HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 09/13/1988 *DY W I LK I NS DEPUTY CITY CLERK NOTE: THERE WILL BE A COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION AT 6 :30 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING LITIGATION MATTERS AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR, ROTUNDA .ROOM SEPTEMBER 13, 1988 7:30 PAM RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. * A person may speak for five ( 5) minutes . * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to . speak has had an opportunity to do so. * No one may speak more than twice on any item. * Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond, but, after the allotted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call City Council Comment * PROCLAMATION ACKNOWLEDGING SEPTEMBER 16 , 1988 AS NATIONAL POW/MIA RECOGNITION DAY * PROCLAMATION ACKNOWLEDGING SEPTEMBER 22 AS AMERICAN BUSINESS WOMEN' S DAY * PROCLAMATION ACKNOWLEDGING SEPTEMBER 15 - OCTOBER 15, 1988 AS EROSION CONTROL MONTH COMMITTEE REPORTS: • (Approximate Time - 7 :40 P.M. ) (The following represents Ad Hoc or Standing Committees . Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary. ) 1 . City/School Committee 2 . North Coastal Transit 3 . San Luis Obispo Area 7 . Police Facility Committee Coordinating Council 8 . Atascadero Lake Acquisition 4 . Traffic Committee Committee 5 . Solid/Hazardous Waste 9 . Business Improvement Assoc . Management Committee 10 . Tree Committee 6 . Economic Opportunity 11 . Pavilion Committee Commission COMMUNITY FORUM: (Approximate Time - 7 :45 P.M. ) The City Council values and encourages exchange of ideas and comments from you the citizen. The Public Comment Period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items . To increase the effectiveness of Community Forum, the following rules will be enforced: * A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. * All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as a whole, and not to any individual member thereof . * No person shall be permitted to make slanderous , profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or staff. * Any person desiring to submit written statements may do so by forwarding to Council, prior to the Council Meeting, nine ( 9 ) copies to the City Clerk by 5 : 00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the Council Meeting. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (Approximate Time - 8 : 00 P.M. ) All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion on these items . A member of the Council or public may, by request, have any item removed from the Consent Calendar, which shall then be reviewed and acted upon separately after the adoption of the Consent Calendar. 1 . AUGUST 23, 1988 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2 . TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 10-88 - 8100 COROMAR (Subdivision of 1 .5 Acres into Two Parcels of 20, 000 & 44 , 500 Square Feet - Bishop/Volbrecht Surveys) (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 3 . CLAIM BY SHANE W. SMITH (Recommend Denial) 2 a B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES/REPORTS: (Approximate Time - 8 : 10 P .M. ) 1 . TREE REMOVAL REQUEST - 7675 DEL RIO ROAD A. Public Hearing B. Council Action (Approximate Time - 8: 20 P .M. ) 2 . PALOMA CREEK PARK EQUESTRIAN ARENA (Policy Status on Usage) (Approximate Time - 8 : 30 P .M. ) 3 . GENERAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT A. Progress Report/Update B. Set Meeting Date (Approximate Time - 8 :40 P.M. ) 4 . ATASCADERO LAKE PARK PAVILION BUILDING (Demolition Alternative Report) BREAK: 8 :55 P.M. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (Approximate Time - 9 : 10 P .M. ) 1 . CHANDLER RANCH ROAD MAINTENANCE DISTRICT #5 Resolution 93-88 — Amending Boundary Map (Resolution 91-88) Resolution 94-88 - Approval of Engineers Report on Road Improvements Approval of Time & Place for Hearing Protests Approval to Solicit Bids for Road Improvements (Approximate Time - 9 : 55 P.M. ) 2 . DIAL-A-RIDS CONTRACT EXTENSION (Contract with Community Transit Services) (Approximate Time - 10 : 00 P.M. ) 3 . DISSOLUTION OF ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT: REPEAL OF ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT ORDINANCE & ADOPTION OF WASTEWATER DIVISION ORDINANCE - ORDINANCE 181 (second & final reading) (Cont' d from 8/23/88) ADOPTION OF WASTEWATER DIVISION SERVICE CHARGES - RESOLUTION 90-88 (Cont' d from 8/23/88) 3 i • • (Approximate Time - 10: 10 P.M. ) 4 . WEST MALL/EL CAMINO REAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL (Resolution 95-88 - Authorizing Agreement with Caltrans) (Approximate Time - 10: 20 P.M. ) 5 . ATASCADERO LAKE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CONTRACT (With Associated Pacific Constructors) (Conceptually Approved on 8/23/88) D. NEW BUSINESS: (Approximate Time - 10 : 25 P.M. ) 1 . POLICE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE (Authorization to Purchase) E. SANITATION DISTRICT: (Approximate Time - 10 : 30 ) 1 . ATASCADERO SANITATION DISTRICT QUIT CLAIM DEED TO THE CITY OF ATASCADERO F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION: (Approximate Time —10 : 40 P .M. ) 1 . City Council A. DISCUSSION REGARDING TREE PROTECTION ORDINANCE ##168 * Tree Replacement Fund * Revisions to the List of Arborists 2 . City Attorney 3 . City Clerk 4 . City Treasurer 5 . City Manager �lOr��o�i NOTE : THIS COUNCIL MEETING WILL E JOURNED TO A SPECIAL OPEN COUNCIL SESSION ON . SEPTEMBER 19, S 4 :30 P.M. IN THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERVIEWING CANDIDATES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS 4 eafn�n;- 11 FA ...,�. _ 1913 " 11 r: C 19 9 i `ATASCADF�iOii , . s P R O C L A M A T I O N POW/MIA RECOGNITION DAY ;, t. ° SEPTEMBER 16, 1988r WHEREAS, America' s men and women have heroically served a f° their country in time of conflict ever since the Revolutionary " War,, and in each of America' s wars, - our prisoners of ,war have been required to make special sacrifices, serving their country t4; under conditions of hardship; and WHEREAS, because our POW' s and MIA' s have earned a special place in the hearts of all Americans due to their selfless devotion to duty and u r nflinching courage, we must not forget ., fail to honor those who have served their country so faithfully; and WHEREAS, our Nation deeply appreciates the acute suffering r and pain experienced by the families of our servicemen held k '- captive or missing in action. The loss of a loved one is a tragic situation under any circumstance, but that burden is magnified when the fate of the loved one is unknown; and WHEREAS, we must accept- and remember our obligation to these t missing servicemen and be determined that until the issue is resolved, it will remain a matter of the highest national priority; and Y WHEREAS, National POW/MIA Recognition Day is the day we should recognize the special debt all Americans owe to our fellow _ citizens who gave up their freedom in the service of our country and to the families who have undergone a great travail. THEREFORE, the Atascadero City Council proclaims Friday, September 16, 1988 as ; POW/MIA RECOGNITION_ DAY and call on the residents of the City of Atascadero to join in honoring all former American prisoners of -,war, those still missing, and their families who endured the uncommon sacrifices on behalf of this country. BONITA BORGESON s Mayor September , r 0Fn-,v .f f 57,;.rl n 1918 C (r 1979 P R O C L A M A T I O N "EROSION CONTROL MONTH" SEPTEMBER '15 - OCTOBER 15, 1988 � tv r x WHEREAS, the well-beingour of people depends. upon the production of ample supplies of food, fiber, and other products of the soil; and WHEREAS, the . .quality and quantity of these products depend �# upon the conservation, wise and proper management of the soil and water resources; and .` h . WHEREAS, the upper Salinas-Las Tablas and Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation Districts provide a practical and democratic organization through which -landowners are taking the ' initiative to conserve and make proper use of these resources; ; and WHEREAS, the Soil Conservation movement is dedicated to keeping quality food on the table by carrying forward -a strong conservation program; and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County Erosion Control Ordinance recognizes the necessity of preventative measures and , establishes October 15 as the date by which all erosion control measures must be installed. THEREFORE, the City of Atascadero City Council hereby proclaims September 15 October 15, 1988 as "EROSION CONTROL MONTH" • BONITA BORGESON Mayor September 13, 1988w � 0AEETi ;AGENDA tDATE ITEM# ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 23, 1988 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City .Council was called to order at 7: 30 p .m. , followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL All Present Councilmembers Dexter , Lilley, Shiers, Mackey and Mayor Horgeson Staff Present : Paul Sensibauqh , Int . City Mqr . /Public Works Dir . ; Henry Engen, Commun. Devel . Dir . ; Jeff Jorgensen, City Atty. ; Hud McHale, Police Chief ; Cindy Wilkins , Dep . City Clerk COUNCIL COMMENT Councilman Shiers commented on a newspaper article which indi- cated that the City is in the process of drafting a skateboard ordinance; f,1r . Jorgensen, City Atty . , clarified there was no such ordinance being prepared . Councilwoman Mackey noted having received a small oak tree from Tree Committee Member Ursula Luna and asked for suggestions on a planting 'location; Councilman Dexter suggested the new APD. Mrs . Mac!-e%,/ also suggested that each Councilmember hold office hours on a certain day of_ the week for availability to the pub- lic . Councilman Lilley announced that he has installed a new phone line to his office to receive Council-related calls from the public . COMMITTEE REPORTS North Coastal Transit - Councilman Dexter reported on -a meeting- of this committee last week , noting that a possible express bus between Atas. -SLO fjill be discussed at a future date. Traffic Committee - Councilwoman Nac'.-ey noted the T.C. will meet tomorrow r_o take action on last week ' s "drive-around Police Facility Committee - Chief McHale reported that the Beno.' s • sign is now down, and lyre offered gratitude & appreciation to 'young Bros . Const . for removing it at no cost to the City_ He indicated that a color- rendering of the renovated facility is in 1 • offs!:e � Dr.-anyone interested to "1Pw. The ctrchltect is ex- -�ected a presentation to Coun= ll at the last, cneetinq Tree Committee - !vommittee Ne,,,ber- `tubbv Pa=_iq addressed the problem o replacement trees . Toting objection by some praoE� rr , owner; to do sa. The T . C . ;Members are of the opinion that if feasit. le , a fund should be established solely for use in planting native t ees within City parks and right-of-ways ; this cuuld caive private prooerty owners the option of placing money in the fund instead of `I13ntinq repiac ?ment trees they don ' t want . Bicentennial Committee Councilman Lilley reported that Atass- cadern is n.:),-J a member of a growing legion of Bicentennial Cities -- hies which have joined ,in the official effort to celebrate the bicentennial' of the U. S . Constitution. I Pavilion Committee - Councilman Shiers reported the P.C. ,net and discussed 41-he state of the Pavilion Bldq . , agreeing that it should be riernolished . He suggested that Council direct staff to take aoprepriate steps to aut the project out to bid . Mayor Borgeson directed Mr . sensibaugh to prepare a staff ,-eport for Counc i l ' s next regular- meeting . PUBLIC COMMENT Tom Bench , ,505 Carmelite , relayed the concerns of the local eaue=_trian grout, regirdinq being locked out of the Paloma Creek Park facility . Mr . Jorgensen, City Atty. , commented that the issue involves insurance' requirements . - Mayor Borgeson directed that staff prepare a full background report for Council as soon as possible. Maggie Rice, -epresentinq the Colony Days - Committee, invited Council and all present to particioate in,` the 75th Annual Colony Days Celebration, jhich is Sat . , Oct . 15, 1988. Terril rraham, resident , er.pressedoricern regarding a proposal by Williams Bros . several months ago . He feels that GP reviews haven ' t been thorough and haven ' t allowed the individuals affected proper noti Fication ,nor review. He asked for appro- priate time and location for public review of changes about to occur in the GP. Mr . L ngen Nlas directed to submit a progress report nn the rewrite of the GP. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 Approval of the August 9, 1988 Regular Council Minutes 2. Approval of July 29, 1988 Special Council Minutes 3. Approval of Treasurer' s Report — July 1988 2 • • 4. Approval of Finance Dept. Report - July 1988 5. Approval of TPM 8-88 - 9180 Santa Lucia - Proposed subdivn. of 7.54 ac. into four parcels of 1 .5, 1 .5. , 2.0 & 2.5 ac. (Key-Morris/Cuesta Eng. ) b. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 22-87 - 8635 Coromar (Stoner/Cuesta Eng. ) 7. Approval of annual Cooperative Personnel Svcs. Agmt. Councilman Dexter pulled Item #5 for discussion. Motion: By Councilman Lilley to approve the Consent Cal- endar , minus #5, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call . re: Item 45: Councilman Demter noted his observation of flag lots created (by this proposal and other_ ) , expressing traffic circu- lation concerns and noting the need for better- roads connecting such properties . Mayor Borgeson requested better maps for Loth Council and Planning Commission review. Pub 1 i c Comment John Falkenstien, Cuesta Enq . , representing the applicant , com- mented CQ Cond . #7, saying he feels the 20 ' driveway width standard is ounitive, due to added expense, and doesn ' t mitigate the formation of flag lots. He proposed amending line one to read , ' . . . . L0 ' -0" wide paved access drive, or to the standards in effect at the time of development " . Council discussion ensued . Motion: By Councilman Dexter to approve TPM 0-99 , seconded by Councilman Lilley; passed by 3 :2 roil-call , with Councilman Shiers and Mayor Borgeson opposed . Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to amend the previous mot- ion by adding the ianguage to Condition 47 , as suggested by the applicant ' s representative fsee J. Falkenstien ' s comment , above ) , seconded by Councilman Lilley; passed by 3:2 roll-call , with Councilman Shiers and Mayor Borgeson opposed . B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES/REFGRTS 1 . Res. 89-88 - Vacating a portion of San Benito Rd. , between ECR and Hwy. 101 - Frederick/Shea (Public hearing date set at meeting of 8/9/88) 3 A. Public Hearing B. Council Action ' Engen , Commun . Dev. Dir . . r1ave staff report . Following r-e- eacci-r )t pr in I n ar V +title eour-ts , the qu05tion was raised that it ; he esolution is passed , would it itfect the apprai-ed value of the property to the rear , which is thought to be City- ovined . Staff suggested that Council either ccn,tinue this item for further research & that staff pursue appraisals, or direct that the :jraisa1 be based on -`u11 access rights to ECR ( t h t--?r eb,.,, . unaffected by the closing of San Benito Rd . ) . Staff and Council discussion followed . Mr . Joraensen, City Atty. , summarized the tasks that need to be accomplished should Council continue this matter : ( 1 ) Obtain marketable ti ` le in the City in order to be able to deed the propert ' . and (2) Conduct an appraisal at the Citly ' s expense to determine 'he value For the purposes of negotiatino L•jith the applicants on a fixed price as part of the abandonment . Publ :c Comment Tom Rench , resident , suggested the property be considered for the development of a skateboard facility. Greg r7avatt , of the Waring GrOup , representing the owners . spoke irn support of this proposal and in opposition to a continuance . Sarah Gronstrand , resident , suggested that Council consider the City Attorney ' s direction on the best approach to this proposal . John HcNeil , resident , urged continuance of this item for rurther review. Motion: By Councilwoman 111ackey to continue this item for a more complete staff report of the options , dir- ecting that staff obtain a title search to determine ownershio of the property, and , if 3o , obtain an aopraisal . Motion seconded by Coun- cilman Dexter ; passed unanimously by roll-call . 2. Tree Removal Request - 5220 Aguilla Rd. - Hicks (Cont ' d from 8/9/88) A. Public Hearing B. Council Action Mr . Engen, Commun. Devei . Dir . , gave staff report . Put)1 i c Cor-Ti men t 4 ' Betty Sanders , attorney for the applicants . spoke in support of this request , noting the Hicks ' s efforts to comp .Jcth the ordinance. She yrged Council ' s support based on c7taff ' �_ recom- �endation . as yell as the certified arborist ' s recort ' Jack ze=l , certi -Fied a/burist for the Hicks , reiterated his opinion, following thorough examination, that subject trees are ^diseaseo beyond reclamation" and are currentl / zn a hazardous condition' He spoke in support of their removal as requested , Ste.e Le,'D-alle, Tree Committee Member , relayed the committee ' s recommendation th-;at this reouest either be continued or denied . He expressed their concern that the design of the house .should be submitted addressing tree removal , replacement and protection, so that all asoects of the development can be taken into consi�era- ticn, Eric Michielssen, 53OO Aguilla, spoke in suoport of this reouesc based un the condition of the trees and their potentially hazar- dous state. Li " ia kellerman, resident ~ spuke in support of the plot plan re�uirement as stated in the Tree Ordinance' �erril Braham, resident , spoke in support of the Hicks ' s reque5t . r/oting that he supports the basic chilosophy of the Tree Commit- '-I e ommit- he asked Council to consider an amendment to the Trce Or�J , ni-) ich *ould allow for more lenient restrictions on the demoli - tion of diseased and/or dead trees. E3etty Sanders pointed out that a major ambiguity of the Tree Ord - is that it appears that , in the public ' s mind , permit for tree removal is only necessary if a property owner intends to construct a home o � structure. Mrs . Sanders is of the opinion tha� it appears the language applies to anyone who pr000ses to remove any tree which fits within the criteria of the oroinance; if it ' s in fact only intended for construction purposes , perhaps the Hick�_- do not need a permit at all . John McNeil spoke again, saying he doesn ' t understand the appli- cants ' concern for possible denial ' Picnard Shannon, resident , spoke in support of the applicants ' � request , asking who will be held liable if removal is not � granted and a tree does fall and cause some type of damage . � � Mildred Cooelan, an insurance agent , noted that claims related to falIinci trees as the result of an act of God are normally covered a homeowner ' s insurance. However , in this case, a certified arborist has stated the trees are diseased and considered hazar- dous . She urged Council ' s approval of this request . 5 ' :aurlCll i �t s s i o n ensuPd . Mr ii�l-QPnscP Ci Att` . , 3s%:ed that the minutes :reflect the I Councilwoman h'!: c++:e'y_ ( absent a= the last iad opportunity ?;c review the minutes , the matr--r- i_� l coneem! f -:I this matter and is F3mi l i3r !lith the items discussed cit the n!-E-vict_ s m'eetinc) . Motion: By Councilwoman P11ackey to approve the tree !-emoval requ��. t at 52120 qui11a , seconded by Co_in:_ ilman Lilley ; passed by 3:2 -o11-call , :vith Councilman Shiers and layor Borgeson, opposed . 3. Tree Removal Request - 7800/7880 Santa Cruz Rd. - Davis A. Public Hearing B. Council Action Mr- . Sensibaugh , Acting amity 11gr . , noted receipt of a letter withdrawing this application, indicating the applicant wishes to attempt to save subject trees. Motion: By Councilman Lilley , seconded by Councilman Dex- ter , to accept the : ithdrawal of this application; passed unanimously . 4. Tree Removal Request - Extension of Vista Rd. - Ibsen A. Public Hearing (Recommend continuance to receive additional data) Motion: By Councilman Dexter to continue this item per =tafi recommendation, seconded by Councilman Lilley; oassec unani!rrously . C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 . Ord. 180 —Amending the existing RSF-Y and RSF-Z zoning to provide a Planned Development Overlay, to permit reorgan- izing the existing six (6) lots, totaling 6.32 ac. , into six (6) lots from 7,260 to 9, 132 sq. ft . , creating a new open space of 5. 18 ac. and abandon a portion of Vista Bonita Rd . —SECOND & FINAL READING (Cont ` d from 7/12, 7/26 & 8/9/88) (_ZC 15-.917 - 9240 Vista_ _Bonita Rd. Yeomans/Frederick)___�, _ Nr . Engen, Commun. Devel . Dir , . gave staff report . There vja,s no public. c�.-mment . Motion: By Councilman Li119y to approve I-C 15-87 on second rQading of Ord . 180 by title only, seconded by Councilwoman [lac key. !Mayor Borgeson read Ord . 190 ty title ; motion passed by 3: 2 roll-call , with Councilman Shie;-s and !Mayor Borqeson opposed . 6 • ! CDUNC I L RECESSED FOR A BREAK; FROM 9: 50 - 10:("14 P .M . 2. Award of bid for Atas. Lake Improvement Proj . to Associated Pacific Constructors _($117"1 )___ Mr . SensiLaugh , Pub . Works Dir . , gave staff report . Pub 1 i C Comment One gr?ntle,r:an ( didn ' t give name) noted that the lake is actually a pond , :,jith its own ecology ; he expressed doubt that a filtra- tion process is feasible. He urged that Council look further into this matter to confirm the level of sediment before spending excessive monies on the proposed improvements. He suggested al- ternati ,.e ways to improve lake conditions ( replace current fish population, add sand , raise water level : . Motion: By Councilman Shiers to approve staff recommen- dation , directing that staff bring back an agreement for Council approval , seconded by Councilman Dexter ; passed unanimously by roil r_all . 3. Chandler Ranch Road Maintenance Assessment District #5 A. Res. 91-88 - Approving map of proposed boundaries1/ ' B. Res. 92-88 - Declaring intention to undertake prose 1 -ings for a,road_ maintenance district Mr . Sensibaugh , Pub . Works Lir . , gave staff port . He pointed ►// cut , on Res . 92-88, two blanPs sta�ru""Tc -' illed in as follows : Page 3, Res . filo . 91-58 ; Page b1e noted this is staff ' s recommendation and is not a r nal ure; all costs will be itemized at a later date. This figure is purposely high and has nothing to do with the actual assessment on the land . ) John Falkenstien. Engineer of Mork on the project , briefly reviewed the proposed boundary map and improvements . There was no public comment . Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve Res. 91-58, seconded by Councilman Dexter ; passed unanimously by roll-call . Motion: By Councilman, Lilley to approve Res. 92-S9 , sec- onded by Councilman Dexter ; passed unanimously by roll-Cali . 4. Award of Dial-A-Ride bid to Santa Barbara Transportation- (Cont ' d from 6/14/88) __ Mr . Sens ibaugh ,. -Pub . !forks Dir . , aave staff r-eoort . Public Comment f-.en Stokes . Presiuei f S . B. T. Co . , reviewed transportation services ,urovided by said company in both Santa Rarbara and San Luis ObIGc County , sxpr �,sinq he feels they ` re ?auipped to handle the r;-A-R' service in Atas . He noted the fi -m ' s- desire to keep all avai ?able current EI-A-R employees and ti? continue the service exactly the :jay Dave Systems has set it up . flod i f i ca- tions would be made as recommended by drivers and staff. He indicated that cur--rent employees would have first right to the jobs and r-jill probably receive a higher- rate of pay. Mark Wells , Regional Mqr- . for C. T .S. , spoke in opposition to staff ' s report . He made sever-al points regarding the selection process and revier-jed the C . T. S. proposal . Noting the firm ' s ( 9+ ) gears of see-vice in Ata - . , he asked that this and 311 other factors -- not only cost -- be considered . He disputed the fi .-Ial statement in staff ' s report ( which speaks to the difficuIt , �- acceptinq the loo: bid ) , refer encing Page 5 of the bid proposal nd higfrlighting the criteria listed upon which the City would tease its award . He urged the Council not to award ±;his bid to S. B. T . Mr . Jorgensen, City Atty. , clarified that law requires the City to award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder ; he r-;oted that staff has analyzed the bids and found all of them to be responsible . Council and staff discussion ensued . Betsy Blank , current Mgr . for C . T.S. , stated she won ' t be stayinq on if this_ bid is awarded to S. B. . , as she feels unccmfortable with her knowledge c-F their past performances . She read a letter from teachers at the Head Start Program in Atas. supporting C .T .S. continuing the D-A-R service. Leonard Sherhorn, representing ! 