HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 09/12/1983 . AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 12, 1983 7:30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment (1) Presentation by Goldie Carminati, San Luis Obispo County Zoological Society City Council Comments A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If dis- • cussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calen- dar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of August 22, 1983 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer ' s Report, 8-1-83 to 8-31-83 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Finance Director ' s Report, 8-1-83 to 8-31-83 (RECOMMEND AP- PROVAL) 4. Memorandum of Understanding, Police Sergeants ' Bargaining Unit (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) z . 5. Memorandum of Understanding, Police Officers ' Bargaining Unit (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 6. Bid No. 83-7, Street Sweeping (RECOMMEND BID BE AWARDED TO ADCO SERVICE CO. IN THE AMOUNT OF $21,600 AND UNDER CONDI- TIONS OUTLINED IN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR'S MEMO DATED 9-7-83) -7. Acceptance of Tract Map AT 830307 :1, 7350 E1 Camino Real, Wally Dunn (Associated Professions) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 12, 1983 B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS • None C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 35-83 fixing rates of CATV installation and service charges D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Chamber of Commerce request for General Plan change 2. Consideration of use permits at Atascadero Lake Park 3. Consideration of authorizing $1,-000 expenditure for structur- al evaluation of Administration Building E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT None F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council • 2. City Attornev 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager NOTE: There will be a closed session regarding litigation; no an- nouncement after the closed session is anticipated.. 2 MOT ING AGENDA DATE 9 2 8 3 ITEM MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL -- ---- - -------- Regular Meeting August 22, 1983 Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Mel Schroer of the Community Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Molina, Nelson, Stover, Wilkins and Mayor Mackey Absent: None STAFF Present: Murray Warden, City Manager ; Allen Grimes, City Attorney; Steve Rizzuto, City Treasurer; Ralph Dowell, Finance Direc- tor; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director ; Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Skip Joannes, Recreation Director ; and Ardith Davis, Secretary PUBLIC COMMENTS None COUNCIL COMMENTS 1. Councilman Molina said that hefCler—cks several statements to make: (a) He wished to go on record sition to the reclassi- fications in the Manager ' s office and th ' office; he felt the Council should have been made aware of t 65-- proposals before the budget hearings began. z = . (b) He feels the Administration Building is unsafe and a fire hazard and should be studied from a fire safety viewpoint before any remodeling takes place. (c) He said Staff has not yet returned with a proposal on fees which the Council had asked for approximately three months ago. Mr. Warden stated that the proposal is in the word processor. (d) Councilman Molina said that Council had requested a maintenance district study approximately four and one- half months ago and Staff has not returned with that yet. Mr. Warden stated " that Staff is in the process of preparing information for the Council, but that it takes time to prepare. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 22, 1983 (e) Councilman Molina declared his intent to run for Council again because there is a lot of work to be done. He will work for re-election and for a change; to do something about the inadequacies. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the special meeting of August 8, 1983 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Agreement between Action for Animal Rights and the City of Atascadero for operating the Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Memorandum of Understanding, Firefighters' Bargaining Unit (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 4. Memorandum of Understanding, Fire Captains ' Bargaining Unit (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 5. Payment of one-time fee for South Atascadero Park Lease of $750 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL, TRANSFER FROM CONTINGENCY RESERVE) 6. Bid No. 83-6 - street striping (RECOMEND BID BE AWARDED TO SAFETY STRIPING SERVICE IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,835.25) 7. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA 830113 :1, 9610 Atasca- dero Avenue, Cecil Barrett (Contract Survey and Design) (REC- OMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 8. Business license for "Camino Card Parlour, " 7383 El Camino Real, Shirley Butterfiled, to establish a card room consist- ing of three tables (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) Mayor Mackey reviewed all items on the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved for approval of the Consent Calen- dar, items A-1 through A-8. The motion was seconded by Cour-_ _ cilman Nelson and unanimously carried. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public hearing on 1983-84 Revenue sharing Mr. Warden stated that this is the second of two hearings for Revenue Sharing expenditures for Fiscal Year 1983-84. Council knew of the projects since they have been included in the 1983-84 Preliminary Budget. Mayor Mackey opened the hearing for public comments and, as there were no comments, the hearing was closed. 2 0 0 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 22, 1983 2. Public Works Department Quarterly Report Larry McPherson, Public Works Director , reviewed the various ac- tivities in his department over the last few months including receipt of Federal disaster aid to repair storm damage on Capistrano, hiring of a Zoo Coordinator who is working on some projects at the Zoo, reno- vation of restrooms at the Lake Park, proceeding with - the lighting project at Alvord Field which should be completed by the middle of September , and noted that the sewer project should be completed by mid-October. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Assemblyman John Vasconcellos request to support Peace Package resolutions Councilmembers discussed this proposal and agreed that there was no harm in supporting the resolution as requested. Councilman Wil- kins, however , felt that the Council should concern itself more with local issues. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council endorse the Peace Pack- age. The motion was seconded by Councilman Molina and car- ried with Councilman Wilkins voting no. E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT None y F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Nelson asked about the sewer problem on do. Mr. Warden stated that he would report on tha shortly. (b) Councilman Mackey asked why there were no seatbelts on on some of the Dial-A-Ride buses. Mr. McPherson stated that he would look into the matter and report back to Council. (c) Councilman Nelson asked that the request submitted by the Chamber of Commerce be on the next agenda. (d) Mayor Mackey referred to the August 8, 1983 minutes wherein a correction was noted. She wanted to make sure that that correction was included in the previous meeting' s minutes. Also, the correction should be explained more fully in the minutes. 3 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 22, 1983 2. City Attorney Nothing. 3. City Clerk Nothing. 4. City Treasurer Nothing. 5. City Manager (a) Mr . Warden stated that attorney Ed Chidlaw has donated a complete updated set of State Code books to the City. The City only has to subscribe to the annual updates. Councilman Mo- lina did not feel that the books were a donation if the City had to pay for updates. He also felt that the City Attorney was available with his reference books, so it was not necessary for the City to also have a set. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved that a letter be sent to Mr. Chidlaw conveying the City' s thanks for this donation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried with Councilman Molina voting no. (b) Mr. Warden reported on the septic problem on Larga and the City' s attempts to isolate the problem. He noted that the Health Department has looked into the situation, but has not found a health problem. He said that Staff will continue to work with people in the area to see what can be done. This complaint origin- ated from a property owner on Vinado. (c) Mr. Warden stated that the League of California Cities is sponsoring a march on the Capitol on August 31 or September 1 to encourage legislators to suspend the deflator provi- sions of State law. He asked if any Councilmembers wished to attend_ _ and Mayor Mackey stated that she may attend on September lst. (d) Mr. Warden stated that he would like Council authoriza- tion to request a proposal from a financial consultant to analyze the statutory alternatives for raising funds for a police facility. He and Mr. Grimes have studied the issue and agree that the City needs someone with more expertise to analyze the situation. At this time, Mr. Warden is not requesting funds; just authorization to request a proposal. He will come back at a later date to request the funding for a consultant. Councilman Molina did not feel that the City had explored all available avenues within the City; he felt this should be done before going outside for help. 0 MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved that Council authorize Mr. Warden to proceed with this proposal as he had suggested. The mo - 4 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 22, 1983 • tion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried with Coun- cilman Molina voting no. (e) Mr. Warden requested a closed session to discuss labor negotiations. He said that there may or may not be an announcement at the conclusion of the closed session. The meeting adjourned to closed session at 8 :29 p.m. and returned to regular session at 9:05 p.m. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved that the retroactive pay provision authorizing salary adjustments back to July 1, 1983, be ex- tended for the Police Sergeants and Police Officers Bargain- ing Units; such extension to be from August 22, 1983 to Au- gust 29, 1983 to provide time for signing of the MOUS. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously car- ried. ar- ried. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved that Council accept the Police Sergeants and Police Officers Memoranda of Understanding as written. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 9 :10 p.m. Recorded by: BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Secretary to City Manager 5 ETIi`iLAGIi��OA TE g -ITEM • CITY OF ATASCACERO TREASURER'S REPORT AUGUST 1, 1983 TO AUGUST 31, 1983 RECEIPTS TAXES Property Tax 4,996 .43 Cigarette Tax 9,138 .36 Motor Vehicle "In Lieu" 55 ,809.45 Sales & Use 70,000. 00 Occupancy Tax 11,081.78 Miscellaneous Taxes 171.19 LICENSES/PERMITS/FEES 13 ,258. 86 GAS TAX 8,791.19 TRAFFIC SAFETY -0- RECREATION FEES 6,961.90 RETURNED FROM LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND AND MATURED TIME DEPOSITS 220 ,000 .00 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 1, 571. 52 TRANSPORTATION SB-325 -0- REVENUE SHARING -0- GRANTS -0- MISCELLANEOUS Rents Concessions 713.87 Rebates 52. 62 Sale Maps/Publications/Reports 944 .70 Special Police Services 48. 00 Fines & Penalties 325 .00 Dial-A-Ride Farebox 1,730. 75 Bails/Bonds 310 .00 Reimbursement to Expense 533.86 Weed Abatement 240 .40 Miscellaneous 8 ,212.56 TOTAL $ 414 ,892.44 • 1 CITY OF ATASCADERO • TREASURER'S REPORT AUGUST 1, 1983 TO AUGUST 31, 1983 INVESTMENTS LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 1,045,000.00 TIME DEPOSIT, SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS 9 .125% INTEREST, MATURES 09/22/83 100,000.00 TIME DEPOSIT, GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS 9 .125% INTEREST, MATURES 09/22/83 100, 000. 00 TIME DEPOSIT, CITICORP SAVINGS 10 .00% INTEREST, MATURES 01/23/84 100 ,000 .00 TOTAL INVESTMENT DEPOSITS 1,345, 000. 00 • Steven M. R' lito, Treasurer 2 • ETi�!a AGENT TE 9 g ITEM CITY OF ATASCADERO FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT AUGUST 1, 1983 TO AUGUST 31, 1983 BALANCE AS OF JULY 31, 1983 33,217 .47 DEPOSITED BY TREASURER, SEE RECEIPTS, TREASURER'S REPORT, PAGE 1 414 ,892.44 TOTAL 448,109.91 HAND CHECK REGISTER DATED 08/31/83 124,684.97 CHECK REGISTER DATED 08/11/83 102, 252. 56 CHECK REGISTER DATED 08/22/83 77,782.18 CHECK REGISTER DATED 08/30/83 34 ,278. 67 EXPENSE LISTING 99,129. 80 TOTAL 438 ,128.18 BALANCE AS OF AUGUST 31, 1983 9,981.73 PETTY CASH 200 .00 TREASURY INVESTMENTS • SEE TREASURER REPORT, PAGE 2 1, 345 ,000.00 TOTAL $1,355,181.73 I,RALPH H. DOWELL JR. , do hereby certify and declare that demands enumerated and referred to in the foregoing register are accurate and just claims against the City and that there are funds available for payment thereof in the City Treasury. Dated: September 7, 1983 CC' '.•y. Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. Finance Director u ray �ag'e Warden • C ty Mar 3 194 '71 z-C Sr, m 10 MI; M 3> X. :K I z r7 7r! 7U z ti� t, i M, 0 Mf x z i ID 3iT. i z ;2; Z: in-0 Ti-0--o-0-0--c -M u -0 z C-) C')-0 -n rl I C') C') =C CC Cc —ci -C T -ri CO M 5-n- 5% J,-y-5,5-5-- I_r-.I --i tl; -1. --4'P. --i --i ti --4 C7, --1 7-Z ;v IZ 'MC 6- 7)-7 if :> f1l i Z,= --i M 70 nj CD icD C3 --j r% ra !-J !'0 ira ra r,2 70 i--j 'P. V VI N --j -L)N _0 jul Ln-2!, CD CD a C= bl f�:, Ll CA !4 n e.,4, m i Z. 11 7- m tri n-M-ri-I'm-i -n 7 71, M. XxXXxx X x X x X x ix x xi X; x x x CD CD ra M Of f-r! 1 C v= '0 N3 -3�- r, M. 7"n. Z -:Z = CD lx U3- it M.M. z 7- -7--4 Z M -0 I • 7t) —- — -,I-I- -r+, 'Do 71 T', '.J 'o- z rn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —--=J� 21 -7: 5- 1 � i I V V' V co lz c' ai ,.+ �^ •J e-+. c a i � f [ •mss z a Zo ri a. z ' emr' 7 7; - !r"'v z! i-y k"'! -I -n, •n; j t:Z "1: 1 :1 'i11. to %3 ,�•i .�i ! 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I G z E I k In w I + ' ! ! i j f I j �• j � � i i i + , ; � i r 32 CITY OF ATASCADERO FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT AUGUST 11 1983 TO AUGUST 31, 1983 EXPENSE LISTING PAYROLL DATED 08/10/83 CHECKS #11294-11377 45,995. 62 PAYROLL DATED 08/24/83 CHECKS #11378-11462 53 ,226.51 VOID CK#11334 CK. REG. DATED 08/10/83 (77 .33) VOID CK#16226 CK. REG. DATED 06/30/83 (15.00) TOTAL $ 99,129. 80 33 .�t AG"MDA ITEM r= MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE . CITY OF ATASCADERO AND THE ATASCADERO SERGEANTS ' SERVICE ORGANIZATION) (POLICE SERGEANTS' BARGAINING UNIT)' This Memorandum of Understanding is made and entered into between the Employee Relations Officer of the City of Atascadero, hereinafter referred to as "City" , and the Atascadero Sergeants' Service Organiza- tion, hereinafter referred to as "Association" , pursuant to California Government Code Sections 3500 et seg. ; City of Atascadero Ordinance No. 24 , dated July 14, 1980; and City of Atascadero Resolution No. 12-80 , dated July 14 , 1980 and subsequent amendments thereto. The parties have met and consulted in good faith regarding employ- ment terms and conditions for members of the police sergeants' bar- gaining unit as recognized by the City of Atascadero on March 28 , 1983, and having reached agreement as hereinafter set forth, shall submit this Memorandum to the City Council with the joint recommenda- tion that that body resolve to adopt its terms and conditions and take such other or additional action as may be necessary to implement its provisions. Section 1. 0 Purpose. • It is the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as "MOU" , to promote and provide for continuity of opera- tion in employment through harmonious relations, cooperation and un- derstanding between Management and the employees covered by the provi- sions of this Agreement and to set forth the understanding reached between the parties as a result of good faith negotiations on the mat- ters set forth herein. Section 2. 