HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/09/2001 ® : AGENDA 1919 1979 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 09, 2001 7:00 P.M. City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue, 4th Floor Atascadero, California PLANNING COMMISSION INTERVIEWS: 3:00 P.M. 1. Interview candidates 2. Select, by ballot, one citizen for the Planning Commission. DINNER BREAK 5:30-6:30 P.M.: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Arrambide ROLL CALL: Mayor Arrambide Mayor Pro Tem Scalise Council Member Clay Council Member Johnson Council Member Luna APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call PRESENTATIONS: 1, Proclamation declaring October 2001, "Domestic Violence Awareness Month." COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to five minutes. Please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation. The Council may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda.) COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken.) 1. City Council Minutes-Special Meeting - September 17, 2001 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of September 17, 2001. [City Clerk] 2. City Council Minutes—Special Meeting - September 24, 2001 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of September 24, 2001. [City Clerk] 3. City Treasurer's Agenda Report-August 2001 ■ City Treasurer recommendation: Council review and accept the August 2001 Treasurer's Report. [City Treasurer] 4. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 2001-0015 /AT 01-014 - (3475 Maricopa Road - Brebes /Wilson Land Surveys) Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendations: Council: 1. Accept the Final Parcel Map 2001-0015 (AT 01-014); and 2. Reject without prejudice, the public utility easement (P.U.E.) shown on Final Parcel Map 2001-0015. [Community Development] 5. Teen After-School Program -Agreement with San Luis Obispo County ■ Fiscal Impact: None. The County of San Luis Obispo will provide the City of Atascadero $40,000.00 during Fiscal Year 2001-2002 to fund after-school recreation programs for teens on the campus of Atascadero Junior High School. ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo Department of Social Services to fund the Recreation, Education and Community (R.E.C.) program for fiscal year 2001-2002. [Community Services] 2 B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Zone Change 2001-0016, Conditional Use Permit 2001-0046, Tentative Parcel Map 2001-0019 (AT 01-195) - 5725 Portola Road (Messer/Vaughan Surveys) [THIS ITEM HAS BEEN CONTINUED TO A FUTURE COUNCIL MEETING] C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Atascadero Road Program III ■ Fiscal Impact: Trench Repair Program - There will be some administration costs in setting up the program. Once the program is set up the parties requesting the Trench Cut would pay for all costs. Assessment Districts - There would be costs to the City. This would depend on how many Assessment Districts were requested and how many were approved. ■ Staff recommendations: Council: 1) Receive the update on the Atascadero Public Works Department Actions; and 2) Introduce for first reading by title only, the draft Ordinance amending Chapter 15, of the Atascadero Municipal Code, relating to trench cuts; and 3) Approve the Assessment District Program. [Public Works] 2. Traffic Way Closure ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Public Works Director to temporarily • close Traffic Way for the construction of the public improvements as needed for public safety and construction operations. [Public Works] D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): Mayor Arrambide 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments(SLOCOG)/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority(SLORTA) 2. Water Committees 3. County Mayor's Round Table Mayor Pro Tem Scalise 1. Finance Committee 2. City/Schools Committee 3. Economic Opportunity Commission(EOC) 4. Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Board Council Member Luna 1. Finance Committee 2. Integrated Waste Management Authority(IWMA) 3. North County Homeless Coalition • 3 Council Member Johnson 1. Economic Vitality Corporation,Board of Directors (EVC) 2. Local Agency Formation Commissions (LAFCO) Council Member Clay • 1. Air Pollution Control District(APCD) 2. City/ Schools Committee E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer F. ADJOURNMENT: Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. • I, Marcia McClure Torgerson, the City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the October 9, 2001 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on October 2, 2001 at Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Ave., Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the City Clerk's office at that location. Signed this 2nd day of October,2001 at Atascadero, California. Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk City of Atascadero • 4 City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THEATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING • The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk(Room 311) available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office, (805) 461-5010, or the City Clerk's Office, (805)461-5074. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the podium. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way. • You must approach the podium and be recognized by the Mayor • Give your name and address(not required) • Make your statement • All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council • All comments limited to 5 minutes(unless changed by the Council) • No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Council. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM", the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to: • Please approach the podium and be recognized • Give your name and address • State the nature of your business This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Council). TO HAVE ITEMS PLACED ON AGENDA All business matters to appear on the Agenda must be in the Office of the City Manager ten days preceding the Council meeting. Should you have a matter you wish to bring before the Council, please mail or bring a written communication to the City Manager's office in City Hall prior to the deadline. DATE: 10/09/2001 n■,w■■ A ilia �• �� is�e Atascadero City Council Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk Planning Commission Interviews and Appointments RECOMMENDATION: Council interview the seven candidates and select, by ballot, one citizen for the Planning Commission. DISCUSSION: Background: Planning Commissioner Kim Jeanes submitted her resignation on August 30, 2001. Her term expires February 2005. Summary: The City Clerk has solicited applications from the members of the public pursuant to State Law. Seven applications were received and interview times have been established for each qualified candidate. There are no additional applications in the Planning Commission pool that are interested in being included in this current interview process. It has been verified by the City Clerk's office that all of the applicants are residents and registered voters in the City of Atascadero. ATTACHMENTS: Kim Jeanes'resignation Interview Schedule 7 Applications Reso.No. 23-97, Procedures for Selection of Commission Members • 001 TO: The Atascadero Planning Commission AUG 3 0 2001 • FROM: Kim Jeanes Cil Y Of-:q f A ;.'ADFTi0 This is my official letter of resignation from the Atascadero Planning Commission. While I have truly enjoyed serving as the Vice-Chairman of the Commission, my fam- ily commitments, seminar schedule, public speaking commitments, and travel sched- ule all preclude me from maintaining a consistent attendance through the rest of this year and next year. I appreciate the honor and privilege to have served Atascadero in this capacity, and I look forward to a time when I can recommit my time to community service in this manner. Sincerely, Kimberly A. Jeanes 002 • INTERVIEW SCHEDULE PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 9, 2001 Club Room 3:00 JD Main 3:20 Sandy Jack 3:40 Karen Lewis 4:00 Tom O'Malley 4:20 Phil Dunsmore 4:40 Craig Dingman 5:00 Jay Sechrist 5:30 COUNCIL VOTES FOR ONE (1) PLANNING COMMISSIONER 003 Please return to: CITY CLERK e 1 w■, �t a 6500 Palma Avenue �- CEIVE )) �i 197a Q •� 1979 Room 311 \ g CAD Atascadero,CA 93422 ATA'SO.j • SEP 0 7 2001 CITY 0FATA-Ct?DER0 Cl ry CLERK£0-. !CE CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City,with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Quesdonnaire for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME:, RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: Ct �` I'1 Firu� (� "'� fl Home Phone: 1- "Gb MAILING ADDRESS (if different): Work Phone: Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? ice, How Long? 2 ( _y l �� �'� Are you a registered voter? Yes L-f' No _ OCCUPATION: EMPLOYMENT: Present or last employer's name, address and phone number: • Position held and length of employment: 7� EDUCATION: rj / Pf-hJ RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: -P 0 tC- $:�,s 19 3 This application and supplement are "public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they • may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. Board, Committee & Commission Application Page 1 004 INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this application and attached • supplement are true and correct. l ( r I Date: Signature: '\ --- ( f G • Board, Committee & Commission Application Page 2 0 0 J CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. '.T'6 6c- ( NV PLJ� I rJ 11-c- 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? ►! Yes _ No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? - 'JILS 1 Svc N)22-3�, " �OxA (-r et_ 1 - `E 1� y • 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? tel'= °W-c test-cL �3:-: (Q' 1\./P-7 tit= PEZ>VL-'tE U(- C) C-4-0 L r� 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? c L-cp(YIN(Nl\1--510— • a®s Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 • 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? T7) ��c�� G �a cCA,-, UNJ ;y V 1i`F�t�cZ� T}k� 1��-t5► hkS /l 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. • 8. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the PlanningCommission sston achieve. t,�L 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional). I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature: r -- Date: (0) _ 007 Please return to: CITY CLERK r'■R• K °' 6500 Palma Avenue 19181 4 A 1-97-9 Room 311 SEP 2 6 2001 Atascadero,CA 93422 sCAD CITY OFATAOGADERO CITY CLERKc'O':ICE CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City, with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: nI4cx RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: �.2-3-O Home Phone: '�L4--8,25v J. MAILING ADDRESS (if different): Work Phone: Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? How Long? 14 era rt.S Are you a registered voter? Yes V NO_ OCCUPATION: 7E 7_/►2,E1b EMPLOYMENT: Present or last employer's name, address and phone number: . �0 7-0 2 CIO M.44Nu tomA// _ nn M��c c A- GrQ n� �04 � 2 �©rZyJ X Position( held and length of employment: p� / / 7 �r4/L1Fi(� 5 SA L �S S,4 IC,S / '�'�hT1aGi�ngGitj ! 6 -ie X� �(JLbtiz rL f r b f J ZVe 42', EDUCATION: / A �1�1e- 11✓ye- q- l3e,igG� /'14S Ie-i2.5 RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: 5'ce- This application and supplement are "public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. Board, Committee & Commission Application Page 1 008 INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: �n Ms's sy -- -5Ani kA^n, OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a'resume or other information about yourself. I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this application and attached • supplement are true and correct. Signature: J, Dater J'0O1 Board, Committee & Commission Application Page 2 )O S CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONAIRE • PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. I'm interested in having meaningful input into how my community develops over the next several years. The Planning Commission, in my opinion, is one of the best ways to have this input. Being new to the area(August, 1999) I do not have any axes to grind so I would bring an unbiased and objective view to the Planning Commission. Where necessary I could function in the role of an mediator. I've always wanted to serve on a Planning Commission but never had the time or stayed in one place long enough to do so. 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? _Yes X No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? The Planning Commission reports directly to the City Council so the Planning Commission has direct input into how the City of Atascadero will eventually look. I would bring integrity, leadership, energy, drive and a dedication to making Atascadero one of the best places to live in the North County. . I'm an organized individual that has been a Fire Commissioner and President of a homeowners association in the Bay Area where our association had to maintain two parks and all the common landscaping for the separate community of 250 homeowners. My experience as a Fire Commissioner was very rewarding and culminated with a commendation from our State Representative, Dan Boatright for our courage and unselfishness in working with the neighboring fire department to bring about the consolidation of our departments. We essentially voted ourselves out of a job because it was the right thing to do. Having worked for Ford Motor Company for 32 years I understand and appreciate the need for teamwork in order to achieve certain goals. 4. In Your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? The Planning Commission serves at the pleasure of the City Council, therefore, it must be sensitive to the needs and goals of the City Council in its day-to-day activities. The Planning Commission gathers and evaluates the facts of an issue and makes appropriate recommendations to the City Council. The Planning Commission should review,to the best of its ability, all sides of an issue prior to making any recommendations. It should provide an objective view of the facts. 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? As I see my role it would be twofold; first as a member of a team dedicated to providing the City • Council with sound recommendations that fall within the guidelines of the General Plan and secondly as an individual that has a responsibility to the community and the City Council to fairly and objectively evaluate all available data. Eventually, I see my role as one of providing leadership and objectivity. 010 Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? What will the City of Atascadero look like in the future?How do we generate needed revenues while preserving our rural character? How do we provide additional housing to support our current and future needs?How do we fund the growing infrastructure needs of the city and community? 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. I'm hopeful the current rewrite of the General Plan will become a true guideline for the city's future growth rather then another"Nice to have document that we're not going to follow". It should be a living document that will provide continued direction and continuity for our future City Councils. • 8. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? If appointed I would like to see the Planning Commission adopt a policy of"compassionate" growth. By this I mean develop a plan to support the General Plan that takes into account the infrastructure needs of the community, city and the developers as part of an overall planning process. The guidelines should be clear with enough flexibility to accommodate special situations that would clearly benefit Atascadero. My other desire would be to see the Planning Commission adopt a policy to maintain balance between the economic needs of the city and the desire of the community to maintain the rural nature of Atascadero. This policy should also include realistic environmental support particularly as it involves preserving our native oak trees. 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following_space provided (optionab. I have an extensive background in sales,marketing and finance. Having lived in Orange County and the Bay Area I'm very sensitive to maintaining the quality of life my wife and I have found in Atascadero. I would like to be a part of the future development of Atascadero by being a member of the Planning Commission. I hereby certify that the forgoing i ation is true and correct. • Signature0, Date: September 25, 2001 Oil Please return to: CITY CLERK 6500 Palma Avenue vers N ia7er j • Room 311 CAD Atascadero,CA 93422 CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City, with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: Karen D. Lewis RESIDENTIAL 10765 Vista Rd. , Atascadero 805-466-5980 ADDRESS. Home Phone: MAILING ADDRESS (if different): Work Phone: 805-466-6644 805-461-9000 Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? yes How Long? 14 yrs Are you a registered voter? Yes x No OCCUPATION: Real Estate Broker EMPLOYMENT: • Present or last employer's name, address and phone number. Prestige Properties 5855 Capistrano Ave. , .suite "G" Atascadero, Calif. 93422 Position held and length of employment: Owner/Broker 12yrs EDUCATION: Templeton High School Class of ' 63 / Cuesta College 2yrs Business Admin San Jose State 2 yrs Interior Design & Psychology RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: _Amberwood Development Co. , Morgan Hill , Developing Model Home divis� Real Estate Training & Sales / Real Estate Broker - / Owner This application and supplement are "public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. 012 Board, Committee & Commission Application e i • INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: Active Member Atascadero Association cif-Rea :()rc AAOR Chaiman of American Home Week 2yrs . AAOR Chairman Communications 2yrs / TCH volunteer program 2yrs . OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: City of Atascadero Community Services Foundation. Inc . Board of Directors 1994 - present How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article x Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth LibraryCity Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: U.s Date: 9/25/01 013 CITY OF ATASCADERO 3ECEIVE SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE SEP 2 6 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION - • CITY OF ATA-XADERO CITY CLERK"0'.-ICE 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. It is my intention to not only be a part of the planning of our community, but to a so contribute as mucti or my time as necessary to help facilitate each of the issues presented. I have lived in this community most of my life and have seen the cycles come and go . I- would like to be involved and not just watch from the sidelines . 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? -X—Yes _ No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? Real Property issues , Knowledge of Real Estate , community involvement , A sincere interest in the continuiug healthy growth of the city and it' s .community needs . . 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? To maintain and protect our city'rural atmosphere and very special character by guiding and directing the overall pattern of land uses . To protect our natural resources' and encourage the participation of the community at large . 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? To become as informed on the issues as quickly and sincerely as I can and to research fully those matters that are unclear to me so that I can have a better understanding. To be a supportive • and cooperative member that is dedicated to learning and listening all I can, in the hopes of helping to make a better community to live and raise our family. 014 Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 • 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? Review of the General Plan, Zoning and Amendments , Selection of a "Preferred" Land use Plan which will be used as the basis for preparing the updated General Plan and the EIR. Controlling density / Encouraging local Businesses / Affordable Housing, Rejuvination of Down Town. 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. Somewhat . I am pleased with the primary objective of updating Atascadero General Plan for the purpose, of protecting the special character of our City. The _"Seven Elements" are of great concern to me and I have many views on each of them. • 8. If appointed what specific goals.would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve. To upgrade the downtown business district/area. To look objectively at incorporating affordable, adequate housing. To help establish guidelines and programs to help protect the City from risks and keep our Families safe. 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional]. I was raised here on the central coast and attended local schools . After raising my own family here as well, I feel my roots are deeply embedded in this community. Now that I have reached this stage of my life, I really want to become involved in it ' s future. • 1 hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signatu s Date: 015 Please return to: CITY CLERK `a tuu: yr a CEIV ' d 6500 Palma Avenue �'rsra'v 41 gi feip' Room 311 %" • CAD Atascadero,CA 93422 � SEP 2 5 2001 CITY OF ATA:.':.ADERO CI7Y t XLER'K1 f l'.-ICE CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City, with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental l uestionnaire for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: , OM RESIDENTIALC�O\O� `'�O�U � o5J ADDRESS: Home P one: (� t(205) 1 MAILING ADDRESS (if different): \n 0 �J E(3 Work Phone: Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? �` L S How Long? 5 1 Yom• CS�rc��g5o� Are you a registered \\voter? Yes X No OCCUPATION: EMPLOYMENT: • Present or last employer's name, address and phone number: \ CO y (AA 4t,\ �\ean ok( , Position held and length of employment: EDUCATION: V\ A. fl-c�vc oA ko,\/Cb\m ytA% b\y o,CfI 0- PC. GC_0T\O 6LS y �Co\'-�v+���, � Sa�'ra (6osbroFCPr C\,XCS(3) dv\A.y.Pasck\64miWq, -Svi\,AW& isk4uA\CA, k0�&,) i...p ��lQitv'�y two 4mg C QDitlA. Co\\-kM, Sah1.v.ii0�0�s?o J�C\E�LS\A t L*A !a 0,�s o�t �a r(a .ro�h:-��c� S c�w1 Lt RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: CA. ON P<Ny no 6,gyAew)roh �k.N;A;s'r��:rM • This application and supplement are "public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. Board, Committee & Commission Application 016 Page 1 INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: , • p.*w' G�? \`n �Y Q�� UMC�`� ��S S�ca.'� �` �AV•\n 1'�n CD Z S^�t�C''1 t'�S� Sazte��av�t� Scr b _aS �S USS fia�hr��ca\a .�a�c�•a\c�j,� �.sa.�J he0.\- oc- aw�4w S�r J c.Q S, OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. • I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: Date: C�/��"�o • Board, Committee & Commission Application 017 pane 7 h O'M 43 T. U r.lot I vt Y CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION • 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. When changes are made to our land, those changes tend to be long lasting, if not irreversible. They affect people financially and emotionally. As a native of Atascadero, I value family, friends, and the community atmosphere that helped produce them. I would like to help our city function as a community by participating in the planning of change so that the inevitable changes are people-friendly and, are carried out in a way that will keep people friendly. 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? YES 3a. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? The challenge of helping people meet "unlimited" and contradictory needs, wants, and desires with limited natural resources (i.e., land, water, trees). 3b. What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? I have a B.A. in economics from U.C.S.B. and an M.A. from Cal Poly in counseling. My economic studies included cost benefit analysis and environmental economics. I have worked in the private and public sectors, including such areas as construction, property management and the administration of public organizations. The administration of a 25 million dollar annual* County program budget requires me to collaborate with many levels of government in order to accomplish measurable objectives, while complying with a multitude of regulations. My favorite activities are gardening and restoring old buildings. I live in a 1929 house in Atascadero and own an 1800s commercial building on Main Street in Templeton. 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? To absorb input from all stakeholders regarding growth and development issues and concerns, investigate and analyze issues and/or locations under review, make recommendations to the City Council or, as delegated, provide direction to City staff on implementing the intent of the General Plan, by reviewing items brought before the Commission. 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? Seek first to understand. Actively seek out a diverse representation of stakeholders. Listen. Be proactive in moving the General Plan ahead. Be proactive in assisting stakeholders to modify the Plan as needed. Stay focused on community values and goals. Always be polite to City staff. Take the heat for tough decisions. • 018 Planning Commission Page 2 &plemental Application 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? (A) How to use Planned Development Overlay Zones to mitigate the shortage of buildable lots and encourage open space while not adversely affecting our rural atmosphere and provision of services. (B) Dealing with current non-conforming uses of sites which may adversely affect quality of life, when there is a shortage of conforming sites for demanded housing and services. (C) Balancing rural preservation with the shortage of affordable housing and lack of economic support base for demanded services, given the current funding mechanisms. 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. I have reviewed the current adopted Plan and attended meetings where the proposed Plan updates have been discussed. It is the guiding document as to what we want our community to be and sets parameters on how to achieve that vision. It supports preserving the rural atmosphere with roadways that follow the natural contours of our topography while allowing for higher density housing closer to downtown and service areas. Though the Fiscal Element portion is of critical importance, it is not a required element, and it might be more strategically placed outside of the General Plan. �. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? (A) Encourage maximum participation by community stakeholders. (B) Encourage private restoration of historic buildings and public expansion of parks and recreational areas. (C) Preserve the rural nature of the community while providing access to public services of fire, medical, police and education. (D) Increase business/commercial enterprises and employment opportunities. (E) Increase housing options for all economic levels. 