HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/23/1991 PUBLIC REVIEW COPY PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE FROM COUNTER AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIh REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA FOURTH FLOOR, ROTUNDA ROOM APRIL 23,; 1991 7:00 P.M. This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the require- ments of Government Code Section 54954.2. By listing a topic on this agenda, the City Council has expressed its intent to discuss and act on each item. In addition to; any action identified in the brief general description of each item, the action that may be tak- en shall include: A referral to staff with specific requests for information; continuance; specific direction to staff concerning the policy or mission of the item; discontinuance of consideration; authorization to enter into negotiations and execute agreements pertaining to the item; adoption or approval; and, disapproval.° Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to ® each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk, available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. The City Clerk will answer any questions regarding the agenda RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. * A person may speak for five (5) minutes. * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so. * No one may speak more than twice on any item. * Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond but, after the allotted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call City Council Comment: Presentation by Girl Scouts of Atascadero, Santa Margarita a Templeton (Colony Service Unit) Debra Floyd 1 Proclamation: "Victims of Pornography Week", May 5-11, 1991 (American Family Association, Atascadero Chapter/Say Area Citizens Against Pornography) COMMUNITY FORUM The City Council values and encourages exchange of ideas and comments, from you, the citizen. The Community Forum period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items. To increase the effectiveness of Community Forum,. the following rules will be enforced: * A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension.' All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as a whole, and not to any individual member thereof. * No person shall be permitted to makeslanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member, commissions &' staff. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represents ad hoc or standing committees. ' Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary. ) : 1. S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council/North Coastal Transit 2. Solid/Hazardous Waste Management Committee 3. Recycling Committee 4. Economic Opportunity Commission 5. City/School Committee 6. Traffic Committee 7. Downtown Interim Sign Committee 8. County Water Advisory Board 9. Economic Round Table 10. B.I.A. 11. Colony Roads Committee B. CONSENT CALENDAR: All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are consid- ered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion on these items. _A member, of the Council or public may, by request, have any item removed from the Consent Calendar, which shall then be reviewed and acted upon separately after the adoption of the Consent Calendar. 1. MARCH 26, 1991 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. APRIL 5, 1991 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES (Special Meeting) 2 3. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - MARCH, 1991 4. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - MARCH, 1991 5. RESOLUTION NO 34-91 MODIFYING PARKING REGULATIONS ON EL CAMINO REAL IN THE VICINITY OF THE CHAPEL OF THE ROSES AND COLONY PARK 6. RESOLUTION NO. 35=91 DESIGNATING A 20-MINUTE PARKING ZONE ON SAN ANSELMO ALONG A PORTION OF THE FRONTAGE OF THE TRUE SPIRIT MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 7. RESOLUTION NO. 32-91 - ACCEPTING MONTURA LANE INTO THE CITY MAINTAINED ROAD SYSTEM S. ZONING REPORT - STAFF REPORT RE: REQUIRING CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR SELECTED UTILITY TRANSMISSION FACILITIES 9. RESOLUTION NO. 30-91 - DECLARING WEEDS A`PUBLIC NUISANCE AND AUTHORIZING COMMENCEMENT OF ABATEMENT PROCEEDINGS 10. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PARCEL MAP 22-89, 7900/8000 SANTA CRUZ ROAD - Division of '10.27 acres into three lots of 3.39 acres each (Long/Knowles Volbrecht Surveys) 11. STATUS OF SAFE ROUTE TO SCHOOL FUND i C. HEARINGSIAPPEARANCES: 1. WATER SUPPLY STUDY - PRESENTATION BY DON ASQUITH, THE MORRO GROUP D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. - HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FUNDING 2. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY MIKE MESSER FOR DIRECTION <RE: MEANS FOR PROVIDING SEWER SERVICE TO LAKEVIEW DRIVE PROPERTY 3. RESOLUTION NO. 33-91 - AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 125-90 TO IN- CLUDE FEES FOR, (1) FORESTRY AND WOODLOT MANAGEMENT PLANS, AND (2) ANNUAL PRUNING, TRENCHING AND ENCROACHMENT ,PERMITS FOR PRIVATE AND PUBLIC UTILITIES 4. ORDINANCE NO. 221 - AMENDING MAP 23 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS BY REZONING THAT,CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 18-25 AND "PARK RESERVATION A OF BLOCK 72, ATASCADERO; COLONY FROM COMMERCIAL TOURIST/FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY (CT/FH) TO SPECIAL RECREATION/FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 3 OVERLAY (LS(FH) (PD8)) (Eagle Creek Associates/Bond & Associ- ates) (Recommend motion to waive reading in full and approve on second reading by title only. ) (Cont'd from 4/9/91) ' 5 ORDINANCE NO. 220 - ADDING FORESTRY AND WOODLOT MANAGENSNT PROVISIONS TO THE CITY'S TREE ORDINANCE (Ord. #214) (Recommend motion to waive reading in full and approve on second reading by title only. ) (Cont'd from 4/9/91) 6. WATER COMPANY AGREEMENTS (Cont'd from 3/26/91) A. TO DRILL ON CITY'S SYCAMORE ROAD LOT B. TO DISTRIBUTE CITY'S RECLAIMED WATER E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION ANDIOR ACTION: 1. City Council: A. E.G. Lewis desk (Councilwoman Borgeson) 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer S. City Manager * NOTICE: THE COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN TO A CLOSED SESSION FOR PURPOSES OF DISCUSSION REGARDING MATTERS INVOLVING POTENTIAL LITIGATION. 4 PROCLAMATION TO THE CITY OF _ ATAS AD RO • WHEREAS: The laughter of children is the most precious sound in life; and WHEREAS: There is nothing more distressful than an abused child whose pain circumvents laughter; and WHEREAS: The memories of childhood are cherished for a lifetime; and WHEREAS: The experiences of childhood influence an adult's emotional, sexual and physical behavior; and WHEREAS: The attitudes children carry into adulthood are passed on to yet another generation; and WHEREAS: People who exploit and abuse children rob them of pleasant childhood memories; and WHEREAS: Studies show a high correlation between addiction to pornography and child molestation and other crimes; and WHEREAS: Victims of pornography have suffered the loss of everything innocent and precious; and • WHEREAS: The California o nia State Legislature has proclaimed Victims of Pornography Week as an annual Statewide event; and WHEREAS: Bay Area Citizens Against Pornography, legislators, law enforcement, parents, educators, mental health experts, social service agencies, civic leaders, parents, youth and religious organizations are united in their concern for victims of pornography; and WHEREAS: We wish to express compassion for all victims of pornography, regardless of their age; and WHEREAS: We desire to be known as A CITY FILLED WITH HAPPY CHILDHOOD MEMORIES; THEREFORE: I, Robert B. Lilley , as Mayor of Atascadero hereby proclaim May 5 - 11, 1991, as VICTIMS OF PORNOGRAPHY WEEK in the City of Arasrariarn and urge all citizens to show compassion fort victims of pornography and assist in efforts to K ILDHOOD MEMORIES HAPPY! a or Robert Lilley Dated: April 23, 1991 B A C A P BAY AREA CITIZENS AGAINST PORNOGRAPHY • P.O.BOX 5223, CONCORD, CALIFORNIA 94524 EC C E v E 17) (415)674-1384 FEB - ` 1991 January 29, 1991 Mayor Robert B. Lilley CITY MGR. City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mayor Lilley: KEEP CHILDHOOD MEMORIES HAPPY! is the theme of our fourth annual Victims of Pornography Week May 5-11. As you will remember, this event has been proclaimed an annual statewide event by the California legislature. We've chosen the theme KEEP CHILDHOOD MEMORIES HAPPY1 because we believe that the laughter of children needs to be celebrated and protected. There is nothing more distressing than watching a child who can no longer experience that joy because they have been exploited and abused by pornographers or molesters. Cities which proclaimed Victims of Pornography Week during the past three years have had a major impact on the outpouring of support which , victims of all ages are beginning to receive. Enclosed are several items to assist your city: _ I 1. A sample proclamation which can be used to draft a proclamation for your city which will not only recognize the victimization of pornography, but will also celebrate the joy of childhood. 2. Posters which can be ordered for schools, law enforcement offices, city offices, retail outlets, churches, etc. 3. Our "For Parents Only" brochure which we hope will be distributed to every parent in your city. The greatest protection for children and parents is knowledge. To order supplies, simply complete and return the enclosed Order form. Thank you for your concern and support. Sincerely, Joanne Masokowski Director P.S. When Atascadero is proclaimed as a participant in Victims of Pornography Week, please send us a copy of the official proclamation. We will proudly display it on our wall along with those from other . cities as a form of encouragement to the victims who come to our office. • American Family Assoc. RL 'E. C E i 11 E. Atascadero Chapter P.O.Box 259 9' Atascadero,CA 93423/ � CITY MGR. April 8, 1991 Robert Lilley, Mayor City of Atascadero City Hall Atascadero, CA 93422 Re: Pornography Awareness Week May 5 - 11, 1991 • Dear Mr. Lilley: We would appreciate your consideration of the enclosed proclamation. Considering that we live in an area with a very high percentage of registered sex offenders, this seems a very responsible position to take with regard to the safety of families and children in our area. Thank you for compassion. Yours truly, AMERI FP�►MILY ASSOCIATION Y L. Dannebaum, Secretary /encl. • MEETING AGENCWMMITT DAT 4/23/91 ETEMi REPORT ATASCADERO ECONOMIC ROUND TABLE • MINUTES Wednesday, April 3, 1991, 7:30 a.m. City Administration Bldg., Rm. 102 PRESENT: Mayor Robert Lilley, Stan Cherry, Mike Kirkwood, John Cotsenmoyer, Bill Mazzacane, Ray Johnson, Dave Vega, John Himes, Jack Porter, Muriel Korba, Mildred Copelan ABSENT: Jack Stinchfield STAFF PRESENT: Ra Windsor Cit Y , y Manager, Henry Engen, Community Devel- opment Director; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director 1• MINUTES OF MARCH 20, 1991 MEETING: The minutes were accepted as distributed. Mayor Lilley acknowledged receipt of feedback since the past meet- ing relative to focusing the committee's efforts. Mike Kirkwood reviewed a memorandum he had forwarded to the Mayor citing the • strategic planning concept process and noting that there wasn't a need to recreate the concept but, simply, to follow it and stay on the mark. Under discussion the consensus was to plan for a local- ly held brainstorming session. Ray Johnson said that he did such facilitating work for a living, and some six to eight hours would be needed to complete the work. Dave Vega indicated that PG&E, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, had assisted in a $30,000 strategic planning program for the community of Oakdale. Following discussion, Mayor Lilley appointed a subcommittee comprised of Ray Windsor, Ray Johnson, Dave Vega and Mike Kirkwood to look into use of a facilitator for an economic development goals workshop. Upon receipt of the recommendation of the subcommittee, the question of financing same can be dealt with. Jack Porter noted that the effect of complying with earthquake standards will motivate people to upgrade their business proper- ties. Mike Kirkwood indicated that banks wanted to help but needed to know where they are going. The Community Redevelopment Act is perfectly suited for positive actions. Stan Cherry concurred and noted that participating banks could develop a common interest rate and policy for all to work towards community goals. Econ. Round Table 4/3/91, Page 1 • 2. FISCAL ELEMENT: DRAFT GENERAL PLAN POLICIES: Henry Engen advised that the policies proposed in Section X of the Crawford, Multari & Starr report had been generally endorsed by the Planning Commission, who had asked the staff to put it into format for adoption as a separate element of the General Plan. The soon- est that they could consider this proposed element would be the second meeting of the Planning Commission in May (May 21st) . He noted the desirability of obtaining the input of the Round Table prior to such action. The Mayor noted that the General Plan is the community's constitu- tion and should include mission statements relative to appropriate economic development. Under discussion, points were made that such statements needed to reflect common sense and be simple enough not to lose their focus. There was consensus that Agenda Item 4 on the Business Retention Procedures contained a nucleus for policies of benefit to the whole community. There followed discussion on the number of employees who lived here and had to commute to jobs elsewhere, recognizing that the presence of such employee skills locally could be a source for appropriate economic development locally. There was discussion of the potential for a factory outlet and ack- nowledgment of the expansion of the recently constructed center in Gilroy. City staff will seek to obtain information on the effects • of that project on that community. It was acknowledged that any new development may have negative effects on some local enterprises and that that was inevitable with change. It was felt to be critical that information on the impact of such enterprises on the public needed to be clearly provided to the public. The distinctive rural character of Atascadero creates a challenge for developing a strong enough economic base to main- tain this lifestyle. Following discussion on the kinds of briefing that would be bene- ficial to the Round Table prior to the workshop, the Mayor asked Henry Engen to make an overview presentation on the status of the General Plan and its economic policies. Ray Windsor suggested that it would be useful to have Mike Multari of Crawford, Multari & Starr update the Round Table on their recommendations going into such a workshop. Thereafter, the Mayor suggested that a Saturday workshop in the Club Room, ending by 3:00 p.m. , could be the appro- priate venue. Econ. Round Table 4/3/91, Page 2 • 3. CUESTA COLLEGE - NORTH COUNTY CAMPUS: • Ray Windsor advised of meeting with Dr. Grace Mitchell, President of Cuesta College, and others who advised that they are seeking a North County campus site of 100+ acres and will be selecting a site selection subcommittee in the near future. He noted that it would be useful to consider adding some generic language in the General Plan Update relative to the goal of enhanced educational facilities in the community. 4. BUSINESS RETENTION PROCEDURES: In view of the time, the Mayor requested individuals to evaluate this material for future discussion. 5. SET NEXT MEETING DATE: Next meeting will be held- on Wednesday, April 17th, 7:30 a.m. , Room 102, City Administration Building. The agenda will include an overview of the City' s General Plan, a presentation by Mike Multari of fiscal planning issues and policies, and a report back on a schedule for an economic planning policies workshop. Staff was requested to provide the committee memberships with a mailing list of all members. • Meeting Adjourned at 8:40 a.m. Respectfully submitted, HENRY ENGEN Recording ordin Secretary retar Y HE:cw Econ. Round Table • 4/3/91, Page 3 (Addendum to minutes) • Comments of City Treasurer Micki Rorba at 4/3/91 meeting: What' s growth? Enhancement of existing flora, fauna and all facilities of whatsoever kind. 1. Enhance quality of life 2. Be fiscally responsible 3. Aesthetically pleasing 4. Supplement existing facilities 5. Broaden services provided 6. Provide for the largest segment of residents possible Growth is enlargement. it " embodiment. if 11 extension. Power to move forward - not stagnate or rot (decay) • Econ. Round Table 4/3/91, Page 4 • r 1 • 1 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK WILL CALIFORMA HOLD BACK THE RECOVERY? BY JOHN RtrrcEDGE i WANING ■TRE GOLDEN STATE'S TARNISHED ECONOMY.California,the world's eighth-largest economy, WORK has allays been considered a bellwether in America.Hula Hoops and miniskirts,Proposition'tion 13 i _ and the tax revolt—they were all born in the Golden State.So was the real-estate deflation that caused a national credit crunch and recession last year.Those property woes represent just a ' � T Cam part of the economic crisis that currently plagues Caiifomia.At 7.4 percent.the state's unem- ployment rate is almost a full point higher than the U.S.average.This joblessness has under ? ' I mined tax revenues and contributed to a mammoth$7 billion state budget deficit.There are oth- s. er signs of trouble in California:a shrinking defense industry.water problems and a regulatory burden that threatens small businesses,for example.These gloomy clouds mean that the coon SION FNWMJ JASON F° bys largest state,normally a pacesetter,won't lead the U.S.economy Into recovery.In fact.Cal- 7M 1M sm ifomia will probably trail the upswing and may even hold it back ■The bushmmi . •1 7 slewdowe bt Cawbralw California's boom over the past two decades was largely based on soaring property values. bee p.ebes the ai - - Strong real growth,migration from other states and inflation pushed real-estate prices higher in Jobalees rate obaw the the 1970s.But it was capital from Japan and the Far East that lifted the state's property assets Ndko l 8VWad46 in the 1980s.A recent study argues that the 400 percent increase in capital flows from the Pa- cific Rim to Califomia between 1985 and 1989 was responsible for more than 80 percent of the DECLNNQ run-up in the state's property values during those years. In Forma INVESTMENT DRIES UP. Real-estate and stock market problems in Tokyo and tanta- lizing new invesMwt opportunities in the newly industrializing countries of the Far East and in ! s . Eastern Europe have recently reduced investment lbws from Asia to California.Also,interest rates ieirehohcsaibt, in Japan are higher than U.S.rates,leading Tokyo's investors to keep their money at home.These trends have conspired to push California's property vakres lower.After rising more than 60 penxrn in the 27 months following January 1987,this median price of a single-family residence in the state peaked in April 1989 at$201,563 and has been generally declining ever since; hsehrw sa as as 9s°` w ARar ruag Iw tbw :Despite this slump;,only 1 of every S California families can afford to make the mortgage pay- 1 �. ments on the average-priced house in the state,which costs 31.92.690.fay contrast.51.percent otAmerkw families can afford the$94,200 price tag on thte typical home outside California. _steam sbre�1lt�i. :The main reasonfm thus inability to keep up in Calif<omia is job evaporation.TM dramatic down- . sungof the U.S.military is forcing Caiifomisis deferm ArM which directly account fol g per- PEAKED cert of the state's annual product.to lay off workars.And some Pentagon contactors.like Mo- _.PRfCI:S — Donned Douglas and;Lockheed,are moving production outside CaliAome ur ordet W tower costs. : h _ ■DRIYINa AMIAk'MOUE 10ef3.Job fltgh>t m Cafllbmis.could interhaty it tate th!e-trade agseeenent 'rot ;wAh Mtndco becorttes a reality.Although•good 1bh:giowtht in.the longtierrrt;ttte agteecrher>twould:; ' >a •lhft ly make it moraaMactive to mous labor4nainsive businesses from V*Goide r Stsbt to > s ;Mad=California could:'drivs still mote jobs away it it doesn't rellm its antlgrowat regulations.it ... . 'is becoming it>cx�ain�jc exQer>sive m cor>csuct bcrsirtess in thte stat>e�.The 6T:000 small cooper .: .: now in losArmples:for erampW whictr together account ft more them LmiWon jobs.must pelt i _]!+� as. ta► �_ wlR►o- !$3bdimt&$GbiUimjustthrcor>pltwithsmenvirorYflMTakreglJ18ti0r1SC .._.•:- -.. •., <<_ ,.. - _ �.• :�_, _ 1. ,.'._.. � .'. •.A: . .. _� _. •' _.- `�wChn�rrlwbaahhar ��. ;Tlfsenda�aboomisrarehrpleasar>GButperttapstt�isalessont�beleertM�asCaElbmia's. ::: f p.ie ft-, e� gMvAftcYC*drawato'acl*wJ(bs.11"* ean6pmdtLnWty—notrisft vabies-are aw"tbo p eattat- ;_ thesource of lasdng pmspsrW.T he recesaiart in Cadforniis appears to bermore severe than than. z deewdgw bete IbW natlo mt dovmt irm And wFft 3pereentouthegoss nabonat moduct dostate'secoromycwdL,:f : a�iiehnwpaaire& clearly infitonoetteshapeandstrengtltot!thenation's:reemry_Thekey questiam.of•courseh:is" .how k itwd take the Golden Stan:t000mm back Nrlr � t jam RMUM 1S C UMM oI CLARSWIT ECQM=DUMM A.CArZoYt4&&%M MANAGDIrCONStA.2h14M Qw�dosw�aLLiOsdlis .AM9W11$rb=rADYOOWFhRlL , I � vs.rtews�tsoRtD>:aeotrr.nrrra.a» r4 MEETING AGENDA DATE 4/2a/9i ITEM# ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • MINUTES MARCH 26, 1991 The City Clerk called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. Councilwoman Borgeson led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Borgeson, Dexter and Nimmo Absent: Mayor ProTem Shiers and Mayor Lilley Also Present: Muriel Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Dayka, City Clerk Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Greg Luke, Public Works Director; Andy Takata, Director of Community Services; and Bud McHale, Police Chief Acknowledging the absence of both the mayor and mayor protem, the • City Clerk asked the present members to elect an acting mayor. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson to nominate Councilman Dexter as acting mayor; Councilman Nimmo seconded the nomination. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. PROCLAMATIONS: Acting Mayor Dexter read the following proclamations: "Earth Day Celebration", April 6-21, 1991 "Week of the Child", April 6-12, 1991 "California Earthquake Preparedness Month", April 1991 COMMUNITY FORUM: Robert Johnson, 8181 San Dimas Lane, Project Engineer for Caltrans on the proposed re-routing of Highway 41 extended a formal invitation to the Council to attend an open-house sponsored by Caltrans to present to the citizens of Atascadero the proposal to extend Highway 41. The meeting, he reported, was scheduled for Thursday, March 28, 1991 from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. on the fourth floor of City Hall. CC3/16/91 • Page 1 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: • Acting Mayor Dexter read the Consent Calendar as follows: 1. FEBRUARY 26, 1991 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - FEBRUARY, 1991 3. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - FEBRUARY, 1991 4. NOTICE OF RESIGNATION OF JOHN EDENS, JR. FROM BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS and REQUEST OF CITY CLERK TO RECRUIT FOR REPLACEMENT 5. RESOLUTION NO. 25-91 - AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR STATE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION GRANT MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve the Consent Calendar; motion unanimously passed 3: 0. B. HEARINGSAPPEARANCES: 1. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 18-90, 7970 SINALOA AVE. - Consideration of Conditions of Approval (Best/Cuesta Engineering) Henry Engen reported that this matter had been referred to the • Planning Commission and was now back to Council for consideration of the Conditions of Approval. He noted two errors on the copy of Ordinance No. 217 in the agenda packet; one of which was a paragraph stating that the Planning Commission had recommended approval, when in fact they had recommended denial. The second flaw, he pointed out, was in the reflection of the roll call vote (the copy erroneously showed passage by unanimous approval) . Councilwoman Borgeson stated that she wanted the record to show that the vote had been 3:2 with Councilmembers Shiers and herself voting in opposition. The City Manager attested that the original ordinance had reflected the proper vote. In response to questions from Councilwoman Borgeson, Mr. Engen reported- that the specific project' s total lot size was approximately 11,000 square foot, or 1/4 acre. He related that there was consensus on the Commission that in the future parent lots should be a minimum of 1/2 acre. In addition, he acknowledged that although there had been a number of conversions to date, there were none in the pipeline at present. CC3/16/91 Page 2 • Public Comment: • Deborah Hollowell, agent for_ the applicant on the project, confirmed concurrence with the conditions of approval and availed herself for questions. Bob Johnson, Planning Commissioner, emphasized that the Planning Commission was unanimous in recommending 1/2 acre zoning for Planned Developments and urged the Council to send the matter back to the Commission for reconsideration in light of this recommendation. Councilman Nimmo asserted that the Council had already approved the project and objected to referring it back to the Planning Commission. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to adopt the revised Conditions of Approval for TPM 18-90. Councilman Dexter asked for legal counsel. The City Attorney advised that Council may approve as presented, but cautioned that because of provisions of the Permit Streamline Act, the Planning Commission could not impose any new conditions should the Council refer it back for modifications. A vote was called for. Motion carried 2: 1 with • Councilwoman Borgeson voting in opposition. 