HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-012(A1) Friends of the CP Zoo I ■■ City of Atascadero CONTRACT AMENDMENT i 2012-012 Project: Promotion, Marketing, and Fundraising Support for the Charles Paddock Zoo Contract Amendment Number: 1 Contract Amendment Date: 12/22/2017 Contractor: Friends of the Charles Paddock Zoo Purpose of Contract Amendment: As outlined in Contract Amendment No. 1 dated December 22, 2017, generally described as Promotion, Marketing, and Fundraising Support for the Charles Paddock Zoo, including but not limited to; Section 3 of the Agreement is amended to extend the termination date to December 31, 2022. The Agreement is further amended to add attached Exhibit C-1, Network Access. We, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the changes proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the work above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown below. By reason of this proposed change, 5 year(s) extension of time is requested. Signed: Dr. J. Steven Robinson, President Contractor is hereby authorized and directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications, and/or to increase or decrease contract quantities and time, as described above. Recommended: Appr ed: EAe Kni , IT Manager City Manager Designee EXHIBIT C-1 Network Access Background: The Friends of the Charles Paddock zoo (Friends) have requested access to the City of Atascadero's (City) network for the.purpose of accessing a new Membership module for KMWare, the software that the Zoo uses for Attendance and Retail sales tracking and reporting. The Membership module, which will be purchased by the Friends, will be installed on the existing servers that are running the Attendance and Retail modules. In order for the Friends to access KMWare, they will need to access the City's network. IT Support: The IT Division (IT) of the City agrees to support the Friends in these capacities: 1. City Network Account: The Friends will be issued network usernames and passwords. These accounts should only be given to those that need access to the Membership module. The passwords will be required to be reset every 90 days. The passwords should be stored in a secure manner. 2. KMWare Account: The City will provide the Friends with accounts to access the Membership module. This account will have access to only the Membership module. 3. Network Access: IT will enable network access for the Friends to utilize the Membership module exclusively. Other city resources including files, phones and email will not be accessible. 4. Server& Database Access: IT will enable the necessary access to the servers and databases required to run the Membership module. 5. Storage & Backup: IT will maintain the servers and storage environment in accordance with current procedures. This includes backups, redundancy, maintenance and hardware replacement. 6. Items Not Supported: Items not supported under this agreement include email accounts & mailboxes, local document storage, local backup & retrieval and non-KMWare software support. Requirements: To access the City's network, IT will require the Friends to meet the following minimum requirements: 1. Desktop Computer: Friends will be required to purchase a computer that meets the following minimum security standards: i. Windows 7 or newer ii. Windows Updates must be downloaded and installed automatically iii. Windows Firewall must be enabled iv. Anti-Virus and Anti-Maiware software must be installed and enabled. b. Pursuant to section 9-A of contract#2012-012 executed on September 11, 2012 between the City and the Friends, the Friends will furnish and maintain the computer equipment they require. c. IT staff will verify that the computer meets these minimum requirements prior to granting access. d. IT will occasionally remotely audit the computer to ensure these items are functioning properly. Access: Access to the modules will be granted according to the following: 1. City staff will be granted read-only access to the Membership module. City staff may be granted additional access to the Membership module with the written consent of the Friends. 2. City IT staff will be granted ail access to the Membership module necessary to support the Friends KMWare Account and Membership software. 3. Friends staff will be granted read-only access to the Admissions module. Friends may be granted additional access to the Admissions module with the written consent of the City. 4. One Membership module license will be installed on the computer provided by the Friends. The second license will be installed on the ticket cashiering computer provided by the City. Fees: Services provided by the Friends as outlined below will be accepted in lieu of payments for the services provided by IT. Any change to this amount will be conveyed to the Friends 30 days prior to the annual payment due date of July 1s' Services to be provided by the Friends include: 1. Volunteer services- Friends shall provide a minimum of 3 volunteers at the following Zoo events each year: Brew at the Zoo, Atascadero Wine Festival, Ice Cream Zoofari, and Zoo Boo. 2. One license and access as outlined above to the KMWare Membership Module 3. In the event that contract#2012-012 is terminated under Section 6, ownership of the Membership module and all data relating to and maintained within said module will transfer to the City.