0 Full Understanding, Modifications, Waiver. This MOU sets forth the full and entire understanding of the par- ties regarding the matters set forth herein. Any other prior or ex- isting understanding or agreement by the parties, whether formal or informal, regarding any such matters, are hereby suspended or termin- ated in their entirety, if in conflict with this Memorandum. Section 3.0 Salaries. 3. 1 Effective as soon as possible and retroactive to July 1, 1983 the City will implement a new salary plan. The plan will have three salary designations: Trainee, Qualified, and Fully Qualified. Salary rates for the Qualified and Fully Qualified shall be 10% apart, with the Trainee position up to 100 less than the Qualified rate depending upon the qualifications of the applicant. Initial appointments to a classified position for those meeting all of the basic qualifications for that position will be at the Qualified level. Eligibility for • advancement to the Fully Qualified level will be after the completion of three years of uninterrupted satisfactory serviceat the Qualified rate in the classification. Advancement to the Fully Qualified level Atascadero Sergeant Service Organization MOU10 ' 'n will require that the employee' s overall performance is fully satis- factory, as evidenced by the recommendation of the Department Head. • Applicants not meeting the basic qualifications for a position at time of hire or promotion to a higher classification will be desig- nated as Trainees and paid at the Trainee rate. Advancement to the Qualified designation and pay rate may take place whenever the em- ployee meets the basic qualifications for the position, as evidenced by the recommendation of the Department Head, but must take place by the end of the employee' s probationary period. Thereafter, advance- ment from the Qualified designation and pay rate shall be as set forth above. . If, upon promotion to a higher classification at the Qualified pay rate, the new classification would result in an employee receiving less than a 5% gross wage increase, the employee will be placed at that exact salary level which will provide for a 5% gross increase over his/her previous gross salary level. Additional adjustments will be made, if necessary, to maintain the minimum 5% gross pay differen- tial over the employee ' s gross pay if he/she had remained in his/her old classification. Such adjustments, however, cannot exceed the Fully Qualified pay rate for the new classification. 3. 2 Salaries under the new salary plan shall be as set forth in Exhibit I attached hereto. Salaries set forth in Exhibit I shall be- come effective for Unit personnel on August 6, 1983 modified by the following: (a) Unit personnel advancing to the Fully Qualified rate pursuant to paragraph 3.1 above, prior to August 6, 1983, will have • their salary computed in accordance with the Maximum Rate of the Fis- cal Year 1982-83 Salary Plan; (b) Unit personnel who do not qualify for the Fully Qualified designation or did not receive a merit equiva- lency pursuant to paragraph 3. 3 below, will continue at their Fiscal Year 1982-83 Base Salary rate until August 6, 1983 ; (c) Unit personnel advancing subsequent to August 6, 1983 will do so in accordance with the Fiscal Year 1983-84 Salary Plan (Exhibit I) . 3.3 Effective June 30, 1983 the merit Salary Program is termin- ated, and all merit pay shall cease. Any employee, however , who would receive a decrease in their gross salary on that date as a result of. , changing to the new salary plan will continue to receive the equiva- lent of their Fiscal Year 1982-83 merit adjustment until such time as rate adjustments under the new salary program result in gross pay equal to or greater than the merit pay. Thereafter, the equivalent payment shall cease. 3.4 The Association acknowledges that numerous Personnel Rule amendments will be necessary to implement the salary plan changes. A copy of all proposed changes will be provided to the Association at least five days prior to their adoption. Upon request, the City will consult with the Association regarding them. 3. 5 The City will continue to pay the employees' 7% PERS contri- tribution for the term of this agreement. • Section 4. 0 Medical/Dental Benefits. 2 Atascadero SergeantService Organization MOU 0 r 4.1 City agrees to pay for all medical and dental benefits for each police sergeant employee at the rate and coverage prevailing un- der the City' s medical and dental programs as now exists through City' s participation in the Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Fund, known as the Self-Insurance JPA. 4. 2 Effective with the first premium due on or after July 1, 1983, City agrees to pay up to, but not more than, $59 . 25 per month, per employee, toward the monthly medical and dental :insurance premium for all eligible employee spouses, children or dependents as defined by the insurance agreement. For those employees without dependents or who do not choose to enroll their dependents in the City plan, the $59 . 25 per month shall be paid to the employee as an addition to his/ her regular salary. Section 5.0 Holidays. 5.1 City agrees that Association members shall continue to receive one (1) holiday as provided for by City Resolution No. 52-82 dated November 8, 1982, to be known as a "floating holiday. " Said floating holiday shall be one (1) day per year based upon the employee' s birth- day. Employee may take such holiday at his/her choice of time consis- tent with the scheduling needs of the City and subject to approval of the Department Head. 5.2 Effective July 1, 1983 Unit members shall be allowed to accrue 16 holiday hours prior to required payoff, in lieu of the cur- rent 8 hours. Section 6 .0 Term Life Insurance. City shall continue to provide a term life insurance policy for each employee in a total amount of FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($15,000 .00) and shall pay all premiums for such policy during the term of this agreement. Section 7 . 0 Work Schedules. Shift employees (excluding administrative and investigative per- sonnel) shall work eight (8) consecutive hours. A one-half (1/2) hour lunch period may be taken during the shift if the work load permits and as authorized and scheduled by the shift supervisor . Employees shall be considered to be on-duty during the lunch period and shall answer calls as assigned. Briefing time shall be included in the shift schedule. Section 8. 0 Overtime. Overtime for police sergeants on forty (40) hours work week sche- dules is authorized for time worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a work week schedule consisting of seven (7) consecutive days. Such overtime pay shall be calculated at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the hourly base rate of pay. All overtime work which is less than a one (1) hour increment in a work shift shall be compen- sated for in the following manner : 3 s Atascadero Sergeant* Service Organization MOT 1 to 15 minutes, overtime compensation 0 16 to 30 minutes, overtime compensation 1/2 hour 31 to 45 minutes, overtime compensation 3/4 hour 46 to 60 minutes, overtime compensation 1 hour Any overtime increments worked over one (1) hour shall be compen- sated as in the above-referenced increments. Compensatory time in lieu of overtime shall be computed at a time and one-half rate of the base salary and shall be granted to employees at the mutual conven- ience of the Police Department and the employee and subject to the accumulation provisions as specified by City Resolution No. 12-80 dated July 14, 1980 , Personnel Rules and Regulations. It is further agreed, however , that overtime will not be paid for hours traveling, studying, or evening classes, etc. , when an employee is attending an out of town school. Overtime as the result of Depart- ment-wide training and meetings authorized by the Chief of Police will be compensated at straight time up to four (4) hours per month. Over- time beyond four (4) hours per month for this purpose will be compen- sated at time and one-half (1-1/2) of the hourly rate. Section 9.0 Probationary Period. Effective July 1, 1983 the probationary period for newly hired employees shall be increased to eighteen months. The probationary period for employees promoted to a higher classification shall be le twelve months in the new classification. Section 10.0 Standby compensation. Employees may be placed on standby status by the Chief of Police. Standby Duty shall not be considered as hours worked for the purpose of computing overtime. Compensation for police sergeants on standby assignments shall be at the rate of two (2) hours straight time compensation for every four. . (4) hours of actual time in a standby assignment, prorated for more or less than four hours. Minimum compensation will be for one (1) hour of straight time unless the sergeant is called to duty during the first hour of standby status. In the event that the sergeant is called to duty during the first hour of standby status the provisions for standby compensation shall not apply; rather the normal overtime provisions of Section 8. 