HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/22/1989 GEORGIA RAMIREZ DEPUTY CITY CLERK * NOTE THE COUNCIL WILL MEET IN OPEN SESSION COMMENCING AT 6:00 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING THE FINAL'CON STRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE POLICE FACILITY, FOLLOWED BY AUTHORIZING BID OF THE PROJECT. ' AGE N D A ATASCADERO' CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA FOURTH FLOOR, ROTUNDA ROOM AUGUST 22, 19$9 7:00 P.M. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. * A person may speak for five (5) minutes. No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so. No one may speak more than twice on any item. * Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond, but, after the allotted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for -Council 'discussion. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call City Council Comment: - Certificate of Recognition to Richard Perce, Rotary Inter- national Exchange Student to Curitaba, Brazil COMMUNITY FORUM The City Councilvalues and encourages exchange of ideas and comments from you, the citizen`. The Community Forum period is provided to receive comments_ , from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items'. To increase the effectiveness of Community Forum, the following rules will be enforced: { A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. 0 0 * All remarks shall be addressedto Council, as a whole, and not to any individual member thereof. * No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any council Member, commissions staff. * Any person desiring to submit written statements to the Council may do so by forwarding nine (9) copies to the City Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the Council Meeting. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed .below. There will be no separate' discussion on these items . A member of the Council or public may, by request, have any item removed from the Consent Calendar, which shall then be reviewed and acted upon separately after the adoption of the Con- sent Calendar. 1. AUGUST 8, 1989 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. AUGUST 11, 1989 SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES 3. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12-89, 10785 EL <CAMINO REAL Subdivi- sion of one parcel containing approx. 10.0 ac. into four lots Lots 1 & 2 will contain 2.0 ac. , Lot 3 will contain 1.0 ac. and Lot 4 will contain 5.0 ac. (Colombo/Lewis ) 4. REQUEST BY PETERSON' DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (STEVE DEVENCENZI) FOR A ONE YEAR TIME EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 13-87, 8519 EL DORADO ROAD 5 APPROVE ANNUAL AGREEMENT WITH S.L.O. COUNTY VISITOR'S & CONFERENCE BUREAU 6. APPROVE CONTRACT ,WITH BECKER & BELL, INC. , TO CREATE, REVIEW AND REVISE THE ATASCADERO CITY PERSONNEL RULES & REGULATIONS 7 . AWARD FOR APPRAISAL OF PROPERTIES LOCATED ALONG MORRO ROAD AND ATASCADERO LAKE TO ROBERT H. HARRISON, M.A.I. B. HEARINGSfAPPEARANCES: 1 CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL BY LARRY VON DOLLEN OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S REQUIREMENT FOR AN OPEN SPACE BASEMENT ON TPM 3-89, 4200 'OBISPO ROAD (Volbrecht Surveys) 2 • 2. CONSIDERATION OF EXTENSION OF ORDINANCE NO. 196, WHICH CRE- ATED, ON AN URGENCY BASIS, A COMMERCIAL RETAIL-DOWNTOWN ZONING DISTRICT (Requires a 4/5 vote of Council) : A. ORDINANCE NO. 197 - An urgency ordinance of the City of Atasca ero amen ing Title 9 Zoning Regulations by ex- tending Ordinance No. 196 for 22 months and 15 days (FIRST & FINAL READING: Recommend ( 1) motion to waive, reading of ordinance ;in full and approve by title only Voice vote; ( 2 ) motion to approve Urgency Ord. No. 197 on first & final reading Roll call} C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT AGREEMENTS (3) (City of Atascadero w/ B. I .A. /J.- Stinchfield/D. Smith) 2. RESOLUTION NO. 59-89; PROPOSED, POLICY FOR ROADWAY CON- STRUCTION WITHIN COLONY ROAD ALIGNMENTS/TREE PRESERVATION CONFLICTS 3. AGREEMENT WITH RECREATION SYSTEMS, INC. , ARCHITECT FOR THE ATASCADERO LAKE PAVILION PROJECT D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1 . City Council : A. Direct staff to :develop a formal procedure for inter- viewing and selecting members of City Boards and Commissions (Mayor Dexter) B. Committee Reports (The following ,_represents ad hoc or standing commitees . Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary. ) : 1 . City/School committee (Nothing to report) 2 . North Coastal Transit (Verbal report) 3 S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council (Nothing to re- port) 4 Traffic Committee (Report in 'agenda packet) 5 . Solid/Hazardous waste Mgmt. Committee (Nothing to report) 6 . Recycling Committee (Report in agenda packet) 7 . Economic Opportunity Commission (Nothing ; to re- port 8 . Finance Committee (Nothing to report) 9. B. I.A. (See Item C-1) 10. Downtown Steering Committee (H. Engen = Verbal) 3 • 11 . Interim Growth Management Committee (H. Engen- Verbal 12 . General Pian Subcommittee (H. Engen - Verbal) 2 . City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4 City Treasurer 5 . City Manager ** NOTE: COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN TO A CLOSED SESSION ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1989 AT 3:00 P.M. IN ROOM 304 FOR THE PUR- POSE OF DISCUSSION CONCERNING EMPLOYEE SALARIES AND BENEFITS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6. i 4 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL • CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: ------------------------------------------------------- Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 8-22-89 From: Ric d H. McHale, Chief of Police ------------ ----------------------------------------------------- ----------i -------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT: Construction of Police Services Facility RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to seek bids for the construction and remodeling of the proposed new Police Services Facility building at 5505 E1 Camino Real, Atascadero. BACKGROUND: In keeping with previous City Council authorization, the architectural firm of Ross, Levin, MacIntyre and Varner has prepared the final construction plans and documents for our new police facility on E1 Camino Real . Application has been made for the building permit (8-3-89) , and the project has been reviewed with other appropriate City departments during the planning process . In keeping with the schedule offered by Rod Levin, we are proposing • distribution of the construction documents to contractors on September 6, 1989 . We will then anticipate receipt of bid proposals on October 6, 1989 . During the month of October, Council will be presented the results of the bidding at which time cost ' factors will be considered. (During this time frame, Council may opt to accept or reject the bidder' s proposals for construction of the project. ) Op,=ions : 1. Authorize the bidding process. 2. Take no action - deny permission to bid project . FIAL IMPACT: While this project has been estimated several times during the past two years, the actual cost will be revealed when the submitted bids have been studied by staff and our architect. As Council will recall, this project will be funded through certificates of participation. RHM:sb Attachments: -Letter from Rod Levin -Construction Documents • i Ross Levin Mac tyre & Varner Architects RODNEY R. LEVIN AIA • KENNETH H. MACINTYRE AIA JAMES R. VARNER AIA Auaust 17. 1989 Chief Bud McHale City of Atascadero Police Department P.O. Box 747 Atascadero . CA 93424 Re: New Police Services Facility_ 5505 E1 Camino Real Atascadero . California RLM&V #8802 Dear Chief McHale: In compliance with Ross Levin MacIntyre and Varner Architect ' s Consultant Agreement with the City of Atascadero for the new Police Services Facility, I enclose a copy of the Construction Cost Estimate based on 90% completed construction documents. The enclosed Cost Estimate was prepared by Mike Lewis of Mike • Lewis Construction in Santa Maria who is familiar with our documents and has been providing_ this firm with estimates for the past three years. In an effort to seek ways to phase this project and meet the City Council ' s funding , we have described eiaht (8) deductive alternatives within the bid documents which will allow the citv to pick and choose those portions of construction which they may wish to omit from the base bid for cost reasons and complete that work at a later date. Following is a recap of the Cost Estimate: Total Cost of Construction (Base Bid ) $1 .295.515.00 Alternate #1 Omit all exterior site work with the exception of a portion of new chain link fencing . «85. 185.003 Alternate #2 Omit all work in the Holdino Facility stub utilities/ services to the perimeter for future. <$86. 185.00> Alternate #3 • Omit the folding partition and related hardware in the Trainino/Briefing Room. <$3.960.003 1129 Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo, California 93401 (805) 543-1291 0 Paoe 2 Auoust 17. 1989 Alternate #4 Omit all of the proposed electrical equipment - CCTV. new module to the Comm Center . Paging and Monitoring Systems, just rough in only for future. «8C} 502.00> Alternate #5 Delete movable partitions and Library Shelving in592.00> investigations. Alternate #6 Omit proposed new work to South and West Facades of building o building entry. <$19.516.00> and make minor alterations t Alternate #7 Delete all Interior Finishes in area of offices 126 - 130. Provide Corridor Wall only . <$74.205.00> Alternate #8 Delete all work relating to the Drive Aoproach `$2`296.00> Reconstruction on Rosario Dr . «356.697.00> Total of All Alternates Total Cost of Construction Less All Alternates 6938.817.00 The Architect ' s last estimate of probable construction costs dated October 7. 1988 based on Schematic Plans were: 6937.556.00 Total Cost tion of Construction Cost of Construction Phase I (Delete work described in Alternates #1 thru #8J749.273.fl0 Some factors which have influenced the 3e% and 25% cost increases for both the entire construction and Phase I are: 1 . More definitive bid documents. 2. Additional structural reconstruction. 3. Additional 680.400 worth of security and communication work . 4. Additional site work . 5. Low contingency factors for schematic phase. 6. Chanoes in bidding climate. 7. Inflationary factors. i August 17, 1989 Pape 3 Bud , it is important to note that each of us on the desion team for this project , which includes the various city departments, the architects and all of our consultants, have approached this project with cost conservative concerns, still realizino the need for a low maintenance, twenty four hour functioning public facility. Our electrical and mechanical systems exceed the minimum energy conservation requirements while utilizing competitive commercial grade equipment. Wood framing throughout was detailed in lieu of metal with substantial savinas. In areas such as shower/locker/toilet rooms, ceramic tile finishes are used to minimize replacement and maintenance costs. It is most interesting to note that the sum of cost estimates for the site work , reconstruction of the existing buildino shell , electrical , mechanical , security and communications work exceeds $550,000.00 I firmly believe that the City Council should be commended for their foresight and excellent negotiations during the purchase of the former Beno ' s Department Store site. The $11 .00 purchase price per foot of site area including a type III N building shell and site improvements such as retaining walls, fencino, grading , drainage, lighting and utilities constitutes a significant bargain. The cost to construct police service facilities fully operational . less land and furniture here on the west coast is averaging $130.00 per square foot , as quoted by Marion Varner , our Police Facilities Specialist . May I suggest Bud that when appraising the public of the estimated construction cost , a range of 1 .0 to 1 .3 million dollars be used. In spite of the fickle building climate we experience here on the central coast , I believe this project will draw numerous bidders looking for interior type work on an excellently prepared all weather site this winter . I highly recommend approval of this project by the Council to call for bids on October 4, 1989 and am prepared to answer questions they may have at their Tuesday, August 22, 1989 meeting . Your uly, i RODNER. LEVIN, A. I .A. RRL:mkb cc : Ray Windsor - City Administrator Marion Varner - Architect Encl . 188020817.293 • CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION AWARDED TO RICHARD PERCE WHEREAS, as part of Rotary' s International Youth Exchange Program, Atascadero High School student Richard Perce has been selected as a foreign exchange student to the City of Curitaba, Brazil for the 1989-90 school year, the Atascadero City Council hereby urges Richard to become an ambassador for the community • and serve to enhance relations between the City of Atascadero and Curitaba. FURTHERMORE, the City Council does hereby congratulate Richard on the opportunity to participate in the foreign exchange program and wishes him much success in realizing his goals . CITY OF ATSCADERO LIN DEXTER, Mayor Dated: August 22 , 1989 • MEET:r4� )g� GEN ,.,...,. ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 8, 1989 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Dexter, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL All Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Lilley, Mackey, Shiers & Mayor Dexter Staff: Ray Windsor, City Mgr. ; Henry Engen, Dir. of Community Development; Paul Sensibaugh, Dir. of Public Works; Andy Takata, Dir. of Parks, Rec . & Zoo; Chief Bud McHale, Police Dept. ; Jeff Jorgensen, City Attorney; Mark Joseph, Dir. of Admin. Services; Boyd Sharitz, • City Clerk; Cindy Wilkins, Admin. Secy. COUNCIL COMMENT Mayor Dexter congratulated Ray and Berte Windsor, celebrating their 31st Wedding Anniversary. COMMUNITY FORUM Sarah Gronstrand, announced that Gordon T. & Beatrice Davis, yesterday, gave the Friends of the Library $100,000 for the Chil- drens ' Library building fund. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. July 25, 1989 City Council Minutes 2. SLO Area Coordinating Council Joint Powers Agreement 3. Res. No. 60-89 - Designating a stop intersection on Alamo Ave. @ Barrenda Ave. 4 . Res. No. 61-89 - Reduction of speed limit on San Andres Ave. between Santa Lucia Rd. and Santa Ynez Ave. 5. Application to Present a Late Claim - Vida Ricioli (Recommend Denial) 6. Certificate of Acceptance - Atas. Lake Ozonation Project • Councilwoman Borgeson requested that Items A-2 & 6 be pulled for separate discussion. 1 • Motion: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items 2 & 6 . Passed unanimously by roll-call. Re: Item A-2 : Councilwoman Borgeson requested that Council approve the agreement, omitting the "supervote" provision (Option (c) in staff report) , noting that although it is seldom used by the Area Coordinating Council, it is nearly always controversial and is of little benefit to the cities in the North County. Mr. Sensibaugh added that the supervote tends to "cloud" a good vot- ing process already in place. Councilwoman Borgeson noted that the Mayors of Morro Bay and Paso Robles concur with this opinion and have expressed they feel their councils will approve the agreement without it. Mr. Jorgensen expressed concern about whether the City can unilaterally change the contract, since it' s intended to be executed by all the member agencies, and he recom- mended that Council defer action on this item in order to allow both staff and the Council delegatetocommunicate their concerns to SLOACC for comment. There was no public comment. Motion: By Councilman Lilley, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to continue this matter . to the meeting of 8/22/89 and request that Councilwoman Borgeson and Mr. Sensibaugh communicate the Council ' s concerns regarding the proposed agreement to SLOACC; passed unanimously. Re: Item A-6: Councilwoman Borgeson expressed her feeling that this item is worthy of note and commended the staff report as excellent. Mr. Sensibaugh reviewed the status of the Ozonation Project and the problems discussed in his report, followed by Council discussion. There was no public comment. Motion: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Lilley that Council approve the Certificate of Acceptance for the Atas . Lake Ozonation Project; passed unanimously by roll-call . B. REGULAR BUSINESS 1 . Res. No. 58-89 - Designating Pine Mtn. Stadium as a historic site and endorsing efforts to purchase same Mr. Windsor gave staff report, followed by Mr. Engen reviewing excerpts from the General Plan regarding the zoning of subject area, who added that there is no pending development plan for the • property, although there have been some inquiries . 2 Lengthy discussion by Council ensued, as there were conflicting opinions as to the intent and appropriateness of the resolution as it relates to support for the property' s purchase by a private party and designating it for public use. Councilwoman Mackey noted that the stadium has been included in the General Plan since 1968 . In 1978, the County balked at her personal request that it purchase the property, largely due to the then uncertain affects of the passage of Prop. 13 . She commented on discus- sions, shortly after the City' s incorporation, by certain local business owners to create a foundation to purchase the land. She expressed that it is her hope that a private, non-profit organi- zation is founded to attempt to purchase the site for its his- torical value to the community and that, perhaps, eventually the City might own it. Mr. Jorgensen clarified that the intent is to encourage and express support for the property' s purchase by the private sector for use as a recreational facility consistent with the General Plan. Public Comment Shirley Summers, an 18-year resident who served on the General Plan Advisory Committee in 1973 , on the Gen. Plan Sub-Committee and on the City Planning Commission from incorporation until 1985 , spoke of the community' s historical commitment to designate the stadium area for recreational and public use. She urged the Council, as "the custodians of our community, the guardians of our heritage" , to preserve Stadium Park, noting it is one of the very few remaining historical roots of Atascadero. Fred Strong, F. Strong & Associates, a land-use consultant whose firm has been retained by a client who currently has subject property in escrow, requested that the Council publicly clarify its intent and policies with respect to the property. Motion: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilman Shiers that the Council reaffirm the City' s com- mitment to the General Plan, which speaks of preserving Stadium Park as an important historic and cultural site, by adopting Res. No. 58-89, amending the title to read "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DESIGNATING PINE MTN. STADIUM AS AN IMPORTANT HISTORIC SITE" and amending Para. 6 to read, " . . .the City Council does hereby officially recognize Pine Mtn. Stadium as an important his- toric site. " Motion passed unanimously by roll- call . 2. Atas. Lake/Pavilion Master Plan - Proposed ad hoc committee Mr. Takata gave staff report. There was no public comment. 3 • Motion: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Lilley that Council approve the recommendation to create a 15-member ad hoc committee to work with Recreation Systems, Inc . , for the preparation of a master plan for Atas . Lake Park & Pavilion. The Council concurred to name the committee members at a later date, following the receipt and review of suggestions as to potential candidates . 3. Police Facility status and presentation of final plans- Aug. 22, 6:00 p.m. Mr. Windsor gave staff report, noting a correction to p. 2 of the July 20th correspondence from the consultant--Bids are to be re- ceived at City Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 6th. Council concurred to adjourn to the above suggested date and time. 4. Set closed session for employee negotiations (Mid-Mgmt./Pro- fessional Employees) Mr. Windsor gave staff report, indicating that the two dates Council is being requested to consider are 8/23 or 8/24 . Council concurred to meet in closed session, as requested, on the 23rd at 3 : 00, and will adjourn their regular meeting of 8/22/89 to that date and time. C. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION City Council - Committee Reports : Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgmt. Committee - Mayor Dexter report- ed on having attended a meeting of the County Hazardous Waste Management Commission last week. Discussion focused on the County-wide landfill problems and the potential haz- ard if refuse were to be hauled up the Cuesta Grade to the Chicago Grade Landfill . There was also discussion on the Turri Road transfer station (S .L.O. ) and on the subject of recycling, which will be a key issue over the next decade. Councilwoman Mackey added that the Recycling Committee met recently and is scheduled to meet again on August 16th. Councilwoman Borgeson asked that the Recycling Committee be added to the regular committee reports on the agenda. Economic Opportunity Commission- Mayor Dexter reported on attending a meeting of the EOC last week, but, because there was not a quorum, there was no action taken; several reports were made. 4 Downtown Steering Committee - Mr. Engen reported that this committee met last Thursday, and the consultants presented a preliminary document on planning ideas for the downtown, which has been distributed to Council, Planning Commission and those on the General Plan Update mailing list. The committee will meet again within the next 2-3 weeks to respond to a checklist/questionnaire prepared by the consultants . Interim Growth Management Committee - Mr. Engen reported that this committee was appointed at the Council ' s last regular meeting, and the members met last week. They dis- cussed the action taken by the Co. Board of Supvrs . on Aug. 2nd following two hearings on their proposed urgency ordi- nance, which passed on a 3 :2 vote. The matter will again be before the Board on Aug. 22nd, following direction to estab- lish a 2J % cap on population and to direct growth to where the resources are. They' re considering exempting antiquated subdivisions, affordable housing, master plan projects, specific plans and ag clusters that would have housing as a component. The sub-committee discussed concerns about the impacts of whatever policy the County might adopt which will affect the fringe areas of the City, because the water com- pany service extends beyond the City limit line, and that is a resource. Staff was asked to monitor building permit activity to note any increases or unusual activity resulting from this debate. The committee is considering drafting a resolution reaffirming the City' s policy of not encouraging annexations other than those limited ones included in the LAFCO report for the City (basically, the golf course, State Hospital and Paloma Creek Park areas) . The committee dis- cussed recognition of the need for language in the General Plan on the general subject of growth management. The next meeting of the committee will be the afternoon of Fri. , Aug. 18th. City Clerk - Mr. Sharitz announced that he intends to retain the services of a private attorney to defend his office, and Council may expect to hear from said attorney shortly. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8 :40 P .M. TO FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1989 , AT 2 : 00 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERVIEWING APPLICANTS TO A VACANCY ON THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, AND TO 6 :00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 22 , 1989, PRIOR TO THEIR NEXT REGULAR MEETING, FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING THE CONSULTANT' S PRESENTATION OF THE FINAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE POLICE FACILITY. MINUTES RECORDED BY: PREPARED BY: BOYD C. SHARITZ, City Clerk CINDY WILKINS, Admin. Secy. 5 MEEEI" ENDA • SPECIAL MEETING OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Friday, August 11 , 1989 Meeting was called to order at 2 p .m. in Room 304 of the City Administration Building by Mayor Dexter for the purpose of interviewing for vacant Planning Commission position. ROLL CALL: Present : Councilmembers Lilley ( arrived at 2:56 p .m. ) , Shiers, Mackey, Borgeson and Mayor Dexter . Absent : None Staff Present : Henry Engen, Director of Community Development and Boyd Sharitz , City Clerk . Following interviews of seven candidates J. Donald Hanauer was selected to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission which was created by the resignation of Mike Tobey . • MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey, to approve Resolution No . 57-89 appointing J. Donald Hanuaer to fill the one vacancy on the Planning Commission. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. Meeting adjourned at 5: 15 p .m. MINUTES RECORDED BY: BOYD C. SHARIT1, CITY CLERK • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date : 8/22/89 File Number: TPM 12-89 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director 44. SUBJECT: Subdivision of one parcel containing approximately 10 . 0 acres into four (4 ) lots . Lots 1 and 2 will contain 2 . 0 acres, Lot 3 will contain 1 . 0 acre, and Lot 4 will contain 5 . 0 acres at 10785 E1 Camino Real (Genevieve Colombo/Glen Lewis) . RECOMMENDATION: • Approval in accordance with Planning commission recommendation based on the the Findings contained in the staff report dated August 1 , 1989, and the attached revised Conditions of Approval . BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the above- referenced map on August 1 , 1989 and recommended approval of Tentative Parcel Map 12-89 subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval with modification to Condition #k5a as follows : 115a. The design shall include 20 foot of paving with two foot graded shoulders within a 28 foot right-of-way. " HE:ph Attachment: Planning Commission - Revised Conditions of Approval Planning Commission Staff Report - August 1 , 1989 CC : Genevieve Colombo Glen Lewis • Planning Commission REVISED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - 8/1/89 • Tentative Parcel Map 12-89 10785 E1 Camino Real (Colombo) August 1, 1989 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water • Company. Water lines shall exist at the frontage of each parcel prior to recordation of the final map. 2. The newly created lots shall be connected to the public sewer. All annexation fees in effect at the time shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. 3. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 4 . Grading, drainage, and erosion control plans, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to recordation of the final map. 5 . Improvement plans for the proposed private access, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. Said plans shall include, but are not limited to: a. The design shall include 20' of paving with 2' graded shoulders within a 28 foot right-of-way. b. Plans shall include measurers to preserve and protect any existing trees within the access easement. 6. Improvement plans for E1 Camino Real, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. Said pians shall include, but are not limited to: a. The design shall include paveout from the cut edge of existing pavement to 40' from centerline, including feathering or crown correction as required by the City Inspector. b. The design shall include a City standard curb, gutter, and 10' sidewalk. • -`` Planning Commission revised condition (8/1/89) r . C. Plans shall include measures to preserve and protect any trees within the public right-of-way. 7. Construction of all improvements (public right-of-way and private access) shall be completed prior to recordation of the final map. 8 . All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the subdivider. 9. An encroachment permit shall be obtained for all work to be undertaken within the public right-of-way. Sign an Inspection Agreement, and a Curb and Gutter Agreement, guaranteeing that all work will be done and the inspections paid for, prior to the start of public works construction. 10. All public improvements shall be covered with a 100% Performance Bond until construction is completed, and by a 10% Maintenance Bond for one (1) year after final approval. 11. A road maintenance agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed. A note to this affect shall appear on the final map. 12. A fire hydrant shall be located at the corner common to . proposed Lots 2 and 3 on the access easement prior to recordation of the final map. The exact location and type of fire hydrant shall be determined by the Fire Department at the time of review of road improvement plans. 13 . All lot grading and drainage improvements shall require a written statement by a registered civil engineer that all work has been completed and is in full compliance with the approved plans. 14 . An offer of dedication to the City of Atascadero for the following right-of-way is required: Street Name: Bane Street Limits: 20 feet from centerline 15 . Offer for dedication to the public the Public Utility Easement. 16. Offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneous with the recordation of the final map. 17 . The metal shed located on the line between proposed Lots 1 and 2 shall be removed _prior to recordation of the final map. 18 . A reflectorized house number master sign shall be located at the intersection of E1 Camino Real and the private accessway . 0 and individual reflectorized address signs shall be placed on the right hand side of the driveway to each individual lot. 19. Each lot shall have a 10' setback from the accessway. Said setback line shall be shown on the final map. 20. A final map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City' s Subdivision Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. C. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 21 . Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. • CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: g, 2 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: August 1, 1989 BY: Osteven L. DeCamp, Senior Planner File No: TPM 12-89 SUBJECT: Request to divide one (1) parcel containing approximately 10. 0 acres into four (4) lots. Lots 1 and 2 will contain 2 . 0 acres, Lot 3 will contain 1 .0 acre, and Lot 4 will contain 5. 0 acres. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of TPM 12-89 based on the Findings for Approval in Exhibit D and the Conditions of Approval included in Exhibit E. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Genevieve Colombo 2 . Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Glen Lewis 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10785 E1 Camino Real 4 . General Plan Designation. . . . .High Density Multi-Family 5. Zoning District. . . . . . . . . . . . . .RMF-16 6. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 . 0 acres 7. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Single Family Dwelling 8 . Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted July 19, 1989 ANALYSIS• The application before the Commission proposes the subdivision of one (1) parcel containing 10. 0 acres into four (4) residential lots . Two of the lots would contain 2 . 0 acres each, one lot would contain 1 . 0 acre, and the remaining lot would contain 5. 0 acres . The General Plan designates the property for "High Density Multiple Family" development. The property is located within the RMF-16 (Residential Multiple Family - 16 units per acre) zoning district which is consistent with its General Plan designation. The Urban Services Line was extended in January of this year to include this parcel and the parcel to the south. The minimum lot size for properties zoned RMF-16 which are • • located within the Urban Services Line is 0.5 acres. The subject property has a single family dwelling and two out buildings located on what is proposed to become Lot 1. The rear portion of the lot has a significant number of trees and has steeper slopes than the front of the lot. The property to the north of the site is partially developed with apartments. There is an approved condominium map for that property. Additional apartment development has also been approved toward the rear of the property. To the south is one undeveloped parcel and the Danish Convalescent Home. The undeveloped parcel is being pursued by the Atascadero School District for a future school site. The property to the east is part of the Atascadero State Hospital. The applicant' s immediate plans include the retention of the single family residence on Lot 1, and the construction of new single family homes on Lots 2 and 3. There are no immediate plans for development of Lot 4 . Single Family Residences are allowed uses within the RMF zones. In some cases, however, it may not be desirable to utilize multiple family zoned land for single family residences. This property may be one such case. Although there appears to be an adequate number of apartment units available to meet current demand, the need for additional units will occur as population levels continue to rise. The property which is the subject of this subdivision request is appropriately zoned and has appropriate services available to it to meet some of that future need. This subdivision will not preclude such development, but the smaller lots, and the potential for numerous owners will make comprehensive development of the site difficult, if not impossible. As indicated above, however, single family residences are allowed uses in the RMF zones and the lot sizes proposed here are above the minimum allowed. Section 11-8 .209 of the City' s Subdivision Ordinance establishes standards to be utilized in the design of flag lots. This Section also contains Findings that must be made prior to the approval of a flag lot subdivision. The three Findings, and a brief discussion of each, are as follows: 1 . The subdivision is consistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood. There are various size lots located within the vicinity of the Colombo property. The Bordeaux project contains approximately 27 acres, while the mobil home subdivision to the northwest contains lots of 3000 to 5000 square feet. Lots ranging from 1 . 0 to 5. 0 acres are not inconsistent with the surrounding area. 2 . The installation of a standard street, either alone or in conjunction with neighboring properties is not feasible. • • iJornada Lane, a private road serving the Casa Camino Apartments, is located adjacent to the northern boundary of the subject property. Further widening of Jornada to serve this property would be difficult, however, because of the grade differential present. In addition, the adjacent property owner is under no obligation to allow access to adjoining properties. Creation of a 40' right-of-way for a City standard street could significantly disrupt current improvements on the property. 3. The flag lot is justified by topographical conditions. In this case, it is not so much topography, as it is the shape of the original lot that argues in favor of a flag lot subdivision. The original lot far exceeds the 3:1 depth to width ratio standard contained in the City' s current Subdivision Ordinance. The only practical way to divide a lot such as this appears to be a flag lot subdivision. The Conditions of Approval recommended for this map are consistent with other approvals in RMF zones. Of particular interest is the requirement for full road improvements along the El Camino Real frontage of the property including curb, gutter and 10' wide sidewalk. The installation of these improvements, along with similar improvements by the School District and the Danish Convalescent Home, will result in a major improvement to • traffic flow and safety on El Camino Real. CONCLUSIONS: Although staff does not believe that subdivision of this site for the purpose of creating single family lots is the best use of the property, the division is in conformance with the City' s General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance. In addition, the required Findings can be made to allow for the creation of the flag lots. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - General Plan Map Exhibit B - Zoning Map Exhibit C - Tentative Parcel Map Exhibit D - Findings for Approval Exhibit E - Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT A .,' CITY OF ATASCADERO TPM 12-89 7-tnlf'11 - . 297-) L-c * COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT General Plan Map DEPARTMENT �o•. ATASCADE 0 STATE r� LPW DENS • H 0�PI TAL // SINGLE REC. 40 FAMILY o � HIGH / '"'`' - • DENSITY, ;��•� •• MULTI FAM11_ • / • •••• -CIA /� ��• / • •••� h ••• RECRE • L .4 D TI A LY P R 0''� J�„ � /z a ` ��','1 '•� e� E AIL ��.,N tio 0 MERCIA • • 10 6 EXHIBIT B CITY OF ATASCADERO TPM 12-89 -s ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT zoning Map lie, DEPARTMENT i IRSF• ( 1 p 1 ZZ m_ _ R '• L�M/T r CR T - R c. G / c � �O ANO q A` ,o R d � RS _R-S 10, Af \ W EXHIBIT C .,ll .910CITY OF ATASCADERO TPM 12-89 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tentative Parcel MaP. DEPARTMENT AC- 1 � \ \\ z �pa w °z W Lo 276:, a " e iVULLt O In n b ..t1 C O V g1 1 ( 1 C11 u- In Q .c 276 Z O > giog W F- � n- 1 'A $ p p W�/� Z J J Lp I I „�pl� SW ACUSS wo vrwrr p w v ;ma�:Nr OF Lor°rra` W U /00, 01/ ti 0. E 0 m y. O ! I EXHIBIT D - Findings for Approval Tentative Parcel Map 12-89 10785 E1 Camino Real (Colombo) August 1, 1989 ENVIRONMENTAL FINDING: The proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. MAP FINDINGS: 1 . The proposed map is consistent with the applicable General or Specific Plan. 2 . The design and/or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the applicable General or Specific Plan. 3 . The site is physically suitable for the proposed type of development. 4 . The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 5. The design of the subdivision, and/or the proposed improvements, will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. 6. The design of the subdivision, and the type of improvements, will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7 . The design of the subdivision and/or the type of proposed improvements will not cause serious public health problems. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE FINDINGS: 1 . The subdivision is consistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood. 2 . The installation of a standard street, either alone, or in conjunction with neighboring properties is not feasible. 3. The flag lot is justified by topographical conditions. W. W EXHIBIT E - Conditions of Approval 40 Tentative Parcel Map 12-89 10785 E1 Camino Real (Colombo) August 1, 1989 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1 . Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Water lines shall exist at the frontage of each parcel prior to recordation of the final map. 2 . The newly created lots shall be connected to the public sewer. All annexation fees in effect at the time shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. 3. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 4 . Grading, drainage, and erosion control plans, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to recordation of the final map. 0 5 . Improvement plans for the proposed private access, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. Said plans shall include, but are not limited to: a. The design shall include 20' of paving with 2' graded shoulders on each side. b. Plans shall include measurers to preserve and protect any existing trees within the access easement. 6. Improvement plans for E1 Camino Real, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. Said plans shall include, but are not limited to: a. The design shall include paveout from the cut edge of existing pavement to 40' from centerline, including feathering or crown correction as required by the City Inspector. b. The design shall include a City standard curb, gutter, and 10' sidewalk. 