering of construction materials components , or modules into a structure , or portion of a structure , and includes restructuring, enlarging or altering any structure . "Construct" also includes the moving from outside the City and locating of a building, or portion thereof, onto a lot or parcel of land, and also includes the improvement of land as a mobile home lot . (k) "Dwelling Unit" means an independent , attached or detached residential building designed to house and provide living space including kitchen and bathroom facilities , for an individual family. (1) "Gross Building Area" means the total floor area of each floor of all buildings subject to this ordinance, including internal circulation , storage and equipment space, as measured from the outside faces of the exterior walls , including halls , lobbies , stairways , elevator shafts , enclosed porches and balconies . • (m) "Mobile Home" means a vehicle without self-propulsion designed and equipped as a dwelling unit to be used with a foundation . (n) "Mobile Home Lot" , as used in this Chapter, means any area or portion of a lot designated, designed, or used for the occupancy of one (1) mobile home on a permanent basis . (o) "Non-Residential" includes all uses of land other than residential including agricultural , communication, cultural , educational , recreation, manufacturing, processing, resource extraction , retail trade, services , transient lodging, transportation and wholesale trade uses . (p) "Person" includes any individual , firm, co-partnership, corporation, company , association , joint stock association , city, county, state or district ; and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, or other similar representatives thereof . (q) "Structure" as used in this Chapter means any artifact constructed or erected, the use of which requires attachment to the ground, including any building, but not including fences or walls six feet or less in height . (r) As used in this Chapter, the terms "residential , " "commercial , " "office," "industrial , " "hotel , " "motel , " and "quasi- public" have the same meanings as are defined in the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance of this City, as well as administrative interpretations thereof . Section 3-12 . 07 (c) LIMITATIONS ON USE The words "except parks and recreations facilities" shall be deleted and a new section 12 . 07 (c) shall read as follows : (c) Fees from residential and nonresidential development may be used for all types of capital improvements . Section_2=12_10—EXCEP-1QNZ Section 3-12 . 10 is deleted in its entirety and a new section 3- 12 . 10 shall be added to read as follows : (a) The construction of a buildincr or structure or mobile home which is a replacement for a building or mobile home being demolished or moved to outside the City from the same lot or parcel of land. The exception shall equal but not exceed the fee which would be payable hereunder if the building or mobile home being replaced were beincr newlv constructed. If the fee imposed on the new building exceeds the amount of this exception, such excess shall be paid; (b) Accessory buildings or structures in planned developments , multi-family or mobile home parks , such as a clubhouse, swimming pool , or laundry facility ; 0 • (c) Buildings or structures which are "clearly accessory to a principal use" such as fences , pools , patios , parking spaces garages , residential accessory buildings . ; (d) Any person when imposition of such tax upon that person would be in violation of the Constitution and the laws of the State of California, County of San Luis Obispo, or City of Atascadero; (e) A condominium project converting an existing multi- family building_ into condominiums where no new dwellinc_ra are added or created; (f) Any rebuilding of a structure destroyed or damaged by fire; explosion, act of God or other accident or catastrophe, which rebuilding does not increase the original gross building area . If such increase does occur, the increase shall be subject to the fee as imposed by this chapter . (g) Any restoration/reconstruction of a historical building recognized, acknowledged, and designated as such by the City Planning Commission or City Council ; (h) The construction of any building by the City of Atascadero , or the United States or any Department or Agency thereof, or by the State of California or any Department , Agency or Politic Subdivision thereof , or any residential development where the Cit Council finds there are specific over-riding fiscal , economic , social or environmental factors benefitting the City which, in the sole judgement of the City Council , would justify the approval of such development without the payment of said tax . SECTION 2 . PUBLICATION The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be published in the Atascadero News , a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City, once within fifteen (15) days after its passage, in accordance with government code Section 36933; and shall certifv the adoption of this Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance and certification to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City . SECTION 3 . EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall cro into effect band be in full force and effect at 12 . 01 a .m, on the 31st day after its passage . 0 On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember the foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST : BOYD C. SHARITZ BONITA BORGESON City Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN Director of Public Works City Attorney City Engineer ORDINANCE NO. 183 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 119 OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CODE RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES PART 1 . Section 3-8. 03: DEFINITIONS: The following terms shall have the following meanings when used in this Chapter . (h) "Building" : means any structure having a roof supported by columns and/or walls and intended for shalter, housing, and/or enclosure of any person, animal or chattel , but not including tents or mobile homes . (i) "Building Permit" : means a buiilding permit for residential , non-residential , or mobile home site development applied for to the Community Development Department of Atascadero on or after the effective date of this Ordinance. 0) "Construct" "Construction" as used in this Chapter means the putting together , assembling, erection or altering of construction materials components , or modules into a structure, or portion of a structure, and includes restructuring, enlarging or altering any structure . "Construct" also includes the moving from outside the City and locating of a building, or portion thereof, onto a lot or parcel of land, and also includes the improvement of land as a mobile home lot . (k) "Dwelling Unit" means an independent , attached or detached residential building designed to house and provide living space including kitchen and bathroom facilities , for an individual family . (1) "Gross Building Area" means the total floor area of each floor of all buildings subject to this ordinance, including internal circulation , storage and equipment space, as measured from the outside faces of the exterior walls , including halls , lobbies , stairways , elevator shafts , enclosed porches and balconies . (m) "Mobile Home" means a vehicle without self-propulsion designed and equipped as a dwelling unit to be used with a foundation . (n) "Mobile Home Lot" , as used in this Chapter , means any area or portion of a lot designated, designed, or used for the occupancy of one (1) mobile home on a permanent basis . (o) "Non-Residential" includes all uses of land other tha* residential including agricultural , communication, cultural , educational , recreation, manufacturing, processing, resource extraction , retail trade, services , transient lodging, transportation and wholesale trade uses . (p) "Person" includes anv individual , firm, co-partnership, corporation, company, association , Joint stock association, city, county, state or district ; and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, or other similar representatives thereof. (q) "Structure" as used in this Chapter means any artifact constructed or erected, the use of which requires attachment to the ground, including any building, but not including fences or walls six feet or less in height . (r) As used in this Chapter, the terms "residential ," "commercial , " "office, " "industrial , " "hotel , " "motel ," and "quasi- public" have the same meanings as are defined in the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance of this City, as well as administrative interpretations thereof . Section 3-8 . 07 : LIMITATIONS ON USE (c) Fees from residential and nonresidential development may be used for all types of capital improvements . Section 3-8 . 