HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 12/14/1988 GEORGIA RAMIREZ DEPUTY CITY CLERK � F@-(m F i a-q I�' 1918 � Q �� 0 1979 A G E N D A JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Wednesday, December 14 , 1988 7 :00-9 : 00 p.m. National Guard Armory Atascadero, CA Call to order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call 1 . PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF HIGHWAY 41 Z. RESOLUTION NO. 105-88 - AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY TO ENTER INTO MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (MOA) RELATIVE TO MEASURES TO MITIGATE THE IMPACT OF HIGHWAY 41 EXTENSION ON HISTORIC RESOURCES (Cont' d from City Council ' s November 8 ,1988 meeting) Public Comment Next joint meeting Adjournment • � MEETING AGENDA ADMINISTRATION BUILDING /� (�� POST OFFICE BOX IA �A1'�GI I EM p ���: ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: (805) 466-8000 • CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK aseadeiCs CITY TREASURER INCORPORATED JULY 2. 1979 � CITY MANAGER Ar ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93422 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805) 466-2141 November 4, 1988 Mr. G.L. Ruggerone, Chief Environmental Planning Branch _ Department of Transportation State of California P.O. Box 8114 San Luis 'Obispo, CA 93403-8114 Subject: Proposed Realignment and Bridge Replacement: Route 41 in the City of Atascadero Dear Mr. Ruggerone: This is to respond to the Initial Study Environmental Assessment report on this project together with comments received by, • Caltrans at your public hearing on October 26, 1988. The City of Atascadero' s General Plan calls for the relocation of Highway 41 along the Mercedes alignment, and this determination was re-affirmed by the City Council following public hearing in March, 1987 . Specific General Plan language pertinent to this project is contained in the General Plan Circulation chapter as follows: "Highway 41 bisects the community at right angles to Freeway 101 . The eastern half runs through part of the CBD, direct- ly between two schools and through a densely populated resi- dential area. Proposed plans to realign and improve 41 along Mercedes would: a. - Eliminate the truck traffic hazard on West Mall in the area of Atascadero Junior High and Lewis Avenue Elemen- tary School campuses. b. Eliminate truck traffic at the very narrow bridge and dog leg over Atascadero Creek. C. Prevent trucks reaching the southern Pacific underpass on Capistrano Avenue with its impaired vertical clearance of 13 ' -611 . • Design of Highway 41 - along the Mercedes alignment should attempt to minimize the visual impacts on Pine Mountain and should, with regard to the roadway width and residential driveway access, be similar to that of surrounding streets to minimize any appearance of bisecting the community. When • rerouting of Highway 41 does take place, adequate pedestrian and bicycle pathways shall be provided. " The City' s concerns, therefore, are with fair treatment for those who have to be displaced together with mitigating to the maximum extent possible negative impacts of the project. Towards this end, we have the following comments and suggestions : 1 . A landscaped median (page 6) . The report calls for a 16 foot paved center lane for the first 800 foot of improvement northeast of ' E1 Camino Real. We request installation of a landscaped median strip to break up the proposed 80 foot wide all paved surface and to physically control left turn movements. The median is also desirable for pedestrian safety at this location between two shopping centers . 2. On-street parking (page 6) . We anticipate that the City Council will take action to prohibit on-street parking thus allowing the 8 ' shoulders to be used by pedestrians and bicyclists (refer to Item 6 . below) . 3 . Stadium Park access (page 7, 39) . The City' s General Plan calls for the restoration of Stadium Park as a natural • amphitheater and it is important that access be assured to this proposed future public facility. Consideration should be given to construction of a tunnel or bridge which might also serve the purpose of providing a deer crossing. 4 . Noise barriers (page 8, 38) . The City is supportive of the most natural looking noise barrier generally favoring berms over walls . The combination of wall and berm is preferred over an 8 foot wall. We plan to be a signatory to the Memorandum of Agreement enabling participation with the affected neighbors in evaluating design alternatives for this and other issues concerning the Historic Preservation Office. 