HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/15/1983 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting February 15, 1983 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 1-83 TO ATASCADERO GREYHOUNDS Public Comment City Council Comments A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If dis- cussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calen- dar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. • 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 24 , 1983 (RECOM- MEND APPROVAL) 2. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of January 29, 1983 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Treasurer ' s Report, 1-1-83 to 1-31-83 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 4. Finance Director ' s Report, 1-1-83 to 1-31-83 (RECOMMEND AP- PROVAL) 5. Acceptance of bid for bridge repairs on Santa Lucia Road (RECOMMEND BID BE AWARDED TO YOUNG BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,132.70) 6. Acceptance of bid for restroom fixtures for Atascadero Lake Park (RECOMMEND BID BE AWARDED TO P. E. O'HAIR IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,357 .24) 7 . Claim of Sanchez Equipment Co. for damages in the amount of $2,302. 32 (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 8. Transfer of $5, 000 from Contingency Reserve to Fire Depart- ment overtime account (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) • AGENDA - ATASCADERO1ITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 15, 1983 9 . Acceptance of Tentative Parcel Map AT 810820:1, 3295 San Fer- • nando Road, Gordon T. Davis Cattle Company (Twin cities) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 10. Tentative Parcel Map AT 810908 :1, Palo Verde Road, Rudy Ruda (Hilliard Surveys) to extend the time allowed to complete requirements for an approved tentative map (RECOMMEND APPROV- AL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 11. Tentative Parcel Map AT 810930:1, 2455 E1 Camino Real, Jerry Frederick (Stewart) , to extendthetime allowed to complete requirements for an approved tentative map (RECOMMEND APPROV- AL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 12. Tentative Parcel Map AT 811009 :1, 4800 Obispo Road, Mark E. Jepson (Hilliard Surveys) to extend the time allowed to com- plete requirements for an approved tentative map (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) 13. Tentative Parcel Map AT 820609 :1, generally between San Mar- cos and Laurel Roads east of the intersection of Laurel and Cenegal Road, Dick Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow division of 144.1 acres into four parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 14. Lot Line Adjustment LA 821122:1, 9505, 9545, 9575 Laurel Road, James Rockstad (Twin Cities Engineering) to adjust ex- isting x isting lot line to create better building sites (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 15. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA 820901:1, 9030 & 9034 La Linia, W.D. & S.S. Tilley/Wayne and Margaret Landrum (Associ- ated Professions) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 16. Business license application, 5940 E1 Camino Real, Donald Archie Anderson, to establish a card room with two tables (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) RB. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Request by Don and Norma Brimage for amendment to Zoning Ordinance - continued 2. Draft Zoning Ordinance, Chapter Three - continued 3. Appeal of Frank Mecham (Associated Professions) from Planning Commission denial of Tentative Parcel Map AT 821108:1, 7805 Santa Cruz Road, to allow division of 5.44 acres into two parcels C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Block grant information • 2 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 15 1983 D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for street maintenance district - Lobos Lane 2. Larsen easement - Councilman Molina 3. Resolution No. 7-83 re: PERS contract amendment, 1959 survi- vor benefits for police E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (Council will recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanita- tion District Board-of Directors) 1. Protest of sewer rates - Danish Convalescent Hospital (The Board of Directors will adjourn and reconvene as City Coun- cil) F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager NOTE: There will be a closed session for personnel matters. 3 f MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting January 24, 1983 7 : 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building - The meeting was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Bob Kenagy of the Benean Baptist Church of Atascadero gave the invocation. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Mackey, Molina, Stover, Wilkins, and Mayor Nelson Absent: None STAFF Present: Murray Warden, City Manager; Allen Grimes, City Attorney; Barbara Norris, City Clerk; Steven Rizzuto, City Treasurer; Patsy Hester, Deputy City Clerk; Ralph Dowell, Finance Director; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Richard McHale, Police Chief; and Larry McPherson, Public Works Director. PUBLIC COMMENTS • 1. Del Cardell, representing citizens around Sonora, Pinal, and Maleza Streets, stated that the city should, be responsible _for construction and maintenance of the streets bounded by Sonora, Pinal, and Maleza Streets. Mr. Warden stated that the cost would be .approximately $75, 000 to pave the streets. Councilman Molina excused himself because he resides on one of these streets. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved to have staff look into the possibil- ity of a maintenance or assessment district and to summarize the figures. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. COUNCIL COMMENTS 1. Mayor Nelson stated that the City' s open house will be on January 31, 1983, 4 :00 to 7 : 00 p.m. He stated that there will be self-guided tours, departmental displays, demonstrations, and refreshments. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the special meeting of January 10, 1983 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 10, 1983 (RECOMMEND . APPROVAL) MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 24 , 1983 3. City Treasurer ' s Information - Policy #1 (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE) 4. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 820917 :2, 9300 El Bordo Avenue, Wedco (Associated Professions) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA 820916 : 1, 7135 El Camino Real, Merrell M. Williams/Milton Meyer & Co. (Courtney and Associates) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOM- MENDATION) 6 . Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 811215 :1, 4600 Obispo Road, Ted Brimfield (Stewart) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 820630 :1, 11765 Santa Lucia Road, Dick Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) Mayor Nelson reviewed the items on the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Councilman Molina moved to approve Items 1-7 of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1. Mobilhome rent control - reconsideration discussion Bob Lawrence, tenant at Hilltop Manor, and representing the Mobilhome Park Rent Stabilization Committee, presented a report of the events that had transpired between the committee and the owners of the mobilehome parks. He stated that the committee is requesting - a moratorium on rents until satisfactory leases are agreed upon. Other tenants speaking in favor of long-term leases and a mora- torium were George Beattie, Frank Jones, and Louis Purio. Mobilehome park owners speaking against rent stabilization and a moratorium were John Dougherty, owner of Hilltop Manor; Rex Hendrix, owner of Rancho del Bordo; Ray Bunnell, owner of Rancho del Bordo; Dino Boneso, owner of Camino del Robles ; and Larry Finnegan, owner of Villa Margarita. Anna Marie Bales spoke in favor of the tenants and Charlotte Byrne was in favor of the park tenants and for rent stabilization guidelines. Mayor Nelson stated that help was needed to negotiate a lease. Councilman Mackey suggested a moratorium for two months until the • -2- MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 24 , 1983 matter can be settled. Mr. Grimes stated that if Council imposed a moratorium that there should be a city-wide survey of the vacancy factor. MOTION: Councilman Molina moved that the City Manager meet with the owners and tenants to work out a long-term lease within 30 days. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and carried with Councilman Mackey voting no. Morris Levin, Vice-President of Slo Mota, suggested a moratorium and that the owners and tenants work out along-term lease. Rebecca Bell, representing Western Mobilehome Association, spoke in favor of working out a long-term lease without adopting a moratorium. Hank Adams stated that he did not agree with the city negotiat- ing this problem. RECESS 9 :15 p.m. RECONVENE 9 :25 p.m. 2 . Public hearing on appeal of Planning Commission decision to conditionally approve Tentative Parcel Map AT 820504 :1 , Donald Saueressig and others; application James Hawn (Stewart) behind 7275-7425 Carmelita, to allow division of 8. 43 acres into four parcels Larry Stevens reviewed the matter and stated that the Planning Commission had authorized a Conditional Negative Declaration and approved a land division for three lots. Donald Saueressig, representing residents of Carmelita Avenue and nearby vicinity, appealed the Planning Commission approval for a lot split. Grigger Jones , attorney for Jim Haun, stated that Mr. Haun would be in favor of reducing the number of parcels from 4 to 3. Jim Haun requested a positive determination be made on the parcel maps. Ken Hughes stated that there would be no danger to animals and that dust would not be a problem. Carol Lee St. Clair stated that she was in favor of the project. MOTION: Councilman Molina moved to deny the appeal;. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and defeated with Councilmen Mackey, Wilkins , and Mayor Nelson voting no. Councilman Wilkins stated that Council should wait for the General Plan amendments to be completed regarding a 50 foot setback. Council- man Mackey stated that she was in favor of a 50 foot setback and that she was concerned with erosion. -3- i • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 24 , 1983 MOTION: Cou c n i lman Wilkins moved to table the matter until hearing on General Plan discussion regarding the 50 foot setback. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 3. Request by Don and Norma Brimage for amendment to Zoning Ordinance MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved to continue the Brimage request to the next Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Molina and unanimously carried. 4 . Draft Zoning Ordinance, Chapter Three - continue Larry Stevens requested that this matter be continued to the next Council meeting. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to continue the matter to the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Consideration of authorization and funding for full-time deputy in City Clerk' s office Barbara Norris stated that she was not requesting a salary for herself, but wants independence . in maintenance of the city records. Anna Marie Bales stated that Mrs. Norris should have the authority to have a full-time deputy in the Clerk' s office. Howard Mahron suggested Council consider an ad hoc advisory committee to review the duties and needs of the office and to con- sider the costs. Frank Molina stated that the Clerk should report to the Council and not to the Administrator. Councilman Molina stated that the committee recommended the Clerk ' s office be funded for 4 hours under the present budget. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved that the Deputy Clerk maintain a 3-hour flexible day in the Clerk' s office. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and defeated on the following roll call vote : AYES: Councilman Wilkins NOES : Councilmen Mackey, Molina, Stover, and Mayor Nelson -4- A MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 24 , 1983 MOTION: Councilman Macke o f deputy Mackey moved t fund a p ty for 4 hours in the Clerk' s office. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES : Councilmen Mackey, Molina, Stover, and Mayor Nelson NOES : Councilman Wilkins 2. Resolution No. 5-83 denying Rochelle prezoning MOTION: Councilman Stover moved to approve Resolution No. 5-83. The motion was seconded by Councilman Molina and unanimously carried. Mayor Nelson reconsidered his vote and the motion was carried on the following roll call vote: AYES : Councilmen Mackey, Stover, and Wilkins NOES : Councilman Molina and Mayor Nelson 3. Appropriation of $500 for Open House activities MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved that $500 be allocated from the Council' s mileage/travel account. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried on the following roll call vote : AYES : Councilmen Mackey, Stover, Wilkins, and Mayor Nelson NOES: Councilman Molina Mayor Nelson stated that all committeesandcommissions are invited to participate in the open house. 4 . Report regarding acquisition of lots as requested by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to authorize staff to secure requests of proposals for appraisal purposes of lots on Lake View, and lots adjacent to Alford Field and Atascadero Lake Park, and bring back to Council for approval. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Zoo Committee recommendations Mel Hunter, Chairman of the Atascadero Zoo Advisory Committee, requested that the committee' s recommendations be approved. -5- MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 24 , 1983 Goldie Carminati, President of the San Luis Obispo County Zoological Society, requested that the tiger grotto not be held up and asked for a consultant. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to request proposals for consult- ants. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Bob Sparling, representing the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Animal Welfare Act, stated that Dr. Chafee, Director of the Fresno Zoo, should be requested as a consultant. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved to approve $300 to $400 to bring Dr. Chafee, Director of the Fresno Zoo, to Atascadero as a short-term consultant to see if there is an immediate danger to the animals and to consider the long-term master plan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried on the following roll call vote : AYES: Councilmen Mackey, Stover, and Mayor Nelson NOES : Councilmen Molina and Wilkins 2. Resolution No. 6-83 supporting cities' request for State legislation stabilizing finance considerations Mr. Warden stated that this resolution is a compilation of res- olutions from other cities , to be sent to the State Legislator and the Governor. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved to approve Resolution No. 6-83. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and unani- mously carried. . E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Nothing F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council a. Councilman Mackey complimented Public Works on the overlay project. b. Councilman Stover complimented Public Works and the Fire Department for their work done during the recent flooding and rains. • • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 24 , 1983 C. Councilman Stover stated that the coastal meeting will be held on Thursday in San Luis Obispo. Council con- sensus was to support the county' s recommendation not to extend oil leases north of Pismo Beach. d. Mayor Nelson asked for the decision regarding the Morro Road moratorium. Larry Stevens stated that pend- ing adoption of the zoning ordinance that the existing moratorium ordinance could be modified to include the development standards. 2. City Attorney Nothing 3. City Clerk Nothing 4 . City Treasurer a. Steven Rizzuto stated that Nancy McNamara has collected over $195 cash for the open house. He stated that whatever is collected will go back into the general fund. He also stated that if the city had a public information officer, then other fund raising events may be coordinated. 5 . City Manager a. Larry McPherson stated that with recent experience of flooding in the moratorium area, that imposition development standards will not solve this problem of existing dwell- ings and developments. b. Mr. Warden stated that fares will be paid for the special olympic bus. C. Mr. Warden stated that the next regular Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 15, 1983, at 7 : 30 p.m. because of Lincoln' s birthday. d. Mr. Warden confirmed the City Manager/Attorney evalua- tion meeting for January 29 , 1983, at 9 :00 a.m. The meeting adjourned at 12 : 20 a.m. to January 29 , 1983, at 9 : 00 a.m. in Room 304 of the Administration Building for City Manager and City Attorney evaluations. Recorded by: BARBARA NORRIS , City Clerk By: PATSY A. HESTER Deputy City Clerk -7- oZ MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Meeting • January 29, 1983 9 :00 a.