HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/12/1982 AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 12 p 1982 7: 30P.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment A. CONSENT CALENDAR , NOTICE TO ,THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar , are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If dis- cussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calen- dar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutesofthe regular meeting of March 22, 1982 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) • 2. Treasurer' s Report, 3-1-82 to 3-31-82 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3 Award of bid for lease and maintenance of police cars (RECOM- MEND BID BE AWARDED TO ATASCADERO FORD) 4. Award bid for wading pool renovation, Bid No. 82-2 (RECOMMEND BID BE AWARDED TO CENTRAL COAST POOLS IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,450) 5. Tentative Parcel Map AT 811215: 1, 4600 Obispo Road, Ted Brim- field (Stewart) to allow subdivision of 11.39 acres into four parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMEN- DATION) 6. Tentative Parcel Map AT 810205: 1, 9755 Atascadero Road, Ray Dodd (Stewart) to extend the time allowed to complete re- quirements for an approved tentative map (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING' COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7 Lot Line Adjustment LA 820122:1, 9400 Carmelita, Doug Filipponi (Stewart) to adjust existing lot line so that all existing buildings will be on one parcel (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 8. Lot Line Adjustment LA 820121: 1, 8200 Casita, Carpenter/ Anderson (Twin Cities Engineering) , to adjust existing lot line to resolve problem of an encroaching barn (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) AGENDA ATASCADEROITY COUNCIL - APRIL 12 102 9. Departmental Review R820312c1, 4500 El Camino Real, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer , to construct a 4500 sq. ft. addition to an existing church (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMIS- SION RECOMMENDATION) 10 . Resolution No. 13-82 requesting the California Public Utili- ties Commission to consider , amend and adopt regulations gov- erning and regulating street lighting (RECOMMEND ADOPTION) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public Works Quarterly Departmental Report C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 51 amending Section Map, 12-P-32 of the Official Zoning Maps of by placing certain property in the RPD-4 Zone second reading D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Review of Atascadero County Sanitation District agreements a Consideration of award of sewer plant construction con- tract to Pacific Mechanical Corporation in the amount of $2,509,000 b. Cleanwater Grant Financial Documents C. Fiscal Arrangements between District and San Luis Obispo County 2. Consideration of visual art project for Las Tablas Avenue Bridge 3. Consideration of Recognition Petition for the General Ser- vices Unit represented by Local 660 SEIU 4. Consideration of policy for payment of fire hydrant installa- tion and maintenance E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager NOTICE The City Council will hold a closed session after the regular meeting to discuss employeenegotiations .r 2 f MINUTES - ATASCADERO `CITY COUNCIL ° Regular Meeting March 22, 1982 7: 30 p.m. Atascad'ero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. Dave Springer of the Gospel Chapel gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT (1) Howard Munson discussed the forming a of Boys' Club. I (2) Howard Marohn suggested Council adopt a resolution opposing the changing of Atascadero State Hospital from a hospital for mentally disordered sex offenders to a State penal institution. John Armstrong supported this position. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 8, 1982 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Tentative Parcel Map AT 801210:1, 2200 San Fernando Road, Allen and : Francis Grimes (Donald Messer) to extend the time allowed to complete requirements for an approved tentative map (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDA- TION 3. Tentative Parcel Map AT 811125:1, 5745 Cascabel, Miller , Acedo, Hayfork Land and Cattle Co. (Sylvester) , to allow di- vision of 10.39 acres into four parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 4. Road Name Change - Via Obra, Thomas E. McNamara, to establish Via Obra as a street name for an existing private road behind 8200 E1 Camino Real (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMIS- SION RECOMMENDATION) Mayor Wilkins reviewed all items on the Consent Calendar . MOTION: Councilman Stover moved for `the approval of the Consent Cal- endar . The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. • MINUTES ATASCADEPCITY COUNCIL MARCH 22, 082 B HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Request by John Daly to_place a proposed Revenue Limitation Ordinance on the June 8, 1982 ballot Mr . Daly passed out copies of the proposed initiative ordinance. He reviewed the history of this ordinance and its present status. He stated that although Judge Woolpert ruled that the ordinance was in- valid, that does not relieve the Council of the responsibility of holding an advisory election. He pointed out that the ordinance has a , clause stating, "If any portion, part, clause or phrase hereof is for any reason held to be invalid by a' court of competent jurisdiction, said portion shall be deemed severable. and thereafter its provisions shall be subject to an advisory election prior to the imposition of any revenue raising device" . He held that the Council was not permit- ting the people to vote on a issue which they have a right to vote on. He said one of the reasons for not putting the "matter to ,a vote earli- er was because of costs. If Council puts the matter on the ballot at this time, there will be no costs; however, if the Appellate Court holds that the ordinance is valid, the City will have to hold an elec tion at a later date, possibly at considerable cost. Council discussed this matter . Mr . Grimes held that an advisory election would be of no effect if the Court later determines that the ordinance is invalid. He maintained his original recommendation that the Council take no action on the ordinance, but await the decision of the Appellate Court. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that Council deny John Daly' s request that the Revenue Limitation Ordinance be put on the June 8 1982 ballot. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote. Comments were heard from Emile La Salle, Ed Halliday and Kathleen Daly in support of placing ,the issue on the June ballot. Herb LaPrade spoke in opposition to the ordinance. Councilman Highland stated that he has a problem in the wording of the Ordinance. Mayor Wilkins' stated that the City is already governed. by Proposition 13 and cannot ; raise taxes. He said that this ordinance, however , would prevent the City from raising any fees such as building permit, business license, etc. , simply to 'recover costs without going to a vote of the people. 2. Report on petition from 3F Meadow Property Owners requesting City Council help to investigate the best method of maintain- ing roads in the future Mr . Warden stated that some property owners in the 3F Meadows area had submitted a petition requesting the City's help to investigate, the best method for maintaining the roads in that area. Mr. Warden recom- mended that Council direct Staff to research the feasibility of either an assessment or maintenance district. Council agreed with this rec- ommendation. 2 MINUTES ATASCADEROPITY COUNCIL MARCH 22, 1982 MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Staff be directedto follow- up on this matter in the manner suggested in the memo. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously car- ried. 3. Report on lease or purchase of police vehicles - for Fiscal Year 1982/83 Mr . Warden reviewed this item stating the Staff had been reviewing the alternatives between leasing and/or purchasing police vehicles. Bids for police vehicles were opened on Friday and Staff would be com- ing back for a recommendation on awarding that bid at the next Council meeting. The end result of the investigation is that Staff is recom- mending sticking to the budgeted figures of leasing three vehicles and purchasing two. No action was required of Council. 4. City Attorney' s Report No. 18 Mr . Grimes reviewed the items in his report. With regard to the City of Los Angeles v. County of Los Angeles, he recommended that the City participate as an amicus C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Recommendation regarding Unmet Transportation Needs • Mr . Warden reviewed his memo to Council and addressed the various items listed ' in Mr . Kamhi 's letter of March 11, 1982. Councilman Highland stated that all four recommendations for Atascadero are re- dundant; he suggested no action be taken. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council take no action. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously car- ried. 2. Set date to interview applicants for Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Council set Monday, April 12, 1982, at 7:00 p.m. , just before the regular City Council meeting. 3. Ordinance No. 51 amending Section Map 12-P-32 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City by placing certain property in the RPD-4 Zone first reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 51 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 51 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this constitute the first reading of Ordinance No. 51. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. , _3 MINUTES - ATASCADERIPCITY COUNCIL MARCH 22, 1082 D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. Consideration of Agreement between the City of Atascadero and Becker & Bell for Negotiations and Consultant Services in Employer-Employee Relations Mr. Warden reviewed the proposed contract with Becker & Bell. He stated that each year the load of negotiations gets heavier and the number of hours spent on them greater . Further, often residual hard feelings make it difficult to deal with employees after the meet and confer process is complete. Several agencies in the County (Paso Robles, Morro Bay and the County) have contracts with Becker and Bell for performing this service. He suggested that the City engage them at a flat rate of $10 ,800 per -men+k plus travel expenses for the first year . - rJ Comments were heard from Tom Starkey, an SEIU Field Representa- tive, Herb LaPrade, Howard Marohn, John Armstrong, Cecil Barrett, Joan Marohn and John Cole. There was discussion relative to hiring an in- dividual to assist the City Manager in this area. Mr . Warden stated that he had considered that, however , the cost would be Oe higher which is why he is recommending contracting. Councilman Nelson felt that the money could be better spent else- where. Mr. Warden noted that he had been negotiating every year since the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act went into effect and had kept profession- ally trained in the area. He felt that it was necessary that the ne- gotiation process be handled professionally and by knowledgeable peo- • ple. To do less was a disservice to the _City and ignored the reali- ties of public employee groups' expertise in this area, not only lo- cally, but through State-wide organizations. Other Council members felt that negotiations took the City Manager away from areas where he could better spend his time. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the approval of the contract with Becker & Bell and authorize the transfer of $4,000 from contingency reserve. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried with Councilman Nelson voting no. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Mayor Wilkins introduced the request of Mr . Marohn that the City oppose any change in status of the State Hospital. It was noted that time -and did not allow for another Coun- cil meeting to be held before the matter is considered in a report to the State Legislature. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that City express to the appropri- ate legislative body the desire of the City Council that the Atascadero State Hospital stay as a part of the Department of Mental Health and not a part of the Department of Correc- tions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and le unanimously carried. 4 MINUTES - ATASCADERAITY COUNCIL MARCH 22, 11 (b) Councilman Nelson brought up the matter of having an orientation meeting between' the Council candidates and City Staff. Council discussed this and Mayor Wilkins and Councilman Highland did not think it was necessary. The candidates have been encouraged to contact the City Manager and Staff for questions, etc. (c) Mayor Wilkins reminded the Council members about having their pictures taken. (d) Mayor Wilkins reported on the trip taken to Sacramento last week by several staff and council members in the County to appraise the legislators of the cities' objections to the Governor ' s budget. He felt it was a very productive meeting. 2. City Attorney (a) Mr. Grimes noted that in his report to Council he had stated that the status on the Firefighters suit had not changed; however , since his report, he has received the request for abandonment of the appeal and dismissal of the case. 3. City Manager (a) Mr . Warden stated that he had received a communication from the League of California Cities that their trip to Sacramento was very effective in conveying to the legislators cities' concerns over the impact of the Governor ' s budget on city funds. (b) Mr. Warden stated that Council was in receipt of an in- vitation to enter the City of San Luis Obispo La Fiesta Parade. (c) Mr . Warden reviewed the latest information on the sewer plant. He stated that he has received notification from the bond counsel that he would certify that the bonds were valid and could be issued in the name of the Atascadero Sanitation District. Staffs of the County and City will be meeting tomorrow to review a proposed draft Joint Powers Agreement between the City and County as well as other draft documents requiring FmHA approval. He requested that Council allow him to forward all necessary draft documents to the FmHA before it comes to Council, understanding that they will be for- warded to FmHA as a draft and must come to Council for final approval. This will help expedite matters and perhaps allow the District to award the bid for the construction of the plant before the April 19th deadline. Council agreed The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. to Monday, April 12, 1982, at 7: 00 p.m. Recorded by: • MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis- 5 Deputy City Clerk CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT March 1, 1982 to March, 31 1982 BALANCE AS OF FEBRUARY 28,1982 $ 9,213.39 RECEIVED 294,367 .83 TOTAL $ 303,581.22 HAND CHECK REGISTER BATED 03/31/82 32,256.91 CHECK REGISTER DATED 03/09/82 47, 557 .02 CHECK REGISTER DATED 03/24/82 45,754.91 CHECK REGISTER DATED 03/31/82 69,977.36 PAID LISTING 95,973.12 TOTAL $ 291,519.32 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 1982 12,061.90 PETTY CASH 89.19 LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 75,000.00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID-STATE BANK 12.75% Interest, Matures 4/12/82 100,000.00 TIME DEPOSIT, SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 12.75% Interest, Matures 5/12/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, CENTURY FEDERAL SAVINGS 14.00% Interest, Matures 05/17/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID-STATE BANK 13.10% Interest, Matures 6/1/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 15.0% Interest, Matures 6/16/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, FIDELITY SAVINGS 15.75% Interest, Matures 6/16/82 100,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS j 14.0% Interest, Matures 7/12/82 100,000.00 TIME DEPOSIT, BANK OF AMERICA- 14.75% Interest, Matures 7/16/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID-STATE BANK 14.75% Interest, Matures 7/19/82 100 ,000.00 • TOTAL - $ 987,151.09 RECEIVED LISTING March 1, 1982 to March 31, 1982 TAXES Sales & Use $ 64,315.18 Property Transfer Tax 1,212.98 Motor Vehicle "In Lieu 21,492. 02 Cigarette Tax 3,043.99 Prior Year Secured/Unsecured Tax 2, 386 60 Occupancy Tax 13.50 Current Secured/Unsecured Tax 6,146 .01 Miscellaneous Taxes 5,223.00 ; Franchises 14 ,855.50 - LICENSES/PERMITS/FEES` 13,852.18 GAS TAX 9,277.69 TRAFFIC SAFETY 5,253.38 RECREATION 6,233.90 • FROM L.A.I .F AND TIME DEPOSIT 110 ,000 .00 _• INVESTMENTS 2,834.02 TRANSPORTATION 23 ,000.00 REVENUE SHARING -0- MISCELLANEOUS 5,227.88 TOTAL $ 294,367.83 -2- UU G A P D Pa WW L.W . 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PST Ct TAT � ?.A .. �.1:✓ -. .N 3 PAID LISTING March 1, 1982 to March 31, 1982 Payroll dated 03/10/82, Checks 8048-8120 $ 36,561.00 Payroll dated 03/24/82, Checks 8122-8194 36,489.47 Mid-State Bank LAIF Deposit P2564 25,000 .00 Void Check 13301, Check Reg. dated 03/09/82, Pg. 5 ( 225 .14) Void Check 13288, Check Reg. dated 03/09/82, Pg. 4 ( 1,763.21) Deposit in transit not recorded ( 89.00) TOTAL $ 95,973.12 • -26- CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT March 1, 1982 to March 31, 1982 I , RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. , do hereby certify and declare that the demands enumerated and referred to in the foregoing register are accurate and just claims against the City- and that there are funds available for payment thereof in the City Treasury. Dated: April 5, 1982 RALP H. DOWELL, JR. Finance Director . APPROVED: MRAY WARDEN C ty 19anager • -27- it � :L. 6 �,_...-----._ �",�c� �,�� %�`� �� � � ,. ,° e M M E M O RAN D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Award of bid for lease and maintenance of police cars As previously discussed at Council meeting, the Police Chief has recommended leasing three police vehicles and purchasing two new police vehicles. These five vehicles will be marked patrol cars which will result in an increase of one patrol car. The increase is needed in order to support current police activities. As previously discussed, the two unmarked vehicles now under lease will be recommended to you for purchase at the expiration of the current lease. This will be included in our FY 82/83 budget. These two vehicles can be acquired for about $900. 00 each. Be- cause of the excellent condition of these two vehicles and our continued need for them, we consider this to be the best and most economic approach. The end result of this lease and purchase program will be to increase our fleet size by one marked vehicle. Your action tonight, if you approve, is to award the lease proposalas dis- cussed above. We advertised for bids on the lease and maintenance of the cars, and received two proposals (nine requests were mailed out Memorandum -'< Bid for Police Cars Page Two to area, dealers plus the required legal advertisement in the Atascadero News) as follows: Dealer Length of LeaseType of Number Cost Per Car Agreement Vehicle of Cars Including *Maintenance Each Mo. Total Inc. Tx. 1. Atas. Ford 24 months **Ford LTD 3-5 $651. 20 " Ford Fairmont 3-5 577.37 2. Pete Johnston Chevrolet 18 months Chev Impala 3 803.40 it it If Chev Impala 5 788.56 it 24 months Chev Impala 3 729. 20 Chev Impala 5 717 . 01 **Dealer added statement on bid: "We recommend the LTD' s police sedan for proven service and better construction. " *Includes all maint. ex. brake repairs, wheel alignment & balancing, gasoline and consumed oil between changes. (Johnston' Chevrolet did not bid the smaller sized Malibu which is comparable-to_ the Ford Fairmont. ) You will note that we offered an option of an 18 month; agree- ment and a 24 month agreement Atascasdero Ford offers the 24 month plan only (as exists now) . Ford offered a smaller alterna- tive vehicle; Chevrolet offered only the standard. The lease agreement is for $651.20 per month per unit from Atascadero Ford and it ,is recommended that we award the bid to that firm for the three lease, vehicles. Through the budget, you i r Memorandum - Bid for Police Cars soPage Three had already approved the purchase of two vehicles through the State Cooperative Purchasing plan. I will be returning to you through next year' s budget, asking for approval to purchase the two unmarked vehicles whose leases will expire in July. Your motion approving the award of bid to Atascadero Ford is recommended. RAY L AARDEN MLW'ad 4/8/82 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Murray FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Bid No. 82-2 Wading Pool `Renovation Tt is recommended that Council accept the low bid of $4,450. 