HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 11/08/1988 GEORGIA RAMIREZ DEPUTY CITY CLERK • A G E N D A ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA FOURTH FLOOR, ROTUNDA ROOM NOVEMBER 8, 1988 7:30 P.M. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. * A person may speak for five ( 5) minutes. * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so. • * No one may speak more than twice on any item. * Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond, but, after the allotted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call City Council Comment COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represents Ad Hoc or Standing Committees . Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary. ) 1 . City/School Committee 7 . Police Facility 2 . North Coastal Transit Committee 3 . S.L.O. Area Coordinating 8 . Atas . Lake Acquisition Council Committee 4 . Traffic Committee 9 . Business Improvement 5 . Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgmt. Assoc. Committee 10 . Pavilion Committee 6 . Economic Opportunity Commission 11 . Tree Committee COMMUNITY FORUM: The City Council values and encourages exchange of ideas and comments from you, the citizen. The Public Comment Period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items . To increase the effectiveness of Community Forum, the following rules will be enforced: * A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as a whole, and not to any individual member thereof. * No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or staff. * Any person desiring to submit written statements to the Council may do so by forwarding nine ( 9) copies to the City Clerk by 5 : 00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the Council Meeting. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion on these items. A member of the Council or public may, by request, have any item removed from the Consent Calendar, which shall then be reviewed and acted upon separately after the adoption of the Consent Calendar. 1 . OCTOBER 25, 1988 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. OCTOBER 27, 1988 JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 3. APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 18-88, 3100 AND 3150 EL CAMINO REAL (GOLDEN WEST COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP LTD. / VOLBRECHT) 4. COUNCIL CONFIRMATION OF NEW ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR, MARK JOSEPH 5. RESOLUTION 106-88 - ACCEPTING NEGOTIATED EXCHANGE OF PROP- ERTY TAX REVENUE AND ANNUAL TAX INCREMENT FROM THE ATAS. COUNTY SANITATION DIST. TO THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ( Supercedes Res . 99-88, adopted 10/11/88) 6 . DENIAL OF CLAIM BY SALLY ZAMORA ( $50,000) . 7 . RESOLUTION 107-88 - ACCEPTING THE PENAL CODE REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO THE SELECTION AND TRAINING STANDARDS OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHERS 2 B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES/REPORTS: 1. PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CYCLE 1-89 (Review & authorization to refer to Planning Commission for Public Hearing) 2. SEWER EXTENSION REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (MACCORKLE) 3. REQUEST BY ACTION FOR ANIMALS' RIGHTS (AFAR) REGARDING SPAY/ NEUTER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. CONVERSION OF $.50 DEVELOPMENT MITIGATION TAX TO A FEE AND EXPANDING THE BOUNDARY FOR THE LEWIS AVE. BRIDGE FEE (Cont' d from 10/11/88 & 10/25/88) A. Resolution No. 100-88 — Establishing a development fee or all developments within the incorporated area of the City of Atascadero pursuant to Urgency Ord. 183 • B. Urgency Ord. No. 183 - An Urgency Ordinance of the City Council superceding Chapter 8 of Title 3 of the City' s Municipal Code relating to development impact fees and repealing Ordinances 111, 118 and 119 2. PROPOSED ORDINANCE PROHIBITING ABANDONMENT OF WATERFOWL AT ATASCADERO LAKE (Requested by Council 9/13/88) A. Ordinance No. 182 - Amending Title 4 of the Atascadero Municipal Code, entitled Animals, relating to the abandonment of waterfowl at Atascadero Lake (FIRST READING) 3. AWARD CONTRACT FOR CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY STUDY * BREAK - APPROXIMATELY 10 MINUTES D. NEW BUSINESS: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 105-88 AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY TO ENTER INTO MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (MOA) RELATIVE TO MEASURES TO MITIGATE THE IMPACT OF HIGHWAY 41 EXTENSION ON HISTORICAL • RESOURCES 2. ATASCADERO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT RESOLUTION 9 — ANTI- LOITERING MEASURES IN CITY OF ATASCADERO 3 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF A LOCAL UMMET TRANSIT NEEDS HEARING 4. ESTABLISHMENT OF COUNCIL SUB-COMMITTEES E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1 . City Council 2 . City Attorney 3 . City Clerk 4 . City Treasurer 5 . City Manager: A. Request to change regular Council meeting time to 7 : 00 p.m. B. League of CA Cities City Council/City Manager Leader- ship Team Workshop, January 18-20, 1989 C. Reschedule joint Council/Planning Commission Meeting of 11/17/88 to 11/29/88, 7 : 00 p.m. ** COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN TO A CLOSED SESSION FOR DISCUSSION REGARDING LITIGATION AND PERSONNEL MATTERS, AND TO 5 : 00 . P.M. , WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1988, FOR A STUDY SESSION REGARDING 5-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AND COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SETTING, BOTH MEETINGS IN THE 4TH FLOOR CLUB ROOM. 4 MEETt 8 AGENDA DAT ITEMM ,,, ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 25, 198B The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 p .m. by Mayor Borgeson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL All Present : Councilmembers Dexter , Lilley, Mackey, Shiers and Mayor Borgeson. Staff Present : Ray Windsor , City Manager ; Henry Engen, Community Development Director , Paul Sensibaugh , Public Works Director ; Chief Bud McHale, Police Department ; Jeff Jorgensen, City Attorney; Chief Mike Hicks, Fire Department ; Boyd Sharitz , City • Clerk , Georgia Ramirez , Deputy City Clerk , Cindy Wilkins, Secretary to City Manager . COUNCIL COMMENT Mayor Borgeson asked the audience to have any written protests entered into the record to do so at this time and give to Boyd Sharitz , City Clerk . This will be discussed during the Public Hearing regarding the Chandler Ranch Assessment District . Mari Mackey reported that many attended the League of California Cities annual meeting in San Diego . Many good speakers spoke during this meeting and she hopes everyone learned a lot from these speakers . Mayor Borgeson asked council to think about presenting a Citizen of the Year Award . She asked for nominations from service clubs and committees in the community and from individuals that might want to nominate someone for this award . She also asked staff to write a letter of thanks to the Recreation Department for the help they gave the City Council in making banners. for the Colony Days Parade on a last minutes notice and they did a fine job . This was much appreciated by the Council . At this time Mayor Borgeson read the Proclamation for Red Ribbon Week . • -1- COMMITTEE REPORTS Tree Committee - Ursula Luna stated that the Tree Committee, as a last official act to express their appreciation to the BIA for- their efforts to beautify downtown Atascadero , presented to them an oak tree in hopes the tree will grow and blossom as the tree ordinance will . COMMUNITY FORM - No public comment . A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 . October 11 , 1988 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. TREASURER ' S REPORT - SEPTEMBER, 1988 3. FINANCE DIRECTOR ' S REPORT - SEPTEMBER, 1988 4. RESOLUTION NO. 102_-88 - AUTHORIZATION THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A MASTER CARD AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY (cont ' d from 10/11 /88) 5. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PARCEL MAP 7-88 - LAUREL ROAD (WHITE/ TWIN! CITIES ENGINEERING) 6. AUTHORIZATION TO EXPRESS OPPOSITION TO PROPOSED RULE OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT 2-400 (.CITY ATTORNEY) 7. AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD BID FOR 4-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLE (FIRE DEPARTMENT) 8. ROCKY CANYON ROAD QUARRY APPEAL Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve Consent Calendar . Passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES/REPORTS 1 . CHANDLER RANCH AREA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ( Improvement District No . 5) Paul Sensibauqh , Public Works Director , gave the staff report . He stated that he would like to point out that in his report under fiscal impact , he indicated that council would address the issue of adopting the roads into the city • maintained system after the warrantee period is over with . The warrantee period is normally one year after the construction has been finalized . Council may wish to -2- adopt such resolution at an earlier date since one of the good faith efforts of the council has been to indicate to these people that they would bring these roads into the system once the assessment district is formed . Mayor Borgeson then conducted the public hearing in accordance with the Procedure for Public Hearing . John Falkenstein, of Cuesta Engineering gave the background report . Bill Bothwell from Orrick , Herrington & Sutcliffe of Los Angeles reported on the legal aspects of the assessment proceedings and issuance of bonds. Kathy Bando from Security Pacific Capital Markets reported on the financial aspects of the assessment financing and issuance of bonds . Boyd Sharitz , City Clerk , read the written protest made by Frank Trott , 10095 E. Old Morro Road , Atascadero . • Gaylen Little, 9265 Toloso Rd . , spokesman for the formation of the assessment district for the Chandler Ranch area, and thanked the council for their favorable response during the past months. Also he thanked Paul Senisbaugh and John Falkenstein for their help on this project . He asked the council to accept the assessment district right after construction of the project . Frank Trott , 10095 Old Morro Rd . , who opposes the assessment district stated that there isn ' t that much wrong with the streets to start with and it doesn ' t do him any good one way or the other . John Falkenstein, Engineer of Work , responded to the protest . Mr . Trott ' s parcel is on the boundary of the assessment district and is located on the intersection of Los Osos and Old Morro Rd . He feels Mr . Trott ' s assessment is the same as everyone else' s and is equitable because he uses that particular street (Los Osos) which is to be improved . Mayor Borgeson asked if anyone wished to withdraw their protest . At this time Mr . Trott responded "filo Way" . Mayor Borgeson asked the Engineer of Work what percentage of lands within the assessment district is represented by the written protest . -3- Mr . Falkenstein responded that Mr . Trott ' s parcel is approximately 1/2 of 1% of the area within the assessment district . He stated that protests that had been received make up less than 50% of the area within the assessment district . Mayor Borgeson asked the Engineer of Work for a report on financial requirements of project in light of bids and recommends approval of the same by the City Council . Mr . Falkenstein gave the cost breakdown and how the assessments were arrived at . Five bids were received on the project . The lowest bid was from Union Asphalt , Inc . Their bid was $153,795. Estimated cost of construction at this time is $170,635. Other costs involved in the assessment district includes the engineering design of the improvement plans, the inspection of the construction of the improvements, soils testing that will take place during the construction of the improvements as well as field surveying with regards to center line street monuments. Total cost of project to assessment is $235,021 . This figure is divided by 120 units of property. Estimated assessment is $235,021 divided 120 times for an estimated assessment for each parcel of $1 ,959. Mayor Borgeson asked the councilmembers if they were satisfied with the report and the evidence that has been given on this matter . Councilmernbers responded that they were satisfied with the report and evidence. Mayor Borgeson entertained a motion to close the public hearing. Motion: By Councilman Shiers, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to close the public hearing . Passed unanimously. Motion: By Councilman Dexter , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to adopt an order of determination that a major protest is not present . Passed unanimously by roll call vote. Cathy Bando , from Security Pacific stated that she wanted to make a clarification on the engineer ' s report . The figures contained in exhibit C of the Engineer ' s Report have exact fioures for certain numbers that will be determined as a percentage of the actual bonds that are sold including the bond discount of 3i: , the reserve fund of 7% and the capitalized interest amount which will, reflect the actual interest rate that is attached to the bonds. So those numbers will actually change among themselves. -4- Motion: By Councilman Dexter , seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve Resolution No . 103-88. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. Boyd Sharitz , City Clerk informed council that 5 bids were received . Paul Sensibaugh , Public Works Director , reviewed the bids and stated that the lowest bid was Union Asphalt for $153,785. Staff recommends that the council award the bid to Union Asphalt for $153,785. Motion: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey, to adopt Resolution No . 104-88. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2. CONVERSION OF x.50 DEVELOPMENT MITIGATION TAX TO A FEE AND EXPANDING THE BOUNDARY FOR THE LEWIS AVE. BRIDGE FEE (Cont ' d from 10/11/88) Staff report was made by Paul Sensibaugh , Public Works Director . There was no public comment . Paul Sensibaugh reported that a letter from the Chamber of Commerce had been received in favor of the fee. Mayor Borgeson stated that action will be taken on November 8th when a modified resolution and ordinance adjustments will be presented . 3. APPEAL BY KEVIN T. DEVANEY OF DOUBLE PERMIT FEE (5350 Dulzura Ave. - corrected address) Henry Engen, Community Development Director , gave staff report. Kevin T. Devaney, 5350 Dulzura Ave. , stated he is being penalized for grading work done by the previous owner of his property. Enforcement against the previous owner and a lien should have been placed on the property so that he could have dealt with it during escrow. Kathy Devaney, Sombrilla Ave. , said this council is aware of the fact that the fees that are being assessed were not incurred by the current owner and therefore should not be double what he is attempting to do . Wrong to judge Kevin Devaney on the actions of some one else . He has done everything including paying for his permits on time in this project . -5- Norm Canfield , Atascadero Board of Realtors president in January, said that there are many lots in 3-F Meadows and Long Valley with graded home sites which were done before the city ' s incorporation. Are they to advise the buyers of all those parcels they are now subject to double fees? Henry Engen said it would depend on how obvious it was that the site was graded . Sometimes rough grading over a period of time you wouldn ' t notice anything changed . Grading that proceeded incorporation would probably be "grandfathered" but he would have to check with the City Attorney. After council discussion the following motion was made. Motion: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilman Shiers, to uphold the appeal of Kevin Devaney of the double permit fee. Passed 4 : 1 by roll call vote with Councilwoman Mackey voting no . 