HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/11/1983 • AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 11, 1983 7 : 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comments City Council Comments A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If dis- cussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Cal- endar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the special meeting of June 27, 1983 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) • 2. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 27 , 1983 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Treasur'er' s Report, 6/1/83 to 6/30/83 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 4 . Finance Director' s Report, 6/1/83 to 6/30/83 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 5. Tentative Parcel Map AT 830422:1, 6900 Portola Road/San Marcos Road, A. I. Jones (Hilliard), to allow division of 4 . 63 acres of land into two parcels of 3. 13 and 1. 50 acres each (RECOM- MEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6. Variance V830610:1, 4640 Miramon, Scott R. Bond, to allow a proposed single family residence to encroach into the required 26 foot front yard setback and 10 foot rear yard setback (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public 'hearing on General Plan Amendment GP 830401 :1, 6000 San Palo Road, Sandra F. Summers (Henry J. Hohenstein) to change the existing land use designation from Low Density Single Family Residential to Retail Commercial 2 . Planning Department Quarterly Report • AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - JULY 11, 1983 • C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Nothing D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Validation of illegal land divisions E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (Council will recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanita- tion District Board of Directors) 1. Resolution No. 29-83 approving satisfaction of assessment (The Board of Directors will adjourn and reconvene as City Council) F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney • 3. City Clerk 4 . City Treasurer 5. City Manager NOTE: There will be a closed session for labor relations; no announce- ment after the closed session is anticipated. -2- • ! �► Al MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Special Meeting June 27, 1983 Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 6 : 30 p.m. by Mayor Nelson. Present: Councilmen Mackey, Molina, Stover, Wilkins and Mayor Nelson Absents None ' It was noted that this was the second meeting for the purpose of reviewing the 1983-84 proposed budget. Mr. Warden stated that if the State budget is not approved by July 1, that the City could lose money from the State unless the Legislature suspends the AB-8 deflater. Donn Clickard, representing Atascadero High School Athletic Department; David Bernhardt, representing Emergency Medical Services Agency; Jackie Vincent, representing Hospice; Kate Johns, represent- ing AFAR; Mary Kunz, representing Hotline; and Goldie Carminati, President of the Zoological Society, requested donations for their organizations. • Council approved the following contributions : Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, $16, 000; Family Services, $300; Hotline, $300; Senior Citizens, $2,400 ; Hospice , $350; and Christmas Basketball Tournament, $100 . MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved to give $2 ,000 :to Action for Animal Rights (AFAR) at this time. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. Allocations to the County/City Animal Control Program were tabled until more information has been received. The budget hearing was continued to July 11, 1983, at 6 : 30 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 7 : 35 p.m. Recorded by: BARBARA MORRIS, City Clerk By: PATSY A. HESTER Deputy City Clerk • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting June 27 , 1983 7 :30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 :43 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilman Mackey gave the invocation. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Mackey, Molina, Stover, Wilkins and Mayor Nelson Absents None STAFF Present: Murray Warden, City Manager; Ralph Dowell, Finance Director; Allen Grimes, City Attorney; Patsy Hester, Deputy City Clerk; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Skip Joannes, Recreation Director; Bud McHale; Police Chief; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director; Steve Rizzuto, City Treasurer; and Larry Stevens, Planning Director. PUBLIC COMMENTS • None COUNCIL COMMENTS 1. Councilman Wilkins announced that the curb cuts in the Sunken Gardens are complete and that the project was a success. He thanked everyone involved for their contributions. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 13, 1983 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2 . Minutes of the special meeting of June 14 , 1983 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Appeal of Departmental Review R830330 :1, 5425 El Camino Real, Anthony Leal (A&D Liquor) to construct a 3,420 square foot liquor store with a self-service gas pump area (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 4 . Lot Line Adjustment LA 830506 :1 , 8315 Portola Road, J. C. Hardwick (Twin Cities Engineering) to adjust existing lot lines to create a larger rear yard for Parcel 1 (RECOMMEND . APPROVAL OF PLANNING C014MISSION RECOMMENDATION) MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - June 27, 1983 • 5. Lot Line Adjustment LA 830517 :1, 10210 Atascadero Avenue, George and Christine French (Morgan) to adjust existing lot lines to enlarge a rear yard (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLAN- NING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6. Lot Line Adjustment LA 810320 :1, 5560 Nogales, Kendall Gal langer (Hilliard Surveys) to extend the time allowed to complete requirements for a lot line adjustment (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7. Lot Line Adjustment LA 830513: 1, 9300 El Bordo, Wedco and Westwind Investments and V-5 Enterprises (Associated Professions) to adjust existing lot lines to remove