00 submitted, by Central Coast Pools for the subject project. Bids received are as follows : Central Coast Pools $4 ,450.00 Blue Heron Pools 6 ,436.00 The estimate for this project was $5,000 with that • amount being budgeted in the Parks & Zoo Capital program for this year #04-43-3412. LAWRENCE MCPHERSON LM:vh 4-7-82 M E M O R A N D U M • TO: CITY MANAGER April 6, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT TENTATIVE PARCEL 'MAP AT 811215:1 LOCATION: 4600. Obispo Road (Lot 34, Block 49) APPLICANT: Ted Brimfield (Stewart) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of 11.39 acres into four parcels with three at 2.5 acres and one at 3.89 acres On April 5, 1982 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the matter authorizing a Conditional Negative Declaration and approv- ing, with Commissioner Summers dissenting, the four lot land division • subject to Conditions 1-20 as listed in the attached Staff Report dated February 1, 1982. The Planning Commission had `previously con- sidered the matter on February 1 and March 15 but, continued both hear- ings to obtain additional information and allow the applicants to appear. There was considerable discussion by the Planning Commission on this matter. The main concerns were the number of lots being created and the need for additional roads to improve areawide circulation. Both of these issues were discussed in the attached March 15 memo. Dan Stewart, applicant's engineer , appeared at the April 5 hearing and requested approval based on the Staff Report. He indicated that the four lots were consistent with the area and were necessary to offset road improvement costs for Obispo Road. No one else appeared on the matter. LAWRENCE STEVENS MU11RAY WARDEN Planning Director City Manager M E M O R A N D U M TO: PLANNING COMMISSION April 5, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR "SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 811215:1' (Brimfield/Stewart) 4600 Obispo Road (Lot 34, Block 49) On March 15, 1982 the Planning Commission continued the public hearing on the proposed Parcel Map until April 5, 1982. This was to allow for presentation of ,the applicant at the public hearing. LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /Ps 1 i M E M O R A N D U M . t • TO: PLANNING COMMISSION March 15, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 811215:1 LOCATION: 4600 Obispo Road (Lot 34, Block 49) APPLICANT: Ted Brimfield (Stewart) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of 11.39 acres into four parcels with three at 2.5 acres and one at 3.89 acres BACKGROUND On February 1, 1982 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on Tentative Parcel Map AT 811215:1. After some discussion on the map, the Commission tabled the application to consider a reduction in the number of lots based on the General Plan criteria and to review an interior circulation system for the area including the previously ap- proved Jepson Tentative Map. STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, February ll, 1982 the Subdivision Review Board met with Mr . Ted Brimfield, the applicant, and his engineer, Mr. Dan Stewart, to discuss the Planning Commission' s request to review the proposed parcel map. In reviewing the need for interior roads, it was felt that a new road common to the Jepson-Brimfield property would not improve the interior circulation of the area. The proposed road would likely become a cul-de-sac creating another street unless additional roads were planned along the rear lot lines. There has been no plan for such a system and, based on current practice, if developed, it would likely occur in a piecemeal fashion as lot splits occurred not unlike the incomplete , nature of today' s paper road system. The cost of these additional roads could result in a deferrment of improvements to Obis- po Road which improvement would clearly improve circulation in the area. It appears that a series of driveway easements connecting to Obispo Road and serving no more than four lots each will contribute to maintaining a rural atmosphere in the area and lessen demand for even smaller lots (which could be needed to defray road improvement costs) . Emergency vehicle problems can be resolved by adequate signing near the public road and by private driveway improvement standards. Of Tentative Parcel Map AT 811215:1 (Brimfield) course, new roads built to City standards would also increase the City' s -long term maintenance costs. The Commission should also be aware that it would be very questionable to reconsider the Jepson Map since it has already been conditionally approved. With regard to the creation of lots at the minimum 2 1/2 acre size, each lot has adequate buildable sites and access, but a closer view of the General Plan criteria pertinent to this site and area seems in order . The General Plan (p. 59) suggests certain criteria to evaluate lots in the 2 1/2-10 acre range for this category, including: slope of access road to building site (the Obispo Road area is generally gently sloping except for several large drainage swales traversing the area) - availability of services (water and electricity - are available; other services such as police, fire, school, etc. do not appear to be a problem) distance from the center of the community (the Obispo Road area is near the northeast City boundary and clearly is a good dis- tance from the center of the City) - general character of neighboring land (an evaluation of existing lot sizes in the area is not conclusive as there is a mixture of large and small lots see attached assessor 's maps) - percolation (general familiarity with the area indicates this should not be a major problem and there is generally adequate room for even the large evapo-transpiration systems at each building site) - acess roads to the building site (no unusual slopes or grading appear necessary for the private -driveways) RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 811215:1 based on the Findings and Conditions set forth in the attached February 1, 1982 Staff Report. 2 Tentative Parcel Map T 811215:1 (Brimfield) ACTION Direct Staff by motion as deemed appropriate. • PD REPORT PREPARED/APPROVED BY: 'A'ulc LI&4-- LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /PS • 3 Fh,rir�. r.n�l C 1913. •r r «� CITY OF ATASCADERO' nn 1979 [ � — lGI C ®� Planning Department February 1, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 811215:1 LOCATION: 4600 Obispo Road (Lot 34, Block 49) APPLICANT: Ted Brimfield (Stewart) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of 11.39 acres into four parcels with three at 2. 5 acres and one at 3.89 acres BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-2 1/2 2. General Plan Suburban Single Family Residential 3. - Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription form has been completed. The Planning Director has pre- pared a Draft Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the pro- ject will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environ- ment if certain mitigating measures are incorporated into the pro_ • ject. 4. Site Conditions: The site can be characterized as hilly being dominated by three knolls and two -steep swales. Generally, the topography rises from Obispo Road to a ridge containing two knolls. A saddle connects the first ridge to the third knoll. The rear quarter of the site contains a drainage swale that runs from the adjacent property towards Traffic Way. The site is pres- ently undeveloped except for a camper shell on the rear knoll. Vegetation on the site consists of natural grasses and numerous mature oaks. The site is fronted by Obispo Road on the south, an unimproved road and seasonal creek (beyond Obispo Road) which runs east to Traffic Way. Surrounding property is rural residential and includes both developed and undeveloped lots. Adjacent Lot 33 has an approved tentative map for three residential lots (AT811009:1 Jepson) . 5. Project Description: The applicant proposes to subdivide the 11.39 acres into four parcels of 2.5, 3.89, 2.5 and 2.5 acres each, for the purpose of residential development. Parcels- 1 and 2 will have direct access to Obispo Road, Parcels 2, 3, and 4 will have access from a 25' 0" wide private access easement along the westerly and northerly property lines of Parcel 2. IR Tentative Parcel MaT 811215:1 P STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, January 7, 1982, the Subdivision Review Board met with the applicant' s engineer , Dan Stewart, to discuss the propject. Also attending the meeting were: Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; Vern Elliott, Fire Captain; and Jill Kollmann, Planning Intern. The fol- lowing items of concern were discussed at that meeting: 1. The adjustment of the proposed driveway easement to miss trees and avoid excess grading. 2. The standard treeP rotection note. 3. Access problem to Parcel l due to slope with possible minor relo- cation of property line to improve. 4. The installation of a fire hydrant along Obispo Road with exact location to be determined later . 5. The clarification of the use of an existing camper shell on the site. 6. Creation of lots at the minimum lot size. 7. Road improvements for Obispo Road (recommend coordination with • adjacent property which has recently been split) 8. The number of driveway approaches. 9. Show drainage swales. FINDINGS 1. The application as presented will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environment- al Impact Report is not necessary. 2. The application as submitted conforms to the applicable zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atasca- dero General Plan. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends: A. Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Adequate provisions shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development and road construction. • _ 2 Tentative Parcel A AT 811215:1 2. Provision shall be made to ensure septic suitability; and B. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 811215:1 subject to the fol- lowing conditoinsz 1. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, if reports and design are acceptable. All tests, reports, and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following shall appear on the Final Map: "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a testtodetermine the presence of ground water , and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Where soils reports indicate that conven- tional soil absorption systems are not acceptable, City ap- proval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be required. Depending upon the system, more restrictive re- quirements may be imposed." 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Com pany and water lines shall exist at each parcel frontage pri- or to filing of the Final Map. A letter from the water com- pany indicating they are willing and able to serve the prop- . erty shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to recordation of the Final Map. 3. All other available utilities not already in place shall be extended underground to each parcel frontage at the time of building permit. 4. One fire hydrant of a type and size specified by the City Fire Department shall be installed by the applicant on Obispo Road near the proposed access easement at the southerly cor- ner of the site. Exact location and manner of placement shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Department. A letter from ,the Fire Department certifying the installation of the hydrant shall be received by the Planning Department prior to the recordation of the Final Map. 5. The driveway access shall be improved to at least the follow- ing minimum standards: - an improved width of 12 feet - unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet. These standards shall appear as notes on the Final Map. 6. All driveways providing access to building sites shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval at the time of building permit application for each parcel. Plan 3 Tentative Parcel Ma �T 8112 p 15:1 and profile drawings may be required. If average slope ex • ceeds 12%, paved improvement would be required, otherwise, an- all-weather surface would be required similarly. In no event will driveways be alllowed which exceed 20% in slope. In the event any portion of a driveway is shared, improvement of the shared portion shall be a requirement made in conjunction with the first building permit. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 7. The access easements shall be reviewed as follows. a. The portion of the easement along the front of the pro- posed Parcel 3 shall be realigned to follow the existing dirt road. b. Consideration shall be given to using the existing road to provide access to Parcel l including granting of an easement over a portion of Parcel 2 or slight adjustment of the proposed property line in order to minimize grad- ing for Parcel 1 access. 8. Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: • "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appro- priate permit and compliance with applicable City ordi- nances." 9. Roof materials for all structures shall be Class C rating or better and a Note to that effect shall appear on the Final Map. 10 . Drainage swales shall be indicated on the Final Map and a Note shall appear on the Final Map which states: "Any modification of the ground during site development with- in fifty (50) feet of the drainage swales shall be subject to approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments. " 11. Final grading and drainage plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer for development on each parcel may be required to be submittd for review and approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments prior to issuance of building per- mits. A note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 12. All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building re- strictions. A Note so stating such restrictions shall appear • on the Final Map. 4 Tentative Parcel A AT 811215:1 13. The access easement shall also be designated for use as a public utility easement. • 14. An offer of dedication to the public for road purposes for twenty (20) feet along Obispo Road for the entire property frontage shall be made by the actual easement owner . Said offer to be shown on the Final Map and be made by certificate thereon. 15. Obispo Road shall be constructed along the entire frontage of the property to City standards including a minimum paved width of twenty (20) feet with three (3) feet of graded shoulder on each side of the paving prior to recordation of the Final Map. a. Improvements to be constructed under an inspection agreement and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. b. Improvement drawings, including improvements to control grading and erosion within the road right-of-way, shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. 16. Obispo Road, between the subject property and Del Rio, shall be improved with an all-weather surface. Said improvement is to be maintained by the property owner (s).. 17 Improvements required by Conditions 2, 4, 14 and 15 may be deferred for a period not to exceed three years by entering into an agreement. Any such agreement shall include a bond, certificate of deposit, or similar improvement guarantee ac- ceptable to the Public Works Department. 18. The existing camper shell located on proposed Parcel 4 shall be removed prior to recordation of the Final Map. 19. A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth here- in shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division ordi- nance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the mon- uments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map. b. A recently updated preliminary title report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Parcel Map. 5 Tentative Parcel Map AT 811215: 1 20 . Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expira- tion date. ACTION Direct Staff by motio as erred appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: ���� D�_� JO L OS ssociate Planner I REPORT APPROVED BY: &44.4. 4644, LAWRENCE STEVENS, Planning Director • 6 41' ily Y,i� r p l tt L 1 tT� ( % v N 1 L i W co o � , LO ` N ta � N W � " i n z ro h� n � n z o r o o �Ot� 1 �C D � OBiSPO ROAD L.oT 3' J 13LC)C t<,-{9 ATSf ►Z15: N a q9-052-24 , In 0r.,7. 17 tA d� 11 6� 2 0 — u� v G R, b ro o '` ~ o g SITE MAF - TCAITATlU[- PARCEL MIP AT81 1215:I '-6 4(oDD OBISFO ROAD a ru L.DT 3- 5LOCFC 49 o0 t -.� .'.�rtti--1' " C' JTf iS FN _+ •� -4G 1f � ) p � 4 �-L` YJS Sin, �i,+_u� s�...n. ..+L._v ...5._i.r-c./S2ti__aia`.�m. ��.`4.`ti KGeJ!sS[f(c�._"av r.u�...a•x :. j � ,.yam '� .. F �1 1 1 1 • _ Ofi43q���11a �®f. N N 1 Z • 'O L 1 1 _ I LCOb a Ob3b�sd Ob N tl '� Q' � zz O •� � t • n — n Ll� - � ® it C cp \ 04 Ila c P 7 ia•.. t T aQ O .Inc � �t� Y� '� V_.' ♦ � I S _ y _ r O - Q O O ; • 1 M E M Q R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER April 6, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 810205: 1 LOCATION: 9755 Atascadero Road (Ptn. Lot 8, Block 11) APPLICANT: Ray Dodd _(Stewart) REQUEST: To extend, the time allowed to complete requirements for an approved tentative map. • On April 5, 1982 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter on its Consent Calendar and unanimously approved a one year time ex- tension to complete requirements of the Tentative Parcel Map, subject to the original conditions of approval: LAWRENCE STEVENSM RAY W. WARDEN Planning Director ity nager /Ps = (''i1 ` CITY OF ATASCADERO G i9s " af �� 1979 PlanningDepartment April 5 1982 �ER4/ I STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 810205:1 LOCATION: 9755 Atascadero Road (Ptn. Lot 8, Block 11) APPLICANT: Ray Dodd (Stewart) REQUEST: To extend the time allowed to complete requirements for an approved tentative map BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: R-A 2.. General Plan: Moderate Density Single Family 3. Site Conditions: The site is gently rolling and ranges in eleva- tion from 90 feet near the most north-westerly corner to 104 feet at the south-westerly corner . The site is traversed in a north- east, south-west trend by a -low area where natural drainage oc- curs. There are several trees on the site, generally in the loca- tion of the proposed Lots 2 and 3. The remainder of the site is largely covered by indiginous grasses. The property is generally surrounded by somewhat rural residential land uses on generally similar lot sizes as those ' proposed. City water and sewer is available to the site via lines in Atascadero Road. 4. Project Description: The applicant is requesting a one year time extension for filing a. final parcel map<for a: land division of 4.5 acres to create four parcels; three at 1.0 acres each and one at 1. 5 acres. A 25 foot private access and public utility easement is proposed along the southerly boundary line from Atascadero Road back to the westerly edge of Parcel 4. STAFF COMMENTS On april 6, 1981 the Planning Commission approved, Tentative Parcel Map AT 810205:1 listing 12 conditions of approval. The applicant - is now requesting a time extension to complete requirements prior to record- ation of ecordation; of the map. The applicant, in hisletterrequesting the time extension, - also requested the reconsideration of conditions requirin improvements (Conditions la, 2, 3, 9, 10 and llb) . The applicant an his engineer have been informed that it would be improper to appeal TENTATIVE PARCEL, MOAT 810205:1 (Dodd) • conditions previously applied to a tentative parcel map since the ap- peal period expired long ago. The applicant has been informed that if he wishes to have these conditions reconsidered, a new parcel map ap- plication would be required. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends approval of the time extension sub- ject to the conditions set forth at the time the project was original- ly approved. Approval of this one year time extension shall expire at 5:00 p.m. on April 6, 1983. ACTION Direct Staff by motion as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: JOL MO ES As ociate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: Gly LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /Ps • 2 6 J i Z4N P T ,� R.4_g Z,p Q rA. R-A r h dry � A7" SI DZ oS �7 �� , �.4 ' ®�� .'•�Vy-v�! � ate-`- r #F v _. ►�.. J �'�t'►�� � �' cam,,, �1 �`� , , ; I�!�w Md � � ► :\�,�� 4; s �,• .4 ►A � ' pi��►.7� ;:'�"'�`� �\` .c�� oaf �� �\ � ,- ♦,.. .,, ,as�� NOW SIN NO�; � �� �► � 6.&A FAI� 4-1 '/fir � �'�,'�:S_ �► _'� r° q .o too. it 114�� N e•, / -44 Cc, c` u W C � � �--' F� / .v n•�zo'.ao'''w ZVl e} I� P :i v Y"'t. r"A'e 2� K o tom- `, 6 t� ��,•' v ;Q !� � �� � ��.�r:;v �•,. �heo.2l. .0 ? r .v o^.aa•.ailu zAtot�i�I , , w vi Al It 0 �p .3 !fes ni:p nil, CIL i c ft t c U Ata��a M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER April 6, 1982 FROM PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LA 820122:1 LOCATION: 9400 Carmelita (Lots 26 and 27, Block 14) APPLICANT: Doug Filipponi (Stewart) REQUEST: To adjust existing lot line so that all existing buildings will be on one parcel On April 5, 1982 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter and unanimously approved the lot lineadjustmentsubject to Conditions 1-5 as listed in the attached Staff Report. The matter was on the Consent Calendar but was pulled off for discus- sion by Commissioner Summers concerning lot sizes as they related to General Plan minimum lot size criteria. Dan Stewart, applicant' s engineer, appeared and pointed out that there were two lots now and that all that was changing was the lot config- uration due to the location of existing structures. No one else appeared. LAWRENCE STEVENS Y` L. WARDEN Planning Director CiW Man ger /Ps e F Rr CITY OF ATASCADERO 1918 G �'1979 - , Planning Department April 5, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LA 820122:1 LOCATION: 9400 Carmelita (Lots 26 and 27, Block 14) APPLICANT: Doug Filipponi (Stewart) REQUEST: To adjust existing lot line so that all existing buildings will be on one parcel BACKGROUND 1.; Existing Zonings A-1 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family 3. Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has determined that the application as presented qualifies for a Class 5 (a) Cate- gorical Exemption according to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4. Site Conditions The property is. located on Carmelita Road be- tween San Gabriel and Portola Road. The front portion of the lot slopes gently up towards the rear . The rear quarter of Lot B has a very steep slope. Vegetation consists of natural grasses and shrubs. The site is surrounded by some developed and some undev- eloped residential properties. The property is currently devel- oped with a house, a shed, and a utility building. The house is on Lot 27 and the other buildings areon a portion of Lot 26. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing to adjust the common property line between his two parcels of land. The current line divides the property lengthwise, creating deep narrow par- cels. The proposed new line would divide the property crosswise making both parcels more rectangular . The new line also creates a flag-type of access to the rear parcel from Carmelita Road. The proposed line would result in Parcel A being 1.00 acre and Parcel B, in the rear, would be 2.00 acres. The existing buildings are located such that, the way the current property line is drawn, the house is on one parcel and the shed and utility building are on the other parcel. The proposed new line would result in all three buildings being on Parcel A and Parcel B would be completely vacant. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENOA 820122:1 (Filipponi) • STAFF COMMENTS • No one appeared at the Subdivision Review Board meeting on March 4th. On March 23, 1982, Joel Moses, Associate Planner, met with the engin- eer , Dan Stewart, to discuss items of concern related to the proposed lot line adjustment. The following items were discussed: 1. The line adjustment will create lots of less than 2. 50 acres as required in the General Plan, but they will still meet the one acre zoning requirements. 2. The size of the lots prior to realignment. 3. Buildable sites after realignment, especially on Parcel B. FINDINGS 1. The application as submitted has been determined to be categori- cally exempt from the requirements of the California Environment- al Quality Act as defined by Class 5 (a),. 