HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 06/14/1982 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 14, 1982 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar , are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If dis- cussion is required, ;-that item will be removed from the Consent Calen- dar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 24, 1982 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer' s Report, 5-1-82 to 5-31-82 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Departmental Review R820513:1, 7315 E1 Camino Real (Adobe Plaza, Bob Lawrence dba "Star Station 101" , to change condi- tions imposed by Departmental Review R810811: 1 for the game arcade (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDA- TION) 4. Departmental Review R820414:1, 5005 Palma, F & M Construction (Harcourt) to allow construction of four multiple family res- idential units (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5. Tentative Parcel Map AT 820414 : 1, 5005 Palma, F & M Construc- tion (Harcourt) to allow subdivision of four residential units into air-space condominiums (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6 . Tentative Parcel Map AT 820318:1, 6625 Santa Cruz Road, Elwood Garlick (Dan Stewart) to allow division of an existing 5.03 acre parcel into two parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7. Tentative Parcel Map AT 820312: 1, 8950-9100 San Marcos Road, Colleene Yeager (Twin Cities Engineering) , to allow resubdi- vision of two existing lots totaling 8 . 5 acres into three parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMEN- DATION) AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - , 1 JUNE 14 8 U 9 8. Tentative Parcel Map AT 820408:1, 3763 Ardilla, Norman and Helen Rich (Hilliard) , to allow resubdivision of 13. 5 acres 0 into three parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 9. Tentative Parcel Map AT 820309:1, 10570 San Marcos & 9600 Laurel, Frank Atkinson (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow division of 54 acres into four parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 10 . Tentative Parcel Map AT 820311:1, 11605 Cenegal, John White (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow division of 49 acres into four parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL PLANNING COMMISSION RECOM- MENDATION) 11. Tentative Parcel Map AT 820226 : 1, 14000-14700 Santa Lucia, Tenneco Realty Development (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow resubdivision of four existing lots totaling 57 acres into six parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOM- MENDATION) 12. Tentative Peacel Map AT 810908:1, Palo Verde Road, Rudy Ruda (Hilliard Surveys) to revise certain fire protection condi- tions of a previously approved tentative parcel map (RECOM- MEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 13. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA 820121:1, 8200 Casita, Jim Carpenter/Ed Anderson (Twin Cities Engineering) (RECOM- MEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 14. Acceptance of Tentative Tract Map 777, 5625-5655 Capistrano _ Avenue, Kamm-McNamara (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMIS- SION RECOMMENDATION) 15. Road Name Change, Puento Road, initiation by Planning Depart- ment to change the name of Puento Road to Cenegal Road (REC- OMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 16. Award of bid for weed abatement (RECOMMEND BID BE AWARDED TO KEITH SCRIBNER AND GARY KUHN) 17. Audit Agreement with Robert M. Moss Accountancy Corporation for fiscal year ending June 30 , 1982 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 18. Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement with State Department of Transportation (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 19 . Acceptance of a portion of San Marcos Road for City mainten- ance (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 25-82) 2 0 0 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - JUNE 14 , 1982 B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Hearing on weed abatement protests 2. Appeal of Planning Commission determination concerning of- fices as a permitted use in the R-2 Zone, Ralph Deffenbaugh Associates C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 53 correcting statutory citations in Ordinance No. 48 (City Clerk functions) - second reading 2. Halliday appeal (continued) 3. Ordinance No. 55 amending Section Map 12-0-33 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero by placing certain property in the R-4-D Zone (Reamer) - first reading D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 56 , Health and Sanitation - first reading 2. Consideration of Resolution No. 26-82 approving the transfer of the Community Antenna Television Franchise from Falcon Cable Corporation to Falcon Cable TV of Northern California E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT BUSINESS None F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager NOTICE: The City Council will hold a closed session after the regular meeting to discuss employee negotiations. 3 • • • t • • � MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 24, 1982 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Rollin Dexter of the United Methodist Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT (a) Howard Marohn thanked the City Council for their time and effort in working to get the new City started. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 24, 1982 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) • 2. Acceptance of Tentative Tract Map 999, 5525 Capistrano, R.P.I .-V (Walker) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) Mayor Wilkins reviewed the items on the Consent Calendar . MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for the approval of the Consent Cal- endar . The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Chamber of Commerce request for funding Mike Lucas introduced several people who were available to answer questions regarding the Chamber ' s request. He also introducted Bob Brown who was to make a presentation to the Council on the Chamber ' s behalf. Bob Brown reviewed the Chamber ' s proposal and work program. He stated that the Chamber was requesting that the City award them $4,000 to $6,000 to begin an economic or market study. This would come from the City' s current, 1981-82, budget. The Chamber was then requesting that the City consider an allocation of $16,000 for the 1982-83 budget year. Council members discussed the matter and agreed that the work pro- gram submitted by the Chamber was what they had been looking for . Councilman Highland suggested that the Council award the Chamber MINUTES - ATASCADEROCITY COUNCIL - MAY 24, 190 $5,000 from the current year ' s budget to allow the Chamber to begin the economic study. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council fund the Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $5,000 to be used for an economic survey and that the funds be transferred from reserve. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously car- ried by roll call vote. Mr . Warden pointed out that although this allocation is approved for this year ' s budget, it would be coming out of the City' s antici- pated carry-over for next year and the City will, therefore, have that much less revenue for Fiscal Year 1982/83. 2. Public hearing on Zone Change 2820309 : 1, 7400 Morro Road, Reamer Construction, to change the zoning on the rear portion of the property from R-1-B-2-D to R-4-D and to modify the D (532) combining district requirements on the entire property in order to construct an office condominium project with ap- proximately 9600 square feet of floor area Fred Buss, Associate Planner , reviewed this project stating that the request was similar to that of the Kleinhammer project recently approved by Council. The request has been approved by the Planning Commission with conditions. Mayor Wilkins opened the matter to public hearing. Ernie Reamer , applicant, stated that he was available for questions. As there were no other comments, the hearing was closed. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council adopt the documents in principle and that Staff be directed to bring back the neces- sary ordinance for Council adoption. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unimously carried by roll call vote. 3. Hearing on Halliday appeal Mr . Warden gave a summary of the Staff report. He noted that all administrative remedies have not been exhausted. The main issue seems to be a disagreement on the Halliday' s part regarding the calculations made to determine the size of the culvert. Mr . Halliday had been re- quested to supply Staff with the figures he used to calculate the size of the culvert so that they could be verified; however , no figures had been supplied. Mr . Dave Halliday stated that they did not disagree with the cal- calculations, but with the values used in the calculations. He said that he and his brother , Mr . Ed Halliday, would show the Council how they figured the size of the culvert. Council tried to determine why the Halliday' s had not supplied the Engineering Department with the figures for verification; the Hallidays felt that the figures would have been ignored. Mr . McPherson, Public Works Director and City En- gineer , stated that the only calculations seen by his Department were ones by a soil conservationist; there have been no figures from a� qualified engineer and no valid alternatives presented. He stated 2 MINUTES - ATASCADERO•ITY COUNCIL - MAY 24 , 198 that there were other ways of solving the problem than installing a culvert and sandbagging and named a few. After consideration, the Hallidays asked if they could again ap- pear before Council if, after discussing this matter with the City Engineer , they were not satisfied with his determination. Council agreed. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the appeal be continued to the next Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 4. City Attorney' s Report No. 19 Mr . Grimes reviewed his report for Council. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 52 amending Section Map 12-0-33 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero by placing certain property in the R-4-D Zone - second reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 52 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 52 by title only. • MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 52 and that this constitute the second and final reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried on the following roll call vote. AYES: Councilmen Highland, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins NOES: Councilman Mackey 2. Consideration of 4th of July fireworks display Mr . Warden stated that Staff had met with representatives of the Contractor ' s Association and of the Jaycees. The Contractor ' s Asso- ciation representative stated that they will finance the event and the Jaycee' s stated that they will post no parking signs, provide two dumpsters, provide six chemical toilets, provide the fireworks and everything that goes with that project. The City is being requested to provide the manpower for traffic and crowd control and fire safety and for clean-up of the park facilities. It is estimated that the City' s share of 4th of July activities will be $3, 400. There was considerable discussion among Council members regarding this matter with comments from Bob Sonne, Larry Clark, Charlie John- son, Herb LaPrade, Mr . Handshey, and Howard Marohn. It was noted that the main problem was the fact that there wasn' t enough lead time to develop alternatives to the Jaycee ' s operation of the event. 3 ATASCADE MINUTES - RPCITY COUNCIL - MAY 24 , 190, MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that the City approve providing all necessary manpower for traffic control, crowd control and . fire safety. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Mackey, Nelson and Stover NOES : Councilman Highland and Mayor Wilkins D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan - 1982 through 1987 Mr . Warden briefly reviewed the CIP noting that it is a planning guide and can be changed by Council at any time. It is updated each year . Council approval at this point provides Staff guidance for preparation of the 1982-83 budget. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for approval of the final Capital Improvement Plan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried with Councilman Mackey voting no. Councilman Mackey stated that she was not in favor of the plans to place the Police Department facilities in the Administration Build- ing. 2. Consideration of Resolution No. 22-82 authorizing execution • of a grant contract with the California Arts Council Mr . Warden reviewed the request which does not include allocation of any funds. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Resolution No. 22-82 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 22-82 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for the approval of Resolution No. 22-82 providing no funds were being committed from the City of Atascadero. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 3. Annual ratification of the Joint Powers Agreement creating the San Lus Obispo County Area Council of Governments and the Regional Transporation Planning Agency Annual Work Program for Fiscal Year 1982-83 Mr . Warden reviewed this matter stating that Council was requested to ratify the annual agreement with the Council of Governments. He stated that there were still some problems they were trying to iron out with regard to getting the agenda to all County City Councils be- fore a Council of Governments meeting. Another problem was in the • changing of the COG name to San Luis Obispo Cities and Counties Area i 4 MINUTES - ATASCADERO•CITY COUNCIL - MAY 24 , 198 Planning and Coordinating Council, which is the original name of this • agency. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that Council approve the annual rati- fication of the JPA establishing the Area Planning Council conditioned on changing the name back to County and Cities Area Planning and Coordinating Council and conditioned upon time schedules being developed sufficient to allow Council to review agenda prior to the Area Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried. 4. Resolution No. 23-82 withdrawing from membership in the Cen- tral Coast Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board Mr. Warden noted that the dates in the proposed resolution needed to be changed in the October 8 date from 1982 to 1979 . MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Resolution No. 23-82 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins red d Resolution No. 23-82 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 23-82. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. • 5. Consideration of request of League of Women Voters fro sup- port of AB2947, a proposal for an oil severance tax Mr. Warden reviewed this item. Councilman Highland stated that he is not in favor of the resolution because it does not say that the taxes derived will be going to local government. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Resolution No. 24-82 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 24-82 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 24-82 with the additional provision stating that the Council wants the monies distributed to local government. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and failed on the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Mackey and Nelson NOES: Councilman Highland, Stover and Mayor Wilkins • 5 MINUTES - ATASCADERIOCITY COUNCIL - MAY 24 19 6. Ordinance No. 53 correcting statutory citations in Ordinance No. 48 (City Clerk functions) - first reading • MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that Ordinance No. 53 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 53 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this constitute the first reading of Ordinance No. 53 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Ordinance No. 54 , an ordinance amending cer- tain sections of the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code, declaring an urgency, and providing that the ordinance shall take effect immediately (Ordinance provides for an increase in sewage service rates) MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. The Board of Directors convened with all members preent. • Mr . Warden reviewed the proposed ordinance and the recent develop- ments with regard to the FmHA grant. Comments were heard from Doug Lewis, Howard Marohn, Jack Wilham and Gil Howe. MOTION: Director Highland moved that Ordinance No. 54 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Director Stover and unanimously carried. President Wilkins read Ordinance No. 54 by title only. MOTION: Director Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 54. The motion was seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. MOTION: Director Highland moved that the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council. The motion was seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously carried. Council reconvened with all members present. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION • 6 MINUTES - ATASCADERO•CITY COUNCIL - MAY 24, 198 1. City Council • Council members had nothing. 2. City Attorney Mr . Grimes had nothing 3. City Manager (a) Mr . Warden advised that several of the Parks and Recrea- tion Advisory Board terms expired as of June 30, 1982. He asked Council how they wished to proceed. Council decided that the positions should be advertised and Council would conduct interviews on June 28 before their regular meeting. (b) Mr . Warden asked Council when they would like to reserve a date for their annual budget study session. Council set Saturday, June 12 , 1982, beginning at 9: 00 a.m. (c) Mr . Warden reminded Council of the Legislative Confer- ence to be held by the League of California Cities on June 14 and 15. (d) Mr . Warden requested an closed session to discuss em- ployee negotiations. He did not anticipate that there would be any announcements at the conclusion of the closed session. The meeting adjourned at 10: 33 p.m. to closed session and returned to regular session at 10 : 55 p.m. at which time Council adjourned. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk 7 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER' S REPORT May 1, 1982 to May 31, 1982 BALANCE AS OF APRIL 30, 1982 $ 69,443. 82 RECEIVED 216,618.17 TOTAL $ 286,061.99 HAND CHECK REGISTER DATED 05/31/82 53,779 .89 CHECK REGISTER DATED 05/10/82 47 ,459 .96 CHECK REGISTER DATED 05/19/82 . 33,009.16 CHECK REGISTER DATED 05/27/82 72,479 .24 EXPENSE LISTING 74,719.24 TOTAL $ 281,447 .49 BALANCE AS OF MAY 31, 1982 4 ,614 . 50 PETTY CASH 36 .41 LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 155,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID-STATE BANK 13. 10% Interest, Matures 6/1/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 15.0% Interest, Matures 6/16/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, FIDELITY SAVINGS 15.75% Interest, Matures 6/16/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS 14 .0% Interest, Matures 7/12/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, BANK OF AMERICA 14 .75% Interest, Matures 7/16/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID-STATE BANK 14 .75% Interest, Matures 7/19/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, SECURITY PACIFIC BANK 14.00% Interest, Matures 8/9/82 100 ,000 . 00 TIME DEPOSIT, SECURITY PACIFIC BANK 13.75% Interest, Matures 8/9/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID-STATE BANK 14 .00% Interest, Matures 8/23/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, CENTURY FEDERAL SAVINGS 18 . 25% Interest, Matures 11/18/82 100 , 000 .00 • TOTAL $1,159 ,650 .91 RECEIVED LISTING May 1, 1982 to May 31, 1982 TAXES Sales & Use $ 75,000 .00 Property Transfer Tax 2,565. 33 Motor Vehicle "In Lieu" 24 ,649. 77 Cigarette Tax 4 ,662. 59 Prior Year Secured/Unsecured Tax - 1,087 .03 Occupancy Tax 2,987 .40 Current Secured/Unsecured Tax 10 ,292. 58 Miscellaneous Taxes 7,451. 52 LICENSES/PERMITS/FEES 13 ,446.40 GAS TAX 9,155.49 TRAFFIC SAFETY 3,917.06 RECREATION 8,110 .40 FROM L.A. I .F. AND TIME DEPOSIT 40 ,000 .00 INVESTMENTS 3,279.86 TRANSPORTATION 1,626 . 57 REVENUE SHARING -0- MISCELLANEOUS 8, 386.17 TOTAL 216,618.17 -2- O C J O C O O C O O O OBJ O O O O O O C O O O o C C J O O O o a J J 1 V 3 0 0 0 0 c ! �0 v7 V V 07 G G G S - G O co V V V V V V V V V V 0• T n x WW .+o I SCJ V 01CrA WN'-' i o�pyV a, 0-1 W t,. w 11--••�� 1 i O J G J G J J '�G•� J O G I i�J'�C J J O•, G J r G G G G G J i G G"� i ^ C 1 0 -0 0 l z z - 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 c o 0 0 o o c o 0 c 0^ 0 0 o a a a 1 3 WAA"J �lV AOo wa0� Nw A`0 a, V , Liv: \rJ A�:V OoG b T 'J Ln a V W V A .+7• D` G a'C. ;n ! o 0 Ln "^ �0:,V r.� ? W Ln--q I A U_n ;)` i 3111 '�Lnw Wr•+ rJ W W _n P 'J ALn V I 0`A -,lT T -�o^J b-oC3 ! -0:c D DDS ^.DDDZZ ;T71> DCD ??G � :'•7z'-+� -uDD � :.°7 TI z ! -C T 70 G, i+l .o A - Z Z •w D ^ -ti ='" 7•Tt D 7 ;tr 1 h0 GD � C-):T, -I �000?IS 1 '. 7 �-+ S� -•. I 7z�- DD --IGz_ Gi'ri� ^�C ! •'. i D'^ :n^•i D .7 7 ?l T;C7 ti 'z+ I D i m z'"1 Z - ! 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DOWELL, JR. , do hereby certify and declare that the demands enumerated and referred to in the foregoing register are accurate and just claims against the City and that there are funds available for payment thereof in the City Treasury. Dated: June 10 , 1982 RALP H. DOWELL, JR. Finance Director APPROVED: UR Y L. ARDEN Cit Man ger i • -23- M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER June 9, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW R820513:1 LOCATION: 7315 El Camino Real (Adobe Plaza) APPLICANT: Bob Lawrence dba: "Star Station 10111 REQUEST: To change conditions imposed by Departmental Review R810811: 1 for the game arcade. On June 7, 1982 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the subject matter unanimously approving extended hours for the game arcade as set forth in the attached Staff Report. The Commission discussed the matter only briefly inquiring about any incidents associated with the arcade. Bob Lawrence, applicant, appeared and indicated concurrence with the staff recommendation. No one else appeared on the matter . - LAWRENCE STEVEN MURRA L. ARDEN Planning Director City ana er /Ps 1 CITY OF ATASCADERO Dto t 1r 19is I 1979 Planning Deparment June 7, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Departmental Review R820513:1 LOCATION: 7315 E1 Camino Real (Adobe Plaza) APPLICANT: Bob Lawrence dba: "Star Station 101" REQUEST: To change conditions imposed by Departmental Review R810811: 1 for the game arcade BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: , C-1-D (519) 2. General Plan: Retail Commercial 3. Environmental Determination: This application is exempt from the requirements of C.E.Q.A. 4. Site Conditions: The site is the present location of the Adobe Plaza Shopping Center . A parking lot exists across the entire frontage of the Center along El Camino Real and provides parking shared by all tenants. 5. Project Description: The applicant is renting an 18' 6"x60 ' 6" (1120 sq.ft. ) store in which he is operating "Star Station 101" , an arcade with electronic games. There are approximately 20 game machines located against the walls running the length of the store, and a change booth and a restroom in one back corner . One of the conditions of the original Departmental Review of the use (D810811:1) was the following: 114. Hours of operation shall be limited to the following: - Sunday through Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Friday and Saturday 10: 00 a.m. - 11: 00 p.m. " The applicant has requested (see attached letter) that the family arcade be alowed to stay open until 11: 00 p.m. on nights before school vacation days; such as Memorial Day weekend, Thanksgiving recess, Christmas vacation, summer vacation and all semester breaks. STAFF COMMENTS The primary reasons for limiting the hours of operation for the game arcade were to minimize potenti*L noise disturbance associated with Departmental Review R820513:1 (Lawrence) late night activity on weekdays and to minimize potential vandalism to other stores in the center by maintaining similar hours of operation. Based on Staff' s observation, on the lack of complaints from residen- tial neighbors and other tenants in the center , and on the lack of police responses to the arcade business, it appears that these poten- tial problems have not materialized. The request is to allow for ad- ditional hours of operation on certain days. Due to the lack of prob- lems, Staff sees no reason why the extension of hours should be lim- ited to holidays. If a future problem develops , the hours can always be reduced during the annual review or during any nuisance proceeding initiated by the City. FINDINGS 1. The use has had no adverse effect on abutting property or the per- mitted use thereof since recommended conditions have been imposed. 2. The modification of operating hours for the game arcade for which the Departmental Review is sought will not be detrimental to the public welfare or be injurious to propety or improvements in said neighborhood. 3. The project will not have a significant effect upon the environ- ment. RECOMMENDATION Based on the above findings, the Planning Department recommends ap- proval of Departmental Review R820513: 1 subject to the following con- ditions: 1. Compliance with Conditions 1-13 established in conjunction with the approval of Departmental Review R810811: 1 except that Condi- tion 4 shall be modified to read as follows: 114. Hours of operation shall be limited to 10 : 00 a.m. - 11: 00 p.m." ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appro- priate. TO APPROVE: Adopt findings and set conditions TO DENY: Set findings for denial REPORT PREPARED BY : VINCENT KIRKHUFFi Planning Intern REPORT APPROVED BY:- LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director 2 ---1 N P \ i Oj DKP 1 gra � � ; / .� �� � s co Qi la \ - / ��, \ \• �C' May• �f?� 61 - In C�I Iv ' - / J [' Lp �� � �oL:. ' ,' o\ � vim• � �� 1� ��- cr z -PLAZA \ � o QtO 19 ZOI-i N 6 MA P 11 ' R�31oSi1 J104.4 :�. PT-N COT5 S- 2? t VICl RIly be DraCly rtrCRILeCLS, [1tt1 d Li 615 Creston Road, P.O.Box 305 Paso Robles,California 93446 (805)238-7447 CHECKED l 738 Higuera Street, Suite A, San Luis Obispo, California 93401 (805)543-0729. OF I --- .. -- i '13 51-. - - -�345 •-- - - _. --- _ - ---? 1 - '7341 - - no-NNW" NNW _. _ ku 7Z ST/9R S' L.AWr-t---NCC AVDF- Usr PTIN STs T- Z� Bob Lawnenee StaA Station 101 ;i �i 1��oF. ��T ., 1 �G°a/rl `..i 'I �. M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER June 9, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW R820414 :1 LOCATION: 5005 Palma (Lot 32, Block QA) APPLICANT: F & M Construction (Harcourt) REQUEST: To allow construction of four multiple family residential units . On June 7, 1982 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the subject matter unanimously approving authorization of a Condition- al Negative Declaration and approving the apartment project subject to Conditions 1-14 as set forth in the attached Staff Report. The Commission discussed the proposed curb, gutter and sidewalk re- quirements as well as several minor revisions needed on the plans. Fred Ebhardt, applicant, appeared and indicated his concurrence with the Staff recommendation. No one else appeared on the matter . LAWRENCE STEVENS �� MOVIRAY WARDEN Planning Director cilty M ager /Ps 1 r 17FFF F Fj r� r 1979 CITY OF ATASCADERO CAD �� Planning Department June 7, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW R820414: 1 LOCATION: 5005 Palma Avenue (Lot 32, Block QA) APPLICANT: F & M Construction (Harcourt) REQUEST: To allow construction of four multiple-family residential units (condominiums) . BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: ' R-2-B-2-D (506) 2. General Plan: Low Density Multiple Family Residential (ten dwelling units per acre maximum) 3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription form has been completed. The Planning Director has J prepared a Draft Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the { project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the en- vironment if certain mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. 4. Site Conditions: The subject property has an average 9% grade sloping down from the northeast property line to the southwest property line (Palma Avenue) . The lot contains two oak trees and some native grasses. There are currently no structures on site and no street improvements have been done along Palma Avenue on San Jacinto Road. The site is bounded on the southeast by the Atascadero Grange Hall and on the northeast by single family resi- dences. To the northwest across San Jacinto Road is the Church of Christ and to the southwest across Palma Avenue are single family residences. 5. Project Description: The applicant proposes to construct four multiple-family residential units as condominiums on an existing 0 . 42 acre lot. The proposed structure will be four three-bedroom units with two car garages , each containing 2163 square feet of gross floor area. Exterior elevations indicate use of stucco ex- terior with wood trim and a fiberglass shingle roof. The three northern units will have a common drive access off San Jacinto Road and two open guest parking spaces. The fourth unit will have drive access off Palma Avenue. The applicant also requests per- mission to place a twenty square foot, permanent project sign just north of the driveway entrance on San Jacinto Road. 0 Departmental Review R820414:1 (F&M Construction) STAFF COMMENTS Staff has reviewed the project and notes that it conforms to appli- cable development standards except for a 20 square foot project sign on the site . Signs are not permitted in the R-2 Zone with the excep- tion of the home occupation business sign. There is also a problem with driveway circulation on San Jacinto since the guest parking space closest to the road is unusable with the proposed turning radii and driveway widths. This concern can be resolved by reorienting the spaces slightly or by eliminating one of the guest spaces. The proposed arrangement would necessitate several forward and back-up maneuvers to get into and out of the space. Staff is also concerned with onsite grading since this lot appears to have a high water table. Improvements will be necessary to intercept offsite flows across pub- lic property. Grading should be kept to a minimum. FINDINGS 1. The project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. 2. The site of the proposed multiple family residential use is ade- quate in size and shape to accommodate said use and all yards, fencing, parking, landscaping and other features required by the Atascadero Municipal Code. 3. Streets in the vicinity of the proposed use are adequate to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated. 4 . The proposed use will have no adverse effect on abutting property or the permitted use thereof provided all conditions are complied with. 5. The establishment and conduct of the proposed multiple family res- idential use for which the Departmental Review is sought will not be detrimental to the public welfare or be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Adequate provision shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development. 2 Departmental Review R820414:1 (F&M Construction) 2. Provision shall be made to minimize unnecessary grading and tree removal; and B) Approval of Departmental Review R820414: 1 subject to the following conditions: 1. Site development including buildings, driveways, parking, landscaping and other features shall be consistent with plans submitted including modifications included herein. 2. Submit two copies of detailed landscape and irrigation plans indicating size, type and spacing of plant materials proposed for review and approval by the Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits. a. Raised concrete curbs or similar shall border each planter area. b. Plant materials shall be sized to achieve a mature ap- pearance within three years. C. The type of irrigation system shall depend on the type of plant materials used and their watering needs. d. Both existing oak trees shall be retained. 3 . In the event that archeological resources are discovered on the subject site during construction of this project, said resources are to remain undisturbed after discovery and con- struction activity shall cease immediately. The Planning Department is to be notified so that proper disposition of the resources may be accomplished. Construction may resume only upon authorization by the Planning Department. 4. Building architecture shall be consistent with elevations submitted. a. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall not be permitted since it cannot be adequately screened. 5. Provision shall be made for a paved and enclosed trash stor- age area in a location approved by the Planning Department. 6. All new utilities and utility connections shall be placed underground. 7. Outdoor lighting fixtures shall be designed to minimize on- site and offsite glare. 8. Submit two sets of grading and drainage plans indicating grade of building pads, flow lines at top of curb, etc. , for review and approval by the Planning Department prior to issuance of any permits. 3 Departmental Review R820414: 1 (F&M Construction) a. Drainage from site shall not be allowed to flow directly to adjacent properties or across any public sidewalks or driveways. b. All grading shall conform to Appendix Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code. Any grading necessary for site development shall be subject to first securing necessary permits. 9 . Parking shall be provided generally as shown on plans sub- mitted. Parking and access areas shall be paved with a min- imum 2"AC on adequate base. Spaces not located within gar- ages shall be striped and provided with sheel stops or ap- proved functional equivalent. a. The guest parking space shall be redesigned to provide for required turning radius and may be reduced in number to one. 10 . The project shall be connected to community water and sewer system. Submit evidence from Atascadero Mutual Water Com- pany and Atascadero Sanitation District indicating that they are willing and able to provide service prior to issuance of permits. a. Each condominium unit shall be separately connected to the sewer. 11. The fire hydrant at the northeast corner of San Jacinto and and Palma shall be upgraded as necessary to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. 12. Install concrete curb, gutter and all-weather sidewalk along the entire San Jacinto frontage and install all-weather shoulder along the entire Palma frontage. Said improvements to be constructed under an inspection agreement and encroach- ment permit issued by the Public Works Department. a. Improvement drawings shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for approval. b. Any dedications necessary to accommodate required street widths shall be made. C. The northeasterly ten feet of improvements on San Jacinto will not have to be completed at time of con- struction provided that a long-term waiver is approved by the Public Works Department to complete the improve- ments and move the utility pole at a later date when additional improvements are needed in the future. 13. This Departmental Review approval is granted for a maximum period of one year from the date of final approval unless a time extension is granted by the Planning Director pursuant to a written request filed a minimum of ten days prior to 4 Departmental Review R820414:1 (F&M Construction) 13. This Departmental Review approval is granted for a maximum period of one year from the date of final approval unless a time extension is granted by the Planning Director pursuant to a written request filed a minimum of ten days prior to the expiration date. 14. All conditions of approval established herein shall be com- plied with prior to occupancy of the buildings by the pro- posed use. ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED B FRS BUSS Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director �t /ps 5 r/•7 / ` �� RS i J' WI y :-��s a.ca• . �• c I Y G R•]ii•L JC�3SS'• • r • C �-, � tet. I�:I�:l viii � ► . . i �n1 ti �1 ASC • •'J � ,lam �► v. b r a- o m �-- — J� \ 11 D if Al- PALMA AVL. .. �9 tt r FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 820414 : 1 LOCATION: 5005 Palma (Lot 32, Block QA) APPLICANT: F & M Construction (Harcourt) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of four residential units into air- space condominiums. On June 7, 1982 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the subject matter unanimously approving authorization of a Condition- al Negative Declaration and approving the air-space subdivision sub- ject to Conditions 1-12 as set forth in the attached Staff Report. The Commission discussed the matter only briefly. Fred Ebhardt, applicant, appeared and indicated his concurrence with the Staff recommendation. No one else appeared on the matter . LAWRENCE SV S M RVAY L 1A DEN Planning Director Cit Ma ger /Ps 1 SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT820414:1 LOCATION: 5005 Palma Avenue, (Block QA, Lot 32) APPLICANT: F and M Construction (Harcourt) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of four residential units into airspace BACKGROUND 1. Existing zoning: , R-2-B-2-D (506) 2. General Plan: Low Density Multiple Family Residential (10 dwell- ing units per acre maximum) . 3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription form has been completed. The Planning Director has pre- pared a Draft Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the envi- ronment if certain mitigating measures are incorporated into the project. 4. Site Conditions: The subject property has an average 9% grade sloping down from the northeast property line to the southwest property line (Palma Avenue) . The lot contains two oak trees and some native grasses. There are currently no structures on site and no street improvements have been done along Palma Avenue or San Jacinto Road. The site is bounded on the southeast by the Atascadero Grange Hall and on the northeast by single family resi- dences. To the northwest across San Jacinto Road is the Church of Christ and to the southwest across Palma Avenue are single family residences. 5. Project Description: The applicant requests permission to create four air-space residential lots (condominiums) for the purpose of individual sales. The applicant intends to form a Homeowners' Association and prepare Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions to govern operation and maintenance of the property. STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, May 6 , 1982, the Subdivision Review Board met with the applicant, Fernando Ebhardt, and Gary Harcourt, his architect, to dis- cuss the project. Also attending were Larry Stevens, Planning Direc- tor; Fred Buss, Associate Planner; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; 2. The fire hydrant may need to be upgraded. 3. Certain curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements will be required on San Jacinto. 4. A drainage problem exists from the site where water crosses Palma Avenue and will need to be corrected. 5. Sewer connection would be required for each unit. 6. Concern that a retaining wall may be required along the northeast proeprty line. 7. Concern about springs or a high water table that may exist on site. FINDINGS 1. The project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. 2. The project conforms to all applicable zoning and subdivision reg- ulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends the following: A. Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Adequate provisions shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjuction with site development. 2. Provision shall be made to minimize grading and tree removal. B. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT820414: 1 subject to the follow- ing conditions: 1. The applicant shall establish Covenants, Conditions, and Re- strictions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use, control of nuisances and architectural control of all buildings and fa- cilities. 2 2. Provision shall be made for connection of each individual condominium unit to the City sewer system at time of develop- ment and a Note so stating shall appear on the Final Map. 3. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Com- pany and water lines shall exist at the parcel frontage prior to filing of the Final Map. A letter from the Water Company indicating they are willing and able to serve the property shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to recor- dation of the Final Map. 4 . All other available utilities not already in place shall be extended underground to each parcel frontage at the time of building permit. 5. Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appro- priate permit and compliance with applicable City ordin- ances." 6 . ' The fire hydrant at the northeast corner of San Jacinto Raod and Palma Avenue shall be upgraded as necessary to the satis- faction of the Fire Department. 7. All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building re- strictions. A note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the Final Map. 8. Install concrete curb, gutter and all weather sidewalk along the entire San Jacinto frontage and install all-weather shouldering along the entire Palma frontage. Said improve- ments are to be constructed under an inspection agreement and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. a. Improvement drawings shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for approval and any dedications neces- sary to accommodate required street widths shall be made. 3 improvements and move the telephone pole at a later date when additional improvements are needed in the future . 9. That all conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the filing of the Final Map. 10. Approval of this Tentative Tract Map shall expire 24 months from the date of this approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. 11. A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth here- in shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordin- ance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation, unless certification is received that corners are already monumented. b. A Final Title Policy (CLTA or ALTA) shall be submitted for review in conjuction with the processing of the Fi- nal Map. 12. This Tentative Parcel Map shall become null and void if De- partmental Review R820414: 1 is not approved in a manner which will allow the proposed development. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appro- priate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: RED BUSS Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director 4 fI Y J r� • 1 { - r .1 k�V � I • '4 i • z Z e e • e-z' � S . W � Y f• H R � r W � • 6 L W Q 2 r9•.9 Y r t � f_� - a y % I ~.. a 0� • 6 ir• .,ice^ r i9 ti A - 'r �/ �1 � • ------- --- - -- -m I w - - -------------------- -- - (L w (3� Q H 0 T*•W!K o'er� Z �. oil; — etaiCL Ell e �a �` - v �. �.� '� ,. i ... _j '.'.� .S g i - i -. � :� 3 The following items of concern were discussed: 1) Correction to the maps certificates 2) Potential fire hydrant requirements and water main extension. 3) Standard road improvements on Santa Cruz 4) Percolation test 5) Minimum lot size in relation to the distance from the center of town. 6) Access to both parcels 7) Location of leach fields 8) 50 foot set back from natural water courses The Applicant was requested to submit additional information showing a slope profile of the access and a map showing potential building sites and leach field locations. A review of the plan and profile for the driveway easement indicates that there will be nearly 200 lineal feet of 4 ' (approx) cut with two 2 ' - 3 ' fills about 50 feet in length. This is fairly extensive grading for a private driveway and could result in some adverse visual effects. FINDINGS 1. The application, if revised as recommended, conforms to applicable zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. 2. The application as submitted together with the recommended condi- tions will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environ- ment, and therefore the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends the following: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Adequate provisions shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development and road construction; and 2. Adequate provision shall be made in design of private sewage disposal systems to minimize effects on natural watercourses. B) Approval of Tentative Parcel Pap AT820318 : 1 subject to the following conditions: 1. Private sewage disposal systems will -be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, if reports and design are acceptable. All tests, reports, and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City Ordinances. The following shall appear on the Final Map. "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water, and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Where soils reports indicate that con- ventional soil absorption systems are not acceptable, City approval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a Registered Civil Engineer, shall be re- quired. Depending upon the system, more restrictive require- ments may be imposed. " 2 . Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water lines shall exist at each parcel frontage prior to filing of the Final Map. A letter from the water company indicating they are willing and able to serve the property shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to re- cordation of the final Map. 3 . All other available utilities not already in place shall be extended underground to each parcel frontage at the time of building permit. 4 . One fire hydrant of a type and size specified by the City Fire Department shall be installed by the applicant on Santa Cruz Road near the proposed access easement at the easterly corner of the site. Exact location and manner of placement shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Depart- ment. A letter from the Fire Department certifying the in- stallaton of the hydrant shall be received by the Planning Department prior to the recordation of the Final Map. 5. The driveway access shall be improved to at least the following minimum standards: - an improved width of 12 feet i - unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet These standards shall appear as notes on the Final Map. event will ariveways oe a.ilowea wnicn exceea zuo in slope. In the event any portion of a driveway is shared, improvement of the shared portion shall be a requirement made in con- junction with the first building permit. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 7 . Efforts shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of exisitng mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with appli- cable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appropriate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. " 8 . Roof materials for all structures shall be Class C rating or better and a Note to that effect shall appear on the Final Map. 9 . Drainage swales shall be indicated on the Final Map and a Note shall appear on the Final Map which states: "Any modification of the ground during site development with- in fifty (50) feet of the drainage swales shall be subject to approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments. " 10 . Final grading and drainage plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer for development on each parcel may be re- quired to be submitted for review and approval by the Plan- ning and Public Works Departments prior to issuance of build- ing permits. A note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 11. All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building re- strictions . A Note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the Final Map. 12 . The access easement shall also be designated for use as a public utility easement. 13. An offer of dedication to the public for road purposes for twenty (20) feet along Santa Cruz Road for the entire property frontage shall be made by the actual easement owner. Said offer to be shown on the Final Map and be made by certificate thereon. "��%500 r" -V- � F: 1918 t G r 'rtn ry 1979 CITY OF ATASCADERO Planning Department June 7, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 820408: 1 LOCATION: 3763 Ardilla Road (Lots 26 and 27, and portion of 44 , Block 17) APPLICANT: Norman and Helen Rich (Hilliard) REQUEST: To allow the redivision of approximately 13. 5 acres into 3 parcels of 5 . 0, 2. 6 , and 5 . 9 acres . BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: R-A-B-D-1-D (506) 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental description form has been completed for the project. The Planning Director has prepared a Draft Negative Declaration indicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment if certain mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. 4 . Site Conditions: The 13 . 5 acre site is currently partly developed. The only structure on the property is a house on proposed parcel A. The property is characterized by slight to moderate slopes up from Maricopa Road to the access way across the southwest property boundary. Vegetation consists of an old orchard (overlapping parts of all three - proposed parcels) , natural grasses and a large live oak. The site is located between Maricopa Road and Ardilla Avenue near the northern extent of Portola Road. The surrounding area is developed primarily as large lot residential. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing to redivide the 13+ acre site into three parcels with Parcel A to be 5. 9 acres (site of existing house) , Parcel B to be 2 . 6 acres and Parcel C to be 5 . 0 acres. Site access would be either from Maricopa Road or the Ardilla Avenue private driveway. Page Two Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 820408 : 1 (Rich) June 7, 1982 STAFF COMMENTS On May 6, 1982 the Subdivision Review Board met with Mr. Rich, the applicant, and Mr. Hilliard, applicant' s surveyor. Also present at that meeting were: Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; Patsy West, Engineering Aide, and Shirley Moore, Planning Commissioner. The following items of concern were discussed at the meeting: 1. Application to be treated as parcel map. 2. No road improvements required. 3. Location of existing septic system. 4 . Possible improvement of Ardilla driveway to road. FINDINGS 1. The project as presented will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environ- mental Impact Report is not necessary. 2 . The application as presented conforms to the applicable zoning regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the findings, the Planning Department recommends as follows: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration and B) Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 820408: 1 subject to the following conditions: 1. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable. method of sewage disposal, if reports, tests, and design are acceptable. All tests, reports and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water, and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Atascadero Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit on each lot. Where soils reports indicate that conventional soil Page Three Re : Tentative Parcel Map AT 820408 :1 (Rich) June 7, 1982 absorption systems are not acceptable, City approval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a registered civil engineer, shall be required. Depending upon the system, more restrictive requirements may be imposed. " 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water operable facilities shall exist at the property frontage prior to filing of the final map. A letter from the Water Company indicating they are willing and able to serve the property shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to recordation of the Final Map. 3. All other available utilities not already in place shall be extended underground to each parcel frontage at the time of building permit. 4 . Plan and profile drawings of proposed driveway(s) shall be submitted for approval by the Public Works and Planning Departments in order to determine average grade and appropriate improvement requirements. If average slope exceeds 120 , paved improvement would be a requirement at the time of application for building permit. Otherwise, an all-weather surface would be required similarly. In the event any portion of the driveway will be shared, improvement of that shared portion shall be a requirement made in conjunction with the first building permit. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 5 . With regard to improvement standards for the driveway, the following note shall appear on the Final Map: "The private driveways shall be improved to a minimum width of twelve (12) feet with an unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet. " 6. Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be disruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing, mature trees. The following shall appear as a note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appropriate permit and compliance with appli- cable City ordinances. " Page Four Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 820408 : 1 (Rich) June 7, 1982 7. All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building restrictions. A note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the Final Map. 8 . A Final Parcel Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation. b. A final title policy (CTLA of ATLA) shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Map. 9. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an exten- sion of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. ACTION Direct Staff by motion as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED MARK A. MUZNY Planning Intern REPORT APPROVED BY LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director T 1-9.9-4, (517,gg P oa 62 \ O • �IN ,-. M 15.56 'A /',,1 ,mac xk \ �►ga332'� /9 \ 6' 19 I 10 ;It o x.44 SCO w a ti 119.7 l-^Cl e ?, �z5.7 fa9.7a Oma° 09,w' �► tse.sz; .�, � � �y S.ar r2' i G I.° CD r I 0 N 1501� � y T4z�i;�tldJ 542° O� Q'1'4 •� °h� �a ���lv wlo �, - ' � FIs � / I .Ila f'sI sol, �� n1 E Heys ro � i ('ZD670 'G D� /3949, Al w �p N y/.0 �• b �� �� ti gE%3i/.�a off' A O(� Cb M Iq 11 LLoc,ATON Map AT 620"I o s* ''W�� ��I\ HILt.1At2D� CJ 4 \ �i7CD�7 4CZDIL�A 21.0, Z-7, 1,1ew�k 1 co t0 N t w � N / < - �/ �/ •N n Ny /� CT = •fy.. N 1 N y{ � D - rf �Ib , ri A IIII , 1 --- v N f tw 111e / ry 1 A - f - w tv ' I ,) I — I c w N NL to I ID', ��\ iD ( -\� •{ (A ` 1 �.. l� ...--'1-W O lT3 i:; // OD oj nr` ` ; w f 4 .. 1�\ A� N `- }N j W :T /S � � ', � �� W ;'" •'/ 1 I_� N �\ W - - 1. %' � - i •A �,� t j� M r N i .,nom << W �4 A to a �' o \ i` _ y_ W I W t0 Y. !, r" a\ \ p�(r1\, _ «t ` ___N-•-_ i r CD 9r O D ! it 0f �� ,•��.. �- t / ' t4 N CA CD 3 N p g„f, r A U W - �. of ��.�,,- _ v: `� \ � �-1,' W � � �• \`Y\/�i/ \`a' �'�• \.� t�� M\ OW \, r• - /J \. \�•. •J N kn ovp EP lip— ro Nz Ln C» C:3d 5 _ o i Acr \ co Zone- Map w `wi��/ / d a \: _, 8`09 O ; ( � 1-41 t_4_.1A�p� Arch L.q � 'i' '• �. "� .v �1�c'^,/��� �' ��\ fif ��^+ 1���7 2�9,2-7!`1g 6�•P.� 17 4 Lt �• 'ivy�•S� "�i ' y @i .` @ Q �-'—�—� �• Q h W ti h R Q � j a N D 2 0. V ` @ kb, io F3 8 " Qe �®@ a W ti� 'ky �o am•`WRQ }� � �a g a � ¢ r, i �, •w �o -�l a 0 \°, � `mm"n n� � w2�€WAi W'sjf��I�c.► 0Qy 01�q JOG Q 4CA Q p •¢°�+�Q�k nz a � N Q � J re y -P Q A O v.�C vim¢ C� O^�i° �'@8@ J �• r1 N 1 W o H z i0 4 Q ° O � 4 8 - V O � O M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER June 8, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 8203 9:1 LOCATION: 10570 San Marcos & 9600 Laur l (Lot 18, Block 30) APPLICANT: Frank Atkinson (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow division of 54 acres into four parcels with three at seven acres each an one at 32 acres. On June 7, 1982 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the subject matter unanimously approving authorization of a Condition- al Negative Declaration and approving the land division subject to Conditions 1-13 as set forth in the attached Staff Report. The Commission discussed road improvements and the need for added cir- culation. The Commission concluded that the request complied with both the zoning and the General Plan. Allen Campbell, applicant' s engineer , ap eared and indicated his con- currence with the Staff recommendation. No one else appeared on the matter . LAWRENCE STEVENMURRAY W DEN Planning Director City Manager /Ps - 1 :^ rnint�,r , r� e:�r, . ' r 11 CITY OF ATASCADERO `a r i97a Planning Department June 7, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 820309: 1 LOCATION: 10570 San Marcos Road and 9600 Laurel (Lot 18, Block 30) APPLICANT: Frank Atkinson (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow division of 54 acres into four parcels with three at seven acres each and the fourth at 32 acres. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-B-V-5 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription form has been completed. The Planning Director has prepared a draft Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the en- vironment if certain mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. 4. Site Conditions: The 54 acre site is located between San Marcos Road (improved) and Laurel Road (under construction) . The por- tions of Parcels 1 through 3 which front on Laurel Road are rela- tively hilly. One small section of Parcel 2 has a slope of less than 10%. The accessible portion of Parcel 3 is mostly 10-20%, while the accessible portion of Parcel 1 is divided equally be- tween slopes of 10-20% and 20-30%. The upper portions of these three parcels have slopes of at least 30% , which accounts for approximately half the acreage of each lot. Parcel 4 has one small inaccessible area of less than 10% slope and one area of 10-20% which can be accessed from San Marcos Road. The rest of the 32 acres is steep, with slopes of 30% and up. There are 3 drainage swales which traverse the 54 acres. Two of them termin- ate on Parcel 3 and one terminates on Parcel 2 . Vegetation on the property consists of some grasses and chapparal, with about half of the acreage being heavily wooded with mature oak trees. Utili- ties are currently being extended to serve the site. 5. Project Description: The applicant proposes to divide the 54 acre site into four parcels. Parcels 1 through 3 are seven acres each fronting on Laurel Road. Parcel 4 is approximately 32 acres fronting on San Marcos Road. No further division of the 32 acres is proposed at this time, but the future potential exists. Con- Tentative Parcel Map AT 820309:1 (Atkinson) struction of Laurel Road from Santa Lucia Road to Cenegal Road has been started under an improvement agreement. A portion of Cenegal Road is also being constructed as part of a tentative map for an adjoining property. Access to the proposed parcels would be via private driveways from Laurel (Parcels 1,2, and 3) or San Marcos (Parcel 4) . STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, May 6, 1982 the Subdivision Review Board met with Mr. At- kinson and his engineer , Allen Campbell. Also attending the meeting were: Shirley Moore , Planning Commissioner; Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; Jill Kollmann, Planning In- tern; and Patsy West, Engineering Aide. The following items of con- cern were discussed at that meeting: 1. Road improvement agreement. 2. Buildable sites. 3. Environmental determination. 4. Tree removal. 5. Area access. 6. Septic. 7 . Fire hydrants. The primary concern related to this parcel map and future maps in the general area is circulation. At this time the construction of Laurel Road and a portion of Cenegal Road will result in a long cul-de-sac. Future construction of roads in the area will depend on the timing of future maps. Preliminary review suggests that ultimately Laurel Road and Cenegal (as far as it goes now) will have to serve upwards of 80 parcels. This may justify consideration of alternatives to create through roads rather than cul-de-sacs. The incremental nature of the land division process would indicate the need for a circulation plan to be devised before a significant number of divisions have taken place, as road improvements are obtained in conjunction with parcel maps. Although there is no immediate problem generated by the appli- cant' s map, it should be recognized that the potential does exist to create an access problem such as that which currently exists in the 3-F Meadows area. 2 Tentative Parcel Ma AT 820309:1 (Atkinson) FINDINGS 1. The application conforms to all of the applicable zoning and sub- division regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. 2. The application as presented will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmen- tal Impact Report is not necessary. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Adequate provision shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development. 2. Provision shall be made to ensure soil stability during and after construction; and B) Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 820309 : 1 subject to the fol- lowing conditons: 1. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Com- pany and water lines shall exist at each parcel frontage prior to filing of the Final Map. A letter from the Water Company indicating they are willing and able to serve the property shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to recordation of the Final Map. 2. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, if reports and design are acceptable. All tests , reports, and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following shall appear on the Final Map: "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water , and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of building permits. Where soils reports indicate that conven- tional soil absorption systems are not acceptable, City ap- proval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be re- quired. Depending upon the system, more restrictive require- ments may be imposed." 3 Tentative Parcel Map AT 820309:1 (Atkinson) 3. All other available utilities not already in place shall be extended underground to each parcel frontage in accordance with the improvement agreement. 4. A driveway providing access to each building site may be sub- ject to Planning Department review and approval at the time of building permit application for each parcel. Plan and profile drawings may be required. If average slope exceeds 12%, paved improvement would be required, otherwise an all- weather surface would be required similarly. In no event will driveways be allowed which exceed 20% in slope. 5. The driveway access shall be improved to at least the follow- ing minimum standards: an improved width of 12 feet - unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 6. Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appro- priate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. 7 . Laurel Road and Cenegal Road shall be improved in accordance with City standards and arrangements shall be made for work to be done under an inspection agreement with the Public Works Department. Fire hydrants of a type and size specified by the City Fire Department shall be installed by the appli- cant, with exact location and manner of placement subject to Fire Department approval. Road improvements and provisions for fire hydrants will be in accordance with the improvement agreement entered into by the applicant when the land was purchased. 8 . Drainage swales shall be indicated on the Final Map and a Note shall appear on the Final Map which states: "Any modification of the ground during site development with- in fifty (50) feet of the drainage swales shall be subject to approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments . " 9 . Final grading and drainage plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer for development on each parcel may be required to be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments prior to issuance of building per- mits. A Note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 4 Tentative Parcel Map AT 820309:1 (Atkinson) 10. All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building re- strictions. A Note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the final Map. 11. Roof materials for all structures shall be Class C rating or better and a Note to that effect shall appear on the Final Map. 12. A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth here- in shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordi- nance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners cre- ated and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monu- ments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Map. 13. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expi- ration date. ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. - TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: 'd4zz JILL KOLLMANN -Planning Intern REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director 5 1 , l4 v �•, `.�` - \ X50. � Oth W)N KH-- .sr1 1 I 1 06/OJ' 7-7,Mo'7 kQ� L: ° oe M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER June 8, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 820311: 1 LOCATION: 11605 Cenegal (Lot 1, Block 59) APPLICANT: John White (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow division of 49 acres into four parcels of 10.1, 10 .1, 7 .3 and 21. 5 acres. On June 7, 1982 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the subject matter unanimously approving authorization of a Condition- al Negative Declaration and approving the land division subject to Conditions 1-13 as set forth in the attached Staff Report. The Commission discussed road improvements and the need for added cir- culation. The Commission concluded that the request complied with both the zoning and the General Plan. Allen Campbell, applicant' s engineer , appeared and indicated his con- currence with the Staff recommendation. No one else appeared on the matter . Of LAWRENCE STEV S "RfJRYNY L. WARDEN Planning Director Ciify Manager /Ps 1 f r r ir;. vt' Ir isll'rKa��..e 1 / CITY OF ATASCADERO / CAD Planning Department June 7, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 820311: 1 LOCATION: 11605 Cenegal Road (Lot 1, Block 59) APPLICANT: John White (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of 49 acres into four parcels of 10 .1, 10 .1, 7 . 3 and 21. 5 acres. BACKGROUND 1. A-1-B-V-5 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription form has been completed. The Planning Director has prepared a draft Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the en- vironment if certain mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. 4. Site Conditions: The site is located on Cenegal Road and Laurel Road near Santa Lucia Road. The terrain is steep with slopes averaging 30% or higher on much of the acreage. Parcels 1 through 3 each have at least one accessible building site where slopes are about 20%. Parcel 4 has 2 or 3 potentially accessible building sites where slopes are approximately 20% or less. Vegetation consists of a mixture of grasses, chapparal and large stands of mature oak trees. There are no major drainage swales on the site. Utilities are currently being extended to serve the property. 5. Project Description: The applicant proposes to divide the 49 acres into four parcels of 10 .1, 10 .1, 7 .3 and 21. 5 acres. The applicant is participating in an improvement agreement to con- struct Laurel Road and a portion of Cenegal Road and to install utilities to the front property lines. Access to the proposed parcels will be from either Laurel (Parcel 3 and 4) or Cenegal (Parcels 1,2, and 3) . The access to Parcel 4 is proposed via a private driveway following the Laurel alignment since the appli- cant proposes not to construct a public road along the frontage of Parcel 4. Tentative 820311: 1 (White)Parcel Map STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, May 6 , 1982 the Subdivision Review Board met with Mr . White and Allen Campbell, Mr . White' s engineer . Also present at that meeting were: Shirley Moore, Planning Commissioner ; Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; Jill Kollmann, Planning Intern; and Patsy West, Engineering Aide . The following items of concern were discussed at the meeting: 1. Road improvement agreement. 2. Road name change. 3. Buildable Sites. 4 . Environmental determination. 5. Tree removal. 6. Area access. 7 . Septic. 8. Fire hydrants. As with the Atkinson application, the primary concern in this area is the impact of future land divisions to the circulation system. There may be a need in the future to consider options which will ultimately result in through roads rather than long cul-de-sacs. Colony maps indicate that Cenegal is intended to connect with Puente Road (a paper road) and across a bridge onto Santa Lucia to complete a loop. Due to topography, the timing of development, and financial constraints, this option may or may not be exercised in the future, and it is not a con- trollable factor by the applicant. In any case, the current applica- tion does not present an immediate circulation problem but does intro- duce a potential for such in the future. FINDINGS 1. The application conforms to all of the applicable zoning and sub- division regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. 2. The application as presented will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmen- tal Impact Report is not necessary. 2 Tentative Parcel Map AT 820311: 1 (White) • RECOMMENDATION - Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Adequate provision shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development. 2. Provision shall be made to ensure soil stability during and after construction; and B) Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 820311: 1 subject to the fol- lowing conditions: 1. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Com- pany and water lines shall exist at each parcel frontage prior to filing of the Final Map. A letter from the Water Company indicating they are willing and able to serve the property shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to recordation of the Final Map. 2. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal if reports and design are acceptable. All tests , reports, and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following shall appear on the Final Map: "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water , and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Where soils reports indicate that conven- tional soil absorption systems are not acceptable, City ap- proval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be re- quired. Depending upon the system, more restrictive require- ments may be imposed." 3. All other available utilities not already in place shall be extended underground to each parcel frontage in accordance with the improvement agreement. 4. A driveway providing access to each building site may be sub- ject to Planning Department review and approval at the time of building permit application for each parcel. Plan and profile drawings may be required. If average slope exceeds 12%, paved improvement would be required, otherwise an all- weather surface would be required similarly. In no event will driveways be allowed which exceed 20% in slope. 3 Tentative 820311: 1 (White)Parcel Map 5. The driveway access shall be improved to at least the follow- ing minimum standards: an improved width of twelve (12) feet - unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final map. 6 . Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Fnal Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appro- priate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. 7. Laurel Road and Cenegal Road shall be improved in accordance with City standards and arrangements shall be made for work to be done under an inspection agreement with the Public Works Department. Fire hydrants of a type and size specified by the City Fire Department shall be installed by the appli- cant, with exact location and manner of placement subject to Fire Department approval. Road improvements and provisions for fire hydrants will be in accordance with the improvement agreement entered into by the applicant when the land was purchased. a. Laurel Road need not be constructed across the frontage of Parcel 4. b. A cul-de-sac turnaround including any required dedica- tion shall be provided at the terminus of Laurel Road. 8. Drainage swales shall be indicated on the Final Map and a Note shall appear on the Final Map which states: "Any modification of the ground during site development with- in fifty (50) feet of the drainage swales shall be subject to approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments . 9. Final grading and drainage plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer for development on each parcel may be required to be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments prior to issuance of building per- mits. A note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 10 . All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building re- strictions. A Note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the Final Map. 4 Tentative Parcel MIPAT 820311: 1 (White) • 11. Roof materials for all structures shall be Class C rating or better and a Note to that effect shall appear on the Final Map. 12. A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth here- in shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordi- nance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners cre- ated and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monu- ments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Parcel Map. 1'3. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expi- ration date. ACTION The Planning Commission should, by motion, direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: JILL KOLLMANN Planning Intern REPORT APPROVED BY: 16Z~ LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /Ps 5 s q,�32p-P -3-320_p V s A-1-B-V-S o D C\ e A 1 4 3 L i -// zONiN(i 1 AT $20309 ! A- I -Q-V-5 SAN t'IA\ZeoS F LAQRF-L -':<O ADS b LOT 18, (3LOc-1I, 30 Ala 55-041-05 i J ` 0 \ - 011 0 w ��•� ,� �� ) f v, 00 � o SITE LOGATlO \•;-,,\J_ .' ,• i � : _ � gT 820309� ! ( i SAN MARCOS E LAUREL ROA,c LoT I g, B LO G K 30 ( � � � -_. , , � � i� -----_� a� �� ,���i;; o ( -- �\ ��n \ \ �- �� � � .� _' � � �oo� I // �^�' � \ 1 \ \ � � � � / �,� ���, a , I /� ���,� i � ad .oFs� � /�� ��° _ _- � � � / �— ��� � � \ ( �� � % i� . \ 1 � o I ^ ��0� ` I � / � l ���� ( � i � � � 1 I / � �� � bad (/ (�� \ � o � - ; \\ /)��,61 o B � / a" i � / ��` n� o�r ati O'..0 C��IOS t.�Q �� J`�7 � ��� �����G�� j� is off, � �; o����� � �n� � � � .�'_ I� °� '� � {� � `� ���cSa ti oho is c� I� � �� ,� ��n��� is Lk � � � �jOCG� �� ��,t? ���� �� v�T � r �� ^� � s�I `-'�: �� a, ll A-3-320-P h-` a X320-P A s i 0 A 1 ® 1 Zo N\NC-1 A- ! -8-u_5 Ar SZO311 - I 1I(n05 CGCNEGAL LC)T I BLOCV- �9 55-Iq l -O 2 3 v 5 Gb ZZ�� - es 00 ................ P s FF 15 jT E- L 0 CAT t C) A-r BZCZt 1: 1 LOT I Q>L-0 5-9 -100 Iv p M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER June 8, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 820226 : 1 LOCATION: 14000-14700 Santa Lucia (Lots 1,2, 3 and 10 of Block 85) APPLICANT: Tenneco Realty Development (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow resubdivision of four existing lots totaling 57 acres into six parcels of 6.1, 5.0, 5. 0 , 9. 0 , 5.0 and 27 .0 acres. On June 7, 1982 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the subject matter unanimously approving authorization of a Condition- al Negative Declaration and approving the proposed land division sub- ject to Conditions 1-17 as set forth in the attached Staff Report with the following revisions: 1) Deletion of Condition 15 concerning repair of Santa Lucia Road. 2) Modification of Condition 14 to read: "Improvements required by Conditions 3,7,8, and 9 may be deferred. . . . " 3) Modification of Condition 7c to read: "A hammerhead turnaround shall be constructed between the inter- section of Santa Lucia and the new road and the terminus of Santa Lucia, with the design and location to be approved by the City Engineer . " The Commission discussed the need for turnaround emergency vehicles with "hammerhead" design deemed appropriate to minimize grading. It was the consensus of the Commission that the proposal was consistent with zoning and the General Plan. Allen Campbell, applicant' s engineer , appeared and indicated his con- currence with the Staff recommendation including the three minor re- visions which had previously been discussed with Staff . No one else appeared on the matter. AWRENCE STEVE MUR L. ARDEN Planning Director City Manager 1 r �, CITY OF ATASCADERO c is79 19�s cC ; r_ Planning Department June 7, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 820226: 1 LOCATION: 14000-14700 Santa Lucia Road APPLICANT: Tenneco Realty Development Corporation (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow resubdivision of four existing lots totaling 57 acres into six parcels of 6 .1, 5.0, 5.0, 9.0, 5. 0 and 27.0 acres. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-B-V-5 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription form has been completed. The Planning Director has prepared a Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment if certain mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. 4. Site Description: The site is bounded on the south by Santa Lucia Road and Graves Creek. The property is also bounded on the west by the City limits. All adjacent property is presently undevel- oped , but road improvements are being installed adjoining the site and to the south that will lead to future residential development. The site' s topography is characterized as being hilly with very steep hillsides, deep ravines and generally flat hill tops, cov- ered by a good number of mature oak trees and mature grasses. Development of roads into the area is proceeding as a result of a prior tentative map. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing to resubdivide four existing lots totaling approximately 57 acres of land into six lots. All lots will have access to Santa Lucia Road. Lot sizes are as follows: Tentative Parcel Map AT 820226:1 (Tenneco) Existing Lot Existing Size Proposed Lot Proposed Size No. No. 1 5 . 3 acres 1 6. 1 acres 2 10 .0 acres 2 5.0 acres - ---- 3 5 . 0 acres 3 9 . 8 acres 4 9.0 acres 10 32.0 acres 5 5. 0 acres - --- 6 27.0 acres STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, April 8, 1982 the Subdivision Review Board met to review the parcel map application, but due to bad weather and road condi- tions in the area, the members of the S .R.B. were unable to visit the site. The Board was subsequently unable to discuss the proposed map and continued the matter until the May S .R.B. meeting. On Thursday, May 6, 1982 the Subdivision Review Board met with Jerry Ladd of Tenneco and Allen Campbell , representing Mr . Ladd, to discuss the project. Also attending the meeting were: Larry Stevens, Plan- ning Director; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director ; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; Patience West, Engineering Aide; Jill Kollmann, Planning Intern; and Shirley Moore , Planning Commissioner . The following items of concern were discussed: 1. Access to individual lots. 2. Buildable sites and septic system design. 3. Fire hydrant requirements. 4. Driveway plans and profiles. 5. Utility easements. FINDINGS 1. The application, if revised as recommended, conforms to applicable zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. 2. The application as submitted together with the recommended condi- tions will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environ- ment, and therefore, the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necesary. 2 Tentative Parcel Map AT 820226:1 (Tenneco) RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends the following: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Adequate provisions shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development. 2. That grading and tree removal be minimized during all phases of site and road development. 3. That adequate and sufficient tests be performed on each lot to ensure septic suitability at each building site . 4. That provision be made for adequate access to each building site including provision for improvements and slope protec- tion; and, B) Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 820226 : 1 subject to the fol- lowing conditions: 1. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal if reports, tests, and design are accept- able. All tests, reports and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The fol- lowing shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water , and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Atascadero Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit on each lot. Where soils re- ports indicate that conventional soil absorption systems are not acceptable, City approval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be required. Depending upon the sys- tem, more restrictive requirements may be imposed. " 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascader Mutual Water Com- pany and water lines shall exist at the frontage of all par- cels prior to filing of the Final Map. 3. Other utilities available to the area shall be extended to the front of each parcel prior to recordation of the Final Map. Any utility easements are to be shown on the Final Map. 4. Santa Lucia Road shall be formally offered for dedication by the actual easement owners. A title report together with legal descriptions for the road shall accompany the offers of dedication prior to recordation of the Final Map. 3 0 9 Tentative Parcel Map AT 820226:1 (Tenneco) 5. Drainage and erosion control plans, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments prior to issuance of building permits in conjunction with the installation of private driveways or driveway easements. A Note to this ef- fect shall be placed on the Final Map. 6 . Plan and profile drawings of proposed individual driveways shall be submitted for approval by the Public Works and Planning Departments in order to determine average grade and appropriate improvement requirements at the time of building permits. If average slope exceeds 12%, paved improvement would be a requirement at the time of application for a building permit. Otherwise, an all-weather surface would be required similarly. In no event will driveways be allowed which exceed 20% in slope. In the event any portion of the driveway shall be shared, improvement of that shared portion shall be a requirement made in conjunction with the first building permit. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 7 . The applicant shall construct Santa Lucia Road along the frontage of the property being the subject of this parcel map to City standards providing as follows: a. A 22 foot paved section along Santa Lucia. b. Three feet of graded shoulder on each side of paving. C. A turnaround shall be constructed at the end of Santa Lucia Road, with the design to be approved by the City Engineer. 8. Improvements to be constructed under an inspection agreement and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. a. Improvement drawings, including improvements to control drainage and erosion within the road right-of-way, shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval prior to recordation of the Final Map. 9 . The applicant shall install one fire hydrant generally at the southwest corner of Lot 5. The size, type, manner of instal- lation and specific location of hydrant will be as required by the Fire Chief pending review of road improvement plans. A letter from the Fire Chief certifying the installation of required fire hydrant shall be submitted to the Planning De- partment prior to recordation of the Final Map, unless de- ferred, in which case the letter shall be submitted prior to final inspection and acceptance of the roads. 4 Tentative Parcel Map AT 820226:1 (Tenneco) 10. With regard to improvement standards for the driveway, the following note shall appear on the Final Map: "Private driveways shall be improved to a minimum width of twelve (12) feet with an unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet. " 11. Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing, mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appro- priate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. 12. All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building re- strictions. A Note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the Final Map. 13. Roof materials for all structures shall be Class C rating or better and a Note to that effect shall appear on the Final Map. 14 . Improvements required by Conditions 7, 8, 9 may be deferred for a period not to exceed three years by entering into an agreement. Any such agreement shall include a bond, certifi- cate of deposit or similar improvement guarantee acceptable to the Public Works Department. 15. The applicant shall repair or reconstruct the portions of Santa Lucia Road that have been damaged by construction traf- fic and equipment during the construction of Santa Lucia Road. This corrective work shall be to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. 16. A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth here- in shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordi- nance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners cre- ated and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monu- ments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Map. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Parcel Map. 5 1 ' ��•�' .r r I � .4 r r S 4 g• C�� NN 11 P , t.,e :�'h ( Q II ^ J ti A1:v ,\'le7 P A 0 Y N ZCNING Ar 82oZzb:1 SANrA LUCIA ROAD (� L.O T 1, 10 BLOCK 8 S � I 1 01 n S. D ;i •p - Li CA 04 /e4z:� i /; t4 = OD -A co co ri La 4P' �, r /// fv 1 r1\\\J 7 ! (n JIL CD Ul 03 cyl oi ul OD i I �fv ! I cr Jai _ l lit /C, LID !i ( r 1 r _ LOCATION - _ IJr: �� .- -�. A7- 82pZ Zoo• SANTA Lva�A READ �- _ _ , Lor x,2,3, �o s3�.oct�85 7 \ I, ---- M, cn i o 17. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written reauest _prior to the exni- e;Farr Jr Thr ' � 1979 CITY OF ATASCADERO / Planning Department June 7, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810908 :1 LOCATION: Palo Verde Road (Portion of Lot 7, Block 95) APPLICANT: Rudy Ruda (Hilliard Surveys) REQUEST: To revise certain fire protection conditions of a previously approved tentative parcel map. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-B-V-5 2 . General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: An initial sutdy environmental description form has been previously completed and a Condi- tional Negative Declaration has previously been issued along with an Environmental Determination. Thus the proposal needs no further environmental documentation. (Section 21166 C.E.Q.A./ Art. 6 , Section 15068 C.E.Q.A. Guidelines) 4 . Site Conditions: The site is characterized by rugged terrain with some areas having slopes averaging 55%+. The vegetation is primarily scrub, with a few oaks. An intermittent stream is present on the property. The area does not seem to be a significant agricultural resource , but may represent signi- ficant wildlife habitat; the property is also within an area of critical concern designated by the State as scenic back- drop. The area is subject to a moderately high landslide risk and an extreme fire hazard. Data from the Soil Conser- vation Service indicates that the erosion hazard for the area is high and that the soil may have a severe limitation for the percolation of sewage effluent. A letter submitted from the County Health Department in 1979 states that adequate and potable water is available on the site based on preliminary reviews. Access to the site is by dirt roads. The parcel directly adjacent to the site is 228 acres, while many parcels to the north range from 5 - 10 acres. 5 . Project Description: The applicant is proposing to subdivide the subject 93 acres into four parcels ; Parcels A and B at Page Two Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810908: 1 (Ruda) June 7, 1982 22 acres each. Parcel C at 24 acres and Parcel D at 25 acres. Access is proposed to each lot via an existing private graded, dirt road off Palo Verde Road, also a graded, dirt road. 6 . Prior Action: On November 23, 1981, the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map AT 810908: 1 subject to Condi- tions 1 - 20 per the Staff Report dated November 16, 1981 as recommended by the Planning Commission. The approval included various conditions ( #5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , and 9) to facilitate adequate fire protection at the future residential sites. Condition 5a stated: "A minimum 10 , 000 gallon water storage tank for mutal use by all parcels installed in a manner and exact location specified by the Fire Department prior to filing the Final Map. Necessary easements shall be provided allowing access to the tank from each parcel. Covenants shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director and the restrictions of use and maintenance of such easements and water storage facility. " The applicant has requested that the condition be revised to allow equivalent protection on each lot rather than a community system as specified above (see attahced letter) . STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, May 6, 1982, the Subdivision Review Board met to review the proposed revision with the applicant, Rudy Ruda and Robert Hilliard, the applicant' s surveyor. Also attending the meeting were Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Fred Buss, Associate Planner; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; Patience West, Engineering Aide; and Shirley Moore , Planning Commissioner. The following item of concern was discussed: 1. ) Fire protection requirements After careful review and research, including discussion with fire officials with special expertise in wildland fire protection, the Fire Chief now concludes that the individual 2500 gallon tanks would provide equal or better facilities in the even of fires . This is primarily because of concern about proper maintenance and care of the community system. Page Three Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810908 : 1 (Ruda) June 7, 1982 FINDINGS 1. Revision to the previously established fire protection condition as requested will result in equivalent fire pro- tection. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends that Condition 5a be revised to read as follows: "A minimum 2500 gallon water storage capacity shall be provided for each site for emergency use, separate from the domestic water system. Improvement plans for the individual emergency water storage systems shall be approved by the Fire Department and Planning Department prior to the issuance of building permits on any site. A Note indicating such shall appear on the Final Map. " ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: JOEL M SE As+ciate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: (�' ✓//J % LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director March 19, 1982 c .& j 'I" \" °' � .� \ �: ��fig i' ' :� }��Prti! �t�� f zw:....�..��2�,��`+����.'•'"M" .��; i�� rl` y'f�•r - �r:�y �4!it!��i �`;�S�^i�t't�'"��i_..t,�s° t �,y��"� r:t ��li-,� ��� {��'rL"„�4 -- ~-•"�,�,,., �.�` _ .; � -;..aa � .,•, �;,, ./..?, s?���y� ?�;,j}�1�'� :� ,'!I �"1',•'J1i� �,i},a-+�`My''' rI/ % �J t rrF, ,,,,�` ... '�-t,.,ty.-. qty"• r' t 1. 1, J1 r l t t 7.�Y� {� �z may:• ,,�_p a., a'7V ;��..sr /YI'�I.rr J"'r r,�Fry , �t7r1 1 'f.' � ..-. Y•C':-�� v-,arF !11„11 I J�� '�`t t.,y 1./ / �f •::r '}� f �''°"`•'f` i\i a� '„i �q ;/ }r �,',:? ti._'^:r �. t:_ (✓a ';rt 'f ^' l+”[ -,f, i/. 1 f. ` .: j�•�i �!;$ \Q� �.,.,Ifni 4�{':ilast �. R,1 n.�_.^""<�.�j !'t'%:•s • r.':�... r j_s_filt.t i l;ri 1 _.%C i, ;.;:o-, � !,'„ .t. Yw, �., � tF. � �y \t.r-a.5�gt{�-: {� '�j� li/.r.;l.fi fr{Y t`s.� ( :r jj. `+�L' �'•.r, ,s t�' .� +7,n�r t. ;1 ��� s; �i. El'r✓: . Y �: �,.�\ ( ♦\\Z. i ,.V-•n� ,. / , * y, ,.� � ,�+�/ i• �'�r'T.:. ''��tt n Kr t ,e•..,,. t Ti`., r1 ;71 f .� �i�..t':f} ice^" t e a n./f ts, '` t �,,. //f rr; .`.��� �. ��`ltE i` 7' ley F, fig (�Ir:: ) 1 /:'tjr�+�� r�'Y / e � r� t.:/ �� 74 }v�•'+ ` ,r i �,"I, err \ k lr i�1 �,f `>��, \ ` J`1 ,1 �� 4 i�'4:.�✓ tt r }rlr tl� 1 r / � ,'. 1/�.. x ,F � ,� � r } / � ., �y\\t 4 � r. i tt, -rr t 7! r 7 tr' -.it i f t � ✓ -i_ \' .`-, \,yTi�j`}_.'� i '�,i-1�tj7 f,` f � ( j d, .t;;f fP i` i 5`..'rt r _� ,�:, � ,,,_,,..y,�✓ r� ,kir � xr _ �„a l ' 4 `t :��-,,.�,.'�'"o i �� a �' i �'�'t' 1 ' S � tt�t '` btD°t�v1-'�'` + ` � �l £ , ♦n�,i`. 3 = lr) ,4,.'�. 111 �j �rg}tr N 1 � � t. A� t t ., ��♦ - ::,, /: t `, Vi I , ,�' �1 Si �. V�y'^*� -.'- � ,�., `1. r,� ij/ �t. rCltyr o,f'.•Atascaderd p.0'. Box t f� s SUBJECT: Mr; Rudy Ruda- `Pa.rcel. Map (AT80908 1) 1`�ti Palo Verde Rd (portion of Lot ;7 Brock "95) , - `�; Dear Mr„ Larry Stevens, \� This letter is for the purpose of request1ng :an appeal pf condition # 5 ; (a) of . the ' staff report dated November 16*'"',:1981 ., 5.. ::0ri=site ' supply faci1i.ties. for .firefighting purposes shall be provided as follows:. a. A minimum 10, 000`�gallon water` storage` tank for mutual use by all parcels installed in a manner and exact location specified by the Fire Department, prior to the, filing of_ the Final Map. Necessary easements shall be- provided, allowin g access to the tank from each parcel ; ',,Covenants shall be =sub- mitted for review and approval by' 'the .Planning `Director and subsequently recorded with the Final Map which. set'.forth the restrictions of use and maintenance of such easements and 'water `, storage facility. We make this request for the following reasons: 1 . Cost - 2 . Complexity of Covenants and Restrictions of use and maintenance We request that each site have its own water storage tank and such to be installed at the time of building permit . This matter has been discussed with the mire Chief and he has indicated approval . If you have any questions, please call . ZS'ncerely, ROBERT P HILLIARD,LS 3976 LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR `V� 6125 PORTOLA ROAD,ATASCADERO,CA 93422 (805)466-1769 cam• ' V A' A' h t r ZOAlIA167 MA P 4T90 S-.- / PALO 11&-,42D qo AD Ru CA /p t• G t ' ,r..>h.•�? - jv All !v';.r,y', -��ti^+�YZ +^ •\ N`3'r SCF 9.3. 1 ,-�;. ' .4. , ,,'/ ♦�. . c <c:M . :c ?•\. ,•+, 1 i ; c.�- "- � ,tom �• \ \t,1 a F n JH (J i C iL �- • f' 17. Zt Ti r Y + r , i for TM EF UwTS i rtousE !�� `G��N REp i t GATE .44 l44 ITSell ���`-�f C. ��;�V j,bL{CED •��y i ,``:\'` � f`j'.�V U PRcp6fzTy) �' � GATE ,,•� '��tDQ � RTY I V� F ` � �K Sl6M A-r &ATE READ,5: it FRopERTV .. . tJD I REsPASS Ruts, GASR►cK. J M�ND�l FDt2T11�C�7O1�1 �� TO: PLANNING COMMISSION June 7, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LA 820121: 1 (AT 82-003) LOCATION: 8200 Casita (Lot 25 & Ptn. Lot 15A, Block 31) APPLICANT: Jim Carpenter/Ed Anderson (Twin Cities Engineering) On April 12, 1982 the City Council approved tentative Lot Line Ad- justment LA820121: 1 to adjust an existing lot line to resolve a barn encroachment, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The zoning is A-1-1 1/2 and the General Plan designation is Suburban Single Family Residential. Staff review has determined that all con- ditions of approval have been met. On June 7, 1982 the Planning Com- mission reviewed the matter and recommended acceptance of the Final Map. LAWRENCE STEVEN YL. ti�ARDEN Planning Director IRRA ty anager /Ps } r x 60- g L1V?(5'43'13"f 256.00 253.85 :-. ti farce/ 850 Ac. I Parcel A o c = C.N 223 46. v - v ' o I AT 8r'^.04t'., ,.d /43.00 S 28°43'/9"W s r \_ Parcel / of AT 8/-048 n Uj � 3 N sin 0 ;a �v if s6 2595 5553.10-'95.9 ' yioln/ly Map >j CL:/38849 A Vel7l., xK "a TO: PLANNING COMMISSION June 7, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 777 LOCATION: 5625-5655 Capistrano Avenue APPLICANT: Kamm-McNamara On May 18, 1981 the City Council approved tentative Tract Map 777 to allow a 16 unit air-space condominium conversion, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The zoning is R-2-B-2-D and the General Plan designation is High Den- sity Multiple Family Residential . Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been met. On June 7, 1982, the Plan- ning Commission reviewed the matter and recommended acceptance of the Final Map. (IiAW_RENCE STEVENS M RRAY X. WARDEN Planning Director City Manager /Ps �� �F•T 3a oa' op O A� S e �3 Np 7-i U - fR rn .ir SSS a 2 n ti PP v,� T 0 �, Nia N Z6U4Zi s o W y N � w T y d p T oma kh T z Q a° 4 cl i o � rjo owk es. tiro \, acio . (] y i 7 Y to ` r m r LNo._ 0 o q - S' SUBJECT: ROAD NAME CHANGE-- PUENTO ROAD APPLICANT: Initiated by Planning Department REQUEST: To change the name of Puento Road to Cenegal Road On June 7, 1982 the Planning Commission reviewed the requested road name change and unanimously recommended approval of the change as set forthin the attached Staff Report. There was no discussion as the matter was on the Consent Calendar. Ltl?AWRENCE STEVENS ;1UtT,')(AY WARDEN Planning Director Ci y Manager /Ps SUBJECT: ROAD NAME CHANGE - PUENTO ROAD APPLICANT: Initiated by Planning Department REQUEST: To change the name of Puento Road to Cenegal Road BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-B-V-5 (Light Agriculture) 2 . General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3 . Project Description: It is proposed that Puento Road on which lots 30 , 31 , and 32 of Block 57 , and Lots 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , and 17 of Block 59 front be changed to Cenegal Road. STAFF COMMENTS The current situation involving Puento Road and Cenegal Road is such that there is no clear intersection between the two roads . ' The Puento Road bridge at Graves Creek has not been built and the likelihood of construction in the future seems slight. For this reason, Puento and Cenegal appear to be one continuous road. In addition, the potential for confusion between Puento Road and roads with similar names (such as Puerto and Pueblo) currently exists and will probably worsen as this area develops . By renaming Puento Road now, while the area is vacant land, the name change can be accomplished with the least impact on the City of Atascadero and the property owners in the area . To correct the situation, it appears best to simply extend Cenegal Road the remaining distance to San Cayentano Road. Vacant lots would be assigned correct addresses when developed. If this change were approved, new road signs would be placed in the near future. FINDINGS 1. The confusing nature of existing road names in the area can be best resolved by changing the name of Puento Road to Cenegal Road. -RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings , the Planning Department recommends approval of a road name change from Puento Road to Cenegal Road and approval of address changes as shown on the attached map. -ACTION Direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: MARKUM ZNY Planning Inte fi REPORT APPROVED BY-r LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /Ps M E M O RAN D U M �i TO: City Manager - urray Warden FROM: Fire Chief - Mike Hicks SUBJECT: Weed Abatement Bid Results After close consideration of the Weed Abatement Bid sub- mitted by Kuhn and Scribner on June 1 , 1982 , and after a meeting between myself and Mr. Scribner, along with an in- spection of their equipment, I have every reason to believe that they will be able to meet the conditions of the Contract. It is my recommendation that the Weed Abatement Bid be awarded to Keith Scribner and Gary Kuhn, 4460 Nogales Ave. , Atascadero, telephone : 466-4134 . E Scribner and Kuhn bid results are as follows : Part I. Large Parcel Tractor with operator $28 .00 per hr. $15 . 00 per z hr. Part II. Small Parcel Tractor with operator $28 .00 per hr. $15 . 00 per h hr. Part III . Hand Work A. Hand mower w/operator $8 . 00 per 2 hr. B. Weed cutter w/operator $8 . 00 per ? hr. C. Hand Labor $15 .00 per 2 hr. Part IV. Hauling Material to Dump Size of Vehicle: 2yd $30 . 00 per load Attached are copies of other bids submitted. MIKE HICKS 6-8-82 MH:pJ a r W (� U QJ �. C D L � Q. p c 4-J a—' rO ZDca _ q - _�- a- r,- o _0 (1J Q C '-� (tel j � i, l_ �-, � -'-•� 5 �' a CD J 13 14� 1 rr f RN r-t i (� C, ~ n (D r+ -s C) CD v r- n CD J-� t, CD Zt CD IN O 77, - - 17 d i EQQ rt CD n o •� r-t• -s a ti o CD s r-+ 0 :F CD i J < a: u (a) � a c c a. c CD r f> c �1 C C J CD C a.; °- C 0 L .�J Q. p d-- 4-1 d ^e�i •a i., � c F 4' r 4 LC71 INV, CL 1- C� C�r - L o a °' c � , • c � � o cn FROM: Finance Director �qj SUBJECT: Audit Agreement for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1982 Attached is the Agreement for Auditing Services between Robert M. Moss Accounting Corporation and the City for Fiscal Year 1981-82. Agreement for services is for $2, 400 which in- cludes the required Revenue Sharing Audit for the Federal Govern- ment. This Agreement is identical to prior agreements executed for past audits. I recommend the City Council accept this Agreement as stated. This recommendation is based primarily on maintaining continuity with an auditor who is familiar with both the municipal process and our computerized accounting system. In addition, this ac- countancy firm has .provided excellent service not only during the audit process, but 'throughout this year when questions arise. RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. RHD: ad 6-9-82 "LIU AVU61%1 11. 11VAA t1VVVVL`Ilt1P1V1 %.VArV1%ALLVLN, ouL aa5L Clain .7LreeC, JanLa Maria, California, herein called the "AUDITOR". PARTIES WHEREAS, it is the intention of the CITY to provide for the examination of its financial statements, and WHEREAS, the AUDITOR is a Certified Public Accountant, duly authorized to practice and licensed as such by the Califonia State Board of Accountancy and experienced in City and Special District auditing; THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions and premises hereinafter contained, the CITY hereby engaged AUDITOR, and AUDITOR hereby agrees to examine the financial statements of all funds of the CITY. It is understood that the services performed by the AUDITOR is in the capacity of an independent contractor and not as an officer, agent, or employee of the CITY. AUDITING PROCEDURES AND SCOPE The examination shall be made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly shall include such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as the AUDITOR considers necessary in the circumstances in order to allow for the expression of an opinion on the financial statements of all funds of the CITY. It is understood that such procedures are not designed primarily to disclose defalcations or other irregularities. auuiiuK snail oDserve une aaequacy or the system or internal control and if weaknesses are noted, make appropriate recommendations. AUDITOR'S comments shall be included in a separate letter to be issued as soon as possible after the conclusion of the examination. PERIOD COVERED BY AGREEMENT This agreement shall cover the audit of fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981. COMPLETION OF AUDIT REPORT AUDITOR shall deliver TEN (10) copies of their report as soon as possible after the examination has been completed. CONSIDERATION Said auditing services will be performed by qualified persons. Fees for services rendered may be billed as work progresses, but not more than once a month. Such fees shall be paid promptly by the CITY. The total payment to the AUDITOR for services and expenses rendered under this agreement shall be $2,400.00 for the fiscal year. The maximum annual fee stipulated above contemplates that conditions satisfactory to the normal progress and completion of the examination will be encountered and that CITY accounting personnel will furnish the agreed upon assistance in connection with the preparation of necessary detail schedules and the production of documents for AUDITOR'S inspection. However, if AUDITOR feels unusual circumstances are encountered which make it necessary immediately to the responsible CITY officials, and if both parties agree that circumstances are unusual they may negotiate such additional compensation as appears justified. EXTRAORDINARY SERVICES It is contemplated that from time to time the CITY may wish AUDITOR to perform accounting and auditing services in addition to those which are usual and customary in making an examination of the financial statements of the CITY. If so, AUDITOR shall be compensated for any such services performed which are validly authorized at their normal hourly rates in effect at that time. However, if such additional services require the expertise of consultants, AUDITOR and CITY may negotiate separate rates and estimated fees for the work contemplated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this agreement as of the day and year herein first above written. Date: By: y: ROBERT M. MOSS ACCOUNTANCY CORPORATION APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Allen Grimes ALLEN GRIDIES, City Attorney r Recommendation: It is recommended Council approve an agreement with the State Department of Transportation (Caltrans) providing for maintenance by State forces of the traffic signal systems at El Camino Real and Traffic Way and E1 Camino Real and Curbaril. Background: This agreement provides for routine and emergency maintenance of the existing traffic signal systems in the City by local Caltrans staff. On call personnel of the State are available to respond to emergency maintenance requests at all times. The City has no qualified signal maintenance personnel and have had to depend on Lee Wilson Electric from Arroyo Grande for all of our signal maintenance needs. Although this firm has a qualified electrical staff, they do not have the ability to service controller components nor do they maintain a stock of controller parts. This means that long delays are necessary even in replacing minor signal controller and signal head components. This very problem has been evident in long signal shutdowns in the past. After much discussion with local Caltrans officials, the State has agreed to accept the responsibility to perform contract signal maintenance service within the City. As a part of this agreement the City must advance $1, 500 as a deposit for services to be provided. The City will pay for all parts and labor on a regular basis as billed. This agreement has no effect on the current budget account for traffic signal maintenance, however, the proposed contract with the State should result in lower overall costs for this activity. Attached are the cover memo and the original and three copies of the Cooperative Agreement between the City and State. Upon execution by the City, the original and two copies are to be returned to the Local Assistance Engineer in San Luis Obispo. / AWRENCE MCPHERSON LM:vh 5-26-82 the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, referred to herein as STATE, and CITY OF ATASCADERO a body politic and a municipal corporation of the State of California, referred to herein as CITY RECITALS 1. The CITY has requested the State to maintain the traffic control signal systems on the CITY system as shown on Exhibit "A" , attached hereto, and by this reference made a part hereof. 2. The STATE does have qualified personnel available to perform said maintenance of said traffic control signal systems within the CITY. 3. STATE and CITY will mutually benefit from this said maintenance by providing safety to the traveling public. 4. The CITY and STATE do mutually desire to cooperate and desire to specify herein the terms and conditions under which said maintenance is to be performed and financed. 1. To inspect , maintain and repair, at intervals of approximately thirty (30) days and at other times when requested by CITY, those traffic control signal systems .at the locations shown on Exhibit A. 2. To follow CITY' S "contingency plan" for emergency operation of each intersection. A copy of said plan is to be located within each controller cabinet (plan to be approved by STATE) . 3. To provide emergency repair service upon request by CITY, providing that STATE is not engaged in emergency work on the STATE highway system. Said service shall return signal system to an operable condition, accepting thereof failure or damage to equipment that cannot be repaired on site. 4. To submit to CITY within ten (10) days after execution of this agreement, billing in the amount of $1 ,500. 00 which figure represents CITY'S advance deposit for the first fiscal year' s (or portion thereof) estimated cost of services to be provided by STATE under the terms of this agreement. 5. To accumulate said costs in a separate account and to provide CITY with a) A quarterly statement of costs incurred and be computed for each month assessable labor charges are incurred at the overhead assessment rate in effect during that month. i ,� .i �. M E M 0 R A N D TO: Murray FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Acceptance of a Portion of San Marcos Road for City Maintenance Recommendation: It is recommended that Council approve the attached Resolution accepting approximately 0. 37 mile of newly constructed San Marcos Road for City maintenance. Background: The portion of San Marcos Road as shown in Exhibit A and as described in the Resolution was constructed by agreement with the Public Works Department and meets all current City Standards. All conditions of the construction agreement were met, all tests submitted and verified, and "as built" plans have been submitted and are approved. It is therefore now in order to formally accept this portion of San Marcos Road into the City street system. This is in conformance with the Council policy of accepting only those streets that have been constructed to current City Standards. P,WRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh 6-1-82 cc:Allen Grimes w/attachments RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ACCEPTING A PORTION OF SAN MARCOS ROAD TNTn -TFTF rTmy cmpFFZQ-YST-- Df :so On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member , the Atascadero City Council hereby adopts the foregoing resolution in its entirety on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Adopted this day of , 1982 . Robert J. Wilkins, Jr. ,Mayor ATTEST: Murray L. Warden, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Allen Grimes Allen Grimes, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: AU7AY L. ARDEN, City Manager u� M E M O R A N D U M 4 401�j TO: City Manager FROM: Fire Chief kml? �/ SUBJECT: Weed Abatement Hearing As part of the weed abatement process, the City Council is required to hear objections to the proposed removal of weeds , rubbish, and other combustible material . This hear- ing allows any affected property owners to protest the pro- posed abatement of hazards on their property. After hearing the objections , the City Council overrules or allows any objection. This can be done by resolution or motion. I recommend action by motion, i .e . "I move we (allow - overrule) the objections to the proposed removal of noxious or dangerous weeds on the lots posted. " After disposing of the objections , or if no objections are made , the Council orders the abatement of the nuisance . This also can be done by motion or resolution. I recommend action by motion, i.e . "I move that the Fire Chief or his authorized representatives are ordered to abate the nuisance of noxious or dangerous weeds on the lots posted. " As of this date, we have not received any written protests . MIKE HICKS 6-8-86 MH:pj Appeal of Planning Lector ' s Determination (Deffenbaugh) 2) Change the General Plan land use designation and zone district designation to Commercial. 3) Relocate the existing structure to a property with appropriate zoning. It seems clear that the first alternative would not be appropriate due to the purpose and intent of the R zones to be residential and not Commercial. The present ordinance under an R-4 designation would al- low for offices, but the General Plan text has recently been revised to eliminate this practice. As such, the future zoning ordinance in its present form will not allow for any offices within the multi-fam- ily districts . It must also be noted that any change in the ordinance will also affect all other lots zoned similarly. Alternative #2 may be a more logical method for the applicant to use to establish a commercial use on the site. A General Plan amendment and zone change would be needed and can be processed simulataneously, although the last 1982 cycle for General Plan amendments is now closed. There is some doubt about the appropriateness of such changes in light of existing land uses and circulation patterns in the area. The remaining alternative seems preferable and, even though the cost of relocation may not be cheap, especially if land must also be pur- chased, would be most consistent with applicable zoning regulations. If the building is structurally sound, there is no reason why it can- not be moved to an appropriately zoned piece of property. Of course, necessary zoning and building approvals would be needed for such a move and typical improvements (parking, landscaping, etc. ) would be required. The draft zoning does recognize the desirability of preserving histor- ical structures (although this one, according to information provided by the applicant, it not so designated) , but does not include in such preservation the allowance of uses not permitted in the zone in which the structure is located. The Commission has directed some review of the "bed and breakfast" use which may fit a circumstance such as this. Extension of that opportunity to commercial uses such as offices does not seem particularly appropriate in light of the potentially detri- ,a mental effects on surrounding residentia=dses-It-seems particularly -"" difficult to allowa use simply because it occupies a historic struc- ture while prohibiting the same use in some other type of buildng. FINDINGS 1. Regulations in the zoning ordinance does not allow the establish- ment of offices in the R-2 Zone and the draft zoning ordinance in its current form does not anticipate creating such an opportunity. 2 FF Fr- rr Jill,I CITY OF ATASCADERO 1913 111978 I Planning Department May 3, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: APPEAL OF PLANNING DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION CONCERNING OFFICES AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE R-2 APPLICANT: Ralph Deffenbaugh Associates REQUEST: To allow the establishment of a commercial office within the R-2 zone. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: R-2 2. General Plan: Low Density Multiple Family Residential 3. Request: The applicant wishes to establish a commercial office (food facilities consultant) in an existing residence located on property owned by the Community Church at 5800 Rosario. The site is presently zoned R-2 and is designated as low density Multiple Family Residential on the General Plan. The residence was con- structed approximately in 1918 and is known as the Case Sisters' \ home. It does not currently possess a historical designation al- though the applicant is investigating this possibility. STAFF COMMENTS Neither the present zoning ordinance nor the draft zoning ordinance provide for such a commercial use within a residentially zoned and designated area except that a home occupation can be allowed provided that the business owner occupies the dwelling as a principal residence and provided that there are no employees. The employee restriction and other home occupation criteria are being reevaluated. However , since the applicant does not intend to reside in the dwelling, the home occupation alternative is probably not a feasible alternative and would, in any event, depend upon changes not yet made in the draft zoning ordinance. Other alternatives available which may accommodate the proposed use include: 1) Change the zoning ordinance text for the R-2 district to allow for commercial uses. �D ralph deffenbaugh associates FOOD FACILITIESCONSULTANTS 4760 EL VERANO POST OFFICE BOX 1778 ATA SCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93423-1778 (805) 466-6800 May 10, 1982 Lawrence Stevens Planning Director City of Atascadero P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Dear Mr. Stevens: Thank you for your letter of May 7, 1982 regarding our request for establishing an office in an R-2 zone. In view of the feeling we received at the Planning Commission meeting, that the members were in sympathy with our proposal and would really have liked to approve it and in view of our firm conviction that what we propose is really in the best in- terests of the City, not just for our business, we would like to carry our appeal to the City Council . As I understand your letter, you will schedule that appeal for US. Thank you for the handling of this matter. Sincerely, Ralph fRe nbaugh M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER June 9, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DETERMINATION CONCERNING OFFICES AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE R-2 ZONE APPLICANT: Ralph Deffenbaugh Associates REQUEST: To allow the establishment of a commercial office in the R-2 Zone. On May 3, 1982 the Planning Commission considered the applicant' s ap- peal of the Planning Director ' s determination that offices were not a permitted use in the R-2 Zone and concurred with that determination as set forth in the attached Staff Report. There was discussion among the Commission concerning the precedent of allowing uses out of zone and concerning the compatibility of office and residential uses. The various alternatives identified in the Staff Report were also discussed. Ralph Deffenbaugh, appellant, appeared and spoke in support of his request giving a history of the building and his reasons for wanting to preserve it. He also commented on the various alternatives in the Staff Report. No one else appeared on the matter . On May 12, 1982 the attached letter from Mr . Deffenbaugh appealing the Commission determination was received. LAWRENCE STEVENS ?� *ty WARDEN Planning Director anager /Ps Appeal of Planning Director' s Determination (Deffenbaugh) 2. The "historic" structure can be preserved while still complying with applicable regulations. 3. Allowance of office uses in residential zones is not appropriate due to the potentially detrimental effects associated therewith and due to the existence of sufficient commercially zoned land for that purpose. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends that offices not be allowed as a permitted use in the R-2 Zone and that the draft zoning ordinance not be modified to allow offices in residential zones. ACTION Direct Staff by motion as deemed appropriate. - REPORT PREPARED/APPROVED LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director i4 /Ps 3 �D ralph deffenbaugh associates RECEIVED . 3 + �2 s . " FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS � 4760 EL VERANO POST OFFICE BOX 1778 " ATASCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93423-1778 (805) 466-6800 April 10, 1982 Mr. Lawrence Stevens Planning Director City of Atascadero Administration Building 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, California 93422 Dear Mr. Stevens: Thank you for taking time to meet with me last Friday when we discussed the possibility of my using the 5800 Rosario house as an office. As you pointed out, there is no provision in the existing code for preserving historical buildings in noncompliance areas. As you recommended, we would like to meet with the Planning Commission to further pursue the use of this building, as well as the use of other historical buildings in Atascadero. Please confirm the May 3rd date for us to meet. Sincerely, Ralph fDe fenbaugh RD:rd i P PROPOSAL AND REQUEST FOR ZONE CHANGE BACKGROUND The Community Church of Atascadero is the owner of property fronting on Palma Avenue, Rosario Avenue and Olmeda Avenue, on which is located a number of structures in addition to the church sanctuary. All of the struc- tures are used by the church for its various functions except one which is in a deteriorated state and unfit for any use in its present condition. The structure was designed as a single family residence and used as such until deterioration made it uninhabitable. The church considered var- ious alternatives for use or disposal of the structure and came to some basic conclusions regarding it: 1. Restoration or remodeling costs were prohibitive for any possible church use at this time. 2. The church had no need for the structure as is , or as it would most reasonably be restored, and did not anticipate any need for it in the foreseeable future. These conclusions lead to studies to determine a logical disposition of the structure, since it is an eyesore to the community and an attractive nuisance, with resultant potential liability, in its current dilapidated condition. One study considered severing that portion of church property on which the structure sets and offering the property for sale. Such severance would require a lot split, producing an undersize lot, and this possibility had to be ruled out for that reason. Also the congregation of the church voted against disposing of any part of the land it holds, in anticipation of future church expansion. With no apparent alternative other than having the structure razed, it was offered for sale to be removed from the property. It was advertised for sale for several weeks, requesting sealed bids. Only one bid was received and the provisions of that bid included leas- ing the ground on which it is located until such time as the church has need for that ground area. The bid was accepted, the structure sold and the ground area leased. The structure, which bears an address of 5800 Rosario, is one of the original colony homes, having been constructed in the latter part of the second decade of this century (approximately 1918) as the home of the Case Sisters. It appears likely that the structure qualifies as a certified historic structure and the present owners are investigating the possibility of applying for such certification. PRESENT STATUS Ralph and Ruth Deffenbaugh, husband and wife, local residents and busi- ness people since 1977, are the present owners and are developing a plan for preservation and restoration of this historic structure in its present loca- tion in a way that will : 1. Preserve its unique architectural qualities. 2. Convert it back to a neighborhood asset. 3. Be compatible with other uses of property on church grounds. 4. Justify the costs of restoration and development. PROPOSAL The present owners propose to restore and remodel the structure to house the offices of their companion food facility firms. In so doing, they plan to preserve and restore as much of the original beauty of the structure as possible, while limiting the remodel to the interior and only such exterior necessities as may be required for adequate working access. They expect to re-develop and re-landscape the leased area immediately adjacent to the struc- ture to make it functional and attractive and maintain the entire property in such a manner as to enhance the beauty of the community. This proposed use will allow the preservation of a historic structure which would be otherwise doomed to destruction and be replaced by a vacant lot for many years to come. It will make restoration economically feasible, while restoration as a single family residence would not be economically feasible. It will be compatible with the neighborhood which has long since departed from being a single family neighborhood. Conversion to offices would also be compatible with uses the' church might have for it, if it should need to re-acquire it. firm specializing in the design of heavy duty commercial kitchens. R & R Restaurant Equipment Sales is the companion firm which procures, supplies and installs commercial food facility equipment. These businesses, owned and operated by the Deffenbaughs, are conducted in offices with heavy use of telephones and an extensive catalogue library for the manufacturers they represent. Customers and Clients are located throughout the country with very few in the immediate vicinity of Atascadero. There is no inventory of equipment carried in stock as the equipment is either drop shipped direct to the customer or brought to the jobsite by an installer. Clients and customers rarely visit the office, but rather the Consultant, Mr. Deffenbaugh, visits the Clients. NEIGHBORHOOD IMPACT The impact of the proposed use of the structure on the neighborhood would be comparable to the former use as a single family residence. The impact would be substantially less than having a four family dwelling on the property as is allowed in the present zoning. The proposed office use does not involve extensive visitor traffic. It does not produce noise. In fact, there would be nothing audible or visible which could be objectionable. The noise and traffic impact on the neighborhood would be greatly less than is currently produced by apartment dwellers in the surrounding area. There is therefore no negative impact in the proposed use and the positive impact of a well kept, improved property as compared to the present status, or as a vacant, unused lot, is considerable. NEIGHBORHOOD SUPPORT A canvas of immediate neighbors to the property reveals no objection to the proposal . In fact, those canvassed welcome and applaud the proposal . They would much prefer to see the building saved, utilized and beautified than to have it removed. The congregation of the church approved the bid proposal for sale of the structure with full knowledge of its proposed use without a dissenting vote. JJ i v i r ko o y # :�� t7 ti` ry f a ` . +11 tryrl T.af - hl vc co cq � zC \WD ID ., w,e•.��r_ \;1 A \ 1. ` 1 fir") N ` r It �� o 7e 19 "� 11 HI SIN E aIM �T A u IQ' p 1 1 of TRAFFIC C C ; ,- T0: City Council _M_E_M_O_R,A_N_D_U_M_ FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Halliday Appeal Attached is the information pertaining to the Halliday appeal which was on the agenda at the last Council meeting and at which you directed Staff to get together with the Hallidays to see if the the issue could be resolved. Mr . McPherson' s letter to Mr. Halliday, dated May 26th, indi- cates the action he has taken following the Council meeting. Since the time indicated in his letter , no further contact has been made with Mr . Halliday nor has Mr . Halliday provided the City Engineer with the necessary information. Accordingly, the issue is still in the air and, insofar as we know, the facts as presented to you at your May 24th meeting and as presented by the attached memo have not changed. R L. WARDEN MLW:ad 6-10-82 • ROLFE NELSON POLICE DEPARTMENT (805) 466.8600 MURRAY L.WARDEN ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1 CITY MANAGER/CLERK POST OFFICE BOX 747 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 FIRE DEPARTMENT - . PHONE (805) 466-8000 6005 LEWIS AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422 (805) 466.2141 May 26, 1982 i Mr. Edward Halliday 8250 San Clemente Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mr. Halliday; This letter is in follow up to my meeting with you and your brother in my office on Tuesday, May 25, 1982 . In this meeting I gave you a copy of the drainage area and pipe sizing calculations performed for the City by Twin Cities Engineering for your information and to assist you in resolving your objections to this • office' s findings in reviewing your grading plans. As I understand it, your primary objections re- late to the method and conclusions reached in calculating the design flow rate and the culvert size at the drive- way configuration shown on your grading plans . I attempted to explain the criterion used in such an evaluation and to also explain that a variety of drainage solutions were available other than that proposed on your plan. The available alternatives included: a grade level crossing, a small diameter pipe with an overflow weir, higher fill over the pipe to allow an increase in head, various headwall considerations, or various combinations of these methods. You also protested the fact that you were required to supply the design information for sizing the culvert under the driveway and stated you felt that City staff should have supplied this information. I explained that it is the property developer ' s responsibility to supply all plans and technical information and that our efforts to make drainage calculations were only to verify the results of the information you presented from the Soil Conservation Service as support of your plans. I would emphasize that there was never an effort made by myself or my staff to discourage a solution or a reluctance to review various alternatives available to you for your site development. ay, Monday, May 24 , 1982 , buto tnis date no turtner contact has been made with my office to discuss this item. To this date you have not supplied this office with drainage calculations or culvert sizing calculations by a technically qualified firm or individual, the results of which are verifible by acceptable engineering practices. This leaves me no choice but to advise you that I cannot recommend approval of your grading plan as submitted to the Building Department until such time as you provide pro- perly performed and documented drainage and culvert sizing calculations to this office. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely AWRENCE McPHERSON Director of Public Works LM:vh cc: Murray Warden Lawrence Stevens Central Coast Eng. SUBJECT: Hearing on Halliday appeal The Halliday appeal addresses specific issues; that of the proper calculations for a proposed driveway culvert and deletion of the requirement for sandbagging. Although these issues are normally not appealable because they are resolved through appli- cation of standard engineering practices, they are being referred to you in order to avoid any apperance of denying an applicant his or her right to be heard. In doing so, however , it is sug- gested that you follow a process which in essence is as follows: The Staff report should be reviewed and Staff information presented to the Council. In the present case, that information will constitute testimony from the Planning Director , the Public Works Director and Mr . John Kennaly of Twin Cities Engineering. Council should, if it wishes, address questions to each of the parties providing testimony. Upon completion of the Staff pre- sentation, Mr . Halliday should be allowed to present any evidence and witnesses he may care to produce to support his view. Again, questions by the Council should be addressed to any aspect of the applicant' s information. If the Council wishes, they could then ask for a summary of each position after receipt of all direct testimony. After Council has completed its considerations and discus- sion, it should establish definite findings and conclusions. Those findings and conclusions could be in the form suggested by staff or as suggested by Mr . Halliday or a modification of these. If, however , the Council is not prepared to make such findings and determinations at this meeting , then the matter could be con- tinued to a later date with a request that written findings be provided to Council for adoption at a subsequent meeting. This would require Council to give general guidelines as to what their findings and conclusions should be. (Incidently, if additional witnesses or testimony are required, the matter can be continued to another date. ) Although our Code sections do not specifically address the time period in which the Council must render its judgment, an omission which perhaps we should correct, you should attempt to resolve the issue as expeditiously as possible assuming you are satisfied that you have heard all pertinent information. i M RRAY 7. WARDEN MLW:ad 5-20-82 LOCATION: 7900 San Clemente (Lot 12, Block YB) APPLICANT: Edward Halliday REQUEST: To allow use of a formula other than the rational method to calculate drainage for a proposed driveway culvert and to delete the requirement for sandbagging at each end of the culvert. BACKGROUND 1. Applicable Engineering Standards: Section 11-351.1500 (P. 17-32) of the San Luis Obispo County Standard Improvement Specifications and Drawings establishes the standards used by the City of Atas- cadero for storm drainage. These standards are administered by ,--� the Public Works Department. Section 11-351.1504 (P. 19) indi- cates that: " . . . . solution of hydraulic design problems commonly encountered for areas not to exceed 200 acres may be made by the rational formula. . . . " The standards (P. 16) also provide that: "While it is intended to permit alternative methods of analysis and solution of drainage problems and to provide for other methods for those situations which do not lend themselves to solution by the following criteria, such alternative methods shall be based upon accepted engineering principles and shall produce results which achieve the products intended by the following specifications ." The recommendation for slope protection (i .e. rip-rap, sandbag- ging, etc. ) is based upon the velocity and amount of drainage flow and is intended to provide erosion control around the culvert inlet and outlet and minimize hydraulic pressure which could dis- lodge the culvert. 2. Site Considerations: The subject property is approximately 17,000 square feet in size and is located in a single family residential area of similarly sized parcels. The site slopes upward from San Clemente at an approximate slope of 15% and is traversed by a natural watercourse across its frontage near the roadway. The watercourse continues along and across San Clemente to San Marcos towards Atascadero Creek. (See attached map) 4 . The application of City standards to this project did not involve the use of administrative discretion or personal judgment. 3 April 2, 1982 Planning Department Cit. o-" .?tasc`dero t=cc=cero,TC.A 9322 Attn: lairs Larry Jtewns t.r. Stevens: In a letter from your office dated 1 arch 3, 1982, it was �.- - st ate-d that p enctration of a. one hour fire w_ll by 2 x 6 Gooden 1:,'cams (as S 0.71 in plans :ub^i tted to your Office for ap roval), di% not :sect safety reauirements for th.e pro-Dozed type of con- straction. .1-,-,::t sa:ie letter gave five references n mi:,� _eco-Ole your of-_i cc t.ile�edly c0rt%actl- -ith reEard to this ,:,vttC aI cunt -ci than ?;ith rs'�;a_ra to th=-t mS.tter. I too!', the liberty of cont'Lct in,';, by phone:, �. five OL t}.iL - iC—LsivF.:.� y -. 11ou cited and rc_:� the- the pert^. of Your icttcr t'r_at ��urportc to :cote te-i• as fol_.o::s: 1. Barney 11d.Ka y - "she -vordiny; of your letter constit: tes a miscuote." 2. Jac`-: :e11er-2Kn - " %ncti ti or: i^ accont­ble if the l:ood- "r inv ;ieb e sro not -rovide suptsort 1 for the one hour -fire (they do not in uhis case) 3. �en_n_s _'cCret ry — tame- au 1=r. :Celle» n 4. . ranh Kellcrzan - Stated that he `id not lake the 4" dL-on- sion limitation refcrrud to in{ your le ttcr. 5. .-.-llama"t 'ir��-iC :�.7:� — Jtatsd hr [.z rc-v'_i co_'1 tflotri:_ i.! r L' office concerr:- 7 t^2 apt:.r, T,L:,=c .ppa. rs to be a serious disagxrecm_nt what you clei-: to h---ve been tole by t11c_-.c :eo_.le and ;:'hat "they" cl E.i;, to .-i=co nc 3.. t er not t@ila:E i'_^_C Tr .th ar __ OC3'_vy at th2 ver- c'a3t inaccUratc. '.ith thiC in ..1ne. l ,:ouid 1_.__ to h__ve thi.: letter stLndas a re:_:uest for _,eal in the Llai t ter referred to above. I ...:.v4 zcnt a rc:c_ueSt fo= tE:,tint - fO-r onc-, fire wall uuffficie-_ncy of thc pro-;;oc_ed conStraction - to Ccnit_Ll Tgib: it _:ice: Lags Ob_ T,o. i h vc not o< yet, re- CiC.�Tir_ reYlI,- O tach, c•inc� yo-a_- 1Gtter £t�'ti no dB.`.G�it�E e'v _of 1 in t._:ic � Or _.ay be- c t T ,i L in s.8- of Oi::c'_' .etc.:'.. dci-rilinc-L isc' c- 1;.:�0:fJG by yo-,r o_lice, 1 foal it is i [ '__tiVG t r _':� t o :l t t i ti:je i ^c_ to de1 y , •-111, of .. :i3 __;e yl :i'_,L=? I can obtain_ the teet 0.>�:J `.nG Th---nI: ;,ro i� ttcntzon. Res_pectf`-11y . ub:-:ittcc, i_�Z1i cry 12.250 .n Cl cme_.tc y_ sc-,; e_o, - 93422 46G-3341 • M E M O RAN D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 56 , Health and Sanitation The attached Health and Sanitation Ordinance is introduced as a first reading and is subject, of course, to - ur suggestions, questions, or proposed amp- -' �;/� iinous ordinance Y I (oU with the major purpc (P40 • ✓ t to get the process started. T1 l �I y be scheduled for the next Council :t to amend- ment or postponement 1 1 reading. Those aspects deali____,, e Health Officer reflect the standard provisions for all cities in the County in order to min- imize differing requirements when using the County Health Officer as the City Health Officer . The solid waste management portion and subsequent portions are basically revisions to existing adopted ordinances with changes designed to convert to City use. -► Recommend approval of first reading. i�96YT� _ MU Y WARDEN MLW:ad 6-10-82 '� >� s.«- `,'ti 0 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: Murray FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Cable T.V. Franchise Transfer Recommendation: It is recommended that the attached Resolution to transfer the CATV franchise from Falcon Cable Corporation to Falcon Cable TV of Northern California be approved. Background: The attached letter from Mr. Hatchell, General Manager of Falcon Cable Corporation explains the request for transfer of the CATV franchise. The approval of the Re- solution would not effect the term or content of the existing ` •` franchise with Falcon. A14RENCE McPHERSON LM:vh 5-21-82 cc: City Atty w/att. eba *d �IoTE ApPaov� s�fvu� � 3� /''fi4QF su d Jrc7 O T /tecrpTAwer - 5nrrC0 m: sowrt�� N. • RESOLUTION NO. 26-82 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO • APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF THE COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION FRANCHISE FROM FALCON CABLE CORPORATION TO FALCON CABLE TV OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA WHEREAS , the City of Atascadero has granted a community antenna television system ("CATV" ) to Falcon Cable Corporation, a California Corporation; and WHEREAS , Falcon Cable Corporation has been providing CATV services to the City of Atascadero under the name Falcon Cable TV; . and WHEREAS , the stock of Falcon Cable Corporation is owned 100% by Falcon Cable TV of Northern California, a general partnership consist- ing of Falpro Corporation (40%) , Advance Corporation (40%) , and Black- hawk Communications Corporation (20%) ; and WHEREAS , a communication has been received from Falcon Cable Cor- poration indicating its desire to transfer the existing CATV franchise from Falcon Cable Corporation to Falcon Cable TV of Northern Califor- nia; and WHEREAS , this transfer will accommodate certain accounting consid- erations and will enable the partners of Falcon Cable TV of Northern California to consolidate all of its current franchises in a single S entity of greater financial strength; and i WHEREAS , the general partners making up Falcon Cable TV of North- ern California will be the same general partners which owned 100% of the stock of Falcon Cable Corporation, and their interest in the assets of Falcon Cable Corporation will be identical to their interest in the ownership of Falcon Cable TV of Northern California; and WHEREAS , the managing partner of Falcon Cable Corporation will continue as the managing partner of Falcon Cable TV of Northern Cali- fornia, and there will be no change in the management personnel or policies; and WHEREAS , effectively Falcon Cable Corporaiton is merely changing the name of the franchise; and WHEREAS , Section 6.48 .070 of the Municipal Code requires the prior consent and approval of the City Council to this intended transfer . NOW, THEREFORE, the Atascadero City Council does hereby find, de- termine and declare as follows: 1. The City Council does hereby consent to the transfer of the CATV franchise from Falcon Cable Corporation to Falcon Cable TV of Northern California; and • Resolution No. 26-80 Falcon Cable TV 2. That this transfer will be effective when the City is in re- ceipt of a written instrument executed by Falcon Cable TV of Northern California agreeing to comply with the provisions of the Municipal Code and existing franchise agreements. a On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk • APROVED AS TO FORM: ALLEN GRIMES , City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: M&RAY City Man er • 2 Resolution No. 26-8f- Falcon Cable TV This resolution shall not become effective unless and until Falcon Cable TV of Northern California agrees to comply with all of the pro- • visions of Chapter 6.48 of the Atascadero Municipal Code. Dated: FALCON CABLE TV OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, a partnership By: BLACKHAWK COMMUNICATIONS CORP. By: ADVANCE CORPORATION By: FALPRO CORPORATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA • COUNTY OF On before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared known to me to be the person whose names subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that executed the same. WITNESS my had and official seal. Signature • 3