HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 01/25/1982 AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 25, 1982 7:30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A Consent Calendar , are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If dis- cussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calen- dar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 11, 1982 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment AT 81-227 (LA810611: 1) 7313 and 7345 San Gregorio Road, Florence Desrosier/Henry Ranallette (Stewart) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMIS- SION RECOMMENDATION) 3. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA 81-156 (LA810807:1) 7580 Valle Avenue, Antonio Arellano/Gene Stanley (Stewart) (REC- OMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 4. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment AT 81-242 (LA810414:1) 7720 Cristobal, 7605 and 7655 Tecorida, Texeria (Hilliard) (REC- OMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5. Lot Line Adjustment LA 811204: 1, 3105 and 3125 San Fernando Road, Elizabeth Miller (Stewart) to adjust the lot line be- tween two lots to allow a better building site for a proposed residence (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOM- MENDATION) 6. Tentative Parcel Map AT 79-263, 7345 Encinal, Gordon Hilchey (Hilliard) to extend the time allowed to complete require- ments for an approved tentative map (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7. Resolution No. 4-82 amending Resolution No. -34-81 regarding parking restrictions on State Route 41 specifically on El CaminoReal and West Mall (RECOMMENDADOPTION) a AGENDA - ATASCADERO' TY COUNCIL JANUARY 25, ►82 B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS " 1. Public hearing on appeal of Planning Commission denialof a Conditional Use Permit, 7379 E1 Camino Real, Northern California Savings and Loan (McCarthy & Brady Architects) to approve a 45 sq. ft. monument- sign with the total' signing to exceed the 60 square feet allowed in the C-1-D zone 2. Public Hearing on General Plan Amendment GP 810930:1 (North E1 Camino Real Commercial Study Area) ; area bounded by El Camino Real, San' Anselmo, Highway 101 and Del Rio; ;Steve Garman/Expanded area initiated by Planning Commission; to consider certain General Plan text and map amendments for the Study Area 3. Public Hearing on General Plan Amendment GP 811019;2 (Morro Road Study) ; Morro 'Road between Highway 101 and Portola; initiated by, Planning Commission; to consider amendment of the -text and map of the Land Use Element concerning the Special Commercial and Professional Office land use designa- tion 4. Report regarding San Luis Obispo Area Council of Governments +� agenda C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None D. NEW, BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 48 establishing the Office of City Clerk first reading 2. Ordinance No. 49 establishing the Office of City Treasurer first reading 3. Ordinance No. 50 repealing specified provisions of the Atas- cadero Municipal Code and designating certain provisions of the Code not to be codified but to remain in effect until amended, superseded or repealed - -first reading 4. Resolution No. 3-82 adopting regulations for candidates for elective office pertaining to materials submitted to the electorate and the costs thereof for all General Municipal Elections to be held by said City 5. Consideration of purchasing surplus chairs from the County '' of San Luis Obispo 6. - Transfer of funds for street contracts - 2 AGENDA - ATASCADERO WY COUNCIL - JANUARY 25, 02 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager • 3 � r MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL a • Regular Meeting January 11, 1982 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Themeeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Tom Gaddis of the Foursquare Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT None A. N E CO S NTALEN C DAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of December 14 , 1981 (RECOM- MEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer ' s Report, 12-1-81 to 12-31-81 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Resolution No. 1-82 accepting work and giving notice of com- pletion for the reconstruction of Balboa Road (Contract No. 81-17) (RECOMMEND ADOPTION) 4. Resolution No. 2-82 accepting work and giving notice of com- pletion for the 1982 overlay project (Contract No. 81=15) (RECOMMEND ADOPTION) 5. Lot Line Adjustment LA_ 811021: 1, 5880 Encino, Garry and Virginia Brill (Stewart) , to adjust existing lot line to pro- vide better access and better building site (RECOMMEND APPRO- VAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 801212:1, `10275 EscondidoRoad, Alex Kuczynski (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7 . Tentative Parcel Map AT 811028:1,- . between Santa Lucia and Cencerro Roads, Tenneco Realty , Development (Twin Cities) , to allow resubdivision` of five existing lots providing for a new road alignment for Cencerro Road (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) MINUTES - ATASCADEROCITY COUNCIL JANUARY 11,E 982 8. Tentative Parcel Map AT 80-96, 8600 El Camino Real,- Dove Investments (Stewart) , to extend the time allowed to com- plete requirements for an approved parcel map (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 9. Tentative Parcel Map AT 80-97, 8600 El Camino Real, Eaglet Investments (Stewart) to extend the time allowedto com- plete requirements for an approved parcel map (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 10. Variance V811125: 1, 7955 Santa Lucia, Jack Adams/Jerry Lueck (Smith) , to allow a proposed . single' family .residence to encroach into the required 25 foot front yard adjacent to Mira Flores (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION REC- OMMENDATION) 11. Road Name Change Tecolote Road, initiated by the Planning Department to change the nameofa portion of Tecolote Road (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) Mayor Wilkins reviewed all items on the Consent Calendar . Coun- cilman Mackey requested that items A-3 and A-10 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Mayor Wilkins requested Item A-11 be withdrawn. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for approval of the Consent Calendar with the exception of items A-3, A-10 , and A-11. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote. A-3 Resolution No. 1-82 accepting work and giving notice of completion forthe reconstruction of Balboa Road Councilman Mackey noted that no drainage ditches appeared to have been constructed along Balboa Road and asked why. _ Mr. McPherson noted that drainage provisions would be constructed as areas of need were identified. A-10 Variance V811125;1, 7955 Santa Lucia, Jack Adams/Jerry Lueck Councilman Mackey was of the opinion that this :was an unbuildable lot; Larry Stevens stated that there is sufficient area to construct a building, however, the builder may have a problem in providing a sep- tic system. A-11 Road Name Change Tecolote Road Mayor Wilkins stated that Daphne Fahsing wished to speak on this matter . Mrs. Fahsing reviewed the comments in her, letter of January 2, 1982, which opposed changing the name of Tecolote Road to Llano Road. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council accept the recommenda- tions by Staff and Planning Commission on Items A-3, A-10 an A-11. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unan imously `carried. 2 MINUTES - ATAS ADER - 11,982 C OtTY COUNCIL JANUARY 9 B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Report regarding State recommendations for El Camino Real parking Mr . Warden stated that Cal Trans has reviewed the City' s` resolu- tion regarding parking on El Camino Real and recommended that Council amend their resolution to retain the no parking zone in front of Sam bos, retain the no parking zone between Santa Ysabel and Plaza Drive near Century Federal Savings, and retain the no parking zone at the intersection of El Camino Real and West Mall on the north side. With these three exceptions, Cal Trans would recommend: approval of the City's resolution. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council amend Resolution No. 34-81 to conform to the Cal Trans recommendations. The mo- tion was seconded by Councilman Stover . Howard Mahron suggested that the City should have checked with Cal Trans first before adopting their own resolution. Mr . Warden stated that Cal Trans was consulted on the process. The motion was unanimously carried. 2. Report regarding San Luis Obispo County Area Council of Gov- ernments agenda • Mr . Warden reviewed his memo to Council dated January 7, 1982, which included recommendations for the various agenda items on the Area Council agenda for January 14th. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Councilman Stover be in- structed to vote in accordance with the recommendations con- tained in the memo. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 47 establishing requirements in accordance with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 - second reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 47 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 47 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this constitute the second reading of Ordinance No. 47 and that it be adopted. The mo- tion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously car- ried by roll call vote. • 3 i __ II MINUTES - ATASCADERPCITY COUNCIL JANUARY 11,'1982 D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Set date to interview applicants for Appeals Board Council set 7: 00 p.m. before the Council meetings of Monday, January 25th and Tuesday, February 9th. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Highland reported on the activities in the County Water Advisory Board meetings. He asked to be relieved of this appointment after serving for two and one-half years. (b) Councilmen Highland stated that the policy regarding street vending operations appeared to be discriminatory since the City allows Christmas tree sales on vacant lots, but will not allow flower, fruit or other sales. Mr. Stevens noted that this matter was being addressed in the zoning ordinance now being drafted. (c) Councilman Highland asked about the status of processing zoning violations. Mr . Stevens stated that when a com- plaint is received, the person involved is notified in an attempt to work out a reasonable abatement of the violation. He said that they have completed 125 enforcement actions since September 1, 1981. 2. City Attorney • Mr . Grimes had nothing to report. 3. City Manager (a) Mr . Warden advised the the officers on duty New Years Eve received eight calls for the Call-A-Cop program by people requesting a ride home because they felt they had had too much to drink. (b) Mr . Warden that the City has hired another female police officer. (c) Mr . Warden reported that the City of Atascadero has been dismissed as a defendant in the Garcia case. (d) Mr . Warden stated that the City had received notifica- tion of a $131,987 grant from the State Department of Parks and Recreation for the South Atascadero Park project. (e) Mr. Warden stated that he was in receipt of a proclama- tion for the Mayor 's signature to declare January 15 , 1982, Rev. Dr . Martin Luther King, Jr. , Day. 4 MINUTES - ATASCADEROPITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 11,41982 (f) Mr . Warden stated that the City has an opportunity to purchase a demonstrator mini-pumper at a good price. This equipment is scheduled to be purchased in the next fiscal year according to the Capital Improvement Plan, however , it would be pru- dent to take advantage of the price as offered at this time if possi- ble. He noted that it is necessary to seek proposals according to the City' s purchasing regulations, and that might bring in some competing bids. Council directed Staff to proceed with the bid process. The meeting adjourned at 8: 35 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk 5 M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER January 19 , 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment AT 81-227 (LA810611 :1) LOCATION: 7313 & 7345 San Gregorio Road APPLICANT: Florence Desrosier/Henry Ranallette (Stewart) On July 27, 1981 the City Council approved tentative Lot Line Adjustment AT 81-227 (LA 810611:1) to adjust existing lot lines by approximately . 08 acres, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of ,the Planning Commission. The zoning is A--1-B-V-2 and A-1-B-V-3 and the General Plan desig- nation is Suburban Single Family Residential. Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been met. On January 18 , 1982 the Planning Commission reviewed the matter on the Consent Calendar and recommended acceptance of the Lot Line Adjustment Map. 10vtPily� AWt:' k4'� LAWRENCE STEVENS FATJRPAkY L. WARDEN Planning Director Cit Manager /Ps lie ww�, G� yz ro O y, WO ro Wna 0 00 A �� °lq �i N ro Nt�55�.w(R°d) � � itqb 0 oz �,! �� 0 •� . � y �y � �af W � � bOC ' �j b y� y r► A A' � Op -: . � .,. ", . = - to o o �• � m�..- troi� m p b �• =! i► ` f N h ` N�f �. 579.47 f Rfi� �' N s°�'44 W(Rodl • 4t`2 "w' SSQo 0 o j3' m s t ? - m n Co 01 o 2 CO � � '` d � �• ert= nj V i - 1 p �Q�✓ F a �r b tq4 cb S �- Qa$j ISO N 3�O 4 '!3" 'dee o3/R2J '1 = �� d •`''a. a "� V y 'b _ 0 a t Z� Q`3 Nk a \� a�° � IN r2 •o�,� a nom. o � 'a? P*l roN ri A n Qi A te ° : o :, to'4a g„ nc y g � +. N �, c oo �� � �' � oa N"�z' = t�ry`Z �( oy�iFli yOIa � "1 i 0 M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER January 19,, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA 81-156 (LA810807:1) LOCATION: 7580 Valle Avenue APPLICANT: Antonio Arellano/Gene Stanley (Stewart) On October 12 , 1981 the City Council approved tentative Lot Line Adjustment AT 81-156 (LA810807 :1) to adjust existing lot lines by approximately 06 acres, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, The zoning is R-A and the General Plan designation is Moderate Density Single Family Residential. Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been met. On January 18 , 1982 the Planning` Commission reviewed the matter on the Consent Calendar and recommended acceptance of the Lot Line Adjustment Map. -6644�A*� -- XA0C-'7 44s�� LAWRENCE STEVENS MUR Y L. ARDEN Planning Director City Mana er i /Ps ty3 F J/ 9'9S /S(� �� (k 'tc4'y- S ti9FFo y.oa90 s©'p n sy o '�Fgo9y�j5, O *� � �y coy •, O�Q�/ r s rO s0,• /ss �%C"- F2 } t 4�Fo c`F �Fp coo N° '9J- 9�j9'LQ �.�T`.¢. W N. -.a:.` z h:._ ems`•_ .2s• r,3 .a c�3.c �. zrj- N 46 � W .. � ` -. s- � --•off^-- .___ -- �� 1° S.%-33 W-42142(R) - 4le ci H �r N360 35'38~E- 42123(M) Q _ �•- `° _' �` a tom,. �•�O -x � v- � - J -� zar �"" fa �-.� "'"� -f0 ��+� _.,: 4 - c; %^' ,a � �..�v , r ��: sem. '?a• `�`4 3 . ` '�W(M)fi/R'Q. a9 36t t4�(M . a� $5636 /5 �R�, S36° 33'W(RI SO. t9 �� t�=��► 9 362.56'(RI _ /3/.73(M 1 /4Ica �l. _+g.Z —— --- `a*�Q�.• �. ak it �'a.tip- o v•���t'�a� �a "°r�;,,?'�. m� 9 N3�•33 E-av 33� 20�£- 2A :3/I d dN/lh'O,� S 03(M) —�` � l ' N53'38'13'Y-237.21'(M) �l ys2 r � �} 9 .moo �./ -7� � ►iu�• n ate' �N NZ''v V.up,�• Q. O l���9j�.. crZFs s '� �9Gt`to Z1 pv'm•sYA `r`c* Otip b. ,c .57 ss t/ • Z M E M 0 R A N D U ,M TO: CITY MANAGER January 19, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment AT 81-242 (LA810414 :1) LOCATION: 7720 Cristobal, 7605 & 7655 Tecorida APPLICANT: Texeria (Hilliard) On June 1, 1981 the City Council approved tentative Lot Line Ad- justment LA 81-242 to adjust existing lot lines by approximately . 35 acres, subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The zoning is R-1-B-2-D and the General Plandesignationis Moderate Density Single Family Residential. Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been met. On January 18 , 1982 the Planning Commission reviewed the matter on the Consent Calendar and recommended acceptance of • the Lot Line Adjustment Map , LAWRENCE STEVENSMUR Y L WARDEN Planning Director Cit Man ger /Ps s O/ . ,. r> b m V % a 0 r 3 ti � 0V t N t 0 4 � y AA,, •,.. _a_,y vim,. `T 2 � 0 M E M O R A N D U M " TO: CITY MANAGER January 19, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LA 811204 :1 LOCATION: - 3105 & 3125 San Fernando Road (Lots 29 , 30 of Block 25) APPLICANT: Elizabeth Miller (Stewart) REQUEST: To adjust the lot line between two lots to allow a better building site for a proposed residence On January 18 , 1982 the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed lot line adjustment and recommended approval subject to Conditions 1-5 as listed in the attached Staff Report. There was no discussion as the matter was on the Consent Calendar. No one appeared. GNU - LAWRENCE STEVENS M L. ARDEN Planning Director City Mana er /Ps • nFP Fr4 F-7 r r qCI r �I 1979 CITY OF ATASCADERO 1918 eq Planning .Department -;January 18 , 9982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Lot Line Adjustment LA 811204 : 1 LOCATION: 3105- & 3125 San Fernando Road (Lots 29, 30of Block 25) APPLICANT: Elizabeth R. Miller (Stewart) REQUEST : To adjust the lot line between two lots to allow better building site for proposed residence BACKGROUND 1 . Existing Zoning A-1-B-V-3 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3 . Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has determined the application to be- a Class 5'(a) Categorical Exemption. 4 . Site Conditions : The site is dominated by a descending ridge line running along the ; present property line. The site is bounded on the west by San Fernando Road. The adjoining properties are pres- ently developed and undeveloped residential lots. The site, itself has an existing residence on Lot 29 . The site also contains a driveway leading to residential development on Lot 28. The site contains a number of large oak trees . 5 . Project Description: The applicant proposes to 'adjust the proper- ty line between Lots 29 and 30 of Block 25 . Both lots are cur- rently rectangular in form and will be changed to an irregular shape to take advantage of a proposed building site. Both lots will retain approximately the same amount of acreage as prior to the adjustment . Both lots will have direct access to San Fernando Road. STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, January 7 , 1982 the Subdivision Review Board met with Mr . Chuck Miller, applicant, and Dan Stewart , the applicant 's en- gineer . Also attending the meeting were : Larry Stevens , Planning Director ; - Larry McPherson, Public Works Director; Vern Eliott , Fire Captain ; Joel Moses , Associate Planner ; and Jill Kollmann , Planning Intern. The ,following items were discussed: Lot Line Adjustment L 811204 : 1 (Miller) 1 ) Show driveway access easement across the parcel serving' existing residence on adjacent property . 2) Verification of the setback of buildings on adjoining lots . 3) The removal of an existing house at the time of occupancy of a new house. 4) The minimizing of tree removal . 5) The creation of irregular lot line alignments . FINDINGS 1 . The application as submitted has been determined to be Categori- cally Exempt from the requirements of C . E .Q.A. as defined by Class 5(a) . 2 . The application as presented conforms with the applicable _zoning and subdivision regulations. RECOMMENDATION • Based upon the above findings , the Planning Department recommends ap- proval of Lot Line Adjustment LA 811204 : 1 subject to the following conditions : 1 . The lot line adjustment as shown on the map attachment provided herein shall be submitted in a Final Map format to be approved by the Planning Department prior to recordation by the County Record- er ' s Office. a . Adjusted property line shall provide for a five foot setback from all structures , or structures shall be altered or re- moved to provide said setback. 2. Any tree removal or site grading necessary for the development of the lots shall be subject to Planning Department approval prior to issuance of building permits . This requirement shall appear as a Note on the Final Map. 3 . The proposed adjusted lot lines shall be surveyed and monuments set at new property corners prior to recordation of the Final Map. 4 . The location of all easements of record shall be delineated on the Final Map. a . The existing driveway serving residences on Lots 27 and 28 shall be indicated on the Final Map unless the Planning Director approves an alternate method to delineate the ex- isting driveway encroachment. 2 Lot Line Adjustment 811204 : 1 (Miller) 5 . Approval of this Lot Line Adjustment shall expire one year from the date of final approval _ unless a time extension has been granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date . ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE : Motion to adopt findings and set conditions . TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial . REPORT PREPARED BY: YjkL,7��7 0 S sociate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: 'G1wY~ LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /ps 3 a 6 F y 1p Ul N {y l LOT 4 !y 8 i ° I I Zee,G6nd-J31'�o e-iAl f/ =® lk ci zz m Po. _ n v a � m �Br lz 2 2 y; S ITE MAP LOT LINE �USTMETIT' LA81!?.O4�1 3105+ 31 Z5 SAN FMANM MAD g LOTS Z9 i 3D ` SLOUC Z5" MIU-ETZ- STEWAZT 4 N ;i Q titi � A � �Q QA � opo N Q1 _ r SITE P N LASIIZ04:J 1 a� . d � 4 i 1 1 1 Q TO 1 n ZONINCs MAP d LM_ LINE AD IUSTMEIT LARIZO '1 Q 3105- 131Z9 SAN FEMANM ZOAD LDTT5 Z9 4 W MDCX 25- r'` -j JfJJ SITE IF i a Q P i \� 1 LGCAT IM MAS' LCAT UME AWDST-MUM M LASIIZ�V 310T i 3JZ5- 5414 VE NAMM larA'p LOTS Z9 4 3D ZLGYJG Z 5' MILL EX- SM-WAS" M E M O R A N D U r4 e TO: CITY MANAGER January 19, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 79-263 LOCATIO14: 7345 Encinal (Lot 28 , Block E) APPLICANT: Gordon Hilchey (Hilliard) REQUEST: To extend the time allowed to complete requirements for an approved tentative map On January 18 , 1982 the Planning Commission reviewed the time. extension request and recommended approval of a one year time extension as indicated in the attached Staff Report. There was no discussion as this matter was on the Consent Calendar, No one appeared. AWRENCE STEVENS MURRAY L. EN Planning Director City anagW D /ps c��r� G rR. r.•� leis q I e �a78 CITY OF ATASCADERO � CADEg� Planning Department January 18 , -1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 79-263 LOCATION 73�45 Encinal Avenue (Lot 28 , Block E) APPLICANT: Gordon Hilchey (Hilliard) REQUEST: To extend the time allowed to complete requirements for an approved tentative 'map BACKGROUND 1 . Existing Zoning : R-A 2 . General Plan : Moderate Density Single Family 3 . Site Conditions: The roughly three acre site is steeply sloping and is currently developed with a single family dwelling located on proposed Parcel 1 . The site is vegetated with scattered oak trees , natural brush and grasses and induced landscaping in the area of the existing residence. Access to the existing dwelling is _via private driveway off Valle Avenue.- Sewer lines exist in the vicinity of the property in the following locations: -a) In Sombrilla at its intersection with Sendero; a paper street. b) In Valle Avenue approximately- 600 feet northerly to the property, 4 . Project Description The applicant proposes to divide thesubject property into two parcels: Parcel 1 which encompasses the exist- ing residence is proposed to be 1 . 99 acres and Parcel 2 is pro- posed to be 1 . 00 acre. Access to Parcel 2 is proposed to be off - Encinal , an unimproved cul-de-sac . The applicant proposes to ex- tend sewer lines from either Valle Avenue or Sombril'la to Parcel 2 in order to obtain the one-acre lot size". 5 . Prior Action:' On December 22 , 1980 the Planning Commission con- ducted a public hearing and approved Tentative Parcel Map AT 79-263 subject to eight conditions . On December 20 , 1981 an ap- plication for time extension to allow completion of sewer require- ments was received. No previous time extensions have been requested on this project. Tentative Parcel Map AT 79-263 (Hilchey) • STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, January 7 , 1982 the Subdivision Review Board met to re- view the time extension application with Mr. Hilchey, Mr . Hilliard (applicant' s surveyor) , and Mr . Orton (applicant ' s engineer) . Also in attendance were Larry Stevens , Planning Director; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director ; Vern Eliott , Fire Captain; Jill Kollmann, Plan- ning Intern; and Joel Moses ,_ Associate Planner . The topics of discus- sion was abandonment of the existing septic tank as per plumbing code requirements when the sewer system is connected. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends approval of the time extension subject to the conditions set forth at the time the project was ori- ginally approved . Approval of this one year time extension shall expire at 5 : 00 p. m. on December 21 , 1982. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: /JILL KOLLMANPd Planning Intern REPORT APPROVED BY : � ,�'. LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director Ips 2 59 •� ra 58 R- 62 cc 71 AW,o7b(,' - 61 • P 321 _ A .�:,: �000t ` 3 ,h f l �ao2 17 �. O ` 1$ Cbrn ® _ CV \ V` Cb co-74-A77 S ` ✓ ✓ tK I Iii Bo CIlk .• Ly K i 4125,` -f '�- rr •. tet'•- • `, , r v5� k 45,1 fry �r 1 / p } . x • �,n U" •.• - •J 4 1; ne ine If 7 ';� ry a` 40 i A „- tf .: _�••• ' . � r • /'#• '� /l- moi^ • Ao ig75it , rh, • • ,;�-i.Q. � ^� tom: . . '� ` ter �.�"�, ioa • �. . �� ✓ •�\ x, of or_ f �. •s� Tom[ � 7� ''� ,• r ,;O�yjf• .� ` s t,�. PA A 16 96 • lT' },� CJML V161NITY mar-7 71 o3 _ v O °a N l ^ \h � v w h¢ Q w 2 a �i V w�� S W R 4• " Q h � Q.,° Z �� �� � °��' h �, vo ,, o ° � ° moo oh ewk4r � cf, deo h m j 2 0 0 o h W 3 .gyp. R h Q apo , u w~ � ti� ng0 � < ° a. W Q o > �V �°� a� �� j oN k' Z W `` Q e �� m W v. � , �O~ o�V o ? e ¢� ° u o C) �vO�l�ihZh°e�nQ° 1��ev\f� V e 2 � J �.•z Vie';� c�• U� � � v h h M h4 03n rdnn '04 '•+v ."J N 161, Qe /�N o� < < phWz *z o8 Z e 2 h Jed 7, Nc ti ' � w � o \ ON v � It i O y Q .'i MQ m ol •� °V b eve r S � AVE �? R0 � � h 14 o ' RESOLUTION NO. 4-82 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 34-81 REGARDING PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON STATE ROUTE 41, _ SPECIFICALLY ON EL CAMINO REAL AND WEST MALL WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council did, on October 26, 1981, adopt Resolution No. 34-81 recommending certain parking restrictions on State Route 41, specifically on El Camino Real and West Mall and WHEREAS , said Resolution was forwarded to the State of Califor- nia, Department of Transportation for their approval and/or recommen- dations regarding same; and WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has responded by making certain recommendations for modifying City of Atascadero Resolution No. 34-81. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Atascadero City Council that the attached "Exhibit A" is hereby adopted and replaces the Exhi- bit A adopted by Resolution No. 34-81. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ADOPTED: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Allen Grimes ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney CTFY OF ATASCAIERO .Rana, ww i DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORDS a do NO 57c�PAN 1"-loo' a 54IVTA - 1140, Ro PD. No NO SToPPIA16 %oPP 2 HR-PKG, PKG, FAK KIN /VcI Na sroP,Din/G �Ta�t� 5TOPPIn1� H 2 op,PK 2 HK PY-G PKGG NO SWRI Vc AfQ �/NL1Mf1 t1 MALL STOP,�1�C� �� 57'oPpl pKG, PLALA Dwy ZHR, NO #EKG. PAKKING LJJ� 88' WE5 I- MALL A/Q Kyo WALK STOPPING PKK -. � P�� Sar . O PK�R REVISIONS Date PROPOSED P14RK/A/ . ? S, A10, -. _32 DRAWN: pj W CHECKED: APPROVED: DATE'.. e� 1 i M E M O R A N D U M • TO: CITY MANAGER January 19, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit - APPEAL OF PLANNINGCOMMISSION DENIAL LOCATION: 7379 El Camino Real APPLICANT: Northern California Savings and Loan (McCarthy Brady Architects) REQUEST: To approve -a 45 sq. ft. monument sign with the total signing to exceed the 60 square feet allowed in the C-1-D Zone On December 21, 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed sign and recommended denial of the Condi- tional Use Permit based on the Findings in the attached Staff Report. There was no discussion among the Commission. Mike Brady, applicant' s representative, appeared requesting approval of the proposed monument sign. He provided a brief background on the master sign program for Adobe Plaza pointing out the prior ap- proval and indicated that such signing was necessary for a finan- cial institution. Jim McClain of Cal Neon Signs spokeinsupport of the request. No one else appeared on the matter. The attached letter appealing the decision of the Commission was received on December 31, 1981. The applicant also submitted a revised sign plan which slightly alters the size and shape of the sign. LAWRENCE STEVENS RUR Y L. WARDEN Planning Director Cit Man ger i ' December 'f�t- �-,, .� w , 31 1981 City of Atascadero Architecture Planning 1 Planning Department Interiors P.O. Box 747 Graphics Atascadero, California 93423 8184 Attn: Lawrence Steven Re: Northern California Savings and Loan Conditional Use Permit #U811130:1 7379 El Camino Real Pedestal Sign Dear Mr. Stevens: The Planning Commission heard this item on December 21, 1981. As a result of their decision, we are, on behalf of our client, requesting an appeal to the City Council. The reasons for this appeal are as follows: 1. When the history, philosphy and facts about -the Adobe Plaza signing master plan were presented to the Planning Commission, they had no comment, just a unanimous denial, as though it were a foregone conclusion to deny the use permit request. There was-no,basis for denial given by the Commission. 2. The staff comments were out of context and perhaps over-stated, regarding the visual blight potential, as it related to this particular project and its history of approval. -3. The facts are that this sign along with the total signing program was originally approved by the, County Planning Commission.- The owner has proceeded on that basis to secure a financial institution tenant. Although it took longer than ex- pected, given the current economic trends, the owner should not be restricted by reversing previous 'conditions approved by due process-. This project has made a positive impact on the community, both esthethically and com- mercially , thus is one in which we can all be proud of. Please keep in mind, we have the same sensitivity and concerns about the signing program now as when it was origin- ally conceived. Our desire in bringing this request before the City Council is to find an attitude of open-mindedness and willingness to resolve this issue in a manner which - will benefit the center as well as the community, Enclosed, please find the $60.00 appeal feet Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. n S incerely McC k RT ;' BR Y -ARCITECTS ichael i Brad SMB� r Car h Brad Architects AIA Z38y YCresto Road; P. .Box305 Paso Robles;California 93446 (805}238 7447 Higue� Stree uite A, San Luis Obispo, California 93401 (805)543-0729 cc: L.H. Soenke Marsha Wilson r 1311, D O m Z O co yt Z o � � i I ' H^og:W li i "moo 7 r s c III 3 } vijLrCr 3 �3�..�y'� _ ' c no o 0 0 - 000s ; ➢ � _ 5q r a @ w 4 iij v S A z m m m n U Y { o zzm d i n --- I"I m ~ Z5 Z I Z 1` Z O _ - i i e Ai 0 r 11 r 1913 , E1 C '". 1979, CITY OF ATACADERO v Planning Department December 21, 1981 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit U811130:1 LOCATION: 7379 El Camino Real APPLICANT: Northern California Savings and Loan REQUEST: To approve a 45 square foot sign allowing the total signing to exceed 60 square feet in the C-1-D zone BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: C-1-D 2. General Plan: Retail Commercial 3. Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has determined the project to be a Class II (a) Categorical Exemption. 4. Site Conditions: The site is located in the Adobe Plaza shopping center on El Camino Real. Land uses adjacent to the site include residences to the west and retail commercial uses. Access to the subject site is by El Camino Real. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing to erect a new monument sign on an existing sign pad. The sign is approximately 45 square feet in area with a total height of 5' 8" . The support columns are composed of slumpstone. The sign will be internally illuminated and will read "Northern California Savings" on each side. An existing 37 square foot wall sign, similar to that of other Adobe Plaza tenants, has been previously approved for the proposed financial institution. 6. Prior Actions: Conditional Use Permit U780915:1 was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on January 8, 1979 establishing a Master Sign Plan for the Adobe Plaza project. The approval in- cluded the Carl' s Jr . and Taco Bell signs, the Adobe Plaza iden- tification, time and temperature sign and the tenant wall signs which now exist. In addition, two monument signs similar to that now proposed were approved but these were never established and their approval is expired. Conditional Use Permit U811130: 1 • STAFF COMMENTS While the proposed signing only slightly exceeds the 60 square foot limitation and while the monument sign design is similar to that of the existing "Adobe Plaza" main identification sign, there is some question as to its necessity in providing adequate identification for the financial institution and as to the possible precedent for other Adobe Plaza tenants desiring similar signing. The proposed use is similar to others within the center in terms of floor area, traffic generation, etc. and certainly does not qualify as an "anchor" (which could justify additional signing) . This indicates that signing treat- ment should be similar to other tenants who might also desire a monu- ment sign of their own and point to this as a basis for it. Such po- tential clutter is contrary to the high design standards and existing signing concepts evident in the center. The proposed sign seems both unnecessary and unfair to other similar tenants. FINDINGS 1. The granting of this Conditional Use Permit is not necessary to provide adequate sign identification for the proposed financial institution since the wall sign already approved does so and is more compatible with other tenant identification signs established in the center . 2. The granting of this Conditional Use Permit may be detrimental to the surrounding commercial area by encouraging similar signing in the future increasing the potential for visual blight commonly associated with sign clutter . RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends denial of Conditional Use Permit U811130: 1. 2 Conditional Use Permit U811130 :1 ACTION • Direct Staff by motion as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Continue to January 4, 1982 to allow preparation of conditions. TO DENY: Approve Staff recommendation. REPORT PREPARED BY: 3L�ZL J LL KOLLMANN anning Intern REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director i /Ps • 3 • _ vim,• long mat ' • . IL y VAAEel �� �J •Y J• � a. � � •. ed �.�.�. �••�� • r - ,� fir,• - iY \C— W W — _ A N — �r a _ (n U (n N m \C LA N t \ C, O "" ' N �, m O m _ O c0 0l \ _ d �_ _�m\ (n CD N\/ — L N N —r 0 A O N N 41; W W a) a 01 •A y Ol c- C � mca N O N � N w I�.N O\� / m _ 01 W � � —1 N •) (T i � � _ � Z_.A/�., A � N � r• —+ I 1 'i{IIIM � N w '� I O D 1 :i:l , 01 Lly CD P M w — ••A;� V _ A A W �' A w N O Qp v.w O ,n l"W � zv -� + '� J� w N '`_ \\ NO tp u A �\a\._ a` N — .i.+. Q O` N. - u Q' cn ��•\� \_.✓ .�A \NO+, w A1w\ N N A W N. N — \ tD CJ! W A O N CD cD cD C-7 tj J ` m l INS _ / ��• � i f CO N �� \ to i - Nif' -gTji' `W � P 9`t�•.rgcD t�\- w m o0 ck N S;t L oca+ion �00 A\ 130 l WU 8� 1 E 1 camino Real t l i� • may. /' _ ._-__—� — .. �_�L._l. __ ._� LU GIC Site, Pian F Sign Location - U811130: 1 - -- _ — 7379 E1 Camino Ramal j r f' rl fLi J-1 IL ----�� W 0 7 Z i t Pro posc-;c S,sn � r U 811130 1 ITI 13`79 Et Camino Real i M E M O R A N D U M -- TO: CITY MANAGER January 20 , 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP 810930:1- (North El Camino Real Commercial Study Area) LOCATION: Area bounded by El Camino Real, San Anselmo, Highway 101 and Del Rio APPLICANT: Steve Garman/Expanded area initiated by Planning Commission REQUEST: To consider certain General Plan text and map amendments for the Study Area On December 7 , 1981 and December 21, 1981, the Planning Commission • conducted public hearings on the proposed General Plan amendment in-- eluding the Garman request for a change from High DensityMultiple Family Residential to Retail Commercial.. on January 18`, 1982 the Planning Commission unanimously adopted Resolution No. 2-82 affirming its action of December 21. The Commission recommends a Conditional Negative Declaration and recommends approval of text changes expanding the definition of Commercial Park and map changes deleting. the High Density Multiple Family area and expanding both the Retail Commercial and Commercial Park. Two Staff Reports, dated December 7 and December 21, the latter of which is the basis of the, Commission recommendation, and the adopted Resolution are attached. There was considerable discussion by the Commission and the general - public at both hearings on this matter. The minutes for those meet- ings are attached and _summarize those comments. LAWRENCE STEVENSY` WARDEN Planning Director Ci y M ager • /Ps RESOLUTION NO. 2-82 • A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP 810930:1 AMENDING THE TEXT OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT AND THE LAND USE MAP WITHIN THE NORTH EL CAMINO REAL COMMERCIAL STUDY AREA. WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the subject matter; and, WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65323 provides that a general plan be amended by the adoption of a resolution; and, WHEREAS, approval of this amendment will not result in any signi- ficant adverse environmental impacts as long as appropriate mitigation measures are introduced; and, WHEREAS, the recommended General Plan text and ,map amendments en- courage a sound, long range guide for land development while, providing for additional uses which have the potential to generate additional jobs; and, WHEREAS, E1 Camino Real provides a reasonable boundary for the commercial land use designations; and, WHEREAS, development opportunities are not significantly altered and economic potential is relatively unchanged. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Atascadero Planning Com- mission does hereby recommend _approval` of General Plan Amendment GP 810930: 1 amending the textofthe Land Use element and the Lana Use Map within the North El Camino Real Commercial Study Area, as follows: 1. Delete from page 72 of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan the second paragraph under the headings "SERVICE COMMERCIAL and "HEAVY COMMERCIAL" and replace it with the following text entitled "COMMERCIAL PARK" . "An area of Commercial Park is designated north of San An selmo Road to just south of Del Rio Road and is bounded east - and west by Highway 101 and El Camino Real respectively. The intent of this ,land use designation is to set aside an area for uses including but not limited to: a. Large lot commercial uses, generally on sites of . two acres or more although smaller lot sizes may be allowed for planned unit developments,' which shall include but not be limited to automobile sales agencies, mobile home sales facilities, shopping centers including at i least one anchor tenant, department stores, and nurseries, RESOLUTION NO. 2-82 b. Light manufacturing and light industrial uses which meet performance criteria established by zoning, re- search and development companies, labor intensive pro- duction and manufacturing companies which are consid- ered "clean" environmentally (such as electronic assem- bly plants)° , and which can provide a comprehensive and uniform development plan approach for smaller users. Generally, development criteria would be similar to that es- tablished for industrial parks as described on page 172 in the Community Appearance Element of this General Plan. 2. Make the changes to the 1980 Atascadero General Plan Map as shown on the attached exhibit, which is made a part here- of by reference, entitled "Recommended Land Use Changes to the North El Camino Real Commercial Study Area. On motion by Commissioner Summers and seconded by Commissioner Wentzel, the foregoing resolution is adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Lilley, LaPrade, Sherer , Carroll, Summers, Wentzel, and Chairman Moore NOES: None ABSENT: None DATE ADOPTED: January 18, 1982 SHIRLEY MOORE, Chairman ATTEST: LAWRENCE STEVENS , Planning Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALLEN GRIMES , City Attorney • 2 ATASCADERO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CYCLE 1 , 1982 RECOMMENDED LAND USE CHANGES FOR THE NORTH EL CAMINO REAL COMMERCIAL STUDY AREA A-1 G A-1 o 'A-I 3D c J' -+-,v Z / I N 1 A-1 0 4` 4 oc- Q 2_ t A A-1—b—V-3—� A-1-2 i2 $ A 3-87—PD RETAIL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL PARK STUDY AREA BOUNDARY • (Minutes - Atascadero Planning Commission - Regular MeetingDecem 1981 Page Four ON: Commissioner Wentzel moved to approve the S f ecommendation deleting the Special Comm cial and Pr sional Office land use designa ' ns and cre- ating a designation entitled mmercial-Profes- sional and to end the lan se map as shown on Alternative #2 in S f . Report. Commissioner LaPrade seconded t m on and it carried with Commissioner S ers disse 'ng. Chairman Moore urned to her seat on the scion. CHAI MOORE CALLS A TEN MINUTE BREAK FROM 10 :00 TO :10 P.M. 5 . Continued public hearing on General Plan Amendment GP 810930 :1 including the North El Camino Real Study Area to consider changes in the text and land use map - Garman/Expanded area initiated by Planning Commission Commissioner Wentzel stepped down from the Commission due to a potential conflict of interest. • Mr. Stevens presented the Staff