5 . Park and Ride (page 8, 48) . Relocation of the existing Park and Ride lot should take into consideration the City' s leased land adjacent to the old County hospital on Capistrano. The County has expressed interest in expanding their parking. We no longer need this site for a police facility and perhaps all three units of government would benefit by a cooperative arrangement to provide a Park and Ride Lot that could also function as an off-site parking lot for Stadium Park and the hospital . 6 . 10-12 foot future sidewalks (page 6, 7, 9) . With a view to reducing negative impacts of grading on the base of Pine • Mountain, it is suggested that grading for future sidewalks northeast of Quail Ridge be eliminated. Dollar savings should be re-directed to other proposed mitigation measures . 7 . Air quality monitoring station (page 18) . Be advised that the Air Pollution Control District has just established such a facility at Fire Station No. 1 . 8 . Memorandum of Agreement (page 21) . The City Council will be acting on a proposed Memorandum of Agreement at their November 8th meeting. The Negative Declaration transmittal page will require. a change to Item 8 adding the City of Atascadero. 9. Population figures (page 21) . The Department of Finance' s population estimate for January, 1988 is 22,185 persons. Further, we have determined our population holding capacity to be 32,860 persons projected to be reached by the year 2000. 10. Sycamore Road industrial access (page 22, 25) . The City would prefer a direct link to Sycamore Road to provide direct access to Highway 41 . In addition to providing greater convenience for industrial traffic, it would also preclude undesirable industrial access from Capistrano on Mercedes to get to Highway 41 . 11 . City water service extension (page 33, 45) . The City sees the language as presently contained in the report as raising a major growth-inducing issue. The superintendent of the Water Company has indicated that their purpose was to bring water from wells on the northeast side of the Salinas River to the City. Both the Council and the Planning Commission in joint study session have re-affirmed their intent to keep the City' s Urban Reserve and Urban Services Lines on this side of the Salinas River. The language needs to be modi- fied to reflect this City and County land use policy intent. 12 . Old bridge (page 34 ) . The City desires that the current Curbaril bridge across the Salinas be retained for bicycles, pedestrians , and be available for emergency vehicles . The County would be the appropriate agency to maintain the bridge in that it provides a service to both the City and unincorporated area to the northeast. 13 . Lewis Avenue bridge (page 46) . The so-called South Mall Ex- tension is being programmed by the City for development within five years . Engineering plans are currently under way and there has been a traffic study which should be reviewed with respect to verifying your traffic projection data. 14 . Old Highway 41 (Negative Declaration Transmittal) . it should be reaffirmed that the City would expect to assume obligations for old 41 within the City limits provided that it is transmitted in a "state of good .repair" (page 7 ) . ' 15 . Project timing. As indicated at the public hearing, we would like to clarify the indicated 1992 start-up date. It was our understanding through SLOCOG that the State Trans- portation Improvement Plan indicated work to commence in 1990-91 . Obviously, expeditious construction would reduce the adversities encountered by affected property owners during construction. 16 . Magdalena-Magnolia-Country Club Intersections . The City is willing to discuss the looping of Magdalena and Magnolia in lieu of the cul-de-sac concept that was addressed at the public hearing. Country Club Drive should also be reviewed as it could end up as a short cut to the downtown in the future. These alignment changes should be a part of the project cost. 17 . Mercedes-Cemetery Road. Improvements should extend to existing Highway 41 (Capistrano) , instead of halfway,- since the access that would remain is below standard. 18 . 