HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/22/1982 AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 22, 1982 7 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment A CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar', are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be, no separate discussion of these items. I€ dis- cussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calen- dar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the special meeting of February 9, 1982 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Minutes of the'- regular meeting of February 9, 1982 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. TentativeParcel Map AT 811211:1, 8030 E1 Camino Real, E. C. Knight (Stewart) , to allow subdivision ,of .80 acres into two parcels in the C-2 Zone (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COM- MISSION RECOMMENDATION) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Conditional Use Permit U811130:1, appeal of Planning Commis- sion denial, 7379 El Camino Real, Northern California Savings and Loan (McCarthy &_ Brady Architects), to approve a 45 sq. ft. monument sign with the total signing to exceed 60 sq. ft. in the C-1 Zone - continued 2. Planning Department quarterly departmental 'report C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Budget request for Fiscal Year 1981/82 . by Atascadero Chamber of Commerce 2. Selection of General Contractor member for the Appeals Board and determining terms •of office D. NEW BUSINESS 1. General Plan Conformity Report Various Capital Improvement Projects, Atascadero Lake • E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager 0 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting February 9, 1982 7:00 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Mayor Wilkins called the meeting to order at 7: 00 p.m. He stated that the meeting had been called for the purpose of interviewing ap- plicants for the Appeals Board. PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: Councilman Stover Councilmembers interviewed Mike Delgado, Karl Keksi, Gaylen Little, Robert Sonne, Kenneth Lerno and David Walters. Mr. Warden passed out ballots to each of the Councilmembers and their votes were ,tallied. Michael Bewsey was selected as a General Contractor member , Karl Keksi and as Architect or Structural Engineer , Kenneth Lerno as Specialty .Contractor , and David Walters as a General Publicmember. There was a tie vote for the second General Contractor member between H. John Edens, Jr. and Robert Sonne. Since Councilman Stover was absent, Council agreed to hold selection of this member over to the next Council meeting for a final vote. • MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that selection of the final General Contractor member of the Board of Appeals beputoff until` the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously car- ried. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the four members who received the majority vote be appointed to the Appeals Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously car- ried. Mr . Warden stated that Council would also have to determine terms of office at that time The meeting adjourned at 7: 27 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meetng February 9, 1982 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. The invocation was given by Bob Chapman of the Overcoming Word of Faith Center. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: Councilman Stover PUBLIC COMMENT None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the special meeting of January 25, 198 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 25, 1982 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Treasurer ' s Report, 1-1-82 to 1-31-82 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 4. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 81-188, 3650 Maricopa Road, James Coleman (Twin Cities Engineering) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 81-217 (Santa Ynez Condo) , 6225-7 Santa Ynez/6330-2 Navajoa, Bunyea Development (Poles) (REC- OMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 78-121, 8900 San, Gabriel Road, Catherine and Albert Lewis (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION_ RECOMMENDATION) 7. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 78-164 , 8920 San Gabriel Road, Elizabeth Davis (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) Mr. Warden advised that the maps on items A-6 and A-7 and been in- advertently switched; the map in A-6 goes to A-7 and vice versa. Mayor Wilkins reviewed the items on the Consent Calendar . MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved for the adoption of the Consent Cal- endar . The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll 'call vote. MINUTES - ATASCADER*ITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 9 ,4k82 • B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public hearing on General Plan Amendment GP 811019:3 , initi- ated by Planning Commission, to review minimum lot size cri- teria in the Low Density and Suburban Single Family Residen- tial land use designations Larry Stevens reviewed this matter stating that it was the opinion of the Planning Commission that the criteria to evaluate minimum lot size in the Low Density and Suburban Single Family Residential land use designations are adequate in the General Plan and specific imple- mentation would be best accomplished by the Zoning Ordinance. Mayor Wilkins opened the matter for public hearing. Bruno Adamoli suggested that the City require developers to donate acreage for parks and playgrounds. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for acceptance of the Planning Com- mission recommendations. The motion was seconded by Council- man Nelson and unanimously carried. 2. Public hearing on General Plan Amendment GP 811019: 2, initi- ated by Planning Commission and City Council, to consider different standards in High and Low Density Multiple Family Residential land use designations Larry Stevens reviewed the Staff report on this proposed change. He stated that the Planning Commission approved the increase in den- sity on the basis that it will tend to encourage more economically feasible multi-family projects. Mayor Wilkins open the public hearing. Comments were heard from Herb LaPrade, Norm Norton representing the Contractor ' s Association, and George Molina representing the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Eco- nomic Development Committee in support of the Staff and Planning Com- mission recommendation. Mayor Wilkins closed the hearing. Councilmembers discussed this amendment and generally concurred with Planning Commission recommendations, except Councilman Mackey who was not in favor of changing the density standards— MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council support the recommenda- tions of the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and carried with Councilman Mackey voting no. 3. Public hearing on General Plan Amendments: El Camino Transi- tional Study Area between Santa Ysabel and Principal easterly of El Camino Real, various/expanded area initiated by Plan- ning Commission, to consider amendment to text and map of the General Plan within the Study Area 2 MINUTES - ATASCADE10CITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 01982 Larry Stevens reviewed the Staff report and Planning Commission recommendations for land use and circulation changes to create a logi- cal transition of land uses from more intense to less intense activi- ties moving eastward from the El Camino Real commercial area. These recommendations approved the changes requested by Rauch, Walley, and Salmeron and denied the requests of Lindsay, LaLande and Hohenstein. Mayor Wilkins opened the public hearing. Comments were heard from Mr. LaLande in support of his request, Jack Stinchfield supporting the Walley application, Art Cunningham, Lucy Tucker, and Bill Rinkey inoppositionto the Lindsey application. Mayor Wilkins closed the hearing to ' the public. Councilmembers indicated that they were satisfied with the Planning Commission recom- mendations. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt the Planning Commission recommendations. The motion was seconded by Coun- cilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 4. City Attorney, Report No. 17 Mr . Grimes reviewed his report for Council. 5. Update on sewer plant expansion project by City Manager Mr . Warden reviewed his discussions of the past two weeks with the Farmers Home Administration, bond counsel Carl Fowler , and County Staff. He also discussed the sewer rate increases that would be nec- essary immediately after the City assumes control of the Sanitation District. He discussed available financing at length. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Recommendation for mini-pumper purchase Mr . Warden reviewed the bids on the mini-pumper and the Fire Chief' s recommendation for purchase of an Albro (Emergency One) unit in the amount of $38, 438.78. MOTION Councilman Highland moved that Council authorize purchase of an Emergency One unit and that the necessary funds be transferred from reserve. The motion was seconded by Coun- cilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 2. Resolution No. 5-82 setting compensation for the office of City Clerk and City Treasurer Councilmembers discussed compensation for these positions and de- cided that the City Clerk should receive $20 .00 per month and the City Treasurer $10 .00 per month. • 3 MINUTES - ATASCADERWITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 9982 MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Resolution No. 5-82 be read by • title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 5-82 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 5-82. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 3. Ordinance No. 48 estabishing the office of City Clerk second reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 48 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 48 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 48 and that this constitute the second reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 4. Ordinance No. 49 establishing the office of City Treasurer second reading • MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 49 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 49 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 49 and that this constitute the second and final reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 5. Ordinance No. 50 repealing specified provisions of the Atas- cadero Municipal Code and designating certain provisions not to be codified but to remain in effect until amended, super- seded or repealed second reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 50 be read by title only. The moton was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 50 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 50 and that this constitute the second and final reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey • and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 4 MINUTES - ATASCADE19CITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 901982 D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 6-82 approving the execution of the Local State Agreement for Federal-Aid projects for the construction of Ferrocarril Road Railroad protection Mr . Warden reviewed the agreement stating that this had been dis- cussed during the last budget hearings. The City' s share for this grant is $7,825. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Resolution No. 6-82 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 6-82 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 6-82. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. - City Council (a) Councilman Mackey stated that she had received com- plaints about the patch jobs on El Camino Real where utilities have been cut and refilled. Larry McPherson stated that he • is handling the matter: 2. City Attorney Mr . Grimes had nothing 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden stated that the resignation of Peggy Robert- son from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board has been received. Council said that if her term only has a few months to run, they will leave the position vacant until then; however, if it is longer than that, they will want the position readvertised. (b) Mr . Warden stated that the North County Transit Author- ity contract would have bound the City to share costs. The City has objected to that and they have withdrawn the City' s par- ticipation. If the demonstration project works, then the City will participate in funding subject to the approval of the City Council. (c) Mr . Warden reviewed the impacts and reductions in sub- ventions the Governor ' s budget could have on the City. 5 MINUTES - ATASCADER*ITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 9,A982 The meeting adjourned at 9: 50 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk • 6 M E M G R A N D UM TO: CITY MANAGER February 17, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 811211:1 LOCATION: 8030 E1 Camino Real (Ptn. Lot 10, Block 7) APPLICANT: E.C.. "Knight (Stewart) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of . 80 acres into two parcels of 0.33 and 0.47 acres in the C-2 Zone On February 16, 1982 .the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the two lot parcel man unanimously adopting a Condi- tional Negative Declaration -and approving the land division sub- ject to Conditions 1-10 as listed in the attached Report. There was brief discussion among the Commission. • Dan Stewart, applicant's engineer appeared and concurred with the recommendation. No one else appeared. LAWRENCE STEVENS - MURRAY L. ' ARDEN Planning Director City .Manager /Ps • �F alln�f p Ii�F r. I� CITY OF ATASCADERO iaisR. 197e Planning Department February 16, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Man AT 811211: 1 LOCATION: 8030 El Camino Real (Ptn. Lot 10, Block 7) APPLICANT: E.C. Knight (Stewart) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of . 80 acres into two parcels of 0. 33 and 0. 47 acres in the C-2 Zone BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning:, C-2-D (518) Commercial Service with the "D" to mean: A. Departmental Review, with particular attention to insur- ing attractive appearance from public roads by means of setback area for buildings and uses. • B. Adequate screening of any outdoor storage area. C. Landscaping, signing and lighting. 2. General Plan: Heavy Commercial 3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental description form has been completed. The Planning Director has prepared a Draft Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment if certain mitigating measures are incorporated into the project. 4. Site Conditions: A portion of the site is currently developed with an existing building consisting of a single story, 6 ,400 square foot furniture store and an attached second story 1,100 square foot residence. Vegetation on the remainder of the site consists of natural grasses and several mature oak trees. There is also an abandoned septic tank and the remains of an old basement and foundation. The property is bounded on the north by Curbaril Avenue, on the east by El Camino Real , on the south by commercial property, and on the west by a vacant lot with Highwav 101 bevond. The property is level on the develoned portion, but the undeveloped part slopes generally from east to west. Page Two Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 811211:1 (Knight) February 16 , 1982 5. Project Description: The applicant proposes to split the 0. 80 acre site into two parcels The developed parcel will be 0. 33 acres while the undeveloped parcel will be 0 .47 acres. No use for the undeveloped parcel is proposed at this time. STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, January 7, 1982 the Subdivision .Review Board met with Mr. Knight and the applicant' s engineer, Daniel Stewart, to discuss the project. Also attending the meeting were: Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; Jill Kollmann, Planning Intern; and Mike Hicks, Fire Captain. The following items of. concern were dis- cussed: 1. Standards regarding the tree removal. 2. There were questions regarding the legal status of the remain- ing portion of the lot regarding prior deeding. (It has since been determined that the subject property was legally created. ) • 3. The installation of road improvements on Parcel 2 can be de- layed until the time of development. 4 . Drainage improvements on Parcel 2 can be delayed until the time of development 5 The Final Map should indicate the location of all trees over eight inches in diameter. 6. The Final Map should indicate the location of the pipeline easement along Curbaril. 7. There was the possibility that an additional dedication would be needed along Curbaril in order to provide the required right-of-way. 8. There exists on the property some old foundation and basement remnants which should be removed at time of development. 9 . No fire hydrants will be necessary. 10. New electrical services should be underground. 11. In order to meet the reauirement for parking related to the furniture store, the proposed lot line may have to be adjusted. The timing of parking improvements was also discussed as to whether they would be at the owner' s discretion or as a con- dition of the Final Map. Page Three Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 811211: 1 (Knight) February 16 , 1982 12. Before the Final Map is recorded, the unused septic tank should be abandoned in conformance with the plumbing code. FINDINGS 1. The application as presented will not have a significant ad- verse effect upon 'the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessarv. 2. The application as submitted conforms to the applicable zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration: • 1. Adeguate provision to be made for drainage and erosion control with site development and 2. Tree removal and grading to be minimized; and B) Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 811211: 1 subject to the following conditions: 1. Sewage disposal shall be by connection to the community sewer and a Note so stating shall appear on the Final Map. A letter from the Atascadero County Sanitation District indicating that they are willing and able to serve the property shall be submitted prior to filing the Final Map. 2. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water lines shall exist at the property front- age prior to filing the Final Map. A letter from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company indicating that they are willing and able to serve the property shallbe submitted prior to filing the Final Map. 3. The proposed lot line between Parcels 1 and 2 shall be adjusted northwesterly as necessary to provide for suffi- cient room for driveway access and parking, as required by the zoning ordinance for the existing uses located on Parcel 1. • s Page Four Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 811211 :1 (Knight) • February 16, 1982 a. The applicant may be required to submit a plan to verify that there is adequate room for the access and parking. 