unusual configuration created by a previous parcel map (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 8 . Acceptance of Tentative Parcel Map AT 810721:1, 8940 San Gabriel Road, Henry J. Hohenstein (San Luis Engineering) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) Mayor Nelson reviewed the items on the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to approve Items A-1 through A-8 of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Council man Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public hearing on Falcon Cable Corporation request for increase in rates Mr. Warden stated that the requested rate increase for Falcon Cable TV would make Atascadero rates the highest in the County; that justifi- cation provided by the cable company was not verifiable, thereby making it difficult to determine the actual need. Staff was recommending denial at this time. Thomas Hatchell of Falcon Cable TV requested approval of a rate increase. MOTION: Councilman Molina moved to approve the $9. 50 rate increase and the proposed rate structure and directed Staff to bring back an ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried on the following roll call vote : AYES: Councilmen Molina, Stover, Wilkins and Mayor Nelson NOES : Councilman Mackey ABSENT: None • -2- MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - June 27, 1983 2 . City Attorney Report No._ 24 . Allen Grimes reviewed the City Attorney Report. Council approved the League Legal Advocacy Committee' s recommendation to join as amicus curiae in the case of J. W. Jones Companies and Housing Part- ners, Ltd. vs. City of San Diego. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 68 establishing Title 9 (Zoning Regulations) of the Atascadero Municipal Code and adopting the City-wide Re- zoning Program establishing new Official Zoning Maps for the entire City and repealing all of Title 22, Chapter 19.60 of Title 19 and Chapter 1 of Title 8 of the Atascadero Municipal Code - second reading MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to read Ordinance No. 68 by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unani- mously carried. Mayor Nelson read Ordinance No. 68 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved to adopt Ordinance No. 68. The motion was seconded by Councilman Molina and unanimously carried by roll call vote. Doug Lewis felt that Home Occupations were not discussed adequately. Norman Ted Monson asked if Board and Care was considered under Home Occupations. Mr. Stevens stated that Board and Care is listed separ- ately. i Mr. Stevens stated that applications will now be accepted but will not become effective until the ordinance comes into effect in 30 days. D. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Selection of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem and determining term of office MOTION: Councilman Wilkins nominated Marjorie Mackey to serve as the next Mayor for one year. The motion was seconded by Council- man Stover and unanimously carried. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins nominated Bill Stover to serve as Mayor Pro Tem for one year. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and carried with Councilman Molina and Mayor Nelson. voting no. -3- i - ! MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL June 27 , 1983 2 . Planning Commission selection. procedures Norman Ted Monson felt that the Commissioners should be elected. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to reappoint Commissioners Lilley, Summers, and Wentzel for four year terms. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES : Councilmen Mackey, Stover and Wilkins NOES: Councilman Molina and Mayor Nelson ABSENT: None Councilman Wilkins suggested that each Council member draft clarifying language for Resolution No. 35-81 which could be considered at a later date. 3. Petition for Street Maintenance District - Sonora, Lower Pinal Larry McPherson stated that Staff recommends acceptance of the petition for formation of a Street Maintenance District. MOTION: Councilman Molina moved to approve the petition and directed Staff to proceed with the necessary steps. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and unanimously carried. Dal Caudil thanked Larry McPherson and Michelle Reynolds for their assistance. 4 . Resolution No. 27-83 approving an Interim Budget for the 1983-84 Fiscal Year and appropriating funds therefor MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to adopt Resolution No. 27-83. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 5. Regulation of certain adult and related businesses A resident asked why an x-rated adult book store would not be permitted. Mr. Warden stated that anyone can apply for a business license but if the City Council had made a finding through an ordinance as to certain types of businesses that they felt needed special controls, that some businesses could be denied after the proper process. -4 0 - MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - June 27 , 1983 Council concurred to study the matter further. Jack Owens felt that adult book stores and massage parlors are a problem and that they should be kept down to a normal size and located where they would not cause any problems. 6. Resolution No. 28-83 approving application for Historical Preservation Grant Mr. Warden recommended applying for the Historical Preservation Grant for the building renovation. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to adopt Resolution No. 28-83. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT None F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council a. Mayor Nelson stated that an item passed at the May 10, 1982, Council meeting regarding parcels created in violation of subdivision regulations was not on the agenda this May. Mr. Stevens stated that a draft has been circulated and if-received from Staff, will be on the next agenda. b. Mayor Nelson asked the status of the childrens pool at Atascadero Lake Park. Mr. McPherson stated that the pool is being used while the pump is being repaired or replaced. 