2. ZONE CHANGE 6-90/TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 30-90, 5160/5180 PALMA AVENUE - Request to establish a Planned Development Overlay Zone (PD) and to allow subdivision of two Colony lots into six lots ranging in size from 5,194 _square feet to 6,958 square feet each. (Hazard/Tartaglia-Hughes) : A. Ordinance No. 219 - Amending Map 16 of the official zoning maps by rezoning certain real property at 5160 and 5180 Palma Ave. from RMF/10 to RMF/10 (PD7) (Recommend motion to waive reading in full and approve on first reading by title only) B. TTM 30-90 - Approve, subject to the Planning Commission's Findings and Conditions of Approval Henry Engen presented background and gave the staff report recommending approval. He answered questions relating to density and lot line adjustments and emphasized that this proposal would allow for the creation of individual lots for each home. Public Comment: CC3/16/91 Page. 3 Kris Hazard, applicant, expressed agreement with the recommen- dations and urged Council to approve the project. • Councilwoman Borgeson, noting concurrence with the comments of Planning Commissioner Robert Johnson on Item #B-1, stated that the Council should have the opportunity to look at the Planning Commission recommendations for Planned Unit Development standards before approving the project. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson to send the matter back to the Planning Commission for reconsideration in light of the new standards being proposed. Discussion followed relating to procedure. The City Attorney interjected that if Council decides to send the matter back to the Planning Commission it should also send back the ordinance. If the ordinance is adopted as introduced, he explained, there would be limitations on conditioning the tentative map. Motion died for lack of a second. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to waive the reading of Ordinance No. 219 in full and approve by title only; motion carried 2: 1 with Councilwoman Borgeson voting No. Mr. Montandon apprised that because the above motion had not passed • unanimously, the ordinance must be read in full. Acting Mayor Dexter read the Ordinance No. 219 in full. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve the ordinance on first reading; motion carried 2: 1 with Councilwoman Borgeson in opposition. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve Tentative Tract Map 30-90 subject to the Planning Commission' s Findings and Conditions of Approval; motion passed 2: 1 with Councilwoman Borgeson opposing. A short recess was called at 8:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:06 p.m. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. DRAFT SIGN ORDINANCE - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST FOR CITY TO CONSIDER PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE Bill Mazzacane, Director of the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, presented for City Council consideration a comprehensive rewrite of CC3/16/91 Page 4 the City' s Sign Ordinance. He gave an overview of the proposed • legislature emphasizing the significant amendments being suggested by the- Chamber' s Sign Ordinance Committee. Councilman Nimmo recognized the work of the Chamber' s committee and voiced support for integrating recommendations from both this committee and the Downtown Sign Committee. Councilwoman Borgeson noted that she favored Staff Recommendation #1, which would direct staff to compare the present ordinance to the proposed ordinance presented by the Chamber. There were no public comments. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson to direct staff to prepare a straight forward comparison of this document with the existing ordinance for Planning Commission consideration. Councilman Nimmo asked the Community Development Director for a status report on the work of the Downtown Sign Committee. Mr. Engen stated that the first and only meeting to date of this committee had been to receive the Chamber' s draft. Councilwoman Borgeson withdrew her motion agreeing with Councilman Nimmo' s suggestion that Council wait until the • City' s committee has had an opportunity to go over the Chamber' s re-write and make its' own recommendations. By common consensus, the matter was continued until the efforts of both the Downtown Sign Committee and the. Chamber of Commerce' s Sign Committee have been integrated into one document; which will be brought back to Council for their review before further direction. 2. WATER ISSUES A. Informational Memos B. Cooperative Agreements with Water Company Councilwoman Borgeson proposed that these matters be continued until full Council was present and to a date after results of the water study being conducted by The Morro Group has been received. Mr. Windsor noted that review of the results was tentatively scheduled for the second meeting in April. Councilwoman Borgeson urged that cooperation with Atascadero Mutual . Water Company be continued. The City Manager concurred that it would. CC3/16/91 • Page 5 By consensus, Council continued the matter until results of the water study have been received and reviewed. • 3. TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATIONS ON MORRO ROAD A. Authorization to borrow Federal Aide Urban (FAU) funds from Grover City, Paso Robles and, possibly, Morro Bay to provide local match for three signals on Morro Road B. Resolution No. 26-91 - Approving and authorizing execu- tion of a Cooperative Agreement between the City and the State of California for the installation of (3) traffic control devices (Hwy. 41 @ Atascadero Ave. , Hwy. 41 @ Portola Rd. , and Hwy. 41 @ Curbaril Ave. ) Greg Luke, Public Works Director, gave the staff report recommend- ing approval for the transfer of FAU funds. Councilwoman Borgeson reported that she had received many calls from the public urging a traffic signal at the intersection of Highway 41 (Morro Road) and San Gabriel Road and inquired whether or not additional funds could be available. Mr. Luke explained that, at his request, Caltrans had completed a second study of that intersection and it had not qualified for the 50/50 matching grant. Brief discussion followed regarding use of FAU funds. Staff urged • Council to take immediate action on the resolution to avoid losing the opportunity to receive the funds. NOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to adopt Resolution No. 26-91 approving and authorizing execution of a Cooperative Agreement between the City of Atascadero and the State of California for the installation of traffic control devices; motion unanimous. By consensus, the mayor was directed to send a letter to the corresponding members of the communities in which the funds would come expressing appreciation. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council: A. Committee Reports (The following represents ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports were be given, as follows. ) : 1. City/School Committee - Councilman Nimmo reported that CC3/16/91 Page 6 • this committee had met and shared concerns relating to • SB2557. 2. North Coastal Transit/S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council Councilwoman Borgeson gave a full report of the meeting of March 13, 1991 at which time the overall Work Program was approved. In addition, the Area Council reviewed matters relating to State transit funding and unmet transit needs, the Clean Air Plan and the Bikeway Element. She also reported that the Council had drafted the Transportation Plan Vision Statement and noted that minutes of the Area Council meetings are ion file with the City Clerk. 3. Traffic Committee- Councilman Dexter reported that this committee had met and recommended action on items for a future Council agenda. 2. City Attorney No report 3. City Clerk - No report 4. City Treasurer Ms. Korba reported that two recent articles in the Atascadero News had quoted her as making statements that were not made by her. She • added that charts she had submitted to Council were misinterpreted and that she had submitted a statement in hopes that it would be printed to ensure truthful, accurate 'information. 5. City Manager - No additional reports. Additional Reports from Staff: Police Chief, Bud McHale, reported that he had just come from a meeting of the Board of Supervisors where he and others repre- senting the Coalition for Cooperative Government had provided a strong showing of opposition to SB2557. The Board, he announced, on a 4: 1 vote had decided to implement provisions of SB2557 in concept, but had set fees relating to property tax collection at zero and suspended fees relating to schools and booking fees. Chief McHale stated that the matter will be addressed again on May 14, 1991 and, in the meantime, the Board of Supervisors has asked the Coalition to work with County staff in putting together recommendations for alternative financing. The meeting was adjourned at 9:90 p.m. until 3:00 .m. Friday. April 5 19 p . A y p , 91, for a Closed session discussion regarding property purchase, personnel and potential litigation matters. At approximately 4:30 p.m. , the Council will convene in open session CC3/16/91 • Page 7 i for a workshop to include discussion on the Five-Year City Capital Improvement Program, the status of SB169 and possible strategies, and an update on the City's roads policy. • MINUTE RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: ;tybrk L AY , Cle • CC3/16/91 Page 8 • MEET AGENA DA tfN EM# B_ r. • ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES SUMMARY APRIL 5, 1991 A special meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 3:07 p.m. by Mayor Lilley. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Dexter, Nimmo, Borgeson, Shiers and Mayor Lilley Also Present: City Treasurer, Muriel Korba and Deputy City Clerk, Cindy Wilkins Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Henry Engen, Community Development Department; Greg Luke, Public Works Director; Andy Takata, Community • Services Director; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Bud McHale, Police Chief and Art Montandon, City Attorney MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Shiers to adjourn to closed session for purposes of discussion regarding property purchase, potential litigation and personnel matters; motion carried. MOTION: (4:35 p.m. ) By Councilman Nimmo, seconded by Councilman Shier to reconvene to open session; motion carried. At 4:48 p.m. the open session began with the Flag Salute led by Councilwoman Borgeson. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING: Staff presentation and Council discussion relating to: 1. The Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (C.I.P. ) 2. Roads Policy Standards SPCC4/5/91 • Page 1 MEETING HIGHLIGHTS: • Five Year C.I.P. The City Manager introduced the item and presented the recommendation noting that the C.I.P. document is a "plan" and is not yet definitive in the budget. Council comments followed. MOTION: By Councilwoman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve the Five Year Capital Program recognizing that this is not authorization to fund any project shown in the document 'with the exception of those for FY90-91 already budgeted for; motion unanimously passed by roll call vote. Roads Policy Standards: Greg Luke, Public Works Director, provided the report and proposed that North Coast Engineering be authorized to provide technical assistance in developing a comprehensive road policy. He explained that because of recent intensive work in Atascadero, the firm of choice had specialized knowledge of the community' s rural roads. Brief Council discussion followed. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman • Borgeson to authorize a contract with North Coast Engineering to provide consultant services in an amount not to exceed $7,600.00; motion unanimously carried by roll call vote. The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. MIN6TEf S Y P ARED BY: 1 CY Ngt AWAK7, ., ty UClerk SPCC4/5/91 Page 2 • MEETIN AGENDA DATEE 4 2 l ITEM# B--3..,.. • CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT SCHEDULE OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS AS OF MARCH 1991 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Origination Maturity Interest Month's Interest Name Amount Date Date Rate Interest Yr-to-Date --------------------- - - ---------------------- L.A.I.F. 6,823,000.00 N/A N/A 8.00% 0.00 267,325.64 Century Federal Savings 99,000.00 :1.0/16/90 10/11/91 8.45% 650.65 3,160.9 Mid State Bank 112,194.84 N/A N/A 5.41% 577.91 6,223.36 Petty Cash 850.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ------------- ---- -------- TOTALS 7,035,044.84 ,228.56 276,709.29 Keys: N/A (Not Appicable) L.A.I.F Interset Paid Quarterly d''certify that thi77 report reflects all Governmental Agency pooled ivestments and is in conformity with the investment Policy of e City of Atascadero as stated in Resolution No. 126-90 dated /11/90. A copy of this Resolution is available at the Office Df the City Clerk. The Investment Prograr herein shown provides Sufficient cash flow liquidity to meet next month' =stimated =xpenditures. jIGNED: M�.iriel Korba, C:.ty Treasurer • • CITY OF ATASCADERO CASH ACTIVITY SUMMARY TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1991 BEGINNING CASH RESOURCES $7,389,504.61 ADD: RECEIPTS $422,220.76 LESS: DISBURSEMENTS $733,109.78 OTHER TRANSFERS/MISC. ADJUSTMENTS 243,570.75 --------------- ENDING CASH RESOURCES $7,035,044.84 FUND 501-CONSTRUCTION FUND (A) (B) REMAINING TYPE OF REVENUE OR EXP:'NSE COUNCIL ACTUAL. REVENUE ENCUMBRANCES TOTAL (A+F) ?'UNI) AUTHORIZED OR (EXPENSE) BAUA BOND PROCFEDT, 2,000,000.07 2,000,000.00 0.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,00 u '_NTEREST EARNINGS S0,000.00 85,000.00 0.00 85.000.00 2,085,000.01, CLOSING COSTS (110,000.00) (109,1'8.00) 0.00 (109,078.00) 1,975,922.00 TUND RESERVE %794,000.00) ( 0.00 (194,000.00) 1,781,922.00 nOLICE "ACTLITY D50,000.00) (1,345,472.00) (11,000.00) (1,356,472."W) 421,450.00 PAVILLSON-PHASE I Wl 8,900.00) (217,302.42) (1,597.58) (2!.8,900.00) :20o,550.00 ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ------------- BALANCE AVAILABLE--PAV'LLTON PHASE .T.I 207,10e.00 219,147.58 (7.2,597.58) 20o,55b.0o :0o,550.00 FUND 301-TREE PLANTING TRUST BEGINNING FUND BAL.AW F 13,390.95 13,Z90.Y5 0.00 13,350.95 13.390.95 ADD: RE'VLN,_1ES-"Y'AR TO DATE 0.00 22.15 0.06 22.i5 13,413.10 LESS: W .NDITURE AR TO PATE (8,248.001 ,.',,^-40.110) 0.008, L .1 ) 05.16 . �0 ----- BALANCE AVAILABLE-TREE PLANTING TRUST 1,142.^5 --- ....,.10 -------0.00 ----5, 65 -0 ----5, --- 105. MEETING AGENDA DATE..4„L23Lc . ITEM# B-4� • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item: CITY OF ATASCADERO Through : Ray Windsor . City Manager Meeting Date: 4/231/91 From : Mark Joseph , Administrative Services Director SUBJECT_ Revised Finance Director ' s Report RECOMMENDATION: None required , for Council information only . BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Finance Director ' s Monthly Report has been enhanced to provide more detailed comparisons, both in terms of departmental detail aind relative to budget and prior year expenditures. Hopefully, the attached report is self-explanatory. Some comments are in order- regarding specific amounts . • First , regarding the first table , Pu". ic Works expenditures are up over last year due to higher operating costs at the Wastewater Treatment Plant and they Dial -A-Ride vehicle costs. t-ommunity Services ' costs are up due to i^creased activities ( it Should also be noted that Recreational revenues are also up significantly over las: year `. The doubling of expenses in Non— Department reflects the shift of certain Cite;wida costs (e.g . photocopyinq , mail , telephones) that are not easily allocated to Departments . Capital expenditures are down both hecause of the Police Facility construction costs ( in FY 99--90 ) and the delay in Public Wo-ks Projects (pending Courcil actic.,r o' the 5 Year CIP plan ) . Finally , debt =_er-vice payments are up due to the early payoff of a 5 year Capital Lease . Moving to the Budget- to-Actual Table , the increase in General Government is relatad more to a reduced budget than to anv significant increase in spending . Administrative Ser•„ices ' budget is running high , primarily to the Carly lease payoff and costs related to the new computer /-3ccountinq s••.stem. Hon- Department ' s high variance is because of a budgeted contingency in FY” 99-90; no such contingency was budget-Cd this ,year . • 3 7 FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING MARCH 31, 1991 PREPARED: 04/18/91 7 I. SCHEDULE OF CURRENT MONTH ACTIVITY AND PRIOR YEAR VARIANCES MARCH ADJUST- NET CURRENT PRIOR RCT. DEPARTMENT 1991 MENTS MARCH YR-TO-DATE YR-TO-DATE VAR. General Govt 17,363 0 17,363 153,399 158,959 -0.4% Police 149,455 0 149,455 1,499,051 1,369,126 9.5% Fire 82,755 0 82,755 805,971 726,050 11.0% Public Works 105,12 0 105,212 911,340 642,186 41.9% Community Dev'ment 55,515 0 55,515 542,913 516,849 5.0% Community Services 161,379 0 161,379 1,279,062 1,084,638 17.9% Admin. Services 31,036 0 31,036 610,052 574,981 6. 1% Non-Departmental 27,396 0 27,396 438,974 219,028 100.4% Major Capital 52,243 0 52,243 1,012,038 1,905,737 -46.9% Debt Service/Trust . 0 0 0 204,958 153,621 33.4% -------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS 682,354 0 682,354 7,462,758 7,351,175 1.5% II. BUDGET-TO-ACTUAL REPORT CURRENT CURRENT PCT. PRIOR PRIOR PCT. DEPA TMiENT _BUDGET YR-TO-DATE SPENT BUDGET YR-TO-DATE SPENT General Gov' t 225,225 15,399 70.3y. 260,073 159,959 59.2: Woli_e 2,053,318 1,499,051 73.0% 1,899, 119 1,369, 126 72. 1% Fire 1, 164,492 F5-,7971 69.2% 1, 10/,006 726,@:,0 65.6% Public Works 1,575,988 911,340 57.7% 984,061 64:, 136 65.3% Compiunity Dev'meat 795,689 542,913 68.2% 763,47.5 516,849 67.7% Cammunity Services 1,841,241 1,279,062 69.5% 1,636,628 . 1,084,636 66.3% Admin. Services 736,075 610,052 86.4%. 823,729 574,981 69.8% Non-Departmentel 643,893 438,Q74 68.2% 571,988 219,028 36.11% Major Capital 2,675,920 1,012,038 37.8% 6,477,215 1,905,737 29.4% Debt Service/Trust 762,474 :04,958 26.9% 528,316 153,61 29.1% -------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS 12,447,315 7,462,758 60.0% 15,060, 150 7,351, 175 48.8% I 'Sark Joseph, do hereby certify that the above information is accurate and reflects the C:ty's financial conditions for the periods specified. However, the inform atISP in these reports is unaudited, and may therefore be subject to future r. visions. May k J Seph^ iilan� Dil"eCtpl' ) • • CITY OF ATASCADERO SCHEDULE OF CASH RECEIPTS AND TRANSFERS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1991 CASH RECEIPTS: CURRENT MONTH YEAR TO DATE_ ANNUAL BUDGET % ;:."ECEIVED BED TAX 0.00 53,109.58 110,000.00 48 CIGARETTE TAX 3,188.72 31,837.79 35,000.00 90 GAS TAX RECEIPTS 37,898.10 269,309.75 393, 100.00 68 MOTOR VEHICL_ IN-LT=L) 49,394.24 613,287.04 860,000.00 71 c'ROPERTY TAXES 45,645.53 1,363,394.27 2,112,130,.00 64 *ROPERTY TRANSFER TAX (13,866.74) 10,567.35 60,000.00 1.7 SALES TAX 141,002.02 1,298,728.92 1,850,000.00 7E A.D. *3-ATAS. LAKE-MARCHANT 0.00 3,417.00 6,420.00 53 A.D. *4-SEPARADO/CAYUOOS 2,084.89 53,277.70 102,233.00 53 H.D. #5-CHANDLER RANCH 729.69 25,161.45 41,000.00 61 DEVELOPER FEES (26,762.03) 309,427.36 675,600.00 45 DIAL-A-RIDE 3,209.05 88,594.15 34,000.00 260 -INES/PENALTIES/OVERAGES 1,098.95 27,312.67 11,550.00 236 'RANCHISE FEES 1.01,325.53 136,757.19 330,000.00 60 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 1,228.56 311,415.25 365, 150.00 85 -..ICENSE/P'ERMI'T/FEES 29,410.31 409,454.87 668,197.00 61 'ISCELLANEOUS 595.91 10,218,.80 1,000.00 1021 ARK PAVILLION DONATION 75.00 1,685.00 0.00 -- RKS AND RECF',_AT=ON FEES ICi,6 'i'.so 217,247.14 272,400.00 79 LICE SERVICES 4,603.50 69,802.03 1:1.3,200.00 59 UST REIMPUR-E-1_rl, 1,665.06 5,725.96 30,000.00 20 hi-S/COhICE: S:[ ! iB 65'b.S3 21,454.20 52,650.00 -+0 ALES-MAPS/ '.BS:I?i=FORTS 80.00 3,769.52 3,C100.00 125 _ NITATIOI•i -_ 6,344.8;: „'.i 2,50,2.76 66c,,620.00 68 T REET MAI11 F_1iAp.+CE IT,•ISTF.,ICT'= 31.L,O 49 `i.81 1:L,7!311..00 43 -DA RECEIPTS 43.k^,Ci -:1 00,595.7`.; 441:2,521..00 .,5 FcEE TRUST FUND 0.00 22.15 `'06_.00 3 ::FED ABATEMENT 860,C,10 .4 4,448.4., -w,,4":ov.00 1.48 --.TATE HISTP,07CA!- ;RATNT X5.00 ^0.00 0.00 -- -fCAMORE BRLL'GF GRANT 0.04:1 :x:,,,;100.00 30,000.00 ki0 ZOO RECEIPTS 3,264.77 5:1.,01.7.31 71,000.00 71 CTRL - - ---- ---- _.__..2,44 0._ a,0",-,;`.'i7 .24- >',:344, ,'1.00G4 ,.. _T!`ER CASH i,,EC T.PTi_. c: ROCEEDS Fc;Oh ':AI-E 0 1'71•!DS 0 CiJ S41G 4 iV) 4i C1 Li i_ Or 4, 4. 7, e,4 FR,Cim _A;_F OF FIXE— A SE, B 11 R,^_E ME, T.. ..V Y _ -E !; .i 4.a'v. :.,1145..L'11c1 'S 'URrLI.- , ,.. . 4'.. 1.30 T ;... C1T1IE, Ek 111_, • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: 4-23-91 • CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: B -S Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager From: Greg Luke, Director of Public Works SUBJECT• Traffic and Parking control modifications on E1 Camino Real in the vicinity of Chapel of the Roses and Colony Park. RECOMMENDATION• It is the recommendation of the Traffic Committee that Council adopt Resolution No. 34-91 making the modifications as described on the attached resolution. BACKGROUND• The owners of the businesses in this area have requested assistance from the City to prohibit the long term parking of • vehicles along the frontage of their property. DISCUSSION• This location is frequently used for the long term parking of semi-trucks and trailers. On occasion the vehicles have been serviced while parked at this location. The property owners object to this use of their frontage. They have taken care to maintain their property in an attractive manner and have requested assistance from the City to correct this situation. OPTIONS• 1) Adopt Resolution No. 34-91 2) Deny Resolution No. 34-91 3) Return item to Traffic Committee for further review FISCAL IMPACT• The cost of these modifications will be approximately $3000. 00 to be paid out of currently budgeted funds. • • RESOLUTION NO. 34-91 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO MODIFYING PARKING REGULATIONS ON EL CAMINO REAL IN THE VICINITY OF THE CHAPEL OF THE ROSES AND COLONY PARK WHEREAS, Section 4-2 . 1301 et. sequence of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to designate limited time parking areas, and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, Section 4-2. 1101 et. sequence of the Atacadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to designate No Parking areas, and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Committee has studied the traffic problems at this location and have determined modifications to the parking regulations are appropriate. WHEREAS, the Traffic Committee recommends the following: • 1. Mark curb in front of mailbox with 20' of white (loading zone) paint and an additional 10' of red curb on either side of white curb. 2. Paint 20' of red curb on both sides of driveways at both Colony Inn and Colony Park. 3 . Install two-way left turn lane (ie, median) along the entire improved road section. 4. Install signage indicating areas where the road narrows. 5. Establish 2 Hour parking limitations on the entire frontage between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. excepting the areas specified in items 1 and 2 above. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings as indicated above. • On Motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES• NOES. ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADER0 • LEE DAYKA, City Clerk ROBERT B. LILLEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER MONTANDON City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: GREG LUKE Director of Public Works City Engineer • ■ Aker,�J), • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: 4-23-91 CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: B -6 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager From: Greg Luke, Director of Public Works SUBJECT• Establishment of 20 minute parking zone on San Anselmo Avenue along a portion of the frontage of the True Spirit Missionary Baptist Church. RECOMMENDATION• The Traffic Committee recommends that Council adopt the attached resolution limiting parking at this location. (Resolution No. 35-91) BACKGROUND• During the development process for the True Spirit Missionary • Baptist Church the subject of on-street parking was addressed. Due to concerns regarding traffic congestion and sight distance, on- street parking was prohibited. The Committee has received several requests from parishioners to allow the temporary stopping of vehicles along the curb for the purpose of dropping off and picking up passengers. This is especially important to mobility impaired individuals who need to use the handicapped facilities located in the front of the Church. DISCUSSION• Various methods of accommodating this need were discussed and it is the decision of the Committee that establishing a limited time parking zone would be the appropriate action. OPTIONS• 1) Adopt Resolution No. 35-91 2) Deny Resolution No. 35-91 3) Return item to Traffic Committee for further review. FISCAL IMPACT• The cost of this modification will be approximately $50. 00 to be paid out of current budgeted funds. RESOLUTION NO. 35-91 • RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A 20 MINUTE PARKING ZONE ON SAN ANSELMO ALONG A PORTION OF THE FRONTAGE OF THE TRUE SPIRIT MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH WHEREAS, Section 4-2 . 1301 et. sequence of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to designate limited time parking areas, and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Committee has studied the traffic problems at this location and have determined that a 20 Minute Parking area is appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings as indicated above. On Motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: • AYES• NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO LEE DAYKA, City Clerk ROBERT B. LILLEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ARTHER MONTANDON GREG LUKE City Attorney Dir. of Public Works/ City Engineer • EXHIBIT A LOCATION MAP CITY Ot- ATASC.zDERO CUP 03-89 C 0!,[.ti[ Ll�i[TY D E V E L 0 PM E,\i T DEPA RTMENT i � � o � .