4. APPEAL BY ATASCADERO FORD OF PLANNING COMMISSION ' S MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT . Staff report was given by Henry Engen, Community Development Director . Council and staff discussion followed . Dutch Sawyer representing Atascadero Ford said they have an existing monument sign that says "Ford" : not "Atascadero Ford" . It is owned by Ford Motor Company and nothing can be done with it as it is part of the franchise agreement to identify the site with a Ford sign. They had previously approved an additional pole-mounted sign. In September thru working with staff they modified to pull back the ok for an additional pole mounted sign that had another product named on it and simply put Atascadero Ford on the building . They had paid for the permit , had the OK to do the work . At the last meeting their ability to finish their job was denied by saying that everything is done but the sign is not up in the six month period of time. They went from a pole-mounted sign, to a wall mounted sign, to no sign. Maybe they should get their permit fee back . Kenneth Waage, 7450 Balboa Rd . , stated he felt that Atascadero Ford had a freeway sign and is easily identified as a Ford dealership and that one sign is adequate. -6- Debbie Muller , employee of Atascadero Ford , said she was rudely called and she was asked to remove the banners signs . The banners were immediately taken down. The sales manager was new in the City and he didn ' t realize that the City had so many regulations. Vince Lennon from Atascadero Ford said they were given a permit , they live up to their contract and thinks the City should as well . Council and staff discussion followed . Motion: By Mayor Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Shiers for denial of the appeal . Passed 3:2 by roll call vote with Councilwoman Mackey and Councilman Lilley voting no . The mayor asked for a recess at 9: 15. Council reconvened at 9:30 p .m. C . UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1 . CONSIDERATION OF INITIATION OF CHANGES TO THE "TREE ORDINANCE" Staff report was given by Henry Engen, Community Development Director . Ursula Luna, Chairman of Tree Committee, said the committee is recommending the ordinance be simplified and the previous list of native trees should be reduced to oaks only. They recommend the city employ an urban forester . This will eliminate the requirement for the public to hire a certified arborist . They are proposing to define the heritaoe tree category to make it very special . They recommend that trees planted by the property owner may be removed without a permit . The tree committee continues to recommend that the $35 fee be eliminated for dead and diseased trees . Sarah Gronstrand said please do not lose site of the fact the Council is an elected legislative body . It is the Council ' s responsibility to act on these matters and not the responsibility of an appointed group , be they commissioners or members of the tree committee, nor the paid employees . This is much too much power for the Council to delegate. 85% of the permits are for single houses . Does the staff have so much extra time that it . can handle the extra work? If so , perhaps the department is over staffed . The .second amendment to be addressed is the city forester . The work of a well-trained city forester- is oresteris specialized and should be performed by a well-trained -7- person. We do need a full time forester due the fact of the city growing at such a fast rate. The people hired must be able to maintain independence and objectivity. The person must be responsible and answerable only to the council and the city manager . George Highland suggested for council consideration that when the ordinance requires the property owner to get the permit , we are overlooking the fact that the property owner very seldom actually removes the tree themselves. There should be some sort of measure of responsibility on the part of those .engaged professionally in doing this type of thing to make certain that a permit is in existence. That is not required in the current ordinance and is not even suggested . A resident of San Luis Obispo spoke in favor of hiring an Urban Forester . Elaine Oglesby spoke in favor- of employing a full time Urban Forester . Dave Duncan read the letter that he had submitted earlier to the City Council . He asked that a tree management ordinance be included in the tree ordinance and feels other native trees besides oaks should be included . Celia Moss, Vice President of the Home Owners Assoc . does support the recommendations of the Tree Committee to strengthen and clarify the tree ordinance. They oppose any efforts to dilute the provisions of the ordinance and also recommend the employment of a full time arborist . Dorothy McNeal , Sierra Vista, finds the only objectionable part of the current tree ordinance is the requirement that an applicant must find an arborist , pay that person for expert opinion and also pay the city a fee in order to remove a tree on his property. She strongly favors hiring a city arborist/urban forester and the elimination of the city fee. Others speaking in favor of hiring an urban forester included : Ben Parker , Fred Frank , Joe Beatty, and Mike Platz . Motion: By Councilman Shiers, seconded by Mayor Borgeson -to foward the Tree Committee recommendations to the Planning Commission to look at and possibly adopt as the Tree Ordinance. Discussion followed by the Council . -8- Councilman Shiers withdrew his motion. Motion: By Councilman Dexter , seconded by Councilman Lilley, to send this suggestion for modification of the Tree Ordinance to the Planning Commission for a Public Hearing . After the testimony of the Public Hearing to arrange for a working session between the Council and the Planning Commission which will be advertised and noticed and at that time it will be returned to the City Council for action. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2. NORTH COUNTY REGIONAL CENTER (Hurricane Investment Corporation) Ray Windsor , City Manager , gave the staff report . Frank Platz , member of the Mutual Water Co . Board of Directors stated the wells are "marginal at best" . Consensus of the council was to continue to support the • North County Regional Center at the Rochelle Site and to direct the City Manager to appear before the Water Company at its next meeting the water company to service the site for the North County Government Center . D. NEW BUSINESS 1 . FIRE INSURANCE BENO ' S BUILDING (5505 El Camino Peal ) Staff report given by Ray Windsor , City Manager . Consensus is in concurrence with the City Manager ' s report . 2. RESTRICTION ON LIQUOR SALES OUTLETS THROUGH ZONING AND SALE & USE OF ALCOHOL IN CITY PARKS/FACILITIES Report was given by Mayor Borgeson. Following discussion by the Council and staff Ray Windsor , City Manager , said he would like to initiate some discussion during the staff meeting on Thursday . He will bring back a report to the Council at a later date as an agenda item. Motion: By Lillev, seconded by Mackey, that council direct staff to take a look at it and report back as an agenda item to include reference to the use of conditional use permits as outlined by the Mayor . Passed unanimously. -9- E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATIONS: City Council Councilman Dexter that the secretary at the Methodist Church received a note of thanks from Sergie Vashuran who had just returned home to Moscow and sent greetings to the City of Atascadero . Councilwoman Mackey thanks for contributions to the Hot Line Bowl-a-thon. Councilman Lilley commented that he was asked to communicate an apology to the City and the Council from Brad Davis for political advertising . Message has been removed . City Manager : Ray Windsor reported that we are in the process of testing out two copiers that came in at a very reasonable price. Classification study - sent out 13 RFP ' s and got back 7. • They range from $6 ,800 to $22,000. Staff is in the process of doing some reference checks on these companies . Highway 41 Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday night . He met with a financial consultant regarding some capital improvements and will be getting together some data that his firm can review. Would like a finance sub-committee to work with Mr . Windsor . An Administrative Services Director has been hired and he will be on board the 2Bth of November . His name is Mark Joseph . Parks and Recreation recruitment will conclude this Friday. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11 :05 P.M. TO A SPECIAL JOINT MEETING WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION AT 7:00 P.M. , THURSDAY , OCTOBER 27, 1988 , FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF GENERAL PLAN REVIEW; AND TO A SPECIAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STUDY SESSION AT 5:00 P.M. , WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1988 IN THE FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM. -10- MEET ITEM I L1LQIE: THE MINUTES FROM THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 27TH WILL BE PROVIDED AT A LATER TIME. MEETI AGENDA� _ 3 DAT ITEM I -�.,�. ... M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council November 8, 1988 VIA: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director W SUBJECT: Tentative Tract Map 18-88 LOCATION: 3100 and 3150 E1 Camino Real APPLICANT: Golden West Community Partnership Ltd. (Volbrecht) REQUEST: Subdivision of an existing commercial parcel contain- ing 2 .79 acres into ten parcels varying in size from 1, 600 to 28,000 square feet with a common lot for parking, landscaping and utilities . BACKGROUND: At its October 18, 1988 meeting, the Atascadero Planning Commis- sion conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced subject. On a 7 :0 vote, the tract map was approved subject to the findings and conditions contained in the attached staff report. There was public testimony and discussion as referenced in the attached minutes excerpt. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Tentative Tract Map 18-88 per the Planning Commis- sion' s recommendation. HE :ps cc: Golden West Community Partnership Ltd. Volbrecht Surveys Attachments : October 18, 1988 Staff Report October 18, 1988 Minutes Excerpt • i CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: g- 2 • STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: October 18, 1988 BY: Joel Moses, Associate Planner File No: TTM 18-88 SUBJECT: Subdivision of an existing commercial parcel totaling 2. 79 acres into ten (10) parcels varying in size from 1, 600 to 28,000 square feet with a common lot for parking, landscaping and utilities. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Golden West Community Partnership Limited 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Volbrect Surveys 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3100 & 3150 E1 Camino Real 4. Legal Description. . . . . . . . . . . .Ptn. Lots 12 & 12A, Blk. 18 (Atas. Col. ) 5. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 79 acres 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CPK (PD-1) Commercial Park (Planned Development Overlay) 7. General Plan Designation. . . . .Commercial Park 8. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Commercial development under construction 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted October 7, 1988 B. ANALYSIS: The applicant proposes to subdivide an existing undeveloped parcel containing 2. 79 acres into ten (10) parcels varying in size from 1, 600 to 28, 000 square foot with a common lot for parking, landscaping, and utilities. Some of the lots will be foot-print lots with boundaries coinciding with the individual unit walls, others will contain outdoor storage and parking areas. A common lot will provide parking and access for all the proposed lots. 1 • • The subject property is located in the CPK (Commercial Park) zone. The CPK zone has no minimum lot size excepting that any subdivision must conform to the Master Plan for development of the site. The Master Plan approved by the Planning Commission, on December 1, 1987 considered the sites development including architecture, landscaping, signing and parking. The approved Master Plan proposed two different conceptual plans for subdivision. One proposed a foot-print subdivision and the other matched the currently proposed subdivision. Thus the proposed subdivision will conform to the approved Master Plan of Development for the site. Building permits have been issued for the development of the site, and one building has been completed and occupied. The approval of any use on the site will require a review of the occupancy for building code compliance. This issue will be reviewed at the time of business license review with possible modification made to building separations. The site is currently designed to be served by two on site septic systems. Some potential exists for the extension of sewer service to the site since the site is within the Urban Service Areas indicated on the City' s General Plan. No plans have been made as to any potential extension of sewer services to the north E1 Camino Real Area, however. The two systems will be located on • lots 1 & 8 and will need appropriate easements and maintenance agreements to assure the systems ' operation and maintenance. The major concern with the subdivision of the property is the provision of adequate parking. The applicant has provided information on the sites development and parking requirements (Exhibit D) . The analysis is based on the specific requirements of the zoning ordinance using 1 stall per 500 square feet of use area, 1 stall per 1, 000 square feet for indoor storage and 1 stall per 3, 000 square feet of outdoor storage. these figures are based on a combination of several of the heavier commercial uses that are expected to locate on the site. The analysis shows that a total of 45 stalls would be required for the site and 52 are provided. The additional parking could be taken up by an unexpected use that will require additional stalls. Comments were received from several outside agencies. Each response notes that prior approvals and construction have met the individual requirements. The public street improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, and pave out) have been completed and all utilities installed or plans approved. 2 C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends conditional approval of Tentative Tract Map 18- 88 based on the Findings in Exhibit F and Conditions of Approval in Exhibit G. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Tentative Map Exhibit C - Development Statement Exhibit D - Parking Calculations Exhibit E - Map Detail Exhibit F - Findings of Approval Exhibit G - Conditions of Approval JM/jm 3 IYI�IN�i11 .-_ I<l,�iiiaM�� 1111111 11 b �, � • ��NI 11IIID • SII �� ! �1� �� ■1 o d �/1 EXHIBIT B - TENTATIVE MAP CITY �tB�■ �j OF ATASCADERO TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 18-88 Inc 197• 3100 & 3150 EL CAMINO REAL � �ascnn COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GOLDEN WEST/VOLBRECHT DEPARTMENT o'E Y�rarn-F saws• e�'�� OWNER S �S'TAlfMENT z[ .m..rwrr lw Aa:ru✓a�v r r arr,.w a�.rrx ' 0•��� F.mxrr,aJ srlxw au/H/J rcvFo/nr.+.v F�f.Jr LOl L � � /nea anw.,pv Jv.•.,w c_�v/r/iye.wo asynei �� L A/n¢ecsrw.(r.a1.(Faa -••—�� -^ Ry .EUV f KY!KA/[S.SIO/.1t'FM L—�--------- p Lor/O $ t�• _ � TENlAl/UE T99CT lL1AP NO/S93 ln.W A/�.I�tvFO avil K✓<(YMKvF LHaJU.•i.M O- J � AA Q' !!!KN%J.Y�/.Y MT fIL�✓.W.y4U(OF:r:.L6.� \` t ; ` SayLVHJ.YW Of A/RTrn•NP'(OT/I.5t1/S r/.V ' / _ 1 rlOiC/4y a'M fl KAV Sp(pyY.IJ lee—, _ ytlf.L1V.y/!'[f,!,(IiM M(M.VM Ci/✓C/ LOl B .• i -LOl 5 � - ALO/Z wF.au:.az fcriar nJav fas assn r LO4 ...row 7 rA7cvr! laza[• --�, JY 3� I Cotofv YEsr ['outIERUAL r A�+s%roan,f�roaou»yy"l 1 4151 acoy'm sr f�/e• _ f.f !� HT SUP!!EYS 11 11 si:A—vTo yo3JfFOf.