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 9 :00 a.m. by Mayor Nelson for the purpose of evaluations of the City Manager and City Attorney. COUNCIL Present: Councilmen Mackey, Molina, Stover, Wilkins , and Mayor Nelson Absent: None STAFF Present: Murray Warden, City Manager; Allen Grimes , City Attorney; and Patsy Hester, Deputy City Clerk Mayor Nelson stated that Phase 1 will be discussion on the need and criteria of evaluations; and Phase 2 will be discussion on when and how they will take place. Mr. Grimes stated that formal written evaluations do not work and that they should not be used for discipline. He also stated that personality traits should not be considered. • Mr. Warden stated that formalized evaluations are not as effec- tive as discussions. Councilman Wilkins suggested open discussions be conducted bi-annually. Lon Allen stated that it is difficult to get building permits, it is hard to open a business, and that there seems to be a no-growth attitude in the city. Doug Lewis commented that all lots are buildable and that some lots should not allow buildings. By Council consensus, evaluation discussions will be conducted every January and June and individual criteria of each Councilmember will be used. The first evaluation will be held at the next Council meeting on February 15 , 1983. The meeting adjourned at 10 :20 a.m. Recorded by: BARBARA NORRIS , City Clerk By: • PATSY A. HESTER Deputy City Clerk • CITY OF ATASCACERO TREASURER'S REPORT JANUARY 1, 1983 TO JANUARY 31, 1983 RECEIPTS TAXES Sales & Use 46,500.00 Motor Vehicle "In Lieu" 23,919.93 Cigarette Tax 6,933. 83 Occupancy Tax 46.12 Prior Year Property Tax 2,900.53 Current Year Property Tax 207,391. 08 Homeowners Relief 9,623.00 Property Transfer Tax 1,058 .41 LICENSES/PERMITS/FEES 12,029.92 GAS TAX 15,920 .49 TRAFFIC SAFETY 4,980.94 RECREATION FEES 19,877.25 RETURNED FROM LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND AND MATURED TIME DEPOSITS 200,000.00 • INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 13,872. 75 TRANSPORTATION SB-325 -0- REVENUE SHARING 69 ,179 .00 GRANTS -0- MISCELLANEOUS Rents Concessions 156.27 Rebates 268.54 Sale Maps/Publications/Reports 106.95 Special Police Services 21. 00 Narcotic Officer Reimbursement -0- Fines & Penalties 1, 269 .12 P.O.S.T. Reimbursement 450. 20 Dial-A-Ride Farebox 1,861.75 Bails/Bonds 91. 00 Weed Abatement 3,958. 32 Strong Motion 70 .91 Off Highway Vehicle 137 . 25 Miscellaneous 1,533.03 TOTAL $ 644,157.59 1 CITY OF ATASCADERO . TREASURER'S REPORT JANUARY 1, 1983 TO JANUARY 31, 1983 INVESTMENTS LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 1,190,000. 00 TIME DEPOSIT, GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS 11. 50% interest, Matures 02/10/82 100,000. 00 TOTAL INVESTMENT DEPOSITS $1,290,000.00 • vsll Steven M. Rizwjo, Treasurer 2 • CITY OF ATASCADERO FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT JANUARY 1, 1983 TO JANUARY 31, 1983 BALANCE AS OF JANUARY 31, 1983 573. 33 DEPOSITED BY TREASURER, SEE RECEIPTS, TREASURER'S REPORT, PAGE 1 644,157. 59 TOTAL 644,730.92 HAND CHECK REGISTER DATED 01/31/83 407 ,747.99 CHECK REGISTER DATED 01/10/83 44,763. 03 CHECK REGISTER DATED 01/20/83 53,903.53 CHECK REGISTER DATED 01/28/83 44,605 .28 EXPENSE LISTING 90,183.86 TOTAL 641,203.69 BALANCE AS OF JANUARY 31, 1983 3,527 . 23 PETTY CASH 63. 52 TREASURY INVESTMENTS • SEE TREASURER REPORT, PAGE 2 1,290,000 .00 TOTAL $1,293,590.75 I ,RALPH H. DOWELL JR. , do hereby certify and declare that demands enumerated and referred to in the foregoing register are accurate and just claims against the City and that there are funds available for payment thereof in the City Treasury. Dated: February 7, 1983 Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. Finance Director M ray Warden • C ty nager 3 a,oVo_o_ Ipoo ooao 00 000 _oaga aoo 0000go q o0o t � D .;: ? 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A tl�l i l t eri 55 z l?V c-;:11 1 M 0 m r i =- t i i i I I sn 0- J'S �.1 it ea is ±: V rJ w to rJ,+•.• 1 D I I rn,t, m Aa C-1-Or, 1JN "JN Aly -M ^JN a,a- w? V V 1' , I U W f4 :d'4 A v•8 'J N m V V r_J A tV N A A M•+ a :I 0 1. z 1! -4 PJ L.t A o o0 oc ^,Ln ALn •t3 oo I' xAA a, =i =o 0o s �. ooa ao 0o VVo ..oai; I Cd X26- I , I i - c ✓ s _ ul - - - - ul¢ a CITY OF ATASCADERO FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT JANUARY 1, 1983 TO JANUARY 31, 1983 EXPENSE LISTING { PAYROLL DATED 01/12/83 CHECKS #9914-10013 46,714.85 PAYROLL DATED 01/26/83 CHECKS #10014-10092 43,523.01 VOIDED CHECK #16016 ,Ck.Reg.Dated 01/28/83, Pg. 1 ( 54. 00) TOTAL $ 90,183. 86 -27- � 5y��p • 0 _M E_M_O_R A_N_D_U_M, TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Bids for bridge repairs and restroom fixtures DATE: February 10, 1983 Recommend your approval of the bids for bridge repairs in the amount of $4,132.70 and plumbing fixtures in the amount of $4,357.24. The bridge repair is for the Santa Lucia Road bridge damage as a result of a collision by the Sanchez Equipment Com- pany truck with the railing of the bridge and subsequently with a fire vehicle. The bid for the plumbing fixtures in the Park is a budgeted item for this year. • MURRAY L. WARDEN w MLW:ad • M E M O R A N D U M • TO: Murray FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: February 3rd Bid Openings DATE: February 4, 1983 Attached are the bids received on February 3, 1983 for the following items: 1 - Bridge repairs on Santa Lucia Road 2 - Restroom fixtures for Atascadero Lake Park I concur with Don Leib's recommendation that purchase contracts be awarded to: 1 - Young Brothers Construction for bridge repairs in the amount of $4,132.70. 2 - P.E. O'Hair for plumbing fixtures in the amount of $4,357.24. WRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh cc: Finance Director • .. • �i it M E M O R A N D U M TO: Larry McPherson FROM: Don Leib �. SUBJECT: Santa Lucia Bridge and Plumbing Fixtures DATE: February 4, 1983 Bids were received January 3, 1983 for the above. Bids were as follows: Bridge: Young Brothers Const. $4,132.70 Walter Brothers Const. 5,985,00 Restroom Fixtures: P.E. O'Hair $4,357.24 I recommend we accpet Young Brother's low bid for repairs to the bridge located on Santa Lucia Road, and P.E. O'Hair's bid for fixtures for the restroom renovation at Atascadero Lake Park. DON LEIB DL:vh cc: Bids CITY OF ATASCADERO office of PURCHASING AGENT P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 INVITATION, BID AND ACCEPTANCE BID NO. 83-01 Sealed bids, subject to the conditions hereon, will be received at the office of the City Clerk until 3:00 o'clock P.M. , Thursday, February 3, 1983 and then publicly opened, for furnishing the following supplies, and/or services for delivery at Bridge site on Santa Lucia Road, approximately three (3) miles southwesterly of Atascadero. INTENT OF SPECIFICATIONS To describe area in which services are to be performed and the level and quality of services to be provided. CONDITIONS: The undersigned, being familiar with the conditions affecting the cost of the work proposed aand having examined the location of the work hereby proposes and agrees to perform all work required and to provide and furnish all required labor, necessary tools, expendable iequipment, and transportation service necessary to perform and complete in a workmanship- ,like manner, for the price bid herein, all the following described work. "The undersigned has personally examined the proposed work and its proposed location and is relying upon this examination as opposed to information furnished by the City and therefore rreleases the City from any responsibility relative to information furnished or which migh be furnished by the City, specifically including, but not limited to, any estimates of a quantity, volume or linear measurement. Xhe minimum compensation to be paid for all labor performed under this contract shall be the ;prevailing rate as determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations for '7this area. A copy of the prevailing rate of per diem wages is available in the office of the qty Clerk and shall be made available to any interested party upon request. The job site • f each. contract, for the purpose of Section 1773.2 of the Labor Code, shall be that = .designated by the Director of Public Works. A copy of the prevailing rate of per diem wages _49hail be posted at such designated location. 4A,. ,Description of Work 'Work proposed will be to make repairs to the west bound side of the bridge located approximately three (3) miles southwesterly of the 101 FWY on Santa Lucia Road. Repairs will include five (5) each concrete posts, one (1) concrete abutment, twelve (12) pre-cast rails, patch two (2) damaged posts and paint all posts and rails. B. Tera of Performance Work to be started within 30 days of award of bid, and actively pursued until completion. C. General Conditions The undersigned agrees to perform the above described work in compliance with the specifications and the following General Conditions: 1. The Contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, and equipment necessary to perform the work as described. 2. The Contractor agrees to provide Workman's Compensation and any other insurance required by law. Also the Contractor will carry Public Liability and Automobile Insurance in the amount of not less than $300,000/$500,000/ $1,000,000. A certificate of insurance shall be supplied to the City showing the City to be additionally insured for the above amounts. 3. The Contractor must have all licenses and permits as required by City, State and Federal Law. D. Bid The undersigned agrees to supply all labor and equipment required to perform the above described work for the following price: $ E. It is understood that this is a formal bid and that the City of Atascadero reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or waive any informalities or irregularities in any bid which it may deem to be in the best interests of the City of Atascadero. F.- Awards will be made with due regard to quality, service and price - the Purchasing Agent reserves the right to be sole judge therefore. To the CITY PURCHASING AGENT: Date In compliance with the above invitation for bids, and subject to all the conditions thereof, the undersigned offers, and agrees, if this bid be accepted within ?--r days from the date of the -opening, to furnish any or all of the items upon which prices are quoted, ,at the price set opposite each item, delivered at the point(s) as specified and, unless otherwise specified within~ days after receipt of order. "Discount of % will be allowed for payment within 30 days from date of delivery, IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDER Bidder lV, - � Cr�f 6- Bids- must be sealed and addressed to: / Cit of By � City Atascadero (Sign 'of person authorized to sign) Purchasing Agent r r P. O. Box 747 Title Atascadero, Ca. 93422 Mark Envelope "Bid No. Address t I�"A_ (ONE Copy OF THIS BID TO BE RETAINED BY BIDDER) OEPTED as to items numbered CITY OF ATASCADERO Date Order(s) No. By Purchasing Agent ` a CITY OF ATASCADERO • office of PURCHASING AGENT P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 INVITATION, BID AND ACCEPTANCE BID NO. 83-01 Sealed bids, subject to the conditions hereon, will be received at the office of the City Clerk until 3:00 o'clock P.M. , Thursday, February 3, 1983 and then publicly opened, for furnishing the following supplies, and/or services for delivery at Bridge site on Santa Lucia Road, approximately three (3) miles southwesterly of Atascadero. INTENT OF SPECIFICATIONS To describe area in which services are to be performed and the level and quality of services to be provided. CONDITIONS: The undersigned, being familiar with the conditions affecting the cost of the work proposed and having examined the location of the work hereby proposes and agrees to perform all work required and to provide and furnish all required labor, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and transportation service necessary to perform and complete in a workmanship- like manner, for the price bid herein, all the following described work. The undersigned has personally examined the proposed work and its proposed location and is relying upon this examination as opposed to information furnished by the City and therefore releases the City from any responsibility relative to information furnished or which migh be furnished by the City, specifically including, but not limited to, any estimates of a quantity, volume or linear measurement. The minimum compensation to be paid for all labor performed under this contract shall be the prevailing rate as,determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations for this ..area. A copy of the prevailing rate of per diem wages is available in the office of the City :Clerk and shall be made available to any interested party upon request. The job site of each contract, for the purpose of Section 1773.2 of the Labor Code, shall be that designated by the Director of Public Works. A copy of the prevailing rate of per diem wages shall-.be posted at such designated location. A. Description of Work 'Work proposed will be to make repairs to the west bound side of the bridge located approximately three (3) miles southwesterly of the 101 FWY on Santa Lucia Road. Repairs will include five (5) each concrete posts, one (1) concrete abutment, twelve (12) pre-cast rails, patch two (2) damaged posts and paint all posts and rails. B. Terri of Performance Work to be started within 30 days of award of bid, and actively pursued until completion. y C. General Conditions The undersigned agrees to perform the above described work in compliance with lathe specifications and the following General Conditions: 1. The Contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, and equipment necessary to perform the work as described. 2. The Contractor agrees to provide Workman's Compensation and any other insurance required by law. Also the Contractor will carry Public Liability and Automobile Insurance in the amount of not less than $300,000/$500,000/ $1,000,000. A certificate of insurance shall be supplied to the City showing the City to be additionally insured for the above amounts. 3. The Contractor must have all licenses and permits as required by City, State and Federal Law. D. Bid The undersigned agrees to supply all labor and equipment required to perform the above described work for the following price: $ 4,132.70-`' X. It is understood that this is a formal bid and that the City of Atascadero reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or waive any informalities or irregularities in ,any bid which it may deem to be in the best interests of the City of Atascadero. `F. Awards will be made with due regard to quality, service and price - the Purchasing .Agent reserves the right to be sole judge therefore. Tothe CITY PURCHASING AGENT: Date Feb. 1, 1983 Incompliance with the above invitation for bids, and subject to all the conditions thereof, .the undersigned offers, and agrees, if this bid be accepted within 14 days from the date of-,the opening, to furnish any or all of the items upon which prices are quoted,, at the price settcpposite each item, delivered at the point(s) as specified and, unless otherwise specified within' 14 days after receipt of order. "Discount of'5 of 1_% will be allowed for payment within 30 days from date of delivery. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDER Bidder Young Brothers Construction Company Bias must be sealed and addressed to: 25-1 City of Atascadero By (Signature of per o auth6red to sign) Purchasing Agent P. O. Box 747 Title President Atascadero, Ca. 93422 Mark Envelope "Bid No. Address p_ 0_ Box 1176 Atascadero, Ca. 93423 (ONE COPY OF THIS BID TO BE RETAINED BY BIDDER) OEPTED as to items numbered CITY OF ATASCADERO Date Order(s) No. By Purchasing Agenf _ to CITY OF ATASCADER c�a� • S office of PURCHASING AGENT P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 INVITATION, BID AND ACCEPTANCE Bid No. 83-2 Sealed bids, subject to the conditions hereon,will be received at the office of the City Clerk until 3:15 o'clock P.M. , Thursday, February 3, 1983 and then publicly opened, for furnishing the following supplies, and/or services, for delivery at City of Atascadero, Administration Building,Public Works Department, 6501 Lewis Avenue, Atascadero, CA INTENT OF SPECIFICATIONS Specifications are intended to describe minimum standards for purchase of restroom fixture, hardware, and supplies. CONDITIONS Prices quoted shall exclude any federal excise tax. Bids must be submitted on the bid forms supplied by the City of Atascadero and shall include all taxes and charges F.O.B. Atascadero. Delivery shall be made to the City of* Atascadero, Public Works Department, 6501 Lewis Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 Delivery date, if bid is accepted, shall be approximately 30 days from acceptance bid. STANDARD SPECIFZCATIOPIS 1. Special brands, when named, are only to indicate the standard of quality desired. ;Bidders may bid on their equal. Offerings on other brands, if their equal, will be -. aronsidered, and brands or descriptions of the equal must be plainly stated. 