Report on this matter which had been continued from the previous meeting. ' Mr. Stevens explained the report was modified to separate the alternatives into two categories. Nick DeJong, Chairman of the Economic Development Committee from the Chamber of Commerce, spoke on the matter. He favored retail commercial use from San Anselmo to Chapel of the Roses and service commercial from Chapel of the Roses to Del Rio. Lee Gustafson, E1 Camino Real resident, asked if a retail boat store use would be similar to an auto sale agency with regard to a large lot use for commercial park, The Planning Director pointed out the types of uses that would be compatible with the land use designation and the proper addressing of the uses through the zoning text. Wally Dunn stated he would like to see the north part of Atas- cadero developed to its full potential and favored retail commercial in the area of San Anselmo and service commercial from Chapel of the Roses to Del Rio. John Day, representing Dillingham Investments , explained his firm' s intention to develop a community shopping center in the • area of San Anselmo and El Camino Real. Mr. Jay was in favor of retail commercial that would be appropriate for development of the shopping center and concurred with Staff 's recommendation. Minutes - Atascadero Planning Commission Regular Meeting` December 21, 1981 Page Five • Gaylen Little and Joseph Souza both concurred with Mr. DeJong 's comments on the area. Rod Idler, property owner on El Camino Real, stated he was in favor of commercial park and felt that a concerned effort was being made to provide more flexibility with regard to the types of uses that. will be allowed in the subject area . Mr. Stevens discussed some ,of the reasons behind expanding the types of uses for development of the area and noted that service commercial would not be appropriate. George Molina felt that the Commission should take into con- sideration the delay in providing sewer to the area north of San Anselmo and its effect on types of industrial uses that may be developed. There was discussion among the Commission concerning large lot commercial park type uses that would provide more versatility for development. -MOT-1-ON: Commissioner Summers moved to approve the Staff 's recommendation as listed in the Staff Report. Com- • missioner LaPrade seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Continued public hearing on General Plan Amendment 811019 :3 to consider minimum lot size criteria niti- a ed by Planning Commission The Planni Director noted the Staff Report f this item had not been com eted and requested the matter o be continued to the meeting January 4, 1982 . MOTION: Commission Sherer moved t continue General Plan Amendment GP 11019 :3 to e meeting of January 4 . Commissioner S ers s onded the motion and it was carried unanimous C -NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration f Appeal of Zoning orcement Case E:81-23 concerning e permitted number of an ' als at 2400 Traffic Way - Go s Mr. Stev s presented the Staff Report on this ma er providing• a bri background on the history of the case. He ed that bas on previous direction by the City Council, if th oning c flitted with the General Plan, that the General Plan s uld ake precedence. rn.11 rrF :Vr r.�r.' FoINr ;� ' CITY OF ATASCADERO 1918 ' G rnl 1979 \ � Planning Department December 21, 1981 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment GP810930:1 (North El Camino Real Commercial Study Area) LOCATION: Area bounded by E1 Camino Real, San Anselmo, Highway 101 and Del Rio APPLICANT: Steve Garman/expanded area initiated by Planning Commis- sion REQUEST: To consider certain General Plan text and map amendments for the study area BACKGROUND 1. Prior Action: On October 19, 1981 Staff presented General Plan Amendment GP 810930: 2 (Garman) to the Planning Commission for con- sideration. The following is an excerpt from that report: • "The Garman application raises the issue of El Camino Real commer— cial development in the northwesterly section of the City. The present land use plan proposed a transition from Retail Commercial to High Density Multiple Family Residential to Commercial Park to Retail Commercial. The proposal would, if approved, eliminate a portion of the High Density Residential creating an illogical pat- tern. Furthermore, the Commercial Park designation has presented some problems. As a result, it seems appropriate to review this entire strip - both for the land use designations and the related text. " The Planning Commission, with concurrence from Council, directed Staff to expand the area of consideration of Mr . Garman' s request to include the area described above, and to also give considera- tion to some text modifications, especially as they may pertain to Commercial Park. 2. Existing Zoning: A) Mr . Garman' s property is currently zoned R-4-B-2-D B) The zoning within the study area includes: A-1 A-1-2 1/2 C-1-N C-1-D General Plan Amendme GP 810930:1 C-2-D R-4-B-2-D 3. General Plan: 0 A) The General Plan land use designation for Mr . Garman' s pro- perty is currently High Density Multiple Family. B) Land use designations in the study area include High Density Multiple Family Retail Commercial Commercial Park 4. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription form has been completed. The Planning Director has prepared a Conditional Negative Declaration indicating no signi- ficant adverse environmental effects will result if certain miti- gating measures are incorporated into the project. 5. Project Description: Preliminary information submitted by the applicant in support of his requested change from High Density Multiple Family Residential to Retail Commercial indicate a six acre development consisting of a motel, offices, bowling alley, restaurants and retail commercial uses. STAFF COMMENTS • Establishment of an island of commercial uses flanked on both sides by High Density Multiple Family Residential would not be desirable and would create an inappropriate land use pattern given the existing Gen- eral Plan designations. Assuming that the designation of Commercial Park is valid and appro- priate for this area, it is suggested that clearer wording be placed in the text. "Commercial Park" should be called out separately from "Heavy Commercial" with more definitive description of development intent. Furthermore, some expansion of the Commercial Park category seems desirable. It has been previously suggested that a business park with limited light industrial uses, a research and development facility or small assembly (or similar) facilities may be appropriate in an effort to encourage job developing businesses in the area. While Industrial Park could be considered suitable, the proximity of rural residential uses points to a more specialized activity which may be better accomplished by redefining the Commercial Park definition. With regard to High Density Multiple Family, that designation seems inappropriate in this particular area. As has been mentioned in land use transition discussions, High Density Multiple Family does not ex- emplify a very appropriate transition from (or buffer between) Retail Commercial to Commercial park. A location adjacent to the highway is also not very conducive to residential uses. Although there may be ao need for large lots for multi-family .developments , this location does' I 2 General Plan AmendmereOP 810930:1 i not seem to be the right one. Fortunately, no developments have yet occurred although the Lenzi condominium may still eventualize and does have an approved Departmental Review.-{ ick In other reports there have been suggestions that there is too much commercial land available in the City, but it should be pointed out that much of it is of the small lot variety. There are few large lot commercial sites available so some small expansion, in the hope of encouraging a major development or some of the large land area uses envisioned by Commercial Park, may be appropriate. In considering the matter on December 7th, the Planning Commission continued the matter primarily to reevaluate the need for large lot commercial uses in the Commercial Park area. The existing general plan text (p. 72) supports the need for large lot commercial uses (i.e. auto agencies, nurseries, van and storage facilities, etc.) specifying a minimum of two acres for such develop- ments unless in conjunction with a planned unit development. Certain- ly the same or similar wording could be incorporated into the proposed text change which expanded the Commercial Park concept to include a limited range of light industrial uses. In considering that option there should be an awareness that the Retail Commercial area was to be expanded although the expansion would have allowed all types of retail uses not just those of the large lot variety. The inclusion of large lot commercial uses necessitates consideration of the compatibility of mixed light industrial and commercial use which, if poorly implemented, could result in an undesirable mish-mash. There is also apparently some support for service commer- cial uses and for elimination of industrial uses. To some extent, the land use relationships can be enhanced, or incompatibilities miti- gated, by design standards suggested in the Community Appearance sec- tion of the General Plan, but such an approach should not be viewed as a panacea. Numerous alternatives are available for consideration but, for the purposes of this report, alternatives will be discussed in two cate- gories those being "text changes" and "land use patterns. Text Changes: Alternative #1 - Leave the Commercial Park text unchanged. This would result in large lot commercial uses being encouraged in the Commercial Park area. Ser- vice commercial and light industrial uses would not be allowed. Problems of defining "large lot" commercial uses would continue to exist at least until the zoning text was done. Alternative #2 - Modify the Commercial Park text to better de- fine the meaning of "large lot" commercial • uses. The effect would be similar to Alter- native #1 above but could clarify the defini- tion problem. 3 General Plan Amendma GP 810930 :1 Alternative #3 - Rewrite the Commercial Park text. This could be done to expand its meaning to include ser- vice commercial and/or light industrial and to redefine "large lot" commercial. Alternative #4) - Create a new land use designation for the sub- ject area. This would result in a special category either_ commercial, industrial, or combinations thereof designed to accommodate this particular study area. Land Use Patterns: Alternative #1 - No change. This would retain the existing pat- tern from Retail Commercial to High Density Multiple Family to Commercial Park and effect- ively deny the Garman application. Alternative #2 Eliminate the Multiple Family allowing the Re- tail Commercial to merge with the Commercial Park at some intervening point. The precise transition point should be established by the zoning. Alternative #3 - Change the entire study area to Retail Commer- cial, Commercial Park or some new commercial (or similar) designation. A change to Retail Commercial would add some 40 acres (approxi- mately) for that use and, while these are limited large lot areas for commercial expan- sion, more detailed analysis seems necessary prior to making such a change. A change to Commercial Park would be a little less signifi- cant depending on how it was defined. The same holds true for any new category that might be created. Obviously, detailed analysis of each alternativeandits possible variations has not been done partially due to time constraints and partially due to the apparent direction for small changes relating to "large lot commercial needs. A more detailed review of the advan- tages and disadvantages of each alternative is possible if deemed necessary. FINDINGS 1. Amendment to the General Plan will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact as long as appropriate mitigation measures are introduced. 2. The proposed General Plan text and map amendments encourage a sound long range guide for land development while providing for 4 General Plan AmendmerWP 810930:1 additional uses which have the potential to generate additional jobs. 3. E1 Camino Real provides a reasonable boundary for the commercial land use designations. 4. Development opportunities are not significantly altered and eco- nomic potential is relatively unchanged. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends' A. Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Consideration of individual site and related site character- istics and the potential impacts associated therewith shall be done in conjunction with future zoning and environmental reviews for detailed development projects. B. Approval of the North E1 Camino Real Commercial Study Area General Plan Amendment as follows: 1. Delete from page 72 of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan the second paragraph under the headings "SERVICE COMMERCIAL" • and "HEAVY COMMERCIAL and replace it with the following text entitled "COMMERCIAL PARK. " "An area of Commercial Park is designated north of San An- selmo Road to just south of Del Rio Road and is bounded east and west by Highway 101 and El Camino respectively. The in- tent of this land use designation is to set aside an area for uses including but not limited to: a. Large lot commercial uses, generally on sites of two acres or more although small lot sizes may be allowed for planned unit developments, which shall include but not be limited to automobile sale agencies, mobile home sales facilities, shopping centers including at least one anchor tenant, department stores, and nurseries. b. Light manufacturing and light industrial uses which meet performance criteria established by zoning, re- search and development companies, labor intensive pro- duction and manufacturing companies which are considered "clean" environmentally (such as electronic assembly plants) , and which can provide a comprehensive and uni- form development plan approach for smaller uses. Generally, development criteria would be similar to that established for industrial parks as described on page 172 in the Community Appearance Element of this General Plan. " 5 General Plan Amendm GP 810930:1 � - 2. Make the changes to the 1980 Atascadero General Plan Map as shown on the attached exhibit entitled "Recommended' Land Use Changes to the North E1 Camino Real Commercial Study Area. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appro- priate. REPORT PREPARED/APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director i 6 ,FO r NOR Rill s tin �: ��♦ '♦ ,,� !'� rte► �... -`rl/■ �e- �� � a ►S`o�� � .,;;X11 ��•'�r��;� ` ► \� ASdt .D 3-fl .tel A-1 A-1 o -2 s-o 1 p� STUDYQ-�-a- 2- �� AREA P-4-13-2 0 A-1 �. S1 C-14 /a-1-2��2 A-f-2%2 R-A-13-n-tsp t a e°4 z ` 4,3 D A-1-2 A-1-Z�2 ry P ,q —/-5-V-3— q : �r ZOA)/NG tit�1 GT. 0 9 A-►-g-v-5 .. � • + •• r ' '..:::: ::.... � l: .. .. L: . -y-`f .. . .... :: �►R4 A� t .. ..... ...::: ':::':.:.. r::...::............ ::::": r ...... ..:.::. ... ... . ::.. :::::..... ... ::':::::::::..:::::::::::::::. Q :....... ..........: :::: :... ............... �..•. ....::::'.:.: .... A'I'D.SCADE RO ® i CEJ � t G I i�"NERAL PLAT MAP LAND USE AND CIRCULATION HIGH DENS MULT FAM T HEAVY COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE S ] LOW DENS.MULT. FAM RE'AIL COMMERCIAL RECREATION LLHIGH DENS. SNGL.FAM. - COMMERCIAL PARK SPECIAL RECREATION MOO.DENS.SNGL.FAM SPECIAL COMMERCIAL _ 'RTERiAL DIVIDED LOW DENS.SNGL.FAM PROFESSIONAL OFFICE ARTERIAL UNDIVIDEDCOLLECTORS SUBURBAN SNGL.FAM. INDJSTRIAL PARK --------• URBAN SERVICES UNE PUBLIC iJ; INDJSTRIAL uEeA.N RESERVE UNE OIiY AO INr ARY C� N RAI. PL 4•V A4AP STuPy A--)e,=7-,4 ATASCADERO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT n CYCLE 1 , 1982 RECOMMENDED LAND USE CHANGES FOR THE NORTH EL CAMINO REAL COMMERCIAL STUDY AREA A-I r � p 9 A-1 A-1 A-1 ^� Z o o E_ O � R-2 3-�-s-pc- .__ A_f-2i, f1-A C3-D-I-D X-A Qo A-i-6-V-3-0 A-1-2%Z A-3-130-P-n RETAIL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL PARK STUDY AREA BOUNDARY Planning Commission utes - December 7 , 1981 Ja inchfield, representing Helen Walley, concurr with Staff ' s recation in approving the request. MOTION: Commissioner Wen moved to ado ssuance of a Con- ditional Negative Dec i and approval of General Pian text and 'map amendm s a. ' sted in the Staff Re- port. Commissio Summers secon the motion and it carried una sly with a roll call vote. Larry Ste explained what further steps would be take ith rega o General Plan applications. 6 . Public hearing on General Plan Amendment GP810930:1 including the North El Camino Real Study area to consider changes in the text and map - Garman/Expanded Study Area initiated by Planning Commission Commissioner Wentzel stepped down from the Commission due to a possible conflict of interest. Mr . Stevens presented the Staff Report on this matter providing the Commission with a background on Mr . Garman' s request and the reasons for expanding the Study area. Cecil Barrett, El Camino Real resident, asked that, if Staff' s recommendation is adopted, what uses will be allowed. Lee Gustafson, El Camino Real resident, explained that he would like to have a retail boat shop with related service and asked when the zoning would be changed to comply with the General Plan so this use would be allowed. Richard Shannon, representing Frank and Marie Sevella, property owners on El Camino, asked that if their property is designated Retail Commercial, what effect it would have on their property. Gaylen Little, property owner on E1 Camino, commented that having Commercial Park next to Retail Commercial would not be feasible and would like to see the entire Study area changed to Retail Commercial. Don Messer stated he would like to see .some Light Industrial uses along the strip that would incorporate service-oriented, light manufacturing type uses. Rod Idler property owner on El Camino Real, asked that if his property were allowed to be developed with his appliance/service store, would that use be compatible with the land use designation recommended. Steve Garman, applicant, spoke in support of his requested pro- ject, and asked the Commission to consider changing the zoning to C-1-N in order for Mr . Garman to develop his project. 6 Planning Commissiontnutes - December 7, 1981 Joseph Grisanti, indicated his concurrence with Mr. Garman's re- quest stating that the project would provide employment for many people. Mrs. Hildebrand stated she was in favor of retail commercial and concurred with Mr . Garman' s project. There was discussion among the Commission concerning large retail uses and the need to accommodate people that need large area lots in which to conduct their business. MOTION: Commissioner Summers moved to -continue the matter to the meeting of December 21, 1981 for further considera- tion. Commissioner Carroll seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Consideration of Staff Report on General Plan Conformity f roposed offer of dedication for Graves Creek Reserva on 7 Twin Cities Engineering Larry Ste s presented the Staff Report on this matter a recom- mended accep nce of the offer of dedication. MOTION: Commiss ner Wentzel moved to recommend acceptance of an ffer of fee dedication for Graves Creek Reservation o. 7 subject to Conditions -13 as listed in the Staf Report. Commissioner S mers seconded the motion and it ca ied unanimously. 2. Consideration of Staff Rep t on r d name change for San Pedro Road Mrs. Beatie presented the Staff R or on this matter recommending that the name "Corriente" be ap oved. MOTION: Commissioner Sher moved to appr e Corriente Road as the road name to replace San Ped Road. Commissioner LaPrade secon d the motion and it c rried unanimously. D. INDIVIDUAL D RMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. Pla ing Commission Ther was nothing to report at this time. 2. Planning Director 7 F RIF FFFi�zip[P- F7 ❑f r G " � i CITY OF ATASCADERO i � Planning Department December 7, 1981 moi STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment: North E1 Camino Real Commercial Study Area LOCATION: Area bounded by El Camino Real, San Anselmo, Highway 101 and Del Rio APPLICANT: Steve Garman/expanded area initiated by Planning Commis- sion REQUEST: To consider certain General Plan text and map amendments for the Study Area BACKGROUND 1. Prior Action: On October 19, 1981, Staff presented General Plan Amendment GP 810930:2 (Garman) to the Planning Commission for con- sideration. The following is an excerpt from that report: "The Garman application raises the issue of El Camino Real commer- cial development in the northwesterly section of the City. _ The present land use plan proposed a transition from Retail Commercial to High Density Multiple Family Residential to Commercial Park to Retail Commercial. The proposal would, if approved, eliminate a portion of the High Density Residential creating an illogical pat- tern. Furthermore, the Commercial Park designation has presented some problems. As a result, it seems appropriate to review this entire strip — both for the land use designations and the related text. " The Planning Commission, with concurrence from Council, directed Staff to expand the area of consideration of Mr . Garman' s request to include the area described above, and to also give considera- tion to some text modifications, especially as they may pertain to Commercial Park. 2. Existing Zoning: a) Mr . Garman' s property is currently zoned R-4-B-2-D b) The zoning within the study area includes: A-1 A-1=2 1/2 C-1-N C-1-D North El Camino Re.