2. The application as presented conforms with the applicable Subdi- vision regulations. • RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends ap- proval of Lot Line Adjustment LA 820122:1 subject to the following conditions: 1. The lot line adjustment as shown on the map attachment provided herein shall be submitted in a Final Map format to be approved by the Planning Department prior to recordation by the County Record- er ' s Office. a. Adjusted property line shall provide for a five foot setback from all structures, or structures shall be altered or re- moved to provide said setback. 2. Any tree removal or site grading necessary for the development of the lots shall be subject to Planning Department approval prior to issuance of building permits. This requirement shall appear as a Note on the Final Map. 3. The proposed adjusted lot lines shall be surveyed and monuments set at new property corners prior to recordation of the Final Map. 4. The location of all easements of record shall be delineated on the Final Map. • 2 LOT LINE ADJUSTMEA 820122:1 (Filipponi) 5. Approval of this Lot Line Adjustment shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless a time extension has been granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration• date. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: Y" PlLaLL KOLLMANN nning Intern REPORT APPROVED BY: 6Lt4X LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /ps 3 MA Mspo 11 r - \ PAPERS' lift �% \ ,,.� a '� "�����♦�. Mir f F�4 T'§ TI �� / � �IA®®�1� �! �`'r��+g'a 'r►a�. ,,,fir . 1 �� ��y.. . .. � �`.•�i►i� l 1 y w `�`Wl.` • w- i � �� � W s y� J u � � 1 ,�� ♦� '�1 �. • �. ��� � � �� 7 ' \` V a � ,j' � � � \\ � \ -� �b - - � � lt�i 0 r • i It r � ��V �: ► �+ �. � �,�' ' � A��' �q:. �j 1 • �1 � %� � i � \ ,�` �. �'�`, ::. , .. .�� d � �:. � ��,� � cv1�' L v • � t S� � \ � �� � -yji.\V� �' �� , • �; ° i'� �_ � ''.- ����. M1 f � ►, _ y� � s a •• C � � ;i ± " � y � .� +' � �� s �►- �` e��ii9 ���i� . � ►. � � e �� � • �I ►:.. /� ,. � ku _Y n S9 S9E' /BG 3/ ' 9a z � a RRRT z +- � , •� ` _i► -OF TibIF "-I ovQ! "' • ^; f a r rt >; 1 a:. a 4i t AUTNG C'v fn 1PM/✓- Y S % r t s vy ~��- v � {� + i ., .g•'-.' ui'F� -� s;31 }=}"i�. � t 3 Q i t . - e r a F t.. +�� �� �'f,`la. i•y t t !/�.t• s,. '`�F •�i ^.:.r 4'�: $5' `'s �� Ste— ".- �' -�/"l, ' + •z.r �` ' 'E! ENG1�G'c r 1 �.� �.y X5„5 `�. 4iv'9y.( 4 � 5.. • W _ N 70 Ile is 7-5 Y syr c .k 1(Kl1 `s '�2 5.00 :. � r_ - •.._ 595.4"E �t�� `'�` . - r _ � �{ O ...•-.•✓x .: .y�,ta s +».y,i'a,t-qr'+�. ' /�Im a �! +t s !sap. � a `vs x- t�1�s, `RES/OFJJGE --A SRT/O�c! C L5kA7 � t n .j tri �� G27LONY- . fi I i XTS.. ez �� f' 1 ` � ' rte- ' - � '; :t 3 +�• �r �' a �e i,, -r � � ~ tl S CG eta :,t— 4 OR 404 ` ��,g r t Y Y t s r mar} s }�*i 4r 7x • L •♦ �}��.. .�k4`.. ? /M1 >. �_s� ~"'+�r� l.. �•r ti..4 Yt�� '4� � hr ,�`kY t r� I 1 ..r l _A X � , .. �y,', i �•: <x ` �'* }zy�A Key,; •? �' 2�� '�� � � i_-_a - �— S a..3 M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER April 6,_ 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LA 820121:1 LOCATION: 8200 Casita (Lot 25, ptn. Lot 15A, Block 31) APPLICANT: Carpenter/Anderson (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To adjust existing lot line " to resolve_ problem of an encroaching barn ` On April 5, 1982 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter on its Consent Calendar and unanimouslyapproved` the lot line adjust • ment subject to Conditions 1-4 listed in the attached Staff Report. laoou, /&W _A46ev LAWRENCE STEVENS MU RAY WARDEN Planning Director C ty Ma ager fps c� r .w..�.o CITY OF ATASCADERO • . .>. 1979 \ � Planning Department April 5, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: LOT LINEADJUSTMENT LA 820121:1 LOCATION: 8200 Casita (Lot 25 and ptn. Lot 15A, Block 31) APPLICANT: Jim Carpenter/Ed Anderson (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUESTS To adjust existing lot line to resolve problem of an encroaching barn BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-1 1/2 2 General Plan: Suburban Single Family 3. Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has determine* that the application as presented is a Class 5 (a) Categorical Ex- emption according to the provisions of the California Environment- al Quality Act (C.E.Q.A. ) . 4. Site Conditions: The site is located between Carmelita Road and Casita Road, near San Gabriel Road. The properties are currently developed with single family residences, and a barn on Parcel B. Surrounding ` land uses are large lot single family residential. Vegetation consists of natural grasses and a few trees. The ter- rain is hilly, sloping up generally from Carmelita to the other end of the property on Casita. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing to adjust the common property line between: Parcels A and B of Lot 25, Block` 31 There is currently a barn which straddles the property line. The lot line adjustment would result in the barn being wholly on Parcel B. Parcel A will be 2.27 acres and Parcel B will be 3.69 acres. STAFF COMMENTS On March 4, 1982 the Subdivision Review Board met to review the matter with Mr . Jim Carpenter , applicant, and Herb LaPrade, realtor . Als* attending the meeting were: Larry Stevens Planning Director; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; Patience West; Engineering Aide; and Jim Wentzel, Planning Commissioner .' The following items of concern were LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LA 820121:1 • discussed: 1) Realignment will decrease Parcel A in size. The lot is presently below the General Plan requirement of 2 1/2 acres, but it will still be above the zoning requirement of 1 1/2 acre minimum. 2) A minimum five foot setback is required for the barn. 3) The removal of the barbed wire fence from around the fire hydrant. 4) The fence and property line should match. 5) The use of the barn. FINDINGS 1. The application as submitted has been determined to be categori- cally exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act as defined by Class 5 (a) 2. The application as presented conforms with the applicable subdi- vision regulations. • RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department Recommends ap- proval of Lot Line Adjustment LA 820121:1 subject to the following conditions: 1. The lot line adjustment as shown on the map attachment provided herein shall be submitted in a Final Map format to be approved by the Planning Department prior to recordation by the County Record- er' s Office. a. Adjusted property line shall be aligned withthe existing fence or the fence shall be relocated to the adjusted lot line. b. Adjusted property line shall provide for a five foot setback from all structures. 2. The proposed adjusted lot lines shall be surveyed and monuments set at new property corners prior to recordation of the Final Map. 3. The location of all easements of record _shall be delineated on the Final Map. • 4. Approval of this Lot Line Adjustment shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless a time extension has been granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. 2 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LA 820121: 1 • ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: ,-7, LJILL KOLLMANN Planning. Intern REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /ps • • 3 D-1 -p L P%-A y2 D` Q -a-o pF tt Q_A M 3 R � A CSL A-I-IIlZ y P' A-1-0t P� 4 V P z ON I AJC ~ LOI' 25, 15LOCK 31 i CAS ►T'AS, LA $Zoi Z A-1- "v` 5(0-4 32-05 e 54-212--09 v lT MOP INOR il AO �4n•Vi,•y�. tJIMAR lam QNM MMS dp � N 29°0000 E 193.10 O.. O S� N s 6� :r S' I Cly iP w I C-o C�. N N c� 8 a C- -2- o x I —1 S VY 4N VY W 143A0 ' CP 6, _ Z- Al oCP ! I CP A \ F g !f rn ' F � j - — p o C R" C4lZ � �Z6,o� Me , /TQ �3.,o H • 4v L c!15 50 o M E M O R A N D U M • TO: CITY MANAGER April 6, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW R820312 :1 LOCATION: 4500 E1 Camino Real (Ptn. Lot 5, Block 2) APPLICANT Lutheran Church of the Redeemer REQUEST: To construct a 4500 sq. ft. addition to an existing church including a 260 seat nave, parish hall, class- rooms and related accessory facilities On April 5, 1982 the Planning Commission conducted a public hear- ing on this matter authorizing a Negative Declaration and' unani- mously approving the expansion of the Church facilitysubjectto Conditions 1-12 as listed in the attached Staff Report, except that Conditions la and lb (relating to revision of existing driveways) were deleted. • There was some discussion by the Planning Commission concerning the need to change `the existing driveways with the consensus being that circulation would be better if ,the existing approaches were retained. Mac Cook and Philip Sievers appeared on behalf of the Church indi- cating the Conditions were acceptable except for the driveway modifications. No one else appeared on the matter. Aww' o LAWRENCE STEVENS MU Y . WARDEN PlanningDirector ci y M nager /Ps • CITY OF ATASCADERO 1918 Qirrn l ? 19?8 Planning Department April 5, 1982 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW R820312:1 LOCATION: 4500 El Camino Real (Ptn. Lot 5, Block 2) " APPLICANT: Lutheran Church of The Redeemer REQUEST: To construct a 4500 sq. ft. addition to an existing church including : a 260 seat nave, parish hall,, classrooms and related accessory facilities. BACKGROUND 1. Zoning: C-1 2. General Plans Retail Commercial • 3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental description form has been completed The Planning Director has prepared a Draft Negative Declaration for the project indicating that no significant adverse environmental _effects are likely to occur if the project is implemented as proposed. 4. Site Conditions: The site is presently developed with a split level/two story church facility of approximately 4500 square feet with appurtenant parking. The site currently slopes down and away from El Camino Real and San-'Anselmo. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing a two-story addi- tion to the existing facility and expansion of the present parking lot. The two-story addition consists of a parish hall and sunday school, classrooms, kitchen, restrooms, office and storage spaces, and equipment rooms comprising roughly 4500 square feet in the lower level_- (some_ of these .uses overlap into the old building) The upper level addition, also approximately 4500 square feet, will consist of a 260 seat nave, with sacristy, :altar area, choir seating and< restrooms. The existing nave; will be used as a chapel with adjoining offices: The existing breezeway entry is proposed to be enclosed. Exterior stairways on the west elevation will provide alternate access to the upper floor from the parking lot level. An existing stairway, currently in the breezeway, will provide access between the upper and lower levels inside the • building. DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW R820312: 1 (Lutheran Church) . 6. Project Background: A Departmental Review application was made approximately a year ago for the expansion and remodeling of the existing Lutheran Church. A Draft Notice of Approval of Applica- tion was issued on February 10 , 1981 listing the twelve conditions " under which the application would be approved (R810109:1) . An ap- peal of two conditions was received on February 19, 1981. The two conditions were the removal of the center driveway and the paving of the lower parking area. On March 16, 1981 the Planning Commis- sion denied the appeal. At that time Mr. Burgess, representing the church, - indicated his intent not to appeal to City Council. A Final Notice of Approval on the Departmental Review was issued' on March 31, 1981. In a letter dated February 27, 1981, the applicant requested a reconsideration of the driveway condition. This appeal was not filed within the ten days appeal period. A new Departmental Review application has subsequently _ been filed. STAFF COMMENTS With regard to the retention of the existing driveway for the expanded church, the center driveway is 16 feet wide. By current city stand- ards, a 16 foot wide driveway is substandard for two-way traffic. If the driveway is widened to 24 feet (the minimum width for two-way traffic) , one space is lost and all the spaces in the row would have • to be realigned. Since this driveway is closer to the main entrance of the church, it might be used to drop off members of the congrega- tion with limited ambulatory ability. Staff points out the potential hazard of cars becoming backed up on E1 Camino Real while waiting for any significant number of these persons to be dropped off. The Gen- eral plan suggests that driveways along major arterials (i.e. El Cam- ino Real) be limited. in number . Additionally, the Draft zoning ordi- nance states that entrance and exit driveways of a single site are to be limited to two along the frontage of any single street, except property in excess of 500 feet of frontage (9-4.117 (3ii) ) . This prop- erty has approximately 250 feet of frontage on El Camino Real. FINDINGS 1. The application as presented will not have a significant effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Im- pact Report is not necessary. 2. The site for the proposed church expansion is adequate to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated. 3. The proposed church expansion will have no adverse effect on abutting property or the permitted use thereof. • 4. The establishment and conduct of the expanded church facility and appurtenant parking for which the Departmental Review is sought will not be detrimental to public welfare or injurious to prop- erty or improvements in said neighborhood. 2 DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW R820312:1 (Lutheran Church) • DECISION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration and approval of Departmental Re- view R820312: 1 subject to the following conditions: -1. Site development to be consistent with the site plan submitted. a. Two-way driveway entries shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width. b. The center driveway opening along E1 Camino Real shall be eliminated. 2. Building architecture to be consistent with elevations submitted. a. Any roof-mounted- mechanical equipment shall be architect- urally screened from view. If such units are proposed, sub- mit revised architectural elevations indicating method of of screening for Planning Department review and approval prior to issuance of- a building permit. 3. Provide a minimum of 77 off-street parking spaces. Vehicle park- ing and access areas shall be paved with a minimum of two inches • A.C. over rock base; individual parking spaces shall_ be paint- striped or otherwise indicated, and provided with concrete wheel stops or approved functional equivalent. Paved areas shall be permanently maintained. a. Walkway widths shall be a minimum of 4 feet, but shall be widened to a minimum of 7 feet where parking space design provides for a 3 foot vehicle overhang. Overhang may occur into a planter area. Minimum planter width of 5 feet is desireable. Where wheel stops are used, minimum stall length shall be 20 feet. b. If access is anticipated or proposed at the easterly edge of the property through to San Anselmo, a letter from the adja- cent property owner shall be submitted indicating his will- ingness toallow such access. 4. All walkways shall be of a slope and design adequate for use by a handicapped person and shall conform to all requirements thereto in the Uniform Building Code. Adequate access shall be provided for the handicapped to both upper and lower levels of the build- ing. If slope or other design requirements cannot be met for the proposed walkways, an additional handicapped space may be required in the lower parking level on the northwest side. Ramps at grade changes between the parking lot and walkways shall be located in such a manner so that access to the ramp is not obstructed or re- • stricted by adjacently parked vehicles. 3 DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW R820312:1 (Lutheran Church) 5. Onsite signing shall be limited to an aggregate sign area of 60 square feet not to exceed the height of the building unless a Conditional Use Permit has been obtained. All signing to be re- viewed and approved by the Planning Department prior to issuance of a building or sign permit. a. The overall size, color and materials of all signs, includ- ing wall mounted signs shall be indicated. Submit complete plans and elevations with proper dimensions for approval by the Planning Department. 6. All onsite utilities and utility connections to any proposed buildings shall be underground. 7. Submit two sets of site grading and drainage plans for review and approval by the City Public Works and Planning Departments prior to issuance of a building or grading permit. If so required by the said Departments, plans' shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. 8. The project shall be connected to the community water and sewer systems. a. Submit evidence from the Atascadero County Sanitation Dis- trict and the Atascadero Mutual Water Company indicating • that the agencies are willing ' and able to provide water/ sewer service to the project prior to issuance of a building or grading permit or establishment of the use. 9. Any lighting standards or fixtures shall be designed to minimize onsite and offsite glare and shall be subject to review and ap- proval by the Planning Department. 10 . Provisions shall be made for a paved and enclosed trash storage area in a location approved by the Planning Department. 11. Submit two copies of detailed landscaping and irrigation plans for any new planter areas indicating size, type and spacing of plant materials proposed for review and approval by the Planning Depart- ment prior to issuance of building permits. a. Any existing, poorly maintained planter areas shall be upgraded. b. New plant materials shall be sized to achieve a mature ap- pearance in three years. C. The type of irrigation system used shall depend upon the plant materials used and their watering needs. 12 . In the event that archeological resources (e.g. artifacts, human • remains) are discovered on the subject site during construction of this project, said resources are to remain undisturbed after discovery, construction activities shall cease immediately, and the Planning Department is to be notified so that proper dispo- 4 • • DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW R820312: 1 (Lutheran Church) sition of the archeological resources may be accomplished. Con- struction may resume only upon authorization by the Planning Department. 13. This Departmental Review is granted for a maximum period of one year from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted by the Planning Director pursuant to a written request filed a minimum of ten days prior to the expiration date. 14. All conditions of approval established herein shall be complied with prior to occupancy of the building of the proposed use. ACTION Direct Staff by motion as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: KAMI GRIFF Planning Intern • REPORT APPROVED BY: /A� LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /Ps !I 5 97 v 166 v v 96 201 , �� P b O _ N q� 0 � Pui� •� ��' 0 P ^ m in d 155 t GO / 1 h h�O a d o - a v Q off[ 76- -Y 6 hP P °iG Q 156 P�/� 20O �.`C' /✓� 1 �j.` / hh P `V N N N N N . U m -Q R`\lb7CU 1 l (ryy hh h 0 N N d N p (b \99 k6y ti 4, o 0 9 �,� `v ti \ s2✓ h �ti na c' o4g,e 49��r r1.P `°P_ � s?.?o �.•�° s3,36 z � hti `'ti �4ey � o � p�'. e y c Ckro z _ •�?3 �b9C7 ig sy v ?� F bt �"� �'- v 38 i5 `� SFFO 64 64 6P ` aaL 169 3 �P co 75-e " R I Dc 500 a� i Tc IX 65.9 �; �3.A \ ,1� yb 6t) 65 65 g F T2e E y 4 C5 44' P.384TO 400 z%0,w 1 �` P_303 •'/ `\ � 2 66 X60 row / P_ tl 13 fd 0 ,ID rl. art' 0,15 J ` \� Ap tIL 17 ZOIJi 1JCa MA 0-7413,50 Zo rLAfA-7a� l rA _ s f m 4 f ,is Ia w r f fl z r F D F � a N tTj I' C7 J J J st IN "�� M E_M_O_R A N_D U_M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution regarding street lighting The attached correspondence from Redwood City and draft reso- lution are forwarded for your consideration. Mr. McPherson is recommending adoption of Resolution No. 13-82 because of the cost of street lighting and because of what is felt to be an 'unreason- able energy policy by public utilities with regard to street' lighting. Recommend we join with Redwood City in expresing our concerns to the League of California Cities, County Supervisors Associa- tion and the California Public Utilities Commission. M Y . WARDEN MLW:ad 4-8-82 _i • RESOLUTION NO. 13-82 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TO CONSIDER, AMEND AND ADOPT REGULATIONS GOVERNING AND REGULATING STREET LIGHTING WHEREAS, the rates for street lighting charged by utilities gov- erned by the California Public Utilities Commission do not reflect the actual energy used by the street lights; and WHEREAS, local agencies are discouraged from acquiring the compo- nents of the utility--owned street light system ,because procedures for acquisitionofthe components are vague and unnecessarily cumbersome; and WHEREAS , joint-tenancy of 'utility poles have been discouraged or conditioned in such a manner as to be unfeasible; and WHEREAS, utilities' rate structure adjusted and approved by the Commission from time to time included provisions for the amortization of utilities' installation and replacement costs of street lighting facilities and WHEREAS, utilities' method of evaluating its street lighting fa- cilities (Reproduction Cost New Less Depreciation) does not reflect the actual saleable worth of these facilities; and WHEREAS, utilities require local public agencies to purchase street lighting facilities which were previously installed by property owners and developers and then dedicated at no cost to the utilities; and WHEREAS, utilities do not allow energy-conserving means of effi- cient lumination except for high -pressure sodium vapor street lights in their system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the California, Public Utili- ties Commission is requested to consider , amend and adoptregulations governing and regulating street lighting which would provide that: 1. Rates charged for street lighting reflect the actual energy used; by ,the lights; and 2. Procedures for acquiring components of the utilities' street lighting system be stated in a clear and precise manner; and 3. Utilities be required, if requested by a local Public Agency to allow joint use of their utility pole system, without charge, to install street light fixtures owned and maintained by the local public agency; and 4. The method utilized by utilities for valuating street light- ing facilities to be purchased by public entities be based on actual cost of the facilities when installed less deprecia- tion and any other amounts recovered through utility rate charges, not to exceed salvage value; and 5. Utilities be required, if requested by a local public agency, to transfer to the agency, without charge, any street light- ing facility which utilities acquired from property owners and developers at no cost to the utility; and 6. Utilities be directed to utilize any and all forms of energy- efficient, economical street lighting including but not lim- ited to both high and low pressure sodium vapor street lights, when requested to do so by a public entity. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its en- tirety on the following roll vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney 2 Office of City Manager 1017 Middlefield Road RedwoodP.O. Box Cit C81Iform Redwood City, California 94064 Telephone (415) 369-6251 y Founded 1801 March 22, 1982 Murray L Warden City Manager Administration Building 6500 Palma Atascadero, CA 93423 SUBJECT: SOLICITATION OF RELIEF FROM PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC, AND ET AL COMPANIES ' ENERGY POLICIES P. W. File # 2355 Dear City/County Manager : In June of 1981, various local governmental units from Northern, Central and Southern California came together to form the California City-County Street Light Association (CAL-SLA) . The primary reason for the formation of the CAL-SLA is to coordinate the efforts and resources of its statewide membership to question and contest utility company street light rate structures , acquisition policies and High Pressure Sodium Vapor (HPSV) fixture stipulations for utilty owned lighting systems before the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) . Since June of last year , the;Association has held four Energy Workshops, during which an Executive Committee was established, goals and objectives developed and approved, and subcommittees created to pursue the organization ' s goals and objectives . In addition, the Workshops have evolved into a forum where attending officials can share their agency's technical knowledge and ex- periences with other units of local government with similar circumstances , expanding the CAL-SAL's professional contact network statewide. In the past several months Executive Committee members have had the opportunity to express the CAL-SLA's principal concerns to the League of California Cities , County Supervisors Association . of California and the California Public Utilities Commission. From these discussions , our Association has concluded that only through a swelling of local government support statewide can we expect traditional organizations to respond to our membership' s concerns . At stake for local governmental units is potential savings of thousands , hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of taxpayer dollars in the years to come. City/County Manager -2- March 22, 1982 Cities and Counties must have the flexibility to implement energy efficient street light programs as their financial situations dictate, and not be ordained to do otherwise by the energy selling utility companies and fixture manufacturers. The California City-County Street Light Association solicits your support in this endeavor by requesting that your agency consider the attached sample resolution, and if you share our concerns , have your local elective body adopt the resolution and have copies mailed to the following individuals and organizations: 1) CPUC Commissioners Attn: Bill Ahern California Public Utilities Commission 350 McAllister San Francisco, CA. 94102 2) Mr . Don Benninghoven Executive Director League of California Cities 1400 K Street Sacramento, CA. 95814 3) Mr. Larry Naake Executive Director County Supervisors Association of California llth & L Building Sacramento, CA. 95814 4) Local State Senator State Capitol Sacramento, CA. 95814 5) Local Assemblyman State Capitol Sacramento, CA. 95814 6) Frank J. Addiego Director of Public Works 1017 Middlefield Road P. 0. Box 391 Redwood City, CA. 94064 The CAL-SLA sample resolution clearly states the primary concerns of our membership and other public agencies in the state. It is requested your Clerk 's office be instructed to make the noted distribution. City/County Manager -3- March 22 , 1982 Should you have questions concerning the purpose of the resolution, or of the activities of the California City-County Street Light Association, you may call any one of the following members 1.) Broy Riha Director of Public Works Russ Hamm Deputy Director City of Santa Rosa (707) 576-5141 / 576-5358 2) Jerry Green Associate Civil Engineer County of San Mateo (415) 363-4100, Ext. 1436 3) Frank J. Addiego Director of Public Works Adam Gee Traffic Engineer Ramon Aguilar Management Analyst City of Redwood City (415) 369-6251 4) Ricardo Gonzales Division Engineer City of Long Beach (213) 590-6147 5) Dave Wood Deputy Director City of San Diego (714) 236-5505 - Your agency's participation in adoption and distribution of the sample resolution will be effective if it reaches the California Public Utilities Commissionnotlater than May 31, 1982 . I look forward to your confirmation of support in this joint en- deavor equalize the interests between the public utility compans and ou local governmental jurisdictions . Sinc ely J ES M. SMITH ty Manager Attachment I ORDINANCE NO. 51 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP 12-P-32 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY PLACING CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE RPD-4 ZONE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ORDAINSasfollows: Section 1. Council Findings After conducting a public hearing, the City Council -finds and determines that: 1. Slope and other characteristics of the site make it desirable to allow some flexibility of lot sizes within thedevelopment provided that an overall density consistent with the General Plan is maintained. 2. Evaluation of the information contained in the Final Environ- mental Impact Report indicates that the 125 acre site can reasonably accommodate an average density of one dwelling unit for each four acres provided that the subdivision de- sign incorporates measures _ to reduce 'identified impacts to an acceptable level. 3. The recommended change in zoning is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan and with minimum lot size criteria contained therein. Based upon these findings, a change of zone from A-1-BV-5 to RPD-4 is warranted. Section 2. Zoning Change Map -12-P-32 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Planning Department is hereby amended to reclassi- fy the following described prperty from A-1-BV-5 to RPD-4:" Parcel 2 of Parcel Map CO 76-509 also known as a portion of Lot 46 of Block 40 of the Atascadero Colony, asshown on attached Exhibit A. ORDINANCE NO. 51 Section 3. Zoning Map Map 12-P-32 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Planning Department is hereby amended as shown on attached Exhibit "A" which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Section 4. Publication The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen' (15) days after its passage in the A'tascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of, Ordinances of this City. Section 5. Effective Date This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was =introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on AYES• NOES: ABSENT• ROBERT J. WILKINS, Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney 2 w PTN•, 39 z I-oT L� y 95A y2 L.p T ?bcj.22 61 o O O 4O y n (t WT PTN. �, & u to RPD— 4- p PjN. CRu�'u t D farm a -d �' Dc✓c�oP mc7 / .. qs G✓cra7c wf SiZe o AA �• O� 7 QG/'� s 1 1'Tt�t. PT ri, L07- . 4v s Lr tA1' ^i 2 J c� a 0 .v" m lD EV-1181T A ►''= SOL' ORD/NANcE AVO. S/ Z YO1107•' 1 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council _ FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Sewer Plant Project Attached are a series of memoranda dealing with the sewer plant expansion project. As you are aware, we have spent almost eight months trying to secure approval of the Federal Home Administration (FmHA) loan for the construction of the new sewer plant. As of this writing, I have verbal indications that the loan will be approved. However, I have not been able to make contact with Mr. Hatter of the FmHA during the past week since he has been out of his office. There- fore, the indications of approval have come indirectly through the legal counsel for the FmHA and I am not certain if any conditions will be attached to that approval until I- have had an opportunity to dis- cuss the matter with Mr. Hatter . I am hopeful that I shall have talked with Mr . Hatter by Monday, April 22nd. ---24 Even so, we willnotbe able to receive written authorization un- til after the current bid extension time has expired. If we wish to salvage the current very favorable bid, I suggest that Council, acting as the Sanitation District Board, conditionally approve the award of • construction contract to Pacific Mechanical Corporation in the amount of $2,509,000. (Please refer to the attached memo from Mr. McPherson as to the comparative bids. ) I also suggest that Council approve a contingency fee of $176,000 to be used for the inevitable change or- ders which will ,occur during the construction process. Please" be aware that all of these funds are reimbursable either through the grant from EPA or from FmHA up to the $1.3 million loan. Incidently, it is entirely possible that, if everything goes smoothly during construction, the full $1. 3 million will not be uti- lized. In fact, we hope to keep this amount to about $950,000. If you approve a conditional award of the bid, then your motion should state that you conditionally award the bid to Pacific Mechanical Cor- poration subject to final written approval and commitment by amount and time of the necessary funds to assure contractor' s payments by FmHA in accordance with .the loan application. Based upon telephone conversations to date, I would expect FmHA to come through within two or three weeks with written approval. Also attached is a copy of a balance sheet and operating_ t budget required by FmHA for your approval. The attached memorandum from the Finance Director indicates his review and approval. Recom- mend, therefore, that you approve by motion the balance sheet and op- erating budget. I will then forward the executed documents to FmHA. The third attachment is a draft copy of a Joint Powers Agreement between the County and the Sanitation District which is designed to satisfy the FmHA concerns that the original applicant for this loan will be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and administration Memorandum - Sewer Fant Project of the construction and plant operation. The JPA itself apparently has received the approval of the FmHA, although I have not received anything in writing as of this date. Itisrequested that you approve the execution of that JPA as well as the Supplemental- Agreement also - attached. The Supplemental Agreement satisfies some concerns the County had as to how funding would be handled. In that connection, I should point out that this project really involves two different phases. One concerns the operation and maintenance of the current plant until it is superseded by the new plant; and the other concerns the constructionphase and subsequent operation of the new plant. The latter situation is the one of interest to FmHA and to EPA. The memo from the Finance Director summarizes the two different approaches in- sofar as,,the-County' s involvement is concerned. With your approval of the agreements and documents as indicated above, we should be able to proceed with finalizing the whole project subject only to FmHA formal approval. I am certainthatthere will be some further discussion and agreements necessary with the County in order to realize a completed project, but these we can handle as they occur. I hope to have further information to present to you verbally at the meeting Monday might 4�y WARDEN MLW: ad 4-8-82 2 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Murray Warden FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Atascadero County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility Project Bids were opened September 29 , 1981 for the subject contract proposal. All Federal and State clearances have now been obtained and it is now in order for the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board to award the construction contract. Recommendation: It is recommended the construction contract be awarded to Pacific Mechanical Corporation, the low bidder at $2 ,509 ,000. 00. Adding a contingency fee of $176 , 000 . 00 the final total contract amount would be $2 , 685 , 000. 00. It is further recommended that this bid award by made contingent on receipt of loan funds from Farmer' s Home Administration that are necessary to fund the local share of this project. — b A Background: o Seven bids were received as follows : Pacific Mechanical Corporation $2 ,509 ,000. 00 C.W. Roen Construction Co. " 2 ,614 ,000.00 D.W. Young Construction Co. 2, 645 ,549. 00 Ziebarth` & Alper 2 , 709 ,300 . 00 McGuire & Hester 2, 850 ,000 . 00 Marco Construction, Engineers, Inc. 2, 898 ,019. 00 A.E. Norcross, Inc. 3,148 ,263. 00 The Engineer' s Estimate for this project was $3, 740, 000. 00. The project consists of the construction of a new water re- clamation plant at the present site of the Sanitation District percolation ponds northeast of the State Hospital. The new plant will consist of a mechanically aerated lagoon, a faculative lagoon, polishing pond, chlorine contact chamber, percolation ponds, and a pump station to the golf course irrigation lagoon. The aerated lagoon process will be less costly to operate than the present plant and be substantially more amenable to expansion in the if: ture. WRENCE MCPHERSON LM:vh 4-6-82 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Atascadero County Sanitation District Cleanwater Grant Project C-06-1324 , Financial Documents The attached FmHA balance sheet (FmHA 442-3) and operating budget (442-7) , are presented for District Board approval for forwarding to the Farmers Home Administration. These forms were presented to FmHA in draft form and now require formal approval as they are part of the bond sale process. I have reviewed these figures with both County Engineering and Accounting personnel and am satisfied that they present an accurate picture.- RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. RHD:ad 4-6-82 • USDA-FmHA Position 3 FmHA 442 3 - - FORM APPROVED Form F '�) �r O.M.B. No. 40R3788 (Rev. 11-16-76) BALANCE SHEET No further monies or other benefits may b out under this program unless this rep Name completed and filed as required by existing w Atascadero County Sanitation District and regulations (7 C.F.R. 1823). Address 7 1 81 7 1 801 e.-ssa Room 101, Courthouse Annex, San Luis Obispo, CA 934081 _ ASSETS Month IT., Year Month Day Year Current Year Prior Year CURRENT ASSETS 1. Cash on Hand and in Banks........................................................................ 304,920 291,651 2. Time deposits and short-term investments .................................................... > 3. Accounts receivable .....oubt...l accounts .................................................... 39,381 59- 293 --1 4. Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts...............................................:..... � 1 5. Inventories ................................................. . ......................................... +�• 6. Prepayments .................... .. . ........................................ u 7, Interest Receivable .................. .......... 824 8. Current Long-Term Receivables ............................ 1 -..366 9. Total Current Assets (Add 1 through 8) ................................................... 346"491 FIXED ASSETS 10. Land............... 100,000 100,000 11. Buildings .............................................................................................. 7,326,153 7,155,945_�1 - ' 12. Furniture and equipment .......................................................................... 13,000 10,600 1 13. ............................. I 14. Less: Accumulated depreciation ............. ..................................................... ( 318,465 1 i 27 X45 )i 15. Net Total Fixed Assets (Add 10 through 14) ........................... ......................... 7,120.688 6,99a.600 On I OTHER ASSETS ;( 16. Long-Term Receivables ....... 13.084 ]6,581 J 17, Investments . . .... „ .... _., 35,,$01 18 Total Assets (Add 9,15, 16 and 17) ........................................................ 1 7- 515- 764 LIABILITIES AND EQUITIES '? CURRENT LIABILITIES � y 19. Accounts payable.. .................................................................................. 10,823 :. 20. Notes payable.......................................................................................... 21. Current portion of FmHA note .................................... . 22. Customer deposits ................................................................................... . j 23. Tapes payable ........................................................................................ 24. Interest payable FmHA ......, ..................................................................... 25. Interest Payable - GO Bonds 32,400 yi 6nn_y i 26, GO Bonds Payable 20,000 20.000 27. Total Current Liabilities (Add 19 through 26) ........................................... 63,223 61,220 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 28. Notes pavable FmHA .................................................... 29 GO Bonds Payable 520,000 540,000 30. Deferred Income 1,067 541,067 -. 31. Total Long-Term Liabilities (Add 28 through 30) ....... .... ..... ._....... 521.067 32. Total Liabilities lAdd 27 and 31) ; 584.290 607 30n EQUITY 33. Retained earnings ........................... ..................................................................... 6,931,474 6 797 078 34. Memberships .......................................................................................... 35. Total Equity (Add lines 33 and 34) ......................................................... 6,931,474 6 797 a 36 Total Liabilities and Equity (Add lines 32 and 35: ...................................... 7.515. 764 7. 399- 27R Certified Correct (Date) Appropriate Official Position 3 Schedule 1 USDA-FmHA Form FmHA 442-7 " (Rev.8-12-76) OPERATING BUDGET Name Address Atascadero County Sanitation District Rm. A101 Courthouse Annex Applicant Fiscal Year County State(Including ZIP Code) From July 1 To June 30 San Luis Obis o CA 93408 19 19 1981-82 19 82-83 First Full Year OPERATING INCOME 11) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1. Service Charges $ 225,000 275.000 350,000 2. Tap—In & Assm'ts 6,000 in,non 3. Effluent Sale 4• _Permits 5no600 1,000 5. Miscellaneous 6. Less: Allowances and ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Deductions 7. Total Operating Income 250,700 $ 307,600 391,000 (Add Lines 1 through 6) OPERATING EXPENSES 8. Collection 9. Treatment 10. Disposal 47.700 11. General 37,850 12. 13. 14. Interest (G.O.Bonds 15. Interest (FmHA) 17.900 59,100 4 16. Depreciation 3440 17. Total Operatin Expense 36.000 32,000 (Add Lines 8 trough 16) 355,800 441,300 474,309- 18. NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (Line 7 less 17) (105,100) (133,700) 83,300) NONOPERATING INCOME 19. Taxes & Interest 51,930 63,200 72,000 20. 21. Total Nonoperating Income (Add 19 and 20) 51,93Q 63,200 72,000 22. NET INCOME (LOSS) (Add Lines 18 and 213 (transfer to line A Schedule (53,170) 70 Budget and Projected Cash Flow Approved by Governing Body Attest. Secretary Date Appropriate Official Date Schedule PROJECTED CASH FLOW First 19 19 1981-82 1982-83 Full Year A. Line 22 from Schedule Income (loss) (53,17( ) (70,50 )(11,300) Add B. Items in Operations not Requiring Cash: 1. Depreciation(line 16 Schedule 1) 34,40 36,6032 000 2. Others: C. Cash Provided From: 1. Proceeds from FmHA loan/grant -0— - 100'000 2. Proceeds from others. State/EPA/County 760,00 1,260,000 210,000 3. Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Payable,Accruals and other Current Liabilities 4. Decrease (Increase)in Accounts Receivable,Inventories and Other Current Assets Exclude Cash 5. Ocher Interest, Construction Acct. 5,70( 9,10 2,500 6. f D. Total all A,B and C Items 1,946,93(1,234,601 333,200 E. Less: Cash Expended for: - 1. All Construction,Equipment and New Capital Items (loan and Grant funds) 1,529,30 1,281,00 253,700 2. Replacement and Additions to Existing Property, 32,00( 30,00( 10,009 Plant and Equipment 17,10 10,80 6,300 3. Principal Payment FmHA Loan 20,00 20,00 20,000 4. Principal Payment Other Loans 5. Other- Land 327,00 6. Total E 1 through 5 1,925,40( l.341.80 290.000 Ada F. Beginning Cash Balances 304,92326.45 219.250 G. Ending Cash Balances(Total of D Minus E 6 Plus F) S $ S 326.45 S 219.25 $262.450 Item G Cash Balances Composed of: Construction Account S S S 61 -90 S —0— " Revenue Account 1 v Debt Payment Account 119_00 140 000 O&M Account 120.00 90-00 100,000 19,05 �GSQ Reserve Account: Funded Depreciation Account Others: Total - Agrees with Item G S S S 326.45 5 219.25 5262.450 • Qr _M_E_M_O_R A_N_D_U_M_ TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Fiscal Arrangements Between Atascadero County Sanitation District and San Luis Obispo County On April 5th, the final of several coordination meetings between our staff and County staff generated basic agreement addressing fiscal arrangements between the Atascadero County Sanitation District and San Luis Obispo County. These agreements will be finalized as a Memoran dum of Understanding between all agencies concerned. Funds: All District funds held by the County Treasurer will he trans- ferred to the District (City) for deposit, disbursement and invest- ment. The District presently has approximately $195,000 in reserve. A collection station will be opened at the City Customer Service Desk to collect fees from those customers who desire to pay their sewer charge locally. All checks and cash will be forwarded to the County for posting to the accounting system and then be combined with • the funds collected by mail and returned to the District for deposit. Operations and Maintenance existing plant: The County will continue to prepare and mail all billings and maintain those records and accounting documents that are presently being accomplished within the County collection system. The District agrees to reimburse the County for budgeted opera- tions, maintenance and capital outlay costs at the County' s full cost, as compiled in the County' s cash accounting system. These costs in- clude direct labor , equipment and materials, and such indirect costs as division, Department and County-wide overhead. The District will deposit with the County Engineering Department' s Internal Service Fund a cash amount totaling 20% (approximately $60 ,000) of the District' s annual operations and maintenance budget as adopted by the District Board. Monthly, the County will draw from the deposit to reimburse the County for costs incurred as approved in the District Budget. The District agrees to replenish the cash deposit within fifteen days after billing by the County. Quarterly, the County will reimburse the District for interest received on the depos- it based on the average monthly deposit balance at a rate equal to that received by the County. Any disbursements initiated by the County for operations or main- tenance shall be accounted for by submitting reports' to the City Mana- ger ' s Office by the 10th day of the month following the month in which the disbursement was made. w Memo?andum - Sanitat�n District New Plant Construction Project: All funds for construction of the District Water Reclamation Plant will be deposited in the County Treasury and accounted for in the Atascadero County Sanitation District ConstructionFund. This will include funds from the Bond Sale, Step 3 Grant payments, County funds for servicing the Golf Course with effluent water , and starting cash flow which is to be provided by the District from reserves (approxi- mately $83 ,000) The County is authorized to make disbursements from the Construction Fund. Should the Construction Fund incur cash shortages due to unfore- seen grant and loan payment delays, the District shall pursue any available sources to provide temporary cash loans necessary for the Construction Fund to remain solvent. The City will have the capabil- ity to loan the District up to $200 ,000 on a short-term basis. - The District will pay the City the existing interest rate for the amount and period of the loan. All disbursements initiated by the County for construction shall be accounted for by submitting reports to the City Manager' s Office by the 10th day of the month following the month in which the disburse- ment was made. If the District Board concurs with the above listed basic agree- ment, a final Meorandum of Understanding will be coordinated with County Staff and returned at the earliest possible date for the Board' s formal approval. RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. RHD:ad 4-6-82 2 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 1982, by and between the COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, a political subdivision of the State of California, herein- after referred to as "County" , and the ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, a public corporation located in the County of San Luis Obispo, hereinafter referred to as "District." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the confirmation of the incorporation of the City of Atascadero was made by Resolution No. 79-238 of the Board of Supervi- sors of County, adopted June 18, 1979; and WHEREAS, pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Sections 4730 and 4731, the City Council of the City of Atascadero has suc- ceeded the Board of Supervisors of County as the governing board of District; and WHEREAS , the citizens within the District have previously ap- proved, by election ballot, a bond issue in the amount of $1, 300 ,000 .00 for the purpose of constructing a water reclamation plant for District; and WHEREAS , in order to provide continuity in the operation, main- tenance and management of the District' s facilities and affairs, and in order to provide for the construction of the District' s water rec- lamation plant, District and County now desire to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement whereby County will act as District' s agent in oper- ating, maintaining and managing District' s facilities, _and in acting as District' s agent and engineer in the construction of District' s water reclamation plant, and in acting as District' s agent in imple- 0 menting the pending request for a g�t of funds from the Farmers Home Loan Administration; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Joint Powers act (Government Code Sec- tion 6500 et seq. ) , District and County are empowered to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement for such purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED by and between District and County as follows: 1. Services. County shall act as the agent of District in performing the following functions and activities: a. County shall operate, maintain and manage the general affairs and operations and facilities of District, subject to the direction and control of the governing body of the District, to- wit: the City Council of the City of Atascadero represented by its agent, the District Manager or his designated representative. b. County shall act for and on behalf of District in di- recting and administering all aspects of the construction of Dis- trict' s water reclamation plant pursuant to those contract docu- ments dated July 30, 1981, and entitled: "Specifications for the Construction of Atascadero Water Reclamation Plant" and, the Coun- ty Engineer of San Luis Obispo County shall be and hereby is des- ignated and appointed "Engineer" as that term is used in the said contract documents and as that term is defined by Section 1.14 of the General Conditions of said contract documents. C. County shall act for and on behalf of District in the administration of and accounting for a grant or Loan of funds from the Farmers Home Loan Administration in connection with the con- struction of District' s said water reclamation plant. -2- r0 2. Designation of additional insureds. District agrees to name County and its officers and employees as "Additional Named In- sureds" in all insurance policies to be maintained by the Contractor pursuant to the said contract documents dated July 30, 1981, and Sec- tion GC-6 . 2. 2. thereof. 3. Compensation. District agrees to reimburse and pay County for such services on a time and material basis within thirty (30) days after billing by County. 4. Indemnification. District agrees to and shall defend, in- demnify and save harmless County and its officers, agents and employ- ees from any and all claims, demands, liability, costs, expenses, dam- ages, causes of action, and judgments, in any manner arising out of this agreement or out of the performance or attempted performance of • the provisions hereof, including, but not limited to, any act or omis- sion to act or active negligence by County or its officers, agents, employees or independent contractors directly responsible to County, and including, but not limited to, any act or omission to act or ac- tive negligence by District or its officers, agents, employees, or independent contractors directly responsible to District. 5. Coordination of services. The rendition of these services by County and its employees shall be coordinated with District through the offices of the City Manager of the City of Atascadero. 6. Term. This agreement shall be effective for the period from the date of execution hereof through December 31, 1992, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Either party to this agreement may terminate this agreement at any time prior to December 31, 1992, • by giving to the other party, thirty (30) days in advance, written notice of such termination. -3- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, County and District have executed this Joint Powers Agreement on the day and year first above set forth. CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO, DIRECTORS, ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPODISTRICT BY By HOWARD MANKINS, Chairman, ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. Board of Supervisors Mayor ATTEST: ATTEST: FRANCIS M. COONEY MURRAY L. WARDEN Clerk of the Board of Supervisors City Manager • \SEAL} \SEAL} APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: EFFECT: JAMES B. LINDHOLM, JR. County Counsel BY ALLEN GRIMES City Attorney BY JON M. JENKINS Deputy County Counsel -4- K • SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO AND THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT WHEREAS, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY (hereinafter referred to as "County" ) and ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (hereinafter referred to as "District") are in the process of approving and executing a Joint Powers Agreement regarding the construction of a Water Reclamation Plant for Atascadero County Sanitation District; and WHEREAS, paragraph No. 3 of said Joint Powers Agreement states : 113 . - Compensation. District agrees to reimburse . and pay County for such services on a time and • material basis within thirty (30) days after billing by County. " ;and WHEREAS, County and District, by this Supplementary Agreement, will interpret and set forth in greater detail the particular terms and conditions of the obligations of ' each with respect to the subject matter of said paragraph No. 3; and WHEREAS, County and District intend that this Supplementary Agreement is merely interpretive of the Joint Powers Agreement and is not an amendement thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, County and District agree as follows : 1. Paragraph No. 3 of the Joint Powers Agreement between County and District shall be interpreted to mean the following: a. The District shall reimburse the County for County' s • expenditures of budgeted operations , maintenance and • capital outlay costs at the County' s full cost, as compiled in the County' s cost accounting system. Those costs include direct labor, equipment and materials, and such indirect costs as Division, Department, and County- wide overhead. . b. The District shall deposit with the County Engineering Department' s Internal Service Fund a cash amount totaling 20% of the District' s annual operations and maintenance budget asadopted by the Atascadero City Council. Monthly, the County shall draw from the deposit to reimburse the County for costs incurred. The District shall replenish the cash deposit within 15 days after billing by the County. Any charges applied against the 20% deposit by the County shall be accounted for by • submitting reports to the City Manager ' s Office by the 10th day of the month following the month in which the disbursement was made. Quarterly, the County shall reimburse the District for interest received on the deposit based on the average monthly deposit balance at a rate equal to that received by the County. C. All funds for construction of the District' s Water Reclamation Plant shall be desposited in the County Treasury and accounted for in the Atascadero County Sanitation District Construction Fund. The County is authorized to make disbursements from the Construction Fund. Any such disbursements made by the County shall -2 • be accounted for by the County by submitting reports to the District Manager' s Office by the 10th day of the month following the month in which the disbursement was made. d. Should the Construction Fund incur cash shortages due to unforeseen grant and loan payment delays, the County is authorized to pursue any available tax anticipation loans from the County General Fund for the District. The County shall not be required to provide or solicit any other source of funding 2 . This Supplemental Agreement shall become effective only in the event that the said Joint Powers Agreement between County and District is also duly executed. • Executed this day of 1982 . CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO, DIRECTORS, ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO DISTRICT BY _ BY _ HOWARD MANKINS, Chairman,^ ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR, Board of Supervisors Mayor ATTEST: ATTEST: FRANCIS M. COONEY MURRAY L. WARDEN Clerk of the Board df Supervisors City Manager • [SEAL] [SEAL] -3- • APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: EFFECT. JAMES B. LINDHOLM, JR. County Counsel BY ALLEN GRIMES ~ City Attorney BY JON `M. ,ZENKIN Deputy` County Counsel • -4- • M E M O_R_A_N_D U M TO: City Council -- FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of visual art project for Las Tablas Avenue Bridge The State of California Department of Transportation is pro- posing support of . the Red Wind Foundation' s project to decorate the Las Tablas AvL'ue- freeway overpass. The attached letter to Mrs. Phyllis Heath indicates that support. The ,matter is brought to you for discussion since CalTrans is interested in determining community views on the project. • MU RAY 7LWARDEN MLW:ad 4-8-82 • STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS AND TRANSATION AGENCY • EDMUND G.BROWN'1R.,Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX L, SAN LUIS OBISPO 93406 TELEPHONE: (805) 549-3111 March 17 , 1982 R/W 05-SLO^101-51.45 05400 - 961400 Las Tablas Avenue Bridge Art 4 Mrs . Phyllis Heath 6980 ,Valle Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mrs . Heaths This is in regards to the State ' s support of the Red Wind Foundation' s proposed project at Las Tablas Avenue Bridge , The in-place cost of this project is $17 ,000 and it will be totally paid for by private foundations . There is no State fund or taxpayer's money involved. The State only agrees to furnish the location at no cost to the organization proposing the project. The success of this program throughout the State • has been documented. The Director of Caltrans , Adriana Gianturco, has hopes that this District will soon be a contributor to the Art Program. Please call me for any information you may wish to have in connection with the above matter at (805) 549-3`207. Sincerely, G Robert N. Wr ght Right of Way `'Agen District Outdoor Advertising Coordinator • Gaki PAmk, '567 %WA-5 spif- atef cmt�t ur�t,o ha.0 wtt� � cvric�- riv�L �rm r�n,ce� rq2- 4- o (aur WrA 11,c,a vlz p2jy )m+ mr cA-u 4i) .cc bw Gwrn.l-�vv cite a,,v4 diOMAkt1 u.4t cko, U2���v«stIA o-rK jJ awe, 1QmdbtQj hCuvZ Mtd- , Aitdha)l AtALatr� "X "4�, ffvLnr-u,A5NL- lk at'abomwe's ACL, 5 �kAj u" #WJuAaL `fil cotQ,a s, & fa'm ' a� • , .� abut �� ► or aA - yup t��u - ! v ¢. L� IR 7R, G aid o o U- w4h mvj,a�. 31 coq, 0- X977 /tW o rPAL"-a) fat can ItTd�. g vn. c O t� ndu cn s , Toa(.lvu Gtr 'fuser / 1 vm b tA iyM� 7 uAvrwyl C�,Cvlb Cr 's cit.Pc fl q � OA4& - V* M, a_ c A&Jiz� A a�t uq 4"d-5 4-o wf� A b",��kilm • � �� �-�u2 -� �tiCLt;�11/rl�}� CLtk.� ��,c.t' P o�►-cw1 s. Kay Knock, WwL a5c� TKO daau�y 0981} uroo nn,adR. ,rvi+h nze tkU �OA w* lmjun� omd kaw� R (wi+L"5 o- 4Ladl+(m6L p vv, c CLi,Q d/" - +G�e, �,u�ens�s -F� c��m sy, hr�t �,t�i�a. s own d �k� u�d unfh Mo-f?,,e.+"�a,�� I-�e.� tic.P.a�dn- s� un-Fh bun, and o" �za�4� omd 4& amd anwmak, uroi Icl �t¢v�, a-6) wc.Q.e. ao raflun. SK�, � aid lm�� vn�O ba�,amC�., tfin,au�?v ThioG�dM�u�in ioi a.Lo �-e Eun-�h cvrtd h.�v a L �Fha� u cCu2d�� cam b¢, he.a�ed and (�.�e, vry ba.Q.aM-c,¢, mux- a�av�• — Kcu� KmacFt_ _ • i -M_E-M O_R-A-N-D-U-M TO: City Council FROM City Manages SUBJECT: Recognition of the General Services Bargaining Unit with the Local 660 -SEIU` AFL-CIO as the union agency Attached hereto are copies of the General Services Unit Petition , for Recognition and associated SEIU By-Laws. The petition seeks rec- ognition of the General Services Bargaining Unit for conduct of their labor relations with the City. After discussion with Mr . Starkey, representative of the SEIU Local 660 , 'paragraph I' of the Petition for Recognition has been amended to delete the positions of Clerical As- sistant I, Clerical Assistant II , Clerical Assistant III , Account Clerk I , Account Clerk II , and Engineering Aide as not being in con- formance with paragraph 7 .14 of the City of Atascadero' s Personnel Rules and Regulations. I have signatures of the personnel in the remaining job classifi- cations indicating their desire for representation by Local 660. T have, in accordance with Section 7.9 of the City' s Personnel Rules, notifed each of the employees of the proposed recognition. Recogni- tion procedures require that thirty days elapse prior to formal recog- nition of a petitioning; unit in order to allow any objections to be registered by employees who might object to the proposed representa- tive. That time will be up on April 15th. In the absence of any em- ployee objections, it is my intention to recognize the unit on that date subject to ;deletion of the job classifications as indicated above. This item is for your information and, review of the attachments and for your acceptance of the Petition, as amended, and the By-Laws. cr *URRAYWARDEN MLW:ad 4-8-82 seiu e LOCAL 660 ® SEIU • AFL-CIO AFL-CIO SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION 1530 Monterey St. San Luis Obispo, C2_ 03401 805/541-2313 February 26 , 1982 Mr. Murray Warden �� F'„ Employee Relations Officer i City of Atascadero I If''EB 2 6 T) 0 Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 -_ near Mr. 'Warden: Pursuant to Resolution No. 12-80 Section 7. 7, petition for Recognition, we hereby petition for formal recognition as the recognized employee organization representing all employees listed in (I ) below of the • "General Services Unit" of the City of Atascadero, California. A. The name of the organization is : The City of Atascadero Chapter General Services Unit Service Employees International Union (S.E. I .IT. ) Local 660 AFL-CIO CLC The addresses of the organizations are: Main Office. S .E . I . U. Local 660 12404 Wilshire Blvd . Los Angeles , CA 90057 213/385-5555 Field Office : S .E . I .TT. Local 660 1530 Monterey St. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805/541-2313 B. Officers of the above mentioned organizations are : Daniel Elisarraras , President Jimmy C'Zris Lane , Vice President Kincy Scott, Secretary/Treasurer 163 t • i Petition for Recognition City of Atascadero February 26, 1982 Page 2 C. The names of employee organization Representatives who are author- ized to speak on behalf of its members are; Daniel Elisarrar as , President Jimmy Chris Lane , Vice President Kincy Scott,` Secretary/ Treasurer Tom Starkey, Field Representative , SEIU Local 660 D. Our organization has , as one of its primary purposes , to represent the employees in the above mentioned organization in their employ- ment relations with the City of Atascadero. E. The -aboti,e mentioned organization is affiliated directly with: A. Service Employees International Union Local 660 AFL-CIO 2404 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90057 213/385-5555 B. Service Employees International Union AFL-CIO 2020 K Street N.W. Washington, P.C . 2000E C. California State Council of Service Employee Unionsi 240 Golden Gate Ave . San Francisco, CA 94102 D. Western Conference -of Service Employees Unions 240 Golden Gate Ave . San Francisco, CA 94102 E. S .E. I .U. Joint Council of So. Calif . of SEi#8 2724 W. 8th St. Los Angeles , CA 90005 F. Tri-Counties Central Labor Council (Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo) P O Box 1272 Ventura, CA 93001 F. Enclosed is a certified copy of our Employee Organization's Consti- tution and By-Laws known as Attachment A. G. Notices may be sent by regular United States Tail to the following designated persons . Daniel Elisarraras , President P 0 Box 2394 Atascadero, CA : 93423 Petition for Recognition City of Atascadero February 26 , 1982 Page 3 Tom Starkey, Field Representative SEIU Local 660 1530 Monterey St . San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 ` H. The above mentioned organization has no restriction on membership based on race, color creed, sex, or national origin. I . The following are job titles of workers that comprise the General Services Unit being petitioned for representation. They are:- Job Title Number of People Clerical Assistant I 1 Clerical Assistant II 3 Clerical Assistant III 2 Account Clerk I 1 Account Clerk II 1 Engineering Aid 1 'M Custoian 2 _T Building Maintenance II 1 Maintenance Worker I Maintenance Worker II 1 Maintenance Worker III 3 Maintenance Worker IV l Total in Unit 19 J. Our organization has in its possession, proof of employee support to establish that a majority (10 or more) of employees in the above mentioned Unit ( Item I ) have designated our organization to repre- sent them in their employment relations with the City. Copies of such written proof are hereby enclosed as Attachment "B" . K. We hereby request the Municipal Employee Relations Officer .formally acknowledge our organization as the recognized employee organization representing all the employees in the General Services Unit (mentioned in. item I) for the purposes of meeting and conferring in good faith. Finally, another letter will follow requesting a meeting with City Officers to initiate a procedure for deduction of dues of our members in the General Services Unita This petition including all attachments , is hereby declared to be true , correct , and complete under penalty of perjury. Petition for Recognition City of Atascadero February 26 , 1982 Page 4 'Daniel Elisarraras , President Jim + . Chris-`Lane , Vic6 President -Kincy S tt , Secretary/Treasurer Tom Starkey, Fie d Representative SEIU Local 660 TS/ep Attachments (2) 7 Attachment A ARTICLES OF INCORPORATIO and BY-LAWS S (with Index) of LOCAL Service Employees International Union AFL-CIO Los Angeles County Employees Association _A Non-profit Corporation of the State of California (As amended effective January 1, 1980) Seiu 0 AFL-CIO I P 77,4 GF-I -C AJ i All I iCLI_` 111 INt;Ulll'0I1A I IUN r. 141 coiivvy, exchtutyo, IV1144 , ttttutl liev, 011C111111101, LOS ANGE COUNTY transfer up( trust or otlterwido dispose of all property, EMPLOY EESWOCIATION real-or pers ; f. TI) borrow money, contract debts, and issue bonds, A Non-profit Corporation of the State of California notes and debentures, and to secure the payment of perfor- mance of its obligations. KNOW ALL MEN BY 'rm su, PRESENTS: That we,the undersigned,do hereby form a non-profit corporation under B. To operate any or all concessions and business e the provisions of'Part 1,Division 2,Title I of the Corporation prises either on publicly-owned ground or on `pn� Code of the State of California; property. And we do hereby certify: C. To carry out a program of recreation for the benefit of all of the members of the Association. ARTICLE I D.To do all other acts necessary, suitable or expedient That the name of this corporation is and shall be