101-Highway 41 Intersection (page 12 ) . Planning for this intersection' s improvement should be accelerated and short- term, low cost improvements to mitigate impacts of the route 41 extension, including landscaped medians, should be considered. As a final note, the City supports the emphasis on effective and extensive landscape material replacement to mitigate the regret- table loss of native vegetation, especially large oaks . The pro- posed reduction in grading through elimination of future sidewalks should result in significant tree savings . Compliance with the City' s Tree Ordinance could be accomplished by City Council approval of the proposed grading and tree removal plans reflecting the above mitigation measures. Sincerely, tN '"4o7 a Windsor City Manager City of Atascadero RW:HE :ph cc: Mr. Ron DeCarli, SLOCOG • ,�. I ;.. // SEs^ � � ✓' �,'. I . • 1 � y�� � \ -"'•�' iii.• � ,�.. ,,:1�i•�,.c •� � � �� __.- � .fey ��• 1 \l„L- p Y• t� � 1, l\ J .•�!-� ., � �i�,:�.��Ti_.�S►��� ids •cam e t ;. RECIEWED ra ` ` `) 5850 TRAFFIC WAY • P.O. BOX 6075 • ATASCADERO, CA 93423 • (805) 466-2428 TASCADERO MUTUAL WATER COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1913 November 10, 1988 California Division of Highways 50 Higuera Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Re: , Highway 41 Bridge Replacement Gentlemen: Your recent preliminary Environmental Impact Report infers that water lines placed in the new bridge structure would be used to conduct water from Atas- cadero to adjacent areas. Actually, in preliminary discussions with EIR research staff, I noted that a water line would be desirable to bring water to Atascadero Colony from Company owned wells on the east side of the Salinas River. Please be advised that no water will be exported from the Atascadero area. Thank you. S* cerely yours, Robert E. Hamilton SUPERINTENDENT REH/pm NOVEMBER 3, 1988 CITY COUNCIL - ^ CITY OF ATASCADERO 6500 PALMA -_ ATASCADERO, CA. 93422 Y RE: ROUTE 41 PROPOSED REALIGNMENT AND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT rff < IN AND NEAR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO t DEAR 'MAYOR BORGESON AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: WE WISH TO STRONGLY OPPOSE ALTERNATE A FOR THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT. 5 1. THE COST OF THIS PROJECT IS AN UNACCEPTABLE WASTE OF TAXPAYORS� MONEY.~''THE ANTICIPATED BENEFITS GAINED HAVE NOT BEEN DELINEATED IN ANY WAY TO JUSTIFY 10.7 MILLION DOLLARS SIF IT STAYS WITHIN BUDGET.) 2. THE PROJECT WILL STRAIGHTEN A CURVING, TWISTED ROAD IN ORDER TO REACH AN EQUALLY BAD ROAD, I.E. 'CHICAGO GRADE,I THUS THE INHERENT PROBLEMS WITH USING ROUTE 41 FOR QUICK ACCESS OR A TRUCK ROUTE TO POINTS EAST WILL NOT BE SOVLED. 3. NO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY HAS BEEN DONE EVEN THOUGH 200 TREES AND UP TO 14 HOMES WILL BE DESTROYED. 4. IF, AS PROPOSED, WATER CONDUITS WILL BE BUILT IN THE BRIDGE FROM THE CITY TO THE EAST SIDE OF THE RIVER, IT WILL OPEN UP FARMLAND FOR RESIDENTIAL., COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CONTRARY TO GENERAL PLAN DESIGN. ti 5. AN ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF THE PROJECT IS TO AVOID HAVING A STATE HIGHWAY DIVIDE TWO SCHOOLS. THIS- PROBLEM COULD BE SOLVED BY DESIGNATING SANTA YSABEL HIGHWAY 41 - SINCE THIS IS THE ROUTE USED BY THE RESIDENTS ANYWAY. IN ADDITION, WE FEEL THAT THE TWO WEEKS PERIOD FROM THE PUBLIC HEARING ON OCTOBER 26TH TO NOVEMBER 10TH IS INSUFFICIENT TIME FOR THE RESIDENTS TO FULLY INVESTIGATE THE RAMIFICATIONS OF THE PROJECT AND TO MAKE OBJECTIONS. WE RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY URGE CAL TRANS TO DISCARD ALTERNATE 'A' IN FAVOR OF SIMPLY REPAIRING THE BRIDGE, WHICH IS ALTERNATE 'B.' THIS IS MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE AND FAR LESS DISRUPTING TO THE CITY. IF THIS NOT POSSIBLE, THEN WE FEEL YOU SHOULD ASK CAL TRANS TO EXTEND THE TIME PERIOD FOR OPPOSITION TO BE HEARD. SINCERELY, f�Lf THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ATASCADERO HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PETITION CONCERNING COMITRY CLUB DRIVE R E C F � City of Atascadero October 26, 1988 .0v 1 q 1x88 0 A AXADERO To whom it may concern: CITY CLERK The property owners of Country Club Drive in the City of Atascadero request that said street not intersect with the proposed Alternate A realignment of State Route 41. We strongly suggest that the money saved be utilized for a tarmac turnaround for what would beccme a dead-end street, in view of Atascadero City's plan to extend Lewis Avenue across .the creek to Capistrano. Please include this re- cuest in the minutes of meetings concering the realicmment o w DAT E IL } Ll JIf I• l000li I 5345 Magnolia Avenue Atascadero, Ca. 22 November9l, 1988 Caltrans, Environmental Planning Department P.O. Box 8114, San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93403-8114 Dear Sirs: Re: Proposed Changes to Route 41 At the public hearing on October 26th, I spoke on behalf of the property owners and residents of Magnolia Avenue, requesting that Magnolia be dead-ended and have a turnaround rather than access to 41. 