2 .. City Attorney None 3. City Clerk None 4 . City Treasurer None -5- MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - June 27 , 1983 • 5. City Manager a. Mr. Warden stated that items to be on the ballot for the November election would have to be received by the County Clerk by July 18 . b. Mr. Warden stated that the Area Planning Council staff is recommending that the two contract employees, Mr. Khami and Mr. Di Carli, be made part of the permanent civil service structure of the County Planning Department. He recommended that they be kept on a contract basis since their function required them to represent both City and County interests. If they were full County employees their freedom from County influence would be questionable. Council agreed to vote to keep the two employees on a contract basis. C. Mr. McPherson stated that another Area Planning Council agenda item was the Transit Assistance funds for a grant of $22, 000 for bus replacement and recommended our representative to vote yes. d. Mr. Warden informed the Council that the Mayor ' s meet- ing will be held on July 13 . He stated that part of the discussion will be the issue of Courts giving adequate fines for animal control violations. Also discussed will be the animal control measures and proposed increases to City contracts. e. Mr. Warden stated that reservations for the meeting on July 20, 21 and 22 in Monterey need to be turned in soon. f. Mr. Warden requested a closed session to consider labor negotiations and does not anticipate any announcements. The meeting adjourned at 9 : 35 p.m. to closed session and returned to regular session at 10 : 22 p.m. , at which time they adjourned. The budget hearing will be held on July 11, 1983, at 6 : 30 p.m. Recorded by: BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk By: PATSY A. HESTER Deputy City Clerk -6- . CITY OF ATASCACERO • TREASURER'S REPORT JUNE 1, 1983 TO JUNE 30 , 1983 RECEIPTS TAXES Sales & Use 100 ,284 . 13 Motor Vehicle"In Lieu" 33,070 . 22 Cigarette Tax 3,613. 03 Current Year Property Tax -0- Property Transfer Tax -0- Occupancy Tax 489 .00 Other In Lieu Taxes -0- Homeowners Relief -0- Prior Year Property Tax 1,775.10 LICENSES/PERMITS/FEES 28 ,739 .47 GAS TAX 14 ,820 . 21 TRAFFIC SAFETY 4,993. 43 RECREATION FEES 25 ,860 .00 RETURNED FROM LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND AND MATURED TIME DEPOSITS 155,000 . 00 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS - 3,092. 36 TRANSPORTATION SB-325 65, 482. 50 REVENUE SHARING -0- GRANTS -0- MISCELLANEOUS Rents/Concessions 966. 82 Rebates (344 . 61) Sale Maps/Publications/Reports 154 . 44 Special Police Services 57. 00 Narcotic Officer Reimbursement 900 . 52 Fines & Penalties 1,045. 02 P.O.S.T. Reimbursement 15. 32 Dial-A-Ride Farebox 2,109 . 00 Bails/Bonds 190 . 00 Weed Abatement 101. 98 Reimbursement to Expense 325 .77 E.D.D. Job Training Reimbursement 140 . 70 Wil-Mar Refuse Contract 4,598 . 67 Miscellaneous 3 ,357.73 TOTAL $ 450 ,819. 81 • 1 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER' S REPORT • JUNE 1, 1983 TO JUNE 30, 1983 INVESTMENTS LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 1,135, 000 . 00 TIME DEPOSIT, CITICORP SAVINGS 9. 250% INTEREST, MATURES 07/25/83 100 ,000 . 00 TIME DEPOSIT, SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS 9.125% INTEREST, MATURES 09/22/83 100, 000. 00 TIME DEPOSIT, GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS 9.125% INTEREST, MATURES 09/22/83 100 ,000 . 00 • TOTAL INVESTMENT DEPOSITS 1, 435,000 . 00 Acven M. zzu o, asurer / 2 44 CITY OF ATASCADERO • FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT JUNE 1, 1983 TO JUNE 30 , 1983 BALANCE AS OF MAY 31, 1983 99,118 .30. DEPOSITED BY TREASURER, SEE RECEIPTS, TREASURER'S REPORT, PAGE 1 450,819.81 TOTAL 549,938 .11 HAND CHECK REGISTER DATED 06/30/83 247,381. 31 CHECK REGISTER; DATED 06/16/83 74 ,348 . 23 CHECK REGISTER DATED 06/21/83 33, 300 . 02 CHECK REGISTER DATED 06/30/83 42, 384. 37 EXPENSE LISTING 137 ,375.48 TOTAL 534 ,789. 41 BALANCE AS OF JUNE 30, 1983 15 ,148. 70 PETTY CASH 200 .00 TREASURY INVESTMENTS • SEE TREASURER REPORT, PAGE 2 1, 435,000 . 00 TOTAL $1, 450 ,348.70 I,RALPH H. DOWELL JR. , do hereby certify and declare that demands enumerated and referred to in the foregoing register are accurate and just claims against the City and that there are funds available for payment thereof in the City Treasury. Dated: July 5 , 1983 Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. Finance Director ry Warden Cit M ager 3 l I I I`y`y ; �•, r-,� � + ir• a Oda O OO a Oa o a O�O O OO O a a O ? �z'••} i J v ,. - -r D! ^a a V r'A a^e' .R A t4'J•+ �:='�: f - 0 1 { :O O .I 7 O ± O '. �O OI ... ,.O O O:+O.7 7 �7"O .r v.O - f �-•� la Q I�o00 -ao000a0a 0"00 0� 1 Zz as j Q a o !aor- -=- or+ o oo o-aOQ.+- 1 30 i :.!:rt I a{ rat � A '»'+a u w �. A A _ J A.+- .J'.'.'J A 'J^•' 'JJ r t �- i ''•r :r i,..r^...-4 A -0 V`, r 4 :._ 1 z ' I -.-7 � 'g � O � ^u,3]^�- £"'3:�^•3-`�3�rf;3 3�3^ 1 -= -i U7 :m M 2> D r. . �;z ' D z•.)*^ -.•I Z.-<t, D I -< -4-- Zs T- �)•-� -i..- Z M'y'i Z C.1 M M Z-- I STI .. 4=I tV tit D TF D D D.. . . . . I Z -Tt 1- M D 7'-I-i -- -t W .y r-Ti i 'D ! ,... _m3_.,.F LTi I : O IOL MT, ^us£ '?D' .m-..li ZO w zD m i .-•i-� :T T - -.. 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Cif 000^ Z ti: as ac^ c a 0 0o i C .T.S ! 1 ! ! F f 1 1 D 70 J 1-1)rJ? rJ' J r•J CJ 71 - N t J P _ _ _ _ �_�_':._ „+• + r,ri rJ 1 rJ? _3 o c V Ci!V 'st a -C a o 0co0acooc 000 -W_0 oa0 ii rri a a oa00 000^Oa _ Op O a0^>_a h., - CD L - ,.,� m M M M_M _ t' — T__ M. T ('•i— _iTl rl z _ D C G x x x x x x x x x x x XXX x x X X X x X x _- D z — 7L CA.1:r iri W r W CJ W'A c—,0 :t� '� ^+;r_. .+,.i,....,. ! S T fi L'^ T.,r- r.. Cr Ca Cr a> o o _ i Z .r.�?A="C9= 0 :.I 0 W Cr-' - '^ ;T,^ 3r, -0- , C _ - _- .7 C 01 0 0 0 c T C 1 li "Cr rr,_ - G` r;J rJ'J-'J 1 = -- -? Z z Cr.�;m G`>A?.,.�:�!-? �. C W'' ,rr1='t` 1 - D '_ _ i t M. Z tSs z"- �,w r r s T!T. - .� _ ^ _ - 1 Z rri _ -_ z:—:m lel m?-i r J7 .s �. :D- z Z Z.z _ 1 iz r { 0 w:s3 ajrJ V 11:"i V,.+ Cr Y-' r11 .J .:A A o' C7' .,7 V'r J V^ z i1 W co oO --1 ^`VV rJ-1371 ''r -J J!'Jc rJ rJ -'n rCi o �•� V*+ v �lJV ni w wo U.L-I 7,-moo X : `O CITY OF ATASCADERO FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT JUNE 1, 1983 TO JUNE 30 , 1983 EXPENSE LISTING PAYROLL DATED 06/01/83 CHECKS #10763-10846 43,838.75 PAYROLL DATED 06/15/83 CHECKS #10847-10930 46,250 .84 PAYROLL DATED 06/30/83 CHECKS #11001-11085 47,796. 