(H, /y1S104G9ZyG t I P t-An • EXHIBIT C - DEVELOPERS STATEMENT CITY OF ATASCADERO TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 18-88 'ems 3100 & 3150 EL CAMINO REAL ` COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GOLDEN WEST/VOLBRECHT DEPARTMENT C � DEVELOPERS STATEMENT TRACT NO. 1593 This tentative tract map is requesting a subdivision of the Golden West Commercial Park, presently under construction, into nine commercial lots and one common area openspace lot which is also • a Public Utility Easement. Lot 10, the common area openspace lot, will be owned and maintained by an Owners Association and governed by Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. The septic system, as designed for this project, is adequate for the proposed uses. Also, the parking, as designed, is adequate for the proposed uses. (Please see attached parking requirement breakdown.) All of the proposed lots front on Lot 10 except Lot 6. Access to Lot 6 will be provided by joint access easement accross Lot 5. Both lots j will use the same entrance and maintenance of the easement will be governed by the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the tract. I I I I I EXHIBIT D — PARKING CALCULATION`. CITY OF ATASCADERO r� IC ` 1 ' 9-7 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP I8-88 sCADEF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 3100 & 3150 EL CAMINO REAL DEPARTMENT _ GOLDEN WEST/VOLBRECHT I PARKING CALCULATIONS BASED ON CURRENT ANTICIPATED OCCUPANTS Parking Required Lot 1 1/500 1/1000 1/3000 Building A - Wholesale 10,000 s.f. Office and showroom area 3,500 s.f. Wholesale storage 6,500 s.f. Outside storage 16,800 s.f. Lot 2 Building B - Wholesale 1,600 s.f. Office 400 s.f. Wholesale storage 1,200 s.f. Lot 3 Building B - Wholesale 1,600 s.f. Office 400 s.f. Wholesale storage 1,200 s.f. Lot 4 Building B - Wholesale 3,200 s.f. I Office 500 s.f. Storage 2,700 s.f. Outside storage 3,200 s.f. Lot 5 Building C - Wholesale 1,600 s.f. Office 400 s.f. Storage 1,200 s.f. Outside storage 1,100 s.f. I Lot 6 Building C - Wholesale 1,600 s.f. Office 400 s.f. Storage 1,200 s.f. Outside storage 1,500 s.f. Lot 7 Building C - Wholesale 3,200 s.f. Office 800 s.f. Storage 2,400 s.f. Outside storage 2,000 s.f. i I CITY OF ATASCADERO p�scanl' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1/500 1/1000 1/3000 Lot 8 Building D - Contractor yard Office - 1,000 s.f. Storage Outside storage 1,400 s.f. 5,600 s.f. Lot 9 Building D - Wholesale Office 500 s.f. Storage 1,000 s.f. TOTALS - 7,900 18,800 30,200 16 19 10 Parking spaces required: 45 Parking spaces provided 52 It is anticipated that business related cars or trucks will be parked in their related storage yards which will reduce substantially.the number of spaces needed in the project if the anticipated occupants purchase units. If other types of occupants purchase units, they must conform to the number of spaces required for their use according to the zoning ordinance. Ample space is available on the site for increased parking, however, the types of uses anticipated will have more than enough with this design. 9 EXHIBIT E - MAP DETAIL CITY OF ATASCADERO TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 18-88 197e-7 3100 & 3150 EL CAMINO REAL ` 'ASCAD f COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GOLDEN T•1EST/VOLBRECHT `^ DEPARTMENT v s io � I ~ CY4 N IyT , T--j 1 n � ` 1 V � 1 Liz v 1 o � p �j�o ✓\Fi o C J. ,ll/ /v<s�aa�s u✓ 7zj•L CAiL�/^/p y.�9e EXHIBIT F - Findings for Approval Tentative Tract Map 18-88 (Tract 1593) 3100 & 3150 E1 Camino Real Golden West/Volbrect Surveys October 18, 1988 FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL 1. Creation of the proposed parcels conforms to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan land use designation, densities and other policies. 2. Creation of these parcels, in conformance with the recommended Conditions of Approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the densityof the development proposed. 5. The design of the subdivision, and the proposed improvements, will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat 6. The design of the subdivision, and the type of improvements, will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or the use of property within the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474. 6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to the methods of handling and discharge of waste. JM/jm EXHIBIT G - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Tentative Tract Map 18-88 (Tract 1593) 3100 & 3150 E1 Camino Real Golden West Development/Volbrecht Surveys October 18, 1988 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant shall establish Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use, control of nuisances, maintenance of septic systems and architectural control of the site and the buildings. a. The CC&Rs shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney and the Community Development Director prior to the approval of the final map. b. The CC&Rs shall be administered by an Owner' s Association. 2. The open space/common lot shall be designated as a Public Utilities Easement. Easements shall be provided for existing septic systems 3. A soils report or an Engineer' s certification stating that the existing soils on the site are adequate to support the proposed structure as per Chapter 70, subsection (e) of the Uniform Building Code shall be provide prior to the recording of the final map. 4. A final map, in compliance with all conditions set forth herein, shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. C. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 1 i 0 5. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. JM/jm 2 -3- 0 PLANNING COMMISSION - MINUTES EXCERPT - OCTOBER 18, 1988 expressed earlier. Upon conclusion of discuss Chairperson Lochridge, by order of the Chair, cont ' a the hearing on Tentative Parcel Map 16-88 to a meet g of November 15 , 1988 to allow the applicant to evise the s division map to propose a three-way lot des ' n. 2. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 18-88: Request initiated by Golden West Community Partnership Ltd. (Volbrecht Surveys) to allow subdivision of an ex- isting commercial parcel of 2 .79 acres into ten parcels varying in size from 1, 600 to 28,000 square feet with a common lot for parking, landscaping and utilities. Subject site is located at 3100 and 3150 E1 Camino Real. Mr. Moses presented the staff report and referenced a master plan for development which was previously approved. He then responded to questions from the Commission concerning the timing of landscape installation, the difference between air space condominiums and this "footprint" subdivision, etc. Richard Shannon, partner with Golden West Community Partner- ship, spoke in support of the request. He apologized for the delays in putting in the landscaping and explained the time constraints involved with the delay. He noted that be- tween 20-40 trees have been added over what had been origin- ally approved for the site and explained that many of these are screening trees (for Highway 101 and the storage yards) . He spoke on the design explaining the reason for the "footprint" design. In response to question from Commissioner Brasher, Mr. Shan- non explained the type of fencing which will be utilized for the project. Barbara Shoenike, area resident, spoke on the poor condition of the trees in front of the site and asked what is being done to address this problem. Staff responded that as part of the master plan approval, a tree protection plan was required. Mr. Shannon added comments regarding measures which have been incorporated to revitalize these trees, in- cluding inspection and recommendations by an arborist. Mr. Shannon further elaborated on the proposed fencing around the site. Mr. Decamp indicated that at this point, since a master plan for development was previously approved, action on this item was more of an administrative nature . - There was continued discussion relative to concerns raised by the Commission pertaining to the type of fencing not being compatible with -4- • PLANNING COMMISSION - MINUTES EXCERPT - OCTOBER 18, 1988 the building, lack of landscaping on the site at this time, etc. Staff addressed these concerns and pointed out measures the Commission has (i.e. conditional use permit) to assure that proper maintenance is complied with. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin, seconded by Commissioner Waage and carried 7 :0 to approve Tentative Tract Map 18-88 subject to the findings and conditions contained in the staff report. Chairperson Lochridge called a recess at 8:36 p.m. ; meeting reconvened at 8: 45 p.m. 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 11-88 : Request initiated by Don Messer (Cuesta Engineering) to llow for the development of a 66, 173 square foot om- me cial shopping center with a bowling center and other ret it space._ Modifications are requested for rking, signs g, and landscaping. Subject site is 1 cated at 9255 E Camino Real. Mr. Moses pr ented the staff report on th ' request for development of a multi-phase commercial evelopment and summarized the pr osed uses for the comple Staff is rec- ommending approval of the use permit subject to 18 conditions. Mr. Decamp pointed out everal lette which have been sub- mitted by individuals who were unab to attend this hear- ing. Members of the mmissi noted they had received phone calls as well from ind'vid ls. Commissioner Luna referenced a rezoning from residential to retail commercial for thi pro erty and inquired about the difference between th 10 foo rear setback as shown on the zoning map as opposed o a 5 foo setback on the eastern portion of the property. Mr. Moses r ponded. Deborah Hollowell w' h Cuesta Engineeri representing the applicant, addresse Commissioner Luna' s nquiry concerning the proposed fiv foot setback. She noted hat a neighbor- hood meeting had een conducted with the de elopers in an effort to rev ' w the project. She stated eff is have been made to comp y with all applicable ordinanc for this proposal, a a lot of hard work went into desig 'ng a cir- culation a d parking plan for this site which is a ward in configur ion. Ms . Hollowell further commented on th trees which a e proposed to be retained and the replacement ees . The a licant is in agreement with the conditions of app ov- al ith the exception of #10-a; modification is reques d th the design of Principal Avenue comply with requirement o the City engineer. MEETI AGENDA AT - D E IT 0 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: Ray Windsor, City Manager SUBJECT: New Administrative Services Director DATE: November 8, 1988 BACKGROUND At your last meeting, I indicated that we would be hiring Mark Joseph as the new Administrative Services Director, effective November 28, 1988 . Under the terms and conditions of the City' s Municipal Code (Sec . 2-4 .09 ) , the appointment, removal, promotion and demotion of department heads, officers and employees shall be 0 recommended to the Council for concurrence and confirmation. RECOMMENDATION The attached letter notifying Mr. Joseph of his hiring is being brought to you in . accordance with the above requirements and is recommended for approval . Attachment RW/cw ADMINISTRATION BUILDING � POST OFFICE BOX 747 ATASCADERO. CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: (805( 466-8000 POLICE DEPARTMENT POST OFFICE BOX 747 ATASCADERO. CALIFORNIA 93423 CITY COUNCIL PHONE: (805( 466.8600 CITY CLERK ascadeiCe • CITY MANAGER CITY TREASURER INCORPORATED JULY 2. 1979 �� ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ATASCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93422 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805( 466-2141 October 27, 1988 Mr . Mark A. Joseph 214 E. Cornell Fresno , CA 93704 Dear Mr . Joseph : We are pleased to offer you employment as the Director of Administrative Services. Your appointment will be presented to the City Council for confirmation at their regular Council Meeting of November 8, 1988. The salary is $3,620.57, per month , payable bi-weekly on Wednesday. You will be eligible for , and will receive any salary adjustments or other increases available to other management employees. You will also receive a monthly car allowance of $175.00 per month . Your benefits include vacation, sick leave, holidays, administrative leave, family care and bereavement leave, and leave of absence. Currently, medical , dental and vision insurance for you and your dependents is paid by the City. Term life insurance in the amount of $50,000 for you is paid by the City, and a retirement plan is provided through contributions of the City to the Public Employees ' Retirement System (PERS) . Detailed explanations of these benefits and other conditions of employment are given in the City of Atascadero Personnel System and the Personnel Rules and Regulations. Your pre-employment physical is scheduled with Dr . Jardini , 8280 Morro Road , on Monday November 21 , 1988, at 2:00 p .m. You are scheduled to start work on November 28, 1988. i i Mark A. Joseph Page two October 27, 1988 I am pleased to have you become a member of my staff and look forward to a mutually fulfilling and successful relationship. Please sign below, as an indication of your accepting the position of Director of Administrative Services. Sincerely, WI DSOR City anager I hereby accept employment with the City of Atascadero for the position of Director of Administrative Services. MARK A. JOSEPH Date • • MEET F}AGE" rrWt t s MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works Valerie Humphrey, Clerical Technician SUBJECT : Dissolution of ACSD DATE: November 2 , 1988 Recommendation : Staff recommends that Council approve the attached resolution which will supercede the resolution adopted on October 11 for the negotiated exchange of property tax revenue and annual tax increment with regard to the dissolution of the Atascadero Countv Sanitation District . Background: At the meeting of October 11 Council adopted Resolution No . 99-88 which accepted the negotiated items required for the dissolution of the ACSD. Since that time, however , LAFCO has provided us with corrected figures and therefore we are required to adopt a new resolution reflecting the corrected figures . Fiscal Impact : The adjusted figures show an increase of $12 ,508 over previous figures for Fiscal Year 1988-89 . • • NOTE: This resolution to supercede Resolution No. 99-88 RESOLUTION NO. 106-88 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ACCEPTING NEGOTIATED EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE AND ANNUAL TAX INCREMENT FROM THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT TO THE CITY OF ATASCADERO WHEREAS , in the case of a jurisdictional change other than a city incorporation or district formation which will alter the service area or responsibility of a local agency, Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99(b) requires that the amount of the property tax revenue to be exchanged, if any, and the amount of annual tax increment to be exchanged among the affected local agencies shall be determined by negotiation; and WHEREAS, when a city is involved, the negotiations are conducted between the city and the Board of Supervisors for the County; and WHEREAS , when a special district is involved, the necrotiations are conducted by the Board of Supervisors of the County on behalf of the district , unless otherwise requested by said district pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99 .1 (3) ; and WHEREAS , in the Atascadero reorganizationn , the dissolution of the Atascadero County Sanitation District was to become effective June 30 , 1980; however , the Atascadero reorganization was adopted and approved by the voters after the adoption of Article 13 (A) of the State Constitution and before the enactment of said Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99(b) ; and WHEREAS, Resolution No . 3-80, a Joint Resolution of the City of Atascadero and County of San Luis Obispo concerning non- agreement of exchange tax base resolved that the County of San Luis Obispo and the City of Atascadero were not able to agree upon the negotiated exchange of property tax revenues and annual tax increment pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99 and that since the City and County were not able to agree upon the negotiated exchange of property tax revenue and annual tax increment pursuant to said Tax Code Section 99 the Atascadero County Sanitation District would continue in existence until the City and County did agree upon a negotiated exchange of property tax revenues ; and WHEREAS , the negotiations have taken place concerning the transfer of property tax revenues and annual tax increment between the County of San Luis Obispo and the City of Atascadero pursuant to Section 99(b) for the jurisdictional - change designated as Dissolution of the Atascadero County Sanitation District ; and • • WHEREAS , the negotiating parties , to-wit : William E. Briam, County Administration , County of San Luis Obispo and Ray Windsor, City Manager, City of Atascadero have now concluded said negotiation of the exchange of said property tax revenue and annual tax increment as hereinafter set forth ; and WHEREAS , it is in the public interest that such negotiated exchange of property tax revenues and annual tax increment be consumated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, as follows : 1 . That the recitals set forth above are true , correct and valid. 2 . That the Atascadero County Sanitation District agrees to transfer the following negotiated exchange of property tax revenues and annual tax increment : a . Property tax revenues in the amount of $76 , 951 shall be transferred from the Atascadero County Sanitation District to the City of Atascadero in fiscal year 1989-90 . b. Annual tax increment in the amount to be determined by the County Auditor , based upon the following percentage agreed to by the negotiating parties , 2 . 