HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 03/13/1990 LEE DAYKA CITY CLERK A G E N D A ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA FOURTH FLOOR, ROTUNDA ROOM MARCH 13, 1990 7:00 P.M. This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to ;the require- ments of Government Code Section 54954 .2 . By listing a topic on this agenda, the City Council has expressed its intent to discuss and act on each item In addition to any action identified in the brief general description of each item, the action that may be taken shall include: A referral to staff with specific re- quests for information continuance; specific direction to staff concerning the policy or mission of the item; discontinuance of consideration; authorization to enter into negotiations and exe- cute agreements pertaining to the item; adoption or approval; and, disapproval Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk, available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. The City Clerk will answer any questions regarding the agenda. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION; * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. A person may speak for five (5) minutes: No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so Noone may speak more than twice on any item. Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond but, after the allotted time has expired, may, not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call City Council Comment: Proclamations (3) : • "Tri-Counties Small Business Opportunities Day", March 7, 1990 • "Camp Fire Birthday Week") March 12-18, 1990 COMMUNITY FORUM: The City Council values and encouragesexchange of ideas and comments from you, the citizen. The Community Forum period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items . To increase the effectiveness of Community Forum, the following rules will be enforced: A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as a whole, and not to any individual member thereof . * No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member, commissions & staff. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine, and wil be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion on these items . A member of the Council or public may, by request, have any item removed from the Consent Calendar, which shall then be reviewed and acted upon separately after the adoption of the con- sent Calendar. Where ordinance adoption' is' involved, action by Council on the Consent Calendar will presuppose waiving of the reading in full of the ordinance in question 1. FEBRUARY 27, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. TENTATIVE• PARCEL MAP 25-89 Proposed subdivision of one 6 .7 acre parcel into four lots of 2 . 17, ' 1 .60, 1 .67 and 1 . 25 acres. The proposal also includes the creation of 81 com- mercial condominium units at 5804 Capistrano Avenue (Hotel Park) (Lewis, et-al/North Coast Engineering) 3. RESOLUTION NO. 24-90 REQUEST TO ADD MICHAEL FORISTER AND STEVEN G. ALVAREZ TO THE LIST OF CITY-APPROVED CERTIFIED ARBORISTS ' 4. TECHNICAL ADJUSTMENTS TO SALARY & POSITION RESOLUTIONS WHICH WERE ADOPTED 2/27/90: A. RESOLUTION NO. 28-90 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 13-90, ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR CITY EMPLOYEES 2 B. RESOLUTION NO. 29-90 - AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 14-90, ESTABLISHING PERMANENT AUTHORIZED POSITIONS IN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO 5. AWARD OF BID #90-1 FOR SEWER JET TRUCE 6 . AWARD OF BSD #89-9 'FOR< DIAL-A-RIDE BUSES 7. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF NEW FURNITURE FOR POLICE FACILITY 8. RESOLUTION NO. 30-90 PROCLAIMING MARCH 23-31, 1990 AS "CENSUS WEEK C. REGULAR BUSINESS 1. DISCUSSION RE SKATEBOARD SURVEY AND POSSIBLE ORDINANCE DIR- ECTION 2. RESOLUTION NO. 25--90 RE-APPOINTING THREE MEMBERS TO THE BUILDING &' CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS 3. CREATION OF A CREEKWAY PLANNING & MAPPING COMMITTEE 4 . CREATION OF A` RISK REVIEW COMMITTEE' 5. SET STUDY SESSION DATE FOR FISCAL PLANNING MODEL RFP' D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1 City Council: A. Mayor Dexter to be absent from 4/10/90 meeting B. Committee Reports (The following represents ad hoc or standing commitees Informative status reports will, be given, as felt necessary. ) 1 . City/School Committee 2 . North Coastal Transit 3 . S.L.O. Area Coordinating council 4 Traffic Committee 5 . Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgmt. Committee 6 . Recycling Committee Set meeting date with Council (prior to Earth Day--April 22nd) 7 Economic Opportunity Commission 8 . B.I .A. 9. Downtown Steering Committee 10. General Plan Subcommittee 3 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4-. City Treasurer 5 City Manager 4 G R 0 C L A M A T I 0 N "TRI--COUNTIES SMALL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DAY" may 2c, 1990 WHEREAS , business enterprise has been a vital part of this Nation ' s way of lite from its very beginning ; and WHEREAS, the Tri-Counties Purchasing Outreach Network . covering Santa Barbara , Ventura and San Luis Obispo Counties , a non-profit oclanization structured to encourage the growth of Small , Disadvantaged and WOmen-owned business in our communities, i5 holding a small Business. Opportunity Day at the Ventura County fairgrounds on May 22, 1990; and WHEREAS, bLisines= entrepreneurship in Atascadero , as throughout Cali •Fornia, is- the gateway to opportunity frnr all in the free enterprise system and the means by which many of us continue to build a better life for Ourselves and our families; and WHEREAS, small business is especially suited t our, Atascadero way o lie by =n virtue of this Vitality , scale and minimal demand for public r e_.�urc__ , and WHEREAS, the Tri-Counties Small Business Opportunity Day Will provide a forum for these outstanding businesses to interface with heir counterparts in majority Corporate Amer-ica in an ongoing effort to develop purchases; NOW, THEREFORE, i • ROI1in Dexter , Mayor of the City c;f Atascadero , Caii'Ornia . dc hereby proclaim May 2c, 1940, as SMALL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DAY in our City and urge all Atascaderans to thani, the local businesses for their contributions to our community and for their sponsorship of this worthy event . R0L.LI111 DEXTER, Mavor City of Atascadero , CA Dated : March 13, i990 Chumash Council of Camp Fire , Inc. PHONE (805) 238-4753 P.O. BOX 302 • 244 19th STREET PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 Camp Fire March 2 , 1990 May we have this presented to the City Council on the 13th of March. The Children will attend the meeting to receive the proclamation and to pass out some candy to the Council . Prehaps this could be placed early on the agenda, so that the children could leave early. Sincerely, i Janet L. Paver Executive Director 238-4753 Chumash Council of Camp Fire , Inc. Camp Fire PHONE (805) 238-4753 P.O. BOX 302 • 244 19th STREET PASO ROBLES. CALIFORNIA 93446 WHEREAS, Camp Fire, the national youth organization, will be celebrating its 80th birthday on March 17 , 1990 , and WHEREAS, "the Chumash Council of Camp Fire" in the State of California and in the City of Atascadero, teach boys and girls self-reliance and good citizenship; and WHEREAS, through contemporary programs and by speaking out on issues that affect youth and their families, today ' s Camp Fire is helping kids cope with their changing world; and WHEREAS, IN Camp Fire, the choices and opportunities are wide open for boys and girls ; and WHEREAS , through Camp Fire, young people are learning to develop confidence and to gain skills needed to become tomorrow' s leaders ; and WHEREAS, Camp Fire is commended for the opportunities its programs offer to young people in the City of Atascadero and throughout the nation and for the many services these young people perform for their communities through • Camp Fire; NOW, THEREFORE, I , Mayor of the City of , do hereby officially proclaim March 12 to March 18 , 1990 , to be CAMP FIRE BIRTHDAY WEEK in the City of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the City of to be affixed at the City Hall this day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety. Mayor MEETING TE 13/9 0 AGENDA ITEM# ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 1990 Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Atascadero City County to order at 7:02 p .m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilwoman Mackey. ROLL CALL: Present : Councilmembers Lilley, Mackey , Borgeson, Shiers and Mayor Dexter . Staff Present : Ray Windsor , City Manager ; Henry Engen, Community Development Director ; Bud McHale, Police Chief ; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo ; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph , Administrative Services Director ; Gary Sims , Senior Civil Engineer ; Lisa Schicker- , City Arborist and Lee Dayka, City Clerk. . COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilwoman Borgeson expressed concern regarding the proposed cost increase of using the Chicago Grade Landfill and stated that she felt this may cause some to dump debris onto other spots to avoid these fees . She urged the to City establish a central place for composting and seriously consider the purchase of a chipper . Councilwoman Mackey announced that there was to be a tour- of the Chicago Grade Landfill on Thursday, March 1 at 1 :00 p .m. Councilwoman Borgeson and Mayor Dexter indicated that they would like to attend . The City Manager explained , with the emphasis on waste management , that the cost of landfill usage will continue to increase and that the community will be 'looked upon to recycle and to find alternate ways to deal with trash issues . . Councilwoman Mackey reported that she had had response from the public in favor of the City ' s acquisition of a chipper . The City Manager replied that the issue of the chipper is currently under study . CC2!13/90 Page 1 PRESENTATION OF DONATION: The City Manager introduced Mr . Andrew Stone, Executive Producer of "My Blue Heaven" . Mr . Stone, representing Warner Bros. Studios, presented a check in the amount of $5, 000 for the Lakeside Pavilion Fund to the Mayor and extended warm appreciation to the City for its ' cooperation in the production of the film. PROCLAMATIONS• Mayor Dexter proclaimed March 7, 1990 as "Arbor Day" and read the proclamation. Councilwoman Mackey announced that a ceremony including demonstrations and the planting of a tree in the memory of the late City Clerk , Boyd C. Sharitz , would commence at 3:00 p .m. in Sunken Gardens on that date. The Mayor also read a proclamation declaring March 20-21 , 1990 as American Cancer Society "Daffodil Days" . In addition, Mayor Dexter read the proclamation establishing February IB-24, 1990 as National FFA Week and presented it to Councilwoman Borgeson, who accepted it on behalf of the local FFA chapter . CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION: Mayor Dexter presented certificates of appreciation to members of the Boy Scout Troop 104 for their design and construction of the bus stop shelter located on E. Mall near Palm Avenue. COMMUNITY FORUM: Allen Bristol , 9223 Lucinda Lane, spoke on behalf of a neighborhood planning group of the 3-F Meadows residential area of Atascadero and stated that they are seeking alternatives to the repair of their roads and asked the Council to consider employing a consultant civil engineer to determine the needs. Gary Sims, Senior Civil Engineer , described the current situation and the process of initiating the requested road improvements . Councilwoman Borgeson asked that staff address the issue and come back with a report at a future meeting . The City Manager stated that it would be done and advised a motion to formalize the matter . CC2/ 13/90 Page 2 • MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Lilley to place this item on a future agenda for action; approved by common consensus . CONSENT CALENDAR: 1 . JANUARY 230 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. FEBRUARY 13, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3. FEBRUARY 260 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT — JANUARY 1990 5. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT — JANUARY 1990 6. RESOLUTION NO. 8-90 — AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 76-88, MAKING CHANGES TO THE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND RAY WINDSOR, CITY MANAGER 'Cont ' d from 2113/90 ) 7. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 24-89, 10750 SANTA ANA — Subdivision of two lots into three (Kamm/Dohan/Vaughan) . S. RESOLUTION 23-90 — NOTICE OF COMPLETION/SAN ANDRES STORM DRAIN 9. ORDINANCE NO. 205 — DELETING THE REQUIREMENT THAT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONERS MUST TERMINATE THEIR OFFICE WHEN SEEKING CITY ELECTIVE OFFICE (Second Reading and Adoption) 10. RESOLUTION NO. 18-90 — AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH S.L.O. COUNTY AND CITIES TO UPDATE THE NOISE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN 11 . AWARD BID FOR SOD — TRAFFIC WAY PARK PROJECT 12. RESOLUTION NO. 22-90 — ADOPTING MID—YEAR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS (Pursuant to Council action on 2/ 13/90 ) Mayor Dexter read the Consent Calendar . Councilman Lilley asked to pull item ##11 for discussion and Councilman Shiers asked to pull item #10 for same. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of items 10 and 11 ; passed unanimously by C 13/90 Page Page 3 roll call vote. 10. RESOLUTION NO. 18-90 — AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH S.L.O. COUNTY AND CITIES TO UPDATE THE NOISE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN Councilman Shiers referred to Section 9 of the Joint Powers Agreement ( regarding traffic counts and projected future traffic volumes) and asked that the Del Ric Road area during construction of the proposed school be included in the study. Tom Bench , Parks and Recreation Commissioner , asked that the lake area be included as well , due the on-going controversy with model speed boat noise. MOTION: By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve Resolution No . 18-90; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 11 . AWARD BID FOR SOD - TRAFFIC WAY PARK PROJECT Councilman Lilley explained that he had received comments from the public about the high cost and reason for sodding the ballfield . He reported that due to the time of the year , laying sod instead of seeding grass would enable completion in time for this year ' s softball season. Councilwoman Mackey stated that she too had received some complaints about the cost and additional discussion followed . Councilwoman Borgeson announced that she had received no complaints but rather positive comments and reiterated that the Council had already authorized the funds and made a commitment to the youth of Atascadero . She stated that staff should be applauded for finding a solution to the problem. Additionally , Councilwoman Borgeson asked for clarification of the square footage of sod to which Mark Joseph reported it to be 87,000 sq . ft . Councilman Lilley suggested that the City try and save money elsewhere in the project , perhaps with volunteered labor . MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Lilley to award Bid No . 