HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/04/1990 # PUBLIC REVIEW COPY # PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE FROM COUNTER AGE NDA Joint City Council/Planning Commission Study Session Thursday, Octo er 4, 1990 4:30p.m. Rotunda Room (4th floor) Administration Building Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENT A. GENERAL PLAN UPDATE - Review of General Plan Subcommittee' s draft update of and Use and Conservation & Open Space Elements. (Request: (1) Authorization to solicit proposals for preparation of an EIR, and (2) Referral of draft to Planning • Commission for review leading to public hearings and recommendations back to the City Council) . B. CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION RELATIONS C. PRIORITIES/POLICY DIRECTION/COMMENTS : 1 . Condominium Conversion Ordinance 2 . Downtown Master Plan - General Plan Element 3 . Downtown Master Plan - Implementation: Zoning District, Parking Standards, Sign Ordinance Revisions, Parking Program. 4. Planned Developments (PD' s) - Small Lot Standards 5 . Capital Improvement Needs and Priorities 6 . Zoning Ordinance Re-Write - To Implement New Land Use Element. 7 . Creekway Setback Standards Pending Consultant Mapping Program 8. Noise Element - Update Under Contract 9 . Parks & Recreation Element - Bring Draft to Hearing 10. Housing Element Update 11 . Circulation Element Update 12 . Enforcement Program 13 . Other D. NEXT JOINT MEETING E. ADJOURNMENT M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council Planning Commission FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director 44E FOR: General Plan Subcommittee RE: GENERAL PLAN UPDATE: DRAFT LAND USE AND CONSERVA- TION & OPEN SPACE ELEMENTS DATE: May 4, 1990 BACKGROUND: The accompanying draft plan has been refined over the past three months by the Council-appointed General Plan Subcommittee. The subcommittee is comprised of Councilpersons Borgeson and Mackey and Planning Commissioners Highland and Luna. • The draft includes the introduction to the overall city General Plan together with the three elements: Land Use, Conservation, and Open Space proposed as an updated 1990 element. Note that the table of contents provides space for future updates of the Circulation, Noise, and Safety Elements together with the existing Housing Element and a reserved chapter VII for the Parks and Recreation Element and VIII for the Downtown Master Plan. The focus of the draft plan is to serve as a policy document and includes for the first time an implementation section. The technical appendix recommends retaining some language of the 1980 General Plan that is still relevant including the Physical Setting and Community Appearance and Standards sections . As proposed, the draft plan has an approximate population holding capacity of 31,150 persons as contrasted with the 33,000 holding capacity of the present general plan and zoning. It should be noted that the committee did not reach a consensus on every issue addressed in the plan recognizing that lack of consensus on selected issues would be resolved in future study sessions and public hearings by the Planning Commission and City Council . WHAT' S NEXT: Following distribution of the draft, the-subcommittee is requesting • that the City Council and Planning Commission set a date for a study meeting (not a public hearing) to review the draft and to give direction to staff for taking the document to public hearing. The subcommittee is recommending that following the study meeting that an Environmental Impact Report be prepared for the draft plan t followed by public hearings and recommendations from the Planning Commission to the City Council . By way of a copy of this memorandum, the draft plan is being routed to the General Plan Update mailing list of interested organizations. HE•ns CC: City Manager Atas . Chamber of Commerce Department Heads Atas . Business Improvement Assn. City Clerk Atas. Homeowners Association City Attorney Atas. Unified School District Atas .Public Library Atas. Mutual water Company Atascadero News North County Contractors Assn. Telegram Tribune Atas. Board of Realtors Daily Press Atascadero 2000 S/C: Draft Land Use and Conservation & Open Space Elements - 4/90 Y 3 18 September .90 • To: Planning Commission Members From: George Highland I would like to propose the following for immediate consideration and action. A. 3rd meeting per month I am requesting establishment of an additional meeting each month, specifically a study session devoted to long-range planning only. In order to accomplish this, the following needs to be done: 1. Submit to Staff a list of nights you would be available (or, conversely, nights you would not) . 2. Submit a list of 5 items for study/discussion. In the last two years the Planning Commission has not devoted as much as one minute to long-range planning. The subject 'is long overdue, and cannot be accomplished within the confines of our two regular monthly meetings. • Sincerely, eorge P. Highland a R • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council/Planning Commission October 4, 1990 FROM: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Comments from Councilwoman Borgeson Relative to Council/Planning Commission Study Session Councilwoman Borgeson offered the following comments relative to items on the joint Council/Planning Commission agenda for October 4, 1990 : C. 1 Condominium Conversion Ordinance: Consider minimum square footage requirement, e.g. , one bedroom = 80.0 square feet, two bedroom = 1,000 square feet. C.3 Downtown Master Plan - Implementation: "Address parking down- town and plan for purchasing property for same (parking lot) . " • C.5 Capital Improvement Needs and Priorities: "Actively plan for a Community Center in a central downtown location with emphasis on youth activities. " C.6 Zoning Ordinance Re-Write: "Encourage new development to pro- vide open-space buffer zones between Highway 101 and buildings . Also landscape same. " C.11 Circulation Element Update: "I'd like to see a progressive promotion of bikeway systems in Atascadero: (1) Encourage local employers to provide bike parking facilities - especi- ally major employers Kmart, Longs Drug, etc. (2) Encour- age all new development to include five foot bikeways along all new collector and arterial streets. " C. 12 Enforcement Program: "Continue our sign enforcement program on a City-wide basis - old and new, large and small busi- nesses, and publish navies of businesses in violation. "