1. I understand now that this would have to be a City decision. Mr. Engen and SKr Sensibaugh talked with me about it and seemed to think it possible. 'Their alternative suggestion was joining Magnolia and Magdalena, with neither one having access to the highway. I have relayed this information to all the neighbors that I have talked with. 2. It occurred to me that the excess soil from cuts, could be used to fill the tguiley at the junction of Magdalena and Mercedes, if this alternative is chosen. 3. You could then perhaps bridge the Stadium canyon, rather than disposing of your fill dirt there, and leave free passage for deer and people, allow that area to drain naturally, and leave the area in a more natural state. 4. I would definitely favor a planted berm over a wall for a noa_sc barrier -- the idea o� a wail would give a trapped-big c'L4y feeling. A good bunch of trees prettier and harder to graffiti, 5. In closing I would say that I personally do not favor this change of route. I would prefer to try to maintain our rural atmosphere by a) rebuilding the present bridge; b) improving both Curbaril and Capistrano; and c)slowing traffic on those roads with reasonably - enforceable speed limits. We are still a relatively small. town and do not want to encourage the bird rush -- nor carve the town across once again with a major road. Thant you in advarice for your attention to jzysuggestions in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 Sincerely yours, Rosemary Jorgens cc .7r. Sensibau� i�tr. Eng e - � • • __ � _ � .�.. �-- � r.ter-r.t t t T �_ -�-• PET ION CONCERNING MAGNOLIA AVER City of Ataacadbro October u. 1988 To whoa it MY oonoe rno ��y.:-\5 The sat that pro said POrtY"owners of Kagnolia Avenue in the City of Atasoadero request not la street terssct with the proposed Alternate A raali ,sent o! qe �, &fi State Route 41. uld • a the t uggt t the money saved by Closing said street could be utilised on a tar's&* to Aftround for what would become a dead—end street. Please � the ainute include this request s of all aeetings oonoerning Alternats A realignment of State Route 41. NAi ' �. Dr+Tr. .„ NA, DATE 5 -3tf- 1.4 t. Y Le 0 ti 53�c ;,: C 1j ''s. f PWITION CONCERNING !MAGNOLIA AVENUE City of Atascadbro October 21j, 1988 To Mhos it may concern cY The property' owners of Magnolia Avenue in the City of Atasoadero request that said street not intersect with the proposed Alternate A Yee.lignment of State Route 41, VO would suggest that the money saved by closing said street could be utilised on a tal turnaround for what would become a dead-end street. Please include this request in the minutes of all meetings concerning Alternate A realignment of State Route 41. I re NAPE DATE NAI•E DATE �—� `��,{—'��i71c� c�-tic- � c; j C ;ziy 5�Ir.-1? !r►9[��r.� � �,�o t:.yz:. 7 Zi Z65 1111 All 1n J 19EC INE a 2 G 1n,38 13 Nov 1988 Paul Sensibau;h Public Works Dept. City of Atascadero :'administration Offices 6500 Pala Ave. , Atascadero CA 93422 Subject: Proposed new Hirhway 41 routing in Atascadero Dear Sir: I attended the 26 Oct 1988 Caltrans Public Hearing on the proposed neer Hwy.41 routing in Atascadero. I live on Capistrano Ave. in the impacted area. I sub- mitted several comments to Caltrans at the meeting, and would like to submit the following comments to the city: 1-I support the new hih:^.ay, Alternate A, but with earth berm noise barriers which in my experience loom better and function better than a wall. And they are graffiti proof. -I support the dead-ending of 1.agnolia Ave. or connection to i°ia.gda- lena Ave. , -•rith no auto access to Hwy. 41. Noise Barrier 412 should be extended to connect to Noise Barrier ,-/3. However, pedestrian, bicycle, and .orse access thru or over the noise barrier should be retained. I live on Capistrano Ave. about 171J feet from ,,Ia nolia Ave. anti hear all the traffic on it, alt� ou; it is light at present. 3-I recor:mend no par .in; on the new hi;hr:ay and br_ds;e to allow pedes- trian, bicycle and horse use of the 8 foot shoulders. ( At least from Country Club .Drive to the other side of the Salinas River) . I expect that many school ch_ldren will -. alk across the new brid,;e daily. 4-The Von's par; in-_, iot access off of Santa T_sabel Ave. should be retained and redesined. Traffic in and out of this access is very heavy and if it were closed, all the traffic :ould be forced onto El Camino Real. T_ is shoppin center badly needs better access to Santa ysabel Ave. , but it loo-:s li'-e it : ou;_d be diff_cult to provide it . 