90-3 for 87,000 sq . ft . of sod for Traffic Way Park youth sports fields to Gilbert ' s Landscapes for $28, 662.81 ; passed unanimously by roll call vote. CC2/ 1.3/90 Page 4 H. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1 . PAVILION DESIGN — AUTHORIZE FINAL FLOOR PLAN AN PROCEED WITH WORKING DRAWINGS The City Manager reported that he, along with the Administrative Services Director , had determined that the General Fund Contingency Reserve could be used to supplement this project along with some certificates of participation. Mr . Windsor recommended the endorsement of Scheme No . 2 for the Lake Park Pavilion size (for seating up to 300 people) with an actual floor plan layout similar to Scheme No . 3, subject to final review and approval by the Pavilion Citizens Committee and the City Council . He announced that the architect was present to respond to questions. Mr . Windsor stated that this agenda item was a separate issue from the financing , but that there was an effort through the Chamber of Commerce and Mrs. Sarah Gronstrand for a grassroots fund-raising committee to help supplement the monies required to make the pavilion a reality. Councilwoman Bor-geson addressed questions to Mark Joseph regarding the cost estimate and asked that the full fiqure of what it will take to complete the project be looked at . Mr . Joseph reported on the cost breakdown of construction and considerations for potential additional costs . He further stated that after analyzing the costs and the availability of funds, the project would be possible without depleting the City ' s reserves . Councilwoman Mackey expressed her desire to see consideration given to the historic value of the wooden floor in the present building . Additional council discussion followed regarding the use of the flooring and the possible fund-raising sale of floor pieces as souvenirs. Councilman Shiers stated that while initially he opted for going with the less expensive plan, he now believes the smart thing to do was to go for the larger scheme . He described the building as one that would be a highlight to the community and given lots of use. Councilman Lilley expressed his. delight in the Zeal for public support and urged the community to rally together to ease the pressure on the budget reserve. • CC2/ 13190 Page 5 Public Comments: Sarah Gronstrand , 7620 Del Rio Road , stated that the old floor could be put to use and any left overs could be sold as souvenirs. She read a prepared statement ( see Exhibit A) announcing the formation of the Friends of the Lake Pavilion Committee and described its ' goals. Maggie Rice, Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Council and corrected that there was not a joint effort by the Chamber of Commerce and Sarah Gronstrand . She stated that although she, staff and former Chamber president Mike Arrambide were firmly committed and deeply involved in raising additional funds to supplement City funding , this was a concerted effort of individuals and organizations, including Mrs . Gronstrand and many members of the Chamber of Commerce. She announced that both she and Mrs. Gronstrand were each giving $500 and had pledge cards for those who wanted to contribute. The City Manager acknowledged his error and stated that he looked forward to making his own pledge to Ms. Rice. Mr . Windsor further reported that while the City may not get rich on it , the facility that would raise some revenue and that money would go back into the General Fund to assist in other Parks and Recreation improvements or to pay off the certificates of participation. Eric Michielssen, 5300 Aguila, spoke in support of the pavilion project stressing that fund-raising for it is a meaningful community goal . Council Comments: Mayor Dexter commented that donation to the non-profit organization would be tax-deductible. Councilwoman Borgeson explained that her previous reservations were budgetary and that she was now satisfied that the City could cover this project and was ready to move forward with it . Councilman Lilley expressed his wish to see revenue, outside of maintenance, be earmarked for the Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department rather than for the General Fund . Further discussion regarding this issue ensued . Councilwoman Mackey asked if this would be enterprise fund to which the City Manager stated that it would , and would be accounted for outside the General Fund . CC2/ i3/90 Page 6 • Mr . Windsor furthere advised that the Council can make a statement to the community by passing a resolution outlining the intent for donated funds and offered to draft such a resolution when timely . Councilman Shiers thanked Sarah Gronstrand and Maggie Rice for starting the committee and for their initial donations. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to endorse Scheme No . 2 for the Lake Park Pavilion subject to the Pavilion citizens committee and City Council ; passed unanimously by roll call vote. Mayor Dexter called for a break at 8:20 p .m. The meeting reconvened at 8:33 p .m. 2. RESOLUTION 21-90 — AUTHORIZE PROPOSED RED CURBING AT INTERSECTION OF OLMEDA AND TRAFFIC WAY Henry Engen gave staff report with the recommendation to adopt Resolution 21-90 establishing No Parking areas on uimeda and Traffic Way. Council discussion followed regarding the intersection and alternatives to red curbing . The City Manager stated that what ' s before the Council is a joint recommendation of the School District and City Staff and that it is a compromise; given the fact that what was requested was a crossing guard , which was denied at the Traffic Committee level . He suggested staggering school hours for the younger children to relieve some traffic congestion. In addition, the Mayor and Mr . Engen both stressed that educating parents, students and motorists to exert caution is crucial . The City Manager advised that under State law, the City, not the Schools, is responsible and liable. Discussion pertaining to a crossing guard ensued and Chief Bud McHale responded to Council questions . He supported staff recommendation as an alternative approach to employing a crossing guard . Additional discussion was held relating to PTA volunteers crossing children. Councilwoman Mackey stated that the School District ' s insurance would not cover such a volunteer and that it was not a viable solution, although she personally disagreed with the concept . Councilwoman: Horgeson stated that there is more to life than the cost of insurance and stressed the importance of protecting children in school . She added that the School ag 13i 90 Page -, District should be more aggressive in this concern, and perhaps I ook: into a possible waiver . Public Comment : Sandy Clark , 9240 Mountain View, described the intersection as the hardest pick-up area in town with the youngest children involved . She agreed that redlining would provide more visibility, but that it would create less parking area. Councilwoman Borgeson asked the Police Chief whether his department had any personnel to spare, to which he answered that all his police officers ' time is dedicated . He reiterated that the violators are the parents themselves when they double-park and supported public education to reduce hazard . MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve Resolution 21-90; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 3. PROPOSED RELOCATION OF STOP SIGN AT INTERSECTION OF LOS OSOS ROAD AND OLD MORRO ROAD EAST: A. RESOLUTION NO. 19-90 - PROPOSING ELIMINATION OF STOP INTERSECTION ON OLD MORRO ROAD EAST AT LOS OSOS ROAD (eliminating the existing stop sign, but not establishing a new stop on Old Morro Road East ) B. RESOLUTION NO. 20-90 - PROPOSING DESIGNATION OF STOP INTERSECTION ON OLD MORRO ROAD EAST AT LOS OSOS ROAD (establishing a new stop sign on Old Morro Road east , but not eliminating the existing sign on Los Osos Road , thereby creating a two-way stop intersection) Henry Engen gave staff report recommending adopting Resolutions 19-90 and 20-90 eliminating the stop sign at Los Osos Road and installing a stop sign on Old Morro Road East . Discussion followed regarding the natural flow of traffic . Public Comments: Joan Ok:eefe, 9985 Old Morro Road , opposed the elimination of the stop sign and described for Council the traffic flow. She further stated that it is currently the only mechanism to control traffic speed . Marjorie Kidwell , 9980 Old Morro Road East , also opposed the C'C2/ 13/90 Page g stop elimination of thet sig g n statin that it is difficult to get a stop sign to begin with and would hate to see it removed simply because it may be inconvenient to some. Councilwoman Mackey suggested a continuance to allow the Traffic Committee to take another look at the matter . The City Manager agreed this was appropriate. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson; passed unanimously by voice vote. C. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1 . City Council : A. Fiscal Planning Model - Set date for study session The City Manager gave his report with suggestions for study session dates and asked Council to get back to him with a preference. He clarified that this study session would be a public meeting of the Council . He further advised that once each councilmember has let him know their individual preference , the matter would be placed on the agenda and Council would act upon it at the ne;:t meeting . iB. Committee Reports ( The following represents ad hoc or standing committees . informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary ) : 1 . City/School Committee - Councilman Lilley reported that preliminary discussion was held about a gymnasium as well as the traffic matter that was discussed earlier ( see B-2 ) . Councilwoman Borgeson asked if minutes were prepared for these meetings . The City Manager stated that notes are taken, but they are not recorded . Councilwoman Borgeson suggested that notes should be given to Council . 2. North Coastal Transit - No report . 3. S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council - No report . 4. Traffic Committee - No report . 5. Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgt. Committee - No report . • CC2;' 1 3/9G Page 9 b. Recycling Committee — Councilwoman Mackey reported that she had attended a meeting sponsored by the Garbageman ' s Association and indicated recycling was the topic of discussion. The City Manager stated that it was most informative and educational and suggested inviting this group to come and make a presentation to the Council and community. There was additional Council discussion regarding recycling . *At this time, Council discussed special trips such as the one to the landfill (see page 1 ) . Mayor Dexter stated that the City Attorney had reminded him that the Council must observe the Brown Act and designate two members of the Council to go on this trip . Councilwoman Mackey stated that on special trips such as this, no decisions would be made. The City Attorney clarified that their mere presence at those meetings is not a violation, but cautioned the Council against standing in a group and deliberate the benefit/detriments of the landfill . Council was in agreement . 7. Economic Opportunity Commission — Mayor Dexter reported that new leadership has resulted with a major victory by restoring funding for family planning and further reported that the Headstart program is expanding . 8. Finance Committee - No report . • 9. Business Improvement Association - The City Manager reported that he and Councilman Lilley had attended the last meeting where discussion of the City Parking Lot continued . He stated that the Board of Directors were in support of the City ' s position, but no final endorsements had been made. The Mayor reported that the minutes of that meeting were very upbeat and positive. 10. Downtown Steering Committee — Henry Engen reported that the preliminary draft will be reviewed at the next meeting . The date for that meeting is March 8, 1990 at 4:00 p .m. in the Rotunda. 11 . Interim Growth Management Committee — No report . 12. General Plan Sub. Committee — Henry Engen announced the meeting date as March 7, 1990 at 4 : 30 p .m. 2. City Attorney — No report . 3. City Clerk — No report . CCC/ 13/90 Page 10 • 4. City Treasurer — No report . 5. City Manager — No report . THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9:20 P.M. UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING. MTTECORD, D AND PREPARED BY: 1 LEE DAYKA, CITY ERK Attachment : Exhibit A ( Gronstrand ) • CC2/ 13/90 Page 11 74- Many people in the community are eagerly awaiting the building of the Lake Pavilion. A Pavilion which will accomodate a variety • of group activities from a sewing circle to a discussion group to weddings, conventions, dances , jazzexcercise to banquets, and many other activities. The variety of activities which may take place in the Pavilion is extensive. Logically, the size and scope of the building must be able to accomodate the variety of uses. Because of my experience with the library, I am convinced that we must not scrimp on the size of the Pavilion. Given the mood and the finances of the County at the time we were building the library, we had to settle for what we could get. The library was too small the day it was dedicated, two years ago. We are now faced with the need to expand. We are faced with higher costs. We are faced with the inconvenience to expand a building and keeping it in ope- ration at the same time. We must not, we can not let this happen to the Pavilion. Let us build it right the first time around. Because of the limitations of the city' s finances and also being aware that the building; of the Pavilion presented an excellent • opportunity for the community members to get together in a common effort, a committee was formed. The aim of the this committee is to make possible the building of a first class Pavilion. To do this we hope to raise a minimum of $100,o00. We have already received in excess of 10% in pledges. The committee consists of Mike Arambide and me as Co-Chairs. Anne Marie Kirkpatrick, Treasurer; Lon Allan, Publicity; Sherry Herman, Secretary; D;yann Rogers , CPA; f,,ag-ie Rice , Member-at-Large. You can judge from our widely divergent political view points that we have to be apolitical in order to work together success- fully as a committee. And we intend to be successful! 74e hope all of Y•ou will join in helping, us raise money for a Pavilion which in its use, its grace, and its timeliness, will be the pride of Atascadero and witho t equal in the county. Sarah Gronstrand for the Friends of the Lake Pavilion Committee REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-2 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 3/13/90 File No: TTM 25-89 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director pJ, SUBJECT: Subdivision of one parcel (6 .7 acres) into four lots of 2 . 17, 1 .60, 1 . 67 , and 1 . 25 acres each. The proposal also includes the creation of eighty-one (81) commercial condominium units at 5805 Capistrano Avenue (Hotel Park) - Glen Lewis, et al (North Coast Engineering, agent) . BACKGROUND On February 20, 1990, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced subject. On a 5 : 2 vote, the Commission voted to approve the tract map subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval contained in the attached staff report. There was discussion and public testimony as referenced in the attached minutes excerpt. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Tentative Tract Map 25-89 as per the Planning Commission' s recommendation. HE :ps Attachment: Staff Report dated February 20, 1990 Minutes Excerpt - February 20, 1990 cc : Glen Lewis, et al North Coast Engineering CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: B . 2 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: February 20, 1990 BY: Doug Davidson, Senior Planner File No: TTM 25-89 SUBJECT: To consider a request to subdivide one parcel (6. 7 acres) into four lots of 2. 17, 1. 60, 1. 67, and 1. 25 acres each. The proposal also includes the creation of eighty-one (81) commercial condominium units. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Tentative Tract Map 25-89 based on the Findings for Approval in Exhibit G and Conditions of Approval in Exhibit H. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Glen Lewis, etal. 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .North Coast Engineering 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5805 Capistrano Ave. (Hotel Park) 4. Legal Description. . . . . . . . . . . .Parcel 1, PM-17-06 5. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 7 acres 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CR (Commercial Retail) 7. General Plan Designation. . . . .Retail Commercial 8. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Commercial center under construction 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration previously posted August 31, 1987. 1 BACKGROUND: Precise Plan 30-87 became effective on December 8, 1987 (see Exhibit F) . This approval established the conditions for development of a 69, 696 square feet commercial retail and office project. During the processing of grading permits, questions were raised about the adequacy of the approved tree protection plans, particulary toward the eight (8) California White Oaks that were approved for retention under the Precise Plan. After several public hearings and arborist reports, letters of credit in the total amount of $80, 003. 00 were deposited with the City to ensure protection of these native oaks. If a certified arborist determines that no damage has occured during construction around the oaks, the letters of credit will be returned upon final building inspection. Upon this agreement, site grading permits were issued and construction of Phase One commenced. The current request seeks to subdivide the property for ownership and financing purposes. In addition to the four lot subdivision of the property, the applicant is proposing the creation of individual airspace condominiums for the eighty-one (81) commercial units. As the following analysis indicates, the staff is not concerned with the ownership of the property, but with the orderly development of the site in light of previous project approvals. ANALYSIS: There is no minimum lot size in the CR (Commercial Retail) zone. Minimum lot sizes are determined by market factors and development constraints. In this case, the proposed lot lines generally conform to the approved phasing plan of the Precise Plan. The one noticeable exception is that the parking area in the center of the site is shown on the Tract Map as Phase IV, and on the Precise Plan as part of Phase I. This variation poses no problems , because construction permits have been issued for Building #4 (units 33-40) , including the required parking area associated with Phase I of the Precise Plan. Furthermore, reciprocal access and parking agreements are required to ensure that the project functions as a whole, and not as fragmented units. Staff notified all the pertinent utility companies and City departments of this proposed subdivision. All of these agencies had the same response - that the development plans were previously approved under the Precise Plan and building permit review and that consistency should be maintained with the Precise Plan approval. 2 Ordinarily, a phased subdivision of real property with the concurrent creation of airspace condominiums would be a complex final map process. Again, with a previous approval and project construction underway, it is a matter of ensuring consistency between the phasing schedules. Conditions on both the Tract Map and the Precise Plan guarantee that the necessary improvements will be constructed with each phase. Finally, this proposed subdivision is a vesting tentative map. The approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map confers a vested right to proceed with development in substantial compliance with the ordinances, policies, and standards in effect at the time the map is approved. All the additional information required for submittal of a vesting map in Section 11-5. 003 of the Subdivision Ordinance has been submitted, reviewed, and approved under the Precise Plan. CONCLUSIONS: The Precise Plan conditions, with a corresponding subdivision approval linking the phasing, will ensure that the site is developed in a comprehensive manner. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Zoning Map Exhibit B - General Plan Map Exhibit C - Tentative Tract Map Exhibit D - Grading Plan (approved) Exhibit E - Supplemental Development Statement Exhibit F - Precise Plan 30-87 Exhibit G - Findings for Approval Exhibit H - Conditions of Approval • 3 EXHIBIT A CITY OF AT-ASCADERO ZONING . . OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TTM 25-89DEPARTMENT AID ■ • � Via-=' ■■ '� Mims 16 AIR Alaw zip in 2q a . 1 "14 SIP .i ►�9 EXHIBIT B CITY OF ATASCADERO `Ii 1 I ;�1 • M•� GENERAL PLAN MAP V, "S10 �c�' iscn COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TTM 25-89 DEPARTMENT ItYVVJ I. .- PAR K c ! ! RECREATION !� C, ! W JI ati4o+�„ � � HIGH DEN. RECREATION: C >o j -DENSITY s a &JH- HIGH S I T C LIC \_ DENS. 0 soh - M.F. _ DEN E T a. u �OMMCR'CIAL Pik I � � � � I I I I I i �• Ifit G""__ G \ 1 r '1 11 WJE _i � ��._ ✓t i.. ` , AVE - 114sc4oE �� -�• Z PUBL-IC < �►NDAEs Q&T T _ EXHIBIT C CITY OF ATASADERO TENTATIVE TRACT MAP »•�''ue —'�e »�• TTM 25-89 � c COMMUNITY DE 'FLOPMENT DEPARTMENT r �a iMal JOIN fP :�tl te- � 4 ..OY a _ 0 f A. y z n'"c i� Si3 m $m rn aj lstA xi r gXc� Z fr1 y "gtE: m sill R� Zq 12 m 3 OD t � € s a �• EXHIBIT D CITY OF ATASCADER '�• = O GRADING PLAN (HOTEL PARK) c COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TTM 25-89 DEPARTMENT . j �0� a Vis'+'►� � _ ., ?Air- � o it Elf Al IT IL\ � I ' i � � sH?•t� «.. ti _ 7`< ppp `-k,_• _ \ \may :�, �� in s �F • •! .rV � f� R.r + • err >m< . nzm ILI i ::,:�;,,., -�to �� _ •,l i i ! A! WmFl E Y CA 4 00 1 T— EXHIBIT E NOV 2;2 191S DEVELOPER'S STATEMENT VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 1858 Vesting Tentative Tract 1858 is a subdivision for condominium purposes (conversion) of the Hotel Park Commercial Center devel- opment previously approved as Precise Plan 87-30. The tentative map as submitted proposed no changes to the approved project. Treatment of grading, tree protection, and utility construction are as approved for the Hotel Park Development. Final plans for all onsite grading and utilities, and offsite streets and utili- ties have been prepared and approved by the City. TOPOGRAPHY. The tentative tract map indicates the existing con- tours prior to construction of the Hotel Park project. Construc- tion of the Hotel Park Phase 1 facilities has been commenced and the site has been partially graded. Improvements to Capistrano Avenue and South Mall Extension have been completed with the exception of the creek crossing. The finished grades for the project are as proposed under Precise Plan 87-30 and the approved grading plan is attached as Sheet 2 of the tentative map submit- tal to indicate what the final project appearance will be. PHASING. The tentative map is broken down into four lots that reflect the approved phasing plan for project. It is anticipated that as the first phase of construction is completed, a final map and associated condominium plan would be recorded. The right is reserved to record several phases or the entire project at one time if all of the Conditions of Approval have been satisfied. The initial map that records will establish the C.C. &R's for the project as well as a Homeowners Association. The necessary easements for reciprocal access and parking and maintenance would be incorporated into these documents. If only one phase is initially recorded, subsequent phases would be annexed into the original Owners Association to prevent duplicity of C.C. &R's, easements, etc. X&Y441�f� 22- tevenvester • Authori d presentative pin/87108dev.stm EXHIBIT F ADMINISTRATION BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 747 ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93423 POLICE DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805) 466-8000 POST OFFICE BOX 747 ATASCADERO. CALIFORNIA 93423 CITY COUNCIL PHONE: (805) 466-8600 CITY CLERK tasea el® CITY TREASURER CITY MANAGER INCORPORATED JULY 2. 1578 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93422 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805) 466.2141 November 24, 1987 Mr. Don Messer P.O. Box 1958 Atascadero, CA 93423 SUBJECT: Precise Plan 30-87 5805 Capistrano Dear Mr. Messer: The City of Atascadero reviewed your application for a precise plan and environmental determination for the construction of a 69, 696 'square foot office/retail project comprised of ten (10) buildings, one restaurant and site improvements. This review and approval includes the requested adjustments, submittal of color boards and, as discussed in previous meetings, revised conditions. A Negative Declaration has been previously granted. The proposed precise plan is approved as shown on attached Exhibit B (site plan) , Exhibit C (fire hydrants) , and subject to the conditions of approval listed in Exhibit F. ' Final approval becomes effective at 5:00 p.m. , December 8, 1987, unless appealed. (NOTE: THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A BUILDING OR GRADING PERMIT) . In the event you intend to appeal any of the conditions, your appeal should be in writing and should state the reasons for the appeal. Any appeal would be scheduled for Planning Commission consideration as a public hearing. You should, however, discuss any objections to the conditions with the planning staff as it may *be possible to alter con- ditions after such discussion. .,1 If you should have any questions concerning this project, you are wel- come to contact the Community Development Department for assistance. Sincerely, DOUaXavidson Associate Planner City of Atascadero DD:C cc: Gary Swauger Attachments: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Site Plan Exhibit C - Required Fire Hydrants Exhibit D - Development Statement Exhibit E - Findings for Approval Exhibit F - Conditions of Approval r, o� 4-5 ■ • ,rte •% •� ur :: ►Mb- MW ♦� ��•••• . r �_ � .. - •��MAN .:. 111 . .• •` " i` y ln�u uu_ . ,Ii� Vi Maftli .�. �i •�► Ar 111 ����1J�•u `. �: gill IPA op Is F-OP, ILI .: 24 x MR Plo SITE DATA: s' / LOT AREA:211,710 SOJT.4.72 ACRES g _ MIK:CPNRCIAL MAIL / WILDING CV41AGI: 71,57/SO.R IS.n l/vv rutin AAO OIIt1I1A111: 110,101$411. Is WAUWn: 1.171 Sim. i.n 13CCs AW VMS: 1.110 SO•R. 1.11 b / LAAOSPPIro 13.17110.12. 21.6 tMiS/RANG ARE.R,O.w: 12.255 so.R. Itis AFASCADPD PLIC IAAR: 11.110 W-FT. 1,2s ISUILDI IX DATA: RETAIL AAD OIRCE SPACE: LOWER!1000:10 WILDINGS AT 2170 SO.ET. 21.000 SO.R. / UPPER FLOOR:10 WILDING&AT 1112 10.FT. 11.IM SO.FI. rROXCT mru a // /i / ♦• -'b .''..',`c1''T`:.`a:.a: • 8•/ / _ ~ _1102. L.�OK.I.'•._ PARK SND DATA: 211 stAroAro 1'dP SMttl /• / / /-S,.. 1 q.,• :'i 1 MAN01C1 t'NI'SPACES RtIR 1'lOAptR/ / '• t CO,iACf CES s►AC[f b • / s / _ .E1 tl, ""AI SPACES /•• / f 0 J /� 111 E 66s WILDIM AREA PER PACE:su 34•R./STALL i '• ,� ,1- S. t1P • ,c t / 0 101 I lil /� 1 4./ ; �-,-, 00 N�nt • • ��t MT I vv 7 L • ''••• • •• Y' ot'' 7 g -i v�\� Joy• ••e�• THREE \iro. ONE ` - , 8 � E•/l.itj • vain Cf 1..1 �. `�...�. ,�. -1 s'Tgnm AL.AN CX H H; iT 13 iT"t FLA!tj • 1 SITE DATA: lot ERtAI 291.SN Opti ZONING:COMOCIAt RETAIL altotNG COvttAOt: 79.111E".17 33.21 PARING AIB atYMtTS: INGJet fo•ri. 3T.ii 4' / / - OEM AN: 3.Tt1 fo.►T. OIpS too silos: 2.190 30I. CANGSprING p.33814.It. 31.0 WISIIA•e ATt.1,e.r.: 31J11 sort. IL If Q /! aMSdptfO CRIER eANG: 38.130 fo.►T. oa / BUILDING DATA: / / / y MAIL ANG MICE S►ACE: / / / o l LOr11 11000:!0 fullolNGs AT"is SO.". UPPER PLACING:le eYIt01NG!AT fll!fo.►T. 11.120 f0•►T. /10JLCi IOTAt / / ! •`r I'• o•'.1+.aa • 8•� % ! • ai•+c t+ PARKING DATA:- ti ,�� • _�ws. �.+s+i.r'_"_ 211 stiNGA10 1'138'SPACES /� %/ ,• ( !.• •t •��-1,. •.' Ib: t PACES rONGKca"CAP 1••19•PACES WIN 1•tOOOING TOTAL fPApf b �• ..� S '�. ! { .lYs� % ��,i 1��•f e001f 9UI101NG AREA PER 3►Api 202 f0•ri./fTAll ~ / •• / •' / !�• ' ` - JAI 41 On I It tier /'M%/ �'!• r s"c'F�': : i� "{�• •••, Q / 3117/ T 4'/ - Co �-•'. ••y�►+r••• o� / • •( / � L A• / � roti • � a• • �F 114 / ! / • +s,� 1 �\ Q�' ••a THREE ` bbb a / ...rJa�L e.aiiii[e+•uo 4 �., ``�^ .. 4-t • EX H l9iT L- FIRE HYDRANTS--- � gary mt a gch d swau Er architEct and associates HOTEL PARK DEVELOPER STATEMENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: HOTEL PARK BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CENTER IS A FOUR PHASE RETAIL, OFFICE, AND RESTAURANT COMPLEX CONSISTING OF ELEVEN BUILDINGS, TOTALLING 69,696 SQ.FT.ON A 291,780 SQ. FT. OR 6.70 AC. SITE. PHASE ONE: FIVE TWO-STORY RETAIL AND OFFICE BUILDINGS OF 6072 SQ.FT. EACH, TOTALLING 30,360 SQ.FT: ; COVERING 137,614 SQ.FT.OR 3.16 AC. OF SITE AREA. PHASE TWO: THREE TWO-STORY RETAIL AND OFFICE BUILDINGS OF 6072 SQ.FT. EACH, TOTALLING 18,216 SQ.FT. ; COVERING 56,589 SQ.FT. OR 1.3 AC. OF SITE AREA. . PHASE THREE:TWO TWO-STORY RETAIL AND OFFICE BUILDINGS OF 6072 SQ.FT. EACH, TOTALLING 12,144 SQ.FT. ; COVERING 72,464 SQ.FT. OR 1.66 AC. OF SITE AREA. PHASE FOUR: 300 SEAT ONE STORY RESTAURANT OF 8976 SQ.FT. , COVERING 25,133 SQ.FT. OR .58 AC. OF SITE AREA. ALONG WITH THE PRECISE PLAN APPLICATION, WE ARE SUBMITTING A PARCEL MAP TO DIVIDE THE PROJECT INTO FOUR PARCELS. THE PARCEL LINES WILL GENERALLY FOLLOW THE PHASING LINES. IT IS THE INTENT OF THE DEVELOPER TO FURTHER SUBDIVIDE THE PROJECT INTO AIRSPACE CONDOMINIUMS, AT A LATER DATE, TO ALLOW SEPARATE OWNERSHIP OF INDIVIDUAL SHOPS AND OFFICES. IT WOULD BE PREMATURE AT THIS POINT TO APPLY FOR THE CONDOMINIUM, SINCE TENANTS HAVE NOT BEEN DETERMINED AT THIS TIME. PROJECT DESIGN: THE SITE HAS EXISTING OR PROPOSED ROADS ON THREE SIDES, TOTALLING 66% OF THE PERIMETER. THERE IS OVER 40 FEET OF ELEVATION CHANGE WITHIN THE SITE. EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO SAVE THE EXISTING WHITE OAK TREES ON THE SITE, AND TO MINIMIZE ALTERATION OF LANDFORMS. THE SIX TREES ALONG CAPISTRANO AVENUE WILL HAVE TO BE REMOVED TO ACCOMODATE THE REQUIRED ROAD WIDENING. ONLY FIVE TREES WITHIN THE PROJECT WILL HAVE TO BE REMOVED, WITH TWENTY-SIX REMAINING. post office box 1177 cambria california 93428 805 927 3987 2450 main suite c 5850 west mall cambria california atascadero california 80S 927 3987 805 466 0886 EAH IBIT D DEV ELDPEQ STATE M E�J T � O gary michael swauger architEct and associates HOTEL PARK DEVELOPER STATEMENT PAGE 2 PARKING CALCULATIONS: SINCE TENANTS , HAVE NOT BEEN DETERMINED AT THIS TIME, WE HAVE CALCULATED THE PARKING BASED ON A MIX OF USES WITH HIGHER INTENSITIES THAN ANTICIPATED. THIS WILL PROVIDE MORE PARKING THAN REQUIRED BY CITY ORDINANCES. BUILDINGS 1-10: LOWER FLOOR THREE EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENTS AT 740 SQ.FT. EACH, 2220 SQ.FT. TOTAL. 