HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/02/2002 *PUBLIC REVIEW COPY Please do not remove from counter NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, October 2,2002 5:00 p.m. City,of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue, Room 102 Atascadero, California PLANNING COMMISSION INTERVIEWS AND APPOINTMENT ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENT: INTERVIEWS AND APPOINTMENTS: 1. Planning Commission ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council interview the ten candidates and select, by ballot, one citizen to serve on the Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) CITY OF ATASCADERO ) MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON, being fully sworn, deposes, and says: That she is the duly elected City Clerk of the City of Atascadero and that on Wednesday,September 25,2002,she caused the above Notice to be posted on the doors of the City's Administration Building,6500 Palma Avenue in Atascadero,California. �'Lljl M�� MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON City Clerk City of Atascadero _ DATE: 10/02/2002 1918 ■ Y 1-97-9 - Atascadero City Council Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk Planning Commission Interviews and Appointment RECOMMENDATION: Council interview the ten candidates and select,by ballot,one citizen for the Planning Commission. DISCUSSION: Background: Planning Commissioner Jonelle Norton submitted his resignation in July 2002 as she was appointed Director of the Atascadero Main Street Program. Her term expires February 2005. Summary: The City Clerk has solicited applications from the members of the public pursuant to State Law. Five new applications were received and five applicants from the previous Planning Commission interviews have asked to be considered. Interview times have been established for each qualified candidate. It has been verified by the City Clerk's office that all of the applicants are residents and registered voters in the City of Atascadero. ATTACHMENTS: Jonelle Norton's resignation Interview Schedule 10 Applications Reso.No. 23-97,Procedures for Selection of Commission Members 001 �.,d:P�:c� :Q6.rt _" ,rw.fi8i�';_- "'P.k,"Ad3!,v:RRs7Ci;�Y -kj ..�''r.;s�mm�•,n;..r,+rr.—•• impresSions promotions cor,5 ultitig July 17,2002 i RECEIVED -� r Council Members Planning Commissioners JUL 2.3 2002 CityManager Citizens of Atascadero CITY OF ATASCADERO ' CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Dear Sirs, It is with great regret that I must tender my resignation as Planning Commissioner for the 'City of Atascadero. As you know, I have been more than eager to make,a contribution to our city. From.when first appointed as ePlanning Commissioner in 2000, 1 have taken this job very seriously and enjoyed;the,projects we've reviewed. Earn leaving this appointment to"become the Director of our Atascadero.Main Street Program as l feel I would have a conflict of interest =- my bias would always be for y the benefit of the downtown. *. have watched with pride our City start a Main { Street. Program, update a General Plan and move forward k on Redevelopment. I hope that in a small way I have helped with the progress and made a difference here in. Atascadero. ,1 am proud of this city and feel it is moving in i 1� l the right direction: f thank you for the opportunity to serve our City. a I leave with the warmest regards for you, our City Council, to all the City`Staff and >my fellow Planning Commissioners. I have . spent, many, many , hours researching and `studying 'issues here as a commissioner and will miss this kind of work and of course&of you. With warmest regards, onelle Norton _ ' 8.045 .Mori o..'Road AIascadero,CA.93422 voice//'ax!pager �i 8'05 - 461 4023 jonelle norton@go.co'm th k ` v+ ax. :° `` ' �•'s�.ssF ^3'M 002 :gra ■��; � 1918 n i9 e \ �'''°'�'�i� INTERVIEW SCHEDULE PLANNING COMMISSION Wednesday, October 2, 2002 City Hall Room 102 — 1St Floor 5:00 Karen Lewis 5:20 JD Main 5:40 Craig Dingman 6:00 Ellen Beraud 6:20 Juan Jasso 6:40 Greg Porter 7:00 Mary Lea Harris 7:20 Charles "Jay" Sechrist 7:40 Rodney Madruga 8:00 Phil Dunsmore 8:20 COUNCIL VOTES FOR ONE (1) PLANNING COMMISSIONER 0-03 Please return to: ! L5 CITY CLERK .n�a INS; 6500 Palma Avenue j�191' r N Room 311 Sere? -: APR 4IM02 Atascadero,CA 93422 p1T�SG1DE�p; — ATA CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City, with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: Karen D. Lewis RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: 10765 Vista Rd. , Atascadero Home Phone: 805-466-5980 MAILING ADDRESS (if different): Work Phone: 805-466-6644 Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? yes How Long?_14 yrs 805-461-9000 Are you a registered voter? Yes x No OCCUPATION: Real Estate Broker EMPLOYMENT: Present or last employer's name, address and phone number. -� Prestige Properties 5855 Capistrano Ave . , _suite "G" Atascadero, Calif. ' 93422 Position held and length of employment: Owner/Broker 12yrs EDUCATION: Templeton High School Class of '63 / Cuesta College 2yrs Business Admin San Jose State 2 yrs Interior Design & Psychology RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: iAmberwood Development Co. , Morgan Hill , Developinir Model Home divisic Real Estate Training & Sales / Real Estate Broker / Owner This application and supplement are "public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. 1�� 4 INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC • ORGANIZATIONS: Active Member Atascadero Association of RPa orG AAOR Chaiman of American Home Week 2yrs AAOR Chairman Communications -2yrs TCH volunteer program 2yrs . OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: City of Atascadero Community Services Foundation, Inc Board of Directors 1994- present How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article x Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. • I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this application and attached supplement are rue and correct. Signature• `l-� ' Date• • &05 CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION • 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. It is my intention to not only be a part of the planning of our community, ut to also contra ute as muc o my time as necessary to help facilitate each of the issues presented. I have lived in this community most of my -life and have seen the cycles come and go _I- would like to be involved and not just watch from the sidelines . 