HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/12/1988 NOTE : THERE WILL BE A` COUNCIL OPEN SESSION AT 4 : 30 P.M. IN THE FOURTH FLOOR ROTUNDA CLUB ROOM REGARDING PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION INTERVIEWS THERE WILL ALSO BE A COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION AT 5 :30 P .M. IN THE FOURTH FLOOR ROTUNDA CLUB ROOM REGARDING EMPLOYEE NEGOTIATIONS AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR, ;ROTUNDA .ROOM JULY 12, 1988 7:30 P.M, ' RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. A person may speak for five ( 5) minutes . No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so. No one may speak more: than twice on any item. Council Members may question any speaker; the ,speaker may respond, but, after the allotted time has 'expired, ;may not initiate further discussion. The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for council discussion. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call City Council Comment: ` * Appointment of Four Park and Recreation Commissioners -Four Year Terms x* Consideration of Composition of Council Committees and Reappointments to County-Wide Advisory Bodies I * Proclamation Acknowledging July 22-30 as "Babe Ruth Baseball Week" COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Approximate Time - 7 :`45 P .M. ) (The following represents Ad Hoc or Standing Committees . Informative status reports will be ;given, as felt necessary. ) 1 . City/School Committee 7 . Pavilion Committee 2 . North Coastal Transit8 . Police` Facility Committee 3 San Luis Obispo Area 9 .' Atascad.ero Lake Acquisition ' Coordinating Council Committee 4 . Traffic Committee 10 . Bicentennial Committee 5 . Solid/Hazardous Waste 11. Tree Committee Management Committee 6 . Economic Opportunity Commission COMMUNITY FORUM: (Approximate Time 8 :-00 P.M. ) The City Council values and encourages exchange of ideas and comments from you the citizen. The Public Comment Period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items .`; To increase the effectiveness of Community Forum, the following rules will be enforced: * A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizesanextension'. All remarks shall be ` addressed to Council, as a whole, and not to any individual member thereof . * No person shall be permitted to make slanderous , profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or staff . Any person desiring to submit written statements may do so by forwarding to Council, prior to the Council Meeting, nine ( 9 ) copies to the City Clerk by 5`:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the Council Meeting. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (Approximate Time - 8:30 P .M. ) All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion on these items . A member of the Council or public may, by request, have any item `removed 'from the Consent Calendar, which shall then be reviewed and acted upon separately; after the adoption of the Consent Calendar. 1 . Approval of the June 28 , 1988 Regular Council Minutes 2 . Denial of Claim by Attorney Philip Newell in Behalf of Craig Prescott - $500 , 000 3 . Denial of Chaim by Leo Fairbanks for Property Damages, - $325 . 20 amages -$325 . 20 4 . Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 19-87 - 2405 Santa Ana Road - DavisfVolbrecht `Surveys 5 . Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 11-88 - 5550/'5560 Llano Road - Proposed Subdivision of 11 .50 Acres: into 4 Parcels of 2 . 86 Acres Each - Atkinson/Twin Cities Engineering 6 . Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 12-88 - Proposed Conversion of an Approved (not constructed) 9 Unit Apartment Complex into Residential Condominiums - 6805 Santa Lucia - Anderson/ Messer 7 . Approve Resolution 53-88 Designation of a Portion of Valle-Avenue as a "One-Way Street" 8 . - Approve Designation of Stop Intersections A. Resolution 51-88 - Designation of a' Stop Intersection on Arena Avenue at Yerba Avenue B. Resolution 52-88 - Designation of a Stop Intersection on Yerba Avenue at Estrada Avenue 3 0 -B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES/REPORTS: 1 . (Approximate Time - 8: 35 P.M. ) Zone Change 15-87 and Tentative Parcel Map 39-87 - 9240 Vista Bonita Road - Yeomans/Frederick A. Public Hearing B. Ordinance 180 Amending the 'Existing RSF-Y and RSF=Z Zoning to Provide for a Planned Development Overlay, Implement a Tentative Tract Map to Reorganize the Existing Six Lots Totaling 6 .32 Acres into Six Lots from 7 , 260 to 9, 132 Square Feet, ,Create a New Open Space of 5 . 18 Acres, and Abandon a Portion of Vista Bonita Road (FIRST READING)` C. Approval of Tentative Tract Map 39-87 (Description Above) (Approximate Time - 9: 00 P.M. ) 2 . General "Plan Amendment 2B-88 and Zone Change 8-88 Site Between Highway 101 and El Camino Real, North of :Del Rio 'Road - Elks Lodge A. Public Hearing B. Resolution 49-88 - Approving an Amendment to the Land Use Designation of the City General Plan from is Residential Suburban & Commercial Retail to Public C. Ordinance 178 - Amendment to the City Zoning from Residential Suburban and Commercial Retail to Public and Revising the Zoning Text to Allow Membership Organizations as a Conditional Use (FIRST READING) BREAK - 9 : 15 P.M. (15 MINUTES) C. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (Council will recess 'and 'convene as the Atascadero `county Sanitation District Board of Directors) (Approximate Time - 9 :30 P.M. ) 1 . Report on Review of Waste Water Treatment Plant Conditions by Regional Water Quality Control Board (Board to recess and reconvene as the Atascadero City Council)' 4 D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (ApproximateTime - 9 : 45 P .M. ) 1 . Report and Recommendation Regarding Street Improvement District for Chandler Ranch Area (Cont' d from; 5/24/88), (Approximate Time - 10 :00 P.M. ) 2 . Use Permit Renewals (Cont' d from 6/14 & 6/28/88) : A. "Duck Hut" Concession (Atascadero- Lake Park) - operator - Richard Oswald - F.Y. 1988/89 Lease B. "Pop' s Tackle Shop" Concession (Atascadero Lake Park) - operator - Richard Oswald - `Month-to- Month Tenancy (Approximate Time - 10 : 20 P.M. ) 3 . ordinance 174 - Amending ordinance 138, Business License Provisions, and Centralizing the Administration in the City Finance Department (Cont' d from 6/28/88) (SECOND AND FINAL READING) (Approximate Time - 10 : 25 P.M ) 4 . ordinance 176 - ( Zone Change 9-88) 9840 El Camino :teal- Amending the Official Zoning Maps from Commercial Tourist to Public (City of Atascadero Initiated) (SECOND & 'FINAL READING) (Cont' d from 6/28/88) (Approximate Time - 10 :30 P .M. ) 5 . Ordinance 177 - Amendment to the City Zoning Maps from Residential Suburban, Flood Hazard Overlay to Residential Multi Family (RMF/10 (FH) , Flood Hazard Overlay - Rankiewicz 11455 Viejo Camino (Cont' d from 6/28/88) ;(SECOND AND FINAL READING) (Approximate Time - 10 : 35 P.M. ) 6 . Status on City Surplus Property Located on Traffic Way - Purchase Negotiations - Verbal (Cont' d from 6/24 , _ 5/24, 3/22 and 1/26/88) E . INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION (Approximate Time - 10 : 45 P.M. ) 1 . City Council 2 . City Attorney 3 . City Clerk 4 . City Treasurer 5 . City Manager 5 PLEASE NOTE : ' THE CITY COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN FROM THIS REGULAR COUNCIL SESSION TO THE FOLLOWIG SPECIAL OPEN SESSIONS TO BE HELD IN THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM: JULY 14 . . . . . 5 :00 P .M. . . . . 1988/89 BUDGET REVIEW' JULY 15 . . . . 5 : 00 P.M. . . . . 1988/89 BUDGET REVIEW JULY 18 . . . . . 5 :00 P.M. . . . . 1988/89 BUDGET REVIEW (NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS) JULY 21 . . . . `. 4 : 30 P.M . . . . PLANNING COMMISSION INTERVIEWS C OAIN4 AGEMQA / ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 28, 1988 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City council was calledto order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: All present - Councilmembers Borgeson, Bourbeau, Handshy, Mackey and Mayor Norris JUNE 7, 1988 ELECTIONt City Clerk Boyd Sharitz presents the certification of the June 7, 1988 election, via Resolution 43-88, provided by the San Luis Obispo County Elections Office MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau moves approval of the Resolution 43-88; Councilmember Mackey seconds Motion carries unanimously The City Clerk swears in new Councilmembers Rollin Dexter, Alden Shiers, and Robert Lilley, which is followed by a round of applause. Appreciation- of Dedication Plaques are given to exiting Councilmembers Bourbeau, Handshy, and Norris CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS: Comments of thanks and recognition ' are exchanged between Councilmembers to exiting members. �y e 1 MAYOR AND MAYOR PROTEMPORE POSITIONS: MOTION: -Councilmember Shiers nominates Councilmember Borgeson to the Mayor position; Councilmember Dexter seconds; Motion carries unanimously MOTION: Councilmember Lilley nominates Councilmember Dexter as Mayor Protempore; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries unanimously MAYOR POSITION TERM: It is noted that Council has previously taken actions providing for one and two year terms of the Mayor position and clarification is needed at this time. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves to approve a 1-year term to the Mayor position; Councilmember Lilley seconds; Motion carries unanimously COMMITTEE REPORTS: • City/School Committee - City Manager Hanley summarizes items of discussion at a recent meeting related to school children's routes to school and a Santa Margarita After School Program with City participation. Traffic Committee - Councilmember Mackey states that several traffic sign locations will be presented to Council in the near future, PavilionCommittee Mayor Borgeson requests a proposal from the ", • Pavilion Committee related to future disposition of the building at an early Council Meeting. mayor Borgeson clarifies to Councilmember Lilley that two Councilmembers are presently on the committee and a third (Lilley) would not be appropriate, as it would constitute a quorum. Atascadero Lake Park Committee - A report is requested to be presented to Council for action soon. Mayor Borgeson states there is a need to review the City's ad hoc committees and representation by Council on these committees in the near future. r:- 2 • COMMUNITY FORUM: Ms. Dorothy Smith offers her services regarding implementation of the ERA Report Section regarding Artists and Craft Makers to attract tourists, and suggests the formulation of an ad hoc committee to address such matters. Community Development Director Henry Engen is requested by Council to discuss the above with Ms. Smith. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Approval of the June 14, 1988 Regular Council Minutes 2. Approval of the May, 1988 Finance Department Report 3. Approval of the May, 1988 Treasurer's Report 4. Resolution 46-88 - Approval of a Three Year Contract with Glenn, Burdette, Phillips and Booker - City Audit Services (Conceptual approval from the 6/14/88 Meeting) 5. Authorization for Temporary Road Closure - Portola Road, from Morro Road to Marchant - Babe Ruth Tournament - July 23-30, 1988, at Various Times 6. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 12-87 - 7503 . Carmelita/7505 Curbaril - Bench/Stanley/Central Coast Engineering (Cont'd from 6/14/88 Council Meeting) 7. Authorization for a Public Auction for Unclaimed Property by the Atascadero Police Department 8. Approval of a Two-Year Grounds Maintenance Contract with Frank Grim Mowing Service (Conceptually Approved 6/14/88) Cont'd from 5/10 & 6/14/88) 9. Approval of Revised California Mens Colony Contract for Fiscal Year 1988/89 10. Resolution 44-88 - Approval of Adjustment to the Development Fees, Adopted in City ordinance 119, According to the Consumer Price Index Increase 11. Acceptance of Final Parcel ap 5-88 - 7450 Santa Cruz Road - Las Encinas/Cuesta Engineering 12. Authorization to Continue Contract Employment Agreement for John Le Sage Temporary Full-Time Building Inspector Position 13. Authorization to Continue Contract Employment Agreement for Eric Porter, Temporary Full-Time Assistant Planner Position 14. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 5-88 - 4555 El Camino Real - Hull/Volbrecht Survey Item 4 (Audit Contract) is removed from the Consent Calendar by Councilmember Lilley and Item 8 (Grounds Maintenance Contract) by Mayor Borgeson for further discussion. . MOTION: Mayor Mackey moves approval of the Consent Calendar Items, except Items 4 and 8; Councilmember Lilley seconds; Motion carries unanimously 3 ITEM 4 APPROVAL OF A THREE-YEAR CONTRACT WITH GLENN, BURDETTE, PHILLIPS AND BOOKER - CITY AUDIT SERVICES (Conceptually approved at the 6/14/88 Council Meeting) : The proposals received by the City are reviewed, showing the Glenn, Burdette, Phillips and Booker proposal being $20,000 more than the Robert Moss Accounting proposal over three years. City Treasurer Gere Sibbach notes that the Moss Accounting firm have provided service to the City for the past eight years and it was felt that there was a real need for a new audit firm Hours provided was also considered as a factor for the choice made by the Audit Committee. City Attorney Jeff Jorgensen and City Manager Hanley clarify the common practice of government agencies to utilize auditors for short terms because of the use of public funds, and the reduction of routinizing procedures developed by long term involvement. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves approval of Resolution 46-88; Awarding the Three-Year Audit Contract to Glenn, Burdette, Phillips, and Booker; Councilmember Shiers Seconds; Motion carries 4-1 (Councilmember Lilley opposed) ITEM 8 APPROVAL OF TWO-YEAR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT WITH FRANK GRIM MOWING SERVICE (Conceptually approved 6/14/88) (Cont'd from 5/10 & 6/14/88) Park and Recreation Director Robert Best states that the Contractor has complied with all requirements related to obtaining a City Business License, insurance, etc. It is noted that a 30-day contract discontinuance clause is provided in the contract if Council should desire to discontinue service. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves approval of the Two- Year Mowing Contract with Frank Grim Mowing Service for $31,142 per year; Councilmember Lilley seconds; Motion carries 4-1 (Mayor Borgeson opposed) 4 ITEM B-1 LICENSE AMENDMENTS (Cont'd from 6/14/88) A. PUBLIC HEARING B. ORDINANCE 174 - AMENDING ORDINANCE 138, BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE, AND CENTRALIZING THE ADMINISTRATION IN THE CITY FINANCE DEPARTMENT (FIRST READING) City Manager William Hanley states that the City Clerk' s concerns at the last Council Meeting regarding administration have since been resolved. There was no public comment received. MOTION: Councilmember Dexter moves to read Ordinance 174 by title only; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves to approve Ordinance 174, as a first reading; Councilmember Shiers seconds; Motion carries unanimously B-2 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2C-88 AND ZONE CHANGE 9-88 - 9500 EL CAMINO REAL - CENTRAL COAST CAPITAL CORPORATION & NORTH COAST ENGINEERING (PORTION CITY INITIATED) : A. PUBLIC HEARING B. RESOLUTION 41-88 - APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF THE CITY GENERAL PLAN FROM RETAIL COMMERCIAL TO PUBLIC C. ORDINANCE 176 - AMENDMENT TO THE CITY ZONING MAPS FROM COMMERCIAL TOURIST TO COMMERCIAL RETAIL AND PUBLIC (FIRST READING) Community Development Director Henry Engen reviews the history of this proposal, which encompasses a total of 7 acres to be consolidated into a single development site. The City has since added the area of the Post Office (adjacent) to be included. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the above proposal by unanimous vote. Councilmembers Mackey and Shiers voice concerns with the loss of Commercial Tourist Zoning, with Councilmember Lilley having concerns regarding the newly constructed Post Office and its effect on Commercial Tourist Zoning. James Samson, Central Coast Capitol Corporation representative, reviewed the differences in the General Plan designation and zoning incompatibility affecting the property in question, and their desire to remove the now small retail uses to provide a 7 5 i acre retail complex under one ownership. Mr. Samson requests a continuance of Council' s decision if it is their pleasure to deny the proposal in order to provide additional information as to a specific development. Public Comment: Mr. Fred Frank, Graves Creek resident, feels there is a need to utilize the existing zoning in the downtown area and, if approved, this project would impact the downtown area. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves continuance of this item for 30 days to provide additional information on a specific development proposal; Councilmember . Lilley seconds; Motion defeated 3-2 (Councilmembers Dexter, Shiers & Borgeson opposed) MOTION: Councilmember Shiers moves approval of Resolution 41-88 (Exhibit C) (changing the land use desig- nation on the Post Office only) ; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously MOTION: Councilmember Shiers moves to read Draft Ordinance . (Exhibit D) by title only; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously MOTION: Councilmember Dexter moves approval of Draft Ordinance (Exhibit D) (First Reading) ; Councilmember Shiers seconds; Motion carries 4-1 (Councilmember Lilley opposed) B-3 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2E-88 AND ZONE CHANGE 11-88 11455 VIEJO CAMINO - KANKIEWICZ (HARCOURT) : A. PUBLIC HEARING B. RESOLUTION 42-88 - APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF THE CITY GENERAL PLAN FROM SUBURBAN SINGLE FAMILY TO LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY AND INCLUSION INTO THE URBAN SERVICES DIST. C. ORDINANCE 177 - AMENDMENT TO THE CITY ZONING MAPS FROM RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN, FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY TO RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY (RM710(FH) , FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY (FIRST READING) Community Development Director Henry Engen states that the City Planning Commission approved the above proposal on a 6-0 vote with a density of 10 units per acre and a probable maximum of 29 units allowed (5 .3 units per acre) . Pubic Comment - Applicant Tom Kankiewitz feels that the property 6 presently is inconsistent with its surrounding land uses and not suitable for a rural life style. Mr. Gary Harcourt, applicant representative, concurs with staff' s recommendation to approve the above proposal, and feels the change will be more compatible with adjacent land uses. MOTION: Councilmember Dexter moves approval of Resolution 42-88; Councilmember Shiers seconds; Motion carries unanimously MOTION: Councilmember Dexter moves approval to read Ordinance 177 by title only; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously MOTION: Councilmember Lilley moves approval of Ordinance 177, first reading (with amendment to RMF/10) ; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously C-1 ATASCADERO SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR AN ATASCADERO CITY RECREATION DEPARTMENT SPONSORED "AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM" AT SANTA MARGARITA SCHOOL (CONT'D FROM 6/14/88) The Atascadero School District has requested the City' s services in providing an after school program in Santa Margarita. Park and Recreation Director Robert Best states that the City could accomodate the School District' s request with minimal funding of approximately $300 for program organization including approximately 14-20 manhours involved. Once organized, the program is self-supportive. Additional insurance costs are not anticipated. Atascadero School District Superintendent Anthony Avina and Leslie Haynes, School Board Member, spoke in support of the above request for the program and acknowledge the need for it. It is noted that the Santa Margarita School does accept fluctuating amounts of school children within the city limits of Atascadero. Dr. Avina feels that such a program is beyond the scope of the School District' s services and that School District funding for the program would need to be presented to the PTA. . Public Comment: Ursula Luna, citizen, questions the City spending monies outside its jurisdiction due to limited resources . MOTION: Councilmember Lilley moves approval of the 7 School District request for an "After School Program" at Santa Margarita School; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously ITEM C-2 LETTER OF REQUEST FROM MR. & MRS. W.P. GUIDRY REGARDING THEIR MORRO ROAD PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ATASCADERO LAKE PARK Interim City Manager William Hanley recently met with Mr. and Mrs. Guidry to review the six-year history of their property on Morro Road (Lots 4, 5, 29, 30 & 31 of Block JC) and the desire of the City to purchase it. Mr. and Mrs. Guidry are presently discussing selling the property to another entity. Since the City is presently not able to purchase it, they have requested written confirmation stating that the City will not be actively pursuing acquisition of the lots in question at this time. It is noted that there is a total of 10 lots with various owners adjacent to Atascadero Lake Park in which the City has had an interest in purchasing. Several Councilmembers voice their anxiety in not being able to pursue the purchase of the properties. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves to direct the City Manager to prepare a letter for Mr. and Mrs. Guidry regarding the City' s position; Councilmember Lilley seconds; Motion carries unanimously ITEM C-3 ATASCADERO LAKE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: Parks and Recreation Director Bob Best states that of the two proposals received, the low bid by Associated Pacific Constructors, at $261,500, was $80,000 over the Engineer' s estimate. Due to the proposal results being far over the estimate, staff feels that the request for proposals should be re-worked with the aquatic plant aspect as an option. Councilmember Lilley suggests a possible volunteer community effort for the aquatic planting aspect. No pubic comment was given on this item. 8 MOTION: Councilmember Lilley moves to reject the proposals submitted and to authorize re-bidding the project with an option on the aquatic planting aspect; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously. ITEM C-4 USE PERMIT RENEWALS - RICHARD OWSWALD, CONCESSIONAIRE: A. DUCK HUT CONCESSION - ATASCADERO LAKE PARK B. POP'S TACKLE SHOP - ATASCADERO LAKE PARK Parks and Recreation Director Bob Best states that Concessionaire Richard Oswald has notified staff that he is not interested in a month-to-month rental contract proposed for Pop' s Tackle Shop. He would however, be interested in continuing his annual lease agreement. It is noted by staff the previous lease agreements for this concession have had 30-day termination clauses. ,. MOTION: Councilmember Lilley moves to accept a one-year . lease agreement, with a 30-day termination clause; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Interim City Manager Hanley clarifies Mayor Borgeson' s concerns regarding the concessionaires' previous late lease payments. Mayor Borgeson feels that Pop' s Tackle Shop should be removed from the Pavilion Building due to the building' s stability. MOTION CONT'D: Motion fails 3-2 (Councilmembers Dexter, Shiers and Mayor Borgeson opposed) MOTION: Councilmember Shiers moves to give a 30-day notice to vacate the Duck Hut Concession; Mayor Borgeson seconds; Motion carries 3-2 (Councilmembers Mackey and Lilley opposed) MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves to continue to meeting past 11 :00 p.m. ; Councilmember Shiers seconds; Motion carries unanimously A five minute break is observed at this time. MOTION: Councilmember Dexter moves to continue action on Pop' s Tackle Shop to the following Council Meeting; Councilmember Shiers seconds; (Motion Withdrawn) 9 It is noted that Concessionaire Richard Oswald is not available for comment at the meeting. Mayor Borgeson expresses her desire to still retain Pop' s Tackle Shop at the lake if it could be relocated out of the Pavilion Building and directs staff to discuss the alternative with Mr. Oswald. NOTE: ACTION ON THE ABOVE MOTION IS POSTPONED TILL AFTER FURTHER REVIEW OF THIS ITEM AT THE JULY 12, 1988 COUNCIL MEETING (with the 30 day vacation commencing on July 12, if still desired by Council) ITEM D-1 RESOLUTION 48-88 - ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 INTERIM BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREOF: Interim Administrative Services Director David Jorgensen states that the final budget product is not available for adoption at this time, thus providing the need for an Interim Budget. . No public comment is given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Dexter moves approval of Resolution 48-88; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously ITEM D-2 RESOLUTION 47-88 - ADOPTING AN ADJUSTED PROPOSITION 4 BASE YEAR LIMIT AND A RECALCULATION OF EACH SUBSEQUENT YEAR'S PROPOSITION 4 LIMIT THROUGH THE 1988/89 BUDGET YEAR: Interim Administrative Services Director David Jorgensen states that the proceeds of the 1985 tax adjustments made between the City and County of San Luis Obispo have created a need for recalculation of subsequent years. MOTION: Councilmember Lilley moves approval of Resolution 47-88; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously 10 ITEM D-3 RESOLUTION 45-88 - ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CITY'S LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE RETENTION AMOUNT AT $50,000: Interim Administrative Services Director David Jorgensen states that it is the desire of the eight-city Joint Powers Authority to reduce it' s liability self-insurance retention from $100,000 to $50,000, as it would provide a savings overall. MOTION: Councilmember Mackey moves approval of Resolution 45-88; Councilmember Shiers seconds; Motion carries unanimously ITEM E-1 PARR AND RECREATION COMMISSION - SETTING DATE FOR INTERVIEWS AND APPOINTMENTS: It is noted that four positions on the Commission will be expiring in July and August, 1988. Seven applications have been received by the City Clerk' s Office. Council sets the interviews for July 12, 1988, beginning at 4 :00 P.M. , with appointments expected at the Council Meeting following. ITEM E-1B PLANNING COMMISSION - SETTING DATE FOR PLANNING COMMISSIONER INTERVIEWS AND APPOINTMENTS: Cuncil sets July 15, 1988 as the closing date for applications and July 21, 1988, beginning at 4 :30 P.M. for interviews. ITEM E-5-A BUDGET STUDY SESSIONS: Council sets July 14, 15, and 18 (non-profit organizations) for special open Council Sessions regarding the proposed City and Sanitation District 1988/89 Budget sessions. • 21 a • i ITEM E-5-B EXTENSION OF THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER CONTRACT - ONE MONTH: It is noted that the present contract has an expiration date of July 1, 1988, unless extended. MOTION: Councilmember Dexter moves approval of the one month extension of the Interim City Manager employment contract; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries unanimously. Acknowledgement is given to the Police Department employees for all their efforts with the Webb case and conviction. Acknowledgement is also given to the Public Works Department and Police Department personnel involved in the Dial-A-Ride bus accident involving a falling oak tree. City Attorney Jorgensen thanks Interim City Manager Bill Hanley for all his efforts provided thus far. Council thanks staff for their help in updating the new Councilmembers on the City business . The Council meeting is adjourned at 11 :50 p.m. Submitted by: Karen Vaughan City Manager' s Secretary 12 RETINi3 hGENaA TE ITEM • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council Members July 12 , 1988 FROM: Karen Vaughan City Manager' s Office SUBJECT CLAIM CRAIG PRESCOTT RECOMMENDATION• City Council deny claim submitted by Attorney Phillip Newell on behalf of Shirley, David, Daniel, Ronald, Khristine and Nicole Prescott for $500, 000 . • BACKGROUND: A claim has been filed against the City of Atascadero for personal damages from an occurrence on January 31 , 1988. The claim has been referred to the City' s Insurance` Adjustor, who recommends denial . • ETtN AGENDA i M E M O, R A N D U M TO: City Council Members July 12, 1988 FROM: Karen Vaughan City Manager's Office SUBJECT: CLAIM LEO FAIRBANKS RECOMMENDATION: City Council deny claim submitted by Leo F. Fairbanks for property damages in the amount of $325 .20 • BACKGROUND. A claim has been filed against' the City of Atascadero for property damages from an occurrence on March 24 , 1988 . The claim has been refereed to the City' s Insurance Adjustor, who recommends denial . • • , MEETIN AGENDA ��. DAT 49 ITEM M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council VIA: Bill Hanley, Interim City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director DATE: July 12, 1988 SUBJECT: Final Acceptance of Lot Line- Adjustment 19-87 LOCATION: 2405 Santa Ana Road APPLICANT: Gordon T. Davis (Volbrecht Surveys) On February 23, 1988, the City Council approved Lot Line Adjustment 19-87, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Com- mission. The required conditions have been compliedwith and the final map is recommended for approval. HE:ps cc: Gordon T. Davin Volbrecht Surveys • • .EXHIBIT A - LOCATION MAF CITY ;... OF ATASCADERO LLA 19-$7 r*�•�i.E - �•�. 2405 Santa Ana COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Davis/Volbrecht �. DEPARTMENT RS P 'Polo "'---s 0'�0► \sow o a rR S SITE 2405 Santa Ana LLA 1 -87 2405 Santa Ana R c Davis®Volbrecht {� O �1-0a0 < 4,0 cr .. F Iry i 1 �O 1� m Lc H) R S EXHIBIT B - TENTATIVE MAF ' CITY F LLA 19-s� 2, _., . �..� O ATASCADERO 2405 Santa Ana COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Davis/Volbrecht DEPARTMENT (PA,PCEL MAP NO.ATAL 87.3/4) TENTAT/l�E Lor,N. ADJUSTMENT efi�•s,+v AD.Mf1ArEN1�Eors 2,L.LZ,.svo A staPinv aF !O/•!,BLOCK O!,A,wv-#mfv een, P /N fAe C//Y Of A/ASCAOEPO, CO!/N/Y Of SAY Z4:r OC/SPO,SlA/E Of CSP!/fRCW9. i DINNERS Or,PT/_F/GATE / /A'EREBY AEObEST AME A9ofOG:a!Of 7.:E 2'liJ/Ov Of Y fN o REAL 5/Y AS S.S'OIY.Y ON7/S rEe 74�icE.N.av, t o /AfArge 9v srorE THE.+a,�^rirE�stsfvr oc ' PAPCEL 3 PARCE[? 7Nf OY.6E1P Of SOW HPOPEATY AVa'!-4r/.WfvPc/ ^•v 0 , .m'N AEPEON/S T,fYt'ANO CO.PPf."�TD TNf mss Of L 1,£S AL NfT l7.9 AC NEf XWIVIZA'Ve �w 2 �. ---� �• -- Al.1N[. "7"'f.PECNr C.S520/ s, PAL9CfL/ �, SSU t3./AC art/ fez ACNE/ AIS'i'6'IY �^ YIC/NITY MAP RECEIVED JAN 121999 sCAt\/'•rb' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - fti�F.aAEO fc+P. . 98x3 Sf!^ZaEnA[tan.ru/f dO !OS A4f-f.'fS. Cath.>A47a 9.'415 �¢v 6.E6LESV, t�OLBRECHT SUKYEYS iw N�PnJ Aa+n- lSOSJ J6:Y:jai • O MEETIN AGENDA t3AT 7 " ITEM# • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council July 12, 1988 VIA: Bill Hanley, Interim City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 11-88 LOCATION: 555015560 Llano Road APPLICANT: Frank Atkinson (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: Subdivision of 11.50 acres into 4 parcels containing 2.86 acres each, BACKGROUND: On June 21 1988, the Atascadero Planning Commission conducted a • public hearing on the above-referenced subject. On a 5 :0 vote, the application was approved subject to the revised conditions of approval as referenced in the attached staff report (condition #7 modified to restrict access only on Lot 2 ; #13 modified to allow for bonding of the improvements) Tom Vaughan with Twin Cities Engineering, agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the request concurring with the recommendation. There was no public testimony. RECOMMENDATION Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 11-88 per the Planning Commis- sion' s recommendation. HE:ps Attachments: Revised Conditions of Approval - June 21, 1988 Staff Report - June 21, 1988 CC: Frank Atkinson Twin Cities Engineering • EXHIBIT D - Conditions of Approval Tentative Parcel Map 11-88 5550/5560 Llano Road Atkinson/Twin Cities Engineering June 21 1988 (Revised by, Planning Commission) , CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Water lines shall be extended to the property line frontage of each parcel or its public utilities easement prior to the recording of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easements are to be shown on the final_ map. ` If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final; map. 3. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. 4. Grading, and Drainage plans, including the access road design prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to and for review and approval by, the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to the issuance of any building permits or the recording of the final map. 5. Obtain an encroachment permit from the City of Atascadero Public Works Department. Sign an Inspection Agreement, guaranteeing that the work will be done and the inspections paid for, prior to the issuance of a building permit, or start of public works construction, and construct improvements as directed by the encroachment permit prior to the final building inspection or the recording of the final map, whichever comes first. 6. A road maintenance agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed. A note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 7. Parcel 2 shall have no direct access to Llano Road. Access shall be by way of the subdivisions private road. Relinquishment of access rights shall be delineated on the final map. 8. Address identification signs shall be approved as a part of the issuance of building permits. The signs shall contain, 4" (inch) reflective address numbers for each residential unit served by a driveway. The signs shall be located on the right hand side of the drive way and shall be placed so as . not to affect the visibility of the intersection. 9. Drainage Facilities required per condition 5 shall be constructed to City of Atascadero Standards. All work shall be completed or bonded for prior the final building inspection or the recording of the final map. 10. Offer of dedication to the City of Atascadero the following rights-of-way and / or easements: Street Name: Llano Road Limits: 20 '-0" from center line to edge of right-of-way Minimum Width: 40'-0" Right-of-Way Minimum Width of pavement 20 ' -0" 11. Offer for dedication to the Public for Public Utility Easements. 12. Offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneous to the recordation of the final map. 13. The private road shall be constructed or bonded for prior to the recording of the final map. Plans shall also be submitted and approved by the Community Development and Fire Departments prior to the recording of the final map. 14. Two fire hydrants shall be installed prior to the recording of the final map. One hydrant shall be located at the intersection of the private road and Llano Road the other shall be located at the end of the private road. The design and location to be approved by the Fire Department. 15. The parcel map shall be revised to have one of the rear lots own in fee title the access strip to the rear lots. The access strip shall be developed in accordance with Section 11-8. 209 (Flag Lots) . This shall include the development of the access strip which shall be 24'-0" wide and shall be paved to a width of 20 '-0" . 16. A final map in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City' s Subdivision Ordinance prior to the recording of the final map. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that the corners have been set or will be set by a specific date and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. ib. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. C. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 17. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. JM/jm • • —+�-- CITY OF ATASGADERO Item:.�_ STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning CommissionMeeting Date: June 21,1988 BY: Joel Moses, Associate Planne File No: TPM 11-88 SUBJECT: Subdivision of 11. 50 acres into 4 parcels containing 2. 86 acres each. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .Frank Atkinson 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Twin Cities Engineering 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . .5550/5560 Llano Road 4. Legal Description. . . . . . . . . . . .Lots 5, 6 & ptn. Lot 4, • Blk. 43 Atas. Col. 5. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 11.50 acres 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RS (Residential Suburban) 7. General Plan Designation. . . . .Suburban Single Family 8. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single Family Residence 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted June 7, 1988 B. ANALYSIS: The applicant proposes to subdivide 11. 50 acres into 4 parcels containing 2. 87 acres each. Parcels 1 & 2 will have direct access to Llano Road. Parcels 3 & 4 will have access to Llano Road by way of an easement across Parcels 1 & 2. The subject property is located in the RS (Residential Suburban) zone. Minimum lot size in this zone ranges between 2. 5 and 10 acres depending on the "score" of the various performance standards. For this site, the minimum lot size criteria are: 1 I • Distance from Center (12, 000-14, 000) . . . . . . . . . .. . 0. 40 Septic Suitability (20-39) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 75 Average Slope (0-10%) . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.50 Access Condition (Paved less than 15%) . . .. . . . . . 0. 40 General Neighborhood Character (2. 5) . . . . . . . . . .. . . 0. 55 Minimum Lot Size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 60 acres The proposed lot sizes of 2. 87 acres is larger than the minimum lot size required for the site. Comments were received from several outside agencies. Our Fire Department indicated a need for proper access and turn around along with two fire hydrants. The Building Division noted no problem with the proposal as long as the existing codes and standards are followed in the development of the parcels. The Southern California Gas Company has noted that the site can be served by existing 3 and 4 inch mains in Santa Ana and Santa Lucia Roads. If additional gas mains are installed, they will need to be within the Public Right-of-Way or within approved easements. The Public Works Department has noted the need for standard conditions and restrictions on access. Comments were received from the State Archaeological Information Center concerned about potential archeological sites. Based on the fact that the adjoining areas were previously reviewed and no sites found, it was determined that no further investigation was needed at this time. The proposed subdivision proposes a deep lot flag lot design. The new subdivision ordinance sets specific requirements for the design and approval. Three findings are required based on the neighborhood characteristics, feasibility of standard street improvements, and the sites topography. The staff has reviewed the potential of a redesign to allow for a standard street access to the site, and have found it not feasible. Three options are available in designing the subdivision. The first would be to use a deep lot design. Lots would exceed the allowed. three-to-one depth to width ratio, but would eliminate the need for an access road with all lots having frontage on an existing road. The second is to try to gain access from the adjoining property, that has a private road (Drake Map) . The applicant has explored this option, and has not been able to secure the needed approvals to extend the road to his property. The third option would be to build a standard street through the middle of the proposed subdivision. Under the current ordinance the road would be a private one serving 2 or 4 lots. The access will have to be developed to a paved width of 20 '-0' with approved turn around. A standard street would have a 40 '-0" right-of-way, with a 20'-0" paved surface. The development will be required to have the minimum road improvements without the dedicated right-of-way. It is apparent that the development of a 2 • • • standard street would not be feasible or logical for this subdivision. The two remaining findings can be found. The site is flat and the design of these flag lots are compatible with the neighborhood. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends conditional approval of Tentative Parcel Map 11- 88 based on the Findings in Exhibit C and Conditions of Approval in Exhibit D. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Tentative Map Exhibit C - Findings for Approval Exhibit D - Conditions of Approval JM/jm 3 EXHIBIT A - LOCATION MAP TY OF ATASCADERO CI 5550/5560 Llano Road r�� Tentative Parcel Map l CAD� ) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Atkinson/Twin Cities DEPARTMENT SITE: 5550/5560 Llano Roa L(FH) TPM 11-88 Atkinson/Twin Cities RS . W A �R04p 1 t`A� W Y\ sober\ </ O O It RS F ti 11 \ / II 0 SA T r,L RSs L(FH) 'PAY TA NO ^ ' \\ // �/ �QOIO` / R S ;1 „, • EXHIBIT B - TENTATIVE MA? CITY, . ,� OF ATASCADERO 5550/5560 Llano Road r'�a'"'■� ■ , �tl7a Tentative Parcel Map ll CAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Atkinson/Twin Cities DEPARTMENT VIGIN ( ti � C ,� ad 07' 0p,oro� AL.E7.KRCe / CtaNG(�T fie.'�.Op a.aK 1'�R'�^ypp lA.orK. o+er.+E.w �� /�(�}•—.� s \ W'(Me.a1r OP�icu0ew0.*,f/qe 0p�n+►aWw.. L / 07 - 07 -0/ .�.•t• ' Ye. /0r ,,:� 1°`kf'fGLCC'YI.) i +ro4.nr.n,mw�.c.q�+.,eneaaior �\ P 1W_u,r ar ni u+ateae. 107. - \ UewRoeeAee�lt ) .• �.•�,• e• it wjr,-.�e,�aegbNa'or 1t�p� bff�cf�oo/vaco.�n EXHIBIT C - Findings for Approval Tentative Parcel Map 11-88 5550/5560 Llano Road Atkinson/Twin Cities Engineering June 21, 1988 FINDINGS 1. The creation of the proposed parcels conform to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan land use designation, densities and other policies. 2. The creation of these parcels, in conformance with the recommended Conditions of Approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed. 5. The design of the subdivision, and the proposed improvements, will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat 6. The design of the subdivision, and the type of the improvements, will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or the use of property within the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474. 6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to the methods of handling and discharge of waste. 8. The required findings per Section 11-8. 209 of the Subdivision Ordinance for Flag Lots (deep lot subdivisions) can be made. The subdivision is consistant with the character of the immediate neighborhood, the installation of a standard street is not feasable, and the flag lots are justified by the topography. JM/jm EXHIBIT D - Conditions of Approval Tentative Parcel Map 11-88 5550/5560 Llano Road Atkinson/Twin Cities Engineering June 21, 1988 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Water lines shall be extended to the property line frontage of each parcel or its public utilities easement prior to the recording of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 3. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. 4. Grading, and Drainage plans, including the access road design prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to and for review and approval by, the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to the issuance of any building permits or the recording of the final map. 5. Obtain an encroachment permit from the City of Atascadero Public Works Department. Sign an Inspection Agreement, guaranteeing that the work will be done and the inspections paid for, prior to the issuance of a building permit, or start of public works construction, and construct improvements as directed by the encroachment permit prior to the final building inspection or the recording of the final map, whichever comes first. 6. A road maintenance agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed. A note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 7. Parcels 1 & 2 shall have no direct access to Llano Road. Access shall be by way of the subdivisions private road. Relinquishment of access rights shall be delineated on the final map. 8. Address identification signs shall be approved as a part of the issuance of building permits. The signs shall contain 4° (inch) reflective address numbers for each residential unit served by a driveway. The signs shall be located on the right hand side of the drive way and shall be placed so as not to affect the visibility of the intersection. 9. Drainage Facilities required per condition 5 shall be constructed to City of Atascadero Standards. All work shall be completed or bonded for prior the final building inspection or the recording of the final map. 10. Offer of dedication to the City of Atascadero the following rights-of-way and / or easements: Street Name: Llano Road Limits: 20'-0" from center line to edge of right-of-way Minimum Width: 40 '-0" Right-of-Way Minimum Width of pavement 20'-0" 11. Offer for dedication to the Public for Public Utility Easements. 12. Offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneous to the recordation of the final map. 13. The private road shall be constructed prior to the recording of the final map. Plans shall also be submitted and approved by the Community Development and Fire Departments prior to the recording of the final map. 14. Two fire hydrants shall be installed prior to the recording of the final map. One hydrant shall be located at the intersection of the private road and Llano Road the other shall be located at the end of the private road. The design and location to be approved by the Fire Department. 15. The parcel map shall be revised to have one of the rear lots own in fee title the access strip to the rear lots. The access strip shall be developed in accordance with Section 11-8. 209 (Flag Lots) . This shall include the development of the access strip which shall be 24'-0" wide and shall be paved to a width of 20 '-0" . 16. A final map in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City' s Subdivision Ordinance prior to the recording of the final map. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that the corners have been set or will be set by a specific date and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. C. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 17. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. JM/jm • w • • • • MEE7T AGENDA ' DAT ITEM 0 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council July 12, 1988 VIA Bill Hanley, Interim City Manager- ' FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 12-8$ LOCATION: 6805 Santa Lucia Road APPLICANT Robert M. Anderson (Don Messer Const./Cuesta Engin) REQUEST: To convert an approved, but not yet constructed, 9 unit apartment complex into residential condominiums. BACKGROUND: On June 21, 1988, the Atascadero Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced subject. On a '5 :0 votes the request was approved subject to the findings and revised conditions of approval (Conditions #4 and #12-a) There was some discussion on modification to Condition #4 as re- flected in the attached minutes excerpt. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Tentative Tract Map 12-88 per the Planning Commission's recommendation, HE:ps Attachments : Staff Report - June 21, 1988 Revised Conditions of Approval - June 21, 1988 Minutes Excerpt - June 21, 1988 cc: Robert M. Anderson Don Messer Construction Cuesta Engineering • City of Atascadero Item STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: June 21, 1988 BY: Joel Moses, Associate Planner File No: TTM 12-88 SUBJECT: To convert an approved, but not yet constructed nine (9) unit apartment complex into residential condominiums. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Robert M. Anderson 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . .Don Messer/Cuesta Eng. 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . 6805 Santa Lucia Road 4. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . 1.11 acres 5. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RMFj16 (Residential Multifamily 16 units per acre) 6. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . .Vacant 7. General Plan . . . . . . . . . . .High Density Multifamily 8. Environmental Status. . . .Categorically Exempt (Class 1) B. ANALYSIS: The proposed Tentative Tract Map requests the conversion of an approved, but not constructed nine (9) unit apartment complex into nine (9) residential airspace condominiums. The map also contains a common lot for the underlying site. Precise Plan 4-88 was approved by the City on March 15, 1988. The approval carried with it 11 conditions of approval. The conditions included two requiring modification of the proposed site plan to provide additional parking and storage areas. The conditions could require modification of the site plan. Any approved map will need to meet these conditions prior to the final approval of the map. The applicant has provided the modified plans as a part of this application. The plans have been reviewed and have been determined to meet the required conditions. All other conditions can be met without modification of the site plan. 0 0 To date, no building permits have been applied for to construct the apartments. Comments were received from several outside agencies. Our Fire Department and Building Division noted no problem with the proposal as long as the existing codes and standards are followed along with conditions established by the Precise Plan. The Southern California Gas Company has noted that the site can be served by an existing 4 inch main in Santa Lucia Road. If additional gas mains are installed, they will need to be within the Public Right-of-Way or within approved easements. The Atascadero Mutual Water Company has requested that the individual units have separate water meters. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends conditional approval of Tentative Tract Map 12-88, based on the Findings in Exhibit C and the Conditions of Approval in Exhibit D. JM/jm ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Tentative Lot Line Adjustment Map Exhibit C - Findings for Approval Exhibit D - Conditions of Approval {�� � ��11111/ � � •�'" � ��\� i'/ •' ` �� /51111 t ��1:�1��■t• 1111 x:11�►',tlliii��,��` �_ -' i , ��s� >• 11111 1111111111 monsoons� .���` - ==ISO •MA ,, •,�1����� 11�I1��� 11���� ����1111 N11111h'ndlln, lig, �� �� ��r • EXHIBIT B - TENTATIVE MAP .,..-.. . CITY OF ATASCADERO 6805 Santa Lucia Road �"'"'" ■c - ■ '"'°-7 Tentative Tract Map 12-88 CADI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Messer/Cuesta Eng. DEPARTMENT / J7'?moi P' - mwr s I u�f.•r• I t _ I N bra rivr m4er lame L11I -- -- .w. c su •'oesi? srtre e. i ,;.1— !1 .f... i..:c-C-.Al • EXHIBIT C - Findings for Approval Tentative Tract Map 12-88 6805 Santa Lucia Road Messer/Cuesta Engineering June 21, 1988 FINDINGS 1. The creation of the proposed parcels conform to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan land use designation, densities and other policies. 2. The creation of these parcels, has been determined to be exempt from the environmental review process (Categorical Exemption Class lk) , as per the California Environmental Quality Act. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed. 5. The design of the subdivision, "and the proposed improvements, will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat 6. The design of the subdivision, and the type of the improvements, will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or the use of property within the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474. 6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to the methods of handling and discharge of waste. JM/jm • EXHIBIT D - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 12-88 6805 Santa Lucia Road Messer/Cuesta Engineering June 21, 1988 (revised by Planning Commission) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant shall establish Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use, control of nuisances and architectural control of the site and the buildings. a. These CC&Rs shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney and the Community Development Director prior to the approval of the final map. b. These CC&Rs shall be administered by a Condominium Owners Association. 2. The open space/common lot shall be designated as a Public Utilities Easement. 3. A soils report or an Engineer' s certification stating that the existing soils on the site are adequate to support the proposed structure as per Chapter 70, subsection (e) of the Uniform Building Code shall be provided prior to the recording of the final map. 4. All conditions pertaining to public improvements imposed on the project by Precise Plans 4-88, and approved building permits shall be satisfied or bonded for prior to the re- cording of the final map. Public improvements shall be installed prior- to the final building inspection, 5. Sewer connection charges in affect at the time of connection shall be due upon connection. Prior to the recording of the final map the difference between condominium and apartments sewer connection charges shall be paid. 6. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Water meters shall be provided for each unit prior to final building inspection. 7. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 1 • • 8. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. 9. Sewer improvement plans shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department prior to the recording of the final map. 10. Grading, and Drainage plans , prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to and for review and approval by, the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to the issuance of any building permits or the recording of the final map. 11. Obtain an encroachment permit from the City of Atascadero Public Works Department. Sign an Inspection Agreement and a Curb & Gutter Agreement, guaranteeing that the work will be done and the inspections paid for, prior to . the issuance of a building permit, or start of public works construction, and construct improvements as directed by the encroachment permit prior to the final building inspection or the recording of the final map, whichever comes first. 12. Road improvement plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be- submitted to the Community Development and Public Works Departments for review and approval, prior to the construction of the improvements, or prior to recording of the final map, or prior to the issuance of any building permit, which ever comes first. Plans shall include, but not limited to a. Santa Lucia Road: Design shall include City standard curb, gutter, 5' -0" sidewalk and additional paveout, width to be determined by the City Engineer not to exceed 20 '-0" from the center line. Design shall include measures to protect and preserve trees within the right-of-way, as approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. 13. Construction of the public road improvements shall be completed prior to the recording of the final map, or prior to the final inspection of a building, if approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. 14. Drainage facilities shall be constructed to City of Atascadero Standards. All work shall be completed or bonded for prior the final building inspection or the recording of the final map. 2 • 15. Offer of dedication to the City of Atascadero the following rights-of-way and/or easements: Street Name: Santa Lucia Road Limits: 25' -0" to the center line of the right-of-way Minimum Width: 50'-0" Right-of-Way 16. Offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneous to the recordation of the final map. 17. A final map in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City' s Subdivision Ordinance prior to the recording of the final map. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that the corners have been set or will be set by a specific date and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. C. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 18. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. JM/jm 3 • MINUTES EXCERPT - PLANNING COMMISSION - JUNE 21, 1988 13 . The private road shall be constructed or bonded for prior to the recording of the final map. Plans shall also be submitted and approved by the Community Development and Fire Departments prior to the recording of the final map. " 2 . TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12-88 : Application submitted by Robert M. Anderson (Don Messer Construction and Cuesta Engineering) to convert an approved but not yet constructed 9-unit apartment complex into residential condominiums . Subject site is located at 6805 Santa Lucia Road. Mr. Moses presented the staff report recommending approval of the conversion request. He noted revision to Condition #4 to add wording that all conditions "pertaining to public improvements" imposed on the project. . . It was pointed out that in Condition #12-a, it should read 20 feet and not 20 inches . Deborah Hollowell with Cuesta Engineering, agent for the applicant, asked for further modification to Condition 44 to allow provision for construction or bonding of the improve- ments prior to the final map. She explained the timing factors involved with the Department of Real Estate in processing condominium maps . Discussion followed. Steve Decamp indicated that bonding for the public improve- ments may be allowed prior to recordation of the final map. He further indicated, however, that all public improvements must be installed (not bonded) prior to final inspection of the structures approved under Precise Plan 4-88 . MOTION: Made by Commissioner Bond, seconded by Commis- sioner Kidwell and carried 5 : 0 to approve Tentative Parcel Map 12-88 subject to the findings and conditions contained in the staff report with the following revisions : 114 . All conditions pertaining to public improve- ments imposed on the project by Precise Plan 4-88 and approved building permits shall be satisfied or bonded for prior to the record- ing of the final map. Public improvements shall be installed prior to the final building inspection. " ME�CtNQ ,, J��AGENDADATE-1 = ITEMZ • MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH William. Hanley, Interim City Manager FROM: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works �s SUBJECT : Establishment of One-Way Street DATE: July 5 , 1988 Recommendation : The Traffic Committee recommends that Council adopt the attached resolution establishing a one-way street on a portion of Valle Avenue. Background: This request was brought to the Traffic Committee from a resident on Valle Avenue. At the end of Valle Avenue is a . narrow loop that does not provide adequate width for two way traffic and, due to the 'hillside, has limited visibility . In addition. to the one-way street , the resident is requesting that No Parking signs - be installed around the loop . This is not being recommened at this time and will be handled by citations , as needed, for blocking the road. Fiscal Impact : It is estimated that this modification will cost approximately $150. 00 to be paid out of;: the -1988189 budget . RESOLUTION NO. 53-88 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE -CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A PORTION OF VALLE AVENUE A ONE-WAY STREET WHEREAS. Section 4-2 .701 of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to determine the location of one-way streets and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, The Atascadero Traffic Committee has recommended that establishing a one-way street on a portion of Valle Avenue will improve a hazardous traffic condition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the Traffic Encrineer to place and maintain appropriate signs and/or markings indicating a one-way street on a Valle Avenue as specified in attached Exhibit A. On motion by , and seconded • by the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES : ' NOES: ABSENTS ADOPTED: ATTEST : BOYD C . SHARITZ , City Clerk BONITA BORGESON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : 7 qA_A*�_ JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH City Attorney Dir , of Public Works City Engineer • { EXHIBIT A O � u IL • t 1r♦ 3 � 01 • i ed o to - 2 'o ds a m s w e w fa a A powi Ob sC to , �, a too '° 0TnL l4GENrrEM! MEMORANDUM TO: City Council THROUGH: William Hanley, Interim City Manager FROM: Paul. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works SUBJECT : Establisment of Stop Intersections DATE: July S 1988 Recommendation : The Traffic Committee recommends that Council adopt the attached resolutions establishing Stop intersections on Arena Avenue at its intersection with Yerba and on Yerba Avenue at its intersection with Estrada Avenue, Background: • These intersections are currently uncontrolled and have been the scene of many near misses , and a number of accidents . In the case of the intersection of Arena Avenue and Yerba, on two occasions cars have failed to make the turn and have run off theroad onto private property, striking the house. Fiscal Impact : The cost of this improvement will be approximately $150 to be paid out of 1988/89 budgeted funds . • RESOLUTION NO. 51-88 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A STOP INTERSECTION ON ARENA AVENUE AT YERBA AVENUE WHEREAS, Section 4-2 . 801 et seq, of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to determine the location of STOP intersections , and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS , the Atascadero Traffic Committee has recommended that establishing a STOP intersection on Arena Avenue at Yerba Avenue will improve a hazardous traffic situation . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating a STOP intersection at the location listed above. • On motion by , and seconded by ,the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ City Clerk BONITA BORGESON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH V • City Attorney Director of Public Works City Engineer RESOLUTION NO. 52-88 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A STOP INTERSECTION ON YERBA AVENUE AT ESTRADA AVENUE WHEREAS, Section 4-2 . 801 et seq, of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to determine the location of STOP intersections , and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS , the Atascadero Traffic Committee has recommended that establishing a STOP intersection on Yerba Avenue at Estrada Avenue will improve a hazardous traffic situation . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of At directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating a STOP intersection at the location listed above . On motion by , and seconded by . ,the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote : AYES: NOES: ABSENT : ADOPTED: ATTEST : t BOYD C . SHARITZ City Clerk BONITA BORGESON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH City Attorney Director of Public Works City Engineer M Ir O / �Q`=V � ted► w � „., ...•: a 0 u Ob 40 S'p c b , dJ 'ice w dp tf k S' c. •� L> • to � J ob CA ca co 4 44 q O f s • w + co J 0 O y �> f> J*. V ro v O t 'b C of W 4 f!Co S 3f co O - d D00 Nto .46 Ina o� erJ ti� Co 0 �' ro a a a to a a Ab ft CA w m ,�•� �\ p � p � o P 1 4Cls V Ar i O teKY' • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council July 12 , 1988 VIA: William Hanley, Interim City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: ZONE CHANGE 15-87/TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 39-87 LOCATION: 9240 Vista Bonita APPLICANT: Mike Fredericks (Mike Yeomans) REQUEST: To revise the existing RSF-Z and RSF-Y (Residential Single Family) zoning to RSF-Z(PD-7 ) and RSF-Y(PD-7 ) (Residential Single Family Planned Development Overlay) and approve a reconfiguration of six (6 ) lots into six (6) residential and one openspace lot, and to abandon a portion of Vista Bonita Road. BACKGROUND: On May 17 , and. June 7 , 1988, the Atascadero Planning Commission conducted a public hearing ontheabove-referenced requests . On a 6 : 0 vote, the Commission recommended approval of Tentative Tract Map 39-87 subject to the revised conditions of approval which allow provision for bonding of improvements (June 7 1988 ) and recommended approval of Zone Change 15-87 . There was dis- cussion relative to the difference between the revised conditions and original conditions proposed by staff (see attached minutes excerpt) . RECOMMENDATION: t (1 ) Approval of Zone Change 15-87 by approval of Ordinance No. 180 by; a. Reading by title only. b. Approving attached Ordinance No. 180 on first reading. • (2) Approval of TTM 39-87 subject to the findings of Exhibit I (May 17 1988) and conditions of approval of Exhibit J (June 17 , 1988) . HE:ph Attachments : Staff Report May 17 , 1988 Staff Report - June 7 , 1985 Minutes Excerpt May 17 , 1988 - Minutes Excerpt June 7 , 1988 Ordinance No. 180 CC: Mike Yeomans Mike Fredericks • ANG F V DATE AGED 4ITEM M E M O R A N D U M DATE : June 7, 1988 TO Planning Commission FROM : Joel Moses, Associate Planner SUBJECT Zone Change 15-87 & Tentative Map 39-87 On May 17th the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed project. The Planning Commission received a set of proposed revised condition for the tentative map from the applicant. The conditions allowed for the bonding of improvements rather than requiring installation of the improvements before recording of the map. The Commission requested that staff review the proposed conditions and prepare revised conditions allowing for bonding for improvements. Attached please find the original staff report (Exhibit A) , the applicants proposed revised conditions (Exhibit B) , and staff prepared conditions (Exhibit C) . Staff still recommends approval subject to the original conditions. JM/jm EXHIBIT A City of Atascadero Item B - 1 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: May 17, 1988 BY: - Joel Moses, Associate Planne File No: ZC 15-87 TM 39-87 SUBJECT: 7 Zone Change 15-87 and Tentative Map 39-87 to revise the existing RSF-Z & RSF-Y (Residential Single Family) zoning to RSF-Z (PD-7) & RSF-Y (PD-7) (Residential Single Family Planned Development Overlay) and approve a reconfiguration of 6 lots into 6 residential and one openspace lot. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mike Fredericks 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . .Mike Yeomans 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . 9240 Vista Bonita 4. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 32 acres 5. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RSF-Y (Residential Single Family) and RSF-Z (Residential Single Family) 6. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vacant 7. General Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . .Low Density Single Family and Moderate Density Single Family 8. Environmental Status. . . . . .Negative Declaration Posted April 21, 1988 B. ANALYSIS: The 6. 32 acre site is made up of 6 existing undeveloped parcels. The site is divided into two zoning designations: RSF-Y and RSF- t Z. The lots were previously annexed to the Sewer District and can be provided with sewer service. . The four existing lots within the RSF-Z designated area are all below the minimum 2 1/2 acre minimum lot size. The two remaining lots in the RSF-Y, if provided with sewer, would now meet the minimum 1 acre lot size. All of the lots are considered legal lots and may be developed with single family residences even though they do not meet the minimum lot size of the Zoning Ordinance or density standards of the General Plan. If the current development standards are followed, the existing 6 lots can be developed with single family residences. Any development on the top of Chalk Mountain will have several effects on the community and the adjoining areas. Most noticeable will be the visual impact of development. The site is visible far up and down Highway 101. The mountain is also a landmark within and outside the City denoting the entrance to Atascadero. Other impacts will also occur from development not so directly noticeable. The establishment of residential units will also generate impacts attributed to the new residential units. Such items as traffic, runoff, and public service will be impacted. Any development will require the installation of new utility_ lines , access roads , and other public improvements. These impacts all can be addressed and reduced with proper planning and coordination. The development of the mountain top will have to take into consideration the inherent problems with a development that is on a mountain top. The area is physically higher than the existing water tank. To provide water for the area for residential and fire suppression, booster pump will be needed. Sewer service lines providing service to the site will be connected to a new service line being designed to expand service to the golf course. Soils will also have to be considered as a problem for any new .development. The amount of grading and soil stabilization will be determined by the individual site development plans. These problems can be overcome with a coordinated approach to the development of the area. This type of planning could reduce the potential for an uncoordinated approach to development that could be costly and detrimental to the community. Any development of the site, will create a visual impact far beyond the site. The sites location, on top of Chalk Mountain is central to the applicant' s proposal. The applicant proposes to reconfigure the existing lots into a more compact design. The concentration of the developed area is an effort to reduce the impacts that could occur with a development following the existing lot configuration. The Zoning Ordinance provides a process to modify the development standards of the Zoning Ordinance when deemed necessary to promote orderly and harmonious development and to enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area. The Planned Development Overlay can be used for four things ; to modify development and special use development standards , to modify the processing procedures, to establish additional development standards or processing requirements, or to modify the minimum lot size or density standards . The applicant proposes to modify the development standards and the' minimum lot sizes established for the site. The development statement notes- that if the existing lots were developed, a significant amount of grading would be required for the existing road alignment development. Additional grading • • would be needed for the individual lots. The proposal would concentrate the development in one area reducing the potential for such extensive grading on the hillside. Other items such as utilities, road improvements and other public improvements could also be reduced. The impacts of the development on existing facilities would be the same under both types of development. No change in density will occur; only a change in the development standards for the site. The development proposes to address the problem of visual impacts by trying to reduce the intrusion of the project by concentrating the development and providing a large permanent openspace. The reconfigure six residential lots would range in size from 9, 132 to 7,260 square feet. The remaining 5. 18 acres area below and to the west will be retained in a permanent openspace easement. The proposed grading has been contoured to minimize the effect on the natural topography of the site. The proposed residences have been recessed into the ridge line to render them less obtrusive. The site has been planned as one unit to be developed in a uniform, unobtrusive manor, with Architectural guidelines . The Architectural guidelines will cover building height, architecture and building envelope. Also proposed is a set of landscaping development standards that would require the use of native vegetation areas to be developed. Screened discretionary yard areas are provided but would not intrude on the natural appearance of the mountain. The development will not be served with the typical developed street. The relocation of Vista Bonita will reduce some of the potential impacts. The relocation will bring the road to the south side of the development. A realignment across adjoining property will be needed. A letter has been received from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company agreeing with the use of their property for the realignment. The road is proposed to be constructed to Private road standards (20 '-0" paved surface) . This will not provide for normal on-street parking. The development would meet the normal requirements of 2 parking stalls per unit, however. Additional parking has been provided with three perpendicular spaces and two stalls at the end of the access road. Additional tandem parking stalls (not counted as required parking) have been provided. This would bring the total parking provided to 29 stalls for six residences. Comments were received from several outside agencies. Our Fire Department has noted the need for appropriate fire suppression facilities. These facilities will include the development of a turn around that has been incorporated into the design. The sprinklering of the individual units has been required and the developer has agreed. The water lines will also need a pressure- booster pump to assure proper water pressure to the residences. The Building Division noted concern about the soils on the site and has reviewed the soils report provided by the developer. Some questions remain that will be worked out at the time of development. Existing codes and standards will need to be • • followed during the development of the site. The Southern California Gas Company has noted that the site can be served by existing mains in Las Lomas and E1 Bordo Roads. If additional gas mains are installed, they will need to be within the Public Right-of-Way or within approved easements. The Atascadero Mutual Water Company has noted no problem with the road realignment subject two conditions; the first requiring a 30 '-0" clearance from the water tank to the proposed road, and on site fencing of the tank after the completion of the road. The site will also require the water buster pumps to serve the site. The applicant and the Water Company are in contact working out the details of the work to be done. Pacific Gas and Electric noted that facilities will have to be extended to the site. The State of California Department of Transportation has responded noting potential impact on the congestion along South E1 Camino Real. The staff is recommending that the improvements, access road, utilities and grading be done prior to the recordation of the proposed map. In some situations the option of bonding is provided. Staff feels that the whole process is centered around the coordinated development of the site and all improvements should be done prior to the recordation of the final map. In summary the development proposes an option to the potential development of the top of the mountain under current development standards that could be detrimental to the community. The proposed rezoning and development will reduced the impacts that would occur without a planned and coordinated approach to the development of the area. The coordinated development will also make the development of needed improvements more cost effective. Staff has considered the potential for maintaining the site as openspace, however the current General Plan does not address the issue. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Zone Change 15-87 based on the Findings in Exhibit H (Draft Ordinance) , establishing the Master Plan for Develpment as shown in Exhibit B to E, and the conditional approval of Tentative Map 9-87 base on the Findings and Conditions of Approval in Exhibity I and Exhibit J. JM/jm • • ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Tentative Map Exhibit C - Earthwork Plan Exhibit D - Grading Plan Exhibit E - Landscape Plan Exhibit F - Sections Exhibit G - Developers Statement Exhibit H - Draft Ordinance Exhibit I - Findings for Approval (Tentative Map) Exhibit J - Conditions of Approval (Tentative Map) t • 7 " \i EXHIBIT A - LOCATION MAP CITY OF ATASCADERO 9240 Vista Bonita COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT zone Change 15-87 Yeomans/Fredericks c DEPARTMENT R F•Z SITE: VISTA BONITA Tent Map 39-87 MF•4 g) ZC 15-87; Yeomans Fredericks Cent. Coast Eng- F-0 ng. R F Qo F� ao N �,, 46q ��\ RSF• (PD7) 00, \O� < O CT \\ O I CR v C T ' 1 fRO O 04 c• p Aver , 44C -R SS I VE, Z • EXHIBIT B -TENTATIVE MAP CITY OF ATASCADERO 9240 Vista Bonita Ie7a7 Zone Change 15-87 CAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Yeomans/Fredericks DEPARTMENT .._.�_����fi��A�•11 1938 . _✓_ 'J n vv I �"COh1h:Jl .., uE.Ec_. P,.t ' i TRACT 1562 Ii \ TENTATIVE MAP17, CHALK MOUNTAIN,ATASCADERO Nnlalww.ro rwuwFs 7 -- �l\Zt. x • NORTH �V W . �(. LO'•�g .; _� \� � �. � \ 1 LOT 5 yti \\ � T LT 4 O fr. c _.....Y_....__..,» 1073 1 OF 5 n _,o,w_ LOT 7- OPEN ACE WWO 6 30 V I/ ues TRACT 1562l`a _ \ 13 19 {q 2 I_ 2Q' 28— c I -- 1". A c _... 