�SEVEp►DO�wE rbZON��-_ ° Z cSOA' Tp� ►vE �'�..��I i 1 \ •� \ J'�•��►� ADEM. I �-►V ft� 2�' 1 `��1 ma� \� - � \'•\ O ��i' ..�-"��i-1�-rte, �� �) ��--� AVE 7, �1 I LA INE RS t � �'' � � i !�f" ►VES /�i.�� j. AL � C.NI S11-E- , Ir , y VE NAC • fry, ' � A I � '' II I `~� ' � \ � • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: B - 7 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Dater 4/23/91 From: Greg L. Luke, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Consideration of acceptance of Montura Lane into the City maintained road system. RECOMMENDATION: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1806 of the California Streets and Highway Code resolve to include this road in the City maintained road system. BACKGROUND: Montura Lane is a cul-de-sac that was constructed by private developers in 1978 in accordance with plans approved by the County of San Luis Obispo. The road was constructed to serve a • subdivision created by Parcel Map No. CO 77-398 recorded on November 20, 1978. A offer to dedicate this road was made to the County on the Parcel Map. The offer was rejected at the time of recordation. The property owners along this road were notified of the Staff's recommendation to accept this road into the city maintained road system. ANALYSIS: This road is in relatively good condition and should only require minor routine maintenance in the near future. It is the Staff's judgement that this road meets the requirements to be accepted into the city maintained road system. FISCAL IMPACT: By accepting this road into the city maintained system the city will become responsible for the repair and maintenance, however, no significant work is expected for several years. • RESOLUTION NO. 32-91 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ACCEPTING MONTURA LANE INTO THE CITY-MAINTAINED ROAD SYSTEM The Council of the City of Atascadero resolves as follows: 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1806 of the California Streets and Highways Code, the following street is hereby accepted into the city street system: Street Name Length in Feet Miles Montura Lane 530 .10 2 . A copy of this resolution shall be furnished to: Frank Asher and Cecil and Beverly A. Barrett On motion by Council Member , and seconded by Council Member the Atascadero City Council hereby adopts the foregoing resolution in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: • NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: LEE DAYKA, City Clerk ROBERT B. LILLEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER MONTANDON City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: GREG LUKE • Director of Public Works/City Engineer go `` �•. ������ ��♦ � ♦ , � �� � tom,, � � .. up-���♦ �\���� ��j��� �• . � �►��� sir ���� � � �� �� - � .� /iiia •.. rII v � •�i �' ` : WK \ ♦/� • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY .OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: B -8 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Mtg. Date: 4/23/91 From: Henry Engen, Comm. Development Director4-)C SUBJECT: Utility transmission facilities. BACKGROUND: At the Council' s meeting of April 9th, the Zoning Regulations were questioned as they pertain to utility transmission facilities. Specifically, there had been complaints by a neighbor of a GTE cellular receiving station constructed at 13655 Santa Ana Road - (which is allowed by right in all zoning districts) . The Council requested staff to report on this issue. ANALYSIS: As reflected in the attached memorandum from Doug Davidson, there • are types of utility transmission facilities whose nature suggests the conditional use permit review while others, such as transmis- sion lines, that should simply be allowed by right. RECOMMENDATION: Pursuant to the attached memorandum, refer the subject to staff for incorporation in the comprehensive rewrite of the Zoning Ordinance which must be done to implement the pending General Plan Update. HE:ps Enc: Staff Memorandum - April 10, 1991 • MEMORANDUM • TO: Ray Windsor, City Manager April 10, 1991 VIA: Henry Engen, Community Development Director }* FROM: Doug Davidson, Senior Planner O.D. SUBJECT: Selected Utility Transmission Facilities The construction of a GTE celluar receiving station on Santa Ana Rd. has raised questions about the processing of such applications, particulary in residential zones. Under the Zoning Ordinance utility stations are defined as follows: Utility Transmission Facilities: Utility transmission lines and distribution facilities, including substations for electric, gas, other energy sources, water, cable television, and telephone. Does not include lines serving individual customers. The Zoning Ordinance lists utility transmission facilities as an allowable use in all zones. The permit procedure in such cases O is a Plot Plan, or ministerial approval. If all applicable development standards (setback, height, etc. ) are satisfied, approval of a Plot Plan results in the issuance of a building permit. The GTE facility on Santa Ana Rd. is exempt from the height requirements and is situated in accordance with minimum setback standards. Such actions are exempt from CEQA (the California Environmental Quality Act) , thus no public notice is given to adjacent or surrounding property owners. Conditional Use Permit The most appropriate method to notify a neighborhood of proposed projects is the Conditional Use Permit. Land uses which could significantly affect their surroundings are designated as conditional uses. Prior to establishing such uses, a public hearing is required before the Planning Commission. Ten ( 10) days before the hearing, a public notice is mailed to each property owner within 300 feet of the project site. These are discretionary approvals, meaning that the Planning Commission may approve, deny, or modify a proposed project. Staff agrees that utility receiving stations and substations warrant this level of review in residential zones. • • Zone Text Chance Changing utility transmission facilities from an allowable use to a conditional use in residential zones requires amending the text of the Zoning Ordinance (see attachment for the RS zones, such as Santa Ana Rd. , to see how the various uses are listed) . The Zoning Ordinance may be amended whenever the City Council deems that the public necessity, convenience, or welfare require a change. Text amendments may be initiated either by: ( 1) The City Council or Planning Commission upon its own motion: or (2) The City Council or Planning Commission upon acceptance of a request from any interested party, including the Planning Director or City Manager. Requests shall be in writing and include a description of the benefit to be derived from the text amendment. The City Council may refer a proposed text amendment to the Planning Director and/or Planning Commission before deciding whether to initiate the change. • In addition to changing the use designation, staff wants to be certain that the everyday or emergency service needs of the public utilities are not hindered. The land use definition cited above includes "utility transmission lines and distribution lines. " This would include the installation of overhead P.G.&E transmission lines within their recorded easements. The intent of the text change should be to*provide neighborhood notification of proposed substations and receiving stations, such as the Santa Ana Rd. project, and not interfere with the timely distribution of utilities. As part of the text amendment, staff will probably suggest breaking this definition into two, or re-wording the existing one to ensure the desired goal. Zoning Ordinance Comprehensive Re-write The Zoning Ordinance needs to be updated to correct situations such as this, as well as to clarify subject areas with unclear interpretations. The re-write will become a necessity upon adoption of the updated General Plan to ensure conformance between the two documents. In this light, staff suggests incorporating this request into the comprehensive re-write, _ instead of entertaining a number of individual requests. This corresponds to the recent processing of General Plan Amendment requests, where individual requests for density increases have been consolidated for review in the General Plan Update. • Attachment: RS Zone Land Uses r - ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 RSRes ' ( idential Suburban) Zone • r 9-3 . 141. Purpose: This zone is established to provide for large lot residential uses in areas outside the Urban Services Line or in other areas where large lots are desirable to protect land uses and buildings subject to inundation, steep slopes or other hazards. 9-3 .142. Allowable Uses: The following uses shall be allowed in the Residential Suburban Zone. The establishment of allowable uses shall be as provided by Section 9-2.107 (Plot Plans) and Section 9-2. 108 (Precise Plans) : (a) Farm animal raising (See Section 9-6.112) (b) Home occupations (See Section 9-6.105) (c) Residential accessory uses (See Section 9-6.106) (d) Single family dwelling (e) Mobilehome dwelling (See Section 9-6.142) (f) Temporary dwelling (See Section 9-6.176) (g) Temporary or seasonal retail sales (See Section 9-6 .174) • (h) Horticultural specialties, where no permanent retail facili- ties are provided (See Section 9-6.116) ( i) Collection station (See Section 9-6 .130) (j) Skilled NursingFacility, where the number of residents Y under care is six or fewer (See Section 9-6 .134) (k) Residential care, where the number of residents under care is six or fewer (See Section 9-6 .135) (1) Agricultural accessory uses (See Section 9-6.109) ' (m) Utility transmission facilities (n) Pipelines, where pipelines are below the surface and where pipelines are not used to convey toxic or hazardous sub- stances other than gasoline, crude oil, natural gas, lique- fied petroleum gas or liquefied natural gas (o) Temporary Events (See Section 9-6.177) (p) AccessorySee Section 9-6.103 storage g ( ) 0 (q) Roadside stands (See Section 9-6.117) 3-6 ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 9-3. 143 . Conditional Uses: The following uses may be allowed in theResidential Suburban Zone. The establishment of conditional uses shall be as provided by Section 9-2. 109 (Conditional Use Permits) : (a) Surface mining (see Section 9-6 .151) (b) Churches and related activities (See Section 9- 6 .I21) ■ (c) Schools (See Section 9-6.125) (d) Mobilehome developments (see Section 9-6 .143) (e) Rural sports and group facilities (See Section 9-6. 124) (f) Crop production and grazing (See Section 9-6.113) (9) Animal hospitals (See Section 9-6 .110) (h) Skilled Nursing Facility, where the number of residents under care is greater than six (See Section 9-6.134) (i) Residential care, where the number of residents under care is greater than six (See Section 9-6.135) (]) Pipelines, where pipelines are not below the surface and where pipelines are used to convey toxic or hazardous sub- stances other than gasoline, crude oil, natural gas, lique- fied petroleum gas or liquefied natural gas (k) Livestock specialties (See Section 9-6. 115) (1) Bed and Breakfast (m) Agricultural processing (n) Forestry (o) Caretaker Residence (See Section 9-6.104) (p) Mining (See Section 9-6 .159) (q) Organizational houses (r) Petroleum extraction (See Section 9-6.148) (s) Kennels (See Section 9-6.111) (t) The following uses were established in a residential struc- ture of historical importance: (1) Broadcasting studios 3- 7 ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 i (2) Business support services • ' (3) Libraries and Museums (4) Offices (5) Personal services (6) School - business and vocational 9 3 .144 . Lot Size. The minimum lot size in the Residential Sub- ' urb n Zone shall be two and one-half (2 1/2) acres and may range up to ten 10) acres depending upon conformance with performance- standards estab ' shed in this Section. t (a) erformance Standards: The following performance stand ds s 11 be evaluated for each lot in determining its min ' um lot size. (1) 'stance from the Center of the Community: ing the At cadero Administration Building as the c ter of the Comm nity, the lot size factor based on t s performance stand d shall be 1 1 DISTA E LOT ZE FACTOR • 0 - 8000 ' 0.20 8000 ' -10 ,000 ' 0. 25 10,000 ' - 12,000 0.30 12,000 ' - 14 ,000 ' 0.40 14,000 ' - 16,000 ' 0 . 50 16,000 ' - 18,000 ' 0.60 18,000 ' - 20,000' 0.75 20 ,000 ' + 0 .90 1. To be measured s radia distance using map maintaine in Planni Department. (2) Septic Suitabi it Using gene lized soils data from the Soil and onservation Service Reports, the lot size factor base on this performance s ndard shall be: S RATING LOT SI\FACTORWel suited M erate ow Severe 1. Refer to map maintained in Community Developm n • De artment. 3-8 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL • CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda item: B_9 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Mtg. date: 4/23/91 From: Mike Flicks, Fire Chief SUBJECT: Resolution 30-91, Weed Abatement Program RECOMMENDATION: Recommend adoption of Resolution No. 30-91, declaring weeds a public nuisance and commencing proceedings for the abatement of said nuisances. BACKGROUND: City Ordinance No. 61 addresses the abatement of weeds, rubbish, and • similar materials which constitute a fire hazard. Adoption of Resolution No. 30-91 is the first step in this annual program which requires Council action. The attached "Exhibit X contains parcels which appeared to require weed abatement at the time of the first inspection by the Fire Department. Owners of those parcels will receive written notice of the abatement requirements. FISCAL IMPACT: Costs involved in administering this program are recovered through the administrative fee charged to parcels abated by the City Contractor. MH:pg • RESOLUTION NO. 30-91 RESOLUTION OF THE CTIY OF ATASCADERO DECLARING WEEDS A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND COMMENCING PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES The City Council of the City of Atascadero, County of,San Luis Obispo, State of California, DO HEREBY RESOLVE as follows: SECTION 1. That weeds growing or potentially could grow, and rubbish, refuse and dirt upon public and private property hereinafter described, constitute or could constitute a public nuisance and are hereby declared to be such, for the reason that such weeds upon maturity will bear wingy or downy seeds, will attain such a large growth as to become a fire menace when dry, will be otherwise noxious or dangerous, or will constitute or potentially could constitute dry grass, stubble, brush, litter or other flammable material thereby creating a hazard to public health. SECTION 2. The description of the parcels of lots of private property upon which, or in front of which, said nuisances exist, according to the official Assessment Map of said City of Atascadero, are set in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and hereby incorporated herein by reference as though here fully set forth. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to mail written notice of the proposed abatement to all persons owning property described in this resolution in accordance with Section 6-13.04 of City Ordinance No. 61. • SECTION 4. The time at which the City Council shall hear and consider all objections or protests to the required removal of said noxious or dangerous weeds, or other flammable material will be at 7:00 p.m, on May 28, 1991. On motion by Councilperson ,and seconded by Councilperson the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: ----------------------------- ----------------y----------- LEE DAYKA, City Clerk ROBERT B. LILLEY. Ma or APPROVED AS TO FORM: ------------------------- ----------------------------- • ARTHER MONTANDON, City Attorney MICHAEL HICKS, Fire Chief WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 1 028-021 -001 SYCAMORE ROAD 028-051 -045 SEPERADO • 028-021 -002 SYCAMOREROAD 028-051 -049 ARIZONA 028-021 -004 SYCAMOREROAD 028-051 -050 ARIZONA 028-021 -009 SYCAMOREROAD 028-051 -051 ARIZONA 028-021 -010 SYCAMORE ROAD 028-051 -052 ARIZONA 028-021 -011 SYCAMORE ROAD 028-051 -055 SEPERADO 028-021 -015 SYCAMORE ROAD 028-051 -056 SEPERADO 028-021 -018 SYCAMORE ROAD 0 28-051 -057 SEPERADO 0 28-021 -022 SYCAMOREROAD 028-052-013 ESTRADA 028-021 -028 SYCAMORE ROAD 028-052-017 ESTRADA 028-031 -008 SOLEDAD ROAD 028-052-018 ESTRADA 028-031 -009 SOLEDAD ROAD 028-052-020 ARIZONA 028-032-003 SYCAMORE ROAD 028-052-032 ESTRADA 028-032-006 SYCAMOREROAD 028-052-033 ESTRADA 028-032-012 SOLEDAD ROAD 028-052-037 ARIZONA 028-032-013 SOLEDAD ROAD 028-052-038 ESTRADA 028-032-017 HIDALGO 028-061 -002 SEPERADO 028-032-018 HIDALGO 028-061 -005 SEPERADO 028-032-019 HIDALGO 028-061 -009 SEPERADO 028-032-020 HIDALGO 028-061 -013 SEPERADO 028-032-034 SYCAMORE ROAD 028-061 -017 ESTRADA 028-032-035 SYCAMORE ROAD 028-061 -018 ESTRADA 0 28-032-04 2 HIDALGO 0 28-061 -019 ESTRADA 028-032-043 SYCAMORE ROAD 028-061 -020 ESTRADA 028-032-044 HIDALGO 028-061 -021 ESTRADA 028-041 -001 SOLEDAD ROAD 028-061 -023 ESTRADA 028-041 -005 SOLEDAD ROAD 028-061 -028 ESTRADA • 028-042-001 HIDALGO 028-061 -031 ESTRADA 028-042-002 HIDALGO 028-061 -041 SEPERADO 028-042-003 HIDALGO 028-061 -042 SEPERADO 028-042-005 HIDALGO 028-061 -047 SEPERADO 028-042-006 HIDALGO 028-061 -049 ESTRADA 028-042-008 HIDALGO 028-062.002 ARIZONA 028-042-015 MIRAMON 028-062-006 ARIZONA 028-042-018 MIRAMON 028-062-011 ESTRADA 028-042-022 MIRAMON 028-062-020 ESTRADA 028-042-032 MIRAMON 028-062-021 ARIZONA 028-042-042 MIRAMON 028-062-030 ARIZONA 028-042-049 MIRAMON 028-062-032 ARIZONA 028-042-050 MIRAMON 028-062-033 ARIZONA 028-042-051 MIRAMON 028-062-038 ARIZONA 028-042-054 HIDALGO 028-062-041 ESTRADA 028-042-055 HIDALGO 028-071 -001 SAN JACINTO 028-051 -014 SEPERADO 028-071 -002 TRAFFIC WAY 028-051 -016 SAN ANSELMO 028-071 -006 TRAFFIC WAY 028-051 -018 SAN ANSELMO 028-071 -009 DOLORES 028-051 -030 ARIZONA 028-071 -01 2 SAN JACINTO 028-051 -031 ARIZONA 028-071 -015 VISCANO 028-051 -035 ARIZONA 028-071 -027 TRAFFIC WAY 028-051 -036 SANANSELJMO 028-071 -028 DOLORES 028-051 -038 SEPERADO 028-071 -029 SAN JACINTO 028-051 -042 ARIZONA 028-071 -032 VISCANO • 028-051 -043 ARIZONA 028-071 -033 TRAFFIC WAY 028-051 -044 SEPERADO 028-071 -034 VISCANO WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 2 028-071 -035 VISw10 028-141 -024 SANANSELMO 028-071 -036 VISCANO 028-141 -025 ARENA • 028-071 -037 DOLORES 028-141 -029 ESTRADA 028-071 -039 VISCANO 028-141 -031 ARENA 028-071 -040 VISCANO 028-141 -032 ESTRADA 028-072-001 SAN JACINTO 0 28-141 -033 ESTRADA 028-072-002 SAN JACINTO 028-141 -034 ARENA 028-084-002 TRAFFIC WAY 028-151 -003 YERBA 028-091 -003 BUENA 028-151 -024 YERBA 028-091 -005 BUENA 028-151 -025 VERBA 028-092-001 SYCAMORE ROAD 028-151 -026 YERSA 028-092-004 SYCAMORE ROAD 028-151 -027 DOLORES 028-092-012 SYCAMORE ROAD 028-151 -031 MANANITA 0 28-092-024 SYC4IMOREROAD 028-151 -034 MANANITA 028-093-012 MIRAMON 028-151 -037 MANANITA 028-093-016 MIRAMON 028-151 -042 MANANITA 028-093-026 BUENA 028-151 -047 YERBA 028-093-033 SYCAMOREROAD 028-151 -048 YERBA 028-093-037 HIDALGO 028-151 -051 MANANITA 028-093-039 MIRAMON 028-151 -055 MANANITA 028-093-040 SYCAMOREROAD 028-151 -056 MANANITA 028-093-044 BUENA 028-152-013 MANANITA 028-093-045 BUENA 028-152-024 SAN JACINTO 028-101 -001 MIRAMON 028-152-040 SAN JACINTO 028-101 -002 MIRAMON 028-152-049 SAN JACINTO 028-101 -003 MIRAMON 028-1'52-050 SAN JACINTO 028-103-008 ALAMO 028-152-058 MANANITA 028-103-009 TRAFFIC WAY028-152-065MANANITA C • 028-103-012 TRAFFIC WAY 028-152-066 MANANITA 028-103-013 ALAMO 028-161 -001 SAN VICENTE 028-103-014 TRAFFIC WAY 028-161 -011 SAN VICENTE 028-131 -007 SYCAMORE 028-161 -014 SAN JACINTO 028-131 -016 SYCAMORE 028-161 -015 SAN JACINTO 028-131 -018 SYCAIMORE 028-161 -022 SAN JACINTO 028-131 -022 SYCAMORE 028-161 -023 SAN VICENTE 028-131 -025 SYCAMORE 028-161 -029 SAN VICENTE 028-131 -026 SYCAMORE 028-161 -030 SAN VICENTE 028-131 -02 7 SYCAMORE 028-161 -031 SAN VICENTE 028-131 -034 SYCAMORE 028-162-003 SANVICENTE 028-131 -035 SYCAMORE -028 162 006 SAN VICENTE 028-132-021 SYCAMORE 028-162-007 SAN VICENTE 028-132-023 SYCAMORE 028-162-008 SANVICENTE 028-132-026 SYCAMORE 028-162-013 VISCANO 028-132-028 SYCAMORE 028-162-014 VISCANO 028-132-029 SYCAMORE 028-162-015 VISCANO 028-141 -001 ESTRADA 028-162-016 VISCANO 028-141 -002 ESTRADA 028-162-021 VISCANO 028-141 -004 ESTRADA 028-162-023 SANVICENTE 028-141 -005 ESTRADA 028-162-025 VISCANO 028-141 -011 ESTRADA 028-162-026 VISCANO 028-141 -015 ARENA 028-162-031 VISCANO 028-141 -020 YERBA 028-162-032 VISCANO 028-141 -021 ARENA 028-162-035 VISCANO e 028-141 -023 ARENA 028-171 -002 VISCANO WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 3 028-171 -005 VISCANO 028-192-050 ALAMO • 0 28-1 71 -008 VISCANO 028-192-051 BARRENDA 028-171 -009 VISCANO 028-192-053 ALAMO 028-171 -011 VISCANO 028-192-054 TRAFFIC WAY 028-172-001 VALENTINA 028-192-055 ALAMO 028-172-005 DOLORES 028-192-056 ALAMO 028-172-013 VALENTINA 028-1 9 2-05 7 TRAFFIC WAY 028-172-015 VALENTINA 028-201 -001 VIA AVENUE 028-172-026 DOLORE.S 028-201 -004 VIAAVENUE 028-1 72-032 ALAMO 0 28-21 1 -006 ENSENADA 028-1 81 -002 VALENTINA 028-212-001 CAPISTRANO 028-181 -003 VALENTINA 028-212-003 CABRILLO 028-181 -008VALENTINA 028-21 2-004 CABRILLO 028-1 81 -00 9 VALENTINA 028-212-005 CAPISTRANO 028-181 -012 SAN PEDRO 0 28-21 2-00 6 CAPISTRANO 028-181 -013 SAN PEDRO 028-213-003 CABRILLO 028-181 -014 SAN PEDRO 0 28-21 3-009 MAGDALENA 028-181 -016 SAN PEDRO 028-213-011 MAGDALENA 0,28-181 -018 SAN PEDRO 028-213-018 MERCEDES 028-181 -019 SAN PEDRO 028-213-019 MERCEDES 028-181 -021 ALAMO 028-213-020 MERCEDES 028-1 81 -022 ALAMO 028-213-021 CAPISTRANO 028-181 -026 VALENTINA 028-213-022 MERCEDES 028-1 81 -027 VALENTINA 028-214-001 MAGDALENA 028-1 81 -02 8 VALENTINA 028-214-002 MAGDALENA 028-1 81 -029 VAL.ENTINA 028-214-018 MERCEDES 028-181 -030 VALENTINA 028-215-014 MERCEDES • 028-182-001 ARROYO 028-215-016 MERCEDES 028-182-002 ARROYO) 028-215-017 MERCEDES 028-182-005 SAN PEDRO 028-241 -001 CORTEZAVENUE 028-182-009 SAN PEDRO 028-241 -002 CORTEZAVENUE 028-182-01 0 ARROYO 028-241 -007 CORTEZAVENUE 028-182-017 ALAMO 028-242-005 CURBARIL 028-182-020 ALAMO 028-242-006 CURBARIL 028-182-022 ARROYO 028-242-007 CURBARIL 028-182-023 SAN PEDRO 028-242-008 CURBARIL 028-182-025 ALAMO 028-251 -001 SAN ANSELMO 028-182-026 ALAMO 028-251 -007 SANARDO 028-182-027 SAN PEDRO 028-251 -008 DOI.ORES 028-182-031 ARROYO 028-251 -009 SANARDO 028-191 -008 TRAFFIC WAY 028-251 -014 SAN ANSELMO 028-191 -010 TRAFFIC WAY 028-251 -018 SAN ANSELMO 028-192-005 ALAMO 028-251 -019 SAN ANSELMO 028-192-006 ALAMO 028-251 -020 SANANSELMO 028-192-007 ALAMO 028-251 -021 SAN ANSELMO 028-192-014 TRAFFIC WAY 028-251 -023 ARENA 028-192-015 TRAFFIC WAY 028-251 -024 SANARDO 028-192-024 BARRENDA 028-251 -025 SANARDO 028-192-032 ALAMO 028-251 -026 SANARDO 028-192-035 ALAMO 028-251 -029 SANARDO 028-192-043 HONDA 028-251 -030 SANARDO 028-192-044 ALAMO 028-251 -031 SANARDO • 028-192-047 BARRENDA 028-261 -009 SANARDO 028-192-049 ALAMO 028-261 -010 SANADO WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 4 028-261 -011 SANARDO 028-292-014 DOLORES 028-261 -019 SANARDO 028-292-015 DOLORES • 028-261 -020 ARENA 028-292-016 CURVADOCIRCLE 028-261 -022 SANARDO 028-292-017 NAVIDAD 028-261 -023 DCLORES 028-292-018 SAN JACINTO 028-261 -026 YERBA 028-292-019 SAN JACINTO 028-261 -027 YERBA 028-301 -006 DULZURA 0 28-261 -028 YERBA 028-301 -010 DULZURA 028-261 -031 YERBA 028-301 -012 SAN JACINTO 028-261 -033 ARENA 028-301 -013 SAN JACINTO 028-271 -006 SANANSELMO 028-301 -016 SAN JACINTO 028-271 -007 DOLORES 028-301 -018 SAN JACINTO 0 28-271 -008 SANANSELMO 028-301 -020 SAN JACINTO 028-271 -009 DOLORES 028-301 -022 SAN JACINTO 028-271 -013 DOLORES 028-301 -025 SAN JACINTO 028-271 -014 DCLORES 028-301 -026 SAN JACINTO 028-271 -017 SANANSELMO 028-301 -029 DOLORES 028-271 -018 SANANSELMO 028-301 -031 DULZURA 0 28-271 -023 SANANSELMO 028-301 -032 DULZURA 028-271 -024 SANANSELMO 028-301 -033 DULZURA 028-271 -025 SANANSELMO 028-301 -034 DOLORES 028-271 -026 SANANSELMO 028-301 -035 DOLORES 028-271 -028 SANANSELMO 028-301 -036 SAN JACINTO 028-271 -029 DOLORES 028-301 -039 SAN JACINTO 028-271 -030 DOLORES 028-31 1 -003 ROSARIO 028-271 -031 DOLORES 028-311 -004 ROSARIO 028-271 -032 DOLORES 028-31 1 -008 ROSARIO 028-281 -001 CURVADO CIRCLE 028-311 -013 DULZURA • 0 28-2 81 -002 CURVADO CIRCLE 028-311 -015 DULZURA 028-281 -005 ELVERANO 028-311 -025 DULZURA 028-281 -010 ELVERANO 028-31 1 -028 DULZURA 028-281 -011 NAVIDAD 028-31 1 -029 DULZURA 028-282-002 NOGALES 028-311 -035 DULZURA 028-282-004 NOGALES 028-311 -036 ROSARIO 028-282-013 ELVERANO 028-311 -037 ROSARIO 028-282-015 DCLORES 028-31 1 -040 BAJADA 028-282-021 ELVERANO 028-31 1 -042 ROSARIO 028-282-023 NOGALES 028-321 -004 GANCHO 028-282-024 ELVERANO 028-321 -009 ROSARIO 028-282-025 ELVERANO 028-321 -010 ROSARIO 028-282-027 ELVERANO 028-321 -011 ROSARIO 028-291 -001 CURVADO CIRCLE 028-321 -017 ARROYO 028-291 -002 DCLORES 028-321 -018 ARROYO 028-291 -003 DOLORES 028-321 -021 ROSARIO 028-291 -004 DOLORES 028-321 -024 GNVCI-O 028-291 -007 CURVADOCIRCLE 028-321 -025 ROSARIO 028-291 -009 CURVADOCIRCLE 0 28-321 -029 ARROYO 028-291 -010 CURVADO CIRCLE 028-321 -032 ROSARIO 028-292-001 DOLORES 028-321 -034 ARROYO 028-292-005 DOLORES 028-321 -035 ARROYO 028-292-006 NAVIDAD 028-322-001 ROSARIO 028-292-009 NAVIDAD 028-322-002 ROSARIO 028-292-010 SAN JACINTO 028-322-003 BARRENDA • 028-292-013 NAVIDAD 028-322-008 ROSARIO WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 5 028-322-014 ALAMO 028-353-008 MAGDALENA • 028-322-015 ALAMO 028-353-009 MAGDALENA 028-322-021 ALAMO 028-353-011 MAGDALENA 028-322-024 BARRENDA 028-354-002 MAGDALENA 028-322-025 BARRENDA 028-354-003 MAGDALENA 028-322-030 ALAMO 028-354-006 MAGDALENA 028-322-031 ROSARIO 028-354-007 MAGDALENA 028-322-032 ALAMO 028-354-009 MAGDALENA 028-322-035 ALAMO 028-354-010 MAGDALENA 028-322-036 ALAMO 028-355-008 MERCEDES 028-322-037 ALAMO 028-355-010 MERCEDES 028-322-038 ROSARIO 028-355-013 MERCEDES 028-322-039 ALAMO 028-355-014 MERCEDES 028-322-040 ROSARIO 028-355-015 MERCEDES 028-322-041 BARRENDA 028-361 -002 TRAFFIC WAY 028-331 -004 ROSARIO 028-361 -008 ENSENADA 028-331 -005 ROSARIO 028-361 -009 ENSENADA 028-331 -006 ROSARIO 028-361 -010 ENSENADA 028-331 -009 BARRENDA 0 28-361 -014 ENSENADA 028-331 -012 BARRENDA 028-361 -017 TRAFFIC WAY 028-332-001 BARRENDA 028-361 -027 ENSENADA 028-332-002 BARRENDA 028-361 -028 ENSENADA 028-332-003 BARRENDA 028-371 -004 ENSENADA 028-332-004 BARRENDA 028-371 -005 ENSENADA 028-332-008 BARRENDA 028-371 -009 CAPISTRANO 028-332-019 HONDA 028-371 -011 CAPISTRANO • 028-332-020 BARRENDA 0 28-371 -01 2 CAPISTRANO 028-332-025 HONDA 028-371 -016 CAPISTRANO 028-332-027 BARRENDA 028-371 -017 CAPISTRANO 028-332-033 BARRENDA 028-371 -021 CAPISTRANO 028-341 -009 ENSENADA 028-371 -030 ENSENADA 028-341 -011 ENSENADA 028-372-006 CAPISTRANO 028-341 -012 ENSENADA 028-372-010 MAGNOLIA 028-341 -018 VIA 028-372-011 MAGNOLIA 028-341 -021 TRAFFIC WAY 028-372-014 MAGNOLIA 028-351 -001 ENSENADA 028-372-015 MAGNOLIA 028-351 -002 ENSENADA 028-372-019 MAGNOLIA 028-351 -003 ENSENADA 028-372-022 CAPISTRANO 028-351 -004 ENSENADA 028-372-026 CAPISTRANO 028-351 -005 ENSENADA 028-372-029 MAGNOLIA 028-351 -006 CAPISTRANO 028-381 -015 MAGNOLIA 028-351 -009 CAPISTRANIO 028-381 -017 MAGNOLIA 028-351 -011 CABRILLO 028-381 -023 MAGNOLIA 028-351 -012 CAPISTRANO 028-381 -024 MAGNOLIA 028-352-001 CAPISTRANO 028-381 -025 MAGNOLIA 028-352-005 CABRILLO 028-382-005 MERCEDES 028-352-015 CABRILLO 028-382-006 MERCEDES 028-352-017 CABRILLO 028-382-012 MERCEDES 028-352-019 CAPISTRANO 028-382-013 MERCEDES 028-353-002 CABRILLO 028-382-014 MERCEDES 028-353-003 CABRILLO 028-391 -001 DOLORES 028-353-004 CABRILLO 028-391 -002 DOLORES • 028-353-006 CABRILLO 028-391 -006 DCLORES 028-353-007 MAGDALENA 028-391 -007 VISCANO WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 6 028-401 -005 TAMPICO 028-401 -006 VERNALIS • 028.401 -009 VERNALIS 028-401 -011 ARAGON 028-401 -013 ARAGON 028-401 -014 ARAGON 028-401 -015 ARAGON 028-401 -016 AURORA 028-401 -019 AURORA 028-401 -020 AURORA 028-401 -024 AURORA 028-411 -001 VERNALIS 028-411 -004 VERNALIS 028-411 -007 GABARDA 028-411 -008 GABARDA 028-411 -009 GABARDA 028-411 -013 CURBARIL 028-411 -014 CURBARIL 028-411 -015 CURBARIL 028-411 -021 GABARDA 028-411 -023 GABARDA 028-411 -028 CURBARIVACACIA 028-412-002 AURORA 028-412-004 AURORA 028-412-006 AURORA 028-412-007 TAMPICO 028-412-008 AURORA • 028-413-003 CORTEZ 028-413-006 CaflF1 • WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 7 029-061 -004 SONORA li • 029-01 1 -007 NOGALES 029-061 -033 BARRENDA 029-011 -016 SAN ANSELMO 029-061 -034 BARRENDA 029-011 -017 NOGALES 029-061 -041 BARRENDA 029-011 -041 NOGALES 029-061 -043 TRAFFIC WAY 029-012-002 SAN ANSELMO 029-061 -045 TRAFFIC WAY 029-012-003 SAN ANSELMO 029-062-001 BARRENDA 029-012-015 ROSITA 029-062-010 BARRENDA 0 29-012-01 6 SAN ANSEL.MO 029-062-014 TRAFFIC WAY 029-012-017 SAN ANSELMO 029-062-037 BAJADA 029-012-021 ROSITA 029-062-038 BARRENDA 029-022-021 ROSITA 029-071 -005 NOGALES 029-022-025 ROSITA 029-071 -010 NOGALES 029-022-026 ROSITA 029-071 -016 ROSARIO 029-023-010 ROSITA 029-071 -032 ROSARIO 029-023-011 ROSITA 029-081 -003 TUNITAS 029-023-012 TRANQUILLA 029-081 -005 TUNITAS 029-024-007 NOGALES 029-081 -006 TUNITAS 029-024-009 NOGALES . 029-105-004 PINAL 029-024-014 ROSITA 029-105-007 SERENACOURT 029-024-017 TRANQUIL.LA 029-105-014 CAPISTRANO 029-024-018 ROSITA 029-105-023 MERCEDES 029-031 -002 NOGALES 0 29-1 05-027 MERCEDES 029-031 -005 NOGALES 0 29-1 05-028 MERCEDES 029-031 -006 NOGALES 029-105-034 CAPISTRANO 029-031 -007 ELVERANO 029-1 05-035 SERENACOURT • 029-031 -008 NOGALES 0 29-1 05-036 SERENACOURT 029-031 -010 NOGALES 029-1 0 5-03 7 SERENACOURT 029-032-006 VIDA 029-105-038 SERENACOURT 029-032-007 NAVIDAD 029-111 -002 PINAL 029-032-009 ELVERANO 029-11 1 -003 PINAL 029-032-010 VIDA 029-111 -004 PINAL 029-032-01 4 ELVERANO 029-111 -005 PINAL 029-041 -002 VIDA 029-1 1 1 -006 PINAL 029-041 -004 VIDA 029-121 -001 PINAL 029-041 -006 VIDA 029-121 -002 PINAL 029-041 -010 VIDA 029-121 -005 MALEZA 029-041 -012 VIDA 029-121 -006 MALEZA 029-041 -013 VIDA 0 29-121 -007 MALEZA 029-041 -015 VIDA 0 29-1 21 -008 MALEZA 029-041 -016 VIDA 029-121 -010 MALEZA 029-041 -018 VIDA 029-121 -015 MALEZA 029-041 -023 SAN JACINTO 029-121 -017 MALEZA 029-041 -026 SAN JACINTO 029-121 -017 MALEZA 029-042-003 VIDA 029-121 -018 MALEZA 029-042-004 VIDA 029-121 -019 MALEZA 029-042-006 VIDA 029-121 -020 MALEZA 029-042-007 VIDA 029-121 -021 MALEZA 029-042-008 VIDA 029-121 -022 MALEZA 029-042-009 VIDA 029-131 -002 MALEZA 029-051 -008 DULZURA 029-131 -012 PINAL 029-051 -009 DULZURA 029-131 -019 PINAL • 029-051 -022 NOGALES 0 29-13 1 -020 PINAL 029-051 -030 SAN JACINTO 029-131 -021 PINAL WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 8 029-131 -023 MALEZA 029-153-017 CASTANO 029-131 -025 MALEZA 029-161 -007 ESCARPA • 029-131 -026 MALEZA 029-161 -008 ESCARPA 029-131 -027 CASTANO 029-161 -009 SONORA 029-131 -028 CASTANO 029-1 71 -001 SONORA 029-131 -029 MALEZA 029-171 -002 SONORA 029-131 -030 MALEZA 029-171 -003 SONORA 029-132-002 CASTANO 029-171 -006 SONORA 029-132-004 CASfANO 029-171 -007 VALLE 029-132-01 0 CORTEZ 029-171 -008 VALLE 029-132-012 CORTEZ 029-171 -009 VALLE 029-132-01 3 CORTEZ 029-171 -011 VALLE 029-132-01 6 CORTEZ 029-171 -012 VALLE 029-141 -004 CASfANO 029-171 -013 VALLE 029-141 -005 PINAL 029-171 -014 VALLE 029-141 -006 CASTANO 029-171 -015 VALLE 029-1 41 -007 CASTANO 029-171 -016 VALLE 029-141 -008 CASTANO 029-171 -017 VALLE 029-141 -010 CURBARIL 029-171 -018 VALLE 029-141 -012 PINAL 029-171 -020 SONORA 029-141 -013 CURBARIL 029-171 -021 SONORA 029-141 -014 CURBARIL 0 29-1 71 -022 SONORA 029-141 -017 CURBARIL 029-181 -008 CORTINA 029-141 -021 CASTANO 0 29-1 81 -009 CORTINA 029-141 -022 CURBARIL 0 29-1 81 -021 SONORA 029-141 -023 PINAL 029-1 81 -022 SONORA 029-142-004 CASTANO 029-1 81 -023 SONORA • 029-142-005 CASTANO 0 29-1 81 -029 CORTINA 029-142-028 CASfANO 029-181 -034 CORTINA 029-142-029 CORTEZ 029-1 81 -038 CORTINA 029-142-030 CORTEZ 029-1 81 -039 CORTINA 029-151 -001 VALLE 029-181 -043 CORTINA 029-151 -003 YESAL 029-181 -045 SONORA 029-1 51 -004 VALLE 029-1 81 -049 SONORA 029-151 -005 VALLE 029-191 -003 PINAL 029-151 -012 VALLE 029-191 -008 PINAL 0 29-15 1 -020 VALLE 029-191 -009 PINAL 0 29-151 -022 VALLE 029-191 -011 PINAL 029-1 51 -023 YESAL 029-191 -014 CORTINA 029-151 -025 VALLE 029-191 -017 CORTINA 029-152-004 CURBARIL 029-191 -026 CORTINA 029-152-009 CASTANO 029-191 -029 CORTINA 029-152-010 CASTANO 029-191 -032 CORTINA 029-152-01 2 CASTANO 0 29-1 91 -034 PINAL 029-152-01 3 CASfANO 029-191 -035 PINAL 029-152-017 YESAL 029-191 -038 CORTINA .029-152-019 YESAL 029-191 -039 CORTINA 029-152-021 YESAL 029-1 91 -040 CORTINA 029-152-022 CASTANO 029-191 -041 PINAL 029-15 2-023 CASTANO 029-191 -042 CORTINA 029-152-024 CASTANO 0 29-1 91 -044 PINAL 029-152-025 CURBARIL 029-191 -046 PINAL 029-15 2-026 YESAL 029-191 -047 PINAL • 029-153-001 CASTANO 029-201 -004 PALOMAR WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 9 029-201 -007 PALOMAR 029-241 -033 NOGALES • 029-201 -010 CASTANO 029-241 -034 NOGALES 029-202-003 CASTANO 029-241 -035 NOGALES 029-202-005 CASTANO 029-241 -036 FRESNO 029-202-016 CASTANO 029-252-007 OLMEDA 029-202-017 CA.STANO 029-252-026 OLMEDA 029-221 -001 CAYU006 029-253-007 TUNITAS 029-211 -001 ROSITA 029-253-008 TUNITAS 029-211 -002 ROSITA 029-253-014 TUNITAS 029-211 -004 ROSITA 029-253-031 TUNITAS 029-211 -007 ROSITA 029-261 -001 CAYUOOS 029-211 -008 SAN ANSELMO 029-261 -019 EL CAMINO REAL 029-211 -021 SAN ANSELMO 029-261 -020 ELCAMINO REAL 029-211 -024 SAN ANSELMO 029-262-004 VALDEZ 029-211 -028 ROSITA 029-262-006 ELCAMINO REAL 029-211 -032 ROSITA 029-262-007 ELCAMINO REAL 029-211 -034 ROSITA 029-262-046 HERMOSILLA 029-212-008 SAN ANSELMO 029-262-059 VALDEZ 029-212-021 ANSELMO/LOBOS 029-271 -001 EL CAMINO REAL 029-21 2-024 SAN ANSELMO 029-271 -004 EL CAMINO REAL 029-222-002 HERMOSILLA 029-271 -014 SAN JACINTO 029-222-003 HERMOSILLA 029-271 -016 HERMOSILLA 029-222-009 CAYUOOS 029-271 -017 HERMOSILLA 029-222-010 CAYUOOS 029-271 -023 HERMOSILLA 029-222-011 CAYUOOS 029-271 -024 HERMOSILLA 029-222-012 CAYUOOS 029-272-009 HERMOSILLA • 029-222-013 CAYUOOS 029-272-013 ENCIMA 029-222-014 CAYUOOS 029-272-018 HERMOSILLA 029-222-015 CAYUOOS 029-272-023 ENCIMA 029-222-016 CAYUOOS 029-281 -005 FRESNO 029-222-025 CAYUOOS 029-281 -028 OLMEDA 029-222-031 HERMOSILLA 029-281 -029 OLMEDA 029-222-032 HERMOSILLA 029-281 -034 SAN JACINTO 029-222-033 CAYUOOS 029-281 -038 FRESNO 029-222-034 CAYUOOS 029-281 -042 FRESNO 029-222-036 HERMOSILLA 029-281 -048 FRESNO 029-231 -002 NOGALES 029-291 -003 FRESNO 029-231 -007 NOGALES 029-291 -008 MARIQUITA 029-231 -014 NOGALES 029-291 -014 FRESNO 029-232-001 VIDA 029-291 -016 FRESNO 029-233-004 SAN JACINTO 029-291 -031 ROSARIO 029-233-005 SAN JACINTO 029-291 -032 MARIQUITA 029-233-007 NOGALES 029-292-003 OLMEDA 029-233-017 NOGALES 029-292-004 OLMEDA 029-233-019 NOGALES 029-292-024 MARIQUITA 029-233-023 VIDA 029-301 -011 OLMEDA 029-233-024 VIDA 029-301 -023 OLMEDA 029-233-025 NOGALES 029-301 -039 OLMEDA 029-241 -002 NOGALES 029-302-002 PALMA 029-241 -011 FRESNO 029-302-003 PALMA 029-241 -023 NOGALES 029-302-010 PALMA 029-241 -024 NOGALES 029-302-011 PALMA • 029-241 -025 NOGALES 029-302-017 ELCAMINO REAL 029-241 -032 FRESNO 029-302-018 ELCAMINO REAL WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 10 029-302-028 PALMA 029-382-024 VALLE 029-302-030 PALMA 029-382-025 VALLE • 029-302-038 PALMA 029-382-028 VALLE 029-302-039 PALMA 029-382-030 ENCINAL 029-302-050 PALMA 029-382-031 ENCINAL 029-311 -006 OLMEDA 029-311 -009 OLMEDA 029-311 -031 PALMA AVE. 029-311 -038 OLMEDA 029-311 -039 OLMEDA 029-312-018 PALMA 029-312-025 PALMA 029-312-033 PALMA 029-312-034 PALMA 029-321 -011 OLMEDA 029-321 -016 ROSARIO 029-321 -017 ROSARIO 029-322-006 RIDGEWAYCOURT 029-322-011 TRAFFIC WAY 029-322-015 ROSARIO' 029-322-019 RIDGEWAYCOURT 029-351 -001 VALLE 029-352-001 VALLE 029-353-001 ESCARPE 029-353-003 VALLE 029-353-004 VALLE 029-361 -013 MERCEDES 029-361 -014 CAPISTRANO 029-361 -029 MERCEDES 029-371 -010 SOMBRILLA 029-371 -014 VALLE 029-371 -016 SOMBRILLA 029-371 -017 SOMBRILLA 029-371 -01 8 VALLE 029-371 -019 SOMBRILLA 029-371 -020 VALLE 029-371 -021 SOMBRILLA 0 29-371 -022 VALLE 029-371 -023 SOMBRILLA 029-371 -027 SOMBRILLA 029-371 -028 VALLE 029-371 -029 SOMBRILLA 029-371 -030 VALLE 029-371 -031 VALLE 029-381 -001 VALLE 029-382-001 VALLE 029-382-005 VALLE 029-382-006 ENCINAL 029-382-007 ENCINAL 029-382-018 VALLE 029-382-019 VALLE 029-382-020 VALLE 029-382-021 VALLE • 029-382-023 VALLE WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 1 030-01 1 -006 SOMBRILLA 030-071 -016 JUNIPERO • 030-011 -013 SANTA YSABEL 030-071 -017 PALOMAR 030-011 -016 SANTAYSABEL 030-071 -02 9 JUNIPERO 030-011 -017 SANTA YSABEL 030-071 -032 JUNIPERO 030-011 -030 SANTA YSABEL 030-071 -033 JUNIPERO 030-021 -005 SOMBRILLA 030-071 -034 PALOMAR 030-021 -020 SOMBRILLA 030-071 -036 PALOMAR 030-031 -002 ENCINAL 030-071 -037 PALOMAR 030-031 -003 ENCINAL 030-081 -005 ELCAMINOREAL 030-031 -007 VALLE 030-081 -016 SANTA YSABEL 030-031 -009 CURBARIL 030-081 -020 ELCAMINOREAL 030-031 -012 CURBARIL 030-081 -023 ELCAMINOREAL 030-031 -016 ENCINAL 030-091 -017 SANTA YSABEL 030-031 -017 ENCINAL 030-091 -034 SOMBRILLA 030-031 -018 ENCINAL 030-091 -034 SOMBRILLA 030-041 -004 SOMBRILLA 030-091 -036 SOMBRILLA 030-041 -005 SOMBRILLA 030-091 -036 SOMBRILLA 030-041 -006 CURBARIL 030-09 1 -040 SOMBRILLA 030-041 -009 SOMBRILLA 030-091 -040 SOMBRILLA 030-041 -010 SOMBRILLA 030-091 -049 SANTA YSABEL 030-041 -014 SOMBRILLA 030-091 -049 SANTA YSABEL 030-041 -017 SOMBRILLA 030-101 -003 SOMBRILLA 030-051 -003 VALLE 030-101 -006 CURBARIL 030-051 -004 VALLE 030-101 -028 SANTA YSABEL 030-051 -009 PALOMAR- 030-101 -035 CURBARIL 030-051 -011 JUNIPERO 030-101 -038 CURBARIL • 030-051 -012 JUNIPERO 030-101 -045 PUEBLO 030-051 -018 JUNIPERO 030-101 -048 PUEBLO 030-051 -019 PALOMAR 030-101 -049 SOMBRILLA 030-051 -020 PALOMAR 030-111 -015 PALOMAR 030-051 -021 JUNIPERO 030-111 -016 PALOMAR 030-051 -022 VALLE 030-111 -017 PALOMAR 030-051 -027 VALLE 030-11 1 -024 PALOMAR 030-051 -030 VALLE 030-11 1 -025 PALOMAR 030-051 -031 VALLE 030-11 1 -029 PALOMAR 030-051 -032 VALLE 030-11 1 -032 JUNIPERO 030-051 -036 VALLE 030-11 1 -037 PALOMAR 030-051 -037 PALOMAR 030-11 1 -038 PALOMAR 030-051 -038 JUNIPERO 030-11 1 -039 PALOMAR 030-051 -039 JUNIPERO 030-11 1 -040 PALOMAR 030-061 -011 CURBARIL 030-11 1 -042 PALOMAR 030-061 -018 JUNIPERO 030-121 -001 SANTA YSABEL 030-061 -019 JUNIPERO 030-121 -004 SANTA YSABEL 030-061 -022 JUNIPERO 030-121 -026 SANTA YSABEL 030-061 -023 JUNIPERO 030-121 -027 SANTA YSABEL 030-061 -025 CURBARIL 030-121 -040 ELCAMINOREAL 030-061 -027 CURBARIL 030-131 -006 SANTA YSABEL 030-061 -038 JUNIPERO 030-131 -008 SANTA YSABEL 030-061 -039 JUNIPERO 030-131 -023 SINALOA 030-061 -044 CURBARIL 030-131 -024 SINALOA 030-061 -050 VALLE 030-131 -027 SINALOA 030-071 -001 JUNIPERO 030-131 -034 SANTA YSABEL • 030-071 -006 JUNIPERO 030-131 -035 SANTA YSABEL 030-071 -012 JUNIPERO 030-131 -041 SANTA YSABEL WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 12 030-131 -044 SINALOA 030-181 -061 \AM 030-131 -049 SANTAYSABEL 030-182-001 ARDILLA • 030-132-003 SINALOA 030-182-003 ARDILLA 030-132-024 ELCAMINO REAL 030-191 -008 SANTA LUCIA 030-132-029 ELCAMINO REAL 030-191 -011 ATAS.MALL 030-132-039 SINALOA 030-191 -021 ELCAMINO REAL 030-141 -016 JUNIPERO 030-191 -039 SANTA LUCIA 030-141 -017 JUNIPERO 030-191 -041 SANTA LUCIA 030-141 -018 JUNIPERO 030-191 -043 ELCAMINO REAL 030-141 -020 CURBARIL 030-192-018 ATAS.MALL 030-1 41 -022 CURBARIL 030-201 -001 ATAS.MALL 030-141 -023 CURBARIL 030-201 -015 SANTAYNEZ 030-141 -029 CURBARIL 030-212-016 MARCHANT 030-141 -030 CURBARIL 030-213-008 ALCANTARA 030-1 41 -037 CURBARIL 030-221 -009 ALCANTARA 030-141 -038 CURBARIL 030-221 -020 ALCANTARA 030-141 -041 ELCAMINO REAL 030-221 -023 ALCANTARA 030-141 -044 JUNIPERO 030.222-032 MARCHANT 030-141 -045 JUNIPERO 030-222-044 ELCAMINO REAL 030-141 -049 JUNIPERO 030-231 -019 EL CAMINO REAL 030-141 -053 JUNIPERO 030-231 -020 ELCAMINO REAL 030-141 -064 ELCAMINO REAL 030-231 -021 ELCAMINO REAL 030-141 -065 EL CAMINO REAL 030-232-015 ESPERANZA 030-141 -068 CURBARIL 030-232-016 ESPERANZA 030-141 -071 JUNIPERO 030-232-024 ESPERANZA 030-141 -072 JUNIPERO 030-232-025 MARCHANT 030-141 -074 ELCAMINO REAL 030-232-026 MARCHANT O 030-141 -075 ELCAMINO REAL 030-233-008 MARCHANT 030-151 -003 JUNIPERO 030-233-009 MARCHANT 030-151 -005 JUNIPERO 030-241 -005 ELCAMINO REAL 030-151 -006 JUNIPERO 030-241 -012 ELCAMINO REAL 030-151 -019 PALOMAR 030-241 -013 EL CAMINO REAL 030-151 -021 PALOMAR 030-241 -057 SAN LUIS 030-151 -024 PALOMAR 030-241 -058 SAN LUIS 030-151 -028 PALOMAR 030-241 -059 SAN LUIS 030-151 -029 JUNIPERO 030-241 -060 SAN LUIS 030-151 -033 PALOMAR 030-241 -061 SAN LUIS 030-151 -091 ELCAMINO REAL 030-241 -064 ELCAMINO REAL 030-152-004 ELCAMINO REAL 030-241 -065 ELCAMINO REAL 030-152-023 PALOMAR 030-242-013 MARCHANT 030-152-025 PALOMAR 030-242-025 MARCHANT 030-152-026 PALOMAR 030-242-034 CCNSTANCIA 030-152-032 PALOMAR 030-242-036 CCNSTANCIA 030-152-034 PALOMAR 030-242-037 CONSTANCIA 030-152-037 PALOMAR 030-251 -005 VBILADO 030-161 -001 SAN PALO 030-251 -008 ARDILLA 030-161 -005 SAN PALO 030-251 -019 ARDILLA 030-172-001 ARDILLA 030-251 -020 ARDILLA 030-172-006 ARDILLA 030-251 -021 ARDILLA 030-172-010 ARDILLA 030-251 -022 VB�ADO 030-172-017 ARDILLA 030-251 -024 VDADO 030-181 -052 ELCAMINO REAL 030-251 -025 ARDILLA 030-181 -056 \km 030-251 -027 ARDILLA • 030-181 -058 VEDA 030-251 -030 ARDILLA WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A.-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 13 030-251 -031 VENADO 030-332-004 AGUILA • 030-251 -032 VBWADO 030-332-005 AGUILA 030-251 -033 ARDILLA 030-332-010 AGUILA 030-261 -004 VENADO 030-332-012 SANTA LUCIA 030-261 -011 ARDILLA 030-332-018 SANTA LUCIA 030-261 -013 ARDILLA 030-332-020 AGUILA 030-261 -018 V6VADO 030-332-021 SANTA LUCIA 030-261 -020 ARDILLA 030-332-024 AGUILA 030-261 -021 ARDILLA 030-341 -005 SANTA LUCIA 030-271 -016 VB�IADO 030-341 -006 SANTA LUCIA 030-271 -021 ARDILLA 030-341 -010 NACIMIENTO 030-271 -024 VBVADO 030-341 -013 ATAS.MALL 030-271 -025 V3ow 030-341 -036 SANTA LUCIA 030-281 -006 SANTAYNEZ 030-351 -011 CRISTOBAL 030-281 -011 SANTAYNEZ 030-351 -015 TECORIDA 030-281 -019 SANTAYNEZ 030-351 -016 TECORIDA 030-281 -030 NAVAJOA 030-351 -029 CRISTOBAL 030-281 -033 NAVAJOA 030-351 -035 TECORIDA 030-282-007 NAVAJOA 030-352-003 TECORIDA 030-282-015 ATASCADEROAVE- 030-352-006 TECORIDA 030-282-017 ATASCADEROAVE 030-352-017 ATASCADEROAVE 030-282-038 NAVAJOA 030-352-018 ATASCADEROAVE 030-283-005 ATASCADEROAVE 030-352-023 ATASCADEROAVE 030-291 -013 MORROROAD 030-352-025 ATASCADEROAVE 030-291 -015 MORROROAD 030-352-030 ATASCADEROAVE 030-291 -019 SANANDRES 030-352-031 ATASCADEROAVE • 030-291 -021 MORROROAD 030-371 -010 SANTAYNEZ 030-292-017 MARCHANT 030-371 -011 SANTAYNEZ 030-292-022 SANANDRES 030-371 -015 SANTAYNEZ 030-292-024 SANANDRES 030-371 -018 SANTAYNEZ 030-292-027 SANANDRES 030-371 -022 SANTAYNEZ 030-292-038 MARCHANT 030-371 -025 SANTAYNEZ 030-292-039 SANANDRES 030-372-008 ATASCADEROAVE 030-292-041 ALCANTARA 030-372-024 SERRA 030-292-045 ALCANTARA 030-373-007 ATASCADERO AVE 030-292-060 LOSARBOLES 030-373-008 ATASCADERO AVE 030-301 -016 CRISTOBAL 030-373-019 SERRA 030-301 -022 CRISTOBAL 030-373-021 SERRA 030-301 -044 SANANDRES 030-381 -004 PALOMAR 030-301 -048 MARCHANT 030-381 -005 PALOMAR 030-301 -054 MARCHANT 030-381 -006 PALOMAR 030-301 -055 MARCHANT 030-391 -003 ELCORTE 030-301 -056 MARCHANT 030-401 -001 ELCORTE 030-311 -001 VBllADO 030-401 -005 LA LINIA 030-311 -002 CHAPLIN 030-411 -001 ARCADE 030-311 -005 CHAPLIN 030-411 -010 ARCADE 030-311 -011 CHAPLIN 030-412-022 SANTA FE 030-311 -012 CHAPLIN 030-412-024 SANTA FE 030-321 -008 PESCADOCT. 030-413-005 EL DORADO 030-321 -012 PESCADOCT. 030-413-007 SANTA FE 030-321 -013 PESCADOCT. 030-421 -001 LA LINIA 030-321 -015 PESCADOCT. 030-421 -005 LA LINIA • 030-331 -006 AGUILA 030-422-009 LA LINIA 030-331 -008 VEVADO 030-422-011 LA LINIA WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 14 030-431 -007 PINOSOLO 030-442-001 ELBORDO • 030-442-008 ELBORDO 030-442-009 ELBORDO 030-442-010 ELBORDO 030-442-011 ELBORDO 030-451 -001 LASLOMAS 030-451 -002 LASLOMAS 030-451 -003 LASLOMAS 030-461 -011 ELCAMINOREAL 030-461 -016 EL CAMINO REAL 030-461 -045 MUSSELMAN 030-462-003 MUSSELMAN 030-462-004 MUSSELMAN 030-462-005 MUSSELMAN 030-462-006 MUSSELMAN 030-471 -003 ELBORDO 030-471 -006 LASLOMAS 030-471 -007 LASLOMAS 030-472-009 ELCAMINOREAL 030-472-010 ELCAMINOREAL 030-483-002 LASLOMAS 030-483-003 LASLOMAS 030-483-004 LASLOMAS 030-483-005 LASLOMAS 030-483-006 LASLOMAS 030-483-008 LASLOMAS 030-491 -001 PINOSOLO • 030-491 -002 PRINCIPAL 030-491 -004 PINOSOLO 030-491 -008 PINOSOLO 030-491 -009 PINOSOLO 030-501 -003 SOLANO 030-502-015 LA LINIA 030-511 -001 ELCENTRO 030-512-002 CASADA 030-512-003 ELCAMINOREAL 030-512-00 8 ELCENTRO 030-513-004 ELCENTRO 030-521 -023 ELCENTRO 030-522-001 ELDORADO 030-522-002 ELDORADO 030-522-005 ELDORADO 030-522-027 ELDORADO 030-522-028 ELDORADO 030-522-029 ELDORADO 030-522-030 ELCENTRO 030-523-002 LA LINIA 030-523-010 LA LINIA • WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 15 031 -012-004 AGUILA 031 -043-023 NAVAJOA • 031 -012-007 MOLETA 031 -043-024 SANANDRES 031 -012-009 VIOLETA 031 -043-025 SANANDRES 031 -012-010 MOL.ETA 031 -043-027 SANTA YNEZ 031 -012-012 VIOLETA 031 -043-028 SANANDRES 031 -012-016 AGUILA 031 -043-029 SANTAYNEZ 031 -012-017 AGUILA 031 -051 -007 NAVAJOA 031 -012-019 CORIA 031 -051 -009 NAVAJOA 031 -012-020 AGUILA 031 -051 -021 NAVAJOA 031 -012-022 CHAUPLIN 031 -051 -023 SANANDRES 031 -012-023 CHAUPLIN 031 -051 -033 NAVANOA 031 -012-024 CHAUPLIN 031 -051 -034 SAN ANDRES 031 -012-025 CHAUPLIN 031 -051 -038 MORRORD 031 -013-005 VIOLETTA 031 -051 -039 MORRORD 031 -013-006 VIOLETA 031 -051 -042 MORRORD 031 -013-027 VIOLETA 031 -051 -043 MORRORD 031 -013-028 VIOLETA 031 -051 -044 MORRORD 031 -013-029 VIOLETA 031 -051 -047 MORRORD 031 -021 -005 CORIA 031 -051 -049 MORRORD 031 -021 -006 SANTA LUCIA 031 -051 -051 NAVAJOA 031 -023-001 VIOLETA 031 -051 -058 SANANDRES 031 -023-006 SANTA LLICIA 031 -052-017 MORRORD 031 -023-010 SANTA LUCIA 031 -052-018 MORRORD 031 -023-011 SANTALICIA 031 -052-021 MORRORD 031 -023-012 SANTA LUCIA 031 -052-031 MORRORD 031 -023-015 SANTA LUCIA 031 -052-032 MORRORD • 031 -023-016 SANTA LUCIA 031 -052-007 ATASCADEROAVE 031 -023-017 SANTA LUCIA 031 -052-024 ATASCADEROAVE 031 -023-018 SANTA LUCIA 031 -061 -006 CRISTOBAL 031 -023-021 VIOLETA 031 -061 -010 TECORIDA 031 -023-024 SANTA LUCIA 031 -061 -022 CRISTOBAL 031 -023-025 SANTA LUCIA 031 -061 -023 CRISTOBAL 031 -041 -016 SAN MARCOS 031 -061 -025 TECORIDA 031 -041 -019 CARMELITA 031 -061 -030 CRISTOBAL 031 -041 -021 SAN MARCOS 031 -061 -032 CRISTOBAL 031 -041 -022 SAN MARCOS 031 -061 -034 CRISTOBAL 031 -041 -023 CARMELITA 031 -061 -037 TECORIDA 031 -041 -027 CARMELITA 031 -061 -039 TECORIDA 031 -042-003 CARMELITA 031 -061 -040 CRISTOBAL 031 -042-004 CARMELITA 031 -062-002 ATASCADEROAVE 031 -042-005 SANTAYNEZ 031 -062-003 TECORIDA 031 -042-006 SANTAYNEZ 031 -062-004 TECORIDA 031 -042-012 CARMELITA 031 -062-006 TECORIDA 031 -042-013 CARMELITA 031 -062-008 TECORIDA 031 -042-014 CARMELITA 031 -062-009 TECORIDA 031 -042-016 SANTAYNEZ 031 -062-016 TECORIDA 031 -043-006 NAVAJOA 031 -062-018 TECORIDA 031 -043-010 NAVAJOA 031 -062-019 ATASCADERO AVE 031 -043-011 NAVAJOA 031 -071 -017 CRISTOBAL 031 -043-013 NAVAJOA 031 -071 -018 CRISTOBAL 031 -043-014 NAVAJOA 031 -071 -019 CRISTOBAL 031 -043-015 SANTA YNEZ 031 -071 -021 MARCHANT AVE • 031 -043-018 NAVAJOA 031 -071 -023 CRISTOBAL 031 -043-019 SANTA YNEZ 031 -071 -024 MARCHANT AVE WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 16 031 -071 -029 MARCHANT AVE 031 -111 -003 MIRA FLORES 031 -071 -030 MARCHANT AVE 031 -111 -004 MIRA FLORES • 031-071 -031 MARCHANT AVE 031 -111 -014 EL RETIRO 031 -071 -034 MARCHANT AVE 031 -111 -015 EL RETIRO 031 -081 -003 MARCHANT 031 -112-004 ALTA VISTA 031 -081 -007 CURBARIL 031 -112-005 ALTA VISTA 031 -081 -016 OOROMAR 031 -112-006 ALTA VISTA 031 -081 -019 MARCHANT 0 31 -1 1 2-0 0 7 ALTA VISTA 031 -081 -020 CURBARIL 031 -112-009 ALTA VISTA 031 -081 -023 CURBARIL 031 -112-010 ALTA VISTA 031 -082-003 MARCHANT 031 -112-011 ALTA VISTA 031 -082-020 COROMIAR 031 -112-012 ALTA VISTA 031 -082-030 COROMAR 031 -112-012 ALTA VISTA 031 -082-032 COROMAR 031 -112-012 NAVARETTE 031 -082-034 CURBARIL 031 -112-013 ALTA VISTA 031 -082-035 CURBARIL 031 -112-014 ALTA VISTA 031 -082-038 CURBARIL 031 -113-001 ALTA VISTA 031 -091 -001 CHAUPLIN 031 -113-002 ALTA VISTA 031 -091 -004 ATAJO 031 -113-003 ALTA VISTA 031 -091 -007 CHAUPLIN 031 -113-006 ALTA VISTA 031 -091 -009 CHAUPLIN 031 -113-007 ALTA VISTA 031 -091 -010 CHAUPLIN 031 -113-008 ALTA VISTA 031 -091 -011 CHAUPLIN 031 -113-010 ALTA VISTA 031 -091 -015 CHAUPLIN 031 -113-011 ALTA VISTA 031 -091 -017 ATAJO 031 -113-012 ALTA VISTA 031 -091 -018 ATAJO 031 -114-001 ALTA VISTA 031 -091 -019 ATAJO 031 -114-002 ALTA VISTA • 031 -092-005 ENCINO 031 -114-004 NAVARETTE 031 -092-011 ENCINO 031 -114-005 ALTA VISTA 031 -092-011 ENCINO 031 -115-001 LINDA VISTA 031 -092-014 ENCINO 031 -115-002 LINDA VISTA 031 -092-018 ENCINO 031 -115-003 LINDA VISTA 031 -101 -001 ENCINO 0 31 -1 1 5-0 0 7 LOSCERRITOS 031 -101 -002 ENCINO 031 -115-008 LOS CERRITOS 031 -101 -003 ENCINO 031 -121 -001 LINDA VISTA 031 -101 -004 ENCINO 031 -121 -002 LINDA VISTA 031 -101 -006 ENCINO 031 -122-001 LINDA VISTA 031 -101 -008 ENCINO 031 -122-002 LINDA VISTA 031 -101 -011 ENCINO 031 -122-003 LINDA VISTA 031 -101 -012 ENCINO 031 -122-004 LINDA VISTA 031 -101 -013 ENCINO 031 -122-005 LOS CERRITOS 031 -102-001 ENCINO 031 -122-006 LOSCERRITOS 031 -102-002 ENCINO 031 -122-007 LOSCERRITOS 031 -104-001 SANTA LUCIA 031 -122-008 LINDA VISTA 031 -104-003 NAVARETTE 031 -122-009 NAVARETTE 031 -104-008 SANTA LUCIA 031 -122-010 NAVARETTE 0 31 -104-00 9 SANTA LUCIA 031 -123-001 LOS CERRITOS 031 -104-010 SANTA LUCIA 031 -123-003 LOS CERRITOS 031 -104-014 SANTA LUCIA 031 -1 2 3-005 LOS CERRITOS 031 -104-020 SANTA LUCIA 031 -123-007 SAN ANDRES 031 -104-021 SANTA LUCIA 031 -123-009 NAVARETTE 031 -104-022 SANTA LUCIA 031 -123-011 LOS CERRITOS 031 -111 -001 MIRA FLORES 031 -123-012 LOS CERRITOS • 031 -111 -002 MIRA FLORES 031 -1 2 4-001 NAVARETTE WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 17 031 -124-006 NAVARETTE 031 -141 -033 SAN MARCOS • 031 -124-008 NAVARETTE 031 -141 -040 CURBARIL 031 -124-009 NAVARETTE 031 -141 -041 SAN MARCOS 031 -125-001 LARGA 031 -141 -044 SAN MARCOS 031 -125-004 LARGA 031 -141 -045 SAN MARCOS 031 -131 -001 HERMOSA 031 -141 -048 SAN MARCOS 031 -131 -002 LARGA 031 -141 -049 SAN MARCOS 031 -131 -003 HERMOSA 031 -141 -050 SAN MARCOS 031 -131 -004 LARGA 031 -141 -051 SAN MARCOS 031 -131 -006 PEQUINA 031 -142-003 CARMELITA 031 -131 -007 PEQUINA 031 -142-004 CARMELITA 031 -131 -008 PEQUINA 031 -142-017 CARMELITA 031 -131 -009 PEGUINA 031 -142-018 CARMELITA 031 -131 -010 PEQUINA 031 -142-019 CARMELITA 031 -131 -011 LARGA 031 -142-024 CARMELITA 031 -132-002 LARGA 031 -142-026 CARMELITA 031 -132-004 PEQUINA 031 -142-027 CARMELITA 031 -132-006 LARGA 031 -142-030 CARMELITA 031 -132-007 LARGA 031 -151 -003 CARMELITA 031 -132-008 PEQUINA 031 -151 -004 CARMELITA 031 -132-009 PEQUINA 031 -151 -012 SANTA YNEZ 031 -132-010 PEQUINA 031 -151 -013 SANTA YNEZ 031 -132-011 PEQUINA 031 -151 -014 SANTA YNEZ 031 -133-001 LARGA 031 -151 -016 SANTA YNEZ 031 -133-002 LARGA 031 -151 -017 CARMELITA 031 -133-003 LARGA 031 -151 -018 CARMELITA • 031 -133-005 LARGA 031 -151 -019 CARMELITA 031 -133-012 LARGA 031 -151 -021 CARMELITA 031 -133-013 LARGA 031 -151 -022 CARMELITA 031 -133-014 LARGA 031 -151 -024 CARMELITA 031 -134-003 EL DESCANSO 031 -151 -024 CARMELITA 031 -134-005 EL DESCrANSO 031 -151 -026 CARMELITA 031 -134-006 EL DESCANSO 031 -151 -027 CARMELITA 031 -134-007 EL DESCANSO 031 -151 -027 SANTA YNEZ 031 -134-00 8 EL DESCANSO 0 31 -151 -028 SANTA YNEZ 031 -134-009 EL DESCANSO 031 -151 -029 SANTA YNEZ 031 -134-010 EL DESCANSO 031 -151 -030 SANTA YNEZ 031 -134-017 SAN CLEMENTE 0 31 -151 -03 2 SANTAYNEZ 031 -134-020 SAN CLEMENTE 031 -151 -034 SANTA YNEZ 031 -134-021 SAN CLEMENTE 031 -15 2 003 SANTA YNEZ 031 -134-022 SAN CLEMENTE 031 -152-012 SANTA YNEZ 031 -141 -003 CURBARIL 031 -152-016 