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? x Yes _ No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? Real Property issues , Knowledge of Real Estate , community involvement , A sincere interest in the continuing healthy growth of the city and it ' s community needs r 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? To maintain and protect our city rural atmosphere and very special character by guiding and directing the overall pattern of land uses . To protect our natural resources and encourage the participation of the community at large. 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? To become as informed on the issues as quickly and sincerely as I can and to research fully those matters that are unclear to me so that I can have a better understanding. To be a supportive • and cooperative member that is dedicated to learning and listening all I can, in the hopes of helping to make a better community to live and raise our family. Supplemental Application _ Planning Commission Page 2 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? • Review of the General Plan, Zoning and Amendments , Selection of a "Preferred" Land use Plan which will be used as the basis for preparing the updated General Plan and the EIR. Controlling density / Encouraging local Businesses / Affordable Housing, Rejuvination of Down Town. 7.. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. Somewhat . I am pleased with the primary objective of updating Atascadero General Plan for the purpose of protecting the special character of our City. The "Seven Elements" are of great concern to me and I have many views on each of them. • 8. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? To upgrade the downtown business district/area. To look objectively at incorporating affordable , adequate housing. To help establish guidelines and programs to help protect the City from risks and keep our Families safe . 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional). I was raised here on the central coast and attended local schools . After raising my own family here as well, I feel my roots are deeply embedded in this community. Now that I have reached this stage of my life, I really want to become involved in it"s future. • I her c4tatthefore of ueforegoing, infor true and correct. Sign Date: �,.� 007 ' Please return to: r � CITY CLERK si.�ut iia 6500 Palma Avenue Baia Room 311 ie�s C! Q Atascadero,CA 93422 '5��� SEP O 7 2001 CITY OFATA.::CADERO CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY CLER U': ICE BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City,.with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: I tPn�J RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: �( 3� a I"��ou� Home Phone: +G.b qSaB MAILING ADDRESS (if different): _ {�� Work Phone: Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? � How Long? 1 �t 2 ` ( ��( — l • �� Are you a registered voter? Yes V" No Social Security No. 5 �S'S-79 T OCCUPATION:te1V�,S-,Z - QAfLS EMPLOYMENT: Present or last employer's name, address and phone number: Sig SD 1Z�R.-c��� L�!�,rte rp 3 A 23 1 b� Position held and length of employment: � i CJ\i (LS EDUCATION: RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: bsThiT�o tAc- l(55- This s application and supplement are"public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they • may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. Board, Committee & Commission Application r, Page 1 - U INVOLVEMENT IN COM, MITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSION, AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth . Library City Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a*resume or other information about yourself. I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information -on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: .. ' \ � Date: r r y"I • Board, Committee & Commission Application - Page 2 U 09 CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION • 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. 'Tb be 1 r.jy PLS I rJ c� Pnf6cAze(Lo 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? ►!Yes _ No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? `1 "RCS 1 oQ.c b "tom= j�-c 2q RPA5 W I I}J -r-b Pi c -r�ke ,Pty„'3 01 A(, c:ze m rrs»l�� affic � . 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? _AD7z,, -►L (AJ cT4 7t�C-� Cc-rl C,�.4 NA-4c, . IZ P�,.Y \je-r Ta -r ci ' 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? f-` `T'V-he- rJ i r) Co mm�ssio"j Vl � Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 • 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? _ � 1 mom; G� LcSe: 'm PC)--o n-Y Poe�cla-,o,J c of C TA �M A,Q �rct c V 1't`Pt�,c"2� T}4 1JLc5� r�^c3S / Mr�Lo—, fy\c) 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about .the document. cof Y, • 8. If appointed, what specific goals'would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? LF (&b A5c,-- liZ-cs► rJ L W r-A 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional). • 1 hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature: —- Date: V 1 .i - �I� Please return to: _ CITY CLERK RECEIVED r�R.t� a: i. • 6500 Palma Avenue Room 311 �sr 9 SEP 13 20p2 O Atascadero,CA 93422 SEP 13 2002 e-v CITY OF ATASCADERO r� city 0 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City, with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: �/ L . RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: —Z,, 2/1 Home Phone: W6 -4/f 7 MAILING ADDRESS (if different): Work Phone: Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? L1l'S How Long? L/�/S Are you a registered voter? Yes V No OCCUPATION: �f7�iPs�lCi��P� lCirI�SC�� ccJ�Y/tJ�� �7i aJe°i JYt ,7 P>' EMPLOYMENT: • Present or last employer's name, address and phone nurrber: / �"7 Position held and length of employment: EDUCATION: RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: �earf��� .�- lr �r��� inn �� • This application and supplement are "public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. S R • INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: v � � How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): �'6 Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or,otherinformation about yourself. I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: �l�/ �12� Date: 2 • 013 CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION • 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. GG od _ G 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? _Yes V No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? _ 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? ell L� r 01 Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 • 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? , G 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. lkt ZI - C� s-✓ If • 8. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve. 17t 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional). I herebycertify thy t Y he foregoing information is true and correct. Signature: Date: V15 r_ NREM MAR 2 92002 Please return to: �Yi3� CITY CLERK ■ zir t s C�'OF'�,tci,3,,,v} ae • 6500 Palma Avenue cera j is�a 10 R. �f Room 311 P !' Atascadero,CA 93422 Cps CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Not You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City,with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire for the advisory body you are applying for. i NAME: ��t',lil RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: -7W(-' Home Phone: (p? Q MAILING ADDRESS (if different): Work Phone: Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? j_ How Long? 3 U Are you a registered voter? Ye� No OCCUPATION: EMPLOYMENT: • Present or last employer's name, address and phone number: SUclelcl�Z7 GC1 ( Q�s-tV/ ' l I rn �T f 1�8 C-c'aVLfV'l 1 �o0 las Position held and length of employment: a �3 EDUCATION: RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: n � . %>71(oA�►ate m� C [g�n �iY',�i�i� �'i cx[�n�•�.,,r ,moi► This application and supplement are "public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. 6 U Board, Committee & Com • INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: Pte- 47kec 4A U (AJ G r�-�.er�..� c1-fi Glu-,�fzL.P 1�� C:o►,cs�,�i� �i ��ir � �r d n' At-Ps t4kPim S064 OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: i'uSn�t How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article)_ Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth,_ Library City Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. • I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: Date:_-,3L-M (� VJL7 CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION • 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. 141r~ CT r r - �vYv�c,�,e_ L3rc�-►��.� Ctivy�� a,�-�c� /-��=iGC.e,��- G� -��..e Ga--� t 2. Have you ever attended a meeting oithe Planning Commission? Yes _ No �1 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? d, 0 GL.[,- 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? To 4� G CX rte . 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? T' !/ a 4D aac� r • Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. rCar� cif- - J - �C _ V 0118. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? V, r 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional). I r r 4A01, LL ` r • I hereby certify tha the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature: Date: . IVED ERECEC Please return to: EP 13 200 . CITY CLERK - 2 . .., , i S Palma • 6500 Room 311 Avenue TY OF A7ASC�E78 RO =s=$' 18SEP Y 3 200Z� Atascadero,CA 93 IMANAGEVS OFFICE CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City,with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Qu tionna* for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: )LRAA ADDRESS: 'RESIDENTI /—Iz��PA 1-"F— Home Phone: 10 -Q- MAILING ADDRESS (if different): Work Phone: Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? How Long? P Are you a registered voter? Yes No_ OCCUPATION: EMPLOYMENT: • Present or last employer's name, address and phone number. 64A Lis6Wwm-n �,WAIM- t0%d Y l V Position held and length of employment: r- TeAcktyls EDUCATION: fit e t O toAC"towi&40it • Y i 'J. d � icDQ " h r�. RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: VtQ3. CW&AAtL-A;.i Iqqo • This application and supplement are "public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. • INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: 'G -- ear-- OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: �Vftl, P640KO) &h4WS5;f0v Z - c C e,v��e C�. • �n raae� lv..k�" CUAUA4 How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth /' Library City Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. C Signature: �. Dater Lr'4 9 CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION • 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. %S_5 1M eve f, Gtr a . VIM tU CO� mWo t4Af(4_ LA 6F.R I v e,. f,,y+6 60M 5 1 CM (b 6ve A liocftA 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? *,�<es — No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? . wilt6%,imA_ agee 'emco o wo"IV COY c.�Ky VJ -- ` S eo.) 4. Inview, what is th function of the Planning Commission? u4 m Ye Ye ecle CIA ftLL 11yoryi)MI& Lvl� wmmo wid -(to art Wa/Jfey-`joU% Uy. 4411440A 5. How would you see your role as a me ber of the Planning Commission? 5 (a u r o w uheXS +kQ t0l,14444iI )edlo 60 M MA) A 6ve- ey(pipmwe, D%A �4 P" it 0- cztu �-- V 1�c f 6pey1wa4(vo we.,�6�y) 22 Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 • 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission?upf a4A ' • • '�-� /) 4jQQAkd)j^ Aye- W"qq, v� Y 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the docu ent. � O�M, 4��� • JdA.ej ✓ r -Ktt�ln to be, 00f OVt JQYACb�g . mud 8. If appoin ed, what specific goals would you like to see th PlanningCom ission achieve? -t6 ��lY U)ffk Ld 6ve d 11WD,& CW CA- 0, J&ieo VU 1940 - WaP Y� wil( 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional). ' GU/1 'V1 aMli -60V4 - k -um k 6ye- '�S I J 'a U1 . 5 g, wt 'ss lm . � � W(14M Vtd ab e �S Ole, • I herebycertify that t foZoinginformation is true and correct. Y � Signature: Date: 7i - 023 ..... ....... .... ...:.: . .::.:,.. Juan R Jasso .:,. ..... - 9348 Bocina Lane Apt.C Atascadero,CA.93422 Ph:(805)610-9709 e-mail:Jo28178@msn.corn K x T To: City of Atascadero City Council t EDUCATION 01101/2002 Attending Chapman.University(Master of Arts'in Teaching)Elementary program. 08/09/2000 Substitute Teacher Training,Utah State University(Certificated). E 08/07%1999 Certificated 'on the Basic use of Arc View(geographic information computerized tools).' : t w 09/96-12/96 Egvironmental Issues(Planning and Site Analysis);University of California Irvine(Credits) 41, 1986-1990 B.S.Urbanism,Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.G.P.A. 3J25-_ izi, 1978-1986 Certificated in Architecture from Valley of Mexico's University. .BILINGUAL(English-Spanish) ` 096001=06/2002 Bilingual Elementary Aide.. San Luis Coastal Unified Schoq!District;CA My main responsibility in that bicultural and bilingual environment wasto give support'to the teacher on the class preparation as they are translation of academic materials(text,drawings and oral representations and/oiexpositions)from English-to Spanish.Also to help to the filing and record keeping of students assignments and grades. Theresults , have been:very . satisfactory for each one of the parts. Interacting into this very multicultural setup,-where the.