10: EXCEPTIONS: There is excepted from the fee imposed by this Ordinance the following: (a) The construction of a building or structure or mobile home which is a replacement for a building or mobile home being demolished or moved to outside the Citv from the same lot or Marcel of land. The exception shall equal but not exceed the fee which would be payable hereunder if the building or mobile home being replaced were being newly constructed. If the fee imposed on the new building exceeds the amount of this exception, such excess shall be paid; (b) Accessory buildings or structures in planned developments , multi-family or mobile home parks , such as a clubhouse, swimming pool , or laundry facility; (c) Buildings or structures which are "clearly accessory to a principal use" such as fences , pools , patios , parking spaces garages , residential accessory buildings . ; (d) Any person when imposition of such tax upon that person would be in violation of the Constitution and the laws of th (D State of California, County of San Luis Obispo, or City o Atascadero ; (e) A condominium project converting an existing multi- family building into condominiums where no new dwellings are added or created; (f) Any rebuilding of a structure destroyed or damaged by fire; explosion, act of God or other accident or catastrophe, which rebuilding does not increase the original gross building area . If such increase does occur, the increase shall be subject to the fee as imposed by this resolution . (g) Any restoration/reconstruction of a historical building recognized, acknowledged, and designated as such by the City Planning Commission or City Council ; (h) The construction of any building by the City of Atascadero, or the United States or any Department or Agency thereof , or by the State of California or any Department , Agency or Political Subdivision thereof , or any residential development where the City Council finds there are specific over-riding fiscal , economic , social or environmental factors benefitting the City which, in the sole judgement of the City Council , would justify the approval of such development without the payment of said tax. PART 2 . The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be published in the Atascadero News , a newspaper of cteneral circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City, once within fifteen (15) days after its passage, in accordance with government code Section 36933; and shall certify the adoption of this Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance and certification to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: BOYD C . SHARITZ BONITA BORGESON Citv Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : APPROVED AS TO FORM: PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN Director of Public Works City Attorney City Engineer eMEEi'! M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council January 10, 1989 VIA: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director At, SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 1A-89 LOCATION: 10785 El Camino Real and 10857 E1 Camino Real APPLICANT: Estate of Maria Colombo (Glen Lewis) REQUEST: Amendment of the Land Use Map of the General Plan to expand the Urban Services Line. BACKGROUND: • On December 6, 1988 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced subject. On a 7 : 0 vote, the Com- mission recommended approval of Resolution No. 1-89 (attached) . There was brief discussion on this matter as reflected in the attached minutes excerpt. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Resolution No. 1-89 approving General Plan Amendment 1A-89, per the Planning Commission' s recommendation. HE:ps Attachments: Staff Report dated December 6 , 1988 Minutes Excerpt - December 6, 1988 Resolution No. 1-89 • 0 CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: B-3 • STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: December 6, 1988 BY: Steven L. DeCamp, Senior Planner File No: GP 1A-89 SUBJECT: Consideration of an amendment to the Land Use Map of the Land Use Element of the General Plan to expand the Urban Services Line to include additional territory located at 10785 El Camino Real. BACKGROUND: The subject property is designated for High Density Multiple Family development on the Land Use Map and is zoned RMF-16 (Residential Multiple Family - 16 units per acre) . Maximum development density can not be achieved, however, because the property is located outside the Urban Services Line. The study area for this proposal was expanded to include the • adjacent parcel (10857 El Camino Real) because it shares the same General Plan and Zoning designations and is also located outside the Urban Services Line. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Estate of Maria Colombo 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Glen Lewis 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10785 E1 Camino Real & 10857 E1 Camino Real 4. Legal Description. . . . . . . . . . . .Lt. 10 & Ptn. Lt. 11; Blk. 7; Eaglet #2 5. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .approx. 18. 0 acres 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RMF-16 7. General Plan Designation. . . . .High Density Multi-Family 8. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single Family Dwelling 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted • November 21, 1988 2 B. ANALYSIS: The City' s adopted General Plan, in the Land Use Element, defines the purpose of the Urban Services Line (USL) . That section of the Plan states, in part: "The Urban Services Line defines the area that will eventually be furnished with major public and quasi- public services. " This section of the Plan goes on to enumerate the essential services which will be made available within the Urban Services Line. Of the services listed, sewer service is perhaps the most important (following water, which is available throughout the City) in determining the development potential of a piece of property. Land Use Policy Proposal #3 states: "Properties outside the Urban Services Line shall be evaluated for lot sizes based on the Suburban Residential Range (2-1/2 to 10 acres) until sewers are available. " Within the Urban Services Line, the smallest lot size allowed by the General Plan is 1/2 acre. The importance of the availability of sewers can, therefore, be readily seen. The City' s Zoning Ordinance also speaks to the availability of sewer service in developing property zoned for multiple family projects. Section 9-3. 176 (e) makes sewer service a prerequisite to obtaining maximum permitted densities. This Section reads: "Sewer Service: Sewer service and the inclusion of property within the urban services line (USL) shall be a prerequisite to developing multiple family projects to the density standards of the RMF Zone. RMF-Zoned properties outside of the Urban Services Area shall develop in accordance with the standards of the RS Residential Suburban District. " The property which is the subject of this General Plan amendment request is designated on the General Plan map "High Density Multiple Family. " The Zoning Ordinance Map shows the property zoned "RMF-16" (Residential Multiple Family - 16 units per acre) . These designations are not consistent with the exclusion of this property from the Urban Services Line. The property should either be included within the Urban Services Line or be redesignated for development consistent with the use of on-site waste disposal systems. The subject parcels constitute a small "island" of property outside of the Urban Services Line. As shown on Attachment B, the property is adjacent to the USL on three (3) sides. The forth side of the parcels is next to the City Limits Line. The property is also an "island"relative to existing development 3 patterns. There is a multiple family development to the north of the site and a mobil home park and convalescent home to the south. There is also multiple family development located across E1 Camino Real from this property. Given the type of development existing around the subject property, it appears neither appropriate nor desirable to restrict future development to a 2 1/2 to 10 acre minimum lot size. The terrain, proximity to services; availability of adequate circulation, and the nature of surrounding development all argue for higher density development on this property. If the property is included within the USL and a multiple family project is proposed, the density standards of the Zoning Ordinance will determine the maximum number of units permitted on the property. Because the property is relatively flat, it should be assumed that the maximum density allowed by the RMF-16 zone can be achieved. If it is further assumed that 5 of the approximately 18 acres will be used for roads and driveways, 13 acres will remain for development. If a developer sought to build two-bedroom units, a total of 156 such units would be theoretically possible on this site. Other required amenities (open space, covered parking, enclosed storage, etc. ) would, however, reduce the maximum number of units. This scenario also assumes that both parcels would be developed as a cohesive unit which, in fact, is unlikely to occur. It should be noted that any development which occurs on these two parcel will be at a lower density than existing surrounding development. This reduction in density will occur as a result of Zoning Ordinance amendments which have been adopted subsequent to the approvals for the other projects. In summary, the following factors should be considered in reviewing this General Plan amendment proposal: 1. The General Plan Land Use Map designates the subject parcels for High Density Multiple Family development. 2. The Zoning Ordinance Map designates the property RMF-16 (Residential Multiple Family) which is consistent with its General Plan designation. 3. The terrain, availability of services (except sewer) , and circulation pattern make this site appropriate for multiple family development. 4. Multiple family development is compatible with the type and density of existing and permitted development located in proximity to the subject. 5. Low density (2 1/2 acre) residential development would • not be the most efficient or appropriate use of the subject property. 4 C. RECOMMENDATIOM: Staff recommends approval of General Plan Amendment 1-89. The Commission should recommend that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving said amendment. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - Location & Zoning Map Attachment B - Existing General Plan Map Attachment C - Draft Resolution ATTACHMENT A CITY OF Location & Zoning Map ATASCADERO r let •4 —,� ' t97•-7 GP 1A-89 - ' saws: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I RSF• (PD7) / SITE 10785 E1 Camino Real 10857 E1 Camino Real 0 40 / 0 _ 4$ q. R CR T / CS 4 % Z� 4T4 v , F- %` • 6 IFjo • � q M/ ~° C N "° Et R S "� QEa t i RS 01 •/ �qKb ATTACHMENT B page . � CITY OF Existing General Plan : . � ATASCADERO r so$ I e. ,I ' •°�• GP 1A-89 — } C COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT / • ATASCADE�O STATE ` '��' • H4P/TAL -SJ SG REC. FAM - m SIGH • - _�• DEN ITY • uL • • .. . • 0• FA IL • � - • • ••• � 1A ` • • F • • • • : L 4 • C K TD TI• A M I LY • ��o P R '` +� E AIL "o• e� �4M1"p 0 MERCIA �p QE4l i see 1„Y " •i i � i • •1 �� 4s 0 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE MAP OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN (GP 1A-89 COLOMBO) WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has grown considerably since incorporation; and WHEREAS, the City' s General Plan, which was prepared in the 1970' s and adopted in 1980 to guide the City' s general growth is in need of updating; and WHEREAS; the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero conducted a public hearing on the subject amendment on December 6, 1988; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65356 provides that a General Plan be amended by the adoption of a resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero finds as follows: 1. The proposed General Plan amendment recommended by the Planning Commission is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan. 2. The proposed General Plan amendment will not have a significant adverse affect on the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to approve General Plan Amendment GP 1A-89 as follows: 1. Amendment to the General Plan Land Use Element, Land Use Map as shown of the attached Exhibit "A" . On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: 0 . Resolution No. Q0 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA BONITA BORGESON, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RAY WINDSOR, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director • EXHIBIT A `` Amended Urban Services CITY OF ATASCADERO Line at Lots 10 & 11; V 1914 ' 19,70-7 Block 7; Eaglet #2 - ` COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GP 1A-89 ATASCADE�O STATE • H4PITAL REC. IGH _.., . •• EN ITY • •••• UL • ••• • • / REG rCl • • �• C K D TI• AMILY • JFJo P R 44i/ +� FSE AIL � C40 MERCIA O���Q E` MI No Rf4 • • j s �s MINUTES EXCERPT -ILANNING COMMISSION - DECEMPR 6 , 1988 3. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 1A-89 : Request initiated by the Estate of Maria Colombo (Glen Lewis) to amend the Land Use Map of the General Plan to expand the Urban Services Line. Subject site is loca- ted at 10785 E1 Camino Real and 10857 E1 Camino Real . Mr. Engen presented the staff report noting that this prop- erty cannot achieve maximum development density because the property is located outside the Urban Services Line. Staff is recommending that these two properties be included within the Urban Services Line. Roberta Lewis, representing the applicant, explained that the nine heirs to the Maria Colombo Estate are desirous of establishing homes on this property and would be unable to do so with the property being outside the USL. Mr. Vanderpool, owner of the Lost Oaks Mobile Home Park, asked for clarification on the property' s zoning. Commissioner Highland provided a history as to why these two properties were excluded from the USL district years ago. In response to question from Commissioner Waage, Mr. Engen . stated that the adjoining property owner (Lima - 10857 E1 Camino Real) had been sent a hearing notice and staff report but no response was received by them. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Tobey, seconded by Commiss- sioner Highland and carried 7 :0 to recommend approval of General Plan Amendment 1A-89 by adopt- ing the draft resolution. 4. REVIE F FY 1988-1993 CAPITAL IMPR NT PROGRAM: Review o draft capital budge—taLpd five year plan for review and ment as to con ity of the project listing with t General Plan Mr. Engen reported tha t City Council has previously reviewed the five year CIP ong with the current fiscal year projects noting th the atter is before the Commis- sion for review and c ent as to nformity of the proposed CIP with the Genera Plan. It will b considered further by the City Council s part of their mid-ye budget review in January or Feb; ary. At this .'Point, Mr. Sensibaugh proceeded to esent the Capitamprovement Program and respond to quest ns from the C mmission. -3- i • RESOLUTION NO. 1-89 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE MAP OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN (GP 1A-89 COLOMBO) WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has grown considerably since incorporation; and WHEREAS, the City' s General Plan, which was prepared in the 1970' s and adopted in 1980 to guide the City' s general growth is in need of updating; and WHEREAS; the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero conducted a public hearing on the subject amendment on December 6, 1988; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65356 provides that a General Plan be amended by the adoption of a resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero finds as follows: 1. The proposed General Plan amendment recommended by the Planning Commission is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan. 2. The proposed General Plan amendment will not have a significant adverse affect on the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to approve General Plan Amendment GP 1A-89 as follows: 1. Amendment to the General Plan Land Use Element, Land Use Map as shown of the attached Exhibit "A" . On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: r 0 Resolution No. 1-89 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA BONITA BORGESON, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RAY WINDSOR, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director 0 MEETtN DATA„� �lif --=••:.L.. • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council January 10, 1989 VIA: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director X1 SUBJECT: TREE REMOVAL REQUEST: 9582 LAUREL ROAD (Precise Plan 40-88) BACKGROUND: The Tree Ordinance requires that heritage trees not be removed unless approved by the City Council following public hearing. PRECISE PLAN APPLICATION: As indicated in the attached applicant' s statement, Martin Colleran (Cuesta Engineering) is seeking removal of one 35" white • oak tree in poor condition as part of a precise plan application for siting of a house involving grading of over 20% on the prop- erty (see attached materials) . The arborist is recommending removal of a total of 12 trees including the one heritage tree noted. Thirteen ( 13) replacement trees in two clusters are proposed on the property. As noted in the supplemental statement, the subject tree is in poor condition and its removal will enable some other healthy trees to prosper. The tree ordinance includes tree removal criteria as stated in the following: " (iv) Obstructing existing or proposed improvements that cannot be reasonably designed to avoid the need for tree removal . " STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of removal of the heritage tree with mitigation measures as recommended by the arborist. HE:ps Enclosures : Location Map Grading Plan Supplemental Statement is Arborist Supplemental Information cc: Martin Colleran Cuesta Engineering R S L(FH) T r_- R S _ y ♦D b / 01 0 l/• , ``'ham l � �vf \ ` C S Fy RS �L(FH) I R S k� UENTO I ,. i l AL r sqv /i•/i tt ��� o�°��" � s4R\ It 4c • � R S BIT A �l'� LO CA T!0.N � 1 PK Jt lb vqo LU .� 4�3 w �' (, 9A P/ N PLAll/ CUES?A ENGINEERING 7401-B EI Camino Real/P.O. Box 2066 Atascadero, California 93423 (805)466-6827 December 13, 1988 i i Doug Davidson City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Atascadero, CA 93422 RE: Precise Plan #40/Colleran Dear Doug: This is to respond to your inquiry about our proposed removal of Tree #1 , a 35" W.O. in poor health. Randy Hoppe, the arborist on this job and I revisited the site December 9, 1988. We determined that shortening the leach lines in order to save Tree #1 would only result in having to extend the lowest leachline. This would result in endangering a 23" and 22" L.O. which are very healthy and nice trees. We believe that the best solution is to remove Tree #1 and construct the system as it is shown. If you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Robert Carnes RC:pd cc: Randy Hoppe Y DAT ITE MEETIN AGENDA �_ / • DAT /G REM 11 _.._._.1__. M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council Members FROM: Ray Windsor, City Manager SUBJECT: Downtown Master Plan and Task Force DATE: December 13 , 1988 In accordance with your action at the 11/29/88 joint Council/ Planning Commission meeting, staff is in the process of sub- mitting a request for proposal (RFP) for a downtown master plan which will be brought back to you for your evaluation and selection early in 1989 . As a concurrent action, I would like to ask you to appoint a task force reflecting the interests of a cross-section of the community to work with the consultant on the downtown project. • Council may choose to add or delete representatives from the following list of groups and organizations: Council Planning Commission Chamber of Commerce Business Improvement Assoc . Atascadero Homeowners Assoc. Atascadero Board of Realtors Atascadero Unified School District - Two members at large City staff I would like to request that this selection take place no later than your second meeting in January, 1989 . RW:cw • MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : Request for Partial Abandonment—Sewer Easement Date : January 6, 1989 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council adopt Resolution 2-89 which sets February 14 as a public hearing date for the abandonment of a portion of the sanitary sewer within the Century Plaza parking lot . Background: Century Plaza has requested an encroachment into the existing • sanitary sewer easement which they granted the City for the development of the theater expansion project and Brookhill Restaurant . The corner of proposed building "J" will protrude into the easement if that construction is permitted. Therefore, it. is necessary to request abandonment of a portion of the easement to accomodate the same . Discussion: Since the building will not be directly over the sewer line, but within two feet of it, and since the building will be designed in such a manner that no bearing pressure will affect the sewer trench, staff is willing to accept the proposal based upon the signing of the attached Indemnity Agreement prepared by the City Attorney. Fiscal Impact : There is no cost associated with this request since no money was given for the easement at the time of formation. • 0 • RESOLUTION NO. 2 -89 • A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CONSIDERING THE INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF A SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT IN THE CENTURY PLAZA PARKING LOT AND CAPISTRANO RIGHT-OF-WAY PURSUANT TO THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero resolves as follows: 1. It is the intention of the City of Atascadero to consider abandoning a portion of the sanitary sewer easements as shown on attached Exhibit A and subject to the agreement shown as Exhibit B. 2. The proposed abandonment is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. 