5-I su:--port kee ;_n- tae old 71,y. 41 Salinas .fiver bridge for pedestrian, bicycle and Ior-e traffic (and e_:.er ;ency ve licles) . It would be a r_sta_1_e to re love ,it. Very truly yours, "german Plew 5395 Capistrano Ave. , 0 Box 754 Atascadero CA 93423 Atascadero City Council Atascadero, California November 28, 1988 IJAX,ADERO QTY CLERK Honorable Council, As I am unablO to attend your meeting, please accept this letter as testimony in the hearing regarding the realignment of State Highway 41. My name is V.M. Cook and I have resided in the E1 Pomar area east of Templeton for over 65 years. Atascadero is our major shopping and banking center as well as our permanent church home, therefore access to Atascadero is of critical concern. While shopping in Atascadero recently I was asked to sign a petition in opposition to the proposed realignment of Highway 41 and was extremely alarmed by the verbal misinformation, enuendos, and scare tactics used to support that position. If signatures in opposition are being secured in the same manner as presented to me, surely your Honorable Council will give little weight to numbers without personal testimony. .I have served as a member of the San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission for aver 15 years and am well acquainted with the history of the proposed realignment of Highway 41. My concerns, as I am sure it is yours also, is the safety of the existing routing which must be corrected. The extremely hazardous and narrow bridge over the Salinas River which requires stopping ' of traffic when trucks and school buses are encountered, along with the ridiculous blind curve railroad underpass, and most dangerous of all situations, the State Highway going directly through the center of school facilities, are more than enough reasons to proceed without any further disruption of the proposed realignment that your Honorable council is considering. During my tenure, exhaustive studies and testimony were received regarding Possible realignment including Curbaril, San Anselmo and routings to the _ north as w011 as further to the south. Knowing full well that ANY new alignment causes hardships on a certain number of property owners, and I am certain those affected are absolutely sincere in their belief that there must be a better way, it still comes down to the fact that the shortest distance of impact between the Salinas River and the connecting Highway-*41 at the intersection of Morro Road and E1 Camino Real is the best routing affecting the least number of property owners. Pine Mountain on the easterly side of the proposed alignment provides a natural buffer and will minimize the visual and physical impact over other alternatives. I would beg your Honorable Council to base your decision entirely on the best interest of the entire community as well as the outlying areas that rely on Atascadero as a service center and contribute to it's economic base. Respectively, /1 V.M. Cook C: PETITION IN SUPPORT OF 11IG1114AY 41 RPLIGNAIENT /WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, IN ORDER TO IMPROVE TRAFFIC SAFETY AND HINIMlIZE TRAFFIC CONGESTION IN THE CITY OF ATASCAUERO, STRONGLY SUPPORT THE PROPOSED "ALTERNATE A" REALIGNMENT OF HIGHWAY 41. • • U v WARE ADDRESS CTY CLERK -•�iADSRD VAIr . 5. Ly 0 6. ss Gor a;�s ra �- A Mascaciel 7. v c.V '� 8i 3o 1 ICti�+c iiQr o O TA_ ; v - ,CAS 8. o 10. Af E 7J.3Z7 � �� ��a�/ /�71kS�7�✓ 12. 7'YG O�'G�a�-d Q� 15 . 16 . a��ss� /z8S GA/1c�� /117. i9%¢ScAyeev 17. l `T� 18 . �� 20. �2��— PETITION A ' SUPPORT OF 11IGE1WAY 41 RRIGNMENT rWE, TETE UNDERSIGNED, IN ORDER TO IHPROVE TRAFFIC SAFETY AND MIi1IPiIZE �RAFFIC CONGESTION IN T11E CITY OF ATASCADERO, STRONGLY SUPEgRT ,RE - PROPOSED "ALTERNATE A" REALIGNMENT OF HIGHWAY 41. "� NAME ADDRESS 1. la hof aL �- ZLIf 7 5. woo- cS��i CCS o- n 7. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13 . 14 . 15. 16 . 17. 8 . 19. 20. `_ PETITION III SUPPORT OF HIGHWAY 41 P.T:ALIGN.IEN'i' WE , THE UNDERSIGNED, IN ORDER TO IMPROVE TRAFFIC SAFE'T'Y AND Hli INIZE TRAFFIC CONGESTION IN THE CITY OF ATASCADLRO , STROIIGLY SUPPORT THE PROPOSED "ALTERNATE A" REALIGIMENT OF HIGHWAY 41 . NAHE ADDRESS c:;v ctv, _- .o 2. 3. 4 5 . �f 1 ,a 6. Ask 8. 9. 10 . 11 . - 12. 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17. 18 . 19. 20 . 