- bilingual he•bilingual learning translates into a great deal of building good and respectful citizens. Translator. San Luis Coastal Unified School District,$LO;CA - It was a great and satisfactory responsibility for me to perform simultaneous_translations.from English.to Spanish on_various events where -the school district decided necessary;for•the _ benefit of our bilingual community in sari Luis Obispo.Ttry to make the involved-participants understanding of a dialogue between different parts,more than just a. translation word_by i>. word -of what is said on those events, making people more understanding of each other - situations -and comprehensions. It nurtures unity between cultural differencesand or 1 z understandings. 08/2000-01/2001 Long-term Substitute Teacher. ,West Iron CountyHigh School,IiII =Collaborated as along-term sub stitufe_teacher in the $Pi nrsh program where I had'the opportunity to teach not only a language but also.the Ibero-american cultures and traditions, a�� that enhancing the experiences and interest of the students and parents into sub�ecf:T Abtained� •a.great deal of experience and satisfactions, since every pupil seemed to be more interested it and enthusiastic about Continuing learning the Spanish Ianguage which ui flus part of seemed to be loosing advocates t _ � - .. • _ - .. _ _ -. 1999-2001 Substitute teacher, West Iron-County,MI./North Dickinson County,'Wis ' In.the same manner as above I enjoyed substitute teaching,but this tune at all different levels fiom junior to-High school, in different settings as they.where:Social sciences, art,drafting, computer-technology,•music, carpentry and mechanic shops,"etc: Which helped to_rriake'me ` ;•` more understanding,creative,collaborative and a conflict resolution person 1998-2001 Planning Consultant. • `Iron County,MI During 1998-01 collaborated_for Wo Planning commission;_in charge of the elaboration of a 'Land Use element as a basic tool for the design of'the first comprehepsive General plan ever design for the county of Iron in Upper peninsula, Michigan. It involved the participation of eight townships and its representatives as well of the public in general.I had the responsibility .'for the data compilation and interpretation that had.to be expressed in'maps and diagrams. The design hof ordinances Was done with the help of all the communities involved,based in the preservation of their very rich,mineral and natural resources,giving special emphasis in the - creation of a new airport by the west part of the county. I had the privilege to interact with r government authorities, :private -investors, educators, farmers and 'people:.from' every background and experiences.It has enriched my baggage info the field of planning and mainly my abilities to make solid decisions where people's interest'is always at play. ' 1997 Land Designer. TRG Land Resources,Newport Beach,CA: "Collaborated as a Professional,Designer into the urban and land design of some-new planned communities for southern-California. The main task.I was.assigned was the Site analysis on_ -new portions of lands as a preliminary analysis for new developments.As a secondary task I had to perform slope and land'analysis to evaluate the capacity of the land as a producer of capital and services for the'parts involved'(public- private).Sometimes had to correspond with architectural design and planting of models.for presentations and/or analysis of products to be constructed. OTHER 1995-1996 Member of the Housing Commission. City of San Clemente,California. Participated-on the updating;trough the review of the program's requirements and"objectives The policies,norms and laws of the above element were improved. Thi communities:of new multifamily developments on the city of SanClemente,will count - " with adapted spaces for recreation(policy No.21,subset 4.440. �i - - Prior to 1995,performed as a professional urbanist in Mexico and USAN r More information available as necessary.; ` F, L •' r �- 'VO � Please return to: , RECEIVED CrrY CIEFIK 1 6Soo Palma Avarwe �- Room 311 esc ,o SEP -1 3 2002 Atascadero,CA 83422 • CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY CLERKS OFFICE CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION pleaseNote: you must meet the MWMUM WWMcatiom of balMore glatered voter snd resident of the City,with the exception of youth represantatives who we not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subiect to verification. Please fell out and attach the Sap WMYW GYM-13 d►a for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: Greg Porter RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS:' 2005 Ferro Carril Atascadero Home Phone:466-5876 MAILING ADDRESS of different): Work Phone:783-5183 Are-you a resident of the City of Atascadero? 'Yes How Long? 21 Years Are-you a registered voter? Yes Wo_ OCCUPATION: Credit Analyst :. EMPLOYMENT: . Present or last employer's name, address and phone'nufter.: First Bank.of San Luis Obispo Dave Booker COO 955 Higuera .San Luis Obispo CA 93401 Position held and length of employment: Credit Analyst & Financial Adviser - 1 year, .4 months EDUCATION: K-12 Atascadero,Unified Schools 1993 Graduate of Atascadero High. School .- ASB President r " 1998 Graduate of University of the Pacific - B.A. Political Science RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: Series 7, Series 63, NASD, California Insurance License This apptica;ion and supplement are"pubic documents"and aro available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requssted to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Intormadon will be• provided by the City Clark. Board, Committee & Commission Application Page 1 V 2 6 v INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, -`::VO{;t1VTEER` ?ROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: �„ . Obisr�o C. Lamr`bf C:nmrrPr P. , a�� ��, leukemia Lymphoma Society's Team in Training volunteer OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS,"COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERV1idG, ON: How did you,learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Communji Grou Word,of Mouth t; �ary. City Hall E - -,-. . ..