*Commercial Study Area • C-2-D R-4-B-2-D 3. General Plan: a) The General Plan land use designation for Mr . Garman' s pro- perty is currently High Density Multiple Family. b) Land use designations in the study area include: High Density Multiple Family Retail Commercial Commercial Park 4. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription form has been completed. The Planning Director has pre- pared a Conditional Negative Declaration indicating no significant adverse environmental effects will result if certain mitigating measures are incorporated into the project. 5. Project Description: Preliminary information submitted by the applicant in support of his requested change from High Density Multiple Family Residential to Retail Commercial indicate a six acre development consisting of a motel, offices, bowling alley, restaurants and retail commercial uses. STAFF COMMENTS Establishment of an island of commercial uses flanked on both sides by High Density Multiple Family Residential would .not be desirable and would create an inappropriate land use pattern given the existing Gen- eral Plan designations. In considering this Study Area, there are several options available: 1. Make no changes to the General Plan in the Study Area (effectively this denies the applicant' s request) . 2. Approve a land use for the applicant' s property other than that requested. 3. Approve the request for the applicant's property only and make no other land use changes. 4. Approve the request for the applicant's property while changing the land use designations of adjacent properties to be the same as that requested or some other land use deemed appropriate. 5. Reevaluate the appropriateness of designations within the entire study area including text changes as necessary to compliment or clarify map changes. Options 4 and 5 seem most appropriate as they allow a more comprehen- sive review of the study area. The request illustrates the notio often voiced to the Planning Department by the public that their un- derstanding of possible development in this area is limited and the 2 North E1 Camino Realoommercial Study Area • General Plan, as a guide to this understanding, is vague. Assuming that the designation of Commercial Park is valid and appro- priate for this area, it is suggested that clearer wording be placed in the text. "Commercial Park" should be called out separately from "Heavy Commercial" with more definitive description of development intent. Furthermore, some expansion of the Commercial Park category seems desirable. It has been previously suggested that a business park with limited light industrial uses, a research and development facility or small assembly (or similar) facilities may be appropriate in an effort to encourage job developing businesses in the area. While Industrial Park could be considered suitable, the proximity of rural residential uses points to a more specialized activity which may be better accomplished by redefining the Commercial Park definition. With regard to High Density Multiple Family, that designation seems inappropriate in this particular area. As has been mentioned in land use transition discussions, High Density Multiple Family does not ex- emplify a very appropriate transition from (or buffer between) Retail Commercial to Commercial Park. A location adjacent to the highway is also not very conducive to residential uses. Although there may be a need for large lots for multi-family developments , this location does not seem to be the right one. Fortunately, no developments have yet occurred although the Lenzi condominium may still eventualize and does have an approved Departmental Review. In other reports there have been suggestions that there is too much commercial land available in the City, but it should be pointed out that much of it is of the small lot variety. There are few large lot commercial sites available so some small expansion, in the hope of encouraging a major development or some of the large land area uses envisioned by Commercial Park, may be appropriate. FINDINGS 1. Amendment to the General Plan will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact as long as appropriate mitigation measures are introduced. 2. The proposed General Plan text and map amendments encourage a sound long range guide for land development while providing for additional uses which have the potential to generate additional jobs. 3. El Camino Real provides a reasonable boundary for the commercial land use designations. 4. Development opportunities are not significantly altered and eco- nomic potential is relatively unchanged. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends: A. Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 3 North E1 Camino Re-OCommercial Study Area 1. Consideration of individual site and related site - character- istics and the potential impacts associated therewith shall be done in conjunction with future zoning and environmental e reviews for detailed development projects. B. Approval of the North El Camino Real Commercial Study Area General Plan Amendment as follows: - 1. Delete from page 72 of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan the second paragraph under the headings "SERVICE COMMERCIAL and "HEAVY COMMERCIAL" and replace it with the following text entitled "COMMERCIAL PARK" . "An area of Commercial Park is designated north of San Anselmo Road to just south of Del Rio Road and is bounded east and west by Highway 101 and E1 Camino Real respectively. The intent of this land use designation is to set aside an area for uses including but not limited to: light manufactur- ing and light industrial uses which meet performance criteria established by zoning, research and development companies, labor intensive production and manufacturing companies which are considered "clean" environmentally (such as electronic assembly plants) , and which can provide a comprehensive and uniform development plan approach for smaller users. Gener- ally, development criteria would be similar to that estab- lished for industrial parks as described on page 172 in the Community Appearance Element of this General Plan. 2. Make the changes to the 1980 Atascadero General Plan Map as shown on the attached exhibit entitled "Recommended Land Use Changes to the North El Camino Real Commercial Study Area" . ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appro- priate. REPORT PREPARED BY: MAY E. 01EATIE, Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS, Planning Director 4 r.. .. • • ... ....... .......... .. .:. :. .... •„ � .. - .�• .. ... .I... I \� •.• do J ..... ..... ... .•�• ' .. .......::. .::' R EA :::::: :' '... : `y '� - ” �•.. •.. . : ' : .... ....... ..... ... . Q �. : ::.......... ::::::::: , .... .:::::.' 'a 4 .:................ .. .... :: .• . •........ . ... ........... .. J^`L Y �7- ...... • :.::. :::: ..:' :.. : .: ::.. '.:..:::.:. .....:.:::.:.::.... .....:.. : . :... .......:. ..::. ...:.'::..: .::.. :.:::.:.:....... ............... :..:.::' ... ..•:.::::.:..• • FASCADERO GENERAL PLAN MAP LAND USE AND CIRCULATION NIGH CENS.AtULT FAM. �� HEAVY COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE E LOW DENS. MULL FAM. RE-AIL COMMERCIAL RECREATION HIGH DENS. SNGL FAM. COMMERCIAL PARK SPECIAL RECREATION MOD.CENS.SNGL,FAM. SPECIAL COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL NwOEO LOW DENS,SNGL.FAM. � PROFESSIONAL OFFICE '��' ARIERIAL UND,OED •]] •• •..............� COLLECTORS SUBURBAN SNGL FAMINDJSTRIAL PARK - ---• URBAN SERVICES LINE PUBLIC. iyl.I INDUSTRIAL uREAN RCSE-E LINE CITY 801-A-Y c��N O . til•4P�4L L�4V GyGL SGT 19, 51 A-1 - q--I 3-a A �- 10 �o _ l- A-1-2!Z s-n Z C-1-N Z ;e_/ G-1-N 3^�r q_! STUDY rza-B- " .z' a AgaA f�f�3lL���'t o o2N 2-D G-2-Q -2z A_1 ya —! ¢-4-B-2 0 G-►- c-i JS 4-3- (5b o o A C_H A-I-2`�z A-x-2'2 RA-B-n-1-o E 4 a Z� Z A`3- (5b ry o P .2^ Z iV/tiG MAP OGT. 19E/ S7U vy A)2EA5 _�.. ®��.`� (� tet► .'�. F � A 1�►� AAte, . ��`,,� Mrs_I ol Is MEN,EA ♦ � SIP MqUARE 911 loa 1 OUR I IBM • ' t �/ 1 •, '+I���,I� • ATASCADERO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CYCLE 1, 1982 RECOMMENDED LAND USE CHANGES FOR THE • NORTH EL CAMINO REAL COMMERCIAL STUDY AREA A-1 -- p A-t o OA-1 -�_N A-t-zt2 A-1 a- a� �r 4, H n .. A-t r ! O 2-Z: c- � �-2i A R_A �A-s-S0-P-D RETAIL C014MERCIAL COMMERCIAL PARK STUDY AREA BOUNDARY M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER January 20 , 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP 811019: 2 (Morro Road Study) LOCATION: Morro Road between Highway 101 and Portola APPLICANT: Initiated by Planning Commission REQUEST: To consider amendment of the text and map of the Land Use Element concerning the Special Commercial and Professional Office land use designation On November 16 , 1981, December 7, 1981 and December 21, 1981, the Planning Commission conducted public hearings on the proposed General Plan amendment. On January 18, 1982 the Planning Commission (with Chairman Moore abstaining and Commissioner Summers dissenting) adopted Resolution No. 4-21 affirming its action of December 21. The Planning Commission recommends a Conditional Negative Declaration and recom- mends approval of text changes which delete the Professional Office and Special Commercial land use designations while establishing a new land use designation of Commercial-Professional and approval of map changes as shown on the exhibit attached to the Resolution. Three Staff Reports, dated November 16, December 7, and December 21, the Tatter of which is the basis of the Planning Commission recommenda- tion, and the adopted Resolution are attached. There was considerable discussion by the Planning Commission and the general public at all three hearings on this matter . The minutes of those meetings are attached and summarize those comments. LAWRENCE STEVENS MU Y, L. W RDEN Planning Director City Manag /Ps RESOLUTION NO. 4-82 RESOLUTION NO. 4-82 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP 811019:2 AMENDING THE TEXT OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT AND THE LAND USE MAP WITHIN THE' MORRO ROAD STUDY AREA. WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the subject matter; and, WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65323 provides that a general plan be amended by the adoption of a resolution; and, WHEREAS, approval of this amendment will not result in any signi- ficant adverse environmental impact as long as appropriate mitigation measures are introduced; and, WHEREAS, the land use designations of Special Commercial and Pro- fessional Office as currently presented in the General Plan create certain difficulties in implementing the plan due to their overlapping and inconsistent nature; and, WHEREAS , the proposed land use changes provide a clearer basis for implementation and encourage a sound, long range guide; for land dev- elopment; and, WHEREAS, developmentopportunitiesare not significantly altered and economic potential is relatively unchanged. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Atascadero Planning Com- mission does hereby recommend approval of General Plan Amendment GP 811019: 2 amending the text of the Land Use Element and the Land Use Map within the Morro Road Study Area as follows: 1. Delete from page 71 of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan - text the section entitled "Special Commercial. 2 Delete from pages 71 and 72 of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan text the section entitled "Professional Office. " 3. Add as an insert to page 7'1 the section entitled "Commer- cial-Professional as follows: "This land use designation provides for the following general categories of uses: a. Offices; professional, business, medical, financial and utility b. Cultural or fine arts institutions l RESOLUTION NO. 4-82 C. Personal services -(n ''�� *-��-" � ��j—f d. Light retail commercial uses. These categories of uses should be encouraged along arterials or major collectors where high traffic volumes can be accom- modated and in areas where a compatible transition is desired adjacent to single family areas. Access through residential areas shall be discouraged." 4. Make changes to the 1980 Atascadero. General Plan Map as shown on the attached exhibit, which is made a part hereof by reference, entitled "Recommended Land Use Changes to the Morro Road Study Area. " On motion by Commissioner LaPrade and seconded by Commissioner Carroll, the foregoing resolution is adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Sherer , Lilley, Carroll, Wentzel, and LaPrade NOES: Commissioner Summers ABSTAIN: Chairman Moore DATE ADOPTED: January 18, 1982 SHIRLEY MOORE, Chairman ATTEST: LAWRENCE STEVENS, Planning Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALLEN GRIMES , City Attorney 2 �ElAI� 4 4 r . AEnlS17Y �}° �� RECOMMENDED LAND USE CHANGES MUL71PLf FAM/G`J TO THE MORRO ROAD STUDY AREA NQ�2 a O K MODE/�AT1= o 3/tlGL6 Q.. � �/{of,ESS1oN�L z Y I' GoMM jFnC/4--G /°Rofcss<orv,4z / ETA/L, COMMFilG/�3L, F inutes - Atascadero Planning Commission - Regular Meeting ecember 21 1981 Page Three 4 . Continued public hearing on General Plan Amendment GP 811019 :2 to consider changes to the text and map concern- ing the Special Commercial and Professional Office areas along Morro Road - Initiated by Planning Commission Chairman Moore stepped down to a potential conflict of interest. The Planning Director presented the Staff Report on this con- tinued matter. Mr. Stevens presented several alternatives for consideration. Art Jazigiecki asked for clarification on Morro Road and Portola intersection with regard to retail commercial uses in the area. Dannis Dakos, property owner on Morro Road, asked if multi- family dwellings would be eliminated .if alternative #2 is adopted. Martin Polin, property owner on Morro Road, asked that his property not be divided with two different types of uses and commented on the alternatives mentioned in the Staff Report. Doug Lewis expressed concern over Morro Road becoming predom- inantly a tourist generated strip and supported a use theme for the area. Manford Vanderlip, property owner on Morro Road, asked what provisions are made for the existing uses if they should become non-conforming.. He concurred with Alternative #2 listed in the Staff Report. Gerald Daniel, Amapoa resident , commented on the traffic along Morro Road. Mr. Daniel felt that hotels and restaurants would be an inconsistent use and favored professional office and fine arts uses along Morro Road, Art Jazwiecki stated that if there are not enough commercial uses allowed on Morro Road to accommodate the residential dev- elopment in that area, more traffic will be funneled to the downtown area. John Nelson, property owner on Morro Road, concurred with Mr. Jazwiecki and Mr. Vanderlip ' s comments and indicated his agree- ment to Alternative #2 There was discussion among the Commission pertaining to the traffic on Morro Road with regard to congestion and consider- ation of utilizing some of the lesser traveled streets. Minutes - Atascadero Planning Commission - Regular Meeting December 21, 1981 Page Four • MOTION: Commissioner Wentzel moved to approve the Staff recommendation deleting the Special Commercial and Professional Office land use designations and cre- ating a new designation entitled Commercial-Profes- sional and to amend the land use map as shown on Alternative #2 in the Staff Report. Commissioner LaPrade seconded the motion and it carried with Commissioner Summers dissenting . Chairman Moore returned to her seat on the Commission. CHAIRMAN MOORE CALLS A TEN MINUTE BREAK FROM 10: 00 TO 10 :10 P.M. Continued public hearing on General Plan Amendment G 810930 :1 including the North El Camino Real Study ea tbN consider changes in the text and land use map Gar n/Expanded area initiated by Planning Comm' sion Commissione Wentzel stepped down from the Commi ion due to a potential c flint of interest. Mr. Stevens prese ted the Staff Report on this matter which had been continued rom the previous meeti Mr. Stevens explained the report as modified to sepa ate the alternatives into two categories. Nick DeJong, Chairman of e- Economi Development Committee from the Chamber of Commerc spok on the matter. He favored retail commercial use from Sa An elmo to Chapel of the Roses and service commercial from Cha 1 of the Roses to Del Rio. Lee Gustafson, E1 Camino Rea rest ent, asked if ,a retail boat store use would be similar o an au sale agency with regard to a large lot use for c mercial par . The Planning Director ointed out the ty s of uses that would be compatible with e land use designatio and the proper addressing of the ses through the zoning to t. Wally Dunn sta d he would like to see the nor t part of Atas- cadero develo ed to its full potential and favor retail commercial the area of San Anselmo and service mmercial from Chape of the Roses to Del Rio. John D , representing Dillingham Investments , explaine his firm' intention to develop a community shopping center i the are of San Anselmo and El Camino Real . Mr. Jay was in fa r o retail commercial that would be appropriate for developme f the shopping center and concurred with Staff ' s recommendat l c , CITY OF ATASCADERO 1918 , Q f; 1'- Planning Department December 21, 1981 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: General Pian Amendment GP 811019: 2 APPLICANT: Initiated by Planning Commission REQUEST: To consider amendment of the text and map of the Land Use Element concerning the Special Commercial and Pro- fessional Office land use designations The public hearing on this General Plan Amendment for the Morro Road Study Area was continued from the meeting of November 16, 1981 and December 7, 1981 order to allow consideration of options for consid- eration of options for additional commercial uses. BACKGROUND . 1. Introduction and Reason for Study: The General Plan currently provides two separate land use designations along portions of both sides of Morro Road (Highway 41) from San Andres to Portola; the designations being Special Commercial generally on the east side and Professional Office generally on the west. In interpreting and implementing the general plan, difficulties have arisen due to the overlapping and conflicting nature of the defini- tions and policies of these two designations. Further difficulties have resulted from the underlying zoning, however , these particular problems can be addressed during the proposed rezoning program. 2. Prior Action: On October 19 , 1981 Staff proposed to the Planning Commission that consideration be given to reviewing the General Plan text and the land use designations along Morro Road. The Study Area is shown on the maps attached to this report. Generally, the Study Area encompasses the property fronting Morro Road and extending behind Morro Road one block on each side from Marchant and Santa Ynez near the U.S. Highway 101 overpass to Portola Road. 3. General Plan: The following are the excerpts from the General Plan for the two land . use designations in question: 1 General Plan AmendmGP 811019: 2 •` Special Commercial A Special Commercial use category is proposed for certain proper- ties and blocks fronting on Morro Road between Highway 101 and Portola Road. Access to properties shall be from an arterial only with establishment of a continuous left turn lane. This use Cate- gory shall provide for the following groups of commercial uses: a. Offices, business and professional b. Personal services C. Motels d. Financial uses e. Specialty commercial uses requiring smalil space needs and which are low traffic generators (e.g. , florist, stationery and gift shops) f. Public utility offices Professional Offices A Professional Office category is proposed along the west side of Morro Road between Curbaril Avenue and San Andres Road. Access to properties shall be from an arterial only. Uses proposed for this category include: a. Professional offices b. Single family dwellings C. Public parks and playgrounds • d. Home occupations e. Personal services f. Public utility offices 4. Environmental Determination The land use changes proposed are not considered to be major changes and the Planning Department feels that minor adverse impacts can be mitigated through various implementing policies that can be incorporated into the General Plan and through stand- ards and criteria for development within the zoning ordinance. Therefore, the Planning Director has prepared a Conditional Nega- tive Declaration indicating the proposed land use changes will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. STAFF COMMENTS General Plan Text Analysis In comparing the aforementioned excerpts, one notes the following ob- vious areas of overlap or similarity: i 2 General Plan Amendmerj&P 811019:2 Offices; professional w Personal services Public utility offices \The access required from an arterial (Morro Road) only} while less obvious areas of similarity include: Business offices Financial Uses Home occupations Areas of inconsistency and contradiction include the following: al 1. Exception to the arterial access restriction is made for the Special Commercial uses (" . . .only with establishment of -a continuous left turn lane. ") 2. Special Commercial uses are permitted only if they are "low traffic generators" (even though the properties front on Morro Road, designated an arterial and designed accordingly to handle high traffic volumes) . 