0 0 C. Plans shall include measures to preserve and protect any trees within the public right-of-way. 7 . Construction of all improvements (public right-of-way and private access) shall be completed prior to recordation of the final map. 8 . All relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the subdivider. 9. An encroachment permit shall be obtained for all work to be undertaken within the public right-of-way. Sign an Inspection Agreement, and a Curb and Gutter Agreement, guaranteeing that all work will be done and the inspections paid for, prior to the start of public works construction. 10 . All public improvements shall be covered with a 100% Performance Bond until construction is completed, and by a 10% Maintenance Bond for one (1) year after final approval. 11 . A road maintenance agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel at the time it is first conveyed. A note to this affect shall appear on the final map. 12 . A fire hydrant shall be located at the corner common to proposed Lots 2 and 3 on the access easement prior to recordation of the final map. The exact location and type of fire hydrant shall be determined by the Fire Department at the time of review of road improvement plans. 13. All lot grading and drainage improvements shall require a written statement by a registered civil engineer that all work has been completed and is in full compliance with the approved plans. 14 . An offer of dedication to the City of Atascadero for the following right-of-way is required: Street Name: Bane Street Limits: 20 feet from centerline 15. Offer for dedication to the public the Public Utility Easement. 16. Offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneous with the recordation of the final map. 17 . The metal shed located on the line between proposed Lots 1 and 2 shall be removed prior to recordation of the final map. 18 . A reflectorized house number master sign shall be located at the intersection of El Camino Real and the private accessway 0 011 and individual reflectorized address signs shall be placed on the right hand side of the driveway to each individual lot. 19. Each lot shall have a 10' setback from the accessway. Said setback line shall be shown on the final map. 20. A final map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City' s Subdivision Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. C. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 21 . Approval of this tentative map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 8/22/89 File Number: TPM 13-87 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director 44 SUBJECT: Request by Peterson Development Company (Steve Devencenzi) of a one year time extension for Tentative Parcel Map 13-87 (8519 E1 Dorado Road) . RECOMMENDATION: Approval of a one year time extension for Tentative Parcel Map • 13-87 , extending the approval date to September 8, 1990. BACKGROUND : The above-referenced map was approved by the City Council on September 14, 1987 based on the attached revised Conditions of Approval . The applicant has requested a continuance in order to complete the extensive road improvement requirements generated by this project. The final map application was first submitted in May 1988 . Since that time, substantial progress has been made to the point where the project is near completion. HE:ph Attachments : Memorandum to Planning Commission - 8/1/89 Request for Extension - 7/15/89 Planning Commission Staff Report - 9/4/87 cc: Peterson Development Steve DevencenZi • ITEM : A. 2 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Doug Davidson, Associate Planner RE: Tentative Tract Map 13-87 - 8519 El Dorado Rd. DATE: August 1, 1989 The above referenced map was approved by the Planning Commission on August 18, 1987 and subsequently approved by the City Council on September 8, 1987 based on the revised Conditions of Approval (see attachments) The applicant has requested a continuance in order to complete the extensive road improvement requirements generated by this project. The final map application was first submitted in May, 1988 . Since that time, substantial progress has been made to the point where the project is near completion. Thus, even though this map could not be approved in this form today (mainly due to the elimination of 20,000 sq. ft . lots) , the map should be extended. Based on a decision in 1987 when 20, 000 sq. ft. lots were allowed in the RSF-X zone, the applicant has expended much time and money toward completion of the project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of a one year time extension for Tentative Tract Map 13-87, extending the approval date to September 8, 1990. DD/dd Attachments: 1 . Request for Extension 2 . Staff Report • Co wk wk.v 4 l.T+j (p Sp D TAvt.Wtl4 fk ic.p- To �ttalu iT' w�� C.crrtC�c.,2+.� s II L -> TO IIIIV ..Q IJ A:�� -n vo�- -7n) Cb vk rk-CE-:--T�, TO trr�l Go► r.i C�(LPd� 6. Gln t-L ricc� �-Q o plL J sk nE�(L c -,A 5m T2v C;m 1 Pc5 va c-w Pry -pkv F= L AA— Ca w�P L-E�'tti ett C-rr `h�7_' '�)4pe-4l" C= tS. L Pj+1 q St� A C SU cf tSZaw*.prP . City of Atascadero Item: B.1 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: 8/4/87 //�� 8/18/87 BY: O Steven L. DeCamp, Senior Planner File No: TTM 13-87 Project Address: 8519 E1 Dorado Road SUBJECT: Subdivision of six (6) parcels containing 6 .81 acres into twelve (12) lots containing approximately 20 , 000 square feet each. A. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Peterson Development Corporation 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Steve Devencenzi 3. Site Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 81 acres 4. Zoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RSF-X (20, 000 square foot mini- mum lot size with sewers) 5. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Six (6) single family dwellings 6 . General Plan Designation. . . . .High Density Single Family 7. Environmental Status. . . . . . . . .Negative Declaration posted July 20 , 1987 B. ANALYSIS: The application before the Commission proposes the subdivision of six (6) parcels containing 6 .81 acres into twelve (12) parcels con- taining between 20,010 square feet and 33 ,330 square feet. The prop- erty proposed for subdivision is located in a RSF-X zoning district. The minimum lot size in this zone is 20,000 square feet when sewers are available and 0. 5 acres where there are no sanitary sewers. Be- cause sewers are available to the subject property, the 20,000 square foot minimum lot size is applicable. The property proposed for subdivision conteins one single family dwelling on each of the six existing lots. Six additional lots will be created which will be appropriate for the development of single family homes. Parcels of 20,000+ square feet are consistent with the size of the residential lots in the rest of the neighborhood. Portions of the subject site have been filled over the years without proper attention to soil compaction or quality of the fill material . For this reason, and as required by the Subdivision Map Act, a soil engineering report was prepared. This report indicates significant site preparation work will be required, but that the fill areas can be made useable. The final map will be required to note to existence of the soils report so that future purchasers will be made aware of the on-site soil conditions. When the zoning in this neighborhood was amended to allow for 0. 5 acre and 20, 000 square foot lots, it was recognized that circulation in the area would need attention. The Public Works Department has determined that in addition to general roadway improvements, several roads need to be extended. Cascada is to be extended from its current terminus at Arcade through to Palomar. E1 Centro will also be completed through to El Dorado. In addition, traffic lights will be installed at the intersections of Palomar and E1 Camino Real, and at Santa Rosa and E1 Camino Real. Each development project in the area affected by these improvements will be conditioned to pay a fair share of the cost of these improvements. In this way, developments which contribute to increased congestion will be responsible for mitigating those impacts. Development of the property as proposed is in keeping with the general neighborhood character and is in conformance with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The project can be conditioned to mitigate its effects on neighborhood drainage and circulation concerns. In gener- al, staff believes that the proposed development, as conditioned, is appropriate for the site in question. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends conditional approval of Tentative Tract Map 13-87 based on the Findings in Exhibit C and Conditions of Approval in Exhibit D. SLD:ps ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - Location and Zoning Map Exhibit B - Tentative Tract Map Exhibit C - Findings for Approval Exhibit D - Conditions of Approval OF i T SCADER '1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .SOM f i �J Po'M F _ Ss19 E1 Do��dQ t2�ad 0 MF- SPD i O P / �sr 004 f 1 T E X A 18►- 6 CITY OF ATA SCADERO canF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -r iA )3 - 87 DEPARTMENT _ 1 l •� ��- W 3 i S q.7 t 1 r .� � J��'1�� s � to a' ' 'O � f a � T _,► At 2 Z9 i - N 3 J � 2 9e n• �) i �'' � rO \ ' � L F I t N 2rf Il' �O YA • � 1. � I � �l.• \ ' /�' / / ,l EXHIBIT C - Findings for Approval Tentative Tract Map 13-87 (Peterson/Devencenzi) August A, 1987 FINDINGS: 1. The creation of these parcels conforms to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan. 2. The creation of these parcels, in conformance with the recommended conditions of approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of development proposed. 5. The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. 6 . The design of the subdivision and the type of improvement will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision; or that substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided. 7 . The proposed subdivision complies with Section 66474.6 of the State Subdivision Map Act as to methods of handling and discharge of waste. EXHIBIT D - Tentative Tract Map_ 13-87 Conditions of Approval August 4 , 1987 (REVISED AUGUST 18, 1987 and SEPTEMBER 8 , 1987) * denotes revised conditions CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water lines shall exist at the frontage of each parcel or its public utility easement prior to recordation of the final map. 2. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, and other easements are to be shown on the final map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final map. 3. Grading, drainage, and erosion control plans, prepared by a regis- tered civil engineer , shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments prior to recording the final map. 4. Drainage work and facilities shall be constructed (or guaranteed) to City of Atascadero standards prior to recording a final map. 5. Road improvement plans, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department prior to recording the final map. Said plans shall be for reconstruction to City standards, one-half road sections along the entire property frontage of El Dorado, Santa Fe, and El Corte Roads. Said plans shall include, but not be limited to, design and;cr upgrading of drainage facilities, one (1) City standard drive approach to serve each lot, and location of existing utili- ties within the rights-of-way. AC pavement width shall be fifteen (15) feet from the centerline of the right-of-way with two (2) foot graded shoulders, typical. 6. Construction of road improvements shall be completed, or guaran- teed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director, prior to recording the final map. 7. Obtain an Encroachment Permit from the City. Sign an Inspection Agreement guaranteeing that the work will be done, and inspections paid for , and construct all improvements as directed by the En- croachment Permit prior to recording the final map. 8. Provide drainage easements for conveyance of storm drainage across newly created lots to subdivision boundary. 9. All drainage improvements shall require written certification by a Registered Civil Engineer that all work has been completed and is in full compliance with the approved plans. 10. An irrevocable offer of dedication to the City of Atascadero for the following rights-of-way for future road and P.U.E. purposes shall be made and noted on the final map: a. Street Names: E1 Dorado Road, Santa Fe Road, and E1 Corte Road Limits: entire property frontage Minimum Width: Twenty (20) feet from centerline of R.O.W. b. Corner rounding at intersections of El Dorado and Santa Fe Roads, and Santa Fe and E1 Corte Roads, along subdivision boundary, minimum twenty-five (25) foot radius at right-of- way. C. Public Utiiities Easements five (5) feet wide along all road rights-of-way within subdivision boundaries. d. Storm drainage easements a minimum of ten (10) feet wide over areas that will convey storm water and where drainage im- provements will be constructed within the subdivision. Said drainage easements shall be consented to but not acceo_ ted by the City. 11. All offers of dedication shall be completed and recorded prior to or simultaneously with recording the final map. 12. A drainage maintenance agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the deed to each parcel affected . by storm drainage easements or facilities at the time it is first conveyed. A note to this effect shall be placed on the final map. 13. Submit proof, as required by the Department of Public Works, that roads are constructed within their legal easements. 