HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/13/1990 LEE DAYKA DEPUTY CITY CLERK * NOTICE: THE COUNCIL WILL MEET IN OPEN SESSION AT 5:30 P.M., 4TH FLOOR CLUB ROOM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MID-YEAR, BUDGET REVIEW AND WILL ADJOURN TO A CLOSED SESSION AT 6-.40, P.M. TO GIVE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CITT'S NEGOTIATOR PURSUANT To GOVT. CODE SEC. 54956.8 RBGARDIpG REAL PROPERTY PURC1U SES. AGZNDA ATASCADBRO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING - ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA FOURTH FLOOR, ROTUNDA ROOM FEBRURARY 13, 1990 itTr3gg0 7:00' P.M. This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the require- ments of Government Code Section 54954.2. By listing a topic' on this agenda, the City Council has -expressed its intent t& discuss and act on each item. In addition to any action identified in the brief general description of each item, the action that may be taken shall include: A referral to staff with specific re- quests for information; continuance; specific direction to staff concerning the policy or mission of the item; discontinuance of consideration; authorization to enter into negotiations and exe- cute agreements pertaining to the item; adoption or approval; and, disapproval. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk, available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. The City Clerk will answer any questions regarding the agenda. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. * A person may speak for five (5) minutes. * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so. No one may speak more than twice on any item. Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond but, after the allotted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. Call to order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call city Council Comment: * Plaque in .Honor of City Clerk Boyd C. Sharitz * Appointment of City Clerk .Proclamation: "California self-8steem and Responsibility monthe, February 1990 COMMUNITY FORUM: The City Council values and encourages exchange of ideas and comments from you, the citizen. The community Forum period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items. To increase the effectiveness of Community Forum, the following rules will be enforced: * A maximum of ;30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. * All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as a whole, and not to any individual member thereof. * No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council` Member, commissions staff. A. CONSgNT CALENDAR: All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar,- are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion on these items. A member of the Council or public may, by request, have amy item removed from the Consent Calendar, which shall then be reviewod and acted upon separately after the adoption of the Con- sent Calendar. 1. 3ANURRY 23, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2.. REC1[I!l1tE ND CITY COUNCIL WAIW TM READING IN FULL OF ALL ORDINAHMS (Must pass unanimously) 3. OBDZNANCB NO. 198 {- ZONS CHANGE` 08-89, 7715/7745 SINALOA Consi erat on of proposed Planned Development Overlay Zone to allow for the creation of a small lot residential sub- division (Jones/Cuesta $ngineering) (Second reading and adoption) 2 4 TENTATIVE PARCEL KAP 21-87, 8665 PORTOLA RD. - Request for time extension to complete conditions of approval (Gouff) S. TENTATIVE PARCEL NAP 14-89, 8625 ATASCADERO AVE. - Subdivi cion °of a portion of two existing Lots totalling 13.9 ac. into 23 parcels of one-half ac. each-. Request includes es- tablisbuent of two new City standard roads (Via Tortuga & Calle Refugio) to serve the subdivision and approval of Lot Line Adjustment 2-89 (Iverson/Central Coast Engineering) 6. FINAL PARCEL MAP 11-88, 5550/5560 LLANO RD. - Subdivision of 11.50 ac. into four parcels of 2.86 ac. each (Atkinson/Twin Cities Engineering) 7. CLAIM OF JACK RODDA (Recommend Denial) S. RESOLUTION NO. 14-90 - ADOPTING A POSITION ALLOCATION SCHED- ULE FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ` 9. ADOPTING AGREEMENTS FOR THE CITY'S MANAGEMENT, MID-MANAGE- KENT/PROFESSIONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL BMPLOYSES: A. RESOLUTION NO. 8-90 - AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 76-88, MAKING CSS TO THE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND RAY WINDSOR, CITY MANAGER B. RESOLUTION NO. 9-90 - ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE & BENEFITS FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES C. RESOLUTION NO. 10-90 - ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE & BENEFITS FOR MID-MANAGEKENT/PROFESSIONAL SM- D. RESOLUTION NO. 11-90 ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE & BENEFITS FOR CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES 10. RESOLUTION NO. 13-90 ADOPTING A SCHEDULE OF SALARIES FOR ALL JOB CLASSIFICATIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO 11. RESOLUTION NO. 12--90 -; APPROVING A LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITYOF ATASCADERO AND THE SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION (BEIU) 12. RESOLUTION NO. 16-90 - CONVEYING LAND' FROM THE ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. NEEDED FOR THE SYCAMORE BRIDGE PROJECT 13. STATUS REPORT ON GRAVES CREEK RD. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 3 B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES; I. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO REHM A HERITAGE TREE, 8405 DEL RIO RD. (Ormonde) 2. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST 190 R=4M A HERITAGE TREE, 8981 PLATA LN. -;(Jespersen) 3. RESOLUTION 190. 25-89 ROAD ABNEMBUM 03-89, VACATING A PORTION OF MERCEDES AVE. RIGS-OF-WAY, 5005 TRAFFIC WAY (Atascadero Door` Co./Cuesta Engineering) #. ORDINANCE NO. 204 - ZONE CHANGE 15-89, 8555 EL CORTB - Pro- posed revisions to a PD-6 overlay Zone (Bunnell) (FIRST READING: Recommend (1) motion to approve by title only Voice vote; (2) motion to approve Ord. No. 204 on first reading Roll call C. REGULAR BUSINESS 1. PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO TO OPERATE THE ATASCA- DERO SCHOOL DISTRICT SWI184ING POOL (Cont'd from 1/23/90 2. ORDINANCE No. 205 DELETING THEREQUIREMENT THAT PARES & l RECREATION COMMISSIONERS MUST TERMINATE THEIR OFFICE THEN SEEKING CITY ELECTIVE OFFICE (FIRST READING: Recommend (1) motion to approve by title only - Voice vote; (`2) motion to approve Ord. No. 205 on first reading Roll call) 3. RESOLUTION NO. 15-90 - APPOINTING MEMBER AND ALTERNATE TO SERVE ON COUNTY SOLID WASTE TASK FORCE 4. LETTER FROM DON KLINE REQUESTING EMERGENCY GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT - Staff request direction D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTIN; 1. City Council: A. Committee RReEgrts (The following represents ad hoc or sting commitees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary. ) 1. City/School Committee - Request authorization to study feasibility of joint community center/gymnasium 2. North Coastal Transit 3 S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council 4. Traffic Committee 5. Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgmt. Committee 4 (Committee Reports, cont'd) : 6. Recycling Committee 7. Economic Opportunity Commission S. B.I.A. Report on regular meeting of 2/5/90 (Council- man Lilley) 9. Downtown Steering Committee 10. General -Plan `Subcommittee 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4 City Treasurer S. City danger = Consideration of .special meeting on 2/26/90 to accept final maps 5 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: Mid-Year Budget Review Session Through : Ray Windsor , City Manage Meeting Date: 2/13/90 From: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director SUBJECT: Midyear Budget Review RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council review and discuss the items in this report , with a formal motion making budget adjustments at the February 27, 1990 Council session. DISCUSSION: The objective of this midyear budget update is to review the • City ' s financial condition and to identify those items that require budget adjustments. Most items have been endorsed earlier by Council , or are mandated increases (e.g . , health insurance) . There are no new services or positions being proposed and fortunately , there are sufficient revenues to cover the increased appropriations recommended without recourse to our contingency. The emphasis of this report will be the status of the General Fund , since it is the primary operating fund for the City. Revenue and Expenditure Review Exhibit 1 shows the General Fund ' s revenue sources and how the six-month actual compares to budget . Overall , revenues are below the half-way mark but that ' s as much a question of timing as it is the accuracy of our projections. In fact , the City received a significant amount of property tax in January, and we are projecting at least $100,000 more than budget , by year end . It is still too early to tell if sales tax will exceed the estimate, since the first half is generally higher than the second half. Regarding all other revenues combined , we expect to be higher than the estimate by approximately $175,000. This increase is primarily in Planning and Inspection fees and in an additional one-time PERS surplus. " � On the expenditure side (exhibit 2) , Administrative Services and Non-Department budgets are running high because payments are made early in the year ( i .e. , Community Group funding and Insurance premiums ) . The Personnel Division costs are high due to heavier recruitment activity than anticipated . Finally, Exhibit 3 offers a revenue and expenditure summary by fund . For the sake of brevity, no additional commentary is offered at this time; staff will respand to any Council or public inquires at Tuesday ' s meeting . Council-Initiated/Citywide Adjustments There are a number of new expenditure items that need to be addressed . These are outlined below. 1 . Wage and Class Study - On October 10, 1989, Council adopted new salaries for Management , Mid-Management/Professional , Confidential and Support Services Assistants. Subsequent to this, staff has met with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to discuss the study ' s impact on their members. The results are included in today ' s regular agenda. The net • additional cost for this fiscal year is $53,000, of which $48,000 is in the General Fund . It should be remembered that a portion of the overall increase was included in the original budget . 2. Health Insurance Premium Increases - As with last year there was a substantial increase (over 40 percent ) in health insurance costs. The annualized increase is slightly more than $100,000; the General Fund ' s share for this year is $68,000. Given the likelihood of future increases, we will be researching alternatives to our present coverage. This will of necessity involve meeting with the various employee bargaining units prior to a final recommendation to Council . 3. Movie Money - The City has received $33,000 relating to Warner ' s Brothers, filming of "My Blue Heaven" . This does not include some $20,000 in reimbursements for out-of-pocket personnel expenses, or the $5,000 donation to the Park Pavilion Construction Project . Some uses of the $33,000 have already been identified , for example downtown street lighting ($3,000) and seating for the upper Rotunda ($7,000) . Additional funds will be earmarked for improvements in City Hall and Sunken Gardens including the Museum. i • Departmental Requests Department Heads were asked to identify any appropriation adjustments unique to their departments. The results are listed below. 1 . Community Development - An additional $5,000 (for a total of $25,000) is recommended to cover the Arborist position and related expenses. Nine thousand dollars is recommended to cover the City ' s share of the noise element update to the General Plan. This amount was budgeted in the past , but never used . 2 . Parks. Recreation and Zoo - An addition of $61 ,500 is requested for this Department , all of which is actually Capital Improvements. The first is rekeying the Administration Building ($5,000) , a rebudgeted item from last year . The second is $16,500 for the paving of Paloma Creek Park parking lot . Gas Tax monies were originally budgeted for this but upon closer review, it was discovered that the project was ineligible. Although the General Fund will pay the cost , it does free up monies for more road improvements. The final increase is $40,000 for the completion of Traffic Way Fields. The additional costs are because we will need to sod the fields instead of hydroseeding (a • much more expensive process) and because volunteer help fell through , requiring the City to pay for grading and other services. Andy Takata will explain this at the budget update meeting . 3. Public Safety - Neither Police nor Fire have made any additional requests at this time. The Police Department has begun receiving state reimbursements for a portion of Lt . Watton ' s time as Emergency Services Coordinator . The Department proposes to earmark these funds to cover out-of-pocket expenses and training costs associated with the City ' s Emergency Preparedness efforts. 4. Other Departments - Although other departments ( including the City Clerk ' s Office) have requested supplemental appropriations, the recommendation is to make such adjustments at the end of the fiscal year , since we believe that such increases can still be absorbed in the existing budget . Technical Adjustments There are a number of technical adjustments that need to be done, primarily for proper accounting purposes. They will not materially affect the General Fund , and will be highlighted in the Council Item formally adopting these budget adjustments. • Community Group Funding Policy Exhibit 4 is the proposed revised policy for handling Community Group funding requests. It is basically the same as last year , with three refinements. First , it distinguishes between agencies providing a direct service for the City -- AFAR, the Chamber and the Convention & Visitor ' s Bureau -- and other agencies that the City supports with an annual contribution. Second , it requires financial statements from any agency receiving more than $1 ,000 in City funds. Third , the percentage used as a guideline for contributions is cut in half, because approximately one-half of Council ' s support in the past went towards the three agencies providing direct services. Overall , roughly the same amount will be set aside for all groups. In addition, the City has received a funding request from Atascadero Youth Football , but since the effective day is July 1990 staff recommends deferring this request until Council reviews all proposals for 1990-91 . • • Pending Financial Issues There are a number of issues on the horizon that will have a financial impact on the General Fund . These are briefly highlighted below. 1 . Fire Services Master Plan - Although the plan itself was budgeted , any proposed changes in Stations, staffing or services have not . The plan should address possible funding sources, but the General Fund can be assumed to be one of them. 2. Financial Planning Model - With Council ' s support , staff solicited proposals for a financial model . Three bids were received and firms were interviewed by a panel representing staff, Council and the Community at large. The consensus of the panel was to use Studio Design Group (SDG) . The actual cost depends upon how much we contract for , since the proposal includes a database, validation of our development impact fees and fiscal modeling software. The total cost segments are $55,000, $40,000 and $22,000, respectively. 3. Computer Study - Staff has just completed a computer study • for the entire City, reviewing departmental needs for hardware and software. The report is still being reviewed , but the total costs could exceed $150,000. Of that amount , $112,000 is the cost associated with the land use database, which overlaps the SDG proposal . Some of the remaining costs can be included in our development impact fees, and staff recommends that any formal budget action be deferred until the 1990-91 budget . 4. Recycling and Household Toxic Waste Removal - The Recycling Committee has indicated a need for start-up costs, which have not been quantified at this time. In addition, Council has endorsed the County Wide Household Toxic Waste Collection Program. Our share of costs is expected to be $30,000, but may not be assessed until next fiscal year . 5. Tree Chipper - The Fire Department is still researching the costs of purchasing a chipper to routinely dispose of tree trimmings. Preliminary indications are that the cost -- both one-time and ongoing -- could be substantial . • #1 GENERAL FUND REVENUES CATEGORY BUDGET 6-MONTH PCT. RECD. Property Tax $1 ,710,000 $718,451* 42.0% Sales Tax 1 ,655,000 885,499 53.5 Motor Veh . In-Lieu 810,000 390,575 48.2 All Other Revenues** 1 ,848,206 839, 183 45.4 Subtotal 6,023,206 2,833,708 47.0 Net Transfers (74,917) (40,296) 53.8 Total Revenues 5,949,289 2,793,412 47.0 *Approximately $250,000 in additional property taxes were • received in early January. **Includes proceeds from sale of surplus property (on San Benito ) but excludes Prior Year Carryover . • SCHEDULE OF OTHER REVENUES CATEGORY BUDGET 6-MONTH PCT. REC'D Bed Tax $108,000 $70,960 65.7%. Property Transfer Tax 60,000 36,743. 61 .2 Franchises 306,900 22,225 7.2 Other Taxes 2,400 803 33.5 Licenses 95,030 47,545 50.0 Permits 310,000 202,950 65.5 Other In-Lieu 91 ,000 27,885 30.6 Other Interdepartment 124,410 20,001 16. 1 General Charges/O.H. 105,826 48,435 45.8 Recreation Fees 205,000 96,296 47.0 Planning & Inspection 155,000 91 ,745 59.2 Fees Public Works Fees 61 ,000 233 0.4 Fines/Invest . /Misc . 118,640 169,987* 143.3 Property Sales 105,000 3.375 3.2 Total $1 ,848,206 $839, 183 45.4 *Interest Earnings to be reallocated to other funds. • • #2 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES - BY DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT BUDGET 6 MONTH PCT. SPENT City Council $36,765 $16,287 44.3% City Clerk 39, 155 13,388 34.2 City Treasurer 2,669 940 35.2 City Attorney 56,000 15, 171 27. 1 City Manager 120,788 60,442 50.0 Police 1 ,842,754 888,667 48.2 Fire 1 ,082,356 510,644 47.2 Public Works Eng . /Admin. 180,877 100,019 55.3 • Streets 439,204 213, 111 48.5 Bldg . Maint . 179,020 76, 169 42.5 Subtotal 799, 101 389,299 48.7 Community Development 719,828 350,242 48.7 Parks, Rec . & Zoo Recreation 267,927 140,300 48.7 Parks 289,450 127,099 43.9 Admin. 49,015 25, 146 51 .3 Subtotal 626,392 292,545 46.7 Administrative Services Personnel 110,280 67,592 61 .3 Finance 229,700 108,681 47.3 Data Processing 39,900 23,066 57.8 Risk Mgmt . 435,000 255,498 58.7 Subtotal 814,880 454,837 55.8 Non-Department Contingency 179,481 -0- 0.0 Operations 123, 120 85,678 69.6 601 85 678 28.3 Subtotal 302 , TOTALS $6,443,289 $3,078, 140 47.8% • • #3 REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES, BY OPERATING FUND* Description Budget 6-Month % Comp. General Fund Revenues $5,948,289 $2,793,412 47.0% Expenditures 6,443,289 3,078, 140 47.8 Gas Tax Revenues 287,000 130,585 45.5 Expenditures 287,000 67, 144 23.4 Traffic Safety Fund Revenues 61 ,883 28,264 45.7 Expenditures 61 ,883 28,264 45.7 Zoo Operating Fund Revenues 185,400 102,600 55.3 Expenditures 185,400 90,593 48.9 • Dial-A-Ride Operating Revenues 67,788 17,313 25.5 Expenditures 246,788 75,605 30.6 Wastewater Operating Revenues 585,070 229,265 39.2 Expenditures 465,429 216,917 46.6 Parks Concession Enterprise Revenues 4,000 11 ,077 277.0 Expenditures 19,000 17;223 90.6 Tree Planting Trust Revenues 10,500 5,694 54.2 Expenditures 13,700 -0- -0- C.O.P. Construction Fund Revenues -0- 1 ,746,000 -0- Expenditures -0- 76,098 -0- Zoo Capital Revenues 50,000 -O- -0- Expenditures 50,000 5,523 11 .0 • Atascadero Lake Grant Revenues -0- -0- -0- Expenditures 40,000 1 ,614 4.0 Paloma Creek Park Grant Revenues -0- -0- -0- Expenditures 17,500 1 ,080 6.2 • Traffic Way Fields Grant Revenues 67,000 -0- -0- Expenditures 80,500 2, 100 2.6 LTF/Non-Transit Fund Revenues 377,000 -0- -0- Expenditures 435,000 385,748 88.7 Admin. Bldg. Renovation Revenues 168,000 87,049 51 .8 Expenditures 51 ,000 418,358 820.3 General Capital Fund Revenues -0- 78 -0- Expenditures 98,000 15,236 15.5 Wastewater Capl�ital Revenues 1 ,400,000 -0- -0- Expenditures 1 , 196,000 41 ,071 3.4 Amapoa-Tecorida Fund Revenues 30,000 18,205 60.7 Expenditures 45,000 2, 105 4.7 Developer Impact Funds (Total ) Revenues 2,536,000 355,037 14.0 Expenditures 2,360,250 141 ,219 6.0 *Revenues include net transfers, but do not include prior year carryovers ( thus explaining any imbalances between budgeted revenues and expenditures) . • • #4 COMMUNITY AGENCY FUNDING REQUESTS POLICIES 1 . Agency funding requests are divided into two categories: Contributions and Contracted Services. The Red Cross, Art park and SLO Mozart Festival are examples of Contribution Agencies; Action for Animal Rights (AFAR) is an example of a Contract Service Agency. 2. As a general guideline, the total amount for contributions will be one-half of one percent of the next year ' s estimated General Fund revenues. The amount set aside for Contracted Services is subject to service need . For example, AFAR charges a certain amount to spay or neuter stray cats and dogs. The annual authorization is therefore based upon the number of spayings or neuterings Council feels appropriate. 3. Minimum requirements for any Council funding agencies is • twofold: Agencies must submit , in a timely manner , a completed City application (see attached ) ; and Agencies must be community-based , with membership ( if applicable) open to the general public . 4. Funding requests are considered and acted upon only once per year -- at budget approval time. If extenuating circumstances exist , 'Council may grant an exception. S. The actual amounts allocated to individual agencies is decided by Council and considers the following criteria: The total funding requests compared to the amount budgeted ; For Contract Services, the cost-effectiveness of the service, relative to the City providing the same service; For Contributions, the magnitude of community benefit provided by the organization, and finally, Programs or Services that address compelling social needs not otherwise provided for ; or programs that contribute to the historical , cultural and/or aesthetic values of the community. • 5. After an allocation has been approved by Council , the monies will be distributed to the agency as requested (monthly, annually , etc . ) , unless otherwise directed by Council . 7. An annual financial report is required by any Contract Service Agency, or of any agency receiving a contribution in excess of $1 ,000. PROCEDURES 1 . Administrative Services will send a letter to all recipients from the prior year and to all groups that have requested an application. General Advertising or legal notice will not be required . The letter will be sent in early April . 2. Interested groups will submit requests by early May . 3. Staff will review the applications for the following : Completeness of the application; Comparison of the current request with prior requested • and approved amounts; and Verification of compliance with any conditions imposed by Council in the prior year . 4. Funding requests will be included in the recommended budget document submitted to Council in June. A separate Council hearing will be scheduled to discuss the requests and hear from agency representatives. S. At the hearing , Contract Service Agencies will be heard first , then Contributions. The sequence in which agencies will be heard will be established , but specific hearing times for each agency cannot , for practical reasons, be provided . b. After Council allocations have been determined and the Budget is adopted , Administrative Services will notify each requesting agency in writing as to the amount , if any, approved . The agencies will still need to submit an invoice to receive the approved funds (a completed invoice will be included with the notification) . • • FY; CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY AGENCY FUNDING REQUEST Agency Name: Address: Contact : Phone: 1 . On a single sheet , please describe your Agency, including a brief history and purpose of the organization, and your current goals and accomplishments. 2. Number of members 3. What restrictions, if any, on becoming a member . • 4. Legal status of organization: 13 Non-Profit Corporation 11 Other (explain) 5. Amount Requested $ 6. Preferred method of disbursement : 13 Annually, on C3 Semi-annual 13 Quarterly C3 Monthly 7. Please complete the attached Budget Form. 8. How will the money be spent? What services will be provided? (Attach additional sheets. ) 9. Describe how the community will benefit from the City ' s contribution? What consequences will occur if funding is not provided , or only a portion is approved? (Attach additional sheets. ) 10. I certify that the information supplied is current , complete and accurate. Authorized Signature Title Print Name Date • FY: CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY AGENCY PROJECTED BUDGET Estimated Revenues Amounts Carry over from Prior Year (Beginning Balance) $ Membership Dues Donations Fund Raisers Government Support Federal State County • CITY OF ATASCADERO Other Cities Other Government All other Revenues TOTAL REVENUES Expenses Administrative Costs Operating Costs Equipment Other Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES ENDING YEAR BALANCE $ MEETWI D id-Year dget 0A 2 ITEMS u RECEIVED FEB - 7 1yyU ATASCADERO RECYCLING COMMITTEE • CITY MGR. BUDGET REQUEST February 1 , 1990 - June 30, 1990 INFORMATIONAL RESOURCES: Video( s) , Books, Periodicals, Governmental Publications, etc. PURCHASE. * . . . . . . ot . . . . 000 . o .$250. 00 CABINET (Display, Storaye) . . . . . 9 . . .$200.00 PUBLIC AWARENESS & EDUCATIONs Informational Flyer/Letter to Local Businesses. PRINTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$151 . 00 MAILING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$192.00 Educational Brochure for Schools, Community Groups, General Public. ( 5,000 copies) PRINTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .$592.00 Precycle Educational Flyer for Distribution at Local Markets ( 2,5000 copies) PRINTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .$245.00 Miscellaneous Educational Aidss Posters, • Charts, Graphs. PURCHASE/PRODUCTION• • • • • • — . . . • • • •$ 50.00 COMMITTEE OPERATIONS: Recycled Paper for Agendas, Minutes, etc. PURCHASE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 10.00 RECYCLING CONFERENCE (See Attached Summary) REGISTRATION. . . . o - 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • •$295.00 EXPENSES. . . . . . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •$300.00 TOTAL $2285.00 • MONDAY, Vermicomposting:Rural Community Solution TRENDS FOR THE NEW DECADE MARCH 5 1990 Technology,Economics and Marketing Waste Analysis And Forecasting Marketing Compost Nationwide Developments In Composting And MAXIMIZING NONBURN OPTIONS Morning Building Compost Markets In The Public Sector Recycling Fulfilling Potential Of MSW Composting TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, Diversified Approach To Sludge Recycling POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVES MARCH 6, 1990 WEDNESDAY New Legislation On Recycling Morning—Concurrent Session A MARCH 7 1990 Impact Of Local Policies YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FINANCING AND PROJECT Regulating And Monitoring Compost Facilities ALL DAY DEVELOPMENT Technical Options For Yard Waste Composting Financing An MSW Composting Facility Collection Methods And Efficiencies FIELD TRIPS Implementing The MSW Compost Project COMPOSTING RESEARCH Understanding The Basics Of Composting MATERIALS RECOVERY FACILITY MONDAY, Cocomposting Development .UNIVERSITY COURSES AND PROJECTS MARCH 5, 1990 Training Students In Recycling And Composting WINDROW COMPOSTING OF SLUDGE Afternoon—Concurrent Session A RECYCLING STRATEGIES TUESDAY YARD WASTE PROCESSING AND Analysis Of Collection Programs RECYCLING PROGRAM Combining Curbside And Dropoff MARCH 6, 1990 Planning For Recycling Morning—Concurrent Session a BUY-BACK CENTER CURBSIDE PROGRAMS MATERIALS RECOVERY METHODS Efficiencies In Municipal Collection Processing Options Alternative Approaches To Curbside Collection Approaches To Financing MRFs The Most Commingled And Weekly Programs Risk Allocation In A Changing Industry COMMERCIAL WASTE STREAM MARKET DEVELOPMENT Comprehensive Central Processing Strategy Current Market Conditions On The West Coast West Coast Conference Source Separation Expanding Regional Markets On Solid Waste And NEW APPROACH AT LANDFILLS Sludge Management MONDAY, Landfill Mining Of The Year MARCH 5, 1990 TUESDAY *Over 40 Technical Afternoon—Concurrent Session B , SeSSlOnS SLUDGE REGULATION AND MARCH 6, 1990 MANAGEMENT Afternoon •Field Trips Regulating Sludge Use—Lessons Learned INNOVATION IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR •Exhibits Odor Control And System Design America's Eco-Entrepreneurs What Happens After The Project Begins An Example In Natural Wastewater Treatment SLUDGE UTILIZATION Commercial Composting Land Applying Los Angeles Sludge SOURCE REDUCTION Variable Can Rate Green Products For The 90s ABOUT BIOCYCLE a: Published since 1960,BioCycle is the authoritative journal on recycling and composting. Editorial covers current projects and new research data advancing waste management methods that yield marketable end products. For a current issue send$5 to BioCycle, Box 351,Emmaus,PA 180A9. HOLIDAY INN ON THE BAY The sixth BioCycle West Coast Conference will be held at Holiday Inn On The Bay, located on the scenic waterfront in San Diego. Harbor excursions,shopping and entertainment close by. Heated swimming pool. Courtesy airport shuttle service available. SPECIAL DISCOUNT Special airfare discount through United • Airlines is available to conference attendees. • P R O C L A M A T I O N PROCLAIMING FEBRUARY, 1990, AS CALIFORNIA SELF-ESTEEM AND RESPONSIBILITY MONTH - WHEREAS, the California Task Force to Promote Self-Esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility was created by legislation passed by the Legislature and signed into law on September 23, 1986; and WHEREAS, after three years of effort, the Task Force has concluded that practical steps can be taken to nurture healthy self-esteem, and personal and social responsibility; and WHEREAS, the Task Force' s findings suggest that not only is the family the single most crucial ingredient in nurturing self- esteem, but also that positive family patterns and relationships are most conducive to healthy and responsible human development; and WHEREAS, the Task Force has found that schools are second only to the family in influencing high self-esteem and respon- sible behavior, and that there are teaching strategies and • curricula available that offer significant assistance to facul- ties and parents in fulfilling these important tasks; WHEREAS, the final report of the Task Force, due for release in January, 1990, will convey information and recommendations that may merit recognition and consideration by the California Legislature and various agencies of State government, county governments, school districts and school boards, communities, private corporations, families and citizens; WHEREAS, the California Task Force to Promote Self-Esteem, and Personal and Social Responsibility will disband on June 30, 1990 passing on to the forty-six county task forces an important role in continuing and expanding this work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Atascadero does hereby proclaim February, 1990, as Self-Esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility Month and urges all cit- izens to become aware of the steps they can take to increase their own self-esteem and that of their family, friends and neighbors. ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor • City of Atascadero, CA February 13, 1990 UMN OIDA JM 2 13/90 R M 1 # NOTE: THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 23RD WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AT A LATER TIME. • • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-3 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date : 2/13/90 File No: ZC 8-89 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director .O& SUBJECT: Proposed adoption of ordinance No. 198 to approve Planned Development Overlay Zone to allow the creation of a small lot residential subdivision. (7715/7745 Sinaloa - Jones/Cuesta Engineering) BACKGROUND : On January 23, 1990, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced subject. Upon review, Ordinance No. 198 Das approved on first reading. RECOMMENDATION: 1 ) Adoption of ordinance No. 198 on second reading. HE :ps ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No'. 198 • ORD I14ANCE NO. 198 ZONE CHANGE 08-89 ORDINANCE NO. 198 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF • ATASCADERO AMENDING MAP 17 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS BY REZONING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY AT 7715/7745 SINALOA FROM RMF/16 TO RMF/16 (PD7) (ZC 08-89: Jones/Cuesta Engineering) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendments are consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments are in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 2, 1990 and has recommended approval of Zone Change 08-89. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan land use element. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 4. Modification of development standards or processing requirements is warranted to promote orderly and harmonius development. 5. Modification of development standards or processing requirements will enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area and will have a beneficial effect on the area. 6. Benefits derived from the overlay zone cannot be reasonably achieved through existing development standards or processing requirements. • Ordinance No. 198 • 7. The proposed plans offer certain redeeming features to compensate for requested modifications. Section 2. Zoning Map. Map number 17 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify the parcels listed below and as shown on the attached Exhibit A which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Ptn. of Lot 39 and Lots 40 and 41; Block HA; Atascadero Colony Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the •Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by ' the foregoing Ordinance is approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor City of Atascadero, California • ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RAY WINDSOR, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER MONTANDON, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director • f EXHIBIT A ORDINANCE 198 s • J L �/ N1.1 I —04 lit aa i► 1 • is ::� J r� ��e. � � � aar _ p 3" C • tss A =�t A ,r ' ,•4 w g a F � � s REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-4 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 2/13/89 File No: TPM 21-87 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director AS SUBJECT: Approval of a time extension in order to complete the required conditions of approval . {8665 Portola Avenue - Tom Gouff} BACKGROUND : On January 16, 1990, the Planning Commission considered the above referenced subject on its consent calendar. On a 5 :0 vote, the Commission voted to approve a time extension to January 12, 1991 0as referenced in the attached staff report. No discussion nor public testimony took place. RECOMMENDATION: Approve a time extension to January 12, 1991 , per the Planning Commissions recommendation. HE:ps Attachment: Staff Report dated January 16 , 1990 cc: Tom Gouff • ITEM : A-3 • MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Doug Davidson, Senior Planner RE: Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 - 8665 Portola Ave. (Gouff) DATE: January 16, 1990 The above referenced map was approved by the Planning Commission on November 3, 1987 and subsequently approved by the City Council on January 12, 1988 after numerous public hearings (see attachments) . The applicant has requested a time extension in order to complete • the required conditions of approval. The final map has been checked several times and the final road improvement plans are now being reviewed by the Planning and Engineering Divisions. Since a continual effort has been made toward completion of the project, the map should be extended for one year. Under the City' s Subdivision Ordinance, this is the only time extension allowed. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of a one year time extension for Tentative Parcel Map 21-87, extending the approval date to January 12, 1991. DD/dd Attachments: 1. Request for Extension 2. Staff Report • • December Lt, 198-9 ,1 Cy of Atascadero Planning Department City Administration Building Mtascadero, La. ?34..,:_ RE: Parcel Map AT 36-301 Dear Sirs: In regards to the above referenced parcel map, I hereby request a time extension for having all the necessary items completed. The final map has been drawn and we are currently waiting for the signatures from the various utility companies so we can submit the signed map. Also the water company has been paid and they have already upgraded the necessary fire hydrant. • Attached is a check for $220.00 which our engineer. Dan Stweart , said is the fee for a time extension. I appreciate your help in this matter and hope to have this project completed shortly. Sincerely, Thomas H. Gouff Star Rt Box 44 SAnta Margarita, %a. 9342 466-6525 MEETING AGENDA W 1 1 _ITEM M E M O R A N D U M • TO: City Council November 24 , 1987 & December 8, 1987 January 12 , 1988 VIA: Michael Shelton, City Manager };.� . FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director i-% SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 LOCATION: 8665 Portola Road APPLICANT: Thomas Gouff (Dan Stewart) REQUEST: To resubdivide two existing lots into four parcels varying in size from 20,401 to 23,346 square feet. BACKGROUND: On September 15, 1987, October 6 and 20 , 1987, and November 3 , 1987, public hearings on the above-referenced subject were conducted by the Planning Commission. On a 4 : 2:1 vote (Commissioners Bond and Kidwell dissenting and Commissioner Copelan absent) , the land division request • was approved subject to the revised conditions of approval (attached) . There was considerable discussion and testimony as reflected. in the attached minutes excerpts. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 per the Planning Commission' s recommendation (revised conditions of approval) . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: At the City Council's November 24th meeting, a motion to approve the parcel map resulted in a tie vote (no action) and the matter was con- to the meeting of December 8, 1987. HE:ps cc: Tom Gouff Dan Stewart Attachments: Staff Report - November 3, 1987 Revised Conditions of Approval - November 3, 1987 Minutes Excerpts - November 3 , 1987, October 6, 1987, October 20, 1987 & September 15, 1987 • MEMORANDUM • DATE : November 3, 1987 TO : Planning Commission FROM : Joel Moses, Associate Planner SUBJECT Tentative Tract Map 21-87 - 8665 Portola Road Gouff / Stewart BACKGROUND The Planning Commission on September 15 ,1987 held a Public Hearing concerning the proposed map. After hearing testimony and discussing the proposal directed that the applicant revise the lot design to be more compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. The applicant has now submitted a revised design for review. The new plan squares off the lot design. The access has been revised for the property. Access to Parcels 1 & 2 (the most rear) will be by way of a 14 foot access easement on the west side of the property. The two remaining parcels 3 & 4 would receive access • by way of a driveway and access easement in the middle of Parcel 4. ANALYSIS The revised design meets the minimum requirement of the zoning Ordinance and the General Plan and the findings are still applicable. The revised access would meet the minimum requirements of the City' s Ordinances and Guidelines. This is due solely to the restriction the applicant intends to place on the access. These conditions would require Parcel 3 to use a separate access splitting Parcel 4. Parcel 3 would be restricted from using the easement on its own western property line. In reality the access to Parcels 1, 2, & 3 would come from the single 14 foot wide easement. The easements minimum width is being set by the existing garage in the side yard of Parcel 4. The applicant wishes to save the garage for use with the existing house on the parcel. Normally the access easements are 20 feet wide . This width is to provide room for both driveways , utilities, and fire access. A 12 foot drive way is allowed for the access to two or less homes. When a third residence is added, • the Fire Code then requires the width to be 20 feet with approved turn around. The splitting of the access in the manner proposed allows for a technical loop hole to be used to eliminate the logical implementation of standard requirements for public safety. . Logic would dictate that the access to the site parcels not having direct frontage on Portola to be by way of a 20 foot paved access along the western property line. This will require the removal or relocation of the existing garage. The front parcel could use a separate access drive way to a relocated garage. RECORKMATION Staff recommend the conditional approval of Tentative Map 21-87 based on the Findings contained in Exhibit C (dated Sept. 15, 1987) and the Conditions of Approval in Exhibit D (dated Nov. 3, 1987) . Attachments Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Revised Site Plan Exhibit C - Staff Report (Sept. 3, 1987) Exhibit D - Revised Conditions of Approval (Nov. 3, 1987) JM m • �► �;����.r►'�� ..,.ice ,!! � -�.� WM Sal, �� Ir o low �.�N via PON S 1/�� EXHIBIT B - REV.SITE PLAN .. . � ` CITY CCr' ATASCADERO _• �, Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 �'•'•'�c '"'•"-� C 8865 Portola Road OMMUNITY� DEVE�1D�u' LOPMENT Gouf f / Stewart tl, DEPARTMENT ( 3 Nov. 87) 0s 'S3� a• a � ,�Iq j � 4 b -P-r L•+' '�� �+ C e p air•, �` . !. .it i si a qsc as = °a €z � r.`'. •.. sa' a5a5 �a� � ��,.., X71 ,r, R �•' .rfr� �♦1 t _ ,�,.. ` ... r�9��?�i"'�...—'.'^ - �'.�fir.���!-+:{:'}. :.?may:1�; ._ ! r .•� ..4 j _.. �:....... .. EXHIBIT C - Staff Rep. Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 8865 Portola Road Gouff / Stewart OTY OF ATASCADERO Item: B-4 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: BY: Joel Moses Associate Planner File No: TPM 21-87 SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 initiated by Tom Gouff to resubdivide two existing RSF-X zoned and developed lots into four parcels varying in size from 22,990 to 20,225 square feet (Exhibit A) BACKGROUND: The site was recently reviewed and approved for higher density as a part of a General Plan Amendment & Zone Change (GP;2G-85) .The site is within the Urban Services area and the current development is served by sewer from Portola Road. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: • 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tom Gouff 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dan Stewart 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8865 Portola Road 4. Legal Description. . . . . . . . . . . .Parcels 1 & 2 of PM 29-18 (Ptn.Lot 32 Blk.7 Atas.Col. ) 5. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 03 acres 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RSF-X Residential Single Family ( 20,000 sq.ft. minimum lot size with sewer.) 7. General Plan Designation. . . . .High Density Single Family 8. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Existing two lots are developed with single family residences. 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted August 31, 1987 • Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 • September 15,1987 Page 2 B. ANALYSIS: The applicants proposal meets the minimum lot size standards for the zoning with the four proposed lots containing 21,780, 22,651, 22, 990, and 20, 825 square feet of property. The site currently contains two lots that are both developed single family residences. The resubdivision with two lots will provide two new lots for development. The lot lines are so configured to provide direct access to Portola Road for two of the lots ; the other two lots will be provided access by way of an access easement between the fronting lots. The existing residences and accessory structures will meet all setback requirements of the zoning ordinance under the new lot configuration. In reviewing the project, comments were received from several outside agencies.The Fire Department noted the need for a fire hydrant at the driveway entrance. Public Works concerns will also need to be addressed; these included sidewalk contributions, drainage improvements, sewer annexation fees, access restriction and street improvements. The City also received comments from the Regional Office of the California Archaeological Site Survey. As a response to those comments a Site Survey was conducted and no significant archaeological materials were noted. This would not vacate the requirement that if archaeological material is found that the City be contacted and all work stopped until an evaluation is made of the find (Sec9-4. 162) C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends conditional approval of tentative Parcel Map 21- 87 based on the Findings contained in Exhibit C and the Conditions of Approval in Exhibit D ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Site Plan Exhibit C - Findings Exhibit D - Conditions of Approval JM:jm • saw • 1►A r /h� ��� �'► moo, ,�„ �� �.. .. ,• ,,gyp` ��, �, �'/ � � , , Ilius *. CITY OF ATASCADERO EXHIBIT B SITE PLAN y, .,.. : .. . Tentative Parcel Map 21-8' ` ascAn COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 8865 Portola Road • DEPARTMENT Gouff / Stewart Q. Q ai a ?S.e= Bao v ,� 3eame "s 3'Qh I a Z W 4m W W � � . LL J Q0 b W Cua z • ooh �. Q C e 3 sb ' y y 'O1eY,d. ss "" !n�•i f Asim (.. , + x � . ,..RNA, iall- b ej • I . i _ 1 • EXHIBIT C - Findings for Approval Tentative Parcel Map 21 - 87 8665 Portola Road September 15, 1987 FINDINGS 1. The creation of the proposed parcels conforms to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan land use designation , densities, and other policies. The proposal also conforms to the Subdivision Ordinance. 2 . The creation of these parcels , in conformance with the recommended Conditions of Approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4 . The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed. • 5 . The design of the subdivision , and the proposed improvements,will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat 6 . The design of the subdivision, and the type of the improvements, will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or the use of property within the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474.6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to the methods of handling and discharge of waste. EXHIBIT D - Conditions of Approval • Tentative Map 21-87- September 1-87September 15, 1987 (Revised) Conditions of Approval 1 . Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Water lines shall be extended to the frontage of each parcel or its public utilities easement prior to the recording of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easement are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 3 . Grading, and drainage plans for the private driveways and access easements, prepared by a registered Civil Engineer, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to the recording of the final map. 4 . Improvement plans for the proposed private access driveway, prepared by a registered Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the Community Development and Public Works Department for review and approval prior to the recording of the final map. • Improvements shall include the development of the driveway to meet Fire Code standards of a 16'-0" paved surface and 2'-0' graded shoulders. 5 . Construction of the private access driveways shall be completed prior to the recording of the final map. 6. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department for all work to be done in the Public right-of-way. 7 . A road maintenance agreement , in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed. A note to this effect shall appear on the final map. 8 . Road improvement plans for Portola Road prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Community Development and Public Works Departments for review and approval prior to the recording of the final map. Improvements shall include the pave out of Portola Road 15'-0" from the ultimate center line of the right-of-way to the edge of pavement with a 6" A.C. berm with a 2'-0" graded shoulder and the up grading of the, fire hydrant to the west of the site on Portola Road. 9 . Construction of the public road improvements shall be • completed prior to the recording of the final map. 10. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. • Conditions of Approval (Cont) Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 September 15, 1987 11 . All grading and drainage work required for the access easement driveways and public improvements shall be completed prior to the recording of the final map. 12 . The newly created lots shall be connected to the Public Sewer. All annexation permit fees shall be paid for the newly created lot prior to the recording of the final map. 13. The applicant shall deposit with the Director of Public Works a dollar amount determined by the Director of Public Work, which shall be utilized for the future development of improvements for the implementation of a Routes to School Plan for Santa Rosa Elementary School. Fees shall be deposited with the Public Works Department for the linear feet of frontage where sidewalk is not constructed, at a unit price of $1.50 per square foot. 14 . Public Improvement plans prepared for the site shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department. The plans shall include a standard turn around on the private access easement driveway, and a fire hydrant at the intersection of the driveway and Portola Road. Design and location shall be approved prior to • the recording of the final map. 15. Parcel 3 shall have no direct access to Portola Road. Access shall be by way of the access driveway easement across parcel 4. Relinquishment of access rights shall be delineated on the final map. _ 16. An address identification sign shall, be approved as a part of the public improvement plans . the signs shall contain 4' reflective address numbers for each residential unit served by a driveway. The signs shall be located on the right hand side ' of the drive way and shall be so placed as not to effect the visibility of the intersection. 17 . A final map in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance prior to the recording of the final map. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that the corners have been set by the date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. • b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. Conditions of Approval (Cont) • Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 September 15, 1987 c . A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 18. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. • • • EXHIBIT D - Conditions of Approval Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 8865 Portola Road Gouff / Stewart November 3, 1987 (Revised) Conditions of Approval 1 . Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Water lines shall be extended to the frontage of each parcel or its public utilities easement prior to the recording of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easement are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 3. A 20 foot paved access easements shall be provided along the western property line of Parcels 3 & 4 . Applicant shall construct City Standard driveway approach to serve existing driveway and proposed driveway prior to the recording of the final map. 4 . Improvement plans for the proposed private access driveway, • prepared by a registered Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the Community Development and Public Works Department for review and approval prior to the recording of the final map.Improvements shall include the development of the driveway to meet Fire Code standards of a 16'-0" paved surface and 2 '-0" graded shoulders. 5 . Construction of the private access driveway shall be completed prior to the recording of the final map. 6. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department prior to start of construction within the Public right-of-way. 7. A road maintenance agreement , in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed. A note to this effect shall appear on the final map. 8 . Road improvement plans for Portola Road prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Community Development and Public Works Departments for review and approval prior to the recording of the final map. Improvements shall include the pave out of Portola Road 15'-0" from the center line of the right-of-way to the edge of pavement with a 6" • A.C. berm with a 2'-0" graded shoulder and the up grading of the fire hydrant to the west of the site on Portola Road. 9 . Construction of the public road improvements shall be completed prior to the recording of the final map. • 10. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. 11. An offer of dedication shall be made to the City for 5 feet of property along the Portola Road frontage of the property. A 5 foot Public Utility Easement shall also be dedicated along the Portola frontage. 12 . All grading and drainage work required for the access easement driveways and public improvements shall be completed prior to the recording of the final map. 13 . The newly created lots shall be connected to the Public Sewer. All annexation permit fees shall be paid for the newly created lot prior to the recording of the final map. 14. The applicant shall deposit with the Director of Public Works a dollar amount determined by the Director of Public Work, which shall be utilized for the future development of improvements for the implementation of a Routes to School Plan for Santa Rosa Elementary School. Fees shall be deposited with the Public Works Department for the linear feet of frontage where sidewalk is not constructed, at a unit price of $1.50 per square foot. 15 . Public Improvement plans prepared for the site shall be • reviewed and approved by the Fire Department. The plans shall include a standard turn around on the private access easement driveway, and a fire hydrant at the intersection of the driveway and Portola Road. Design and location shall be approved prior to the recording of the final map. 16. An address- identification sign shall be approved as a part of the public improvement plans. the signs shall contain 4 inch reflective address numbers for each residential unit served by a driveway. The signs shall be located on the right hand side of the drive way and shall be so placed as not to effect the visibility of the intersection. 17 . A final map in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance prior to the recording of the final map. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that the corners have been set by the date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. • b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. • c. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 18. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. JM/jm • EXHIBIT D - Conditions of Approval • Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 8865 Portola Road Gouff / Stewart November 3, 1987 (Revised by Planning Commission) Conditions of Approval 1 . Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Water lines shall be extended to the frontage of each parcel or its public utilities easement prior to the recording of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easement are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 3. A 14'-0" foot paved access easement shall be provided along the western property line of Parcels 3 & 4. Parcel 3 shall be excluded from using the access easement. A noting so stating shall appear on the recorded final map. Applicant shall construct City Standard driveway approach to serve existing driveway and proposed driveway prior to the recording of the final map. • 4. Improvement plans for the proposed private access driveway, prepared by a registered Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the Community Development and Public Works Department for review and approval prior to the recording of the final map.Improvements shall include the development of the driveway to meet Fire Code standards of a 12'-0" paved surface and 2 '-0" graded shoulders. 5.. Construction of the private access driveway shall be completed prior to the recording of the final map. 6. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department prior to start of construction within the Public right-of-way. 7 . A road maintenance agreement , in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel except Parcel 3, at the time it is first conveyed. A note to this effect shall appear on the final map. 8 . Road improvement plans for Portola Road prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Community Development and Public Works Departments for review and approval prior to the recording of the final map. Improvements shall include the pave out of Portola Road 15 '-0" from the center line • of the right-of-way to the edge of pavement with a 6" A.C. berm with a 2'-0" graded shoulder and the up grading of the fire hydrant to the west of the site on Portola Road. • 9 . Construction of the public road improvements shall be completed prior to the recording of the final map. 10. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. 11. An offer of dedication shall be made to the City for 5 feet of property along the Portola Road frontage of the property. A 5 foot Public Utility Easement shall also be dedicated along the Portola frontage. 12 . All grading and drainage work required for the access easement driveways and public improvements shall be completed prior to the recording of the final map. _ 13 . The newly created lots shall be connected to the Public Sewer. All annexation permit fees shall be paid for the newly created lot prior to the recording of the final map. 14. The applicant shall deposit with the Director of Public Works a dollar amount determined by the Director of Public Work, which shall be utilized for the future development of improvements for the implementation of a Routes to School Plan for Santa Rosa Elementary School.. Fees shall be deposited with the Public Works • Department for the linear feet of frontage where sidewalk is not constructed, at a unit price of $1.50 per square foot. 15 . Public Improvement plans prepared for the site shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department. The plans shall include a standard turn around on the private access easement driveway, and a fire hydrant at the intersection of the driveway and Portola Road. Design and location shall be approved prior to the recording of the final map. 16. An address identification sign shall be approved as a part of the public improvement plans. The signs shall contain 4 inch reflective address numbers for each residential unit served by a driveway. The signs shall be located on the right hand side of the drive way and shall be so placed as not to effect the visibility of the intersection. 17 . A final map in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City' s Subdivision Ordinance prior to the recording of the final map. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall • indicate, by certificate on the final map, that the corners have been set by the date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. • c . A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 18. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. JM/jm • • • MINUTES - ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 3 , 1987 7 :30 p.m. Th' regular meeting of the Atascadero Planning Commission/ was called t order at 7 :33 p.m. by Chairman Nol/lopmentDirector; flld bthPledge of Allegi ce led by Commissioner Bond. ROLL CALL: Present: Commiss ners Bidwell, Hatchell, Lopez- Balbontin and Chairman Nolan Absent: Commissioner Copelan (excused) Staff Present: Henry En en, Community D ; Joel Moses, As ciate Planner ; ociate Planner; Pat icia SheppharA, Administrative Secretary At this point, Chairman Nolan a wised at Items B-2 (Tentative Parcel Map 8-87 - Silberstein/Barbieri) an B-5 (Tentative Parcel Map 30-87 - High/Harrison) had been withdraw by the applicants and, therefore, • no public hearing would be he However, any one wishing to speak on either of the two matters wo d be elcome to do so. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of inutes of the regular Pl ning Commission meet- ing of Oct er 20, 1987 Chairman Nol offered the following amendment the minutes - Page 1 ( der Roll Call) , the minutes shoul reflect Chairman Nolan in ead of Bond. MOTIO Made by Commissioner Bond, seconded by C missioner Hatchell and carried 6:0 to approve the conse t calendar as presented with the above-noted change. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1. Tentative Parcel Map 21-87: Request initiated by Tom Gouff (Dan Stewart) to resubdivide two existing developed residential lots totaling 2.03 acres • into four lots varying in size from 22,990 square feet to 20 ,225 square feet. Subject site is located at 8665 Portola Road; legal description being a portion of Lot 32 of Block 7 in Atascadero Colony (CONTINUED FROM COMMISSION MEETINGS OF ' SEPTEMBER 15, OCTOBER 6, AND OCTOBER 20 , 1987) Minutes - Planning Commission - November 3, 1987 Mr. Moses presented the staff report summarizing the background information noting that the tentative map has been redesigned. It • was pointed out that the revised access would meet the minimum re- quirements of the City' s applicable ordinances and guidelines. He then responded to various questions from the Commission relative to the driveway improvements, access driveways, etc. Tom Gouff, applicant, presented the Commission with a hand-out explaining the factors involved with the redesign of the map, and re-iterated the history of the project. He noted his opposition to condition #3 concerning the requirement for 20 foot paved access easements. He then responded to questions from the Commis- sion. With regard to condition #8, he raised a concern with pro- viding a 6" A.C. berm. Mr . Moses explained the reasoning for requiring the berm. No public testimony was given on this matter. There was considerable discussion among the Commission pertaining to the proposed 20 foot paved access easement as opposed to a 14 foot access easement thereby eliminating the need for relocation of the existing garage on the property. Commissioner Michielssen commented on Condition #7 pertaining to a proposed road maintenance agreement. Commissioner Bond felt that this map was creating three flag lots and noted his concur- rence with the recommended 20 foot access easement with 16 feet • paved surface and 2 feet graded shoulders. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Bond and seconded by Commissioner Kidwell to approve Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 subject to the findings and conditions -contained in the staff report. The motion was defeated 4:2 with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Bond and Kidwell NOES: ' Commissioners Hatchell, Michielssen, Lopez-Balbon- tin, and Chairman Nolan Discussion continued concerning other appropriate alternatives to the access easement issue. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Hatchell and seconded by Commis- sioner Michielssen to approve Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 subject to the findings and revised conditions of approv- al (November 3, 1987) with modification to the following: -3 (revised to a 14 foot paved access easement . . . . (with wording to be added "excluding utilization of that easement by Parcel 3 and so recorded on final map) . -4 (modified to reflect a 12'-0" paved surface (instead • of 16'-0") ) 2 Minutes - .Planning Commission - November 3, 1987__ • -7 (to be modified to exclude Parcel 3) (along with revision to any conditions to note limited restricted access to Parcel 3) The motion carried 4 :2 with a roll call vote as follows: AYES: Commissioners Hatchell, Michielssen, Lopez-Balbon- tin and Chairman Nolan NOES: Commissioners Bond and Kidwell ABSENT: Commissioner Copelan 2. Tentative Parcel Map 8-87: Request initiated by Steve Silberstein and Alphons Barbieri or reconsideration of the conditions of approv 1 regarding t improvement of the access to the rear lots. Subject site is ocated at 8700 Coromar Road. Chairman No an reminded that the applicant h withdrawn this matter , ther ore, there will not be a public Baring. He invited any public tes imony. No public testimo was given. • 3. Tentative Parcel ap 29-87 : Request initiated Richard K' z to subdivide 10.35 acres into two parcels ntaining . 34 and 3.06 acres each. Sub- ject site is located t 1065 Realito Road. Mr. Moses presented the sta report recommending conditional approval. He noted that an a itional finding should be added to . reflect that the proposed rcel does meet the special condition of the lot division ord ' ance t allow a lot to exceed the width to depth ratio. Tom Vaughan, agent f the applicant, ted that the staff report makes reference t a possible futur lot line adjustment. He clarified that th ' will not transpire si a the property owners were unable . to reach an agreement. With egard to condition #3, he noted that did not see any requiremen for grading until such time th site is actually developed; he sked that this con- dition be d eted. Mr. Moses explained the con ' tion is standard and applie for most maps by the Public Works Dep rtment. He felt this req rement could be satisfied at the time of uilding permit issuanc . MOTI Made by Commissioner Kidwell, seconded by Co 'ssioner Bond and carried 6:0 with a roll call vote approve • Tentative Parcel Map 29-87 subject to the findi s and conditions contained in the staff report with mo fica- tion to condition #3: 3 Item:. A. 1 Minutes - Planning Commission - October 20 , 1987 MINUTES - ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION • Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 20 , 1987 7:30 p.m. The regular meeting of the Atascadero Planning Commission was called to orOer at 7 :32 p.m. by Chairman Nolan, followed",by the Pledge of Allegiance ed by Commissioner Copelan. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioner Kidwell, Hatchell, Miehielssen, Bond (arrived at 7:35 p.m. ) , Copelan, and Chair*an Bond Absent: Commissioner Lope -Balbontin x used) Staff Present: Henry Engen, C muni, Development Director; Steven DeCamp, Senior P a /er ; Doug Davidson, Associate Plan- ner; and Patrici hepphard, Administrative Secretary I A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of m' utes of the regular lanning Commission meet- • ing of Octo r 6, 1987 2. Conditio al Use Permit 5-87 - Santa Lucy. School: Findings for De ial to establish a private element y school. Subject site s located at 9148 Palomar; legal desc 'ption being Lot 1, lock 10 in Atascadero Colony. MOTI Made by Commissioner Hatchell, seconded by C missioner Copelan and carried 5 :0 to approve the consen calendar as presented. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1. Tentative Parcel Ma 21-87 : Request initiated by Tom Gouff (Dan Stewart) to resubdivide two existing developed residen- tial lots totaling 2.03 acres into four lots varying in size from 22,990 square feet to 20 ,225 square feet. Subject site is located at 8665 Portola Road; legal description being a portion of Lot 32, Block 7 in Atascadero Colony (CONTINUED FROM COMMISSION MEETINGS OF SEPTEMBER 15 AND OCTOBER 6, 1987 - RECOMMEND CONTINUANCE TO MEETING OF NOVEMBER 3, 1987) Mr. DeCamp noted that the applicant is still working with staff to • revise the proposed map to conform to the Planning Commission' s request to have the lots configured in a more logical pattern. - He stated that a continuance to a future meeting would be in order. 1 Minutes - Planning Commission - October 20 , 1987 There was no public testimony given. • MOTION: Made by Commissioner Kidwell, seconded by Commissioner Copelan and carried 5 :0 to continue the hearing on Tenta- tive Parcel Map 21-87 to the meeting of November 3, 1987. 7 : 35 p.m. - Commissioner Bond is now present. At this point, it was noted that the applicant no/gahead ta- tiv for item B-2 was present so the Commission wand proce d with item B-3. 3. Ge ral Plan C cle 1 - 1988: Preliminary rel Plan Amendment applications submitted for thof 1988. Mr. DeCamp pr sented the staff report noting this application was originally inc uded in the south Atascadero ,general Plan amendment proposal earlie this year. Staff is recommending the study area be expanded to include the parcel at the intersection of Viejo Camino and El Cami Real (which would provide a more logical boundary for any re ltant zone change or General Plan amendment) . Mr. DeCamp further sta ed that staf is not recommending any ad- ditional City-initiate General lan amendments be considered at this time due to the ongoing wor on the General Plan revision program. There was discussion regardi whether this particular application should be reviewed as part f e overall General Plan update; timing factors were revi ed b ween considering this application at this time versus the engthier review process under the compre- hensive General Plan r -write. There was no public estimony given o this matter . MOTION: Made by ommissioner Hatchell, econded by Commissioner Bond a d carried 6 :0 with a roll call vote to recommend to t City Council the study are for the first cycle of 198 General Plan amendments as re renced in the staff r ort. At thi point, Chairman Nolan asked for a consens of the Commis- sion s to whether or not to continue or proceed wi h the hearing on tem B-3 as the representative nor applicant had still not ar ived. . Mr. Engen advised that the Commission could egally pro- ed with the hearing and take action or could continue the matter until such time that the applicant is present. He added that the • applicant and representative did receive a copy of the taff re- port. 2 Minutes - Planning Commission - October 6, 1987 M'. Falkenstien addressed concerns raised by the pre ious • speakers. Additional comments in opposition were addressed by Mr . Sheers and Mrs. Schaff. Mr. Brinkstated he had listened to the neighbors ' concerns but emphasized_ that this project is in confomance with/the existing General Plan and Zoning Ordinance regulations. Commissioner and stated he was opposed to the fi st map design, but felt the r wised map complied with the nece ary criteria. He suggested that he word "existing" be added be re the " . . . . . . . 950 foot contour lin in Condition # 12. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Bond, sec ded by Commissioner Hatchell an4 carried 6 :0 on a roll call vote to approve Tentative Par el Map 27-87 sub;>'ect to the findings and conditions co tained in the a�taff report, with modifica- tion to Conditi #12 as fo ows: "12. The area of he sit located above the existing 950 foot con our ine as shown on the revised ten- tative map dat d eptember 24, 1987 shall be placed in a scenic eas ent wherein no building construc- tion or plat m t shall occur. Said scenic ease- . ment and bui ing estrictions shall be shown and noted on th final ap. 2. Tentative Parcel M p 25-87: Request initiate by Don Messer/N th Coast Engineering to allow subdivisi of 6. 7 acres int four parcels of 1.6, 1.3, 1.7, and 2.1 a res each. Subject si a is located at 5805 Capistrano A enue; legal descripti n being Parcel 1 of PM 17-06 in At cadero Colony. (CONTINUE FROM COMMISSION MEET- ING OF SEP MBER 1, 1987) . (APPLICANT SUBMITTING A RE- VISED MAP - THIS ITEM WILL BE RESCHEDULE AT A LATER DATE) . Mr. DeCamp ted that the applicant has met with staff which has resulted i an agreement that a revised map will a submitted at a later dat which particularly relates to the phasi of the pro- ject. a recommended that the matter be continue to an indefi- nite d e. Ther was no public testimony given. MO ION: Made by Commissioner Hatchell, seconded by Commi ioner Kidwell and carried unanimously to continue the earing on Tentative Parcel Map 25-87 to a future date. • 3. Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 : Request initiated by Tom Gouff (Dan Stewart) to resubdivide 3 Minutes - Planning Commission- October 6, 1987 . two existing developed residential lots totaling 2.03 acres into four lots varying in size from 22,990 square feet to 20 ,225 square feet. Subject site is located at 8665 Portola Road; legal description being a Portion of Lot 32, Block 7, in Atascadero Colony (CONTINUE FROM COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 1987) - (RECOMMEND POSTPONEMENT TO MEETING OF OCTOBER 20, 1987) . Mr. Moses summarized the background involved with this request from the previous hearing and indicated the applicant is still working with staff to revise the map, and asked that this matter be continued to the meeting of October 20th. No public testimony was given on this matter . MOTION: Made by Commissioner Copelan, seconded by Commissioner Hatchell and carried unanimously to continue the hearing on Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 to the meeting of October 20 , 1987 . 4. Establishment of Road Name: Request initiated y Michael wkins (Cuesta Engineering) to consider the a ablishment of Al re Avenue for the public street created ' o serve Tract 1489. The application also includes a req st to allow bond- ing for ublic improvements. Mr. DeCamp prese ed the staff report re mmending approval of Alegre Avenue as a treet name, but note staff does not recommend providing for bondin of the road impr ements (Condition #7) . He then responded to ques 'ons from the ommission. Mike Bewsey, representing a app 'cant, stated that the primary reason for bonding is to exp i paperwork with the Department of Real Estate in order to sell lots; he indicated the applicant has no intention of selling he 1 is before completion of the road improvements and added th the imp vements are under construc- tion at this time. There was discussion mong the Commission oncerning bond guaran- tees with regard to percentages and tha any bonding agreement would need to be cceptable to the Public Wor Director and City Attorney. Commissione Kidwell expressed concern that a prece t may be set for futur developments by allowing the applicant to b d for the road i rovements on this application. Chairman Nolan elt that any pr cedent the Commission would set is based on a cert 'n set of acts given at the time. Commissioner Bond concurre with Ch rman Nolan' s statements noting that each case is considere on s individual merits. 4 Minutes Planning Commission - September 15 , 1987 Commissioner Bond stad he liked the design and plan of the project. __I,"' • MOTION: Made by Commissioner Bond, seconded by Commissioner Copelan and carried 5: on a roll call vote to recommend approval of Zone Change 9 7 as reflected in the draft resolution and entative ct Map 10-87 subject to the revised condit' ns of approval. Commissioner Michie sen took his place back n the Commission. 4. Tentative Parcel Map 21-87: Request initiated by Tom Gouff (Dan Stewart) to resubdivide two existing developed residential lots totaling 2.03 acres into four lots varying in size from 22,990 square feet to 20 , 225 square feet. . Subject site is located at 8865 Portola Road; legal description being a portion of Lot 32, Block 7, Atascadero Colony. Mr. Moses presented the staff report recommending approval of the the application. He pointed out a revised set of conditions which superceded the condition contained in the agenda packet. Mr. Moses and Mr. Sensibaugh then responsed to various questions from the Commission. Tom Gouff, applicant, talked about the background involved in ini- • tially trying to obtain p lot split back in 1978 through the County. He expressed concerns with Conditions #4 (improvement plans for private access driveway) ; #14 (fire hydrant) ; #6 and #8 (road improvements) ; #12 (annexation fees) . Discussion followed with clarifications and reasonings on the conditions offered by Mr. Moses and Mr. Sensibaugh. There was discussion among the Commission concerning the flag lot figuration; the possible reduction in lots from four lots to three lots; and concerns with the road easement to Parcel 3; and the possibility of a redesign of the site plan. Discussion also cen- tered on clarification and possible modifications to the condi- tions which were of concern to the applicant. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Bond and seconded by Commissioner Kidwell to deny Tentative Parcel Map 21-87. Discussion continued among the Commission. The motion was defeated 4 :2 with a roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Bond and Kidwell NOES: Commissioners Michielssen, Lopez-Balbontin, Cope- • lan, and Chairman Nolan 4 Minutes - Planning Commission - September 15, 1987 0 MOTION: Made by Commissioner Copelan, seconded by Commissioner Michielssen to approve Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 subject to the findings and revised conditions of approval as previously discussed. Discussion followed; Mr. Sensibaugh responded to questions from the Commission as it pertains to the drainage swale on the site. The motion failed with a 3 :3 vote as follows: AYES: Commissioners Copelan, Michielssen, and Chairman Nolan NOES: Commissioners Lopez-Balbontin, Bond and Kidwell There was continued discussion between Mr. Gouff and the Commis- sion regarding the feasibility of redesigning the map. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Michielssen, seconded by Commis- sioner Lopez-Balbontin and carried with a 6 :0 roll call vote to continue the hearing on Tentative Parcel Map 21-87 to the October 6th meeting in order to allow the applicant an opportunity to bring back a redesign of the tentative map. • Chai man Nolan called a recess at 9:15 p.m. ; meeting re nvened at 9 :25 p 5. Conditi al Use Permit 1-87 : Request i tiated by Atascadero Ford (Du Sawyer) to allow for an adds ion to site signs in exces of the allowable 100 square feet o ignage, a wall-mountefirfreeway identification sign, modificati of landscaping, d a building addition. Subject site is ocated at 386 E1 Camino Real; legal des- cription being porti s of Lots and 3 of Block 18 in Atas- cadero Colony. Mr. Moses presented the staff rt and provided a background on previous actions and appr als ' th this use permit. Reference was made to a letter from F an es Gr es, 3725 Monterey, highly critical of Atascadero ords lack of ompliance with past condi- tions of approval. There was some disc sion concerning the prop ed location of the trash enclosure. In response to question fro Commissioner Kid- well, Mr. Moses xplained why a formal landscapin plan has not yet been su itted, and added that the type of lan caping which KMart has w ld be appropriate for the Atascadero For ite. Dis- cussion a o centered around the parking layout for the ' te. • 5 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Item No. A-5 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 2/13/90 File No: TTM 14-89/ LLA 2/89 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director As SUBJECT: Subdivision of a portion of two existing lots ( 13 . 9 acres total) into 23 parcels one-half acre each. Request includes establish- ment of two new City standard roads to serve the subdivision, Via Tortuga and Calle Refugio. (Also includes approval of LLA 2-89) . Subject site is located at 8625 Atascadero Avenue (Clark Iverson/Central Coast Engineering) . BACKGROUND : Wn September 19, 1989, December 19, 1989 and January 16, 1990, the Planning Commission conducted public hearings on the above referenced subject. On a 5 :0 vote, the Commission voted to approve the tract map subject to the revised Conditions of Approval ( attached) . There was discussion and public testimony as referenced in the attached minutes excerpts . RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Tentative Tract Map 14-89 per the Planning Commission' s recommendation. HE :ps Attachments : Memorandum dated 1/16/90 Memorandum dated 12/19/89 (which includes TTM 14-89 Staff Report and LLA 2-89 Staff Report) Revised Conditions of Approval - 1/16/90 Minutes Excerpt - 1/16/90 Minutes Excerpt - 12/19/89 Minutes Excerpt - 9/19/89 cc : Clark Iverson • Central Coast Engineering ITEM : B-1 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: Planning Commission FROM: Doug Davidson, Senior Planner DATE: January 16, 1990 SUBJECT: Tentative Tract Map 14-89/Lot Line Adjustment 02-89 (Iverson/Johnson/Central Coast Engineering) At the scheduled hearing of December 19, 1989, the applicant requested a continuance of the above-referenced item. As the attached letter from the applicant indicates, the affected property owners are in agreement with the proposed adjustment of the lot lines. Staff is now confident that this item can proceed through the review process. ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Applicant • Memorandum dated December 19, 1989 (includes Tentative Tract Map 14-89 Staff Report & Lot Line Adjustment 02-89 Staff Report) • c entra o a • .,engineering. 396 Buckley Road San ' Luis Obispo California 8 1 805 - 544 - 327B 0 a 340 December 28, 1989 E557- .:--City of Atascadero Paxrntgg Department y r� . , t t RE: TENTATIVE TRACT IA-E9/!0 LIP1E: ADJUSTMENT 02-89 (IVERSON) Clear Doug, r x. irte ar formal t ecl re ed 6, ar ar a mentioned maps for PI Y a °rry` m`..+A y Y" ' �` } F�Ais ?,t`'Lcty��y''`'` �Y x "�..'�'s :. �`''�' 1 tea,� � .' '� �,,.� � �'�?�+k.,�3r� std �• r r,r,;� concerns .w t :?^ *£ o over wh.icithe, ex.fiSttng x. affe► dear -Ate e��Flgx�anted tc tie paarceT : he, ctescrIbed 63Z ftffa1 Records lies being the agrd s f a x. d yr t� i#xki r. e r a s +1t h w stum�rn� k � � ias� ct� d agreement w1 tF z VIM t x ,rfr r w;z ITEM : B-1 M E M O R A N D U M • TO: Planning Commission FROM: Doug Davidson, Associate Planner DATE: December 19 , 1989 SUBJECT: Tentative Tract Map 14-89/Lot Line Adjustment 02-89 (Iverson/Johnson/Central Coast Engineering) At the September 19, 1989 meeting, the Planning Commission granted a continuance for this item to allow the applicant additional time to address the concerns of the property owners involved in the Lot Line Adjustment. These concerns relate primarily to ensuring continued access rights for those property owners with underlying easements. Although Lot Line Adjustment 02-89 was approved in March, 1989, the revised Tract Map is contingent upon the adjustment of the lot lines. The Lot Line Adjustment must record prior to, or simultaneously with, the Tract Map. Thus, staff is recommending that condition #6 be added to the approval of Lot Line Adjustment 02-89 as follows : • 6. The following notes shall be removed prior to recording the map: 1. "Eliminate 50 ' dedication. " 2. "Proposed 20 ' wide private access and utility easement. " The elimination of these notes will clarify that the underlying easement rights of neighboring property owners are not being altered by this proposal. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Tentative Tract Map 14-89 based on the Findings and Conditions of Approval contained in the September 19, 1989 staff report. Lot Line Adjustment 02-89 is recommended for approval based on the Findings and Conditions of Approval contained in the March 21, 1989 staff report, with the addition of condition#6, as stated above. ATTACHMENTS: Tentative Tract Map 14-89 Staff Report Lot Line Adjustment 02-89 Staff Report • • CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: September 19, 1989 BY: Doug Davidson, Associate Planner File No: TTM 14-89 SUBJECT: To consider a request to subdivide a portion of two existing lots (13. 9 acres total) into twenty-three (23) parcels of one- half acre each. The request includes the establishment of two new City standard roads to serve the subdivision; Via Tortuga and Calle Refugio. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Tentative Tract Map 14-89 based on the Findings for Approval in Exhibit C and Conditions of Approval in Exhibit D. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Clark Iverson . 2 . Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Central Coast Engineering 3 . Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8625 Atascadero Ave. 4 . Legal Description. . . . . . . . . . . .Lots 27 and 28, Blk. 7 5. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13. 9 acres 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RSF-X (Residential Single Family, minimum lot size one-half acre) 7 . General Plan Designation. . . . .High Density Single Family 8 . Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single family residential 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted September 5, 1989. • 1 BACKGROUND: • Tentative Tract Map 01-89 (Tract Map 1671) was approved by the Planning Commission on March 21, 1989 and subsequently approved by the City Council on April 11, 1989. The original application requested 22 lots of approximately one-half acre each. Upon review, the map was conditioned to reduce the number of lots from 22 to 21 to protect several heritage trees. Tract Map 1671 proposed and received approval of a fifty (50) foot right-of-way for the interior roads serving the project (Via Tortuga and Calle Refugio) . As stated by the Public Works Director at the March 21st meeting, the City standard right-of- way is forty (40) feet. Hence, the applicant has redrawn the map to reflect the City standard width, resulting in a twenty-three (23) lot subdivision. The applicant and his representative believe that the current proposal provides a better lot configuration and street alignment, with building sites outside the dripline of the site' s heritage trees. ANALYSIS: Staff agrees with the applicant that this proposed subdivision is a preferable design to the original tract. The street connecting Atascadero Ave. and Coromar Rd. (Via Tortuga) is a straighter alignment with a forty (40) foot right-of-way. The proposed lot configurations are also an improvement, particulary the lots served by the cul-de-sac (Calle Refugio) . These lots (lots 14- 20) appear more orderly in shape and now do not exceed the 3 : 1 depth to width ratio. Heritage Oak Trees -- The Planning Commission' s major concern about the previous tract was the preservation of the heritage oak trees on lots #6 and #8. This concern resulted in the addition of condition #16, which required the combination of lots #6, 7, 8, and 9 into three lots, as a protective measure for these trees. As Exhibit A shows, the proposed map provides a suitable building site outside the dripline of the two heritage trees on lot #8 . This building site located outside the driplines is at least 6, 000 square feet in size. On the previous map these two trees were located in the center of lot #8 . Although the 60" oak on proposed lot #6 is now more centrally located, a 5, 600 square feet building site exists between the front 25 foot setback line and the dripline. Staff believes that all the native trees on this site will remain undisturbed during construction. With the site' s gentle slopes and the availability of all utilities, minimal grading or trenching will occur. The provision of sewer is particulary important because it eliminates the trenching and space required for septic systems. . 2 • CONCLUSIONS: The proposed project is consistent with the City' s Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and General Plan. Residential Policy #11 merits repeating: "Attention shall be paid to the aesthetic result of land division. Building sites shall be encouraged on natural slopes, with minimal disruption of native vegetation and watersheds, and efficient layout of access and utilities. " Staff believes that this revised map clearly upholds this policy, in fact, it is a better subdivision design than the previously approved tract. The proposed lots are drawn in an orderly fashion and all the building sites are suitable for residential development . The reduced right-of-way allows for a more direct road alignment, while still providing adequate access for residential traffic and safety vehicles. The recommended conditions of approval remain basically the same, with the exception of the deletion of #16 and changes to condition #4 for required road improvements per the Public Works Department. • ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Tentative Tract Map Exhibit B - Supplemental Development Statement Exhibit C - Findings for Approval Exhibit D - Conditions of Approval Exhibit E - Staff Report for TTM 01-89 (Tract 1671) • 3 EXHIBIT A �I, ',•. ; `1�,,�� CITY OF A ASCADERO TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 1re�s-7 _ASCADF-I%l COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TTM 14-89 DEPARTMENT • till 3 i � :< '. �� � �.:• ( ..I - i �`d,� •, Iii mo ./rq IL cp It pit '�}} �M -t=. ��'- .'��� •' --i`._ �; `\• ren 4'. •+`� W W O W .ice `, 4 �� / ta t A' DraM�rq i !�� p •� 1 iii • ** M e • • T�• '• r ' ` 1 � �j t�!iE` ' /�IIS .. •. 4g1i. S �i!lul S�ti tll ks I EXHIBIT B CENTRAL COAST ENGINEERING 396 Buckley Roar) JUN San Luis Obispo June 6, 1989 California 93401 CCPJIPi1�uiTY DtvtL_ :� E557 City of Atascadero Planning Department P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 SUBJECT: TENTATIVE MAP APPLICATION TRACT 1753 At the request of Mr. Clark Iverson we are submitting the appl ication for Tentative Map 1671. The following are enclosed: 1. Application Form 2. Fee $485.00 3. 15 Copies of Proposed Tentative Map & Grading Plan 4. Environmental Form 5. Preliminary- Title Report • 6. Assessor Maps and Addresses of Adjacent Owner within 300 feet. 7. Labels of Addresses of Adjacent Owners within 300 feet. 8. 8 1/2" x 11" Reduction The proposed subdivision is a slight modification of Tract 1671 approved by the City April 11, 1989. The proposed Tract 1753 provides a better lot configuration and street alignment . Lots 15 , '16 and 17 of the former tract had excess lot depth. This has been remedied . Because the City would accept a 40 foot right-of-way, the lot lines and street alignment would be altered to allow an additional lot. Except for Condition 16, all conditions of the formerly approved Tract 1671 are acceptable to the owner. The tract complies with existing zoning. No trees are disturbed and no lot grading is proposed. • The site has access to sewer, water, gas and power . The proposed street • w i 11 pr O v i de a needed cross tie between Atascadero Road and Coroma Street. The property has been owned by the same family for 57 years. Sincerely, Ben L. Maddalena • City of Atasc./D25 • EXHIBIT C - Findings for Approval Tentative Tract Map 14-89 8625 Atascadero Rd. (Iverson/Central Coast Engineering) September 19, 1989 ENVIRONMENTAL FINDING: The proposed project will not have a significant impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. MAP FINDINGS: 1 . The proposed map is consistent with the applicable General or Specific Plan. 2 . The design and/or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the applicable General or Specific Plan. 3 . The site is physically suitable for the proposed type of development. 4 . The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 5. The design of the subdivision, and/or the proposed improvements, will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. 6. The design of the subdivision, and the type of the improvements, will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or the use of property within the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7 . The design of the subdivision and/or the type of proposed improvements will not cause serious public health problems. • EXHIBIT D - Conditions of Approval • Tentative Tract Map 14-89 8625 Atascadero Ave. (Iverson/Central Coast Engineering) September 19, 1989 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1 . Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Co. Water lines shall be extended to the frontage of each parcel or its public utility easement prior to the recording of the final map. 2 . All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. 3 . Grading, drainage, and erosion control plans for each proposed lot, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to recording . of the final map. Drainage facilities shall be constructed to City of Atascadero standards and completed prior to recording of the final map. 4 . Road improvement plans, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to recordation of the final map. Plans shall include, but not be limited to the following: a. Paveout on Atascadero Ave. to twenty (20) feet from centerline, including a design for a five (5) foot walkway along the property frontage. The paved half width of Coromar shall be 12 feet. Prior to recording the final map, a contribution of $1 .75 per square foot of walkway along the frontage of Atascadero Ave. and Coromar Rd. and the linear frontage of Via Tortuga, shall be made to the Routes to School fund. b. Improvement plans shall show the grading necessary to achieve the finish sidewalk grades along Atascadero Ave. and along both sides of the interior streets. During construction, a five foot wide width shall be graded to the finished sidewalk grades, in order to avoid the undercutting of landscaping and yards when the sidewalks • are installed. • c. The new interior roads (Via Tortuga and Calle Refugio) shall contain a paved roadway width between the face of curbs of 28 feet, including two 10 foot wide traffic lanes and one 8 foot wide parking lane, with curb and/or gutter as determined by the City Engineer. The center of the paved width shall be on the centerline of the right of way. The new roads shall be constructed to City standards and shall be accepted into the City maintained mileage after the required one year maintenance period, as determined by the City Engineer. d. The paved cul-de-sac radius shall be 48 feet with a minimum right of way radius of 54 feet. 5. Construction of the public improvements shall be completed prior to recordation of the final map. 6. Public improvement plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department prior to recording the final map. 7 . Sewer improvement plans shall require approval from the Public Works Department prior to recording of the final map. All newly created lots shall be connected to public sewer. All annexation fees shall be paid for the newly formed lots prior to recording the map. Any sewer extensions for annexations must be completed within one year after • annexation. 8 . The subdivider shall install all street signs, traffic delineation devices, warning and regulatory signs, guardrails, barricades, and other similar devices where required by the Director of Public Works. Signs shall be in conformance with the Public Works Department sign standards and the current State of California uniform sign chart. Installation of traffic devices shall be subject to review and modifications after construction. 9. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department for all work to be done within the public right-of-way prior to recording of the final map. Applicant shall sign an inspection and curb/gutter agreement, guaranteeing that the work shall be done and inspections paid for prior to the start of public works construction. The construction of these improvements, as directed by the encroachment permit, shall be completed prior to recording the final map. 10 . Prior to recording of the final map, a soils investigation shall be submitted, recommending corrective measures to prevent structural damage to each structure where soil problems exist. The date of the report, name of the is engineer, and the location where the reports are on file shall be noted on the map. 11 . Parcels 1 and 23 shall have no direct access to Atascadero • Ave, while Parcels 10 and 1.1 shall have no direct access to Coromar Rd. Access to all lots of the tract shall be from the new public roads. Relinquishment of access rights shall be shown on the final map. 12 . The applicant shall make an offer of dedication to the City for Via Tortuga and Calle Refugio (40 foot right-of-way) . The offers of dedication shall also include public utility easements. All offers of dedication shall be recorded prior to or simultaneous to the recordation of the final map. 13. A final map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be • submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. c. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 14 . The Lot Line Adjustment (ATAL 88-299) shall be recorded prior to or simultaneous with the recording of the final map. 15. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. iCITY OF ATASCADERO Item: B-3 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: March 21, 1989 BY:,pP Doug Davidson, Associate Planner File No: TTM 01-89 SUBJECT: To consider a request to subdivide a portion of two existing lots (13. 9 acres total) into twenty-two (22) parcels of approximately one-half acre each. The request includes the establishment of two new City standard roads to serve the subdivision; Via Tortuga and Calle Refugio. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Clark Iverson • 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Central Coast Engineering 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8625 Atascadero Ave. 4. Legal Description. . . . . . . . . . . .Lots 27 and 28, Blk. 7 5. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. 9 acres 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RSF-X (Residential Single Family, minimum lot size one-half acre) 7'. General Plan Designation. . . . .High Density Single Family 8. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single family residential 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted March 9, 1989. B. ANALYSIS: The applicant proposes to subdivide a portion of two existing lots containing a total of 13. 9 acres into twenty-two parcels of approximately one-half acre each. The proposed subdivision will be served by two new streets; Via Tortuga, a connecting street i between Atascadero Ave. and Coromar Rd. and Calle Refugio, a cul- l de-sac serving the southerly lots of the project. The street names of Via Tortuga (Turtle or Tortoise Way) and Calle Refugio (Shelter or Refuge Lane) pose no problems to the public safety agencies or the utility companies. In addition, this street pattern results in a desirable circulation connection between Atascadero Ave. and Coromar Rd. The utility providers have also responded that all the necessary utilities, including water, sewer, gas, electricity, telephone, and cable are available to the site. Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Requirements The RSF-X zoning designation sets a minimum lot size of one-half acre. In this proposal, the lots range from 0.50 to 0. 67 acres, with most of the lots being exactly one-half acre in size. All lot -sizes shown on the map (Exhibit B) are net acreage, not including any street right-of-way in the calculation. With the exception of the depth-width ratio, the proposed lots meet the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance, including the proper lot dimensions, lot lines, corner radii (minimum 20 feet) , street design, and access restrictions. Lots #15, 16, and 17 are in excess of the depth to width ratio of three, however, • there is adequare assurance that deep lot subdivision will not occur. The project is designed as a one-half acre subdivision and no further land divisions could occur under this zoning designation. General Plan Language . In addition to conformance with the specifics of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance, the proposal is consistent with the policies of the General Plan. Page 57 of the General Plan contains the City' s policies for residential development. Policy #10 states that, "Lot splits shall be thoroughly evaluated and be in accordance with community plans and principles. " It goes on to say that, "Strict adherence to the lot sizes of the Plan is essential in order to retain the desired character of the community. " This proposal meets the minimum lot size criteria and the resultant lot sizes are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood (see Exhibit A) . Policy #11 reads that, "Attention shall be paid to the aesthetic result of land division. Building sites shall be encouraged on natural slopes, with minimal disruption of native vegetation and watersheds, and efficient layout of access and utilities. " Staff believes that this policy is carried out in this subdivision for the site is gently sloping, no tree removal is proposed, minimum • grading is necessary, and the proposed access and utilities provide an orderly pattern of development. 