4. All new utilities and utility connections shall be placed underground. 5. Provision shall be made and necessary permits obtained for the abandonment of the existing septic tank prior to filing the Final Map. 6. A Note shall be placed on the Final Map to advise the dev- eloper of Parcel 2 of the following requirements to be accomplished in conjunction with site development: a. Curb, gutter, sidewalk and street pave-out along Curbaril and.El Camino Real, including possible relo- cation of existing traffic signal. b. Drainage plan and improvements, including erosion con trol, for public right-of-way • C. Removal of old foundation and basement. 7. Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be disruptive to the natural topography and removal of exist- ing mature trees The following shall appear as a note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appropriate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. 8. All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be .submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of anv building restrictions. A Note so stating such restric- tions shall appear on the Final Map. 9. A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. Page Five • Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 811211:1 (Knight) February 16, 1982 a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set urior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the proces- sing of the Final Parcel Map. 10. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions . TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: ? -y� ILL KOLLMANN Planning Intern REPORT APPROVED BY: O D LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /hs • �aLt. L Paz.., IGO AO F .��I► i�i�``I�OIC-� -��!�. '.� - � �' i � � '7 �� I •Ile -. � ��� ®jai-�1��•` ��' �- go �. .s�s+,�moo' ,�,►`� �4�i��� ��,� ,® _ � • ,.�) =�. r/'Mf,,. Mi�►1 � � • t+� ° -;i a�� �' f. .► �,t� �� `aft• ���/,/��'® �s`-, ,'•�I�i►� - 3$p Gam► AWAN MR .�,�'., �_ �iirv•� . 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It was the consensus of the Commission that the existing signing adequately identified the savings and loan use,, that the prior approval by the County was not sufficient grounds to allow the requested sign, that additional signing in the center would de- tract from its current attractive appearance, and that anew sign identifying an individual tenant might lead to similar future requests. Mike Brady, applicant' s representative, appeared and requested the Commission to approve the signing. He indicated that the Findings and Conditions of Approval included in the attached Staff Report were acceptable. No one else appeared on the matter. A&M(, ? LAWRENCE STEVENS MURRAY L.JWARDEN Planning Director City .Manager /ps C 91 7a CITY OF ATASCADERO 1918 _ Planning Department February 16, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit U811130:1 - Appeal of Planning Commission Denial LOCATION: 7379 El Camino Real APPLICANT: Northern California Savings and Loan (McCarthy & Brady Architects) REQUEST: To approve a 45 sq. ft. monument sign with the total signing to exceed 60 sq. ft. in the C-1 Zone. BACKGROUND On December 21, 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hear- ing on the proposed sign and recommended denial of the Conditional Use Permit based on the Findings in the attached Staff Report. • On January 25, 1982, the City Council conducted a public hearing on an appeal of the Planning Commission decision and indicated their intent to approve requested sign, but referred the matter back to the Plan- ning Commission for their comments and for a recommendation on condi- tions of approval (see attached Council minutes) . The applicant also submitted a revised plan for a smaller 30 sq. ft. (6' 9"x4' 6") monument sign. STAFF COMMENTS The Planning Commission is required to review the matter and report back to the City Council. Options available V the Commission are as follows: 't"o 1. Support the previous Commission decision to deny the Conditional Use Permit. Additional findings or comments could also be includ- ed. 2. Prepare findings and conditions for Council consideration to ap- prove the Conditional Use Permit. 3. Change the previous Commission decision and approve the Condition- al Use Permit. Appropriate findings and conditions would be ne- cessary. Conditional Use Pe•t81113 U 0 .1 The Staff believes that the previous action taken by the Planning Com- mission was appropriate and that the Staff Report and Findings therein, provide an adequate and clear explanation of the reasons for the deci- sion. Staff has, however, prepared findings and conditions which can be ap- plied to approval of the Conditional Use Permit as follows. The Com- mission may desire to amend, delete, or otherwise modify them. Findings: 1. The granting of this Conditional Use Permit is necessary to provide adequate signing for a financial institution which needs the identification afforded by a freestanding sign more so than other individual tenants within the shopping center . _ 2. The granting of this Conditional Use Permit will not re- sult in sign clutter provided that other freestanding signs are not allowed in the shopping center. 3. The revised, smaller monument sign for the financial in- stitution is more appropriate than the original request in order to maintain a less dominant visual effect than the existing monument sign identifying the entire shop- ping center. 4. Approval of this Conditional Use permit is based upon the • previous approval, now expired, of a similar sign in the shopping center , as part of an overall signing program. Approval Conditions 1. Approval of the 30 square foot (6 ' 9 x 41611) monument sign as shown on plans submitted January 25, 1982. 2. No additional freestanding signs will be allowed in the shopping center . 3. Building or sign permits shall be obtained prior to in- stallation of the sign. 4. Approval of this Conditional Use Permit shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless a time ex- tension is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends that the Commission support its original decision to deny Conditional Use Permit U811130:1. 0 2 Conditional Use Perm'ft U811130:1 ACTION Direct Staff by motion as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED/APPROVED BY: a&W4t-C /�&w LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director ad i 3 MINUTES -ATASCADERfCITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 25019$2 r_ 6 . Tentative Parcel Map AT 79-263,~ 7345 Encinal, Gordon ."Hilchey (Hilliard) 'to extend the., time allowed to complete require- ments equire meats for an approved tentative map (RECOMMEND , APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION-RECOMMENDATION) 7. Resolution No. 4-.82 amending Resolution No. 34-81 regarding parking restrictions on `State Route 41, specifically on E1 Camino Real ,..and West Mall (RECOMMEND ADOPTION) O. Mayos Wilkins- reviewed all items on the Consent Calendar . t MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for the. approval"bf,, the Consent Cal- endar . The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and f"unanimously carried by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS , APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public hearing on appeal of Planning Commission denial of a Conditional Use Permit, 7379 El Camino Real, Northern Cali- fornia Savings and Loan (McCarthy & Brady Architects) to ap- prove a 45 - sq. ft. monument sign with the total signing to exceed the 60 square feet allowed in the C-1-D zone Larry Stevens, Planning Director , reviewed this appeal for Council He stated that the Planning Commission had denied the application based on Staff recommendation that the monument sign might set a prec- edent for other Adobe Plaza tenants desiring similar signing. Mike Brady, architect, stated that the total signing program was originally approved by the Planning Commission and the Atascadero Ad- visory Board and the owner has secured a financial institution tenant on that basis. He does not feel that this original approval should be reversed. Ralph McCarthy also spoke in favor of the appeal stating that the rendering just distributed to Council is smaller than that presented to the Planning Commission. Mayor Wilkins closed the hearing to the public. Mr . Warden stated that if the sign was a different sign than that proposed before the Planning Commission, the matter should be referred back to the Plan- ning Commission for their recommendation on the new information. Councilmembers discussed this matter and were basically in favor of the proposed sign. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this matter be referred back to the Planning Commission with instructions that the Council is in favor of granting the appeal and request that they pro- ceed with setting conditions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 2 z>� ,..,�� , Ci • t S � ? *t-w IU dQ m m 7 3 .• .. - ..� .. oi ,.N, _ � • � � � f [tea f t nnv w m ' �� _l�3� [. L -� � '"'VVL•^--_"••1..('..._. --"SJ-ff�l` ���{{7.: '4 � l '. - Z .•j'..'�rt�Z_1•i� ft•� t y.. t` �.SYYr ���. L... Y '' r y � {� S {"'v � J 12 1 t I l 1 ,_ ` • to v.a �i f t i H f J .,� l ,r.