3. Provision for single-family dwellings in conjunction with commercial/office uses. 4. The underlying R-4 zoning in the Special Commercial land use would not permit retail commercial. • General Plan Intent: Analyzing these problems brings out the basic question of determining the intent in attempting to create two distinct land uses for each side of Morro Road. Was it to accommodate uses already in existence, or to incorporate uses already permitted by a variety of underlying zonings (CH, Highway Commercial; CR, Resort Commercial; C-1-N, Neigh— borhood shopping; and R-4 Multiple Family and Professional) . Perhaps the real intent for o the Morro Road strip was to createan area dif- ferent from the "downtown" commercial atmosphere, to create an area for professional and business office growth oriented toward Morro Road frontage and away from the predominantly single-family areas "behind" (east and west) of Morro Road, and to create an area of low intensity businesses that would perhaps have a less negative effecton the sur- rounding residential uses. Existing Land Uses: Existing land uses in the study area are a mixture, including: - single family residential - multiple family residential - retail commercial - service commercial - offices 3 General Plan Amendm GP 811019: 2 - vacant land Refer to the Existing Land Use map attached to this report for a pre- • cise distribution of these uses. Commercial Considerations There is little question that commercial uses could be compatible with Morro Road as it is a heavily traveled arterial and that appropriate buffering techniques can be employed to encourage a compatible rela- tionship with adjacent residential areas. However , there are ques- tions concerning the need for additional commercial land, especially in the smaller lot sizes that dominate this area, and concerning the desirability of creating a commercial strip along Morro Road which would be similar to that along E1 Camino Real. The light commercial uses suggested in the attachment appear to be typical of a neighborhood commercial category but a strip of this sort seems excessive for the surrounding population would likely drain some activity from the El Camino Real area. Certainly, a decision of this sort is hampered by the lack of an economic analysis of current and future retail needs. Therefore, the Planning Director has prepared a Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the proposed land use changes will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. Alternatives Consideration of various alternatives for the Morro Road area can be broken into two categories those being "text changes" and "land use patterns" as follows. Text Changes Alternative #1 Make no changes in the Professional Office or Special Commercial text. This alternative would continue the existing overlapping and sometimes confusing situation and would allow for very limi- ted commercial uses. Alternative #2 - Modify the Professional Office and/or Special Com- mercial text but only to clarify the overlapping and inconsistent provisions of each. Example : "A Special Commercial category is proposed for portions of Morro Road. Access to properties shall be from an arterial to mitigate land use and traf- fic conflicts with adjacent residential areas. Uses shall include offices , personal services, financial uses, and specialty commercial (requiring small space needs and generating light traffic) . " 4 General Plan Amendme GP 811019 :2 "A Professional Office category isproposedfor portions of Morro Road. Access to properties • shall be from an arterial to mitigate land use and traffic conflicts with adjacent residential areas. Uses shall include offices and personal services. " Alternative #3 —Merge the Professional Office and Special Commer- cial designations into one allowing all of the uses now listed in the text including offices , specialty commercial, motels, etc. Some clari- fication of the arterial access requirement should be made. Alternative #4 — Create a new Professional designationtoreplace Professional Office and Special Commercial. Example: "A Professional category is proposed for portions of Morro Road. Access to properties shall be from an arterial to mitigate land use and traffic con- flicts with adjacent residential areas. Uses shall include offices, cultural or fine arts institutions personal services and multiple family dwellings. " Alternative #5 - Create a new Light Commercial - Professional (or similar) designation to replace Professional Office • and Special Commercial. This would be intended to accommodate the request for additional commercial opportunities in the area. Example: "A Light Commercial - Professional category is proposed for portions of Morro Road. Access to properties shall be from an arterial to mitigate land use and traffic conflicts -with adjacent resi aential land uses. Uses shall include: A. Offices B. Cultural or fine arts institutions C. Personal Services D. Light Commercial uses . " In considering each of the above alternatives, minor variations of each are possible. Multiple family dwellings could be added to Alter- natives 2 , 3 , and 5 or deleted from Alternative 4 . The arterial access wording could be revised slightly or even deleted. Light Commercial could be defined more specifically. With regard to the latter, consideration can be given to the following examples: - Light retail commercial uses. Developments shall generally be a number of clustered retail shop, none of which serve as a primary (or anchor) tenant and all of which have similar floor area. Developments consisting of a market, department store or similar • freestanding development are to be discouraged. 5 General Plan Amendm GP811019 :1 - Specialty commercial uses in clustered shops oriented to .serving local and tourist needs. - Light retail commercial uses oriented towards serving the needs • of tourists using Atascadero Lake and the State Highway and oriented towards serving a variety of community needs including restaurants, small or clustered retail shops (clothing, small appliance, jewelry) and specialty commercial (stationery, florist arts and crafts) . Land Use Patterns : Alternative #1 - No change in the map. The Morro Road area would remain essentially as planned with Special Commer- cial and Professional Office development along the Morro Road corridor (A map has not been prepared for this alternative) Alternative #2 Makes provision for Retail Commercial near to 101 and Portola probably tourist oriented. Also shows Retail Commercial at Curbaril probably neighborhood oriented. Remaining Morro Road frontage to be Professional or Light Commercial-Professional transitioning to residential on the westerly side. Alternative #3 Change entire strip along Morro Road from 101 to Portola to Retail Commercial. (A map has not been prepared for this alternative.) Alternative #4 - Change entire strip along Morro Road from 101 to Portola to Professional or Light Commercial-Pro- fessional. (A map has not been prepared for this alternative. ) Again, it conceivable that several of these patterns can be mixed to reach a final conclusion. For example, the triangle bounded by Atascadero, San Andres, and Navajoa could also be allowed a commercial or professional status. The southwesterly corner of Santa Ynez and Morro Road could retain its existing High Density Multiple designation. -In addition, the Retail Commercial could be stopped short of the Atascadero-San Andres intersection. FINDINGS 1. Amendment to the General Plan as proposed will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact as long as appropriate mitigation measures are introduced. 2. The land use designations of Special Commercial and Professional Office as currently presented in the General Plan create certain difficulties in implementing the plan due to their overlapping• and inconsistent nature. 6 General Plan AmendmerepP 811019:2 3. The proposed land use changes provide a clearer basis for imple- mentation and encourage a sound long range guide for land development. 4. Development opportunities are not significantly altered and eco- nomic potential is relatively unchanged. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Consideration of individual site and related site charac- teristics and the potential impacts associated therewith shall be done in conjunction with future zoning and environ- mental reviews for detailed development projects. 2. Appropriate traffic circulation shall be maintained by re- quiring access to an arterial only in the case of commercial development to reduce conflicts with adjacent residential development; and B) Approval of General Plan Amendment GP 811019 : 2 as follows: • 1. Delete from page 71 of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan text the section entitled "Special Commercial. " 2. Delete from pages 71 and 72 of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan text the section entitled "Professional Office. " 3. Add as an insert to page 71 the section entitled "Conner cial-Professional as follows: "This land use designation provides for the following general categories of uses: a. Offices; professional, business , medical, financial and utility b. Cultural or fine arts institutions C. Personal services (not supported by retail sales of goods) d. Light retail commercial uses. • 7 General Plan Amendm GP 811019 :2 These categories of uses should be encouraged along arterials or major collectors where high traffic volumes can be accom- modated and in areas where a compatible transition is desired . adjacent to single family areas. Access through residential areas shall be discouraged, 4 . Make the changes to the-1980 Atascadero General Plan Map as shown on the attached Exhibit Map entitled "Recommended Land Use Changes to the Morro Road Study Area. " ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED/APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /Ps 8 General Plan Amendment GP811019 :2' These categories of uses should be encouraged along arterials or • maj • PROPOSED LIGHT CCMMERCIAL AND SPECIAL COMMERCIAL• USES ON MORRO ROAD AS DELINEATED ON THE ATTACHED MAP • I . Retail Sales : including Appliance Stores , Bakeries , Book. Stores , Clothing Stores , Department Stores, Florists, Food Markets, Furniture Stores , Hardware Stores , Hobby Shops , Jewelry Stores, Liquor Stores, Garden Shops and Nurseries , Pet Shops and Supplies , Photo Stores, Shoe Stores, Sporting Goods , Stationery Supplies , and Variety Stores. II. Professional : including Accountants, Attorneys, Medical Professions, Real Estate Offices, Surveyors. III . Financial : including Banks, Loan Companies , Title and Escrow Companies. IV. Services : including Broadcasting Stations , Barber and Beauty Shops, Childrens Nurseries, Cocktail Lounges , Dry Cleaners (distribution only) , Employment Agencies , Laundromats , Motels, Public Utility Offices, Restaurants , Shoe Repair, Travel Agencies, Churches , Lodges. V. Recreation: Bowling Alleys, Health Clubs, Recreation Centers. VI . Public Uses :, Civic Buildings , Fire Stations , Libraries , • Parks, Police Stations , Post Offices, Public Offices. VII . Other Uses : Those Light Commercial and Special Commercial uses w ch the Planning Commission determines are of the same general character as those enumerated in this subsection and that are not obnoxious to abutting properties or detrimental to the district in which located. • .r �� • �i !r is ` • L � �y •r • 1 Gnj � • i V . � G ' • ma``'y � f n , t1, ch r` ' iiia �� 1 • I � r •� , �� Nil I i • •, y a e �� r /J \ . ... .l y •+�. •✓•• •• v .� STuny SEA !`:" :::. ::.:. :.. .• .... .... ..... .. -- .�- F- ATASCADERO 00 GENERAL PLAN MAP LAND USE AND CIRCULATION ( HIGH DENS.MULT FAM. HEAVY COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE LOW DENS. MULL FAM. RE-AIL COMMERCIAL RECREATION .,.HIGH DENS. SNGL.FAM COMMERCIAL PARK SPECIAL RECREATION MCD DENS.SNGFAM. SPECIAL COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL rxvloeo SNGL .FAM. NIDED I LOW DENS.SNGL.FAM PROFESSIONAL OFFICE ., COLLECTORS SUBURBAN SNGL.FAM INDJSTRIAL PARK — .. URBAR SERVES LNE PUBLIC INDJSTRIAL uRR Res ,vy uRE _ ms U IR" S—V Cn,5� 6;64L AZAAL) PrDf ESSiaY1G2./' �c� O4W, .. • -�.. , .�:. ,'.. L4 It owa � s a ©r �� sem: �z��-�► p � o . �► _ KIM � 0 ©� Ego mm 44 A for�M�i2�/�tL MOR R o ROA O srvA � �4�EA Hlc,.q �a ; 4 oe"isrr,� 7iPLE ;4 � h STf3 FF 4 alwm,6h'C/ll L ti 0 0 SINQ—+< �Mtd y y r �'RofE.rs/onl,,�1. Gone MERG/A 1. i M OR R 0 ROA O srvv y �4�€A H/614 �•O �h Mv[7/P1EAl dj VSE Pig TlG/?�t,/ 4 CH 7' eomm � P/taF•Ess�a�vA� MooERATE m o or f/N6Lt� Q.. F P/{O/�.ESSIONAL . /t'EtAfG. G%MNtcidc���, Y 2 � PRca�E-Ss/oNq�, LIG<tT CoMH/Eh'C/�L • �°?o�ss�ov,� /�E7Al� Planning Commission nutes December 7, 1981 listed in the Staff Report. Commissioner Summers Seco ded the motion and it carried unanimously. 7: 45 p.m. Commissioner Lilley is now present. 2. Public hear i on Tentative Parcel Map AT 810 0: 1 to allow creation of th e lots from portions of ots 11,12, and 13 of Block 22 at 245 1 Camino Real Fr erick (Stewart) The Planning Director presente the St Report on this request to allow subdivision of 7. 5 acres three parcels. Mr . Stevens noted the concern for erosion an r nage problems on the subject site. Dan Stewart, representat ' e for the applican stated his agree- ment_with Staff' s rec mendation. MOTION: Commis loner Summers moved to adopt issuan of a Con- di ' nal Negative Declaration and approval Tentative rcel Map AT 810930: 1 subject to Conditions -18 as listed in the Staff Report. Commissioner Wentzel econ- ded the motion and it carried unanimously. 3. Continued public hearing on General Plan Amendment GP811019: 2 to consider changes in the text and map concerning the Spe- cial commercial and Professional Office areas along Morro Road - Initiated by Planning Commission Chairman Moore stepped down from her seat on the Commission. Com- missioner Wentzel took the gavel. Larry Stevens noted this item was continued from the prior meeting to consider a series of alternatives in determining what type of uses should be allowed along the Morro Road area. Commissioner Carroll stated that most of the people he had spoken with felt that because Morro Road is a State highway that multi- family designations should be limited and that more retail com- mercial should be allowed. There was discussion among the Commission concerning how much commercial should be allowed and what effects commercial would have on the Morro Road strip. Ken Cave, representing Jim Hernell of Income America, explained the efforts involved in proposing a motel along Morro Road. Mr . Cave stated that there are two pieces of property involved and, if Staff' s recommendation is approved, they would be split by two different land use designations. 2 Planning Commission Minutes December 7, 1981 Gary Snowden, property owner on Morro Road, stated that he has an office available for rent and has been approached by prospective tenants to put in a light commercial use on the property. Jim Haun, property owner on Morro Road, stated he would like to see some more light commercial uses. He noted that most of the dots are small but some owners have talked about the possibility of combining them into larger parcels. Manford Vanderlip, area property owner , presented the Commission with a list of property owners in the area which he was represent- ing. He spoke on the efforts of the original Advisory Committee in trying to incorporate certain recommendations for commercial use along Morro Road into the General Plan. He felt that multi- family uses should be limited and that retail commercial uses should be established along Morro Road. Don Messer , property owner on Morro Road, concurred with Mr . Van- derlip' s comments that Morro Road should be allowed to establish more commercial uses. Malvin Biging, also a property owner on Morro Road, stated that since Morro Road is a state arterial highway, if more commercial uses are developed, it will relieve El Camino Real from some of the burden with regard to traffic problems. Commissioner Summers commented that she would like to see a viable • commercial area wherein each of the businesses support one another . There was further discussion among the Commission concerning the fact that, since Morro Road is a main collector and State Highway, multi-family uses should be limited. Discussion also centered on the feasibility of allowing more commercial uses as it relates to tourist travel and the potential revenues generated from that source. It was the Commission' s general consensus that a lighter type of commercial would be appropriate. Mr . Stevens stated that provisions for additional commercial could be made and said he would look into text modifications and land use patterns. Shirley Moore felt that because of the tourist travel along Morro Road, more commercial uses would be financially viable. MOTION: Commissioner Lilley moved to direct Staff to prepare a report to consider commercial options including text modifications for land use patterns and continue to the meeting of December 21, 1981. Commissioner Carroll seconded the motion and it carried with Commissioner Summers dissenting. • 3 CITY OF ATASCADERO December 7 , 1981 Planning Department STAFF REPORT _ Amendment GP 811019:2 X f Planning Commission Of the Land amendment of the 'ecialaCommercial and Pro- the Spec ffice land use designations Amendment for the Morro Road -his General Plan of November 16 , 1981 in �d from the options for additional cmeeting ation of ommercial eason for Study: separate land use designations tl pro two SeP hwa 41) San n y p from i sides of Morro Road (H1g y generally Special Commercial g In designations being P on the west. generally professional Office g lan, difficulties have plementing the general P the defini- in and conflicting nature of rlapp g Further difficulties these particular of these. two designathowever , in zoning. ;e underly 'Lying proposed rezoning program. ;_ssed during thatl.hat the Planning Commission d � 7r ro osed to the lana �� n4 � sux xis K Staff P P the General Plan text and on the ; ' � �h en to reviewing is shown The Study Area ng Morro Road. the Study Area encompasses his report. Generally, Road one gMorro Road and extending behind Morro Highway from Marchant and Santa Ynez near the U-S. .ola Road. he excerpts from the General Plan for the two land question: General Plan Amendme*GP 811019: 2 • Special Commercial A Special Commercial use category is proposed for certain proper- ties and blocks fronting on Morro Road between Highway 101 and Portola Road. Access to properties shall be from an arterial only with establishment of a continuous left turn lane. This use Cate- gory shall provide for the following groups of commercial uses: a. Offices, business and professional b. Personal services C. Motels d. Financial uses e. Specialty commercial uses requiring smal;l space needs and which are low traffic generators (e.g. , florist, stationery and gift shops) f. Public utility offices Professional Offices A Professional Office category is proposed along the west side of Morro Road between Curbaril Avenue and San Andres Road. Access to properties shall be from an arterial only. Uses proposed for this category include: a. Professional offices b. Single family dwellings C. Public parks and playgrounds d. Home occupations e. Personal services f. Public utility offices STAFF COMMENTS General Plan Text Analysis: In comparing the aforementioned excerpts, one notes the following ob- vious areas of overlap or similarity: Offices; professional Personal services Public utility offices While the access required from an arterial (Morro Road) only, less obvious areas of similarity include: Business offices Financial Uses Home occupations Areas of inconsistency and contradiction include the following: i 2 General Plan Amendmo GP 811019:2 • 1. Exception to the arterial access restriction is made for the Special Commercial uses (" . . .only with establishment of -a continuous left turn lane. ") 40 2. Special Commercial uses are permitted only if they are "low traffic generators" (even though the properties front on Morro Road, designated an arterial and designed accordingly to handle high traffic volumes). 