2 • C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Tentative Tract Map 01-89 based on the Findings in Exhibit E and Conditions of Approval in Exhibit F. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Tentative Tract Map Exhibit C - Preliminary Grading/Road Improvement Plans Exhibit D - Supplemental Development Statement Exhibit E - Findings for Approval Exhibit F - Conditions of Approval i 3 1 • 1 OR W�► ♦mss �i�®®� ���® '��-. � ® : 7 1 ,�•►:TipsINN � �v Exhibit B ;,'�-�---. •:� CITY OF ATASCADERO Tract Map TTM 01-89 C0MNILINITY DEVELO D E PA R TALI E N T y i �:�' � :�.'.�; }�. � `QS •'��.►�\` ..tet•—' � C' Y Q dl•trye n R _� }}.�i A 1: y Ire 44 ..5� if•Y. .L •C ! �� r/ � 3^q'a q' 'ft►'t`-:��•3. O. .. / �,e`N' �•a;• wa^ y V L 41. - �t•�S Lia-� � � `I 1 r:• t:. �� (u ca - J •IZ Ap ± E kgn a n a:C .a Ala 0) O n Exhibit C CITY OF ATASCADERO Preliminary Grading 7� .. and Road Improvements � — � R COA11MUNITY DEVELOPMENT _ 9 �-� TTM Ol 8 ►: � DEPART�WENT LO its • t a �. �{ , :mly� ,. 25 _ (•� On � r 1 cOc z s� ! AM f� • � 1 a � " � - % �• °I;. ` !`"! :�`t, yrs i `` \� .11 oil i Exhibit D Development Statement TTI-1: 01-89 CENTRAL COAST • ENGINEERING 396 Buckley Road San Luis Obispo California 93401 DeceTiber 29, 1988 E557 City of Atascadero Planning Department P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 SUBJECT: TENTATIVE MAP APPLICATION TRACT 1671. At the request of Mr. Clark Iverson we are submitting the application for Tentative Map 1671. Tne following are enclosed : 1. Application Form 2. Fee $485.00 3. 15 Copies of Proposed Tentative Map 4. 15 Copies of Proposed Grading Plan 5. Environmental Form 6. Preliminary Title Report 7. Assessor Maps and Addresses of Adjacent Owner within 300 feet. 8. Labels of Addressess of Adjacent Owners within 300 feet. 9. 8 1/2 x 11 Reduction The proposed tentative map is to be processed in conjunction with ATAL 88-299. The tract was approved in its present form by the County in 1979 but the owner , of his own choice did not proceed. The tract complies with existing zoning. No trees are disturbed and no lot grading is proposed. The site has access to sewer, water, gas, power. The proposed street will provide. a needed cross tie between Atascadero Road and Coroman Street . The property has been owned by the same family for 57 years . Sincerely, / Ben L. Maddalena • City Atascadero/D23 Telephone(805) 544-3278 EXHIBIT E - Findings for Approval • Tentative Tract Map 01-89 8625 Atascadero Rd. Iverson/Central Coast Engineering March 21, 1989 FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL 1. Creation of the proposed parcels conforms to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan land use designation, densities and other policies. 2. Creation of these parcels, in conformance with the recommended Conditions of Approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed. 5. The design of the subdivision, and the proposed • improvements, will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. 6. The design of the subdivision, and the type of the improvements, will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or the use of property within the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7. The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474. 6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to the methods of handling and discharge of waste. • EXHIBIT F - Conditions of Approval • Tentative Tract Map 01-89 8625 Atascadero Ave. Iverson/Central Coast Engineering March 21, 1989 (Revised by the Planning Commission) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Co. Water lines shall be extended to the frontage of each parcel or its public utility easement prior to the recording of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. 3. Grading, drainage, and erosion control plans for each proposed lot, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community • Development and Public Works Departments prior to recording of the final map. Drainage facilities shall be constructed to City of Atascadero standards and completed prior to recording of the final map. 4. Road improvement plans, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to recordation of the final map. Plans shall include, but not be limited to the following: a. Paveout on Atascadero Ave. to twenty (20) feet from centerline, including a design for a five (5) foot walkway along the property frontage. Prior to recording the final map, a contribution of $1.75 per square foot of walkway along the frontage of Atascadero Ave. and Coromar Rd. and the linear frontage of Via Tortuga, shall be made to the Routes to School fund. b. The new roads (Via Tortuga and Calle Refugio) shall be a minimum paved section of 20 feet, with curb and/or gutter, as determined by the City Engineer. The new roads shall be constructed to City standards and shall be accepted into the City maintained mileage after the required one year maintenance period, as determined by • the City Engineer. • I! 5. Construction of the public improvements shall be completed prior to recordation of the final map. 6. Public improvement plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department prior to recording the final map. 7. Sewer improvement plans shall require approval from the Public Works Department prior to recording of the final map. All newly created lots shall be connected to public sewer. All annexation fees shall be paid for the newly formed lots prior to recording the map. Any sewer extensions for annexations must be completed within one year after annexation. 8. The subdivider shall install all street signs, traffic delineation devices, warning and regulatory signs, guardrails, barricades, and other similar devices where required by the Director of Public Works. Signs shall be in conformance with the Public Works Department sign standards and the current State of California uniform sign chart. Installation of traffic devices shall be subject to review • and modifications after construction. 9. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department for all work to be done within the public right-of-way prior to recording of the final map. Applicant shall sign an inspection and curb/gutter agreement, guaranteeing that the work shall he done and inspections paid for prior to the start of public works construction. The construction of these improvements, as directed by the encroachment permit, shall be completed prior to recording the final map. 10. Prior to- recording of the final map, a soils investigation shall be submitted, recommending corrective measures to prevent structural damage to each structure where soil problems exist. The date of the report, name of the engineer, and the location where the reports are on file shall be noted on the map. 11. Parcels 1 and 22 shall have no direct access to Atascadero Ave, while Parcels 10 and 11 shall have no direct access to Coromar Rd. Access to all lots of the tract shall be from the new public roads. Relinquishment of access rights shall be shown on the final map. • 12. The applicant shall make an offer of dedication to the City for Via Tortuga and Calle Refugio (50foot right-of-way) . The offers of dedication shall also include public utility easements. All offers of dedication shall be recorded prior to or simultaneous to the recordation of the final map. • 13. A final map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. c. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 14. The Lot Line Adjustment (ATAL 88-299) shall be recorded prior to or simultaneous with the recording of the final map. 15. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. 16. Lots #6, 7, 8, and 9 shall be combined into three lots to preserve the two heritage oak trees on lot #8 and the one heritage oak on lot #6. • • CITY OF ATASCADERO STAFF REPORT ITEM : Q-2 FOR: Planning Commission Approval Date: March 21, 1989 BY: P QDoug Davidson, Associate Planner File No: LLA 02-89 SUBJECT: A lot line adjustment between two existing lots of record. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alice Johnson 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Central Coast Engineering 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8625/8785 Atascadero Ave. 4. Legal Description. . . . . . . . . . . .Lot 28 of Block 7, A.C. • 5. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ptn. Lot 28 - 3. 40 ac. Parcel 1 - 1.00 ac. 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RSF-X (Residential Single Family, minimum lot size one-half acre) 7. General Plan Des ignation. . . . .High Density Single Family 8. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single family residence 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Categorically Exempt B. ANALYSIS: This lot line adjustment is proposed to create a one acre net parcel (Parcel 1) and to accomodate the proposed Tract 1671 (see next agenda item) . The portion of lot 28 is proposed to be served by the cul-de-sac (Calle Refugio) under the tract map. For this reason, the lot line adjustment must record prior to or simultaneous with the recording of Tract 1671. It is staff's determination that the proposed lot line adjustment • will not adversely impact the intended use of the affected parcels and that the adjustment does not present any substantial planning issues. 2 • The proposed map, as presented, complies with City policies and standards. C. DETERMINATION: Lot Line Adjustment 02-89 is hereby approved based on the Findings for Approval indicated in Exhibit D and the Conditions of Approval shown in Exhibit E. Doug Dav dson Associate Planner for Henry Engen Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location and Zoning Map • Exhibit B - Tentative Lot Line Adjustment Map Exhibit C - Development Statement Exhibit D - Findings for Approval Exhibit E - Conditions of Approval • Exhibit A CITY OF ATASCADERO Location Map 7- ;! = , LLA 02-89 ��cw� COM NIUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ` y 5 40 rP a- c.P Coq �yoe'idr- .s�� cq,Sr00,c yf CT C s �� c 4500 - P � L JW SITE 7� IEW i '"so 41ve L aos► S • , I Exhibit B CITY OF ATASCADERO LLA Map LLA 02-89 �rnF CONfMLINITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT i r": it' •.moi. Q � :.�'.2§ � Z i > m m iff 36 J 7' , t71 1 1 P 1v N k T1 � a i { r, cEa m> I i M � % Exhibit C Development Statement LLA 02-89 CENTRAL COAST ENGINEERING 396 Buckley Road San Luis Obispo California 93401 -December 28, 1988 E557 City of Atascadero Planning Department 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93423 RE : ATAL 88-299 At the request of Mr. Clark Iverson, we are submitting this application for Parcel Map ATAL 88-299. The following are enclosed: 1. Application Form 2. Application Fee for $325.00 3. 4 Copies of Tentative Map • 4. 8.5" x 11" Transparent Reduction 5. Updated Title Reports This proposed map is to be processed in conjunction with Tentative Tract 1671. The goal of this map is to create a 1.00-acre net parcel through the elimination of the existing 50 foot wide offer to dedicate and adding area from Lot 28 to proposed Parcel 1. Ownership of Parcel 1 is to remain with the co-applicant, the Johnson Family. Thanks, D. Schmidt • Enclosures Iverson/D23 Telephone(805) 544-3278 EXHIBIT D - Findings for Approval Lot Line Adjustment 02-89 8625/8785 Atascadero Ave. Iverson/Central Coast Engineering March 21, 1989 FINDINGS: 1. The application as submitted has been determined to be categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 2. The application as submitted conforms with all applicable zoning, general plan, and subdivision regulations of the City of Atascadero. • • • EXHIBIT E - Conditions of Approval Lot Line Adjustment 02-89 8625/8785 Atascadero Ave. Johnson/Central Coast Engineering March 21, 1989 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The lot line adjustment as generally shown on the map attachment provided herein shall be submitted in final map format or reflected in a record of survey and Certificates of Compliance (2) to be approved by the Community Development Department prior to recordation. 2. The proposed adjusted lot lines shall be surveyed and monuments set at the new property corners prior to recordation of the final map or record of survey and Certificates of Compliance. 3. The final map shall be recorded prior to or simultaneous to • the recording of Tract Map 1671. 4. If a final map is to be recorded, all existing easements shall be delineated thereon. 5. Approval of this lot line adjustment shall expire two years from the date of approval unless a time extension has been granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. • EXHIBIT D - Conditions of Approval Tentative Tract Map 14-89 8625 Atascadero Ave. (Iverson/Central Coast Engineering) September 19, 1989 Revised by Planning Commission January 16 1990 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Co. Water lines shall be extended to the frontage of each parcel or its public utility easement prior to the recording of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. All utilities, including cable television, shall be placed underground and exist at the frontage of each lot prior to recording of the final map. • 3. Grading, drainage, and erosion control plans for each proposed lot, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to recording of the final map. Drainage facilities shall be constructed to City of Atascadero standards and completed prior to recording of the final map. 4. Road improvement plans, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to recordation of the final map. Plans shall include, but not be limited to the following: a. Paveout on Atascadero Ave. to twenty (20) feet from centerline, including a design for a five (5) foot walkway along the property frontage. The paved half width of Coromar shall be 12 feet. Prior to recording the final map, a contribution of $1. 75 per square foot of walkway along the frontage of Atascadero Ave. and Coromar Rd. and the linear frontage of Via Tortuga, shall be made to the Routes to School fund. b. Improvement plans shall show the grading necessary to • achieve the finish sidewalk grades along Atascadero Ave. and along both sides of the interior streets. During construction, a five foot wide width shall be graded to the finished sidewalk grades, in order to avoid the undercutting of landscaping and yards when the sidewalks are installed. C. The new interior roads (Via Tortuga and Calle Refugio) shall contain a paved roadway width between the face of curbs of 28 feet, including two 10 foot wide traffic lanes and one 8 foot wide parking lane, with curb and/or gutter as determined by the City Engineer. The center of the paved width shall be on the centerline of the right of way. The new roads shall be constructed to City standards and shall be accepted into the City maintained mileage after the required one year maintenance period, as determined by the City Engineer. d. The paved cul-de-sac radius shall be 48 feet with a minimum right of way radius of 54 feet. 5. Construction of the public improvements shall be completed prior to recordation of the final map. 6. Public improvement plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department prior to recording the final map. 7. Sewer improvement plans shall require approval from the Public Works Department prior to recording of the final map. All newly created lots shall be connected to public sewer. • All annexation fees shall be paid for the newly formed lots prior to recording the map. Any sewer extensions for annexations must be completed within one year after annexation. 8. The subdivider shall install all street signs, traffic delineation devices, warning and regulatory signs, guardrails, barricades, and other similar devices where required by the Director of Public Works. Signs shall be in conformance with the Public Works Department sign standards and the current State of California uniform sign chart. Installation of traffic devices shall be subject to review and modifications after construction. 9. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department for all work to be done within the public right-of-way prior to recording of the final map. Applicant shall sign an inspection and curb/gutter agreement, guaranteeing that the work shall be done and inspections paid for prior to the start of public works construction. The construction of these improvements, as directed by the encroachment permit, shall be completed prior to recording the final map. 10. Prior to recording of the final map, a soils investigation • shall be submitted, recommending corrective measures to prevent structural damage to each structure where soil problems exist. The date of the report, name of the engineer, and the location where the reports are on file shall be noted on the map. • 11. Parcels 1 and 23 shall have no direct access to Atascadero Ave, while Parcels 10 and 11 shall have no direct access to Coromar Rd. Access to all lots of the tract shall be from the new public roads. Relinquishment of access rights shall be shown on the final map. 12. The applicant shall make an offer of dedication to the City for Via Tortuga and Calle Refugio (40 foot right-of-way) . The offers of dedication shall also include public utility easements. All offers of dedication shall be recorded prior to or simultaneous to the recordation of the final map. 13. A final map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by • a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. C. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 14. The Lot Line Adjustment (ATAL 88-299) shall be recorded prior to or simultaneous with the recording of the final map. 15. Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. 16. Tract 1671 is deemed withdrawn and no further processing will occur. • MINUTES EXCERPT - PLANNING COMMISSION - 1/16/90 • B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1 . TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 14-89 : Application filed by Clark Iverson (Central Coast Engineering) to subdivide two lots ( 13 . 9 acres total) into 23 parcels of one-half acre each ( includes Lot Line Adjustment 2-89) . Subject site is located at 8625 Atascadero Avenue. Doug Davidson presented the staff report and provided a background on previous actions associated with the prior tract map for the site. Staff agrees with the applicant that this revised subdivision is a preferable design to the original tract. An addition to #6 for LLA 2-89 was suggested as well as modifications to Condition #2 and addition of #16 for the tract map. Mr. Davidson then responded to questions from the Commission. Ben Maddelena with Central Coast Engineering, representing the applicant, stated his concurrence with the conditions and noted appreciation for the work staff has done on this project. • Grigger Jones, representing Betty Hammond (8705 Atascadero Avenue) explained that Ms. Hammond has a 50 foot deeded easement which would have been diminished as set forth in LLA 2-89 (before the proposed addition of condition #6) . Mr. Jones added it was his understanding that the City has no intention of ever allowing that 50 foot wide strip to be used as a roadway, and would like to see assurances made that this does not happen in the future. Doris Ruste, 8753 Atascadero Avenue, stated her concerns with drainage in this area indicating the present easement is the natural runoff from the slope and has been subjected to washout damage during rainy years. She asked for clarification on how the drainage from the proposed lots would be handled. Mrs . Ruste also asked that consideration be given to protecting a large heritage oak on her property from any possible impacts. Mr. Davidson explained that conditions ##3 (grading, drainage and erosion control plans) and ##4 (road improvement plans) have incorporated drainage provisions to ensure that the drainage will not impact adjacent properties as a result of this development. MOTION: By Commissioner Highland, seconded by Commissioner Hanauer and carried 5 :0 to approve Tentative Tract Map 14-89 and Lot Line Adjustment 2-89 subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval contained in each staff report with the following modifications: MINUTES EXCERPT- - PLANNING COMMISSION - 1/16/90 (LLA 2-89 - addition of condition #6) • 116 . The following notes shall be removed prior to recording the map: 1 . Eliminate 50 ' dedication. 2 . Proposed 20 ' wide private access and utility easement. " (TTM 14-89 - modification to condition #2 ) 112 . All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easements are to be shown on the final map. All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the developer at his sole expense. All utilities, including cable television, shall be placed underground and exist at the frontage of each lot prior to recording of the final map. " (TTM 14-89 - addition of condition ##16) "16. Tract 1671 (TTM 1-a9) is deemed withdrawn and no further processing will occur. " 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 12-89 : Application filed by Atascadero Bibl Church (Curtis Illingworth) to establish a master an of development, including the addition of a sanct ry, offices, and classrooms to an existing churcl facility. Subject site is located at 6225 Atasca ro Mall. Mr. Davidson presented the staff eport which focused on project compliance with the dev lopment standards of the Zoning Ordinance and Appearan Review Manual . Staff is recommending approval of th use permit subject to certain conditions. Commission questions an discussion followed. Curtis Illingworth, igent for the applicant, spoke in support of the re st. He talked about the historical background of the existing church and its architecture and noted the propo d addition is compatible with the existing architecture. He then explained the phasing of the project. Wi regard to adjacent property owners (Williams) , Mr. Illingworth stated it was his understanding that the ncing around their property has already been done. Mark ensen, chairman of the building committee for the • Bib a Church, addressed the issue of ownership and r ationship between the Bible Church and the North County iristian School . He clarified that fencing has been put PAGE THREE MINUTES EXCERPT - PLANNING COMMISSION - 12/19/89 • B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. TENTATIVE TRACT NAP 14-89' : Application filed by Clark Iverson (Central Coast Engineering, agent) to subdivide 13 .9 acres into 23 lots of one-half acres each. the request includes the establishment of two new City standard roads to serve the subdivision; Via Tortuga and Calle Refugio. Subject site is located at 8625 Atascadero Avenue. (Continued from 9/19/89 meeting) Chairperson Lochridge stated the applicant has requested a continuance. Commissioner Brasher inquired what delays are preventing this item from being heard. Mr. DeCamp stated the applicant is experiencing some difficulty reaching agreement with his neighbors over access. to the new subdivision and to the existing lots and dwellings that abut the subdivision. No public testimony was given. NOTION: By Commissioner Brasher, seconded by Commissioner Luna to continue the hearing for Tentative Tract Map 2-89 to a future date. 2. TENTATIVE PARCEL NAP 13-89 : Application filed by Ken Highfill (Daniel Stewart, agent) to subdivide 20 . 52 acres into two ots containing 4 . 52 and 16.0 acres each. bject site is located at 10955 San Marcos Road. ( ntinued from 11/7/89 meeting) In presenting the staff report, Mr. ecamp focused on issues which led to staff' s recommendati for denial which included difficulty in providin access to proposed building sites, steep slopes, etc. Commission questions and scussion followed. Commissioner Luna expr ssed concern with regard to the illegal grading whic took place relative to environmental impacts pointed ou in an adjacent property' s E.I.R. and asked if any mit ation measures have been proposed. Mr. DeCamp respond that restoration of that area has been sought by th City adding that CalTrans has some concern with regar to erosion if something is not done to try to mitigate ome of the drainage that would go down the road. Monito ng is taking place by the City as well as CalTrans • regar ing the effect of the grading on the property. Di- ussion followed. MINUTES EXCERPT - PLANNING COMMISSION - 9/19/89 • Chairperson Lochridge expressed concern that the mission may be facing a similar situation such as Mrs . dgett' s. There are going to be cumulative effects wh ' must be addressed before going further and he wo d support a continuance. The motion carried 4 :3 w the following roll call vote: AYES: Commiss ers Highland, Waage, Hanauer, and Lop albontin NOES- Commissioners Luna, Brasher and Chairperson Lochridge airperson Lochridge declared a break at 9 :45 p.m. ; meeting reconvened at 9 : 57 p.m. 3 . TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 14-89 : Application filed by Clark Iverson (Central Coast Engineering, agent) to subdivide a portion of two existing lots (13 .9 acres) into 23 parcels of one-half • acre each. Request includes the establishment of two new City standard roads to serve the subdivision - via Tortuga and Calle Refugio. Subject site is located at 8625 Atascadero Avenue. Mr. Davidson reported the applicant has asked for a continuance as they are in the process of redesigning the map. No public testimony was received. MOTION: By Commissioner Highland, seconded by Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin and carried 7 :0 to continue the hearing on Tentative Tract Map 14-89 to a future date. 4. COIONAL USE PSRMIT 7-89 : App ica I n filed by Folkins and Folkins, Inc. (R.P. Heim, agen o establish a service station (gasoline cardlock) inclu a 1,350 square foot retail store in the CN (Commercial ghborhood) zone. Subject site is located at 2025 El Cam Real. Mr. Davidson presented the staf ort noting staff' s concern with the nature and magnitu f the proposed use in • the Commercial Neighborhood zone. • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-6 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 2/13/90 File No: TPM 11-88 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 11-88 at 5550/5560 Llano Road (Frank Atkinson/Twin Cities Engineering) to subdivide 11 . 50 acres into four (4) parcels containing 2 . 86 acres each. RECOMMENDATION: Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 11-88 as all conditions of approval have been met by the applicant. • BACKGROUND : On July 12 , 1988, the City Council concurred with the Planning Commissions recommendation to approve Tentative Parcel Map 11-88 based on the findings and revised conditions of approval . HE :ph CC: Frank Atkinson Twin Cities Engineering • EXHIBIT A - LOCATION MAP CITY 5550 5560 Llano Road OF ATASCADERO / a ,„1e7a� Tentative Parcel Map 8 CAD J COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Atkinson/Twin Cities ..... DEPARTMENT SITE: 5550/5560 Llano Roa L(FH) SAN TPM 11-88 Atkinson/Twin Cities RS R� / r �ROAO o LLAIVO UA �Obv� R Z. s F H ° SA r R YZ S L(FH) C'Ay TANOZ1� \PUENTO OHO\ a ! / y r R S ��;%'�0 • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-7 Meeting Date: From: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director .' , ' Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager SUBJECT: Claim of Jack Rodda RECOMMENDATION: The City ' s insurance adjustor has reviewed this case and recommends that Council deny Mr . Rodda ' s claim. BACKGROUND: • Claimant alleges that the City requested he position his driveway where it is now located . This matter is related to an earlier claim against the City (Hampl vs. City of Atascadero ) . MJ:gr • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-8 Through : Ray Windsor , City Manager Meeting Date: 2/13/90 From: Mark Joseph , Administrative Services Director SUBJECT: Adopting a Position Allocation Resolution RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council adopt the attached resolution, authorizing the number of permanent positions by Department and job titles. (Resolution No. 14-90) BACKGROUND: This action is related to the closure of the Wage and Class Study. The attached resolution formally allocates permanent positions by Department and Classification. Any adjustments between what was approved in the 1989-90 budget and this • resolution can be explained in large part by the Wage and Class Study findings. The significant changes are described below. 1 . Police Agent - The study recommended six upgrades from Police Officer to Police Agent . The Police Chief has proposed one Police Agent be traded for a new class of Support Services Lead Technician, in order to improve Dispatching operations. 2. Finance Technician - The study also identified a need for an Accounting Technician. This class was retitled to expand the positions ' involvement in financial matters beyond accounting . 3. Three New Supervisory Positions - Three positions were upgraded to supervisory rank and reassigned to the Mid-Management Unit , in response to the study. These positions are the Parks Supervisor , Street Maintenance Supervisor and Chief of Wastewater Operations. There were other upgrades of existing positions to better reflect job duties and/or to improve departmental flexibility. These adjustments were reviewed and approved by the City Manager and did not require any additional funding . • OPTIONS: 1 . Council can amend the adjusted allocations. This is not recommended ; since they were based in large part on actual job duties and therefore are properly classified . • FISCAL IMPACT The costs of the reclassifications recommended by the Study have been included in the Midyear Budget update. The costs of any additional reclassifications will be absorbed in existing Departmental budgets. • r • RESOLUTION NO. 14-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING A POSITION ALLOCATION SCHEDULE FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby ratify: Section 1 . Position Allocation Schedule. The schedule of positions allocated by Department and Job Classification shall be as set forth in Exhibit I , attached to this resolution and made a part of this resolution. Section 2. Effective Date. The effective date of this resolution shall be January 1 , 1990. Section 3. Amendments. Amendments changing either the job classification or the number of positions shall be by Council • resolution. On motion by Councilperson and seconded by Councilperson the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE: ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: • ARTHER MONTANDON RAY WINDSOR City Attorney City Manager • CITY OF ATASCADERO PERMANENT POSTIONS ALLOCATED FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989-1990 Effective January 1 , 1990 CITY CLERK Deputy City Clerk 0.5 Department Total 0.5 CITY MANAGER City Manager 1 .0 Secretary to the City Manager 1 .0 Department Total 2.0 POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief of Police 1 .0 Police Lieutenant 2.0 Police Sergeant 4.0 Police Agent 5.0 • Police Officer 16.0 Support Services Manager 1 .0 Support Services Leadworker 1 .0 Support Services Technician 6.5 Department Total 36.5 FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief 1 .0 Battalion Chief 2.0 Fire Captain* 4.0 Fire Engineer* 4.0 Firefighter* 4.0 Administrative Secretary 1 .0 Department Total 16.0 *Up to six positions may be designated Paramedics PUBLIC WORKS Director of Public Works/City Engineer 1 .0 Senior Civil Engineer 1 .0 Engineering Technician II 1 .0 Engineering Technician I 1 .0 Administrative Secretary 1 .0 • Superintendent of Public Works 1 .0 Street Maintenance Supervisor 1 .0 Maintenance Leadworker 1 .0 Maintenance Worker II 4.0 Maintenance Worker I 0.0 Building Maintenance Specialist 1 .0 Custodian 2.0 Wastewater Operations Supervisor 1 .0 Wastewater Treatment Operator II 1 .0 Wastewater Treatment Operator I 1 .0 Wastewater Treatment Operator-in-Training 1 .0 Department Total 19.0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Director of Community Development 1 .0 City Planner 1 .0 Senior Planner 1 .0 Associate Planner 0.0 Assistant Planner 2.0 Building Official 1 .0 Senior Building Inspector 1 .0 Building Inspector 2.0 Administrative Secretary 1 .6 Building Aide 1 .0 Office Assistant II 1 .0 Department Total 12.6 • PARKS, RECREATION AND ZOO Director of Parks, Recreation & Zoo 1 .0 Assistant Parks, Recreation & Zoo Director 1 .0 Recreation Supervisor 2.0 Recreation Coordinator 0.0 Administrative Secretary 1 .0 Park Supervisor 1 .0 Maintenance Worker II 3.0 Maintenance Worker I 1 .0 Department Total 10.0 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Director of Administrative Services 1 .0 Assistant Finance Director 1 .0 Administrative Secretary 1 .0 Finance Technician 1 .0 Account Clerk II 2.5 Office Assistant II 0.0 Personnel Coordinator 1 .0 Department Total 7.5 TOTAL FULL-TIME PERMANENT POSITIONS 104.6 • p\staff89.90 Draft #2 • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-9 (A-D) Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 2/13/i990�+ From: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Directorry �. SUBJECT: Adopting agreements for Management , Mid-Management/ Professional and Confidential Employees. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council adopt the four attached resolutions, clarifying the benefit packages for the City Manager , Management , Mid-Management/Professional and Confidential employees. (Resolution No. 