HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 06/14/1983 • MINUTES- ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting June 14 , 1983 4 :00 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 4 :OO p.m. by Mayor Nelson. Present: Councilmen Mackey, Molina, Wilkins and Mayor Nelson Absent: Councilman Stover (arrived4 :40 p.m. ) It was noted that the meeting had been called for the purpose of reviewing the 1983-84 proposed budget. Mr. Warden presented an overview of the FY 1983-84 Budget, discussing the police facility, personnel changes, a 4-wheel drive vehicle for the Fire Department, and a general purpose vehicle. Council discussed the Budget Summary, Expenditure Summary, comparison of prior budgets , and Revenue Summary.. Mr. Warden reviewed and discussed each departmental budget. Kate Johns appeared on behalf of Action for Animal Rights • (AFAR) requesting the City's assistance. Bruno Adamoli felt that the City should spend more money for animal control. Mike Hicks recommended that the request from the Emergency Medical Services Agency be dropped. Council requested Staff to bring back a written proposal for the use of employees' personal vehicle for city business. Council reviewed the proposed uses of the Revenue Sharing Funds. Council agreed to continue the Budget discussions to June 27, 1983 , in the Rotunda Room at 6 :30 p.m. preceding the regularly scheduled Council meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7 :35 p.m. Recorded by: BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk • By. PATSY A. RESTER Deputy City Clerk MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - JUNE 13, 1983 MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved�to approve Items A-1 through A-12 of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Council- man Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Ordinance No. 68 establishing Title 9 (Zoning Regulations) of the 'Atascadero Municipal Code and adopting the City-wide Rezoning Program establishing new Official Zoning Maps for the entire City and repealing all of Title 22, Chapter 19 . 60 of Title 19 and Chapter 1 of Title 8 of the Atascadero Municipal Code - first reading MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to read Ordinance No. 68 by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Molina and unanimously carried. Mayor Nelson read Ordinance No. 68 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved that this constitute the first = reading of Ordinance No. 68 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Molina and unanimously carried. 2. Public hearing protesting requirement to abate weeds Goldie Carminati asked why vacant lots in the 3F Meadows area had not been posted as this is a fire hazard area. Mike Hicks stated that lots in this area had been posted. Don Eddy asked about the time limit for removal of the weeds. Mr. Hicks. stated that the abatement process will begin on June 23 and will finish around August 8 . MOTION: Councilman Molina .moved to authorize the Fire Chief to proceed with the abatement process. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 3. City AttorneyConference Report Allen Grimes presented a brief analysis of the City Attorney' s annual spring conference. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Consultant Report - Charles Paddock Zoo -3- MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - JUNE 13, 1983 Council agreed to consider implementation of Dr. Chaffee ' s zoo recommendations during the 1983-84 budget hearing on June 14 . Goldie Carminati of the Zoological Society stated that the Society agrees with Dr. Chaffee ' s recommendations and agreed to commit a minimum of $25, 000 toward improvements. Daphne Fahsing, representing Action for Animal Rights, supported Dr. Chaffee' s recommendations in his report and considered this as top priority. 2. Consideration of Pismo Beach resolution expressing opposition to language entitled "Compromise between National League of Cities and National Cable Television Association on Federal Cable Legislation" MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to endorse support of the resolution from the City of Pismo Beach. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and carried with Councilman Molina voting no. _ D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Rate increase request - Falcon Cable T.V. Mr. Warden presented a request from Falcon Cable T.V. for a rate increase. Thomas Hatchell, of Falcon Cable T.V. , stated the need for a basic increase of $9. 50 per month. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved for a public hearing on June 27 for the possibility of raising rates for Falcon Cable T.V. The motion was seconded by Councilman. Mackey and unanimously carried. 2. Request for funds from EOC for the Community Volunteer Bureau Sherry Worley, representing the Economic Opportunity Commission (EOC) , requested assistance for the Community Volunteer Bureau. Council agreed to consider this request at the budget hearing on June 14. 3. Consideration of Alvord Field Lighting - Bid No. 83-4 Mr. Warden stated that MK Constructors do not have the proper State of California Contractor' s License and that the bid should be -4- • MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - JUNE 13, 1983 rescinded. He recommended award-to the next lowest bidder, Lee Wilson Electric Co. MOTION: Councilman Molina moved to rescind the bid of MK Construc- tors because they do not have a qualifying contractor' s license and to award the bid to the second lowest bidder, Lee Wilson Electric Co. The motion was seconded by Council- man Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 4. Recommendation of Fee Committee for increase of business license fees Mr. Warden noted that the Fee Committee had _recognized that existing business license fees are too low and that there is a need for new fee schedules and revision of business licensing procedures. He requested that Council consider a revenue ordinance modeled after the League of California Cities suggestions. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved to direct Staff to obtain a draft ordinance of the League of California Cities for revenue business licenses and to bring back to Council by the first meeting in August. The motion was seconded by Councilman Molina and unanimously carried. i E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT None F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council a. Mayor Nelson stated that he received an objection from Dorothy Daniels of a business license issued to Mr. Pisenti for a metal works business as a home occupation. Mr. Stevens stated that there are similar home occupations qualifying them under the new and existing ordinances. Doug Lewis commented that home occupations should be permitted. 