25% KITCHEN=555 SQ.FT. AT 100 SQ.FT./SPACE 6 SPACES 75% EATING 1665 SQ.FT. AT 60 SQ.FT./SPACE 28 SPACES EMPLOYEES=27 TABLES AT 6 TABLES/SPACE 6 SPACES THREE FOOD AND BEVERAGE SALES AT 740 SQ.FT. EACH, 2220 SQ.FT. TOTAL. 2240 SQ.FT. AT 200 SQ.FT./SPACE 12 SPACES SEVENTY FOUR GENERAL MERCHANDISE SHOPS AT 740 SQ.FT. EACH, 25,160 SQ.FT. TOTAL. 25,160 SQ.FT. AT 350 SQ.FT./SPACE 72 SPACES SUB-TOTAL 124 SPACES BUILDINGS 1-10: UPPER FLOOR FORTY OFFICES AT 778 SQ.FT. EACH, 31,120 SQ.FT. TOTAL. 40 OFFICES AT 2 SPACES/OFFICE 80 SPACES RESTAURANT: 8896 SQ.FT. TOTAL, 33% KITCHEN AREA, 67% DINING AREA 2962 SQ.FT. KITCHEN AT 100 SQ.FT./SPACE 30 SPACES 6014 SQ.FT. DINING AT 20 SQ.FT./SEAT=300 SEATS 300 SEATS AT 1 SPACE/4 SEATS 75 SPACES EMPLOYEES: 75 TABLES AT 6 TABLES/SPACE 13 SPACES SUBTOTAL 118 SPACES TOTAL 322 SPACES THE SHARED ON-SITE PARKING ADJUSTMENT AS PER 9-4.115(f) ALLOWS A REDUCTION OF 20%. THIS WOULD REDUCE THE REQUIRED PARKING TO 258 SPACES. THE PROJECT PROVIDES 266 SPACES. WE ARE REQUESTING THE 20% PARKING ADJUSTMENT. post office box 1177 cambria california 93428 805 927 3987 2450 main suite c 5850 west mall cambria california atascadero california BO5 927 3987 805 466 0886 40 EJCH I LIT D f" EXHIBIT E - FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL Precise Plan 30-87 5805 Capistrano (Messer/Swauger) 1. The proposed project or use is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The proposed project or use satisfies all applicable provisions of this Title. 3. The establishment, and subsequent operation or conduct of the use will not, because of the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety or wel- fare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to prop- erty or improvements in the vicinity of the use. 4. The proposed project or use will not be inconsistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development. 5. The proposed use or project will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the pro- ject, either existing or to be improved in conjunction with the project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood that would result from full development in accordance with the Land Use Elemerrt. 6. The appearance of the project is in compliance with the City' s Appearance Review Guidelines. .r EXHIBIT F - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Precise Plan 30-87 5805 Capistrano (Messer/Swauger) 1. All construction shall be in conformance with Exhibit B (site plan) , Exhibit C (fire hydrants) , Exhibit F (conditions of ap- proval) , and shall comply to all applicable City codes and ordin- ances. Any modification to this approval shall be approved by the Community Development Department prior to implementing any changes. 2. Complete landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to, and subsequently approved by, the Community Development Department, prior to issuance of building permits (Section 9-4.124) . The fol- lowing items shall be noted or detailed on these plans: a. All areas including setbacks, parking lots, and unused areas shall be landscaped appropriately (Section 9-4.125 (a) ) . b. Concrete curbing, or a functional equivalent, shall be pro- vided to enclose all required landscaping. C. All existing trees with a diameter of eight (8) inches or more shall be shown.. Trees which are to be removed shall be noted as such. A tree protection plan, including fencing and other necessary measures to protect existing oaks, shall be submitted for approval by the Community Development Depart- ment prior to the issuance of a building permit. d. Proposed landscaping shall be accompanied with a planting schedule which includes species, container sizes, number of plants or flats, and the space distribution of ground cover . Replacement oak trees shall be planted along the extension of Highway 41. e. Ten percent (10%) of the parking area shall be landscaped with shade trees approximately 30 feet on center. f. Five (5) foot of landscaped area with six (6) foot fencing is required along the northeasterly property line. g. Where parking spaces are arranged to head toward a street, a three (3) foot high landscaped berm is required. 3. One (1) trash enclosure for each phase shall be provided with ap- propriate details (Section 9-4. 129) as shown on Exhibit B. Please note that the construction standards require the bottom of the trash enclosure area to be concrete or an equivalent impervious material. Trash facilities shall be integrated into the design of the building (s) that they serve. 4. Three (3) fire hydrants shall be installed at the locations desig- nated in Exhibit C, prior to combustible construction occurring on-site. 5. A grading and drainage plan prepared by a registered civil en- gineer shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to the issuance of building permits. These plans shall include the following: a. Soils report b. Earthwork quantity C. Retaining walls to be coordinated with future Highway 41 im- provements. d. Measures to reduce velocity of water and erosion on and off the site. All grading/drainage work is to be completed prior to final build- ing inspection. 6. Structural plan check will occur during building permit process- ing, however , the following preliminary items have been noted: a. Four foot deck cannot project into the ten (10) foot setback (unless non-combustible) . b. One (1) hour protection is required for walls less than 20 feet from property line. C. Some buildings maybe classified as three (3) story. 7. The submitted plans are generally in compliance with the City' s Appearance Review Guidelines with the exception of the following: a. Mechanical equipment is to be screened including: roof- mounted, PG&E facilities, and trash enclosures. b. A master signage plan requires approval prior to issuance of sign permits. Projects with over 1.00 square feet of signage require a conditional use permit. C. Provision of outdoor public seating areas. d. Elevation or cross-section showing landscaping in relation to buildings. e. Exterior lighting is not shown. 8 . A 12 ' 6" setback is required along full Highway 41 property front- age. 9. Two hundred sixty-six (266) parking spaces shall be provided. The slope of the parking area cannot exceed 7%. This includes the is granting of an 18% parking adjustment and a parking area slope adjustment to exceed 5%. No further adjustments shall be granted. 1 10. A traffic report shall be prepared, supplemental to the ARE, Inc. Atascadero Creek Bridge study (November, 1987) . The report shall analyze the traffic impacts generated by this project and present recommendations for mitigation measures, if necessary. Special attention will be given to the Santa Ysabel/Highway 41 intersec- tion, the Capistrano/Lewis Avenue intersection, and the Capis- trano/West Mall intersection. 11. The applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from Caltrans for work within their right-of-way. Caltrans shall verify that plans are compatible with plans for Highway 41, including 28 foot wide access drives. 12. Applicant shall obtain a sewer connection permit from the Public Works Department prior to hooking up to the public sewer. Appli- cant shall pay all sewer fees in effect at the time of obtaining permits for sewer service and fees in effect at time of connec- tion. 13. Applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from the Public Works Department and sign an inspection agreement and a curb and gutter agreement, guaranteeing that the work will be done and in- spections paid for, prior to issuance of a building permit, and construct improvements as directed by the encroachment permit prior to final building inspection. 14. Road improvement plans, including drainage, prepared by a regis- tered civil engineer, shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development arrd Public Works Departments prior to issu- ance of building permits for Phase I, unless otherwise specified. These plans shall include : a. Curb, gutter , five (5) foot sidewalk, and 20 foot paveout from centerline on Lewis Avenue (South Mall Extension) . Con- struction of Lewis Avenue (South Mall Extension) shall term- inate at the northwesterly curb return of the Capis- trano/Lewis Avenue (South Mall Extension) intersection. Fu- ture construction shall be bonded f&r west of the above term- ination and shall eventually terminate easterly of the exist- ing creek tributary to Atascadero Creek, and the profile of Lewis Avenue (South Mall Extension) will be established ade- quate to provide transition to the proposed bridge crossing. The easterly termination shall match the westerly termination of the Bank of America development of Lewis Avenue (South Mall Extension) . b. Construction of Capistrano within new alignment, as determined by the City Engineer . This shall include curb, gutter and sidewalk on the easterly side of Capistrano along property frontage, as well as a pedestrian linkage with the Atascadero Creek bridge. Pedestrian access is also needed from Lewis Avenue (South Mall Extension) to Highway 41 by the addition of an on-site sidewalk parallel to the primary pro- ject access on Lewis Avenue (South Mall Extension) . C. The possible reconstruction of vertical curve on Capistrano as determined by the City Engineer . The vertical curve on Capistrano will be evaluated to satisfy a 30 mph design speed and a stop condition at Lewis Avenue. d. Future road improvements for Highway 41 shall be compatible with approved highway plans as determined by Caltrans. These shall include curb, gutter, and sidewalk, and refer to the Caltrans plans showing the required left-turn channelization. Prior to issuance of permits for Phase III development, these highway plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City and Caltrans. e. Road improvements for all three street frontages shall in- clude provisions for street trees. Construction of road im- provements shall be completed (or bonded for) prior to the final building inspection for Phase I , with the exception of the required Highway 41 improvements which shall be completed (or bonded for) prior to final building inspection for Phase III. 15. The applicant shall make the following offers of dedication: a. Offer of dedication on Capistrano Avenue as shown on map, and as determined by the City Engineer. b. Additional offer of dedication on Capistrano at frontage of proposed Parcel A as determined by the City Engineer . C. A six (6) foot public utility easement along full frontage of Lewis Avenue (South Mall Extension) and Highway 41. d. An open space easement dedication along the creek to the west side of new alignment of Capistrano. e. All offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneously to final '•building inspection. 16. Each phase shall meet all development standards of the Zoning Or- dinance including access, parking, landscaping, and trash enclo- sure. The phasing of public improvements shall also be provided to ensure that each phase functions independently. Phase II de- velopment requires provision of an additional access drive, either by connection with the Bank of America parking lot or future High- way 41. 17. The road abandonment (portion of Capistrano remaining after re- alignment) shall be recorded prior to issuance of permits for Phase I. 18. All development fees in effect at the time of issuance of permits will be paid by the applicant, and any credits will be determined as per ordinance. 19. All existing and new utilities shall be placed underground. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. 20. This precise plan is approved for a period of one year from the date of final approval. (December 8, 1987) . Where a project phas- ing schedule has been approved, construction permits shall be ob- tained and substantial work shall be performed on at least one approved building within that one year period. Construction must continue at a reasonable pace with no interruption greater than 180 consecutive days. �r EXHIBIT G - Findings for Approval Tentative Tract Map 25-89 (Tract 1858) 5805 Capistrano Ave. (Hotel Park) February 20, 1990 ENVIRONMENTAL FINDING: The proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment. The Negative Declaration previously prepared for the project is adequate. MAP FINDINGS: 1. The proposed map is consistent with the applicable General or Specific Plan. 2. The design and/or improvements of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the applicable General or Specific Plan. 3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed type of development. 4. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 5. The design of the subdivision, as conditioned, and the proposed improvements, will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. 6. The design of the subdivision, and the type of the improvements, will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or the use of property within the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7. The design of the subdivision and/or the type of proposed improvements will not cause serious health problems. EXHIBIT H - Conditions of Approval Tentative Tract Map 25-89 5805 Capistrano Ave. (Hotel Park) February 20, 1990 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1 . Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water lines shall exist at the frontage of each parcel prior to recording the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility easements, pipelines, and other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. The open space lots shall be designated as Public Utility Easements. 3. Prior to recording any final map, a phasing plan recording sequence shall be submitted for review and acceptance by the City Engineer and Community Development Director. The phasing plan shall include the phasing of the construction of the required public improvements. 4. The applicant shall establish Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use, control of nuisances, and architectural control of the site and the building (s) . a. These CC&Rs shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney and the Community Development Director prior to the approval of the final map. b. These CC&Rs shall provide for common ingress, egress, and parking on all driveways and designated parking areas. C. These CC&Rs shall be administered by a Condominium Owners Association. 5. A reciprocal agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed, and a note to this effect shall be placed on the final map(s) , covering: a. ingress and egress b. parking C. sewer, water, utilities, and storm water facilities. 6. A soils report or an Engineer' s certification stating that existing soils on the site are adequate to support the proposed structure as per Chapter 70, subsection (e) of the Uniform Building Code shall be provided prior to the recording of the final map. 7. A final map, in compliance with all conditions set forth herein, shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 8. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. PAGE FOUR MINUTES EXCERPT — PLANNING COMMISSION 2/20/90 2 . The site is not physically su ble for the proposed type of development. 