0 of this MOU shall apply. The sergeant in a standby status must provide the police dis- patcher with a telephone number where he or she can be reached direct- ly and be able to respond to the predetermined duty assignment in twenty minutes or less from the time of notification. 4 CITY OF ATASCADERO EXHIBIT I a Salary Plan Fiscal Year 1983/84 `- 1 MONTHLY Trainee Qualified Fully Qualified Range Salary Salary 'Salary 1 786 . 86 874 . 29 961. 72 2 806 . 54 896 .15 985 . 76 3 826 . 20 918 . 00 1009 . 81 4 845 . 87 939 . 86 1033 . 85 Clerical Assistant I 865. 55 961. 72 1057 . 89 6 - 887 . 18 985 . 76 1084 . 34 7 Custodian I 908 . 83 1009 . 81 1110 . 78 8 930 . 47 1033 . 85 1137 . 24 9 Account Clerk I/Clerical Ass 't. II 952 . 10 1057 . 89 1163 . 68 10 975 . 91 1084 -34 1192 . 77 11 Dispatcher/Clerk • • • . • . . • • . . . . . . . . 999 . 70 1110 .78 1221 . 86 12 1023 . 52 1137 .24 1250. 96 13 Maint. Worker I/Account Clerk II/ Clerical AssiStantIII . . . . . . . . . . .1047 . 31 1163 . 68 1280 .05 14 1073 . 49 1192 . 77 1312 . 05 15 1099 . 67 1221. 86 1344 .05 16 1125 .86 1250 . 96 1376 . 06 17 Maint. Worker II/Bldg. Maint. . Worker I/ Eng. Aide/ Records & Dispatch Supervisor . . . . . . . . . , . .1152 . 05 1280 . 05 1408 . 06 18 1180 . 85 1312 . 05 1443.26 19 City Mgr. Sec. /Maint. Worker III/ Recreation Coordinator . . . . . . . . . .. 1209 . 65 1344 . 05 1478 . 46 20 1238 . 45 1376 . 06 1513 . 67 21 Bldg. Maint . Worker II/ Maint. Worker IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1267 . 25 1408 . 06 1548 . 87 22 1298 . 93 1443 . 26 1587 . 59 23 Firefighter • . . . • . . . . , , . , , , , .1330 . 61 1473 . 46 1626 . 31 24 Senior Engineering Technician . . . . 1362 .30 1513 . 67 1665 . 04 25 1393 . 98 1548 . 87 1703 .-76 26 Bldg. Inspector/Treatment Plant Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1428 .83 1587 . 59 1746 .35 27 Police Officer/Fire Engineer . . . . . 1463 . 68 1626 .31 1788 . 95 28 1498 . 54 1665. 04 1831 . 54 29 1533 . 38 1703 . 76 1874 . 14 30 Associate Planner/Assistant Civil Engineer . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1571. 72 1746 . 35 1920 . 99 31 Chief Treatment Plant Operator . , .1610 . 06 1788 . 95 1967 . 85 32 Police Sergeant/Fire Captain • , _ , .1648 . 39 1331. 54 2014 .70 33 Chief Building Inspector .. . . , . , , ,1686 . 73 1874 . 14 2061 . 55 34 Associate Civil Engineer . . . . . . 1728 . 89 1920 .99 2113 . 09 35 1771. 07 1967 . 85 2164 . 63 36 Public Works Superintendent/ Plan Check Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1813 . 23 2014 . 70 2216 . 17 37 1855. 40 2061 . 55 2267 . 71 . 38 1901. 78 2113 . 09 2324 . 40 39 1940 . 17 2164 . 63 2381 . 10 40 1994 . 55 2216 . 17 _ 2437 , 79 • ET;'N AGENDA MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE • CITY OF ATASCADERO AND THE ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION (POLICE OFFICERS' BARGAINING UNIT) This Memorandum of Understanding is made and entered into between the Employee Relations Officer of the City of Atascadero, hereinafter referred to as "City" , and the Atascadero Police Officers Association, hereinafter referred to as "Association" , pursuant to California Gov- ernment Code Sections 3500 et seq. ; City of Atascadero Ordinance No. 24, dated July 14, 1980 ; and City of Atascadero Resolution No. 12-80 , dated July 14 , 1980 and subsequent amendments thereto. The parties have met and consulted in good faith regarding employ- ment terms and conditions for members of the police officers' bargain- ing unit as recognized by the City of Atascadero on May 11, 1981, and having reached agreement as hereinafter set forth, shall submit this Memorandum to the City Council with the joint recommendation that that body resolve to adopt its terms and conditions and take such other or additional action as may be necessary to implement its provisions. Section 1. 0 Pur ose. It is the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter • referred to as "MOU" , to promote and provide for continuity of opera- tion in employment through harmonious relations, cooperation and un- derstanding between Management and the employees covered by the provi- sions of this Agreement and to set forth the understanding reached between the parties as a result of good faith negotiations on the mat- ters set forth herein. Section 2. 0 Full Understanding, Modifications, Waiver . This MOU 'sets forth the full - and entire understanding of the par- ties regarding the matters set forth herein. Any other prior or ex- isting understanding or agreement by the parties, whether formal or informal, regarding any such matters, are hereby suspended or termin- ated in their entirety, if in conflict with this Memorandum. Section 3.0 Salaries. 3.1 Effective as soon as possible and retroactive to July 1, 1983 the City will implement a new salary plan. The plan will have three salary designations: Trainee, Qualified, and Fully Qualified. Salary rates for the Qualified and Fully Qualified shall be 10% apart, with the Trainee position up to 10% less than the Qualified rate depending upon the qualifications of the applicant. Initial appointments to a classified position for those meeting all of the basic qualifications for that position will be at the Qualified level. Eligibility for advancement to the Fully Qualified level will be after the completion • of three years of uninterrupted satisfactory service at the Qualified i Atascadero Police Aicers Association MOU • rate in the classification. Advancement to the Fully Qualified level will require that the employee' s overall performance is fully satis- • factory, as evidenced by the recommendation of the Department Head. Applicants not meeting the basic qualifications for a position at time of hire or promotion to a higher classification will be desig- nated as Trainees and paid at the Trainee rate. Advancement to the Qualified designation and pay rate may take place whenever the em- ployee meets the basic qualifications for the position, as evidenced by the recommendation of the Department Head, but must take place by the end of the employee' s probationary period. Thereafter, advance- ment from the Qualified designation and pay rate shall be as set forth above. If, upon promotion to a higher classification at the Qualified pay 'rate, the new classification would result in an employee receiving less than a 5% gross wage increase, the employee will be placed at that enact salary level which will provide for a 5% gross increase over his/her previous gross salary level. Additional adjustments will be made, if necessary, to maintain the minimum 5% gross pay differen- tial over the employee' s gross pay if he/she had remained in his/her old classification. Such adjustments, however, cannot exceed the Fully Qualified pay rate for the new classification. 3. 2 Salaries under the new salary plan shall be as set forth in Exhibit I attached hereto. Salaries set forth in Exhibit I shall be- come effective for Unit personnel on August 6, 1983 modified by the following: (a) Unit personnel advancing to the Fully Qualified rate i pursuant to paragraph 3. 1 above, prior to August 6, 1983, will have their salary computed in accordance with the Maximum Rate of the Fis- cal Year 1982-83 Salary Plan; (b) Unit personnel who do not qualify for the Fully Qualified designation and did not receive a merit equiv- alency pursuant to paragraph 3. 