2.. Awards will be made with due regard to quality, service and price - the Purchasing Agent reserving the right to be sold judge therefor. -:Group Bidder must enter extension or Quantity Unit Description properly.figures here Item Unit Price Total I 6 ea Water Closet American Std. 2` 2511.012 or equal 2 6 ea Valve Sloan Number 144 or equal -Yy 3 6 ea Water closet seat Church �0 , lob #5321.070 or equal 221 7,� , t .: 4 2 ea Urinals American Standard '- x/6506.011 or equal 2�Z. k;i" uulc rrice Total Price 3. -- 2 ea Urinal Valves Sloan 195 ' or equal .�/.�/ 40 .51, yy fee l 6.* 4 ea Lavatory American Standard #0194.134, with arms as required, or equal -3� ���• „�.- 7. 4 ea Lavatory Valves, Chicago ��s� #333-E12-SLO, or equal ,Z�J, f l�, GJ 8. 4 et Lavatory Traps Dearborn #510R 1' X 14 17 gauge or equal /d, 9S3 9. 4 ea Angle stops #SCR 19 or equal 10. 1 ea Metal Petition Fiat FS-3 p or equal 1• 2 ea Fiat Alcove A-1 with handicap door, or equal 12. 1 ea Screen, Fiat FS-1 C 1 or equal •7�8, 1lp� OL 13. 1 ea Urinal Screen, Fiat S-2 or equal 14. 4 ea Grab bars Fiat 48" or G� . equal • "'' 2.2 .�-• SUB TOTAL 41 SALES TAX TOTAL FOB ATASCADERO To ;the .CITY PURCHASING AGENT: Date ,2 -•�_ eg.`i 2n .cem_liance with the above invitation for bids, and subject to all .the conditions thereof, the undersigned offers, and agrees, if this bid be accepted within __70 days from the date of the ocen_ng, to furnish any or all of the items upon which prices are quoted, at the price set opposite each item, delivered at the point(s) as specified and, unless otherwise specified within -,moo days after receipt of order. 'Discoc:nt of —will be allowed for payment F I"UIORTANT INST-UCTIOtS TO BIDDER Bidder ,Bids must be sealed and addressed to: City o By Atascadezo (Si+ aLure o Purchasing Agent P`eo --ized 'to sign) P. o. Box 747 Title _ �STll� f ,ZV, _ Atascadero, Ca. 93422 Mark Envelope "Bid No.�%�` �'�. Address • _M E_M_O_R A_N_D_U_M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Sanchez Equipment Co. claim DATE: February 10, 1983 This item is a result of the collision between the Sanchez Equipment Co. vehicle and a Fire Department vehicle. The Sanchez vehicle apparently had collided with the bridge railing and bounced into the fire vehicle causing damage to it. There is a dispute as to the liability for this accident, therefore, recom- mend denial. Appropriate action will then be follow. • MURRAY L. WARDEN MLW:ad IN`ORPORATED JUlY Z.1979 ._ 1tL' V1L,�'1 RHD 1 VERIFIED CLAIM LMe ' [ Claim against the City of Atascadero, California, pursuant to the Government Code of the State of California. t TO: City Clerk • City of Atascadero C EL 6- ZwS ° : gS So /Boo Name of Claimant Address/City/State/Zip Telephone No. 2. I desire notices to be 'sent to the following address: f o IjV+#1 c?5-3 _!" iL:{ " C oil y'31 3. The date, place and other circumstances of the occurrence or transaction that give rise to this claim are as follows: /b•tt d'Z 7 54WI7�- x'uc. lfeP /.2 y ' Gyc 41,144CO 451 Date Time Location Describe circumstances: 0c- o�z' (/ 7Ae-e - A4'-o � D�t�« u �- c'�r-tFi - - dr- �� /3/?1'11 E F^ 4. Generally describe the injury, damage or loss incurred so far as it is known at this time: 5.. The name(s) of the public employee(s) causing the injury, damage or loss as now known is/are: C'iCrS C--7>u.�4fl �Cc? 2 6. The amount claimed as of the date of presentation of this claim is $ which includes $ a 307. 3 Z-- as the estimated amount of any prospective injury, damage or loss. 7. "The basis of computation of the claim is as follows: �i�i214L� - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERIFICATION Sta!tte of California ) ss County of San Luis Obispo) I, the undersigned, say: I am the claimant (or the person presenting this claim on behalf of the claimant) in the above entitled action; I have read the foregoing claim and now the con- tents thereof; and that the same is true of my own knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated upon my information or belief, and as to those matters that I believe to be true. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on / 2 - Zef-f - - at lc7e6-f C142 [late City and State ����'�c�l_ lcz�=�-. r��ssre�., 1z�, E/�.vn - �-��•r����.�iF- ,phi �. Signature of Claimant or his authorized representative 1 r • M E M O RAN D U M TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Departmental budget adjustments per Resolution No. 41-82 dated August 9, 1982 DATE: January 21, 1983 The Fire Department was allocated $12, 000 for overtime ex- penses in the Fiscal Year 1982-83 Budget. As of 12/31/82, the Department has expended $11,606 (96 . 7%) of allocations. The at- tached memo from Chief Hicks addresses the reasons for over- expenditure and his request for the remaining period. It is recommended that $5,000 be transferred from Contingency Reserve to the Fire Department overtime account, 01-30-1040. • This request requires Council action in accordance with Resolu- tion No. 41-82 dated August 9, 1982. RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. RHD:ad 9 _M E_M 0_R A_N_D_U_M_ • TO: Finance Director, Ralph Dowell FROM: Fire Chief, Michael Hicks SUBJECT: Overtime Due to a considerable increase in wildland fire calls during this past fire season, a higher than normal use of sick leave (due to illness which created shift shortages that had to be covered) , and along with an overall increase in the demand for emergency services of approximately 17%, I have used up my over- time budget more quickly than estimated. Therefore, I am re- questing that an additional $5 ,000 be appropriated for the remainder of fiscal year 82/83 . This figure is based on the amount of overtime used during this same time period last year. I recommend that this money be transferred from contingency reserves, as there are no funds available in my current operat- ing budget. • 4 7Y t MICHAEL HICKS 1-19-83 MH:pJ • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY COUNCIL February 8, 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 810820:1 (AT 81-173) LOCATION: 3295 San Fernando Road (Lot 35, Block 25) APPLICANT: Gordon T. Davis Cattle Company (Twin Cities) On November 9 , 1981, the City Council approved the tentative par- cel map subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. A time extension to November 9, 1983 was approved on November 22, 1982: • The zoning is A-1-B-V-3 and the General Plan designation is Sub- urban Single Family Residential. Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been met. On February 7th, the Planning Commission reviewed the matter and recommended ac- ceptance of the Final Map on its Consent Calendar . LAWRENCE STEVENS 7Ma�ger ARD-EN Planning Director #C * ty 4 Ps • e r r r r �N\_4 < `j f 3�SOGlGS/!G1 � ' 'iG Sm/einFeef pClGS loss 339 odes Tie/ 1 9 0 139 ac�Gs yiosr Ih 4 � h e�> 36 ?55.00' - r N6/°2705'7y t� 2520 �_; ROAD 4BT.87i (.t�6/30�y s i -4' ht 4 d Y� ��V.•*yi 1 {Y • • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER February 8, 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 810908:1 LOCATION: Palo Verde Road (Portion Lot 7 , Block 95) APPLICANT: Rudy Ruda (Hilliard Surveys) REQUEST: To extend the time allowed to complete requirements for an approved tentative map. On February 7, 1983, the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter unanimously approving a time extension for the parcel map to November 23, 1983. There was no discussion among the Commission as • this matter was presented as a Consent Calendar item. No one appeared on the matter . LAWRENCE STEVENS M L. RDEN Planning Director Ci y Ma ger P s • r i C eP r 918 Q 1979 CITY OF ATAS CADE RO 9 � G Planning Department February 7, 1983 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 810908: 1 LOCATION: Palo Verde Road (Portion Lot 7, Block 95) APPLICANT: Rudy Ruda (Hilliard Surveys) REQUEST: To extend the time allowed to complete requirements for an approved tentative map. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-BV-5 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Site Conditions: The site is characterized by rugged terrain with some areas having slopes averaging 55%+. The vegetation is pri- • marily scrub, with a few oaks. An intermittent stream is present on the property. The area is subject to a moderately high land- scape risk and an extreme fire hazard. Access to the site is by dirt roads. 4. Project Description: On November 23, 1981, the City Council ap- proved Tentative Parcel Map AT 810908:1. The applicant' is re- questing a one year time extension for filing a final parcel map for a land division of approximately 93 acres into four parcels of 22, 22, 24, and 25 acres each. STAFF COMMENTS On January 6, 1983, the Subdivision ReviewBoardmet to review the time extension request and indicated that there was no reason not to grant the time extension. RECOMMENDATION The Planning recommends approval of the time extension request subject to the conditions set forth at the time the project was originally approved. Approval of this one year time extension shall expire on November 23, 1983. Re: Tentative ParceflMap AT 810930:1 (Frederick ACTION . The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: `c✓7�`'� -�-J FRED BU S L Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: Ycatlul /Atty', LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director Ps 2 p,- P A' a ZOAIIAIC? lio4A P 0 AT6io9oe: / PALO t4i-R E /?oAD , Ru CAc I . � La �L M L ,a a y v t• 4 �t o l�\ \y���Y' ) ` � ��'iC1 �� • \ 4, 4� Y �: { 1 >, i t jt, �"l�.`v—'� / � I �1 / -7 t�. v. tXXX. ., �`l` �X`.J�X7J ;,��t?,�; •ti �.{ � J 4 � r ` �� -��/�r� i``y {�`,`;�,.' +„•].t� 44. ay 'f � � Ga.;�. � 1 �� �'.s,.•4;=4 S� \ .f /�' ra�w.N�ay ��,t l• .�� 4' „�. a ,}1 t �1 rn ".a' �Y a•. � 4"r: Z ! ..\ o� ,I lteh I i r'J`^�✓ .1 r or OVJ 5' 1 m 8 1 . .`ata a.4! -r L.`r +, t F '' � 11��'J: 1� �"• . r t �� •l�, ;1'a .v„r5•5o E - C�i t��a� ,• 14L v fA` • Y �J iu< N co ri • • fifl M E M O R A N D U M • TO: CITY MANAGER February 8, 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 810930:1 LOCATION: 2455 E1 Camino Real (Lots 11,12,13, Block 22) APPLICANT: Jerry Frederick (Stewart) REQUEST: To extend the time allowed to complete requirements for an approved tentative map. On February 7, 1983, the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter unanimously approving a time extension for the parcel map to December 14 , 1983. There was no discussion among the Commission as • this matter was presented as a Consent Calendar item. No one appeared on the matter . i LAWRENCE STEVENS MTPRAY L "WARDEN Planning Director C ' ty M ager PS • 0 CITY OF ATASCADERO rw.x. B rw.n,.n, •,� Isis Planning Department February 7 , 1983 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 810930:1 LOCATION: 2455 E1 Camino Real (Lots 11,12,13, Block 22) APPLICANT: Jerry Frederick (Stewart) REQUEST: To extend the time allowed to complete requirements for an approved tentative map. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-2 1/2 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Site Conditions: The site slopes generally from east to west with a large borrow pit dominating the central portion of proposed par- • cels B and C. The site currently experiences severe erosion with gullies cutting across proposed parcels B and C and sediment even- tually making its way to El Camino Real. Vegetation on the site is sparse, consisting mostly of patches of native grasses on the lower portions of the site. 4. Project Description: On December 14 , 1981, the City Council ap- proved Tentative Parcel Map AT 810930: 1. The applicant is re- questing a one year time extension for filing a final parcel map for a land division of 7. 5 acres into three parcels of 2. 5 acres each. STAFF COMMENTS On January 6, 1983, the Subdivision Review Board met to review the time extension request and indicated that there was no reason not to grant the time extension. RECOMMENDATION The Planning recommends approval of the time extension request subject to the conditions set forth at the time the project was originally approved. Approval of this one year time extension shall expire on December 14, 1983. Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810930:1 (Frederick ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: 171 FRED BUSS Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: ` v'� LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director ps r 2 i ALINAS `- _................................... . s J yi A-1-2 L 2 A-1 A-I-2%2 A-1-2Pz A-I 3-e-z-o -I-2'2 0 A- A-1A-1 11-1-6 n 3O A_1 3' SITE Z A-1 A-1 I R-q-8-2-p o 101 D P, P ,_�_�,3-D 7-DNIM& MAF 1097 ATS0 l 2455 EL CAMINO KL FR=LRICKS A n 1 ul D p � a H D o . a �, D n d0 y a o ° ?lr CD rr w/N O 9i bA f� N �� y O D nl n m y u v' m` o J n e - N srn vc • � i a�' ti ti a, O '+ C Gll/_ OD fit/ re, a cg SIX a ?r �WO �' fe��� �f• ;` > m sm y � D� 10o to n Inc-� nL` k l ,/o ,.. � �I } 4 1 Q O It p o 7 , , �g oo i 1• z4 a r i • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER February 8, 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 811009 :1 LOCATION: 4800 Obispo Road (Lot 33, Block 49) APPLICANT: Mark E. Jepson (Hilliard Surveys) REQUEST: To extend the time allowed to complete requirements for an approved tentative map. On February 7, 1983, the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter unanimously approving a time extension for the parcel map to December 14, 1983. There was no discussion among the Commission as • this matter was presented as a Consent Calendar item. No one appeared on the matter. LAWRENCE STEVENS MURAY X,. WAR Planning Director City pager Ps "•n�(s7 r���; p C�7[ M q� �p� � i97a CITY OF ATASCADERO pais Planning Department February 7, 1983 iii _ STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 811009 : 1 LOCATION: 4800 Obispo Road (Lot 33 , Block 49) APPLICANT: Mark E. Jepson, et al (Hilliard Surveys) REQUEST: To extend the time allowed to complete requirements for an approved tentative map. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-2 1/2 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Site Conditions: The site topography rises from Obispo Road to a low ridge line along the proposed property line between Parcels B S and C and then downward to the middle of Parcel A. Vegetation on the site consists of natural grasses and a scattered number of mature oaks. 4. Project Description: On December 14 , 1981, the City Council ap- proved Tentative Parcel Map AT 811009 :1. The applicant is re- questing a one year time extension for filing a final parcel map for a land division of 9. 06 acres into three parcels of 3. 02 acres each. STAFF COMMENTS On January 6, 1983, the Subdivision Review Board met to review the time extension request and indicated that there was no reason not to grant the time extension. RECOMMENDATION The Planning recommends approval of the time extension request subject to the conditions set forth at the time the project was originally approved. Approval of this one year time extension shall expire on December 14, 1983. • Re: Tentative Parcel Ma AT 810930: 1 Frederic P (Frederick) ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: FRED BUSS Associate Planner 4 REPORTec c�,e, APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director Ps 2 AL INASf L . A-i-2iz 2 1' q-I A-� A-1 A-1 p 3-0 ♦ R-t A 3 - I A-1 C-1-N A-1 j C-2-D A R-4-B-2-p o Q A-1-2%Z ZONING MAP ATS 11009 : 1 /1800 OBISFD TOAD JEPSON t 4 7.28 2 12 AG y _= O5.02 PG 4 1.03 413 1.06 AG.O 36 'G. FR- 2Z 639 AG. - - - - 200 le, 49 40AG �znao N _ -v E 35 oto. 23 7.76 AG - " p 6 nN 5.28 AG - cc Oo g O � 34 Z5 AG. 2 11.34 AG W 593 - 'y 39 701.I0 10 oftt-A 3W 17 drsa 1 8 O -- — — -- 5.11 AC. 339. o 06 AG - ti 2 c b 8 Al 3505 ' co CADLI P IM Q W FR, m v m � � 49 _ T63_T35_5�'E 65024 P O 27 a9 9saa 32 p` CO n 2 I 1 /P 'u �� 49 __ •_- S 28 29 30 31 mlO 3>> 2! ".J9,,M.5-28 551 ti h 16764 D 2 Q _O V :3 2.5/A/ 1 `795 n � I � - 16> "2f -0 50 I N q L � --zzo.oa — 1 4�• 90 I S, lESs 8L0 R,21-,r, 13a.�j / 5O 'BE.*BLOC N8 Lar �3 P5 clRccEs. Z/7E 406,, -70A) MAP SANTLU S DERO , x$00 Oka/5PD /�O�D Og/SPCA b ^, CALIFORN/A d O QLxJ J Z + t.t U I WW 1' Cc Lo NJ W _ U t—,(' M Q W O ti V? '! i, 1 1 ��Lucr QLL 1 ' Q p V Lo W w O C W U �- s O cc) Y W CC LL ^ ¢ i < = W Sz O _ C c sic, O c y 1 •� , � C � c ccQ „ r' 4• -� - N V � c� � � ' c e Cz r.- � Qz `' � fes' -.Y-- ¢z qc�9t CE) �J - tCPi H " 1, 4 i " J { • +� A/3 M E M O R A N D U M I • TO: CITY MANAGER February 9 , 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 820609 :1 LOCATION: Generally between San Marcos and Laurel Roads east of the intersection of Laurel and Cenegal Roads (Portion of Lot 3, Block 41) APPLICANT: Dick Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow division of 144.1 acres into four parcels of 20 , 15, 70.8 and 38. 3 acres each. On January 17, 1983 and February 7, 1983 the Planning Commission con- ducted a public hearing on the four way land division request. On February 7, 1983 the Commission unanimously recommended issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration and approval of the parcel map sub- ject to Conditions 1-16 as listed in the attached Staff Report, with the addition of Condition 17 as follows: • "17. Improvements required by Conditions 2, 3, 10, 12, and 13 may be deferred by entering into an agreement with and by providing a performance guarantee satisfactory to the Public Works Depart- ment. Said deferral shall be approved by the Public Works Director. " :Primary items of discussion among the Commission included: - road improvements and desire to encourage participation by adja- cent property owners owners City policy on division of property in 3-F Meadows - access and circulation in thearea Allen Campbell, representing the applicant, spoke in support of the request and explained what portions of the road have been improved so far and noted the applicant would request that the map be allowed to be recorded and the lots sold so the applicant could finance the com- pletion of the road improvements. He did indicate his concurrence with the recommended conditions. • 1 Re: Tentative Parc Map AT 820609 :1 (Davis) No one else appeared on the matter . • LAWRENCE STEVENS MU Y . WARDEN Planning Director C tym6nager • • 2 M E M 0 R A N DU M TO: PLANNING COMMISSION February 7, 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 820609 :1 LOCATION: Generally Between San Marcos Road and Laurel Road east of the intersection of Laurel Road and Cenegal Road (Portion of Lot 3, Block 41) APPLICANT: Dick Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow division of 144. 1 acres into four parcels of 20 , 15, 70 .8 and 38.3 acres each. On January 17, 1983, the Planning Commission continued this matter and directed Staff to prepare findings and conditions for approval of this project. These findings were also to support a Planning Commission recommendation to lift the current processing halt on parcel maps in the 3-F Meadows area provided San Marcos Road was fully completed to Highway 41 (Morro Road) prior to recordation of the Final Map. STAFF COMMENTS The processing halt should not be lifted until the improvements are actually installed since there is no certainty that this applicant will proceed with this map (and comply with the conditions on road improvements. ) FINDINGS 1. Conditional approval of this parcel map application will ensure completion of improvement of San Marcos and Los Altos Roads to Highway 41 (Morro Road) eliminating the cul-de-sac effect in the upper 3-F Meadows area and providing additional access. 2. Circulation linkages out of the 3-F Meadows area; will reduce life safety hazards by providing additional emergency routes for the area. 3. The lot division application as submitted conforms to applicable zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. Re: Tentative Parc Map AT 820609 :1 (Davis) 4. Approval of this application will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmen- tal Impact Report is not necessary. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the following would be recommended: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration subject to the fol- lowing conditions: 1. Adequate provisions shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with any site develop- ment and road improvements. 2. Adequate provision shall be made to minimize fire hazards in conjunction with site and road development. 3. Grading and tree removal shall be minimized during all phases of site and road development. 4. Provision shall be made for adequate access to each of the proposed parcels. 5. Adequate and sufficient tests shall beperformedon each lot to ensure septic suitability at each building site; and, B) Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 820609 :1 subject to the fol- lowing conditions: 1. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal if reports and design are acceptable. All tests, reports and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following shall appear on the Final Map: "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water, and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Where soils reports indicate that conven- tional soil absorption systems are not acceptable, City ap- proval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a Registered Civil Engineer, shall be required. Depending upon the system, more restrictive re- quirements may be imposed." 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Com- pany and water lines shall exist at the frontage of all parcels prior to filing of the Final Map. 2 Re: Tentative Parce*ap AT 820609 :1 (Davis) 3. All other available utilities not already in place shall be extended underground to each parcel frontage at the time of building permit. Any utility easements are to be shown on the Final Map. 4. Efforts shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing, mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appro- priate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. 5. Drainage and erosion control plans, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Department prior to issuance of building per- mits in conjunction with installation of private driveways, access easements or public road improvements. 6. Plan and profile drawings of proposed individual driveway (s) shall be submitted for approval by the Public Works and Plan- ning Departments in order to determine average grade and appropriate improvement requirements. If average slope ex- ceeds 12%, paved improvement would be a requirement at the time of applicaiton for a building permit. Otherwise, an all-weather surface would be required similarly. In no event will driveways be allowed which exceed 20% in slope. The driveway access shall be improved to a minimum width of twelve (12) feet and shall have a minimum unobstructed ver- tical clearance of fourteen (14) feet. In the event any por- tion of a driveway is shared, improvement of the shared por- tion shall be a requirement made in conjunction with the first building permit. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 7 . All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building re- strictions. A note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the Final Map. 8. Final grading and drainage plans, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer , for development on each parcel shall be re- quired to be submitted for review and approval by the Plan- ning and Public Works Departments prior to issuance of build- ing permits. A Note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 9. Roof materials for all structures shall be Class C rating or better and a Note to that effect shall appear on the Final Map. 10 . Fire hydrants of a type and size specified by the City Fire Department shall be installed by the applicant along the lot 3 , Re: Tentative Parc Map AT 820609: 1 (Davis) frontages of San Marcos Road and Laurel Road. Hydrants shall be installed approximately than 800 feet on center. Exact location and manner of placement shall be subject to the ap- proval of the Fire Department. A letter from the Fire De- partment certifying the installation of the hydrants shall be received by the Planning Department prior to the recordation of the Final Map. 11. Drainage swales shall be indicated on the Final Map and a Note shall appear on the Final Map which states: "Any modification of the ground during site development with- in fifty (50) feet of the drainage swales shall be subject to approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments. " 12. An offer of dedication to the public for road purposes for the full forty (40) foot width of San Marcos Road from High- way 41 (Morro Road) back to the dedicated portion shall be made by the actual easement owner . Said offer is to be shown on the Final Map and be made by certificate thereon. 13. Road improvements shall be constructed along Los Altos and San Marcos Roads from Highway 41 (Morro Road) to the dedica- ted portion of San Marcos Road to City standards including a minimum paved width of twenty (20) feet with three (3) feet of graded shoulder on each side prior to recordation of the Final Map. a. Improvements are to be constructed under an inspection agreement and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. A b. Improvement drawings, including improvements to control grading and erosion within the road right-of-way, shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. The applicant may defer preparation of improvement drawings until work is completed by entering into an agreement with the Public Works Department. 14 . All conditions of approval herein specified are to be com- plied with prior to the filing of the Final Map. 15. A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth here- in shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordi- nance prior to recordation: a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation, unless certification is received that corners are already monumented. 4 Re: Tentative Parce*tap AT 820609 :1 (Davis) b. A recently updated preliminarty title report shall be submitted for reviewinconjunction with the processing of the Final Map. 16. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire two years from the date of this approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: i �"e- 'Sys �f r' FRED BUSS Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director Ps • 5 , CITY OF ATASCADERO 1918 Q Q 1979 Planning Department January 17, 1983 / STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 820609 :1 LOCATION: Generally between San Marcos Road and Laurel Road east of the intersection of Laurel Road and Cenegal Road (portion of Lot 3, Block 41) APPLICANT: Dick Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow division of 144.1 acres of land into four parcels of 20, 15, 70.8 and 38.3 acres each BACKGROUND a. Existing Zoning: A-1-BV-5 General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential ',3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- termination form has been completed by the applicant. The Plan- ning Director has prepared a Conditional Negative Declaration indicating that the project will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment if certain mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. .. Site Conditions: The site is generally located between San Marcos Road and Laurel Road just east of the intersection of Laurel Road and Cenegal Road. The property has an elongated shape with the axis running roughly north and south along the western side of a ridge defined by San Marcos Road. The site is covered with man- zanita, assorted oak trees, and natural grasses. Occasional rock outcroppings exist on the property. The entire site is part of a large watershed that contains a drainage swale continuing to Laurel Road. The ridge closes the southern end of Paradise Valley. All proposed parcels contain slopes which range from ap- proximately 23% on the most level (Parcel 2) to 45% nearest the swale. A large water tank is situated southeast and adjacent to the site inside the bend of San Marcos Road. San Marcos Road is improved from Vista Road to the vicinity of the water tank. Be- yond that point, the road is graded but not paved to Highway 41 (Morro Road) . A locked gate currently blocks access to unimproved San Marcos Road at the southeastern corner of proposed Parcel 1. Laurel Road is not improved beyond the intersection of Cenegal Road, though drive access is available to several building sites. Utilities, except community sewer , are generally available to the site with extensions from surrounding main lines. Tentative Parcel Ma ik 820609 :1P (Davis)( 5. Project Description: The applicant desires to divide his 144.1 acres of land into four parcels of 20, 15, 70.8 and 38. 3 acres each. Proposed Parcels 1 and 2 are to be accessed off San Marcos Road and proposed parcels 3 and 4 are to. be accessed from Laurel Road. 6. Background Information: This applicant previously submitted for a fourteen parcel tract map on this site in April, 1982. Two months later that application was withdrawn and this one was re- submitted. During the interim six months, the applicant has been working on a road agreement for San Marcos Road amongst several property owners fronting on the road. STAFF COMMENTS On July 8 , 1982 the Subdivision Review Board met to review this appli- cation with the applicant' s engineer , John Kennaly. Also in atten- dance were: Fred Buss and Joel Moses, Associate Planners; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Jill Kollmann and Kami Griffin, Planning Interns; and Bill Carroll, Planning Commissioner . The following items were discussed: 1. Radio repeater system at the water tank 2. Fire hydrants 3. Road improvments - participation 4. City policy on division of property in 3-F Meadows as related to #3 above 5 . Future parceling (4 by 41s) The City has a basic concern regarding fire safety and police protec- tion in what is now virtually a 2 mile long cul-de-sac. San Marcos Road is improved to the vicinity of the water tank only. Beyond that, the road is all-weather to Highway 41. The all-weather portion is currently gated and locked at both ends. The applicant has provided a letter (attached) requesting that the processing halt on maps in the ,area be lifted since he proposes to change the locked gates to crash 1gates which would permit access by emergency vehicles and promises to complete all road improvements by October 1, 1984. The City' s pro- cessing halt stems from the circulation and safety aspects of allowing more lots (and residences) in a remote location without a second means of egress. There are currently several other tentative maps which have been tabled awaiting resolution of the circulation problem. The applicant is unwilling to bear the entire cost of road improvement alone and is currently negotiating with at least one of the prospec- tive subdividers (Langford) to help with the burden. The primary question to be answered is whether or not the proposal . sufficiently mitigates circulation concerns in the area. As you are aware, the City policy to not allow additional divisions in the 3-F Meadows area is intended to encourage the affected owners to work out 2 ' Tentative Parcel Ma*T 820609 : 1 (Davis) a satisfactory solution improving access to the area. To date, prog- ress among the affected owners has been slow and the applicant appears to have been met with much reluctance to share costs of grading work that he has done to date. The applicant has entered into a road agreement to construct the subject roads to City standards, but the agreement does not include time limits. While the proposed improvements would better the existing situation, at least in the upper portions of 3-F Meadows along San Marcos, it seems that the burden would be borne primarily by one owner . This is essentially because past practice has not been to require improvements beyond the subject property, other than all-weather driveway-type access. While it might be feasible to require the other major subdi- vider to improve access beyond the limits of his property, it seems more in keeping with past practice and current policy to encourage the private parties to jointly work out the circulation problem by enter- ing into a contractual agreement prior to getting any approvals for land divisions. The retention of crash gates in the proposal is intended to provide some negotiation, but also provides a constraint to improvement of circulation for the general public. The proposal would improve cir- culation for emergency situations if the road were adequately all- weather . Review of this matter with other Departments (Fire, Public Works) indicates that there are reservations that the proposal would result in defeating the purpose of the current policy without making suffi- cient gain in circulation and access. There is no question that this is-a difficult problem so it must also be apparent that the solution is equally difficult. If the proposal could be modified so that no new lots were being cre- ated along San Marcos, then it appears that a more favorable. recommen dation could be considered. RECOMMENDATION :,'The Planning Department recommends that Tentative Parcel Map AT ,&20609 : 1 be tabled since existing City policy prohibits additional :nand divisions along San Marcos until access and circulation are improved. 3 r Tentative Parcel Map* 820609 :1 . P (Davis)( ACTION Direct Staff by motion as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY; 1 � FRED BUSS Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: ��� LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director ps 4 October 83, 1982 City of Atascadero Larry Stevens , Planning Director P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Subject : San Marcos Road Extension Dear Mr. Stevens : Please be advised I am willing and able to assure base and paving in accordance with my existing road improvement agree- ment with the City Engineer on or before October 1 , 1984 . In the interum period, I am willing to install emergency access gates suitable to the Fire Chief and Police Chief for emer- gency vehicles . In exchange for this guarantee , I would like the City to withdraw the temporary processing moratorium on existing approved tentative maps . I would hope the ability to utilize this graded roadway in emergency conditions would meet the intent of the roadway re- quirements . Sincerely, Dick Davis 3-F Meadow Ranches 9 g M E M O R A N D U M_ TO: Murray Warden FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Road Access to 3-F Meadows Recommendation: In response to the comments offered at the City Council meeting of October 27, 1980 , I would like to offer the follow- ing recommendations : 1. The City should not actively pursue the problem of having the property owner open the access to San Marcos Road between San Gabriel Road and Vista Road. Should this un- improved roadway be opened as a second access into 3-F, serious intersection problems could be expected at San Marcos and San Gabriel as the result of the verticle and horizontal alignment of that intersection. Additionally, access at this location does little to cut down on travel t me_-int -the._deve-l.ppment. 2. Before any further subdivisions are approved that require " r^' access from San Marcos Road in 3-F, San Marcos should be 0 extended and improved to City standards to its westerly junction with Highway 41. This would create a back door � to a significant portion of the development. :Ll } 3. To provide secondary access to lots in the Casanova Road, Barranco Road, and Lucinda Lane area as well as lots fronting on Carmelita, either Carmelita should be extended from Casanova to San Gabriel Road or an improved crossing of Atascadero Creek from Carmelita between Barranco and Casanova should be constructed. The choice of these two options should be based on an indepth feasibility study and the costs should be born by the benefiting property owners. 4. The City should not pursue acquiring an interest in the private road rights-of-way without assurance that the roads within these rights-of-way have been constructed to City standards. 5. All associated costs to prepare feasibility reports , acquire right-of-way, construct road or bridge facilities , prepare plans and specifications, and obtain financing should be the responsibility of the benefited property owners or pro- spective subdividers. ISI 6. The City should lend its offices in the administration of an assessment district to improve access only at the instigation of a majority of the benefitting property owners. If, during a series of hearings on the access problem, it is determined that a clear majority of the affected property owners are not willing to proceed with needed work, then the City should take no further steps to form an assessment district to solve the access pro- blem. Background: There is no question that certain areas of the 3-F Meadows development are presently located on long, dead end streets , a condition which is certainly undesirable from the standpoint of circulation and emergency access. This condition was the result of sales of lots divided by the original Colony subdivision or by subsequent lot divisions where no access provisions were applied. Since the City was incorporated, a number of residents of the 3-F Meadow area have contacted this office and City Council expressing concern over the lack of convenient access. Also, some of the property owners have expressed a desire to leave the area relatively inaccessable. In any case, the purchasers of property in 3-F Meadows were aware of the condition when they purchased their lots and should have been aware the Final Sub- division Public Report indicated that all roads within the develop- ment were private, with minor exceptions , and that each property owner is responsible for repair and maintenance of their frontage. Concerning the issue of who owns or controls the road easement, the original Colony map reserved the right of dedication to the Colony Holding Company and Anglo-California Trust Company. It is m opinion y p that only the successors to the original interest have a clear right to make offers of dedication for public road purposes. The original map also states "They (the Owners) expressly declare that no other part or portion of said land, and no street , road, boulevard, lane, park, plaza, tract, lot or other place shown or delineated on said map is dedicated or intended to be dedicated to any public use whatsoever. " This last statement would seem to indicate that use of roads shown on the Colony Subdivision were intended to be private and only the holders of the rights as designated by the map could offer a street for public use. Of course, this would not close the door to acquisition of road rights-of-way by perscriptive right, after a number of years of unrestricted use by the public. An attempt by the City to force certain property owners to open undeveloped streets for public access could lead to lenghty litigation with uncertain results as well as a clear responsibility by the City to improve such roads if they were acquired. Unless the City Council finds a clear need to satisfy public health and safety, then any road construction done under assessment district proceedings would require a majority of the benefiting property owners to approve the formation of an im- provement district. The condition of the present ownership of the road rights-of-way complicates and tends to limit the number of assessment proceedings that can be used. A short form assess- ment district such as that outlined in Section 5870 of the Streets and Highways Code, could not be utilized where the City does not hold the street easement. It is possible that separate improve- ment acts would be needed for acquisition of right-of-way end for ultimate construction of the road facilities. An evaluation of the costs to provide alternate access into portions of 3-F Meadows is presently beyond the scope of this re- port. I feel that the cost to provide a low flow crossing of Atascadero Creek from Carmelita would be substantially less than the extension of Carmelita to San Gabriel Road, however, the ex- tension of Carmelita would be a much more satisfactory method of access. Right-of-way, grading, and Embankment protection would substantially raise the cost of the Carmelita extention. Carmelita should not be improved westerly of Barranco to tie into Highway 41 since this would create a blind intersection on a high speed, high volume State highway. There is no, feasible way of making that intersection acceptable. . The impending subdivision of several large parcels at the west end of the San Marcos Road improvements lead me to believe that the possibility of seeing the balance of San Marcos improved to Highway 41 is a realistic condition of those subdivisions. Certainly the travel distance from Highway 41 to the properties in question is shorter than from any other access point. Since the balance of San Marcos Road is already graded and building sites ,exist along that alignment, it strengthens the proposition that further development should assure completion of San Marcos to Highway 41. Is is re-emphasized that whatever method is finally used to improve 3-F Meadows access it should be the property owners who . benefit from the improvement who bear the expense and not the City. AwRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh 12-23-80 \ �T4 GA1)E 'biAN kap \\ 10 � \ 1 D SITE LDCA7 I C)t4 -AT 5Z060y .. 4 y Zv4N M A gc—os 9-p / `7 1 55�zo1 -01 X55-► 51 -04 _� ii .J Mom" , t ' -.. ..-z.+�s.� :z+yrt'>tnm+warcn�i-Yw-+r:•awt^.'�sv�rw-sa<..w.ww.x:mr:s..•accF^a.x>r�cn........�`.,�:SR_•`-s='-+•-a..�-..de.v+•-�......�-. - � ��-'��-a�'. ��.s- {+.^`: ' :�- A-3-32o-p A'3-320-p ,P 3� Ao y ff�� 1 ' J Z-o N IN C, AT 8 2 0607: 1 to A gcc:)5 1217. Bwc.t< 47 55- Zol -o! / 55 - 151-01 0 A-i- 3-v-5 A,\-6 Ilk a _ 1 It e, • t 1 I Q n CO f .c oho�ajQ•` 4 1 \ \ • • W 3^ g3��iOoCi �q J Yp\nom 21V3 IR ei�C l .-� als 61 l i I 1 �wIN " a ij� IJV � i� � • . 1 v r I, � • � �Li • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER February 8, 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LA 821122:1 LOCATION: 9505, 9545, 9575 Laurel Road (Lots 19 ,20 ,21, Block 42) APPLICANT: James Rockstad (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To adjust existing lot lines to create better building sites. On February 7 , 1983, the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter unanimously approving the lot line adjustment subject to Condi- 1-4 as listed in the attached Staff Report. There was no discussion • among the Commission as this matter was presented as a Consent Calen- dar item. No one appeared on the matter. CX X4� LAWRENCE STEVENS M Y V.,gfiARDEN Planning Director Ci Maer PS • e 191s 1979 CITY OF ATASCADERO A CAI) i Planning Department February 7, 1983 j' STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LA 821122:1 LOCATION: 9505, 9545, 9575 Laurel Road (Lots 19,20,21, Block 42) APPLICANT: James Rockstad (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To adjust existing lot lines to create better building sites. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-BV-5 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has determined the application to be a Class 5 (a) Categorical Exemption according to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) . 4. Site Conditions: The three lots are located on the northwest cor- ner of the intersection of Laurel Road and Cenegal Road. These roads are newly constructed and part of a lot sales subdivision by the applicant. All three lots have a northwest-southeast axis and front on Laurel Road. The lots contain two small hills and a drainage swale that parallels Cenegal Road about 60-100 feet off the proposed frontage property lines for Parcels B and C. Vegeta- tion consists of a few trees and natural grasses. 5. Project Description: The applicant intends to adjust the existing lot lines between the three lots to provide availability of an adequate building site on each. Lots 19 and 20 will change axis configuration to northeast-southwest and front on Cenegal Road (proposed parcels B and C) . Lot 21 (proposed parcel A) will be slightly enlarged but still have frontage on Laurel Road. All parcels will be for residential use. STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, January 7, 1983, the Subdivision Review Board met to re- view this application with Judy Bishop, applicant' s representative, • and John Kennaly, applicant' s engineer . Also present were Patsy West, 0 • Lot Line Adjustment LA 821122:1 (Rockstad) Senior Engineering Technician; Jim Wentzel, Planning Commissioner; and Fred Buss, Associate Planner . Staff had no concerns or comments. FINDINGS 1. The application as submitted has been determined to be Categori- ically Exempt from the requirements of C.E.Q.A. 2. The application as presented conforms with the applicable subdi- vision regulations. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends ap- proval of Lot Line Adjustment LA 821122:1 subject to the following conditions: 1. The lot line adjustment as shown on the map provided herein shall be submitted in a Final Map format to be approved by the Planning Department prior to recordation by the County Recorder ' s Office. 2. The proposed adjusted lot lines shall be surveyed and monuments set at new property corners prior to recordation of the Final Map. 3. The location of all improvements and easements shall be delineated on the Final Map. 4Approval of this Lot Line Adjustment shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless a time extension has been granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: FRED USS Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: P4-YLM /A LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director 2 Ilo 24 �l �-7 4,7 R r 6 5 / � 28 �, /4 it j .I b j 34 i i 23 1 t %8 29 2227� 39 71 It 12 / 3 21 / i0 i 1 _ 13 �•.. 45 ,, 20 /9 14 `- 25 3 2 1 c.; rr 4 5/4 �!2 ' 16 23 5 21 22 / \ r 22 \ \6 8 --41A X43 �'\', t3 , \� 17/ 8 7 20 r 15 � C i 4 17 j _ 21 j \ I g 32 \ 15 ! / 9 33 2116 50 A1 6, �' 10 34 30 / 17 3 2 . 4 5 10 ca, 18 13 16 36 tt \ 14 v 22 19 48 � 49 ----� ' 1 ---T-�V 16 — 15 P �� ,. 7 r 5 3 32 - \ t l � 1 1„ � 1 � ! � I 13,.-;� 14a i 5o 38`\ 14 . 1 1l7 +IB j 7 38 02 Y 39 16 15 4-4 13 12 t �* 5 4 1 1 �a 443 LSA 40: C-_ --.1_ ltQi_9�9. 7 16 3 ,/ ��4p \ 6 45 420 y �4i 2 -- 8 � / 45 a v �G �s i \ 6 1`� 2C 3 ,\ 8 7 \\ � 4 , 3 2 t 4------\ D \ 37 1 11 41 \ 2 2 2 1 _—� \ / 3 2 \ 36' \ 40 / 4 1 j 2 35 `\ 38 \39\ \ /// \ d/ 23. / \ \2 \\5\ 2 ��25 A 7\, 6 ', \\� 13 t � 26 ,`\ 1► 1I0 // \ t2 10 I 4 12 3G 14 -- �s 34 \ �{y_i1`" 21�' OCGSTt>I+/ Cwt ` N L po "' ---- -�i 270 I e p Y !9, 1v� ► &ocr� Z Q. 27 x32 /2g 322\\ 2 / \32 b a 5 ', 4 3 4 23 t �O,qa 29 � �0� 22 6 32 c 2 ' 75�- 3 --� / 3 14 15 16 I7 19 19120 I , 2t A-3-32©-p v F lP � A-(_6_v 5 A (,eOCX57*.P � Gon /q,do,a I , AON5S"-031� 1s �\ r� 3 °Y 10 qjrj w. p J gMmioj d d � co y An+ ` 0 a dip v - r. / J OP � �tiN M ♦' i aj Ibd.19 � 5�D4'S U bwoe 41'L -/lop . M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY COUNCIL February 8, 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LA 820901:1 (AT 82-157) LOCATION: 9030 &9034 La Linia (Ptn. Lot 9, Block 2, A.D.S. Addition) APPLICANT: W.D. & S.S. Tilley/Wayne and Margaret Landrum (Associated Professions) On November 8, 1982, the City Council approved the tentative lot line adjustment eliminating a flag lot situation, subject to cer- tain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the • Planning Commission. The zoning is R-1-B-2-D (506) and the General Plan designation is Moderate Density Single Family Residential. -Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been met.' On February 7, 1983, the Planning Commission reviewed the matter and recommended acceptance of the Final Map on its Consent Calendar. C � . .0440y, LAWRENCE STEVENS MURY . RDEN Planning Director Cit ManLger Ps • - - - ---- - - - - -- - - qr f`GR'fC'e41 1 ' A•� 4� f eOPee 3 )q O • Ch oilvi it n1 m C y w � � � � � N• �� y n n T p c, IN nl a rNJo 66 9 d m gym n IN�� '• 4 ,�sy / y N yFo 5 Q,tic n ter ? o r NO?TH //S,•V 7'riPFMJ - /6' 9CG EY �m • w •. •,ti3 o y � a �+z � o oa � to zC"Z `�^ p C �, m y y �o2y� oz � o�' n� � �I y �o�o NZ of aa�c • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER February 8, 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION LOCATION: 5940 E1 Camino Real APPLICANT: Donald Archie Anderson REQUEST: To establish a card room with two tables. Chapter 6.36 of the Business License Ordinance requires that all card rooms be reviewed by the Police Chief and, with his recommendation, be forwarded to City Council for approval. The Police Chief has conducted a background investigation on the ap- plicant and finds no reason to disqualify the applicant from eligibil- ity to obtain a business license to operate a card room. Since this license application involves only a change of owner for a previously licensed card room location, there are no zoning requirements. RECOMMENDATION Based upon successful completion of the background investigation, the Planning Director and Police Chief recommend that the business license application for Donald Archie Anderson be approved. ( (6t'-�irtvc. A�r� xl�� A LAWRENCE STEVENSRRAY WARDEN Planning Director City anager • s P r i INCORPORATED JULY 2. 1979 r5 N APPLICATION FOR FINANCE DIRECTOR • BUSINESS LICENSE P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 466-8000 50% PENALTY IF NOT LICENSE FEE: PAID BY: APPLICANT: Donald A.Anderson (X) Indivdual ( ) Corporation ADDRESS: 5140 Magdelena (X) Residence ( ) Principal place of business of corp. Atascadero, Ca. 93422 PHONE: (Message) 461-1429 MAILING ADDRESS: same as above STATE LICENSE NO. : RESALE PERMIT NO. : IF INDIVIDUAL: 534-32-1074 IF CORPORATION: Social Security Number Corporate Number P347449 California ;Diver's License No. State Responsible Officer Title ';BUSINESS NAME (dba) : BUSINESS ADDRESS: El Camino Real BUSINESS PHONE: L1611.0 — ' 7 " Atascadero NATURE OF BUSINESS: Card Room OWNER OF PREMISES: Clifford Hier-Johnson LESSEE OF PREMISE,S�: Walt &Pat Togni ADDRESS:3�161G4 �jJQ%moi. � ADDRESS:� MIELLANEOUS: PERSONS HAVING INTEREST AND/OR GENERAL PARTNERS: i hereby declare that th1c foregoing information is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. _ /s/ DATE: ( O F F I C E U S E O N L Y ) BUS. LICENSE NO. CONDITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS FINANCE: TERM: PLANNING: EXPIRATION DATE: POLICE: ( ) NEW FIRE: ( ) RENEWAL HEALTH: Date lst Issued AMOUNT PAID: - CITY COUNCIL: DATE LICENSE ISSUED: DATE PAID: OTHER: RECEIPT NO. : ' S � 4 � n 3 r 'ka a Z0 7z 27 i r ti warms; + sx g:F rrrd a y .tr ?ih, ''a..vC?§�*f+�'".IVrv}^` ,ar 7! ,# 1, ,� nir„+: 5 r`` n 5 W> tr- t'7a=•-'°'a'i .,,`A .a "�' 'S x"5 .. fi '<s't5' "i � r' -*.+�'. 'M1 ry bMV �Y�i+`•k'�w.�KFhf("0.'"".,'f1��"r�c.`ti' g1�.Fs-t��F' 'f h�, 5t ,�°` aa>r:Y ."".x{ i,�, #+�,�'! 'dA s a taseade's INCORPORATED JULY 2. 1978 1 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 747 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: (805) 466-8000 Y m ' 4 DATE: February 7, 1983 E TO. Planning Director !� 4 ra r FROM: Chief of Police i 5 n 1 'k SUBJECT: t a kx „ Background Check " We have received a clear background check on the following business license applicant: ., ANDERSON, DONALD ARCHIE F t`IS x RICHARD H. MCHALE CHIEF OF POLICE s b kkx.- �7r,.t - t - s - ni r r ' 1 CITY ATTORNEY FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 749 6005 LEWIS AVENUE I aa� �° 4atiluy� k " w ?'ax * �t (805 466-8600 ATASCADERO, CA 93423 ) ATASCADERO; CA 93422 _'�' (805) 466-5678 (805) 466-2141 0 0 � • _M E_M 0_R A_N D U M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Brimmage request for Zoning Ordinance amendment DATE: February 10, 1983 Please bring the information on this matter provided to you for the last meeting. If you no longer have it, let us know and we will reproduce it for you. MURRAY L. WARDEN MLW:ad • • M E M O R A N D U M - • TO: CITY MANAGER February 8, 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DRAFT ZONING ORDINANCE - Chapter 3 (Zoning Districts) On February 7, 1983 the Planning Commission considered Chapter 3 and completed its review of approximately 30% of the Chapter . Discussion began on page l of the Chapter and was completed through the CN Zone. Discussion centered on the following topics: - Definition of "Bed and Breakfast" and its appropriateness in the A Zone (it was deleted as a Conditional Use) . The Commission requested more information on this use to determine if addition- al standards in Chapter 6 are warranted. - Concerns about LSF Zone (also known as the "no animal" zone in- cluding procedural difficulties in applying it (who can apply? How are boundaries set?) The Commission decided to delete this • zoning district. Implementation of density bonus program in the RMF Zone. Con- sideration centered mainly on the amount of the bonus and on the time that would guarantees would have to remain in effect. The Commision recommended rewriting of Section 9-3.175 to allow a maximum 25% bonus and a 15 year guarantee. There were no comments on other portions of the draft through the CN Zone. The Commission set February 22 as its next meeting on Chapter 3 and requested Staff to give highest priority to this matter even if it meant delaying regular agenda business for a meeting or two. The City Council hearing should be continued to February 28 for the remainder of Chapter 3 to be considered. (NOTE: Copies of Chapter 3 and an addenda have been distributed to Council and Staff. ) /Oxww LAWRENCE STEVENS RRAY WARDEN • Planning Directority nager • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER February 8, 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 821108 :1 LOCATION: 7805 Santa Cruz Road (Lot 16, Block 51) REQUEST: To allow division of 5.44 acres into two parcels of 2. 66 and 2.79 acres each. APPLICANT: Frank Mecham .(Associated Professions) An January 3, 1983 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing ron the requested lot split request adopting Findings 1-3 as listed in the attached Staff Report and denying the application (with Commis- sioner Carroll dissenting) . • ;Some of the concerns raised by the Commission in recommending denial of the request included: - minimum lot size criteria in the General Plan - slope of the access road to the building site - area needed for access road to the building site - distance from the center of the community "Frank Mecham, applicant, spoke in support of approving the request stating there were lots of comparative size in the surrounding area asd pointed out that it would probably be several years before any building would take place. Toby Osgood, representing the applicant, noted there are other lots of even smaller sizes in the adjacent areas and felt the request was con- sistent with regard to minimum lot sizes. No one else appeared on the matter . • 0 • Tentative Parcel Map AT 821108 :1 (Mecham) On January 13, 1983, the applicant appealed the Commission' s decision • to deny the request. LAWRENCE STEVENS M RRAY . WARDEN Planning Director ity fanager Ps • 2 INCORPORATED JULY 2,1979 PLANN '..DEPARTMENT APPLICATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION: REASON FOR REQUEST= W a EXISTING USE: —1019 App cant / Address ' Phone Property Owner Address Phone H a w Representative Address Phone P4 OtherAddress Phone syL l i you. , - 2 PROJECT ADDRESS I consent to the filing of this oapplication and declare that H LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot /` Block f J Tract this application and related E- ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. materials are true and correct. Copies of recorded deeds, title reports, or similar Owner ( ) A,gennt, v material may be required to illustrate deed restrictions, isi -��f�%'✓7,,� covenants, easements. Date: CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RECEIVED BY DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE RECEIVED: /� ZONE CHANGE VARIANCE ZONING: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: SUBDIVISION LOT SIZE: A LOT DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Date STREET VACATION DEPARTMENTAL ACTION: STREET NAME CHANGE Date INTERPRETATION PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION Date CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Total Fee Required Date Date Paid: Receipt No. : ?�s' 19i8I it G ' 7 j979 CITY OF ATASCADERO Planning Department January 3, 1983 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 821108:1 LOCATION: 7805 Santa Cruz Road (Lot 16, Block 51) APPLICANT: Frank Mecham (Associated Professions) REQUEST: To allow division of a 5.44 acres parcel of land into two parcels of 2. 66 and 2.79 acres each. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-B-V-2 , . General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: The applicant has completed an Initial Study Environmental Description form. The Planning Direc- tor has prepared a Draft Conditional Negative Declaration indicat- ing the project will not have any significant adverse impacts upon the environment if certain mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. A. Site Conditions: The site is located approximately 0.45 miles in from Garcia Road on Santa Cruz Road, an unimproved dirt road with a locked gate. Santa Cruz Road runs across a large swale which is part of a creek in the wintertime. The site contains 5.44 acres. Average slope for the entire parcel is 27. 5% using the contour measurement method. The level portion of the lot is located at the road frontage and has an average slope of 12. 5%. The site is densely covered with heavy brush and oak trees. A ranch house is located on an adjacent lot. There are no utilities available to this site with the exception of electricity which will entail ex- tension of overhead lines. 5.. Project Description: The applicant requests permission to divide his 5. 444 acre parcel of land into two lots of 2. 659 and 2.785 acres each on unimproved Santa Cruz Road. Each parcel has front- age on Santa Cruz Road but that road is not improved westerly of Garcia Road. Tentative Parcel Map„ ' 821108 :1 (Mecham) . STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, December 2, 1982 the Subdivision Review Board met with the applicant, Frank Mecham, and his engineers from Associated Prof- essions, Inc. Also in attendance at the meeting were: Fred Buss, Associate Planner, and Patience West, Senior Engineering Technician. The following items of concern were discussed: Minimum lot size consistency with the General Plan (Page 60, Suburban Single Family Residential) : 1. Slope of the access road to the building site. 2. Availability of services. 3. Distance from the center of the community (Central Business District) 4. General character of neighboring lands. 5. Percolation 6. Area needed for access road to the building site Staff is concerned with General Plan consistency regarding lot size. This site fronts on Santa Cruz Road, a road that is still in the pri- vate ownership. The road is not improved and continues beyond a locked gate. Sections of the road pass through major drainage swales and are susceptible to inundation. Road grades exceed 12% at some of these swales. The subject property is located almost half a mile from the nearest improved road (Garcia Road) . Water and gas are not avail- able anywhere on Santa Cruz Road and electric service would require extension of lines and poles. The site is slightly over three miles away from the edge of the Central Business District and approximately one quarter of a mile from the City boundary. Of the lots located on Santa Cruz Road within a half mile of the site in both directions (ex- cluding the Yeoman tract) , the average lot size is approximately 4. 5 acres. Soil Conservation Service maps indicate that this area gener- ally has severe septic suitability. Building sites on the proposed parcels would be immediately adjacent to Santa Cruz Road. 7The existing zoning designation, A-1-B-V-2, would indicate an average 'lot size of two acres for this area, but the B-V-2 designation also provides for a 3 1/2 acre minimum lot size where slopes are between 25 and 35%. However , this has been superceded by the General Plan. The General Plan criteria indicates that minimum lot sizes in this area should be at the upper end of the 2 1/2 to 10 acre range of the Subur- ban Single Family Residential designation rather than at the minimum size being requested. 2 , Tentative Parcel Ma*T 821108:1 (Mecham) FINDINGS 1. The tentative parcel map does not conform with criteria set forth in the 1980 Atascadero General Plan governing minimum lot size in the Suburban Services area. 2. The creation of lots near the minimum lot size allowed by the Sub- urban Single Family Residential land use designation is inappro- priate due to the site' s location at the westerly City boundary, due to poor percolation quality in the immediate vicinity and due to the average lot size now existing in the surrounding area. 3. The tentative parcel map does not conform with existing zoning regulations governing lot size due to its average slope. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends denial of Tentative Parcel Map AT 821108 : 1. ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Continue to a later date to allow preparation of Find- ings and Conditions for approval. TO DENY: Adopt Finding and Staff recommendation. 'REPORT PREPARED BY: i FRED BUSS Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: �aloll� Avcvt" LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director ps 3 1 17 1 910 15A / 22 � 23 Q � _ -16 14 /3 ` 4 A --- O �__ 25 127 28 I> \ \732 i i B;' 29 30 r U 13,E 17 ` \ 1 IC 18 20 l9 +4 F 9/ 8 23 ! X32° 33° /7 19 <^4 22 2/ y �2- 3 2 2S32 26 ` 20 26 1 b ; 7 28 `� 2? i f /323�' 33° 16 5 � i�1 23 2 / 4 i 3 /36 2? 24 5 /3c' 33e 30 29 817;g/5 /`�2s/ �it,e 33f 3\ 4 rC o 31 10 3 i \ r3r b o 3� 2 31 31 3 f / 1/5 11 49 1 29i� 16 � 33 48 �ao� �'X30° `. 47 33 b! 12 LJ t7 7 32 3 47A _ � -- 36 4 46 4 31g� 4 2 I ` 5 3 0 O� 3? 45 g\ 29 E 1 � 12 44 � 8 6 + �^c 13 II 10 9 E 3y 17 43 ` : ,�'' �, 27 \I `� 27 40 18 7 N `� `� 42 y 8 � 14 . , 19 ` y 8x\46 Q . I 41 � 2\ 41 �` \ 3 �a9 26 16 42 2i 9 / \ .45 ` 10 25 Z 40 ( 9A a ' 17 22 23 3 24 2 98 11�� 4q 39 96 24 18 12 21 i 23 10 5 .,1 y � 23 19 0,41 38 25 ! 13 22 12 + 1 �i 4 14 / 21 17 j J 16 2 24 ;37 13 24 43. 15 20 18 / P 15 "14 616 19 / 141 2 5 36 / 42 / I 19 i 3 15 23 41 26 I 35 7 40 ' 17 2 20 2 a a 21 ' 4 S 27 34 16 - - \21 22 8 39 5 I9 15" 2 33 20 ' 38 4 15 17 -5,''-� 28 ! 32 17 / i9 9 6 3 8 14 16 10 7 6 9 z ( I I 0 15 ' - / � 2 30 31 i� IS 36 Le,cavcnt 7 16 14 12 33 1 34 35 /37 �(F;,Lt►OB : / Q 18 \ , 11 78OS f NrrF Coe u 15 Z ORD ��y 8 17 AN 1 Lor I/(o/; LK-Sl 32 2 23;25 mFtCNi9/Y7 l�S;co.4 /��'brESs�oNsr due. 20 31 5 22 26 7 `�- 1 30 r 21 �? \ II I_N. J' A'D'Z%t A-I c H } �-I S�Tr o A0 r.. t� J � o-V. --/ A- -d-V-S WO S-07 Al TA C2Lf Z KOAC) 57 A-i-Q-V-5 b.J• P1:o h til llh � ryO C'i� ew��� _ r�e � � �ato� V iic[v i 1 e► �1 w �ll i tO \ bo` 2� !o oW W 1° f �..� � G ��teV��� h °��it �F Q(�( " i •:y•�ti v � i oZ^ z�W t ` L [ tf W �V�'a�iy� O � � .. Qom•°° ,'�� , °�F i�iIIi� R A 1U�1 t • i • s i i i • t ,1 y f W v I r 2 A J k o j W W u h 7N/7 7Jb M3N • I 1I.1 ,00 BIN I n V w V ^ 'v ,10'(01• i AA.00."N h~3[ y Qty • z ' M E M O R A N D U M rW r V I'V TO: CITY MANAGER February 10, 1983 FROM: PLANNING DI CTOR SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM The Department of Housing and Community Development (State of Calif- ornia) has announced that $27,142, 000 have been allowed to the State for Federal FY 1983 for the Non-entitlement (or Small Cities) Program of CDBG. It is anticipated that 50-60 eligible cities and counties will receive grants through this program. Atascadero is among the approximately 200 cities and counties eligible for this program. PROGRAM OVERVIEW . Section 101 (c) of the Housing and Community Development Act estab- lishes the primary national objective of the program as the develop- ment of viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low- and moderate-income. This overall objective is to be achieved through the undertaking of eligible acti- vities, each of which must carry out at least one of three additional broad national objectives set out in Section 104 (b) (3) of the Act: a. benefiting low- and moderate-income families; b. aiding in the prevention or elimination of slum and or blight; or C. meeting other community development needs having a particular urgency. Federal regulations (24 CFR 570 .489 (b) ) , give states some flexibility developing purposes, procedures, and priorities for the distribution of program funds. In addition to incorporating the national objec- tives, the California State Legislature has established the following State program objectives: a. At least fifty-one percent (51%) of the funds applied for shall benefit the targeted income group as defined in Section 7054 of the State program regulations. (The federal regula • tions mandate that no activity or portion of a program may exclude from its benefit, the lowest targeted income group. ) Community Developmen Block Grant (CDBG) Program b. An amount equal to one and one-quarter percent (1.25$) of the total State program funds is to be granted to eligible cities • and counties to be used in identifiable geographic areas with concentrations (at least 51%) of Native American Indians not recognized as an Indian tribe by the Housing and Community Development Act. C. At least fifty-one (51%) of the program funds made available pursuant to the State CDBG program must be used for the pur- pose of providing or improving housing opportunities for the targeted income group. The construction of infrastructure directly related to the provision or improvement of housing opportunities for the targeted income group will meet this requirement. Basic eligible activities fall into the three major categories of housing, public facilities, and economic development. These activi- ties include, but are not limited to: 1) acquisition and disposition of real property; 2) construction and improvements of public facili- ties and improvements; 3) property rehabilitation; 4) provision of public services; 5) payment of the non-federal share of a grant-in- aid program; 6) improvement of sites for assisted housing; 7) relo- cation assistance; 8) expansion of industrial and commercial proper- ty; 9) historic preservation; and 10) comprehensive community planning. It is important to undwrstand that this program is a competitive one • and some eligible activities are not likely to score well in the com- petition. Past reviews also indicate that applications that target for the minimum objectives are usually not successful. WORK SCHEDULE Since this is the first year the State has administered the program, it has been slow getting started due to time needed in preparing reg- ulations, setting up procedures, preparing training manuals, etc. As a result, application preparation time frames are short (March 14 is the deadline) . The following schedule will be necessary to allow for required citizen participation: February 16 - Informational meeting conducted by Planning Director to explain program to public and interested groups. Beginning of citizen participation process. February 28 - Public hearing by City Council on program alterna- tives and determination of proposed program. March 14 - Public hearing by City Council on proposed program and application. • 2 • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Staff has already initiated work for the February 17 meeting by pre- paring notices and other materials. LAWRENCE STEVENSU RAY L ARDEN Planning Director C' ty M ager Ps 3 • 9 � • _M E M 0_R A_N_D_U_M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Request for street maintenance district Lobos Lane DATE: February 10, 1983 Recommend your approval of the attached process as suggested by the Public Works Director ' s memo. Your action Monday night will be only to approve the concept and, if you doso, then we will have to return with all the procedural steps that must be followed for your adoption at subsequent meetings. The only reservation I have is the reservation of advancing funds for this project. It is not the amount that causes me con- cern, but rather the precedence that is established which, if followed ' in every case, could end up with the City having an ap- preciable outstanding loan balance at a time when our cash flow and reserves are subject to some rather severe strains. If at all possible, I would recommend that we not establish a loan fund and, if we do, that it be limited to a short pay-back period. • As you are aware, there are a lot of streets which could be improved under these same provisions and, if enough property own- ers desired this service, it could cause-a large outstanding loan balance on the part of the City far beyond our capability to ab- sorb with our limited cash flow. Therefore, recommend your very serious consideration of the impacts of a loan program. As for the concept, I strongly endorse the recommendations of the Public Works Director as a method for resolving the road construction and maintenance dilemma. MURRAY L. WARDEN �- MLW:ad • M E M O R A N D U M TO: Murray FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Petition for Street Maintenance District - Lobos Lane Attached is a petition to place certain properties on Lobos Lane and Encima Avenue into a Street Maintenance District for the purposes of paving and maintaining Lobos Lane for access to the lots in that area. Eight of the fourteen effected property owners have signed the petition. The attached map shows the area to be included in the proposed maintenance district as well as those properties indicating positive support for the creation of a district. As background, I have had several conversations with Mr. Anderson, outlining options available for the residents to enable them to have their private access road paved and maintained. Mr. Anderson and others attempted to have the road improvments privately constructed, however were unable to achieve total opperation of all the properties involved. About two weeks ago I met with some of the residents of the area at Mr. • Anderson's home and again outlined options available. It was the consensus of those at the meeting that they wished to pursue the maintenance district proposal since it would allow the construction of a less than standard width road, which would be maintained by the property owners through the district process. One of the constraints to building a road to City standards under the standard road assessment district proceedings is that extensive grading would required, raising the construction cost substantially and requiring encroachment into developed yards. The residents I have talked to indicated they don't wish to alter their yards and can get by with a roadway width of 16' or less. They also indicated they have no objection to paying a small annual fee to cover ongoing maintenance for a paved road. I have estimated the cost to construct a paved access road with a width of 16' to be $7,000-$8,000. Annual maintenance should be no more than $150-$200. Under the Maintenance District proceedings as outlined in Section 5820-5856 of the Streets and Highways Code, if the district is approved, the City could levy a one time assessment to have the road improvements installed and levy an annual maintenance fee to cover ongoing expenses. The one-time road construction cost would be approximately $500-$600 per lot with the annual maintenance cost on the order of $10 per lot. Lobos Lane Assessmen*istrict page two I believe the residents may wish to have the City advance funds to allow immediate construction of the roadway paving with repayment made through the collection of the future assessments. No specific terms have been mentioned, however, some property owners may also wish to pay-off the assessment in one payment. Section 5835.5 of the Streets and Highways Codes does provide for a loan of funds by the City to a Maintenance District. The loan interest rate is fixed by the Council and the maximum term is for 10 years. It is my recommendation that Council accept the petition for the formation of a Street Maintenance District and proceed with preparation of a Resolution of Intention to order the formation of the district. Specific recommendations concerning the possible options available to finance the work can be discussed and decided on at the time the resolution is con- sidered. The formation of the district requires certain notifications to property owners, postings, protest and rate setting hearings. If the Council wishes to proceed with the district, then those steps will be outlined.' It is proposed that the benefit of improving and maintaining Lobos Lane be divided equally to each of the lots taking access from that road. If, during the protest hearings, a majority of the property owners file a protest, then the Council may terminate the proceedings unless Council overrules the protest by a four-fifths vote. AWRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh cc:City Attorney Finance Dir. att. 9 January 29, 1983* The Council City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero, Calif. 93422 Pursuant to the meeting on January 26, 1983 and prior discussions with Mr, Larry McPherson the undersigned property owners on Lobos Lane and Encima, nereby,, respectfully petition formation of a Street Maintenance District. The desired district would encompass all of Lobos Lane from it's ' intersection with Nogales Street to the end of Lobos Lane, a - distance of approximately 900 feet. The property :_owners on Encima join in this petition as their only means of access and egress is by way of, Lobos Lane. The undersigned constitute a majority of the thirteen property owners on Lobos Lane and Encima. As noted above, Lobos Lane is approximately 900 feet from it's intersection with Nogales to the end. Rougnly 125 feet of the lower end intersecting with Nogales was paved about twenty years ago at private expense. The remaining 775 feet of Lobos Lane is unpaved." The desired maintenance district is a necessity in that part of the unpaved portion of Lobos Lane nas eroded to the extent that it is very difficult of passage. This condition becomes worse with each rain, forseeably becoming impassable. The 125 feet of paving connecting with Nogales has deteriorated very badly and is sadly in need of repair. The only solution for this problem is the paving of Lobos Lane and required maintenF,4ce thereafter. It is highly desirable and, so requested, that the City of Atascadero provide for the paving of Lobos Lane, in .accordance with maintence district requirements with the cost thereof to be assessed evenly to the property owners on Lobos Lane and Encima; . these costs, if possible, to be spread over and collected as special city taxes from the affected property owners over the following five years, The Councils consideration and favorable action on this petition is most earnestly requested. -Name Address C Parcel Number r ✓lam w.tt� �-,r - 4 c� 1.�. A q-- -r a- y -aid L/ �/ ��' 27 2-- 'V7 — � jr�aX rC ' tr�� .ti�,�5` �iYci.Yr�?- Qo o L/1 a� coo • PTN. CITY OF ATASCADERO ' �•� " • r . • lb �` � � °�(bil j O AS 0 c' / 1.33 3 0 > t t\ A 2 6 s 9r .NC 48KN a5 '\�.. q doA 08 w ._ J(/ r z O 48 L 0 2 3 � 7 E N !� O 10 �r O� 'bQ 4g N 2 a'•O O /3e 60.75 �,,�• _ \ �b' . _ - A r,m 4 60. 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The board may require such bonds as it may deem ade- quate from the successful bidder to secure the faithful performance of the con- shall state the time and plan 1 tract and the payment of all claims for labor and materials, and may reject any territory proposed to be ann and all bids. In an emergency, work found by a four-fifths vote of the board to the territory proposed to be be necessary to protect life or property from impending flood damage may be done publication together with the by negotiated contract without advertising for bids therefor. notice and no mailed notice nc (Amended by Stats.1975,c.9 ,1 (Amended by Stats.1972,c.852,p.1510, §3.) § 5839. Hearing; order of Ir 1972 Amendment. Added last sentence. At the time fixed for the §5835.5 County maintenance district; county loan; emergencies Pursuant to a resolution adopted by its board of supervisors a count may lend m supervisors shall hear a '! P � y may be filed to the inclusion q : any available county funds to a county maintenance district for the replacement The board of a ' of obsolete equipment, or to defray unusual maintenance costs. Any such loan supervisors i may be restricted for use in a temporary zone formed under the provisions of that such territory or any Section 5855 in a district. The loan shall bear interest at a rate to be fixed by the district and 'may order tl the board of supervisors, and shall be repaid in approximately equal installments such * * * territory if one over a period not to exceed 10 years. Any funds lent to the district, or zone, are (a) The territory to be Anne: appropriated for the purposes for which the loan was made. Any area of a district, or of a temporary none in a district, which is included in a city by annexation (b) The annexation will ally or incorporation after a loan has been made shall continue to be taxed or assessed operation of an existing lighti for the repayment of its proportionate part of the unpaid balance of the loan. (Amended by Stats.1979, c.26 CII If a zone is formed to be responsible for the loan, the board of supervisors § 5840. Overlapping districts shall, in the first fiscal year in which a special tax or assessment may be levied If any portion of the tem f ' ;! in * * * the zone, and in each succeeding year of the duration of the zone, levy a special tax or assessment upon the taxable property in the zone for the Portion of another maintenar. �r ter, a highway lighting dist �I• purpose of repaying with interest the amount lent to the district by the county. Section 19000) of n 1 t mi ll t h th id b h l the e oan as been repaid, e zone shall provisions of Chap (tom In case of emergency, the board of supervisors may also borrow funds from an- Health and Safety Code, the other maintenance district and the board of supervisors may lend available district plete unless and until any or iI funds to another maintenance district. Such loans shall be subject to the same which such territory is a pa i terms and conditions as loans made from county funds. the parties thereto, has bee 1 I (Amended by Stats.1972, c. 852, p. 1510, § 4; Stats.1979, c.261, p. 909, § 10, urgency, * * * district of further o eff. July 17, 1979.) tions within the portion of 1972 Amendment. Deleted last para- graph' Other district remaining On have been apportioned betty �1 § 5838. Notice of hearing; mail; affidavit was annexed and the other The board of supervisors shall cause notice of the time, place, and purpose of the division of such funds shall 1 hearing to be given by mail to each owner whose name and address appears on of the real property of the to the last equalized assessment roil and who owns real property within the boundaries of the real property within t of the territory sought to be annexed. The notice shall contain the name and (Amended by Stats.1979, c. 26: telephone number of a local department or agency designated by the board of § 5841. Dissolution by annex ;i supervisors to answer inquiries regarding the hearing proceedings. The person If the territory annexed to II� directed b3 the board of supervisors to mail the notices shall file, upon the comple- all of another maintenance d tion of the mailing, an affidavit setting forth the time and manner of the compli a highway lighting district o I ' ante with this section. tion 19000) of Division 14, In addition, the board of supervisors shall cause notices of the hearing to be C I - ; posted in three conspicuous places within the territory proposed to be annexed. provisions of hapter 4 (comr The notices shall be headed Notice of hearing" in letters not less than one inch Health and Safety Code, upor of the order of the board of In height and shall contain a description of the territory proposed to be annexed and a statement of the time and place of the hearing. In lieu of the description district so annexed shall th the boundaries of territory proposed to be annexed may be shown by means of a district remaining on hand diagram printed upon the notice. The notice shall be posted not less than 10 days to the maintenance district tc �I. prior to the date set for the hearing. or obligations of • * th In proceedings for annexation to sewer, lighting, or drainage maintenance dis- the obligations of the maintenn �. tricts, the board of supervisors shall direct its clerk to publish a notice once a week (Amended by Stats.1979, c. 261 Underline Indicates changes or additions by amendment Asterisks * * * Indicate deteti ` 34 M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER rjy February 9 , 1983 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: YARD AGREEMENT FOR 9020 LA LINIA (John Larsen) The Planning Department has denied a business license to establish an auto repair business within a portion of an existing building at 9020 La Linia. This determination is based upon the fact; that the existing building cannot comply with fire-resistive construction requirements for an auto repair occupancy. The existing metal, light industrial building is constructed as a III-N (non-rated) structure and is located seven feet from the proper- ty line. The auto repair occupancy (H-4) requires a two-hour fire- resistive wall for a building less than ten feet from the property line. A one-hour fire-resistive wall is required between 10 and 20 feet from the property line and a non-rated wall (such as exists) would only be permitted twenty feet from the property line. Obviously the existing building cannot conform to these H-4 yard requirements; and, in fact, the building cannot conform for any other occupancy typical to this type of structure and the existing zoning. In order to alleviate the nonconformity, not only for the proposed auto repair business but also for existing and future tenants of the building, the Planning Department has identified several alternatives, including: 1) reconstruct the wall so that it can satisfy fire-resistive requirements 2) provide a document satisfactory to the City Attorney commit- 'ting a portion of the adjacent property to establish the re- quired yard. Failing these two alternatives, the only remaining option ('since the building as constructed cannot qualify for any occupancy) is to pro- vide a listing of acceptable, non-hazardous uses. Due to the cost of Alternative #1, most of the ensuing discussion has centered on the yard agreement alternative. Section 504 of the Uni- form Building Code (copy attached) provides general authority for es- tablishing permanent yards. It specifically provides that the center- lines of streets and alleys are considered as property lines for the • purpose of providing required yards. Furthermore, the Planning De- partment has allowed railroad rights-of-way to perform the same function. , Re: Yard Agreement or 9020 La LinaLarsen ( ) Since yard agreements are required to be permanent, they are recorded as covenants or easements. This also allows subsequent owners of • properties affected by yard agreements to be aware of their existence since they do impose certain building restrictions. You should be aware that yard agreements are used frequently, especially in large industrial complexes with very large buildings. In this case, the Larsen property is adjacent to two residential prop- erties (owned by Willy Tilley and Wayne Landrum - see Lot Line Adjust- ment LA 820901:1 on Consent Calendar) . A public sewer line exists in the southwesterly 15 feet of the Tilley/Landrum properties and occu- pies the area which is needed by John Larsen. Mr. Larsen contends that this 15 foot sewer "easement" is sufficient to provide the re- quired yard without further documentation. The Planning Department has reviewed this option and does not find use of the sewer "easement" to be acceptable for the yard agreement for the following reasons: - The sewer easement does not legally exist even though the sewer line does exist. (A review of the Title Report provided for the Lot Line Adjustment shows a "Notice of Lis Pendens" commenced by the County to condemn the right-of-way for the sewer but does not show that the condemnation action was ever completed. Nor does it show any other action to properly secure the easement. While an easement may "exist" by proscription, an action is still necessary to establish legally that proscriptive right. ) • - Sewer easements are not considered sufficiently permanent to the yard agreement. (The sewer easement could be vacated at some future date and, in this case, the entire 15 feet would revert to the residential owners. Roads and alleys are general- ly more permanent in nature and, if vacated, they generally re- vert to adjacent owners with the centerline being the new divid- ing line. ) — There are differences in the purpose of a sewer easement and a yard agreement and the City may be jeopardizing the right of the residential owners by allowing use of the easement for a purpose beyond that for which the easement was acquired. (The use of a sewer easement to provide yards for an adjacent owner may re- strict the residential properties, if the sewer easement is ever vacated, to the point of taking that 15 feet of property unless the approval of the underlying fee owners is secured for this change, or additional, purpose. ) There have been contacts with Willy Tilley and Wayne Landrum on the matter by John Larsen. Staff has discussed the matter with Mr . Tilley and has been available to discuss it with Mr . Landrum. To date, Mr . Larsen has not been able to secure yard agreements with them. • 2 Re: Yard Agreement tor 9020 La Linia (Larsen) You should be aware that the yard agreement would not result in any greater building restriction than exists for the sewer easement since both would result in a prohibition of construction within the 15 feet (Note: only 13 feet is needed for the yard agreement. ) . LAWRENCE STE NS MU Y L. WARDEN Planning Director Cit Man ger Approved as to legal effect: 1s/ Allen Grimes ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney Ps 3 • D13 • _M_E_M_O_R A N_D_U_M_ TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Amendment of PERS Contract DATE: February 7 , 1983 During the Fiscal Year 1982-83 labor negotiations, it was mutually agreed to modify our PERS contract for Police Safety members to in- clude the 1959 Survivors Program. The attached Resolution of Inten- tion is the first step of several required to implement this change. The designated effective date is April 1983. As part of the process, Section 7507 of the Government Code re- quires our governing body to make public the cost implications of the proposed contract amendment at a public meeting prior to the adoption of the final ordinance. 