3 . The site is not physic y suitable for the proposed density of developme (Flag Lot Findings) 1 . The =divisiis not consistent with the character of the ghb ood. 2 . The f g lot is not justified by topographical co tions. The motion carried 6 : 1 with Commissioner Hanauer dissenting. 2. TENTATIVE TRACT NAP 25-8g : Application filed by Glen Lewis, et al (North Coast Engineering) to subdivide one parcel (6 .7 acres) into four lots of 2 .17, 1 .60, 1.67 and 1 .25 acres each. The proposal also includes the creation of 81 commercial condominium units. Subject site is located at 5805 Capistrano Avenue (Hotel Park) . Doug Davidson presented the staff report and provided a background concerning the prior precise plan approval for this property. He noted that staff is not concerned with the ownership of this property, but with the orderly development of the site in light of previous project approvals. Staff is recommending approval subject to eight conditions. Commission questions and discussion followed. Commissioner Luna asked questions relative to vesting commercial maps and estimated time frames for completion of the various phasings for the map; he expressed concern with the timeliness of the completion of the project. Mr. Davidson responded that the map approval is tied together with the precise plan in assuring that all necessary requirements will be complied with. There was continued discussion relative to project commitment concerning the amount of work to date which has included substantial site grading. Commissioner Luna inquired whether any provisions have been made for passive and natural heating and cooling design for the buildings . Mr. Davidson responded that the Subdivision ordinance contains a guideline for the orientation of the buildings. In this case, all four of the lots do not meet PAGE FIVE MINUTES EXCERPT - PLANNING COMMISSION 2/20/90 the guideline; however, the four lots contain adequate space for solar exposure and the building orientation is adequate for same. Commissioner Brasher asked for clarification on provisions for architectural control. Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin asked who will be responsible for assuring that all the necessary requirements are complied with after the property assumes different owners . Mr. Davidson explained that with the tract map and precise plan, orderly processing will be insured with a change of ownership. Commissioner Hanauer stated that he felt there has been an incredible commitment to the project with a considerable amount of money invested already. In response to question from Commissioner Waage, Mr. Davidson explained that the letters of credit are individual for a total of $80,000 ( for eight trees) , and are worded such that prior to final building inspection of a particular phase, then the certificates can be returned (provided no tree damage has occurred) . Discussion followed. Commissioner Brasher expressed concern that the fencing around the protected trees is too close and way under the dripline with a lot of undercutting being done to the roots . Steve Sylvester with North Coast Engineering, representing the applicant, stated his concurrence with the recommenda- tion and added that staff has done an excellent job of protecting the City against issues such as potential problems of multiple ownerships, phasing of the project, tree protection, erosion control etc. He pointed out the substantial significant expense paid by the developer prior to seeing any return on the project, and that it is the applicant' s intent to see this development through to completion. Mr. Sylvester spoke about vesting maps for a commercial project adding that you would never see this much detail on any other project that would come to you as a vesting tentative map. Mr. Sylvester explained his understanding of the purpose and intent of vesting maps for commercial projects . Discussion continued relative to the difference between commercial and residential vesting maps. Commissioner Waage expressed concern with access off of Highway 41 to the proposed restaurant. PAGE SIX MINUTES EXCERPT - PLANNING COMMISSION 2/20/90 MOTION: Made by Commissioner Highland and seconded by Commissioner Hanauer to approve Tentative Tract Map 25-89 subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval contained in the staff report. Commissioner Luna stated he would not support the motion and in referencing Attorney General opinion (No. 80-702) regarding passive natural heating and cooling design requirements, he could not see how the precise plan as approved could satisfy the City' s Subdivision Ordinance (Section No. 11-8.203) . In response to question from Commissioner Hanauer, Mr. Decamp explained that the intent of that portion of the Subdivision ordinance was to suggest to subdividers that, where possible, solar orientation be taken into account in the design of projects. The motion carried 5 : 2 with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Highland, Hanauer, Waage, Lopez-Balbontin, and Chairperson Lochridge NOES: Commissioners Luna and Brasher dh- C. INDIVIDUAL COMMENT 1. Planning Commission Chairperson Lochridge repor d on the possibility of cancelling the March 20, 1 0 meeting due to the Planning Commissioners Institute ginning early morning on March 21st. It was the COmmi ioners' consensus to cancel the March 20, 1990 meetin and adjourn to the meeting of April 3, 1990. Commissioner Luna sked that staff obtain a City Attorney opinion on the terpretation of Section 9-3 . 144 (Application f Performance Standards) in the Zoning Ordinance. Commission r Highland remarked there seems to be a new/used "car lot" developing on the corner of Morro Road and Atascad o Avenue. Mr. Decamp stated staff will look into the m ter. 2. City Planner Decamp reported on Amtrak train schedules to San Diego for the conference if any Commission member is interested in taking the train. REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item A-3 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 3/13/90 From: Henry Engen , Community Development Director , SUBJECT: Resolution No. 24-90 Expanding the List of Certified Arborists Authorized to Prepare Tree Protection Plans . RECOMMENDATION: Acceptance of attached Resolution No. 24-90 . BACKGROUND: The City has received the attached letter from Arbor Tree Surgery requesting that Michael Forister and Steven Alvarez be added to the City ' s list of certified arborists . ANALYSIS: Ordinance No. 168 , „the Tree Ordinance" , provides teat. „tree pro- tection plans shall be approved by an International Society of Arboriculture ( _SA " certified arborist. . . . designated by resolution of the City Council as acceptable to the City of Atascadero" . To implement this provision of the ordinance , Resolution No. 33-88 was adopted which listed all of the ISA certified arborists as of June , 1987 . The attached letter includes proof of ISA cert-f ication for Mesvers Forister and A!,larez . HE -- ph Enclosures : Resolution No. 24-90 Arbor Tree Surgery Letter of Reauest --c : Arbor Tree Surgery RESOLUTION NO. 24-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 33-88 TO EXPAND THE LIST OF CERTIFIED ARBORISTS AUTHORIZED TO PREPARE TREE PROTECTION PLANS IN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero has adopted Reso- lution No. 33-88 designating arborists certified to prepare tree protection pians pursuant to Section 9-4. 155( b) ; and WHEREAS, the International Society of Arboriculture ( ISA) has certified additional individuals desirous of preparing tree pro- tection plans within the City of Atascaderc; and WHEREAS, amending said list is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. NOW, THEREFORE, The Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to add the following certified arborists to the list approved by Resolution No. 33-88 : Michael Forister - #394 Steven G. Alvarez - #51 On motion by and seconded by the motion was approved by the following rol 'i call vote AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor ATTEST: LEE DAYKA, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RAY WINDSOR, City Manager Resolution No. 24-90 Page Two APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER MONTANDON, City Attorney PREPARED BY: �7 HENRY ENGEN Community Development Director RICHARD ALVAREZ, OWNER 802 PASO ROBLES STREET TELEPHONE: (805) 239-1239 PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 - r _ i 9 FEB 2"), 193:1 NNE February 22,1990 To: The City of Atascadero From: Arbor Tree Surgery Subject: Certified Arborists List To whom it may concern: We would appreciate if you would add the following employees to the Certified Arborists List. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Michael Forister-Certification #394,received September 17,1988. Steven G. Alvarez-Certification #511,received September 16,1989. Sincerely, Michael Forister Steven . Alvarez Arbor Tree Surgery WESTERN CMAPTIER soms MICHAEL FQRISTER Has been certified as an Arborist by the western Chapter of the .. tional Society of Arboriculture. 9/17/88 9117/91 Authmi,,d Signature Date c:FaWes t oa n b (� C*) ars � � � • C doe AOL r �! CO G v �' r.•"t7 CO • F f FEE ZZ ' S^ 9 : 40 FROM PRBOR PPSO ROBLES TO PRBOR—ATPS PAGE . 001 d, 'rY'�P e`. �� ^a +r r rr A, ZlT WA ..` 4,.ray ate:. V a aa•• -. �, d w V ' i.TF �e SII , yY�� 1 �►��'� �'. M. §: ti. M ✓ � ��h raw r: � ;^�. f, �t;;,,T �•• � h JAI ^`,� irre,•' 1 % %r F 1 - r CT,ty:, fig.n` K�w• �r, �v urn'�"•, �'�' rA''' r _.5�' 4.1 ta ti ;y Z � y tt •M�' 11 �vf �'y1„h` .. r , � '��+r�YA+ r �r� pXy x ��a��i�t�:'.�, ac:i'6'r��� o> l'# � •.. •Y�' =,L'`\� >• . 4z �� fja •"{1';NrftY .s. w a W'off ' TOTAL PAt.F _ nn 1 : REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-4 (A&B) Through: Ray Windsor , City Manager Meeting Date: 3/13/90 From: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director SUBJECT: Technical Adjustments to Resolutions 13-90 and 14-90/ Salary and Position Resolutions RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council adopt the attached two resolutions, making minor corrections to the Salary and Position Resolutions. BACKGROUND: Council adopted resolutions 13-90 and 14-90 at its February 27, 1990 session. Subsequently, it was discovered that the Deputy City Clerk salary range was inadvertently left out of the salary schedule and the position of Plan Check Engineer was not included in the Position Authorization Resolution. The purpose of these two resolutions is to properly document staffing and salary costs. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact , since both positions have already been budgeted . RESOLUTION NO. 28-90 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING RESOLUTION 13-90 ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR CITY EMPLOYEES BE IT RESOLVED, that Section One: That the salary schedule for permanent authorized positions shall be as set forth in Exhibit One, which is made a part of this resolution; and Section Two : That this resolution shall be effective January 1 , 1990. On motion by Councilperson and seconded by Councilperson the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE: ATTEST: LEE DAYKA, CITY CLERK ROLLIN DEXTER, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ARTHER MONTANDON RAY WINDSOR City Attorney City Manager yr `. `I. 1b ins %W 11tt u/ b 7 rr lav 7 v✓ �v V vd rr V J ._/ ,� A w O b b J T O W N b m V b P N 1 O b TJ 1 T I_Nt I> 0. 0 0- D LI 0 4CACIICR"0 � COCrl0 .PA FJrJI44MrM4IMMMrrHrrrrrrl0000000 1 CW CG20 00 &100+a 0 00G1 �i'7( 00333333!333333333 33;3333333 t ZD CC Wo NUSrnUSUi NU) U533 tTitTt333333133: 3333333 3S,� t:1iT C14'� '.1 I �1C�1 i JsA A a b 0. 0> 00, 0, 0- W A 0•W0, -J -J 14AWNNWWWNIFJtJWNNNWNW W WN'rJFJrJNWt4 i oc- qr J W M W W t• 0► - W w WC0Cr1C9 W•J10 _j Wr1%)!Lq OM., FjN 4f%) w ' LnwrrrrMrr 1 00 4+ r N r 4 r r r N N FJ N 0 r r r r M t+ v1 M 0 r M tt !FJ r' rJ -J 1i C0 CD M M M r.H H M H H H O ( 0 ti! WO rr N►, OHOCRr OrOOr OOOOOtJt•JOOOO 0000 !" 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I ?� I I i ( rFJ -j 10 W 1 m � ao mIm ti0 -iC~ bI m j oo a0J i I i I I I i I l I I I I RESOLUTION N0. 29-90 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING RESOLUTION 14-90 ESTABLISHING PERMANENT AUTHORIZED POSITIONS IN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BE IT RESOLVED, that Section One: That the number of permanent authorized positions by Department and Classification shall be as set forth in Exhibit One, which is made a part of this resolution and Section Two : That this resolution shall be effective January 1 , 1990. On motion by Councilperson and seconded by Councilperson the following resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE: ATTEST: LEE D K , AY .A CITY CLERK ROLLIN DEXTER, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ARTHER MONTANDON RAY WINDSOR City Attorney City Manager a CITY OF ATASCADERO PERMANENT POSITIONS ALLOCATED FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989-1990 Effective January 1 , 1990 CITY CLERK Deputy City Clerk 0.5 Department Total 0.5 CITY MANAGER City Manager 1 .0 Secretary to the City Manager 1 .0 Department Total 2.0 POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief of Police 1 .0 Police Lieutenant 2.0 Police Sergeant 4 .0 Police Agent 5.0 Police Officer 16.0 Support Services Manager 1 .0 Support Services Lead Technician 1 .0 Support Services Technician 6.5 Department Total 36.5 FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief i .0 Battalion Chief 2 .0 Fire Captain- 4.0 Fire Engineer* 4 .0 Firefighter* 4 .0 Administrative Secretary 1 .0 Department Total 16.0 *Up to six positions may be designated Paramedics PUBLIC WORKS Director of Public Works/City Engineer 1 .0 Sensor Civil Engineer 1 .0 Engineering Technician II 1 .0 Engineering Technician 1 1 .0 Administrative Secretary 1 . 0 Superintendent of PL,Ulic Works 1 .0 Street Maintenance Supervisor 1 .0 Maintenance Leadwo-er 1 .0 Maintenance Worker iI 4 . 0 Building Maintenance Specialist i .() 0 Custodian 2.0 Chief of Wastewater Operations 1 .0 Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator iI 1 .0 Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator 1 1 .0 Wastewater Trtment Plant Operator-in-Training 1 .0 Department Total 19.0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Director of Community Development City Planner 1 .0 Senior Planner 1 .0 Assistant Planner 2.0 Building Official 1 .0 Plan Check Engineer 1 .0 Senior Building Inspector 1 • n Building Inspector lI 2.0 Administrative Secretary 1 .6 Building Aide 1 .0 Office assistant iI 1 . 0 Department Total 13.6 PARKS, RECREATION AND ZOO Director of Parka . Recreation Zoo 1 . :> Assistant ParF:s, Recreation u Zoo Director 1 .0 Recreation Supervisor 2.0 Administrative Secretary 1 .0 Park Supervisor 1 •`-' Maintenance Worker II 2.0 Maintenance Worker 1 1 .0 Department Total 1.0.0 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Director of Administrative Services 1 •p Assistant Finance Director 1 .`) Administ�-ative Secretary 1 .0 Finance Technician 1 •� Account Clerk II 1 =3 Account Clerk i 1 .5 Personnel Coordinator = • p Department Total 7.5 TOTAL FULL-TIME PERMANENT POSITIONS 105. 