200' VICINITY MAP 7. ..:mad EXHIBIT C - EARTHWORKS PLA 4 CITY OF ATASCADERO 9240 Vista Bonita r •� ' 'ale- Zone Change 15-87 ` ascan> 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Yeomans/Fredericks DEPARTMENT i I f% / •" " ti MCHTECTURAL CONToROLS�1M, TRACT 1562 EARTHWORK MASTER PLAN ,i III.� I „w+Y ��. wr—W1�'•�- „tlwa � ����a�����N CHALK MOUNTAIN,ATASCADERO . NORTH tlSII I�, .9 �„�.....,... 1• \ \ \ \\% \ _\ open apace, •�\` \ jT�=��r: ..... LOT 6 till 71 OT `open space / \��`\ri /�// '•..���• Y. .^� Y LOT 3 r i i '�`��`7;\ �\ �' I.1 •.�. \ ; \ —�_ .�.� ^_r'•!,r �'��J- -jr � r /L.OT 2 � �� / �./ � - ! p I��r-%�_ LOT 1{!�\•7,� }.1 .� /��\�I>.\'��I\\ I EXHIBIT D - GRADING PLAN CI 9240 Vis a •.°• �. TY OF ATASCADERO to Bonita rra,.rl.V Zone Change 15-87 `s `' ,scanl COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Yeomans/Fredericks DEPARTMENT REVEGETATION d EROSION CONTROL NOTES TRACT 1562 nu �• ""' —•o»,.°—.. ROUGH GRADING _ CHALK MOUNTAIN,ATASCADERO IftNORTH i sedea a°`�`�"M •- %.'ate«•ate. ` .M.,,ea.w 1 3 OF 5 rough cx�g costar:e...°.. ,\ u.o�°..u��Lw� %i�.:�T\�.` -. - �`\ wee•No��o;.s�•.ia..K....a.c.... . 84, I`J i t � " . 1 _�---1 -:--f-"�Y_/•-�_� ;_ ���r'�i'�, at,'.\)���\ �\� f'resaf��a � \. .,s �\ i� ✓=ori �a_ 7--_�`,- ��i I I atVi,,`�� N. � -FI road improvements: EXHIBIT E - LANDSCAPE PLAD ITY OF ATASCADERO 9240 Vista Bonita —7 Zone Zone Change 15-87 �ascw l COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Yeomans/Fredericks DEPARTMENT .+ APPROVED PLANT LIST FOR LOT LANDSCAPE TRACT 1562 I ... •...,. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS CHALK MOUNTAIN.ATASCADERRO NORTH® F FIM 't° 1 1 \ 4OF5 iscretiona_rys yard�areas fire safety Zone',,,.,..... rninini m tree planting recWed ..� .t 4permv 1 dt!g E-rjjatfon zone , `�• � �•/;�;1 i \.\ .,i. turf block ' �-_ arta• � I • CI EXHIBIT F - SECTIONS Merl a. ' .. 4.lt, TY OF ATASCADERO 9240 Vista Bonita Zone Change 15-87 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Yeomans/Fredericks _ TRACT 1562 "� --- .--..-.•a _ _ SITE CROSS SECTIONS ,•,y '. •t '�C_'_'=�at?ki~i,'.. '•� _I CHALK MOUNTAIN,ATASCADERO ,, �-._.� _.l � ��-� any-1� ,■ — www.,—i „ w I u�`r,.t0 SECTION'U•AT 1":10 SOUTH ELEVATION 1":100• �,„„„,.,,,.,, 5OF5 existing grade proposed grade .- --- - SECTION A 1•':20' ----_ -- -- existing grade existing grade i proposed grade proposed grade SECTION B 1":20• _ SECTION C 1•'20' I t � �f�r�• � EXHIBIT G - DEVELOPMENT Sq ITY OF ATASCADERO 9240 Vista Bonita 9-7 Zone Change 15-87 ►scan l COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Yeomans/Fredericks DEPARTMENT s C C. RECHVED SUPPLEMENTAL DEVELOPMENT STATEMENT MAR 4- 1938 FOR TRACT 1562 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The application for Tentative Map 1562 is submitted as,an alternative to six residential lots as they now exist. The site of 6.3 acres, which makes up the summit of Chalk Mountain, is now divided into six legal lots of record. This application employs the use of a planned development to create six smaller residential sites and an open space lot which covers about 82 percent of the total site. The application does not seek to increase the allowed density or change the land use of the site. 7 e application seeks only to redesign the site so as to create a project which is more environmentally sensitive. Advantages of the Plan The advantages of this pian are listed as follows. 1. The access road to the site has been shifted from the present right of way to prevent having to remove some oak trees which are located in the existing right of way. The new road is in an area which is not as visible to the community. 2. The proposal moves all development away from the West face of Chalk Mountain, the area which is most visible from the community. 3. The area for residential development is restricted to certain pad elevations and building envelopes. 4. To mitigate visibility concerns, a revegetation plan is submitted as part of this proposal. 5. A permanent open space easement is being granted over 80-plus percent of the project area. 6. Architectural guidelines are being proposed to mitigate the visual impact of the buildings. The above items are more clearly illustrated on the project plans submitted with this application. i Alternative Projects Discussed I. Use the existing lots. Most of the disadvantages of developing the site as it now legally exists have been discussed already. Such a development would create a project which is significantly more visible and produce more significant environmental impact than the one proposed. CITY OF ATASCADERO S-I Bei+'I dip -- 1 iuie-7 �asCADCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT f Supplemental Development Statement for Tract 1562 Page 2 2. use larger residential site and less open space than proposed. A project designed in this manner has been submitted to the Community Development Department. This alternative does share some of the beneficial aspects of the proposed project, but also includes some real disadvantages. They are: a* Less open space b. More grading (visibility) c. This design places some of the residential area on the West face of Chalk Mountain where it would be highly visible to the community 3. Design even smaller residential lots and a larger open space lot. A project designed in this manner would have the following disad- vantages: a. By further limiting the residential area, the buildings would be so close together that they would have a massing effect. They would appear much like an apartment building as opposed to low 'height single family dwellings. b. By further reducing the area between units, the opportunity to introduce meaningful landscaping elements between units is lost. c. A denser project could mean more grading and retaining walls, as there will be less horizontal distance available to make up for changes in grade between units. d. A tighter project than proposed would diminish the detached single family nature of the project. The future residents would feel as if they lived in an apartment project on top of a hill. Tract 1562 is being submitted as the best reasonable design alternative to the existing lots. It is the applicant's hope that this design will be accepted by the community in a positive manner. t Thank you, Mike Yeomans Applicant CITY OF ATASCADERO sOw COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ARCHITECTURAL CONTROLS - - `- ri ,..«.,,,._....,. _ TRACT 1562 _,:,,.., .,_ ,,..,.,..,„, EARTHWORK MASTER PLAN ..,... CHALK MOUNTAIN.ATASCADERO NORTH I' SII I, ,,(„ '•. J\�y - .M.......,...,. sedas rx ce- 17 LOT -, � .'LOT 5 /°� a c • \ _ ., �'c-, i � � '�_�rl, iY� "LOT 4 �. �i>��, `, \ �� � •\\ LOT.7 openspace `\ l'i , a `/ L873 % LOT 2 '1 x � i lOT ti't'T'' �•j f. J`I�) I�)� 14 1 . .. � �_ - � \' ' %' � �'��i•moi i � I I CITY OF ATASCADERO �asCkD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT REVEGETATION 6 EROSION CONTROL NOTES TRACT 1562 ROUGH GRADING CHALK MOUNTAIN.ATASCADERO NORTH® IMPS , i - Imo er a•.ecc.raa .p..,,p a.vleanmar�!d�n 3 OF5 7. two g��Contour�. .• %•�' 1 jl j -1 ♦�-:F� :\' ` 1IiA,.1 I AA - ��__�___----- V7 - y-=��,-_ / I f�♦t, � r �1 ) t . / y�'f1•/' /•�\/.1'tv�I l .. 'L. \"tie\_ \`•\\.=- =yti�l�./ —^��� � / _ t CITY OF ATASCADERO � asCsDF .4 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT /. APPROVED PLANT LIST FOR LOT LANDSCAPE TRACT 1562 j LANDSCAPE STANDARDS CHALK MOUNTAIN,ATASCAD,E■RO- NORTH sedew 1 _ 4OF5 iscretionary yard areas 77 lire safely)cone'•.., /A/ •c mrnrm tree plantrg`requr edM '.• `t permanent planting&'rr a^ion zone - � •� -`�• •' /�� \\ `t - . -. .. "-\.._- - - ••-�i tit(• I 'h i I — -- I l EXHIBIT I - Findings for Approval ` Tentative Parcel Map 39-87 Vista Bonita May 17, 1988 FINDINGS 1. The creation of the proposed parcels will conform to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan land use designation, densities and other policies. 2. The creation of these parcels , in conformance with the recommended Conditions of Approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed. 5. The design of the subdivision , and the proposed improvements , will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. 6. The design of the subdivision , and the type of the improvements, will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or the use of property within the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474. 6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to the methods of handling and discharge of waste. 8. The proposed project is in compliance with the City of Atascadero' s Appearance Review Manual Guidelines. JM/jm i . • 0 EXHIBIT J - Conditions of Approval Tentative Tract Map 39-87 (1488) 9240 Vista Bonita Yeomans/Fredericks May 17, 1988 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Water lines and water line improvements required to serve the subdivision shall be constructed prior to the recording of the map. The individual service laterals and water meters shall be extended to the property line frontage of each parcel prior to the recording of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 3. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. 4. All lots shall be connected to the Public Sewer. All annexation permit fees shall be paid prior to the recording of the final map. Any sewer extensions for annexation must be completed within one year after annexation. 5. Sewer improvement plans shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department prior to the recording of the final map. 6. Grading, and Drainage plans, prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to and for review and approval by, the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to the issuance of any building permits or the recording of the final map. 7. Obtain an encroachment permit from the City of Atascadero Public Works Department. Sign an Inspection Agreement guaranteeing that the work will be done and the inspections paid for, prior to the issuance of a building permit, or start of public works construction , and construct improvements as directed by the encroachment permit prior to the final building inspection or the recording of the final map, whichever comes first. 8. A road maintenance agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed. A note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 9. The subdivider shall install all street signs , traffic delineation devices , warning and regulatory signs , guardrails , barricades , and other similar devices where required by the Director of Public Works. Signs shall be in conformance with the Department of Public works standards and the current State of California uniform sign chart. Installation of traffic devices shall be subject to review and minor modifications prior to approval of construction. 10 . Road improvement plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Community Development and Public Works Departments for review and approval, prior to the construction of the improvements, or prior to recording of the final map, or prior to the issuance of any building permit, which ever comes first. Plans shall include, but not limited to : a. Vista Bonita: Design shall conform to design of improvements being prepared for Tract 1562 (Spanish Ridge) being prepared in connection with proposed development. Plans shall include a minimum paved section of 20'-0" and approved fire code turn around. Design shall include measures to save and preserve trees within the right-of-way, as approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. 11 . Construction of the access road improvements shall be completed prior to the recording of the final map. 12. Public Improvement plans prepared for the site shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department. The plans shall include needed fire suppression improvements as determined by the Fire Department. Water main design shall be reviewed and pressure booster pump may be required if water pressure is found to be inadequate for fire protection. Design and location of improvements shall be approved prior to the recording of the final map. 13 . Prior to the approval of the improvement plans by the Director of Public Works, either the Subdivider shall acquire sufficient title or interest in the off-site land to allow the improvements to be made as required by these conditions: or the City Council, upon request by and at the expense of the subdivider, shall have made all appropriate t findings and adopted Resolution of Necessity as required by law so that the City may exercise its power of Eminent Domain. 14 . Drainage Facilities shall be constructed to City of Atascadero Standards. All work shall be completed prior the recording of the final map. • • 15 . The Subdivider shall provide drainage easements and/or drainage releases from the points of concentration of stormwater leaving the project boundary through adjoining properties to the nearest natural watercourses as approved by the Public Works Department if applicable. 16. All lot grading and drainage improvements shall require written certification by a registered Civil Engineer that all work has been completed and is in full compliance with the approved plans. 17. All grading and erosion control measures shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and constructed in accordance with the City of Atascadero grading codes and standards. Prior to the final building inspection, said engineer shall submit to the City written certification that grading is in conformance with said codes and standards. 18. A Drainage Maintenance Agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed and a note to this effect shall be placed on the final map. 19. Offer of dedication to the City of Atascadero the following rights-of-way and / or easements: Street Name: Vista Bonita Minimum Width: 10'-0" from the center of Right-of-Way along property frontage. 20 . Offer for dedication to the Public for Public Utility Easements all access easements. 21. Offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneous to the recordation of the final map. 22 . Prior to the recording of the final map , a soils investigation ( as required by the Subdivision Map Act) shall be submitted, recommending corrective actions which will prevent structural damage to each structure proposed to be constructed in the area where soil problems exist, as indicated in the Preliminary Soils Report. The date of such reports, The name of the Engineer making the report, and the location where the reports are on file shall be noted on the final map. i 23 . The applicant shall establish .Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use,control of nuisances, architectural control of all buildings , driveway and landscape maintenance. These CC&Rs shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney and the Community Development Department prior to the recording of the final map. The CC&Rs shall implement the development standards set forth in the approved Planned Development Overlay Zoning (Zone Change 15-87) . JI • • 24. Zone Change ZC: 15-87 shall be approved and in effect prior to the recording of the final map. 25. Provide Sewer Main Extension Plan acceptable to the Director of Public Works. Main extension shall be thur Golf Course or Las Lomas to Pino Solo. Easement thur Golf Course, if this alternative is selected, shall be recorded prior to recording final map. 26. A final map in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance prior to the recording of the final map. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that the corners have been set or will be set by a specific date and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. c. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 27. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. JM/jm 4kXHIBIT B EXHIBIT J - Conditions of Approval Tentative Tract Map 39-87 (1488) 9240 Vista Bonita Yeomans/Fredericks (Revised June 7, 1988) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. - Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 2. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 3. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. 4. All lots shall be connected to the Public Sewer. All annexation permit fees shall be paid prior to the recording of the final map. Any sewer extensions for annexation must be completed within one year after annexation. 5. Sewer improvement plans shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department prior to the recording of the final map. • 6. Grading, and Drainage plans, prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to and for review and approval by, the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to the issuance of any building permits or the recording of the final map. 7. Obtain an encroachment permit from the City of Atascadero Public Works Department. Sign an Inspection Agreement guaranteeing that the work will be done and the inspections paid for, prior to the issuance of a building permit, or start of public works construction, and construct improvements as directed by the encroachment permit. 8. A road maintenance agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed. A note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. t 9. The subdivider shall install all street signs, traffic delineation devices, warning and regulatory signs, guardrails, barricades, and other similar devices where required by the Director of Public Works. Signs shall be in conformance with the Department of Public works standards and the current State of California uniform sign chart. Installation of traffic devices shall be subject to review and minor modifications prior to approval of construction. 10. Road improvement plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Community Development and Public Works Departments for review and approval, prior to the construction of the improvements, or prior to recording of the final map, or prior to the issuance of any building permit, which ever comes first. Plans shall include, but not limited to : a. Vista Bonita: Design shall conform to design of improvements being prepared for Tract 1562 (Spanish Ridge) being prepared in connection with proposed development. Plans shall include a minimum paved section of 20'-0" and approved fire code turn around. Design shall include measures to save and preserve trees -.within the right-of-way, as approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. 11. Public Improvement plans prepared for the site shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department. The plans shall include needed fire suppression improvements as determined by the Fire Department. Water main design shall be reviewed and pressure booster pump may be required if water pressure is found to be inadequate for fire protection. Design and location of improvements shall be approved prior to the recording of the final map. 12. Prior to the approval of the improvement plans by the Director of Public Works, either the Subdivider shall acquire sufficient title or interest in the off-site land to allow the improvements to be made as required by these conditions: or the City Council, upon request by and at the expense of the subdivider, shall have made all appropriate findings and adopted Resolution of Necessity as required by law so that the City may exercise its power of Eminent Domain. 13. Drainage Facilities shall be constructed to City of Atascadero Standards. 14. The Subdivider shall provide drainage easements and/or drainage releases from the points of concentration of stormwater leaving the project boundary through adjoining properties to the nearest natural watercourses as approved by the Public Works Department if applicable. 15. All lot grading and drainage improvements shall require written certification by a registered Civil Engineer that all work has been completed and is in full compliance with the approved plans. • 0 16. All grading and erosion control measures shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and constructed in accordance with the City of Atascadero grading codes and standards. Prior to the final building inspection, said engineer shall submit to the City written certification that grading is in conformance with said codes and standards. 17. A Drainage Maintenance Agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed and a note to this effect shall be placed on the final map. 18. Offer of dedication to the City of Atascadero the following rights-of-way and / or easements: _ Street Name: Vista Bonita Minimum Width: 10'-0" from the center of Right-of-Way along property frontage. 19. Offer for dedication to the Public for Public Utility Easements all access easements. 20. Offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneous to the recordation of the final map. 21. Prior to the recording of the final map, a soils investigation ( as required by the Subdivision Map Act) shall be submitted, recommending corrective actions which will prevent structural damage to each structure proposed to be constructed in the area where soil problems exist, as indicated in the Preliminary Soils Report. The date of such reports, The name of the Engineer making the report, and the location where the reports are on file shall be noted on the final map. 22. The applicant shall establish Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use,control of nuisances, architectural control of all buildings, on site & off site improvements driveway and landscape maintenance. These CC&Rs shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney and the Community Development Department prior to the recording of the final map. The CC&Rs shall implement the development standards set forth in the approved Planned Development Overlay Zoning (Zone Change 15-87) . 23. Zone Change ZC: 15-87 shall be approved and in effect prior t to the recording of the final map. 24. Provide Sewer Main Extension Plan acceptable to the Director of Public Works. Main extension shall be thur Golf Course or Las Lomas to Pino Solo. Easement thur Golf Course, if this alternative is selected, shall be recorded prior to recording final map. 25. The applicant shall enter into an agreement for on-site and off-site improvements prior to the recording of the final map. Applicant shall submit separate bonds for the off- site and on-site improvements, terms and amounts to be acceptable to the Community Development Director and the Director of Public Works. 26. No building permits for residential construction shall be issued until the on-site and off-site improvements are completed to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director and the Director of Public Works. 27. A final map in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City' s Subdivision Ordinance prior to the recording of the final map. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that the corners have been set or will be set by a specific date and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. c. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in. conjunction with the processing of the final map. 28. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. JM/jm t EXHIBIT C Members of the Atascadero Planning Commission: Reference : Conditions of Approval for Tract 1562 This letter serves as our request that conditions numbers 1 , 4 , 7 , 10, 14 , eLal , which require that the actual construction of site improvements be complete -before the final map for 1562 is recorded , be amended to allow for bonding of the site improvements . We can- not commit the amount of funds required for the site improvements on this project without the assurance of the final map being of record. We are therefore sub- mitting the following substitute conditionfor your consideration which will provide for a coordinated de- velopment of the site in a manner benefical to all con- cerned . New Conditions 28) The applicant may submit a bond or surety ; terms and amount to be acceptable to the director of Public Works ; in order to record the final map prior to the construction of site improvements . 29) No building permits for residential construction will be issued until the site improvements are completed to the satisfaciton of the director of Public Works . (Note: Applications for plan check and the plan check porcedure may take place prior to completion of site improvements) Thank you , Mikee Yeo ns Michael Frederick ) MY/MF/sw MINUTES EXCERPT MAY 17, 1988 MEWING AGENDA . DATE 7 ITEM� MINUTES - ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 17, 1988 7 : 30 p.m. Rotunda Room, City Administration Building The regular meeting of the Atascadero Planning Commission was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. by Chairperson Nolan followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Kidwell. ROLL L: Present: C issioners Kidwell, Hatchell, Michi sen, Tobey, Bond, Lopez-Balbontin (7 : 35 p.m. ) an Chairperson Nolan Absent: None Staff Present: Henry Engen, nity Development Director; Paul Sensibauublic Works Director; Steven Decamp, Se 'or Pla er; Joel Moses, Associate Planner- and Patrici Shepphard, Administrative Secr ary I A. CONSENT ALENDAR 1 Approval of minutes of the regular Planning ommission meeting of May 3, 1988 MOTION: Made by Commissioner Bond, seconded by Commis- sioner Tobey and carried unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. B. HEARINGS , APPEARANCES , AND REPORTS 1 . ZONE CHANGE 15-87 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 39-87 : Request initiated by Mike Yeomans and Mike Frederick to revise the existing RSF-Y and RSF-Z zoning to provide for a Planned Development Overlay and implementing tentative tract map to re-organize the existing six lots totaling 6 . 