03459 percent , shall be transferred from the Atascadero County Sanitation District to the City of Atascadero in the fiscal year 1989-90 and each fiscal year thereafter . 3. Upon receipt of a certified copy of this resolution and and required documentation from the County of San Luis Obispo, the County Auditor shall make the appropriate adjustment to property tax revenues and annual tax increment as set forth above . 4 . That the City Clerk is authorized and directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Executive Officer of the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission , who shall then distribute copies thereof in the manner required by law. • • Upon motion of Councilman ,seconded by S Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT : ADOPTED: ATTEST : BOYD C. SHARITZ BONITA BORGESON, Mayor City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH City Attorney Director of Public Works • City Engineer � �lISQ V County of San Luis Obispo COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER SAN LUIS OBISPO,CALIFORNIA 93408 • (805)549-5011 R E C E I V E DOFFICE OF THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR October 26, 1988 OCT 3 11988 CITY MGR. Mr. Ray Winsor, City Manager 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mr. Winsor: This is to advise you that on October 25, 1988, the Board of Supervisors voted to commence. negotiations for the exchange of property tax revenue and annual tax increment for the dissolution of the Atascadero County Sanitation District. This action was initiated at the request of the City of Atascadero. The negotiation period is set at 30 days, however it is the Board's intention to transfer all of the property tax that is currently distributed to the Sanitation District to the City. This will formalize the dissolution which was initiated and approved by the voters in 1979, at the time of the incorporation election. I have discussed the matter at great length with your City Attorney and Public Work's Director. To complete the proceedings it will be necessary for the City Council to adopt a resolution agreeing to the exchange set forth in the attached notice. Your Public Work's Director has indicated to me that this will occur at the November 8, 1988 City Council Meeting. Please forward a certified copy of the resolution and a check in the amount of $170 payable to the State Board of Equalization, to me at you earliest convenience following the meeting. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, PAUL L. HOOD Principal Administrative Analyst c - Jeff Jorgensen, City Attorney Paul Sensibaugh, Public Work's Director County of San Luis Obispo Coum GovEwal wr Cmu • SAN Lues 081sPO,C.mn+owau 93408 • (805)549-5011 OFFICE OF THE TO: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS C KwwADMn ISMATOR 'R' FROM: TIM NESS, ACTING COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DATE: OCTOBER 25, 1988 SUBJECT: NOTICE TO CC&WE M NBGOTTAT10M FOR TTIE EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE AND ANNUAL TAX INCIZEMM4 T FOR THE I)Eso.UTION OF THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Summary The attached Notice to Commence Negotiations for the Exchange of Property Tax Revenue and Annual Tax Increment is required as a prerequisite to any jurisdictional change, pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99. This notice was Previously approved by your Board on July 19, 1988, but because the City of Atascadero decided not to act to adopt a similar notice at that time, negotiations must be commenced again. The staff of each agency will negotiate and then prepare resolutions agreeing to the transfer of property tax from the Atascadero County Sanitation District to the City of Atascadero. These resolutions must be subsequently adopted by your Board. Recommendation Commence negotiations for transfer of property tax revenue and annual tax increment. Attachment karyne KM:tb\mm 1 /� LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION • SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY NOTICE TO COMMENCE NEGOTIATION FOR TRANSFER OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE Proposed Jurisdictional Change: Dissolution of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Agenda Date for Negotiating Agencies: Start of Negotiations County of San Luis Obispo October 25, 1988 on behalf of the Atascadero County Sanitation District City of Atascadero Subiect Property: Tax Code Areas 007-008 007-024 007-038 007-013 007-028 007-020 007-031 007-021 007-033 007-022 007-034 Estimated property tax revenue generated within subject property: $76,951 in fiscal year 1988-89 Amount of property tax base to be exchanged: $76,951 Percentage of annual tax increment to be exchanged: 2.03459% Negotiation period: October 25, 1988 - November 25, 1988 Property tax exchange effective in fiscal year: 1989-90 TIM NESS, ACTING EXECUTIVE OFFICER Local Agency Formation Commission By: ✓ . \ Date: to LS g PAUL L. HOOD, Deputy Executive Off iccr (Nott: At close of negotiations, each agency shall immediately transmit to the LAFCo Executive Officer a certified copy of the resolution setting forth the amount of property tax revenue to be transferred. For dependent districts, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall transmit a certified copy of the Board's resolution adopted on behalf of both parties. This will allow LAFCo to commence processing of the jurisdictional change.) cc: County Negotiator, County Auditor-Controller, and Negotiating Agency karyne KM:tb\mm MEETi AGENDA DAT - .� IT L M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: Ray Windsor, City Manager SUBJECT: Claim of Sally Zamora DATE: November 8, 1988 BACKGROUND Claimant alleges assault by a City police officer and is seeking damages in the amount of $50,000 . • RECOMMENDATION The City' s insurance adjustor is recommending denial of claim at this time. • MA �, AGENDA DATE //� MfTEM N • MEMORANDUM t eta-C ,, DA;T�r� TO: Chief of Police (ICt,)"ca r a c �L p t "►> 0'_j �7► C G +N cI L �}j GL�ib H FROM: Support Services Coordinator r R Gvrori.00c.vT/on/ SUBJ: Public Safety Dispatcher Program Yo 4 ' !1'3-88 DATE: Nov. 3, 1988 BACKGROUND: Penal Code Section 13510 has been amended to n require the Commission q s o Peace Officer Standards and Training to establish minimum selection and training standards for local public safety dispatchers. The Commission adopted the below described standards for agencies which participate in the program which will become effective 1-1-89: -a thorough background investigation; -a medical examination; -an evaluation of oral communication skills; • -satisfactory completion of a POST-certified, 80-hour Basic Complaint/Dispatcher course within 12 months of the date of hire; and -a minimum of 12 months probation. Only participating agencies will be eligible for reimbursement of certain dispatcher training costs. To participate in the Public Safety Dispatcher Program, an agency must submit a letter to the Commission requesting participation, accompanied by a copy of a_ resolution pledging adherence to the standards adopted by the Commission. (As you will note, we currently adhere to the program requirements, however, without the resolution and request to POST, effective 1-1-89, we will no longer be reimbursed for the POST training.) Attached is a proposed resolution for City Council review and adoption. Once approved, I will forward a copy with a letter to POST. RECOMMENDATION: I request that the attached proposed resolution in whatever format is appropriate, be approved by City Council so that our City may continue to participate in POST-funded training programs for our dispatchers. FISCAL IMPACT: • There is no cost to the City for participation in this program. SANDI BARTELT Sb • RESOLUTION NO. 107-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PENAL CODE REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO THE SELECTION AND TRAINING STANDARDS OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHERS WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero does hereby declare its desire to qualify to receive aid from the State of California under the provisions of Section 13522 , Chapter 1 of Title 4 of the California Penal Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 13510(c) , Chapter 1 , the City of Atascadero will adhere to standards for recruitment and training established by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 13512, Chapter 1, the Com- mission and its representatives may make such inquiries as deemed appropriate by the Commission to ascertain that the City of Atascadero' s public safety dispatcher personnel adhere to • standards for selection and training established by the Commis- sion on Peace Officer Standards and Training. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution shall go into full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m. on January 1 , 1989 . On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember I the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk BONITA BORGESON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: • RICHARD H. MCHALE JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN Chief of Police City Attorney • � DAT Q ,�� AGENDA ITEM/ M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council VIA: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director {, DATE: November 8, 1988 RE: Preliminary Review of General Plan Amendment Cycle 1-89 Background: At their meeting of October 18, 1988, the Planning Commission considered the study areas for the next General Plan amendment cycle as presented in the attached staff report. Discussion: The Planning Commission concurred with Staff' s recommendation for study areas for each of the proposed General Plan amendments. After reviewing the Council' s requested amendment for the County owned property located on Capistrano, the Commission determined that this General Plan amendment (GP 1B-89) would be an appropri- ate vehicle for amending the Plan relative to other City owned facilities . Therefore, the Commission recommended the inclusion of the Police Facility site and the site of Fire Station ##2 to this General Plan amendment study area. Recommendation: Direct Staff to prepare an analysis and bring to public hearing the General Plan amendment study areas recommended by the Plan- ning Commission. Attachment: October 18, 1988 Staff Report • i CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: C-1 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: October 18, 1988 BY:P�&teven L. Decamp, Senior Planner File No: GP Cycle 1-89 SUBJECT: Preliminary review of those General Plan Amendment applications submitted for analysis and action in the first cycle of 1989. BACKGROUND: The application period for the first cycle of General Plan amendments for 1989 closed on October 1, 1988. The purpose of this report is to allow the Planning Commission an opportunity to recommend approval or modification of the proposed study areas for the amendments already initiated by private property owners and the City. In addition, the Planning Commission can use this as an opportunity to initiate any additional amendments to the City' s General Plan. As with prior amendment cycles, staff will recommend that Zoning Ordinance text and/or map revisions, as needed, be processed concurrently with the corresponding General Plan amendment proposals. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: Following is a brief description of the amendment requests currently in process and staff' s recommendation for study area boundaries. Staff is not recommending that any additional City initiated General Plan amendments be undertaken at this time because of the ongoing work on the General Plan Revision Program. GP 1A-89 - 10785 E1 Camino Real (Colombo) Inclusion within Urban Services Line The applicant has submitted a General Plan map amendment request for a 10. 0 acre parcel at the intersection of E1 Camino Real and Jornada Lane. The property is currently developed with a single- family home and various out buildings. The subject property is designated for High Density Multiple Family development on the General Plan map. The property to the north, south and west of this site is also designated for High Density Multiple Family use. The property to the east is part of the State Hospital. The subject property is not included within the boundaries of the Urban Services Line and thus can not be provided with sewer • service. The lack of sewer service precludes the development of the property to the densities anticipated by its General Plan land use designation and zoning district. The approximately 10. 0 • acre parcel to the south of the Columbo property is similarly affected by its exclusion from the Urban Services Line. Staff believes that this application can be reviewed and acted upon on its own merits. However, it appears appropriate to expand the study area for this proposal to include the parcel to the south. This addition would provide a more logical boundary for any resultant change to the General Plan map. There will be no concurrent zone change necessary for this application. GP 1B-89 - Hospital & Capistrano Property (City of Atascadero) "High Density Multi-Family" to "Public" The City of Atascadero has a long-term lease on a parcel of land adjacent to the County' s health care facility located on Hospital Drive off Capistrano Avenue. Both of these parcels are currently designated "High Density Multi-Family" on the City' s General Plan. The City Council has requested that these parcels be redesignated "Public" to more accurately reflect their current and intended future uses. The property surrounding the subject site is designated for Low Density Multi-Density to the north, and Moderate Density Single Family on south, east and west. In addition to the Capistrano property, there are two other sites in the City that should be redesignated "Public" on the General • Plan map. These sites are the old "Beno' s" location which is to become the new Police Facility, and the other is the site of Fire Station #2. The Police Facility is currently designated "Retail Commercial" and the Fire Station is designated "Moderate Density Single Family" . Neither of these designations are appropriate for the intended use of the properties. Staff believes that this City Council' s amendment request can be reviewed independently of the ongoing General Plan Revision Program. It appears appropriate, however, to expand the proposal to include other City owned land that is being utilized for public purposes in the analysis. Appropriate changes to the Zoning Map can also be made at this time. RECONMENDATION: The Commission should recommend study areas for the first cycle of 1989 General Plan amendments, as shown on the attached maps, to the City Council. ATTACHMENTS: Map Exhibits (5) SLD/sld 2 EXHIBIT A CITY OF ATASCADERO GP 1A-89 • �� : Requested Amendment ' F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P U ' IC ATASCADE� STATE Ho�P/TAL Sl \` REC. NG FAMtt HIGH o® i4 IJ DEN ITY o `1 -z'Mi FA 441L '® ® RE ® ® ® L 4 ,r4 ® • C K o� D I- AMILY • �IFjo E AIL �M'"� 0 C,M, 0 MERCIA "° I� Qf4c � • ®o CtF� o/ 4s EXHIBIT B CITY OF ATASCADERO GP 1A-89 ms 's"''■^ '"'■ Recommended Study Area MAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Pi, PU ' IC ATASCADE�O STATE ` %��� • REC. HO��P/TAL ��++r� • SI �G • FAMIi A o • • 0---HIGH • '��� •® %ice J DEN ITY • •®®• Z,MUL ® A •••® FA IL 3• A •A® w• ® s ®A� �0s REI A ® ® L 4 ® C K 0 D UTI• AMILY 0 P R -91 E AIL q ''"off( o CqM,No 0 MERCIA I 4L 0 Q�� •- • - • -• 1 • �J 1=. , MA v �•e� GPER �■ ■ W�Mw MIN LE a - Ip111111 . \ all 111M _ 1 • The 0 rtI ONE iiiiiii Mai TTV 0, . RMT �: � .„�s� �_��� . • \ EXHIBIT E CITY OF AT GP 1.B-89 ASCADERO Recommended Study Area - ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fire Station #2 DEPARTMENT \ MULI1•rNmiai RaDqM i �� � ���� boa� \`� • E Leo 0 Cr - 0. RET. ® �, SING-CAM • � � �,� ING,L i� I _.' i`\FAMti • P K A M. m HIGH ®� `C QP S • y �9s / J DEN ITYS -77T • MU vFA IL • ER IA 0 M; ®� A 4 pk f N O Q . \ P LII / rtP P A/ E N / N1VE \ WJ 4f C °q • • PLEASE REPLACE ITEM B-2 WITH THE ATTACHED. I THERE HAS BEEN A • MEMORANDUM RECENT ADJUSTMENT IN THE REIMBURSEMENT TO: City Council AMOUNT. THANK YOU. THROUGH: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Paul Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works Valerie Humphrey, Clerical Technician SUBJECT : Reimbursement Agreement DATE: November 1 . 