LOS for the administration of the affairs and the attainment of ANGELES COUNTY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION. the purposes of this corporation. i E. To possess and exercise any and all such additional ARTICLE 11 powers as are reasonably implied from the purposes herein. This this is a non-profit corporation,which is not formed above enumerated, and to possess and exercise all other for the purpose of, nor does it contemplate pecuniary gain powers and rights now possessed by or reserved to non- or profit to its members. This corporation shall have no Profit corporations.or may hereafter be granted by law to capital stock, and no member thereof shall have any separ such corporations;and the enumeration ofspecificpowers ate or divisible interest in this corporation or in its property. herein shall in no wise be deemed a limitation upon the powers and rights granted to this corporation, but instead ARTICLE III it shall possess and exercise all powers and rights usually and customarily possessed and exercised by non-profit Section 1.A.The specific and primary purpose for which corporations. this corporation is formed is to represent public employees in all matters relating to employment conditions and ARTICLE IV employer-employee relations, including,but not limited to, The principal office for the transaction of the business wages,hours and other terms and conditions of employment. of this corporation is located in the County of Los Angeles, B. The general purposes for which this corporation is State of California. formed are to advance the health,comfort,morale and wel- fare of public employees; to advance the political, social, ARTICLE V cultural and educational welfare of public employees;to aid twenty-one oration This corporation shall have 21 directors, in the perfection of systems that will make for greater p y ) efficiency of employees in all branches of the public service; but the number of directors may be changed from time to to preserve individual rights;to promote justice, peace and time by amendment to these Articles of Incorporation security, founded upon sound economic principles;to foster by an amendment to the By-Laws of this corporation. tolerance, fair play, and loyalty in support of the funda- names and addresses of the persons who are to act rn the mental principles of good government in accordance with capacity of directors until the selection of their successors applicable laws of local agencies, counties, the State, and are as follows: the Nation; to operate various suitable concessions and Don R.Sanson Gerald Kelly economic programs, and to administer the funds derived Thomas A.Newton Raye King therefrom in accordance with law so as to achieve these ends. Ellen C.Neflan J. Frank Nichols Section 2. The method for attaining these objects shall Lula Jones William L.Olsen be by direct representation before,and negotiation with Stanley Bayne Jess R.Patten l appropriate governing bodies,their authorized management Helen K.Carr Raymond Sepulveda representatives or other representatives, or boards or com- McDonald H.Curtis Wm.G.Sharp jmissions thereof; by vigilant protection of employee rights Frank Eagen Guy A.Sopp to collective bargaining,collective action,and other guaran- tees of fair employment practices,or by other lawful means. Gladys Johnson Edward H. Gaylord Arthur J.Will ' Section 3. To aid in the realization of such purposes as are designated in this Article, this corporation shall possess fspecifically the following powers: ARTICLE VI - A. To do any and all acts and things which may be dome The authorized number and qualifications of the mem- by any non-profit California corporation as provided by bens of this corporation and of its officers or directors shall Section 0501 of the Corporation Code of the State of' be set forth in the fly-Laws. California, to wit: a. To sue and be sued; b. To contract; ARTICLE VII c. To receive property by devise or bequest, subject to The voting and other rights, privileges, and the liability the laws regulating the transfer of property by will,and to of each or all classes of members for dues and methods of otherwise acquire and hold all property,real or personal,in- collection thereof, shall be such as may be set forth in the eluding shares of stock, bonds and securities of other By-Laws. corporations; ARTICLE VIIId. To act as trustee under any trust incidental to the principle objects of the corporation and to receive, hold, No member, officer, or director of this corporation shall administer, and expend funds and property subject to such be personally liable for any debts, liabilities or obligations of this corporation. —t— Altll('LE IX dens of the Los Angeles ( omi►y I-anployers Assoclallou, and that theOoClalion Lula Jones Is Treasurer of lite Los Angeles The left)) of exislcnce. of cu)po)ation shall he pf-1. Couuly1:n)I, sAssociallon;lhatlite LosAngelesCounly petual,unless hefealler olhe) provided by law,or unless 1(n)ploy�cs is an nuinco)por)led assoclaliun, the corporation is dissolved in the mariner provided by law. and that said association has duly authorized its incorpora- tion; that Don R. Sanson and Lula Jones have executed ARTICLE X these articles of incorporation and in their official capacity The title to all the corporate property,and of all money and by authority of said association. or property given or distributed to it,shall be vested in the W.E.Gross corporation and shall be managed by the Board of Directors Notary Public in and for said County and State for the purposes thereof. In the event of the dissolution of My Commission expires May 29, 1953 die corporation, any profits, money, or property then belonging to the corporation shall be distributed to the Raye King Wm.G.Sharp members thereof. J. Frank Nichols Guy A.Sopp William L.Olsen Arthur J.Will ARTICLE XI Jess R.Patten Edward H. Gaylord iThe name of the existing unincorporated association Raymond Sepulveda Lawrence S.Hoke which is being incorporated by these Articles of Incorpora- STATE OF CALIFORNIA tion is the same as the name of this corporation, to wit: COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ss. LOS ANGELES COUNTY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION. On this 16th day of October, 1950,before me,a Notary IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned incorporators Public in and for said County and State,personally appeared: have executed and entered into these Articles of Incorpora- Don R.Sanson i Raye King tion at Los Angeles County for purpose of incorporating J. Frank Nichols the unincorporated association known as the LOS Ellen C.Neilan ANGELES COUNTY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION. Lula Jones William L.Olsen Stanley Bayne Jess R.Patten Dated this 25th day of September, 1950. Thomas A.Newton Raymond Sepulveda Don R.Sanson Helen K.Carr Helen K.Carr William G.Sharp Thomas A.Newton McDonald H. Curtis McDonald H.Curtis Guy A.Sopp Ellen C.Neilan Frank Eagen Frank Eagen Arthur J.Will Lula Jones C.O.Harvey C.O.Harvey Lawrence S.Hoke Stanley Bayne Gladys Johnson Gladys Johnson Edward H. Gaylord Gerald Kelly Gerald Kelly known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed STATE OF CALIFORNIA to the foregoing Articles of Incorporation,and each acknow- COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ss. ledged that he executed the same as an incorporator of the On this 16th day of October,1950,before me,a Notary Los Angeles County Employees Association. Public in and for said County and State residing therein, W.F.Gross duly commissioned and sworn,personally appeared each of Notary Public in and for the County of the above and, who, being duly sworn, each for himself Los Angeles,State of California deposes and says: that the said Don R. Sanson is the Presi- My commission expires May 29, 1953. i •i —2— BY- S OF represe on relating to cu player-employee rehillons,nor LOS ANGMES COUNTY shall 1111 a entitled to pa ticipate in Local elections for EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION Board of Directors, nor shall they serve on the Board. Section 5. Contract Members. Contract members shall be Local 660,SEW,AFL-CIO (A Non-Profit Corporation of the State of California) those members of an employee organization suN o a contract for representational services with thi 1. ARTICLE I Each Contract member shall be entitled to the s ices Definitions specified in the contract concerning him,and shall pay dues Section 1. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "Associa and have rights as agreed by the contract. tion" as used in these By-Laws shall mean the Los Angeles Section 6. Service Members. Service members shall be County Employees Association. The Association shall be those persons whose employment the Board of Directors known and do business as the Los Angeles County Employees finds is either sufficiently closely related to the interests of Association, Local660, Service Employees International the members or to public employment that such persons Union,AFLCIO,or as is commonly known as SEW Local should be eligible as Service members and those members i 660,AFL-CIO. formerly denominated Special members. Service members Section 2. "Public Service" means and refers to employ- shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of mem ment by a governmental employer. bership not prohibited by these By-Laws. Service members Section 3. A "unit of representation" means a unit of shall not be entitled to any service relating to employer employees' representation as established by the County employee relationships, nor shall they be entitled to vote in Employee Relations Commission, plus such other unit or Local elections, to hold office, or to serve on the Board. units of representation deemed appropriate by the Board. Section 7. Honorary Members.Honorary members shall be Section 4. "Board means and refers to the Board of any citizen of the United States not otherwise eligible for Directors of this corporation. membership in the Local, whose accomplishments in governmental matters or whose interests in our aims and Section 5. The term "member" or "members" as used in purposes entitle him to the privileges. Honorary member- these By-Laws shall mean a voting member or voting ship shall be conferred by a two-thirds(2/3) majority vote members unless otherwise indicated. of the Board of Directors. Honorary members shall not be ARTICLE lI entitled to vote in Local elections, to hold office, or to Offices serve on the Board. Section 1. Principal Office. The principal office for the Section 8.. Life Members. Life members shall be those transaction of the business of the corporation shall be formes Representated, Regular or Service members who located in the City of Los Angeles, State of California. have left public service,and who have been members of the ARTICLE III Local for five (5) years immediately prior to leaving public Rights and Classes of Membership service. Life members shall be entitled to those ri nd Section 1. Classes of Members. The Local shall be com privilege's as determined by the Board of Directors,Mpt. posed of Representated, Organizing, Regular, Contract,' that they shall not be entitled to vote in Local elecU .t,to Service, Honorary and Life Members as hereinafter defined, hold office, or to serve on the Board, The Board may re- who shall pay dues as hereinafter established. quire that any Life member who wants to receive the official Local publication shall express his or her desire to Section 2. Represented Members. Represented members do so in writing to the Board. j means those members who qualify under Article I,Section 2, and who are represented by thisLocalunder local, Section 9. .Dues. The Board of Directors or. the General statutory; or federal law providing for the recognition of an Membership shall fix the dues for each class of membership employee organization to represent its members with respect of the Local to such members' wages,hours,and other terms and condi- Section 10.Assessments. No assessments shall be imposed tions of employment. Each Represented member shall be upon or demanded for any of the members. entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership, including the right to cast one vote at all meetings or elec- Section 11. Right of Member to appear before the Board of tions of membership. Any Represented member shall be Directors or General Membership Meeting. Any member eligible for any office, elective or appointive, within the shall have the right to appear before either the Board of Local, except as hereinafter provided in these By-Laws. Directors or a General Membership meeting. Section 3. Organizing Members. An Organizing member Section 12.Admission, Discipline and Dismissal.The Board is a person who is an employee in a jurisdiction where Local of Directors shall establish reasonable rules and regulations 660 is seeking representation rights and who has signed an for the admission, discipline and dismissal of any member • authorization card. An Organizing member shall be a of any class of members. Applicants who have been termi member with all of the rights and privileges of a Represented nated or who have been notified of impending termination member. of employment shall be denied membership in Local 660. Section 4. Regular Members. Regular members shall be Effective January 1, 1978, no member engaged in a those members in public service as defined in Article 1, management position shall serve on any committee of Local Section 2. Each Regular member shall be entitled to the 660. No management employee, not already a member of highest available form of representation permitted by law, Local 660, shall be eligible for membership in the Local. and to all rights and privileges of membership including the right to cast one vote at all meetings or elections of mem- bership. Any Regular member shall be eligible for any t office, elective or appointive, within the Local, except as ARTICLE 1V hereinafter provided in these By-Laws. General Membership Meetings and Quorum Employees of the Local shall be Regular members unless Section 1. Annual Meeting. There shall be an Annual they elect not to be. Such Regular members who are full- Meeting of the members of the Local at a place and time to time employees of the Local shall not be entitled to any be fixed by the Board of Directors. -3— vers. thematter r- rice a SPc11tl Meelfit`si,.0 I �,1 meet in matters to be considered at s In conthttiO gs shall e limited ►'t the us . Such nolirc rt to those noticed b such s�,ecial Yc 1►s good st:rnrl(n irn►nediatcl X Irl the Local (o c given t o the nIse Y the 116 ' Y Prcceclin Iden ritCetltl s of tbersin ti'e houSe'�rard• R, a member R such nutninalirr President u g the ntcnrbers shall be eligible for nomination assigned to Pon receipt of grn' a ntentbcr a D. members in called b of the as set forth above upon from good standin a petition of five hundred y the period between Local f°rat t shall a nY one unit ofrepresentation. epfe entat of tY(50 (500) member the }east one.}ta(f of which was created dale the UIvBiOn of (Ir appoint a committee which The Board of may be nom}nations. and the date the President Directors to be a Such a member or the no; receipt the signatures shall verify and certify member Of however P of such within seven da s Y t° (c) Effective Januar Logia}for 'shall not tion meets petition. U o Y after more than shall call a s the above s Pon certification that the the a public gene y }, 1978, no Nan thre specified peclfied 9ualifications peti- collective agency m a no a n1entberen ceipt of such meeting within thirty the President bar dining unit management position as r the petition for petition. n �n1y such y(30)days of the re- be°cess, or by an a determination, or ce special matters as are s eligible to applicable civil service such meeting unless the meetin pecified}n Board serve on the agile authority Board of shall be considered at to and members Local 66p rm}n° Y to notice additional Directors a resign their Promoted to such Board of a such special meetin matters for ex its payday of Board Positions shall be' the President May g' Notice Of a s Seats effective not later that consideration at tl1e month organ y be given to special effective. Vacancies m which said a the mernberhi in called by occurrin ppOintment P in the Provision shall be filled B from Section 3, house forth in the BY-Law in accordance application tfi trop Quorum, s. provis (I 07o) of the A uoru (d) No Percent eLgible members shall consist of ten merit person (I%) shall e HOwever Percent office who is elected or 9uorum may be re r Present in person, The t less than one employer-emp oh Ise position includePPOinted to a A Proxy P esented b the the formula Y Must.presented proxy, balance of the Local,shall be e1i • file (I) be written; Yee relations 'mold eligible for Policy ionaffecting and person giving the pr (2) reflect the be ell No person who has been nomination and tltim name of the rson's signatufe;bath typed or printed legibly eligible for nomination n convicted me O be dated y, oration under this section. a felon, vote or votes tuber receiving the ' (4) reflect Section 3 must be cast, proxy;(5)state ho the Vacancies. A vacatjc In accordance w the Occurs when an y oil the adopted with reasonable incumbent. Board of fication to the Board rules and re a)Dies is adjudged incom Dire Proxies shall be submitted regulations °f a felony;s petent b no less a special Certification Com Ya Court than five (5) me committee com certi_ b) Resigns,}eaves the a is com- and confirmed b mbers a Posed of the Local's ' employ Y the Board, app by the President Jurisdiction;or Y Of a public agency Section q, c)Fails ll pay the dues of the g Y w. MembershipAction b d)Is recalled;or Local;or at a Y Local, Any action e) Fails to to this Article general membershi taken by ate 3 attend the K prevail shall e P meeting held O consecutive regular Board over a action of the Pursuant months without a valid excuse for it , Directors, any contrary action Local and shall Transfers or}s otherwise taken cation xcuni or by the Board such that said Placed in a of three (3) directors at the It of re r UO1t of rer , ARTICLE V succeeding end of the sentation would ha, A Sho Shop Steward S member's year' in w}rich instance calendar P Steward System posit}on shalt be the transferred an,r 1i tamed by the Board System shall be fo Of the calendar deemed to nsferred 1i, tr of Directors. formulated and became Year in which be vacant at the cur main a member Of the nese transferred ARTICLE In the event of a unit of re Or other,. Section VI shall appoint vacancy on the Presentau_,n Number Directors subject to a director Board, the Pres;dt-nt Board of DirectorsshaElect on and T confirmation b nt" the next elected b Term of Directors, member to the Y the annual etectic�n Y a mail secret ballot of the The office Or Board shall not Board• Such Except as otherwise y°Ae�21)members, occurs on Committee membershi automaticall suPOinted Directors shall e Provided members of the P of the Y assume any elected 'n these BY Laws Local.' year to runt that in a position with Local' ►f a vacancy terms. All Board members shall serve until seven (7) more than one (1 have been serve three 3 members at thyeare position shall be n elected and until their successors nex Annual Election filled by election of the Election qualified' or plied pOftion Oft °f Board the General ht,the members appointed, mber shall he vacated directorshi Members for the ber Of t,mbershi °f the Board of his seat be eligible for election P• An Re utar ; I shall he in Directors by, on the Board by elect' whether he has Board donate 'rid Repfesented proportion to the num- Section q fon or a as gained representation Mennc�rs. Resignation. Any appointment. vacancies v; positions tua8 be determined S"ch time b Y director to Pr°Por- Y giving written notice to representation shall be ailed apply to all nation shall take may resign at before ant. be adjusted b and the proportionate notice e/feet at the the Board.Any such resi�y General h1ent Y the Board or at any later time date of the the Board of Directors Member election le w of Directors Any director me specified t receipt of sucj are to bee hick members to her term of µI1° is elected herein. Section 2• lecled, office to a °r appoin ted Directors Quali$eations, includes the f gOvernmeryta}ottice during his or shall e (a) No policy affectin ormulation of e whose sell ors elected or more than two (2 employ to position division serve front one ) Board u g members of the P yee relations shall include °r a unit unit of o (2 upon such electio L°cal s (hereinafter nor a half resign from the any Contract Members havin Members Section PPOintment. referred to Navin which S• Powers.Sub'e (b) No as a unit g a right to vote °f In Incorporation J ct to the h'mitations Person of representation). shalInco and t}te of the member shall be Articles Or any of the Board of Direetlo eligible fcr exercised b BY-Laws all cot Other office in the /1O7n aI tion as a business and affairs Of the of Directors and ordinary i.ocal who Interrnomi l Board. Powers has not beena�eezgate Localshallbecontrolled b rY mber Subject to the aboveY the busi duct and control the the Board of ness affairs°! Directors shall con- -q_ r the Local and make such rules and regulation terefor not tnconsistanl with (b) A�i►tment of Speci I Committees. The 1'reslrl•nt, law, the Articles of Ina ration, car Ilio lly haws, as it with th proval of the Board, may from dime to time deemms fit. The Beard of Directors shall act upon matters appoint special committees and prescribe- and assign the requiring its attention by voice or hand vote unless one duties thereof. The Presider}t, with the approval oi' the director calls for a roll call Any director may have recorded Board, shall appoint a SpeFial Elections .Committee to in the minutes the vote of that director on any matter. supervise any general membership election orss. Section 6. Meetings of the Board of Directors. The Board (c) Appointment of Chairpersons of Committehe of Directorsshallhold a regular meeting at least once every President shall appoint a member of the Board as-chair- month and otherwise at the call of the President or ten (10) person of each standing or special committee as shmi<be or more directors. appointed. The appointment of die chairperson of lite All meetings shall be held at the principal office of the Nominating Committee by the President shall be subjea to Local, except that the Board of Directors may call special confirmation by the Board. meetings at other places upon adequate notice. Notice of . the time and place of all meetings shall be given to all Section S. Except as otherwise provided,the President and directors the President or e some person designated al the Board of Directors shall prescribe and assign the duties of Standing Committees, as enumerated in Article Ittf ten (10) or more of the directors by either written com- munication or orally at least one (1) day prior to the Section 6. Vice-President. In the absence or disabili:, of meetings. the President,the Vice-President shall perform all the ci :ties Section 7. Order of Business. The Order of Business for of the President, and when so acting shall have ali the Board of Directors'meetings shall be: powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the 1. Roll Call President. The Vice-President shall have such other pa. ers 2.Minutes of Previous Meetings and perform such other duties as may be from time to tune 3.Special Reports prescribed for him by the Board. 