11/16/88 • SYCAMORE ROAD (HIGHWAY #41) RESIDENTS FOR A SPEEDY V ACCEPTANCE AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE HIGHWAY 41 C r i � �• = BRIDGE & ROAD ALIGN11ENT AS DESCRIBED IN CALTRANS -;,4, 1988ALTERNATE "A" PLAN. n'ti.;C qO The below signed encourage the Atascadero City Council members to sbanzoy their decision to accept CALTRANS Proposed Alternate "A" - 41 Highway Realignment. For the city Council to encourage CALTRANS to proceed as quickly as possible to alleviate the increasingly dangerous situation that exists on the streets of Sycamore, Curbaril, Capistrano and West 'Mall. Many of us have lived on Sycamore Road for years. We have seen the rapid increase in traffic (trucks - motor homes and cars) to its present dangerous level. Acceptance of Alternate "A" will bypass two narrow inadequate bridges as well as one dangerous railroad underpass. It will eliminate many dangerou curves that have been associated with an increasing number of accidents and deaths. Alternate "A" will eliminate 90% of the danger to school children who walk and bike to and from school on Capistrano, Sycamore and Curbaril. Alternate "A", when completed, will route traffic safely and efficiently in and out of our city which should help present traffic congestion in the future. The Alternate "A" Bridge & Realignment Proposal has been planned for 20 years. It's time to do what's best for Atascadero and get this project going. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME ADDRESS --- -------- -- ------------- ---------- ------------------------------- 1. /?W- �G4/1 -�72-e -4. O 6. • t ✓ -7-15-07s �z'lt=33 8 �Lzcra �G��/y7 L i ,^ ' •�l•G—o L - +-� •- 157 15. ac7 urtia -e_L6.-- -- �- - Ps d. —_ 17. u 2c _� .. .._ _._ 18. _ 20. 2. U 7 i0. i c2. 9 �42� 3�� . ?JL-1 O �, Cr+. -2 31. /Y . ! Or 723'7 cjJ :(,✓rtnr� ti� sc d�-pro ll- (s ;? Cl ).C w.;c\,k rd i 7 M � G MEETIN4G/ AGENDA DATE4 $ITEM!! ... M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council December 14, 1988 VIA: Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director } SUBJECT: PROPOSED STATE HIGHWAY 41 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT r BACKGROUND: The Initial Study and Environmental Assessment report prepared for t e extension of Route 41 notes that historical resources in the form of the Atascadero Residential Plan would be impacted. The City of Atascadero, by passing this resolution, becomes a participant in consultations with Caltrans, and others, to imple- ment mitigation measures including: 1 . Filing of a permanent record of the streetscape prior to construction. 2 . Developing acceptable sound barrier designs to mitigate impacts . 3 . Insuring that relinquished portions of Highway 41 is handled in the future in a manner sensitive to historic qualities . 4 . Where projects in the future are proposed, that there be a 30 day review by the State Historic Preservation Officer Prior to action. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve draft Resolution No. 105-88 providing for participation by the City in mitigation impact measures . Other parties include the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation, the Federal High- way commission, the State Historical Preservation Office, and Caltrans . HE:ps Enclosure: Draft Resolution No. 105-88 RESOLUTION NO. 105-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE STATE HIGHWAY 41 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Atascadero Estates Residential District Plan is of historic significance in the areas of architecture and planning at the State level, as determined by the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places; and WHEREAS, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to build a new State Highway 41 segment through a portion of this historic resource, and WHEREAS, the National Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has determined that the project will have an adverse effect upon the Atascadero Estates Residential District Plan by altering a portion of it; and WHEREAS, Caltrans has developed a plan to mitigate these adverse effects, as set forth in the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, Caltrans, the Federal Highway Administration, the State Historical Preservation Officer, have invited the City of Atasca- dero to sign the Memorandum of Agreement as provided for in the regulations of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero supports Caltrans' efforts to mitigate the effects of that project. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resovled that the Atascadero City Manager is directed to sign the MOA on behalf of the City of Atascadero at such time as it is presented for signature. On motion by and seconded by the motion was approved by the following roll call vote : AYES: NOES : ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: BONITA BORGESON, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT RAY WINDSOR, City Manager PREPARED BY: x HENRY ENG Commu ty Development Director EXHIBIT A RECEIVED NOV 2 1988 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has determined that the proposed realignment of Highway 41 , P. M. 16. 0/19. 7 , through Atascadero, California will have an adverse effect upon the Atascadero Estates Residential District Plan , tA property eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places , and has consulted with the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) pursuant to the regulations (36 CFR Part 800) implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act 06 U. S. C. 470f ) ; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero participated in the consultation and has been invited to concur in this Memorandum of Agreement ; and NOW, THEREFORE, the FHWA and the SHPO agree that if the Advisory Council on ,Historic Preservation (Council ) accepts this Memorandum of Agreement (agreement ) in accordance with 36 CFR 800. 60) ( 1 ) (i ) , the undertaking shall be implemented in accordance with the following stipulations in order to take into account the effect of the undertaking on Atascadero Estates Residential District Plan. I STIPULATIONS The FHWA will ensure that the +ollowing measures are carried out: 1 . Prior to alteration of Mercedes Avenue and Santa Ysabel Avenue, a permanent record of these streetscapes will be made in accordance with the standards of the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) . FHWA will contact the HAERI National Park Service, P. O. Dom 36061, San Francisco, CA 94102, to determine the appropriate level of documentation required. All documentation must he acceptable to HAER prior to alterations. FtMA will also provide copies of this documentation to the California SHPO, the California State Library, the Bancroft Library, and to the City of Atascadero (City) . 2. In order to minimize adverse visual effects, FHWA will develop barrier wall design for any such barriers which may be placed within the eligible property in consultation with the SHPO and the City of Atascadero. 3. A portion of existing Route 41 , generally described as that portion of El Camino Real between Santa Mabel Avenue and West Hall , West Mall and Capistrano Avenue between El Camino Real and Sycamore Road , and Sycamore Road between Capistrano Avenue and Curbaril Avenue, will be relinquished to the City of Atascadero. The City of Atascadero will ensure that future preservation and maintenance of this contributive element of the eligible property, including landscape elements within the right of way, will be carried out in accordance with the recommended approach2o set forth in 09 On. F{P',:a! :i. :1. i.i.,'c i `=r'. :r',•-1 PKAYAns c s - Isc.t.4.1_41nUs, and will et-)<-_ure that future work l. urformod on tris::: '- ol ua,(_nt.s will be subject a _cprior review and approval of the, SHPO. f Should . HPO object within 30 days to any r:ctT o:'S proposed in accordance with Stipulation _ of this agreement , the City shall consult With the SHPO to resolve the objection. if the City and the SHPO determine that the objection cannot he resolved , the City shall request the further comments of the Council pursuant to 36 CFF: 800. 6(b) . Any Council comment provided in response to suet') a request will be taken into account by the City in accordance with 56 CFF: 800. 6 (c) (2) with reference only to the subject of the disputes; the City ' s' responsibility to carry out all actions under this agreement: that are not the subjects of the dispute "ill remain unchanged. Execution of this Memorandum of Agreement by the FI- WA and the California SHPO and its subsequent acceptance by the Cot..tr',r_i i, and the 1=HWA carrying out the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement evidences that the FHWA has afforded the Council an opportunity to comment on the undertaking and its effects on historic properties, and that the FHNA has taken into account the effects of the project on the Atascadero Estates Residential. District Plan. . Bruce E. Cannon (nate) Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration By: --------------------------------- . Kathryn Gualtier-i (Date) California State Historic preservation Officer By: ---------------------------_.....------...--------- (Date) City Manager City of Ata cadern i