•,f - ; 41,1 r u -K u •.r•.'ti�! �: ? i,...ti s. t `.S;: � -.;� i �"i f< 4; � o Ei s .,e ig ailll,� ' t t S, 1 } t.'i t tS i.rJj 4'�'J 4{r• .,•Y ( r � t `� J � ®W ,fit "� '-t i ` Y i .i•? t 5i Pee.00 r - r CV. '1 •�{ �c .a •`, s r3Z/'� rte' � J3. ' t Y t .. .. o ` c li � .� *t !. i• j r 7 4 C t j .i f 1^ > td a _ i - � t •{ � C� �� a r t" ., December �$. tim. .r int { { _�y f} 7 31 1981 @New 1! City of Atascadero Architecture Planning Planning Department Interiors P.O. Box 747 Graphics Atascadero, California 93423 8184 Attn: Lawrence Stevens Re: Northern California Savings and Loan Conditional Use Permit #U811130: 1 7379 El Camino Real Pedestal Sign Dear Mr. Stevens: The Planning Commission heard this item on December 21, 1981. As a result of their decision, we are, on behalf of our client, requesting an appeal to the City Council. The reasons for this appeal are as follows: 1. When the history, philosphy and facts about the Adobe Plaza signing master plan were presented to the Planning Commission, they had no comment, just a unanimous denial, as thoughit were a foregone conclusion to deny the use permit request. There was no basis for denial given by the Commission. 2. The staff comments were out of context and perhaps over-stated, regarding the i visual blight potential, as it related to this particular project and its history of approval. 3. The facts are that this sign along with the total signing program was originally approved by the County Planning Commission. The owner has proceeded on that basis to secure a financial institution tenant. Although it took longer than ex- pected, given the current economic trends, the owner should not be restricted by reversing previous conditions approved by due process. This project has made a positive impact on the community, both esthethically and com- mercially , thus is one in which we can all be proud of. Please keep in mind, we have the same sensitivity and concerns about the signing program now as when it was origin- ally conceived. Our desire in bringing this request before the City Council is to find an attitude of open-mindedness and willingness to resolve this issue in a manner which will benefit the center as well as the community, Enclosed, please find the $60.00 appeal fee, Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. n Sincerely `4 r McCT ;8 BR Y ARCHITECTS 111 JBrad .,M B/4r M�Car by Brady Architects,AIA I 5 Cresto Road, P. .Box 305 Paso Robles,California 93446 (805)238-7447 38 Higuer Stree uite A, San Luis Obispo, California 93401 (805)543-0729 cc: L.H. Soenke Marsha Wilson D r 3 jS D (01O m Z O Q� Z Ppoplo m s co I m a'n u c ZIl- i� =no nn S O ij �Sae._ ti �L •� ���' ,, J I {, 1 �►I `;7� ; 1 .tea R t> t- el z I �,q f a e �11•• W N � 0 t � � o . = o i 1 7 CITY OF ATACADERO \ CE / Planning Department December 21, 1981 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit U811130: 1 LOCATION: 7379 El Camino Real APPLICANT: Northern California Savings and Loan REQUEST: To approve a 45 square foot sign allowing the total signing to exceed 60 square feet in the C-1-D zone BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: C-1-D 2. General Plan: Retail Commercial 3. Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has determined the project to be a Class II (a) Categorical Exemption. 4. Site Conditions: The site is located in the Adobe Plaza shopping center on El Camino Real. Land uses adjacent to the site include residences to the west and retail commercial uses. Access to the subject site is by El Camino Real. 5. Project Descriptions The applicant is proposing to erect a new monument sign on an existing- sign pad. The sign is approximately 45 square feet in area with a total height of 5' 8" . The support columns are composed of slumpstone. The sign will be internally illuminated and will read "Northern California Savings" on each side. An existing 37 square foot wall sign, similar to that of other Adobe Plaza tenants, has been previously approved for the proposed financial institution. 6. Prior Actions: Conditional Use Permit U780915: 1 was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on January 8, 1979 establishing a Master Sign Plan for the Adobe Plaza project. The approval in- cluded the Carl' s Jr . and Taco Bell signs, the Adobe Plaza iden- tification, time and temperature sign and the tenant wall signs which now exist. In addition, two monument signs similar to that now proposed were approved but these were never established and their approval is expired. Conditional Use Permit U811130:1 STAFF COMMENTS While the proposed signing only slightly exceeds the 60 square foot limitation and while the monument sign design is similar to that of the existing "Adobe Plaza" main identification sign, there is some question as to its necessity in providing adequate identification for the financial institution and as to the possible precedent for other Adobe Plaza tenants desiring similar signing. The proposed use is similar to others within the center in terms of floor area, traffic generation, etc. and certainly does not qualify as an "anchor" (which could justify additional signing) . This indicates that signing treat- ment should be similar to other tenants who might also desire a monu- ment sign of their own and point to this as a basis for it. Such po- tential clutter is contrary to the high design standards and existing signing concepts evident in the center . The proposed sign seems both unnecessary and unfair to other similar tenants. FINDINGS 1. The granting of this Conditional Use Permit is not necessary to provide adequate sign identification for the proposed financial institution since the wall sign already approved does so and is more compatible with other tenant identification signs established in the center . 2. The granting of this Conditional Use Permit may be detrimental to the surrounding commercial area by encouraging similar signing in the future increasing the potential for visual - blight commonly associated with sign clutter. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends denial of Conditional Use Permit U811130: 1. 2 Conditional Use Permit U811130 : 1 ACTION Direct Staff by motion as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Continue to January 4► 1982 to allow preparation of conditions. TO DENY: Approve Staff recommendation. REPORT PREPARED BY: J LL KOLLMANN - anning Intern REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /Ps l ISI 3 u L •�7qC# x.,"..17\�� � PSI O�Y•� r �� � ,d • � moi' •��• � /�' — Ch1 ��i � ♦ a. , .�� � � � ` , .+ � �, , ' ..rj_e-i=.�—�►tea '� r N Vv\ �a _ 4P �� V Lo CD N � ch O w� N O w k � 1� � ` N N G _ d NcD '`(— N D_' N N 01 mw N N Oo G' N Ico y .p ti °° � v o C) 1P a �" — N {o i N W cp W L--- i. op w A N W U N N m 1 _ o `gym m � ,-�-' \ °•� � - GI ,J u W r . y. u , \fJl !-2 .\\ww / �N✓ A�" �m`� ?\w\`J'. N\, u N _ N .i.+. � \�Q�.. aP a �' A � p �. J �� - w •> N.4 w\"\ \A� � \ N m d � W\ r' �r� a _'� � `� s �\ w con _ J � _ ODN a3 - � � !i � r �/ N/ �� • to �. � � W 0^ { �, of yN f'J u �-'� — \ I ����n �cr�..�' `G!�'�` O 'J�'� of / m a#,��.i� o ?1`A `� cA o�, \jc+/.� � �-f•, CD CL b ,Mo m 5;+e Loca+ion \�- a) S 0 C,J p a co W camino Real W 33 w�� �iJ�� �-0- L _ t t i i 217 1 jw000 ILL Lij t �ti• �. 'Zj e CT C Site Plan F Sigr% Locati on us11130: 1 '73?9 E1 Cam n© Real u r f i ,7r--� 5 w I� J --� cl I � z I j -Pro poses( S tg n U 511130 : 1 N}r- a s z 13`19 E t Cam MO Real • TO: City Council. rM E_M_O_R_A N_D_U_M FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Chamber of Commerce funding The attached is an analysis of the proposed Chamber of Commerce budget justifying the 1981-82 allocation .of $12,000. It is assumed that a further justification will be presented by the Chamber of Com- merce in accordance with their contract for Fiscal Year 1982-83 and, based upon their past presentations, it is assumed that will be in the amount of $16,590. Staff has not made any attempt to analyze qualitatively the pro- jects enumerated by the Chamber for the very simple reason that Staff is finding it difficult to perceive how some of the programs which were funded last year of a nature similar to the Chamber' s can be` con- tinued in face of the potential reductions in revenues resulting from the Governor' s Budget. It should also be noted that cities are at- tempting to cut back on programs which are not considered supportive services because of the continued constraints upon municipal finances. -If any one theme has pervaded discussion amongst managers and fiscal officers of cities throughout the State this year, it has been one of caution and prudence in the allocation of municipal funds. Allocation of funds for non-basic services then becomes one of priorities as to how these fiscal resources are allocated. That, in turn, is a policy_ statement which must be made by the Council. It appears to me, therefore, that any further efforts by Staff must await a Council policy decision in this matter. Consequently, there is no attempt to provide you with any recommendation. MURRAY L. WARDEN . MLV ad 2- 8-82 _M_E_M O_R A_N_D_U_M TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Budget request for Fiscal Year 1981/82 by Atascadero Chamber of Commerce A budget request has been submitted by the Chamber for Fiscal Year 1981/82 in the amount of $12, 000. These funds are spread between per- sonnel ($6,000) ,support services ($2,900) and the initial start-up of an economic survey project ($3,100) . The attached materials include: 1. Letter from Michael Lucas describing budget request 2. Copy of Community, Promotion Services Agreement with the City 3. Resume of Floyd ,Johnson 4. Resume of Frances McSeveny 5. Report on 1981 Chamber services 6. Memo from Planning Director on economic development 7. Statement of income and expense for Chamber for 1981 • 8. Copy of 1982 Chamber budget 9. Budget request for City funds The statement for 198-1 (calendar year) for the Chamber shows that income and expenses were approximately the same although $3,000 in delinquent dues not collected by December 31, 1981 may result in some deficit. The 1982 (calendar year) budget for the Chamber does not include any of the $12,000 being requested from the City. Since the budget request is for $12 ,000 through June of this year and since the economic survey is the only identified new service not shown in the 1982 Chamber budget, the remaining $8,900 would be used to defray expenses in the balanced budgets of 1981 and 1982, unless additional or services not yet identified are provided. Council may wish to approve the amount of funding being requested and provide guidance to the Chamber regrading acceptable areas of al- location. If this approach is agreed upon, it is recommended that a revised 1982 Chamber budget be prepared showing this allocaiton. It should then be returned to the City. • RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. RHD:ad 2-18-82 JAN 2 9 1982 fasca&rockafflger�f COx 6550 EL CAMINO REAL • ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 January 21,1982 TELEPHONE: (805) 466-2044 TO: Mayor, City Council, and City Manager, Atascadero, CA. WITH REFERANCE TO: Contract between City of Atascadero and the Chamber of Commerce, dated November 1,1981, re: Community Promotional Services (copy attached, Addendum A) The Chamber of Commerce intends to carry out its portion of the contractural agree- ment thru the following: With regards to Paragraph 2: (a) The Chamber has an office, open daily, monday thru friday, during the hours 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. (b) Present staff is a secretary and manager. See enclosed resumes, Addendums B & C. (c) At present the Chamber is answering local and out of town inquiries. See attached Addendum D for breakdown for the year 1981. We will also answer inquiries sent directly to the city if arrangements can be made for periodic delivery or pick up by our office. (d) The Chamber presently has news releases on a time to time basis. We will work • with the city, after a definite program is set up, for more extensive media releases and coverage. (e) The Chamber supplies maps, business directories, city profiles, and numerous other pieces of printed matter. We would request a specific person in city government to work with to periodically syncronize information. (f) This is an area the city and the Chamber should work together on, constantly updating information on vacancies, etc. , for the Chamber to dissemate to inquirors. (g&h) The Chambers manager and Economic Development Committee are presently carrying out these functions. (i) By developing a survey of the public's needs and desires, the Chamber will better be able to provide this function. (j) As requested. We are also requesting funds to develop an Economic Survey and Analysis that would meet the criteria of the General Plan, as summerized by Planning Director Larry Stevens in the attached Memorandum, Addendum E. Our request for funds is to help defray expenses relating to the development of a work program that would enable us to determine the scope, objectives, necessary methods, and number and type of personel necessary to accomplish a survey that would meet the needs of the General Plan. Funds requested for all above listed contracted services and development of a survey from initiation of the Agreement, November 1,1981 thru June 30,1982 is $12,000. ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Michael Lucas, President AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY PROMOTION SERVICES • THIS AGREEMENT, effective November 1 , 1981 , is entered into by and between the City of Atascadero, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City") , and the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Chamber" ) . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS , City desires to promote its advantages as a business, retail , commercial, recreational , and residential center , dissemi- nating information relative thereto, and properly follow up and give consideration to inquiries made from time to time relative to the various activities of City and its possibilities; and WHEREAS, City desires Chamber to perform certain promotional and other services for City, which City believes will be of great advantage and benefit to City, and to the citizens, -residents, property owners, and taxpayers thereof, and will promote the general welfare; and WHEREAS , Chamber is organized for such promotional activities on behalf of City, and is in a position to accomplish such aims and purposes of City in an efficient and economical manner; and • WHEREAS , Section 37110 of the Government Code of the State of California authorizes the expenditure of public funds by a municipal corporation for advertising or publicity as therein and herein pro- vided; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and covenants and promises hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. That the foregoing recitals are true and correct and con- stitute accurate statements of fact herein. 2. Chamber shall carry on promotional activities as follows: a. Maintain a public office to be identified by a suitable sign that will be readily identifiable by members of the public, and provide information to visitors, tourists, businesses , commer- cial interests , professional people, and residents. A staff member or members of Chamber will be available daily during regular office hours, Monday through Friday. b. Employ competent personnel to carry on promotional activities herein enumerated. -1- C. Answer promptly allcorrespondencerelative to the . business, industrial , residential, educational , cultural , and recreational advantages and opportunities in City, and disseminate information by correspondence, newspaper publicity, and personal contacts, favorably advertising such advantages and opportunities. d. Prepare articles and news stories , compile data, gather and assemble news items, photographs , literature, and scientific and historical articles descriptive of City' s resources, and develop proper surveys whereby outside interests and individuals may be in- duced to locate in City. e. Supply maps and promotional literature about City and maintain files on economic conditions , commercial and industrial sites, tourist information, and general business information about the community. Chamber will be responsible for updating published information included in Chamber literature. These materials will be available to visitors, tourists, and potential commercial inter- ests who are seeking information. f. Aid in promoting home building programs and the develop- ment and use of unoccupied and vacant properties. g. Interview business and industrial executives with the view of urging the establishment of their business activities in City. • h. Promote and invite trade and business meetings ,- cele- brations, and conventions whereby outside interests and individuals may become acquainted with the advantages and opportunities in City. i. Study the needs of the community for public improvements of every character, and prepare data, attend conferences, and by every proper method, aid in securing such improvements. j . Carry on such other duties as may be requested by City to promote the business, industrial, and residential development of City. 3. Chamber shall furnish semi-annual reports of its promotional activities to City, which shall consist of the activities scheduled for the next six succeeding months and a review of the activities accomplished during the preceding six months. Said reports shall include a detailed breakdown of all amounts expended and expected to be expended by Chamber for said activities. 4 . Chamber will submit to City a budget request and program for each Chamber fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) in the manner, at the time, and in the form requested by the City Manager. Said budget request shall be submitted in the same form as budget requests submitted by City departments. The amount of the budget request, to the extent approved by the City Council , shall be • -2- allocated, for the purposes herein mentioned, by City to Chamber in four quarterly installments, payable in arrears on July 10, October 10 , January 10, and April 10 of each year. 5 This Agreement shall become effective on the date of exe- cution hereof by both parties, and shall continue in effect until June 30 , 19 82 ; provided, however, that this Agreement shall be automatically renewed each year hereafter, for periods of one year, commencing July l through June 30 of the succeeding year, by action of the City Council budgeting funds as provided in Para- graph 4 hereof, and Chamber ' s acceptance thereof of said budget allocation. 6. City reserves the right to award separate bids for more specific advertising and promotional projects approved by the City Council during the term of this Agreement. 7. In the event, in the opinion of the majority of the City Council, Chamber is not functioning effectively, then City may give Chamber notice of this fact, specifying in detail the alleged de- fault or defaults, and Chamber must forthwith correct said default or defaults, or the provisions in this Agreement for financial sponsorship of Chamber, which may be terminated by action of the majority of the City Council. 