1 p`.sta,ffBy . PG REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM: A-5 CITY OF ATASCADERO THROUGH: Ray Windsor , City Manager MEETING DATE: FROM: Andrew Takata, Director 3/13/90 Parks Recreation and Zoo Department SUBJECT• AWARD OF SEWER CLEANING JET TRUCK - BID NUMBER 90-1 RECOMMENDATION: City Council award Bid Number 90-1 for a net amount of 68,906.00 for the purchase of one sewer cleaning jet truck to : DewPar Equipment Company 23891 Via Fabricante Mission Viejo , Ca. 92691 DISCUSSION: This item was discussed and authorized as part of the 1989/90 budget update. DewPar Equipment Company was the lowest of two bids received , as per attached memorandum from the City Clerk ' s Office. FISCAL IMPACT• Funds sufficient to purchase the Sewer Cleaning Jet Truck has been budgeted in the fiscal year 1989/90 budget . AJT: kv M E M O R A N D U M TO: Andy Takat FROM: Don Leib SUBJECT : Sewer Jet Truck - Bid No . 90-1 DATE: February 27, 1990 Bids were received February 16 , 1990 for a new sewer cleaning jet truck for the Sanitation Division . Two bids were received. DewPar Equipment - New Truck w/cleaner 65 . 900 (Aquatech) Sales Tax 4 , 006 Net FOB Atascadero 69, 906 Less Trade-In _11000 Net FOB Atascadero $68, 906 Haacker Eauipment - New Truck 67, 850 .29 (Vactor) Sales Tax 4 ,240 . 64 Net FOB Atascadero 72 . 090 . 93 Less Trade-In =3 000_00 Net FOB Atascadero $69, 090 . 93 I would recommend we accept the low bid of DewPar Equipment , with trade-in, of $68, 906 . 00. Funds are in the Sanitation Capital Outlay account No . 790-0900-084-314 . Budget for this purchase is $70, 000. Please refer to attached Bid Summary from City Clerk BID SUMMARY TO: Don Leib Public Works FROM: Lee Dayka City Clerk BID NO. 90-1 OPENED 2/16/90 10:00 A.M. PROJECT: Sewer Cleaner Supplier Description: Total Price: Delivery: Haaker Equip . Co . GMC Vactor 850 $729090.93 180-150 days 3505 Pomona Blvd. ( 1500 gallon) Pomona , CA 91768 With trade-in: 69,090.93 •Supplier : Description• Total Price: Delivery: Dew-Par Equip . GMC C7HO42 $690906.00 120-180 days 23891 Via Fabricante (Aquatech ) (30% disc . Mission Viejo , CA available) 92691 With trade-in ! 680906.00 • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM: A-6 CITY OF ATASCADERO THROUGH: Ray Windsor , City Manager MEETING DATE: FROM: Andrew Takata, Director 3/13/90 Parks , Recreation and Zoo Department SUBJECT: AWARD OF DIAL A RIDE BUS BID - BID NUMBER 89-9 RECOMMENDATION: City Council award Bid Number 89-9 for a net amount of $79,238.37 for the purchase of two Dial-A-Ride busses to : United Bus Corporation (Champion) 6700 South Garfield Avenue Bell Gardens, California DISCUSSION: This item was discussed and authorized as part of the 1989/90 budget update. United Bus Corporation was the lowest of three bids received , as per attached memorandum FISCAL IMPACT• Funds sufficient to purchase the two Dial-A-Ride busses have been budgeted in the fiscal year 1989/90 budget . AJT: kv M 9 M 0 N A N D U M TO: Andv Takata FROM: Don Leib /� SUBJECT : DAR Bus Bids No . 89-9 DATE: February 27 . 1990 Bids were received January 15 , 1990 for two new buses to be used for Dial-A-Ride . Bids received were : United Bus Corp (Champion) %Paul Nyman 6700 S . Garfield Ave Bell Gardens , CA 2 Buses @ $34 . 691 $68 , 382 . 00 Sales Tax 4 , 336 . 37 2 Lift Inst . @ 4010 _ 8 . 020 . 00 TOTAL $81 .738 . 37 Less Trade-In on 2 Buses 2,500 00 NET FOB ATASCADERO $79,238.37 Alpha Bus Corp (Champion) %Stephen French, V .P. 1821 W. 213th Unit C Torrance , CA 2 Buses @ $35 ,710 $71 .420 . 00 Sales Tax 4 ,463 .75 2 Lift Inst . @ 3035 _ 6 . 070 . 00 NET FOB ATASCADERO $81 ,953.75 No Trade-In Quoted Wide-One Corporation %Frank Morgan , V .P. 3051 E. La Palma Avenue Anaheim, CA 2 Buses @ $33 ,532 $67 . 064 . 00 Sales Tax 4 . 191 .50 2 Lift Inst . @ 8908 _17 . 816 . 00 TOTAL $89, 071 .50 Less Trade-In , 2 Buses __4000_00 NET FOB ATASCADERO $85 ,071 .50 • The City has received Section 18 Grants for both of these buses which will cover 80% of the purchase price . The City must , however, front the entire cost and apply for the grant monies . Funds for this purchase are in Acct . # 250-765- 50-404 . Due to the low trade-in offered by the low bidder , I would suggest we accept the low bid and retain the trade-ins to be surplused and disposed of at a later date. REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A - 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 3-13-90 From: Richard H. McHale, Chief of Police 01'/ ----------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT: Purchase of new furniture for police facility. RECOMMENDATION: By motion, authorize staff to purchase new office furniture for the new P.D. from Prison Industries, State of California, for a total amount not to exceed $23,000. DISCUSSION: Council may recall authorizing an expenditure of $20,000. 00 in the current budget for acquisition of office furniture for the new P.D. In keeping with this, I am proposing that our City purchase the furniture from the California Prison Industry Authority. The furnishings I have requested will include 127 pieces of furniture with 11 desks and chairs, 14 tables, 2 bookcases, 1 credenza plus stacking chairs, side chairs and lobby chairs. It is our plan to move about 25% of our existing police dept. furniture to the new facility for continuing use there. (Much of the furniture we now have was purchased used in 1980 while the new furniture bought at that time was of substandard quality. ) The furnishings I am proposing are built by prisoners who are supervised by State employees in prison factories. I have visited the facilities and am convinced that this furniture is of superior quality to that offered by private industry and at a cost significantly lower than the public market. Additionally, I have personally used the Prison Industries furniture in other police agencies where I've worked and have found it to be much more rugged (due to specific State specifications) than open market furnishings. This item was discussed during our last City staff meeting, and there was concurrence from the group including City Attorney Art Montandon and City Manager Ray Windsor that this is a sound approach for this purchase. FISCAL IMPACT: As indicated, Council previously authorized (fiscal year 1989-90) an expenditure of $20, 000 for furnishing MEETING AUENDA DATE1 f� ITEM 1850 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER • SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 93408 • 805-549-5450 February 15, 1990 Honorable Rollin Dexter DAVID BLAKELY Mayor, City of Atascadero DISTRICT FIVE 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mayor Dexter, The Census Bureau will be conducting its 1990 decennial Census from March 26th to April 1st. It is very important that everyone participates. Therefore, involvement at the local level is crucial. Results of the Census will provide information that directly affects cities and municipalities in many areas. The census information will help to develop social service programs, including programs for the elderly and handicapped; assess transportation systems and improve commuting patterns; identify areas for low-.cost housing programs; and plan school district boundaries and school construction programs, as well as others. As chairman of the Complete Count Committee I would appreciate your assistance in the following areas. First, in adopting a resolution that promotes Census Week. Then bring the resolution to the press conference that will be held on Tuesday, March 27th, at 1:00p.m. on the Monterey Street steps of the County Court House. A sample of a resolution has been enclosed for your convenience. Each of the above mentioned will help to publicize the Census. I appreciate your cooperation, and look forward to having you at the press conference. Please contact my office if you can make it, if you can't, please send a councilmember or other representative. Sincerely, DAVID BLAKELY Supervisor District 5 Enclosure RESOLUTION NO. 30-90 RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL PROCLAIMING MARCH 23-31, 1990 AS "CENSUS WEEK" The following resolution is hereby offered and read: WHEREAS, the United States Constitution mandates a census every 10 years to apportion representatives among the states; and WHEREAS, on April 1, 1990, the Census Bureau will conduct the 21st Decennial census of the United States. The Census Bureau took the first census 200 years ago and has conducted a national census every 10 years since then; and WHEREAS, the census will help develop social service pro- grams, identify areas for low-cost housing programs, assess transportation systems and improve commuting patterns, to name a few; and WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that individual answers are absolutely confidential. The 1990 census records will be held confidential for 72 years--until the year 2062 . WHEREAS, the mandated completion is to deliver apportionment counts to the President by December 31 , 1990; provide data necessary for redistricting to states no later than April 1, 1991 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Atascadero City Council that the week of March 23 through March 31, 1990 is hereby proclaimed as "Census Week", and all residents are urged to stand up and be counted. On motion by Councilmember seconded by Coun- cilmember the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: LEE DAYKA, City Clerk ROLLIN W. DEXTER, Mayor REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM: C-1 CITY OF ATASCADERO THROUGH: Ray Windsor, City Manager MEETING DATE: 3/13/90 FROM: Andrew Takata, Director Parks. Recreation and Zoo Department SUBJECT: SKATEBOARDING - PROPOSED REGULATING ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATION: Direct staff to create a skateboard regulating ordinance that would eliminate skateboarding within the Business Improvement Area boundaries, except between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 am and 3:00 p .m. to 4:00 p .m. , Monday through Friday; and no skateboarding allowed on Saturday and Sunday . BACKGROUND: As per the City Council ' s request , staff has worked with the Skateboard Association and performed several informal surveys of the business community to determine if a skateboard ordinance is necessary. DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS: In order to more effectively determine the need for a skateboard ordinance, the staff initiated two surveys and worked with the Skateboard Association to help alleviate the concerns of the business community. While working with the Skateboard Association ( reference in Exhibit A) , the skateboarder ' s devised a rule of etiquette for use of skateboards . Durino this time, staff informally surveyed the businesses within the Business Improvement Area before and after efforts were made with the Skateboard Association to mitigate concerns, with the following results : FIRST SECOND SURVEY SURVEY QUESTION RESULTS 59% 57% Observed damage to property by skateboards 67% 63% In favor of an ordinance restricting skate- board use 35% 47% In favor of restricting skateboarding in all public areas 42Y. 30% In favor of restricting skateboarding in all commercial areas 23% 23% In favor of restricting skateboarding only in the Business Improvement Area boundaries 65% 47% Business ` receiving comments on concerns of s :ateboardino activities from their customers Since there has not been any substantial improvement ; staff is recommending the creation of a requlating skateboard ordinance. AJT; kv skate2 Exhibit "A" Skateboard Survey Results The skateboard survey was oesigned to get information and comments from business owners concerning skateboarders conduct in agreement with the Mudhole Skateboard Association's progress of the "Rules of Skateboard Etiquette". A. totai of 125 surveys were passed out in the Business Improvement Area and various downtown shopping centers. 55 (44 0) were returned. The City of Atascadero Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department hand delivered these surveys to the areas mentioned above. The area was determined by using a City Planning "lap of the Business Improvement Area. The Survey consisted of a background, a list. of the "Skateboarders' Rules of Etiquette, S close-ended and 3 open-ended c;uestlons, in addition, 4 questions allowed for any comments and descriptio is s A meeting to discuss these matters w i 1 il be i field between the Recr�'?t i�•ri Staff and the Mudhole Associat�4n rn Tuesday, A!ro 2 at l:��lpm at the Reti.re•ation off ice. Results by Cuesrion 1 . 53 (96%) are aware of skateboarding in the do,,. rito;vn area c^d 2(4%) are not. 2. 38 (69%) are aware of the discUsSlOnS between the City Council and t Skateboard Association, and 17 (31 1%) are not. 7. Of those surveyed, 22 (40%) n,ot.iced areae Of t"ieir property tI"rat r eco five skateboard use free of debris. 33 (60?) did not. 4. 19 (35%) of the businesses surveyed responded that ; ustorners have not commented on skateboarders outside of their ect,blisi)mer�t. Of the 36 (65%) that answered s ler ` tr, igiY e l e a� � SG:;'1e of . e cGr i �i .riL a. "! am fearful 4f i;:in^ run over and^'t While wa'i ,ig nin Or ,r y �t„ t tv ly r cilif„�:iJ: )•-•>.,+ C=iU� {.•tiii•te;tt b. 'Those skateboarders are t foolish, re-,Oess, and ir�consiceraie ' "The i he nnisa of trio°y'tenoaf`'" is cisruptive a, n i have ei^'; _. Iii :":em `lti e �tai'KMiQ Gr ::'',Klin 11',! of your [)arkinc spaces „ r+ "Q+8t°hvur>r :rs;r° nit -zreE l or courteous." V• - * u i .•. for- t e, ,The, frighten me c'y the?r onaoe. !t not Sate lher� nr Me r f "it i5 �4��a 1. '{.`f fnA1� t^. � n {{..e• ,..},7i of i'nt .0' T��,y t^I'1r-T 7 n i ',I"!" 7 r. tF.-atop)-. . ')al 0n tIf•,. .IC „, hs V: .i .Ci i-I� " u.: ' . i•U... Lt",yf.jne Or any Coo"' trot nlI.gjlt �, Iro Cnon Y �),;, y "i cull not :e:teve the way skateboarders Vo not 'lock Out to car;.cne h. "They are,very nosti ie anc rude to elder peso ie 5. Responses to ct;servIn-1 damage to your property from skateboarders 'has 29 (53%) yes and 26 (47%) no. Of those that said yes, 29 ( 100%) said it was reported to them. Com-: ents to this question were: a. 1 have seen them trying to jump and do other tricks from planters etc... with predictable results- damage b. Skateboardino marks on my walls, and jumping across my plants. C. Ceramic ti les on sides of the building were broken off and knocked loose. d. Skateboarders used a plastic sign stored in bark of the center as a ramp to ride on. They broke the plastic and le`t the pieces scattered all over the parking lot when cone. e. Skateboarders were using a wooden bench outside the business as a platform for some rind of stunt. As a result, paint was scrapped off the bench. i had to personally chase them away. f. Skateboarders ride on the outside of my office. They have knocked things of my shelves and desk inside the office from it as well l even had a glass painting tall down and brake to pieces from it. 6. 37 (67%) answered Yes they felt that an ordinance restricting the use of skateboards in the downtown area needs to be adopted. 13 (24%) did not. 5 (97,0) did not comment. The type of restrictions they feel should be enforced are- a. Keep cuff sidewalks - away from open businesses. b. Considering skateboarders have no respect for other people and their property, they should e- banneo from an community. They should be banned - period. c. The skated need eed a place to ride. Pre-teen and Teens have nothing in Atasaadero, C-al i f Or,nia. d. A speed nim it, no conaregaiing and going back and forth in same area, ride away from t;u;;rways. e. They Bre a da:g?r forl ,,-lder people who come i. OI eStabliShment. Pian them frorr! Ql;r ;;';dam'. f. Aii private property Should be off limits because of the potential and real dangers. g. Do not damage property and building,stay away from "quite businesses"sucn as doctor offices. h. Pedestrian safEty. nestr ict skateboarding to port ions of the sidewalk along SirE2t, away f roil ,tore doorways. 