49) citizens at California Manor whom he contacted just this evening , er.pressed pleasure with the current Services teinq provided in Atas . , saying they ' re absol- utely against cutting any services . He urged the Council to award this bid to C. T.S . Motion: By Councilwoman Mack'ev to continue the meeting Past ll : '-)O p .m. , seconded by Councilman Shier=, ; passed unanimously. Linda Lounder , Controller- with C .T. S . , expressed she feeis there will be �:er-vice cuts should the bid be awarded to S. B.T. Janet Speaks , Driver with C . T .S . , reviewed the current D-A-R staffing . She feels there will be an inevitable decline in the 8 high quality of personal customer service Atas. D-A-R has con- sistently provided . Donna Rancour , resident , expressed support for the current D-A-R system. Sherry Fontan, Director at Escuela del Rio , expressed support for current D-A-R services , noting their above-and-beyond efforts, and is concerned about whether- this same level of service can continue. Joanne Portune, resident , indicated she relies on D-A-R for all transportation, and she urged that the current system continue. Carol Harrison, Divn. Mgr . for S.B. T. , attempted to clear up misconceptions that Atascadero is losing D-A-R. She spoke in support of S. B. T . ' s qualifications . Catherine Roberts, resident , indicated that she relies on D-A-R and spoke in support of the current staff , saying she feels they are underpaid for their services. Doug Lewis , resident , requested clarification on staff ' s use of the terms "responsive" and "responsible" ; Mr . Jorgensen, City Atty . , indicated Council should be concerned with whether the bidders are responsible , since all bidders were responsive to the bid proposals . Paula Salvadon, V. P. of S.B. T. , as well as a State-licensed instructor , commented on the comprehensive training programs provided by the firm to its drivers. Mr . Stokes noted that the City reimburses the cost for the liabi- lity insurance on the vehicles , thus the difference in cost . He responded to comments relative to wages. A current D-A-R driver (didn ' t give name) , spoke in support of the current services. Mr . :Jells =_peke again, expressing he feels the RFP has misled bidders or , perhaps , potential bidders . Irene Garcia , 8-yr . D-A-R user , spoke in support of the current services . Additional lengthy discussion between staff and Council followed . Motion: By Councilman Dexter to reject all bids and re- quest resubmittals, directing staff to wort; with Council to develop new criteria, including ex- tension of the present contract, seconded by 9 Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously by roll- call . Mr . Sensibaugh requested that a Council representative work with staff ; Ma,/or Borgeson appointed Councilman Dexter and The volun- teered to be involved in the process . it was clarified that the current service with C .T .S. would be extended on a month-by-month basis. D. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Caltrans request for right-of-way - Barranco Rd. extension Mr . Sensibaugh , Pub . Works Dir . , gave staff report , recommending that Council direct staff to route the r-o-w request to the Planning Commission prior to considering the proposed agreement . Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve staff recommen- dation, seconded by Councilman Lilley; passed unanimously by roll-call . 2. Formulation of WW Divn. of the Dept. of Pub. Works A. Ord. 181_ - Repeal of ACSD Ordinance and adoption of WW Divn. Ordinance (FIRST READING) B. Res. 90-88 - Ado.Dttion of WW Divn. service charoes Mr . Sensibaugh , Pub . Works Dir . , gave staff report , noting that no action is necessary on the proposed resolution at this time. Mr . Jorgensen, City Atty. , commented that the need for this ordinance. at this meeting , is that staff has been negotiating with the County for the dissolution of the ACSD. Once it is dissolved , there will , technically, be no such thing as the sanitation district nor an ordinance to impose fees, etc . The County has completed its dissolution paper work , short of filing it with the Secy. of State; staff requested them to hold off on that to allow the City to get an ordinance adopted which would allow for operation as the City of Atascadero . Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey to adopt Ord . 181 on first reading by title only , seconded by Councilman Dexter. Mayor Borgeson read Ord . 181 by title; motion passed unanimously by roll-call . E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION - No comments. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 12:05 A.M. 1� MINUTES RECORDED/PREPARED BY: � ` CINDY WILKINS, Dep. City Clerk 10 AE'TET1N 3 �GENQA _ TEMO M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council September 13 , 1988 VIA: Paul Sensibaugh, Acting City Manager` FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director -Vv; SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map 10-88 —8100 Coromar Road (Judi & David Bishop/Volbrecht surveys) BACKGROUND: At their regular meeting of , August 2 , 1988, the Planning Commission recommended denial of the above-referenced map. The Commission directed staff to prepare Findings for Denial to bring back for their meeting of August 16, 1988 . • RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the Planning Commissions' recommendation of denial . HE :ph Encl : Planning Commission Staff Report August 2, 1988 Planning Commission Minutes Excerpts - August 2, 1988 Findings for Denial - August 16, 1988 • CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: B-4 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission M eting Date: August 2, 1988 BY: Joel Moses, Associate Planner File No: TPM 10-88 SUBJECT: Subdivision; of an existing parcel of 1. 5 acres into two (2) parcels containing 20, 000 and 44, 500 square feet. A. SITUATION AND FACTS 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .Judi & David Bishop 2. Representative. . . . . . . . Volbrecht Surveys 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8100 Coromar Road 4. Legal Description. . . . . . . . . . . .Ptn. Lot 15A, Blk. 7 (Atas. Col. ) 5'. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 5 acres 6. Zoning. . . RSF-X (Residential Single • Family; 1/2 acre without sewer, 20, 000 sq. ft. with sewer) . 7. General Plan Designation. . . . .High Density Single Family 8. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single Family Residence 9 Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted July 19, 1988 B. ANALYSIS: The applicant proposes to subdivide an existing developed parcel containing 1.5 acres into two (2) parcels containing 20, 000, and 44,500 square feet. The subdivision is a flaglot development. Parcel 1 will have direct access to Coromar Road. Parcel 2 will have access to Coromar Road by way of an easement across Parcel 1. The Subdivision Ordinancerequires that the access way be owned in fee title by the near lot (Parcel 2) . The access strip is over one hundred and fifty feet (150 '-0") in length so the access will be required to be twenty four (24) feet in width and _1 • developed with a twenty (20) foot paved driveway. These items can be required as a part of the map approval. The subject property is located in the RSF-X (Residential Single Family) zone. Minimum lot size in this zone is based on sewer avalibility. If sewer is available, the minimum lot size is 20, 000 square feet. Without sewer, the minimum lot size is set at 1/2 acre. The site is within the sewer service area and sewer service is being provided. With the addition of the easement area to the lot, the lot size will be increased above the 20, 000 square foot minimum. Comments were received from several outside agencies. Our Fire Department noted no problem with the proposal as long as the existing codes and standards are followed in the development of the parcels. The Southern California Gas Company has noted that the site can be served by an existing 2 inch main in Coromar Road. If additional gas mains are installed, they will need to be within the Public Right-of-Way or within approved easements. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends conditional approval of Tentative Parcel Map 10- 88 based on the Findings in Exhibit C and Conditions of Approval in Exhibit D. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Tentative Map Exhibit C - Findings for Approval Exhibit D - Conditions of Approval JM/jm 2 • ♦ ♦ ♦ . • ���� `� I Vii► �� � � FA s �i -� Vit► ► ♦ �/ / .� PIP �N. .. POP a ,, hadi ♦ r iso� ♦ s A �� XHIBIT B TENTATIVE MAP ;• .•• • y�a CITY OF ATAS CADERO r,eo. i,! == 8100 Coromar Road COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tentative Parcel Map 10-88 DEPARTMENT Bishop/Volbrecht t n. b ra yf `f �.= �� �� _. .. coley(✓ <�<..�r.<,r.5-a�sv an•+✓✓/rm.isi.' ::\ :*. .. ���� ci s•/�q�s.�-s�<.�>,'Lirl�✓odd-a a b f U�CFS CC.CT,f•.CATd: . q ':\. te,✓�eca✓,,aarat��iyc>oi/•�..�'pr�Jr,.%.�r-.vi j ,.Ac uT< <�erN«f�N-Ym vtar«-N�.✓o E %• - U TF.<6cs7.N O✓t'.yu0.•.ILbC�/. I, � '�`' rf�F<a✓y7:+>Z r�s,r �l i'<L:esu-+Y ��� +=`__` � �f f�m rc rysrv�r�.:s.•�asc..:o�:"-^cj;� 1.OIL J✓ev.✓.s.ay,✓.•+�ircrTa,..o:iy!o—t i�'` tet. �\ • `sL""'ra.�.. `o• ,y. .J .J36 r \- __� \`GC \FO�\Q��M(arF✓!u�\ f•]f1 f \�. �\\ N. .� \ � •f \liL, Y 4! �y/•oc,<o,cam.aye rs � .fYrrsCO t•%)-M • • • EXHIBIT C - Findings for Approval Tentative Parcel Map 10-88 (AT 86-240) 8100 Coromar Road Bishop/Volbrecht August 2, 1988 FINDINGS 1. The creation of the proposed parcels conform to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan land use designation, densities and other policies. 2. The creation of these parcels, in conformance with the recommended Conditions of Approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed. 5. The design of the subdivision, and the proposed improvements, will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat 6. The design of the subdivision, and the type of the improvements, will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or the use of property within the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474. 6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to the methods of handling and discharge of waste. 8. The required findings per Section 11-8. 209 of the Subdivision Ordinance for Flag Lots (deep lot subdivisions) an be made. The subdivision is consistant with the character of the immediate neighborhood, the installation of a standard street is not feasable, and the flag lots are justified by the topography. JM/jm a • EXHIBIT D - Conditions of Approval Tentative Parcel Map 10-88 (AT 86-240) 8100 Coromar Road Bishop/Volbrecht Surveys August 2, 1988 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Water lines shall be extended to the property line frontage of each parcel or its public utilities easement prior to the recording of the final map. 2. The map shall be revised to show the access way owned in fee by Parcel 2. The access way on Parcel 2 shall be developed with a twenty (20) foot paved driveway. Driveway shall be installed prior to the recording of the final map. 3. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 4. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the developer at his expense. 5. The newly formed lots shall be separately connected to the Public Sewer. All annexation and permit fees shall be paid for the newly formed lot prior to the recording of the final map. Any sewer extensions shall be completed within one year after annexation. 6. Grading and Drainage plans, prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to the issuance of any building permits or the recording of the final map. 7. Address identification signs shall be approved as a part of the issuance of building permits. The signs shall contain 4° (inch) reflective address numbers for each residential unit served by a driveway. The signs shall be located on the right hand side of the driveway and shall be placed so as not to affect the visibility of the intersection. 8. Offer for dedication to the Public, for Public Utility Easements, the access way. 9. Offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneous with the recordation of the final map. � s 10. A final map in substantial_ conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted. for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City' s Subdivision Ordinance prior to the recording of the final map. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that the corners have been set or will be set by a specific date and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. C. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 11. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the .expiration date. JM/jm MINUTES EXCERPTS PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 2, 1988 4 . TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 10-88 : Request submitted by Judi and David Bishop (Volbrecht Surveys) to subdivide 1 .5 acres into two (2) parcels of 20,000 and 44 ,500 square feet each. Subject site is located at 8100 Coromar Road. Mr. Moses presented the staff report on this request. Staff recommendation is for approval subject to it conditions . Mr. Moses referred to a letter received this afternoon from Volbrecht Surveys requesting modification to Condition #2 to develop driveway standards in effect at the particular time of development. He then responded to questions from the Commission. Judi Bishop, applicant, spoke in support of the request. She noted the driveway is fairly steep and expressed concern with the 20 foot wide driveway standard being proposed as there are several large trees that may have to be removed. She would like to keep the driveway width as it now exists . Mrs . Bishop then responded to various questions from the Commission. There was no public testimony given. Commissioner Tobey stated that the 20 foot wide driveway is creating a problem with the trees in the driveway, and would be in favor of reducing the driveway standard in this case. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Brasher to continue the hearing on Tentative Parcel Map 10-88 to the meet- ing of August 16, 1988 due to changes in the tentative map. Upon further discussion, she with- drew her motion. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Luna to deny Tentative Parcel Map 10-88. The motion died for lack of a second. There was continued discussion among the Commission concern- ing the proposed driveway standards versus preservation of the trees in the driveway. Commissioner Luna referenced the General Plan with regard to division of property and urged that consideration be given to this particular lot split as it pertains to removal of trees in the driveway, flag lots, etc . MOTION: Made by Commissioner Luna and seconded by Chair- person Lochridge to deny Tentative Parcel Map 10- 88 . . The motion carried 4 : 2 with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Luna, Chairperson Lochridge, Waage, and Brasher NOES: Commissioners Highland and Tobey ABSENT: Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin Mr. Engen clarified that findings for denial will be necessary for Commission consideration, and that they will be on the next Planning Commission Agenda reflecting the points raised by Commissioner Luna (under Consent) . CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 7-88 : Request submitted by Donald K. Vaughn (Safe igns) to allow for the installation of signs totalin more than 00 square feet on a commercial site. Sub 'ect site is 1 cated at 7635 E1 Camino Real. Mr. Moses presented the staff report on this signage request noting sta ' s recommendation for approval. There was no ublic testimony given. MOTION: Made b Commissioner Highlan , seconded by Commis- sioner bey and carried 6 : to approve Condition- al Use ermit 7-88 sub ect to the findings and conditions ontained in a staff report. 6 . CONDITIONAL USE PE T 8-8 Request submitted b Vineyard Christian Fellowship (Chris Zillig) to a w for the establishment of a church as an interim within a commercial complex. Subject site is locat d a 3250 E1 Camino Real . Mr. Moses presented the taff rep rt with the recommendation to approve the use per t. He th responded to questions from the Commission. Chris Zillig, repre enting the Vineyar Christian Fellow- ship, spoke in sq port of the request a d noted his concur- rence with the r ommendation. No public testimony was given. MOTION: Mede by Commissioner Brasher, seconde by Commis- �Zioner Luna and carried 6 :0 to approve onditional se Permit 8-88 subject to the findings d condi- tions contained in the staff report. C. PUBLC COMMENT Jo Elkins welcomed the new Planning Commission and note s appreciation for the hard work and interest of this ody. • 0 EXHIBIT C - Findings for Denial Tentative Parcel Map 10-88 (AT 86-240) 8100 Coromar Road Bishop/Volbrecht August 16, 1988: (Planning Commission revision) FINDINGS 1. The creation of the proposed parcels conforms to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan land use map designation, but does not conform to the following General Plan policies: A. The proposed map does not conform to General Plan Land Use Element Policy Number 10 requiring that "Lot splits shall be thoroughly evaluated and be in accordance with community plans and principles" . B. The proposed map does not conform to General Plan Land Use Element Policy Number 11 requiring that "Attention shall be paid to the aesthetic result of land divisions. Building sites shall be encouraged on natural slopes, with minimum disruption of native vegetation and watersheds, and efficient layout of access and utilities." 2. The findings required by Section 11-8. 209 of the Subdivision Ordinance for Flag Lots (deep lot subdivisions) can not be made. The subdivision is not consistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood and the flag lot is not justified by the topographical conditions. 3. The site is not physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. The site is not physically suitable for the density of the development proposed. JM/SD/jm TIENDA DATE .. 3 �EMJ _ .?L$ M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council Members September 13, 1988 FROM: Karen Vaughan City Manager' s Office SUBJECT: CLAIM BY SHANE J.W. SMITH RECOMMENDATION: City Council deny the above mentioned claim for an unknown amount of money, which was submitted July 22, 1988 . BACKGROUND A claim was filed against the City of Atascadero for personal damages caused from an occurrence on January 31, 1988 . It is noted that this claim has been reviewed by the City' s Insurance Adjustors, who recommend denial . • EC4 ���,,,, AGENDA 8_ i7A7C/ - ITEM �....,�.�.- M E M O R A N D U TO: City Council September 13, 1988 VIA: Paul Sensib'augh, Acting City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Tree Removal Request: 7675 Del Rio (Plot Plan 44-88) BACKGROUND: The Tree Ordinance requires that heritage trees not be removed unless approved by the City Council, following public hearing. PLOT PLAN APPLICATION: Murray Warden is requesting the removal of a 28 inch live oak at a residence .owned by him at 7675 Del Rio. The house and deck • were built around this oak tree (refer to attached plot_plan) , and is being requested to be removed in that it "may cause heavy damage to roof or house" if allowed to remain. Given the healthy nature of the tree, off-set by the liability question that it poses, a _second-opinion was sought from Arborist Art Tonneson (see attached) , who concluded that there was "no way to modify the tree to compensate the impending threat to this home" . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the removal of the heritage tree as requested, with two 15 gallon live oaks as replacement trees . HE :ph Encls : Location Map August 11 , 1988 Letter from Jon Ecklund Tree Removal Permit Application Plot Plan Second Arborist' s opinion - August 30, 1988 • cc: Murray Warden Art Tonneson Chuck Scovel Tree Committee .M F-,i 6 , / r LOCA M .0 ..IL I ° � 40,0 POW 111 MON r... r` II aQ 11 If W W IT (< s 1 RS 00 1 Leo X4 sa R S t a PC 1, Oq Q /ll , ADMINISTRATION BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 747 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 POLICE DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805) 466-8000 POST OFFICE BOX 747 �aseade�® ATASCADER O, CALIFORNIA 93423 CITY COUNCIL PHONE: (805) 466-8600 CITY CLERK CITY TREASURER �• CITY MANAGER INCORPORATED JULY 2, 1979 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805) 466-2141 August 11, 1988 Murray Warden % Ayers Construction Attn: Richard Ayers Post Office Box 1437 Atascadero, California 93423 Subject: Tree Removal 7675 Del Rio - Plot Plan #44-88 Dear Mr. Warden, We have reviewed your request to remove the 28" Live Oak tree as indicated on the plot plan submitted. The letter submitted by the arborist states that the tree "may cause heavy damage to roof or house" if allowed to remain. Due to the size and species of the tree it is classified as a + "Heritage Tree". The removal of all healthy Heritage Trees must be approved by the City Council. Only dead native trees of this size or trees which are immediate hazards are allowed to be removed without City Council approval. The removal of the tree (Plot Plan #44-88) will be scheduled for City Council consideration on September 13,1988. The item will be a Public Hearing and you or your representative will be allowed to present information for the Council's consideration. Mr. Warden, if you have any questions regarding this matter please call me at 466-8000 Ext. 145. Sincerely, Henry Engen, Dir or 'f Community Development by,! Jpn ;Ecklund, Assi ant Planner Tree Removal Permit Application �.'jo r,� ,��i��iJ Supplemental Information r µ= 191y;'.1 0 19791CAAD 7 f `M1 r e (Please type or print in ink) .i. 1 b e {'itrl'a lil1r�. * _ 1F' s° � �. a r is •r J f ,r t Th,I. -f53iTfF. •:dx''*1 4 w ri d t '•�- 5 i .., - � r r r �i � r � f r 4 , :�, 5 -�' tiy bX� Reason for Removal : tMn rs chbo+ or i` 4l !! y�1 f.toff.• _. - .. 'P Ts"Jtj.h�.'"'�'- l�lJ`� 1 li_ �} :! _ ,P. .t Y:• � •i� l'� 4i�LI4:a1.U' %f���.- an• �- :t. _ r f•:. p {J11ai ��rrYJ Number of Trees to be Removed k r ;' Specify the size (measured 4 ' above ground level ) , 'species common and botanical name) and condition of each tree to be r� we removed: �� e , IQ z. 3. K, rr .4. y a Spgc ify the size and species of the. trees proposed to replace those intended for removal : fiI, a 3. 8, 4. ax , 5. ;. Please prepare a "Plot Plan" showing all improvements on your property, trees to be removed , trees to remain, and the proposed '? .tt •: location of replacement trees as per the attached example. Owner Arborist Certificate Number >> " tzO kt f - .•,- �.. v l�- �5 .!4 v tn„>• ,reR r.R tif1''ti t o 1� t � Da Dat r r ?t�+^`} Sar�ti lit � � �J{V 'eS t t t.r'.h i •+--;;. sa�th�l S�T..��! 4t�S� `�.x,.'fv= r �, �� i � �\ -, f � � �� .: � � - _ -- __ � �---r�,� ___ I � i Y i ,�\ � _ � i__ I�=r�_.'�`---"lam ��, `� � --- t ,�� � _ _ . � -r.-- �--•,�� ,� ..� r � -� Y ` `��, '' i fj � .�i � � �,r ill ' 7,�S Pel._ ;z..!O ATG.�.�.D ��-...