8 . This Agreement may be amended or modified only by written agreement signed by both parties, and failure on the part of either • party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the right to compel enforcement of such provision or provisions. 9. It isunderstoodthat the contractual relationship of Chamber to City is that of independent contractor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agree- ment to be executed in duplicate on the date indicated below. Dated: 9 1981 CITY OF ATASCADERO _RO RT J. WILKINS, JR. , M or cJ Attest: w Dated: 1981 L. WA DEN, City Clerk • -3- / f r Approved as to form: Dated: 1 t 1 G( 1981 ALLEN GRIMES , City Attorney Dated: / 1981 ATASCADERO CHAMBER 0 COMMERC c e Secretary • • -4- FLOYD D. JOHNSON I0610 COLORADO R ATASCADERO, CA. 93422 (805) 466-4448 BORN: SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS, APRIL 25,1921 EDUCATION: LOCAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS (SAN JOSE, CA. AREA) THRU 12th GRADE, NUMEROUS HOME STUDY COURSES ON MARKETING, REAL ESTATE, FOUNDRY METHODS, AD- MINISTRATION, AND FINANCE. NUMEROUS REAL ESTATE SEMINARS. SEVERAL U.S. AND BRITISH ARMY COURSES, GRADUATE REALTORS INSTITUTE (GRI' DESIGNATION) GRADUATE OF ALAN WILEY FINANCIAL CONSULTANT SCHOOL (SFC DESIGNATION) EMPLOYMENT RECORD: 1940-42 HENDY IRON WORKS, SUNNYVALE, CA. APPRENTICE FOUNDRYMAN. 1942-45 U.S. ARMY, EUROPE, 6 BATTLE STARS. 1946-5I KEARNEY PATTERN WORKS, SAN JOSE, CA., PATTERNMAKER. 1952 TAYLOR FOUNDRY, CAPITOLA, CA. PLANT MANAGER, MAKING SPECIAL TOOLING WITH THE HIGHEST PRIORITY OF ANY EQUIP- MENT PRODUCED FOR THE KOREAN WAR. 1953-58 ACE FOUNDRY, SAN JOSE, CA. PRODUCTION AND SALES MANAGER. 1959 PARTNER, KURT RITTER ASSOCIATES, SAN JOSE, CA. MANUFAC- TURERS REPRESENTITIVES. 1960-63 METRO METAL PRODUUTS, SAN JOSE. VICE PRESIDENT AND GEN- ERAL MANAGER, LARGEST BRONZE FOUNDRY WEST OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1964-69 OWNER OF JOHNSON IRON WORKS, SAN JOSE. IRON CASTINGS. i 1970-72 PHOENIX IRON WORKS, OAKLAND, CA. SALES MANAGER. SAN JOSE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, TEACHER FOR FOUNDRY APPRENTICE .PROGRAM. 1972-73 J AND J SALES COMPANY, SAN JOSE AND LODI, CA. SALES MANAGER, CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY COMPANY. 1973-80 ASSOCIATE BROKER, JERRY HOLLAND, REALTOR, SAN LUIS OBISPO, 1981 REAL ESTATE BROKER, ATASCADERO, CA. MEMBER: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS SAN LUIS OBISPO BOARD OF REALTORS ATASCADERO BOARD OF REALTORS SAN LUIS OBISPO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE MIDCOAST MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ATASCADERO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY ERCHANGORS NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EXCHANGORS (GOLD CARD # I977) ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SOCIETY OF FINANCIAL PLANNERS SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY FARM BUREAU FRANCES McSEVENEY 8125 San Marcos Road Atascadero, Ca. 93422 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: - This letter is with regards to my work history over the years . I have attached several letters of recommendation which summarizes the type of work I have done during those years . In summary . . . 1940 to 1967 RED DEVIL TOOLS . 2400 Vauxhall Road Union, New Jersey 07083 George L. Lee•, Chairman of the Board 1968 to 1973 Baywood Liquors , Baywood Park Hitchin Post Liquors , Atascadero Owners . I filled in occasionally = sales , stocking shelves , some book work. 1975 to 1979 ATTNY. ROBERT B . LILLEY, ATTORNEY ALLEN GRIMES (and DAVIS , WENDT, MITCHELL & SINSHEIMER of SLO) 5932 Entrada Avenue Atascadero , Ca. 93422 1980 to present ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 6550 El Camino Real Atascadero, Ca. 93422 I am married 27 years to Peter McSeveney. We have one son, Scott McSeveney, 19 years of age, who is presently attending Cuesta Jr. College. Any of the above may contacted if further information is desired. Yours truly, • FRANCES McSEVENEY 8125 San Marcos Road Atascadero , Ca. 9342 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: - This letter is with regards to my work history over the years. I have attached several letters of recommendation which summarizes the type of work I have done during those years . In summary 1940 to 1967 RED DEVIL TOOLS. 2400 Vauxhall Road Union, New Jersey 07083 George L. Lee, Chairman of the Board 1968 to 1973 Baywood Liquors , Baywood Park Hitchin Post Liquors , Atascadero Owners . I filled in occasionally - sales , stocking shelves, some book work. 1975 to 1979 ATTNY. ROBERT B. LILLEY, ATTORNEY ALLEN GRIMES (and DAVIS WENDT, MITCHELL &, SINSHEIMER of SLO) 5932 Entrada Avenue Atascadero , Ca. 93422 1980 to present ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 6550 E1 Camino Real Atascadero, Ca. 93422 I am married 27 years to Peter McSeveney. We have one son, Scott McSeveney, 19 years of age, who is presently attending Cuesta Jr. College. Any of the above may be contacted if further information is desired. Yours truly, • LIVE FILE Convert I Acc,s, � Stare THIS SHEET INDICATES THIS SECTION CONTAINS POOR QUALITY IMAGES _ R 1i 1,11 1 1i. I-1 1.1-1:1' iJ*1ORr411" :1 tAW 11 f, t:c)x At AIASCAUI 110,CA 9.1.472 July 2G , 1979 lnt.�r -, �'l1 c ^r t `_n 1.'s } ncIle(I recpo-jsi 1�i 1,_tic c, o c 11 1,haE:C_ C IL e11er,l -�•- � Ve and C::'.d1'!;'tl iCCO..._..�I,.• ��- �:- i ._ } 1 �t � _7':�p . -� has ___L' y ern 7C_ J Z ;j 5;1-=Z: c tact i 1 t q - E 7T ii1? C�•unty C1i i �' '1 S, i:r i:1!(1 ^_�:.� 1..-1_:x;0,_ - �• -� �7 <1c:t� ? .�'•'� V C11111 s F _ ,1 i ng matter-, cl a .. 01�eCIV lOVc7lty and C'1�_� -C' P� _C`:� 2 1 h ' _CJa1 Lure } ( e -� *r r - l ., 1.•L.J 1-.Een c��r. �.._.�ra�e rE1�e�:t�:::,:., Svc 1. the last `?cLrs Of Eim,13 oI:1t?1 t1ilS CP_ I cCevenev X7_11 be misecd by this o.Lfice. Very truly yours, !10;-,ERT B. LILLEY n L: l p . t � h r _.� _.,_,.,�..,.�w,,.a..w�-r ... .i.•^.n.._.•n-=nom:*-.i:erta�cn...'S^^.: -� _ n Ary concern- jQh School .. a" n.n in - t .. _ i.. C._t El,..i �. .J \:. 1 d Ar .1 Ove Gil Aa r70; t Ar. i n-1 H: ar P r n c ry' viz /t .0 V r iv.0 v/-I .rte DURING THE YEAR 1981 , THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OFFICE RECEIVED AND 40NSWERED THE FOLLOWING INQUIRIES : 1 . 35 Information as to street locations . 2.. 135 Inquiries re "Colony Days" 3 . 5 Inquiries re Pioneer Days (Paso Robles) 4 . 37 Inquiries re "Art Club Shows" 5 . 13 Inquiries re population 6 . 16 Inquiries re Hearsts Castle & Ticketron 7 . 11 Inquiries re job openings in Atascadero . 8 . 11 Inquiries re local places to visit 9 . 73 Inquiries of various businesses and city offices 10 . 196 Out of area inquiries re motels , requests for business directory, and other information ; history of area, utilities and -cost (Some of these from Arkansas , Missouri, Michigan, Alaska, Illinois , Ohio, Oregon, Colorado, Washington , Arizona, Texas, New York and New Jersey 11 . 7 Requests from various possible new city employees relating to the area, map , etc . 12. 16 Request for information on facilities for sizeable meetings , seminars , etc . (for 100 to 400 people) 13 . 12 Complains re businesses 14 . 16 Requests re: recycling 15 . HUNDREDS OF MISCELLANEOUS DROP-INS , LETTERS , PHONE CALLS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS- SUCH AS ELEVATION , POPULATION, CHURCHES, SYNAGOGUES , ZOO , PARTICULAR TYPE OF BUSINESS , I .R. S . AND STATE FORMS , C.P.I. INDEX, RENTAL AND FOR SALE HOUSING, SCHOOL SYSTEM, PARKS & RECREATION, . SIGN ORDINANCES , BUSINESS LICENSE - REQUIREMENTS AND WHERE TO OBTAIN, VOTING & REGISTRATION , CLUBS & ORGANIZATION INFORMATION , PHONE NUMBERS & ADDRESSES OF CITY OFFICES , SCHOOLS , ETC . RENTER'S RIGHTS, CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN RTAS . & NEARBY COMMUNITIES - Paso, Santa Margarita, Templeton, SLO etc) , D.M.V. TEST. , GOLF COURSES , HISTORICAL INFORMATION, NEWSPAPERS , S C 0 R E information. etc . etc . • 16 . During 1982 we gave away approximately telt' 1 , 000 freecity maps sold /33 County Maps , 4 , 000 _Business Directories and approx. 5100 Economic Profiles on the City of Atascadero 17. Total inquiries at the Chamber office were: Drop-Ins ---------- 2 , 846 Letters (approx) 1 , 425 Phone Calls (rec' d) 2 , 893 • TO: Jim ���►'��r� �a� .8i,'!� � c/a�va Z/ !9 82 C44mbw of "OrnmYGe Fia)NI . GQ� ms = s - �p/p/)/�• d a- -M ee 7h e Alas,,.7e-- qn X �{ .tC-A a,�-veS -- %r4v dol d e :r1i lea/ AC4417;CCL/ aJ. ridT4-xe 74 de /rj G aam4y 1-11 / �p ari- "n Gt War-, / c! t-27 ZY-7 Cor)CCrn,�y can om. c �# aleve[0mtnT _ fCOM#27rG Avc%fmtn7 PivCff JO CC[ and J'CfviceS. 71e IaA6 'c .4r« {cOr7LV t;c Cla/c/0 in JDAr C%Ga-k-f 7'w Ara/ cn7d AO 7Cax AV-e L7P`!t,'Gj 24Y /qca/�o✓e.�n7e�>`�y dvc,4 -- -. - 3eacA,'s a4 marlel JctninQ/ Copyc--k 'a,7 14e- avallakl, Gnit -- - ---- aj-j of /GZayl -nc.jy a,4 I-aC,7 __.QvGLI' j - in c/C/lCC 1/�C C6ai''aQ� 10id rCcT��-7 4,fjcJc ii�rietfi»Cn - -- GjOVefnm en 7a l aC4,'?f Can arnce _ r'i✓Gi I� crcc)L✓. -- _.. _ druc%OmenZ` d ��:on,r 6a1 condo:ous� a-7J c.?CC*drWous� deve%Pr»cn7 P/�in�i nq ;f �- ackav aaf D�/tGiSii`�S. I1� J�r OL U,c j-m1w deco � � !n✓Old' %�fG`J� i/1 - - !gyp /' / / W�iaT n'/o7?va 0.fe 6Jho r"- /i/ male indca-liol 7h f 100.0 imYrcvC i QoVCr'17Mjr,r'/ car) Jeal Guia/? 