28 VOID CK# 8838 EXPENSE LISTING 07/31/82 (18. 00) VOID CK#14953 CK. REG. DATED 08/31/83 PAGE 3 (315 . 09) VOID CK#15537 CK. REG. DATED 11/18/82 PAGE 1 (7 . 66) VOID CK#17337 CK. REG. DATED 06/30/83 PAGE 2 (169 . 64) TOTAL $137 , 375.48 -32- • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER July 6 , 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 830422:1 LOCATION: 6900 Portola Road/San Marcos Road (Ptn. Lot 1, Block 15) APPLICANT: A. I. Jones REQUEST: To divide 4. 63 acres of land into two parcels of 3. 13 and 1. 50 acres each. On July 5, 1983 , the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the subject matter unanimously (with Commissioner Sherer absent) ap- proving issuance of a Conditional Negative -Declaration and approval of • the two way land division request subject to Conditions 1-12 as listed in the attached Staff Report. There was only brief discussion among the Commission. Grigger Jones, representing the applicant, noted his agreement with the recommendation but indicated preference that the driveway location to be off San Marcos Road rather than Portola Road. No one else appeared on the matter. L WRENCE STEVEN$ MUR Y L ARDEN Planning Director Cit Ma ger • 0110Y ©A r CITY OF ATASCADERO r.u.x. 1T �> - rror • leis q j� 1977 9 Ii Planning Department July 5, 1983 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 830422:1 LOCATION: 6900 Portola Road/San Marcos Road (Ptn. Lot 1, Block 15) APPLICANT: A. I. Jones (Hilliard) REQUEST: To divide 4. 63 acres of land into two parcels of 3.13 and 1. 50 acres each. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: R-A-B-D-1-D (506) (future RSF-Z) 2. General Plan: Low Density Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: An Initial Study Environmental De- scription form has been completed by the applicant. The Planning Director has prepared a draft Conditional Negative Declaration in- • dicating the project will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment if certain mitigation measures are incorpora- ted into the project. 4. Site Conditions: The site is located on the ` side of a gently rolling hill. Average grade is 10.68%. The site is covered with natural grasses and a few trees. A power line crosses the "L- shaped" site (with frontage on Portola and San Marcos Roads) from northwest to southeast. The lot surrounds two other lots located on the corner of San Marcos Road and Portola Road. 5. Project Description: The applicant requests permission to divide the 4. 63 acre lot into two parcels of 3. 13 and 1. 50 acres each. The larger lot is to be reserved for possible future division. STAFF COMMENTS On June 2, 1983, the Subdivision Review Board met with the applicant' s surveyor , Robert Hilliard. Also in attendance were: Shirley Summers, Planning Commissioner ; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director ; and Fred Buss, Associate Planner . The following items were discussed: • Tentative Parcel Map AT 830422 :1 (Jones) 1. The whole parcel has been determined to be in the future RSF-Z zone which allows minimum lot sizes of 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 acres. An initial run-through on the five criteria indicates this parcel can meet the 1 1/2 acre minimum. This may permit creation of three parcels rather than two since single family lot sizes are based on gross acreage. 2. Upgrading of the fire hydrant at San Marcos Road and Bella Vista will be required. 3. Provide easement restrictions on the power lines. 4. Driveway access for the "L-shaped parcel may be required off San Marcos Road depending on site design. This parcel is actually split by the Land Use Element Map in the Gen- eral Plan. The eastern half of the parcel is located in the Low Den- sity Single Family Residential designation and the western half is located in the Suburban Single Family Residential designation. The proposed City-wide rezoning places the entire parcel in the RSF-Z zone which conforms to Low Density Single Family Residential designation. The new zoning ordinance utilizes the same criteria to establish the minimum lot size within the range as required by the General Plan. Therefore, that formula was used to establish the minimum lot size for this parcel as 1 1/2 acres. The applicant' s original submittal was to create two parcels of 2.25 and 2.38 acres each. When the minimum lot size was established as 1 1/2 acres, the applicant revised the loca- tion of the one lot line to create the present configuration. Staff' s only concern is the possible location of any driveways on San Marcos Road and their relationship to Bella Vista. Sight distance is very poor toward the west end of the parcel due to San Marcos Road crest- ing. Location of driveways should require Planning or Public Works Departments ' approval. Staff suggests that the driveway for the east- erly parcel access from Portola Road. FINDINGS 1. The application as submitted conforms to zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the Atascadero General Plan. 2. The project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment, and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration subject to the fol- lowing conditions: 2 Tentative Parcel Ma T 830422 :1 (Jones) 1. Adequate provision shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development. B) Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 830422 :1 subject to the fol- lowing conditions: 1. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal if reports and designs are acceptable. All tests, reports, and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following Note shall appear on the Final Map: "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water, and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Where soils reports indicate that conven- tional soil absorption systems are not acceptable, City ap- proval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a Registered Civil Engineer, shall be required. Depending upon the system, more restrictive re- quirements may be imposed. " 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Com- pany and water lines shall exist at the frontage of all par- cels prior to filing of the Final Map. 3. All other available utilities not already in place shall be extended underground to each parcel frontage at the time of building permit. Any utility easements are to be shown on the Final Map. 4. Efforts shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing, mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appro- priate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. 