's 8-90, 9-90, 10-90 & 11-90, res- pectively) BACKGROUND: • Technically, there has been no valid agreement between the City and these four employee groups. In good faith , the terms of last year ' s agreement were honored on both sides. On October 10, 1989, Council adopted a resolution adjusting their salaries for the current year . These four resolutions reaffirm the agreements, with modifications outlined below. The City Manager and employees in the Management Unit will receive an additional 40 hours of Administrative Leave. In addition, the City Manager and Department Heads, after five or more years of service, will be able to convert one-half of their sick leave balance towards retirement . Finally, some clarifications were made in their Cafeteria Plan. The Confidential Unit will receive the same sick leave benefit as Management and will begin receiving sixteen hours of Administrative Leave. The Confidential Unit does not have a Cafeteria Plan. The Mid-Management/Professional Unit requested no changes in their agreement until talks are resumed in the Spring . OPTIONS 1 . Council can reject the agreements and wait until Spring . • The City would continue to honor the old agreements. 2. Council can direct staff to continue negotiating and return with a new agreement . • FISCAL IMPACT The new benefits have no immediate fiscal impact . The cost for the sick leave clause depends upon when an eligible employee retires and the sick leave balance of that employee. The intent of this provision is to create an incentive to accumulate sick leave. • • RESOLUTION NO. B-90 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 76-88 MAKING CHANGES TO THE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND RAY WINDSOR, CITY MANAGER Section 1 . That section 5 entitled Vacation Pay is amended to ten ( 10) days of Management Leave. Section 2. That section 9 entitled Sick Leave is amended to add , "Upon termination of employment in good standing , after five (5) years of continuous service, he shall be paid one-half of all accumulated Sick Leave. PASSED AND ADOPTED at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Atascadero held February 13, 1990, by the following vote: • AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By: ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk ARTHER R. MONTANDON, City Attorney • RESOLUTION NO. 9-90 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF • THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE AND BENEFITS FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES SECTION 1 . SALARIES 1 . 1 Base salaries in effect on 30 June 1989 shall be increased by 7% effective 1 July 1989. SECTION 2. HEALTH BENEFITS 2. 1 The City shall pay all medical , dental and vision benefit premiums for the employee and dependents for the term of this contract . 2.2 Those employees without dependents or who choose not to enroll their dependents in the City plan will receive the amount of the dependent premium as an addition to his/her regular pay. SECTION 3. ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE 3. 1 Each employee will receive forty (40) hours of Administrative Leave which will vest as of July 1 annually. An additional forty (40) hours may be granted with the approval of the City Manager . • Except as provided below, Administrative Leave will not be carried over or accrue from one fiscal year to the next . 3.2 If an employee is unable to use his/her Administrative Leave prior to the end of the fiscal year for work related reasons beyond his/her control (as verified by the City Manager ) , said leave will be carried over into the next fiscal year for a period not to exceed three (3) months. Said time will be available to the employee for use during that period , but will not be accrued for the purpose of payoff in the event of termination. 3.3 In the event an employee covered by this Agreement is employed after January l of the fiscal year , the employee shall be eligible for forty (40) hours of Administrative Leave. SECTION 4. RETIREMENT 4. 1 The City shall continue to pay the employee monthly contribution (7% of base salary) to the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) . SECTION 5. LIFE INSURANCE 5. 1 The City shall maintain a term life insurance policy on each employee in the amount of Fifty-Thousand Dollars ($50,000) and the9 City shall pay the full premium amount for such coverage. 5.2 The City shall maintain a term life insurance policy for each eligible dependent of the employee in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1 ,000) per dependent and the City shall pay the full premium amount for such coverage. SECTION 6. SICK LEAVE ACCRUAL • 6. 1 There will be no maximum limit on the amount of sick leave an employee may accumulate. SECTION 7. SICK LEAVE INCENTIVE 7. 1 Eligibility - to be eligible for this benefit an employee must : a. Have accumulated 48 days of sick leave. b . The sick leave pay-off will occur the next 12-month period (December 1 - November 30) after an employee has accumulated and maintained the 48 days on the books. C . In the event an employee covered by this agreement donates up to 12 days of sick leave in any one year , to the Employee Sick Hank , it shall not count against the 48 day accumulation for eligibility to receive the incentive pay-off. 7.2 Once the eligibility requirements have been met , an employee may option to receive a pay-off equal to one-third ( 1/3) of the unused annual allotment of sick leave. (The annual allotment is twelve ( 12) days. ) 7.3 The time period for determining annual usage will be December 1 to November 30. Checks will be prepared by December 15. SECTION S. SICK LEAVE PAY-BACK • 8. 1 When a department head terminates employment in good standing , and after five (5) years of continuous service, he shall be paid one- half of his accumulated Sick Leave. SECTION 9. CAFETERIA PLAN 9. 1 For Fiscal Year 1989-1990, $400.00 is available to each member of the Management Unit , to be used to-select from a list of benefit options listed below (8.2) . 9.2 The benefit options (cafeteria list ) available are: a. Dues for civic club memberships. b . Contribution to deferred compensation C. Tuition and books ( In addition to existing educational reimbursement program, not necessarily job related . ) d . Annual physical ( in conjunction with medical coverage) e. Self/dependent health/dental/vision expenses (not covered through the medical plan) f. Membership in a health club g . Administrative leave (not subject to carryover as noted in section 3.2 above) , on an hourly basis up to a value of $400.00 h . Purchase of work related equipment , which includes, but shall not be limited to the following types of materials ( Items purchased under this section become property of employee. ) : A Hooks and periodicals A Computer software A Scientific and/or technical equipment A Special clothing 9.3 Receipts must be turned in for reimbursement . Payment will be • made once a year . (As soon as all receipts are available for inclusion with the request for reimbursement . ) 9.4 Pro-rated . In the event an employee covered by this Agreement is employed after January 1 of the fiscal year , the employee ' s benefit will be reduced to $200 for the remainder of that year . SECTION 10. BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY 10. 1 The Birthday Holiday (8 hours) will be credited to the employee on January 1 of each year and must be utilized within the calender year , to be scheduled as any normal leave with pay procedure. Pro-rated, in the event an employee covered by this agreement is hired after June 30, 1989, the benefit will be reduced to four (4) hours for the remaining calendar year . On motion by Counci. lperson and seconded by Councilperson , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: • ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By: ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk RAY WINDSOR, City Manager PREPARED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK A. JOSEPH, Director of ARTHER R. MONTANDON, Administrative Services City Attorney • • RESOLUTION NO. 10-90 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE AND BENEFITS FOR MID-MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES SECTION 1 . SALARIES 1 . 1 Base salaries in effect on 31 December 1988 shall be increased by 7% effective 1 January 1989, with the exception of the following : Assistant Planner S% effective 07/01/89 1 .2 Equity adjustment - City Planner and Plan Check Engineer an • additional 7% effective 1 January 1990. SECTION 2. HEALTH BENEFITS 2. 1 The City shall pay all medical , dental and vision benefit premiums for the employee and dependents for the term of this contract. 2.2 Those employees without dependents or who choose not to enroll their dependents in the City plan will receive the amount of the dependent premium as an addition to his/her regular pay. SECTION 3. ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE 3. 1 Each employee will receive forty (40) hours of Administrative Leave which will vest as of July 1 annually. Except as provided below, Administrative Leave will not be carried over or accrue from one fiscal year to the next . 3.2 If an employee is unable to use his/her Administrative Leave prior to the end of the fiscal year for work related reasons beyond his/her control (as verified by the Department Head) , said leave will be carried over into the next fiscal year for a period not to exceed three (3) months. Said time will be available to the employee for use during that period , but will not be accrued • for the purpose of payoff in the event of termination. 3.3 In the event an employee covered by this Agreement is employed after January 1 of the fiscal year, the employee shall be eligible for twenty (20) hours of Administrative Leave. • SECTION 4. RETIREMENT 4. 1 The City shall continue to pay the employee monthly contribution (7% of base salary) to the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) . SECTION 5. LIFE INSURANCE 5. 1 The City shall maintain a term life insurance policy on each employee in the amount of Fifty-Thousand Dollars ($50,000) and the City shall pay the full premium amount for such coverage. 5.2 The City shall maintain a term life insurance policy for each eligible dependent of the employee in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1 ,000) per dependent and the City shall pay the full premium amount for such coverage. SECTION 6. SICK LEAVE ACCRUAL 6. 1 There will be no maximum limit on the amount of sick leave an employee may accumulate. SECTION 7. SICK LEAVE INCENTIVE • 7. 1 Eligibility - to be eligible for this benefit an employee must : a. Have accumulated 48 days of sick leave. b . The sick leave pay-off will occur the next 12-month period (December 1 - November 30) after an employee has accumulated and maintained the 48 days on the books. C . In the event an employee covered by this agreement donates up to 12 days of sick leave in any one year , to the Employee Sick Bank , it shall not count against the 48 day accumulation for eligibility to receive the incentive pay-off. 7.2 Once the eligibility requirements have been met , an employee may option to receive a pay-off equal to one-third ( 1/3) of the unused annual allotment of sick leave. (The annual allotment is twelve ( 12) days. ) 7.3 The time period for determining annual usage will be December 1 to November 30. Checks will be prepared by December 15. • SECTION S. CAFETERIA PLAN 8. 1 For Fiscal Year 1989-1990, $200.00 is available to each member of the Mid-Management/Professional Unit , to be used to select from a list of benefit options listed below (8.2) . 8.2 The benefit options (cafeteria list ) available are: a. Dues for fees in professional organizations and/or civic club memberships. b . Contribution to deferred compensation C.. Tuition and books ( In addition to existing educational reimbursement program, not necessarily job related . ) d . Annual physical ( in conjunction with medical coverage) e. Self/dependent health/dental/vision expenses (not covered through the medical plan) f. Membership in a health club g . Administrative leave (not subject to carryover as noted in section 3.2 above) . h . Purchase of work related equipment , which includes, but shall not be limited to the following types of materials ( Items purchased under this section become property of • employee. ) : A Books and periodicals A Computer software A Scientific and/or technical equipment • Special clothing 8.3 Receipts must be turned in for reimbursement . Payment will be made once a year . (As soon as all receipts are available for inclusion with the request for reimbursement . ) 8.4 Pro-rated . In the event an employee covered by this agreement is employed after January 1 of the fiscal year , the employee ' s benefit will be reduced to $100 for the remainder of that year . SECTION 9. OVERTIME FOR SWORN PUBLIC SAFETY PERSONNEL 9. 1 Sworn personnel will be eligible for overtime on an emergency basis only, upon approval of their department head . They must be acting in the capacity of either fire captain or police sergeant while on the shift. • • SECTION 10. BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY 10. 1 The Birthday Holiday (8 hours) will be credited to the employee on January 1 of each year and must be utilized within the calender year , to be scheduled as any normal leave with pay procedure. Pro-rated , in the event an employee covered by this agreement is hired after 30 June 1989, the benefit will be reduced to four (4) hours for the remaining calendar year . On motion by Councilperson and seconded by Councilperson , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA • By: ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk RAY WINDSOR, City Manager PREPARED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK A. JOSEPH, Director of ARTHER R. MONTANDON, Administrative Services City Attorney AGREED TO: • WILLIAM WATTON, Representative to Mid-Management/Professional Unit • RESOLUTION NO. 11-90 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE AND BENEFITS FOR CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES SECTION 1 . SALARIES 1 . 1 Base salary in effect for Personnel Coordinator on 31 December 1988 shall be increased 7% effective 1 January 1989. 1 .2 Base salary in effect for Secretary to City Manager in effect on 30 June 1989, shall be increased 7% effective 1 July 1989. SECTION 2. HEALTH BENEFITS 2. 1 The City shall pay all medical , dental and vision benefit • premiums for the employee and dependents for the term of this contract . 2.2 Those employees without dependents or who choose not to enroll their dependents in the City plan will receive the amount of the dependent premium as an addition to his/her regular pay. - SECTION 3. ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE 3. 1 Each employee will receive sixteen ( 16) hours of Administrative Leave which will vest as of July 1 annually. Administrative Leave will •not be carried over to accrue from one fiscal year to the next . SECTION 4. RETIREMENT 4. 1 The City shall continue to pay the employee monthly contri- bution (7% of base salary) to the Public Employees Retire- ment System (PERS) . SECTION 5. LIFE INSURANCE 5. 1 The City shall maintain a term life insurance policy on each employee in the amount of Fifty-Thousand Dollars ($50,000) • and the City shall pay the full premium amount for such coverage. • nsurance policy for ee in the amount of One nt and the City shall coverage. amount of sick leave for the care of gnant and who are benefit an employee • leave. r the next 12-month ) after an employee has 8 days on the books. by this agreement ave in any one year , to not count against the ity to receive the `e been met , an employee to one-third ( 1/3) of eave. (The annual .1 usage will be 11 be prepared 'by • SECTION 8. SICK LEAVE PAY-BACK 8. 1 Upon termination of employment in good standing , and after five (5) years of continuous service, the individual shall be paid one-half of all accumulated Sick Leave. SECTION 9. BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY 9. 1 The Birthday Holiday (8 hours) will be credited to the employee on January 1 of each year and must be utilized within the calender year , to be scheduled as any normal leave with pay procedure. Pro-rated , in the event an employee covered by this agreement is hired after 30 June 1989, the benefit will be reduced to four (4) hours for the remaining calendar year . On motion by Councilperson and seconded by Councilperson , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By: ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: • BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk RAY WINDSOR, City Manager PREPARED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK A. JOSEPH, Director of ARTHER R. MONTANDON, Administrative Services City Attorney • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-10 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 2/13/90 From: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director SUBJECT: Adopting a Salary Resolution for the City of Atascadero RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council adopt the attached resolution, establishing a salary schedule for all positions in the City. (Resolution No. 13-90) BACKGROUND: This is actually a formality, since most salaries have already been established through collective bargaining agreements • and ratified by Council . Normally, a resolution of this sort is adopted along with the Annual Budget . Because the Wage and Class study was underway at the time, no action was taken. Since an agreement with SEIU has been reached, thereby closing the study, it is appropriate to ratify the new salaries. Of the remaining job titles, most have been discussed with Council in closed session, or are an outgrowth of the Wage and Class study. The new salaries have been asterisked for ease of identification. FISCAL IMPACT: The increased salaries will have a modest increase in the City ' s operating expenses. However , the current year cost has been included in the Midyear Budget review calculations, with no overall negative impact . • • RESOLUTION NO. 13-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING A SCHEDULE OF SALARIES FOR ALL JOB CLASSIFICATIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby ratify: Section 1 . Classifications Added. The following job classifications are hereby added : Chief of Wastewater Operations Street Maintenance Supervisor Support Services Manager Building Maintenance Specialist Maintenance Leadworker Account Clerk I Account Clerk II Finance Techician Administrative Secretary • Office Assistant I Office Assistant II Police Agent Support Services Lead Technician Support Services Technician Section 2. Classifications Deleted. The following job classifications are hereby deleted: Support Services Supervisor Accounting Supervisor Maintenance Worker III Senior Park Maintenance Worker Supervising Maintenance Worker Chief Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Clerical Assistant- I Clerical Assistant II Finance Clerk I Finance Clerk II Administrative Secretary I Support Services Assistant Section 3. Salary Schedule. The monthly salaries of all authorized job classifications shall be as s�_forth in Exhibit I , which shall be made a part of this resolution; • Section 4. Effective Date. The effective date of this resolution shall be January 1 , 1990. On motion by Councilperson and seconded by Councilperson the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE: ATTEST : BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk ROLLIN DEXTER , �r- • APPROVED AS TO FORM : APPROVED AS T] CONTENT: ARTHER MONTANDC�N . . ty Attorney RAY WINDSOR, City Manager • SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE &/i/90 _. MONTHLY RATES JOB CODE JOB TITLE A STEP 8 STEP C STEP D STEP E STEP 2111 Admin. Services Dir. .. 4287.04;- ---2112- -COMMU r I t y Dov. D i rector --- - --____- --------_-.._-- __---- _. _ ____-___. ---48347.00 2114 Fire Chief 4796.00 2110 Parks, Rbc & Zoo Dir. 3909.00 2113 PoLice Chief 4796.00 - 2115 PubLic Works Director - __ - _ -5016.00 2610 Ass t Finance Director 2739.60 2876.58 3020.41 3171.43 3330.00 2'Si0 Ass t. P,R & Zoo Dir. 2447.54 2569.92 2698.41 2833.33 2973.00 3110 Assistant Planner 2018.09 2118.99 2224.94 2336.19 2453.00 - 31 i i - Assoc i ate P Lanner - - 2364.45 2482-.&? -- 2606.80 2737.14---2874.00- 2280 HuiLdins OfficiaL 2947.74 3095.13 3249.89 3412.38 3583.00 #2780 Chief WW Operator 2638.41 2770.33 2908.84 3054.29 3207.00 2270 City PLanner 2987.23 3136.59 3293.42 3458.10 3631.00 2810 Firw Hatta-Lion Chief 2916.48 3062.30 3215.42 3376.19 -3545.00 *2770 Parks Supervisor 2180.98 2290.03 2404.54 2524.76 2651.00 3120 PLan Check Engineer 2918.95 3064.90 3218.14 3379.05 3548.00 2910 PoLice Lieutenant 2916.48 3062..30 3213.42 .3376.19 3545.00 2524--Recrwa-*4on- Supers i sor- 1887.92 -1982-.-32--2081-.-43 -2185.9'10 --2294.78 -- 2260 Senior CiviL Enoineer 2791.43 2931.00 3077.56 3231 .43 3393.00 3112 Senior PLanner 2608.98 2739.43 2876.40 3020.22 3171.23 3312 Sr. Hullding Inspector 2629.36 2760.82 2898.87 3043.81 3196.00 $ 2760 St.- Main*.- Supervisor _- 2376.42 2495.24 --2620.00 2751.00 2888.55 2710 Super. of Public Works 2728.08 2964.49 3007.71 3158.10 3316.00 2970 Support Services Manager 2027.96 2129.36 2235.83 2347.62 2465.00 3710 Personnel Coordinator 1759.76 1847.75 1940.14 2037.14 2139.00 4310- -Sec 'Y to- the- C I ty Mor.------1®02.54 1892-.67 - 1997.30 - 208&.67 -2191.00- 2860 Fire Captain 2484.34 2608.56 2738.98 2875.93 3019.73 7511 Fire Engineer 2205.99 2316.29 2432. 10 2353.70 2681.39 7510 Fire Fighter 2005.40 21091.67 2210.96 23221.50 2437.58 16510 SLdgt. MaInt. SpecIaList -1891.ib 1?85.72 2085.01 2189.26 2298.72 -, 3311 9ull.dine Inspector 2069.73 2173.22 2281.88 2393.97 2515.77 !6810 Custodian 1460.26 1533.28 1609.94 1690.44 1774.96 -3320 Engineering Tech. I 1778.72 1867.65 1961.03 2059.09 2162.04 • • 3321 Enw i-newr i ng- Tact*-. 11 1973.38 2072-.04 -217' .65 2284.43- 2399.65 - -6710 Maintenances Leadworker 1752.2v 1839.86 1931.85 2028.45 2129.87 :6120 Maintenance Wkr 1 1317.09 1592.94 1672.59 1756.22 1844.03 •6121 Maintenance Wkr II 1672.60 1766.23 1944.05 1936.25 2033.06 5210 Recreation Coordinator 4762.2'.Tr 1639.86 1931.85 2029.45 2129.637 :6310 WWTP Operator In Trns 1676.49 1760.31 1848.33 1940.74 2037.78 -6311 WWTP Operator I 1862.75 1955.89 2053.69 2156.37 2264.19. X6312 WWTP Operator II 2069.73 2173.22 2281.88 2395.97 2615.77 4110 - Account--C Lark- I- ----4383-.60 1454-86----1527`.63-- _1604.01 1684.21 -- 4111 Account CLerk 11 1527.63 1604.01 1684.21 1768.42 1836.84 X4311 Administrative Sec 'y 1604.27 1684.48 1766.71 1897.14 1950.00 4512 Suilding Aide 1714.58 1800.31 1890.32 1984.84 2084.08 4113- --F i-nanee, Tachn-Fci-a n f6A0:39 ---1764.41-__.1952..63- -1945.26- - 2042,.52- 4010 Office Asst. I 1256.78 1319.62 1383.60 1454.88 1527.62 4511 Office Asst. IZ 1385.60 1454.88 15127.63 1604.01 1684.21 2960 Police Sergeant 25155.97 2683.77 2817.96 2958.86 3106.80 7*t2--Po-t tcw-Agerrl--- -----242 70--2348.9#--2Er73:23--2806:90--2947.24 7111 PoLice Officer 2204.27 2314.49 2430.21 2351.72 2679.31 17312 Support Svc. Lead Tech. 1707.68 1793.07 1862.72 1976.86 2075.70 7311 Support Svc. Technician iSM2.44 1630.06 1711.36 1797.14 1887.00 • • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-11 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 2/13/90 From: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director SUBJECT: Adopting Agreement with SEIU Bargaining Unit RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approve the attached resolution, endorsing the agreement between the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the City. (Resolution No. 12-90) BACKGROUND: This is the final Chapter in the implementation of the Wage and Class Study begun in late 1988. The significant changes included in this agreement are as follows: A new class of • Finance Technician is proposed , along with three new supervisory classes - Street Maintenance Supervisor ; Parks Supervisor and Chief Wastewater Operator . The three supervisors will be reassigned to the Mid-Management/Professional Unit . The class of Administrative Secretary will receive a five percent adjustment . The remaining classes in the General Services section will receive a .6 percent increase, based on the transition of the three supervisors. The agreements are retroactive to January 1 , 1990. OPTIONS: 1 . Council can reject the agreement and delay any adjustments until the SEIU contracts come up for renewal in Spring, 1990. 2. Council can direct staff to renegotiate the agreement , based on discussions at Tuesday ' s meeting . FISCAL IMPACT: The agreements proposed will cost the City an additional $10,000 for the balance of the fiscal year . This amount was included in the Midyear budget review. • • RESOLUTION NO. 12-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND THE SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby approve the attached letter of understanding between the City of Atascadero and the Service Employees International Union, dated January 10, 1990. On motion by Councilperson and seconded by Ccuncilperson the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE: ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ARTHER MONTANDON, City Attorney RAY WINDSOR, City Manager • n < A -o t7 n < n m t� a a a m ro rD a a ro W. m a 3 �+ ct rr I to U to ct ct O < rT n rD N to ff to ct W. u 7 7 -1 O `< W. ,< 2 r• t0 W. `< O M W. M rD r• £ tD -< N U' m a - Cl m X,cn a ct in a m O = C rD W. ct N 7 N U 1 3 o M a r � 3 m n O -s ct m 3 -� W. , m m m rD a rD -1 N z a 0- l< acu n r• a -� o � � -s o < a z I O n D D oo n D D D n Tt �1 n I to ,-• a a t- r a a a C O a rD rD 3 3 a N 3 3 rD o 3 —I M m ct 3 -� ►'• r• t0 r• r r a a r M CL -n O D D o O o D n n im z n & a rn m r• to M w M w m (D o N t-. ro m a rn ro ro rD to 3 f n n m ct n n n n M r• 7 -� ct ct ct ct ct ►-' ct 7 rD `< �< `G `C `< N r O a C t~ N ct ct rr t i a 'n cr (D .. z o d m a �• to rD z < 6) o r0 to o0 13 t- 0 n n n n n n n n n n n IZ I N N O N rD rD rD rD ro N M rDCL 0-4 �+ 3 o o- w ao m o, m m m D C -IS m m�0 Lii m M C!i C(I C!i M C!1 ()i rA n ct ct r J t` 4, �] �] J 4 J J m -1 rD '0 O CL z N D D D CD O D D D O D �1 FrM to a a a a -n a a a -h n r• m a r, W. ... tp W. f,. r• ct a D � o N n n o C En to O r• N to w N N rD a z ro a n n n M` t n n n —I Uct O) •—4 O ct ct, ct 1-4 ct et ct H t•-t fD m fA `< `< K K `< '< r-t ►� n d ro 7 H O n C n n n n n n n n n n n a rD o M ro rD rD (D rD M rD rD -� w 'S -41 N r• 'fl -� m a O O ,0 O 0• ,0 ,0 -0 Q` CO O (n r0 a 0) F u O m 0 0 u M u -1 J` -1 O •L` O O O x- J W m �'• I!i r '1� G Becker & Bell, Inc. VUCojoukasua to Manaaenaet • Steve Schiasherer - 5465 Sae Patricio - Santa Barbara, California 93111 - (805) %7 3938 January 10, 19W John W. Stailsmith Senior Field Representative S.E. L U.Local 817 11555 Los Osos Wey Road MA7 RE CE IV ED San Luis Obispo, Calif. 93401 JAN 2 2 1990 Dear John: PERSONNEL The purpose of this letter is to confirm the understanding reached between the City of Amscadero and the Union on implementation of the Classification and Compensation Study for the employees represented by the Union. The parties agree as follows. 1. The listing of"Comp Plus" Findings - Impact on SEIU Units, as revised and attached,will be implemented. 2. The new class of Administrative Secretary will be increased five(S)percent effective January 1, 1990. K.%ughan and V.Humphrey will be "Y"rated. • 3. All Classes in the General Unit will be increased .6%effective January 1, 1990. - 4. P. Forbes will be reviewed in three months and again in six months and if she maintains satisfactory performance will be promoted to Maintenance Worker II. S. Those employees recommended for reclassification to Maintenance Worker U by the study will not be required to serve a probationary period. 6. The classes of Park Maintenance Supervisor, Street Maintenance Supervisor and Chief of Waste Water Operations will be reassigned to the Mid-management Professional Unit. If you are in agreement with the above,sign in the spsce provided below and return to the City of Atescadero,attention Mark Joseph. It is our intent to present the necessary papeivwork to the City Council at its January 23rd meeting to implement effective January 1, 1990. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Sincere , e Schinocrer I e with the a e. for City of Amscadero .% /ohn W. Stallsmith enior Field Representative.E. I. U. Local 817 3 d T m n -I m L4 L m n a w w w ct O O r• w O O 3 �+ O ct O ct rD a r-• C 7 ? W :1O ct < K rr O r to < rD N 3 E w tD 3 N (D ct W. O w K (D W. 3 w r m H :3 n rD r 's O (D N ct ct t0 I.— 3 n ct r• E Q O. O rD O N (D z IV m 3 r' n N m z rD n -1 n O n O -3 --1 3 ro O fo 7 a z M m 3 3 3 3 to M M a Ut :3 : w w w w -s rD N tp t0 �'• r. r• r• n O. '�i>J O n ;t ;' ;' w n m m < z n r w n n E x, o N N 3 to N :r :T O O O O -s •o -p n n (D ►' O ct ct r O -1 O w O O C NW. �' fi ct I -s N ctt0 f..4 N W. ►i ,.a ,i -I ' O O E ' O O 7C N z r• Cl ct 1-4 O ct z r• z Gl 3 O O .... O O. O G? G7 G7 O G1 G7 G7 W G1 Mc ct N (D N (D rD rD (D ru 1 • w n m � N N �-' N N N N N N N30 ID N W M O O O W U u 1 D N w .-0 m N «N-• O mt i O ct 1 j ct w O O z C O O M M 3 3 3 3 T M m tb -.{ N r uJ : 7 w w w w "I N P-, , , m ct C u] V7 W. W. W. r• X, n a a ..� r•. i r0 ct t m r 3 u] c � m N' n n E E E E :3 'a N u1 O o ct -1 m � < p t-e C r• rr H CL ►-c + r-t < O O N N N (D rD (WD 3 3 N (D z c� N N N N N N N N M0 O '-' W N O O O N UI CA I a 3 m w N N N .0 O O 0 a N I o • W 3 X W 4 3m d o m 4 u3 m m m n Di 0 Oi W. O w W n. O O r• -r 3 N 1 Q i+ -3 n l< < < m c' er r• F-, m rr m :7r. F... (- 0) F- -C m I N 0+ cn O. a Li 3 ct O m ct3 O lu 4 3 -< N m 3 0.- -t n 3 0 =3x O W m to 0 a O -1 O 3 W. E 3 E m cn m 3 £ 3 O c 3 m m0 n n & -1 77cr v .n C Ln � N -1 Z ►- W. m I r• r• n O c r• d 0 3 w rD �a 3 m < r� N m 3 -, ra m z m m -i n n n o O N � � a £ £ 3 3 3 3 3 W£ n n n Ul C z CL a £ £ 3• c c -1 0, a a a a c �-+ N to -1 -I -i r N N F.. ►.• r• r• r• -o m ct ct ay m r m m 0 0 -h O O ct ch ct ct -I m th 3 U O H ct r• F-c H *-4 H U3 O O r r- -I O ct r 3 C 0 0 -� a En r• r• a -� £ F.. r• W. n T' O O r• Fy 3 3 £ Z to v ct ct , O O z 33 'n F.. W. !!I CL a G) G7 GI G) M M G) M M M G) G) G) m m ro m m m m m m m m m m ICz i 3 3 3 3 3 3 ? 3 O 3 3 3 3 3 �•+ to ro as 14 c N N N N N ►- ►r N N NM O NCA QJ -1 �I N m m 0) O r W � a a R) UI O — 0` 0• m W W W N r N w n ct ct '0 O C C Z 3 3 £ £ £ £ n r• £ £ £ £ to c c 0+ (b N Dr 0) It H N N N "a 0 0 m 3 cat ct cat c3+ ct w C O O 0 1 a a D, r• o C 13 W. W. W. Z I UI 0 0) N, c 3 3 ct -) U3 m < n m m M 3 0 0 M G7 G) M 0 GO 3 m m m m m m ICz 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 N N N ►•' � N N N N N N Or O M N J v m N O O O O ti 1 to m w a REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-12 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 2/13/90 From: Gary R. Sims, Senior Engineer SUBJECT: Additional Road Right-of-Way for the Installation of Sycamore Bridge RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt resolution 16 -90 accepting the offer of dedication for additional right-of-way adjacent the Sycamore Bridge alignment. BACKGROUND: In 1986 the City Council accepted an irrevocable offer of dedication of easements for road purposes from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company (Resolution No. 111-86) . The purpose of this was to obtain additional right-of-way in order to accommodate the proposed configuration of the new bridge and to provide a detour route to be used during bridge construction. • Since that resolution was adopted a wing wall and stone rip rap have been designed to extend slightly beyond the previously delineated right-of-way boundaries. The purpose of this resolution is to acquire additional right-of-way so that all of the proposed bridge improvements will be within the road easement . DISCUSSION: The acquisition of the additional easement width is necessary in order to obtain right-of-way certification from Caltrans and thus to complete the bridge replacement project. The construction of the Sycamore Bridge project is currently scheduled to begin in May of 1990 . • FISCAL IMPACT: The additional right-of-way width is offered as a donation from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. There will be no direct fiscal impact. Enclosures: 1 . Proposed Resolution of the City Council of Atascadero Accepting an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication of an Easement for Road Purposes . 2. Offer To Dedicate 3 . Memos of Record • • RESOLUTION NO. 16 -90 • RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ACCEPTING AN IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION OF AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD PURPOSES- WHEREAS, The Atascadero Mutual Water Company has granted to the City of Atascadero an irrevocable offer to dedicate an easement for road purposes, including the installation, maintenance, repair, replacement, enlargement and removal of the Sycamore Bridge and appurtenances, on adjoining land to the Sycamore Bridge; and WHEREAS, The parcel offered for easement is necessary for the construction and enlargement of the Sycamore Bridge; and WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare that the City of Atascadero accept the offer of dedication of an easement by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1 . The irrevocable offer of dedication to the City of Atascadero by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company of an • easement for road purposes, and to install, maintain, repair, replace, enlarge and remove a public bridge and appurtenances on that certain real property in the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California described as follows, is hereby accepted. An easement for road purposes and to install, maintain, repair replace, enlarge and remove a public bridge and appurtenances on that portion of Lot 11D of Pine Mountain Park of Amendment "H" to the Map of Atascadero in the county of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as shown on the Map recorded in Book 4 of Maps at Sheet 81A in the office of the county Recorder of said County, described as follows: Commencing at the northerly corner of said lot 11D; thence along the northwesterly line of said Lot South 53 degrees 47' 40" West 170 .75 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 53 degrees 47' 40" East 85.00 feet; thence South 42 degrees 44' 31" East 149.50 feet to a point on the easterly line of said Lot; thence along said line, South 31 degrees 26' West 100 feet; thence South 3 degrees 56' West 165.78 feet to the southerly corner of said Lot; thence North 22 degrees 21' 14" West 311 .84 feet to a point on the Westerly side of said lot that bears South 28 degrees 52' West 25' from the True Point of Beginning; thence North 28 degrees 52' East 25' to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 0 . 