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided. My wife and I were born in Atascadero and, along with our three children, attended K through 12' grades in the Atascadero School District. We live next door to the house my dad built before I was born. Now that our two daughters attend Cal Poly and Long Beach State Universities and my son is at the United States Military Academy at West Point, I have more time available for community service. Thank you for your consideration of my application for the Planning Commission. 0 1 hereby certif t t th fo oin inf rmation is true and correct. Signature: Date: September 12, 2001 Thomas Patrick 0 ey RECEIVE j Please return to: go q n CITY CLERK SEP 2 5 2001 • 6500 Palma Avenue S iris ie e Room 311 �,y� , Atascadero,CA 93422 A' � CITY OF ATAO"CADERO CITY C LERK O7: 1 C E CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City, with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: � i I ii? Z'3uI,46T4 of--& RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: S t55 olmw>n AV&. Home Phone: 40!-��4q MAILING ADDRESS (if different): Work Phone: -731--1)75 Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? YA-5 How Long? i-rs Are you a registered voter? Yes Z No OCCUPATION: A55oGIA'TE QTY R4"I-I z EMPLOYMENT: . Present or last employer's name, address and phone number: [,,i of t�qs1 �CJPS ©(31sPo Position held and length of employment: AS5oGiPra PtAt4jF-PC, EDUCATION: AA beojezAI 0,0C-6rA �011r-:&r Fb:5 F 26610m ik/ PE nNN/NCS , e4( Pc9I�Y _ SL-0 RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: ��cP crcC�P tot n4 Ior4i 66yeC14MAN r 00MGAAJ/Z-+7-/o,4 Tib 8126w" Atm • aja' FY tw/NG C'�t�1�ss/orJ Polr=��s E �ZaGFovtES. This application and supplement are"public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. - 020 Board. Committee & Commission ADOication . INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: ,( A7 C&JT041 CDAST CY-4Pe,- QMEar<«^J Pfft""I-& 4550 lA-T,•y,J V N ns o r Cod& F"'FarZC&A-C-fY' OAC/ 5. OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Groupord of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. • I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: /VO D Date: • 021 CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION • 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. Arrks CA O-.2o i Q WocIrc t, G(Tyr W I E6 1 H`a.&o'0-k6 2MLC.,�-eca. MY VAS Vfjowlc:aae, e. a (krtemcp— ©F ntir V&,!t (`oc,O Ue_ e,r e.� c.`o. rialwt.j i h rev A bo.)aNct �► rcShcc. 5[`oy,ac�.�. ?�0Sr�Pw; Tka-t ecX'kA ic-- - VcJ111\- to TO OU+C 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? X Yes _ No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? �tE f'/inJN�n►(,� CO"t-it'Sto,J MAKC-5 CrUc-Uh-1 C. mt-sc"'JS `t A�L In e(P a�,�d� ��� �V�r�. O-F� ©��' Corr►M v r1��4+. �. �►,,y e. � -5-�rr�.�� NCc/'eS(' (..s �1[9CO"►r�vv 0£1�r S '�.�c.G.CGS'S ��T Gti Z �Z �eGr� 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? VOCQS G.y 0�G/1��'0�+5 C41�+C:6r`iyiiN� t/�MnCf C�� I��l'O✓ril5 eO/rt�+uNl CS Y�I JVrpA�Sf j1'V1;LVy 5 f4QCjJ �vre� 'l to/4"AP N4 -,5Mr-F RUtC(QNCe1' — 1AJ /}GCo> NCe ems'��t Gh2 �/'Cf' (AuvGr%S c�e ras. 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? ZfA JLX.) A5161"W- 2150 u5ilo Oa"d CL c IAyvC edUC aZ 022 Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 • 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? 6 -J&dd 1/1n; 064& ^r (Ahtale6 �'c5u��i i /Al Ae, ztJ/tea 0r41N4oce (Mb(ar'e- 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. Cr&Y'S -�gad 0(4,1 i-5 a�e�+cwe� To 5!r-ye- Q 6L 0 oaf 6 AA?n- . To �� c • 8. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve. 1- OCCxoM&-JAS-15 1-6 Praduce. �lcs,'c���c� cls l�r.tz,s Fir- U e1nPr►�N�. A - 3• )t rN ov"ye c(l rec.- 4-o r ti �u i d 0L^jc-e. 4� A r-6-s h q n.I VCOcSOr-i A�:rorcja-ble 6� c, 5,er 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional). 14� cVv l�f,i�f 1lrYerr� �ot' (I_1 re c�L, tae ..r:5.. h Pu z lived o,-,-fvke- Ceti4'r a A C6a.s4 i��k � Mw jt-re= I c N, p���-tet eS :1.� -��e: l�►'�.cr a(.' FI�Ar�ert7. • I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature: Date: 023 A E FIVE )) Please return to: • CITY CLERK 6500 Palma Avenue j iais iee SEP 18 2001 Room 311 rs� Atascadero,CA 93422 �"—� CITY OFATA..':CADERO CITY C:LERKE C'=?CE CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City, with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications,are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire:for the advisory body you are applying for. L NAME: (� iC, L 01na ,ma ✓t- -- -- RESIDENTIAL /� ,, ��_ysy ADDRESS: C& 0 ,4ksC.Adelo Ay Home Phone: 7 MAILING ADDRESS Cf different): Work Phone: 66-074 Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? _ How Long? 13 �JV-5 Are you a registered voter? YesV No OCCUPATION: EMPLOYMENT: • Present or last employer's name, address and phone number: awneirs: CoJ(Qryl1,3'. Qyne4w M(-6_ Ptmd View Dr. >Q c die 0,4 93w'22 101) C4 2062— cf64-C tS"9 -36` Z q as6Y Position held and length of employment: Ma11a , ee— 5 &4rs EDUCATION: A-A-, MRA RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: Rei( G-6-fake n(G 50A CeHITe;,CnrGMor. - • This application and supplement are"public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. 024 Board. Committee & Commission Aoolication • INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: QSf- C.ku+fG�L bG a✓CP G (�i fC' f S OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: Se( d S f ✓ 671 -he nr-ipAasbix How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article V' Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth LibraryCity Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. • I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: Date: • 025 CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION • 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. L� ILI �117� 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? _ Yes VINO 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? &44 &e&aw ezl-' i Z - • .' .G��,fz�rno Znction In your view, what is the of lfhe Planning Commission? ..... '001/ 7IL2z /& 2?ez 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? 026 Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 • 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? age 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. Oc Wz Z,21 8. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? w 4 ezz 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional). • 1 hereby certify th a foregoi g information is true and correct. Signature: Date: l 027 ; Please return t0: ;DECEIVED CITY CLERK 6500 Palma AvenueRoom 311 SEP 2 6 2001 • Atascadero,CA 93422 CITY OF ATA.sCADERO CITY CLERKS 0`-ICE CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City, with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. IWnimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire for the advisory body you are applying for. NAME: Charles 'Jay' Sechrist RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: 7500 Sombrilla, St. , Atascadero, Ca. 93422 Home Phone: 461-9330 (temporary) MAILING ADDRESS Of different) Worts Phone: 461-6146 Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? Yes How Long? 4 years Are you a registered voter? Yes X No OCCUPATION: Deputy Assessor EMPLOYMENT: • Present or last employer's name, address and phone number: Assessor's Office, County of San Luis Obispo County Goverment Center, Room 100 San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93408 Position held and length of employment: Lead Appraiser _ Real Property. 16 years. EDUCATION: AA degree at.Cuesta College in Real Estate. Multiple Appraisal Courses. Extensive computer software training in Excell, Microsoft Word, Lotus Notes, Alfa IV, and others. Educated in all fields of Property Taxation. RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: LICENSES: Appraisal & Contractor. CERTIFICATES: Advanced Appraisal. PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS: National Management Association International Association of Assessing Officers. EXPERIENCE: 12 years self employment, • Blueprint Designer, & Contractor experience in developing real estate. This application and supplement are -pubfiic documents" and are avasiabte for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to go Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be Provided by.the City Crerk. Board, Committee & Commission Application 028 i INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL- AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: • Atascadero Youth Basketball Volunteer Coach. I am the North County Sexual Harrassment Prevention Coordinator for SLO County. In addition, I am the North County's National Management Association's Liaison. Chairman for the Assessor Office's Canned food Drive.- Employees' Fund Representative for the Assessor's Office. Chairman and coordinator for Operation Santa Clause. OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: I am involved in several productive committees; such as, Staff Representative Committee, Assessor's Office Mission Statement Committee, Assessor's Office Operation Committee, and Real Estate Development Review Committee How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth LibraryCity Hall X Place of Employment Other (specify): Please complete the attached supplemental questionnake. Feel free to attach a iesume or othermformation about yourself. • I hereby certify, under penalty of :perjury, that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: Date: September 10, 2001 • 029 CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION • 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. I would like to actively participate in the enhancing of our city's qualities for now and into the future. 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? _,Yes _ No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? The ability to help plan our community's growth, and in a way that will not create excessive growing pains. My experience includes work-related knowledge of population growth and its results through out the county. I am capable of reading, sketching and designing building plans. Complete knowledge of construction design, layout, and building cost. I have the ability to mediate problem situations, as well as making sound business decisions, giving leadership,and planning for future events as the result of 12 years of small business success. I am knowledge of San Luis Obispo County's Taxation i laws, including The Possessory Interest Tax (a tax applicable to City owned properties that are leased to private individuals). 4. In your view, what is the function of the Planning Commission? The Planning Commission addresses the ongoing concerns of this fast growing city. When a proposed project is presented to the Planning Commission, some of the agendas the Commissioners need to review are the effects the project will have on Atascadero's public heath,safety, environment, as well as considering how a project affects property values of its neighbors. The Planning Commission makes sure that all projects meet the requirements of Atascadero's planning restrictions and building codes. 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? My role will be to help plan for the future growth of Atascadero's business and residential properties without sacrificing the natural beauty or character of Atascadero. • 030 Supplemental Application Planning Commission Page 2 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? Some of Atascadero's current issues facing the Planning Commission are. Cellular sites, Traffic congestion, Commercial and Residential growth,Preservation of native Oak trees, Downtown resurrection, Zoning entitlements,.Parks, and Rewriting the General Plan. 7. Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so, describe briefly your views about the document. Yes I am familiar with the General Plan as well as the City's Zoning Ordinance. I am impressed with the City of Atascadero's General Plan. The plan's current maximum buildout in population is well thought out because it allows growth, yet limits it to a reasonable number that will not overly impact the city's resources. .8. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the-Planning Commission achieve? I would like to see the Planning Commission help promote affordable housing for senior citizens in Atascadero. Continue the goal of supporting our commercial area's development and re-development. One of the Planning Commission's goals should be to insure to the citizens of Atascadero that our roadways will not be overwhelmed with traffic congestion resulting from future growth in the city's population. 9. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (option/1. ihereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. A Signature: Date: la o I 031 RESOLUTION NO. 23-97 • RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING REVISED PROCEDURES FOR THE SELECTION OF COMMITTEE COMMISSION AND BOARD MEMBERS WHEREAS, 1. The Atascadero City Council recognizes that citizen participation in local government plays an important and active role in the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, 2. The Atascadero City Council has established committees, commissions and boards to assist in the conduct of municipal affairs; and WHEREAS, 3. The Atascadero City Council did adopt Resolution No. 35-81 on November 9, 1981 establishing selection procedures for committees, commissions and boards; and WHEREAS, 4. The Atascadero City Council did adopt Resolution No. 23-95 revising Resolution 35-81, establishing selection procedures for committees, commissions and boards; and WHEREAS, 5. The Atascadero City Council desires to update and revise said • �i selection procedures; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this resolution is to revise established procedures for the Council to follow in recruiting, selecting and appointing members to City committees, commissions and boards created pursuant to statute or by action of the City Council. Appointments and replacements will be made pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 54970 et seq., and the following. SECTION 2. Recruitment Nomination, and Eligibility. Announcements of openings for any committee, commission or board to which members are appointed by the City Council will be coordinated by the City Clerk. Any person desiring to be considered for appointment to any City committee, commission or board may complete an application provided by the City Clerk. Applications are accepted year-round and shall remain on file for a period of one year from the date received. Applicants may be considered for future vacancies, for the specific committee, commission or board for which they applied, should a vacancy occur during the year. At any regularly scheduled or a special council meeting properly noticed for that purpose, any member • of the City Council may also nominate a person to be considered for appointment to any City committee, commission or board. 032 Resolution 23-97 Page Two All applicants and nominees shall be a resident and registered voter of the City of Atascadero, and shall meet any announced additional criteria as established by the City Council. All appointees are subject to financial disclosure, pursuant to the Political Reform Act. SECTION 3. Interviews. All applicant and nominees meeting the criteria established in Section 2 may be interviewed by the City Council during a properly noticed meeting. Interviews, if held, will be open to the public. SECTION 4. Selection. a. Council members will vote for the candidate(s) of their choice by placing their name and circling the name of their selection(s) on a ballot form provided by the City Clerk. Candidates' names will be placed in alphabetical order on the ballot form. b. After the City Council has had an opportunity to make its individual determination, the City Clerk will collect the ballots and will announce first the Councilmember's name and second the name(s) of the candidate(s) of • that Councilmember's choice(s). Results of each individual Councilmember vote will be a matter of public record. C. The candidate or candidates receiving a majority of the votes of the Councilmembers present shall be appointed. In the event that no candidate or candidates receive a majority vote or in the event of a tie vote, then a run-off ballot or ballots will be cast, following the procedure of sub-paragraph a. above. The run-off candidates will consist of all candidates receiving at least two (2) votes and if not more than one of the candidates have received at least two (2) votes, then all those receiving at least one (1) vote will participate in the runoff balloting. This procedure shall be continued until a majority vote is cast, or until a majority of the council votes to reopen nomination. In such event the matter may be tabled until the next regularly scheduled council meeting for further nominations. On motion by Councilperson Lerno , seconded by Councilperson Carden , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Carden, Clay, Lerno and Mayor Johnson • NOES: Councilman Luna ABSENT: None ADOPTED: April 8, 1997 033 -Resolution 23-97 Page Three • ATTEST: CITY ATASCADERO �' WLR m• 1 B'1 BY: .... /�� 1 MARCIA M. TORGERS N, City Clerk RAY 1017"N"SO4, Ma or n ROY HANLEY, btyAtt4rney • • 034 "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH" OCTOBER, 2001 WHEREAS, home should be a place of warmth, unconditional love, tranquillity, and security. Tragically,for many Americans, homes and families are tarnished by violence and fear; and WHEREAS, domestic violence is more than an occasional family dispute. More than 3 women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends in this country everyday. It is estimated every 9 seconds in the United States an incident of violence occurs against a woman by her partner, and WHEREAS, domestic violence violates an individual's privacy, dignity and humanity due to the systematic use ofphysical, emotional, sexual,psychological and economic control or abuse, and WHEREAS, domestic violence affects not only the couple involved but all family members including children and teens. Noting that SO% of shelter clients are children and may go unaided, it is imperative that we take steps to stop the violence so that future generations will not grow up to be victims or batterers; and iWHEREAS, the theme for 2001 is `Domestic Violence, It Is your Business! Help Stop Teen Dating Violence", our goal is to prevent domestic violence through education and outreach especially to school children and teens, and WHEREAS, the North County Women's Shelter and Resource Center, the District Attorney's Victim Witness Assistance Center, and The Women's Shelter Program of San Luis Obispo offer a variety of services in English and Spanish including: 24-hour Shelters, a Temporary Restraining Order Clinic, individual and family low-cost counseling, school outreach,free support groups to victims of domestic violence and their children; and WHEREAS, by learning more about domestic violence and the services available to our citizens, we are taking active steps to protect ourselves from violence and join with others to make San Luis Obispo County a safer place to live. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atascadero joins with Governor Gray Davis in recognizing October,2001 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month." • 0- ichaelArrambide, Mayor of Atascadero, CA October 9, 2001 035 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 • DRAFT MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL MEETING Monday, September 17, 2001 7:00 p.m. GENERAL PLAN UPDATE i Mayor Arrambide called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Clay, Johnson, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Arrambide Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Brady Cherry, Community Development Director Lori Parcells, Planning Services Manager Warren Frace, Police Lt. John Couch, and City Attorney Roy Hanley. Mayor Arrambide welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the format the Council was going to follow. He suggested allowing the public to speak on each policy discussed, but limiting their time of speaking to two minutes. There was Council discussion with various suggestions. Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 �+ Pagel 0 3 V ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 10/09/2001 1. General Plan Update - Review of Draft Land Use Plan (CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 28, 2001 MEETING) ■ Fiscal Impact: None • ■ Planning Commission recommendations: 1. Council adopt the draft Resolution, thereby endorsing the Draft Land Use Plan as the Preferred Plan for use in the Draft General Plan policy document and Draft Environmental Impact Report; and 2. Council direct staff to incorporate Policy Issues 1 through 10 into the Draft General Plan. [Community Development] Planning Services Manager Warren Frace gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. Mayor Arrambide announced that since there was not Council consensus on public comment, he would allow each speaker to speak for five minutes on the first policy, then two minutes for each subsequent time they spoke. MOTION: By Council Member Luna to open the hearing for public comment, allowing people to speak, and then go to the Policy Options. Motion failed for lack of a second Policy Option #2: Land Use Designation Mr. Frace gave the report for Policy Option#2 and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Joanne Main, 8940 San Gabriel Road, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Chamber supports the condensing and clarification of the designations as outlined in the General Plan Update. Ellen Burow, 7000 Los Arboles Avenue, stated her support of land use designations concerning recreation zoning, in particular the triangular property across from the library, which she would like to see become a park. Alan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way, stated that the EIR and the draft document being presented together seems problematic. Concerning land use designations, he is in favor of adding open space but questions the new designations for residential as he finds them more confusing. Mr. Thomas expressed concern with combining Commercial designations. Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda, indicated her concerns with the impacts of future development on the rural character of Atascadero. Eric Greening, recommended to the Council that these suggested land use designations be evaluated with an economic analysis. He would like to see a mixed use commercial option restricted solely to the downtown area to permit residential occupancy of otherwise unused • space. Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 = /� Page 2 0 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 Mayor Arrambide stated that it is the Chair's ruling that public remarks will be limited to three minutes, and asked if there was a Motion to overrule the Chair. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded b Council Member Clay to Y y overrule the Chair and continue to allow the public to speak for 5 minutes on each Policy Option. Motion failed 1:4 by a voice vote. (Council Member Luna voted in favor) MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Luna to allow the public five minutes for public comment the first time, and thereafter an amount of time determined by the Chair. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Mayor Arrambide opposed) Carmen Barnett, 6780 Atascadero Avenue, read from a prepared statement regarding her opposition to development on lot 283. (Attachment A) Ms. Barnett submitted a petition from residents stating their reasons for opposing the General Plan Update. (Attachment B) Ruth Rentschler, 6004 San Palo Road, expressed her opposition to the update of the existing General Plan in a prepared statement read by Mary Hickey. (Attachment C) Rosemarie Handy, 8240 Larga Avenue, read from a prepared statement regarding her concerns with smart growth and the new infrastructure that will be required to accommodate that growth. (Attachment D) • Marge Mackey, Tunitas, gave suggestions to the Council regarding her ideas for updating the General Plan. Raymond Jansen, 7777 San Gregorio Road, asked the Council in a prepared statement, why they disregard the public comment they receive. (Attachment E) Bonita Borgeson, 4780 Del Rio Road, expressed her concerns with the potential effects of an update of the General Plan. Pam Marshall Heatherington, Ysal Avenue, read from a prepared statement expressing her concern that reports effecting the General Plan Update should be produced by independent consultants and not by City staff. (Attachment F) Anita Rouse, 5703 Carrizo Road, in a prepared statement read by Dorothy McNeil, expressed her belief that now is the time to tighten up on all spending and not bring about changes that will create additional taxes for Atascadero residents. (Attachment G) Dorothy McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista, stated her opposition to the proposed update of the General Plan in a prepared statement. (Attachment H) Gary Pellett, 4255 San Benito, asked for clarification on some details of the recommendations. • James Thomas, 10695 Vista Road, read from a prepared statement expressing his concerns for the proposed changes to the General Plan. (Attachment I) Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 Page 3 038 ITEM NUMBER: A- I DATE: 10/09/2001 Dorothy Bench, expressed her opposition to requiring creek setbacks in a statement read by Tom Bench. • Tom Bench stated his opinion that creek setbacks are unnecessary as the City has a creekway riparian corridor, which is the responsibility of the City to protect. Lillian Judd, Los Osos, representing the Economic Opportunity Commission, asked the Council to use this General Plan Update to improve affordable housing in Atascadero. Mike Jackson, 5502 Ensenada, commended the Council for their hard work for the community. He inquired whether it was a State mandate that the City provide a certain amount of housing for its residents, and stated that he felt additional housing is necessary in Atascadero. Jerry Johnson, stated he supports the proposed General Plan Update. Eric Peterson, 4500 Del Rio Road, stated this process is confusing to him. He questioned why several items are still being proposed even when they have received overwhelming opposition from the public attending these meetings. Mr. Peterson reading from a prepared statement and expressed his opposition with the update. (Attachment J) Beth Dotson, 3300 Traffic Way, encouraged the Council to focus on affordable housing. Henry Engen, 9575 Lakeview, suggested labeling the residential densities with the minimum lot size rather than a letter designation. He expressed opposition to the General Commercial zoning. Robert Femester, 7109 San Gregorio Road, stated he is aware a consultant was hired by the City to update the General Plan, but he hasn't seen or heard any report from this consultant. Regarding creek setbacks, he feels they are important and would like to see a riparian corridor left along Graves Creek. Henry Skibo, Traffic Way, stated he supports the update of the General Plan and he commends the Council on their efforts. Mike Zappas, 8189 San Dimas Lane, urged the Council to include plans for open space. Betty Scanlan, 6390 Flores Road, stated her opposition to the proposed update of the General Plan. (Attachment K) Jean Stafford, in a written statement read by Ariat Madison, expressed her support for providing more affordable housing. (Attachment L) Ariat Madison expressed her concern that development is taking away the rural character of Atascadero. Becky Pacas, 4305 San Benito Road, stated if the Council increases the density in Atascadero it will be even harder to comply with affordable housing requirements. • Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 = 039 Page 4 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 Steve LaSalle, indicated in a prepared statement, that he is opposed to creating affordable housing by increasing density; he feels this will sacrifice the rural character of Atascadero. • (Attachment M) Elnora Garcia, 1700 San Ramon Road, expressed her opposition to the General Plan update in a prepared statement read by Geraldine Brasher. (Attachment N) Geraldine Brasher, 3202 Monterey Road, stated her concerns with updating the General Plan and its impact on population density. (Attachment O) Mary Pellett, 4320 Del Rio Road, stated he feels the Council is ignoring the desires of many residents who oppose the General Plan Update. He feels allowing second units in certain areas is against the wishes of the residents who live in those areas. Gail Sweasy, stated she is opposed to more development and second unit housing. She feels there are many commercial buildings sitting vacant that should be utilized before more development occurs. Jim Sweasy, 9735 Laurel Road, urged the Council to take the steps necessary to insure creation of jobs with adequate salaries for those residents who will eventually take advantage of the proposed affordable housing. Mary Hickey, Santa Rosa Road, expressed her concern regarding potential increases in traffic that may occur on the west side of Atascadero with the proposed General Plan Update. • Shari Pellett, 4255 San Benito Road, admonished the Council for what shep erceives is their lack of attention to the wishes of the people of Atascadero. She feels the Council is only supportive of developers. Ms. Pellett stated that she is tired of her family being threatened by the City, and stated to the Council, "Bring it on, and you'd better bring a body bag." Alan Thomas, asked for clarification of some of the proposed land use designations. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. Mayor Arrambide called a recess at 9:24 p.m. and called the 'meeting back to order at 9:40 P.m. Council Member Johnson responded to the comments regarding the Council not representing the majority of Atascadero citizens. He said that he feels the majority of the citizens voted for this Council. Additionally, he stated that the Council has encouraged tight control on the use of eminent domain. There were Council questions of staff and Council discussion on this policy. Council Member Luna stated that he couldn't support these designations because "multi-family" has been removed from the residential designations. Also, he is concerned with the impact of the • General Commercial zoning on the tax base. He would like to see an Administrative Draft General Plan that the Council can review and analyze as to its economic implications rather than having it all come back with an Environmental Impact Report. Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 040, Page 5 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to direct the recommended Land Use Designations in Policy Option#2 • to the consultant for review (Attachment P). Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Council Member Luna opposed) Recommended Option: 1. Recommend incorporation of the new Land Use Designations in Updated General Plan. (Attachment P) Policy Option#6: Service Commercial Locations Planning Services Manager Warren Frace provided the report on Policy Option #6. There were Council questions of staff and Council discussion on this policy. PUBLIC COMMENT Joanne Main, Chamber of Commerce, stated she has almost 100 letters from Chamber members supporting the Council's update of the General Plan. (Attachment Q) Alan Thomas, asked if there is a property owner in this area asking for a change. City Manager Wade McKinney responded no, these changes are a result of public input at previous meetings. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period • MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Policy Option #6 as recommended with the addition, "City will notice property owners in areas affected." Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Recommended Option: 1. Re-designate Service Commercial land uses on the east side of El Camino Real. City will notice property owners in areas affected. Policy #7: Unincorporated Areas Planning Services Manager Warren Frace provided the report on Policy Option #7. There were Council questions of staff and Council discussion on this policy. PUBLIC COMMENT John Knight, RRM Design Group, representing the Smith Hopson family, asked the Council to take the first step to create policies that would place the Eagle Ranch property within the City limits of Atascadero. This policy would allow a change in configuration to provide for open space, preservation of creeks, etc. . Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 041 Page 6 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 10/09/2001 Eric Greening, inquired how many of the lots under consideration would meet the current City slope tests, and what would be the cost of constructing the Colony roads. • Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. Mayor Arrambide suggested the southern area of the Eagle Ranch be included in this study. John Knight, RRM Design Group, clarified the area he would like to see considered for annexation. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to recommend from Policy Option #7 to the consultant that areas A and D be adopted into the annexation process for the City of Atascadero and include in area D the southern portion of Eagle Ranch-notched white area (see Attachment R). Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Policy Option #1: Urban Services Line Planning Services Manager Warren Frace provided the report on Policy Option #1. There were Council questions of staff and Council discussion on this policy. PUBLIC COMMENT • Eric Greening, asked if the property owners in these areas have been notified that they are being considered to be included in the Urban Service Line. Becky Pacas, stated she lives in the effected area and was not asked if she wanted to be included. She requested that when the evaluation is done, all homes within the USL built on a quarter acre or a third acre that currently have priority, be analyzed as to their need for sewer service. Alan Thomas, asked for clarification of what services are included in the USL. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period Mr. Frace responded that the USL does include other services such as fire and police services, library, park services, etc. Council Member Luna expressed his concern regarding second units and sewer considerations. Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 Page 7 ' ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to include those areas in the Urban Services Line as recommended in Policy Option 91. III Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Council Member Luna opposed) • Recommended Options: 1. Recommend adoption of the revised Urban Service Line as shown. (See Attachment S) 2. Develop a policy that not all lots within the Urban Service Line are required to be served by sewer. Policy#4: Creek Setbacks Planning Services Manager Warren Frace provided the report on Policy Option #4. There were Council questions of staff and Council discussion on this policy. PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening, urged the Council to stay with 50-foot setbacks for Atascadero creeks. Steve LaSalle, stated he agrees with creek setbacks. Alan Thomas, agreed with the previous speakers in his support of creek setbacks with the exception of the downtown area. • Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve Policy Option #4 with the deletion of the word "tiered." Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Recommended Option: 1. Recommend that tiered setback standards for each area be developed to protect blueline creeks with special Downtown Master Plan consideration. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to continue the meeting past 11:00 p.m. Council Member Luna stated that he was opposed to continuing past 11:00 p.m. Council Member Clay asked for clarification on when the Council would meet again to consider the final Policy Options. Council Member Luna indicated that if the meeting is continued that the public should be made aware that the Council will be considering the options that remain and public comment will be limited to two minutes per option with no general comment period. Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 = Page 8 0:43. ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 Mayor Pro Tem Scalise withdrew her motion. • MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Scalise to continue the special meeting to Monday, September 24, 7:00 p.m. and continue from where the meeting left off with the public being allowed to speak on each option for a time determined by the Mayor. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Council Member Clay asked that the public notice of the continued special meeting be as explicit as possible. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Arrambide adjourned the meeting at 11:08 p.m. to the next Special Meeting of the City Council on Monday, September 24, 2001. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk • Attachment A—Carmen Barnett, 6780 Atascadero Avenue Attachment B—Resident Petition Attachment C—Ruth Rentschler, 6004 San Palo Road Attachment D—Rosemarie Handy, 8240 Larga Avenue Attachment E- Ray Jansen, 7777 San Gregorio Attachment F—Pam Marshall Heatherington, Atascadero Attachment G—Anita Rouse, 5703 Carrizo Road Attachment H—Dorothy F. McNeil Attachment I—James E. Thomas, 10695 Vista Road Attachment J—Eric Peterson, 4500 Del Rio Road Attachment K—Betty Scanlon, 6390 Flores Road Attachment L—Jean Stafford Attachment M—Stephen P. LaSalle Attachment N—Elnora B. Garcia, 1700 San Ramon Road Attachment O—Gerladine Brasher, 3202 Monterey Road Attachmant P -Policy Option#2: Recommended Land Use Designations Attachment Q—Letter Packet provided by Joanne Main Attachment R- Policy Option 97: Unincorporated Areas Attachment S -Policy Option#1: Urban Service Line (USL)Map Attachment T—Sally Thomson(Letter not read into Minutes) • Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 Page 9 �` Attachment : A Special City Council Mtg. 9-17-01 • Carmen Barnett 6780 Atascadero Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 16. September, 2001 Planning Commission City of Atascadero, CA I wish to have these comments read into the record: I oppose the proposed development of thirty two (32) units on lot 283, which consists of one point nine (1.9) acres. This property is surrounded by San Andres and Navajoa Streets, and Atascadero Avenue. I am submitting to you a petition of signatures from residents of Atascadero objecting to this proposed development. Among the objections are public health and safety issues and changing the general character of our neighborhood. • Si erely, Carmen Barnett • 045 Attachment : B Special City Council Mtg. 9-17-01 • We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan, which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. (� 2P A 6 rint Name Signature bate 3 z Address Telephone Optional P t Name 69ature Date � Cc% Address �4�Telepho�necptiVnal 0? Print Name Signature Date .SSSO N f — /4 V r 4 5. 26- -- I Address Telephone Optional • I P nt Name 2Signature Date f�5a �.lA t � �, ams LY4-L,�_L- Address Telephone Optional 046 13 0 Print Name Signature bate • Z_?z,�S" 111 llt Ave, �il- l.4 Address Telephone Optional k�111A_ e Print Name I Sion ttfre Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date -7-3-5 sa' Address Telephone Optional Print Name / Siur ' rDate Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signa re Date 7 i 'L- Address Tele one Optional I , 6 �(_45 % 1,� o� Print Name Signature 7Date Address Telephone Optional Aj C , Print Name _ Signature Date • Address Telephone Optional 047 • Print N eS a Date c 4 coo r Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date 6 7 o o ,4714r5 . 2440-4. -161-1222--- Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Abs eu.,.v AA.( A KGs Y6 a Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date OL �3 �2 z- 4& -5",S ",S . Address Telephone Optional Print Name Sigture Date Z //6& ��k Address' Telephone Optional '5-26-0 ( Print Name Signature Date L Address Telephone Optional. Mffd /1�T 7 lAi:Ll �6& int Name I Signature Dat �- , 4C(-/C) Address Telephone Optional • Print ame ignature Da e Address Telephone Optional 0- .8 aont Print Signal re ate • (e"C CA AddressTelephone Optional Ua-llne'- "J-dT Print Nam Sig lure Date f32:2 Ad ess T lephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Y Telephone Optional C � . f (�7E � a ri am Sig a u Date ddress Telephone Optional GI I c L4;; Print Name Si nature Date -1 X10 -A-rfW--4 Ayk-.. ) -G Address Telephone Optional LEY ELL5 6I Print Name Signature Date Address es Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional . G Ari L Print Name Signature J Date • (�G Zd A-M 5 C A DLO-0 Ar C pr� Lt —`t fLt,7 Address r Telephone Optional 049 • We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan, which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. Print Name Signature Date Sf9,,Z F_�v7-'q Z) f$ V,--- Address Telephone Optional P� Vt Print Ntme Sig ture Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date %O IC 4 AS fie b Lo 5 Address Telephone Optional • Print Name C —16 Signature Date Address aze"_<' Telephone Optional 050 Print Name Signature 0 Date • �v 14,S- i'fk (AM.4,vC) (�F—a� �eI'? 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Print Name Signature _ Date /de;,d� S/9/� /� ,9/PCOS ,Q fisc ft1�L` dP d Address / Telephone Optional X)oh Print Name Signa re Date a Address Telephone Optional Print Name S14nature Date /2D /=�Ot�,a o/�v ecr--.mac C'f� G6 —v.3.1a ) Address Telephone Optional IIKT Print Name Signature '% Date Address Telephone Optional • y G G_ � U� J--4 J s ;��L� Z vzl�� ,��r. ��/1 ���a l :z i I Print Name Signature Date el Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional • Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional 052 M t) Print Name Signature Date • Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date 7 - Address Telephone Optional Print Name ,Si ature J Date Address Telephone Optional CCCI�.I�(i Print Name Signature Date 9'3 60 C C fA)A LA N Address Telephone Optional r 1 f, lkp,6 K) rc �, ��S [3 sues Y- at1'-oj Print Name Signature s Date 0A 95 Address Telephone Optional 0-4 Print Name Signa Date Address Telephone Optional :54 - ��' CAC o�.-.. �� 8.2b-o/ Print Name ,t /f Signature Date 2 2— Address elephone Optional Print Name Si nature Date • IQ/ 5 � - Address Telephone Optional 053 • We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan, which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. 4.- Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. O/ Print Name ignature Date 1( &Sp Address Telephone Optional Print Name ignature Date -71 / A dress Telephone Optional Print Name Y Signature Date L2 Cl pc� itJ C�.b�G�G1- fL Address Telephone Optional 1 LL M�t-� e. Llral c� • Print Name Signature Date 00 5 Addres—s Telephone Optional 054 Print Name Sig ture Date • :Z.�-- -AcOress Telephone Optional J O � Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Gtr v-� l �t e,-eGC Z Print Name j igna ure L Date Ad ess Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional • Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date • Address Telephone Optional 055 We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account by the • Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan, which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. -Z-1,17 Print Name ! Si nature ate Address Telephone Optional "rPrmw H , Lle[ Print Name gnature Date S �z �z 3 Address Telephone Optional r z Print N me , signaiure Date o — V 3 Address Te ephone Optional �j 1 _ �✓a / Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional 05 szor Print Name Signature Date • />/05 J!9/, -* b/ , q70 Address Telephone Optional ccTor A Print Name Signature Date Sati 31--171�O 60 Address Telephone Optional A, Print Name Signature Date Serfs sin l3-2 fj i ' -o RdP .Q S cam, ego G 74 'y0-9) ��2 Address Telephone Optional fn 6266!LxY l,c ��-Slurs `-f1 ti.tc� (;l��.G - -�$-0/ Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone.Optional Print Name Signature Date /v�f�1 = �,�Z�z�� vet Gf��G�2D 1 Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date . Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date • Address Telephone Optional 057 09/17/2001 14:28 8054661520 RUTH RENTSCHLER PAGE 02 Attachment : C Page 1 Of Special City Council Mtg . 9-17-01 • Main Identity From: "RUTH RENTSCHLER"<kikipoo!@thegdd.net> To: <mtorgerson@cftyhall.atascadero.org> Sent: Sunday, September 16,2001 7:48 PM Subject: GENERAL PLAN PUBLIC HEARING, SEPTEMBER 17,2001 r ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL C/O MARCIA TORGERSON 6500 PALMA ATASCADERO, CA. 93422 GENTLEMEN: I AM VERY DISTURBED BY THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE GENERAL PLAN. OUR CURRENT PLAN IS A WELL WRITTEN AND THOUGHT OUT DOCUMENT. IT REPRESENTS THE WISHES OF THE RESIDENT: WHO CAME HERE TO ENJOY THE RURAL ATMOSPHERE AND SMALL TOWN CHARACTER. WHAT IS PROPOSED NOW, SECOND UNITS ON RESIDENTIAL LOTS; SMALLER LOTS, INCREASE OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS OVERALL AND A DECREASE IN COMMERCIAL USES SOUNDS LUDICROUS TO ME. IT WILL OVERWHELM OUR INTERSTRUCTURE WHILE NOT CONTRIBUTING ONE IOTA TO"AFFORDABLE"HOUSING. THE ONLY THING TO BE ADDRESSED SHOULD BE THE RENOVATION OF DOWNTOWN, SOME "AFFORDABLE" • HOUSING AND PERHAPS AN AREA ACCOMMODATING LIGHT,CLEAN INDUSTRY. WHAT I SEE IN THE CURRENT PROPOSALS ARE ADDITIONAL ASSAULTS ON OUR ALREADY OVER- BURDENED SEWER SYSTEM,STREETS, SCHOOLS,TRAFFIC AND WATER. PLEASE RECONSIDER YOUR CURRENT PROPOSED CHANGES AND LISTEN TO WHAT CITIZENS TOLD YOU IN PRIOR MEETINGS. WE LIKE A CITY WITH LARGE LOTS, RURAL ATMOSPHERE, SMALL SHOPS AND FRIENDLY PEOPLE. RUTH RENTSCHLER 6004 SAN PALO RD(P O BOX 411) ATASCADERO,CA 93422 PLEASE READ THESE REMARKS AT TONIGHTS MEETING AND MAKE THEM PART OF THE RECORD. I AM UNABLE TO ATTEND THE MEETING BECAUSE OF PRIOR COMMITMENTS. THANK YOU. 9/16/0:: 058 Attachment : D Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 September 17 2001 Sep , Dear Members of the City Council; • The latest buzzword of staff and council majority are "Smart Growth" and"infill". The real test for"Smart Growth" is: does it require new infrastructure, such as new or widened roads, utility lines, sewer expansion, new water sources, and new fire station? Does it really provide infill building close to the core of town, reducing transportation and traffic problems? The staff claims that building along E1 Camino and Morro Rd. and putting residential into commercial areas is smart growth. How does staff explain the extensive and intensive proposed building of multi family and single family at the extreme north and south ends of towns' How does it explain rental units in all areas of town, including remote areas in hilly terrain, on narrow, winding roads and without seweigp This is not"Smart Growth" or"infill". It is "Stupid Growth". The rewrite proposals flunk the "Smart Growth" test. • 059 Attachment : E Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 • Fo�z the Recoad: Rama/t/cs to City Counc.ii on 9/17/01, 7:00 /2m By Raymond K. ;anzen, 7777 San y2egoaio Road. fiono,sag-ee (layo2 and /e 2Qow Plemgen s o/ the Counc.i-e: I would Like to azk a dew queetionz th.iz evening. 19hy .ih pug-eie .input .so cons.iztentiy d.izaegaaded? GJhy do ceata.in points which ate aepeated.iy paeaeate(l/2,zovoke zo much .ind.i,,,P/esence on you2 pant? Weae thoze pug-gic Zo�zum,3, wheael as uaged to gaing , huggest-i.onh, gust a pugi-ic zeiat.ionz gimmick oa exeacize? Can .it &e denied that the att.itudeve.ing demonztaated gy a majo�z.ity o,,P the Counc.ii .iz one which heem.6 to •say, "Don' t con- ,Zu.se u4 with Iactz Because out m.inde aze made up. ' Fazquentiy, a -Oot o/ money has gone to zo-caned "expeats" /,zom out o/ town. Pieaze aemem&e2, expeat s may have a .tot o, ,Zaet s, gut peopie have the judgement. Agaaham L.incoin nevea .lost touch with the peopie. fie once • .said zometh.ing .Like this: "yod muet .love the o�zd.inaay peopie, &eeauze he made .so many o/ them. *.e I think he aiso .said, "you can Zooi some of the ;zepie ai.i the time, and ai-9 oZ the people .somk o, the time; gut you cannot loo.i aii o/ the peopie a.i.i, the time. Thank you Zoa .i.i.eten.ing. • 060 Attachment : F Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 • Honorable Council members, City Manager Wade McKinney tells us'in the Chamber Newsletter that staff has been developing a series of alternatives that would be studied with the General Plan and the Environmental Impact Report. The Council is now reviewing the work and will decide what will be reviewed in the General Plan text and the EIR. All this time, about 2 years, has been spent on one element only -- the Land Use Element which was NOT up for review. This has produced only a bunch of maps and a list of vague and confusing policy statements. The public has no input on other elements such as circulation, open space, safety, noise, fiscal, etc. Now we learn from McKinney that staff is doing a Master Sewer Plan and a community-wide traffic study and a computer model (of what?). Can you guess why our very own staff is doing these in-house studies? Since outside independent consultants will not produce • these reports, as is done in normal cities, we can be sure these in- house studies will support all the growth McKinney, staff and council majority are proposing. A city with little credibility is doing all the background studies which should be done by impartial, professional and independent consultants. Since McKinney has hired Enough people to do all this work, we have a right to expect that staff will be reduced by at least half when these studies are completed. Please remember, fellow Atascaderans, the real purpose of producing these reports in-house is to make sure they support all of the proposed growth. 061 Attachment : G Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 • h'r.Mayor & Councilmembers, The recommended changes to the General Plan seem to be leaning strongly to additional residential housing, with no assurance of what percentage of that will be true "affordable housing", if there is still such a thing nowdays. In light of last weeks events, any changes that will be an additional financial burden on both the City Government and the Citizens of this town should be considered long and hard We may all find ourselves in a position of needing to tighten up on all spend- ing, present and future. Now does not seem like a time we should be looking at changes that will impact all areas of City services and additional taxes for our residents. Thank you, Anita Rouse 5703 Carrizo Road Atascadero • • Gryz Attachment H Septemner 17, 2001 Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 Honorable Mayor and other council members : After this city incorporated in 1979, the first General Plan was • openly discussed in 1980. There was a written document available to residents and council. At intermission time at one hearing George Highland took his copy with changes made to let my husband compare it to his copy. There was full and oDen debate . The 1980 Peoples ' Plan remained intact until 1992. Former Planning Director Henry Engen said recently , "In a normal California city a Draft General Plan document would be tentatively accepted by council and then the Draft Mould be subject to an EEIR. That was the procedure used in 'both 1980 and 1992. Not so with this Rewrite. If there is a Draft document for this Revlrite proposal , it is for council majority eyes only. Oh yes, there have been neighborhood and council meetings and two surveys all of which have been shams because the peoples ' priorities have been ignored. All we have seen is a vague and confusing list of "policies" and a bunch of maps which prove to be false . Residents have not asked for any of the following: 1 . Massive density increases li_:e the one behind Julie Gorman' s single family home on San Benito . Sire will have 66 families on the lot behind her if this outrageous gift to developers is passed. Building; high density at the extreme north and south • ends of town, creating transportation and traffic problems, is dismally poor planning. 2 . Changing commercial and office zoniri� to -resid-e--nitial . All lots in the city chopped do-vin to the smallest lot size in each nei=;hborhood is another gift to developers. 4. Second units for rentals in every sin-le family neighborhood including outlying areas which accordin-_ to the maps are out- side the study area . The maps lie . 5. Council and staff ' s failure to heed the 1992 warning that we need to seek more water sources for our current buildout figure. Staff' s theoretical buildout figures for thise--rrite lie as do the maps. 6. Changing multifamily to 22 homes per acre . ':that residents did ask for:. 1 . Fix the roads . 2 . Get the Mainstreet Program going to save our downtown. 