3. Copies of the map showing the particulars of the proposed abandonment are on file in the Community Development Department and the Public Works Department. 4. The City Council shall hold a public hearing on February 14, 1989 to consider a Resolution of Vacation at which time all persons interested in the proposed vacation may be heard. 5. The City Clerk shall cause the notice of this public hearing to be published in the same manner as other Resolutions of this Council. • 6. The Director of the Community Development Department shall cause to be posted, conspicuous notices of vacation in compliance with Streets and ' Highways Code Section 8322. This Resolution was passed and adopted on January 10, 1989. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk BONITA BORGESON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT APPROVED AS TO FORM s PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN Director of Public Works City Attorney City Engineer .�Xl,6rf- B Recording requested by: When recorded mail to: City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 APN INDEMNITY AGREEMENT AFFECTING REAL PROPERTY THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 19 , by and between EL CAMINO ASSOCIATES, a California General Partnership, hereinafter referred to as "Indemnitor", and the CITY OF ATASCADERO, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "City". WHEREAS, Indemnitor is the owner of that certain real property located within the City of Atascadero, commonly known as Century Plaza, and more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A" incorporated herein as though fully set forth; and WHEREAS, Indemnitor has applied to the City of Atascadero for the partial abandonment of a sewer easement granted to the City and recorded at Volume 1556 of Official Records at Page 91 in the office of the County Recorder, County of San Luis Obispo; and WHEREAS, said partial abandonment of the sewer easement is necessary and convenient to the further development of Century Plaza by Indemnitor; and WHEREAS, said partial abandonment of the sewer easement will allow the construction of a building and other structures within close proximity to a main sewer line owned and operated by the City; and WHEREAS, in consideration for said partial abandonment of the sewer easement, the City requires that Indemnitor indemnify and hold harmless the City for any and all claims that may arise from the abandonment; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: 1 • 1. Indemnification. (a) Indemnitor shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless the City of Atascadero, its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, liability, and attorneys' fees and costs arising out of the above-referenced abandonment, including but not limited to any negligent act or omission to act, or any wrongful act, on the part of Indemnitor, or of agents, employees or independent contractors directly responsible to Indemnitor, which in any way causes damage to, interruption of, or interference with the remaining sewer easement or the sewer line owned and operated by the City of Atascadero. (b) Indemnitor shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless the City of Atascadero, its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, liability, and attorneys' fees and costs arising out of the above-referenced abandonment, including but not limited to any negligent act or omission to act, or any wrongful act, on the part of Indemnitor, or of agents, employees or independent contractors directly responsible to Indemnitor, or for any act or omission arising out of the operation, maintenance, or repair of the sewer line owned and operated by the City of Atascadero which causes any damage to, interference with, or settlement to the proposed building to be constructed by Indemnitor as a part of the further development of Century Plaza along the perimeter of the remaining easement. (c) The foregoing shall apply to any wrongful act or any passively negligent act or omission to act, committed jointly or concurrently by Indemnitor, Indemnitor's agents, employees or independent contractors, and the City of Atascadero, its agents, employees or independent contractors. Nothing contained in the foregoing indemnity provisions shall be construed to require Indemnitor to indemnify the City against any responsibility or liability in contravention of Section 2782 of the Civil Code. 2. Right of Entry. City shall have the right of reasonable entry onto the easement area, the partially abandoned easement area, and the adjacent land of Indemnitor during normal business hours for the purpose of operation, repair, or maintenance of City's sewer line, and at any time during an emergency. 3 . Binding on Successors in Interest. This Indemnity Agreement shall run with the land described herein and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on all parties hereto and on all heirs, assigns, or successors in interest. 2 4. Modification. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties hereto, and no changes, amend- ments, or alterations shall be effective unless in writing and signed by all the parties or their successors in interest. 5. Costs and Attorneys' Fees. In the event Indemnitor or its successors in interest fail to indemnify City as provided hereunder, Indemnitor and its successors in interest agree to pay all costs and expenses incurred by City in securing performance of such obligations, including costs of suit and reasonable attorneys' fees. 6. Enforceability. If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated thereby. 7. Agreement to be Recorded. Indemnitor and City intend and consent to the recordation of this Agreement in the office of the County Recorder in the County of San Luis Obispo. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. INDEMNITOR: EL CAMINO ASSOCIATES, a California General Partnership By By JAMES M. HARRISON, Kenneth Fryer, Managing General Partner General Partner By By WILLIAM J. WATSON, JR. , Gaylen Little, General Partner General Partner 3 f • • CITY: CITY OF ATASCADERO, a Municipal Corporation By BONITA BORGESON, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ,s PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH, Public Works Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: S E G. 0 NSEN, y t ne JGJ: fr/12/29/88 C:AGATA680 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO On this day of , 19 , before me, ' a Notary Public, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared BONITA BORGESON, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed this instrument as Mayor of the CITY OF ATASCADERO, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California, and acknowledged to me that said Municipal Corporation executed it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal on the day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Public, State of California [Notary Seal] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) ss. On this day of 19 , before me, , a Notary Public, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared JAMES M. HARRISON and WILLIAM J. WATSON, JR. , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons who executed this instrument as Managing General Partner and General Partner, respectively, of EL CAMINO ASSOCIATES, a California General Partnership, and acknowledged to me that said General Partnership executed it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal on the day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Public, State of California [Notary Seal] 5 0c) WA a: 3 0 -Ililit X it to". tyt �C� m Z q it v a`� � `► �x� `� it �ooil A. it � Al �d fir •7 _4 ��y'�`;t°i4de p,E tNR 6o ♦ ��c SA 'pN Q@ra/Nso Y : �3•� � '•k�+�� Y yr � al.Ki!{4CKlI,y a � g'' - tLr.�ilt�c " i�`cM-'_'_�_ a y` f _ • � � # txViePK et., W ` t�'' � d tisk � \ °� � � ��� �� tG+'�� ito°°��•d 1• � e♦ � / , ��+ '1 0 ���,:� ,UE iso 101.=i E i ut. '44 It 3 • Z a•I ��. I [, y N d OF/ � ♦ ♦ � lAt J ,Lr 14 iL \h ��•r sky$♦y'�s.; /// 'n` :M►Eje tis t ,V .'' U � �� �r• 't7''7 ,f W � laf� j4 I%Z Ito 3 OL It 1 ♦ i I i Q� •sr �£ : � 12�� ,>c �� C 4M,1t°E IDS 3'+a aW RfSE��Af �t • ",` '�� � - � ;`` � Pis° Z �x "� � s a a W :2p .c-R .•�� , , fY+'K �•� '�a =ZWf2�w .c tg t'� p t°t1•fp'N !ci �e aq = r \ G -t. �0 ?;.S ' ♦.r tltt't7�•. a.. ti Rw• t Q Sx� Z M � ;., �. I t. � iii♦ :� Y8t» � �rY �•�� � a •$c e ,e1r/5T/A1e7 IcWee DF eZlee d "4"7 PRoP03fv o�9s 1f,4NW&,C QLOYs. Iva,, We,.87 /N✓. /N ill �h b� EX/5T/NG fAL� OF LU,PB CX/.6711V4T 6EA,1,CW1-/NE bn SEWER RmOwllfl T Y PLAN YlZi4 o � I o*30 I 8sl5..�'1 D+110 f��12.8G 7o EWC..7s LDA/PT. W i\ �'C QfGO 3 edea.