SANTAYNEZ 031 -141 -004 CURBARIL 031 -152-020 SANTAYNEZ 031 -141 -005 CURBARIL 031 -152-021 SANTAYNEZ 031 -141 -006 CURBARIL 031 -152-022 SANTAYNEZ 031 -141 -007 SANMARCOS 031 -152-023 SANTAYNEZ 031 -141 -00 8 SAN MARCOS 031 -152-026 SANTAYNEZ 031 -141 -012 SAN MARCOS 031 -153-005 MORRO RD 031 -141 -013 SAN MARCOS 031 -161 -004 CURBARIL 031 -141 -014 SAN MARCOS 031 -161 -008 ATASCADERO AVE 031 -141 -016 SAN MARCOS 031 -161 -024 CURBARIL 031 -141 -022 CARMELITA 031 -161 -039 ATASCADERO AVE • 031 -141 -023 CARMELITA 031 -161 -042 ATASCADERO AVE 031 -141 -030 CURBARIL 031 -161 -074 MORRORD WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 18 031 -161 -075 MORRO RD 031 -202-020 SAN CLEMENTE 031 -161 -079 MORRORD 031 -202-022 SAN MARCOS 031 -161 -081 MORRORD 031 -202-023 SAN CLEMENTE 031 -161 -083 MORRO RD 031 -202-024 SAN CLEMENTE 031 -171 -001 MARCHANT 031 -202-025 SAN CLEMENTE 031 -171 -005 MARCHANT 031 -202-026 SAN MARCOS 031 -171 -007 MARCHANT 031 -202-028 SAN CLEMENTE 031 -171 -010 CURBARIL 031 -211 -004 CURBARIL 031 -171 -017 CURBARIL 0 31 -21 1 -0 0 6 CURBARIL 031 -171 -018 CURBARIL 031 -211 -007 CURBARIL 031 -171 -022 CURBARIL 031 -211 -008 CURBARIL 031 -171 -027 CURBARIL 031 -211 -009 CURBARIL 031 -181 -002 SANTA YNEZ 031 -211 -010 CURBARIL 031 -181 -004 SANTA YNEZ 031 -211 -011 CURBARIL 031 -181 -005 SAMA YNEZ 031 -221 -001 SANTA YNEZ 031 -181 -021 SANTA YNEZ 031 -221 -002 SANTA YNEZ 031 -181 -022 SANTA YNEZ 031 -221 -008 SANTA YNEZ 031 -181 -023 SANTA YNEZ 031 -221 -009 SANTA YNEZ 031 -182-007 NAVAJOA 031 -221 -012 SANTAYNEZ 031 -182-008 NAVAJOA 031 -221 -013 SANTAYNEZ 031 -182-009 NAVAJOA 031 -221 -015 SANTAYNEZ 031 -18 2-029 SANTA YNEZ 031 -221 -016 SANTA YNEZ 031 -1 82-032 NAVAJOA 031 -221 -017 SANTAYNEZ 031 -182-033 NAVAJOA 031 -221 -019 SANTAYNEZ 031 -182-036 NAVAJOA 031 -222-009 CARMELITA 031 -182-037 NAVAJOA 031 -222-010 CARMELITA 031 -183-002 NAVAJOA 031 -222-011 CARMELITA 031 -183-024 NAVAJOA 031 -222-014 CARMELITA • 031 -183-025 NAVAJOA 031 -222-019 CARMELITA 031 -183-026 NAVAJOA 031 -222-022 CARMELITA 031 -183-028 MORRORD 031 -222-023 CARMELITA 031 -183-033 MORRORD 031 -222-024 CARMELITA 031 -183-034 MORRORD 031 -222-025 CARMELITA 031 -191 -002 NAVARETTE 031 -222-027 CARMELITA 031 -191 -003 NAVARETTE 031 -231 -002 CURBARIL 031 -191 -004 NAVARETTE 031 -231 -003 CURBARIL 031 -191 -005 NAVARETTE 031 -231 -004 CURBARIL 031 -191 -006 LINDA VISTA 031 -231 -019 CURBARIL 031 -192-007 NAVARETTE 031 -231 -024 MORRORD 031 -192-014 HEFIMOSA 031 -231 -028 MORRO RD 031 -192-015 HERMOSA 031 -231 -034 SANTAYNEZ 031 -192-016 NAVARETTE 031 -231 -037 SANTA YNEZ 031 -192-017 NAVARETTE 031 -231 -038 SANTA YNEZ 031 -192-018 NAVARETTE 031 -231 -039 SANTA YNEZ 031 -192-019 NAVARETTE 031 -231 -040 SANTA YNEZ 031 -201 -002 SAN CLEMENTE 031 -241 -002 AZUCENA 031 -201 -003 SAN CLEMENTE 031 -241 -004 AZUCENA 031 -202-004 SAN CLEMENTE 031 -241 -007 AZUCENA 031 -202-005 SAN CLEMENTE 031 -241 -010 AZUCENA 031 -202-006 SAN MARCOS 031 -241 -011 AMAPOA 031 -202-008 SAN MARCOS 031 -241 -012 AMAPOA 031 -202-017 SAN MARCOS 031 -241 -013 AMAPOA 031 -202-018 SAN MARCOS 031 -241 -019 AMAPOA • 031 -202-019 SAN MARCOS 031 -241 -024 AzLmA WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 19 031 -242-012 MORRORD 031 -291 -019 PORTOLA • 031 -242-013 MORRORD 031 -291 -020 PORTOLA 031 -242-016 MORRORD 031 -291 -021 MORRORD 031 -251 -001 ATASCADERO AVE 031 -29-1 -022 MORRO RD 031 -251 -003 ATASCADEROAVE 031 -291 -023 MORRORD 031 -251 -004 ATASCADERO AVE 031 -291 -026 MORRO RD 031 -251 -005 ATASCADERO AVE 031 -291 -027 SANTA YNEZ 031 -251 -006 ATASCADERO AVE 031 -291 -029 SAWAYNEZ 031 -251 -011 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -301 -001 AZUCENA 031 -251 -012 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -301 -006 AZUCENA 031 -251 -016 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -301 -009 AZUCENA 031 -251 -023 AZUCENA 031 -301 -011 AMAPOA 031 -251 -026 AZUCENA 031 -301 -020 AZUCENA 031 -251 -027 AZUCENA 031 -301 -021 AZUCENA 031 -251 -028 AZJCENA 031 -301 -023 AMAPOA 031 -251 -029 AZUCENA 031 -301 -024 AMAPOA 031 -251 -032 ATASCADEROAVE 031 -301 -025 AZUCENA 031 -251 -038 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -301 -029 AZUCENA 031 -251 -043 AZUCENA 031 -301 -030 AMAPOA 031 -251 -047 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -302-011 MORRO RD 031 -251 -048 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -302-012 MORRO RD 031 -251 -049 ATASCADERO AVE 031 -302-013 MORRO RD 031 -261 -001 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -302-016 MORRO RD 031 -261 -002 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -302-019 MORRORD 031 -261 -003 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -302-033 MORRORD 031 -261 -004 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -303-017 AMAPOA • 031 -261 -005 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -311 -001 AZUCe4AA 031 -261 -006 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -311 -002 AZUCENA 031 -261 -010 MARCHANT 0 31 -31 1 -0 0 3 AZUCENA 031 -261 -011 MARCHANT 031 -31 1 -00 6 AZUCENA 031 -261 -015 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -31 1 -00 7 AZUCENA 031 -261 -019 MARCHANT 031 -311 -010 MARCHANT 031 -261 -023 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -311 -016 MARCHANT 031 -261 -028 SAN FRANCISCO 031 -311 -017 MARCHANT 031 -261 -029 MARCHANT 031 -311 -019 MARCHANT 031 -271 -013 CARMELITA 0 31 -31 1 -0 2 2 AZUCFNA 031 -271 -027 CARMELITA 031 -311 -028 MARCHANT 031 -271 -033 CARMELITA 031 -321 -001 PORTOLA 031 -271 -038 CARMELITA 031 -321 -002 PORTOLA 031 -271 -041 CARMELITA 031 -321 -003 PORTOLA 031 -271 -042 CARMELITA 031 -321 -007 CARMELITA 031 -271 -043 CARMELITA 031 -321 -008 CARMELITA 031 -271 -044 CARMELITA 031 -321 -012 CARMELITA 031 -271 -048 CARMELITA 031 -331 -010 CARMELITA 031 -281 -005 PIEDRAS ALTOS 031 -331 -012 CARMELITA 031 -281 -012 CARMELITA 031 -331 -017 CARMELITA 031 -281 -013 PORTOLA 031 -331 -018 CARMELITA 031 -281 -014 PORTOLA 031 -341 -006 CARMELITA 031 -281 -016 CARMELITA 031 -341 -007 CARMELITA 031 -281 -020 CARMELITA 031 -341 -018 CARMELITA 031 -281 -021 PIEDRAS ALTOS 031 -341 -019 CARMELITA 031 -281 -022 CARMELITA 031 -341 -020 CARMELITA • 031 -291 -002 SANTA YNEZ 031 -341 -021 CARMELITA 031 -291 -010 PORTOLA 031 -341 -022 CARMELITA WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 20 031 -341 -024 CARMEUTA 031 -341 -025 CARMEUTA • 031 -341 -027 PORTOLA 031 -351 -005 PORTOLA 031 -351 -006 PORTOLA 031 -361 -003 MORRORD 031 -361 -008 AMAPOA 031 -361 -011 AMAPOA 031 -361 -015 AMAPOA 031 -361 -018 MORRO RD 031 -361 -019 MORRO RD 031 -361 -021 AMAPOA 031 -362-003 MARCHANT 031 -371 -010 MORRORD 031 -371 -011 MORRORD 031 -371 -016 MORRO RD 031 -371 -020 ELPARQUE 031 -371 -021 ELPARQUE 031 -371 -028 ELPARQUE 031 -372-001 PISMO 031 -373-001 ELPARQUE 031 -373-002 ELPARQUE 031 -373-003 ELPARQUE 031 -373-004 AVENAL 031 -373-011 AVENAL 031 -381 -007 MARCHANT 031 -381 -009 MARCHANT • 031 -381 -010 MARCHANT 031 -381 -027 AVENAL 031 -381 -034 AVENAL 031 -381 -035 MARCHANT 031 -381 -046 MARCHANT 031 -381 -051 MARCHANT 031 -381 -053 MARCHANT 031 -381 -055 SANTAROSA 031 -381 -056 SANTAROSA 031 -381 -063 MARCHANT 031 -381 -064 MARCHANT • WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 21 045-301 -002 ORTEGARD 045-401 -003 VIEJOCAMINO • 045-302-005 ORTEGARD 045-401 -010 FALCON 045-302-006 ORTEGARD 045-401 -014 FALCON 045-302-007 ORTEGARD 045-411 -002 ALONDRA 045-302-008 ORTEGARD 045-411 -003 ALONDRA 045-311 -001 FALCOVRD 045-421 -001 SAN DIEGO RD 045-311 -002 HALCONRD 045-421 -002 SAN DIEGO RD 045-311 -003 HALCONRD 045-421 -003 SAN DIEGO RD 045-321 -002 ELCAMINO RL 045-431 -001 SAN DIEGO RD 045-321 -003 ELCAMINO RL 045-431 -002 SAN DIEGO RD 045-321 -009 VIEJOCAMINO 045-431 -004 SAN DIEGO RD 045-321 -010 VIEJOCAMINO 045-431 -005 SAN DIEGO RD 045-321 -011 ELCAMINO RL 045-431 -007 SAN DIEGO RD 045-321 -012 ELCAMINORL 045-441 -002 SAN RAFAEL 045-321 -013 ELCAMINO RL 045-441 -009 COI.ORADORD 045-321 -015 ELCAMINO RL 045-441 -010 COLORADORD 045-321--01 7 BOCINA 045-441 -013 COLORADORD 045-321 -019 BOCINA - 045-441 -014 COLORADORD 045-331 -003 ELCAMINO RL 045-441 -015 COLORADORD 045-332-001 ELCAMINORL 045-441 -016 COLORADORD 045-332-003 ELCAMINO RL 045-441 -017 COLORADORD 045-332-005 SANTABARBARA 045-441 -023 COLORADORD 045-332-006 SANTA BARBARA 045-441 -024 COLORADORD 045-332-007 ELCAMINO RL 045-441 -025 COI-ORADORD 045-332-008 ELCAMINO RL 045-441 -026 COLORADORD 045-332-009 ELCAMINO RL 045-441 -027 COLORADORD • 045-341 -003 SAN DIEGO RD 045-441 -028 COLORADORD 045-341 -004 SAN DIEGO RD 045-441 -029 COLORADORD 045-341 -005 SAN DIEGO RD 045-441 -031 COLORADORD 045-342-006 VIEJOCAMINO 045-441 -032 COLORADORD 045-342-007 VIEJOCAMINO 045-451 -007 SAN RAFAEL 045-342-008 VIEJOCAMINO 045-451 -008 SAN RAFAEL 045-342-009 VIEJOCAMINO 045-451 -010 COLORADORD 045-342-010 VIEJO CAMINO 045-451 -016 COLORADO RD 045-342-011 VIEJOCAMINO 045-451 -017 COLORADORD 045-351 -001 ELCAMINORL 045-451 -019 COLORADORD 045-351 -002 ELCAMINO RL 045-451 -020 COLORADORD 045-351 -003 ELCAMINORL 045-451 -021 COLORADORD 045-351 -007 ELCAMINORL 045-451 -025 COLORADO RD 045-351 -008 ELCAMINO RL 045-451 -026 COLORADORD 045-351 -012 ELCAMINO RL 045-451 -029 COLORADORD 045-351 -014 ELCAMINORL 045-451 -033 SAN DEIGORD 045-352-006 ELCAMINORL 045-451 -044 ATASCADEROAVE 045-353-001 SAN RAFAEL 045-353-002 WESTFRONT 045-361 -007 CUESTACT 045-361 -013 CUESTACT 045-361 -016 CUESTACT 045-361 -027 SAN RAFAELCT 045-371 -011 SANTA BARBARA 045-381 -005 LA PAZ 045-381 -006 LA PAZ • 045-381 -014 LA PAZ 045-391 -002 ATASCADERORD WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 22 049-022-002 FERROCARRIL RD. 049-052-031 OBISPOROAD 049-022-009 CICO 049-052-032 OBISPOROAD • 049-023-002 FERROCARRIL RD. 049-052-033 OBISPOROAD 049-023-008 FERROCARRIL RD. 049-052-034 OBISPOROAD 049-031 -005 TRAFFIC WAY 049-052-035 TRAFFIC WAY 049-031 -006 TRAFFIC WAY 049-052-036 TRAFFIC WAY 049-031 -007 TRAFFIC WAY 049-052-037 TRAFFIC WAY 049-031 -008 TRAFFIC WAY 049.052-038 OBISPOROAD 049-041 -005 SANTACRUZ 049-052-039 OBISPOROAD 049-041 -009 ELCAMINOREAL 049-061 -004 POTREROROAD 049-041 -010 ELCAMINOREAL 049-061 -006 POTREROROAD 049-041 -012 SANTACRUZ 049-061 -008 POTREROROAD 049-041 -013 SANTA CRUZ 049-061 -010 TRAFFIC WAY 049-041 -014 SANTACRUZ 049-061 -011 POTREROROAD 049-041 -015 SANTACRUZ 049-061 -012 POTREROROAD 049-041 -016 SANTACRUZ 049-061 -014 OBISPOROAD 049-041 -017 SANTACRUZ 049-061 -021 OBISPOROAD 049-041 -018 SANTACRUZ 049-061 -022 OBISPOROAD 049-042-007 SANTACRUZ 049-061 -023 TRAFFIC WAY 049-042-011 ELCAMINOREAL 049-061 -026 TRAFFIC WAY 049-042-013 ELCAMINOREAL 049-061 -027 TRAFFIC WAY 049-042-020 ELCAMINOREAL 049-062-006 POTREROROAD 049-042-023 SANTACRUZ 049-062-007 DEL RIO ROAD 049-042-024 SANTACRUZ 049-071 -006 CHICOROAD 049-042-025 ELCAMINOREAL 049-0.71 -008 CHICOROAD 049-042-026 ELCAMINOREAL 049-071 -011 DEL RIO ROAD 049-051 -004 CARRIZO ROAD 049-071 -012 TRAFFIC WAY • 049-051 -007 CARRIZO ROAD 049-071 -013 TRAFFIC WAY 049-051 -010 CARRIZO ROAD 049-071 -014 DEL RIO ROAD 049-051 -011 CARRIZO ROAD 049-071 -017 TRAFFIC WAY 049-051 -012 CARRIZO ROAD 049-071 -018 SAN BENITO 049-051 -014 SANTA CRUZ 049-071 -019 TRAFFIC WAY 049-051 -015 SANTACRUZ 049-071 -021 SAN BENITO 049-051 -017 ELCAMINOREAL 049-071 -022 SAN BENITO 049-051 -018 CARRIZOROAD 049-072-005 TRAFFIC WAY 049-051 -021 SANTACRUZ 049-072-006 CHICO 049-051 -022 SANTACRUZ 049-072-007 CHICO 049-051 -023 SANTACRUZ 049-073-006 DEL RIO ROAD 049-051 -024 SANTACRUZ 049-073-009 DEL RIO ROAD 049-051 -025 SANTACRUZ 049-073-015 LA LUZ 049-052-001 TRAFFIC WAY 049-073-016 LA LUZ 049-052-002 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-019 ARENA 049-052-003 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-020 ARENA 049-052-005 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-022 DEL RIO ROAD 049-052-014 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-025 DEL RIO ROAD 049-052-018 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-031 DEL RIO ROAD 049-052-019 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-032 DEL RIO ROAD 049-052-021 TRAFFIC WAY 049-073-034 SANANSELMO 049-052-022 OBISPOROAD 049-073-036 SAN ANSELMO 049-052-023 OBISPOROAD 049-073-037 DEL RIO ROAD 049-052-025 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-040 DEL RIO ROAD 049-052.027 TRAFFIC WAY 049-073-046 LA LUZ 049-052-029 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-047 LA LUZ • 049-052-030 CARRIZOROAD 049-073-048 DEL RIO ROAD WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 23 049-073-049 DEL RIO ROAD 049-092-044 SANTACRUZ • 049-073-050 DEL RIO ROAD 049-092-045 SANTACRUZ 049-073-051 ARENA 049-092-046 SANTACRUZ 049-073-053 LALUZ 049-093-006 SAN RAMONROAD 049-073-054 LALUZ 049-093-007 SAN RAMONROAD 049-073-055 DEL RIO ROAD 049-093-009 ELCAMINOREAL 049-073-055 SANANSELMO 049-093-035 SAN RAMONROAD 049-073-056 SANANSELMO 049-093-036 SAN RAMONROAD 049-073-057 LALUZ 049-101 -009 ELCAMINOREAL 049-073-058 LALUZ 049-101 -010 ELCAMINOREAL 049-073-060 DEL RIO ROAD 049-101 -011 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-061 LA LUZ 049-101 -013 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-062 LALUZ 049-101 -015 ELCAMINOREAL 049-073-063 LALUZ 049-101 -018 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-064 LALUZ 049-101 -020 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-065 ARENA 049-101 -022 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-066 LALUZ 049-101 -024 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-068 DEL RIO ROAD 049-101 -025 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-070 DEL RIO ROAD 049-102-001 CARRIZO ROAD 049-073-071 DEL RIO ROAD 049-102-008 ELCAMINOREAL 049-073-072 DEL RIO ROAD 049-102-009 ELCAMINOREAL 049-074-001 LALUZ 049-102-033 ELCAMINOREAL 049-074-002 LALUZ 049-102-050 ELCAMINOREAL 049-075-001 ARENA 049-102-051 ELCAMINOREAL 049-075-002 ARENA 049-102-052 OBISPOROAD 049-075-003 ARENA 049-102-053 OBISPOROAD 049-075-004 ARENA 049-102-054 OBISPOROAD • 049-075-005 SANANSELMO 049-111 -001 OBISPOROAD 049-081 -001 GARCIAROAD 049-111 -011 OBISPOROAD 049-081 -004 GARCIAROAD 049-111 -014 DEL RIO ROAD 049-081 -005 GARCIAROAD 049-111 -018 DEL RIO ROAD 049-081 -007 GARCIAROAD 049-111 -019 DEL RIO ROAD 049-081 -008 GARCIAROAD 049-111 -020 DEL RIO ROAD 049-081 -009 GARCIAROAD 049-111 -037 OBISPOROAD 049-081 -010 GARCIAROAD 049-112-002 ELCAMINOREAL 049-082-015 SANTACRUZ 049-112-005 DEL RIO ROAD 049-082-016 GARCIAROAD 049-112-006 DEL RIO ROAD 049-082-020 SANTACRUZ 049-112-015 SAN BENITO 049-082-021 SANTACRUZ 049-112-018 DEL RIO ROAD 049-091 -001 GARCIAROAD 049-112-019 DEL RIO ROAD 049-091 -002 GARCIAROAD 049-112-022 DEL RIO ROAD 049-091 -003 GARCIAROAD 049-112-024 DEL RIO ROAD 049-091 -004 GARCIAROAD 049-112-025 DEL RIO ROAD 049-092-016 SAN RAMONROAD 049-112-026 DEL RIO ROAD 049-092-017 SAN RAMONROAD 049-112-027 RIO RITA 049-092-020 GARCIAROAD 049-112-028 RIO RITA 049-092-025 SANTACRUZ 049-112-029 RIO RITA 049-092-028 GARCIAROAD 049-112-031 SAN BENITO 049-092-029 GARCIAROAD 049-112-032 SAN BENITO 049-092-032 GARCIAROAD 049-112-034 SAN BENITO 049-092-036 SAN RAMONROAD 049-112-036 DEL RIO ROAD 049-092-038 SANTACRUZ 049-112-037 SAN BENITO • 049-092-041 SAN RAMONROAD 049-112-038 SAN BENITO 049-092-043 SANTACRUZ 049-121 -008 LALUZ WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 24 049-121 -012 LA LUZ 049-131 -054 ELCAMINOREAL 049-121 -013 LA LUZ 049-131 -05 7 SAN RAMON ROAD • 049-121 -014 LA LUZ 049-131 -058 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-121 -015 LA LUZ 049-131 -059 DEL RIO ROAD 049-121 -017 LA LUZ 049-131 -06 0 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-121 -020 ARENA 049-131 -061 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-121 -024 LA LUZ 049-131 -063 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-121 -026 LA LUZ 049-131 -066 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-121 -027 LA LUZ 049-131 -067 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-121 -028 LA LUZ 049-131 -068 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-121 -031 ARENA 049-131 -069 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-121 -032 ARENA 049-132-001 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-122-002 ARENA 049-132-002 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-122-003 ARENA 049-132-014 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-122-004 ARENA 049-132-025 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-122-006 FALDA 049-132-027 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-122-009 FALDA 049-141 -010 CO(_JO 049-122-014 SAN BENITO 049-141 -023 ELCAMINOREAL 049-12 2-01 6 FALDA 049-1 41 -024 ELCAMINOREAL 049-122-020 FALDA 049-141 -026 ELCAMINOREAL 049-122-022 FALDA 049-141 -030 ELCAMINOREAL 049-122-023 LICA 049-141 -035 RAMONA 049-122-025 LIGAROAD 049-141 -036 ELCAMINOREAL 049-122-026 ARENA 049-141 -038 RAMONA 049-122-027 LIGA ROAD 049-141 -040 ELCAMINOREAL 049-123-002 LIGA 049-141 -041 ELCAMINOREAL 049-123-006 AMARGON ROAD 049-141 -042 RAMONA 049-123-007 AMARGON ROAD 049-141 -044 ELCAMINOREAL 049-123-018 ARENA 049-141 -046 ELCAMINOREAL 049-123-019 AMARGON ROAD 049-142-008 RAMONA 049-123-020 AMARGCN ROAD 049-151 -008 ELCAMINOREAL 049-123.022 ARENA 049-151 -009 ELCAMINOREAL 049-123-023 ARENA 049-151 -016 ELCAMINOREAL 049-123-027 ARENA 049-151 -017 ELCAMINOREAL 049-123-028 AMARGCNROiAD 049-151 -020 ELCAMINOREAL 049-123-029 AMARGON ROAD 049-151 -024 MADERA 049-123-030 AMARGCN ROAD 049-151 -025 MADERA 049-123-032 AMARGCN ROAD 049-151 -033 SAN BENITO 049-123-033 ARENA 049-151 -034 SAN BENITO 049-123-034 ARENA 049-151 -036 ELCAMINOREAL 049-131 -021 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-151 -037 EL CAMINO REAL 049-131 -022 ELCAMINOREAL 049-151 -043 SAN BENITO 049-131 -031 ELCAMINOREAL 049-151 -044 SAN BENITO 049-131 -032 ELCAMINOREAL 049-151 -048 SAN BENITO 049-131 -035 EL CAMINO REAL 049-151 -051 SAN BENITO 049-131 -043 SAN RAMON ROAD 049-151 -052 SAN BENITO 049-131 -044 DEL RIO ROAD 049-151 -053 SAN BENITO 049-131 -045 EL CAMINO REAL 049-151 -054 SAN BENITO 049-131 -046 ELCAMINOREAL 049-152-002 COLIMA 049-131 -047 ELCAMINOREAL 049-152-012 SAN BENTIO 049-131 -048 ELCAMINOREAL 049-152-013 SAN BENTIO 049-131 -050 ELCAMINOREAL 049-152-014 SAN BENITO 049-131 -052 DEL RIO ROAD 049-152-016 SAN BENTIO • 049-131 -053 ELCAMINOREAL 049-152-019 SAN BENITO WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 25 049-152-022 SAN BENITO 049-163-046 ELCAMINOREAL • 049-152-026 SAN BENITO 049-163-047 ELCAMINOREAL 049-152-027 COLIMA 049-163-050 SANANSELMO 049-152-028 SAN BENITO 049-163-051 SANANSELMO 049-152-031 ELCAMINOREAL 049-163-052 SANANSELMO 049-152-033 ELCAMINOREAL 049-163-053 SANANSELMO 049-152-035 LAUVA 049-163-056 COLIMA 049-152-036 LAUVA 049-163-057 COLIMA 049-152-038 LAUVA 049-163-058 COLIMA 049-15.2-039 LAUVA 049-163-064 SILLA 049-152-040 LAUVA 049-163-065 SILLA 049-152-041 LAUVA 049-163-066 ELCAMINOREAL 049-152-042 LAUVA 049-163-068 ELCAMINOREAL 049-15 2-043 ELCAMINOREAL 049-172-001 SANTACRUZ 049-161 -001 SILLA 049-172-006 SANTACRUZ 049-161 -005 COLIMA 049-172-009 SANTACRUZ 049-161 -008 SILLA 049-172-012 SANTACRUZ 049-163-003 SANANSELMO 049-172-014 SANTACRUZ 049-163-005 SANANSELMO 049-172-015 SANTACRUZ 049-163-008 COLIMA 049-172-016 SANTACRUZ 049-163-009 COLIMA 049-172-018 ROPA 049-163-010 COLIMA 049-172-019 ROPA 049-163-011 COLIMA 049-181 -005 GARCIA 049-163-01 2 COLIMA 049-181 -006 SANGREGORIO 049-163-01 3 COLIMA 049-181 -007 GARCIA 049-163-014 COLIMA 049-182-003 GARCIA • 049-163-014 SAN ANSELMO 049-182-013 GARCIA 049-163-015 COLIMA 049-182-015 GARCIA 049-163-016 ELCAMINOREAL 049-183-017 SANGREGORIO 049-163-019 ELCAMINOREAL 049-183-018 SANGREGORIO 049-163-021 ELCAMINOREAL 049-183-021 SANGREGORIO 049-163-022 ELCAMINOREAL 049-183-022 SANGREGORIO 049-163-023 ELCAMINOREAL 049-183-023 SANGREGORIO 049-163-024 ELCAMINOREAL 049-183-024 SANGREGORIO 049-163-025 ELCAMINOREAL 049-191 -002 CCw_jO 049-163-026 ELCAMINOREAL 049-191 -004 DEL RIO 049-163-027 ELCAMINOREAL 049-191 -016 OCNEJO 049-163-028 ELCAMINOREAL 049-191 -023 MONTEREYROAD 049-163-029 ELCAMINOREAL 049-191 -026 DEL RIO 049-163-03 0 ELCAMINOREAL 0 49-1 91 -027 DEL RIO 049-163-031 ELCAMINOREAL 049-191 -030 DEL RIO 049-163-032 EL CAMINO REAL 049-191 -031 MONTEREY ROAD 049-163-033 ELCAMINOREAL 049-191 -034 CONEJO 049-163-034 ELCAMINOREAL 049-191 -035 CCNEJO 049-163-035 ELCAMINOREAL 049-191 -036 CCNEJO 049-163-037 ELCAMINOREAL 049-191 -037 DEL RIO 049-163-038 CAMPBELL LANE 049-191 -038 DEL RIO 049-163-039 CAMPBELL LANE 049-201 -010 ELCAMINOREAL 049-163-040 CAMPBELL LANE 049-201 -014 ELCAMINOREAL 049-163-041 CAMPBELL LANE 049-201 -021 ELCAMINOREAL 049-163-042 ELCAMINOREAL 049-201 -024 ELCAMINOREAL 049-163-043 ELCAMINOREAL 049-201 -025 ELCAMINOREAL • 049-163-044 ELCAMINOREAL 049-201 -026 RAMONA 049-163-045 ELCAMINOREAL 049-201 -030 ELCAMINOREAL WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 26 049-201 -031 ELCAMINOREAL 049-223-029 MONTEREYROAD 049-201 -032 ELCAMINOREAL 049-223-030 MONTEREYROAD • 049-201 -036 ELCAMINOREAL 049-223-033 MONTEREYROAD 049-202-003 MONTEREY ROAD 049-223-034 MONTEREY ROAD 049-202-004 CAMPO 049-231 -001 SANGREGORIO 049-202-008 MONTEREYROAD 049-231 -002 SANGREGORIO 049-202-009 CAMPO 049-231 -003 SANGREGORIO 049-202-009 MONTEREYROAD 049-231 -005 SANGREGORIO 049-202-015 MONTEREY ROAD 049-231 -011 SAN GREGORIO 049-202-017 MONTEREY ROAD 049-231 -012 SAN GREGORIO 049-202-018 MONTEREY ROAD 049-231 -014 SANGREGORIO 049-202-019 MONTEREY ROAD 049-231 -015 SANGREGORIO 049-202-020 MONTEREYROAD 049-232-002 SANGREGORIO 049-202-021 MONTEREY ROAD 049-232-029 SANGREGORIO 049-202-022 CAMPO 049-232-031 SANGREGORIO 049-202-023 CAMPO 049-232-032 DEL RIO ROAD 049-202-024 CAMPO 049-232-033 SANGREGORIO 049-202-033 CAMPO 049-241 -008 MONTEREY ROAD 049-202-034 CAMPO 049-241 -018 DEL RIO ROAD 049-202-035 CAMPO 049-241 -020 DEL RIO ROAD 049-211 -011 RAMONA 049-241 -022 DEL RIO ROAD 049-211 -019 ELCAMINOREAL 049-241 -023 ALTURAS 049-211 -031 RAMONA 049-241 -025 DEL RIO ROAD 049-211 -032 RAMONA 049-241 -033 ALTURAS 049-211 -043 ELCAMINOREAL 049-241 -036 DEL RIO ROAD 049-211 -049 ELCAMINOREAL 049-241 -045 ALTURAS 049-211 -050 RAMONA 049-251 -017 ARDILLA ROAD • 049-211 -051 RAMONA 049-251 -018 ARDILLA ROAD 049-211 -052 ELCAMINOREAL 049-251 -019 ARDILLA ROAD 049-211 -053 ELCAMINOREAL 049-251 -020 MONTEREYROAD 049-212-005 RAMONA 049-251 -022 MONTEREYROAD 049-212-012 RAMONA 049-251 -023 MONTEREY ROAD 049-212-013 RAMONA 049-251 -033 MONTEREY ROAD 049-212-016 RAMONA 049-251 -034 MONTEREY ROAD 049-212-017 RAMONA 049-251 -035 MONTEREY ROAD 049-212-019 REMAONA 049-251 -036 MONTEREY ROAD 049-212-020 RAMONA 049-251 -037 MONTEREY ROAD 049-212-021 RAMONA 049-251 -038 MONTEREY ROAD 049-221 -034 ELCAMINOREAL 049-251 -039 ARDILLA ROAD 049-221 -044 MONTEREYROAD 049-252-002 ARDILLA ROAD 049-221 -048 MONTEREYROAD 049-252-005 ARDILLA ROAD 049-221 -049 MONTEREYROAD 049-252-007 ARDILLA ROAD 049-221 -052 MONTEREYROAD 049-252-008 ARDILLA ROAD 049-221 -056 MONTEREY ROAD 049-262-001 MONTEREY ROAD 049-221 -057 MONTEREYROAD 049-262-002 MONTEREY ROAD 049-221 -058 MONTEREY ROAD 049-262-003 MONTEREY ROAD 049-221 -059 MONTEREY ROAD 049-262-007 MONTEREY ROAD 049-221 -062 ELCAMINOREAL 049-262-027 MONTEREY ROAD 049-221 -063 ELCAMINOREAL 049-262-031 MONTEREY ROAD 049-222-038 ELCAMINOREAL 049-262-032 MONTEREY ROAD 049-222-041 ELCAMINOREAL 049-262-035 MONTEREY ROAD 049-223-003 MONTEREYROAD 049-262-036 MONTEREY ROAD 049-223-005 MONTEREY ROAD 049-271 -001 ALTURAS •' 049-223-008 MONTEREYROAD 049-271 -002 ALTURAS WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 27 049-271 -003 ALTURAS 049-321 -011 SANTACRUZROAD • 049-271 -010 ALTURAS 049-321 -014 SANTA CRUZ ROAD 049-271-020 SANFERNANDO 049-321 -018 SANTA CRUZ ROAD 049-271 -021 SAN FERNANDO 049-321 -019 SANTA CRUZ ROAD 049-271 -022 SANFERNANDO 049-322-001 PASEOPACIFICO 049-281 -001 SANFERNANDO 049-322-002 PASEOPACIFICO 049-281 -002 SANFERNANDO 049-322-003 PASEOPACIFICO 049-281 -003 SANFERNANDO 049-322-004 PASEOPACIFICO 049-281 -004 SANFERNANDO 049-322-005 PASEOPACIFICO 049-281 -010 SAN FERNANDO 049-322-006 PASEO PACIFICO 049-301 -001 SAN ANSELMO 049-322-007 PASEOPACIFICO 049-301 -002 SANANSELMO 049-322-008 PASEOPACIFICO 049-301 -003 SAN ANSELMO 049-322-009 PASEOPACIFICO 049-301 -004 SAN ANSELMO 049-331 -002 ARDILLA 049-301 -008 FALDA 049-331 -004 ARDILLA 049-301 -010 AMARGON 049-331 -006 ARDILLA 049-301 -013 AMAIGON 049-331 -009 BALBOA 049-301 -015 FALDA 049-331 -015 GRAVES CRKRD 049-301 -018 AMANCON 049-331 -016 GRAVES CRKRD 049-301 -019 AMARC'CN' 049-331 -017 GRAVES CRKRD 049-301 -020 FALDA 049-m,331 -011 8 GRAVES CRKRD 049-302-001 SAN ANSELMO 049-331 -019 BALBOA 049-302-002 SAN ANSELMO 049-331 -020 BALBOA 049-302-004 COLIMA 049-331 -022 ARDILLA 049-302-005 COLIMA 049-331 -023 ARDILLA 049-302-010 FALDA 049-331 -024 ARDILLA • 049-302-014 COLIMA 049-331 -025 ARDILLA 049-302-015 FALDA 049-331 -026 BALBOA 049-302-017 COLIMA 049-302-018 COLIMA 049-302-021 FALDA 049-302-024 COLIMA 049-302-025 COLIMA 049-302-027 FALDA 049-302-028 FALDA 049-302-029 FALDA 049-302-030 COLIMA 049-302-031 COLIMA 049-302-032 SAN BENITO 049-302-033 COLIMA 049-302-034 FALDA 049-302-036 COLIMA 049-302-037 COLIMA 049-311 -001 EL CAMINO REAL 049-311 -002 ELCAMINO REAL 049-311 -003 ELCAMINO REAL 049-311 -004 ELCAMINO REAL 049-311 -005 ELCAMINO REAL 049-311 -008 ELCAMINO REAL 049-311 -010 EL CAMINO REAL 049-311 -011 EL CAMINO REAL 049-311 -012 ELCAMINO REAL 049-311 -013 EL CAMINO REAL • 049-321 -009 SANTA CRUZ ROAD WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 28 050-01 1 -001 SANTACRUZ 050-042-006 SANFERNANDO 050-011 -002 SANTACRUZ 050-042-007 BALBOA • 050-011 -004 SANTACRUZ 050-042-008 BALBOA 050-011 -006 SANTACRUZ 050-042-009 BALBOA 050-011 -007 SANTACRUZ 050-042-010 BALBOA 050-011 -008 SANTACRUZ 050-042-011 ALTURAS 050-012-001 SANTACRUZ 050-042-012 ALTURAS 050-012-013 SANGREGORIO 050-043-002 BALBOA 050-012-014 SANGREGORIO 050-043-005 BALBOA 050-012-018 SANGREGORIO 050-043-006 BALBOA 050-012-019 SANGREGORIO 050-051 -005 BALBOA 050-012-020 SANGREGORIO 050-051 -006 BALBOA 050-012-024 SANGREGORIO 050-051 -014 BALBOA 050-012-025 SANGREGORIO 050-051 -015 BALBOA 050-012-027 SANTACRUZ 050-051 -016 BALBOA 050-012-028 SANTACRUZ 050-051 -017 BALBOA 050-012-029 SANTACRUZ 050-051 -018 BALBOA 050-012-032 SANTACRUZ 