3 . Keep the rural atmosphere . • 063 McNeil P. 2 • ;then bike Arrambide ran for council in 1998, promised 2000 new jobs by year 2000. New jobs have gone down, and the only focus of this Rewrite is residential building. It does not even try to provide new well-paving jobs . where will new residents work to pay for these homes? Freeways will be clogged as they seek out of town jobs. Also Arrambide said, "It ' s not the General Plan that needs changing. ';ghat needs to change in our community is leadership that allows lopsided implementation of the Plan. " I absolutely agree. I remind Arrambide that since 1979 every council has been controlled by the sO-called pro business faction. (Interpreted that means pro land sveculator and developer. ) So if there has been "lopsided im-olementation of the Plan" , it has cone from Arrambide ' s buddies and now from Mike himself. ,That Atascadero really needs is a new council majority without conflicts of interest which will represent all the people , not just those who profit by their votes . Next year let ' s elect an honest-to-goodness peoples ' council . v . Doro F. McNeil • 064 Attachment : I Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 September 17, 2001 • Atascadero City Council, My name is James Thomas and I have resided at 10695 Vista Road since 1985. In general, I would like to express my concern about proposed changes to our General Plan, which would greatly encourage residential growth, lead to increased density, and exacerbate problems with roads, traffic, schools, fire and crime pro- tection, and the availability of water. Of particular concern to me is learning of the Planning Commission's and City Staff's plan to eventually allow second rental units in zones other than SFR-Y or even a continuance of so-called " guest houses" city-wide. I believe this to be extremely ill-conceived, and that it would open a veritable "Pandora's Box" of problems in my , nei hborhoodbeginning with increased traffic on our substandard "Colony roads 9 9 and our poorly -maintained city streets, and creating even higher fire and evacuation risks in an area which already lives with a greater threat. Further, from the viewpoint of a professional educator, I have seen first-hand the ramifications of ill-thought-out city growth policies in Paso Robles. Thus, I am doubly concerned regarding the impact of city-wide rentals on city schools. In conclusion, I sincerely request that these and any future changes to the current General Plan be subjected to a general public referendum so that the citizens of Atascadero, and not vested interests, can choose the future direction of our city. am es E. Thomas 10695 Vista Rd., Atas. • 065 Attachment : J Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 September 17, 2001 • MY name is Eric Peterson and I live at 4500 Del Rio Road. I find this process of re-writing the General Plan all very confusing and full of conflicting concepts. For example,the majority Council insists they are listening to public input. If that is so, why are many of the items the public has overwhelmingly objected to still included in the revisions that will be addressed in the General Plan and the EIR. If Council was truly listening, then why are these items still under consideration?Elimination of these items would reduce the cost and work of whoever is assigned the preparation of the Plan text and EIR. Another example is the idea of preparing the EIR before the final General Plan text is approved. This implies that Council considers the changes as submitted are a"done deal' and there would be no revision to the EIR required. If changes are required after public- review of the "draft"text, additional time and expense will be expended for revisions. This does not seem to me to be a prudent use of City funds. There has been discussion in these meetings regarding the infrastructure cost of single family residential construction exceeding the income to the city generated by these units. • This means that nearly every single family residence constructed will increase the tax liability of Atascadero residents. I am told the exception being houses costing somewhere in the million dollar range which are not common. Yet, many of the General Plan changes proposed to date increase single family residences. Where will the money come from to support these additional residences without raising taxes or reducing services in other areas? There has been much discussion regarding"affordable housing." It appears the assumption has been made that reducing lot size will automatically generate affordable housing. Taking any large lot, splitting it and building houses on it may produce housing for people who can afford large down payments but it will not help our local labor force. It will take dedication and additional mechanisms to provide truly affordable housing for Atascadero residents. These mechanisms are not present in the current General Plan rewrite. When does Council intend to generate a realistic approach to the concept of truly affordable housing? There are portions of the policy changes presented that I would support, however, it seems to me the entire package is being crammed down my throat in an"all or nothing" package. This is Council's package and I have seen no indication that there is any intention of vetoing any portion of the presented policy changes, even though the public does not want them. • (page 1 of 2) Guru" These items just show the tip of the iceberg in my mind. I hope Council will answer my questions. In closing,I would like to remind 1VIr.Nimmo that this great country is what it is because dedicated people stood up time and again to fight for what they believed in. I don't believe we are any different. Please enter my comments into the public record. Thank you f r yo time. 067 (v5�c{o �?_;�x'u attachment : K :a/RX•O��Y`� 6 W IOx�IX�q Special City Council ,Mtg 9-17-01 �':__:l`i -o I ����• �;:.�� nor L�i�.Nc�cQzcQ o rte•-a�.,�.�, �i�c� e�,�,U,.e,n,1- 068 J � Attachment . L Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 I J 069 . J L , 0�0 7 i 7 1 i T i 1 _ J ---- - --- --- --- - ------ -- . -- -- - - 071 1 I r 072 Attachment : M Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 September 17,2001 City Council Members: I have been listening very carefully for the last several monthg to the ongoing debate concerning the General Plan update. The over whelming majority of citizens' input has been to keep the General Plan with a rural feeling for our city. The City Council majority and the city staff have not listened. The current City Council majority and city staff are trying to sell us a concept which everybody wants,affordable housing as an excuse to wreck our town. Some well-intended citizens have bought their pitch. The way to hell is paved with good intentions. If you really think about it,houses sell for whatever the market will bear. Put more kindly,why shouldn't someone sell their home(which they may have lived in for ten years)for as much as they can get? After all in most cases it is their major financial asset. The only way houses will not sell at the maximum price is through some type of governmental intervention, more governmental programs. Rental property follows the same basic approach;prices are set by whatever the market will bare. Government programs such as Section 8 are an attempt to assist with affordable rental housing. Most of us are skeptical about government programs interfering with near sacred free market approaches. The present City Council majority's answer to the affordable housing is to increase density. By cutting down on Atascadero's lot sizes and thereby increasing the supply of houses,prices will somehow become affordable. New York's Manhattan Island has one of the highest housing densities on earth,it is not cheap. Our sister city to the south, Shell Beach,has microscopic lots, selling well above Atascadero's prices. It is not cheap. In Silicon Valley one bedroom homes were selling for$600,000 plus. Small size and high density does not ensure affordability,it is a myth. How can you argue with someone who is right for the wrong reasons? The present City Council and staff will indeed create affordable housing by increasing density along the lines they propose,they will sacrifice Atascadero's major virtue our rural character,thereby,making us undesirable and therefore cheap. I'm not buying it! Stephen P.LaSalle • Ora Attachment : N Special City Council Mtg . 9-17-01 To: Atascadero City Council • I remember the drought years. Where will all the water come from for the increased population? What does affordable housing mean? Who will build it? Why will they build such units if they can build units which will give them more of a return on their investment? Why is staff allowing guest houses to be used as rental units when the ordinance prohibits it? I do not want the General Plan rewritten. Elnora S. Garcia 1700 San Ramon Road Atascadero CA 93422 466-5002 -� • • 074 Attachment : 0 Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 Sept. 17, 2001 To: Atascadero City Council • From: Geraldine Brasher Mr. Mayor and members of the Council, I will be very brief, but it is my belief that you would make a serious mistake if you elect to increase the population density as proposed in the Land Use Element rewrite of the General Plan without first dealing with the problems inherent with a population density increase. These problems include increasing demands upon our water supply and system of delivery, increasing demands upon our sewer system, increasing demands upon our streets' carrying capacity, and increasing vehicular travel that will cause more rapid deterioration of existing streets. Since increased residential building does not result in a compensatory increase in our tax base, we will fall even further behind in providing adequate services to the citizens of our city. Therefore, I urge you to continue working with and under the existing General Plan. Geraldine Brasher 3202 Monterey Rd. Atascadero, CA • 075 Attachment : P Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 • Policy Option #2: Land Use Designations Planning Commission Recommended Option 1. Recommend incorporation of the following new Land Use Designations in Updated General Plan Basting Land Uses Updated Land Uses Nhx oxeWdafim AG 4o.mre AG AgtAa Cs Open o. RR Fd rd Aida d RR Fa ral Fbsidatial SSF SrKje Fanilybtt Aw(25-10 aae Id rrin) RE Fdral Etates(25-10 aae Id Mri)(outside USQ 0. SE Sulxrb n Estates(25-10 axe Id rria)[aide USQ 0. UX F L avDa*S rrje Farily SF RZ Sirje Family Fbsid3tal(1.5-25 aae Id nin) a N06F M2dun Darity Single Farily SF:Y SrKJe Fa*Fesidatial(1.0 acre Id Mn) 1. HDW Hgh Daisity Snje R3r SF X Srge Fa*FEsdxtd(0.5 acre Id rdn) 4. • LLIVF L w Deeny M,lti-Fainly(10 burr/ac) NOR MBiun D xE y Fasdatiai(10 dis/ac) 10. HCIVF Hgh Dai*MfG Family(16 bectoars/ac) FCR Hgh Daaty Fbsida tal(22 d1s/x) 22 Cortrrerdal —NO %Jtahmd0arrr al Ca bineWthGC _ FC FbtailOmTradd GC Gail03nnerdal 16. SC SSMOe Cantadd SC SaHce OMTTB-ad TC Taiist 03mi3dal OarrbneWth GC D Wut 3w D DDmtw 16. O_Cffice _ OwUneWthGC CPK Ccmrrerial Pais CAC Camrzrdd Pak – NC MAad Use Cam-sical 16. Industrial I InJ sbid IND Irdisbid IP'K InI&al Pak Om ire Wth IPD – Rftc/QuasI4Wic P Rdc Fadlitites PLB PL is FadFrdes 0. _FEC PbaiaEticn FEC RbicFaaa B a CRIB Oam sicd Pbaeetcn 10 • 076 Attachment : Q Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 d:.t AlVE. AUG 2 7 2001 CrfY OF ATA SAD"7_AO C1;Y.�LER t Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a I-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-familyresidential in retail districts is also a positive • p ve as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, L , Gly' • 077 AUG 2 7 2001 CITY OF ATA- ""P.0 '.-JO Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. , Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, • AUG 2 7 2001 CFFYOFATA HJ .3G Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the.General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, • Y AUG 2 7 2001 CITY OF ATA '-.A.0 -.10 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. • Multi-family residential in retail districts is also aositive as well a p s calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, OSO AUG 2 7 2001 C1TvoFHiA '10"AO �E Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with it few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units • rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, 1 • AUG 2 7 2001 CFrY OF.ATA 10 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, CUL4 • • GSz • AUG 2 7 2001 CRY OF ATA'. '-AU* `10 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a I-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units • rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, • 0,83 -� ,__ • AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, • • AUG 2 7 2001 G ry OF.0,TA 'A.0 :fO Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, • • 085 AUG 2 't 7���►.t �;rY OF.q1 a Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. • Multi-famil residential Multi-family in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, • AUG 2 7 2001 CTj'v.7F.ATA "HU'':10 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the reconunendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-familyresidential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. , Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, 087 J 177 AUG 272001 �---,.OF ATA :30 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-familyresidential in retail districts is also a positive w p as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, • VlI SE; J • AUG 2 7 2001 7F.CTA Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, r; • • AUG 272001 %"`"Y OF.Cx .�.�.._�� Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. • Multi-family residential in retail districts i s also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, r 6 • 090 • AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members; In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-familyresidential in retail districts is also a positive • pos ve as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, 091 STINCHFIELD FINANCIAL SER`7ICES, INC. AUG 2 7 2001 OFATR Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. • Multi-familyresidential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating p t ng units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sin r y, J. Borba, Jr. P e ident 7350 El Camino Real, Suite 101 • Atascadero, California 93422 • 805/466-0111 092 • AUG 2 7 2001 r,.-..Y. =T* -- • vli . OF.-,�-. �`.�� .gip Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-familyresidential in retail districts is also a positive as well • p as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, • 093 AUG 2 7 2001 I%± Y OFATA 4 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. • Multi-family residential in retail districts is also aositi p ve as well as calculating unfits rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, ut`-- tiil� G94 AUG 2 7 2001 vFi Y OF TA Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members; In my view I believe the General PIan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a I-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating • po units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, , 095 • AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, U • • 096 AUG 2 7 2001 • OF r Jr.L f;- ��?J Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, A�A ! YCI, • 097 • AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members. In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. • Multi-family residential in retail districts is also aositive as well p as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, o ex • 098 17 u J_ - AUG 2 7 2001 Ci;vQF.'TrA Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General PIan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only..Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, • 099 9 ,ate; AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for flee General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, • 100 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, • 101 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, • • 102 • AUG 2 7 2001 r� Dear Atascadero Magor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, /C-"�� • • ��� • AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, _ • • 10.4 AUG 2 7 2001 • Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view 1 believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a pian to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also aositive as well as calculating • P ting un�is rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, • 105 J) • AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, v� /jay • • 106 Aug 07 01 01 : 27p AMRES PASO (805) 237-2e98 p. 2 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mavor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Re%rrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, 1 I 1017 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, • • FROM ATASRDEROCHRPIBERO FAX NO. 805 466 9218 Rug. 24 2001 12: 12PN P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and t am in fail support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, - • FROM ATASADEROCHAMBERO FH';� HO. 805 466 9218 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PrI P3 • AUG 2 7 2001 T, Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, • • FRUI ATA.SADEROCHANBERO FAX HO. 805 466 9218 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PH P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Ataseadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Re,Aaite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, i FROM ATASADEROCHANBERO FAX NO. eO5 466 9218 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12Pt1 P3 AUG 2 7 2001 �7 Y. Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Si rely, _. • • 112 FROM ATASADEROC HAMBERO FAX NO. eO5 466 9218 Au,3. 24 2071 12: 12FN P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan ReIATite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, FROM ATA.SADEROCHRIBERO FA;< NO. 875 454 9218 Rug. 24 2031 12: 12PH P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, 114 FROM ATASADEROCHANBERO FAX NO. 805 466 821e 24 2001 12: 12PH P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan ReuTite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, - • r 115 FROM ATASADEROCHAMBERO FAX HO. 807 47% =218 Aug. 24 201 12:12Pr1 P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. . Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, nc1 41� - , 116 08/23/2001 10:03 FAX 8034663288 AOF 201 AUG 2 7 2001 bcar Atascadero Mayor anal City Cou=% I have reviewed the Chamber's twon=endation for the General Plan Rcwrtte and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positivc direction. Sinccrcly, c ax i • 117 08/23/2001 10:05 FAX 8054663288 AOF Z02 2o01 r AUG 2 7 2001 IN=Atmcad=Mayor and City Co =% I ban reviewed the Ch&mWs reoosu mndati m fps the C�mg al Pias Rcwrite and I am in full support. Plem coaftuc jer g our City is a POmdVa directiom Sinecrely, �}W�, rU1GINla�cS • AUG 2 7 2 00 1 �-., . •fir_ �, -- Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed,not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. • Multi-familyresidential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units p g rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, • 119 AUG 272001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General PIan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also aositive as well as calculating units P g rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, • 100 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, • 121 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, • 122 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a pian to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. • Multi-familyresidential in retail districts is also a positive po as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, vUV . • 123 A.- AUG AUG 2 7 2001 • 1) Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Ataseadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-familyresidential ' retail districts is also a positive • in l d� posi ve as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, � V • 124 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. • Multi-famil residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units Y P g rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, "'WIA 125 y � y AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, 126 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the reconunendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. • Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, 127 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view 1 believe the General PIan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-familyresidential in retail di • 1 stncts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, C� a� n � • 128 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view 1 believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City, It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. • Multi-family residential in retail districts is also aositive as well as calculating culating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, 129 �A7- AUG -AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, L �� NQS 130 AUG ,.._ .. :fir. .. � •. . _ ___- .� Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also aositive as well as calculating g units rather than bedrooms for densities. This Ni111 provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Si erely, P7 e Y 131 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-famil residential in retail districts is also a • y positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, ,h4,l L 132 3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewTite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. • Multi-family residential in retail districts is also aositive as well as calculating culating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, 0�0 .J�r 1✓�5�� • 133 AUG 272001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, X34 • �M':_ _ AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-familyresidential in retail districts is also a positive as w p well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, • XJ%j AUG 2720 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, • • 136 08/07/01 13:01 FAX 8034622433 TTM-RRIFIC Z01 • 2 7 2001 7W El CarnMe P" AUG ktmcaderb,CA 9 Dear Atasradero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important underuddng for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the fugue of Atascadero.I agree with the I Owl-! A*O=that hive been put forward by thwNwiniag Commission mission for adaption with a few additional cornments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed,not sewer only.Also, irriplmneating a plan to bring existing granr�units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. ; Multi-farnily residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more lousing for families which arc so iaul ing in our comtnustity. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our Anure is as important task for you to accomplish.,and one I fully support. Sincerely, • -137 09-09 01 14:16 VILLRGE CAFFE 7:8064621900 P:02 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atmcackro Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, L i 138 FROM A/i FAX NO. 805-466-2235 Aug. e9 2001 11:44AM .P1 Alts ilt41 AMIBCKf I O0Im 541 AIA3uafI0.CA O&Z�„ AUG 2 7 2001 .Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and J am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction, Sincerely, • 139 08/19/01 14:47 FAX 805 5.14 4351 G B P & B [a 001 7 2001 AUG 2 • - Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an imports&undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero.I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that=A I feel a I-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the buil&g code standards is the way to proceed,not sewer only.Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more lousing for families which are • so lacking�u our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a hearty business community. Providing a safe plan for our fttttue is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I. fully support, Sincerely, 1 0 08-14-2001 ATASCADERO HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC DEPARTBWNT One High School RM ,Atascadero, California 83422 �- Telephone(805) 462-4311, Fax(805) 466-3377 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, 42 `� W s: In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of&=adero.I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an iz-nportant component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end.I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code statldards is the way to proceed,not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so the;may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating band use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is as important task for you to accomplish,and one I Elly support. Sincerely, C� 1 1v, TOTAL P.0 Aug. 1. 2001 2:i0PIMM ANGUARD LENDING 805 461 4044 No•7054 P. 1/I Vanguard ,rmv.vansuardtendingx= .7520 Morro Road +Atascadero,CA 93422 Lending Group,Inc. Toll Free(800)461-4095 •(SOo)461.4040 *Fax(805)461-4044 August 7,'2001 . AUG 2 7 2001 Mike Arramhide City of 4tascadero Dear Mr.Mayor and Honorable Councilwax bens: I am%Thing tis letter to express my support of the General Plan Rewrite which has taken so much effort to produce. It i.-unfortunate that more of us in the business community caanot or do not attend public meeting to express our views. Please do not listen to the vocal oppon r of positive change,they do not represent a balanced community. The city staff should be commended for a job well dote. Thank you for serving our community. Sincerely, David Garretson President • • 142 tascadero Chamberorcommerce 6550 EI Camino Real•Atascadero,CA 93422•(805) 466-2044•fax(805) 466-9218•www.atoscaderochomher.org AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, r _ 1 In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable • housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, 1-43 FROM ATASADEROCHAMBERO FAX NO. 805 466 9218 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12Pht P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mai-or and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, • 144 FROr1 ATASADEROCHRIBERO FAX MO. 607 466 9216 Rug. 24 2001 12: 12PH P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. . Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, • 145 FROM ATASADEROCHRIBERO FAX NO. 8105 455 9216 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PM P3 AUG 272001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the Generat Plan RewTite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, • • 146 FROM ATASADEROCHRNBERO FAX NO. 875 465 9218 Rug. 24 2OO1 12: 12PM P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City, ' a positive direction. Sincerely, • • 147 FROM ATASRDEROC HAMBERO FAX NO. : 805 466 9218 Aug. 24 2001 12:12PM P3 J AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Re,t rite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, ........,0000. ............................C 0 • 148 FROM ATASRDEROCHANBERO FAX HO. 805 456 9218 Rug. 24 2001 12: 12PM P3 • a Vit= = t AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Ataseadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Re,"rite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, r 149 FROM ATASADEROC HA-IBERO FAX NO. : 805 466 92le Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PN P3 ��.. AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Re,,Auite and l am in full support. Please continue leading, our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, - Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed,not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the.State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, • 151 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positivedirection. Sincerely, 152 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members. In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive. move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that canprovide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the A-av to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. • Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I. fully support. Sincerely, x U� • 153 • Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive'direction. Sincerely, • • 154 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, • 155 w ..'