66 acres more or less. • RESOLUTION N0. 16-90, (cont'd) 2 . Pursuant to the acceptance of that easement, the City i of Atascadero hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and • save harmless the Atascadero Mutual Water Company, its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, or liability occasioned by this offer of dedication, and the acceptance thereof, and the provisions hereof, for in any way arising out of the offer of dedication, including, but not limited to, inverse condemnation, equitable relief, or any wrongful act or any negligent act or omission to act on the part of the City, its agents, employees or independent contractors directly responsible for the City of Atascadero; provided further the foregoing shall apply to any wrongful acts, or any actively or passively negligent acts or omissions to act, committed jointly or concurrently by the City of Atascadero, its agents, employees or independent contractors . On motion by Councilperson , seconded by Councilperson , the foregoing resolution is passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: • ADOPTED: ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ARTHER R. MONTANDON HENRY ENGEN City Attorney Director of Community Development • RECORDING REQUESTED BY: • and when recorded please return to: CITY OF ATASCADERO Engineering Division 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 THIS OFFER TO DEDICATE, made the day of February, 1990, by The Atascadero Mutual Water Company, of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, hereinafter termed Offeror: WHEREAS, said Offeror desires to make an offer to dedicate, irrevocably, to the public an easement, for public road purposes, which offer may be accepted at any time by the City of Atascadero for road purposes, including the installation, maintenance, repair, replacement, enlargement and removal of the Sycamore Road Bridge, over Atascadero Creek, and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, said Offeror covenants and promises as follows: 1 . That said Offeror is the owner of the following • interest described as follows: An easement for road purposes and to install, maintain, repair replace, enlarge and remove a public bridge and appurtenances on that portion of Lot 11D of Pine Mountain Park of Amendment "H" to the Map of Atascadero in the county of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as shown on the Map recorded in Book 4 of Maps at Sheet 81A in the office of the county Recorder of said County, described as follows: Commencing at the northerly corner of said lot 11D; thence along the northwesterly line of said Lot South 53 degrees 47' 40" West 170 .75 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 53 degrees 47' 40" East 85 .00 feet; thence South 42 degrees 44' 31" East 149.50 feet to a point on the easterly line of said Lot; thence along said line, South 31 degrees 26' West 100 feet; thence South 3 degrees 56' West 165 .78 feet to the southerly corner of said Lot; thence North 22 degrees 21' 14" West 311. 84 feet to a point on the Westerly side of said lot that bears South 28 degrees 52' West 25' from the True Point of Beginning; thence North 28 degrees 52' East 25' to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 0. 66 acres more or less. • 2 . That said Offeror does hereby irrevocably and in • perpetuity offer to the City of Atascadero a dedication of a public right-of-way for road purposes and incidental uses upon the property described above. 3 . That said Offeror agrees that said offer of dedication shall be irrevocable and that the City of Atascadero may, at any time in the future, accept the offer of dedication of the public right-of-way. 4 . That said Offeror agrees that this irrevocable and perpetual Offer to Dedicate is and shall be binding on his heirs, legatees and assignees . IN WITNESS THEREOF, this Offer to Dedicate is hereby executed by the said Offeror on the day and year first above written. BOB HAMILTON Atascadero Mutual Water Company • • MEMO OF RECORD SUBJECT: Right of Way Acquisition PROJECT: Sycamore Road Bridge No. 49C-157 Date: February 3, 1990 The Atascadero Mutual Water Company hereby waives any right to just compensation for the easement being acquired by the City of Atascadero as referred to in: RESOLUTION 16 -90 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ACCEPTING AN IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION OF AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD PURPOSES The Atascadero Mutual Water Company is fully aware of such rights and further requests that no expense be incurred by the City of Atascadero for the preparation of any appraisal of said easement regarding such compensation. It is understood and agreed that the easement conveyed by the above referenced resolution is being donated to the City of Atascadero by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. The Grantor, having initiated this donation, has been informed of the right • to compensation for the easement donated and hereby waives such right to compensation. BOB HAMILTON Atascadero Mutual Water Company • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: 2/13/90 CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-13 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager From: Gary R. Sims, Senior Engineer Subject: Graves Creek Culvert Project Status Report Recommendation: 1. Develop alternative layouts for the installation of the culverts. 2. Proceed with a meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Berry and obtain their input concerning desired culvert locations along their lot frontage. 3. Hire a consultant to design the culvert installation. Background: The region near the intersection of Balboa and Graves Creek roads has been subject to significant flooding. The City • Department of Public Works attempted to initiate the installation of culverts under Graves Creek road during the summer of 1989. The City' s surveying crew located the original Colony centerline monuments in order to establish the road right-of-way. At that time Mr. Berry verbally indicated to the surveying crew that if work proceeded along the Graves Creek frontage of the Berrys' property an injunction would be obtained to stop the work. Under threat of law suit Volbrecht surveys was retained by the Engineering Division to complete a survey and to file a record of survey delineating the right of way of Graves Creek road along Berrys' frontage. The survey was completed and a record of survey has been filed with the County. The Volbrecht survey essentially corroberates the City survey crew' s original findings. Wilson Surveys was retained by Mr. and Mrs. Berry and the subsequent survey mirrored Volbrecht' s findings. As a result of these surveys the fence along the Graves Creek road frontage has been moved away from the edge of existing pavement over 15 feet in some locations. Thus, it appears that the surveying phase of this project is complete. Discussion: none • Options: 1. Develop alternative layouts for the installation of the culverts. 2. Proceed with a meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Berry and obtain their input concerning desired culvert locations along their lot frontage. 3. Hire a consultant to design the culvert installation. Fiscal Impact: A preliminary cost estimate will be prepared at the time the culvert layout alternatives are developed. • • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: B-1 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 2/13/90 Via: Henry Engen, Community Development Director yC. From: Lisa Schicker, City Arborist SUBJECT: Consideration of a request to remove one heritage tree, a 21" Quercus agrifolia, ( as well as seven Quercus agrifolia and one Quercus lobata which are non-heritage size oaks) as part of building permit application for the purposes of home construction, by owner/builder Dave Ormonde at 8405 Del Rio Road. RECOMMENDATION: Based on arborist report and current ordinance, approve heritage removal Wubject to 2 : 1 , same species replacement planting and the other eight trees a 1 : 1, same species replacement (preferably off-site) or voluntary ation to Tree Replacement Fund. Please see additional comments . BACKGROUND : The tree ordinance specifies that live native trees 20" or greater dbh (measured at 4 ' above grade) are deemed heritage trees and cannot be removed unless approved by the City Council following a public hearing. In addition to previous comments made about Quercus agrifolia (coast live oak) , these evergreen trees are the most resilient of the local oaks when it comes to regeneration and survival . it is also important to mention that the remaining oaks surrounding the proposed residence will provide shade and cooling in the summer and a windbreak in the winter; therefore providing a reduction in expense and depletion of natural resources needed for heating and cooling. These trees were inspected by arborist Chuck Scovell ( for the applicant) , Randy Rossi and myself on separate occasions . The consulting arborist originally reported this tree to be 19" dbh, and it was determined by Schicker and Rossi to be slightly over 21" dbh, thus qualifying it as a heritage tree. ANALYSIS: Dom the plans and on-site discussions with the owner/builder, Dave Ormonde, appears that the applicant is concerned about the oaks on his property and has adjusted the design of the proposed residence to compliment the natural vegetation and topography on site. The use of a one-story, above- grade slab design (with minimal grading) is being used because it allows for • the home to "blend in" with the natural surroundings and causes minimal disturbance of the existing soil surfaces . Minimal grading is one of the most important factors in survival of oaks within a construction zone. Mr. Ormonde took the time to walk us through his site design to determine if there were any better alternatives to the proposed siting of his family' s home. we did not find any acceptable alternatives for his design. Based on the fact that design of this residence does take into account most oaks on this property and the wording of the ordinance in section 9-4 . 155 (4) ( iv) which allows for tree removal when it obstructs proposed improvements that cannot be reasonably designed to avoid tree removal, and the owner' s request, tree removal of the heritage tree (and the others) is recommended. It should be mentioned, however, that if the applicant would have been referred to the city arborist for an initial consultation, there may have been some alternative home designs that may have saved a few additional trees and still satisfied the physical requirements of the home . Because Mr. Ormonde went through the process and expense of hiring an architect to draw specific plans to suit his family' s needs and for this particular site, based on conversations he claims to have had with planning and building department staffinembers, he should not be asked to repeat this expensive and lengthy process . This is just a good example of how pre-design consultations with the arborist could benefit both the applicant and the City' s objective of minimal tree removal . • This lot is approximately seven acres in size and is heavily forested with healthy trees . It is reasonable to request replacements for the trees to be removed, but placing thein on Mr. Ormonde' s property is not necessarily the best place for replanting. Therefore, I recommend the following: Request that the applicant replace the removed trees by planting them off- site; at a City Park, the wastewater treatment plant, etc . or an Atascdero unforested site chosen by the applicant that is agreeable to the City Arborist and staff. If the applicant decides to plant the trees on city- owned land, it has been recommended by the Parks Director that City staff does the actual planting. Because of the size of the trees to be removed, request that the heritage tree be replaced two for one (15 gallon size Quercus agrifolia) , the eight others be replaced one for one (Q agrifolia and Q. lobata) and that fence for protection be provided as well . It will then be the receiver site owner' s responsibility to care for the trees after installation. if Mr. Ormonde would prefer, he could offer to donate money into the City' s Tree Replacement Fund. we have been recommending $100 per replacement tree. Although other cities have determined the cost to be much higher (San Luis Obispo calculated the cost to be around $270 per tree in 19871 , these monies would help cover the costs of purchasing a tree, drip irrigation, fencing • and long term maintenance. The cost to Mr. Ormonde would be $1000 .00 to cover the cost of the ten replacement trees . The request of two trees for the heritage tree removed is a good one because of the high mortality rate involved with the planting of young trees . The trees will need to be protected with fencing for a few years until they get tall enough to avoid COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • ! PLANNING DIVISION 6500 Palma Ave. 1BTN=7 P.O. Box 747 prasCAD e�1 Atascadero , CA 93423 (805) 466-8000 APPLICATION FORM Please type or print in ink ''Owner: �r► i-hA,/ ,D�� Agent : ;_- Address: D ,t�C2.�L�Lz Address: - Phone #: �. _- Phone #: Applicant : Address: Phone #: Project Description: Ti2e•�e CC_7,.gAA,6g t Vie? • Existing Use: Project Address: Legal Description: Lots) I1 ; Block 5'3 ; Tract Assessors Parcel No(s) : I/We-consent to the filing of this application and declare that this'.applica'tion and related documents are true and correct. (NOTE: The signature of the property owner is required on the application before it will be accepted for processing. ) Owne Agent 4ae Date • For Staff Use`Only Z. ! Receipt #: t_ <'- • protected with fencing for a few years until they get tall enough to avoid being browsed by wildlife, which would be about three to five years, depending on environmental conditions . The following guidelines should assist Mr. Ormonde or the owner of the receiver site with the planting of these replacement oaks : 1 . Choose 21 15 gallon - sized Quercus agrifolia for the heritage tree to be removed. (Choose one Q. agrifolia or Q. lobata for the other eight trees to be removed. ) 2 . Inspect the trees for encircling roots (roots that wrap around the pot have a poorer chance of straightening out and growing right in the ground. 3 . When planting, make sure that the roots have been untangled, straightened and loosened as much as possible. 4 . Plant in a hole at least twice as big as the pot, and use native soils in the hole. 5 . Provide the tree with deep watering - meaning a slow, gradual and long watering (which encourages downward root growth to anchor the tree) . Provide one deep watering in . late spring and two in the summer. if drip irrigation is used, do long, slow waterings applying 10-20 gallons over a three-four hour period. 6 . Protect the young trees from wildlife with some kind of fencing - both above and below ground if possible; welded wire fencing of at least 4 feet in height above ground and one-two feet below ground (I can provide some specs if needed) . Another alternative to the request of planting replacement trees or contributions to the Tree Replacement Fund is the voluntary offer of dedication of a conservation easement over land. A conservation easement is one of the best ways to insure long term survival of a healthy forest. This option has been used successfully in other communities and should be considered in the future as an alternative method of mitigating environmental concerns . Attachments: Application Location Map and Site Plan Arborist' s Report cc Dave Ormonde • Po N � �po'o n G� n � n ytii I�v — p s 4 n .s. J D h � rro d .cnj Q C J r 16 ky bo bb urd r' z J ti9 � 0 6rmorl1e� W � 3 D A `D � Q v � J _ a • q � 4 O � s f h M5 Def W Ilk ri M _ } M � M • • �, ` v V 1 M 1 Tree Removal Permit Application • _ 1 1-010;...-a qN. Supplemental Information 913 ; a r .'= C 1979 (Please type or print in ink) Reason for Removal : ZQ OU r s �/ /P •��.�ce eat-11,1:4 CUA-7 qoe2d ` . �r f Number of Trees to be Removed: Specify the size (measured 4 ' above ground level ) , soecies (both common and botanical name) and ,condition of each tree to be removed: • 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. Specify the size and species of the trees proposed to replace those intended for removal : 3. " 4. 5. Please prepare a "Plot Plan" showing all improvements on your property, trees to be removed, trees to remain, and the proposed location of replacement trees as per the attached example. AAJ wn r Arborist 3, 7 i Certificate Number Da a D+ SCOVELL TREE SURGERY P.O. Box 1375 PASO ROBLES, CA 93447 State Lic. #410736 (805) 238-0654 NAME ' DATE OF ORDER r �/ ADDRESS P ONE DATE PROMISED JOB NAMLOCATION ORDER TAKEN BY Ce fio f'rc >/o� .nova DESCRIPTION OF WORK J ro I DAY WORK KGl CONTRACT EXTRA QTY. bESCRIPTION - 'I.'-PRI/�C -'-E AMOUNT (:�?�T.��t/c Qltf1=QG1a/CuS /y-foh /9 .oCly l low Oa K. '*35'7 6,, As n s i LABOR URS ( RATE AMOUNT TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL LABOR i I WORK ORDERED BY TOTAL I I TAX LABOR DATECOMPLETED 77=k-You TOTAL wv � SIGNATURE 11 hereby aeknowleCpe Ine salielablbry Co101411 n of Me above Ceecribeb work.l 2381 PRODUCT 621 • • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: B-2 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 2/13/90 Via: Henry Engen, Community Development Director -�_6 From: Lisa Schicker, City Arborist SUBJECT: Consideration of a request to remove a heritage tree, a 36" Quercus agrifolia, for parking lot construction as part of a commercial development plan (Precise Plan 64-89) by Chris Jespersen at 8781 Plata Lane. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the the arborist' s report, the condition and form of this tree, and the knowledge that this Precise Plan is only a portion of the proposed design of a commercial development, Fpprove removal of this tree with a six to one replacement. Please ee additional comments in analysis section of this report. BACKGROUND : The tree ordinance specifies that live native trees 20" or greater dbh (measured 4 ' above grade) are deemed heritage trees and cannot be removed unless approved by the City Council following a public hearing. The proposed development for Plata Lane involves the construction of a parking lot to be sited between two industrial/commercial buildings . It will not be evident to the Council that this is the case, because only one precise plan involves tree removal . The other building is part of another precise plan that does not involve tree removal. This proposed project site and heritage tree was inspected by arborist Chuck Scovell ( for the applicant) and myself on separate occasions . ANALYSIS: During the- visit to the proposed/building and parking area, Mr. Jespersen and I discussed several possiblities to alter the layout dof the facilities and perhaps save this tree. From our iscussions, I came up with the following conclusions and reasons for recommending removal : 1 . The tree appears to be marginally in poor health; one of its main limbs is almost completely hollow and contains a great deal of rot. Left in the forest, it might last a long time; left in • the middle of a parking lot, its health would probably decline rapidly. 2 . The land is zoned for commercial development and part of Mr. Jespersen' s tire business is servicing semis - large trucks which require large turning radii. It would be difficult to avoid damaging this tree even if the parking lot was redesigned and the tree was left there. 3 . Mr. Jespersen attempted to buy an additional adjacent lot to that would have allowed him more room and the ability to save this tree, but was not successful . 4 . Mr. Jespersen is willing to replace the oak with six oaks and has placed those on his landscape/precise plan. 5 . The possibility of flipping the building and the parking lot was discussed. This would not make his plans for a tire business feasible, because he needs the large parking lot (to be shared by both buildings) to allow for access by large vehicles . The tree' s form is sprawling and low; it would be difficult to meet parking space requirements even if it was left in the lot. In other words, we looked at many options, and it seems that the most reasonable option would be to remove the tree. Because the other half of the proposed development backs up against 101 , Mr. Jespersen has agreed to allow any areas that are not paved to become receiver sites for planting replacement oaks ; these • include areas along the back corners and around a cul-de-sac on that piece of property. These would be determined on a case-by case basis . I would even like to recommend that Mr. Jespersen adjust his lanscape plan to plant some of his replacement oaks on that piece of property, too. I would also like to provide the applicant with some helpful guidelines for planting the replacement trees on his property. 1 . Do not plant these trees until construction of the commercial development is complete or near completion. 2 . Choose 6, 15 gallon - sized oaks ( 2 Quercus agrifolia, 2 Q. douglasii and 2 Q. suber, as recommended by Scovell) for the heritage tree to be removed. 3 . Inspect the trees for encircling roots (roots that wrap around the pot have a poorer chance of straightening out and growing right in the ground. 4 . When planting, make sure that the roots have been untangled, straightened and loosened as much as possible. 5 . Plant in a hole at least twice as big as the pot, and use native soils in the hole. 6 . Provide the tree with deep watering - meaning a slow, gradual and long watering (which encourages downward root growth to anchor the tree) . Provide one deep watering in late spring and two in the summer. If drip irrigation is • used, do long, slow waterings applying 10-20 gallons over a three-four hour period. 7 . Protect the young trees from wildlife with some kind of fencing - both above and below ground if possible; welded wire fencing of at least 4 feet in height above ground and one-two feet below ground (I can provide some specs if needed) . This is a good opportunity for the City to allow for a new commercial development to take place while considering attractive native oak replantings as part of the approval . It is known by all who pass through that the Highway 101 corridor through town needs work; what could be a nicer way to improve the appearance than to plant oaks along the corridor and among the commercial buildings . Attachments : Application Site Plan Site Plan for adjacent precise plan Arborist report cc Chris Jesperson .r COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEC 22`1939 PLANNING DIVISION 6500 Palma Ave. 1 1X'g/: • • W78" 7; 1COMMU�N TY LtV'ClGFil l�tiT P.O.. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423, (605) 466-8000 APPLICATION FORM 41 k tease tyDe ar dr int- in ink Owner:` {' �° Figent C' cavi// Address: 6e}s �.' / r Address:: to,day 137 f_- Phone ;has a Rai�+1 Phone #: /c6--0 y;�7-- Phone #: App I i cant: Ad`dresa: - yy ' Phone 444 a�ll aw #,�'k°r t. >... Pr'd4ec Deacr pit t t Ex!st ing Uses r sma r 'tea 5 r z: Pro 3eC 4 Addres I t d -Legal DQ%c�r1p�t ant t;.t tts ;;, `•--. . .# octt, ;_ Tract ASo's rrs ,t�arG�� N kt?1 ����# ©.•`� � � � �t i� 4'1� e 'bat 4' "t t'i y*E rAt E C� ' �i6Mb`l ►�"EtQ.-`aCiG�r`ret'�t� " t NE1TE s .Titer s gvra� e`a� the rr r t g c w ter is, r4qu i reds and the prlicatior be!faree leap ` cerpted t'dr pro etssinq. IN `acw. t. 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I o i i v xQ ,N Li � 1 P 4 s j vl% ► \ u pV r Tree Removal Permit Application t� ^� �o" Supplemental Information k r tf�lease tyrpe or print in. ink) Reason for Remavalr e ,, _ ac t e AM a (Number of Tress' taw be Removed t )r Aliv r spec i f the , "Irtroaisur'etf �r above gr.ounci level) ,' species (both common a bcttar� cel Vie} and itlan of each tree to be removed: r �W ♦�4.9� � t �'ka � x � � � � v Y 3 CO, eac A .'+�w.+rr.r i ��+++w'n�r.r�r.wrr�yirr�irrrrrr��rr�r�■ ��- ,� � A �� `Hirrrr�r♦1rlrglr lrrl�r�rrrll r�r �1..�r. •f �, , i ... : � �� � fE� M�rrrr" rirbrprR ■ �". r �.rr�ri�rrrr�rq��� rrr��w�i i�r�r�rr specifr'thc s� anc# ,ees cif 'th@ gees proposed to replace 1:�$ „ '�.; "�S`d z� � � h5 �� .. �r'�`ieu�`� ��,�`.,� ,� �`iy f.�` '4b,: r x v �` •M""�s,qa,,. 2'3� P ti kea r E�leaser prepares akl=rfwxai a.T1h aw ,a .. tmproi4ements an' your 3.:, 7457, ti.. "b u propertyr tr est t r to remov � a ;'�tema re; `and the proposed { �~ * Tacatian'of r'epaicemers reehed example„ " A K { x" _���� L:d'M�1�"t.'� �a►te`��IEtAIb@r,�> `., ��* • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: B-3 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 2/13/90 File No: RA 3-89 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director 44, SUBJECT: Consideration of request to abandon a portion of the Mercedes Avenue right-of-way. Subject site is located at 5005 Traffic Way (Atascadero Door company/Cuesta Engineering . BACKGROUND: On January 2, 1990, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on above referenced subject. On a 7 :0 vote, the Commis- sion recommended approval of the road abandonment as reflected in proposed Resolution No. 85-89 . There was discussion and public .testimony as referenced in the attached minutes excerpt. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of proposed Resolution No. 85-89 . HE :ps Attachments: Staff Report Dated January 2, 1990 Minutes Excerpt - January 2, 1950 Resolution No. 85-89 cc: Atascadero Door Co. Cuesta Engineering CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: B . 1 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Dater January 2, 1990 BY: Doug Davidson, Associate Planner File No: RA 03-89 SUBJECT: Consideration of a request to abandon a portion of the Mercedes Ave. right-of-way. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission make the Findings in Exhibit G and recommend to the City Council that the right-of- way be abandoned per the Draft Resolution in Exhibit H. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1 . Applicant. . . . . . .Atascadero Door Co. 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cuesta Engineering 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5005 Traffic Way 4. Legal Description. . . . . . . . . . . .Lot 3 of Block L, Atascadero Colony 5. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 41 acres 6. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IP (Industial Park) 7. General Plan Designation. . . . .Industrial Park 8. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Commercial Building 9. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted December 19, 1989 ANALYSIS: The applicant is requesting the abandonment of a portion of the Mercedes Ave. right-of-way (see attached maps) in order to build an addition onto the rear of the existing building. With the abandonment of the right-of-way and subsequent lot merger, the subject property will gain an additional twenty (20) feet (one- half the 40 feet right-of-way) . This will allow the addition to meet the Zoning Ordinance and Building Code standards. Prior to adopting a Resolution to Vacate, the City must be certain that the right-of-way is not necessary for future road purposes and that the abandonment will not interfere with the present or future provision of utility services. Traffic Way provides adequate access to these parcels and Mercedes Ave. is not necessary for future circulation in the area. Furthermore, the abandonment does not cut off future access to other property in the area. The application has also received favorable responses from the other City agencies, as well as the public utility companies. Pacific Bell and the Southern Pacific Railroad Company have not responded in writing as of this date, but staff has contacted them by telephone and alerted them to the proposed abandonment. If either of these agencies require retention of an easement, that condition will be inserted into the Resolution prior to adoption by the City Council. Road abandonments are accomplished by resolution of the City Council. The procedure is governed by the Street and Highways Code, under which the Planning Commission must make the following two findings: 1. That the abandonment is in conformance with the City' s General Plan. 2. That the right-of-way is unsuited as a non-motorized transportation facility, i.e. primarily for the use of pedestrians, bicyclists, or equestrians. Finding #1 can clearly be made. On the other hand, the right-of- way could have potential as a bikeway or pedestrian way. The Public Works Department has recommended that a twenty (20) feet wide easement be reserved for future utility and drainage purposes. The description of the easement can be phrased to also include pedestrian access and/or bike paths. By this method, the City can keep some future options open, while at the same time abandoning an unnecessary road right-of-way. Under the Street and Highways Code this application qualifies as a Summary Vacation (short form) , as opposed to the General (long form) procedure. If the road has not been constructed and provision of utilities is not impacted, a Summary procedure is the proper course. This does not require the preparation of a separate notice of intent to abandon. When a right-of-way is abandoned, one-half of the right-of-way reverts to each of the adjacent property owners. In this case, each of the the two property owners will have to obtain fee title to one-half of the abandoned right-of-way and merge the resultant lots. • CONCLUSIONS: The Public Works and Fire Departments have determined that this portion of Mercedes Ave. is not necessary for future road or emergency access purposes. By reserving an easement for drainage, utilities, or pedestrian/bicycle access, the City maintains future development options. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location and Zoning Map Exhibit B General Plan Land Use Map Exhibit C - Assessor' s Parcel Map Exhibit D - Parcel Map CO-74-88 Exhibit E - Colony Map of Surrounding Area Exhibit F - Development Statement Exhibit G -- Findings for Approval Exhibit H - Draft Resolution • • - •u� 11/l',;i.:/1'' /r� tai � _ • e 1��� -�� _WAY 1 1517 lit � .moi.�: , ,, , .• �1,, � pons I%T11 MW so r■■■■■iu- -'==♦ �i ����` ♦ `,fir' 1 L ,n = idols ' lag AW. sit— *� �e , • fill, IVA14,,� .it; 11 Iii I! �►�='s'� - ; r, _ �'�•�i�� ' �;�-�lA111��I�i1�111�■� oilMe.lil,� � E CITY OF ATASCADERO • . . . � ICOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT gad u�czu� amsRECREATION ow was- 14 ,� /rte/ter ' (C.l �ifill �. IME�I ����III, of- �Cii1YlYY�� �1�111►,�,,,, _ =_ _�_ =I ' I 1 --� `11�•���11���!■ `_u EXHIBIT ' C ASSESSOR' S PARCEL MAP CITY OF ATASCADERO r .,� ROAD ABANDONMENT 03-89 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ��• PTN. CITY OF ATASCADERO �PORTtON or- TO fTO 5EE AEA CON ,- ' tt ^�• c�IIs�a� �s aaa�roaasmz. O 3 t 191 Tots map L for mtormaunal yurwm cal,and L nat a sar+q.Bomss"d Na• L O =0 Oorpaeamman doss rm arwmo OW 20 respooraim at usbsistti►tae m ~ aaaeeetsosss. i O SRPIC r 0,1 70 ` ® ` O ! 192 .4 (9 a 1 Mor 71 laws so ►� 2.4a as o \ CITY OF s ©� r l ATASCADERO + (TI Asessaw's Map Atk 20.%1! +3 pr Ok Atesesdne, IL AL ®L 4. Pg.2. ` �f Atossedsro (Amended). It AL Sk 4. FR 12A. �=Y�y County of Sen Luis Obispo. Cotlt i- Co :. .. .- -. . EXHIBIT .D -' CITY OF ATASCADERO � .... :... • ;� PARCEL MAP CO-74-88 ��� – � lust-• can ,,COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ROAD ABANDONMENT 03-89 DEPARTMENT X M ti +` g 1 Z Z all �4 �oi�Q i9�21�9y 1 3�,`s w • w:0 7 'A (ow&gmY MOXC0006 AW.) p At y 0 s 2 « L y, sm.;. ra•. '°z rte; Ink w,� [!i oo A•JIFc'J iso 6uaJ �,��Y��6 rL T z � A •:yr—ia it^ all •Ills L 1 I a�•c #aF ���~4. ,�, �; �;,+ it 3 S �3 C�0 Ir ►s >CE » l� � � s • • Np • C f W rnI-. -. rcpt� 3? s�o� � � � „�••rp_f�-- A � y g0 ,4 � y e b• ��-_ z 17.11• Z Z. /.� : : .i a • V �� T 7s� M z ��� /��.� t� J�" ° R � �N�>01•els�i4O�, p � a AGs(R) , t E661 ZZ d3S. r '" Q� � z y 2 �c n a n y f► u 3 a `� � 8 ,,. z� @ �a° I >> •�' �' 8c$'g n $IRK&i 'A p u A tS`�j � � �i�2►� C� (� %$ A iawo8 2yi i1a nw�-1w7c p tee° mN 4��k•fl/ a~� � � 3�co��� n 1Y, w a2� .c �t11 it x • � y.�' � 4y � r• n y a;,wjAyp_ Q yT�Ip Ipn��y� �i.n �'e a'�... �� 1 ki• a• y N�na; q-i aJ,1-4 act =i } P. i EXN,I$IT E CITY OF ATASCALERO COLONY MAP 10 70 c+n ...COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ROAD ABANDONMENT 03-89 DEPARTMENT Sh'EE7- /V J f rr ldvr SC CNA f L !I SA..f/O sots-i:.oe o•; b V I 10ro ' 11 , .., ori.F,,..• vay SNw//� -�Q 1 �J -• .... 8 ' Rhe 9 a 12 8 13 7 ' 7 14 BA D 20 5 16 3 t 3 ^� 18 1� 5e- ' i�P>aNDON£D 19 ! r t 4 '• ,� 1 K � L '5 co �. � ADMIN/ST,'�AT/ON PIFIr .: �S�R•� • suss A A c/- ZC�`:<✓> �a ,�- . i/RY a LKl.