� - , ,•r.., . Place Cattier ( pec'rfy): Please comyolala.the"attactied supplemental gyestionnare. Feel free toerttach A.resume or other.Infanns#an About yoarsalf. I .heMs ycertify, under .penatty of -perjury; ..that the information.on this.application .and. attached supplement are true and correct. t Signature:' r U27 ti CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. • After reviewind the revised General Plan, I realized that many decisions are being made that affect my generation as well as future generations and.l would like to contribute a voice to help represent the future of Atascadero. 2. Have you aver attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? .)L Yes No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the.Planning. Commission? The Planning Commission would be a great place to offer my opinion and knowledge for the advancement of Atascadero.- My tascadero:My experience in banking and financial planning has provided me with insight as to what.ma be economically feasable for Atascadero.0 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? I believe that the Planninq Commission is a fact finding group that gathers information to report to the City Council so that they can make the most advised and informed decision. 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? If selected as a memeber of the Planning Commission, my role would be to represent`the younger population and their visions for Atascadero and try to unite the visions for the future with all of"the history Atascadero has had in the past. &28 Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 • 8. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? The Planning Commission fare-% many nh-qtanlPS in finding.a balance concerning issues of growth versus no growth and finding a way.to make the concept of "smart growth" work. 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. I am very familiar witht the revised General Plan. The idea of "smart growth" is what interests me the most. The "ten principals" offer a good road map for the future development of Atascadero. I would be honored to help interpret what these principals mean. . 08. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? I would like the issue of affordable housing addressed.' The idea of maximizing use of "existing infrastructure" is also-a topic that would be of the utter most importance. 1 would also like the opportunity to offer ideas for the downtown revitalization.. 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (opt/ona/1. Through growing up in Atascadero, I have had the opportunity to learn the history of Atascadero through my grandparents and parents. I am fortunate enough to have a home in Atascadero to view how things currently are and I hope to Help shape how Atascadero will be. • 1 hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct: Signature: Date: U29 . Please return to: r ,J� CITY CLERK 6500 Palma Avenue RECEIVED ■ e N �j., fff v� • MW ,99 _ v Room 311 Atascadero,CA 93422 SEP 13 2002 sCAD SEP 13 2002 CITY OF ATASCADERO City 0� CITY CLERK'S OFFICE y CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City, with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: i 4a-r T I S RESIDENTIAL -- ii ADDRESS: 3 4 9 5 � C re,o n s aAQ,<5Home Phone: MAILING ADDRESS (if different): Work Phone: Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? y�� How Long? Are you a registered voter? Yes i-11 No OCCUPATION: EMPLOYMENT: • Present or last employer's name, address and phone nurrber: Position held and length of employment: EDUCATION: < y V25 YI .L I�i RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: This application and supplement are "public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. .rte,3 0 • INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: CPQ. -i 5L I/o coµ-- i' pvj 0'x'�s J w ;, S SLD /Vick;[ a-5:51's qv-" l�-F-cL pp���`v�.c.�.�lYO � o�:e� (s�Grik�n�, �T G Cso Q.sSofi, Fim^- {._A iQA �-►5�r-5 , �a- c� s� i 7s leas-C ' 1j�TS A OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article t/ Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth LibraryCity Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. 1 hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. �," Signature: d& � Date:-9//3/6 L • U3 CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION • 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? _Yes _ No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? • 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? 032 Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 • 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. • 8. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional). • hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. I Y Y 9 9 Signature: `e Cv 'C Date: Q 1. Why I would like the serve on the Planning Commission I believe it's important for members of a community to serve their community. I've sat in City Council meetings and heard members of the community explain the problems they have had with the Planning Commission, the new General Plan and the city administrators. I'd like to help solve some of those • problems. 2. 1 have not attended any meetings of the Planning Commission. (I regularly attend Council meetings. 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission I'd like to be a part of the planned growth of Atascadero. I have served on committees and am usually a problem solver and try to think "outside the box" and come up with creative solutions. I'd like to think that I would research the General Plan and the law and help solve problems for the community, its businesses and its citizens. 1 worked in a radio station and was a manager of a Print Shop. I served two churches as their secretary (today my title would be Personal Assistant). I am immediate past president of Atascadero Republican Women, Treasurer of Central Division, and state chairmen of Achievement Awards. I have served as newsletter editor of Loaves and Fishes. A member of Friends of No. County Women's Shelter, a member of SLO Assistance League. I have served on different committes as a member and in leadership roles in my church including the Building Committee. 4. The Planning Commission serves at the discretion of the City Council. The Commission needs to follow the General Plan and the various ordinances that relate to property and its uses. 5. 