1. Downtown is not a place for youth recreation unless it is inside a controlled envir oniment tike a skateboard park. 7. If an ordinance was to be inaeted Chase are the f ll "irn a ey would; l i e 01, ty rep. th 1tiCu!G I k, to S It ln: A. in ail r'uoiic areas 19 l3 5-;i"' �. In only tine area 13 �o) in a, i T� u. i i commercial acnes 23 \ ^civ, L. 'tithe' t. !o think that cni idren 'Iii e till.' r ll^' G On StupiJl ' a ,trig !o e til .�i elves" is so naive as.to bo der requests i(l the past for the c`i+e.n, t^ ai cnIa r l +ho,r bel-.a i c mo' Y q p :� E any .! "G .; it .. �. •,,V or hc.J ,I .on rUGeneSS crld nc!n- compliance. To think that tn-so sa,me c n i irre.r, are r,C;w doing to ce so responsible is luaierous. 1, commercial area is;ust l^ ., f�rour�� �'u'J ro Wrl' e e; I t ij &v T• -' ni-�ed to si�ay -.4s S�cewadks'durit-to t;uslness 'fin heavy trAffic ngt.,r�� nzec: a p ate t o r i;:�e, fu r n i S e0 0•y i,,Ouri ty or, pr ivaTe en!er Dr i se. By cloil ng th i s you car el i i nate the to Ms. T h 1 S town as, peciple,ni n T CI ilff-ryc-,-ur;,, 1 J • F,a form of!n a n o o r+—t 4 n fz--1 a Skateboarder has ariIdht, the same as a Ceotrian. Tf)gje- from here to there, What I find irritalino is when they ao back and forth in the same area necause the r_- rovicl,Rs an interestlnc do like,to congregate, so I believe if there were,czslgi'atethat the ;Kateboarders would co tMere. -,:or tMe sake of competition and "showing off skills." b. In my omnion City money should founc and Recreation-i n s I nould have the same priority as funds for .1 1 Re. zatic Fire and Police. What is more imnrtant ",an our young people? Consider itaninvestment. G. 1 do not want the kids banned from skateboard riding. However, they should not damage prooerty or create excessive noise durino business hours. We have noticed an improved behavior of skateboards and and we wfll support them in anyway possible. should� -erne,� their children are doing,and if they can't be, stiff fines I Parents shc ,e more cont., with what th might open their eyes. 8. Skateboarding is not a crime!! HOWEVER,destruction of public and private property is. Some of -:.EASE also have no retard for -y,<� shopping centers. Pi EASE give 'hem a �Iac to ride. Lets do V. cars- , - Ce I_ something nice for our I<lcs and Granoirjos and give them a chance- Don't keep telling them NO. 9. Skateboards themselves are not at fault. I skateboarded when I was younger without harassing other people and casing n .1 r,^,,.)c-r,,v -arnam , 71"iese kids are running together like a pack or gang, he,skateboard running I kehnard "s • just a flag'or, tl(ern le,carry, 1 ike a Harley Davidson to a He)is Angel. 10. An aclu i'kion, to 5k a,' n eprrers' Etiquette should be- For the safety of pedestrians and cars from out of control sv a*keoCarcs it are dannr-uo;-Rrid re^K less. We S 01 -d n;;r[�inq lot3 of downtown. Parks, hav,:, �aari built for -: -w -,5-r son ,, I I _ 0'. We don ,-1,lo I v ne Fop }n _. :11, baseball. 13u�,-a'a soL'k`e-0-,-^.,ar6 facility for theseyoung people. ateboarcs nL- -- Z;�,i c on private property which tj?%,ey have been given permission to!Jse-only. T hey are J not yel-licle- wn-l-, f�- !,,censeul'•:,-.,r use on roads. 71 hey are not biDycies wrilch are licensed,ano, ninust obey a','I rules aS,CIO,I I rieo D�11 Y ateomr-as are a riaZa.—U and distraction to motorists. 13. It is a plain "a-C4 t,�,iat sk ate0carcers can not be.,,On si aerate of other people and property. n RI s In he Same category as Golf, T P-rinlis, and Co Carts. The city wou i0i not ai low golfers to ri 1 t tat' in e 5- r..K a r (jar: r,S, l cillayers to hit haat is &-lairst the City Hall wal'Is, or go carts to drlyecliwn The mentioned recreations all have rights. Tie rignt to co to the golf C o uQNi—car* 'ravk and'thereby no' 4nfringe on the legal r igl-itc of others by causing harmful, 1-oaZarCOUSSituation; ,n public areas speCi fica I ly maCe for waiking. LrCt1I,ally mace people who walk or are in wheel M3',rs. '�falkers rights should U ID Yer,� c,o m e. f first. l�. till ,.ve,, wro*,z *,..nese r•,'—) forcv, the most c4or trat ska*e�oarce',--s are teenao;ers,and below ii ale. A--, a result a too Immature to^torte the juZum en t5l ceci-lonc cc,I I e,, fur in this wall, it shGUI6 be common ic, o n :�orneo,ie e, An aGUlt WOUI:- me enOUGn to know 'they couldr,`, C! sense to sla,/out of `;Zrcries :,,r babies. Wriat ey !o, i -7 vear .01,0 is cuing to keep (rorn skating of and tel I someone of r,3 sm a l�e don=.^ I I wi I I never happen. • Have You ever 'c: t- tnel' harr�s ano I nee;: t—, An! ..n.marts an.IsIratche,c;.,:,k of s',dewalks before 11,1ey leave'-,,P,5,50RD. Ilever in my lifetime will 1 ever observe a skateboarder pick ng up their board when ciose to j.peces-tri.ars. 8. These skateboarders are still M the growing up stage of life. They don't have the self discipline which . k - k I I is necessary to make miaturel udgmental decisions. any of a city ordinance on skateboarding should require the parent or guardian to pay a minimum $25."Ju fine. MEET[ o AGENDA DA J ` ' ITEM i M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 16, 1989 TO: Ray Windsor City Manager FROM: Andrew J. Takata, Director r Department of Parks, Recrea' iori" and Zoo SUBJECT: PROPOSED SKATEBOARD ORDINANCE BACKGROUND: At its meeting of March 28, 1989, the City Council requested the Parks and Recreation Commission to examine the possibility of an ordinance regulating the use of skateboards in Atascadero . On April 20, 1989, the Parks and Recreation Commission endorsed the concept of a skateboard ordinance, but did not make any recommendation as to what restrictions should be incorporated or • specific areas to be affected. DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS: Staff has attached a proposed ordinance which the City Council may wish to utilize in the preparation of an ordinance. The proposed ordinance would restrict the riding and parking of skate- boards within the boundaries of the Business Improvement Association area of the downtown section of the city. In addition, it would also prohibit the use of skateboards on private parking lots within the city limits of Atascadero that are posted by the owner . The reason for the proposed ordinance is due to the increasing number of complaints that have been received from the community concerning skateboards. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council utilize the attached proposed ordinance as a working document to implement an ordinance to regulate the use of skateboards within the • boundaries of the Business Improvement Area of the downtown section of the City of Atascadero and posted private parking lots within the city limits of Atascadero . AJT:kv File: skate3 PROPOSED ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NUMBER AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADDING ARTICLE 16 TO CHAPTER 2 OF TITLE 4 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED REGULATIONS FOR SKATEBOARDS The Council of the City of Atascadero ordains as follows: Section 1 . Article 16 is added to Chapter 2 of Title 4 of the Atascadero Municipal Code to read as follows: ARTICLE 16. REGULATIONS FOR SKATEBOARDS Section 4-2. 1601 . Effect of Regulations (a) The parent of any child or guardian of any ward shall not authorize or knowingly permit any such child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this article. Section 4-2. 1602. Riding Restrictions (a) No person shall use, ride, or operate any skateboard upon any sidewalk , public street , or publicly owned parking lot , or in violation of any of the provisions of the Vehicle Code. The provisions of Section 4-2. 1602a shall apply to the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement area only, as specified in Title 3, Chapter 11 , Section 3-11 .02 of this Code. (b ) No person shall use, ride or operate any skateboard upon any private parking lot within the city limits of Atascadero, when such private parking lot is posted by the owner . Posting shall consist of a sign not less than 17 by 22 inches in size, with lettering not less than one inch in height , prohibiting skateboard riding on the property displayed at all entrances to the property. Section 4-2. 1603 Parking Restrictions No person shall park or leave any skateboard upon any street or sidewalk in such a manner as to obstruct or hinder the free passage of pedestrians or other vehicles permitted to use the same. Ordinance Number Page 2 Section 2 . Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance with Government Code Section 36933 ; shall certify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and certification to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 3 . Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the thirty- first (31st) day after its passage. On motion by Council member and seconded by Council member the foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: • DATE ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By BONITA BORGESON, Mayor City of Atascadero ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORT.: JEFFREY G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RAY WENDSOR,-City T lanager DRAFT MINUTES (These minutez have not yet been Jonmaeey approved by the Pahk,d and RecAeat.ion Comm.i.4z i.on) PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - APRIL 20,1989 ITEM 5-9 - SUMMER SWIM PROGRAM PROPOSAL: Staff states that the Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department has been approached by the Atascadero School District with a proposal to administer their summer, 1989 swim program at Atascadero High School and Creston Elementary School . It is clarified that no formal discussions have transpired as yet. . After reviewing alternatives, staff feels that the Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department would be interested in pursuing this proposal . However, due to the late date, it is felt that formal discussions are needed to provide a quality program, preferably in the summer of 1990. MOTION: Commissioner Bench moves to recommend to the City Council that staff negotiate with the Atascadero Unified School District to administer the operation of the District 's pool program for the summer of 1990; Commissioner Smart seconds; motion carries 5-0 ***s** RES ITEM 5-C - PROPOSAL TO TRICT SKATEBOARD USE WITHIN ATASCADERO: ***a** a The City Council has requested the Parks and Recreation Commission review the need for an ordinance to restrict skateboard use in certain areas of Atascadero. Chairman Harris voices his concerns to ban a means of transportation (since bicycles are allowed) without effort's to accommodate skateboarders. The Commission reviews possible areas to curtail use of skateboards. It agreed that there is a need to educate students on skateboard safety (as provided for bicycle safety) , and feel this can be done jointly between the Atascadero School District and Police Department. MOTION: Commissioner Smart moves to acknowledge to the City Council that the Parks and Recreation Commission agrees that there is a safety concern regarding skateboards, and recommend the City Council begin the process for adoption of an ordinance restricting use of skateboards in certain areas of Atascadero and encourage an education process on skateboard safety Jointly School District and Police Department; seconded by Commissioner Bench; Motion carries 5/0 i�Vtl tV Xl* .......... ........... CX iV. ---jr ............ ..W-1 4XV.k 6SA .4 uj ...... ui ...... Ic .. ......... V) LLJ ............ ................. Ot X. pis -I v v od LL to IL LL) 4c .............al- .7 0. 9L .40 .. ....... ATASCADERO BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION BOUNDARIES From the South corner of Morro Road at the Highway 101 over-crossing then in the generally northwest direction immediately adjacent to Highway 101 , to a point , at the intersection of El Camino Real and Rosario Ave. , then easterly along Rosario Ave. , to a point at the intersection O'E' Rosario and Palma Ave. , then easterly along Palma Ave. to the rear lot line of parcels on the west side of Traffic Way, then north along said rear lot lines to the rear lot lire of parcels on the south side of Olmeda Ave. , then easterly to the rear lot line of parcels on the west side of Traffic Way, then north along said rear lot lines to include Lot 24 of Block Ilk, of Atascadero , then northerly along the center line of Traffic flay, to a point , then easterly to include the presently existing National Guard Armory Property, then to a point easterly to the intersection of West :"Tall and Santa Ysabel Ave. at the West Mall bridge , then southerly along Santa Ysabel Ave. to a point at the intersection of the southerly leg of Hospital Drive and Santa Ysabel Ave. , then easterly from that point to the ex- tension of proposed :?ighway 41 , then southwesterly to the Morro Road/Highway 101 over-crossing, point of beginning.. The area shall include all businesses located on parcels contiguous too the Traffic "clay boundary. 11* M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager Ray Windsor and City Council Members FROM: Chief of Police SUBJECT: Skateboarders DATE: March 23, 1989 As the issue of skateboarders was raised during our last Council Meeting of 3-14-89, our P.D. supervisors and I discussed this matter in an effort to surface a few alternative approaches which might be practical. Attached for your information and consideration is a memo which Sgt. Jeff Fredericks submitted relating to skateboarding. Note that during the past eleven weeks, 63 calls for service have been received regarding skateboarding problems. Sgt. Fredericks listed seven alternatives which staff and City Council Members may wish to consider. One additional area of concern we should address is the issue of potential liability, both for our City and for private property owners, merchants and others. This information is intended to provide a platform for additional discussion within the staff and Council forums. RICHARD H. McHALE RHM:sb Attach: �r i �c- �' O` 7 March 20, 1989 To : Chief McHale via the Chain of Command From: Sgt . Fredericks Re : Options to the skateboard problem Over the past few months the city has been plagued with an increase in the number of complaints from citizens and businesses, over skateboarders . The problems reported range from simple trespasses to vandalisms and interference with businesses . When asked to suggest options for consideration, I reviewed our calls received since the first of the year regarding this problem. Here are my findings; In January APD received 18 calls regarding skateboarders causing disturbances . In February we received 22 calls, and between March 1st and 18th we received 23 calls . This does not include the numerous letters and phone calls from business owners requesting extra patrol and advise . Nor does it include the officer initiated contacts with skateboarders stemming from these requests . It is clear that as the weather warms, the number of complaints will rise . I have discussed this with officers and supervisors . From . these discussions the following options were derived. 