• • .:nnin:L1 L' CUESTA ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT STATEMENT ROAD ABANDONMENT 03-8( 7401-B EI Camino Real/ P.O. Box 2066 Atascadero, California 93423 • (805) 466-6827 September 18, 1989 City of Atascadero '�' 70 Community Development Department* 6500 Palma Atascadero, CA 93422 SEP 22 1089, Subject: Road Abandonment / Mercedes Avenue Gentlemen: The attached application is a request to abandon Mercedes Avenue adjacent to the Atascadero Door Company. The owner is contemplating a building addition and improvements to the parking and loading areas in the future. Currently, the Mercedes right-of-way is unimproved and is only used for parking in a haphazard manner. We have received responses from several utility companies (attached) noting no facilities in the right-of-way. Both A.T.& T. and Pacific Bell have been noti- fied of the proposed abandonment, but have not responded as of this date. Thank you for your review of this application. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need additional information. Sincerely, Deborah Hollowell DH:pd 89-146 Attachments • Exhibit G - Findings for Approval • Road Abandonment 03-89 - Mercedes Ave. 5005 Traffic Way (Mercedes Ave. ) Atascadero Door (Cuesta Engineering) ENVIRONMENTAL FINDING: The proposed project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. PROJECT FINDINGS: 1 . The proposed abandonment is consistent with the General Plan. 2. Although the right-of-way may be suited for development as a non-motorized transportation facility, i.e. primarily for the use of pedestrians, bicyclists, or equestrians, an easement has been retained for these purposes. 3. The right-of-way is not necessary for future road purposes of public access or safety. • 4. The proposed abandonment will not affect any existing utilities and adequate utility easements have been retained. • EXHIBIT H • RESOLUTION NO. 85-89 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO SUMMARILY VACATING A PORTION OF A ROAD PURSUANT TO STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE; PART 3; PUBLIC STREETS; HIGHWAYS AND SERVICE EASEMENTS VACATION LAW; CHAPTER 4, SUMMARY VACATION; 8333 (BEING A PORTION OF MERCEDES AVE. ) WHEREAS, Streets and Highways Code 8330 permits summary vacation of a street or highway by adoption of a resolution of summary vacation; and WHEREAS, this portion of Mercedes Avenue, as shown on tiie attached Exhibit, has been determined to be actually superseded by relocation and has been impassable for vehicular travel for at least five consecutive years and no public money was expended for its maintenance during that time; and WHEREAS, the vacation of this portion of Mercedes Avenue, now superseded by relocation will not work to cut off access to • any person' s property which, prior to relocation, adjoined tiie street or highway to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the vacation of this portion of Mercedes Avenue will not affect any in-place; in-use public utility facility or will not terminate a public service easement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code 65402 , the City Planning Commission has recommended to the Council its ' finding that vacation of this portion of Mercedes Avenue is in conform- ance with the City' s General Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Streets and Highways Code 2381 , the City Planning Commission has recommended to the Council its , finding that this portion of Mercedes Avenue is not suitable or useful as a non-motorized transportation facility, or that adequate easements have been retained for such purposes . NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved as follows : 1 . Based upon the above findings, the Council now finds and declares the above-described road portion superseded by relocation to be unuseable as a non-motorized transportation facility, or that adequate easements have been retained for such purposes . i2 . Based upon tiie above findings , the Council now finds and declares the proposed vacation of this road portion superseded bV relocation to be in conformance with the CitV' S Genel al Plan. • Resolution 14a . 85-89 Page Two 3 . The Council now summarily vacates, pursuant to Streets and Highways Code, Part 3 , Chapter 4 , 8330, that portion of Mercedes Avenue shown on attached Exhibit, subject to the following conditions of approval : , ( d) The property owner shall indemnify and "hold harmless" the City from claims that may arise from the abandon- ment procedure . This d L eenelt 51a11 be reviewed andd found acceptable by tile City Attorney. (b} A jot merger shall be completed prior to or simultan- eously to the recording of the abandonment resolution. (c} Applicant shall obtain fee title to Mercedes Avenue. (d) A 20 foot wide easement shall be offered to the City for public utilities, storm drain facilities., bikeway, and pedestrian-way purposes . } e ( All conditions of approval must be completed prior to • t or simultaneously to the recording of the abandonment resolution. 4 . That from and after the date this resolution is recorded with the County Recorder, the road portion shown on the attached Exhibit shah no longer be or constitute a street or highway. 5 . The City Clerk Shall cause a certified copy of this Reso- lution of Summary Vacation, attested by him/her under seal, to be recorded without acknowledgment, certificate of acknowledgment, or further proof in the office of the County Recorder. on motion by and seconded by the motion was approved by the following roll calif vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: • By: ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor City of Atascadero, California • Resolution No . 85-89 Paue Three . ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RAY WINDSOR, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: • ARTHER MONTANDON, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN Community Development Director • CITY OF ATASCADERO PARCEL MAP co-74-88 !!nso MIN--• ��► can .COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ROAD ABANDONMENT 03-89 DEPARTMENT in r'��S�yoa�ei3� 3�8s • , �I �O � �$.1 �• 1�• r4 �IrM�yetY MlRitoN Ira) ' '�g!z s q'� " � ROS�R�o �• � j- Avg. �..�ra o s i' !ltodrJlQtl "WON Dual X it i s �; �sy° I ►t. tz 14r`�S' a1 o z 70 4.. V �� �ry f tiro 1 Z • � � pd rn � r D H s n . ' �. - Z a 7 mor ,v /` 'V ,► r► _ T �J1��!'I7.... hi ../Soso' AW 60 • 41 6861 ZZ d3S 14 11% qlz � � � ,s .,. tA h� �e A �� � n � •�L C � r„�. � �� 2 . A�A •� �}3'� 0it ra al ��E� ��� � � Sys`• �� � �;��n � ixa3g��' � zY � > s � qty s,; �n1. �1 � ~�n oil 'sC� 3 r `.ti1 �.I�I 1� y •I�V ;p•r, �7��1 � �:��� �� �C r"11. i . n .)` i ITEM: A. 2 MINUTES - ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 2, 1990 7:30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The regular meeting of the Atascadero Planni g Commission was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. by Chairperson Lochridge followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Brasher, Wa e, Lopez-Balbontin, Luna, Hanauer, Highland, and airperson Lochridge Staff Present: Steven Decamp, ity Planner; Doug Davidson, Senior Planne and Pat Shepphard, Administra- tive Secret y PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public omment. • A. CONSENT CA AR 1 . Ap oval of minutes of the regular Planning Commission m eting of December 19, 1989 Cha person Lochridge announced that the minutes were not r dy for consideration at this time. NOTION: Made by Commissioner Luna, seconded by Commission- er Highland and carried 7 :0 to postpone this item I o the January 16, 1990 meeting. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1. ROAD ABANDONMENT 3-89 : Application i e y Atascadero Door Company (Cuesta Engineering) to abandon a portion of the Mercedes Avenue right-of-way. The subject site is located at 5005 Traffic Way. Doug Davidson presented the staff report noting staff' s rec- ommendation for approval of the request. He pointed out that written comments are still needed from Southern Pacific Railroad (abutting property owner to rear) , however, in con- versations with their engineering and real estate divisions; they do not seem to have a conflict with the abandonment. Commission questions and discussion followed. MINUTES EXCERPT - PLANNING COMMISSION - 1/2/90 • Deborah Hollowell with Cuesta Engineering, representing the applicant, stated her concurrence with the staff report. William Vetter Jr. asked for clarification on the proposed project. Willy Vetter III stated his family owns property adjacent to the proposed abandonment and asked what the applicant' s intent is. Mr. DeCamp explained that the Vetters own a portion of the road in fee but are unable to use the land because of the existing right-of-way. If the abandonment is approved, they would then be able to utilize the 20 feet, minus any easement that is required by the City. Mrs . Vetter Jr. inquired whether there would be any disad- vantages to her property as a result of the abandonment. MOTION: Made by Commissioner Highland, seconded by Commis- sioner Brasher and carried 7 :0 to recommend approval of Road Abandonment 3-89 based on the draft Glut on contained in the staff report. Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin expressed concern over the potential of the rear of the property being used as an unloading ramp as he did not think there would be enough room. 2. ZONE CHANGE 8-89 : Application fi ed byX { ester Engineering} to establish a Planne Overlay Zone (PD7) to allow for the cremall lot residential subdivision. Subjecocated at 7715/7745 Sinaloa Avenue. Mr. Davidson presented thrt providing a back- ground on previous Commisuncil actions for the project. A revised sit plan has been submitted which allows for larger lot izes. Staff is recommending approval of the request. Commission ques ons and discussion followed. Commissione Luna commented on the Commission' s previous unanimous ote on this zone change and subsequent Council action refer the matter back to the Commission for a revis site plan to reflect larger lot sizes and more rec ational open space. ommissioner Brasher questioned the proposed lot sizes, • stating it was her understanding from the recent joint Council/Commission meeting that there was discussion • RESOLUTION NO. 85-8=3 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO SUMMARILY VACATING A PORTION OF A ROAD PURSUANT TO STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE: PART 3 . PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS AND SERVICE EASEMENTS VACATION LAW; CHAPTER 4, SUMMARY VACATION; 8333 (BEING A PORTION OF MERCEDES AVE. ) WHEREAS, Streets and Highways Code 8330 permits summary vacation of a street or highway by adoption of a resolution of summary vacation; and WHEREAS, this portion of Mercedes Avenue, as shown on the attached Exhibit, has been determined to be actually superseded by relocation and has been impassable for vehicular travel for at least five consecutive years and no public money was expended for its maintenance during that time; and WHEREAS, the vacation of this portion of Mercedes Avenue . now superseded by relocation will not work to cut off access to • any person' s property which, prior to relocation, adjoined the street or highway to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the vacation of this portion of Mercedes Avenue will not affect any in-place, in-use public utility facility or will not terminate a public service easement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code 65402 , the City Planning Commission has recommended to the Council its ' finding that vacation of this portion of Mercedes Avenue is in conform- ance with the City' s General Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Streets and Highways Code 2381 , the City Planning Commission has recommended to the Council its ' finding that this portion of Mercedes Avenue is not suitable or useful as a non-motorized transportation facility, or that adequate easements have been retained for such purposes . NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved as follows : 1 . Based upon the above findings, the Council now finds and declares the above-described road portion superseded by relocation to be unuseable as a non-motorized transportation facility, or that adequate easements have been retained for such purposes.` • 2 . Based upon the above findings, the Council now finds and declares the proposed vacation of this road portion superseded by relocation to be in conformance with the City' s General Plan. Resolution No . 85-89 Paue Two 3 . The Council now summarily vacates, pursuant to Streets and Highways Code, Part 3, Chapter 4 , 8330 , that portion of Mercedes Avenue shown on attached Exhibit, subject to the following conditions of approval : ( a) The property owner shall indemnify and "hold harmless" the City from claims that may arise from the abandon- meat procedure. This agreement shall be reviewed and found acceptable by the City Attorney. (b) A lot merger shall be completed prior to or simultan- eously to the recording of the abandonment resolution. (c) Applicant shall obtain fee title to Mercedes Avenue . (d) A 20 foot wide easement shall be offered to the City for public utilities, storm drain facilities, bikeway, and pedestrian-way purposes . (e) All conditions of approval must be completed prior to or simultaneously to the recording of the abandonment resolution. 4 . That from and after the date this resolution is recorded with the County Recorder, the road portion shown on the attached Exhibit shall no longer be or constitute a street or highway. 5 . The City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this Reso- lution of Summary Vacation, attested by him/her under seal , to be recorded without acknowledgment, certificate of acknowledgment, or further proof in the office of the County Recorder. On motion by and seconded by the motion was approved by the following roll call vote : AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: • By: ROLLIN DEXTER., Mayor City of Ataseadero, California • Resolution No . 85-89 Page Three ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RAY WINDSOR, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: • ARTHER MONTANDON, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN Community D velopmen Director • , ; CITY OF ATASCADERO PARCEL co-74-88 �4 , .. can '.COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ROAD ABANDONMENT 03-89 DEPARTMENT • 0 z g'.p t tfv rs' ti titi' o a o�'i• :€ R05�RlO ;- AYE,` p � w 3 •w a� G _ 1 y W 3' .t0' Lp-1 ° a; ttfaa'itJ1(RJ/�•�� /ORM " _(,aoiJ arc q�w•y�v6'p; 7,Z a'�`A : .=O bt =p ."�' ..� (*� . S �3 baa° z� ►s tE K r ' a 70 • `1 o y a r. w ns o e Np 35 V f r� � • J w �• ' T 8 • ' a Z ^� : „ �` a • `. of Fz O� � O � Jl�• u. • O v :. iS; V 4 Jv/.r4 1. �� /.W P"...�{ � �1.19!'Cl•e'1�=(,tI?� M r T POT.:.:; .. ..lto 50' arY lo 6861 99 d 3 S yo: 0 2 ^ oia MMC �i S ^ R "• � . hyo ;� '� all 4 .o� C -a' Y�'�ufii � lyra � A �;; Mw j: � � ,. to vain '1 Z, � • i! � � �� ^'"� is o>��;� •ia M� °r- • .-ir oit� yoti�L icy �� tAf► REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: B-4 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 2/13/90 File No: ZC 15-89 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director .V�f, SUBJECT : Amendment of the Zoning Ordinance text to change two development standards of the PD-6 overlay zone. The request is to modify conditions pertaining to control of building height to maintain visibility of an open space easement. Subject site is located at 8555 E1 Corte Road (Bunnell Development Corporation) . BACKGROUND: On January 16 , 1990, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on said request. On a 3 : 2 vote, the Commission recom- ended approval of the zone change as reflected in Ordinance No. 04 . There was discussion and public testimony as referenced in the attached minutes excerpt. Approval of any development on this property is subject to a con- ditional use permit master plan for approval (refer to attached Ordinance No. 133 ) . The requested change would lessen grading requirements but would allow the height of buildings to exceed the 960 ' contour line. Although not before the Council at this point, the applicants are planning to propose a single family project in contrast to the 72 unit duplex project proposed in support of the original PD rezoning. RECOMMENDATION: 1 ) Waive reading of Ordinance No. 204 in full and approve by title only; and 2) Approve Ordinance No. 204 on first reading HE:ps Attachments : Staff Report dated January 16, 1990 Minutes Excerpt - January 16 , 1990 Original PD Ordinance No. 133 Ordinance No. 204 cc: Bunnell Development Corporation • CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: B-3 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: January 16 , 1990 BY: Karl Schoettler, Assistant Planner File No: ZC 15-89 SUBJECT: An amendment to the text of the Zoning Ordinance to change two development standards of the PD-6 overlay zone. The request is to modify conditions pertaining to control of building height to maintain visibility of an open space easement. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of ZC 15-89 based on the Findings for Approval in Exhibit E (Draft Ordinance) . BACKGROUND: The property that is the subject of this application was rezoned in 1985 to the existing RMF-4 PD6 zone (Residential Multiple • Family - 4 units per acre/ Planned Development #6 Overlay Zone) . At the time of the application for zone and General Plan changes, the applicant (Bill Poe of the ACOMA Corporation) also presented a preliminary site plan of a 72 unit adult community planned development. The plan was similar in layout to the project currently proposed. Because of financial difficulties however, the original proposal was dropped and Ray Bunnell purchased the property. Bunnell submitted his own design for a Conditional Use Permit. In the preliminary check of the project it was determined that a significant (approximately 24) number of proposed units were in violation of Section 9-3. 650 (f) , (prohibiting parts of structures extending above the 960 foot contour level) . This condition was proposed by the original applicant. However, the preliminary submittal was conceptual but did show that a number of units would penetrate the airspace above the 960 foot contour level. Bunnell Development is proposing that this condition essentially be removed. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ray Bunnell • 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bunnell Development Corp. 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8555 El Corte Road 4. General Plan Designation. . . . .Low Density Multiple • Family 5. Zoning District. . . . . . . . . . . . .RMF-4 (PD6) Residential Multiple Family-4 Units Per Acre/Planned Development 6 Overlay 6. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 acres 7. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Abandoned mushroom farm and two houses, one abandoned. 8. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted January 3 , 1989 ANALYSIS: The application before the Commission concerns a modification to the text of the development standards of the PD-6 overlay zone. The development standards of concern of the PD6 overlay zone are the following: Section 9-3. 650: • (d) Building height shall be limited to thirty (30) feet (not to exceed two stories) . (e) An open space easement shall be provided for those areas above the 960 foot contour line as shown on the 1965 Atascadero, California USGS Quadrangle (15 minute series) . (f) No portion of any structure, excepted as provided in Section 9-4. 113 of the Zoning Ordinance, shall be extended above the 960 foot contour line as shown on the 1965 Atascadero, California USGS Quadrangle (15 minute series) . The applicant has proposed that sections d and f be modified. Section a is included above because of its relevance to this request. The applicant has requested that these conditions be modified as follows: Section 9-3. 650 (d) Building height shall be limited to thirty (30) feet (not to exceed two stories) , excepted as provided in • Section 9-4. 113 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 9-3. 650 (f) No portion of any structure ' s foundation shall be above the 960 foot contour line • as shown on the 1965 Atascadero, California USGS Quadrangle (15 minute series) . GENERAL PLAN: The Open Space and Conservation element states on Page 75 in its listing of open space principles: Scenic and open space easements, parklands and open space dedications shall be obtained through the subdivision and development process including, but not limited to: creek reservation, wooded areas, floodplains, scenic and historic sites and other suitable sites. The Zoning Ordinance addresses building height more directly. Section 9-4. 111 discusses the purposes of building height control: The purpose of the following Sections is to limit the height of structures as needed to: support public safety; protect access to natural light, ventilation, and direct sunlight; support the preservation of neighborhood character; and to preserve viewsheds and scenic vistas. • The intent of the condition pertaining to buildings extending above the 960 foot level was to preserve views of the hill on the rear half of the project. This hill will remain in open space with the imposition of Section 9-3. 650 (e) (establishment of an open space easement above the 960 foot contour level) . Another important point relating to this site concerns grading done for construction of the original mushroom farm. Several "benches" were formed on the lower portion of the site for the placement of large buildings. The resulting cuts, made into the chalky material', remain today much as they did when they were first cut. The applicant' s plan proposes to "hide" these unsightly cuts from view through the placement of units on the site. It is also important to consider that the applicant has P PP demonstrated key differences between the current proposal and the original project with regard to grading and existing cuts on the hillside. Through a series of cross-section comparisons, the applicant has shown that the original project, as proposed, would have required significantly more grading than the currently proposed project. Thus, the current project proposes to use, as much as possible, the existing topography and grading already done for the mushroom farm. Where units are proposed on slopes, isplit level construction will be used to minimize required grading. t modifications requested by the • sated by simply eliminating Section 9- U l leave the sections that ensure t open space easement and restrict ty (30) feet or two stories. requested change will not be detrimental site and in fact, can enhance its ind screening damage and scarring imposed current proposal has units positioned ig unsightly scars made by development of irm operation. Importantly, the open 960 foot level will remain, preserving site in open space. - General Plan Map - Zoning Map - PD-6 Development Standards - Topographical Map - Section A,B. CUP 09-89 Site Plan Draft Ordinance EXHIBIT A .,, TASCADERO I� •r CITY OFA ZONE CHANGE 15-89 187.-- — COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT `WSs���j STT' GENERAL PLAN MAP DEPARTMENT • �� s Vii QO,L_� �� �� ; i i l ' ,r � �`l`_- ] ✓ ,, F, • doom j .2 \, �+ PUBLIC • ` \� \ t �� i • °4 4 ` FA KtLY` " S I'C'E • f � 8555 E1 Corte • �uLT FAMIILY * RECREATION 0w 0 • NS T 4)0'. is tf '. ` . LTI• AM /� ILY 04 1 FA IL Y f M OAT E _ cbO�;. ';L • 4 01 0000 CIbMH�E AAI'� ENt ° 0 NS)TY���� 0 / qj` DENS • SINGE REC. • r �, •�., RET. ° .� ° ® • COM`r°�Z � aiNGLs` AMIt: 'f FAM iLy" - J ; - \ INO. 1 , 1�EAV C4M. (> PK -J .% `s HIGH C1.00,4,4 E ,��N3 Y tNaUS ,av - ,:�„��f DENSITY . PARK / _MU!_TI '� 1►A L W FA I L / x - $• RA I Y ClMERCIA TAI �_ 0 M.COti 's • V ,Sri 1� -�... D^- • 1, •/ _\ EXHIBIT B - � CITY OF ATASCADERO ZONE CHANGE 15-89 c— S• I"e can COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ZONING MAP i -- r ( �04 ;� • C. J SITE 8555 E1 Corte • _� �� RS'R RE F-Z A. RS F• (PDT) LE VA o ri ,:� 4 a- CR CT / owl i If , E i CJ F_ �� EXHIBIT C ZONE CHANGE 15-89 PD6 OVERLAY ZONE STANDARDS 9-3. 650. Establishment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 6 (PD6) . The Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 6 is established •as shown on the official zoning maps (Section 9-1. 102) . The following development standards are established: (a) Approval of a conditional use permit reflecting a master plan of development for a residential development and related uses shall be required prior to approving a grading permit, or tentative parcel or tract map. The master plan of development shall be applied for and processed as a conditional use permit (Section 9-2. 109) . (b) In approving a master plan of development, the level of processing for subsequent projects or phases may be reduced to a plot plan provided that the master plan contains sufficient detail to support such a determination. (c) No subsequent plot plan, precise plan, conditional use permit, or tentative parcel or tract map shall be approved unless found to be consistent with the approved master plan of development. Any amendment to a master plan of development, including conditions thereof, shall be accomplished as set forth in Subsection (a) of this Section. • (d) Building height shall be limited to thirty (30) feet (not to exceed two stories) . (e) An open space easement shall be provided for those areas above the 960 foot contour line as shown on the 1965 Atascadero, California USGS Quadrangle (15 minute series) . (f) No portion of any structure= excepted as previded in Section 4-4-443 e€ the 9ening gedinanee; shall he sxtea;ded above the i6e foot contour line as shewn em the 1964 Ataseadere, Eeii€erne$ U666 euddrangle J45 minute aeries} . (g) A master plan of development prepared pursuant to this Section shall include a traffic analysis and circulation study, including analysis of ingress and egress to the area originating/terminating at E1 Camino Real. (h) No development shall occur prior to the extension of sewer service to each lot, parcel, or building site proposed for development. (i) The developer or applicant for development entitlement shall contribute a fair share of the cost of required off-site drainage, sewage, and circulation improvements NOTE: Dashed text to be deleted ', ' EXHIBIT D 11 `1 CITY OF ATASCADERO �•�% ZO"".E CHANGE 15-89 �-ts•!1 p 1 svw- CAn COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A� DEPARTMENT TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Section A .ei . lz - .. x " w wl 01 s , .! '� •�� � ,w. � lir 1 l QA V6 h .` ® r ^� b h • � 6 � N •v szv � �. �� E 9£6 r w o h 1 i Y cZZ � 1 `\ �� ' — EXHIBIT D -�' ITY OF ATASCADERO dM, '•' iJ ZONE CHANGE 15-89 . = — COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOPOGRAPHIC MAP DEPARTMENT • Section B )' s^ 960 Foom CONTOUR t. ., ♦ . 9340 -oor di 40_1 4 EXHIBIT E CITY OF ATASCADERO ZONE CHANGE 15-39 1079 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CUP 09-89 SITE PLAN DEPARTMENT • pa LLJ lij vie 14 UAP MANS 1 �, � I us i1 .o � •� N// 4C� _ �Y f�1r V IA rr , j.t EXHIBIT F ZJONE CHANGE 1-5-89 DRAFT ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. • AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT OF THE PD6 OVERLAY ZONE RELATIVE TO PROPOSED BUILDINGS EXTENDING ABOVE A SPECIFIC ELEVATION (ZC 15-89 : City of Atascadero) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendments are consistent with the General Pian as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments are in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 16, 1990 and has recommended approval of Zone Change 15-89. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does •rdain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan Land Use element and other elements contained in the General Plan. 2. The proposal will not result in any significant. adverse environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. Section 2. Zoning Text Change. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 15-89 is approved to change the text of the Zoning Ordinance as shown in the attached Exhibit C, which is made a part hereof by reference. Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and Oirculated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the overnment Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance- and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing Ordinance is approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk RAY WINDSOR, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER MONTANDON, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director • MINUTES EXCERPT - PLANNING COMMISSION - 1/16/90 • around the Williams ' property and they are now tisfied with this arrangement. Steve LaSalle, complimented the appl ' nt on the three dimensional model of the proposed -oject. Commission questions and d' ussion continued relative to reconcilation of the wi ams ' concerns . It was noted that the fencing conditio ill remain within the Conditions of Approval . MOTION: Commissioner Waage, seconded by Commissioner Highland and carried 5 :0 to approve Conditional Use Permit 12-89 subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval contained in the staff report. 3. ZONE CHANGE 15-89 : Application filea by Bunnell Development Corporation to revise the standards of the PD-6 overlay zone relating to the elevation at which structures can be built. Subject site is located at 8555 F1 Carte Road. • Karl Schoettler presented the staff report and provided a background on the previous zone change which created the existing RMF-4/PD6 zoning on the property, and explained why this amendment is being requested. Staff is recommending approval of Zone Change 15-89 as reflected in the draft ordinance. Commission questions and discussion followed relative to the proposed building lots and at which points the foundations of the buildings would approach the 960 foot contour. Commissioner Highland stated that his understanding of the applicant' s request was that portions of the present project will be to screen the cuts when the prior use (mushroom farm) was constructed. In response to question from Commissioner Waage, Mr. Decamp clarified that the zoning before the Poe project was RSF-Y (one acre with sewer) . Commissioner Waage stated it was his understanding that the intent of the previous zone change was to keep everything below the 960 foot level which was basically a trade-off on changing the zoning. He could not support changing it now. Upon conclusion of Commission discussion, it was noted that no representative was present to discuss this matter. • Jay Peterson, adjacent property owner, expressed his opposition to the request stating that this proposal is changing the concept for which it was originally approved. It was his understanding that the prior project involved a MINUTES EXCERPT - PLANNING COMMISSION - 1/16/90 specific proposal for an adult community which does not seem to the be the case now. This proposal will increase the density of the area and will change the character of the neighborhood. There are other mitigation measures for the scars on the property. Mr. Peterson urged the Commission to consider the area being developed; don' t overbuild the area. Harold Peterson, owner of the subdivision across from the subject site, stated he had asked for 1/4 acre lots but could only obtain 1/2 acre lots . He did not see why 1/4 acre lots should be allowed on this site; there are too many houses proposed. Commissioner Waage stated he has had serious doubts about this project ever since he saw it. The access for this project is horrendous; he could not see making any modifications to the prior PD overlay. Vice Chairperson Luna concurred with Commissioner Waage' s statements, but added he feels an obligation to Mr. Bunnell to continue this item since no representative is present at this time to speak on behalf of the project. Mr. Decamp provided a history on the prior project proposal and how the present zoning and PD overlay came about. The . previous project was conditioned to provide a traffic study and analysis of traffic impacts so that there would be adequate access through to E1 Camino Real to accommodate the project. When the prior project was approved, it was anticipated there would be concurrent approval of 1/4 acre lots for the surrounding neighborhood. The City Council chose not to approve the 1/4 acre lot concept, however, this project was approved primarily because of the unique nature of the project (adult community, duplex units, etc. ) . Commissioner Hanauer expressed displeasure with the fact no representative was in attendance to present their proposal. Vice Chairperson Luna announced the applicants were now present. Ray Bunnell, applicant, stated the purpose of the request was to clarify the existing wording of the PD overlay; that the building footprint can be below the 960 foot elevation but that the building' s elevation would extend higher. He added he believed this was clearly the intent when the original zoning was approved. The previous site plan was very similar to the proposed site plan and showed the buildings right at the 960 foot elevations . Mr. Bunnell then responded to questions from the Commission. • In response to question from Commissioner Waage, Mr. Bunnell explained that the proposed project will not be limited to retired people. MINUTES EXCERPT - PLANNING COMMISSION - 1/16/90 • In response to question from vice Chairperson Luna, Mr. Bunnell commented on the proposed single family unit concept as opposed the prior duplex unit. Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin voiced his opinion that this proposed site plan was a vast improvement over the prior project. He did not see any problem in recommending approval of this zone change request. There was further discussion concerning traffic issues and access, as well as the feasibility of abandoning La Linia. MOTION: By Commissioner Waage and seconded by vice Chairperson Luna to recommend denial of Zone Change 15-89 and direct staff to bring back Findings For Denial . The motion failed 3 : 2 with the following rola vote: AYES: Commissioner Waage and vice Chairperson Luna • NOES: Commissioners Lopez-Balbontin, Highland and Hanauer MOTION: By Commissioner Lopez-Balbontin and seconded by Commissioner Hanauer to recommend approval of Zone Change 15-89 as outlined in the draft ordinance. The motion carried 3 : 2 with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Lopez-Balbontin, Hanauer, and Highland NOES: Commissioner Waage and vice Chairperson Luna Commissioner Waage reiterated that the previous Planning Commission used the 960 foot elevation as a trade-off for changing the zoning, and he could not support this at all . Vice Chairperson Luna echoed Commissioner Waage' s comments and added there is an increase in density over the prior project. C. INDIVIDUAL COMMENT • 1. Planning CommZn -edlwhet Commissioner Highlher SLO Moving has movedMr. DeCamp statederations have ceased at � c ORDINANCE NO. 133 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP NUMBER 19 OF OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY KNOWN AS LOTS 1-10; BLOCK 1, EAGLET 2, FROM RSF-Y (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY MEDIUM DENSITY) TO RMF-4 (PD6) (RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY - FOUR UNITS PER ACRE - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 6) (ZC 3-85: ACOMA CORPORATION) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning reg- ulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant ad- verse effect upon the environment. A Negative Declaration has been prepared on the project. WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 31, 1986 and has recommended approval of Zoning Ordinance Change 3-85. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse en- vironmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. Section 2. Zoning Map. Map Number 19 of the Official Zoning Maps of the amity of Atasca- dero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby • amended to reclassify Lots 1-10, Block 1; Eaglet 2 as shown on at- tached Exhibit "A" which is hereby,..made a part of this ordinance by reference. � c • Section 3. Zoning Text Change. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 3-85 is approved to change the text of the Zoning Ordinance to read as follows: 1. Section 9-3. 650 is added to the Planned Development Overlay Zones to read as follows 9-3.650. Establishment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 6 (PD6) . The Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 6 is established as shown on the official zoning maps (Sec- tion 9-1.102) . The following development standards are established: a) Approval of a conditional use permit reflecting a master plan of development for a residential development and related uses shall be required prior to approving a grading permit, or tentative parcel or tract map. The master plan of development shall be applied for and pro- cessed as a conditional use permit (Section 9-2.109) . b) In approving a master plan of development, the level of processing for subsequent projects or phases may be re- duced to a plot plan provided that the master plan con- tains sufficient detail to support such a determination. • c) No subsequent plot plan, precise plan, conditional use permit, or tentative parcel or tract map shall be ap- proved unless found to be consistent with the approved master plan of development. Any amendment to a master plan of development, including conditions thereof, shall be accomplished as set forth in Subsection (a) of this Section. d) Building height shall be limited to thirty (30) feet (not to exceed two stories) .. e) An open space easement shall be provided for those areas above the 960 foot contour line as shown on the 1965 Atascadero, California USGS Quadrangle (15 minute series) . f) No portion of any structure, excepted as provided in Section 9-4.113 of the Zoning Ordinance, shall be exten- ded above the 960 foot contour line as shown on the 1965 Atascadero, California USGS Quadrangle (15 minutes series) . g) A master plan of development prepared pursuant to this Section shall include a traffic analysis and circulation study, including analysis of ingress and egress to the • area originating/terminating at El Camino Real. h) No development shall occur prior to the extension of sewer service to each lot, parcel, or building site pro- posed for development. i) The developer or applicant for development entitlement PP P shall contribute a fair share of the cost of required off-site drainage, sewage, and circulation improvements as identified in the master plan of development and as required by the City Engineer. Section 4. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance with Government Code Section 36933 ; shall cer- tify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and certification to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day after its passage. On motion by COUNCILMAN MOLITNA and seconded by COUNCIL- WOMAN NORRIS , the foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS MACKEY, MOLINA, NORRIS AND MAYOR NELSON NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMAN HANDSITY DATE ADOPTED: 6/9/86 CITY OF ATP T SCADERO, CALIFORNIA BY: &�& ELI 1_✓ ROLFE D. NELSON, Mayor ATTEST ROBERT -M. JONES, City Clerk APtPRO A TO CONTENT: 4 RICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager • v • APPR D„ TO ONTENT: r ROBER M. JON95-,- City Attorney PREPARED BY: M9.4� F-W�� HENRY ENGV, Com ' ty Development Director • • ORDINANCE Nc 133 - >� E94i PviT A ZONE CHANGE- 3-85 Zond GG,�r�¢ 3-as GO M A GorPo v a tit 95-5-9- L sSSL o-�3 J z Jill '• r'r �f ; fit• t . � - a •.:, •, 14 let tic +; to S. %,\ .j r..'Cay.' •..,,�! 1:� , a;' ; '�. w I . PAF -� Cl2G:S�c��n�'t�,� a lot . ,a •" � s 'z•",, �``••,. � � - corn �Zn�t fy ♦•� _` •+• •��' • 4,•• \3 ••o+ti ;�''�,t t�r: 'Jt��� e` ,•S` •� KM F 'T CPD • o. r�f� G ~ 4••, .• > �+ t'` • .Aif� , ,- mV'—T'I�f<F Falstl �lJ — our 17.0 V � .'�.� ,=1►!' ♦ � � �♦ ••a• / PI► �. •`�, , 4 .�. •"Its • 7 U N 1—i!S pQo;r �•c�r2 — ••••.• ,� s{.yr `�e � ��•• �!�, �•'''� �`.; ��AVS vl.�� �d���aa�ple�Q.!'1—f' ��o) N a�Zt�' 1 .lin\ •Sa'�� Sf . • 'lf •Rpt'—� �•�•��ld�• •3. +�� s �� •. 1i •�`/"-!,r'f�• to .�f. - 7� -- si — •1' p�S .��' Biu.. �� '���.� Sy. ' •t irt6•. • • •' 7a 7 � �.. Sh � v � .as7M+� V. • 31 •• � •� Ca7>�7; fff• ,.Ja 2� i3.• Y SIti 1 f•'• 10 \ •I ift -11 f b • a(•pt0 `•``f.=-,.fr a h• ta'/ .^!,1�� , �� 7 wf a46 .\ +• y 1 _ V 1 G . ` .\ \ r v r •/Y IJ_ pal ' � �:• '. r !'� vim. � lig. • < ": / � ''• •- ��, tet:. 7 �. - ,` - •ti`s•1 .,• +►1' '� Exhibit G General Plan Amendment and Zone Change RSY-Z to RSY-POD 4 8555 E1 Corte Road Adult Plan Unit Development: The idea of this project is to provide an alternative environment for active adults. Designed by Barry Berkus AIA, founder and president of Berkus Group Architects, a national firm of architects and planners with headquarters in Santa Barbara, Newport Beach, and Washington D.C. Lifestyle is the key word for this planned unit development- a retiree who doesn't feel like retiring. The idea for this project was taken from his Leisure Village Ocean Hills, the 1985 Gold Nugget Award of Merit for the best low density development. The site plan was cautiously laid out to take advantage of the views of Chalk Mountain Golf Course and the distant Santa Lucia Range, yet it doesn't impose on the hillside. Using open space and a height limitation (approximately 960') means almost 65% of this development will be landscaped, common area or open space. With the abandonment of La Linia and a stucco wall along E1 Corte, S the development creates its own environment within. One entrance and cart access to the golf course helps to accentuate this. This is the same effect Berkus created with Leisure Village. The Spanish style stucco and tile roofs make one think of a small Mediterranean hillside village. This project will be a compliment to the neighborhood and a welcome addition to one of Atascadero's most beautiful assets, Chalk Mountain Golf Course. THIS PROJECT IS PRESENTED BY ACOMA CORPORATION Bill Poe • President ORDINANCE NO. 204 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT OF THE PD6 OVERLAY ZONE RELATIVE TO PROPOSED BUILDINGS EXTENDING ABOVE A SPECIFIC ELEVATION (ZC 15-89 : City of Atascadero) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendments are consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments are in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 16, 1990 and has recommended approval of Zone Change 15-89. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does •ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan Land Use element and other elements contained in the General Plan. 2. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. Section 2. Zoning Text Change. Subsection (f) of Section 9-6. 650 of the Zoning Ordinance text for the Establishment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 6 (PD6) shall be deleted from the Zoning Ordinance. Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero •News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ORDINANCE NO. 204 PAGE TWO ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing Ordinance is approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk • RAY WINDSOR, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER MONTANDON, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director CITY OF ATASCADERO AGENDA ITEM: C- 1 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL a Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: rebruary 13, 1990 rr!�111 Andrew J. Takata.. erector of Parks. Recreation and SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO TO OPERATE THE ATASCADERO SCHOOL DISTRICT SWIMMING POOL RECOMMENDATION: Direct staff to begin the planning for the operation of the Atascadero High School swimming pool for the Summer of 1990, and to set up an enterprise account to track the expenditures and revenues. BACKGROUND: As per the City Council's previous request, staff has contacted the City's liability • company to determine the amount of risk exposure the City would be under if it were to operate the Atascadero High School Swimming Pool. ANALYSIS: The insurance company did not. feel we would have a significant amount of exposure. They° do request that they review the contract with the School District prior to its execution. Attachments: Staff Report dated January 23, 1990 Staff Report dated April 14, 1989 School District information • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM: C-3 CITY OF ATASCADERO THROUGH: Ray Windsor , City Manager MEETING DATE: 1/23/90 FROM: Andrew J. Takata, Director Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO TO OPERATE THE ATASCADERO SCHOOL DISTRICT SWIMMING POOL RECOMMENDATION: Direct staff to begin the planning for the operation of the Atascadero High School swimming pool for the Summer of 1990, and request funds for operation as a mid-year budget adjustment . BACKGROUND: • As per the City Council ' s previous request , staff and Atascadero School District staff have met regarding the proposed City operation of the Atascadero High School swimming pool operation. The purpose of this report is to consider the feasibility of the City ' s Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department taking over the summer operations of the Atascadero High School swimming pool . ANALYSIS: Swim programs conducted by municipalities on School District facilities are not uncommon. The programs are operated with normal recreation programming , except for times when the High School and club teams need access. The following is the 1989 Summer Swim Program expenditure, not including utilities, maintenance, and chemicals. REVENUES Swim Fees $ 12,700.00 EXPENDITURES Salaries/Supplies $ 11 ,998.00 Net Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 702.00 It is noted that all chemical costs will be assumed by the Atascadero School District . • OPTION 1 : Recommend City Council to direct staff to begin planning for administrating the Atascadero High School pool operations for the Summer of 1990. Advantage: Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department will be able to provide an additional service to the community, and program the facility to generate revenues. Disadvantage: Increased programming could over-burden present Department staff. OPTION 2: Recommend City Council not pursue operations of the Atascadero School District ' s pool . • Advantage: It would over-burden present Department staff. Disadvantage: There would be no City input as to programming the facility. The School District would continue to operate a common recreation function. Staff feels that having the pool under the direction of the Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department could provide additional activities and a better service to the public ._ FISCAL IMPACTS Possibility of a net expenditure or net revenue. ---- --------�T� ----------------- ANDREW J. TA Director • AJT: kv ;SchDst2 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 149 1989 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM Andrew J. Takata, Director Parks, Recreation, and Zoo Department SUBJECT: ATASCADERO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSAL 5UMMER SWIM PROGRAM BACKGROUND: Dr. Anthony Avina, Atascadero Unified School District Superintendent, approached the City as to the possibility of the Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department ,conductinq the Summer Swim Program in Creston Elementary School and Atascadero High School . • ANALYSIS: Swim programs conducted by municipalities on School District facilities are not uncommon. The programs are operated with normal recreation programming, except for times when the High School and club teams need access. The following is the 1988 Stammer Swim Program expenditure, not including utilities, maintenance, and chemicals. REVENUES _ Swim Fees * 229006 Creston Donation Total Revenues = $ 25,006 EXPENDITURES Salaries $ 179500 Benefits 542 Total Salaries/Benefits - $ 189042 Supplies _1,843 Total Gross Expenditures = 7 199885 Net Revenues. . . . . Since administrative, utility, and chemical costs are not included, it is difficult to determine if there is a possibility of a break-even point. It has not been negotiated with the School District as to who will incur the cost of utilities and chemical costs. OPTION_ANAL.YSI.S: Option 1s Recommend to the City Council that they direct staff to begin operation of the District 's pool for the summer of 1989. Advantage: Parks, Recreation, and Zoo Department will be able to add an additional service to the community and proqram the facility to generate revenues. Disadvantage: There is a lack of preparation time to program a quality recreation proqram. There have been no'-formal negotiations with the District to determine liability, • utility costs, etc. Qp.tion__2!_ Recommend to the City Council that they direct staff to negotiate with the Atascadero School District to administer the operation of the District's pools for the summer of 1990. Advantaqe: The Parks, Recreation, and Zoo Department will be able to provide an additional service to the community, and proqram the facility to generate revenues. It would allow ample preparation time to program a quality recreation program. It would allow ample time to complete negotiations with the School District. Disadvantage: Increased programminq could over burden present Recreation Division staff. Option 3: Recommend to the City Council that the City should not operate the School District 's pools. Advantaae: It would not over burden present Recreation Uivision staff. Disadvanzape: There would be no City input' as to programming of the facility. The School District would continue to operate a common recreation function. Staff feels that having the pool under the direction of the Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department could provide .add_ itional activities for residents. Staff does have concerns with performinq this program for summer, 1989, for the followinq reasons= 1.. Adequate preparation time. 8. Present internal changes have resulted in less man hours available at this time. _ 3. is not budgeted in the 1988/89 fiscal year. A FINANCIAL . IMPACT: Possibility of a net expenditure or net revenue. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, it is recommended that the Parks and Recreation Commi.ssion recommend to the City Council that they direct staff to prepare for the operation of the Atascadero School District ' s Pool Proqram for the summer of 1990. ANDREW�J.�7AkATA-- ______.______ Director :k v -- • File: SchUst Attachments Atascadero Unified School District "Where students and their education are paramount" 6800 LEWIS AVENUE ANTHONY AVINA,-Ed.D. ATASCADERO, CA 93422 District Superintendent PHONE: (805) 466-0393 April 3, 1989 Mr. Andy Takata Parks & Recreation City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mr. Takata: We are sending you herewith an accounting of the Summer Swim • Program for last summer along with a salary schedule for personnel for same., _ . Sincerely, . j X_A . Ernest W. Taylor Chief Business Official - EWT: rr encl Carrisa Plains Elementary • Creston Elementary • Lewis Avenue Elementary • Monterey Road Elementary Santa Margarita Elementary • Santa Rosa Road Elementary • Atascadero Junior High School Atascadero Senior High School • Atascadero Adult School • Oak Hills Continuation High School SUMMER SWIM PROGRAM SUMMER - 1988 Income: Swim Fees $22, 006 Creston Donation 3, 000 $25, 006 Expense- Salaries $ 17, 500 Benefits 542 $ 18, 042 Supplies $ 1 , 843 , $ 19, 885 ($ 19, 885) • Net Profit $ 5, 121 Note: The above calculations do not include utilities . • ATASCADERO HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER SWIM PROGRAM 1988 Recreational swimming will begin on Saturday, June 25 and run through Sunday, August 28. Pool hours will be scheduled as follows: Adult Lap Swim 7:00 am to 7:50 am Monday - Friday 12:10 pm to 1:00 pm Monday - Sunday Adult Exercise Group 12:10 pm to 1 :00 pm Monday - Friday (Not available July 4 - 8) Recreational Swimming All ages welcome! Children 6 and under must be accompanied in the water by an adult. 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Monday - Friday 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Saturday and Sunday • 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Tuesday & Thursday (Evening swim through July 28 only) Daily swim fee per patron has been increased in some cases: Adult Lap Swim and Adult Exercise Group - 50 cents Recreational Swim - now $1.00 for all ages We offer American Red Cross swimming lessons for children four years and older. Classes available may include: Beginner; Advanced Beginner; Intermediate; Swimmer; Advanced Swimmer; Basic Rescue and Water Safety; Advanced Lifesaving. We also offer pre-swimming lessons for children four years of age and younger. Class offerings for pre-swimming lessons are Water Adaptive with Parent or Water Adaptive. All classes are limited to eight students and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. The summer swimming lesson sessions are as follows: Session I - June 27 through July 8 Session II - July 11 through July 22 ' Session III - July 25 through August 5 Session IV - August 8 through August 19 Session V - August 22 through August 26 Lesson fees will be as follows: Sessions I through IV $20.00 per student per session Session V $10.00 per student Basic Rescue and Water Safety, Advanced Lifesaving $30.00 per student per session plus book fee. Registration for swim lessons will be in the High School gym wrestling room (directional signs will be posted near the swimming pool) at,the following times: Sessions I, II and V only - 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Monday, June 13 Sessions III, IV and V only - 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Tuesday, June 14th If you miss the scheduled registration times, please come to the pool Monday through Friday between 9:00 am and 11 :30 am starting June 20. The High School Attendance Office telephone number, 466-1424 will be changed to the Pool Directors telephone number on June 20. You may call the Pool Director, Terri Kieselhorst, at that telephone number with your questions and comments between 9:00 am and 11:30 am. Do not call before June 20 as the Pool Director does not go on duty until then. . e The pool will be closed on July 4. i .. Ii�N-li-N il--iti--Nli-iNlJ-Ci���7.1.�..7J� ' � • ■■■■■■■■��■ii■■■YiY■■Yi■■sYYY■■Y� lilN-Niel-N --li-N-li��iLr7it7N.�fL•;�3.!'t� iN- --Ni---moi-Nei-N- I Ims---om—wN�i---�m�—N�iwm--:�--����•s� ■ —ter soon m NEWS 1■ I' N�EE�ii!—■Ei—..—�i—N=�.�..=loom EE— SEE SIM SEEN_=_—_—_m_m—_E_E_=__�__ 18 �EEEEEEmono mEEEEEEEEE=�E �E . !EEEEEEEEEE6=== = - ISO E in in SEEMS IC�E■ESE■�i��■i.. E�_==mEEE=== ICN---.i--���3■--..i....-Ni-.lNi-N�li- ATASCADERO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 1988-89 SALARY INFORMATION NON-REGUALR EMPLOYEES Effective April 5, 1989 Substitute Teachers $60 per day short term $71 per day long term after 20 days in same assignment $80 per day long term after 45 days in same assignment Adult Education-Teachers $15.00 per hour Prep Period Substitutes $15.00 per hour Drivers Education/Training $15.00 per hour SWAP $15.00 per hour Home Instruction $15.00 per hour PIC Grant $15.00 per hour 1 0 er hour� ROP Teachers 5 fl p Nurse Consultant $15.00 per hour Aide for Visually Handicapped $6.04 per hour Signing Interpreter $11.40 per hour Sv%immiM Pool Employee PoolDirector $840 ss per hour k , r WSIkh; .$ I per hour Pool Life Guard $4 40 per hour _ Pool Maintenace $4.20 per hour $vvirn Aide $3Q per hour t Yard Duty Supervisors $ 25 $5.50 $5 75 per hour , { � y TMP.sgw a' r al2srs9 ATASCADERO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 0 . MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Taylor Date: 9-19-89 From: Mary Tidwell Sub%ect: Summer Swim Salaries High.School swimming pool salaries: ._ $11,616 benefits = 382 Total _ $11,998 Creston swimming pool salaries $ 1,914 benefits 63' Total _ $ 1,977' Total salary and benefit.-cost for 1989 = $13,975 v : LP•104. k x rF` J , $ x a , C t, L4 y � r• MEEnNG AGENDA DATf.21�313 ffM! c_.?....,� MEMORANDUM City of Atascadero January 22, 1990 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Via: Ray Windsor, City Manager From: Arther R. Montandon, City Attorney Subject: Ordinance Repealing Provision That Parks and Recreation Commissioners Must Terminate Their Office Upon Filing for Elective City Office Recommendation: That the City Council consider and introduce the proposed ordinance. (Ordinance No. 205) Background: The City Council previously amended the ordinance which prohibited Planning Commissioners from seeking elective City office and remaining on the Commission. At that Council meeting, it was pointed out that a similar prohibition existed for the Parks and Recreation Commission. Pursuant to the direction given by the City Council at that meeting, this ordinance is presented which would delete this prohibition. Respectfully submitted, ARTHER R. MONTANDON City Attorney ARM: f r Attachment • ORDINANCE NO. 205 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 2-13.05 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE DELETING THE REQUIREMENT THAT PARRS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONERS MUST TERMINATE THEIR OFFICE WHEN SEEKING CITY ELECTIVE OFFICE The City Council of the City of Atascadero, California, does ordain as follows: Section 1 . Section 2-13 .05 of the Atascadero Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 2-13 .05 . Absence from meetings. Absence of a member of the Commission from three (3) consecutive meetings, or from four (4) meetings during a calendar year, without formal consent of the Commission noted in its official minutes, shall be reported by the Recreation Director to the City Council for consideration of removal from office. Section 2 . The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 3 . This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by the foregoing ordinance is approved by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Date Adopted: By •ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor City of Atascadero, California • ORDINANCE NO. 205 'age 2 Approved as to form: '464 �- -twt:�r3ll' ARTHER R. MONTA N, City Attorney Approved as to content: RAY WINDSOR, City Manager ARM: fr ORD: 4 • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: C-3 From: Ray Windsor, City Manager{ + Meeting Date: 2/13/90 SUBJECT: Solid Waste Task Force (Resolution No. 15-90) BACKGROUND: The attached letter and resolution require Council to ap- point a member to the Solid Waste Task Force. Councilperson Mackey would be the logical appointee since she has been serving • on the Solid Waste Management Commission and the Hazardous Waste Management Commission and is deeply involved in recycling activ- ities . With respect to an alternate, since the County has asked that we designate someone to serve in a technical capacity, Marge and I are recommending Gary Sims. RW:cw • SH LUIS OBISPO -COURTY COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER • SAN LUIS OBISPO,CALIFORNIA 93408 • (805) 549-5252 GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS County Engineer CLINTON WLNE COUNTY DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER NOEL KING ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR ROADS TRANSPORTATION FLOOD CONTROL January 22, 1990 WATER CONSERVATION COUNTY SURVEYOR SPECIAL DISTRICTS Councilwomen Marge Mackey SOLID WASTE City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93423 Subject: Task Force Dear Marge: Enclosed is a draft of the sample resolution which your City Council may use to make appointments to the new Task Force. Appointing an alternate is optional. Please recall that AB 939 • states March 1, 1990 as the deadline for convening the Task Force, so your prompt attention to this matter would be appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 549-5259 if you have any concerns. Sincerely, GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS County Engineer SIV U NANCY WOOD Recycling Coordinator 7city. ltr.rs RESOLUTION NO. 15-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPOINTING A MEMBER AND AN ALTERNATE MEMBER TO SERVE ON THE TASK FORCE FOR THE COUNTY INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the County Solid Waste Management Plan, adopted in 1986, recommended the establishment of a Solid Waste Commission to act as an advisory agency for solid waste-related matters; and WHEREAS, on May 26, 1987, the County Board of Supervisors established a County Waste Management Commission to implement both the Solid Waste Management Plan and the Hazardous Waste Management Plan under Assembly Bill 2948 (Tanner) ; and WHEREAS, The County Waste Management Commission was split into two commissions on December 6, 1988--one to address hazar- dous waste matters and one to address solid waste matters; and WHEREAS, effective January 1, 1990, the portions of the State Health and Safety Code that required the Solid Waste Man- agement Plan were repealed; and WHEREAS, as the County Solid Waste Management Plan no longer exists, the Solid Waste Management Commission may also be consid- ered to no longer exist; and WHEREAS, on January 1, 1990, Assembly Bill 939 "The Cali- fornia Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989"--became effective and required appointment of a local task force by March 1, 1990 to assist in coordinating the development of city and county source reduction and recycling elements and to prepare a county- wide siting element; and WHEREAS, on January 4, 1990, the County Solid Waste Manage- ment Commission considered and approved a motion to recommend to the cities and county that the Commission be established as the Solid Waste Task Force. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby appoint Councilmember to serve as its designated member and Councilmember to serve as the alternate on the Solid Waste Task Force. The foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll-call vote: • RESOLUTION NO. 15-90 (cont I d) AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ROLLIN W. DEXTER, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER R. MONTANDON, City Attorney 2 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda item: C-4 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 2/13/90 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director `< SUBJECT: Request for direction to staff in considering Don and Joyce Kline' s request for an emergency General Plan Amendment. BACKGROUND : The attached letter has been received from Mr. and Mrs . Kline who live at 5300 San Anselmo, and have experienced a leach field failure which must be rectified. The Kline property is outside the Urban Service Line and is designated on the General Plan as Suburban Residential and zoned for RS Suburban Residential ( 2 1/2 to 10 acre minimum lot size) . The Urban Services Line runs down the middle of San Anselmo and sewer service is available to the property. However, the General Plan precludes extension of urban services beyond the Urban Service Line without an amendment to the General Plan. in the case of the Klines, this would require the relocation of both the Urban Service Line and desig- nation to a different residential land use appropriate to receiving sewer service, i.e. , high, low, or medium density single family. (The property across the street is general planned for high density single family residential use and zoned for LSF- x, 1/2 acre minimum lot size) . The proposed General Plan Update - which is under review by the Council/ Planning Commission General Plan Subcommittee - proposes extending the Urban Service Line along San Anselmo to include the frontage presently un- served. It is problematic as to what length of time it will take to consider this recommendation and possibly resolve the Kline' s problem through the course of the overall update. Related to the cost implications to the Kline' s is the fact that the Sanitation Code, under Section 7-3 .003, requires that build- ings connect to the public sewer within 24 months after the public sewer is available to them. In this instance the sewer would become available were the General Plan Urban Service Line boundary changed. The Sanitation Code enables— he granting of variances as to• hook-up time. ACTION REQUESTED: Direction from the Council in responding to this request. ALTERNATIVES: i . Advise repairing the system, as necessary, and await the overall General Plan Update for a possible long term solution of the problem. 2 . Advise that the City would entertain processing an off-cycle General Plan Amendment, subject to the standard fees, to accomplish a plan amendment affecting this and related area, together with an accompanying Zoning amendment. This would have the affect of "using up" one of two additional discre- tionary plan amendments that the Council may initiate per year. (Current City policy is to process General Plan Amendments through two regular cycles per year, which leaves in reserve the option of initiating two additional amend- ments) . 3 . Advise making application for the April 1 General Plan Cycle. 4 . Advise repairing the on-site system, as necessary, and offer the possibility of considering a variance on the hook- up time that would be needed to connect to the sewer system should the General Plan be amended to enable and require such connection. 5 . Receive and file. HE :ph Enclosure: January 31, 1990 - Letter Location Map cc: Don & Joyce Kline s • January 31, 1990 City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Atascadero, CA 93422 R E C E 1 V E p r Attn: Boyd Sharitz, City Clerk FC Re : Emergency General Plan Amendment "*rny"�c' RK° Dear Sir: This letter is to request being placed on the next council agenda as an emergency off cycle General Plan Amendment . Our property is located at 5300 San Anselmo. We have been informed by Red' s Plumbing Service of Atascadero, that our leach field has failed and must be replaced. In `calling the City to request tying into the municipal sewer line - which there is a stubup on our property- we were informed we are not allowed to tie in because the urban development line runs down the center of San Anselmo and our property is on the wrong side of the street . In discussing this problem with Henry Engen of the Community Development Department , we find a General Plan Amendment is being considered and the urban development line would be moved. How- ever, this could be several years away and because this is a sanitation problem, we must act as soon as possible . If we must install a new septic leach field, complete with plumbing costs of approximately $4000 and expensive engineering fees and then have the City change the urban development line making it necessary to tie into the municipal sewer system at a very substantial amount, it would be a strain on our finances . To avoid this possible double cost we are. asking the City Council to review our request on an emergency basis , waive the restriction, and allow us to tie into the City' s sewer system. Re ectfull submitted, on line for Don & Joyce Kline MAILING ADDRESS: 5300 San Anselmo 3518 E1 Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 Atascadero, CA 93422 805) 466-7747 �- to Ilk ro- +♦� 111 -- - �� ���• id �• r�/ I , 90, oil ' ` �• *� . .lit. ,. �l�,r���� � � � � �� ■ A v`�/1� 11►fir � ••� r���'�� ��i�111 •111111 Ili �. . � �� .' IRON � it soil► vr r.r = �Q, l�l' ' �iilYlYY A b1/1/1111 � Ir III