�'_� ��������� 8U� � 1 �� ^~^~��~`x �-� ".. � . —_ ' City of Atascadero P. O. Box 747 Atascadero, Ca. 93423 August 30, 1988 Dear Mr. Decamp; As per your request I have reviewed the tree located at 7675 Del Rio Road. This reporter found the twenty eight inch heritage oak tree to be in good health. The tree is located in some decking along side of the house. The roof was cut at construction to accommodate the growth of the tree. At this time the trunk of the tree is hitting the e;isting facia board on the roof . The tree is also leaning in the direction of the house. The eves could be cut back another 4 inches, but this would only prolong the problem. With the growth of the tree and substantial wind, the tree will again rub against the house. There exist no way to modify the tree to compensate the impending threat to this home. Sincerely, Art Tonneson ' Certified Arborist #199 International Society of Arborculture ' s - �EETtN , �'. AGENDA ?? DATE_ ITEM IY • August 31 g , 1988 To: City Council Via : Paul Sensibau h� ActingCityManager From: Bob Best, Parks and Recreation Directors-- Subject : irectorSubject : Equestrian Arena Status Report BACKGROUND At the direction of the Council , this report is being submitted to provide City Council with the status of the Equestrian Arena at Paloma Creek Park, particularly as it relates to liability insurance and the requirement for keeping the arena locked. This was an item which appeared before Council in June of 1986, with an outcome which had a clearly defined set of policies regarding arena construction, scheduling, fees, and locking of arena when not in use by a • scheduled group/individual . I have attached a copy of the Staff report presented to Council in 1986 for your review. It was at this time that the Equestrian group received approval from the Council to construct the arena under an Agreement of Performance The Council approved the Staffreportand authorized the construction of the arena under the terms set forth in the Staff report . Of specific interest are the items listed in the Findings section relating to requirements from the City' s Liability carrier. They included: 1) The arena is to be kept locked at all times; 2) A 'control system is developed for reserving the arena; 3) Group insurance is required when an organization uses the arena. ISSUE STATEMENT The key concerns expressed by equestrians in the community center around the arena being locked, thus Preventing them from drop—in use of the arena. Staff has been working individuals to .assist them in their i ease of usage of the arena under the established guidelines. However, the central question remains is the City willing to change the current policy to allow an open arena, realizing no • insurance coverage will be provided in the event of an accident? Staff has been meeting with interested equestrians during the past several months, and the policy of the locked arena remains the major problem area i GENERAL INFORMATION Current procedure requires any individual or group wanting usage of the arena to make application at the department office for usage of the arena. This is the same Process which is required for anyone who wants to reserve a picnic facility at the park or a softball field. Payment is made in advance, a deposit is paid for the key, and a key is issued to the applicant . Upon return of the key the deposit is returned to the applicant . This creates the need to plan ahead for when usage of the arena is desired, but it is also the only way that proper control and scheduling may be accomplished. As part of my research into possible solutions for the arena, I contacted Mr. Ralph Goeken at Atascadero State Hospital regarding the portion of the park where the arena is located. I explained our dilemma in writing, along with a statement that this was not a request for the state to take back this portion of the park, and that my inquiry did not come from the Council or the Commission. It was simply an inquiry as to possible solutions . The response from the State was negative, as they were not interested in taking back this Portion of the park, even if offered. ( It was not, as my letter clearly indicated) . ALTERNATIVES Consider the question of the open arena concept, and issue a revised (if deemed appropriate by the Council ) policy statement regarding the arena, particularly as it relates to the locked gates . It is important to realize that an open arena would make it virtually impossible to properly manage the arena, especially relating to scheduling. Retain existing policy of a locked arena and reservation requirements . Staff has discussed this concept with local equestrians . It is agreed upon by all concerned that the current policy may not be optimal , but it is understood as to why it is needed. A conversation with Mr. Jim Comes, the Atascadero Horse Advisory Committee President , indicated that they now have a better understanding and acceptance of the current policy, and in absence of the viability of the open arena concept, no better alternative exists at the present time. i M E M O R A N D U M June 13 , 1986 To: City Council Via: Mike Shelton , City Manager From: Bob Best , Parks and Recreation Director Subject : Equestrian Agreement RECOMMENDATION Approve an Agreement of Performance with the Paloma Creek Park Equestrian Committee for the development of the equestrian facility at Paloma Creek Park providing recommendations from the City ' s insurance carrier are met , and Council is willing to risk the liability exposure created by this facility. BACKGROUND In October, 1984 , the City Council approved an agreement , in concept , with the Atascadero Horse Advisory Committee for the development of an eques- trian arena at Paloma Creek park. Initial interest was positive , but this group eventually lost interest in the project due to lack of funds and commitment from volunteers . As a result , this project has been placed on hold since that time . Recently, another group, Paloma Creek Park Equestrian Committee , headed by Mr. Jim Comes , approached the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding developing the arena. At it ' s April meeting , the Commission recommended approving an agreement with this organization. ISSUE STATEMENT At this time the Parks and Recreation Commissioners still desire to have an equestrian facility at the park. Despite the problems with the previous group , the new committee believes this facility can still be constructed at no cost to the City. However, the Commission and staff are concerned about the continued long term committment toward this facility without it actually becoming a real ity. As a result , the proposed agreement has a time frame for completing the Phase I development . It is our opinion the facility should either be developed as proposed under specific time guidelines , or the area plan- ned for another use . There are already inquiries concerning this area from other groups in the community , mainly as a location for youth base- ball fields . -2- • • The question of insurance should also be a factor in the decision by Council to approve/disapprove the development of an equestrian facility With the City being self-insured, we have a $100 ,000 deductible in the event of a claim against the City. The issue here is whether or not Council believes this facility will warrant the liability exposure it will create. The Recreation Division currently sponsors many programs which has a certain amount of liability exposure . Does Council believe the develop- ment and use of an arena will create a liability exposure which is greater than current programs currently being offered to residents of Atascadero? Another important question is whether or not the development of the eques- trian arena would provide for the best use of this area. Is there a higher priority for Council? FINDINGS t Research has been completed concerning the insurance question. According to Mike Simmons of Crump/Kindler and Laucci Insurance Brokers , they would not exclude the arena from our policy providing : 1) The arena is kept locked at all times , 2 ) A control system is developed for reserving the arena, getting liability releases , and getting the key to the arena, 3) When a group uses the arena they must provide the City with a copy of their Certificate of Insurance . He indicated it would not be necessary to have the City added as an additional insured, 4) If an individual uses the arena, they must sign a release . If it is a minor , they will require a parent to sign the release of liability , 5) If any type of jumping equi - ment is provided, a second key should be used for access to this equipm . The City should require use only by experienced jumpers , and should con- sider a testing program to determine skill level . Mr. Simmons also recommended the City attempting to locate a separate policy for the initial $100 ,000 of exposure , believing it would at least address initial expenses. He added, however , that it might not be avail- able . Further research indicated that "standard" policies are probably not avail ' able - London American Insurance Company provides policies for private arenas. They informed me they would not write a policy for the City on the arena. Discussions were also held with Marin Insurance Agency and Atascadero In- surance . Marin also indicated that no one will currently handle a munici- pality due to the "deep pockets" problem. Mr. Stan Gobbin , their agent , indicated this could change and recommended the City put this on hold for several months and perhaps the situation would change . ALTERNATIVES If the project is approved by Council , it should be stressed that this facility should be completed uring the time frame proposed on the agree- ment . At the March 1987 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission , the equestrian project should be reviewed for completeness and quality . At that meeting the Commission should either 1 ) allow the equestrian co mittee to proceed to Phase II , or 2 ) Recommend to Council the equestrian" project be eliminated as part of the development of Paloma Creek Park. In addition , if the arena is eliminated, publicize that recommendations will be taken at the Commissioner ' s April 1987 meeting for development Proposal consideration and submittal to Council for action in May. -3- , 0 A second alternative is to eliminate the equestrian facilty from the park and provide this area for other recreation uses . Specific recommendations could be determined as above . A third alternative is to put this project on hold until early 1987 and then evaluate if insurance for a reasonable amount would be available. This , however, is a total unknown and the City cannot be certain the situ- ation will change in the near future . FISCAL IMPACT The development of the equestrian facility would be at the expense of the Equestrian Committee . All labor and materials costs would be the res- ponsibility of the Committee . The facility would be revenue generating, as groups would be charged for using the arena. Specific fees have not yet been determined, but these will be used to offset operating expenses. Fees charged will cover the cost of arena preparation, cleanup after the event , inspection of the facility by Parks employees , and any utility costs associated with the arena. In addition , a deposit will be required from each group using the arena in the event of damage to the facility. With a control system, it will even be possible to determine if an individual using the arena was responsible for damage . Any improvements made to the facility would be the responsibility of the Equestrian Committee . With a proper fee structure in place , this facility could be self-supporting. Daily maintenance of the facility would be minimal , and would not affect the Parks Division budget adversely. 0 • AGREEMENT OF PERFORMANCE This Agreement of Performance is entered into by and between the City of Atascadero , herein designated as "City" and the Paloma Creek Park Equestrian Committee , herein designate as "Equestrian Committee" and pertains to the development and use of four ( 4 ) acre park site , to be used for equestrian purposes , located at the corner of Halcon and Viejo Camino Roads . WITNESSETH Whereas , the "Equestrian Committee" is organized to raise support , materials , and funds toward the development of the equestrian facility. Whereas , the "City" desires assistance in developing, :promoting , fund raising and supporting the equestrian facility. Whereas , the agreement with the Atascadero Horse Advisory Committee , the original group entering into an agreement with the "City" , is no longer effec- tive due to this group no longer being active . Now, therefore , in consideration of the premises and covenants and promises hereinafter set forth, the "City" and "Equestrain Committee" agree as follows : 1. That the "City" shall provide : a. Four acres of land for the development of the equestrian facili b. Site engineering , when available , will be provided by "City" sta . c . The "City" shall not be responsible for the development of the arena park plans . 2 . That the "Equestrian Committee" shall provide : a. Construction and development of the equestrian facility to in- clude labor, materials , and design of the site . 3. All funds collected, including donations , shall be handled through the South Atascadero Park Committee , a sub-committee of the Atascadero Improvement Corporation. Funds raised shall be placed in this account and designated only for the use of the "Equestrian Committee" for the Equestrian facility . 4 . All work projects including construction , design , and types of materials will be reviewed and approved by the Director , Parks and Recreation , before any work commences . 5. Phase I development of the equestrian facility includes construction of the main arena , main arena sprinkler system, grading , fencing and parking lot . Time frame for completing Phase I is as follows . -2- 1 . Submitting c•letedlans July 1 , 1986 , p to Park and Recreation Director - 2 . Grading completed - August 31 , 1986 3. Construction of arena sprinkler system - October 1 , 1986. 4 . Construction of main arena - December 15 , 1986 5. Parking Lot - March 1 , 1987 6. Fencing - March 1 , 1987 . Upon completion of Phase I the Parks and Recreation Commission shall review the progress of the Equestrian Committee for completeness and quality. 6. If Phase I is properly completed, the "Equestrian Committee" may be authorized to complete Phase II (to include , but not limited to , an announcing stand, meeting room, drinking fountains , rest rooms , and additional site amenities as developed by the "Equestrian Committee" ) . This shall be completed by November 30 , 1987 , 7. Any time during the project , the "City" may issue a stop work order to the "Equestrian Committee" for lack of progress or any other reason affecting the quality of the project , subject to appeal by the "Equestrian Committee 8. Scheduling the facility will be the responsibility of the "City" . 9. Upon completion of the project , the "Equestrian Committee" may act as an advisory group to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Any remaining funds will be utilized for improvement projects at the eques- trian facility. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed on the date indicated below. DATED: 1986 ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO: BOYD SHARITZ , CITY CLERK MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: EQUESTRIAN COMMITTEE ROBERT M. JONES , CITY ATTORNEY JIM COMES APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON , CITY MANAGER OMEETiNAGENDA _ DAT c"TE., ..,,,�_ • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council September 13 , 1988. VIA: Paul Sensibaugh, Acting City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director .- SUBJECT: General Plan Update Status Report/Request for Joint Meeting with Planning Commission BACKGROUND: At the City Council ' s meeting of August 23 1988, Terril Graham inquired of means of public input into the General Plan Update process, and staff was directed to report on the status of the General Plan at your meeting of September 13 , 1988 . GENERAL PLAN UPDATE STATUS REPORT: The Planning Commission held a special meeting on August 30, 1988 to review and discuss background materials provided them on the General Plan Update. The attached draft minutes; from that meeting outline the information covered, which may be further summarized as follows: 1 . Inventory - Land uses have been mapped, measured and tab- ulated, as has existing zoning. A series of base data maps including existing land use, development constraints, topography, existing lot sizes', existing circulation, sewer service area, etc. have been completed. 2 . Community Forums Four quadrant Community Forums and one City-wide forum were held to solicit citizen comments, on the General Plan Update. Concurrently, the Parks and Recreation Commission also held five such meetings to obtain input into a draft Parks and Recreation Element. 3 . Parks and Recreation Element The draft was transmitted to the Planning Commission and the Community Development Department for incorporation into the updated General Plan in May 1988 . • 4 . Economic Base Analysis Economic Research Associates presented their recommendations relative to General Plan, zoning ordinance, and Downtown Revitalization in the latter part of May 1988 * i 5 . Circulation Element - Draft recommendations are being reviewed by the City Engineer. 6 . Suburban Residential Analysis - Alternate scenarios have developed to evaluate the impact of establishing a given minimum lot size in the suburban residential areas, as opposed to use of the current formula. 7 . Sewer Master Plan - One of the key products in the proposed sewer master plan will be recommendations relative to the Urban ServiceLine, which is a key determinate in single family densities. We are awaiting consultant' s work in this area, WHAT'S NEXT: A Joint Study Session of the Planning Commission and City Council has been requested to review progress to date, and to give staff direction on the approach and schedule desired for developing and bringing to public hearing, a hearing draft of an updated General Plan covering the land use, circulation, conservation, and open space elements of the plan. This direction-setting meeting should focus on specific General Plan policy directions, together with the approach desired for public participation and involvement early on in the process . The Planning Commission indicated that they , generally would prefer a Thursday night meeting. Staff would request that consideration be given to setting the meeting for such a joint study session on either September 22nd or September 29th at 7 :00 p.m. in ,the Rotunda Room. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Following discussion, establish a - joint meeting date with the Planning Commission. HE :ph cc: Planning Commission Encl : August 30, 1988 - Planning Commission Minutes MINUTES - ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION Special Meeting Tuesday, August 30, 1988 7 : 30 p.m. Club Room, City Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. by Chairperson Dennis Lochridge . ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Tobey, Luna, Highland, Brasher, Lopez- Balbontin, Waage and Chairperson Lochridge Absent: None Staff Present: Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Steve Decamp, Senior Planner. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 1 . Planning Commission Orientation - Henry Engen referenced the Commissioners ' Workbook that had been reviewed on July 27 , 1988 and asked if there were any questions on the materials therein. George Luna inquired of "Planning Commission Interpreta- tion" , Page 18 , and was advised that periodically there are cases, for example, where the Zoning Ordinance is unclear as to a permitted use, or definition, and the matter can be scheduled for Planning Commission determination. For private individuals, a $150 fee has been established for such agenda items . 2 . General Plan Update - Chairperson Lochridge suggested that the Community Development Director summarize the contents of the General Plan Update binder prior to Commission discussion of the subject in detail . Henry Engen noted that the binder contained approximately 2 1/2 years of work in pursuing and updating of the City' s 1980 General Plan which had been prepared in the mid 19701s . Referencing wall maps reflecting data gathered to date, he noted that the General Plan had gone .through base mapping, inventory, goals review, and a community forum process and includes special studies prepared relative to the economic base by Economic Research Associates , together with a draft Parks and Recreation Element submitted by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Currently there is no Parks and Recreation Element in the General Plan. It was noted that the City currently has a population of 22 , 185 people, and following the reduction in density allowances and for multi-family dwellings, there' s a current population holding capacity of 32 , 800 . Recommendations in the Parks and Recreation element were highlighted and those made by ERA for consideration in the General Plan Update were also noted. Staff is working with the City Engineer to update the circulation element of the plan, and we are awaiting the recommendations of the consultant' s report on the Sewer Master Plan which will make recommendations with respect to the location of the Urban Service Line, which is a very important growth management tool . Following the arrival of Ray Windsor, the new City Manager, on September 12th, there will be a joint meeting of the Council and the Planning Commission to give direction to the General Plan Update. Among the issues that will have to be addressed in the General Plan, are the following: Single Family - Urban Service Line Location; Flag Lot Standards; 10,000 square foot lots ( ? ) ; Suburban Residential density formula simplification; and "net" vs . "gross" basis for minimum lot size determination. Multi-Family - Consideration of alternate land uses for multi-family areas; consideration of 10,000 square foot lots as an alternative; evaluation of the means to encourage mobile homes vs . multi-family; and policy direction on whether to pursue a condo conversion ordinance . Downtown - Definition of its "niche" , boundaries and standards . Commercial - Encouragement of "nodes" over strip development; amounts and types of zones by area; and evaluation of the number of zoning districts provided, and their purpose. Industrial Amounts and location; re-evaluation of South El Camino industrial zoning; consideration of possible North E1 Camino for a light industrial park; access problems to Traffic Way and Sycamore industrial park areas . Parks and Recreation - Review and refinement of proposed -draft. Civic Center - Incorporation of means to reinforce and protect the Civic Center area. Circulation Element - Standards; provision for trails; route-to-school plans; etc . In addition, the County Land Use Element for the Salinas River planning area is being updated and there will have . to be coordination between the City and County with respect to the Urban Reserve Line and the planning area of the City. A key concern is that any proposed land use changes that would affect the community be referred to the City for comment. Mr. Tobey questioned whether any provisions had been made in County plans for a North County motorcycle park to direct off-road abusers to a single site. Discussion continued on difficulties, but necessity, for establishing minimum lot sizes, notwithstanding the mixed pattern of existing residential lots . Limited locations for expanding incubator businesses was noted, and there was sentiment to consider converting existing RMF zoning to 10, 000 square foot lots for single family homes . Commissioner Highland said that a neighborhood should be encouraged in efforts to establish greater lot sizes to protect them, as was done on Carmelita. Commissioner Luna questioned what was intended by the General Plan language of lots less than 1/2 acre "except for unusual and compelling reasons" (Page 49 ) . There was discussion of the best means for gaining community input into any density revisions, including smaller area meetings vs . quadrant meetings . In response to an earlier suggestion by Sarah Grontstrand that a new citizens ' survey be commissioned, there was discussion of a recent survey in Paso Robles and staff will obtain information on their methodology and results , together with forwarding the Commission an earlier questionnaire done by Cal Poly at the beginning of the General Plan Update Program. Commissioner Luna expressed concern that single family residences are not subject to appearance review as directed in the General Plan design review guidelines . Chairperson Lochridge called a recess at 9 : 10 p.m. Commissioner Brasher expressed a concern that the "old town" area be reinvigorated so as to be inviting to tourists and encourage pedestrian traffic . Steve Decamp indicated that we are working with the BIA for distinctive downtown zoning and can report on this subject in the future to the Planning Commission. Discussion of Junior High and Lewis Avenue schools being replaced for commercial development ensued. Engen noted that the ERA analysis had indicated that there was not a market for the scale of commercial needed to supplant and relocate the schools . School master planning was discussed and the need for close coordination with the district. Commissioner Tobey expressed the desire to have the sign standards re-evaluated to allow for greater signage. Commissioner Waage spoke to the need for better appearance standards on signs . Staff pointed out that sign ordinance enforcement is handled on a complaint basis, as are all zoning enforcement matters . There was considerable discussion on enforcement activities . It was noted that the City Council had authorized the establishement of a permanent position for enforcement, with time currently being split between citizen complaints on enforcement and the Tree Ordinance. Council also authorized $10,000, in the current budget for an abatement process which could lead to the City Council directing, after hearing, clean-up of properties . The owner would be charged the cost or their property be liened. The Planning Commission has the discretion to revoke Use Permits that are not in compliance with the conditions of approval, and Commissioner Lopez- Balbontin expressed concern that before such action was taken that there be adequate warnings and time allowances to bring property into compliance. Chairperson Lochridge questioned whether any changes were anticipated in animal regulations, and there was discussion of the current rules and the fact that there are complaints on people who do not maintain sanitary conditions on their properties, in the summer especially. It was noted that when the Zoning Ordinance was adopted, that there was more concern expressed over standards for animals than over lot size standards . The meeting adjourned at 10 : 15 p.m. MINUTES RECORDED BY: HENRY ENGEN Community Development Director �. OMEETt,� AGENDA'TEM M • September 7, 1988 To: City Council Via : Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director Acting City Manager From: Bob Best , Parks and Recreation Director--- Subject : Lake Pavilion Demolition Options The Lake Pavilion Committee has discussed the future of this structure and has been considering possible options relating to the potential demolition of the building. Staff has received two written estimates to assist the Council in determining the future of the Pavilion. A copy of the two estimates is attached to this reportfor consideration by the Council . ALTERNATIVES • 1 . Total demolition of Pavilion. An estimate from two local contractors is attached. With this method, the City would contract to have the structure demolished and all debris hauled to the dump. 2. Total demolition, but save the floor. The current floor could be saved if possible to be used at a later date for another project . The two contractors who provided the estimates were not interested in saving the floor, and additional costs would result if Council made the decision to save the floor. 