14. Note on the final map that a soils report has been prepared, and is on file with the Community Development Department, which indi- cated the presence of critically expansive soil or other soil problems which, if not corrected or special design measures taken, would lead to structural defects, and that said report does recom- mend corrective action which is likely to prevent such structural damage to each structure proposed to be constructed in the area where soils problems exist. 15. Wastewater disposal shall be by connection to the public sewer. 16. Obtain a sewer connection permit from the Public Works Department prior to connecting to the public sewer . 17. Pay sewer annexation fees for all newly created lots prior to re- cording the final map. 18. Participate in the cost of the following improvements. The amount of participation and credit against development fees shall be determined by the Director of Public Works and be paid in cash prior to recording the final map. *a. Extension of Cascada from Arcade Road to Palomar Avenue: 1% not to exceed $750 . 00 . *b. " Extension of E1 Centro easterly to E1 Dorado: 1% not to ex- ceed $275 . 00. *c. Design and construction of one traffic signal to be located at the intersection of Palomar and El Camino Real: 1% not to exceed $1, 000 . 00 . *d. Widening Palomar and El Camino Real intersection: 1% not to exceed $50 . 00. *e. Elimination of left turn - Arcade at El Camino Real: 3% not to exceed $25 . 00. *f. Upgrading downstream drainage facilities within watershed: 3% not to exceed $625. 00. 19. Install City standard fire hydrants at the following locations : a. Intersection of E1 Dorado and Santa Fe b. Intersection of Santa Fe and El Corte C. Entrance to Lots 11 and 12 on El Corte *20. The entrance to Lots 11 and 12 shall be redesigned to provide for a single ingress/egress easement or driveway to serve the two (2) lots. a. Said easement shall be a minimum twenty (20) feet wide. b. A reflectorized house number master sign shall be located at E1 Corte and the private driveway with individual reflector- ized signs provided for each home site. 21. A final map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate, by certificate on the final map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submit- ted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. C. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the final map. 22. Approval of this tentative tract map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is grante pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: l7- � Through : Ray Windsor , City Manager Meeting Date: 8/22/89 From: Mark Joseph , Director of Admin. Services/�r/ SUBJECT: Approving Annual Agreement with San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau (VCB) RECOMMENDATION : Staff recommends Council authorize the City Manager to sign the annual Tourism Promotion Agreement with the • VCB. BACKGROUND: Council adopted the FY 1989-90 budget which includes $3,600 for the VCB. This agreement confirms that amount and outlines VCB ' s responsibilities to the City in the area of promoting tourism. There is no significant change from prior years. The distinction between our agreement with the VCB and the Chamber , which also addresses tourism, is that the VCB attracts people to the Central Coast ; the Chamber works to bring tourists to Atascadero specifically. In addition, the agreement with the Chamber involves business-promotion services in addition to tourism. • R E c E I V E 0 San Luis Obispo County AUG - 8 190 Visitors & Conference Bureau CITY MGR. August 3, 1989 Mr. Ray Windsor City Manager City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Ray: Once again, I 'm delighted that Atascadero will continue its support of the San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau for the fourth year. The success of the past three years is the foundation that has allowed us to go forward as an independent non-profit corporation. Atascadero has been an integral part of that successful process and I 'm glad the support • will continue. I have enclosed the promotional agreement between the VCB and the City. Please sign and return the original copy with your payment by the date indicated on the agreement. I look forward to another successful year in tourism promotion and to your continued support. S ncerely, J l' ylar Ex cutive Direct • 1041 Chorro Street, Suite E, San Luis Obispo, California 93401 (805)541-8000 • 0 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY VISITORS & CONFERENCE BUREAU TOURISM PROMOTION AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this 1 day of July 1989, by and between the San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau, Inc. , a California not-for-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Bureau" and CITY OF ATASCADERO, a municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as "CITY" . W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the City is desirous of increasing the economic well- being of the city and county through tourism development; and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau has been organized for the express purpose of promoting the tourism attributes of San Luis Obispo County and its cities. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services. This Bureau shall include exclusively identifiable offices, telephone number, address, and at least one full-time, professional staff person totally devoted to the work of the Bureau. The Bureau activities will include, but not be limited to, the following: newspaper, magazine, and direct mail advertising, i i TOURISM PROMOTION AGREEMENT Page 2 participation at travel trade shows and missions, brochure and other publications development, solicitation of group and conference business, assistance with conference planners, media relations, act as liaison with the State Office of Tourism, and other activities which would reasonably be a part of a tourism promotion program. The Bureau agrees to spend funds generally in accordance with the following guidelines: 49% for advertising, advertising production, and promotions, 15% for trade show and sales mission participation, 12% for publications and brochure development, and 24% for salaries and administrative costs. 2 . Term of Performance and Termination. This contract shall be effective as of July 1, 1989 and shall terminate on June 30, 1990 unless extended from year to year by mutual written agreement of both parties. 3 . Compensation. For services rendered, Bureau shall be paid $3, 600. A payment of $3, 600 is to be paid on or before August 15, 1989. 4 . Records. The Bureau will keep complete financial records of income and expenses and will produce financial and activity reports on a quarterly basis, to be made no later than 30 days following the end of the calendar quarter. • i TOURISM PROMOTION AGREEMENT Page 3 Bureau agrees to an audit of the finances annually. Financial records of the Bureau shall be available for inspection by the City upon reasonable notice to Bureau and may be audited by the City annually at the City's expense. 5. Insurance. Bureau agrees to maintain insurance for the life of this agreement in a single-limit amount of not less than $1, 000, 000 for bodily injury and property damage covering the scope of services of this agreement. 6. Independent Contractor. The Bureau, and all the agents and employees of the Bureau, in the performance of this Agreement, shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers, employees or agents of the City. 7. General Provisions. A. This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions. agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement, shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. B. All materials, files, photographs, manuscripts, and artwork produced under the terms of this agreement shall remain the property of the Bureau during the Agreement period and after the Agreement expires. C. This agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with all the laws of the State of California. TOURISM PROMOTION AGREEMENT Page 4 D. The Bureau certifies that it does not discriminate and shall refrain from discrimination against any person or group of persons, on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry or national origin. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY CITY OF ATASCADERO: VISITORS & CONFERENCE BUREAU: By: � t�!t..cq _ �� By: Ed Biaggin� I Ray Windsor PRESIDENT CITY MANAGER �j By: �/" - SZATTEST: o ni S. Eylar iEX CUTIVE DIREC�R BY: DEPUTY CITY CLERK • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: I7- tO Through : Ray Windsor , City Manager Meeting Date: 2-22-89 From: Mark Joseph , Administrative Services Directorl" SUBJECT: Approval of Contract with Becker & Bell , Inc . to create, review and revise the City ' s Personnel Rules and Regulations . RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council authorize the City Manager to enter into the attached agreement with Becker and Bell . Inc . to create , review and revise the City ' s Personnel Rules and Regulations For- an amount not to exceed $3,500, including expenses . BACKGROUND• The original Pules and Regulations were first promulgated in 1980. Since then, a number- of revisions have occurred and several new issues have developed which need to be addressed in a Citywide manner ( for example, a Drug-Free Wort-:place Policy ) . Since Becker & Bell , Inc . has worked with us for most of our time as a City and is therefore already familiar- with our rules, the company would be the most cost-effective company to work with . An initial draft is expected within 90 days after the contract is signed . Because much of the material will be "meet and confer " items, the various employee bargaining units will be included . Department Head involvement is also expected throughout the review process_. OPTIONS: 1 . Use Becker & Bell. Inc . to perform the work_ This is the recommended option. It would be the quickest and most cost effective approach . it would also provide the City with procedures consistent with state and Federal laws and recent court rulings. • 2. Solicit proposals from other consultants This would take several weeks to complete. When bids for the Wage and Class Study were solicited , a separate request to revise the Rules was included . The lowest bidder was Becker & Bell , Inc . i i 3. Conduct the Revisions In-House This approach could take considerably longer , since there are always conflicting time demands on existing staff. Furthermore, since personnel procedures are subject to state and Federal laws and regulations as well as recent court rulings, use of outside experts is recommended . FISCAL IMPACT; The cost is $3,500. This amount was budgeted in the FY 1989-90 budget and referenced in the City Manager ' s Budget Message. • • ! • AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF ATASCADERO AND BECKER & BELL, INC. TO REVISE PERSONNEL RULES August THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of-May, 1989, by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO, a municipal corporation of the State of California (herein called "City"), and BECKER & BELL, a California Corporation, P. O. Box 2160, Placerville, California 95667 (herein called "Consultant"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City Council desires to engage professional assistance in the creation, review, and revision of the City's Personnel Rules and Regulations. WHEREAS, Consultant is a professional personnel and labor relations consultant who is well qualified by education and experience to provide such services; and WHEREAS, City, under authority of the Government Code proposes to engage Consultant in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein to render such services. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do mutually agree as follows: 1. Employment of Consultant. City hereby agrees to engage Consultant, and Consultant hereby agrees to provide the services hereinafter set forth involving creation, review and revision of City's personnel rules. 2. Contacts for Responsibility. The City Manager shall represent the City for the purpose of administering this agreement. The President of Becker & Bell, Inc. shall be Consultant's designated representative for the purpose of administering this contract. The individual within Consultant's firm who will provide services to City will be decided by mutual agreement of the parties. Consultant shall not delegate nor assign his responsibilities under this contract without the prior expressed approval of City having first been obtained. 3. Term. The respective duties and obligations of the parties shall be completed by-.IJy4&, 1,M- within 120 days from the date this agreement is executed. 4. Fee Arrangement. City shall compensate Consultant a total fee of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500.00), including all expenses. One half of fee is due at commencement of work and upon receipt of invoice from Becker & Bell. Final payment shall be due upon presentation of the final document to the City, and upon receipt of invoice from Becker & Bell. 5. Independent Contra tor. It is expressly understood and agreed to by both parties that Consultant, while engaged in carrying out and complying with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, is an independent contractor and is not an employee of the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written. CITY OF ATASCADERO Mayor ATTEST: CITY CLERK BECKER & BELL, INC. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: City-Ttomey------------- 0 0 • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL - 7 CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 8/22/89 From: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: Appraisals for Properties along Morro Road and Atascadero Lake RECONIl4ENDATI ON Staff recommends that Robert H. Harrison, M.A. I . from Templeton be awarded the appraisal work in the amount of $7,500. BACKGROUND: During the 1989-90 Budget Hearings Council approved requesting proposals to obtain appraisals of the above properties . The Scope of Services for that work is attached for your convenience in following the presentations . • ANALYSIS: The results of the proposals are as follows : EXHIBIT HARRISON GREEN S,T,M & J A $2, 250 $3, 000 $3, 500 B $2, 250 (B,C,D $4, 500 C $1 ,750 combined) $3, 500 D $1 , 250 $3,500 $2,500 E $1 , 250 $1 , 600 $2, 500 F $1 ,750 $1 , 600 $3,500 Subtotal 10, 500 $9,700 $20, 000 ALL GROUPS $7,500 $7,700 $15, 000 TIME 4 Weeks 4 Weeks 8-10 Weeks All firms have good background credentials, including M.A. I . classifications . • OPTIONS• (a) Approve the staff recommendation. (b) Choose another firm, based on familiarity with consultant . (c) Reject all proposals. FISCAL IMPACT: The low proposal is $2,500 less than the $10, 000 budget for this work. • Attachments : Scope of Services Exhibits of Properties Proposals PMS/pms 8/15/89 • July 19, 1989 Schenberger, Taylor, McCormick & Decker, M.A. I . Real Estate Appraisers 1306 Heguera Street San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401 Re : Proposal to Appraise Six (6) Groups of Lots . Dear Sirs : You are invited to submit a proposal to the City of Atascadero to provide appraisals for several lots as listed below. Your proposal should be based upon the following Scope of Services : Scope of Services 1) Provide the cost of an appraisal to determine the Fair Market Value of each exhibit separately so that the City may choose, if necessary, any one or combination of exibits to be appraised; each exhibit may contain one or a group of several lots . 2) Provide the cost of an appraisal to determine the Fair Market Value of all exhibits as a lump sum assuming the City will require the appraiser to perform all of the appraisals as planned. 3) The consultant shall give a fee based on a lump sum, not to exceed figure and shall include all incidental costs such as printing, travel , etc . Additional compensation shall not be awarded. Progress payments are permissible with a 10% retention. 4) Prepare a Fair Market Value appraisal for each lot . 5) Provide the Assessor' s Tax Value for each lot . 6) Gather existing plans, maps and other data. The City will provide any maps, records or other data that it has readily available upon request . The consultant should satisfy himself/herself prior to submittal as to what information is available . 0 7) Provide Photos, Sketches, Comparables and other documentation as required to perform the work in a manner acceptable to the 40 appraisal profession. 8) Determine the highest and best use of each property or group of properties . 9) The appraiser preparing the report must be certified as a Member of Appraisal Institute (M.A. I . ) 10) The consultant shall present the City with background information on his/her firm or the key individual (s) that will work on this project . A contact person will be named if the proposal is accepted. 11) The consultant shall estimate a time of completion for the work, by exhibit, and indicate if the exhibit time lines are concurrent or additive . Also give a time of completition assuming all of the work will be required. Time of completion may be a consideration for award. The consultant shall provide six (6) copies and one original of the completed work. 12) The consultant shall be expected to enter into a standard agreement with the City for the above service which will be prepared by the City Attorney. These appraisals are not to be condemnation appraisals, but all work should be defensible in court if required at a later date . We look forward to your submittal and are ready to answer any questions that you may have . Proposals are due on or before 2 : 00pm, Monday, August 7, 1989 at the office of the City Manager. Very Truly Yours, Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works/ City Engineer xc : Ray Windsor, City Manager )sA TELEPHONE ROBERT H. HARRISON, M.A.I. MEMBER IHOS�434•I I26 APPRAISER AND CONSULTANT AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF 78 MAIN STREET REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS POST OFFICE BOX 267 TEMPLETON,CALIFORNIA 93465 August 4, 1989 City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention: Paul M. Sensibaugh Director of Public Works/ City Engineer Re: Appraisal of six groups of lots Dear Mr. Sensibaugh: Pursuant to your request, by letter dated July 19, 1989, I have inspected the above referenced properties for the purpose of quoting appraisal fees and delivery times. My fees for individual appraisals will be as follows: Exhibit Fee A $2,250 . B $2,250 C $1,750 D $1,250 E $1,250 F $1,750 I will deliver an appraisal of the property or properties shown on any one of the exhibits within one week after authorization. My fee to appraise all of the properties shown on exhibits B, C and D will be $3,750, with delivery two weeks after authorization. My fee to appraise all of the properties, on Exhibits A through F, will be $7,500, with delivery four weeks after authorization. Enclosed herewith are my qualifications as a real estate appraiser. If I am authorized to do the appraisals, I will do all of the work myself. Please advise if you desire any additional information. Respectfully submitted, Robert H. Harrison, M.A.I. QIIALIFICATIONS OF ROBERT H. HARRISON, M.A.I. EDUCATION: COLLEGE: University of California at Berkeley, B.S. degree in Business Adminstration, with Real Estate Concentration in 1954. ADVANCED STUDY: Real estate and appraisal courses from: Orange Coast College, U.C.L.A. Extension, U.S.C. , Saddleback Junior College, etc. Received Certificate in Real Estate from U.C.L.A. Extension in 1956. TEACHING: Instructor of "Trends and Factors Influencing Real Estate", U.C.L.A. Extension. PROFESSIONAL: 1954-1955 Real Estate Appraiser, Security Pacific Bank, Los Angeles Headquarters. 1955-1958 Right of Way Agent, Cal Trans in Districts 7 and 11. 1958-1963 Right of Way Agent, Department of Real Property Services, County of Orange. 1963-PRESENT: Self-employed Real Estate Appraiser and Consultant. Current address is 78 Main St. , Templeton, California. EXPERT WITNESS: Qualified as Expert Witness on Real Estate Valuation in Superior Courts of Orange and San Bernardino Counties. MEMBERSHIP: American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, President, So. Calif. Chapter No. 5 in 1984. LICENSE: Real Estate Broker, State of California. REPRESENTATIVE CLIENTS: ATTORNEYS: Adams, Duque & Hazeltine, Rutan & Tucker, Latham & Watkins and Loeb & Loeb. SCHOOL Huntington Beach Union High School, Ocean View, DISTRICTS: Tustin, Huntington Beach Elementary, Placentia, Orange Unified, Cypress, Saddleback Valley, Santa Ana Unified, Westminister, Jurupa, Los Alamitos and Atascadero Unified. • QIIALIFICATIONS OF ROBERT H. HARRISON PAGE 2 REPRESENTATIVE CLIENTS: (Continued) CITIES: Newport Beach, Tustin, Seal Beach, Costa Mesa, Fullerton, Huntington Beach, La Habra, Garden Grove, Laguna Beach, San Juan Capistrano, Cypress, Fountain Valley, Buena Park, La Palma and Corona. WATER DISTRICTS: East Orange County, Orange County, Yorba Linda County, Irvine Ranch, Metropolitan, South Coast County, Aliso Water Management Agency, Santa Ana Mountains, E1 Toro, Laguna Hills, SERRA, and Capistrano Sanitary. REDEV. AGENCIES: Colton and Santa Ana. COUNTIES: Orange, San Benito and San Luis Obispo. OTHER GOVT. : State of California - Attorney General and Cal Trans. U.S. Post Office Dept. OIL COMPANIES: Shell, Humble, Gulf, Powerine, Texaco and Arco. CORPORATIONS: General Foods, Anheuser-Busch, IBM, Chrysler Corp. Der Weinerschnitzel, Ford Motor Co. , Dow Chemical, Leisure World Foundation, Episcopal Church, Collins Radio, Occidental Petroleum Land & Development, U.S. Filter, Sun Lumber, Argonaut Realty, Liggett & Myers, J. H. Snyder Co. , Bank of America Trust Dept. , Sanwa Bank Trust Dept. , Palos Verdes Properties, The Irvine Company, Mission Viejo Company, So. Calif. Edison Co. , T.D.R. , Inc. , Transamerica Title, Owens-Illinois, Presley Co. , U-Haul International, Safeco Title, French Bros. and Santa Anita Development. LENDING Union Bank, Bank of Santa Ana, Crocker-Citizens INSTITUTIONS: Bank, First National City Bank of Manhattan, First Pennsylvania Bank, Great Western Savings and Loan, Newport National Bank, City National Bank, Security Pacific Bank, Bank of America, I.D.S. Mortgage, Manufacturers Bank, F.H.A. , Borg Warner Commercial Finance, United American Bank, and Citizens Bank of Paso Robles. I hereby certify, that the above is true and correct. Robert H. Harrison, M.A.I. `Dennis 8. Greene, Inc. (805)238-6776 Post Office Box 2460 August 1, 1989 Paso Robles, CA 934 1p City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention: Paul M. Sensibaugh, Director of Public Works Dear Mr. Sensibaugh: Thank you for the opportunity to bid on the lots described in your letter of July 19, 1989. Upon review, the following fees and times to complete are estimated. GROUP NO. 1 Completion Exhibit APN Lot No. Fee/Parcel Time/Parcel A 56-322-23 36 $2,000/(Basic Fee Three weeks includes 4 lots) 37 In above In above 38 In above In above 39 In above In above 56-322-17 34 + $300 (ordered +3 days later) 56-322-18 33 + $300 (ordered +3 days later) 56-322-10 28 + $300 (ordered +3 days later) 56-322-11 29 + $300 (ordered +3 days later) 56-312-15 41 + $300 (ordered +3 days later) 56-312-16 40 + $300 (ordered +3 days later) TOTAL $3, 800 39 days If all lots are appraised as a group the fee would be $3,000 and time to complete is estimated at three weeks. RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL 9 APPRAISALS Mr. Paul M. Sensibaugh August 1, 1989 Page ii GROUP NO. 2 Completion Exhibit APN Lot No. Fee/Parcel Time/Parcel B 31-361-03 4 $2,000 (basic fee Three weeks includes 4 lots) 31-361-17 5 In above In above 31-361-12 29 In above In above 31-361-11 30 In above In above 31-361-15* 31 + $800 (ordered +6 days later) C 31-361-08 33 + $300 (ordered +3 days later) 31-361-21 1, 2,32 + $900 (ordered +5 days later) D 31-361-18* 3 + $800 (ordered +6 days later) TOTAL $4, 800 41 days If this is ordered as a group, the fee would be $3, 500 and time to complete is estimated at three weeks. GROUP NO. 3 Completion Exhibit APN Parcel No. Fee/Parcel Time/Parcel E 31-142-20 3 $1, 600 Two weeks GROUP NO. 4 Completion Exhibit APN Lot No. Fee/Parcel Time/Parcel F 30-283-05 1,2 & 3 $1, 600 Two weeks 0 *improved with house. Dennis 8. Qreene-.,, Inc. RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • APPRAISALS Mr. Paul M. Sensibaugh August 1, 1989 Page iii If each group is ordered at different times the cost and completion time will be: Group Fee Completion Time 1 $3, 000 3 weeks 2 $3, 500 3 weeks 3 $1, 600 2 weeks 4 $1, 600 2 weeks Total $9, 700 10 weeks If you order all appraisals at one time, the cost and completion time will be: $7,700 and 4 weeks As you can see, it normally saves time and money by ordering an appraisal of all parcels at once. I will be personally involved in the completion of the assigned appraisals. Mr. Curtis Oeser and Mr. Stan McDonald are two staff appraisers that may contribute some field work and analysis. Our resumes are included for your review. Thank you again for the opportunity to bid on this project. Please contact our office should you have any questions with regard to this bid. Sincerely, DENNIS E. GREENE, INC. Dennis E. Greene, MAI, SRPA CityAtas.Bid/ld Enclosures `Dennis 8. Greene.,, Inc. RESIDENTIAL • RURAL 9 COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • APPRAISALS DENNIS E. GREENE, MAI, SRPA PASO ROBLES OFFICE : DENNIS E. GREENE, INC. 822 THIRTEENTH STREET, SUITE B PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 MAILING ADDRESS : P.O. BOX 2460 , PASO ROBLES , CA 93447 SOCIAL SECURITY NO. : 552-58-2699 PHONE : (805) 238-6776 ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS : MAI (MEMBER OF APPRAISAL INSTITUTE) , AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS - CURRENTLY CERTIFIED #6823--YEAR OF MEMBERSHIP 1984 SRPA (SENIOR REAL PROPERTY APPRAISER) , SOCIETY OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS YEAR OF MEMBERSHIP 1979 1981 PRESIDENT - SAN LUIS OBISPO CHAPTER #188 1984 VICE GOVERNOR - DISTRICT 4 1986 PRESIDENT - SAN LUIS OBISPO CHAPTER #188 EDUCATION: CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY , BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINSTRATION - 1968 RIVERSIDE CITY COLLEGE REAL ESTATE COURSES - 1970 TO 1975 PROFESSIONAL OURSES : STATE OF CALIFORNIA CERTIFICATION COURSES : (DURING YEARS AS RIVERSIDE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISER) 1970 TO 1975 2-A RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES 5-A APPRAISAL OF INCOMEPRODUCING PROPERTIES 7 APPRAISAL OF RURAL PROPERTIES SOCIETY OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS COURSE 101 RESIDENTIAL APPRAISAL - 1977 COURSE 201 INCOME PROPERTIES - 1975 CONDEMNATION APPRAISAL WORKSHOP - MARCH, 1987 'Dennis Qreene�, Inc. RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL 9 APPRAISALS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS RESIDENTIAL APPRAISAL SEMINAR - APRIL 1981 CASE STUDIES IN REAL ESTATE VALUATION - JUNE 1981 VALUATION ANALYSIS AND REPORT WRITING - JULY 1981 STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE - MARCH 1982 LITIGATION VALUATION - JUNE 1982 COMPUTER SEMINAR - OCTOBER 1982 VALUATION OF ASSETS - APRIL 1984 R41C WORKSHOP - JULY 24 , 1986 THE ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET IN THE APPRAISAL OFFICE - AUGUST 6, 1986 ADVANCED COMPUTER SPREADSHEET - SEPT. 4, 1986 COMPUTER EXPO 187 - JULY 1987 COMMERCIAL-INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE COUNCIL CCIM 101 - FUNDAMENTALS OF REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT AND TAXATION AUGUST 1987 CCIM 102 - FUNDAMENTALS OF LOCATION AND MARKET ANALYSIS JUNE 1988 CCIM 103 - ADVANCED REAL ESTATE TAXATION AND MARKETING TOOLS FOR INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE JUNE 1988 OTHER QUALIFICATIONS: COMMUNITY COLLEGE LIMITED SERVICE CREDENTIAL FOR REAL ESTATE COURSES CALIFORNIA REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSE 1985 COURT TESTIMONY: QUALIFIED AS EXPERT WITNESS IN FEDERAL BANKRUPTCY COURT IN LOS ANGELES QUALIFIED AS EXPERT WITNESS IN SUPERIOR COURTS OF SANTA BARBARA COUNTY AND SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSESSMENT APPEALS BOARD HEARINGS TERRITORY: PRINCIPALLY SAN LUIS OBISPO AND SANTA BARBARA COUNTIES `Dennis 8. Greene, Inc. RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • APPRAISALS 0 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE : FEBRUARY, 1983 - PRESENT: DENNIS E. GREENE, INC. OWNER/APPRAISER SEPTEMBER, 1978 - FEBRUARY, 1983 : COAST APPRAISAL SERVICE, OWNER/APPRAISER JUNE, 1978 - SEPTEMBER, 1978 : HUNT AND MALONE ASSOCIATE APPRAISER JUNE, 1977 - JUNE, 1978 WESTERN APPRAISERS, STAFF APPRAISER SPRING QUARTER, 1977 : INSTRUCTOR IN APPRAISAL, CALIFONIA POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY OCTOBER, 1975 - AP.RIL, 1977 : RICE, FUGATE AND CHAPMAN, STAFF APPRAISER MAY, 1970 - OCTOBER, 1975 : RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, SENIOR APPRAISER A PARTIAL LISTING OF APPRAISAL ASSIGNMENTS : SINGLE AND MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ORCHARDS VINEYARDS AND WINERIES RANCHES INDUSTRIAL PARKS HOSPITALS COMMERCIAL STORES MOTELS CONDEMNATION APPRAISALS ET CETERA A PARTIAL LISTING OF PAST AND CURRENT CLIENTS : U.S. POSTAL SERVICE CENTURY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN BANK OF AMERICA SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK WELLS FARGO BANK CITY OF PASO ROBLES CITY OF ATASCADERO ATASCADERO SCHOOL DISTRICT PASO ROBLES SCHOOL DISTRICT SOUTHERN PACIFIC LAND COMPANY TRANSAMERICA RELOCATION EQUITABLE RELOCATION MERRILL LYNCH 'Dennis 8. Greene, Inc. RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • APPRAISALS • • CURTIS C. OESER, ASSOCIATE APPRAISER PASO ROBLES OFFICE : DENNIS E. GREENE, INC. 822 THIRTEENTH STREET, SUITE B PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 MAILING ADDRESS : P. 0. BOX 2460, PASO ROBLES, CA 93447 SOCIAL SECURITY NO. : 527-21 -1989 PHONE : (805) 238-6776 EDUCATION : PEPPERDI14E UNIVERSITY, MALIBU, CALIFORNIA. BACHELOR OF ARTS IN COMMUNICATIONS / PUBLIC RELATIONS WITH A MINOR IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AUGUST, 1980 ASSOCIATIONS : CANDIDATE, SOCIETY OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS RELEVANT COURSES: SOCIETY OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS - COURSE 101 - INTRODUCTION TO APPRAISING REAL PROPERTY - 1983 COURSE 102 - APPLIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY VALUATION - 1984 COURSE 201 - PRINCIPLES OF INCOME PROPERTY APPRAISING - 1985 PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE FINANCE MARKETING CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES RESEARCH METHODS BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM REAL ESTATE LOANS FINANCING - ALTERNATIVES APPRAISALS AND COMPARABLES INSPECTION OF SECURITY `Dennis 8. Qreene�, Inc. RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • APPRAISALS PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE : FEBRUARY, 1983 TO PRESENT - DENNIS E. GREENE & CO ASSOCIATE APPRAISER MARCH, 1981 TO AUGUST, 1981 - HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP. , MANAGER TRAINEE A PARTIAL LISTING OF APPRAISAL ASSIGNMENTS: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUMS SMALL RESIDENTIAL INCOME COMMERCIAL RANCHES VACANT LAND EXPERT WITNESS SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY A PARTIAL LISTING OF CLIENTS : BANK OF AMERICA CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN CROCKER NATIONAL BANK SAFEWAY CREDIT UNION_ CENTURY FEDERAL SAVINGS GREAT AMERICAN FEDERAL SAVINGS SANTA PAULA SAVINGS & LOAN SECURITY PACIFIC LA CUr?BRE SAVINGS BANK COUNTY SAVINGS BANK `Dennis 8. Greene, Inc. RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • APPRAISALS H. STANTON McDONALD, ASSOCIATE APPRAISER PASO ROBLES OFFICE: DENNIS E. GREENE, INC. 822 THIRTEENTH STREET, SUITE B PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 MAILING ADDRESS : P. 0. BOX 2460, PASO ROBLES, CA 93447 SOCIAL SECURITY NO. : 136-52-2980 PHONE : (805 ) 238-6776 EDUCATION: COLLEGE OF WOOSTER, WOOSTER, OHIO BACHELOR OF ARTS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE WITH MINORS IN URBAN STUDIES AND ECONOMICS JUNE, 1980 ASSOCIATIONS : CANDIDATE, RESIDENTIAL MEMBER (RM) , AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS RELEVANT COURSES: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS - REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL PRINCIPALS - JUNE, 1985 BASIC VALUATION PROCEDURES - JUNE, 1985 R41C WORKSHOP - JULY 24 , 1986 STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES - FEBRUARY 1 , 1987 CAPITALIZATION THEORY AND TECHNIQUE, PARTS A & B JUNE, 1987 COLLEGE OF WOOSTER - URBAN STUDIES URBAN ECONOMICS ECONOMICS 101 GETTO ECONOMICS PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: APRIL 1985 TO PRESENT - DENNIS E. GREENE, INC. ASSOCIATE APPRAISER 0 `Dennis 8. ` reenu, Inc. RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • APPRAISALS A PARTIAL LISTING OF APPRAISAL ASSIGNMENTS : SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUMS RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTIES VACANT LAND RURAL PROPERTIES COMMERCIAL A PARTIAL LISTING OF CLIENTS : BANK OF AMERICA CENTURY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN SECURITY PACIFIC TRANSAMERICA SAVINGS AND LOAN TRANSAMERICA FINANCE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK ALL VALLEY FINANCIAL CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SAVINGS DOWNEY SAVINGS AND LOAN GLENFED MORTGAGE UNION BANK WESTCO SAVINGS BANK 0 `Dennis 8. Greene-.,, Inc. RESIDENTIAL• RURAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • APPRAISALS SCHENBERGER TAYLOR, MCCORMICK & JECKER --� I h C 0 R P 0 R A T E D Real Estate Appraisers, Consultants and Investment Anal s August 7, 1989 Mr. Paul M. Sensibaugh Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero,California 93422 Re: Proposal to Appraise Six(6) Groups of Lots Dear Mr. Sensibaugh: In response to your letter dated July 19, 1989,we offer the following proposal: Appraisal Fee Amount Time Exhibit A $3,500 5 to 6 weeks" Exhibit B 4,500 5 to 6 weeks Exhibit C 3,500 5 to 6 weeks Exhibit D 2,500 5 to 6 weeks Exhibit E 2,500 5 to 6 weeks Exhibit F 3,500 5 to 6 weeks ' This is our best estimate of time,not knowing if we might receive one assignment or more- not cumulative Our firm would prefer to complete all six properties at one time which would create economy of scale and time for research work. We would appraise all 6 (six) groups for a total sum not to exceed $15,000. We would require a $5,000 retainer with contract and the balance would be due no later than 30 days after completing the assignment. 1306 HIGUERA STREET • SAN LUIS OBISPO • CALIFORNIA • 93401 • (805) 544-2472 Our total time estimate to complete all 6 (six) groups would be eight to ten weeks from your authorization to proceed. Gerald Taylor,MAI,would be the lead appraiser for this assignment,with assistance from Todd Murphy (Staff Appraiser) and Jon Doyel (Research Analyst). Attached is our corporation overview and brief resumes of the three staff mentioned. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Res y sub d . Taylor M I GCT:kew SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. About the firm of: SCHENBERGER,TAYLOR, McCORMICK AND JECKER,INC. The firm of Schenberger, Taylor, McCormick and Jecker, Inc., founded in 1972 and incorporated in 1976, is a professional appraisal firm that consists of Richard L. Schenberger, CRA; Gerald C. Taylor, SREA, MAI, CRA,; Rollie A. McCormick; and Jerald W. Jecker, SRA, CRA, as owners and principal appraisers of the firm; with Todd O. Murphy, William O. Cook, and Max R Knupper as staff appraisers. In addition the firm includes four secretarial staff and two appraisal assistants. All are trained in the use of the computers and programs. The firm is the largest and one of the oldest appraisal firms in San Luis Obispo County and brings to their clients over 100 years of experience, covering most aspects of real estate appraisal,investment and feasibility analysis,right-of-way and consulting services. All appraisers with the firm have all been approved by the California Savings and Loan Commission, through various Savings and Loans. Some members have also been approved as FHA and VA appraisers and as construction compliance inspectors. Firm members have been variously approved as expert witnesses in the Superior Courts of the Counties of Lassen, Modoc, Orange, Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo, as well as Federal Bankruptcy Courts in Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and Merced. Types of properties appraised include, but are not limited to the following: Residential (single and multi family), Commercial Stores and Shopping Centers, Medical and Office Buildings, Motels, Mobile Home Parks, Ranches and Farms, Industrial land and buildings and Recreational properties. Specialty properties appraised by members of the firm include; Golf Courses; Mobile Home Parks; Theatres; Restaurants; Churches; Hospitals; Schools; Prisons; Leased Fee and Leasehold Estates; Airport Facilities; Subdivisions; Condominium Projects; Animal Shelters; Wineries; Orchards and Vineyards; as well as Easements for Conservation, Pipelines, Utilities, Roads, Avigation; plus takings by public agencies. 1 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. The appraisals performed have served various purposes, which include; Lend- ing; Selling; Buying; Litigation; Property and Income Taxes; Estates; Trusts; Fore- closures;Eminent Domain; and other various reasons of the clients. Approximately 50% of the firm's annual billing is for other than single family residential properties. Resources Four members of the firm are licensed as real estate brokers by the State of California, though the firm does not engage in the listing or sale of real estate. The firm is a member of all (5) of the Multiple Listing Services in San Luis Obispo County and northern Santa Barbara County. The firm maintains its own "lot book" type Title Plant for San Luis Obispo County, dating back to 1974. It is also a member of California Market Data Cooperative (fingertip comparables). The firm maintains a computerized listing and file access routing for all appraisals done since 1972 (some 30,000±), plus data on all comparables used in these reports. All reports and data are and have been computer originated and maintained since 1984.The firm maintains 10 IBM PC/XT/AT,plus 3 Macintosh computers and utilizes various stock and custom programs for the preparation of reports and analysis of data,as well as modem access and retrieval of MLS data. Other data maintained in the office, include; soil reports for San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Monterey Counties; Complete Aerial Photos of San Luis Obispo County; All zoning maps and ordinances of San Luis Obispo County, updated quarterly; All local Coastal Plans; Seismic research data, underground water data; FEMA flood hazard maps;Thomas Brothers Maps with Census Tracts;Marshall and Swift Cost Estimating Service; All County Assessors Maps, updated annually; All subdivision maps, updated weekly;Topographic Maps of San Luis Obispo County, with subdivision overlays;Population and economic data,as released; All major appraisal and real estate publications; plus subscriptions to all major newspapers serving the local area. 2 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. As community service and support, the firm or various members of the firm are members of the local Chamber of Commerce; San Luis Obispo and California Cattlemen's Association;Local Boards of Realtors, California Association of Realtors and National Association of Realtors; Western Mobile Home Association; Elks; Cuesta College Real Estate Advisory Committee;Sheriffs Search and Rescue;Sheriffs Aero Squadron;and Red Cross; Three members of the firm are or have been instructors of Real Estate Appraisal and Economics at Cuesta Community College, California State Polytechnic University, and/or the Society of Real Estate Appraisers. Gerald