3. Provision for single-family dwellings in conjunction with . commercial/office uses. 4. The underlying R-4 zoning in the Special Commercial land use would not permit retail commercial. General Plan Intent: Analyzing these problems brings out the basic question of determining the intent in attempting to create two distinct land uses for each side of Morro Road. Was it to accommodate uses already in existence, or to incorporate uses already permitted by a variety of underlying zonings (CH, Highway Commercial; CR, Resort Commercial; C-1-N, Neigh- borhood shopping; and R-4 Multiple Family and Professional) . Perhaps the real intent for the Morro Road strip was to create an area dif- ferent from the "downtown" commercial atmosphere, to create an area for professional and business office growth oriented toward Morro Road frontage and away from the predominantly single-family areas "behind" (east and west) of Morro Road, and to create an area of low intensity businesses that would perhaps have a less negative effect on the sur- rounding residential uses. ExistincL Land Uses: Existing land uses in the study area are a mixture, including: single family residential - multiple family residential - retail commercial - service commercial - offices - vacant land Refer to the Existing Land Use map attached to this report for a pre- cise distribution of these uses. Alternatives: The following alternatives are available: 3 General Plan AmendmeV GP 811019: 2 Alternative #1. Make no changes. Alternative #2. Retain the two Land Use designations (Special Commer- cial and Professional Office) and make minor changes in their definitions. Alternative #3. Merge the two definitions effectively eliminating the areas of overlap and assign a new title to the land use designation, and modify the general plan map accordingly. Alternative #4. Combine the two land uses into one, eliminate both the areas of overlap and inconsistency by completely rewriting the definitions and policy statements, assign a new title to the land use designation and modify the general plan map accordingly. The first alternative is self explanatory. Making no changes to the text or the map would simply promote the status quo. Alternative #2 suggests retaining Special Commercial and Professional Office as distinct land use designations but making minor changes in their definitions and possibly making minor location changes on the General Plan map. The minor changes might include: 1. Removal from one designation or both similar uses. 2. Rewording of inconsistent requirements or standards. 3. Modification of locations of the specified designations (e.g. changing the Special Commercial designation in the block between San Andres and Portola to Professional Office) . Alternative #3 suggests merging the two land uses under one title (either retaining one of the existing titles or assigning a completely different title) . By merging the two designations, redundant " uses would be eliminated as would the inherent discriminations resulting from conflicting wording of policies. Again, this alternative does not preclude the option of modifying the locations of the designation on the map. This alternative might include: 1. Land Use Title: Special Commercial 2. Suggested Uses: - Offices: professional, business, medical, financial, utility - Personal Services (not retail sales of goods) - Motels and hotels - Single Family Dwellings and Home Occupations - Specialty commercial uses requiring small space needs and minimal storage needs (i.e. less than 1,500 square feet of gross floor area and not more than 20% of floor area for storage) . - Public Parks and playgrounds 4 General Plan Amendm* GP 811019: 2 3. Restrictions: Access to properties shall be from an arterial only to mitigate potential conflicts with adjacent single family neighborhoods 4. General Location: Proposed along Morro Road frontages between U.S. Highway 101 and the southwesterly end of Santa Ynez. The last alternative suggests a merging Special Commercial and Profes- sional Office and a more complete reorganization of the land use defi- nitions including comprehensive text andmapchanges. In this alter- native, the uses permitted would not be entirely .determined by exist- ing uses or existing zoning. Changes advocated in this Alternative might directly include: 1. Land Use Title: Professional District 2. Suggested Uses: - Offices; professional, business, medical,. financial, utility - Studios, galleries, cultural or fine arts institutions - Personal Services (not retail sales of goods) - Multiple family dwellings 3. Restrictions: Access to properties shall be from an arterial only to mitigate potential land use and traffic conflicts with adjacent residential streets and neighborhoods. 4. General Location: Proposed along Morro Road from San Andres south to Santa Ynez on the west and to Portola on the east. As a result of the alternatives discussed above, certain map changes may be needed. The northerly portion of Morro Road adjacent to San Andres isfullydeveloped with a fast food restaurant and service sta- tions which are generally oriented to Highway 101 and should probably be designated for Retail Commercial use. Treatment of the remainder of the Morro Road strip primarily depends on the revisions made to Special Commercial and Professional Office land use designations, if any. Consideration should be given to the several small pockets now desig- nated for residential use in order to develop a consistent land use pattern. These areas could, for example, be designated for Profes- sional or Commercial development and still be compatible with the ad- jacent single family areas by allowing multiple family uses in those categories. If that is done, however, it may be desirable to limit Lots without arterial access only to multiple family development to avoid placing commercial type traffic on residential streets. 5 General Plan AmendmenebP 811019 :2 Commercial Considerations Comments made at the last meeting indicate that, at least at one time during General Plan reviews by the Atascadero Committee, there was support for a higher degree of light commercial uses as is represented by the attachment (this copy was recently provided to Staff) . That proposal did not end up in either the County or City adopted versions of the General Plan and, as a result, is only important in its his- torical perspective and as it may be an additional alternative for consideration now. There is little question that commercial uses could be compatible with Morro Road as it is a heavily traveled arterial and that appropriate buffering techniques can be employed to encourage a compatible rela- tionship with adjacent residential areas. However, there are ques- tions concerning the need for additional commercial land, especially in the smaller lot sizes that dominate this area, and concerning the desirability of creating a commercial strip along Morro Road which would be similar to that along El Camino Real. The light commercial uses suggested in the attachment appear to be typical of a neighborhood commercial category but a strip of this sort seems excessive for the surrounding population and would likely drain some activity from the El Camino Real area. Certainly, a decision of this sort is hampered by the lack of an economic analysis of current and future retail needs. It has been noted that the recommendation may also result in excess land area for office and professional uses and this may be a valid criticism which has been tempered by the allowance of multi-family uses. These are generally deemed to be more compatible with offices than with retail commercial uses. However , in light of the direction by the Planning Commission, some consideration of commercial alternatives is necessary. The following additional alternatives are suggested for consideration: Alternative #5. Change some or all of the Morro Road area to Retail Commercial. Alternative #6 . Designate the Morro Road area for Retail Commercial but add it to the listing (see page 68) of Neighborhood Commercial areas. Alternative V. Define a limited range of light commercial uses and add it to Alternatives 2,3, or 4 discussed earlier in the report. The fifth alternative has been discussed to some degree in the intro- ductory remarks to this "Commercial Considerations section and seems inconsistent with good practice because its strip commercial nature would likely result in many of the same negative effects existing in portions of the E1 Camino Real commercial area (i.e. traffic conges- tion, lack of clustering, promotion of strip development, incompati- 6 General Plan AmendmGP 811019 :2 bility with adjacent land uses, small lot commercial development) . While several smaller portions of the area are appropriate for retail commercial, much of it is not. Alternative #6 is a slightly less intensive version of the above al- ternative except that the range of commercial uses would be more limited ostensibly to relate better with adjacent residential areas. Prior comments can also be applied to this approach. The seventh alternative suggests expanding the language of three earlier alternatives to allow greater flexibility for commercial uses but to a lesser intensity than either the Retail or Neighborhood Commercial designations. Possible wording to accomplish this for each is as follows Alternative #2 variation The existing language allows "specialty commercial, etc." in Special Commercial but not in Professional Office. Either or both could be modified by adding the following to current text: "Light retail commercial uses. Developments shall generally be a number of clustered retail shops none of which serve as a primary (or another) tenant and all of which - have similar floor area. Developments consisting of an individual retail use in a single building shall be discouraged. Retail uses shall generally be -limited to serving neighborhood rather than community needs. " Alternative #3 variation: Modify proposed language on specialty commercial as deemed appropriate. One suggestion is as follows: "Specialty commercial uses in clustered shops oriented towards serving the needs of the neighborhoods. " Alternative #4 variation: To the Professional District add the language suggested in the original Alternative #3 or the Alter- native #2 or #3 variations above. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The land use changes proposed are not considered to be major changes and the Planning Department feels that minor adverse impacts can be mitigated through various implementing policies that can be incorpo- rated into the General Plan and through standards and criteria for development within the zoning ordinance. Therefore, the Planning Director has prepared a Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the proposed land use changes will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. 7 General Plan Amendme GP 811019: 2 FINDINGS 1. Amendment to the General Plan as proposed will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact as long as appropriate mitigation measures are introduced. 2. The land use designations of Special Commercial and Professional Office as currently presented in the General Plan create certain difficulties in implementing the plan due to their overlapping and inconsistent nature. 3. The proposed land use changes provide a clearer basis for imple- mentation and encourage a sound long range -guide for land development 4. Development opportunities are not significantly altered and eco- nomic potential is relatively unchanged. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declarationasfollows: 1. Consideration of individual site and related site charac- teristics and the potential impacts associated therewith shall be done in conjunction with future zoning and environ- mental reviews for detailed development projects. 2. Appropriate traffic circulation shall be maintained by re- quiring access to an arterial only in the case of commercial development to reduce conflicts with adjacent residential development; and B) Approval of General Plan Amendment GP 811019 : 2 as follows: 1. Delete fromP 9 a e 71 of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan text the section entitled "Special Commercial. " 2. Delete from pages 71 and 72 of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan text the section entitled "Professional Office. " 3. Add as an insert to page 71 the section entitled "Profes- sional" as follows: "This land use designation provides for the following general categories of uses: a. Offices; professional, business , medical, financial and utility • 8 _a General Plan Amendmet GP 811019: 2 • b. Studio, galleries and cultural or fine arts institutions C. Personal services (not supported by retail sales of goods) d. Multiple family dwellings may also be permitted (if dev- eloped in a compatible manner) These categories of uses should be encouraged along arterials or major collectors where high traffic volumes can be accom- modated and in ureas where a compatible transition is desired adjacent to single family areas. Access through residential areas shall be discouraged and properties without access to arterials or major collectors shall be limited to multiple family dwellings. 4. Make the changes to the 1980 General Plan Map as shown on the attached Exhibit Map entitled "Recommended Land Use Changes to the Morro Road Study Area. " ACTION The Planning Commission should direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: MARY E. ATIE Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: 44-CA Axr� LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /ps i 9 -,fit V � -R , �. et � r � �lw: � _ _ u ,� � � . ►• • �� �, �`gra , ,� �_!�.�. � / r \ � �I, bow � e i �'��• � • � � �`� F ��•� - � , .�Ci ., ice r; � � � :.. 1 :5�!� �♦1 J � , • �• � � ' ''� � . �i � _ ��. � �� G i ;,�y e ` �� i i I•A . � � �: �1t� �+- ► � �-�. .,, llrw� a L � � .�� � � ��I � �Y�._ � , ` `�, � r / � � �w R�� "� �•� �big �,� ta��' -�`'�' / -,�► n 3. ., • , �r � s I qer � , I S I • .I r � /e � �I i, .•.�.• I - - .-.+.-._.r• .�_..� A. l 1 1 '117 t l � - )fit t f` .• ' •J tial 1/ .j ) '• :� rt S -. ~'-l�-rte. '�• Rte`,.••1,� ti.. ........: V. : ,r.� :::: °' . ® F ATASCADER0 � GENERAL PLAN MAP t�o� LAND USE AND CIRCULATION .. -� HIGH DENS.MULT FAM. � HEhVY COMMERCIAL = AGRICULTURE ( LOW DENS MULL FAM RE-AIL COMMERCIAL RECREATION HIGH DENS. SNGL.FAM. COMMERCIAL PARK I SPECIAL RECREATION MCD DENS. SNGL.FAM � SFFCIAL COMMERCIAL RTERI L WDED l0;J DENS.SNGL.FAM "!^ ARTERI L U«VIDE O PROFESSIONAL OFFICE._.._ .. . ..... COLLECT.NS SUBURBAN SNGL.FAM INDJSTRIAL PARK —.—.—.———• URanv SER-ES URE FUeLIC INOJSTRIAL UR w s .rE LWE C r ..r c yC - S�Ga� CGm�Y1�rCicZ./' P2�essicr�al �'c� sfud y Apzea ZJ` A0 INCORPOF ATED JUL♦2.1979 13 $ GENMAL PLAN AMENDMENT CYCLE 1 1982 :•• : S M STUDY 4 •. 3 9 RECOMMENDED LAND USE L 2 CHANGES TO THE MORRO •'• • • �� Z' tb �5 .o ROAD STUDY AREA :. A .•: ICS .•. . . :•, 44 .•. 15 0 5 R�tailGo mrnatticL a 12 o z 4 e 3 3 2 7 10 io '. . . 34 4 9 6 /9 6 4 2J •.•. . . rr •••.•::. A 2 :.•. . . ; •:::.•. ` .'.' A .•.�. Z Z r.. j !f 9 7a g 10 + t 5 4 3 13 Planning Commission iinute �- N�ovem�ber 16, 1981 MOTION: ssioner Lilley moved to adopt ance of a Condi- tional tit ' Declaration approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 'ect to Conditions 1-20 as i listed in the Report. Commi er Summers second- ed ion and it carried unanimously. 3. Public hearing on General Plan Amendment GP811019: 2 to con- sider changes_ in the text and map concerning the Special Commercial and Professional Office areas along Morro Road Chairman Moore stepped down from the Commission due to a possible conflict of interest. - Shirley Summers took the chair for this hearing. Mrs. Beatie presented the Staff Report on this matter concerning the designations of Special Commercial and Professional Office along Morro Road. Norm Norton spoke in favor or increased retail , and stated that there would not be demand for that many offices along the Morro Road strip. Mrs. Kinney objected to the zoning on the property; bordering Cur- baril and Morro Road. Manfred Vanderlip, area property owner , showed the Commission a map of the Morro Road area which he stated was adopted by the Gen- eral Plan Committee for the Atascadero Advisory Committee. Hele pointed out the discrepancies between his map and the study area map and contended owners had made plans based on retail commercial uses. Lillian Killman, City resident, appeared and expressed her agree- ment with the recommendation of Staff. Dorothy Smith, Morro Road resident, commented on the apartments behind her property needing to be fenced to prevent children from crossing the property onto Morro Road. She also commented on the need to pave Amapoa Street. Jim Haun, City resident, stated he bought some property on Morro Road a few years ago with a light commercial intent. He felt that there is an imbalance between the Special Commercial and Profes- sional Office designations in that area. Elinor Dunham, property owner on Navajoa, commented on the drain- age problem along Morro Road and part of Navajoa. Dennis Dakos, property owner on Morro Road, asked why his property was left out of the study area. Mrs. Beatie stated the intent was to leave the property designated for high density multiple family use. 3 PlanningCommission Onutes November 16 1981 , Al Sherman, Navajoa resident, asked about the zoning in- that area. . He did not feel that apartments were appropriate in the particular area, and commented on the drainage problem there. Grigger Jones inquired about setbacks in the R-4 zone. He asked for clarification on reasoning behind restricting Morro Road access for some of the land uses. There was discussion among the Commission concerning the amount of professional office which currently exists along Morro Road. Mr . Stevens noted that an overall relationship of land uses should be considered throughout the City. Discussionalsocentered around the compatibility of multiple fam- ily dwellings and the need for commercial retail in the area. It was the Commission' s general consensus that the hearing should be continued in order to determine what the needs are for retail commercial uses. MOTION: Commissioner Lilley moved to continue the public hear- ing to the meeting of December 7th in order to direct Staff to explore additional criteria for retail commer- cial uses in the Morro Road area. Commisssioner LaPrade seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.. Chairman Moore took her place back on the Commission. CHAIRMAN MOORE CALLS A TEN MINUTE BREAK FROM 9 :40 TO 9: 50 P.M. Public hearing on General Plan Amendment GP 811019: 1 to con- fider permitted densities in Multiple Family Residen ' a1 Land us esignations Mr . Stevens pr ented the Staff Report on this ma er to consider different densit standards in the High and Density Multiple Family Residential la use designations. Mike O'Brien, City resident, xpressed concern over ambiguities in the General Plan and wi the ecommendation in determining what uses are permitted. Lydia Killman expressed conc n over th increased density which would allow more multiple ousing to be b Qt within single family residential areas. Norm Norton, rep senting the North County Contra oris Associa- tion, concurr with the recommendation presented. Marge M ey requested that the density remain unchanged the Gener Plan. ed Ebhardt described his efforts in researching factors to de- 4 F. 1918 G r) a ('. 