3 below, will continue at their Fiscal Year 1982-83 Base Salary rate until August 6, 1983; (c) Unit personnel advancing subsequent to August 6, 1983 will do so in accordance with the Fiscal Year 1983-84 Salary Plan (Exhibit I) . 3.3 Effective June 30, 1983 the Merit Salary Program is termin- ated, and all merit pay shall cease. Any employee, however , who would„ receive a decrease in their gross salary on that date as a result of the changing to the new salary plan will continue to receive the equivalent of their Fiscal Year 1982-83 merit adjustment until such time as rate adjustments under the new salary program result in gross pay equal to or greater than the merit pay. Thereafter, the equiva- lent payment shall cease. 3.4 The Association acknowledges that numerous Personnel Rule amendments will be necessary to implement the salary plan changes. A copy of all proposed changes will be provided to the Association at least five days prior to their adoption. Upon request, the City will consult with the Association regarding them. • 2 - Atascadero Police O10cers Association MOU u" 3. 5 The City will continue to pay the employees:' 7% PERS contri- bution for the term of this agreement. Section 4.0 Medical/Dental Benefits. 4.1 City agrees to pay for all medical and dental benefits for each police officer employee at the rate and coverage prevailing under the City' s medical and dental programs as now exists through City' s participation in the Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Fund, known as the Self-Insurance JPA. 4. 2 Effective with the first premium due on or after July 1, 1983, City agrees to pay up to, but not more than, $59 . 25 per month, per employee, toward the monthly medical and dental insurance premium for all eligible employee spouses, children or dependents as defined by the insurance agreement. For those employees without dependents or who do not choose to enroll their dependents in the City plan, the $59 . 25 per month shall be paid to the employee as an addition to his/- her regular salary. Section 5. 0 Holidays. 5.1 City agrees that Association members shall continue to receive one (1) holiday as provided for by City Resolution No. 52-82 dated November 8, 1982, to be known as a "floating holiday. " Said floating holiday shall be one (1) day per year based upon the employee' s birth- day. Employee may take such holiday at his/her choice of time consis- tent with the scheduling needs of the City and subject to approval of the Department Head. 5. 2 Effective July 1, 1983 Unit members shall be allowed to accrue 16 holiday hours prior to required payoff, in lieu of the cur- rent 8 hours. Section 6.0 Term Life Insurance. City shall continue to provide a term life insurance policy for each employee in a total amount of FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($15 ,000 .00) and shall pay all premiums for such policy during the term of this agreement. Section 7. 0 Work Schedules. Shift employees (excluding administrative and investigative per- sonnel) shall work eight (3) consecutive hours. A one-half (1/2) hour lunch period may be taken during the shift if the work load per- mits and as authorized and scheduled by the shift supervisor . Em- ployees shall be considered to be on-duty during the lunch period and shall answer calls as assigned. Briefing time shall be included in the shift schedule. Section 8 . 0 Overtime. Overtime for police officers on forty (40) hours work week sche- dules is authorized for time worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a 3 a Atascadero Police *icers Association MOU • work week schedule consisting of seven (7) consecutive days. Such overtime pay shall be calculated at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the hourly base rate of pay. All overtime work which is less than a one (1) hour increment in a work shift shall be compen- sated for in the following manner: 1 to 15 minutes, overtime compensation 0 16 to 30 minutes, overtime compensation 1/2 hour 31 to 45 minutes, overtime compensation 3/4 hour 46 to 60 minutes, overtime compensation 1 hour Any overtime increments worked over one (1) hour shall be compen- sated as in the above-referenced increments. Compensatory time in lieu of overtime shall be computed at a time and one-half rate of the base salary and shall be granted to employees at the mutual conven- ience of the Police Department and the employee and subject to the accumulation provisions as specified by City Resolution No. 12-80 dated July 14 , 1980 , Personnel Rules and Regulations. Itis further agreed, however , that overtime will not be paid for hours traveling, studying, or evening classes, etc. , when an employee is attending an out of town school. Overtime as the result of Depart- ment-wide training and meetings authorized by the Chief of Police will be compensated at straight time up to four (4) hours per month. Over- time beyond four (4) hours per month for this purpose will be compen- sated at time and one-half (1-1/2) of the hourly rate. Section 9. 0 Probationary Period. Effective July 1, 1983 the probationary period for newly hired employees shall be increased to eighteen months. The probationary period for employees promoted to a higher classification shall be twelve months in the new classification. Section 10 .0 Management Rights. The authority of the City includes, but is not limited to the ex- clusive right to determine the standards of service; determine the procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotion; direct its employees; take disciplinary action for "just cause" ; re- lieve its employees from duty because of lack of work or for other legitimate reason; maintain the efficiency of governmental operations; determine the methods, manning and personnel by which governmental operations are to be conducted; determine the content of job classifi- cations; take all necessary actions to carry out its mission in emer- gencies; exercise complete control and discretion over its organiza- tions and the technology of performing its work; provided, however , that the exercise and retention of such rights does not preclude em- ployees or their representatives from consulting or raising grievances over the consequences or impact that decisions on these matters may have on wage, hours and other terms of employment. 4 r 'Atascadero Police Olecers Association MOU Section 11. 0 Peaceful Performance. During the life of this agreement no work stoppages, strikes, slowdowns, or picketing shall be caused or sanctioned by the Atasca- dero Police Officers Association, and no lockouts shall be made by the City of Atascadero. In the event that any employees covered by this agreement, indivi- dually or collectively, violate the provisions of this article and the Atascadero Police Officers Association fails to exercise good faith in halting the work interruption, the Association and the employees in- volved shall be deemed in violation of this article and the city shall be entitled to seek all remedies available to it under applicable law. Section 12. 0 Litigation. In the event of a final Court judgment awarding any or all Unit members salary adjustments, then said adjustments shall be calculated using the salary scale prevailing at the time of the disputed events. Section 13.0 Term and Effect of Agreement. This MOU shall be effective July 1, 1983, and shall remain in effect to and including June 30, 1984. Section 14.0 Applicability of Personnel Rules and Regulations. It is agreed and understood that in all other respects except as specifically enumerated by the MOU, the rules, regulations and condi- tions of employment of the City of Atascadero as established by Ordi- nance No. 24 dated July 14 , 1980 , Resolution No. 12-80 dated July 14 , 1980 , Resolution No. 31-81 dated October 12, 1981, and Resolution No. 52-82 dated November 8 , 1982 shall remain in full force and effect. ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS CITY OF ATASCADERO BARGAINING UNIT 5 Atascadero Police (dicers Association MOU • a {.. ` E t Date Date 6 . c M E M O R A N D U M • TO: Murray FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Bid No. 83-7 - Street Sweeping t DATE: September 7, 1983 Following is a listing of the bids received on the annual street sweeping contract, Bid No. 83-7: Adco Service Co. $21,600.00 Jerry Lueck Paving & Grading 34,500.00 Harold D. Peterson 41,600.00 The low bidder is represented locally by Mr. Mike Cox, P.O. Box 290, Atascadero. The low bidder is proposing to use a pickup truck mounted vacuum sweeper with a curb broom and water for dust control. The type of sweeper specified in the proposal by Adco Service is designed for parking lot sweeping and other light applications. I expressed my concern about the utility of the proposed sweeper to Mr. Cox, since there is some question of the vacuum unit to satisfactorily pick up sand and other heavy debris. Mr. Cox acknowledged my concerns, however he feels that the vacuum unit can perform even though some hand work may be necessary and even though it may take longer than a conventional street sweeper. On the basis of my concern and based on my conversation with Mr. Cox, I ecommend award of the contract to Adco Service contingent to an ongoing review f the performance of the contract and the ability of the, proposed sweeping iquipment to adequately clean these streets shown in the contract. We plan to work closely with Mr. Cox in the startup period to thoroughly evaluate the performance of this contract. IV WRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh � cc: Finance Dir. V' r � � *EET'N; AG . DA T7 3 1 -m • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY COUNCIL September 7,1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Acceptance of TRACT MAP AT 830307 :1 LOCATION: 7350 El Camino Real (Lot 12 , Block TA) APPLICANT: Wally Dunn (Associated Professions) On May 9 , 1983 , the City Council approved Tentative Tract Map AT 830307 :1, creating an eight unit, air-space commercial condominium, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission. . The zoning is CS and the General Plan designation is ;Heavy Commercial. Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been met. On September 6, 1983, the Planning Commission reviewed the final map and recommended acceptance on its Consent Calendar. LAWRENCE STEN NS MtJIfYAY L. ^RDEN Planning Director city Man ger PS • �o J£o san � ,F£0 ,b£0 0 o N N hM ham~ „M` NM .FE/i �CVY< ,JS F G ;Of a ,J£O 'AEa N OO N 11-0 F mono oouo V a Q a S i� (;9NYb390.Ot.00aN wi ---- - MFF'N y AGENDA ITEM RESOLUTION NO. 35-83 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO FIXING RATES OF CATV INSTALLATION AND SERVICE CHARGES WHEREAS, Falcon Cable T.V. of Northern California is the Grantee and holder of a CATV franchise in certain areas of the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, Ordinance 6 9 amends San Luis Obispo County Ordinance No. 1202 and provides CATV subscriber rates to be set by resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: 1. Definitions. For the purpose of this Resolution, the following words shall mean: a. Distribution Line - The CATV cable, conduit, transmission, or broad- cast path or method used to distribute the CATV signal or service to individual subscriber service drops. b. Service Drop - The CATV cable, conduit, transmission or broadcast path or method that conveys the CATV signal or service from a Distribution Line to the place or device whereby a subscriber receives or utilizes the CATV signal or service. c. Subscriber - A person or entity using CATV services provided by Grantee pursuant to Grantee's CATV franchise and this Resolution. 2. Charges. The rates charged by Falcon Cable T.V. of Northern California to its subscribers in the franchise area shall be in accordance with the following schedule. a. Monthly Service Charges Rate Residential Primary Outlet $9.50 Additional outlet (each) 2.50 _ - Converter Maintenance (on basic service only) 2.00 Hotels, Motels, Multiple Apartments, Commercial or Ten or More Outlets Television 1-15 4.10 per outlet per month • i • 16-30 outlets 3.80 per outlet r per month 31-100 outlets 3.45 per outlet per month FM Radio With TV service 1.20 per outlet per month Without TV service 1-15 outlets 4.10 per outlet per month 16-30 outlets 3.80 per outlet per month 31-100 outlets 3.45 per outlet per month b. Installation Charges Charges for the installation of service within the areas of • Grantee's franchise shall be as follows: Persons having CATV service installed in structures that are within the standard distance of a Distribution Line shall be charged as follows: New Installation 25.00 Reconnect 20.00 Additional Outlet 15.00 Relocate Outlet 15.00 Disconnect No charge Hotels, Motels, Multiple Apartments, Commercial or Ten or More Outlets: Primary television outlet, normal installation: A charge for time actually expended, not to exceed 7.30 per unit plus materials 0 ! Additional outlets: A charge for time actually expended, not to exceed 7.30 per unit plus materials Relocation of exisitng outlet: A charge for time actually expended, not to exceed 7.30 per unit plus materials Relocation of existing outlet: A Charge for time actually expended, not to exceed 6.30 per unit plus materials Disconnection of Service No charge The standard distance for an aerial service drop is 200 feet or less. The standard distance for an underground service drop is 150 feet or less. Installations requiring a service drop in excess of the standard distance may be charged an additional amount for installation but in no event shall the installation charge exceed the cost to Grantee for labor and materials for such installation. c. Finance Charges Falcon Cable T.V. may charge a finance charge of 112% per month of the unpaid balance of an account deliquent over sixty (60) days. d. Rate Adjustments Falcon Cable T.V. shall have the right, with 30 days advance notice to its subscribers and to City Council, to increase the rates ,charged for basic cable television installation and service. Said increase shall be implemented no more than once every 12 months. Changes in rates shall be based on the percentage change in the Los Angeles- Long Beach all Urban Consumers, all items, 1967=100, Consumer Price Index, as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. The percentage change will consider the difference in the index for the date of implementation of the last increase to the month just prior to the preparation of the 30 day advance notice. In no case shall the increase in any 12 month period exceed 12% unless approved by Council. 3. This Resolution becomes effective at 12:01 A.M. on the thirty-first (31st) day after passage of Ordinance On motion of Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: MARJORIE R. MACKEY, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO RM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 1 ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney M7&AY L WARDEN, City Manage *NS,4GTNDA rTEM M E M 0 R,_)A`N D U M TO: CITY COUNCIL September 6, 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment Requested by Chamber of Commerce The letter requests that the Planning Commission or City Council ini- tiate a General Plan Amendment for property locatedetwe Die - Road, E1 Camino Real, Santa Barbara Road an ay01- from Suburban 4re9tZe`n is on us ri l-�agt anc�Tr Remail ,Commercial (for highway- �nted busine sum'LLcombinatirsn--of --or similar land use designations. At this point in time, it is not appropriate to analyze the suitability of the particular properties for such designa- tions, although, at first glance, the area proposed for the amendment • has development constraints similar to vacant land already planned and zoned for such uses. The City Council should not initiate a General Plan Amendment which is primarily for the benefit of the individual property owners. Past actions by the City to initiate amendments during the twice-a-year general plan review cycles have been limited to text changes in vari- ous general plan elements revising, adding or clarifying certain goals and policies and to expanding land use changes (applied for by a prop- erty owner) to include logical study area boundaries. These should be the limit of the City' s role in initiating General Plan Amendments, although the City should also be prepared to initiate land use changes which would implement, after appropriate studies, its adopted General . _ Plan. It does not appear that this request by the Chamber falls within any of the above categories. It