2. City Attorney None 3. City Clerk None -5 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - JUNE 13, 1983 4 . City Treasurer None 5. City Manager a. Mr. Warden stated that selections of mayor and mayor pro tem will be on the next agenda. b. Mr. Warden stated that the terms for Planning Commissioners Lilley, Summers, and Wentzel will expire on July 31. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to reappoint Commissioners Lilley, Summers, and Wentzel effective July 31, 1983. After further discussion, the motion was withdrawn. Consensus of the Council was to bring the matter back to the next Council meeting for consideration. C. Mr. Warden stated that the budget hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, June 14 , 1983, at 4 :00 p.m. Mr. Grimes commented that he will be out of town and unable to attend the meeting. d. Mr. Warden stated that the League of California Cities • Channel Counties quarterly meeting will be in Lompoc on July 15 and that reservations should be given to him by the lst of July. The meeting adjourned at 9 :25 p.m. Recorded by: BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk By: PATSY A. HESTER Deputy City Clerk -6- � II 1 • ORDINANCE NO. 68 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING TITLE 9 (ZONING REGULATIONS) OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING THE CITY-WIDE REZONING PROGRAM ESTABLISHING NEW OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS FOR THE ENTIRE CITY AND REPEALING ALL OF TITLE 22, CHAPTER 19.60 OF TITLE 19 AND CHAPTER 1 OF TITLE 8 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE. The Atascadero City Council ordains as follows: Section 1. Council Findings: After conducting public hearings, the City Council finds and determines that: 1. Zoning regulations proposed' in conjunction with the estab- lishment of Title 9 and zoning maps proposed in conjunction with the Citywide Rezoning Program are consistent with the purpose and intent of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan and support the goals and policies contained therein. • 2. The regulations set forth in Title 9 are intended to protect and promote the public health, safety and general welfare. 3. The general public will be assisted by these regulations and the zoning maps since they provide a better understanding and clearer identification of regulations and other standards af- fecting the development and use of land within the City. 4. Procedures established in the proposed regulations are inten- ded to streamline the development review process by elimin- ating unnecessary and duplicative review and hearings. 5. The proposed standards and regulations are necessary to im- plement the California Government Code and to minimize ad- verse effects on the public resulting from inappropriate cre- ation, location, use or design of building sites, structures, or other land uses. 6. It is necessary to protect and enhance unique and significant natural, historic, cultural and scenic resources within the City by providing appropriate tools to accomplish these goals. 7. It is necessary and desirable to provide for different zoning districts for agricultural, residential, commercial, indus- trial, recreation and public uses to assure that incompatible land uses are appropriately separated. Ordinance No. 68 8. The four Planned Development overlay zones shown on the zon- ing mapsand the regulations applied thereto are warranted • to promote the orderly and harmonious development of the af- fected properties and to enhance the opportunity to utilize the special characteristics of each area in a beneficial manner. 9. Approval of this project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment and the preparation of an Environ- mental Impact Report is not necessary, especially since one was previously certified in conjunction with the Atascadero General Plan. Section 2. The Atascadero Municipal Code is amended by repeal- ing the following designated provisions: CHAPTER TITLE - All of Title 22 Zoning. Chapter 19 .60 of Title 19 Miscellaneous and General Requirements. Chapter 1 of Title 8 Development standards intended to protect new structures and additions to existing struc- tures from flooding hazards • occurring on certain property in the Amapoa-Tecorida area. Section 3. Zoning Regulations. Title 9 (Zoning Regulations) is added to the Atascadero Municipal Code as set forth in Exhibit A-1 which is hereby referred to and made a part of this ordinance as if fully set out herein. Section 4. Zoning Maps. The Official Zoning Maps on file in the City Planning Department are hereby replaced in their entirety by a new series of maps, at a scale of 1"=400 ' , numbered consecutively as Map Nos. 1-25, inclusive, upon which is emblazoned the designation "Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero. " The new Official Zoning Maps amend the zoning classifications for every property in the City as shown in Exhibit B-1 which is hereby referred to and made a part of this ordinance as if fully set out herein. i 2 7 Ordinance No. 68 Section 5. Zoning Regulations - Summary Form Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65854 . 5 (b) , Title 9 (Zoning Regulations) shall be published in summary form as set forth in Exhibit A-2 which is hereby referred to and made a part of this ordinance as if fully set out herein. Copies of the full text of Title 9 (Zoning Regulations) are available for public review at the following locations: 1) City Planning Department, Administration Building, Room 103 , 6500 Palma 2) Adult Library, Administration Building, Room 104 , 6500 Palma 3) Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, 6550 El Camino Real 4) City Clerk's Office, Administration Building, Room 201, 6500 Palma Section 6 . Zoning Maps - Summary Form. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65854. 5 (b) , the Official Zoning Maps shall be published in summary form at a scale of 1"=1000 ' as set forth in Exhibit B-2 which is hereby referred to and made a part of this ordinance as if fully set out herein. Copies of the full series of Official Zoning Maps are available for public review at the following locations: 1) City Planning Department, Administration Building, Room 103 , 6500 Palma 2) Adult Library, Administration Building, Room 104 , 6500 Palma 3) Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, 6550 El Camino Real 4) City Clerk' s Office, Administration Building, Room 201, 6500 Palma Section 7. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code, shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 8 . Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day after its pasasage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council on 3 Ordinance No. 68 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROLFE N. NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk Approved as to f r ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney Approved as to content: MjdRRAY WARDEN, City Man ger 4 EXHIBIT A-2 ORDINANCE NO. 68 TITLE 9 . ZONING REGULATIONS Chapter 1. Enactment, Administration and Amendment. Chapter 2. Applications - Content, Processing and Time Limits. Chapter 3. Zoning Districts. Chapter 4. General Site Design and Development Standards. Chapter 5. Reserved. Chapter 6. Special Uses. Chapter 7. Nonconforming Uses. Chapter 8. Enforcement. Chapter 9. General Definitions. Chapter 1. Enactment, Administration, and Amendment 9-1. 101 Title and Purpose 1- 1 9-1. 102 Official Zoning Maps 1- 1 9-1.103 Open Space Zoning 1- 1 9-1. 104 Applicability of the Zoning Regulations l- 2 9-1.105 Compliance with uses set forth in Zoning 1- 2 Districts Required 9-1.106 Compliance with Standards Required 1- 3 9-1.107 Fees Required 1- 3 9-1.108 Administration of the Zoning Regulations 1- 3 9-1.109 Rules of Interpretation 1- 3 9-1.110 Public Hearings 1- 6 9-1. 111 Appeal 1- 6 9-1. 112 Adjustment 1- 7 9-1. 113 Variance 1- 8 9-1.114 Text Amendment 1- 9 9-1. 115 Zoning Map Amendment 1-10 9-1. 116 Prezoning 1-11 Chapter 2. Applications - Content, Processing, and Time Limits 9-2. 101 Applications and Procedures pP 2 1 9-2. 102 Determination of Completeness 2- 1 1 Ordinance No. 68' 9-2.103 Waivers of Content 2- 2 9-2.104 Review by Other Agencies 2- 2 9-2.105 Consolidated Processing 2- 2 9-2. 106 Business License Clearance 2- 3 9-2.107 Plot Plan 2- 4 9-2.108 Precise Plan 2- 6 9-2.109 Conditional Use Permit 2- 8 9-2.112 Approved Plans 2-11 9-2.113 Permit Time Limits 2-12 9-2.114 Substantial Site Work Defined 2-12 9-2.115 Project Completion 2-13 9-2.116 Occupancy or Use of Partially Completed 2-13 Projects 9-2.117 Occupancy with Incomplete Site Improvements 2-14 9-2.118 Extension of Entitlement 2-14 9-2. 119 Lapse of Entitlement 2-15 9-2.120 Applications Deemed Approved 2-16 9-2.121 Applications Deemed Withdrawn 2-16 9-2. 122 Guarantees of Performance 2-16 Chapter 3. Zoning Districts 9-3.101 Purpose 3- 1 9-3.102 Zoning Districts Established 3- 1 9-3. 103 Overlay Districts Established 3- 2 9-3.104 Symbols Used 3- 2 9-3.121 A (Agriculture) Zone 3- 4 9-3.141 RS (Residential Suburban) Zone 3- 6 9-3.151 RSF (Residential Single Family) Zone 3-11 9-3.161 LSF (Limited Single Family Residential) Zone 3-16 9-3.171 RMF (Residential Multiple Family) Zone 3-20 9-3.201 CN (Commercial Neighborhood) Zone 3-23 9-3.211 CP (Commercial Professional) Zone 3-25 9-3. 221 CR (Commercial Retail) Zone 3-27 9-3.231 CS (Commercial Service) Zone 3-30 9-3.241 CT (Commercial Tourist) Zone 3-32 9-3. 251 CPK (Commercial Park) Zone 3-34 9-3.301 IP (Industrial Park) Zone 3-37 9-3.311 T (Industrial) Zone 3-39 9-3.401 L (Recreation) Zone 3-41 9-3.411 LS (Special Recreation) Zone 3-43 9-3.421 P (Public) Zone 3-45 9-3. 601 FH (Flood Hazard) Overlay Zone 3-47 9-3. 611 GH (Geologic Hazard) Overlay Zone 3-50 9-3. 621 HS (Historic Site) Overlay Zone 3-52 9-3.631 SR (Sensitive Resource) Overlay Zone 3-55 9-3. 641 PD (Planned Development) Overlay Zone 3-58 9-3. 701 Land Use Descriptions 3-62 0 2 Ordinance N • • a o. 68 Chapter 4. General Site Design and Development Standards 0 9-4.101 Purpose 4- 1 9-4.102 Applicability of the Standards 4- 1 9-4.103 Setbacks 4- 1 9-4.104 Exception to Setback Standards 4- 1 9-4.105 Use of Setbacks 4- 2 9-4.106 Front Setbacks 4- 2 9-4.107 Side Setbacks 4- 3 9-4 . 108 Rear Setbacks 4- 5 9-4.109 Interior Setbacks and Open Area 4- 6 9-4.110 Projections Into Required Setbacks 4- 6 9-4.111 Heights 4- 7 9-4.112 Measurement of Height 4- 7 9-4.113 Height Limitations 4- 7 9-4.114 Parking and Loading 4- 9 9-4.115 Off-Street Parking Required 4- 9 9-4 .116 Location of Parking on a Site 4-11 9-4.117 Parking Design Standards 4-11 9-4.118 Required Number of Parking Spaces 4-14 9-4.119 Parking Lot Construction Standards 4-24 9-4.120 Off-Site Parking 4-26 9-4.121 Off-Street Loading Requirements 4-26 9-4.122 Drive-In and Drive-Through 4-27 Facilities 9-4.123 Driveway Standards for Single 4-28 Family Residential Uses 9-4. 124 Landscaping, Screening and Fencing 4-29 9-4.125 Required Landscaping 4-29 9-4.126 Standards for Landscaping Material 4-30 9-4.127 Landscaping Plans 4-31 9-4.128 Fencing and Screening 4-33 9-4.129 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal 4-36 9-4. 130 Signs 4-36 9-4 .131 Purpose 4-37 9-4.132 Applicability of Sign Regulations 4-37 9-4.133 Measurement of Sign Area 4-41 9-4.134 Sign Design Standards 4-41 9-4.135 Sign Construction Standards 4-43 9-4.136 Sign Maintenance Required 4-43 9-4.137 Exterior Lighting 4-44 9-4. 138 Grading 4-44 9-4 .139 Grading Plan Required 4-45 9-4.140 Grading Permit Required 4-45 9-4.141 Grading Permit - Application 4-45 3 Ordinance No. 68 Content 9-4.142 Grading Permit Review and Approval 4-47 9-4.143 Special Grading Standards 4-48 9-4.144 Grading Standards 4-48 9-4.145 Sedimentation and Erosion Control 4-49 9-4.146 Nuisance and Hazard Abatement 4-51 9-4.148 Drainage 4-51 9-4. 149 Drainage Plan Required 4-51 9-4.150 Environmental Determination 4-52 Required 9-4. 151 Drainage Plan Preparation and 4-52 Content 9-4.152 Drainage Plan Review and Approval 4-53 9-4.153 Plan Check, Inspection and Approval 4-53 9-4.154 Drainage Standards 4-53 9-4.155 Tree Removal 4-54 9-4.156 Tree Removal Permit Required 4-54 9-4.157 Tree Removal Standards 4-55 9-4.158 Street and Frontage Improvements 4-55 9-4 .159 Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks 4-55 _ 9-4.160 Streets 4-57 9-4.162 Archeological Resources 4-58 S9-4. 163 Exterior Noise Standards 4-58 Chapter 5. Reserved Chapter 6. Special Uses 9-6.101 Accessory Uses 6- 1 9-6.102 Establishment of an Accessory Use 6- 1 9-6.103 Accessory Storage 6- 1 9-6.104 Caretaker Residence 6- 5 9-6.105 Home Occupations 6- 5 9-6.106 Residential Accessory Uses 6- 8 9-6.107 Residential Uses in the Agri- 6- 9 culture Zone 9-6.108 Agricultural Uses - Specialized 6-11 9-6.109 Agricultural Accessory Buildings 6-11 9-6.110 Animal Hospitals 6-12 9-6.111 Kennels 6-12 9-6.112 Farm Animal Raising 6-13 9-6.113 Interim Agricultural Uses 6-18 9-6 . 115 Livestock Specialties 6-19 9-6.116 Horticultural Specialties 6-19 9-6.117 Roadside Stands 6-19 4 Ordinance No. 68 9-6.118 Cultural, Education and Recreation Uses 6-21 9-6.120 Churches and related Facilities 6-21 9-6.123 Outdoor Recreation Services 6-21 9-6 . 124 Rural Sports and Group Facilities 6-22 9-6.125 Schools and Preschools 6-24 9-6.126 Industrial Uses 6-25 9-6.128 Food and Kindred Products 6-25 9-6.129 Fuel Dealers 6-25 9-6.130 Collection Stations 6-25 9-6.131 Recycling and Scrap 6-26 9-6.133 Medical and Social Care Facilities 6-27 9-6 .134 Skilled Nursing and Personal 6-27 Care 9-6.135 Residential Care Facilities 6-27 9-6 .137 Outdoor Commercial Uses 6-27 9-6.139 Sales Lots and Swap Meets 6-27 9-6.140 Storage Yards 6-29 9-6 .141 Residential Uses 6-30 9-6.142 Individual Mobilehomes 6-30 9-6.143 Mobilehome Parks 6-32 9-6.145 Organizational Houses 6-40 9-6.147 Resource Extraction 6-33 9-6.148 Resource Extraction Wells 6-34 9-6.149 Drilling Permit Requirements 6-34 9-6.150 Development Standards 6-34 9-6.151 Surface Mining and Reclamation 6-37 9-6 .152 Surface Mining Practices 6-38 9-6.153 Permit Requirements for Surface 6-38 Mining 9-6.154 Reclamation Plan 6-39 9-6.155 Guarantee of Reclamation 6-41 9-6.156 Public Records 6-41 9-6.157 Periodic Review 6-41 9-6.158 Nuisance Abatement 6-41 9-6. 159 Underground Mining 6-41 9-6.160 Permit Requirement 6-41 9-6.161 Surface Operations 6-42 9-6.162 Retail Trade 6-42 9-6.163 Auto and Vehicle Dealerships 6-42 9-6.164 Automobile Service Stations 6-42 9-6.165 Building Materials Sales 6-44 9-6.168 Automobile Repair or Services 6-44 9-6.172 Temporary Uses 6-55 9-6.174 Seasonal or Temporary Sales 6-55 9-6.175 Temporary Off-Site Construction 6-56 Yard 9-6.176 Temporary Dwellings and Offices 6-57 5 Ordinance No. 68 9-6.177 Temporary Events 6-58 9-6.180 Recreational VehicleRV ( ) Parks 6-59 9-6.183 Vehicle Storage 6-61 Chapter 7. Nonconforming Uses 9-7. 101 Purpose 7- 1 9-7 .102 Nonconforming Use Defined 7- 1 9-7.103 Right to Continue a Nonconforming Use 7- 1 9-7 .104 Issued Building Permit 7- 1 9-7.105 Nonconformity Due to Lack of Entitlement 7- 1 9-7.106 Nonconforming Uses of Land 7- 1 9-7.107 Nonconforming Use of a Conforming Building 7- 2 9-7 .108 Nonconforming Structures 7- 2 9-7.109 Nonconforming Signs 7- 3 9-7 .110 Destroyed Structures and Signs 7- 3 9-7.111 Nonconforming Parking 7- 4 9-7.112 Substitution of Use 7- 4 _ 9-7.113 Nonconforming Lot Defined 7- 4 9-7.114 Use of Nonconforming Lots 7- 4 0 Chapter 8. Enforcement. 9-8. 101 Purpose 8- 1 9-8.102 Enforcement Responsibility 8- 1 9-8 .103 Citation 8- 1 9-8.104 Enforcement Hearings 8- 2 9-8.105 Revocation of Approval and Forfeiture of 8- 3 Bond 9-8.106 Nuisance Defined 8- 4 9-8. 107 Abatement of Nuisance 8- 4 9-8.108 Interference Prohibited 8- 7 Chapter 9. General Definitions 9-9.101 Purpose 9- 1 9-9 .102 General Definitions 9- 1 Apartment House of Multiple Dwelling Unit 9- 2 Building Face 9- 3 Commission 9- 4 Council 9- 5 Density 9- 6 Exploration 9- 7 Frontage 9- 8 Junk Yard 9- 9 6 Ordinance No. 68 Lot Depth 9-10 Non-Residential Use 9-11 Person 9-12 Public Utility 9-13 Rest Home 9-14 Setback, Interior 9-15 Sign, Monument 9-16 Sound Level Meter 9-17 Structural Alteration 9-18 Use 9-19 Zoning Approval 9-20 7 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Planning Commission selections DATE: June 23, 1983 The attached resolution outlines procedures which you adopted for the selection of committee, commission and board members. While Section 2 is not absolutely clear as to whether it prohib- its your re-appointing without opening the entire issue for re- view and interview, the language does seem to say that you in- tended do so. Should you wish to clarify the language to allow the proce- dure for re-appointment without interviews or advertising, then you certainly can change the resolution by majority vote. If that is your desire, you can instruct staff to return with a new resolution to include the clarification; or if you can agree to amending language, you could amend the resolution by motion and re-adopt at this meeting. ®RR;AKL/. WARDEN • RESOLUTION NO. 35-81 RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR THE SELECTION OF • COMMITTEE, COMMISSION AND BOARD MEMBERS The Council of the City of Atascadero hereby resolves as follows: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this resolution is to establish procedures for the City Council to follow in recruiting, selecting and appointing members to the standing committees, commissions or boards created pursuant to statute or by action of the City Council. Section 2. Recruitment and Eligibility. Announcements of openings for any committees, commissions or - boards to which members are appointed by the City Council will be through the local news media. All electors of the City of Atascadero, over the age of 18, and meeting any announced additional criteria as established by the City Council shall be eligible to apply. Section 3. Interviews. All candidates meeting the criteria established in Section 2 will be interviewed by the City Council during a properly noticed meeting. Section 4. Selection. a. Council members will vote for the candidate (s) of their choice by placing _their name and circling the name of their selection (s) on a ballot form provided by the City Clerk. Candidates' names will be placed in alphabetical order on the ballot form. b. After the City Council has had an opportunity to make its individual determination, the City Clerk will col- lect the ballots and will announce first the Council member ' s name and second the name (s) of the candidate (s) of that Council member ' s choice (s) . C. The candidate or candidates receiving a majority of the votes of the Council members present shall be appointed. In the event that no candidate or candidates receive a majority vote or in the event of a tie vote, then a run- off ballot or ballots will be cast, following the proce- dure of sub-paragraph a. above, until a majority is reached. The run-off candidates will consist of all candidates receiving at least two (2) votes and if no candidates have received at least two (2) votes, then those receiving at least one (1) vote will participate in the run-off balloting. - This procedure shall be con- tinued until a majority vote is cast. • Resolution No. , C ssion Selection Procedur On motion by Councilman Mackey , and seconded by Councilman Nelson , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Highland, Mak_ey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: November 9, 1981 ROBERT J. 'WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: V M&/�RAY /L. WARDEN, City,.Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: a ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney 2 0 • i MEMO R A N D U M -_- . tE Co M M Vq p ��2J✓✓fit w t rt-6� , - .e r►oTco N TKU41t, S1H'f T0: MURRAY WARDEN 70�0 � L�{ . e/Ltf'CZZD t41`f'6# o� rt nl�C1�Sa FROM: LARRY McPHERSON SUBJECT: Petition for Street Maintenance District - Sonora, Lower Pinal DATE: June 20, 1983 Attached are the petitions to place certain properties on the above stated streets into a Street Maintenance District for the purposes of paving and maintaining said streets for access to the lots in those areas. A majority of the affected property owners have signed the petition for Sonora Avenue and fifty percent of the affected property owners have signed the petition for lower Pinal. Due to vacancies and the transition of ownership, only fifty percent of the affected property owners have signed the petition for lower Pinal. It is my recommendation that lower Pinal be included in the Street Maintenance District. If during the protest hearings a majority of the property owners file a protest, then the Council may terminate the proceedings unless Council overrules the protest by a = four-fifths vote. The attached map shows the areas to be included in the proposed • maintenance district. As background, I have had several conversations with affected property owners, outlining; options available to the residents enabling them to have their private access roads paved and maintained. About a month ago I met with some of the residents and again outlined the available options. It was the consensus of those attending that they wished to pursue the main- tenance district proposal since it would allow the construction of a less than standard road section, which would be maintained by the property owners through the district process. I have estimated the cost to construct a paved access road with a width of twenty feet to be the following: Sonora Avenue - $6400, with an annual fee of $200 to cover ongoing maintenance. Lower Pinal - $5430, with an annual fee of $200 to cover ongoing maintenance. Under the Maintenance District proceedings as outlined in Section 5820-5856 of the Streets and Highways Code, if the district is approved, the City could levy a one time assessment to have the road improvements installed and levy an annual maintenance fee to cover ongoing expenses. The one-time road construction cost would be approximately $711 per lot for Sonora Avenue and $543 per lot for lower Pinal, with an annual main- tenance cost of $20 per lot. page two I believe the residents may wish to have the City advance funds, to • allow immediate construction of the roadway paving,with repayment made. through the collection of the future assessments. No specific terms have been mentioned, however, some property owners may also wish to pay-off the assessment in one payment. Section 5835.5 of the Streets and Highways Codes does provide for a loan of funds by the City to a Maintenance District. The loan interest rate is fixed by the Council and the maximum term is for 10 years. It is my recommendation that Council accept the petition for the formation of a Street Maintenance District and proceed with preparation of a Resolution of Intention to order the formation of the district. Specific recommendations concerning the possible options available to finance the work can be dis- cussed and decided on at the time the resolution is considered. The formation of the district requires certain notifications to property owners, postings, protest and rate-setting hearings. If the Council wishes to proceed with the district, then those steps will be outlined. LAWRENCE McPHERSON LM:pw • M • - _ 1 �ftlis - JJ. O ? n t a. r rs•so'. IV, 4 ` 4x a � h � � w 1'r Ya �'�• �t •. $ dxi� 'q 'T � O ' � � ' �Vim, 1 •' b �w 1. ••IIJ, 'M \ � P • 4 <YJ i 0 0 4 � s , a �\ y\ • wz•1\, E.. a 3 t 0 - PETITION FOR IMPROVEMENT OF SONORA AVENUE • i As enabled by Section 5820-5856 bf Streets and Highways Code, we the undersigned property owners hereby petition City Council to form a Maintenance Assessment District to improve and maintain the roads on this petition. We understand the estimated cost for initial improvement will be approximately $711 per lot, $356 per lot for either APN 29-181-52 or 29-171-21, with an annual maintenance cost of $220 thereafter. If, after the improvements are in, the property owners elect to terminate the District, the City will be under no obligation to continue maintenance of said roads. Assessor's Parcel Number Address Property Owner (signature) 29-181-45 7295 RB & M Wiley; 29-181-16 7335 MA & G Silva; 29-181-51 7355 HF & DC Cardinale; Cc 29-181-52 7375 0 Vogt, Etal; ��[. / 29-171-21 7370 GA Rachunok, t r� 29-171-03 Vacant• FE Calkins; 29-171-02 7330 JF & DC Garnett; T4,2" 29-171-01 Vacant, CT Willis; • 29-161-04 7290 - CE Derby Etal; 29-161-09 7270 BR & JM Rogers; d !� N, W. d/ Oft a f N (ftz�T'E'�:� !I�. V a. 2-5 co.^.4— PETITION FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PINAL AVENUE (Lower Section) �� As enabled by Section 5820-5856 of the Streets and Highway Code, we the undersigned property owners hereby petition City Council to form a Maintenance Assessment District to improve and maintain the roads shown on this petition. We understand that the estimated cost for initial improvement will be approximately $543 per lot, with an annual maintenance cost of $20 there- after. If, after the improvements are in, the property owners elect to terminate the District, the City will be under no obligation to continue maintenance of said roads. Assessor's Parcel Number Address Property Owner (Signature) 29-181-06 D. Theriault Etal; 29-181-05 /rG% L. Castellano Etal; 29-181-41 NE Scott; 'n 29-181-40 nhr z. P Pvrnn; 29-181-02 DE & PM Caudill• X `�`/ i 29-181-46 �j ,, © TL & LR Miles; 29-121-03 29-121-02 BE & MM Ratcliff• • 29-121-01 (Lot 5) �l / e ,�1 r LB Dohrman, Etal; 29-121-01 (Lot 6) `t �. r ;'� LB Dohrman, Etal; tt ,Y-C% ^_e r T-v /0 t • 0 4 i _M E_M O_R A_N_D_U_M • TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Adopting an interim budget DATE: June 23 , 1983 The attached resolution is provided so as to permit continua- tion of payment of bills in the event that the budget is not ap- proved by July 1, 1983. It also permits any retroactive salary adjustments which may be necessary as a consequence of current negotiations which may not be completed until after July 1, 1983. This is the