¢ y � •bygv g do,70 Ph �• �a O oy resin Z $44.73 Ay of�T4 /`lANNOLLr'B S<1G.87AVV/N \s i MEETi AGENDA2- 1 DAT /I> ITEM/ MEMORANDUM • TO: City Council VIA: Ray Windsor, City Manager Henry Engen, Community Development Director 1-v$, FROM: Steven L. DeCamp, Senior Planner DATE: January 17, 1989 RE: Request for initiation of Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - Danish Care Center SUBJECT: The Danish Care Center has submitted a letter requesting an amendment to the text of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the density allowed at their facility on south El Camino Real from 36 beds/net acre to 60 beds/net acre. The applicant believes that increasing demand for their services warrants such a change and that the increased density can be adequately accommodated at • their current location. BACKGROUND: Provisions for modification of the City' s Zoning Ordinance text are contained in Section 9-1. 114. This section states that text amendments may be initiated by: " (1) The City Council or Planning Commission upon its own motion ; or (2) The City Council of Planning Commission upon acceptance of a request from any interested party, including the Planning Director. Requests shall be in writing and shall include a description of the benefit to be derived as a result of the text amendment. " ANALYSIS: Density standards for "group quarters" (skilled nursing and residential care facilities) are contained within the Residential Multiple Family density standards in Section 9-3. 175 of the Zoning Ordinance. Allowable densities for group quarters are based on "Persons/Net Acre" as opposed to "Dwelling Units/Net • Acre" as is used to determine allowable densities for multiple Il family projects. Group quarters are allowed 22 persons per net acre in the Low Density Multiple Family Residential Zones and up • to 36 persons per net acre in the High Density Multiple Family Residential Zones. These density standards were established in 1987 by Ordinance #149 (Zone Change 3-87) . The density standards applied to group quarters are based, in part, on the number of persons per acre anticipated with standard multiple family developments. Some additional density is allowed because of the reduced number of parking spaces required and differences in site coverage occurring with group quarters. In some cases, it may be appropriate to allow higher densities in group homes than is currently permitted, if all other standards can be met. It may also be appropriate to differentiate between ambulatory and non-ambulatory populations in determining allowable densities. Finally, it may be appropriate to provide for consideration of modifications to the density standards through a Conditional Use Permit. Given the complex nature of the problems related to the location and density of group quarters and other facilities, and the obvious need to make provisions for an increasingly elderly population, staff believes a review of the Zoning Ordinance' s provisions for group quarters is appropriate. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council initiate, for review and • consideration, a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment relative to the residential density and development standards for group quarters. cc: Wayne A. Evans, Care Center Consultants Attachments: 1. December 22, 1988 letter from Care Center Consultants (Danish Care Center, Inc. ) 2. Zoning Ordinance Excerpt 2 • • � ATTACHMENT ]` CARE CENTER CONSULTANTS Consulting and Management of Health Care Operations SKILLED NURSING FACILITIES CABRILLO CARE December 22 , 1 9 8 8 CENTER,INC. 3033 Augusta Street San Luis Obispo California 93401 CANOGA CARE Mr . Steve DeCamp CENTER, INC. The City of Atascadero 2029 Saticoy Street 6500 Palma DEC� 27119%11)8 Canoga Park California 91304 Atascadero , CA 93422 �, ,j, „�, ,_.,� COMMUNI.Ty UEVt�::r1,�C. DANVILLE CARE Dear Mr . DeCamp : CENTER, INC. 336 Diablo Rd. We are hereby requesting a change in the zoning Danville California 94526 text which will allow us to expand our skilled nursing facility by 14 needed beds and 24 residential care beds . DANISH CARE This will allow us to properly service the increased CENTER,INC. community needs for long term care accommodations so P.O.BOX 1749 that the residents in turn won 't have to go outside the Atascadero community in which they live to obtain such services . .California 93423 The need for such services is increasing on a BALOWEN monthly basis and unless steps are taken immediately , CARE CENTER we foresee a crisis in the future . This is evidenced 16955 Vanowen Street Van Nuys by numerous articles written in many magazines and California 91406 newspapers today . RESIDENTIAL The zoning text changes we are requesting is in CARE line with other cities throughout the state . FACILITIES TAMARACK MANOR If you have any further questions , please contact 336 Diablo Rd. m e . Danville California 94526 Very truly yours , LAUREL CARE CARE CENTER CONSULTANTS CENTER,INC. 700 Laurel Ave. Oakdale California 95361 by C Dc.} Com' •-a Wayne A. Evans 2501 W. Shaw Ave., Suite 122, Fresno, CA 93711 (209) 226.2449 ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1984& ATTACHMENT 2 (h) Bed and Breakfast (i) Skilled Nursing Facility (See Section 9-6. 134) , (j) The following uses where established in a residential structure of historical importance: (1) Broadcasting Studios (2) Business Support Services (3) Libraries and museums (4) Offices (5) Personal Services (6) School-business and vocational 9-3.174. Lot Size: The minimum lot size in the Residential Mul- tiple Family Zone shall be one-half acre. Smaller lot sizes may be allowed for planned residential developments, including condominiums and mobilehome developments, provided that the overall density within the project conforms with Section 9-3.175 (Density) . 9-3. 175. Density: The maximum allowable density in the Residen- tial Multiple Family Zone shall be designated on the Official Zoning Maps as provided by Section 9-3.104 (c) and be established in accord- ance with the General Plan as follows: (a) Areas Designated Low Density Multiple Family Residential : The maximum number of dwelling units per net acre is as follows : Number Of Dwelling Bedrooms Units/Acre 1 10.0 2 7.5 3 5.0 4+ 3. 8 (b) Areas Designated High Density Multiple Family Residential : The maximum number of dwelling units per net acre is as follows : Number Of Dwelling Bedrooms Units/Acre 1 16 2 12 3 8 3-20 ADOPTED JUNE 27, 198- (c) Hillside DensitX Standards : The maximum densities permitted y Su sections a an above, shall be modified to the following maximums based on site topography, as follows : Average Low Density Multiple Family High Density Multiple Family Slope 113R R 4BR+ IBR 2BR 3BR R+ 0-10% 10 7.50 5 .0 3.80 16 12,0 8.0 6.0 11-15% 7 5.25 3.5 2.66 12 8.4 5. 6 4.2 16-20% 5 3. 75 2.5 1. 90 8 5. 6 3.7 2.8 21-25% 3 2. 75 1,5 1. 14 6 4,2 2.8 2. 1 26-30% 2 1.50 1.0 0. 75 4 2.8 1.8 1.4 31%+UP 1 0. 75 0.5 0.38 2 1.4 0.9 0. 7 (d) Group Quarters : The maximum population density for group quarters shall be as follows : Maximum Population Density Low Density Multiple 22 Persons/Net Acre Family Residential High Density Multiple 36 Persons/Net Acre Family (e) Sewer Service: Sewer service and the inclusion of property within the urban services line (USL) shall be a prerequisite to developing multiple family projects to the density stan- dards of the RMF Zone. RMF-Zoned properties outside of the Urban Standards Areas shall develop in accordance with the standards of the RS Residential Suburban District. (f) Density Bonus : A density bonus of up to 25% may be granted through Conditional Use Permit approval in exchange for pro- vision of affordable housing to low and moderate income per- sons . In lieu of granting a density bonus , the Planning Commission shall consider other bonus incentives allowable under Government Code Section 65915. 9-3. 176. Property Development Standards . In addition to the stand- arUs specified in Chapter 4, General Site and Development Standards , the following standards shall apply g develo ment P pp y to Mobile Home and Multiple Family Residential 1 projects : (a) Percent Coverage. The maximum percent of a lot that may be covered- by structures (excluding decks less than 30 inches from the ground) shall be 40% for Low Density Multiple Fam- ily projects and 50 for High Density Multiple Family pro- jects . (b) Enclosed Storage. Each dwelling unit shall be provided a minimum of 100 square feet of enclosed storage space, exclu- sive of closets , which may be located in either a principal or accessory building. 3-21 r i *MEETs o" Z41 +TEM#°"., COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM FOR MEETING OF JANUARY 10, 1989 MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager Ray Windsor and City Council Members FROM: Paula Anton, Recreation Specialist SUBJECT: Bicycle Race-"Criterium" May 7, 1989 (See Attached Letter/Request From Ed Goshorn, Race Director and Paula Anton, Race Promoter ) DATE: January 3, 1989 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that council approve the permit for the above function and to allow the departmental budget line items to cover the city costs. BACKGROUND: By motion, permit City of Atascadero Parks and Recreation • Department to hold a "criterium" bicycle race around the Sunken Gardens and Lewis Avenue on May 7, 1989 from 7:30 am until 4:00 pm. Also , permit City staff to close the appropriate streets to include the proposed circuit of East Mall , E1 Camino Real , West Mall , Palma, Entrada, Lewis Ave. , to East Mall and to post "No Parking" signs. NOTE: Council motion should be contingent upon: 1 . City of Atascadero to pay overtime costs of required Traffic Control Police Officers (approximately $800.00) and Public Works personnel (approximately $400.00) . 2. North County Cycling Club will provide liability insurance through United States Cycling Federation (USCF) , also include the City of Atascadero an Cal Trans as additional names insured. 3. Atascadero Recreation Department will obtain required permits from Cal Trans well in advance of the event . DISCUSSION: Members of the North County Cycling Club, the Atascadero Recreation Department , and GS San Luis Bicycle Club along with the Chamber of Commerce Executive Manager , Maggie Rice, are enthusiastic about the prospect of such a race which is anticipated to attract as many as five hundred participants. The • NCCC cannot hold the criterium this year without additional involvement from the city and local businesses due to a lack of manpower . 0 � • The First Annual Atascadero Criterium was a great success last year . Overall , the event was easy to manage from a law enforcement perspective inasmuch as it was conducted in a relatively small , centralized area. Also, the Club had an adequate number of volunteers on hand and the race was properly supervised. FISCAL ANALYSIS: The approximate costs are $800.00 for police department and $400.00 for Public Works personnel . Options to cover are: a. Council contingency fund b. Developmental fees fund C. Line item budget costs The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce heartily endorses the public events such as a criterium. It is exactly the type of event we should encourage in our city. It will attract family • groups from all over the st ate for competition. Another plus is that it is a great spectator sport for local residents. We will be lending our support to this event and encourage the City of Atascadero to do the same. Maggie Rice • ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, NORTH COUNTY CYCLING CLUB AND GS SAN LUIS CYCLING CLUB PRESENTS THE SECOND ANNUAL ATASCADERO CRITERIUM SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1989 CLASS LAPS/MILES PLACES PRIZES FEES START TIME women/cat4 /20 3 $200 $8 7:30am men/Junior /20 6 $200 $8 8:30am women/cat 3,2, 1 /25 6 $300 $8 9:30am men/master /25 6 $200 $8 10:30am cat 4 /25 6 $300 $B 12:00 cat 3 /25 6 $600 $9 1 :00pm cat 1 & 2 /32 10 $1000 $10 2:30pm *Minimum cash and prizes $2800. Lots of premes **Includes USCF Insurance and CCCA surcharge. ENTRIES: All riders should pre-register by Monday, May 1 , 1989. Entries received after that will pay an additional $3. Unattached riders pay an additional $4 fee. Riders under the age of 18 must have a signature of parent or guardian on release form. Make checks payable to: City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero, Ca. 93422 Phone: (805) 466-8000 ext. 123 REGISTRATION: All riders must sign in either Saturday at NCSS, 8710 E1 Camino Real , Atascadero , between 9:30 am to 5:00 pm, or at the race site from 6:00 am to 1/2 hour before start of their race, USCF License required. No copies. RULES: All USCF rules will apply. Please show courtesy to local residents. All bicycles will be inspected. COURSE: The course is slightly altered from last year, from .5 mile per lap to .7 mile per lap and one left hand turn has been added to the course. Location is in the center of town around Sunken Gardens, City Hall , E1 Camino Real , Entrada, Lewis Ave. , and East Mall . FIELD LIMIT: A limit of 80 riders per race. Pre-registration by mail or in person is advisable. DIRECTIONS: Approach Atascadero on Highway 101 from north or south . Turn east on Traffic Way, three blocks then right to parking . ACCOMMODATIONS: Six motels are available in Atascadero. Contact the Chamber of Commerce: 6550 E1 Camino Real Atascadero, Ca.93422 (805) 466-2044 INSURANCE: The NCCC will provide insurance through USCF for each licensed rider , sponsors, and the clubs. The City of Atascadero and State of California will be named as additional insured on the policy. BENEFITS: a. A public interest event in May will help to focus local interest on Atascadero. b. It will bring 300 to 500 riders and their families from throughout the state of California. Many of the local motel rooms will be utilized. C. All local news media; radio , TV, and newspapers will be utilized in advertising this event . Spectators should number in the hundreds so local food service businesses will benefit. d . Local businesses will have the opportunity to receive beneficial advertisement through a variety of sponsorship supports. FUTURE: The Chamber of Commerce and the Atascadero Recreation Department are looking forward to the Atascadero Criterium becoming an annual event. 3. THE REQUEST: Whereas the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce has requested an Annual Atascadero Criterium and whereas the Atascadero Recreation Department will sponsor the event , along with NCCC and GS San Luis. Whereas the Atascadero Police Department have shown initial support for the organization of a USCF sanctioned bicycle race, and whereas the U.S. Cycling Federation will provide liability insurance. The Atascadero Recreation Department REQUESTS the approval by the Atascadero City Council for he Second Annual Atascadero Criterium to be held around "Sunken Gardens/City Hall " on May 7, 1989. • NORTH COUNTY CYCLING CLUB 3518 E1 Camino Real #118 Atascadero, Ca. 93422 January 3, 1989 FROM: Paula Anton, Race Promoter and Ed Goshorn, Race Director TO: Atascadero City Council ENCL: Race Announcement SUBJECT: USCF Sanctioned Professional Bike Race in Atascadero 1 . BACKGROUND (SEE COUNCIL MINUTES 4/12/88) The sport of bicycling has grown phenomenally in the U.S. in recent years. The North County Cycling Club sponsored by the North County Schwinn Shop was formed in the summer of 1987 to promote recreational riding , amateur racing and professional racing . The club supports a junior (ages 13-18) race team of Atascadero youths and local Triathletes. On May 22, 1988 the NCCC as an affiliate of the U.S. Cycling Federation held the First Annual Atascadero Criterium. This year, members of the Chamber of Commerce and the Atascadero Recreation Department have requested that such an event be held again in Atascadero. Maggie Rice will provide Chamber support . The Recreation Department has • approved plans for the event around the "Sunken Gardens" and has reserved May 7, 1989 on the facility reservation calendar. NCCC and GS San Luis Bicycling Club will provide manpower and professional assistance. 2. THE BICYCLE RACE: TYPE OF RACE: Criterium; up to 80 riders per category will race around the course 40 to 70 times. Prizes are awarded to lap leaders and to the top 6 to 10 finishers per category. Such a race in SLO draws famous teams and thousands of spectators. We hope to do as well someday. LOCATION: A circuit to include East Mall to El Camino Real to West Mall , left on Palma, right on Lewis Ave to East Mall . DATE/TIME: Sunday, Y Ma 7, 1989. 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM PARTICIPANTS: Race is open only to USCF licensed ( and insured ) riders, male and female, ages 13 and up , who pay registration fees to cover insurance and prizes. PUBLIC SAFETY: The NCCC and GS San Luis Bicycle Clubs provide necessary personnel to ensure safe operation of the race. The clubs will assist Atascadero Recreation Department, the Police Department , Public Works, and Cal Trans to provide road closure, barricades and security. Volunteers will man the circumference of the course for crowd control . i • r MEMORANDUM To: Paula Anton, Recreation Specialist From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer 2*s Subject : Bike fface—Sunken Gardens "Criterium" Date : December 28, 1988 Public Works conceptually supports the above race and did not experience any problems with last year's event. Subject to unknown emergencies adequate barricades will be provided on the same basis as last year. Caltrans must again be contacted as the critical section of highway to be closed is that section on E1 Camino Real from Century Plaza to Jack—In—The—Box. It should be understood that there are no monies appropiated in the Public Works budget to cover the anticipated costs described in your draft memo to Council . NOTE: Chief McHale and I discussed this event , and he concurs that it is a worthwhile activity and further, the department is prepared to furnish law enforcement service as offered at the last Criterium. PAULA ANTON • M£E'Tt G' �� AGENDA DAT 7 -`2/, : ITEM! ` • MEMORANDUM To : Honorable Mayor and City Council Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : SeptiFailure-Carrick, 5201 Juarez-Request for Relief Date : January 4, 1989 E 1, Recommendation: �'d Staff recommends that Council approve a waiver for the above property until sewer service becomes available, at which time the property must comply with the City Code for connection requirements . Background: The above request is an urgency matter as the septic system on • this property has failed. The property is on the perimeter of Assessment District No . 1 but the sewer is only "available" if an easement is obtained through developed property, the main sewer line is extended which would involve a mainline lift station or if a MM (Mickey Mouse) private lift station was allowed within the right-of- way across other frontage . The owner would like to construct an engineered septic system as a stop gap measure for his problem. Discussion: Section 7-13. 003 of Ordinance 181 , the Wastewater Division code, allows for relief under special circumstances . This appears to be an appropriate option at this time . In the future a broader area around Alamo and Barrenda will probably form an assessment district that will invlolve a city-maintained lift station. At that time the subject property should be given two years to connect to the public sewer as stipulated by the above code . It is unclear why the County included this property into the original district, but it is assumed that they perceived an easement connection or that a single owner of several properties included this in the district to "save a spot" in the old treatment plant. Fiscal Impact : There is no cost to the public sewer system under this option. • II CUES?A ENGINEERING 7401-B EI Camino Real/ P.O. Box 2066 Atascadero, California 93423 • (805)466-6827 January 5, 1989 City Council City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Atascadero, CA 93422 Subject: Application For Relief Section 7-13.003 Ordinance No. 181 Wastewater Division Kenneth Carrick 5201 Juarez St. Dear Council Members: I, John Falkenstien of Cuesta Engineering, representative of Kenneth Carrick, hereby request relief of the subject section of the Municipal Code and permission to apply for a permit to replace an existing failed septic leach field with a new leach field on his property within the • boundaries of the sewer district. This request is made due to the fact that Mr. Carrick's property has no direct access to any public sewer main. The nearest sewer main is located in Barrenda Avenue approximately 160 feet east of Mr. Carrick's property. The grade of Barrenda Avenue drops from the point of the sewer terminus continuing northerly towards Mr. Carrick's property. Therefore, gravity extension of the public sewer in Barrenda Avenue is not feasible. Mr. Carrick has had problems with his septic system for sometime. He has persued alternatives for connection to the sewer without success. He is unable to obtain an easement through adjoining properties for extension of a private sewer lateral to his property. It is unclear why his property is included within the sewer district boundaries. All property to the west of Mr. Carrick's is not included. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, John Falkenstien R.C.E. 33760 Exp. 6/30/90 • JF:pd 88-174 s�• • Ice �� �,, •.,,� �.f vim., ~_ a if �� �`•� ..S _- I~ �� •'1 fie► �f .�� � � • `•✓ � a Ln r+� C Y - n O.rt �� - —_ UJ t. .sic• ^.+•. ,, 'i _—►:'�?.. — �• r. � .. _ 0 . •abEssEd slt salaE AvP lsT£ agl uo •w•E TO: ZT go }oe;;a puE ) aoao; TTn3 ut aq puE }oe;;a olut ob TTEgs BDUEutpaO stgy a}EQ antloeM : t NOIZORS . •AltO still go saouEutpa0 go sjoog aql ul peaelue aq o} but}sod go ;ooad qq?M aag}abol uoTgvoT;tlaao stq} puE eouEutpao stgl esnEo TTEgs puE aouEutpaO still go but}sod puE butldopE eql A3t4180 TTEgs 'apoO }uawusanoO aq} ;o ££69£ .Not}o8S M4TM eouEpa000E UT dl?O eq} ut palETnoato puE 'psgsTTgnd 'palutsd 'uot}ETnoato TEasuab 3o aadEdsmau E ' smGN oaapEosEly eq} ut ebEssEd s}t sal;E sdEp (91) u8043t3 utg4Tm aouo pagstTgnd aq o} aouEutpao stq} esnEo TTEgs xaaTO ALTO OMI :£ NOIZOZS }oa;;a puE aoso3 11n3 ut utEwaa TTEgs pup paloe;gvun aq TTEgs suotlEOTTddE pup suot}sod buTuTvwas TTE go A4TpTTEn ag} 'uosEaa AuE ao; ptTEnut aq o} pTaM st ;oaaag} notlEotTddE aql ao aouEutpaO still 90 not}sod duE : Z NOIZO3S }stxa saouElswnos TEtoads aql gotgm butsnp poised agl Jog suotlETnbaa puE saTna aql puedsns ao A;Tpow 'aTgEltnbaut ao lsnCun aouEutpao stq} Io suotstnoad aM} go AuE go not}EotTadE aq-4aXEw seouElswnoato TEtoeds uatim `AEw `uoTgvoTTddv i }noq}tM puE UOT40w uMo s}t uo `TtounoO A}tO 8141 •daEssaoau sputa }? sE not}Eo?;tpow ao ;aTTas Mons }uEsb o} no*E axE} dem AaEsseoeu pewaap sE notlEbtlsanut Mans ns puE notlEoTTddE Mons go ldtaoea uodn TTounoO Alto aqy •peatsep uotlEot;tpow ao ;atTa.z otgtoods agl }ssnbas TTEgs pup seouE}swnoato pup s}oE3 TE?dads aql 30 TTE 44";46s TTEMs uot}EoTTddE pTVS •wo.1982aM4 jatTaa so; TtounoO Al?O aM} o} not EottddE ualltaM axEw A-em 'aTgE}Tnbaut ao }sncun st wtM o} aouEutpaO still go suotstnoad sill go puE go notlEotTddE aM} lEq} sanatjaq saouElswnoato TEtoads go uosEaa Aq oqm 'uosaad AUY :ja Tat a £00•£T-L • uotloauuooaa puE uot}Eutwaa} ao s}too TTE ;o luawAEd aalgE bututEwaa }tsodep ag} ;o }aEd duE pun;aa TTEgs eC}tO aqZ •paloauuooaa 5utaq sao;aq L}?O aql q}Tra }unowE still l?sodap TTEgs assn ail} puE w04SAS aM} o} uoTloeuuooea puE notlEutwsal �o }soo aM} alEwi}se TTEgs ant}E}uaadea stq so saautbuZ }tO ail} `uotlEutwaa} uodn •uotlsanb ut L}sadoad ao aanlona}s burpTInq 9M4 o} aotnaes algutwaa} A;w AITO ail} 'aouvUTpaO stq} go suotstnoad eql butoao;ua ao; eansEaw antlEuaalTE up sy :uot}Eutwaas Z00'£T-L •aouEutpaO stM} lno butAaaEo ut AaEsseoeu eq Arm sE sat}np Bons butwaogaad es'cm-181440 ao `butlsal `butTdwEs 4uawaansvew 'uoTgvAaesgo 'uoTgoedsuT go esodand ail} ao; }otalstaouEue:; 1 ail} u?�tl?M Q u sestwead puE sbutpTTnq TTE uodn pup UT sa}ua o} pal}?wsad ail `uotlEot;tluapt pine sTEtluspeao aadoad asaq} butltgtgxa puE notlEluasaad uodn 'puE 'AltO agl 3o santlE}usseadas peztaoq}nE sE uo?}tsod siaM} butgstTgElsa aouaptna AaaEo TTEMs santlEluasasdea AltO : saemod a tlsanul T00•£T-L )A EET TIC4& fTEME .+ , • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council January 10, 1989 VIA: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director 4'E' SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR JOINT SPECIAL MEETINGS WITH CITY COUNCIL/ PLANNING COMMISSION AND UPDATE ON THE STATUS OF VARIOUS SPECIAL STUDIES BACKGROUND: As follow-up to actions taken by the City Council and Planning Commission in December, 1988, we need to set up at least two joint study meetings of the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the following: 1 . General Plan Update - to complete the agenda last discussed on December 14, 1988. This has been confirmed to be Tues- day, January 17th at 7 :30 p.m. in the Rotunda Room. 2 . Tree Ordinance Revisions - advertised joint study meetings on proposed revisions to the Tree Ordinance. Candidate times would include Wednesday, January 18th; Thursday, January 19th; Wednesday, January 25th; Thursday, January 26th; or Tuesday, January 31st. SPECIAL STUDIES STATUS REPORT: The following provides a mid-year update on the status of various special studies assigned to the Community Development Department: 1 . General Plan Update: A series of joint City Council study meetings to provide policy direction to staff for drafting an updated General Plan have been held. Matters remaining to be reviewed include: - Circulation Element - Parks and Recreation Element - Other (civic center, appearance standards, etc. ) - Implementation Our contract planner has left for a full-time position and • we have not hired a person to replace Eric Porter pending completion of policy review and direction by Council . Our plan is to retain a graphics person with staff doing the re- write. As reviewed to date in the joint meetings, we do not see any dramatic changes in single family standards or -2- • designations; we are to look at other alternatives to the multi-family land use designations; and we will be seeking to strengthen the commercial/industrial designations by consciously promoting "nodes" at designated spots along E1 Camino Real and tightening up uses allowed in various areas to encourage compatibility. 2 . Downtown Plan Request for Proposals : We are completing research on appropriate formats for soliciting proposals to prepare a plan for revitalization of the downtown area. We plan to route this to the City Council before the January 24th meeting. 3 . Downtown Zoning Amendment: Staff has met with the B.I .A. to review direction for pro- viding a discreet downtown commercial district with specific uses appropriate to the District and an in-lieu parking program to encourage development downtown. 4 . Williams Brothers Environmental Impact Report: A consultant has been selected and the app icant notified of the necessity to deposit a check in the amount of $32,692 with the City no later than January 25th, 1989 in order for their general plan/zoning application to be kept alive. Given deposit of these funds, there will be considerable • work involved in working with the consultants to prepare an E.I.R. acceptable to the City leading to the formal hearing and response process under the California Environmental Quality Act. 5 . Tree Ordinance Revisions : The Planning Commission held their public hearing on December 20, 1988 on the Tree Committee' s proposed revi- sions to the Tree Ordinance. Action of the City Council on October 25, 1988 was to call for a joint advertised study session between the two bodies prior to the Council ' s acting on any recommendations . This is one of the matters being requested for scheduling this January. 6 . Lot Size Factors - Zoning Amendment : The Planning Commission, at their meeting of November 15th, 1988 initiated a proposed change to the Zoning Ordinance to clarify criteria for determining minimum lot size to call for a more stringent interpretation. 7 . Appearance Review Report: Staff has been directed to provide a six month update on the effectiveness of the current Appearance Review process by January, 1989 . • 0 -3- 0 8. Community P g Development Block Grant Program - 1989 : We have een in contact with the State relative for potential funding assistance for downtown planning and/or revitalization. We are supposed to receive information packets in January or February for analysis and recommendations to the City Manager. 9 . Fee Schedule Re-analysis : As part o ast year' s budget review, it was suggested that staff should, in a timely way, re-evaluate the fees being charged for various entitlements within the City. We have requested current fee schedules from other communities including the yet to be released comprehensive analysis of fees being charged by the City of San Luis Obispo. 10. Routes-to-School Plan: A tentative plan has been developed and reviewed with the Traffic Committee and briefly with the City-School Commit- tee. our intent is to review this further with the various individual P.T.A.s and incorporate recommendations within the General Plan update with more detailed standards approved by resolution of the City Council. 11 . City-wide Sign Enforcement Program: Inventory as in icate in t e attached memorandum of Septem- ber 14, 1988 has been completed for E1 Camino Real and notices are going out in a systematic way to all parties identified as being in violation of the Sign ordinance with emphasis on banner signs, sandwich signs, and display of materials in the right-of-way. 12 . Nuisance Abatement Program: The Council as been contacted by staff as to which sites individual members have received the most complaints on. Priority for enforcement would follow the Sign Enforcement Program. We are, of course, pursuing enforcement of various nuisances on a complaint basis . 13 . Flood Management Ordinance: Federa Emergency Management Agency has mandated that we make modifications to provisions of our zoning ordinance as it relates to flood management. A draft has been reviewed by FEMA and comments received for changes, and concurrent review is under way by the Building Division, Planning Division and Public Works Department. 14 . San Benito Road Ownership: Following considerable effort, we are in possession of a quit claim deed of the former San Benito Road right-of-way adjoining Highway 101 . We are soliciting appraisals to establish the value of this property prior to bringing the matter of abandonment and disposition of the property back to the City Council . • -4- 15 . Road Improvement Standards : Planning staff has been working with Public Works to develop a comprehensive set of formal Council-adopted road standards . 16 . Sign Ordinance Review: Although not formally on our list of Council-initiated studies, there have been requests to re-evaluate the City' s sign Ordinance, particularly with respect to downtown signage. The latter is proposed to be dealt with as part of the downtown zoning amendment and could dovetail with the pending master plan. 17 . Southern Pacific Railroad Zone Map Change: The City Council initiated a change to the Zoning Ordinance relative to lands being acquired by the County from the railroad for equestrian access to the golf course. 18 . Off-sale Liquor Zone Text Change: The City Council initiated a change to the Zoning Ordinance text to provide for a conditional use permit review process for off-site sale of liquor. There are more projects in this list than can be completed in the remaining six months of this fiscal year. Priorities heretofore have been established either by the turn-around time schedule for private applications contained in the budget or cases where City Council gives specific direction for a deadline to bring matters back. It would be desireable at some future date to review the status of special projects to prioritize as the Council deems fit. RECOMMENDATION: Following discussion, City Council establish a date for a joint meeting with the Planning Commission to review the Tree Ordinance. HE :ps Enclosures : Sign Ordinance Memorandum Dated 11/14/88 ad 12/8/88 MEMORANDUM TO: Ray Windsor, City Manager /Henry Engen, Community Development Director FROM: Steven L. DeCamp, Senior Planner DATE: December 8, 1988 RE: Sign Enforcement Status Report Staff is currently preparing an inventory of existing signs in the Commercial and Industrial zones along E1 Camino Real Morro Road, Traffic Way, and in the downtown area. Because of the number of violations present, the inventory is being phased to coincide with our enforcementriorities. Initial emphasis is P P therefore, being directed toward banner signs, sandwich board signs, off-premises signs, and merchandise used for advertising in the public right-of-way. It is our intention to begin notifying property owners and sign owners of documented, violations after the first of January. As we discussed, institution of a major enforcement campaign during the holiday season may be counterproductive. This approach will not, however, preclude normal enforcement activities as may be necessary. Concurrent with the inventory, staff is preparing a simplified informational folder relative to the City' s sign regulations. This folder will be distributed with Business License application forms and will also be available at the Department' s counter. cc: Jon Ecklund MEMORANDUM To: Ray Windsor, City Manager Via:, kP Steve Decamp, Code Enforcement Officer From: Jon Ecklund, Assistant Planner -41 Date: November 14, 1988 Re: Sign Enforcement Program As the result of an expressed need to develop a comprehensive sign enforcement program, the following is a recommendation of how the program should be carried out. It is important that the Program be carried out in a systematic fashion in order to minimize the prospect of being accused of selective enforcement. The program will be divided into two separate phases. The initial phase will begin with a windshield survey of all Commercial and ine and document the Industrial Zoned areas of the City to determ number and types of violations that actually exist. This will be followed by formal notification to the owner that a violation of the Municipal Code exists on property under their control. The initial notification will be done by mail. In my opinion, written notification is preferable to direct contact for this type of an enforcement program. This approach gives the violators a chance to discuss the situation after some thought. Phase I - This will consist of the site survey. The survey ;7 cument photographically the t sign, portable sign, sign erected withoutfa Aeration (banner m address and the name of the business displaying the sign)will . also be noted. Obstructions of the Public Right-of-Way (merchandise offered for sale which is located in the sidewalk area) will also be photographed and documented. The Code defines these obstructions as signs. The prime purpose for it being located in the sidewalk is to attract attention to the business and advertise merchandise that is for sale. It that this phase of the program will take between110ato115pated working days depending on the number of violations observed. During the survey portion of the program, it is proposed that we notify the Chamber of Commerce, the Business Improvement Association, and the Atascadero News of our intended enforcement program. This will allow business owners an opportunity for voluntary compliance. Phase II - This will be the formal notification portion of the program. The field data and photographs will be analyzed with the specific violation of the Municipal Code noted. We are anticipating assigning a priority code to the violations and enforcement will be pursued on the basis of this priority code. .PRIORITY 1) Signs that obstruct the sidewalks and pedestrian ways (Sandwich Board Signs, Portable Signs, Signs on vehicles used for the express purpose of directing attention to the business) . 2) Banner Signs, signs erected without a permit, prohibited signs (Roof Signs, Blimp Signs, Flashing Signs, Animated Signs, etc. ) . 3) Merchandise displayed on the sidewalk The attached letters will be sent to the owners of signs which are in violation of the Code. I am proposing that we give the owner 10 days to remove the sign. A second site inspection will be conducted after the 10 day period. If the sign has not been removed, a "Final Notification Prior to Citation" letter will be sent giving the owner an additional 5 days to remove the sign or a citation will be issued. The City Attorney will then take the violation through the Court System. An option to the citation procedure would be to declare each violation a Public Nuisance. Although the Nuisance Abatement procedure is more time consuming, it might prove to be more economical in the long run. Pursuing the Nuisance Abatement procedure would allow the City to recover all of the funds expended (including staff time) in correcting each individual violation. The Council may wish to pursue this course as a priority use of the funds budgeted for Nuisance Abatement this FY. A decision regarding the most appropriate course of action for enforcement (citation vs. nuisance abatement) should be made after completion of the inventory. At that point we should have a better sense of the financial implications of the two approaches as they apply to the types of violations present. I would anticipate that about 85% to 90% of the sign violations will be corrected without issuing a citation. In my opinion, however, after the first violation letter is sent we MUST aggressively pursue the follow-up letter and citation if the program is to be effective. cc: Henry Engen, Community Development Director • Jeffrey G. Jorgensen, City Attorney City Council Planning Commission Subject: Sign Ordinance Violation Dear Sir, As a result of complaints received by the City relative to violations of the Atascadero Sign Ordinance, a survey of all Commercial and Industrial signing was recently completed. Your property was found to have the following violation(s) : 1) A portable sign is located in front of your business. Portable signs are not allowed under the Ordinance. The following general rules apply to all signing in this City: 1) Signs are regulated in the City of Atascadero by Section 9- 4. 130 of the Municipal Code (Sign Ordinance) ; 2) Sign Permits are required for all signs unless specifically exempted by Section 9-4. 132 (b) ; 3) BANNER SIGNS are only allowed for Temporary Sales or Temporary Events when they comply with Section 9-6.174 and 9-6.177 of the Atascadero Municipal Code. The Community Development Department will be actively enforcing the provisions of the Sign Ordinance. This notification is being given to you to solicit your voluntary cooperation and compliance with the Municipal Code. We have enclosed a copy of the City' s Sign Ordinance for your use and information. We have scheduled a reinspection of your property for . If the sign which is in violation of the Ordinance has not been removed at that time, you may be cited for violation for one or more Sections of the Municipal Code. Should you have any further questions about Signs, please call me at 466-8000 (Ext. 145) . Sincerely 0 d forcement Section _ C unity Development Department • CERTIFIED MAIL Subject: Final Notice Prior to Citation Dear Sir, On you were notified that your property located at is in violation of Section 9-4.132 (b) of the Atascadero Municipal Code (Sign Ordinance) . In order to correct this .violation it will be necessary to take the following action immediately: Remove the portable sign that is located in front of your business. A re-inspection of your property has been scheduled for . If the violation is not corrected by that date, you will be cited for violation of Section 9-4. 132 (b) of the Atascadero Municipal Code. Violations of the Municipal Code are misdemeanors and carry a maximum fine of $1,000 and/or 6 months in jail. Please notify this office if the violation is removed prior to the reinspection date noted above. If you have any questions please call me at 466-8000 Ext. 145. Sincerel 0 D nd nforcement Section unity Development Department cc: City Attorney City Manager LIVE FILE Convert I Access f `tare NEW VOLUME Box #: a Esc o l O UME #: l p� x., ,� A `� ', . � � �►