should be noted that the property owners may file an application to change their land use designation. The application deadline for the next cycle is October 1 Light Industrial Policy Proposal#5 (p. 74) states that further re- view, including economic studies and individual site analysis, should be made concerning industrial needs. The 83-84 Budget included funds to begin such studies, but these were deleted during the budget hear- Re: General Plan Amendment Requested by Chamber of Commerce ings. This indicates to Staff that such studies do not fit into this year ' s list of priorities. It seems premature to initiate major land use changes without such studyt LAWRENCE STEVENS MUItRAY L. WARDEN Planning Director City Manager Ps • 2 rS' ki fascadero ger of comwerce 12 August 1983 6550 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 TELEPHONE: (805) 466-2044 TO: CITY COUNCIL ' PLANNING COMMISSION '�M X FROM: ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE VIA: CITY MANAGER .m PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR GENERAL PLAN CHANGE Enclosure (1) Position Paper on Industrial and Commercial Park Development in Atascadero (2) Atascadero Mutual Water Co. letter dated June 9, 1983 The Board of Directors of the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce has re- cently taken a position on industrial development in Atascadero. (See enclosure (1) ) . In taking the position, the Chamber reviewed the development problems of the currently designated industrial zones and requested a policy statement regarding industrial development from the City Council. At a joint Planning Commission/City Council study session, a considerable period of time was devoted to the subject although, to date, no policy statement has been made. To further assess our potential for industrial development, the Chamber requested the Atascadero Mutual Water Company to comment on the "Sycamore" industrial area. The Water Company' s response is included as enclosure (2) • In our position on industrial development, the Chamber indicated the = - need for an additional one or two sites with more immediate development potential such as reasonably large parcels with one or few owners, with, if possible, all utilities available. In the opinion of the Board of Directors of Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, no clear consensus for industrial development exists that can lead to action either on the Planning Commission or on the City Council, but we believe there can be a consensus on the philosophy and recommendations outlined below. In an effort to broaden the economic base of the community of Atascadero, consideration should be given to a variety of means such as motels , recreational vehicle parks and other businesses that can service the (continued) PAGE TWO many travelers along Highway 101 and 41 in addition to limited Industrial Park development. Accordingly , the Chamber requests either the Planning Commission or City Council to direc staf evallin-f— "he_ land included within the boundaries of Santa Barbara Road, the freeway, El Ca nimCa nim oV-Real , and the San Diego off-ramp as a potential site for an Industrial Park, commercial tourist zone, a combination, or other suitable zone which will broaden the economic base of our community. The land, currently zoned RS (FH), would appear to be ideal for more commercially applicable uses rather than for homesites and appears to meet the criteria of an area with more immediate development potential with one or few owners . (As of this writing , 43 acres of the area is for sale) . Additionally, it is requested that either the Planning Commission or City Council direct that the appropriate paperwork be submitted for a General Plan change to a more commercially oriented purpose for the area. F THE ASC ER0 CHAFER OF COMMERCE GML/fm GARY rS CARSON Copy to (without enclosure) ; . Execut ve Manager Mr. Rex Hendrix, P .O. Box 1027 , Atascadero Mr. Don Lampman, 9126 San Diego Rd. , Atascadero Mr. Jerry Frederick , P . 0 . Box 197 , Atascadero Mr. James McNary, 2830 Mesa Alta Lane, Arroyo Grande 93420 fascaferofC cAon ro �JjjjfflerCe 6550 EL CAMINO REAL • ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 4/15/83 TELEPHONE: (805) 466.2044 POSITION PAPER SUBJECT : INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL PARK DEVELOPMENT IN ATASCADERO 1 . PROBLEI.T. Although the General Plan indicates the need for industrial develop- ment in Atascadero, current sites have development challenges that would preclude early realization of this goal. 2 . WHY REQUIRED. If industrial and commercial park development is to become a reality, steps must be taken to mitigate development challenges . Additionally, it is important that our attitude about industrial development be established . . . i . e. do we welcome industrial and commercial park development. 3 . BACi PAGE TWO - POSITION ER family residences) . Lot sizes vary from 1 - 3 acres . This area has good access to Highway 101 . (2) Industrial Park (IP) South El Camino. The area is pri- marily developed with only a few vacant or underdeveloped lots . Development is mostly service commercial or light industrial . Utilities are readily available. (3) Industrial (I) Svcamore. This area is undeveloped and nearly all of it is owned by the Mutual Water Co. Portions of it are not highly usable due to the river. There are some access constraints , and sewers are not available. Most of the area is below the road elevation and may have to be filled to be developed. (4) Industrial (I) Ferro Carril . The area is undeveloped, but it is used for a sand/gravel extraction operation. The roads are not developed. Sewers are not available to the area. Considerable grading would be needed to allow site development. Nearly all the lots are under one ownership so they can be readily assembled into a larger parcel . (5) Industrial Park (IP) Traffic Way. Offers limited develop- ment opportunities and has sewers . The Atascadero Industrial Center (Ice House) offers significant space opportunities for a lease situation. (6) Industrial (I) Traffic Way. No available development opportunities . 0 4 . POSITI Oi\ 0" OTHERS A. Cit" (1) General Plan. Clearly indicates desire and need for light clean industry. (2) City Council . No policy statement has been made. 5 : POSITION OF THE ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMM1:RCE. The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce su ort lim' ted industrial and commerciak_dvonmen_ t,that will not materially change t e rural character of the community or its quality of life, but will broaden the economic base as called for in the General Plan Current industrial sites present development challenges that cannot easily be mitigated. Therefore, an additional one or two sites are required with more immediate development potential such as reasonably large parcels with one or few owners , with if possible, all utilities available. Consideration should be given to the public land on Traffic Way (current site of the sewer plant and ball diamonds) for designation as an industrial park . Additionally, the Chamber suppoo. Planned Development overlays in these industrial and commercial park zones , opposes condenmation or right of enminant domain procedures (cont ' d) PAGE THREE - POSITIOTW PER 0 s for acquiring public land and opposes the excessive use of the conditional use permit process which would discourage industrial and commercial park development. 6 . RATIONALE. A. In adopting the position, the Chamber seeks to maintain the unique character of the community, while reaching the goal of broadening the econimic base. B . The development challenges are outlined in the background. -C. The public land on Traffic Way (sewer plant and ballf fields) offers all of the advantages for realistic development such as one owner (the city), available sewers , etc . D. Overuse or exclusive use of the conditional use process will stifle industrial and commercial park development. Each location should have some allowable uses with other criteria outlined in the Planned Development overlay. 