same procedure we followed last year and conforms to the statutory requirements. Recommend your adoption. • *RRAL. WARDEN • • 0 RESOLUTION NO. 27-83 • A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING AN INTERIM BUDGET-FOR THE 1983-84 FISCAL YEAR AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED by the Atascadero City Council as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 37208 of the Government Code, that certain document entitled "Proposed Budget for the City of Atascadero for the Fiscal Year 1983-84 , dated June 10 , 1983, on file in the office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved as the Interim Budget for the City of Atascadero for the Fiscal Year 1983-84 to the extent of the certain totals set forth under the column entitled "FY83-84 Max Recommend," for each function in the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Enterprise Fund, Reserves and totals set forth for each capital project with the following stipulations: a. Salaries and benefits, as adopted for Fiscal Year 1982-83 , will continue during an interim period for Fiscal year 1983- 84 as listed under "Expenditures Classification - Personnel" within each Department of the Proposed Budget. Salary and benefit adjustments for Fiscal Year 1983-84 will be retro- active effective to July 1, 1983 upon adoption of a Final Fiscal Year 1983-84 Budget. Salary adjustments based upon salary negotiation settlements and approved Memoranda of Un- derstanding (MOU) will be retroactive to July 1, 1983 , pro- • viding negotiations and MOUs are completed by no later than August 1, 1983 unless further extended by City Council ac- tion. b. Expenditures for Services and Supplies, as listed under "Ex- penditure Classification - Services/Supplies" within each Department of the Preliminary Proposed Budget, will be held to an absolute minimum commensurate with maintaining basic City services by management review of all Purchase Orders. C. Expenditures for Capital Outlay, as listed under "Expendi- tures Classification - Capital Outlay, " within each Depart- ment of the Preliminary Proposed Budget, will be restricted to those lease-purchase payments which were obligated prior to Fiscal Year 1983-84 and are listed in the Preliminary Pro- posed Budget for Fiscal year 1983-84. Section 2. The City Manager, upon recommendation of the Finance Director , may transfer funds within, but not between, each of the functional appropriations of the Fiscal Year 1983-84 Budget as re- quired to achieve the orderly and efficient functioning of the City. Section 3. The Council, from time to time, by motion, may approve and authorize the payment of non-budgeted demands and may appropriate funds for budgeted or non-budgeted items, and any such appropriation • for a non-budgeted item shall constitute an approval to issue a war- rant in payment of a proper demand or demands therefor. RESOLUTION NO. 27 -83 Section 4. This resolution shall become effective and be in full force immediately upon its passage. On motion by Councilman - and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ROLFE NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk APPROVED AS T FORM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MURRAY WARDEN, City Manager 2 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Regulation of certain adult and related businesses DATE: June 23, 1983 Subsequent to enacting the moratorium on game arcades, the City Council also indicated a desire to review other adult-type businesses as part of the study now underway in the Planning De- partment. This study deals with businesses which might require closer review than occurs through the current business license/ zoning process. These businesses were not included in the mora- torium ordinance. The Planning Department has had an inquiry by an individual concerning the establishment of an adult book store. Under our present ordinance, if a license application were to be filed (for an appropriate location) , the license would be issued if the applicant successfully passed a background in- vestigation by the Chief of Police. With these 'concerns in mind, the Council may want to expand the moratorium to cover the other businesses now being studied. If that is the case, the following businesses should be con- sidered: - adult book stores - adult movie theaters - card rooms - fortune telling and palmistry shops - "head" or paraphenalia shops — massage parlors and similar "encounter" studios - bingo parlors - pawn shops - billiard parlors - escort services Should the Council concur in these concerns, it will be nec- essary to amend the moratorium ordinance. I am, through this memo, seeking your views. We can handle any applications for businesses for this type on the basis of your motion stating your intent pending revision of the existing moratorium ordinance. We will submit suggested revisions depend- ing upon your reaction to this memo. • RRAY WARDEN D6 • MEMO-RAND UM TO: Murray �� �G~��-�M• �1�6 FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Historic Preservation Grant DATE: June 22, 1983 i It is recommended Council approve the attached Resolution to approve the application and the project agreement for historical preservation Grants-in-aid funds for the renovation of the Atascadero Administration Building. - The grant request is for one-half the building renovation cost • projected for next year in the amount of $109,000. The City will be required to match the grant funds. This type of grant request has been made in the past, however, cities have been on a lower priority than private owners. The grant application must be submitted to the State by July 15, 1983. t,TRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh att. • RESOLUTION NO. 28-83 CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING THE APPLICATION AND THE PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR HISTORIC • PRESERVATION GRANTS-IN-AID FUNDS FOR THE ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING RENOVATION PROJECT WHEREAS, the Congress under Public Law 89-665 has authorized the establishment of a National Historic Preservation Grants-in-Aid Program, subdivisions for historic preservation, survey, planning, development, and acquisition projects; and WHEREAS, the California Office of F�istoric Preservation is responsible for the administration of the program within the State, setting up necessary rules and procedures governing application by local agencies under the program; and WHEREAS, said adopted procedures established by the California Office of Historic Preservation require the applicant to certify by resolution the approval of applications and the availability of local matching funds prior to submission of said applications to the State; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby; 1. Approves the filing of an application for the National Historic Preservation Grants-in-Aid assistance for project; and 2. Appoints the City Manager or his/her autt.orized deputy as agent of the City to coordinate, process and execute all contracts, agreements, amendments and ancillary documents within the scope of the attached application . and 3. Agrees that all required local matching funds will be provided for the project. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROLFE NELSON, Mayor ADOPTED: ATTEST: APPROVED AS FORM: BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk Allen Grimes, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: • RAY L. ARDEN, City Manager STATE USE ONLY Request: Office of Historic Preservation Ranking Score: P.O. Box 2390, 1220 K Street Allocation: Sacramento, California 95811 Plans and Spec. Approval : (916) 445-8006 t HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANTS-IN-AID Application 1. Property name as listed on the National Register of Historic Places: The Administration Building - Atascadero Colony Address:6500 Palma Avneue - P.O. Box 747 City: Atascadero County: San Luis Obispo Date placed on National Register: Nov. 17, 1977 Is property also an official National Historic Landmark? Yes X No. 2. Owner's Name• City of Atascadero Address: P.O. Box 747 City• Atascadero State/Zip Code• CA 93423 Telephone Number (area code): (805) 466-8000 Category (City, County, Local Preservation Group, Private): city 3. Applicant's Name: City of Atascadero Address: P.O. Box 747 City: Atascadero State/Zip Code: CA 93423 Telephone Number (area code): (805) 466-8000 4. Contact Person' s Name: Lawrence McPherson Address: P.O. Box 747 City• Atascadero State/Zip Code• CA 93423 Telephone Number (area code): (805) 466-8000 38 5. Major work elements• and detailed cost breakdown, in priority order: Include dates costs were incurred for any architectural , archaeological or other allowable preconstruction costs incurred since October 1 , 1982. Work Item Cost Date Incurred 1) Heating system renovation $ 140,000 2) Electrical renovation 20,000 3) Plumbing renovation 15,000 4) Interior structural renov. 43,000 Total $ 218,000 6. Beginning date for construction: (No later than January 1 , 1984) : January 1, 1984 7. End date for construction work (no later than July 31 , 1984) : May 15, 1984 8. Nonfederal matching share (must be at' least $20,000, and available or having solid commitment by July 15, 1983) : Donor Source Date Available Amount City of Atascadero City Funds July 1, 1983 $109,000 9. Brief description of property, its significance, and scope of work to be performed (including summary of work elements and cost estimates of any work not part of this grant to be done on property during grant period) : The Atascadero Colony Administration Building is a 4-story brick structure completed in 1918. The building was constructed by E.G. Lewis as headquarters for the Atascadero Colony, as part of the civic center complex for a planned community. In later years the building was used 39 over please— for a boy's school and finally as governmental offices. The building was designed by Bliss and Faville in the Italian Renaissance style. The building now provides space for offices of the City of Atascadero, Incorporated in 1979, as well as other community uses. 10. How many employees do you expect to be hired for this grant-funded project: Full-time to Part-time How does this maximize emP loyment opportunities for persons unemployed at least 15 weeks between September 1982 and March 1983? Will provide construction trade employment during the life of the renovation project. 11 . Describe any changes to the structure from its original appearance-- when, how and to what degree: none 12. Is the property now endangered? Encroachment Vandalism Impending demolotion x deterioration Other (specify) Code -Violation (specify) How will this project significantly reduce the endangerment? Plumbing, heating and electrical systems in great need of upgrading. 13. What are the long-term plans for the property? Continued use as governmental offices and other community activities.. 14. How often will the public be able to see the completed grant-funded work? (Must be at least 12 days a year. ) All year long, Building is open 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on weekdays. 40 I 9 15. Names and addresses of architect, principal researcher, archaeologist (if ground disturbance involved) : Does not apply t Names and addresses of at least two other architects contacted, and the reason you selected the one with whom you are working? Does not apply Architectural plans and specifications, historic structures report, and • (for projects involving ground disturbance) are enclosed will be forwarded by August 15, 1983. 16. Project is x is not located in a HUD-designated Flood Hazard Zone. (If it is, enclose proof that flood insurance has been secured. ) 17. Project will x will not involve displacement of current tenants. (If it will , enclose—a statement of compliance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970, PL 91-646. ) 18. Date original SF-424 was sent to State Clearinghouse: Area clearinghouse, if applicable: Enclose any forms already returned by the clearinghouse(s) . 19. Additional forms that must be included with this application: Resoltuion passed by appropriate governing body (city council , board of supervisors, board of directors) for any applicant that is a unit of local government or an organization. (Sample form on page 43.) Assurance of Compliance (Page 44) . 41 Completing an application form indicates that you are willing to meet the requirements of the National Historic_Preservation Grant Program of the U. S. Department of the Interior, and the Office of Historic Preservation. Such grants are given in accordance with the National Historic Preservation .Act of 1966. Your signature certifies that the local match in Item 8 is available and committed to your project. Your signature also certifies that you have taken no federal preservation tax incentives on this property, and that you will not do so. horize epresentative s Signature or Date form submitted pplica 's, if project is sponsored by an individual . 