4.Committee.Reports Section 7. Secretary. The Secretary shall supervise the 5. Unfinished Business preparation of the minutes of the Board meetings and the 6.New Business Executive Committee meetings. In the case of the abscace 7.Good and Welfare or disability to act of the Vicq-President,the Secretary shall 8.Adjournment perform all the duties of the!President, and when so acting Section 8. Authority Used in Conduct of Meetings. shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restric Roberts' Rules of Parliamentary Procedure, the current tions of the President. The Secretary shall have such ether ` edition, shall be used as authority in the conduct of all duties as may be from time to time prescribed for him by meetings of the Local or Board, except when in conflict the Board. with specific provisions in these By-Laws. Section 8. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall authorize •thd Section 9. Authority to Execute Documents. In the event deposit of all monies received by the Local in the bard` or a resolution is adopted by the Board which would require banks designated by the Board;keep a correct acc�of the execution of a document on behalf of the Association, all of his transactions by funds;submit at the June ng and should the resolution be silent insofar as naming the of the Board a statement of all receipts and disbursenr;r:ts; party to execute the document, then and upon compliance be ready at all times to exhibit to the Board the cash on with the terms of the resoulution such document may be hand and his books for inspection;and make such invest- executed by any one of the four (4) officers or the ments as authorized by the Board. General Manager: Section 9. Bonding of Officers. Officers shall furnish a ARTICLE VII surety bond in such an amount as may be required by the Officers Board, the premium on said bond to be paid by the Local. Section 1. Officers. The officers of the Local shall be a ARTICLE VIII President, Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Committees One person may not hold two or more offices. Section 1. Standing Committees.The Standing Committees Section 2. Elections. The officers of the Local shall be of the Local shall be the following: Civil Rights,Committee chosen annually by nomination and written ballot at a on Political Education,Executive,and Nominating. meeting in December after the election of Directors. Only (a) Executive Committee. The Board of Directors may those persons who will be serving terms in the succeeding delegate to the Executive Committee designated by it such year may nominate and vote in the election of officers. powers and authority of the Board in the management of Such elections shall be by written ballot only,by a majority the business and affairs of the Local under terms it sh3il vote of all Board members voting. The officers shall serve deem proper,except as restricted by law. for a term of office to commence on January I following (b) Nominating Committee. The Board shall appoint a their election and continue for a period of one(1)year,or Nominating Committee which shall screen potential cawh- until their successors are elected and qualified for office. dates for the Board who have filed an official declaration of candidacy as to their eligibility and qualifications. The Section 3. Resignation. Any officer may resign at any Committee shall then nominate not less than seven (7) time by giving written notice to the Board. Any such resig candidates for the Board and shall notify the Board of such nation shall take effect at the date of the receipt of such nominations at its first regular or special meeting in the notice or at any later time specified therein; and unless month of October. otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resig- Candidates for member of the Board who have filed an nation shall not be necessary to make it effective. official declaration of candidacy but who have not been Section 4. President. (a) The President shall be the chief nominated by the Nominating Committee may also be executive officer of the Local and shall,subject to the con- nominated through a petition forms supplied by the :l trot of the Board, have general supervision, direction, and signed by not less than five hundred (500) members' control of'the business and affairs of the Local. The Presi- Local, no more than fifty (50) of which members sha be dent shall preside at all meetings of the Board and shall be from any one unit of representation. Any such petition an ex-officio member of all committees.The President shall must be accompanied by an acceptance of the nomination have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by by the individual named,and shall be filed with the General the Board of Directors or by the By-Laws. Manager of the Local not later than ten(10) calendar days —5— aIle, the Iloald 411 Direcloisecehved nollllcittion of thw (:I) fly Ion consent of numbers enthlled to exercise nomina ions Bunt the Noult utf, Conmriltee. If shall be a r,taimity o the voting powe� ,or by the vole ol'a majotily the duty of' the Committee to screen such candidates for of a quorum at a meeting of members duly called for the eligibility for Board membership and to notify the presi- purpose according to the Articles or By-Laws. dent of such c:uulidales Vol whom there have been presented (b) I:xcepl as provided in subdivision (c), by the Board, petitions which have been cerlified to by the Committee. subject to the power of the'members to change or repeal (c) Civil Rights Committee. The Board shall appoint a the By-Laws. Civil Rights Committee to assist such Board of Directors (c) A By-Law or By-Law Amendment fixing or changing in carrying out the Civil Rights programs and policies of the the authorized number of directors may be adopted;oBly, Service Employee International Union. by the members and may not be adopted by the Board of (d) Committee on Political Education. The Board shall Directors except where the Articles or B Laws provide for P y- P ,;.,.,,.r. appoint a Committee on Political Education to assist the an indefinite number of directors pursuant to subdivision Board in carrying out a program for sound political educa- (e) of Section 9300 of the California Corporations Code. tion and political action; and encouraging its members Section 3. Repeal of Former By-Laws. Upon the adoption and their families to register and vote. of these By-Laws,the By-Laws under which the Associatiop ARTICLE IX has operated heretofore are repealed. Divisions ARTICLE XIV Section 1. Divisions. The Board of Directors by resolution Section 1. Roster of Members. The official roster of may provide for the establishment, staffing and regulation Represented, Regular,Contract,Service,Honorary and Life of Divisions of Local 660. members, maintained in the office of the General Manager Section 2. Division Rules. Divisions are subject to these of the Associatoin, shall constitute the membership book By-Laws, however,Divisions shall operate internally accord- of this corporation as provided by law. ing to rules adopted by the Board. Rules so adopted may be Section 2. Inspection of Corporate Records. The books of amended by a Division with the approval of the Board. account and the minutes of the Board of Directors shall be ARTICLE X open to inspection upon the written demand of any mem- Delegates to the ber, at any reasonable time for any purpose reasonably International Convention related to his interests as a member. Section 1. Delegates to the Service Employees Interna- tional Union Convention shall be selected in accordance membership may be, but shall not be required to be,issued the Board of Directors shaall. with the Constitution and shall make of the International and to the members of the Association. If such certificates are make arrangements for the selection as required in such Constitution and By Laws of authorized by the Board,there shall be printed in clear type upon the face thereof a statement that the Association is the International not one for profit. Section 2. All officers shall be delegates to the Interna- Section 5. Inspection of By-Laws. The Association shall tional Convention. keep in its principal office for the transaction of business ARTICLE XI the original or a copy of the By-Laws as amended or other- Fiscal wise altered to date, which shall be open to inspection by Section 1. None of the net earnings of this corporation the members at all reasonable times during office hours. shall insure to the benefit of any member. Section 5. Politics, Propaganda and Legislation. It is the Section 2. Annual Audit. The Board of Directors shall desire of this Association to engage in politics,propaganda cause an audit to be made of the financial records of the and legislation when, in the opinion of the Board such Association at the close of each fiscal year,and shall desig- activity is in the general interest of the Local or its members. nate a qualified person or persons to make such audit,who Section 6. Recall. Any officer, director, or committee shall not be an employee of the Association office, or any member of this Local is hereby declared to be subject to person eligible to membership in the Association, and who recall for contumacious,disorderly or unbecoming conduct. shall be a certified public accountant or employed by a The Board shall adopt rules and regulations consistent with certified public accountant. The Board is empowered to the recall provisions in the Elections Code of the State of authorize the payment of a reasonable sum for such audit. California for Elected Officials of the Cities and Counties. A copy of an annual financial statement covering income A petition for the recall of the officer,director or committee and expense shall be sent to each director. person must be signed by not less than one thousand (1,000) Section 3. Withdrawal of Funds.The Board shall designate members of the Association, of which no more than fifty the persons whose signatures shall be required for the with- (50) shall be from any one unit of representation. Upon drawal of Association funds and shall prescribe the bond receipt of certification of such petition, the President must required ol' each person so authorized, the premiums on call a special election of the membership within thirty(30) said bonds to he paid by the Association. clays. ARTICLE XII Section 7. All lawful acts, resolutions, contracts, and General Manager negotiations in force at the time these By-Laws shall take Section 1. A General Manager may be employed by the effect are hereby continued in force until the same shall Board of Directors. His duties, compensation and bond have been duly amended,repealed,or superseded. shall be prescribed by the Board, the premium of said Section 8. No employee of' the Association, including the bond to be paid by the Association. General Manager, shall participate in any election of candi- ARTICLE XIII dates for the Board of Directors or Officers held under the Ratification and Amendment provisions of its By-Laws or under the provisions of the Section 1. Ratification. These By-Laws shall become Rules of any Division of the Association, other than to effective immediately upon adoption by the Board. perform ministerial acts. s Section 2. Amendment. These By-Laws may be adopted, Section 9. No Officer, Director, Committee Member, amended or repealed by any of the following: General Manager or other paid employee of the Association —6— shall have ally undisclosed I clallnfe+est dltcct of in- eovelopeho posltmnked not laler Ihan midnight. direct in :my film or otftaniia+ . n with whore file Assnri:r- Ikcenrber J - , IL _,and tion is transacting business as buyer, seller or sponsor of received not later than December , 1r)_. products or services and no such person shall receive The only way your vote will be counted is to return, gratuities, compensation or any favor Froin such sources. your ballot by United States Postal Service,within a signed Each Officer, Director, Committee Member, General envelope. Manager or other paid employee of the Association shall make a full disclosure of all interests,financial or other, Canvass of the vote cast will begin at 5:30" either direct or indirect, he may have in any firm or organi- December 19_ ;at zation with whom the Association is negotiating to transact (Location) or is transacting business in any form whatsoever. Proce- and continue until finished. +� dures for making such disclosures shall be determined by the Board. Section 5. It shall be permissive to use equipment to per- mit ballots at elections to be marked and counted in Section 10.Any claim or defense of any kind against the conformance with the State Elections Code. Association or any agent, employee, officer, director or +► governing body thereof by any member of the Association, Section 6. Distribution of Ballots. Not less than ten{1(l) bnor more than fourteen(14)days prior to Election Day the based upon or arising f connection with such membership or otherwise shall be barred unless asserted by such member Board of Directors shall mail by first-class mail, posta6c by the commencement of an action or the interposition of prepaid,to each member of the Association: a defense within six (6) months after any inaction or the (a) One ballot occurrence of any action or event to which claim or defense (b) One business reply envelope addressed to the Los relates. Angeles County Employees Association, SEIU Local 660, AFL-CIO,c/o. . . . ARTICLE XV under first-class permit whereby the postage will be paid Elections by the Local. Section 1. Contract for Independent Count. The Board (c) One envelope both the horizontal and vertical dimen- each year shall retain the services of anon-partisan agency sions of which are one-fourth of an inch less than the re- or firm which is able to provide those election services as spective dimensions of the busness reply envelope. Such specified in this Article, including particularly but not by envelope shall have a gummed'; flap by which it can b way of limitation,a count of the ballots as herein provided. sealed. Section 2. Election Day. As used in this Article, "Election Such mail shall be addressed to the member at his home Day" shall be that day set by the Board of Directors which address unless he designates otherwise. shall not be sooner than the first Monday of December or later than the second Monday of December of each Section. 7 Ballot Count.Within ten(10)days immediately calendar year. following Election Day, ballots shall be counted w0' hh,Section 3. Ballots. All ballots shall be printed on paper of (a) Are received from the U.S. Postal Service not uniform size, color and texture. Under the designation of than the close of business on the third day on w "Board of Directors" or other position or positions to be there are postal deliveries following election day,arid filled by general membership election, shall be listed all candidates fur such position or positions who have been (b) Appear to be from a voting member in good standing duly nominated with a blank space for write-ins. Opposite of the Local each name and the blank space shall be a perforated square. Section 8. Certification of Results.Not later than fourteen The number of positions to be filled by election shall be (14) days following Election Day,certification of the results stated. There shall also be on the ballot the text of, or a shall be delivered to the Board showing: summary of, each measure submitted with"Yes" spaces to (a) The total number of votes for each candidate. the right thereof, the upper one labeled and the lower one "No." (b) The total number of"Yes"votes and the total number Section 4. Ballot Instructions. On or accompanying each of"No"votes on each measure. ballot shall also appear instructions to voters reading Section 9. Results of Election. The Board shall declare substantially as follows: elected for the number of positions up for election that "INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS number of persons receiving the highest numbers of all To vote for a candidate of your selection,punch out the certified votes cast. perforated square to the right of the name of that candidate. Section 10. Disposal of Ballots. After certification of- the To vote fur a person not on the ballot, write his name results of the election, the voted ballots shall be delivered under the title of the office in the blank space left for that to the Chairman of the Special Flections Committee. The purpose and punch out the perforated square to the right Chairman shall then determine that all ballots have been of the name of the candidate. To vote on any measure or placed in containers, sealed and stored in such a place as proposition, punch out the perforated square after the the Special Elections Committee deems appropriate. All word "Yes" or "No." such containers shall be stored unaltered for six(6) months December 19 ,is Flection Day. subsequent to the date of- the certification of the results of YOU ma` vote any time after receiving your ballot, up to the election. If the election is not contested within said and including Election Day. After you have voted your period of six (6) months, all ballots shall be destroyed by ballot, seal it in the envelope provided for thatpurpose. direction of the Special Elections Committee without the contents being examined. Then enclose this sealed' envelope containing your voted ballot in the return envelope addressed to the Los Angeles The Chairman of the Special Elections Committee certify County Emto the Board at its next regular meeting that Employees Association, SEIU Local 660,AFL-CIO certifyallots have been destroyed. c/o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Write your signature and address on the back of the return Section 11.Special elections shall be conducted in sub- envelope, and mail. No postage is necessary. Your return stantially the same manner as provided in this Article. —7— ART! XVI Section 4. e votes. If', :11 any election, two 411m.ae Section 1. Scope. 'Ibis AiRW applies to all clectimns in candidalesoeive all c(plal 11 inibcr of voles and hecim% Which meniheIs of the lloaid, I)c mi(menl, Association, of, such lie vote, it is impossilxle to delertnine which calsdi- Division, or any other group of t1iree or more persons date or candidates were elected to one or more positions, participale. such tie vote shall be determinwd as follows: Section 2. Plurality Elects. 'The candidate receiving a plur- (a) If' the election is held at a meeting which has not ality of all votes cast for the position for which he is a adjourned when the result is ascertained, (lie members candidate shall be declared elected. Where two or more present, and entitled to vote at such meeting, shall hold,a candidates are to be elected, those candidates equal in run-off election between the candidates who received,LOk number to those to be elected receiving the highest number tie vote,provided that a quorum still remains. of votes,shall be declared elected. (b) In all other cases the Chairman of the"Special Elections Section 3. Varying Terms. Where two or more candidates Committee of the Association forthwith shall summon the are to be elected to offices with terms of different lengths, candidates receiving the tie vote to appear at a time and the length of the term shall be determined by the number place to be designnated by him. The said Chairman at such of votes received. That candidate receiving the largest time and place shall determine the tie by lot. If the`1ilii? number of votes shall be declared elected to that office man of the Special Elections Committee of the Association having the longest term, that candidate receiving the least is,himself,one of the candidates receiving a tie vote,or for number of votes of those candidates elected shall be de any other reason is unwilling or unable to serve, the vice clared elected to that office having the shortest term, chairman of the said Special Elections Committee shall per- and in like manner, election to offices of terms of inter- form such duty as determining the tie vote in the same mediate length shall be determined. manner. I I� —8— ;f Public S rvice Arl. Witalions which are &Ilicijokefer to the Articles of llni Representaticm Y1. I,Sec.3 Incorporation',,III othc crtu the By-Laws) Delegates WSFIU Internaliurtl Convention Art. X, Associalion See: ('orporalion Sec. I,2 Association Officers Directors-See: Board of Director • Authority to Execute Documents-Art. IV,Sec.9 Divisions I . . . Bonding of--Art. V11,Sec.9 . . . Establishment of—Art. IX;Sec. I { Composition of -Art.VII,Sec. I Rules cif---Art.IX,Sec.2 " F . . . Delegates to SEIU International Convention-Art.X, Dues-Art. 1I1,Sec.9 Sec. 2 Elections--See also:Board of Director Elections Election:term of-Art.VII,Sec. 2 . Ballot Count-Art.XV,Sec. 7 . . . Powers,duties of-Art.VII,Secs.4-8 . . Ballots---Art.XV,Sec.3 Recall-Art.XIV,Sec.6 . . Ballots,Disposal of-Art.XV,Sec. 10 Resignation of=Art VII,Sec.3 • Ballots,Distribution of-Art.XV,Sec.6 Succession-Art.VII',Sec.6,7 •. . Certification of Results-Art.XV,Sec.8 Undisclosed Financial Interests-Art. XIV, Sec. 9 Contract for Independent Count-Art. XV, Sec. 1 Board of Directors Director-Art. VI; See also: Board of Director . . . Absence From Board Meeting—Art.VI,Sec. 3e Elections Appointment by President—Art.VI,Sec.3f • . Election Day—Art.XV,Sec.2 Composition of Article V,Art..VI,Sec. 1 • • . Officer-Art.VII,Sec.2 Election of Directors--See: Board of Director • • . Participation in,by Staff-Art.XIV,Sec.8 Flections . . . Plurality Elects-Art.XVI,Sec.2 - . . . Fixing or Changing Authorized Number of—Article V, • • • Proxy,Vote by—Art.1V,Sec.3 Art. X111,Sec.2c . . . Quorum—Art.IV,Sec.3 . . . Powers of—Arta VI,Sec.5 • . . Special Elections—Art.XV,Sec. I I . . Recall of Director—Art.XIV,Seca 6 • . Special Elections Committee—Art. V11, Sec. 4c . Resignation from -Art.VI,Sec.4 . . Tie Votes—Art.XVI,Sec.4 . . . Transfer of Director to Another Unit of Representa- Varying Terms—Art.XVI,':Sec. 3 tion--Art. VI,Sec.3f Employees of Union—See also: General Manager . Undisclosed Financial Interests of Directors--Art. • • . Class of Membership—Art. 111,Sec.4 XIV,Sec.9 .. Participation in Union Elections-Art. XIV, Sec. 8 . . . Vacancies on—Art. VI,Sec.3 • .. Undisclosed Financial Interests—Art. XIV, Sec. 9 Board of Director Elections—See also: Elections Executive Committee—See also:Committees . . . Nomination of Candidates—Art. Vlll, Sec. Ib • • • Powers of—Art.VIII,Sec. la . . . Nomination by Petition—Art.VIII,Sec. lb Fiscal . . . Number to be elected; Terris of—Art. VI, Seca 1 • • Annual Audit-Art.X1,Sec.2 . . Qualifications—Art..Vl,Sec. 2 . . . Assessments—.Art. Ili,Sec. 10 .. Varying Terms-Art.XVI,Sec.3 . . . Net Earnings—Art.XI,Sec. 1 Board of Director Meetings • . • Non-liability for Corporate Debts, Liabihti . . . Location,Number of—Art.VI,Sec.6 Article VIII . . . Minutes of, Open to Inspection—Art. XIV, Seca 2 • • Surety Bonding of General Manager—Art. X11,Sec. 1 . . . Notice of--Art.VI,Sec.6 . . . Surety Bonding of Officers-Art.VII,Sec.9 . Order of Business—Art.VI,Sec.7 Withdrawal of Funds-Art.XI,Sec.3 . Parliamentary Procedure-Art.VI,Sec.8 General Manager , By-Laws . . Authority to Execute Documents—Art. IV,Sec.9 . . . Amendment, Ratification-Art. XIII, Seca 1, 2 • • • Employment,Bonding of—Art.XII,Sec. 1 . . . Inspection of—Art.XIV,Sec.4 . • . Undisclosed Financial Interests-Art. XIV, Sec. 9 . Repeal of Former By-Laws-Art. XIII, Sec. 3 General Membership Meeting Committees . . . Actions Taken by Members-Art. IV,Sec.4 . . Chairpersons, Appointment of—Arta V11, Sec. 4d • • Annual Meeting—Art. IV,Sec. 1 . . . Nominating Committee, Appointment'af Chair- • • Quorum—Art. IV,Sec.3 person--Art. V11,Sec.4d . . . Special Meeting—Art. IV,Sec. 2 . . . Recall of Members of-Art. XIV,Sec.6 • . . Special Meeting,by Petition—Art. IV,Sec. 2 Special Committees,Appointment of—Art. VII,Sec, Legal Action 4b . . . Claim, Defenses Against Association, Officers, . . . Special Elections Committee,Appointment of-Art. Directors,etc.