32 acres into six lots ranging from 10,740 to 16, 980 square feet and create a new open space parcel containing 4 .47 acres, and to abandon a portion of Vista Bonita Road. Subject site is located at 9240 Vista Bonita Road. (CONTINUED FROM MEETING OF MAY 3, 1988) . • • Mr. Moses presented the staff report on the two applications recommending approval of the zone change and tentative parcel map requests . Chairperson Nolan noted that the applicant has submitted a letter requesting that certain conditions be amended to allow for bonding of the site improvements rather than require actual construction to be complete before the final map can be recorded. =Mike Yeomans, applicant, stated he is in agreement with the staff analysis and conditions of approval; however, he ex- plained his reasons for requesting the bonding for Condi- tions ##1 , 4 , 7 , 10, 14 , etc . Steve Decamp addressed Mr. Yeoman' s letter noting that some of the conditions referenced would not be applicable to the bonding request. If bonding is to be allowed for the off- site improvements, then bonding should also be included for any on-site improvements as well . He added that assurances need to be made to insure that this project is completed in one phase. It is important that all of the grading work be completed at one time. He advised that this matter should be continued for Public Works input if it is the Commis- sion' s desire to amend the conditions as requested by the applicant. Discussion followed. Commissioner Hatchell stated an excellent job was done on the staff report and commended the developer on their efforts to minimize impacts on the site. He stated he would be in favor of bonding because of the extent of the off-site improvement costs . Commissioner Bond concurred with Commis- sioner Hatchell ' s comments and added he would like to see staff work with the applicant to revise the conditions of approval . Staff noted reluctance in drafting conditions at this time due to the complexity of the site. Commissioner Hatchell added he would like to see wording incorporated which would require the improvements to be complete prior to issuance of the first building permit. Mr. Yeomans further stated that 99 1/2% of all grading will take place in one operation and he will be submitting a more detailed grading plan and improvement drawings . De Camp emphasized that staff ' s major concern is that all of the work be done at one time and not in a piecemeal fashion. Discussion followed concerning the CC&Rs and planned development overlay which will help in insuring that all of the conditions are met. -- MOTION: Made by Commissioner Bond and seconded by Commis- sioner Kidwell to continue the public hearing to June 7, 1988 in order for staff to work with the i applicant in revising the conditions to make pro- vision for bonding of off-site and on-site improvements , including grading. Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin expressed concern with the open space easements and wants to make sure that assurances are made for dedication of open space easements to t P P he City. Discussion followed concerning this issue density increases, etc. After further discussion, the motion carrIed 7 -0 - 2 . TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 7-88: Request initiated by John white (Twin Cities Engineer- ing) to subdivide 10 .44 acres into two parce containing 3 . 66 and 6 . 78 acres each. Subject sit is located at 9550 Laurel Road. Mr. Moses presented the staff report concerning this two-way 'vision request; staff recommendation is for/ approval su 'ect to 11 conditions of approval. John ite, applicant, spoke in support of he application and as d for clarification on conditi #4 . Mr. Decamp responded hat the intent of the conditi is to insure that grading and rainage plans are in for t e access to the back lot which is , or this case, driveway esign. There was no pub l ' c testimony giv MOTION: Made by Com issioner atchell, seconded by Commis- sioner Tobey and rried 7 :0 to approve Tentative Parcel Map 7-8 ject to the findings and con- ditions contain in the staff report. 3 . TENTATIVE PARCEL P 9-88. Request initiat d by Willi and Ann Palmer (Cuesta Engineering) o subdivide an existing developed parcel totaling 2 4 acres into tw arcels containing 1 . 04 and 1 . 00 res each. Subject s e is located at 4800 San Jac ' to Avenue. In presen ng the staff report, Mr. Mose referenced some revised onditions of approval that the Publi Works Depart- ment d revised ( #11 concerning offer of dedi ation) . Mr. Mose responded to questions from the Commission. hn Falkenstien, agent for the applicant, concur d with staff' s recommendation but expressed concern witthe wording on Condition #8. He stated that given the natur of the street, that the last sentence concerning the requir ment for a 15 foot pave-out from the centerline be deleted . • MINUTES EXCERPT JUNE 7, 1988 MEMO AGENDA / DAT L��i ITEM+ MINUTES - ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Tuesday, June 7, 1988 7 : 30 p.m. Rotunda Room, City Administration Building The regular meeting of the Atascadero Planning Commission wa called to order at 7 :31 p.m. by Chairman Nolan, followed by e Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Michielssen. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Kidwell, Michielsse Tobey, Bond, 11 Lopez albontin, and Chairman an Absent: Commission e Hatchell (e sed) Staff Present: Henry Engen; mmunity Development Director; Joel Moses As Qciate Planner, Doug Davidson, Assista Planner, Patricia Shepphard, Admin istr ive Secretary A. CONSE CALENDAR Approval of minutes of the regular Plann ' g Commission meeting of May 17 , 1988 MOTION: Made by Commissioner Kidwell, seconde by Commissioner Tobey and carried 6 : 0 to approve t Consent Calendar as presented. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1 . ZONE CHANGE 15-87 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 39-87 : Request initiated by Mike Yeomans and Mike Frederick to revise the existing RSF-Y and RSF-Z zoning to provide for a Planned Development Overlay and implementing tentative tract map to reorganize the existing six lots totaling 6 . 32 acres into six lots ranging from 7 , 260 to 9, 132 square feet and create a new open space parcel containing 5 . 18 acres, and to abandon a portion of Vista Bonita road. Subject site is located at 9240 Vista Bonita Road. (CONTINUED FROM MEETINGS OF. MAY 3 AND MAY 17, 1988) Mr. Moses summarized -the background from the previous Commission meeting wherein revised conditions have been provided which allow provision for bonding of improvements. There was brief discussion relative to the difference between the revised conditions and original conditions proposed by staff. Mike Yeomans, applicant, indicated his concurrence with these revisions . In response to question from Commissioner Michielssen, Mr. Moses explained staff was recommending approval of the original conditions as they pertain to the "planned "'development" aspect of the project. Staff was concerned that this project and the necessary improvements be installed in one phase. Commissioner Michielssen felt that bonding is an appropriate measure of securing the necessary improvements and felt this would not be a problem given that no building permit could be issued before all improvements are completed. MOTION: Made by commissioner Michielssen and seconded by Commissioner Kidwell to approve Tentative parcel Map 39-87 subject to the revised conditions of approval (June 7, 1988 ) , and recommend approval of Zone Change 15-87 to the City Council. Commissioner Bond stated he has followed the project very closely and concurred with Commissioner Michielssen' s statements and felt that the conditions would help mitigate impacts to the hillside without increasing the density. Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin expressed concern that assurance is made that the open space parcel is not developed at any future date. Mr. Moses stated this would be handled through the CC&Rs . The motion carried 6 :0 2 . APPEAL OF PRECISE PLAN 10-88 : Appeal initiated by Klaus Mathes (Asso ated Professions, Inc . ) appealing specifically t precise plan condition that the proposed gradin a reduced. bject site is located at 13305 Sant na Road. (CO UED FROM MEETING OF MAY 17 88) . Mr. Davidson lained th the applicant submitted alternate plans which w t the proposed grading is the most appropriate solutio access the site so the required findings can now be ade to p ess the precise plan, and noted the applic has withdrawn h ' appeal . There wa rief discussion concerning ref u of the appeal fee. aff pointed . out that no refund is warra d as the -ff-a has been absorbed in processing costs, publis the public hearing notice, staff report, etc. ,\ ORDINANCE NO. 180 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP NUMBER 19 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY ON VISTA BONITA ROAD FROM RSF-Y & RSF-Z (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) TO RSF-Y (PD-7) & RSF-Z (PD-7) (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) (ZONE CHANGE 15-87 - YEOMANS/FREDERICKS) WHEREAS, The proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, The proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et. seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate: and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held public hearings on May 3, May 17 and June 7, 1988 and has recommended approval of Zone Change 15-87. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan land use element and other elements contained in the General Plan, and specifically, policies pertaining to Low Density Single Family Residential development as expressed in the General Plan land use element. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 4. Modification of development standards or processing requirements is warranted to promote orderly and harmonious development. 5. Modification of development standards or processing requirements will enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area and will have a beneficial effect on the area. • ! 6. Benefits derived from the overlay zone cannot be reasonably achieved through existing development standards or processing requirements. 7. Proposed plans offer certain redeeming features to compensate for requested modifications. Section 2. Zoning Map. Map number 19 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify Lots 1,2, and 3 of PM 32-85 and Lots 16 & 17 of Tract 5 in Atascadero as show on the attached Exhibits "A" & "B" which are hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by , the motion is approved by the following role call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: 1 BONITA BORGESON, MAYOR City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: WILLIAM HANLEY Interim, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HE R "ENGN, Community evelop e t Director t • OXHIBIT A -- ORDINANCE 180 ` �, ZONE CHANGE 15-87 ;t CITY OF ATASCADERO sF--Y TO RSF--Z CPD 7) RSF--Z & R '�Plll'Iff! , Ipip ' & RSF--Y CPD 7) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT YEOMANS/FREDERICKS � I DEPARTMENT ZONE CHANGE 15-87 �. R F•Z YEOMANS/FREDERICKS RS F--Z & RS F--Y MF•4 6) , ,, TO =a W , •,'`� RSF-ZCPD 7) & RSF--Y(PD 7) CL AFL 00, ":•' S F R (P07) •oq , > T•O \ \ O O �gtr95 �4 R �� a / f CT y ` CR i NT T c S NN H .+ �- aro a . P / <tve ►d s , i d �IVE � z .. / ,. d! .1•■ y.�� ITY OF ATASCADERO EXHIBIT' B ORDINANCE 18 0 r1B1;�(ls ZONE CHANGE 15-»87 .W- C n COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RSF■mZ RSF--Z TO RSF—Z (PD 7) & RSF—Y CPD 7) gat DEPARTMENT YEOMANS/FREDERICKS — -�.__.�`i�AR•11 1938 + `._. , COh1h'Jlviry DEVELopp.a ' Z. 14 TRACT 1562 TENTATIVE MAP \�\ CHALK MOUNTAIN.ATASCAOERO NORTH h�� 1 .•� :'I' LOTS �.� �' ;rr LOT ` ; zl s awde - , . \ , '.�.,:• \ �� \\ \�• i ..` ' _. ..w�1 a.•'ti� .� I ,■m .LOT 1 0F.5 °T. '+nw..w.M Lu.Ct. _•�••t nt wnt Iw(,l '. OT LOT Y •u11.. �.(.tr .v [..lflhw(f � off•ff m•+•tm' '- - \ LOT 7" _.OPENSPACE6 6 ` LI' Ai �.30 aous `� is •'t9 2 IRC15 _I 2J r _ - 4S 19 h T•"'."'Z' f_ . . - C T ni'w wow J. 1 • ..f — _- �.,• VIUrA I Y rAAP • M E M O R N D U M TO: City Council July 12 1988 VIA: William Hanley, Interim City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director } SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2B-88/ZONE CHANGE 8-88 LOCATION: Land located between US 141 and E1 Camino Real north of the Commercial Tourist zone at Del Rio Road APPLICANT: . -Atascadero Elks Lodge REQUEST: To allow public and quasi-public uses within the subject area, and include - modifications to the ZoningOrdinance text relative to the allowed and conditionally allowed uses within the P(Public) Zone. BACKGROUND: On June 21 , 1988, the Atascadero Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced requests . On a 5 : 0 vote, the Commission recommended approval of General Plan Amendment` 2B-88 and Zone Change 8-88 . RECOMMENDATION: Approval of General Plan Amendment 2B-88 (map change) and Zone Change 8-88 (zoning map; and zoning text change) by: ( 1) Approval of Resolution 49-88 (general plan map change) , (2) Approval of Ordinance No. 178 (zoning map change) by: a. Reading by title only. t b. Approving attached Ordinance No. ;178 on first reading. (3) Approval of Ordinance No. 179 (zoning text change) by: a. Reading by title only. b. Approving attached Ordinance No. 179 on first reading. HE :ph Attachments : Staff Report June 21 , 1988 Minutes June-Excerpt J 21, 1988 P Resolution No. 49-88 ordinance No 178 Ordinance No. 179 CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: June 21, 1988 BY: 1.DSteven L. Decamp, Senior Planner File No: GP 2B-88 ZC 8-88 SUBJECT: Amendments`to- the City's adopted General Plan Land Use Element and Zoning Ordinance map to allow public and quasi-public uses within the subject area. Also included are modifications to the Zoning Ordinance text relative to the allowed and conditionally _ allowed uses within the P (Public) Zone. BACKGROUND: On April 19, 1988, the Planning Commission considered and expanded the study area for the subject General Plan amendment and .Zoning Ordinance revision. As a result, the study area for this application includes all of the land located between US 101 and El Camino Real north of: the Commercial Tourist .zone at Del i Rio Road. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . .Atascadero Elks Lodge 2. Representative. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .Dennis H. Garad -3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . (see above) 5. Study Area.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. 6 acres 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..RS (Residential Suburban) & CR (Commercial Retail) 7. General Plan Designation. .Suburban Single Family & Retail Commercial 8. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mixed uses, predominately single family residential 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . Negative Declaration posted June 8, 1988 2 B. ANALYSIS: The property which is the subject of this General Plan amendment and Zoning Ordinance change has been the subject of several such proposals in the past. In 1986, the City Council denied a request by Leonard Brazzi (GP 1A-86) to amend the General Plan land use designation for property located at 1800 El Camino Real from Suburban Single Family to Commercial Retail. At that time, the Council indicated that any further study of the subject area should consider the entire strip of property between El Camino Real and US 101 north of Del Rio Road. During the second cycle of General Plan amendments in 1986, the Council again looked at the area lying between E1 Camino Real and the freeway. Staff recommended against redesignating this entire area for commercial uses, but noted that continued large lot residential development might also be inappropriate. In the end, the Council redesignated two (2) lots close to Del Rio Road for commercial use and again left the remaining area to be studied further. Every analysis of the subject area reveals that it is not ideally suited for single family residential development as it is currently designated and zoned. Each of the lots in this area is a double frontage lot. Each of these lots front on two of the busiest thoroughfares in Atascadero. The noise, traffic, and visual impacts associated with such roads detract from the attractiveness of the area for residential purposes. Any sense of "neighborhood" is also diminished by the linear nature of the area. Although the existing uses are predominately residential, there has not been. a demand for new residential development in the area. At the conclusion of the 1986 study, Staff determined that the subject property was not appropriate for a Retail Commercial designation. This determination was made in large part based on language within the General Plan's Land Use Element. With respect to general retail development, the General Plan states: "General Retail - This land use currently is found along E1 Camino Real from Traffic Way to San Anselmo Road, on the east side of El Camino Real from the Thrifty Drug complex to Pueblo Avenue, and on the east side of E1 Camino Real at Santa Rosa Road. There are many vacant properties in each of these areas which can be developed to meet shopping needs for the immediate future. " The text of the Plan continues to note the problems associated with strip commercial development including limited parking on shallow lots, vehicular movements, impediments to pedestrian . movements, visual chaos, and required reliance on automobiles. 3 Policy #3 in the Plan' s discussion of general retail uses states: "Commercial uses shall be developed in clusters to encourage concentrations of compatible retail trade service. " These discussions in the Plan led the Commission and Council to limit the extent of new commercial designations to the two (2) lots north of the Commercial Tourist (CT) zone at Del Rio Road. Limitations on new commercial development in the area north of San Anselmo Road has recently been suggested in the Economic Base Analysis prepared for the City of Atascadero by Economics Research Associates. Their study concludes that the City has an adequate supply of land zoned for commercial purposes for the near future. In addition, the report strongly suggests that the northern limit of retail commercial development be established at the intersection of San Anselmo Road and El Camino Real. These findings support staff' s contention that the area north of Del Rio Road should not be designated for general retail uses. There appears to be a need within Atascadero for areas where public, quasi-public, and institutional uses can be located as allowed or conditionally allowed uses. The characteristics of such uses make them incompatible in many residential zones and undesirable in established retail trade areas. The City' s General Plan and Zoning Ordinance provide extremely limited opportunities for such uses, however. The desire of the Atascadero Elk Lodge (a Membership Organization) to locate on property north of Del Rio Road provides an opportunity to explore the suitability of this area for other such uses. The very factors that make the study area undesirable for residential purposes make it attractive for public and institutional uses. Highway 101 and El Camino Real would provide adequate access to the types of uses expected to locate in a Public zone. Del Rio Road provides ready access to US 101 and other parts of the City and surrounding areas. The fact that the lots in the area have double frontage would not be detrimental to public and quasi-public uses. Where the visibility of the back of commercial developments from US 101 might be undesirable, public and quasi-public uses should not present the same concern. Public and institutional uses tend t to develop in a "campus" like setting that should provide a more pleasant view from the freeway. In addition to providing additional area for the location of public and quasi-public uses, staff believes that some modification of the listing of allowed and conditionally allowed uses is appropriate (see Exhibit A of Attachment E) . Because this zone covers various locations within the City, the recommended list of allowed uses is reduced to avoid incompatible 4 development. The uses which have been removed from the list of allowed uses have been added to the listing of conditionally allowed uses. In addition, several new uses that are of a quasi- public or institutional nature have been added to the list of conditionally allowed uses. With the recommended changes to the Zoning Ordinance text and map, staff believes that an appropriate amount of land can be made available for public uses. Additionally, more appropriate uses can be proposed for the area north of Del Rio Road between the freeway and E1 Camino Real. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of General Plan Amendment 2B-88 and Zone Change 8-88 based on the Findings in the attached Draft Resolution (Attachment C) and Draft Ordinances (Attachments D and E) . ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT A - General Plan Study Area ATTACHMENT B - Zoning Map Study Area ATTACHMENT C - Draft Resolution (GP 2B-88) ATTACHMENT D - Draft Ordinance (Zoning Map) ATTACHMENT E - Draft Ordinance (Zoning Text) ATTACHMENT A_ CITY OF ATASCADERO GP 2B-88 Study Area — ` sCAD '. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT EI SI Y i U TI-F I P` ti Q� 8 `f E� C4Mip0 \4i RE4l T S'h E S Af 10/ Y a � . til R C E _ _SITE. MM I L Initial Application Expanded Study Area r A10 � II II ROAD p \\ I ATTACHMENT B �� . CITY OF ATASCADERO Zone Change 8-88 `"Sol,.��.� " , 1978 c4D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Study Area DEPARTMENT RS _ TR Ar C T Name �o R S a / F- 6 II // C4MiN0 / q C� / 'O1 G ,4 / SITE k qo Initial Application Expanded Study Area RS MO �� r MINUTES EXCERPT �NE 21, 1988 4 . GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2B-88/ZONE CHANGE 8-88 : Application submitted by the Atascadero Elks Lodge for 1) revision to the General Plan from Suburban Single Family to Public; 2) revision of the Zoning Ordinance map from (RS) Residential Suburban to (P) Public; and 3) revision of the Zoning Ordinance text to allow membership organizations as conditional uses in the (P) Public zone along with related text changes . Subject site is located between U.S. Highway 101 and E1 Camino Real north of the Commercial Tourist zone at Del Rio Road. 3 Steve Decamp presented the staff report on this matter :F noting the expanded study area for the General Plan amendment and Zoning Ordinance revision. It was pointed out that with the recommended changes , there appears to be an appropriate amount of land that can be made available for public uses . Dennis Garad, representing the Elks Lodge, spoke in support of the approval. He stated that the subject property is currently in an escrow agreement with the Elks Lodge pending the City' s action in this matter. Commissioner Bond commended staff on a good staff report and concurred with the recommendation. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Bond and seconded by Commis- sioner Tobey to recommend approval of General Plan Amendment 2B-88 and Zone Change 8-88 based on the Findings in the draft resolution and ordinances attached to the staff report. Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin asked for clarification on criteria for lot sizes in the Public zone. The motion carried 5 : 0 . C. PUBLIC COMMENT No blic comment was given. D. INDIVIDUAL COMME 1 . Planning Commission Vice Chairperson M ' elssen stated at Tom Hatchell was unable to att this -evening' s meetin o the resolution should be tponed to the first meeting in _ RESOLUTION NO. 49-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE MAP OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE CITY' S GENERAL PLAN (GP 2B-88; ATASCADERO ELKS LODGE) WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has grown considerably since incorporation; and WHEREAS, the City' s General Plan, which was prepared in the 1970' s and adopted in 1980 to guide the City' s general growth is in need of updating; and WHEREAS; the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero conducted a public hearing on the subject amendment on June 21, 1988; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65356 provides that a General Plan be amended by the adoption of a resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero finds as follows: 1. The proposed General Plan amendment recommended by the Planning Commission is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan. 2. The proposed General Plan amendment will not have a significant adverse affect on the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to approve General Plan Amendment GP 2B-88 as follows: 1. Amendment to the General Plan Land Use Element, Land Use Map from Residential Suburban and Commercial Retail to Public as shown on the attached Exhibit "A" . On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: • DATE ADOPTED: -- • ! Resolution No. 49-88 • CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA BONITA BORGESON, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: WILLIAM HANLEY, Interim City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGE1.1J, Communi?3D evelopment Director EXHIBIT A CITYGeneral Plan Amend. 2B-88 OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TR �► �t \ EI}ISI y U TI-F I a�O Et CMip \ O RE,C T sti E . s . SITE R C MMM I .F Suburban Single Family \ L & Retail Commercial to 0 Public t M APO-= 11 11 � ROAD .I ORDINANCE NO. 178 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING MAP 4 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS BY REZONING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL AND NORTH OF DEL RIO ROAD FROM RS (RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN) AND CR (COMMERCIAL RETAIL) TO P (PUBLIC) (ZC 8-88; ATASCADERO ELK LODGE) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 21, 1988 and has recommended approval of Zone Change, 8-88. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan land use element and other elements contained in the General Plan. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. Section 2. Zoning Map. Map Number 4 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify Lots 3 - 13 of Block 48 of the Atascadero Colony as show on the attached Exhibit "A" which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. i ! Ordinance No. 178 Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by the motion as approved by the following role call vote: AYES: • NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: BONITA BORGESON, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: WILLIAM HANLEY, Interim City Manager t APPROVED AS TO FORM: JEFFREY JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENG , Comwo ty Development Director • EXHIBIT A CITY Zone Change 8-88 ,ri , . �.,� OF ATASCADERO Sol .ir. , 1978 ascan .' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • DEPARTMENT L / Ta •; CT R S c G • /N r v / f 1/ QEq( l o S 6q 'q SITE RS (Residential Suburban) & CR (Commercial Retail) RS to P (Public) �2 t M 'r -: ORDINANCE NO. 179 is AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT REGARDING THE ALLOWED AND CONDITIONALLY ALLOWED USES IN THE P (PUBLIC) ZONE (ZC 8-88; ATASCADERO ELK LODGE) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning text amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 21, 1988 and has recommended approval of Zone Change 8-88. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan Land Use element and other elements contained in the General Plan. 2. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. Section 2. Zoning Text Change. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 8-88 is approved to change the text of the Zoning Ordinance as shown in the attached Exhibit A, which is made a part hereof by reference. t Ordinance No. 179 • Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by the motion as approved by the following role call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: BONITA BORGESON, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: WILLIAM HANLEY, Interim City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: i JEFFREY JORGENSEN, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGE , Co mmu y Development Director . EXHIBIT A P (Public) Zone 9-3. 421. Purposes: This zone is established to provide suitable locations and standards for the maintenance and development of public and quasi-public facilities and services. 9-3. 422. Allowable Uses: The following uses shall be allowed in the Public Zone. The establishment of allowable uses shall be as provided by Section 9-2. 107 (Plot Plans) and Section 9-2. 108 (Precise Plans) : (a) Broadcasting studios fib} Ea�etalter-res�eleaee-fSee-Seet�e�r-3-6-�A4} +e} Excreter}e9 {-�} C-a��eet3arr-gtat3arr-{-gee-Seet�ae-9-G.-�39} fe} Heal-th-eai-e-servirees ff} (b) Libraries and museums fg} (c) Offices (City, County, State or Federal government or public utilities) fh} (d) Temporary offices (See Section 9-6. 176) +i* Pirpelirrtes f�} (e) Public assembly and entertainment flf} (f) Schools (See Section 9-6. 125) f1} Skilled-Ytttr-ak tg -fSee-Seetiatr-9-&r1-a4} fat} Saea�-a -ser� ee-argatrgatieas fa} (g) Temporary events (See Section 9-6. 177) +e} (h) Temporary or seasonal retail sales (See Section 9- 6. 174) fg} �raag�t-gtatiatrg-aed-terat�rra�9 fes} >3t���t�-traxeat�ggiaa-€ae���t�e9 fs} Pteee9'3er�-gt@rade-fSee-Seet.�e�r-3-fr.-�S3} • • ft} (i) Outdoor recreation services 9-3. 423. Conditional Uses: The following uses may be allowed in the Public Zone. The establishment of conditional uses shall be as provided be Section 9-2. 109 (Conditional Use Permits) : (a) Herne Animal hospitals (See Section 9-6. 110) (b) Caretaker residence (See Section 9-6. 104) (c) Cemeteries (d) Churches and related activities (See Section 9-6. 121) (e) Collection station x (f) Funeral Services (g) Health care services (h) Membership organizations (i) Residential care (7) Schools - business and vocational (See Section 9-6. 125) (k) Single family residences (1) Skilled nursing facility (See Section 9-6. 134) (m) Social and service organizations (n) Transit stations and terminals (o) Utility service centers 9-3. 424. Lot Size: There shall be no minimum lot size in the Public Zone •, except for parcels intended for single family residential use where the minimum lot size shall be 2 1/2 acres. t MEETIn, 11i3EiwDlt C?._� M • MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Through: William Hanley, Interim City Manager From: Paul M. Sensibaugh,- Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : July 8, 1988 Regional Water Quality Control Board Meeting Date: July 1, 1988 Attached are excerptsfrom the RWQCB staff 's report to the Board and the new Order 88-84 that will be included on the Board's July 8 agenda. The City staff memo has been addressed and for the most part has been responded to positively. Most of the battles have been won and, although the proposed work will be costly to the City and the County, the war appears, to have been won! The most significant change from the draft order is the Board staff 's acceptance of alternative measures to address the mean number of coliforms permitted in the reclaimed wastewater provided to the golf course . This alone is an erasure of between one and three million dollars to the City and the County. - It is noted here that adjacent residences will not be `allowed within 200 feet of a sprinkler head, or vice versa, whichever is the most practicable. This may or may not have an affect on the Proposed Poe project on El Corte (Mushroom Farm) We have been given six (6) months to complete a Sludge and Septic management plan. The septic receiving station design is essentially complete and the plan will be can be quickly supplied by Wallace . The Sludge management plan is another matter. It will be difficult to complete the study within the six months allowed. Moreover, the Order now calls for a cease of operation on April 1, 1989 if the sludge problem is not corrected. The RWQCB staff review will not be completed on the management plan until the end of March which will not leave any time to implement the plan. This issue will be brought up at -the July 8 meeting where our staff will request a revision of that date . We have 18 months to complete a Salts Effect Study which will involve extensive testing and the implementation of an ordinance which will eliminate the use of rechargeable water softeners . I- We have only until November 15 to address Flood Protection • during a 100—yr. rainfall season and the Adequacy of the Disposal Area to operate on its own without the need of the golf course. These time restraints are cumbersome and leave little or no room for consultant selection or discussions of alternatives . They are, however, an improvement over the draft order and we can not afford to argue too hard. More importantly, the major engineering costs have been eliminated since the effluent requirements have not been changed to potable water standards . That fee could have exceeded $100, 000. ( It ' s ironic that we pay engineers to help us reduce construction requirements that in turn reduce the engineering costs but it works. ) The most costly item appears to be the eventual implementation of the septic and sludge management plan. Staff has recognized, however- that the sludge problem must be addressed and is anxious to begin that process as citizen complaints are inevitable if the gas released from the faculative lagoon is not reduced appreciably. All -facilities will be designed for the buildout of the ACSD boundary area. Staff has included $250,000 in the proposed budget to address this and other problems associated with this Order. If I can provide additional ;information on this matter or if the Order in its entirety is desired, please do not hesitate to cal-1 . I will be attending the July 8 Board meeting with our engineers but if the Board accepts their staff 's present recommendation_ the City will not offer much resistance. The County, on the other hand, is subject to costs of their own with respect to the relocation of sprinkler heads or the addition of a potable water supply. They of course have also won the war and will most likely be willing to lose the water battle . t' • ATTACHMENT TO ITEM C-1 C.C. AGENDA 7-12-88 CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL COAST REGION 1102-A Laurel Lane San Luis Obispo, California 93401 2nd Draft 6-24-88 ,t ORD -• `,� ER N0. 88 ,n 84 � s C 1 J � Tn1ASTE DISCHARGE.REQUIRII4MI'S AND iAATER RECLAMATION FOR �. CITY OF A TASCADERO, U _ SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Re- gion, (hereafter Board Coast) , finds: 1. The City of Atascadero (hereafter Discharger) ,er) owns and municipalwastewater . operates a ter treatmentlant located P in east A as shown on Attachment "A of this order. taSCadero, 2. to 1 .6 _ UP 7 million-gallons-per-day per-day (6,326 m3 da municipalm3/day) of treated wastewater and septage are discharged at this 9 facility. The treatment facility consists of an aerated lagoon facultative pond, polishing pond and chlorine disinfection system. Wastewater is discharged to disposal ponds or reclaimed on a nearby golf course as shown on Attachment "A Design capacity of the waste- water treatment and disposal systems is 1.67 MGD (6326 m3/day) . A Sludge Management and Disposal Plan is being prepared. 3. The disposal ponds are located on nearly level topography consist- ing of silty-sand alluvial soils to an unknown depth. Depth to ground water in the disposal ponds is six feet during summer months, and only a few feet during winter months. Analysis of water well upgradient and downgradient of the wastewater facil- ities was as follows in September, 1987. 11Upgradient Well Downgradient Well 25S/12E-24B4 28S/12E-14Q1 Total Dissolved Solids 570 880 Sodium 26 120 Chloride 29 140 Nitrate (as N) 1.5 <1 Sulfate - 150 160 4. The discharaA of wastewater from the discharger's facilities includes increases of total dissolved solids, sodium, chlorides, sulfate, and hardness. These constituents may have an impact on downgradient water quality. A salt management and impact assessment plan addressing practicable salt limits is needed to establish future salts limitations. The salts limitations in this order shall be reevaluated upon completion of such an assessment. WDR Order No. 88-84 -2- 5. The. Salinas River is located adjacent to the northeast edge of the wastewater system and flows in a northwesterly direction to the Pacific Ocean. 6. These waste discharge `requirements are being updated to make them consistent with existing discharge and reclamation criteria. The discharge has been regulated by Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. 75-67, adopted by the Board on September 12, 1975. This dis- charge has been regulated by the Board since 1967. 7. The Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coastal Basin, (Basin Plan) was adopted by the Board on March 14, 1975, and approved by the State Water Resources Control Board on March 20, 1975. The Basin Plan incorporates statewide plans and policies by reference and contains a strategy for protecting beneficial uses of State waters. 8. Present and anticipated beneficial uses of groundwater in the vicinity of the discharge include: a. Domestic water supply; b. Agricultural water supply; and, c. Industrial water supply. 9. Present and anticipated beneficial uses of the Salinas River that could be affected by the discharge include: , a. Municipal supply; e. Non-contact water recreation; b. Agricultural supply; and, c. Industrial service supply; f. Wildlife habitat. d. Ground water recharge; 10. Coastal Golf Company uses reclaimed water supplied by the Dis- charger. These primary users of reclaimed water are regulated by separate water reclamation requirements. 11 . State Department of Health Services' criteria for use of reclaimed water is in Title 22, Chapter 3, of the California Administrative . Code. The Board has consulted with the State Department of Health Services regarding the regulation of this discharge. 12. These waste discharge requirements are for an existing facility and are exempt from provisions of the California Environmental i! Quality Act (Public Resources Code, Section 21000, et seq.) in II accordance with Section 15301, Chapter 3, Title 14, of the Cal- ifornia Regula-6ry Code. WDR Order No. 88-84 -3- 13. Discharge of waste is a privilege, not a right, and authorizati to discharge is conditional on visions of Division 7 of the California hWater�Codeyand ang n more stringent effluent limitations necessary to implement wateryqual- ity control plans, 'to protect beneficial uses, and to prevent nuisance. Compliance with this Order should assure this and mit- igate any potential adverse changes in water quality due to the discharge. 14. On April 18, 1988, the Board notified the Discharger and interested agencies and persons of its intent to update waste dis- charge requirements for the discharge and has provided them with a COPY of the proposed order and an opportunity to submit written views and comments. 15. After considering all comments pertaining to this discharge during a public hearing on July 8, 1988, this Order was found consistent with the above findings. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, pursuant to authority in Sections 13263 and 13523 of the California Water Code, the City of Atascadero, its agents, successors, and assigns, may discharge waste and reclaimed water at its municipal wastewater facilities providing compliance is maintained with the following: (Note: other prohibitions and conditions, definitions, and the method of determining compliance are contained in the attached "Standard Provisions and Reporting Requirements for Waste Discharge Requirements" dated January, 1984. Applicable paragraphs are referenced in paragraph E.3. of this Order.) A. Prohibitions 1 . Discharge to areas other than the golf course irrigation areas and wastewaterdisposal ponds shown in Attachment "A", is prohibited. /qs�_ e� Effectivl-- 1989, the discharge of sludge and septage., V1Q-J- q.f, , j _ c �� not in accordance with an Executive Officer Approved Sludge o17m and Septage Management Plan, is prohitied. or T �BMati v 3. Bypass of the treatment facility and discharge of untreated or PQ"4-0-lpcype-91 partially treated wastes directlyto disposal course irrigation areas is prohibied. ponds or golf B. Discharge Spe Afications 1 . Daily flow averaged over each month shall not exceed 1 ,670,000 gallons (6,326 m3) . • 2. Effluent shall not exceed the following limitations: WDR Order No. 88-84 -4- Daily Parameter Units Maximum Total Dissolved Solids n-g/1 1,000 { Sodium mg/1 200 Chloride m3/1 250 Total Nitrogen (as N) mg/1 50 Biochemical Oxygen mg/1 100 Demand, Soluble, 5-Day 3. Effluent shall not have a pH less than 6.5 or greater than 8.4. 4. Surface drainage shall be excluded from disposal ponds. 5. Freeboard shall exceed two feet in disposal ponds. 6. Wastewater shall remain within the disposal ponds during a 100-year rainfall season. C. Ground Water Limitations 1. The discharge shall not cause nitrate concentrations in the groundwater downgradient of the disposal area to exceed 8 - mg/1 (as N) . 2. The discharge shall not cause a significant increase of mineral constituent concentrations in underlying groundwaters, as determined by Pa P comparison of samples collected from wells located upgradient and downgradient of the disposal area. 3. The discharge shall not cause concentrations of chemicals ,and radionuclides in groundwater to exceed limits set forth in Title 22, Chapter 15, Articles 4 and 5 of the California Regulatory Code. D. Reclamation Specifications 1. Reclaimed water discharged to the golf course irrigation area shall not contain constituents in excess of the following: Monthly Unit of (30-Day) Constituent Measurement Averaqe Maximum Biochemical Oxygen mg/1 40 100 Demand, Soluble, 5-Day Total Sus,.!nded Solids n-g/l 60 100 Settleable Solids ml/1 0.1 0.3 WDR Order No. 88-84 -5- 2. The median number of coliform organisms g sms in reclaimed water supplied to the golf course shall not exceed 23 per 100 milliliters, as determined fran the bacteriological results of the last 7 days for which analyses have been completed, and the number of coliform organisms shall not exceed 240 per 100 millileters in any twn consecutive samples. 3. Reclaimed water shall not have a pH less than 6.5 or greater than 8.4. 4. Free chlorine residual in reclaimed water supplied to the golf course shall equal or exceed 1 mg/l, as measured within the chlorine contact zone. 5. A minimum freeboard of two feet shall be maintained in the reclamation pond. 6. Use of reclaimed water shall cease and all wastewater shall be diverted immediately to disposal ponds if: a. Disinfection of wastewater ceases at any time; or, b. Reclamation specifications are violated or threaten to be violated • - 7. Delivery of reclaimed water to a specific user shall cease during any period the user cannot comply with its water rec- lamation requirements. Use of reclaimed water may resume when the user can once again comply with its water reclamation re- quirements. 8. Spray irrigation of reclaimed water shall be accomplished at a time and in a manner that minimizes ponding and the possibility of public contact with sprayed materials. 9 All reclamation reservoirs and other areas with public access shall be posted (in English and Spanish) to warn the public that reclaimed wastewater is being stored or used. 10. Personnel involved in producing, transporting, or using re- claimed water shall be informed of possible health hazards that may result from contact and use of reclaimed water. • WDR Order No. 88& • -6- 11. Tank trucks used for trans priately labeled and shall transporting water shall be appro- 12. Valves in the reclaimed water irrigation system shall be designed and constructed so unauthorized persons cannot open them. 13. Proper backflow and cross-connection services and irrigation wells all provided. be rotection for domestic water 14. Reclaimed water systems shall be inspected to assure Properly labeled and regularly absence of ill Proper operation, illegal connections. absence of leaks, and E. Provisions 1. Order No. 75-67, "Waste Dischar e County Sanitation District,,, q Requirements for Atascadero the Board on S 1975, and amended on April X11, 1 80, sy hereby r sc nded tember 12, 2. Discharger shall comply with "Monitoring and Re 88-84", as specified by the Executive Officer. porting Program No. 3. Discharger shall comply with all items of the attach Provisions and Reporting Requirements for Waste Discharge"Re Require- ments" dated January, 984. g Require 4. In order to assure compliance with the Order, submit engineering reports addressing the followingDischarger shall Task Report Due a. To assure compliance with Standard Provision No. A.13.1 i i. Document compliance with 100-year flood protection plan, November 15_ or submit • 1988 an implementation schedule for repairs. The schedule shall be subject to approval Officer. of the Executive ii. Document adequacy of disposal during 100-year rainfallseasonea November 15, 1988 b. Complete a Sludge and Septage Management Plan, with January 15, 1989. schedule. implementation WDR Order No. 88-84 -7- 5. The City of Atascadero shall prepare a Salt Management Plan, addressing all practical means of reducing dissolved salts in the discharge and addressing the impacts of the discharge downstream beneficial uses. 9his report shall be the basis of establishing final salts limitations cited in finding No. 4 of this Order. The assessment shall be prepared as follows: Item Compliance Date Commence Salt Management and January 1, 1989 _ Impact Assessment Plan Progress Report July 1, 1989 Final Report February 1, 1989 19�v ::�' -Sla-01• t The Plan is subject to written approval of the Executive Officer. 6. Pursuant to Title 23, Chapter 3, Subchapter 9, of the California Regulatory Code, the Discharger must submit a written report to the Executive Officer not later than January 1, 1993, addressing: a. Wiether there will be changes in the continuity, character, location, or volume of the discharge; and, b. Mether, in their opinion, there is any portion of the Order that is incorrect, obsolete, or otherwise in need of revi- sion. 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'!• \ 895 t �\ .r �• �— Q it \ /• �\ v N _/� l7,/ •• } 3928 , � _\�I�� a •r� Q� '�.v�� / %/`'sol (tR watc 1i2 .(�.v I •'� �/ \. \\` 064 ,, 1) 1 '/ 0/6 ROR •\. •.,•• ��+ e�X � On r� l \\ \ '870 _•`\ J _i '"_� � \ (1 a •I, �r 'l '4• .,�\ �(°r Sewlage •9�6 Dls sats T uwaccu Lae \ o "� i000✓�% A°� \ A // 'eta ��(County Park) ban 9/0 139 i.`/ \\ �• .RiP •.�\, ��, .ATAS£ADERt \' i 'r \ _\ 27_ STATE HOSPI7AE,.i \1 At •�11� „ s5, �. /� / � \\ \� Pa(�c. , ,z-, X880 a 20 101 Y/ • \ _ ZO _ �`. a { a^• �• —�� 40 ' (~�'27'3 - r N II -i v 939 �---�_ x/!30 � �. '� kf/. 1�. 3926 920. _ '\ I 1200 938j T.28 �03 ��•i� �.o• �I- o �•OPO • t/� Y1032 \�- � �!' 111 e _ / y�•- �yL p �-(�p� Al ` +- - -�, 1 _I�r?ln'' ME TM6 MNIDt IDA D MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Through: William Hanley, Interim City Manager From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject Chandler Ranch Area Proposed Assessment District Date: July 1, 1988 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council proceed with the assessment district concept for the street improvement project and direct staff to negotiate with a bond counsel , a bond underwriter and a consulting engineer and to bring back a Resolution of Intention and a Boundary Map at the next regular meeting. Background: • Please refer to the attached May 17 staff memo for he Y t background information on this project . Discussion: It has been determined subsequent to the May 24 council meeting that the only available financing tool and procedural mechanism for completing such a project is an assessment district which would utilize the 1913 Improvement Act using 1915 Act Bonds. This is a complex and lengthly procedure but provides a fair and equitable method that is subject to a protest procedure for those who may not .agree with the assessment . The Chandler Ranch coordinators have chosen to deal with Cuesta Engineering. Staff has worked with John Fad lkensuon in the past and will not hesitate to recommend ,his firm for this size of a project . After contacting a couple of bond counsel and bond underwriters for advice, staff favors using Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe of San Francisco and Security Pacific of Los Angeles, respectfully. These firms were utilized for Sewer Assessment District No.4 (Seperado- Cayucos) and performed remarkehlY well . i It is anticipated that four resolutions will bepresentedat the next- regular meeting and that the process prior to construction will take about four months The project may be bid with the annual overlay project to acquire a better bid unit cost for asphalt, but actual construction will not be realized until next Spring. In the past -the City has had Fail and Spring overlay projects, but normally tries to be finished before October. Fiscal Impact: All _costs will be shared by the property owners within the boundary. There will be no construction or other initial costs to the City. Ongoing maintenance will be the responsibility of the City if the streets are accepted by seperate resolution into the city maintained system, which is a premise of the voluntary petition to form the district . Z t EM 0 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Through: William Hanley, Interim City Manager From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subject : Chandler Ranch Area Proposed Maintenance District Date : May 17, 1988 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council receive the attached petitions and direct staff to bring back a Resolution of Intention and a Boundary Map after the budget hearings are conducted and prior to the August 10 deadline for adjusting the county tax rolls, and to set a date for a Public Hearing as per the City Policy on "How to Form a Street Maintenance District" . Staff further recommends that the discussion on the , financing of such district be held during the upcoming 1988-89 udget hearings . It is noted here that the above time schedule is optomistic at best . If the district is formed after the August 10 deadline and the paving is completed with this summer' s program, the assessments would have to account for the interest which is incurred until August 10, 1989 . The petitioneers are requesting a conceptual approval from Council , but since some of, if not all , the action on this issue will be after the County certifies the election results, such action would not obligate the new Council to follow this Council ' s lead. Background: Chandler Ranch is one of the three major areas that have requested an engineering estimate for the implementation of a street maintenance district since the fall of last year. Many of the streets in our city, approximately 40%, are classified as non-city-maintained 1 or colony roads which had either not been maintained previously by the County or have not been brought up to standards since the City incorporated. There have been several maintenance districts formed in the past to accomodate the need for improvements on some of these roads. Normally the road is brought up to a standard that provides two-way traffic, minimal drainage, and paving that is within a price that the majority of the lot owners are willing to pay. oange dditionally, a $20 fee per lot is collected on the property taxes to uild a maintenance fund for future repair by the City. Discussion: The Chandler Ranch, as well as the Las Encinas I and 3-F Meadows, area is requesting a project that is beyond the scope of the normal maintenance district . The request differs in three important ways : (1) The roads will be brought up to city standard with the anticipation that the Council will adopt the roads into the maintained system, (2) the financing needed to pay the contractor is greater than the typical $30, 000 revolving fund used in the past, and (3) the ongoing maintenance and liability will be the responsibility of the City and will affect future budget requirements . Attached is a copy of the letter sent to the property owner coordinators last week. Also enclosed is a copy of the policy on forming a normal maintenance district . No philosophical dissusion is presented on the role of government in serving the people, but the item comes up regularly. What doesn' t surface is the money needed to pay for such services . Fiscal Impact : The initial cost of the project must be paid by the owners and regardless of the financing mechanism there will be no direct costs to the general public . The financing tool itself is the single most difficult hurdle to clear. The 1988-89 budget will refer to "special funding" for large maintenance districts because the sorce of funds at this time is unknown. There is a question as to whether the City is permitted to borrow such funds to construct the project . S&H Code section 5835.5 appears to allow the City to loan money to a maintenance district but says nothing about borrowing money from an outside sorce to then loan to the district . The Gas Tax fund is the only available money that could be considered for implementing a district, but if that fund is utilized the normal resurfacing program would have to be cut back or eliminated until the fund was replenished. There are possibly limitations on the use of the gas tax money that would prohibit this action, but that question is beyond the scope of this report . It is questionable if the area banks would consider a group loan with a property lein for collateral . Staff does not have any answers at this time for the up front money for this project but the most proven alternative would seem to be an assessment district . Assessment districts have their drawbacks since bonds must be sold, engineering reports must be filed and a reserve fund must be provided. Costs are generally higher due to several reasons and for an individual cost of about $1500 initially this may not be a desirable method. The ongoing maintenance costs will be a burden to future budgets and additional manpower and materials will be needed as the number of lane-miles increase . Liability claims will bring an unknown cost to the City. G flpO /� 10 20 M�RRC 1. /o2N5 i6 __d ,�le-�iaR 2 i... a, �0 .'