050-051 -019 BALBOA 050-021 -002 SAN GREGORIO 050-051 -020 SAN FERNANDO 050-021 -004 DEL RIO 050-051 -021 SANFERNANDO 050-021 -013 SAN GREGORIO 050-051 -023 SAN FERNANDO 050-021 -014 SANGREGORIO 050-051 -024 SAN FERNANDO 050-021 -017 SANGREGORIO 050-051 -025 BALBOA 050-021 -019 SANGREGORIO 050-051 -026 BALBOA 050-021 -020 SANGREGORIO 050-051 -027 BALBOA 050-021 -021 SANGREGORIO 050-051 -028 BALBOA 050-021 -022 SANGREGORIO 050-051 -029 BALBOA • 050-021 -023 SANGREGORIO 050-051 -030 BALBOA 050-021 -024 SANGREGORIO 050-061 -003 BALBOA 050-021 -025 SANGREGORIO 050-061 -009 BALBOA 050-021 -026 DEL RIO 050-061 -011 BALBOA 050-021 -027 SANGREGORIO 050-061 -012 ARDILLA 050-021 -028 DEL RIO 050-061 -013 ARDILLA 050-021 -029 DEL RIO 050-061 -014 ARDILLA 050-021 -030 SANGREGORIO 050-061 -015 BALBOA 050-021 -031 DEL RIO 050-061 -016 BALBOA 050-021 -032 DEL RIO 050-063-001 BALBOA 050-031 -010 DEL RIO 050-071 -008 ARDILLA 050-031 -016 DEL RIO 050-071 -009 ARDILLA 050-031 -019 DEL RIO 050-071 -012 BALBOA 050-031 -020 DEL RIO 050-071 -013 GRAVESCREEK 050-031 -026 ALTURAS 050-071 -024 GRAVESCREEK 050-031 -027 ALTURAS 050-071 -025 GRAVESCREEK 050-031 -028 DEL RIO 050-071 -032 ARDILLA 050-031 -038 ALTURAS 050-071 -033 GRAVESCREEK 050-031 -039 ALTURAS 050-071 -034 GRAVESCREB< 050-041 -006 BALBOA 050-071 -035 GRAVESCREEK 050-041 -009 BALBOA 050-071 -036 GRAVESCREEK 050-041 -010 BALBOA 050-081 -001 SANTACRUZ 050-041 -011 BALBOA 050-081 -010 SANTACRUZ 050-042-001 ALTURAS 050-081 -011 SANTACRUZ 050-042-002 ALTURAS 050-091 -007 SANGREGORIO 050-042-003 ALTURAS 050-091 -012 SANGREGORIO e 050-042-005 SAN FERNANDO 050-091 -015 SAN GREGORRIO WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 29 050-091 -019 SANTA CRUZ 050-131 -009 SAN FERNANDO • 050-091 -020 SANTACRUZ 050-131 -014 BALBOA 050-092-003 SANGREGORIO 050-131 -015 BALBOA 050-092-007 DEL RIO 050-131 -016 SANFERNANDO 050-092-008 DEL RIO 050-131 -018 SANFERNANDO 050-092-009 DEL RIO 050-131 -020 SANFERNANDO 050-092-010 DEL RIO 050-131 -022 SANFERNANDO 050-101 -001 DEL RIO 050-131 -023 SANFERNANDO 050-101 -009 SANTA ANA 050-131 -024 SAN FERNANDO 050-101 -011 DEL RIO 050-131 -025 SANFERNANDO 050-101 -015 DEL RIO 050-131 -026 BALBOA 050-101 -017 SAN GREGORIO 050-131 -027 BALBOA 050-101 -018 SANTA ANA 050-131 -029 SAN FERNANDO 050-101 -019 SANTA ANA 050-131 -030 SAN FERNANDO 050-111 -003 ALTURAS 050-131 -128 BALBOA 050-111 -004 ALTURAS 050-141 -004 BALBOA 050-111 -004 ALTURAS 050-141 -008 BALBOA 050-111 -008 BALBOA 050-141 -009 BALBOA 050-111 -010 ALTURAS 050-141 -013 SAN FERNANDO 050-111 -011 ALTURAS 050-141 -016 SAN FERNANDO 050-111 -012 DEL RIO 050-141 -021 SANFERNANDO 050-111 -013 ALTURAS 050-141 -022 SAN FERNANDO 050-111 -013 ALTURAS 050-141 -023 SAN FERNANDO 050-111 -014 BALBOA 050-141 -024 BALBOA 050-111 -015 BALBOA 050-141 -025 BALBOA 050-111 -016 BALBOA 050-141 -026 BALBOA • 050-111 -017 BALBOA 050-141 -027 BALBOA 050-111 -019 DEL RIO 050-141 -033 SAN FERNANDO 050-111 -020 DEL RIO 050-141 -034 SANFERNANDO 050-121 -002 SANTA ANA 050-151 -008 SAN FERNANDO 050-121 -006 SANTA ANA 050-1 51 -009 SAN FERNANDO 050-121 -007 SANTA ANA 050-151 -011 SAN FERNANDO 050-121 -008 SANTA ANA 050-151 -012 SAN FERNANDO 050-121 -010 ALTURAS 050-151 -018 SAN FERNANDO 050-121 -013 ALTURAS 050-151 -019 SAN FERNANDO 050-121 -014 SANTA ANA 050-152-012 GRAVES CREEK 050-121 -020 SAN FERNANDO 050-152-013 GRAVES CREEK 050-121 -021 SAN FERNANDO 050-152-015 SAN FERNANDO 050-121 -023 CORRIENTE 050-152-017 GRAVES CREEK 050-121 -024 CORRIENTE 050-153-004 GRAVESCREEK 050-121 -029 CORRIENTE 050-153-008 GRAVES CREEK 050-121 -030 CORRIENTE 050-153-009 GRAVES CREEK 050-121 -032 SANTAANA 050-153-011 GRAVESCREEK 050-121 -033 SANTA ANA 050-153-012 GRAVES CREEK 050-121 -034 SANTA ANA 050-161 -010 SANTA CRUZ 050-122-004 BALBOA 050-161 -010 SANTACRUZ 050-122-005 SANTA ANA 050-162-002 SANTACRUZ 050-122-014 SANTAANA 050-162-005 SANTACRUZ 050-122-016 SANTAANA 050-162-012 SANTACRUZ 050-122-018 BALBOA 050-162-013 SANTACRUZ 050-122-019 BALBOA 050-162-017 SANTACRUZ 050-131 -002 BALBOA 050-171 -006 BALBOA • 050-131 -004 BALBOA 050-173-004 CORONA 050-131 -005 BALBOA 050-173-006 SANTAANA WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 30 050-173-012 SANTA" 050-242-003 LLANO 050-173-013 SANTA" 050-242-005 LLANO • 050-173-019 SANTA ANA 050-242-007 OTS:0 050-173-024 OCRCNA 050-242-013 LLANO 050-192-008 SANTA ANA 050-242-014 LLANO 050-201 -005 JAQUIMA 050-261 -001 SANTAANA 050-202-011 OTERO 050-262-001 SANTAANA 050-202-012 OTERO 050-262-003 SANTAANA 050-202-014 OTERO 050-262-009 LLANO 050-203-001 OTERO 050-262-011 SANTAANA 050-211 -001 SANTAANA 050-262-012 SANTAANA 050-211 -002 SANTAANA 050-262-013 SANTAANA 050-211 -003 SANTAANA 050-262-016 SANTAANA 050-212-003 SANTAANA 050-262-017 SANTAANA 050-212-007 SANTAANA 050-271 -008 SANTAANA 050-212-008 SANTAANA 050-271 -009 SANTAANA 050-212-013 CORRIENTE 050-271 -010 SANTAANA 050-212-018 SANTA ANA 050-271 -014 CEBADA 050-213-002 ECHANTO 050-271 -015 SANTAANA 050-221 -005 CORRIENTE 050-271 -019 CEBADA 050-221 -012 SAN FERNANDO 050-271 -020 SANTA ANA 050-221 -013 CORRIENTE 050-271 -021 CFBADA 050-221 -017 SANFERNANDO 050-271 -022 SANTAANA 050-221 -018 SANFERNANDO 050-271 -023 CEBADA 050-221 -019 SAN FERNANDO 050-271 -025 SANTA ANA 050-221 -022 SANTAANA 050-271 -026 CEBADA 050-221 -023 SANTAANA 050-281 -002 SANTAANA 050-221 -025 SANFERNANDO 050-281 -004 SANTAANA • 050-221 -028 CEBADA 050-281 -005 SANTAANA 050-221 -029 CEBADA 050-281 -009 SANTAANA 050-221 -030 CEBADA 050-281 -010 SANTAANA 050-221 -031 CEBADA 050-301 -002 SANTA LLICIA 050-221 -033 CEBADA 050-301 -003 SANTA LUCIA 050-221 -034 CEEIADA 050-302-001 SANTA LLICIA 050-221 -036 CEBADA 050-302-002 SANTA LUCIA 050-221 -038 CORRIENTE 050-302-004 SANTA LUCIA 050-221 -039 CORRIENTE 050-302-005 SANTA LUCIA 050-221 -040 SANTAANA 050-302-006 SANTA WCIA 050-231 -003 SANFERNANDO 050-302-008 SANTA LUCIA 050-231 -004 SANFERNANDO 050-302-009 SANTA LUCIA 050-231 -005 SAN FERNANDO 050-311 -005 SANTA LUCIA 050-231 -006 SAN FERNANDO 050-311 -006 SANTA LUCIA 050-231 -010 SAN FERNANDO 050-311 -007 SANTA LLICIA 050-231 -019 SAN FERNANDO 050-311 -008 SANTA LLICIA 050-231 -020 SANFERNANDO 050-312-009 SANTA LUCIA 050-231 -022 SANFERNANDO 050-312-011 SANTA LUCIA 050-231 -023 CEBADA 050-312-012 SANTA LUCIA 050-231 -024 CEBADA 050-312-013 ELMONTE 050-231 -025 CEBADA 050-312-014 ELMONTE 050-231 -026 CEBADA 050-312-015 ELMONTE 050-231 -030 CEBADA 050-312-017 SANTA LUCIA 050-231 -031 CEBADA 050-312-018 SANTA LUCIA 050-231 -033 SAN FERNANDO 050-312-019 SANTA LUCIA • 050-242-002 LLANO 050-312-020 ELMONTE WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 31 050-321 -003 SANTA LUCIA 050-351 -010 LLANO • 050-321 -004 SANTA LLICIA 050-351 -011 LLANO 050-321 -005 SANTA LUCIA 050-351 -011 LLANO 050-321 -006 SANTA LUCIA 050-361 -003 ELMONTE 050-321 -008 SANTA LUCIA 050-361 -004 ELMONTE 050-321 -012 SANTA LUCIA 050-361 -005 ELMONTE 050-323-005 SANTA LUCIA 050-361 -005 ELMONTE 050-323-006 SANTA LUCIA 050-361 -006 ELMONTE 050-323-007 SANTA LUCIA 050-361 -007 ELMONTE 050-323-014 BOLSA 050-361 -008 SANLUCAS 050-323-016 BOLSA 050-361 -009 ELMONTE 050-323-018 BOLSA 050-362-002 ELMONTE 050-323-019 BOLSA 050-362-003 ELMONTE 050-323-020 BOLSA 050-362-004 ELMONTE 050-323-025 SANTA LUCIA 050-362-005 ELMONTE 050-323-026 SANTA LUCIA 050-362-006 SANLUCAS 050-324-001 SANTA LUCIA 050-362-009 ELMONTE 050-324-003 SANTA LUCIA 050-362-010 SANLUCAS 050-324-004 SANTA LUCIA 050-362-011 SANLUCAS 050-324-007 SANTA LUCIA 050-324-013 SANTA LUCIA 050-324-014 SANTA LUCIA 050-324-015 SANTA LLICIA 050-324-016 SANTA LUCIA 050-324-017 SANTA LUCIA 050-331 -003 LLANO • 050-331 -010 LLANO 050-331 -011 LLANO 050-331 -013 LLANO 050-331 -013 LOMITAS 050-331 -014 LLANO 050-331 -016 LLANO 050-331 -016 LOMITAS 050-341 -003 LOMITAS 050-341 -004 LOMITAS 050-341 -006 LOMITAS 050-341 -010 SANTA LUCIA 050-341 -013 SANTA LLICIA 050-341 -014 SANTA LUCIA 050-341 -016 LOMITAS 050-341 -017 SANTA LLICIA 050-341 -018 SANTA LUCIA 050-341 -020 LOMITAS 050-341 -022 LOMITAS 050-341 -023 LOMITAS 050-341 -025 LOMITAS 050-341 -026 SANTA LUCIA 050-341 -027 SANTA LUCIA 050-351 -005 LLANO 050-351 -006 LLANO 050-351 -007 LLANO 050-351 -009 LLANO • 050-351 -009 LLANO 050-351 -010 LLANO WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 32 054-005-044 ARDILLA 054-022-018 PORTOLA 054-005-046 ARDILLA 054-022-030 SANTA LUCIA • 054-005-047 ARDILLA 054-022-031 SANTA LUCIA 054-005-057 ARDILLA 054-032-010 SAN BENITO 054-005-069 ARDILLA 054-032-011 SAN BENITO 054-006-008 SANTA LUCIA 054-032-012 SAN BENITO 054-006-028 SANTA LUCIA 054-032-013 SAN BENITO 054-006-041 SANTA LUCIA 054-032-017 MARICOPA 054-006-042 SANTA LUCIA 054-'032-030 MONTEREY 054-006-044 SANTA LUCIA 054-032-036 SAN BENITO 054-006-045 SANTA LUCIA 054-032-039 SAN BENITO 054-006-058 SANTA LUCIA 054-032-040 SAN BENITO 054-006-059 SANTA LUCIA 054-032-041 MARICOPA 054-006-060 SANTALWCIA 054-041 -005 MARICOPA 054-006-061 SANTA LUCIA 054-041 -006 MARICOPA 054-006-062 SANTA LUCIA 054-041 -008 MARICOPA 054-006-063 SANTA LUCIA 054-041 -010 MARICOPA 054-006-064 SANTA LUCIA 054-041 -017 SAN BENITO 054-006-065 SANTA LUCIA 054-041 -018 SAN BENITO 054-006-066 SANTA LUCIA 054-041 -033 SAN BENITO 054-011 -017 SAN JACINTO AVE 054-043-001 SAN BENITO 054-011 -018 SAN ANSELMORD 054-043-002 SAN BENITO 054-011 -023 SAN ANSELMORD 054-043-012 ARDILLA 054-011 -024 SAN ANSELMORD 054-043-015 ARDILLA 054-012-010 ARDILLA 054-043-016 ARDILLA 054-012-016 ARDILLA 054-043-021 ARDILLA 054-012-017 ARDILLA 054-050-044 ARDILLA RD • 054-012-023 ARDILLA 054-050-046 ARDILLA RD 054-012-026 ARDILLA 054-050-047 ARDILLA RD 054-012-027 ARDILLA 054-050-057 ARDILLA RD 054-012-035 VBVADO 054-050-069 PORTOLA RD 054-012-036 VBVADO 054-061 -008 SANTA LUCIA 054-013-001 SAN ANSELMO 054-061 -028 SANTA LUCIA 054-013-002 MARICOPA 054-061 -041 SANTA LUCIA 054-013-004 MARICOPA 054-061 -042 SANTA LUCIA 054-013-013, ARDILLA 054-061 -044 PORTOLA RD 054-013-018 SAN ANSELMO 054-061 -045 PORTOLA RD 054-013-019 SAN ANSELMO 054-061 -058 SANTA LUCIA 054-013-020 MARICOPA 054-061 -059 SANTA LUCIA 054-013-025 ARDILLA 054-061 -060 SANTA LUCIA 054-013-027 ARDILLA 054-061 -061 SANTA LUCIA 054-014-004 SAN ANSELMO 054-061 -062 SANTA LUCIA 054-014-005 MARICOPA 054-061 -063 SANTA LUCIA 054-014-006 MARICOPA 054-061 -064 SANTA LUCIA 054-014-007 SAN ANSELMO, 054-061 -065 SANTA LUCIA 054-014-019 MARICOPA 054-061 -066 SANTA LUCIA 054-021 -001 CHAUPLIN 054-071 -001 PORTOLA 054-021 -007 ATAJO 054-071 -007 PORTOLA 054-021 -0-11 ATAJO 054-071 -008 PORTOLA 054-021 -018 CHAUPLIN 054-071 -012 PORTOLA 054-021 -019 CHAUPLIN 054-071 -013 PORTOLA 054-021 -020 AT= 0 54-0 71 -032 PORTOLA 054-022-009 PORTOLA 054-072-002 PORTOLA • 054-022-017 PORTOLA 054-072-005 PORTOLA WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 33 054-072-016 SANTA LUCIA 054-085-049 PORTOLA • 054-072-021 LOSGATOS 054-085-050 PORTOLA 054-072-021 LOSGATOS 054-085-051 PORTOLA 054-072-023 PORTOLA 054-086-003 BELLAVISTA RD 054-072-028 LOSGATOS 054-086-004 BELLAVISTA RD 054-072-032 SANTA LUCIA 054-086-006 BELLAVISTA RD 054.072-036 PORTOLA 054-086-010 BELLAVISTA RD 054-072-048 PORTOLA 054-086-012 BELLAVISTA RD 054-072-057 LOSGATOS 054-086-013 BELLAVISTA RD 054-072-058 LOSGATOS 054-086-014 BELLAVISTA RD 054-072-060 PORTOLA 054-086-015 BELLAVISTA RD 054-072-061 PORTOLA 054-086-016 BELLAVISTA RD 054-072-062 FLORES 054-086-018 BELLAVISTA RD 054-072-066 PORTOLA 054-091 -013 CASCABELROAD 054-072-069 SANTA LUCIA 054-091 -014 CASCABELROAD 054-072-070 SANTA LUCIA 054-091 -017 CASCABELROAD 054-072-071 SANTA LUCIA 054-091 -022 CASCABELROAD 054-072-076 FLARES 054-091 -024 CASCABELROAD 054-072-077 FLORES 054-091 -025 CASCABELROAD 054-072-078 PORTOLA RD 054-092-001 CASCABELROAD 054-072-079 SANTA LUCIA 054-092-002 CASCABELROAD 054-073-018 PORTOLA 054-092-014 CASCABELROAD 054-073-020 PORTOLA 054-092-015 CASCABELROAD 054-073-021 PORTOLA 054-101 -006 CASCABELROAD 054-073-026 PORTOLA 054-101 -012 CASCABELROAD 054-073-028 SANTA LUCIA 054-101 -016 CASCABELROAD • 054-081 -014 PORTOLA ROAD 054-101 -017 CASCABEL ROAD 054-081 -027 PORTOLA ROAD 054-101 -018 CASCABEL ROAD 054-081 -030 PORTOLAROAD 054-102-011 CASCABELROAD 054-081 -042 PORTOLA ROAD 054-102-013 CASCABEL ROAD 054-082-006 SAN MARCOS 054-102-021 CASCABELROAD 054-082-012 SAN MARCOS 054-111 -003 SANTA LUCIA 054-082-013 SAN MARCOS 054-111 -005 SANTA LUCIA 054-084-0.04 SAN MARCOS 054-111 -024 SANTA LUCIA 054-084-005 SAN MARCOS 054-111 -027 SANTA LUCIA 054-084-006 SAN MARCOS 054-111 -035 SANTA LUCIA 054-085-002 BELLAVISTA RD 054-111 -039 SANTA LUCIA 054-085-007 BELLAVISTA RD 054-111 -040 SANTA LUCIA 054-085-011 PORTOLA 054-111 -041 SANTA LUCIA 054-085-014 PORTOLA 054-111 -042 SANTA LUCIA 054-085-016 PORTOLA 054-111 -043 SANTA LUCIA 054-085-024 PORTOLA 054-111 -044 SANTA LUCIA 054-085-025 BELLAVISTA RD 054-111 -046 SANTA LUCIA 054-085-028 BELLAVISTA RD 054-121 -002 LOS GATOSRD 054-085-029 BEL.LAVISTA RD 054-121 -003 LOS GATOSRD 054-085-032 BELLAVISTA RD 054-121 -012 LOS GATOSRD 054-085-038 BELLAVISTA RD 054-121 -019 LOS GATOSRD 054-085-039 BELLAVISTA RD 054-121 -021 LOS GATOSRD 054-085-040 PORTOLA 054-121 -022 LOS GATOSRD 054-085-044 PORTOLA 054-121 -027 LOS GATOSRD 054-085-045 BELLAVISTA RD 054-121 -035 LOSGATOSRD 054-085-046 PORTOLA 054-121 -036 SAN MARCOSRD • 054-085-047 BEL.LAVISTA RD 054-121 -037 SAN MARCOSRD 054-085-048 PORTOLA 054-121 -038 SAN MARCOSRD WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 34 054-122-019 SANTA LUCIA RD 054-142-028 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-122-024 LOS GATOSRD 054-142-031 SAN GABRIEL RD • 054-122-029 LOS GATOSRD 054-142-032 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-122-030 FLORES 054-142-033 SAN GARBIELRD 054-122-031 LOS GATOSRD 054-142-034 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-131 -003 SAN GABRIEL 054-143-008 CARMELITARD 054-131 -004 SAN GABRIEL 054-151 -013 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-131 -011 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -018 SANTA ROSA RD 054-131 -012 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -019 SANTA ROSA RD 054-131 -015 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -021 MORRO ROAD 054-131 -016 SAN GABRIEL 054-151 -0 25 MORRO ROAD 054-132-011 SAN GABRIEL 054-151 -026 MORRO ROAD 054-132-025 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -028 SANTA ROSA RD 054-132-027 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -028 SANTA ROSA RD 054-132-028 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -029 SANTA ROSA RD 054-132-033 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -031 MORROROAD 054-132-037 SAN MARCOS RD .054-151 -034 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-132-038 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -035 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-132-039 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -036 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-132-041 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -039 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-132-043 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -042 SANTA ROSA RD 054-132-044 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -043 SANTA ROSA RD 054-132-045 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -044 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-132-048 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -045 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-132-051 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -046 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-132-052 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -047 SANTA ROSA RD 054-132-054 SAN MARCOS RD 054-151 -048 SANTA ROSA RD • 054-132-062 SAN MARCOS RD 054-161 -006 SAN BENITO ROAD 054-132-063 SAN MARCOS RD 054-161 -007 SANTA ANA ROAD 054-132-064 SAN MARCOS RD 054-161 -008 SAN BENITO ROAD 054-132-065 SAN MARCOS RD 054-161 -009 SAN BENITO ROAD 054-132-065 SAN MARCOS RD 054-162-002 SANTAANAROAD 054-132-066 BELLA VISTA 054-162-004 SANTA ANA ROAD 054-132-068 SAN MARCOS RD 054-162-005 SANTA ANA ROAD 054-132-070 SAN MARCOS RD 054-162-006 SANTA ANA ROAD 054-132-071 SAN MARCOS RD 054-162-007 SANTA ANA ROAD 054-132-073 SAN MARCOS RD 054-162-008 SANTA ANA ROAD 054-141 -003 SAN MARCOS RD 054-171 -009 SANTA LUCIA RD 054-141 -005 SAN MARCOS RD 054-171 -012 SANTA LUCIA RD 054-141 -006 SAN MARCOS RD 054-171 -018 SANTA LUCIA RD 054-142-003 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-171 -019 SANTA LUCIA RD 054-142-004 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-171 -020 SANTA LUCIA RD 054-142-006 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-171 -021 SANTAANAROAD 054-142-008 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-171 -022 SANTA ANA ROAD 054-142-013 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-171 -023 SANTA ANA ROAD 054-142-015 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-171 -024 SANTA ANA ROAD 054-142-016 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-171 -025 SANTA ANA ROAD 054-142-017 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-171 -026 SANTA ANA ROAD 054-142-018 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-171 -027 SANTAANAROAD 054-142-021 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-181 -003 SANTA LUCIA RD 054-142-023 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-181 -014 SANTA LUCIA RD 054-142-024 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-181 -021 SANTA LUCIA RD 054-142-026 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-181 -022 SANTA LUCIA RD • 054-142-027 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-181 -028 SANTA LUCIA RD WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 35 054-191 -015 PORTALROAD 054-231 -028 LOSOSOS • 054-201 -006 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-231 -029 LOSOSOS 054-201 -012 SAN MARCOS RD 054-231 -031 LOSOSOS 054-201 -013 SAN GABRIEL 054-231 -035 SAN RAFAELRD 054-201 -014 SAN GABRIEL 054-231 -038 SAN RAFAELRD 054-201 -024 SAN MARCOS RD 054-231 -039 SAN RAFAELRD 054-201 -025 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-231 -040 (OLD)MORRO RD 054-201 -026 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-231 -041 (OLD)MORRO RD 054-201 -027 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-231 -044 (OLD)MORRO RD 054-201 -032 SAN MARCOS RD 054-241 -002 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-201 -034 SAN MARCOS RD 054-241 -018 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-201 -036 SAN MARCOS RD 054-241 -021 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-201 -037 ESCONDIDO 054-241 -022 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-201 -042 SAN MARCOS RD 054-241 -025 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-201 -043 SAN MARCOS RD 054-241 -030 SAN RAFAELRD 054-201 -044 SAN MARCOS RD 054-241 -032 SAN RAFAELRD 054-201 -045 SAN MARCOS RD 054-241 -034 SAN RAFAELRD 054-201 -046 SAN MARCOS RD 054-241 -035 SAN RAFAELRD 054-201 -047 SAN MARCOS RD 054-241 -036 SAN RAFAELRD 054-201 -048 SAN MARCOS RD 054-241 -037 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-201 -049 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-241 -038 SAN RAFAELRD 054-201 -050 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-241 -039 SAN RAFAELRD 054-201 -051 SAN GABRIEL RD 054-241 -040 SAN RAFAELRD 054-201 -052 ESCONDIDO 054-251 -002 TECOLOTE 054-201 -053 ESCONDIDO 054-251 -003 TECOLOTE 054-211 -005 SAN GABRIEL 054-251 -004 TECOLOTE • 054-211 -008 SAN GABRIEL 054-251 -005 TECOLOTE 054-212-001 SAN GABRIEL 054-261 -001 SANTA LUCIA 054-212-013 SAN GABRIEL 054-261 -003 SANTA LUCIA 054-212-018 SAN GABRIEL 054-261 -004 SANTA LUCIA 054-212-019 SAN GABRIEL 054-261 -009 SANTA LUCIA 054-212-020 SAN GABRIEL 054-261 -010 SANTA LUCIA 054-212-023 SAN GABRIEL 054-261 -013 SANTA LUCIA 054-212-024 SAN GABRIEL 054-262-004 SANTA LUCIA 054-212-025 CARMELITA 054-262-005 SANTA LUCIA 054-212-026 CARMELITA 054-262-006 SANTA LUCIA 054-212-027 SAN GABRIEL 054-271 -003 SANTA LUCIA 054-212-032 CARMELITA 054-271 -004 SANTA LUCIA 054-212-033 CARMELITA 054-271 -006 SANTA LUCIA 054-212-035 CARMELITA 054-271 -007 SANTA LUCIA 054-221 -003 CARMELITA 054-271 -008 SANTA LUCIA 054-221 -004 CARMELITA 054-272-006 LLANO 054-221 -005 CARMELITA 054-272-015 LLANO 054-221 -008 CARMELITA 054-272-020 LLANO 054-221 -011 CARMELITA 054-272-021 LLANO 054-231 -007 (OLD)MORRO RD 054-272-024 LLANO 054-231 -009 (OLD)MORRO RD 054-272-027 LLANO 054-231 -018 SAN RAFAELRD 054-272-028 LLANO 054-231 -019 SAN RAFAELRD 054-281 -001 LAUREL 054-231 -020 (OLD)MORRO RD 054-281 -007 PORTALROAD 054-231 -021 (OLD)MORRO RD 054-281 -010 PORTAL ROAD 054-231 -022 SAN RAFAELRD 054-281 -012 PORTALROAD • 054-231 -024 (OLD)MORRO RD 054-281 -013 LAUREL 054-231 -025 (OLD)MORRO RD 054-281 -014 LAUREL WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A-ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 36 054-281 -015 PORTALROAD 054-321 -010 SIERRA VISTA 054-281 -016 PORTAL ROAD 054-321 -011 ANDRITA • 054.-291 -012 ESCONDIDO 054-322-002 MONITA 054-291 -014 ESCONDIDO 054-322-003 SIERRA VISTA 054-291 -016 PORTAL 054-322-004 SIERRA VISTA 054-291 -017 PORTAL 054-322-009 SIERRA VISTA 054-291 -018 ESCONDIDO 054-322-011 SIERRA VISTA 054-291 -019 PORTAL 054-322-033 SIERRAVISTA 054-291 -020 ESCONDIDO 054-331 -001 SIERRAVISTA 054-291 -021 PORTAL 054-331 -002 SIERRA VISTA 054-301 -010 ESCONDIDO 054-331 -003 SIERRA VISTA 054-301 -013 SAN MARCOS 054-331 -004 SIERRA VISTA 054-301 -016 SAN MARCOS 054-331 -005 SIERRA VISTA 054-301 -018 ESCONDIDO 054-331 -006 SIERRA VISTA 054-301 -019 ESCONDIDO 054-331 -010 SIERRA VISTA 054-301 -020 ESCONDIDO 054-331 -011 SIERRA VISTA 054-301 -021 ESCONDIDO 054-332-004 CASITA ROAD 054-301 -022 ESCONDIDO 054-333-003 SIERRA VISTA 054-301 -023 ESCONDIDO 054-333-004 SIERRA VISTA 054-301 -024 ESCONDIDO 054-333-005 SIERRA VISTA 054-301 -025 SAN MARCOS 054-333-007 SIERRA VISTA 054-301 -026 SAN MARCOS 054-333-008 SIERRAVISTA 054-301 -027 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -003 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -005 SAN MARCOS 0154-311 -008 REAUTO 054-311 -016 BARRANCO RD 0 5 4-31 1 -01 9 BARRANCO RD • 054-311 -022 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -029 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -031 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -031 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -033 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -035 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -038 BARRANC.O RD 054-311 -040 BARRANCO RD 054-311 -041 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -042 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -043 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -044 REAUTO 054-311 -045 REAUTO 054-311 -047 REAUTO 054-311 -048 SANMARCOS 054-311 -049 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -050 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -051 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -052 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -053 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -054 SAN MARCOS 054-311 -055 BARRANCO 054-311 -056 BARRANCO 054-311 -057 REAUTO 054-321 -008 ANDRITA • 054-321 -009 SIERRA VISTA WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 37 055-011 -006 CENEGAL 055-053-005 SAN MARCOS • 055-011 -007 CENEGAL 055-053-006 REALITO 055-011 -011 CENEGAL 055-054-001 REALITO 055-011 -012 CENEGAL 055-061 -002 BARRANCO 055-011 -013 CENEGAL 055-061 -003 BARRANCO 055-011 -014 SANTA LUCIA 055-062-019 LUCINDA LANE 055-011 -016 SANTA LUCIA 055-062-022 BARRANCO 055-011 -017 SANTA LUCIA 055-062-023 LUCINDA LANE 055-011 -018 SANTA`LUCIA 055-062-024 LUCINDA LANE 055-011 -020 SANTA LUCIA 055-062-027 BARRANCO 055-022-008 CENEGAL 055-062-028 LUCINDA LANE 055-022-009 CENEGAL 055-062-029 LUCINDA LANE 055-022-011 SANTA LUCIA 055-062-030 LUCINDA LANE 055-022-012 SANTA LUCIA 055-062-031 CARMELITA 055-022-013 SANTA LUCIA 055-062-032 BARRANCO 055-031 -010 CENEGAL 055-062-033 LUCINDA LANE 055-031 -021 LAUREL 055-062-034 LUCINDA LANE 055-031 -023 LAUREL 055-062-035 BARRANCO 055-031 -024 LAUREL 055-062-037 BARRANCO 055-031 -025 CENEGAL ' 055-062-039 BARRANCO 055-031 -027 CENEGAL 055-062-040 BARRANCO 055-031 -028 CENEGAL 055-062-041 BARRANCO 055-031 -029 CENEGAL 055-062-042 BARRANCO 055-031 -031 CENEGAL 055-062-043 REALITO 055-031 -032 CENEGAL 055-062-044 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055-052-012 VISTA 055-083-004 CASANOVA 055-052-013 VISTA 055-083-005 CASANOVA 055-052-014 VISTA 055-091 -001 SIERRA VISTA 055.053-001 SAN MARCOS 055-091 -002 SIERRA VISTA • 055-053-002 SANMARCOS 055-091 -003 SIERRA VISTA 055-053-004 REALITO 055-092-001 SIERRA VISTA WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 38 055-093-002 SIERRA VISTA 055-161 -019 VISTA 055-093-003 CARMELITA 055-161 -020 VISTA • 055-101 -001 BARRANCO 055-161 -021 VISTA 055-101 -004 BARRANCO 055-161 -022 VISTA 055-101 -006 CASEWOVA 055-161 -023 VISTA 055-1 01 -007 CASANOVA 055-161 -024 VISTA 055-101 -009 CASANOVA 055-161 -026 VISTA 055-101 -012 BARRANCO 055-161 -027 VISTA 055-101 -013 BARRANOO 055-161 -028 VISTA 055-101 -014 CARMELITA 055-161 -029 VISTA 055-101 -015 CASANOVA 055-161 -030 VISTA 055-101 -016 CARMELITA 055-161 -031 VISTA 055-101 -017 CASANOVA 055-161 -032 VISTA 055-102-001 CASANOVA 055-161 -033 VISTA 055-102-002 CASANOVA 055-161 -034 VISTA 055-102-003 CASANOVA 055-161 -035 VISTA 055-102-006 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-011 SAN MARCOS 055-331 -003 MORRORD 055-231 -013 SAN MARCOS 055-331 -005 MORRORD 055-231 -014 SAN MARCOS 055-331 -007 MORRORD 055-231 -015 SAN MARCOS 055-331 -011 MORRORD 055-231 -016 SAN MARCOS 055-331 -012 MORRO RD 055-231 -017 SAN MARCOS 055-341 -001 MORRORD 055-241 -005 LOS ALTOS 055-341 -002 MORRORD 055-241 -006 LOS ALTOS 055-341 -003 MORRORD 055-242-004 SAN MARCOS 055-341 -005 MORRORD 055-242-006 SAN MARCOS 055-341 -006 MORRORD 055-242-010 MORRORD 055-361 -018 PALO VERDE 055-242-014 LOS ALTOS 055-361 -019 PALO VERDE 055-242-015 LOS ALTOS 055-421 -004 SANCAYETANO 055-242-026 LOSALTOS 055-431 -007 SANCAYETANO 055-242-028 LOS ALTOS 055-431 -008 SANCAYETANO 055-242-029 LOSALTOS 055-431 -012 SANCAYETANO 055-242-030 LOS ALTOS 055-431 -013 SANCAYETANO 055-242-031 SAN MARCOS 055-441 -001 LOMITAS 055-242-032 SAN