42 , U.S.DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE (TITLE VI,CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964) City of Atascadero (hereinafter called "Applicant-Recipient") (Name of Applicant-Recipient) HEREBY AGREES THAT IT will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1%4 (P.L. 88-352) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Department of the Interior Regulation (43 CFR 17)issued pursuant to that title, to the end that,in accordance with Title VI of that Act and the Regulation, no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Applicant-Recipient receives financial assistance from National Park Service and Hereby Gives i (Bureau or Office) Assurance That It will immediately take any measures to effectuate this agreement. If any real property or structure thereon is provided or improved with the aid of Federal financial assistance extended to the Applicant-Recipient by Natior_al Park Service , This assurance obligates the (Bureau or Office) Applicant-Recipient, or in the case of any transfer of such property, any transferee for the period during which the real property or structure is used for a purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits. If any personal property is so provided, this assurance obligates the Applicant-Recipient for the period during which it retains ownership or possession of the property. In all other cases, this assurance obligates the Applicant-Recipient for the period during which the Federal financial assistance is extended to it by National Park Service. (Bureau or Office) THIS ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all Federal grants, loans, contracts, property discounts or other Federal financial assistance extended after the date hereof to the Applicant-Recipient by the bureau or office, including installment payments after such date on account of arrangements for Federal financial assistance which were approved before such date. The Applicant-Recipient recognizes and agrees that such Federal financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representations and agreements made in this assurance, and that the United States shall reserve the right to seek judicial enforcement of this assurance. This assurance is binding on the Applicant-Recipient, its successors,transferees,and assignees, and the person or persons whose signature(s) appear below are authorized to sign this assurance on behalf of the Applicant-Recipient. l DATE APPLICANT-RECIPIENT By 7A�� President, airman of Board or Comp able Authorized Official APPLICANT-RECIPIENT'S MAILING ADDRESS 44 DI Form. 1350 1 c OMB Approval No.29-RO218 NICE 2. APPLI- a. NUMBER AYn 1C.i I a. iUMBEft FEDERAL ASSISTA CANT'S I TICt; 1. 'TYPEPREAPPLICATION APPLI. b. DATE iUL: :t- b. DA:E Year month day AC ❑ CATION i Year month day FIER ' ASSIGNED 19 ACTION E] APPLICATION 1983 yroprriiau ❑ NOTIFICATION Of INTENT (Ort) Leave box) ❑ REPORT OF FEDERAL ACTION Blank d. LEGAL APPLICANTlREClPIENT 15. FEDERAL EMPLO-f ER IDENTIFICATION NO. a..Applicant Name City of Atascadero 94-6001347 i b. Organization Unit City 1 6. e. Street/P.o. Sea P.O. Box 747PRO. ,. MUMSER ill S 1. 1910141 d. tier Atascadero .. county GRAM b. TITLE:San Luis Obispo ; 1. state . California j. zlPcade:93423 (From .'ceder&! � Historic Preservation_ h. Contact Person (Name Murray Warden - City Manager Catalog) a & telsphoue No.) 466-8000 i 0 7. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT 8. TYPE OF'APPLICANT/PECI PI ENT -State 9-Community,A:tion Agency me eta>s I-eigner Ea.estional Institution lrSe%Maio i-!ndian Tobe Renovation of the Atascadero Administration IDistrict K-Other (Specify): D-County Building I F-Sch 1 chooi Distrix! !G-Sowsl Purpose t--t District Enter appropriate tetter EE 1 4 9. TYPE OF ASSISIANCE t,J 1 A,83sic Gr►nt 0-Insurance 19 9-Sucplementsl Grant E-0ther Enter appro- ` C-Loan priate letter(&) 10. AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT (Fames of cities,counties, 11. ESTIMATED 12. TYPE OF APPLICATION S:dte-, stet BER OF PERSCiiS A-New ir• tvrslen E-Ausmentation BENEFITING 8-tane�31 D-Curt:aL&.ion State of California 3,000,000 Enter appropriate letter AC� 13. PROPOSED FUNDING 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: 15. TYPE OF CHANGE (Fur 11c or 1£e) i i,-Increase Dollars F-O!her (Specify): a. FEDERAL s 109,000 ,00 a. APPLICANT b. PROJECT I y_p....asa Dciiars ' Inc,tz'e Dura'icn b. APPLICANT 109,000 .00 '! = .�"G -a!i:, e. STATE ,00 16. PROJECT START 17. PROJECT ansa:i;ticn DATE DURATION Enter appro- d. LOCAL .00 19 1 1 1 S Month- prtiate letter(s) e. OTHER .00 18. ESTIMATED DATE TO Year month day `19. EXISTING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER f. TwAL s 218,000 _00 FE AE suAEGENN TO 10- 19 F 83 10 1 None A 20. FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE REQUEST (Noma,City.State.ZIP code) Department of Interio ' 21. REMARKS ADDED a i al park Service Washin ton DC 20240 :] Yes ® No = 22. a. To the hest of my, knowledge and belief, b. If required by OMB Circular A-95 this appli:arion was submitted, pursuant to in- Vora. Response O data In this prappiiation/application are structions therein, to appropriate clearinghouses and all rasponses are attached: spouse attached THE true and coffW, the document has been APPLICANT duly authorized by the governing body of CERTIFIES the awliant and the applicant will comply (1) San Luis Obispo Area Council ❑ ❑ THAT 10, with the attached assurances If the aalat (2) State Clearinghouse ❑ ❑ ante is approved. (3) ❑ ❑ 23. a. TYPED NAME AND TITLE b. SIGNATUR c. DATE SIGNED mouth day CERTIFYING REPRE• MURRAY WARDEN - City Manager 19 O&e t� SENTATIVE 24. AGENCY NAME 125. APPLICA- Y snonth day 7I TION RECEIVED 19 26. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT 27. ADMINI RATIVE OFFICE 2& FEDERAL APPLICATION IDENTIFICATION 29. ADDRESS 1 30. FEDERAL GRANT IDENTIFICATION 31. ACTION TAKEN 32. FUNDING Year month day 34. Year mouth day .00 33. ACTION DATE Is 19 STARTING a. AWARDED a. FEDERAL i I DATE 19 b. REJECTED b. APPLICANT .01) 35. CONTACT FOR ACOITIONAL iNFOP.MA 36. Year mouth day Q ❑ TION (Name and telephone number) ENDING rj} [3 a RETURNED FOR c. STATE •00 DATE 19 AMENDMENT d. LOCAL OO i 1 37. REMARKS ADDED d. DEFERRED e. OTHER .001 I A0 e. WITHDRAWN f. TOTAL $ .00 i _0 Yes CNo 38, a. In taking above action, any comments received from clearinghouses were con- b. FE'ERAL AGENT Y A•-95 OFFiC1AL sidered. if agency response Is due under provisions of Part 1, pMB Circular A-95. i GL ms and telephows iso.) FEDERAL AGENCY it has been or is!wing Mede. A-95 ACTION 424-101 STANDARD FORM 424 PAGE 1 (10-75) 45 ?ra&Tibsat by GSA.Federal Ataewoewewe Circular T4-T