•.�/i- A �.9 5 ;1 f 'w- 9 w lits '\ •� -"` k,/. • 9 1;"D\ �% \`84•,18 ', P gr-\ 'b'-" y y 39• , 8120 s t7.�r\` \• \ic�_�,�¢ 3 pz`\%5 •� 1 �<.•�l•)B25 v \, P 1v L cn U' �S8 G 1ei� '4p s p,'a GPS' 8106\ 20 \m z \ BtiAO o• �/9 A a ? \ �•' \ 'ei / '',\, eS\�� O 1-`�o� ��i.1 \ _ _ ._. j �tiM 02 i 13 C 13 u ° 3Z5 �\ Z33iO 2\ � .BZoo e82�- 2 ;l 12 2 a 1a r4.. -18 21 ( vt+x a �� Bre 8610 0, ;1 O� ZNZ1 18-'_ 8y50 ai�a .A 28 �\ ' 1a. u+ 36 4 ` eyyl ___ --PS=- � 20 ', , 17 ALTS 2Zj0 - 27 $ o L ,7 ,1 18 •��.r�� 9315 'wg 310 z 70-1 LO I PT1 i2 ss AGENDA EITEM N is July 12, 1988 To: City Council Via: Bill Hanley, Interim City Manager From:-Bob Best, Parks and Recreation Director. Subject : Use Permits Renewal- Atascadero Lake BACKGROUND On June 28, Council discussed two Use Permits at Atascadero Lake, with consideration for renewal of Pops Tackle Shop and "Duck Hut" food concession. The decision of the Council was to disapprove the Pops Tackle one year Use Permit, and direct Staff to discuss possible options with the Permittee, Mr. Richard Oswald. To be determined by Staff included: Would, Mr. Oswald accept a month to month tenancy of Pops Tackle even though he indicated previously that he would not; Would he be willing to operate the "Duck Hut" concession if he does not have Pops Tackle Shop? Is there a possibility of combining both operations into one business and operating out of the same building? FINDINGS Staff discussed various possibilities with the Permittee . Of prime interest to Staff was the consideration by Mr. Oswald to either expand the current "Duck Hut" to include the Pops Tackle Shop, or build a new structure to include both operations. Mr. Oswald is currently discussing this with Staff, and has expressed the interest to expand/develop He is also willing to operate one business without the other in the event Pops Tackle Shop must be closed without a suitable replacement location. t RECOMMENDAT I ONS 1 . Approve the renewal of the Use Permit for the food concession stand ("Duck Hut") under the operation of Mr. Richard Oswald. The following conditions apply: a) Business License renewal . • b) Certificate of Insurance naming the City as additional insured, with a minimum liability coverage of $300,000. 2. Authorize staff to negotiate with Mr. Oswald a possible expansion/development of the current Pops Tackle Shop and Duck Hut into one operation. A decision regarding expansion/development will be :made no later than November 11 , 1988 3. Authorize a delay in giving Mr. Oswald notice to vacate the Pavilion until a decision can be made regarding -relocating his business . Decision to be, made no later than November 11, 1988. 4. Approve a month to month tenancy as proposed for Pops Tackle Shop to allow them to continue their operation until negotiations are completed regarding relocating the business . The following conditions apply: a) Renewal of City Business License . - b) Certificate - of Insurance naming the City as additional insured, with a minimum liability coverage of $500, 000. FISCAL IMPACT Each business operation requires the payment of 8% of gross earnings be paid to the City on a monthly basis. Any improvements made to 'the business shall be at the expense of the permittee. t (REVISED - 6/27/88) USE PERMIT DUCK HUT The CITY OF ATASCADERO, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter called City, having property or space not presently required for use for City purposes, hereby gives permission, pursuant to the Provisions of Government Code Section 25536, to Richard Oswald, hereinafter called Permittee, to use the following described property or space for such Purposes and upon such terms and conditions as herein, provided: Permittee at his own cost, risk and expense, shall maintain a food concession stand at Atascadero Lake Park. It is further understood and agreed that in accordance with the terms of said agreement, the City of Atascadero, acting by and through its Parks and Recreation Department, will administer this permit for and on behalf of the City. WITNESSETH: In consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions, promises and agreements herein contained, the City and Permittee hereby mutually covenant and agree as follows: 1 . Grant and Description of Premises : The City, for and in consideration of the agreements hereinafter stated, grants to Permittee the non-exclusive right and privilege to maintain and operate a food concession stand, which concession site will be specified by the Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Atascadero. No concession rights expressed or implied, other than those expressly given in this permit are granted, and any other concession rights are hereby denied Permittee under this agreement . It is understood that the privileges granted herein are non-exclusive and the City reserves the right to grant other similar or identical concessions . { 2. Condition of Premises : The taking of possession of the subject premises by permittee shall , in itself, constitute acknowledgement that the premises are in good and tenantable condition. Permittee agrees to accept said premises in their presently existing condition "as is" ; and the City shall not be obligated to make any alterations, additions, or betterment thereto. 3. Term: The term of this permit shall be for a period of one ( 1 ) year and shall commence on July 1 , 1988 and end on June 30, 1989 both dates inclusive, unless renewed or extended as herein provided. At the . expiration or termination of this permit as herein provided, Permittee shall within thirty days thereafter, remove from said premises or otherwise dispose of in a manner satisfactory to the City, all personal property belonging to Permittee located on said premises subject to the provision of Paragraph 9 of this agreement . Should Permittee fail to remove or dispose of his property as herein provided, the City may, at its election, consider such property abandoned or may dispose of same at owner' s expense. Also, at the expiration or termination of this permit, Permittee shall quit and surrender the said premises including real property improvements in a good state of repair, damage by matter over which Permittee has no control , flood, earthquake, riot, fair wear or tear expected provided that such exculpatory provisions shall not extend to any risk which Permittee is required to insure against as herein provided. Should the Permittee hold over after the expiration of the term of this permit with the expressed or implied consent of the City, such holding over shall be deemed a month to month tenancy at herein stated rent, subject otherwise to all the terms and conditions of this permit . Permittee shall maintain such records and accounts as the City Finance Director shall require . The City may require the Permittee to have his records and accounts audited by an auditor acceptable to the City, and shall present said audit to the City Finance Director within thirty (30) days after the completion of the audit . City may make its own audit of Permittee's records and accounts at or about said time, if it so desires . If Permittee has failed to make the required audit, or said audit is shown by City' s audit to be incorrect then Permittee shall pay the costs of City' s audit . Time is of the essences in the tendering of payments under this rental . agreement . Failure by the Permittee to tender within thirty (30) days of any payment so due, shall be sufficient cause for the City to terminate this permit. 4. Quitclaim Deed: Upon termination of the rights hereby granted, Permittee shall execute and deliver to the City within thirty (30) days after service of written demand therefore, a good and sufficient quitclaim deed to the premises described herein, including the improvements thereon. Should Permittee fail or refuse to deliver to the City a quitclaim deed as aforesaid, a written notice by the City reciting the failure of Permittee to execute and deliver said quitclaim deed as herein provided, shall after ten ; ( 10) days from the date of recordation of said notice be conclusive evidence against permittee and all persons claiming under Permittee of the termination of said permit . 5. Rental : Permittee shall pay the sum of eight percent (S%) of the total gross earnings of Permittee in this operation hereunder. Permittee shall pay the amount which will , if added to all previous months payments for that year equal the prescribed percentage of all accumulated gross earnings to the end of such month. The term "gross earnings" wherever used in this permit shall mean all monies, property or any other things of value received by Permittee from the use of the premises described above without any deduction or deductions, Provided that the term "gross earnings" shall not include any sales or excise taxes imposed by any governmental entity or collected by Permittee . Payments to the City shall be made to the order of the City of Atascadero. Department of Parks and Recreation, P.O. Box 747, Atascadero, CA 93423. All such payments shall be made the tenth (10) of the month following that in which said earnings were received by Permittee . Permittee shall keep true and accurate books and records showing all its business transactions in separate records of account for the concession, in a manner acceptable to the City, and the City shall have the right through its representatives, and at all reasonable times, to inspect such books and records, including State of California sales tax records; and . Permittee hereby agrees that all such records and instruments are available to the City. All Federal Tax returns of Permittee insofar as this permit is concerned shall also be available to the City for reviewing purposes. Permittee shall not use or permit the subject premises to be used in whole or part during the term of this permit for any other purposes other . than as set forth without first obtaining consent of the City. Permittee expressly agrees at all times during the term of this permit, at its own cost and expense, to maintain and operate said premises in a clean, safe, wholesome and sanitary condition, free of trash, garbage or obstruction of any kind, and in compliance with any and all present and future laws, rules, regulations of any governmental authority, now or at any time during the term of this permit in force relating to sanitation or public health, safety or welfare; and Permittee shall at all times faithfully obey and comply with all laws, rules and regulations of Federal , State, County or other governmental bodies or departments or office thereof . Permittee shall remedy without delay any defective, dangerous or unsanitary conditions . All services performed by Permittee relating to the operation and management of the concession are intended as considerations supporting this permit. No rights expressed or implied, other than those expressly given in this permit are granted, and any other rights are hereby denied Permittee under this agreement . t 6. Termination: This permit may be terminated by the City at any time and for any reason deemed sufficient by the City Council of said City, by giving thirty (30) days written notice to Permittee of its intention to do SO. 7. Title To Improvements : Permittee acknowledges that title to all real property is vested in the City. 8. Personal Property: Title to all personal property provided by the Permittee shall remain in the Permittee . 9. Construction or Modification of Improvements: Permittee may construct or modify with the approval of the Director of Parks and Recreation any concession improvements. Such construction or modification shall be without cost to the City. 10. In the event that the construction modifications or addition to concession improvements are desired, the approval , in writing, of the City shall first be obtained prior to such construction, modification or addition. Additionally plans and specifications for such changes shall be submitted'to the City for approval . 11 . Completion of Improvements : The Permittee at his own expense, shall completely equip the concession improvements described herein and shall keep the same equipped in a first class manner and to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks and Recreation throughout the term of this permit . 12 . Ownership of Improvements : Title to improvements on the premises at the commencement of this permit is retained by the City and this permit is subject to any rights or ownership in the improvements . All improvements constructed on the premises by Permittee as permitted by this permit shall be owned by Permittee until expiration of the term or sooner termination of this permit . Permittee shall not, however, remove any improvements from e premises or waste, destroy or modify any improvements on the premises, except as permitted by this permit . All improvements on the premises at the expiration of the termor sooner termination of this permit shall without compensation to Permittee, become City property free and clear of all claims to or against them by Permittee or any third person and Permittee shall defend and indemnify the City against all liability and loss arising from such claims or from the City's exercise of rights conferred by paragraph. ra this h. g P 13. Maintenance and Use of Improvements : Permittee agrees to maintain any and all concession facilities on the subject premises in good order and repair, at his own cost and expense, during the entire term of the permit . Permittee shall perform at his own cost and expenses, any required maintenance and repairs, and should Permittee fail , neglect or refuse to do so, the City shall have the right to perform such maintenance or repairs for the Permittee ' s account; and the Permittee agrees to promptly reimburse thea City for the cost thereof, provided however, that the City shall first give Permittee ten ( 10) days written notice of its intention to perform such maintenance or repairs for the Permittee ' s account for the purpose of enabling Permittee to proceed with such maintenance or repairs at his own expense . Permittee hereby expressly waives the right to make repairs at the expense of the City. Permittee may employ, pay and supervise personnel to look after the concession. Such personnel shall be responsible to Permittee and cooper with City personnel . All of Permittee ' s personnel shall be of good moral character and shall be physically able to handle their duties and must be Promptly replaced when derelict in their duties. There shall be no drinking of liquor, or other alcoholic beverages in or around the area by Permittee ' s employees. 14. Utilities and Services : Permittee shall be responsible for the payment of all applicable utility charges. 15 . Equipment : Permittee, at its own expense, shall completely equip the concession improvements described herein and shall keep the same equipped in a first class manner throughout the term of this permit . 16 . Signs and Approval of Name : No signs, names or placards shall be inscribed, painted or fixed upon said premises without written consent of the City. 17. Quality of Service and Controlled Rates and Charges : Permittee agrees that he will operate and manage the service and facilities offered in a first class manner and comparable to other first class concessions providing similar facilities and services during the entire term of the permit . Within the term of this description, Permittee agrees to maintain a high standard of service at least equal to that of other establishments in the City and/or adjacent communities for similar operations. The City shall have access to, and the right to inspect the schedule of . prices and rates for goods sold, rented or services rendered or performed upon the subject premises . If the City determines that any price or prices are unreasonable or inappropriate for the services rendered or items sold, the same shall be modified as directed by the City; provided that permittee, prior to such notification, shall be given a reasonable opportunity to confer with City and justify such prices. The City reserves the right to prohibit the sale of any item which it deems objectionable or beyond the scope of merchandise deemed necessary for Proper service to the public . A competent employee shall be on the premises at all times which the concession is in operation. Permittee shall post rates and prices for all rentals and services in such places as may be designated by the City. 18. Closure : At any time should an occurrence necessitate the closing of the park to the general public, the Permittee shall have no recourse by law to the City for losses incurred. 19. Hold Harmless Agreement : Permittee hereby agrees to defend, indemnify: and save harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees in any and every way from any and all manner of damages, charges, suits, and expenses which they may sustain or be put to by reason of Permittee ' s occupancy or use of the premises, or any activity carried on by Permittee in connection with. 20 . Liability Insurance : Permittee agrees to obtain and keep in force during the term of this permit, at Permittee ' s expense, worker' s compensation and public liability and property damage insurance in companies authorized to issue such insurance in the State of California. Said insurance policy shall consist of the following: a. Worker' s Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance: Permittee shall maintain in full force and effect, for the period covered by this permit, full worker' s compensation and employer' s liability insurance with limits of at least statutory requirements with an insurance carrier satisfactory to the City. In the event Permittee is self—insured, he shall furnish a certificate of per— mission to self—insure signed by the Department of Industrial Relations Administration of Self Insurance, Sacramento. b. —Liability Insurance : Permittee shall maintain in full force and effect, for the period covered by this permit, bodily injury, personal injury including death resulting therefrom and property damage insurance with an insurance carrier satisfactory with the City. This liability insurance shall include, but shall not be limited to, protection against claims arising from bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom and damage to property, resulting from any act or occurrence occurring in or about the premises which are subject to this permit, or resulting from Permittee 's use of owned or nonowned automobiles . The amounts of insurance shall not be less than the following: Single limit coverage apply to bodily and person injury, inclug ing death resulting therefrom, and property damage or a combin tion of both -- $300, 000 . The following endorsements must be attached to the policy: 1 . If the insurance policy covers on an "accident" basis, it must be changed to read "occurrence" . 2 . The policy must cover personal injury as well as bodily injury. 3. The policy must cover complete contractual liability. Exclusions of contractual liability as to bodily injuries, Personal injuries and property damage must be eliminated from the basic policy and endorsements . 4. BROAD FORM property damage liability must be afforded. 5 . The City of Atascadero and their officers, employees and agents, shall be named insured under the policy, and the policy shall stipulate that this insurance will operate as a primary insurance and that no other insurance effected by the City or other named insured will be called upon to contribute to loss covered thereunder. C. The followingrequirementsapply to all liability insuran� to be provided by Permittee : 1 . A certified copy of each policy and a certificate of insurance shall be furnished to Parks and Recreation within twenty (20) days after execution of this permit. (A certificate alone is not acceptable). Certificates and policies shall state that the City is not liable for the payment of any premiums or assessments on this property. 2. Certificates and policies shall state that the policy shall not be cancelled or reduced in coverage without thirty (30) days written notice to City. Ten ( 10) days written notice is not acceptable, except in connection with worker's compensa— tion insurance . 3. Insurance required shall be placed in a company or companies acceptable to City and shall have a policy holder' s surplus of at least ( 10) times the amount of limit of liability afforded by the insurance company. 4. Approval of the insurance by the City shall not relieve or decrease the extent to which the Permittee or any sublessee may be held responsible for payment of damages resulting from its operation. 5. No policy is acceptable if it contains an exclusion relating to occurrences in any manner arising out of the use of alcoholic beverages . Providing, however, that said policy will be acceptable if it contains a specific endorsement Providing coverage under the limits and provisions set forth hereinabove, for any occurrence arising out of the use of alcoholic beverages . d. If Permittee does not keep the insurance required by this paragraph in full force and effect at all times during the term hereof, this permit shall immediately and automatically terminate, and all rights and privileges granted hereunder to the Permittee shall be extinguished thereby. It is expressly understood that no notice by the City is required to effect the termination specified herein. 21 . Taxes: Permittee agrees to pay all lawful taxes, assessments or charges which at any time may be levied by the State, County, City or any tax assessment or assessment governing body upon any interest in this permit; or any possessory right which Permittee may have in or to the premises covered hereby or the improvements thereon by reason of its use or occupancy thereof or otherwise as well as all taxes, assessments and charges on goods, merchandise, pictures, appliances, equipment and property owned by it in or about said premises . 22. Inspection of Premises: Permittee agrees that the City acting through its authorized agents and employees, shall have the right to enter upon the premises at any reasonable time to inspect them. 23. Inspection and Maintenance : The City reserves the right of ingress and agrees to inspect, investigate and survey said premises as deemed necessary by the City, and the right to do any and all work of any nature for the preservation of maintenance and operation of the park in any areas within the confines of said park. Permittee shall be given reasonable notice when such work may become necessary and will adjust his operation in such a manner that the City may proceed expeditiously. 24. Permit Notice : Any notices herein provided to be given or which may be given by either party to the other, shall be deemed to have been fully given when made in writing and deposited in the United States Mail , postage prepaid and addressed as follows : To the Permittee : Richard Oswald Box 935, Atascadero, CA 93423 To the City: City of Atascadero P.O. Box 747, Atascadero, Ca. 93423 Attn: Parks and Recreation The address to which the notices shall or may be mailed as aforesaid by either party shall or may be changed by written notice given by such party to the other as therein before provided, but nothing herein contained shall preclude the giving of such notice by personal service. 