1 am an excellent researcher. I also ask a lot of questions. I don't let anything pass because it is expedient. I believe in the rights of a property owner, but they have to comply with the law. 6. Issues facing the Planning Commission The state's mandate for low income housing. The business community—where and what to allow in Atascadero. Housing and jobs vs. Atascadero's rural atmosphere. 7. Am I familiar with the city's General Plan. My views of the document. Only what I heard in Council Meetings and in the newspapers. Some would argue that it is slanted towards special interests. I think that is dependent upon the interpretation of the General Plan. Members of the Council claim there was only a 5% change in the current General Plan from the last plan. 8. What specific goals would I like to see the Planning Commission achieve? I personally believe that Atascadero needs more businesses to encourage people shopping at home thereby increasing our tax base. I would like to see a slow growth in Atascadero. I'd rather see fewer large developments and more smaller developments in pockets around the city. 9. Additional information. I am serving as Legislative Chairman of ARWF, my job is to report on different laws and rulings that affect the membership and our community. I am also the liaison to the City Council. Last year I was ARWF's liaison to the Chamber of Commerce. • hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. ' Please retgrn to: RECEIVED CITY CLERK ' ■ 6500 Pointe Avenue APR 1 Room 311 sssa sera 0 2002 Atascadero,CA 93422• CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Flaffie Nota: You must meet the minimum quaGficatiarrs of being a registered voter and resident of the City.with the exception of ycath representnives who ara not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualff=dcm are subject to veMcatlom Please fill out and attach the SupptAementa/Questknaahv for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: Charles 'Jay' Seclirist RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: _1745 El Camino Real,Atascadero Ca. 93422 Home Phone• 461--9330 MAILING ADDRESS lir ditterenQ: Work Phone: 4616146 Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? Yes How Long? 4 1/2 years Are you a registered voter? Yes R No OCCUPATION: Deputy Assessor EMPLOYMENT: Present or last employer's name, address and phone number: • Assessorts Office, County of San Luis Obx. s o p County Goverment Center, Room 100 San Luis Obispo, Ca.. 93408 Position held and: length of employment: Lead Appraiser _ Real Property. 16 years. Special Properties. EDUCATION: AA degree at.Cuesta College in Real Estate. Multiple Appraisal Courses. Extensive computer software graining in Excell, Microsoft Word, Lotus Notes, Alfa IV, and others. Educated in all fields of Property Taxation, Construction Cost Estimating and Designing. RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: LICENSES: Appraisal & Contractor. CERTIFIGAT'ES: Advanced Appraisa3. PROFESSIOM REGISTRATIONSL. National Manaeement Associat i lir, 7.,rP,Ma;tonal _ Association of Assessing Officers EXPERIENCE: 12yeaxs self_s0u=1g�iw�-yao XS.Jc.7 Blueprint Designer, & Contractor experience in developing real estate. Tf»application and suWas,rent are'public docurnenta"and am avabble for m-Aaw upon request. App6r.am are advised they may be terivasted to fite.a statement c f Econ a knrtest.pursuant to the Fair Pantie !Practices regWadons. prov�6ed by_the City Clerk. Board. Committee & Commission Application �, Page 1 J INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: Atascadero Youth Basketball Volunteer Coach. I am the North Countv Sexual • Harrassment Prevention Coordinator for SLO County. In addition, I am the North County's National Management Association's Liaison. Chairman for the Assessor 'Officd's Canned food Drive.- Employees' Fund Representative for the Assessor's Office. Chairman and .coordinator for Operation Santa Clause. OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: I am involved in several productive committees; such as, Staff Representative Committee, Assessor's Office Mission Statement Committee, Assessor's Office Operation Committee, and Real Estate Development Review Committee. How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall R Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental quesdonnake. Feel free to attach a msume or other infortnadon about yourself. hereby certify, -under penalty of perjury, that the information an this application and attached • supplement are true and correct. � _ Signature: r " `.c`�.... ^ Date-. L/- `� - O • CITY OF ATASCADERO ,uPPLEIVIENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION 01. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. I would like to actively participate in the enhancing of our city's qualities for now and into the future. 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? -X-Yes No 3. What is it about the planning Commission that Interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? The ability to help plan our community's growth, and in a way that will not create excessive growing pains. My experience includes work-related knowledge of population growth and its results through out the county. I ani capable of reading, sketching and designing building plans. Complete knowledge of construction design, layout, and building cost. I have the ability to mediate problem situations, as well as making sound business decisions, giving leadership, and planning for future events as the result of 12 • years of small business success. I am knowledge of San Luis Obispo County's Taxation laws,including The Possessory Interest Tax(a tax applicable to City owned properties that are leased to private individuals). 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? The Planning Commission addresses the ongoing concerns of this fast growing city. When a proposed project is presented to the Planning Commission, some of the agendas the Commissioners need to review are the effects the project will have on Atascadero's public heath, safety, environment, as well as considering how a project affects property values of its neighbors. The Planning Commission makes sure that all projects meet the requirements of Atascadero's planning restrictions and building codes. 