19?9 CITY OF ATASCADERO • Planning Department November 16, 1981 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment GP 811019:2 APPLICANT: Initiated by Planning Commission REQUEST: To consider amendment of the text and map of the Land Use Element concerning the Special Commercial and Pro- fessional Office land use designations BACKGROUND Introduction and Reason for Study: The General Plan currently provides two separate land use designations along portions of both sides of Morro Road (Highway 41) from San Andres to Portola; the designations being Special Commercial generally on the east side and Professional Office generally on the west. In interpreting and implementing the general plan, difficulties have arisen due to the overlapping and conflicting nature of the defini- tions and policies of these two designations. Further difficulties have resulted from the underlying zoning, however , these particular problems can be addressed during the proposed rezoning program. Prior Action: On October 19 , 1981 Staff proposed to the Planning Commission that consideration be given to reviewing the General Plan text and the land use designations along Morro Road. The Study Area is shown on the maps attached to this report. Generally, the Study Area encompasses the property fronting Morro Road and extending behind Morro _ Road one block on each side from Marchant and Santa Ynez near the U.S. Highway 101 overpass to Portola Road. General Plan: The following are the excerpts from the General Plan for the two land use designations in question: Special Commercial A Special Commercial use category is proposed for certain proper- ties and blocks fronting on Morro Road between Highway 101 and Portola Road. Access, to properties shall be from an arterial only with establishment of a continuous left turn lane. This use cate- • gory shall provide for the following groups of commercial uses: General Plan Amendment GP 811019: 2 • a. Offices, business and professional b. Personal services C. Motels d. Financial uses e. Specialty commercial uses requiring smell space needs and which are low traffic generators (e.g. , florist, stationery and gift shops) f. Public utility offices Professional Offices A Professional Office category is proposed along the west side of Morro Road between Curbaril Avenue and San Andres Road. Access to properties shall be from an arterial only. Uses proposed for this category include: a. Professional offices b. Single family dwellings C. Public parks and playgrounds d. Home occupations e. Personal services f. Public utility offices • STAFF COMMENTS General Plan Text Analysis: In comparing the aforementioned excerpts, one notes the following ob- vious areas of overlap or similarity: - Offices; professional - Personal services - Public utility offices - Access required from an arterial (Morro Road) only W-4ile the less obvious areas of similarity include: - Business offices - Financial Uses - Home occupations. Areas of inconsistency and contradiction include the following: 1. Exception to the arterial access restriction is made for the Special Commercial uses (" . . .only with establishment of a continuous left turn lane. ") 2. Special Commercial uses are permitted only if they are "low • traffic generators (even though the properties front on Morro Road, designated an arterial and designed accordingly to handle high traffic volumes) . 2 • s- General Plan Amendment GP 811019: 2 3. Provision for single-family dwellings in conjunction with • commercial/office uses. 4. The underlying R-4 zoning in the Special Commercial land use would not permit retail commercial. General Plan Intent: Analyzing these problems brings out the basic question of , determining the intent in attempting to create two distinct land uses for each side of Morro Road. Was it to accommodate uses already in existence, or to incorporate uses already permitted by a variety of underlying zonings (CH, Highway Commercial; CR, Resort Commercial; C-1-N, Neigh- borhood shopping; and R-4 Multiple Family and Professional) ? Perhaps the real intent for the Morro Road strip was to create an area dif- ferent from the "downtown" commercial atmosphere, to create an area for professional and business office growth oriented toward Morro Road frontage and away from the predominantly single-family areas "behind" (east and west) of Morro Road, and to create an area of low intensity businesses that would perhaps have a less negative effect on the sur- rounding residential uses. Existing Land Uses : Existing land uses in the study area are a mixture, including: . i single family residential multiple family residential - retail commercial - service commercial - offices - vacant land Refer to the Existing Land Use map attached to this report for a pre- cise distribution of these uses. Alternatives: The following alternatives are available: Alternative #1. Make no changes. Alternative#2. Retain the two Land Use designations (Special Commer- cial and Professional Office) and make minor changes in their definitions. Alternative #3. Merge the two definitions effectively eliminating the areas of overlap and assign a new title to the land use designation, and modify the general plan map accordingly. Alternative #4. Combine the two land uses into one, eliminate both the areas of overlap- and inconsistency by completely rewriting the 3 General Plan Amendment GP 811019: 2 definitions and policy statements, assign a new title to the land use designation and modify the general plan map accordingly. The first alternative is self explanatory. Making no changes to the text or the map would simply promote the status quo. Alternative #2 suggests retaining Special Commercial and Professional Office as distinct land use designations but making minor changes in their definitions and possibly making minor location changes on the General Plan map. The minor changes might include: 1. Removal from one designation or both similar uses. 2. Rewording of inconsistent requirements or standards. 3. Modification of locations of the specified designations (e.g. changing the Special Commercial designation in the block between San Andres and Portola to Professional Office) . Alternative #3 suggests merging the two land uses under one - title (either retaining one of the existing titles or assigning a completely different title) . By merging the two designations, redundant uses would be eliminated as would the inherent discriminations resulting from conflicting wording of policies. Again, this alternative does not preclude the option of modifying the locations of the designation on the map. This alternative might include: • 1. Land Use Title: Special Commercial 2. Suggested Uses: - Offices: professional, business, medical, financial, utility - Personal Services (not retail sales of goods) - Motels and hotels - Single Family Dwellings and Home Occupations - Specialty commercial uses requiring small space needs and minimal storage needs (i .e. less than 1,500 square feet of gross floor area and not more than 20% of floor area for storage) . - Public Parks and playgrounds 3. Restrictions: - Access to properties shall be from an arterial only to mitigate potential conflicts with adjacent single family neighborhoods 4. General Location: Proposed along Morro Road frontages between U.S. Highway 101 and the southwesterly end of Santa Ynez. The last alternative suggests merging Special Commercial and Profes- sional Office and a more complete reorganization of the land use defi- nitions including comprehensive text and map changes. In this alter- native, the uses permitted would not be entirely determined by exist- ing uses or existing zoning. Changes advocated in this lternative might directly include: 4 General Plan Amendment GP 811019: 2 1. Land Use Title: Professional District • 2. Suggested Uses: - Offices; professional, business , medical, financial, utility Studios, galleries, cultural or fine arts institutions Personal Services (not retail sales of goods) Multiple family dwellings 3. Restrictions: Access to properties shall be from an arterial only to mitigate potential land use and traffic conflicts with adjacent residential streets and neighborhoods. 4. General Location: Proposed along Morro Road from San Andres south to Santa Ynez on the west and to Portola on the east. As a result of the alternatives discussed above, certain map changes may be needed. The northerly portion of Morro Road adjacent to San Andres is fully developed with a fast food restaurant and service sta- tions which are generally oriented to Highway 101 and should probably be designated for Retail Commercial use. Treatment of the remainder of the Morro Road strip primarily depends on the revisions made to Special Commercial and Professional Office land use designations, if any. Consideration should be given to the several small pockets now desig- nated for residential use in order to develop a consistent land use pattern. These areas could, for example, be designated for Profes- sional or Commercial development and still be compatible with the ad- jacent single family areas by allowing multiple family uses in those categories. If that is done, however , it may be desirable to limit lots without arterial access only to multiple family development to avoid placing commercial type traffic on residential streets. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The land use changes proposed are not considered to be major changes and the Planning Department feels that minor adverse impacts can be mitigated through various implementing policies that can be incorpo- rated into the General Plan and through standards and criteria for development within the zoning ordinance. Therefore, the Planning Director has prepared a Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the proposed land use changes will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. 5 0 • General Plan Amendment GP 811019: 2 . FINDINGS 1. Amendment to the General Plan as proposed will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact as long as appropriate mitigation measures are introduced. 2. The land use designations of Special Commercial and Professional Office as currently presented in the General Plan create certain difficulties in implementing the plan _due to their overlapping and inconsistent nature. 3. The proposed land use changes provide a clearer basis for imple- mentation and encourage a sound long range guide for land development. 4. Development opportunities are not significantly altered and eco- nomic potential is relatively unchanged. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: . 1. Consideration of individual site and related site charac- teristics and the potential impacts associated therewith shall be done in conjunction with future zoning and environ- mental reviews for detailed development projects. 2. Appropriate traffic circulation shall be maintained by re- quiring access to an arterial only in the case of commercial development to reduce conflicts with adjacent residential development; and B) Approval of General Plan Amendment GP 811019: 2 as follows: 1. Delete from page 71 of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan text the section entitled "Special Commercial. " 2. Delete from pages 71 and 72 of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan text the section entitled "Professional Office. " 3. Add as an insert to page 71 the section entitled "Profes- sional" as follows: "This land use designation provides for the following general categories of uses: a. Offices; professional, business, medical, financial and • utility , 6 General Plan Amendment GP 811019:2 b• Studios, galleries and cultural or fine arts institutions C. Personal services (not supported by retail sales of goods) d. Multiple family dwellings may also be permitted (if dev- eloped in a compatible manner) These categories of uses should be encouraged along arterials or major collectors where high traffic volumes can be accom- modated and in areas where a compatible transition is desired adjacent to single family areas. Access through residential ureas shall be discouraged and properties without access to arterials or major collectors shall be limited to multiple family dwellings 4. Make the changes to the 1980 General Plan Map as shown on the attached Exhibit Map entitled "Recommended Land Use Changes to the Morro Road Study Area." ACTION The Planning Commission should direct Staff as deemed appropriate. • REPORT PREPARED BY G MARY E. BkATIE Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: AW ENCS STEVENS _ Planning Director /Ps z 4 7 .R! ,�� � 1 �\� � s �� fV1�� • S� -+li t ���- �_ yr,`►er � V � �!��y 1 _--- ,� • 1 � � � � ,�. ,. �� /yam , �' � ' +� � , � J,�, � y1 � � � � � i �.� � •. :� � � � �� � r _'� � • C E � 1 { :.. �` ' `�� ��� � �� � � � i�G� j °� •• `r i 1 , I '�4AV� � I � �` �n� � �: .,, � r � ' , i r�`:� �� . �� �•G(.L��Iq 17_gr s� �� • 1 L � � �j� � � �,�I Its I �� • � �<���� �� � ��'�, � h �' r / � • . , ., t� �`�`' 1 ���► • n �" � 71 � I ' � � � �! �'!Y ♦ t r �' � �� • � •� �, � yj �' � � � �9 ,� _ 4j��j�]L�� - �Jy fy,� � •• �•1.': \ {-1 1 t I { t`\.t Wr X. a• " 1 - u; r : lift .. x� .� Z� ,• tst F-ATASCADER0 t` GENERAL- PLAN MAP LAND USE AND CIRCULATION HIGH DENS MULT.FAM (—" HEhVY COP^•i-RCIAL `— AGRICULTURE LOIN DENS MULT.FAM �___ RE-AIL COMMERCIAL RECREATION HIGH DENS. SNCL.FAM. COMMERCIAL PARK SPECIAL RECREATION i MOD DENS.SNGL.FAM SPECIAL COMMERCIAL _ <eTEei>L avroEo �• CCCA9TERI L UNDIVED I L0:! DENS.SNGL FAN. ••' ••1 PROFESSIONAL OFFCE�... cone Teas SL9UP.9AN SNGL.FAM. OJSTPIAL PARK AN s 9V'C€S LINEINDSTRIAL 4T RES-tiVE LWEPU9LIC Y f I�J R cycc� o67T- i9 /NW sp c�a� Ccmn�crc�a.l i13 � i i 9 � INCORPORATED JULY 2.I9T9 INP X GENIE"IZAL FLAN ES AT CYCLE 1 1982.1 '.'.'. . . . S ORRO 9%0AD STUDY 4 3 3 RECOD-IMENDED LANDUSE ;•;r; L Z • • 4% , �� I CHANGES TO THE MORRO ROAD STUDY AREA ` {0 .•. . . . - . . .� 1� �2 to $.� K it 1L5 .•.• Nti o 20 R£talL GommOreica.L 7 10 /O34 8 ••• • • C � 5 .S 7 :. 2 3ta (o 19 6 : : : ' .` .• 22 3 ?. z :. . . •.•. .•.•. . . r b+ �9 10 •:.� 3L 8 . . k ••• A \tO •'�• I 2 4 , • • 3s 7A 10 z9 10 I 5 — 4 S "Unmet Transit Needs" means a deficiency in the current public transportation or specialized transportation system that is essential for mobility, and is specifically recommended transit service in the Regional Transportation Plan and is not yet implemented or funded, and is consistant with the recommended' Regional Transit Standards. "Regional Transportation Plan" means desired transit service can be a :service wanted by only one person for use by himself, or it can be a service demanded by many people who would make use of the service. Staff shall review all testimony and the written material introduced into the public record to determine if a desired transit service should be considered an "unmet transit need, " and if so, during the course of the fiscal year which is the subject of the needs proceeding, make recommendations for amendment of the Regional Transit Plan in order to recognize such desired transit services as an unmet transit need. "Unmet Transit needs that are reasonable to meet" shall be those existing transit services which continue to satisfy this definition, and those unmet transit needs which: a. Shall provide the minimum acceptable fare box return; b. Shall be feasible to fund within the limits of transit funds available to the Area Council of Governments. c. Shall be feasible to draw sufficient ridership to fill identified system deficiencies that are essential for mobility and will provide an economy of scale, dependable service, -and enhance overall system cost effectiveness , both short and long term; d. The proposed service shall have significant support of the community and from elected officials of the jurisdictions to be served. e. Shall be feasible to perform with dependable transit equipment' presently available in the market place; and f. Shall be equitable in terms of timing and fairness in light of all other "unmet transit needs. " The foregoing definitions are offered for discussion. Other definitions may certainly be developed which satisfy all legal requirements, so please feel free to suggest changes or additions. .0 . 21 M E M O RAN D U M + TO: City Council. . FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: San Luis Obispo County Area Council of Governments agenda review The attached agenda for the Special COG meeting of February 4, 1982, has two items which were previously discussed by the Council at your last meeting. Item #2, the "Needs" definition, is to be discussed Friday, January 22nd by the TTAC and I will have a verbal report to you on Monday of that action. Item 3 required no action on the part of the Council and is nothing new from the previous agenda. *MRAY/L. WARDEN MLW:AD 1-21-82 • IDAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AW Arroyo Grande Atascadero Grover City C UNI C I L 0 F Morro Bay - Paso Robles -<. Pismo Beach CG- 0 V E IrR"INM E IN'T S San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo County A G E N D A S P E C I A L M E E T I N THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1982 1:30 P.M. SAN LUIS OBISPO' CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 990 PALM STREET, SAN LUIS- OBISPO, CALIFORNIA The San Luis Obispo County Area Council,of Governments and~exofficio governing body of all other agencies and authorities for which such council so acts, including the Regional Transportation.Planning Agency and Transit Authority, is now meeting in session. MINUTES 1. Approval of the minutes for the January, 14, 1982 regular meeting of the San Luis Obispo_County Area Council of Governments. TRANSPORTATION BUSINES:. 2. Consideration of Transportation Needs Definitions as required by the California Administrative Code, Title 21, Section 6658 (Continued from January 14, 1982) Recommendation: Adopt the enclosed definitions and send to the State Department of Transportation. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 3. Public hearing to consider public testimony on the need for improved transit service in the area. a. Staff presentation on: the hearing process, , existing . transportation systems, potential users groups, unimplemented transportationsystemsin the Regional Transportation Plan, Wand a summary of the prior years Unmet Needs Hearings. 2956 SIERRA WAY • SAN LUIS 0BiSP0. CA 93408 8051549-5'710 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS 2-4-82 AGENDA Page 2 • b. Public testimony and discussion in the following sequence: 1 Handicapped community 2. Senior citizens 3. Social service agencies 4. General public C. Staff presentation of written testimony received to date. Recommendation: a. Close the public testimony portion of the hearing upon completion of testimony. b. Direct staff, in conjunction with the Citizens' and Technical Transportation Advisory Committees, to evaluate the testimony given and prepare recommendations for consideration by the Area Council. C. Continue the public hearing and Area Council deliberations to March 4 1982. ANNOUNCEMENTS i NEXT MEETING Next Regular Meeting of the San Luis Obi,po County Area Council of Governments is scheduled for March 4, 1982. 2-4 MEMO R A' N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: City Clerk and Treasurer Ordinances Nominations for City Council seats and for the offices of City Clerk and City Treasurer for the June election will open on February 16, 1982. The attached ordinances reflect the duties of the new City offices as specified in the State statutes and provide procedural or administrative provisions to assure that the functioning of these of- fices is consistent with operation of the City. Their intent is to assure that full cooperation and coordination is achieved so that un- necessary road blocks to the administration of the City are not pre- sented. They also attempt to provide a practical guide for functions which experience has shown to be so routine and circumscribed by State law as to allow discharge of their respective responsibilities without necessitating additional staffing or expenses of operation. There are several questions which you must resolve and which will be of interest to any person desiring either of these two offices. Among these are the duties as specified by the ordinance and the remu- neration which might be expected. If the Council makes these two of- fices full-time, fully staffed positions, then the questions of appro- priate salaries, and whether vacation, holidays and other employee benefits should be offered must be resolved Consideration must also be given to providing office space, furniture and support staff. I would to point out, however , that the actual demands in terms of time on these two offices is relatively little from a practical standpoint for cities of our size. Further ,, that even though the 'positions are elected, the elected person can delegate, through deputies, many of the tasks which do remain. Those deputies could well be already in City employment. Pertinent to your considertions is that most duties of the Clerk' s office, for example with regard to elections, are handled through the County Clerk' s office for consolidated elections and the time demands, therefore, are not very great. Similarly the statutory need to keep City Council minutes, ordinances and resolutions can be accomplished through appointment of a deputy with routine oversight by the City Clerk. The Treasurer ' s role is even more limited in that the Treasurer is only responsible for receiving and holding, by deposits in appropriate banks or other authorized institutions, City funds, investing those funds which are not needed at the moment and making available to the Director of Finance sufficient funds to cover Council authorized budg- et expenses and obligations. It is not an accounting, auditing or other operational function. The time commitment, again, is minimal. Memorandum City *k and Treasurer Ordinancio It is interesting to consider the cities in this Countyand their handling of the Clerk and Treasurer role. In the City of San Luis Obispo, both offices are appointive. The Finance Director acts as the i City Treasurer without additional salary and the City ;Clerk' s office is handled by an appointed salaried employee, with other duties, work- ing in the City Manager' s office. In the case of Arroyo Grande, the Clerk and Treasurer are-'elected, with the Clerk receiving $25 a month and the Treasurer $10. The actual Clerk' s duties are performed by a secretary deputized by the Clerk and working in the City Manager 's office. The Clerk drops in from time to time to see how things