5. All driveways providing access to building sites shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval at the time of building permit application, including review of their location in relationship to providing adequate site distance. Plan and profile drawings may be required. If average slope exceeds 12%, paved improvement would be re- quired similarly. In no event will driveways be allowed which exceed 20% in slope. 6. The driveway access shall be improved to at least the follow- ing minimum standards: an improved width of 12 feet 3 Tentative Parcel Map AT 830422:1 (Jones) - unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 7. The applicant shall upgrade the fire hydrant located on the southeast corner of San Marcos Road and Bella Vista Road to a standard type, subject to approval of the Fire Department. A letter from the Fire Chief certifying the upgrading of said hydrant shall be received by the Planning Department prior to the recordation of the Final Map. 8. All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building re- strictions. A Note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the Final Map. 9. Roof materials for all structures shall be Class C rating or better and a Note to that effect shall appear on the Final Map. 10 . All conditions herein specified shall be complied with prior to filing of the Final Map. 11. A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth here- in shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordi- nance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners cre- ated and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monu- ments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Parcel Map. 12. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expi- ration date. 4 Tentative Parcel Map*AT 830422 :1 (Jones) ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: RED BUSS Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: Ar'6N L t' .,o LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director ps 5 -, 2t 22 2 16 8 4 3 y l g 28 ` 25 a t v 19 17 6 ], .Iq 1 17 4 3 4 �� 3 t 16 19 1 28/\ 2 1 to 1 17113 t4 6 4. i7061514�1 •' It2 14 18119 2 1 2 8 1312 N N[��4a 12 21 g 7 . / 12 1 i 9 24 uy\ I 11 13 11 22 e ���/ IQ 9 6 719 23 24 29 34 7 6 15 I fli 39 ts f 6 Ip Ip a 2 6 4 6 7 2p 9 2 9 :L� A IQtO b `3,• 110 9Ja 31 a a 5 a5 g71y 31 4 9 a 2276 2299 IQ i I I 7 3 2 9 1 i 23`5 2 / t X61 51 f 1 6 19 5 4 :O 130 1 6 8 67 'P 14 5 ?21 3 2 6 Z 5 �i 13 12 66 62 a 22 2 � I3 2a 2 t0 6 11 2 1 y 1 e 61 ik 83 7 41 , la l0 4 t5 44 12 7 5 a° y� 7 3 6 s a 15 \` /1� 121 4 1 16 - R 43 13 3 2 le 1 to s 17 !. V 14 $017 t 6° 5 8 7 17 13 g ` 1 5; 4 b 5 1516 41 V .5 /Ei8 / 4 4 3 a° a 3 j7 i 4 t7 a 40. 9 2 6 4 8 36 37 =':`5 X55 61 62 63 6c 660 5 D 10 38 39 16 15 �56 - / i AT S 6 - 7d 7c 8 34 35 II t ° < 146 45! 43 65 8 $° 100 I i2° it ►0 I4 42 7 4 9 5a .20 19 18 �.\ G ,- ,p _ 9° it 6 L 3j 7 2 2 21 2 i" 30 13, 3133 3435 40 { 2 J'9 861 3 2Q 27 28 29 i 1-739 1� 70 I 4 Jc ! ` 390 80 3,��� J i 1 361 s g a 4T i 6 5 4 ,4. 3 �� 1� 37 9_ 38 9b 32 b 26 8 7 2 1 �{ 370. 24 25 12 Z3 1' s. 2t3 B iia 38 19 20 21 Z 25 �6 27. S3 14 15 16 17 IS t / 7 P 1 Ill 24 - TA, 9 / 6 5 4 8 f0a iQl I 7 6 4 3 2 e 2 23 3 13 1 dg' 40 3 2. 1 11 go 7 6`95194 92 14a 4 Q12 it �. 28 ,29 30131 109 / 10 103 ' 150 � •. 22 x.27'` I � ��3 34 36 IQ 79 93 91 7 IIG 12 '. 39 72 73 105104 8 25 6 21 10 13 71 74 78 83 66 87 89 20 9 !4 25 3 2 1 � 3I 77 15 4 75 76 84 8N1 55 88 24 1 `� � R 19 S 23 5 32 N t 65 58 5 a 18 l 22 6 21 22 69 66 59157 �6 21 4 17 `� 7\ / -20 B 33 67 64, t - \ [Gc/aT10n/ ONLfr 4g ° �� 4 3 15 16 �_ 33 �aiS f/-/icU/aR0 �2 3 /� G /y) 47 ��li 5 10 4 �I TO S 1 0 0 i 6RTO L/��Yg v/,,ne c es l -------e l � 11 '2%` 17 (Dq � Vth 6 18 13 106kTicNLOT� [JLCC�/57 20 16 36 G( 26 25 7 22 19 14 y (� 9 16 ?I t5_ f�CP 37 n .. �-- IV a Alu 4% 3 i- rb �3_D_�_o 4i 4 g0-�- 0 3-320-p 2 j. -3-320_ A-I- I�z P A-t-e-V-S o EO A-�_a.�5 ZOIJI I -g-V_1 �90o Po��ra/c� h�✓/9"'A ?COX i �! i b �bOCA� � N "O O ti A a. A2 t+alN S oAtbroi - IA M Vi or y��v�p O'l�Y' "IN b b • n O V ppO Ory ° 1pp..�A?. �� •RT M �. �2�DD2 'O Ab y c 1 r CA 2~Z2 lryy \T g 73 1 0 � n N '10 zzl..,j M E s � 4iV0 s N s pf.h ya ,yy Z►'aa 0 b3wyat l�Yb Z 1 ' s•s ' R� Ie.2� p��O Q IRI �`ICCZb l x - �O-L p°r0a Y a a 4 y t i 8 a p .SON CL_`E RO.10 ate' 14 ^ �n atm Op W M b a ° r'TJ a ♦e' ae' /M' E c tuct i"��o" ® � W M E M O R A N D U M • TO: CITY MANAGER — July 6 , 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: VARIANCE V830610:1 LOCATION: 4640 Miramon (Ptn. Lot 27 , Block K) APPLICANT: Scott R. Bond REQUEST: To allow a proposed single family residence to encroach into the required twenty-five foot front yard setback and ten foot rear yard setback. On July 5, 1983 , the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the subject matter unanimously (with Commissioner Sherer absent) ap- proving the variance request subject to the Findings and Conditions as listed in the attached Staff Report. • There was brief discussion among the Commission concerning the partic- ular characteristics of the subject lot and that these types of re- quests are what variances should be used for. Bill Norris, representing the applicant, appeared_ but did not comment on the matter. LAWRENCE STEVENS MlfotAY . WARDEN Planning Director Citty Ma ager a da�r; (QIrr I CITY OF ATASCADERO 1918 Q _ Gi ,. 1979 Planning Department July 5 , 1983 � CAI) / STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: VARIANCE V830610 :1 LOCATION: 4640 Miramon (Ptn. Lot 27 , Block K) APPLICANT: Scott R. Bond REQUEST: To allow a proposed single family residence to encroach into the required twenty-five foot front yard setback and ten foot rear yard setback. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: R-1-B-3-D(506) 2. General Plan: Moderate Density Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has determined that the project is a Class 5 (a) Categorical Exemption according to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4. Site Conditions: The site is located on the west side of Miramon Avenue between Soledad Avenue and Escalon Avenue, and bounded on the rear by the railroad tracks. It is 50 feet wide by 610.98 feet long along Miramon Avenue. The site ' s topography is flat, and the vegetation is natural grasses. Uses in the area are gen- erally single family residential in nature. 5. Project Description: The applicant proposes to construct a 1896 square foot (28 ' X 721 ) single family residence encroaching ten feet into the required front yard setback and three feet into the rear yard setback. This allows for a slightly larger building site due to the narrow width of the lot. STAFF COMMENTS In evaluating a variance request, it is necessary to consider how the site' s circumstance (size, shape, topography, location or surround- ings) might cause the development standards to discriminate against it in an unfair manner. A variance should not be allowed simply because it is more convenient or less costly. • Variance V830610:1 (Bond) In this case, there are several long, thin lots between Miramon Ave- nue and the railroad tracks, with the required 25 foot front yard and 10 foot rear yard setbacks, it would leave only 15 feet as, the buildable depth for a residence. Adjacent lots in the area are similarly affected by the narrow width of the lots, and have encroached toward Miramon Avenue. This has been done because of the existence of paper streets or improved streets that change the situation of the front yard setbacks. According to the available information, Escalon is not a "paper street" at the south end of this lot. If the applicant dedicates a 40 foot wide strip at the south end of the parcel for a road, he would then be shifting the front yard setback to that side of the parcel. Public Works has indicated that improvement of that portion would have to occur. Also, there are safety concerns due to the street ending at the railroad tracks. This would seem to make this alternative undesirable. Clearly, there is a problem with the lot being very narrow. Although a residence 15 feet wide could be designed and constructed, City reg- ulations require even mobile homes on residential lots to be at least 20 feet wide. All these factors considered, Staff has determined that a variance of setback requirements in this case would not be simply for convenience or cost reasons. FINDINGS 1. Approval of this Variance does not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon the other prop- erties in the vicinity and zoning district in which such property is situated. 2. There are special circumstances applicable to the property, in- cluding its size, shape and location, and because of these circum- stances, the application of the established front and rear yard setback standards would deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and in the same zoning district. 3. Approval of this Variance does not authorize a use which is not otherwise authorized in the zoning district. 4. The granting of such Variance does not, under the circumstances and conditions applied in this particular case, adversely affect the health or safety of persons, is not materially detrimental to the public welfare, nor injurious to nearby property or improvements. 2 Variance V830610 :1 'Pond) RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends ap- proval of Variance V830610 :1 subject to the following conditions: 1. Site development shall be consistent with plans submitted and structure, including any future additions to it, shall not en- croach more than 10 feet into the required front yard setback ad- jacent to Miramon Avenue, and three feet into the required rear yard setback adjacent to the railroad right-of-way. 2. This Variance is granted for a maximum period of one year from the date of final approval unless an extension is granted by the Plan- ning Director pursuant to a written request prior to the expira- tion date. ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: AMI GRIFFIN Plannipg Intern REPORT APPROVED BY: 0 �W^u�i►a(� t'° LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director PS 3 i . �- S L 1N,q 6 16 15 ,t s1TE- 14 143 3 414z 44 2 ISI f' �i-a�Pfic wit Y 25 2 l 17 I lb 0 X22 9/ / j0'68� _ ,t 11 7 Iu 1 1 47 !2 A �. 5 8 i 4 3 5 15'I16118.'9 I i1 aq E 9 T e tc 3 {1I10; 11 l0 9 8 \�I 3\_ 13 51 t6 17g l 7 5 12 s 3 1. V 2 3 G t4 2 017 7 172. l{.' f3 `s 3 1 15 14 2 t4 225 n - 2 170 3 p %\ Q� .:: 9 24 7$ 2 1 - is �45 2 2,7 7 133 tj 7 I /IT7 g.!37�' '� 131. ! I g �f10 61` l �5!131 176175174 f73 172 `)41 C1l \ ff L�i� fi F 2 1 ` 47 l55 1 a 2 2 e.:�30 ' I V 6 4 I . ,�'h �) ' C \ as 1 7 3fl X11 733 Y b- I I 1��CC 162 g7 ! 13 1 J 77 ' �. % 1 I 4 I ,239 24412-41 1 9 I 12x3 i I I -4d /�A117J 17�— - 4124 98 '9 i I ` i !_ ( ; r 1 ! ' ��G 1 c./ i Y ..7, 2, 9 00 ^ 1 r2 2 e - 1.,11102 5 4 8 Vo r, ` 830(010: ! 12, 3e i'yTy i1 1 i /Ito A -1 v ��0�0 N►iror-non 1 1o6 -_� 44 {�n 1.0� 2 10�K k�. 2 i n 3 I 6111 20 104 8 °3 Stu ;� 63 Z 8 -08 I -dam 606j618 tiA of 1 I� 31 Z j7 6 5 4 3 c (s 161 65 6 �—� �4 1 � i 1 I a f 22 4 2 1 I +v \APs. 17A �1>_ l 1__ STL: Tc 43 i �` i I '31 1Q �?pw -•- � t 'L " r ,�'. '"^�- • ,SIJ• � � �"� • i s `'101. ♦�I�• � � ,, � � '� � qw AL md 01 to ' ami \ . FF ..� . moi. � • L' � � x D i r r r i r .i..L S M E M O R A N D U M • TO: CITY MANAGER July 6 , 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP 830401 :1 LOCATION: 6000 San Palo Road (Ptns. of Lots 1, 2 , Block 2) REQUEST: To change the existing land use designation from Low Den- sity Single Family Residential to Retail Commercial On June 20 , 1983, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the above subject matter unanimously approving the requested change in land use designation as outlined in the attached Staff Report. Resolution No. 4-83 was adopted by the Commission on July 5, 1983 . There was brief discussion among the Commission concerning the commer- cial nature of the subject property. Hank Hohenstein, representing the applicant, talked in support of ap- proving the application and noted that the location of highway busi- nesses near key freeway accesses is a prime consideration in support of the requested general plan amendment. Bob Rentschler , adjacent property owner , presented a letter to the Commission and elaborated on some of the points raised in the letter opposing the requested land use change. No one else appeared on the matter . LAWRENCE STEVENS MURY L. WARDEN Planning Director Cit Ma ger Ps • a Tar =� p CITY OF ATASCADERO rou�`xe 1.