3. An approved State Fire Marshall ' s certified training exercise could be conducted to burn the Pavilion, and then ~ have the debris hauled from the site by a contractor. This was the preferred way by one contractor, as it would save the City money. 4. Save the floor, burn the building, and have debris disposed of by a contractor. 5 . Do not have Pavilion demolished. RECOMMENDATION • 1 . Alternative No. 3 would be the most efficient method of demolishing the Pavilion. It would save the City money, as contractor costs would be reduced by having the Fire Department burn the structure. 2 . Alternative No. 4, as Staff recognizes an interest to • preserve the floor in the Pavilion for future use . The condition of the floor is poor, however, and this option may, be more for sentimental purposes than a sound recommendation based on fiscal responsibility and professional judgment . FISCAL IMPACT No funds are currently budgeted to fund the estimated $10, 000 cost of demolition. • • R-- A . _N STEV SCHMIDT No.274007 TOP SOILS • GRADING • CUSTOM SOIL MIXES • SHREDDING & SCREENING_ ROUTE 1, BOX 11, • PASO ROBLES, CA.93446 • 805/238-2892 Ramada Drive & Highway 46 West Sold to: City of Atascadero Job Pavilion Building next to Paddock Zoo Address: Recreation Dept. Address CIN: Atascadero CIN Atascadero Phone: Bill White/Gill Terms: Payment upon completion PAVING - EXCAVATING - GRADING - DEMOLITION We hereby propose to. 1 . Demolish and remove pavilion building 2. All permits by others 3. All salvage to become property of contractor. 4. Payment in full upon completion. TOTAL BID PRICE: $7600. Loan Co. By Check: By Voucher NOTICE—Unless otherwise stated, this proposal when for pavinq, includes only specified above. the finish grodinq. There will be an extra charge for any dirt hauled on or off this iob. We accept no responsibility for devil qrass, plants, etc., growing All dirt excavated not shown on plans will be an extra charge, we will assume through paving, poisoning of ground not being a quarantee when used. When no responsibility for caved in dirt or shoring of banks, we accept no respon- tractors and trucks are involved, we assume no responsibility for broken sibility for inside of curb line. pipes, power lines, telephone cables, etc. All contracts subject to final accept- If suit be commenced to collect the amounts herein, the buyer agrees to pay once at Main Office. Payment to be in full upon completion of our work as reasonable attorney fees and costs in such suit. 8r STEVEN D. SCHMIDT Date_ August 17 You are hereby authorized to proceed with the work as per above. B YBC YOUNG BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION CO. Buildin- Contractors P. O. BOX 1176 - 5530'/2 TRAFFIC WAY ATASCADERO, CALIF. 93423 Telephone: (805) 466-0353 August 8 , 1988 Mr.Bob Best City of Atascadero P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, Ca. 93422 Parks and Recreations Dept. Reference: Atascadero Lake Pavilion Dear Bob: As you requested we meet at the Pavilion today to determine the cost to demolish the structure. As we discussed,the most economical way for the city,would be to have the Atascadero Fire Department perform a control burn, then have a contractor demolish and haul the remaining debris to the Atascadero Disposal Site. The concrete rubble could be desposed along the river, next to the Water Deptartment shop To make access for the removal of debris , you would have to move the mobile home on the west, out of harms way. Remove 2 @ 4" pine treesq and one 8"decidioves tree. The gas company would have to remove the two gas miters and abondon the line to the building.P.G. &E. would have to remove the two electric meters and abandon the underground service at the pole. The water can remain until the debris has been removed. To contain the debris from floating all over the Lake, a float guard must be installed approx 30 ' -o" away from the building. The debris should be removed from the water daily to elemanate any excaped debris from getting water logged and settling to the lake bottom. The small sewer pump building can remain, but the pumps can be removed later. The building can possiably be used for another function. Our estimated costs are as follows: 1. After the building has been 80% burned the cost for the demolition is $10 ,000 . . , 2. The cost to demolish the building as it is would be $20,000 . The above cost would be a complete abatement by legally despesing the debris and all concrete footings. Coordenating the removal and or capping off all utilities. Thanks Bob, and if you have any questions or need any further information please cantact me. Sincerely yours , YOUNG BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION CO. Marion W, oun MWY/lp • MEETING/ AGENDA Q� ITEM r Com' • MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer le 006 Acting City Manager Subject Engineer' s Report, Setting of Public Hearing, Authorization to Bid, Ammended Boundary Map Date : September 6, 1988 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council adopt the resolution approving the Engineer' s report , appointing the time and place for hearing protests, and the calling for construction bids . Coq- � Staff does not recommend the adption of the resolution approving the revised boundary map . Background: The Engineer' s Report, submitted under separate cover, shows the estimated project costs and the spread of assessments based upon an equal benefit to all parcels within the adopted boundary. The receipt of said report allows for -the-setting of the time and place to hear protests, such time and place being 7:3Qpm, Tuesday, October 25, 1988 at the City Hall Council Chambers and for the advertising of bids, which are to be received on October 14, 1988 . Please refer to the attached revised summary of dates for these and future actions leading up to the sale of bonds for this district : discard Previous copies of the dates summary. Since the last regular meeting at which time the boundary map was adopted for Assessment- District No . 5, staff has received the attached petition from the residents of San Diego Rd. asking to be excluded from the district boundaries . Since the reason for the request was that the signers were on a City—maintained street it seems reasonable to hear any group protests to the proposed boundary. At the last meeting, however, no one from the audience spoke against the proposed boundary and no written objections were received. Discussion: • The petition is acceptable and the boundary question can be answered prior the the receipt of the Engineer ' s Report . If the boundary is changed at the protest hearing on October 25, or if a zero benefit is determined at that time, the other parcels can not be assessed the difference to complete the project; the City would have to front those costs ordefeatthe district . A resolution to ammend the boundary is, therefore, presented at this time to hopefully resolve the question prior to the protest hearing. Although the signers argue that their road is improved and that they do not need to worry about maintenance or liability, those issues are still secondary to the question of benefit . The Engineer must determine the benefit to each parcel within a boundary. In the case of this district, which was formed due to a petition initiated by a 61% majority of the lots by land area, including several parcels on San Diego Rd. , it has always been presented that all parcels benefit equally. The Engineer has determined that neither land area nor length of frontage is a fair or reasonable method for the distribution of the costs . It is difficult to argue that those lots at the most remote portion of the district do not benefit from the work being done since the residents must travel a considerable amount of the roads being improved in order to get to San Diego Rd. Indeed, it can./ be more easily argued that the parcels that least benefit are those at the bottom or start of the district off the main highway; and that the parcels that benefit the most arethoseat the most remote end of the district, i .e . , San Diego Rd parcels . Any magic formula that pretends to distribute the cost differently would cause a nightmare of calculations and arguments from parcels halfway within the district or on cul-de-sacs , etc. The Engineer is recommending that all parcels included within the adopted boundary should be included and that all such parcels receive an equal benefit . Council has the right, after hearing comments from those within the boundary. to change that boundary or allow it to remain unchanged. Any such changes may cause corrections to be made in the Engineer ' s Report, which may call for an ajournment or suspension of actions on said report until such changes are made. Fiscal Impact : Adopted as recommended there will be no cost to the City for the above actions . Any subsequent changes at the protest hearing stage may or may not result in some costs to the City. ' _ August 26, 1988 ` - ' Mr. �a:l 5e:si�a:gh Public Wurks ��ty of Atascadero Dear �r . Sensibaug�: We, the un�ersigned resi�ents of San Diego Rcad, do not wi7h to be included : the Improvement District No. 5 (Chandler Ranch Area AssesI'D ent District) . Since San Diego Road already meets !--:r exceeds city standards and does not need to be improved, we feel t�at we should not be resposible for improvi:g roads in front of other property owners. Please remove our lots (San Diego Road) fro� the assesment district. Thank you. Name Address Lot # ^/ i-S�T� `^ vj�\\`^�--`P^/��*"���- ' Fr^"K Y,r�rA LZ Lx ' 1 ' ' ' I • • R-3a CITY OF ATASCADERO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 5 (CHANDLER RANCH AREA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) RESOLUTION NO. 93-88 RESOLUTION APPROVING REVISED BOUNDARY MAP WHEREAS, in accordance with prior proceedings duly had and taken, the City Council of the City of Atascadero (the "City Council" ) has declared its intention to and has determined to undertake proceedings pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and to issue bonds in said proceedings under the provisions of the Improvement Bonds Act of 1915 for the acquisition and construction in and for the City of Atascadero of certain public improvements in and for an assessment district in the City designated "City of Atascadero Improvement District No. 5 (Chandler Rauch Area Assessment District) " ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 91-88, adopted on August 23 , 1988, the City Council approved a map of the proposed boundaries of said assessment district; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to revise said boundary map; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Atascadero, as follows: 1 . The foregoing recitals are true and correct and this City Council so finds and determines. 2 . The revised map submitted to this City Council, entitled "Proposed Boundaries, City of Atascadero Improvement District No. 5 (Chandler Rauch Area Assessment District) , 7824d County of San Luis Obispo, State of California" a copy of which is attached hereto and labeled Exhibit A is hereby approved as the map of the proposed boundaries of said assessment, which map shall govern for the assessment proceedings. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of September, 1988, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers NOES: ABSENT: Bonita Borgeson, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County, • ATTEST: State of California Boyd C. Sharitz City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obisbo County, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN City Attorney 2 7824d-041003-000001-198 08/31/88 R-5 CITY OF ATASCADERO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 5 (CHANDLER RANCH AREA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) RESOLUTION NO. 94-88 RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER' S REPORT ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS, APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS TO SAID IMPROVE- MENTS AND CALLING FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS WHEREAS, in accordance with prior proceedings duly had and taken, the City Council of the City of Atascadero (the "City Council" ) has declared its intention to and has 40 determined to undertake proceedings pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and issue bonds in said proceedings under the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 for the acquisition and construction in and for the City of Atascadero (the "City" ) of the public improvements more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein and made a part hereof, in and for an assessment district in the City designated "City of Atascadero Improvement District No. 5 (Chandler Ranch Area Assessment District) " ; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by resolution duly adopted, appointed the firm of Cuesta Engineering as Engineer of Work in and for' said proceedings and authorized and 0 7700d directed said firm to do and perform or cause to be done and performed all engineering work necessary in and for said proceedings, including the preparation of plans and specifications for said improvements and the descriptions of the acquisitions, together with estimates of costs thereof, and the preparation of a map of the assessment district, an assessment diagram, and an assessment; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution of Intention No. 92-88 duly adopted on August 23, 1988 declared its intention to order said improvements to be made in and for said assessment district; and WHEREAS, the City Council in and by said Resolution of Intention referred said proposed improvements to the Engineer of Work in and nd for said assessment district and directed said Engineer of Work to make and file a report in writing containing the matters specified in Section 10204 of the Streets and Highways Code; and WHEREAS, in accordance with said Resolution of Intention, said Engineer of Work has filed with the City Clerk of the City a report in writing containing the matters specified in said Section 10204 of the Streets and Highways Code; and WHEREAS, Said report has been duly presented by the City Clerk of the City to the City Council for consideration and has been fully considered by the City Council; 2 7700d-041003-000002-198 08/31/88 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, as follows: 1 . The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines. 2 . Said report is hereby preliminarily approved by the City Council, and 7 : 30 P.M. on Tuesday, October 25, 1988, at the Chambers of the City Council, City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California 93423, is hereby fixed by the City Council as the time and place for hearing protests to said proposed improvements. Any interested person may object to said proposed improvements, the extent of the assessment district or to the proposed assessment by filing a written protest with the City Clerk of the City at or before the time set for said hearing. Each protest must contain a description of the property in which the signer thereof is interested sufficient to identify the same and, if the signers are not shown on the last equalized assessment roll as the owners of such property, must contain or be accompanied by written evidence that such signers are the owners of such property. The City Clerk of the City shall endorse on each protest the date of its receipt and at said time appointed for said hearing shall present to the City Council all protests filed with her. 3 . The City Clerk of the City is hereby directed (a) to cause notices of said hearing to be posted in the time, form and manner provided by law, and (b) to cause a notice of 3 7700d-041003-000002-198 08/31/88 said hearing to be published in The Atascadero News in the time, form and manner provided by law, and (c) to give notice by mail of the adoption of said Resolution of Intention for said proposed improvements and of the filing of said report to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed in the time, form and manner provided by law. Upon the completion of the mailing of said notices, the City Clerk of the City is hereby directed to file with the City Council an affidavit setting forth the time and manner of the compliance with the requirements of law for publishing, posting and mailing said notices. 4. Mr. Sensibaugh, City Engineer, City of Atascadero, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California 93423 , • telephone (805) 466-8000, is hereby designated to answer inquiries regarding the protest proceedings. S. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause notices to bidders inviting sealed proposals or bids for the making of said improvements, in substantially the form attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof, to be posted in three (3 ) public places in the City for two (2 ) succeeding weeks and to be published once a week for two (2 ) succeeding weeks in The Atascadero News. 6. Sealed bids for making said improvements shall be received at the times and places and in the manner specified in the notice. 4 7700d-041003-000002-198 08/31/88 7. The City Council hereby declares that it intends to collect liquidated damages in the amount of $300 per day for failure to complete the work as scheduled, as will be provided in the contract specifications. 5 7700d-041003-000002-198 08/31/88 • • PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of September, 1988, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Noes: Absent: Bonita Borgeson, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County, State of California [ Seal ] ATTEST: Boyd C. Sharitz City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN City Attorney 6 7700d-041003-000002-198 08/31/88 EXHIBIT A Resurfacing of streets, including the removal and replacement of the existing base and surface course prior to resurfacing. Partial grading of shoulders and minor drainage improvements; minor widening of streets and surveying. Construction inspection wil be performed throughout. The work will also include necessary appurtenances, including, but not limited to, mobilization, clearing and grubbing, excavation, importation of graded material, compaction, testing, acquisition of necessary easements and tapering at driveways. A-1 7700d-041003-000002-198 08/31/88 CLERK' S CERTIFICATE I , BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, do hereby certify as follows: The foregoing resolution is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City, duly and regularly held at the regular meeting place thereof on the 13th day of September, 1988, of which meeting all of the members of said City Council had due notice and at which a majority thereof were present; and that at said meeting said resolution was adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: An agenda of said meeting was posted at least 72 hours before said meeting at 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California 93423, a location freely accessible to members of the public, and a brief description of said resolution appeared on said agenda. I have carefully compared the foregoing with the original minutes of said meeting on file and of record in my office, and the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the original resolution adopted at said meeting and entered in said minutes. Said resolution has not been amended, modified or rescinded since the date of its adoption and the same is now in full force and effect. Dated: September , 1988. City Clerk of the City of Atascadero [SEAL] 2 7700d-041003-000002-198 08/31/88 CITY OF ATASCADERO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 5 (CHANDLER RANCH AREA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) SUMMARY OF DEADLINES FOR NOTICES AND FILINGS Dates 1. City Council of Atascadero Meeting Resolutions 1+2 adopted July 26, 1988 2. City Council of Atascadero Meeting August 23, 1988 Resolutions 3 and 4 adopted 3. City Council of Atascadero Meeting September 13, 1988 Resolution 5 adopted 4. File copy of Boundary Map of *September 28, 1988 Assessment District with the San Luis Obispo County Recorder [per S&H § 3111] (within 15 days after Resolution [R-5] is adopted) 5. City Clerk executes Affidavit of *September 29, 1988 • Filing Boundary Map [A-2] 6. Notices of Invitation to Bidders *September 14, 1988 published [per P.C. § 20482] September 21, 1988 (twice in successive weeks per Gov't § 6066; the bids may not be opened before 14 days after the first publication) 7. Request newspaper to mail tear September 14, 1988 sheets for each publication of September 21, 1988 (A) Notice of Invitation to Bid and (B) Notice of Improvement & Hearing to Bond Counsel 8. Publishing Notice of Improvement September 14, 1988 & Hearing [N-1,2] [per S&H § 103041 September 21, 1988 (twice in successive weeks per Gov' t § 6066) 9. Request newspaper to mail Proof September 21, 1988 of Publication of (A) Notice of Invitation to Bidders and (B) Notice of Improvement & Hearing (3 certified copies, 2 for City Clerk, 1 for Bond Counsel) *These represent the latest possible date for completion, not the earliest. Dates 10. Contract Bids Opened October 14, 1988 11. Mailing Notice to Property *October 5, 1988 Owners of Adoption of Resolution of Intention [N-2] [per S&H § 10306] (20 days before the hearing, 10/25/88) 12. Posting Notices of Improvement *October 5, 1988 & Hearing [N-1] [per S&H § 10304] (at least 20 days before the date of the hearing, 10/25/88) 13. Engineer executes 2 copies of *October 6, 1988 Affidavit of Posting [A-5] (1 to City Clerk, 1 to Bond Counsel) 14. City Clerk executes Affidavit of *October 6 1988 Compliance with Requirements for Publishing, Posting & Mailing Notice of Hearing and Affidavit of - Posting Notices Inviting Sealed Proposals [A-3, 4] [per S&H § 10308] ; 15. City Council of Atascadero Holds October 25, 1988 Public Hearing, 7 :30 p.m. and adopts resolution levying assessment [R-6] [per S&H §§ 10301, 10312, 10600, 10603] and adopts resolution awarding construction contract [R-7] ; 16. City Clerk Records Assessment *October 26, 1988 and Diagram with the Superintendent of Streets [per S&H § 10401] 17. Copy of Assessment Diagram *October 26, 1988 filed with San Luis Obispo County Recorder [per S&H §§ 3114(a) , (c)] , City Clerk executes Affidavit of Filing and Recording Assessment Diagram [A-6] 18. Notice of Assessment [N-4] *October 26, 1988 recorded with San Luis Obispo County Recorder [per S&H §10402.5] *These represent the latest possible date for completion, not the earliest. 