—Art. XIV,Sec.9 VII, Sec.4c Meetings—See also: Board of Director Meetings; General Standing Committees--Art. Vlll Membership Meeting Nndisclosed Financial Interests of Committee • • • Parliamentary Procedure--Art.VI,Sec. 8 Members--Art,XIV,Sec.9 Members Corporation . . . Admission, Discipline, Dismissal Art. Ill, Sec. 12 . Annual Audit: See Fiscal . . I Certificates of Membership—Art. XIV, Sec. 3 . Corporate Powers---Article 111, Sec. 3 . . . Classes of-Art. 111,Secs. 1 8 . . . Corporate Property;Title To—Article X . • Meetings: See General Membership Meeting . . . Corporate Records, Inspection of--Art. XIV, Sec. 2 • . • Official Roster of—Art.XIV,Sec. 1 . . . Date of Incorporation; Incorporators-Article X1 • • • Right to Appear Before Board of Directors or Dissolution of Article X General Membership Meeting-Art. III, Sec. I 1 Divisions of-Art. IX Rights of--Art. III,Secs. 1-8 Name of-Article I:Art.I, Sec. I Officers--See: Association Officers . . . Principal Office—Art. 11,Sec. 1 Politics,Propaganda&Legislation-Art.XIV,Sec.5 . . . Term of Existence—Article 1X Principal Offices—Art. Il,Sec. l Proxy Votes—See: Elections Definitions Recall--See: Elections Association---Art. 1,Sec. 1 Shop Steward System—Art.V . . Board-Art. 1,Sec.4 j PROOF OF EMPLOYEE SUPPORT We, the undersigned employees of the City of Atascadero, wish to be represented by the Atascadero Chapter of the Service Employees International Union Local 660 AFL-CIO in any employment relating with the City of Atascadero. LOREN CROSON DAN ELISARRARAS �,rn � �« JOE IRVING ..� TOM KINGSTO .r - .�� // �� crz '7 CHRIS LANE FRANK LOPEZ KIM NELSON s Av✓� i � KINCY SCOTT III , �^ ROY STRONG ' WILLIAM WHITE III � DATED FEBRUARY 26 , 1982 0 M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER April 7, 1982 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR/FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: FIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE On March 16, 1982 the City Staff (City Manager, Public Works Director , Fire Chief and Planning Director) met with the Board of Directors and Staff oftheAtascadero Mutual Water Company to discuss a program for fire hydrants within the City. The following needs were discussed: - installation of new hydrants in conjunction with new water . main extensions - installation of new hydrants and replacement of substandard hy- drants in conjunction with the water main replacement program installation of new hydrants in conjunction with new: development • maintenance of fire hydrants (i .e. painting, weed clearance, re- placement of worn parts) It was the consensus of the group- that the following program be pur- sued to assure that adequate hydrant facilities are developed and maintained within the City: 1. The Atascadero Mutual Water Company will install at their cost new and replacement hydrants when existing water mains are upgraded and replaced. 2. The Atascadero Mutual Water Company will supply parts for hydrant repair and maintenance including paint, weed killer , etc. 3. The City of Atascadero will continue to require new hydrants in conjunction with new developments (departmental reviews, condi- tional use permits, parcel maps, etc. ) 4. The City of Atascadero will 'provide the needed labor for the main- tenance and minor repair of fire -hydrants, - including weed clear- ance and spraying around hydrants. 5. The installation of new hydrants in conjunction with new water main extensions will be the responsibility of the developer . The City and the Water Company will coordinate to assure compliance. Fire Hydrant Instaittion and Maintenance In order' to accomplish the above, the Water Company is proposing a small increase in their fees to fund their portion of the program. • The Planning Department, with the assistance of the Fire Department, is preparing standards for hydrant installation for inclusion in the draft zoning ordinance. RECOMMENDATION 1. Support the fire hydrant program as outlined above: 2. Send a letter to the Water Company Board of Directors in support of , a fee increase for and their participation in this program. LAWRENCE STEVENS UR L. RDEN Planning Director City Man er MIKE HICKS Fire Chief /Ps 2 0 INTERVIEWS PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD April 12, 1982 7 :00 p.m. Administration Building FIORINO, Deborah A. _ np HEINEMANN, Sandra J YA IVIE, Richard A Y KRUG, Peter P. - `��� SMITH, Owen - '` 7 r t ROBERT J.WILKINS,JR. . - CITY.ATTORNEY MAYOR P. O. BOX 749 WILLIAM H.STOVER ATASCADERO, CA 93423 MAYOR PRO-TEMPORE (805) 466•.5678 GEORGE P. HIGHLAND. asead'k41%to MARJORIE B. MACKEY INCORPORATED JULY 2, 1979 ROLFE NELSON POLICE DEPARTMENT (805) 466.8600 MURRAY L.WARDEN - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING L - CITY MANAGER/CLERK POST OFFICE BOX 747 -- ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 FIRE DEPARTMENT PHONE (805).466.8000 6005 LEWIS AVENUE ATASCADERO;CA 93422 (805) 466-2141 March 29 , 1982 Dean This is to advise you that the City Council has set Monday, April 12, 1982, at 7: 00 p.m. in the Rotunda Room, fourth floor of the Administration Building, tointerviewapplicants for the position of Parks and Recreation Advisory 'Board member. Please call Ardith Davis of my office to confirm that you will be able to attend this. interview. Sincerely, MURRAY L. WARDEN City Manager ad Sent to: Deborah A. Fiorino Owen Smith Peter P. Krug, Jr. Richard Ivie Sandra J. Heinemann APPLICATION FOR MEMBER OF - --. ------ CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMISSION OR BOARD MAR Name. DEBOeAl-l___-A Address. '13020 Sc M8P—fU-4--- Residence -4 _Residence Mailing Telephone No. . _-75/9 -, occupation: ,4/tij - � j��,s yjig/i(/c Position applying for : An ✓1 Sc)IZV (21) — 10A/?-1'$_ If Board of Appeals , category: z= General Contractor Z7 Architect or Structural Engineer = Specialty Contractor General Public (none of foregoing) Give a summary of your education, experience, and/or reasons for wishing to serve on the commission or board: oe- � � c> FIL 1-k'eCl,2 L L I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct and that I am a registered voter in the City of Atascadero. OS- — Signature -- Date APPLICATION FOR MEMBER OF CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMISSION OR BOARD Name: LcJ�ic/ �i��i 7L/ Address: 14 L)�/ o L 91--�1Vz Z �----- - Residence Mall"11ng Telephone No. : L� �G'/ Y Occupation: Position applying for : /{s �y- /CEC• /�pc/iSc���/___ ,ep If Board of Appeals, category: D General Contractor Architect or Structural Engineer [� Specialty Contractor General Public (none of foregoing) Give a summary of your education, experience, and/or reasons for wishing to serve on the commission or board: �I/ All T �T}/ E' /4 TioNAC. A;G.n 1/ 7 S S��c l s�Ccr _ SGo�uTs_ _L. 7T E_ L� uC-dr j 4/ �Gc�--, v I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct and that I am a registered voter in the City of Atascadero. Signature Date APPLICATION FOR MEMBER OF CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMISSION OR BOARD Name: Address: r A_ r_ ryl Residence Mailing Telephone No. : -C, Occupation: , `j! 3 Am ca Position applying for: d If Board of Appeals, category: General Contractor Architect or Structural Engineer Q Specialty Contractor General Public (none of foregoing) f Give a summary of your education, experience, and/or reasons for wishing to serve on the commission or board: STs 1-67>1 CIO 61 AD OV-71 tk�- -4 L #A-0 r- C AS f P E c oQ A(n P-1 -50 V-LC---V I `hereby er ify tha the foregoing is correct and that I am a registered voter in the City of Atascadero. 2� Stignature ' Dated �p • APPLICATION FOR MEMBER OF CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMISSION OR BOARD Name: iC i4 rj Address. Residence Mailing Telephone No. : -V64- 5132 9 Occupation: Position applying for: If Board of Appeals, category: �] General Contractor Architect or Structural Engineer j� Specialty Contractor General Public (none of foregoing) Give a summary of your education, experience, and/or reasons for wishing to s//erve on the commission or board: rS �� p - re,g .'J -,fr r.S C �iAR _ �� U. p. TI� 9AScgc��oro� A.b `N1Na�, �. ___e -)I'f C eL -t':f'� Ver -Ile Al��e'q gls6 I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct and that I am a registered voter in the City of Atascadero. S P�T—ture Date APPLICATION FOR MEMBER OF CITY OF ATASCADERO C01iMISSION OR BOARD Name: Address. 1 01-09?F-5 Residence )' Mailing . Telephone No. : "416-6 -3 Occupation: Position applying for : If Board of Appeals, category: ���501t'yO�7 E7 General Contractor D Architect or Structural Engineer L7 Specialty Contractor General Public (none of foregoing) Give a summary of your education, experience, and/or reasons for wishing to serve on the commission or board: �O/Q �JORE T1-1,19 / /?41-P jRj .7t_,Cf/ /?M COA/-- CER1i/�� Aa1 rhe 7-hW 4:�)o4,VA TY 0oz= OL/'T 0 00 R R'F-Cfc�Eo09 Tiod/ NVW141MT::: To C 17-Y -7.ESi.1P EA17:5- :Z— 47W .? Ac- A054'7-"R,0--- FN T"/2,0--- ,91t/2) _r252',F 7 /Z) 1/07->e Y To /V" G01E.1- T/gi}T 7hV,= X� AW V4!F a 191NA'-jV f97- C-9.L ;R404 Y Aa1 A-L 2.�F R e4,E 4497it/%, 1q3 RVRT Di AV COWME WtVW1t .I .-,%usT C-Ms 4A!F-T.�J2> ,FO/R ,9 %i9RA( S17-_.4C- /� _ Q, �'�.t/D iEE.L Ti//37- 2- A RNV, -p 9 GcoD THRr- r- ,gcso aN--?2AF'RS75 , AI-D T"7- (QJ I hereby certify that the foregoing is correct and that I am a ` registered voter in the City of Atascadero. �ignatur Date co AISV .T W/Ti/ TH,E C X91 Sc O,P,E /9lc7c A-//TEC Too Re- % W17- lf.5C/iii TyG /f/c--Uv ,4 S%G/l ,ENT THA /5WO 1014Pu-) _z- C ou k-P dor- Hypo 9`0 CITY; OF ATASCADERO WRITTEN R.O. Box 747ORAL 6500 Palma Avenue 9 79 INCORPORATED JUL1IXL4MS�Cad! Atascadero CA 93423 TOTAL I TYPING EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION Please type or print your answers in ink. Answer all questions completely and accurately. 'Applicant must meet all job requirements as specified in the job bulletin by the established ,filing date. Applications must be postmarked no later than midnight of the application date. .Failure to meet these requirements is cause for rejection of application. Position Applying For - EXACT TITLE 2. /J(�,G��?/ /y, Name: (Last)) (First) (Middle) Former Name (s) 3• Address: (Mailing, residence and zi ) 4. -�W -2 932. 6-6 3 -.5-6 -6--7o Telephone: (Home) (Business) Social Security Number California Driver's License No. Class Expiration Date 6. If hired, are you willing to (answer yes or no to the following questions) : Have a physical examination? X Submit proof of age? y Be fingerprinted? _ Work full time? ly�9 Work part time? /V� Work Temporary? 41W Work weekends and holidays? 1YV Work nights? 4W Take an Oath oofOffice? Submit proof of citi- zenship or legal right to remain and work in U.S.? Y 7. Do you have physical, emotional, or mental disability or limitations that might affect your ability to -dothis job? Yes No If "yes" explain: ,E_ Highest grade completed��� ou raduate? /YQ Do you h e a GED certificate? Q — Give date, name & location of last school attended: ri9.G College or University Major/Minor Units Degree Date GfC� f� Zoe) !o w C U ST, COM. 0©//eO I=EE: - z Z/v No �.9u X90 c�AL /`�c7LY .CNNl7SC�9PE t� �9�1/8/�CaltRfv 9. List any school courses, special skills, training machines or equipment you can operate that rel-ate to the requirements of the position. List also any licenses or certificates required of this po.sition.. (Give numbers and dates of licenses and certificates) . T� r 25 � _ EEC i"1- Z An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer r F✓ � � � y '=7 � �r H '�] x to H "� [114 w N N K O K K O K K 0 KK O K O • m O m O Ut Om O HN r (D w '� ; # 'O c'L3D r U) rt N0 (DPi H m O N (D ; (D yO h7 (D "< "C K K K K ;U W W (DH CH') (D R, n � E (D $ (D E (D E ro H l K O z(D ^� X G rr K 7.' K rY K PV (D H (D K O C1 H w H CS N K x H u. x (D LQ t7 F-, rt (D C O C O W (D (D P; N. (D C H tr (D Pi • O� O W K C;l1 d K Fl. � M (D (D `.p H ro (D o rn o a 0 o � ro � ° ro ro ro ro �U Q \ N � CD � � 0 tr rt ::r Fl- ::r r- w (2, H O N O K O O K O K H SZ E rt 0 K > rt (D (D (D (D trJ C N rt Fi (n z (D (D (D z z Iz z O O F-' rt H C S]. i1+ z P) z z A) ;-., :: (D w • Pr .• (D 0 �5 O 0 55 0 �5 O G K Flcn. �c ° f D `D (D (D r rt a) (D W rt H ((D m Pi E (OD pL � 0 (D m > �'' > tw H K O 0 rt rrr n r (n � G) m K C w- rt n \ ¢ K K K L► K X ri- (D O a N• o (D (D m m ro 0) :j tr rn zz z rt m In (n In ,d (D F'• 0 0 (n (n (n m C �5 ft I O K H 0 rt O K � I LQ (~n rpt d \ N• "��l d (Drt ~ N - n (n ro 7y (n hi � in ro d cn 'd H O �v rt m �3 o m r 0 (D o (D0 o m in N rt (D E P) w m W w In Sv m w (n j> P) F'- rt F_ P) o In In (D F'• m (D r• m (D F• �� m m w I r �C ri Fl- - rt M = W O K rtO K rt o K rt ", 0 rt r N• (D m ::$ m M � H.c � c F'• � c F,• �, � c F � o rt rt 5 (D rt d F'• o F,• 0 r o y F'• 0 % C � (n U) (D � o o F•h cn tt m � M m ::5 t(n 0 O rt (D (D P. K K H K K H K K 1-3 K �i H C O (D Fl o rt N• Fl rt N rt N rt �1y t� rt cn P� 0 0 rt O (D N (D F- (D Fl (D F H Q, K rt P} P) �31 (D P) (D (D (D Q P) .. (D L :r rt a (D K C C C /e C7 n P) (D (D (D K O FC t,• N rt M (D L i4 Z M N u. ((DD Fh N I\ 1` 'd Pi 0 Pi Pi o m rt- y H (D m O O \ w 0 N A' 'wZS O ((DD r\ ( \ m P) t N ^� V Gri, z w H k E G N• M SL O - F'• F'• F'• r F.,. ('l (D Lo w O US 0 M m (D (D (D (D r K (D K L-,. : FJ- (D F-' m m m \ In C K x' (D 0 f�. 11) d r rt \� n u. y N. F.. K {v m fl ::� (D 1 Pi a o (fD ° 4 t� O (� C' ~ o o rpt ° o (� `� C3 (4 w m lc m Fl- O \ C 0 (D r~t- rpt �>c I (v v K o � \ o m m K o H \ {�I LTI (D .J (D P H' G , a • G U) 0, P) . . Pi rt c \� M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager I SUBJECT: Cal Trans Parking Recommendations Attached is a sketch and copy of a letter from Cal Trans along with a recommendation from the Director of Public Works concerning parking along El Camino Real. This recommendation will effect your previously adopted resolution on the subject. The attached map shows, by the dotted black area, the no parking recommendations forwarded by Cal Trans. All other information on the map, i.e. , the no stopping or 2-hour parking or other indications are as recommended by Resolution No. 34-81. Please note that Cal Trans offers three exceptions to the adopted resolution. 1. Cal Trans is recommending retaining the no parking zone in front of Sambos as opposed to our resolution whichrecommends a 2--hour parking zone. Reasons are as stated in their let- ter . 2. The area on El CaminoRealbetween Santa Ysabel and Plaza Driveway near_ Century Federal Savings is a 66 foot 2-hour parking zone. Because of driveway uses and line of sight problems, Cal Trans recommends that this 2-hour parking be • eliminated from our resolution and the no parking zone con- tinued as now exists. 3. The intersection of E1 Camino Real and West Mall on the north, side the resolution recommends a 2-hour parking< zone ex- tending to the corner . A no parking zone is; there now. Cal Trans recommends that the no parking zone presently existing on that corner be retained in order to allow for right turns while other vehicles are waiting` for deft turns onto El Camino Real. With these exceptions, Cal Trans staff concurs with the recommen- dations of Resolution No. 34-81. The Public Works Director and the Staff Traffic Committee members concur that these changes to Resolu- tion No. 34-81 should be accomplished. If you agree, then we will return to you an amended resolution for adoption and forward to Cal Trans. They will approve the resolution at that time. Please note that, in their opinion as traffic engineers, additional parking on El Camino Real should not be allowed in the future. It is suggested that you approve the recommendations as outlined above and that Staff be directed to return an amended resolution for your adoption and re-submission to Cal Trans. U RAY WARDEN MLW: ad 1-7-81 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Murray Warden FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Cal Trans Parking Recommendations I am recommending that we implement the modifications made by the State Department of Transportation in their letter of December 7 , 1981. The areas affected are indicated on the attached dia- gram. i LAWRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh S 1-6-82 att. f, e.�.7o STY OF ATASCA RO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • ra a 1979 - Q _ Q N SANTA MORRO APD. YSA8 EL, No NO SToPP1m TOrlty�- 'R, �u 2 14R.PKC. RG, 2 HR.PKG SroPpING STC)PPIN STOPPING s H R 20 PKC v PKC - N0 5roPr1 pK A-,-A5, NOUNLIMITED I fA�L STaPP/�G �� TOPpt t PKC: PLAZA Dw 2"NR. No PKG. PAKKING L WE5 7- MAI L r 2 i WALK {f7 of r"` A J� ! r .:. ,: REVISIONS Date .•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. .•.•.• -CAI_ TRANS IVO PAI�710AIC7 RE C OM 1EA10AT1C1,1/5 DRAWN: p j W CHECKED APPROVED: DATE: UU.�• STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR.,Governor DERARTNvENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX L, SAN LUIS OBISPO 93406 December 7 19 81 TELEPHONE: (805) 549-3111 , 05-SLO-41-15. 96/16.22 1E CE 0V Mr. Lawrence McPherson Director of Public Works DEC 8 1981 P. O: Box 747 r • Atascadero, CA 93422 '� • .,..._ Dear Larry: Re have received your letter dated October 27, 1981 and the attached Resolution No. 34-81 regarding parking in Atascadero. Our specific comments and recommendations are directed at providing what we believe will be the safest environment for pedestrian and vehicular traffic. In general, we .do not think safety or operation of the highway will be enhanced by allowing additional parking. Additional parking will decrease visibility and sight distance for both drivers and pedestrians. The need for additional parking does not seem urgent at this time , except during special events. As the city develops and traffic increases , parking areas off the main street should be developed. We have field reviewed the section of State Highway (El Camino Real) covered by the resolution and have also made a before and after study of the accident history near Sambos Restaurant. Our comments are as follows : 1. At Sambos Our study of the accidents near Sambos (although the number of accidents is not statistically significant) indicates that both the first "No Parking" zone requested by the advisory committee in 1973 and the subsequent zone proposed by Caltrans in 1976 have reduced the accident rate. We believe that it would be a mistake to- shorten this existing zone at this time. 2. "No Parking" area just north of Santa Ysabel : Regarding the area just north of Santa Ysabel which is now posted "No Parking" . Your resolution provides only one empty parking space just south of the exit from the shopping center. Because of the curvature of Route 41, we believe more clear area is required in order to provide better sight distance for drivers leaving the shopping center. 3. Northwest corner of El Camino Real/West Mall Intersection : At the northwesterly corner of the intersection of El Camino Real with West Mall, the resolution provides 2 hour parking where there is now a "No Parking" zone on West Mall. This existing zone should remain because it allows room for vehicles on West Mall to make right turns while other vehicles are waiting to turn left. Mr. L. McPherson December 7, 1981 • Page 2 4. All other proposed parking provisions : We agree that the remainder of the proposed parking prohibitions, those adjacent to intersections and driveways, should improve the safety and operation of the highway. As a matter of procedure, the State does not write orders for limited time parking. If we concur with a city or county resolution establishing limited time parking on a State Highway, we will approve the resolution and also approve _a request for an encroachment permit so the city can install the signs. When "No Parking" zones are approved, the State will install signs but will not paint curbs. In areas such as those under discussion where restrictions are numerous and short, it is probably the best procedure for the city to paint the curb to indicate the length of the zones. We would allow the city to do this after we have approved the proposed prohibitions. Please understand that this letter is neither an approval or disapproval of the resolution #34-81. We are offering our opinion of the proposed actions and hope that you will give these full consideration in any further deliberations you make regarding the ` subject. In summary, we feel it would not work to the public' s advantage in the future to allow additional parking on El Camino Real. • Sincerely, R. E. AlAerman Dista Traffic Engr.