+ �n Isis . : ia79 •Planning Department June 20 , 1983 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP 830401:1 LOCATION: 6000 San Palo Road (Ptns. of Lots 1 & 2, Block 2) APPLICANT: Sandra F. Summers (Henry J. Hohenstein) REQUEST: To change the existing land use designation from Low Den- sity Single Family Residential to Retail Commercial BACKGROUND 1. Introduction: On May 2, 1983 the Planning Department presented the Summers request to the Planning Commission. The Commission, and subsequently the City Council, determined not to expand the area under consideration. 2. Existing Zoning: R-A 3. General Plan: Low Density Single Family Residential 4 . Environmental Determination: An Initial Study Environmental De- scription form has been completed for the project. The Planning Director has prepared a Draft Negative Declaration indicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. 5. Site Conditions: The site is located on the side of a large hill with an overall slope of approximately 20% . The site is bounded by a gasoline station on the northwest, San Palo Road on the north and east, and residential property on the south. The site was initially graded for a motel between 1958 and 1960 which ac- counts for the terracing on the northern end of the site. Most of the frontage along San Palo Road is elevated or depressed from the road grade. The site is overgrown with natural grasses, shrubs and trees. The site is inside the sewer improvement district. 6. Project Description: The applicant is requesting a change in the General Plan Land Use Map from Low Density Single Family Residen- tial to Retail Commercial for the two lots fronting on San Palo Road parallel to Highway 101. A request for a zone change has not been made at this time. • General Pian Amendment GP 830401:1 (Summers) STAFF COMMENTS Is The two main issues concerned with changing land uses are compatibil- ity and location. Compatibility refers to the relationship between commercial use of the site (in this case) and surrounding residential uses which may result in impacts of circulation, noise, drainage and aesthetics. This particular site happens to be topographically iso- lated from most of the surrounding residential property by the large hill to the south. It' s location along a frontage road, facing the highway, next to a, highway offramp predisposes the site towards commercial use. It is assumed the businesses to the northwest (gas stations) are compatible with any commercial use of the property. Page 65 of the General Plan Text (Land Use Element) states that one of the keys to optimum commer- cial development (first paragraph is . . . . " (4) location of highway bus- inesses near key freeway accesses. " The effective isolation of the site and its access mitigates most of the concerns relating to drain- age, noise and aesthetics. These impacts can readily be handled on the site with appropriate design. Additionally, the site has the ability to hook to the community sewer . The one remaining impact is circulation. San Palo Road is a local street that links San Anselmo Road (an undivided arterial) to Ardilla Road (a local street) . The road has a 24 foot paved width along the highway frontage reducing to a 20 foot width beyond. One residence (6005 San Palo Road) is located across the road to the east. Traffic beyond the site' s highway frontage could increase the accident risk for that residence and exceed the design limits of the narrower por- tion of the road. However , since traffic is most likely to access the site from the freeway and arterial, it is unlikely that the road beyond the residence would be used. Ardilla Road and the roads beyond are all local streets serving the residential neighborhoods. Permitting the Retail Commercial Land Use designation on these two parcels should not adversely effect surrounding land uses. The loca- tion lends itself to an extension of the Commercial Tourist zoning that is proposed on the adjacent site under the new zoning ordinance. It is unlikely that any residential development would ever occur on this site due to the topography and location. FINDINGS 1. The proposed General Plan Amendment would encourage development which is consistent with policies set forth in the Atascadero Gen- eral Plan. 2. The proposed General Plan Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an En- vironmental Impact Report is not necessary. 2 General Plan Amendment GP 830401 :1 (Summers) 3. The proposed General Plan Amendment allows for a more appropriate use of land that is locationally and topographically undesirable for residential use. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings the Planning Department recommends: A) Issuance of a Negative Declaration; and, B) Approval of General Plan Amendment GP 830401:1 for a change in land use designation from Low Density Single Family Residential to Retail Commercial. ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff to prepare a resolution to approve or deny this request. REPORT PREPARED BY: F D BUSS ssociate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY- /" " LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director Ps 3 i • Sc I01" O 18 p -960 t2 IN DO r^TASCADERO, 0 \ _- � l ;mak' .' .q' • , - _, F �� SCh., ;f o y �,� �S,q ,�• j v —' _ ND :rl �'. _ 1 I�9 • tS' I __,,: • .\. � � / Gam"✓IJ �� /d • , y p i ♦ t v�, �tl �: GO'pv� �i�W tD \0 h !n qO lb ` 0 3 � CN �Z 0 00ol s�oe Ah 22 o\ ? SgSS Q fl0o fpx 324 9 Syss P o ° ti P qtr 7 c '� ePtiyrAf� 27 23 q0 F 5 00 ►' �r i i h \ G o .s 340 26 Glcn ° ,o° ti ° g wT 4 3A f 7 1 5 6 1 5 � b fT 1 00 41 a19 44100 fOW .30 61 17 20 (Ot!► >-74 SAD I a�" 6 23 M '�� � � 17 ?305 15 s p 1 1 ?AX N 17 14 � o40 rn r cp a Q l + Pte[ Is ° ,o FAX u dL 19 • , 25-A 2 (7 � N V-24 2 3 r �� �oM� �D \ � 0 p v0/ C" hn� f!1 ao h 16 `n '• m �`a �� F)wt d41'0 2 2 ��. 