7. RECO1,a1ENDATIONS . A. Request a policy statement regarding industrial development from the city council . The policy statement should clearly indicate council attitude . i. e. that we welcome industrial development and that we will cooperate with appropriate potential developers . B . That upon completion of the new sewer plant and at the approp- riate time (normal time for a General Plan change) recommend rezone the public land at the old sewer plant to Industrial Park. Approved by Board of Directors 14 April 1983 E N D GL/fm 4/15/83 5850 TRAFFIC WAY P.0. BOX BQ ATASCADERO, CA 93423 (805) 466.2428 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1913 June 9, 1983 Atascadero Chamber of Conmerce 6550 E1 Camino 1",eal Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention: Gary Larson, Executive -Manager Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of June 1, 1983, the Atascadero :dutual Water Company Board of Directors feel that the Sycamore industrial area is a realistic area for future industrial development. The Board of Directors are of the opinion that -i.f there is future industrial development in this area, it would have to be on land east of the existing industrial park which is not now zoned for industrial use. The reasoning for this is that the land owned by the Atascadero =•iutual :later Company is within the flood plane of the Salinas River and until such time as the dike in the river is upgraded to a permanent structure, permanent industrial buildin-s could not be built on Water Company property. With these thoughts in mind, the Water Company does not feel that their land could be made available at this time for industrial growth. The Atascadero >`-Zutual Water Clomoany Board of Directors do not feel that the proposed Hi,7hway, 41 reroute would have a significant impact upon industrial growth in this area inasmuch as there are no planned on-ramps or off-ramps designated for Sycamore :load. Sincerely yours, ':;� Leroy R. Davis, President BOA.`?D Or DIRECTORS LRD/nm ME=TV , AGENDA . _M E_M 0_R A N_D_U_M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Use Permits at Atascadero Lake Park DATE: September 7, 1983 In considering Mr. McPherson' s recommendation which, I believe, should be explored as a concept, some background information may be useful. We have been operating since incorporation with Lake Park leases which were granted by the County and have been on a year to year ba- sis. None of them derive significant revenues for the City and some, in one way or another , overlap on the other; e.g. , providing food, etc. There has been discussion and consideration of combining the operations now existing. There has been some interest expressed in consolidation of concessions and inviting proposals to arrive at a long-term operation hopefully capable of delivering quality services. Dr. Chaffe made a recommendation that we consider some kind of fee structure for the Zoo entrance. This, of course, would entail some collection method. In discussing this with the Zoological Society Board of Directors as a concept, they appear willing to at least ex- plore the concept of an overall park concessionaire. With these considerations in mind, it may be feasible to look to a single consessionaire for three operation inc uding the food , e -ance, possibly trie Tiki Hu ac le sho and addle oa opera i _,_ n oing so, const. era io ou a given to a lease erm su icient to amortize whatever proposa s are presented`_to allow reasona a investment recovery:—These" matters seem-woiEhy-of -consid- eration"-in attempting- to -achieve viable services in the park area. With regard to the current Pop' s Tackle Shop lease, it should be noted that it, in fact, expired in June of this year. It has been on a year to year basis because of the need to assure that the Pavilion was not tied up in a long term arrangement thereby precluding our ability to effectively utilize that facility. Without regard to the success or lack thereof of the Pavilion fund raising efforts, the City has a facility which needs- to be maintained and to some extent reno- vated, even if on a lesser scale than visualized by the Pavilion Com- mittee. Accordingly, it would appear that utilization of ;the tackle shop operation should be outside of that structure. This suggests, there- fore, examination of a means for providing different facilities. Un- til that examination can be completed; however , a continuation of the present year to year lease appears in order and would not seriously jeopardize the ability of the City to arrive at an overall operational concept for the Lake. In general, therefore, I endorse the recommen- • 0 Memorandum - Use Permits at Atascadero Lake Park dation of the Public Works Director and suggest to Council at least . conceptual approval of Staff providing more definitive proposals for consession operation. It is my understanding that other people may be interested in operating Pop' s Tackle Shop, and are willing to do so on an annual lease basis. In my judgment, it would be more advantageous to the City to seek proposals, -in_. order to provide a , z-pari -off of ntial o erato -ever, if we mainain, -�s dscu e, the year to yea ease, � t en we might want to defer seeking several propo- sals until we have determined our overall needs. MURRAY L. WARDEN MLW:ad y 1 » r � � f 2 0 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Murray FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Use Permits at Atascadero Lake Park DATE: August 31, 1983 Mr. Landrum, who holds the current lease on Pop's Tackle Shop, has notified this office that he intends to vacate his lease on October 1, 1983. He has been on a short term lease due to the plans to enlarge and renovate the Lake Pavilion building which his operation partially occupies. It is my recommendation that Council consider advertising proposals err----.--- for a master concessionaire lease for the entire park. At the present time we have annual leases for the Tackle Shop, snack shop, and Tiki Hut. All sell similar items and all are operated on a occasional basis only. Lease revenues are insignificant. A master concessionaire could develop and concentrate these uses, creating a better marketing situation. This could lead to improvement in the concession services now offered and even be expanded to provide access control to the zoo. If Council agrees with the concept, then I will attempt to develop an acceptable RFP for a long term lease for concession services. AWRENCE MCPHERSON LM:vh i McETty` AGENDA * 7: �3 ITEM ki • _M_E_M 0_R A_N_D_U_M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Adminstration Building Structural Report DATE: September 7, 1983 In preliminary discussions with the County General Services Office in considering the overall future for library facilities within the Administration Building and in considering the possi- bility of eventual Council meeting facilities being located else- where, the possibility of the library utilizing the Rotunda area has been discussed. Such use assumes that alternative facili- ties, such as the Pavilion, might be available for ' those recrea- tion or social activities now using the Rotunda Room. An issue is building seismic safety considerations as well as the feasibility of using the Rotunda Room from a load-bearing standpoint. In view of the Council' s desire to evaluate the en- tire building for seismic safety and the County' s desire to make • the same determination with regard to the Rotunda Room, it is proposed that we share, with the County, the fee for Mr. Stephenson' s services. The seismic evaluation will cost approxi- mately $2,000. It is, therefore, recommended that the City pay half and the County half. This concept has been agreed to with the County General Services Department and I recommend your approval. 'A; MURRAY L. WARDEN MLW:ad p y a d MEMORANDUM • TO: Murray FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Structural Report - Administration Building DAT August 30, 1983 It is recommended Council authorize $1,000 for the City's s are of t e cost of a structural evaluation of the Administration Building. This evaluation will consider total seismic capability of the building through inpsection and non-destructive testing. I have been informed by Mr. Stephenson that his report will be available by September 15, 1983. AWRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh •