HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 11/30/1989 A G E N D A ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA AVENUE FOURTH FLOOR, CLUB ROOM NOVEMBER 30 , 1989 3 :45 P.M. Call to Order Roll Call I . Request to reaffirm City-owned lot on Sycamore Rd. as sur- plus property and proceed with appraisal. A. Report from Engineering re : bridge easement status (Gary Sims ) L . Council to adjourn to closed session for discussion re: A. To instruct City negotiator re: purchase and/or sale of real property B . To instruct City' s negotiator re : employee negotiations (Management, Mid-Management and Confidential employee agreements ) r 'WJE:TNG 7AVC]�1j® M E M O R A N D U M TO: Bob Best, Director of Parks and Recreation Department FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director .�Az RE: Sycamore Road Surplus Property DATE: July 20, 1987 At the Council's meeting of July 14 , 1987, the City Council considered the attached staff report and took the following actions: 1) To accept the report from the Planning Commission (which gives the Council future discretion to dispose of the property as surplus to City needs) 2) Referred the matter to the Parks and Recreation Department for your consideration as a possible recreation site for the neighborhood. The Public Works Department has indicated that the property will be needed for access while bridge construction is undertaken, but after that time there would be no public use needed except emergency access. The question at hand that needs some type of report back, however, is whether this property would have any potential as a neighborhood park and/or tie into Salinas River recreational activities (the intent of the Planning Commission's recommendation was to keep the latter option open) . HE:ps Enclosure: Staff Report CC: Michael Shelton, City Manager 1 r _ i • MEMORANDUM September 14 , 1987 To: City Council Planning Commission Via: Mike Shelton, City Manager From: Parks and Recreation Commission Subject: Traffic Way and Sycamore Road Properties At the September 10 meeting, the Parks and Recreation Commission -. :took the following action: _='SRecommended that City owned property located on Sycamore Road in River Gardens (APN 28-092-09) be designated as surplus property. All revenue received from the sale of this property shall be used to purchase prop- erty in the 8000 Block of Morro Road and Amapoa Avenue for the develop - 44. ment of a Community Center. 2. Recommended that City owned property located on Traffic Way (APN-29-091- 06) adjacent to 01 Smokey Meats be designated as surplus property. All j revenue received from the sale of this property shall be used to Purch- j property in the 8000 Block of Morro Road and Ama oa Ave. for devel ment of a Community Center, p o the deveT In addition , the Commission recommends either a lot line adjustment or easement prior to sale for the purpose of ingress/egress to the Traffic Way Multi-Purpose Fields , as a driveway is planned for a corner of the property. Some type of slope maintenance should be part of any sale to prevent excessive water runoff. Finally, to provide for the sale of this property the commission recommends this property be re-zoned from Public to Industrial. The decision to recommend surplusing these properties was made more difficult due to the lack of a Master Plan for the department . To make future decisions on properties in the City, it is imperative that the department have a planning document available for guidance. / (i�l'••G �tj✓ It Mike Lara, Chairman _ - Parks and Recreation Commission cc : Henry Engen Bob Best MEQ 11N AGENDA D1jF 11 28 89 tT=M k C-4(C) 'Ft._,is noted by Mr. Bewsey that trees located on the site will_-not be aff-ec_t_ed by proposed fill due to their elevation. No public comm ne given on this item. Councilmembers discuss the �con_efns regarding the proposal being too dense, and that it-�oo` meet overwhelming benefit criteria to justify a_pa_z fled developmeht`z`a change. MOTION:,,"Ccstilmember Bourbeau moves Deny Zone-,Change 9-87 and not adopt Ordinance 160 and T.T�1 �10 87; Councilmember Borgeson seconds; Motion carries =9 (Councilmember Handshy absent) C-4 PROPOSED SURPLUS OF CITY-OWNED LOT ON SYCAMORE ROAD (LOT 4 , BLOCK H) (CONT'D FROM 7/14/87) The Planning Commission recommended the surplus of the Sycamore Road site, but to allow an easement for emergency access to the river. The Public Works Department agrees with surplus of the property, after 'Public Works no longer requires access (approximately 1 year) . The Park and Recreation Commission agrees with the surplus proposal, but requests monies from the sale be earmarked for recreational opportunities within the City. No public comment is given on this item. MOTION: Councilmember Bourbeau declares the above property surplus, and directs staff to surplus it after the Public Works Department no longer requires access; Councilmember Mackey seconds; Motion carries 4-0 . (Councilmember Handshy absent) D-1 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH VANDENBERGHFr--__*' CONSTRUCTION COMPANY TO ALLOW TEMPORARY ACCESS ACROS.'�- CITY PROPERTY AT Best, PALOMA CREEK PARK Bob t Parks and- Recreation Director , ;revl ewsthe proposed access easement requested by Vandenb4rghe Construction. The easement will be used to 'service-'""the apartment construction project adjacent to thepZr�!c:"�_The State has authorized this easement, and safety concerns have'-been mitigated with the provision of a chain-rink fence along the--easement. The Vandenberghe Construction Company has off r•ed to either cement around a restroom facility at the park (reduce drainage ,into the restroom) or pave the service road. Either proposa3� i` estimated at $7,000. Mr:--Fn9en, Commun. Devel. Director , gave staff report. There S public comment`_ MOTION: By Councilman SomT-beau to co ally approve staff' s recom- mendation, directing ff conduct negotiations and com back with a f1 , comprehensive osal for Council consid- eration,- -seconded by Councilwoman Mac t assed unanimousl- -�_—by loll-call. 2. General Plan Conformity Status Report - Sycamore Road Property i_ River Gardens Area for Sale by City (Cont'd from 5/26/87 Counci_ Meeting) Mr. Engen, Commun. Devel. Director, gave staff report and responded tc questions from Council. Public Comment Mike Arrambide, 7243 Del Rio Rd. , concurred with Councilwoman Macke, that subject property should be conveyed and kept within the City. HE opposes its sale and the funds used for General Fund purposes, feelinc any funds acquired from its sale should be earmarked for acquisition of other property that would meet City plans. Councilwoman Borgeson suggested that the Parks & Rec. Commission cor- sider possible use of subject site for a park, perhaps solicit! homeowners interest in such a use. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson to deny that subject property or Sycamore Road be designated as surplus. Motion died for lack of a second. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to concur with staff recommendation tc receive the Conformity Report per the Planning Commission' s recommendation, seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson; passed unanimously. AMENDMENT TO MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey that Council also refer this item to the Parks & Rec. Commission for their opinion, seconded by Councilwoman Borge- son; passed unanimously. 3.' Atascadero Lake Pavilion Building Status Report - Verbal---- -__� Mike Arrambide, Chmn of the Lake Pavilion._ --Projec, J gave a brief history of the progress of this project-and a status report. Mr. Jorgensen, City Atty. , noted that the C i-ty_ doesn' t have liability coverage for the volunteer laborers on this project saying this issue should be carefully explored before proceeding. No action was taken on this item. 5 3iEVE: APPARENTLY WE NEED A GENERAI---"� MEMORANDUM PLAN CONFORMANCE REPORT. THIS HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING ON JUNE 9th. To: Honorable Mayor and City Counci: Through: Michael Shelton, City Manager THANKS SO MUCH. From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of VALERIE Subject : Sale'of Lot on Sycamore Rd. Date : May 15, 1987 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council declare the above lot surplus and authorize the City Manager to obtain an appraisal of the said property and to advertise for sealed bids to dispose of the same . Backround: The City recently acquired the above property (map attached) from the County in the land swap which included the Armory and the Police site lease . This property was not obtained for any specific purpose but was Just a part of the overall negotiations for available parcels . Discussion: This property was used by the County to access the Salinas River for emergency flood control prior to the Array Corps of Engineers' construction of the dike which now protects the River Gardens area from a 100—year flood. The Atascadero Mutual Water Company has requested that the County and/or the City maintain an easement through the property to the river for emergency repair of the dike. Staff agrees that such an access should be perpetuated. The property is not adequate in size for a Police, Fire or Street facility and is too small for a neighborhood park. The zoning is single family residential and subject to the above mentioned dike is within the FEMA flood plain. The City has had at least one inquiry on this parcel . Fiscal Impact : The lot has not been appraised but may be valued between $20, 000 and $40, 000, but will be subjected to a 15—ft . access to the river and the buyer will have to install a gate within the said easement to the river to prohibit indiscriminate access . If the lot is not sold the property will have to be maintained by the City which will require, at minimum, weed abatement a couple of times per year. I I • D'h; � A iT/97 A �1GE,A �, 1� _. E M 0 R A N D U M TO: City Council July 14, 1987 VIA: Michael Hicks, Acting City Manager FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: General Plan Conformity Report: Sycamore Road BACKGROUND: On June 16, 1987 , the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced matter. Upon review, the Commission recom- mended that the property be designated as surplus property as outlined in the attached report (on a 6:1 vote) . There was brief discussion among the Commission concerning a suitable building site for the property. There was no public testimony given. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the Conformity Report per the Planning Commission' s recommend- ation. HE:ps City of Atascadero Item: B-7 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: June 16 , 1987 BY: - Joel Moses, Associate PlanneF- Project Address: Sycamore Road P 4 , Blk H, Atas. Colony) SUBJECT: General Plan Conformity- Report - City sale of real property located on Sycamore Road north of Hidalgo Road in River Gardens. (APN 28-092-09 Northern ptn. Lot 4 , Blk H, Atascadero Colony) (Exhibits A & B) . - BACKGROUND: The City of Atascadero acquired the approximate 12,000 square foot property as a part of the recent transfer of properties. The County had previously noted the property as surplus and had contacted the City in 1985 . The City has found no specific public purpose for the property and now is seeking to have the property declared as surplus, property so the property can be disposed of. ANALYSIS: The property is presently vacant. The City presently has no plans to use the property except as a detour route during the reconstruction of the Sycamore Road Bridge. The adjoining property is currently gen- erally developed with single family residential uses. The area to the East is owned by the Water Company and is used for gravel/sand extrac- tion. The area is designated Moderate Density Single Family on the General Plan; the corresponding zoning is RSF-Y (Residential Single Family - minimum lot size of 1 acre with sewer 1 1/2 acre without sewer) . The site is currently not provided with sewer but is within the Urban Service Area. The area to the West is within a leachfield problem area as noted in the City' s sewer study (John Wallace & Assoc- iates) . . A review of the General Plan makes no specific statement as to the need for the property. However, a need is noted as to the need for the retention of an easement for emergency access and recreational use. Additional comments made in the General Plan might note the site as undevelopable. The Open Space and Conservation Element notes the site in the inundation and alluvium areas (Maps X-1 and X-2) (Exhibits C&D) and as such falls under the Public Safety Policies (page 84) sta- ting, "that permits shall be denied in the potential inundation( areas" . " Staff Report General Plan Conformity Report Page Two RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the property be designated as surplus prop- erty, but maintaining a 25 foot access and recreational easement cros- Road and the Water Company property sing the site connecting Sycamore for access and recreational uses. The action would qualify as a Class 12 categorical exemption (sale of surplus property) from the California Environmental Quality Act pro- cess. JM:ph Attachments: Exhibit A — Location Map Exhibit B - A.P.N. Map Exhibit C - Alluvium Map Exhibit D - Inundation Map mil; ♦ I////.. I� �' -,�i-;i-�"""� VN WWII '`, r��I��'��/ �. sirs►... Mal OWN%� • , �ow_=PAP oppol mist US OAR 1. lion all Zam • EXHIBIT B A.P .N. MAP GENERAL PLAN CONF. REP . CITY OF ATASCADERO SURPLUS PROPERTY SALE r = = e ���• SYCAMORE ROAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Al a h O p cl`v w S 7Y°1jU'rY rrl tall m � v � S e�\ i o 4 O � �• 0 a ' O�• Q� Jb S N °y o .,ta �sd oti3 w co fib � �� © o • EXHIBIT C ALLUVIUM MA. CI OF ATASCADERO GENERAL PLAN CONF. aEP - C"'='• sur — r! '•�•- SURPLUS PROPERTY SA--Z ',►T��FRo ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SYCAMORE R.•�T/ OAD DEPARTMENT �� it `t � / .� �'•'��7 t C Y .a' ,,4l�~^� `•'•t-C! wk � ��tt''"�•y7: � �.i '� �.�lti'�f�r..1'x`,3*rs�, �:•;�.'�>�.f `� 1'1�', t•�v«.� �. _ � /,V 1 J.l•�.�dI ••� ' � �:.. 'Ja q.1F'��•�tti�. /r� 1 �n.• , Jj�`,+�(jy i 7 ���'-/:.,;—►. I ri i t� r 'Y�„ Y r\. u qtr f c z J :r,-'.�• v�'NsT ;f: < 1 , h,a,rl �j, r� / 1� 4�i �/.�/i�. �/Y,r••C ,8.� r •moi �1' t. ..n! io •. `'tit J-114 !11,(*'�% 517 _a ,. i � a >n..♦r•-:fir. �• � r .♦ .. .. �^I •` :�- ; `••.R ��' .T i' �`i�:,':r M MAP X-9 n D .'`�"�' •:( ' �C' �S moi` 8 0 0"n 7 n T � A • a c n 0 EXHIBIT D INUNDATION MA-7: CITY OF AlASCADERO GENERAL PLAN CONF. REP . • SURPLUS PROPERTY SALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SYCAMORE ROAD DEPARTMENT i i \?•�y.y{ ..a '-mss a -�••• v>:�.'� t:- O'• \ Vii' � y ��9 \\r. r /- ,ter♦ • s �--. •�-. ate. � %{V� +` ���� •- .l Z' -ti t �♦' , •••, ' � v�. ` -�'t c t 1 A• 1' { �` y!'lam` �, ' _ �, .:►Kx'� i Y• ♦ s♦ V , 7. {�.- t •. .� 'ri. .\'s�,� S �,5= ti\ - ,.` i R•Jy 'y�♦�• v �e .may �. -.• _ �• � i'r.y•`t �� �-Imo+.... r }� 5TE •'moi••• Q,•' • r- . •/ .'� =>-� .n :as �' •:': D ro' ") F 1 m s � y II $ :fl • - 1 3 ' *lovem'her 13, !ORO Thomas ?ench 7503 Carmelita Av. Atascadero, C-A. 93422 City of Atasc.adero 6500 Palma A,tascad.ero , CA. 93422 In the event the city of AtascadPre purchases the creek wqy property adjecent to Curba.ril, I gould be Trilling to qi7e extra property if I would be guaranteed a building lot. on parcel two, This would create a non conforming lot , as my property is zoned one acre . However the city has indicated in the past they would be to a t.•ro way emit on this property to create a buildinP7 lot . 3incerel.yJ,`� ti Thomas Bench