+..1l����•=�y!/Nlle+ ' � �V�IQ��j `� fiat•♦.-r'ni,"Wmp+�� � � •.•ter / • rl et �,.,••�..: '.1 malt AM WRE'=��• B 1� ':� VIr• •lya :♦•o:2i.C• ,�.�,� � ►QRZ � - •1111up1�U111�� fi� eS9,f f�j•�i+I fie•. +tel��VyH�\>, :n y�;a�i//�dpaj��,,y�® rl�/���ak•�•~T �..■��Nb�9���dff�i��.e���a��ii�d r Attachment : S Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 • Policy Option #1: Urban Service Line (USL) Planning Commission Recommended Option 1. Recommend adoption of the revised Urban Service Line as shown . 2. Develop a policy that not all lots with the Urban Service Line are required to be served by sewer. General Plan Service Areas City of Atascadero General Plan Update T, a May 29, 2001 r, trv-atl ?"� i f r i, ! �' Al ..! ✓ �.' 3 \'.n3 � t s M ....-..,....tea � �/_a'T ti�� r�. � �,' y♦ rya, +i ! �'"" raw r y 0 5 s; -•._t '� t r t t t' r+... "v/ 9 '�Yi,�n 3 ` Ft ,=\ r t .1 157 Attachment : T Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 Mr. Mayor and other Councilmembers, • Staff and the council majority—Arrambide, Clay, Johnson and Scalise—have proposed"tiered creek setbacks". If ever there was a weasel 'Word, "tiered" is it. Either we get a creek setback that provides the same setback for all, or we know the council will weasel its way out if a favored builder or developer comes along. Then we will hear the same old song: "no problems with this proposal." Atascadero once had a 50 foot creek setback in the General Plan which applied to all. It should never have been thrown out. If,.ve had kept it,the Bowling Alley would not be hanging over the creek bed. It was allowed only a 5 foot setback. Now the owners want to build a horrendous retaining wall to save the building. Tiered creek setbacks will not set a standard. The people of Atascadero treasure their creeks in their natural state with the plants, fish and other wildlife. We don't want our creeks to look like the Los .Angeles River: all cement and a trickle of water running along the bottom. - Please restore the genuine creek setback we were once wise enough to enact. 15� ITEM NUMBER: A-2 Date: 10/09/2001 DRAFT MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 24, 2001 7:00 p.m. GENERAL PLAN UPDATE - CONTINUED Mayor Arrambide called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and Mayor Pro Tem Scalise-led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Clay, Johnson, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Arrambide • Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Brady Cherry, Community Development Director Lori Parcells, Planning Services Manager Warren Frace, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, and City Attorney Roy Hanley Mayor Arrambide welcomed those present and announced that the meeting was a continuation of the September 17th meeting, and would proceed as before with staff reviewing each policy, Council Members to ask questions of staff, the public allowed to speak for three minutes on each policy and then the Council to discuss and make a determination on each item. 1. General Plan Update-Review of Draft Land Use Plan ■ Fiscal Impact: None Planning Commission recommendations: 1. Council adopt the draft Resolution, thereby endorsing the Draft Land Use Plan as the Preferred Plan for use in the Draft General Plan policy document and Draft Environmental Impact Report; and 2. Council direct staff to incorporate Policy Issues 1 through 10 into the Draft General Plan. [Community Development] • Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/24/01 = Pagel 159 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 Date: 10/09/2001 Planning Services Manager Warren Frace continued his presentation from the September 17, 2001 meeting. • Policy Option #5: Affordable Housing (#5A: Second Units, #511: Mixed Use Multi- Family Residential in Retail District, #5C: Multi-Family Density (units vs. bedrooms), #5D: Senior Housing, #5E: Inclusionary Housing) Mr. Frace explained the Planning Commission's recommendations for Policy Options #5A - #5E and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, stated his concerns with second units and the uses and densities they introduce into neighborhoods whose infrastructure was not designed for these additional densities. He expressed his feeling that Mixed Use Multi-Family Residential zoning in Retail Districts might lead to the creation of strips and suggested it only be applied to the Downtown Master Plan area. Regarding units vs. bedrooms, increases should be tied to the availability of substantial outdoor play and exercise areas. Joanne Main, 8940 San Gabriel Road, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, expressed the Chamber's support for this policy option. She questioned the need for sewer hookups on second units. Lana Adams, Chair of Atascadero Youth Task Force, expressed her support for more affordable • housing in a prepared statement read by Joanne Main. (Attachment A) Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda, supported the idea of Multi-Family Residential zoning in Retail Districts being restricted to the downtown area. She encouraged the use of open space in future planning and supports the idea of diversity in affordable housing. Sharon Turner, 7040 Navajoa Avenue, expressed support of cleaning up the property across Atascadero Ave. from the library but urged the Council to use caution in the development of the property. Becky Pacas, 4305 San Benito Road, expressed her opposition to the proposed policies. Henry Engen, 9575 Lakeview Drive, read from a prepared statement expressing his concerns with the proposed policy that would provide for 22 units of housing per acre. (Attachment B) Alan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way, stated he supports affordable housing but cautioned the Council to create policies that would result in affordable housing and not just increased densities. Steve LaSalle, Atascadero, expressed his concern with the increase in housing costs in the past year. He feels there needs to be very creative approaches to inclusionary housing. Richard Shannon, 5070 San Benito Road,told the Council that Atascadero already allows granny • units and the City only issues 4-5 permits per year, which makes their impact negligible. Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/24/01 Page 2 160 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 Date: 10/09/2001 Additionally, he feels that by allowing higher densities in certain zones, apartments and other high-density housing will stay affordable. • Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. There was lengthy Council discussion on the Policy Options#5A -#5E. Council Member Johnson expressed his opinion that affordable housing is important as well as mandated and he is committed to providing this sort of housing. Council Member Clay stated his support for the second unit pilot program in the SFR-Y zone. He recommended that septic be allowed for this pilot program. Mayor Pro Tem Scalise indicated that she could support a pilot program for second units in the SFR-Y zone, but felt strongly that the CUP process must be utilized. Council Member Luna stated that second units are growth inducing, and their impact on roads must be considered. He expressed concern that the pilot program would go citywide eventually and he would be unable to support this. Council Member Luna indicated his support for the inclusionary housing program. Regarding the units/bedroom ratio, he could support 16 units and a density bonus to 22 units to encourage affordable housing. Mayor Arrambide asked the Council to discuss and vote on Policy Option#5A. • Policy Option #5A Mayor Arrambide expressed his opposition to #5A. There was a discussion regarding allowing septic for second units. Mayor Arrambide asked if the Council Members could support an affordable rental rate for second units. Council Member Luna stated that if rents on second units could be required to be affordable, he might be able to support them. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to include the recommended Policy Option 95A - second units, and to include a study of the septic issue and the affordability issue. Motion passed 3:2 by a roll call vote. (Luna and Arrambide opposed) Recommendations Policy Option#5A: 1. Develop Second Unit standards that address the following: lot size (1 acre minimum), size restriction, sewer connection, covered parking, maximum slope, native tree impacts, architectural appearance, setbacks, neighborhood compatibility, Conditional Use Permit • approval process. Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/24/01 - c Page 3 1J ITEM NUMBER: A-2 Date: 10/09/2001 2. Begin with a pilot program to allow second units in the SFR-Y (1 to 1.5 acre lot minimum) land use with annual program report to the Planning Commission. • I Eliminate Guest Houses in the SFR-Y land uses. 4. Continue to allow guest Houses in the SFR-X, SFR-Z and SSF land uses. Policy Option #5B: Affordable Housing — Mixed Use Multi-Family Residential in Retail District. Mayor Pro Tem Scalise suggested that for consistency, rather than refer to the land use as Multi- Family Residential, it be called High-Density Residential. Mayor Arrambide expressed his concern with allowing exclusive high-density residential development along El Camino Real and its impact in the pedestrian atmosphere in the downtown area. Council Member Clay also stated his concerns with allowing high-density residential along El Camino Real (Recommended Option #4.) and felt that this would restrict zoning to either all residential or all commercial; he prefers the idea of mixed use. He would like to see #4 eliminated. MOTION: By Council Member Clay to accept the Planning Commission's Recommendation#5B, eliminating#4. Motion failed by the lack of a second. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Scalise to approve the Planning Commission Recommendations plus: 1) inclusion of language to protect key commercial corners from residential development, 2) designation of the areas in which this will be allowed, and 3) change of the term Multi-Family Residential to High-Density Residential. Motion passed 3:2 by a roll-call vote. (Clay and Luna opposed) Recommended Policy Option #5B: 1. Allow mixed-use multi fafaily residential projects within the Commercial Retail and Commercial Professional zoning districts as a conditionally allowed use. 2. Require mixed use residential to be attached, multi-family type development. 3. Require all residential projects along Morro Road to include a commercial or office storefront along the street frontage with parking to the rear. 4. Allow exclusive v.,.,'� high-density residential development along El Camino Real. • Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/24/01 - Page 4 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 Date: 10/09/2001 Policy Option #5C: Affordable Housing—Multi-Family Density (units vs. bedrooms) • Council Member Johnson stated that he would like to see a spread of options as to the correct number, but with the emphasis placed on giving benefits to affordable housing. Council Member Clay indicated that he is in favor of the 16 units with bonuses for affordable housing of 25% or more. He would like to see a built in bonus for superior projects that provide areas for recreation and other amenities. Mayor Pro Tem Scalise expressed her support for basing density on units and feels the Planning Commission recommendations are in line with surrounding areas. She supports the density recommendation of 22 units. Council Member Luna stated he couldn't support this policy unless it is 16 units per acre and a density bonus for affordable housing. Mayor Arrambide indicated that while 22 units per acre is not unreasonable, he would like to see that 22 made up of a composite of 16 units per acre and then a density of 6 guaranteed affordable housing deed-restricted for senior housing or handicapped. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to convert bedrooms to units, the number of units allowable to be 16 with the density bonus of up to six units per acre plus the possibility of two extra units depending upon exemplary design characteristics. . Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Recommended Policy Option# 5C: 1. Recommend that multi-family densities be calculated by units rather than bedrooms. 2. Recommend increasing the maximum allowable multi-family density to 22 unite 16 units/ac in certain areas with a density bonus of up to six units per acre plus two extra units for exemplary design characteristics. Policy Option 95D: Affordable Housing—Senior Housing MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Scalise to approve the Planning Commission Recommendation. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Recommendation Policy Option 45D: 1. Recommend that the General Plan provide a density bonus incentive for deed-restricted senior housing development projects and that staff look into various options for such. • Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/24/01 - Page 5 163 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 Date: 10/09/2001 Policy Option #5E: Affordable Housing—Inclusionary Housing Council Member Johnson stated that the language in this option referring to "similar to the City • of San Luis Obispo" should be left open-ended to include good programs elsewhere. Mayor Pro Tem Scalise indicated that she would like to see specifics for both residential and commercial projects. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Mayor Arrambide to accept the Planning Commission's recommendation for inclusionary housing with the elimination of "similar to the City of San Luis Obispo," and to address both residential and commercial projects. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Recommended Policy Option#5E: 1. Consider the adoption of an inclusionary affordable housing program similar to tlxtyef San Luis Obispo that addresses both residential and commercial proiects. MayorArrambide called a recess at 9:15 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 9:35 p.m. Policy.Option #9: Downtown Mixed Use Parking Standards Planning Services Manager Warren Frace provided the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Richard Shannon, Atascadero, indicated a problem with parking standards in that the parking standards for mixed uses in the downtown are the same as they are for multi-family at the edge of the City. Because there are many small lots in the downtown, it would be difficult to hold them to the same standards as an apartment complex. Joanne Main, 8940 San Gabriel Road, expressed her support for addressing the parking issue in the Downtown. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to send this option back to the Planning Commission to be looked at again with recommendations back to the Council including the utilization of an in-lieu fee. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. • Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/24/01 f Page 6 16 4 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 Date: 10/09/2001 Recommended Policy Option#9: 1. Review the parking standards for mixed-use residential development is within the Downtown land use designation as part of the General Plan Update. Policy Option#10: Colony Home Preservation Planning Services Manager Warren Frace provided the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Livia Kellerman, encouraged the Council to look at preserving the neighborhoods containing Colony Homes as well as preserving the homes. Lon Allan, 6815 Santa Lucia, representative of the Atascadero Historical Society, stated there are approximately 350 Colony Homes still standing in Atascadero. He stated the Society endorses this policy. Steve LaSalle, stated he supports the preservation of the Colony Homes. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period • Council Member Clay would like to see the policies include provisions for movingColony Y homes both on their lots and to other locations. Mayor Arrambide endorsed the idea of considering historic neighborhoods for the Colony homes. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve the Planning Commission Recommendation on Policy Option #10. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Recommended Policy Option #10: 1. The General Plan will include policies for the historic preservation for Atascadero Colony homes. Policy Option #3: PD-7 District Expansion Planning Services Manager Warren Frace provided the staff report and answered questions of Council. • Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/24/01 Page 7 165 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 Date: 10/09/2001 PUBLIC COMMENT Alan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way, asked for clarification on the zones where PD-7 would be • permitted and the lot sizes required. Mr. Thomas felt that using the standard of "lots or contiguous ownership of 2+ acres"would work against affordability. Kelly Gearhart, 6205 Alcantara, stated he supports the PD program, which he feels provides for affordability and nicer projects. Alan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way, indicated that though he agrees with some of Mr. Gearhart's comments he still feels that this does work against affordability. He would encourage the construction of more condominiums and apartments. Richard Shannon, Atascadero, stated the PD-7 is the best tool Atascadero has had for the last few years to promote affordability. Livia Kellerman expressed her concern with PD-7 districts being open to the entire town. She feels that this would go against the goal of slower growth. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. Council Member Luna stated that the PD-7, while providing additional single-family housing, has done so at the expense of apartments and other multi-family housing. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay • to approve the Planning Commission Recommendations for Option #3. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed) Recommended Policy Option 93: 1. Recommend that standards for a new PD-7 type overlay district be developed for the SFR-X land use designation in order to allow small lot single-family infill development. 2. Recommend that RMF property meeting the following standards be preserved as "prime" multi-family areas for apartment development and preclude conversion to PD-7. a. Lot size: Lots or contiguous ownership of 2+ acres b. Slope: Below 10% c. Arterial or collector street access d. Neighborhood compatibility with apartment development. Policy Option #8: Lot Size Inconsistencies Planning Services Manager Warren Frace provided the staff report and answered questions of Council. • Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/24/01 - Page 8 166 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 Date: 10/09/2001 PUBLIC COMMENT • Alan Thomas, Marchant Way, supports limiting this option to the SFR-Y for the study. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period Mayor Pro Tem Scalise stated that she would support including both SFR-Y and SFR-Z. Council Member Clay indicated that correcting lot size inconsistencies was one of the main reasons he supported the General Plan Update process. Because some of the one-acre or more lots can be split under the current rules, he does not support including the SFR-X zone. He supports including the SFR-Y and SFR-Z zones or rezoning all to SFR-Y. MOTION: By Council Member Clay to approve the recommended option with the addition that staff look at the most egregious areas in the SFR-Z and SE zone for the possible recommendation to change those to Y. Motion failed for lack of a second MOTION: By Council Member Johnson to approve the option as recommended. Motion failed for lack of a second MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to • develop a customized PD overlay process to be applied to individual lots that are inconsistent with surrounding lots both in the Y, Z and SE zones. Motion passed 3:2 by a roll-call vote. (Luna and Arrambide opposed) Recommended Policy Option 1. Develop a customized Planned Development (PD) overlay process that could be applied to individual lots that are inconsistent with surrounding lots. REFINED LAND USE PLAN MAP Planning Services Manager Warren Frace provided the staff report covering the three areas of the map and answered questions of Council. MAP—North End PUBLIC COMMENT Ursula Luna, asked when a map would be available which would reflect the density increases, and if an actual holding capacity number would be available at some point. • Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/24/01 = Page 9 167 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 Date: 10/09/2001 Council Member Luna stated that conservation policies should apply to the Salinas River area and wildlife corridors should be required for all areas including the open space parcels. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem • Scalise to approve the North End Map including the Carizzo Road extension, including studying the office section on the corner of the school property and including equestrian access. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed) MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to go past 11:00 p.m. Motion passed 4:1 by a voice vote. (Luna opposed) MAP—Central Core PUBLIC COMMENT—None MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve the Central Core Map. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed) MAP—South End PUBLIC COMMENT • Alan Thomas, Marchant Way, encouraged the Council to increase the total public park space. With increases in density, more park space than is currently planned will be needed to keep pace with current ratios. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. Council Member Luna expressed his agreement with Mr. Thomas' comments on increasing park space. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve the South End Map. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed) MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Scalise to approve the draft Resolution to reflect those changes made on each segment of the map. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed) (Resolution No. 2001-036) • Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/24/01 - Page 10 168 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 ADJOURNMENT: Date: 10/09/2001 • Mayor Arrambide adjourned the meeting at 11:35 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, September 25, 2001. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk Attachment A—Lana Adams Attachment B—Henry Engen, 9575 Lake View Drive Attachment C—Becky Pacas (Statement given to City Clerk but not read into Minutes) Attachment D—Dorothy F. McNeil (Statement given to City Clerk but not read into Minutes) • • Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/24/01 = Page 11 169 Attachment : A Special City Council Mtg 9/24/01 • September 20, 2001 City Council Members, As the Chair of the Atascadero Youth Task Force,the District Five Appointee to the Children's Services Network, and management of youth and family development at the Economic Opportunity Commission I am a part of, and represent a large contingency and voice who seldom speak before the Council. I came last Monday to address Policy Option#5 Affordable Housing. Listening throughout the evening I heard no one voice opposition to providing "affordable housing"but there were and are many questions and concerns as to what"affordable housing"is and how do we provide that rather than giving developers the opportunity to further drive the market up. In fact increasing the supply of housing will assist in moderating the cost of housing but there needs to be more. Perhaps a definition, or at least a clear understanding, as to what"affordable"housing is needs to be included in the General Plan. "Affordable"would hopefully represent a diversity of populations, including low income, in entry-level housing. Perhaps • developers should not be given the choice to pay in-lieu fees but rather provide the 3% low and 5%moderate cost dwelling units. Is it even possible to develop standards, guidelines or regulations to do this? Though I originally came to support the adoption of a General Plan that provides for affordable housing I now see that there needs to be more clarity, if that is at all possible, on this issue and urge the Council to address that as this goes on to the consultants. Sincerely, Lana Adams 170 Attachment : B Special City Council Mtg . 9/24/01 • City Council Meeting September; 2001 W-name=ls Henry Engen and I live at 9575 Lake View Drive. xt - pita f.ali the public iepu&.-whereya-vast majority of people in Atascadero said they wanted to retain our small town, rural character, you continue to go in the opposite direction. he onty.. clange-in,packagingthat I've4mlved-is that the "Refined Land Use Alternative" has become the "Preferred Land Use Alternative." Well, thec*Wpeoplewho.really prefer it are the land speculators that you seem intent on rewarding. -done the- mathon impact of the ill-advised 22 units per acre multi-family density standard recommended by the planning commission. Ander-the- current. standard, full build-out of multi- family zoning would--add 121600 persons to the City's population. However,-'at 22 units- per acre--which isn't based on bedroom count--the tbeoreticaFholding­capacity,becomes 30,300.,-people (520 ac. x 22 units/ac.=11,440 units x 2.65 persons /unit=30,300 Speople)!:you really want to more than double the population capacity of the city tollover-.60,000-people?-Although this figure is the theoretical maximum population, it becomes conservative when you consider that it,doreflect the impact-of-allowing development ofFapartments in.the 460 acres zoned commercial in the "Preferred" plan. And why would we want to copy the density standards of_Paso Robles,..San.Luis.Obispo, or Pismo Beach? It needs to.be..emphasized that the population holding capacity of the 1992 General Plan is44,-50-persons, and that number is the figure the Ata sero- Mutual- Water Company. has used for planning purposes. Allowing apartments to be built at 22-units-per-acre doesnl.make naaJ"tascadero. And defftdelude-yourself-by- hiding ..under the notion of providing AAffdrda le,-Housi.ng!% , for. the-- Great Atascadero�;Density Giveaway doesn't require one- dwellingunit caffordable housing in exchange for density giveaway. • ,hisu, whole;:planning- process` has been driven by the council majority's desire to __honor the density increase requests of a handful of your --- ----------- supporters. .;That's m shameful. ore than wrong; it's 171 Attachment : C 3-0d Special City Council Mtg 9/24/01 Becky Pacas • 4305 San Benito Rd. Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I sympathize with those supporting affordable housing in Atascadero; however, it will not be accomplished with the Planning commission's recommendations for this rewrite. The city is handing out tremendous entitlements for density, without affordability requirements. In a similar situation, in the face of developer's promises of homes starting at 169 thousand dollars, the city handed out density entitlements without affordability requirements, and we have a project whose homes are selling for over 400 thousand dollars. The current proposals will make it even worse. Recently, in anticipation of the entitlements that the Planning Commission has proposed in the General Plan rewrite, there is a simple old home on our block that is listed at 565 thousand dollars. If your proposed changes are imposed they will result in a potential three lots, and you can easily see that at almost 200,000 dollars per building lot, it is impossible for any developer to provide affordable housing. Similarly, in the highest density areas of the city where we currently have a maximum of 16 bedrooms per acre, or between five to eight housing units per acre, the prices will also skyrocket and the developers will need to build the new maximum of 22 housing units, without affordable housing, in order to pay the cost of the land. In contrast, if the city leaves the current housing densities on all properties, but offers reasonable incentives for moderate income housing, it is much more likely that developers sincerely interested in building moderately priced housing will be able to do so. The city could also offer to match the density bonus for low income housing that the state offers, if they honestly wanted to meet the state's quota for affordable housing. Atascadero could even look at deed restrictions to sell to Atascadero residents before handing out density entitlements. If Atascadero chose to adopt any of these policies instead of the proposed density increases, the city could provide a great deal more affordable housing than it could with the current proposed changes, meanwhile, imposing very little increase in Atascadero's planned housing density. The Update, in it's current form, would undermine future efforts to provide affordable housing; however, it does provide high housing densities not only in the center • of the city, but also at the poles of the city, that set a precedent to expand and fill - - 172 in, at least the entire east side of Atascadero with uncomfortably high housing • densities. Even Paso Robles with its fast paced growth that strains its school district, does not have a Housing Element that is compliant. In Los Angeles County only 10 out of 80 cities have housing elements in compliance. They followed your methods and produced crowding, but not affordable housing. This General Plan Rewrite is a step toward being like 85% of the Los Angeles County cities, that are crowded and still can not meet their quota of affordable housing. Don't crowd us! Eliminate the policies that increase housing density but don't guarantee affordable housing. Eliminate the unnecessary entitlements that increase density and disturb so many of your residents. Stop promoting the deception that these density Increases promote - affordable housing. Don't ruin our General Plan. • 173 Attachment : D Special City Council Mtg 9/24/01 September 2L 20C1 Atascadero City Council • From Dorothy MclNeil Honorable Council : Since it is impossible for me to attend yet ahother one of these off-ni;--ht meetings , I ask that the City Clerk or someone else read my brief statement . The two proposals from you which cause great concern are the second units all over the city, thus making Atascadero unique in that it will have no single fc.mily neighborhoods . I doubt that most people who came here expected it to become a totally rental city. Not only .,ill the second unit be rented, but many of those who prefer single family areas will sell or rent , and speculators from here and out of town will have a field day? If you think the roads are bad ncw, try to imagine their condi- tion with major population increases. Also, you lied to us when you said the white areas were out- side the study for the Rewrite. The other concern I have, among NANY,is the effort to make all lots in town the same size. That is such a ludicrous proposal that it doesn't deserve comment . You must have listened to someone from la la land i•n.enYA�:tollowed him on that stupid idea. The g,.eography of this town could never accept it . Forget it ! This whole Rewrite process has been anything but open, honest and intelligent . The citizens of Atascadero deserve, and have had in the past ,much better treatment . Doroth.—y F. lc1,leil • 174 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 2140 'an 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 53 Atascadero City Council David G. Graham, EA City Treasurers Agenda Report RECOMMENDATION: City Treasurer recommends the City Council approve the City Treasurers reports for the following periods: August 2001 DISCUSSION: The City's investment policy, section VII, states in part that, "it is expected that yields on City investments will regularly meet or exceed the average return on a two-year U. S. Treasury note". We have added a new graph with the August Treasurer's report that will assist the council in evaluating the portfolio performance against this benchmark. The new graph plots the City investment yield against the benchmark yield, on a monthly basis, for the most current 12-month period. Market conditions: As anticipated the FOMC lowered the Federal Funds Rate by 50 basis points in reaction to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The latest lowering was actually done between meetings of the FOMC, which should emphasize to everyone the seriousness of our current economic pessimism. All economic indicators, and particularly consumer confidence and spending indicate a recessionary period ahead. Even though it has only been two weeks since the last rate cut, most economists are anticipating another 50 basis point reduction in the Federal Discount Rate to be enacted at the FOMC meeting on October 2"d Investment Strategy: The continuing market decline and possible bottoming out calls for a defensive investment strategy. LAIFs mix of long and short-term maturities continue to be the preferred investment for short and medium term funds. For long-term funds it will be important to restrain maturities to coincide with any anticipated tightening by the Federal Reserve, which could occur in from 23 to 35 months. Assuming that we are at or near the bottom of the Federal Funds rate cuts, as • portfolio maturities occur, LAIF, or equivalent medium term CDs and A-1 commercial paper, will offer the necessary flexibility as rates begin to rise. 175 City Treasurer's Report August 2001 David Graham REPORT IN BRIEF: Cash and Investments Checking $ 516,633 Money Market Accounts 5,235 Certificates of Deposit 2,116,335 Government Securities 1,243,030 Corporate Paper - LAIF 13,419,789 Cash with Fiscal Agents 331,682 Cash in Banks at August 31, 2001 $ 17,632,704 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (486,774) Cash and Investments at August 31, 2001 $ 17,145,930 Investment Activity Securities Purchased: • Purchase Date Description Type Cost Maturity Date 8/3/2001 Florida Bank,N.A. CD $ 95,000.00 8/4/2003 8/13/2001 Darby Bank and Trust CD 95,000.00 2/13/2004 8/15/2001 First Commercial Bank CD 99,000.00 8/15/2003 8/21/2001 F.N.M.A. Gov't Security 250,000.00 8/21/2003 8/30/2001 Wauwatosa Savings Bank CD 95,000.00 2/18/2003 Securities Matured: None Securities Sold/Called Prior to Maturity: None Other Reportable Activities: None • 176 Page 1 of 9 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT CASH&INVESTMENTS ACTIVITYSUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF A UGUST 2001 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at August 1, 2001 $ 578,016 $ 17,482,768 $ 143,367 $ 18,204,151 Receipts 835,841 188 435 836,464 Disbursements (1,407,911) (1,407,911 Transfers In 1,332,567 634,000 187,880 2,154,447 Transfers Out (821,880) (1,332,567) - (2,154,447) Balance per Banks at August 31, 2001 $ 516,633 $ 16,784,389 $ 331,682 17,632,704 • Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (486,774) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 17,145,930 • Page 2 of 9 177 Cl In 1�0 O 00 O O OO_ O O O C 00 M 00 O O O O M O O l� N M cl� O O O O O O O t oo C\ CN C\ CN CN N C\ C\ °vim M !moi F+ c3 ca od O N cl a3 cl O O C13 cd C C C C C C C C 'C V �L A c, Wn �o 0 0 0 0 o O O o O 00 M V o 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 V r O CN CN � C\ C CD CN C\ Q 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ca O r O O O O O O O O kn > 00 Vr �y 7 10 vl V b w W o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cc c3 000 O OV^ 7 O� V I: N O � C C Q � q 4 O W U GLS O C� cy h ca a ca a r, s as � at a o H z W C C C C = = C c c d C w J ti � h h , F. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c o 0 C C o aci C C v a¢i a0 c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E" > L' co m cs Csie YN is E cais = T U U U U U U U a U U ej t: > u Q cu ami U o ami Q v� U U U U U U U C7 U U W 0` O 0% 0 0 W o 0co cl0CN C) 0 0 o U K = M !20000 ON N N C% '\V o_o r N N omq �. 4 r. u a u w 0 C es � eCC rol r .a o Cq .a 00rn 0 Y _ y �' U ece z o Z cl x u x c cc a Z v c oclX °� G� o o co x Mxt r > o d 9 ti co Cu. ami y L c c �, � c U cd �. a •� c ono o L 0 0 0 3 u u c o c v o ee o c b o a . o .oi j Ca cQ Z U F .a a fs. C� ;:3S U U Gr, U .� Cq d U 04m cx Er N N N N N O O O O O O O e3 O N M O Z N O C C\i� G1 O N N M It �V \-o _ � r � 7- C> 0 0 0 C-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LQ kn In C^q CN ON 0 0 0 o M o 0 0 0 0 0 � � N • � 69 ro 0 ro ro 00 o ro ro ro ro ro ro j c c c c 00 c c c c c c tom„ Q N C � 4 A C) O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 V j � CN CN CN CN CN C\ CN CN ON o CN q o o a o e o 0 0 o a o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w o v, no wl o n key n o o w) o V1 N Vy v1 Vl � M Vl r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O C1 O v1 O N V'1 V ry ro ro ` cz cd cls ca ca cc* m ca Cl M W Q T w Z u cqa tr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C o VZ aQi a4i Ia. cu Ca. a aai t� a¢i aCLi v aai V A A A A A A A A A A 0 A w w w w w w w w w w w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y W v i 2 a� 2 aj co cacl cls '�i c cs E ca U U U U U U U U U U c, U L.' t: t: L' L L' t: > U U U U U U U U U U C7 U 0\ o ^ o o\ o '" ON CN,Q o0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 ON N N N N N N N N [� N N N r- c+\1 N ^ N N M N N r- N oo M — vi t� n o0 o Go c 4 ea c Z cl ucl cca Uc a e>e clF V •p ai y U E y .Y U Pa cca tx ece q c Z o c 0 d race Ca Ocj ca cl ro • x3 aE= 33 v � � 3 z � xr� •aw Gz. F �. z w � v � a N M M M M M M MM M M M Gy O O O_ O O O O O O O O O N O 22 O N N N O In N N N en vl l� 0000 0000 0000 - O q o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 179 ZO O O 0 0 O 0000 000 000 n O O O oo O O M V V O O Q W G1 OO C\ r- � In 00 M Cl) N N V [� 5A fR O hw CIS as j C C C C C en C C M C N N N N v1 V1 � U s9 o U Cd O O O O O O O 00 00 tn O W U y W V C% C\ ra V N N N 00 M M .-i j �t U 0Cd -" u E 5 x 69 F/9 T ti 0 'L7 ° ` > O o 'vii ovi 000 0 0 o °0 Q- a. a� 00 [� V', vl b V N cd V V 00 `d 'o W h o 0 0 0 0 0 h 0 r V' 0 O C cd 3 b y C � LZ O C;n h O ° h (. 0 0 0 Y 0 u u 4. F, 4 0 0 0 = o Y C U U u u > C .� > > caU v� C7 U U U 0 C7 F «_ > 3 ; � rrQ h O N O cq C O O cz O \•O V O O R w b q M M ►� (� � 00 � � � OU � V w 0 V .4 c u Q °� Cd O ..� M y m L U y �I c0CU12 ti j X C .. O O ed o z .a v .a M F •o 0 > a� V +' c N C v, w C vi E M z M c� °' i C o l z y y �.. O [� ti ti W ed C c d o o Q .r E. 0. V aCL U 4t cqsN > . l ami i s i y a, z ❑ a b LS V1 > � L7 y .� z Cdw sU cru Ow A > D � cz, U rev ccx y ycd •G vOi C O > h V v1 in r C Lv O O O O O �O C c1 'O Y h o o M cn cq h Q N O N O O O O O O 3 > •^y am N �. d City of Ataseadero Investments by Type • August 2001 Gov't Corporate Securities Paper Cash with � 0 Certificates of Deposit 0 0% Fiscal 12% Agent Other 2% 0% • LAIF 79% Investment August 2001 LAIF $ 13,419,789 Certificates of Deposit 2,116,335 Government Securities 1,243,030 Corporate Paper - Cash with Fiscal Agent 331,682 Other 5,235 $ 17,116,071 • Page 6 of 9 1�i City of Ataseadero Investments by Maturity August 2001 • Within One One Month Month to One Year One to lora 6% Five Years 13% On Demand • 80% Investment August 2001 On Demand $ 13,425,024 Within One Month 134,126 One Month to One Year 1,004,948 One to Five Years 2,220,291 $ 16,784,389 • Page 7 of 9 182 City of Ataseadero Investments by Custodial Agent • August 2001 Gibraltar Securities Riverway Trust Bank of Penson Financial Corp. 10% Trust New York 8% 2% City of Atascadero 0% • State of California 79% Custodial Agent August 2001 State of California $ 13,419,789 Penson Financial Corp. 1,341,524 Gibraltar Securities 1,789,950 Riverway Trust 187,380 Bank of New York 331,682 City of Atascadero 45,746 $ 17,116,071 • Page 8 of 9 City of Atascadero Investment Yield vs. 2-Year Treasury Yield For the Year Ended August 31, 2001 • 7.00% 6.00% _- 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% - --- - - 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% • �O �O �O ,y0 ,y0 ry0 00 ,y0 IVO 0 0° �� aN Q o So )a v � P - -City Yield * 2-Yr Treasury Yield 2-Yr Treasury City Yield Yield September 2000 6.54% 5.95% October 2000 6.55% 5.89% November 2000 6.56% 5.58% December 2000 6.56% 5.13% January 2001 6.34% 4.70% February 2001 6.17% 4.53% March 20001 6.03% 4.29% April 2001 5.85% 4.39% May 2001 5.47% 4.32% June 2001 5.14% 4.34% July 2001 4.83% 3.83% • August 2001 4.74% 3.63% Page 9of9 184 ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 10/09/2001 �9 a r a . ATAsr�n�% Atascadero City Council Consent Item — Community Development Department Tentative Parcel Map 2001-0015 (AT 01-014) 3475 Maricopa Road (Brebes/Wilson Land Surveys) RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommends: 1. The Council accept Final Parcel Map 2001-0015 (AT 01-014); and, 2. Reject without prejudice, the public utility easement (P.U.E) shown on Final Parcel Map 2001-0015 • DISCUSSION Tentative Parcel Map 2001-0015 was approved by the Planning Commission on July 3, 2001. The subdivision approved the division of a 7.28-acre lot into two parcels, 2.66 acres (gross area) and 4.62 acres (gross area) each. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 66440 the approving legislative body (City Council) can not deny a final map that is consistent with an approved tentative map. The legislative body is also required to accept, accept subject to improvement or reject, on behalf of the public, any real property offered for dedication for public use in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. A Public Utility Easement is being offered on Final Map 2001-0015 to fulfill a Condition of Approval issued by the City Engineer. The City Engineer recommends the City Council reject without prejudice the public utility easement. Staff has determined that the Final Parcel Map is consistent with approved Tentative Parcel Map. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A: Final Tentative Parcel Map 2001-0015 (AT 01- 014) 185 L . ITEM NUMBER: . &-4 Exhibit a Final Pare ■a 2001-0015(ATo-1a . . . . 3475 Maricopa Road se_IWilson Land Surveys - / 1 h :kit 6\ he � � § � - : / k » | I. f i el I • ® �) . j ` . < �/ K 'A. - . ►� � ' . sill\ 2i . . . . . . .41 . . ITEM NUMBER: A-5 _-_ DATE: 10/09/01 • Ti�� rr ,ass�!r �, 1 Atascadero City Council Staff Report — Community Services Department Teen After-School Program Agreement with San Luis Obispo County RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo Department of Social Services to fund the Recreation, Education and Community (R.E.C.) program for fiscal year 2001-2002. DISCUSSION: The City of Atascadero, Department of Community Services currently conducts the Recreation, Education and Community (R.E.C.) program, a free After-School Program for teens, on the campus of Atascadero Junior High School. This program provides free directed and supervised activities for Atascadero teens. Last fiscal year, the County of San Luis Obispo Department of Social Services provided the funding for this program. Previously, funding was provided jointly by the City of Atascadero and the Atascadero Unified School District. The attached agreement will continue the current funding arrangement for fiscal year 2001-2002. The City, County and the School District have several goals in providing the R.E.C. program, some of which include: ■ To increase school youth resiliency and potential for long-term success by providing effective after-school programs that promote critical development assets. ■ To provide a safe, accessible and affordable environment for these programs. ■ To increase school success with after-school support and the integration of challenging, positive experience into the learning process. ■ To strengthen positive connections between youth and community through the integration of the public, private and non-profit sectors of the community including the arts, recreation, higher education and business. ■ To promote self-confidence, competency, and leadership through regular youth community • services. ■ To improve the overall health of youth through prevention programming addressing gang and violent activity, substance abuse, and overall health issues. 187 ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 10/09/01 ■ To limit the number of juvenile contacts with Law Enforcement during the after-school • hours, a time when a majority of juvenile crimes occur. The County of San Luis Obispo, Department of Social Services (DSS) also desires the outcomes mentioned above and has again offered to provide forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00) in funding for the R.E.C. program during the fiscal year 2001-2002. County DSS staff who participate on the Atascadero Youth Task Force sought these funds from the County of San Luis Obispo in order to expand the R.E.C. program because it may potentially increase the number of Ca1WORKS participants who work. By providing safe directed activities for teens after school, some Atascadero Ca1WORKS participants may have additional incentive to work, as an adequate and dependable supply of childcare and after-school programs help contribute to increased work productivity for parents as well as decreased tardiness and absenteeism. The City of Atascadero is not obligated under the terms of this agreement to verify any of the specifically stated desired outcomes. Specific performance measures have been established this year to monitor the success of the R.E.C. program. These performance measures are the following: 1. Pre and post-tests for 50% of students attending and will demonstrate a 25% increase in developmental assets. 2. The R.E.C. program will serve 30 to 50 youth daily. 3. Positive connections between students and the community will be measured counting the number of community-based contacts made available, with a minimum of eight (8) r contacts. 4. Female attendance will demonstrate a 10% increase from the previous year. 5. To reduce the number of after-school discipline or detention incidents by 10%. City of Atascadero staff will work closely with Atascadero Unified School District staff to monitor our progress toward achieving the above stated performance measures. Staff is recommending that the City Council authorize this agreement between the City of Atascadero and the County of San Luis Obispo Department of Social Services, which will allow for the continued funding of the R.E.C. program. FISCAL IMPACT: None. Approval of the proposed Agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo, will provide the City of Atascadero with $40,000.00 during Fiscal Year 2001/2002, to fund after-school recreation programs for teens on the campus of Atascadero Junior High School. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment#1- Draft Contract between the City of Atascadero and the County of San Luis • Obispo Department of Social Services 188 Contract#C045 2001 • SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR AN AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM This contract is entered into this day of , 2001, by and between the County of San Luis Obispo (hereinafter referred to as "County") and the City of Atascadero (hereinafter referred to as"Contractor"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS,the County of San Luis Obispo has need for activities and programs in the North County area, served by the Atascadero Unified School District that has one Junior High School serving approximately 900 adolescents,to keep Junior High School students involved and engaged during the after school hours;and WHEREAS,the after-school program called R.E.C.(Recreation,Education and Community) will include key components that will focus on assisting these students to improve performance in core academic subjects, address safety and at-risk factors such as gang and drug involvement, offer a variety of opportunities and choices in a supervised setting, including sports and recreation, enrichment activities, homework and computer clubs, arts and crafts, leadership and community service; and • WHEREAS, the R.E.C. program will build supportive environments where students can thrive, develop and maximize their personal assets. The program will focus on academic performance,development of social and interpersonal skill,and opportunities to develop civic skills, to become socially responsible, and to experience their own capacity to make a difference through community service; and WHEREAS,Contractor is specifically trained,experienced,expert and competent to perform such special services; and WHEREAS, San Luis Obispo County expects the following community-wide outcomes: • To increase school youth resiliency and potential for long term success by providing effective after-school programs that promote critical development assets. • To provide a safe, accessible and affordable environment for these programs. • To increase school success with after-school support and the integration of challenging, positive experience into the learning process. • To strengthen positive connections between youth and community through the integration of the public, private and non-profit sectors of the community including the arts, recreation,higher education and business. • 1 189 Contract#C045 2001 • To promote self-confidence, competency, and leadership through regular youth • community services and service learning. • To improve the overall health of youth through prevention programming addressing gang and violent activity, substance abuse, and overall heath issues, and WHEREAS, San Luis Obispo County Department of Social Services expects the following goals to be achieved: • To increase the number of CaIWORKs participants who work. (Employment will be stimulated because the R.E.C.program will provide a necessary service that will allow additional CaIWORKs participants to be able to enter or remain in the work force.) • To increase the earnings of CaIWORKs participants in Northern San Luis Obispo County. • Participants employed in non-subsidized jobs will continue to be self-sufficient. • To increase work force productivity. (An adequate and dependable supply of childcare and after-school programs contributes to increased work productivity for parents as well as decreased tardiness and absenteeism.) WHEREAS, San Luis Obispo County Department of Social Services will ensure that the • attainment of all goals specified in this Contract shall be documented by utilizing the following performance measurements: • Pre and post-tests for 50%of students attending will demonstrate a 25%increase in developmental assets, i.e. self-confidence, leadership, etc. • The R.E.C. Program will have a daily after school program, serving 30 to 50 youth daily. • Positive connections between students and the community will be measured counting the number of community-based contacts made available at each program site per year,with a minimum of eight contacts. • Female attendance will demonstrate a 10% increase from the previous year. • To reduce the number of after-school discipline or detentions needed by 10%. NOW, THEREFORE,the parties mutually agree as follows: 1. Scope of Service. Pursuant to this Contract,Contractor shall provide to the County, the following special services: • 2 190 Contract#C045 2001 • a. The Contractor will serve as the fiscal agent and program manager. b. Students will be reached through already established relationships with Atascadero Junior High School (AJHS) and the Contractor, and through distribution of flyers, direct mailings to AJHS students. (The County will assist in the identification of Ca1WORKs participants.) C. The R.E.C. program will serve approximately 20 to 50 North County Junior High School aged students every weekday afternoon throughout the school year. d. The R.E.C. program will begin immediately upon release of students from Atascadero Junior High School until 5:00p.m. e. Transportation will be made available,as needed,to all participating students, using the most appropriate, effective and efficient method of transportation possible, including but not limited to standard Atascadero Unified School District School bus routes,purchasing CCAT bus system passes,Dial-A-Ride, or the use of a passenger van provided by the Contractor. f. The program staff will facilitate a group meeting and "hangout" time, then . students will choose from a variety of program options designed to both enrich and challenge. Some options will be offered to all, some will be available by personal choice, some will require a once a week commitment. (1) Drop-in Game Room An area will be set aside every day with a variety of board and computer games. (2) Video Lounge Room. An area will be set aside every day of the program for a TV/ VCR to play a variety of movies selected by R.E.C. Program staff. (3) Special Interest Clubs such as a chess club, computer club, science club and others will be conducted once a week by Atascadero Jr.High School teachers and staff. g. The Contractor,with parent and community volunteers will offer a variety of recreation and intra-mural sport activities, including: (1) Soccer (2) Volleyball • 3 1 g� Contract#C045 2001 (3) Kick-ball • (4) Jump-rope (5) Basketball h. Opportunities for leadership development and activity planning will be expanded through group work and low initiative, trust building, and teamwork experiences. (1) The students participating will have an ongoing opportunity to request and implement various program ideas,while developing cooperation, communication, and teamwork skills. i. Community Services projects will be coordinated by R.E.C. Program staffto allow student to participate in a variety of community clean-up and beautification efforts. j. The Chamber of Commerce and the business community will be approached to provide after school mentors and learning experiences from the working world, giving students contact with and the opportunity to learn about the myriad of possibilities within their own communities. k. Both parent and student advisory committees will be established to assure achieving both outreach and feedback/evaluation goals. These groups will play three key roles: (1) To help design the formats and to disseminate information to the broader community with an emphasis on the targeted population. (2) To participate in the ongoing planning process. (3) To play a role in obtaining feedback and implementing continuous improvement. 