7f�4fe /rlo�5'vc�7J©rJ 7� /vre a Fc X, fr4,-rf 0/-/ Ii ticzrlrncn� Qnaf 7&,,r," )Xe- nL'mbw Dr fobs Anot lolx Mare ir1 Ae Q/tA aktIl A e Ar-Ger G A4C 7,4 - --- fD ra 6vsi/��Ss c «i�rrens ✓',r a-il'ca/ 7b .7�5e ry%rn cn 07�ark Anal ---- -- -- - . i��vc��o� __�ia•� wi//Pinmo�c _ .c�/c�:�-a,d/e :✓ale _�cv�/a�r»� t --- - - �_- _ �f�i7a�cf7�_ �Yie _ S JL._of 7�it lora.l coon 4nJ Jh e gra/,s G CaOdl r -14- J� CiAin JijC __ .. . -- --- - - _ %dt/1��-/ -��--Q/��J D{[7!!�b✓Tuni ,�' ltC�'E'✓i i� J0J2 OQ/ i�% GS cFefAW a'U�O t/i n (Q✓if�/Qin accoln���h Ar- d6• vc r' - ----- - _ e at-co �dfjl�en Q 7�7r5� e .f c 7 u •rc — ----- — - - y ie.. t„_ ic ----- --�Mf'�G77c17-a40n —C°/ri�F�fe—C _Gv`iY�—✓orn.��G ---- ---- -- -- ck ��ot.)n - /1J•1�`Gt/ cl�ct) �j'Ptn� _ 14 '-/1 _ Lt 'Cnd`i� �. --- -any jnJ4 Q/L T�, fie. ' Comm ) al d -4:,Wald ZV- _d,,-' - -- -- an Ape w r& c1-t na - -- ---. _ - - _. ..-- ------- .ald _Goolocwla-ko Ddri coi»mr - – - -–-- agc—ei�- Praec,S-r ve - - rf" g ------- ---�J✓1171/1!i .rte., �C _dGt� - �2C,�in r{ �t��------ ------- — /f4 C,i,V A ,ed�� /h+c a Co11eckpC econ om.'a -- 6uJ e Or drmdq r 4l.4 G1 hu j,;7r r r r4/fi•c arto,I 7�a'f 70b� -- - �� Gf e q, cyk.(Il fr);x ih /4e liwlc 7C-ce a /7)4. e ? mcg /�- ori -- - raw ma{fia�,r ---- - /71 Q�JGt�iz f �/I 9vaF� j 01 kl9W�ooY it7�o/I 7xcs!%�ex G vada�i l' ci•l p Cc J- o f lc,?c� ------ --- — 6uJ,ncr r4)ccs - - - -- cram c fll;L 6 — moi c/Gt/�y� Gj uar�7�1 Gtno� co,1'T v�n o vI,' - - - - - - - - ova/ � a - - 019ce- -Ae. da redo tj(ct 6,-tc� -�c WGL7(A- M -- �e Gni n r cl Ps ;o ckcl8 £'G7i10mi c 6a JeUna�yd,i Gna�y5�5� l�rlalr�s�;r Gns� in fi�dvf Q�rc�s�'s. i nI pe-< wi// *a6/r v/7e Jn""c A-cal ec�� Point /]"aii• pn�IySiJ iJ /7<«JJGv 7� anQ-��e �!I G?lCtr 10A )%e- UX RX n ef,Ie r 7&, �r1 tr►� .r: - - - _. . -- e/Iln r� cS O At Qnal�/J�J IDf74 ort U _7 In -./� �C✓//,off Grle /IEedC i:I _ 9c��� vr<Io 1�2"lvC - - - - - R- `reeler tr'nA /dl-ci l -cAl od7�zgvai, age Ot� na1� 5 M r�erer- - K�ou1i nc� vt/� 7/i e locAf-ecol7vr„ - _ "Ay i is - way, o17 6y*, irn fz✓e vYon .-f -----can /J� ,�. � /� CW17 it cla-t_ - -- - - OPPv� ,•fitS ljj-_ -- - -- ---6-+�tr'�me• s{rG►�i rs man /e _ iM��rnu��-e�- -- ----- --_ - - =--- - ------- — _ G, P�/ln/t i/7 /rtCn L Can �ia Ur cue fir,nre, �fa���� �yi✓�naTjo.-1 - _ On_7XC 6-4 rcf 6.7C -rCornDrrn1 c dcve%rn�t a5 �J �cromcS SWE?•ENT OF INCOME AND EXPEIQSE Ending December 31 , 1981 INCOME Budgeted Actual Membership Dues --------------------- $ 21 , 000 $ 23 , 010 Chamber Dinner --------- ---------- 2, 000 3, 143 Maid of Atascadero Pageant ---------- 2, 000 934 Auction (Chamber Day) --------------- 4 , 000 4 , 106 Business Directory Adv. ------------- 15 , 000 5, 735 Dawg Days --------------------------- 200 -o- Musical Play ------------------------ 3, 000 -0- Miscellaneous ----------------------- 1 , 000 April Membership Mixer 583 . Chamber Float - 500 Carnival 1 ,306 Fourth of July Booth 185 Fine Pot 448 Maps & Brochures 220 Interest Income 133 Other Income 46 $48 , 200 $40,349 EXPENSES - From Second Page 48 , 200 39 , 748 -o- 601 This figure reflects approx. $3 , 000 in delinquent dues not yet received by our office as of 12/31/81. fm 1/21/82 ` Ending December 31 , 10I Expenses Budgeted Actin Atascadero Promotion -------------- --- $ 7, 000 $ 2, 277 Retail Merchants ----------------------- 3 , 000 . 1 , 747 Salaries --------------- -- ----------- 15, 000 14 ,321 Travel Expense ---------------------- -- -- 1 , 200 489 Utilities --------------------------------- 850 576 Telephone --------------------------------- -o- 505 Office Supplies --------------------------- 1, 000 1 , 588 Insurance --------------------------------- 600 567 Bond -------------------------------------- 100 -o- Meals ------------------------------- ------ 500 40 Float Committee ------- ------------------- 500 856 Building Maintenance ------ ------------ 200 249 Payroll Taxes ----------------------------- 1 , 700 2, 275 Halloween Painting ------------------------ _ 500 300 Chamber Dinner ------------------------ --- 2 , 000 1 ,941 Maid Pageant ------------------------------ 2, 000 711 Donations --------------------------------- 1 , 000 500 Maps & Brochures -------------------------- 500 70 Dues & Subscriptions --------------------- 200 162 Taxes ------------------- ---------------- 100 96 Auction (Chamber Day) -------------------- 500 804 Directory --------------------------------- 5, 000 5, 000 Musical Play ------------------------------ 2 , 000 153 Postage ----------------------------------- 1 ,000 91S Printing ----------------- -------------- 550 13 Dawg Days --------------------------------- 200 -0- Miscellaneous ----------------------------- 1 , 000 429 Bank Charges -----------.------------------- 33 Equipment Rent --------- ------------- 40 Plaques ----------------------------------- 846 Awards ------------------------------------ 188 Newsletter Publication -------------------- 116 April Membership Mixer ------------------- 598 Carnival ------------------------------ --- 399 4th of July Booth --------------------- 300 Miscellaneous Functions ------- ---- ---- 526 TOTALS $48 ,200 $39 , 748 Mno C _l•:B;R Or CU'L EI_:CE • Proposed Budget For the Year Ending December 31 , 1982 • Income Membership Dues --------------------- $ 23 , 700 Chamber Dinner ---- ----------------- 3 , 000 Maid Pageant ------------------------ 1 , 000 Auction ----------------------------- 4 , 000 Holiday Mixer --------------------- 500 Business Directory Advert - ---------- 7, 000 Miscellaneous ----------------------- 1 ,800 Total Income $41 , 000 Expenses : _ Chamber Dinner ------ ------- ----- $ 3 , 000 Maid Pageant ------------------------ - 800 Auction (Chamber Day) --------------- 500 Holiday Mixer ----------------------- 500 Business Directory ------------------ 5, 000 Halloween Painting ------------------ 250 Float Committee --------------------- 500 Retail Merchants Promotions --------- 2, 000 Interim Manager --------------------- 1, 000 iManager (July-Dec) ----------------- 7, 000 Office Secretary -------------------- 8 , 000 Payroll Taxes ----------------------- 2, 250 Manager ' s Expenses ------------------ 500 Office Supplies --------------------- 1 , 500 Utilities --------------------------- 700 Telephone ------------------------ 600 Copying ----------------------------- 500 Building Maintenance ---------------- 400 Insurance -------------------------- 600 Postage ----------------------------- 1 , 200 Bookkeeping Service ----------------- 600 Printing ---------------------------- 500 Dues & Subscriptions ---------------- 200 Meals ----------------------------- . 200 Awards ------------------------------ 200 Plaques --------------------------- 1 , 500 Miscellaneous ----------------------- 1 , 000 Total Expenses $41 , 000 fm 1/21/82 ` 4- FY )7'e,-1 L' Position Budget Recuested Recommended Approved I Cl If I i, 10 1 - .x3 1 ; 10 AL P YAG' II I V 6 0 c 3uMIE 7 s 0 00 + ! 0 00 + ! , g 7821 . 00 + 001 t 1n I 6500 • 00 + 0 •-0J 11 250 00 + i 2277 00 + 0 C 12 41r13 .S: J 162 . 00 + 4 4000 . 00 + 14 ! + _ f 914 00 + 2000 00 f 5248 OJ + ! — 900 00 + , 1c 1 ; 0,1-) + _ 500 00 + ! f 17 249 . 00 + 50J 0 + 57:, 010 500 00 + j I 19505 • 00 b 1 50 00 + , 200 • 00 + I ( 250 • 0,0 + 21 1 0J 00 + i 100 . 00 + ; I 222 1 7 . 0 0 f 1 5 1 J 0 ) + I ' 23', 5 0 i) 1 0 i I 24 ' I 40 • 00 + I 1 2J00 • 0i' 29 2277 • 0J + It 1747 . 011 + j 26 856 00 + t ; — 0 C I i � I 27 5752 • 00 ' 28 70 • 00 + !_ 0 . 00 + 29'.' 96 . 00 + 001 ; 502 . 00 T 0 . 00 31 _ 846 • 00 + i 33 027 I 34 — 59748 • 00 I 35 36 7 0 • C 38 39 F ONN 7 FY 81 Position Budget Requested ' Recommended Approved 1 10 2 Tem art—time i 3 o CE SEOETARY �g — a { ImT"tm rcAKA�Ei2 I GSeo! ; ! 6 7 9 11 10 3 P.E.R.S. m m 13. c c. I I I I e m 14 Overtime ) 17 18 I , 19 I I• j i I 1 � a it i ! I � i ! ( � � — 21 10 5 Health Ins. I I ! II 22 23 i I r i I i I 24. 25 I 26 10 I 6 Workers Com _ . 27I '•7 ;i i I I I i 4 I 28 I ( ! II i i i 29 a 31 132 33 10 7 Insurance 'S 36 37 38 30 l t� ?A7Ktou TAX65 AE ; I - - as a ^: s _ ;i=1_aplt _to 22 cr.tr�cte- �Y.-ires , t ne_= ore than one is --3_ SUPPLIES AN-T SERVTC_S FY Function Budget Requested Recommended Approved 1 20 ( 1 Car allowance 1 j I I ' 'i 2 3 20 12 Dues/memberships j ( — I 5 20 3 Mileage/travel 6 _ 7 20 14 Postage/freight 8 I i 9 20 5 Uniforms I I 1 10 1 ! I I 1l 20 6 Conferences 12 o120Print z3 ngnng i ! 1 z 6 codes e m 14 p; 20 9 Publications i I if j I i � t 21 I peClal_ SUID LS' 19' 21 1 Janitorial sup 21 2 $ 221 22 '12. 23 ; 21 i 4 Rents 2 it t _ 24 I i i 2- 21 15 Auto/egmt/repairs25 26 i �y 27 21 6 Building repairs �28 j I � ' � ' I` I i i! I 12 I 29 21 7 Main. materials 31 21 j 8 Diesel fuel 32 ! I 33 21 9 Gasoline i 34 35 22 0 Oil/creases I 22 1 Small tools 3s Standard Offie i I l j I 3- 39 22 i 2 upplies _ ( I i j 3: V.i- SUPPLIES & SERVICES FUNCTION FY2*/81 REQUESTED RECOMMEND APPROVED BUDGET 1' 22 3 TIRES 2. 12 3224 CONTRACTED ! 3 4 1 SERVICES 4 6: 6 9 I ( 9 0 10 i0 12 13 !13' 14 X14 15' I 1 15 l b ; l ! 16 22 5 LEGAL i 17 i 1 17 1s: SERVICES irs 19` I 20 22 6 ALARMi 20 21 ;21 22' 221 7 P G &E. �7 - _ i I �22 23 —_i -- I � 23 24 _28 _2ELEP_HON o ... 24 26 22 9 RADIO t26 27 SERVICES 1 :27 28 128 29 23' 0 So. Cal. GAS — i 1 _ ... i —1_-`.�� I r29 30 31 2-3-.1-WASTE _ �1 DISPOSAL I i 32 j — 33 i —. 33 34 2 3' 2 WATER ( I - 3: 35 f _'S 36 —2-3. —REFUNDS/ -- 36 37 REBATES 37 38 38 39 23 4 SUBSCRIPTIONS/ J 39 C0 BOOKS 40 41 U S.A SL`!D—LI ESs _SEFVIC-ES FUNCTION FY M-81 REQUESTED RECOMMEND APPROVED BUDGET 1 23' 5 JAIL — 1 z FACILITIES 2 - 23' 6 SPECIAL i a TRAINING _ I 5 23' 7 LIABILITY s INSURANCE g 10 23' 8 SURETY BOND ( to 11 � 11 i 12 23 9 DATA PROCES- { ill SING SERVICE 13, ; 13i l 1ti. I i 114 15 24' 0 AUDITOR '15 to 1c ' 44;._ 1 CO. HEALTH ' ; �17 .sem i SERVICES i 1 19 20 24 2 SPECIAL i zo '21 21 EQUIPMENT 22 23 24 3 LOCO DUES 23 2. -- 24 . 