Taylor is also a report grader for the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers. Clients A partial list of clients served include: United States Government, Post Office Department; The State of California, Departments of Transportation, Parks and Recreation, General Services, Corrections,Justice, and Land Conservancy; Superior Court of San Luis Obispo; County of San Luis Obispo; Cities of San Luis Obispo, Atascadero,Arroyo Grande,Morro Bay and Paso Robles; Shell Oil; Texaco; Mobil Oil; Elberta Oil; Pepperdine University; Hearst Corporation; Lasma Farms; Ken Kragen; Alberta's Molds; Exxon Oil; Ford Motor Co.; Vetter Corp.; Zurn Industries; Southern California Gas Co.; Pacific Gas & Electric; TTCOR Title Co.; Safeco Title Co.; Cuesta Title Co.; First American Title Co.; Lawyers Title Co.;Chicago Title Co.; Bank of America;Wells Fargo Bank; Security Pacific National Bank;First Bank of San Luis Obispo; Heritage Oaks Bank; American National Bank; Santa Lucia National Bank; Mid State Bank; Bank of California; First Interstate Bank; Lloyds Bank; Barclays Bank; Century Federal Savings and Loan; Citicorp Savings and Loan; Great Western Savings and Loan; Imperial Savings and Loan; Santa Barbara Savings and Loan; County Savings Bank; First Nationwide Savings Bank; California Federal Savings and Loan;Home Federal Savings and Loan;La Cumbre Savings Bank;San Francisco Federal Savings and Loan;Santa Paula Savings and Loan; 3 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. Heritage Savings and Loan; American Savings and Loan; Guarantee Savings and Loan;Los Padres Savings and Loan; Columbia Savings and Loan; Monterey Savings and Loan;Presidio Savings and Loan;Union Federal Savings and Loan; Homequity Relocation; TICOR Relocation; Transamerica Relocation; Plus; Virtually all of the Mortgage Brokers, Credit Unions, Relocation Companies and Private Lenders serving the San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County region. Other appraisal clients includes extensive numbers of attorneys, private indi- viduals, real estate brokers and other corporations and associations, as well as local school districts,special districts and other public entities. 4 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. SCHENBERGEI�TAYLOR, MC CORMICK & JECKER I n C 0 R P 0 R A T E D Real Estate Appraisers, Consultants and Investment Ana* RESEARCH ANALYST/STAFF APPRAISER QUALIFICATIONS JON P. DOYEL Education Pasadena Community College,Pasadena,California, 1981 - 1983 California Polytechnic State University,San Luis Obispo,California,Graduated with Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, 1986 American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, Electronic Spread Sheet in the Appraisal Office Seminar,August, 1987 Cuesta Community College, San Luis Obispo, California, Fall 1987, Completed Real Estate Appraisal Course Standards of Professional Practice-AIREA,April 1989 Real Estate Appraisal Principles -AIREA (Exam 1A-1) -May 1989 Experience Currently Working as Research Assistant to Gerald C. Taylor, MAI of Schenberger,Taylor,McCormick and Decker,Inc.,San Luis Obispo,California 1986- 1987 Personal Computer Consulting for Small Business and Individuals Affiliations Accepted as a Candidate for the MAI designation by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers as of September 1, 1988. is 5 1306 HIGUERA STREET • SAN LUIS OBISPO • CALIFORNIA 9 93401 9 (805) 544-2472 * CHENBER • � CiER��AYLOR, MC CORMICK & JECKER I N C O R P O R A T E D Real Estate Appraisers, Consultants and Investment Analysts 0 APPRAISER QUALIFICATIONS TODD O. MURPHY Educatio.� Los Angeles Pierce College California Polytechnic State University,San Luis Obispo,Ca Bachelor of Science Degree (BS) Agricultural Management 1979, with a curriculum concentration in farm management, appraisal, and rural land economics Cuesta Community College,San Luis Obispo,California Certificate of Proficiency-Real Estate 1984 Various College and University Real Estate and Appraisal Courses Various Appraisal Courses Sponsored by the California State Board of Equalization-Residential,Income and Rural Properties An Introduction to Appraising Real Property SREA Course 101 (Passed Exam) Principles of Income Property Appraising SREA Course 201 Applied Income Property Valuation SREA Course 202 Principles of Real Estate Appraisal AIREA Exam 1-A1 Basic Valuation Procedures-AIREA Exam 1-A2 Advanced Case Studies in Rural Valuation - American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers National Association of Review Appraisers and Mortgage Underwriters Conference Industrial Valuation -AIREA Exam 7 Residential Valuation-AIREA Exam 8-2 Standards of Professional Practice-AIREA 6 1306 HIGUERA STREET 9 SAN LUIS OBISPO • CALIFORNIA 9 93401 9 (805) 544.2472 E-Qerience July, 1983 to Present - Appraiser with Schenberger, Taylor, McCormick and Jecker,Inc.,San Luis Obispo,California November, 1979 to July, 1983 - Staff appraiser for Santa Barbara County Assessor's Office. Involved in the valuation of residential, rural, commercial and industrial properties. Concurrent Oualifications Approved Class II and III Appraiser-Various Savings and Loan Associations Qualified Expert Witness-San Luis Obispo County Superior Court Instructor - Real Estate Economics and Real Estate Appraisal Courses, Cuesta Community College,San Luis Obispo,California, 1986 to Present Guest Lecturer-Real Estate Appraisal-California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, School of Business Administration; Agricultural Management Department,and School of Architecture, 1984 to 1986 Teaching Credential-Real Estate-California Community Colleges Treasurer- Central Coast Chapter of Society of Real Estate Appraisers, 1984 to 1987 Secretary-Central Coast Chapter of Society of Real Estate Appraisers, 1987 Candidate Member (SRA)-Society of Real Estate Appraisers Candidate Member (MAI) -American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers National Association of Review Appraisers and Mortgage Underwriters - Designated Certified Review Appraiser Affiliate Member of the American Real Estate Society Affiliate member of the International Right-of-Way Association Delegate to the 1989 Young Advisory Council of the Society of Real Estate Appraisers 7 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. SCHENBERCE AYL.OR 0 MC CORMICK & JECKER Ih C O R P O R A T E D Real Estate Appraisers, Consultants and investment Analysts APPRAISER QUALIFICATIONS GERALD C TAYLOR Education Cuesta College,San Luis Obispo,Associate in Arts Degree (AA) California Polytechnic State University-Two Years Society of Real Estate Appraisers - Course 201, Course 301, Instructor's Clinic- University of Indiana,Various other Clinics and Seminars Business Appraisal Seminars Allan Hancock Junior College-Sixty Hour Instructor's Course Experience 1962 - 64 - Deputy Assessor - Appraiser for Santa Barbara County Assessor's Office 1965 - 73 - Assistant Vice President and Chief Appraiser for San Luis Obispo Savings and Loan Association 1973-74-Author-Publisher for American Mobile Home Appraisal Company Published and Marketed Nationally, "Mobile Home Appraisal Guide" and "Modular Housing-A Case Study" 1973-74-Staff Appraiser-Solot Co.,Tucson,Arizona 1974 - Present - Partner and Principal Appraiser for Schenberger, Taylor, McCormick and Decker,Inc.,San Luis Obispo,California 8 1306 HIGUERA STREET • SAN LUIS OBISPO • CALIFORNIA • 93401 • (805) 544.2472 Affiliations Society of Real Estate Appraisers - Designated Senior Residential Appraiser (SRA) in 1970; Designated Senior Real Property Appraiser (SRPA) in 1974; Designated Senior Real Estate Analyst (SREA) in 1976 American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (MAI) in 1975 Member-The Institute of Business Appraiser Qualified Expert Witness - San Luis Obispo Superior Court, Orange County Superior Court and Federal Bankruptcy Court Certified Class IV Appraiser by California Savings and Loan Commissioner Lifetime Teaching Credential for the State of California Author and Lecturer Nationally for "Mobile Home Appraisal Seminar" sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers, Plus "Money Markets and Real Estate" Instructor for Cuesta College - San Luis Obispo, California (Real Estate Economics and Appraisal, 1974- 1982) Instructor for California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo California (Real Estate Appraisal, 1977-1982) Instructor for Allan Hancock Junior College at Vandenberg Air Force Base and Cabrillo High School Extension in Lompoc, California (Real Estate Appraisal and Economics,1972-1973) 9 SCHENBERCER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. IL o sem► ® The international Society of Real Estate Appraisers has authorized GERALD D C TAYLOR to include the Senior Real Estate Analyst (SREA) designation in his/her professional credentials through October 26, 1991 Senior Real Estate Analysts (SREA) are pro- Certification procedures require a compre- fessional members of the Society of Real Es- hensive oral examination by an examination tate Appraisers who have extensive technical board of the Admissions Committee, inspec- training, long and varied experience, who tion of office operations, review of appraisal have earned the respect of the community and analysis reports and a thorough investi- and their peers for their expert knowledge, gation of the applicant's competence and outstanding ability, professional leadership integrity. This investigation includes contact and integrity_ with other SREA members, professional-ap- praisers, clients, attorneys, judges, and per- SREA members have demonstrated in prac- sons in the community.The SREA designation tice that they are competent to appraise all is awarded for five years only. types of real estate interests and ownerships in accordance with accepted definitions of A member wishing to renew the SREA desig- market value. and to extend appraisal analy- nation must apply for recertification at the end sis beyond current market value to provide a of the five (5) year period. Upon application basis for decision-making to clients responsi- for recertification, applicant is expected to ble for committing funds or assets in the sale, show evidence of integrity, continued techni- financing, purchase, lease, trade, renovation, cal training, experience, and professional development, demolition or division of real leadership commensurate with current SREA property. The analyst's experience encom- Admissions standards. passes the most difficult appraisal problems. CERTIFIED SREA 10/26/76 This authorization has been prepared for CERTIFIED _ 10/26/81inclusion in the certification section of the CERTIFIED 10/26/86 appraisal/analysis report. Any questions re- garding this member's status should be di- CERTIFIED rected to Headquarters office of the Society CERTIFIED of Real Estate Appraisers, 645 North Michi gan, Chicago, Illinois 60611: (312)346-7422. SAF^FOPM 965.„/TMS 1 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, McCORMICK & JECKER, INC. REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 8/22/89 File Number: TPM 3-89 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director 4V-, SUBJECT: Appeal by Allen L. Volbrecht on behalf of Larry and Michelle Von Dollen of a Planning Commission requirement for an open-space easement as a condition of approval of Tentative Parcel Map 3-89 ( 4200 Obispo) . RECOMMENDATION: • Deny the appeal and approve TPM 3-89 based on Findings for Ap- proval and subject to Conditions of Approval of the Planning Commission. BACKGROUND: On July 18, 1989 the Planning Commission, on a 6 : 0 vote, approved this request to create two 3 . 1 acre lots out of an existing 6 . 2 acre parcel, subject to an additional Condition No. 15 requiring open-space easements to the rear of the property. The attached staff report and minutes excerpts provide the record of the ma- terials and comments considered in making these findings . ANALYSIS : The Commission added the Condition No. 15 as the result of review of the findings necessary to create lots with depth/width ratios in excess of 3 to 1 . The Subdivision Ordinance allows for such lots to be created provided that a finding can be made that a "deep lot subdivision will not occur or that deep lot subdivision and subsequent development will be accomplished without detriment to adjacent properties" . By adding the easement condition, the Commission felt that greater assurance could be had that such configurations would be precluded. • Generally, it has been the practice in the past to require open- space easements in cases where there are sensitive ridge lines or creekways which warrant an open-space easement to preclude development. However, the use of an open-space easement can also be appropriate in cases where their establishment secures other reasonable City objectives . In the case of TPM 3-89, the land in question does not include a major public view shed, however, it did bear directly on the Commission' s ability to make a required finding. ALTERNATIVE : Council could uphold the appeal and approve the parcel map sub- ject to the original fourteen (14 ) Conditions of Approval in the staff report that went to the Planning Commission. HE :ph Attachments : August 1 , 1989 - Letter of Appeal July 18, 1989 - Modified Conditions of Approval July 18, 1989 - Planning Commission Staff Report July 18, 1989 - Planning Commission Minutes Excerpts cc: Richard Shannon Volbrecht Surveys • Larry and Michelle Von Dollen •