1. In addition, feedback will be directly sought from the broader community by employing the strategies used for a needs assessment,i.e., surveys and small focus groups with both parent and students. (1) These will be conducted annually in conjunction with special events held as part of the various program components. (2) This will assure diversity of perspectives overseeing and assessing both the success and the need for change in the program. • 4 192 Contract#C045 2001 • 2. Compensation. County shall pay to Contractor as compensation in full for start up expenses and all services performed by Contractor pursuant to this Contract,not to exceed the sum of$40,000(forty thousand dollars),within ten(10) days after receipt of an itemized statement from Contractor required by paragraph 3 herein, which has been previously approved by an appropriate representative of the County department for whom contractor is directly working. 3. Billing. Contractor shall submit to the County, on a monthly basis, a detailed statement of services performed during that preceding period,including the number of hours of work performed. Billings shall be submitted to Gladys Kintz,Fiscal Officer,Department of Social Services, P. O. Box 8119, San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-8119. 4. Term of Contract. This contract shall commence on July 1,2001,and shall terminate on June 30, 2002,unless said work is completed on a date prior thereto or unless terminated earlier as provided herein. Termination of the Contract may be effectuated by the Department Head without the need for action, approval or ratification of the Board of Supervisors. 5. Termination of Contract for Convenience of Either Party. Either party may terminate this contract at any time by giving to the other parry thirty (30) days written notice of such termination. Termination shall have no effect upon the rights and obligations of the parties arising out of any transaction occurring prior to the effective date of such termination. Contractor shall be paid for all work satisfactorily completed prior to the effective date of said termination. • 6. Termination of Contract for Cause. If Contractor fails to perform Contractor's duties to the satisfaction of the County or if Contractor fails to fulfill in a timely and professional manner Contractor's obligations under this Contract or if Contractor shall violate.any of the terms or provisions of this Contract or if Contractor, Contractor's agents or employees fail to exercise good behavior either during or outside of working hours that is of such a nature as to bring discredit upon the County, then County shall have the right to terminate this Contract effective immediately upon the County giving written notice thereof to the Contractor. Termination shall have no effect upon the rights and obligations of the parties arising out of any transaction occurring prior to the effective date of such termination. Contractor shall be paid for all work satisfactorily completed prior to the effective date of such termination. If County's termination of Contractor for cause is defective for any reason,including but not limited to County's reliance on erroneous facts concerning Contractor's performance,or any defect in notice thereof,County's maximum liability shall not exceed the amount payable to Contractor under paragraph 2 above. 7. Equal Employment Opportunity. During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and hereby promises to comply with the provision on contractor agreements contained in Presidential Executive Order Number 11246. 8. Entire Agreement and Modification. This Contract supersedes all previous contracts and constitutes the entire understanding ofthe parties hereto. Contractor shall be entitled to no other 5 193 Contract#C045 2001 benefits than those specified herein. No changes,amendments or alterations shall be effective unless • in writing and signed by both parties. Contractor specifically acknowledges that in entering into and executing this Contract, Contractor relies solely upon the provisions contained in this Contract and no others. 9. Non-Assignment of Contract. Inasmuch as this Contract is intended to secure the specialized services of the Contractor, Contractor may not assign, transfer, delegate or sublet any interest therein without the prior written consent of County and any such assignment, transfer, delegation or sublease without the County's prior written consent shall be considered null and void. 10. Covenant. This Contract has been executed and delivered in the State of California. and the validity, enforceability and interpretation of any of the clauses of this Contract shall be determined and governed by the laws of the State of California. All duties and obligations of the parties created hereunder are performable in San Luis Obispo County and such County shall be the venue for any action or proceeding that may be brought or arise out of, in connection with or by reason of this Contract. 11. Enforceability. If any term,covenant,condition or provision of this agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated thereby. 12. Employment Status. Contractor shall, during the entire term of the Contract, be • construed to be an independent Contractor and nothing in this Contract is intended nor shall be construed to create an employer-employee relationship, a joint venture relationship, or to allow County to exercise discretion or control over the professional manner in which Contractor performs the services which are the subject matter of this Contract;provided always however that the services to be provided by Contractor shall be provided in a manner consistent with all applicable standards and regulations governing such services. Contractor understands and agrees that Contractor's personnel are not and will not be eligible for membership in or any benefits from any County group plan for hospital, surgical or medical insurance or for membership in any County retirement program or for paid vacation,paid sick leave or other leave, with or without pay or for any other benefit which accrues to a County employee. 13. Warranty of Contractor. Contractor warrants that Contractor and each of the personnel employed or otherwise retained by Contractor are properly certified and licensed under the laws and regulations of the State of California to provide the special services herein agreed to. 14. Indemnification. Contractor shall defend,indemnify and save harmless the County of San Luis Obispo, its officers, agents and employees, from any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses,judgments or liability arising out of this contract or attempted performance of the provisions hereof, including but not limited to those predicated upon theories of violation of statute, • 6 194 Contract#C045 2001 • ordinance,or regulation,professional malpractice,negligence,or recklessness including negligent or reckless operation of motor vehicles or other equipment, furnishing of defective or dangerous products or completed operations, premises liability, violation of civil rights and also including any adverse determination made by the Internal Revenue Service or the State Franchise Tax Board with respect to Contractor's "independent contractor" status that would establish a liability for failure to make social security and income tax withholding payments, or any act or omission to act, whether or not it be willful, intentional or actively or passively negligent on the part of Contractor or his agents, employees or other independent contractors directly responsible to Contractor; providing further that the foregoing shall apply to any wrongful acts or any active or passively negligent acts or omissions to act, committed jointly or concurrently by Contractor or Contractor's agents, employees or other independent contractors and the County, its agents, employees or independent contractors. Nothing contained in the foregoing indemnity provision shall be construed to require indemnification for claims,demands,damages,costs,expenses or judgments resulting solely from the negligence or willful misconduct of the County. 15. Insurance. Contractor shall obtain and maintain for the entire term of Contract and Contractor shall not perform any work under this Contract until after he has obtained commercial general public liability insurance, in companies acceptable to the County, authorized to issue such insurance in the State of California. Said insurance shall consist of the following: a. Liability Insurance: Contractor shall maintain in full force and effoct, for the period covered by this Contract, commercial liability insurance. This • commercial general and automobile liability insurance shall include,but not be limited to, protection against claims arising from bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom and damage to property, resulting from any act or occurrence arising out ofContractor's operation in the performance of this Contract, including, without limitation, acts involving vehicles. The amounts ofinsurance shall be not less than the following:single limit coverage applying to bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and property damage,in the total amount of$1,000,000(one million dollars). The following endorsements must be attached to the policy: (1) If the insurance policy covers an"accident"basis, it must be changed to "occurrence." (2) The policy must cover personal injury as well as bodily injury. (3) Blanket contractual liability must be afforded and the policy must contain a cross liability or severability of interest endorsement. (4) The County of San Luis Obispo, its officers, employees and agents shall be named as additional insured under the policy, and the policy • 7 1�� Contract#C045 2001 shall provide that the insurance will operate as primary insurance and • that no other insurance effected by the County will be called upon to contribute to a loss hereunder. b. Workers' Compensation Insurance: In accordance with the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, Contractor, if Contractor has any employees, is required to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self-insurance. Contractor agreed to comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract. C. The following requirements apply to all insurance to be provided by Contractor: (1) A certificate of insurance shall be furnished to County prior to commencement of work. Upon request by the County, Contractor shall provide a certified copy of any insurance policy to the County within ten(10)working days. (2) Certificates and policies shall state that the policies cannot be canceled or reduced in coverage or changed in any other material aspect without thirty(30)days prior written notice to the County. Both the insurance company and Contractor shall have a 100% responsibility • and liability to provide the notice to County. (3) Approval ofthe insurance by County shall not relieve or decrease the extent to which the Contractor may be held responsible for payment of damages from Contractor's services or operations pursuant to this Contract. d. If Contractor fails or refuses to procure or maintain the insurance required by this paragraph or fails or refuses to furnish County with required proof that insurance has been procured and is in force and paid for, County shall have the right, at County's election,to forthwith terminate this Contract. 16. Records: a. Contractor shall keep complete and accurate records for the services performed pursuant to this Contract and any records required by law or government regulation and shall make such records available to County upon request. b. Contractor shall assure the confidentiality of any records that are required by law to be so maintained. • 8 196 Contract#C045 2001 • C. Contractor shall prepare and forward such additional or supplementary records as County may reasonably request. 17. Accountinsz. Contractor shall maintain accounting records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The Contractor shall obtain the services of a qualified bookkeeper or accountant to ensure that accounting records meet this requirement. Contractor shall maintain acceptable books of accounts which include,but are not limited to, a general ledger,cash receipts journal,cash disbursements journal,general journal and payrolljournal. Contractor shall record costs in a cost accounting system,which clearly identifies the source of all costs. Contract costs shall not be co-mingled with other project costs, but shall be directly traceable to contract billings to the County. The use ofworksheets to produce billings shall be kept to a minimum. Ifworksheets are used to produce billings, all entries should be documented and clearly traceable to the Contractor's cost accounting records. All accounting records and supporting documentation shall be retained for a minimum of five (5)years or until any audit findings are resolved,whichever is later. Contractor shall safeguard the accounting records and supporting documentation. Contractor shall make accounting records and supporting documentation available on demand to the County for inspection and audit. Disallowed costs shall be repaid to the County. The County may require having the Contractor's accounting records audited, at Contractor's expense, by an accountant licensed by the State of California. The audit shall be presented to the County Auditor- Controller within thirty(30) days after completion of the audit. 18. Notices. Any notice required to be given pursuant to the terms and provisions hereof shall be in writing and shall be sent by first class mail to the County at: Lee Collins, Director Department of Social Services P O Box 8119 San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-8119 (805) 781-1825 and to the Contractor: Mike Arrimbide, Mayor City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero CA 93422 • 9 197 Contract#C045 2001 19. Performance Reports. Written reports shall be submitted monthly by Contractor to • County by the l Oth day of each month succeeding the month within which the report is concerned. The report shall describe the objectives to the services being provided and a means to measure them, plus any problems anticipated in performing said work in the future. Reports are to be submitted to Grace Conklin,Department of Social Services, P.O. Box 8119, San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-8119. 22. Confidentiality. Contractor shall participate in this contract for purposes directly connected with the administration ofpublic social services. Contractor shall assure the confidentiality of any client records that are required by law to be so maintained. Contractor understands that any breach of Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 827 and 10850 may be a criminal misdemeanor. Contractor will not permit access to any confidential client records by any person under Contractor's supervision until he/she has received training in confidentiality and has signed an oath to protect confidentiality of client records. • 10 lg8 Contract#C045 2001 • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, County and Contractor have executed this Contract on the day and year first hereinabove set forth. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CONTRACTOR By: By Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Title: ATTEST: By: Title: By: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By: Deputy Clerk • APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: JAMES B. LINDHOLM, JR. County Co 1 By: Deputy County Counsel Dated: G • (XWC MA\c-ancc trothMscaa�2ool.v44 11 199 ITEM NUMBER: C- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 rl 4 ie a Atascadero City Council Staff Report — Public Works Department Atascadero Road Program RECOMMENDATIONS: City Council: 1) Receive the update on the Atascadero Public Works Department Actions; and 2) Introduce for first reading by title only, the draft Ordinance amending Chapter 15, of the Atascadero Municipal Code, relating to trench cuts; and 3) Approve the Assessment District Program. • REPORT-IN-BRIEF: Atascadero has 141 miles of City Maintained Roads and 29 miles of Non-City Maintained Roads. Our last report estimated the total backlogged maintenance to be more than $25,500,000.00. Road Type Miles of Road Cost Circulation Plan Road 65 $8,789,621 City Maintained Local Roads 76 $9,500,000 Non-City Maintained Local Roads 29 $7,250,000 The Atascadero Road Program is a program to maintain and protect the roads of Atascadero in an organized, efficient and cost-effective manner. This is the fourth City Council meeting on the Atascadero Road Program. The first meeting was a workshop on road maintenance and potential strategies for road repair. The second provided a detailed background on the roads of Atascadero, a breakdown of the road maintenance backlog and alternatives for the repair, maintenance and rehabilitation. The third meeting the Council accepted for maintenance roads that the County had accepted and portions of San Gabriel Road and San Marcos Road. The Council also gave staff direction on trench cuts, development standards and assessment districts. 200 ITEM NUMBER: C- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 Tonight staff will update Council on Public Works Department actions, present for approval programs on trench cuts and assessment districts and present for approval an Ordinance on road improvement requirements for new development. DISCUSSION: I. Atascadero Public Works Department Actions • Hiring new maintenance workers The Public Works Maintenance Division is in the process of recruting two new Maintenance Workers I's. One is a new position funded by Council and the other is to replace a retiring Maintenance Worker. These position will be assigned to the Street Division and help with road maintenance and repair. • Crack Sealing The Public Works Maintenance Division is testing different crack seal machines on Atascadero Streets. The Council funded the purchase of a crack sealing machine in the last budget. Crack Sealing is an important part of a road program. Sealing the cracks will reduce water infiltration under the road surface and increase the life of the road. • • Additional Funding Staff is preparing applications for the 2002 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). One application is for $394,000.00 for road maintenance. These funds will be used to improve roads on the Atascadero Road Program Maintenance List. • Updated Atascadero Road Program Map and Maintenance List (See Attachment A & B) Several road maintenance projects have been completed, many projects are in design and will be constructed this spring. The Atascadero Road Program Map and Maintenance List have been revised to reflect these changes. Projects completed: ➢ El Camino Real Rehabilitation, Santa Rosa to Morro Road ➢ Santa Barbara Road Reconstruction and Overlay, US 101 to El Camino Real ➢ Reconstruction of the intersection of San Gabriel Road and San Marcos Road. Project scheduled for this spring: ➢ Curbaril Overlay, El Camino Real to Atascadero Ave ➢ San Fernando Overlay, Graves Creek Road to Balboa Road Santa Ysabel reconstruction and widening, Curbaril to State Route 41 201 ITEM NUMBER: C- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 ➢ El Camino Real Overlay, Morro Road to Rosario ➢ West Mall Reconstruction and Overlay, El Camino real to Capistrano ➢ Capistrano Overlay, West Mall to Sycamore ➢ Sycamore Overlay, Capistrano to Curbaril Road ➢ Santa Cruz Road Construction ➢ Maintenance District Projects, in maintenance districts II. Trench Repair Program A paved road is constructed by placing an asphalt layer and a base layer over compact native soil. A trench cut occurs when a utility (water, gas, electric, telephone, cable TV, sewer, storm drain or other) is placed in the road after it is paved. The asphalt is cut and removed, a trench is dug, the utility is placed and the trench is back filled and paved over. Poor construction, settling backfill, poor paving and lack of maintenance have all lead to failure of trench repairs. When the trench repair fails and settles it produces a dip in the road and-cracks around the edges of the repair. The dip is uncomfortable to drive over and the cracks allow water to get under the surface of the road. Poor trench repair can lead to a bumpy and uncomfortable ride. Staff proposes the following new Trench Repair Program to insure proper construction and • inspection of trenches. The basic requirements of the Ordinance are: • Encroachment Permits. The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department will now issue encroachment permits. In the past the Community Development Department issued encroachment permits. Any persons working in the right-of-way without an encroachment permit will be stopped and required to obtain an encroachment permit. The fee for the encroachment permit will be the actual cost to administer and inspect the trench repair, including a 1-year bond release inspection. • Inspection. A City inspector will inspect the trench cut. This will include asphalt removal, digging of the trench, bedding of utility, backfill and compaction of trench, placement of base material, saw cut for"T" section and paving. (See Attachment C) • Trench Specifications. Care in removal of existing asphalt and top trench material. Mitigate ground water in the trench. Backfill shall be select material approved by the City Engineer, sand, base or slurry. Native soil will not be allowed in the trench. Proof of compaction of trench backfill. Saw cut and remove asphalt 18 inches from the edges of the trench after the trench is backfilled. Pave to City Standard. • Cash bond and one year inspection. A cash bond will be taken when the encroachment permit is issued. The City will inspect the trench 1-year after the trench is completed. The party that requested the encroachment permit and put up the bond will repair all trench deficiencies discovered at the inspection. This could include crack seal, skin patch, remove and replace trench paving and in extreme cases where the backfill has failed, remove all backfill, replace and repave. 202 ITEM NUMBER: C- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 • Trench Cut Moratorium. There will be a moratorium on trench cuts in a road for 2 years after • it has been paved. The City will publish a two-year paving schedule every year to keep the community and utility companies posted on the planned projects. If a utility needs an emergency repair or new development occurs and the recently paved road needs to be cut the road shall be repaired to the condition prior to the cut, including overlaying the entire road. If these provisions are approved the Public Works Department will meet with local developers, contractors and engineers to explain the new requirements. III. Assessment Districts The funding for road maintenance has increased dramatically over the last four years. The City Council made road maintenance their top priority and allocated State and Local funds to repair the roads. The majority of the funds are targeted at Circulation Plan Roads, arterials and collectors. These are roads the general community use every day, Santa Lucia, Curbaril, West Mall, El Camino Real, San Gabriel, Atascadero Ave. Local City Maintained Roads are maintained by the Public Works Maintenance Division. These are neighborhood roads, Junipero Ave, Llano Road and Arena Road. The Public Works Crew is placing skin patches, crack sealing, fixing potholes and other minor repairs on these roads. The City has 76 miles of City maintained local roads and the Public Works Maintenance Division can not keep up with the volume of work. • Assessment Districts are a tool that can be used to fund improvements for the roads through an assessment on the property tax bill. This assessment is approved by a vote of the parties effected. This tool could be used by neighborhoods to fund paving dirt roads, reconstruction of old roads, the building drainage systems to keep storm water off roads and to provide preventive maintenance on roads as they age. This tool could be used on non-City maintained roads or City maintained roads. A City wide assessment district could be used to repair and maintain the roads of the entire City. This would require an election with 51 percent of the community favoring the assessment district. This would be a significant undertaking. The community survey completed in 1999 indicated that the residents would not support an assessment at a level sufficient to improve the streets. It is possible to gain approval of an assessment and would take community leaders to build consensus and gain community support. Several cities in California have successfully completed City wide assessment districts. In Atascadero some neighborhoods have roads in poor condition and are motivated to fund improvement and maintenance for their roads. The best method to improve and maintain the roads is to approve two assessment districts. One district to improve the road, which would sunset after the costs are paid and one district to maintain the road as needed, this cost would be ongoing. There are several major policy issues that face the City should the assessment district option be • implemented. 