1988 Recommendation : Staff recommends that Council approve the attached Sewer Extension Reimbursement Agreement between the City and Mr . & Mrs . MacCorkell . Background: Mr. & Mrs . MacCorkell have paid for the construction of • a sewer main extension to serve property owned by them on Larga Avenue . In doing so they provided sewer access to a number of other lots . The Wastewater Treatment Ordinance allows for the reimbursement of expenses incurred by individuals in the construction of a public sewer line when subsequent connections are made to that line. During the Public Hearing required as part of the annexation process , the neighbors affected by this extension spoke in opposition to the mandatory connection . At that time Council agreed to modify their requirement for connection within 24 months to require testing, at the owner' s expense, of their septic systems at the deadline . If the systems failed immediate connection would be required. In the event that the system passed the owner would be allowed to postpone connection while retesting the system at an interval to be specified by Council . Engineering staff has reviewed the costs presented and have determined that all are applicable to the project . Fiscal Impact : • There is no impact on the City from this action , except administration of the payments . Line extension costs , annexation and connection fees will be paid by the residents receiving the sewer service. • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - SANITATION DIVISION SEWER EXTENSION REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS , on February 23, 1988 the Board of Directors of the Atascadero County Sanitation District did approve Resolution No 21-88 annexing Lot 25 of Block YB into Improvement District No . 1 . WHEREAS, Chapter 7-5 . 001 of the Ordinance of the City of Atascadero provides for reimbursement of funds expended in the construction of an approved sewer extension; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 8th day of November , 1988 by Mr. & Mrs . MacCorkell , 35 Sombrilla Court , Atascadero, California , in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, hereinafter referred to as "Applicant" and the City of Atascadero , a municipal corporation located in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California , hereinafter referred to as "City" ; WITNESSETH: In consideration of the mutual promises , agreements , • covenants and conditions set forth herein, and in consideration of the final approval of said sewer extension , the parties hereto do hereby mutually covenant and agree as follows : 1 . That the recitals set forth hereinabove are true, correct and valid. 2 . That in the construction of an approved sewer extension , Applicant has expended funds in the amount of $19 ,794 .00 3 . That Applicant is entitled to a refund of a portion of said expenditures at such times within fifteen (15) years following the date of the execution of this Agreement as additional connections are made to said sewer extension , from the following parcel : Lot 42 Block YB APN 31-132-02 $3,958. 80 Lot 41 Block YB APN 31-132-06 $3 , 958. 80 Lot 40 Block YB APN 31-132-07 $3 , 958 , 80 Lot 39 Block YB APN 31-132-04 $3 , 958 , 80 The amount to be paid by this parcel upon connection shall be the amounts listed above which is the total expenditure divided between 5 benefitting parcels . ill 4 . That District will collect the amounts specified in Section 3 from the owners of the real property listed in said section , at such times within fifteen (15) years following the date of execution of this Agreement as a permit is issued for connection of said real pro- perty to said sewer extension , 5 . All monies collected in accordance with Item 4 , above, will be refunded to Applicant , except that any such refund shall be reduced by the total of; a . Any outstanding sewer service charges . 6. Neither party to this Agreement shall assign or transfer this Agreement or any interest therein without the prior written consent of the other party , except that upon dissolution of the ACSD the City Sewer Department shall control both the collection and disposition of the reimbursements . 7. Applicant further agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless the City of Atascadero, and their officers , agents and employees from any and all liability , claims , demands , costs , expenses , causes of • action , damages and judgments , of whatsoever kind and nature and to whomsoever occurring arising out of this Agreement or occasioned by the performance or attempted performance hereof, including but not limited to any act or omission to act on the part of the Applicant or his accents or employees or independent contractors directly responsible to Applicant . 8 . This Agreement shall be binding on the heirs , assigns , transferees , executors , successors , administrators and trustees of the parties hereto . IN WITNESS WHEREOF Applicant and City have executed this Agreement on the day and year first hereinabove set forth , APPLICANT V • ATTEST : BOYD C . SHARITZ BONITA BORGESON, Mayor City Clerk Board of Directors APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH City Attorney Dir , of Public Works/ City Engineer MEETIN AGENDA OAT : $r� ITE Me M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: Ray Windsor, City Manager SUBJECT: Request by A.F.A.R. regarding spay/neuter assistance program DATE : November 8, 1988 I apologize for the delay in bringing this to your attention, because I know that Mrs . Fahsing would like to initiate the • accelerated program as quickly as possible. However, I felt that it was important to receive comments from the City Attorney before placing it on the agenda. Mrs . Fahsing will be at your meeting on November 8th to provide additional information on A.F.A.R. ' s intentions with respect to the one-month program. I would only indicate to you that the 1988-89 Budget reflects a $12 , 000 allocation for A. F.A.R. , $6 ,000 of which has already been released. Beyond that, I would only state that, as long as there is no implication of having the City appropriate additional monies for the fiscal year, I would be supportive of the concept enumerated by Mrs. Fahsing. You will note from the attached letter that Paso Robles has also indicated its concurrence with the concept. Attach. RW/cw • z Action For Animals' Rights (AFAR) C . FAR 0 2 '��+ Q A Non-Profit Volunteer Animal Welfare Organization �O °j q v =�=8 W ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: (805)466-5403 8935 Morro Rd. , Suite 2, Atascadero, CA 93422 October 7,1988 Ray Windsor, Manager City of Atascadero P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Dear Mr. Windsor: This is a follow up to our interview this morning, on our query as to extending payments from the City grant for AFAR Spay/Neuter Assistance Program. I have spoken with Mayor Borgeson, and understand your wish to consult with the Council. As briefly as possible - we would like to offer free spay/neuter to people who are feeding stley/wild cats, also to senior citizens, for a 1-month period, probably November. We will try to get some help from the veterinarians but, basically, the spay/neuter funds would pay the entire cost of the operations. The abandoned cat and kitten problem seems to be worse than ever, in spite of what we are trying to do, and we've always found it difficult to reach the people who need the most help. Too many people feed the strays, only to find that a bunch of kittens soon follow! We try to impress upon these people that, if they feed them they must get them neutered. This means a great expense, even with AFAR's certificates for, essentially, what the original orwners should have done instead of abandoning the animals. Then there is the need for shots. They have to be paid for and are just as necessary, usually required by the vets, before taking in for surgery. Could the funds be used to cover vaccinations as well? Up to now we have only issued certificates for amounts off the vet, bill. We would like to try extending the program for a month now, and perhaps again before the spring kitten season, if funds permit. We have written to Paso Robles City Manager and Mayor, with a similar proposal for their city grant. If we should get an overwhelming response we may find ourselves running short of money, but this would be a great benefit to the community and will ultimately save the cities much more in animal control costs. We would appreciate your advice, and look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, my home phone is 466-9299. Thank you. Sincerely, aphne W. Fahsin --T Co-Founder/President cc. Mayor Bonita Borgeson. • 0 RECEIVE , OCT 31 1988 CITY MGR. MEMORANDUM City of Atascadero October 27, 1988 TO: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Jeffrey G. Jorgensen, City Attorney SUBJECT: Action for Animals' Rights Request At your request, I have reviewed the letter from Action for Animals' Rights dated October 7, 1988. While I am not aware of the terms and conditions of the City grant to the AFAR spay/neuter assistance program, short of some limitation in the grant, their request does not appear to pose any signifi- cant legal issues. While the question of a gift of public funds always seems to arise with issues like this, I feel that it can be justified as serving a municipal purpose in hopefully reducing the abandoned cat and kitten problem in the City. While limiting the program to "people who are feeding stray/wild cats, also to senior citizens" may raise some equal protection issues, so long as the program is done in a fair and equitable way, I would not anticipate any problems. The real question presented here is a management and policy one. This should be determined by the City Council on your recommendation. Sincere y, h JE FREt G. ORGENSEN City At orney JGJ: fr A:MMATA406 • .4°°�`OPPOAgJ�,so City of EI Paso de Robles Wye � FO Ops 0 O (��j pp pp ��((�� pp I n • S iLE �[tiS O f Ells DaL" o � I ON �r ��JyO 4ACH l t.Ae091a, October 31 , 1988 II - 113 Xtl1NaO Ms . Daphne J. Fahsinn President , Action For Animals Fights "3-' 9433 Morro Road , Suite 2 Atascadero , CA 93422 Dear Ms . Fahsing : In response to your letter of October 5 , 1988, the City of Paso Robles has no objection to your use of existing funding from the City for the purpose of providing, a program to offer for free spay and -neuter for stray and wild cats . The offer of free spay/neuter services to senior citizens is also an acceptable program to the City. The City continues to appreciate the fine work conducted by your organization, and we support your efforts in this new endeavor . Sincerely , Jerr�y��kston City Manager J11 Office of the City Manager P.O. Box 307, Paso Robles, CA 93447-0307 (805) 238-0400 N ° MEETIN ,AGENDA e_ OAT ITEW r MEMORANDUM To : Honorable Mayor and City Council Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : Adoption of New Development Fees, Eliminating 50c Tax Incorporating Lewis Ave . Bridge into Bridge Dev. Fee Date : November 1, 1988 Recommendation: Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 100-88 and Ordinance 183 Background: Refer to Exhibits A and B. Discussion: No public input was given at the October 25 scheduled public hearing. Ordinances 111 and 118, the 50 cent tax and Lewis Ave . Bridge, respectively, will be repealed. Resolutions 64-85, 10-86, 44-88 and 11-86, the 50 cent tax, development fees, development fee cost-of-living increase and the Lewis Ave . Bridge, respectively, will be repealed. Ordinance 119, development fees, will also be repealed but replaced with the above urgency ordinance . Ordinance 117 and Resolution 9-86 which deal with the Amapoa-Tecorida Drainage Development Fee will remain in tact . Resolution 100-88 will become effective immediately upon approval . Ordinance 119 is being replaced by the above urgency ordinance only because the exemptions and definitions contained in Ordinance 111 must be salvaged and were only contained in Ord. 119 by reference . Since the November 15 date brings the automatic voiding of the Mitigation Tax (Ord. 111) , the urgency language is necessary. Only the reference to not using commercial fees for Parks and Recreation was deleted from Ord. 119 . The Lewis Ave . Bridge Fee has been absorbed into the Bridgq Development Fee and all projects that were originally intended to pay that fee will now pay only the regular new bridge fee . Projects that paid, or were subject to an agreement to pay, the fee contained in Resolution 11-86 will either be reimbursed or expected to pay the bridge fee contained in Resolution 100-88. Any project that is submitted and accepted prior to November 9 will pay the development fees outlined in old Resolutions 64-85, 10-86 and 44-88, and any permit accepted after November 9 will pay the fees contained in Resolution 100-88 . Fiscal Impact : The revision of the development fee structure should bring in sufficient revenue to implement the capital improvements necessary due to new development over the next twelve (12) years as listed in Exhibit A. • _��OWN AT4,ej 10� 1vn Down to BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION E O. BOX 1607 j • ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 RECEIVED NOV Z 19db CITY MGR. , „ _ ._.,. .,.�._ '�;T : `'ct i•*j _i`i -w.,. iii 4.:'•>'_' >_;.f.`- . _..i...�� .w �'_ '-._.i. ._ , _.i-i �i.✓�_'� i _._i i_f i, ....... ...r...r v s!t•__4r'i i i .... a a. _........ _.a_._....1.i._. ....�..1,._I >n _.:.i:,v....:. j =_..:_!1 i��t_i i..i_t.._.i..ii ...1•ice 'r�t.1 i IL;v� '_t'.:..c 4 0 ED .,_-.:�.:F'-,_� i t= ': F-ti t•;_��-`_.t ,.� ;. .1..1, t RESOLUTION NO. 100-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING A DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE FOR ALL DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE INCORPORATED AREA OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 183 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero has adopted Ordinances 119 and 183 creating and establishing the authority for imposing and charging a Development Fee; and WHEREAS , Exhibits A and B are a study of the impacts of planned future development on existing public facilities in the incorporated area , along with an analysis of the need for new public facilities and improvements required by new development , and said study set forth the relationship between new development , the needed facilities , and the estimated costs of those improvements . The study, entitled "Exhibit A, Development Fee Impact Study, and Exhibit B, Development Fee Task Force Report to Council" was prepared by Paul M. Sensibaugh , Director of Public Works/City Engineer , and is dated November , 1988, and January 1986, respectively; and WHEREAS, this study was available for public inspection . and review fourteen (14) days prior to this public hearing; and WHEREAS , the City Council finds as follows : A. The purpose of this fee is to finance facilities shown in Exhibit A to reduce the impacts of runoff , traffic and other impacts shown in the exhibits , caused by new development , within the incorporated area . B. The development fees collected pursuant to this resolution shall be used to finance only the public facilities described or identified in Exhibit "A" , attached hereto ; C . After considering the above study and analysis and the testimony received at this public hearing, the Council approves said study, and incorporates such herein , and further finds that the new development in the incorporated area will generate additional runoff , traffic , and other impacts shown in the exhibits within the impacted area and will contribute to the degradation of public facilities and services in that incorporated area . 0 • D. There is a need in this described impact area for the improvements shown in Exhibit A which have not been constructed or have been constructed, but new development has not contributed its fair share toward these facility costs and said facilities have been called for in or are consistant with the City' s General Plan; E. The facts and evidence presented establish that there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the described public facilities and the impacts of the types of development described in paragraph 2 below, for which the corresponding fee is charged, and, also there is a reasonable relationship between the fee' s use and the type of development for which the fee is charged, as these reasonable relationships or nexus are in more detail described in the study referred to above; F. The cost estimates set forth in Exhibit "A" are reasonable cost estimates for constructing these facilities , and the fees expected to be generated by new development will not exceed the total of these costs . NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Atascadero that ; • 1 . A development fee shall be charged prior to the issuance of any building permit and shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit or a certificate of occupancy in the case that a building permit is not applicable . The City Community Development Department shall determine if the development lies within this benefit area, the type of development and the corresponding fee to be charged in accordance with this resolution , including proportionate fees for alterations on additions , if applicable . 