MARCOS 055-441 -002 LOMITAS 055-242-033 LOS ALTOS 055-442-001 LOMITAS 055-242-034 SAN MARCOS 055-442-002 LOMITAS • 055-242-035 SAN MARCOS 055-442-003 LOMITAS 055-242-036 MORRORD 055-442-004 LOMITAS 055-251 -007 MORRORD 055-442-005 SANTA LUCIA 055-252-001 MORRORD 055-442-006 SANTA LUCIA 055-252-005 SAN MARCOS 055-442-007 SANTA LUCIA 055-252-008 SAN MARCOS 055-451 -014 LOMITAS 055-252-014 SAN MARCOS 055-451 -015 LOMITAS 055-252-016 MORRORD 055-451 -016 LOMITAS 055-252-017 SAN MARCOS 055-451 -018 LOMITAS 055-261 -004 MORRORD 055-451 -019 LOMITAS 055-261 -005 MORRORD 055-451 -020 LOMITAS 055-261 -006 SAN MARCOS 055-451 -021 LOMITAS 055-261 -012 MORRORD 055-451 -022 LOMITAS 055-261 -013 SAN MARCOS 055-451 -025 LOMITAS 055-261 -014 SAN MARCOS 055-451 -026 LOMITAS 055-311 -008 PALOVERDE 055-451 -027 SANTA LUCIA 055-311 -009 MORRORD 055-451 -028 SANTA WCIA 055-311 -010 MORRORD 055-451 -030 SANTA LUCIA 055-311 -011 PALOVERDE 055-451 -033 LOMITAS 055-311 -012 PALO VERDE 055-462-002 SANTA WCIA 055-311 -013 MORRORD 055-462-004 SANTA LUCIA 055-311 -015 PALO VERDE 055-311 -016 PALO VERDE 055-311 -017 PALO VERDE 055-311 -018 MORRORD 055-321 -007 MORRORD • 055-321 -008 MORRORD 055-321 -009 MORRORD WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 40 0 56-031 -029 COROMAR 056-091 -038 CORCMAR 056-031 -031 COROMAR 056-091 -039 CURBARIL • 056-031 -033 ELCAMINO RL 056-091 -043 CRISTOBAL 056-031 -034 ELCAMINO RL 056-101 -005 ATASCADERO 056-031 -035 ELCAMINORL 056-101 -007 COROMAR 056-031 -036 CORCIWIR 056-101 -010 ATASCADERO 056-031 -038 ELCAMINORL 056-101 -011 ATASCADERO 056-031 -041 CORCMAR 056-101 -012 ATASCADERO 056-031 -042 COROMAR 056-101 -013 ATASCADERO 056-031 -044 ELCAMINORL 05-6-111 -015 CORCW 056-031 -046 COROWR 056-111 -019 COROMAR 056-031 -047 COROMAR 056-111 -020 CORCMAR 056-031 -048 COROW 056-111 -024 COROMAR 056-041 -012 CORCMAR 056-111 -025 COROMAR 056-041 -014 COROW 056-111 -027 COROAAAR 056-041 -017 COROW 056-111 -028 COROW 056-041 -023 CORCW 056-111 -029 CORCMAR 056-041 -025 CORCMAR 056-111 -030 OORCWR 056-041 -026 CORCMAR 056-111 -032 CORCMAR 056-041 -033 COROMAR 056-111 -033 COROMAR 056-041 -037 COROMAR 056-121 -005 COROW 056-041 -040 OOROW 056-121 -014 COROMAR 056-041 -041 OOROW 056-121 -022 COROMAR 056-041 -048 CORCMAR 056-121 -023 COROW 056-051 -014 ELCAMINORL 056-121 -030 CORCMAR 0567051 -021 ELCAMINORL 056-121 -032 COROIWIR 056-051 -029 LA LINIA 056-121 -033 COROMAR O 056-051 -047 PLATA 056-121 -034 COROMAR 056-051 -048 PLATA 056-121 -035 CORCMAR 056-051 -049 PLATA 056-131 -015 PORTOIA 056-051 -050 PLATA 056-131 -017 WESTFRONT 056-051 -051 PLATA 056-131 -018 WEST FRONT 056-061 -018 ELCAMINO RL 056-131 -019 WESTFRONT 056-061 -024 ELCAMINORL 056-141 -006 SANTAROSA 056-061 -025 ELCAMINORL 056-141 -008 SANTAROSA 056-061 -026 ELCAMINORL 056-141 -009 SANTAROSA 056-061 -028 ELCAMINORL 056-141 -011 SANTAROSA 056-061 -029 ELCAMINORL 056-141 -012 SANTAROSA 056-071 -010 ELCAMINORL 056-141 -016 SANTAROSA 056-071 -011 ELCAMINORL 056-141 -017 SANTAROSA 056-081 -013 MONTECITO 056-141 -018 SANTA ROSH 056-081 -015 ELCAMINORL 056-141 -019 SANTAROSA 056-081 -028 MONTECITO 056-151 -005 SAN GABRIEL 056-081 -029 MONTECITO 056-151 -007 SAN GABRIEL 056-091 -009 CURBARIL 056-151 -009 SAN GABRIEL 056-091 -017 CURBARIL 056-151 -021 SANTAROSA 056-091 -026 COROW 056-151 -027 SANTAROSA 056-091 -028 CORCMAR 056-151 -028 SANTAROSA 056-091 -029 COROMAR 056-151 -029 SANTAROSA 056-091 -030 COROMAR 056-151 -030 SANTAROSA 056-091 -031 COROMAR 056-151 -032 SANTAROSA 056-091 -035 OOROW 056-151 -036 SAN GABRIEL 056-091 -036 COROMAR 056-151 -041 SAN GABRIEL • 056-091 -037 COROMAR 056-151 -042 SAN GABRIEL WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 41 056-162-004 SAN GABRIEL 056-201 -021 ATASCADEROAVE • 056-162-005 SAN GABRIEL 056-201 -028 SAN GABRIEL 056-162-006 SAN GABRIEL 056-201 -029 SAN GABRIEL 056-162-007 SAN GABRIEL 056-201 -030 SANTAROSA 056-162-008 SAN GABRIEL 056-201 -033 SANTAROSA 056-162-009 SAN GABRIEL 056-201 -034 ATASCADEROAVE 056-162-010 SAN GABRIEL 056-201 -035 ATASCADEROAVE 056-16 2-011 SAN GABRIEL 056-201 -036 ATASCADERO AVE 056-162-01 3 WEST FRONT 056-201 -037 ATASCADEROAVE 056-162-014 WEST FRONT 056-211 -003 SAN RAFAEL 056-162-015 WEST FRONT 056-211 -015 ATASCADERO AVE 056-162-016 WEST FRONT 056-211 -015 ATASCADERO AVE 056-162-017 SAN RAFAEL 056-211 -020 ATASCADEROAVE 056-162-018 SANRAfAEL 056-211 -022 ATASCADEROAVE 056-162-019 SAN RAFAEL 056-211 -037 ATASCADERO AVE 056-162-021 SAN RAFAEL 056-211 -038 ATASCADEROAVE 056-162-022 CIRCLE OAK DR 056-211 -039 ATASCADEROAVE 056-162-025 CIRCLE OAK DR 056-211 -044 ATASCADEROAVE 056-162-026 CIRCLE OAK DR 056-221 -014 MARCHANT 056-162-028 CIRCLE OAK DR 056-221 -020 MARCHANT 056-162-030 SAN RAFAEL 056-221 -021 MARCHANT 056-162-031 SAN RAFAEL 056-221 -022 MARCHANT 056-162-032 SAN GABRIEL 056-221 -023 MARCHANT 056-171 -009 MARCHANT 056-221 -025 ATASCADERO AVE 056-171 -015 MARCHANT 056-221 -026 ATASCADERO AVE 056-171 -016 MARCHANT 056-221 -028 ATASCADERO AVE • 056-171 -020 MARCHANT 056-231 -008 ATASCADERO AVE 056-171 -021 MARCHANT 056-231 -014 ATASCADERO AVE 056-171 -028 CRISTOBAL 056-231 -015 ATASCADERO AVE 056-171 -029 MARCHANT 056-231 -022 ATASCADERO AVE 056-171 -031 ATASCADEROAVE 056-241 -003 PORTOLA 056-171 -032 ATASCADEROAVE 056-241 -007 PORTOLA 0 56-171 -03 6 ATASCADEROAVE 056-241 -010 PORTOLA 0 56-171 -03 9 ATASCADEROAVE 056-241 -011 PORTOLA 056-171 -044 ATASCADEROAVE 056-241 -013 PORTOLA 056-171 -04 5 ATASCADEROAVE 056-241 -017 ATASCADERO AVE. 0 56-171 -04 6 ATASCADEROAVE 056-241 -018 PORTOLA 0 56-171 -049 CRISTOBAL 056-242-002 ATASCADEROAVE 056-171 -050 CRISTOBAL 056-242-006 ATASCADEROAVE 056-181 -003 ATASCADEROAVE 056-242-008 ATASCADEROAVE 056-181 -006 PORTOLA 056-242-009 ATASCADEROAVE 056-181 -013 ATASCADERO AVE 056-251 -010 SANTARO A 056-181 -015 ATASCADERO AVE 056-251 -012 SANTA ROSA 056-181 -016 ATASCADERO AVE 056-251 -013 SANTA ROSH 056-181 -019 ATASCADERO AVE 056-251 -017 ATASCADERO AVE 056-181 -020 PORTOLA 056-251 -018 ATASCADERO AVE 056-181 -022 PORTOLA 056-251 -019 ATASCADERO AVE 056-191 -034 PORTOLA 056-251 -020 ATASCADEROAVE 056-1.91 -035 PORTOLA 056-251 -021 ATASCADEROAVE 056-191 -036 PORTOLA 056-251 -024 ALLEGRE 056-201 -003 SANTAROSA 056-251 -033 ATASCADEROAVE 056-201 -012 SAN GABRIEL 056-251 -034 ATASCADERO AVE • 056-201 -015 SAN GABRIEL 056-251 -035 ATASCADEROAVE 056-201 -016 SAN GABRIEL 056-261 -004 SANTAROSA WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 42 056-261 -011 SAN GABRIEL 056-301 -009 SANTAROSA 056-261 -013 SAN GABRIEL 056-301 -018 SANTAROSA 056-261 -019 ATASCADEROAVE 056-301 -030 SANTAROSA 056-261 -025 SAN GABRIEL 056-301 -031 SANTAROSA 056-261 -049 SAN GABRIEL 056-301 -032 SANTAROSA 056-261 -057 ATASCADEROAVE 056-301 -034 SWAROSA 056-261 -058 SANTAROSA 056-301 -035 SANTAROSA 056-261 -059 SANTAROSA 056-301 -036 SANTAROSA 056-261 -061 SAN GABRIEL 056-311 -001 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-261 -063 SANTAROSA 056-311 -010 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-261 -064 SANTAROSA 056-312-003 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-261 -065 SANTAROSA 056-312-004 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-261 -066 SANTAROSA 056-312-007 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-261 -068 SAN GABRIEL 056-312-008 LAKE VIEW 056-261 -070 SAN GABRIEL 056-312-028 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-261 -071 SAN GABRIEL 056-312-029 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-261 -072 SANTAROSA 056-312-033 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-261 -073 SANTAROSA 056-321 -020 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-261 -074 SANTAROSA 056-322-001 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-261 -076 ATASCADEROAVE 056-322-006 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-261 -077 ATASCADEROAVE 056-322-007 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-261 -078 SAN GABRIEL 056-322-010 SANTAROSA 056-261 -080 ATASCADEROAVE 056-322-011 SANTAROSA 056-261 -082 SAN GABRIEL 056-322-017 LAKE VIEW 056-261 -083 SAN GABRIEL 056-322-018 LAKE VIEW 056-261 -084 CALENTA LANE 056-822-019 LAKE VIEW 056-261 -085 CALENTA LANE 056-322-023 LAKE VIEW 056-261 -086 CALENTA LANE 056-322-024 MOUNTAIN VIEW • 056-261 -087 CALENTA LANE 056-322-026 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-261 -089 CALENTA LANE 056-322-028 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-262-001 SANTAROSA 056-322-029 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-262-010 SANTAROSA 056-322-032 MOUNTAIN VIEW 056-271 -010 SAN GABRIEL 056-351 -011 SAN GABRIEL 056-271 -011 ATASCADEROAVE 056-351 -019 SAN GABRIEL 056-271 -020 ATASCADEROAVE 056-351 -022 SANTAROSA 056-271 -025 ATASCADEROAVE 056-351 -024 SAN GABRIEL 056-271 -026 ATASCADEROAVE 056-351 -026 SANTAROSA 056-271 -030 SAN GABRIEL 056-351 -027 SANTAROSA 056-271 -031 ATASCADEROAVE 056-351 -029 SAN GABRIEL 056-271 -032 ATASCADEROAVE 056-351 -031 SAN GABRIEL 056-271 -033 SAN GABRIEL 056-351 -033 SAN GABRIEL 056-271 -034 SAN GABRIEL 056-351 -035 SAN GABRIEL 056-271 -035 SAN GABRIEL 056-351 -036 SANTAROSA 056-271 -036 SAN GABRIEL 056-351 -037 SANTAROSA 056-271 -037 ATASCADEROAVE 056-351 -038 SAN GABRIEL 056-271 -039 ATASCADEROAVE 056-351 -041 SANTAROSA 056-271 -040 ATASCADEROAVE 056-351 -042 SANTAROSA 056-281 -006 PORTOLA 056-351 -046 SAN GABRIEL 056-281 -011 PORTOLA 056-351 -047 SAN GABRIEL 056-201 -001 PORTOLA 056-351 -049 SAN GABRIEL 056-291 -003 PORTOLA 056-351 -050 SAN GABRIEL 056-291 -004 PORTOLA 056-361 -021 SAN GABRIEL 056-291 -006 PORTOLA 056-361 -022 SAN GABRIEL • 056-301 -008 SANTAROSA 056-361 -024 SAN GABRIEL WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 43 056-361 -025 SAN GABRIEL 056-451 -005 OLD MORRORDE • 056-361 -026 SAN GABRIEL 056-451 -006 OLD MORRORDE 056-361 -027 SAN GABRIEL 056-451 -010 OLD MORRORDE 056-371 -023 SAN GABRIEL 056-461 -002 SAN DIEGO 056-371 -024 SAN GABRIEL 056-461 -003 * SAN DIEGO 056-371 -025 SAN GABRIEL 056-461 -004 SAN DIEGO 056-371 -026 SAN GABRIEL 056-461 -005 SAN DIEGO 056-371 -029 SAN GABRIEL 056-461 -006 SAN DIEGO 056-371 -031 SAN GABRIEL 056-461 -007 SAN DIEGO 056-371 -032 SAN GABRIEL 056-471 -001 TOLOSO 056-371 -037 SAN GABRIEL 056-471 -002 SAN DIMAS 056-371 -038 SAN GABRIEL 056-471 -003 SAN DIMAS 056-381 -009 SAN GABRIEL 056-471 -004 SAN DIMAS 056-383-021 ELCAMINO RL 056-471 -005 SAN DIMAS 056-383-023 ELCAMINO RL 056-471 -006 SAN DIMAS 056-402-001 TOLCSO 056-471 -006 SAN DIMAS 056-402-002 TOLDSO 056-471 -007 SAN DIMAS 056-402-003 TOLIJSO 056-471 -008 SAN DIMAS 056-402-004 TOLDSO 056-471 -010 SAN DIEGO 056-402-005 TOLOSO 056-471 -011 SAN DIEGO 056-402-010 SAN DIEGO 056-471 -012 SAN DIEGO 056-402-013 SAN DIEGO 056-472-001 TOLCGO 056-402-014 SAN DIEGO 056-472-002 SAN DIMAS 056-402-015 SAN DIEGO 056-472-003 SAN DIMAS 056-411 -003 CASTENADA 056-472-004 L060SOS 056-411 -005 CASTENADA 056-472-005 SAN DIMAS • 056-411 -007 MORRORD 056-481 -003 SAN DIMAS 056-411 -008 MORRORD 056-481 -004 L06CSOS 056-411 -009 OLD MORRORDE 056-481 -005 LCSOSOS 056-411 -011 MORRORD 056-481 -006 SAN DIMAS 056-411 -012 LOSOSOSRD 056-481 -007 SAN DIMAS 056-411 -014 LOSOSOSRD 056-481 -008 LCSOSOS 056-411 -015 LOSOSOSRD 056-481 -009 SAN DIMAS 056-411 -016 TOLOSO 056-481 -010 SAN DIMAS 056-411 -017 TOLCSO 056-491 -001 LCSOS06 056-411 -018 TOIJOSO 056-491 -001 SAN DIMAS LN 056-411 -019 CASTEIN" 056-491 -002 SAN DIMAS LN 056-411 -020 CASTENADA 056-491 -003 SAN DIMAS LN 056-411 -021 CASTENADA 056-491 -004 SAN DIMAS LN 056-411 -022 CASTENADA 056-491 -005 SAN RAFAEL 0 56-411 -023 ToLoso 056-491 -006 SAN RAFAEL 056-411 -024 TOLOSO 056-491 -007 SAN RAFAEL 056-431 -001 CARMELITA 056-491 -008 SAN RAFAEL 056-431 -002 CARMELITA 056-491 -009 SAN RAFAEL 056-431 -003 CARMELITA 056-491 -010 SAN RAFAEL 056-432-001 CARMELITA 056-491 -011 SAN RAFAEL 056-432-002 CASITA 056-491 -012 SAN RAFAEL 056-432-003 CASrrA 056-491 -013 SAN RAFAEL 056-432-004 CARMELITA 056-491 -014 LCSOSOS 056-432-005 CARMELITA 056-491 -015 LCSOSOS 056-451 -001 OLD MORRORDE 056-491 -016 LOSOSO6 056-451 -002 OLD MORRORDE 056-491 -017 LCS0S06 • 056-451 -003 OLD MORRORDE 056-491 -018 LOS08O6 056-451 -004 OLD MORRORDE 056-491 -019 LCS0S06 WEED ABATEMENT EXHIBIT A- ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER/STREET 44 - 056-491 -020 4 -056-491 -020 L060606 056-491 -022 L060605 056-491 -023 Wscs06 056-491 -024 Lososo6 056-491 -025 LOSOSOS 056-491 -026 LOS090S 056-491 -029 LOSOSOS 056-491 -030 LOSOSOS 056-491 -031 LOSOSOS 056-502-002 SANCARLOS 056-502-006 L060606 056-502-007 Loscso6 056-502-008 LOSCSOS 056-502-009 wsosOS • • • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: B-10 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 4/23/91 File No: TPM 22-89 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Acceptance of final Parcel Map 22-89 (division of 10. 27 acres into three lots of 3. 39 acres each at 7900/8000 Santa Cruz Road - David Long/C.L. Knowles (Volbrecht Surveys) . RECOMMENDATION: Acceptance of final Parcel Map 22-89 since all conditions of the map have been met by the applicant. BACKGROUND: • On May 8, 1990, the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 22 89 subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. HE:ps cc: David Long C.L. Knowles Volbrecht Surveys • EXHIBIT A CITY OF ATASCADERO TPM 22-89 sit, I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4LA; DEPARTMENT General Plan Map I lift i 4 _ . 1 • ) A NG N L I 1 . a REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item: B-11 CITY OF ATASCADERO Through : Ray Windsor , City Manager meeting Date : 4/23/91 From: Hark Joseph , Administrative Services Director SUBJECT_: Status of Safe Route to School Fund RECOMMENDATION: NO action required ; this report is for information only. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION ' At a recent Planning Commission meeting , a question arose regarding the status of the Safe Route to School fund . As of the end of (larch , 1991 , the total revenues received is $20, 167.00, including interest . No expenditures have been charged against this fund . • In addition, the recently enacted Sidewalk In--Lieu Fee will be included but separately accounted for , in this fund . Current In-Lieu revenues are $5,442. 50. Thus, the total fund balance is $24 ,609 .50. • MEETII3�Q, AGENDA OATS ITEM# Dl San Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council Arrays Grande Atascadero Grover City • Morro Bay 60�� and Regional Transportation Planning Agency Paso Robles Pismo Beach "R; San Luis Obispo - San Luis Obispo County April 10,1991 City Administrator San Iuis Obispo County Cities �`'`{ '� RE: Household Hazardous Waste Funding Dear Sir; Please circulate copies of the attached letter to your respective counci]members for their review. When you have scheduled this item for consideration at a future council meeting I would appreciate advance notice in order to attend the session and be available to respond to any questions that may arise. Should you or your staff need any further • clarification on the issues discussed in the attached correspondence please feel free to call me at 549-4662. 'Thank you. S' ly; 1 A Devencenzi Senior P1 Solid Waste Program Coordinator • County Government Center, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 (805) 549-5612 'Ran Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council Arroyo Grande Atascadero Grover Morro and Regional Transportation Planning Agency Paso Ro s Pismo Beach San Luis Obispo - San Luis Obispo County April 8, 1991 City Council Members and Board of Supervisors San Luis Obispo Cities and County RE: Household Hazardous Waste Funding Dear Councilnmbers and Board of Supervisors; This letter is being sent to each of your respective jurisdictions to request that monies being provided by the California Integrated Waste Management Board through the Household Hazardous Waste Gant Program - Nondiscretionary Gants be allowed to remain in a fund for use in financing future household hazardous waste programs or facilities. These monies are derived from funds generated at local landfills and placed into an account maintained by the State Board of Equalization. Each year the California Integrated Waste Management Board conducts a two phase grant program to disperse a portion of these funds to local jurisdictions. This grant program is divided into two segments 0 - nondiscretionary grants and discretionary grants. The nondiscretionary grants are awarded each year prior to the discretionary grants and allocated to the participating jurisdictions based upon the amount of funds paid into the account and the cost of programs conducted during the preceding eligible time frame. This year San Luis Obispo County jurisdictions were awarded $27,000 under this program based upon the account maintained by the State Board of Equalization. These monies are currently programed to be returned to each jurisdiction based upon their financial participation in the Household Hazardous Collection Day conducted on Saturday June 2, 1991. The following table lists the respective jurisdiction expenditure on this event and the approximate proportional amount that would be available for rebate; Actual cost Anticipated rebate Arroyo Grande 4,914.36 1,133.00 Atascadero 5,312.78 1,225.00 Grover City 3,187.71 735.00 Moho Bay 18,063.62 4,164.00 Paso Robles 398.42 91.00 Pismo Beach 4,515.93 1,040.00 San Luis Obispo 38,783.69 8,939.00 S.L.O. County 41,971.41 9,673.00 TO'T'ALS 117,147.92 27,,000.00 County Government Center, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 (805) 549-5612 . The Solid Waste Task Force and The Solid Waste Technical Advisory Committee have reviewed this issue and have recommended that each of the jurisdictions allow these funds to be maintained in a fund to assist in the financing of expenditures in the following general categories; HHW Collection Activities General Collection Event, Specialized Collections of Waste Oil, Batteries or Paints. Toxics Materials Cleanup Removal and or disposal of materials considered toxic, where no other source of funding is available, from sites that are owned or controlled by public agencies. Facility Development or Specialized Equipment Planning, Site Development, Construction of Facilities to Handle HHW. The purchase of specialized equipment to handle hazardous waste products. Educational Efforts Displays, Brochures, Classroom Materials, video Production, Print Media Artwork, PSA Development, etc. The praposal(s) as to how these funds would be spent would be developed by the Solid Waste Technical Advisory Committee and sanctioned by the Solid Waste Task Force. The proposal would then go before the San Luis Obispo • Area Coordinating Council for authorization prior to initiation of the project(s) and fund disbursement. This process would allow input from all jurisdictions on the use of these funds prior to the monies being forwarded to the implementing agency. The Solid Waste Task Force is currently working with our consultant to Prepare the mandated HHW Elements for each of the cities and the County persuant to AB 939 and AB 2707. We anticipate having these documents Prepared, locally adopted and approved by the California Integrated Waste Management Board by next spring. However, there continues to exist the need to provide ongoing support for activities and facilities that provide for safe handling and disposal of these types of materials in the interim and these monies may be able to provide the support needed to fill that gap. In addition, the Solid Waste Task Force would recommend that each jurisdiction set aside a minimum of $10,000 in the up xxiing budget cycle for the purpose of having contingency funds for solid waste and household hazardous waste purposes available during the next fiscal year. These funds would be available to support programs aimed at reducing the amount of solid and hazardous wastes generated and disposed within our ccmi miities and allow for the development and provision of safe alternatives for the proper disposal of such materials. This request is not made lightly, as the Task Force members are all well aware of the difficult financial situation we all face. However, the requirements of both AB 939 and AB 2707 will result in the need to address these issues t�� ming ing year and the early programming of at least some funds support these efforts will avoid the need to allocate contingency funds during the latter part of next fiscal year. If you have any questions regarding this proposal or would like to know more about the ongoing activities of the Solid Waste Task Force please • contact Steve Devencenzi of the Area COUncil Staff at 549-4662. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely; Penny Chairperson, Solid Waste Task Force • • MEET! OAT 23/91 D= APRIL 3 , 1991 CITY OF ATASCADERO 6500 Palma Av. Atascadero CA 93422 CITY COUNCIL : I want to thank you for taking the time to consider what requirements are necessary to serve my lot with the public sewer system. This letter is to share with you the facts as they exist up to this date and to ask you to outline for me the conditions of approval regarding sewer service to my lot . I have retained the services of Cuesta Engineering for the site planning , towards eventual final approval under precise plan, . Currently I have a completed package under consideration with the building department to build myself a single family home. As soon • as I can get an answer I can go ahead with the final archetechual drawings . I purchased this lot in fall 1989 , at that time I approached the public works dept and asked what the solution to sewer hook up would be . I was told at that time by the dept. that the most logical solution was that I should place a PRIVATE SMALL DIAMETER PRESSURE SEWER LINE to the nearest available gravity public sewer . Additionally I was told that in exchange for this approval I must have an engineer prepare the sewer master plan for the entire area, ( lakeview, Mountainveiw and part of Santa Rosa) all those lots not currently on sewer . In good faith I contracted Cuesta Engineering in December of 1989 to design and engineer the sewer system for that area, just as I was instructed by the city. I paid for this master plan and study at the cost of over three thousand dollars (3, 000 .00) and turned it over to the city at that time. I recognize that this SMALL DIAMETER PRESSURE LINE is not of benefit to the rest of the area as a whole. Its also apparent that all the existing houses must eventually be served with the extensions of sewer mains . I understand that the ultimate solution, will be very expensive and I accept the responsibility to share in this cost at some future time • Recently I have discussed with Greg Luke my requests , he has no problem with me using the small diameter pressureline to access the sewer . I feel that in all fairness I have performed as requested by the city. I paid for and provided the city with a complete engineering master plan for the future sewer to this area (If and when the city decides to do so) . I have done my prt now I am • asking you to allow my hook up . There is no guarantee that the sewer main will go through, Even if it does go through it will probably take any where from one to three years to complete . I sincerely don ' t think it is fair to hold me up any longer. If you have any questions please don' t hesitate 'to call me at 466-3600 and evenings at 466-4521 . SINCERELY i MIKE M SSER 8833 Arcade , Atasc . • • N 415 3 � U iz v 00 rA • a o 'r 1 r / m c. i _ E N4az11i s to V ti � v1� r'o L -- •-- °off E '' t ' o A Vic• ��_ � O �, =Oto • o O U t7 ;O - r to:0 ( m(of N4 A /J3t w \ ti55 ifi �l 0. CA� w 'V zBJr — CA 0 0 0 7C tT - � m Ove 2yJ 00' ` 40 --- •OT ;^ a v Q 91 56' OX24.69 2_3..F` ya to 124 gg — _9T��_` DJ OIc N O \ ;• O � O Vi a D o �,�s, � J:,• � ro c A `� SgNTA lJ• � �' , n N cn Ro °s' 40 y • PRELIMINARY DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE LAKE VIEW DRIVE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT • Cuesta Engineering December 1989 1 I • CONTENTS 1. Introduction II . Plan of Proposed Sewers III . Construction Estimates • IV. Estimated Costs to Perform Assessment District Engineering Services V. Preliminary Assessment District Boundary Map VI. Preliminary Assessment District Cost Estimates • a I. INTRODUCTION Earlier this - - year we were asked to investigate the available options to bring sewer to a parcel on Lake View Drive recentl u c r Y P Yaa ed client. Although the subject lot had suitable area for a conventional a nal septic system and leach field, the lot is within the boundaries of a Cease and Desist Order as designated by the State Regional Water Quality Control Board which prohibits septic system installations . The nearest existing sewers are located in Santa Rosa Avenue approximately 1000 feet east of Lake View Drive, in Marchant Avenue at Santa Rosa and in Lake View Drive approximately 1200 feet south of Portola Road. Through our investigation we determined that none of these points could be reached from my clients lot by a reasonably designed gravity sewer. In an effort to find a solution to this problem, my client agreed to furnish to the City Engineering Department a proposed master plan for bringing sewers to the area. Working in conjunction with Gary Sims of the City Engineering Department, we chose a suitable lift station site and designed a collection system frone that point . We feel this preliminary design and cost estimate is an appropriate beginning to evaluate the feasibility of establishing an Assessment District to bring sewers to this area. Consideration of extending sewers to this area has been made since the area was identified as a "Problem Area" in the "Facilities Plan Wastewater Treatment Alternatives" project report prepared for the Atascadero County Sanitation District in 1977. In 1986 , I was asked t explore the possibility of serving this. area from the Marchant Way sewe extension on the other side of the lake, but found this option not to be feasible. Since 1987 the City has studied various measures to improve the water quality of the lake. Resulting recommendations included extending sewers to serve the Lake View Drive and 1'OuTit " c Drive areas . A significant side benefit to this project resulting increase in value of the surrounding properties , which include many lots owned by the City. Thank you for the opportunity to present this study. The input of the Council and the City Staff is welcome as we continue to pursue this project . Sincerely John Fal6nstien R.C.E. 33760 Exp. 6/30/90 3 • • III . .CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES Based upon the plan we have presented in this report, we have developed construction estimates which reflect three project alternatives . Total estimated cost of an Assessment District and prorated costs per lot were calculated for each alternative. , The costs have been adjusted for equitable assessment of the seven lots that would not be served by the lift station. Alternative No. 1 includes extending sewers to all lots not currently sewered on Lake View Drive and Mountain View Drive. Alternative No. 2 excludes four lots on Mountain View for which a Privately financed sewer extension is currently being considered. Alternative No. 3 considers the extension of sewer to service all City owned lots and only those private lots adjacent to the new main. Alternative No. 4 is presented as an addition to the ASSESSMENT PER LOT SUMMARY. This option involves the same scope of work as Alternative No. 3 without forming an Assessment District. After constuction, the City could establish a reimbursement agreement to collect appropriate shares as other property owners connect to the sewer in the future. This alternative permits project completion without additional cost and • time required to achieve Assessment District procedures. • 4 ALTERNATIVE NO. 1 • Construction cost estimate to serve all lots not currently sewered on Lake View Drive and Mountain View Drive. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Schedule of Prices for the Construction of LAKE VIEW SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FACILITIES ----------------------------------------- ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT AMOUNT NO. AND UNIT PRICE ------------------------------ ----- 1 . Mobilization allowance Lump Sum of $ 10, 000 . 00 2 . Furnish and install 8-inch diameter PVC sewers 2935 LF $ 40. 00 $ 117, 400 . 00 3 . Furnish and install 4-inch diameter PVC sewer laterals to property line 33 EA. $1000.00 $ 33, 000 .00 4 . Furnish and install precast concrete manholes, frames , and covers 10 EA. $2500 . 00 $ 25, 000. 00 5 . Furnish and install standard • cleanouts 2 EA. $ 500 . 00 $ 11000 . 00 6 . Asphalt concrete pavement in roadways over trenches 3-inch thick, aggregate base 6-inch thick, pavement restriping and markers 2470 LF $ 12.00 $ 29, 640.00 7 . Construct tie-ins to existing sewers 2 EA. $ 500 . 00 $ 1 , 000.00 8 . Furnish and install pump station Lump Sum of $ 45, 000 .00 9. Furnish and install 4-inch diameter PVC force main 650 LF $ 30 . 00 $ 19, 500.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 281, 540.00 10% CONTINGENCY $ 28 , 160.00 TOTAL COST $ 309, 700 .00 5 • • ALTERNATIVE NO. a Construction cost estimate eliminating service to four lots on Mountain View Drive. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Schedule of Prices for the Construction of LAKE VIEW ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FACILITIES ------Q------------------------------------- ITEM DESCRIPTION UANTITY UNIT AMOUNT NO. AND UNIT PRICE --------------------------------- --- -- 1 . Mobilization allowance Lump Sum of $ 10,000.00 2 . Furnish and install 8-inch diameter PVC sewers 2550 LF $ 40.00 $102, 000.00 3. Furnish and install 4-inch diameter PVC sewer laterals to property line 29 EA. $1000.00 $ 29, 000.00 4 . Furnish and install precast concrete manholes, frames, and covers 9 EA. $2500.00 $ 22, 500.00 5 . Furnish and install standard cleanouts 1 EA. $ 500.00 $ 500 .00 6 . Asphalt concrete pavement in roadways over trenches 3-inch thick, aggregate base 6-inch thick, pavement restriping and markers 2080 LF $ 12. 00 $ 24, 960 .00 7 . Construct tie-ins to existing sewers 1 EA. $ 500.00 $ 500.00 8 . Furnish and install pump station Lump Sum of $ 45,000.00 9 . Furnish and install 4-inch diameter PVC force main 650 LF $ 30.00 $ 191500.00 SUB-TOTAL $253, 960.00 10% CONTINGENCY $ 25, 400.00 TOTAL COST $279, 360 .00 • 6 ALTERNATIVE NO. 3 • Construction cost estimate to provide sewers to City owned lots only. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Schedule of Prices for the Construction of LAKE VIEW SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FACILITIES ------- - ------------------------------------------------ ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT AMOUNT No. AND UNIT PRICE ----------------------------- -------- ---------------- 1. Mobilization allowance Lump Sum of $ 10, 000 . 00 2. Furnish and install 8-inch diameter PVC sewers 1630 LF $ 40.00 $ 65, 200. 00 3 . Furnish and install 4-inch diameter PVC sewer laterals to property line 17 EA. $1000.00 $ 17,000.00 4 . Furnish and install precast concrete manholes , frames , and covers 6 EA. $2500.00 $ 15, 000. 00 5 . Asphalt concrete pavement in roadways over trenches 3-inch thick, aggregate base 6-inch thick, pavement restriping and markers 1600 LF $ 12.00 $ 19,200.00 6 . Construct tie-ins to existing sewers 1 EA. $500.00 $ 500.00 7. Furnish and install pump station Lump Sum of $ 45, 000 .00 8 . Furnish and install 4-inch diameter PVC force main 650 LF $ 30.00 $ 19, 500.00 SUB-TOTAL $191,400.00 10% CONTINGENCY $ 19, 200.00 TOTAL COST $210, 600 .00 7 • • IV. ESTIMATED COSTS TO PERFORM ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ENGINEERING SERVICES For the purposes of preparing this estimate, I have compiled a list of specific tasks we have performed in the past for the City for Assessment District No. 3 , Marchant Way Sanitary Sewer and Assessment District No. 5 , Chandler Ranch Road Improvements. As indicated, the cost estimates for some of these tasks may vary with the construction alternative chosen, while others will remain constant. We will be pleased to prepare a formal contract proposal upon your direction of specific tasks to be performed and chosen construction alternative. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FORMATION TASKS TO INCLUDE: Assessment District Boundary Map and Legal Description Prepare Notifications and Circulate Petition Calculate Land Area of Each Parcel and Determine Protest Percentage • Review Bids and Calculate Preliminary Assessment Spreads Attend All City Council Meetings TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $ 3 , 000.00 (Alternatives 1, 2, and 3) • 8 CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS • TASKS TO INCLUDE: Soils Explorations Topographic and Boundary Surveying Construction Plans Lift Station Design Construction Specifications Clerical and Reproduction for Bid Sets Determine Lateral Locations with Home Owners Legal Descriptions for Easements and Negotiations ESTIMATED COST: Alternative No. 1 - S 24, 500.00 Alternative No. 2 - $ 22, 200 .00 Alternative No. 3 - $ 17 , 500 . 00 CONSTRUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------a Alternative Alternative Alternative No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 ---------------------------- Construction Inspection and Administration $ 10 , 000.00 $ 91500 .00 $ 7,000.00 Construction Staking $ 5, 000.00 $ 4 , 500.00 $ 3 , 500.00 Soils Testing $ 4, 500. 00 $ 3, 800 . 00 $ 2,500.00 FINAL ENGINEERING REPORT Compile Final Assessments $ 1, 000.00 (Alternatives 1, 2, and 3) 9 • • VI . PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT COST ESTIMATES --------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Alternative Alternative Alternative No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CIVIL ENGINEERING Assessment District Formation Diagrams , Legal Descriptions , and Hearings $ 3 , 000. 00 $ 3 , 000. 00 $ 3,000 .00 Plans and Specifications $ 24 , 500 . 00 $ 22 , 200 .00 $ 17, 500.00 Construction Staking $ 5, 000 . 00 $ 4 , 500 . 00 $ 3, 500.00 Construction Inspection and Administration, Soils Testing $ 14, 500 .00 $ 13 , 300 . 00 $ 9,500.00 Final Engineering Report $ 1 , 000 .00 $ 11000 . 00 $ 1,000.00 CONSTRUCTION COST $309 , 700 . 00 $279 , 360 . 00 $210,600.00 BOND COUNCIL $ 10 , 000 . 00 $ 10 , 000 .00 $ 10,000.00 • FINANCING COSTS Bond Discount ( 4%) $ 14 , 700 . 00 $ 13 , 300 .00 $ 10,200.00 Reserve (89s) $ 29 , 400 .00 $ 26 , 700 .00 $ 20, 400.00 Capitalized Interest (9%) $ 33 , 100 .00 $ 30, 000 . 00 $ 23,000.00 Administration (2%) $ 7 , 400 . 00 $ 6,700 . 00 $ 5,100.00 Miscellaneous (1%) $ 3 , 700 . 00 $ 3 , 300 . 00 $ 2,600.00 TOTAL COST OF PROJECT TO ASSESSMENT $456 , 000 .00 $413 , 360 .00 $316,400.0C • 10 ALTERNATIVE NO. 4 • This alternative shows the costs per lot if an wssGc!xmLant District is not used for financing. This eliminates the Bond Council ant financing costs as well as costs for organizing the District. Engineering $ 30 , 500 .00 Construction $210 , 600.00 TOTAL $241 , 100 .00 COST SPREADS FOR 17 LOTS 56-312-14 S 10, 388 .00 56-312-15 $ 10, 388 .00 56-312-16 $ 10, 388 .00 56-322-23 City ( 4 Lots) $ 59, 980.00 56-322-16 $ 14 , 995.00 56-322-17 City $ 14 , 995 .00 56-322-18 City $ 14 , 995 .00 56-322-19 City $ 14, 995 .00 56-322-20 $ 14, 995.00 56-322-21 $ 14, 995 .00 56-322-10 City $ 14 , 995 .00 • 56-322-11 City $ 14 , 995 .00 56-322-24 $ 14 , 995.00 56-322-32 $ 14 , 995 .00 $241, 100 .00 11 • • ASSESSMENT PER LOT SUMMARY --------- ASSESSMENT SPREADS APN Alternative Alternative Alternative No. 1 No. 2 No, 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 . 56-312-14 $ 11 , 394. 00 $ 11, 495 00 $ 13 , 906 . 00 2 . 56-312-15 $ 11, 394 . 00 $ 11 , 495.00 $ 13 , 906 . 00 3 . 56-312-16 S 11 , 394 . 00 $ 11, 495.00 $ 13, 906. 00 4 . 56-321-14 $ 11, 394 . 00 $ 0 $ 0 5 . 56-321-15 $ 11,394 . 00 $ 0 $ 0 6 . 56-322-28 $ 11 , 394 . 00 $ 0 $ 0 7 . 56-322-29 $ 11 , 394 .00 S 0 $ 0 8 . 56-322-23 $ 57, 884 . 00 $ 58 . 288 . 00 $ 78 , 480 . 00 (4 Lots, City Owned) 9 . 56-322-16 $ 14 , 471 . 00 $ 14, 572. 00 $ 19, 620. 00 10 . 56-322-17 City $ 14 , 471 . 00 $ 14, 572.00 $ 19 , 620 .00 11 . 56-322-18 City $ 14 , 471 . 00 $ 14, 572 .00 $ 19 , 620 . 00 12 . 56-322- 19 Cit 14 , 471 . 00 Y S $ 14 , 572 .00 $ 19 , 620 .00 13 . 56-322-20 14 471 . 00 $ $ 14.,. 572. 00 $ 19, 620 .00 14 . 56-322-21 $ 14 , 471. 00 $ 14 , 572.00 $ 19, 620 00 15 . 56-322-10 City $ 14, 471. 00 $ 14 , 572 .00 $ 19, 620 . 00 16 . 56-322-11 City $ 14 , 471 . 00 $ 14 , 572 . 00 $ 19, 620 . 00 • 17 . 56-322-06 $ 14 , 471 . 00 $ 14, 572. 00 $ 0 18 . 56-322-07 $ 14 , 471 . 00 $ 14 , 572.00 $ 0 19 . 56-322-26 $ 14 , 471 . 00 $ 14 , 572 . 00 $ 0 20 . 56-322-27 $ 14 , 471 .00 $ 14, 572.00 $ 0 21 . 56-322-24 $ 14 , 471 . 00 $ 14 , 572 . 00 $ 19, 620 . 00 22 . 56-322-32 $ 14 , 471 . 00 S 14 , 572. 00 $ 19, 620 . 00 23 . 56-321-05 $ 14 , 471. 00 $ 14 , 572. ( - 24 . 56-321-06 $ 14 , 471 .00 $ 14 , 572. ,:- 25 . 56-321-07 S 14 , 471 .00 $ 14 , 572. 00 $ 0 26 . 56-321-08 S 14 , 471. 00 $ 14 , 572 . 00 $ 0 27 . 56-321-10 $ 14 , 471 . 00 $ 14 , 572 . 00 $ 0 28 . 56-321-12 $ 14 , 471 . 00 $ 14 , 572 .00 $ 0 29 . 56-321-20 $ 14 , 471 . 00 $ 14 , 572. 00 $ 0 30 . 56-321-21 $ 14 , 471. 00 $ 14 , 572 . 00 $ 0 TOTAL COST $456 , 000. 00 $413 , 360 . 00 $316, 400 . 00 • 12 • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: D-3 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Mtg. Date: 4/23/91 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Resolution amending Resolution No. 125-90 to include fees for: 1) Forestry and Woodlot Management Plans, and 2) Annual pruning, trenching, and encroachment permits for private and public utilities. RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the attached draft Resolution No. 33-91 amending the Tree Ordinance fee resolution by the addition of fees for woodlot management and annual utility permits. BACKGROUND: • At the City Council ' s meeting of April 9th, the Council adopted Ordinance No. 220 on first reading together with Resolution No. 28-91 adding a Forestry and Woodlot Management Section and Guide- lines to the City' s new Tree Ordinance. It was noted that there was a need to incorporate a fee for this new entitlement. It was also pointed out that a fee was needed to cover annual pruning, trenching, and encroachment permits for private and public utilities. ANALYSIS: With respect to an appropriate fee for forestry and woodlot manage- ment plans, the fee for tree protection plans varies from $50 to $200 depending on the intensity of the land use proposed. . Fees for woodlot management plans should recover costs to the extent that it requires review by an outside professional whose fees typically run at $35 an hour together with the cost of annual site visitation (over a five year period) to monitor the management plan. At the same time Council discussed the desireability of having _a sliding fee scale based on the acreage involved. The minimum qualifying acreage for a woodlot management plan is 5 acres. Staff recommends a per acre fee for woodlot management plans of $50 per acre which would mean a minimum fee of $250. • Annual permits for pruning, trenching, and encroachment permits are • enabled under the Tree Ordinance. This facilitates ongoing main- tenance operations subject to criteria to protect trees encountered during the course of such operations such as hand digging around roots of protected species of trees. It is recommended that a minimum annual fee be established in the amount of $100 for such annual fee. HE:ps Enc: Draft Resolution No. 33-91 • • • RESOLUTION NO. 33-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADDING FORESTRY AND WOODLOT MANAGEMENT PLAN AND ANNUAL PRUNING, TRENCHING AND ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FEES FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES TO THE TREE ORDINANCE'S FEE SCHEDULE CONTAINED IN RESOLUTION NO. 125-90 WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has adopted Standards and Guide- lines (Resolution No. 125-90) for the implementation of the Tree Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the fee schedule adopted in said Guidelines does not contain provisions for Forestry and Woodlot Management plans and annual pruning, trenching, and encroachment permits for public and private utilities. THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve as follows: • The Tree Ordinance Standards and guidelines (Resolution No. 125-90, Chapter 10, Fee Schedule) is hereby amended by the addition of the following language: "G. Forestry and Woodlot Management Plan $50/acre H. Annual pruning, trenching, and encroach $100 ment permit On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: ROBERT B. LILLEY, Mayor • ATTEST: LEE DAYKA, City Clerk • APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RAY WINDSOR, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: ART MONTANDON, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director • • • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: D-4 Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Mtg. Date: 4/23/91 From: Henry Engen, Community Dev. Direc. " File No: zC 10-89 SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinance No. 221 which will change the land use designation from Commercial Tourist/Flood Hazard Overlay (CT/FH) to Special Recreation/Flood Hazard Overlay/Planned Development Overlay (LS (FH) (PD/8) ) - Eagle Creek Associates (Joe Boud & Associates) RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of Ordinance No. 221 on second reading. BACKGROUND: On April 9, 1991, the Atascadero City Council conducted a public hearing on the above zone change request. The Council approved Ordinance No. 221 on first reading. HE:ps Attachment: Ordinance No. 221 cc: Eagle Creek Associates Joe Boud & Associates • ORDINANCE NO. 221 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF • ATASCADERO AMENDING MAP 23 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS BY REZONING THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, AND "PARR RESERVATION A" OF BLOCK 72, ATASCADERO COLONY, FROM CT(FH) TO LS(FH) (PD8) ; AND AMENDING THE TEXT OF THE CITY ZONING ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE THE PROVISIONS FOR THE PD8 ZONE CREATED HEREIN. (ZC 10-89: EAGLE CREEK ASSOCIATES) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendments are consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments are in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 5, 1991 and March 5 , 1991, and has recommended approval of Zone Change 10-89. • NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan land use element. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 4. Modification of development standards or processing requirements is warranted to promote orderly and harmonious development. 5. Modification of development standards or processing requirements will enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area and will have a beneficial effect on the area. 6. Benefits derived from the overlay zone cannot be • reasonably achieved through existing development standards or processing requirements. • 7. The proposed plans offer certain redeeming features to compensate for requested modifications. Section 2. Zoning Map. Map number 23 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended to reclassify the parcel(B) listed below, and shown on the attached Attachment A, which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and "Park Reservation All, in Block 72, Atascadero Colony. Section 3. Zoning Ordinance Text. Development of said parcel shall be in conformance with the standards of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 8 (Attachment B) and the Master Plan of Development (Attachment C) , which are hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Section 4. Publication. • The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen ( 15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing Ordinance is approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By. • •ROBERT LILLEY, Mayor City of Atascadero, California • ATTEST: LEE DAYKA, City Clerk RAY WINDSOR, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER R. MONTANDON, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director • • CITY OF ATASCADERO Attachment A CONLNILI M DEVELOPMENT • DEPARTMENT ORDINANCE N0. 221 d RS FH10 a a 4� �y ip w ,O (I R (FH) dr S FROM: CT( FH) TO: LS( FH ) ( PD8) t. no Attachment B • 9-3.652. Establishment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 8 P� D8) . Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 8 is established as shown on the Official Zoning Maps (Section 9-1. 102) . The following development standards are established: (a) A Master Plan of Development shall be approved prior to any development of the site. Said Master Plan shall be processed in the same manner as a Conditional use Permit, except that the Master Plan may be submitted and processed in the same manner set forth for the processing of a tentative map. (b) In approving a Master Plan of Development for the site, the uses allowed shall be limited to: 1. Single family dwellings 2. Residential accessory uses (See Section 9-6. 106 ) 3. Crop production and grazing 4. Farm animal raising (See Section 9-6. 111) 5. Home Occupation (See Section 9-6. 105) 6. Temporary dwelling (See Section 9-6. 176) • 7. Agricultural accessory uses (See Section 9-6. 109) 8. Outdoor recreation services, limited to a golf course and/or Tennis and Swim club (See Section 9- 6. 123) 9. Pipelines (c) No uses shall be established, or expanded, unless approved pursuant to a Master Plan, or Revised Master Plan, following a public hearing. (d) The grove of Oak Trees located on the slope between the top of the knoll and the intersection of Santa Barbara and Atascadero Roads shall be preserved. In approving a Master Plan, or Tentative Map, efforts shall be made to place this extreme western portion of the property into open space easement, or otherwise ensure its preservation. (e) Nonresidential uses shall use Santa Barbara Road for the principal access. (f) Residential uses shall be subject to Appearance Review. N CITY OF ATASCAD EIZO �- CONLM NIT'y DEVELOP.A IE.NT ATTACHMENT C DEP.�IZTti1Ev?' Ordinance 221 • N ry a !e • moi• �� L Z Z o to ° 'pgg3 Y a a € x 7 7q OF IN n 5 '�a�n Hca P •--. r,,O Y—rn w 5 o (5z.v in !W y zm r �+ N 0 C maw v 4 i I No f r ° I ` f • mg �• Yf �I Ya! N •� O g ° it � • Na i ° ea C;M � h Y ! Y• ®a ,�� f ► � N • r"17 N w L _ e N W •♦ 2 5 •. L t • • C I O • ♦ 1 0 ! • '�I O t ObO� �• \ � � i } � a • F m .. .. O k x N e r r ��rQi c FE�";ftf.ttfttt�ti itt gill,. • KT )MM,tilt C 1 r • f:.i:ii.:.ii:�::..::::. .pry EL.. •Vit' I ! ,,, i� r • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: D-S Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Mtg. Date: 4/23/91 From: Henry Engen, Comm. Dev. Director xV,,_ File No: Forestry/ Woodlot Ord SUBJECT: Adoption of a "Forestry and Woodlot Management" Section to the Tree Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of Ordinance No. 220 on second reading. BACKGROUND: • On April 9, 1991, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the above subject and approved Ordinance No. 220 on first reading. HE:ps Attachment: Ordinance No. 220 • ORDINANCE NO. • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADDING FORESTRY AND WOODLOT MANAGEMENT PROVISIONS TO THE CITY'S TREE ORDINANCE (ORDINANCE #214) WHEREAS, the City' s Tree Ordinance does not contain provisions relative to Forestry and Woodlot Management; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments will address the need for the Tree Ordinance to contain provisions relative to Forestry and Woodlot Management; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment . The Negative Declaration previously prepared for the Tree Ordinance is adequate; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held public hearings on February 19, 1991 and March 19, 1991 and has recommended addition of the Forestry and Woodlot Management provisions to the Tree Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows: Section 1 . Council Findings . 1 . The proposal is compatible with the stated purpose of the Tree Ordinance (Ordinance #214) . 2 . The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts . The Negative Declaration previously certified for the Tree Ordinance is adequate. Section 2 . Ordinance Text . The Tree Ordinance (Ordinance #214) text is hereby amended by the addition of the language shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Section 3 . Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. • Ordinance # Section 5 . Effective Date . This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage . On motion by and seconded by ' the foregoing Ordinance is approved by the following role call vote : AYES : NOES : ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED : By: ROBERT B. LILLEY, Mayor City of Atascadero, California • ATTEST: LEE DAYKA, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT RAY WINDSOR, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: ART MONTANDON, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director • EXHIBIT A Sec. 9-11 . 13 Forestry and Woodlot Management (a) Tree Management Plans . Tree Management Plans allow for the management of trees as a resource for the benefit of both the land owner and the community. Tree Management Plans will allow for comprehensive woodlot management practices as an alternative to the submission of individual Tree Removal Applications . Tree Management Plans may be permitted on the following types of property: (1) Minimum area of site of 5. 0 acres or larger in single, contiguous ownership; and - (2) Parcels where the existing zoning is single-family residential or agriculture; and (3) Canopy cover of site is equal to or greater than 50%; and (4) The woodlot will be managed for personal use only. (b) Standards for Tree Removal . The standards for tree removal and contents of the Tree Management Plan shall be set forth in Chapter 13 of the "Tree Standards and Guidelines" . • • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL i CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: D-6(A&B) Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 4/23/91 From: Greg Luke, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS WITH THE ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER COMPANY RECOMMENDATION: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with the Atascadero Mutual Water Company to permit the Company to drill a test well on the City's Sycamore Road lot. 2 . Direct Staff to prepare a draft agreement with Atascadero Mutual Water Company to distribute reclaimed water. The draft Agreement would be brought back to the Council for final consideration. BACKGROUND: The drought conditions have brought the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and the City into closer contact to seek ways we can mutually help ameliorate the water shortage. In this regard, Mr. g • Bob Hamilton has requested permission to drill a test well on the lot the City owns on Sycamore Rd. in River Gardens. He believes this location may yield usable quantities of potable water. If the test well proves successful, the City would work out an arrangement to sell or lease the property to the Water Company. DISCUSSION• Prior to the test drilling the City and Atascadero Mutual Water Company must execute an agreement setting forth routine matters, such as insurance, damage, post-drilling clean up, permits, etc. Staff proposes the Council authorize the City Manager to prepare, review and sign this initial agreement to drill a test well. The agreement will not address any conditions pertaining to the use of the property if the test well proves productive. This matter will be brought back to Council for further consideration at a later date. In a separate matter, Bob Hamilton has expressed an interest in cooperating with the City to formulate a reclaimed water program. Traditionally, in other cities with separate sanitation and water agencies, the Sanitation Department is responsible for producing the proper quality water and the Water Company is responsible for the distribution and sales of the reclaimed water. Expenses and revenues are shared on an equitable basis. -