25 24 4 LOCC BLDG.FUND 1 25 2526 z7 24 _5 ANIMAL CONTROL — '27 2£ 1 � ( i ! � SII 29 24-6 PLANNING COMM. , _ _ 2. 30 CONFERENCE _ _ 30 ! - --- ! i 31 32 24 7 LEGAL ADS - ----- 1— — _� _ I �— 3 33 -1_ __-_l _� 33 3a 24' 8 OTHER ADS 3. 3` - - -- �i 24' 9 WEED ABATE. 37 3,"15' 0 MISC . HOUSE _ —T. 39 39 KEEPING-- - ' _ '39 i i 41 - f ------------1. [ SUPPLIES y t N FY-- ' - - - =T-=- _ =81RE QUESTED C _ESTERECOMMEND O . ___----_ _-- MEND APPROVED BUDGET -- ---------- 1 2a��5-E�R FEE 2 i i 2 3 25 2 J `_ 25 3 VEHICLE COL. 6 ' "INSURANCE � J 7. I I { 6 7 8 25 4 PROPERTY ACQ. g - ! g 10 25' S FIRE INSURANCE 1D I e'e 12 25' 6 ! 11 - ,__;—_ INSURANCE J 13 L—�—CLAII`Zs ( 12 14 14 25 7 CONTRIBUTIONS�S _ j 15 16 i 16 17 25:L 8 FIRE DISTRICT !! 18 FY 79/80 17 19 ; 20 25! JPA_ ASSMT. _ ' ;ig 9 _CCC 21 I — — 20 22 21 22 23 24 �23 25 z4 26' __—F. -T Q - -- - 25 rg p, Q0 x ;27 29 �t 6__-T 28 30��r .-1'y IAC l.. -- —� — —� 99 316Q 30 La 32 -e � SzI wA 11 jp5_ — ��- ---- -- 31 33 — - -- _-.3' 34 — ! _ `! 35. 2'1IO �vRYEY � PtT ,. : I_ 34 36 35 i -37 --- -- —.-- i___ .36 i 39 —�— —�8 ,0 — 39 41 40 — — a1 Mace-u • _M_E_M_O_R_A N_D_U_M_ I TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Board of Appeals selection At the last Council''- meeting, there was a tie vote for selec- tion of one of the General Contractor members of the Board of Appeals between John Edens and Bob Sonne. You decided that you would hold off selection of that individual until this meeting when a full Council would be present to make the selection and hopefully avoid a tie vote. I have asked both applicants to be present this evening in case you would like to re-interview either or both. Councilman Stover has not had the opportunity to interview Mr . Sonne. After the voting has taken place and a_ selection made, "Coun- cil must determine how to assign terms ofofficefor the people appointed to the Board. The ordinance establishing an Appeals Board states that initial terms of appointment shall be for a term of two years for two members, and for a term of four years for three members with four year terms for subsequent appoint- ments. I suggest that all five appointee' s names be placed in a hat with the first three names chosen being appointed to four year terms and the other two being appointed to two years terms. U' MURRAY L., ARDEN MLW:ad 2-18-82 i • • DI M E M O R A N D U M • TO: CITY MANAGER February 17, 1982 , FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY REPORT Various Capital Improvement Projects LOCATION: Atascadero Lake APPLICANT: City Recreation Department and City Recreation Commission REQUEST: To determine conformity with General Plan per Govern- ment Code Section 65402 of three improvement projects oronosed for Atascadero Lake including a par course, a pedestrian bridge and maintenance dredging for the Lake. On February 16, 1982 the Planning Commission adopted the attached Staff Report determining that the proposed improvements to Atas cader Lake were in conformity with the Atascadero General Plan. iThe Commission recommended that any fees for the construction be waived. There was brief discussion among the Commission. The Commission commended Mr. Stephenson ,for his efforts. Elliot Stephenson appeared and described the projects and his reasons for proposing them. Doug Lewis appeared and asked several questions on the matter. No one else appeared on the matter. /Cu� lx� LAWRENCE STEVENS MURRAY L. d#ARDEN Planning DirectorCity Manager /Ps CITY OF ATASCADERO ,. .- ...' lflia c t. ' 1979 Planning Department February 16, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY REPORT - Various Capital Improvement Projects LOCATION: Atascadero Lake APPLICANT: City Recreation Department and City Recreation Commission REQUEST: To determine conformity with General Plan per Govern- ment Code Section 65402 of three improvement projects proposed for Atascadero Lake including a par course, a pedestrian bridge and maintenance dredging for the Lake. BACKGROUND • 1. Zoning: L (Recreation District) 2. General Plan: Recreation 3. Environmental Determinations The Planning Director has re- viewed each of the projects and has determined that they are Categorically Exempt as follows: Par course - Pedestrian Bridge - Maintenance Dredging - 4 . Site Conditions: Atascadero Lake is an existing recration facility which is bounded by Lake View on the north, .Marchant and Santa Rosa on the south and parkland on the west. Road shoulders and shoreline exist around the north and south sides of the Lake. 5. Project Description: Three capital improvement projects have been prepared for the Atascadero Lake area as follows : Par Course - This will consist of a jogging trail around the edge of the Lake with various exercise locations placed along the way. Some minor grading may be needed to level existing shoulder and shoreline Page Two Re: General Plan Conformity Report (Atascadero Lake) February 16, 1982 Pedestrian Bridge - This project will involve a 10 foot wide, 30 foot long pedestrian bridge to be locatedon Santa Rosa between Marchant and Lakeview. 100 foot long footpaths leading to and from the bridge are also proposed. This is intended as a demonstration project to encourage a walking path around the Lake Elliott Stephenson is coordinating a group of volunteers . Maintainence Dredging -' This project will involve the use of a drag line and related equipment to remove soil from the bottom of the Lake and place that soil along the shoreline to improve the walkway around the Lake . This is also a dem- onstration project which would involve approx- imately 200 feet of shoreline. Elliott Ste- phenson is also coordinating this project on a` no-cost basis to the City. STAFF COMMENTS • Each of the projects are intended to improve facilities at the City' s major park - Atascadero Lake. The 1980 Atascadero General Plan does not identify specific projects or improvements, but clearly supports the enhancement of the City' s major recreation resources through various capital improvement projects (see page 85) . These projects clearly fall within that sphere and, in fact, represent a bonus, to some extent, due to the volunteer efforts for the work and funding. FINDINGS 1. The establishment of a par course around Atascadero Lake, the construction of a pedestrian bridge along. Santa Rosa and the maintenance dredging of the Lake to improve recration facili- ties at Atascadero Lake are consistent with the Open Space and Conservation Element of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. 2. TheJ ro 'ects will not have an adverse environmental effect and P are exempt from provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. Page Three • Re: General Plan Conformity Report (Atascadero Lake) February 16 , 1982 RECOMMENDATION Based upon the Findings, the Planning Department recommends that the projects be deemed in conformance with the General Plan. It is also recommended that any fees which would normally be charged by the City be waived. ACTION Direct Staff by motion as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED APPROVED BY: /� �'-/ -'h^ ' LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director • a /ps January 14, 1982 TO: Atascadero Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FROM: Elliott 0. Stephenson SUBJECT Pedestrian Bridge at Atascadero Lake Park Attached is the design of a 30-foot long, 10-foot wide bridge and its buttresses which I have prepared together with a list of materials needed to construct it. I have tentatively arranged for each of the items listed to be donated to the City of Atascadero and for the labor needed to construct the bridge and two 100-foot long connecting footpaths by the following individuals and firms. The total value of all materials and labor is between $3000 and $4000: Richard Teague 300 sq. ft. of 3" thick Pressure Treated Planking P. G. and E. Three Pressure Treated Poles DeCou Lumber Company Pressure Treated Wood for • Walking Path Borders Kaiser Sand and Gravel Concrete for Buttress Foundations and Rock Fill for Walking Paths El Camino Building Supply Concrete Block and Reinforcing Steel for Buttresses Elliott Stephenson Wood for Bridge Guardrails and Miscellaneous Hardware Mike Sherer Contribution of Labor for Forming Buttress Foundations and Walking Paths Richard Bragg Contribution of Labor for Con- structing Buttresses It is requested that the Advisory Board endorse the construction of the proposed bridge and walking paths during the next six months. It is my intent that this planned work will serve as a demonstration project showing what can be performed in the development of a walking path encircling Atascadero Lake. It is also requested that the Advisory Board at this time endorse • the obtaining of drag line and other needed equipment and the use of it to Atas. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board January 14, 1982 • Page 2 take soil from the bottom of the lake adjacent to a portion of the easterly shore and to place that soil on approximately 200 feet of the shoreline at a specific location approved by the Advisory Board. I hope to construct another walkway demonstration project at that place during 1982. It is understood that this would be no cost to the City of Atascadero for any of the planned construction activity. I also request that the Advisory Board endorse my appearing before the City Council at its February meeting to request the Council 's approval of the proposed actions. Elliott 0. Stephen on •