3�% �lcr S50° y\� 15 14 �j0 h % \3 (.P�vMt A 13 2 5 6 s l ios � 12 RESOLUTION NO. 4-83 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP 830401:1 CHANGING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO RETAIL COMMER- CIAL FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY ALONG SAN PALO ROAD. WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the subject application filed by Sandra F. Summers; and, WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65352 provides that a general plan be amended by the adoption of a resolution; and, WHEREAS, approval of the requested amendment to Retail Commercial would encourage development which is consistent with policies set forth in the Atascadero General Plan; and, WHEREAS, the proposed change to Retail Commercial allows for a more appropriate use of land that is locationaliy and topographically undesirable for residential use; and, WHEREAS, approval of the general plan amendment should not result in any significant environmental impacts. However , additional envir- onmental review may become necessary at the project design phase in order to mitigate site considerations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Atascadero Planning Com- mission does hereby recommend approval of General Plan Amendment GP 830401 :1 changing the land use designation from Low Density Single Family Residential to Retail Commercial for certain property along San Palo Road between San Anselmo Avenue and Ardilla Road as shown on at- tached Exhibit A which is hereby made a part of this resolution by reference. Resolution No. 4-83� On motion by Commissioner Wentzel, and seconded by Commissioner Carroll, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES : Commissioners Lilley, Moore, Wentzel, Summers, LaPrade, Sherer and Carroll NOES: None ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: July 5 , 1983 ROBERT LILLEY, Chairman ATTEST: LAWRENCE STEVENS, Planning Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney 2 "ro ca,l N0 to / SAN PALO 0 r J LAl,,/lEKIPMFNTCENEgAL PAN p 850-101 .- F-ESOLUTION 4 - 83 EXHl FAIT A • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY COUNCIL July 11, 1983 FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Validation of Illegal Land Divisions The City Council previously requested clarification and an ordinance, if necessary, dealing with eligibility dates for Certificates of Compliance for illegal land divisions for the period covering the date of incorporation to March 4 , 1972 . Since Government Code Section 66499 . 35 (b) , which is attached, requires the City to issue a Certificate of Compliance or a Conditional Certificate of Compliance for illegal land divisions regardless of the date of occurrence, a separate ordinance is not required. You should be aware that the attached State pro-- visions became effective this year but are again being suggested for revision. In the meantime, however, they answer our problem. • MYPAY L WARDEN C ' y Ma ager gk i • M E M O R A N D U M TO: BOARD OF DIRECTIONS - ATASCADERO SANITATION DISTRICT FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Resolution Approving Satisfaction of Assessment The attached resolution summarizes the satisfaction of an assess- ment dating back to 1975 against a property located within the Sanitation District. The check satisfying the balance has been received by the County and has been deposited to the Sanitation District account. Your action will allow the removal of the assessment encumbrance to be recorded withthe County Recorder ' s Office. Recommend your approval. • M RAY . WARDEN ity _ anager 9'k _ 7/11/83 i RESOLUTION NO. 29-83 RESOLUTION APPROVING SATISFACTION OF IN LIEU ASSESSMENT WITH THE BAPTIST FOUNDATION OF ARIZONA AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECUTION OF SAME WHEREAS,'s on June 9 , 1975 , the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution 75-408 , an In Lieu Assessment Fee Agreement with the Baptist Foundation of Arizona. WHEREAS, the Baptist Foundation of Arizona have paid in full to the Atascadero County Sanitation District Fund the required In Lieu Assessment Amount. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Atascadero County Sanitation District as follows : 1. The ;Board hereby approves Satisfaction of In Lieu Assessment Agreement for Block 7, PTN Lot 4 of Eagles #2 , Atascadero CA, APN 30-461-08 . 2. That the Secretary is hereby directed to record this Resolution with the County Recorder. On motion by Director and seconded by Director the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: ADOPTED• MARJORIE R. MACKEY, President ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, Secretary APPROVED AS O FORM: ALLEN GRIMES, Attorney SATISFACTION OF IN LIEU ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Atascadero County Sanitation District, located in the City of Atascadero, does cer- tify that the In-Lieu-Assessment Agreement dated the 9th day of June, 1975 , made and executed by Baptist Foundation of Arizona with the Atascadero County Sanitation District, and recorded in the San Luis Obispo County Recorder' s Office on the 2nd day of June, 1976 , in book 1900 , pages 943 , of Official Records , has been paid in full, and the Atascadero County Sanitation District does hereby consent that the same be discharged of record. Signed this day of , 1983. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT By: MARJORIE R. MACKEY, President ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) On , 1983, before me, the undersigned (Deputy) City Clerk, in and for the City of Atascadero, personally appeared Marjorie R. Mackey and Murray Warden known to me to be the President and Secretary, respectively, of the Governing Board of the Atascadero County Sanitation District a public corpora- tion, and known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of said public corporation, and acknowledged to me that such public corporation executed the same. IN WITHNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and seal hereto on the day and year first hereinabove set forth. (Deputy) City Clerk City of Atascadero, California