1 . Prohibit use on public sidewalks . 2 . Prohibit use on public sidewalks in business districts, as defined by the CVC . 3 . Prohibit use on public sidewalks in specified areas of the city . V/4 . Prohibit skateboarders from using public sidewalks and streets; in business districts; in specified areas . t--'5 . Prohibit skateboarders from using posted private property . ``'6 . Provide an education program by the SRO regarding the proper etiquette of using skateboards on public thoroughfares . � 7 . Prohibit use on school property, and specified public properties . • Page - 1 A review of this list shows several options . While the options are similar, each has its own advantages and disadvantages . Option 1 , is all sweeping, in that it prohibits skateboarding in more areas than are having problems . It will also have a tendency to push the kids into the streets which could cause an increase in the accident rate . Option 2 , would generally have the same problems as option 1 . Option 3. would allow area targeting, but again would push kids into the street . Option 4, would generally follow suit with options 1 - 3, with the advantage of keeping the skateboarders out of the street . Option 5 , would require property owners to post their property. This would require that a posting standard be established . Option 6 , has been tried during the bicycle safety presentations made to all the schools . It seems to be effective for one or two weeks, then the problems return . Option 7, would require the cooperation of city and school officials to establish posting and enforcement requirements . From my sampling of the disturbance calls, it seems that the majority of the calls are concentrated in the downtown area . The second problem areas are the schools . Short of banning skateboards within the city limits, I would recommend that a blending of the listed options be adopted . I feel we could curtail the largest number of complaints by prohibiting the use of skateboards on public sidewalks and streets along E1 Camino Real , Entrada, Lewis Ave . , Palma, East Mall , and West Mall between Rosario and Curbaril . In addition skateboard use should be prohibited on posted private property, schools , and specified public properties, ie . City Hall and AFD Station #1 . This solution, while not a panacea appears to be the most livable . It allows businesses to keep their areas open to their customers . It keeps the skateboarders from the busiest area of the city, while at the same time allowing the kids to enjoy their sport . Page - 2 MEMORANDUM TO: RAY WINDSOR, City Manager FROM: ANDY TAKATA, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo SUBJECT: ATASCADERO SKATEBOARD ASSOCIATION DATED: JUNE 23, 1989 As per the City Council 's direction, the Skateboard Sub- Committee has worked with the skateboarders with regard to the Skateboard Ordinance in the downtown area. The Sub- Committee has met with the Mudhole Skateboard Association which came up with the attached "Rules of Skateboard Etiquette . " These rules , that were developed by the Association, were from many meetings held by 40-50 skateboarders . The goal of the Association is to police themselves for the enforcement of the rules and to create fund raising for the repair of properties that have been damaged by the skateboarders and/or the development of a skateboard park. Caleb Plowman is the President of the Association and Art Lindsey, the Vice President . Karen Rigss and Kathy Clark are two parents who have been working with the Association At the City Council meeting of April 11 , 1989, the City Council requested status reports with regard to the Skateboard Association' s progress . In order to get an overall picture of the Skateboarders ' Rules of Etiquette, staff will institute a survey in July of the business owners in the downtown area. This survey will be done every two months for the next year to determine the progress of the Skateboarders ' Rules of Etiquette and to help determine if the City Council should consider an ordinance . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call . SKATEBOARDERS ' RULES OF ETIQUETTE To avoid vandalism: 1 . No wall riding except of walls approved by property owners . 2 . No skating on planters, benches or tables that may be damaged. 3 . Stay out of landscaping. 4. Notify owner of property, if damage occurs . 5. Leave skating areas as clean or cleaner than when you started. For safety of pedestrians : 1 . Give pedestrians the right of way. 2 . Avoid busy sidewalks . 3 . Don' t skate in front of doorways . • 4 . Pick up your skateboard when close to pedestrians . 5 . Be polite . For safety of skaters and cars : 1 . Don ' t ride in the street unless it is safe and there is no sidewalks . M E M O R A N D U M DATE: July 26, 1989 TO: Ray Windsor City Manager FROM: Andrew J. Takata, Director Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department SUBJECT: SKATEBOARD UPDATE In order to determine the need for a skateboard ordinance, staff is conducting a survey along EI Camino Real , Traffic Way, Entrada, Williams Shopping Center , Adobe Shopping Center , and Laucky ' s Shopping Center . Attached , you will find a copy of the survey being used. We will compile the results and forward them to you. Once the first survey is taken, staff will meet with the Skateboard Association to inform them of the survey results. In September , another survey will be taken to see if there has been improvement with the relationship between the businesses and the skateboarders. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call . -------------------- ------------ ---- Andrew Takata AJT: kv ;skateb • CITY OF ATASCADERO SKATEBOARD ETIQUETTE SURVEY Background At the City Council meeting of April 11 , 1989,the City Counsel requested status reports with regard to the Mudhole Skateboard Association's progress of the "Rules of Skateboard Etiquette." These rules were developed by the Association which is made up of 40-50 skateboarders. The goal of the Association is to police themselves, enforce the rules of skateboard etiquette and to create fund raising for the repair of properties that have been damaged by the skateboarders and/or the development of a skateboard park. In order to get an overall picture of the "Rules of Skateboard Etiquette", the City of Atasc adero will institute this survey now, with another to follow later, to determine the progress of the skateboarders' "Rules of Skateboard Etiquette" and to help determine if the City Council should consider an ordinance. Included below is a copy of the "Rules of Skateboard Etiquette." Please take the time to complete this questionnaire and mail it in the return envelope provided. The space provided for your name, address and phone number is optional. It is for our purposes should we need to contact you for further information. Any further questions call the City of Atascadero Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department, 461- 5000. Thank You. SKATEBOARDERS' RULES OF ETIQUETTE TO AVOID VANDALISM: I. NO WALL RIDING EXCEPT OF WALLS APPROVED BY PROPERTY OWNERS. 2. NO SKATING ON PLANTERS, BENCHES OR TABLES THAT MAY BE DAMAGED. 3. STAY OUT OF LANDSCAPING. 4. NOTIFY OWNER OF PROPERTY, IF DAMAGE OCCURS. 5. LEAVE SKATINGAREAS AS CLEAN OR CLEANER THAN WHEN YOU STARTED. FOR SAFETY OF PEDESTRIANS: I. GIVE PEDESTRIANS THE RIGHT OF WAY. 2. AVOID BUSY SIDEWALKS. 3. DON'T SKATE IN FRONT OF DOORWAYS. 4. PICK UP YOUR SKATEBOARD WHEN CLOSE TO PEDESTRIANS, 5. BE POLITE. FOR SAFETY OF SKATERS AND CARS: 1. DON'T RIDE IN THE STREET UNLESS IT 15 SAFE AND THERE IS NO SIDEWALks. SKATEBOARD ETIQUETTE SURVEY (Please print your business name,address and phone number.This will be kept confidential.) DIRECTIONS Please circle the response that best reflects your attitude for each question. 1. Are you aware of skateboarding in the downtown area? YES NO 2. Are you aware of the discussions between the City Council and the Skateboard Association on the skateboarding issues and proposed controlling ordinances? YES NO 3. Have you noticed if areas of your property that receive skateboarding use,are left free of debris? YES NO 4. Have customers commented about skateboarders outside of your establishment? YES NO It yes,please describe. 5. Have you observed damage to your property from skateboarders wall riding,skating on planters, landscaping, benches or tables? YES NO If yes,did the skateboarder report the damage to the property owner? YES NO Please briefly explain the incident in space provided. 6. Do you feel that an ordinance restricting the use of skateboards in the downtown business area needs to be adopted? YES NO If you answered yes, please explain why and which type of restrictions should be enforced. 7. if an ordinance was to be inacted which of the following areas would be of most concern to you? A. In all public areas. C. in only the "Business Improvement Area" B. In all commercial zoned areas. D. Other The space below is provided for your comments. REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: C_2 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 3/13/90 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director , SUBJECT: Building and Construction Board of Appeals appointments. - BACKGROUND: The terms of three of the five members of the Building and Construction Board of Appeals are expiring in April, 1990 as follows: Ken Lerno - specialty contractor H. John Edens Jr. - general contractor Jim Rodger - general public member Messrs . Lerno and Edens were appointed in April, 1986 to four year terms and Mr. Rodger was appointed in September, 1988 to complete the remainder of the term of a member who resigned. The Board of Appeals meets as needed to "conduct hearings to determine the suitability of alternate materials and methods of installation and to provide reasonable interpretations of the provisions of" the building code. There were two meetings in 1989, one of which was for election of officers at their annual meeting and the second was to consider an appeal in May of 1989. The incumbent members have served the City well and have indicated interest and willingness to continue serving the City should the Council so desire. RECOMMENDATION: Reappoint three members as terms are expiring by adopting Resolution No. 25-90. HE:ps Enclosure: Draft Resolution 25-90. cc: Dave Baker, North County Contractors Association RESOLUTION NO. 25-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL APPOINTING THREE (3) MEMBERS TO THE BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted Title S relating to establishment of a Building and Construction Board of appeals; and WHEREAS, the terms of three members of the Board will expire in April, 1990; and WHEREAS, incumbent members representing general contractor, specialty contractor, and general public members, have served the City in these capacities and are willing to continue service; and NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to make the following appointments to the Board of Construction Appeals for terms of four (4) years from this date: 1 . H. John Edens Jr. , general contractor 2 . Kenneth E. Lerno, specialty contractor 3 . Jim Rodger, general public NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does further resolve that this resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion by , and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety y the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: LEE DAYKA, Acting City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER MONTANDON, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RAY WINDSOR, City Manager PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN Conunun �YDev�. D rector • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM: C-3 CITY OF ATASCADERO THROUGH Ray Windsor MEETING DATE: 3/13/90 City Manager FROM: Andrew Takata, Director Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department SUBJECT• CREATION OF A CREEKWAY PLANNING AND MAPPING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Create a technical committee of three ( G) Atascadero School District representatives (Roder -ackery, Gene Elsdon, and Paul lMoni and three City staff members (Henry LnOen--CGmmurlty Development , Public Works Director , and Andrew Takata-Farks, Recreation and Coo Director ) . Since this is a technical advisory committee, the City Council may choose only staff members . if it is the Council ' s desire for additional citizen participation, they may appoint other members . BACKGROUND: In order to becin the planning phase of the creekway plan! It is important that a technical committee be formed to map the creekway prior to additional planning . AJT: kv : creek REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: C-4 Through : Ray Windsor , City Manager Meeting Date: 3/13/40 From: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director/,,P SUBJECT: Creation of a Risk Review Committee RECOMMIENDATION: Staff recommends Council endorse the concept of a Risk Review Committee and select a Council representative. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Currently, the City ' s liability and property insurance bill runs $400,000 annually. Worker 's Compensation Insurance is $130,000 and expected to grow significantly. As a result , risk management costs represent a major and controllable expense to the City. With this in mind , a Risk Review Committee is proposed . The committee would consist of the City Attorney, one member of Council and myself. The committee would meet whenever a claim against the City is filed or once a month to review the status of pending cases. Quarterly reports to Council would be prepared , although individual cases could not be discussed . The Committee would have authority to reject claims and/or settle up to $10,000. The Committee would recommend action to Council on cases over $10,000, or on Workers Compensation cases involving substantial settlement costs. In addition, the Committee would help formulate risk management policies. One major objective of such policies would be to integrate a risk management perspective into other policy arenas. This could possibly be accomplished through the fiscal impact section of Council Reports. The advantage of a Risk Review Committee is threefold . First , it would expedite minor cases. Second , it would provide better oversight of our risk management process. Finally, by considering the risk management implications, liability exposures can be mitigated. Ultimately, cost savings should result . This third advantage requires clarification. All actions contain some risk . The existence of risk should not necessarily lead to reducing services to the community. Rather , the intent would be to mitigate the risk as much as possible, through better planning , program design or implementation, and monitoring . ALTERNATIVES: 1 . Continue the present arrangement . Council and staff would tend to react to situations, rather than anticipate and avoid problems. Modify the composition and/or duties of the Committee. The Committee was designed to be as efficient and effective as possible, while maintaining adequate Council involvement . FISCAL IMPACT• No additional appropriations are needed to implement this proposal . Ultimately, cost savings should result from reduced insurance premiums.