203 ITEM NUMBER: C- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 • ❑ Will the City accept the roads following improvement to City standard through the assessment district process. ❑ Who will pay for the up front costs of developing an assessment district? In the past, the City has accepted roads that were improved to City standards. However, in the last several years since the Council has targeted roads and initiated the Atascadero Roads Program, the City has maintained a policy of only accepting roads designated in the General Plan Circulation Element or arterials/collectors. Because the City's current road responsibility is so vast and resources limited no additional local or neighborhood roads have been accepted. Staff would recommend that this policy be continued. It does increase the inventory of non City maintained roads. The costs of developing an assessment district include both out of pocket expenses and labor. This has been one of the major impediments to the creation of assessment districts. Contract engineer services are expensive and the assessment district process requires a great deal of time and product. The City's Public Works Department does not have adequate staff to provide engineering assistance to prospective neighborhoods. Recognizing the Council's direction and desire to develop a standardized approach to assessment districts reducing the financial exposure to neighborhoods staff has developed the following approach. Public Works will assume the lead on assisting localized assessment districts. Staff would prepare press releases about assessment districts inviting assessment district petitions once annually. Coordination of all assessment districts at one time will help reduce cost and staff time. Because of the costs of issuance associated with bond financing a minimum borrowing of $1,000,000 is recommended. Based upon this threshold, staff would only begin an assessment district process if the assessment district or combination of districts exceeds an estimated improvement cost of$1,000,000.00 Prior to the approval for the assessment district there is significant staff time and costs. Staff time would be spent on meetings, preliminary construction estimates, district boundaries, administration with assessment district engineer, staff reports, administration and other tasks. Funds would need to be spent on an assessment district engineer, plans and specifications for the improvments and an engineer's report. The estimated time and expense that would go into a typical assessment district prior to approval are estimated as: • Staff Time 80 hours • Assessment District Engineer Support $3,000.00 • Plans and Specifications $4,000.00 to $10,000.00 • Engineers Report $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 If the assessment district is eventually approved these cost can be rolled into the assessment. If the assessment district is not approved there is no mechanism for reimbursement to the City. The following process is recommended to insure that if an assessment district is requested the • chances of approval are high before the cost and time to the City are too great. This process is detailed in Attachment D. 204 ITEM NUMBER: C- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 Assessment District Program • • An interested property owner meets with the Public Works Department to discuss the program and the requirements. • A package is given to the property owners and a petition circulated to be signed by 60% or more of the affected property owners and presents it to the City Engineer. • If petitions are received for districts representing $1 million or more in improvement costs, the City Engineer will present the informal petition(s) to the City Council. Staff will request direction to: ➢ Draw up the tentative boundaries of an Assessment District ➢ Assess the condition of the existing street ➢ Prepare a preliminary cost estimate for construction of the improvements necessary to repair existing deficiencies and bring the street into substantial conformance with City standards. ➢ Prepare a preliminary cost estimate for continued maintenance of the road. ➢ Estimate the costs of establishing the assessment districts (hiring an Assessment Engineer, hiring Bond Counsel, bond issuance costs, etc.) above and beyond the actual construction costs. ➢ Estimate the yearly cost to each property owner based on an assumed interest rate and amortization period. ➢ Schedule a community meeting with the property owners and present the information and approximate costs. The approximate City costs to this point are estimated to be $3,000.00 and 30 hours of staff time on a one street Assessment District with few issues or protests. The following steps would occur if, after the community meeting with the property owners, the City Engineer determines there is sufficient commitment from the property owners to continue: • A formal petition in conformance with the Municipal Bond Act is circulated. The petition is signed by the requisite number of landowners and filed with the City Clerk. An engineer then certifies that the petition meets legal requirements and files a certificate with the City Clerk. • Civil engineer is hired or staff is directed to design the plans and specifications for the project and the project is sent out to bid. • City Council adopts a Resolution determining to proceed, appointing a engineer and bond counsel to handle the proceedings and a Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements. • Engineer's Report is prepared. • 205 ITEM NUMBER: C- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 . • The Engineer's Report is then filed with the City Clerk and presented to the City Council for approval. City Council adopts a Resolution of Preliminary Approval of the Engineer's Report and appointing a time and place of two public hearings on Engineer's Report. • The first public hearing is conducted for information purposes only. • Ballots are sent to all parties effected by the Assessment District. • The second public hearing is held. The mayor opens the hearing for oral protests or endorsements, and after everyone is heard the public hearing is closed and the matter is subject to City Council deliberation. After deliberation, the following actions are considered: a. If majority protest is filed: 1. The Assessment District fails and this agenda item is closed. 2. Resolution Overruling Protests is adopted. Resolution Approving the Engineer's Report, Ordering the Acquisitions, and Confirming the Assessment is adopted. Resolution Awarding Construction Contract for the improvements is adopted • b. If a majority protest is not filed: 1. Resolution approving the Engineer's Report, ordering the acquisitions, and confirming the assessment is adopted. Resolution awarding construction contract for the improvements is adopted • The improvements are completed. Currently the City Capital Projects Budget has $50,000.00 allocated for Engineer Assessment District Report. These funds could be used for the initial costs discussed in this section of the staff report. Staff is requesting direction on this program. FISCAL IMPACT: Trench Repair Program, There will be some administration costs in setting up the program. Once the program is set up the parties requesting the Trench Cut would pay for all costs. Assessment Districts, There would be costs to the City. This would depend on how many Assessment Districts were requested and how many were approved. • 206 ITEM NUMBER: C- 1 DATE: 10/09/2001 ALTERNATIVES: • Trench Repair Program, Most of the requirements recommended in the Ordinance are already required in the Atascadero Municipal Code but have not been enforced. The new requirement is the 1-year inspection and bond. An alternative would be not to require the 1-year inspection and bond. Assessment Districts, Require the neighborhood to fund the staff time and costs of creating the Assessment District prior to the approval of the District. This would eliminate the financial risk to the City and probably limit the number of Assessment Districts. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment"A"—Atascadero Road Program Map Attachment `B"—Atascadero Road Program Priority List Attachment "C"—Trench Repair Requirements Attachment"D"—Assessment District Initial Letter- Petition Attachment "E" - Draft Ordinance • • 207 - Jf li 1 <mda�vwm "" I t � m 41 Jy - 3 o r F u 2 • O m O a m 0 0 o O N N N LL O 0 0 0 0 o W W o ocn W o 0 0 W N N N N N N N N N N 0 C C NN N O W W W W W N y W W U) W W w N x � uj z 2 H F 22 F 2 2 2 n U U h N (_ U » NN = N N ((n } } a } } } yy } } y *0 } } aiof w 1200 � Ixo 0w w 0: gQ W W o W W w U 0 W W 0 E w w w w w W W 00N0 O 0 W W 0 0 W G 0 O 0 0o O 0 0 0 0 O OAOM 0000000000000000 O p o co 0 V ON 1�0)cl) 0 o N 000 VO 0 ow000000 prn0 M6Ro 00 w00 o 00 0 0 0 0 o O p 0000op Op Or OO69V co M M 00 o tn0p 00400000888888pM0 9 O O O C 00w00 O 000M N0Q)M 070 0 001000'-O if 0000 00!0 .m.. 1f) O {O MOO 00000 O O O O w 0 O N V 0M0 LOO) 'C"-4 C4 0r-w M N M 000 U) V CowMM V C V 1�0N ^wO m 0 ItY r .- r w O C/CD Ln CO O 0) O V N .-NwN W 0 N Mvw V V wOfHM V w '7 rotn(o N N N O M� V Ntn r�M O N P tt to M N O 0 N N h to .-va 6A V M 69 st. 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CUT EDGE WILL BE STRAIGHT AND NEAT IN APPEARANCE. PROVIDE MIN 12" BENCH FINAL INTO UNDISTURBED GRADE2" ASPHALT OTHERWIS MINIMU2 INCHES ROAD BED (BOTH SIDES) MA EXISTING. o�\ o:p0o'—4o —°=0o °- o o- o o� o o e\ °- o e\ ° °- o w\ o o p p . p o p � p � oo o p op .. ' 4 0 � p0: 0 ° po : o '4o � p . — 0o o; o . o 195% RELATIVE COMPACTION } MIN. 6" CLASS 2 - 24" AGGREGATE BASE SEE NOTE BELOWCOMPACTED SAND, APPROVED CONCERNING TRENCH INSTALL,-' GRANULAR MATERIAL OR IN EASEMENTS. MAGNETIC SAND SLURRY TRACER TAPE 90% RELATIVE COMPACTION COMPACTED SAND OR APPROVED GRANULAR MATERIAL. t • ••:•� 6" MIN 6" MIN 8" MAX 8 MAX :.���:.:,•:• :.e�;�: ,:�;; ;• : :.•:•�.. :•�:::. 6" BEL FL I IT A CITY ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND INSPECTION ARE REQUIRED FOR TRENCHING IN PUBLIC OR COLONY GREATEST O.D. DIMENSION AT PIPE JOINTS RIGHT-OF-WAYS. NOTE: A MINIMUM OF 90% RELATIVE COMPACTION IS PERMITTED IN A NON-ROADWAY TRENCH WHEN NO STRUCTURES ARE TO BE BUILT OVER THE TRENCH. IF STRUCTURES ARE TO BE BUILT OVER THE TRENCH, USE RELATIVE COMPACTIONS SHOWN ON THE TRENCH SECTION ABOVE. • DRAWN BY: CITY OF ATASCADERO JAV ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DRAWING NO. DESIGNED BY: SBK D9 25 01 TRENCH REPAIR REQUIREMENTS ^702 FILE NAME: AT702a.D WG Subject: Assessment District— Dear, Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding the maintenance of . What follows is the basic concept, that Public Works is considering, to help the citizens of Atascadero maintain their roads. The impacts of this proposal would be: Considerable staff time if the City Council directs the City Engineer to begin informal assessment district formation proceedings. • Substantial cost to the City, or the property owners, to produce Engineers Report and provide Assessment District professional support. If the District is approved, these costs could be rolled into the District. • It is recommended that, if this program is approved, these requests be processed in groups once a year. The larger the assessment district is, the lower the percentage of costs is administrative, and staff time could be made more efficient. The cost of this requires the property owners to seek financing to fund the necessary improvements and long term maintenance. Formation of assessment districts is one way of obtaining the necessary financing. By forming assessment districts, the cost of the improvements can be amortized over a 15 to 20 year period and the cost of road maintenance would be spread out as long as the district continued. Due to the long-term cost and commitment the property owners must make the City seeks the assurance that 60% or more of the property owners,who will benefit from the improvements, are willing to participate before formal assessment district proceedings are begun. The informal process is as follows: 1. An interested property owner meets with the Public Works Department to discuss the program and the requirements. 2. A package is given to the property owners and a petition circulated to be signed by 60% or more of the affected property owners and presents it to the City Engineer. 3. The City Engineer presents the informal petition to the City Council, and asks that he be directed to: tentative • a. draw up the tenta boundaries of an Assessment District 213 • b. assess the condition of the existing street c. prepare a preliminary cost estimate for construction of the improvements necessary to repair existing deficiencies and bring the street into substantial conformance with City standards. d. prepare a preliminary cost estimate for continued maintenance of the road. e. estimate the costs of establishing the assessment districts (hiring an Assessment Engineer,hiring Bond Counsel,bond issuance costs, etc.) above and beyond the actual construction costs. f. estimate the yearly cost to each property owner based on an assumed interest rate and amortization period. g. schedule a community meeting with the property owners and present the information and approximate costs. The above steps would occur if the City Council directs the City Engineer to begin informal assessment district formation proceedings. These proceedings are to assure the • City that adequate interest still exists in district formation once the approximate cost to the property owners are known. This assurance is necessary since significant City staff time and City costs will be involved. The following steps would occur if, after the community meeting with the property owners, the City Engineer feels sufficient substantial and serious commitment from the property owners to continue: 1. A formal petition in conformance with the Municipal Bond Act is circulated. The petition is signed by the requisite number of landowners and filed with the City Clerk. An engineer then certifies that the petition meets legal requirements and files a certificate with the City Clerk. 2. City Council adopts a Resolution Determining to Proceed. 3. City Council adopts a Resolution Appointing Engineer and Bond Counsel to handle the proceedings. 4. City Council adopts a Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements. Note at this point the proceedings usually stop for a period of a few weeks to • several months while the Engineer prepares the Engineer's Report as directed in the Resolution of Intention. The Engineer's Report can be submitted based 214 on either schematic or detailed plans and specifications, depending on the • desires of the City. 5. Civil engineer is hired or staff is directed to design the plans and specifications for the project and the project is sent out to bid. 6. Engineer's Report is prepared and consists of- a. fa. detailed or schematic plans and specifications of the improvements to be constructed. b. maps and descriptions of lands, easements, and property necessary to be acquired. c. an itemized Engineer's estimate of the cost of acquisitions and improvements. d. a diagram of the assessment district showing each lot or parcel of land within the assessment district. e. an assessment roll showing the actual assessments against the properties benefited. f. a proposed maximum annual assessment to reimburse the City for registration • and administration of expenses. 7. The Engineer's Report is then filed with the City Clerk and presented to the City Council for approval. 8. City Council adopts a Resolution of Preliminary Approval of the Engineer's Report. 9. City Council adopts a Resolution Appointing Time and Place of two public hearings on Engineer's Report. 10. City Council adopts Resolution Describing Boundaries of Assessment District. 11. City Council adopts Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Rates. Note at this point the proceedings stop for at least 45 days(typically 60 to 75 days)for various notices to be given advising property owners of the two public hearings and their associated rights. 12. The first public hearing is conducted for information purposes only. • 215 . 13. In compliance is Proposition 218 the second public hearing is noticed in writing 45 days in advance of the hearing. The official notice includes: a. total assessment for entire assessment district; b. assessment chargeable on owner's parcel; C. duration of proposed assessment; d. reason for assessment e. basis on which amount of proposed assessment was calculated; f. date, time and place of public hearing; g. summary of voting procedures and effect of majority protest. 14. The second public hearing is opened and a staff report is made which consists of: a. an explanation by Bond Counsel of the purpose of the hearing. b. a report by the City Clerk that the necessary affidavits of notice are on file . an that said notices were given within the statutory time limits provided. C. a report by the City Clerk on the written protests filed by property owners prior to the second public hearing and the percentage of protest. 15. The mayor opens the hearing for oral protests or endorsements, and after everyone is heard the public hearing is closed and the matter is subject to City Council deliberation. 16. After deliberation,the following actions are considered: a. If majority protest is filed: 1. The Assessment District fails and this agenda item is closed. 2. Resolution Overruling Protests is adopted. Resolution Approving the Engineer's Report, Ordering the Acquisitions, and Confirming the Assessment is adopted. Resolution Awarding Construction Contract for the improvements is adopted • b. If a majority protest is not filed: 216 Resolution approving the Engineer's Report, ordering the acquisitions, and • confirming the assessment is adopted. Resolution awarding construction contract for the improvements is adopted 17. The are improvements completed. p p In addition to the above, there are numerous steps related to issuance of bonds,payment of bond proceeds, disposition of surplus bond proceeds, etc. which also occur concurrent with or soon after construction of the improvements. As can be seen, the assessment district process is lengthy and potentially costly to the City. Therefore the City has instituted the informal petition process to "test the waters" before formal assessment district proceedings are undertaken. If you wish to initiate the assessment district process,please begin with the informal petition and present it to the City Engineer. To assist you with this process,we are enclosing a copy of an informal petition for your street. If you have any questions regarding the above,please do not hesitate to contact us. Steven B. Kahn Public Works Director • 217 • August 14,2001 Mr. Steven Kahn Director of Public Works 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mr. Kahn, We, the undersigned residents of , hereby petition the City of Atascadero to begin the necessary proceedings to create assessment districts for the repair and continued maintenance of • Please accept this petition as the necessary first step in initiating the process to: draw up the tentative boundaries of an assessment district; assess the condition of the existing street; prepare a preliminary cost estimate for construction of the improvements necessary to repair existing deficiencies and bring the street into substantial conformance with City standards; estimate the costs of establishing an assessment district (hiring a Assessment Engineer, hiring Bond Counsel, bond issuance costs, etc.) above and beyond the actual construction costs; estimate the amortized monthly cost to each property owner based on an assumed interest rate and amortization period; schedule a community meeting with the property owners and present the information and approximate costs. We understand that this petition is not binding in any way. We further understand that a formal petition conforming to the requirements of the Municipal Bond Act is required to begin assessment district formation proceedings. By signing this petition, we do not waive our right under the Municipal Bond Act to protest the formation of an assessment district. • 218 • Name address,phone number Signature leaseprint) • • 219 • DRAFT ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING CHAPTER 159 ENCROACHMENT ON PUBLIC PROPERTY OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO TRENCH CUTS The City Council hereby finds and declares as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero spends millions of dollars annually to improve and maintain public streets and alleys (hereinafter streets); WHEREAS, studies undertaken for the cities of Austin, Kansas City, Burlington, Cincinnati, Phoenix, San Francisco, Sacramento and Los Angeles have concluded that excavations in paved streets degrade and shorten the life of the surface of the streets, and this degradation increases the frequency and cost to the public of necessary resurfacing, maintenance and repair. The studies performed on streets in the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco have concluded that pavement degradation occurs no matter how well the excavation is restored; WHEREAS, the cutting of the pavement and trenching in the streets permits water seepage into the street as well as weakening pavement support around the patch, thereby . allowing deterioration at an accelerated rate; WHEREAS, millions of dollars in public funds have been invested to build, maintain, and repair the streets within the City's geographical boundaries, and the City holds these streets as an asset for its citizens. It is desirable to adopt regulations that will help protect the structural integrity of City streets and thereby safeguard the value of the public investments in City streets for the benefit of all City residents, by requiring proper repair with quality materials, inspection, and follow up inspection and further repair if the trench repair fails, to help offset the shortened life of the streets that are cut. WHEREAS, entities making and benefiting from an excavation in a City street also will comply with standards and requirements for compaction, backfill and pavement restoration and resurfacing that ensure the best possible restoration of the paved surface over and adjacent to the trench or cut; WHEREAS, regulation of excavation in City streets to help reduce disruption of and interference with public use of the streets, and to help prevent damage and maintain the safe condition of the streets protects the public health, safety and welfare, is a valid and appropriate exercise of the City's police power, and is a municipal affair; WHEREAS, with respect to the installation of telecommunications facilities, Section 253(c) of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 expressly recognizes the authority of local governments to impose reasonable nondiscriminatory requirements upon telecommunications providers using the public right-of-way, and California Government Code 10 50030 specifically authorizes the imposition of permit fees that do not exceed the reasonable f providing the service for which the fee is charged.costs o p g aged. A Encroachment Permit Fee imposed by this ordinance and any associated Resolution is such a reasonable fee. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I ORDINANCE Article 4 of Title 7, Public Works, Chapter 15, Encroachments on Public Property, of the Atascadero Municipal Code is hereby amended,to add the following sections as follows: 7-15.419. Trench Cut. "Trench Cut" means the cutting of an existing asphalt road for the installation, repair, location of utilities, conduit, storm drain, or any other underground facility. 7-15.420. Encroachment Permits. The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department will now issue encroachment permits. In the past the Community Development Department issued encroachment permits. Any persons working in the right-of-way with out an encroachment permit will be stopped and required to obtain an encroachment permit. The fee for the encroachment permit will be the actual cost to administer, inspect and 1 year inspect the trench repair. 7-15.421. Inspection. A City inspector will inspect the trench cut. This will include asphalt • removal, digging of the trench, bedding of utility, backfill and compaction of trench, placement of base material, saw cut for"T" section and paving. 7-15.422. Trench Specifications. Care in removal of existing asphalt and top trench material. Mitigate ground water in the trench. Backfill shall be select material approved by the City Engineer, sand, base or slurry. Native soil will not be allowed in the trench. Proof of compaction of trench backfill. Saw cut and remove asphalt 18 inches from the edges of the trench after the trench is backfilled. Pave to City Standard. 7-15.423. Cash bond and one year inspection. A cash bond will be taken when the encroachment permit is issued. The City will inspect the trench 1-year after the trench is completed. The party that requested the encroachment permit and put up the bond will repair all trench deficiencies discovered at the inspection. This could includes crack seals, skin patch, remove and replace trench paving and in extreme cases where the backfill has failed, remove all backfill, replace and repave. 7-15.424. Trench Cut Moratorium. There will be a moratorium on trench cuts in a road for 2 years after it has been paved. The City will publish a two-year paving schedule every year to keep the community and utility companies posted on the planned projects. If a utility needs an emergency repair or new development occurs and the recently paved road needs to be cut the road shall be repaired to the condition prior to the cut, including overlaying the entire road. • 221 7-15.425. Provisions of Chapter 15.This Article does not change or alleviate anyone from • following the provisions of the entire Chapter 15 Encroachments On Public Property. SECTION 2 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason deemed or held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance. The City Council of the City of Atascadero hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective f the fact any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases or other portions might subsequently be declared invalid or unconstitutional. AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ADOPTED ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk J. Michael Arrambide, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Roy A. Hanley, City Attorney 222 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 ■ s; ■ ■' DATE: 10/09/2001 1918 ' 1979 • CM Atascadero City Council Staff Report — Public Works Department Traffic Way Closure RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize the Public Works Director to temporarily close Traffic Way for the construction of the public improvements as needed for public safety and construction operations. DISCUSSION: • The developers of Tract 2317 on Traffic Way, between San Jacinto Ave and Chico Road, have begun construction of the public improvements. These improvements consist of the reconstruction and widening of the road, the construction of curb and gutter and a multi-purpose path on the east side of the road, installation of water and sewer mains, wire utility relocation and other improvements. The contractor requested 11 weeks of closure from the City Council at the May 8, 2001 Council meeting. This closure was for sewer and water line installation and road improvments. The Council thought 11 weeks was too long and approved the Public Works Director to allow 14 days of closure. The 14 days have been used and Traffic Way is now opened. The rough grading for the road is completed and a portion of the utilities have been installed. The contractor has requested 60 additional days of closure to complete the improvements (see attached schedule). The 60 days is requested for public safety, to speed construction and for construction operations. The road could be opened a portion of the 60 days to one and two way traffic. It is recommended that the public works director work closely with the contractor and close the road only where necessary for public safety and construction operations. The remaining time the road would be open to one or two way traffic. The detour from Traffic Way is San Jacinto Ave to Estrada Ave to San Anselmo Ave to Del Rio • Road to Chico Road and back to Traffic Way. Notification throughout the northeast part of the City and in the media will help the traveling public select alternate routes to their destination. The detour worked well during the past closure and the City received no complaints. 22 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 10/09/2001 FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: Require Traffic Way to remain open. ATTACHMENT: Construction Schedule • 224 .... \ i...:. .....�.... .....} . . p... lbw ) § ■ 4 uj , w i i \ ............................ ........ ...............: .... ...... .. 2 , : � , | ] , , � . .. ..... :... . . . .. . � � \ ( � ) . | � � gEio� o \ � \ i \ C ; ; a 2 LU , , m | x q . LM kZ ) , cc ■ ( ( \ ■ & ■ ; § { ! a { \ ! uj §� ! , IL | { { k 0 0> S 2 I ! ■ f 2 ; 2 § ! 2' 3 . v _ E \