2 7608d-041003-000002-198 08/31/88 Dates 19. Mailing Notice to Property October 26-28, 1988 Owners of Recording of Assessment [N-5] [per S&H §§ 10404, 5070] 20. Request newspaper to send October 28, 1988 tear sheet for each November 4, 1988 publication of Notice of Recording of Assessment to Property owners to Bond Counsel 21. Publication of Notice of October 28, 1988 Recording of Assessment to November 4, 1988 Property Owners [N-5] (published twice, in successive weeks) [per S&H § 10404] 22. Request Newspaper to mail October 28, 1988 tear sheets of publication of Notice of Award of Contract to Bond Counsel 23. Publication of Notice Award *October 28, 1988 of Contracts once [N-6] [per Pub. Cont. Code § 20484] 24. Request Newspaper to mail *October 28, 1988 Proof of Publication of Notice of Award of Contract (2 certified copies, 1 to City Clerk, 1 to Bond Counsel) 25. City Clerk to execute *October 28, 1988 Affidavit of Mailing Notice to Property Owners of Recording Assessment [A-6] 26. Request newspaper to mail Proof *November 4, 1988 of Publication of the Notice of Recording of Assessment to Property Owners (3 certified copies, 2 for Clerk, 1 for Bond Counsel) *These represent the latest possible date for completion, not the earliest. 3 SIF 7608d-041003-000002-198 08/31/88 ! i Dates 27. Underwriter distributes draft October 26 - November 11, 1988 Private Placement Memo and Bond Purchase Contract to City and Bond Counsel 28. Comments on draft Private November 11-18, 1988 Placement Memo and Bond Purchase Contract telephoned to Underwriter 29. Statutory Period for paying November 28, 1988 or attacking assessment ends [per S&H §§ 10400, 10402.5, 10403] (30 days after Assessment, Diagram and Notice of Assessment filed and recorded) 30. List of Paid and Unpaid November 28 - December 2, 1988 Assessments compiled [per S&H § 8620] & information telephoned to Underwriter 31. Resolution Approving December 13, 1988 Amount of Bonds to be issued adopted; Approving Bond Purchase Contract and Authorizing Private Placement Memo [R-8] 32. Underwriter delivers December 13, 1988 Private Placement Memo 33. Bond Closing December 21, 1988 34. Construction Begins January, 1989 35. Construction Completed May, 1989 4 7608d-041003-000002-198 08/31/88 Resolutions R-1 = Resolution Determining to Undertake Proceedings and Accepting Petition R-2 = Resolution Appointing Engineer of Work, Underwriter and Bond Counsel R-3 = Resolution Approving Boundary Map R-4 = Resolution of Intention R-5 = Resolution Preliminarily Approving Engineer' s Report, Appointing Time and Place for Hearing Protests and Calling for Construction Bids R-6 = Resolution Confirming Assessment and Ordering Proposed Improvements to be Made, Providing For Notice of Recording Assessment, Designating City Treasurer to Collect and Receive Money R-7 = Resolution Awarding Construction Contract R-8 = Resolution Approving Unpaid Assessment List, Authorizing Issuance of Bonds, Approving Official Statement and Approving Bond Purchase Contract Notices N-1 = Notice of Improvement ( same form for posting & publishing N-2 = Notice to Property Owners of Adoption of Resolution of Intention, Filing Engineer' s Report and Notice of Time and Place of Hearing Protests (form to be mailed) N-3 = Notice of Assessment ( form to be recorded) N-4 = Notice to Property Owners of Recording of Assessment (form to be mailed to property owners) N-5 = Notice of Assessment (form to be published) N-6 = Notice of Award of Contract 7608d Affidavits A-1 = Affidavit Re: Petition (Engineer) A-2 = Affidavit of Filing Boundary Map (City Clerk) A-3 = Affidavit of Compliance with the Requirements of Law for Publishing, Posting & Mailing Notices of Hearing Protests (City Clerk) A-4 = Affidavit of Posting Notices Inviting Sealed Proposals (City Clerk) A-5 = Affidavit of Posting Notice of Improvement (Engineer) A-6 = Affidavit of Filing & Recording Assessment Diagram (City Clerk) A-7 = Affidavit of Mailing Notice of Recording Assessment (City Clerk) 2 7608d-041003-000002-198 08/31/88 SAGENDA DATMA/aITEM# .�..._.._ • MEMORANDUM To : Honorable-Mayor and City Council From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer `fAs Acting City Manager Subject : Dial-A-Ride Contract Extension-120 Days Date: September 7, 1988 Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the attached contract extension for the present Dial-A-Ride service . Background: At the last regular meeting Council rejected all bids for the above service . Staff was directed to extend the agreement after negotiations with the current contractor. • Discussion: Stuff has negotiated a 120 day extension to December 31 , 1988 for the following fees : Weekly fixed-$2058 . 25, and Hourly- variable- $6 .410 . This compares to the current rates of $2209.02 and $6 . 945, respectively. Fiscal Impact : The savings over the life of the contractextension is estimated at just over $4, 000. • CIT CHUIL AGENDA - 9/13/88 ' AGA I TEM: C - 2 (PLEASE ADD INTO AGENDA PACKET) • 1 AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT 2 Amendment No. 5 3 This Amendment No. 5 to the previous agreement is made and entered into 4 the 6th day of July, 1988, by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO, hereinafter 5 called "City" and COMMUNITY TRANSIT SERVICES, INC. , hereinafter called "M&0." 6 7 W I T N E S S E T H: 8 WHEREAS, City and M&0 entered into a prior agreement on the 24thdayof 9 June 1984, for the management and operations of City's Dial-A-Ride System; and ' 10 WHEREAS, City and M&0 modified certain elements of this Agreement 11 through Amendment No. 1, dated August 12, 1985, Amendment No. 2, dated June 12 23, 1986, amendment No. 3, dated July 28, 1987, and Amendment No. 4, dated 13 July 6, 1988; and t14 WHEREAS, City and M&O desire to modify said agreement as previously 15 amended; 16 NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed that the Agreement dated June 24, 17 1984, between the parties, as subsequently amended is further amended in the 18 following particulars only: 19 1. ARTICLE 3, Contract Term, amended to read: The term of this 20 Agreement shall be from September 1, 1988 through December 31, 1988, and may 21 be extended beyond that term on a month-to-month basis by mutual agreement. 22 2. ARTICLE 4, Maximum Obligation, amended to read: City agrees to pay 23 M&O in consideration for its services as described herein. The maximum price 24 to be paid by City to M&O for Budget Period September 1, 1988 to December 31, 25 1988, shall not exceed Fifty-Two Thousand, Three Hundred Thirty-Five Dollars • 26 ($52,335.00) . 27 -1- 1 3. ARTICLE 5, Price Formula, amended in part to read: 2 (a) Payment of a rate of $6.41 per vehicle service hour. 3 (b) Payment of a fixed weekly rate of $2,058.25 per service week. 4 4. ARTICLE 20, Termination, subparagraph (a) , amended to read: 5 (a) City may terminate the Agreement upon thirty (30) days' written 6 notice to M&O and shall be liable for costs and a prorate of the fee as spe- 7 cified under the heading "Price Formula" accrued to date of termination and 8 for all other termination costs. In the event the Agreement is terminated, 9 all pertinent data prepared for the project shall be made available to City 10 without additional cost. 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to 12 Agreement to be executed by and through their respective officers thereunto 13 duly authorized on the date first written above. 14 15 CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY TRANSIT SERVICES INC. 16 17 By: By 18 Date: 19 20 Witnessed by: And 21 f� _ 22 Date: Date: 23 24 25 26 27 -2- MEET i AGENDA _ l3AtE c ITEM --� • MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer leoz� Acting City Manager Subject : 2nd Reading Wastewater Ordinance-Rate Resolution Date : September 6, 1988 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council adopt Ordinance 181 and Resolution 90-88. Background: Please refer to the attached staff report for the August 23 regular meeting. • Discussion: The attached ordinance is a combination of the present ACRD ordinance and thevarious ammendments thereof. Although there are no major or material changes in the "new" ordinance, there are several minor changes or clarifications of existing policy that are Pointed out below. There are no changes in any fees or charges although some are included that were left to calculations Previously. Page references refer to the small hand written number in the lower right corner of each sheet . Pg. 4&5, 7-2 .032 : Definition expanded to cover terms used throughout the ordinance . Pg. 8, 7-4. 010 (b) , 4th line The phrase "for one lot only was changed to "for all but one lot" . The intention of this section was to allow credit for the annexation fee for an existing vacant Tot in Improvement District No . 1 that has paid assessments for about 15 years, but to assess that fee to any new lots due to lot splits The existing language which was an ammendment in 1986 makes sense for a two-lot subdivision, but does not capture fees for any additional lots as was intended. Therefore, the new language will , for example, provide 7 fees for an 8 lot subdivision of a parcel that was a single lot during Improvement District No. 1 . This will not change the present collection procedure since the staff report • at the time of the ammendment adoption made this point clear even though the text language was confusing. Pg. 8, 7-4. 010 (c) , last line : The $850 was added to clarify • the fee in effect at the time of the last ammendment . Pg. 8, 7-4. 012, first line : After discussions with the old and new auditors, several inconsistancies were apparent with respect to the disposition of the various accounts in the Sanitation Fund. Only a portion of the rates paid for service are slated to go to operations and maintenance and debt service . Capital improvements are supported by connection charges (connection fees and annexation fees) as well as a portion of the sewer rates . There are several minor changes throughout the ordinance that reflect proper accounting of funds which considers the old ordinance, the EPA grant procedures and 'the staff report regarding the new fees adopted in 1986 . Pg. 12, 7-7.005, 2nd line: Since it is not very practical in many cases to place a cleanout five feet from the sewer main, the right-of-way language was incerted. This language is consistant with the Uniform Plumbing Code . Pg. 12, 7-7. 007, last line TV-monitoring has become an acceptable method of testinglfor some aspects of construction. Pg. 12, 7-7.010 : This section replaces a section that spelled out the different materials ',that tends to grow with time . Standards such as this should not be adopted by ordinance since they may • change as the City Standards change . • Pg . 16, 7-10 . 002, last line : The capital outlay portion of the sewer rates were supposed to go into this account which also includes connection charges deposits . This also decreases the number of accounts necessary. Pg. 16, 7-11 .001 : This section previously contained the sewer rates as is customary for political districts . Under the City policy rates are contained in the form of resolutions since they are subject to more frequent change . Pg. 17, 7-11 . 009 (c&d) , first lines : The word "remaining" has been inserted prior to "revenues" and "after (a) is subtracted" inserted after "rates" to show the true percentages that were orginally distributed for the EPA grant estimates of revenue/expenditures . As presently shown the sum of (a) +(b) + (c)=>100%. Pg. 18, 7-12 . 008, last 4 lines : This language was added to clarify the intend of the last ordinance ammendment . The intent was to discourage the "gobbling up" of available space within the system or to "buying a spot" at current fees without the intention of building. However, the present language on one hand encourages building to escape the repeat fee and discourages building on the other hand due to the risk of personal budget overruns . This added • language, which has been applied consistantly, allows important exceptions to the above rule without either incouraging or discouraging building. • Pg. 18, 7-12 . 013, last line : Added since a master plan is being developed that was not previously available . Pg. 19, 7-12 . 013, last 4 lines : Added to clarify the fees that are being charged. There are no changes in the rates shown in attached Resolution 90-88. Fiscal Impact : There is no anticipated fiscal impact due to the adoption of the new ordinance or fee resolution. ORDINANCE NO. 181 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO REPEALING THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT ORDINANCE CODE; ESTABLISHING THE WASTEWATER DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, AND SETTING RULES AND REGULATIONS THERETO The City Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows : SECTION 1 . The Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code , Section 1 , Articles 1 through 13, is hereby repealed in its entirety . SECTION 2 . Title 7 is hereby added to the Atascadero Municipal Code, relating to the establishment of the Wastewater Division of the Public Works Department , to read as follows : CHAPTER 1 . GENERAL PROVISIONS 7-1 . 001 Establishment : There is hereby established a Wastewater Division of the Public Works Department , and rules and regulations concerning the Atascadero Wastewater disposal facilities . These regulations are established and adopted to protect and promote the public health , safety and welfare , pursuant to authority of California Health and Safety Code Section 5470 through 5474 . 10. 7-1 .002 Application: The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to any person , or persons , including corporations , and others connected to the Atascadero Wastewater disposal facilities . 7-1 .003 Liability for Violations : Any person violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be liable to the City for all damages to City property resulting therefrom. A violation of any provision of this Ordinance is a misdemeanor . Penalties for violation of this ordinance shall be as set forth in Chapter 3 of Title 1 of this Code . CHAPTER 2 . DEFINITIONS 7-2 .001 Apartment : A residence , as herein defined, which is part of or located in a multiple family dwelling as herein defined. 7-2 .002 Bath : A room containing one or more water closets , bathtubs , shower stalls , and wash basins which are intended and suitable for human use and are connected to the sewer system. 7-2 .003 Building: Any structure used for human habitation or a place of business , recreation , or other activity and containing sanitary facilities . 7-2 .004 Building Sewer : That portion of any sewer beginning two (2) feet from any building and extending to and including its connection to a public sewer . 7-2 .005 Cleanout : A branch fitting installed in a sewer or other pipe for the purpose of providing access for cleaning. 7-2 .006 Commercial Establishment : A building or portion thereof used for , or intended for use for , commerical , business or governmental purposes , including but not limited to stores , markets , theatres , business offices , government offices and other places of business , but not including eating establishments , laundromats , or other business establishments previously defined herein. 7-2 .007 Condominium Unit : A residence occupied or suitable for occupancy in whole or in part as a home or living quarters either permanently or temporarily by a single-family, their guests and servants , but not including an apartment or other unit of multiple-family dwelling as • defined herein . 7-2 .008 _Eating Establishment : A building or portion thereof, upon the premises of which are provided facilities for dining, eating and/or beverage consumption by the public , and which is held out by the owner or operator thereof as a place where food and/or beverages may be purchased for consumption upon the premises , including establishments designated as restaurants , cafes , drive-ins , coffee shops , ice cream parlors , bars , and bowling alleys , and other such establishments where food or drink are served. 7-2 .009 Fixture: Any sink, tub, shower, toilet , or other facility connected by drain to the sewer . 7-2 . 010 Garbage: Solid wastes from the preparation, cooking, and dispensing of food and from the handling, storage, and sale of agricultural products . 7-2 .011 Garbage Grinder: A unit designed and used to grind or otherwise treat garbage so that it can be disposed of through the sewer system. 7-2 .012 Hotel : A building or group of buildings containing • six or more sleeping rooms or suites of rooms designed as , and occupied or suitable for occupation as , a temporary abiding or sleeping place for persons who, for 0 0 compensation , are lodged with or without meals , including buildings designed as hotels and boarding, lodging or rooming houses , but not including those defined herein a multiple family dwellings , motels , trailer courts , or dormitories , sanitariums , hospitals , asylums , orphanages , or buildings where persons are housed under restraint . 7-2 .013 Hotel Room: A room or suite of rooms in a hotel as herein defined, designed as , and occupied or suitable for occupation as , one sleeping or living unit . 7-2 .014 House Trailer or Mobile Home: A transportable structure designed, built and equipped as , and occupied or suitable for occupation as , a home or living quarters , either permanently or temporarily, by a single family and their guests and servants . 7-2 .015 Kitchen : A room, all or any part of which is designed, built or equipped as , and is used or is intended to be used for the cooking and/or other preparation of food for human consumption . 7-2 . 016 Lateral Sewer: That portion of a sewer lying within a public right of way or easement , which connects , or is intended to connect , a building sewer to a main sewer . 7-2 .017 Laundromat : A building or portion thereof designed, equipped, and used or intended for use as a self- service laundry , where there is no pickup or delivery service and no steam or hand laundry of any type. 7-2 .018 Lot : Any piece or parcel of land, bounded, defined, or shown upon a plot or deed recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Luis Obispo County; provided, however , that in the event any structure is located upon more than one parcel of land all under one ownership and as herein defined; the term "lot" shall include all such parcels of land. 7-2 .019 Main Sewer : Those sewers , excluding lateral sewers , whose main purpose is to accept waste water from laterals and convey it to the waste water treatment plant . 7-2 .020 Manager : Manager of the Wastewater Division of the Public Works Department . 7-2 . 021 Manholet A structure for the purpose of providing access of a man to a buried sewer . 7-2 .022 Motel : . A building or group of buildings containing two or more rooms or suites of rooms , and designed, intended, or used primarily for the accommodatin of transient automobile travelers ; including establishments 3 • • designated as motels , auto courts , tourist cabins , motor lodges , motor courts , and by similar designations . 7-2 .023 Motel Unit : A room or suite of rooms in a motel as herein defined, designed as , and occupied or suitable for occupation as , one sleeping or living unit . 7-2 . .024 Multiple Family Dwelling: A building or group_ of buildings designed as , and occupied or suitable for occupation as , a home or living quarters , either permanently or temporarily, by more than a single family, including buildings designated as apartment houses , apartment buildings , duplexes , triplexes and condominiums , but not including motels , hotels , dormitories , or trailer courts as herein defined. 7-2 .025 " : The logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution. 7-2 .026 Permit : Any written authorization required pursuant to this Ordinance Code . 7-2 .027 Person : Any human being, individual , firm, company partnership association, corporation, government or agency . 7-2 .028 Public Sewer: That portion of a sewer lying within a public right of way or easement , and maintained by, and subject to the jurisdiction of, the Wastewater Division of the Public Works Department . 7-2 .029 Residence: A building or portion thereof, or a group of buildings , designed as and occupied or suitable for occupation in whole or in part as a home or living quarters , either permanently or temporarily, by a single family and their guests and servants , including a house and an apartment or other unit of multiple family dwelling as herein defined. 7-2 .030 School : An institution of learning which offers instruction in the several branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools by the Education Code of the State of California , including pre- school or nursery, elementary, Junior and Senior High and parochial and private schools and junior colleges , colleges , and universities . 7-2 .031 Sewer: A pipe or conduit for carrying waste water . 7-2 .032 Sewer Connection Charge: The charge levied by the City of Atascadero for connection to the main-line sewer. (a) Sewer Connection Fee: Fee assessed to assure upgrade of sewer system. • • (b) Sewer Annexation or Extension Fee : Fee assessed to • assure expansion of sewer system and wastewater treatment plant . 7-2 .033 Sewer Tap Charge: A charge by the City of Atascadero for the actual physical connection from a building sewer to the main-line sewer . 7-2 .034 "Shall" and "May" : Shall is mandatory; may is permissive . 7-2 .035 Trailer Court : An area containing two or more trailer spaces as herein defined, including areas designed as trailer courts , trailer camps , and by similar designations . 7-2 .036 Trailer Space: An area which is laid out and provided with facilities including a sewer connection for , and is occupied or is suitable for occupation by, a house trailer as herein defined. 7-2 .037 Waste Water: Any water-carried wastes from residences , business buildings , public buildings , institutions , and industrial facilities . 7-2 .038 Waste Water Treatment Plant : The arrangement of • devices and structures used for treating waste water generated within the City . CHAPTER 3. SEWER CONNECTION REQUIRED: SEPTIC TANK ABANDONMENT 7-3.001 For the purposes of this Chapter a public sewer shall be deemed to be available to a building if said sewer is installed in a public right-of-way or easement adjacent to the lot upon which said building is located. 7-3.002 The City Council hereby finds and declares the maintenance or use of cesspools and other local means of sewage disposal within the City to constitute a public nuisance , and finds it to be in the public interest that property to which a public sewer is available be required to connect thereto . 7-3.003 When a public sewer becomes available to a building served by a private sewage disposal system, said building shall be connected to the public sewer within twenty-four (24) months after said public sewer is available and said private disposal system shall be abandoned in the manner prescribed by the City Building Department in accordance with the currently adopted edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code unless a variance is granted by the City of Atascadero. S • • 7-3.004 Any newly-constructed building to which a public sewer is available shall be connected to said public sewer prior to its use for human occupancy , unless a variance is granted by the City Council . 7-3.005 Variances referred to in Sections 7-3. 003 and 7- 3 . 004 may be granted upon written application to the City Council by the applicant setting forth the basis for such request . Variances may be granted only upon affirmative showing that no health hazard, public nuisance , or inequity to other property owners will result therefrom. CHAPTER 4 . PERMITS AND CONNECTION FEES 7-4 .001 It shall be unlawful for any person other than the City to make any connection with any public or building sewer, or to construct or alter any public or building sewer, within the City without first obtaining a permit from the City for such work. 7-4 .002 Any person desiring a permit for work involving sewers shall make application in writing to the City giving such information as it may require, on blanks to be furnished for that purpose . If it appears therefrom that the work to be performed thereunder is to be done according 0 to the regulations contained in this Ordinance and otherwise provided by law governing the construction of such work, a permit shall be issued upon payment of the required fees . 7-4 .003 Nothing contained in this Chapter shall be deemed to require the application for, or the issuance of , a permit for the purpose of removing stoppages or repairing leaks in a building sewer , except when it is necessary to replace any part of such sewer . 