2 . Fee SUMMARY OF FEES NON-RESIDENTIAL * MULTIPLE FAMILY * SINGLE FAMILY $FEE\LANDUSE (Sq.Ft.), UNIT COST.x (Sq.Ft.) AUNIT COST. (Sq.Ft.) *UNIT COST* i # # ik DRAINAGE : $0.634 # $0. 172 # $0. 127 * W4520W 01250/0W :$1731cfs * I TRAFFIC $0.439 # $0.010 N $0.001 * 'I $39.22/ADT# :$1. 19/ADT# :$0. 14/ADTA S BRIDGES # 1 $0.537 # : $0.393 # : $0.260 * $46.691ADT# $46.69/ADT# $46.69/ADT* ROADS SIS : $0.075 # : $0.055 # : $0.036 * :$6.53/ADT# :$6.53/ADT# :$6.53/ADT* PARKS # # POLICE $0.214 # $0.056 # $0.032 FIRE $0.480 # $0. 115 # $0.065 *B&G & EQUIP3 $0.244 # $0.244 # $0.244 � • # # *COM.DEV/ENG $V036 # $0.036 # $0.016 # # # # TOTALS 8 $21758 # $1.674 # $1. 138 Notes : (1) Totals do not include the Amapoa-Tecorida Drainage Development Fee , if applicable . (Ordinance 117 and Resolution 9-86) (2) Credits for actual work done shall be determined by the City Engineer . (3) Calls for studies that may require additional fees or improvements shall be made by the Director of Community Development . (4) Calls for using CFS or ADT in lieu of sq. ft . shall be made by the City Engineer . (5) The Developer of a mobile home park shall pay a one-time fee of $575 . 00 for each mobile home space site . Mobile homes located outside of mobile home parks shall pay the single family fee unit cost . • 3 . Use of Fee . The fee shall be solely used to pay (1) for the described public facilities to be constructed by the City ; (2) for reimbursing the City for the development' s fair share of those capital improvements already constructed by the City ; or (3) to reimburse other developers who have constructed public facilities described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, where those facilities were beyond that needed to mitigate the impacts of the other developer' s project or projects . 4 . Fee Review. On or about June, 1990 and each following year, the Public Works Department shall review the estimated cost of the described capital improvements , the continued need for those improvements and the reasonable relationship between such need and the impacts of the various types of development pending or anticipated and for which this fee is charged. The Public Works Department shall report its findings to the City Council at a noticed public hearing and recommend any adjustment to this fee or other action as may be needed. 5 . Judicial Action to Challenge this Resolution . Any judicial action or proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void or annul this resolution shall be broucxht within 120 days . 6. Exhibits A and B are herebv adopted by reference and are considered a part of this resolution . 7 . Resolution 11-86 is hereby repealed. The previous Lewis Avenue Bridge Fee (Refer to Exhibit B) for any permit subject to such fee shall be pursuant to this resolution, including the Lewis Avenue Bridge project as contained in Exhibit A. 8 . Resolutions 64-85 , 10-86 and 44-88 are hereby repealed; provided that the fees contained therein shall be applicable to building permit applications accepted by the Building Division as complete prior to November 9, 1988 . • • 11 . This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and shall apply to all building permits for construction activities applied for on or after November 9, 1988 . PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1988. AYES : NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO BOYD .C. SHARITZ, City Clerk BONITA BORGESON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH City Attorney Director of Public Works City Engineer • ORDINANCE NO. 183 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPERCEDING CHAPTER 8 OF TITLE 3 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 111 , ORDINANCE NO. 118 AND ORDINANCE 119 WHEREAS , residential , both single and multi-family , commercial , industrial , and other non-residential development in the City of Atascadero requires substantial public facilities and capital improvements pursuant to the City' s General Plan and other similar policies ; and WHEREAS, the costs of these public improvements are constantly escalating and funding resources for public facilities and capital improvements are diminished in terms of availability and control ; and WHEREAS , the City Council has found that due to the increase in growth and population in Atascadero, services in the area of drainage, traffic control , bridges , roads , parks , police , fire, administration and other public buildings and grounds and equipment require improvement to meet the needs of the public health , safety, and welfare and WHEREAS , a mechanism is necessary to provide a predictable and equitable funding method for requiring new development to cover the costs of future public facilities and capital improvements which are of benefit to such development such that the impact to new growth will be borne equitably by that new development ; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero as a general law city in the State of California has the power to impose valid regulatory fees pursuant to the California Consitution , Article VI , Section 7 ; and WHEREAS , the Development Fee Task Force appointed by the City Council has carefully evaluated the costs attributable to the impact of new development as documented in their 1986 report to the City Council ; and • WHEREAS , the Development Fee Task Force has recommended that fees be levied which do not exceed the reasonable cost of providing the necessary services ; and WHEREAS , Proposition 62 stated that anv tax not approved by a 2/3' s majority of the local electorate must cease on and after November 15 , 1988; and WHEREAS , Assembly Bill 1600 establishes criteria for the adoption of development fees . NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section 1_ Ordinance No . 111 is hereby repealed Section 2 . Ordinance No . 118 is hereby repealed Section 3 . Ordinance No . 119 is hereby repealed Section 4 . Chapter 8 of Title 3 is hereby modified as follows : CHAPTER 8 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE SECTIONS: TITLE OF SECTIONS 3-8 . 01 Title 3-8 . 02 Scope and Purpose 3-8. 03 Definitions 3-8 . 04 Standards for Fees 3-8. 05 Issuance and Requlations for Setting of Fees 3-8 . 06 Adjustment to Fees 3-8. 07 Limitations on Use 3-8 . 08 Payment of Fee 3-8. 09 Alternative Payment 3-8 . 10 Exceptions 3-8. 11 Construction Prohibited 3-8. 12 Refund of Fee 3-8 . 13 Effective Date 3-8 . 14 Severability Section 3-8_01 : TITLE . This Chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Development Impact Fee Ordinance. " • • • Section 3-8 . 02 : SCOPE AND PURPOSE The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide a predictable and equitable funding method of requiring new development to pay for the costs of future capital improvements which will benefit such development . Thus , new development will be required to cover the cost of anticipated future public facilities and capital improvements so that the impact to new growth will be borne equitably by the new development . Section 3-8 . 03 : DEFINITIONS: The following terms shall have the following meanings when used in this Chapter . (a) "Building" : means any structure having a roof supported by columns and/or walls and intended for shalter, housing, and/or enclosure of any person, animal or chattel , but not including tents or mobile homes . (b) "Building Permit" : means a buiilding permit for residential , non-residential , or mobile home site development applied for to the Community Development Department of Atascadero on or after the effective date of this Ordinance. . (c) "Capital Improvement" means any public facilities or equipment funded through the City' s capital improvement budget . (d) "Construct "Construction" as used in this Chapter means the putting together , assembling, erection or altering of construction materials components , or modules into a structure, or portion of a structure, and includes restructuring, enlarging or altering any structure . "Construct" also includes the movincr from outside the City and locating of a building, or portion thereof , onto a lot or parcel of land, and also includes the improvement of land as a mobile home lot . (e) "Costs of Capital Improvement" includes all costs related to acquisitions , construction, design , repair, and financing, but does not include costs of routine maintenance . (f) "Dwelling Unit" means an independent , attached or detached residential building designed to house and provide living space including kitchen and bathroom facilities , for an individual family . (g) "Essential Infrastructure: are capital improvements related to streets (includiing curbs , sidewalks , and related structures) bridges , traffic control , drainage, and similar facilities which serve public transportation , access and drainage need • 0 (h) "Government Facilities" are capital improvements relate to City Hall , City garage and equipment yard, City offices , parking, and all other public buildings and grounds , and similar facilities in or through which general City government operations are conducted. (i) "Gross Building Area" means the total floor area of each floor of all buildings subject to this ordinance, including internal circulation , storage and equipment space, as measured from the outside faces of the exterior walls , including halls , lobbies , stairways , elevator shafts , enclosed porches and balconies . (j) "Mobile Home" means a vehicle without self-propulsion designed and equipped as a dwelling unit to be used with a foundation . (k) "Mobile Home Lot" , as used in this Chapter , means any area or portion of a lot designated, designed, or used for the occupancy of one(l) mobile home on a permanent basis . (1) "New Development" means any residential , single or multi-family, commercial , industrial , or other non-residential construction project as sepcifically excepted herein . (m) "Non-Residential" includes all uses of land other than residential including agricultural , communication , cultura educational , recreation, manufacturing, processing, resour extraction, retail trade, services , transient lodging, transportatio and wholesale trade uses . (n) "Park and Recreation Facilities" are capital improvements of general community benefit such as major landscaping, fountains , monuments , signs, and other similar facilities . (o) "Person" includes any individual , firm, co-partnership, corporation , company, association, joint stock association, city, county, state or district ; and includes any trustee , receiver , assignee, or other similar representatives thereof . (p) "Public Safety Facilities" are capital improements related to police and fire operations . (q) "Structure" as used in this Chapter means any artifact constructed or erected, the use of which requires attachment to the ground, including any building, but not including fences or walls six feet or less in height . (r) As used in this Chapter , the terms "residential , " "commercial , " "office , " "industrial , " "hotel , " "motel ," and "quasi- public" have the same meanings as are defined in the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance of this City , as well as administrative interpretations thereof . Section 3-8 . 04 : STANDARDS FOR FEES : Any fees imposed pursuant to this Chapter shall bear a reasonable relationship to the costs associated with the capital improvements which need is generated by such development . Section 3-8 . 05 : ISSUANCE OF REGULATIONS AND SETTING OF FEES : The City Council shall from time to time by resolution , issue regulations and set fees for the administration of this Chapter . Section 3-8 . 06 : ADJUSTMENT TO FEES: The rates upon which the fees are based may be adjusted as of July 1 of each year to reflect changes in building costs as determined in the revised Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers for Los Angeles-Long Beach , California Area, for all items (1967=100) , as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics for the period between the year immediately preceeding July 1 of each year . In calculating any increase , the most current index available immediately preceeding July 1 of each year shall be used. In the event that the index is unavailable, is no longer published, or is calculated on a significantly different basis following the date of the enactment of this Ordinance, the most comprehensive official index published which most closely approximates the rate of inflation shall be substituted in place of the aforesaid index . Section 3-8 . 07 : LIMITATIONS ON USE: (a) All fees collected pursuant to this Ordinance shall be placed in the capital improvement fund and used only to pay for costs of capital improvements as defined herein . The capital improvement fund shall be divided into as many sub-funds as shall be necessary to separately assess fees for single-family residential , multi-family residential , commercial , industrial , and other non-residential development . (b) Fees from residential development of single, multi- family units may be used for all types of capital improvements . (c) Fees from commercial , industrial , and other non- residential development may be used for all types of capital improvements . (d) The amount of fees collected pursuant to this Ordinance which can be applied to any capital improvement shall be limited to tot ft.jjp ppgt which is reasonably attributable to the need generated by new development or benefit conferred upon new development . In approving each capital improvement budget use of funds from the capital outlay fund, the City Council shall apportion the cost of capital improvements between needs or benefits relating to existing development and needs or benefits relating to new development . Section 3-8 . 08 : PAYMENT _OF FEE_ Any applicant for a building permit for new development shall d=ay a development fee in conjunction with payment of the building permit fee. The fee shall be payable at the Building Division , City Hall , Atascadero, California , prior to the issuance of a building permit . The fee for a mobile home space shall be paid prior to the issuance of the first permit for construction of such space or if such construction is performed without a permit , at the time when construction is commenced. Section 3--8. 09: ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT: The amount of the payment of a Development Impact Fee and the timing thereof , can only be altered pursuant to an agreement approved by the City Council of Atascadero . Section 3-8_10 : EXCEPTIONS_ There is excepted from the fee imposed by this Ordinance the following: (a) The construction of a building or structure or mobile home which is a replacement for a building or mobile home being demolished or moved to outside the City from the same lot or parc of land. The exception shall equal but not exceed the fee whi would be payable hereunder if the building or mobile home bein replaced were being newly constructed. If the fee imposed on the new building exceeds the amount of this exception , such excess shall be paid; (b) Accessory buildings or structures in planned developments , multi-family or mobile home parks , such as a clubhouse, swimming pool , or laundry facility ; (c) Buildings or structures which are "clearly accessory to a principal use" such as fences , pools , patios , parking spaces garages , residential accessory buildings . ; (d) Any person when imposition of such tax upon that person would be in violation of the Constitution and the laws of the State of California, County of San Luis Obispo , or City of Atascadero ; (e) A condominium project converting an existing multi- family building into condominiums where no new dwellings are added or created; (f) Any rebuilding of a structure destroyed or damaged by fire ; explosion , act of God or other accident or catastrophe , which rebuilding does not increase the original gross building area . such increase does occur , the increase shall be subject to the fee imposed by this resolution . • 0 • (g) Any restoration/reconstruction of a historical building recognized, acknowledged, and designated as such by the City Planning Commission or City Council ; (h) The construction of any building by the City of Atascadero , or the United States or any Department or Agency thereof, or by the State of California or any Department , Agency or Political Subdivision thereof , or any residential development where the City Council finds there are specific over-riding fiscal , economic , social or environmental factors benefitting the City which , in the sole judgement of the City Council , would justify the approval of such development without the payment of said tax . Section 3-8. 