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? My role will be to help plan for the future growth of Atascadero's business and residential properties without sacrificing the natural beauty or character of Atascadero. U31 Supplemental Application Planning Commission , Page 2 8: What are the current issues facing t6e Planning Commission? • Some of Atascadero's current issues facing the Planning Commission are: Cellular sites, Traffic congestion, Commercial and Residential growth,Preservation of native Oak trees, Downtown resurrection, Zoning entitlements,.Parks, and Rewriting the General Plan. 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. Yes I am familiar with the General Plan as well as the City's Zoning Ordinance. I am impressed with the City of Atascadero's General Plan. The plan's current maximum buildout in population is well thought out because it allows growth,yet limits it to a reasonable number that will not overly impact the city's resources. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the-Planning Commission achieve? . I would like to see the Planning Commission help promote affordable housing for senior citizens in Atascadero. Continue the goal of supporting our commercial area's development and re-development. One of the Planning Commission's goals should be to insure to the citizens of Atascadero that our roadways will not be overwhelmed with traffic congestion resulting from future growth in the city's population. 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided topLfio�nal)./ .ereby cert' that the for oin ;iInformationdY �J g �s true an correct. gnature: �' _ Date: • Jay Sechrist April 09, 2002 Planning Commission Application Attachment I would like to express to the appointing committee members that although I work within the taxation system, I am not a supporter of unnecessary taxation or governmental regulating fees. I believe my experience at the Assessor's Office will prove to be beneficial to me as a member of the planning commission. For instance, on regular bases my experience includes working with and assisting the public and various government agencies (federal, state, and county)to solve concerns or issues. In addition, my appraising experience may be of assistance when there are property value concerns; such as,will a new development, cellular tower, or zoning change affect the surrounding property owners' real estate market values (?). Or my appraisal experience along with my construction designing capabilities may be helpful in reviewing the resurrecting of our downtown commercial properties. Lastly, in reviewing a proposed real estate development or commercial •' enterprise,my experience in construction estimating and land developing will help to allow me to make sound judgement decisions when determining the practicality or feasibility of a project. • iJ'�" • _ CSI Please return to: n CITY CLERK • •.� • s RECEIVED 6500 Palma Avenue ierSEP 12 2002 • Room 311 CAD Atascadero,CA 93422 SEP q 1 t� 2 2002 OF oh- CITY � CITY OF ATASCADERO �s v A CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ti CITY OF ATASCADERO ' BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION, Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City,with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: Jod"eyPV RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: f&.5 Q/ mecl q / y e Home Phone: ZVZ MAILING ADDRESS (if different?: Work Phone: 6 /'����,j Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? e 5 How Long? 7 ye"y t Are you a registered voter? Yes V No OCCUPATION: lI R49A/IMOK EMPLOYMENT: • Present or last employer's name, address and phone nurrber. Position held and length of employment: c 30 EDUCATION: r e ef /0 -- ves rtf -,/lea RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: C r C'.--1T/C ay rp X ef9 --s! Al me,,y • This application and supplement are "public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. 640 • INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. II I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: Date: • CITY OF ATASCADERO L16/- �o -761 SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION • 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. 9�l� lNTz•�eST� by -fhe )c1T✓/2 e-- lIe V 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? _ Yes 41No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? AA , C� 7Qrlr_T/� -r✓c�u STr y Q1/L'r? �� ZeeV'e54!S • 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? e e e c4 �� e D Tv �v � s � �.v'o r��- � �VT•y f.-: �- �e �/e./oma m e�l7� O� �IT'�.s`�'t1®ems'D An 4 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? X42 Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 • 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? os by a 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. -- h /,A/A- .-151, e Ale 7-7, -rwcIce/1Ue ,r�17e^1 /Ty • 8. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? bahl' .l V V IV O LIZ f'_ � � �� r� �✓� art/✓�� � fr, „> 7- eV P /Y -q 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional). • 1 herebycertify that the foregoing information i Y 9 9 s true and correct. Signature: Date: n �' ECEIVE Please return to: CITY CLERK 'R 6500 Palma Avenue SEP 2 5 2001 • Y Isis is�a I Room 311 Atascadero,CA 93422 �1 s� / CITY OF ATA:D,CADERO CITY CLERKE O :=ICE CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City, with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: ?hili;> Z'3Ut4-5t40tr-& RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: ,5z+55 OIMeo►a AV&. Home Phone: 401-INN MAILING ADDRESS (if different): Work Phone: 731-7178 Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? `t',-5 How Long? ZA! Jyrs . Are you a registered voter? Yes:/' No OCCUPATION: Assoc pra W-rT- 64A,/.to EMPLOYMENT: • Present or last employer's name, address and phone number: cine of -Slors 0C315P4> qyn Pa/M 5�. ALO �Z3Ya/ Position held and length of employment: A 5Or-IPrr- P1ANNr,-9 EDUCATION: 1 AJ A 41O N/MCS f P L Eno:5 r Y �� a l P� �Y _ 5a RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: >5$PE -W-ti> wt r'N 1QCPJ 6avtr-rtM*J-J T o�a,�lzA-rf�,.J 7'1�� i5ar ,WN r • l► t>' /Y�s.vvf•�G ��'ssio../ oof,G�s E /�i2oc�ovcE s. This application and supplement are "public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. 0444 Board. Committee & Commission Application • INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: Q/ x C��Tse4l crA 6r Cly:7nE',- 4PA,-z x414 / !�}NNIivG f}ssoc lit-rla i w>Ff&K�v �fi�'� +lY� /�SSOGlA�YPanJ o lC' `OQ �NForGC��.e.