are going. The Treasurer has been in office for so long as to become an institution with the Finance Director handling all the investment re- sponsibilities of the Treasurer , in addition to his finance chores. The Treasurer is available from time to time on call if needed. In Grover City, both the Clerk and the Treasurer are appointed and per- form their duties in addition to Finance and clerical duties without special compensation beyond thier normal salary. In Morro Bay, the Clerk and Treasurer are appointed with the Finance Director acting as Treasurer and the City Manager as Clerk, each of whom receives $1 a month for these extra activities. Pismo Beach has a similar arrange- ment without the $1 per month. In Paso Robles the Clerk and Treasurer are both elected and receive $1 per year since the Clerk and Treasurer functions are fulfilled by the City Manager and Finance Director re spectively. Recently, Mrs. Godsey, who was the Finance Director was reassigned to an Assistant tothe City Manager and performs the ;Treas- urer' s role in addition to those functions. So salaries are based upon their primary employment. As you can see from the above, from a practical standpoint, the functioning of these two offices does not require a heavy commitment of staff or of time. Since the functions largely reflect State statu- tory requirements which have, over the years, changed from their orig- inal application, the responsibilities can be handled relatively eas- ily without creating additional administrative overhead. In view of the foregoing and of the practical considerations, I would suggest that you consider a minimal salary and that both the Clerk and Treasurer be encouraged to deputize existing City employees to accomplish the day to day functioning of the offices. It does not seem reasonable, in view of the statutory requirements and practical work load that we should create a salary structure and additional staff for either of these functions. We do have to be careful, how- ever, not to create a burden on present employees. I believe this can be avoided and will, to a large part, depend upon the individuals elected to these offices, M YARDEN LW:-.ad 7 1-21-82 2 ORDINANCE NO. 48 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADDING CHAPTER 4 TO TITLE 2 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK The Atascadero City Council ordains as follows: Section 1. Chapter 4 is added to Title 2 of the Atascadero Muni- cipal Code to read as follows: TITLE 2. ADMINISTRATION Chapter 4. Office of the City Clerk 2-4 .101. Creation and Functions. The office of the City Clerk is hereby established as provided by Section 36501 of the Government Code of the State of California. The office shall be elected. The City Clerk shall haveall of the powers, duties; and responsibilities granted to or imposed upon the office of the City Clerk by the provisions of Chapter 2 of Part 3 of Division 3 of Title 4 of the Government Code of the State (Sections 40801 and 40804) , other general laws of the State, the provisions of this Code, and the ordinances and resolutions of the Council; pro- vided, however , pursuant to the provisions of Section 40805.5 of the Government Code of the State, the financial and accounting duties im- posed upon the City Clerk by Section 40802 through 40805 of the Gov- ernment Code of the State shall be performed by the Finance Director and further provided that the ex officio assessor duties provided by Government Code Section 40810 shall be performed by County officers. The principal functions of the City Clerk shall be to: (a) Be responsible for recording and maintaining a record of Council proceedings; (b) Keep all ordinances and resolutions of the Council as -re- quired by Sections 40806 and 40807 of the Government Code (c) Assure that records of Council meetings and Council corres- pondence are kept in such a manner that the information' con- tained therein will be readily accessible and open to the public until such time as any of the records may be de- stroyed, or reproduced and the original thereof destroyed, in accordance with State laws; (d) Be the custodian of the seal of the City pursuant to Govern- ment Code Section 40811; (e) Administer oaths or affirmations, take affidavits and deposi- tions pertaining to the affairs and business of the City, and certify copies of the official records pursuant to Government Code Section 40814; Ordinance No. 48100tY Clerk OOle (f) Conduct elections as required by law. w (g) Be responsible for the publication of official notices of the City as required by Government Code Section 36933; (h) Receive all claims filed against the City and its officers, agents or employees pursuant to the provisions of the Govern- ment Code of the State, Section 915 et. seq. (i) Receive documents addressed to the City Clerk or City Council and immediately forward a copy of each to the City Manager for presentation to the City Council in due course. The ori- ginal of each document shall remain with the 'City Clerk; (j ) Assure that alldocumentsreceived by the City Clerk are pro- vided to the City Manager in sufficient time for that _office to prepare and distribute City Council agenda; (k) Assist the City Manager, as requested, in the preparation of the City Council ,agenda or such other agenda as may from time to time be required; (1) Assure compliance with directives, administrative procedures or policies as may be determined by the City Manager which are not otherwise provided for by the State of California Government Code; (m) Advise, through the City Manager, interested parties of ac- tion taken by the City Council provided, however , that it shall be the responsibility of the City Manager to direct and control the actions of reports requested of City personnel. (m) Perform such other duties consistent with this Code as may be required of the office by the Council. 2-4.102. City Clerk. The City Clerk shall administer the office of the City Clerk and shall be responsible for the successful perform- ance of its function. The City Clerk may appoint deputies for whose acts he and his bondsmen shall be responsible, but in doing so, shall not incur any indebtedness or liability on behalf of the City except as authorized by the City Council. Such Deputy City Clerks, appointed ex officio, shall have the power to exercise any duty imposed upon the City Clerk. 2-4.103. Bonding. The City Clerk shall be required to execute the bonds necessary as required by the Council for the performance of the duties of the office. 2-4.104. Compensation. The City Clerk shall receive such compen- sation and expense allowance as the Council shall from time to time determine by resolution or ordinance. Compensation shall be a proper charge against such funds of the Cityas the Council shall designate. • 2 Ordinance No. 48 - Coy10 ler k Section 2. Ordinance No. 5, adopted on July 9, 1979 , shall be repealed effective with assumption of office by a duly elected City Clerk, but shall constitute transition provisions pending the election of such a Clerk. Section 3. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be pub- lished once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atasca- dero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Gov- ernment Code; shall certify the adoption of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 4. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day after passage, but shall not repeal the transition provisions of Ordinance No. 5. The foregoing ordinance was introduced, adopted, and ordered published at a meeting of the Council held on , 1982, by the following vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Allen Grimes ALLEN GRIMES , City Attorney 3 ORDINANCE NO. 49 . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADDING CHAPTER 5 TO TITLE 2 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER The Atascadero City ,Council does ordain as follows: Section 1. Chapter 5 is added to Title 2 of the Atascadero Muni- cipal Code to read as follows: TITLE 2. ADMINISTRATION Chapter 5. City Treasurer 2-5.201. Creation and functions. The office of the City Treas- urer is hereby confirmed as provided in Section 36501 and 36502 of the Government Code of the State. The City Treasurer shall perform such duties as are prescribed by Section 41001 through 41007 of the Govern- ment Code of the State. The City Treasurer shall perform such other duties consistent with this Code as may be required of him by the Council. The principal functions of the City Treasurer shall be to receive and safely keep all public funds coming into his hands as treasurer, and to comply with all laws governing the deposit and securing of pub- lic funds and the handling of trust funds in his possession. 2-5.202. Deputies. The City Treasurer may appoint deputies for whose acts he and his bondsmen are responsible, but in doing so, shall not inucr any indebtedness or liabiilty on behalf of the City except as authorized by the City Council. 2-5. 203. Compensation. _ The City Treasurer shall receive such compensation and expense allowance as the Council shall from time to time determine by resolution or ordinance. Such, compensation shall be a proper charge against such funds of the City as the Council shall designate. 2-5.204. Coordination with Director of Finance. The City Treas- urer shall coordinate his activities with the Director of Finance to assure availability of funds in response to demands for payment against City financal resources. The City Treasurer shall not with- hold making available funds to the Finance Director for payment of materials, equipment, goods or services duly authorized by Council through the adopted budget or by Council approval by ordinance, reso- lution or motion when requests for such funds are duly authorized and presented by the Director of Finance. Ordinance No. y Treasurer �• 2-5.205. Investment Policy. In addition to the requirement, du'- ties and obligations imposed upon the City Treasurer by the State of • CaliforniaGovernmentCode concerning the investment of City monies, the City Treasurer shall attempt to secure the maximum the rate of return on invested uncommitted City funds consistent with assuring availability of funds to meet the City' s financial- obligations and consistent with statutory investment limitations. In order to assure compliance with this requirement, the City Treasurer shall closely coordinate the investment of funds with the Director of Finance to assure the ability of the City to meet its obligations. Section 2. Ordinance No. 6 adopted on July 9, 1979 , shall be repealed effective with assumption of office by a duly elected City Treasurer, but shall constitute transition provisions pending the election of such a Treasurer . Section 3. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be pub- lished once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atasca- dero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance wth Section 36933 of the Govern- ment Code; shall certify the~ adoption- of thisordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, to be entered in the Book of ordinances of this City. Section 4. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day after' passage, but shall not repeal the transition provisions of Ordinance_ No. 6. The foregoing ordinance was adopted and ordered published at a meeting of the Council held on , 1982, by, the following vote• AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J.WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Allen Grimes MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk` APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALLEN GRIMES , City Attorney 2 • • D3 ORDINANCE NO. 50 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO RF PEALiNG SPECIFIED PROVISIONS OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE AND DESIGNATING CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE NOT TO BE CODIFIED BUT TO REMAIN IN EFFECT UNTIL AMENDED, SUPERSEDED OR REPEALED The Council of the City of Atascadero ordains as follows: Section 1. The Atascadero Municipal Code is amended ,by repealing the following designated provisions: CHAPTER TITLE Chapter 2. 06 of Title 2 County Counsel Chapter 2. 09 of Title 2 County Technical Services Department Chapter 2.11 of Title 2 Department of General Services Chapter 3. 04 of Title 3 Sales and Use Tax Chapter 3.12 of Title 3 Real Property Transfer Tax Chapter 11. 09 of Title 11 Oceano County Park Section 2. The following provisions of the Atascadero Municipal Code are not to be codified in the new City Code, but are to remain in effect until amended, superseded, or repealed: • CHAPTER TITLE Chapter 2. 41 of Title 2 Subpoena--Enforcement Chapter 2.80 of Title 2 Emergency Organization and Functions Chapter 5.04 of Title 5 Bees All of Title 6 Business Licenses and Regulations Chapter 8. 04 of Title 8 Food and Drink Establishments Chapter 8.12 of Title 8 Solid Waste Management Chapter 8. 16 of Title 8 Septic Tanks Chapter 8. 24 of Title 8 Inoperative Vehicles Chapter 8.30 of Title 8 Cross-Connections Control and Inspec- tions Chapter 8. 40 of Title 8 Construction, Repair, Modification and Destruction of Wells Chapter 8. 54 of Title 8 Enforcement--Citation Authority Chapter 11. 08 of Title 11 Atascadero County Park Chapter 11. 28 of Title 11 Water Activities Chapter 13 . 08 of Title 13 Encroachments Chapter 13 .12 of Title 13 Streets and Highways Plan All of Title 15 Vehicles and Traffic Chapter 16. 04 of Title 16 Burning Limitations Chapter 19. 04 of Title 19 General Provisions Chapter 19 . 08 of Title 19 Building Code Chapter 19. 10 of Title 19 Fire Code Chapter 19. 12 of Title 19 Electrical Code Chapter 19.16 of Title 19 Mechanical Code -1- AG: fr 12/28/81 Ordinance No. 50 Chapter 19.20 of Title 19 Housing Code Chapter 19. 24 of Title 19 Plumbing Code Chapter 19 .28 of Title 19 Sign Code Chapter 19. 44 of Title 19 Unsafe Buildings Chapter 19. 48 of Title 19 Moving Buildings Chapter 19.52 of Title 19 Mobilehome Code Chapter 19. 60 of Title 19 Miscellaneous and General Regulations Chapter '19. 68 of Title 19 Temporary Building `Halt in Amapoa- Tecorida Area All of Title 20 Street Addresses and Road Naming All of Title 21 Real Property Division All of Title 22 Zoning Section 3. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be pub- lished once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atasca dero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in this City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Govern- ment Code; shall certify the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 4. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day after Passage- The foregoing ordinance was introduced, adopted, and ordered published at a meeting of the Council held on 1981, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED A8 TO CONTENT: /s/ Allen Grimes ALLEN GRIMES,' City Attorney MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Manager` -2- r r I _M E M O_R A-N D U_M • - - - - TO: City .Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Election costs Statement of Qualifications The attached resolution is necessary in order to recover the costs of preparing Statement of Qualifications which are mailed with each sample ballot. The Statement of Qualifications is not required to be submitted unless the candidate desires to do so and they, in effect, become a statement of qualifications of a campaign nature. Accordingly, most jurisdictions require that the costs for preparing and printing these statements be borne by the candidate. The attached resolution allows us to charge for that specific item. It is esti- mated, at the present ,time, that those costs will be approximately $125 per candidate. The candidate would be required to deposit that amount when filing his nomination papers and Statement of Qualifica- tions. The other provisions of this resolution deal with the Clerk' s re- quirement to print bilingual sample ballots to a targeted group in • accordance with the County Clerk' s procedures. An additional item authorized by the Elections Code is the payment of up to a $25 filing fee per candidate which can be in cash or can be by securing 25 signatures which would be in lieu of the cash payment. - Theoretically, these fees are to recover the costs of processing the candidate's papers and must be fixed by ordinance. However, I would recommend not adopting a filing fee since the amount is relatively small and can be waived upon securing the appropriate number signa- tures in any event. If, however, you feel that you should charge a filing fee, then we must draft and adopt an ordinance requiring the payment of a $25 filing fee. kRRAL. WARDEN MLW:ad 1-21-82 RESOLUTION NO. 3-82 RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTIVE OFFICE PERTAINING TO MATERIALS SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTORATE AND THE COSTS THEREOF FOR ALL GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS TO BE HELD BY SAID CITY WHEREAS, Section 10012 of the Elections Code of the State of California authorizes the governing body of any local agency to adopt regulations pertaining to materials prepared by any candidate for a municipal election, including the costs thereof; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Attorney General of the State of California (No. CV 76/5, May 6, 1976) that a candidate may not be billed for the additional cost of preparing candidates' statements in Spanish if such were not requested by the candidate but were required soley by reason of recent amendments to the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Public Law 94-73, August 6, 1975) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ataseader'o City Council as follows: , Section 1. That, pursuant to Section 10012 of the Elections Code of the State of California, each candidate for elective office- to be voted for at all General Municipal Elections held in the City of Atas- cadero, may prepare a candidate' s statement on an appropriate form provided by the City Clerk. Such statement may include the, name, age and occupation of the candidate and a brief description of no more than two hundred (200) words of the candidate' s education and qualifi- cations expressed by the candidate himself and shall be typewritten, double spaced and free of errors, properly punctuated, and the use of upper and lower case lettering. Such statement shall not include party affiliation of the candidate, nor membership of activity in par- tisan political organizations or other extraneous matters. Such statement shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk at the time the candidate' s nomination papers are filed. Such statement may be withdrawn, but not changed, during the period for filing nomination papers and until; 5:00 p.m. on the next working day after the ,close of the nomination period. Section 2. That in compliance with the recent amendments to the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Public Law 94-73, August 6, 1975) the County Clerk shall provide a Spanish translation of the candi- date' s statement to those registered voters as targeted. Section 3. The County Clerk, in accordance with the City' s re- quest for consolidation and services, shall send to each voter with the sample ballot, a voter ' s pamphlet which contains the statement of each candidate. Section 4. That the City Clerk shall estimate the costs of print- ing and handling the candidates' statements and require each candidat Resolution No. 3-82Candidates' Costs filing a statement to pay, in advance, his or her pro rata share as a • condition of having his or her statement included in the voters' pam- phlet. Section 5. That the City Clerk shall provide each candidate, or the candidate' s representative, a copy of this resolution at the time nominating petitions are issued. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: ADOPTED: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO . FORM: /s/ Allen Grimes ALLEN GRIMES , City Attorney 2 00 00 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Murray FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Surplus Chairs Available from the County Recommend City Council approve the purchase of 96 theatre-style chairs at $30: 00 each and 5 arm chairs at $50. 00 each from the County of San Luis Obispo. The total cost to be $3, 130. The chairs will be stored in the Administration Building to be used when the new Council Chambers are constructed. WRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh 1-13-82 To: City Council The above chairs would come from the Board of Super- visors' meeting room since they have all new furniture in their new quarters. The price is exceptionally good, the chairs are in good condition and should be used when the Council Chambers are built for this building. We will have to store them in the meantime, but we should be able to do that. without too much difficulty. Recommend your approval with a motion to approve transfer of necessary monies to the budget from reserve. RAY WARDEN LW:ad 21-82 i