11 : CONSTRUCTION PROHIBITED: It is unlawful for any person to erect , construct , enlarge, alter , repair, move, improve, make, _ put together or convert any building or structure in the City , or attempt to do so , or cause the same to be done, without first paying the fee imposed by this Chapter. Section 3-8. 12 : REFUND OF FEE: If the building permit approval is vacated or voided, and if the applicant so requests in writing, there shall be a refund of the entire Development Impact Fee paid. Section 3=8_13 :_EFFECTIVE+DATE: The fees imposed by this Chapter shall be applicable with respect to building permits for construction activities applied for on or after November 9, 1988. Section-3-8.14:-SEVERABILITY If any section , sub-section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of the Court of competent jurisdiction , such decision shall not affect the validity of any remaining portion of this Chapter . Section 4 . This ordinance is hereby declared to be urgently required for the immediate preservation of the public peace , health , and safety , and shall take effect immediately upon its adoption, but shall be operative as specified herein . The facts constituting the urgency are as follows : Pursuant to Proposition 62 the current Development Mitigation Tax (50 cent tax) must cease on November 15 , 1988 . Section 5 . The City Clerk shall cause this urgency ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News , a newspaper of general circulation , printed, Published and circulated in this City in accordance with Government Code Section 36933 : shall certify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City . Section 6 . This urgency ordinance shall go into effect immediate upon adoption, but shall not become operative until the Council adopts a resolution declaring all or part of this ordinance operative and fixing the operative date . The foregoing ordinance was introduced on November 8, 1988 and adopted immediately . AYES: NOES : ABSENT : ATTEST: BOYD C . SHARITZ BONITA BORGESON City Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : APPROVED AS TO FORM: PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN Director of Public Works City Attorney City Engineer • • i-- I • MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : Adoption of New Development Fees, Eliminating 50c Tax Incorporating Lewis Ave . Bridge into Bridge Dev. Fee Revised Memo. Date : November 8, 1988 Note: This memo ammends the November 1 memo on the same subject . Recommendation: Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 100-88, as revised. Background: Refer to Exhibits A and B and the November 1 staff report . Discussion: Due to certain code sections regarding fees, Ordinance 183 will be held over and revised to simply ammend Ordinance 119 since it cannot be passed as an urgency. The repeals mentioned in that ordinance (which is now only a draft) will follow at a later date so that there is no chance of being caught without an effective ordinance on the books for any of the old or new fees . Additionally, fee Resolution 100-88 has been revised to reflect a 60 day waiting period prior to applying it to new residential permits . Non-residential uses will pay the new fees immediately upon passage . Residential permits issued prior to January 9, 1989 will not pay the increase in fees, including the new bridge fee . The Lewis Avenue Bridge Development Fee Ordinance will remain on the books another 60 days, but Resolution 11-86 that established that fee will be repealed. Residential uses will not pay the new bridge fee until the effective date of Resolution 100-88, which is January 9, 1989 . Non-residential will pay the new bridge fee, which supercedes the old LAB fee, effective November 9, 1988 . Rebates for the two projects that have paid the old LAB fee will be brought back to Council on the consent agenda for approval at a later date . The two projects that have been conditioned to pay the old LAB fee will now pay the new bridge fee since the agreements refer to a fair share portion of the cost of the bridge project . Again. Ordinance 117 and Resolution 9-86 which deal with the Amapoa-Tecorida Drainage Development Fee will remain intact . Since the November 15 date brings the presumed automatic voiding of the Mitigation Tax (Ord. 111) , any residential projects Paying the 50 cent tax between November 15 and January 9 will be seperately recorded in the unlikely event that reimbursements are necessary in the future . There is now case law that may have an impact on the Jarvis initiative (Proposition 62) which could render it ineffective . Since non—residential will pay the new fees, which essentially takes up any slack from the old 50 cent tax, the 50 cent tax will not be charged to that category after November 8 . The reference to not using commercial fees for Parks and Recreation will still be deleted from Ord. 119 via the proposed ammendment . Fiscal Impact : The revision of the development fee structure should bring in sufficient revenue to implement the capital improvements necessary due to new development over the next twelve (12) years as listed in Exhibit A. RESOLUTION NO. 100-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING A DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE FOR ALL DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE INCORPORATED AREA OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 119 WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Atascadero has adopted Ordinance 119 creating and establishing the authority for imposing and charging a Development Fee; and WHEREAS, Exhibits A and B are a study of the impacts of planned future development on existing public facilities in the incorporated area , along with an analysis of the need for new public facilities and improvements required by new development , and said study set forth the relationship between new development , the needed facilities , and the estimated costs of those improvements . The study , entitled "Exhibit A. Development Fee Impact Study , and Exhibit B. Development Fee Task Force Report to Council" was prepared by Paul M. Sensibaugh , Director of Public Works/City Engineer . and is dated November , 1988 , and January 1986 , respectively ; and WHEREAS , this study was available for public inspection and review fourteen (14) days prior to this public hearing; and WHEREAS , the City Council finds as follows ; A. The purpose of this fee is to finance facilities shown in Exhibit A to reduce the impacts of runoff , traffic and other impacts shown in the exhibits , caused by new development , within the incorporated area . B. The development fees collected pursuant to this resolution shall be used to finance only the public facilities described or identified in Exhibit "A" , attached hereto ; C. After considering the above study and analysis and the testimony received at this public hearing, the Council approves said study , and incorporates such herein , and further finds that the new development in the incorporated area will generate additional runoff, traffic , and other impacts shown in the exhibits within the impacted area and will contribute to the degradation of public facilities and services in that incorporated area . D. There is a need in this described impact area for the improvements shown in Exhibit A which have not been constructed or have been constructed, but new development has not contributed its fair share toward these facility costs and said facilities have been called for in or are consistant with the City' s General Plan; E. The facts and evidence presented establish that there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the described public facilities and the impacts of the types of development described in paragraph 2 below, for which the corresponding fee is charged, and, also there is a reasonable relationship between the fee' s use and the type of development for which the fee is charc_ted, as these reasonable relationships or nexus are in more detail described in the study referred to above; F. The cost estimates set forth in Exhibit "A" are reasonable cost estimates for constructing these facilities , and the fees expected to be generated by new development will not exceed the total of these costs , NOW, THEREFORE. it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Atascadero that : . 1 . A development fee shall be charged prior to the issuance of any building permit and shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit or a certificate of occupancy in the case that a building permit is not applicable . The City Community Development Department shall determine if the development lies within this benefit area , the type of development and the corresponding fee to be charged in accordance with this resolution , including proportionate fees for alterations or additions , if applicable . 2 . Fee � SUMMARY OF FEES ***************************�***************************. ****************** ! * * NON-RESIDENTIAL * MULTIPLE FAMILY * S FAMILY * � *FEE\LANDUSE * (Sg.Ft,)--nUNIT COST* �Sg.��.) *UNIT COST* (Sq.Ft. *UNIT COST* � )P.**�a****************$**************************************************** � * * : # : # : * * DRAINAGE * : $0.634 # : $0. 172 # : $0. 127 * � * * :$3452/cfs# :$1250/cfs# * TRAFFIC * : $0.439 # : $0.010 # : $0 0O1 * | ^ ^ \ ' � * $38.22/ADT4 :$1. 18/ADT# :$0. 14/ADT* * BRIDGES * : $0.537 # . : $0.393 # : $0.26O * | * * $46.69/ADT# $46.69/ADT# $46.69/ADT* � ROADS * : $0.075 # : $0.055 # : $0.036 * * * :$6.53/ADT# :$6.53/ADT# :$6.53/ADT* � q PARKS * : $0.079 # x $O.593 # : $0.337 * * POLICE * : $0.234 # : $0.056 # : $0.032 * * FIRE * : $0.480 # : $0. 115 # : $0.065 * m * : # : # *B&G & EQUIP.* : $0.244 # : $0.244 # : $0.244 * # : it -- *COM.DEV/EN6 * : $0.036 # : $0.036 # * * : # : # : * ************** # : * * TOTALS : $1.674 # : $1. 138 * * *************�*�********�********************************* � Notes : (l) Totals do not include the &mapoa-Teoorida 3 . Use of Fee . The fee shall be solely used to pay (1) for the described public facilities to be constructed by the City , (2) for reimbursing the City for the development' s fair share of those capital improvements already constructed by the City ; or (3) to reimburse other developers who have constructed public facilities described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto , where those facilities were beyond that needed to mitigate the impacts of the other developer' s project or projects . 4 . Fee Review. On or about June, 1990 and each following year , the Public Works Department shall review the estimated cost of the described capital improvements , the continued need for those improvements and the reasonable relationship between such need and the impacts of the various types of development pending or anticipated and for which this fee is charged. The Public Works Department shall report its findings to the City Council at a noticed public hearing and recommend any adjustment to this fee or other action as may be needed. 5 . Judicial Action to Challenge this Resolution . Any judicial action or proceeding to attack, review, set aside , void or annul this resolution shall be broua_ht within 120 days . 6. Exhibits A and B are hereby adopted by reference and are considered a part of this resolution . 7 . Resolution 11-86 is hereby repealed. The previous Lewis Avenue Bridge Fee (Refer to Exhibit B) for any permit subject to such fee shall be pursuant to this resolution , including the Lewis Avenue Bridge project as contained in Exhibit A. • 11 . This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and shall apply to the issuance of any building permit or certificate of occupancy for any residential development issued on or after January 9, 1989 following passage of this resolution and for all non-residential developments immediately upon its passage . PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1988 . AYES : NOES : ABSENT : ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO BOYD C . SHARITZ, City Clerk BONITA BORGESON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : • JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH City Attorney Director of Public Works City Engineer • MEET(N �,+�.- AGENDA - DAT G ? 1TEM IGI Z t MEMORANDUM City of Atascadero September 19, 1988 TO: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Jeffrey G. Jorgensen, City Attorney SUBJECT: Duck Ordinance Attached for your consideration is a proposed ordinance prohibiting the abandonment of waterfowl at Atascadero Lake, as requested by the City Council at the September 13, 1988 Council meeting. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience if you have questions or comments concerning the ordinance. Sincerely, ? /or FREY JORGENSEN City A - orney JGJ: fr A:MMATA350 Attachment cc: City Council i ' ORDINANCE NO. 182 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING TITLE 4 OF THE ATAS- CADERO MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED ANIMALS, RELATING TO THE ABANDONMENT OF WATERFOWL AT ATASCADERO LAKE The Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 4-1.403 is hereby added to the Atascadero Municipal Code, and shall read as follows: Section 4-1.403 . Abandonment of Waterfowl at Atascadero Lake. It is unlawful for any owner or person having possession or control of any waterfowl, including but not limited to ducks, geese, swans, poultry, or household pets, to place, abandon, or release such waterfowl, or cause to permit such waterfowl to be placed, abandoned, or released, or to knowingly allow or permit such waterfowl to remain in or upon the waters of Atascadero Lake, or upon any public land adjacent thereto. Any person who violates this section is guilty of an infraction. Section 2 . Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance with Government Code Section 36933 ; shall certify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and certification to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 3 . Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 :01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day after its passage. On motion by Council member and seconded by Council member the foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: i , • ORDINANCE NO. 182 Page 2 ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By BONITA BORGESON, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: EEY G. RG SEN, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JGJ: fr/9/15/88 C:ORATA668 . • A+tEEtti�� AGENDA _ DATE ITEM f M E M O R A N D U M To : City Council From: Ray Windsor , City Manager Date: November 4, 1988 Subject : Wage and Classification Study RFP We have completed a reference check on each firm that submitted a proposal for the Wage and Classification Study. All the firms received good recommendations, with a few exceptions. Following is a brief summary of the information collected on the three firms that submitted the lowest proposals. Comp Plus $6,800 Comp Plus is a newly formed subsidiary of William Hamilton & Associates. Of the three cities called , two have worked with Mr . Nichols for several years. They were satisfied with his work . No major setbacks or problems. They continue to use his firm on a consultant basis when a new position is created or salary adjustments are necessary. He did work alone in one city which resulted in some small setbacks, but that was five years ago . He received good recommendations. Nash & Company, Inc. $13,980 Nash & Company was founded in 1983. This firm received overall good recommendations from the cities contacted , with a few minor exceptions. When the studies were completed for these cities, the firm had a lack of clerical support , resulting in errors, omissions and sloppy work . There was a lack of communication between two consultants, thus the firm put out conflicting findings. Another city, contacted as a reference for another firm, mentioned his firm had started (but not completed ) a classification study for them, due to problems with the union. The cities listed as references said they would re-hire this firm. Reward Strategy Group, Inc. $149000 This firm received a good positive response from the cities that were contacted . As for the firm ' s experience, the date they were founded was not listed . One city said they were clearly technically competent and confident . A good rapport with the employees, timely, and kept in _close contact with the City Manager . They were rated "9.5 on a scale of 1-10 re: job specs" . Their recommendations were supported by the unions. They received good recommendations. As a recap the other firms submitting bids were: Personnel Associates $14,500 Becker and Bell , Inc . 16,809 Ralph Anderson & Associates 22,000 THC Associates 22,000 This synopsis does not cover the rewriting of the City ' s Rules and Regulations. Two of the firms that responded to the Wage and Classification Study did not propose to rewrite the Rules and Regulations. We recommend that the Council hire Comp Plus at the rate of $6,800 to complete the Wage and Classification Study. cc : Mid-Management/Professional Unit \wagerfp AOENDA 0D Tom, f ITM a • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council November 8, 1988 VIA: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director }C SUBJECT: PROPOSED STATE HIGHWAY 41 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BACKGROUND: The Initial Study and Environmental Assessment report prepared for the extension of Route 41 notes that historical resources in the form of the Atascadero Residential Plan would be impacted. The City of Atascadero, by passing this resolution, becomes a participant in consultations with Caltrans, and others, to implement mitigation measures including: 1 Filing of a permanent record of the streetscape prior to construction. 2 . Developing acceptable sound barrier designs to mitigate impacts . 3 . Insuring that relinquished portions of Highway 41 is handled in the future in a manner sensitive to historic qualities. 4 . Where projects in the future are proposed, that there be a 30 day review by the State Historic Preservation Officer prior to action. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval draft Resolution No. 105-88 providing for participation by the City in mitigation impact measures . other parties include the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation, the Federal High- way Commission, the State Historical Preservation Office, and Caltrans . HE :ps Enclosure: Draft Resolution No. 105-88 a RESOLUTION NO. 105-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE STATE HIGHWAY 41 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Atascadero Estates Residential District Plan is of historic significance in the areas of architecture and planning at the State level, as determined by the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places, and WHEREAS, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to build a new State Highway 41 segment through a portion of this historic resource, and WHEREAS, the National Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has determined that the project will have an adverse effect upon the Atascadero Estates Residential District Plan by altering a, portion of it, and WHEREAS, Caltrans has developed a plan to mitigate these adverse effects, as set forth in the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, Caltrans, the Federal Highway Administration, the State Historical Preservation Officer, have invited the City of Atasca- dero to sign the Memorandum of Agreement as provided for in the regulations of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero supports both the State Highway 41 project and CalTrans ' efforts to mitigate the effects of that project. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Atascadero City Manager is directed to sign the MOA on behalf of the City of Atascadero at such time as it is presented for signature. On motion by , and seconded by the motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: BONITA BORGESON, Mayor • ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RAY WINDSOR, City Manager PREPARED BY: ."5!!!!6 z't HENRY ENGaN, Commu ity Development Director ^ ����& �� �- ' �� EXHIBIT A RECEIVED NOV � �� v^^.�^~^v^.� '�°v � ww� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has determined that the proposed realignment of Highway 41 , P. M. 16. 0/19. 7, through Atascadero, California will have an adverse effect upon the Atascadero Estates Residential District Plan , a property eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, and has consulted with the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) pursuant to the regulations (36 CFR Part 800) implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act ( 16 U. S. C. 470f ) ; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero participated in the consultation and has been invited to concur in this Memorandum of Agreement; and NOW, THEREFORE, the FHWA and the SHPO agree that if the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Council ) accepts this Memorandum of Agreement (agreement ) in accordance with 36 CFR 800. 60) ( 1 ) (i ) , the undertaking shall be implemented in accordance with the following stipulations in order to take into account the effect of the undertaking on Atascadero Estates Residential District Plan. STIPULATIONS The FHWA will ensure that the following measures are carried out: 1 . Prior to alteration of Mercedes Avenue and Santa Ysabel Avenue, a permanent record of these streetscapes will be made in accordance with the standards of the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) . FHWA will contact the HAER, National Park Service, P. O. Box 36063, San Francisco, CA 94102, to determine the appropriate level of documentation required. All documentation must be acceptable to HAER prior to alterations. FHNA will also provide copies of this documentation to the California SHPO, the California State Library, the Bancroft Library, and to the City of Atascadero (City) . 2. In order to minimize adverse visual effects, FHWA will develop barrier wall design for any such barriers which may be placed within the eligible property in consultation with the SHPO and the City of Atascadero. 3. A portion of existing Route 41 , generally described as that portion of El Camino Real between Santa Ysabel Avenue and West Mal ] , West Mall and Capistrano Avenue between El Camino Real and Sycamore Road , and Sycamore Road between Capistrano Avenue and Curbaril Avenue, will be relinquished to the City of Atascadero. The City of Atascadero will ensure that future preservation and maintenance of this contributive element of the � ' eligible property , including landscape elements within the right of way, will be carried out in accordance with the recommended ' approaches set forth in g[ Qq, ll tyLign-'-g S Qn, Rp|}Dbil-itatig[� �I!d. and will ensure that future work performed on these elemcnts will be subject to prior review and approval o{ the SHPO. 4. Should the SHPO object within 30 days to any actions proposed in accordance with Stipulation 3 of this agreement , the City shall consult with the SHPO to resolve the objection. If the City and the SHPO determine that the objection cannot be resolved , the City shall request the further comments of the Council pursuant to 36 CFR 800. 6 (b) . Any Council comment provided in response to such a request will be taken into account by the City in accordance with 36 CFR 800. 6 (c) (2) with reference only to the subject of the dispute; the City ' s responsibility to carry out all actions under this agreement that are not the subjects of the dispute will remain unchanged. Execution of this Memorandum of Agreement by the FHWA and the California SHPO and its subsequent acceptance by the Council and the FHWA carrying out the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement evidences that the FHWA has afforded the Council an opportunity to comment on the undertaking and its effects on historic properties, and that the FHWA has taken into account the effects of the project on the Atascadero Estates Residential District Plan. By: ----------------------------------- Bruce E. Cannon (Date) Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration ` By: ------------------------------ Kathryn Gualtieri (Date) California State Historic Preservation Officer By: ------------------------------ (Date) City Manager City of Atascadero ' i t EETING AGENDA ATETO ITEM# Atascadero Unified School District "Where students and their education are paramount" 5601 WEST MALL ANTHONY AVINA, Ed.D. ekTASCADERO, CA 93422-4234 District Superintendent Oct �qpO E: (805)466-0393 (,/ 26.19F c�Ty October 25 , 1988 AjG; ? The Honorable Bonita Borgeson Mayor City of Atascadero P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Dear Mayor Borgeson: The Board of Education of the Atascadero Unified School District is deeply concerned with the welfare of the students and the youth of this community. Accordingly , at a special meeting of the Board on October 19 , 1988, the Board adopted resolution #9 to support the anti-loitering measures which may help to combat the growing concern of the community for its youth. In adopting this resolution, it was not the intention of the Board to usurp the authority of the City Council or of the Atascadero Policy Department. Rather, the Board wishes to support the City and the Police Department in their efforts to protect our youth and our community. Attached is a copy of the resolution as adopted. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Ta you. incerely ours, nthony Avina . D. District Su e intendent AA :ejs cc: City Manager Ray Windsor Chief Richard "Bud" McHale, APD Board of Education , AUSD Carrisa Plains Elementary Creston Elementary Lewis Avenue Elementary Monterey Road Elementary San Gabriel Road Elementary • Santa Margarita Elementary Santa Rosa Road Elementary 0 Atascadero Junior High School Atascadero Senior High School 0 Atascadero Adult School Oak Hills Continuation High School ATASCADERO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT RESOLUTION 9 • ANTI-LOITERING MEASURES - CITY OF ATASCADERO WHEREAS , the City of Atascadero is a growing and critical part of the Atascadero Unified School District ; and WHEREAS , the students, who are the responsibility of the District during school hours , become the responsibility of their parents and other agencies at the conclusion of the school day ; and WHEREAS , SafeHomes was organized to identify ways to safeguard the welfare of the youth in our community , and WHEREAS , the PTAs are cooperatively supporting those efforts , and WHEREAS , a community-wide effort is necessary to address this growing concern , and WHEREAS , the school district acknowledges that it can play a role in helping to find solutions to the loitering and late hours which our youth are experiencing ; and WHEREAS , the school district also recognizes that such loitering presents a potential danger to the youth of this community as well as to the community itself ; NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE KNOWN, that the Board of Education of the Atascadero Unified School District is prepared to work cooperatively with the parents , community organizations , PTAs , along with City and County governments to find solutions to the growing problem of loitering in the community . Moved by Trustee King , seconded by Trustee Molle Ayes: Beck, Burt , Haynes , Horst , King , LaSalle , and Molle . Noes: None . Absent : None . President , Bo rd of Education Clerk , Board of Education Adopted this 19th _day of October, 1988. 4JTELW AGENDA _ ITEM N - San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating CJounci rroyo rande Atascadero Grover City Morro Bay and Regional Transportation Planning Agency Paso Robles Pismo Beach San Luis Obispo ® San Luis Obispo County October 27, 1988 Bonita Borgeson, Mayor City of Atascadero P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA. 93422 Dear Mayor Borgeson: SUBJECT: LOCAL UNMET NEEDS HEARINGS The Area Council annually allocates approximately $4 million dollars in Transportation Development Act (TDA) funds to cities and the county. The funds are designated for public transit, but can be used to improve local streets and roads providing all transit needs are first satisfied. State law requires the region to conduct a public hearing to receive public testimony identifying or commenting on transit needs that may exist within each jurisdiction. A Regional Unmet Needs Hearing is scheduled in San Luis Obispo, December 7, 1988 at 1:30, in the Board of Supervisors Chambers. Concerned residents will have an opportunity to testify on any transit deficiencies they experience. The testimony is evaluated to determine which requests are unmet needs, and which needs are "reasonable to meet". The Area Council directs each jurisdiction to set aside funds to meet those needs, then allows the remainder to be programmed for necessary improvements in streets and roads. You can help facilitate the citizen input to this process. Please consider establishing a Local Unmet Transit Need Hearing to involve fully the residents of your city in transportation planning. Local hearings are strictly optional. Three cities have previously held local hearings. The benefits of local hearings are threefold: Addresses prior problems transit-disadvantaged people have had getting to hearings; Allows citizens to directly present transportation concerns to their legislative body rather than a regional body; and ° Provides an opportunity for city councils to be directly involved in the unmet needs process. County Government Center, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 (805) 549-5706 • i LOCAL UNMET NEEDS HEARINGS • OCTOBER 27, 1988 PAGE 2 Should you desire to have such a hearing, we would provide staff-support consisting of a staff report, advertising and presentation at the actual hearing. Please contact us at 549-5712 if you want to discuss this option further or set a date for a local unmet transit needs hearing. Sincerely, PAUL C. CRAWFORD, AICP ecutive D ector DAN HERRON Transportation Planner DH/cl/sb/8861-1 & 8862-1/ 10-27-88 • AGENDA ,0_,y 8 ITEM i ' M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: Ray Windsor, City Manager SUBJECT: Council Sub-committees DATE: November 8, 1988 As I have indicated previously, the use of Council sub-committees to work with staff on major issues and/or areas of priority can, and often does, assist in expediting things . It also provides a check/balance between elected and non-elected officials . Of course, the process only works if there is a spirit of openness t and cooperation and the understanding that ultimate decision making rests with the entire policy-making body. I strongly urge that Council give serious consideration to the formation of sub-committees, recognizing that it is experimental and subject to modification and/or termination. Initially, I would like to suggest assignment of two members of Council to the following areas: 1 . Fiscal matters, including long-term financing Ste" � � U 2 . Land-use (General Plan Update) 3 . Tree Preservation RW/CW MEETiI� AGENDA _ � DATE, ITEM N � M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: Ray Windsor, City Manager SUBJECT: Council Meetings DATE: November 8, 1988 I would very much appreciate consideration of changing the time of all regular Council meetings from 7 : 30 p.m. to 7 : 00 p.m. In suggesting this, I am motivated purely out of a desire to keep the length of meetings, in terms of adjournment, to a reasonable hour. Precedent for this has been established with special meetings . One half hour may not appear to be significant in the scheme of things, yet it would assist in addressing some of the more rou- tine items . There is no reason to modify the public hearing portion, which can remain 8 :00 p.m. or whatever. Should you see fit to approve a time change as suggested, it will require an amendment to Code section 2-1 .01 . RW/cw • fasca&ro cfiam er of commerce 6550 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 TELEPHONE: (805) 466-2044 April 18 , 1988 TO : Chief Bud McHale Rolfe Nelson, Atascadero High School Dr. Robert and Mrs . Vicki Perce, Safe Homes FROM: Maggie Rice, Executive Manager RE : Proposed curfew law in Atascadero At -he r has t request of Rolfe Nelson, the Board of Directors t s discussed a request for support of a curfew law in Atascadero. Police Chief McHale was invited to comment at this meeting on April 12 , 1988. He expressed that he would like to see a curfew/ anti-loitering ordinance written provided the community wanted it. The Board of Directors made a motion as follows: "Representing the business community, the Chamber of Commerce endorses the concept of an anti-loitering/curfew law in Atascadero. " Unanimous approval. It is believed that this would help to curtail loss of business due to loiterers , prevent littering , enable police officers to question loiterers and help to curtail malicious behavior causing vandalism and property damage. • li ro