✓Y ©PoCilC{,ef/5. OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Groupord of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: 69 Date: • 0,45 CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION • 1. n -Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. -5CA DC-.2o 16--& 4 oc-,s u r t4' wi �, t N O'f3kb M! Vast tG"0W1eAj e. e, e-KkN cfice. ©F ota r CA.Y r ou Ic, e_ ScrurNo, M4 r ���'. hAye— t Rh?LQ%P -TI,a-t c-avtd (cam Vcrluo.(,(e -rio Ou+e r/�t.J�vd�C, lG s5 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? X Yes No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? 1'I,E P1ra•.�N,Nr� CoMHfs610"j MAKC-s Crocjoj cke:ct-� •",as -6%At- Ine(P a�,�dc f'.(1� c�Eur�. o-F' ©u r- C'o�•r�c.�f�4� 1�r}ve. n4- Co Co �'V�S �'x�GCLS� j sj C1 Z At eccrt, • sf �F I e- P rc,J ,,.j bar" W ua6(, INS (pqC It COMA4r55i�,,,/ 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? f,5 5i`ntJ VOle 5 Gn! Q 5/o--5 I I _£ PI�rN�,�NQ Sf �F �Rufc�4Neye. - sa// fu lfccort4aNee ej'Eh �� ��EY C'o��►ca/s 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? l &-food 60- a lam/- uo'lllP !'e�urcE. 7`-0 �/2 �i�+�+dSS�.✓ GiG�iNa � Ci`6l l.(/SC u SS.��n! O '` 0. eyell-c�44'jced�' G�Q�uC Q�eCf U6 Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? Rl �r�� UPd e ^� r�Er`a.a�P,lse rCJUU,1�4 /AJ ZcWOV 011,,4140cc CiPn/aZe- 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. /off COM,-Cj16- fiilG Moc,ti- ,J44 4,4d f e, Sirra,lc� aC�oMor�a�_ ac�i'�✓�/ ��'/�-�ub1e �o�cs��•a . �orwne�'c�ar�I OAr-6,u&e s A,n.cj a ++��f -G ,G�i Aft ro 14a o5e_ 8. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? Pp � P -rn Prcxluc� �C�;4r.) �urcle �r�.te s,��r- n�eaie�Pr�►�>�, �. CO�v'�.1'.y�ec� ed�c..�f�oN�I wa�K.s��5 (-o�- Pc r��►der•� . 3. rvN ovnye c�i r•e� i dNce- fa�.� rd s �h e Q n&I e-j,P 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the (� //following space 1provided (optional). 11/, 1't�LM`C�(J°1� � �`Al� ���/P� 1N �rc��e_!'r� �Of` 2.�►r���£ C. 7L �f'Cr�r'� l t��1c�IP ��,/C_G1. C��TJ�C� ��'!'(�0.l WC+I�'C_ M'drJ� c� M4� lif�� 1 ri.r✓1 Ver4� J 0.mA,cx Ljl Lit -P-kf. CUrreiJ� I4--1r-� 49 I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature: 1?2Z -- Date: RESOLUTION NO. 23-97 RESOLUTION OF'THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING REVISED PROCEDURES FOR THE SELECTION OF COMMITTEE, COMMISSION AND BOARD MEMBERS WHEREAS, 1. The Atascadero City Council recognizes that citizen participation in local government plays an important and active role in the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, 2. The Atascadero City Council has established committees, commissions and boards to assist in the conduct of municipal affairs; and WHEREAS, 3. The Atascadero City Council did adopt Resolution No. 35-81 on November 9, 1981 establishing selection procedures for committees, commissions and boards; and WHEREAS, 4. The Atascadero City Council did adopt Resolution No. 23-95 revising Resolution 35-81, establishing selection procedures for committees, commissions and boards; and WHEREAS, 5. The Atascadero City Council desires to update and revise said selection procedures; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this resolution is to revise established procedures for the Council to follow in recruiting, selecting and appointing members to City committees, commissions and boards created pursuant to statute or by action of the City Council. Appointments and replacements will be made pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 54970 et seq., and the following. SECTION 2. Recruitment Nomination and Eli ibility. Announcements of openings for any committee, commission or board to which members are appointed by the City Council will be coordinated by the City Clerk. Any person desiring to be considered for appointment to any City committee, commission or board may complete an application provided by the City Clerk. Applications are accepted year-round and shall remain on file for a period of one year from the date received. Applicants may be • considered for future vacancies, for the specific committee, commission or board for which they applied, should a vacancy occur during the year. At any regularly scheduled or a special council meeting properly noticed for that purpose, any member of the City Council may also nominate a person to be considered for appointment to .� any City committee, commission or board. ,, X47 Resolution 23-97 Page Two • All applicants and nominees shall be a resident and registered voter of the City of Atascadero, and shall meet any announced additional criteria as established by the City Council. All appointees are subject to financial disclosure, pursuant to the Political Reform Act. SECTION 3. Interviews. All applicant and nominees meeting the criteria established in Section 2 may be interviewed by the City Council during a properly noticed meeting. Interviews, if held, will be open to the public. SECTION 4. Selection. a. Council members will vote for the candidate(s) of their choice by placing their name and circling the name of their selection(s) on a ballot form provided by the City Clerk. Candidates' names will be placed in alphabetical order on the ballot form. b. After the City Council has had an opportunity to make its individual determination, the City Clerk will collect the ballots and will announce first the Councilmember's name and second the name(s) of the candidate(s) of . that Councilmember's choice(s). Results of each individual Councilmember vote will be a matter of public record. C. The candidate or candidates receiving a majority of the votes of the Councilmembers present shall be appointed. In the event that no candidate or candidates receive a majority vote or in the event of a tie vote, then a run-.off ballot or ballots will be cast, following the procedure of sub-paragraph a. above. The run-off candidates will consist of all candidates receiving at least two (2) votes and if not more than one of the candidates have received at least two (2) votes, then all those receiving at least one (1) vote will participate in the runoff balloting. This procedure shall be continued until a majority vote is cast, or until a majority of the council votes to reopen nomination. In such event the matter may be tabled until the next regularly scheduled council meeting for further nominations. On motion by Councilperson Lerno , seconded by Councilperson Carden , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Carden, Clay, Lerno and Mayor Johnson • NOES: Councilman Luna ABSENT: None , , ADOPTED: April 8, 1997 Resolution 23-97 Page Three ATTEST: CITY ATASCADERO ma—tt,� yn. 1 BY: -�--- ! MARCIA M. TORGERS N, City Clerk RAY JO S , Ma or "HANLEY, rney i • G 4 9