'Therefore: "The PERS rate for Safety members, without the optional bene- fits, would be 14,871%. Our new rate with additions of the 1959 Survivors Program is 14 .999%, thus the change in cost of • the optional benefits is 0. 128%, (14.999%-14. 871%) . Applying this percentage to the most current payroll figures for five (5) Police Sergeants and fourteen (14) Police Officers for the next twelve months generates a total cost to the City of $480.72." Following adoption of the Resolution of Intention and announce- ment of the cost factors at a public meeting, certificates of such action must be mailed to PERS. In addition, an election by ballot must be conducted amongst those safety officers involved and certified results of such election sent to PERS . We will then receive the final contract documents from PERS and schedule the firstreading of the ordinance on March 14 , 1983 with the second reading scheduled for March 28, 1983. The ordinance becomes effective on April 27, 1983, allowing effective date of the amendment beginning with payroll period following; April 30, 1983. This matter should be entered as a separate agenda item so that the above factors of cost may be made public in conjunction with con- sidering the Resolution of Intention. -[;�HZ,—> RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. • RHD:ad RESOLUTION NO. 7-83 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, the Public Employees' Retirement Law permits the partici- pation of public agencies and their employees in the Public Employees' Retirement system by the execution of a contract, and sets forth the procedure by which said public agencies may elect to subject them- selves and their employees to amendments to said Law; and WHEREAS, one of the steps in the procedure to amend this contract is the adoption by the legislative body of the public agency of a res- olution giving notice of its intention to approve an amendment to said contract, which resolution shall contain a summary of the change pro- posed in said contract; and WHEREAS, the following is a statement of the proposed change: To provide Sections 21380-87 (1959 Survivors Program) including Section 21382.2 (increased 1959 Survivors benefits) for local police members only. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing body of the above agency gives, and it does hereby give notice of intention to approve an amendment to the contract between the said governing body and the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, as an "Exhib- it" and by this reference made a part hereof. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its en- tirety on the following vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: ADOPTED: ROLFE NELSON, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk Resolution No. 7-83 *ERS Contract Amendment APPROVED AS T ORM: l ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Manager 2 '144s All AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE •1� �� BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION L' ; PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE _} CITY OF ATASCADERO The Board of Administration, Public Employees' Retirement System, herein- after referred to as Board, and the governing body of above public agency, here- inafter referred to as Public Agency, having entered into a contract under date of March 19, 1980, effective April 19, 1980, and as amended effective July 1 , 1980, which provides for participation of Public Agency in said System, Board and Public Agency hereby agree as follows: a A. Paragraphs 1 through 12 are hereby stricken from said contract as executed effective July 1 , 1980, and hereby replaced by the following paragraphs numbered 1 through 12 inclusive: p 1 . All words and terms used herein which are defined in the Public Employ- ees' Retirement Law shall have the meaning as defined therein unless otherwise specifically provided. "Normal retirement age" shall mean =} age 60 for local miscellaneous and age 55 for local safety members. 2. Public Agency shall participate in the Public Employees' Retirement • System from and after April 19, 1980 making its employees as herein- after provided, members of said System subject to all provisions of the Public Employees' Retirement Law except such as apply only on election of a contracting agency and are not provided for herein and to all amendments to said Law hereafter enacted except such as by express provisions thereof apply only on the election of contracting agencies. s 3. Employees of Public Agency in the following classes shall become mem- bers of said Retirement System except such in each such class as are excluded by 'law or this agreement: ; a. Local Firemen (herein referred to as local safety members) ; b. Local Policemen (herein referred to as local safety members) ; A j C. Employees other than local safety members (herein referred to as local miscellaneous members). In addition to the classes of employees excluded from membership by said Retirement Law, the following classes of employees shall not become members of said Retirement -System.- NO etirement -System:RO ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIONS- h? ,R yq v, REAS E DO NOT sIG "UH161T ONLY; 4• This contract shall be a continuation of the contract of the Atascadero Fire Protection District hereinafter referred to as "Former Agency", pursuant to 20567.2 of the Government Code, Former Agency having ceased to exist and having been required by law to be succeeded by Public Agency on July 1 , 1980. Public Agency, by this contract, assumes the accumulated contributions and assets derived therefrom and liability for prior and current service under Former Agency's contract with respect to the Former Agency' s employees. 5. Service performed for the former agency prior to the effective date of this contract shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the former agency's contract as it was in effect at that time. Service a performed after the effective date of this contract shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. For purposes of com- puting retirement allowances, separate calculations shall be made for service performed under each contract. 6. The fraction of final compensation to be provided for each year of cre- =dited prior and current service as a local miscellaneous member shall be determined in accordance with Section 21251 .13 of said Retirement Law (2% at age 60 Full). 7. The fraction of final* compensation tube .provided for each=-year`-of cre- t dited prior--and 'current 7service,as aaocal•`safe ty fiember• shall `br=de- termined in accordance with Section<21252.6 of said Retirement-"Law (2% at age 55 Full), 8. The following additional provisions of the Public Employees' Retire- ment Law which apply only upon election of a contracting agency shall apply to the Public Agency and its employees: a. Section 20952.5 (Age 50 voluntary retirement) for local safety members only. t b. Section 20983.6 (Waiver of age 70 retirement) ` for local miscel- laneous members only. c: :1-uSections 21380-21387 (1959 Survivors Program) including Section 7= 21382.2 (Increased 1959 Survivors, .Benefits) for local police members only. 9. Public Agency, in accordance with Section 20759.1 Government Code, shall not be considered an "employer" for purposes of Chapter 6 of the { Public Employees' Retirement Law.-.: Contributions of the Publia "Agency shall be fixed and determined as provided in Section 20759: Government Code, and such contributions hereafter made shall be held by the Board as provided in Section 20759. Government-Vode*'� } e Y S PLEASE DO NOT SIGN "0ISIT ONLY" 10. Public Agency shall contribute to said Retirement System as follows: a. With respect to miscellaneous members, the agency shall contri- bute the following percentages of monthly salaries earned as mis- cellaneous members of said Retirement System: (1) 0.081 percent until June 30, 1999 on account of the liability for prior service benefits. (2) 7.422 percent until June 30, 2000 on account of the liability for current service benefits. b. With respect to local safety members, the agency shall contribute the following percentages of monthly salaries earned as local '+ safety members of said Retirement System: (1) 14.871 percent until June 30, 2000 on account of the liability for current service benefits. {. F. (2) 0.128 percent on account of the liability for the 1959 Survivor Program. t C. A reasonable :'amount, as fixed by the Board, payable in one instal- lment within 60 days of date of contract to cover the costs of ad- ministering said System as it affects the employees of Public Ag- ency, not including the costs of special valuations or of the per- iodic investigation and valuations required by law. ra d. A reasonable amount as fixed by the Board, payable in one instal- lment as the occasions arise, to cover the costs of special valua- It tions on account of employees of Public Agency, and costs of the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. 11 . Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be sub- ject to adjustment by Board on account of amendments to the Public Em- ployees' Retirement Law, and on account of the experience under the Re- tirement System as determined by the periodic investigation and valua- tion required by said Retirement Law. 12. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be paid by Public Agency to the Retirement System within thirty days af- ter the end of the period to which said contributions refer or as may be prescribed by Board regulation. If more or less than the correct amount of contributions is paid for any period, proper adjustment ¢-•` shall be made in connection with subsequent remittances, or adjust- ments on account of errors in contributions required of any employee rar may be made by direct cash payments between the employee and the Board. Payments by Public Agency to Board may be wade in the form of warrants, bank checks, bank drafts, certified checks, money orders or cash. Y� B. This amendment shall be attached to said contract and shall be effective on the day of 19- Witness our hands the day of 19 BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY BY CARL J. BLECHINGER, EXECUTIVE OFFICER Pre---g'oing Officer Approved as to form: Attest: � G J Margaret Hoehn, egal Office,: Dat : Clerk PERS CON-702 .. �� l� Ji 1 a i 1 C— M E M O R A N D U M T0: Murray FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Protest of Sewer Rates - Danish Convalescent Hospital - In reference to the letter to Council from Mr. Jensen, Operations ti Manager of Danish Convalescent Hospital, protesting new sewer rates for all. that establishment, I offer the following background: Until 1976, sewer rates for Rest Home/Hospitals were based upon number of bedrooms. In 1976, the rate charge was changed to a per bed basis with the new rates being $3.50 per bed. Even though the new rate required billing on a per bed basis, the County continued to make their charges at the new rate on a per bedroom basis. This is the reason why the billing for the hospital was $98.00 per month (28 rooms X$3.50/month = $98.00/month) . If billed properly, under the 1976 sewer rate ordinance, the monthly cost for the Danish Convalescent Hospital would have been $224.00 (64 beds X $3.50/month= $224.00) . The new sewer rates have increased to • $8.26 per bed per month, which would total $528.64 per month for the hospital. In conversations with County personnel charged with the billing responsibility, it was determined that there was never any rate variance given to the Danish Convalescent Hospital and the lower rate was simply a misapplication of the rate ordinance by County staff. On the question of equity of the rates for hospitals/rest homes, there may be basis to review the use factor assumptions that were the basis for calculations in the Revenue Program approved as a condition of the wastewater treatment plant construction grant. These use factors were taken from the HEW Manual of Septic Tank Practices and are considered reliable averages. It should be recognized that when using averages, specific applications can vary widely from the average. For information, Council did approve, inconcept, converting to a measured volume billing for commercial accounts as soon as it can be reasonably implemented. This would make charges based on actual usages and would eliminate the inequity between various commercial accounts that have widely varying demand. The actual implementation of this system, however, will take many months to effect, since it requires coordination with the water company in order to determine exact water usage. If Council wishes to modify the rate for hospital/rest homes then an overall review of the revenue program will be necessary. Adjustments • may need to be made to other uses so that the total revenues do not drop below $38,000 per month, which is the amount necessary to support the District's operations. LAWRENCE McPHERSON , 2-8-83 cc: Finance Dir. a POST OFFICE BOX 1749 ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93423 TELEPHONE 486-9254 January 26, 1983 The Honorable Mayor Nelson and Members of the City Council; We, the Danish Convalescent Hospital, feel that our new sewer rates are very inequitable and totally unjust. We currently pay a rate of $1.53 per bed, which averages out to $98. 00 per month and $1,176 per year. The original rate for the category of Rest—Homes-Hospitals was $3 .50 per bed, we received a variance from the County lowering that to $1.53 per bed. They realized that the rate was unfair and exorbitant. The new sewer rate says we are to pay $8.26 per bed, this' averages to $528 per month or $6 ,343 per year. This is an increase of 540 percent and over $5,100 per year. The motels incurred a rate increase from $2. 00 per bed to $2.32 per bed, a 16 percent increase. Compared to the motels , who have a bathroom and shower in every room, we have only eighteen bathrooms for sixty four patients. Many of these patients are incontinent and use bed pans which require about one gallon of water to clean before we sterilize them. Our water usage is not as directly related to sewer usage as in the case of motels. Their total usage, bathroom, shower, laundry, low maintenance landscaping is all run-off into the sewer system. We utilize a lot of water that does not go down the sewer and cause an extra burden on that system. We water 11V900 square feet of lawn by automatic sprinklers three times a week. We have 1 ,500 square feet of planter boxes that receive water daily. There are 9,956 square feet of manicured shrubs, trees, annuals , perennials, and ground cover that are watered two to three times per week. All of the rooms are linoleum and are mopped daily with fresh water. The patients receive a minimum of eight hundred cc ' s of drinking water twice daily. None of this creates any additional stress on the sewer system. As required by law, the patients are given one bath or shower weekly. This is not near the stress a motel would put on the system with showers in every room. The motels do all of their laundry, wherein many cases the patients ' laundry is done by their family. POST OFFICE BOX 1740 ATASCAAERO,CALIFORNIA 93423 TELEP"ONE 466-0254 We understand the growing pains of Atascadero as a new city and accept that a reasonable rate increase is necessary. Unlike other businesses who can raise their rates or fees to cover additional costs , we cannot. All our rates and fees are controlled and set by the Government. Something a little more like the Motel ' s rate increase of lb percent or $.32 per bed would be much more in line and acceptable to us. This unfair rate increase discriminates against us as a business and contributor to the City of Atascadero. It puts added financial strain on a private business that has been here for twenty-five years and has been and still is the largest private employer in the City of Atascadero. The irony of this entire situation is that Roy Jensen, owner of the Danish Convalescent Hospital, was one of the founders (along with George Highland and Bob Wilkins) and Chairman of the Atascadero Sewer Development Committee. The Danish Conva- lescent Hospital , showing good faith, asked for and received Sewer Permit number one, and was the first to hook into the sewer in Atascadero. We feel that we have been unjustly wronged and we will take whatever action is necessary to remedy the situation. We are very confident that you, the City Council , will give this matter the very serious and expeditious consideration it deserves. With the Council's prudent leadership and Judgment, we feel the situation will be resolved to both parties satisfaction, without further action necessary. I thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Best regards, Mark B. Jen Operations Manager