7-4 .004 The following fees shall be charged for sewer permits ; (a) When the work to be performed involves the connection of a building sewer to the public sewer, the permit processing charge shall be five dollars . (b) When any portion of the work to be performed is within the public right-of-way or public sewer easement , an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department of the City of Atascadero. The applicant shall pay such fees as shall be set by the Council of the City of Atascadero. (c) The applicant shall pay the following sewer • • connection fees according to the category of building sewer : is (1) Five hundred seventy-three (573) dollars per unit for single-family residences ; (2) Five hundred thirty-three (533) dollars per unit for multifamily residences ; (3) For hundred fifty-one (451) dollars per unit for mobilehomes ; (4) Twenty dollars and fifty cents ($20 .50) per fixture unit for commercial , industrial and other nonresidential units . 7-4 .005 Permit fees shall be credited to the general operating account for the Wastewater Division of the Public Works Department . 7-4 .006 For each connection of a building sewer to a public sewer a "sewer tap charge" shall be collected by the City before the permit for the construction is issued. 7-4 .007 A "sewer tap charge" in the amount of two hundred and fifty (250) dollars shall be charged and deposited to the general operating account for each physical connection to the public sewer except that : (a) No charge shall be made when the owner of the lot has already paid for lateral sewer installation by assessment or otherwise : (b) No charge shall be made when a wye or tee fitting has already been installed at the public sewer at the property owner' s expense, and the lateral sewer is to be installed from said fitting. 7-4 .008 Any parcel which was assessed during an Improvement District Assessment proceeding for a collection system, but on which the assessment was not paid because the parcel was deeded to the State for nonpayment of taxes , shall incur an additional sewer connection fee equal to the particular assessment involved for that parcel , at the rate established pursuant to this ordinance . 7-4 . 009 In addition to such fees as shall be assessed for sewer connection and sewer taps , applications for sewer service shall be assessed a sewer annexation fee, subject to the exceptions and applictions of Section 7-4 . 010, as follows : (a) One thousand two hundred ten (1 ,210) dollars for a single family lot (b) One thousand one hundred twenty-three (1 , 123) dollars per living unit for a multifamily lot ; • 7 (c) Nine hundred fifty (950) dollars per mobilehome unit for a mobilehome park; (d) Forty-three dollars and twenty cents ($43.20) per plumbing fixture as defined in the currently adopted edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, for commercial , industrial , nonresidential lots . 7-4 .010 Exception to and application of annexation fees will be as follows : (a) A vacant lot presently inside Maintenance District Number 1 where sewer is available will be exempt from payment of an annexation fee . (b) Where a lot inside Maintenance District Number 1 is subject to a lot-split , and the annexation fee has not been previously paid, the applicant shall pay an annexation fee for all but one lot in addition to such other fees as shall be required according to the City of Atascadero. (c) Area designated Cease and Desist and adjacent areas covered by a Health Officer' s Letter will be exempt from new charges and increase in annexation fees , but will pay the fees in effect prior to passage of this ordinance-eight hundred fifty (850) dollars 7-4 ,011 It is the intent of the City to equalize the cost of sewer service throughout the area of the City by the application of these regulations , and, notwithstanding any provisions of the foregoing sections , the City may in any instance increase or decrease the connection fee to be charged for any extraordinary service to achieve such objective. 7-4 .012 Connection fees and Annexation fees shall be deposited in the City' s Sewer Facilities Fund (Chapter 10) , and shall be used to pay the cost of system upgrade and expansion . 7-4 ,013 Intent of Chapter : It is the intent of the foregoing sections that in each instance in which connection to a public sewer is desired the property owner makes his own arrangements with an approved private contractor to perform the work, and shall submit satisfactory evidence to the City that this has been done prior to issuance. of a permit pursuant to Section 7-4 . 001 of this Code. B ' • • 7-4 .014 Fees assessed pursuant to this Chapter IV for annexations and permits shall be payable at the time of the application for annexation and permit, and fees for the sewer connection and tap charge shall be payable upon actual connection of the building sewer to the public sewer system. 7-4 .015 In the event of a re-zone of a lot or change of use, applicant for a building sewer shall pay such fees as shall be required pursuant to this Chapter IV , including sewer connection , annexation , tap charge, and permit fee, except that such annexation fee may be waived if previously paid and the applicant has connected to the sewer within a timely manner pursuant to this Ordinance . CHAPTER 5 . PUBLIC SEWER EXTENSIONS 7-5 .001 Extensions of the public sewer system of the Wastewater Collection Facilities shall be made as follows : (a) Any person desiring an extension of the public sewer system shall make a request in writing to the City for a preliminary investigation of the feasibility of said extension . If said sewer extension is feasible, the City shall prepare a preliminary estimate of the cost of • said extension , including any repair to a roadway necessitated by said sewer extension . (b) Requestor shall submit improvement plans of the proposed extension, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer in the State of California, for approval by the City Engineer . (c) The person requesting said extension shall execute and file a written Sewer Extension Performance Agreement , the terms of which shall be subject to approval by the City Council , whereby said person agrees to complete all required improvements at his expense and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, within the time period specified within the agreement . Said person further agrees to provide the City Engineer with a detailed cost break-down of his actual expenditures for any improvements authorized in the agreement . The agreement shall also provide for inspection by the City Engineer , or his designated representative, of all improvements , and reimbursement of the City by the requestor, for the costs of the inspection. The City will invoice the requestor for such inspection costs and any amount unpaid thirty (30) days from the date of the City' s invoice shall bear interest at ten (10%) percent 9 : 0 • per annum beginning within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice. The Sewer Extension Performance Agreement may also provide (1) for the construction of the improvements and units ; and (2) for an extension of the time under conditions that are unspecified. No extension of time shall be granted except upon certification by the City Engineer that such extension is justified, and upon approval of the Board of Directors . In addition to the requirements of this Section 7-5 . 001 (c) said person shall provide the City with a bond or other suitable security as deemed appropriate by the City Attorney not to exceed fifty (50%) percent of the cost of improvements . The City Council may waive such requirements for a bond at its option . (d) No hookup to the public sewer will be permitted until all improvement work has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and all charges have been paid by the requestor in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance . 7-5 .002 The City may approve a refund agreement with persons who have paid for public sewer extensions . Said • agreements shall provide for reimbursement of the excess cost borne by said persons , at such time within fifteen (15) _years as money is paid to the City for service from said sewer extension . The City shall require the applicant to file and have approved by the City Engineer a reimbursement map showing the method and amount of cost spread to each future connection to the sewer extension . 7-5 .003 No sewer service shall be provided to any lot by lateral sewer connection to a sewer extension until the owner of said lot has paid a proportional share of the cost of said sewer extension , or has entered into an agreement with the city to pay said share of the costs . CHAPTER 6. INSPECTION 7-6.001 Inspection of Work: All work done under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be subject to inspection by the City . Notice must be given in writing to the City by the person, firm or corporation doing said work, or causing same to be done, immediately after said work is ready for inspection . Up to the time of the inspection all work shall remain uncovered and convenient for the inspector' s examination . If any pipes are enclosed or covered in any way whatsoever , so as to tend to obstruct a • thorough inspection of the drainage system, said obstruction must be removed upon notice to do so from the City, before an inspector shall be required to inspect the /O work. When , upon examination by the inspector , it appears that any such work is defective, either in its construction or material , the same shall be made to conform to the requirements set forth in this Ordinance , in default whereof the permit therefor shall be revoked by the City and subject work shall be discontinued immediately. 7-6.002 Certificate of Inspection : When it appears to the satisfaction of the City that any work authorized by these regulations has been constructed according to , and meets the requirements of, all provisions of this Ordinance and other applicable laws , and that all the fees for the doing and inspection thereof have been paid, the City shall cause to be issued to the person , firm or corporation constructing such work a certificate of final inspection, which certificate shall recite that such work as has been done pursuant to the permit hs been constructed according to the Ordinance provisions of said City, that said work is in sanitary condition . The City shall not issue such certificate of inspection unless the requirements of this Ordinance have been met . CHAPTER 7 . BUILDING SEWERS 7-7.001 Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed or located shall be separately and independently connected with public sewer , except that , on a case by case basis the City Engineer may approve the connection of more than one building to the public sewer by a common building sewer, if City Engineer determines that requiring a separate and independent connection would cause or aggravate a hardship, and that such approval is consistent with good engineering practice and will impose no burden or hardship on the City . 7-7.002 The requirements for building sewers as set forth in the latest adopted versions of the Uniform Plumbing Code shall apply in the City and are incorporated herein by reference. However , where the regulations of this Ordinance are more restrictive than said Plumbing Code, this Code shall apply . 7-7.003 No building sewer shall be constructed with pipe of internal diameter less than four (4) inches . 7-7.004 Building sewers shall be placed on a uniform slope of not less than one-fourth (1/4) of an inch per foot , except that when it is not practical to obtain this slope, then a slope of not less than one-eighth (1/8) of an inch per foot may be used when approved by the City . 7-7.005 A clean-out shall be placed in every building sewer within five (5) feet of each building, at all changes in alignment or grade in excess of twenty-two and one-half 0 • (22-1/2) degrees , within five (5) feet of the junction with the public sewer or at the right-of-way line, as directed by the City Engineer, and at intervals not to exceed one hundred (100) feet in straight runs . The clean-out shall be made by inserting a "Y" fitting in the line and fitting the clean-out in the "Y" branch in an approved manner . However in the case of the clean-out near the junction of the public sewer , the "Y" branch shall be extended to a depth of not more than two (2) feet , nor less than one (1) foot below the surface of the ground before the clean-out is installed. 7-7.006 No portion of a building sewer , or its connection to the public sewer, shall be covered or concealed in any manner until it has been inspected and approved by the City . 7-7.007 All piping and all joints in each building sewer are to be watertight and shall be tested by filling the building sewer with water, in its entirety or in sections , in such a manner that no part is tested with less than a three (3) foot head of water . TV-monitoring may also be required, as directed, if the alignment is questionable . 7-7.008 Drainage piping serving fixtures located at an elevation of less than one foot above the nearest upstream manhole cover in the main sewer serving said fixtures shall drain by gravity into the main sewer, and shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing an approved type back water valve, and each such back water valve shall be installed only in that branch or section of the drainage system which receives the discharge from fixtures located less than one foot above the nearest upstream manhole cover . 7-7.009 Installation , maintenance, and replacement of the building sewer shall be the responsibility of the connecting property owner . 7-7.010 Materials shall be as per the current edition of the Uniform Plubing Code on private lots , and as per current City Standards within the public right-of-way . CHAPTER 8. MAINLINE EXTENSIONS 7-8.001 Service to Areas Outside Existing System: (a) When a mainline extension outside of the established public sewer system is requested, the applicant shall have an estimate of the cost of extending sewer lines and providing sewer services to the lots included in the request prepared by a civil engineer registered in the State of California . These ' /2 • 0 estimates shall not include the cost of building sewers . This estimate and the pro- portional share to be borne by each lot shall be furnished to the owners of the property affected by this request . (b) Applicant shall submit improvement plans of the proposed extension , prepared by a civil enigneer registered in the State of California , for approval by the City Engineer (c) The applicants of the sewer extension shall execute and file an agreement with the City as provided in Section 7-5 . 001 (c) of this Ordinance. (d) No hookup to the public sewer shall be permitted until all improvement work has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and all charges have been paid by the applicant in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance . Inspection costs shall be paid by applicant as set forth in Section 7-5 . 001 of this Ordinance . (e) The City may approve a refund agreement with persons who have paid more than their pro- • portional cost of the sewer service extension . The agreement shall provide for reimbursement of the excess cost borne by said persons at such time within fifteen (15) years as money is paid to the City for service from said sewer extension . The City shall require the applicant to file and have approved by the City Engineer a reimbursement map showing the method and amount of cost spread to each future connector to the sewer extension . (f) No sewer service shall be provided to any lot by lateral connection to said sewer servic extension until the owner of said lot has paid a proportional share of the cost of the service extension as well as the appropriate sewer connection fees as outlined in Section 7-8 . 002 of this Ordinance. 7-8.002 Sewer Extension Fees : For sewer service to any lot where sewer service has been extended beyond the boundaries of the existing maintenance districts , or within the same, the fees shown in Section 7-4 . 004 and 704 . 009 shall be charged. • 0 Where a Wye or Tee fitting has not been installed in said sewer extension , applicant shall pay a sewer tap charge of two hundred and fifty (250 . 00) dollars in addition to other fees that apply . It is the intent of this Chapter that the referenced fees of this section approximate the cost of expanding the present sewer system and wastewater treatment plant to accommodate those additional connections brought into the sewer system by the extension of the service area . 7-8 . 003 The annexation fees shall be paid before a permit is issued for a sewer connection pursuant to this Chapter in that amount as set forth in Chapter IV . For the purposes of this chapter , lot splits or changes in use of lots shall be considered an annexation for the payment of the annexation fee. CHAPTER 9. PROHIBITED DISCHARGES 7-9.001 No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater , surface water , groundwater , roof runoff , swimming pool , sub-surface drainage , uncontaminated cooling water , or unpolluted industrial process waters to any sanitary sewers . 7-9.002 No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following_ described waters or wastes to any public sewers : (a) Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil , or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid, or gas . (b) Any waters or wastes containing toxic or poisonous solids , liquids , or gases in sufficient quantity , either singularly or by interaction with other wastes , to injure or interfere with any waste water treatment process or constitute a hazard to humans or animals , or create any hazard in the receiving_ waters of the wastewater treatment plant . (c) Any waters or wastes having a pH lower than 5 .5 , or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures , equip- ment , and personnel of the wastewater treatment and collection system. (d) Solid or viscious substances in quantities or of such size capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers , or other interference with the proper operation of the wastewater treatment- collection works such as , but not limited to, 0 w ashes , cinders , sand, mud, straw, shavings , metal , glass , rags , feathers , tar, plastics , wood, underground garbage, paper materials such as newspapers , dishes , cups , milk containers , and meat processing plant wastes such as animal skins , intestines , fleshings , and paunch materials retained on a screen having_ eight (8) meshes per inch each way . (e) Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than one hundred fifty (150) degrees Fahrenheit . (f) Any water or wastes which may contain more than one hundred (100) parts per million , by weight , of fat , oil , grease , or wax . (g) Any waters or wastes containing suspended solids of such character and quantity that unusual attention or expense is required to handle such materials at the waste water treatment plant . (h) Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance capable of creating a public nuisance. 7-9.003 Grease, Oil and Sand Interceptors : Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided when , in the opinion of the City , they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts or any flammable wastes , sand, or other harmful ingredients ; except that such interceptors shall not be required for the private living quarters of dwelling units . All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the City and shall be located so as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection . 7-9.004 Construction : Grease and oil interceptors shall be constructed of impervious materials capable of withstanding abrupt and extreme changes in temperature . They shall be of substantial construction, watertight , and equipped with easily removable covers which, when bolted in place, shall be gas-tight and water-tight . 7-9.005 Maintenance: Where installed, all grease, oil and said interceptors shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times . CAHPTER 10. SEWER FACILITIES ACCOUNT 7-10.001 A Sewer Facilities Account is established to consist of revenue obtained from connection fees , sewer extension fees , and designated revenues from the monthly sewer charges . 7-10.002 The Sewer Facilities Account shall be primarily to finance expansion and replacement of the wastewater treatment facilities, and the replacement or enlargement of trunk sewer lines or other sewer lines or capital improvement items , including equipment . 7-10.003 When moneys are available from the Account , the City Council may utilize these monies to construct public sewers in streest or easements to extend service to previously unsewered areas when the cost of such sewer construction are to be reimbursed by the owners of the properties requesting such extensions . Before monies from said account are so used, the City Council shall enter into an agreement with the owner or owners of the properties to be served. CHAPTER 11 . SEWER SERVICE CHARGES 7-11 .001 There is hereby levied and imposed upon any occupied premises within the City, having any sewer connection with the sewerage system of the City, or otherwise discharging wastewater which ultimately passes through the City' s sewerage system or to which a public sewer is available according to article 7-3 . 001 of this Ordinance, and upon the owner or occupant thereof , a monthly service or standby charge as provided by Resolution • of the City . 7-11 .002 Unclassified Uses : For premises having a sewer connection but for which a specific classification for sewer service has not been set forth in the Resolution referenced in Section 7-11 . 001 , the City shall charge such a rate as in its sole discretion it deems most applicable for the type of use being made of the premises in relation to the uses made of classified premises and the rate fixed for said classified premises . 7-11 .003 Whenever required, sewer service charge rate computation information shall be furnished to the City, on forms furnished by the City, upon written request therefor . 7-11 .004 In the event of failure to furnish rate computation information when requested and within the time allowed, the City may compute the rate based on such information as it finds reasonably available and such computation shall be conclusive and final . 7-11 .005 Truck disposal of sanitary wastes may be accepted by the City at the treatment plant during normal daytime working hours , or at such other times as the City may elect for a service charge to be specified in the rate . Resolution . 9 w 7-11 .006 The City may elect to have such sewer service charges collected by any manner authorized in the applicable sections of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California, in which event such charges shall be delinquent on the date indicated in the bills rendered therefor, after which date a delinquent penalty of ten (10) percent per annum of the amount of unpaid charges shall be due and payable with the delinquent charges upon which they are imposed. 7-11 .007 The City elects to have current and delinquent sewer service charges collected on the County tax roll in the same manner as its general taxes , as an alternative to other methods of collection prescribed herein , pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 5473 through 5473a . 7-11 .008 Collection by Suit As an alternative to any other procedures provided for herein, the City may collect any delinquent sewer service charges and penalties thereon by suit , in which event judgment therefor shall include the cost of suit and reasonable attorney' s fees arising from such action . 7-11 .009 The revenues derived from the rate set forth in Chapter 11 of this Ordinance shall be allocated to specific categories in such amounts and percentages as follows : (a) The annual sum of seventy-six thousand (76, 000) dollars shall be allocated to debt service on existing bonded indebtedness of the City . (b) Seventy-three (73%) percent of the remaining revenues derived from sewer service rates after (a) is subtracted shall be allocated to operation and the maintenance fund of the Wastewater Division . (c) Twenty-seven (27%) percent of the remaining revenues derived from the sewer service rates after (a) is subtracted shall be allocated to the Sewer Facilities Account . CHAPTER 12 . POLICY STATEMENTS The following Policy Statements are hereby adopted by the City of Atascadero to be a part of this Ordinance. 7-12 .001 All sewer main extensions are to be funded by those requesting annexation . • 0 • 7-12 .002 Annexations must be contiguous to the existing Maintenance Districts , however, for a problem sewer area, the City Council may annex public areas to provide continuity . 9-12 ,003 In consideration of the annexation requests , the City Engineer may be required to furnish an engineer' s evaluation of adequacy of existing sewer mains affected by the service extension . This would include an evaluation of the down-stream line capacities as well as any possible upgrading of existing lift stations . 7-12 .004 On-going service to the annexed areas shall not require substantially higher costs than other areas presently served. Typical of this consideration would be a need for an additional sewer lift station . 7-12 .005 Annexations will be processed as outlined in Chapter 8 of this Ordinance. 7-12 .006 Annexation fees , based on use , will be due and payable upon application for annexation or lot splits or use change or rezoning. 7-12 .007 Should the proponent of the annexation wish to receive reimbursement for any sewer main extension by those connecting within the annexed area , then the proponent shall file a reimbursement map with the City upon completion of the extension . 7-12 . 008 Annexations become void if connection is not made within 12 months after the application , and fees will be deemed forfeited after that time . Re-application shall require such new fees as are set forth in this Ordinance . This section shall not apply to vacant lots that are merged within one year, or vacant lots to which the sewer main has been extended within one year or vacant lots which abut upon an existing sewer main . 7-12 .009 Within the Maintenance Districts , if sewer is available on the boundary, it shall be deemed available to lots outside of the actual Maintenance District as well as those inside. 7-12 .010 Sewer connection fees and tap charges shall be paid upon connection to the sewer system. 7-12 .011 Sewer line extensions shall be brought to the far property line unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works for cases where future extensions are not practical due to perimeter or problem lots or lots that are shown in the sewer master plan to be served from another direction . 7-12 .012 For the purposes of this Ordinance, condominium units shall be treated in the same manner as single-family residences . 7-12 .013 Where there is a change of use from apartments to comdominiums , the applicant shall pay the difference in current fees and rates as established by this Ordinance prior to the approval of such change. Specifically, an apartment complex which is converted to condominiums shall be assessed a connection charge of forty (40) dollars per unit and an annexation fee of eighty (80) dollars per unit . 7-12 .014 Where there is a change of use from one commercial use to another, the applicant shall pay the difference in fees per fixture unit in addition to the applicable rate for the new use. 7-12 .015 User rates shall be designated in the proportion outlined in the revenue program for the EPA-RWQCB Grant and allocated to appropriate accounting funds respective of their intended use. CHAPTER 13. ENFORCEMENT 7-13.001 Investigative Powers : City representatives shall carry evidence establishing their position as authorized representatives of the City , and, upon presentation and exhibiting these proper credentials and identification, be permitted to enter in and upon all buildings and premises within the Maintenance District for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, testing, or otherwise performing such duties as may be necessary in carrying out this Ordinance . 7-13.002 Termination : As an alternative measure for enforcing the provisions of this Ordinance, the City may terminate service to the building, structure or property in question . Upon termination , the City Engineer or his reprentative shall estimate the cost of termination and reconnection to the system and the user shall deposit this amount with the City before being reconnected. The City shall refund any part of the deposit remaining after payment of all costs or termination and reconnection . 7-13.003 Relief : Any person , who by reason of special circumstances believes that the application of any of the provisions of this Ordinance to him is unjust or inequitable, may make written application to the City Council for relief therefrom. Said application shall set forth all of the special facts and circumstances and shall request the specific relief or modification desired. The City Council upon receipt of such application and after such investigation as deemed necessary may take action to grant such relief or modification as it finds necessary . • • The City Council , on - its own motion and without application, may, when special circumstances make the application of any of the provisions of this Ordinance unjust or inequitable, modify or suspend the rules and regulations for the period during which the special circumstances exist . SECTION 2 : If any portion of this Ordinance or the application thereof is held to be invalid for any reason, the validity of all remaining portions and applications shall be unaffected and shall remain in full force and effect . SECTION 3: The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News , a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code, shall certify the adopting and posting of this Ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City . SECTION 4 : Effective Date This Ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect of 12 : 01 a.m, on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember ,the motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES : NOES : ABSENT : ADOPTED: ATTEST : BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk BONITA BORGESON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT APPROVED AS TO FORM: PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN Director of Public Works City Attorney City Engineer > EET� AGENDA,,_,_ AA7E Ii Z~ TEMI c•• MEMORANDUM To : Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Acting City Manager Subject : Wastewater Division Ordinance/Repeal of ACSD Ordinance Date : August 16, 1988 Recommendation: Staff recommend that Council adopt the attached ordinance . Background: Due to the necessity of the dissolution of the Atascadero County Sanitation District (a political boundary) it is necessary to conduct business under the auspicies of the City in the same manner as other departments . This requires the restructuring of the sanitation ordinance . Discussion: There are no major changes included in the new ordinance . The fees will be adopted by resolution instead of by ordinance and the department will continue to operate as an enterprise fund in the budget process . Since the ordinance is not effective for 30 days after adoption, the dissolution negotiation time period will lapse and the County will have to begin that process again. It is expected that the effective date of the ordinance and the recordation of the dissolution will coincide . The dissolution resolution will be placed before Council approximately 30 days after the second reading of the above ordinance—October 11 . Fiscal Impact : There will be no fiscal impact due to the restructuring of the ordinance . MEETINICJ AGENDA. 7 DAT ITEM N .., � MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: Paul M. Sensibauah, Acting City Manager Director of Public Works City Engineer SUBJECT : Resolution Setting Sewer Charges DATE: August 16, 1988 Recommendation : Staff recommends that Council adopt the attached resolution setting the monthly sewer charges . Background: Upon dissolution of the Atascadero County Sanitation District a new Ordinance was prepared putting the Department of Public Works in charge of the Wastewater Division . Previously , the monthly rates were addressed in the ACSD Ordinance . This was due to regulations that require charges levied by a District to be enacted by Ordinance. Setting the rates separately from the Ordinance and in Resolution form will simplify rate adjustments in the future. Fiscal Impact : There will be no fiscal imv_ act at this time as we are not proposing rate adjustments . RESOLUTION NO. 90_88 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO SETTING SERVICE CHARGES FOR THE WASTEWATER DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WHEREAS , Section 7-11.001 of the Wastewater Division Ordinance imposes a monthly sewer service charge for all premises connected to the public sewer system, or to which connection is available; and WHEREAS , The Public Works Department has analyzed the cost of treatment of effluent from each category and has set the service rate as appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to establish the following service charge schedule : a) Single Family Residential Unit $10 .54 b) Apartment Buildings (per dwelling unit) 9. 86 c) Mobile Home Spaces (per square) 8 .24 d) Hotel/Motel (per dwelling unit) 2 . 62 • e) Rest Homes/Hospitals (per bed) 3.50 f) Commercial Unit 3.23 g) Office Buildings (per office unit) 3.21 h) Restaurants 40 seats or less 74 .58 41 - 60 seats 109. 35 61 - 100 seats 144 . 12 More than 100 seats 178 . 89 i) Churches/Meeting Halls Less than 150 seats 15 . 00 150 - 250 seats 25 . 00 Over 250 seats 35 . 00 j) Schools (per student average daily attendance as of March 31 preceeding each fiscal year) 0. 085 k) Service Stations 23 .28 1) Laundry/Laundromat 145 . 85 m) Dry-Cleaners :basic commercial rate 3 .23 plus per washing machine 4 . 88 n) Car Wash 78 . 18 o) Fire Station 99.26 P) Warehouses/Storage Facilities 17 . 09 q) Theater 44 .42 r) Any Occupied Premises not Connected to an Available Sewer 7. 00 s) Truck Disposal of Sanitary Waste Per Standard Residential size truck 20. 00 NOW, THERFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does further resolve that this Resolution shall take effect immediately . On motion of Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following role call vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT : ADOPTED ATTEST : BOYD C . SHARITZ, City Clerk BONITA BORGESON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH City Attorney Dir , of Public Works City Engineer AGENDA ITEM • MEMORANDUM To Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer <:�W' Acting City Manager Subject : West Mall Signal Agreement-Caltrans Date : September 6, 1988 Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the attached agreement through the adoption of Resolution 95-88 Background: There is a long history behind the attached agreement which' culminates over two years of difficulties with right-of-way, fuel tank removal and design changes . Please refer to the Public Works files for additional information on this topic . Discussion: The agreement is essentially the same as the one presented over one year ago when we were informed of the problems with the Hoff right-of-way. Subsequently, the Council has adopted an agreement with the Hoffs and Caltrans is awaiting the results of the hazardous materials report to be done in the fuel tank excavations . The Caltrans agreement refers to a 51-49 split which is correct once all of the costs are figured, including those which are 100% City. Since the attached exhibit reflects the actual 33-67% breakdown for most items, including the traffic signal itself, ,staff has agreed to disagree with the new approach. It is expected that, if anything, the City stands to benefit from the new distribution if change orders are needed for roadway items which were figured at 100% City. Once the bids are received, which is now anticipated in the Spring of ' 89, the City will have to deposit our share of the costs with Caltrans . Fiscal Impact : • The costs shown do not reflect the $16 ,500 maximum contribution to the City from the Hoffs which is a part of our right—of—way agreement with them. Also not included, except by reference, ,is Caltrans ' share of the design costs which equal $24, 883. Included in the City cost, not-to-exceed, is $25, 287 for engineering. Therefore , the total cost for Caltrans ' engineering is $50, 170 or 29% of the construction costs . The maximum cost to the City, without additional approvals, is $95, 987, and includes $8, 000 for a modulated light signal detection system (fire truck preempt) . This share will come out of development fees already accumulated for signalization and roadway work, Staff suggested the use of FAU funds but Caltrans indicated that such use of the new funds would del"ay the project another year. • • i • RESOLUTION NO, 95-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ROADWAY AT EL CAMINO REAL AND WEST MALL WHEREAS , the California Department of Transportation has determined the need for a signal installation at E1 Camino Real and West Mall , and WHEREAS, the California Department of Transportation has prepared plans and specifications for this project , and WHEREAS , the City recognizes the importance of the upgrade and modification of the intersection , and WHEREAS , the City of Atascadero is a 33 percent owner of this intersection, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Atascadero hereby; 1 . Approves that the certain agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference between the City of Atascadero and the State of California, Department of Transportation , and that the Mayor is authorized to execute the same , 2 . Authorize the City Clerk to transmit the original and two copies , attaching to each a copy of the authorizing resolution to : Vaughn Newlander Local Assistance Engineer Department of Transportation P.O. Box 8114 San Luis Obispo , CA 93403-8114 for execution by the State . • • 3 . Directs the Citv Finance Director to deposit with the state within 25 days of receipt of billing from the state . $112 ,487 for construction and engineering costs . On motion of Councilman , seconded by Councilman and on the followincr roll call vote : AYES : NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 13th day of September, 1988. ATTEST: BOYD C . SHARITZ BONITA BORGESON City Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH City Attorney Dir , of Public Works City Engineer 0 r STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 8114 &AN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93403-8114 elephone: (805) 549-3111 TDD (805) 549-3259 August 18 , 1988 5-SLO-41-16 . 22 State Highway Route 41 (E1 Camino Real ) at West Mall Dist. Agreement No. 05A695 5-202-254101 Mr. Paul Sensibaugh Public Works Director City of Atascadero P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Dear Mr. Sensibaugh: Attached for execution are the original and four copies of the Cooperative Agreement between the State and the City of Atascadero for the installation of traffic signals and safety lighting (and performing roadwork) at the intersection of El Camino Real and West Mall with State Highway Route 41 . After execution by authorized City officials , please return the original and three copies with a copy of the authorizing resolution attached to each copy for execution by the State . A fully executed copy will be returned for your files . Sincerely, Dar leen J. Osborne Special Studies/Review Attachment 59-3/20 5-SLO-41-16 . 22 5-202-254701 State Highway Route 41 (El Camino Real ) at West Mall District Agreement ; 05A695 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, ENTERED INTO ON is between the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, referred to herein as "STATE" , and CITY OF ATASCADERO, a body politic and a municipal corporation of the State of California, referred to herein as "CITY" RECITALS ( 1 ) STATE and CITY contemplate installing traffic control signals and safety lighting (and performing roadwork) at the intersections of El Camino Real and West Mall with State Highway Route 41 , referred to herein as "PROJECT" , and desire to specify the terms and conditions under which PROJECT is to be engineered, constructed, financed, and maintained. SECTION I STATE AGREES : ( 1 ) To provide all necessary preliminary engineering , including plans and specifications , and all necessary construction engineering services for the PROJECT and to bear STATE' S share of the expense thereof, as shown on Exhibit A attached and made a part of this Agreement . ( 2 ) To construct the PROJECT by contract in accordance with the plans and specifications of STATE . ( 3 ) To pay an amount equal to 49% of the PROJECT construction costs , as shown on Exhibit A but in no event shall STATE' s total obligation for PROJECT construction costs , under this Agreement , excluding costs referred to in Section III , Article (9 ) , exceed the amount of $85 , 800 ; provided that STATE may, at its sole discretion, in writing , authorize a greater amount. ( 4 ) Upon completion of PROJECT and all work incidental thereto, to furnish CITY with a detailed statement of the portion 1 of the engineering and construction costs to be borne by CITY, including resolution of any claims which may be filed by STATE ' S contractor, and to refund to CITY promptly after completion of STATE' S audit any amount of CITY' S deposit required in Section II , Article ( 1 ) remaining after actual costs to be borne by CITY have been deducted, or to bill CITY for any additional amount required to complete CITY"' S financial obligations pursuant to this Agreement. ( 5 ) To maintain the entire traffic control signal ( s ) and safety lighting as installed and pay an amount equal to 67% of the total maintenance costs , including electrical energy costs . ( 6 ) To operate the traffic control signal ( s ) as installed and pay 67% of the operation cost . SECTION II CITY AGREES : ( 1 ) To deposit with STATE within 25 days of receipt of billing therefor (which billing will be forwarded immediately following STATE'S bid advertising date of a construction contract for PROJECT) , the amount of $112 , 487 , which figure represents CITY' S estimated share of the expense of preliminary engineering , construction engineering , and construction costs required to complete the PROJECT, as shown on Exhibit A. CITY' S total obligation for said anticipated project costs , exclusive of claims and excluding costs referred to in Section III , Article ( 9 ) , under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount of $115 , 000 ; provided that CITY may, at its sole discretion, in writing , authorize a greater amount . ( 2 ) CITY' S share of the construction cost (estimated to be $87 , 200 ) , shall be an amount equal to 51% of the total actual construction cost, including the cost of claims , the cost of STATE defense of any claims and the cost of STATE-furnished material , if any, as determined after completion of work and upon final accounting of costs . ( 3 ) CITY' S share of the expense of preliminary engineering shall be an amount equal to 51% of the STATE ' S costs for preliminary engineering for the entire PROJECT. ( 4) CITY' S share of the expense of construction engineering shall be an amount equal to 51% of the actual costs of construction engineering for the entire PROJECT. ( 5 ) To pay STATE upon completion of all work and within 20 days of receipt of a detailed statement made upon final • accounting of costs therefor, any amount over and above the 2 i aforesaid advance deposit required to complete CITY' S financial obligation pursuant to this agreement. ( 6 ) To reimburse STATE for CITY' S proportionate share of the cost of maintenance of said traffic control signal ( s ) and safety lighting, such share to be an amount equal to 33% of the total maintenance costs , including electrical energy costs . ( 7 ) To furnish the necessary right-of-way unless otherwise provided for. ( 8 ) To certify to STATE that the right-of-way is owned by CITY or that CITY had Right of Entry to do work prior to advertisement of PROJECT by STATE. SECTION III IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS : ( 1 ) All obligations of STATE under the terms of the Agreement are subject to the appropriation of resources by the Legislature and the allocation of resources by the California Transportation Commission. ( 2 ) STATE shall not award a contract for the work until after receipt of CITY'S deposit required in Section II , �. Article ( 1 ) . ( 3 ) Should any portion of the PROJECT be financed with Federal funds or State gas tax funds all applicable procedures and policies relating to the use of such funds shall apply notwithstanding other provisions of this Agreement . ( 4 ) After opening of bids CITY' s estimate of cost will be revised based on actual bid prices . CITY' s required deposit under Section II , Article ( 1 ) above will be increased or decreased to match said revised estimate. If deposit increase or decrease is less than 81 , 000 no refund or demand for additional deposit will be made until final accounting . ( 5 ) After opening bids for the PROJECT and if bids indicate a cost overrun of no more than 10% of the estimate will occur, STATE may award the contract . ( 6 ) If, upon opening of bids , it is found that a cost overrun exceeding 10% of the estimate will occur, STATE and CITY shall endeavor to agree upon an alternative course of action. If, after 60 days, an alternative course of action is not agreed upon, this Agreement shall be deemed to be terminated by mutual consent pursuant to Article ( 8 ) of this Section III . ( 7 ) Prior to advertising for bids for the PROJECT, . 3 CITY may terminate this Agreement by written notice , provided that CITY pays STATE for all costs incurred by STATE . ( 8 ) If termination of this Agreement is by mutual consent , STATE will bear 49% and CITY will bear 51% of all costs incurred prior to termination, except that any utility relocation costs shall be prorated in accordance with STATE' S/CITY' S responsibility for utility relocation costs . ( 9 ) If existing public and/or private utilities conflict with the construction of the PROJECT, STATE will make all necessary arrangements with the owners of such utilities for their protection, relocation or removal . STATE will inspect the protection, relocation or removal , which if there are costs of such protection, relocation or removal which the STATE and CITY must legally pay, STATE and CITY will share in the cost of said protection, relocation or removal , plus cost of engineering overhead and inspection, in the amount of 49% STATE and 51% CITY. Required protection, relocation or removal of utilities shall be performed in accordance with STATE policy and procedure. ( 10 ) Upon completion of all work under this Agreement, ownership and title to all signal ( s ) , materials , equipment and appurtenances installed will be jointly shared in the ratio of 67% STATE and 33% CITY. ( 11 ) The cost of any engineering or maintenance referred to herein shall include all direct and indirect costs ( functional and administrative overhead assessment) attributable to such work, applied in accordance with STATE ' s standard accounting procedures . ( 12 ) Neither STATE nor any officer or employee thereof shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to CITY under this Agreement . It is also agreed that , pursuant to Government Code Section 895 . 4 CITY shall fully indemnify and hold STATE harmless from any liability imposed for injury (as defined by Government Code Section 810 . 8 ) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to CITY under this Agreement. ( 13 ) Neither CITY nor any officer or employee thereof shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction not delegated to CITY under this Agreement . It is also agreed that , pursuant to Government Code Section 895 . 4 STATE shall fully indemnify and hold CITY harmless from any liability imposed for injury (as defined by Government Code Section 810 . 8 ) occurring by 4 reason of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction not delegated to CITY under this Agreement . ( 14 ) That , in the construction of said work, STATE will furnish a representative to perform the functions of a Resident Engineer, and CITY may, at no cost to STATE , furnish a representative , if it so desires , and that said representative and Resident Engineer will cooperate and consult with each other , but the decisions of STATE' s engineer shall prevail . ( 15 ) That execution of this Agreement by CITY grants to STATE the right to enter upon CITY owned lands to construct the PROJECT referred to herein. ( 16 ) That this Agreement shall terminate upon completion and acceptance of the PROJECT construction contract by STATE or on June 30 , 1990 , whichever is earlier in time ; however, the ownership and maintenance clauses shall remain in effect until terminated, in writing , by mutual agreement . Should any claim arising out of this project be asserted against STATE, CITY agrees to extend the termination date of this Agreement and provide additional funding as required to cover CITY' s proportionate share of costs or execute a subsequent agreement to cover those eventualities . STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF ATASCADERO Department of Transportation ROBERT K. BEST Director of Transportation By Mayor By District Director Attest : City Clerk Approved as to form and procedure Approved as to Content Attorney, Department of Transportation Public Works Director Certified as to funds and procedure Approved as to Form District Accounting Officer By City Attorney 5 5-SLO-41-16 . 22 5-202-254701 District Agreement 405A695 EXHIBIT A ESTIMATE OF COST Total Est . City' s State ' s Description Cost Share Share Construction Cost 51% 49% Signals $ 84 , 000 $ 42 , 336 $ 41 , 664 Roadwork $_ 89 , 000 $ 44 , 864 $ 44 , 136 Subtotal $173 , 000 $ 87 , 200 $85 , 800 Engineering Cost - Signals Prelim. Engr . (Non-labor) $ 1 , 512 $ 762 $ 150 1 . 8% of Const. Cost Prelim. Engr . (Labor only) $ 6 , 300 $ 3 , 175 $ 3 , 125 7 . 5% of Constr. Cost Prelim. Engr . (Overhead) $ 3 , 108 $ 1 , 566 $ 1 , 542 49% of 7 . 5% = 3 . 7% of Constr. Cost Const . Engr. (Non-labor) $ 3 , 024 $ 1 , 524 $ 1 , 500 3 . 6% of Const . Cost Const. Engr . (Labor only) $ 6 , 972 $ 3 , 514 $ 3 , 458 8 . 3% of Constr. Cost Const . Engr . (Overhead) $ 3 , 444 $ 1 , 736 $ 1 , 708 49% of 8 . 3% = 4 .1% of Const . Cost Subtotal $ 24 , 360 $ 12 , 277 $ 12 , 083 Engineering Cost - Roadwork Prelim. Engr . @ 13% $ 11 , 570 $ 5 , 832 $ 5 , 738 Overhead included Const. Engr. @ 16% $ 14 , 240 $ 7 , 178 $ 7 , 062 Overhead included Subtotal $_ 25 , 810 $ 13 , 010 $ 12 , 800 Total (Excl . Engr . Cost for $197 , 360 $ 99 , 477 $ 97 , 883 • Roadwork) Total ( Incl . Engr . Cost for $223 , 170 $112 , 487 $110 , 683 Roadwork) 6 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C> O O o u! O o 0 0 00 0 0 0 aaaLLL111������ o a a a I; o 0 0 0 ,; o a 0 0 O O O d M 14 O co O Ln O O O O N N W E' d h co M d ••1 r•1 •••1 M r•l VY O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O L O N N N U1 O h O O to O O O 1 Oi h h d kD O d b N co h N U7 O O �D �p O M .4 In 1•i '•1 It -d N O W 1 .••� N ri N N rl .-1 O H N"4 O N O 2 .h O O O O O O O O O O Co. O O O 'D d • O O0 O M O O O O O O O O O 1-1 to ; O O O O O O I N 6 1 -1 O W N W N O M O O� •Ii M N u•1 h M h M N W W N O O 'V' i Q U M 1f1 r•1 1A M M N W v 1 N VI lD N N r•1 O N •+ a O u VI N N N I 1 Ln vi O O O O O O O O O ma O O O O O O O O N O O O O O O O O O O O M O O O N •.1 O O O N O N d M %D ••1 O d G O 1D L 1-I 1-1 C% O rl rl M N h 1 E,1 O N V1 Imo• N co %O .-1 N M to a N O 00 yt�y�ll h r- d N O N d h M O 1 NI- �D O M - N W •-1 N � 0 eo I 1 1 1 N 1 I N h M d ^i N O CDC) O O O .••1 O O f'1 N co 1-1 Od • 1 I 1 1 •-1 1 1 11 PI 1-4 N M I O W 'n M rl d M .i 1••1 h D\ d 1-1 O aV M N - r•1 O .••1 N M 1••1 L" I M• M N r-1 r•i O M •••1 N U] In O N N •4 -f O Ul O O N O a a a d r+ d O M d h 'r ro d, r•1 N 1 i E E Q co Q 4 >+ a. Q Q N C. ul ca W V V E a U a O� U C ro C ..� tr Q! 4 Y ro N in (2) o a/ Q ^ ro a, m ro rn v , co 4 o i1 u u (aci d v V) ¢ o v v b•.. a•. v N ro m 4 al W a!x 0-'A •.� v 41 > y u U O C C u 4J•.1 a.+ u E w N 11 w ro . . O . IYx+ O, — U 4 O W V 4J +1 V (1W rd .a O N W Q m C+J 4+ - c� U U M 0.ai E+J M O al N v O N C 01 a O U U C C W L C >. N (v Q U •H N D 4 w •.1 6 >•H a N > a7 a! ro O ro a 4 a) W to 11 N w" >w > (D > E >10 U 1 3 N >. u 4 O W�. 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C U1 L. �••� 41 O •.i 41 0 b N 7 t/1 41 Cl •.1 N L .0•.. W N rl N N d IJ N N C1 U Y U Y .0 a,41 W •.. ro UJ U Q, v L b ro•.. •.1 w •.+ M tT •ti U cc % C 4 N ./ �. N .--1 N 41 �Q W (a d •.1 a Q V w tT O W U C C: CL 41 0 S W E > a u F •+ �+ w C O O O ul 0 ro '.1 'O N N C 0 O U N E —4.1 W 4./L b 0 A •.+4) U 1•+ 1. U O.C N 41 C U u •a o iJ U 0 N tll Cl_14 O d 0 E d .•1 4.'o ro 1 w •. O a u 0 to ,c W e E 4+ o e.1 ro =1 a +� c al w �. U O N U F W a. > C I >W C 7 C C ro > W J.1 • C c:-A N ro O > •.1 I > 111 OI 'O CT ••/ W N ro C N v O .�Se. •+ • 4 •C ro ro N ro a .� O En ro N 7 , O N U E`•� E V H F A. W P.�• N N >~ U V F U AGENDA nn • MEMORANDUM To: Honorable 'Mayor and City Council From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : Award for Atascadero Lake Improvement Project Date : September 7, 1988 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council approve the attached agreement for the Ozonation, Water Supply Extension and Siltation Basin. Background: Please refer to the attached staff report from the last regular meeting. Discussion: • The standard agreement attached is recommended based upon the receipt of the required performance bond and payment bond. _There is not any apparent problem with this requirement but the documents were not available for the agenda at this writing. Fiscal Impact : The cost to the Cityis $117, 118 and will be paid through ,a grant from the State • AC EE, __INT, mi.,de this 6th day of September 1.q8 ' by' and between —City ofAtascadero hirci^after C4i1 (VdTa Ot Owner)•(an i n jivtdua:) ;- ed OW,R and Associated Pacific Constructors doing business as (an individual,) or a partnership,) or (a corporation) hereinafter called "CONTRACTOR". WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements herein- after erein-ofter mentioned: — 1. The CONTRACTOR will commence and complete the construction of Atascadero Lake•Improvement Project 2. The CONTRACTOR will furnish all of the material, supplies, tools, e ui men q P t, labor and other services necessary for the construction and cora-�pletion of the PROJECT described herein. 3. The CONTRACTOR %viIl commence the 1%-ork required by the CONTRACT UMENTS within 15 working =bmifm days after the date of the NOTICE 'I'O PRO- CELD and will complete the same within 110 working :a M days unless the period for completion is extended otherwise by the CONTRACT L�OCUl�Ei`�TS. 4. The CONTRACTOR Agrees to perform, all c f the t"t'01"' descriU-ed in the COSI_ TRACT DOCUMENTS and comply L;i!ii ti:e te.rns t e- � for ^e r ^ 11 7,118.00 :( in t�, �a�� c� or as sho,,vn in the BID schedule. 5. The term "C O.-TRACT DOCUME\,TS" mea i :� anacluu2 S t,�I er „ (A) Advertisement For BIDS (B) Information For BIDDERS ' (C) BID (D) BID BOi\'D (E) !Agreement • CONT((gCT D:)CJ:ENTS FOR CONSUILICTION OF FEDER.',LLY ASSISTED WATER AND Wil': R PRDJ%CTS _Dxurcrer.(P:o.S • A;,'cert�r.::Fage 1 of�; (F) G 1i: PZJ, C IT LG: S • ,E:. L :� �':'� , C`: 1:i'Ai. i�i'�' O (I) Perfo.m£lllce EDIND `r (J) NOTICE OF AVdARD (K) NOTICE TO PROCEED (L) CHANGE 0,11DE,1: (M) DIZAWINGS prepared by Alderman Engineering numbared 1 .1 through 7•12• , and dated , 19 (N) SPECIFICATIONS prepared or issued by Alderman Engineering items 1 , 4s and' S only ( 2 & 3 omitted by the City Council of Atascadero) dated September 1 ;x,88 (0) ADDD" 1J:�. T. 19— No. d t Ci No. _, ("ated l� N,0. , (1atCC1 No. dated a�J 1VTo. ? ^� ✓i.i I)i_::y' J t.(1C i t:1 i u;IL:::r c:;.�. al Suct-' ilI'i�CJ aj C.-L forth in t e CC i1 r(a C�)nLalt:Cli s ".. ai:l( .: :1 S i 1 CONT l:J 11 i,U:. ll Li`i �1.Ci 1 ACTT DO'CU::iE:NT S. I. This A-reement Shall CE', bindin o- up0n all P:.—LI--s heloto aP.CI their resoecti'.,e heirs, executors, adrni li;Lrato: successor;, and assic::s. IN %ViYNESS �ti�"' , :�EP.L:G��, t:�e parties her(:�o I:�l�, e�.(,cute(�, or caz:s;:d to b(: e;;>ciltec? by OiilCiill' , tili:� Cacti of (hum„=r of Cc,,,;:-!i) xvhich shall be, dceine(l an orll-iCla I oil tl:C: Clate first �i)JC1ve wriLLCIL A.rru.".:,c,' P.�o 2 of 3 Y Gi`V, E ,,: f l BY Name (?tease Type) Tile (SEAL) ATTEST: Name — ~ ro Title CONTRACTOR: Associate Pacifi Constructors :^ BY Name . Edward Strasser (?lease Tyra) AddCOSS 495 unbarcadero "Morro .Bay, ca. 93442 (SEAT)) ATTEST: Name picaw Type). Document No. MEE�1 AGENDA MEMORANDUM • JAT & ITEMS • TO: Acting City Manager Paul Sensibaugh and City Council Members FROM: Chief of Police SUBJECT: Police Car Purchase DATE: August 24, 1988 RECOMMENDATION/COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED: By motion, authorize the purchase of one mid-sized vehicle from Atascadero Ford for a total amount not to exceed $15,500. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The purchase of this vehicle will be in keeping with the previously authorized fiscal year 1988-89 budget which calls for the acquisition of two police cars. A specific amount isnot listed inasmuch as this car will be purchased through a wholesale auction process in cooperation with our local Ford dealer ,who will actually negotiate the sale below the amount authorized. The listed ceiling amount of $15,500 was obtained from both National Auto Leasing/Sales and Hertz Auto Leasing/Sales, and the estimated costs are for comparable, intermediate sized cars. • The clear advantage of purchasing our cars in this manner is that we can purchase comparable vehicles in our City to those offered in the metropolitan areas, thus, we return sales tax money to City revenues, and additionally, the vehicle warranty and servicing is more easily accommodated. The second vehicle, which is a special heavy-duty patrol car will likely be purchased later through the CHP, cooperative allied,agency purchasing plan as has been past practice. FISCAL IMPACT: As indicated, the amount reflected is a maximum amount which was previously authorized by Council in its adoption of our current budget. For your consideration.. . RICHARD H. MCHALE RHM:sb N MEETIN AGENDA DAT �' ITEM M MEMORANDUM • City of Atascadero September 8, 1988 TO: Board ,of Directors Atascadero County sanitation District FROM: Jeffrey G. Jorgensen Sanitation District/City Attorney SUBJECT: Sale of Traffic Way Surplus Lot, Atascadero City of Atascadero/Carroll, Escrow No. 164474RZ The preliminary title report issued by Ticor Title Insurance shows title to the Traffic Way surplus lot vested in the Atascadero County Sanitation District and the City of Atascadero. In order to clear title to this property so that it may be conveyed by the City of Atascadero to Mr. and Mrs. Carroll, it is my recommendation that the Board of Directors of the Atascadero County Sanitation District authorize the president to execute the attached quitclaim deed quitclaiming the District's interest in the property to the City of Atascadero. Further, it is recommended that the Board of • Directors authorize staff to take all steps necessary for the recordation of the quitclaim deed, including the execution of a preliminary change of ownership and a certificate of acceptance on behalf of the City of Atascadero. Respectfully submitted, J FREY G ORGENSEN Sanitation District/City Attorney JGJ• fr A:MMATA338 Attachment , cc: City Manager Mr. and Mrs. William H. Carroll Recording requested by: When recorded mail to: CITY OF ATASCADERO Attn: City Manager 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 QUITCLAIM "DEED The undersigned Grantor declares: Documentary transfer tax is $-0 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, a county sanitation district organized pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 4700, et seq. , hereby remises, releases, and forever quitclaims to the CITY OF ATASCADERO, a municipal corporation- of the State of California, the following described real property in the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California Parcel 1 as shown on Parcel Map ATAL 87-290 in the • City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per map filed for record June 20, 1988 in Book 43, Page 56 of Parcel Maps in the office of the county recorder of said county, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 12 ; being a point on the centerline of Traffic Way; thence along the Northerly line of said Lot 12 South 61007102" East 30. 00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing along said line South 61 07102" East 227.36 feet; thence leaving said line South 28055137" West 43 . 63 feet; thence North 82055146" West 105. 00 feet; thence South 84017115" West 110. 14 feet; thence North 57034118" West 37 .42 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way of Traffic Way; said point being a point on a 543 . 10 foot radius curve concave Easterly; a radial line to said curve bears North 66003120" West; thence along the arc of said curve 47 .85 feet through a central angle of 5002154" ; thence continuing along said right-of-way North_ 28059135" East 95. 96 feet to the true point of beginning. ! i • EXECUTED on , 1988 at Atascadero, California. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT By BONITA BORGESON, President ATTEST: PAUL SENSIBAUGH Acting Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN Sanitation District Attorney JGJ: fr/9/8/88 C:AGATA665 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) ss. On this day of 1988, before me, , a Notary Public, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared BONITA BORGESON, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed this instrument as President of the ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, a county sanitation district organized pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 4700, et seq. , and acknowledged to me that said county sanitation district executed it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal of the day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Public for the State of California My commission expires: [Notary Seal] , 19 ` • CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the quitclaim deed dated , 1988, from the ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT to the CITY OF ATASCADERO, a municipal corporation, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the CITY OF ATASCADERO pursuant to authority conferred by resolution of the City Council of the City of Atascadero adopted on April 28, 1987, and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer or agent. Executed on 1988, at Atascadero, California. CITY OF ATASCADERO By PAUL SENSIBAUGH, Acting City Manager/Public Works Director II s STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF On this day of 1988, before me, a Notary Public State of Cali- fornia, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared PAUL SENSIBAUGH, known to me to be the Acting City Manager/Public Works Director of the CITY OF ATASCADERO, a municipal corporation of the State of California, that executed this instrument, and known to me to be the person who executed this instrument on behalf of said municipal corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such municipal corporation executed it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal of the day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Public for the State of California My commission expires: [Notary Seal] , 19 i ►* AGENDA ITIEMM �L • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council September 13, 1988 VIA: Paul Sensibaugh, Acting City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director V% SUBJECT: Tree Replacement Fund BACKGROUND• The Tree Committee has requested that the City give consideration to establishment of a Tree Replacement Fund that would enable donations to a City account, which could be used for purchase of trees to be planted in the public rights-of-way, downtown, park areas, etc . Part of the '' motivation for the Tree Committee' s suggestion is • found in the following Sub-section 9-4 .155 (c) ,(5) Replacement Trees which reads as follows : "Except where, - upon recommendation of the arborist, the remaining tree cover is so extensive that tree replacement would serve no useful _ purpose, removed tree(s) shall be replaced with a similar native tree or a number of trees which provide equal aesthetic quality. The minimum size of a replacement tree shall be in a fifteen (15) gallon container. The 'foregoing language provides an exception to the General Plan language which states as follows on Page 158 : "Permits for 'both residential and commercial development shall take into consideration the trees existing' on the property. Building shall be designed to utilize existing trees in the landscaping pattern. Any trees removed shall be replaced. " At the present time, there does not exist authority to mandate that individuals having heavily wooded properties be required to contribute towards a general City-wide tree replacement fund in lieu of providing replacement trees. This matter could be considered as part -of the October 25th evaluation of potential • amendments to the Tree Ordinance, recognizing that there are pros and cons to establishing such a mandate. There' s nothing, however, to preclude the City establishing a revenue account for voluntary donation from individuals in general, and for those with construction projects who would be interested in such a donation in lieu of a strict replacement tree requirement. • • • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1 . Direct the Finance Department to establish a Tree Replacement Fund account 2. Refer the issue of whether to amend the Tree Ordinance to provide for ordinance directed donations to such an account to the City Council ' s meeting of October 25th for review. HE:ph cc: Tree Committee M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council September 13 , 1988 VIA: Paul Sensibaugh, Acting City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director \AE SUBJECT: Request of Richard Alvarez to be designated as a City-certified arborist BACKGROUND: The City has received the attached letters from Richard Alvarez relative to his qualifications to serve as a City-designated arborist under the Tree Ordinance. ANALYSIS: The Zoning ordinance contains the following language with respect to certified arborists : (b) TREE PROTECTION PLAN: In order to protect trees during construction of a project and to maximize chances for their subsequent survival , a tree protection plan shall be required as part of applications subject to this section. Said plan shall be approved by an Interna- tional Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist chosen from a list recommended by the Tree Committee and designated by resolution of the City Council as acceptable to the City of Atascadero. Hence, Mr. Alvarez , notwithstanding his considerable credentials, does not qualify under the present language in the ordinance. However, in creating the Tree Committee, the Council called for a report in 6 months (October 25 , 1988) to consider amendments to the ordinance . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Refer the issue to the October 25 , 1988 City Council meeting to be considered as part of recommended amendments to the Tree Ordinance. HE :ps cc: Richard Alvarez Tree Committee Enclosures : Communication from Arbor Tree Surgery RICHARD ALVAREZ, OWNER 802 PASO ROBLES STREET TELEPHONE: (805) 239-1239 j PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 July 15, 1988 RECE(VEDJJL 22 1988 City of Atascadero Tree Committee P.O. Box 737 Atascadero, CA 93423 Attn: Marge Macky I would like to voice my opinion in regards to'-,the City of Atascadero's selection of Certified Arborists. It is wrong to only recognize the Western � Chapters rs Certified Arborists. This certification can be obtained b an horticulture Y Y student with little or no real experience. This eliminates your more qualifiedP rofessions in the tree industry. For example: there is the N.A.A. , National Arborist Association and the A.S.C.A, American Society of Consulting Arborist. I would like to suggest that your wording encompass these other capable professionals. D. 0. Denney and -I, Richard G. Alvarez, are members of the American Society of Consulting Arborist. - To be a member of A.S.C.A. , you need to have at least 20 years of experience. These people are called on by the American Bar Association frequently to service as expert witnesses. It is much harder to get into this group of professionals then the Western Chapter I.S.A. Certi- fication. Approximately 95/0 of the I.S.A. Certified Arborist would not qualify. Very truly yours, 2 Richard G. Alvarez President - ... ,.�.y.,..-�xh,..., z .. _..�,..<,.� .e.+.. ,r..: s - ���' i eyn y �.Mwfi`'`+�}F''--t air�.i`Sy.'n,.} '�"°•�-"'�'rfa.`�ii+,J`y. RICHARD ALVAREZ, OWNER 802 PASO ROBLES STREET TELEPHONE: (805) 239-1239 s PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 qECEIVED AUG 3 i iS`;s8 Z Eree �$Urnerg August 30, 1988 City of Atascadero P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Dear Sirs: . We are requesting that the following names be added to your current list of qualified Arborist Consultants: Richard G. Alvarez Steven G. Alvarez Donald 0. Denney Very truly yours, C� Richard G. Ak1r z Consulting Arborist #164 t!�T.IL1IDIdI➢�f®IDIID� i' �� ' i cn d z - _ O `-� LLJ x :F: d _ ® d d •� o ff w � bb 00 E•-+ ® o o W ¢ w o v c-,j p � d 't3 J vFi Ei PLq ~ W d d 5 w •� - � U •N � O � ZC2 1-4 Q .� � c- c.� �1LI�IUid[II11111. i ( i p�(iffiflifliflili�ilif!liflilil�f�(�1j�I�jjj it I- A L YN AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CONSULTING ARBORISTS APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CONSULTING ARBORISTS EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Give name- of College , University, Vocational Insti- tution, Adult Education courses, etc. , and dates attended. Give degree or certification received. ARBORICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL EXPERIENCES : Give brief •history of your experiences in the arboricultural and horticultural fields. List employers , the positions you held, and dates of each position. ARBORICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL AND CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS : List those organi- zations in which. you have had or now have membership and the dates when first becoming a member . List the committees served or offices held in each ,organization. CONSULTATION EXPERIENCES : Give a brief account of your activities in arbor- icultural and horticultural consultation . Attach copies of three consulta- tion reports you have made in recent years . If you appeared in or aided in preparation of court testimonies in these fields , or in IRS claims or insur- ance cases , give details . /)/ SPONSORS: Give names and addresses of four persons you have asked to submit references on your behalf, including two active RSCA members , in your area or persons associated with your work and activities in arboricultural and horticultural fields . Ask, to have these letters addressed to the ASCA office . ACTION ON YOUR APPLICATION: When action has been taken on your application by the Membership Committee and the Board of Directors you will be notified. It usually takes at least two months for final action. Whatever action is taken will be reported to you. If your application is approved you will be so notified and billed. The initial Membership Fee is $200 and the Annual Dues are $125 , for a total of $325 for the first year of membership. INFORMATION TO BE SENT TO: 5/��s�'�� • ASCA MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE i,�,Ls s�.�•.v�firm`. 700 Canterbury Road Clearwater, FL 33546 (813) 446-3356 Lie �,.,.. Tr+-r^I onr_c fila l W* . / X44 \rr 4�� \��r J/i, _ �\�+(�i1 - _ _\/ =li _ \�, �'�. �•r � ._/ t .1rri��. L.+ CTS z sy cfs +� cfs0 C11 04 CA>> w C13 • k i ' •:�, �`► � .,, ��3i `?�� � .,, � '► . tip..•. ,r fL , i a• � 1 V O O ` Ei H Hk, i U2 Z S H H w `" LLA p m �i N C4 o N Ea. o .� �1 a LuW O= h N S y W h U� co V v Q THP P4 r, CX. H !' r Z O ~ m W W N I.- ca U `d W O J �..�.. W N V \j a� - Q to d yOj Q �. LI W LL CL"o '• y v z H c � f- ti ` Q� c A U a � I CO \ c y H C4 .J _ _ Q -�—+ F•-{ Z co w to Cn a LU m H _ H = w c W cc u+ 3 ~ \ o Y 2: y V CY W a H c r z s 3 �,— _ F-+ 3 Q a 4r LM ® � H � � H m 3 e� ARBOR TREE SURGERY RICHARD ALVAREZ A MEMBERNATION l PASO ROBLES, CA ARBORIST ASSOCIATION / ) 1987 /{ " Membership year Executive Vice President 7ate¢.catio.utl Saudcy 0� iGn2cau[f'u:e =''• � h1s-Ce y 303 W. University Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 MEMBERSHIP NO. 83-2442 erica odiUlHrlg Arbor(sts� RICHARD G. ALVAREZ �s RU R,FIc�,�3s�a ' l {. 1988 p �U 4j'••t � ,tet 9�8 � "3� IC CI 0 Executive Director r THIS IS YOUR POCKET IDENTIFICATION CARD — KEEP IT WITH YOU DETACH AT PERFORATION AND FOLD 67 .► � ,. Audit No. 6 6 5 6 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS ,a CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD EXPIRES ON ANY ` CHANGE OF BUSINESS r+o. oav va ADDRESS MUST BE REPORTED TO .� THE REGISTRAR WITHIN 90 DAYS. 04; 30" 901 CLASSIFICATIONS 1 343996 ARBOR TREE' SURGERY_ �.- C69 e P 0 BOX 965 3 ATASCADERO., ',CA-.93423.1 -f- RECEIPT NO. i 13L-22(REV.8-85) SIGNATURE FOLD-4 1 1-FOLD 04081 10 +1 RICHARD ALVAREZ, OWNER 802 PASO ROBLES STREET TELEPHONE: (805) 239-1239 j PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 Z) September 1 , 1988 City of Atascadero City Manager P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Dear Sir: Richard Alvarez has requested that this information be sent on to you to qualify hims as an consulting arborist. Very truly yours, ��Gj e� G�GUIZ L Piikea Alvarez Secretary