25 . Waiver of Permit Terms : No waiver by City at any time of the tern conditions, or covenants of this permit shall be deemed as a waiver at any time thereafter of the same or of any other term, condition or covenant herein contained, not of the strict and prompt performance thereof . No delay, failure or omission of the City to re—enter the premises or to exercise any right, power, privilege or option can be construed as a waiver . of such default or a relinquishment of any right or any acquiescence therein. No notice to the Permittee shall be required to restore or revive time as of the essence after the waiver by the City of any default . No option, right, power, remedy or privilege of the City shall be construed as being exhausted by the exercise thereof in one or more instances . The rights, powers, options, and remedies given to the City by this permit shall be deemed cumulative . 26 . Modification of Permit : Not withstanding any of the provisions of this permit, the parties may hereafter, by mutual consent, agree to modifications thereof or additions thereto in writing which are not i forbidden by law. The City shall have the right to grant extensions of time to permittee for any purpose for the performance of any obligatio of Permittee hereunder. 27. Assignment and Subleases : Permittee shall neither assign, sublease or otherwise convey any interest of any sort grant by this permit to any person or person, entity or entities whatsoever without prior written consent and approval by the City. - Any document by which an interest is granted, subject to the approval of the City, shall indicate that the Pe6n ' acquiring that interest has been advised of all of the terms of this permit and takes his interest subject to those terms and conditions, and recognizes that upon termination of this permit, the City at its sole option, may elect to treat any assignee, subtenant, or holder of any interest conveyed by Permittee as the City's tenant, subject to the terms and conditions of this permit and that entered into between the assignees, subtenant or holder of an interest conveyed by Permittee . 28. Breach of Permit : This permit is made upon the condition that, if the rents or other sums which Permittee herein agrees to pay or any part thereof shall be unpaid on the day of which the same shall come due, or if default be made in any of the terms, agreements, conditions or covenants herein contained on the part of the Permittee, or should Permittee become insolvent, or bankrupt, either voluntarily or involuntarily, then, and in such event at the option of the City, this permit shall cease and terminate; and the City may enter upon the premises . Permittee ' s interest hereunder shall not be assignable in bankruptcy. 29 . Waiver of Claims : Permittee hereby waives any claims against the City, its officers, agents, or employees for damage or loss caused by any suit or Proceeding directly or indirectly attacking the validity of his permit, or any part thereof or by any judgment or award in any suit or proceeding declaring this permit null , void or voidable, or delaying the same or any Part thereof from being carried out . 30. Actions : In the event of any action or suit upon this permit, the City shall be entitled reasonable attorney' s fees and all costs, disbursements and expenses including administrative expenses . 31 . Right of Entry As Agent : In any case in which provision is made herein for the termination of this permit by the City in case of abandonment or vacating of the premises by Permittee, the City in lieu of declaring a forfeiture may enter upon the premises . To such end, Permittee hereby irrevocably appoints the City its agent to remove any and all persons or property on said premises and place any such property in storage for the account of and at the expense of Permittee . In such case, the City may re— let the premises upon such terms as it may deem proper, and if a sufficient sum shall not be realized thereby, after paying expenses of such re—letting, to satisfy the rent and other sums herein agreed to be paid by Permittee, Permittee agrees to save the City harmless from any loss or damage or claim arising out of the action of the City in pursuance of this paragraph. 32 . Duration of Public Facilities : By entering into this permit , the i City makes no stipulations to type, fixed location or duration of public facilities to be maintained at Atascadero. Lake Park. 33. Time of Essence : Time shall be of essence in the performance of this permit . 34. Eminent Domain: If, during the term of this permit, any property described herein or hereafter added hereto is taken in eminent domain, the entire award shall be paid to the City. 35 . Photography: The City may grant permits to persons or corporations engaged in the production of still and motion picture and related activities, for the use of said premises for such purposes when such Permission shall not interfere with the primary business of Permittee . • • 36 . Hazardous Substances: No goods, merchandise or material shall be kept, stored or sold in or on said premises which are in any way explosive or hazardous; and no offensive of dangerous trade, business or occupation shall be carried on therein or thereon, and nothing shall be done on said premises, other than is authorized by this permit and no machinery or apparatus shall be used or operated on said premises which will in any way injure said premises or structures; provided that nothing contained in this paragraph shall preclude Permittee from bringing, keeping or using on or about said premises such materials, supplies, equipment and machinery as are appropriate or customary in carrying on its said business . Gasoline and oils shall be stored, handled and dispensed as required by present, or future regulations and laws . 37. Nondiscrimination: Permittee and his employees shall not discriminate because of race, sex, religion, color, material status, ancestry or national origin against any person by refusing to furnish such Person accommodation, facility, or his employees publicize the accommodations, facilities, services or privileges in any manner that would directly or inferentially reflect upon or question the acceptability of the patronage of any person because of race, age, sex, religion, color, marital status, ancestry or national origin. 0 In the performance of this permit, Permittee will not discriminate . against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, sex, age, color, marital status, religion, ancestry or national origin. 38. Paragraph Titles : The paragraph titles in this permit are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference, and in no way define, limit or describe the scope or intent of this permit or in any way affect this permit . 39. Permit in Counterparts : This permit is executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original . 40. Permit Documents : The complete permit between the parties hereto shall consist of the identified documents : This permit titled "City of Atascadero Use Permit" . 1 41 . Remedies Not Exclusive : The use by either party of any remedy specified herein for the enforcement of this permit is not exclusive and shall not deprive the party using such remedy of or limit the application of, any other remedy provided by law. 42. Independent Contractor: Permittee enters into this permit solely and exclusively as an independent contractor and only in that capacity and not as a partner, employee or other agent of the City. Further, Permittee acknowledges that this agreement issues and is effective only upon execu0n by the City Council . 43. Advertising: Permittee shall not advertise or permit any publicity designed to attract the general public to an activity conducted by Permittee within the confines of said park without the knowledge and permission of the Director of Parks and Recreation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these present to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION DATE: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA BOYD SHARITZ, CITY CLERK BARBARA NORRIS, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: i BILL HANLEY, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: PREPARED BY: J F YRG S CITY ATTORNEY BOB BEST, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR t Duck Hut Use Permit : Permittee accepts the foregoing use permit subject to all of the terms and conditions contained herein. Permittee acknowledges that the permit will not become operative until compliance is made with Paragraph 20 relating to insurance. Perm tt a Signature: RICHAR 0 LD, PERMITTEE i i June 17, 1988 To: Bill Hanley, Interim City Manager From: Bob Best, Parks and Recreation Directorlg) Subject : Payment Record for Pops Tackle and Duck Hut Per your request, I am submitting information regarding the payment record for Pops Tackle Shop and Duck Hut . Included below is the date paid, number of work days after Payment due date (10th of the following month) , and amount Paid. Prior to July 1 , 1987, the Duck Hut Concession was on a $200 per year or 5% of gross, whichever was greater. They were on a different payment schedule than Pops Tackle. Effective July 1 , 1987, they were converted to the same schedule as Pops- 8% of monthly gross, with payment due by the 10th of the following month. Date Paid Days Late POPS Duck Hut 7/10/86 0 $296 . 88 N/A 8/15/86 5 356 .84 N/A 9/10/86 0 ' 289 .54 N/A 10/14/86 2 126 .46 N/A 11/14/86 4 98. 25 N/A 11/24/86 — — $250 12/16/86 4 113 .43 N/A 1/13/87 2 61 . 07 N/A 2/12/87 2 117.92 N/A 3/12/87 2 135 .56 N/A 4/15/87 3 171 .18 N/A 5/15/87 5 328 . 28 N/A 6/17/87 5 321 .07 N/A Average Days Total : $2416 .48 $250 Late : 2 .8 t 7/13/87 1 $366. 55 -- 8/14/87 4 454. 11 -- 9/18/87 5 284.46 315 . 54 (7/1/86-9/10/87) 10/20/87 9 147.47 -- 11/87-2/88 Closed 4/25/88 11 - 307. 00 80 . 00 While Mr. Oswald has not consistently paid on the 10th of every month, his record of averaging 2 .8 days late on .payment is acceptable in my opinion. This does not reflect that Pops Tackle is consistently very late on payments. Except for during November 1987—February 1988, they have always paid their rent . The business does not yield large revenues to the City, and is more service oriented than profit making. If you have any other questions please let me know. &EETIN �� AGENDA DATE ITEM Y June 28, 1988 To: City Council Via: Bill Hanle Interim Y. City Manager From:—Bob Best, Parks and Recreation Directorl&— Subject : Use Permit Renewal—Atascadero Lake Food Concession BACKGROUND The City currently has two concessions at Atascadero Lake operator by an independent contractor. One of these concessions is the food concession stand ( "Duck Hut") . The operator, Mr. Richard Oswald, has provided an excellent service at no cost to the City. RECOMMENDATION Approve the renewal of the Use Permit for the food concession stand ( "Duck Hut") under the operation of Mr. Richard Oswald. The following conditions apply: 1 . Business License renewal . 2. Certificate of Insurance naming the City as additional insured, with a minimum liability coverage of $300, 000. 3. Proof of Workers Compensation Insurance. FISCAL IMPACT The lease requires the payment of 8% of gross earnings be Paid to the City on a monthly basis . &AGENDAITEMS June 28, 1988 To: City Council Via: Bill Hanley, Interim City Manager From:-Bob Best, Parks and Recreation Director -4 Subject: Use Permit-Pops Tackle Shop BACKGROUND The City currently has two Use Permits at Atascadero Lake under the operation of Mr. Richard Oswald. One of these permits is the Pop ' s Tackle Shop permit, a boat rental and tackle business . The current Use Permit expires on June 30, 1988. With a decision on the future of the Lake Pavilion expected in the near future, the approval of a one year lease may not be in the best interests of the City. As Council is aware, the Lake Pavilion is closed for general public use, although Pops Tackle is still operating their business in a Portion of the building. The current permit allows for the holding over by the Permittee with the expressed or implied consent of the City, with such holding over to be deemed a month to month tenancy with rental payments continuing as stipulated in the Use Permit . RECOMMENDATION Authorize the continuation on a Month-to-Month Tenancy of Pop ' s Tackle Shop under all terms and conditions of the current Use Permit . The following conditions apply: 1 . Business License Renewal . 2 . Certificate of Insurance naming the City as additional insured, with a minimum liability coverage of $500, 000 . 3. Proof of Workers Compensation Insurance. ALTERNATIVES 1 . Renew the Use Permit for the full one year term with Pops Tackle Shop . 2. Council could choose to not renew the use permit and close the Pavilion for all public uses. FISCAL IMPACT The current lease requires the payment of 8% of gross earnings be paid to the City on a monthly basis . June 7, 1988 To: City of Atascadero From: Richard Oswald Pops Tackle Shop Subject : Month to Month Tenancy I accept the terms and conditions of the current useP ermit, with the stated understanding that the Pops Tackle Shop operation will continue on a month to month tenancy. I realize this is due to the uncertainty of the future of the Lake Pavilion. As the concessionaire, I acknowledge that the Lake Pavilion may be demolished/closed for all public uses . In the event this occurs, I will be provided 30 days notice to close the business. All terms and conditions of the use permit will still apply, including 1) renewal of business license, 2) Certificate of Insurance naming City of Atascadero as additional insured, with a minimum liability coverage of $500, 000. I accept the above stated terms of continuing the Pops Tackle Shop iness. Permi ee Signature Richard­6wald Pops Tackle Shop P.O. Box 935 Atascadero, Calif. 93423 1 MEETI + AGENDA _ D3ATI~ REM# • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council Members July 12 , 1988 FROM: William Hanley Interim City Manager SUBJECT: ORDINANCE 174 '- CITY BUSINESS LICENSE PROCEDURES --BACKGROUND: At the City Council regular meeting of June 28, 1988, Council voted to approve Ordinance 174 , amending chapter 5 of Title3 of the Atascadero Municipal Code related to Business Licenses and centralizing the administration in the City Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance Number 174 second and final reading, by: 1 . Reading by title only. • 2 . Approving Ordinance 174, second reading _*r .tI ORDINANCE NO. 174 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING CHAPTER 5 OF TITLE 3 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BUSINESS LICENSES AND CENTRALIZING ADMINISTRATION IN THE CITY: FINANCE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Council of the City of Atascadero that Chapter" 5 of Title 3 of the Atascadero Municipal Code relating to business licenses is in need of revision in order to centralize the administration of the business licensing operation and to allow for follow up on delinquent business licenses; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Council of the City of Atascadero that the appropriate City department to carry out. the administration and enforcement of business licenses is the Finance Department of the City of Atascadero; NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero doesordainas follows: Section 1. Section 107 of Chapter 5 of Title 3 of the Atascadero Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: Section 3-5.107 Issuing agencies. All new business licenses shall be processed and issued unless otherwise indicated in this title, by the Finance Department of the City of Atascadero, and all references in this title to the City licensing authority or issuing agency shall be to it. Annual business license renewals shall be processed by the Finance Department. Section 2 Section 110 of Chapter 5 of Title 3 of the Atascadero Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: Section 3-5. 110. Zoning clearance. The issuing agency shall not issue any license to carry on any business at a specific location in this City where such business is inconsistent with the Zoning Ordinance of this City. The Community Development Department shall review all applications to verify compliance with this title as well as the provisions of_Title 9 of this code. ORDINANCE NO. 174 Page 2 Section 3. Section 204 of Chapter 5 of Title 3 of the Atascadero Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: Section 3-5.204. Business License Adminis- trator. "Business License Administrator" means the manager of the City of Atascadero, or the manager's official designee. Section 4. Section 309 of Chapter 5 of Title 3 of the Atascadero Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: Section 3-5.309. Renewal of license. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, every licensee who has obtained a license pursuant to the provisions of this title may obtain from the issuing agency a renewal of such license. The Council, Business License Administrator, Health Department, Police Department, Community Development Department, or the Finance Department may file a written notice of the denial of renewal of such license. If a Health Department permit is required for the enter- prise, said permit must be completed and submitted prior to or at the time of license renewal. Renewal of a license for a solicitor shall not be issued until the Police Department approves said renewal. Section 5. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance with Government Code Section 36933 ; shall certify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and certification to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day after its passage. On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member the foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: ORDINANCE NO. 174 Page 3 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: tFvif R SEN, City AttorneyA AS TO CONTENT: illiam Hanley, ity Manager t JGJ: fr C:ORATA174 M E M O R A N D U M To : Bill Hanley From: John M. Brambl � Steve DeCamp440 Date: May 25, 1988 Subject : City' s Business License Ordinance Over the past several months, it has become quite obvious that the City' s Business License Ordinance is in need of revision in order to centralize the administration of the licensing operation and to allow for follow-up on delinquent licenses by the Finance Department rather than Community Development . The revisions needed to achieve the goal of a centralized administration of the Ordinance are as follows: (Underlining denotes amendments. ) 1 . Section 3-5.204. Business License Administrator . "Business License Administrator" means the manager of the City of Atascadero or his official designee . " The rationale is that in the event a license has been denied , a person may be able to resolve the problem at the administrative level rather than being forced to appeal publicly before the City Council . 2. Section 3-5. 107. Issuing agencies. "All new business licenses shall be processed and issued , unless otherwise indicated in this title, by the Finance Department of the City of Atascadero , . By the fact that the Business License Ordinance is a revenue producing ordinance, the administration logically belongs in Finance. 3. Section 3-5. 110. Zoning Clearance. (Second sentence) "The Community Development Department shall review all applications to verify compliance with this title as well as the provisions of Title 9 of this code. 4. Section 3-5.309. Renewal of license. (Second sentence) "The Council , Business License Administrator , Health Department , Police Department , Community Development Department or the Finance Department_ may file a written notice of the denial of renewal of such license. " It is our recommendation that these four sections of the Municipal Code be amended as soon as feasible to allow for a one- stop location- for the processing and payment of business license fees. cc : H. Engen J. Jorgensen F 0 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council July 12, 1988 VIA: William Hanley, Interim City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Zone Change 9-88 (City of Atascadero) Rezoning Certain Property at '9800 El Camino Real from CT (Commercial Tourist) to P (Public) Ordinance No. 176, Second Reading BACKGROUND: At their regular meeting of June 28, 1988, Council voted to approve Ordinance No. 176 changing the zoning designation at 9800 El Camino Real to coincide with that portion of the site developed for the new U.S. Post Office, and to deny the request by Central Coast Capital Corporation to include a change in zoning to CR (Commercial Retail) • RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 176 , second reading, by: (1) Reading by title only. (2 ) Approving Ordinance No. 176 HE:ph Attachment: Ordinance No. 176 • ORDINANCE NO. 176 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP NUMBER 19 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY AT 9800 EL CAMINO REAL FROM CT (COMMERCIAL TOURIST) TO P (PUBLIC) (ZONE CHANGE 9-88 - CITY OF ATASCADERO) WHEREAS, The proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, The proposedamendment is in conformance with Section-65800 et. seq. of the, California Government Code concerning zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have 'a significant adverse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate: and WHEREAS, the, Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 7, 1988, NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. _1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. - 2. The proposal ' is consistent with the General Plan landuseelement and other elements contained in the General Plan, and specifically, policies pertaining to Public Uses as expressed in the General Plan land use element. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. Section 2. Zoning Map. Map number 19 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City ,of Atascadero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify portions of Lots 1 & 2 of Block 10 and portions of Lots 2, 3, and 4 of Block 11 of the Atascadero Colony as show on the attached Exhibit "A" which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Section 3. Publication. • • Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by the motion as approved by the following role call vote: AYES: NOES: • ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: BONITA BORGESON, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYP C. SHARITZ, City Clerk WILLIAM HANLEY, nterim City Manager . APPROVED AS T FORM: G EN, City 'Attorney BY: HENRY EN N, Communit Develol0ent Director Y ,{ `\ EXHIBIT A ORDINANQQ176 CITY OF ATASCADERO Zone Change 9-88 l ; :•,, ,„„� 9500 E1 Camino Real arasG+nF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ET- to P DEPARTMENT R F.•Z MF-4 6) •.. � Ec•COa / 'R F-' o Zone Change 9-88 - CT (Commercial Tourist) to P (Public) I 0'-is a N �yE C T < CR C C C R- � d v, ` • Eq° P .pAVE �( Q.= , <<f`, 'R S.. WE R S -� ryt 0 AGENDA _ DAT as ,?EM, .. M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council July 12, 1988 VIA: William Hanley, Interim City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director , SUBJECT: Zone Change 11-88 (Kankiewicz/Harcourt) To Rezone Certain Property at 11455 Viejo Camino from RS(FH) (Residential Suburban Flood Hazard Overly) to RMF/14 (FH) (Residential Multiple Family Flood Hazard overlay) Ordinance No. 177 - Second Reading BACKGROUND: At their regular meeting of June 28, 1988, Council approved the above-referenced zone change on Ordinance No. 177 , first reading. • RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 177 , second reading, by: ( 1) Reading by title only. (2) Approving Ordinance No. 177 . HE:ph Attachment: Ordinance No. 177 ORDINANCE NO. 177 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING • SECTION MAP NUMBER 23 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY REZONINGCERTAIN PROPERTY AT 11455 VIEJO CAMINO FROM RS (FH) (RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY) TO RMF/10 (FH) (RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY) (ZONE CHANGE 11-88— KANKIEWICZ) WHEREAS, The proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, The proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et. seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate: and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 7, 1988 and has recommended approval of Zone Change 11-88 NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does • ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan land use element and other elements contained in the General Plan, and specifically, policies pertaining, to Multi Family Residential as expressed in the General Plan Sand use element. 3 The proposal will not, result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. Section 2. Zoning Map. Map number 23 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify portions of Lots12 & 13 of Block 67 of the Atascadero Colony as show on the attached Exhibit "A" which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. , . * 0 • Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by the motion as approved by the following role call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By:_ BONITA BORGESON, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOY C. SHARITZ, City Clerk WILLIAM HANLEY, terim City Manager APPROVED AS TO ORM: t tFY RGE EN City Attorney BY d Ar o MAP HENRY ENGENJ Community D t velopme irector _ EXHIBIT A - ORDINANCE 177 ' Zone Change 11-88 CITY OF ATASCADERO 11455 Viejo Camino RS (FH) to RMF/10 (FH) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • DEPARTMENT If Ifi SITE: 11455 Viejo Camino Zone Change 11-88 RS (FH) to RMF/10 (FH) Kankiewicz ti" QP � h 3 1 M,,. �6 f—CA 40b o R mP 16/ viE�o \ �L . \QE� C SpN'tP / 'o L R MNO qEa� per° R S F - - �� R S p\ / Z 'o